EOY List Aggregate: 2015 New Music

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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Kendrick Lamar: To Pimp a Butterfly (Top Dawg/Aftermath/Interscope) {946}: 405:1, A_uk:3, ABC:3, AbP:4, Af:1, Am_g:2, Am_h:1, Aq:9, AS:11, AV:1, AY:1, BB:1, BE:1, Bf:2, Bl:70, Blr:2, Btz:1, C:1, CM:32, Cmp:1, Cr:1, Crg:14, CRW:2, CS:1, CV:6, D:1, De:1, Df:2, DJ:17, DM:3, Dr:12, DS:2, DSp:18, Du:2, Dv:3, DVk:1, DW:1, EE:14, ER:1, Ero:1, EW:1, EWi:4, F:3, FB:+, FL:1, Fld:1, Fp:52, Fu:1, G:1, Ge:1, Gf:6, Gf_D:5, Gf_N:1, GTV:13, Gw:2, HB:9, He:19, HG:1, Hi:14, Hu:1, HV:21, IM:1, In:5, Is:2, IT:3, JD:3, JG:16, JM:1, Jp:2, Kp:2, KQ:3, LBF:+, LM:1, LQ:3, LR:4, Lt:2, LW:9, Ma:1, Mc:1, Mix:4, Mj:2, MO:11, Mrg:35, Ms:2, Mu:1, Mw:35, N:1, Nc:2, Nd:1, Ne:1, Ni:1, NL:4, NME:2, No:+, Noj:5, NR:1, Nu:2, On:6, Oo:2, P:2, PA:1, Pc:31, Pf:1, Pf_r:1, Pg:2, Ph:21, Pl:12, Plt:19, PM:1, PP:10, Ps:21, Q:9, Qt:77, Rdx:1, Re:1, RM:30, Ro:14, RS:1, RS_A:1, RS_D:2, RSh:1, RT:16, RTr:2, Ru:2, Rv:1, RY:1, S:1, S_h:1, S45:6, SA:1, Sg:2, Sg_h:1, Si:6, Sk:3, Sl:1, So:2, Soh:2, Sp:1, Spk:1, Spk_u:1, SR:36, St:1, Std:1, StP:1, Su:1, T:5, TG:80, TL:16, TM:3, TMT:4, TN:5, TO:2, Tr:1, U:2, U_jm:1, UR:11, Va:2, VF:4, VL:23, W:9, Wat:18, WT:17, XXL:1, Yh:1, Zf:1; ad:+, adm:2, age:+, ahh:+, am:+, am_h:+, ap_f:2, aqd:+, ar:1, az:2, bae:1, bbc:+, bbn:1, bc:1, bg_b:1, bsp:1, bv:1, cct:3, cds:1, chi:+, cl:1, cmg:*3, cos:3, ct:1, cum:1, db:2, dp:1, dw:1, ecs:2, ei_m:2, ejh:+, ex_h:1, ftw:2, fw:5, g_h:1, gd_h:5, g_e:1, ghn:7, gl:a, gm:3, gp:+, hc:1, hdx:+, ht:1, it:1, jas:6, jc:1, jd:1, js:1, kf:1, la_k:1, la_r:5, lc:+, lp:+, lt_h:1, lv_r:5, lxl:1, mac:1, mb:+, mgt:1, mi_r:+, mj_l:1, mm:+, mut:1, nat:3, no:+, now:4, npr:+, npr_t:3, nw:11, ny_c:2, ny_p:1, ny_r:2, ok:4, okp:1, om:+, ong:8, opb:*3, or:7, ou:1, owl:+, p:4, pi:1, pl_h:1, pm_h:1, po:2, ppg:1, qt_h:18, r_h:1, rc:2, rfc:11, re:1, rfs:+, riu:5, rr:1, rrh:2, rt:1, ru:1, rw:+, s_b:11, s_u:2, s_v:2, sdu:7, srh:12, st_h:1, tbt:1, te:+, ti:3, tr_h:5, ucg:1, upr:1, utd:1, vac:+, vah:+, val:+, vap:+, vbm:+, vcc:+, vcb:+, vcl:+, vcm:+, vda:+, vdc:+, vdw:+, vg:+, vgc:+, vgr:+, vhh:+, vhs:+, vje:+, vjf:+, vjl:+, vjm:+, vjt:+, vjw:+, vma:+, vmr:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vrh:+, vrm:+, vrs:+, vs:6, vse:+, vsm:+, vsn:+, vsp:+, vtk:+, vto:+, vu:1, vwh:+, w_h:2, wsj:2 -- ADM:1, AM:1, AY:1, V:1-2639-210, RC:A-, MT:A+, TH:A-
  2. Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell (Asthmatic Kitty) {580}: 405:7, A_uk:9, ABC:13, AbP:1, Af:25, Am_s:13, AS:10, AV:3, AY:2, BE:2, Bf:1, Blr:35, Btz:3, Bw:67, C:7, Cmp:32, Cr:12, CS:2, Df:1, DJ:2, DM:2, Dr:1, DS:5, Dv:5, DVk:5, EE:1, Ero:8, EWi:32, FB:+, FL:7, Fld:5, FN:1, Fp:3, G:2, GB:13, Ge:2, Gf:2, Gf_D:4, Gf_N:2, GTV:7, Gw:4, Hi:2, Hu:2, IM:6, In:3, Ipr:4, Is:1, IT:12, JM:24, Jp:1, Kp:1, LBF:+, LM:3, LQ:7, LR:3, Lt:7, Ma:7, Mc:2, Mg:8, Mj:10, MO:3, Mon:21, MR:9, Ms:1, Mu:5, Mw:1, Mz:3, N:25, Nd:20, Ni:5, NL:1, NME:24, No:11, NoD:48, Noj:47, NR:2, Nu:1, On:2, Oo:1, P:6, PA:4, Pc:7, Pf:6, Pf_r:2, Pg:41, Ph:96, Pl:3, Plt:1, PM:6, PN:1, PP:2, Q:40, Qt:25, Rdx:2, Re:2, Ro:1, RS_A:27, RS_D:7, RS_F:9, RT:12, RTr:7, Ru:1, Rv:*2, RY:2, S:21, S45:2, SA:4, Sg:5, Si:2, SiC:4, Sk:2, Sp:6, Spk:2, Spk_u:4, St:8, StP:7, Su:37, T:7, TG:58, TL:22, TM:4, TMT:7, TO:7, Tr:11, U:3, U_jm:47, UR:5, Va:4, Vi:4, WT:12, Yh:10, Zf:2; adm:1, age:+, am:+, am_i:+, ap_f:6, aqd:+, az:12, bae:6, bbn:6, bg_r:1, bm:9, bu:1, bv:*2, bz:15, cds:7, cl:4, cmg:*3, cpb:4, db:3, dw:3, ex_c:1, ftw:3, g_e:4, gd_p:2, gl:a, gp:+, gw:+, hc:6, ht:7, jd:6, kf:7, la_r:9, lc:+, lc_e:1, lc_g:+, lp:+, lv_p:1, lv_r:2, lxl:7, mb:+, mgt:2, mj_l:8, mj_s:3, mut:2, now:8, npr:+, npr_b:2, npr_h:1, npr_d:5, npr_t:2, ny_p:8, ok:1, opb:*3, or:3, ou:13, pi:3, po:+, ppg:3, r_ar:17, rc:4, re:4, riu:3, rrh:1, s_g:4, s_j:21, s_v:25, sdm:+, sdu:8, skm:3, sq:14, srh:1, st_i:1, tam:+, te:+, utd:3, vbw:+, vje:+, vjf:+, vrh:+, vsm:+, vsn:+, vtl:+, vu:8, vwh:+ -- ADM:2, AM:2, AY:4, V:6-959-82, RC:*, MT:B+, TH:***
  3. Courtney Barnett: Sometimes I Sit and Think and Sometimes I Just Sit (Mom + Pop Music) {519}: A_uk:45, ABC:6, AbP:18, Am_g:8, AS:3, AV:9, AY:5, AYP:18, BB:16, BE:6, Bf:5, Blr:7, Bq:9, Btz:6, C:40, Cl:41, CM:7, Cmp:26, Cr:19, Crg:4, CS:39, De:9, Df:12, DJ:10, DM:16, Dr:6, DS:83, Dv:9, DW:10, Eb:13, EW:6, EWi:1, Ex:2, FL:2, Fld:11, FN:9, Fp:6, Fu:10, G:7, Ge:11, Gf_D:22, Gf_N:13, GTV:1, Gw:7, He:2, Hu:6, HV:19, IM:3, In:9, Is:4, IT:39, JD:1, JG:1, JM:+, Jp:21, Kp:20, KQ:4, LBF:+, LM:7, LR:8, LW:61, Ma:16, Mc:6, Mg:4, Mj:12, MO:30, Mon:16, Mu:11, Mw:18, Mz:1, N:36, Nd:8, NL:6, NME:22, No:28, NoD:14, NR:3, Od:22, On:8, Oo:4, P:3, PA:7, Pc:4, Pf:9, Pf_r:7, Pg:48, PJ:3, Pl:10, Plt:5, PM:2, Q:6, Rdx:19, Re:11, RM:3, RS:6, RS_A:6, RS_D:4, RSh:7, RT:3, RTr:1, Ru:9, Rv:2, RY:61, S:2, S45:22, Sg:6, Sk:16, Sl:2, Sp:24, SR:9, St:12, Su:4, TL:13, TM:2, TO:3, Tr:8, U:7, U_jm:73, UR:6, Va:15, VL:8, Wat:1, Yh:3, YW:7, Zf:3; ad:+, adm:5, age:+, am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ar:2, ath:+, az:1, bbn:2, bc:4, bg_r:2, bm:4, bv:*2, cct:8, cds:8, chi:+, cl:8, cmg:*2, cp:10, cpb:3, ct:2, cum:8, db:+, dp:2, dw:2, ejh:+, ew_r:1, fw:5, g_e:3, gd_p:13, gl:a, gm:2, gp:+, gw:+, jd:9, js:5, kxk:10, lc_e:+, lxl:2, mgt:5, mj:2, mj_l:7, mj_s:1, mm:+, npr:+, npr_b:1, npr_d:1, npr_h:6, npr_t:4, nw:2, ok:6, opb:*3, owl:+, pi:4, po:4, ppg:5, r_ar:5, rc:15, rfc:16, rfs:+, rrh:7, rut:2, rw:+, s_d:6, s_u:1, s_v:7, skm:6, srh:6, st_i:9, tam:+, tbt:2, ti:7, ucg:8, utd:2, vac:+, vah:+, val:+, vam:+, vap:+, vcb:+, vch:+, vcp:+, vjf:+, vjg:+, vjl:+, vjm:+, vkj:+, vma:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vrm:+, vse:+, vsm:+, vsn:+, vtc:+, vth:+, vtk:+, vto:+, vwh:+, wsj:5 -- ADM:5, AM:5, AY:9, V:2-1872-167, RC:A, TH:A-
  4. Jamie XX: In Colour (XL/Young Turks) {432}: A_uk:4, ABC:15, AbP:28, Af:2, Am_g:7, Am_s:15, AV:*2, AY:6, AYP:12, BB:6, BE:8, Bf:7, Bl:43, Blr:23, Bq:6, Btz:5, Cl:48, Cmp:15, Cr:11, Crg:32, CS:6, D:8, Df:18, DJ:14, DM:4, Dr:27, DS:74, DS_u:32, DSp:9, Du:8, Dv:8, DVk:4, DW:12, ER:4, Ero:23, EW:4, FL:5, Fp:8, G:17, GB:3, Ge:4, Gf:1, Gf_D:8, Gf_N:4, GTV:43, Gw:51, Hi:17, Hu:7, IM:4, In:1, Ipr:1, Is:5, IT:9, JG:34, JM:+, Jp:3, KQ:22, LBF:+, LM:8, LQ:14, LR:14, Lt:4, Ma:24, Mc:13, Mix:1, Mj:32, MO:22, Ms:5, Mu:4, Mz:9, N:3, Nd:19, Ni:9, NL:20, NME:3, Noj:1, NR:5, Nu:14, On:3, Oo:6, P:20, PA:5, Pc:37, Pf:2, Pf_r:4, Pg:3, Ph:20, Pl:7, PM:25, PP:12, PW:23, Q:3, Rdx:11, Re:37, RM:20, RS_A:32, RT:10, Ru:4, Rv:7, RY:40, S:3, S45:4, Scr:16, Sg:11, So:1, Sp:9, Spk:8, St:2, Std:26, Su:3, Th:6, TM:8, TO:16, Tr:9, U:27, U_jm:19, UR:23, Va:5, VL:9, WT:1, Yh:*2, Zf:4; adm:4, age:+, am:+, am_e:+, bbn:4, bc:2, bm:6, cl:6, cmg:*3, cpb:20, cum:2, db:+, dp:7, ecs:7, ex_e:1, ftw:9, fw:+, gd_e:10, gp:+, ht:3, it:2, jd:2, kxk:24, lxl:18, mgt:4, mm:+, mut:7, npr:+, no:+, npr_d:4, ok:2, om:+, owl:+, pm_e:20, r_e:4, rc:16, riu:6, s_g:1, s_v:14, sam:1, skm:9, st_i:3, ti:2, tr_e:2, ucg:2, utd:6, vac:+, vah:+, vap:+, vbw:+, vcb:+, vg:+, vgc:+, vjg:+, vjw:+, vrh:+, vsp:+, vtl:+, vu:2, ye:3 -- ADM:10, AM:4, AY:15, V:9-604-56, RC:A-, MT:***, TH:***
  5. Father John Misty: I Love You Honeybear (Sub Pop) {426}: A_uk:5, ABC:29, AbP:21, Am_g:3, Aq:13, AS:44, AV:5, AY:3, AYP:27, BB:9, BE:3, Bf:6, Blr:28, Btz:4, Cmp:8, Cr:3, Crg:16, CS:2, De:4, Df:4, DJ:1, DM:22, Dr:2, DS:1, Dv:4, DVk:9, EE:4, Ero:4, EW:8, Ex:3, FL:8, Fld:18, Flp:41, FN:2, Fp:12, G:3, Ge:7, Gf:27, Gf_D:9, Gf_N:5, GTV:4, Gw:3, He:1, IM:5, Is:24, JM:20, Jp:11, Kp:4, LBF:+, LM:2, LQ:1, LR:31, LW:22, Mc:12, Mg:3, Mj:36, MO:1, MR:13, Ms:11, Mu:8, Mw:2, Mz:5, Ne:16, Ni:3, NL:2, NME:16, NoD:45, Noj:20, NR:4, Oo:5, P:1, PA:8, Pc:65, Pf:12, Pf_r:5, Pl:16, PM:3, PN:*2, PP:41, Ps:7, Q:11, Rdx:28, Re:12, RM:97, RS:15, RS_A:15, RS_D:14, RT:2, RTr:4, Ru:10, Rv:10, RY:58, S:13, S45:30, SA:22, Sg:12, Sk:8, Sl:5, So:3, Spk:12, Spk_u:57, SR:30, St:5, StP:4, Su:47, TL:12, TM:6, TN:1, TO:8, Tr:7, U:5, UR:1, Va:19, Wat:27, Yh:*2, Zf:33; adm:11, age:+, am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ath:+, az:14, bae:7, bbn:3, bm_f:18, boc:18, bv:+, chi:+, cum:9, db:7, dp:10, dw:7, ecs:3, ejh:+, ew_r:2, g_e:6, gd_p:15, hc:10, it:6, jd:12, kxk:2, lc_e:5, lc_g:+, lp:+, lxl:16, mac:10, mi_r:+, mj_l:3, nod:4, now:3, npr_d:3, nw:8, or:5, opb:*2, owl:+, r_r:20, rc:6, riu:4, rrh:4, rw:+, s_b:17, s_g:20, s_v:3, sam:8, sd:2, skm:5, srh:2, st_i:2, tam:+, ucg:6, utd:17, vad:+, vam:+, vbw:+, vhh:+, vje:+, vnf:+, vpg:+ -- ADM:3, AM:3, AY:5, V:10-552-51, RC:***, MT:***, TH:B
