EOY List Aggregate: 2014 New Records

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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Run the Jewels [El-P/Killer Mike]: Run the Jewels 2 (Mass Appeal) {382}: ABC:38, AbP:25*, ADM:3, AJC:3, Aq:5, AR:1, Au:10, AV:2, BB:2+, BC, BF:8, BG, BGM:40, Bl:6, Blz:9, BOC:12, BS:1*, Bz:15, CD:13, Cl:5, CM:42, CMJ:1, Com:1, Crk:11, Crv:8, CS:2, CT:6, CW:2, Dag:31, DC:14, DIY:9, DS:101, DV:50, DW:24, Eb:3, Em:2, EW:2, Ex, FL:8, FM:7, FOF:14, Fu:30, Fw:3, FWb:8, G:7, GfS:Gr:16, GTV:25, Gig:5, 10, HE:9, HF:5, HHR:3, HHW:2, Hi:24, Hu:10, HV:11, ILS:17, IMS:20, IT:7, JDR:20, JG:6, Kal:5, KM:5, La:5, LAM:2, LB:2, LBF, LCB:1, LCC:3, LCD:2, LCE:8, LF:34, LH:5, LM:1, LP:7, LQ:10, LW:185, MO:25, Ms:23, MTI:8, Mu:10, Mow:13, MYL:26, N:14, NA:39, ND:9, Ni:1, Noj:3, Now:3+, NR:17, Nu:19, Ny:25, Od:15, Ok:12, OP:3, OS:9, PBC:14, Pf:1, Pl:15, PM:1+, PMA:5, Pot:1, PP:2, Pu:3, PW:1, QRO:23, Rec:24, Rd:5, RG:1, Rh:6+, Rkl:10, RS:8, RS_r:1, Rum:5, Rvb:3, S:3, Sa:15, Sc:11, Sec:17, SFJ, Sg:1+, S_h:1, Sk:12, Sl:17, So:13, SOT:1, Sp:48, Spx:12, Sun:37, Sup:1, TA:3, Thp:26, TM:10, TN:7, Trb:1, Trx:22, TS:12, Ujm:63, UR:12, Ux:1, Va:1, Vb:2, Vi:41, VO:3, VP:77, Vu:2, W:8, W_s:15*, Wat:8, WHP:5, WL:2, WS:3, WSF:5, Wu:1, XXL, YW:35, Zf:15, ab_r:1, ac:8+, aes, am+, atg:3, ax_r, az:2, bgjb:5, cah, cmg+, cp, dbms:2, dbz, dg, dim, dls:12, dmt:4, dor:1, dp:1, dt, eal:7, eco:5, ejc:11+, ejd:3, fb, fl:7, fp, ftw:1, gm:9, gmd, hdx, hp, hsr:9, hy:6, hz, i, ii:4, imm:2, kjb:6, kt:1, larr:7, les, lib, lm, ls:2, mid:4, mjs:4+, mtm:2, np, npr, nw, nync:10, nyo, om, or, owl, pb:2, pi:4, po:5, rad, rap, sa:3, scw:10, sjm:2, sw, ts, ul, ut_j:2, vbm:4, vch:5, vcw:3, vda:7, vdc:8, vdm:8, vew:3, vja:4, vjf:6, vjm:10, vjr:10, vjw:1, vki:8, vmd:4, vnf:5, vs:3, vtc:3, vty:2 -- A:6-87-23, Ac:4, Mc:89, V:2-1734-163, RC:*, TH:**
  2. The War on Drugs: Lost in the Dream (Secretly Canadian) {362}: AbP:5, ADM:1, AJC:10, AS:2, ATH:5, Au:14, AUK:2, AV:4, Az:1, BB:9, BBC:1, BF:2, BGM:2, Bl:3, Blz:2, BOC:9, Bz:23, CD:14, CR:35, Crk:66, CS:1, Dag:1, DC:15, Dg:1, DIY:11, DJ:6, Dr:2, DS:9, DV:6, Eb:18, Em:38, Ex:8, FL:3, FM:2, FN:2, Fp:2, FWb:5, G:2, GfD:7, GfS:3, Gig:3, Gl, Gr:1, GTV:33, GvB:30, GW:27, HE:2, HF:36, Hi:33, Hu:1, Huh:11, ILS:12, In:22, Ip:3, Ir:33, IT:12, Jn:14, JS:4, Kal:1, KM:1, La:40, LAM:13, LB:13, LBF:1, LCA:2, LCB:8, LCC:2, LCE:25, LP:20, LQ:12, LW:24, M:2, Mg:4, MO:2, Ms:1, MTI:10, Mu:4, MW:4, Mx:42, Mz:2, N:3, NA:1, Noj:2, Now:5, NR:5, O:1, On:1, OS:1, OWN:24, P:1, PBC:27, Pf:3, Pi:4, Pl:80, Plt:1, PM:7, PMA:2, Pu:7, Q:1, QRO:11, Rd:8, Re:1, Rec:12, Rel:2, Rh:10+, Rkl:14, RS:23, RSF+, RSG:35, RSS:3, RT:2, Ru:12, Rum:1, Rvb:4, S:1, Sa:12, Sc:3, Sec:8, Sg:2, Sk:3, Sl:4, SM:1, So:1, SOT:10, Sp:5, SS:23, ST:20, Sun:15, Sup:2, SXP:2, T:9, TA:4, TL:20, TM:4, TO:6, Tr:3, Trb:3, TS:2, U:1, Ujm:126, UO:3, UR:1, Va:3, Vi:40, VP:75, Vr:1, Wat:5, WHP:1, WS:14, WSF:4, Wu:7, Zf:5, aes, am+, bpb:2, btn:7, cd:14, cjp:3, cl, cp, dbms:4, dfm:4, dm:1, dpm:3, dt, eco:2, fig, fl:10, fp, frp, ftw:3, gba:1, gp:1, hsr, hz, ii:1, kcrw:2, kf:2, les, ls:4, lvw, mid:10, mjs:9, mms, mt:3, mtm, np, npdd:10, npr, nt, om, pfk:8, phw:2, pi:1, pn:5, ppg:3, rad, rel:1, riu:1, sr:5, ss:2, vas:9, vbm:8, vcb:6, vcw:2, ves:1, vg:3, vja:6, vrt:1, vsb:3, wcp, wmh, ws -- A:5-87-24, Ac:1, Mc:86, V:3-1244-104, TH:***
  3. FKA Twigs: LP1 (Young Turks) {341}: AbP:19, ADM:9, Amb:32, Au:19, AUK:17, AV:6, Az:49, BB, BC, BDC:33, BF:7, BG:1, BGM:16, Bk:16, Blz:1, Bz:29, Cl:1, CMJ:2, Com:10, Cos:18, Crk:7, CS:7, CT:7, Dag:5, DC:1, Dg:5, DIY:10, DJ:22, Dr:37, DS:15+, DSp:24, Du:1, DV:29, Eb:2, Em:3, EW:9, Ex, Fa:16, FL:7, FOF:1, Fp:25, G:3, GfD:10, GfS:13, Gl, Gig:29, HE:50, HF:1, Hu:29, Huh:20, ILS:33, IMS:8, In:6, Ip:6, Ir:4, IT:11, Jn:4, JS:19, Kal:14, KQ:1, La:4, LAM:10, LBF, LCB:14, Lft:12, LP:24, LQ:15, LW:12, M:9, Mg, Mix:12, MO:5, Ms:4, Mu:2, Mx:12, N:21, NA:13, ND:8, Ni:4, Noj:39, NR:4, Nu:16, O:14, On:6, OS:21, P:35, PBC:21, Pf:2, Ph:4, Pi:47, Pl:1, Plt:5, PM:8+, PMA:6, Pot:4, PP:1, Pu:8, PW:6, Q:8, Qi:11, RA:15, Rec:2, Rd:9, Re:57, Rh:4++, RS:16+, RSG:20, RT:37, Ru:11, Rum:3, Rvb:28*, S:21, Sa:11, Sc:27, Sec:31, SFJ, Sg:9, Shr:4, Sk:7, Sl:7, SM:8, So:3, SOT, Spx:5, SS:7, ST:3, Sun:6, T:17, Thp:5, TM:2, TMT:33, TN:8, TO:7, Tr:6, Trb:11, Trx:18, TS:8, U:4, Ujm:140, UO:1, UR:13, Va:2, Vb:20, VO:2, Vr:5, Vu:15, W, WS:8+, Wu:8, Zf:6, ac, adh, age, am++, ap:3, aqd, az:5, bgsm:1, bl:64, cmg+, dbz, dc, dbms:1, df, dim, dmz:1, dn:3, dp:9, eco:4, ecs:3, emm, en, fb, ftw, gp:3, hp, hpr:1, hy:1, hz, ii:3, jgh, kf:1, kt:3, larr:4, les, lib, ls:8, mid:6, mjs:8, mtm:9, npbb:9, npr, nt, nw, nybr:1, nyjp:4, om, owl, pcb:9, rap, rel:7, riu:2, sa:9, smh, t:1, vab:4, vbs:3, vdm:4, vg:2, vja:10, vjc:6, vjg:2, vjm:7, vjw:6, vkd:8, vki:3, vmb:8, vru:7, vtc:9, vwh:4, wa -- A:8-86-26, Ac:2, Mc:86, V:5-819-86, TH:B
  4. St Vincent: St Vincent (Loma Vista/Republic) {329}: Abt:6, ADM:2, AJC:11, Aq:4, AS:21, ATH:11, Au:3, AUK:18, AV:3, Az:11, BBC:2, BDC:9, BF:10, BG:15, BGM:4, Bl:78, Blz:31, BOC:3, Bz:4, Cl:6, CMJ:6, Com:22, Cos:20, Crk:71, CS:8, CW:17, Dag:3, DIY:1, DJ:1, Dr:47, DS:76, DSp:17, DW:49, EW:1, Ex:2, FF:12, FL:2, FN:38, FOF:10, Fp:6, Fw:5, FWb:17, G:1, GfD:6, Gig:1, Gl:+, GW:7, HE:10, HF:32, Hu:32, IMS:1, Ir:41, IT:36, Jn:3, JS:2, Kal:12, KQ:23, La:23, LAM:1, LB:11, LBF, LCA:21, LCB, LP:18, LW:62, M:5, Mg:10, MO:1, Ms:26, MT:14, Mu:6, Mx:59, MYL, Mz:28, N:1, NA:7, ND:30, Ni:11, Now:6, NR:1, Nu:3, O:15, Od:25, On:4, OS:18, OWH:6, P:2, PBC:4, Pf:16, Pi:33, Pl:77, Plt:15, PM:4, PMA:3, Pot:7, PP:4, PW:21, Q:6, Qi:65, QRO:2, Rec:6, Rd:11, Re:66, Rel:35, Rh:3+, RS:4, RSG:23, RSS:4, RT:61, Ru:17, Rum:2, Rvb:1, S:26, Sa:7, Sc:38, Sec:23, SFJ, Sg:49, Sk:4, Sl:1, SM:32, Sn:2, Soi:14, SOT:4, Sp:18, Spc:5, Spx:4, ST:1, Sun:12, Sup:11, SXP:13, T:16, TA:8, TM:6, TN:9, Tr:8, Trb:2, TS:4, U:9, UO:20, UR:2, Va:33, Vu:3, W, Wat:38, WHP:12, WS:34, WSF:15, Wu:4, Zf:72, ac:2+, ac, age, akm, am+, aqd, az:1, bpb:1, btn:6, cd:1, cjp:7, dbms:5, dg, dim, dp:3, dt, eal:5, eco:3, ecs:1, ejc:39, emm, fb, fig, fp, gmd, gp:6, ii:2, imm:7, kt:14, kutx, larr:8, les, ls:3, lvw, mex:1, mid:7, mjs:1, mt:1, mtm:6, njf, np, npbb:6, npr, nprh:2, npst:5, nt, nyjp:7, or, owl, pi:8, ppg:6, rmw:9, scm:1, smh, t:2, tos:1, ul, vas:1, vdm:2, vdw:6, vjf:10, vjv:4, vki:7, vks:7, vln:7, vrt:6, vsd:7, vse:5, vtc:8, wa -- A:4-87-25, Ac:3, Mc:89, V:4-1224-112, RC:**, TH:***
  5. Caribou: Our Love (Merge) {233}: ADM:10, Au:33, AUK:7, BBC:6, BF:24, BGM:77, Blp:2, Blz:5, Bz:16, Cl:15, CMJ:22, Com:9, Crk:48, Crv:7, CS:5, Dag:38, DIY:18, DJ:2, DJM:10, Dr:7, DS:65, DSp:28, Du:18, DV:44, Eb:10, Em:5, Ex, FL:22, FN:46, FOF:13, Fp:10, G:5, GfS:4, Gl:+, GTV:11, Gig:2, HF:26, Hu:3, Huh:4, ILS:19, In:3, Ir:8, IT:16, Jn:1, JS:17, Kal:19, La:32, LBF, LCB, LP:2, LQ:2, M:12, Mix:2, MO:3, Ms:17, Mu:3, MW:22, Mx:1, N:5, NA:16, Ni:2, Noj:1, NR:9, OS:3, P:26, PBC:15, Pf:10, Ph:17, Pi:28, Pl:60, PM:18, PMA:37, Pot:13, PP:3, PW:4, Q:22, Rd:10, Re:31, Rec:35, Rel:42, Rh:22+, RS:39, RS_e:3, RSS:10, RT:12, Ru:15, Rvb, S:5, Sa:39, Sc:41, Sec:14, Sg:39, Shr:9, Sk:17, SM:27, So:4, Sp:9, Spx:11, SS:1, ST:7, Sun:48, Sup:7, T:27, Thp:22, TM:3, TO:9, TN:6, Tr:26, Trb:14, TS, U:12, Ujm:59, UO:2, UR:6, Va:17, VO:1, Vr:11, Wat:14, WS:4, WSF:41, Wu:10, XLR:27, Zf:3, aqd, bpb:7, cbc:11, dbms:6, fb, fl:4, frp, hy:10, hz, ii:5, kf:7, les, lib, ls:9, m_o:1, mjf, mtm, owl, rel, rmw:7, sa:5, scm:4, sr:6, ssh:3, tos:2, vcm:2, vg:8, vjw:4, vru:1, wa -- A:73-80-21, Ac:6, Mc:84, V:21-466-43, TH:**
  6. Flying Lotus: You're Dead (Warp) {227}: ABC:13, ADM:19, Aq:6, AUK:9, AV:9, BF:25, BG, BGM:9, Bl:18, Bz:9, Cl:2, Crk:62, Crv:18, CS:31, CW:14, DAD:6, Dag:24, Dg:2, DJ:34, Dr:6, DS:56, Eb:17, Em:1, EW:6, Ex, FL:11, FN:47, FOF:2, Fp:26, FWb:13, G:9, GfS:6, Gr:22, GTV:27, GvB:12, HF:8, HHW:16, Hi:35, Huh:9, In:25, Ir:12, IT:39, JG:33, Kal:16, KM:21, La:7, LAM:3, LCA:22, LCB:19, LCD, LP:3, LW:38, M:36, Mg, Mix:11, MO:20, MW:9, Mx:5, ND:13, Ni:24, No:34, Now:10, NR:37, Nu:8, O:13, Ok:2, OS:30, P:22, PBC:37, Pf:17, Ph:31, Pi:89, Pl:5, PM:3, PMA:12, Pot:3, PP:18, Pu:29, PW:18, Qi, Rec:14, Rd:12, Re:58, RG:15, Rh:2++, Rkl:11, Rla:14, RS:11, RS_e:1, RSS:9, RT:92, Rum:14, Rvb:8, Sec:15, Sg:35, Sc:67, Sk:14, Sl:22, So:9, Sp:1, Spx:13, SS:22, ST:4, Sup:16, Thp:21, Trb:6, Trx:1, TS, Ujm:130, UO:15, UR:14, Va:4, Vb:27, W:50, W_s:12*, Wat:47, WS:21, Wu:5, Zf:79, am+, aqd, bgsm:2, bn, cmg+, dm:9, dor:5, dp:7, ejf:7, fb:87+, fj, fp, hy, imm:9, jmt, jrm:9, lvw, mjs+, ntu:1, nync:7, pi:9, rel:9, riu:5, ss:12, vab:2, vcb:9, vcc:7, vcm:8, vda:1, vew:7, vmu:4, vnf:9, vru:2, vsa:2, vtk:4, vty:4, vwh:5, wa -- A:12-84-24, Ac:9, Mc:88, V:13-584-60, RC:**, TH:**
  7. Aphex Twin: Syro (Warp) {224}: Amb:35, AR:3, AUK:10, BB:8+, Blp:1, Blz:32, Bz:28, Cl:8, Crk:50, CS:30, CW:77, DAD:3, Dag:13, DC:6, Dg:9, DIY:72, DJ:9, DJM:2, Dr:3, DS:48, Du:3, DW:12, Eb:11, Ex, FF:27, Fp:22, FWb:1, G:4, GD, GfS:23, HF:3, Huh:16, In:10, Ir:89, Ix:12, JDR:4, JS:1, JG:28, LAM:5, LBF, LM:13, LW:13, M:21, Mg:18, Mix:1, Mon:2, Mu:7, Mx:19, N:4, NA:17, Ni:10, No:18, Noj:24, NR:6, Nu:20, OS:5, PBC:5, Pf:4, Ph:6, Pi:10, Pl:14, PM:9+, PMA:9, PW:30, Q:10, Qi:85, RA:4, Rd:22, Re:51, Rec:34, Rel:26, Rh:18+, Rkl:2, RS:41, RS_e:4, RT:35, Ru:19, Rvb:18, S:23, Sa:8, Sc:73, Sec:24, Sg:33, Shr:12, Sk:18, Sl:11, So:12, Sp:44, ST:19, Sup:39, TH:77, Thp:1, TM:7, TMT:28, TO:23, Trb:5, TS, U:3, Ujm:15, UO:18, UR:17, Va:13, Vu:10, W:1, W_s:3, WP:7, WS:6, WSF:34, Wu:2, XLR:21, Zf:25, akm, am+, bd, bl:23, bn, bpb:3, ch:10, cjp:8, dm:8, dmt:1, dmz:4, eco:9, ei, ejd:10, en, exm, fb, fp, gmd, hy:5, hz, ii:6, jjq:2, kt:10, les, lvw, m_o, np, npr, pb:10, pi, rmw:8, tel, ts:8*, vcb:5, vcm:7, vda:4, vjc:9, vjm:2, vjr:5, vmu:9, vtc:10, vty:7, vwh:1 -- A:3-88-24, Ac:8, Mc:86, V:17-492-49, TH:A-
  8. Swans: To Be Kind (Young God, 2CD) {216}: ADM:4, AJC:18, Amb:1, AUK:47, AV:18, BC:3, BF:1, BG:6, BGM:5, Bk:62, Bl:68, Blz:29, BU:6, Bz:5, Cl:23, CMJ:14, Crk:12, CS:28, CW:32, Dag:7, DJ:26, Dr:13, DS:10, DV:9, Eb:1, Ex:5, Fp:3, FWb, GD, GfD:22, GTV:46, HE:26, HF:23, Hi:8, IMS:9, In:50, Ir:58, Jn:36, JS:7, Kal:9, LBF, LCA:1, LCB:3, LCC:8, LCD:1, LCE:1, LP:19, LW:3, M:42, Ma:22, Mg:20, MH:17, MO:14, Mon:18, Ms:25, Mx:11, Mz:6, N:22, NA:6, ND:1, No:5, NN:3, NR:7, Nu:1, O:4, Ob:26, OS:13, PBC, Pf:6, Pi:31, Pl:11, Plt:8, PM:5+, PMA:8, Qi:3, QRO:13, RAR:5, Rec:26, Rd:2, Re:4, Rh, RSG:11, RT:36, Ru:5, S:17, Sc:5, Sec:6, SF:32, Sg:13, Sk:11, SM:18, Soi:17, SOT:25, Sp:25, Sup:3, Te:2, TMT:30, Tr:25, Trb:7, TS:1, U:18, UR:22, Vi:39, VO:10, VP:100, W:3, W_s:1, WS:28, Wu:3, Zf:8, adc:10, am, aqd, ch:1, cmg+, dim, dtc, fb:64+, fj, gmd, larr:10, lib, mex:3, nw, om, pm, pn:10, sb, vdw:5, vjf:9, vmj:9, vmr:9, vsb:1, vsd:4, vty:6 -- A:2-88-24, Ac:7, Mc:88, V:19-469-50, TH:B
  9. Sun Kil Moon: Benji (Caldo Verde) {212}: ADM:6, AJC:4, AR:10, ATH:22, Au:46, AUK:55, BC, BF:6, BGM:89, Bk:65, Bl:5, Blz:3, Bz:3, Crk:39, CS:11, Dag:11, Dg:3, DJ:4, Dr:69, DS:14, Eb:7, Ex:12, Fa:1, FL:14, FN:3, Fw:15, FWb:4, GfD:4, GfS:26, Gl, Gr:18, GTV:35, Hi:19, Hu:5, ILS:1, IMS:2, In:27, Ix:3, Jn:10, Kal:3, KM:3, KQ:25, La:39, LAM:15, LBF, LCA:5, LCB:6, LCC:1, LP:8, LQ:29, LW:11, M:26, Ma:13, MO:6, Mon:8, Ms:15, Mu:20, Mx:26, Mz:4, N:34, NA:11, ND:3, NN:8, NR:2, Nu:2, NV:5, O:20, On:3, OS:12, P:23, PBC:23, Pf:7, Pi:59, Pl:29, PM:2, PMA:4, Rec:7, Rd:1, Re:2, Rkl:24, Rla:2, RSG:10, RSS:12, RT:10, Ru:1, Rum:15, Rvb:23*, S:6, Sa:1, Sc:98, Sec:40, Sg:3, Sk:15, Sl:19, SM:5, So:11, Soi:19, ST:9, Sup:13, SXP:20, TM:20, TMT:14, TO:16, Trb:19, U:10, Ujm:3, UO:50, UR:41, Wat:39, WHP:19, WS:41, WSF, Wu:13, Zf:77, bn, cjp:1, dt, eg_s:7, en, gba:4, gmd, i, lib, ls:6, mjs:5, mt:5, pb, phw:7, pi:5, sa:6, sb_p, ss:4, sw, tel, vma:8, vmu:8, vsb:4, vty:8, wcp:6 -- A:15-84-19, Ac:5, Mc:85, V:18-474-48, TH:***
  10. Angel Olsen: Burn Your Fire for No Witness (Jagjaguwar) {195}: ADM:49, AJC:9, AS:7, ATH:3, Au:22, AUK:48, AV:1, Az:2, BC, BGM:30, Bl:1, Blz:10, Bz:1, CMJ:13, Com:26, Cos:15, Crk:22, CS:3, CT:20, DA:36, Dag:15, DC:10, DJ:23, Dr:21, DS:81, Eb:4, Ex:16, Fa:24, FL:9, Fw:2, G:15, GfD:28, Gl:+, GvB:18, HE:40, HF:41, Huh:8, ILS:14, Ip:20, Ir:67, JDR:22, Jn:41, Kal:20, KQ:17, LB:15, LBF, LCA:19, LCC:7, LM:2, LQ:31, M:17, MO:42, Mon:27, N:24, NA:43, Ni:9, Ny:12, On:43*, OS:46, P:12, PBC:3, Pf:15, Pi:78, PM:12, PMA:23, PP:26, Pu:16, Rd:27, Re:3, Rh:33+, Rkl:1, RSG:48, RT:6, Rvb, Sa:44, Sc:18, Sec:63, SF:25, SFJ, Sg:5, Sk:5, SM:7, So:21, SOT, Sp:36, Spx:2, Sup:19, T:46, TA:11, TN:3, Trb:8, TS, U:56, Ujm:50, UO:11, UR:5, VO:11, VP:84, Vu:4, Wat:4, WHP:3, WS:38, WSF:9, Wu:14, Zf:31, ac+, adc:4, aes, am, aqd, bs, cd:5, cmg, df, djk:3, eco:6, ecs:6, fb, frp, gmd, gp:15, ii:7, kutx, mex:2, mms, mtm:11, npbb:2, npr, nyjp:2, om, pfk:15, phw:8, pi:3, rel, scw:6, vco:5, vcw:6, vdm:10, vg:9, vjk:3, vkd:9, vln:10, vmd:9, wcp:11 -- A:25-82-13, Ac:14, Mc:84, V:8-683-65, TH:*
  11. Beck: Morning Phase (Capitol/Virgin) {192}: ABC:2, Abt:9, ADM:24, AJC:36, AS:46, AUK:1, AV:14, Az:13, BBC:10, BDC:24, BF:14, BGM:17, Blz:8, BOC:5, Bz:11, DJ:11, Dr:1, DS:93, DV:19, Em:46, EW:8, Ex:15, FL:29, FN:10, Fp:31, G:8, GfD:5, Gl, Gig:21, GW:33, HE:3, HF:49, Hu:35, ILS:3, In:38, Ir:63, IT:15, Jn:12, JS:6, Kal:6, KM:13, LAM:33, LBF, LCA, LCD:7, M:1, MO:7, Mon:19, Ms:6, MTI:24, Mu:15, Mow:49, Mx:23, Mz:14, NA:2, Ndy:22, NR:8, Nu:9, O:8, On:9, OS:37, P:7, PBC:22, Ph:76, Pi:54, PM:31, PMA:30, Q:5, Rd:15, Re:5, Rel:1, Rh:11+, RSF, RSG:18, RSS:17, RT:44, Rum:4, Rvb:10*, Sa:4, Sec:37, SFJ, Soi:2, Spc:8, ST:5, Sun:3, Sup:26, T:12, TG:66, TM:15, TN:2, TO:25, Tr:19, Trb:15, TS, U:22, UR:42, Va:16, W, WSF:8, Wu:18, ac:1, aes, bn, bpb:4, dc, dfm:5, eal:1, fig, fl:2, frd, hp, larr:1, lvw, kcrw:9, mms, mt:2, mtm:5, njf:4, np, npbb:7, npdd:2, owl, ppg:2, rjc:2, toad, ts, vbw:2, ves:4, vjf:2, vrt:8, vwh:3, xmh, xfm:28 -- A:111-78-25, Ac:13, BB:60, Mc:81, V:16-509-51, TH:B-
  12. Spoon: They Want My Soul (Anti-) {192}: ABC:37, AbP:7, AJC:5, AS:31, ATH:9, AUK:91, AV:13, Az:6, BC+, BDC:12, BF:21, BGM:42, BS:9, Bz:46, CM:60, Crv:19, CS:9, CT:16, DJ:3, Dr:90, DS:41, DV:4, DW:42, Eb:19, Em:49, Ex:18, FN:9, Gl:+, GTV:21, HE:5, JDR:10, JG:87, Jn:31, KM:2, La:15, LBF, LCA, LCB, LCC:5, LCD:11, LCE:24, Mg:6, MM:10, MT:22, MTI:1, Mx:33, Mz:7, NA:25, Ndy:11, NR:31, O:3, Od:19, On:20, OS:17, OWH:5, P:12, Pf:13, PM:10+, PMA:13, Q:47, QRO:3, Rd:43, Rec:40, Rel:31, Rh:20+, RS:29, RSG:5, RSS:1, Rum:16, Rvb:6, S:12, Sg:46, Sl:2, SM:6, SOT:8, Sp:26, Spc:3, Sup:4, TA:12, TH:34, TN:10, Tr:10, Trb:4, TS, U:30, UO:8, UR:7, VP:89, Vr:4, Vu:19, WS:98, WSF:6, Wu:9, Zf:19, am+, az:4, bgsr:6, btn:1, df, eal:3, ehs:3, ejc:34, ejf, ejr:4, els:3, en, erm:7, esp:9, fb:53+, frp, gba:3, gmd, imm:3, kcrw:4, kutx, ls:5, lvw, md:4, mtm:25, np, npdd:7, npkt:6, npr, or:5, pb:3, phw:4, pi, ppg:8, rad, tos, vcb:1, vjv:5, vmg:7, vty:3, wcp:13, wmh, ws -- A:92-79-24, Ac:16, Mc:81, V:9-670-71, RC:B+, TH:A-
  13. Sharon Van Etten: Are We There (Jagjaguwar) {188}: ABC:9, ADM:8, AJC:28, AS:50, ATH:4, Au:20, AUK:37, AV:5, Az:23, BBC:5, BF:9, BGM:7, Bl:10, Blz:7, Bz:8, Cl:17, CMJ:5, Crk:17, CS:17, Dag:30, DJ:14, Dr:9, DS:2, Eb:31, FL:40, FN:24, FOF:6, Fp:28, G:39, GfS:21, Gl:+, GvB:16, Gig:31, HE:7, Hi:12, ILS:11, IMS:6, Ip:2, JDR:39, LAM:18, LB:1, LBF, LCA:11, LCB:5, LCC:4, LP:38, M:11, MM:12, MO:4, Mon:20, Ms:14, Mx:70, N:31, NA:8, Now:2, NR:14, Ny:24, OS:19, P:8, PBC:42, Pf:19, Pi:52, PM:22, PMA:11, Q:7, Rec:5, Rd:29, Re:78, RS:20, RSh:6, RT:40, Rvb, Sec:85, SFJ, Sg:7, Sk:40, So:10, SOT, Sp:3, Spc:25, ST:8, Sun:11, Sup:9, TA:2, Trb:31, U:5, Ujm:106, UO:6, UR:8, Va:15, Vu:18, WHP:14, WS:26, WSF:25, Wu:23, Zf:27, ac, akm, am, aqd, az:6, bn, cd:6, cmg+, cjp:2, dbms, dfm:8, dt, dtc, eco:8, fig, fp, gmd, gp, hp, ii:8, mj, mtm:19, np, pb, pi, pn:2, ppg:4, vcb:8, vja:8, vjf:7, vjg:6, vln:2, vma:5, vmd:2, wcp -- A:9-86-21, Ac:10, Mc:86, V:15-512-53, TH:B-
  14. Mac DeMarco: Salad Days (Captured Tracks) {168}: ADM:43, AR:5, Aq:30, AS:19, ATH:12, AUK:58, AV:16, Az:24, BDC:22, BGM:3, Bz:2, CMJ:16, Crk:59, DC:13, DIY:76, Dr:17, DS:78, Eb:25, Em:37, EW:5, Ex:1, FL:5, FN:6, Fw:14, G:11, Gig:43, HE:31, Hu:12, Huh:5, In:42, Ip:14, Ir:3, Ix:1, La:16, LAM:24, LBF, LCB, LP:15, LQ:4, M:39, Ma:5, MO:33, Ms:18, Mu:11, Mow:5, Mx:15, Mz:17, N:2, Noj:23, NR:36, OS:11, OWH:19, P:18, PBC:17, Pf:12, Pi:9, Plt:19, PM, PMA:14, PP:30, Pu:17, PW:26, Q:17, Rd:33, Rel:18, RS:9, RSG:41, RSS:8, RT:21, Rvb:28*, S:42, Sec:4, SFJ, Sl:5, So:18, ST:18, TM:11, TN:11, Trb:12, TS, UO:23, UR:11, Ux, VO:12, Wat:5, WHP:10, WS:53, WSF:10, Wu:17, Zf:69, am+, cbc:17, cd:15, dg, dmt:2, dp:6, en, ftw:6, gmd, gp:8, imm:6, lm, mm:6, mms, mt:7, mtm, om, or:7, riu:8, sr:2, tos, ul, vmd:10, vmu:2, vs:5, wa -- A:29-82-18, Ac:15, Mc:82, V:54-186-24, TH:B
  15. Taylor Swift: 1989 (Big Machine) {167}: AbP:14, Abt:1, AS:4, Au:15, AUK:46, AV:15, BB:1, BGM:70, Blz:40, Bz:31, CE:34, Com:8, Cos:1, Dag:27, Dg:15, DS:3, DSp:2, FL:18, Fu:36, G:12, HV:30, ILS:10, JG:16, KQ:20, LBF, LF:2, LW:20, MO:32, Mu:5, MYL:34, NR:16, Ny:21, Od:16, OWH:10, PBC:50, PD_p:2, Pf:31, PM:15, PMA:17, RC:36, Rk, RS:10, RS_p:2, RSG:28, RSh:2, Rum:24, Rvb:10*, S:34, S_p:4, Sa:27, Sg:22, ST:10, Sun:7, T:5, TM:5, TO:15, Tr:39, UR:102, Va:11, VO:9, Wu:27, aes, age, bl:14, bn, dc, dbms:7, df, dg, dim, dn:5, dp:4, dr:4, ejc:48, ejl:7, ejr:10, ejs:10, ejw, emm, erm:2, ftw:8, hp, ii:10, jgh, kt:15, les, lvw, mid:1, mjf+, mtm:24, npkt:3, npr, nt, nyjc:7, or, pc:1, pcb:1, pi:10, ref, rel:6, sb_p, scm:10, scw:11, sjm:8, smh, slt:5, t:4, vbs:1, vcl:4, vdc:2, vg:10, vgh:7, vjg:1, vji:6, vjr:3, vjv:10, vkd:2, vkh:3, vmb:5, vmd:6, vmg:8, vmh:3, vmr:1, vsk:9, vti:3 -- A:160-76-17, Ac:22, BB:3, Mc:76, OC:11, V:7-745-71, RC:A-
  16. Todd Terje: It's Album Time (Olsen) {159}: ADM:20, Af:2, AR:4, Au:48, AUK:29, Az:17, BBC:14, BC:19, CMJ:12, Crk:8, CS:19, Dag:6, DC:19, Dg, DJ:18, DJM:17, DS:22, DSp:12, Du:19, DV:32, Eb:27, Em:50, ER:3, Ex, FOF:18, Fw:13, Gig:13, HV:25, In:32, Ir:16, Ix:2, JG:39, La:37, LBF, LF:12, LQ:16, Mix:3, MO:11, Mow:47, MYL:37, N:17, NA:36, Ni:13, NR:29, On:7, OS:10, PBC:2, Pf:8, Ph:19, Pi:35, PM:34+, PMA:15, Pot:10, PW:17, RA:12, Rec:11, Re:10, RS_e:5, RT:3, Ru:8, Rum:8, Rvb:7, S:16, Sa:42, Sc:40, Sec:7, Sg:30, Shr:13, Sp:24, Sup:20, TH:72, Thp:16, TN:1, TO:3, Tr:37, Trb:9, Trx:20, TS, Ujm:75, UO:26, UR:43, Vu:7, Wat:10, WP:19, WS:13, WSF, Wu:12, XLR:7, age, aqd, cl, cmg, en, gmd, hz, kcrw:8, les, lvw, mex:10, oe, smh, vab:10, vbw:9, vcm:6, vew:2, vmb:1, vsb:2, vti:8, wa -- A:26-82-19, Ac:18, Mc:79, V:32-316-29, TH:A-
  17. Future Islands: Singles (4AD) {156}: ADM:15, ATH:31, Au:9, AUK:11, Az:16, BBC:11, BC:6, BGM:55, Blz:11, BOC:14, Crk:30, CS:32, DIY:3, Dr:18, DS:21, Eb:12, Ex:9, FOF:29, Fp:49, FWb:12, G:14, GfD:8, Gl:+, GTV:22, Gig:12, HE:41, Hu:26, Huh:18, ILS:9, In:15, IT:29, Jn:15, LAM:21, LBF, LCC, LH:10, LP:12, M:22, Ma:10, Mg:8, MO:8, Ms:2, Mx:24, Mz:5, N:11, N:20, Ni:3, NR:32, O:22, On:11, OS:15, OWH:15, P:25, PBC:6, Pf:22, Pl:21, PM:24+, PMA:21, Q:9, Qi:43, Rd:40, Rec:10, Rel:27, Rkl:13, Rla:13, RT:33, Rum:9, Rvb:5, S:7, Sa:5, Sec:72, Sg:32, Sk:35, SOT:23, Sun:20, Sup:21, T:10, TN:4, TO:21, Tr:1, Trb:10, U:39, Va:7, VP:61, WHP:22, WS:52, WSF:1, Wu:15, aes, am+, bn, bpb:9, cmg, dbms, dp:2, dtc, fl:6, frp, gmd, hsr:1, hz, les, map:3, mms, mtm:7, phw:9, ppg:5, vs:1 -- A:36-81-21, Ac:12, Mc:82, V:30-329-34, TH:*
  18. Perfume Genius: Too Bright (Matador) {149}: ADM:13, Amb:8, AS:16, AUK:20, AV:17, BF:3, BGM:56, Blz:6, CMJ:21, Com:20, Cos:19, CS:22, DC:8, DIY:63, DJ:36, Dr:85, DS:37, Eb:6, EW:3, FL:19, FOF:15, Fw:1, Gig:42, HF:46, Huh:1, ILS:37, Ir:15, IT:17, Jn:7, LB:8, LBF, LCA:7, LCD:13, LW:28, Mg:23, MO:10, Ms:28, MW:15, Mx:82, Mz:18, N:26, ND:38, Now:8, NR:24, O:21, On:15*, OS:26, P:20, PBC:24, Pf:11, Pl:67, PMA:7, Pu:26, Rec:16, Rd:13, Re:9, RS:42, Rum:23, Sa:17, Sc:30, SFJ, Sg:23, ST:11, Sup:27, TMT:25, TO:17, Tr:29, Trb:16, U:67, Ujm:143, UO:5, UR:26, Va:8, VO:17, VP:71, Vu:5, WHP:13, WS:1, Wu:32, adc:9, am+, bgjr:3, btn:3, dim, dm:2, dn:4, dtc:5, fb, frp, ftw, imm:8, kf:10, larr:5, lvw, mtm:23, np, npr, oe, pcb:4, sa:7, scw:8, t:5, tos:3, ul, vdm:9, vg:1, vjf:5, vmd:5, vmu:3, vwh:9 -- A:11-85-23, Ac:17, Mc:87, V:28-348-36, TH:B
  19. D'Angelo and the Vanguard: Black Messiah (RCA) {148}: AJC:1, Aq:14, Au:18, BC:4, BDC:21, Bl:69, CM:13, Com:5, CW:27, Em:17, Fw:12, Gr:7, HF:11, ILS:20, IT:2, JG:15, KQ:12, LF:6, MM:3, MW:7, MYL:11, ND:11, Now:4, Ny:23, Od:9, Ok:1, OS:6, OWH:14, PBC:9, Ph:8, Pl:17, Pot:11, PP:18, Qi, RC:17, Rel:33, Rh, Rkl:6, RSh:8, Rvb:15, Sc:17, Sec:33, SFJ, TH:50, TS:11, WHP:6, WP:1, WSF:7, Wu:6, YW:27, az:3, cn:5, dbms, dbz+, dor:10, dp:8, eal:2, eco:1, edw:9, ehs:6, ei, ejc:42, ejd:1, ejf, ejr:8, els:6, ema:7, erm:3, fp, fw, jrm, kt:4, lib, lm, ls:1, mjf, mjs, mla:5, njf, ntu:2, po:3, rel:2, sa:2, scm:2, se, sob, ss, st, ul, va, vab:3, vbm:5, vcb:2, vch:2, vcm:3, vco:6, vdc:10, vdm:1, vdw:9, veh:10, vja:1, vjf:3, vjg:7, vjm:5, vjr:8, vkh:7, vki:5, vmc:5, vmr:2, vmu:6, vru:3, vsa:1, vse:10, vsk:4, vtc:1, vti:4, vtk:1, vty:1, ws -- A:1-93-20, Ac:98, Mc:95, V:1-2008-163, RC:A-, TH:A-
  20. Sturgill Simpson: Metamodern Sounds in Country Music (High Top Mountain) {147}: AJC:2, AS:1, BC:28++, BDC:38, Bl:2, BS:1*, CD:4, CT:18, CW:84, Dag:20, Dg:6, Dr:95, DV:11, Eb:81, Ex, FM:1, Gl, Gr:4, GW:20, HE:4, HF:7, ILS:8, KM:12, KQ:7, LB:19, LF:35, M:15, MTI:36, ND, NS:1, Od:22, OWH:1, P:15, PBC, PM:19+, Rel:13, Rh:5+, Rk:4, RS:18, RS_c:2, RT:39, Rvb:9, Sg:44, So:7, TL:1, TS, U:33, Wat:1, WP:4, WS:19+, ac+, al:2, am+, aqd, ax_a:1, bs, cd:11, cmg, co:3, cp, cw:5, df, dg, dp:10, ecs:4, eg_k:7, ehs:2, ejf, ejw:7, els:2, fb, frd, ftw:2, gba:2, hpc:1, jrm, kutx, mjs, mt:6, npdd:6, npr, nprh:10, nyjc:4, nync:8, pi, rap, rdc_s:10, se, svc, vas:3, vbm:3, vcb:10, vg:5, vjf:8, vjt:9, vln:1, vmg:4, vrh:5, vse:6, vv, vwh:10, vsa:4, wcp:18, ws -- A:46-81-7, Ac:42, Mc:81, V:6-78-815, TH:***
  21. Lana Del Rey: Ultraviolence (Interscope) {145}: ADM:41, Az:4, BDC:31, BG, Blz:48, BOC:2, Bz:36, Cl:39, Com:3, Cos:7, Crk:10, CS:13, Dag:39, DC:3, BIY:64, DS:70, DSp:14, DW:40, EW:4, FL:30, Fu:21, GfD:14, Gr:36, GvB:10, Gig:15, Hu:23, ILS:39, In:23, Ir:18, Jn:2, La:44, LCC:12, LF:1, LP:4, LQ:36, LW:130, M:40, Mg:21, MTI:27, Mx:16, N:25, NR:35, On:2, PBC:13, PM:73, PMA:10, Pot:40, PP:14, Q:19, Re:62, Rh:9+, RS:7, RS_p:3, RSG:46, RSh:11, Rum:22, S:41, S_p:5, Sa:19, Sec:2, Sg:12, Sl:3, Spc:11, ST:22, Sun:22, T:28, TL:28, Va:5, Vu:6, WSF:22, Wu:34, Zf:76, am+, dbms, bgjr:1, bn, btn:9, cd:10, dc, df, dr:13, gp:4, hsr, id:5, ii:9, larr:3, mid:9, mjf, npkt:4, pan:5, pc:10, rad, riu:3, sjm:10, t:6, vbs:5, vbw:1, ves:8, vg:6, vji:9, vjt:3, vjv:1, vkd:6, vki:10, vmh:4, vmr:7, vmu:1, vrt:4, vsb:10, vse:8, wa -- A:396-71-20, Ac:19, BB:43, Mc:74, V:22-421-45, TH:***
  22. Damon Albarn: Everyday Robots (Parlophone) {141}: ADM:17, AUK:3, Az:43, BGM:50, Blz:15, Dag:18, DIY:52, DJ:15, Dr:64, DS:55, FN:43, Fp:20, G:28, GfD:1, Gl, IMS:4, In:14, Ip:9, Ir:2, IT:5, JDR:14, Jn:39, Kal:15, KM:11, La:1, LBF, LCB, Lft:2, LP:11, LQ:33, LW:110, M:8, Ma:18, MO:16, Ms:3, MTI:31, Mx:14, Mz:1, N:13, NA:3, O:11, On:10, PBC:34, Q:3, QRO:1, Rec:23, Rd:3, Rla:3, RS:32, RSF:7++, RSG:13, RSS:2, RT:52, Ru:2, Sa:3, Sec:1, SM:12, So:8, Soi:18, Spc:19, Spx:7, ST:2, Sun:1, Sup:5, T:24, TO:2, Tr:14, Trb:49, TS, U:8, Ujm:65, UR:79, WSF:18, Wu:38, Zf:10, adc:5, am, az:7, btn:4, fig, fn:5, lib, lm, mt:8, np, npdd:1, sov:3, tel, xfm:14 -- A:200-75-22, Ac:11, Mc:76, V:86-126-13, TH:*
  23. Freddie Gibbs and Madlib: Pinata (Madlib Invazion) {136}: AJC:40, Au:49, AUK:90, BB:10+, BC:18, BGM:1, Bz:39, Cl:7, Com:33, Crk:29, CS:10, CW:73, DW:43, Eb:5, Em:4, Ex, Fa:29, FL:12, G:37, GvB:8, Gig:44, HF:16, HHR:1, HHW:1, La:21, LAM:25, LM:12, LW:34, Mg, Mow:19, MT:23, Mx:57, N:43, ND:5, Now, NR:40, Ok:7, OS:28, PBC:28, Pf:43, Ph:35, Pi:24, Pl:59, PM:20+, PMA:16, Pot:8, PP:37, PW:5, Qi:17+, Re:25, RG:2, Rh:31+, Rkl:3, RS_r:6, RT:25, S:25, Sa:16, Sc:23, Sec:36, Sg, S_h:3, So:17, Sp:11, TMT:19, Trb:30, UR:61, Ux:2, Vb:22, W:27, W_s:25*, Wat:32, WL:3, Wu:11, XXL, ab_r:2, ac, adh, am, atg:6, ax_r, bgjb:9, cah, dc, dbz, dpm:12, dt, fb, hdx, hy:4, i, lm, m_n:10, mjs+, npr, nyo, om, sr:10, sw, tel, ut_j:6, vjw:5 -- A:67-80-14, Ac:20, V:35-299-31, RC:*, TH:***
  24. Parquet Courts: Sunbathing Animal (What's Your Rupture?) {131}: AJC:35, AR:2, ATH:34, Au:50, AUK:19, Bl:29, Bz:10, CM:29, CT:15, DA:1, DIY:36, kDJ:24, Dr:31, DW:2, Eb:50, FL:28, FN:7, FWb:7, Gr:13, GW:48, HE:19, HF:15, Hu:8, Huh:14, HV:33, Ir:22, JDR:9, JG:5, LB:3, LCA:6, LF:20, LM:20, LW:77, Mg:19, MM:7, Ms:19, MT:11, MYL:12, N:35, NN:46, NR:22, Od:8, OS:50, PBC:45, Pf:24, PM:71, PMA:35, PW:33, RC:44, Rec:25, Rd:19, Rh:19+, RS:28, RSF, RSh:1, RSS:13, RT:46, S:2, Sec:94, SFJ, Sg:50, Sl:18, SOT:2, Spx:8, TA:14, TH:15, Trb:50, TS, UO:13, UR:21, VP:31, Vu:20, Wat:44, WS:56, WSF:23, Wu:69, Zf:9, ac, am, aqd, dfm:6, edc:6, ejc:6+, ejd:7, ejf:1, ema:5, emr:5, fb, gm:7, kjb:4, om, phw:5, pi:7, vas:10, vcg:8, ves:7, vrt:2, ws -- Ac:35, Mc:78, V:20-466-47, RC:A-, TH:A-
  25. Ty Segall: Manipulator (Drag City) {128}: AJC:50, Aq:19, AS:12, ATH:15, BF:22, Bl:7, Blz:47, Bz:6, CS:24, Dr:4, Eb:23, EW:7, FK:30, FN:1, Gl:+, Hi:29, IMS:7, Ir:11, Ix:10, JDR:17, KM:14, LAM:28, LCA:3, LCB:13, LCC, LCE:13, LW:16, M:13, Ma:29, Mg:12, Ms:11, Mow:6, NA:12, NN:14, No:16, Noj:12, NR:47, OS:47, P:14, Pf:40, Pi:19, PM:23, PMA:27, Pu:11, Q:39, Rd:20, Re:13, Rec:19, Rel:22, Rkl:23, RSh:14, RSS:5, RT:19, Rvb:2, Sec:13, SF:98, Sg:31, SOT:20, Sun:44, Sup:31, TS, U:13, Ujm:55, UO:40, UR:56, Vi:19, VP:94, Vr:9, Wat:18, WSF:11, Wu;29, Zf:16, ac, aqd, ddm, djk:6, dmz:6, dp:5, fl:8, fp, kcrw:6, kf:9, larr:9, lib, nprh:5, phw:17, po:6, tel, ves:6, vjk:6, wcp:1 -- A:60-80-20, Ac:24, Mc:81, V:27-373-34
  26. Azealia Banks: Broke With Expensive Taste (Prospect Park) {124}: Amb:31, BG, CE:7, CM:12, Com:15, Cos:3, DC:16, DW:4, Em:28, Ex, FL:15, Fu:3, Fw:16, Gig:8, HHW:15, HV:13, IT:45, JG:3, Jn:8, LF:5, LW:41, MO:98, MT:12, Now:7+, NR:41, Od:7, On:33*, Pf:25, PM:11, PMA:38, Pot:32, PW:11, Qi:79, RC:10, Rh:8+, RS_r:10, Rvb, S:38, Sa:46, SFJ, Sg, S_h:6, Thp:50*, TS, UR:111, Va:41, Vb:10, Vu:21, WL:25, WS:32, ab_r:5, ac+, atg:4, bgjr:10, bl:13, dor:9, edc:3, ejc:7+, ejd:5, ejl:4, ejr:6, ejs:8, ejy:6, emm, erc:6, esp:5, fb, gm:2, hp, les, mid:8, mjf, np, ntu:10, nyjp:3, pb:4, pi, sob, t:10, va, vab:8, vbs:9, vcg:7, vcl:10, vew:10, vjm:1, vjs:2, vjv:8, vkd:7, vkh:5, vks:9, vmh:10, vmk:8, vru:4, vsb:6, vti:7, vwh:2, wa -- A:266-74-13, Ac:54, Mc:77, V:14-519-53, RC:A, TH:***
  27. Jack White: Lazaretto (Third Man) {123}: ADM:38, AJC:42, Aq:12, AS:33, AUK:8, Az:31, BBC:8, BDC:43, BF:16, Bl:15, Cl:24, Crv:1, Dag:25, DIY:28, DJ:31, Dr:22, DSp:21, Eb:55, FL:47, FN:40, Fp:32, Fu:17, Gig:6, Gl:+, GW:2, HE:11, Ir:26, Ix:14, JDR:25, LB:9, LW:108, M:4, MO:24, Ms:36, MT:20, MTI:11, Mx:58, Mz:10, N:20, NA:4, Ndy:8, NR:18, O:16, OWH:7, P:40, PBC, Pi:97, PM:59, Q:23, Re:56, Rel:19, Rh:26+, RS:40, RSF:17+, RSG:43, RSS:6, RT:20, Rvb:19*, Sec:12, Soi:20, SOT:16, Sun:32, T:4, TG:13, TL:21, TS, U:29, Ujm:21, UR:65, Va:10, Vi:26, Wu:21, YW:6, Zf:73, am, bn, cd:12, dmm:2, ecs:6, efm:7, eal:9, gba:9, mt:4, mtm:16, njf, np, ppg:9, slt:4, vln:6, wa, wcp, xfm:29 -- A:276-73-22, Ac:33, BB:56, Mc:80, V:44-222-26, TH:B-
  28. Real Estate: Atlas (Domino) {121}: ADM:7, AS:42, ATH:21, Au:24, AUK:31, Az:21, BC, BGM:19, Blz:24, Bz:12, CMJ:24, Com:40, Crk:70, Dag:28, DJ:39, Dr:28, DS:88, DV:7, Ex:17, FN:17, FWb:10, GfD:21, Gl, Gr:32, HE:12, Huh:7, In:47, Ir:38, Ix:13, Jn:19, JS:12, LH:3, LW:171, M:28, MO:50, Mon:12, Ms:10, Mx:86, Mz:20, No:26, NR:33, O:12, OS:8, P:13, PB:47, Pf:14, Pi:6, PM:63, PMA:43, Q:35, Rec:32, Rd:17, Re:49, Rel:4, Rla:18, RT:45, Rvb, S:40, Sg:19, Trb:20, U:14, Ujm:11, UO:9, UR:4, VO:16, VP:50, Wat:11, WSF:17, Wu:20, Zf:64, aes, am, aqd, bpb:5, en, fb:91, fp, gba:10, gp:17, les, ls:7, mms, riu:6, vmu:7, wcp:5 -- A:203-75-20, Ac:26, Mc:78, V:42-233-23, TH:**
  29. Miranda Lambert: Platinum (RCA Nashville) {116}: AJC, AS:32, Az:15, BB, CE:1, CM:5, Cos:4, CW:1, DW:9, Fu:24, HF:31, HV:1, JG:1, MT:3, MYL:3, Ndy:1, NS:2, Od:3, PM, RC:2, Rh:1+, Rk:9, RS:5, RS_c:1, S:19, Spc, TH:26, TL:2, WP:5, WS:8+, YW:53, am+, bgsr:2, bl:2, cw:1, ecp:9, edw:6, ejc:2+, ejd:4, ejl:8, ejr:1, ejs:2, ejw:5, ejy:9, ekm:4, emr:4, eph:2, erc:7, erm:5, esp:19, fb, gm:8, jgh, kjb:2, mc_p:8, mjs, np, npkt:5, npr, nync:6, pb:9, pi:2, scm:6, scw:4, slt:2, vbm:9, vch:8, vcw:5, vgh:10, vji:3, vjm:4, vjr:2, vkh:6, vmg:3, vmh:8, vmr:4, vmt:3, vrh:2, vse:1, vsk:6, vtc:7, vv -- A:90-79-6, BB:30, Mc:86, V:12-599-54, RC:A, TH:A-
  30. Cloud Nothings: Here and Nowhere Else (Carpark) {115}: ABC:17, AbP:16*, ADM:21, AJC:48, ATH:26, Au:4, AV:8, BF:13, BGM:43, Bz:26, CMJ:18, Crk:32, CS:4, DIY:49, Dr:92, DS:11, Eb:16, Ex:13, FL:20, FN:19, GTV:31, Hi:50, HV:15, Ip:8, Ix:4, JG:79, Jn:35, Kal:2, KM:9, La:46, LAM:31, LCA:20, LH:6, LW:153, Mg:17, MO:51, Mow:31, MT:26, MW:16, NA:42, Ndy:3, NN:22, NR:30, O:23, On:33*, OS:32, P:47, PBC, Pf:34, PM:46, PMA:22, Rd:48, Rec:39, Rel:3, Rkl:16, Rum:6, Rvb, S:22, Sc:64, Sec:62, Sg:27, SM:4, SOT:7, Sup:45, TA:15, TH:147, TN:5, Trb:35, UO:19, UR:32, Vi:18, VO:7, WS:5, WSF:14, Wu:25, am+, dbms:9, dfm:3, ejl:10, eg_s:10, emm, gba:7, hsr:6, pb:1, phw:18, ppg:10, vmd:7, vsb:5 -- A:49-80-22, Ac:25, Mc:79, V:37-256-28, RC:***, TH:A-
  31. Jenny Lewis: The Voyager (Warner Bros) {108}: ABC:18, Abt:19, AJC:38, AS:25, Au:1, Az:10, BB:4, BOC:20, CE:65, CM:33, CMJ:28, Cos:17, Dag:12, Dr:82, DW:16, Fp:35, G:18, Gig:33, Gr:11, HE:8, HV:40, ILS:40, JG:13, LH:17, LM:22, MO:90, MT:27, MTI:32, MYL:19, NR:23, Od:17, OWN:17, P:16, PBC:40, PM:14, QRO:5, RC:26, Re:77, Rel:40, Rh:37+, RS:17, Rvb:35*, S:4, Sg:17, Spc:7, Sun:36, T:29, Trb:22, TS, U:51, UO:44, UR:15, Va:22, Vu:11, ac, am+, bl:21, btn:2, cd:2*, dr:15, ejc:31, ejd:9, ejl:6, ejw, eph:3, esp:18, frd, ftw, hp, les, mtm, npkt:9, mt, npr, pcb:16, rad, rap, scm:3, scw:5, t:8, vdc:3, vjm:3, vjv:7, vmg:1, vrh:6, vse:3 -- A:236-74-20, Ac:39, Mc:77, V:26-381-38, RC:A-, TH:**
  32. Shabazz Palaces: Lese Majesty (Sub Pop) {107}: AJC:15, AUK:70, BDC:18, Bk:49, Blz:12, CE:99, Cl:38, DJ:38, Dr:66, DV:26, Fa:33, Fw:26, G:32, GvB:1, HV:39, Ir:57, IT:3, LAM:32, LBF, LQ:7, LW:180, Mx:60, Ni:28, NN:37, Now, Nu:15, Ok:13, OS:48, Q:49, P:38, Pf:35, Ph:84, Pl:12, PM, PMA:18, Pot:19, Pu:2, PW:14, Rec:8, Rd:34, Re:7, Rh:48+, Rkl:21, Rla:6, RS_r:24, RT:87, Rvb:35*, S:44, Sc:8, Sg, S_h:7, SM:22, Sp:28, Trb:18, TS, UR:113, W:7+, W_s:14, Wat:36, WS:72, WSF:13, Wu:49, Zf:18, ab_r:7, age, am+, bgsm:9, cah, cmg+, dor:6, fb, fl:9, mm:18, mt:10, nw, om, smh, vcw:7, vda:6, vty:5, ws -- A:19-83-21, Ac:30, Mc:81, V:50-195-22, TH:***
  33. Against Me!: Transgender Dysphoria Blues (Total Treble) {101}: AbP:3, Aq:1, AS:20, Au:12, BG, BGM:88, Bz:17, CM:66, CS:6, CW:26, DIY:19, DS:91, DW:36, Ex:19, FL:25, Fu:1, Fw:21, FWb:25, Gr:2, GW:17, HV:3, ILS:24, JDR:1, JG:127, K:3, LCA, LF:30, LW:129, Mg:5, MT:25, MTI:34, MYL:20, Ny:2, Od:18, OWH:2, PD_r:1, Pf, PM:6, PMA:40, Pn:1, Rh, RS:15, Rvb, S:14, Sg:14, Sp:10, Trb:46, TS, Vi:7, WS:15, Wu:94, am, bl:36, cd:17, dc, dim, ejd:2, erm:1, fb, ftw:4, hp, lvw, oc_p:3, np, nw, scm:5, scw:1, t:7, vdm:7, vew:1, vjr:1, vrh:3 -- A:59-80-15, Ac:38, Mc:82, V:10-643-57, TH:**
  34. Grouper: Ruins (Kranky) {98}: Amb:21, AUK:88, BRM:34, Bk:11, Blz:21, Bz:35, Cl:27, Crk:19, DC:20, Dr:25, DS:24, Eb:34, Fa:11, FOF:30, Fw:6, GvB:2, HE:29, Hu:16, Huh:6, IMS:16, KQ:4, LAM:48, LCA, LCB:24, LQ:25, MO:82, No:15, NR:15, Ny:4, Pf:5, Ph:20, Pl:8, PM:74, PMA:36, Pu:1, Qi:19, Rec:13, Rd:28, Rh:25, Rkl:7, Sc:12, Sec:92, SF:10, SFJ, SM:13, Sp:27, Sup:30, TMT:2, Trb:38, Tx:36, UO:16, UR:33, Vu:28, W:13, W_s:5, Wat:21, WP:37, Wu:16, ac, adh, am, cmg, dc, dmz:2, dtc, fp, gmd, npr, nprh:7, om, vcm:1 -- A:21-82-15, Ac:29, Mc:80, V:40-239-25, TH:**
  35. Lykke Li: I Never Learn (Atlantic) {94}: ADM:42, AUK:85, BB:7, BC, BG:4, Com:36, Cos:9, CS:15, Dag:21, DC:7, Dg:11, DS:23, Eb:32, FN:21, Fp:8, Fu:22, GfD:11, GfS:17, Gig:14, Gr:8, ILS:5, IT:27, JDR:38, Jn:5, LA:20, LB:12, LP:14, Mz:35, Nd, On:19, OS:39, P:24, PBC:7, Pf:23, Pl:42, PM:37, PMA:57, PP:9, RS_p:7, RT:88, Rvb, S_p:7, Sa:36, Sec:44, SF:34, Sn:38, So:2, Sup:22, Trb:39, UO:7, UR:19, Ux, Va:40, Vu:29, WS:16, am, cmg, df, dn, egm:9, gp:7, les, mms, owl, pi:6, ss:6, vco:9, vcw:4, vji:1, vtc:6, wa -- A:239-74-19, Ac:31, Mc:77, V:76-143-16*, TH:**
  36. Ariel Pink: Pom Pom (4AD) {93}: BF:12, Bk:51, Blz:50, Dag:14, Dg:4, Eb:13, Fa:12, FL:21, FN:42, Fp:43, G:29, GvB:3, Hu:30, Huh:12, Ir:13, Jn:18, LCA:4, LCB, Ma:1, MTI:21, Mx:40, NA:35, ND:6, NR:50, On:8, OS:2, Pf:9, Pi:93, Pl:33, PM:56, PMA:49, Pu:25, PW:13, Rec:1, Rd:18, Rvb, S:30, Sc:2, Sec:22, Sg:29, SM:48, SOT, TMT:27, TS, U:23, Ujm:153, UO:10, UR:27, VP:56, W:47, W_s:17, Wat:31, WHP:23, WS:18, WSF:40, Wu:30, ac, aqd, cd:2*, ch:2, en, fp, hpi:2, hy:9, imm:1, larr:6, ls:10, map:2, vco:8, vjw:10, vrt:7 -- A:178-76-20, Ac:27, Mc:75, V:52-189-20, TH:C-
  37. Temples: Sun Structures (Heavenly) {92}: ADM:22, Au:37, AUK:33, Az:14, BGM:101, Bl:81, BOC:10, Cl:32, DA:8, DIY:39, Dr:43, DS:97, DV:49, FN:22, Gl, Hi:28, In:16, Ip:12, Ir:48, Ix:5, Kal:8, KM:18, LW:7, M:32, Ma:30, MTI:7, MW:29, Mx:88, Mz:12, N:48, NA:14, No:42, O:6, On:13, P:44, PBC:44, Pi:38, Q:36, Rec:42, Rel:5, Rh, RSF:14+++, RSG:22, RT:1, Ru:9, Rvb:23*, Sec:11, SFJ, SM:23, Tr:16, U:74, UR:70, VP:44, Wat:28, WSF:48, Zf:45, am+, bpb:11, df, exm, fb:89+, fp, kutx, npdd:8, sov:2, sr:9, sw, wcp:14, xfm:3 -- A:326-72-16, Ac:41, Mc:70, V:150-68-8, TH:*
  38. YG: My Krazy Life (Def Jam) {92}: AJC:44, Az:5, BB, BC:2+, CE:74, Cl:34, Com:2, Crk:34, CS:36, CW:8, Dag:33, Dg:13, Em:9, Ex, Fa:6, FOF:17, Fu:38, Gr:5, HHR:2, HHW:7, LF:17, Now, Ny:20, PBC:32, Pf:27, PMA:53, Pot:17, PP:24, PW:9, Qi, RG:8, Rh:23+, RS:25, RSh:16, RS_r:2, Rvb:13*, S:18, Sg:15+, S_h:2, Ux:5, Vb:3, VO:5, Vu:24, W, WL:24, WP:3, WS:9, XXL, ab_r:9, ax_r, bgjb:4, dbz+, fb, gmd, hdx, hz, i, lib, mjs, mtm, npr, nyjc:3, vcw:9, vjw:8, vsk:7 -- A:112-78-9, Ac:53, BB:94, Mc:80, V:25-389-34, TH:B-
  39. Wild Beasts: Present Tense (Domino) {90}: ADM:11, AJC:39, Amb:6, AUK:12, BF:5, Blz:4, Bz:43, Cl:40, Crk:4, DIY:14, DJ:29, Dr:46, DS:32, Eb:24, FOF:5, Fp:14, G:16, GTV:13, Jn:11, LBF, M:16, MO:9, Ms:13, Mx:21, N:33, NA:30, Noj:20, NR:48, Nu:12, Ny:17, On:23*, OS:4, PBC, Pl:65, PM:61+, PMA:20, PP:40, Q:34, Qi:47, Rec:20, Rd:37, Re:12, Rla:11, RT:98, Ru:20, Rvb:23*, Sa:10, Sec:71, Sk:22, SM:9, ST:45, Sun:43, U:50, UR:52, WS:42, WSF:3, Wu:45, adc:19, age, ar:6, btn:5, cmg, fb:92, kf:5, smh, xfm:12 -- A:10-86-19, Ac:21, Mc:86, V:131-84-5, TH:B
  40. Alt-J: This Is All Yours (Canvasback/Atlantic) {88}: ABC:32, BBC:15, BDC:35, BGM:27, Bz:21, DIY:2, DSp:16, Eb:53, Em:22, FL:32, Fp:48, GfD:3, Gl, Gig:26, In:1, Ip:1, Ir:21, Ix:6, Jn:21, La:9, LAM:6, LCB, Ms:27, MTI:9, Mu:9, Mz:8, N:38, Ni:12, O:10, Plt:2, Q:2, Re:15, RS:27, RSS:14, Sa:6, Sec:10, Sl:14, Spc, Sun:49, Sup:25, T:36, TM:9, UR:10, WHP:16, WSF:26, Wu:22, Zf:26, aes, ar:11, bn, dfm:1, dm:3, fn:3, ftw, kcrw:5, les, md:1*, mtm:1*, npbb:4, npr, npst:9, nt, rel, sov:10, t:3, vrt:3, xfm:37 -- A:490-68-21, Ac:13, BB:168, Mc:70, V:115-89-10, TH:B
  41. Tune-Yards: Nikki Nack (4AD) {82}: ADM:47, AUK:30, BBC:12, Bl:67, Bz:13, Cl:25, DIY:97, DJ:21, Dr:57, DW:1, FN:27, Gig:19, HV:7, IT:46, JDR:21, JG:32, LAM:34, Mg:15, MO:39, MYL:22, ND:18, NR:11, Od:12, Pi:84, PMA:24, RC:30, Rec:31, Rd:23, Rh:7+, Rvb:16*, S:9, Sa:9, SOT:14, Sun:30, SXP:6, TS, U:31, UO:33, UR:46, VO:14, WS:10, WSF:32, Wu:26, YW:2, ac, aes, am+, bl:32, ejd:8, ejw, ekm:7, en, erm:4, kjb:7, pb, scw:13, vbw:10, vch:9, vda:3, vdd:6, vdw:1, vjb:1, vma:3, wcp:17, ws -- A:23-82-21, Ac:50, Mc:83, V:29-344-32, RC:A-, TH:**
  42. Ex Hex: Rips (Merge) {80}: ADM:30, Amb:24, AS:22, Az:28, Bl:79, CM:35, Cos:12, DS:89+, DW:5, FK:25, FN:5, G:36, Gr:21, GTV:43, Gig:39, HF:42, JDR:2, LB:28, Mg:1, MO:65, Mon:32, MYL:15, N:10, Od:27, OS:40, OWH:9, PBC, Pf:26, Pi:60, PM:50+, RC:22, Rkl:5, Sk:43, Sn:12, SOT:13, TA:22, Ujm:58, UO:25, Vu:25, Wat:33, WP:17, WSF, Wu:61, am+, aqd, dbd, djk:5, ehs:4, ejf, ekm:1, els:4, esp:20, fb, fp, ftw, npkt:7, nw, ref, ul, vcg:6, vdw:10, vjk:5, vmb:9, vmk:5, vse:2, vsk:10 -- A:44-81-12, Ac:81, Mc:84, V:11-604-58, RC:A-, TH:***
  43. First Aid Kit: Stay Gold (Columbia) {80}: AJC, AS:10, Au:23, AUK:25, BBC:3, BDC:5, BOC:3, Bz:45, Cl:29, Cos:5, Crv:14, Dag:22, DJ:41, Dr:60, Ex, FL:44, Fp:5, GfD:25, GfS:27, Gig:7, HE:27, LCC, LW:152, MW:12, P:9, PM:30, Q:67, QRO:17, Re:16, Rel:34, RS_c:28, RSF, RT:47, Rvb, Sl:15, Sn:50, So:5, Spc:2, ST:39, Sun:34, T:44, TA:18, Tr:35, U:70, UR:24, Wat:22, WHP:7, Wu:81, YW:33, ac:10, akm, cp, fb, fp, hp, kcrw:10, les, md:2, mms, mtm, njf, npfa:5, npst:4, nt, qb, svc, tos:5, wmh -- A:142-77-20, Ac:47, Mc:80, V:96-109-11, TH:B
  44. Sleaford Mods: Divide and Exit (Harbinger Sound) {80}: Amb:23, BU:1, CMJ:17, Crk:25, Dr:49, DS:99, FK:13, Fp:26, G:10, GD:6, Hu:18, Ic:13, In:20, Kal:17, LM:11, LQ:5, LW:4, M:3, Ms:5, Mow:16, Mx:67, N:9, NA:47, No:12, NR:26, NV:1, Pf, Pu:30, Q:20, Rd:25, RSG:8, RSS:7, RT:38, SFJ, Sk:42, Spx:10, SXP:1, TH:107, TS:3, U:25, W:6, W_s:6, Zf:14, am+, ch:4, dd:17, djk:2, mex:7, om, vjk:2, vsb:8, vsk:5 -- Ac:32, Mc:81, V:133-83-8, TH:A-
  45. Scott Walker + Sunn O))): Soused (4AD) {80}: Amb:3, AUK:77, BG:3, Bk:5, Blz:49, BU:5, Cl:12, Crk:5, CW:30, Dag:16, Fp:18, G:33, GD:22, GfD:15, GTV:23, Ic:17, IMS:13, Ir:90, LBF, LP:47, LQ:39, LW:9, M:23, MH:16, MO:48, Mon:34, Ms:33, Mx:29, NA:23, NN:44, No:13, NR:46, Nu:14, Pi:79, Pl:7, PM:25, Qi:2, RAR:10, Rd:6, RSG:4, RT:66, Ru:6, SF:45, SFJ, SM:14, Spx:15, TMT:4, TS, U:55, W:4+, W_s:2, Wu:39, am, fb, nybr:3, pm, sb, vgm:3, vjr:6 -- A:30-82-20, Ac:28, Mc:83, V:58-173-14, TH:C
  46. Alvvays: Alvvays (Polyvinyl) {78}: ABC:46, ADM:5, AJC, ATH:33, Au:29, AUK:81, BG:10, Bz:14, CMJ:15, DA:21, DIY:8, Dr:30, DS:6+, Eb:46, Ex:4, FK:9, FL:43, Fp:19, Gr:40, GTV:47, GvB:27, Gig:35, HE:46, LBF, LCB, LW:43, Mx:36, N:29, NR:25, P:5, PBC:38, Pi:39, PM+, RS:36, RT:15, Rvb:21, SM:11, SOT, Sup:24, TN:20, Trb:41, UR:23, WS:43, WSF:2, Wu:56, YW:58, am+, az:11, cbc:1, cmg, dd:22, fp, gp:18, hsr:3, les, mex:8, mtm:14, np, or:6, phw:13, sr:18, ts:1, vcg:9 -- A:93-79-16, Ac:49, Mc:78, V:48-213-21, RC:B+, TH:*
  47. Royal Blood: Royal Blood (Warner Bros) {75}: Aq:29, AUK:34, BBC:7, BGM:97, CR:2, Crv:4, DIY:5, DS:53, DSp:3, FL:17, Fp:9, Gig:40, Gl:+, GW:8, Ir:47, K:12, Ms:7, MTI:14, MW:13, N:19, NA:21, O:25, PBC:43, Q:16, QRO:15, Re:46, Rh, RSF, RT:16, Sa:32, Sec:25, ST:26, Sun:4, T:15, TO:14, Tr:7, TS, Va:26, Vi:3, VP:32, WSF:28, Zf:58, aes, akm, ar:1, dm:7, dr:6, hp, nt, sov:7, tos, ts, xfm:26 -- A:315-73-10, Ac:57, Mc:77, OC:22, V:199-49-4, B
  48. Andy Stott: Faith in Strangers (Modern Love) {75}: Amb:4, AV:20, Bk:2, Blz:22, Crk:21, CS:48, CW:68, Fa:4, FOF:7, GvB:11, HE:36, Hi:23, Hu:17, JP:2, Kal:13, LCD:17, Mix:34, Mon:38, NA:19, Nu:4, Ny:14, OS:45, Pf:45, Ph:3, Pl:2, PM:36+, RA:1, Rec:17, RS_e:8, Qi:22, S:33, Sc:45, Sec:67, SF:20, SFJ, SS:3, Sup:12, TMT:9, Trb:27, TS, W_s:21*, WP:42, WS:57, Wu:19, Zf:56, adh, am, ddm, djk, fp, jjq:1, om, sr:11, vcm:5 -- A:17-83-13, Ac:36, Mc:83, V:77-136-15
  49. Ryan Adams: Ryan Adams (Blue Note) {74}: ABC:20, AbP:25*, AJC, AS:5, Au:21, BDC:20, BF:15, Bl:12, CR:26, CS:43, Dr:87, DS:67, FN:16, Fp:39, Fu:31, GfD:16, Gig:27, Gr:29, HE:1, Hu:6, LCC:18, LW:118, Mg:24, MO:87, Ms:38, MW:18, ND, On:15*, OWH:23, P:34, PM:26, QRO:6, Rel:6, RSG:32, RSF, Rum:25, S:28, SM:17, Sn:32, ST:34, TL:25, Tr:18, TS, UR:68, Va:2, Wu:89, ac, am+, cjp:4, dfm:2, eg_s:1, 1t:9, lvw, njf, owl, pm, rad, rel, vmg:2 -- A:323-73-19, Ac:58, Mc:77, V:57-185-20*, TH:B
  50. Leonard Cohen: Popular Problems (Columbia) {74}: AJC:13, AS:24, AUK:49, BDC:34, CM:36, CR:22, DS:60, Fp:30, G:31, GfD:13, HV:19, ILS:32, Ir:37, IT:35, JDR:40, JG:18, LB:21, M:30, Mx:77, MYL:5, Mz:13, Od:28, PM:29, Q:43, Re:38, Rh:30, RS:24, RSF:2++++, Soi:1, Spc, Sun:18, T:2, TA:17, TH:44, Tr:24, TS:9, U:2, Ujm:31, UR:109, ac:3, am, aqd, bl:37, bn, ehs:8, ejw, els:8, esp:15, fb, fp, fr:3, i, mjs:10, nyjp:9, oe, pi, vln:5 -- A:43-81-13, Ac:62, Mc:86, V:31-318-29, RC:B+, TH:A-
  51. Neneh Cherry: Blank Project (Smalltown Supersound) {73}: ABC:34, Amb, Blz:43, BU:5, CM:49, Crk:79, DJ:30, Dr:79, DW:37, Eb:65, Fp:24, HV:16, IMS:5, In:18, IT:6, JG:11, Jn:34, LBF, MO:23, Ms:21, Mx:7, MYL:40, NA:10, No:11, On:29*, PBC:20, Ph:91, Pi:14, PMA:29, Q:26, Rh:16+, RSG:33, RT:22, Ru:3, Sk:26, Spx:3, T:35, TS, WS, Zf:33, age, am, bl:50, dbd, dd:5, ejf, ekm:10, fb, jkg, larr:2, oe, se, smh, ss:1, vab:7, vah:8, vcb:4, vkh:4, vrg:8 -- A:35-81-21, Ac:51, Mc:82, V:62-159-18, TH:***
  52. Warpaint: Warpaint (Rough Trade) {71}: Aq:11, AS:39, AUK:42, BC:3+, Bl:8, Bz:27, Crk:84, CS:49, CT:10, Dag:26, DIY:71, Dr:20, Fp:29, GD, Gig:20, Hu:36, In:13, Ip:5, LAM:47, LB:27, MM:29, Mx:32, N:30, Ni:20, NN:10, NR:49, Pi:10, Plt:13, PP:43, Pu:7, PW:25, Q:45, QRO:12, Rel:8, RT:23, Sa:28, Sec:27, Sk:1, SOT, Spx:9, TO:12, UR:88, Vi:49, VP:27, WP:29, Wu:37, Zf:40, ecs:9, fb, gp:14, mtm:17, pfk:9, ts:5 -- A:241-74-27, Ac:45, Mc:74, V:90-122-14, TH:B
  53. Schoolboy Q: Oxymoron (Interscope) {70}: AJC, Az:12, BB, Com:25, Crk:63, CS:25, CW:38, DC:12, DW:52, Eb:44, Em:6, Ex, Fu:34, GvB:32, HF:29, HHR:7, HHW:8, Huh:15, LF:39, LH:11, ND:29, Noj:38, Now, PBC:48, PM, PMA:60, Pot:23, PP:29, PW:38, RG:3, RS_r:17, S:50, Sc:103, Sec:74, Sg, S_h:8, Va:32, VP:47, TN:17, TS, UR:104, Ux:6, Vb:9, WS:82, Wu:84, XXL, ab_r:8, ahh:4, atg:7, ax_r, bjjb:1, cp, dbz+, ftw, hdx, hy:8, mjs, rad, sjm:3, ut_j:5, vki:6 -- A:171-76-19, BB:49, Mc:78, V:114-89-11, TH:**
  54. Jungle: Jungle (XL) {68}: AUK:24, BDC:2, Cl:14, DIY:16, Dr:40, DSp:9, Em:10, Fp:7, Gig:25, Hu:4, In:21, Ir:9, IT:26, La:27, LAM:27, Ma:12, Mx:17, N:27, NA:46, Noj:35, PBC:46, Pi:43, PP:7, Q:50, Re:41, RT:29, Sec:19, Shr:6, SM:43, Sun:16, TO:11, Tr:48, Ujm:132, UO:42, UR:85, Wat:3, Wu:58, Zf:4, cl, dn, exm, kutx, les, lm, nt, oe, sov:9, tos:6, vbw:5, wa, xfm:1 -- A:324-73-16, Ac:59, Mc:72, V:157-62-7, TH:**
  55. Arca: Xen (Mute) {67}: Amb, BC, BC:7, Bk:23, Blp:10, Blz:36, CMJ:4, Com:43, Crk:75, CS:35, DAD:17, DC:2, Du:10, Eb:35, Em:35, Ex, Fw:8, FWb:15, Huh:24, IT:14, JP:9, JS:15, LP:22, LW:127, Mx:52, Noj:25, Nu:18, Pf:18, Ph:63, Pl:3, Rec:4, Rd:16, Rh, RS_e:19, RT:26, Ru:16, Rum:13, Sc:7, SFJ, Spx:16, Thp:9, TMT:20, Trb:36, Ujm:95, UO:17, WS:33, Wu:64, adh, am+, kf:6, sa:4 -- A:84-79-12, Ac:43, Mc:79, V:123-85-9, TH:B
  56. Angaleena Presley: American Middle Class (Saddle Creek) {67}: AJC:44, AS:30, BB, CE:30, CM:46, DW:51, Fw:10, HV:34, JG:14, LB:24, MM:9, MYL:17, ND, NS:5, Od:10, PM, RC:13, Rh:11, Rk, RS_c:17, TH:32, TL:7, WS:45+, am+, cp, ecp:5, edc:2, ejc:5+, ejs:9, erc:2, esp:4, hpc:3, mc_p:5, mm:1, mjs, np, npr, rap, vch:6, vdc:4, vkh:1, vmr:8, vsk:1, vtc:5, vti:6, vtk:3, vv -- A:57, 80-5, V:68-147-17, RC:A, TH:A-
  57. The New Pornographers: Brill Bruisers (Matador) {66}: ABC:22, ADM:23, AS:47, Au:2, BDC:28, BG:83, Bl:77, DW:27, HE:16, ILS:34, Ir:62, JDR:15, Mg:9, MM:26, MTI:43, MYL:8, NR:13, OWH:4, P:17, PD_r:19, PM:27, PMA:47, QRO:29, RC:21, S:10, Sn:36, Spc:18, Sup:10, TL:13, TS, U:65, UR:18, WS:69, WSF:16, Wu:70, ac, az:8, bn, btn:8, cbc:9, cmg, dim, egm:10, ejc:35, npst:7, rad, vbw:7, vdw:3, vjv:2, vmj:2, vss:8, vwh:8, wmh -- A:110-78-24, Ac:78, Mc:79, V:23-408-43, RC:A-, TH:*
  58. Jessie Ware: Tough Love (Interscope) {66}: ABC:23, Au:32, AUK:98, Az:8, BB, BG:19, Com:27, Cos:13, DC:11, DSp:23, Em:26, Fu:18, GvB:22, HF:17, HV:31, ILS:31, IT:38, Jn:6, LBF, LQ:35, Mx:73, NR:21, On:38*, PBC:1, Pf, Pl:43, PM:78+, PP:25, Rh, RS, Rum:12, Sg:26, Shr:5, Sl:6, So:20, Sp:23, SS:11, Sup:23, T:31, Trb:26, UR:53, Va:35, Vb:24, Vu:9, WS:95, dn, id:2, gp:11, mms, ref, sob, tos, vkd:1, vrh:8, vru:9, wa -- A:322-73-20, Ac:61, Mc:74, V:136-80-9, TH:*
  59. The Black Keys: Turn Blue (Nonesuch) {65}: Aq:7, Az:44, BDC:30, BRR:11, CR:38, Crv:10, Dag:36, FL:39, Fp:44, Fu:4, GfD:24, GW:11, In:28, Ir:28, La:48, LP:40, M:34, MO:30, MTI:12, MW:28, Mx:66, Mz:34, Ndy:7, O:24, Pi:44, Q:41, Rec:49, Rel:46, RS:3, RSS:16, RT:95, Rum:18, Sec:28, Soi:3, Spc:12, T:11, TS, U:28, UR:107, Ux, Wu:50, aes, age, am, az:9, bn, dfm:10, jgh, mtm:20, npdd:3, pan:3, smh, vjv:9, vrt:10, wa, xfm:23 -- A:470-68-17, Ac:55, BB:38, Mc:72, V:84-152-17*
  60. Ought: More Than Any Other Day (Constellation) {65}: AJC:31, ATH:18, BF:23, Cl:22, Crk:9, CS:41, Dr:65, DS:8+, Eb:48, Ex:11, FOF:28, GTV:17, HF:48, Hi:10, Ic:9, Kal:10, LAM:38, LB:22, LCB:15, LCC:13, LP:16, LQ:1, Ms:39, Mow:38, NA:41, No:9, On:22, Pf:39, PMA:27, RAR:36, Rd:14, RS:13, RSh:15, Sc:4, TH:114, Trb:21, UO:38, UR:30, VP:41, Wu:52, aqd, cmg, fb:60+, gmd, pfk:1, phw:11, ppg:7, vcb:3, vsb:7 -- A:27-82-8, Ac:46, Mc:84, V:140-76-8, TH:A-
  61. Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters: Lullaby and . . . the Ceaseless Roar (EastWest) {64}: AJC, AUK:14, Bl:41, Cl:28, CM:44, CR:3, Dag:29, Dg:12, Fp:23, FR, GfD:17, Hu:11, HV:17, LCA:24, LP:17, LW:195, M:19, MM:28, MO:83, Ndy:6, PBC, Q:42, Re:79, Rel:10, RSF:1+++, Soi:13, ST:32, Sun:9, T:22, TA:25, Tr:47, TS, U:6, Ujm:92, UR:136, am+, bgjr:9, bn, fb, les, npr, rap, sl, tel, ucr:3, vse:7, vss:4, wmc, wmh -- A:123-78-13, Ac:63, Mc:81, V:61-166-16
  62. Ben Frost: Aurora (Bedroom Community) {63}: ADM:34, Amb:20, BF:29, BU:8, Cl:11, Crk:41, CW:3, Dr:54, DS:35, Eb:47, Ex, HE:43, Hi:36, IMS:3, Jn:28, KQ:2, LAM:46, LP:23, MO:21, Ms:20, NA:37, NN:42, No:39, Nu:5, PBC, Pf:50, Ph:90, Pl:32, PM:17++, PMA:33, Rd:7, RS_a:1, S:48, Sc:71, Sec:55, SF:1, Sp:14, UR:118, W_s:28, WP:21, Wu:24, adh, am+, dim, fb, jjq:7, vsd:5 -- A:28-82-13, Ac:48, Mc:84, V:104-98-10, TH:**
  63. Protomartyr: Under Color of Official Right (Hardly Art) {63}: AJC:30, ATH:16, AV:7, BGM:79, Bl:22, Bz:19, CT:2, DA:13, Dr:48, DV:34, FK:1, Gr:25, LAM:36, LB:4, LCD, LM:10, LQ:9, LW:58, N:39, No:27, NR:3, P:33, Pf, Pi:25, Re:34, RSh:10, RT:43, Rvb, S:24, Sc:57, TA:10, Trb:34, VP:29, Wat:29, WS:17, WSF, am+, aqd, djk:1, ddm, dmm:1, dmz, dpm:2, dtc:6, fb, nybr:9, phw:3, vjk:1 -- A:54-80-11, Ac:84, Mc:83, V:36-277-24, TH:**
  64. GOAT: Commune (Sub Pop) {62}: BG:18, CR:40, Crk:42, CT:12, Dr:19, Fp:1, Gig:10, Hi:49, IMS:10, Ir:51, IT:44, KM:19, LQ:20, LW:170, MM:35, Mx:78, N:36, NA:9, No:20, On:18, Pi:8, RAR:1, Re:27, Rla:1, RT:13, Sc:58, SF:90, Sk:23, Soi:10, TH:81, TO:4, Tr:43, U:53, Ujm:109, UO:39, UR:127, VP:33, Wu:67, akm, fb:26+, hpi:10, mex:4, sb_r, sr:1, vwh:6 -- A:141-77-10, Ac:80, Mc:76, V:168-59-6, TH:A-
  65. Charli XCX: Sucker (Atlantic) {60}: Abt:5, Au:11, Az:30, Bl:23, Bz:48, Com:32, CW:7, DIY:4, DW:56, Fw:9, Gr:32, HF:39, JG:26, Jn:25, LW:123, MYL:16, OS:36, OWH:13, PD_p:4, RS:6, RS_p:1, S:43, S_p:6, Spc, TH:37, WP:15, YW:10, am, ap:4, dim, erm:9, mid:2, ref, scm:7, slt:8, ts, vbm:7, vcg:2, vgm:8, vmb:6, vmh:7, vja:2, vjr:4, vkd:4, vks:6, vru:5, vse:9, vsk:3 -- A:198-75-14, Mc:75, V:34-302-32, TH:A-
  66. Wussy: Attica! (Shake It) {60}: CM:3, CT:5, DW:3, FN:37, HV:22, JG:7, LF:29, MT:2, MYL:2, Nd, Od:1, RC:1, TH:10, am, bl:3, ecp:1, edc:1, edw:2, egm:1, ehs:1, ejc:3+, ejf:2, ejm:5, ejr:2, ejs:1, ejw:1, ejy:1, ekm:6, els:1, ema:2, emr:1, eph:1, erc:4, esp:3, gm:4, kjb:3, pi, po:1, scw:14, vch:1, vdd:9, vkh:9, vmb:4, vmt:2, vnf:3, vsk:2, vtk:2 -- V:24-398-29, RC:A+, TH:A
  67. Rosanne Cash: The River and the Thread (Blue Note) {58}: ABC:36, AJC:8, AS:26, Az:46, Bl:35, Dag:19, DB, Dg:20, JG:103, ND+, NS:4, P:46, PM, RS_c:8, RSS:11, So:23, Sun:35, TL:16, TS, U:15, WS, ac, am+, ax_a:3, bn, bs, ccvs+, co:4, ejw, jdo, jgh, mc_p:1, mjs, njf, npfa:9, npkt:1, nyjp:6, nymd, rad, rdc_s:2, scw:2, svc, vah:1, vas:4, vcc:3, vgh:2, vjt:6, vln:9, wcp:7, wmh -- A:333-72-7, Mc:87, V:33-314-28, RC:**, TH:**
  68. Owen Pallett: In Conflict (Domino) {57}: AUK:32, BG, Blz:18, CS:12, DS:31, Ex:3, Fw:18, G:20, GTV:34, HV:12, Jn:24, LCB, MO:97, Nu:17, OS:35, Pf:42+, Plt:7, PMA:32, Qi:53, Rd:4, Re:18, Rh, RSG:21, RT:64, Sc:53, Sup:6, TO:10, Trb:42, UO:34, UR:60, W:46+, W_s:25*, WS:51, WSF, Wu:73, am, cbc:10, dim, np, or, scm:8, scw:7, ssh:5, toad, vmk:7 -- A:47-81-20, Ac:40, Mc:82, V:46-214-20
  69. YOB: Clearing the Path to Ascend (Neurot) {57}: AJC, CW:5, D:7, Dr:99, DV:15, FWb:2, GfS:25, HF:13, Hi:41, LCD:5, LCE:17, LR:3, MH:18, Ms:35, NM:29, NN:23, Ob:1, Pf, PM, Qi:52+, RAR:3, Rd:49, Re:55, RS:50, Sc:69, SF:58, Sg:11, Te:4, Trb, WS, cbz:7, fb:48+, gmd, ilm:2, ma:9, mmm:3, sb, sw, th:9, vmr:6, vv -- A:86-79-6, Ac:73, Mc:85, V:87-126-12
  70. Pallbearer: Foundations of Burden (Profound Lore) {56}: AUK:23, BC:26, BG, BGM:20, D:1, Ex, FM:9, Gr:23, LR:2, Mg, MH:29, MO:41, Ms:22, NM:3, NN:39, Pf+, PM, RAR:18, Re:82, Ru:18, S:27, Sc:34, SF:18, Te:9, Trb:23+, Vi:44, VO:6, WS:20+, ac, am, bl:53, cbz:30, fb:5, ilm:3, ma:6, mmm:7, npr, rad, sb, th:1, vjr:9 -- A:13-84-11, Ac:76, Mc:88, V:55-183-20
  71. Lucinda Williams: Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone (Highway 20) {56}: AJC:6, BC, BDC:11, Bl:4, BS:12, CR:30, CT:17, DJ:43, Fp:41, ILS:22, JDR:16, LCC, MO:76, MW:1, ND, Noj:43, NS:12, PM, Rla:7*, RS_c:37, RSG:37, RT:53, Spc, Sun:42, T:19+, TA:1, TS, U:17, WS, ac:4+, am, bn, fb, i, jrm, pi, rdc_s:6, se++, vji:8, ws -- A:140-77-6, Mc:83, V:51-204-17*, RC:B+
  72. Metronomy: Love Letters (Because/Elektra) {55}: AUK:4, BC:44, Blz:41, Cl:9, Crk:60, DIY:54, Dr:5, Du:14, Fp:42, Gig:24, In:2, Ip:4, Ir:7, Jn:20, La:18, LQ:13, Ma:2, Mix:24, Mow:3, Mx:2, NA:44, Pi:23, Rec:38, Re:92, RSF, RSG:9, RT:4, Sec:5, Sun:28, TO:27, Tr:46, Ujm:149, UR:39, Zf:30, fb, lib, map:6, pn:4, tos:7, wa -- A:409-70-18, Ac:34, Mc:73, V:471-20-2, TH:**
  73. Drive-By Truckers: English Oceans (ATO) {53}: ADM:36, AJC:29, AS:49, BG:17, Bl:82, BS:5, DW:58, Gl, ILS:30, JG:65, LF:41, LW:160, MM:4, MT:9, MYL:32, Od:5, P:36, RC:5, Rh, Sl:21, Sn:16, TA:24, TL:23, TS, U:35, Ujm:144, am, az:14, co:9, edc:9, edw:5, ehs:7, ejc:8+, ejl:5, ejr:5, ejy:7, els:7, ema:3, frd, jgh, pb, rad, se, vdd:4, vmt:9 -- A:443-69-14, V:82-131-15, RC:A, TH:**
  74. Mastodon: Once More 'Round the Sun (Reprise) {53}: AJC, Aq:13, AUK:27, BAm:21, CR:36, Crv:6, D:29, DV:25, FL:37, Gig:28, GW:18, Hi:15, K:28, La:25, MD:5, MH:3, NM:37, NN:12, Noj:18, RAR:8, RSF, Rv:7, Sec:66, Sk:31, Sp:34, Te:35, Tr:13, TS, Vi:4, WS, Wu:59, ac, am, ar:10, bd, ecp:8, fb, gmd, hsr, ilm:29, sw -- A:254-74-15, Ac:68, Mc:78, V:269-35-4
  75. Kate Tempest: Everybody Down (Big Dada) {53}: AUK:21, BBC:4, Dr:14, DW:34, G:13, GTV:37, In:12, Ir:73, La:13, LCC:15, LP:45, LQ:32, LW:15, M:18, Mx:9, N:18, No:8, On:21, PBC:33, Pu:14, Q:24, RC:15, RSG:47, Sa:20, T:25, TH:4, TO:18, TS:6, U:45, Zf:2, am, ejw:8, fb, kf:4, les, lib, vti:10 -- A:424-70-7, Ac:60, Mc:77, V:223-42-6, RC:A, TH:A
  76. Tinashe: Aquarius (RCA) {53}: Au:39, BB, Com:48, Cos:6, Crk:47, DC:9, DW:15, Ex, G:26, GvB:24, HF:14, HV:37, JG:57, MYL:41, Pf:36, Pl:73, PW:47, Qi, Rh, RS, Rvb:35*, S:8, SFJ, Sg:40, So:24, ST:30, TS, Ux, Va:30, Vb:19, Vu:27, WP:41, WS:59+, am, ap:5, bgjr:2, gp:19, hpr:3, id:4, nyjc:8, tos:9, va, vcl:6, vja:9, vkd:5, vru:6 -- A:218-75-12, Mc:80, V:72-145-19, TH:**
  77. TV on the Radio: Seeds (Harvest) {53}: BOC:1, FL:34, FN:11, Gl, ILS:28, JDR:11, JG:58, LH:12, Mg:11, MM:14, MO:35, MTI:33, MYL:43, NR:10, Od:32, RC:57, Rel:25, Rvb:19*, S:47, Sl:20, Spc:16, Sup:43, TN:12, Trb:45, TS, UR:81, Vi:6, WSF, Wu:66, cah, dbms, dor:3, eal:8, ejl:2, esp:16, fb:12, fp, mtm:18, np, npdd:9, nyjp:8, tos, vcg:1, vda:9, xfm:49 -- A:139-77-20, Ac:94, Mc:78, V:39-241-24, RC:A-, TH:B
  78. Lee Ann Womack: The Way I'm Livin' (Sugar Hill/Welk) {53}: AS:18, AUK:26, BB, CE:59, CW:69, DW:48, FM:10, HV:4, ND:10+, NS:3, PM, Rh, Rk:2, RS_c:6, T, TH:60, TL:4, WS, am+, bl:34, bs, cl, co:5, cw:6, eal:6, ejw, jgh, jrm, mc_h:1, mc_p:2, mjs, svc, vdc:1, vgh:6, vtc:4, vv -- Mc:84, V:118-88-7, RC:**, TH:A-
  79. EMA: The Future's Void (Matador) {52}: ABC:49, ADM:35, AUK:36, DS:20, Eb:14, Fw:4, GD:1, Ic:6, ILS:18, Ip:13, Jn:46, KQ:3, LF:21, LQ:19, LW:73, MO:59, MT:16, Re:17, RS:45, RT:96, SFJ, Sg:16, Sup:40, Trb:25, TS, UR:20, WSF, am+, az:12, dd:12, df, dim, fb, mtm, rap, vcg:3, vdm:5, vji:2, vks:1 -- A:71-80-20, Ac:74, Mc:80, V:41-235-21, TH:***
  80. Old 97's: Most Messed Up (ATO) {52}: AS:38, BS:8, CM:8, DW:25, FM:5, JG:2, MM:8, MT:4, MYL:6, ND, Od:4, RC:14, Sn:18, TL:27, TS:13, YW:12, am, bl:20, edc:4, djk, ejc:4+, ejd:6, ejs:5, ejw, ejy:5, ema:4, emr:3, eph:7, erc:5, erm:6, esp:2, fb, gm:3, hpc:2, mjs, npdd:5, vch:4, vmg:5, vmt:4, vnf:6 -- A:176-76-8, Mc:77, V:65-159-15*, RC:A, TH:A-
  81. Sia: 1000 Forms of Fear (RCA) {52}: ABC:1, Abt:7, AUK:56, Az:42, BOC:16, DC:5, DIY:59, DSp:13, GfD:26, LAM:22, Lft:4, LP:48, PBC:19, PMA:50, Rh, RS_p:20, S:15, S_p:2, Sec:46, Sl:13, ST:25, T:44, TN:14, Va:14, WS:76, am, ap:10, dbms:3, dmz:7, emm, hsr, mms, njf:10, nyjp:5, pcb:15, ts:10, vbs:6, vdm:3, vjb:7, vjs:4, vjv:6, vki:1, vmd:3 -- A:202-75-17, BB:131, Mc:76, V:66-148-16, RC:*, TH:B
  82. Sam Smith: In the Lonely Hour (Capitol) {52}: Abt:4, AUK:78, Az:20, BB:3, Com:24, DIY:35, DSp:1, Fu:33, GfD:9, LAM:14, Ndy:15, PBC:8, PM, PP:45, Q:13, Rh, RS_p:14, Sun:10, T:33, TO:30, TS, Va:6, Vb:13, am, ap:1, bn, cah, cl, djb, dn, dr:2, emm, fc, ftw, hp, hpr:2, mid:3, mtm:22, st, njf, vln:3 -- A:635-62-15, BB:11, Mc:62, OC:2, V:75-143-13, TH:B-
  83. Interpol: El Pintor (Matador) {51}: ADM:33, AJC, BC, BGM:94, Bz:35, Crk:90, Crv:15, DIY:80, DS:13, Eb:59, Gig:4, JS:13, La:2, LCA:23, LCB, MO:19, Mow:45, Mx:13, Mz:16, N:49, NN:18, Ny:5, PD_r:9, Plt:3, Q:12, Rel:39, RS:44, Sec:61, Sk:32, SOT:24, Tr:21, UR:77, Vi:24, VP:51, Wat:40, adc:15, bn, dt, fb:52+, riu:4, xfm:33 -- A:217-75-21, Ac:56, Mc:77, V:298-34-3
  84. Hurray for the Riff Raff: Small Town Heroes (ATO) {50}: ADM:50, AS:6, Au:25, AUK:63, Az:38, BS:13, Dr:86, G:23, HF:38, IT:14, MTI:22, NS:16, P:27, PBC:29, PM, Re:91, Rel:15, RS:38, RS_c:4, RT:97, So:19, TS, U:19, Ujm:2, WS:55+, Zf:39, ac+, al:4, ax_a:7, bs, cd:4, df, ftw, jgh, les, np, npfa:6, npr, rap, rdc:s, svc, wmh -- A:149-77-7, Mc:80, V:63-157-13, TH:**
  85. Iceage: Plowing Into the Field of Love (Matador) {50}: ADM:37, Amb:25, BF:17, BGM:39, Bz:25, Crk:3, DC:17, Eb:49, FN:25, KQ:21, LAM:16, LB:30, LCA:8, LCB:7, LCD:17, LQ:6, MO:46, N:16, ND:2, NR:43, Ny:3, OS:27, Pf:30, PMA:19, Rec:33, RSh:17, Trb:17, TS, UO:12, UR:54, VP:70, Vr:7, WS:62, Wu:33, dmz:9, fb, hz, lvw, nw -- A:41-81-16, Mc:76, V:111-90-9, TH:B
  86. Perfect Pussy: Say Yes to Love (Captured Tracks) {50}: BC:43+, BG, Bz:41, Crk:46, DIY:21, DS:63+, Ex:20, FN:39, HF:4, Huh:3, Ic:20, IT:40, KQ:11, LF:28, LW:17, Mx:62, N:44, No:22, NR:42, OWH:21, PBC, Pf:37, PMA:54, Rec:45, RSh:5, Sc:79, Trb:29, UR:103, VP:69, Vu:8, Wat:37, WS:54, Wu:100, ac, erm:10, gmd, hp, npbb:10, nprh:6, npst:10, owl, vjg:3, vnf:10 -- A:64-80-19, Mc:77, V:56-181-19, TH:B-
  87. Sylvan Esso: Sylvan Esso (Partisan) {50}: Au:47, BDC:15, BGM:32, Bl:11, CMJ:25, DS, Gl, HF:6, In:29, IT:31, LAM:44, MTI:19, Mx:91, NR:20, Ny:10, P:6, PBC:49, PM:55+, S:31, SFJ, Sl:12, SOT:22, UR:92, VP:91, WHP:2, WS:85, WSF:27, Wu:90, Zf:71, dpm:6, frp, imm:10, iw:20, md:8, mjs:2, mms, mtm:21, np, npbb:8, npr, npst:3 -- A:183-75-13, Ac:91, Mc:77, V:60-170-15, TH:*
  88. Young Thug and Bloody Jay: Black Portland (self-released) {50}: CMJ:7, DW:8, Fa:17, Fw:24, HV:9, JG:109, LF:3, MT:8, MYL:7, Od:11, RC:4, RS:31, RSh:4, RS_r:4*, S:36, Sg, S_h:5, TH:146, Vu:17, WP:9, WS:88, atg, bl:10, dpm:1*, ecp:3, edw:4, ejc:32, ejm:8, ejs:6, ejw, ejy:2, nyjc:1, slt:6, vkh:8, vmr:3, vmt:8 -- V:85-127-12, RC:A, TH:A-
  89. Young Fathers: Dead (Anticon) {49}: ADM:14, AUK:13, Cl:3, DIY:29, Dr:32, DS:42+, Du:20, DW:39, G:17, GTV:19, Gig:11, HF:2, Hu:27, LBF, LCC:19, LCD:12, LP:50, LQ:26, M:47, MO:94, MW:23, Mx:89, Ok:3, Pi:62, Pl:44, PP:48, Rec:37, Re:36, S_h:13, Sk:10, SM:47, ST:24, YW:26, Zf:52, ac, dm:4, fb, les -- A:75-80-10, Ac:65, Mc:83, V:471-20-2, TH:*
  90. Banks: Goddess (Harvest) {48}: ABC:39, Az:36, BDC:50, BGM:103, BOC:8, Crv:16, Em:15, G:24, GfD:30, GTV:24, In:26, LAM:7, Lft:11, Mix:13, Mx:8, MYL:10, Noj:9, NR:28, PBC:31, PM:28+, PP:36, RS, Sa:47, Sl:8, Sp:12, ST:17, Ux, Va:12, dn, id:1, gp:16, hp, les, oe, sjm:4, vki:4 -- A:513-67-15, Ac:71, Mc:74, V:176-55-6TH:**
  91. The Bug: Angels and Devils (Ninja Tune) {48}: Bk:24, Cl:4, Crk:2, Du:16, DS:44, Eb:45, FOF:19, Fa:21, Gig:23, Ir:68, LBF, LCE:6, LW:50, M:10, Mix:30, MO:26, Ms:8, Ni:27, No:45, PBC, Ph:77, Pl:27, PM, PW:8, Q:32, Qi:5, RA:6, Rd:44, RS_e:18, RT:72, Sk:16, Thp:20, Zf:59, am+, dbd, fb, lib -- A:115-78-14, Ac:37, Mc:83, V:601-15-2, TH:*
  92. La Roux: Trouble in Paradise (Cherrytree/Interscope) {48}: ADM:31, Au:31, Blz:23, DIY:66, DSp:4, Eb:28, ER:19, G:6, Jn:42, La:38, LW:82, MO:15, Mx:28, MYL:44, N:6, ND:40, NR:34, PP:5, Q:48, Re:8, Rh:49+, RS:15, RS_p:13, S_p:9, ST:14, Sun:2, T:23, TO:1, Tr:49, U:36, am, dbms, df, dn, vbw:6, wa -- A:226-74-18, Ac:52, Mc:76, V:170-58-7, TH:***
  93. Lydia Loveless: Somewhere Else (Bloodshot) {48}: AJC:17, CM:62, CT:8, FM:6, Gl, Gr:19, HV:22, ILS:2, JDR:35, LB:18, Mg:7, MYL, Mz:40, ND, NS:26, Od:23, PBC:12, PM:43, Sn:19, TA:6, TL:17, U:68, WS, al:1, am, aqd, bs, cmg, dmz:5, eg_s:5, ejw, fb, hpc:6, lvw, pb:6, vdd:5, vnf:7, vrh:7, vss:2 -- A:76-80-8, Mc:81, V:38-254-26, TH:**
  94. Steve Gunn: Way Out Weather (Paradise of Bachelors) {47}: ADM:45, AJC:12, Bl:28, Blz:14, DJ:46, Dr:12, Eb:100, Gr:17, LCA:9, LCC, M:6, Ma:23, Mg:14, MM:24*, MO:62, Pi:55, Re:80, Rel:24, Sc:35, Tr:50, U:26, Ujm:6, UO:14, W:12, W_s:20, WP:46, adh, am, aqd, dd:20, ddm, djk, dtc:8, hz, kf:8, om, pi, wcp:4 -- A:50-80-7, Mc:86, V:80-133-14, TH:*
  95. White Lung: Deep Fantasy (Domino) {47}: AJC, Au:45, AV:19, Az:45, BC:12, Bz:37, Crk:82, DIY:78, Dr:98, DW:65, Eb:26, Ex:6, FN:36, LW:65, NN:4, Ny:22, OS:38, Pf:32, PM, PMA:42, Pn:11*, Rec:22, RSh:3, Rvb, Sg:6, Sup:17, UO:24, UR:112, WS:2, WSF:42, Wu:47, cmg, hsr:10, mj, oc_p:7, vcg:4, vco:1, vji:10, vmb:3, vty:10 -- A:105-78-17, Ac:96, Mc:78, V:49-199-21, TH:**
  96. East India Youth: Total Strife Forever (Stolen) {46}: ADM:18, AUK:64, Cl:10, Crk:73, DIY:37, Dr:24, DS:19+, FOF:8, G:30, GD:11, Gig:16, HF:24, LBF, LQ:22, LW:33, M:27, Mix:49, MO:100, Ms:29, Mx:35, On:43*, PBC, Pi:50, Q:21, Qi:4, Re:340, RT:77, Ru:14, Sk:24, ST:40, Sup:37, TO:26, U:43, Ujm:115, UR:16, VP:99, map:10, sr:15 -- A:22-82-13, Ac:44, Mc:81, TH:B
  97. Future: Honest (Epic) {46}: AJC:47, AUK:43, Az:22, BB, Blz:44, CW:9, Dag:17, Em:21, Ex, Fu:14, HF:35, KQ:14, LF:40, Noj:8, Now, Pf, PW:39*, PP:47, Rh, RS:43, RSh:18, RS_r:5, Rvb:30*, Sc:86, Sg, S_h:10, ST:36, TN:13, Va:29, Vb:45, W, WS:46, am, atg:5, dt, gmd, njf:6, nyjr:5, sjm:6, scm:9, wa -- A:137-77-13, BB:155, Mc:80, V:70-146-16, RC:**, TH:**
  98. How to Dress Well: What Is This Heart? (Weird World) {46}: ADM:25, Au:42, BF:4, Bk:98, CMJ:29, Du:11, Eb:20, Ex:14, FN:23, In:34, Ir:30, Ms:12, Mx:96, Ndy:19, OS:23, Pf:29, PMA:34, PP:17, Rec:15, Rd:50, RSG:44, S:13, Sc:94, Sg:34, SS:21, Trb:33, UO:4, UR:31, WS:58, Wu:86, dn, fb, gp:2, hy, mm:10, owl, pfk:10, ul, wa -- A:269-74-23, Ac:64, Mc:69, V:280-35-3, TH:B
  99. Kelis: Food (Ninja Tune) {46}: ABC:5, Blz:13, Cos:8, CT:1, DJ:7, Ex, FL:26, Fu:19, HF:22, IT:37, JDR:8, Jn:43, MO:40, Mx:43, Nd, OWH:8, Pu:28, Qi, Rh, RS, RSG:45, TA:20, TS, Ujm:108, WS:64+, adc:16, am+, bpb:10, dbms:10, fb, hpr:6, oe, sob, tel, vfk:9 -- A:274-73-18, Ac:90, Mc:77, V:88-125-13, TH:B-
  100. Pharrell Williams: Girl (Columbia) {45}: Abt:21, AUK:76, Az:18, Com:37, Dg:19, GfD:2, Fu:28, HF:43, Ir:78, LF:42, M:25, Mx:65, PP:22, Rh, RS_p:12, Sec:43, Sun:29, T:42, TH:25, Vb:4, WS, ahh:3, am+, cn:2, fb, fc, esp:8, hpr:5, jgh, nyo, pan:7, sob, toad, vbw:8, vcc:2, vda:10, veh:2, vgh:3, vjt:2, wa -- A:562-66-21, BB:26, Mc:67, OC:15, V:98-107-11, RC:***, TH:A-
