Jazz (1960–70s)

Juhani Aaltonen (1935– )

Ahmed Abdullah (1947– )

Emmanuel Abdul-Rahim

Kaoru Abe (1948–78)

John Abercrombie (1944–2017)

Muhal Richard Abrams (1930–2017)

George Adams (1940–92)

Air [1971–1986]

Tohru Aizawa

Toshiko Akiyoshi (1929– )

Monty Alexander (1944– )

Roland Alexander (1935–2006)

Hasaan Ibn Ali (1931–80)

Rashied Ali (1935–2009)

Jan Allan (1934– )

Barry Altschul (1943– )


Franco Ambrosetti (1941– )

AMM [1965– ]

Curtis Amy (1929–2002)

Arild Andersen (1945– )

Chris Anderson (1926–2008)

Fred Anderson (1929–2010)

Ray Anderson (1952– )

Charly Antolini (1937– )

Neil Ardley (1937–2004)

Art Ensemble of Chicago [1966– ]

Roy Ashbury

Atrás Del Cosmos

Albert Ayler (1936–70)

Azimuth [1977– ]

Derek Bailey (1932–2005)

Duck Baker (1949– )

Gabe Baltazar (1929–2022)

Billy Bang (1947–2011)

Gato Barbieri (1934–2016)

Kenny Barron (1943– )

Gary Bartz (1940– )

Conrad Bauer (1943– )

Gordon Beck (1936–2011)

Joe Beck (1945–2008)

Harry Beckett (1935–2010)

Richie Beirach (1947– )

Marcus Belgrave (1936–2015)

Charles Bell (1933–2012)

Han Bennink (1942– )

Steve Beresford (1950– )

Karl Berger (1935–2023)

Borah Bergman (1933–2012)

Tim Berne (1954– )

Gene Bertoncini (1937– )

Big Black (1934– )

Walter Bishop Jr. (1927–98)

Black Artists Group

Lou Blackburn (1922–90)

Black Unity Trio [1968– ]

Ran Blake (1935– )

Carla Bley (1938–2023)

Hamiet Bluiett (1940–2018)

Arthur Blythe (1940–2017)

Phil Bodner (1917–2008)

Joe Bonner (1948–2014)

Joseph Bowie (1953– )

Lester Bowie (1940–99)

Ronnie Boykins (1935–80)

Charles Brackeen (1940–2022)

Joanne Brackeen (1938– )

Bobby Bradford (1934– )

Alan Braufman (1951– )

Anthony Braxton (1945– )

Lenny Breau (1941–84)

Randy Brecker (1945– )

Willem Breuker (1944–2010)

Nick Brignola (1936–2002)

Alan Broadbent (1947– )

Billy Brooks (1926–2002)

Roy Brooks (1938–2005)

Brother Ah (1934–2020)

Peter Brötzmann (1941–2023)

Marion Brown (1931–2010)

Bill Bruford (1948– )

Paul Bryant (1933–2009)

John Bunch (1921–2010)

Dave Burrell (1940– )

Gary Burton (1943– )

Jaki Byard (1922–99)

George Cables (1944– )

Hadley Caliman (1932–2010)

Jean-Charles Capon (1936–2011)

Rüdiger Carl (1944– )

Doug Carn (1948– )

Ian Carr (1933–2009)

Baikida Carroll (1947– )

Ernie Carson (1937–2012)

John Carter (1929–91)

Ron Carter (1937– )

Michael Carvin (1944– )

Catalyst [1972–1975]

Philip Catherine (1942– )

André Ceccarelli (1946– )

Andrea Centazzo (1948– )

Joe Chambers (1942– )

Mark Charig (1944– )

Don Cherry (1936–95)

Pete Christlieb (1945– )

Günter Christmann (1942– )

Stanley Clarke (1951– )

Billy Cobham (1944– )

Tony Coe (1934– )

Kelan Philip Cohran (1927– )

Mark Colby (1949– )

Richie Cole (1948–2020)

George Coleman (1935– )

Johnny Coles (1926–97)

Graham Collier (1937–2011)

Alice Coltrane (1937–2007)

The Contemporary Jazz Quintet [1966–1967]

Junior Cook (1934–92)

Laurence Cook

Cooper-Moore (1946– )

Chick Corea (1941–2021)

Larry Coryell (1943–2017)

Jacques Coursil (1938– )

Stanley Cowell (1941–2020)

Kenny Cox (1940–2008)

