2022 Metafile Legend
Two data files, meta.txt and rmeta.txt, the former for new releases,
the latter for reissues, compilations, vault music. Fields separated
by '|':
- Points: Make does a numeric sort on this field as first key.
- Artist: Last name '_' first name, such that make can do an
alpha sort on this as second key.
- Title: Album title.
- Label: Label; may be preceded by dates (e.g., 1972 or
1972-74) and comma; may be followed by format (e.g., EP, or 2CD).
- Release date: Written as MM-DD, including '0' to pad to two
digits. "-2016" indicates a 2016 release date.
- Flags: Used to specify genre, also whether I have heard the
record. More than one may be set:
- 1: I own a hard copy of the album (could be CDR).
- 2: I've heard the record from a streaming or download source.
- 3: I've done limited sampling of the record, or I'm grading a reissue from an earlier release.
- B: Blues/Gospel/R&B
- C: Country/Americana/Folk
- E: Electronica
- H: Hip-Hop/Rap
- J: Jazz
- K: Classical
- M: Metal
- W: World, both pop and folk, including Latin
- Data: Multiple segments, each separated by comma (','),
preferably sorted alphabetically. Each segment consists of a key
(alpha abbreviation), optionally followed by colon (':') and a
number, which is the rank position of the record on the list, or
a plus ('+'), which indicates an unranked point, or '*N'
for N points. There are two series of data: one from major
sources which are scored 5 (1st place), 4 (2-5th), 3 (6-10th),
2 (11-20th), 1 (anything above 20th); then following a semicolon,
one from minor sources which are generally scored 3 (1st place),
2 (2-5th), 1 (anything above 5th). The keys are listed in the
legend data file (legend-data.txt). Ties aren't marked this year
(in previous years they were marked '*'; sorry, I screwed up).
If a list contains multiple records in a numeric slot (often
by same artist), each are credited (subject to notes below).
The distinction between major and minor is somewhat arbitrary,
but long lists tend to count as major (even if by idiots), and
short and/or unranked lists as minor.
- Comment: Anything else considered a comment. These appear
in the output, but aren't counted.
The legend-data.txt file also consists of fields separated by '|'.
They are:
- Key: The key for the list, used in data above.
- Type: How the list is counted, if any rank in the list
gets more than one point: empty means everything gets one point;
extra points are noted by the cutoff rank, with comma separating
each tier -- e.g., "20,1" gives 2 points to everything ≥ 20
except 3 points ≥ 1.
- Name: The plain name for the list.
- URL: Where to find the list (often just the top of the
- Alt URL: An alternate (unofficial) source for the list
(often these are easier to work with than the actual URL.)
- Comment: Any additional comments. Within this the
following subfields (comma-separated) are noted:
- RC:# Robert Christgau letter grades (points: A:5, A-:4, B+/***: 3, **: 2 *:1, B or less: 0)
- TH:# Tom Hull letter grades (points same as RC)
Since I don't have corresponding lists to work off of, and since I
value their reviews highly, I've decided to score RC, MT, and TH as:
A/A+ 5, A- 4, B+/*** 3, ** 2, * 1; omitting the 2014 (and earlier)
releases. I haven't sucked up all of TH's letter grades -- only those
mentioned by others.
Some general guidelines on which lists were counted (and which not):
- Where separate "international" and "national" lists are provided, only
"international" is counted. Similarly, "local" (state or city) lists are
not counted.
- Most genre lists are counted, except classical, soundtracks, Christian.
I have virtually no interest in metal but have almost always counted metal
- Honorable mentions or unranked extras added to lists are generally
counted, with '+' instead of rank numbers. Same for unranked lists
(although unless explicitly stated, unnumbered lists are generally
assumed to be top-down).
- Format-specific lists (e.g., EPs, mixtapes) are usually ignored.
EPs occurring in general lists are counted, but singles are generally
- Don't bother with lists that are aggregates of other lists, figuring
they're just approximations of this aggregate. Also don't bother with
reader polls (although I make a couple exceptions).