  101. Benjamin Booker: Benjamin Booker (ATO) {44}: AJC:41, BDC:27, BGM:11, Blz:16, BS:17, CR:24, CT:3, Dr:72, DV:41, Gl:+, HE:18, Hi:13, ILS:29, Ir:34, LB:29, LCA:16, LCC:9, Re:6, Rh, RS:37, RT:32, TA:7, TL:8, TS, Vi:29, ac, am, bgjr:6, bs, ftw:7, hz, mm:3, npkt:8, wcp:10 -- A:258-74-8, Mc:81, V:89-123-11, TH:***
  102. Wadada Leo Smith: The Great Lakes Suites (TUM, 2CD) {44}: BAj:20*, CM:7, CW:24, JC:2, JG:70, JT:12, ND, RS_a:7, TH:142, Tx:10, W:29, W_s:11, am, avn, ccvs, cm:4, ddt:1+, ei:2+, ejw, fd:3, fj:9+, fjhe:5, imp:7, jbs:4, jdm, jha, jjs, jkg, jlh:3, jmt, jtc, jtd, jws, se, vv -- V:754-12-2, TH:A-
  103. Hiss Golden Messenger: Lateness of Dancers (Merge) {43}: AJC:7, AS:8, BS:7, CD:2, CR:10, CS:23, Dr:15, FM:4, FWb:24, Gl:+, Gr:30, PBC, Pi:80, PM:57+, Rh, Sun:27, U:7, Ujm:1, WP:10, WS:65+, am, aqd, bs, dpm:7, eg_k:2, ftw, iw:3, mla:1, npdd:4 -- A:65-80-11, Mc:81, V:74-143-16, TH:*
  104. Timber Timbre: Hot Dreams (Arts & Crafts) {43}: BGM:96, Bl:60, Dr:100, Ex:7, Ip:15, Ir:27, Kal:18, LB:24, LCA, LCE:10, LP:10, Mow:28, NA:49, ND:20, No:19, On:43*, OS:49, PM, RSF:9+, Sec:21, SM:10, Sn:22, Tr:23, TS, VP:78, Wu:36, adc:3, aqd, cbc:30, dd:21, fp, map:1, np, pn:3, sw -- A:271-73-11, Ac:97, Mc:80, V:147-72-5
  105. Big KRIT: Cadillactica (Def Jam) {42}: AJC:14, BB, BS:11, CM:17, Com:23, CS:46, HHR:11, HHW:17, JG:22, PBC:35, PM, Pot:25, PW:24, RG:5, Rh, RS_r:20, Rvb:35*, Sg, S_h:21, TH:22, Ux:4, Vb:5, WL:7, ac, ahh:1, am, bgjb:6, dbz, djb, hdx, i, mjs, sjm:7, ut_j:4, vdc:5, vsa:6 -- A:39-81-9, Mc:88, V:176-55-6, TH:A-
  106. Nicki Minaj: The Pinkprint (Young Money) {42}: Com:14, DW:19, Fw:11, HHW:19, KQ:16, MYL, RC:54, RS_r:3, S_h:33, TH:112, XXL, atg:8, dr:3, lm, mid:5, mla:4, pcb:17, ref, vbm:6, vbs:2, vcg:5, vcl:3, vco:7, vcw:1, vdm:6, vew:8, vg:4, vjg:5, vji:4, vjs:1, vjv:3, vkd:10, vki:2, vmb:7, vmd:1, vmh:1, vmu:5, vru:10 -- A:417-70-16, Mc:70, V:47-214-19, RC:A-, TH:A-
  107. Mogwai: Rave Tapes (Sub Pop) {42}: Aq:26, AUK:96, Cl:36, Crk:81, Dr:16, DS:12, Fp:21, GfD:27, GW:51, Ir:43, JS:3, La:33, LW:21, Mon:1, NR:27, Pi:64, PM:51, Q:31, Re:19, Sa:50, Sec:87, SF:46, Sk:6, Sup:34, U:42, Ujm:82, UR:96, akm, df, dim, lib, sb_r, sov:4, sr:7, xfm:18 -- A:303-73-20, Ac:66, Mc:76, V:601-15-2
  108. Isaiah Rashad: Cilvia Demo (Top Dawg) {42}: AV:10, BC:10, Bz:24, Com:30, Em:11, Ex, FWb:18, HHR:14, HHW:12, HV:20, JG:66, Pf, Pot:29, Pw:7, RG:7, Rh, RS_r:21, Sg, S_h:23, Ux:3, Vb:29, VO:15, Vu:31, ab_r:3, bgjb:7, ftw:5, hdx, hp, hy:7, mjs, npr, ntu:3, sw, va, vjw:7, vsa:9 -- V:97-107-12, TH:***
  109. Vince Staples: Hell Can Wait (Def Jam, EP) {42}: AJC:27, AV:12, Com:13, Em:23, HF:33, JG:83, Mg, Mow:14, Pf:20, Pot:9, PW:10*, Qi:82, RG:13, RS_r:33, Sg:41+, S_h:9, UR:87, VO:8, W, WL:21, ab_r:4, ac, atg:1, ax_r, bgjb, cah, gmd, hdx, i, mm:20, sw, ut_j:8, vjw:9, vkh:10, -- V:100-104-13, TH:*
  110. Withered Hand: New Gods (Slumberland) {42}: ATH:24, CM:5, DW:20, GTV:20, JG:17, MM:30, Mon:9, MT:1, MYL:21, Od:2, RC:3, RT:73, Sk:45, TH:119, bl:19, cd:8, ecp:2, edc:10, edw:1, ejc:1+, ejm:3, ejr:3, ejs:3, ejw, ejy:8, ema:1, emr:7, eph:4, erc:1, esp:1, vmt:1, vnj:1 -- A:341-72-9, Mc:71, V:92-117-8, RC:A, TH:A-
  111. The Afghan Whigs: Do to the Beast (Sub Pop) {41}: AJC:20, BGM:51, Blz:30, CD:17, CM:69, Dg:17, FN:14, Gl, HE:34, JG:92, La:34, LW:45, Mg:25, Ms:32, Mx:50, Mz:27, NA:24, Ndy:2, NN:5, Pi:71, PM:33, QRO:27, Rd:41, Re:83, Rvb:13*, S:39, Sk:8, Sn:30, TA:16, TS, U:61, Ujm:98, bgsr:8, ejf:4, fb, sb_r -- A:294-73-20, Ac:89, Mc:74, V:81-133-13, TH:**
  112. Hookworms: The Hum (Weird World) {41}: Crk:61, CW:43, DIY:48, Dr:10, DS:18, FK:39, GD, Hi:20, Huh:21, IMS:19, LB:10, LBF, LCA:15, LQ:3, LW:92, MO:45, N:42, No:43, Pi:7, Re:23, RT:31, Rvb:35*, Sa:49, SF:89, Sk:19, TO:13, Tr:44, TS, UR:55, akm, fb, mex:6, sb_r -- A:20-83-14, Mc:80, V:1419-8-1, TH:***
  113. Steve Lehman Octet: Mise en Abîme (Pi) {41}: BAj:3, BW:18, CM:19, DB:+, JC:1, JG:52, JT:5, Mg, MYL:27, TH:2, WS, avn+, bc:1, cm:8, ei:1+, ejw:3, fd:8, fj:1+, fjhe:6, imp:1, jb:3, jbs:5, jdk, jgs:8, jma, jsf, lacb:1, ocj, pan, se, vv, vwl:10 -- V:205-46-4, TH:A
  114. Hozier: Hozier (Island) {40}: AS:40, AUK:99, BOC:7, Cl:13, DIY:86, FL:46, Fu:15, GfD:19, Gig:9, HF:37, In:31, La:47, MTI:29, Ni:21, PBC, Rh, Sa:2, Sl:9, T:13, TG:44, TS, Va:19, bn, cp, hp, kcrw:3, les, mjs:6, npbb, nt, rel, xfm:39 -- A:188-75-5, BB:137, Mc:78, V:148-71-7
  115. Liars: Mess (Mute) {40}: ATH:49, BBC:13, Cl:33, Crk:68, DS:36, FOF:20, Fp:17, Fw:29, GfS:24, GTV:15, Ir:35, LM:8, Ms:40, ND:10, NN:31, PM:42, PMA:52, Qi:62, Re:21, Rkl:9, RSS:20, RT:7, Rvb, U:52, UO:30, UR:90, VP:72, WSF, Wu:77, am+, ts, vjr:7, wa -- A:158-76-23, Ac:69, Mc:75, V:232-40-4
  116. Ratking: So It Goes (XL) {40}: Crk:18, Ex, G:21, HHW:5, ND:31, Ni:29, PMA:51, Pot:16, PP:39, PW:37, Qi, Rec:18, Rh, RT:54, SFJ, S_h:20, Sk:37, TS, UR:101, WL:6, WSF, Wu:83, ac, am, atg:2, bpb:8, cmg, dbz, dpm:8, fb, hy, mjf, nybr:5, sr:14 -- A:193-75-11, Mc:78, V:589-16-2, TH:B
  117. Shellac: Dude Incredible (Touch & Go) {40}: AUK:38, BC, Bk:79, Cl:30, Crk:74, CS:21, FN:48, Fp:4, GTV:30, HF:30, JDR:5, LBF, LW:2, MO:85, Mon:3, Mow:37, NA:18, NN:19, No:24, Nu:11, Pf:47, Pi:82, Qi:60, Rkl:4, Sc:20, SM:24, Tr:36, TS:14, Ujm:51, en, fb:9, sw -- A:14-84-7, Ac:99, Mc:84, V:99-106-12
  118. Little Dragon: Nabuma Rubberband (Republic) {39}: AUK:60, Az:25, BGM:24, Crk:65, DJ:28, Em:34, Gig:47, IT:41, LAM:11, Ni:30, OS:31, PBC:10, Pi:11, PP:11, Rh:50, RT:5, Sa:40, Shr:7, Thp:18, TO:5, UR:131, am++, dbz+, fb, fp, oe, rmw:5, sob -- A:340-72-15, Mc:77, V:280-35-3, TH:B
  119. Behemoth: The Satanist (Metal Blade) {38}: BAm:14, BC, Crk:26, D:20, Dg:14, GW:22, K:8, La:30, MD:7, MH:1, ND:7, Noj:15, PM:79+, Qi:88, Rv:6, Sec:58, Sp:16, Te:3, Wu:53, akm, am, bd, cl, gmd, ilm:5, rad, sb, vmr:10 -- A:53-80-6, Ac:82, Mc:92, V:134-82-6
  120. Dean Blunt: Black Metal (Rough Trade) {38}: Bk:80, Blp:8, Crk:1, Du:4, Fa:25, Huh:22, Ic:21, LQ:17, Mon:5, Mx:25, ND:22, No:40, Noj:34, Nu:6, Ph:34, Pl:9, RA:13, Rec:36, Re:30, RT:91, TMT:1, W:26, W_s:7, WS:90, adh, fb+, sr:20 -- A:153-77-12, Ac:72, Mc:79, V:83-130-7, TH:*
  121. Eric Church: The Outsiders (Captiol Nashville) {38}: AS:35, Az:9, BB, CE:94, CW:89, EW:10, Fu:12, Gr:24, MW:21, NS:6, Rh:21+, Rk:5, RS:21, RS_c:3, S:45, Sg:18, TS, WP:12, WS, bgsr:3, cw:4, hpc:4, mjs, mla:7, sjm:1, slt:1, toc:2, vch:3, vrh:1, vv -- A:31-82-6, BB:13, Mc:82, V:95-110-12, TH:*
  122. Chet Faker: Built on Glass (Downtown) {38}: AUK:100, Az:47, Cl:19, Em:12, FL:6, In:8, Ir:75, IT:21, Kal:11, Mu:1, Mx:48, Sec:70, Thp:12, TM:1, Va:42, Vr:8, Zf:32, aes, age, cl, dc, fb, gp, hy, npbb, owl, smh, wa -- A:273-73-9, Ac:77, Mc:75V:811-10-1, TH:**
  123. Strand of Oaks: Heal (Dead Oceans) {38}: AJC:22, AS:3, AUK:79, AV:11, CD:3, CS:14, Dr:67, FN:20, GfD:29, Gr:3, HE:37, Hu:2, ILS:6, KM:6, MO:13, P:39, PMA:31, Re:33, Rvb, Sc:97, Sg:20, Sp:47, UO:22, UR:67, aqd, dbms:8, eal:10, vrh:10 -- A:48-81-13, Ac:79, Mc:83, V:109-99-9*, TH:B-
  124. Toni Braxton and Babyface: Love Marriage and Divorce (Motown) {36}: BB, CE:96, CM:45, DW:37, HV:2, JG:53, LF:8, MT:10, MYL:14, Od:13, Qi, RC:38, Rh, RS, RSh:13, WS:35+, bl:42, bn, ejc:38, eph:5, erc:3, erm:8, esp:10, fc, kjb:9, pb:8, vcl:1, vkh:2, vrh:4, vti:2 -- BB:90, V:67-148-13, RC:A-, TH:***
  125. Actress: Ghettoville (Ninja Tune) {35}: Bk:34, Blz:42, Crk:28, Dr:35, DS:59, Eb:77, Ex, G:25, Ir:46, LW:91, Mix:26, Mon:31, Ms:24, Mx:31, ND:25, Nu:14, Ph:36, Pl:16, Qi:51, Rd:21, Re:28, Rh, RT:75, SF:35, SFJ, Sk:28, TMT:23, W:5, W_s:8, adh, am, ntu:8, tel -- A:205-75-17, Ac:67, Mc:72, V:178-55-5, TH:*
  126. Mary J Blige: The London Sessions (Capitol) {35}: ABC:10, Abt:10, BB, CT:4, Fu:23, Fw:22, RC:51, Rh, RS, T:26, TS, Vu:13, WP:44, WS, am, ejw, esp:13, fb, id:6, les, npr, nybr:4, nyjp:10, pb, rap, ref, st, vah:6, vbw:3, vja:7, vln:8 -- A:453-69-8, Mc:74, V:73-145-16, RC:A-, TH:***
  127. Elbow: The Take Off and Landing of Everything (Fiction) {35}: ABC:3, AUK:22, BBC:9, BF:11, Fp:46, In:48, LCC:6, LP:33, M:14, MO:37, MW:14, NR:38, PBC:41, Plt:20, Q:11, QRO:4, Re:69, RSG:49, Rum:11, Soi:16, Sun:38, T:8, UR:38, am, sw, xfm:4 -- A:318-73-16, Ac:87, Mc:80, OC:32, V:280-35-3
  128. Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways (Columbia) {35}: BGM:104, Blz:20, Crv:13, Fu:13, GfD:23, GW:9, K:10, LAM:37, MW:27, NA:45, Noj:7, PD_r:2, Rel:50, Rh, RS:12, RSF:16+, Sun:21, Vi:8, aes+, bn, cp, dr:11, pan:10, vss:3, xfm:47 -- A:571-65-18, BB:99, Mc:68, OC:26, V:298-44-4*
  129. Morrissey: World Peace Is None of Your Business (Harvest) {35}: Amb:37, DV:24, Hu:21, Ir:19, JS:5, La:10, LBF, LW:8, M:31, MW:19, Mx:63, Mz:9, N:28, NA:33, NN:30, Noj:37, Q:27, Rla:9, TS, U:48, UR:95, VP:90, cd:13, cl, exm, rsf+, sov:8, xfm:13 -- A:626-62-20, Ac:86, Mc:70, V:389-25-3
  130. Lily Allen: Sheezus (Warner Bros/Regal) {34}: CE:46, CM:31, DW:7, Lft:1, MM, MT:7, MYL:1, Od:6, RC:32, Rh, S_p:20, T:47, TH:1, TL:14, edw:3, ejc:14, ejs:4, ejw, emr:6, erc:10, gm:6, toad, vki:9, vmt:7 -- A:694-53-15, Mc:60, V:137-80-8, RC:A-, TH:A
  131. Ariana Grande: My Everything (Island/Republic) {34}: Abt:15, Az:27, Com:7, Cos:2, DSp:11, Fu:2, Fw:28, Gig:41, JG:101, Pf:46, PMA:56, Rh, RS_p:5, RSh:20, Vb:30, Vu:22, WS:37+, ac, ap:7, bl:39, bn, hp, lm, pc:4, vco:4, vcw:8, vjg:10, vmd:8 -- A:567-65-12, BB:46, Mc:64, V:101-103-12, TH:**
  132. Damien Rice: My Favourite Faded Fantasy (Atlantic) {34}: ABC:16, ADM:29, BDC:1, CS:27, DS:51, ILS:35, Jn:17, Ms:31, Mx:83, O:5, P:45, RSG:12, Sa:24, Spc, ST:21, T:7, TO:24, TS, VP:37, Vr:12, Wu:74, am, hp, les, pcb:13, rel, xfm:48 -- A:18-83-9, Mc:76, V:162-60-6
  133. SBTRKT: Wonder Where We Land (Young Turks) {34}: AUK:39, Blz:28, CS:38, DIY:91, DV:10, Em:48, Ex, In:45, Ir:17, Mix:9, Mu:17, Mx:68, Noj:22, Ok:5, PP:8, Rvb:22, TM:17, TO:29, Trx:16, UR:28, VP:59, Zf:20, fb, les, lm+, ts:7, wa -- A:358-72-20, Ac:70, Mc:71, V:445-23-2, TH:B
  134. Ed Sheeran: X (Atlantic) {34}: Abt:2, AUK:51, BB:5, BGM:100, DSp:5, Fu:9, GfD:20, Ndy:13, PBC:11, Q:25, Rh, RS_p:10, Rum:10, Sun:8, T:1, Vb:28, am, bn, dg, dr:1, emm, fn:9, mla:9, pc:7, pcb:11 -- A:651-61-10, BB:21, Mc:67, OC:1, TH:**
  135. Sohn: Tremors (4AD) {34}: BOC:11, Cl:16, DIY:65, Dr:81, Em:20, Fp:13, In:9, Ir:77, La:8, LBF, Mx:30, On:31, PBC, Plt:11, PM:47, RT:100, Thp:8, Va:31, Vr:10, Wu:87, Zf:13, bd, dm:10, dn, njf:7, wa -- A:385-71-15, Ac:93, Mc:78, V:563-18-2, TH:*
  136. Tinariwen: Emmaar (Anti-) {34}: AUK:28, CW:46, FR, Gr:10, JG:119, JS:8, M, MO:75, MT:32, Qi:83, Rec:41, Rh:32+, RS:49, Rvb, SFJ, Soi:11, TG:65, TS, Ujm:33, Wat:7, YW:28, afp, am, aqd, ecs:2, fb, po, tel, toad, wmh -- A:83-79-11, Mc:80, V:269-35-4, RC:B+, TH:***
  137. A Winged Victory for the Sullen: Atomos (Kranky) {34}: ACL:1, CW:29, Dr:73, DS:17, Fp:11, LQ:24, LW:162, MO:12, Mow:48, No:38, Ph:88, Pi:30, Re:52, RS_a:8, RT:51, Sc:74, SF:2, Sk:13, Ujm:83, UR:139, Wu:41, dtc, fb, fp, nprh:9, ss:15 -- A:78-79-9, Mc:81, V:571-17-2, TH:**
  138. Young Thug/Rich Homie Quan/Birdman: Rich Gang: The Tour Pt 1 (Cash Money) {34}: BC:34, BGM:54, BS:18, Com:12, Crk:6, Em:45, LF:32, Ny:1, Pf:33, Pl:41, PP:6, PW:28, RS_r:4*, Sg:21+, S_h:40, Ux:10, W, WP:6, WS:12, atg, dpm:1*, gmd, rad, vco:3, vew:4 -- V:45-219-17, RC:*, TH:*
  139. Fatima Al Qadiri: Asiatisch (Hyperdub) {33}: Amb:7, Bk:50, Blp:9, Crk:40, DC:4, Du:15, Ex, Ir:83, Mx:34, Ni:18, Noj:13, On:35*, Ph:43, Pi:99, PM, Rd:38, RS_e:9, Spx:1, Thp:44, W:10, W_s:29, WP:25, WS:86, Zf:23, fb, sr:17 -- A:390-71-12, Mc:67, TH:**
  140. Clipping: CLPPNG (Sub Pop) {33}: BU:7, Cl:20, CW:28, Eb:21, FOF:9, IT:22, LCB:11, LCD, LCE:2, LW:115, Mow:17, MTI:48, Mx:51, ND:4, NN:21, PM, PP:33, Rd:46, RS_r:14, Sg, Sp:32, Tr:41, Trb:48, WS:81, Wu:51, dor:7, fp, imm:5 -- A:283-73-14, Mc:73, V:348-30-1, TH:**
  141. Ambrose Akinmusire: The Imagined Savior Is Far Easier to Paint (Blue Note) {32}: DV:27, JC:3, JT:2, PM:65+, Rh, Rvb, SM:37, T, ac, am, ejw:9, fd:6, jad, jdo:1, jfk:4, jgs:1, jje, jma, jmt, jpo:7, jpt:2, jtd, lacb:7, nync:9, ocj:2, rap, vmw:1, vwl:2, ws -- Mc:86, V:149-69-4, TH:B-
  142. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Hypnotic Eye (Reprise) {32}: AS:36, Bl:47, CR:12, Fp:36, Gl:+, LP:49, MW:24, Mz:32, Ndy:4, Re:100, Rh, RS:26, RSG:7, Rum:19, Soi:4, Spc:20, Sun:24, TS, U:54, am, bgsr:9, bn, jrm, njf, rad, ucr:2, wcp:9 -- A:328-72-14, Ac:100, BB:70, Mc:77, V:78-135-13, TH:*
  143. Prince: Art Official Age (Warner Bros) {32}: Abt:14, ADM:48, BGM:47, Dg:18, DIY:82, DS:27, Fu:29, HF:50, JG:140, MW:3, Ok:6, PD_p:7, PM:45+, Rh, RS:34+, RSF:12, Soi:6, T:18, TS, Vb:35, Zf:80, cn:7, fb, ntu, sob, veh:9 -- A:278-73-11, Mc:70, V:141-75-9, RC:*, TH:**
  144. Weezer: Everything Will Be Alright in the End (Island/Republic) {32}: AP:7, Bz:44, CS:16, DIY:40, DS:100, FN:29, GW:43, JDR:32, K:9, KM:7, LH:16, MTI:46, Mx:97, OWH:25, PM:80, Rh, RS:14, Sec:89, Spc:23, Va:9, Wu:60, am, ar:7, mtm:4, nprh:1, vcg:10, xfm:41 -- A:427-70-21, Mc:77, V:93-113-12
  145. Beyonce: Beyonce (Columbia) {31}: BGM:48, CS:18, Eb:9, HF:27, HV:18, MW:7, MYL:4, PMA:1, TMT:40, Trb:13, Vb:1, VP:45, erc:9, fc, gmd, mjs:7, npst:2, nyjc:2, nync:1, vdd:8, vti:1 -- BB:2, OC:24, V:53-187-16, TH:**
  146. Clark: Clark (Warp) {31}: Ex, HF:20, Hi:47, JS:11, LQ:40, Mix:19, MO:55, Ms:30, Noj:48, Pf:48, Pl:20, Qi:97, Sa:48, Sc:52, Sec:91, Thp:13, TN:19, Trx:3, UR:62, Wu:40, XLR:25, am, aqd, dm:5, gmd, hz -- A:37-81-8, Ac:92, Mc:83, V:348-30-1, TH:B
  147. J Cole: 2014 Forest Hills Drive (RCA) {31}: BB, Com:4, DW:45, Em:42, HF:40, HHR:13, HHW:4, Pot:26, RG:4, Rvb, Sec:98, WL:9, XXL, ahh:7, ap:2, atg:9, bgjb:2, cn:1, dbz+, djb, gmd, hdx, hp, hy:2, lib, ws -- A:444-69-13, Mc:68, V:144-72-8, TH:***
  148. Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings: Give the People What They Want (Daptone) {31}: ABC:28, AUK:16, BDC:6, Bl:19, DJ:25, Dr:97, Ex, Fu:35, HE:48, Hi:39, La:35, P:29, Rh:46+, RS, RT:18, Sn:47, TG:33, WS:63, ac:5, am, exm, fb, vbw:4, vjt:8, wcp:9, wmh -- A:124-77-18, Mc:80, V:91-120-13, TH:*
  149. Bob Mould: Beauty and Ruin (Merge) {31}: ABC:12, AJC:37, CM:10, CT:11, Eb:82, JDR:34, LF:46, LW:78, MT:17, Ndy:5, NN:13, Od:26, OWN:12, Re:70, Sn:6, TA:5, TS, U:71, akm, am, egm:8, ejl:9, ema:10, gm:10, hsr -- A:164-76-15, V:94-112-12, TH:**
  150. Godflesh: A World Lit Only by Fire (Avalanche) {30}: AUK:65, Blz:27, D:5, Ex, HF:9, Mg, MH:39, NM:2, NN:6, Pf, PM, Qi:95+, RAR:2, Rv:11, Te:1, Trb, WS, am, fb:63+, ma:19, sb -- A:32-82-5, Mc:84, V:184-54-5
  151. Thee Silver Mt Zion Memorial Orchestra: Fuck Off Get Free We Pour Light on Everything (Constellation) {30}: DS:77, Fw:7, IMS:11, Ip:11, LCD:10, MO:64*, Mon:16, NA:5, ND:15, On:35*, Plt:14, PMA:45, RAR:7, Ru:13, Sc:14, Sec:30, SF:77, Sk:29, SM:44, Sp:31, Wu:35, dtc, vsb:9 -- A:82-79-19, Mc:78, V:106-96-8, TH:B
  152. Mark Turner Quartet: Lathe of Heaven (ECM) {30}: BC, CM:43, JC:5, JT:4, PM, TG:91, ac, am, bc:4, bgjg:2, cm:17, ddt:6+, hs:1, hsr:8, jad, jgh:1, jgs:7, jjb, jje, jsc, nybr:7, nync:4, ocj, sjs, tel, vjc:4, vjm:9 -- V:102-100-10, TH:**
  153. Eagulls: Eagulls (Partisan) {29}: Au:16, Crk:23, DA:6, DIY:25, Dr:36, DS:7+, FWb:23, Hu:34, Jn:50, LQ:14, LW:51, N:15, Pi:75, Re:26, Sc:90, TS, VP:76, Wat:48, YW:18, fb, fl:5, sov:1 -- A:209-75-15, Mc:74, V:216-44-4, TH:*
  154. Kindness: Otherness (Female Energy) {29}: Dg:10, Du:2, Fu:20, G:27, Gig:36, LBF, Mx:41, Noj:11, PBC:18, Pi:58, PP:41, Rec:9, Shr:15, So:6, ST:13, WP:20, Zf:63, dn, pfk:3, vmu:10 -- A:663-59-13, Ac:85, Mc:68, V:571-17-2
  155. Thurston Moore: The Best Day (Matador) {29}: AJC:43, Bl:9, Dr:50, GTV:49, Ir:85, LCE:15, LF:11, LW:166, Mon:15, NA:48, NN:33, Pi:46, Sc:10, SOT, Sup:38, TH:48, U:66, Ujm:23, akm, aqd, fj, lib, lm, tel, ts -- A:373-71-19, Mc:75, V:378-26-3, RC:**, TH:A-
  156. Opeth: Pale Communion (Roadrunner) {29}: BAm:6, BG:8, CE:75, CR:9, DV:22, Ex, Fu:26, Gr:12, GW:25, La:26, MH:6, NM:23, PM+, Rum:21, Soi:7, Te:37, Vi:17, bd, fb:38+, rad -- A:641-61-6, Mc:75, V:232-40-4
  157. Pharmakon: Bestial Burden (Sacred Bones) {29}: Amb:12, BC, Bk:92, Crk:13, CS:26, Eb:38, FOF:26, FWb:19, LCD:14, LF:26, NN:41, Pf:28, Pl:64, PM, Qi:28, Rh:14+, SF:16, TMT:22, W:49, W_s:23*, adh, akm, am, gmd, om, sb, vjb:2 -- A:61-80-15, Mc:80, V:64-150-14
  158. Marc Ribot Trio: Live at the Village Vanguard (Pi) {29}: CM:38, DV:39, JC:6, JG:4, JT:18, KQ:19, PM, ecp:7, ei:4, fd, fj:8+, jat, jb:7, jbm:6, jdb, jdk, jgs:5, jtd, jws, npr, pan, po, sjs, vlb:2, vwl:5 -- V:218-43-6, TH:***
  159. Sonny Rollins: Road Shows: Volume 3 (Okeh) {29}: CE:77, DB:+, DV:18, JC:4, JT:1, TG:67, TH:96, bl:60, cjc, fd:4, jdb, jfk:1, jgh:19, jgs:3, jha, jkf:5, jma, jpt:13, jtd, jws:6, rdc_w:1, sjs, vah:3, vlb:3 -- V:471-20-2, TH:A-
  160. A Sunny Day in Glasgow: Sea When Absent (Lefse) {29}: BF:30, Bz:32, Dr:11, DS:68, Eb:22, FK:12, FWb, LCA, LM:15, Ma:19, ND:35, OS:42, Pf:44, PM:49+, SOT, Sp:41, SS:25, Trb:40, UO:28, UR:73, Vu:16, WSF, Wu:57, cd:9, en, vmk:3 -- A:52-80-15, Mc:82, V:123-85-9
  161. Triptykon: Melana Chasmata (Century Media) {29}: BG:5, D:4, Ex, GW:26, MD:8, MH:11, NM:41, PM, Qi, RAR:28, Rv:20, Sc:25, Sg:42, Soi:12, Te:5, Trb, WS:39+, fb, gmd, ilm:8, mmm:12, rad, sb, sw -- A:118-78-5, Mc:82, V:165-60-5
  162. U2: Songs of Innocence (Interscope/Island) {29}: Abt:3, Bl:13, Fu:37, HE:44, M:33, MW:6, PD_r:7, Q:44, Rh, RS:1, RSG:19, Spc:22, Sun:31, T:14, TS, dr:9, pan:2, rad, se, slt:10, vrt:5 -- A:679-57-15, Mc:64, V:69-147-12
  163. Avi Buffalo: At Best Cuckold (Sub Pop) {28}: ATH:47, Dr:70, DV:35, Ir:10, Ma:6, Ms:9, MTI:39, Mx:71, MYL, Noj:16, O:9, PBC, RT:27, SXP:9, Tr:4, Ujm:100, UR:114, fp, lib, lm, or:10, pn:9 -- A:376-71-14, Ac:83, Mc:73, V:1529-5-1, TH:*
  164. Earth: Primitive and Deadly (Southern Lord) {28}: Dr:23, DS:57, MO:72, NN:34, Ob:23, RAR:4, Re:67, Rkl:22, RT:93, Sc:51, SF:83, Te:25, U:21, Ujm:14, W:11+, W_s:18*, WS, akm, am, fb:22+, ma:13, mmm:29, sb, sb_r -- A:42-81-8, Mc:81, V:258-37-4
  165. Glass Animals: Zaba (Harvest) {28}: BG:57, DIY:24, Eb:39, FL:24, Fp:16, LW:147, MTI:38, Mz:37, Ni:6, Rec:30, RT:89, Sec:82, SM:33, Tr:5, UR:50, Va:20, WHP:20, Wu:93, Zf:29, ejf, m_n:6, owl, sov:5, tos -- A:99-78-7, Mc:77, V:601-15-2
  166. Objekt: Flatland (Pan) {28}: Blp:4, Crk:57, DV:48, JP:15, LW:53, NA:22, Pf, Ph:38, Pl:19, Qi:30, RA:5, Rh, Sc:60, Sp:39, TH:115, TMT:38, Trx:5, Wu:97, XLR:8, bl:47, ch:6, kjb:10, sw -- A:56-80-5, Mc:81, V:322-30-3, TH:A-
  167. Wye Oak: Shriek (Merge) {28}: ADM:27, Au:28, AUK:6, BC, Dr:83, Eb:63, GD, HE:30, In:46, LQ:38, MO:70, OS:16, Rvb, Sa:35, Sg:4, SOT, Sup:44, Trb:28, UR:9, Wu:63, md:10, mms, vma:9, vmk:1 -- A:163-76-16, Mc:76, V:139-77-8
  168. The Antlers: Familiars (Anti-) {27}: ADM:12, AJC:46, AUK:94, Blz:33, Crk:51, DS:38, Eb:40, Hu:25, LQ:34, MO:34, NA:32, On:5, Plt:4, PMA:26, Rvb, SM:2, Sp:30, TS, WSF:21, Wu:31, gp:20, mtm:15, npbb:5 -- A:70-80-20, Ac:88, Mc:82, V:368-28-3
  169. Jason Derulo: Talk Dirty (Warner Bros) {27}: DW:6, LF:10, MT:5, MYL, Od:14, RC:6, Rh, S_p:16, TH:23, ejm:2, ejr:9, ejs:7, ejw, ejc:18, eph:8, esp:7, kjb:8, nyjc:6, pc:9, vmt:5, vnf:4 -- BB:92, V:188-52-7, RC:A, TH:A-
  170. Toumani Diabate and Sidiki Diabate: Toumani and Sidiki (World Circuit) {27}: AUK:59, FR:2, G:38, IT:34, JG:133, LW:121, M, Mg, MM, MO:67, Qi:86, Rh, U:11, Ujm:10, afp, age, am+, fb, npr, smh, sg, tel, vjp:8, wmc:1 -- Mc:83, V:298-34-3, TH:**
  171. Moodymann: Moodymann (Mahogani) {27}: Crk:49, DJM:4, DV:17, HF:21, JG:90, Mix:5, Noj:4, O:7, Ph:10, RA:10, Rh:36+, RS_e:7, Sc:33, SFJ, Trx:2, Vr:3, Zf:11, adh, dmm:4, gmd, npr, oe, vab:5 -- A:104-78-5, Mc:83, V:204-46-5, TH:*
  172. Paolo Nutini: Caustic Love (Atlantic) {27}: AUK:5, BDC:29, DSp:6, Fp:50, Mz:3, PBC:36, PM, Q:18, Sn:11, Sun:5, T:20, Tr:31, TS, U:62, Va:23, am, dr:5, i, njf, xfm:43 -- Mc:79, OC:4
  173. The Roots: . . . And Then You Shoot Your Cousin (Def Jam) {27}: ABC:11, CW:74, DJ:47, DW:62, Ir:95, JG:27, MT:31, Noj:21, Ok:14, PM:62, RC:37, RS_r:29, S_h:25, TS:10, Vb:16, dbz, ejr:7, hdx, nyo, rad, ut_j:10, vdw:4, veh:4, ws -- A:412-70-17, Mc:70, V:295-34-4, RC:A-, TH:**
  174. Amen Dunes: Love (Sacred Bones) {26}: ATH:36, FN:28, Hu:7, LM:7, Mow:24, Pu:10, PW:36, Rec:3, SF:8, Spx:18, Wat:9, WS:30, WSF:31, aqd, dd:23, hz, nw, om, vma:4 -- A:126-77-10, Mc:81, V:125-85-7
  175. The Bad Plus: The Rite of Spring (Masterworks) {26}: BC, BDC:25, DB:+, FF:4, JC:12, JT:25, ND, PM, TG:32, WS, ccvs+, jat, jcb, jdb, jdk, jdo:6, jfk:7, jjz:5, jld:1, jma, vlb:4, vwl:3 -- Mc:84, V:322-30-3
  176. The Hotelier: Home, Like No Place Is There (Tiny Engines) {26}: AbP:1, ADM:46, Au:7, BGM:86, Dg:16, DS:58, FN:32, Fw:25, FWb:16, Gr:26, MO:63, Nd, Pf, PM:67, Pn:16, Sp:2, Vu:14, WS:47, Wu:55, phw:6, vrh:9 -- Mc:91, V:116-88-8, TH:*
  177. Lone: Reality Testing (R&S) {26}: Blp:5, DJM:11, Du:13, Eb:51, Em:32, GD, Huh:2, Mix:7, Ni:26, Noj:17, Ph:15, Pi:48, PM, RT:59, Shr:18, Trb:44, UO:35, am, jjq:9, ntu:5, oe, vcm:9 -- A:120-78-13, Mc:81, V:372-27-3
  178. Manic Street Preachers: Futurology (Columbia) {26}: ADM:26, AUK:82, Crk:85, DS:34, Fp:45, Gig:17, LB:7, LW:14, M:20, N:41, Q:4, Qi:8, RSS:19, Rum:20, Sun:23, T:38, UR:94, am, df, xfm:11 -- A:66-80-9, Ac:75, Mc:83, V:736-13-1
  179. Conor Oberst: Upside-Down Mountain (Nonesuch) {26}: AS:15, AUK:54, Az:19, DS:85, GfD:12, HE:38, In:33, LCC, LP:42, Ms:34, Mx:61, OWH:3, QRO:14, RSG:16, TS, Zf:49, am, btn:10, dt, eg_s:2 -- A:367-71-19, Mc:75, V:322-30-3, TH:**
  180. Pink Floyd: The Endless River (Rhino) {26}: GW:15, JS:18, La:50, Noj:42, Rh, RSF:3+++, Sec:81, Spc, Sun:17, Wu:80, ar:4, bn, dmt:7, les, pan:1, pm, qb, se, ucr:7, ves:10 -- A:693-54-12, BB:115, Mc:58, OC:9, V:295-34-4, TH:*
  181. Royksopp and Robyn: Do It Again (Cherrytree, EP) {26}: Abt:17, BB, Dag:35, Dg, DIY:67, ER:4, JG:44, NR:12, OS:44, PMA:41, Rh+, S_p:8, Sl:10, Thp:19, am, ap:9, np, tos, vs, wa -- Mc:76, V:360-29-4, TH:***
  182. Noura Mint Seymali: Tzenni (Glitterbeat) {26}: FR:6, Ir:93, JG:12, LW:26, MO:91, Qi:68, Rh, Ujm:42, afp, aqd, bgsm:6, bl:25, ejm:9, ejw:10, fb, npr+, po:7, rap, vdd:7, vmj:10, vrg:6, wmc+ -- V:156-63-6, TH:**
  183. Tycho: Awake (Ghostly International) {26}: BGM:35, Eb:58, Em:16, Gl, Ic:30, LAM:9, MTI:23, QRO:28, Rel:11, Sec:51, SOT:9, Thp:32, Wat:24, Wu:62, bn, cl, fp, gp:10, lvw, m_o:8, mm:21, oe -- A:557-66-17, Mc:69, V:184-54-5
  184. Vessel: Punish, Honey (Tri Angle) {26}: Amb:10, Bk:68, CW:83, DS:25, Eb:86, GD:4, JP:16, LW:139, Nu:10, Ph:82, PM, Rec:46, Rd:36, Re:39, Sc:61, SF:22, Sk:46, Spx:14, SS:14, W, XLR:17, am, ch:8, sa:10 -- A:108-78-9, Mc:81, V:811-10-1
  185. Bombay Bicycle Club: So Long, See You Tomorrow (Island) {25}: AbP:25*, Au:41, AUK:89, BGM:18, DIY:15, DSp:8, Eb:36, Gig:38, HE:49, Ix:20, MTI:28, Mz:24, N:40, Sun:41, T:49, UR:140, WSF:37, am, hz, md:3, nt, xfm:22 -- A:228-74-15, Mc:69, V:811-10-1
  186. Mica Levi: Under the Skin [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) {25}: Amb:5, Bk:1, CW:93, DIY:77, Du:6, Fa:8, FF:21, GvB:26, JS:21, LBF, LW:27, Mon:22, Ph:44, Pl:22, Qi, RS_a:20, Sc:48, SFJ, TO:19, dd:13, vsd:6 -- V:189-52-5
  187. Marissa Nadler: July (Sacred Bones) {25}: Bl:38, Dr:77, DS:4, Fw:23, Hi:46, Hu:40, Ir:98, Pl:76, Pu:22, Rd:30, Re:45, RSG:29, Sc:62, SF:6, Sp:33, W, WS:100, WSF:39, am, dtc:10, fb, hz, nymd -- A:85-79-16, Mc:83, V:389-35-4*
  188. Jamie T: Carry on the Grudge (Virgin) {25}: ADM:39, AUK:97, DIY:74, DS:86, DSp:22, G:34, LW:113, MO:38, Mx:20, N:8, PBC:30, Q:29, RT:60, ST:12, T:6, TS, U:58, VP:98, cl, les, xfm:34 -- A:7-86-5, Mc:81, TH:**
  189. The Twilight Sad: Nobody Wants to Be Here and Nobody Wants to Leave (Fat Cat) {25}: ADM:16, ATH:20, DA:31, DS:1, GTV:16, Gig:49, LW:95, Mon:35, MW:2, PM, Sk:2, UR:137, cmg, fb:93+, dpm:5, dr:14, sb_r -- A:109-78-14, Mc:80, V:601-15-2
  190. Thom Yorke: Tomorrow's Modern Boxes (self-released) {25}: BB, Bz:42, DW:49, LW:167, Mx:74, N:37, PBC, Q:46, Rel:45, RS:30, Sec:93, Sk:25, T:39, TS, U:44, Ujm:18, UR:106, WSF, Wu:46, akm, fb, or, vjc:8, wa -- A:380-71-18, Mc:72, V:361-29-3
  191. Death From Above 1979: The Physical World (Warner Bros) {24}: Aq:2, DIY:30, Gig:34, GTV:48, Hu:9, MO:22, Ms:16, N:12, PMA:55, QRO:9, Sn:45, TS, Vi:5, Wu:42, am, ar:2, cbc:27, np, xfm:35 -- A:144-77-20, Mc:75
  192. Electric Wizard: Time to Die (Spinefarm/Witchfinder) {24}: CE:52, CR:33, K:41, Mg, MH:7, NM:89, Qi:34+, RAR:12, Re:60, Rh:44+, SF:72, TA:19, Te:10, WS, akm, cbz:5, fb:6, fp, rad -- A:138-77-7, Mc:83, V:1504-6-1
  193. Gazelle Twin: Unflesh (Last Gang) {24}: Amb:11, AUK:44, BG, FF:32, FOF:23, GD, LB:5, LCD:4, LW:169, MO:79, Pl:62, Qi:1, Sc:85, U:63, WS:61, Zf:78, fb, vgm:6, vks:5 -- A:40-81-6, Mc:83, V:361-29-3, TH:**
  194. The Horrors: Luminous (XL/XLP) {24}: Amb, Aq:24, DIY:41, Dr:78, DS:79, DSp:18, Fp:40, NR:39, On:12, Pi:72, Q:15, Rvb, SM:16, Sun:26, TO:20, UR:40, WSF:45, fb+, toad, xfm:2 -- A:58-80-18, Mc:74, V:151-68-6
  195. The Juan MacLean: In a Dream (DFA) {24}: ER:16, HV:24, Ix:9, JG:145, LCB, LCE:5, Mix:20, MO:31, Ph:52, Pi:73, Qi:84, Rh, Thp:48, Trb:47, UO:43, akm, am+, fb, fp, vmb:10 -- A:136-77-12, Mc:77, V:367-28-4, TH:***
  196. Judas Priest: Redeemer of Souls (Epic) {24}: BAm:1, BG:7, CR:18, GW:3, K:24, MH:37, NM:14, PM:58+, Rv:8, Te:14, fb, se, sjm:9, ts, ucr:5 -- A:161-76-5, Mc:74, V:227-41-4
  197. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks: Wig Out at Jagbags (Matador) {24}: ABC:31, AS:28, Az:41, Blz:39, Dr:71, Eb:78, GW:28, JG:130, LCD, MT:28, Pi:66, Rel:44, Rvb:12, TS, U:20, Ujm:29, UR:69, Zf:54, am+, az:13, fw, or:4 -- A:299-73-24, Mc:74, V:105-96-12, TH:**
  198. Tweedy: Sukierae (Anti) {24}: AJC, AS:27, Az:7, Ex, Gl, P:31, Qi:29, RS:46, RSG:6, TS, U:24, Ujm:28, UR:84, WSF, am+, ecs:5, fb, gba:6, nprh:8, rad, sw -- A:128-77-16, Mc:79, V:128-84-10
  199. Fred Hersch: Floating (MRI) {23}: CM:58, JC:18, JT:24, ND, TG:2, bc, ccvs, cjc, cm:25, jat, jbm, jdb, jdm, jfk:5, jgh:17, jma, lacb, jws, npr, nync:5, se -- V:781-11-1
  200. Damian Jurado: Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son (Secretly Canadian) {23}: AUK:61, Blz:17, Dr:33, HE:32, PM:40, Rd:24, Re:14, Sl:23, Tr:9, ac, adc:14, am, aqd, djk:4, dtc, ecs:10, gba:8, vjk:4, vrg:9, wcp:2 -- A:168-76-16, Mc:79, V:132-83-9
  201. Kassem Mosse: Workshop 19 (Workshop) {23}: Bk:32, Crk:14, Fa:28, JP:29, Mix:36, Noj:41, Ph:2, Pl:52, Qi:36, RA:8, Sc:1, TH:85, XLR:2, adh, dpm:10, npr, sw -- V:413-25-2, TH:A-
  202. Phantogram: Voices (Republic) {23}: ABC:7, Au:27, BGM:80, BOC:24, Bz:49, Eb:15, HE:21, JS:14, LAM:4, LP:28, OWH:22, P:30, SOT:19, Wat:46, Wu:72, dbz, dim, or, rel:4, wa -- A:401-71-16, Mc:74, V:258-37-4, TH:*
  203. Adult Jazz: Gist Is (Spare Thought) {22}: BGM:15, Blz:25, Dr:68, DS:64, FOF:4, LBF, Qi:94, RT:57, Rvb:35*, Sk:39, ST:27, UR:34, WHP:8, WSF:12, am, cmg+, md:7 -- A:107-78-12, Mc:77
  204. Fennesz: Becs (Editions Mego) {22}: BF:26, Eb:43, Fw:20, GD:16, No:21, OS:25, Pl:54, PM, Rd:39, Rh, Rla:4*, SF:7, TMT:32, U:38, Ujm:8, W_s:30*, adh, am, cmg -- A:33-81-7, Mc:86, V:171-58-6, TH:*
  205. Alex G: DSU (Orchid Tapes, EP) {22}: Bz:20, CMJ:9, Crk:36, CS:45, FOF:24, Huh:13, LBF, LM:6, MO:53, MTI:25, No:37, RSh:12, RT:65, TO:22, UO:48, WP:26, WSF:35, Wu:88, vg:7 -- A:69-80-8, Mc:79, V:811-10-1, TH:*
  206. Merchandise: After the End (4AD) {22}: Amb:48, Crk:88, CS:50, DS:95, G:22, Hu:24, ILS:36, Mx:56, N:7, PBC:39, RT:79, Ru:7, Sg:10, U:32, UR:110, cmg, dt, fb, ves:2 -- A:292-73-16, Ac:95, Mc:74, V:122-86-9
  207. Panopticon: Roads to the North (Bindrune) {22}: Bl:65, CW:60, D:9, Hi:7, ND:17, PM:64+, SF:14, Sp:42, Te:19, WS, ac, am+, ilm:21, mmm:2, sb
  208. Shovels and Rope: Swimmin' Time (Dualtone) {22}: AJC, Bl:24, Ex, HE:25, NS:23, PM:39+, QRO:7, Rel:20, RS_c:18, Sn:9, WS, ax_a:2, co:1, cp, hpc:7, vjm:6, wmh -- A:184-75-8, Mc:74, V:200-47-5
  209. Total Control: Typical System (Iron Lung) {22}: DJ:12, FK:7, FL:16, Fw:19, GD:19, Mow:23, Ny:11, P:43, Rkl:8, RT:11, Sc:75, UR:58, age, fb:59+, om, smh -- A:88-79-7, Mc:83, V:79-135-10
  210. David Virelles: Mbókó (ECM) {22}: DB, JC:14, JG:85, JT:13, ND, ac, am+, bc, ccvs+, ei, fd:2+, hs:8, jjk, lacb:9, nync:2, ocj:8, vv -- V:721-14-1, TH:**
  211. Brian Blade and the Fellowship Band: Landmarks (Blue Note) {21}: JC:8, JT:9, KQ:10, PM, T, am, fd, hoj:7, jjk, jma, jmt, jpo:6, jsc, lacb:2, npr, ocj:1, se, vwl:8 -- V:301-33-4, TH:*
  212. Common: Nobody's Smiling (Def Jam) {21}: ABC:44, Ex, HHW:9, KQ:6, LP:32, PM, Rh, Va:47, Vb:14, W, WL:10, WS:91, XXL, am, cn:4, hdx, rad -- A:284-73-13, Mc:78, V:269-35-4, TH:***
  213. Rodney Crowell: Tarpaper Sky (New West) {21}: AJC, AS:44, BDC:37, ND+, NS:10, PM, Rk:8, TH:51, TL:9, TS, am, bs, ccvs+, jgh, mc_p:3, mjs -- A:206-75-5, Mc:81, V:318-31-3, TH:A-
  214. Robert Ellis: The Lights of the Chemical Plant (New West) {21}: AS:13, DV:20, Ex, NS:24, P:41, RS_c:19, RSG:25, Wat:35, WS, am, bs, eal:4, eco:10, hpc:8, npr, rap, ss:11, vbm:1, ws -- A:179-75-7, Mc:72, V:189-52-5, TH:B
  215. Keith Jarrett/Charlie Haden: Last Dance (ECM) {21}: JC:13, JT:6, ND, am, ccvs+, jfk:2, jbm:10, jgs, jje, jjk, jnb:6, jnf:3, jpo:10, jpt:27, jro, jtd, pan, rdc_w:6 -- Mc:81, V:389-25-3
  216. Joyce Manor: Never Hungover Again (Epitaph) {21}: AbP:12, BF:28, BGM:76, DS:47, FWb:3, Gr:34, GTV:18, KQ:15, Pn:13, S:32, Sup:41, UO:49, WS:36, al:9, am+, or:3, th:3 -- A:121-78-9, Mc:82, V:187-53-6
  217. King Creosote: From Scotland With Love (Domino) {21}: AUK:40, Fp:34, GfS:22, Ir:96, LQ:30, M:49, MO:18, Mon:7, On:14, RSG:40, ST:31, T:34, Tr:22, U:64, adc:21, akm, am, fb -- A:170-76-8, Mc:80, V:811-10-1
  218. Willie Nelson: Band of Brothers (Legacy) {21}: Az:40, BDC:41, CE:66, ND, NS:13, PM:68+, RS_c:10, T, TH:130, TL:19, U:37, am, bn, ccvs+, co, mjs, svc -- A:378-71-7, Mc:79, V:389-25-3, RC:***, TH:A-
  219. Popcaan: Where We Come From (Mixpak) {21}: CE:98, Com:11, Crk:15, Fa:7, JG:41, LW:30, PP:10, Rh:40+, WP:8, WS:29, afp, am, dbd, hz, npr -- Mc:81, V:151-68-6, TH:***
  220. PRhyme [Royce Da 5'9"/DJ Premier]: PRhyme (PRhyme/Universal) {21}: HHR:6, HHW:3, RG:9, RS_r:37, WL:1, XXL, ac, bgjb:10, cah, dbz+, hdx, mjs+, nyo, ut_j:1 -- A:101-78-5, Mc:84, V:322-30-3, TH:**
  221. St Paul and the Broken Bones: Half the City (Single Lock) {21}: BDC:39, BS:21, FM:16, Gl:+, HE:6, Hi:21, IT:33, P:21, PM, Rel:41, TL:6, ax_a:9, cjp:10, mm:19, npbb, se, wcp:20, wmh -- Mc:72, V:359-29-5, TH:*
  222. Sunny Sweeney: Provoked (Aunt Daddy/Thirty Tigers) {21}: CE:28, LF:45, ND:1+, NS:20, RC:33, Rh:39+, RS_c:9, WS, ac, am, bl:63, co:2, cp, mc_h:8, mjs, vcc:8, vv -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  223. Woods: With Light and With Love (Woodsist) {21}: AJC:23, ATH:29, FN:15, Hi:1, LW:64, Ma:9, Mow:7, Mz:25, Pi:12, Rel:16, Ujm:40, WSF, aqd, pn:7 -- A:159-76-15, Mc:79, V:361-29-3
  224. Bleachers: Strange Desire (RCA) {20}: AbP:9, Az:3, BB:6, Fu:5, HE:35, ILS:26, KQ:5, LAM:17, LH:9, S_p:18, am, bn, rel, vkd:3 -- A:643-61-8, Mc:68, V:108-95-9
  225. Cymbals Eat Guitars: Lose (Barsuk) {20}: AbP:22*, AJC, Eb:30, Gl:+, Gr:6, S:37, SM:28, SOT, Sp:43, Trb:32, UR:37, Vi:43, WS:67, WSF, Wu:79, ftw, phw:12, wcp:16 -- A:68-80-14, Mc:78, V:107-95-11
  226. Brian Eno/Karl Hyde: High Life (Warp) {20}: Crk:38, Dr:39, GD, HV:29, OS:41*, Pf:21, Re:32, Rla:4*, SF:91, Sup:36, TH:70, UO:32, UR:108, aqd, cmg, ejf:5, fp, gmd, tel, vty:9 -- A:496-68-11, Mc:67, V:143-74-8, TH:A-
  227. John Fullbright: Songs (Blue Dirt) {20}: AS:9, BDC:3, NS:17, PM, RS_c:14, RSG:14, T, TG:41, TL:15, am, bs, eg_k:8, jgh, mm:8, svc, vgh:5 -- Mc:80, V:162-60-6, TH:*
  228. Sam Hunt: Montevallo (MCA Nashville) {20}: CE:48, Fu:32, NS:18, Ny:8, Rk:7, RS_c:15, WP:2, WS, ap:8, cw:10, mla:8, rap, vcl:5, vcw:10, vmh:2, vv -- BB:184, V:103-100-9, TH:B
  229. Ibibio Sound Machine: Ibibio Sound Machine (Soundway) {20}: AUK:57, GD:9, JG:116, LW:18, Ph:99, Pi:5, Qi:56, Re:20, Rh, Sc:84, Shr:16, TO:8, afp, am, oe -- Mc:74, V:811-10-1, TH:*
  230. MO: No Mythologies to Follow (RCA) {20}: AUK:73, CS:33, GTV:32, Gig:48, HF:25, Lft:6, Mx:45, NR:19, PMA:48, PP:12, Rum:7, Sa:25, Sec:88, gp:13, mm:15, wa -- A:131-77-13, Mc:76, V:181-54-6
  231. Rival Sons: Great Western Valkyrie (Earache) {20}: BRR:8, CR:1, Dg:8, GTV:39, Hi:22, K:20, Mow:42, MW:17, Noj:32, Rh, Soi:5, Vi:38, cp, fp -- V:316-31-4
  232. Billy Joe Shaver: Long in the Tooth (Lightning Rod) {20}: AJC, BC, ND, NS:19, RC:20, RS_c:32, TH:140, TL:22, WS, ac, ax_a:10, cw:9, ejc:21, ejw, esp:14, jgh, mjs, po, svc -- Mc:77, V:811-10-1, RC:A-, TH:A-
  233. Tyshawn Sorey: Alloy (Pi) {20}: CM:23, JC:14, MO:64*, ND, WS, ac, ccvs, cm:9, ei, fj, hs, imp, jgs, jka, jkg, jrn, jsf, jws, lacb, ocj -- TH:***
  234. Tanya Tagaq: Animism (Six Shooter) {20}: BG:20, Ex:10, LCA, LCB:4, LCD, LP:9, Now:1, PM+, TG:68, cbc:2, hz, scw:12, ts:2, vjc:10, vjs:7 -- V:368-28-3
  235. At the Gates: At War With Reality () {19}: AP:8, D:2, Ex, GW:10, MD:6, MH:20, NM:9, Qi, Rv:2, Te:49, WS, bd, rad -- Mc:77, V:471-20-2
  236. Black Milk: If There's a Hell Below (Computer Ugly) {19}: Ex, HHR:4, HHW:22, Noj:46, Ok:10, PM, PW:49, Va:38, WL:19, cah, dbz, dmm:3, fb, hdx, mjs, nyo, sw -- A:242-74-7, Mc:77, V:461-21-2
  237. Call Super: Suzi Ecto (Houndstooth) {19}: Bk:30, Du:17, IT:8, JP:1, Mix:47, Ph:27, RA:16, Rh, Sc:37, TH:105, TMT:29, Trx:12, W:30, XLR:1 -- V:811-10-1, TH:A-
  238. Coldplay: Ghost Stories (Atlantic/Parlophone) {19}: AbP:21, Abt:8, Fu:8, GfD:18, Jn:29, MTI:47, PD_r:14, RS:48, Sec:52, Sun:33, T:41, am, dg, pan:6, toad, vrt:9, xfm:16 -- A:640-61-21, BB:14, Mc:61, OC:5, V:589-16-2
  239. Eyehategod: Eyehategod (Housecore/Century Media) {19}: BC, Blz:38, D:30, Ex, HF:44, LCB, MD:47, NM:39, NN:51, Pf, RAR:15, Te:6, WS, gmd, hsr, ma:15, sb -- Mc:77, V:155-66-6
  240. Fatima: Yellow Memories (Eglo) {19}: Crk:67, Du:12, IT:49, Mx:27, Ni:14, Ph:12, Pi:18, Qi, RA:19, Rh, RS, Sc:55, Shr:10, WS, hz -- V:1419-8-1
  241. Fucked Up: Glass Boys (Matador) {19}: AJC, BG:16, BGM:31, Dr:94, JDR:7, LW:75, MO:96, PM, Rd:45, Rh, Sg:28, TA:9, TS, YW:41, ac, am, cbc:6, fb -- A:175-76-20, Mc:79, V:221-43-4, TH:**
  242. Lee Gamble: Koch (Pan) {19}: Bk:20, CW:59, M:41, Mow:50, Ph:61, Pl:31, Qi:57, Rec:29, Re:53, RS_e:16, RT:80, SFJ, TMT:45, W, ch:3, djk, gmd, sw -- A:129-77-6, Mc:80, TH:*
  243. Hundred Waters: The Moon Rang Like a Bell (Owsla) {19}: BS:19, DJ:27, Eb:56, Em:31, IT:50, MO:68, Ni:23, Pf:38, PMA:44, S:46, UR:59, Va:39, VO:20, WSF:19, cmg+, gp:5, pm -- A:106-78-14, Mc:79, V:110-92-8
  244. Nikki Lane: All or Nothin' (New West) {19}: AJC, BDC:12, Bz:33, DJ:50, ILS:21, NS:11, Rh, RS_c:11, TL:5, WS, bgjr:4, bgsr:5, hpc:9, svc, wmh -- A:146-77-6, Mc:79, V:129-84-9, RC:**, TH:*
  245. Pharoahe Monch: PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (WAR Media) {19}: HHR:15, HHW:6, La:45, Ok:4, Pot:18, WL:5, am, cah, dbz, hdx, nyo, sw, ut_j:7, vsa:7, vv -- A:327-72-7, Mc:78, V:175-56-5, TH:**
  246. Gruff Rhys: American Interior (Turnstile) {19}: AUK:41, Dr:29, Fp:38, Ir:36, LW:70, Mz:19, N:47, Q:30, Rec:50, Rd:31, RSF, RT:49, U:16, Ujm:137, UR:75, bpb:6, lm -- A:167-76-12, Mc:79, V:378-26-3
  247. Bruce Springsteen: High Hopes (Columbia) {19}: Abt:13, CR:5, La:41, MW:11, Re:72, Rh, RS:2, RSG:27, Tr:42, YW:3, bn, gm:5, slt:3, toad, ucr:8 -- A:661-59-20, BB:101, Mc:67, V:116-88-8, TH:*
  248. Iggy Azalea: The New Classic (Def Jam) {18}: DSp:25, Fu:16, JG:98, LH:19, Qi, RC:29, Rh, TH:27, bn, ejc:12, ejw, fc, ftw, njf, pc:8, vji:7, wa -- A:698-53-16, BB:42, Mc:56, V:389-25-3, RC:A-, TH:A-
  249. BadBadNotGood: III (Innovative Leisure) {18}: Cl:18, DJ:44, Eb:33, Hi:37, PM, PMA:39, PW:20, RT:68, Sec:18, Tr:40, Wu:28, fp, gmd, m_n:36, vs:6 -- Mc:72, V:471-20-2, TH:**
  250. Jeff Ballard Trio: Time's Tales (Okeh) {18}: BC, JC:19, JG:82, JT:22, Rh, jad, jbm:5, jdb, jgh:4, jjh:4, jma, jro, jsc, npr, ocj, se, vlb:7 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  251. Kenny Barron/Dave Holland: The Art of Conversation (Blue Note) {18}: BC, JC:9, JT:8, am, cjc, hs:3, jfk:3, jbm, jdo, jgh:10, jgs:4, jma, jpt, rdc_w:12, se, ws -- TH:***
  252. Broken Bells: After the Disco (Columbia) {18}: ABC:15, BDC:16, Bl:70, Gl:+, In:44, JDR:36, LH:18, MTI:3, Ndy:21, Spc:13, UR:126, dmt:6, mtm:10, tos -- A:535-67-23, Mc:71, V:320-30-5
  253. The Coathangers: Suck My Shirt (Suicide Squeeze) {18}: ATH:2, CM:24, DW:44, LF:19, LW:86, MM:2, RC:19, SOT, TH:49, VP:58, edc:5, ejc:22, ejw, ejy:10 -- A:288-73-7, Mc:71, V:811-10-1, RC:A-, TH:A-
  254. Richard Dawson: Nothing Important (Weird World) {18}: Crk:69, CW:4, LW:25, OS:43, Rd:42, RS:3, Sc:28, Spx:19, TO:28, W:2, W_s:4, cd:7, fb, sa:1 -- Mc:78, V:263-36-4, TH:B
  255. Justin Townes Earle: Single Mothers (Vagrant) {18}: AS:29, BC, BDC:36, BG:58, BS:15, HE:47, ND:9+, OWH:18, P:48, PM, RS_c:35, Spc, al:6, am+, bs, jgh -- A:251-74-9, Mc:73, TH:**
  256. Homeboy Sandman: Hallways (Stones Throw) {18}: CW:42, DW:10, FOF:27, MM:17, MYL:23, RC:55, RS_r:22, S:35, S_h:4, TH:102, am, cah, ejc:19, po:8, vv -- Mc:79, V:225-41-5, RC:A-, TH:A-
  257. Tove Lo: Queen of the Clouds (Island) {18}: ABC:8, Abt:12, Au:6, Az:33, BG:12, Jn:22, PBC:16, Rh, SFJ, WHP:11, am, dn, id:10, mjf, vji:5, vmh:5 -- Mc:73, V:232-40-4, RC:***, TH:B
  258. James Vincent McMorrow: Post Tropical (Vagrant) {18}: Az:39, Eb:72, Gl, GTV:42, ILS:4, Ni:15, Pot:21, Sa:13, ST:15, TG:5, Va:37, phw:20, xfm:24 -- A:270-73-16, Mc:78
  259. Thou: Heathen (Gilead Media) {18}: BC, BGM:75, D:6, Hi:42, NM:8, Pf, Sg:47, Sp:50, Te:19, Trb, WS, Wu:99, am, ilm:4, sb -- V:208-45-5
  260. AC/DC: Rock or Bust (Columbia) {17}: BG:13, CR:4, GW:5, K:11, Sun:45, TS, Ujm:117, am, ar:3, bn, njf, pan:14, ucr:1, vah:4 -- A:310-73-9, Mc:75, OC:25, V:601-15-2
  261. Agalloch: The Serpent and the Sphere (Profound Lore) {17}: D:21, LR:16, MD:21, Mg, NM:7, Pf, PM, SF:29, Te:17, ac, fb, ilm:12, mmm:32, rad, sb -- A:114-78-6, Mc:84, V:260-37-3
  262. Dierks Bentley: Riser (Capitol Nashville) {17}: BB, BC:41, CW:33, NS:7, Rh, Rk:1, RS_c:7, WS, co:10, cw:2, mjs, toc:4, ves:9, vv -- BB:65, Mc:69, V:601-15-2, TH:B-
  263. Chromeo: White Women (Big Beat) {17}: Az:29, DJM:14, ER:5, LH:1, Mix:29, PMA:59, RC:28, Shr:19, VP:64, cah, cbc:24, ejc:37, ejw, wa -- A:488-68-17, Mc:66, V:209-45-4, RC:A-, TH:***
  264. Ian William Craig: A Turn of Breath (Recital) {17}: ACL:11, CW:85, M:38, MO:73, No:2, RS_a:18, Sc:93, TMT:6, Tx:34, agb:1, cmg+, fb, lvw, nybr:8 -- V:372-27-3, TH:*
  265. Dum Dum Girls: Too True (Sub Pop) {17}: Au:44, Bl:31, Eb:57, GD:10, Gl:+, JG:121, MTI:44, P:42, Sn:48, Trb:24, UO:47, UR:35, lvw, rad, vks:10 -- A:512-67-23, Mc:72, V:269-35-4
  266. Open Mike Eagle: Dark Comedy (Mello Music Group) {17}: Eb:80, ND:21, PM, Pot:5, PW:2, Qi, Rh, RS_r:38, S_h:34, VO:19, ab_r:6, dbz, ftw:9, hz, vjw:2 -- Mc:73, V:71-146-10, RC:**, TH:**
  267. Flight Facilities: Down to Earth (Caroline) {17}: DJM:19, Em:29, ER:18, FL:35, LAM:23, Mu:8, Rvb, S:29, Thp:45, TM:8, VP:67, age, kcrw:7, smh, tos -- V:445-23-2
  268. Ghostface Killah: 38 Seasons (Tommy Boy) {17}: BGM:25, HHR:18, LB:26, Ok:8, RG:17, Rh, RS_r:31, S_h:35, WL:4, XXL, YW:45, cn:3, dbz, hdx, i -- Mc:74, V:232-40-4, RC:*, TH:***
  269. Mary Halvorson/Michael Formanek/Tomas Fujiwara: Thumbscrew (Cuneiform) {17}: CM:67, DB, JC:21, T, TH:46, W:21, am, avn+, ddt:8, fd, fj, jat, jrn:7, jsf, jtc, jws:3 -- V:656-15-1, TH:A-
  270. The Hold Steady: Teeth Dreams (Razor & Tie/Washington Square) {17}: DW:38, HV:36, LF:43, Mg:16, MYL:48, OWH:16, PM:60, Re:98, Sl:24, Sn:37, Spc, TH:45, Ujm:131, az:15, jgh, vfk:7, vgh:4 -- A:452-69-17, Mc:74, V:112-90-7, RC:**, TH:A-
  271. Jenny Hval and Susanna: Meshes of Voice (Susannasonata) {17}: AUK:93, Bk:71, Dag:32, Dg, Fa:30, FF:36, Pl:68, Qi:10, Sc:15, TG:10, TMT:24, W:32, W_s:15* -- A:24-82-6, Mc:84, V:433-24-2
  272. Wilko Johnson/Roger Daltrey: Going Back Home (Chess) {17}: CR:11, Fp:37, LW:117, M:44, Rh, Sun:13, TS, akm, am, sb_p, se, ucr:4, vjt:5, vse:4, vss:6 -- Mc:75, V:168-59-6, TH:***
  273. Orlando Julius with the Heliocentrics: Jaiyede Afro (Strut) {17}: DV:30, DW:46, HV:6, JG:10, MM, MO:77, MYL:33, Od:29, Re:81, Rh, SM:39, TH:38, ejf, pb:7, po -- Mc:80, V:389-25-3, TH:A-
  274. Kasai Allstars: Beware the Fetish [Congotronics 5] (Crammed Discs, 2CD) {17}: FR:9*, JG:126, M:29+, MM, MO:49, Qi:38, Rh, TS, Ujm:105, W:9, W_s:30, afp, am, fb -- Mc:81, V:471-20-2, TH:***
  275. Luluc: Passerby (Sub Pop) {17}: HF:18, JS:10, Ma:16, Ujm:152, am, dim, djk, dtc, ecs:8, fb, npbb:1, npr, npst:1, vjf:4, wmh -- A:544-66-7, Mc:76, V:119-88-6
  276. Jason Moran: All Rise: A Joyful Elegy for Fats Waller (Blue Note) {17}: JC:7, JG:124, PJT:3, M, Rh, TG:36, ac, am, hoj:2, jdk, jdo, jmt, jrm:7, pm, vwl:4 -- Mc:86, V:563-18-2, TH:*
  277. Bishop Nehru/MF Doom: Nehruviandoom (Lex) {17}: ABC:29, Crk:94, Dr:91, JG:69, LF:37, Ok:11, Re:76, Rh, RS_r:23, S_h:29, Ujm:103, Zf:57, cn:8, i, sr:8, sw, vv -- A:518-67-12, Mc:67, TH:**
  278. The Notwist: Close to the Glass (Sub Pop) {17}: In:7, Ip:10, Ir:97, La:12, Mon:43, Mow:22, Mx:3, Plt:9, Zf:1, ts -- A:349-72-17, Mc:75, V:413-25-2
  279. One Direction: Four (Syco) {17}: Abt:18, Cos:11, DSp:30, Fu:27, HV:26, Rh, RS_p:18, T:50, Vu:12, am, hp, les, mla:10, pc:2, vbs:10, vjg:4 -- A:623-62-6, BB:4, Mc:65, OC:7, V:268-35-5
  280. Doug Paisley: Strong Feelings (No Quarter) {17}: AS:41, Bl:95, Ex, Gr:28, RS_c:21, RT:86, So:25, Ujm:104, WS:49+, ac, al:10, aqd, bs, hpc:5, ves:5 -- A:195-75-8, Mc:78, V:200-47-5
  281. Slipknot: .5: The Gray Chapter (Roadrunner) {17}: Aq:23, GW:1, K:7, MH:4, RkS:8, Rv:1, Sec:97, Sun, TS, am, rad -- A:555-66-5, BB:96, Mc:77
  282. Wadada Leo Smith/Jamie Saft/Joe Morris/Balasz Pandi: Red Hill (Rare Noise) {17}: BAj:20*, CE:12, CM:39, JC:140, JG:21, Rh:47+, TH:56, avn, bl:27, cm:15, ejw, fj, jpt, jws:9, se -- TH:A-
  283. Trio 3 and Vijay Iyer: Wiring (Intakt) {17}: CE:23, CM:27, JC:22, JG:55, JT:20, Rh:34+, T, WS, bc:2, cjc, cm:11, jrm:5, ocj, po, vlb:1 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  284. Mirel Wagner: When the Cellar Children See the Light of Day (Sub Pop) {17}: Amb:9, AUK:69, IT:25, LCC, M:24, Mx:75, Rec:28, Re:29, Zf:36, am, bgsm:3, rdc_s:9, rsf+, ss:9, tel -- A:227-74-7, Mc:80, V:1380-9-1, TH:**
  285. The Body: I Shall Die Here (RVNG) {16}: Amb:15, Ex, LW:44, Qi:26+, SF:13, Te:34, TMT:49, Tr:15, WS, Wu:92, am, sb -- A:113-78-7, Mc:80, V:811-10-1
  286. Henry Butler/Steven Bernstein: Viper's Drag (Decca) {16}: CM:47, JC:42, JT:27, PM, am, cm:18, ctj:1, jad, jbm, jbp, jdk, jgh:13, jpo:5, jpt:18, jrm:6, vwl:7 -- V:452-22-3, TH:***
  287. Frankie Cosmos: Zentropy (Midheaven, EP) {16}: Bz:7, HF:19, LM:4, Pf, Vu:1, Wat:43, WS:73, gp, hz, or, vjg:9 -- V:158-62-6, TH:*
  288. Einsturzende Neubauten: Lament (BMG) {16}: Ic:1, LW:1, MO:43, NA:26, On:45, Qi:40, RAR:9, Rla:20, Ujm:123, fb, ws -- Mc:75
  289. Have a Nice Life: The Unnatural World (The Flenser) {16}: Bz:47, Hi:3, ILS:23, IMS:12, ND:47, NV:20, SF:3, SM:40, Sp:19, Wu:68, fb, gmd, sb -- Mc:79, V:1529-5-1
  290. Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott: What Have We Become (Virgin) {16}: CM:20, JG:96, MT:6, MYL:30, Od:24, PD_r:21, TH:92, bl:17, df, ejc:20, ejw, ekm:5, esp:6, vmt:6 -- Mc:76, V:1419-8-1, RC:***, TH:A-
  291. Little Big Town: Pain Killer (Capitol Nashville) {16}: BB, CE:31, CW:58, NS:8, PM, Rh, Rk:3, RS_c:5, TL:30, WP:43, am, co:6, cw:3 -- Mc:83, TH:C+
  292. Machine Head: Bloodstone and Diamonds (Nuclear Blast) {16}: BAm:20, D:12, GW:14, K:13, MH:2, NM:13, Rv:9, Sec:96, TS, Vi:32, am, rad -- Mc:96
  293. Morbus Chron: Sweven (Century Media) {16}: CE:68, D:10, LR:7, NM:45, Ny:19, Pf, Rh, Sp:7, Te:12, fb, mmm:9, sb -- V:181-54-6
  294. Solstafir: Otta () {16}: BG, BGM:8, D:37, DV:42, MH:5, Ob:25, Qi, RAR:21, Sec:56, SF:30, Soi:8, Te:8 -- V:731-13-2
  295. TOPS: Picture You Staring (Arbutus) {16}: Crk:93, Du:7, GvB:4, Huh:19, OS:7, Sg:48, SS:5, WSF:20, am, gpssh:6 -- A:263-74-7, Mc:80, V:1529-5-1
  296. Leon Vynehall: Music for the Uninvited (3024) {16}: Bk:41, DJM:13, Fa:32, GvB:15, Ix:17, Mix:6, Pf:41, Pl:61, SS:6, WP:31, Wu:82, XLR:3 -- V:371-27-4, TH:*
  297. Witch Mountain: Mobile of Angels (Svart) {16}: BG, CE:56, NM:90, Ob:5*, PM, Qi, RAR:39, Rh, WS:16, cbz:36, fb:8, ilm:9, ma:14, mmm:19, sb
  298. Allo Darlin': We Came From the Same Place (Slumberland) {15}: ATH:19, DA:11, LM:16, LW:32, MM, MO:28, PM:35+, RC:41, RT:55, TH:75, emr:9, hz, ref -- A:291-73-11, Mc:75, V:232-40-4, RC:A-, TH:A-
  299. Courtney Barnett: The Double EP: A Sea of Split Peas (Mom & Pop Music) {15}: Az:37, CT:13, DIY:33, Ir:53, P:10, Rel:47, Wat:16, WHP:18, age, emr:2, fl:1, frp, smh, wcp:3 -- V:59-171-16, RC:**, TH:*
  300. Christine and the Queens: Chaleur Humaine () {15}: Sec:3, Ip:19, Ir:1, VP:30, dn:1, fn:1, lib, lm+, qb, wa, vtc:2 -- V:656-15-1
  301. DJ Quik: The Midnight Life (Mad Science) {15}: CM:22, CW:99, Dag:34, Dg:7, HHR:23, HV:32, PW:44, RS_r:11, Sc:66, Sg, WL:13, am, hdx -- A:97-79-6, V:173-58-5, TH:*
  302. Lawrence English: Wilderness of Mirrors (Room40) {15}: ACL:14, Bk:15, Fa:22, On:35*, Pl:30, Rh, Rla:7*, SF:40, Ujm:134, agb:14, gmd, lvw, sw -- A:100-78-6, Mc:82, V:571-17-2
  303. Fear of Men: Loom (Kanine) {15}: DS, Eb:52, GvB:9, LBF, On:41*, PM, Rvb, SM:34, SS:2, TMT:36, UR:36, WSF:33, am -- A:96-79-15, Mc:83, V:203-46-7, TH:***
  304. Bill Frisell: Guitar in the Space Age (Okeh) {15}: JC:90, JG:144, JT:17, MM, ND, ac, ccvs, jbm, jgh:20, jrm:3, rdc_s:5, rdc_w:3, vas:5, vjt:7 -- V:301-33-4, TH:***
  305. Kevin Gates: By Any Means (Bread Winners Association) {15}: BB, CW:87, HV:28, ILS:38*, PW:12, Rh, So:22, Qi, Sg, Ux:8, Vb:21, am, dd:2, gmd -- V:307-32-4, TH:**
  306. Grumbling Fur: Preternaturals (Quietus) {15}: FOF:12, GTV:12, LBF, No:44, Pi:100, Q:40, Qi:6, SFJ, W, fb:99+, mex:9 -- A:74-80-10, Mc:79
  307. Ben Howard: I Forget Where We Were (Island/Republic) {15}: AbP:25*, BF:20, DSp:15, HE:15, La:24, MO:57, Sec:86, Sun:25, Va:28, VP:74, aes, cl, xfm:40, md:1* -- A:316-73-8, Mc:77, V:811-10-1
  308. Kimbra: The Golden Echo (Warner Bros) {15}: FL:1, Lft:18, RS_p:9, Sp:13, Va:44, am++, kt:12, sob, vmk:2 -- A:524-67-11, Mc:70, V:291-35-2
  309. Seun Kuti + Egypt 80: A Long Way to the Beginning (Knitting Factory) {15}: CW:22, FR, M, Mg, Sc:96, ac, afp, am, bgsm:10, fb, npr+, vjp:10, vsa:8, wmc -- Mc:76, V:601-15-2, RC:**, TH:***
  310. Jon Langford and Skull Orchard: Here Be Monsters (In De Goot/Relativity) {15}: Bl:37, CM:64, JG:46, MM:16, Od:21, RC:45, TH:78, am, bs, egm:7, ejc:17, ejw, ekm:2, emr:10 -- Mc:79, RC:A-, TH:A-
  311. Logic: Under Pressure (Def Jam) {15}: Com:45, Em:8, HHW:20, RG:6, Rh, Vb:6, XXL, ac, am, dbz, hdx, hp -- A:523-67-6, Mc:72, V:378-26-3, TH:**
  312. Jemeel Moondoc: The Zookeeper's House (Relative Pitch) {15}: BAj:1, CM:2, JC:71, Od:30, cm:2, ddt:5+, edw:8, ejw, fj:3+, po:10 -- V:378-26-3
  313. Nothing: Guilty of Everything (Relapse) {15}: AJC, BG:59, DA:15, FWb:20, NN:32, Qi, RAR:17, Wu:76, am+, cjp:9, gp, nprh:4 -- Mc:77, V:214-44-6
  314. Old Crow Medicine Show: Remedy (ATO) {15}: AS:43, ND, NS:9, PM:13+, TG:81, WS, am, cp, cw:8, jgh, mjs, svc, vgh:9 -- A:157-76-8, Mc:79, V:310-32-3, TH:**
  315. The Reigning Sound: Shattered (Merge) {15}: Bl:17, DV:13, Gl:+, O:18, P:37, RT:90, TS, Ujm:67, dd:19, ejw, scw:9, wmh -- A:98-78-8, Mc:82, V:161-60-7
  316. Serengeti: Kenny Dennis III (Joyful Noise) {15}: DW:13, JG:31, MM, MYL, PW:43, Rh:38+, RS_r:28, S_h:14, TH:127, am, fp, po -- V:180-55-3TH:A-
  317. Skrillex: Recess (Owsla/Big Beat/Atlantic) {15}: Abt:16, BB, CW:15, DAD:14, DJM:15, FWb, MYL:29, RS:22, RS_e:2, Thp:27, esp:17, m_o:2, vnf:2 -- A:691-55-11, BB:178, Mc:59, V:370-28-2, RC:**, TH:B-
  318. Valerio Tricoli: Miseri Lares (Pan) {15}: ACL:4+, Bk:7, Fa:13, Ph:83, TMT:18, W:14, W_s:9, sw -- V:601-15-2
  319. Dan Weiss: Fourteen (Pi) {15}: JC:54, JT:30, MO:58, avn++, ei, jbm, jdb, jro, jws, nync:3, ocj, se, ss:3 -- V:736-13-1, TH:B-
  320. The Wytches: Annabel Dream Reader (Partisan) {15}: Crk:55, DIY:45, Dr:58, ND:42, NN:29, Pi:53, Re:11, RT:30, Rvb, Sk:38, akm, df, fb, fp, nymd -- A:397-71-13, Mc:69, V:756-12-1
  321. Antemasque: Antemasque (Universal) {14}: Aq:9, BGM:38, Gl, La:3, NA:34, NN:9, Vi:1, akm, hsr:2 -- Mc:64, V:811-10-1
  322. Blut Aus Nord: Memoria Vetusta II: Saturnian Poetry (Debermur Morti) {14}: BC, LR:5, NN:25, Ny:13, Pf, SF:85, Te:22, WS, am, gmd, ilm:25, mmm:6, sb -- V:537-20-1
  323. Laura Cantrell: No Way There From Here (Thrift Shop) {14}: CM:40, JG:88, LW:81, MT:21, MYL:28, NS:25, RC:56, TH:54, ac, am, ejc:43, ejw, eph:10, nymd -- A:103-78-5, Mc:82, V:571-17-2, RC:A-, TH:A-
  324. Nels Cline/Julian Lage: Room (Mack Avenue) {14}: JC:34, ND, TG:38, am, bgjg:4, ccvs, fj, hs, jbm, jbp, jdo, jgh:18, jjh, se -- TH:*
  325. +++: +++ [Crosses] (Sumerian) {14}: Aq:3, BGM:95, DS:5+, Gig:37, K:39, La:36, Rh, Rv:14, Vi:25, bd, fb, th:7 -- A:529-67-5, Mc:74
  326. The Delines: Colfax (El Cortez) {14}: AJC:32, Bl:73, Gl:+, RT:9, TH:145, Tr:34, U:57, ehs:10, ejc:28, els:10, emr:8, ss:7 -- Mc:87, V:179-55-4, RC:***, TH:A-
  327. Marianne Faithfull: Give My Love to London (Dramatico) {14}: Amb:39, AS:11, La:43, LB:6, LCA:17, Mz:22, RSF:5, YW:5, bgjr:5, jdo, vln:4 -- A:133-77-6, Mc:80, V:192-51-5, TH:*
  328. Honeyblood: Honeyblood (Fat Cat) {14}: DIY:20, Dr:76, Fp:15, MO:78, N:45, RT:17, Sk:41, UR:97, WHP:25, YW:17 -- A:182-75-10, Mc:75, V:1380-9-1, TH:B
  329. Hospitality: Trouble (Merge) {14}: Az:32, Bz:22, DS:87, GD, LB:16, LW:120, MO:84, P:50, PBC, Pi:81, PM:70+, Wat:17 -- A:402-71-15, Mc:74, V:807-10-2
  330. Mick Jenkins: The Water[s] () {14}: ND:37, Pot:24, PP:20, PW:23, RG:11, Sc:65, Sg, S_h:37, atg, hdx, hz, m_n:23, mjs -- V:471-20-2
  331. The Brian Jonestown Massacre: Revelation (A) {14}: Crk:96, Dr:51, Eb:69, LCA, LW:164, NA:15, No:3, Pi:91, Re:48, RT:82, Sec:41, lib -- A:219-75-10, Mc:71
  332. Kasabian: 48:13 (Columbia) {14}: DIY:93, LW:99, Mx:76, N:23, Q:28, Sec:45, Sun:14, TS, VP:34, cl, df, dr:12, xfm:8 -- A:678-57-7, Mc:62, OC:27
  333. Parker Millsap: Parker Millsap (Okrahoma) {14}: BDC:26, Nd, NS:21, PM:16+, T, TL:3, Tr:27, ax_s:6, fb, mm:14, npfa:8, rdc_s:3 -- Mc:76, V:387-26-2, TH:**
  334. Nick Mulvey: First Mind (Polydor) {14}: AUK:15, Ir:49, M:35, MO:17, Pi:69, Va:34, Zf:21, cl, df, fig, lib, xfm:10 -- , Mc:76, TH:*
  335. Nickel Creek: A Dotted Line (Nonesuch) {14}: Bz:30, DB, PM:32+, QRO:19, Rel:30, Rk, bs, co:7, jws, mc_p:10, mm:16, npfa:7, svc -- A:135-77-6, Mc:80, V:212-45-3
  336. Odesza: In Return (Counter) {14}: DAD:18, Em:13, IT:4, LAM:8, Noj:36, Thp:15, Tr:30, WHP:24, Wu:54, kt, m_o
  337. Pixies: Indie Cindy (Pixies) {14}: BDC:49, Fp:33, Gig:30, LW:165, M:48, Mon:11, Ndy:24, RSF, Sun:47, YW:32, ejf, toad, xfm:20 -- A:696-53-20, V:322-30-3
  338. Porter Robinson: Worlds (Astralwerks) {14}: BB, DAD:1, DJM:3, Em:7, Mix:22, QRO:24, Thp:2, Va:24, iw:5 -- A:531-67-6, Mc:63, TH:B
  339. Royksopp: The Inevitable End (Arts & Crafts) {14}: ER:12, Jn:13, Mix:25, PD_p:10, Rh, Sa:41, Shr:8, Wu:65, cl, dt, hz, rjc:3, rnf:6 -- A:436-69-13, Mc:75
  340. The Secret Sisters: Put Your Needle Down (Republic) {14}: MW:8, PM, QRO:22, RS_c:40, Spc, am, co:8, cp, rad, svc, vcc:5, vv, wmh -- Mc:79, V:253-38-4
  341. Sinkane: Mean Love (DFA) {14}: AUK:50, Dr:44, Gr:37, In:17, IT:28, La:22, Ni:17, Noj:49, RT:94, ST:16, aqd, lib, oe -- A:308-73-10, Mc77, V:736-13-1
  342. SZA: Z (Top Dawg Enterprises, EP) {14}: Ex, Ndy:10, Noj:10, Pl:70, Ux, Vb:34, WS, dd:16, gp:9, hpr:9, hz, kt -- A:584-65-11, V:601-15-2
  343. Trust: Joyland (Arts & Crafts) {14}: Eb:99, GfS:5, Ix:16, NN:48, Noj:14, PMA:58, Sk:21, SS:19, Wu:71, am, mtm:1*, pfk:13 -- A:314-73-12, Mc:72
  344. Tweens: Tweens (Frenchkiss) {14}: AR:7, DW:21, FWb, JDR:12, MTI:42, MYL:31, Rvb, YW:14, WS:50, dmz:10, ema:9, qb -- A:482-68-8, Mc:72, V:781-11-1, TH:B
  345. Mr Twin Sister: Mr Twin Sister (Infinite Beat) {14}: GvB:33, Ni:5, Pf:49, PMA:25, SS:4, UO:41, Vu:26, WSF:30, am, dn, or:1, ul -- A:63-80-8, Mc:83, V:125-85-7, TH:B-
  346. Wovenhand: Refractory Obdurate (Deathwish) {14}: BU:9, FWb:9, Hi:5, ILS:25, KM:10, MH:21, NN:40, Te:21, am, fb:3, sb -- Mc:86, V:461-21-2
  347. Miguel Zenon: Identities Are Changeable (Miel Music) {14}: JC:10, JT:33, ND, Rh, WS, bccvs+, gjg:6, jdk, jdo:3, jkw, jmt, jws:10 -- TH:*
  348. Carla Bozulich: Boy (Constellation) {13}: Amb:2, Bl:98, CW:53, DS:66, Mx:49, ND:24, W:25, W_s:27, am, fb, lvw, pm -- A:34-81-9, Mc:83, V:389-25-3, TH:***
  349. Chumped: Teenage Retirement (Anchorless) {13}: DA:18, DW:22, MYL:35, Pn:8, RC:43, Sg:24, TH:111, Vu:32, WS:22, ejc:24, ema:6 -- V:378-26-3, RC:A-, TH:A-
  350. The Nels Cline Singers: Macroscope (Mack Avenue) {13}: DB, JC:29, JG:106, JT:38, am, avn+, fb, jb:8, jbm, jbs:6, jjh:7, se -- V:445-23-2, TH:***
  351. The Cookers: Time and Time Again (Motema Music) {13}: BAj:19, JC:40, JT:19, WS, jbm:3, jbp, jjh:2, jpt:28, jsc, jtc, jws, rdc_w:10 -- TH:***
  352. Inga Copeland: Because I'm Worth It (self-released) {13}: BC:32, Bk:13, Du:8, Mon:29, Mx:85, Ph:49, TMT:12, WS:84, Zf:53, adh -- A:298-73-5, V:413-25-2
  353. Dead Congregation: Promulgation of the Fall () {13}: BC, D:11, LR:8, Mg, Pf:11, Sp:6, Te:20, WS, ilm:7, sb -- V:471-20-2
  354. George Ezra: Wanted on Voyage (Columbia) {13}: AUK:83, DIY:6, DSp:7, ST:28, T:48, Tr:20, dr:7, les, tos, xfm:21 -- OC:3
  355. Foxygen: . . . And Star Power (Jagjaguwar) {13}: Hi:3, Mx:22, P:32, Re:85, RT:99, Ru:10, UR:91, aqd, frp, mm:9, mtm:13 -- A:605-64-18, Mc:62, V:1529-5-1
  356. Gesloten Cirkel: Submit X (Murder Capital) {13}: Bk:87, Crk:45, JP:4, Ph:5, RA:3, Sc:9, Trx:23, XLR:4, am -- V:811-10-1
  357. Jimmy Greene: Beautiful Life (Mack Avenue) {13}: JC:85, T, TS:7, am, cjc, jbm, jbp, jdk, jmb, jpt:5, ocj:9, se -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  358. Curtis Harding: Soul Power (Burger) {13}: Bl:36, BS:24, Eb:85, FN:13, FWb:22, KM:8, TL:12, Wat:30, am, rap -- Mc:78, V:563-18-2
  359. Horrendous: Ecdysis (Dark Descent) {13}: BC, D:3, LR:1, NM:1, Sg:38, fb, mmm:10, rad -- V:461-21-2
  360. King Tuff: Black Moon Spell (Sub Pop) {13}: BGM:36, Hi:43, LH:7, LW:54, P:4, Rkl:19, Rvb, am, dbd, ema:8, fp -- A:438-69-12, Mc:75, V:253-38-4
  361. Amy LaVere: Runaway's Diary (Archer) {13}: JG:45, MM:25, MT:18, MYL, RC:42, RSG:30, TH:120, WS, am, bl:62, ejc:36, esp:12, vch:10 -- Mc:85, V:807-10-2, RC:A-, TH:A-
  362. Hamilton Leithauser: Black Hours (Ribbon Music) {13}: ATH:40, DJ:45, Mx:71, PM:66, Q:14, QRO:10, Sa:30, UR:115, WSF:29, nw, phw:15 -- A:338-72-16, Mc:74, V:453-22-2
  363. Lil Herb: Welcome to Fazoland (NLMB) {13}: Crk:77, CS:20, CW:13, ND:26, PW:29, RS_r:9, Sg, TMT:50, Ux:9, vew:6 -- V:165-60-5
  364. Taylor McFerrin: Early Riser (Brainfeeder) {13}: AUK:74, Dr:26, Ex, FOF:3, Mix:17, NA:31, Pot:2, am, sob, va -- A:148-77-9, Mc:76, V:269-35-4
  365. Mitski: Bury Me at Makeout Creek (Double Double Whammy) {13}: CMJ:8, DA:16, ILS:15, LM:3, WS:75, WSF, hsr:7, hz, vbs:4 -- V:202-47-4
  366. Kevin Morby: Still Life (Woodsist) {13}: ATH:14, Bl:62, DA:14, Mow:2, Ujm:112, UO:31, WSF:49, adc:7, aqd, pn:6 -- Mc:80, V:471-20-2
  367. Rick Ross: Mastermind (Def Jam) {13}: CW:75, RS_r:19, Rvb, Vb:23, XXL, ahh:2, am, bgjb:3, cn:10, ftw, gmd, kt -- A:539-66-14, BB:44, Mc:68, V:1529-5-1
  368. Travis Scott: Days Before Rodeo (Grand Hustle) {13}: Com:6, Em:43, Now, Pot:31, RG:10, ac, gmd, hz, hy:3, m_n:30, vru:8 -- V:215-44-5
  369. Twin Peaks: Wild Onion (Grand Jury) {13}: Bz:18, CMJ:11, CT:19, FWb:6, LAM:30, N:46, PM:54, Rvb, UR:98, WSF:47 -- A:197-75-12, Mc:75, V:458-21-3
  370. Ab-Soul: These Days . . . (Top Dawg) {12}: HHW:24, LH:8, RG:14, S_h:15, Va:50, Vb:38, ahh:5, am, dbz, hdx -- A:365-72-14, Mc:70, TH:**
  371. The Acid: Liminal (Mute) {12}: Dr:75, In:24, I:54, Mx:55, O:17, Va:49, Zf:48, adc:11, age, am, dn, fp, smh -- A:169-76-6, Mc:77, V:1529-5-1
  372. Allah-Las: Worship the Sun (Innovative Leisure) {12}: Bl:96, DA:2, Ir:56, P:19, Pi:45, RT:42, U:47, Ujm:91, VP:53, frp -- A:335-72-6, Mc:72, V:537-20-1
  373. Tony Allen: Film of Life (Jazz Village) {12}: FR, JG:64, M, MM, PM, Rh, Zf:44, am, fb:72+, oe, wmc -- A:212-75-5, Mc:82, V:571-17-2, TH:**
  374. Bahamas: Bahamas Is Afie (Brushfire/Island/Republic) {12}: AS:37, BGM:62, HE:20, MM:1, TS, aes, cbc:3, mm:2, ts -- Mc:79, TH:**
  375. Katy B: Little Red (Columbia) {12}: BG:2, DSp:26, HV:27, JG:47, Jn:40, LBF, MT:33, Rh, WP:34, WS, ejc:29 -- A:293-73-18, Mc:74, V:216-44-4, RC:***, TH:***
  376. Vashti Bunyan: Heartleap (Fat Cat) {12}: Bl:76, Ic:10, LW:128, Mx:87, Pi:56, Ujm:129, WS:89, am, fb, tel -- A:45-81-8, Mc:82, V:468-20-3
  377. Mariah Carey: Me, I Am Mariah . . . the Elusive Chanteuse (Def Jam) {12}: BGM:13, Crk:100, Lft:3, Ndy:14, Qi, RS, Vb:43, WS:80+, id:7 -- A:617-63-8, Mc:67, V:656-15-1
  378. Regina Carter: Southern Comfort (Masterworks) {12}: JC:57, MM:19, TG:56, TH:35, am+, ctj:6, jbs:8, jdb, jgs, pan -- TH:A-
  379. Avishai Cohen's Triveni: Dark Nights (Anzic) {12}: BC, DB, JC:38, JT:29, ac, bgjg:10, jbp, jgh:11, jjz:9, jsc, jtd, se
  380. Deerhoof: La Isla Bonita (Polyvinyl) {12}: FF:35, GD, Ir:86, JG:86, Rvb:23*, Sk:33, SOT, UR:44, WSF, Zf:60, se, vma:2 -- A:233-74-18, Mc:77, V:145-72-7, TH:**
  381. Dej Loaf: Sell Sole (World) {12}: Ny:7, Qi, RS_r:36, SFJ, Sg, S_h:11, atg, dmm:5, dmz, vjs:3 -- V:232-40-4, TH:*
  382. Eels: The Cautionary Tales of Mark Oliver Everett (E Works) {12}: DS:29, Fp:47, Fu:10, Jn:23, QRO:18, Rd:47, RSG:34, Sun:19, qb, tel -- A:566-65-15, Mc:70
  383. Frazey Ford: Indian Ocean (Nettwerk) {12}: Sn:44, ST:6, T, U:60, Ujm:7, am, bs, cbc:7, fp, vs:7 -- Mc:81, V:656-15-1
  384. Chris Forsyth and the Solar Motel Band: Intensity Ghost (No Quarter) {12}: Blz:37, Sc:83, SFJ, U:34, Ujm:5, WP:38, aqd, djk, dtc, fb:43+ -- V:389-25-3
  385. Francois and the Atlas Mountains: Piano Ombre (Domino) {12}: Ir:5, Ma:4, RSF, Sec:42, lib, lm, map:9, pfk:4, pn:1, wa -- A:51-80-7, Mc:74
  386. The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger: Midnight Sun (Chimera Music) {12}: ABC:26, FN:31, Re:97, RS:33, RSF:19, Sa:43, Spc, TS, az:10, gmd, se, ss:10 -- A:162-76-5, Mc:82, V:207-45-6
  387. The Gloaming: The Gloaming (Real World) {12}: FR:5, IT:1, Ni:19, On:23*, Sa:23, ejw, npr+, sl -- Mc:77, V:378-26-3
  388. Hercules and Love Affair: The Feast of the Broken Heart (Moshi Moshi) {12}: DJM:9, ER:6, HV:21, Ix:15, JG:60, MO:44, Mx:94, Shr:1 -- A:282-73-12, Mc:73, V:563-18-2, TH:B
  389. HTRK: Psychic 9-5 Club (Ghostly International) {12}: Amb:18, Bk:3, Crk:87, Ph:22, RA:2, Wu:85, age, hz, smh -- A:95-79-6, Mc:78, V:322-30-3
  390. Christine Jensen Jazz Orchestra: Habitat (Justin Time) {12}: DB:+, JC:30, JT:32, ND, ccvs+, jdb, jjk, jkf:4, jsc, vmw:2 -- V:1419-8-1, TH:*
  391. Kiasmos: Kiasmos (Erased Tapes) {12}: ADM:40, Cl:35, Crk:98, DS:33, FOF:21, DS, MO:36, Ni:7, Ph:39, PM, Wu:44 -- A:80-79-5, Mc:86, V:1380-9-1
  392. Kishi Bashi: Lighght (self-released) {12}: BOC:4, DJ:42, Eb:41, FN:49, Sn:28, Sp:8, WHP:17, WSF, dg, md:5 -- Mc:71, V:341-30-2
  393. Pat Metheny Unity Group: Kin (Nonesuch) {12}: BC, JC:43, ND, T, am, ccvs, jch, jgh:7, jj:5, jjk, jkf:3, vah:2 -- Mc:79, V:811-10-1, TH:B-
  394. Millie and Andrea: Drop the Vowels (Modern Love) {12}: Bk:31, Crk:37, JP:10, LW:74, Ph:57, Pl:71, Re:47, RT:8, SS:13, Wu:96 -- Mc:81
  395. Moire: Shelter (Werkdiscs) {12}: Bk:37, Dr:56, Fa:35, IT:20, Mix:27, Ph:65, Pl:38, Zf:66, am, om, sr:4 -- A:235-74-5, Mc:76
  396. Mr Mitch: Parallel Memories (Planet Mu) {12}: Bk:56, DAD:11, Fa:2, JP:18, Pl:4, PP:15, PW:16, Sc:78 -- Mc:74, V:811-10-1