Lol Coxhill (1932–2012)

Hank Crawford (1934–2009)

Ronnie Cuber (1941–2022)

Jim Cullum [Jr.] (1941– )

Ted Curson (1935–2012)

Andrew Cyrille (1939– )

Ted Daniel (1943– )

Eddie Daniels (1941– )

Harold Danko (1947– )

Wolfgang Dauner (1935–2020)

Kenny Davern (1935–2006)

Anthony Davis (1951– )

Charles Davis (1933– )

Nathan Davis (1937–2018)

Elton Dean (1945–2006)

Jack DeJohnette (1942– )

Les DeMerle (1946– )

Walt Dickerson (1931–2008)

Al Di Meola (1954– )

Danny D'Imperio (1945– )

Bill Dixon (1925–2010)

Eric Dolphy (1928–64)

Pierre Dørge (1946– )

Lajos Dudas (1941– )

Gerd Dudek (1938– )

Johnny Dyani (1945–86)

Charles Earland (1941–99)

Eastern Rebellion [1975–1995]

Cleveland Eaton (1939–2020)

Don Ellis (1934–78)


Booker Ervin (1930–70)

Christian Escoudé (1947– )

Ron Everett

Extra Ball

Jon Faddis (1953– )

Joe Farrell (1937–86)

Kali Z. Fasteau (1947–2020)

Pierre Favre (1937– )

Bobby Few (1935–2021)

Mongezi Feza (1945–75)


Svein Finnerud (1945–2000)

Clare Fischer (1928–2012)

Floros Floridis

Ricky Ford (1954– )

Bruce Forman (1956– )

Sonny Fortune (1939–2018)

Al Foster (1944– )

Gary Foster (1936– )

Ronnie Foster (1950– )

Henry Franklin (1940– )

Caesar Frazier

Free Jazz Group Wiesbaden [1969–1971]

Chico Freeman (1949– )

George Freeman (1927– )

Von Freeman (1922–2012)

Don Friedman (1935–2016)

David Friesen (1942– )

Eddie Gale (1941–2020)

Hal Galper (1938– )

Ganelin Trio [1971–1990]

Jan Garbarek (1947– )

Linton Garner (1915–2003)

Carlos Garnett (1938– )

Michael Garrick (1933–2011)

Giorgio Gaslini (1929–2014)

Billy Gault (1941– )

Eric Ghost

Michael Gibbs (1937– )

Egberto Gismonti (1947– )

Globe Unity Orchestra (1966–86)

Vinny Golia (1946– )

Eddie Gomez (1944– )

Mick Goodrick (1945– )

Bobby Gordon (1941– )

Dusko Goykovich (1931– )

Joanne Grauer

Milford Graves (1941–2021)

Georg Gräwe (1956– )

The Great Jazz Trio [1976– ]

Grant Green (1931–79)

Bob Greene (1922–2013)

Burton Greene (1937–2021)

Guillermo Gregorio (1941– )

Al Grey (1925–2000)

Henry Grimes (1935–2020)

Steve Grossman (1951–2020)

George Gruntz (1932–2013)

Onaje Allan Gumbs (1949–2020)

Ulrich Gumpert (1945– )

Barry Guy (1947– )

Charlie Haden (1937–2014)

Hagaw [1967– ]

Scott Hamilton (1954– )

Slide Hampton (1932– )

Herbie Hancock (1940– )

Sir Roland Hanna (1932–2002)

Staffan Harde

Billy Harper (1943– )

Tom Harrell (1946– )

Barry Harris (1929–2021)

Beaver Harris (1936–91)

Eddie Harris (1934–96)

Billy Hart (1940– )

Mark Harvey

Louis Hayes (1937– )

Keith Hazevoet

Albert "Tootie" Heath (1935–2024)

The Heath Brothers [1976– ]

Jerry Heldman (1937–2013)

Gerry Hemingway (1955– )

Julius Hemphill (1940–95)

Eddie Henderson (1940– )

Joe Henderson (1937–2001)

Wayne Henderson

John Hicks (1941–2006)

High Society

Andrew Hill (1931–2007)

Buck Hill (1927–2017)

Dave Holland (1946– )

Red Holloway (1927–2012)

Richard "Groove" Holmes (1931–91)

Gilbert Holmström (1937– )

Tristan Honsinger (1949– )

William Hooker (1946– )

Stan Hope (1933– )

Hugh Hopper (1945–2009)