  6. Tame Impala: Currents (Caroline) {409}: A_uk:31, AbP:7, Af:3, Am_g:1, AV:*2, AY:7, BE:4, Bf:3, Blr:1, Bq:23, Btz:23, C:9, ClR:23, Cmp:20, CS:5, De:2, Df:5, DJ:5, DM:11, Dr:24, DS:85, Dv:6, DVk:33, EE:12, ER:7, EW:18, Ex:8, F:39, FB:51, FL:3, Fld:2, FN:5, Fp:4, Fu:8, G:15, Ge:10, Gf:23, Gf_D:2, Gf_N:3, Gw:40, Hu:3, IM:2, In:2, Ipr:5, Is:3, JD:25, JM:+, Jp:4, Kp:11, LM:11, LR:2, Lt:9, Mc:22, Mj:4, MO:23, MR:4, Ms:6, Mu:25, Mw:8, Mz:2, N:32, Ne:48, Ni:2, NL:3, NME:5, Noj:9, NR:9, On:10, Oo:3, P:8, PA:6, Pc:32, Pf:5, Pf_r:3, Pg:5, Ph:59, Pl:1, Plt:8, PM:22, PN:*2, PP:14, Q:1, Rdx:12, Re:8, RS:13, RS_A:13, RS_D:17, RS_F:7, RT:13, RTr:3, Ru:18, Rv:*2, RY:89, S:4, S45:20, Sg:15, Sk:29, So:19, Spk:34, SR:17, St:3, StP:14, Su:8, TM:1, TN:14, Tr:18, U:6, UR:2, Va:1, VF:25, Vi:32, VL:6, Wat:4, WT:8, Yh:6, Zf:26; adm:12, age:+, az:5, bae:3, bbc:+, bbn:5, bv:*2, cl:12, cmg:+, ct:15, cum:5, db:+, ejh:+, g_e:10, ew_r:7, ftw:7, gl:h, gp:+, hc:10, ht:5, it:10, jd:5, kf:4, kxk:16, lc_e:2, lc_g:2, lxl:5, mb:+, mgt:3, mut:9, now:1, npr_d:9, ok:10, or:6, ou:+, por:1, ppg:8, riu:1, rw:+, s_b:5, s_c:18, s_d:13, s_u:3, s_v:1, skm:7, tam:+, te:+, utd:4, vad:+, vap:+, vbw:+, vcb:+, vg:+, vjf:+, vkj:+, vsm:+, vu:4 -- ADM:6, AM:6, AY:13, V:12-513-53, MT:C+, TH:*
  7. Grimes: Art Angels (4AD) {373}: 405:9, ABC:42, Af:5, Am_g:4, Am_s:5, AV:4, AY:4, AYP:9, BB:3, BE:7, Bf:11, Bk:57, Bl:75, Blr:31, Bq:61, Btz:17, C:16, Cmp:28, Crg:12, CS:3, D:2, De:16, Df:3, DM:18, DS:43, DSp:4, Du:20, Dv:7, DW:66, Ero:14, EWi:12, Ex:1, F:5, FB:+, FL:10, Fu:20, G:20, GB:1, Ge:6, Gf_D:27, Gf_N:33, GTV:27, Gw:49, HV:13, IM:8, Is:13, Ipr:6, JD:10, JG:31, JM:+, Jp:7, LR:25, Lt:22, LW:27, Ma:3, Mc:7, Mix:32, MO:27, Ms:10, N:5, Ni:14, NME:1, Noj:2, NR:6, Nu:9, P:24, PA:3, Pf:3, Pf_r:6, Pg:1, PM:15, Poj:13, PP:3, Ps:16, Rdx:6, Re:3, Ro:18, RSh:2, RT:82, Rv:+, S:26, S45:9, SA:30, Scr:17, Sg:1, Sl:3, Spk:3, St:6, Su:45, T:27, Th:3, TM:5, TMT:31, TO:9, Tr:15, UR:12, Va:7, VF:20, WT:5, Yh:7, Zf:29; adm:7, age:+, am_i:+, ar:9, bae:5, bbn:8, bc:8, bv:*2, chi:+, cmg:*3, cos:2, ct:8, cum:4, db:9, dw:14, fw:5, gl:h, gp:+, id:1, it:7, jd:3, lc:+, lv_z:1, lxl:3, mac:6, mb:+, mgt:6, mm:+, nat:+, no:+, now:7, npr_h:4, ny_p:3, owl:+, pi:7, r_gp:+, re:2, rfs:+, s_b:2, s_d:2, s_g:10, s_j:16, s_p:5, s_v:20, sam:6, skm:1, st_i:4, tr_e:9, ucg:5, utd:5, vac:+, vap:+, vaz:+, vbw:+, vg:+, vhh:+, vjc:+, vjf:+, vjg:+, vjm:+, vrc:+, vrm:+, vrs:+, vsp:+, vto:+, vu:5, vwh:+, vx:5 -- ADM:4, AM:8, AY:11, V:4-1025-93, RC:A, MT:B-, TH:A-
  8. Kamasi Washington: The Epic (Brainfeeder) {347}: 405:6, ABC:44, Af:16, Am_g:11, AY:17, AYP:8, BA_j:2, BE:12, BIW:3, Bl:32, Bk:58, Btz:50, Cr:9, CRW:1, DM:1, Dr:5, DS:27, Dv:12, DVk:3, FB:+, FJ:+, FPE:35, G:8, Gf_N:12, GTV:94, HB:39, He:6, Hi:16, Hu:19, IM:20, Is:7, IT:1, JC:4, KQ:5, LM:4, Lt:33, LW:43, Ma:22, Mj:41, Mon:29, Mu:18, N:22, Ne:3, No:23, Nu:5, On:14, Oo:8, P:17, PA:25, Pc:48, Pf:10, Pf_r:22, Ph:50, Pl:8, Plt:17, PM:4, PW:3, Rdx:4, Re:28, RM:26, Ro:10, RS:41, RS_A:41, RS_D:6, RT:7, Ru:3, RY:5, SA:15, Sg:35, Sl:10, So:8, Sp:10, Spk:18, Spk_u:2, T_j:28, TG:1, TO:19, Tr:16, Tx:20, U:30, U_jm:41, UR:76, VF:27, W:8, Wat:39, YW:21, Zf:45; ad:+, adm:15, age:+, ah:+, am:+, am_j:+, ar:7, av:*2, bbc:+, bot:+, bu:7, cmg:*3, cpu:1, ex_u:+, g_j:1, gd_m:4, gl:h, gp:+, it:3, jac:7, jal:3, jar:2, jas:5, jbu:+, jd:10, jda:+, jdo:2, jeh:10, jel:+, jgs:1, jgy:2, jjc:10, jjo:2, jla:2, jld:5, jlm:+, jma:4, jnb:1, jmj:+, jpj:1, jpk:+, jpq:+, jrd:7, jrm:+, jsd:9, jsf:2, jsw:2, jth:1, jw:1, jwj:2, kxk:17, la_b:a, la_r:10, lp:+, lv_p:4;lv_r:1, lxl:15, mb:+, no:+, noj:+, npr:+, npr_d:2, ny_c:+, ny_r:1, okp:2, om:+, ong:4, ou:10, pi:10, pl_j:1, po:+, por:2, rfc:+, sdm:+, skm:10, srh:5, st:+, vah:+, vak:+, val:+, vap:+, vcb:+, vdc:+, vg:+, vgc:+, vjt:+, vlb:+, vma:+, vmg:+, vmw:2, vpg:+, vrg:2, w_j:8 -- ADM:16, AM:15, AY:41, V:8-638-56, TH:**
  9. Sleater-Kinney: No Cities to Love (Sub Pop) {328}: A_uk:8, AbP:14, Am_g:24, Aq:12, AS:49, AV:2, AY:9, BB:14, BE:22, Btz:9, CM:8, CS:8, DaM:23, Df:6, DJ:6, DM:36, Dr:10, DS:9, Dv:10, DW:8, Eb:19, EW:14, EWi:3, Ex:4, FB:27, FL:4, FN:3, Fp:11, Fu:5, G:6, Gf_N:34, GTV:16, Gw:30, Hu:11, HV:22, IM:7, In:40, IT:46, JG:35, JM:+, Jp:37, K:41, KQ:8, LM:44, LQ:10, Ma:21, Mc:3, Mg:12, Mj:14, MO:2, Mon:13, MR:30, Mrg:31, Ms:33, Mu:31, Mz:22, Nd:5, NME:13, NN:17, No:+, NR:7, Nu:16, Od:14, On:35, Oo:22, P:4, PA:11, Pc:86, Pf:27, Pf_r:15, PM:16, PN:+, Q:35, Rdx:10, Re:16, RM:34, RS:11, RS_A:11, RS_D:18, RSh:3, RT:60, Ru:15, Rv:3, RY:93, S:11, Sg:27, Sk:1, Spk:7, St:10, TM:12, TO:40, Tr:6, U:23, U_jm:56, UR:17, Va:32, Vi:12, Wat:19, Yh:*2, YW:1, Zf:84; adm:13, age:+, am_k:+, ar:4, az:11, bbn:7, bg_s:3, bv:*2, cds:3, cl:7, cmg:*3, cos:9, cp:4, ct:17, db:1, db_w:3, dp:3, ejh:+, ew_r:5, ghn:13, gl:a, gm:4, gw:+, js:6, kxk:4, lv_z:2, lxl:19, mj_l:5, mm:+, mut:8, nw:17, ny_p:4, opb:+, owl:+, pi:9, po:+, ppg:6, r_ar:10, rfc:2, rw:+, s_b:16, s_c:19, sdu:12, srh:10, tam:+, ti:2, tr_p:1, utd:18, vam:+, vaz:+, vch:+, vcm:+, vcp:+, vdw:+, vgg:+, vhh:+, vje:+, vjl:+, vkj:+, vmr:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vrs:+, vsm:+, vtc:+, vtk:+, vto:+ -- ADM:8, AM:10, AY:3, V:5-972-92, RC:A, MT:A+, TH:*
  10. Julia Holter: Have You in My Wilderness (Domino) {302}: 405:11, Af:12, Am_g:15, AY:10, BE:11, Bf:22, Bk:32, Bl:9, Blr:42, Btz:7, Bw:70, C:5, De:8, DJ:19, DM:20, Dr:4, DS:55, Dv:2, DVk:31, EE:20, Ero:60, FB:78, FF:18, FL:9, Fld:7, Fp:2, G:4, GB:16, Gf:21, Gf_D:27, Gf_N:9, GTV:8, Gw:32, He:40, Hi:29, IM:15, In:21, Is:14, IT:8, Jp:14, LBF:1, LQ:4, LR:23, Ma:13, Mc:8, Mix:42, Mj:1, MO:7, Mon:22, MR:3, Mrg:33, Ms:7, Mu:7, Mw:48, Mz:16, N:48, Ne:5, NL:11, No:10, NR:10, Nu:4, On:4, Oo:11, PA:30, Pc:1, Pf:18, Pf_r:13, Ph:47, PJ:35, Pl:26, PM:14, PN:10, Q:2, Qt:34, RA:7, Rdx:3, Re:6, RM:6, Ro:16, RS_D:1, RT:30, Ru:5, Rv:*2, RY:16, S45:1, SA:6, Sg:50, Sk:5, So:14, Sp:4, Spk:6, Spk_u:104, SR:45, St:19, Su:20, T:22, TMT:11, Tr:14, U:1, U_jm:12, UR:4, VL:5, W:4, Yh:+, Zf:16; adm:3, ah:+, am:+, am_i:+, bm_x:2, bv:*2, cha:3, cmg:*3, cpb:6, gl:h, imp:3, jd:18, la_r:3, lc_e:+, mj:6, ok:8, opb:+, rfs:+, sdm:+, sdu:11, srh:4, tam:+, utd:16, vg:+, vhp:+, vma:+, vpg:+, vps:+, vsp:+ -- ADM:9, AM:7, AY:6, V:33-223-24, TH:B
  11. Bjork: Vulnicura (One Little Indian) {295}: 405:3, A_uk:15, ABC:1, Af:18, Am_g:5, AV:*2, AY:8, BE:14, Bf:25, Bk:88, Bl:4, Btz:10, C:2, Cmp:37, CS:16, D:5, DaJ:12, DaM:21, Df:14, DJ:4, DM:6, Dr:38, DS:3, Du:22, Dv:11, Eb:36, EE:16, ER:14, Ero:2, EW:39, Ex:6, FB:+, FF:24, FL:21, Fld:15, Fp:5, G:5, Gf:3, Gf_D:11, Gf_N:6, GTV:2, Gw:15, IM:13, Is:17, IT:5, Jp:6, LBF:+, LM:40, LR:41, LW:10, Ma:20, Mc:11, MO:5, Mu:22, Mg:22, Mz:28, N:38, Nd:13, Ne:7, NME:25, No:26, Noj:13, NR:15, Nu:13, Oo:19, PA:12, Pf:15, Pf_r:12, Ph:74, PM:21, PP:4, Qt:50, RA:5, Rdx:7, Re:22, RM:100, RS:42, RS_A:42, RS_F:11, RT:1, Rv:9, RY:34, S:28, S45:17, Sg:38, Sk:10, Sl:19, So:9, Sp:14, Spk:31, Spk_u:43, St:48, StP:9, Su:6, Th:7, TMT:9, TN:2, TO:42, Tr:20, U:11, U_jm:27, UR:34, VF:7, W:13, Wat:28, WT:7, Zf:60; adm:10, ah:+, am:+, am_e:+, az:13, bm_x:3, bv:*2, cct:5, cl:15, cmg:*2, cos:8, dp:9, ei_m:7, ejh:+, fw:+, gd_e:5, it:8, jd:15, jdf:+, jmp:5, lc_e:6, lc_g:3, lxl:8, now:9, npr_b:6, ny_p:5, opb:+, rfs:+, s_j:2, sdu:2, tam:+, tr_e:5, vda:+, vg:+, vhp:+, vjc:+, vwh:+, wsj:1 -- ADM:7, AM:9, AY:10, V:23-298-30, RC:*, MT:C-, TH:B-
  12. Vince Staples: Summertime '06 (Def Jam) {280}: 405:26, ABC:35, Am:g:12, Am_h:7, AV:6, AY:12, BB:4, BE:19, Bf:4, Blr:5, C:21, Cl:32, CM:34, Cmp:31, CRW:38, CS:10, De:19, DM:28, Dv:34, DVk:12, DW:34, Eb:30, ER:3, Ero:5, EW:20, F:23, FL:11, G:36, GB:6, Gf:24, Gw:46, HG:10, Hi:28, HV:5, IM:9, IT:11, JD:22, JG:81, JM:27, KQ:7, LM:5, LQ:8, Lt:30, Ma:27, Mc:9, Ms:9, Mu:34, N:24, Nc:5, Noj:21, NR:12, Oo:12, P:26, PA:14, Pf:4, Pf_r:9, Pg:11, PM:9, PW:4, Qt:73, Rdx:15, Re:5, RS:35, RS_A:35, RSh:16, Rv:6, RY:50, S:5, S_h:2, Sg:4, Sg_h:2, Sl:4, So:5, Sp:5, Spk:20, Spk_u:157, St:18, TN:25, Tr:4, U:61, UR:58, Va:9, W:12, XXL:6; ahh:+, am:+, am_h:+, bc:6, bm:1, bsp:9, bv:*2, cct:7, cds:6, cha:4, cl:11, cmg:*3, ct:5, cum:10, db:10, dp:6, ex_h:3, ftw:6, gd_h:7, gm:20, gp:+, hdx:+, ht:6, jc:3, jd:4, lp:+, lt_h:13, lxl:4, mac:1, mb:+, npr:+, ou:6, pm_h:2, po:+, por:6, r_h:4, rc:19, rfc:5, s_c:8, s_u:6, s_v:4, spt:2, st_h:8, tr_h:1, upr:3, utd:8, vac:+, vap:+, vch:+, vg:+, vjc:+, vje:+, vmr:+, vsp:+ -- ADM:12, AM:12, AY:8, V:7-700-71, RC:B+, TH:***