  397. The Phantom Band: Strange Friend (Chemikal Underground) {12}: AUK:72, Cl:37, DS:39, HF:28, Mon:25, Pi:16, Re:71, Rvb:35*, Sk:9, UR:132 -- A:122-78-8, Mc:78
  398. Shakira: Shakira (RCA) {12}: Abt:11, MT:13, MYL:36, Ndy:16, RC:49, Rh, RS_p:19, TH:20, ejc:44, vbs:7 -- BB:75, Mc:69, V:1529-5-1, RC:A-, TH:A-
  399. Paul Shapiro: Shofarot Verses (Tzadik) {12}: JC:103, JG:9, Od:31, TH:5, bl:22, edw:7, egm:4, ejm:4, ejw, po -- V:601-15-2, TH:A
  400. Marty Stuart and His Fabulous Superlatives: Saturday Night/Sunday Morning (Superlatone, 2CD) {12}: BB, FM:19, NS:14, PM, Rh, ac, am, jrm, mjs, svc, vdc:6 -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  401. Tombs: Savage Gold (Relapse) {12}: D:14, Mg, NM:35, Pf, RAR:11, Te:33, Trb, ac, fb, ma:10, sb -- Mc:76, V:556-19-3
  402. Trey Songz: Trigga (Atlantic) {12}: Com:17, Rh, RS, Vb:26, WS:11+, am, fc, hpr:8, vco:2 -- A:411-70-7, BB:58, Mc:68, V:389-25-3
  403. Untold: Black Light Spiral (Hemlock) {12}: Crk:16, CW:48, Fa:23, GD:13, Pl:10, Rh, RS_a:9, dpm:4 -- V:471-20-2
  404. Gerard Way: Hesitant Alien (Reprise) {12}: AP:1, DIY:31, Gr:39, K:4, OS:20, Rh, am, ftw, vmk:4 -- A:309-73-6, Mc:75, V:195-50-4
  405. White Fence: For the Recently Found Innocent (Drag City) {12}: Dr:27, FN:12, GD:12, LCA, LW:134, Rkl:18, Rvb:23*, Ujm:43, fp, lvw -- A:382-71-16, Mc:74, V:280-35-3
  406. Matt Wilson Quartet + John Medeski: Gathering Call (Palmetto) {12}: JC:23, am, bgjg:5, cjc, jbm:1, jdb, jfk:8, jgs:9, jnb:7, jnf:5, jro, lacb:4 -- V:1529-5-1, TH:***
  407. Dave Alvin/Phil Alvin: Common Ground: Dave Alvin and Phil Alvin Play and Sing the Songs of Big Bill Broonzy (Yep Roc) {11}: AJC:26, MM:31, TH:61, TS, U:73, YW:23, am+, bn, po, vjt:1 -- Mc:81, V:260-37-3, TH:A-
  408. Shinichi Atobe: Butterfly Effect (DDS) {11}: Bk:10, Fa:10, JP:3, Ph:1, SFJ, en -- V:811-10-1
  409. Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires: Dereconstructed (Sub Pop) {11}: AJC:49, BS:2, CD:11, FM:11, LW:199, U:40, Ujm:9, mj, vch:7 -- A:601-67-7, Mc:74, V:137-80-8, TH:B
  410. Battle Trance: Palace of Wind (New Amsterdam) {11}: BC, CW:96, JC:103, Mg, PM:38+, avn, hsr, jrn, jws, vma:10 -- V:601-15-2, TH:**
  411. Otis Brown III: The Thought of You (Blue Note) {11}: JC:116, JG:138, JT:16, am+, cjc, jbp, jma, ocj, vmw:3 -- V:1419-8-1, TH:B
  412. Jennifer Castle: Pink City (No Quarter) {11}: Ex, Now:9, PM, Ujm:35, aqd, cbc:14, cmg, djk:10, np, scw:3, vjk:10 -- Mc:85, V:269-35-4
  413. Gary Clark Jr: Live (Warner Bros) {11}: Gr:31, GW:6, Rh, RS:47, TA:23, TG:63, am, app, ax_b, rad -- Mc:84, V:811-10-1, TH:*
  414. Kris Davis Trio: Waiting for You to Grow (Clean Feed) {11}: CM:28, JC:65, JG:91, Rh, TH:16, WS, cm:12, fj, hs, jbm -- TH:A-
  415. Esben and the Witch: A New Nature (Nostromo) {11}: BG:9, BGM:60, Dr:55, GTV:29, LBF, MO:88, Re:64, Te:46, dbd, fb -- A:151-77-7, Mc:69, V:341-30-2
  416. Every Time I Die: From Parts Unknown (Epitaph) {11}: AbP:13, K:27, LW:68, Ms:37, NM:74, Rv:10, TS, Vi:35, am -- Mc:92, V:811-10-1
  417. Bryan Ferry: Avonmore (BMG) {11}: HV:35, LP:41, Rla:15, RSF:18+, Rvb, T:30, TS, Ujm:124, am, sjm:5 -- A:476-68-9, Mc:71, V:232-40-4, TH:*
  418. Mary Gauthier: Trouble and Love (In the Black) {11}: AJC:24, Bl:86, ND, NS:28, RS_c:29, T, TH:80, ac, am, dd:15, ecp:6 -- Mc:80, V:601-15-2, TH:A-
  419. Golem: Tanz (Discos Corason) {11}: CE:9, JG:78, MT:15, MYL:49, RC:23, Rh, TH:58, bl:9, nymd -- V:1504-6-1, RC:A-, TH:A-
  420. Craig Handy: Craig Handy and the 2nd Line Smith (Okeh) {11}: JC:98, Rh, TG:82, TH:17, am+, bl:48, esp:11, jkf:6, vmg:10 -- V:413-25-2, TH:A-
  421. Billy Hart Quartet: One Is the Other (ECM) {11}: BC, JC:25, JG:34, JT:31, WS, am, hs, jgh:5, ocj, se, vmj:7 -- V:715-14-2, TH:B
  422. John Hiatt: Terms of My Surrender (New West) {11}: Bl:58, MM:39, ND, NS:30, Re:93, TH:124, TS, ccvs+, vss:5, ws -- A:253-74-5, Mc:78, V:389-25-3, RC:**, TH:A-
  423. iLoveMakonnen: iLoveMakonnen (OVO Sound, EP) {11}: BC:45, Ny:9, Pf, Pl:25, Sg, TMT:10, WS:97, vjg:8, vmh:6 -- V:121-86-10, TH:*
  424. Ja, Panik: Libertatia (Staatsakt) {11}: In:5, La:29, Mx:4, Plt:6, RSG:36, Spx:20, Zf:7
  425. Jeezy: Seen It All: The Autobiography (Def Jam) {11}: BB, Com:19, HHW:10, Vb:12, WS:48, XXL, am, dbz -- A:440-69-10, BB:71, Mc:71, V:1465-7-1
  426. Max Johnson: The Prisoner (NoBusiness) {11}: CM:63, JC:146, avn++, cm:28, ddt, fj, imp:4, jjs, jrn:10 -- TH:***
  427. David Kilgour and the Heavy Eights: End Times Undone (Merge) {11}: Bl:26, LCC:20, M:43, Mon:21, Ujm:56, Wat:45, aqd, dd:9, djk:8, ss:8, vjk:8 -- Mc:80, V:263-36-4
  428. Frank Kimbrough: Quartet (Palmetto) {11}: JC:32, JT:36, T, hs:2, jfk:9, jbm:9, jgs, jpo:3, jsc, jws, ocj
  429. Mark Lanegan Band: Phantom Radio (Flooded Soil/Vagrant) {11}: ADM:32, AJC:34, Dr:59, LCA:25, Re:22, Sn:31, ST:23, U:41, Ujm:84, fb, lib -- A:273-73-14, Mc:78, V:389-25-3
  430. James Brandon Lewis: Divine Travels (Okeh) {11}: CM:16, JC:39, JG:76, TH:152, WP:40, cm:7, fd:10, hoj:3, jbs:10, se -- TH:A-
  431. Johnny Marr: Playland (New Voodoo) {11}: ABC:48, AR:9, Bl:30, Q:38, VP:26, akm, am, exm, rsf+, xfm:42 -- A:606-64-14, Mc:70, V:756-12-1
  432. Modern Baseball: You're Gonna Miss It All (Run for Cover) {11}: AbP:10*, Au:30, BGM:52, Bz:38, CS:39, Gr:20, Ndy:18, emm, ves:3 -- Mc:76, V:221-43-4, RC:**, TH:***
  433. Stevie Nicks: 24 Karat Gold: Songs From the Vault (Reprise) {11}: CE:62, Rh, RSF:4++, TS, bn, hp, ref, ucr:10 -- A:451-69-6, Mc:73, V:736-13-1, TH:*
  434. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart: Days of Abandon (Yebo Music) {11}: ATH:1, Au:13, Mz:21, PM, Rvb, UR:57, WSF, hpi:7 -- A:392-71-17, Mc:69, V:1419-8-1
  435. Quilt: Held in Splendor (Mexican Summer) {11}: ATH:28, FK:18, GD, LQ:18, Rec:47, UR:135, Wat:27, aqd, npbb -- A:281-73-8, Mc:74, V:322-30-3
  436. Matthew Shipp Trio: Root of Things (Relative Pitch) {11}: BAj:21, JC:75, fj, hoj:8, jjs, jlh:7, jtc, pm, se, vlb:5, vsd:3 -- V:389-25-3, TH:***
  437. Sisyphus: Sisyphus (Asthmatic Kitty) {11}: BGM:69, Bl:54, DS, DW:31, JG:24, MYL:38, Od:20, VP:55, Zf:35, ekm:9, vnf:8 -- A:596-64-12, Mc:64, V:1529-5-1, TH:**
  438. Soundcarriers: Entropicalia (Ghost Box) {11}: CW:40, FK:15, GD, Mon:24, NA:50, No:36, Ph:32, Pi:36, om, sr:3 -- V:811-10-1, TH:**
  439. Step Brothers: Lord Steppington (Rhymesayers) {11}: HHR:16, HHW:18, ND:45, RS_r:15, am, dbz, cah, hdx, nyo, sw -- A:196-75-6, Mc:79, V:811-20-2*, TH:**
  440. Thantifaxath: Sacred White Noise () {11}: D:33, LR:13, ND:27, NM:25, Pf, VO:4, ilm:28, mmm:25, sb, vv -- V:811-10-1
  441. Ana Tijoux: Vengo (Nacional) {11}: BDC:42, JG:110, Rh:10+, RS_r:34, am+, fp, npr+, vsa:3 -- V:232-40-4, TH:**
  442. Young Widows: Easy Pain (Temporary Residence) {11}: BGM:67, CW:95, LCA:18, LCB:25, LCD:9, LCE:4, Sc:70, SF:89, sw -- A:388-71-8, Mc:82, V:601-15-2
  443. Jason Adasiewicz's Sun Rooms: From the Region (Delmark) {10}: JC:35, JG:67, ddt:2+, fd, jbm, jld:5, jlh:10, jws, se -- TH:***
  444. Melissa Aldana and Crash Trio: Melissa Aldana and Crash Trio (Concord) {10}: JC:44, JT:35, Rh, WS, bgjg:3, jbm:4, jdo:9, jha, jje, jpt -- TH:*
  445. Angles 9: Injuries (Clean Feed) {10}: BW:8, CM:61, JC:112, WS, bl:41, cm:27, fj:4+, vtk:7 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  446. Asgeir: In the Silence (One Little Indian) {10}: Dr:41, GfS:15, HF:34, Ir:45, LBF, RT:74, adc:6, npbb, riu:10 -- A:119-78-5, Mc:78, V:781-11-1
  447. Bing and Ruth: Tomorrow Was the Golden Age (RVNG Intl) {10}: Bk:22, Fa:14, JP:8, Pf, Qi:78, Ujm:37, UO:29, vab:6 -- A:38-81-6, Mc:82, V:310-32-3
  448. Bitchin Bajas: Bitchin Bajas (Drag City) {10}: Ph:96, Rkl:15, SF:76, Ujm:4, Vu:23, W:38, adh, aqd, vjb:6 -- Mc:81, V:225-41-5
  449. Blues Pills: Blues Pills (Nuclear Blast) {10}: CE:84, CR:32, MH:43, Rh, Sec:39, Soi:9, Vi:23, cbz:9, fb:10 -- V:781-11-1
  450. Body Count: Manslaughter (Sumerian) {10}: BAm:8, CW:54, K:17, NN:16, NV:14, Rv:17, se -- Mc:72, V:471-20-2
  451. The Budos Band: Burnt Offering (Daptone) {10}: BG:14, Qi:71, Rel:32, Rkl:12, Wat:12, am, fl:3, om, vdw:7 -- Mc:78, V:389-25-3
  452. Julian Casablancas and the Voidz: Tyranny (Cult) {10}: ADM:28, Ir:23, MTI:49, N:50, ND:33, Sec:60, TS, Ujm:110, WSF, en -- A:604-64-13, Mc:66, V:656-15-1
  453. Billy Childs: Map to the Treasure: Reimagining Laura Nyro (Sony Masterworks) {10}: JC:57, JT:26, TG:6, am, jdb, jdo:4, jrm:8, njf, vv -- TH:B-
  454. Dawnbringer: Night of the Hammer (Profound Lore) {10}: Bl:34, LR:14, NM:76, PM, ac, fb:39+, ilm:18, ma:5, mmm:34
  455. Morgan Delt: Morgan Delt (Trouble in Mind) {10}: GD:20, LCD:6, No:7, Pi:90, Sc:50, Ujm:76, fb, lvw -- A:201-75-5, Mc:75, V:601-15-2
  456. Dave Douglas and Uri Caine: Present Joys (Greenleaf Music) {10}: JC:48, PM, TG:71, fd:5, hs:7, jdo, jje, jpt, se, vwl:6 -- V:1529-5-1, TH:**
  457. Farmers by Nature: Love and Ghosts (AUM Fidelity) {10}: JC:45, Rh, TH:29, WS, ei, fj:6+, fjhe:9, jbs:7, se -- V:1529-5-1, TH:A-
  458. Floor: Oblation (Season of Mist) {10}: D:40, NM:22, Ob:20, Qi, RAR:47, Rkl:25, am, fb:65+, ilm:17 -- A:245-74-5, Mc:77, V:291-35-2
  459. The Gotobeds: Poor People Are Revolting (12XU) {10}: CMJ:30, FK:5, JDR:6, WP:48, ddm, dtc, fb:24+ -- V:232-40-4
  460. Grand Magus: Triumph and Power () {10}: CE:18, MH:25, NM:17, Rg, fb, kt:13, ma:8, se
  461. J Mascis: Tied to a Star (Sub Pop) {10}: Crk:52, GTV:41, LW:154, M:46, Mon:33, NA:28, Pi:34, Re:59, Ujm:107, gba:5 -- A:361-72-15, Mc:76, TH:*
  462. Javiera Mena: Otra Era (Union Del Sur) {10}: CE:11, DW:29, HV:38, Jn:9, RSS:18, Sup:18, vks:4 -- V:228-41-3
  463. The Men: Tomorrow's Hits (Sacred Bones) {10}: CS:34, Hi:4, Pu:12, SF:94, Sg:36, SOT, Ujm:111, phw:10 -- A:246-74-18, Mc:73, V:471-20-2
  464. The Menzingers: Rented World (Epitaph) {10}: AbP:6, BGM:45, K:25, Ny:6, Pn:2, al, emm -- A:366-72-8, Mc:71, TH:B
  465. The New Basement Tapes: Lost on the River (Island) {10}: BDC:7, Bl:39, Gl:+, Rh, Spc, TL:24, bs, frd -- Mc:75, V:321-30-4, TH:*
  466. Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica (Relapse) {10}: BC, FWb:21, Pf, Sg:8, Trb, WS, dbd, ilm:15, vmr:5 -- V:113-90-6
  467. Arturo O'Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra: The Offense of the Drum (Motema Music) {10}: JC:46, JT:21, Rh+, am, cjc, jdb, jgs, jjz, jpo -- TH:**
  468. Parkay Quarts: Content Nausea (What's Your Rupture?, EP) {10}: DW:11, JG:56, LCA, MM:43, TH:93, YW:56, aqd, ddm, ejc:15 -- A:248-74-14, Mc:76, V:194-50-5, TH:A-
  469. Theo Parrish: American Intelligence (Sound Signature) {10}: Crk:35, DJM:7, JG:22, Ph:37, Sc:31, Thp:34, dbd, dmz, vab:1 -- V:130-84-7
  470. Preatures: Blue Planet Eyes (Universal) {10}: Az:35, CS:44, CT:9, FL:41, JDR:26, Rvb, VO:18, owl, tos:10 -- V:599-15-3
  471. Primordial: Where Greater Men Have Fallen () {10}: D:23, LR:11, MH:15, Te:7, Trb, ilm:20, mmm:5, sb -- V:601-15-2
  472. Eric Revis: In Memory of Things Yet Seen (Clean Feed) {10}: BAj:22, CM:48, JC:27, JT:34, TH:73, avn, fd, fj, jb, ocj -- V:811-10-1, TH:A-
  473. Roman Flugel: Happiness Is Happening (Dial) {10}: Bk:78, Crk:24, Nu:7, Ph:9, Pl:34, Trx:11, Zf:68, om -- V:1419-8-1
  474. Catherine Russell: Bring It Back (Jazz Village) {10}: DB:+, TH:67, cjc, ejw, fd, fr:8, jpt, jws, rdc_w:13 -- TH:A-
  475. Yosvany Terry: New Throned King (5Pasion) {10}: DB, JC:36, JT:10, jkf, jpt:35, jsc, vlb:8, vtk:10, vv -- V:471-20-2, TH:***
  476. Richard Thompson: Acoustic Classics (Relativity) {10}: FR:8, ND, T, U:75, Ujm:62, ccvs+, egm:2, oe -- Mc:76
  477. Traxman: De Mind of Traxman Vol 2 (Planet Mu) {10}: Crk:33, CW:19, DAD:7, GD, LW:52, RS_e:10, Sc:56, Zf:28, adh -- Mc:82, V:811-10-1
  478. Chad VanGaalen: Shrink Dust (Sub Pop) {10}: LCA, LCD:3, Rvb:16*, Wat:25, aes, cmg, fp, ts -- A:232-74-10, Mc:78, V:389-25-3
  479. Marcin Wasilewski Trio w/Joakim Milder: Spark of Life (ECM) {10}: ND, TH:123, ccvs+, jat, jdm, jka, jpt:29, jtd, se -- TH:A-
  480. Jane Weaver: The Silver Globe (Bird) {10}: Amb:19, GD:3, Pi:1, Qi:24, exm, fb -- Mc:82, V:471-20-2
  481. Winterfylleth: Divination of Antiquity (Candlelight) {10}: K:18, LW:5, MH:19, Te:13, WS, sb
  482. Weird Al Yankovic: Mandatory Fun (RCA) {10}: ABC:42, Ex, RS_p:11, Spc, TL:29, UR:82, am, bn, cp, dmt:3 -- A:259-74-8, BB:89, Mc:77, V:174-56-7
  483. 100s: Ivry (Fool's Gold) {9}: BGM:53, Qi, Sg, WP:32, WS:68, gmd, i, mjs, vew:9 -- V:601-15-2
  484. Luke Abbott: Wysing Forest (Border Community) {9}: Dr:34, DS:54, LQ:11, MO:52, PM, Re:44, Thp:47, Ujm:116 -- A:249-74-6, Mc:72
  485. Jhene Aiko: Souled Out (Def Jam) {9}: G:19, PM, Rvb, Vb:7, djb, hpr:4 -- A:585-65-6, BB:148, Mc:76, V:413-25-2, TH:*
  486. Rodrigo Amarante: Cavalo (Easy Sound) {9}: BDC:44Blz:45, DB, Ir:59, JS:20, M, Pu:5, am, npbb:3
  487. Omer Avital: New Song (Motema) {9}: JC:53, WS, cjc, jbp, jgs, jpt:8, se, ws+ -- TH:*
  488. Diego Barber + Craig Taborn: Tales (Sunnyside) {9}: BC, BW:5, JC:63, JT:14, jgh:8, vmw:4, vv -- V:1419-8-1
  489. Andy Bey: Pages From an Imaginary Life (HighNote) {9}: JC:92, JT:15, ND, ccvs+, jdo, jld, jsc
  490. Big Ups: Eighteen Hours of Static (Tough Love/Dead Labour) {9}: CM:52, JG:95, LCB:23, LCE:3, LW:135, ND:44, Sc:36, TH:62 -- A:237-74-6, Mc:73, TH:A-
  491. Michael Blake: Tiddy Boom (Sunnyside) {9}: BAj:18, JC:59, TH:68, cjc, jbm, jje, jro, ocj, ws -- TH:A-
  492. Paul Bley: Play Blue: Oslo Concert (ECM) {9}: JG:61, ND, TG:59, ccvs, jfk:10, jdm, jj:2, jws:1, se
  493. Jane Ira Bloom: Sixteen Sunsets (Outline) {9}: JC:10, Tx:15, WS, jmb, jpt:4, jsf, jtd -- TH:**
  494. Busdriver: Perfect Hair (Big Dada) {9}: Mg, ND:12, PW:32*, Pot:34, Qi, Rh, am, fb -- A:304-73-7, Mc:74, TH:C
  495. Cheveu: Bum (Born Bad) {9}: Ma:8, NN:11, NV:10, Sec:76, fb, lib
  496. Childhood: Lacuna (House Anxiety) {9}: DIY:99, Fp:12, Ir:87, N:32, Pi:27, RT:56, UR:99, pfk:14 -- A:381-71-8, Mc:68
  497. Conan: Blood Eagle () {9}: CW:80, GfS:11, Hi:40, NM:88, Ob:4, Te:40, fb
  498. Hollie Cook: Twice (Mr Bongo) {9}: Amb, AUK:71, FK:3, Ir:94, LW:173, So:15, am, om -- Mc:75, V:811-10-1, TH:*
  499. David Crosby: Croz (Blue Castle) {9}: CR:34, Hu:13, On:48*, Rla:17, RSF:15, TG:61, se+ -- A:595-64-5, Mc:71, V:269-35-4
  500. Brody Dalle: Diploid Love (Caroline) {9}: Crk:97, CW:82, Gig:22, K:37, La:31, TS, Vi:2, vmk:6 -- A:466-68-9, Mc:72, V:209-45-4
  501. Deadmau5: While (1<2) (Virgin) {9}: BB, DAD:9, DJM:1, Mix:44, Thp:50*, lvw -- A:589-64-5, Mc:66, V:471-20-2
  502. DJ Dodger Stadium: Friend of Mine (Body High) {9}: BC:37, Fa:48, GvB:19, Mix:35, Ni:25, PW:41, Sc:104, SS:20, UO:21 -- V:471-20-2
  503. Kevin Drumm/Jason Lescalleet: The Abyss (Erstwhile, 2CD) {9}: CW:21, RS_a:5, TMT:5, W:17, W_s:18*, dls:10 -- V:811-10-1
  504. Lee Fields: Emma Jean (Truth and Soul) {9}: Bl:33, DB, Mow:41, Mz:11, Ndy:20, Wat:42, am, bgjr:8 -- A:88-79-7, Mc:84, V:601-15-2, TH:**
  505. Bela Fleck/Abigail Washburn: Bela Fleck and Abigail Washburn (Rounder) {9}: FR:14*, PM, T, ac, am, frd, npfa:2, vjp:2, ws -- V:378-26-3
  506. Foster the People: Supermodel (Columbia) {9}: Au:40, MTI:40, Mx:99, Sec:95, aes, bn, nt, wa, xfm:7 -- A:680-57-15, BB:189, Mc:58, V:247-40-2
  507. The Gaslight Anthem: Get Hurt (Universal) {9}: AbP:16*, BGM:33, CR:19, K:42, TS, am, jgh, xfm:30 -- A:684-56-17, Mc:62
  508. GridLink: Longhenna () {9}: BAm:5, BGM:84, D:18, KM:20, LR:18, NM:40, Pf, sb -- V:197-49-5
  509. Hail Mary Mallon: Bestiary (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {9}: CD:8, FOF:25, JG:141, PM, Pot:38, S_h:28, am, dor:4 -- TH:***
  510. Hassan Hakmoun: Unity (Healing) {9}: JG:20, MYL:42, RC:18, afp, ejc:13, npr, vtk:6 -- V:811-10-1, RC:A-
  511. Mary Halvorson: Reverse Blue (Relative Pitch) {9}: CM:11, JC:50, Tx:25, avn+, cm:6, jbm, jbs:1 -- TH:***
  512. Tom Harrell: Trip (High Note) {9}: DB, JC:26, JT:11, ccvs, jad, jpo:1, rdc_w:4, vv
  513. Helms Alee: Sleepwalking Sailors (Sargent House) {9}: NM:54, RAR:16, am, bd, fb:94, ilm:30, sb, sw -- Mc:80
  514. Indian: From All Purity (Relapse) {9}: CW:18, Ex, ND:16, NM:100, Pf, VO:13, sb -- Mc:86, V:781-11-1
  515. Vijay Iyer: Mutations (ECM) {9}: JC:20, TG:22, TH:137, fd, jdo:2, jje, rdc_w:11, vjc:1 -- V:453-22-2, TH:A-
  516. Killer Be Killed: Killer Be Killed (Nuclear Blast) {9}: La:6, LCE:20, MD:9, MH:36, Rv:13, akm, ilm:15 -- V:811-10-1
  517. Lake Street Dive: Bad Self Portraits (Signature Sounds) {9}: BDC:19, Rel:38, TL:11, al:5, frd, njf:1, svc -- Mc:78, V:171-58-6, TH:*
  518. Ray LaMontagne: Supernova (RCA) {9}: ABC:24, AUK:52, BDC:17, GW:24, Rh:41+, eg_s:3, kcrw:1 -- A:211-75-6, Mc:78, V:269-35-4
  519. Klara Lewis: ETT (Editions Mego) {9}: Bk:42, GD:18, Ic:4, JP:11, Qi:35, cmg, fb
  520. Sarah Manning: Harmonious Creature (Posi-Tone) {9}: BAj:6, CM:55, JC:87, cm:23, hs:4, jpt, lacb:6, se -- TH:***
  521. K Michelle: Anybody Wanna Buy a Heart? (Atlantic) {9}: BB, HV:10, Lft:16, Qi, Rh, RS, am+ -- V:184-54-5, TH:*
  522. Midnight: No Mercy for Mahyem (Hells Headbangers) {9}: BG:11, D:32, LR:24, NM:81, PM, Te:11, fb, sb -- V:232-40-4
  523. Tony Molina: Dissed and Dismissed (Slumberland) {9}: Gr:15, Hu:28, LM:14, ND:28, Noj:40, SOT:3, fp -- A:172-76-6, Mc:79, V:601-15-2
  524. The New Mendicants: Into the Lime (Ashmont) {9}: Ma:14, Mon:13, MT:29, TH:95, ejm:10, nymd, vss:9 -- Mc:76, V:811-10-1, TH:A-
  525. Partynextdoor: Partynextdoor Two (Warner Bros) {9}: Com:31, Noj:5, RS, Ux:7, WS:92+, dbz, dd:10 -- A:674-58-6, Mc:46, V:439-23-3
  526. Perc: The Power and the Glory (Perc Trax) {9}: Crk:31, JP:26, LCE:21, LW:36, Mix:31, Qi:9, Sc:42, Trx:4 -- A:116-78-7, V:471-20-2
  527. Pharoah and the Underground: Spiral Mercury (Clean Feed) {9}: JC:112, JG:37, Rh, WS, avn, ddt, fj, jbs:2, jka -- TH:*
  528. Pianos Become the Teeth: Keep You (Epitaph) {9}: AbP:2, BF:18, LB:23, Pn:14*, Sp:38, Vi:10, emm -- A:455-69-5, Mc:77, V:310-32-3
  529. Priests: Bodies and Control and Money and Power (Don Giovanni/Sister Polygon) {9}: BC:15+, DW:53, PM, RSh:19, WP:35, WS:25, vmj:1 -- V:263-36-4
  530. Statik Selektah: What Goes Around (Duck Down Music) {9}: AJC:33, HF:12, HHR:9, Mg, TH:108, WL:11, am -- Mc:84, TH:A-
  531. Teyana Taylor: VII () {9}: BB, RS, Rvb, Vb:25, WS, am+, npr, sob -- Mc:77, V:1529-5-1
  532. Teleman: Breakfast (Moshi Moshi) {9}: Blz:35, GD, Mon:26, Pi:57, T:32, UR:72, adc:19, fb, sb_r -- A:432-70-6, Mc:71, V:537-20-1
  533. Typhoon: Lobi Da Basi (Top Notch/Universal) {9}: DV:1, KM:4, O:2, Vr:2
  534. Viet Cong: Cassette (Mexican Summer, EP) {9}: GvB:29, LM:9, Mow:20, PW:50, ac, aqd, ddm -- V:1529-5-1, TH:B
  535. Dean Wareham: Dean Wareham (Sonic Cathedral) {9}: Blz:19, LF:31, LW:183, Mz:23, dd:6, ejf, eph:9, map:5 -- A:403-71-11, Mc:76, V:1529-5-1, TH:***
  536. Betty Who: Take Me When You Go (RCA) {9}: Au:36, S:11, S_p:1, Va:48, emm, pcb:20 -- V:160-61-5, TH:*
  537. Woman's Hour: Conversations (Secretly Canadian) {9}: DIY:70, DS:74+, GD, LBF, MO:93, SS:26, UR:71, VP:86 -- A:214-75-12, Mc:70, V:811-10-1
  538. Yelle: Completement Fou (Kemosabe) {9}: Ir:28, MYL:9, RSF, S_p:10, Thp:38, am, wa -- Mc:77, V:570-17-3, TH:**
  539. 18+: Trust () {8}: Du:5, Huh:25, PP:23, TMT:21, VP:66, YW:20
  540. Alcest: Shelter (Prophecy) {8}: BG, DV:38, K:38, MH:14, SF:42, dim, fb -- A:91-79-8, Mc:76, V:458-21-3
  541. August Alsina: Testimony (Def Jam) {8}: BB, Rh:35+, RS, Vb:11, WS, am -- BB:79, Mc:79, V:1419-8-1
  542. The Amazing Snakeheads: Amphetamine Ballads (Domino) {8}: Ir:79, LW:101, NN:47, Pi:40, Re:37, RT:34, UR:129, tel -- A:461-69-12, Mc:67
  543. Oren Ambarchi: Quixotism (Editions Mego) {8}: Bk:8, SF:74, Ujm:61, W:43, W_s:12*, hz -- A:102-78-5, Mc:81, V:471-20-2
  544. Anathema: Distant Satellites (Kscope) {8}: AUK:53, CR:14, MH:9, PM, Sup:33, th:2 -- A:229-74-6, Mc:80
  545. Joey Anderson: After Forever (Dekmantel) {8}: Bk:84, Crk:83, Ph:89, Pl:50, RA:9, RS_e:11, om -- V:453-22-2
  546. Atmosphere: Southsiders (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {8}: MTI:35, RC:39, S_h:17, am, dbz, edc:7, ejc:26 -- A:483-68-8, Mc:70, V:1529-5-1, RC:A-, TH:***
  547. Matt Bauder and Day in Pictures: Nightshades (Clean Feed) {8}: CM:59, JC:100, JG:111, Mg, cm:26, ddt:3+, jrn:6 -- TH:***
  548. Blank Realm: Grassed Inn () {8}: DJ:35, FL:27, NR:45, LCA, LW:184, Sc:82, Wat:20 -- A:134-77-6, Mc:82, V:291-35-2
  549. Bohren and Der Club of Gore: Piano Nights (Ipecac) {8}: LCB:22, LCE:14, Qi:42, RAR:46, Ujm:12, sw, vv -- Mc:79, V:1465-7-1
  550. Stefano Bollani: Joy in Spite of Everything (ECM) {8}: JC:112, TG:40, am, ctj:8, jbm, jgh:12, jjk, ocj:7
  551. Martin and Eliza Carthy: The Moral of the Elephant (Topic) {8}: FR:1, LW:55, T, am, eco:7, ejw:2 -- Mc:79
  552. Cheatahs: Cheatahs (Wichita) {8}: Au:8, NN:20, Re:73, UR:100, VP:82, sr:19 -- A:230-74-13, Mc:77, V:322-30-3
  553. Jimmy Cobb: The Original Mob (Smoke Sessions) {8}: DB, JC:92, jbm, jma, jnb:1, jro, jsf, ocj -- TH:***
  554. Chick Corea Trio: Trilogy (Concord, 3CD) {8}: JC:17, JT:7, jbm:7, jpo:2, jsf, sjs -- TH:***
  555. Antonie Corriveau: Les Ombres Longues () {8}: LCA:10, LCB:2, LCC:11, LP:1
  556. Duck Sauce: Quack (Fool's Gold) {8}: CE:16, DAD:20, DJM:5, RS_e:14, TS, wa -- A:445-69-6, Mc:76, V:471-20-2, TH:*
  557. Baxter Dury: It's a Pleasure (Le Label/PIAS) {8}: Ip:16, Ir:14, Ma:17, Q:37, Sec:69, VP:36, map:7 -- Mc:70
  558. Oran Etkin: Gatherng Light (Motema Music) {8}: DB, JC:143, jbm, jbp, jje, jpt:3, jws, ws
  559. Simone Felice: Strangers (Dualtone) {8}: AJC:16, LW:6, ND, T:40, am, df -- Mc:81, TH:*
  560. Hamell on Trial: The Happiest Man in the World (New West) {8}: CM:14, JG:105, MM:38, RC:25, egm:5, ejc:23, ejw -- V:1529-5-1, RC:A-, TH:**
  561. Francis Harris: Minutes of Sleep (Scissor & Thread) {8}: DS:82, IT:19, On:27*, Ph:24, RA:6, sw -- V:433-24-2
  562. Joe Henry: Invisible Hour (Work Song) {8}: AJC:25, RSG:15, TS, am, bgsr:10, ejw, vas:2 -- Mc:80, V:376-27-2, TH:*
  563. Bobby Hutcherson/David Sanborn/Joey DeFrancesco: Enjoy the View (Blue Note) {8}: JC:127, JG:147, am, jbp, jjh, jnf:2, jpt, vah:7 -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  564. Ideal Bread: Beating the Teens: Songs of Steve Lacy (Cuneiform, 2CD) {8}: JC:49, T, am, avn, fj, imp, jrn:1, jws -- TH:***
  565. Jessica 93: Rise () {8}: Ir:84, NN:1, NV:4, Sec:100, tel
  566. Max Johnson Trio: The Invisible Trio (Fresh Sound New Talent) {8}: CM:4, JC:112, JG:28, avn, cm:3, fj, jws -- V:811-10-1, TH:**
  567. Nick Jonas: Nick Jonas (Island) {8}: Fu:25, JG:77, MYL, Rh, RS_p:17, S_p:13, pc:5, vbs:8 -- Mc:69, V:1529-5-1, TH:B
  568. Keel Her: Keel Her (Critical Heights) {8}: DA:25, Ic:7, LW:100, SXP:7, fb+ -- A:646-61-6, Mc:64
  569. Khun Narin Electric Phin Band: Khun Narin Electric Phin Band (Innovative Leisure) {8}: CW:94, M, Re:95, TG:3, Ujm:49, YW:21, fb -- V:1419-8-1, RC:B+, TH:**
  570. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: I'm in Your Mind Fuzz (Castle Face/Heavenly) {8}: FL:23, FN:8, Hi:34, RT:85, Rvb:30*, Ujm:81, WSF:43 -- A:156-76-6, Mc:75, V:811-10-1
  571. Lil Boosie: Life After Death Row () {8}: BC:22, Com:16, PW:22, Sg, W, WP:22, gmd
  572. Literature: Chorus (Slumberland) {8}: ATH:10, PM, SOT, Wat:13, fp, hpi:3 -- A:480-68-6, Mc:70, V:471-20-2
  573. Lord Mantis: Death Mask (Profound Lore) {8}: D:34, MD:32, NM:42, Te:43, gmd, rad, sb, vv -- V:656-15-1
  574. Allen Lowe: Mulatto Radio: Field Recordings: 1-4 (Constant Sorrow, 4CD) {8}: JC:59, JG:19, TH:28, ejw:4, fd:7, jgs:2, po:2 -- V:656-15-1, TH:A-
  575. Lori McKenna: Numbered Doors (Liz Rose Music) {8}: RS:16, T, WP:14, bgsr:1, mc_p:6, vwh:7 -- V:310-32-3
  576. Melvins: Hold It In (Ipecac) {8}: CW:39, GW:19, RAR:13, Sk:34, fb, fp -- A:450-69-9, Mc:74, V:1529-5-1
  577. The Microscopic Septet: Manhattan Moonrise (Cuneiform) {8}: CM:32, JC:111, T, TH:100, cm:13, fd, jgs:10, jws -- TH:A-
  578. Migos: Rich Ni**a Timeline (Quality Control Music) {8}: CW:41, Pf, RS_r:7, SFJ, Sg, WP:23, atg -- TH:*
  579. Jean-Louis Murat and the Delano Orchestra: Babel () {8}: Ir:50, Ma:7, fig, fn:7, qb, map:3, tel
  580. Meshell Ndegeocello: Comet, Come to Me (Naive) {8}: Amb:36, Qi, TG:95, ac:7, am, bgsm:4, se, veh:7 -- Mc:72, V:153-67-7
  581. Karen O: Crush Songs (Cult) {8}: DIY:98, Hu:31, MYL, Pi:49, Rh, aes, hsr, m_n:12, -- A:618-63-20, Mc:64, V:471-20-2, TH:*
  582. PC Music: PC Music x DISown Radio Mix () {8}: DW:17, Fa:3, Pl:6, TMT:15 -- V:181-54-6
  583. Plastikman: Ex: Performed Live at the Guggenheim NYC (Minus/Mute) {8}: ADM:44, DJM:12, Mix:23, Ujm:66, am, dmm:9, ts:8*, wa -- Mc:72
  584. Jerome Sabbagh: The Turn (Sunnyside) {8}: BAj, DB, JC:76, bgjg:7, jat, jbm:8, lacb:5, ocj:10
  585. Shakey Graves: And the War Came (Dualtone) {8}: BS:25, Gl, am, bs, mm:9, rap, svc, vjp:6 -- V:269-35-4
  586. Elizabeth Shepherd: The Signal (Linus Entertainment) {8}: Ex, am+, jmt, jro, jsc, ocj, se
  587. Shlohmo/Jeremih: No More (We Did It, EP) {8}: Com:18, Noj:19, RS, WS:77+, m_n:33 -- V:656-15-1
  588. Sloan: Commonwealth (Yep Roc) {8}: Bl:75, Mg:22, PM:75, Sn:40, aes, am, ejl:1, vmk:9 -- A:286-73-6, Mc:74, V:142-75-8
  589. Smashing Pumpkins: Monuments to an Elegy (BMG/Martha's Music) {8}: Aw:10, Gig:50, GW:35, PD_r:12, Spc, qb, xfm:50 -- A:458-69-16, Mc:70, V:1529-5-1
  590. The Soft Pink Truth: Why Do the Heathen Rage? (Thrill Jockey) {8}: Amb:16, BC:5, Qi:81, TMT:43, fb, m_o:7 -- Mc:82, V:322-30-3
  591. Somi: The Lagos Music Salon (Okeh) {8}: PM:41+, afp, am, bgsm:7, cjc, jjh, vwl:1 -- V:212-45-3
  592. The Strypes: Snapshot (Island/Photo Finish) {8}: LF:8, MM:15, TH:8, ac, njf:5 -- V:253-38-4, TH:A
  593. Sunn 0)))/Ulver: Terrestrials (Southern Lord) {8}: Bk:72, LW:148, Qi:66, RAR:40, Re:75, SF:55, Te:28, df -- A:262-74-11, Mc:78
  594. Sebastien Tellier: L'Aventura (Universal) {8}: Ir:20, Ma:15, MO:69, Sec:49, WP:28, wa -- A:362-72-7, Mc:71
  595. Tennis: Ritual in Repeat (Communion) {8}: BGM:44, MM:13, UO:46, Va:18, mms, vsa:10 -- A:320-73-9, Mc:77, V:1529-5-1
  596. Tensnake: Glow (Astralwerks) {8}: DSp:27, Em:19, ER:2, Mix:15, Thp:30, tos -- A:619-63-10, Mc:65, TH:***
  597. Thee Oh Sees: Drop (Castle Face) {8}: CW:72, Dr:89, Pi:42, Pu:27, SOT:21, Ujm:25, fp, gmd -- A:224-74-13, Mc:80
  598. Tink: Winter's Diary 2: Forever Yours (self-released) {8}: BB, BC:1+, RS, Va:46, WS:27
  599. Trampled by Turtles: Wild Animals (Banjodad) {8}: MM, MTI:41, ND, QRO:21, Spc:4, Tr:28, bn -- Mc:64, V:468-20-3
  600. Wen: Signals (Keysound) {8}: Bk:40, DAD:4, Pl:74, PP:38, RA:20, Re:63, dpm:9 -- Mc:
  601. Don Williams: Reflections (Sugar Hill) {8}: AJC, FM:17, PM, Rk:6, am, mc_p:4, svc -- Mc:79, TH:*
  602. Virginia Wing: Measures of Joy (Fire) {8}: LQ:23, No:6, Sk:30, SXP:3, fb+
  603. Wu-Tang Clan: A Better Tomorrow (Warner Bros) {8}: BGM:37, MM:11, DW:59, RC:31, ejc:40, jgh, vgh:8 -- A:666-59-13, Mc:58, V:1465-7-1, RC:A-, TH:***
  604. Neil Young: A Letter Home (Third Man) {8}: Hu:39, M:45, MM, Noj:29, Re:89, RT:83, Ujm:54, slt:9 -- Mc:69, V:1529-5-1, TH:**
  605. Rodrigo Amado: Wire Quartet (Clean Feed) {7}: CM:42, TH:86, avn+, cm:16, imp, jat -- TH:A-
  606. Sam Amidon: Lily-O (Nonesuch) {7}: BC, FR:12, Ujm:141, am, dim, vda:5, wmh -- A:312-73-7, Mc:80, V:322-30-3
  607. Tori Amos: Unrepentant Geraldines (Mercury Classics) {7}: Gl, Lft:10, MW:20, RSG:31, bn, lvw -- A:240-74-9, Mc:77, V:811-10-1
  608. . . . And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead: IX (Superball Music) {7}: ABC:43, DS:46, LCA, LCB, RAR:37, Vi:22, fb -- A:425-70-11, Mc:74, V:601-15-2
  609. Animals as Leaders: The Joy of Motion () {7}: GW:4, NM:26, Sec:90, jjq:4, th:9, vv -- V:571-17-2
  610. Architects: Lost Forever/Lost Together (Epitaph) {7}: AUK:35, K:1, MH:22, RkS:3, Sun -- Mc:79
  611. Syd Arthur: Sound Mirror (Harvest/Virgin) {7}: Bl:49, CR:23, JDR:28, UR:93, fb+, njf:8 -- A:568-65-8, Mc:73, V:377-26-4
  612. Aurelio: Landini (Real World) {7}: FR:3, MM, afp, sl, wmc:2+ -- TH:***
  613. Beverly: Careers (Kanine) {7}: ABC:50, DA:17, GvB:25, WSF, YW:34, mj -- A:484-68-9, Mc:73, V:471-20-2, TH:*
  614. Big Freedia: Just Be Free (Queen Diva) {7}: CW:50, JDR:13, RS_e:13, am, fb, po -- A:150-77-6, Mc:79, V:601-15-2, TH:*
  615. Black Lips: Underneath the Rainbow (Vice) {7}: AJC, Bl:57, JDR:37, LAM:43, OWH:11, VP:48, toad -- A:505-67-15, Mc:71
  616. Blonde Redhead: Barragán (Asawa Kuru) {7}: Amb:38, Ip:7, Ma:24, Mx:100, Ujm:68, adc:1 -- A:600-64-14, Mc:64
  617. Dan Bodan: Soft (DFA) {7}: Amb:17, Du:9, IT:48, Mx:84, dn -- A:624-62-6, Mc:64
  618. Bong: Stoner Rock (Ritual Productions) {7}: MH:42, Qi:45+, SF:19, fb:90+
  619. Boris: Noise (Sargent House) {7}: Mg, RAR:14, SF:81, am, fb:86+ -- A:231-74-10, Mc:72
  620. The Both: The Both (Superego) {7}: DW:61, HE:13, Mg:3, am, wmh -- A:423-70-9, Mc:79, V:219-48-6*
  621. Jackson Browne: Standing in the Breach (Inside) {7}: RS:19, RSF:13+, Spc, T, bs -- Mc:71, V:1529-5-1
  622. Cannibal Corpse: A Skeletal Domain (Metal Blade) {7}: BAm:10, D:36, MD:23, NM:34, hsr -- V:811-10-1
  623. S Carey: Range of Light (Jagjaguwar) {7}: Az:50, Dr:80, Gl, TG:19, Va:43, or -- 446-69-12, Mc:69, V:1529-5-1
  624. Vicky Chow: Tristan Perich: Surface Image (New Amsterdam) {7}: CW:16, RS_a:4, Tx:6, avn -- V:811-10-1
  625. Cold Specks: Neuroplasticity (Broken Hertz/Mute) {7}: PM, Re:54, TS, UR:63, aes, cbc:8, vcb:7 -- A:317-73-13, Mc:73, V:280-35-3
  626. Company Freak: Le Disco Social (Opus Label) {7}: JG:50, MT:24, MYL:39, RC:47, Rh, TH:90, ejc:27 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  627. Sylvie Courvoisier Trio: Double Windsor (Tzadik) {7}: JC:91, cm:30, hoj:4, jad, jjs, jfk:6, jld:4
  628. Cozz: Cozz and Effect (Interscope) {7}: Com:38, HHW:25, PP:27, PW:45, am, dbz, hdx
  629. Dan Croll: Sweet Disarray (Capitol) {7}: Au:17, BGM:74, MTI:18, WHP:9 -- A:686-56-5, Mc:59
  630. Kasse Mady Diabate: Kirike (No Format) {7}: DV:12, FR:14*, Ujm:101, lm+, sl
  631. Dilated Peoples: Directors of Photography (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {7}: HHR:25, dbz, hdx, mjs+, sw, ut_j:9 -- A:208-75-6, Mc:75, V:811-10-1
  632. DJ Mustard: 10 Summers () {7}: CW:81, RS_r:8, WP:16, atg:10, vsk:8 -- A:255-74-7, Mc:74, V:1465-7-1
  633. Eminem [et al]: Shady XV (Shady) {7}: Aq:22, Com:47, Fu:11, RG:18, Vb:37, dmz -- Mc:61
  634. Orrin Evans' Captain Black Big Band: Mother's Touch (Posi-Tone) {7}: CM:72, JC:121, WS, cjc, jdo, jjh:10, jpt -- TH:**
  635. Exodus: Blood In, Blood Out (Nuclear Blast) {7}: GW:23, LR:15, MD:16, Mg, NM:5 -- Mc:74
  636. Full of Hell/Merzbow: Full of Hell and Merzbow (Profound Lore) {7}: BGM:98, LW:137, ND:34, Qi, RAR:32, gmd, ilm:16 -- A:574-65-5
  637. Gangsta Boo and Beatking: Underground Cassette Tape Music () {7}: BC:8, Com:21, PW:46, RS_r:30, Sg, i -- V:1380-9-1
  638. Bunji Garlin: Differentology (RCA/VP) {7}: CE:3, RS_e:6, W, am+, vjs:5 -- V:471-20-2, TH:**
  639. Alice Gerrard: Follow the Music (Tompkins Square) {7}: PM, Ujm:19, WS, am, aqd, iw:7 -- V:413-25-2, TH:***
  640. Giant Claw: Dark Web (Orange Milk/Noumenal Loom) {7}: CMJ:27, LCD, PM, TMT:7, adh, lib -- V:461-21-2
  641. Goatwhore: Constricting Rage of the Merciless (Metal Blade) {7}: MD:15, Mg, NM:73, am, ma:3, vv -- Mc:79
  642. Jolie Holland: Wine Dark Sea (Anti) {7}: LB:14, Rd:32, Re:87, am, bgjr:7, rdc_s:7 -- A:94-79-6, Mc:83, V:1419-8-1
  643. Iron Reagan: The Tyranny of Will () {7}: CW:34, D:16, LR:23, NM:67, NN:36, NV:7 -- Mc:75
  644. Darius Jones/Matthew Shipp: Cosmic Lieder: The Darkseid Recital (AUM Fidelity) {7}: JC:68, PM, Rh, WS, am, fj, jlh:9 -- TH:*
  645. La Dispute: Rooms of the House (Vagrant) {7}: AbP:20, AP:2, P:49, Rh, Vi:45, Wu:78, hsr:4 -- A:125-77-7, Mc:88, V:232-40-4, TH:***
  646. Jim Lauderdale: I'm a Song (Sky Crunch) {7}: ND, NS:22, TS, ac, am, bs, svc -- V:1529-5-1
  647. Azar Lawrence: The Seeker (Sunnyside) {7}: DB, JC:88, hoj:6, jbm:2, jha, jmb, jsc -- TH:**
  648. LeCrae: Anomaly (Reach) {7}: Com:34, Rh, RS_r:12, am, rad, rel -- BB:98, V:811-10-1, RC:***
  649. Loscil: Sea Island (Kranky) {7}: Ic:23, SF:27, Ujm:39, am, dim, fp, pm -- A:55-80-5, Mc:80, V:811-10-1, TH:*
  650. Lost in the Trees: Past Life (Anti) {7}: ATH:43, Eb:74, MM:42, Spc:9, iw:16, mtm:8 -- A:393-71-8, Mc:71, TH:***
  651. Lust for Youth: International (Sacred Bones) {7}: Amb:14, Crk:44, NV:13, VP:95, am, fb -- Mc:77
  652. Mariachi El Bronx: Mariachi El Bronx (III) (ATO) {7}: Aq:25, BDC:8, Crv:3, Tr:38, kt:11, -- Mc:75, V:537-20-1
  653. Jessica Lea Mayfield: Make My Head Sing . . . (ATO) {7}: ABC:19, AS:48, BS:14, eg_s:9, gp:12, rad -- A:463-69-7, Mc:69, V:260-37-3, TH:**
  654. Mark McGuire: Along the Way (Dead Oceans) {7}: Bl:20, FOF:22, TN:16, Ujm:147, UO:37, am -- A:354-72-11, Mc:75, V:1380-9-1
  655. Meatbodies: Meatbodies (In the Red) {7}: Eb:88, FN:45, Mow:1, Rvb, Ujm:60 -- A:355-72-5, Mc:73, V:811-10-1
  656. Medeski Martin and Wood + Nels Cline: Woodstock Sessions Vol 2 (Indirecto) {7}: JC:120, Rel:7, avn, jjk, jtc, lacb:8 -- V:781-11-1, TH:***
  657. Brad Mehldau/Mark Guiliana: Mehliana: Taming the Dragon (Nonesuch) {7}: JC:108, Rh, jjk, jnf:4, jws, se, vwl:9 -- V:1529-5-1, TH:**
  658. Migos: No Label II (self-released) {7}: BB, Com:42, PW:19, S_h:19, m_o
  659. Blake Mills: Heigh Ho (Verve) {7}: Fw:17, WHP:4, WSF:38, am, aqd, bs -- V:246-40-3
  660. Roscoe Mitchell: Conversations II (Wide Hive) {7}: CE:41, JC:92, Rh:45+, WS, fj, jha -- TH:*
  661. OOIOO: Gamel (Thrill Jockey) {7}: CW:70, TG:60, Ujm:30, fb, fj, vmj:3, vrg:2 -- A:221-75-10, Mc:77, V:280-35-3
  662. Brad Paisley: Moonshine in the Trunk (Arista Nashville) {7}: CW:97, GW:41, Rh, Rk, RS_c:31, WS, YW:46 -- A:688-55-6, BB:180, Mc:56, RC:*, TH:B-
  663. The Pretty Reckless: Going to Hell (Razor & Tie) {7}: CE:24, K:49, Rh:29++, Rv:12, am -- BB:181, Mc:58
  664. Tom Rainey: Obbligato (Intakt) {7}: JC:84, JG:120, TH:66, jat, jpt, lacb, vjm:8 -- V:811-10-1, TH:A-
  665. Amy Ray: Goodnight Tender (Daemon) {7}: BS:22, LB:17, TG:50, YW:7, am, pcb:19 -- Mc:80, V:1419-8-1, TH:***
  666. Restorations: LP3 (Side One Dummy) {7}: BGM:105, Gr:9, Pn:4, Trb:37, cjp:5 -- A:300-73-6, Mc:76, V:471-20-2
  667. Jason Roebke Octet: High/Red/Center (Delmark) {7}: JC:28, ND, ccvs+, jlh:5, jpt, jtc -- TH:***
  668. Seattle Symphony: John Luther Adams: Become Ocean (Cantaloupe) {7}: TG:1, avn+, npr, pm -- V:135-81-7, TH:***
  669. Doug Seegers: Going Down to the River (Rounder) {7}: TH:71, ac, am, ejw, svc, vkc:7, ws -- V:811-10-1TH:A-
  670. Shamir: Northtown (God Mode, EP) {7}: BGM:107, DIY:94, Fw:30, JG:84, Pf, PMA:46, WS:24 -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  671. Matthew Shipp: I've Been to Many Places (Thirsty Ear) {7}: JC:52, Rh, W:33, am, fj, jgs, se -- Mc:80, V:1529-5-1, TH:*
  672. The Skull: For Those Which Are Asleep (Tee Pee) {7}: Ob:8, ac, cbz:34, fb:21+, ma:7
  673. Skyzoo and Torae: Barrel Brothers (First Generation Rich/Internal Affairs) {7}: HHW:14, WL:8, dbz, mjs+, vv -- TH:**
  674. Slackk: Palm Tree Fire (Local Action) {7}: Bk:47, Blp:6, JP:19, PW:3, WS:94, vjw:3 -- V:811-10-1, TH:B
  675. Dave Stryker: Eight Track (Strikezone) {7}: JC:123, cjc, jcb, jch, jjh, jpt:36, jws
  676. Tacocat: NVM (Hardly Art) {7}: DA:29, DW:41, MYL:45, S:49, SOT:11, WS:79, vmb:2 -- V:120-87-7, TH:***
  677. The Well: Samsara (Riding Easy) {7}: NM:62, Ob:11, Wat:2, fb:36+
  678. Ken Thomson and Slow/Fast: Settle (NCM East) {7}: JC:68, Tx:30, avn+, bc:5, cm:20, jws -- TH:***
  679. Tricky: Adrian Thaws (!K7) {7}: Amb, G:40, PBC, Ujm:118, am, rmw:2, tel -- A:615-63-11, Mc:67, TH:***
  680. Ryley Walker: All Kinds of You (Tompkins Square) {7}: RSG:26, Sc:68, Ujm:20, WP:45, am, aqd -- V:811-10-1
  681. Anna Webber: Simple (Skirl) {7}: JC:73, fj, imp:2, jjz:4, jrn:12, ocj, se -- TH:***
  682. David Weiss: When Words Fail (Motema Music) {7}: JC:67, hs:5, jbm, jgs:6, jpt, jsc, vmj:8 -- V:1419-8-1
  683. Weyes Blood: The Innocents (Mexican Summer) {7}: Amb:13, LQ:27, Ujm:80, am, djk, ref -- A:127-77-6, Mc:82, V:252-39-2
  684. Norma Winstone: Dance Without Answer (ECM) {7}: JC:138, T, TG:18, am, jjk, ocj:5 -- TH:**
  685. Wo Fat: The Conjuring (Small Stone) {7}: Ob:3, akm, cbz:33, fb:15+, sb
  686. Wolves in the Throne Room: Celestite (Artemesia) {7}: Bk:59, Crk:78, CW:52, ND:48, SF:17, Te:42 -- A:460-69-9, Mc:77, V:811-10-1
  687. You Blew It!: Keep Doing What You're Doing (Topshelf) {7}: Au:5, Gr:38, LW:124, PM, Sg:45, emm
  688. Your Old Droog: Your Old Droog (Mass Appeal) {7}: RS_r:13, Sg, cah, mjs+, vv -- V:588-16-3
  689. 2NE1: Crush (YG Entertainment) {6}: BB, CW:37, Fu:39, LF:36, RS_p:6
  690. Above and Beyond: Acoustic (Anjunabeats) {6}: DJM:8, Em:40, LAM:40, Mix:16
  691. Africa Express: Presents . . . Terry Riley's In C Mali (Transgressive) {6}: CW:64, JG:63, Rh, RS_a:16, Ujm:17 -- TH:***
  692. Lydia Ainsworth: Right From Real (Arbutus) {6}: Pf, WSF:36, cbc:20, cmg, ssh:4, vks:3 -- V:656-15-1
  693. Anjou: Anjou (Kranky) {6}: Ic:3, NN:54, SFJ, am, pm
  694. Arkells: High Noon (Dine Alone) {6}: MTI:30, Sn:7, TS, aes, cbc:18 -- Mc:74
  695. Augustines: Augustines (Caroline) {6}: CR:13, DS:52, QRO:30, Tr:45, xfm:9 -- A:548-66-6, Mc:72
  696. The Barr Brothers: Sleeping Operator (Secret City) {6}: Ex, LP:30, TS, bn, sb_p, wmh -- Mc:69, V:811-10-1
  697. Bass Drum of Death: Rip This (Innovative Leisure) {6}: BS:10, DA:10, LAM:45, VP:65 -- A:657-60-5, Mc:64, V:471-20-2
  698. Bear's Den: Island () {6}: BGM:91, Plt:18, eg_k:1, owl, vjf:1, xfm:45 -- Mc:72, V:656-15-1
  699. Beartooth: Disgusting (Red Bull) {6}: AP:3, K:5, MH:24, RkS:2, cl -- V:811-10-1
  700. Black Moth: Condamned to Hope (New Heavy Sounds) {6}: La:20, MH:45, fb:54+, th:10 -- Mc:68
  701. Joe Bonamassa: Different Shades of Blue (J&R Adventures) {6}: BRR:2, CR:15, GW:13 -- Mc:78
  702. Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Singer's Grave/A Sea of Tongues (Drag City/Palace) {6}: Mx:54, Re:61, RSG:39, Ujm:52, Zf:22, aqd -- A:225-74-6, Mc:74, V:1465-7-1
  703. Wade Bowen: Wade Bowen (Amp) {6}: Rh, Rk:10, cl, mjs, svc
  704. Braid: No Coast (Top Shelf) {6}: ABC:45, NA:38, PM, Vi:14, emm -- A:285-73-11, Mc:75, V:322-30-3
  705. Cory Branan: The No-Hit Wonder (Bloodshot) {6}: Bl:53, CM:26, FM:14, JG:54, RS_c:38, bs, svc -- A:296-73-5, Mc:80, V:453-22-2, TH:*
  706. Anthony Braxton/Tomas Fujiwara/Tom Rainey: Trio (New Haven) 2013 (New Braxton House) {6}: JC:136, avn+, fj, imp:10, jbs:9
  707. Broods: Evergreen (Capitol) {6}: BGM:22, Fu:6, ap:6, mm:5, tos
  708. Apollo Brown and Ras Kass: Blasphemy (Mello Music Group) {6}: HHR:5, Qi:70, RG:20, WL:14, dbz
  709. Chris Brown: X (RCA) {6}: BB, Com:35, Vb:15, WS, fc -- A:519-67-8, BB:62, Mc:63
  710. Brownout: Brownout Presents Brown Sabbath (Ubiquity) {6}: BDC:46, avn+, fb, fp, npr -- V:1529-5-1
  711. Kyle Bruckmann's Wrack: . . . Awaits Silent Tristero's Empire (Singlespeed) {6}: C:88, Mg, ei:5, fj, jkw:3, jtc -- TH:**
  712. Burial: Rival Dealer (Hyperdub, EP) {6}: DW:14, GvB:5, RC:9 -- RC:A, TH:**
  713. George Cables: Icons and Influences (HighNote) {6}: JC:61, T, jkf:7, jnf:10, nybr:2, vlb:9 -- V:433-24-2, TH:***
  714. Carlene Carter: Carter Girl (Rounder) {6}: NS:15, T, am, mjs, vv -- Mc:81, V:1380-9-1, TH:**
  715. Caleb Caudle: Paint Another Layer on My Heart (This Is American Music) {6}: BS:20, CD:7, ILS:13, PM -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  716. Centro-Matic: Take Pride in Your Long Odds (Navigational Transactions) {6}: AJCV, BS:6, CD:6, djk -- V:1504-6-1
  717. Ceo: Wonderland (Modular) {6}: Jn:44, LBF, Ma:20, OS:33, SS:8 -- A:359-72-14, Mc:76, V:537-20-1
  718. Chicago Underground Duo: Locus (Northern Spy) {6}: JC:142, avn, jb:9, jlh:4, jtc, se -- TH:***
  719. Clap! Clap!: Tayi Bebba (Black Acre) {6}: Bk:95, Blp:3, FK:6, Ph:68, Zf:34
  720. Eric Clapton: The Breeze: An Appreciation of JJ Cale (ADA/EPC) {6}: GW:36, RSF:8+, bn, rad -- A:670-59-6, BB:117, Mc:65
  721. Cormega: Mega Philosophy (Slimstyle) {6}: ABC:47, HHR:8, am, cah, hdx
  722. Cretin: Stranger () {6}: BAm:23, D:31, NM:58, mmm:35, sb, vv -- V:316-31-4
  723. Crowbar: Symmetry in Black (E1) {6}: MD:17, MH:41, NM:16, am -- V:1380-9-1
  724. Death Penalty: Death Penalty (Rise Above) {6}: CE:93, LR:20, Te:48, ac, fb:37+
  725. Decapitated: Blood Mantra () {6}: BAm:19, MD:19, Noj:26, Te:41, vv
  726. Delta Spirit: Into the Wide (Dualtone) {6}: MTI:2, PD_r:3, QRO:26, aes -- Mc:75, V:471-20-2
  727. The Do: Shake Shook Shaken (Wagram) {6}: Ir:24, Sec:9, fig, lib, lm -- A:526-67-5
  728. Dave Douglas/Chet Doxas/Steve Swallow/Jim Doxas: Riverside (Greenleaf Music) {6}: JC:66, JG:123, TH:63, jsc, ocj, pan -- TH:A-
  729. Dr John: Ske-Dat-De-Dat: The Spirit of Satch (Concord) {6}: M:50, T, TG:77, jro, rdc_w:5, se -- A:350-72-6, Mc:72, TH:C
  730. EEK ft Islam Chipsy: Live at the Cairo High Cinema Institute (Nashazphone) {6}: Bk:9, Qi:23, adh, lib, vab:9 -- V:1529-5-1
  731. Ekoplekz: Unfidelity (Planet Mu) {6}: Fa:38, LW:46, No:33, Pl:48, Qi:64, Sc:77 -- Mc:76, V:322-30-3
  732. Brian Eno/Karl Hyde: Someday World (Warp) {6}: GD, Ir:88, JDR:29, OS:41*, PM:21, RT:50 -- A:668-59-17, Mc:62, V:599-15-3, TH:*
  733. Orrin Evans: Liberation Blues (Smoke Sessions) {6}: BAj:23, JC:62, jch, lacb:3, vmw:5, ws -- V:1419-8-1, TH:**
  734. Father: Young Hot Ebony (Awful) {6}: Fa:27, Qi, SFJ, Sg, WS:60, mjf -- V:372-27-3
  735. Sky Ferreira: Night Time, My Time (Capitol) {6}: DIY:38, DSp:10, MO:61, Q:33, tos:4 -- TH:**
  736. Fire! Orchestra: Enter (Rune Grammofon) {6}: BU:9, BW:1, Wu:75, sa:8 -- Mc:75, TH:**
  737. Lyla Foy: Mirrors the Sky (Sub Pop) {6}: RT:71, Spc, Tr:12, VP:83, m_n:7, -- A:486-68-8, Mc:70, V:811-10-1
  738. Roddy Frame: Seven Dials (AED) {6}: Jn:37, Pi:88, RSG:3, U:59, am -- Mc:76, TH:*
  739. Freeman: Freeman (Partisan) {6}: Mg:2, am+, dt, hsr -- A:369-71-6, Mc:79, V:811-10-1
  740. Jens Friebe: Nackte Angst Zieh Dich An Wir Gehen Aus () {6}: In:37, Mx:18, Plt:17, Zf:12
  741. Fumaca Preta: Fumaca Preta (Soundway) {6}: Amb:41, MM, Qi:90, Re:90, TH:53, am -- TH:A-
  742. Fu Manchu: Gigantoid (Redeye) {6}: NM:6, Ob:9, fb:82+
  743. Cooly G: Wait 'Til Night (Hyperdub) {6}: Mix:48, Mx:46, Ph:95, Qi:14, W:23 -- A:611-63-5, Mc:66
  744. GoldLink: The God Complex (self-released) {6}: Em:18, Pot:27, S_h:16, WS:87 -- V:601-15-2
  745. Guided by Voices: Cool Planet (self-released) {6}: FN:4, Mg:13*, Sn:49, lvw, nymd -- A:521-67-8, Mc:68, V:372-27-3
  746. Noah Gundersen: Ledges (Dualtone) {6}: AbP:10*, cjp:6, eg_j:2, eg_k:9, rel:5 -- Mc:72
  747. Rich Halley 4: The Wisdom of Rocks (Pine Eagle) {6}: CM:71, TH:39, avn, jdm, jws, se -- TH:A-
  748. Happyness: Weird Little Birthday (Weird Smiling) {6}: AUK:67, Huh:10, LB:20, RT:62, ST:29 -- Mc:82, V:471-20-2
  749. Hauschka: Abandoned City (Temporary Residence) {6}: Ic:15, LP:43, LW:157, TG:29, am -- A:307-73-12, Mc:77
  750. Alexander Hawkins Ensemble: Step Wide, Step Deep (Babel) {6}: BW:17, fj, jjs, jkw:5, jpb, jws
  751. Phil Haynes: No Fast Food: In Concert (Corner Store Jazz, 2CD) {6}: JC:146, ND, avn, ccvs, jws -- TH:***
  752. Head High: Megatrap (Powerhouse) {6}: DJM:20, Ph:26, RA:11, Sc:26, XLR:10
  753. Imogen Heap: Sparks (RCA) {6}: ABC:41, LAM:19, Sn:8, am -- A:277-73-7, Mc:70
  754. James Hoff: Blaster (Pan) {6}: BC, Bk:74, CW:55, KQ:18, RS_a:11, en -- V:811-10-1
  755. Horse Lords: Hidden Cities (NNA Tapes) {6}: CW:25, SFJ, WP:13, adh, vjb:10 -- V:811-10-1
  756. Iamamiwhoami: Blue (To Whom It May Concern) {6}: FF:5, PM:52, Sa:45, Shr:14, Wu:95, rnf:4 -- A:429-70-7, Mc:73, V:471-20-2
  757. I Break Horses: Chiaroscuro (Bella Union) {6}: DS:28, LBF, MO:92, Mz:38, SS:29, UR:64 -- A:371-71-12, Mc:74
  758. Incantation: Dirges of Elysium () {6}: BAm:9, D:39, LR:17, Mg, NM:68 -- V:471-20-2
  759. Ital: Endgame (Planet Mu) {6}: Fa:18, JP:7, Thp:28, sr:16 -- A:433-70-5, Mc:75
  760. Michael Jackson: Xscape (Epic) {6}: Vb:31, bn, fc, njf, st, toad -- BB:36, Mc:66
  761. Kool AD: Word OK (self-released) {6}: CS:42, RC:11, TH:33, vmt:10 -- V:731-18-3*, RC:A, TH:A-
  762. Korallreven: Second Comin' (Cascine) {6}: GvB:34, LBF, Pl:72, SS:9, fb
  763. David Krakauer: The Big Picture (Table Pounding) {6}: PM:77, jbm, jdo:10, jkg, jpt:19, jws -- TH:***
  764. Le1f: Hey (Terrible/XL, EP) {6}: JG:107, SFJ, Sg, S_h:22, UO:45, ejm:7 -- TH:**
  765. Linkin Park: The Hunting Party (Warner Bros) {6}: Az:48, K:36, Rh, Rv:4, Sec:29 -- A:697-53-8, BB:67, Mc:65
  766. Lotic: Damsel in Distress (Janus) {6}: Fa:15, Pl:66, SFJ, TMT:16 -- V:1529-5-1
  767. Lucy: Churches Schools and Guns () {6}: Amb:30, Rec:43, Trx:9, gmd, sw
  768. Manchester Orchestra: Cope (Republic) {6}: AbP:22*, La:49, Re:94, Vi:11, emm -- A:547-66-9, Mc:70, V:781-11-1
  769. The Marmozets: The Weird and Wonderful (Roadrunner) {6}: AP:5, AUK:62, DIY:62, K:2, MH:8 -- Mc:86, V:811-10-1
  770. Meridian Brothers: Salvadora Robot (Soundway) {6}: Rd:26, Sc:39, Wat:15, am, wmc:8 -- V:811-10-1, TH:**
  771. Milo: A Toothpaste Suburb (Hellfyre Club) {6}: Pot:15, PW:32*, Qi:74+, ab_r:10
  772. Kylie Minogue: Kiss Me Once (Parlophone/Warner Bros) {6}: Lft:7, Rh, Shr:17, am, toad -- A:580-65-11, Mc:66, V:656-15-1
  773. Miossec: Ici Bas, Ici Meme () {6}: Ir:44, LP:26, fn:4, lib, qb, tel
  774. Mondkopf: Hades () {6}: Mow:33, NN:2, Sec:16, wa
  775. Moskus: Mestertyven (Hubro) {6}: CM:1, TH:150, bl:35, cm:1 -- V:537-20-1, TH:A-
  776. Motorpsycho: Behind the Sun (Rune Grammafon) {6}: Af:4, Dg, Sc:81, SM:25, fb:25+ -- Mc:77
  777. Emilie Nicolas: Like I'm a Warrior () {6}: Af:1, Dag:4, Dg, hz
  778. The Oath: The Oath () {6}: BG, D:19, fb:16+, mmm:24, rad -- V:439-23-3
  779. Obituary: Inked in Blood () {6}: BAm:12, NN:17, NV:11, W, hsr -- V:811-10-1
  780. Off!: Wasted Years (Vice) {6}: LCA, LCE:11, Pn:3, ac, oc_p:6 -- A:468-68-12, Mc:74, V:471-20-2, TH:**
  781. Old Man Gloom: The Ape of God (Profound Lore) {6}: Hi:26, Qi, RAR:6, Sc:16 -- V:318-31-3
  782. The Orwells: Disgraceland (Atlantic/Canvasback) {6}: Eb:97, LAM:41, MTI:5, Rvb, WSF:44 -- A:457-69-8, Mc:60, V:811-10-1
  783. Erlend Oye: Legao (Bubbles) {6}: In:11, Lft:15, Mx:69, Sup:32, am
  784. Jon Pardi: Write You a Song (UMG Nashville) {6}: CE:100, Rh, Rk, cp, toc:7, vv
  785. Danilo Perez: Panama 500 (Mack Avenue) {6}: JC:81, Rh, am+, bgjg:1, jpt:12 -- TH:**
  786. Anthony Pirog: Palo Colorado Dream (Cuneiform) {6}: am, avn, jbm, jws, se, vmj:6 -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  787. Prince/3rdEyeGirl: Plectrum Electrum (Warner Bros) {6}: PD_r:18, T:3, fb, ntu, pan:4 -- A:662-59-9, Mc:61, V:756-12-1, TH:*
  788. Pup: Pup (Side One Dummy) {6}: AbP:15, BGM:65, CS:37, Ny:15, Pn:18 -- A:147-77-6, Mc:83, V:310-32-3
  789. Pyrrhon: The Mother of Virtues (Relapse) {6}: CW:79, LR:10, NM:36, Te:27, vv -- V:656-15-1
  790. RAC: Strangers (Interscope) {6}: HE:42, KQ:13, MTI:4, S_p:11, am -- V:811-10-1
  791. The Raveonettes: Pe'ahi (The Orchard) {6}: DS:43, LCA, Mz:15, fp, hpi:4 -- A:395-71-12, Mc:75, V:656-15-1
  792. Ricky Eat Acid: Three Love Songs (Orchid Tapes) {6}: BF:25, BGM:71, Pf, SS:28, adh, cmg -- V:811-10-1
  793. Riff Raff: Neon Icon (300 Entertainment) {6}: BC:23, Com:50, PW:42, Sg, am, vbm:10 -- A:687-56-9, Mc:61, V:193-50-6
  794. Sean Rowe: Madman (Anti-) {6}: Ir:100, Spc:10, ac, ejw:6, njf -- Mc:74, V:461-21-2
  795. Emma Ruth Rundle: Some Heavy Ocean (Sargent House) {6}: ILS:16, LCA, LCB:12, NN:52, fb
  796. Rustie: Green Language (Warp) {6}: DAD:13, Eb:54, Mix:21, PP:35, Thp:40, jjq:6 -- A:469-68-21, Mc:67
  797. Lorenzo Senni: Superimpositions (Boomkat) {6}: Bk:12, Fa:5, JP:28, Qi:33 -- V:811-10-1
  798. Sicko Mobb: Super Saiyan Vol 1 () {6}: BC:27, Fa:9, S_h:39, WP:27, WS:44 -- V:280-35-3
  799. Edward Simon: Venezuelan Suite (Sunnyside) {6}: DB, JC:82, JT:39, am, jmb, ocj:3 -- TH:**
  800. Riccardo Sinigallia: Per Tutti () {6}: BU:4, Kal:4, On;25, Ru:5
  801. Slash: World on Fire (Dik Hayd) {6}: CR:6, GW:21, K:45, Rh, ucr:9 -- Mc:63
  802. Spider Bags: Frozen Letter (Merge) {6}: Bl:16, JG:25, Ujm:93, iw:18, phw:16 -- A:337-72-10, Mc:77, TH:*
  803. Angus and Julia Stone: Angus and Julia Stone (American/Virgin) {6}: FL:38, Hu:38, LCA, Sec:59, fig, fn:2 -- A:331-72-7, Mc:66, V:811-10-1
  804. This Will Destroy You: Another Language (Suicide Squeeze) {6}: ACL:7, Au:34, SF:12, jjq:8 -- A:398-71-7, Mc:71
  805. Tokyo Police Club: Forcefield (Mom + Pop Music) {6}: DW:18, HE:39, MYL:46, Rh, Sn:29 -- A:545-66-16, Mc:69, V:1529-5-1, TH:***
  806. Ultimate Painting: Ultimate Painting (Trouble in Mind) {6}: DA:27, Dr:45, Huh:17, No:28, RT:28, WSF, aqd -- A:410-70-7, Mc:79, V:154-67-6
  807. United Nations: The Next Four Years (Temporary Residence) {6}: BGM:93, Eb:83, Fw:13, Noj:45, Ny:16, gmd -- Mc:73, V:433-24-2
  808. Loudon Wainwright III: Haven't Got the Blues (Yet) (429) {6}: RC:61, TS, Ujm:150, am, ehs:5, els:5 -- A:216-75-7, Mc:77, V:307-32-4, TH:*
  809. Wanda: Amore () {6}: La:19, Mx:10, Plt:10
  810. Leo Welch: Sabougla Voices (Big Legal Mess) {6}: CM:18, TG:57, TH:106, am, po -- TH:A-
  811. White Hinterland: Baby (Dead Oceans) {6}: DS:90, Eb:60, ND:49, am, mla:2, or -- A:352-72-9, Mc:74, V:811-10-1
  812. Wildest Dreams: Wildest Dreams (Smalltown Supersound) {6}: Crk:20, Mx:90, RT:14, fb -- Mc:77, TH:**
  813. Zola Jesus: Taiga (Mute) {6}: GD, KM:16, UR:128, cmg, fb, ref -- A:454-69-16, Mc:66, V:811-10-1
  814. 5 Seconds of Summer: 5 Seconds of Summer (Capitol) {5}: Fu:40, Rh, Rvb, les, pc:3 -- BB:27, Mc:65, OC:29, V:656-15-1, TH:B
  815. Accept: Blind Rage (Nuclear Blast) {5}: MD:3, MH:50, ma:2, vv
  816. Answer Code Request: Code () {5}: BB, Mix:28, Ph:56, Pl:58, RA:14
  817. Artificial Brain: Labyrinth Constellation () {5}: ND:50, NM:57, ilm:26, sb, vv -- V:1504-6-1
  818. Nicole Atkins: Slow Phaser (Oh Mercy!) {5}: Aq:20, Rel:49, am, njf:3, vmg:6 -- Mc:82, V:209-45-4
  819. Audio One: The Midwest School (Audiographic) {5}: JC:83, ejw, fj, jb:2, jdk
  820. Austerity Program: Beyond Calculation () {5}: CW:44, Mow:10, RAR:20
  821. Autopsy: Tourniquets, Hacksaws and Graves (Peaceville) {5}: D:22, MH:48, NM:52, Te:23, ac:7
  822. Bobby Bare Jr's Young Criminals' Starvation League: Undefeated (Bloodshot) {5}: Bl:50, JG:114, am+, ecp:4 -- Mc:81, V:811-10-1, TH:B
  823. Marc Baron: Hidden Tapes (Potlatch) {5}: CW:61, RS_a:13, W:16, dls:6
  824. Mark Barrott: Sketches From an Island (International Feel) {5}: GvB:13, Ph:16, Pi:68 -- V:413-25-2
  825. Basement Jaxx: Junto (PIAS) {5}: RS, Thp:17, am, vjc:3 -- A:599-64-7, Mc:71, V:571-17-2, TH:**
  826. Joe Beck: Get Me Joe Beck (Whaling City Sound) {5}: JC:128, TG:49, jdb, jro, se -- TH:***
  827. Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga: Cheek to Cheek (Interscope) {5}: Spc:14, T, bgjr, bn, veh:5 -- A:683-57-6, BB:50, Mc:64, V:389-25-3, RC:B+, TH:*
  828. Brant Bjork and the Low Desert Punk Band: Black Power Flower (Napalm) {5}: NN:45, Ob:14, Vi:15
  829. Raoul Bjorkenheim: Ecstasy (Cuneiform) {5}: JC:101, avn, fj, jb:10, se -- V:1419-8-1, TH:***
  830. Black Bananas: Electric Brick Wall (Drag City) {5}: Amb:43, Mon:39, RAR:45, Ujm:85, nybr:10 -- A:238-74-6, Mc:80, V:731-13-2
  831. Blackbird Blackbird: Tangerine Sky () {5}: GfS:29, Noj:47, Pot:14, or
  832. Black Label Society: Catacombs of the Black Vatican (E1) {5}: GW:32, MH:46, Rv:15, Sun, se
  833. Bloodbath: Grand Morbid Funeral () {5}: LR:9, NM:4, rad
  834. Haley Bonar: Last War (Graveface) {5}: GD:5, RT:67, WS:31, npst:8 -- A:177-76-8, V:307-32-4
  835. Aziza Brahim: Soutak (Glitterbeat) {5}: FR:14*, MO:47, am, pm, sl
  836. Breton: War Room Stories () {5}: LCB, Sec:53, ar:8, pfk:6, sov:6 -- A:481-68-6, Mc:69
  837. Garth Brooks: Man Against Machine (RCA) {5}: CW:90, Rk, RS_c:30, Spc, bn -- BB:152, Mc:68
  838. Brötzmann/Jason Adasiewicz/John Edwards/Steve Noble: Mental Shake (Otoroku) {5}: CW:65, Mg, RS_a:17fj, jjs
  839. Buck 65: Neverlove (WEA Canada) {5}: DW:64, MM:20, S_h:26, edc:8 -- V:811-10-1, TH:**
  840. Calle 13: MultiViral (El Abismo/Sony Music Latin) {5}: BB, Rh:43+, am, nyjp:1 -- V:280-35-3, TH:***
  841. Chatham County Line: Tightrope (Yep Roc) {5}: Bl:83, PM, am+, iw:9 -- Mc:75, V:656-15-1
  842. Childish Gambino: Because the Internet (Glassnote) {5}: Mix:14, MM:32, Vb:17 -- BB:45
  843. Childish Gambino: STN MTN/Kauai (self-released) {5}: Fu:7, Mg, RG:16, cn:6
  844. Comet Gain: Paperback Ghosts (Fortuna Pop) {5}: ATH:32, Mon:6, SXP:12, ddm -- A:345-72-5, Mc:76, V:219-43-5
  845. Container: Adhesive (Liberation Technologies, EP) {5}: CW:10, LM:17, Pf, adh -- V:601-15-2
  846. Counting Crows: Somewhere Under Wonderland (Virgin) {5}: HE:17, TS, bn, vmg:9 -- Mc:74, V:601-15-2
  847. Currensy: The Drive In Theatre: Spitta Andretti () {5}: HHR:10, PW:35, cah, m_n:19 -- V:811-10-1
  848. Cynic: Kindly Bent to Free Us (Season of Mist) {5}: MD:34, NM:24, am, fb, rad -- A:677-57-5, Mc:66
  849. Douglas Dare: Whelm (Erased Tapes) {5}: DS:80+, LBF, Mow:43, Pl:46 -- A:77-79-6, Mc:83
  850. Death Grips: Niggas on the Moon (Third Worlds) {5}: Crk:91, Crv:20, TMT:44, Wu:43, dor:8 -- Mc:70, V:811-10-1
  851. Die Nerven: Fun () {5}: In:35, La:11, Plt:12, Zf:74
  852. Ani DiFranco: Allergic to Water (Righteous Babe) {5}: Lft:5, am, bs, vjp:1 -- Mc:71, V:811-10-1, TH:*
  853. Dorian Concept: Joined Ends (Ninja Tune) {5}: IT:32, Ni:16, Thp:33, Trx:14, am -- A:301-73-6
  854. Jorge Drexler: Bailar en la Cueva (Warner Music Latina) {5}: Rh, TG:88, am, npr, wmc -- V:341-30-2, TH:**
  855. The Drums: Encyclopedia (Universal Music) {5}: Mx:80, UR:86, WSF:46, ar:12, fp -- A:655-60-11, V:303-33-3
  856. Jason Eady: Daylight and Dark () {5}: Rh, am, cp, mc_h:5, svc
  857. Eternal Summers: The Drop Beneath (Kanine) {5}: ATH:17, DA:33, SOT, aqd -- A:265-74-7, Mc:74
  858. Fhloston Paradigm: The Phoenix (Hyperdub) {5}: Bk:63, IMS:18, Mix:32, Zf:70, am -- A:305-73-8, Mc:77
  859. Field Report: Marigolden (Partisan) {5}: ND, bs, ccvs+, mjs:3 -- A:428-70-6, Mc:78, V:811-10-1
  860. Foxes in Fiction: Ontario Gothic (Banter Media) {5}: ATH:45, CMJ:19, MTI:45, Rec:44, WSF -- Mc:71, V:1380-9-1
  861. Frank and Tony: You Go Girl (Scissor & Tape) {5}: Fa:47, JG:128, Mix:50, Ph:59, sw
  862. Tomas Fujiwara Trio: Variable Bets (Relative Pitch) {5}: avn+, fj, jat, jrn:4
  863. Brantley Gilbert: Just as I Am (Valory) {5}: BB, CE:92, Rk, am, toc:1 -- BB:16, TH:B
  864. Girlpool: Girlpool (Wichita, EP) {5}: DW:50, Vu:30, WS:40, owl, ref -- V:387-26-2, RC:**
  865. The Green Seed: Drapetomania (Communicating Vessels) {5}: MM:5, TH:6, ejf:8 -- V:1380-9-1, TH:A
  866. Greys: If Anything (Carpark) {5}: Crk:58, LCE:9, LW:188, en -- A:280-73-6, Mc:74
  867. Grieves: Winter and the Wolves (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {5}: BDC:32, Crv:5, TH:113, am -- Mc:58, TH:A-
  868. Gulp: Season Sun (Everloving) {5}: LW:97, Pi:15, U:69, UR:130 -- A:528-67-6, Mc:70, V:811-10-1
  869. Tord Gustavsen Quartet: Extended Circle (ECM) {5}: DB, am, jad, jjk, rmc -- TH:***
  870. Haerts: Haerts (Columbia) {5}: HE:24, Jn:38, hz, mms, pcb:12 -- A:665-59-7, Mc:56
  871. Calvin Harris: Motion (Columbia) {5}: DSp:19, Jn:49, RS_p:15, m_o:6, vcl:9 -- Mc:57, V:1529-5-1
  872. Ryan Hemsworth: Alone for the First Time (Last Gang) {5}: CMJ:3, DIY:95, Em:24, Va:45 -- Mc:72
  873. Keaton Henson: Romantic Works () {5}: DS:16, Hi:18, RT:58
  874. Hieroglyphic Being/The Configurative or Modular Me Trio: The Seer of Cosmic Visions (Planet Mu) {5}: Blp:7, W, XLR:12, YW:44 -- V:811-10-1
  875. Highasakite: Silent Treatment () {5}: Af:3, Dag:2, Dg, npbb -- A:406-70-8, Mc:71, V:1380-9-1
  876. High Spirits: You Are Here (Hells Headbangers) {5}: CE:25, Rh, ac, fb, sb
  877. Jennifer Hudson: JHUD (RCA) {5}: HV:14, am, sob, vti:9 -- Mc:68, V:1529-5-1, TH:*
  878. Lia Ices: Ices (Jagjaguwar) {5}: GD, Ic:14, T:21, UR:51 -- A:587-65-7, Mc:60
  879. Inventions: Inventions (Temporary Residence) {5}: DS:40+, MO:60, Re:24, SF:59 -- A:399-71-8, Mc:72
  880. James: La Petite Mort (BMG Rights Management) {5}: LW:138, Mz:36, PD_r:8, exm -- A:442-69-5, Mc:67, V:811-10-1
  881. Luke James: Luke James (Island) {5}: HV:8, Vb:41, bl:5, mm:11 -- V:471-20-2, TH:**
  882. Job for a Cowboy: Sun Eater () {5}: BAm:2, MD:20, NM:21 -- V:601-15-2
  883. Sean Jones: Im-pro-vise Never Before Seen (Mack Avenue) {5}: JC:47, JT:23, Rh, WS, cjc
  884. Ryan Keberle and Catharsis: Into the Zone (Greenleaf Music) {5}: JC:98, T, jdb, jjh:3, ocj -- TH:*
  885. Krieg: Transient () {5}: BC:21, D:15, Pf, mmm:22, sb
  886. Oliver Lake Organ Quartet: What I Heard (Passin' Thru) {5}: CE:80, JG:62, Rh, WS, se -- TH:**
  887. Annie Lennox: Nostalgia (Blue Note) {5}: MW:30, Spc, bn, jbp, jka -- Mc:68
  888. Lenzman: Looking at the Stars (Metalheadz) {5}: DAD:19, Mix:10, Tx:3
  889. Cher Lloyd: Sorry I'm Late (Epic) {5}: JG:137, LF:27, Rh, am, vcl:7 -- V:1529-5-1
  890. Theophilus London: Vibes! (Warner Bros) {5}: Now, S_h:24, hpr:7, hy, wa -- A:627-62-5, Mc:71
  891. Lo-Pan: Colossus (Small Stone) {5}: Ob:6, fb:78+, vv -- V:1529-5-1
  892. Mali Music: Mali Is . . . (By Storm Entertainment) {5}: Rh, am, fc, sob, st
  893. Branford Marsalis: In My Solitude: Live at Grace Cathedral (Okeh) {5}: JC:78, Rh, am, jjz:8, se -- TH:**
  894. Mars Red Sky: Stranded in Arcadia (Listenable) {5}: Ob:2, fb:75+, sw
  895. Martyn: The Air Between Words (Ninja Tune) {5}: Dr:42, Mix:4, am, aqd -- A:426-70-11, Mc:78, V:1529-5-1
  896. Martyrdod: Elddop (Southern Lord) {5}: LR:22, RAR:33, Sc:43, Te:47, am -- V:811-10-1
  897. Mayday x Murs: ¡Mursday! (Strange Music) {5}: TH:19, YW:8, am -- V:1465-7-1, TH:A-
  898. Rob Mazurek and Black Cube SP: Return the Tides: Ascension Suite and Holy Ghost (Cuneiform) {5}: BW:2, JG:80, avn+, se
  899. Zara McFarlane: If You Knew Her (Brownswood) {5}: AUK:84, ac, am, jpb, jro -- Mc:76, V:557-19-2, TH:B
  900. Tim McGraw: Sundown Heaven Town (Big Machine) {5}: NS:29, Rh, Rk, RS_c:27, toc:8 -- BB:128, Mc:71
  901. Medeski Scofield Martin and Wood: Juice (Indirecto) {5}: jbm, jnf:8, jpo:9, jrm:4, se -- V:1529-5-1, TH:*
  902. Bette Midler: It's the Girls! (East/West) {5}: MM:6, RC:53, bn, egm:6 -- Mc:72, OC:37, RC:A-, TH:**
  903. Ron Miles: Circuit Rider (Enja) {5}: JC:73, jbm, jbs:3, jgs, se -- V:811-10-1
  904. Mac Miller: Faces (self-released) {5}: RG:12, RS_r:18, Sg, ntu:6
  905. Roscoe Mitchell: Conversations I (Wide Hive) {5}: CE:21, JG:102, fj, jha, se -- TH:B
  906. Hafez Modirzadeh: In Convergence Liberation (Pi) {5}: JC:33, ND, ccvs, jha, jjz:7 -- TH:**
  907. Mono: Rays of Darkness (Temporary Residence) {5}: M, Rar:27*, Sc:99, SF:70, SOT:17*
  908. Mono: The Last Dawn (Temporary Residence/Pelagic) {5}: RAR:27*, Sc:99*, SF:71, SOT:17*, sb_p
  909. David Nail: I'm a Fire (MCA Nashville) {5}: BB, CE:88, Rk, RS_c:26, toc:10 -- Mc:71
  910. Naomi Punk: Television Man (Captured Tracks) {5}: CW:47, Eb:70, WP:11, ddm -- Mc:325-73-9, Mc:71, V:656-15-1, TH:B
  911. Tami Neilson: Dynamite! (self-released) {5}: AJC:21, FM:13, TH:88, cp, svc -- TH:A-
  912. Nisennenmondai: N (Blast First) {5}: BC, GD, LW:119, Qi:46, Sc:88
  913. OBN III's: Third Time to Harm (Tic Tac Totally) {5}: LCA:13, SOT, ac, nymd -- Mc:80, V:781-11-1
  914. Of Mice and Men: Restoring Force () {5}: GW:16, K:32, Rv:3
  915. Ogre: The Last Neanderthal (Minotauro) {5}: CE:79, Ob:22, cbz:40, fb:32+
  916. Orange Goblin: Back From the Abyss (Candlelight) {5}: MH:28, Ob:30, Te:32, fb, kt
  917. The Ed Palermo Big Band: Oh No! Not Jazz!! (Cuneiform) {5}: JC:136, T, TG:30, avn, jws
  918. Dolly Parton: Blue Smoke (Sony Masterworks) {5}: Cos:16, NS:27, Rk, RS_c:34, vkc:9 -- A:130-77-6, Mc:81, OC:13, V:471-20-2, TH:*
  919. Pere Ubu: Carnival of Souls (Fire) {5}: am, df, fb, npkt:2, rdc_s:4 -- A:16-83-5, Mc:80
