Terminal Zone: Database Schema
Table: album:
One per logical album, with reissues grouped under album.
- id unsigned int primary key auto_increment
Unique index, used for table joins.
- artist text not null
Artist name, as appears on album.
- title text not null
Album title, subtitle, etc.
- sortk unsigned int not null
Sort key for sequencing albums within a list.
- rec_data text null
Coded record date information.
- rel_data text not null
Coded release date/label information.
- tracks text null
Coded list of tracks on album.
- credits text null
Coded list of credits.
- entry text null
Coded review info about album.
- ent_date datetime
Creation date/time.
- mod_date datetime
Modification date/time.
Note: RC also included artist_id, sort, reissue (a type flag field),
rel_date, label_id, grade.
Table: artist:
One per artist (individual, group) as used to index.
- id unsigned int primary key auto_increment
Unique index, used for table joins.
- name varchar(120) not null
Print name.
- sort varchar(120) not null
Sort order name.
- entry text null
Summary information about artist.
- mod_date datetime
Modification date/time.