  13. Joanna Newsom: Divers (Drag City) {246}: 405:15, A_uk:12, Af:24, Am_g:21, Am_s:19, AV:*2, AY:13, BE:5, Bk:27, Btz:18, CS:50, De:18, Df:16, DJ:21, DM:26, DS:7, Dv:24, DVk:7, Eb:34, Ero:19, EW:33, EWi:20, FB:+, FL:26, Fld:9, Fp:9, G:10, GB:29, Ge:9, Gf_D:10, Gf_N:11, GTV:28, Gw:48, He:20, HV:8, IM:11, In:22, Is:19, Jp:12, LBF:+, LM:31, LQ:15, Ma:6, Mc:5, Mg:6, Mj:19, MO:4, Mon:24, MR:22, Mrg:3, Mu:10, Ne:24, NL:9, NME:17, No:15, NR:8, Nu:8, Oo:13, PA:24, Pf:13, Pf_r:10, Pl:27, Plt:10, PM:18, PN:+, Q:13, Rdx:5, Re:7, RM:91, RS:29, RS_A:29, RS_D:3, RT:57, Rv:+, RY:3, S45:19, Sg:22, Sk:26, Sl:20, So:10, Sp:22, Spk:25, Spk_u:17, SR:38, St:43, Su:16, T:25, TMT:15, TN:3, Tr:19, U:26, U_jm:2, UR:16, VF:41, Vi:37, VL:24, W:14, Zf:36; adm:6, age:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, bgc:11, blg:+, bm_f:4, bv:*2, cmg:*3, cos:5, ct:18, db:5, dw:5, ex_c:2, fw:+, g_e:2, jd:13, lv_p:2, nat:+, npr:+, nw:14, ny_c:5, ny_p:2, ny_r:6, owl:+, rfc:+, sdu:15, tam:+, vah:+, vdw:+, vg:+, vgr:+, vje:+, vjw:+, vwh:+ -- ADM:11, AM:11, AY:7, V:16-385-40
  14. Alabama Shakes: Sound & Color (ATO) {199}: A_uk:6, ABC:50, Aq:11, AS:21, AV:+, AY:26, BB:7, BE:30, Blr:22, ClR:15, Cmp:29, CS:36, De:12, Df:24, DJ:22, DS:69, DVk:18, Eb:17, ER:15, Ero:37, EW:13, Ex:10, FL:6, Fp:41, Fu:4, Gf_D:21, He:13, Hi:46, IM:45, In:30, JM:14, JD:12, LM:6, LR:44, Mg:2, Mj:40, Ms:4, Nd:14, Ne:31, NoD:10, Ni:29, NR:16, Oo:10, P:38, PA:39, Pf_r:24, Pl:6, PM:10, Ps:1, RM:37, RS:37, RS_A:37, RT:31, RTr:6, Rv:*2, Si:1, Spk_u:94, St:20, StP:5, T:8, TL:5, U:21, U_jm:10, Va:11, Yh:2, Zf:31; am_k:+, ap_f:8, aqd:+, bg_s:5, cl:17, cmg:+, cum:7, db_w:4, ejh:+, ew_r:4, g_e:5, gl:a, gp:+, gw:+, hc:6, kxk:23, mgt:7, mi_r:+, npr:+, npr_p:+, ny_p:7, okp:12, opb:*3, pi:2, r_r:2, re:4, rfc:7, rut:10, sam:11, se_e:2, skm:18, st:+, tam:+, tbt:3, val:+, vcb:+, vda:+, vg:+, vgc:+, vsn:+, vx:4 -- ADM:34, AM:18, AY:119, V:13-513-48, TH:*
  15. Oneohtrix Point Never: Garden of Delete (Warp) {194}: 405:4, Af:4, AV:*2, AY:14, BE:46, Bf:18, Bk:4, Bl:3, C:22, CRW:10, CS:4, Df:19, DM:19, Du:1, Dv:13, DW:37, Eb:12, Ero:30, EWi:29, F:2, FB:+, FJ:+, FPE:8, GB:14, Hi:10, Hu:13, IM:23, Is:6, JG:8, Jp:41, LM:21, LQ:23, LW:21, N:12, Ne:15, NN:8, No:44, NR:18, Nu:3, On:38, PA:38, Pf:11, Pf_r:20, Ph:48, PM:7, Qt:8, RA:12, Rdx:37, Re:15, RM:89, RY:13, S:30, SA:7, Sg:49, Sk:41, Sp:21, Spk:16, Spk_u:97, Th:2, TMT:5, TN:4, Tr:10, UR:95, VF:13, W:18; ah:+, am:+, am_e:+, bc:10, bgc:13, bm_x:1, cha:1, cmg:*3, dc:+, ex_e:2, gd_e:7, jd:11, lv_r:3, mm:+, ou:2, pm_a:4, pm_e:9, r_e:3, s_a:2, s_b:25, s_d:18, s_j:23, s_v:24, spt:5, tr_e:6, vhp:+, vjm:+, vps:+, vsp:+, w_e:6 -- ADM:15, AM:16, AY:61, V:30-245-24, RC:A-, TH:***
  16. Carly Rae Jepsen: E-mo-tion (Interscope/School Boy) {189}: 405:27, AbP:13, AV:*2, AY:11, BB:24, BE:27, Cmp:41, CRW:69, CS:24, DS:6, DSp:11, Ero:26, EW:2, Ex:5, Fu:3, G:19, GTV:72, HV:6, IM:14, JG:66, JM:7, Jp:31, KQ:20, LQ:35, Ma:2, Mg:10, MO:9, N:2, Nd:3, NME:36, Od:7, PA:10, Pf:34, Pf_r:23, PM:11, Poj:1, PP:18, RS:48, RY:67, S:22, Scr:22, Sg:3, Sl:12, Spk:24, St:29, TL:23, TM:14, TMT:29, Va:3; adm:19, am:+, am_p:+, bae:2, bbn:9, bc:3, bm:7, cct:9, cds:2, chi:+, cl:20, cmg:*3, cos:1, ew_p:1, fw:+, id:5, lc:+, lv_z:9, m:1, mac:8, mb:+, mut:3, npr:+, nw:9, or:1, p:2, pm_p:5, rc:3, s_c:2, s_d:4, s_g:19, s_p:4, st_i:10, tbt:5, ti:4, ucg:10, utd:10, vam:+, vaz:+, vcm:+, vg:+, vrm:+, vjg:+, vjm:+, vrh:+, vse:+, vti:+, vto:+, vu:6 -- ADM:13, AM:19, V:3-1073-92, RC:***, TH:A-
  17. Drake: If You're Reading This It's Too Late (Cash Money) {179}: 405:20, Af:9, Am_g:46, Am_h:2, AS:26, AV:+, AY:15, BB:12, BE:45, Bf:12, Blr:4, C:25, Cmp:9, CS:28, DM:38, DS:84, Du:3, Eb:43, ER:2, Ero:3, EW:16, FL:50, Fu:9, G:14, HG:14, IM:10, In:15, Is:23, JG:102, JM:25, LM:46, LR:52, Ma:23, N:26, Ne:22, NME:23, Noj:16, Nu:7, Pf:17, Pf_r:11, Pg:8, RS:3, RS_A:3, RSh:13, Rv:+, S:23, S_h:4, Sg:25, Sg_h:5, Std:5, StP:8, Su:24, TMT:14, TN:12, TO:12, Tr:31, Va:12, XXL:10, Yh:+; ahh:+, bg_b:4, bsp:3, bv:*2, cmg:*3, cum:6, ex_h:2, ftw:8, g_h:8, gd_h:10, hc:5, hdx:+, ht:+, jc:2, jd:17, la_k:10, lc:+, lt_h:17, mac:4, now:+, okp:15, qt_h:10, rr:3, rt:5, ru:2, s_v:6, st_h:2, tr_h:2, upr:2, vbm:+, vdc:+, vg:+, vu:10, vx:3 -- ADM:19, AM:26, V:18-320-33, RC:***, TH:B
  18. Future: DS2 [Dirty Sprite 2] (Epic) {170}: 405:24, Am_g:26, Am_h:6, AV:+, AY:16, BB:11, BE:90, Blr:26, C:23, Cl:29, Cmp:2, CRW:16, CS:40, Du:6, Dv:16, DW:45, Eb:71, ER:13, Ero:57, EWi:21, F:6, Fu:13, HV:24, IM:12, JG:90, KQ:2, Ma:8, N:2, Nc:8, NME:37, Noj:39, Pf:19, Pf_r:34, Pg:7, PN:+, PW:1, Qt:53, RS:26, RSh:6, Rv:+, S:17, S_h:3, Sg:18, Sg_h:4, Std:7, StP:13, TMT:8, TN:11, Tr:44, W:19, XXL:8; ahh:+, am_h:+, bc:7, bg_b:2, bsp:5, bv:*2, cmg:*2, cp:8, db:+, ftw:4, gd_h:3, gp:+, hdx:+, ht:8, jd:19, lt_h:7, npr:+, pm_h:7, por:8, qt_h:6, r_h:2, rr:2, rt:3, ru:7, s_c:17, s_v:9, spt:9, st_h:17, tr_h:3, upr:5, vbm:+, vcp:+, vg:+, vkj:+, vmt:+, vrs:+, vtr:+, vx:7 -- ADM:50, AM:31, AY:111, V:17-352-33, RC:A-, MT:A, TH:A-
  19. Blur: The Magic Whip (Parlophone/Warner) {165}: A_uk:1, Af:15, AV:+, AY:30, BE:9, Bf:10, Cl:35, DaM:13, De:11, Df:11, DJ:31, Dr:47, DS_u:3, DSp:24, Eb:83, EE:3, FL:12, Flp:59, Fp:47, Gf_D:1, GTV:3, Gw:27, IM:21, In:6, JD:38, LM:41, LR:30, Lt:5, Mg:15, Mj:18, MO:8, Mu:6, Mz:4, NME:15, NR:45, Oo:14, Pf_r:45, PJ:17, Pl:21, Plt:3, PN:4, Q:4, Re:26, RS:10, RS_A:10, RS_D:9, RS_F:1, Rv:*2, S:37, S45:29, Sg:23, Si:11, Sk:39, Spk:46, St:4, Su:15, T:9, TM:10, TO:18, U:17, UR:53, VL:16, Yh:9, Zf:24; age:+, am_k:+, az:3, bz:2, chi:+, cl:21, dw:6, ecs:9, gw:+, kxk:15, no:+, rfs:+, s_g:23, vg:+ -- ADM:14, AM:14, AY:150, V:53-157-16, MT:C+, TH:**
  20. Miguel: Wildheart (RCA) {165}: ABC:43, Af:17, Am_g:16, Am_s:21, AV:*2, AY:20, BE:86, Btz:13, C:4, DM:49, DW:16, Eb:35, ER:18, Ero:50, EW:12, EWi:31, FB:+, FL:28, G:11, Ge:15, GTV:34, HV:3, IM:16, IT:24, JD:21, JG:65, JM:28, Jp:32, KQ:10, LM:9, Ma:5, Mc:21, N:10, Nc:15, Nd:4, PA:13, Pf:8, Pf_r:30, Pg:26, PM:30, PW:28, Q:16, RS:28, RS_A:28, S:14, Sl:6, Soh:6, Std:32, StP:3, T:13, TN:9, Tr:29, U:47, Va:30, WT:37, Yh:+, YW:2; am_r:+, az:8, bae:8, bbn:10, bg_r:3, bv:+, cl:16, cmg:+, ct:16, ex_r:2, ftw:5, gm:16, ht:+, id:4, jd:8, js:14, m:6, mac:7, mm:+, nw:13, ny_p:10, rfc:10, s_b:7, s_v:10, st:+, ti:1, vac:+, vak:+, vbw:+, vcm:+, vg:+, vjc:+, vjg:+, vjm:+, vnf:+, vrm:+, vto:+ -- ADM:18, AM:30, AY:53, V:14-490-50, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:***
  21. Kurt Vile: B'lieve I'm Goin Down (Matador) {164}: Am_g:40, Am_s:20, AS:14, AV:12, AY:25, AYP:13, BE:59, Btz:37, C:94, Cl:39, CS:38, Df:45, DJ:7, DM:5, Dr:9, DS:86, Dv:22, Eb:38, FL:29, Fld:4, FN:6, Fp:7, Gf_D:25, Gf_N:47, Gw:31, He:31, Hu:4, IM:17, Is:11, JM:+, Kp:8, LM:28, LR:17, Lt:34, LW:33, Mc:29, Mg:21, Mj:50, MO:44, MR:19, Ms:13, Mw:16, Mz:8, NL:10, NME:11, NR:39, Oo:9, P:13, PA:31, Pc:25, Pf:23, Pf_r:17, Pl:5, PN:*2, Q:7, Qt:27, Rdx:25, Re:21, RM:73, RS:19, RS_A:19, RT:68, RTr:17, Rv:+, S:29, Scr:30, Sg:48, Sk:9, Tr:35, U:29, U_jm:51, UR:15, Wat:9, Yh:+, ZF:54; adm:16, am:+, am_k:+, aqd:+, bc:9, bv:+, cpu:6, gd_p:14, gl:h, kf:10, kxk:9, lxl:9, n_o:+, opb:+, owl:+, ppg:7, rrh:+, s_d:1, s_v:21, srh:9, te:+, vad:+, vbm:+, vg:+, vje:+, vps:+, vsm:+, vsn:+, vsp:+ -- ADM:17, AM:13, AY:98, V:27-264-29, TH:B
  22. Beach House: Depression Cherry (Sub Pop) {155}: Am_g:14, Am_s:12, AV:*2, AY:34, BE:16, Bl:54, Blr:9, Bw:12, C:31, Cmp:42, Df:9, DJ:34, DM:27, Dr:18, DS:70, Eb:41, Ero:55, FB:+, FL:42, FN:31, Fp:15, GB:38, Ge:3, Gf_N:43, GTV:45, Gw:28, IM:32, In:14, Is:8, Jp:15, Kp:12, LM:16, LR:58, MO:41, Mon:30, Ni:30, No:+, NR:19, Nu:17, On:11, Oo:32, P:19, PA:22, Pc:24, Pf:28, Pf_r:8, Plt:16, PM:40, PN:+, PP:5, Rdx:32, Re:44, RM:55, RS:33, RS_A:33, RS_F:26, RT:28, RY:56, S:16, S45:35, SBR:1, Sg:47, Sk:31, Spk:19, St:33, T:19, TM:18, UR:8, Va:35, VF:46, VL:21, Wat:5, WT:11; adm:9, am_i:+, ath:+, bg_r:10, bm:2, cmg:*3, dw:10, gg:+, kxk:+, lc_e:3, lc_g:6, mut:5, om:+, ou:15, riu:2, rw:+, s_d:23, s_v:16, sam:3, st_i:17, ucg:4, utd:9, vap:+, vg:+ -- ADM:24, AM:21, AY:126, V:38-192-20, RC:**, MT:B-, TH:B
  23. Jason Isbell: Something More Than Free (Southeastern) {154}: AbP:25, Aq:6, AS:3, AV:+, AY:35, BB:10, BE:41, Cr:15, Df:10, DJ:26, Dv:19, EW:36, FN:33, GTV:40, He:4, IM:28, JG:10, JM:+, Mc:10, Mg:24, Mj:34, NoD:1, NS:2, Oo:48, P:18, PA:45, PM:8, RM:86, RS:7, RS_A:7, RS_c:1, RT:86, RTr:16, RY:100, Sg:31, SiC:17, So:6, Su:43, T_c:12, TL:14, U:15, Va:21, Yh:+; am_a:+, bg_s:4, bm:3, bv:+, cmg:*3, df:+, ecs:5, ejh:+, ew_c:3, ex_c:4, ghn:12, gl:a, hu:25, js:19, kxk:1, nod:1, npr:+, npr_f:+, opb:+, pi:6, pm_u:3, po:+, r_am:1, r_c:3, rrh:+, scm:+, sdu:6, sjw:2, sht:3, skm:13, szk:8, tns:+, vam:+, vcb:+, vch:+, vhh:+, vjw:+, vpg:+ -- ADM:49, AM:36, AY:103, V:11-546-51, RC:A-, MT:**, TH:*