  920. Michael Pisaro: Continuum Unbound (Gravity Wave, 3CD) {5}: W:19, W_s:23*, dls:3, om
  921. Plaid: Reachy Roots (Warp) {5}: IMS:14, Mon:40, Ujm:70, am, rmw:6 -- A:473-68-10, Mc:74
  922. Pure X: Angel (Fat Possum) {5}: FWb, Sup:28, WSF, adh, fp -- A:256-74-9, Mc:73, V:471-20-2
  923. Radiator Hospital: Torch Song () {5}: DS:96, Hi:45, RSh:7, owl -- V:269-35-4
  924. Rapsody: Beauty and the Beast (JAMLA) {5}: Mg, WL:18, hdx, iw:16, mjs
  925. Joshua Redman: Trios Live (Nonesuch) {5}: JC:36, JT:28, jgh:14, jmt, jsf -- TH:**
  926. The Rentals: Lost in Alphaville (Polyvinyl) {5}: ATH:46, JDR:24, LW:104, Spc:6 -- A:509-67-13, V:807-10-2
  927. Bruce Robison/Kelly Willis: Our Year (Premium) {5}: PM, TL:10, am, mc_p:9 -- V:1529-5-1, TH:***
  928. Rome Fortune: Small VVorld (Small World) {5}: Pot:30, PP:34, Qi, Ux, WS:74
  929. Jamie Saft/Steve Swallow/Bobby Previte: The New Standard (Rare Noise) {5}: hoj:1, jbm, jkf:9, jpt, se -- TH:*
  930. Seekae: The Worry () {5}: Mu:19, Rec:27, TM:19, VP:73, Zf:46
  931. Archie Shepp: Attica Blues Orchestra Live: I Hear the Sound (Archieball) {5}: CE:17, JC:72, jsc, po -- TH:***
  932. Shit and Shine: Powder Horn (Diagonal) {5}: BC, Bk:46, JP:25, RT:84, en
  933. The Shrine: Bless Off (Tee Pee) {5}: CE:43, NM:77, Rh, am, fb -- Mc:77, V:1529-5-1
  934. Simian Mobile Disco: Whorl (Anti) {5}: LAM:29, LQ:37, Thp:14, Ujm:142 -- A:546-66-10, Mc:69
  935. Souls of Mischief/Adrian Younge: There Is Only Now (Linear Labs) {5}: ABC:21, HHR:24, am, cah, nyo -- Mc:84
  936. Vinnie Sperrazza: Apocryphal (Loyal Label) {5}: BAj:25, bc, fd, jtc, se -- TH:**
  937. Squrl and Jossef van Wissem: Only Lovers Left Alive Soundtrack () {5}: CW:76, On:27*, Sec:34, fp, sw
  938. Vince Staples: Shyne Coldchain Vol. 2 (self-released) {5}: CMJ:23, DW:55, PW:10*, Sg -- V:229-40-5
  939. Stars: No One Is Lost (ATO) {5}: Au:38, PBC, Sn:23, TS, cbc:19 -- A:613-63-10, Mc:74, V:439-23-3
  940. Steffi: Power of Anonymity (Ostgut Ton) {5}: Noj:33, Ph:58, XLR:11, gmd -- Mc:76
  941. Stromae: Racine Caree (Square Root) {5}: CE:18, bgsm:7, npr+ -- V:811-10-1
  942. Helen Sung: Anthem for a New Day (Concord) {5}: JC:56, TG:86, am, jdo:7, jpt:10 -- TH:*
  943. Swallowed: Lunarterial (Dark Descent) {5}: Mon:41, NM:65, Te:16, sb -- V:471-20-2
  944. Aki Takase/Alexander von Schlippenbach: So Long, Eric!: Homage to Eric Dolphy (Intakt) {5}: JC:24, T, ddt:7, jjz:2, jkg -- TH:***
  945. Tape: Casino (Hapna) {5}: Mon:10, No:14, SF:31 -- V:811-10-1
  946. Teebs: Estara (Brainfeeder) {5}: DA:30, Dr:62, PM, XLR:23, am -- A:342-72-11, Mc:68, V:1380-9-1
  947. Teitanblood: Death (Norma Evangelium Diaboli) {5}: D:26, Pf, Te:29, gmd, sb -- V:811-10-1
  948. TI: Paperwork (Grand Hustle) {5}: Vb:18, XXL, am, npr -- A:504-67-8, BB:149, Mc:69, RC:*, TH:**
  949. Together Pangea: Badillac (Harvest) {5}: CS:29, Vr:6, fb:27+ -- V:1529-5-1
  950. Trap Them: Blissfucker (Prosthetic) {5}: D:27, NM:83, Qi, Rh, vv -- Mc:81, V:291-35-2
  951. Ty Dolla Sign: Beach House EP (Atlantic, EP) {5}: RS, WS:99+, vco:10, vjs:9 -- V:601-15-2
  952. Ume: Monuments (Dangerbird) {5}: Aq:15, Crv:10, Sn:28 -- Mc:70
  953. The Underachievers: Cellar Door: Terminus Ut Exordium (RPM MSC) {5}: BC:47, Ix:8, Rh, vv -- A:267-74-6, Mc:76
  954. The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra: OverTime: The Music of Bob Brookmeyer (Planet Arts) {5}: JC:16, fd:1, jma, jws -- TH:*
  955. Peter Van Huffel/Michael Bates/Jeff Davis: Boom Crane (Fresh Sound New Talent) {5}: CM:9, TH:41, cm:5, fj -- TH:A-
  956. Christina Vantzou: No 2 (Kranky) {5}: ACL:8, LW:39, SF:9 -- Mc:79
  957. Moreno Veloso: Coisa Boa (Luaka Bop) {5}: afp, am+, fb, om -- V:471-20-2
  958. Vermont: Vermont (Kompakt) {5}: DV:21, Mix:33, Ph:30, XLR:18, wa -- A:448-69-5, Mc:78
  959. Kelsey Waldon: The Goldmine (self-released) {5}: BS:16, FM:8, TH:118, svc -- V:1529-5-1
  960. Wara From the NBHD: Kidnapped (Playin for Keeps) {5}: BS:4, Pot:20, dbz
  961. Willie Watson: Folk Singer Vol 1 (Acony) {5}: FR, TG:12, U:46, svc
  962. Ben Watt: Hendra (Unmade Road) {5}: Ndy:25, RSG:2, U:27, bn -- A:405-70-8, Mc:78
  963. The Westerlies: Wish the Children Would Come on Home: The Music of Wayne Horvitz (Songlines) {5}: BW:13, WS, fd:9+, jpt -- TH:**
  964. White Suns: Totem (The Flenser) {5}: BGM:66, LCD:15, Mg, ND:43, TMT:34
  965. Julia Wolfe: Steel Hammer (Cantaloupe) {5}: DV:16, Tx:1
  966. Woods of Desolation: As the Stars (Northern Silence) {5}: D:13, Pf, Sg:25, WS, ilm:11 -- Mc:85, V:471-20-2
  967. Young and in the Way: When Life Comes to Death () {5}: D:28, NM:10, ilm:23, mmm:23 -- V:811-10-1
  968. Young Marco: Biology (ESP Institute, EP) {5}: Crk:53, Ph:14, XLR:13
  969. Denny Zeitlin: Stairway to the Stars (Sunnyside) {5}: JC:51, TG:15, jjz:6, jro
  970. Hans Zimmer: Interstellar [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] () {5}: Pl:13, Sec:20, rjc:10
  971. Yumi Zouma: Yumi Zouma (Cascine, EP) {5}: GvB:14, SS:12, gp, mms
  972. Look Again to the Wind: Johnny Cash's Bitter Tears Revisited (Masterworks) {5}: ND, T, am, ccvs+ -- Mc:71, TH:**
  973. Next Life (Hyperdub) {5}: DAD:2, WS:71, Zf:41, gmd -- V:471-20-2
  974. #1 Dads: About Face () {4}: FL:31, Mu:14, TM:14, tos:9
  975. Afrikan Sciences: Circuitous (Pan) {4}: Bk:93, Ph:62, SF:38, SFJ
  976. Ages and Ages: Divisionary (Partisan) {4}: MTI:16, P:28, am -- Mc:80
  977. Akrobatik: Built to Last (Spit Digital) {4}: CM:56, JG:93, S_h:31, ejm:6
  978. Allegaeon: Elements of the Infinite (Metal Blade) {4}: MD:2, NM:69, am
  979. Devon Allman: Ragged and Dirty (Ruf) {4}: BRR:3, am+
  980. All Them Witches: Lightning at the Door (+180 Records) {4}: Ob:5*, fb:30+
  981. Rodrigo Amado Motion Trio and Peter Evans: The Freedom Principle (NoBusiness) {4}: BAj:24*, avn, fj, jjs -- TH:**
  982. Marsha Ambrosius: Friends and Lovers (RCA) {4}: HV:5, am, bl:58 -- V:811-10-1
  983. AMM: Place Sub V (Matchless) {4}: DB, Mg, W:20
  984. Apostle of Solitude: Of Woe and Wounds (Cruz del Sur) {4}: CE:70, Ob:16, fb:29+
  985. ASAP Ferg: Ferg Forever () {4}: Com:39, Sg, S_h:36, atg -- V:811-10-1
  986. Ashrae Fax: Never Really Been Into It (Mexican Summer) {4}: UR:121, aqd, ddm, iw:23 -- V:811-10-1
  987. Astr: Varsity (Theory Entertainment, EP) {4}: S:20, S_p:3 -- V:1529-5-1
  988. Bobby Avey: Authority Melts From Me (Whirlwind) {4}: DB, TH:55, lacb, ocj -- TH:A-
  989. Bad Suns: Language and Perspective (Vagrant) {4}: HE:45, eg_b:2, hp, owl
  990. Aram Bajakian: There Were Flowers Also in Hell (self-released) {4}: avn, jld:7, nymd, se
  991. Barnt: Magazine 13 (Magazine) {4}: Bk:60, Ph:60, XLR:6, wa -- Mc:80
  992. The Baseball Project: 3rd (Yep Roc) {4}: Bl:101, MM:21, RC:62, nymd -- Mc:77, V:378-26-3, RC:A-, TH:***
  993. Bassnectar: Noise vs Beauty () {4}: CW:31, DJM:16, RS_e:12, Thp:37
  994. Be Forest: Earthbeat (WWNBB) {4}: Eb:89, SF:11, fp
  995. Be (Garth Be): The Seven Movements (SweetSticky) {4}: Ph:7, Pi:2
  996. Andrea Belfi: Natura Morta (Morr Music) {4}: Ic:5, fb, sw
  997. Olga Bell: Krai (New Amsterdan/One Little Indian) {4}: Dr:74, Qi:48, Ujm:86, vjb:3 -- Mc:77, V:811-10-1
  998. Bellowhead: Revival (Island) {4}: AUK:91, FR, T, am -- Mc:80
  999. Justin Bieber: Journals (Island) {4}: BC:20, Vb:8
  1000. Bigelf: Into the Maelstrom (InsideOut) {4}: CE:60, MH:47, Rh, fb
  1001. Nat Birchall: Live in Larissa (Sound Soul and Spirit) {4}: TH:21, jnf:1, jpb -- TH:A-
  1002. Andrew Bird: Things Are Really Great Here, Sort Of . . . (Wegawam) {4}: Spc, am, nymd, ws -- Mc:76
  1003. Black Space Riders: D:REI (BSR/Cargo) {4}: CE:4, Rh:28+ -- V:1380-9-1
  1004. Donovan Blanc: Donovan Blanc (Captured Tracks) {4}: Ma:3, dt, pfk:16 -- Mc:71
  1005. Blood Farmers: Headless Eyes (Resurrection) {4}: Ob:7, cbz:35, fb
  1006. Blood Red Shoes: Blood Red Shoes (Jazz Life) {4}: DS:26, ar:5, df, xfm:6 -- A:516-67-7, Mc:64, V:807-10-2
  1007. The Bombay Royale: The Island of Dr Electrico () {4}: LF:13, bl:38, vrg:7 -- V:601-15-2
  1008. Bongripper: Miserable (Great Barrier) {4}: Qi, SF:4, fp
  1009. Jesse Boykins III: Love Apparatus (Empire/Nomadic) {4}: Rh, am+, dbz -- V:756-12-1
  1010. Bracken: Exist/Resist (Baro) {4}: No:1, fb
  1011. Peter Brendler: Outside the Line (Posi-Tone) {4}: ddt:10+, jpt, se -- TH:***
  1012. Lee Brice: I Don't Dance (Curb) {4}: Rk, RS_c:24, am, toc:9 -- Mc:69
  1013. BRNS: Patine () {4}: Ip:17, Ir:76, Sc:95, VP:68
  1014. Broncho: Just Enough Hip to Be Woman (Dine Alone) {4}: LM:18, Rvb, imm:4, mm:4 -- Mc:68, V:229-40-5
  1015. Jonatha Brooke: My Mother Has 4 Noses (Bad Dog) {4}: ABC:25, TG:53, TH:79, pcb:8 -- TH:A-
  1016. Burial Hex: The Hierophant (Handmade Birds) {4}: Amb, SF:97, TMT:41, sb -- V:341-30-2
  1017. Julie Byrne: Rooms With Walls and Windows (Ordinal) {4}: FOF:11, M:7 -- V:811-10-1
  1018. Bill Callahan: Have Fun With God (Drag City) {4}: Ph:75, SF:64, Ujm:57, Zf:43
  1019. Martin Carr: The Breaks (Tapete) {4}: JDR:18, LW:126, RSG:38 -- Mc:77
  1020. Catfish and the Bottlemen: Balcony (Communion Music) {4}: RSF, Sa:31, Sun:39, xfm:36
  1021. Cavalera Conspiracy: Pandemonium (Napalm) {4}: BAm:7, MD:25, NM:87 -- V:811-10-1
  1022. Brian Charette: The Question That Drives Us (Steeplechase) {4}: BAj:4, ddt, jpt
  1023. Jeanne Cherhal: Histoire de J () {4}: Ir:69, pfk:11, qb, tel
  1024. Kenny Chesney: The Big Revival (Blue Chair/BNA) {4}: CE:81, RS_c:13, am -- BB:72
  1025. Cibo Matto: Hotel Valentine (Chimera Music) {4}: ABC:30, Amb:47, Shr:20, vjc:7 -- A:393-71-8, Mc:75, V:303-33-3
  1026. Jack Clement: For Once and For All (IRS Nashville) {4}: ND:4, TG:16, TL:26 -- TH:***
  1027. Coffinworm: IV.I.VIII (Profound Lore) {4}: NM:49, Qi, WS, sb -- V:269-35-4
  1028. Cold Beat: Over Me (Crime on the Moon) {4}: FK:40, Mon:23, ddm, dtc:9 -- Mc:72, V:471-20-2
  1029. Cold World: How the Gods Chill (Deathwish) {4}: NN:15, NV:3 -- V:257-38-2
  1030. Alessandro Cortini: Sonno (Hospital Productions) {4}: Amb, Bk:6, JP:20, sw
  1031. The Robert Cray Band: In My Soul (Provogue) {4}: am, app, ax_b, jrm
  1032. Theo Croker: AfroPhysicist (Okeh) {4}: am+, jdo, jpt -- V:656-15-1, TH:*
  1033. Cult of Youth: Final Days (Sacred Bones) {4}: Hi:3, NV:6, fb -- A:155-77-5, Mc:80
  1034. Cut Hands: Festival of the Dead (Blackest Ever Black) {4}: Bk:88, Qi:49, SF:5 -- V:263-36-4
  1035. Jeremiah Cymerman: Pale Horse (5049) {4}: hs, fj:10*+, fjhe:8
  1036. Dagens Ungdom: Dagens Ungdom (Metronomicon Audio) {4}: CM:15, Dag:37, bl:46 -- TH:***
  1037. Dark Blue: Pure Reality (Jade Tree) {4}: djk, dtc, fb:13+ -- V:601-15-2
  1038. Vladislav Delay: Visa (Ripatti) {4}: Bk:43, Sc:22, SF:51, gmd -- Mc:80
  1039. Demon Eye: Leave The Light (Soulseller/Megaforce) {4}: cbz:14, fb:20+, iw:11
  1040. Gareth Dickson: Invisible String (Sleeping Man) {4}: No:30, Ujm:146, djk:7, vjk:7 -- V:1465-7-1
  1041. Digital Primitives: Lipsomuch/Soul Searchin' (Hopscotch, 2CD) {4}: JC:128, TH:11, se -- TH:A
  1042. Dope Body: Lifer (Drag City) {4}: LCD, ND:23, Sk:20 -- A:368-71-6, Mc:72
  1043. Bob Dorough: Eulalia (self-released) {4}: jcb, jnb:5, jws, vah:9 -- V:811-10-1
  1044. Down: Down IV Part II () {4}: MH:40, NM:18, se
  1045. Drowners: Drowners (French Kiss) {4}: DA:7, Rvb, Sn:35 -- A:682-57-9, Mc:58, V:811-10-1
  1046. Dub Club/The Lions: This Generation in Dub (Stones Throw) {4}: JG:71, Rh:24+, am
  1047. Dwarves: Dwarves Invented Rock and Roll () {4}: MH:34, Pn:9, oc_p:4
  1048. Dwellers: Pagan Fruit (Small Stone) {4}: Ob:13, fb:66+
  1049. DZ Deathrays: Black Rat (Infectious) {4}: DA:38, FL:33, Mu:12, TM:12 -- A:189-75-5, Mc:77
  1050. Edward: Into a Better Future (Giegling) {4}: Ph:25, RA:18, Sc:32, sw
  1051. Donald Edwards: Evolution of an Influenced Mind (Criss Cross) {4}: BAj:10, hs, jch -- TH:**
  1052. Marty Ehrlich: A Trumpet in the Morning (New World) {4}: JC:31, fj, jtc, pm -- TH:A-
  1053. Electric Citizen: Sateen (Riding Easy) {4}: NM:95, cbz:17, fb:41+
  1054. Electric Wire Hustle: Love Can Prevail (Okayplayer) {4}: Ok:9, Rh, am -- V:378-26-3
  1055. John Ellis and Andy Bragen: Mobro (Parade Light) {4}: BW:4, WS, jws -- TH:B-
  1056. FaltyDL: In the Wild (Ninja Tune) {4}: Ph:67, PM, Thp:42, ntu:7 -- A:559-66-14, Mc:68
  1057. Fauve: Vieux Freres, Part 1 () {4}: Ir:25, LCC, Sec:26, fn:8
  1058. Fink: Hard Believer (Ninja Tune) {4}: In:19, Mx:64, VP:92 -- A:647-61-9, Mc:67
  1059. Fire Mountain: All Dies Down (This Is American Music) {4}: BS:23, CD:9, FM:15
  1060. The Flaming Lips: With a Little Help From My Fwends (Warner Bros) {4}: BDC:47, RC:34, Sn:41 -- Mc:59, RC:A-, TH:**
  1061. Dom Flemons: Prospect Hill (Music Maker) {4}: WS, npfa:3, vdc:7, veh:8 -- V:601-15-2, TH:**
  1062. Ben Flocks: Battle Mountain (self-released) {4}: TH:40, jdo, jjh:6, jpo -- TH:A-
  1063. Forever Pavot: Rhapsode () {4}: Mow:9, NV:17, tel
  1064. Danny Fox Trio: Wide Eyed (Hot Cup) {4}: CM:54, cm:22, fd, imp -- TH:***
  1065. Nils Frahm: Spaces (Erased Tapes) {4}: Pf, Ph:11, pm
  1066. Ace Frehley: Space Invader (E1) {4}: CR:7, GW:31, ucr:6 -- Mc:59
  1067. Function and Vatican Shadow: Games Have Rules (Hospital Productions) {4}: Bk:48, JP:23, Re:86, Rh -- V:781-11-1
  1068. The Furrow Collective: At Our Next Meeting (Furrow) {4}: FR:9, LW:42, TG:58
  1069. Richard Galliano: Sentimentale (Resonance) {4}: MM, TH:129, am, jgs -- TH:A-
  1070. John Garcia: John Garcia (Napalm) {4}: Aq:28, Ob:27, fb:76+
  1071. Kevin Gates: Luca Brasi 2 () {4}: ILS:38*, RS_r:16, atg
  1072. M Geddes Gengras: Collected Works Vol 2: New Process Music (Umor Rex) {4}: Pf, Rh, Ujm:64, adh
  1073. Giant Squid: Minoans (Translation Loss) {4}: BGM:73, LR:4, fb
  1074. Lafayette Gilchrist and the New Volcanoes: The Go-Go Suite (Creative Differences) {4}: BC, JC:116, jgh:3, oe
  1075. Golden Retriever: Seer (Thrill Jockey) {4}: CW:56, LCD:19, RS_a:12, SF:96 -- A:464-69-7, Mc:74
  1076. Gorgon City: Sirens (Black Butter) {4}: BB, Em:39, Thp:4 -- Mc:60
  1077. The Growlers: Chinese Fountain (Everloving) {4}: DA:3, Mow:4 -- A:257-74-8, Mc:70
  1078. Gut und Immler: 500m (Bureau B) {4}: BC, Ic:2, Zf:55
  1079. Barry Guy New Orchestra: Amphi/Radio Rondo (Intakt) {4}: JC:140, avn+, jjs -- TH:*
  1080. Gwenno: Y Dydd Olaf (Peski) {4}: FF:37, FK:8, LW:112
  1081. Ross Hammond: Humanity Suite (Prescott) {4}: avn+, fj, se -- TH:***
  1082. Hard Working Americans: Hard Working Americans (Melvin/Thirty Tigers) {4}: AJC, JG:134, cd:18, hpc:10 -- Mc:72, V:571-17-2, RC:**, TH:***
  1083. Gunnar Haslam: Mirrors and Copulation (LIES) {4}: Ph:54, Sc:100, XLR:14
  1084. Angel Haze: Dirty Gold (Island/Republic) {4}: DW:67, MYL:50, TS, bl:51 -- TH:A-
  1085. Arve Henriksen: The Nature of Connections (Rune Grammofon) {4}: T, TG:17, jjk -- TH:B
  1086. His Name Is Alive: Tecuciztecatl () {4}: UR:138, am, dmz, fp -- V:811-10-1
  1087. Hiss Tracts: Shortwave Nights (Constellation) {4}: ACL:13, Re:88, SF:15 -- Mc:74
  1088. Robyn Hitchcock: The Man Upstairs (Yep Roc) {4}: RSG:42, U:49, ehs:9, els:9 -- A:506-67-9, Mc:70, V:232-40-4
  1089. Hits: Hikikomori (Conquest of Noise) {4}: age, fb:31+, smh
  1090. William Hooker and Liudas Mockunas: Live at the Vilnius Jazz Festival (NoBusiness) {4}: BAj:12, TH:117, fj, jrn:13 -- TH:A-
  1091. Horseback: Piedmont Apocrypha (Three Lobed) {4}: CW:92, SF:67, fb, iw:4 -- Mc:76
  1092. Horsebeach: Horsebeach (Alone Together) {4}: Dr:61, No:32, Pi:3
  1093. Chrissie Hynde: Stockholm (Caroline) {4}: CR:28, RSF:20, UW:55, bn -- A:631-62-10, Mc:64, V:389-25-3, TH:*
  1094. Jon Irabagon/Mark Helias/Barry Altschul: It Takes All Kinds (Irabbagast/Jazzwerkstatt) {4}: JC:80, Rh, avn, jat -- TH:***
  1095. Jeremy Irons and the Ratgang Malibus: Spirit Knife (Small Stone) {4}: Hi:16, fb:68+
  1096. James Farm: City Folk (Nonesuch) {4}: T, am, jad, jjh:1
  1097. Jose James: While You Were Sleeping (Blue Note) {4}: am+, cah, vda:8 -- Mc:78, V:811-10-1, TH:B
  1098. Leela James: Fall for You (J&T) {4}: JG:139, ejm:1, st, vkc:6 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  1099. Alain Johannes: Fragments and Wholes Vol 1 (self-released) {4}: Aq:8, Crv:9
  1100. Russ Johnson: Still Out to Lunch (Yellowbird) {4}: JC:101, ctj:10, jjz:3, jpt -- TH:**
  1101. Darius Jones: The Oversoul Manual (AUM Fidelity) {4}: JC:41, avn, jlh:1, vsd:2 -- V:167-60-2, TH:B-
  1102. Juju and Jordash: Clean-Cut (Dekmantel) {4}: Bk:35, Ph:55, Sc:87, XLR:24 -- V:811-10-1
  1103. Kaiser Chiefs: Education, Education, Education and War (ATO) {4}: PD_r:17, Spc:17, VP:46, xfm:17 -- A:703-50-11, Mc:59, V:811-10-1
  1104. Kayo Dot: Coffins on Io (The Flenser) {4}: RAR:43, SM:35, avn, hsr
  1105. King Louie: Tony (Epic) {4}: Com:46, PP:13, vew:5 -- V:389-25-3
  1106. Leyland Kirby Presents V/Vm: The Death of Rave (A Partial Flashback) (History Always Favors the Winners) {4}: FF:7, Qi:58, SF:68
  1107. Knifeworld: The Unravelling (Inside Out) {4}: LW:102, PM, RAR:26, avn -- V:781-11-1
  1108. Lady Antebellum: 747 (Big Machine) {4}: CE:82, Rk, RS_c:36, toc:6 -- BB:133, Mc:66
  1109. Dawn Landes: Bluebird (Western Vinyl) {4}: Eb:73, am, bs, les -- Mc:75, V:781-11-1, TH:**
  1110. Adam Lane's Full Throttle Orchestra: Live in Ljubljana (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:65, TH:94, cm:29, ddt -- TH:A-
  1111. Daniel Lanois: Flesh and Machine (Anti) {4}: Bl:100, Rh, cbc:5, ejf:3 -- Mc:69, V:471-20-2
  1112. Stoney LaRue: Aviator () {4}: FM:12, Rh, cl, svc
  1113. The Lawrence Arms: Metropole (Epitaph) {4}: Pn:5, TS:5 -- Mc:77, V:811-10-1, TH:**
  1114. Le Butcherettes: Cry Is for the Flies (Nadie Sound) {4}: JDR:3, TS, fb -- V:811-10-1
  1115. Ledisi: The Truth (Verve) {4}: Lft:8, am, st -- V:1380-9-1
  1116. Sondre Lerche: Please (Mona) {4}: PM:48, UR:133, fw, vjp:3 -- A:251-74-5, Mc:74, V:127-85-6
  1117. Let's Wrestle: Let's Wrestle (Fortuna Pop) {4}: GTV:40, Huh:23, LW:19 -- A:570-65-7, Mc:74, TH:*
  1118. The Mark Lomax Trio: Isis and Osiris (Inarhyme) {4}: BAj:7, TH:84, Tx:32 -- TH:A-
  1119. Lonely the Brave: The Day's War () {4}: BGM:92, K:19, xfm:38 -- Mc:70
  1120. LostAlone: Shapes of Screams (Graphite) {4}: AP:10, K:26, LW:156, df
  1121. Lowell: We Loved Her Dearly (Arts & Crafts) {4}: BGM:21, Lft:19, cbc:16, ts:6* -- Mc:64
  1122. Brian Lynch and Emmet Cohen: Questioned Answer (Hollistic Musicworks) {4}: JC:126, cjc, jbp, jsc -- V:1529-5-1, TH:**
  1123. Machinedrum: Vapor City Archives (Ninja Tune) {4}: Em:36, Trx:6, jjq:3 -- Mc:68, V:811-10-1, TH:***
  1124. Karen Mantler: Business Is Bad (ECM/Xtra Watt) {4}: DB, jbm, se, vdw:8 -- V:1465-7-1
  1125. Florent Marchet: Bambi Galaxy () {4}: Ir:6, fig, map:4
  1126. Martha: Courting Strong () {4}: DS, GTV:28, LW:172, npr
  1127. Ross Martin/Max Johnson/Jeff Davis: Big Eyed Rabbit (Not Two) {4}: CM:50, avn+, cm:19 -- TH:B
  1128. Mausoleum Gate: Mausoleum Gate (Cruz del Sur) {4}: CE:10, Rh, fb -- V:1504-6-1
  1129. Mayhem: Esoteric Warfare (Seasons of Mist) {4}: D:35, MD:43, MH:35, Te:36 -- Mc:69
  1130. Mekong Delta: In a Mirror Darkly (Steamhammer) {4}: CE:13, Rh, Sp:29
  1131. Menace Ruine: Venus Armata () {4}: Amb:50, RAR:29, mmm:15, sb
  1132. Natalie Merchant: Natalie Merchant (Nonesuch) {4}: Lft:14, Spc, bn, ss:5 -- Mc:73
  1133. Mobb Deep: The Infamous Mobb Deep (Infamous) {4}: dbz, hdx, nyo, ut_j:3 -- A:564-66-5, Mc:70, V:601-15-2
  1134. Mode Moderne: Occult Delight (Light Organ) {4}: SM:26, SXP:19, fb:95+ -- Mc:47
  1135. Nils Petter Molvaer: Switch (Okeh) {4}: JG:150, jj:6, jjk, jka
  1136. Monolord: Empress Rising (Riding Easy) {4}: NM:48, cbz:10, fb:57+
  1137. Moonface: City Wrecker (Jagjaguwar, EP) {4}: GTV:14, Hu:37, dtc:4 -- A:72-74-10, V:1529-5-1
  1138. Stanton Moore: Conversations (Royal Potato Family) {4}: JT:40, jpo:8, jjh:5, jpt
  1139. Moose Blood: I'll Keep You in Mind, From Time to Time (No Sleep) {4}: AbP:8, BGM:72, RkS:9 -- Mc:77, V:1529-5-1
  1140. Joe Morris Quartet: Balance (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:128, avn, bc:3, fj -- TH:**
  1141. Mostly Other People Do the Killing: Blue (Hot Cup) {4}: DB, JC:146, avn, jat -- TH:B
  1142. Motionless in White: Reincarnate (Fearless) {4}: K:47, Rv:5, Sun -- Mc:74
  1143. The Muffs: Whoop Dee Doo (Burger) {4}: Bl:21, JDR:23, TA:21, ac -- A:297-73-7, Mc:76, TH:***
  1144. Musk Ox: Woodfall () {4}: Hi:17, Sp:17
  1145. Mutilation Rites: Harbinger (Prosthetic) {4}: NM:93, Pf, WS, mmm:18 -- V:811-10-1
  1146. My Brightest Diamond: This Is My Hand (Asthmatic Kitty) {4}: HF:10, UR:78, adc:2 -- A:374-71-9, Mc:76, V:439-23-3
  1147. Israel Nash: Rain Plans (Loose Music) {4}: Gl:+, RSF, vjt:10 -- V:601-15-2
  1148. Neel: Phobos (Spectrum Spools) {4}: JP:6, Pl:63, SF:62
  1149. Sam Newsome: The Straight Horn of Africa: A Path to Liberation (self-released) {4}: TH:136, WS, jdm, jsf -- TH:A-
  1150. O: Konstellaatio (Sahko) {4}: Bk:36, Pl:40, gmd, sw -- Mc:72
  1151. Peaking Lights: Cosmic Logic (Weird World) {4}: In:36, Pi:29, Sc:106, fb -- A:275-73-12, Mc:72, V:811-10-1, TH:***
  1152. Ivo Perelman: The Other Edge (Leo) {4}: JC:110, TH:13, fj -- TH:A-
  1153. Linda Perhacs: The Soul of All Natural Things (Asthmatic Kitty) {4}: IT:23, LW:159, Ujm:53, am -- A:472-68-11, Mc:73, V:811-10-1
  1154. Phish: Fuego (Jemp) {4}: GW:50, Rel:12, am -- A:608-64-5, Mc:71, V:1380-9-1
  1155. Pilgrim: II: Void Worship (Metal Blade) {4}: NM:47, Ob:28, am, fb -- Mc:76
  1156. Tineke Postma/Greg Osby: Sonic Halo (Challenge) {4}: JC:134, jha, jws:5, lacb:10 -- TH:***
  1157. The Primitives: Spin-O-Rama (Elefant) {4}: FK:4, hpi:5, sb_p
  1158. The Proper Ornaments: Wooden Head (Slumberland) {4}: FK:19, VP:63, am -- A:290-73-9, Mc:77, V:471-20-2
  1159. Purling Hiss: Weirdon (Drag City) {4}: ATH:38, Bl:66, DW:47, Ujm:32 -- A:247-74-6, Mc:76, V:280-35-3
  1160. Eliane Radigue: Naldjorlak I II II (Shiiin, 3CD) {4}: W:15, W_s:10
  1161. The Rails: Fair Warning (Universal) {4}: FR, RT:41, Sun:50, am
  1162. Ramona Lisa: Arcadia (Terrible) {4}: DC:18, FK:35, Ir:70, UR:83 -- A:492, 68-9, Mc:69, V:1529-5-1
  1163. Recondite: Iffy (Innervisions) {4}: Ph:41, Trx:13, tel, wa
  1164. Rufus Reid: Quiet Pride: The Elizabeth Catlett Project (Motema) {4}: am, jpt:40, vv, ws -- TH:*
  1165. Revolutionary Snake Ensemble: Live Snakes (Accurate) {4}: TH:9, egm:3, jdk -- V:1465-7-1, TH:A
  1166. Rise Against: The Black Market (Interscope) {4}: AUK:80, K:6, Vi:47 -- Mc:76
  1167. Alfredo Rodriguez: The Invasion Parade (Mack Avenue) {4}: JC:122, am, jje, jpt -- TH:*
  1168. Roll the Dice: Until Silence (The Leaf Label) {4}: LCE:12, Pl:54, Rec:48, am -- A:353-72-7, Mc:79
  1169. Ronika: Selectadisc (Record Shop) {4}: ER:1, Qi:77 -- V:1529-5-1
  1170. Rudy Royston: 303 (Greenleaf Music) {4}: BAj:15, hs, ocj, jsc -- TH:**
  1171. The Rural Alberta Advantage: Mended With Gold (Saddle Creek) {4}: BGM:90, HE:14, cbc:13 -- A:465-69-9, Mc:74
  1172. Matthew Ryan: Boxers (self-released) {4}: AJC:19, AS:23, al:3
  1173. Julien Sagot: Valse 333 (Simone) {4}: LCA:12, LCC:16, LP:44, PM
  1174. Samaris: Silkidrangar (One Little Indian) {4}: Dr:88, DS:72, LBF, am -- V:811-10-1
  1175. Sanctuary: The Year the Sun Died () {4}: LR:21, NM:11, se
  1176. Jenny Scheinman: The Littlest Prisoner (Masterworks) {4}: BC, TH:7, bl:18 -- V:1380-9-1, RC:***, TH:A
  1177. S: Cool Choices (Hardly Art) {4}: LCB, SOT:18, dtc:3, fw -- Mc:68, V:389-25-3
  1178. Brandon Seabrook: Sylphid Vitalizers (New Atlantis) {4}: ei, jb:6, se, vsd:1 -- V:247-40-2, TH:*
  1179. Sea Pinks: Dreaming Tracks (self-released) {4}: ATH:13, FK:20, bc
  1180. Peggy Seeger: Everything Changes (Signet Music) {4}: FR, G:35, T, vkc:5 -- Mc:79, V:471-20-2
  1181. Session Victim: See You When You Get There (Delusions of Grandeur) {4}: Crk:64, Ph:51, XLR:15
  1182. Shield Patterns: Contour Lines () {4}: GD:2, Sk:27, df
  1183. Shy Glizzy: Law 3 (self-released) {4}: BC:42, RS_r:40, Sg, atg -- V:601-15-2
  1184. Sonny Simmons/Moksha Samnyasin: Nomadic (Svart) {4}: BAj:17, CE:14, ejw -- TH:***
  1185. Single Mothers: Negative Qualities () {4}: BF:27, DA:4, Eb:75 -- A:356-72-5, Mc:77, V:1380-9-1
  1186. Rotem Sivan Trio: For Emotional Use Only (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: DB, jbm, jmb, jws -- TH:**
  1187. Slough Feg: Digital Resistance (Metal Blade) {4}: CE:63, Rh, am, fb:7 -- Mc:81, V:1529-5-1
  1188. Walter Smith III: Still Casual (CD Baby) {4}: hoj:10, lacb, ocj, vv
  1189. Smoke Fairies: Smoke Fairies (Full Time Hobby) {4}: Eb:93, Pi:96, RT:69, SXP:11 -- A:551-66-8, Mc:71
  1190. Snarky Puppy: We Like It Here (Ropeadope) {4}: Rel:29, jnf:9, jpo:4, kt:6
  1191. Sonzeira: Brasil Bam Bam Bam (Talkin' Loud/Virgin) {4}: CE:20, JG:149, Rh -- TH:***
  1192. John Southworth: Niagara (Tin Angel) {4}: RSG:1, am -- Mc:84, V:656-15-1
  1193. Spectral Lore: III (I, Voidhanger) {4}: Sp:20, ac, gmd -- V:811-10-1
  1194. Springtime Carnivore: Springtime Carnivore (Autumn Tone) {4}: UR:119, WSF:24, aqd, hz -- Mc:80, V:1529-5-1
  1195. Stalley: Ohio (Atlantic/Maybach) {4}: HHW:13, Vb:36, am, mjs -- A:234-74-5, Mc:79, V:811-10-1
  1196. The Stand4rd: The Stand4rd () {4}: Pot:6, dbz, m_n:26 -- V:811-10-1
  1197. Suicide Silence: You Can't Stop Me (Nuclear Blast) {4}: K:40, MH:12, Rv:18
  1198. Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks: Enter the Slasher House (Domino) {4}: BC, CW:100, UR:105, dt -- A:422-70-20, Mc:72, V:811-10-1
  1199. Prins Thomas: Prins Thomas III (Full Pupp) {4}: GD, Ph:69, Pi:13 -- V:1529-5-1
  1200. Thumpers: Galore (Sub Pop) {4}: DS:75+, LBF, UR:76 -- A:581-65-10, Mc:66, V:736-13-1
  1201. Christopher Tignor: Thunder Lay Down in the Heart (Western Vinyl) {4}: ACL:6, Tx:12
  1202. Tobacco: Ultima Il Massage (Ghostly International) {4}: Eb:67, LW:193, ND:32, hpi:1 -- A:311-73-11, Mc:73
  1203. Devin Townsend Project: Z (Inside Out) {4}: Ex, MH:13, PM
  1204. William Tyler: Lost Colony EP () {4}: CW:11, aqd, eph:6 -- V:811-10-1
  1205. Matt Ulery: In the Ivory (Greenleaf Music, 2CD) {4}: avn, ctj:4, jjz:10, nymd -- TH:*
  1206. The Vacant Lots: Departure (Sonic Cathedral) {4}: GD:30, IMS:14, LW:158, Pi:21 -- Mc:63
  1207. Vallenfyre: Splinters (Century Media) {4}: D:8, NM:33, Te:24 -- V:811-10-1
  1208. Elio Villafranca and His Jazz Syncopators: Caribbean Tinge: Live From Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola (Motema) {4}: JC:95, JG:30, TG:8, jpt:6 -- TH:*
  1209. Voices: London (Candlelight) {4}: LW:35, MH:26, Te:15
  1210. Joris Voorn: Nobody Knows () {4}: BB, Thp:7, lvw -- V:811-10-1
  1211. Vril: Torus (Forum) {4}: JP:12, Ph:29, gmd
  1212. Walk the Moon: Talking Is Hard (RCA) {4}: AbP:25*, BGM:63, LH:20, emm
  1213. Wand: Ganglion Reef (God?) {4}: FN:34, No:49, Rvb:30*, Ujm:87 -- Mc:76
  1214. Nick Waterhouse: Holly (Innovative Leisure) {4}: am, dd:4, tel, wcp:15 -- A:192-75-5, Mc:73, V:471-20-2
  1215. Watter: This World (Temporary Residence) {4}: RAR:23, SF:79, Ujm:74, fp -- V:811-10-1
  1216. We Were Promised Jetpacks: Unravelling (Fat Cat) {4}: MTI:17, PM, SOT -- A:180-75-9, Mc:77
  1217. The Wharves: At Bay (Gringo) {4}: SXP:4, dls:14, sb_r
  1218. Xylouris White: Goats (Other Music) {4}: Ujm:13, am, npr
  1219. Wildbirds and Peacedrums: Rhythm (The Leaf Label) {4}: MO:29, ND:46, No:48, am -- A:344-72-7, Mc:81
  1220. Wiley: Snakes and Ladders (Big Dada) {4}: Cl:26, Crk:76, Gig:18
  1221. Wooden Wand: Farmer's Corner (Fire) {4}: CD:18, PM, Ujm:47, am -- Mc:80, TH:**
  1222. Matt Woods: With Love From Brushy Mountain (Lonely Ones) {4}: FM:18, cl, se, svc -- TH:***
  1223. Wrangler: LA Spark (Memetune) {4}: Amb:45, GD, Qi:76, fb -- Mc:76
  1224. Girma Yifrashewa: Love and Peace (Unseen Worlds) {4}: MM, Tx:38, Ujm:38, om
  1225. James Yorkston: Cellardyke Recording and Wassalling Society (Domino) {4}: Rla:12, am, fb, oe -- A:154-77-8, Mc:78
  1226. You Me at Six: Cavalier Youth () {4}: BGM:102, K:15, RkS:7 -- Mc:66
  1227. Neil Young: Storytone (Reprise) {4}: Blz:34, NA:29, Ujm:138, les -- A:702-52-12, Mc:60, V:322-30-3, TH:*
  1228. Zammuto: Anchor (Temporary Residence) {4}: DJ:5, am, tos -- A:419-70-7, Mc:76, V:341-30-2
  1229. Bob Dylan in the 80s: Volume One (ATO) {4}: MT:19, RC:59, ejc:47, ejl:3 -- Mc:69, RC:A-, TH:**
  1230. 3BallMTY: Globall (Fonovisa) {3}: WP:18, am
  1231. 3D [Tomasz Dabrowski/Kris Davis/Andrew Drury]: Vermilion Tree (ForTune) {3}: avn, imp, pj:6
  1232. 9Bach: Tincian (Real World) {3}: FR:12*, M, TG:92
  1233. Kevin Abstract: MTV1987 (self-released) {3}: Pot:22, PP:31, S_h:38
  1234. John Adams: City Noir Saxophone Concerto (Nonesuch) {3}: TG:9, jgh
  1235. Adebisi Shank: This Is The Third Album of a Band Called Adebisi Shank () {3}: DS:98, Sa:18
  1236. Afro Bop Alliance: Angel Eyes (Zoho) {3}: DB, jkf, jmb
  1237. Cyrille Aimee: It's a Good Day (Mack Avenue) {3}: jbp, jad, jma -- TH:*
  1238. Nancy Ajram: Nancy 8 (In2musica) {3}: LF:16, TH -- TH:A-
  1239. JD Allen: Bloom (Savant) {3}: DB, hoj:9, ws
  1240. Rodrigo Amado Motion Trio and Peter Evans: Live in Lisbon (NoBusiness) {3}: BAj:24*, avn, jrn -- TH:**
  1241. Amatorski: From Clay to Figures () {3}: Hu:19, kf:3
  1242. Arild Andersen/Tommy Smith/Paolo Vinaccia: Mira (ECM) {3}: am, jjk, jpt:25 -- TH:***
  1243. Lotte Anker/Jakob Riis: Squid Police (Konvoy) {3}: fj:10*+, fjhe:10 -- TH:*
  1244. Laurie Antonioli: Songs of Shadow, Songs of Light: The Music of Joni Mitchell (Origin) {3}: jcb, jdb, jws -- TH:B
  1245. Ricardo Arjona: Viaje (Metamorfosis/Sony Music Latin) {3}: BB, Rh, am
  1246. The Atlas Moth: The Old Believer (Profound Lore) {3}: NM:97, fb, ilm:13 -- Mc:77
  1247. Atriarch: An Unending Pathway () {3}: Pf, Trb, sb
  1248. Audio One: An International Report (Audiographic) {3}: TH:101, fj:5+ -- TH:A-
  1249. Babymetal: Babymetal (Toy's Factory) {3}: BG, PM, fb -- V:413-25-2
  1250. The Balconies: Fast Motions () {3}: Sn:1
  1251. Balsam Range: Five (Mountain Home) {3}: PM, TG:35, bgt:2
  1252. Band of Skulls: Himalayan (Electric Blues) {3}: aes, ar:9, xfm:27 -- A:400-71-8, Mc:70, V:571-17-2
  1253. Billy Bang/William Parker: Medicine Buddha (NoBusiness) {3}: TH:103, ddt, jlh:8 -- TH:A-
  1254. Lee Bannon: Alternate Endings (Ninja Tune) {3}: Crk:92, RS_e:15, dt -- A:181-75-6, V:811-10-1
  1255. Barzin: To Live Alone in That Long Summer () {3}: Mz:26, On:32, adc:12 -- Mc:73
  1256. Bastard Sapling: Instinct Is Forever (Forcefield) {3}: NM:53, WS, mmm:4
  1257. Jon Batiste/Chad Smith/Bill Laswell: The Process (MOD Technologies) {3}: JG:97, avn, se -- TH:***
  1258. Peter Matthew Bauer: Liberation! (Mexican Summer) {3}: LCA, LCC, UO:36 -- A:391-71-6, Mc:77, V:811-10-1
  1259. David Binney: Anacapa (Criss Cross) {3}: JC:128, jjk, ocj -- TH:*
  1260. Black Crown Initiate: The Wreckage of Stars () {3}: MD:33, NM:44, se
  1261. Blackie and the Rodeo Kings: South (File Under Music) {3}: am+, bs -- Mc:71
  1262. Black Stone Cherry: Magic Mountain (Roadrunner) {3}: CR:8, MH:44 -- Mc:76
  1263. Black Strobe: Godforsaken Roads () {3}: Mow:11, NN:24
  1264. Black Trip: Goin' Under (Prosthetic) {3}: NM:96, fb:74+
  1265. Jonathan Blake: Gone, but Not Forgotten (Criss Cross) {3}: BAj:11, hs:6, ocj:4
  1266. Bleeding Rainbow: Interrupt (Kanine) {3}: DA:28, YW:4 -- A:607-64-7, V:756-12-1
  1267. Blue Highway: The Game (Rounder) {3}: TG:85, am, bgt:9
  1268. Boogie: Thrist 48 Mixtape (self-released) {3}: PP:21, cmg+
  1269. Janice Borla: Promises to Burn (Tall Grass) {3}: cjc, jpt, jws -- TH:*
  1270. Botanist: VI: Flora (The Flenser) {3}: ND:39, ilm:10, mmm:38 -- V:445-23-2
  1271. Philippe B: Ornithologie, La Nuit () {3}: LCC:10, vs:8
  1272. Bobby Bradford/Frode Gjerstad: Silver Cornet (Nessa) {3}: JC:79, fj, imp
  1273. Brenmar: High End Times Vol 1 (self-released) {3}: S_h:12, WS
  1274. Sheela Bringi: Incantations (Black Swan Sounds) {3}: MM, fb, wmc -- TH:**
  1275. Broken Twin: May (Anti) {3}: DS:69+, LCC:17, RSF -- A:357-72-6, Mc:78
  1276. David Thomas Broughton and Juice: Sliding the Same Way (Song by Toad) {3}: Ic:16, SXP:10
  1277. Marc Broussard: A Life Worth Living (Vanguard) {3}: Rk, TG:14
  1278. Pieta Brown: Paradise Outlaw (Red House) {3}: am, bs, jdo
  1279. Buzzcocks: The Way (1-2-3-4 Go) {3}: CR:27, ac, oc_p:9 -- A:621-63-8, Mc:67, TH:B
  1280. Steph Cameron: Sad-eyed Lonesome Lady (Pheromone) {3}: BG, PM, cbc:28
  1281. Ana Caprix: For Seven Nights This Island Is Ours (self-released, EP) {3}: GvB:17, SS:10
  1282. Cardinals Folly: Our Cult Continues! (Shadow Kingdom) {3}: cbz:31, fb:77+
  1283. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Alexey Lapin: The Russian Concerts Volume 2 (FMR) {3}: avn, jkw:6, pm -- TH:***
  1284. Cayetana: Nervous Like Me (Tiny Engines) {3}: DW:63, Pn:14*, WS:82 -- V:280-35-3
  1285. Chain and the Gang: Minimum Rock N Roll () {3}: TS, WP:24, vmj:4 -- A:250-74-6, Mc:70, V:601-15-2
  1286. Chancha Via Circuito: Amansara () {3}: MM, Rh, Wat:49 -- V:781-11-1
  1287. Chevelle: La Gargola (Epic) {3}: Rh, am, bd -- BB:196
  1288. Childbirth: It's a Girl! (self-released) {3}: DW:66, MYL:24, bl:14
  1289. Circa Survive: Descensus () {3}: Vi:36, dfm:9, hp -- V:601-15-2
  1290. Anansy Cisse: Mali Overdrive (Riverboat) {3}: Mg, afp, fb
  1291. Cities Aviv: Come to Life (Young One) {3}: BC:35, Qi, am -- A:173-76-5, Mc:78, TH:*
  1292. Clarke and Ben Walker: Nothing Can Bring Back the Hour (Folk Room) {3}: FR:4, T
  1293. Clean Bandit: New Eyes (Atlantic) {3}: S_p:14, Thp:3 -- A:645-61-6, Mc:59, V:1529-5-1
  1294. C'mon Tigre: C'mon Tigre () {3}: BU:10, SM:19
  1295. Code Orange: I Am King (Deathwish) {3}: K:14, LW:93, NN:26 -- Mc:87, V:811-10-1
  1296. Cold War Kids: Hold My Home (Downtown) {3}: BDC:40, LAM:35, VP:80 -- A:650-61-7, Mc:58
  1297. The Colourist: The Colourist () {3}: BGM:26, HE:33, MTI:37
  1298. Ags Connolly: How About Now (Drumfire) {3}: Tr:2, svc
  1299. Copeland: Ixora (Tooth & Nail) {3}: AbP:4, Au:35 -- Mc:77, V:1465-7-1
  1300. The Core Trio: The Core Trio With Matthew Shipp (self-released) {3}: TH:87, jrm:10, se -- TH:A-
  1301. Philip Corner: Satie Slowly (Unseen Worlds) {3}: BC:50, YW:24, jcb
  1302. John Cowan: Sixty (Compass) {3}: PM, Rk, am
  1303. Craft Spells: Nausea (Captured Tracks) {3}: UR:48, VP:85, pfk:17 -- A:495-68-10, V:571-17-2
  1304. Dalava [Aram Bajakian + Julia Ulehla]: Dalava (Sanasar) {3}: MM, PM, se
  1305. Franco D'Andrea: Monk and the Time Machine (Parco Della Musical) {3}: JC:135, fj, pan
  1306. Dark Forest: The Awakening (Cruz del Sur) {3}: CE:64, Rh, fb
  1307. Charles Davis: For the Love of Lori (Reade Street) {3}: jpt, jws, sjs
  1308. Michael Dease: Relentless (Posi-Tone) {3}: cjc, jbm, jpt
  1309. Decoy and Joe McPhee: Spontaneous Combustion (Otoroku) {3}: JC:143, ddt:4+ -- TH:**
  1310. Arne Deforce and Mika Vainio: Hephaestus (Editions Mego) {3}: Bk:91, CW:62, RS_a:14
  1311. Christopher Denny: If the Roses Don't Kill Us (Partisan) {3}: WS, am, bs
  1312. Karl Denson's Tiny Universe: New Ammo (Stoopid) {3}: Hi:14, am
  1313. Diamond Version: CI (Mute) {3}: GD:8, RT:63
  1314. Joyce DiDonato: Stella di Napoli () {3}: LP:5, npr -- V:811-10-1
  1315. Die Antwoord: Donker Mag (Zef Recordz) {3}: Sec:68, am, m_o:9 -- A:654-60-7, Mc:61, V:305-33-2
  1316. Diocletian: Gesundrian (Osmose Productions) {3}: Pf, WS, sb
  1317. Dirty Heads: Sound of Change () {3}: LH:4, am
  1318. Mike DiRubbo: Threshold (Ksanti) {3}: BAj:5, TH:89 -- TH:A-
  1319. DonChristian: Renzo Piano (Camp & Street) {3}: Amb:29, Qi:55+
  1320. Emma Donovan and the PutBacks: Dawn () {3}: DJ:19, wmc
  1321. The Doppelgangaz: Peace Kehd () {3}: HHR:12, sw, vv
  1322. Tashi Dorji: Tashi Dorji (Hermit Hut) {3}: Bk:46, Ujm:122, aqd
  1323. Downliners Sekt: Silent Ascent () {3}: Mow:25, Pl:47, Rh
  1324. D/P/I: MN.ROY (Leaving) {3}: TMT:8, en -- V:1529-5-1
  1325. Dream Police: Hypnotized (Sacred Bones) {3}: LCA, Pi:77, Ujm:77 -- A:370-71-8, Mc:70, V:811-10-1
  1326. Paquito D'Rivera: Jazz Meets the Classics (Paquito) {3}: JC:146, Rh, jmb
  1327. Druglord: Enter Venus (STB) {3}: Ob:19, cbz:27, fb
  1328. Dub Thompson: 9 Songs (Dead Oceans, EP) {3}: JG:89, Sc:21, TH:82 -- A:420-70-6, Mc:70, TH:A-
  1329. Kyle Bobby Dunn: . . . and the Infinite Sadness (Students of Decay) {3}: ACL:15, agb:12, sw
  1330. Eat Lights Become Lights: Into Forever (Rocket Girl) {3}: GD, Pi:37, Re:68 -- Mc:78
  1331. Edda: Stavolta Come Mi Ammazzerai? () {3}: NA:40, SM:3
  1332. Edguy: Space Police, Defenders of the Crown () {3}: CE:6, Rh -- V:557-19-2
  1333. Kat Edmonson: The Big Picture (Masterworks) {3}: BC, am, jgh:6
  1334. Electric Youth: Innerworld (Secretly Canadian) {3}: CW:49, ER:20, UR:120 -- A:220-75-6, Mc:71
  1335. The Empty Hearts: The Empty Hearts (429) {3}: Bl:80, am, vjt:4 -- V:205-46-4
  1336. Erasure: The Violet Flame (Mute) {3}: PD_p:8, am, rjc:9 -- A:556-66-5, Mc:73
  1337. Peter Evans Quintet: Destination: Void (More Is More) {3}: ei, fj, pm -- TH:*
  1338. Sara Evans: Slow Me Down (RCA) {3}: BB, Rk, am -- Mc:87
  1339. Annie Eve: Sunday '91 (RED Music Solutions) {3}: DS:61+, Re:43
  1340. Ex-Cult: Midnight Passenger (Goner) {3}: WS:23, dbd, djk -- V:656-15-1
  1341. Exmortus: Slave to the Sword () {3}: BAm:4, NM:32
  1342. Ez3kiel: Lux () {3}: Mow:15, Sec:57
  1343. Piers Faccini and Vincent Segal: Songs of Time Lost (No Format) {3}: LP:37, npr, sl
  1344. Adam Faucett: Blind Water Finds Blind Water (Last Chance) {3}: AS:34, FM:3 -- V:571-17-2
  1345. The Felice Brothers: Favorite Waitress (Dualtone) {3}: AS:17, Gl -- A:532-67-9, Mc:70, TH:***
  1346. Fictionist: Fictionist () {3}: Spc:1
  1347. Flesh Lights: Free Yourself () {3}: ATH:48, SOT, ac
  1348. Flowers: Do What You Want To, It's What You Should Do () {3}: FK:28, SXP:8 -- Mc:64
  1349. Sallie Ford: Slap Back (Vanguard) {3}: Sn:10, am
  1350. Fred Frith and John Butcher: The Natural Order (Northern Spy) {3}: MM:34, SFJ, avn -- TH:**
  1351. Satoko Fujii Orchestra New York: Shiki (Libra) {3}: JC:96, fd, se -- TH:**
  1352. Fujiya and Miyagi: Artificial Sweeteners (Yep Roc) {3}: GTV:45, dim, fb -- A:660-60-6, Mc:67, TH:*
  1353. Gato Libre: DuDu (Libra) {3}: jat, jkg, se -- TH:B
  1354. Stephen Gauci/Kirk Knuffke/Ken Filiano: Chasing Tales (Relative Pitch) {3}: avn, imp:8, pm
  1355. Lisa Gerrard: Twilight Kingdom () {3}: GTV:36, LW:141, Mz:30
  1356. Bebel Gilberto: Tudo (Masterworks/Portrait) {3}: TG:75, am, fb -- V:471-20-2
  1357. The Glitch Mob: Love Death Immortality (Glass Air) {3}: Em:41, Thp:6 -- V:1529-5-1
  1358. Vic Godard and Subway Sect: 1979 Now! (AED) {3}: FK:23, LW:144, Mon:47 -- Mc:78
  1359. God Knows and Mynameisjohn: Rusangano/Family (self-released) {3}: IT:10, Sa:21
  1360. GoGo Penguin: V2.0 (Gondwana) {3}: AUK:95, LW:194, Sc:72
  1361. Gold-Bears: Dalliance (Slumberland) {3}: ATH:25, YW:13 -- A:313-73-6, Mc:75, V:322-30-3, TH:**
  1362. Gold Codes: Gold Codes (self-released) {3}: LW:67, fb:100+
  1363. The Golden Grass: The Golden Grass (Svart) {3}: Ob:12, fb -- V:1529-5-1
  1364. Good Throb: Fuck Off (self-released) {3}: LW:72, Qi:100, ddm -- V:189-52-5
  1365. Jimi Goodwin: Odludek (Heavenly) {3}: Pi:87, exm, xfm:19 -- A:471-68-13, Mc:68
  1366. Gormathon: Following the Beast () {3}: MD:1
  1367. Chris Greene Quartet: Music Appreciation (Single Malt) {3}: cjc, jha, jpt
  1368. Greenleaf: Trails and Passes (Small Stone) {3}: Ob:24, fb:51+
  1369. Grenier/Archie Pelago: Grenier Meets Archie Pelago (Melodic) {3}: WP:39, bl:6, vmm:1 -- V:348-30-1, TH:***
  1370. Gucci Mane and Young Thug: Young Thugga Mane La Flare () {3}: LF:24, WP:30, dpm:1*
  1371. Juan Luis Guerra y 440: Todo Tiene Su Hora (Universal) {3}: BB, Rd:35, am
  1372. Gus Gus: Mexico (Kompakt) {3}: AUK:86, Shr:3 -- A:543-66-7, Mc:68
  1373. Karen Gwyer: New Roof () {3}: Mow:8, W
  1374. The Haden Triplets: The Haden Triplets (Third Man) {3}: ND:6, TG:12 -- Mc:78
  1375. Andrew Hadro: For Us, the Living (Tone Rogue) {3}: jjh, jpt:1, se -- TH:***
  1376. Luke Haines: New York in the '70s (Cherry Red) {3}: Hi:38, LW:186, Noj:31 -- A:165-76-5, Mc:69, TH:B
  1377. Haitian Rail: Solarists (New Atlantis) {3}: JG:115, MM:36, se -- TH:**
  1378. HammerFall: (R)Evolution () {3}: MD:37, NM:19
  1379. Happy Meals: Apero (Night School) {3}: Bk:67, Mon:14
  1380. Hark: Crystalline (Seasons of Mist) {3}: Aq:18, NN:28, RAR:44
  1381. JP Harris and the Tough Choices: Home Is Where the Hurt Is () {3}: Rk, mc_h:9, svc
  1382. Alexander Hawkins: Song Singular (Babel) {3}: JC:146, jka, jws -- TH:*
  1383. Louis Hayes: Return of the Jazz Communicators (Smoke Sessions) {3}: hs:10, jma, jpt:38
  1384. Heartbreaks: We May Yet Stand a Chance () {3}: On:29*, SM:15
  1385. Heat: Labyrinth (This Charming Man) {3}: cbz:13, fb:56+
  1386. Helado Negro: Double Youth (Asthmatic Kitty) {3}: Rh, Rvb, SFJ -- V:1465-7-1
  1387. Hiromi: Alive (Telarc) {3}: JT:37, am, jpt
  1388. Thea Hjelmeland: Solar Plexus () {3}: Af:5, Dag:9
  1389. Holy Mountain: Ancient Astronauts (Chemikal Underground) {3}: Pi:92, am, fb
  1390. Holy Sons: The Fact Facer (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Bl:64, Zf:37, fb -- Mc:80
  1391. The Hot Sardines: The Hot Sardines (Decca) {3}: TH:139, YW:36, jpt:16
  1392. Carl Hultgren: Tomorrow (Blue Flea) {3}: SF:43, Tx:39, dls:7
  1393. Hurula: Vi Ar Manniskorna Vara Foraldrar Varnade Oss F () {3}: GfS:1
  1394. Hush Point: Blues and Reds (Sunnyside) {3}: DB, JC:76, ws
  1395. Huxley: Blurred (!K7) {3}: Mix:45, Thp:10 -- Mc:77
  1396. IDYLLS: A Prayer for Terrene () {3}: LCD:8, ND:36
  1397. Impetuous Ritual: Unholy Congregation of Hypocritical Ambivalence () {3}: CW:86, mmm:14, sb
  1398. Indigo Mist [Cuong Vu + Richard Karpen]: That the Days Go By and Never Come Again (RareNoise) {3}: avn, jtd, se
  1399. The Infamous Stringdusters: Let It Go (High Country) {3}: PM, Rel:37, bgt:8
  1400. Randy Ingram: Sky/Lift (Sunnyside) {3}: jgs, ocj, se -- TH:**
  1401. Inspiral Carpets: Inspiral Carpets (Cherry Red) {3}: PD_r:15, akm, xfm:46 -- A:676-58-6, Mc:67
  1402. Inter Arma: The Cavern (Relapse) {3}: Pf, SF:54, WS -- V:267-36-2
  1403. Ali Jackson: Amalgamations (Sunnyside) {3}: cjc, ocj, ws -- TH:**
  1404. Sarah Jarosz: Build Me Up From Bones (Sugar Hill) {3}: ND, ccvs+
  1405. Laura Jean: Laura Jean (Chapter) {3}: BC, age, am, smh -- V:811-10-1
  1406. Jesuslesfilles: Le Grain D'Or () {3}: LCB:20, LCE:7
  1407. JJ: V (Secretly Canadian) {3}: Ir:99, Pl:56, PP:32 -- A:542-66-12, Mc:66, V:562-19-1
  1408. Joan as Police Woman: The Classic (PIAS) {3}: BDC:45, am, mj -- A:563-66-11, Mc:71, V:811-10-1
  1409. Eric Johnson/Mike Stern: Eclectic (Heads Up) {3}: GW:12, jdo:5
  1410. Russ Johnson: Meeting Point (Relay) {3}: Mg, ND, ccvs
  1411. Karen Jonas: Oklahoma Lottery (self-released) {3}: cp, frd, svc -- TH:***
  1412. Kidd Jordan/Peter Kowald/Alvin Fiedler: Trio and Duo in New Orleans (NoBusiness) {3}: ddt:9+, jjs -- TH:A-
  1413. Vance Joy: Dream Your Life Away (Atlantic) {3}: Sn:42, id:9, md:9
  1414. Kairon; IRSE!: Ujubasajuba (self-released) {3}: Bz:40, DA:37, Hi:25
  1415. Kalle Kalima and K-18: Bunuel de Jour (TUM) {3}: JC:146, jws, se -- TH:***
  1416. Kangding Ray: Solens Arc () {3}: W, jjq:5, sw -- V:589-16-2
  1417. Djessou Mory Kante: River Strings: Maninka Guitar (Sterns Africa) {3}: DV:46, FR:18*, afp
  1418. Eleni Karaindrou: Europides: Medea (ECM) {3}: TG:4, am
  1419. Mamani Keita: Kanou (World Village) {3}: JG:108, Rh, afp
  1420. Inigo Kennedy: Vaudeville () {3}: Trx:25, gmd, sw
  1421. Stacey Kent: The Changing Lights (Warner Jazz) {3}: jdb, jnb:9, jpt -- TH:**
  1422. Angelique Kidjo: Eve (429) {3}: TG:100, afp, am -- Mc:72, V:1529-5-1
  1423. Kiesza: Sound of a Woman (Universal) {3}: am, emm, id:8 -- A:658-60-6, Mc:64
  1424. Kill It Kid: You Owe Nothing (Sire) {3}: CR:21, Tr:11
  1425. Kindred the Family Soul: A Couple Friends (Shanachie) {3}: CE:2, am -- V:721-14-1
  1426. King 810: Memoirs of a Murderer () {3}: K:31, MH:10
  1427. Kitten: Kitten (Elektra) {3}: LF:4, RS_p:16 -- Mc:59, TH:**
  1428. Lenny Kravitz: Strut () {3}: RS:35, am, pan:8 -- Mc:71
  1429. Joachim Kuhn Trio/Archie Shepp: Voodoo Sense (ACT) {3}: ND, ccvs+
  1430. Kyng: Burn the Serum (Razor & Tie) {3}: MD:14, fb -- V:811-10-1
  1431. Lace Curtains: A Signed Piece of Paper (Female Fantasy) {3}: SOT:5, dd:7
  1432. Ladysmith Black Mambazo: Always With Us (self-released) {3}: RC:35, TH, afp -- TH:A-
  1433. Lagwagon: Hang (Fat Wreck Chords) {3}: ILS:27, Pn:17, oc_p:2 -- Mc:76
  1434. La Hell Gang: Thru Me Again (Mexican Summer) {3}: Pi:85, Re:42, fb
  1435. Sd Laika: That's Harakiri! (Tri Angle) {3}: Crk:27, Fa:37, Pl:24 -- A:261-74-8, Mc:78, V:811-10-1
  1436. David Lang: Love Fail (Cantaloupe) {3}: TG:80, Tx:7
  1437. Last Ex: Last Ex (Constellation) {3}: No:4, SF:24, fb
  1438. Ingrid Laubrock and Tom Rainey: And Other Desert Towns (Relative Pitch) {3}: ddt, fj, jrn:14
  1439. Led Bib: The People in Your Neighborhood (Cuneiform) {3}: JC:146, avn, jat -- Mc:82, V:736-13-1
  1440. Ricardo Lemvo and Makina Loca: La Rumba So Yo (Cumbancha) {3}: Mg, TH:76, afp -- V:1529-5-1, TH:A-
  1441. Les Big Byrd: They Worshipped Cats (Hoga Nord/A) {3}: Pi:63, fb:28+
  1442. Les Sins: Michael (ADA/Company) {3}: Em:14, Thp:25 -- A:389-71-13, Mc:69
  1443. Edvard Graham Lewis: All Under (Editions Mego) {3}: Bk:28, JDR:30, fb
  1444. Andrew Liles: The Equestrian Vortex (Death Waltz) {3}: Bk:19, SF:48
  1445. Lo-Fang: Blue Film (4AD) {3}: BOC:18, MTI:20 -- A:672-59-11, Mc:64
  1446. Lorentz: Karlekslatar () {3}: GfS:2, So:15
  1447. Lower: Seek Warmer Climes (Matador) {3}: Crk:56, CS:47, fb -- A:264-74-11, Mc:76
  1448. Low Pros: EP 1 (Fool's Gold, EP) {3}: Com:49, S_h:18
  1449. Lucius: Wildewoman (Mom + Pop Music) {3}: IT:24, Sa:34, df -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  1450. Corb Lund: Counterfeit Blues (New West) {3}: CE:42, am, cp -- Mc:77, TH:*
  1451. Lussuria: Industriale Illuminato (Hospital Productions) {3}: Bk:18, sw
  1452. Lera Lynn: The Avenues (self-released) {3}: AS:14, RS_c:33 -- V:1529-5-1
  1453. Harold Mabern: Right on Time (Smoke Sessions) {3}: JC:96, Rh, jmb -- TH:*
  1454. OG Maco: OG Maco EP () {3}: LF:47, Pl:28, SFJ -- V:1529-5-1
  1455. Makthaverskan: II (Run for Cover) {3}: Eb:42, Pf, dtc:7 -- Mc:78, V:601-15-2
  1456. Manhattan School of Music Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra With Bobby Sanabria: Que Viva Harlem! (Jazzheads) {3}: DB, jmb, jpt:34
  1457. Michael Mantler: The Jazz Composer's Update (ECM) {3}: am, jka, jpt -- TH:B
  1458. Jucara Marcal: Encarnado (self-released) {3}: fb:73+, vtk:8 -- V:811-10-1
  1459. Augie March: Havens Dumb () {3}: DJ:8, FL:42
  1460. Maroon 5: V (Interscope) {3}: Rh, RS_p:4 -- BB:35, Mc:55
  1461. Thelonious Martin: Wunderkid () {3}: Pot:36, dbz, m_n:11
  1462. Masked Intruder: MI (Fat Wreck Chords) {3}: Bl:97, Pn:7
  1463. Harvey Mason Sr: Chameleon (Concord) {3}: JC:108, am, veh:3 -- V:811-10-1
  1464. Martina McBride: Everlasting (Sharon's Rose) {3}: Rk, T, cw:7 -- Mc:73
  1465. Leyla McCalla: Vari-Colored Songs: A Tribute to Langston Hughes (Fat Possum/Music Maker) {3}: am, njf:2, vda:2 -- V:389-25-3
  1466. Kate McGarry and Keith Ganz: Genevieve and Ferdinand (Sunnyside) {3}: jcb, jdb, ocj
  1467. Pete McGuinness Jazz Orchestra: Strength in Numbers (Summit) {3}: DB, jpt, jws -- TH:*
  1468. Arlo McKinley: Arlo McKinley and the Lonesome Sound () {3}: ILS:7, svc
  1469. Sarah McLachlan: Shine On (Decca/Verve) {3}: Lft:17, Spc, bn -- BB:156, Mc:72
  1470. John McLaughlin and the 4th Dimension: The Boston Record (Abstract Logix) {3}: DB, PM, jjk -- TH:B
  1471. Melingo: Linyera (World Village) {3}: FR, lm, wmc:5
  1472. John Mellencamp: Plain Spoken (Republic) {3}: CR:37, TS, pm -- Mc:74, V:781-11-1
  1473. Messenger: Illusory Blues (Svart) {3}: CR:29, MH:30, fb
  1474. Micachu: Feeling Romantic Feeling Tropical Feeling Ill (DDS,SFJ) {3}: Bk:4
  1475. Ingrid Michaelson: Lights Out (Mom + Pop Music) {3}: Rh, am, bgsr:7 -- BB:199, Mc:74
  1476. Miguel: NWA.HollywoodDreams.Coffee (RCA, EP) {3}: MYL:18, PBC:25
  1477. Ben Miller Band: Any Way Shape or Form () {3}: bs, ejw, svc -- V:1504-6-1
  1478. Misery Index: The Killing Gods (Seasons of Mist) {3}: BC, MD:45, NM:82
  1479. Nicole Mitchell's Black Earth Ensemble: Intergalactic Beings (FPE) {3}: Tx:26, avn, fj -- TH:***
  1480. Mo Kolours: Mo Kolours (One-Handed Music) {3}: JP:5, Ph:53
  1481. Mole: RGB (Rare Noise) {3}: avn, jbm, se
  1482. Pete Molinari: Theosophy (Cherry Red) {3}: PD_r:20, am, exm -- Mc:75
  1483. Montibus Communitas: The Pilgrim to the Absolute (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {3}: Ob:10, fb
  1484. Mortals: Cursed to See the Future () {3}: NM:92, mmm:8, vv -- V:439-23-3
  1485. Mos Generator: Electric Mountain Majesty (Listenable) {3}: Ob:29, cbz:37, fb
  1486. Kikagaku Moyo: Forest of Lost Children (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {3}: dt, fb+
  1487. Jon Mueller's Death Blues: Non-Fiction () {3}: CW:23, RS_a:6
  1488. Zoe Muth: World of Strangers (Signature Sounds) {3}: Rk, T, svc -- V:341-30-2
  1489. Myrkur: Myrkur (Relapse, EP) {3}: Amb:28, CE:67, Rh -- V:471-20-2
  1490. Nacao Zumbi: Nacao Zumbi (Slap) {3}: CE:37, fb:49+
  1491. Natural Child: Dancin' With Wolves (Burger) {3}: Gr:14, po -- V:389-25-3, TH:**
  1492. Neon Trees: Pop Psychology (Mercury) {3}: Nd, Spc:24, am -- Mc:58, V:461-21-2
  1493. Keir Neuringer: Ceremonies Out of the Air (New Atlantis) {3}: Mg, avn, fj
  1494. Nightingales: For Fuck's Sake (self-released) {3}: CM:30, LW:98, fb
  1495. Paal Nilssen-Love Large Unit: Erta Ale (PNL, 3CD) {3}: CM:25, cm:10, fj -- TH:***
  1496. Bo Ningen: III (Stolen) {3}: GD, Sc:63, fb -- A:117-78-7, Mc:75
  1497. Ninos Du Brasil: Novos Misterios (Hospital) {3}: Bk:52, TMT:46, om -- V:571-17-2
  1498. Kemper Norton: Loor (Front and Follow) {3}: Qi:20, SXP:18
  1499. Novembers Doom: Bled White (The End) {3}: NM:12, am
  1500. Obake: Mutations (Rare Noise) {3}: Qi:96, RAR:31, fb
  1501. Obliterations: Poison Everything () {3}: gmd, ma:20, th:6
  1502. Occultation: Silence in the Ancestral House (Profound Lore) {3}: fb:70+, mmm:17
  1503. Sinead O'Connor: I'm Not Bossy, I'm the Boss (Nettwerk) {3}: JDR:19, njf -- A:639-62-12, Mc:66, V:197-49-5
  1504. Omarion: Sex Playlist (MMG/Atlantic) {3}: Com:44, WS:66+
  1505. Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp: Rotorotor () {3}: lib, sw, vdw:2 -- V:721-14-1
  1506. Overkill: White Devil Armory () {3}: LR:6, NM:38
  1507. Papercuts: Life Among the Savages (Easy Sound) {3}: ATH:6, UR:123 -- A:507-67-8, Mc:73, V:601-15-2
  1508. Papir: Papir IIII (El Paraiso) {3}: Sc:80, fb:80+
  1509. Caitlin Park: The Sleeper () {3}: DJ:13, FL:36
  1510. Anders Parker: There's a Bluebird in My Heart (Recorded and Freed) {3}: Bl:40, CD:5 -- Mc:81,
  1511. William Parker: Wood Flute Songs: Anthology/Live 2006-2012 (AUM Fidelity) {3}: DB:+, bl:4 -- TH:A
  1512. Dan Patlansky: Dear Silence Thieves (self-released) {3}: BRR:1
  1513. PAWS: Youth Culture Forever (FatCat) {3}: ABC:35, FWb, Sk:36 -- A:279-73-8, Mc:69, V:811-10-1
  1514. Vincent Peirani and Emile Parisien: Belle Epoque () {3}: jat, jad, tel
  1515. Lee Scratch Perry: Back on the Controls (Upsetter Music, 2CD) {3}: LW:146, TH:144, am -- TH:A-
  1516. Perturbator: Dangerous Days () {3}: NN:50, Sec:35, bd
  1517. Population One: Theater of a Confused Mind (Rush Hour Music) {3}: Bk:33, JP:27, Pl:36
  1518. A Pregnant Light: My Game Doesn't Have a Name (Colloquial Sound) {3}: ilm:27, sb, vgm:10 -- V:1529-5-1
  1519. Bobby Previte: Terminals (Cantaloupe) {3}: JG:72, avn, ejw -- TH:*
  1520. Prong: Ruining Lives (Steamhammer/SPV) {3}: MD:46, NM:70, Te:44 -- V:656-15-1
  1521. PS I Love You: For Those Who Stay (Paper Bag) {3}: Sn:25, fb, ts -- A:413-70-10, Mc:72
  1522. Store P: Regnmannen () {3}: Af:6, Dag:10, Dg
  1523. Pujol: Kludge (Saddle Creek) {3}: CMJ:10, ac -- V:280-35-3
  1524. Pye Corner Audio: Black Mill Tapes 3&4 (Type) {3}: Mon:28, Pl:51, Ujm:22 -- V:811-10-1
  1525. Railroad Earth: Last of the Outlaws (Black Bear) {3}: Rel:28, TG:96, am
  1526. Rancid: . . . Honor Is All We Know (Epitaph) {3}: PD_r:16, TS, oc_p:11 -- A:534-67-5, Mc:73, V:811-10-1
  1527. Michael Rank and Stag: Deadstock (Louds Hymn) {3}: Bl:89, CD:10
  1528. Rape Blossoms: Ruinenlust () {3}: Sc:13, VP:93
  1529. Raspberry Bulbs: Privacy (Blackest Ever Black) {3}: Amb:49, SF:100, hsr -- V:811-10-1
  1530. Raury: Indigo Child (self-released) {3}: DIY:55, Em:44, PP:49
  1531. Rebel Kind: Today () {3}: dmm:6, dmz, vmc:7 -- V:811-10-1
  1532. Redinho: Redinho (Numbers) {3}: DJ:49, Mix:39, oe
  1533. Eric Reed: Groovewise (Smoke Sessions) {3}: TG:69, jcb, ws -- TH:***
  1534. Remember Remember: Forgetting the Present (Rock Action) {3}: Mon:17, Sk:47 -- A:89-79-6, Mc:78
  1535. Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross: Gone Girl [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Columbia) {3}: DS:45, JS:9 -- Mc:84, V:715-14-2
  1536. Rhyton: Kykeon (Thrill Jockey) {3}: PM, Ujm:34, lvw -- Mc:75, V:1529-5-1
  1537. Sylvain Rifflet and Jon Irabagon: Perpetual Motion: A Celebration of Moondog (Jazz Village) {3}: BW:16, fj, jka -- TH:*
  1538. Rigor Mortis: Slaves to the Grave () {3}: BAm:3, vv -- V:1465-7-1
  1539. RL Grime: Void (Wedidit) {3}: Em:27, VP:39, vja:5 -- V:715-14-2
  1540. Paul Rodgers: The Royal Sessions (Savoy) {3}: BRR:19, ax_b, se -- Mc:74
  1541. Rodrigo y Gabriela: 9 Dead Alive (ATO) {3}: AUK:45, am+ -- A:514-67-5, Mc:65, V:445-23-2
  1542. Caroline Rose: I Will Not Be Afraid (Little Hill) {3}: Gl, WS, mm:17
  1543. Brandon Ross/Stomu Takeishi: For Living Lovers: Revealing Essence (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:123, jat, jsf -- TH:B
  1544. Sage the Gemini: Remember Me (Republic) {3}: KQ:22, S_h:32, vcl:2 -- A:517-67-6, Mc:69, V:413-25-2
  1545. Akira Sakata/Johan Berthling/Paal Nilssen-Love: Arashi (Trost) {3}: fj:2+, fjhe:7 -- TH:***
  1546. Romeo Santos: Formula Vol 2 (Sony Music Latin) {3}: BB, am, vjs:6 -- BB:84, V:811-10-1
  1547. Lucas Santtana: Sobre Noites e Dias () {3}: LP:35, tel, wmc:9
  1548. Satan's Satyrs: Die Screaming (Trash King) {3}: Rvb, fb:62+ -- V:811-10-1
  1549. Paul Thomas Saunders: Beautiful Desolation (Atlantic) {3}: Mow:26, am, xfm:5
  1550. Sean Nicholas Savage: Bermuda Waterfall (Arbutus) {3}: VP:97, hz, ssh:16 -- A:210-75-6, Mc:74
  1551. Saxophone Summit [Dave Liebman/Ravi Coltrane/Joe Lovano]: Visitation (ArtistShare) {3}: fd, jbm, jjk -- TH:***
  1552. Sara Serpa and Andre Matos: Primavera (Inner Circle Music) {3}: bc, ccvs, ocj -- TH:C+
  1553. Serpent Venom: Of Things Seen and Unseen (Church Within) {3}: cbz:29, fb:23+
  1554. SFJAZZ Collective: 10th Anniversary: Best of Live at the SFJAZZ Center, October 10-13, 2013 (SFJAZZ) {3}: ND, ccvs+
  1555. Dylan Shearer: Garagearray (Castle Face/Empty Cellar) {3}: ATH:7, Ujm:94
  1556. Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens: Cold World (Daptone) {3}: M:37, am, wcp:12 -- A:319-73-6, Mc:79, V:471-20-2
  1557. Blake Shelton: Bringing Back the Sunshine (Warner Bros) {3}: Az:26, Rh, Rk -- BB:91, Mc:62
  1558. Skaters: Manhattan (Warner Bros) {3}: DA:20, LAM:49 -- A:644-61-11, Mc:66, V:1529-5-1
  1559. Erik K Skodvin: Flame (Sonic Pieces) {3}: ACL:3+
  1560. The Skull Defekts: Dances in Dreams of the Known and Unknown (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Bk:90, LCE:19, LW:47 -- A:351-72-8, Mc:73
  1561. Sleaford Mods: Austerity Dogs (Harbinger Sound) {3}: YW:1 -- V:656-15-1, TH:A-
  1562. Sleaford Mods: Chubbed Up (Ipecac) {3}: CE:27, Rh:15 -- TH:***
  1563. Slow Club: Complete Surrender (Wichita) {3}: MO:28, NR:44, UR:25 -- A:152-77-12, Mc:74, V:811-10-1
  1564. Slow Magic: How To Run Away (Downtown) {3}: Em:30, VP:79, Wu:91
  1565. Chris Smither: Still on the Levee (Signature Sounds, 2CD) {3}: FR, bs, fr:10 -- V:601-15-2, TH:*
  1566. The Smith Street Band: Throw Me in the River () {3}: FL:10, Mu:13, TM:13 -- V:811-10-1
  1567. Snowbird: Moon (Bella Union) {3}: GD:28, LBF, Pi:76 -- A:204-75-9, Mc:69, V:601-15-2, TH:B
  1568. Sonar: Static Motion (Cuneiform) {3}: avn, jjk, pm
  1569. Sondogo: Tamburocket Hungarian Fireworks (Riverboat) {3}: FR:7, sl
  1570. D Charles Speer and the Helix: Doubled Exposure (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Ujm:46, W, am -- Mc:76
  1571. Spiders: Shake Electric (Spinefarm) {3}: CE:36, Rh, fb:4 -- V:756-12-1
  1572. Spiral Shades: Hypnosis Sessions (Riding Easy) {3}: cbz:11, fb:69+
  1573. Split Single: Fragmented World (Inside Outside) {3}: QRO:20, Sn:34, lvw -- V:162-60-6
  1574. Stallion: Rise and Ride (High Roller) {3}: CE:15, Rh
  1575. Steel Panther: All You Can Eat () {3}: GW:38, K:50, rad -- Mc:69, V:811-10-1
  1576. Stephen Steinbrink: Arranged Wives (Melodic) {3}: Dr:8, Zf:24 -- V:601-15-2
  1577. Bob Stewart: Connections: Mind the Gap (Sunnyside) {3}: BW:20, DB, bgjg:8
  1578. Stiff Little Fingers: No Going Back (Mondo) {3}: LW:196, ac, oc_p:8
  1579. Stine Janvin Motland: OK, Wow () {3}: CW:51, RS_a:10
  1580. Stubb: Cry of the Ocean (Ripple Music) {3}: Ob:15, fb
  1581. Superfood: Don't Say That () {3}: DIY:32, LW:136, VP:35 -- Mc:62
  1582. Survival Knife: Loose Power (Fat Possum/Glacial Pace) {3}: SF:86, mj, vbm:2 -- V:322-30-3
  1583. Tierney Sutton: Paris Sessions (Varese Sarabande) {3}: DB, TG:62, jpo
  1584. Tom Tallitsch: Ride (Posi-Tone) {3}: BAj:8, jpt
  1585. Technimatic: Desire Paths (Shogun Audio) {3}: Mix:8, Thp:31
  1586. Tee-Tahs: Buzzkill (self-released) {3}: FK:2, hz
  1587. Tetema: Geocidal () {3}: RAR:22, avn+ -- Mc:72
  1588. Thompson Family: Family (Fantasy) {3}: T, am, vas:7 -- Mc:75, V:295-34-4
  1589. Paul Thorn: Too Blessed to Be Stressed (Perpetual Obscurity) {3}: ND:8+, am -- TH:**
  1590. Tiny Ruins: Brightly Painted One (Bella Union) {3}: DJ:32, Re:65, am -- A:346-72-5, Mc:78
  1591. Today Is the Day: Animal Mother (Southern Lord) {3}: NM:66, RAR:25, Te:26
  1592. Tomaga: Futura Grotesk (Hands in the Dark) {3}: Bk:75, Mow:21, Ph:98
  1593. Torn Hawk: Through Force of Will (Not Not Fun) {3}: Crk:43, Mz:33, am -- A:222-75-6, Mc:78
  1594. Tourist: Patterns EP (Monday, EP) {3}: Thp:11, m_o
  1595. Trash Talk: No Peace (Odd Future) {3}: Blz:46, gmd, vja:3 -- A:560-66-7, Mc:68, V:721-14-1
  1596. Tree: The @MCTREEG EP (Scion AV) {3}: KQ:9, m_n:16 -- V:811-10-1
  1597. Walter Trout: The Blues Came Callin' (Mascot) {3}: BRR:15, CR:45, se
  1598. Alexander Turnquist: Flying Fantasy (Western Vinyl) {3}: Tx:14, Ujm:148
  1599. Twin Atlantic: The Great Divide (Red Bull) {3}: K:23, dr:8, xfm:31 -- Mc:73
  1600. Uncommon Nasa: New York Telephone () {3}: Eb:61, ND:14
  1601. Vader: Tibi Et Igni () {3}: BAm:11, MD:49, NM:64 -- V:811-10-1
  1602. Valentin Stip: Sigh (Other People) {3}: IT:18, Trx:15
  1603. Brock Van Wey: Home (Echospace, 2CD) {3}: Tx:17, dim
  1604. The Vaselines: V for Vaselines (Rosary Music) {3}: JDR:27, Mon:4 -- A:549-66-11, Mc:68, V:471-20-2
  1605. Tom Vek: Luck (Moshi Moshi) {3}: Crk:54, VP:81, fp -- A:552-66-9, Mc:72, V:433-24-2
  1606. Vertical Scratchers: Daughter of Everything (Merge) {3}: FK:34, FN:33, YW:49 -- A:213-75-5, Mc:75, V:1529-5-1
  1607. Roseanna Vitro: Clarity: Music of Clare Fischer (Random Act) {3}: jcb, jws, vah:5 -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  1608. Carlos Vives: Mas Corazon Profundo (Sony Music Latin) {3}: BB, Rh, am
  1609. Seth Walker: Sky Still Blue (The Royal Potato Family) {3}: am+, se -- TH:B
