Avant-Garde / Experimental / Euroclassical

John Adams (1947– )

Oren Ambarchi (1969– )

Ruth Anderson (1929–2019)

Connor Armbruster

Robert Ashley (1930–2014)

Milton Babbitt (1916–2011)

Bang on a Can [1995– ]

William Basinski (1958– )

Beaver and Krause [1969–1975]

David Behrman (1937– )

Luciano Berio (1925–2003)

David Borden (1938– )

Gavin Bryars (1943– )

John Cage (1912–92)

Laura Cannell

Raven Chacon (1977– )

Rhys Chatham (1952– )

Composers in Red Sneakers

Loren Connors (1949– )

Tony Conrad (1940–2016)

Sylvie Courvoisier (1968– )

Ian William Craig (1980– )

George Crumb (1929–2021)

Sarah Davachi (1987– )

Tod Dockstader (1932–2015)

Arnold Dreyblatt (1953– )

Iancu Dumitrescu (1944– )

Max Eastley

Ensemble Klang

Michael Jon Fink

Jim Fox

Nils Frahm (1982– )

Mabe Fratti (1992– )

David Friend

Fred Frith (1949– )

Mort Garson (1924–2008)

Brad Garton

Philip Glass (1937– )

Keiji Haino (1952– )

Frode Haltli


Pierre Henry (1927–2017)

Christopher Hobbs (1950– )

Anna Homler (1948– )

Maurice Horsthuis (1948– )

Ryoji Ikeda (1966– )

Tom Johnson (1939– )

Eyvind Kang

Zbigniew Karkowski

Simon Keep

Keith Kirchoff

Guy Klucevsek (1947– )

Glenn Kotche


Kukuruz Quartet

Bill Laswell (1955– )

Anne LeBaron (1953– )

Craig Leon

Mark Lyken

Lasse Marhaug (1974– )

Master Musicians of Bukkake

Merzbow (1956– )


Ilhan Mimaroglu (1926–2012)

Meredith Monk (1942– )

Moondog (1916–99)

Ikue Mori (1953– )

Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Company

My Cat Is an Alien

Conlon Nancarrow (1912–97)

The Negative Band [1975– ]

Margaret Noble

Pauline Oliveros (1932– )

Pärson Sound

Harry Partch (1901–74)

Zeena Parkins (1956– )


Shawn Persinger

Henri Pousseur (1929–2009)

The PrimeTime Sublime Community Orchestra

Eliane Radigue (1932– )

Steve Reich (1936– )

Terry Riley (1935– )

Frederic Rzewski (1938–2021)

Elliott Sharp (1951– )

Jack Smith (1932–89)

Michael Snow (1929– )

So Percussion

Dave Soldier (1956– )

Kate Soper (1981– )

Soundwalk Collective [2012– ]

Laurie Spiegel (1945– )

Moe Staiano (1973– )

Starship Beer [1976–1988]

Jan Steele (1950– )

Carl Stone (1953– )

Pauline Anna Strom (1946–2020)

Ned Sublette (1951– )

Morton Subotnick (1933– )

Tine Surel Lange

Leo Svirsky

Toca Loca [2009– ]

Ushio Torikai (1952– )

Blue Gene Tyranny (1945– )

Weasel Walter (1972– )

Daniel Wohl

Charles Wuorinen (1938–2020)

Iannis Xenakis (1922–2001)

Otomo Yoshihide (1959– )

Various Artists