The following lists have been counted:
- [3v] 3voor12 [Netherlands] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [45] The Forty-Five [UK] (45,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)(12-02)
- [AAJ] All About Jazz () -- +4 stars ((11-29)(12-16)
- [AC] Austin Chronicle () -- MC 80+()
- [ACL] A Closer Listen [US] (,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [AD] The Arts Desk () -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [Al] Albumism (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(11-20)
- [Alt] The Alternative (50,20,10,5,1) [link] [ref link]
- [AM] AllMusic Guide [US] () -- AOTY 80+(05-25), excl classical
- [AS] American Songwriter [US] (24) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)(07-04), mid-year
- [AU] The AU Review [Australia] (40,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [AV] AV Club [US] (30,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(11-21), mid-year
- [BA] Burning Ambulance () -- mid-year
- [BB] Billboard (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- mid-year
- [BIB] Bill's Idie Basement (Brooklyn Vegan) (40,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Bin] Binaural (Spain) (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [BPM] Beats Per Minute (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [BS] Bitter Southerner (22,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [BV] Brooklyn Vegan (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- +Q1
- [BV_r] Brooklyn Vegan: Rap (30,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [C] Crack [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(03-27)(12-02)
- [Ch] The Chorus.fm [US] (30,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Cl] Clash [UK] (60,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [ClR] Classic Rock [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [CM] Chris Monsen (Perfect Sounds Forever) (,,10,5,1) [link] -- Facebook mid-year
- [Cmp] Complex [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year
- [Cmp_U] Complex [UK] (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Crh] Crash Records Leeds [UK] (40,20,10,5,1) [link] -- MC 1-10
- [Crz] Crazy Minds [Spain]: International (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [CS] Consequence [of Sound] [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- MC 80+(11-25) mid-year
- [D] Dork (,,10,5,1) -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [DaB] Dansende Beren [BE]: international (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- + selected national
- [DB] Downbeat () -- 4+ stars (04-08); editor's picks {1-5}
- [Db] Decibel [US] (40,20,10,5,1) [link] [ref link]
- [DIY] DIY (,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [DJ] Double J [Australia] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [DJM] DJ Mag (40) [ref link]
- [DMY] DMY (25,20,10,5,1) [link] [ref link]
- [Dod] Dod [Spain]: international (35,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Dus] Dusted () -- MC +80(10-11)
- [DVk] De Volkskrant [Netherlands] (40,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- excluding classical
- [DW] Dan Weiss () -- Facebook mid-year list
- [Dz] Dazed [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Ec] Echoes (30,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [EE] Efe Eme [Spain]: International (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Esq] Esquire [US] () [ref link] -- mid-year
- [Ev] Evening Standard () -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [EW] Entertainment Weekly [US] (,,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25), mid-year
- [EWi] Expert Witness (Facebook group) (50,20,10,5,1) -- copied from Brad Luen's Facebook post
- [Ex] Exclaim! [Canada] (50,20,10,5,1) -- AOTY 80+(12-02)
- [Fa] Fader (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [FB] Fast 'n' Bulbous (100,20,10,5,1) [link] -- + jazz, fusion, global, hip-hop
- [FJ] Free Jazz Collective (,,10,5,1) [link] -- 4+ stars (06-22), grades increasingly infrequent
- [Fld] Flood [US] (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [FO] Far Out [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [G] Guardian [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28), mid-year