  24. Deafheaven: New Bermuda (Anti) {152}: AbP:9, Am_g:20, AV:*2, AY:23, BE:20, Blr:18, Bq:63, Crg:23, CS:21, Db:19, Df:17, Dr:95, DS:92, DVk:8, DW:46, Eb:11, Ero:17, FN:27, Gf_N:7, HB:13, Hi:8, IM:27, Is:20, K:29, LBF:+, LM:49, Ma:18, Mc:19, Mg:9, MH:14, Ms:12, NN:48, NR:25, Nu:6, Oo:38, Pf:26, Pf_m:1, Pf_r:16, PM:36, Pu:3, Rdx:40, Rev:3, RM:83, RSh:12, RY:24, S:12, S45:36, Sg:10, Sk:44, Spk:15, Spk_u:162, TM:11, Tr:2, UR:72, Vi:5, Yh:+; ad:+, am_m:+, bm:8, bv:*2, cmg:+, cs_m:9, dc:+, db:6, ew_m:8, ex_m:2, gd_m:2, gl:h, gp:+, io:1, la_r:2, lc_e:+, lt_m:20, lv_r:8, mi_r:6, ms_c:2, ms_g:9, ok:9, owl:+, pm_m:2, rfs:+, rrh:8, s_m:1, s_v:11, tr_m:1, utd:12 -- ADM:45, AM:23, AY:37, V:54-157-15, TH:*
  25. Holly Herndon: Platform (4AD) {149}: ACL:5, Am_g:27, AV:+, AY:19, BE:64, Bl:2, C:3, CS:29, DaM:22, DM:29, D:10, Dr:64, DS:90, Du:7, DVk:13, Eb:23, Ero:7, F:22, FB:+, FPE:1, G:24, GTV:93, IM:35, Is:16, Jp:45, Kp:6, KQ:11, LBF:+, LQ:20, LR:67, LW:41, Mc:40, MO:38, Ms:20, N:35, NME:26, NR:28, Nu:12, Oo:29, P:21, PA:44, Pf:39, Ph:34, PM:37, Qt:10, Rdx:8, Re:13, RT:73, SA:23, Scr:14, Sp:3, Th:1, TMT:35, Tr:48, U:20, U_jm:32, VF:1, W:6, Zf:35; ah:+, am_i:+, bgc:16, bm_x:8, bu:5, bv:*2, cha:5, cmg:*3, dc:+, ex_e:3, pl_e:3, pm_a:6, pm_e:7, por:4, r_e:1, s_a:11, tr_e:1, vah:+, vap:+, vhp:+, w_e:4 -- ADM:20, AM:20, AY:78, V:78-110-12, TH:**
  26. Deerhunter: Fading Frontier (4AD) {139}: Am_g:17, Am_s:36, AS:34, AV:*2, AY:22, AYP:14, BE:23, Bl:67, C:63, Cl:40, CS:35, Df:25, DJ:28, DS:53, DW:61, Eb:40, EW:34, Ex:19, FL:34, Fld:13, FN:11, Fp:19, G:12, Gf_N:20, Gw:6, IM:18, In:44, JG:76, Kp:3, LM:38, LR:51, Mc:36, Mj:47, MR:7, Mw:12, Mz:29, NME:14, NR:21, On:22, Oo:25, P:10, PA:18, Pf:30, Pf_r:14, Rdx:26, Re:40, RM:50, RT:50, Rv:8, RY:88, S:7, S45:5, Sg:42, Sk:17, Spk:21, SR:16, St:45, Tr:33, U:56, UR:7, Wat:35, Zf:20; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, bv:*2, bz:17, cmg:*3, dc:+, dp:8, gd_p:1, gl:a, gm:27, lc_e:9, mb:+, ok:5, opb:+, or:12, r_ar:7, s_d:22, s_u:9, s_v:19, tam:+, te:+, vg:+ -- ADM:22, AM:17, AY:34, V:45-175-19, MT:A-, TH:***
  27. Donnie Trumpet & the Social Experment: Surf (self-released) {132}: 405:14, AV:*2, AY:29, BB:22, CM:9, Cmp:13, CS:26, Df:22, DW:13, Eb:80, EW:21, EWi:6, FB:+, FL:24, HG:16, HV:31, IM:19, JD:15, JG:2, KQ:14, LM:47, Mc:15, Nc:23, Ni:7, PA:9, Pf:21, Pf_r:35, Pg:13, PM:20, RS:24, Rv:+, S:36, S_h:6, Scr:18, Sg:15, Sg_h:3, Sl:18, Soh:4, Std:12, TG:+, Tr:43, Va:28, XXL:18, Yh:+; adm:8, ahh:+, az:4, bg_b:6, chi:+, cmg:*2, ct:7, ex_h:5, g_h:3, gm:19, ht:+, js:9, lxl:10, okp:9, r_h:15, rc:1, riu:8, rrh:+, st_h:11, tbt:4, upr:7, vch:+, vdc:+, vjl:+, vjw:+, vmr:+, vnr:+, vrc:+, vsn:+, vsp:+, vtc:+, vtl:+ -- ADM:34, AM:54, AY:25, V:15-442-42, RC:A, TH:A-
  28. Adele: 25 (XL) {130}: 405:13, A_uk:16, ABC:2, Am_g:41, AS:42, AV:+, AY:18, BB:5, Cmp:4, DM:50, DSp:1, Eb:75, ER:10, EW:3, FB:+, Fu:2, Gf_N:19, IM:40, JM:21, Jp:50, Ma:10, Nd:2, Noj:44, Pg:16, Ps:9, RS:2, RS_A:2, RSh:11, RT:56, RTr:9, Rv:+, Std:10, StP:2, Su:9, T:30, TG:50, TL:8, Va:8, Yh:*2; ap_f:3, bg_s:8, cct:2, cl:5, cos:15, ew_p:2, id:2, la_w:8, mac:9, mj_l:2, mut:4, ny_p:6, p:1, rfs:+, rt:10, ru:3, sdu:5, st:+, st_i:13, tbt:+, vx:2 -- AM:68, V:35-216-21, RC:**
  29. Viet Cong: Viet Cong (Jagjaguwar) {127}: A_uk:53, AV:+, AY:39, AYP:1, BE:10, BG:6, Bl:93, Bw:77, C:44, DM:9, Dr:22, DS:11, Eb:24, Ex:12, FL:27, Fld:23, FN:26, Fp:70, Gf_N:37, Gw:36, Is:10, JD:37, Jp:39, Kp:5, LBF:+, LM:30, LQ:27, LR:89, Lt:42, Ms:29, Mw:3, NME:46, NN:12, No:6, NR:14, On:38, Oo:18, PA:19, Pc:47, Pf:+, Pf_r:18, Pl:11, PM:19, PN:3, Re:17, RM:23, RT:40, Rv:+, RY:32, S45:21, Scr:25, Sg:45, Sk:19, Sl:14, Spk:5, Spk_u:86, SR:20, Tr:21, UR:56, Wat:10, Zf:32; ad:+, aqd:+, ath:+, bv:*2, cmg:*3, gd_p:3, gp:+, lp:+, lc_e:4, lv_r:9, lxl:13, ou:+, po:+, vah:+ -- ADM:23, AM:25, AY:32, V:59-143-15, MT:C-, TH:**
  30. Maria Schneider: The Thompson Fields (ArtistShare) {119}: FJ:+, JC:1, T_j:1, TG:28, Tx:5; fd:1, ghj:2, jac:5, jbb:9, jbm:5, jbo:2, jbp:1, jbu:8, jda:1, jdb:1, jdf:1, jdh:1, jdr:3, jfk:1, jgy:3, jgz:7, jjl:3, jjm:8, jjw:1, jkd:4, jkf:1, jla:5, jma:1, jmk:10, jmm:1, jmu:2, jnb:2, jph:2, jpq:1, jrd:1, jrk:2, jrs:*2, jsa:4, jsd:7, jsf:3, jtd:5, jth:4, jtn:1, jw:2, la_b:h, mm:+, nat:1, noj:1, ny_c:3, vjc:2, vlb:9, vmw:9 -- V:289-26-3, TH:**
  31. Mbongwana Star: From Kinshasa (World Circuit) {116}: AY:+, BE:94, CM:51, CRW:75, De:10, DS:34, DW:11, Ero:44, EWi:9, FB:+, Fp:49, FR:11, IT:27, JG:4, Kp:17, LQ:18, LR:28, Mc:+, Mj:8, MO:20, Mon:47, Mrg:9, NR:35, Pc:59, Q:48, Qt:3, Re:19, RM:4, RT:70, Ru:8, S:40, SA:17, So:24, TG:+, TGW:25, TO:35, U:19, U_jm:98, VF:48, W:23, Zf:34; ap:+, cp:2, cpb:5, cpu:9, g_e:8, hu:9, jgk:6, js:29, mm:+, npr:+, npr_l:+, ny_p:9, pl_w:1, po:+, pri:*2, rfc:3, sdm:+, sdu:14, te:+, vcb:+, vcp:+, vgr:+, vtk:+, vwh:+ -- AM:45, AY:2, V:34-220-20, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
  32. Rudresh Mahanthappa: Bird Calls (ACT) {113}: BIW:2, CM:6, EWi:27, FJ:*2, JC:1, JG:15, TG:77, Yh:+; am_j:+, av:+, ei:2, fd:2, ghj:1, jac:4, jad:7, jag:2, jbb:4, jbm:1, jbu:1, jck:5, jda:5, jdb:10, jdf:10, jeh:2, jek:1, jgg:3, jgs:7, jgy:5, jha:1, jjb:2, jjc:1, jjh:3, jjm:7, jjo:8, jjs:3, jlm:5, jma:10, jmm:8, jmn:1, jmu:9, jph:3, jpq:8, jri:7, jrm:7, jsa:1, jsm:3, jtc:5, jtd:2, ny_c:6, pm_j:9, sdo:8, se_a:+, tn:9, vjc:3, vjo:1, vrg:1, vsn:+, vtl:+, jtn:4, ww:7 -- V:190-42-5, TH:*
  33. Floating Points: Elaenia (Luaka Bop) {112}: Af:19, AV:+, AV:21, Bl:6, DJ:25, DM:17, DS:21, Du:9, DS:93, Dv:17, Eb:51, FB:+, FPE:30, G:16, IT:4, LBF:+, LQ:12, Mc:18, Mix:3, Mu:17, Ni:26, Noj:10, Pc:14, Pf:20, Ph:2, PW:46, RA:1, RT:25, Rv:+, RY:82, SA:29, Sk:40, Sp:16, SR:31, Th:5, TO:17, U_jm:17, VF:19, W:46, WT:18, Xlr:2; ah:+, am:+, am_e:+, amg:+, cmg:+, ex_e:5, it:5, jd:20, now:5, npr:+, npr_e:+, opb:+, pl_e:4, pm_e:3, por:10, r_e:8, s_b:1, vg:+ -- ADM:31, AM:39, AY:26, V:76-112-12, TH:***
  34. Chvrches: Every Open Eye (Universal) {110}: ABC:11, AbP:29, Am_g:31, Am_s:22, AS:12, AV:*2, AY:38, BE:74, Blr:40, Bq:11, Btz:21, Cr:18, Crg:17, DaJ:29, Df:43, Dr:72, DS_u:28, EW:26, FB:+, FL:48, Fp:55, G:31, GTV:33, IM:22, In:48, Jp:8, LM:20, LR:59, Ma:15, Ms:3, Mz:19, NME:6, Nu:19, P:16, PA:37, Pf_r:26, Pg:33, PM:42, Poj:10, PP:24, Q:28, Rdx:38, S:43, Sg:33, Sk:21, Su:21, Tr:25, UR:9, Va:20, WT:24, Yh:*2; am_p:+, bae:9, chi:+, db:+, gm:10, hc:8, owl:+, psl:1, rfs:+, s_c:11, s_d:19, s_g:6, s_p:7, skm:17, st_i:16, tr_e:8, vac:+, vcm:+, vnf:+ -- AM:28, AY:95, V:41-190-21, TH:**
  35. Kacey Musgraves: Pageant Material (Mercury Nashville) {110}: ABC:48, AS:16, AV:+, AY:+, BE:83, Dv:35, EWi:30, Fp:76, JG:72, JM:8, N:50, Nc:31, Nd:7, NoD:16, NS:4, P:27, PA:46, PM:12, Ps:6, RS_c:14, S:8, SiC:3, So:18, Spk:45, StP:17, T_c:36, TL:3, TN:14, Va:17, Yh:4; am_c:+, bc:5, bg_r:4, bm_c:10, bv:+, cct:1, cl:24, cos:11, df:+, ghn:9, la_l:4, la_w:2, mac:+, mj_l:4, npr:+, npr_t:5, ok:7, or:4, pm_c:3, po:+, rrh:10, s_c:1, s_d:10, s_g:2, s_v:15, ti:6, tns:+, vbm:+, vcc:+, vmg:+ -- AM:79, AY:116, V:20-311-33, RC:*, MT:**, TH:***
  36. The Weeknd: Beauty Behind the Madness (Republic) {109}: 405:21, A_uk:56, Af:11, Am_s:11, AV:*2, AY:43, BB:18, BE:52, Bf:17, Cmp:23, DSp:17, ER:11, Gf_D:13, Gf_N:23, IM:34, In:46, JG:128, JM:9, Kp:13, LM:17, LR:54, Lt:26, Ma:29, Mj:45, Nd:16, NME:19, Pf_r:43, Pg:12, PM:66, Poj:28, Ps:13, RS:5, RS_A:5, RTr:8, Rv:*2, St:34, Std:2, StP:6, Su:7, TM:13, Va:41, WT:13, Yh:5; boc:4, cl:18, ex_r:4, hc:3, hdx:+, id:9, la_k:6, la_w:1, lt_h:8, lp:+, mac:+, mj_l:10, now:8, ru:4, st_i:12 -- ADM:47, AM:57, V:19-312-30, MT:***, TH:*
  37. Wilco: Star Wars (dBpm) {107}: AS:7, AV:14, AY:36, AYP:16, BE:29, CS:30, Df:20, DJ:39, Dr:76, Dv:21, Eb:64, EE:13, EW:9, Fld:6, FN:13, Fp:33, Gf_N:32, GTV:32, Gw:39, IM:47, IT:35, JD:11, Mc:27, Mg:1, Mj:26, NoD:15, NR:44, P:31, Pf_r:46, Pl:24, PN:+, Q:41, RM:68, RS:14, RS_A:14, RS_D:23, RTr:14, SiC:1, Su:32, U:18, U_jm:15, UR:26, Va:23, Yh:+, YW:52; am_k:+, aqd:+, ew_r:3, gl:a, gw:+, kxk:+, lc_g:+, lv_z:3, npr:h:2, opb:*2, r_r:18, rw:+, skm:14, sq:7, tam:+, vaz:+, vcb:+, vda:+, vje:+ -- AM:41, AY:71, V:43-187-20, RC:***, MT:***, TH:***