  1610. Watery Love: Decorative Feeding (In the Red) {3}: ddm, djk:9, vjk:9 -- V:229-40-5
  1611. Bob Wayne: Back to the Camper (self-released) {3}: TH:109, se, svc -- TH:A-
  1612. Bry Webb: Free Will (Idee Fixe) {3}: Bl:91, Ex, phw:19 -- Mc:76
  1613. We Insist!: We Insist! () {3}: NN:7, sw
  1614. Mike Weis: Don't Know, Just Walk (Type) {3}: Bk:29, LCD:18, SF:28
  1615. Ezra Weiss: Before You Know It: Live in Portland (Roark) {3}: JC:106, TH:125, jpt:23 -- TH:A-
  1616. Paul White: Shaker Notes (R&S) {3}: Ph:87, om, sr:12 -- Mc:74, V:811-10-1
  1617. White Sea: In Cold Blood (Crush Music) {3}: BOC:15, Fw:27, owl -- A:550-66-5, Mc:69, V:601-15-2
  1618. Willie the Kid and Bronze Nazareth: The Living Daylights (Embassy) {3}: Qi:32, dbz, mjs
  1619. Steve Wilson/Lewis Nash Duo: Duologue (MCG Jazz) {3}: JC:85, WS, jld:2 -- TH:***
  1620. Jesse Winchester: A Reasonable Amount of Trouble (Appleseed) {3}: AS:45, fr:1, vjp:5 -- Mc:79, V:322-30-3
  1621. Wolf: Devil Seed (Century Media) {3}: CE:49, Rh, ma:4
  1622. Michael Wollny Trio: Weltentraum (ACT) {3}: JC:103, jro, pm -- TH:**
  1623. Bernie Worrell: Phantom Sound Clash Cut-Up Method: Two (MOD Technologies) {3}: JG:35, jkg, jpt
  1624. Wreck and Reference: Want () {3}: D:25, CW:57, Pf -- V:471-20-2
  1625. Wrekmeister Harmonies: Then It All Came Down (Thrill Jockey) {3}: ACL:18, Qi:89, am -- A:244-74-5, V:1465-7-1
  1626. Xiu Xiu: Angel Guts: Red Classroom (Bella Union/Polyvinyl) {3}: Amb:34, MO:95, Qi:50 -- A:540-66-15, Mc:66
  1627. Yamaneko: Pixel Wave Embrace (Local Action) {3}: Bk:58, JP:14
  1628. Ymusic: Balance Problems (New Amsterdam) {3}: Tx:8, cmg -- V:811-10-1
  1629. Yvette: Process (Tough Love) {3}: Amb:42, Qi:73, Sc:44
  1630. Zamilska: Untune (self-released) {3}: LW:63, Qi:12
  1631. Waclaw Zimpel To Tu Orchestra: Nature Moves (ForTune) {3}: TH:30, fj, pj:2 -- TH:A-
  1632. Zongo Junction: No Discount (Electric Cowbell) {3}: Mg, afp, fb
  1633. Duduvudu: The Gospel According to Dudu Pukwana (Edgetone) {3}: MM, TH:3 -- V:811-10-1, TH:A
  1634. Link of Chain: A Songwriters' Tribute to Chris Smither (Signature Sounds) {3}: RC:60, am, ejc:50 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  1635. 11 Paranoias: Stealing Fire From Heaven (Ritual Productions) {2}: Qi, Te:45
  1636. 2 Chainz: Freebase EP () {2}: CW:78, RS_r:32 -- V:1529-5-1
  1637. '68: In Humour and Sadness (E1) {2}: Aq:17, th:4 -- V:811-10-1
  1638. 6th Borough Project: Borough 2 Borough () {2}: DJM:6
  1639. Ben Abraham: Sirens () {2}: eg_j:7, eg_k:3
  1640. Acollective: Pangaea (Alcopop!) {2}: LW:31, fb
  1641. ACxDC: Anti-Christ Demon Core (Molotov) {2}: LW, Te:39 -- V:1529-5-1
  1642. Addison Groove: Addison Groove Presents James Grieve (50 Weapons) {2}: Trx:8
  1643. Dave Adkins: Nothing to Lose () {2}: bgt:10, mc_h:10
  1644. Monty Adkins: Rift Patterns () {2}: FF:10
  1645. The Advisory Circle: From Out Here (Ghost Box) {2}: Bk:96, SF:49 -- V:811-10-1
  1646. Jaime Affoumado/Alex Blake/Arturo O'Farrill/Bill Ware: The Puppeteers (Puppet's) {2}: cjc, jbl -- TH:**
  1647. Pepe Aguilar: MTV Unplugged (Sony Music Latin) {2}: BB, am
  1648. Alb: Come Out! It's Beautiful () {2}: VP:40, qb
  1649. Jason Aldean: Old Boots, New Dirt (Broken Bow) {2}: Rk, nyjc:10 -- BB:28, Mc:54, V:1529-5-1
  1650. Aleph Null: Nocturnal (Riding Easy) {2}: cbz:39, fb
  1651. Alestorm: Sunset of the Golden Age () {2}: NM:28, se
  1652. Jackie Allen: My Favorite Color () {2}: ND, ccvs
  1653. Alraune: The Process of Self-Immolation (Profound Lore) {2}: WS, mmm:30
  1654. Alunah: Awakening the Forest (Napalm) {2}: fb:35+
  1655. Julion Alvarez y Su Norteno Banda: Soy Lo Que Quiero . . . Indispensable (Fonovisa) {2}: PM, vtk:9 -- V:413-25-2
  1656. Oren Ambarchi/Eli Keszler: Alps () {2}: avn+
  1657. Oren Ambarchi/Stephen O'Malley/Randall Dunn: Shade Themes From Kairos (Drag City) {2}: Mx:100, Qi:69 -- A:287-73-6, Mc:75
  1658. Elisa Ambrogio: The Immoralist (Drag City) {2}: Ujm:127, aqd -- V:557-19-2
  1659. Amplifier: Mystoria (Superball) {2}: CR:49, PM
  1660. AnD: Microwave Background (Electric Deluxe) {2}: Trx:7
  1661. Andras and Oscar: Cafe Romantica (Chapter Music) {2}: Ph:85, hz
  1662. Andrew Jackson Jihad: Christmas Island (Side One Dummy) {2}: dor:2, dt -- Mc:68
  1663. A New Line (Related): A New Line (Related) (Home Assembly) {2}: Bk:76, No:25
  1664. Dick Annegarn: Velo Va () {2}: Ir:42, tel
  1665. Anthroprophh: Outside the Circle (Rocket) {2}: Qi:93, vjb:8 -- V:811-10-1
  1666. The Apache Relay: The Apache Relay () {2}: QRO:8
  1667. Aquaserge: A L'Amitie () {2}: Ir:60, ch:5
  1668. Arabrot: I Modi (Fysisk Format) {2}: Dg, Qi:39
  1669. Arch Enemy: War Eternal () {2}: GW:46, se
  1670. Archipelago: Archipelago Matters () {2}: Ma:11
  1671. Arc Iris: Arc Iris (Anti-Epitaph) {2}: LBF, am -- A:81-79-5, Mc:78
  1672. Joseph Arthur: Lou (Vanguard) {2}: Ndy:9 -- V:811-10-1
  1673. Art Sorority for Girls: Older Boys (self-released, EP) {2}: ABC:14
  1674. Greg Ashley: Another Generation of Slaves (Trouble in Mind) {2}: ATH:8 -- V:811-10-1
  1675. Asos Falsos: Conduccion () {2}: Sup:8
  1676. A/T/O/S: A Taste of Struggle () {2}: Hu:15
  1677. The Awakening Orchestra and Kyle Saulnier: Vol 1: This Is Not the Answer (Innova) {2}: jka, jws
  1678. Marvin Ayres: Ultraradian Rhythms (Wall of Waves/Market Square) {2}: Tx:16
  1679. Daniel Bachman: Orange Co Serenade () {2}: aqd, iw:14
  1680. Sebastian Bach: Give 'Em Hell (Frontiers) {2}: am, se
  1681. Back from the Abyss: Candlelight () {2}: CR:20
  1682. The Bad Plus: Inevitable Western (Masterworks) {2}: JC:54, am -- V:563-18-2, TH:***
  1683. Ginger Baker: Why? (Motema Music) {2}: Ir:92, hs -- V:1529-5-1
  1684. Ballet School: The Dew Lasts an Hour (Bella Union) {2}: MO:54, UR:80 -- A:497-68-9, Mc:71, V:348-30-1
  1685. Baptists: Bloodmines () {2}: NM:63, Vi:50
  1686. Barghest: The Virtuous Purge () {2}: NM:55, mmm:37
  1687. Bas: Last Winter (Dreamville/Interscope) {2}: HHW:21, Vb:33
  1688. Bass Communion: Box Set () {2}: FF:19
  1689. Battleroar: Blood of Legends (Cruz Del Sur) {2}: CE:39, Rh
  1690. Beach Day: Native Echoes (Kanine) {2}: YW:19
  1691. Willis Earl Beal: Experiments in Time (self-released) {2}: om, rdc_s:8 -- A:592-64-5, Mc:76
  1692. Bear in Heaven: Time Is Over One Day Old (Dead Oceans) {2}: Sn:26, UR:45 -- A:439-69-15, Mc:68
  1693. Arthur Beatrice: Working Out (Harvest) {2}: SM:29, dn:2 -- A:434-69-6, Mc:72
  1694. Beatsteaks: Beatsteaks () {2}: Mx:81, Vi:28
  1695. Naomi Bedford: A History of Insolence (Proper) {2}: FR, T -- Mc:81
  1696. Maya Beiser: Uncovered (Innova) {2}: Tx:9
  1697. Majid Bekkas: Al Qantara (Igloomondo) {2}: JG:104, Rh
  1698. Eric Bibb: Blues People (Stony Plain) {2}: am, fr:6 -- TH:*
  1699. Bibio: The Green (Warp, EP) {2}: Sup:15
  1700. Big Red Panda: Big Red Panda (self-released) {2}: fb:84+
  1701. Scott H Biram: Nothin' but Blood (Bloodshot) {2}: se, svc -- Mc:75, TH:***
  1702. The Birthday Massacre: Superstition (Metropolis) {2}: bd, vgm:9 -- V:1504-6-1
  1703. Elvin Bishop: Can't Even Do Wrong Right (Alligator) {2}: app, vjp:4 -- V:811-10-1, TH:**
  1704. Andy Biskin Ibid: Act Necessary (Strudelmedia) {2}: TH:116, jpt -- TH:A-
  1705. Bison: Travellers (Claremont 56) {2}: Ph:86, Pi:74
  1706. Maggie Bjorklund: Shaken (Bloodshot) {2}: Spc, am -- TH:B
  1707. Aloe Blacc: Lift Your Spirit (XIX/Interscope) {2}: hpr:10, st -- BB:147, Mc:64, TH:*
  1708. Blackberry Smoke: Leave a Scar: Live in North Carolina () {2}: CR:16 -- V:1529-5-1
  1709. Black Dirt Oak: Wawayanda Patient (MIE Music) {2}: Ujm:27, avn
  1710. Black Flower: Abyssinia Afterlife () {2}: Sc:6
  1711. Black Knights: Medieval Chamber () {2}: La:14
  1712. Black Map: . . . And We Explode () {2}: NM:27, Vi:33
  1713. Blacknecks: 006 (self-released) {2}: Qi:15
  1714. Black Pistol Fire: Hush or Howl (Modern Outsider) {2}: Rh, fb
  1715. Black Rain: Dark Pool (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: Amb:27, Qi:92
  1716. James Blackshaw: Fantomas (Tompkins Square) {2}: SF:53, Ujm:128
  1717. Black to Comm: Providence (Dekorder) {2}: ACL:10
  1718. Black Top: No 1 (Babel) {2}: JC:146, jka
  1719. Black Veil Brides: Black Veil Brides (Island/Republic) {2}: K:35, Rv:16
  1720. Wil Blades: Field Notes (08-19) {2}: am, se
  1721. Algebra Blessett: Recovery (E1) {2}: CE:50, am -- V:811-10-1
  1722. Lena Bloch: Feathery (Thirteenth Note) {2}: jpt, jws -- TH:***
  1723. Bloody Hammers: Under Satan's Sun () {2}: MD:39, cbz:16
  1724. Blu: Good to Be Home (Nature Sounds) {2}: WL:12, cah -- Mc:73, V:1529-5-1, TH:***
  1725. Suzy Bogguss: Lucky (Loyal Dutchess) {2}: am, mc_h:2 -- Mc:81
  1726. Paul Bollenback: Portraits in Space and Time (Mayimba Music) {2}: jnb:2, jws
  1727. Ray Bonneville: Easy Gone (Red House) {2}: am+
  1728. Boosie Bad Azz: Life After Deathrow () {2}: RS_r:27, bgjb:8 -- V:159-61-7
  1729. Boozoo Bajou: 4 (Apollo) {2}: RC:58, TH:138 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  1730. Itamar Borochov Quartet: Outset (Realbird) {2}: jpt:24, jsf -- TH:**
  1731. Sam Boshnack Quintet: Exploding Syndrome () {2}: avn+
  1732. Julia Boulianne: Handel et Porpora () {2}: LP:13
  1733. Boulpik: Konpa Lakay (Lusafrica) {2}: FR, wmc
  1734. Nathan Bowles: Nansemond (Paradise of Bachelors) {2}: Ujm:16 -- V:811-10-1
  1735. Phillippe B: Ornothologie, La Nuit () {2}: LP:6
  1736. Anthony Braxton: 12 Duets (DCWM) 2012 (New Braxton House) {2}: avn, imp
  1737. Anthony Braxton: Duo (Amherst) 2010 (New Braxton House) {2}: DB:+
  1738. Joshua Breakstone: With the Wind and the Rain (Capri) {2}: DB, jpt -- TH:*
  1739. Bremen: Second Launch (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: Amb:46, mex:5
  1740. Eden Brent: Jigsaw Heart (Yellow Dog) {2}: app, jws
  1741. Brimstone Coven: Brimstone Coven (Metal Blade) {2}: cbz:21, fb:18
  1742. Elliott Brood: Work and Love (Paper Bag) {2}: TS, am
  1743. Brooklyn Rider: The Brooklyn Rider Almanac (Decca) {2}: Tx:4
  1744. Tom Brosseau: Grass Punks (Crossbill) {2}: CT:14, TG:90 -- Mc:75
  1745. Jack Bruce: Silver Rails (Esoteric Antenna) {2}: ND, ccvs
  1746. Danny Bryant: Temperature Rising (Jazzhaus) {2}: BRR:9
  1747. Freddie Bryant: Dreamscape: Solo, Duo, Trio (GJK Sound) {2}: jpt, jro
  1748. Dave Burrell/Steve Swell: Turning Point (NoBusiness) {2}: TH:141, jkg -- TH:A-
  1749. Jason Tyler Burton: Headwaters () {2}: Spc, eg_b:7
  1750. Bushman's Revenge: Thou Shalt Boogie! (Rune Grammofon) {2}: am, vrg:5 -- V:811-10-1
  1751. John Butler Trio: Flesh and Blood () {2}: MTI:50, Rel:36
  1752. Taylor Ho Bynum and Tomas Fujiwara: Through Foundation (self-released) {2}: avn, jat
  1753. Jonathan Byrd: You Can't Unrun the Radio () {2}: frd, iw:13
  1754. Daniel Caesar: Praise Break (self-released, EP) {2}: RS, WS
  1755. John Cage: Works for Two Keyboards () {2}: FF:11
  1756. Colbie Caillat: Gypsy Heart (Island/Republic) {2}: Spc, am
  1757. Cakes Da Killa: Hunger Pangs (Red Bull Sound Select) {2}: Amb:44, Sg
  1758. Calibre: Shelflife 3 () {2}: Mix:18
  1759. California Breed: California Breed () {2}: CR:50, Rh
  1760. Cambodian Space Project: Whiskey Cambodia (Metal Postcard) {2}: LW:60, fb
  1761. Camera: Remember I Was Carbon Dioxide (Bureau B) {2}: Pi:61, fb
  1762. Capicua: Sereia Louca () {2}: Pu:6
  1763. Patrice Caratini Jazz Ensemble: Body and Soul (Caramusic) {2}: lm+
  1764. CAR: My Friend () {2}: Ir:74, NV:18
  1765. Carolina Story: Chapter Two (True Bearing) {2}: ND:2+
  1766. Regulo Caro: Senzu-Rah (Del) {2}: am, PM
  1767. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Alexey Lapin: The Russian Concerts (FMR) {2}: TH:64, pm -- TH:A-
  1768. Kate Carr: Lost in Doi Saket (Sound Map) {2}: ACL:2
  1769. Tom Carter and Pat Murano: Four Infernal Rivers (Mie) {2}: avn+ -- V:1380-9-1
  1770. Michael Carvin Experience: Flash Forward (Motema) {2}: jpt:20, ws
  1771. Cascadeur: Ghost Surfer () {2}: Ir:80, Sec:73
  1772. Castle: Under Siege (Prosthetic) {2}: fb:17+
  1773. Tommy Castro and the Pain Killers: The Devil You Know (Alligator) {2}: Bl:102, am
  1774. Mario Castro: Estrella de Mar (Interrobang) {2}: jsf, sjs
  1775. Catl: This Shakin' House () {2}: Sn:4
  1776. Amy Cervini: Jazz Country (Anzic) {2}: jdb, ocj
  1777. Chancellor Warhol: Paris Is Burning (Give N Go) {2}: BOC:6
  1778. Chemical Clock: Bad Habitat () {2}: avn+
  1779. The Cherry Wave: Avalancher () {2}: DA:19
  1780. Cyrus Chestnut: Midnight Melodies (Smoke Sessions) {2}: jch, sjs
  1781. Chicago Yestet: Just Say Yes (self-released) {2}: ND, ccvs
  1782. Chicano Batman: Cycles of Existential Rhyme (El Relleno) {2}: fp, vrg:4 -- V:811-10-1
  1783. Chief Keef: Back From the Dead 2 () {2}: RS_r:24, W -- V:601-15-2
  1784. Juan Pastor Chinchano: Chinchano (Ears & Eyes) {2}: ctj:7, jpt
  1785. Chook Race: About Time (self-released) {2}: FK:14
  1786. Christina Vantzou: No.2 (Kranky) {2}: Ic:22, LW:39
  1787. Peter Christopherson: Time Machines II () {2}: GD:7
  1788. Neil Cicierega: Mouth Sounds/Mouth Silence () {2}: ND:19
  1789. Carlos Cipa: All Your Life You Walk () {2}: Sc:19
  1790. Circulatory System: Mosaics Within Mosaics (Cloud) {2}: FN:30, en -- A:416-70-7, Mc:74, V:341-30-2
  1791. Shawn William Clarke: William () {2}: Sn:15
  1792. Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra: LA Treasures Project (Capri) {2}: jpt, jws
  1793. CLEANERS: Real Raga Shit Vol 1 (Bootleg Tapes) {2}: TMT:11
  1794. Closure in Moscow: Pink Lemonade (Sabretusk) {2}: PM, kt:2
  1795. Cloudkicker: Live With Intronaut () {2}: MD:4
  1796. Clouds: Boys On E Terriers (Soma) {2}: YW:15
  1797. Michel Cloup Duo: Minuit Dans Tes Bras () {2}: adc:8, gmd
  1798. Coeur de Pirate: Trauma () {2}: Sn:5
  1799. Greg Cohen: Golden State (Relative Pitch) {2}: DB, jbm
  1800. Cheryl Cole: Only Human () {2}: PD_p:1
  1801. Lola Colt: Away From the Water (Fuzz Club) {2}: fb+ -- V:1419-8-1
  1802. Comet Control: Comet Control (Teepee) {2}: fb:44+ -- V:811-10-1
  1803. Connections: Into Sixes (Anyway) {2}: ddm, djk -- V:1529-5-1
  1804. Consumer Electronics: Estuary English (Dirter) {2}: Qi:44, vjb:5 -- V:811-10-1
  1805. Jack Cooper: Mists: Charles Ives for Jazz Orchestra (Planet Arts) {2}: ctj:2, jcb -- TH:*
  1806. Jeff Cosgrove/Matthew Shipp/William Parker: Alternating Current () {2}: avn, se
  1807. The Cosmic Dead: Easterfaust () {2}: LW:76, fb
  1808. Sylvie Courvoisier/Mark Feldman Quartet: Birdies for Lulu (Intakt) {2}: BW:11, fj -- TH:**
  1809. Cousins: The Halls of Wickwire () {2}: cbc:25, ts:9
  1810. Kandia Crazy Horse: Stampede () {2}: vkc:1, vv -- V:811-10-1
  1811. Crimson Shadows: Kings Among Men () {2}: MD:28, NM:94
  1812. Crobot: Something Supernatural () {2}: CR:39, Rh
  1813. Adrian Crowley: Some Blue Morning (Chemikal Underground) {2}: Hu:22, am
  1814. Silvia Perez Cruz: Granada (Universal) {2}: Jn:30, Mow:46
  1815. Warren Cuccurullo and Ustad Sultan Khan: The Master () {2}: wmc+
  1816. Eliana Cuevas: Espejo (ALMA) {2}: jkf, jws -- TH:B
  1817. CunninLynguists: Strange Journey Volume Three (Bad Taste) {2}: Sec:65, dbz -- TH:***
  1818. Current 93: I Am the Last of All the Field That Fell: A Channel (The Spheres) {2}: NN:49, adc:13 -- Mc:72, V:811-10-1
  1819. Jeremiah Cymerman/Nate Wooley/Evan Parker: World of Objects (5049) {2}: Mg, fj
  1820. Cyne: All My Angles Are Right (Hometapes) {2}: Tx:5
  1821. Daley: Days and Nights (Polydor/Republic) {2}: am, va -- V:811-10-1
  1822. Dalhous: Will to Be Well (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: Amb:40, Pl:37 -- A:190-75-5, Mc:77
  1823. Dee Daniels: Intimate Conversations (Origin) {2}: jld, jws -- TH:B
  1824. Daran: Le Monde Perdu () {2}: LCA, LCC
  1825. Darius: Romance (Roche Musique, EP) {2}: Thp:35, VP:54
  1826. Darkspace: Dark Space III I (Avantgarde) {2}: Sp:22, ilm:1 -- V:601-15-2
  1827. Das Hobos: This Is the Place () {2}: Zf:17
  1828. Rhodri Davies: An Air Swept Clean of All Distance (Alt Vinyl) {2}: W:18
  1829. Davinche and Katie Pearl: Unreleased LP () {2}: Fa:19
  1830. Gareth Davis and Machinefabriek: Lucier: Memory Space () {2}: FF:2
  1831. Moot Davis: Goin' in Hot (Burnside) {2}: am, svc
  1832. Orbert Davis: Sketches of Spain (Revisited) (3Sixteen) {2}: ctj:3, jws
  1833. Steve Dawson: Rattlesnake Cage () {2}: HF:47, npfa:10 -- Mc:65
  1834. DC Improvisers Collective: In the Gloam of the Anthropocene () {2}: avn+
  1835. Dead Rider: Chills on Glass (Drag City) {2}: dim, fb -- Mc:78
  1836. The Dead Space: Faker (12XU) {2}: ATH:35, SOT:12
  1837. Death Blues: Ensemble (Rhythmplex) {2}: Tx:22, sw
  1838. Death Vessel: Island Intervals (Sub Pop) {2}: MM:23, aqd -- A:207-75-9, Mc:72
  1839. Melanie De Biasio: No Deal (PIAS) {2}: Re:74, nw -- V:656-15-1
  1840. The Decemberists: What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World (Capitol) {2}: Crv:2
  1841. Jerry David DeCicca: Understanding Land (self-released) {2}: CD:20, ddm -- V:1529-5-1
  1842. Deena: Rock River (Verbena Music) {2}: MT:30, TH:59 -- TH:A-
  1843. Deleted Scenes: Lithium Burn (Park the Van) {2}: BGM:6 -- Mc:74
  1844. Riccardo Del Fra: My Chet My Song () {2}: lm, tel
  1845. DELS: Petals Have Fallen (Big Dada) {2}: Cl:31, MO:56 -- Mc:79
  1846. Paco De Lucía: Cancion Andaluza (Universal Music Spain) {2}: Rh, wmc
  1847. Deptford Goth: Songs (37 Adventures) {2}: Ir:61, Va:36 -- A:500-68-10, Mc:77
  1848. Der Nino Aus Wien: Baume () {2}: Mx:39, Zf:67
  1849. Dena DeRose: We Won't Forget You . . . An Homage to Shirley Horn (HighNote) {2}: jch, jnb:3
  1850. Alexandre Despiat: The Grand Budapest Hotel [Original Soundtrack] (ABKCO) {2}: Sec:78, bn
  1851. Detroit Swindle: Boxed Out (Dirt Crew) {2}: Trx:21, hz
  1852. Diamond District: March on Washington (Mello Music Group1) {2}: HHR:21, HHW:11 -- V:811-10-1
  1853. Diamond D: The Diam Piece (Dymond Mine) {2}: WL:17, mjs -- V:811-10-1
  1854. Neil Diamond: Melody Road (Capitol) {2}: Sun:40, bn -- BB:153, Mc:71, OC:40, V:1529-5-1
  1855. Dictated: The Deceived () {2}: MD:10
  1856. Die Sterne: Flucht in Die Flucht () {2}: Mx:37, Zf:50
  1857. Dignan Porch: Observatory () {2}: SXP:5
  1858. John Dikeman: The Double Trio () {2}: avn+
  1859. Beatrice Dillon and Rupert Clairvaux: Studies I-XVII for Samplers and Percussion () {2}: Fa:20
  1860. Dinner Belles: The River and the Willow () {2}: Sn:3
  1861. Dinner Music for the Gods: Beautiful and Treacherous (DMFTG) {2}: CE:57, Rh
  1862. Dir En Grey: Arche (Firewall Div) {2}: bd, fb
  1863. Distal: Retrograde Space Opera (Anarchostar) {2}: Trx:10
  1864. Diva: A Swingin' Life (MCG Jazz) {2}: jmb, jws:2 -- TH:**
  1865. DJ Koze: Reincarnations: The Remix Chapter 2009-2014 (Pampa) {2}: Rh, gmd
  1866. DJ Moondawg: We Invented the Bop Vols 1 and 2 () {2}: BC:14
  1867. DK: Drop (Antinote) {2}: Ph:13
  1868. DNMF: DNMF (Moving Furniture) {2}: Ic:8
  1869. Doctor 3: Doctor 3 (Jando) {2}: jtd, pan
  1870. Chris Donahue: Donnie Evil Retrospective () {2}: BDC:10
  1871. Doomsquad: Kalaboogie () {2}: ssh:14, ts:4
  1872. Doss: Doss + Remixes () {2}: GvB:6
  1873. Drenge: Drenge () {2}: DIY:58, LAM:39
  1874. Kevin Drew: Darlings (Arts & Crafts) {2}: BOC:22, QRO:25 -- A:485-68-14, Mc:67
  1875. Devin Drobka: Bell Dance Songs (self-released) {2}: ND, ccvs
  1876. Marc Ducret: Tower-Bridge (Ayler) {2}: fj, fjhe:3
  1877. Martin Duffy: Assorted Promenades (O Genius) {2}: LW:105, Ujm:96
  1878. Chris Dundas: Oslo Odyssey (BLM, 2CD) {2}: jbm, se -- TH:***
  1879. Kyle Bobby Dunn: Bring Me the Head of Kyle Bobby Dunn () {2}: SF:23, en
  1880. Mia Dyson: Idyllwild () {2}: DJ:10
  1881. The Earls of Leicester: The Earls of Leicester (Rounder) {2}: PM, T
  1882. Easton Stagger Phillips: Resolution Road (Rebeltone) {2}: FN:18 -- V:811-10-1
  1883. E+E: The Light That You Gave Me to See You (self-released) {2}: TMT:13 -- V:471-20-2
  1884. Efdemin: Decay (Dial) {2}: Mx:79, Ph:64
  1885. Electric Moon: Innside Outside () {2}: Hi:11
  1886. Elephant: Sky Swimming (Memphis Industries) {2}: GD:17, RT:76 -- A:637-62-6, Mc:70
  1887. Beatrice Eli: Die Another Day () {2}: GfS:9
  1888. Daniel Ellsworth and the Great Lakes: Kid Tiger () {2}: MTI:13
  1889. Driss El Maloumi: Makan (Contre Jour) {2}: sl, tel
  1890. Kahil El'Zabar's Ritual Trio: Follow the Sun (Delmark) {2}: JC:146, vah:10 -- V:1529-5-1, TH:**
  1891. Mark E: Product of Industry (Spectral Sound) {2}: MO:81, Rh
  1892. Emily and the Mainlanders: Landlines () {2}: Sn:13
  1893. English Heretic: The Underworld Service (self-released) {2}: Qi:16
  1894. Peter Epstein: Polarities () {2}: avn, bgjg:9
  1895. Peter Escott: The Long O (Bedroom Suck) {2}: FK:11
  1896. John Escreet: Sound, Space and Structures (Sunnyside) {2}: fd, ocj
  1897. Cameron Esposito: Same Sex Symbol (self-released) {2}: CS:40, Ex
  1898. The Estranged: The Estranged (Sabotage/Dirtnap) {2}: fb:40+
  1899. Eternal Tapestry: Guru Overload (Oaken Palace) {2}: SF:60, fb
  1900. Robin Eubanks: KLassik Rock Vol 1 (Artistshare) {2}: jjk, jws
  1901. Evian Christ: Waterfall EP (Tri Angle) {2}: Rh, SFJ
  1902. Evil United: Honored by Fire (MVD Audio) {2}: CE:33, Rh
  1903. Execration: Morbid Dimensions () {2}: D:38, Dg -- V:756-12-1
  1904. Exotica: La Vierge et Le Lion (Chambre 404) {2}: Shr:2
  1905. Eyelids: 854 (Jealous Butcher) {2}: PM, YW:37
  1906. The Faint: Doom Abuse (SQE) {2}: PD_r:23, lvw -- A:510-67-13, Mc:71, V:389-25-3
  1907. Fakear: Sauvage (EP) {2}: Sec:77, VP:57
  1908. Fakuta: Tormenta Solar () {2}: Sup:14
  1909. Falconer: Black Moon Rising (Metal Blade) {2}: MD:40, fb
  1910. Fallujah: The Flesh Prevails (Unique Leader) {2}: MD:27, am
  1911. The Family Crest: Beneath the Brine () {2}: Spc, npbb
  1912. Fantasma: Eye of the Sun (Soundway, EP) {2}: JG:74, Rh -- TH:*
  1913. Mike Farris: Shine for All the People (Compass) {2}: PM:44+ -- V:736-13-1
  1914. Fat White Family: Champagne Holocaust (Fat Possum) {2}: aqd, fp
  1915. Faures: Continental Drift (Home Normal) {2}: agb:18, sw
  1916. Justin Faust: Spellbound (Discotexas) {2}: ER:10
  1917. Hans Feigenwinter ZINC: Whim of Fate (Unit) {2}: BW:6
  1918. Nir Felder: Golden Age (Okeh) {2}: TG:47, ocj -- TH:***
  1919. Fire/Works: Shenanigans () {2}: LCB:9
  1920. Fjort: D'Accord () {2}: Vi:20
  1921. The Flight of Sleipnir: V (Napalm) {2}: fb, mm:11 -- V:736-13-1
  1922. Flood of Red: Throw () {2}: Vi:9
  1923. Johnny Foreigner: You Can Do Better (Alcopop) {2}: DIY:75, DS:73 -- A:588-65-6, Mc:65
  1924. Ruthie Foster: Promise of a Brand New Day (Blue Corn Music) {2}: am, bs -- Mc:78
  1925. Julie Fowlis: Gach Sgeul (Cadiz Music) {2}: FR:18*, T, am
  1926. Dillon Francis: Money Sucks, Friends Rule (Columbia/Mad Decent) {2}: BB, RS_e:20
  1927. Davíd Brynjar Franzson: The Negotiation of Context () {2}: FF:6
  1928. Lee Fraser: Dark Camber () {2}: FF:1
  1929. Carol Fredette: No Sad Songs for Me (Soundbrush) {2}: jnb:4, jws -- TH:**
  1930. Free Nelson Mandoomjazz: The Shape of Doomjazz to Come/Saxophone Giganticus (RareNoise) {2}: MM:24*, TH:57 -- TH:A-
  1931. The Fresh and Onlys: House of Spirits (Mexican Summer) {2}: ATH:23, SXP:16 -- A:616-63-14, Mc:67
  1932. Niels Frevert: Paradies der Gefalschten Dinge () {2}: RSG:17
  1933. Erik Friedlander: Nighthawks (Skipstone) {2}: rmc, se -- TH:***
  1934. Marty Friedman: Inferno () {2}: GW:29, NM:75
  1935. David Friesen Circle 3 Trio: Where the Light Fails (Origin) {2}: jbm, jws -- TH:**
  1936. Frnkiero and the Celebration: Stomachaches (08-26) {2}: AP:6, K:21 -- Mc:79, V:811-10-1
  1937. Fryars: Power (Fiction) {2}: PP:42, dn -- A:145-77-6, Mc:77
  1938. Future: Monster () {2}: PW:39*, gmd
  1939. John Gallow: Violet Dreams (I, Voidhanger) {2}: fb:85+
  1940. Gardens and Villa: Dunes (Secretly Canadian) {2}: LH:2 -- A:538-66-11, Mc:67, V:715-14-2
  1941. Hilary Gardner: The Great City (Anzic) {2}: jdb, jws
  1942. Katie Gately: Pipes (Blue Tapes) {2}: Qi:7
  1943. Gates: Bloom and Breathe () {2}: Sp:15
  1944. Gazpacho: Demon (Kscope) {2}: PM, fb -- V:811-10-1
  1945. G-Eazy: These Things Happen (BPG/RVG/RCA) {2}: LH:13, ftw -- BB:159, V:1529-5-1
  1946. Gem Club: In Roses (Hardly Art) {2}: BOC:25, dim -- A:418-70-9, Mc:76, V:1504-6-1
  1947. Generationals: Alix (Polyvinyl) {2}: Va:27, mms -- Mc:75
  1948. Get the Blessing: Lope and Antilope (Naim Jazz) {2}: BW:12, LW:29 -- TH:*
  1949. GFOTY: Secret Mix (PC Music) {2}: TMT:3 -- V:731-13-2
  1950. Paul Giallorenzo's GitGo: Force Majeure (Delmark) {2}: JC:128, jkw:2 -- TH:***
  1951. Gidge: Autumn Bells () {2}: GfS:12
  1952. Ginnels: A Country Life () {2}: Hi:6
  1953. Girl Band: De Bom Bom/The Cha Cha/Lawman () {2}: BGM:68, DIY:89
  1954. Aaron Goldberg: The Now (Sunnyside) {2}: jad, jgs -- TH:*
  1955. Dawn Golden: Still Life () {2}: BOC:13, HE:22 -- Mc:67
  1956. Goodnight, Texas: Uncle John Farquhar (Tallest Man) {2}: PM, eg_k:6
  1957. Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band: Life in the Bubble (Concord) {2}: DB, jpt:39
  1958. Philipp Gorbachev: The Silver Album (Comeme) {2}: Bk:94, Crk:86
  1959. Got a Girl: I Love You but I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now (Bulk) {2}: JDR:31, df -- Mc:66, V:413-25-2
  1960. Gov't Mule: Dark Side of the Mule (Evil Teen) {2}: Bl:14
  1961. Max Graef: Rivers of the Red Planet (Tartelet) {2}: Ph:21, RA:17
  1962. Gramercy Arms: The Seasons of Love () {2}: Sn:14
  1963. Grandma Sparrow: Grandma Sparrow and His Piddletractor Orchestra (Spacebomb) {2}: Ujm:114, vrg:3 -- V:413-25-2
  1964. The Graviators: Motherload (Napalm) {2}: cbz:15, fb
  1965. Macy Gray: The Way (Happy Mel Boopy Touring Co) {2}: ekm:3, tel -- Mc:63
  1966. Great Apes: Playland at the Beach (Asian Man) {2}: KQ:8 -- V:811-10-1
  1967. Martin Green: Crows' Bones (Reveal) {2}: FR, T
  1968. Greensky Bluegrass: If Sorrows Swim (Big Blue Zoo) {2}: PM, Rel:23
  1969. Greylag: Greylag (Dead Oceans) {2}: Vi:48, eg_s:6
  1970. Bryony Griffith: Nightshade (Selwyn Music) {2}: FR, T
  1971. The Griswolds: Be Impressive () {2}: MTI:6
  1972. Gruppo di Pawlowski: Neutral Village Massacre () {2}: Hu:20
  1973. Guided by Voices: Motivational Jumpsuit (Fire) {2}: Mg:13*, Sn:33 -- A:375-71-13, Mc:77, V:322-30-3
  1974. Tom Gullion: Time It Is () {2}: ND, ccvs
  1975. Steve Gunn/Mike Cooper: FRKWYS Vol 11: Cantos de Lisboa (RVNG Intl) {2}: Ph:97, Ujm:44
  1976. Kaja Gunnufsen: Faen Kaja () {2}: Dag:40, Dg
  1977. Haikai No Ku: Ultra High Dimensionality (Box) {2}: fb+ -- V:811-10-1
  1978. Half Japanese: Overjoyed (Joyful Noise) {2}: MM:37, am -- A:437-69-9, Mc:75, V:811-10-1, RC:***, TH:***
  1979. Matthew Halsall: When the World Was One (Gondwana) {2}: jom, pb
  1980. Armand Hammer: Furtive Movements () {2}: PW:40, vv
  1981. Hammock: Oblivion Hymns (Hammock Music) {2}: Tx:19
  1982. Ross Hammond + Grant Calvin Weston: Blues and Daily News () {2}: avn, se
  1983. Hands of Orlac: Figli Del Crepuscolo (Horror) {2}: fb:61+
  1984. Hanggai: Baifang () {2}: LW:176, wmc
  1985. Terence Hannum: Via Negativa () {2}: BC:9
  1986. Aldous Harding: Aldous Harding () {2}: SM:20
  1987. Eric Harland's Voyager: Vipassana (GSI Studios) {2}: T, ocj -- TH:B-
  1988. Harmonie Ensemble New York and Steven Richman: Henry Mancini: Music for Peter Gunn (Harmonia Mundi) {2}: jro, jws
  1989. Joel Harrison and Anupam Shobhakar/Multiplicity: Leave the Door Open (Whirlwind) {2}: jbm, jjh:8
  1990. Joel Harrison: Mother Stump (Cuneiform) {2}: jbm, se -- V:811-10-1
  1991. Russell Haswell: 37 Minute Workout (Diagonal) {2}: Bk:25, Qi:67
  1992. The Haunted: Exit Wounds () {2}: MH:33, NM:30
  1993. Gemma Hayes: Bones + Longing (Chasing Dragons) {2}: ABC:6
  1994. Hunter Hayes: Storyline (Atlantic Nashville) {2}: am, toc:3 -- BB:126, Mc:80
  1995. David Heartbreak: Rose Colored Bass (OWSLA) {2}: DAD:10
  1996. The Reverend Horton Heat: REV (Victory) {2}: GW:44, Sn:46 -- Mc:80
  1997. John Hebert Trio: Floodstage (Clean Feed) {2}: fj, jpt -- TH:***
  1998. The Heliocentrics and Melvin Van Peebles: The Last Transmission (Now-Again) {2}: JG:68, avn -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  1999. Hellyeah: Blood for Blood () {2}: MD:22, MH:38
  2000. Helm: The Hollow Organ (Pan) {2}: W:41, gmd -- V:1529-5-1
  2001. Ella Henderson: Chapter One () {2}: DSp:20, Sun:46 -- OC:19
  2002. Holly Herndon: Chorus (self-released, EP) {2}: W:34, W_s:21*
  2003. Hessian: Bachelor of Black Arts (self-released) {2}: fb:79+
  2004. Hey Rosetta!: Second Sight () {2}: aes, cbc:4
  2005. The Hidden Cameras: Age (Evil Evil) {2}: Amb:33, PM -- Mc:67
  2006. Hillstomp: Portland, Ore () {2}: TG:7
  2007. Micah P Hinson: Micah P Hinson and the Nothing (Talitres) {2}: Mz:31, Re:96
  2008. Hirax: Immortal Legacy (Steamhammer) {2}: CE:29, Rh
  2009. Eric Hofbauer: Prehistoric Jazz Volume 1: The Rite of Spring (Creative Nation Music) {2}: BAj:14*, jmt -- TH:***
  2010. John Hollenbeck/Alban Darche/Sebastien Boisseau/Samuel Blaser: JASS (Yolk) {2}: JG:48, TH:42 -- TH:A-
  2011. Hollow and Akimbo: Hollow and Akimbo () {2}: BGM:41, BOC:18
  2012. Eric Holm: Andoya (Subtext) {2}: JP:21, sw
  2013. Erik Honore: Heliographs (Hubro) {2}: jjk, pm
  2014. Hooray for Earth: Racy (Dovecote) {2}: Eb:62, UR:30 -- A:554-66-8, Mc:66, V:811-10-1
  2015. Wayne Horvitz/The Royal Room Collective Music Ensemble: At the Reception (Songlines) {2}: JC:107, jld:3
  2016. Household: With or Without () {2}: BGM:12
  2017. Erik Hove Chamber Ensemble: Saturated Colour (self-released) {2}: ocj, jsc
  2018. Dylan Howe: Subterranean: New Designs on Bowie's Berlin (Motorik) {2}: Ujm:26, jpb
  2019. Howler: World of Joy (Rough Trade) {2}: Hu:14 -- A:499-68-7, Mc:66
  2020. The Howlin' Brothers: Trouble (Readymade) {2}: am+
  2021. Howlround: Torridon Gate () {2}: avn+
  2022. Hundreds: Aftermath () {2}: La:17
  2023. Iamsu!: Sincerely Yours (HBK Gang) {2}: BC:49, RS_r:26 -- A:642-61-6, Mc:59, V:1529-5-1
  2024. Iced Earth: Plagues of Babylon () {2}: MD:18
  2025. If, Bwana: The Rationale for a Space Telescope () {2}: avn+
  2026. Ikebe Shakedown: Stone by Stone (Ubiquity) {2}: am, fb
  2027. Silvana Imam: Nar Du Ser Mig, Se Dig () {2}: GfS:7
  2028. Incognito: Amplified Soul (Shanachie) {2}: am, st
  2029. Inner City Ensemble: Black/White (Instant Classics) {2}: Qi:13
  2030. Insomnium: Shadows of the Dying Sun (Century Media) {2}: Sp:21, Te:38 -- V:811-10-1
  2031. The Intersphere: Relations in the Unseen () {2}: Vi:13
  2032. Interstatic: Arise (Rare Noise) {2}: jjk, se
  2033. The Inward Circles: Nimrod (self-released) {2}: Qi:41, sw
  2034. Iris: Radiant () {2}: Rla:10
  2035. Irr. App. (Ext.): The Jennies Made Me Do It () {2}: FF:18
  2036. Kira Isabella: Caffeine and Big Dreams (Sony Music Canada) {2}: MYL:47, vti:5 -- V:811-10-1
  2037. Islaja: Suu (Monika) {2}: Ic:18, fb -- V:1529-5-1
  2038. Ison & Fille: Lange Leve Vi () {2}: GfS:30, So:14
  2039. ISSUE: Liquid Wisdom () {2}: BC:17
  2040. Issues: Issues () {2}: AP:4, K:43 -- Mc:74
  2041. Anne Mette Iversen's Double Life: So Many Roads (Brooklyn Jazz Underground) {2}: DB, vv
  2042. Jack O' the Clock: Night Loops () {2}: avn+
  2043. Jaws: Be Slowly (Rattlepop) {2}: DIY:92, SM:42 -- A:612-63-7, Mc:64
  2044. Ada Jenshus: Let It Go () {2}: Af:8, Dg
  2045. The Jezabels: The Brink (PIAS) {2}: Sp:37, tos -- A:671-59-6, Mc:56, V:656-15-1
  2046. Jack J: Looking Forward to You (Mood Hut, EP) {2}: XLR:5
  2047. Joelistics: Blue Volume () {2}: age, smh
  2048. Jo Johnson: Weaving (Further) {2}: Bk:66, JP:22 -- V:232-40-4
  2049. Mimi Jones: Balance (Hot Tone Music) {2}: jjb, jws -- TH:*
  2050. Camelia Jordana: Dans La Peau () {2}: Ir:72, pfk:12
  2051. Majid Jordan: A Place Like This () {2}: Ex, Noj:28
  2052. Jozef Van Wissem: It Is Time for You to Return (Made to Measure/Crammed Discs) {2}: Ic:28, Ujm:151
  2053. Jua: Colors of Life (Chocolate Chi Music) {2}: TG:51, jws -- TH:B-
  2054. Juicy P: Certifie Vrai 2: La Plakette () {2}: NV:8
  2055. Junglepussy: Satisfaction Guaranteed (Shy Guy) {2}: MYL:25, vjs:10 -- V:445-23-2
  2056. Jute Gyte: Ressentiment () {2}: BC:16
  2057. Ka: 1200 BC (self-released) {2}: JG:75, S_h:27
  2058. Kali Mutsa: Souvenance (Shock Music) {2}: CE:40, vfk:5 -- V:811-10-1
  2059. Rafael Karlen: The Sweetness of Things Half-Remembered (Pinnacles) {2}: BW:3, WS
  2060. Grzegorz Karnas Trio: Vanga (Budapest Music Center) {2}: jld, pj:10
  2061. Kehlani: Cloud 19 (self-released) {2}: Com:28, WS -- V:811-10-1
  2062. Kele: Trick (Lilac) {2}: MO:80, Thp:43 -- A:610-63-12, Mc:67
  2063. Andrea Keller Quartet With Strings: Wave Rider (Jazzhead) {2}: BW:7
  2064. R Kelly: Black Panties (RCA) {2}: Vb:46, vcc:10 -- BB:41, V:811-10-1
  2065. Kem: Promise to Love (Motown) {2}: CE:76, Rh -- BB:136
  2066. Mo Kenney: In My Dreams () {2}: cbc:21, ts
  2067. Kent: Tigerdrottningen () {2}: GfS:18, Rum:17
  2068. Peter Kerlin Octet: Salamander () {2}: avn+
  2069. Kero Kero Bonito: Intro Bonito (Double Denim) {2}: dd:11, hz -- V:1465-7-1
  2070. Nancy Kerr: Sweet Visitor (Little Dish) {2}: FR:11, T
  2071. KG: Passage Secret () {2}: Ma:28, NN:43
  2072. Kid Ink: My Own Lane (RCA) {2}: Vb:39, XXL -- BB:138, Mc:65
  2073. Kidkanevil: My Little Ghost () {2}: Pot:12
  2074. Killers Walk Among Us: Killers Walk Among () {2}: GfS:8
  2075. King Champion Sounds: Songs for the Golden Hour (Louder Than War) {2}: Ic:11
  2076. King of Asgard: Karg () {2}: MD:11
  2077. Soren Kjaegaard/Ben Street/Andrew Cyrille: Syvmileskridt (ILK Music) {2}: JG:51, hs -- TH:***
  2078. Klangkarussell: Netzwerk (Universal) {2}: Tr:18
  2079. Kleerup: As If We Never Won () {2}: GfS:14
  2080. Knifefight: Knifefight (Anticon) {2}: MYL:13 -- TH:***
  2081. Sonny Knight and the Lakers: I'm Still Here (Secret Stash) {2}: Bl:56, am -- V:811-10-1
  2082. Mallory Knox: Asymmetry () {2}: K:16
  2083. Sandra Kolstad: Zero Gravity State of Mind () {2}: Af:8, Dg
  2084. Konstrukt and Joe McPhee: Babylon (Roaratorio) {2}: JG:40, fj
  2085. She Koyokh: Wild Goats and Unmarried Women (Riverboat/Real World) {2}: MM, wmc
  2086. Mark Kozelek: Sings Christmas Carols (Caldo Verde) {2}: Ujm:90, YW:48 -- Mc:76
  2087. Suzanne Kraft: Missum (Running Back, EP) {2}: Bk:83, XLR:16
  2088. Yoni Kretzmer/Pascal Niggenkemper/Weasel Walter: Protest Music (Out Now) {2}: fj, jkw:1
  2089. Nicholas Krgovich: On Sunset (Tin Angel) {2}: PM, am -- V:471-20-2
  2090. Krokodil: Nachash (Spinefarm) {2}: Tr:33, Vi:21
  2091. Krokofant: Krokofant (Rume Grammofon) {2}: am+
  2092. Krownn: Magnafrost (self-released) {2}: cbz:23, fb
  2093. Jonas Kullhammar: Gentlemen (Moserobie) {2}: TH:31, rdc_w:2 -- TH:A-
  2094. Jonas Kullhammar/Torbjorn Zetterberg/Espen Aalberg: Basement Sessions Vol 2 (Clean Feed) {2}: TH:36, bc:9 -- TH:A-
  2095. Takuya Kuroda: Rising Son (Blue Note) {2}: am+ -- V:537-20-1, TH:*
  2096. The KVB: Out of Body (self-released) {2}: fp, ts
  2097. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu: Pika Pika Fantajin (Warner Bros) {2}: DW:60, vjc:2 -- V:471-20-2
  2098. Jack Ladder and the Dreamlanders: Playmates () {2}: DJ:17
  2099. Lakim: This Is Her (Soulection) {2}: DAD:8
  2100. Land Observations: The Grand Tour (Mute) {2}: Re:99, am -- A:383-71-5, Mc:73
  2101. Peter Van Zandt Lane: HackPolitik () {2}: avn+
  2102. Lantlos: Melting Sun (Prophecy) {2}: Pf, fb
  2103. The Lay Llamas: Ostro (Rocket) {2}: NA:27, fb -- Mc:80
  2104. Lazer/Wulf: The Beast of Left and Right () {2}: ma:17, vv -- V:811-10-1
  2105. Daunik Lazro/Joelle Leandre: Hasparren (NoBusiness) {2}: fj, jjs -- TH:***
  2106. Lean Left: Live at the Area Sismica (Unsounds) {2}: fj, jb:4
  2107. Le Betre: Melas (self-released) {2}: fb:67+
  2108. Lisa LeBlanc: Highways, Heartaches and Time Well Wasted (Bonsound, EP) {2}: MM:40, PM
  2109. Lecherous Gaze: Zeta Reticuli Blues (self-released) {2}: fb:88+
  2110. Neil Leonard: For Kounellis (Gasp) {2}: Tx:37, avn
  2111. Jerry Leonide: The Key (ACT) {2}: T, TG:73
  2112. Le Prince Miiaou: Where Is the Queen? () {2}: LCB:16, pfk:20
  2113. Les Guerres D'L'Amour: UNISEXE () {2}: LCB:10
  2114. Lethal Dialect: 1988 (self-released) {2}: IT:43, Ni:22
  2115. Tony and Pete Levin: Levin Brothers (Lazy Bones) {2}: jbm, se
  2116. Lewis and Clarke: Triumvirate () {2}: Eb:98, On:41*
  2117. Graham Lewis: All Over () {2}: GD:14
  2118. Jerry Lee Lewis: Rock and Roll Time (Vanguard) {2}: am, po -- Mc:72, TH:**
  2119. Lights: Little Machines () {2}: rjc:6, ts:6* -- V:811-10-1
  2120. Lil B: 05 Fuck Em (self-released) {2}: TMT:17
  2121. Lily and Madeleine: Fumes (Asthmatic Kitty) {2}: df, sb_p -- V:1465-7-1
  2122. Lionize: Jetpack Soundtrack () {2}: CR:17
  2123. Liquido Di Morte: Liquido Di Morte (Sstars) {2}: fb+
  2124. Locksmith: A Thousand Cuts () {2}: Ux, dbz
  2125. Lo'Jo: 310 Lunes (World Village) {2}: Mg, MM:41
  2126. L'Orange: After the Flowers (Mello Music, EP) {2}: YW:63, m_n:20
  2127. Los Lonely Boys: Revelation (Lonelytone/Playing in Traffic) {2}: am+ -- Mc:72
  2128. Los Tigres del Norte: Realidades (Universal) {2}: Rh, am -- V:1529-5-1
  2129. LOTION: Second Audio Document 2014 (self-released) {2}: adh, hz
  2130. Maurice Louca: Benhayyi Al-Baghbaghan (Nawa) {2}: Qi:21, fb
  2131. Olivia Louvel: Beauty Sleep () {2}: GD:15
  2132. Lower Than Atlantis: Lower Than Atlantis () {2}: RkS:1
  2133. Low Jack: Garifuna Versions (LIES) {2}: JP:13
  2134. Low Life: Dogging (RIP Society) {2}: ddm, fb -- V:247-40-2
  2135. Romero Lubambo: Só: Brazilian Essence (Sunnyside) {2}: DB:+
  2136. Lucki Ecks: Body High () {2}: Com:41, m_n:17
  2137. Gedeon Luke and the People: Live Free and Love (Monocentric Music) {2}: PD_r:4 -- V:656-15-1
  2138. Ava Luna: Electric Balloon (Western Vinyl) {2}: Eb:29, dd:8 -- A:498-68-9, Mc:71
  2139. Jon Lundbom and Big Five Chord: Liverevil (Hot Cup, 2CD) {2}: CM:70, TH:52 -- TH:A-
  2140. LV and Josh Idehen: Islands (Keysound) {2}: Cl:21, Pl:39 -- Mc:84, V:1529-5-1
  2141. LVL Up: Hoodwink'd (Double Double Whammy/Exploding in Sound) {2}: Eb:94, Sg:43
  2142. Made to Break: Cherchez La Femme (Trost) {2}: CM:53, cm:21 -- TH:***
  2143. Magma: Rïah Sahïltaahk () {2}: avn+
  2144. Rudresh Mahanthappa: Bird Calls (ACT Music) {2}: jgh:2, jws -- TH:*
  2145. Majamisty Trio: Love (Cosmic Sounds) {2}: jbl, jmb
  2146. Major Lazer: Apocalypse Soon (Mad Decent, EP) {2}: YW:16
  2147. Tony Malaby Tamarindo: Somos Aqua (Clean Feed) {2}: CM:68, jrn:5 -- TH:***
  2148. Mally: The Colors of Black () {2}: Ux, dbz
  2149. Eleni Mandell: Let's Fly a Kite (Yep Roc) {2}: am, fb -- Mc:75, TH:*
  2150. Mannequin Pussy: Gypsy Pervert () {2}: RSh:9 -- V:461-21-2
  2151. Mansion: Uncreation EP (Nine) {2}: fb:33+
  2152. Margot and the Nuclear So and So's: Slingshot to Heaven () {2}: owl, pcb:3 -- Mc:72, V:736-13-1
  2153. Delfeayo Marsalis: The Last Southern Gentlemen (Troubadour Jass) {2}: frd, jws -- TH:***
  2154. Jason Marsalis Vibes Quartet: The 21st Century Trad Band (Basin Street) {2}: jbp, jpt:26
  2155. Bernie Marsden: Shine (Mascot) {2}: BRR:4
  2156. The Martins: A Cappella () {2}: TG:20
  2157. Masaa: Afkar (Traumton) {2}: BW:9
  2158. Jim Matheos: Halo Effect () {2}: avn+
  2159. Jimbo Mathus: Dark Night of the Soul (Fat Possum) {2}: FM:20, am
  2160. Matisyahu: Akeda (Elm City Music) {2}: am, rad
  2161. Matthewdavid: In My World (Brainfeeder) {2}: Bk:86, Dr:53 -- A:659-60-9, Mc:66
  2162. Kalle Mattson: Someday, the Moon Will Be Gold () {2}: Sn:20
  2163. Maximo Park: Too Much Information (Daylighting) {2}: ABC:40, xfm:15 -- A:648-61-14, Mc:62
  2164. Shawn Maxwell: Shawn Maxwell's Alliance (Chicago Sessions) {2}: jws, se -- TH:B-
  2165. Tina May: My Kinda Love (Hep) {2}: T, jj:8
  2166. McBusted: McBusted (Island) {2}: LW:106, les
  2167. McCafferty: Beach Boy () {2}: DA:5
  2168. Jesse McCartney: In Technicolor (808 Records) {2}: S_p:19, am
  2169. Ian McLagan and the Bump Band: United States (Yep Roc) {2}: Bl:59, wmh -- Mc:73V:1529-5-1
  2170. Andrew McMahon: Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (Vanguard) {2}: AbP:18, lvw -- Mc:78, V:361-29-3
  2171. Medicine: Home Everywhere (Captured Tracks) {2}: SF:93, ejf:6 -- A:503-67-6, Mc:74
  2172. Leighton Meester: Heartstrings (Holly Wanting/Vagrant) {2}: am, id:3
  2173. Memory Drawings: There Is No Perfect Place (Hibernate) {2}: No:10
  2174. The Men They Couldn't Hang: The Defiant () {2}: BGM:10
  2175. Cava Menzies/Nick Phillips: Moment to Moment (self-released) {2}: jkf:1, jpt -- TH:***
  2176. Meyhem Lauren and Buckwild: Silk Pyramids () {2}: cah, vv -- V:811-10-1
  2177. Gordon Michael: Rushes () {2}: TG:25, pm
  2178. Dan Michaelson and the Coastguards: Distance (The State51 Conspiracy) {2}: SXP:15, U:72 -- Mc:82
  2179. Mike and Cara Gangloff: Black Ribbon of Death, Silver Thread of Life (MIE Music) {2}: Ujm:135, aqd
  2180. Mild Peril: Matter (Telefuture) {2}: ER:9
  2181. Milky Chance: Sadnecessary (Ignition) {2}: AUK:87, mtm:3
  2182. Mind Fair: Mind Fair (Golf Channel) {2}: Ph:92, Pi:94
  2183. Mirah: Changing Light (Absolute Magnitude/K) {2}: Gl, am -- Mc:76
  2184. Roscoe Mitchell/Mike Reed: In Pursuit of Magic (482 Music) {2}: fj, jat
  2185. Mndsgn: Yawn Zen (Stones Throw) {2}: Qi, am -- V:781-11-1
  2186. Moab: Billow (Scion AV) {2}: fb:58+
  2187. Connan Mockasin: Caramel (Mexican Summer) {2}: fp, hpi:8
  2188. Modern Vices: Modern Vices (Autumn Tone) {2}: OS:24, aqd -- V:811-10-1
  2189. Mohammad: Lamne Gastama (Antifrost) {2}: No:17
  2190. Hedvig Mollestad Trio: Enfant Terrible () {2}: BAm:17, am
  2191. Tony Monaco: Furry Slippers (Summit) {2}: jbm, jws -- TH:B
  2192. Monarch: Sabbracadaver () {2}: BAm:18, WS:96
  2193. Mongol Horde: Mongol Horde () {2}: Vi:16
  2194. Alfredo Costa Monteiro: Insula () {2}: FF:9
  2195. Moodie Black: Nausea (Fake Four) {2}: LCD, LCE:23 -- V:736-13-1
  2196. Moodoid: Le Monde Moo () {2}: Ir:32, LP:27,
  2197. Moody Good: Moody Good (Owlsa) {2}: DAD:5 -- RC:**
  2198. Whitey Morgan: Grandpa's Guitar () {2}: se, svc
  2199. Mount Carmel: Get Pure (Alive) {2}: TS, fb -- V:811-10-1
  2200. Mr Gnome: The Heart of a Dark Star () {2}: HF:45, LCC
  2201. Jon Mueller and Duane Pitre: Inverted Torch (Type) {2}: Bk:17
  2202. Jon Mueller's Death Blues: Ensemble (Rhythmplex) {2}: ACL:16, No:31
  2203. Amelia Muge: Amelia com Versos de Amalia () {2}: Pu:4
  2204. Mitch Murder: Interceptor (Mad Decent) {2}: ER:8
  2205. Peter Murphy: Lion (Nettwerk) {2}: JS:16, MW:26 -- A:415-70-5, Mc:73
  2206. Music Blues: Things Haven't Gone Well (Thrill Jockey) {2}: RAR:19 -- A:569-65-5
  2207. Michael Musillami Trio: Pride (Playscape) {2}: jbm, jka
  2208. Mutter: Text und Musik () {2}: Spx:6
  2209. Mykki Blanco: Gay Dog Food (Uno NYC) {2}: Amb:22, Crk:72
  2210. Myriad 3: The Where (ALMA) {2}: jdb, se -- TH:**
  2211. Nachtmystium: The World We Left Behind (Century Media) {2}: NM:98, Te:50 -- Mc:43
  2212. Nadja: Queller (Essence) {2}: dim, fb -- V:656-15-1
  2213. Napolian: Incursio (Software) {2}: No:50, am
  2214. Alex Napping: This Is Not a Bedroom (Punctum) {2}: SOT, WS:70
  2215. Roy Nathanson's Sotto Voce: Complicated Day (Enja/Yellow Bird) {2}: JG:99, RC:63 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  2216. Nawa: Ancient Sufi Invocations and Forgotten Songs From Aleppo (Lost Origin) {2}: PM, wmc
  2217. Aurora Nealand and the Royal Roses: The LookBack Transmission (self-released) {2}: jdk, jpt:21
  2218. Roberto Negro: Loving Suite Pour Birdy So (La Curieuse) {2}: BW:10
  2219. The Neighbourhood: #000000 & #ffffff () {2}: PP:50, dn
  2220. Timothy Nelson and the Infidels: Terror Terror, Hide It Hide It () {2}: Mu:16, TM:16
  2221. Ne Obliviscaris: Citadel () {2}: Sp:35, bd
  2222. New Bums: Voices in a Rented Room (Drag City) {2}: Ujm:113, aqd -- A:343-72-6, Mc:71
  2223. The New Christs: Incantations (Impedance) {2}: fb:14+
  2224. NEW [Steve Noble/John Edwards/Alex Ward]: Motion () {2}: avn, fj
  2225. Änglagard Prog pa Svenska: Live in Japan () {2}: avn+
  2226. Nico and Vinz: Black Star Elephant (Warner Bros) {2}: Dg, fb -- Mc:57
  2227. Clovis Nicolas: Nine Stories (Sunnyside) {2}: jad, jbm
  2228. Nightfell: The Living Ever Mourn (Southern Lord) {2}: am, sb
  2229. Nigromante: Black Magic Night (Shadow Kingdom) {2}: CE:35, Rh
  2230. Nihill: Verderf () {2}: mmm:21, sw
  2231. Noneuclid: Metatheosis (Blood Music) {2}: CE:45, Rh
  2232. The North: Slow Down (This Isn't the Mainland) (Dowsett) {2}: TG:54, jws -- TH:*
  2233. No Te Va Gustar: El Tiempo Otra Vez Avanza () {2}: Rh:27+
  2234. Noxagt: Brutage () {2}: LCD:20, dim
  2235. Nude Beach: '77 (Don Giovanni) {2}: TN:18, hsr -- Mc:77, V:811-10-1
  2236. Nun: Nun (Aarght!/Avanti) {2}: FK:16
  2237. Michael Nyman: Symphony No 11: Hillsborough Memorial (self-released) {2}: Tx:11
  2238. Oake: Auferstehung (Downwards) {2}: Qi:18
  2239. Obnox: Louder Space () {2}: WP:36, po -- V:224-42-4
  2240. Octave Minds: Octave Minds (Boys Noize) {2}: VP:49, wa
  2241. Octet Ensemble: William Susman: Scatter My Ashes (Belarca) {2}: Tx:18
  2242. Sea Oleena: Shallow (Lefse) {2}: FF:26, hz -- V:1465-7-1
  2243. Ommadon: V () {2}: CW:20
  2244. Tara Jane O'Neil: Where Shine New Lights (Kranky) {2}: Mon:36, dls:13 -- A:143-77-6, Mc:78
  2245. Oozing Wound: Earth Suck (Thrill Jockey) {2}: LW:179, PM:53 -- A:289-73-5, Mc:78, V:589-16-2
  2246. Caoimhín O Raghallaigh/Dan Trueman: Laghdu (self-released) {2}: IT:9
  2247. Orcas: Yearling (Morr music) {2}: MW:25, am
  2248. The Order of Israfel: Wisdom (Napalm) {2}: cbz:3, fb
  2249. Origin: Omnipresent (Nuclear Blast) {2}: NM:85, vv -- V:1380-9-1
  2250. Joell Ortiz: House Slippers (Penalty Enterta) {2}: WL:20, am
  2251. Anna Þorvaldsdottir: Aerial (Deutsche Grammophon) {2}: FF:39, SFJ
  2252. Oscar and the Wolf: Entity () {2}: BF:19, dm:6
  2253. Rich O'Toole: Jaded (self-released) {2}: Rk, cp
  2254. Outrageous Cherry: The Digital Age (Burger) {2}: Amb, dmz
  2255. Ovvl: Screech (MAgick Hermit/Lummox) {2}: fb:55+
  2256. Owl John: Owl John (Atlantic) {2}: Gig:45, dd:14 -- A:173-76-7, Mc:76
  2257. Owls: Two (Polyvinyl) {2}: DS:50, SOT -- A:194-75-12, Mc:74
  2258. OY: No Problem Saloon () {2}: FF:17
  2259. Oysterband: Diamonds on the Water (Navigator) {2}: FR, T
  2260. Ahmet Ozhan: Gulmira (Esen Muzik) {2}: LF:15 -- TH:***
  2261. Omi Palone: Ome Palone (Faux Discx) {2}: FK:17
  2262. Panda Bear: Mr Noah (Domino, EP) {2}: GvB:20, LM:19
  2263. Panoram: Everyone Is a Door (Firecracker) {2}: Ph:18
  2264. Paqua: Akaliko (Claremont) {2}: Pi:17
  2265. Charlie Parr: Hollandale (Chaperone) {2}: DB, svc -- TH:*
  2266. Richard Reed Parry [Kronos Quartet]: Music for Heart and Breath (Deutsche Grammophon) {2}: TG:39, Ujm:121 -- A:166-76-6, Mc:83
  2267. Pascow: Diene der Party () {2}: Vi:12
  2268. Eric Paslay: Eric Paslay (Capitol Nashville) {2}: Rk, cp -- TH:B
  2269. Patricia: Side Piece EP () {2}: Mow:12
  2270. Patten: Estoile Naiant (Warp) {2}: Pl:18 -- A:553-66-10, Mc:70
  2271. Nicholas Payton: Numbers (Paytone) {2}: jws, se -- TH:B-
  2272. Peep Tempel: Tales () {2}: DJ:33, FL:49
  2273. Peine Perdue: No Souvenir () {2}: NV:2
  2274. Jeremy Pelt: Face Forward, Jeremy (High Note) {2}: am, cjc -- TH:B-
  2275. Clarence Penn and Penn Station: Monk: The Lost Files (Origin) {2}: jjh:9, jws -- TH:*
  2276. Pentatonix: PTX Vol. III () {2}: TG:42, cp
  2277. The People's Temple: Musical Garden (Hozac) {2}: Hi:27, Pi:51
  2278. Angela Perley and the Howlin' Moons: Hey Kid (Vital Music) {2}: PD_r:6 -- V:1529-5-1
  2279. Bruno Pernadas: How Can We Be Joyful in a World Full of Knowledge () {2}: Pu:15
  2280. Petrels: Mima (Denovali) {2}: ACL:9
  2281. Philm: Fire From the Evening Sun () {2}: RAR:41, ma:16
  2282. Phox: Phox (Partisan) {2}: WSF, bs -- A:379-71-10, Mc:71
  2283. John Pickard: Gaia Symphony/Eden () {2}: FF:15
  2284. Pinkcourtesyphone: Description of a Problem () {2}: gmd, sw
  2285. The Pink Mountaintops: Get Back (Jagjaguwar) {2}: MO:86, vs:9 -- A:565-65-9, Mc:74
  2286. Planning for Burial: Desideratum () {2}: Pf, SF:26
  2287. Planningtorock: All Love's Legal (Human Level) {2}: GD, Zf:38 -- A:511-67-10, Mc:69
  2288. Polar Bear: In Each and Every One (The Leaf Label) {2}: AUK:66, LW:132 -- A:186-75-7, Mc:78
  2289. A Pony Named Olga: The Land of Milk and Pony (Saustex) {2}: CE:8 -- V:1465-7-1
  2290. Posse: Soft Opening (Beating a Dead Horse) {2}: PM, en
  2291. Post War Glamour Girls: Pink Fur (MSR) {2}: fb:97+
  2292. Pow!: Hi-Tech Boom (Castle Face) {2}: FK:29, JG:135
  2293. Prawn: Kingfisher (Topshelf) {2}: Pn:10 -- Mc:86
  2294. Ray Price: Beauty Is . . . Final Sessions (AmeriMonte) {2}: Rk, TL:18
  2295. Prince Fatty and Nostalgia 77: In the Kingdom of Dub (Tru Thoughts) {2}: AUK:75, am
  2296. PRISM Quartet: People's Emergency Center (Innova) {2}: PM, bc:10
  2297. David Pritchard: Among the Missing (Morphic Resonance) {2}: RSG:50, Tx:40
  2298. Chuck Prophet: Night Surfer (Yep Roc) {2}: nymd, ws -- Mc:77, V:601-15-2
  2299. Psalm Zero: The Drain (Profound Lore) {2}: Ix:18, hsr
  2300. Puce Mary: Persona (Posh Isolation) {2}: Qi:54, W:22 -- V:811-10-1
  2301. Puff Daddy and Guy Gerber: 11 11 () {2}: BC:29, Thp:36
  2302. Purple Hill Witch: Purple Hill Witch (Church Within) {2}: cbz:25, fb
  2303. Purson: In the Meantime EP (Machine Elf) {2}: fb:34+
  2304. Rich Homie Quan: I Promise I Will Never Stop Going In () {2}: Noj:6
  2305. Quantic: Magnetica () {2}: JG:73, Rh
  2306. Quraishi: Mountain Melodies (Evergreene Music) {2}: PM, bl:12 -- TH:**
  2307. Radio Moscow: Magical Dirt (Alive Naturalsound) {2}: Ob:17, fb
  2308. Raekwon: We Wanna Thank You () {2}: PW:27, cah
  2309. Rafter: It's Reggae (Asthmatic Kitty) {2}: YW:65, am
  2310. Rainer Veil: New Brutalism () {2}: Pl:78, SS:27
  2311. Arun Ramamurthy Trio: Jazz Carnatica (self-released) {2}: jdm, se
  2312. Susheela Raman: Queen Between (World Village) {2}: FR, wmc:3
  2313. Rascal Flatts: Rewind (Big Machine) {2}: Rk, am -- BB:107
  2314. Adrian Raso and Fanfare Ciocarlia: Devil's Tale (Asphalt Tango) {2}: cbc:26, wmc -- TH:***
  2315. Rat Columns: Leaf (RIP Society) {2}: FK:33, fb
  2316. Reconnaissance Fly: Flower Futures () {2}: avn+
  2317. Red Eye Gravy: Dust Bowl Hangover () {2}: se, svc
  2318. RED Trio and Mattias Stahl: North and the Red Stream (NoBusiness) {2}: fj, imp:3 -- TH:**
  2319. Steve Reich: Radio Rewrite (Nonesuch) {2}: RC, TG:64 -- Mc:78, V:811-10-1, RC:A-, TH:***
  2320. Reks: Eyes Watching God () {2}: HHR:20, dbz
  2321. Remi: Raw x Infinity () {2}: FL:4, riu:7
  2322. Repeater: Repeater () {2}: PD_r:10
  2323. Reptile Youth: Rivers That Run for a Sea That Is Gone () {2}: MW:10
  2324. Markus Reuter: Sultry Kissing Lounge (Crimson ProjeKCt Tour 2014) () {2}: FF:13
  2325. Revocation: Deathless () {2}: MD:31, ma:12
  2326. Ringworm: Hammer of the Witch (Relapse) {2}: BAm:13, NM:72 -- Mc:78
  2327. Thorbjorn Risager and the Black Tornado: Too Many Roads (Ruf) {2}: BRR:5
  2328. Rivulets: I Remember Everything () {2}: Hi:9
  2329. J Robbins: Abandoned Mansions () {2}: BC:11
  2330. Pete Robbins: Pyramid (Hate Laugh Music) {2}: jro, se -- TH:***
  2331. Chris Robinson Brotherhood: Phosphorescent Harvest (Silver Arrow) {2}: Rel:43, Ujm:79 -- Mc:67
  2332. Michael Robinson: Hummingbird Canyon (Azure Miles) {2}: Tx:13
  2333. Michael Robinson: Lucknow Shimmer (Azure Miles) {2}: Tx:13
  2334. Steve Roden/Stephen Vitiello: The Spaces Contained in Each () {2}: avn+
  2335. Maria Rodes: Maria Canta Copla () {2}: Jn:16
  2336. Mark Rogers and Mary Byrne: I Line My Days Along Your Weight (Important) {2}: nymd, vsd:9 -- V:1529-5-1
  2337. Rent Romus' Life's Blood Ensemble: Cimmerian Crossroads (Edgetone) {2}: TH:14 -- TH:A-
  2338. Dex Romweber Duo: Images 13 () {2}: TS, svc
  2339. Rose Buried in Sand: Excision () {2}: CW:88, RS_a:19
  2340. Daniel Rosenboom Quintet: Fire Keeper (Orenda) {2}: avn, se
  2341. Asher Roth: RetroHash (Pale Fire/Federal Prism) {2}: Vb:44, dbz -- Mc:63
  2342. Ada Rovatti: Disguise (Piloo) {2}: jws:7, se
  2343. Ellen Rowe Quintet: Courage Music (PKO) {2}: ccvs, jws -- TH:***
  2344. Rubblebucket: Survival Sounds (Communion) {2}: Rel:14, WHP:15 -- V:811-10-1
  2345. Ruby: Waiting for Light (Fireweed) {2}: ABC:4 -- TH:**
  2346. Jochen Rueckert: We Make the Rules (Whirlwind) {2}: bc:8, ocj -- TH:**
  2347. Rumer: Into Colour (Atlantic) {2}: T:37, les -- V:1529-5-1
  2348. Rumour Cubes: Appearances of Collections (self-released) {2}: ACL:5
  2349. Runa: Current Affairs (self-released) {2}: T, wmc
  2350. RX Bandits: Gemini, Her Majesty (Mashdown) {2}: BGM:29, Crv:17 -- Mc:73
  2351. Dylan Ryan/Sand: Circa (Cuneiform) {2}: avn, se -- V:1504-6-1, TH:*
  2352. Saba: Comfort Zone () {2}: Ux, m_n:27 -- V:1529-5-1
  2353. Laetitia Sadier: Something Shines (Drag City) {2}: W:39, fp -- A:536-67-7, Mc:71, V:439-23-3
  2354. Jamie Saft/Joe Morris: Plymouth () {2}: jbm, se
  2355. Sage Francis: Copper Gone (Strange Famous) {2}: am, fb -- A:302-73-6, Mc:64, V:458-21-3
  2356. Saintseneca: Dark Arc (Anti-) {2}: Trb:43, npbb -- Mc:68,
  2357. Shintaro Sakamoto: Let's Dance Raw (Other Music) {2}: OS:34, am -- Mc:63V:811-10-1
  2358. Sales: Sales (self-released, EP) {2}: GvB:28, gp
  2359. Gustavo Santaolalla: Camino (Masterworks) {2}: TG:24, am
  2360. Saor: Aura () {2}: BGM:28, LR:12
  2361. Saturn: Ascending: Live in Space (Rise Above/Metal Blade) {2}: fb:83+ -- V:1529-5-1
  2362. Satyress: Dark Fortunes (self-released) {2}: fb:19+
  2363. Philip Sayce: Influence (Provogue) {2}: BRR:6
  2364. Janek Schaeffer: Lay-By-Lullaby (12K) {2}: Bk:26, gmd
  2365. Schammasch: Contradiction (Prosthetic) {2}: Te:31, th:5
  2366. Marcus Schmickler and Julian Rohrhuber: Politiken der Frequenz (Editions Mego) {2}: Bk:85, dls:11
  2367. School of Language: Old Fears (Memphis Industries) {2}: LQ:21, PM:72 -- A:260-74-10, Mc:78
  2368. Ed Schrader's Music Beat: Party Jail () {2}: BC:13 -- V:811-10-1
  2369. Jacques Schwarz-Bart: Jazz Racine Haiti (Motema) {2}: jpt:33, sjs -- TH:*
  2370. Salvatore Sciarrino: Cantare con silenzio () {2}: FF:20
  2371. Ray Scott: Ray Scott () {2}: Rk, cp
  2372. Mr Scruff: Friendly Bacteria (Ninja Tune) {2}: Pi:65, am -- A:597-64-8, Mc:67
  2373. Scythia: Of Conquest () {2}: NM:20
  2374. SD: Truly Blessed (iHipHop) {2}: Fa:44, Sg
  2375. The Seldom Scene: Long Time . . . Seldom Scene (Smithsonian Folkways) {2}: am, bgt:3
  2376. Self Defense Family: Try Me (Deathwish) {2}: BC:24, LW:96 -- Mc:81
  2377. Senko: Dronetudes () {2}: FF:16
  2378. Sensible Soccers: 8 () {2}: Pu:13
  2379. Brian Settles Trio: Folk (Engine Studios) {2}: CM:57, cm:24 -- TH:A-
  2380. Seven That Spells: The Death and Resurrection of Krautrock: IO (Sulatron) {2}: fb:98+
  2381. Shackleton: Freezing Opening Thawing () {2}: Sc:46, W:36
  2382. Joan Shelley: Electric Ursa (No Quarter) {2}: aqd, Ujm:133
  2383. Kenny Wayne Shepherd: Goin' Home (Concord) {2}: BRR:13, GW:30
  2384. Shihad: Fvey () {2}: FL:45, NN:27
  2385. Mitch Shiner and the Blooming Tones Big Band: Fly! (Patois) {2}: ND, ccvs -- TH:B-
  2386. Shook: Spectrum (Epicentre) {2}: ER:7
  2387. Siavash Amini: What Wind Whispered to the Trees (Future Sequence) {2}: agb:17, sw
  2388. Sick of It All: Last Act of Defiance (Century Media) {2}: NM:56, Vi:27 -- Mc:74
  2389. Arlene Sierra: Game of Attrition () {2}: FF:8
  2390. Sigiriya: Darkness Died Today (Candlelight) {2}: fb:81+
  2391. Signor Benedick the Moor: El Negro (Deathbomb Arc) {2}: Eb:37, LW:80 -- V:656-15-1
  2392. Emilie Simon: Mue () {2}: Sec:50, qb
  2393. Sivu: Something on High (Atlantic) {2}: Mz:39, ST:37 -- Mc:74
  2394. Blaise Siwula/Harvey Valdes/Gian Luigi Diana: Tesla Coils () {2}: imp, pm
  2395. Skogen: Despairs Had Governed Me Too Long (Another Timbre) {2}: W:24, fj
  2396. Alex Skolnick's Planetary Coalition: Planetary Coalition () {2}: GW:34, wmc
  2397. Sleeper Agent: About Last Night () {2}: MTI:15 -- Mc:70
  2398. Matt Slocum: Black Elk's Dream (Chandra) {2}: jpt:31, jws
  2399. Slomatics: Estron (Head of Crom) {2}: Qi, fb
  2400. Sly 5th Ave: Sly 5th Ave Presents Akuma (self-released) {2}: jpt, se -- TH:**
  2401. Sly and Robbie: Dubrising (Taxi) {2}: TH:47, am -- TH:A-
  2402. Smallgang: San (Damnably) {2}: fb:47+
  2403. Emily Smith: Echoes (White Fall) {2}: FR, T
  2404. Nathan Parker Smith Large Ensemble: Not Dark Yet () {2}: avn, se
  2405. Snowmine: Dialects () {2}: ATH:44, WSF
  2406. The Socks: The Socks (Small Stone) {2}: fb:46+
  2407. So Cow: The Long Con (Goner) {2}: Bl:51, djk
  2408. Soft Walls: No Time (Trouble in Mind) {2}: Dr:38, DS:71 -- A:131-77-7, Mc:78
  2409. Soledad/Nina Pastori/Lila Downs: Raiz () {2}: BB, Rh
  2410. Solids: Blame Confusion (Fat Possum) {2}: SOT:6 -- A:579-65-6, Mc:67, V:1529-5-1
  2411. Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen: Cold Spell (Compass) {2}: PM, bgt:4
  2412. Marianne Solivan: Spark (Hipnotic) {2}: ocj, jsc
  2413. Soulburn: The Suffocating Darkness () {2}: MD:12
  2414. The Souljazz Orchestra: Inner Fire (Strut) {2}: Ex, am -- Mc:74, TH:*
  2415. Space Siren: If You Scream Like That Your Monkey Won't Come (Subroutine) {2}: Ic:12
  2416. Bubba Sparxxx: Made on McCosh Mill Road (E1) {2}: CE:5 -- V:1419-8-1
  2417. Speedy Ortiz: Real Hair (Carpark, EP) {2}: SOT, mj -- V:811-10-1TH:*
  2418. Spidergawd: Spidergawd () {2}: Hi:30, Vi:30
  2419. Steel Prophet: Omniscient (Cruz Del Sur) {2}: CE:22, Rh
  2420. Julius Steinhoff: Flocking Behaviour (Smallville) {2}: Bk:69, Ph:79
  2421. Sticky Fingers: Land of Pleasure () {2}: Mu:18, TM:18
  2422. Stiu Nu Stiu: Ultra Silvam (EDILS) {2}: fb+
  2423. CW Stoneking: Gon' Boogaloo (King Hokum) {2}: DJ:20
  2424. Will Stratton: Gray Lodge Wisdom () {2}: On:40, Rla:19 -- V:811-10-1
  2425. Sugar Stems: Only Come Out at Night (Dirtnap) {2}: YW:11 -- V:365-29-2
  2426. Suicideyear: Remembrance (Software) {2}: LQ:8 -- Mc:68
  2427. Sungod: Vision Space (self-released) {2}: fb:96+
  2428. Supersuckers: Get the Hell () {2}: Sn:17
  2429. Supreme Cuts: Divine Ecstasy (Dovecote) {2}: Fa:39, TH:148, -- A:591-64-10, Mc:68, TH:A-
  2430. Sam Sweeney's Fiddle: Made in the Great War (Rootbeat) {2}: FR, T
  2431. Sweet Apple: The Golden Age of Glitter (Teepee) {2}: ABC:33, am -- Mc:81, V:557-19-2
  2432. The Swon Brothers: The Swon Brothers (Arista) {2}: Rh, Rk
  2433. David Sylvian: There's a Light That Enters Houses With No Other House in Sight (Samadhi Sound) {2}: Bk:73, jpb
  2434. Seo Taiji: Quiet Night (self-released) {2}: LF:9
  2435. Take Over and Destroy: Vacant Face () {2}: NM:71, mm:33
  2436. Tank: Stronger (Atlantic) {2}: fc, st
  2437. Tarbaby With Oliver Lake and Marc Ducret: Fanon (RogueArt) {2}: CM:37, cm:14
  2438. Alexis Taylor: Await Barbarians (Domino) {2}: Spx:17, Zf:42 -- A:656-60-10, Mc:65
  2439. Jackson Taylor and the Sinners: Live at Billy Bobs () {2}: se, svc
  2440. Joanne Shaw Taylor: The Dirty Truth (Imports) {2}: BRR:10
  2441. TCF: 415C47197F78E811FEEB7862288306EC4137FD4EC3DED8B (Liberation Technologies) {2}: Bk:81, Pl:57
  2442. TCF: YYAA002 (YYAA) {2}: Bk:14
  2443. Teen: The Way and Color (Carpark) {2}: am, vma:6 -- A:475-68-13, Mc:75, V:1529-5-1
  2444. Terekke: Terekke (LIES, EP) {2}: XLR:9
  2445. Chris Thile and Edgar Meyer: Bass and Mandolin (Nonesuch) {2}: Ujm:72, mm:13 -- V:1529-5-1
  2446. Josh Thompson: Turn It Up (Show Dog/Universal) {2}: Rh, toc:5