- [GB] Gorilla Vs Bear [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year
- [GC] Genius: Community (50,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Gf] Gaffa [Sweden] (30,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Gl] Glide [US] (20) [link] -- MC 80+(11-25)
- [GMA] Good Morning America [ABC: Allan Raible] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [GQ] GQ [UK] () [ref link] -- mid-year
- [GTV] God Is in the TV (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [Gw] Gigwise [UK] (51,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [H] Holler () -- 8.0+(02-07:-:10-07)
- [HDX] HipHopDX [US] (,,,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25), HM ++, mid-year
- [HG] Hip-Hop Golden Age (60,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Hi] Hipersonica [Spain]: International (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [HP] Hot Press [Ireland] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [HV] Humanizing the Vacuum [US]: Alfred Soto (35,20,10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year list, 3/4
- [I] The Independent [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [Ind] Indiestyle [BE] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [IT] The Irish Times () -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [Jp] Jenesaispop [Spain] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [JW] Jazzwise [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [K] Kerrang (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [Kp] Kalporz [Italy] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [L4] Live4ever [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [LAT] Los Angeles Times (,,10,5,1) [ref link] -- MC 80+(05-29)
- [LBF] The Line of Best Fit [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [LI] Les Inrocks [France] (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [LQ] Loud and Quiet [UK] (40,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [Lt] Laut [Germany] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [LW] Louder Than War [UK] (100,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [Mc] Metacritic (40,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Mg] Magnet [US] (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Mj] Mojo [UK] (75,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [MO] MusicOMH [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-21)
- [Ms] Mondosonoro [Spain]: International (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Mus] Mussica (Spain) (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Mx] Mxdwn (40,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [NBH] NBHAP (Nothing But Passion And Hope) [Germany] () [ref link]
- [ND] No Depression (,20,10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year
- [ND_r] No Depression: readers (50,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Ne] The Needle Drop (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(11-30), mid-year
- [Ni] Nialler9 (30,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [NME] NME [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26), mid-year
- [NN] New Noise [France] () -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [No] Norman Records [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [NPR] NPR (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- mid-year
- [NR] No Ripcord [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [NT] Northern Transmissions [CAN] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [NYT] New York Times () -- MC 80+(11-25)
- [O] The Observer () -- AOTY +80(05-21)
- [OC] Our Culture (50,20,10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year
- [Okp] Okayplayer (22,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [On] Ondarock [Italy] (30,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Oo] Oor [Netherlands] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [P] Paste (50,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [PAM] Pan African Music (50) [link]
- [Pap] Paper () [link] [ref link]
- [PB] PopBuzz [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Pc] Piccadilly Records (100,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [PCr] Pop Crush () -- MC
- [Pf] Pitchfork (50,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-21), mid-year