Noah Howard (1943–2010)

Norman Howard (1944– )

Michael Howell

Freddie Hubbard (1938–2008)

Paul Hubweber (1954– )

Daniel Humair (1938– )

Bobby Hutcherson (1941–2016)

Dick Hyman (1927– )

Abdullah Ibrahim (1934– )

ICP Orchestra [1967– ]

Infinite Spirit Music [1979– ]

Keith Ingham (1942– )

Intercommunal Free Dance Music Orchestra

Isotope [1974–1976]

Fumio Itabashi (1949– )

Bobby Jackson

Fred Jackson (1929– )

Michael Gregory Jackson (1953– )

Khan Jamal (1946–2022)

Joseph Jarman (1937–2019)

Keith Jarrett (1945– )

André Jaume (1940– )

Jazz Band Ball Orchestra [1966– ]

Leroy Jenkins (1932–2007)

Jan Johansson (1931–68)

Sven-Åke Johansson (1943– )

Rudolph Johnson (1940– )

Elvin Jones (1927–2004)

Theo Jörgensmann (1948– )

Joy [1976– ]

JuJu [1972–1974]

Vic Juris (1953–2019)

Roger Kellaway (1939– )

Calvin Keys

Steve Khan (1947– )

Masabumi Kikuchi (1939–2015)

Eric Kloss (1949– )

Franz Koglmann (1946– )

Eero Koivistoinen (1946– )

Toshinori Kondo (1948–2020)

Anders Koppel (1947– )

Mieczyslaw Kosz (1944–73)

Peter Kowald (1944–2002)

Ernie Krivda (1945– )

Joachim Kühn (1944– )

Peter Kuhn

Steve Kuhn (1938– )

Andrzej Kurylewicz (1932–2007)

Wolfgang Lackerschmid (1956– )

Scott LaFaro (1936–61)

Oliver Lake (1944– )

Byard Lancaster (1942–2012)

Art Lande (1947– )

Dickie Landry (1938– )

Pete La Roca (1938–2012)

Prince Lasha (1929–2008)

Christof Lauer (1953– )

Azar Lawrence (1952– )

Urs Leimgruber (1952– )

Peter Lemer (1942– )

Mark Levine (1938– )

George Lewis (1952– )

Mark Lewis

Mel Lewis (1929–90)

David Liebman (1946– )

Ove Lind (1926–91)

Mike Lipskin (1945– )

Selwyn Lissack

Charles Lloyd (1938– )

Giuseppi Logan (1935–2020)

London Jazz Composers Orchestra (1970– )

Mike Longo (1939–2020)

Eddy Louiss (1941– )

Frank Lowe (1943–2003)

Henry Lowther (1941– )

Gene Ludwig (1937– )

Jimmy Lyons (1931–86)

Paul Lytton (1947– )

Harold Mabern (1936–2019)

Pete Magadini (1942– )

Mahavishnu Orchestra [1971–1976]

Mike Mainieri (1938– )

Henryk Majewski (1936–2005)

Radu Malfatti (1943– )

Joe Maneri (1927–2009)

Albert Mangelsdorff (1928–2005)

Ray Mantilla (1934–2020)

Michael Mantler (1943– )

Ellis Marsalis (1934–2020)

Stu Martin (1938–80)

Pat Martino (1944– )

Mat Marucci (1945– )

Hugh Masekela (1939–2018)

Ron Mathewson (1944–2020)

Pat Matshikiza (1938–2014)

Koichi Matsukaze (1948– )

Ronnie Matthews (1935–2008)

Bennie Maupin (1940– )

Mieczyslaw Mazur (1943– )

Cecil McBee (1935– )

Paul McCandless (1947– )

Ron McClure (1941– )

Jack McDuff (1926–2001)

Chris McGregor (1936–90)

Jimmy McGriff (1936–2008)

Kalaparush Maurice McIntyre (1936–2013)

Ken McIntyre (1931–2001)

Dave McKenna (1930–2008)

John McLaughlin (1942– )

Jim McNeely (1949– )

John McNeil (1948–2024)

Lloyd McNeill (1935– )

Joe McPhee (1939– )

Charles McPherson (1939– )

Lubomyr Melnyk (1948– )

Memphis Nighthawks

Misha Mengelberg (1935–2017)

Don Menza (1936– )

Pat Metheny (1954– )

Palle Mikkelborg (1941– )

Butch Miles (1944– )