  38. Shamir: Ratchet (XL) {105}: 405:23, A_uk:96, Af:14, Am_g:42, AV:+, AY:33, Btz:29, Cmp:22, D:6, DW:19, FB:98, IM:38, IT:14, JD:13, JG:73, LBF:+, LR:20, N:46, Nd:22, Ni:4, NME:21, NR:30, PA:26, Pf:48, PM:68, PP:23, Re:31, RT:85, S:9, Sg:21, Sl:7, St:17, TO:10, Tr:28, UR:54, Va:14, Wat:11, WT:14, Yh:+, YW:11, Zf:43; am:+, am_p:+, cos:14, ct:4, gm:12, js:20, la_k:8, lv_r:7, mm:+, nw:16, po:+, rc:14, rw:+, s_c:12, s_g:13, s_p:1, te:+, tr_e:4, vbw:+, vcm:+, vgc:+, vhp:+, vma:+, vrm:+ -- ADM:33, AM:40, AY:89, V:31-241-26, RC:A-, MT:***, TH:A-
  39. Unknown Mortal Orchestra: Multi-Love (Jagjaguwar) {105}: A_uk:30, Af:21, Am_g:18, AV:+, AY:27, AYP:24, BE:31, Bl:62, Blr:14, Btz:41, CS:32, De:3, Df:39, DJ:47, Dr:11, Du:14, Eb:33, EW:19, FB:+, FL:13, Fld:8, Fp:37, G:18, Is:15, LM:10, LQ:22, LR:96, Lt:43, MR:25, Mu:16, Ne:35, Ni:6, NME:10, No:4, NR:33, Oo:7, PA:16, Pc:30, Pf_r:33, Plt:18, PN:6, RT:97, Rv:5, SR:10, St:14, TM:16, TO:22, Tr:36, U:12, U_jm:43, UR:18, Wat:26, WT:43, Zf:10; bbc:+, dp:5, ejh:+, ew_r:8, kf:8, lxl:12, mb:+, opb:+, sq:9, srh:11 -- ADM:25, AM:32, AY:79, V:106-79-8, TH:B-
  40. Chris Stapleton: Traveller (Mercury Nashville) {99}: AbP:24, AS:1, AV:+, AY:42, BB:13, BE:48, CRW:51, EW:7, IM:43, JM:12, N:11, NoD:2, NS:1, PM:5, RS:21, RS_c:3, Sg:43, StP:12, T_c:13, TL:1, Va:10, Yh:8; am_c:+, bg_s:2, bm:10, bm_c:2, bv:+, cl:10, cmg:+, df:+, ew_c:1, gp:+, la_l:5, mj_l:9, npr:+, npr_p:+, opb:+, p:6, pm_c:2, r_c:2, scm:+, sdu:9, sht:13, sjw:+, skm:15, szk:7, tbt:+, tc:1, tns:+, val:+, vam:+, vbm:+, vhh:+, vjw:+, wsj:8 -- AM:69, V:24-288-31, TH:*
  41. Leon Bridges: Coming Home (Columbia) {97}: A_uk:19, ABC:10, AS:30, AV:*2, AY:44, Blr:3, Bq:3, DJ:9, EE:11, ER:6, FB:+, Fld:24, Fp:14, GB:4, Gf_D:24, IM:42, IT:34, JM:+, Jp:44, LM:14, Lt:28, Mj:27, Ms:16, Mz:17, NoD:34, Oo:50, P:9, Pg:24, Pl:13, PM:65, Ps:11, Q:38, RM:48, RS:31, RS_A:31, RT:91, RTr:18, S45:10, Soh:16, Su:31, TG:+, TL:24, U_jm:107, Va:6, Yh:*2; ejh:+, ex_5, gp:+, kxk:3, nw:3, pl_s:1, re:8, rw:+, val:+, vjf:+, vjt:+ -- AM:64, V:25-268-29, TH:*
  42. Sleaford Mods: Key Markets (Harbinger Sound) {97}: AV:+, AY:+, Bl:29, Bq:50, C:37, Cl:25, CM:16, Cr:20, DaM:17, DM:21, Dr:19, EWi:23, Flp:18, Fp:13, G:29, Gf:7, Gf_N:16, GTV:42, Gw:12, Hu:12, IM:37, In:32, JG:7, LR:82, LW:1, Mj:9, Mon:25, Ms:15, Ne:29, NME:43, NN:18, No:21, Oo:41, Pc:62, PN:+, Q:14, Rdx:24, RM:88, RS_D:22, RT:29, S45:16, Sk:20, Sp:12, St:35, T:14, U:9, W:21, Zf:5; bbc:+, bgc:6, no:+, nz:+, om:+, vdw:+, vth:+ -- AM:38, V:122-69-7, RC:*, MT:A-, TH:A-
  43. Earl Sweatshirt: I Don't Like Shit I Don't Go Outside (Columbia) {97}: A_uk:35, Am_g:32, Am_h:15, AV:*2, AY:+, BE:21, Bf:13, Blr:16, C:42, Cmp:18, CV:8, Du:10, Ero:12, FL:35, Gf:30, Gw:17, HG:20, HV:7, IM:24, JG:74, LR:76, Mj:29, Mw:36, N:14, PA:27, Pc:56, Pf:25, Pf_r:29, Pg:37, PM:34, PW:7, Re:46, S:27, S_h:5, Sg_h:12, Spk:27, Std:28, TN:13, Tr:49, WT:23, XXL:5; ahh:+, am_h:+, bv:*2, cmg:*2, ex_h:6, gp:+, jc:5, la_r:1, npr:+, pm_h:3, qt_h:5, r_h:5, s_u:8, s_v:23, spt:1, vda:+, vg:+ -- ADM:40, AM:51, AY:160, V:26-266-25, TH:*
  44. Dr Dre: Compton: A Soundtrack by Dr Dre (Aftermath/Interscope) {95}: 405:19, A_uk:47, Am_g:6, Am_h:4, AV:*2, AY:+, BE:67, Bf:16, Bq:44, Btz:26, C:90, Cmp:47, Cr:8, CRW:7, CV:21, DS:75, ER:30, FL:47, Fp:45, G:35, Gf_D:17, HG:4, IM:50, LM:13, Lt:45, Mc:33, NR:24, Oo:34, PA:35, Pf:32, Pf_r:47, PW:38, Q:19, Rdx:36, RTr:21, Rv:+, S_h:42, Sg_h:9, Sk:15, Soh:7, St:22, Std:13, StP:24, T:16, TM:17, Yh:*2; ahh:+, am:+, bv:+, cl:9, cmg:*2, fw:+, hdx:+, jc:6, lt_h:15, pl_h:2, qt_h:20, r_h:9, rr:8, upr:13 -- ADM:41, AM:55, AY:72, V:56-149-16, RC:**, MT:C+, TH:B-
  45. Destroyer: Poison Season (Merge) {94}: AV:*2, AY:+, AYP:19, BE:15, Df:7, Dr:97, DS:45, Ex:7, Flp:3, FN:22, Fp:35, Gf:14, Gf_N:10, HV:31, In:28, Jp:43, LBF:+, LM:32, Mc:16, Mg:18, MR:10, Ms:27, Mu:21, Ne:19, NR:11, Oo:16, PA:23, Pf:43, Pf_r:36, Plt:14, PN:*2, PP:19, Rdx:23, RS_D:5, RT:79, Rv:+, S:24, S45:3, Sk:25, Tr:41, U:36, UR:65, Zf:17; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ath:+, cmg:*3, ecs:1, gl:a, mgt:9, r_ar:6, rfc:19, s_u:24, s_v:13 -- AM:34, AY:21, V:57-146-14, MT:B, TH:*
  46. Jack DeJohnette: Made in Chicago (ECM) {93}: EWi:36, JC:3, JG:20, Mrg:5, T_j:3; blg:+, ei:3, ei_m:5, fd:3, jah:1, jal:1, jas:9, jbs:2, jbu:6, jdf:2, jdh:8, jdk:7, jdr:4, jgg:+, jgk:2, jji:3, jjm:+, jjo:3, jlb:5, jld:2, jlm:2, jmj:3, jmm:2, jmn:2, jmu:4, jra:1, jrd:2, jrh:+, jri:4, jsf:10, jtm:2, jwj:5, noj:13, pm_j:3, po:1, sdo:1, vce:+, vhs:2, vjo:10, vlb:1, vrg:6, w_j:2 -- V:192-42-3
  47. Lana Del Rey: Honeymoon (Interscope) {93}: Af:22, AS:35, AY:24, BB:21, BG:12, Bq:97, C:60, Df:40, DL:15, DS:15, DSp:19, Dv:30, ER:8, EWi:28, FF:33, Fp:44, GB:24, Gw:44, IM:29, In:24, JM:13, LBF:+, LQ:28, LR:16, Ma:30, Mon:42, Mu:49, NME:7, Noj:14, NR:50, On:42, Pf_r:44, Pg:10, Poj:23, RS:12, RS_A:12, RS_D:15, RSh:14, RT:78, RTr:20, S:18, So:12, StP:20, T:21, U:57, Va:33, VL:20, WT:42; cct:4, cos:4, id:3, lp:+, mgt:10, nw:12, s_p:2, s_u:21, st_i:18, vbm:+ -- AM:60, V:61-142-14, RC:A-, MT:B-, TH:***
  48. Natalie Prass: Natalie Prass (Sony) {91}: AS:9, AV:*2, AY:45, BE:77, Blr:50, Btz:28, CS:19, De:20, Df:21, DJ:24, Dr:62, Eb:14, Ex:11, FL:17, G:28, Ge:13, Gf_D:30, GTV:53, Hu:9, IM:26, IT:7, Jp:9, LBF:+, LQ:40, LR:29, Mc:14, Ms:23, Mz:7, Noj:37, P:7, Pc:100, Pf:49, Pf_48, PM:28, Q:33, Rdx:29, RM:49, RT:22, Ru:17, Rv:+, Sg:26, Tr:42, U:8, U_jm:5, UR:13, Zf:66; am:+, am_s:+, bm:5, cmg:+, g_e:9, la_r:6, lc_e:+, mb:+, rc:8, rrh:+, rw:+ -- ADM:25, AM:24, AY:20, V:67-128-15, TH:*
  49. Florence + the Machine: How Big How Blue How Beautiful (Island) {90}: ABC:17, AbP:20, AS:32, AY:41, BB:17, BE:33, Btz:32, CS:41, Df:35, DSp:15, Eb:28, EE:9, EW:15, Fp:59, Ge:19, Gf_D:6, Gf_N:22, GTV:22, Gw:50, HV:23, IM:44, JM:17, Jp:26, Ms:8, Mu:33, NME:40, NR:29, Nu:15, P:29, PA:41, Pf_r:42, PM:44, Poj:25, Q:10, RS:22, RS_A:22, RS_F:5, Spk:39, St:49, StP:11, Su:26, TM:7, TO:4, UR:36, Va:31, WT:3, Yh:+; az:9, cmg:+, db_w:6, ew_r:6, npr:+, p:5, rfs:+, st_i:15, tbt:9, vhh:+ -- ADM:35, AM:22, AY:136, V:64-137-13, TH:B
  50. Vijay Iyer: Break Stuff (ECM) {89}: DVk:20, FJ:*2, JC:5, JG:29, KQ:15, Mrg:12, TG:41; am_j:+, fd:7, jar:1, jbm:+, jbs:6, jbu:3, jck:9, jda:2, jdh:4, jfk:3, jgg:+, jgz:+, jha:2, jjc:4, jjl:7, jjm:3, jjo:1, jjs:2, jka:6, jmk:8, jmm:5, jms:5, jph:7, jpj:7, jsg:1, jsw:5, jtd:6, jth:6, jtm:+, jwj:6, la_b:a, lp:+, nb:3, noj:9, npr:+, ny_c:4, pm_j:6, po:+, ti:8, vad:3, vlb:3, vpg:+ -- V:232-34-4, TH:***
  51. D'Angelo & the Vanguard: Black Messiah (RCA -14) {88}: AY:37, BB:8, C:11, Cr:10, CS:7, Ge:5, IM:25, Jp:13, Mj:16, Ni:21, Noj:25, Oo:33, PA:2, Pc:27, Pf:7, PW:+, RS:4, RS_A:4, RTr:11, Ru:19, So:7, Sp:2, TMT:44, Tr:3, Wat:3, Zf:23; am_r:+, cl:3, ex_r:1, fw:5, gd_h:2, jc:10, jd:7, mgt:8, mj:4, ny_c:9, ong:2, te:+, vcc:+, vg:+, vje:+, vjw:+ -- ADM:28, AM:33, V:42-190-18, RC:A-, TH:A-
  52. Tobias Jesso Jr: Goon (True Panther Sounds) {87}: A_uk:28, Am_g:10, Am_s:4, AV:+, AY:49, BE:43, Cl:23, CS:23, Dr:8, DS:89, Eb:15, Ex:9, FL:18, FN:43, In:50, Is:21, IT:15, LBF:+, LQ:5, LR:1, Mj:46, MR:20, Mw:40, Nd:17, NR:23, Oo:26, P:22, PA:33, Pc:57, Pf:46, Pf_r:37, Pg:18, PN:*2, Rdx:41, RS_F:18, RT:18, S45:7, SR:50, TN:8, UR:83, Zf:14; ad:+, age:+, am_s:+, az:10, bbc:+, bm_f:14, kf:4, rw:+, srh:8, st_i:6 -- ADM:29, AM:47, AY:125, V:102-81-10, MT:C, TH:**
  53. ASAP Rocky: At.Long.Last.ASAP (Polo Grounds/RCA) {85}: Am_h:5, AV:*2, AY:47, Blr:10, Cmp:7, CS:45, D:9, De:14, Ero:34, EW:5, Fu:14, Ge:20, HG:11, HV:12, IM:31, LBF:+, Lt:18, N:30, NME:12, Noj:45, Nu:30, Oo:42, Pf_r:40, Pg:6, Rdx:22, Rv:+, S_h:16, Sg_h:8, Std:11, Su:34, TN:6, XXL:11; ahh:+, am_h:+, ex_h:4, hdx:+, ht:+, jc:4, lt_h:3, mac:3, ou:+, rr:7, st_h:18, tbt:7, upr:9, vjg:+, vtr:+ -- AM:83, V:65-130-14, TH:**
  54. New Order: Music Complete (Mute) {85}: AV:+, AY:46, AYP:23, BE:39, CS:25, De:15, DJ:23, DS_u:37, DKv:23, EE:15, FB:+, Flp:1, Fp:17, G:22, GTV:9, Gw:8, IM:33, In:23, Jp:17, Mix:12, Mj:3, MO:29, Ms:25, Mz:13, NME:48, On:24, Oo:44, Pc:72, Q:5, Qt:9, Re:50, Ro:13, RS_F:16, RT:39, S45:44, SA:14, Sp:18, Su:2, TO:48, U:10, UR:33, Yh:*2; ar:10, cmg:+, gm:26, r_e:5, vbw:+ -- ADM:27, AM:27, V:74-113-12, TH:A-
  55. Jlin: Dark Energy (Planet Mu) {84}: AY:31, Bk:2, Bl:11, C:18, CRW:26, D:14, Du:5, F:7, FB:+, FPE:74, GB:43, IT:23, Mix:35, Pf:40, Ph:36, PM:64, Qt:1, RA:3, Rdx:42, Re:4, S45:41, Sp:19, Th:9, TMT:45, VF:5, W:1; ah:+, bm_x:6, cmg:*2, gd_e:2, la_r:4, ou:+, pm_e:4, vg:+, vsp:+, w_e:1 -- AM:53, AY:17, V:127-65-8, MT:A-, TH:***