- [PJ] Pazz & Jop Rip-Off Poll (100,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Plt] Plattentests [Germany] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [PM] PopMatters (80,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(11-29), mid-year
- [PM_r] PopMatters: Reissues (,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [PO] Phil Overeem (,,10,5,1) -- lists (03-06)
- [PT] Post-Trash (50,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Pu] Punktastic (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [PW] Passion of the Weiss (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Qt] The Quietus [UK] (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- MC 80+(11-25), mid-year
- [Qt_r] The Quietus: Reissues (100,20,10,5,1) [link] -- skipped soundcloud/podcasts
- [R] RIOT (,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-27)
- [RA] Resident Advisor [UK] () -- MC 80+(09-06)
- [RC] Record Collector [UK] (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-26)
- [Rdx] Rockdelux [Spain]: International (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Rev] Revolver [US] (25,20,10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year
- [Rf] RIFF Magazine (67,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [Rg] Range (50,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Ri] The Ringer (33,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [RM] Resident Music [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [link] -- after 20 +
- [RR] RapReviews () -- MC 80+(08-23)
- [RS] Rolling Stone [US] (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25), mid-year
- [RS_c] Rolling Stone [US]: Country/Americana (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [RS_h] Rolling Stone [US]: hip-hop (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [RSh] Rob Sheffield (Rolling Stone) (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [RT] Rough Trade [UK] (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [RTU] Rough Trade [US] (,20,15,1) [link] -- + to 100
- [Rx] Robert Christgau: Dean's List (84,20,10,5,1) -- minus uncharted old {8,19,22,41,43,54,63,67,68,73,79,82,83,84}
- [S] Spin [US] (22,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- MC +80(10-12), mid-year; + 50 More Great Albums of the Year
- [Sbd] Stereoboard [UK] (80,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- implicit rank
- [SC] Spectrum Culture (,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-27)
- [Sg] Stereogum [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- + mid-year list; * "album of the week" [06-13]
- [Sk] The Skinny [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-25)
- [Sl] Slant [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28), mid-year
- [SMH] Sydney Morning Herald () -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [Sp] Spill () -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [Spk] Sputnik Music [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [SpL] Semipop Life (Brad Luen) (40,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [SR] Sister Ray [UK] (,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [STi] The Sunday Times (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [T] The Telegraph [UK] (,,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [TL] Tom Lane (100,20,10,5,1) -- email, Facebook mid-year
- [TL_r] Tom Lane: reissues (,13,10,5,1) -- email
- [TN] Tim Niland [Music & More] (,,10,5,1) [link] -- no grades, but everything he reviews is notable (11-28)
- [TO] Time Out (,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [TomC] PJRP: Tom Courtenay (100,20,10,5,1)
- [Tr] Treblezine [US] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- mid-year
- [Trk] Truck Music Store [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Tu] Turn [Japan] (30,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- excluding Japanese artists/titles
- [U] Uncut [UK] (75,20,10,5,1) [link] [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [UCR] Ultimate Classic Rock (30,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Up] Uproxxh (50) [link]
- [Ups] Upset (,20,10,5,1) [link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [UR] Under the Radar [US] (100,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [V] Variety () -- MC 80+(11-22), mid-year