  2447. Throwing Snow: Mosaic (Houdstooth) {2}: Gig:32, Thp:39 -- A:649-61-5, Mc:63
  2448. Thug Entrancer: Death After Life (Software) {2}: FOF:16, am -- A:199-75-7, Mc:77
  2449. Tickell and the Side: Kathryn Tickell and the Side (Purple Patch Music) {2}: FR, T
  2450. Martha Tilston: The Sea (Squiggly) {2}: FR, T
  2451. Tim Hodgkinson: Onsets () {2}: FF:3
  2452. Tin Man: Ode (Acid Test) {2}: Bk:99, Ph:72
  2453. Tomorrows Tulips: When (Burger) {2}: Eb:90, VP:62
  2454. Torch Runner: Endless Nothing (Southern Lord) {2}: BAm:25, am
  2455. Torn Hawk: Let's Cry and Do Pushups at the Same Time (Mexican Summer) {2}: Ph:66, am
  2456. Total Victory: National Service () {2}: Mow:18
  2457. Ralph Towner/Wolfgang Muthspiel/Slava Grigoryan: Travel Guide (ECM) {2}: DB:+
  2458. Meghan Trainor: Title (Epic, EP) {2}: Rh, bn -- BB:173
  2459. Transatlantic: Kaleidoscope (Inside Out) {2}: PM, am -- Mc:76
  2460. Joseph Trapanese, Aria Prayogi and Fajar Yuskemal: The Raid 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) () {2}: FF:14
  2461. Tre Mission: Stigmata () {2}: Now, cbc:22
  2462. Steve Treseler Group: Center Song (Creative Music Adventures) {2}: ND, ccvs -- TH:*
  2463. Trophy Scars: Holy Vacants (Monotreme) {2}: Sp:4 -- Mc:89
  2464. Truckfighters: Universe (Fuzzorama) {2}: NM:50, fb:1 -- V:656-15-1
  2465. Trummer: Trummer () {2}: In:30, Mx:38
  2466. Assif Tsahar/Gerry Hemingway/Mark Dresser: Code Re(a)d (Hopscotch) {2}: TH:126, avn -- TH:A-
  2467. Tsigunz Fanfara Avantura: Turbo Balkan Groove () {2}: JG:112, Rh
  2468. Twin Oaks: The Lion's Den () {2}: DA:12
  2469. Two Inch Astronaut: Foulbrood (Exploding in Sound) {2}: Eb:71, PM
  2470. Ty Dolla Sign: Sign Language () {2}: Com:29, npr -- V:1465-7-1
  2471. Jane Tyrrell: Echoes in the Aviary () {2}: DJ:16
  2472. Umphrey's McGee: Similar Skin (Nothing Too Fancy) {2}: Rel:9 -- Mc:67,
  2473. Dawn Upshaw/Maria Schneider: Winter Morning Walks (Artistshare) {2}: Tx:2
  2474. Stein Urheim: Stein Urheim (Hubro) {2}: Qi:63, Tx:21
  2475. Uriah Heep: Outsider (Frontiers) {2}: CE:73, CR:47
  2476. U Sco: Treffpunkt () {2}: avn+
  2477. Vacationer: Relief (Downtown) {2}: Az:34, PBC:26
  2478. Manuel Valera and New Cuban Express: In Motion (Criss Cross) {2}: jbm, jpt:37
  2479. Vamos: More Songs About Circles (Antipop) {2}: LW:10
  2480. Vampire: Vampire () {2}: NM:15
  2481. Ken Vandermark: Nine Ways to Read a Bridge (Not Two) {2}: fj, fjhe:4
  2482. Ken Vandermark/Paal Nilssen-Love Duo: Lightning Over Water () {2}: fj:7+
  2483. Gideon Van Gelder: Lighthouse (Bertus-Rosen) {2}: DV:5
  2484. Peter Van Huffel's Gorilla Mask: Bite My Blues (Clean Feed) {2}: CM:51, se -- TH:*
  2485. Velkro: Don't Wait for the Revolution (Clean Feed) {2}: TH:12 -- TH:A
  2486. Caetano Veloso: Abracoco (Nonesuch) {2}: afp, wmc -- TH:**
  2487. Otavan Veret: Otavan Veret () {2}: avn+
  2488. Marlene VerPlanck: I Give Up, I'm in Love (Audiophile) {2}: TH:97, jws -- TH:A-
  2489. Vestal Claret: The Cult of Vestal Claret (Cruz Del Sur) {2}: CE:72, fb
  2490. Christian Vialard: Neukalm () {2}: On:17
  2491. Vibragun: Vibragun () {2}: DA:9
  2492. Luis Vicente/Rodrigo Pinheiro/Hermani Faustino/Marco Franco: Clocks and Clouds (FMR) {2}: fj, imp:9
  2493. Rhonda Vincent: Only Me (Universal) {2}: am, mc_h:4
  2494. Hugues Vincent/Yasumune Morishige: Fragment () {2}: fj, fjhe:1
  2495. The Vines: Wicked Nature (Wicked Nature Music) {2}: LCA, VP:38 -- A:630-62-7, Mc:63
  2496. Virgil and the Accelerators: Army of Three () {2}: BRR:7
  2497. Gordon Voidwell: Bad Etudes (self-released) {2}: YW:9 -- V:780-11-2
  2498. Von Spar: Streetlife () {2}: In:4, Zf:75
  2499. Timmy Vulgar: Genetic Armageddon (American Tapes) {2}: dmz, vmc:4 -- V:811-10-1
  2500. Christian Vuust: Urban Hymn (self-released) {2}: jjb, rmc
  2501. Wakey! Wakey!: Salvation (Mummagrubbs) {2}: PD_r:5 -- V:1529-5-1
  2502. Torgeir Waldemar: Torgeir Waldemar () {2}: Dag:8
  2503. Joe Louis Walker: Hornet's Nest (Alligator) {2}: Bl:90, am -- Mc:70, TH:B-
  2504. Wampire: Bazaar (Polyvinyl) {2}: MTI:26, fb -- A:561-66-7, Mc:67
  2505. Chester Watson: Tin Wooki () {2}: PW:15
  2506. Ernie Watts Quartet: A Simple Truth (Flying Dolphin) {2}: JC:116, jrm -- TH:**
  2507. Andrew Weathers/Seth Chrisman: Louella () {2}: avn+
  2508. We Cut Corners: Think Nothing () {2}: Sa:14
  2509. Wedge: Wedge (self-released) {2}: fb:45+
  2510. Weeping Willows: The Time Has Come (Razzia) {2}: FF:38, Soi:15
  2511. Bobby Wellins and the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: Culloden Moor Suite (Spartacus) {2}: T, jws
  2512. Kane West: Western Beats () {2}: Fa:34, TMT:31 -- V:1529-5-1
  2513. We Were Evergreen: Towards (Universal/Island) {2}: Lft:13, VP:60 -- A:653-60-6, Mc:64
  2514. Whiskey Myers: Early Morning Shakes (Wiggy Thump) {2}: se, svc -- V:811-10-1, TH:*
  2515. White Arrows: In Bardo (Votiv) {2}: Eb:91, bn
  2516. Holly Williams: The Highway (Georgiana) {2}: AJC, T
  2517. Dan Wilson: Love Without Fear (Ballroom) {2}: am, bgsr:4 -- Mc:74
  2518. Luke Winslow-King: Everlasting Arms (Bloodshot) {2}: JG:142, am -- Mc:78, TH:B
  2519. Within Temptation: Hydra (Nuclear Blast) {2}: DV:33, MD:42 -- V:1504-6-1
  2520. The Woodentops: Granular Tales (Cherry Red) {2}: FK:10 -- Mc:76, V:811-10-1
  2521. Woo: When the Past Arrives (Drag City) {2}: OS:22, Ujm:145
  2522. World/Inferno Friendship Society: This Packed Funeral (Alternative Tentacles) {2}: Pn:6
  2523. Wormburner: Pleasant Living in Planned Communities (Dive) {2}: RC:50, TH -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  2524. The Wounded Kings: Consolamentum (Candlelight) {2}: Ob:21, fb
  2525. Woven Entity: Woven Entity (Babel) {2}: avn, jws
  2526. Wretched: Cannibal () {2}: MD:13
  2527. Jack Wright/Ben Wright: As If Anything Could Be the Same () {2}: avn, pm
  2528. Wrought Iron: Rejoice and Transcend () {2}: mmm:16, sb
  2529. Eric Wyatt: Borough of Kings (Posi-Tone) {2}: BAj:9
  2530. The Xcerts: There Is Only You () {2}: K:34, RkS:6
  2531. XY Quartet [Nicola Fazzini-Alessandro Fedrigo]: XY (Nusica) {2}: TH:122, avn -- TH:A-
  2532. Yautja: Songs of Descent () {2}: CW:71, sb
  2533. Yellow Ostrich: Cosmos (Barsuk) {2}: SOT, WSF -- Mc:72, V:1504-6-1
  2534. Ototmo Yoshihide/Paal Nilssen-Love: Ototmo Yoshihide and Paal Nilssen-Love () {2}: CW:63, RS_a:15
  2535. You Are Wolf: Hawk to the Hunting Gone (Stone Tape) {2}: Ujm:120
  2536. You'll Never Get to Heaven: Adorn () {2}: GvB:35
  2537. Eli Young Band: 10,000 Towns (Republic Nashville) {2}: CE:90, RS_c:22
  2538. Jacob Young: Forever Young (ECM) {2}: am, se
  2539. Young Thug: 1017 Thug () {2}: bl:61, dpm:1*
  2540. Dhafer Youssef: Birds Requiem (Okeh) {2}: jpt:14, jro -- V:1465-7-1
  2541. Youth Code: A Place to Stand () {2}: NN:35, rjc:5
  2542. Yung Lean: Unknown Memory (Sky Team) {2}: PP:28, Qi -- A:685-56-5, V:601-15-2
  2543. Yusuf [Cat Stevens]: Tell 'Em I'm Gone (Legacy) {2}: bn, hsr -- A:441-69-5, Mc:69, V:1529-5-1
  2544. Zanussi 5: Live in Coimbra (Clean Feed) {2}: TH:121, fj -- TH:A-
  2545. Zig Zags: Zig Zags (In the Red)) {2}: CE:89, LCE:22
  2546. Zion 80: Adramelech: Book of Angels 22 (Tzadik) {2}: CW:98, fj
  2547. John Zorn: Valentine's Day (Tzadik) {2}: JC:128, jb:1
  2548. Common Interests Were Not Enough to Keep Us Together (Godmode) {2}: LM:5
  2549. Dear Jean: Artists Celebrate Jean Ritchie (Compass, 2CD) {2}: FR, fr:9 -- V:811-10-1
  2550. God Help the Girl (Milan) {2}: YW:60, fp
  2551. The Elizabethan Session (Quercus) {2}: FR, T
  2552. 1000 + 1: Butterfly Garden () {1}: fj
  2553. 1000mods: Vulture (The Lab) {1}: fb
  2554. 10^32K: That Which Is Planted (Passin' Tru) {1}: jha -- TH:A-
  2555. 1349: Massive Cauldron of Chaos () {1}: mmm:31
  2556. 23rd Underpass: Real Life () {1}: rnf:3
  2557. 2:54: The Other I (Bella Union) {1}: ref -- A:577-65-9, Mc:69
  2558. 2562: The New Today (When in Doubt) {1}: Bk:54
  2559. The 2 Bears: The Night Is Young (Southern Fried) {1}: Mix:46 -- A:295-73-7, Mc:78
  2560. 2TE: Freund, Der Sub Divo () {1}: avn
  2561. 36: Dream Tempest (3six) {1}: Tx:27
  2562. 50 Cent: Animal Ambition: An Untamed Desire to Win (G-Unit) {1}: ahh:6 -- A:695-53-11, BB:187, Mc:53
  2563. 75 Dollar Bill: Olives in the Ears (self-released) {1}: JG:117 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  2564. The 78 Project: Volume 1 () {1}: Zf:47
  2565. 7evenThirty and Gensu Dean: The Problem () {1}: dbz
  2566. 7 Seconds: Leave a Light On (Rise Records) {1}: oc_p:5 -- V:811-10-1
  2567. Juhani Aaltonen: To Future Memories (TUM) {1}: am -- TH:***
  2568. Greg Abate Quartet: Motif (Whaling City Sound) {1}: jmb -- TH:A-
  2569. Greg Abate Quartet: Motif (Whaling City Sound) {1}: TH:134 -- TH:A-
  2570. ABBA: Live in London () {1}: pan:11
  2571. Rez Abbasi: Intents and Purposes (Enja) {1}: jws
  2572. Abhi/Dijon: Abhi/Dijon EP () {1}: Pot:28
  2573. Abigor: Leytmotif Luzifer: The 7 Temptations of Man () {1}: sb
  2574. Abiku: La Vita Segreta () {1}: On:38*
  2575. A-Bones: Ears Wide Shut (Norton) {1}: Bl:48
  2576. Abysmal Dawn: Obsolescence () {1}: vv -- V:587-17-1
  2577. Talbot Adams: Talbot Adams (Spacecase) {1}: FK:27
  2578. Steve Adamyk Band: Dial Tone () {1}: Sn:39
  2579. Cosmen Adelaida: La Foto Fantasma () {1}: Jn:26
  2580. Adolescents: La Vendetta () {1}: oc_p:1
  2581. Antonio Adolfo: Rio, Choro, Jazz (AAM) {1}: vmj:10 -- V:1419-8-1
  2582. Adriana Calcanhoto: Olhos de Onda () {1}: Pu:23
  2583. Aenaon: Extance (Code666) {1}: ilm:24
  2584. Aer: Aer (Universal Music) {1}: am
  2585. Aesop Waits: Tom Shall Pass (self-released) {1}: YW:62
  2586. Aether: Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring (Mandragorae) {1}: agb:6
  2587. AEvangelist: Writhes in the Murk (Debemur Morti) {1}: BAm:22 -- V:811-10-1
  2588. Afrikan Boy: The ABCD (Yam) {1}: AUK:68
  2589. The Afro-Semitic Experience: Jazz Souls on Fire (Reckless DC) {1}: jpt
  2590. Afterhours: Hai Paura del Buio 2014 () {1}: pan:12
  2591. After School: Dress to Kill (Avex Trax) {1}: vfk:1 -- V:471-20-2
  2592. After the Rain: The Night Must Fall () {1}: avn
  2593. Against the Current: Infinity EP () {1}: vcl:8 -- V:1529-5-1
  2594. Mina Agossi: Fresh (Plus Loin Music) {1}: lm
  2595. Agusa: Hogtid (Transubstans) {1}: fb
  2596. Kiran Ahluwalia: Sanata: Stillness (Magenta) {1}: ejw -- V:1529-5-1
  2597. Ahmed: Dhaalu Raa (Asasi) {1}: PM
  2598. Ai Aso: Lone (Ideologic Organ) {1}: TMT:47
  2599. Robin Aigner: Con Tender () {1}: nymd
  2600. Aires: ires (Enough) {1}: agb:20
  2601. Jason Ajemian: Folklords (Delmark) {1}: TH:74 -- TH:A-
  2602. Jason Ajemian/Tony Malaby/Rob Mazurek/Chad Taylor: A Way a Land of Life (NoBusiness) {1}: fj -- TH:***
  2603. Akdong Musician: Play () {1}: Rh
  2604. Alaclair Ensemble: Toute Est Impossible () {1}: LCB
  2605. Federico Albanese: The Houseboat and the Moon () {1}: Sc:102
  2606. Pablo Alboran: Terral () {1}: BB
  2607. Ken Aldcroft: Threads () {1}: fj
  2608. Mike Aldridge/Jerry Douglas/Rob Ickes: Three Bells () {1}: frd
  2609. Aleister X: Keepin' It Real (Nod and Smile) {1}: am
  2610. Dee Alexander: Songs My Mother Loves (Blujazz) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  2611. Eric Alexander: Chicago Fire (High Note) {1}: ws
  2612. Abdu Ali and Schwarz: Already () {1}: BC:36
  2613. Alias: Pitch Black Prism (Anticon) {1}: am
  2614. Imed Alibi: Safar () {1}: pm
  2615. Alicks: Inanimate/Sleeping on the High Seas EPs () {1}: m_n:35
  2616. Ali Love: PUMP (Crosstown Rebels) {1}: ER:14
  2617. Blaire Alise and the Bombshells: For My Darlin' (self-released) {1}: dmz
  2618. Alison Wonderland: Calm Down EP (Astralwerks/EMI, EP) {1}: Thp:41
  2619. Erol Alkan: Fabriclive 77 (Fabric) {1}: am
  2620. Alkpote: L'Orgasmixtape () {1}: NV:19
  2621. Hoodie Allen: People Keep Talking (self-released) {1}: am
  2622. Harry Allen's All-Star Brazilian Band: Flying Over Rio (Arbors Jazz) {1}: jws
  2623. Ben Allison: The Stars Look Very Different Today (Sonic Camera) {1}: jro
  2624. The Allman Brothers: Beacon, 10-28-14 (munckmusic.com) {1}: edw:10
  2625. Fabian Almazan: Rhizome (ArtistShare) {1}: vmj:9 -- V:1419-8-1
  2626. Alejandro Enis Almenares: Casa de Trova: Cuba 50s (Tumi) {1}: am
  2627. Marc Almond: The Dancing Marquis (Cherry Red) {1}: fb -- V:811-10-1
  2628. Alpaca Sports: Sealed With a Kiss (Luxury) {1}: FK:32
  2629. Alpheus: Good Prevails () {1}: wmc
  2630. Alraune: The Process of Self-Immolation () {1}: sb
  2631. Also: EP01 (R&S) {1}: SFJ
  2632. Alvaret Ensemble/Kira Kira/EO Olafsson/IG Erlendsson/B Magnason: Skeylja () {1}: On:45*
  2633. Rodrigo Amado Motion Trio/Jeb Bishop: The Flame Alphabet (NotTwo) {1}: jkw:7 -- TH:A-
  2634. Oren Ambarchi: Stacte Karaoke (Black Truffle) {1}: vmc:6 -- V:811-10-1
  2635. Marsha Ambrosius: FVCK&LOVE EP (self-released, EP) {1}: JG:131
  2636. Ambush: Firestorm () {1}: LR:25
  2637. Amenra: Live II (Live Album) {1}: LW:66
  2638. American Analog Set: Know by Heart () {1}: dim
  2639. American Authors: Oh, What a Life (Island) {1}: LH:14
  2640. American Heritage: Prolapse (Solar Flare) {1}: NM:78 -- V:1419-8-1
  2641. Amnesia Scanner: As Live (self-released) {1}: PM
  2642. Amp Fiddler: Basementality 2 () {1}: st
  2643. Anaal Nathrakh: Desideratum () {1}: MH:49
  2644. Anberlin: Lowborn (Tooth & Nail) {1}: Sp:40 -- Mc:74
  2645. Ancient Ascendant: Echoes and Cinder () {1}: NM:51
  2646. Ancient VVisdom: Sacrificial () {1}: ma:18 -- V:811-10-1
  2647. Ancient Warlocks: Ancient Warlocks () {1}: cbz:12
  2648. Andymusic: Heavydance () {1}: fj
  2649. Angel 1: Allegra Bin 1 () {1}: Fa:41
  2650. Anguish: Mountain () {1}: mmm:26
  2651. Jason Anick: Tipping Point (Magic Fiddle Music) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  2652. Thomas Ankersmit: Figueroa Terrace () {1}: sw
  2653. Michaela Anne: Ease My Mind () {1}: vv
  2654. Anodyne: Fractured EP (Yellow Machines) {1}: YW:25
  2655. Anti-Mortem: New Southern () {1}: se
  2656. Antwon: Heavy Hearted in Doldrums () {1}: Qi -- V:1419-8-1
  2657. Apathy: Connecticut Casual () {1}: ND:41
  2658. James Apollo: Angelorum () {1}: bs
  2659. Apollonia: Tour a Tour () {1}: Mix:38
  2660. APUH!: Ett () {1}: avn
  2661. Ararat: Cabalgata Hacia la Luz (Oui Oui) {1}: Ob:18
  2662. Arcade Fire: Reflektor (Capitol) {1}: vcc:6 -- V:811-10-1, TH:A-
  2663. Archibald Slim: He's Drunk! (Awful) {1}: Sg
  2664. Archimede: Arcadie () {1}: qb
  2665. Architecture in Helsinki: Now + 4Eva (Casual Workout) {1}: PM -- A:707-46-7, Mc:42
  2666. Archive: Axiom () {1}: Sec:84
  2667. Archspire: The Lucid Collective () {1}: NM:43
  2668. James Armstrong: Guitar Angels (Catfood) {1}: jws
  2669. Jon Armstrong Jazz Orchestra: Farewell () {1}: avn
  2670. Army Navy: The Wilderness Inside () {1}: Eb:68
  2671. Army of the Pharaohs: In Death Reborn (Enemy Soil) {1}: am
  2672. Art of Burning Water: Living Is for Giving, Dying Is for Getting () {1}: sw
  2673. Asa Trio: Craning (Sunny Sky) {1}: rmc
  2674. Ashanti: Braveheart (E1) {1}: Nd
  2675. The Askew Sisters: In the Air or the Earth (Rootbeat) {1}: T
  2676. Cigdem Aslan: Mortissa () {1}: wmc
  2677. Asphalt Orchestra: Asphalt Orchestra Plays Pixies: Surfer Rosa (Cantaloupe) {1}: vsd:10 -- V:1529-5-1
  2678. Clarice Assad: Imaginarium (Adventure Music) {1}: TG:23 -- TH:B-
  2679. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour: Bring Us Together (Hot Bus/Rough Trade) {1}: ul
  2680. Asylum Street Spankers: The Last Laugh (Yellow Dog) {1}: app
  2681. Atelje: Meditation (Vinyl Export) {1}: SS:15 -- V:811-10-1
  2682. Athletics: Who You Are Is Not Enough () {1}: BGM:78
  2683. Shinario Ato (Aka Scenario Art): Tokyomelancholy (Ki/oon Japan) {1}: vmj:8 -- V:811-10-1
  2684. Rich Aucoin: Ephemeral () {1}: aes
  2685. Grazyna Auguscik Orchestar: Inspired by Lutoslawski (Fortune) {1}: pj:4 -- TH:*
  2686. Mike Auldridge, Jerry Douglas and Rob Ickes: Three Bells () {1}: bgt:7
  2687. Auslander: Auslander (Domestic Genocide, EP) {1}: CE:83
  2688. Ausmuteants: Ausmuteants (Aargt/Goner) {1}: ch:9
  2689. Autumn Defense: Fifth (Yep Roc) {1}: Bl:43 -- Mc:67, V:1419-8-1
  2690. Daniel Avery: Drone Logic (Phantasy Sound) {1}: YW:51
  2691. Aviator: Head in the Clouds, Hands in the Dirt () {1}: Vi:42
  2692. Awato 3: Open Mantra (Rush Hour) {1}: Thp:46
  2693. AyeGeeTee: Imminent Orphan () {1}: W
  2694. Thomas Azier: Hylas () {1}: Sec:83
  2695. B1A4: Who Am I () {1}: bl:57
  2696. Ab Baars/Meinard Kneer/Bill Elgart: Give No Quarter (Evil Rabbit) {1}: jkw:9
  2697. Backtrack: Lost in Life () {1}: LW:161
  2698. Bad Buka: Through the Night () {1}: nymd
  2699. Jonathan Badger: Verse () {1}: avn
  2700. Liam Bailey: Definitely Now () {1}: njf:9 -- V:811-10-1
  2701. Sheryl Bailey: A Meeting of Minds (Cellar Live) {1}: cjc
  2702. Ryan Bair: Casting Away () {1}: BC:33
  2703. Aidan Baker: Triptychs: Variations on a Melody (Important) {1}: SF:75
  2704. Margie Baker: So Many Stars (CAP) {1}: jws
  2705. The Bakersfield Breakers: In the Studio With the Bakersfield Breakers () {1}: nymd
  2706. Baldych and Herman Duo Art: The New Tradition (ACT) {1}: jat
  2707. Frankie Ballard: Sunshine and Whiskey (Warner Bros) {1}: CE:44
  2708. Veronica Ballestrini: Flipside (self-released) {1}: Rk
  2709. Ballister: Both Ends (Bocian) {1}: fj
  2710. Ballister: Worse for the Wear (Aerophonic) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  2711. Marcia Ball: The Tattooed Lady and the Alligator Man (Alligator) {1}: ND:3 -- TH:*
  2712. Ballout: Welcome 2 Ballout World () {1}: Qi
  2713. Ball Park Music: Puddinghead () {1}: FL:48
  2714. Baloni: Belleke (Clean Feed) {1}: fj -- TH:**
  2715. J Balvin: La Familia B Sides () {1}: Rh
  2716. The Bamboos: Fever in the Road (Nettwerk) {1}: am
  2717. Bambu: Party Worker () {1}: dbz
  2718. Banda Los Recoditos: Sueno XXX (Disa) {1}: PM
  2719. Banda Magda: Yerakina (Ground Up) {1}: Mg
  2720. Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizarraga: No Me Pidas Perdón (Remex Music) {1}: am
  2721. Band of Holy Joy: Easy Listening () {1}: LW:177
  2722. Alex Banks: Illuminate (Monkeytown) {1}: IMS:17 -- Mc:81
  2723. The Banner Days: The Banner Days () {1}: eg_j:10
  2724. BAP: First Sensibility () {1}: BB
  2725. Charles Barabe: Insultes (Hommage a John Cage) () {1}: Fa:50
  2726. Guy Barash: Facts About Water () {1}: avn
  2727. Jill Barber: Fool's Gold (Outside) {1}: MM -- V:811-10-1
  2728. Mike Bardash Quintet: Polygon (Rhombus) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  2729. John Barera and Will Martin: Graceless (Dolly) {1}: XLR:20
  2730. Baring Teeth: Ghost Chorus Among Old Ruins () {1}: BAm:24
  2731. Matthew Barnson: Sibyl Tones () {1}: avn
  2732. Thomas Barrandon: The New Born Between Mountain and Sea () {1}: wa
  2733. Darren Barrett dB Quintet: Live and Direct 2014 (DB Studios) {1}: jpt -- TH:B
  2734. Polly Barrett: Probably Me (self-released) {1}: T
  2735. Serious Sam Barrett: Any Road (Yadig?) {1}: Pi:70
  2736. Barrier of Broken Leaves: Spite (Turmeric Magnitudes) {1}: Mg
  2737. Richie Barshay: Sanctuary (self-released) {1}: ocj
  2738. Chlopcy Kontra Basia: Oj Tak! () {1}: wmc
  2739. The Basin Street Brawlers: It's Tight Like That (JohnJohn) {1}: jbl
  2740. Bass Clef: Acid Tracts () {1}: LW:103
  2741. Bastard Mountain: Farewell, Bastard Mountain () {1}: SXP:17
  2742. Ceci Bastida: En La Edad De La Violencia () {1}: npr
  2743. Bastille: All This Bad Blood (Virgin) {1}: DIY:23
  2744. Bast: Spectres () {1}: cbz:20
  2745. Peter Batchelor: Kaleidoscope () {1}: pm
  2746. Ty Bates: Ty Bates (independent) {1}: Rk
  2747. Batida: Dois (Soundway) {1}: Pu:18 -- TH:**
  2748. Michael Angelo Batio: Intermezzo () {1}: GW:45
  2749. Baton Rouge: Totem (self-released) {1}: Bz:50
  2750. Battaglia/Rabbia/Aarset: In Memoriam () {1}: pm
  2751. Jean-Efflam Bavouzet: Haydn: Piano Concertos () {1}: LP:25
  2752. Jam Baxter: . . . So We Ate Them Whole (High Focus) {1}: Gig:46
  2753. Olcay Bayir: Neva/Harmony () {1}: wmc
  2754. Bayside: Cult (Hopeless) {1}: K:46 -- Mc:81
  2755. David Bazan: David Bazan + Passenger String Quartet Volume 1 () {1}: fw
  2756. Beach Slang: Who Would Ever Want Anything So Broken? () {1}: Gr:27 -- V:811-10-1
  2757. Willis Earl Beal: Nobody Knows () {1}: lib
  2758. Bear Hands: Distraction () {1}: QRO:16
  2759. Fini Bearman: Porgy and Bess (F-ire) {1}: jbl
  2760. Bear Medicine: The Moon Has Been All My Life () {1}: CD:16
  2761. The Beast: Stories (self-released) {1}: iw:21
  2762. Beatking: Gangster Stripper Music 2 () {1}: Fa:31
  2763. Bebe/Buchanan/Tagel: Gone () {1}: rmc
  2764. Bedroom: Grow () {1}: pfk:5
  2765. Perry Beekman: Bewitched (self-released) {1}: jws
  2766. Bee Vs Moth: Shelter in Place (Aggraveire Music) {1}: CE:58
  2767. Beginners: September Sunburn (Excelsior) {1}: Ic:25
  2768. Beithemeans: Marble City Secrets Are Off in the Black () {1}: ejf:10
  2769. Alex Belhaj's Crescent City Quartet: Sugar Blues (Raymond Street) {1}: jws
  2770. The Belle Brigade: Just Because (03-25) {1}: Sn:21 -- Mc:78
  2771. Bob Bellerue: Cure the Antidote (Los Discos Enfantasmes) {1}: Mg
  2772. Luke Bell: Don't Mind If I Do () {1}: svc
  2773. Bellows: Blue Breath () {1}: npbb
  2774. Below: Across the Dark River (Metal Blade) {1}: fb
  2775. Belphegor: Conjuring the Dead () {1}: MD:44
  2776. Anat Ben David: Melech (self-released) {1}: Qi:72
  2777. Eli Bennett: Breakthrough (Addo) {1}: ocj
  2778. Richard Bennett: In the Wind Somewhere (Lonesome Day) {1}: am
  2779. M'Barka Ben Taleb: Passion Fruit (Graf/Full Heads) {1}: PM
  2780. Paolo Benvegnu: Earth Hotel () {1}: SM:46
  2781. BenZel: Men (EP) {1}: S_p:17
  2782. David Berkeley: The Fire in My Head (Straw Man Music) {1}: T
  2783. Bernhari: Bernhari () {1}: LP:31
  2784. Bernhoft: Islander () {1}: st
  2785. Nicolas Bernier: Frequencies () {1}: gmd
  2786. Peter Bernstein: Solo Guitar: Live at Smalls (Smalls Live) {1}: DB
  2787. Liam Betson: The Cover of Hunter (self-released) {1}: ATH:27 -- bc
  2788. Beyonce: More Only (Parkwood) {1}: YW:61 -- V:811-10-1
  2789. Beyond Creation: Earthborn Evolution () {1}: D:24
  2790. Big and Rich: Gravity (B&R) {1}: Rk
  2791. Big Lazy: Don't Cross Myrtle (Tasankee) {1}: nymd:1 -- TH:***
  2792. Big Scary: Not Art (Barsuk) {1}: UR:66
  2793. Big Smo: Kuntry Livin' (Electra Nashville) {1}: Rk
  2794. Big Wreck: Ghosts (Anthem/Rounder/Zoe) {1}: aes
  2795. Bile Sister: Faucet () {1}: ssh:9
  2796. A Billion Young: Glenwood () {1}: m_n:9
  2797. Billy Gomberg: Certain Words Again and Again (Sunshine) {1}: agb:9
  2798. Bird: My Fear and Me () {1}: LW:94
  2799. Birds of Chicago: Live From Space () {1}: T
  2800. David Bisbal: Tu y Yo (Universal Latino) {1}: am
  2801. Biscuit Mouth: Doing It Right and Doing It Well () {1}: LW:133
  2802. David Bixler's Auction Project: Slink (Bixler Music) {1}: jro
  2803. Brant Bjork: Black Flower Power (Napalm) {1}: fb
  2804. Kasper Bjorke: After Forever (HFN music) {1}: Shr:11
  2805. Black Bombain: Far Out (self-released) {1}: fb
  2806. Philip Blackburn: Music of Shadows () {1}: avn
  2807. Black Capricorn: Cult of Black Friars () {1}: cbz:22
  2808. Black El: L_ST () {1}: Pot:39
  2809. The Black Feathers: Strangers We Meet (Bird in the Hand) {1}: T
  2810. BlackHawk: Brothers of the Southland () {1}: cp
  2811. Jeff Black: Folklore () {1}: TG:98
  2812. Black Milk: Glitches in the Break () {1}: mjs
  2813. Black Opera: The Great Year () {1}: WL:16
  2814. Black Pines: Harsh Out (Wood and Wire) {1}: PM
  2815. Black Prairie: Fortune (Sugar Hill) {1}: am -- Mc:70, V:811-10-1
  2816. Black Pus/Oozing Wound: Split (Thrill Jockey) {1}: Mow:36
  2817. Daniel Blacksberg Trio: Perilous Architecture (NoBusiness) {1}: se -- TH:***
  2818. Black Swan Lane: A Moment of Happiness () {1}: PD_r:22
  2819. Black Swan: Tone Poetry () {1}: FF:34
  2820. Black to Comm: Black to Comm (Type) {1}: SF:63 -- V:781-11-1
  2821. Bladee: Gluee (Bladee 1000) {1}: Qi
  2822. Ruben Blades: Tangos (Sunnyside) {1}: PM -- TH:B
  2823. Seamus Blake/Chris Cheek: Reed's Ramble (Criss Cross) {1}: ocj
  2824. Blanco, Husalah and Kokane: The Tortoise and the Hare () {1}: BC:38
  2825. Tyler Blanton: Gotham () {1}: avn
  2826. Blap Deli: Whisper Me (Pragmatic Theory) {1}: KQ:24
  2827. Samuel Blaser/Benoit Delbecq/Gerry Hemingway: Fourth Landscape (Nuscope) {1}: imp:6
  2828. Blastromen: Reality Opens () {1}: rjc:4
  2829. Blaudzun: Promises of No Man's Land () {1}: BOC:21
  2830. Blaue Blume: Beau and Lorette EP () {1}: UR:125 -- V:811-10-1
  2831. Bleach Blonde Dudes: Prismo Beach Tape (self-released, EP) {1}: cmg
  2832. B-Lines: Opening Band () {1}: vs:4
  2833. Bliss and Alice: Poetry Vol 1: The Shit Talker Tape () {1}: m_n:8
  2834. Blockhead: Bells and Whistles () {1}: m_n:21
  2835. Rory Block: Hard Luck Child: A Tribute to Skip James (Stony Plain) {1}: am
  2836. Blondfire: Young Heart (10 Spot) {1}: HE:23
  2837. Jaap Blonk/Sandy Ewen/Damon Smith/Chris Cogburn: North of Blanco () {1}: avn
  2838. Bloodeath: Bloodeath (Totally Gross National Product) {1}: Mg
  2839. The Bloodhounds: Let Loose! (Alive Naturalsound) {1}: Bl:61
  2840. Blood Orange: Cupid Deluxe (Domino) {1}: oe
  2841. Luka Bloom: Head and Heart (Compass) {1}: am
  2842. The Blue Angel Lounge: A Sea of Trees (8MM) {1}: fb
  2843. Blue-Eyed Hawk: Under the Moon (Edition) {1}: MO:66
  2844. Blue Mother Tupelo: Only Sunshine () {1}: se
  2845. Blue Snaggletooth: Beyond Thule (Arbco) {1}: am -- V:1380-9-1
  2846. The Michael Blum Quartet: Initiation (self-released) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  2847. Dean Blunt: Skin Fade (self-released) {1}: TMT:35
  2848. Blursome: Heavy Resting (Locus) {1}: iw:12
  2849. Blut Aus Nord/PHOBOS: Triunity (Debemur Morti) {1}: am -- V:1380-9-1
  2850. BMCCCW: Spectrum (Styles Upon Styles) {1}: YW:43
  2851. BoatHouse: StoreFront () {1}: m_n:38
  2852. The Body and Thou: Released From Love (Vinyl Rites) {1}: adh
  2853. Body Cheetah: Raking the Wind (self-released) {1}: hz
  2854. Bogan Ghost: Zerfall () {1}: fjhe:2
  2855. Bok Bok: Your Charizmatic Self (Night Slugs) {1}: Bk:75
  2856. Bolder: Hostile Environment () {1}: sw
  2857. Bolywool: Ja () {1}: DA:35
  2858. Alice Boman: Skisser and EP II () {1}: GfS:28
  2859. Bombay Rickey: Cinefonia () {1}: nymd
  2860. Bonfire Beach: Bonfire Beach (Cleopatra) {1}: ref
  2861. Piero Bittolo Bon: Jump the Shark () {1}: avn
  2862. Boondox: Abaddon (Kung Fu/Psychopathic) {1}: am
  2863. Boots: WinterSpringSummerFall () {1}: dn
  2864. Bora Yoon: Sunken Cathedral () {1}: FF:40
  2865. Bord a Bord: Bord a Bord () {1}: avn
  2866. Borealis: Kallionyma () {1}: gmd
  2867. Bossacucanova: Nossa Onda e Essa (Six Degrees) {1}: am -- V:811-10-1
  2868. Fabrizio Bosso: Tandem (Verve) {1}: pan
  2869. Claire Boswell: Claire Boswell () {1}: T
  2870. The Both [Aimee Mann/Ted Leo]: The Both (Superego) {1}: LW:149
  2871. Ralph Bowen: Standard Deviation (Posi-Tone) {1}: jpt
  2872. Kris Bowers: Heroes + Misfits (Concord Jazz) {1}: ac -- TH:B-
  2873. Tim Bowness: Abandoned Dancehall Dreams (Inside Out) {1}: jjk
  2874. Bow to Each Other: The Urge Drums () {1}: Dg
  2875. Boxcutter: Shea EP (Kinnego, EP) {1}: hz
  2876. CJ Boyd: Precariat () {1}: gmd
  2877. Boyfrndz: Breeder () {1}: BGM:61
  2878. Susan Boyle: Hope (Syco Music) {1}: bn
  2879. Boys Noize: Go Hard Remixes EP () {1}: m_o:10
  2880. Boytoy: Boytoy (Papercup) {1}: YW:31
  2881. BPDR: BassJazz Volume 1 (Cyanide) {1}: ntu:4
  2882. Philippe Brach: La Foire et L'Ordre () {1}: LCB:21
  2883. Bracket: Hold Your Applause () {1}: LCE:18
  2884. Bradford Lee Folk: Somewhere Far Away () {1}: svc
  2885. Abramis Brama: Enkel Biljett (Transubstans) {1}: fb
  2886. Billy Branch and the Sons of the Blues: Blues Shock (Blind Pig) {1}: am
  2887. The Brand New Heavies: Sweet Freaks (Eagle) {1}: sob
  2888. Jay Brannan: Always Then and Now () {1}: pcb:6
  2889. Traci Braxton: Crash and Burn () {1}: st
  2890. Patrick Breiner's Double Double: Mileage (Sulde) {1}: jrn:15 -- TH:*
  2891. Matt Brewer: Mythology (Criss Cross) {1}: BAj:16
  2892. Terrence Brewer: Mi Historia () {1}: frd
  2893. Olie Brice Quintet: Immune to Clockwork () {1}: fj
  2894. Brigitte : A Bouche Que Veux-Tu () {1}: Ir:55
  2895. Brimstone: Mannsverk () {1}: SM:30
  2896. Alan Broadbent: Heart to Heart (Chilly Bin) {1}: jj:9
  2897. Alan Broadbent and NDR Big Band: America the Beautiful (self-released) {1}: jkf:8
  2898. Lucas Brode: Prixvyou () {1}: avn
  2899. Brodsky Quartet: New World Quartets () {1}: TG:84
  2900. Broeder Dieleman: Gloria (Snowstar) {1}: DV:43 -- bc
  2901. Broken Arm: Life Is Short () {1}: sb_r
  2902. Brombaer: After the Storm () {1}: m_n:6
  2903. Eliot Bronson: Eliot Bronson () {1}: svc
  2904. Archie Bronson Outfit: Wild Crush (Domino) {1}: gmd -- Mc:77
  2905. Bronto Skylift: Date With a Ghoul () {1}: Sk:50
  2906. Brood Ma: Populous () {1}: W
  2907. Brooklyn Jazz Underground: 7x7 (BJU) {1}: ocj
  2908. The Brooklyn What: Minor Problems () {1}: nymd
  2909. Jon Brooks: 52 (Clay Pipe) {1}: Mon:30
  2910. Bobby Broom: My Shining Hour (Origin) {1}: jbm -- TH:**
  2911. Broughton's Rules: Anechoic Horizon () {1}: RAR:34
  2912. Mel Brown B-3 Organ Group: Ticket to Ride/More Today Than Yesterday: 16th Anniversary Show, Vols 1 & 2 () {1}: jrm:2
  2913. Butcher Brown: All Purpose Music () {1}: se
  2914. Brushville: Brushville (self-released) {1}: Rk
  2915. Brute Force: Brute Force () {1}: avn
  2916. Brymo: Tabula Rasa () {1}: bgsm:8
  2917. BTS: Dark and Wild (Big Hit) {1}: bl:54 -- V:537-20-1
  2918. Jakob Buchanan: Some People and Some Places (self-released) {1}: jjb
  2919. Peter Buck: I Am Back to Blow Your Mind Once Again (Mississippi) {1}: am
  2920. Joe Budden: Some Love Lost () {1}: WL:23
  2921. Dewa Budjana and Jimmy Johnson: Surya Namaskar (Moonjune) {1}: jws
  2922. Dewa Budjana: Joged Kanyangan (Moonjune) {1}: jro -- TH:B-
  2923. Buffalo Killers: Heavy Reverie (Sun Pedal) {1}: FN:26 -- Mc:74, V:1504-6-1
  2924. The Buffalo Ruckus: The Buffalo Ruckus () {1}: cp
  2925. Jake Bugg: Shangri La (Island/Def Jam) {1}: df
  2926. Lucio Bukowski and Nestor Kea: L'Art Raffine De L'Ecchymose () {1}: gmd
  2927. Andy Bull: Sea of Approval () {1}: tos
  2928. Becky Buller: 'Tween Earth and Sky () {1}: bgt:1
  2929. Burnt Belief [Colin Edwin + Jon Durant]: Etymology () {1}: se
  2930. Burnt Skull: Sewer Birth (12XU) {1}: ddm -- V:811-10-1
  2931. Matthew Burtner: Noise Plays Burtner () {1}: pm
  2932. Bury Tomorrow: Runes () {1}: K:29
  2933. Burzum: The Ways of Yore (Candlelight) {1}: SF:84
  2934. Buscabulla: Buscabulla (Kitsune, EP) {1}: ref
  2935. Bushwick Gospel Singers: Songs of Worship Vol 2 (The Church of Universal Knowing) {1}: RC:48 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  2936. William Butler/Owen Pallett: Her [Original Soundtrack] () {1}: Sec:48
  2937. Butterfly in the Snowfall: Butterfly in the Snowfall () {1}: sw
  2938. Butter the Children: True Crime (self-released) {1}: FK:21
  2939. C13: Multiviral (El Abismo) {1}: jrm
  2940. @C: AB Ovo () {1}: gmd
  2941. Caddywhompus: Feathering a Nest (Community) {1}: ftw
  2942. Cage the Elephant: Melophobia (Mercury/Universal) {1}: RSF
  2943. Uri Caine: Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue (Winter & Winter) {1}: jcb
  2944. Calaita Flamenco Son: Calaita Flamenco Son () {1}: wmc
  2945. Andres Calamaro: Bohemio () {1}: Rh
  2946. Benjamin James Caldwell: EP () {1}: eg_b:10
  2947. Calibre 50: Contigo (Disa) {1}: am
  2948. Calico the Band: Rancho California () {1}: mjs
  2949. Pablo Martin Caminero: OFNI (Bost Espacio Creativo) {1}: jma
  2950. Evan Caminiti: Coiling (Dust Editions) {1}: SF:92
  2951. Ali Campbell: Silhouette: The Legendary Voice of UB40 (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: am
  2952. Chris Campbell: Things You Already Know () {1}: avn
  2953. Erica Campbell: Help () {1}: WP:49
  2954. Jon Camp: Earwig () {1}: BC:30
  2955. Canailles: Ronds-Points () {1}: LCB
  2956. The Cancers: Fatten the Leaches (Cancers) {1}: fb
  2957. Cannabis Corpse: From Wisdom to Baked (Season of Mist) {1}: NM:80 -- V:811-10-1
  2958. Laura Cannell: Quick Sparrows Over the Black Earth (Brawl) {1}: W:44
  2959. Cannonball: Live (self-released) {1}: jnf:7
  2960. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: Songs of Forgiveness () {1}: Rkl:17 -- V:811-10-1
  2961. Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Solo Andata (Ponderosa Music & Art) {1}: PM
  2962. Caoimhin O Raghallaigh and Dan Trueman: Laghdu () {1}: Sc:49
  2963. Caparezza: Museica () {1}: SM:31
  2964. Cape Canyon: Bluebonnet EP () {1}: eg_j:9
  2965. Pierpaolo Capovilla: Obtorto Collo () {1}: SM:50
  2966. Captain Planet: Esperanto Slang (Bastard Jazz) {1}: MM:22
  2967. Careful: The World Doesn't End (Circle Into Square) {1}: hz
  2968. The Caribbean: Moon Sickness (Hometapes) {1}: Rvb:30* -- V:811-10-1
  2969. Carmel Quartet: Paul Ben-Haim: String Quintet and String Quartet 1 () {1}: TG:93
  2970. James Carothers: Honky Tonk Land (independent) {1}: Rk
  2971. Mary Chapin Carpenter: Songs From the Movie (Rounder) {1}: am -- Mc:67
  2972. Aliza Carter Band: Clearer () {1}: eg_j;8
  2973. Christina Carter: Masque Femine (Root Strata) {1}: SF:73
  2974. Deana Carter: Southern Way of Life (Little Nugget/Red River) {1}: am
  2975. Nick Carter/Jordan Knight: Nick and Knight (BMG) {1}: am
  2976. Tom Carter: Numinal Entry (Halatern) {1}: vmc:1 -- V:811-10-1
  2977. Marc Cary: For the Love of Abbey (Motema) {1}: jjz:1 -- TH:*
  2978. Cashy: Platinum Plus EP () {1}: m_n:31
  2979. Martin Castillo: Mundo de Ilusiones (Gerencia 360/Sony Latin) {1}: PM
  2980. Casualties of Cool: Casualties of Cool () {1}: MH:23
  2981. Cats on Trees: Cats on Trees () {1}: fn:10
  2982. The Cats: Relax on Everyone (Manondor) {1}: ddm -- V:811-10-1
  2983. Susan Cattaneo: Haunted Heart () {1}: bs
  2984. Causa Sui: Pewt'r Sessions 3 (El Paraiso) {1}: fb -- TH:**
  2985. Caustic Window: Caustic Window () {1}: DW:54
  2986. Richard Causton: Millennium Scenes () {1}: FF:23
  2987. Cavalier: Chief () {1}: Ux
  2988. Cavern of Anti-Matter: Blood Drums (Grautag) {1}: fp
  2989. Caves: Leaving (Specialist Subject) {1}: fb
  2990. Celer: Sky Limits (Two Acorns) {1}: SF:36
  2991. Orpheon Celesta: Cuisine au Jazz (Fremeaux & Associes) {1}: jld:8
  2992. Celestial Shore: Enter Ghost (Hometapes) {1}: Eb:76
  2993. Celestial Trax: Production Mix () {1}: Fa:49
  2994. The Cellar and Point: Ambit (Cuneiform) {1}: avn -- TH:B
  2995. Michael Cera: True That () {1}: or
  2996. Cerebral Ballzy: Jaded and Faded (Cult) {1}: LW:189 -- A:447-69-6, Mc:69
  2997. Ces Cru: Codename: Ego Stripper (Strange Music) {1}: am
  2998. Cex: Shamaneater (Automation) {1}: BC:48 -- V:1529-5-1
  2999. Arturo Chacon-Cruz: Le Canta a Mexico (Urtext) {1}: am
  3000. Mark Chadwick: Moment () {1}: LW:192
  3001. Andrew Chalk: The Circle of Days (Faraway Press) {1}: SF:37
  3002. Champions League: Ebiza () {1}: SS:16
  3003. Changing Modes: The Paradox of Traveling Light () {1}: nymd
  3004. Alan Chan Jazz Orchestra: Shrimp Tale (Crown Heights Audio Network) {1}: jpt -- TH:*
  3005. Brian Charette: Good Tipper (Posi-Tone) {1}: ddt
  3006. Brian Charette: Square One (Posi-Tone) {1}: ddt -- TH:**
  3007. Chasing Rainbows: Make Love Caravan (Excelsior) {1}: Ic:26
  3008. Chat Noir: Elec3cities () {1}: PM
  3009. Gina Chavez: Up Rooted (self-released) {1}: MM
  3010. Cheap Girls: Famous Graves (Xtra Mile) {1}: DA:34 -- Mc:61, V:656-15-1
  3011. Cheater Slicks: Live Vol 3 (Columbus Discount) {1}: ddm -- V:811-10-1
  3012. Cheetah Chrome: Solo () {1}: nymd
  3013. Jo-Yu Chen: Stranger (Okeh) {1}: jdm
  3014. Cherry Ghost: Herd Runners (Heavenly) {1}: Rvb -- A:435-69-5, Mc:76
  3015. Cherub: Year of the Caprese (Columbia) {1}: BOC:19 -- RC:**, TH:*
  3016. Chevalier Avant Garde: Realign () {1}: ssh:17
  3017. Hans Chew: Life and Love (At the Helm) {1}: Ujm:36
  3018. Chiffon: Marble () {1}: BC:39
  3019. Chigamba: Yangu Ndega () {1}: afp
  3020. Chimurenga Renaissance: Rize Vadzimu Rize (Brick Lane) {1}: Qi -- V:1529-5-1
  3021. Chinese Man: The Groove Sessions Volume 3 () {1}: Sec:75
  3022. Chingari: Bombay Makossa (Abstract Logix) {1}: JG:81 -- TH:*
  3023. Duncan Chisholm: Live at Celtic Connection (Copperfish) {1}: T
  3024. Michael Christmas: IsThis Art? () {1}: Pot:37
  3025. Chrome: Feel Like a Scientist (King of Spades) {1}: fb -- Mc:79
  3026. Chronixx: Dread and Terrible (self-released) {1}: afp -- V:471-20-2
  3027. Chrononautz: Public Domain Fuckover Series #1-6 (self-released) {1}: Qi:27
  3028. Marko Churnchetz: Devotion (Whirlwind) {1}: jmt
  3029. Pietro Ciancaglini: Second Phase () {1}: jma
  3030. Circle of Sound: Anti Hero (Baitak) {1}: MO:71
  3031. Circus Devils: Escape (Happy Jack Rock) {1}: FN:41
  3032. Ty Citerman: Bop Kabbalah (Tzadik) {1}: avn -- TH:***
  3033. Civil Brute: Civil Brute (self-released, EP) {1}: fw
  3034. Stanley Clarke Band: Up (Mack Avenue) {1}: pan
  3035. Terri Clark: Some Songs (Bare Track) {1}: cp
  3036. Otis Clay and Johnny Rawls: Soul Brothers (Catfood) {1}: jws
  3037. Claypipe: A Daylight Blessing (MIE) {1}: dpm:11
  3038. Coralie Clement: La Belle Affaire () {1}: pfk:19
  3039. Benjamin Clementine: Glorious You () {1}: VP:96
  3040. Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper: On Down the Line () {1}: bgt:6
  3041. Cliff Dweller: The Dream in Captivity (Patient Sounds) {1}: ACL
  3042. Sharon Marie Cline: This Is Where I Wanna Be (self-released) {1}: jws
  3043. Cloud Boat: Model of You () {1}: Mow:27 -- A:479-68-7, Mc:69
  3044. Cloud Control: Dream Cave (Infectious) {1}: MM:33
  3045. Clouds: Doliu () {1}: BGM:49
  3046. Diane Cluck: Boneset (Important) {1}: am
  3047. Susan Clynes: Life Is . . . (Moonjune) {1}: jws
  3048. CNBLUE: Can't Stop () {1}: BB
  3049. Pete Coe and Alice Jones: The Search for Five Finger Frank (Backshift Music) {1}: FR
  3050. Diane Coffee: My Friend Fish (Western Vinyl) {1}: dd:1
  3051. Leonard Cohen: Live in Dublin (Columbia) {1}: TH:24 -- Mc:83, TH:A-
  3052. Coig: Fifth (Coig) {1}: FR
  3053. Cold Cave: Full Cold Moon (Heartworm) {1}: fb
  3054. Coldrain: The Revelation () {1}: Sun
  3055. Freddy Cole: Singing the Blues (High Note) {1}: jmb -- TH:**
  3056. Keyshia Cole: Point of No Return (Interscope) {1}: WS -- RC:**
  3057. Lloyd Cole: Standards (Omnivore) {1}: se -- Mc:83, V:811-10-1
  3058. John Wesley Coleman III: The Love That You Own (Burger) {1}: Bl:74
  3059. Collabro: Stars (Syco) {1}: OC:36
  3060. Graham Collier: Luminosity: The Last Suites (Jazz Continuum) {1}: jj:4
  3061. George Colligan: Ask Me Tomorrow (SteepleChase) {1}: jnb:10
  3062. Matthew Collings: Silence Is a Rhythm Too (Denovali) {1}: ACL:17
  3063. Brian Collins: Healing Highway (independent) {1}: Rk
  3064. Edwyn Collins: The Possibilities Are Endless (AED) {1}: Mon:46
  3065. Colorama: Temari () {1}: LW:187
  3066. Combat Astronomy: Time Distort Nine () {1}: avn
  3067. Jaume Compte and Nafas Ensemble: Tariq (Arc Music) {1}: wmc
  3068. Cat Conner: Cat House (Cat Tales) {1}: jcb
  3069. Loren Connors: My Brooklyn (Analogpath) {1}: ACL
  3070. Giovanni Tommaso Consonanti Quartet: Conversation With My Soul (Parco della Musica) {1}: jat
  3071. Constantines: Shine a Light () {1}: dim
  3072. Nicola Conte: Free Souls (Schema) {1}: am
  3073. Alessandro Contini: Sonno (Hospital Productions) {1}: No:35
  3074. Convent Guilt: Guns for Hire (Cruz del Sur) {1}: fb
  3075. Cookies: Music for Touching (We Buy Gold) {1}: SFJ
  3076. Cool Ghouls: A Swirling Fire Burning Through the Rye (Empty Cellar) {1}: Ujm:48
  3077. Coope, Boyes and Simpson: In Flanders Fields (No Masters) {1}: FR
  3078. Max Cooper: Human (Fields) {1}: YW:30
  3079. Ross Cooper: Give It Time (independent) {1}: Rk
  3080. Coppice: Vantage/Cordoned (Caduc) {1}: dls:4
  3081. The Copyrights: Report (Red Scare Industries) {1}: Pn:11*
  3082. The Coral: The Curse of Love (Skeleton Key) {1}: Rvb
  3083. David Corley: Available Light () {1}: PD_r:25
  3084. Cormorant: Earth Diver (self-released) {1}: ilm:22
  3085. Dale Cornish: Xeric (Entr'acte) {1}: Bk:53
  3086. Corrosion of Conformity: IX () {1}: MD:24
  3087. Cortex: Live! (Clean Feed) {1}: TH:133 -- TH:A-
  3088. Cosmic Thoughts: Cosmic Thoughts (self-released) {1}: fb
  3089. Cosottini/Gagel: Pieces Without Memory () {1}: pm
  3090. Bryan Counter and Satchel Forrester: Twice Stopped () {1}: avn
  3091. Count's 77: Count's 77 (Shrapnel) {1}: BRR:20
  3092. Jacques Coursil: FreeJazzArt (Sessions for Bill Dixon) (RogueArt) {1}: jld:6
  3093. The Courteeners: Concrete Love (Cooperative) {1}: xfm:44 -- Mc:61
  3094. Johnny Couteau: From the Infamous Mind of a Psychoactive Runner () {1}: ssh:12
  3095. Coves: Soft Friday (Nettwerk) {1}: UR:89 -- A:191-75-5, Mc:77, V:348-30-1
  3096. Joseph Coward: The World Famous Joseph Coward () {1}: LW:155
  3097. Jon Cowherd: Mercy (ArtistShare) {1}: jjk
  3098. Craang: To the Estimated Size of the Universe (self-released) {1}: fb
  3099. Crabe: Anti-Vague () {1}: LCB:17
  3100. Chris Crack: Kickin It Wit TW (New Deal Crew) {1}: Qi
  3101. Cracker: Berkeley to Bakersfield () {1}: Sn:24 -- Mc:81
  3102. Samantha Crain: Kid Face (Full Time Hobby) {1}: Dr:84
  3103. Creative Adult: Psychic Mess (Run for Cover) {1}: fb -- Mc:69
  3104. Cesare Cremonini: Logico () {1}: pan:13
  3105. Natalie Cressman: Turn the Sea (self-released) {1}: jcb
  3106. Criolo: Convoque Seu Buda () {1}: Pu:24
  3107. Cristian Fitness: I Am Scared of Everything That Isn't Me (self-released) {1}: PM
  3108. The Crookes: Soapbox (Modern Outsider) {1}: AR:6 -- V:445-23-2
  3109. Jennifer Crook: Carnforth Station (Long Tale) {1}: T
  3110. Cross Harbour: Cross Harbour (Higlet) {1}: T
  3111. Connie Crothers and Paula Hackett: Sharing the Thrill (New Artists) {1}: jws
  3112. Connie Crothers Quartet: Deep Friendship (New Artists) {1}: jws
  3113. Joel Crouse: Even the River Flows () {1}: mjs
  3114. Crow Bait: Sliding Through the Halls of Fate (Don Giovanni) {1}: fb
  3115. Crown the Empire: The Resistance: Rise of the Runaways (Rise) {1}: BAm:15
  3116. Maxwell August Croy/Sean McCann: I (Students of Decay) {1}: Tx:28
  3117. Allison Crutchfield: Lean in to It (Kingfisher Bluez, EP) {1}: WS:93 -- V:811-10-1
  3118. Crying Lion: The Golden Boat (Honest Jon's) {1}: Ujm:88
  3119. Cryo: Retropia () {1}: rjc:1
  3120. Jamie Cullum: Interlude (Island) {1}: T -- TH:B
  3121. Cult Leader: Nothing For Us Here () {1}: Ex
  3122. Cult of Dom Keller: The Second Bardo (Cardinal Fuzz) {1}: fb
  3123. Cult of Fire: [ . . . ] (Iron Bonehead) {1}: D:17
  3124. Cumbia All Stars: Tigres En Fuga (World Village) {1}: afp
  3125. Justin Currie: Lower Reaches (Compass) {1}: njf -- V:811-10-1
  3126. Curse the Son: Psychache () {1}: cbz:19
  3127. Ty Curtis: Water Under the Bridge (self-released) {1}: BRR:14
  3128. Joseph Curwen: Shunned House (City) {1}: Qi:98
  3129. CV313: Dimensional Space (Echospace Detroit) {1}: Ph:70
  3130. The Cyclist: Flourish (All City) {1}: Fa:40 -- V:811-10-1
  3131. Cyclobe: Sulphur-Tarot-Garden () {1}: GD:27
  3132. CyHi the Prynce: Black Hystori Project () {1}: RG:19
  3133. Cymbals: The Age of Fracture () {1}: SM:41 -- A:329-72-10, Mc:73, V:811-10-1
  3134. Reginald Cyntje: Elements of Life (self-released) {1}: vmw:6 -- V:1419-8-1
  3135. Dabrowski/Davis/Drury: Vermilion Tree () {1}: pj:6
  3136. Da Cruz: Disco e Progresso (Boom Jah) {1}: Mg
  3137. Dada Plan: A Dada Plan Is Free (Kingfisher Bluez) {1}: PM
  3138. Rachael Dadd: We Resonate (Broken Sound Music) {1}: LW:61
  3139. Daddy Long Legs: Blood From a Stone (Norton) {1}: CE:61
  3140. The Dagger: The Dagger (Century Media) {1}: fb
  3141. Dahga Bloom: No Curtains (Captcha) {1}: fb
  3142. Daily Planet: Two () {1}: rjc:8
  3143. Daily Planet: Two () {1}: rnf:2
  3144. Tim Daisy: October Music (Vol 1) 7 Compositions for Duet () {1}: fj
  3145. Daithi: In Flight (Sony) {1}: IT:47
  3146. Dalglish: Dorcha Aigeann (Ge-stell) {1}: No:46
  3147. Dally Auston: WestsidEP () {1}: m_n:28
  3148. Dal Sasso/Belmondo Big Band: John Coltrane: A Love Supreme () {1}: tel
  3149. Damaged Bug: Hubba Bubba (Castle Face) {1}: RT:81 -- A:629-62-7, Mc:63
  3150. Piotr Damasiewicz Quartet: Mnemotaksja (Fortune) {1}: pj:8
  3151. Emily Danger: Peach Arch EP () {1}: dt
  3152. The Dangerfeel Newbies: Hariet () {1}: st
  3153. The Charlie Daniels Band: Off the Grid: Doin' It Dylan (Blue Hat) {1}: am
  3154. Danish String Quartet: Wood Works () {1}: TG:48
  3155. Dan+Shay: Where It All Began (Warner Bros) {1}: Rk
  3156. Darkest Era: Severance (Cruz del Sur) {1}: fb
  3157. Dark Fluo: Billion Sands () {1}: gmd
  3158. Dark Horses: Hail Lucid State (Last Gang) {1}: ts
  3159. Dark Sky: Imagin () {1}: Mx:95 -- Mc:62
  3160. Daunielle: Daunielle (Catfood) {1}: jws
  3161. Ben Davenport Band: Slow Start () {1}: svc
  3162. David Andree & Josh Mason: Call, Response (Own) {1}: agb:13
  3163. AJ Davila y Terror Amor: Beibi (Burger) {1}: LW:198 -- V:1529-5-1
  3164. Anthony Davis: Notes From the Underground () {1}: avn
  3165. James Davis: Beveled (Ears & Eyes) {1}: jws
  3166. Kris Davis: Massive Threads (Clean Feed) {1}: avn -- TH:***
  3167. Cliff Dawson: Turn It Up () {1}: st
  3168. Dday One: Dialogue With Life (The Content (L)Abel) {1}: Tx:31
  3169. Dead Fader: Blood Forest/Scorched () {1}: LW:107
  3170. Dead Neanderthals: Prime Dead Neanderthals and Machinefabriek (DNMF) {1}: avn
  3171. Dead Sea Apes: High Evolutionary () {1}: Blz:26
  3172. Dead Stars: Slumber () {1}: ATH:50
  3173. Deadwood: Sheolic () {1}: avn
  3174. Death of Samantha: If Memory Serves Us Well (St Valentine) {1}: Bl:93 -- V:1380-9-1
  3175. Death Valley Girls: Street Venom () {1}: DA:22
  3176. Angelo De Augustine: Spirals of Silence (self-released) {1}: ATH:41
  3177. De Beren Gieren + Susana Santos Silva: The Detour Fish: Live in Ljubljana (Clean Feed) {1}: fj -- TH:**
  3178. Johnny DeBlase: Guided Motion () {1}: se
  3179. EJ Decker: A Job of Work (Candela) {1}: jws
  3180. Marc De Clive-Lowe: Church () {1}: PM
  3181. Deepchord: Lanterns (Astral Industries) {1}: Ph:74
  3182. Joey DeFrancesco: Home for the Holidays () {1}: rdc_w:7
  3183. Eli Degibri: Twelve (Plus Loin) {1}: jpt:11
  3184. Phil Degreg and Brasilia: Brazilian People (Prevenient Music) {1}: jws
  3185. Mike Dehnert: Lichtbedingt (Delsin) {1}: sr:13
  3186. Deine Lakaien: Crystal Palace () {1}: rnf:7
  3187. Dekoder: Flowers to Blossom (Chaos Rules) {1}: fb
  3188. Delain: The Human Contradiction () {1}: se
  3189. De La Soul: Smell the DAISY (self-released) {1}: YW:47
  3190. De La Tierra: De La Tierra (Roadrunner) {1}: CE:69
  3191. Delay: Circle Changes (Salinas) {1}: dmz:3
  3192. Delorentos: Night Becomes Light () {1}: Sa:38
  3193. Bosco Delrey: The Green Tiger's Alibi () {1}: Ir:81
  3194. Aldo Del Rio: El Bardo () {1}: lib
  3195. De Lux: Voyage (Innovative Leisure) {1}: fp
  3196. Brigitte DeMeyer: Savannah Road (BDM Music) {1}: T -- TH:**
  3197. Dengue Dengue Dengue: Serpiente Dorada () {1}: WP:47
  3198. Den Mother: Passion Is Seldom the End () {1}: dim
  3199. Den Sorte Skole: Lektion 3 () {1}: Zf:62
  3200. Thomas De Pourquery et Supersonic: Play Sun Ra (Quark) {1}: lm
  3201. Andre De Ridder and Copenhagen Philharmonic: Bryce Dessner/Jonny Greenwood () {1}: TG:55
  3202. Desiderii Marginis: Hypnosis () {1}: avn
  3203. Dick Destiny Band: Loud Folk Live (self-released) {1}: CE:55
  3204. Det Lilla Extra: 2014 () {1}: OS:29
  3205. Detour: Going Nowhere Fast () {1}: bgt:11
  3206. Detroit: La Cigale (Live) () {1}: Ip:19
  3207. Donna Deussen: On the Street Where You Live (self-released) {1}: jcb
  3208. Deux Pouilles en Cavale: Tambours et Temps Morts () {1}: LCB
  3209. DFQ: Ineffable (Local Action) {1}: DAD:15
  3210. Mamadou Diabate: Griot Classique () {1}: wmc
  3211. Diaphragmatic: Fear Biters (Alien Passengers) {1}: Mg -- V:1529-5-1
  3212. Abou Diarra: Kalo Yeele (Playasound) {1}: am
  3213. Diarrhea Planet: Aliens in the Outfield EP () {1}: SOT
  3214. Luther Dickinson: Rock 'N Roll Blues (New West) {1}: am -- TH:*
  3215. Barbara Dickson and Rab Noakes: Reunified (Neon) {1}: T
  3216. Nicola Di Croce: Fieldnotes (Oak Editions) {1}: ACL
  3217. Die Heiterkeit: Monterey () {1}: In:39
  3218. Die Liga Der Gewöhnlichen Gentlemen: Alle Ampeln auf Geib! () {1}: In:40
  3219. John Dieterich/Ben Goldberg/Scott Amendola: Short-Sighted Dream Colossus () {1}: se
  3220. Jorrit Dijkstra's Pillow Circles: Live Bimhuis Amsterdam (Driff) {1}: imp:5
  3221. Cara Dillon: A Thousand Hearts (Charcoal) {1}: T
  3222. Dillon: The Unknown () {1}: Mx:47
  3223. Diners: Always Room (Diet Pop) {1}: or:2 -- V:601-15-2
  3224. Dirge: Hyperion () {1}: NN:53
  3225. Dirtmusic: Lion City () {1}: LW:140 -- Mc:70
  3226. Dirty Beaches: Stateless (Zoo Music) {1}: Bk:61 -- A:501-67-8, Mc:67, V:1380-9-1
  3227. Dirty Loops: Loopified (Verve) {1}: am -- V:1529-5-1, TH:C+
  3228. Disasteratti: Cerebral Hack Artist () {1}: Mow:39
  3229. Disiz: Transe-Lucide (Def Jam France/Universal) {1}: lm
  3230. Marianne Dissard: The Cat. Not Me () {1}: nymd
  3231. Akua Dixon: Akua Dixon (Akua's Music) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  3232. Djam Karet: Regenerator 3017 () {1}: avn
  3233. DJ Clent: Hyper Feet EP () {1}: bl:40
  3234. DJ Q: Ineffable (Local Action) {1}: Qi:80 -- V:811-10-1
  3235. DJ/Rupture: Stage Boundary Songs () {1}: ekm:8
  3236. DJ Shadow: The Liquid Amber (EP) {1}: DW:28
  3237. DJ Vadim: Dubcatcher (BBE) {1}: am
  3238. DKV Trio: Sound in Motion in Sound (NotTwo, 6CD) {1}: fj
  3239. DMX Krew: Shape Shifting Shaman (Shipwrec) {1}: Ph:100
  3240. Dnitel: Human Voice (Leaving/Stones Throw) {1}: am
  3241. Dntel: Human Voice (Stones Throw/Leaving) {1}: PM -- Mc:80
  3242. Bonnie Dobson: Take Me for a Walk in the Morning Dew (Hornbeam) {1}: T -- Mc:76
  3243. Ewan Dobson: Acoustic Metal (Candyrat) {1}: jws
  3244. Doctor Krapula + Collectivo Jaguar: Amazonas (Terra Nova/Star Arsis) {1}: CE:53
  3245. Doctor Magnum: Magnum Carta Holy Grail () {1}: PM
  3246. Doctor Smoke: The Witching Hour (self-released) {1}: fb
  3247. The Dogs: The Tears Are Voodoo () {1}: Af:10
  3248. Paul Dolden: Who Has the Biggest Sound? () {1}: FF:33
  3249. Bo Dollis Jr and the Wild Magnolias: A New Kind of Funk (self-released) {1}: po -- TH:***
  3250. Mia Dol Todd: Floresta (City Zen) {1}: am
  3251. Jose Domingo: Almería () {1}: Jn:48
  3252. Chano Domínguez/Nino Josele: Chano and Josele (Calle 54) {1}: am
  3253. Armen Donelian: Sayat-Nova: Songs of My Ancestors () {1}: hoj:5
  3254. Doom:VS: Earthless () {1}: MD:48
  3255. Bonnie Doon: Fred's House Demo (Salinas) {1}: dmz
  3256. Dopelord: Black Arts, Riff Worship and Weed Cult (self-released) {1}: fb
  3257. Charlie Dore: Milk Roulette (Black Ink) {1}: T
  3258. Pierre Dorge/Torben Westergaard/Tyshawn Sorey: Like Salamanders We Survive () {1}: avn
  3259. Dotore: Variaciones () {1}: Pl:79
  3260. Double Veterans: The Brotherhood of . . . () {1}: Sc:105
  3261. Mike Doughty: Stellar Motel (Snack Bar/Megaforce) {1}: ejc:49 -- RC:B+
  3262. Down Among the Dead Men: Down Among the Dead Men () {1}: NM:79
  3263. Gord Downie, the Sadies, and the Conquering Sun: Gord Downie, the Sadies, and the Conquering Sun (Arts & Crafts) {1}: nymd -- V:1465-7-1
  3264. Dragon Turtles: Distances () {1}: GTV:38
  3265. Dragster: Dead Punk (STP) {1}: LW:69
  3266. Kaja Draksler: The Lives of Many Others () {1}: pm
  3267. Drcarlsonalbion: Gold (Oblique) {1}: W:40
  3268. Dread Sovereign: All Hell's Martyrs () {1}: cbz:6
  3269. Dreamsalon: Soft Stab (Dragnet) {1}: fb
  3270. Laura Dreyer: Vida Arte Amor (Mayimba) {1}: jws
  3271. Drive By Truckers: Black Ice Verite () {1}: rad
  3272. Minnie Driver: Ask Me to Dance (Rounder/Zoe) {1}: Spc:15
  3273. Kevin Drumm: Trouble (Editions Mego) {1}: SF:87
  3274. Dr Zygote: Grupo Zygote (Black Acre) {1}: Ph:23
  3275. Jamie Dubberly and Orquesta Dharma: La Clave del Gumbo (Dubberly) {1}: Mg
  3276. Jamie Dubbery and Orquesta Dharma: La Clave Del Gumbo (Dubberly) {1}: vjp:9 -- V:811-10-1
  3277. Dub Colossus: Addis to Omega (Independent) {1}: FR
  3278. Dubkasm: Dubkasm Ft. Lidj Xylon (Peng Sound) {1}: LW:49
  3279. Benjamin Duboc: St James Infiermary (Improvising Beings) {1}: jat -- TH:*
  3280. Benjamin Duboc: St James Infirmary (Improvising Beings) {1}: fj -- TH:*
  3281. Michael Francis Duch: Tomba Emmanuelle (Sofa) {1}: fj
  3282. Gustavo Dudamel/Simon Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela: Mahler: Symphony No. 7 (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: am
  3283. Lajos Dudas Quartet: Live at Salzburger Jazzherbst (Jazz Sick) {1}: TH:143 -- TH:A-
  3284. Duologue: Never Get Lost () {1}: FF:24
  3285. Duplekita: The Sound of My Name (Kinsella) {1}: MM -- V:756-12-1
  3286. DVA: Nipomo () {1}: LCD
  3287. DVS: Bones () {1}: jdk
  3288. Kristin Ohrn Dyrud: Coherence (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) () {1}: FF:30
  3289. E-40: Sharp on All 4 Corners: Corner 1 () {1}: RS_r:39*
  3290. E-40: Sharp on All 4 Corners: Corner 2 () {1}: RS_r:39*
  3291. Each Other: Being Elastic (Lefse) {1}: cmg
  3292. Ronnie Earl and Broadcasters: Good News (Stony Plain) {1}: app
  3293. Eastlink: Eastlink (In the Red) {1}: Bl:84
  3294. East-West Collective: Humeurs () {1}: fj
  3295. East West Local: TransBangla (BanglaNatakby) {1}: wmc
  3296. Michael Eaton: Individuation (Destiny) {1}: se
  3297. The Ebony Hillbillies: Barefoot and Flying (EH Music) {1}: jws
  3298. Echo and the Bunnymen: Meteorites (429) {1}: LW:40 -- A:638-62-11, Mc:61, V:389-25-3
  3299. Echoes of Swing [Colin T Dawson/Chris Hopkins/Bernd Lhotzky/Oliver Mewes]: Blue Pepper (ACT Music) {1}: jws
  3300. Echoes of Yul: Tether (Zoharum) {1}: Qi:99
  3301. Koenraad Ecker: Ill Fares the Land (Digitalis) {1}: sw
  3302. EDH: Lava Club () {1}: Ma:27
  3303. Edit Select: Phlox () {1}: gmd
  3304. Edo G: After All These Years () {1}: HHR:22
  3305. D Edwards: Teenage Tapes (The Death of Rave) {1}: Bk:27
  3306. Colin Edwin/Lorenzo Feliciati: Twinscapes (RareNoise) {1}: se -- TH:***
  3307. John Egan: Amulet (Line in the Sound) {1}: jrm -- V:1529-5-1
  3308. Egg Hell: Once Part of a Whole Ship (Inner Ear) {1}: LW:88
  3309. Egokind and Ozean: Transition () {1}: VP:88
  3310. EIAFUAWN: Birds in the Ground (Pillowcars) {1}: No:23
  3311. Chris Eldridge and Julian Lage: Avalon (Modern Lore) {1}: vas:8 -- V:1504-6-1
  3312. Electric Wurms: Musik, Die Schwer Zu Twerk (Bella Union) {1}: Pi:86 -- A:625-62-12, Mc:64
  3313. Element of Crime: Lieblingsfarben und Tiere () {1}: Mx:53
  3314. Elissa: Halet Hob (Rotana) {1}: LF:23
  3315. El Komander: Casador (Twiins) {1}: PM
  3316. Curtis Eller: How to Make It in Hollywood () {1}: nymd
  3317. Joe Elliott's Down 'N' Outz: The Further Adventures Of . . . (Mailboat) {1}: am
  3318. Sophie Ellis-Bextor: Wanderlust (EBGBs) {1}: LW:200 -- A:576-65-5, Mc:65
  3319. Tinsley Ellis: Midnight Blue (Heartfixer) {1}: am
  3320. Dennis Ellsworth: Hazy Sunshine (Busted Flat) {1}: T
  3321. ELMA: Hic Et Nunc () {1}: pj:3
  3322. Eluveitie: Origins () {1}: MD:35
  3323. Eman X Vlooper: XXL () {1}: LCB
  3324. Gareth Emery: Drive (Garuda) {1}: Thp:23
  3325. Emmure: Eternal Enemies () {1}: BAm:16
  3326. The Emperor Machine: Like a Machine (Southern Fried) {1}: Pi:83
  3327. Emperor X: The Orlando Sentinel (self-released) {1}: LW:56 -- TH:***
  3328. Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate): You Will Eventually Be Forgotten (Topshelf) {1}: PM -- Mc:69
  3329. Empress AD: Still Life Moving Fast (Roadrunner) {1}: am
  3330. The Empty Sound: Case Study 1 () {1}: fj
  3331. Empyrium: The Turn of the Tides (Prophecy) {1}: am
  3332. Ena: Binaural (Samurai Horo) {1}: JP:17
  3333. Ending Quest: The Summoning () {1}: NM:59
  3334. Engineers: Always Returning (Kscope) {1}: UR:124 -- Mc:76
  3335. Lawrence English + Stephen Vitiello: Fable (Dragon's Eye) {1}: ACL:12
  3336. Ensemble 5: The Summary of 4 Vol 1/2 () {1}: pm
  3337. Ensemble Denada: Windfall: Music by Helge Sunde (Ozella) {1}: jpt
  3338. Ensemble Et Al: Present Point Passed () {1}: se
  3339. Ensemble Villancico: Tambalagumba!: Early World Music in Latin America () {1}: TG:46
  3340. Entombed AD: Back to the Front () {1}: GW:40
  3341. Eomac: Spectre (XL) {1}: Trx:17
  3342. Epica: The Quantum Enigma () {1}: MD:29
  3343. Epik High: Shoebox () {1}: BB
  3344. Equals: Tracts () {1}: SOT -- V:1419-8-1
  3345. Mark Erelli: Milltowns (self-released) {1}: T
  3346. SJ Esau: Exploding Views () {1}: GTV:44
  3347. Shaun Escoffery: In the Red Room () {1}: st
  3348. Mahan Esfahani: Rameau: Pieces de Clavecin (Hyperion) {1}: am
  3349. Sheila E: Icon (Stiletto Flats Music) {1}: veh:6 -- V:811-10-1
  3350. Esperik Glare/Tactile: Abyssophonics () {1}: GD:29
  3351. Gabriel Espinosa/Hendrik Meurkens: Samba Little Samba (Zoho) {1}: jkf
  3352. Ethereal Riffian: Aeonian (Nasoni) {1}: fb
  3353. Ethnic Heritage Ensemble: Black Is Back (Catalyst) {1}: fj -- TH:***
  3354. Jared Evan and Statik Selektah: Still Blue () {1}: dbz
  3355. Jennifer Evans: Works From the Dip and Foul (Delphi) {1}: IT:42
  3356. Kellylee Evans: I Remember When (Motema Music) {1}: veh:1 -- V:811-10-1
  3357. Everymen: Giving Up on Free Jazz (Ernest Jennings) {1}: Bl:25
  3358. Excepter: Familiar (Blast First Petite) {1}: Bk:36 -- V:1529-5-1
  3359. Ex-Easter Island Head: Large Electric Ensemble (Low Point) {1}: No:41
  3360. EXEDO: Waul () {1}: avn
  3361. Exhaustion: Biker (Aarght!) {1}: ddm -- V:1529-5-1
  3362. Exit Verse: Exit Verse (Ernest Jenning) {1}: Vi:37
  3363. Extreme Precautions: Precaution One (In Paradisum) {1}: Qi:37
  3364. Eyelids: 854 (Jealous Butcher) {1}: YW:57
  3365. Eye of Solitude: Dear Insanity () {1}: BGM:46
  3366. Piers Facini and Vincent Segal: Songs of a Time Lost (Six Degrees) {1}: njf
  3367. Fail Better!: Zero Sum (JACC) {1}: fj
  3368. Leland Aleem Fakir: Struggling Artist (self-released) {1}: hz
  3369. Audrey Fall: Mitau () {1}: Sp:45
  3370. Falls: Into the Fire () {1}: eg_j:6
  3371. Falls of Rauros: Believe in No Coming Shore () {1}: mmm:13
  3372. Falsetto Teeth: Boiling High Idol () {1}: avn
  3373. Family Video: Too Short, Too Long () {1}: DA:32
  3374. Farben/James Din: Farben and James Din (Faitiche) {1}: Ph:71 -- V:811-10-1
  3375. Dionne Farris/Charlie Hunter: Dionne Dionne (Distribution 13) {1}: am
  3376. Joe Farr: Sentry (Power Vacuum) {1}: YW:22
  3377. Farruko: Farruko Presents Los Menores () {1}: Rh
  3378. Fartbarf: Dirty Power (Space Jumbles) {1}: Aq:27
  3379. The Far West: Any Day Now (Medina River) {1}: T
  3380. Fasano: The Factory (God Mode) {1}: WS:78
  3381. Claudio Fasoli: London Tube (Abeat) {1}: jjk
  3382. Kali Z Fasteau: Piano Rapture (Flying Note) {1}: TH:110 -- TH:A-
  3383. Fatherson: I Am an Island (A Modern Way) {1}: vgm:2 -- V:721-14-1
  3384. Ronnie Fauss: Built to Break () {1}: al:8
  3385. Adriel Favela: Mujeres de Tu Tipo (Gerencia 360/Sony Latin) {1}: PM
  3386. Derek Fawcett: Feel Better () {1}: se