  56. Hop Along: Painted Shut (Saddle Creek) {83}: ABC:32, AV:15, AY:+, BE:40, Blr:24, Crg:7, CS:44, DS:39, DW:21, Eb:21, Ero:22, EW:35, EWi:26, FN:15, Gw:43, Hi:49, IM:38, JG:60, Mc:+, N:8, Ne:37, NR:26, P:5, PA:17, Pf:+, Pf_r:39, Pu:11, RS:36, RSh:19, Rv:+, Sg:7, Spk:14, Spk_u:34, Zf:80; am_i:+, bv:*2, cmg:*3, dw:4, g_o:2, mm:+, npr_d:10, opb:+, or:2, pi:5, po:+, ppg:4, rc:10, s_d:12, vjg:+, vsm:+, vtk:+ -- ADM:48, AM:67, AY:22, V:22-300-31, RC:A-, TH:*
  57. Henry Threadgill Zooid: In for a Penny In for a Pound (Pi -2CD) {82}: BA_j:20, CM:17, FJ:*2, JC:6, JG:19, Mrg:1; av:*2, blg:+, ei_m:1, eikk:+, fd:6, jas:10, jbm:+, jbs:8, jdf:7, jdk:2, jdt:2, jgk:7, jhm:1, jji:2, jjm:5, jkg:8, jkr:8, jla:1, jlb:2, jmu:1, jrk:1, jrs:*2, jsd:3, jsf:6, jsg:4, jsp:5, jsw:1, nb:+, noj:10, pm_j:12, po:+, srh:+, vbb:+, vhs:3, vjo:6, vlb:10, vmw:8, vth:+ -- V:212-38-5, TH:A-
  58. Wolf Alice: My Love Is Cool (Dirty Hit) {81}: A_uk:46, ABC:23, AY:28, BE:25, Blr:11, Bq:2, Crg:5, DS:4, DS_u:1, DSp:6, FL:43, FN:44, Fp:16, G:13, Ge:16, GTV:11, Gw:5, IM:48, K:24, MO:6, NME:4, NR:43, PP:32, Q:44, RM:35, RT:6, Sk:32, Su:10, TO:6, UR:3, Va:25, Yh:*2; dw:8, mm:+, r_ar:9, sam:12, skm:8, ucg:9 -- ADM:21, AM:37, AY:80, V:115-74-8, TH:*
  59. Panda Bear: Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper (Domino) {79}: A_uk:39, Am_g:9, AV:*2, AY:+, AYP:30, BE:18, Bf:21, Bl:55, Btz:14, Bw:72, Df:13, DM:33, Dr:74, Eb:50, Ex:20, F:48, Fld:12, Fp:82, GB:2, Gf_N:24, Jp:25, LR:42, Mc:30, Mz:20, Noj:3, PA:21, Pc:85, Pf:22, Pf_r:19, PN:*2, PW:31, Rdx:18, RM:27, RTr:5, SR:14, TO:20, Tr:30, U:45, U_jm:124, UR:22, Wat:30, WT:10, Zf:72; am_i:+, bv:+, ht:10, kxk:+, opb:+, owl:+, spt:7, tam:+, utd:19 -- AM:63, AY:50, V:98-86-11, TH:B
  60. Ryley Walker: Primrose Green (Dead Oceans) {78}: AM:+, Btz:34, De:5, Dr:3, DS:56, FB:+, Fp:36, GTV:81, He:32, Hi:32, LW:42, Mc:28, Mj:44, Mrg:15, NL:5, No:13, Oo:31, Pc:19, Pl:2, PM:52, RM:15, Ro:2, RS_D:25, RT:27, Ru:11, Si:4, SR:29, U:4, U_jm:9, UR:100, Yh:+; am_s:+, aqd:+, bm_f:11, bu:4, cpb:15, gl:a, om:+, sd:8, srh:3, vpg:+, vtl:+ -- AM:50, AY:143, V:163-50-6, TH:**
  61. Arca: Mutant (Mute) {76}: 405:16, Af:7, Am_g:44, AV:+, AY:+, Bk:30, Bl:28, Btz:19, CS:34, D:7, DM:15, DW:68, Eb:27, Ero:32, F:4, Hi:23, IT:43, Jp:27, LBF:+, Nu:18, Pf:38, Ph:43, PM:23, Qt:43, Rdx:17, Re:47, RT:94, Scr:12, Th:12, TMT:1, WT:19; ah:+, am_e:+, bm_x:7, cmg:*2, gp:+, lp:+, n_o:+, om:+, ou:+, pm_e:2, r_e:6, s_j:6, vg:+, vps:+ -- AM:58, AY:54, V:66-130-13, RC:A-, TH:A-
  62. Young Fathers: White Men Are Black Men Too (Big Dada) {76}: A_uk:43, AY:+, DM:45, Dr:17, DS:19, DS_u:5, DW:6, EWi:17, FB:+, FL:22, Fp:22, G:9, Gf_N:46, IM:41, In:34, Ipr:16, IT:33, JG:6, LR:45, Mc:26, Mj:22, MO:18, Mu:32, Ne:44, Ni:25, NME:39, PM:50, Re:41, RM:22, Rv:*2, Sk:7, St:21, U:35, Va:16, YW:10, Zf:62; ex_r:8, gm:5, kf:6, opb:*2, pm_h:6, po:+, te:+, vnf:+ -- ADM:37, AM:52, AY:43, V:120-69-8, RC:A-, TH:**
  63. The Internet: Ego Death (Odd Future/Columbia) {75}: Af:26, AY:50, C:39, Cmp:10, D:19, ER:24, FL:10, Gf:28, Gf_?, JG:52, Mix:50, N:28, LM:15, LR:19, Mu:27, N:49, Pg:14, PP:8, RTr:+, S45:33, Soh:1, Std:9, TO:1; am:+, am_r:+, bg_b:3, ex_r:3, ft:+, ftw:1, la_w:4, npr:+, okp:13, or:20, riu:9, rt:4, st:+, st_i:8, tbt:+, upr:10, vcl:+, vdc:+vg:+ -- AM:62, AY:159, V:57-146-14, RC:A-, TH:**
  64. Protomartyr: The Agent Intellect (Hardly Art) {75}: AV:11, AY:+, AYP:26, Bf:19, CM:23, CS:13, Dr:36, DVk:47, Ero:28, EWi:40, FB:66, IM:36, JD:16, LQ:26, Mc:17, NL:8, NN:47, NR:13, P:12, PA:34, Pf:+, Pf_r:50, PM:17, PN:*2, Rdx:49, Re:36, RM:67, RSh:9, RT:100, S:20, Sp:25, Tr:22, UR:75, Wat:2; am_i:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ath:+, bv:*2, cp:6, ct:3, gt:+, la_r:7, lc_e:+, ong:9, s_u:13, s_v:17, utd:13, vcp:+, vrs:+ -- ADM:39, AM:66, AY:36, V:47-170-17, TH:**
  65. Laura Marling: Short Movie (Ribbon Music) {74}: A_uk:55, AY:48, Df:37, DJ:12, Dr:93, DS:20, DS_u:8, Eb:39, FL:19, Fp:95, G:26, GTV:44, Gw:9, Is:28, MO:50, Mrg:39, Mu:38, NME:28, NR:22, On:33, Oo:49, Q:8, RS_D:10, RT:96, Rv:*2, Sl:23, SR:18, T:6, TG:7, TN:10, TO:14, U:44, U_jm:77, UR:39, Zf:73; age:+, bm_f:9, db:+, ejh:+, ex_c:7, kxk:18, npr_p:+, opb:*3, te:+ -- ADM:32, AM:44, AY:56, V:112-75-8, TH:A-
  66. Torres: Sprinter (Partisan) {74}: ABC:21, AS:2, AV:10, AY:+, AYP:10, BE:32, CS:12, Df:30, Eb:16, Ero:38, Hi:40, In:16, Ipr:7, JD:9, LBF:+, LR:68, NR:17, Oo:28, P:15, PA:28, PM:35, Qt:69, Re:18, RM:69, Tr:40, UR:50, Vi:17, Zf:65; bv:+, cmg:*3, ct:9, lc_g:8, mj_s:6, npr:+, npr_b:5, npr_h:3, npr_p:+, npr_t:6, nw:19, opb:*2, rfc:15, sam:4, vam:+, vcm:+, vsn:+ -- ADM:44, AM:46, AY:59, V:28-263-27, TH:*
  67. James McMurtry: Complicated Game (Complicated Game) {73}: AS:5, AV:+, BE:57, CM:22, DW:35, EWi:2, JG:56, Mc:+, NoD:3, NS:8, RS_F:15, RS_c:22, Sl:9, TG:+; am_s:+, bm_c:14, bot:+, cp:3, ghn:1, gl:a, js:4, noj:+, po:+, pm_u:4, scm:1, se_d:5, sjw:1, vch:+, vcp:+, vjl:+, vjw:+, vmr:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vtc:+, vth:+ -- AY:12, V:51-163-17, RC:A, TH:A-
  68. Young Thug: Barter 6 (300/Atlantic) {70}: Am_h:29, AV:+, AY:+, C:12, D:12, Dv:15, DW:72, Eb:82, Ero:10, GB:15, KQ:12, LR:12, N:27, NME:44, PA:40, Pf:14, Pf_r:41, Pg:15, PN:+, PW:2, S_h:8, Sg_h:11, Sl:17, Std:23, TMT:2, Va:45; ah:+, bsp:15, cmg:+, gd_h:8, jd:14, mac:+, ou:+, pm_h:+, r_h:7, s_v:18, tr_h:4, upr:15, vg:+ -- AM:75, V:32-225-25, RC:**, MT:A, TH:**
  69. Steve Coleman and the Council of Balance: Synovial Joints (Pi) {69}: JC:8, JG:51, Mrg:22; av:+, ei:1, ei_m:4, fd:+, ghj:4, jar:6, jas:3, jbm:+, jbu:2, jda:7, jdh:2, jek:5, jfk:2, jga:1, jgg:+, jgy:6, jhm:4, jjm:+, jka:10, jlb:1, jma:6, jmj:5, jmk:4, jpz:9, jrs:+, jsd:8, jsg:8, jsp:1, jsw:7, nat:+, ny_c:1, nb:+, pm_j:2, vgc:+, vjo:7, vjt:7, vmw:7, vrg:7, w_j:6 -- V:459-15-2, TH:***
  70. John Grant: Grey Tickles Black Pressure (Bella Union/Partisan) {69}: A_uk:18, AV:+, AY:+, Bf:24, DJ:16, Dr:39, DS:79, DVk:28, Fp:10, G:38, Gf_N:18, GTV:6, IT:25, Jp:22, LR:91, Mc:34, Mj:23, MO:21, Mu:41, Noj:4, NR:32, On:17, Pc:40, PM:57, Q:29, RM:42, Ro:5, RT:11, Rv:+, Si:12, Sk:30, St:40, Su:19, T:23, TO:27, U:25, UR:25, VL:14, Yh:+; am:+, am_i:+, bu:8, psl:8, tam:+, vah:+, vhp:+ -- ADM:38, AM:29, AY:67, V:88-97-8, TH:*
  71. Rae Sremmurd: SremmLife (Interscope) {69}: Am_h:18, AV:*2, AY:+, Blr:39, C:15, CM:49, Cmp:3, CRW:27, D:16, Dv:37, DW:20, ER:26, EW:23, Fu:6, GB:48, JG:67, Ma:28, Nc:6, Pf:29, Pg:47, PM:76, PW:35, RS:44, S_h:13, Sg:36, Sg_h:6, Std:6, XXL:14; ahh:+, am_h:+, bsp:4, id:14, hdx:+, la_w:7, pm_h:9, r_h:3, ru:8, tr_h:8, vjo:+, vtr:+, w_h:6 -- V:40-191-23, RC:A-, TH:***
  72. Foals: What Went Down (Warner Bros) {68}: A_uk:50, AY:+, BE:42, Bq:21, Cl:27, Crg:18, DS:26, DS_u:10, DSp:22, FB:+, FL:37, Fp:94, Gf_D:7, Gw:26, In:11, Kp:10, LBF:+, LM:39, LR:15, Lt:23, MO:37, Mu:46, Mz:10, NME:8, Plt:13, Q:12, RM:70, RT:38, Sk:48, Spk:35, SR:32, St:38, Su:33, T:18, TM:9, UR:21, Va:38, Vi:7, VL:13; cmg:+, no:+, re:10, rrh:+, ucg:7 -- ADM:46, AM:35, V:444-16-2, TH:B
  73. Low: Ones and Sixes (Sub Pop) {68}: Am_s:48, AV:*2, AY:+, Bw:14, C:17, Dr:25, DS:16, Dv:32, Fp:18, Ipr:11, JD:14, LR:34, LW:82, Mg:11, Mj:13, MO:10, Mon:12, Mu:36, Mw:38, Mz:25, No:24, On:17, Oo:35, Pc:50, PN:*2, Rdx:14, Re:39, RM:2, RT:93, S45:15, Sk:28, U:37, U_jm:42, UR:24, Zf:6; ad:+, aqd:+, bz:20, cmg:+, cpb:2, g_e:7, npr:+, npr_t:7 -- AM:61, AY:153, V:46-170-18, TH:B
  74. Waxahatchee: Ivy Tripp (Wichita) {68}: A_uk:52, ABC:22, Am_g:47, AV:8, AY:+, AYP:31, Bq:91, C:38, CM:44, Crg:30, Dr:69, DW:14, Eb:37, FB:+, FN:17, GTV:52, IM:46, Mc:38, Nd:21, Pf_r:49, RM:96, RSh:16, RT:83, Rv:*2, S:6, S45:40, Sg:19, Sk:13, TO:23, Tr:24; am_i:+, bv:+, cds:5, cmg:*2, g_o:6, kxk:+, mj_s:5, owl:+, r_ar:16, rfs:+, rrh:+, rw:+, s_d:8, s_u:16, s_v:5, sam:5, vjm:+ -- AY:52, V:37-197-23, MT:**, TH:**
  75. Jim O'Rourke: Simple Songs (Drag City) {67}: AY:+, Bk:98, Btz:15, Bw:13, DM:12, Dr:23, Dv:27, He:15, Is:25, LR:93, Mg:14, Mj:5, Mon:26, MR:8, Mw:23, NN:13, Pf:45, PN:+, Rdx:33, Re:35, RM:72, Ro:7, RT:42, Ru:13, Rv:*2, RY:87, S45:13, Sg:9, TG:+, U:13, U_jm:16, UR:81, W:7; ah:+, aqd:+, bgc:4, bu:10, cha:6, cmg:*2, kf:2, tam:+, vma:+, vps:+, vtr:+ -- AM:43, AY:27, V:81-107-12
  76. Titus Andronicus: The Most Lamentable Tragedy (Merge) {67}: AS:24, AV:*2, AY:+, BE:38, CRW:58, CS:9, Df:15, Eb:62, FB:+, FL:25, GTV:47, Hi:3, IM:39, JD:5, MO:48, Ms:17, NR:31, PA:49, Pf_r:38, PM:72, S:32, Sg:17, Sk:14, Sl:8, Spk_u:121, TN:24, Tr:26, U:62; adm:17, am_k:+, bv:+, ct:6, dw:16, gl:a, gm:7, lxl:20, pi:8, po:+, rfc:+, rrh:3, s_u:5, skm:4, tam:+, tbt:+, tr_p:7 -- AM:49, AY:30, V:50-165-19, MT:B, TH:B