- [Vb_h] Vibe [US]: Hip-Hop (25,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Vb_r] Vibe [US]: R&B (25,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [Vi] Visions [Germany] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [VLR] Vive Le Rock [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [VMP] Vinyl Me, Please [US] () [ref link]
- [W] The Wire (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link] -- MC 80+(11-22)
- [Why] WhyNow (25,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [WX] WXPN (Philadelphia) (25,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [XCI] Christian Iszchak (61,20,10,5,1) [link] -- also see xci
- [XSN] XS Noize [UK] (50,20,10,5,1) [ref link]
- [YF] Young Folks () -- AOTY 80+(05-28)
- [YW] Ye Wei Blog (Jason Gross) (,20,10,5,1) [link]
- [YW_r] Ye Wei Blog: reissues (63,20,10,5,1)
- [am] AllMusic [US] (100) [link]
- [amrp] AllMusic [US]: Readers Poll (10,5,1) [link]
- [ap] Alternative Press () [link] [ref link]
- [apn] AP News (10,5,1) [link]
- [aqd] Aquarium Drunkard () [ref link]
- [asp] The Associated Press (10) [ref link]
- [atl] The Atlantic (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [atw] Atwood () [link] [ref link]
- [bb6] BBC Radio 6 [UK] (10,5,1) [link]
- [bc] Bandcamp Daily () [ref link]
- [bc_j] Bandcamp Daily: Jazz [Dave Sumner] () [link] -- {1-5,8}
- [bl] Bleep [UK] (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [blw] The Bulwark (Tim Miller) (10,5,1) -- MC
- [bn] Barnes and Noble () [link]
- [bow] Boise Weekly (10,5,1) [link]
- [bv_f] Brooklyn Vegan: folk () [link]
- [bv_g] Brooklyn Vegan: reggae () [link]
- [bv_j] Brooklyn Vegan: jazz () [link]
- [bv_r] Brooklyn Vegan Indie Basement: Reissues () [link]
- [cbc] CBC (Canadian) (22,5,1) [link]
- [cdm] Coup de Main [NZ] (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [clp] Classic Pop (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [cs_r] Consequence of Sound: rap (15,5,1) [ref link]
- [dw] PJRP: Dan Weber (10,5,1)
- [ec] The Economist (10) [ref link]
- [edmt] EDMTunes (10,5,1) [link] -- MC
- [elg] El Giradiscos (Spain): International (20,5,1) [ref link]
- [err] Erie Reader (10,5,1) -- MC
- [fa] Folk Alley (10,5,1) [link]
- [fd] JCP: Francis Davis (10,5,1)
- [fruk] Folk Radio UK (10,5,1) [link] -- MC
- [g_c] Guardian [UK]: Contemporary (John Lewis) (10,5,1) [link]
- [g_e] Guardian/Observer: Kitty Empire (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [g_f] Guardian [UK]: Folk (Jude Rogers) (10,5,1) [link]
- [g_g] Guardian [UK]: Global (Ammar Kalia) (10,5,1) [link]
- [g_j] Guardian [UK]: Jazz (John Fordham) (10,5,1) [link]
- [gcn] Gay City News (10) [link]
- [ghj] JCP: Geoffrey Himes (10,5,1)
- [gl_j] Glide [US]: jazz (20) [link] -- ++ top 20, + HM
- [ha] Happy Mag (10) [link]
- [hc] [Harvard] Crimson (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [hc_d] Houston Chronicle: Andrew Dansby (10,5,1) -- MC
- [hc_g] Houston Chronicle: Joey Guerra (10,5,1) -- MC
- [hc_h] Houston Chronicle: Nina Hernandez (10,5,1) -- MC
- [hpo] Huffington Post () [ref link]
- [hr] Hollywood Reporter: Mesfin Fekadu (10,5,1) [link]
- [hs] HeadStuff () -- MC
- [hyb] HypeBeast () [ref link]
- [i] I (Kate Solomon) (10,5,1) [link]
- [ia] Inverted Audio (10,5,1) -- MC
- [ii] Irish Independent () -- MC
- [io] Invisible Oranges (10,5,1) -- MC
- [ir] In Review Online [US] (10,5,1) -- MC
- [it] Irish Times [Ireland] (10,5,1) -- MC
- [j91] Jazz FM.91 (25) [link]
- [jabt] JCP: Andy Beta (10,5,1)
- [jad] JCP: Alain Drouot (10,5,1)
- [jadh] JCP: Anthony Dean-Harris (10,5,1)
- [jag] JCP: Andrew Gilbert (10,5,1)
- [jaga] JCP: Ana Gavrilovska (10)
- [jahk] JCP: Andrey Henkin (10,5,1)
- [jak] JCP: Amar Kalia (10,5,1)
- [jal] JCP: Art Lange (10)
- [jam] JCP: Allen Michie (10,5,1)
- [jamo] JCP: Allen Morrison (10,5,1)
- [japa] JCP: Annie Parnell (10,5,1)
- [jas] JCP: Adam Shatz (10,5,1)
- [jbbr] JCP: Bill Brownlee (10,5,1)
- [jbkw] JCP: Brian Kiwanuka (10,5,1)
- [jbo] JCP: Brian Morton (10,5,1)
- [jbs] JCP: Bret Saunders (Denver Post) (10,5,1) [link]
- [jbw] JCP: Bob Weinberg (10,5,1)
- [jcah] JJA: C Andrew Hovan (6,5,1)
- [jcb] JCP: Chris Barton (10,5,1)
- [jch] JCP: Chris Heim (10,5,1)
- [jcm] AAJ: Chris May () [link] -- ++ for number 1, + for rest