  3387. Fayssoux: I Can't Wait () {1}: mc_h:7
  3388. Fei-Fei: Pretty Girls Don't Hallucinate (Feided) {1}: vgm:7 -- V:1419-8-1
  3389. Scott Feiner and Pandeiro Jazz: A View From Below (self-released) {1}: se -- TH:B
  3390. Felicita: Frenemies () {1}: Rh
  3391. Cynthia Felton: Save Your Love for Me (Felton Entertainment) {1}: jws
  3392. Fen: Carrion Skies () {1}: mmm:27
  3393. Augusti Fernandez and Marco Colonna: Desmadre (Fonterossa) {1}: jat
  3394. James Ferraro: SUKI GIRLZ (self-released) {1}: TMT:37
  3395. Lisa Ferraro: Serenading the Moon (Pranavasonic Universal) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  3396. Pedro Luis Ferrer: Final (Escondida) {1}: LW -- V:756-12-1
  3397. Feu! Chatterton: EP () {1}: qb
  3398. /F: f sj JJF: Pq~; ???/a/a/ J#(. . a a9 (Psalmus diuersae) {1}: PM
  3399. Fiction Science: Curious Yellow (Cherry Red) {1}: LW:57
  3400. Steve Fidyk: Heads Up! (Posi-Tone) {1}: jpt
  3401. Sammy Figueroa/Glaucia Nasser: Talisman (Savant) {1}: jro
  3402. Catrin Finch and Seckou Keita: Clychau Dibon () {1}: M
  3403. Orenda Fink: Blue Dream (Saddle Creek) {1}: OWH:20 -- V:1465-7-1
  3404. Liam Finn: The Nihilist (Yep Roc) {1}: am -- Mc:78
  3405. Serge Fiori: Serge Fiori () {1}: LP:29
  3406. Fire! Orchestra: Second Exit (Rune Grammofon) {1}: BC
  3407. The Clare Fischer Orchestra: Music for Strings, Percussion and the Rest (Clavo) {1}: vlb:6 -- V:811-10-1
  3408. Fistula: Vermin Prolificus () {1}: mmm:36
  3409. William Fitzsimmons: Lions (Nettwerk) {1}: pcb:18
  3410. Marcus Fjellstrom: Lichtspiel Mutation 2: Alechsis (Dronarivm) {1}: ACL
  3411. Paul Flaherty/Chris Corsano: Low Cost Space Flights (Feedtube) {1}: fj
  3412. The Flaming Lips: 7 Skies H3 (Bella Union/PIAS/Warner) {1}: lm
  3413. Flamingods: Hyperborea () {1}: LW:109
  3414. Mr Flash: Sonic Crusader (Because/Ed Banger) {1}: am
  3415. Leon Fleisher: All the Things You Are () {1}: npr
  3416. Renee Fleming: Christmas in New York (Universal Music Classics) {1}: jws
  3417. Flesh Wounds: Flesh Wounds (Snot) {1}: iw:15
  3418. ¡FLIST!: Fuck You I'm Dead () {1}: ssh:8
  3419. Floating Action: Body Questions (New West) {1}: Bl:32
  3420. Florida Georgia Line: Anything Goes (Republic Nashville) {1}: Rk -- BB:47, V:811-10-1
  3421. Fluxion: Boardwalk Tales (Echocord) {1}: Pi:26
  3422. Flying Colours: Second Nature () {1}: CR:42
  3423. FlyLo: You're Dead () {1}: dbz
  3424. Fofoulah: Fofoulah (Glitterbeat) {1}: FR -- V:811-10-1
  3425. Fog Lake: Virgo Indigo (Orchid Tapes) {1}: or:8 -- V:1529-5-1
  3426. Andre Foisy: The End of History () {1}: avn
  3427. Roberto Fonseca: Yo (Concord) {1}: wmc
  3428. Fonseca: Sinfonico () {1}: BB
  3429. Forabandit: Port (Buda Musique) {1}: am
  3430. Colt Ford: Thanks For Listening (Average Joes) {1}: Rk
  3431. Marc Ford: Holy Ghost (Naim) {1}: Mz:29 -- Mc:71
  3432. Foreseen Hki: Helsinki Savagery () {1}: mmm:20 -- V:811-10-1
  3433. Forma Cool: Haptics (The Bunker New York, EP) {1}: XLR:29
  3434. Forq: Forq (Ropeadope) {1}: jbm
  3435. Maciej Fortuna/Krzysztof Dys: Maciejewski Variations () {1}: pj:7
  3436. Fossil Aerosol Mining Project: 17 Years in Ektachrome () {1}: SF:61
  3437. Jeffrey Dean Foster: The Arrow (Angel Skull) {1}: Bl:44
  3438. Radney Foster: Everything I Should Have Said (Devil's River) {1}: mc_p:7 -- V:811-10-1
  3439. Katerina Fotinaki: Tzitzikia Les Cigales (Accords Croises) {1}: lm
  3440. Damon Fowler: Sounds of Home (Blind Pig) {1}: am
  3441. Kevin Fowler: How Country Are Ya? (Thirty Tigers) {1}: am
  3442. Phillip Fox Band: Heartland () {1}: cp
  3443. Foxes: Glorious () {1}: DSp:29 -- Mc:61
  3444. Robert Francis and the Night Tide: Heaven (Aeronaut) {1}: am
  3445. Franketienne and Mark Mulholland: Chaophonies de Port-au-Prince (Cannery Row) {1}: T
  3446. Aretha Franklin: Sings the Great Diva Classics (RCA) {1}: RC:27 -- Mc:66, RC:A-, TH:***
  3447. Brooke Fraser: Brutal Romantic () {1}: rel:3
  3448. Erica Freas: Tether (One Brick Today) {1}: hsr
  3449. Freedom Call: Beyond () {1}: MD:38
  3450. Micah Freeman: Heartspace Vol 1 (self-released) {1}: WS
  3451. Tori Freestone Trio: In the Chop House (Whirlwind) {1}: jpb
  3452. Jurg Frey/Radu Malfatti: II (Erstwhile) {1}: dls:2
  3453. William Ryan Fritch: Leave Me Like You Found Me () {1}: DS:62
  3454. Frontier Ruckus: Sitcom Afterlife (Quite Scientific) {1}: am
  3455. Champian Fulton: Change Partners (Cellar Live) {1}: ocj
  3456. The Fun Years: One Quarter Descent (Spring Break) {1}: agb:16
  3457. Future Death: Special Victim () {1}: CW:36
  3458. Fuzati et Orgasmic: Grand Siecle () {1}: Sec:80
  3459. F(x): Red Light (SM Entertainment) {1}: vjc:5 -- V:196-50-3
  3460. Gaelic Storm: The Boathouse (Lost Again) {1}: jws
  3461. Gaetan Gromer: [fri:z] () {1}: sw
  3462. Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed (Comedy Central) {1}: Ex
  3463. Vincent Gagnon: Tome III Errances () {1}: TG:94
  3464. Gaiser: False Light () {1}: Mix:43
  3465. Gala Drop: Gala Drop II (Golf Channel) {1}: Ph:93
  3466. Galantis: Galantis EP (Big Beat/Atlantic, EP) {1}: Thp:49
  3467. Galaxius Mons: GMO () {1}: ssh:19
  3468. Gallon Drunk: The Soul of the Hour (Clouds Hill) {1}: fb:50 -- Mc:75, V:811-10-1
  3469. Hal Galper Trio: O's Time (Origin) {1}: jdm -- TH:**
  3470. Renaud Garcia-Fons and Derya Turkan: Silk Moon (E-motive) {1}: lm
  3471. Paulinho Garcia: Beautiful Love (Shrinktunes) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  3472. Alex Garcia's AfroMantra: This Side of Mestizaje (AfroMantra) {1}: jkf
  3473. John Eliot Gardiner/Monteverdi Choir/Orchestre Revolutionnaire: Beethoven: Missa Solemnis (Soli Gloria Deo) {1}: jcb
  3474. Garfield's Birthday: You Are Here (Pink Hedgehog) {1}: sb_p
  3475. George Garzone: Quintonic (Stunt) {1}: jpt
  3476. Kevin Gates: Posed to Be in Love () {1}: W
  3477. Gaussian Curve: Clouds (Music From Memory) {1}: Ph:42
  3478. Gianni Gebbia Magnetic Trio: Prospero (Objet-a) {1}: jat
  3479. George Gee: Swing Makes You Happy (Rondette) {1}: jws
  3480. Geezer: Gage () {1}: cbz:38
  3481. Myriam Gendron: Not So Deep as a Well (Feeding Tube) {1}: vmc:3 -- V:365-29-2
  3482. Generation of Vipers: Coffin Wisdom (Translation Loss) {1}: sb -- V:811-10-1
  3483. M Geddes Gengras: Ishi (Stones Throw) {1}: SFJ -- A:185-75-5, Mc:79, V:563-18-2
  3484. Vittorio Gennari: Blues (Red) {1}: jcb
  3485. Chris Gethard: My Comedy Album () {1}: Ex
  3486. Get Your Gun: The Worrying Kind () {1}: wa
  3487. Gus G: I Am the Fire () {1}: se
  3488. Ghost Brigade: IV: One With the Storm (Season of Mist) {1}: PM
  3489. The Ghost Inside: Dear Youth (Epitaph) {1}: am -- Mc:82
  3490. Ghost Twins: Never Fear Total Failure () {1}: LW:87
  3491. Ghost Wolves: Man, Woman, Beast (Plowboy) {1}: Bl:85
  3492. Polly Gibbons: Many Faces of Love (Resonance) {1}: jro -- TH:*
  3493. Otis Gibbs: Souvenirs of a Misspent Youth () {1}: svc
  3494. Jerry Giddens + Killeen Foundry: Damn It Abby! () {1}: se
  3495. Maeve Gilchrist: 20 Chandler Street (Adventure Music America) {1}: T
  3496. Gilberto Gil: Gilbertos Samba (Universal) {1}: fb
  3497. Eliza Gilkyson: The Nocturne Diaries (Red House) {1}: am -- Mc:76, V:1529-5-1
  3498. Doug Gillard: Parade On (Nine Mile) {1}: Bl:71 -- V:571-17-2
  3499. Ginger: Albion () {1}: CR:44
  3500. Monica Giraldo: Que Venga La Vida (Polen) {1}: MM
  3501. Girls in Hawaii: Hello Strange () {1}: tel
  3502. Girl Talk and Freeway: Broken Ankles (self-released) {1}: Sg
  3503. Githead: Waiting for a Sign () {1}: GD:21
  3504. Frode Gjerstad: Hasselt () {1}: fj
  3505. Glass Ghost: Lyfe (Western Vinyl) {1}: vma:1 -- V:537-20-1
  3506. Glish: Glish (Texas Is Funny) {1}: ftw
  3507. Glitterbug: Dust () {1}: Sk:48
  3508. Ben Glover: Atlantic (Proper) {1}: T -- Mc:80
  3509. Mr G: Personal Momentz (Pheonix G) {1}: Ph:48
  3510. Dobet Gnahore: Na Dre (Contre-Jour) {1}: vmj:5 -- V:811-10-1
  3511. God: Before the Bible EP () {1}: m_n:24
  3512. Godsmack: 1000HP (Republic) {1}: Rv:19 -- BB:144
  3513. Ben Goldberg/Adam Levy/Smith Dobson: Worry Later (BAG Productions) {1}: avn -- TH:**
  3514. Goldblade: Acoustic Jukebox (Overground) {1}: LW:83
  3515. Larry Goldings: Ramshackle Serenade () {1}: jma
  3516. Jared Gold: JG 3+3 (Posi-Tone) {1}: jpt
  3517. Marta Gomez: Coloreando () {1}: Rh
  3518. Good Area: Pronunciation (Hanson) {1}: Mg
  3519. Michael Goodman: Unbreakable Heart () {1}: svc
  3520. Good Willsmith: The Honeymoon Workbook (Umor Rex) {1}: adh -- V:537-20-1
  3521. Mike Gordon: Overstep () {1}: Rel:21
  3522. Sax Gordon: In the Wee Small Hours (Delmark) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  3523. John Gorka: Bright Side of Down (Red House) {1}: TG:89, fr:11 -- Mc:75
  3524. The Gourds: All the Labor: Original Soundtrack (High Plains) {1}: am
  3525. Seth Graham: Goop (Noumenal Loom) {1}: adh
  3526. Gramatik: The Age of Reason (Lowtemp) {1}: LF:44
  3527. The Grand Astoria: La Belle Epoque (Vuktyl) {1}: fb
  3528. Grand Griffon: Mattachine () {1}: Plt:16
  3529. Jenn Grant: Compostela (Outside) {1}: ts
  3530. Jenn Grant: ompostela () {1}: cbc:12
  3531. The Grates: Dream Team () {1}: DA:39
  3532. Frank Gratkowski Sextet: Skein () {1}: pm
  3533. Milford Graves/Bill Laswell: The Stone (Back in No Time) () {1}: avn
  3534. A Great Big World: Is There Anybody Out There? (Epic) {1}: pcb:14 -- BB:161, V:811-10-1
  3535. Great Elk: Star Stuff () {1}: phw:14
  3536. The Great Old Ones: Tekeli-li () {1}: Sec:99
  3537. Juliette Greco: Chante Brel () {1}: M
  3538. Chelsey Green and the Green Project: The Green Room (self-released) {1}: se
  3539. Christian Gregory: Count on You EP () {1}: st
  3540. Lars Greve: Breidablik (Hiatus) {1}: jjb
  3541. Grey Frequency: Immersion () {1}: avn
  3542. The Greyhounds: Accumulator (Ardent) {1}: dd:18
  3543. Michael Griener/Rudi Mahall/Jan Roder/Christof Thewes: Squakk: Willisau and Berlin (Intakt) {1}: TH:91 -- TH:A-
  3544. Sid Griffin: The Trick Is to Breathe (Prima) {1}: Bl:99
  3545. Grifter: The Return of the Bearded Brethren () {1}: cbz:26
  3546. Alexandra Grimal and Giovanni Dominico: Chergui () {1}: fj
  3547. Israel Nash Gripka: Israel Nash's Rain Plans (Loose Music) {1}: KM:15
  3548. The Grip [Peters/Marshall/Skinner]: Celebrate () {1}: avn
  3549. Grizfolk: From the Spark () {1}: BGM:99
  3550. Brian Groder Trio: Reflexology (Latham) {1}: JG:122 -- TH:***
  3551. The Groove Association ft. Georgie B: 3AM () {1}: st
  3552. Gross Evolution: . . . Then Take Bread (self-released) {1}: fw
  3553. Grykes: Sixspot Burnet () {1}: pm
  3554. G-Side: Gz II Godz (Slow Motion Soundz) {1}: Sg
  3555. Guardian Alien: Spiritual Emergency (Thrill Jockey) {1}: fb -- A:459-69-7, Mc:73
  3556. Tom Guarna: Rush (BJU) {1}: jjk -- TH:B
  3557. Gucci Mane and Peewee Longway: The White Album () {1}: wa
  3558. Hildur Gudnadottir: Saman (Touch) {1}: SF:33 -- V:811-10-1
  3559. Guerilla Toss: 367 Equalizer (NNA) {1}: vdd:10 -- V:811-10-1
  3560. Guerilla Toss: Smack the Brick EP () {1}: CW:45
  3561. Guinga: Roendopinho () {1}: TG:78
  3562. Steve Gunn and Mike Gangloff: Melodies for a Savage Fix (Important) {1}: W:31
  3563. Mats Gustafsson NU Ensemble: Hidros 6/Knockin' () {1}: fj
  3564. Anne Guthrie: Coediaeum Variegatum (Students of Decay) {1}: dls:1 -- V:537-20-1
  3565. Guts: Hip Hop After All () {1}: Zf:61
  3566. Barry Guy: Five Fizzles for Samuel Beckett (NoBusiness, EP) {1}: ddt -- TH:**
  3567. Barry Guy New Orchestra: Mad Dogs on the Loose () {1}: fj
  3568. Nena Guzman: La Iniciativa (Del) {1}: PM
  3569. Andy Haas: Taballah (self-released) {1}: om
  3570. Haas Kowert Tice: You Got This () {1}: bs
  3571. Jeff Hackworth: Soul to Go (Big Bridge) {1}: jpt
  3572. Haddo: Borderlands (Lulubug) {1}: T
  3573. Augustin Hadelich: Ades/Sibelius: Violin Concertos () {1}: npr
  3574. Haftbefehl: Russisch Roulette () {1}: Mx:44
  3575. Keiji Haino/Jim O'Rourke/Oren Ambarchi: Only Wanting to Melt Beautifully Away Is It a Lack of Contentment That Stirs Affection for Those Things Said to Be as of Yet Unseen (Black Truffle) {1}: PM
  3576. Mohammed Issa 'Matona' Haji and Rajab Suleiman/The Norwegian Radio Orchestra with Maryam Said Hamdun: Symphonic Taraab (Jaro) {1}: wmc:7
  3577. Hallelujah the Hills: Have You Ever Done Something Evil? (Discrete Pageantry) {1}: PM
  3578. Hallelujah the Hills: Have You Ever Done Something Evil? () {1}: phw:1
  3579. Hallo Venray: Show (Excelsior) {1}: Ic:24
  3580. Halls: Love to Give () {1}: LBF
  3581. Tigran Hamasyan: Shadow Theater (Sunnyside) {1}: jmt -- TH:C+
  3582. Yasmine Hamdan: Ya Nass () {1}: npbb
  3583. Anthony Hamilton: Home for the Holidays () {1}: sob
  3584. Scott Hamilton Quartet: Dean Street Nights (Woodville) {1}: jj:3 -- TH:**
  3585. Hammercult: Steelcrusher () {1}: NM:61
  3586. Hammerhead: Global Depression () {1}: Sc:89
  3587. Joseph Hammer: Roadless Travel (Art Into Life) {1}: W:42
  3588. Thomas Hampson/Wolfram Rieger: Notturno: Songs by Richard Strauss (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: am
  3589. Hansmole: Whitest Whiteness () {1}: ssh:20
  3590. The Happy Couple: Into the Woods (Felicite) {1}: PM -- V:756-12-1
  3591. Happy Diving: Big World () {1}: Vi:31
  3592. Happy Family: Minimal Gods () {1}: avn
  3593. Harassor: Into Unknown Depths (Dais) {1}: Amb:26
  3594. Ed Harcourt: Time of Dust () {1}: LW:116 -- Mc:76
  3595. Hard Girls: A Thousand Surfaces (Asian Man) {1}: fb
  3596. Hard Working Americans: The First Waltz (Melvin) {1}: ax_a:5 -- RC:**, TH:*
  3597. Ange Hardy: The Lament of the Black Sheep (Story) {1}: T
  3598. Ron Hardy: Ra.415 (Resident Advisor) {1}: vmm:5 -- V:1529-5-1
  3599. Ben and Ellen Harper: Childhood Home (Fantasy) {1}: BDC:23
  3600. Darryl Harper: The Need's Got to Be So Deep (Hipnotic) {1}: DB
  3601. The Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer: A Real Fine Mess () {1}: BRR:17
  3602. The Harpoons: Falling for You () {1}: riu:9
  3603. Tom Harrell: The Auditorium Session (Parco Della Musica) {1}: bc:7
  3604. Beth Hart/Joe Bonamassa: Live in Amsterdam () {1}: ax_b
  3605. Has a Shadow: Sky Is Hell Black (Captcha) {1}: fb
  3606. Hashman Deejay: Sandopolis (Future Times) {1}: Ph:73
  3607. Taylor Haskins: Fuzzy Logic (Sunnyside) {1}: jbm -- TH:B-
  3608. Elias Haslanger: Live at the Gallery (Cherrywood) {1}: DB -- TH:*
  3609. Has-Lo and Castle: Live Like You're Dead () {1}: PW:48*
  3610. Hatcham Social: Cutting Up the Present (Leaks Out the Past) {1}: LW:122 -- Mc:69
  3611. HA:TFELT: Me? () {1}: BB
  3612. Haunted Hearts: Initiation (Zoo Music) {1}: UR:122 -- A:582-65-8, Mc:65
  3613. Mitch Haupers: Invisible Cities: Original Jazz and Chamber Music (Liquid Harmony) {1}: jpt:15
  3614. Haven: Helium () {1}: cn:9
  3615. Caleb Hawley: Side 2 (EP) {1}: se
  3616. Liam Hayes and Plush: Korp Sole Roller (self-released) {1}: Ujm:24
  3617. Headland: Sound/Track (Headland) {1}: Pi:22
  3618. The Heads Are Zeros: All The Men I Love Are Dead () {1}: BC:40
  3619. Healthy Boy: Dolce Furia () {1}: Mow:40
  3620. Scott Healy: Live at Kilbourn Hall (Hudson City) {1}: jpt
  3621. HEAT: Tearing Down the Walls () {1}: CR:31
  3622. Heavy Hearts: Archaic () {1}: m_n:13
  3623. Robby Hecht: Robby Hecht (Old Man Henry) {1}: T
  3624. Hecker: Articulacao (Editions Mego) {1}: en
  3625. Karl Hector and the Malcouns: Unstraight Ahead (Now-Again) {1}: fp
  3626. Hector's Pets: Pet-O-Feelia (Oops Baby) {1}: ac
  3627. Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen: Enfant Terrible (Rune Grammofon) {1}: jjk
  3628. Tim Hegarty: Tribute (Miles High) {1}: jpt:22, jsf -- TH:***
  3629. Helado Negro: Island Universe Story Three (Asthmatic Kitty) {1}: SFJ
  3630. Monica Heldal: Boy From the North (ADA/Warner Music Norway) {1}: wmh -- V:811-10-1
  3631. Hellbound Glory: LV () {1}: se
  3632. Damian Helliwell: Metta (Metta-music) {1}: T
  3633. Hellvete: Ode (Deep Distance) {1}: agb:2
  3634. The Levon Helm Band: The Midnight Ramble Sessions, Vol 3 (Vanguard) {1}: ND:5
  3635. David Helpling/Jon Jenkins: Found () {1}: pm
  3636. Nick Hempton Band: Catch and Release (self-released) {1}: jmb
  3637. Philip Henry and Hannah Martin: Live in Calstock (Dragonfly Roots) {1}: T
  3638. Hera/Hamid Drake: Seven Lines (Multikulti) {1}: jpt -- TH:***
  3639. Chris Herbert: Constants () {1}: sw
  3640. Benjamin Herman: Trouble (Dox) {1}: DV:47 -- TH:*
  3641. Her Name Is Calla: Navigator () {1}: DS:92
  3642. Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas: Secret Evil (Instant) {1}: Aq:16 -- Mc:83, V:310-32-3, TH:***
  3643. Her Records: Vol 3 () {1}: m_o:3
  3644. Vincent Herring: The Uptown Shuffle (Smoke Sessions) {1}: jpt:9 -- TH:**
  3645. Michael Hersch/Blair String Quartet: Images From a Closed Ward () {1}: avn
  3646. Herva: Instant Broadcast (Delsin) {1}: Bk:89
  3647. Katie Herzig: Walk Through Walls (Marion-Lorraine) {1}: Sup:42
  3648. Hess/AC/Hess: Spacelab (Gateway Music) {1}: rmc
  3649. Heterotic: Weird Drift (Planet Mu) {1}: Qi:61 -- A:590-64-8, Mc:69
  3650. Hey Mother Death: Highway (Snake Power) {1}: ssh:13 -- V:811-10-1
  3651. Hiatus Kaiyote: By Fire () {1}: Ix:19
  3652. Tom Hickox: War, Peace and Diplomacy (Fierce Panda) {1}: T:45
  3653. Hiele: Essential Oils () {1}: Hu:33
  3654. Hiele: Essential Oils () {1}: Sc:59
  3655. High-Functioning Flesh: A Unity of Miseries a Misery of Unities (DKA) {1}: ddm
  3656. High-Functioning Flesh: High-Functioning Flesh () {1}: NV:15
  3657. Hijo de la Tormenta: Hijo de la Tormenta () {1}: Hi:31
  3658. Hildegard Lernt Fliegen [Andreas Schaerer]: The Fundamental Rhythm of Unpolished Brains (Yellowbird) {1}: jld -- TH:*
  3659. Arty Hill: Heart on My Dirty Sleeve (Highlandtown Music) {1}: BC
  3660. Marquis Hill: The Poet (Skiptone) {1}: sjs
  3661. Anne Hills: Tracks (Hand & Heart Music) {1}: fr:12
  3662. Lisa Hilton: Kaleidoscope (Ruby Slippers) {1}: jgh:15 -- TH:**
  3663. Hinterlands: Hinterlands EP () {1}: eg_j:4
  3664. Kim Hiorthoy: Dogs (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: Bk:64
  3665. The Hobbes Fanclub: Up at Lagrange (Shelflife) {1}: LW:71
  3666. The Cheryl Hodge Group: One Day When I Wasn't Looking (Jazz Boulevard) {1}: jbp
  3667. Eric Hofbauer: Prehistoric Jazz Volume 2: Quintet for the End of Time (Creative Nation Music) {1}: BAj:14* -- TH:**
  3668. Jan Gunnar Hoff: Fly North (Losen) {1}: jjb
  3669. Holly Hofmann: Low Life: The Alto Flute Project (Capri) {1}: jws -- V:1419-8-1, TH:*
  3670. Dave Hollister: Chicago Winds . . . The Saga Continues (E1) {1}: am
  3671. Tuomas Holopainen: The Life and Times of Scrooge () {1}: Sec:38
  3672. Koen Holtkamp: Motion: Connected Works () {1}: SF:65 -- Mc:77
  3673. Jay Holy: Scopolamine Dream () {1}: ssh:18
  3674. Holykindof: Stay/Sea (Eilean) {1}: agb:4
  3675. Holy Wave: Relax () {1}: Wat:41
  3676. The Homesick: TwstYr Wrsts (Subroutine) {1}: Ic:31
  3677. Honey Radar: Chain Smoking on Easter (Third Uncle) {1}: ddm -- V:811-10-1
  3678. Adam Hood: Welcome to the Big World () {1}: svc
  3679. Jesca Hoop: Undress () {1}: Eb:66 -- Mc:69
  3680. John Hopkins: Immunity (Domino) {1}: rmw:3
  3681. Bruce Hornsby: Solo Concerts () {1}: TG:87
  3682. Hornss: No Blood, No Sympathy (Riding Easy) {1}: fb:71
  3683. Horse Feathers: So It Is With Us (Kill Rock Stars) {1}: am -- V:1529-5-1
  3684. Horse Party: Cover Your Eyes () {1}: df
  3685. Hot Dreams: Arts and Crafts () {1}: Pu:21
  3686. Hotel Morphee: Reve Americain () {1}: LCB
  3687. Hot Rize: When I'm Free (Ten in Hand) {1}: PM
  3688. The Hot Sprockets: Brother Nature () {1}: Sa:33
  3689. Hour of Penance: Regicide () {1}: MD:30
  3690. House of Cosy Cushions: Spell (Outcast Cats) {1}: vks:8 -- V:1529-5-1
  3691. House of Hats: This Love () {1}: eg_b:8
  3692. House of Lightning: Lightworker (Translation Loss) {1}: fb
  3693. Aaron Howard: Heart on Fire () {1}: BDC:14
  3694. Howell Devine: Modern Sounds of Ancient Juju (Arhoolie) {1}: jws
  3695. John Howie Jr: Everything Except Goodbye () {1}: svc
  3696. Howling Bells: Heartstrings (self-released) {1}: DS:84 -- A:520-67-8, Mc:69
  3697. Howlin Rain: Live Rain (Agitated/Silver Current) {1}: Ujm:89 -- Mc:67
  3698. Howls of Ebb: Vigils of the 3rd Eye () {1}: cbz:8
  3699. HR Giger's Studiolo: HR Giger's Studiolo () {1}: Fa:43
  3700. HT Heartache: Sundowner (self-released) {1}: PM
  3701. DT Huber: Electric Park (self-released) {1}: BC
  3702. Joseph Huber: The Hanging Road () {1}: svc
  3703. Charlotte Hug and Stefano Pastor: Paragone d'Archi (Leo) {1}: jat
  3704. Hafdis Huld: Home (Reveal) {1}: Lft:9
  3705. Human Hair: My Life As a Beast and Lowly Form () {1}: DA:23
  3706. HUMANWINE: Fighting Naked () {1}: nymd
  3707. Humming People: City of Lost Men () {1}: ax_a:4
  3708. Humo Del Cairo: EP1 Preludio (self-released) {1}: fb
  3709. Hungry Cloud Darkening: Glossy Recall (Off Tempo) {1}: ref
  3710. Fiona Hunter: Fiona Hunter () {1}: T
  3711. Hurt Everybody: Hurt Everybody EP () {1}: m_n:1
  3712. Hus Kingpin and Rozewood: The 100$ Taper (DigiCrates) {1}: i
  3713. Hustle Gang: GDOD 2 () {1}: gmd
  3714. Jacquelyn Hynes: Silver and Wood (Hobgoblin) {1}: T
  3715. Hypnos: Hypnos (Crusher) {1}: fb
  3716. Tero Hyvaluoma: Junkyard Ball (Lusti Music/Sibelius Akatemia) {1}: wmc
  3717. David Ian: Valentine's Day (Prescott) {1}: jcb
  3718. Abdullah Ibrahim: Mukashi (Intuition) {1}: jdo:8 -- TH:**
  3719. Ice Dragon: Seeds From a Dying Garden (Navalorama) {1}: fb
  3720. Icepick [Nate Wooley/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Chris Corsano]: Hexane (Monotonous Press) {1}: avn
  3721. The Iceypoles: My World Was Made for You () {1}: GD:23
  3722. Ichka: Podorozh () {1}: nymd
  3723. Icicle: Entropy (Shogun Audio) {1}: DAD:12
  3724. I Compani: Verdi 2.00 (Icdisc) {1}: am
  3725. ICP Orchestra: East of the Sun (ICP) {1}: fj -- TH:**
  3726. The Icypoles: My World Was Made for You (Lost and Lonesome) {1}: PM -- V:1380-9-1
  3727. Ides of Gemini: Old World New Wave () {1}: RAR:42
  3728. Billy Idol: Kings and Queens of the Underground (BFI) {1}: CR:25 -- Mc:64, V:413-25-2
  3729. I Draw Slow: White Wave Chapel () {1}: bs
  3730. Tunji Ige: The Love Project () {1}: Pot:35
  3731. Enrique Iglesias: Sex and Love () {1}: Rh -- BB:127, Mc:54
  3732. Igoe-Tommy: The Tommy Igoe Groove Conspiracy (Deep Rhythm) {1}: jpt -- TH:B-
  3733. Illum Sphere: The Ghosts of Then and Now (Ninja Tune) {1}: am -- A:321-73-11, Mc:77
  3734. I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness: Dust (Secretly Canadian) {1}: Ma:21
  3735. Iman Omari: ESC V.II () {1}: mjs
  3736. Imarhan Timbuktu: Akal Warled (Clermont Music) {1}: afp -- TH:**
  3737. The Immigrant Union: Anyway () {1}: nymd
  3738. InDuologue: Blue Skies (Snip) {1}: jcb
  3739. Infinite: Be Back (Woollim Entertainment) {1}: vfk:6 -- V:811-10-1
  3740. Chuck Inglish: Convertibles (Federal Prism/Sounds Like Fun) {1}: am -- A:602-64-7, Mc:68
  3741. Innercity Ensemble: II (Instant Classic) {1}: lvw -- V:811-10-1
  3742. In Slaughter Natives: Cannula Coma Legio () {1}: avn
  3743. Institute: Salt EP (Sacred Bones) {1}: fb
  3744. Internal Bleeding: Imperium (Unique Leader) {1}: hsr
  3745. In the Country and Frida Annevik: Skogenes Sang () {1}: Dg
  3746. Marketa Irglova: Muna () {1}: TG:83 -- Mc:72
  3747. Iron Void: Iron Void () {1}: cbz:2
  3748. Gregory Alan Isakov: The Weatherman (Suitcase Town Music) {1}: T
  3749. Miguel Isaza: Uji () {1}: avn
  3750. Eiko Ishibashi: Car and Freezer () {1}: On:48*
  3751. Isle of Klezbos: Live From Brooklyn () {1}: nymd
  3752. IU: A Flower Bookmark () {1}: BB
  3753. I Was A King: Isle of Yours () {1}: Dag:23
  3754. Jacaszek: Piesni () {1}: sw
  3755. Jachna Tarwid Karch: Sundial (Fortune) {1}: pj:1 -- TH:*
  3756. Jason Jackson: Inspiration (Jack & Hill) {1}: jgs
  3757. Jenifer Jackson: TX Sunrise () {1}: nymd
  3758. Luke Jackson: Fumes and Faith (Pipe) {1}: T
  3759. Jade Jack: Off the Record () {1}: mc_h:3
  3760. Jakob: Sines () {1}: ss:13
  3761. Jalimadi: Gambia (Joluv Arts Entertainment) {1}: wmc
  3762. Jamaica: Ventura (Relativity) {1}: wa -- Mc:77
  3763. Jose James: No Beginning No End (Blue Note) {1}: jdo -- TH:B
  3764. Markus James: Head for the Hills (Firenze) {1}: se
  3765. Jamestown Revival: Utah () {1}: TG:70 -- V:811-10-1
  3766. Jamla: 9th Wonder Presents: Jamla Is the Squad () {1}: HHW:23
  3767. Bror Gunnar Jansson: Moan Snake Moan () {1}: Ir:65
  3768. Jar Moff: Financial Glam (Pan) {1}: Qi:31
  3769. Al Jarreau: My Old Friend: Celebrating George Duke (Concord) {1}: T
  3770. Stefan Jaworzyn: Drained of Connotation () {1}: LQ:28
  3771. Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic II [Solveig Slettahjell/Bugge Wesseltoft/Knut Reiersrud]: Norwegian Woods (ACT) {1}: jjk
  3772. The Jazz June: After the Earthquake (Topshelf) {1}: PM
  3773. JazzWerkstatt Wien New Ensemble: Sympathikus-Parasympathikus (JazzWerkstatt) {1}: jkg
  3774. JCW: Friends () {1}: m_n:37
  3775. Olivia Jean: Bathtub Love Killings (Third Man) {1}: JDR:33
  3776. The Erik Jekabson and John Santos Quartet: Live at the Hillside Club (Jekab's Music) {1}: am
  3777. Jerez Texas: Viento y Marea () {1}: wmc
  3778. Jerome LOL: Deleted/Fool () {1}: SS:24
  3779. Jess and the Ancient Ones: Castaneda EP (Svart) {1}: fb
  3780. Je Suis!: Ca Va? (Umlaut) {1}: jat
  3781. JFM: Squat () {1}: ssh:22
  3782. Jiyeon: Never Ever (KT Music) {1}: vfk:4 -- V:811-10-1
  3783. Jessie J: Sweet Talker (Island/Lava/Republic) {1}: Rh -- A:705-49-7, Mc:56
  3784. J-Live: Around the Sun () {1}: mjs
  3785. Joakim: Tropics of Love (Because) {1}: am -- Mc:76
  3786. Joe: Bridges (Absolute) {1}: am
  3787. Joey+Rory: Country Classics (FarmHouse) {1}: Rk
  3788. Klaus Johann: Grobe im Sinne der Zeit () {1}: Mx:93
  3789. John 5: Careful With that Axe () {1}: GW:47
  3790. Johnnyswim: Diamonds (Big Picnic) {1}: eg_k:5 -- V:811-10-1
  3791. Ethan Johns: The Reckoning (Three Crows Music) {1}: TG:21 -- Mc:77
  3792. Lucien Johnson/Alan Silva/Makoto Soto: Stinging Nettles (Improvising Beings) {1}: TH:135 -- TH:A-
  3793. Angela Johnson: Naturally Me () {1}: st
  3794. Richard Leo Johnson: Celeste (Soft Science) {1}: DB
  3795. Joie De Vivre/Prawn: Split 7" (Count Your Lucky Stars/Topshelf) {1}: PM
  3796. Joke: Atoyaba () {1}: Ir:31
  3797. Jonathan Blake: Gone but Not Forgotten (Criss Cross) {1}: JC:70
  3798. Jones Family Singers: The Spirit Speaks (Arts + Labor) {1}: jrm -- V:1529-5-1
  3799. Gem Jones: Admiral Frenchkiss (Goaty Tapes) {1}: TMT:42
  3800. Jordan GCZ: Digitalis (Future Times, EP) {1}: XLR:19
  3801. Louise Jordan: Veritas (Azania) {1}: T
  3802. Rochelle Jordan: 1021 () {1}: sob
  3803. P Jorgensen: Gold Beach (Low Point) {1}: ACL:19
  3804. Prem Joshua and Chintan: Kashi (White Swan) {1}: wmc
  3805. Jouis: Dojo () {1}: DS:94
  3806. Joy: Under the Spell of Joy (Teepee) {1}: fb
  3807. Juanes: Loco de Amor (Universal) {1}: am -- V:1529-5-1
  3808. Phil Judd: Play It Strange () {1}: ss:14
  3809. Ju: Ju Meets Master () {1}: se
  3810. Jukebox the Ghost: Jukebox the Ghost (Yep Roc) {1}: Rvb:30*
  3811. Sherie Julianne: 10 Degrees South (Azul Do Mar) {1}: jws -- TH:B
  3812. Jumal Hamara: Resitaali (Ahdistuksen Aihio) {1}: agb:10
  3813. JU/Møster: Ju Meets Moster () {1}: avn
  3814. Barb Jungr: Hard Rain (Kristalyn) {1}: jkf:2
  3815. Junius: Days of the Fallen Sun (EP) {1}: rad
  3816. Kepa Junkera and Various: Galiza (Folmusica) {1}: FR
  3817. Kaaris: Or Noir Part II () {1}: NV:12
  3818. Beat Kaestli: Collage (B+B Productions) {1}: jcb -- TH:**
  3819. Gabriel Kahane: The Ambassador (Sony Masterworks) {1}: SFJ -- V:1419-8-1
  3820. Fritz Kalkbrenner: Ways Over Water () {1}: Noj:27
  3821. Maya Kamaty: Santie Papang (Sakifo) {1}: wmc
  3822. Kamchatka: The Search Goes On (Despotz) {1}: fb
  3823. Danity Kane: DK3 (Stereotypes) {1}: Qi
  3824. Matt Kanelos: Love Hello () {1}: nymd
  3825. Kan Wakan: Moving On (Verve) {1}: owl -- V:811-10-1
  3826. Vikesh Kapoor: The Ballad of Willy Robbins (Mama Bird) {1}: RT:70
  3827. Kara: Waters So Deep (self-released) {1}: T
  3828. Rebekka Karijord: Music for Film and Theatre () {1}: TG:52
  3829. Reid Karris: Ambiens Sonitus () {1}: avn
  3830. Katatonia: Last Fair Day Gone Night (Peaceville) {1}: am
  3831. Kate in the Kettle: Swimmings of the Head (self-released) {1}: FR
  3832. Philippe Katerine: Magnum () {1}: lib
  3833. Kat Gang: Dream Your Troubles Away (Arbors Jazz) {1}: jws
  3834. Katie the Pest: Other Cities, Other Girls () {1}: DA:24
  3835. Darrell Katz and the JCA Orchestra: Why Do You Ride? (Leo) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  3836. Zlatko Kaucic and Agusti Fernandez: Sonic Party (Not Two) {1}: jat
  3837. Kaveri Special: Kaveri Special (Monamour) {1}: Ph:81
  3838. Kayah: Transoriental Orchestra (Kayax) {1}: wmc:6
  3839. Debra Kaye: And So It Begins () {1}: TG:37
  3840. Assaf Kehati Trio: Naked (AKJazz) {1}: jws
  3841. Doug Keith: Pony () {1}: Eb:84
  3842. Irene Kelley: Pennsylvania Coal () {1}: bgt:12
  3843. Keith Kelly: The People Who Left () {1}: avn
  3844. Keluar: Keluar () {1}: rnf:8
  3845. Kemialliset Ystavat: Alas Rattoisaa Virtaa (Dekorder) {1}: SF:52 -- V:811-10-1
  3846. Kenn Nardi: Dancing With the Past () {1}: Sp:49
  3847. Stan Kenton Alumni Band: Road Scholars Live (Summit) {1}: jws -- TH:B
  3848. Carol Keogh: Mongrel City (Facet) {1}: vks:2 -- V:656-15-1
  3849. Wiz Khalifa: Blacc Hollywood (Atlantic) {1}: Noj:30 -- A:701-52-12, BB:93, Mc:54, TH:**
  3850. Steve Khan: Subtext (Tone Center) {1}: jjk
  3851. Khost: Copper Lock Hell () {1}: avn
  3852. Kid Cudi: Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon (Republic) {1}: Vb:40 -- Mc:60
  3853. Kid Francescoli: With Julia () {1}: pfk:7
  3854. Kid Machine: First Contact (Cyber Dance) {1}: ER:15
  3855. KidsAreDead: The Other Side of Town (Hot Puma/Pigalle) {1}: lm
  3856. Franklin Kiermyer: Further (Mobility Music) {1}: jpt -- TH:**
  3857. Rebecca Kilgore With the Harry Allen Quartet: I Like Men (Arbors) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  3858. Hamish Kilgour: All of It and Nothing (Ba Da Bing) {1}: djk -- V:251-39-4
  3859. Jessie Kilguss: Devastate Me () {1}: nymd
  3860. Kill Frenzy: Taylr Swft (Dirtybird) {1}: Thp:24
  3861. Killimanjaro: Hook (self-released) {1}: fb
  3862. Will Kimbrough: Sideshow Love () {1}: ax_a:8
  3863. King Dude: Fear () {1}: LCA:14 -- Mc:70
  3864. King I Divine and ScienZe: Divine ScienZe 2 () {1}: dbz
  3865. King Jammy: More Jammys From the Roots (VP) {1}: Sc:47
  3866. King Louie: Drilluminati 2 () {1}: atg
  3867. King Mez: Long Live the King (self-released) {1}: iw:6
  3868. King of the Mountains: Zoetrope (Melodic) {1}: Dr:93 -- Mc:67
  3869. Kings of Leon: Mechanical Bull () {1}: cl
  3870. Kings of the South Seas: Kings of the South Seas (D Wink) {1}: T
  3871. Lauren Kinhan: Circle in a Square (Dotted i) {1}: jws
  3872. KiNK: Under Construction (Macro) {1}: Trx:19
  3873. Kinky: Kinky (self-released) {1}: cmg
  3874. Leyland Kirby: We Drink to Forget the Coming Storm () {1}: Pl:35
  3875. Kithkin: Rituals, Trances, and Ecstasies for Humans in the Face of Collapse () {1}: owl
  3876. Kit: Lownt God Rising () {1}: Fa:42
  3877. Kitty: Don't Let Me Do This Again () {1}: vfk:8 -- V:1529-5-1
  3878. Kitty: Frostbite () {1}: vmh:9 -- V:601-15-2
  3879. Matt Kivel: Days of Being Wild (Woodsist) {1}: gp -- A:372-71-5, Mc:73, V:811-10-1
  3880. Kiven: Kiven () {1}: LAM:50
  3881. Kix: Rock Your Face Off (Loud & Proud) {1}: CE:85
  3882. Klo Pelgag: L'Alchimie Des Monstres () {1}: qb
  3883. Bernd Klug: Cold Commodities () {1}: avn
  3884. Mr Raoul K: Still Living in Slavery (Baobab Music) {1}: BC
  3885. Knife Party: Abandon Ship () {1}: DJM:18
  3886. The Knife: Shaken Up Versions (Mute) {1}: DW:30 -- Mc:74, V:1529-5-1
  3887. Kirk Knuffke and Jesse Stacken: Five (Steeplechase) {1}: hs
  3888. Kobra and the Lotus: High Priestess () {1}: ma:11
  3889. Kogumaza: Konokon (Lancashire and Somerset) {1}: No:47
  3890. Habib Koite and Bamada: Soo (Contre Jour) {1}: afp
  3891. Kollegah: King () {1}: La:28
  3892. Oumar Konate: Addoh (Clermont) {1}: afp -- RC:***
  3893. Hari Kondabolu: Waiting for 2042 () {1}: Ex
  3894. Thomas Koner: Tiento de las Nieves () {1}: RAR:48
  3895. Lee Konitz: Standards Live: At the Village Vanguard (Enja) {1}: jpt -- TH:**
  3896. The Kooks: Listen (Astralwerks) {1}: xfm:32 -- A:699-53-7, Mc:60, V:471-20-2
  3897. Kool AD: 63 (self-released) {1}: RC:40 -- TH:**
  3898. Jonas Kopp: Voices in My Head (Tresor) {1}: Trx:24
  3899. Kormac: Doorsteps () {1}: Sa:29
  3900. Boris Kovac and La Campanella: Eastern Moon Rising (Riverboat) {1}: Mg
  3901. Kraftklub: In Schwarz () {1}: Vi:34
  3902. Wayne Kramer: Lexington (Industrial Amusement) {1}: jbm
  3903. Jonathan Kreisberg: Wave Upon Wave (New for Now Music) {1}: jbm -- TH:*
  3904. Fredrik Kronkvist: Reflecting Time (Connective) {1}: jpt:32
  3905. Kronos Quartet: A Thousand Thoughts (Nonesuch) {1}: sl
  3906. Steven Kroon: On the One (Kroonatune) {1}: jkf
  3907. Igor Krutogolov/Karate Band: How to Be a Crocodile () {1}: avn
  3908. K-Space: Black Sky () {1}: pm
  3909. Felix Kubin: Chromdioxidgedachtnis (Gagarin) {1}: ACL
  3910. Martin Kuchen: . . . And Everything Inside Came Down as Dust () {1}: fj
  3911. Kuenta I Tambu: Tambutronic (Jiga Musica) {1}: vjs:8 -- V:811-10-1
  3912. Joachim Kuhn/Alexey Kruglov: Duo Art: Moscow (ACT) {1}: TH:65 -- TH:A-
  3913. Kultur Shock: IX (self-released) {1}: CE:54
  3914. Kvartett: Vekk () {1}: rmc
  3915. Kwabs: Pray for Love EP () {1}: st
  3916. Talib Kweli: Gravitas (Javotti Media) {1}: am -- Mc:73
  3917. Pierre Kwenders: Le Dernier Empereur Bantou () {1}: LP:46
  3918. Kye Kye: Fantasize () {1}: rel
  3919. Kyoka: Is (Is Superpowered) {1}: Mx:98
  3920. LA 6: Frame of Mind (Jazzed Media) {1}: DB
  3921. Lab Partners: Seven Seas (Pravda) {1}: FN:44
  3922. La Cerca: Sunrise for Everyone (Fort Lowell) {1}: Bl:63 -- V:656-15-1
  3923. Helmut Lachenmann/JACK Quartet: Complete String Quartets () {1}: avn
  3924. Lacuna Coil: Broken Crown Halo () {1}: se
  3925. Frank Lacy and the Smalls Legacy Band: Live at Smalls (SmallsLive) {1}: jsc
  3926. La Feline: Adieu L'Enfance (self-released) {1}: adc:17
  3927. La Femme: Psycho Tropical Berlin (Disque Pointu) {1}: wcp:19 -- TH:***
  3928. Ellen LaFurn: C'est LaFurn (self-released) {1}: jws
  3929. Laibach: Spectre (Mute) {1}: Qi:59 -- Mc:75
  3930. Lakefield: Swan Songs (self-released) {1}: LW:23
  3931. Seth Lakeman: Word of Mouth (Honour Oak) {1}: T -- Mc:65
  3932. Lakutis: Three Seashells (Greedhead Music) {1}: Sg
  3933. Lamb: Backspace Unwind (Butler) {1}: rmw:1 -- V:811-10-1
  3934. Lamia Vox: Inlumaeh (EP) () {1}: avn
  3935. Landlady: Upright Behavior (Hometapes) {1}: WHP:21 -- A:243-74-7, Mc:74
  3936. Tory Lanez: ChixTape 2 () {1}: mjf
  3937. Klaus Lang: SAIS (World Edition) {1}: W:37
  3938. The Lanskies: Hot Wave () {1}: tel
  3939. La Nueva Rebelion: Me Hicieron Mas Fuerte (LR) {1}: PM
  3940. La Piramide di Sangue: Sette () {1}: SM:49
  3941. Stephanie Lapointe: Les Amours Paralleles () {1}: LP:39
  3942. The Larch: In Transit () {1}: nymd
  3943. Larkin Poe: Kin () {1}: mm:12 -- V:811-10-1
  3944. La Santa Cecilia: Someday New (Universal) {1}: am
  3945. La Secte Du Futur: Greetings From Youth () {1}: Mow:44
  3946. La Sera: Hour of the Dawn (Hardly Art) {1}: Bl:92 -- A:363-72-11, Mc:75
  3947. Dominic Lash Quartet: Opabinia () {1}: avn
  3948. Last Year's Men: Underwhelmed (self-released) {1}: iw:8
  3949. Mary Lattimore and Jeff Zeigler: Slant of Light (Thrill Jockey) {1}: Ujm:69 -- V:1529-5-1
  3950. Tim Laughlin: The Isle of Orleans () {1}: jma
  3951. Silkken Laumann: Not Forever Enough () {1}: ssh:2
  3952. The Lauras: The Lauras (self-released) {1}: FK:31
  3953. Jakob Lind Lauritsen: Shadowing (Gateway Music) {1}: rmc
  3954. Matt Lavelle/John Pietaro: Harmolodic Monk (Unseen Rain) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  3955. Kenny Lavender: Conscious Journey, Part 1 & 2 (self-released) {1}: jws
  3956. Lawrence: A Day in the Life (Dial) {1}: Ph:46
  3957. Jarrod Lawson: Jarrod Lawson () {1}: sob
  3958. Daunik Lazro/Benjamin Duboc/Didier Lasserre: Sens Radiants (Dark Tree) {1}: fj
  3959. LB Dub Corp: Unknown Origin (Ostgut Ton) {1}: LW:85
  3960. Joelle Leandre/Nicole Mitchell: Sisters Where (RogueArt) {1}: jat
  3961. Leather Corduroys: Porno Music Vol 2 () {1}: m_n:2
  3962. Cate Le Bon: Mug Museum () {1}: SXP:14
  3963. Anja Lechner/Francois Couturier: Moderato Cantabile (ECM New Series) {1}: jjk
  3964. Lorraine Leckie and Her Demons: Rebel Devil Devil Rebel () {1}: nymd
  3965. Salome Leclerc: 27 Fois l"Aurore () {1}: LCB:18
  3966. Led Bib: The Good Egg (Cuneiform) {1}: avn
  3967. Enoch Lee: Finish Line (self-released) {1}: jmt
  3968. The Lees of Memory: Sisyphus Says (SideOneDummy) {1}: Bl:46 -- V:471-20-2
  3969. Gordon Lee With the Mel Brown Septet: Tuesday Night (Origin) {1}: jws -- TH:B-
  3970. Legendary Tiger Man: True () {1}: Pu:19
  3971. Legit: Thief in the Night () {1}: m_n:40
  3972. Legowelt: Crystal Cult 2080 () {1}: WP:33
  3973. K Leimer: A Period of Review () {1}: aqd
  3974. Jennifer Leitham: Future Christmas (Sinistral) {1}: jws
  3975. Joseph Lemay: Seventeen Acres () {1}: PD_r:13
  3976. Lemonade: Minus Tide (Cascine) {1}: ER:11 -- Mc:67
  3977. Selim Lemouchi and His Enemies: Earth Air Spirit Fire Water (Van) {1}: Qi:87
  3978. Nguyen Le: Celebrating the Dark Side of the Moon (ACT) {1}: T
  3979. Stefano Leonardi/Stefano Pastor/Fridolin Blumer/Heinz Geisser: Conversations About Thomas Chapin (Leo) {1}: jat
  3980. Michael Leon: Michael Leon () {1}: ejf
  3981. Le Revelateur: Extreme Events (Root Strata) {1}: SF:21
  3982. Peter Lerner: Continuation (OA2) {1}: jpt -- TH:***
  3983. Les: Ace (Jet Life) {1}: vsa:5 -- V:1529-5-1
  3984. Les and Cookin Soul: ACE () {1}: HHR:19
  3985. Jason Lescalleet: This Is What I Do Vol Two and Vol Four (Glistening Examples) {1}: dls:9
  3986. Les Marquises: Pensee Magique () {1}: Mow:29
  3987. Les Ogres de Barback: Vous M'Emmerdez () {1}: qb
  3988. Les: Steak x Shrimp Vol 1 () {1}: Ux
  3989. Les Vents Francais: French Music for Winds: 20th Century Wind Quintets () {1}: TG:28
  3990. L'Etau: Chose Clandestines () {1}: fj
  3991. Yves Leveille: Essences des Bois () {1}: TG:97
  3992. Gonzalo Levin Octeto: Gonzalo Levin Octeto (Whatabout) {1}: BW:14
  3993. Bernie Levv: Signs () {1}: m_n:15
  3994. Allegra Levy: Lonely City (SteepleChase/LookOut) {1}: jws
  3995. Blake Lewis: Portrait of a Chameleon () {1}: PD_p:5
  3996. Tom E Lewis: Beneath The Sun () {1}: DJ:40
  3997. Dave Liebman Big Band: A Tribute to Wayne Shorter (Summit) {1}: JC:116 -- TH:*
  3998. Like Swimming: Structures () {1}: LW:174
  3999. Lilac Shadows: No Dark/No Light (DiggUp Tapes) {1}: iw:24
  4000. Lil B: Basedworld Paradise () {1}: Hi:48
  4001. Limb: Limb () {1}: cbz:28
  4002. Lingouf: Frequencies Sensibles () {1}: rmw:4
  4003. Little Big League: Tropical Jinx (Run for Cover) {1}: MO:74
  4004. Little Daylight: Hello Memory (Capitol) {1}: vgm:4 -- V:756-12-1
  4005. Kwamie Liv: Lost in the Girl () {1}: VP:52
  4006. Charles Lloyd: Arows Into Infinity (ECM) {1}: sjs
  4007. Joe LoCascio and Woody Witt: Absinthe (Blue Bamboo Music) {1}: jrm:1 -- TH:**
  4008. Lockah: Yahoo or the Highway (Donky Pitch) {1}: XLR:30
  4009. Annea Lockwood: Ground of Being (Recital) {1}: W:28
  4010. Locrian: The Crystal World () {1}: avn
  4011. Locust: After the Rain (Editions Mego) {1}: am
  4012. Christian Loeffler: Young Alaska () {1}: jjq:10
  4013. Christian Loffler: Young Alaska (Ki) {1}: Wu:98 -- V:811-10-1
  4014. Lofofora: L'Epreuve du Contraire () {1}: LCA
  4015. Logos: Cold Mission () {1}: W
  4016. London Grammar: If You Wait (Warner/Chappell Music) {1}: fn:6 -- Mc:75
  4017. Lonesome Shack: More Primitive () {1}: TG:27
  4018. Mike Longo: Step On It (CAP) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  4019. The Mike Longo Trio: Celebrates Oscar Peterson: Live (CAP) {1}: jbp -- TH:**
  4020. Luis Lopes Lisbon Berlin Trio: The Line (Clean Feed) {1}: TH:149 -- TH:A-
  4021. L'Orange: The Orchid Days () {1}: HHR:17
  4022. Lorelle Meets the Obsolete: Chambers (Sonic Cathedral/Captcha) {1}: LW:178
  4023. Lo-Res: La Sortie (self-released) {1}: BW:19
  4024. Loretta: Find a Way () {1}: st
  4025. Los Buitres de Culiacan: Territorio Buitre (Sony Music Latin) {1}: am
  4026. Los Caramelos: Esconde Tus Alas en la Torre Fantasma () {1}: Jn:33
  4027. Los De Abajo: Mariachi Beat (Wrasse) {1}: FR
  4028. Los Lobos and Friends: Si Se Puede! (Fantasy) {1}: npr
  4029. Lost Twin: Mist () {1}: Pl:75
  4030. Los Tucanes de Tijuana: Corridos Time, Temporada 1: Soy Parrandero (Fonovisa) {1}: am
  4031. LOT.TE: Pressue Chant (The Bunker, EP) {1}: YW:50
  4032. Lotus Thief: Rervm () {1}: mmm:28
  4033. G Love and Special Sauce: Sugar (Brushfire/Republic) {1}: Rel:48
  4034. Preston Lovinggood: Shadow Songs () {1}: ejf:9
  4035. Francisco Lo Vuolo: In Walked Francis (RivoRecords) {1}: jjb
  4036. Low Jack: Garifuna Versios (LIES) {1}: Bk:55
  4037. The Lowland Hundred: The Lowland Hundred () {1}: W
  4038. Low Roar: 0 () {1}: Sp:46
  4039. Low Society: You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down (Icehouse) {1}: jcb -- TH:*
  4040. Lsdxoxo: Whorecore () {1}: Fa:46
  4041. Luccky Eck$: Body High () {1}: PP:44
  4042. Lucette: Black Is the Color () {1}: cl
  4043. Lucifer Was: Dies Grows (Transubstans) {1}: fb
  4044. Michael Ludwig and Alison d'Amato: Joseph Achron: Music for Piano and Violin () {1}: TG:74
  4045. Lulu Mae: Mean River () {1}: eg_b:6
  4046. Lunatic Soul: Walking on a Flashlight Beam (K-Scope) {1}: PM
  4047. Lunchbox: Lunchbox Loves You (Jigsaw) {1}: am -- V:811-10-1
  4048. Gjertrud Lunde: Hjemklang (Ozella Music) {1}: jjb
  4049. Jan Lundgren: All By Myself (Fresh Sound) {1}: jj:1 -- TH:**
  4050. Carmen Lundy: Soul to Soul (Afrasia) {1}: cjc
  4051. Joanne Lunn/Rowan Hellier/Thomas Hobbs/Matthew Brooks: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem (Linn) {1}: jcb
  4052. Dustin Lynch: Where It's At (Broken Bow) {1}: Rk
  4053. Lynched: Cold Old Fire (self-released) {1}: FR
  4054. Chris Lynn/Daniel Barbiero: Augmented Landscapes () {1}: avn
  4055. Julie Lyon Quintet: Julie (Unseen Rain) {1}: jws
  4056. Ibrahim Maalouf/Oxmo Puccino: Au Pays D'alice () {1}: Sec:79
  4057. David MacBride: A Special Light () {1}: avn
  4058. Raymond MacDonald and Marilyn Crispell: Parallel Moments (Babel) {1}: jws
  4059. Machinae Supremacy: Phantom Shadow (Spin-Farm) {1}: vgm:5 -- V:781-11-1
  4060. Machinefabriek: Stillness Soundtrack (Glacial Movements) {1}: SF:56
  4061. Machine Mass [Tony Bianco/Michel Delville]: Inti (Moonjune) {1}: am -- TH:**
  4062. Machine Mass [Tony Bianco/Michel Delville]: Inti (Moonjune) {1}: avn -- TH:**
  4063. Machinista: Xenoglossy () {1}: rnf:1
  4064. Ashley MacIsaac/Barbara Magone: Beautiful Lake Ainslie (Linus Entertainment) {1}: am
  4065. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis: The Heist (Macklemore) {1}: vcc:9 -- BB:61, V:811-10-1, TH:***
  4066. Catherine MacLellan: The Raven's Sun (True North) {1}: T
  4067. Mad Caddies: Dirty Rice () {1}: oc_p:10
  4068. Mad D and the Profane Saints: Holyoke () {1}: se
  4069. Madensuyu: Stabat Mater (Suyu Makinese) {1}: Ic:29
  4070. Owen Maercks: Teenage Sex Therapist (Feeding Tube) {1}: vrg:1 -- V:811-10-1
  4071. Magic Eye: Babylon (Not Not Fun) {1}: TMT:26
  4072. Magic Man: Before the Waves () {1}: BGM:85
  4073. The Magic Words: Junk Train (2006, Shake It, EP) {1}: MYL -- TH:**
  4074. Joe Magnarelli: Lookin' Up (Posi-Tone) {1}: jma
  4075. Janiva Magness: Original (Fat Head) {1}: am
  4076. Magnum: Escape From the Shadow Garden () {1}: CR:41
  4077. Magnus: Where Neon Goes to Die (Universal) {1}: KM:17
  4078. Mago de Oz: Ilussia (WM Spain) {1}: CE:95
  4079. Magos and Limon: Dawn (Okeh) {1}: am
  4080. Roberto Magris Septet: Morgan Rewind: A Tribute to Lee Morgan Vol 2 (JMood) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  4081. Antoni Maiovvi and Umberto: The Hook and Pull Gang (Death Waltz Originals) {1}: SF:66
  4082. Malibu Shark Attack!: Malibu Shark Attack! () {1}: Sa:26
  4083. Jay Malinowski and the Deadcoast: Martel () {1}: cbc:23
  4084. Pat Mallinger Quartet: Elevate (CD Baby) {1}: jpt
  4085. Tommy Malone: Poor Boy (MC) {1}: jws
  4086. Mammal Hands: Mammal Hands (Gondwana) {1}: jpb
  4087. Telsa Manaf: Tesla Manaf (Moonjune) {1}: jws
  4088. Jeremy Manasia: Pixel Queen (Blujazz) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  4089. Georgia Mancio and Nigel Price: Come Rain or Come Shine (Roomspin) {1}: jbl
  4090. Man Forever With So Percussion: Ryonen (Thrill Jockey) {1}: vjb:4 -- Mc:80, V:811-10-1
  4091. MannGold de Cobre: MannGold de Cobre () {1}: Sc:24
  4092. The Mannish Boys: Wrapped Up and Ready () {1}: ax_b
  4093. Mansions on the Moon: Mansions on the Moon () {1}: BGM:82
  4094. Bevan Manson: Music of Bevan Manson () {1}: TG:72
  4095. Mantar: Death by Burning (Svart) {1}: ilm:6 -- V:471-20-2
  4096. Many Arms With Colin Fisher: Suspended Definition () {1}: fj
  4097. Mapei: Hey Hey () {1}: GfS:20
  4098. Thomas Mapfumo and the Blacks Unlimited: Danger Zone () {1}: afp
  4099. Marah: Mountain Minstrelsy of Pennsylvania () {1}: CD:15
  4100. Marble Arch: The Bloom of Division () {1}: pfk:2
  4101. Jesse Marchant: Jesse Marchant (self-released) {1}: ATH:39
  4102. Mare Cognitum: Phobos Monolith () {1}: mmm:39
  4103. Sava Marinkovic: Evocation () {1}: avn
  4104. Mike Markaverich Trio: One More for the Road (Marktime) {1}: jws
  4105. Phil Markowitz and Zach Brock: Perpetuity (Dot Time) {1}: ctj:9
  4106. Ziggy Marley: Fly Rasta (Tuff Gong) {1}: am -- Mc:63
  4107. Eugene Marlow's Heritage Ensemble: Reimagines Popular Hebraic Melodies: Mosaica (MEII Enterprises) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  4108. Thomas Marriott: Urban Folklore (Origin) {1}: ws -- TH:*
  4109. Ellis Marsalis Trio: On the Second Occasion (ELM) {1}: DB
  4110. Marsen Jules [Martin Juhls]: At GRM () {1}: avn
  4111. Marsen Jules [Martin Juhls]: Beautyfear () {1}: avn
  4112. Emilia Martensson: Ana (Babel) {1}: DB
  4113. Marteria: Zum Glück in die Zukunft II () {1}: In:49
  4114. Martix Garrix: Gold Skies EP (Spinnin'/Casablanca, EP) {1}: Thp:29
  4115. Beverley Martyn: The Phoenix and the Turtle (Les Cousins) {1}: T -- Mc:71
  4116. Marvel: Hadal Zone Express (Killer Cobra) {1}: fb
  4117. The Mary Onettes: Portico () {1}: UR:74
  4118. Mary Sarah: Bridges () {1}: cp
  4119. Gigi Masin: Talk to the Sea () {1}: Sc:54
  4120. Massaro/Nigro: Agapi (Potrebbe Stare Anche Nell'Improvvisazione Jazz) () {1}: pm
  4121. Massimiliano Pagliara: With One Another (Live at Robert Johnson) {1}: Ph:78
  4122. Patsy Matheson: Domino Girls (Tomorrow) {1}: T
  4123. Matom: Love Mistakes (Planet E) {1}: Ph:40
  4124. Mats/Morgan: Schack Tati (Cuneiform) {1}: jbm
  4125. Matthew and the Atlas: Other Rivers (Communion) {1}: MO:99 -- Mc:63
  4126. Iain Matthews: The Art of Obscurity (Omnivore) {1}: am -- Mc:63
  4127. Max Greaf: Rivers of the Red Planet (Tartelet) {1}: Crk:95
  4128. Magda Mayas, Damon Smith and Tony Buck: Spill Plus () {1}: fj
  4129. Mazes: Wooden Aquarium (Fat Cat) {1}: Pi:41 -- A:347-72-8, Mc:77
  4130. Rob Mazurek: Mother Ode (Corbett vs Dempsey) {1}: Mg
  4131. Etienne Mbappe: Bombay Makossa () {1}: Rh
  4132. Thomas McCarthy: Herself and Myself (Tin Folk Music) {1}: FR
  4133. Donnie McClurkin: Duets (RCA) {1}: vcc:4 -- V:811-10-1
  4134. Frank McComb: Live at the Bitter End (Remembering Donny Hathaway) () {1}: st
  4135. Audra McDonald: Lady Day at Emerson's () {1}: ejw
  4136. Gary McFarland: This Is Gary McFarland (Century 67 Films) {1}: jch
  4137. Dave McGraw and Mandy Fer: Maritime () {1}: T
  4138. Mark McGuire: Noctilucence (Dead Oceans) {1}: SF:47
  4139. Ryan McGuire: Civilian () {1}: avn
  4140. Mack McKenzie: One Last, One More () {1}: cp
  4141. Jon McKiel: Jon McKiel (Headless Owl) {1}: ts
  4142. Ewan McLennan: Stories Still Untold (Fellside) {1}: T
  4143. John Mark McMillan: Borderland () {1}: rel:8
  4144. Joe McPhee: Glasses (Corbett & Dempsey) {1}: jlh:2
  4145. Chuck Mead: Free State Serenade (Plowboy) {1}: PM
  4146. Mean Creek: Local Losers (Old Flame) {1}: lvw -- V:811-10-1
  4147. Lauren Meccia: Inside Your Eyes (Spirit Music) {1}: jws
  4148. Mefjus: Emulation (Critical Music) {1}: DAD:16
  4149. Megson: In a Box (EDJ) {1}: T
  4150. Stephan Meidell: Cascades () {1}: fj
  4151. Myra Meilford: Life Carries Me This Way (Firehouse 12) {1}: ccvs -- TH:**
  4152. Myra Melford: Life Carries Me This Way (Firehouse 12) {1}: ND -- TH:***
  4153. Lubomyr Melnyk: Evertina (Erased Tapes) {1}: Ujm:99
  4154. Melphi: Through the Looking Glass (Snip) {1}: jbl
  4155. Matthew Melton: Outside of Paradise (Southpaw) {1}: FN:35
  4156. Melt Yourself Down: Melt Yourself Down (The Leaf Label) {1}: jbl
  4157. Matthieu Meltzger: Selfcooking () {1}: pm
  4158. Meniskos: Weather/The Hunger EPs () {1}: m_n:32
  4159. Men I Trust: Men I Trust () {1}: ssh:7
  4160. Merkabah: Moloch (Instant Classic) {1}: Qi:75
  4161. Madalyn Merkey: Valley Girl () {1}: en
  4162. Mermonte: Audiorama () {1}: Ir:64
  4163. Mesa Ritual: Mesa Ritual (SIGE) {1}: SF:50
  4164. Mesektet: Towards a Bleak Sun () {1}: avn
  4165. Mesiko: Solar Door () {1}: nymd
  4166. Messenger: Illusory Blues (Svart) {1}: fb:42
  4167. Tony Messina: All About Love and Life (Heart to Heart) {1}: jws
  4168. Metabolismus: Sus (Amish) {1}: Ujm:78
  4169. Meta Meta: Metal Metal (Desmonta/Mais Um Discos) {1}: FR:18* -- Mc:78
  4170. Method of Defiance: Phantom Soundclash Cut-Up Method: One () {1}: avn
  4171. Metropolitan Klezmer: Mazel Means Good Luck () {1}: nymd
  4172. Metsatoll: Karjajuht () {1}: NM:31
  4173. Reg Meuross: England Green and England Grey (Hatsongs) {1}: T
  4174. Szilard Mezei International Improvisers Ensemble: Karszt () {1}: avn
  4175. The Miami Dolphins: Becky (FPE) {1}: fb
  4176. Miasmal: Cursed Redeemer (Century Media) {1}: NM:99 -- V:1529-5-1
  4177. Miaux: Dive () {1}: Sc:92
  4178. Patrice Michaud: Le Feu De Chaque Jour () {1}: LP:36
  4179. Micky and the Motorcars: Hearts From Above () {1}: cp
  4180. Microwaves: Regurgitant Phenomena (New Atlantis) {1}: CM:21 -- TH:B
  4181. Middlemist Red: Supersonic Overdrive () {1}: Ix:7
  4182. Mighty Oaks: Howl () {1}: In:43
  4183. Sei Miguel: Salvation Modes (Clean Feed) {1}: fj -- TH:*
  4184. Miguel: Wild (EP) {1}: DW:57
  4185. Sebastian Mikael: Speechless () {1}: Rh
  4186. Mike Will Made It: Ransom () {1}: atg
  4187. Militia: Deluxe Cigars (self-released) {1}: Mg
  4188. Jaro Milko and the Cubalkanics: Cigarros Explosivos () {1}: nymd
  4189. David Michael Miller: Poisons Sipped (CDBaby) {1}: BRR:16
  4190. Scott Miller/Lee Camfield/Merzbow: No Closure (Cold Spring) {1}: Qi:91
  4191. Nick Millevoi: Numbers on the Side () {1}: se
  4192. Mimicking Birds: Eons (Glacial Pace) {1}: npst:6 -- V:1380-9-1
  4193. Paul Mimlitsch/Andre Darius/Martin Pozdrowicz: Outsiders () {1}: avn
  4194. Mimmo/Blunt: Lasting Ephemerals () {1}: pm
  4195. Mind Over Midi: Polyphony () {1}: gmd
  4196. Mindtroll: EP #4 (self-released) {1}: kjb:1 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  4197. Takako Minekawa and Dustin Wong: Savage Imagination (Thrill Jockey) {1}: vmj:7 -- A:508-67-6, Mc:66, V:811-10-1
  4198. Andy Mineo: Never Land () {1}: rel:10
  4199. Miner: Into the Morning () {1}: eg_b:5
  4200. Ming City Rockers: Ming City Rockers () {1}: CR:48
  4201. Mingo Fishtrap: On Time () {1}: se
  4202. Minibus Pimps: Cloud to Ground (Susanna Sonata) {1}: Bk:39
  4203. The Ministry of Wolves: Happily Ever After () {1}: nymd
  4204. Minot: Equal/Opposite () {1}: Mow:34
  4205. Minus the Bear: Lost Loves (Dangerbird) {1}: LW:168 -- Mc:65
  4206. The Minutes: Live Well, Change Often () {1}: Sa:37
  4207. Mirage: Blood for the Return (Olde English Spelling Bee/Weird World) {1}: Ujm:136 -- V:1504-6-1
  4208. Ismael Miranda: Son 45 () {1}: Rh -- o
  4209. Mishaped Pearls: Thamesis (Proper Music) {1}: T
  4210. The Mistys: Redemption Forest () {1}: LW:90
  4211. Anais Mitchell: Xoa (Wilderland) {1}: FR
  4212. Nicole Mitchell's Sonic Projections: The Secret Escapades of Velvet Anderson (RogueArt) {1}: jjs
  4213. Mix-O-Rap: I Am the DMR () {1}: Fa:45
  4214. Mocke: L'Anguille () {1}: Ir:71
  4215. Moe Tar: Entropy of the Century (Magna Carta) {1}: se -- V:781-11-1
  4216. Tumi Mogorosi: Project Elo (Jazzman) {1}: am
  4217. Karla Moheno: Time Well Spent () {1}: nymd
  4218. Molden/Resetarits/Soyka/Wirth: Ho Rugg () {1}: Mx:92
  4219. Roy Moller: One Domino () {1}: LW:142
  4220. Mombojo: Alexandre (Slap) {1}: fb
  4221. Money: The Shadow of Heaven () {1}: UR:49
  4222. Monic, Oscar Mulero, Killawatt: Amorce Habits (Osiris Music) {1}: YW:66
  4223. Portia Monique: Portia Monique () {1}: st
  4224. Monomyth: Further (Suburban World) {1}: fb
  4225. Mono/Poly: Golden Skies (Brainfeeder) {1}: Dr:52
  4226. Marisa Monte: Verdade Uma Ilusao Tour 2012/2013 () {1}: ecp:10 -- V:1529-5-1
  4227. Bonnie Montgomery: Bonnie Montgomery () {1}: cp
  4228. Laura Moody: Acrobats (Surbiton Lagoon) {1}: T
  4229. Moon Honey: Hand-Painted Dream Photographs () {1}: Eb:92
  4230. Thurston Moore/Gabriel Ferrandini/Pedro Sousa: Live at ZDB (Shhpuma) {1}: fj
  4231. Thurston Moore/John Moloney: Caught on Tape: Full Bleed () {1}: avn
  4232. Kendall Moore: Focus () {1}: se
  4233. Robert Moore: Outta My Soul (Reference) {1}: jws
  4234. Gaby Moreno: Posada () {1}: Rh
  4235. More or Les: Fill at Will (self-released) {1}: YW:29
  4236. Mud Morganfield + Kim Wilson: For Pops: A Tribute to Muddy Waters (Severn) {1}: se
  4237. Jess Morgan: Langa Langa (self-released) {1}: T
  4238. Vetusta Morla: La Deriva () {1}: Rh
  4239. Ludovic Morlot/Seattle Symphony Orchestra: John Luther Adams: Beyond Ocean (Cantaloupe) {1}: Rh:42 -- TH:***
  4240. Morning Glory: War Psalms (Fat Wreck Chords) {1}: Pn:20 -- Mc:75
  4241. Joe Morris and Cris Cretella: Storms () {1}: fj
  4242. Barbara Morrison: I Love You, Yes I Do (Savant) {1}: TH:43 -- TH:A-
  4243. Sarah Jane Morris: Bloody Rain () {1}: wmc
  4244. Mortalicum: Tears From the Grave (Metal on Metal) {1}: fb
  4245. Mortifera: IV: Sanctil Tristhess (Apparitia Recordings) {1}: Amb
  4246. Mortuary Drape: Spiritual Independence () {1}: Ny:18 -- V:811-10-1
  4247. Nick Moss Band: Time Ain't Free () {1}: GW:49
  4248. Moss: We Both Know the Rest Is Noise () {1}: O:19
  4249. Moster: Inner Earth () {1}: pm
  4250. Motel Raphael: Cable TV () {1}: cbc:29
  4251. Mothership: II () {1}: cbz:18
  4252. Motion Sickness of Time Travel: Alpha Piscium (Hooker Vision) {1}: FF:25 -- V:1529-5-1
  4253. Mount Salem: Endless (Metal Blade) {1}: fb
  4254. Mournful Congregation: Concrescence of the Sophia (20 Buck Spin) {1}: PM
  4255. Jack Mouse and Scott Robinson: Snakeheads and Ladybugs (self-released) {1}: jws
  4256. Mouth of the South: Struggle Well () {1}: BGM:106
  4257. Kikagaku Moyo: Mammatus Clouds (Captcha) {1}: fb
  4258. Mozart's Sister: Being (Asthmatic Kitty) {1}: ssh:25 -- A:474-68-8, Mc:69
  4259. Mr and the Mrs: Radiation Street Blues () {1}: po
  4260. Jason Mraz: Yes! (Atlantic) {1}: am -- BB:143, Mc:62
  4261. Mr Little Jeans: Pocketknife (Harvest) {1}: mms -- Mc:77, V:1465-7-1
  4262. Mr Oizo: The Church (Brainfeeder) {1}: Em:25
  4263. Mulebone: Keep on Movin' (Red Tug) {1}: app
  4264. Sebastian Mullaert and Eiten Reiter: Reflections of Nothingness (Mule Musiq) {1}: Ph:45
  4265. Peter Mulvey: Silver Ladder (Black Walnut) {1}: T
  4266. Tisziji Munoz: Star Worlds () {1}: fj
  4267. Murmur: Murmur () {1}: On:26
  4268. James Murray: Mount View () {1}: sw
  4269. Museum of Love: Museum of Love (DFA) {1}: ddm -- A:364-72-9, Mc:75
  4270. Music Go Music: Impressions (Secretly Canadian) {1}: Rec:21 -- Mc:77, V:1465-7-1
  4271. Musique Post-Bourgeoise: L'Obstacle () {1}: LCC:14
  4272. Mustasch: Thank You for the Demon (Gain) {1}: CE:91
  4273. Mutation Rites: Harbinger () {1}: Trb
  4274. Wolfgang Muthspiel: Driftwood (ECM) {1}: jjk -- TH:*
  4275. Mutual Benefit: Love's Crushing Diamond (Other Music) {1}: Dr:64
  4276. MV and EE: Alpha Lyrae (Child of Microtones) {1}: Ujm:97
  4277. My Psychoanalyst: Choreomania () {1}: LW:114
  4278. Mystery Skulls: Forever (Warner Bros) {1}: am
  4279. Naadia: Naadia () {1}: hz
  4280. Nir Naaman: Independence (Naaman) {1}: jpt:17
  4281. Naive Set: Reclining Nude (Subroutine) {1}: Ic:19
  4282. Naked Geometry: The Missing 43 (New Weird Latin America, EP) {1}: ws
  4283. The Walt Namuth Quintet: Left Bank '66 (Baltimore Jazz Alliance) {1}: jgh:9
  4284. Nap Eyes: Whine of the Mystic (Plastic Factory) {1}: hz -- V:656-15-1
  4285. Anthony Naples: TTT026 (The Trilogy Tapes, EP) {1}: XLR:28
  4286. Qasim Naqvi: Fjoloy (Qasim Naqvi) {1}: vma:7 -- V:1529-5-1
  4287. Naram: March of Gremlins () {1}: LW:143
  4288. Nasheim: Solens Vemod () {1}: LR:19
  4289. Nashville Cast: The Music of Nashville: Season 3, Vol 1 (Big Machine) {1}: am
  4290. Nashville Pussy: Up the Dosage (Steamhammer) {1}: ac -- V:1529-5-1
  4291. National Bedtime: Jobs for Beasts (Shadazz) {1}: Mon:42
  4292. National Jazz Trio of Scotland: Standards Vol III (Karaoke Kalk) {1}: Zf:65 -- Mc:82
  4293. Native America: Grown Up Wrong (Inflated) {1}: ftw
  4294. The Native Sibling: Letters Kept to Ourselves () {1}: eg_j:1
  4295. Nat Jay: All I Think When I Wake Up () {1}: PD_p:3
  4296. Nausea: Condemned to the System () {1}: NM:91
  4297. Nazareth: Rock 'N' Roll Telephone (Conveyor) {1}: CE:71 -- V:811-10-1
  4298. Cafer Nazlibas: Feryad-I Kemane (Oenarth) {1}: wmc:4
  4299. Nazoranai: The Most Painful Time Happens Only Once Has It Arrived Already? (Ideologic Organ) {1}: Bk:57 -- Mc:72
  4300. Neck Deep: Wishful Thinking () {1}: K:30 -- Mc:71
  4301. Negra Branca: NB (Ono Tesla) {1}: Bk:44
  4302. Neighborhood Brats: Recovery (Deranged) {1}: Pn:19 -- V:1529-5-1
  4303. Neighbors: Failure () {1}: WSF
  4304. Nell: Newton's Apple () {1}: BB
  4305. Matt Nelson: Lower Bottoms (Tubapede) {1}: jkw -- V:811-10-1
  4306. Ferenc Nemeth and Attila Laszlo: Bridges of Souls () {1}: se
  4307. John Nemeth: Memphis Grease (Blue Corn Music) {1}: app -- TH:**
  4308. Nerftoss: Maiden Powers () {1}: BC:46
  4309. Nina Nesbitt: Peroxide (Island) {1}: df -- Mc:56
  4310. Marius Neset/Trondheim Jazz Orchestra: Lion (ACT) {1}: jjk
  4311. Netherfriends: P3ACE () {1}: m_n:22
  4312. Jennifer Nettles: That Girl (Mercury Nashville) {1}: RS_c:25 -- BB:134, Mc:71, TH:B
  4313. Neulore: Animal Evolve () {1}: BGM:87
  4314. Nevermind: Part One EP/Part Two EP () {1}: m_o:4
  4315. New Dream Ltd: Initiation Tape: Isle of Avalon Edition (self-released) {1}: PM
  4316. New Electric Ride: Balloon Age () {1}: nymd
  4317. New Found Glory: Resurrection () {1}: K:44 -- Mc:73
  4318. The New Mastersounds: Therapy (Legere) {1}: am
  4319. Next Level Sound System: Sunken City (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) () {1}: wmc
  4320. Ngozi Family: Day of Judgement () {1}: Wat:23