  77. Mary Halvorson: Meltframe (Firehouse 12) {66}: CRW:37, FJ:*2, JC:7, JG:38, Mrg:11; ei_m:6, fd:8, g_x:+, jad:5, jah:5, jas:2, jbm:+, jdh:6, jek:2, jgg:4, jgk:+, jha:5, jhm:5, jjc:3, jji:7, jjl:9, jjm:+, jkr:1, jld:3, jmm:6, jpa:+, jpj:2, jrs:*2, jsg:3, jsb:7, jsp:9, jsw:3, jtc:3, la_b:a, nat:9, rs:17, se_a:*2, vhs:4, w_j:7 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  78. Ezra Furman: Perpetual Motion People (Bella Union) {65}: Am_g:38, AY:+, CM:25, DS:37, DW:69, EWi:10, Fp:65, G:25, Gw:1, GTV:5, KQ:19, LBF:+, LM:34, LQ:24, LW:47, Mj:31, MO:11, Mu:20, Q:30, Rdx:45, RM:25, RT:4, TO:13, U:43, YW:58, Zf:40; adm:20, am_i:+, gm:6, js:12, kxk:8, vjl:+, vmt:+ -- ADM:42, AM:59, AY:128, V:184-46-5, RC:***, MT:A, TH:A-
  79. Girl Band: Holding Hands With Jamie (Rough Trade) {65}: AY:+, BE:62, Blr:30, C:30, Cl:43, DS:23, DS_u:9, Eb:52, FB:+, FN:39, Fp:90, G:23, GTV:15, Hi:15, IT:2, LQ:6, LW:46, LR:6, MO:24, Mw:7, Ni:11, NN:40, Oo:23, PM:73, PN:+, RM:16, RT:49, Spk_u:119, St:7, Tr:34; bbc:+, cpb:16, it:4, lmt:2, m:9, rfs:+, tam:+, ti:5, tr_p:6 -- ADM:43, AM:56, AY:100, V:172-48-5, TH:**
  80. Jenny Hval: Apocalypse Girl (Sacred Bopes) {65}: 405:8, AY:32, BE:24, Bk:7, Bl:65, Bw:83, C:33, Dr:85, DS:10, Dv:36, Ero:35, FB:+, G:32, GTV:24, IM:49, LBF:+, LQ:34, LW:39, No:18, NR:20, PA:47, Pc:92, Pf:42, Qt:16, RT:84, Scr:19, Sg:14, Sk:6, Sp:13, Spk:40, TMT:23, VF:9; age:+, ah:+, bm_x:9, cmg:*3, imp:8, npr_p:+, opb:+, tam:+, vu:3 -- ADM:30, AM:48, AY:82, V:112-75-8, TH:*
  81. Chelsea Wolfe: Abyss (Sargent House) {64}: Am_g:35, Aq:7, AV:*2, Bw:15, DaJ:1, Eb:31, FB:+, GTV:23, Hi:44, Ipr:1, LW:3, Ne:21, NN:4, Noj:15, NR:42, On:40, PM:53, RM:39, RY:15, SA:27, Scr:26, Si:20, Spk_u:32, Te:21, Tr:12, UR:94, Wat:8; ad:+, am_i:+, ath:+, dc:+, ex_m:3, gd_p:10, kxk:19, lp:+, mi_n:+, owl:+, rfs:+ -- V:176-47-5, TH:*
  82. Iron Maiden: The Book of Souls (Parlophone) {63}: A_uk:44, AV:+, BA_m:19, BE:53, ClR:1, DaJ:19, Db:23, FB:17, G:39, K:2, Lt:49, MH:1, N:33, Pl:+, PM:55, Rev:7, RY:38, Si:14, Spk_u:52, Te:27, Vi:45; am_m:+, gd_m:9, gw:+, lt_m:11, lw_m:1, maf:+, mf_h:2, mi_n:1, opb:+, pm_m:2, r_m:20, s_m:17, se_d:+, se_p:9, tr_m:8, ucr:2 -- AY:149, V:179-47-4
  83. Faith No More: Sol Invictus (Ipecac/Reclemation) {62}: AV:*2, BE:87, Btz:27, ClR:2, CRW:5, Df:28, FL:31, Fp:61, Gf_D:18, K:6, Lt:32, MH:2, MO:25, NN:1, PN:+, Rev:6, Si:17, Sk:11, Sp:23, Te:2, Vi:3; am_m:+, gl:h, gw:+, lw_r:5, m:2, opb:+, pm_m:5, r_r:12, sq:2 -- AM:73, V:125-67-5
  84. Ashley Monroe: The Blade (Warner Music) {60}: AS:18, AV:+, AY:+, HV:16, JG:61, NS:3, P:37, PM:38, PP:46, RS:38, RS_c:5, Sl:22, TL:10, Yh:+; am:+, am_c:+, bm_c:4, df:+, ghn:18, npr:+, pm_c:1, r_c:8, sht:5, tc:2, ti:10, tns:+, vjw:+, vmg:+, vse:+, vti:+, vto:+, vwh:+ -- AM:100, AY:49, V:36-210-22, RC:**, MT:A-, TH:A-
  85. Beach House: Thank Your Lucky Stars (Sub Pop) {59}: Am_g:29, AV:*2, AY:+, BE:60, Blr:9, Bw:58, Df:46, DM:27, DS:70, Eb:20, Ero:55, GB:9, Ge:14, Gf_D:12, Is:30, Kp:18, Mw:24, NR:38, Nu:17, PA:29, Pf_r:25, PN:+, Re:9, Ro:7, RY:84, UR:14; adm:18, am_i:+, bg_r:10, bv:+, cmg:+, gd_p:9, vg:+ -- AM:72, AY:168, V:118-70-7, RC:**, MT:B+, TH:***
  86. Chris Lightcap's Bigmouth: Epicenter (Clean Feed) {58}: BIW:1, CM:4, EWi:18, Hi:47, JC:10, JG:11, Mrg:13; jah:4, jgg:1, jgs:3, jjb:1, jjm:4, jjs:10, jmh:3, jmj:1, jph:8, jpj:3, jri:5, la_b:a, noj:8, ny_c:8, obs:13, sdo:7, tn:1, vjo:2 -- V:414-18-2, TH:A-
  87. Jazmine Sullivan: Reality Show (RCA) {58}: CM:35, Cmp:16, CRW:55, EW:16, FB:+, Fu:7, HV:1, Ma:4, Nc:11, Nd:24, Pf:44, RS:32, Soh:19, StP:10, Yh:+; am:+, am_r:+, ap_f:9, la_k:5, npr:+, rt:6, ru:10, st:+, vac:+, vak:+, vch:+, vcl:+, vcm:+, vkj:+, vmr:+ -- AY:55, V:39-192-18, RC:A-, MT:***, TH:***
  88. Baroness: Purple (Abraxan Hymns) {57}: BE:80, Crg:55, Db:6, Df:32, DM:39, DVk:25, DW:50, FB:1, FN:14, K:16, Mc:24, MH:37, Ne:10, Pf_m:6, Pu:+, Rev:16, RS_A:48, Te:4, Vi:1, Yh:+; ew_m:1, gd_m:4, gw:+, io:3, lw_r:9, ms_c:1, ms_g:1, s_d:17 -- AY:68, V:117-70-8
  89. Algiers: Algiers (Matador) {56}: BE:37, DM:35, Dr:84, DS:38, EW:24, FB:9, GTV:54, Hi:9, LR:13, Ms:26, Mw:29, Ne:18, NN:20, Nu:10, On:5, Plt:20, PM:13, Qt:63, Rdx:34, RM:1, Ro:20, So:22, Sp:8, Spk_u:78, Tr:5, U:51, UR:80, Zf:56; am_i:+, bu:3, cpb:1, ew_r:9, fw:+, gt:+, vhh:+ -- AM:42, AY:158, V:68-126-13, RC:**, TH:B
  90. Bob Dylan: Shadows in the Night (Columbia) {56}: A_uk:38, AV:+, Btz:40, Dv:39, EE:10, Fp:23, He:36, Hu:8, JG:117, Mc:32, Mj:11, Mz:31, Nd:15, RS:49, RS_A:49, RS_D:11, RTr:13, Si:3, Su:17, T:3, T_j:4, TG:60, U:40, Yh:+; po:+, sdu:4, se_d:8, ucr:10, val:+, vje:+, vjt:2, vrm:+, vtc:10 -- AM:96, AY:183, V:49-168-20, MT:B-, TH:C
  91. Rhiannon Giddens: Tomorrow Is My Turn (Nonesuch) {56}: A_uk:59, CRW:25, Hi:20, NoD:6, NS:7, PM:47, RS:46, RS:46, Su:18, T:4, T_c:2, TL:4, U_jm:66, Yh:+; am_a:+, bot:+, hu:22, jdf:+, jrs:+, la_l:1, nod:2, npr:+, npr_f:+, npr_p:+, pl_t:2, pm_u:2, r_am:6, rrh:+, sjw:+, vjt:+, vjw:+, vpg:+ -- AY:66, V:52-162-17, TH:**
  92. Ibeyi: Ibeyi (XL) {56}: A_uk:2, ABC:36, Btz:45, DM:14, Dr:55, Fp:40, GTV:39, In:20, IT:19, LR:27, Mj:49, Mu:48, Oo:46, Pf:+, PP:6, RM:32, RS_D:20, RT:43, So:21, TG:2, TO:21, VF:18, Wat:12, WT:50, Zf:38; am_w:+, bg_r:5, ex_r:9, ex_u:+, fw:+, jtm:+, mb:+, npr:+, npr_b:10, npr_l:+, opb:*2, pri:+, te:+ -- AM:76, V:143-59-6, TH:B
  93. Ghost: Meliora (Loma Vista) {55}: BE:87, ClR:13, DaJ:6, Db:34, DM:47, Dv:23, DVk:16, FB:64, Gf_N:38, HB:35, K:20, Lt:21, Ne:4, NN:21, Od:30, Oo:20, Pl:+, Rev:2, RY:65, Si:10, Spk:17, Spk_u:40, Te:20, Vi:9; am:+, am_m:+, ew_m:7, gw:+, lt_m:2, lw_m:2, mi_r:15, pm_m:10, r_m:10 -- AM:81, V:104-80-8
  94. Susanne Sundfor: Ten Love Songs (Sonnet Sound) {54}: A_uk:7, AV:+, AW:+, BE:26, DS:22, Dv:1, FB:+, FF:1, Fp:75, G:21, GB:27, Ge:8, Gf_N:14, GTV:20, Gw:52, HV:15, Ma:9, Mc:+, MO:13, On:9, PA:48, Pf:+, Poj:12, PP:36, Re:10, RY:44, Spk_u:152; psl:2 -- AM:80, V:72-115-10, TH:*
  95. Godspeed You! Black Emperor: Asunder Sweet and Other Distress (Constellation) {53}: A_uk:64, ACL:11, AD:3, AV:*2, BE:34, Bl:51, Bw:19, C:48, CRW:70, Dr:16, DS:36, FB:+, Fp:50, FPE:33, Gf_D:29, Gf_N:17, HB:40, Ipr:18, Mc:23, Mg:19, MO:43, Mon:23, Mw:43, No:25, Pc:38, PN:+, RM:77, RT:52, RY:97, S45:24, Sk:24, Spk:49, St:50, U_jm:18, Vi:28, Yh:+; ad:+, lc_e:7, mj_s:2 -- AY:51, V:538-14-2, TH:B-
  96. Bassekou Kouyate and Ngoni Ba: Ba Power (Glitterbeat) {53}: CM:40, DVk:38, DW:39, EWi:33, FB:+, FR:3, He:21, Qt:26, HV:14, JG:12, Rdx:35, Re:27, RM:76, TGW:1, U:28, U_jm:84, Wat:37, YW:53; ap:+, aqd:+, js:23, mm:+, pl_w:2, po:+, s_g:21, te:+, vch:+, wmc:+ -- AY:19, V:246-30-4, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
  97. Lin-Manuel Miranda: Hamilton [Original Broadway Cast Recording] (Atlantic) {53}: AY:+, BB:2, EWi:14, JG:23, PA:32, RS:8, Sg_h:40, TG:69, Yh:+; ap_f:7, ar:5, cds:9, cl:13, db:8, db_w:1, g_h:7, ghn:6, gm:1, hc:2, lc:+, mm:+, nat:5, npr:+, vcm:+, vgc:+, vnf:+, vsn:+ -- V:21-309-24, RC:A, MT:A, TH:**
  98. Royal Headache: High (What's Your Rupture?) {53}: AV:*2, AY:+, AYP:32, DW:26, FB:16, FL:14, Hi:42, Mg:5, Mw:17, On:46, P:32, PW:34, RS_A:16, RSh:4, RT:8, RY:98, S:15, Scr:13; ah:+, ar:3, ath:+, bbc:+, bv:+, cmg:+, ny_r:10, om:+, r_ar:1, s_d:3, s_j:9, s_u:15, vrs:+ -- AM:95, AY:28, V:44-182-15, TH:*
  99. Justin Bieber: Purpose (Def Jam) {52}: AY:40, Cl:50, Cmp:5, D:13, DSp:2, ER:12, EW:17, Fu:15, JM:6, N:44, Pf_r:32, Poj:26, Ps:18, Std:4, T:28; ap_f:4, cl:14, cos:10, ew_p:7, ht:+, id:7, mac:+, p:3, ru:6, s_c:13, s_p:15, st_i:19, vap:+, vg:+, vjg:+, vx:1 -- V:110-76-8, TH:B
  100. Thee Oh Sees: Mutilator Defeated at Last (Castle Face) {52}: AYP:5, AY:+, Eb:44, FB:20, Fld:19, Fp:100, GTV:90, Hi:18, Mrg:32, Mw:9, NL:14, On:21, PA:43, Pc:3, RM:8, Rv:4, RY:60, SR:4, U_jm:34, VF:43, YW:23; am_k:+, bbc:+, bv:+, cpb:8, dc:+, dp:4, gd_p:5 -- AY:114, V:1170-5-1
  101. Four Tet: Morning/Evening (Text) {51}: AV:+, Bl:34, Bq:46, Bw:50, C:56, CRW:35, DM:42, Dr:32, DW:52, Flp:15, Fp:43, IT:26, JG:141, LW:36, Mon:15, Mu:30, Ni:22, Noj:19, Ph:9, Q:18, RM:80, SR:2, Tr:50, U:31, U_jm:11, VF:50, Wat:40; ex_e:4, ex_u:+, gd_e:14, npr:+, npr_e:+, npr_l:+, opb:+, r_e:9, s_b:12, vjm:+, vrh:+ -- V:104-80-8, TH:*
  102. Prurient: Frozen Niagara Falls (Profound Lore -2CD) {51}: AV:*2, BA_m:16, Bk:1, Bw:10, C:41, CS:43, Db:33, Eb:77, Ero:25, F:33, Mc:31, Ne:14, NN:15, No:33, NR:34, Pf:+, Pf_m:12, PM:49, Qt:38, Rdx:44, RY:68, SA:19, Spk_u:91, Te:32, TMT:28; bm_x:12, cmg:*2, cs_m:6, dc:+, gd_o:1, om:+, pm_a:9, s_a:9, s_u:19 -- AY:70, V:108-78-9