- [jda] JCP: David R Adler (10,5,1)
- [jdc] AAJ: Doug Collette () [link]
- [jdcr] JPC: Dave Cantor (10,5,1)
- [jdb] JCP: Dan Bilawsky (10,5,1)
- [jdbj] JCP: David Brent Johnson (10,5,1)
- [jdbs] JCP: Dan Buskirk (10,5,1)
- [jdg] JCP: David A Graham (10,5,1)
- [jdh] AAJ: Doug Hall (11,5,1) [link]
- [jdku] JCP: David Kunian (10,5,1)
- [jdl] JCP: Devin Leonard (10,5,1)
- [jdm] JCP/AAJ: Dan McClenaghan (10,5,1)
- [jdo] JCP: Dan Ouellette (10,5,1) [link]
- [jdp] JCP: Dan Polletta (10,5,1)
- [jdr] JCP: Derk Richardson (10,5,1)
- [jdsu] JCP: Dave Sumner (10,5,1)
- [jdt] JCP: Derek Taylor (10,5,1)
- [jeh] JCP: Eyal Hareuveni (10,5,1)
- [ek] JCP: Elzy Kolb (10)
- [jel] JCP: Eugene Holley Jr (10,5,1)
- [jff] JCP/Jazz Trail: Felipe Freitas (10,5,1)
- [jfk] JCP: Fred Kaplan (10,5,1)
- [jfn] FJC: Fotis Nikolakopoulos (10,5,1)
- [jgc] FJC: Gary Chapin (10,5,1)
- [jgg] JCP: George Grella (10,5,1)
- [jgm] FJC: Gregg Miller (10,5,1)
- [jgmo] FJC: Guido Montegradi (7,5,1)
- [jgy] JCP: Gene Seymour (10,5,1)
- [jgz] JCP: George Kanzler (10,5,1)
- [jha] JCP: Hrayr Attarian (10,5,1)
- [jhm] JJA: Howard Mandel (10,5,1)
- [jhs] Hank Shteamer (10,5,1)
- [jjc] JCP: John Chacona (10,5,1)
- [jje] JCP: John Ephland (10,5,1)
- [jjg] JCP: Jon Garelick (10,5,1)
- [jjha] JCP: James Hale (10,5,1)
- [jjhy] JCP: Jim Hynes (10,5,1)
- [jjm] JCP: Jim Macnie (Lament for a Straight Line) (10,5,1)
- [jjo] JCP: John Frederick Moore (10,5,1)
- [jjp] JCP: John Pietaro (10,5,1)
- [jjs] JCP: John Szwed (10,5,1)
- [jjsh] JCP: John Sharpe (10,5,1)
- [jjsn] JCP: Jackson Sinnenberg (10,5,1)
- [jjw] AAJ/JCP: Jerome Wilson (10,5,1) [link]
- [jjwd] JCP: Josef Woodard (10,5,1)
- [jjwr] AAJ: Jim Worsley (10) [link]
- [jjws] JCP: Jason Weiss (10,5,1)
- [jkd] JCP: Ken Dryden (10,5,1)
- [jkf] JJA/JCP: Ken Franckling (10,5,1)
- [jkg] JCP: Kurt Gottschalk (10,5,1)
- [jkm] JCP: Ken Micallef (10,5,1)
- [jkp] FJC: Keith Prosk (10,5,1)
- [jkw] JCP: Ken Waxman (10,5,1)
- [jkws] JCP: Ken Weiss (10,5,1)
- [jla] JCP: Larry Appelbaum (10,5,1)
- [jlb] JCP: Larry Blumenfeld (10,5,1)
- [jlbi] JCP: Larry Birnbaum (10,5,1)
- [jld] JCP: Laurence Donohue-Greene (10,5,1)
- [jlh] JCP: Larry Hollis (10,5,1)
- [jlre] JCP/FJC: Lee Rice Epstein (10,5,1)
- [jls] JCP: Lloyd Sachs (10,5,1)
- [jlv] JCP: Ludwig vanTrikt (10,5,1)
- [jma] JCP: Mirian Arbalejo (10,5,1)
- [jmbn] FJC: Matty Bannond (10,5,1)
- [jmbo] JCP: Mike Borella (10,5,1)
- [jmc] JCP/AAJ: Mark Corroto (18,5,1) [link]
- [jmh] Mark Holston (10,5,1)
- [jmj] JCP: Martin Johnson (10,5,1)
- [jmk] JCP: Mark Stryker (10,5,1)
- [jmm] JCP: Milo Miles (10)
- [jmmz] Matt Merewitz () -- Facebook
- [jms] JCP: Mike Shanley (10,5,1)
- [jmsc] FSC: Martin Schray (10,5,1)
- [jmsu] JCP: Mark Sullivan (10,5,1)
- [jmt] JCP: Michael Toland (10,5,1) -- candidate list email
- [jmu] JCP: Michael Ullman (10,5,1)
- [jmw] JCP: Michael J West (10,5,1)
- [jmy] JCP: Michael Coyle (10,5,1)
- [jnm] FJC: Nick Metzger (10,5,1)
- [jno] FJC: Nick Ostrum (10,5,1)
- [jnc] JCP: Nate Chinen (10,5,1)
- [jnt] JCP: Neil Tesser (10,5,1)
- [jpa] JCP: Paul Acquaro (10,5,1) [link]
- [jpb] JCP: Philip Booth (10,5,1)
- [jpf] JCP: Patrick Frisco (10,5,1)
- [jpq] JCP: Peter Quinn (10,5,1)
- [jpl] JCP: Phillip Lutz (10,5,1)
- [jpm] JCP: Peter Margasak (10,5,1)
- [jpmd] JCP: Paul Medrano (10,5,1)
- [jrb] JCP: Robert Bush (10,5,1)
- [jrd] JCP: Raul da Gama (10,5,1)
- [jrh] JCP: Rob Hoff (10,5,1)
- [jri] JCP: Robert Iannapollo (10,5,1)
- [jrk] JCP: Richard Kamins (10,5,1)
- [jrm] JJA/JCP: Ralph Miriello (10)
- [jrmi] JCP: Rick Mitchell (10,5,1)
- [jrml] JCP: Roz Milner (,5,1)
- [jrmu] JCP: Russ Musto (10)
- [jrsc] Rich Scheinin (10,5,1)
- [jrsh] Ronald Schepper (10,5,1)
- [jrsp] Rob Shepherd (10,5,1)
- [jrw] JCP: Richard Williams (10,5,1)
- [jry] JCP: Ron Wynn (10,5,1)
- [js] EW,PJRP: John Smallwood (10,5,1) -- Facebook mid-year
- [jsa] JCP: Scott Albin (10,5,1)
- [jsb] JCP/FJC: Stuart Broomer (10,5,1)
- [jsd] JCP: Shaun Brady (10,5,1)
- [jse] JCP: Shannon Ali (Shannon J Effinger) (10,5,1)
- [jsf] JCP: Steve Feeney (10,5,1)
- [jsg] JCP: Steve Greenlee (10,5,1)
- [jsgj] FJC: Stef Gijssels (10,5,1)
- [jsgu] JCP: Scott Gutterman (10,5,1)
- [jsj] JCP: Sanford Josephson (10,5,1)
- [jsk] JCP: Stuart Kremsky (10,5,1)
- [jsl] JCP: Slim (10,5,1)
- [jslo] JCP: Suzanne Lorge (10,5,1)