Jerzy Milian (1935–2018)

Harry Miller (1941–83)

Lloyd Miller (1938– )

Steve Miller [piano] (1943–98)

Dom Minasi (1943–2023)

Jouk Minor (1947– )

Roscoe Mitchell (1940– )

Modern Jazz Quintet Karlsruhe [1968–1973]

Kippie Moeketsi (1925–83)

Louis Moholo (1940– )

Grachan Moncur III (1937–2022)

Tete Montoliu (1933–97)

Jemeel Moondoc (1946–2021)

Reggie Moore (1938– )

Takeo Moriyama (1945– )

Sal Mosca (1927–2007)

Rakalam Bob Moses (1948– )

Paul Motian (1931–2011)

Alphonse Mouzon (1948– )

Bob Mover (1952– )

Idris Muhammad (1939–2014)

Tisziji Muñoz (1946– )

David Murray (1955– )

Sunny Murray (1936–2017)

Amina Claudine Myers (1943– )

Shintaro Nakamura (1956– )

Zbigniew Namyslowski (1939–2022)

Nature's Consort [1969– ]

Bobby Naughton (1936–2018)

Carl Magnus Neumann (1944– )

New York Art Quartet (1964– )

Walter Norris (1931–2011)

Larry Novak (1933– )

Bill O'Connell (1953– )

Shunzo Ohno (1949– )

Itaru Oki (1941–2020)

Old and New Dreams [1979–1987]

Oregon [1970– ]

Niels-Henning Ørsted-Pedersen (1946–2005)

Mike Osborne (1941–2007)

George Otsuka (1937–2020)

Jimmy Owens (1943– )

Tony Oxley (1938–2023)

Evan Parker (1944– )

William Parker (1952– )

Horace Parlan (1931–2017)

Pasadena Roof Orchestra

Joe Pass (1929–94)

Jaco Pastorius (1951–87)

Big John Patton (1935–2002)

Gary Peacock (1935–2020)

Duke Pearson (1932–80)

Bill Perkins (1924–2003)

Houston Person (1934– )

Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky (1933–2023)

Barre Phillips (1934– )

Dave Pike (1938–2015)

Lionel Pillay

Bucky Pizzarelli (1926–2020)

Polish Jazz Quartet [1964– ]

Jean-Luc Ponty (1942– )

Michel Portal (1935– )

Tom Prehn (1940– )

Preservation Hall Jazz Band [1966– ]

Eddie Prévost (1942– )

Julian Priester (1935– )

Dudu Pukwana (1938–90)

Don Pullen (1944–95)

The Pyramids

Bruno Råberg (1954– )

The Ragtime Jazz Band

Phil Ranelin (1939– )

Doug Raney (1957– )

Enrico Rava (1943– )

Dewey Redman (1931–2006)

Hans Reichel (1949–2011)

Steve Reid (1944–2010)

Christian Reim (1945– )

Revolutionary Ensemble [1971–1977]

Mike Richmond (1948– )

Alex Riel (1940– )

Howard Riley (1943– )

Sam Rivers (1923–2011)

Perry Robinson (1938–2018)

Spike Robinson (1930–2001)

Bernt Rosengren (1937–2023)

ROVA Saxophone Quartet [1977– ]

Roswell Rudd (1935–2017)

Eddie Russ (1940–96)

Gene Russell (1932–81)

Hal Russell (1926–92)

Ray Russell (1947– )

Paul Rutherford (1940–2007)

Terje Rypdal (1947– )

Michael Sahl (1934– )

Pharoah Sanders (1940–2022)

Nisse Sandström (1942–2021)

Michel Sardaby (1935– )

Heikki Sarmanto (1939– )

Hideto Sasaki

Masahiko Satoh (1941– )

Dieter Scherf (1841– )

Mario Schiano (1933–2008)

Alexander von Schlippenbach (1938– )

Dave Schnitter (1948– )

Manfred Schoof (1936– )

Irène Schweizer (1941–2024)

John Scofield (1951– )

Ronnie Scott (1927–96)

Tom Scott (1948– )

Al Sears (1910–90)

Don Sebesky (1937– )

Bernie Senensky (1944– )

Sextet of Orchestra USA [1964– ]

Sonny Sharrock (1940–94)

Woody Shaw (1944–89)

Archie Shepp (1937– )

Ibrahim Khalil Shihab (1946– )

Alan Shorter (1932–87)