  4321. Nguzunguzu: The Perfect Lullaby Vol 2 (self-released) {1}: UO:27
  4322. Grant Nicholas: Yorktown Heights () {1}: akm
  4323. Nicholas Szcepanik: Not Knowing (Desire Path) {1}: agb:3
  4324. Nicodxmvs: Knelt () {1}: m_n:29
  4325. Jerrod Niemann: High Noon (Sony) {1}: RS_c:39
  4326. Night Ranger: High Road (Frontiers) {1}: CE:87 -- V:811-10-1
  4327. Paal Nilssen-Love Large Unit: First Blow (PNL) {1}: BAj:13
  4328. Ninebarrow: While the Blackthorn Burns () {1}: T
  4329. Ninetails: Quiet Confidence () {1}: Sk:44
  4330. Damani NKoski: Thoughtful King () {1}: hdx
  4331. Noah23: Street Astrology (self-released) {1}: cmg
  4332. Gene Nobel: Rebirth of Gene () {1}: st
  4333. NoCanDo: Jimmy the Burnout (Hellfyre Club) {1}: PW:32* -- V:1504-6-1
  4334. Nochexxx: Thrusters () {1}: W
  4335. Noctem: Exilium () {1}: MD:26
  4336. NO: El Prado (Arts & Crafts) {1}: fp
  4337. Noiseless Ensemble: No Noise () {1}: avn
  4338. The Noisettes: Elegant Electronic Entrées () {1}: FF:22
  4339. No Lands: Negative Space () {1}: TG:99
  4340. Jim Norton Collective: Time Remembered: Compositions of Bill Evans (Origin) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  4341. No Sinner: Boo Hoo Hoo (MRI) {1}: BRR:18
  4342. Nothing More: Nothing More () {1}: bd -- V:1529-5-1
  4343. Notre Dame de Grass: That's How the Music Begins (self-released) {1}: fr:14
  4344. Nots: We Are Nots (Ex-Cult/Goner) {1}: AR:8 -- V:589-16-2
  4345. Not Waving: Human Capabilities (Emotional Response) {1}: Ph:80
  4346. Not Waving: Voices I-III (self-released) {1}: Bk:82
  4347. Nouveau Velo: Nouveau Velo (Subroutine) {1}: Ic:27
  4348. Noveller and Thisquietarmy: Reveries (Shelter Press) {1}: SF:95
  4349. Novellino/Rosi/Mazurek/Barnes: Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear () {1}: se
  4350. Nox Boys: Nox Boys (Get Hip) {1}: Bl:45
  4351. Justin Nozuka: Ulysees (Liberator) {1}: am
  4352. NRBQ: Brass Tacks (Clang!) {1}: vss:7 -- V:433-24-2
  4353. Nu:Tone: Future History (Hospital) {1}: ntu:9
  4354. Lina Nyberg: The Serenades (Hoob) {1}: DB
  4355. John Oates: Good Road to Follow () {1}: se
  4356. Ian O'Beirne: Glasswork (self-released) {1}: se -- TH:*
  4357. OBF: Wild () {1}: tel
  4358. Oblik: Order Disorder () {1}: fj
  4359. Jim Oblon: Sunset (Compass) {1}: wmh
  4360. OBN III's: Live in San Francisco (Castle Face) {1}: ac
  4361. Ocean Chief: Universums Hard (I Hate) {1}: fb
  4362. O (Circle): When Plants Turn Into Stones () {1}: se
  4363. Geoffrey O'Connor: Fan Fiction (Chapter) {1}: fb
  4364. Maz O'Connor: This Willowed Light (Wildsound) {1}: FR
  4365. Octopus Jones: Phantasmagoria (self-released) {1}: iw:25
  4366. The Ocular Concern: Sister Cities (PJCE) {1}: am -- TH:*
  4367. O'Death: Out of Hands We Go (Northern Spy) {1}: nymd -- TH:***
  4368. Odonis Odonis: Hard Boiled Soft Boiled (Buzz) {1}: LW:111 -- A:187-75-6, Mc:77
  4369. Officer!: Dead Unique (Blackest Ever Black) {1}: BC
  4370. Tellef Ogrim and Anders Berg: November () {1}: fj
  4371. Linda Oh: Sun Pictures (Greenleaf) {1}: jbm -- TH:A-
  4372. The Okee Dokee Brothers: Through the Woods (Okee-Dokee) {1}: am
  4373. Okkultokrati: Night Jerks () {1}: RAR:38
  4374. Ola Playa: Slime Season (Year of the Slime) () {1}: BC:31
  4375. Old Dominion: Old Dominion (ReeSmack/Thirty Tigers) {1}: Rk
  4376. Old Lines: No Child Left Behind (No Sleep) {1}: BC
  4377. The Old Swan Band: Fortyssimo (Wild Goose) {1}: FR:14*
  4378. Oliver Wilde: Red Tide Opal in the Loose End Womb (Howling Owl) {1}: Crk:89
  4379. OLMEG: Primordial Soup (OLMEG) {1}: fb
  4380. Linnea Olsson: Ah! () {1}: Eb:64
  4381. Johnny O'Neal: Live at Smalls (SmallsLive) {1}: jnb:7
  4382. Dona Onete: Feitico Cabloco (Mais Um Discos) {1}: afp
  4383. OnklP and de Fjerne Slektningene: Slekta II () {1}: Dg
  4384. Yoko Ono: Take Me to the Land of Hell (Chimera Music) {1}: ejw
  4385. Onyx: Wakedafucup (Goon MuSick/Mad Money) {1}: vv
  4386. Opera Mort: Dedales (Alter) {1}: Bk:70
  4387. Operators: EP1 (Last Gang) {1}: ts
  4388. Oracles: Stanford Torus EP () {1}: In:41
  4389. Caoimhin O Raghallaigh: Music for an Elliptical Orbit (Diatribe) {1}: IT:30
  4390. Orchestra of the Upper Atmosphere: 02 (Discus) {1}: SF:41
  4391. The Order of the Solar Temple: The Order of the Solar Temple () {1}: cbz:24
  4392. Origamibiro: Odham's Standard () {1}: RAR:50
  4393. Adriano Orru: Palimpsest () {1}: avn
  4394. Joan Osborne: Love and Hate (E1) {1}: njf
  4395. Os Meus Shorts: Os Meus Shorts II () {1}: fj
  4396. Oso Leone: Mokragora (El Segell del Primavera) {1}: Dr:96
  4397. Otis the Destroyer: Dark Arts EP () {1}: SOT
  4398. Our Last Enemy: Pariah: () {1}: MD:50
  4399. Over the Rhine: Blood Oranges in the Snow (Great Speckled Dog) {1}: CE:51 -- V:1529-5-1
  4400. Judith Owen: Ebb and Flow (Twanky) {1}: T
  4401. Owen: Other People's Songs (Polyvinyl) {1}: PM -- Mc:80
  4402. Christopher Owens: A New Testament (Turnstile) {1}: Ma:25 -- A:609-64-15, Mc:61
  4403. Owl Vision: Doomster () {1}: wa
  4404. Anderson Paak: Venice () {1}: Rh
  4405. Pablo und Destruktion: Sangrín () {1}: Jn:47
  4406. Guana Padano: Americana () {1}: SM:38
  4407. Steven Padilla: Good at Goodbye (self-released) {1}: Rk
  4408. Pain-Noir: Pain-Noir () {1}: np:8
  4409. Pajjama: Karakasa () {1}: CW:67
  4410. Pale Lights: Before There Were Pictures (self-released) {1}: ATH:30 -- bc
  4411. Jason Palmer: Places (SteepleChase) {1}: jpt
  4412. Palmistry: Ascension () {1}: dn -- V:1529-5-1
  4413. Paloma Faith: A Perfect Contradiction (RCA) {1}: am -- Mc:66, OC:6
  4414. The Paperhead: Africa Avenue (Trouble in Mind) {1}: FK:22 -- V:656-15-1
  4415. Jerry Paper: Big Pop for Chameleon World (Orange Milk) {1}: adh
  4416. Lee Paradise: Water Palace Kingdom () {1}: ssh:21
  4417. Para One: Club () {1}: wa
  4418. Shane Parish: Odei (Marmara) {1}: PM
  4419. Pariso/Svalbard: Pariso/Svalbard Split () {1}: LW:151
  4420. Ken Park: You Think About It Too Much () {1}: ssh:1
  4421. Tatiana Parra/Vardan Ovsepian: Lighthouse (self-released) {1}: ocj
  4422. Partch (Ensemble): Harry Partch: Plectra and Percussion Dances () {1}: TG:76
  4423. Juanito Pascual New Flamenco Trio: Juanito Pascual New Flamenco Trio (self-released) {1}: MM
  4424. Paskine: Nimrod () {1}: sw
  4425. Anthony Pasquarosa: VDSQ Solo Acoustic Series Vol 7 LP (VDSQ) {1}: ddm
  4426. Passalacqua: Church () {1}: dmm:7
  4427. Russo Passapusso: Paraiso da Miragem (Oloko) {1}: ac
  4428. Beata Pater: Golden Lady (B&B) {1}: jws -- TH:B
  4429. Patterns: Waking Lines (Melodic) {1}: LW:163 -- A:502-67-6, Mc:66
  4430. Nicolas Paugam: Aqua Mostlae () {1}: tel
  4431. Ashley Paul: White Night () {1}: avn
  4432. Ellis Paul: Chasin' Beauty (Black Wolf) {1}: pcb:10 -- V:1380-9-1
  4433. Ellis Paul: Chasing Beauty () {1}: bs
  4434. Sean Paul: Full Frequency (Atlantic/VP) {1}: am
  4435. Mario Pavone: Street Songs (Playscape) {1}: jbm -- TH:**
  4436. Justin Payne: No Place Lower Than High () {1}: svc
  4437. Tammy Payne: Viva Outsider (Ninety and Nine) {1}: jbl
  4438. PC Worship: Social Rust (Northern Spy) {1}: SFJ -- Mc:80, V:811-10-1, TH:B-
  4439. The Pearlfishers: Open Up Your Colouring Book (Marina) {1}: sb_p
  4440. Peder Mannerfelt: Lines Describing Circles () {1}: Rh
  4441. Pee Wee Longway: The Blue M&M (self-released) {1}: Sg
  4442. Peggy Sue: Choir of Echoes (Yep Roc) {1}: LW:182 -- A:407-70-8, Mc:75, V:811-10-1
  4443. Pell: Floating While Dreaming () {1}: PP:46
  4444. Oscar Penas: Music of Departures and Returns (Musikoz) {1}: jpt
  4445. Penguin Cafe: The Red Book (self-released) {1}: jws:4 -- Mc:77
  4446. People Like Us: Don't Think Right, It's All Twice () {1}: GD:25
  4447. Percussions: ASCII Bot/Blatant Water Cannon (EP) {1}: DW:26
  4448. Percussions: KHLHI/Sext (EP) {1}: DW:33
  4449. Ivo Perelman/Karl Berger: Reverie (Leo) {1}: TH:99 -- TH:A-
  4450. Ivo Perelman/Mat Maneri: Two Men Walking (Leo) {1}: se -- TH:***
  4451. Peripheral Vision: Sheer Tyranny of the Will (self-released) {1}: se -- TH:**
  4452. Marc Perrenoud Trio: Vestry Lamento (Double Moon) {1}: JG:146
  4453. Guillaume Perret: Open Me () {1}: lib
  4454. Laurent Perrier: Plateforme () {1}: gmd
  4455. Houston Person: The Melody Lingers On (High Note) {1}: JC:146
  4456. Nina Persson: Animal Heart (Lojinx) {1}: am -- A:667-59-8, Mc:68, V:811-10-1
  4457. The Ralph Peterson Fo'tet Augmented: Alive at Firehouse 12: Vol 2: Fo' n Mo' (Onyx) {1}: DB -- TH:***
  4458. Lucky Peterson: The Son of a Bluesman (Jazz Village) {1}: am
  4459. Petunia and the Vipers: Inside of You () {1}: svc
  4460. The Phantom: The Phantom (Silverback) {1}: Ph:33
  4461. Pharmakustik + Tanner Garza: Pleuraraum (Jehu & Chinaman) {1}: Mg -- V:1529-5-1
  4462. Pheromoans: Hearts of Gold (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: FK:36
  4463. Judy Philbin and Adam Levine: Keeping It Simple (self-released) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  4464. PJ Philipson: Peaks (Little Cracked Rabbit) {1}: Tx:33
  4465. Phone Joan: Turning Pages () {1}: Dg
  4466. Phronesis: Life to Everything (Edition) {1}: JC:139 -- V:756-12-1
  4467. Phurpa: The Magic Rituals of the BON Tradition () {1}: avn
  4468. Piano Chat: Lands () {1}: Mow:30
  4469. Picastro: You (Static Clang) {1}: dim -- A:575-65-5, Mc:76, V:656-15-1, TH:*
  4470. Lenny Pickett With the UMO Jazz Orchestra: The Prescription (Random Act) {1}: DB -- TH:***
  4471. Rod Picott: Hang Your Hopes on a Crooked Nail (Welding Rod) {1}: ND -- TH:***
  4472. Pierce Avenue: Pierce Avenue EP () {1}: co
  4473. The Pierces: Creation () {1}: PD_p:6 -- Mc:69
  4474. Dorian Pimpernel: Allombon () {1}: Ir:82
  4475. Pinch and Mumdance: Pinch B2B Mumdance (Tectonic) {1}: kjb:5 -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  4476. The Pineapple Thief: Magnolia (K-Scope) {1}: PM
  4477. The Pine Hill Haints: The Magik Sounds of the Pine Hill Haints (K) {1}: am
  4478. Diego Pinera: Strange Ways (Challenge) {1}: jbm
  4479. Richard Pinhas/Oren Ambarchi: Tikkun (Cuneiform) {1}: MM:27
  4480. Richard Pinhas/Tatsuya Yoshida: Welcome in the Void () {1}: avn
  4481. Pink Skull: Huitlacoche (My Favorite Robot) {1}: PM -- V:811-10-1
  4482. Leslie Pintchik: In the Nature of Things (Pintch Hard) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  4483. The Pirouettes: L'Importance Des Autres () {1}: wa
  4484. Pixel: We Are All Small Pixels (Cuneiform) {1}: MM:44
  4485. Pixies: EP2 (Pixies, EP) {1}: DW:23
  4486. Pjusk and Sleep Orchestra: Drowning in the Sky () {1}: sw
  4487. Plan B: Love and Sex (Sony Music) {1}: am
  4488. Plastic Flowers: Evergreen () {1}: pfk:18
  4489. Poemss: Poemss (Planet Mu) {1}: FF:31 -- A:541-66-5, Mc:71
  4490. Kerry Politzer: Below the Surface (PJCE) {1}: jws
  4491. Polkaworks: Borrowed Shoes (G&T Music) {1}: FR
  4492. Pompeii: Loom () {1}: SOT
  4493. Pontiak: Innocence (Thrill Jockey) {1}: fb -- A:487-68-10, Mc:73, V:811-10-1
  4494. Mike Pope: Cold Truth Warm Heart (19/8) {1}: jjk
  4495. The Popguns: Pop Fiction (Matinee) {1}: sb_p
  4496. Population: Beyond the Pale (Mass Media) {1}: fb
  4497. Populous: Night Safari (Bad Panda/Folk Wisdom) {1}: am
  4498. Jon Porras: Light Divide (Thrill Jockey) {1}: SF:57 -- A:268-74-5, Mc:74
  4499. M Lockwood Porter: 27 () {1}: CD:12
  4500. Travis Porter: Money Music Magnums 2 () {1}: CW:91
  4501. Portland Cello Project: Homage (Jealous Butcher) {1}: jws
  4502. Porya Hatami: Shallow (Tench) {1}: SF:44
  4503. Positive Centre: In Silent Series () {1}: sw
  4504. Possessor: Electric Hell () {1}: cbz:1
  4505. Potpourri of Pearls: We Went to Heaven () {1}: ssh:15
  4506. Potsa Lotsa Plus: Plays Love Suite by Eric Dolphy (JazzWerkstatt) {1}: jkg
  4507. Steve Pouchie and Wilson Chembo Corniel: North By Northeast (Latin Jazz Alive) {1}: jws
  4508. Archie Powell: Back in Black () {1}: TA:13
  4509. Dirk Powell: Walking Through Clay (Sugar Hill) {1}: wmc
  4510. Powerdove: Arrest () {1}: ch:7
  4511. Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra/Prague Philharmonic Choir: Leos Janacek: Glagolitic Mass () {1}: npr
  4512. Noah Preminger: Background Music (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: TH:128 -- TH:A-
  4513. Preservation Hall Jazz Band: That's It (Sony Legacy) {1}: T -- TH:**
  4514. Maxi Priest: Easy to Love (VP) {1}: am
  4515. Louis Prima Jr and the Witnesses: Blow (Warrior) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  4516. Prince Rupert's Drops: Climbing Light (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {1}: ddm
  4517. Princess Nokia: Metallic Butterfly (self-released) {1}: hz
  4518. Bill Pritchard: A Trip to the Coast (Tapete) {1}: am -- Mc:75
  4519. Prizehog: Re-Unvent the Whool (Eolian Empire) {1}: Qi
  4520. Propaganda: Crimson Cord (Syntax) {1}: am
  4521. Prosumer: LWE 200 (Little White Earbuds) {1}: vmm:4 -- V:1529-5-1
  4522. Protect-U: Free USA () {1}: Rh
  4523. Protistas: Nefertiti () {1}: Sup:29
  4524. Psycho Sisters: Up on the Chair, Beatrice (Rock Beat) {1}: Bl:42 -- V:811-10-1
  4525. Public Speaking: Within Patterns (self-released) {1}: ACL
  4526. Pulled Apart by Horses: Blood (Best of the Best) {1}: DS:30 -- A:411-70-5, Mc:75
  4527. Punch: They Don't Have to Believe (self-released) {1}: FWb:11
  4528. Simon Purcell: Red Circle (Whirlwind) {1}: jpb
  4529. Joe Purdy: Eagle Rock Fire () {1}: LCC
  4530. Purple: (409) () {1}: K:48
  4531. PVRIS: White Noise (Rise/Velocity) {1}: K:33 -- Mc:88, V:1529-5-1
  4532. Pye Corner Audio/Not Waving: Intercepts (Ecstatic) {1}: Ujm:102
  4533. Queen Esther: The Other Side (self-released) {1}: jgh
  4534. Queen of Hearts: Cocoon (Night Moves) {1}: ER:13
  4535. Philipp Quehenberger: Content () {1}: en
  4536. Daniel Patrick Quinn: Acting the Rubber Pig (self-released) {1}: Qi:25
  4537. Martin Rach: Shores of Bare Lands () {1}: avn
  4538. Abbey Rader: The Message () {1}: avn
  4539. Radical Son: Cause 'N Affect () {1}: DJ:48
  4540. Rag Lore: Misr Environs: Cairo Road Recordings and Other Half Truths (Cabin Floor Esoterica) {1}: Ujm:125
  4541. Ashley Raines and the New West Revue: After the Bruising () {1}: eg_b:1
  4542. Rain: Rain Effect () {1}: BB
  4543. Raiz/Mesolella: Dago Red () {1}: SM:36
  4544. Ramesh: The King () {1}: SOT
  4545. Ram y Los Mixes: Presentando . . . () {1}: Sup:35
  4546. Ramzi: Bebites (Summer Cool) {1}: ssh:10 -- V:811-10-1
  4547. Lee Ranaldo and the Dust: Acoustic Dust (Matador) {1}: RC:24 -- A:673-59-5, Mc:71, TH:B
  4548. Randolph's Leap: Clumsy Knot () {1}: Sk:49
  4549. Stacy Randol: Fables () {1}: eg_b:9
  4550. The Random Kids: Dire, Dire Docks (self-released) {1}: fb
  4551. Ransom and the Subset: No Time to Lose (Tune Stack) {1}: PD_r:11 -- V:1529-5-1
  4552. PJ Rasmussen: Another Adventure (Third Freedom Music) {1}: jws -- TH:B
  4553. Andrew Rathbun Quartet: Numbers and Letters (SteepleChase) {1}: jpt -- TH:**
  4554. Raw Shaw: Feeling Soulful (Malindy) {1}: CE:38
  4555. Eddi Reader: Vagabond (Reveal) {1}: T -- Mc:72
  4556. Real Friends: Maybe This Place Is the Same and We're Just Changing (Fearless) {1}: RkS:10 -- V:656-15-1
  4557. Rebelution: Count Me In (Easy Star) {1}: am
  4558. Rebirth Brass Band: Move Your Body (Basin Street) {1}: jws
  4559. Josh Record: Pillars () {1}: xfm:25
  4560. Recycle Culture: Drown Me Up () {1}: GvB:21
  4561. Recycle Culture: In Transit II () {1}: SS:18
  4562. Red Molly: The Red Album (self-relased) {1}: T
  4563. Eric Reed: The Adventurous Monk (Savant) {1}: jbm
  4564. The Reigning Monarchs: Black Sweater Massacre () {1}: nymd
  4565. Ernst Reijseger: Crystal Palace () {1}: fj
  4566. Brian Reitzell: Hannibal () {1}: bd
  4567. Relations: Songbirds (100m) {1}: hpi:9
  4568. The Rempis/Daisy Duo: Second Spring (Aerophonic) {1}: fj -- TH:***
  4569. Dave Rempis/Darren Johnston/Larry Ochs: Spectral (Aerophonic) {1}: jlh:7 -- TH:***
  4570. Remy Ma: I'm Around (self-released) {1}: S_h:30
  4571. Markus Reuter: Todmorden 513 () {1}: FF:29
  4572. Reutoff and Sal Solaris: Eigengrau () {1}: avn
  4573. Amanda Rheaume: Keep a Fire (self-released) {1}: T
  4574. Alejandra Ribera: La Boca () {1}: LP:21
  4575. Chase Rice: Ignite the Night (Dack Janiels/Columbia Nashville) {1}: Rk -- BB:163
  4576. Howard Riley: To Be Continued (Slam) {1}: W:45
  4577. Rings of Saturn: Lugal Ki En () {1}: GW:42
  4578. Riot V: Unleash The Fire () {1}: ma:1
  4579. Risaikuru: Longstone () {1}: LW:197
  4580. Ritmos Unidos: Ritmos Unidos (Patois) {1}: jkf -- TH:**
  4581. Rival Boys: Animal Instincts () {1}: Sn:43
  4582. River of Snakes: Black Noise (Bad Fidelity) {1}: Bl:72
  4583. Steve Roach: The Delicate Forever () {1}: pm
  4584. Eric Roberson: The Box (Dome) {1}: am
  4585. Sam Roberts Band: Lo-Fantasy (Paper Bag) {1}: cbc:15 -- Mc:71, V:1419-8-1
  4586. Matana Roberts: Coin Coin Chapter 3: River Run Thee (Constellation) {1}: jdk
  4587. Jessi Robertson: I Came From the War () {1}: nymd
  4588. Rich Robinson: The Ceaseless Sight (The End) {1}: am
  4589. Smokey Robinson: Smokey and Friends (Verve) {1}: bn -- Mc:55
  4590. Zilla Rocca and the Shadowboxer: No Vacation for Murder () {1}: PW:48*
  4591. Ricardo Rocha: Resplandecente () {1}: Pu:20
  4592. Nathan Roche: Magnetic Memories (Glenlivet-A-Gogh) {1}: ddm
  4593. Rodeo: All Things Must End () {1}: wa
  4594. Jason Roebke: Combination (self-released) {1}: avn -- TH:*
  4595. Edward Rogers: Kaye (Zip) {1}: Bl:87
  4596. Garnet Rogers: Summer's End (Snow Goose Songs) {1}: fr:7
  4597. David Roitstein and Larry Koonse: Conversations (Jazz Compass) {1}: jws
  4598. Rome: A Passage to Rhodesia () {1}: Hi:44
  4599. Rome Fortune: Beautiful Pimp II () {1}: Fa:36 -- V:1529-5-1
  4600. Rent Romus Lords of the Outland: The Proceedings of Dr Ke (Edgetone) {1}: avn
  4601. Linda Ronstadt: Duets (Rhino) {1}: bn
  4602. Rosebuds: Sand + Silence (Western Vinyl) {1}: UR:47 -- A:578-65-6, Mc:71, V:811-10-1
  4603. Annie Ross: To Lady With Love (Red Anchor Productions) {1}: jws
  4604. Vasco Rossi: Sono Innocente () {1}: pan:9
  4605. Kate Ross: People Make the World Go Round (KimCourt Productions) {1}: jws
  4606. Roy and Yvonne: Moving On () {1}: wmc
  4607. The Roys: The View () {1}: cp
  4608. Run River North: Run River North () {1}: eg_s:4
  4609. Kate Rusby: Ghost (Pure) {1}: T -- V:811-10-1
  4610. Greg Russell and Ciaran Algar: The Call (Felside) {1}: T
  4611. Leon Russell: Life Journey (Universal) {1}: am -- Mc:76, TH:B-
  4612. Ruts DC: Live on Stage () {1}: LW:37
  4613. RVIVR: Bicker and Breathe (Rumbletowne) {1}: hsr
  4614. Rvnes: Rest Relief (Jehu & Chinaman) {1}: agb:7
  4615. Saaad: Deep Float (Hands in the Dark) {1}: agb:5
  4616. Sable Sheep: Vagabond From Hell () {1}: Mix:40
  4617. Nicole Sabouno: Must Exist (Roxy) {1}: fb
  4618. The Safes: Record Heat (Wee Rock) {1}: FN:50
  4619. M Sage: A Singular Continent (Patient Sounds) {1}: adh
  4620. Sagrado Corazon de Jesús: Opera Omnia () {1}: Jn:32
  4621. Saint Saviour: In the Seams (Surface Area) {1}: PM:69 -- A:79-79-5, Mc:75
  4622. Akira Sakata/Giovanni Di Domenico: Iruman (Mbari Musica) {1}: pm -- TH:*
  4623. Sakata/Lonberg-Holm/Gutvik/Nilssen-Love: The Cliff of Time (PNL) {1}: jkw:4
  4624. Samo Salamon and the Slovene Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra: Free Strings: Orchestrology (self-released) {1}: jjb
  4625. Salem's Pot: Lurar Ut Dig Pa Prarien (Riding Easy) {1}: fb
  4626. Sammal: No 2 (Svart) {1}: fb
  4627. Joe Sample and NDR Bigband: Children of the Sun (Pra) {1}: jws
  4628. Moises P Sanchez: Soliloquio (self-released) {1}: jma
  4629. Angelica Sanchez/Wadada Leo Smith: Twine Forest (Clean Feed) {1}: jpt:7 -- TH:***
  4630. Christopher Sander: Jorden Var Rund () {1}: GfS:19
  4631. Bruno Sanfilippo: Claroscuro (Ad21) {1}: Tx:24
  4632. JC Sanford Orchestra: Views From the Inside (Whirlwind) {1}: avn -- TH:B
  4633. Sango: Da Rocinha 2 (Soulection) {1}: Em:33
  4634. Sani: Genesis () {1}: m_n:34
  4635. Gil Sanson and Bruno Duplant: Blank (Mystery Sea) {1}: SF:99
  4636. Sans: Sans Live (Cloud Valley Music) {1}: FR
  4637. Edwin Sanz: San Augustin (Alex Wilson) {1}: wmc:10
  4638. Paolo Saporiti: Paolo Saporiti () {1}: SM:45
  4639. Sarh: Sarh () {1}: VP:42
  4640. Julia Sarr: Daraludul Yow (self-released) {1}: ??
  4641. Sasac: Hyperion (Omega Supreme) {1}: Ph:94
  4642. Sautrus: Reed: Chapter One (Pink Tank) {1}: fb
  4643. Dag Savage: E&J () {1}: dbz
  4644. Savage Messiah: The Fateful Dark (Earache) {1}: am
  4645. Robin Saville: Public Flowers () {1}: GD:24
  4646. Boris Savoldelli/Garrison Fewell: Electric Bat Conspiracy (Creative Nation Music) {1}: jat -- TH:*
  4647. Pascal Savy: Adrift (Eilean) {1}: ACL:20
  4648. Thomas Savy: Bleu Archipel 2 (Plus Loin) {1}: BW:15
  4649. Sawlin: Niedertracht (Deisin, EP) {1}: YW:40
  4650. Sax Ruins: Blimmguass () {1}: avn
  4651. Luke Saxton: Sunny Sadness () {1}: LW:125
  4652. Say Anything: Hebrews (Equal Vision) {1}: hsr
  4653. Andreas Schaerer/Lucas Niggli: Arcanum (Intakt) {1}: jkg
  4654. Schematics for Gravity: Absence of Weight () {1}: BGM:64
  4655. Matt Schofield: Far as I Can See (Mascot) {1}: BRR:12
  4656. Schonwald: Dream for the Fall (Anywave) {1}: fb
  4657. John Schooley: The Man Who Rode the Mule Around the World (Voodoo Rhythm) {1}: po
  4658. Andrea Schroeder: Where the Wild Oceans End () {1}: On:48*
  4659. Eric Schugren/Vin Scialla/Brian Charette/Mike DiRubbo: Wake Up! (Liftoff) {1}: jdm
  4660. Sandro Sciarratta: Pietra () {1}: pm
  4661. Louis Sclavis Quartet: Silk and Salt Melodies (ECM) {1}: PM -- V:811-10-1, TH:***
  4662. Scoop and J Keuz: L'Acide Dans Les Idees () {1}: wa
  4663. Cindy Scott: Historia (STEM) {1}: jcb
  4664. Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: American Adventure (Spartacus) {1}: jws
  4665. Scraps: Electric Ocean (Fire) {1}: mj -- V:811-10-1
  4666. Seahawks: Paradise Freaks (Ocean Moon) {1}: Pi:32
  4667. The Sea Kings: Woke in the Devil's Arms (Iffy Folk) {1}: fb:11 -- V:1380-9-1
  4668. Season of Arrows: Season of Arrows (The Path Less Travelled) {1}: fb
  4669. Secret Songs: Shh#ffb6c1 (self-released) {1}: CMJ:20
  4670. Billy Sedlmayr: Charmed Life (Fell City) {1}: Bl:94 -- V:811-10-1
  4671. Bob Seger: Ride Out (Capitol) {1}: bn -- BB:174, Mc:69
  4672. Segue: The Here and Now () {1}: sw
  4673. Ju Sei and Utah Kawasaki: U Is for Utah (Ftarri/Meenna) {1}: jkg
  4674. Janis Seigel: Night Songs (Palmetto) {1}: jro
  4675. Phil Selway: Weatherhouse (Bella Union) {1}: UR:116 -- A:525-67-10, Mc:65
  4676. September Girls: Cursing the Sea (Fortuna Pop) {1}: RT:78 -- A:332-72-11, Mc:72
  4677. Septicflesh: Titan () {1}: MD:36
  4678. Seraphine Collective: BFF FEST Mixtape #1 () {1}: dmm:8
  4679. Serpentine Path: Emanations () {1}: RAR:24
  4680. Joan Manuel Serrat: Antología Desordenada () {1}: Rh
  4681. Dirk Serries: The Origin Reversal () {1}: avn
  4682. Set It Off: Duality () {1}: RkS:5 -- Mc:81
  4683. Setting Sun: Be Here When You Get Here (Young Lover) {1}: djk
  4684. Brian Setzer: Rockabilly Riot! All Original () {1}: GW:39 -- Mc:72
  4685. Shadow Host: Apocalyptic Symphony (Metalism) {1}: CE:78
  4686. Kavita Shah: Visions (Inner Circle Music) {1}: ocj
  4687. Shaka Ponk: The White Pixel Ape (Smoking Isolate to Keep in Shape) () {1}: Sec:32
  4688. Sam Shalabi: Music for Arabs (Majmua) {1}: am -- RC:*
  4689. Shallow: Feel Goods () {1}: DA:40
  4690. Shalosh: The Bell Garden (self-released) {1}: jpb
  4691. Khia Shamone: LoveLocs (Thug Misses) {1}: Qi
  4692. Kendra Shank and John Stowell: New York Conversations (TCB) {1}: jgs -- TH:**
  4693. Shaolin Afronauts: Follow the Path () {1}: wmc
  4694. Sharpless: The One I Wanted to Be () {1}: WSF:50
  4695. Sheepy: Sleepy (Blang) {1}: LW:48
  4696. Sheik Anorak: Keep Your Hands Low () {1}: sw
  4697. She Keeps Bees: Eight Houses () {1}: Re:35 -- Mc:74
  4698. Kyle Shepherd Trio: Dream State (Sheer Sound) {1}: ocj:6
  4699. Laetitia Sheriff: Pandemonium Solace and Stars (Yotanka/Differ-Ant) {1}: RSF
  4700. Shinedoe: Illogical Directions (Intacto) {1}: dbd -- V:1529-5-1
  4701. Shit Robot: We Got a Love (DFA) {1}: Pi:98 -- A:515-67-7, Mc:67, TH:***
  4702. Shivers: Shivers (Miasmah) {1}: Ic:32
  4703. Paula Shocron: Surya (Kuai Music) {1}: jjb
  4704. Halley Shoenberg: Private Concert (Timescape Music) {1}: jws
  4705. Abram Shook: Sun Marquee () {1}: SOT:15
  4706. Howard Shore: Maps to the Stars (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) () {1}: FF:28
  4707. Shotgun Jazz Band: Don't Give Up the Ship () {1}: jdk
  4708. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell: Check 'Em Before You Wreck 'Em (Rise Above) {1}: SF:80
  4709. Shrine: Nihil () {1}: avn
  4710. Siach HaSadeh: Song of the Grasses () {1}: nymd
  4711. Sierra Leone's Refugee All-Stars: Libation (Cumbancha) {1}: afp
  4712. Siinai: Supermarket () {1}: Eb:95
  4713. Silent Front: Trust () {1}: Mow:32
  4714. Silk Rhodes: Silk Rhodes (Stones Throw) {1}: fp
  4715. Judy Silvano with Michael Abene: My Dance (JSL) {1}: jws -- TH:B-
  4716. Fabi Gazze Silvestri: Il Padrone Della Festa () {1}: pan:15
  4717. Simakdialog: Live at Orion (Moonjune) {1}: jws
  4718. Sonny Simmons/Delphine Latil/Thomas Bellier: Beyond the Planets (Improvising Beings, 2CD) {1}: TH:83 -- TH:A-
  4719. Sylvie Simmons: Sylvie (Light in the Attic) {1}: aqd -- Mc:82, TH:*
  4720. Lisa Simone: All Is Well () {1}: lib
  4721. Simple Minds: Big Music (Caroline) {1}: dr:10 -- Mc:75
  4722. Simple: Undeletable (Off) {1}: am
  4723. Single: Rea () {1}: Jn:27
  4724. Mark Sinnis: It's Been a Long Cold Hard Lonely Winter () {1}: nymd
  4725. Tiecoro Sissoko: Keme Borama (Kanga System Krush) {1}: MM
  4726. Sister: Disguised Vultures (Metal Blade) {1}: am
  4727. Sister Hazel: 20 Stages (Rock Ridge) {1}: Rk
  4728. Luke Sital-Singh: The Fire Inside () {1}: VP:43
  4729. Troye Sivan: TRXYE () {1}: pcb:2
  4730. Sivyj Yar: From the Dead Villages' Darkness (Avantgarde) {1}: ilm:19
  4731. Sixx: AM: Modern Vintage (Eleven Seven) {1}: am
  4732. Skein: Skein () {1}: fj
  4733. Skemata: Skemata Demo (Sorry State) {1}: iw:19
  4734. Skindred: Kill the Power () {1}: MH:27
  4735. Skipp Coon: Miles Garvey (Tidbit Music) {1}: Ux -- V:601-15-2
  4736. Skip the Use: Little Armageddon () {1}: Sec:54
  4737. Skrew: Universal Immolation () {1}: NN:38
  4738. Skullflower: Dragons (Cold Spring) {1}: agb:11
  4739. The Skull Practitioners: ST1 () {1}: nymd
  4740. The Skygreen Leopards: Family Crimes (Woodsist) {1}: FK:38, -- A:456-69-6, Mc:72
  4741. Skyharbor: Guiding Lights () {1}: Noj:44
  4742. Slakah the Beatchild: Soul Movement Vol 2 () {1}: Ex
  4743. Slam: Reverse Proceed () {1}: Mix:37
  4744. Slaves: Through Art We Are All Equals () {1}: RkS:4
  4745. Sleeep Party People: Floating () {1}: GTV:50
  4746. Sleep Party People: Floating () {1}: BGM:23
  4747. Sleepy Sun: Maui Tears (Dine Alone) {1}: sw -- A:527-67-7, Mc:67
  4748. Slow Motion Rider: Slow Motion Rider (Committee to Keep Music Evil) {1}: fb
  4749. Slow Season: Mountains (RidingEasy) {1}: fb
  4750. Sly and Robbie: Underwater Dub (Groove Attack) {1}: am -- TH:***
  4751. Adam Smale: Out of the Blue (self-released) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  4752. Small Reactions: Similar Phantoms (self-released) {1}: FK:37
  4753. Small Wonder: Wendy () {1}: WSF
  4754. Tommy Smith and Brian Kellock: Whisperng of the Stars (Spartacus) {1}: T
  4755. Wadada Leo Smith/Bill Laswell: The Stone (Akashic Meditation) (MOD Technologies) {1}: avn -- TH:*
  4756. Daniel Smith: Smokin' Hot Bassoon Blues (Summit) {1}: jws:8 -- TH:*
  4757. Delano Smith: Twilight (Sushitech) {1}: Ph:50
  4758. Gary 'Bud' Smith: Country Piano Hymns () {1}: TG:79
  4759. Wadada Leo Smith/Hardedge: The Nile () {1}: avn
  4760. Paul Smith/Peter Brewis: Frozen by Sight (Memphis Industries) {1}: Re:84 -- Mc:72
  4761. Suzanna Smith: Between Heaven and Love (Ink Pen) {1}: jkf:10
  4762. Viento Smith: Viento Smith () {1}: Pl:23
  4763. Wadada Leo Smith: Wisdom in Time (Intakt) {1}: jpt
  4764. Smoke DZA: Dream.Zone.Archive (RFC Music Group) {1}: Qi -- Mc:63
  4765. Steve Smyth: Exits () {1}: DJ:37
  4766. SND: Tplay, 1.5 (SND) {1}: en
  4767. Torben Snekkestad/Barry Guy: Slip, Slide and Collide (Maya) {1}: jkw:10
  4768. Snootie Wild: Go Mode EP () {1}: RS_r:35
  4769. So Hideous: Last Poem/First Light () {1}: Noj:50
  4770. SOJA: Amid the Noise and Haste (ATO) {1}: am
  4771. Emilio Solla y la Inestable de Brooklyn: Second Half (self-released) {1}: jdb -- TH:**
  4772. Silja Sol: Pa Hjertet () {1}: Dg
  4773. Marco Antonio Solís: Gracias Por Estar Aquí () {1}: BB
  4774. Trevor Something: Trevor Something Does Not Exist (self-released) {1}: fb
  4775. The Sometime Boys: Riverbed () {1}: nymd
  4776. Gunter "Baby" Sommer/Michel Godard/Patrick Bebelaar: Three Seasons (HGBS) {1}: jld:10
  4777. A Sondheim Jazz Project: City of Strangers (Bobby Hsu Music) {1}: fd
  4778. Sonic Avenues: Mistakes (Dirtnap) {1}: PM -- V:1380-9-1
  4779. Son Lux: Alternate Worlds (Joyful Noise, EP) {1}: adc:18
  4780. Son of Skooshny: Mid Century Modern () {1}: nymd
  4781. Sons of Bill: Love and Logic (Gray Fox) {1}: bs -- V:736-13-1
  4782. Sons of Crom: Riddle of Steel () {1}: mmm:40
  4783. Sons of Huns: Banishment Ritual (Riding Easy) {1}: fb
  4784. Omar Sosa: Real Live: The New AfroCuban Quartet Live in Japan (Ota) {1}: jkf
  4785. Sound of Yell: Brocken Spectre (Chemikal Underground) {1}: Mon:44
  4786. Space God Ritual: From Void to Ocean () {1}: cbz:32
  4787. Spacemonkey: The Karman Line (Hubro) {1}: jjk
  4788. Spanish Gold: South of Nowhere (BMG/Del Mar) {1}: ac:9 -- V:1529-5-1
  4789. Jesse Sparkawk and Eric Carbonara: Tributes and Diatribes (VHF) {1}: Ujm:41
  4790. Speaking Cursive: Speaking Cursive (self-released) {1}: fw
  4791. Dave Specter: Message in Blue (Delmark) {1}: am
  4792. Chris Speed: Really OK (Skirl) {1}: am
  4793. Claude Speed: My Skeleton (Lucky Me) {1}: XLR:26
  4794. Chris Speed + Zeno DeRossi: Ruins (Skirl) {1}: jat
  4795. Spiderbait: Spiderbait () {1}: TS
  4796. Gabriel Spinozza/Hendrik Meurkens: Samba Little Samba (Zoho Music) {1}: jro
  4797. The Split Squad: Now Hear This . . . (self-released) {1}: Bl:88 -- V:811-10-1
  4798. Spooky Black: Black Silk (self-released) {1}: Crk:99 -- V:811-10-1
  4799. Spottiswoode: English Dream () {1}: nymd
  4800. Spray Paint: Clean Blood, Regular Acid (Monofonus Press) {1}: dd:24
  4801. Spring Offensive: Young Animal Hearts (self-released) {1}: Tr:32
  4802. Squanto: Basement Tropic (Lily Tapes and Discs) {1}: ACL
  4803. Rae Sremmurd: No Type () {1}: W
  4804. S S S S: Administration of Fear () {1}: sw
  4805. Peter Stampfel and the Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan Banjo Squadron: Better Than Expected (Don Giovanni) {1}: JG:148 -- V:715-14-2, TH:**
  4806. Lyn Stanley: Potions (AT Music) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  4807. Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction (Omnivore) {1}: am
  4808. Arch Stanton Quartet: Blues for Soli (WEPA) {1}: jjh
  4809. Chris Staples: American Soft () {1}: nprh:3
  4810. Anthony Starble: We Need to Be Loved () {1}: pcb:5
  4811. Starfoxxx: Baby I'm Off Drugs and I'm Ready to Marry You (Donkey Pitch) {1}: hz -- V:471-20-2
  4812. Starlito: Black Sheep Don't Grin () {1}: dbz
  4813. Fredro Starr and Audible Doctor: Made in the Streets () {1}: HHR
  4814. Eric Starr Group: Such Is Life (Bronx Bound) {1}: jpt
  4815. Ryan Star: Angels + Animals (self-released) {1}: Ndy12
  4816. Starship Z: Kosmostan () {1}: LF:33
  4817. Steelism: 615 to Fame (Single Lock) {1}: vdc:9 -- V:601-15-2
  4818. The John Steel Singers: Everything's a Thread (Full Time Hobby) {1}: Ir:40
  4819. Vaghe Stelle: Sweet Sixteen (Astro: Dynamics) {1}: JP:30
  4820. Elias Stemeseder/Devin Gray/Anna Webber: Jagged Sphere () {1}: avn
  4821. Hakon Stene: Lush Laments for Lazy Mammal (Hubro) {1}: Ujm:73
  4822. The Stepbrothers: Lord Steppington () {1}: CW:35
  4823. Dayna Stephens: Peace (Sunnyside) {1}: ws
  4824. Doc Stewart: Code Blue! (self-released) {1}: jws
  4825. Zan Stewart: The Street Is Making Music (Mobo Dog) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  4826. Stick in the Wheel: Bones (self-released, EP) {1}: FR
  4827. Loren Stillman: Going Public (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: jpt
  4828. Robert Stillman: Leap of Death (Archaic Future) {1}: Ujm:71
  4829. Baba Stiltz: Total () {1}: GfS:16
  4830. Caleb Stine: Maybe God Is Lonely Too (self-released) {1}: BC
  4831. Lindsey Stirling: Shatter Me (Lindseystomp Music) {1}: cp -- BB:109
  4832. Andrew St James: The Shakes (self-released) {1}: ATH:42
  4833. Stl: At Disconnected Moments (Smallville) {1}: Ph:47
  4834. Ben Stolorow/Ian Carey: Duocracy (Kabosha) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  4835. St Paul de Vence: Farther Than Light () {1}: eg_j:3
  4836. Doug Strahan: Coal Black Dreams and Late Night Schemes () {1}: svc
  4837. Straight Arrows: Rising (Agitated) {1}: Pi:95
  4838. George Strait: The Cowboy Rides Away: Live at the AT&T Stadium (MCA Nashville) {1}: vcc:1 -- BB:121, V:811-10-1
  4839. Strange Talk: Cast Away (Wind-Up) {1}: Au:26
  4840. The Stray Birds: Best Medicine () {1}: frd
  4841. Barbra Streisand: Partners (Sony) {1}: bn -- BB:20, OC:14, Mc:55
  4842. The String Cheese Incident: Song in My Head (SCI Fidelity) {1}: Rel:17
  4843. Strom Noir: Urban Blues () {1}: sw
  4844. Marco Stroppa: Upon a Blade of Grass () {1}: avn
  4845. The Struts: Everybody Wants (Mercury/Universal) {1}: RSF
  4846. Styles P: Phantom and the Ghost (Empire) {1}: am
  4847. Melissa Stylianou: No Regrets (Anzic) {1}: ocj
  4848. Suarasama: Timeline (Space) {1}: Ujm:154
  4849. Sublamp: Lianas (Eilean) {1}: agb:8
  4850. Subsonica: Una Nave in Una Foresta () {1}: Rla:16
  4851. Sugarstems: Only Come Out at Night (Dirtnap) {1}: FK:24
  4852. Dan Sultan: Blackbird () {1}: FL:50
  4853. Sun Araw: Belomancie (Sun Ark/Drag City) {1}: TMT:39 -- Mc:78, V:736-13-1
  4854. Sundy Best: Bring Up the Sun (E1) {1}: RS_c:23*
  4855. Sundy Best: Salvation City (E1) {1}: RS_c:23*
  4856. Sunjay: Sunjay (New Mountain Music) {1}: T
  4857. Sunn O))): LA REH 012 () {1}: gmd
  4858. Avery Sunshine: The Sunroom (Shanachie) {1}: st -- V:811-10-1
  4859. Sun Worship: Elder Giants (View From the Coffin) {1}: WS
  4860. Superchunk: Indoor Living () {1}: dim
  4861. Super Junior: Mamacita () {1}: LF:38
  4862. Supermassive Black Holes: Calculations of the Ancients (Minotauro) {1}: CE:47
  4863. Supersilent: 12 () {1}: RAR:49
  4864. Supine Orchestra: Marek's Camp (Half Eaten) {1}: T
  4865. Susanna and Ensemble Neon: The Forester (Susanna Sonata) {1}: jjk
  4866. Suspirians: Suspirians () {1}: Wat:26
  4867. Alexis P Suter Band: Love the Way You Roll (American Showplace Music) {1}: app
  4868. Bryan Sutton: Into My Own (Sugar Hill) {1}: PM
  4869. Akio Suzuki/Aki Onda: Mu Ro Bi Ko (Senufo) {1}: W:48
  4870. Sveffer: Lies We Live () {1}: vv
  4871. Swamp Dogg: The White Man Made Me Do It (Alive) {1}: CE:32 -- TH:*
  4872. Swarm Intelligence: Faction () {1}: sw
  4873. Sweet GA Brown: Wordsmith () {1}: svc
  4874. Swimful Buterfly: Return to a Dream () {1}: m_n:3
  4875. Cole Swindell: Cold Swindell (Warner Music) {1}: Rk -- BB:63
  4876. Swiss Youth Jazz Orchestra: Future Steps: Live at Jazzaar Festival 2014 (Shanti) {1}: jws
  4877. Switchfoot: Fading West (Atlantic) {1}: Spc:21 -- Mc:71
  4878. Anne Sylvestre: Juste Une Femme (EPM) {1}: lm
  4879. Syrinx Effect: Snail Songs (self-released) {1}: fj
  4880. Daniel Szabo/Peter Erskine/Edwin Livingston: A Song From There (self-released) {1}: TG:34 -- TH:*
  4881. T0W3RS: TL;DR (Phuzz) {1}: iw:22
  4882. Taeyang: Rise () {1}: BB
  4883. Tahiti 80: Ballroom () {1}: Ir:39
  4884. Seo Taiji: Quiet Night (self-released) {1}: BB -- V:348-30-1
  4885. Take That: III (Polydor) {1}: cl -- Mc:42, OC:10
  4886. Taking Back Sunday: Happiness Is . . . (Hopeless) {1}: Ndy:17 -- Mc:71, V:1529-5-1
  4887. Talisman: I-Surrection in Dub (Sugar Shack) {1}: LW:89
  4888. Talker: Mini LP () {1}: sw
  4889. Tallesen: Stills Lit Through () {1}: Pl:69
  4890. Tame Impala: Live Versions (self-released) {1}: njf
  4891. Natsuki Tamura/Alexander Frangenheim: Nax (Creative Sources) {1}: avn -- TH:*
  4892. Daisuke Tanabe: Floating Underwater () {1}: dt
  4893. George Tandy J: The Foundation () {1}: Rh
  4894. Tarwater: Adrift (Bureau B) {1}: Ujm:139 -- Mc:70
  4895. Tashi Wada: Duets (Saltern) {1}: vmc:2 -- V:811-10-1
  4896. Taso: TekLife Til Tha Next Life Vol 1 (Teklife) {1}: adh
  4897. Taulard: Les Abords Du Lycee () {1}: NV:16
  4898. George Taylor: Rain or Shine (self-released) {1}: jcb
  4899. John Taylor: In Two Minds (CAM Jazz) {1}: jj:10
  4900. TCF: 486669f0e9b8990384108f3d54c6a8f036adeb8bc7108f3d54c6a8f036adeb (self-released) {1}: TMT:48
  4901. Team Spirit: Killing Time (Vice) {1}: ftw:10
  4902. Tecumseh: Violet (Anti-Matter) {1}: agb:19
  4903. Teenager: EPLP (Telephone Explosion) {1}: hpi:6
  4904. Telecult Powers: Black Meditations (Experimedia) {1}: adh
  4905. Mark Templeton + Kyle Armstrong: Extensions (Graphical) {1}: Tx:35
  4906. Benmont Tench: You Should Be So Lucky (Blue Note) {1}: am -- Mc:73, V:471-20-2
  4907. The Tender Fruit: The Darkness Comes (self-released) {1}: iw:1
  4908. Terronaut: Terronaut () {1}: LCE:16
  4909. "Sweet" Sue Terry and Friends: Live at the Deer Head Inn (Deer Head) {1}: jws
  4910. Texas Hippie Coalition: Ride On (Carved) {1}: se
  4911. Thaiboy Digital: Tiger (Gravity Boys) {1}: Qi
  4912. Thea and the Wild: Friends and Lovers (Jansen Plateproduksjon) {1}: vmk:10 -- V:1529-5-1
  4913. The Holy Ghost Electric Show: The Great American Holy Ghost Electric Show () {1}: CD:19
  4914. THEMpeople: Smokebreaks IV () {1}: m_n:25
  4915. Then Thickens: Death Cap at Anglezarke () {1}: GD:26
  4916. Theologian: Some Things Have to Be Endured (Crucial Blast) {1}: Amb
  4917. Robin Thicke: Paula (Star Trak/Interscope) {1}: Vb:42 -- Mc:49
  4918. Hannah Thiem: Brym () {1}: nymd
  4919. Thievery Corporation: Saudade (Eighteen Street/ESL) {1}: LAM:42
  4920. Third Coast Kings: West Grand Boulevard (Record Kicks) {1}: am
  4921. Third Coast Percussion and David T Little: Haunt of Last Nightfall (New Amsterdam) {1}: jws
  4922. The Third Round: The Third Round () {1}: LW:190
  4923. Thisquietarmy: Alter of Drone () {1}: avn
  4924. This Wild Life: Clouded (Epitaph) {1}: AP:9 -- Mc:80, V:811-10-1
  4925. Thollem/Robair: Music Minus One (For Dennis Palmer) () {1}: fj
  4926. Brianna Thomas: You Must Believe in Love (Sound on Purpose) {1}: jld
  4927. Jacob Thomas Jr: Original Sin (self-released) {1}: T
  4928. Nick Thomas: Shadowars () {1}: pcb:7
  4929. Vance Thompson's Five Plus Six: Such Sweet Thunder (Shade Street) {1}: jws -- TH:**
  4930. Ken Thomson/Jack Quartet: Thaw (Cantaloupe) {1}: Tx:23
  4931. Andres Thor: Nordic Quartet (Nordic Notes) {1}: rmc
  4932. Jakob Thorkild Trio: Art Sleaze () {1}: fj
  4933. Amanda Thorpe: Bewitching Me: The Lyrics of Yip Harburg () {1}: nymd
  4934. Those Poor Bastards: Vicious Losers () {1}: svc
  4935. Thought Broadcast: Votive Zero (Editions Mego) {1}: Bk:97
  4936. Three Dimensional Tanx: Three Dimensional Tanx (Sunstone) {1}: fb
  4937. Threepenny Bit: Pantomime Cannon (Little Folk) {1}: T
  4938. Three Seasons: Grow (Transubstans) {1}: fb
  4939. Throttle Elevator Music: Area J (Wide Hive) {1}: JG:113 -- TH:**
  4940. Camille Thurman: Origins (Hot Tone Music) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  4941. Thus Owls: Turning Rocks () {1}: ts:3
  4942. Yann Tiersen: [Infinity] (Mute) {1}: Re:50 -- A:491-68-11, Mc:74
  4943. Tigers Jaw: Charmer (Run for Cover) {1}: emm -- Mc:73
  4944. Glenn Tilbrook: Happy Ending (Imports) {1}: vss:10 -- Mc:72, V:811-10-1
  4945. Mina Tindle: Parades () {1}: Ir:66
  4946. Shirazette Tinnin: Humility: Purity of My Soul (Hot Tone Music) {1}: jws -- TH:B
  4947. Tipper: Forward Escape (self-released) {1}: PM
  4948. Jason Titley: Still Rollin' (Dreadnought) {1}: T
  4949. Christine Tobin: A Thousand Kisses Deep (Trail Belle) {1}: jbl
  4950. Toco: Memoria (Schema) {1}: wmc
  4951. Tohpati: Tribal Dance (Moonjune) {1}: se
  4952. Tokimonsta: Desiderium (Young Art) {1}: Em:47
  4953. Tokolosh: Stay Strong (Jack to Phono) {1}: vjb:9 -- V:811-10-1
  4954. Tokyo Prose: Presence () {1}: Mix:41
  4955. Jonah Tolchin: Clover Lane (Yep Roc) {1}: TH:132 -- TH:A-
  4956. Simon Toldam Trio: Kig Op 14 (ILK Music) {1}: jpb
  4957. Kazuki Tomowaka: Vengeance Bourbon () {1}: SM:21
  4958. Tom the Lion: Sleep (Verve) {1}: RT:24
  4959. Tonstartssbandht: Overseas (Company Etc/Arbutus) {1}: adh
  4960. The Tontons: Make Out King & Other Stories of Love () {1}: SOT -- V:811-10-1
  4961. Noel Torres: La Balanza (Gerencia 360/Sony Latin) {1}: PM
  4962. Totorro: Home Alone () {1}: Mow:35
  4963. Touch and Go Sextet: Live at the Novara Jazz Festival (Nine Winds) {1}: avn+ -- TH:***
  4964. Tour de Force: Battye Cry/Battle Cry Remixed (Dub Stuy) {1}: MM:45
  4965. The Toure-Raichel Collective: The Paris Session (Cumbancha) {1}: afp -- V:1529-5-1
  4966. Toy: Join the Dots (Heavenly) {1}: ts -- Mc:71
  4967. Traams: Cissa (Fat Cat) {1}: YW:52
  4968. Tramuc and Darius: Rebirth of Time () {1}: avn
  4969. Trance Farmers: Dixie Crystals () {1}: fp
  4970. Trans Am: Volume X (Thrill Jockey) {1}: RAR:35 -- A:573-65-6, Mc:69
  4971. Trash Kit: Confidence (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: Mon:37 -- A:360-72-6
  4972. Traumer: Takt (Herzblut) {1}: Sl:25
  4973. Traumprinz: All the Things (Giegling, EP) {1}: XLR:22
  4974. Randy Travis: Influence, Vol 2: The Man I Am (Warner Bros) {1}: mc_h:6 -- TH:**
  4975. Trdlx: Dystopia () {1}: sw
  4976. Tredici Bacci: The Thirteen Kisses EP () {1}: CW:66
  4977. Treehouse: Interzone (Vacant Valley) {1}: ddm -- V:1529-5-1
  4978. Treha Sektori: Severh Sehenh () {1}: avn
  4979. Tremenda Trementina: Sangre Pop () {1}: Jn:45
  4980. Trepaneringsritualen: Perfection and Permanence () {1}: avn
  4981. Tres: InTRESsant () {1}: rnf:9
  4982. Tribal Seeds: Representing (self-released) {1}: am
  4983. Trick Mammoth: Floristry () {1}: DA:26
  4984. Triggerfinger: By Absence of the Sun () {1}: La:42
  4985. Trio Johannes Groene: Chasse-Croise () {1}: rmc
  4986. Trioscapes: Digital Dream Sequence () {1}: NM:46
  4987. Tony Trischka: Great Big World (Rounder) {1}: am
  4988. Tony Trischka: Of a Winter's Night (self-released) {1}: jws
  4989. Troker: Crimen Sonoro () {1}: se
  4990. Baptiste Trotignon: Hit () {1}: tel
  4991. Marianne Trudel: La Vie Commence Ici (Justin Time) {1}: jje, jsc
  4992. True Neutral Crew: #POPPUNK (Deathbomb Arc) {1}: LW:175 -- V:1529-5-1
  4993. Erik Truffaz/Murcof: Being Human Being (Mundo) {1}: jmt
  4994. Mikolaj Trzaska, Devin Hoff and Michael Zerang: Sleepless in Chicago () {1}: fj
  4995. Tuatara: Underworld (Sunyata) {1}: Aq:21 -- Mc:81
  4996. Turn to Crime: Can't Love (Mugg & Bopp/Old Flame) {1}: CMJ:26 -- Mc:72
  4997. TV Girl: French Exit () {1}: mms -- V:811-10-1
  4998. Twelfth Day: The Devil Makes Three (Orange Feather) {1}: T
  4999. Twerps: Underlay () {1}: Wat:50
  5000. Twin Forks: Twin Forks (Dine Alone Music) {1}: Ndy:23 -- Mc:67, V:1465-7-1
  5001. Two Man Gentlemen Band: Enthusiastic Attempts at Hot Swing and String Band Favorites (Two Gentlemen) {1}: vjp:7 -- V:811-10-1
  5002. Typefighter: The End of Everything (Huge Witch) {1}: YW:42 -- RC:***
  5003. Ben UFO and Pearson Sound: Hessle Audio Show on Rinse FM: 13th November 2014 (Rinse) {1}: vmm:6 -- V:1529-5-1
  5004. Bogdo Ula: Cult of the Harmonic Oscillation () {1}: avn
  5005. The David Ullmann 8: Corduroy (Little Sky) {1}: jro -- TH:**
  5006. Shari Ulrich: Everywhere I Go (Borealis) {1}: fr:13
  5007. Ulterior Motive: The Fourth Wall () {1}: Mix:42
  5008. Underpass: Assimilation (Desire) {1}: BC
  5009. Unearth: Watchers of Rule () {1}: NM:86
  5010. Unholy Two: Talk About Hardcore (12XU) {1}: ddm -- V:811-10-1
  5011. Unicycle Loves You: The Dead Age (Highwheel/Mecca Lecca) {1}: YW:54 -- V:1529-5-1
  5012. United Bible Studies: Doineann (A Year in the Country) {1}: ACL
  5013. Universe People: Are Coming to the Dance (Dragnet) {1}: fb
  5014. Univers: L'Estat Natural (Famelic) {1}: FK:26
  5015. Adam Unsworth/Byron Olson/John Vanore: Balance (Acoustical Concepts) {1}: jro -- TH:*
  5016. Upon a Burning Body: The World Is My Enemy Now () {1}: MH:32
  5017. Erik Urano and Zar1: Cosmonautica () {1}: Pl:49
  5018. The Urban Pioneers: Addicted to the Road () {1}: svc
  5019. Urban Voodoo Machine: Love, Drink and Death () {1}: CR:43
  5020. USA Out of Vietnam: Crushing Diseases and Incurable Airplanes (Aurora Borealis) {1}: SF:39
  5021. Us Free [Bill McHenry/Henry Grimes/Andrew Cyrille]: Fish Stories (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: hs:9 -- TH:***
  5022. Usnea: Random Cosmic Violence () {1}: NM:84
  5023. Remmy Valenzuela: De Alumno a Maestro (Fonovisa) {1}: am
  5024. Valkyrien Allstars: Farvel Slekt Og Venner () {1}: Dg
  5025. Damian Valles: Exposure () {1}: gmd
  5026. Valley of the Sun: Electric Talons of the Thunderhawk (Bilocation) {1}: fb
  5027. Vampillia: Some Nightmares Take You Aurora Rainbow Darkness (Candlelight) {1}: Qi
  5028. The Vamps: Meet the Vamps (Mercury) {1}: pc:6 -- OC:23, TH:**
  5029. David Vandervelde: Shadow Sides (Park the Van) {1}: am
  5030. Vanhelgd: Relics of Sulphur Salvation () {1}: NM:60
  5031. Peter Van Hoesen: Call and Response (Time to Express) {1}: YW:64
  5032. Bruno Vansina Orchestra: Morning Forest aka Nose Up Bottom Down (Rat) {1}: am
  5033. Van Valami: Furcsa Es Megmagyarazhatatlan (Filmzene) () {1}: Ix:11
  5034. Tom Varner: Surprises (4 Culture) {1}: jbm
  5035. Mike Vass: In the Wake of Neil Gunn (Unroofed) {1}: T
  5036. Ben Vaughn: Texas Road Trip (Munster) {1}: am -- V:1380-9-1
  5037. VAX: Count to VAX (self-released) {1}: jrn:8
  5038. Vega: Vega (self-released) {1}: fb
  5039. The Veronicas: The Veronicas (Sony Music Australia) {1}: CE:26
  5040. The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra: Waiting in the Toaster () {1}: lib
  5041. David Vest: Roadhouse Revelation () {1}: TG:31
  5042. Vesuvio Solo: Flavors (Banko Gotit) {1}: GvB:31
  5043. VHS Head: Persistence of Vision (Skam) {1}: vcm:10 -- V:811-10-1
  5044. Via App: Dangerous Game () {1}: Fa:26
  5045. Via Rosa: Cinderella 99 () {1}: m_n:14
  5046. Via Rosa: Death Via Love () {1}: m_n:4
  5047. Vicentico: Ultimo Acto () {1}: Rh
  5048. Jacques Vidal: Cuernavaca (Soupir Editions) {1}: lm
  5049. Gilles Vigneault: Vivre Debout () {1}: LP:34
  5050. Tommy Vig: Tommy Vig 75! (self-released) {1}: jmb
  5051. Vilde and Inga: Makrofauna () {1}: pm
  5052. Villagers of Ioannina City: Riza (Mantra) {1}: fb
  5053. The Vintage Caravan: Voyage (Nuclear Blast) {1}: fb
  5054. Fredo Viola: Revolutionary Son () {1}: Ir:52
  5055. Violence: Erlebnis () {1}: ssh:24
  5056. Violent Change: A Celebration of Taste (Melters) {1}: ddm -- V:1529-5-1
  5057. Violet Road: Back to the Roadshow () {1}: Dg
  5058. Visionist: I'm Fine Part II () {1}: Pl:53
  5059. Vixx: Error (Jellyfish Entertainment) {1}: vfk:8 -- V:1529-5-1
  5060. Viza: Aria (Architects of Melody) {1}: CE:97
  5061. Cristian Vogel: Polyphonic Beings (Shitkatapult) {1}: DV:37
  5062. Void Vision: Sub Rosa () {1}: rnf:10
  5063. Wolfgang Voigt: Ruckverzauberung 9/Musik fur Kulturinstitutionen (Kompakt) {1}: Ujm:45 -- V:1529-5-1
  5064. Volage: Heart Healing () {1}: Eb:96
  5065. Volcan: Volcan (5Pasion) {1}: jkf -- TH:***
  5066. Leif Vollebekk: North Americana () {1}: Zf:51
  5067. Von Pea: To: You () {1}: WL:22
  5068. Vorde: Vorde () {1}: sb
  5069. VVAQRT: Detainee (Hot Releases) {1}: iw:2 -- V:811-10-1
  5070. Torgeir Waldemar: Torgeir Waldemar () {1}: Af:7
  5071. Anne Waldman: Jaguar Harmonics (Fast Speaking Music) {1}: TH:69 -- TH:A-
  5072. Brahja Waldman Quintet: Sir Real Live at Resonance (self-released) {1}: JG:132 -- TH:**
  5073. Terry Waldo: The Soul of Ragtime (Tompkins Square) {1}: Ujm:119
  5074. Omid Walizadeh: Modern Persian Speech Sounds (Bta'arof) {1}: ddm -- V:1529-5-1
  5075. Peter Walker: Second Poem to Karmela or Gypsies Are Important () {1}: aqd
  5076. Walkingshoe: Blastphemy () {1}: m_n:39
  5077. Jon Waltz: Alyss () {1}: Pot:33
  5078. Beau Wanzer: Untitled (self-released) {1}: JP:24
  5079. Ward Thomas: From Where We Stand (WTW Music) {1}: T
  5080. Warehouse: Tesseract () {1}: dt
  5081. Warm Soda: Young Reckless Hearts (Castle Face) {1}: ATH:37
  5082. Warm Widow: Childless (Filthy Home) {1}: No:29
  5083. Wassup: Showtime (Mafia) {1}: vfk:3 -- V:656-15-1
  5084. Water Liars: Water Liars () {1}: bs
  5085. Reggie Watkins: One for Miles, One for Maynard (Corona Music) {1}: jbp -- TH:**
  5086. Watsky: All You Can Do (Steel Wool Media/Welk Music Group) {1}: dmt:5 -- TH:**
  5087. Dale Watson: The Truckiin' Session Vol 3 () {1}: svc
  5088. Matt Watson: Grounded () {1}: LW:150
  5089. Ken Watters/Ingrid Felts: Watters/Felts Project (Summit) {1}: jws -- TH:***
  5090. Juan Wauters: NAP North American Poetry (Captured Tracks) {1}: hsr:5 -- Mc:65V:471-20-2
  5091. Wax Fang: The Astronaut () {1}: Eb:87
  5092. We Are Shining: Kara () {1}: RT:48
  5093. We Are The In Crowd: Weird Kids () {1}: K:22 -- Mc:67
  5094. The Weasels: Let There Be Weasels (Frogdeath) {1}: vss:1 -- V:811-10-1
  5095. Weaves: Weaves (Buzz) {1}: PM
  5096. The Weave: The Weave (Rufus Albino) {1}: jws
  5097. Web of Sunsets: Room of Monsters (End of Time) {1}: dtc:1 -- V:811-10-1
  5098. Colin Webster/Mark Holub: Viscera (self-released) {1}: fj
  5099. Carl Weingarten: Life Under Stars () {1}: se
  5100. Walt Weiskopf: Overdrive (Posi-Tone) {1}: jch -- TH:B
  5101. Scott Wendholt and Adam Kolker Quartet: Andthem (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: JC:123 -- TH:**
  5102. Kenny Werner/Lionel Loueke/Miguel Zenon/Benjamin Koppel/Ferenc Nemeth: Coalition (Half Note) {1}: ctj:5
  5103. Wesseltoft/Schwarz/Berglund: Trialogue (Jazzland) {1}: jat
  5104. Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties: We Don't Have Each Other () {1}: AbP:22*
  5105. West and the Santa Fe Revue: Blood Red Velvet (Frogville) {1}: T
  5106. Stian Westerhus and Pale Horses: Malstroem () {1}: pm
  5107. We Stood like Kings: Berlin 1927 () {1}: Sc:101
  5108. Wet: Wet () {1}: ftw
  5109. The Whammies: Play the Music of Steve Lacy Vol 3: Live (Driff) {1}: JC:145 -- TH:***
  5110. Whatever Brains: SSR-63/SSR-64 (Sorry State) {1}: iw:10
  5111. What Moon Things: What Moon Things (Hot Grits) {1}: cmg
  5112. Scott Wheeler: Crazy Weather () {1}: avn
  5113. Tim Wheeler: Lost Domain (RED Music Solutions) {1}: LW:191 -- Mc:79
  5114. Whiite Walls: Whiite Walls EP () {1}: SOT
  5115. Chris While and Julie Matthews: Who We Are (Fat Cat) {1}: T
  5116. Whirlwind D: Nomansland (Tru-Tone) {1}: YW:39
  5117. Whirr: Sway (Graveface) {1}: DS:83 -- Mc:74
  5118. The Whiskey Shivers: The Whiskey Shivers () {1}: svc
  5119. Whitechapel: Our Endless War (Metal Blade) {1}: MD:41 -- Mc:67
  5120. White Fang: Full Time Freaks (Metal Postcard) {1}: Crk:80
  5121. Whitehorse: Leave No Bridge Unburned (Six Shooter) {1}: Bl:52
  5122. David White Jazz Orchestra: The Chase (Mister Shepherd) {1}: jws -- TH:*
  5123. White Laces: Trance () {1}: Gr:35
  5124. Brad Whiteley: Pathless Land (Destiny) {1}: jws
  5125. White Manna: Come Down Safari (Captcha) {1}: fb
  5126. Philip White: Documents (Infrequent Seams) {1}: Mg
  5127. White Rainbow: Thru.U (self-released) {1}: SF:69
  5128. White Reaper: White Reaper (Polyvinyl, EP) {1}: SOT -- V:811-10-1
  5129. Ward White: Ward White Is the Matador () {1}: nymd
  5130. WV White: West Virginia White (Anyway) {1}: ddm -- V:811-10-1
  5131. Betty Who: Slow Dancing (self-released, EP) {1}: am
  5132. The Widest Smiling Faces: Sin Waves () {1}: en
  5133. Marcus Wiebusch: Konfetti () {1}: RSG:24
  5134. WIFE: What's Between () {1}: BGM:81 -- A:336-72-9, Mc:74
  5135. Wildcat! Wildcat!: No Moon at All () {1}: owl
  5136. Wild Cub: Youth (Mom + Pop) {1}: HE:28 -- Mc:62, V:811-10-1
  5137. Anand Wilder/Maxwell Kardon: Break Line (Secretly Canadian) {1}: Eb:79 -- A:704-50-6, Mc:56
  5138. Wild Rabbit: The Wild North () {1}: eg_b:3
  5139. William Cody Watson: Seafoam (self-released) {1}: agb:15
  5140. Mars Williams/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Tim Daisy: Moments Form (Idyllic Noise) {1}: jkw:8
  5141. Michelle Williams: Journey to Freedom () {1}: st
  5142. Robin Williamson: Trusting in the Rising Light (ECM) {1}: am
  5143. Whinnie Williams: Mix Tape (Vol 1 + 2) () {1}: dn
  5144. Lena Willikens: Ra 421 (Resident Advisor) {1}: vmm:3 -- V:811-10-1
  5145. Christopher Willits: Opening (Ghostly International) {1}: am
  5146. The Willows: Amidst Fiery Skies (Elk) {1}: T
  5147. Willow Willow: Listening to Music (self-released) {1}: ref
  5148. Art Wilson: Overworld (Growing Bin) {1}: Ph:28
  5149. Bryan Andrew Wilson: The One Percent () {1}: st
  5150. Winter Wilson: Cutting Free (self-released) {1}: T
  5151. The Wind and the Wave: From the Wreckage () {1}: eg_k:4
  5152. Jana Winderen: Out of Range () {1}: sw
  5153. Martin Wind: Turn Out the Stars (What If? Music) {1}: JC:63
  5154. Brice Winston: Child's Play (Criss Cross) {1}: ocj
  5155. Wireheads: The Late Great Wireheads (Format) {1}: Sc:91 -- V:811-10-1
  5156. Wisin: El Regreso del Sobreviviente (Sony Music) {1}: am
  5157. Jim Woehrle and Michael Yonkers: Borders of My Mind () {1}: aqd
  5158. Nils Wogram Root 70 With Strings: Riomar (NWOG) {1}: am -- TH:*
  5159. Piotr Wojtasik Quartet: Amazing Twelve () {1}: pj:5
  5160. Wold: Postsocial (Profound Lore/The Death of Rave) {1}: Bk:21
  5161. Wolf Blood: Wolf Blood (Heat Street Tapeworks) {1}: cbz:4 -- V:537-20-1
  5162. Wesley Wolfe: Numbskull (Tangible Formats) {1}: PM
  5163. Wolfmother: New Crown (Wolfmother) {1}: fb
  5164. Wolvserpent: Perigea Antahkarana () {1}: avn
  5165. Women's Hour: Conversations () {1}: LW:131
  5166. The Wonderfall Quartet: Horizon (self-released) {1}: jnf:6
  5167. Wonder Villains: Rocky () {1}: Sa:22
  5168. Wonk Unit: Wonk Unit (TNS) {1}: LW:84
  5169. The Wooden Sky: Let's Be Ready () {1}: Ex
  5170. Woodsman: Woodsman (Fire Talk) {1}: SF:78 -- V:811-10-1
  5171. Nate Wooley/Hugo Antunes/Chris Corsano: Malus (NoBusiness) {1}: fj -- TH:**
  5172. Work of Art: Framework () {1}: CR:46
  5173. The World Is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die: Between Bodies (Broken World Media) {1}: Au:43
  5174. Bernie Worrell: The Upper Air (MOD Technologies) {1}: Rh
  5175. Wounded Buffalo Theory: A Painting of Plans () {1}: nymd
  5176. Woven Entity: Woven Entity () {1}: avn
  5177. Wray: Wray (Communicating Vessels) {1}: ejf
  5178. Dizzy Wright: State of Mind () {1}: Ux
  5179. JJ Wright: Inward Looking Outward (Ropeadope) {1}: se -- TH:**
  5180. Cory Wright Outfit: Apples + Oranges () {1}: fj
  5181. Rik Wright's Fundamental Forces: Red () {1}: se
  5182. Marion Write: Black Gold () {1}: dbz
  5183. Wulfband: Wulfband () {1}: rjc:7
  5184. Wunder Wunder: Everything Infinite (Dovecote) {1}: UR:117 -- Mc:67
  5185. Wylie and the Wild West: Relic () {1}: WP:50
  5186. Xeno and Oaklander: Par Avion (Ghostly International) {1}: ER:17 -- Mc:72
  5187. Xenturion Prime: Mecha Rising (self-released) {1}: rnf:5
  5188. Xerath: III () {1}: MH:31
  5189. Francois X: Suspended in a Stasis Field (Dement3d France) {1}: YW:38
  5190. Xiu Xiu: Unclouded Sky () {1}: VP:87
  5191. Yagull: Kai (Moonjune) {1}: jws
  5192. Tarek Yamani: Lisan Al Tarab (Edict) {1}: jha
  5193. Yaporigami: Drudged Torn Routine () {1}: sw
  5194. Jason Yeager Trio: Affirmation (Inner Circle Music) {1}: jbm -- TH:B
  5195. Matthew Yeakley: Clean Numbers and Dirty Words (Orenda) {1}: se
  5196. The Yearning: Dreamboats and Lemonade (Elefant) {1}: sb_p
  5197. Year of the Buffalo: Roam Free () {1}: eg_j:5
  5198. Yellowcard: Lift a Sail (Razor & Tie) {1}: AbP:30 -- Mc:72
  5199. Yellow Tears: Golden Showers May Bring Flowers (Septic World) {1}: Mg -- V:348-30-1
  5200. YlangYlang: Am I Being Overdramatic? () {1}: ssh:23
  5201. Yong Yong: Greatest It's (Night School) {1}: Bk:100
  5202. Libby York: Memoir (self-released) {1}: jws
  5203. Yoshwa: Sweet Solar System () {1}: dn
  5204. You+Me: Rose Ave (RCA) {1}: Abt:20
  5205. Young, Beautiful, In a Hurry: Royalty () {1}: eg_b:4
  5206. Brandee Younget 4Tet: Live @ the Breeding Ground (self-released) {1}: cjc
  5207. Hong Jin Young: Life Note (Loen Entertainment) {1}: vfk:2 -- V:656-15-1
  5208. Matthew Young: Recurring Dreams (Drag City) {1}: am
  5209. The Young Mothers: A Mothers Work Is Never Done (Tektite) {1}: TH:104 -- TH:A-
  5210. Young Oceans: I Must Find You () {1}: eg_s:8
  5211. Young Roddy: Route the Ruler () {1}: Qi
  5212. Sarah Marie Young: Little Candy Heart (Snip) {1}: jbl
  5213. Young Scooter: 80's Baby () {1}: gmd
  5214. Richard Youngs: Primary Concrete Attack (Fourth Dimension) {1}: SF:82
  5215. Richard Youngs: Red Alphabet in the Snow (Preserved Sounds) {1}: Mon:45
  5216. Young the Giant: Mind Over Matter (Fueled by Ramen) {1}: LH:15 -- Mc:67
  5217. Young Thug, Gucci Mane, et al: Stray Thugs () {1}: ejc:25
  5218. The Young 'Uns: Never Forget (Hereteu) {1}: FR:18*
  5219. YP: Backwood Jones () {1}: dbz
  5220. Yulianna: Soldier () {1}: PD_p:9
  5221. Zaimph and Yek Koo: L'Interieur de la Vue (Obsolete Units) {1}: Mg -- V:1529-5-1
  5222. Zakouska: A Dos de Geants () {1}: tel
  5223. Zara Larsson: 1 (Ten) {1}: Lft:20
  5224. Cristina Zavalloni: The Soul Factor (Jando Music) {1}: pan
  5225. Sebastian Zawadzki: Luminescence () {1}: pj:9
  5226. ZelooperZ: HELP () {1}: dmm:10
  5227. ZenZan and TobyKenobi: Summerside () {1}: m_n:18
  5228. Zenzile: Berlin () {1}: tel
  5229. Tom Ze: Vira Lata na Via Lactea (Passarinho) {1}: fb
  5230. Torbjorn Zetterberg: Och Den Stora Fragan (Moserobie) {1}: jld:9
  5231. Zodiac: Sonic Child (Napalm) {1}: fb
  5232. Zombina and the Skeletones: Charnel House Rock (Ectoplastic) {1}: LW:22
  5233. Zoobazar: Dos (Zoomusic) {1}: wmc
  5234. Zookeeper: Pink Chalk (Count Your Lucky Stars) {1}: PM
  5235. Zoo Owl: Hollow () {1}: ssh:11
  5236. John Zorn: Psychomagia () {1}: se
  5237. Z-Ro: The Crown (Rap-A-Lot) {1}: am
  5238. Zuse: Bullet (self-released) {1}: Sg
  5239. All of Your Friend's Friends (K) {1}: YW:59
  5240. Dead Man's Town: A Tribute to Born in the USA (Lightning Rod) {1}: BDC:48 -- Mc:68
  5241. Friends From Rio Project (Far Out) {1}: oe
  5242. Great Performances from the JOLT Festival Basel () {1}: avn
  5243. Havana Cultura Mix: The Soundclash () {1}: Rh
  5244. My God, It's Full of Stairs () {1}: avn
  5245. Ronnie James Dio: This Is Your Life (Rhino) {1}: am
  5246. Saustex Variations (Saustex) {1}: CE:86
  5247. The Last Bison () {1}: eg_k:10
  5248. Weightless Volume One () {1}: PL:45
  5249. Working Man's Poet (Merle Haggard Tribute) (Broken Bow) {1}: Rk


For information on what lists are consulted, and what the various abbreviations and notes mean, click here.