- [jsn] Stuart Nicholson (10,5,1)
- [jsp] Sergio Piccirilli (10,5,1)
- [jss] JJA/FJC: Sammy Stein (10,5,1)
- [jssc] JCP: Sarah Schmidt (10,5,1)
- [jssm] JCP: Stewart Smith (10,5,1)
- [jsw] Seth Colter Walls (10,5,1)
- [jsy] JCP: Scott Yanow (10,5,1)
- [jtc] JCP: Troy Collins (10,5,1)
- [jtd] JCP/FJC: Troy Dostert (10,5,1)
- [jth] JCP: Tad Hendrickson (10,5,1)
- [jtn] JCP: Thomas Conrad (10,5,1)
- [jtp] JCP: Terry Perkins (10,5,1)
- [jtrj] JCP: TR Johnson (10,5,1)
- [jwj] JCP: Willard Jenkins (10)
- [jwr] William Rossi (10,5,1)
- [jyk] JPC: Yoshi Kato (10,5,1)
- [jyo] Ysi Ortega (10,5,1)
- [kc] KCRW (22,5,1) [ref link]
- [mc] Marie Claire () -- mid-year
- [mgn] Magnetic [US] (15,5,1) [link]
- [mh] Metal Hammer (10,5,1) -- MC
- [mi] Metal Injection () -- MC
- [muk] Metro UK (10,5,1) -- MC
- [mw] Metro Weekly (10,5,1) -- MC
- [nat] The Nation: David Hajdu (10,5,1) [link]
- [ncpr] NCPR Beat Authority (10,5,1) [link] -- +HM
- [noj] JCP: Kevin Lynch (10,5,1)
- [npr_ap] NPR [US]: Ann Powers (20,5,1) [link]
- [npr_bb] NPR [US]: Bob Boilen (10,5,1) [link]
- [npr_nc] JCP, NPR [US]: Nate Chinen ()
- [npr_r] NPR [US]: R&B (20) [link]
- [npr_rd] NPR [US]: Raina Douris () [link] -- MC
- [npr_sp] NPR: Sheldon Pearce (20) [link]
- [ny_c] New York Times [US]: Jon Caramanica (13,5,1) [ref link] -- +16
- [ny_p] New York Times [US]: Jon Pareles (10,5,1) [link] -- +15
- [ny_u] New York Times [US]: Giovanni Russonello (Jazz) (10,5,1) [link]
- [ny_z] New York Times [US]: Lindsay Zoladz (13,5,1) -- +12
- [nyl] Nylon [US] () [link] [ref link]
- [p] People (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [pam_e] Pan African Music: electronic ()
- [pam_r] Pan American Music: reissues ()
- [pf_e] Pitchfork [US]: electronic () [link]
- [pf_k] Pitchfork [US]: rock () [ref link]
- [pf_p] Pitchfork [US]: progressive pop () [ref link]
- [ph] JCP: Peter Hum (10,5,1)
- [pi] Philadelphia Inquirer: Dan DeLuca (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [pm_a] PopMatters: Americana (15,5,1) [link]
- [pm_b] PopMatters: Ambient (10,5,1) [link]
- [pm_c] PopMatters: Country (15,5,1) [link]
- [pm_f] PopMatters: Folk (15,5,1) [link]
- [pm_g] PopMatters: Global (10,5,1) [link]
- [pm_ir] PopMatters: Indie Rock (25,5,1) [ref link]
- [pm_j] PopMatters: Jazz (10,5,1) [link] -- + second choices
- [pm_k] PopMatters: Prog Rock/Metal (10,5,1) [link]
- [pm_p] PopMatters: Pop (13,5,1) [link]
- [pro] Prospect () [ref link]
- [qt_e] The Quietus: Electronic (10,5,1) [link]
- [qt_j] The Quietus: Jazz (10,5,1) [link]
- [qtja] The Quietus: Jennifer Lucy Allan (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [ra] Resident Advisor (,1) [ref link]
- [rsag] RS: Andre Gee (10,5,1)
- [rsam] RS: Angie Martoccio (10,5,1)
- [rsaw] RS: Alison Weinflash (10,5,1)
- [rsbe] RS: Brenna Ehrlich (10,5,1)
- [rsbh] RS: Becca Higgins (10,5,1)
- [rsbs] RS: Brittany Spanos (10,5,1)
- [rsch] RS: Christian Hoard (10,5,1)
- [rsdb] RS: David Browne (10,5,1)
- [rsdg] RS: Dewayne Gage (10,5,1)
- [rsem] RS: Ethan Millman (10,5,1)
- [rsjb] RS: Jon Blistein (10,5,1)
- [rsjd] RS: Jon Dolan (10,5,1)
- [rsje] RS: Jonathan Bernstein (10,5,1)
- [jsjf] RS: Jon Freeman (10,5,1)
- [rsjh] RS: Joseph Hudak (10,5,1)
- [rsjl] RS: Julyssa Lopez (10,5,1)
- [rskg] RS: Kory Grow (10,5,1)
- [rsmc] RS: Mankaprr Conteh (10,5,1)
- [rsmj] RS: Meagan Jordan (10,5,1)
- [rsms] RS: Marlow Stern (10,5,1)
- [rsns] RS: Noah Schachtman (10,5,1)
- [rsoh] RS: Oscar Hartzog (10,5,1)
- [rssv] RS: Simon Vozick-Levinson (10,5,1)
- [rstc] RS: Tim Chan (10,5,1)
- [rstm] RS: Tomas Mier (10,5,1)
- [rswa] RS: Waiss David Aramesh (10,5,1)
- [rte] RTE [Ireland]: Jim Carroll (22,5,1) [link]
- [rte_jk] RTE [Ireland]: John Kelly (10) [link]
- [s_m] Spin [US]: metal (10,5,1) [link]
- [scm] Saving Country Music () -- 8+/10, or 1.75+ guns up (09-12)(10-07)
- [scw] Sidney Carpenter-Wilson (10,5,1) -- EW monthly listening reports: A-list {1-12}
- [sdu] San Diego Union Tribune: George Varga () -- MC
- [sfc] San Francisco Chronicle () -- MC
- [sg_c] Stereogum [US]: Country (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [sg_e] Stereogum [US]: Electronic (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [sg_h] Stereogum [US]: Rap (10,5,1) [link]
- [sg_j] Stereogum [US]: Jazz [Phil Freeman] (10,5,1) [link] -- +HM, This Month in Jazz {3-4}