D.B. Shrier (1938–2017)

Alan Silva (1939– )

Sonny Simmons (1933–2021)

Fred Simon

Sirone (1940–2009)

Alan Skidmore (1942– )

Dr. Lonnie Smith (1942–2021)

Michael Smith (1938– )

Wadada Leo Smith (1941– )

Warren Smith (1934– )

Pat Smythe (1923–83)

Günter "Baby" Sommer (1943– )

Alan Sondheim

Soprano Summit [1973–2001]

Mark Soskin (1953– )

Sounds of Liberation [1972– ]

Melvin Sparks (1946– )

Spontaneous Music Ensemble [1966– ]

Heiner Stadler (1942– )

Tomasz Stanko (1942–2018)

Frank Strazzeri (1930–2014)

Jeremy Steig (1942–2016)

Bobo Stenson (1944– )

John Stevens (1940–94)

Louis Stewart (1944–2016)

John Stowell (1950– )

String Trio of New York [1979– ]

Dick Sudhalter (1938–2008)

Juma Sultan (1942– )

John Surman (1944– )

Richard Sussman (1946– )

Steve Swallow (1940– )

Gabor Szabo (1936–82)

Lew Tabackin (1940– )

Mototeru Takagi (1941–2002)

Yuji Takahashi (1938– )

Masayuki Takayanagi (1932–91)

Horace Tapscott (1934–99)

John Taylor (1942– )

Mike Taylor (1938–69)

John Tchicai (1936–2012)

Makoto Terashita

Buddy Terry (1941– )

Henri Texier (1945– )

Barbara Thompson (1944–2022)

Bob Thompson (1924–2013)

Butch Thompson (1943– )

Chester Thompson

Danny Thompson (1939– )

Clifford Thornton (1936–89)

Henry Threadgill (1944– )

Steve Tibbetts (1954– )

Bobby Timmons (1935–74)

Steve Tintweiss (1946– )

Keith Tippett (1947–2020)

Charles Tolliver (1942– )

Total Music Association [1971–1988]

Ralph Towner (1940– )

The Trio [1970– ]

Gianluigi Trovesi (1944– )

Andrzej Trzaskowski (1933–98)

Stanley Turrentine (1934–2000)

François Tusques (1938– )

Charles Tyler (1941–92)

McCoy Tyner (1938–2020)

James Blood Ulmer (1942– )

UMO Jazz Orchestra [1976– ]

Michal Urbaniak (1943– )

Warren Vaché (1951– )

Fred Van Hove (1937–2022)

Edward Vesala (1945–99)

Vienna Art Orchestra [1977– ]

Tommy Vig (1938– )

Manuel Villarroel

Miroslav Vitous (1947– )

Abdul Wadud (1947–2022)

Mike Walbridge (1937– )

Collin Walcott (1945–84)

Terry Waldo (1944– )

Dan Wall

Bennie Wallace (1946– )

Jim Waller

Per Henrik Wallin (1946– )

Cedar Walton (1934–2013)

David S. Ware (1949–2012)

Butch Warren

Warsaw Stompers [1965– ]

Sadao Watanabe (1933– )

Bill Watrous (1939–2018)

Bobby Watson (1953– )

Marzette Watts (1938–98)

Trevor Watts (1939– )

Weather Report [1970–1985]

Eberhard Weber (1940– )

Dick Wellstood (1927–87)

Kenny Werner (1951– )

David Wertman (1952–2013)

Fred Wesley (1944– )

Mike Westbrook (1936– )

Kenny Wheeler (1930–2014)

Harry Whitaker (1942– )

Michael White (1933– )

Baby Face Willette (1933–71)

Arthur Williams

Buster Williams (1942– )

Jessica Williams (1948–2022)

Patrick Williams (1939– )

Tony Williams (1945–97)

Larry Willis (1940–2019)

Jack Wilson (1936–2007)

Phil Wilson (1937– )

Phillip Wilson (1941–92)

Mike Wofford (1938– )

World Saxophone Quartet [1977–2006]

Frank Wright (1935–90)

John Wright (1934–2017)

Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski

Yosuke Yamashita (1942– )

Pete Yellin (1941–2016)

Larry Young (1940–79)

Janusz Zabieglinski (1934–2001)

Joe Zawinul (1932–2007)

Denny Zeitlin (1938– )

James Zitro

Attila Zoller (1927–98)

John Zorn (1954– )

Various Artists