- [sg_p] Stereogum [US]: Pop (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [sg_x] Stereogum [US]: Experimental (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [sjm] San Jose Mercury News: Jim Harrington (10,5,1) -- MC
- [sl] Slate (Carl Wilson) (10) [link] -- ++ for top 10, + for rest
- [slt] Salt Lake Tribune (7) [link] -- MC
- [so_d] Sound Opinions: Jim DeRogaitis (20,5,1) [ref link]
- [so_k] Sound Opinions: Greg Kot (20,5,1) [ref link]
- [sol] Songlines (10,5,1) [link]
- [st_b] Star Tribune (Minneapolis): Jon Bream (10,5,1) -- MC
- [st_r] Star Tribune (Minneapolis): Chris Riemenschneider) (10,5,1) -- MC
- [te] Telerama [France] () [ref link] -- unranked genre lists
- [ti] Time [US] (10,5,1) [link] -- mid-year
- [tr_e] Treblezine [US]: Electronic (20) [link]
- [tr_h] Treblezine [US]: Hip-Hop (20) [link]
- [tr_j] Treblezine [US]: Jazz (20) [link]
- [tr_r] Treblezine [US]: Reissues (10) [link]
- [ts] Toronto Star () -- mid-year
- [tvo] TV Obsessive (10,5,1) [link]
- [txm] Texas Music () [link]
- [up_h] Uproxx: Hip-Hop () [link]
- [up_k] Uproxx: K-Pop () [link]
- [up_sh] Uproxx: Steven Hyden (15,5,1) [link]
- [ust] USA Today (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [v_cw] Variety: Chris Willman (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [v_ja] Variety: Jem Aswad (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [vbc] JCP: Brad Cohan (10,5,1)
- [vbr] JCP: Britt Robson (10,5,1)
- [vbs] PJRP: Bud Scoppa (10,5,1) -- +HM, reissues
- [vce] Chuck Eddy (10,5,1) -- Pazz & Jop Product Report: 7+ (4-5)
- [vfk] EW: Frank Kogan (10,5,1)
- [vgb] PJRP: Glenn Boothe (10,5,1)
- [vjc] JCP: J.D. Considine (10,5,1)
- [vjo] JCP: Josh Langhoff (10,5,1)
- [vjt] JCP: Jeff Tamarkin (10,5,1)
- [vmm] Michaelangelo Matos (10) -- Facebook
- [vnf] VV: Nick Farruggia (10,5,1) -- Facebook
- [voh] PJRP: Oliver Hollander (10,5,1)
- [vpf] JCP: Phil Freeman (10,5,1)
- [vrg] JCP: Richard Gehr (10,5,1)
- [vsd] JCP: Steve Dollar (10,5,1)
- [vth] JCP: Tom Hull (10,5,1)
- [vwl] JCP: Will Layman (10,5,1)
- [vu] Vulture: Craig Jenkins (10,5,1) [ref link] -- mid-year
- [wi] Wired (12) [ref link]
- [wo] Wonderland () [ref link]
- [wp] Washington Post: Chris Richards (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [wsj] Wall Street Journal: Mark Richardson (12) [ref link]
- [xbf] PJRP: Blair Fraipont (10,5,1)
- [xbp] EW: Boris Palameta (10,5,1)
- [xbw] PJRP: Barrett Whitener (10) -- unranked 10, so ++, plus HM +
- [xcb] EW: Chuck Bromley (10,5,1)
- [xch] PJRP: Chris Hornbostel ()
- [xci] PJRP: Christian Iszchak () -- Medium {1-4; 5-7 * or higher}
- [xde] EW: David Everall (10,5,1)
- [xeb] Expert Witness: Erik Best (10,5,1)
- [xej] PJRP: Eric Johnson (10,5,1)
- [xem] EW: Eric Marcus (10,5,1)
- [xgh] Expert Witness: Glen Hadwen ()
- [xgm] PJRP: Greg Morton (10,5,1)
- [xhs] PJRP: Hardin Smith (10,5,1) -- + Facebook mid-year
- [xjd] Joey Daniewicz (25,5,1) [link] -- +50
- [xjdc] PJRP: Jeffrey D Callahan (10,5,1) -- + Facebook mid-year, other A- and up
- [xjdo] EW: Jay Dodge (10,5,1)
- [xjg] EW: JoAnna Gekas (10,5,1)
- [xjl] EW: Jon R LaFollette (10,5,1)
- [xjlu] PJRP: Joe Lunday (10,5,1)
- [xkb] PJRP: Kevin Bozelka (10,5,1)
- [xmr] PJRP: Mark Rosen (10,5,1)
- [xmv] EW: Mongo [Mongolfier Vauche] (10,5,1)
- [xpb] PJRP: Philip Brasor (10,5,1)
- [xrt] Rod Taylor (13,5,1) [link]
- [xsc] EW: Scott Coleman (10,5,1)
- [xsp] Expert Witness: Stan Piccirilli () -- Facebook mid-year
- [xss] EW: Seppe Sandra (10,5,1)
- [xtc] EW: Tom Courtenay () -- Facebook: "full A or higher"
- [xtw] EW: Thomas Walker (10,5,1)
- [xwb] PJRP: William Boyd () -- + Facebook (07-06)
- [ybj] PJRP: Bill Jenniches (10,5,1)
- [yds] PJRP: Deb Sprague (10,5,1)
- [ygo] PJRP: Gavin O'Hara (10,5,1)
- [yh] Yahoo Entertainment [US] (10,5,1) [ref link]
- [yhe] PJRP: Howard Enis (10)
- [yjb] PJRP: Jill Blardinelli (10)
- [yjc] PJRP: Jason Cherkis (10,5,1) -- +HM
- [yjed] PJRP: John [E] Dugan (13)
- [yjss] PJRP: Jannon Sonja Stein (10)
- [yjv] PJRP: Jeff Vaca (10,5,1)
- [yjw] PJRP: Jaishree Webster (10,5,1)
- [ykm] PJRP: Kevin Morgan (10,5,1)
- [ymo] PJRP: Mark Oates (10,5,1)
- [ypg] EW: Peter Gorman (10,5,1)
- [yrf] PJRP: Reuben Frank (10,5,1)
- [yse] PJRP: Steven Erickson (10)
- [ysm] PJRP: Steve Maple ()
- [ysp] Steve Pick () -- FB: best new records {1-7}