  103. Matana Roberts: Coin Coin Chapter Three: River Run Thee (Constellation) {51}: ACL:2, AY:+, BE:92, Bw:66, CRW:32, FB:+, FJ:8, No:+, On:35, Qt:5, Re:29, TMT:25, VF:6, W:2; cmg:*2, ei_m:10, jrn:1, mb:+, om:+, ou:+, pf_x:6, rs_a:15, s_a:4, s_j:22, sdm:+, srh:+, vah:+, vmw:5, w_j:1 -- AY:113, V:149-55-7, TH:B-
  104. Empress Of: Me (Terrible/XL) {49}: 405:21, Am_s:32, AM:+, C:52, GB:30, Gf:29, Is:12, Ipr:19, Kp:19, LBF:+, N:29, Ni:12, Nu:11, PA:20, Pf:37, Pg:22, PP:16, Rdx:50, TN:7, UR:74, WT:9; bv:+, cmg:*2, ex_u:+, g_o:5, imp:12, rc:5, s_b:22, utd:11, vg:+, vma:+ -- AM:99, AY:58, V:238-33-4, TH:*
  105. Ought: Sun Coming Down (Constellation) {49}: AV:*2, BE:84, Bf:8, C:55, Dr:29, DS:88, Ero:47, Ex:13, GTV:80, Is:22, Kp:7, LM:43, LQ:13, Ne:11, No:8, Oo:30, PM:80, RSh:5, RT:87, SA:21, Sg:29, Sk:42; aqd:+, ath:+, cmg:*2, gg:+, gt:+, s_b:23, vrs:+ -- AY:42, V:183-46-6, RC:A-, TH:*
  106. Dawn Richard: Blackheart (Our Dawn) {49}: AY:+, Bf:20, Btz:31, DW:3, F:1, FB:+, HV:10, Ma:11, Nc:7, On:45, Pf:50, PM:74, PW:15, Qt:81, TMT:20, VF:23; cmg:*3, hu:3, la_k:4, n_o:+, ou:17, pm_e:1, ru:9, vg:+, vtr:+ -- AM:93, AY:40, V:29-256-23, MT:C, TH:B
  107. Songhoy Blues: Music in Exile (Atlantic) {49}: A_uk:29, Cr:16, CRW:28, DJ:45, Dr:33, DS:63, FB:+, Fp:26, FR:13, Fu:16, JG:122, LBF:+, Mj:7, RM:7, RS:40, RS_A:40, RT:35, TG:11, TGW:10, U:49, Wat:33; cpb:7, mm:+, pl_w:5, po:18, sdu:3, vbm:+, vpg:+ -- V:626-10-2, MT:A-, TH:A-
  108. Blanck Mass: Dumb Flesh (Sacred Bones) {48}: AV:+, Bl:16, Bw:79, C:35, DM:30, Dr:98, DS:50, DS_u:19, FB:+, Flp:12, FPE:73, GTV:17, LQ:17, Mon:46, NN:41, No:+, Pc:73, RM:9, Sk:4, Spk:23, U_jm:69, UR:97, Wat:7; am_e:+, bm_x:13, cpb:9, dc:+, lv_r:4, pm_a:3 -- AY:185, V:258-30-2, TH:***
  109. Benjamin Clementine: At Least for Now (Virgin EMI) {48}: A_uk:24, Btz:2, De:7, DS_u:49, EE:6, Fp:89, G:40, He:50, Hi:38, LR:36, MO:19, Ms:24, Mu:37, On:1, Oo:36, Pl:9, Rdx:30, Ro:4, TG:85; bg_r:8, kxk:12, npr_p:+, rut:9, sdm:+, vma:+, wsj:4 -- AM:84, V:184-46-5, TH:**
  110. FFS: FFS (Domino) {48}: AV:+, ClR:25, Fld:14, Flp:53, Fp:27, G:34, Gf_N:25, GTV:19, LR:32, Lt:25, LW:64, Mon:6, Ms:39, Mu:15, Mz:39, Noj:17, Oo:17, Q:34, Rdx:21, RS_F:19, RT:23, SR:41, St:39, U:34, UR:30, VL:28, Wat:16, Yh:+; am_i:+, bv:*2, lv_z:l6, m:8, te:+, vaz:+, vbw:+, vdw:+ -- AM:65, V:79-110-10
  111. Heems: Eat Pray Thug (Megaforce) {48}: DW:4, EWi:11, HV:25, JG:13, PM:63, S_h:9, Sg_h:15; am_h:+, cp:9, gm:14, js:8, mm:+, n_o:+, or:19, pm_h:4, po:16, qt_h:7, vcp:+, vjl:+, vkj:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vrm:+, vth:+ -- V:74-113-12, RC:A, MT:A, TH:A-
  112. Jessica Pratt: On Your Own Love Again (Drag City) {48}: Am_g:19, Am_s:3, AS:36, AY:+, Bk:61, C:36, Cl:45, Crg:34, DM:24, Dr:40, DS:71, Ero:29, FL:38, G:33, GB:47, Mu:47, Ni:19, P:24, PA:50, Pf:+, Q:36, RT:98, TN:23, Tr:37, U:41, U_jm:38; am_s:+, aqd:+, bm_f:10, bv:*2, bz:1, cmg:+, ex_c:6, kf:9, nw:15, om:+, or:13 -- AM:82, AY:118, V:63-139-14
  113. Ryan Adams: 1989 (Pax-Am) {46}: Am_g:39, Am_s:6, AV:*2, Bq:29, Btz:20, Df:8, DM:46, EE:8, EW:40, FN:19, Fp:62, Gf_D:3, GTV:92, Hu:16, NME:50, NoD:47, P:40, Pl:25, RT:99, SiC:8, T_c:11, Yh:+; kxk:5, opb:+, ppg:9, vrm:+, vsm:+, vti:+ -- V:91-93-12, MT:B-
  114. Lupe Fiasco: Tetsuo & Youth (Atlantic) {46}: A_uk:63, Am_h:19, BE:28, Cmp:11, CV:13, DW:51, Ge:12, HG:6, Hi:41, JD:30, Pg:50, PM:31, RY:52, S_h:26, Spk_u:33, Std:8, StP:21, XXL:20; ahh:+, am_h:+, bsp:6, gm:25, hdx:+, ht:4, n_o:+, pm_h:10, r_h:10, st_h:3, upr:11 -- V:189-43-3, RC:A-, TH:*
  115. Arturo O'Farrill & the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra: Cuba: The Conversation Continues (Motema Music) {46}: JC:18, JG:112; am_j:+, fd:+, jac:+, jag:+, jal:2, jbp:18, jbu:5, jdf:8, jdo:+, jeh:+, jgy:+, jhm:3, jjb:+, jjm:+, jjs:+, jka:+, jkf:+, jla:+, jlm:+, jmb:10, jmm:+, jpb:1, jpq:+, jrs:+, jsd:4, ny_c:+, vjc:4, vjt:4, vpb:+, vrg:3 -- V:499-15-1, TH:***
  116. Tribulation: The Children of the Night (Century Media) {46}: BA_m:10, Db:2, Gf:10, MH:6, Pf_m:2, Ro:5, RY:75, Sg:24, Te:7, Tr:27, Vi:18; bv:+, ew_m:6, io:2, lw_m:3, maf:+, mi_f:+, mi_n:25, p_m:4, pm_m:4, s_m:6, tr_m:2 -- V:143-59-6
  117. Everything Everything: Get to Heaven (RCA) {45}: A_uk:87, AY:+, BE:54, Bq:40, Dr:94, DS:41, DS_u:16, DSp:8, Ero:41, Fp:83, GTV:21, Gw:13, Lt:16, MO:16, Ms:34, Ne:9, On:20, Q:20, Sk:34, Spk_u:110, St:32, T:12, TN:17, UR:31, VL:4; lv_p:3 -- AM:74, AY:99, V:640-10-1
  118. Majical Cloudz: Are You Alone? (Matador) {45}: 405:12, AV:*2, AY:+, C:80, CS:47, Eb:48, Ero:9, Ex:16, FL:23, FN:21, LBF:+, LM:25, LR:74, Ma:12, Ms:21, NR:46, P:43, PM:43, Rdx:48, Re:38, S:48, TN:19, UR:71; am:+, am_i:+, ath:+, bv:*2, cmg:*3, fw:+, mac:+, rfc:17, s_v:8 -- AM:71, AY:87, V:167-49-5
  119. Max Richter: Sleep / From Sleep (Deutsche Grammophon) {45}: ACL:1, Am_s:10, AV:+, C:59, DS:24, Fp:74, FPE:24, Hi:6, KQ:21, LR:11, Pc:80, Ph:45, PM:56, PN:+, Rdx:27, RT:5, RY:20, Zf:9; amg:+, bbc:+, bgc:7, ex_i:?, mb:+, pm_e:10, sq_x:17 -- V:216-37-4, TH:A-
  120. Cecile McLorin Salvant: For One to Love (Mack Avenue) {44}: JC:13, KQ:18; am:+, am_j:+, fd:+, ghj:17, jag:9, jal:4, jas:+, jbp:10, jgs:5, jgy:1, jhm:8, jjm:+, jla:7, jld:+, jmm:+, jpb:2, jpj:+, jrh:+, jsa:5, jsg:5, jwj:4, la_b:h, la_w:5, npr:+, te:+, vjc:+, vjt:1, vpb:+ -- V:239-33-3, TH:*
  121. Steven Wilson: Hand Cannot Erase (Kscope) {44}: BE:13, ClR:7, FB:+, FF:27, HB:23, Hi:4, Lt:3, Mc:+, Mw:22, Od:19, Pl:+, Plt:12, PM:27, RY:25, Si:7, Spk_u:14, Vi:2; ad:+, blg:+, gw:+, jdf:+, mi_r:+, mp:2, pm_k:2 -- V:131-65-5
  122. Yo La Tengo: Stuff Like That There (Matador) {43}: DW:38, EWi:5, JD:8, JG:17, LR:26, Mon:14, RTr:12, U:50, U_jm:87, Zf:42; aqd:+, js:3, mm:+, opb:*2, po:+, vjl:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vtc:+ -- V:69-120-12, RC:A, MT:A, TH:***
  123. Eric Church: Mr Misunderstood (Capitol Nashville) {42}: CM:27, EW:22, JG:30, Nc:38, NS:5, RS:27, RS_c:4, TL:11; am:+, am_c:+, bg_s:6, bm_c:3, ew_c:2, pm_c:6, ppg:2, r_c:1, tc:6, tns:+, val:+, vce:+, vjo:+, vse:+, vsm:+ -- V:83-103-9, MT:A-, TH:**
  124. FKA Twigs: M3LL155X (Young Turks -EP) {42}: Am_g:23, AY:+, Cmp:30, D:4, Du:13, Eb:18, Ero:40, Ipr:1, KQ:13, Pf:16, Pf_r:27, PM:41, PP:26, PW:12, S:38, Tr:13; cmg:+, ex_x:7, fw:+, jd:16, s_b:3, sam:10, vah:+, vg:+, vsn:+, vx:8 -- AM:87, V:165-50-5, TH:C+
  125. US Girls: Half Free (4AD) {42}: Am_g:37, Am_s:31, AV:+, BE:76, Ex:17, FB:+, GB:11, GTV:88, Is:29, LBF:+, LQ:19, LR:50, Mon:10, Ms:19, NM:20, PM:79, Rdx:9, Re:23, Sp:15, TMT:30, UR:78, Zf:25; bm_x:14, bv:*2, cmg:+, gp:+, imp:7, now:+ -- AM:85, AY:170, V:224-35-4, TH:B
  126. BadBadNotGood/Ghostface Killah: Sour Soul (Lex) {41}: AV:+, Blr:13, Btz:8, CV:11, DJ:49, Dr:7, DS:32, FL:45, Fp:77, Gw:33, HG:12, JG:42, Ni:8, Pc:35, Soh:5, U:63, U_jm:31; ecs:8, ex_h:8, g_h:10, gd_h:11, now:+, srh:7, vdc:+ -- V:626-10-2, TH:A-
  127. Gwenno: Y Dydd Olaf (Heavenly) {41}: AY:+, Cl:28, DaM:24, Dr:41, DS:28, DS_u:11, FB:+, GTV:26, Gw:22, LBF:+, LQ:2, LW:23, MR:29, No_r:2, Pc:6, PM:77, PN:+, Q:47, RM:33, SR:49, U:22, UR:26, VF:36; am_i:+, vdw:+ -- AM:77, AY:48, V:299-25-3, TH:A-
  128. LoneLady: Hinterland (Warp) {41}: A_uk:10, AY:+, DaM:30, Dr:87, DS:80, DS_u:25, FB:91, Flp:25, Fp:57, GTV:12, LBF:+, LQ:16, LW:8, Mj:38, Pc:5, Ph:91, Q:23, Qt:45, RM:14, Rv:+, Sk:27, TO:24, VF:40, Zf:49; am_i:+, cpb:14 -- AM:89, AY:94, TH:***
  129. The Bad Plus/Joshua Redman: The Bad Plus/Joshua Redman (Nonesuch) {40}: ABC:24, DVk:26, FB:+, JC:12, KQ:24, T_j:22; am_j:+, jas:4, jbu:10, jdf:5, jeh:5, jjh:1, jlm:6, jmu:7, jrd:6, jtc:8, jtm:1, pm_j:1, se_g:+, vhs:5, vjc:1, vlb:8, ww:5 -- V:162-51-5, TH:**
  130. Big Sean: Dark Sky Paradise (Def Jam) {40}: Am_h:8, AY:+, BB:15, Cmp:6, Fu:19, Noj:49, Rv:+, S_h:35, Sg_h:37, Std:3, StP:23, Va:22, XXL:16, Yh:+; ahh+, am_h:+, bsp:+, fw:+, id:11, n_o:+, rr:4, rt:9, ru:5, s_b:24, st_h:5, upr:8 -- V:299-25-3
  131. Robert Forster: Songs to Play (Tapete) {40}: Btz:24, CM:20, EWi:22, Flp:7, JG:26, Jp:24, HV:34, LW:90, Mz:24, RM:78, RS_D:8, U:14, U_jm:13, Yh:+; bv:*2, js:17, mm:+, po:+, vcp:+, vrm:+ -- AY:121, V:208-39-4, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:**
  132. Neon Indian: Vega Intl Night School (Mom + Pop/Transgressive) {40}: 405:10, Am_g:13, AV:+, AY:+, AYP:15, Cmp:44, Eb:22, GB:35, Gf_N:21, LBF:+, Ne:47, NR:49, PA:15, Pf:35, Pf_r:21, RY:71, S45:26, SA:11, Spk_u:150, UR:20, Va:17, WT:40; am_e:+, bae:10, lv_r:6, ok:3, utd:7 -- AM:91, AY:76, V:134-62-8, TH:*
  133. Tim Berne's Snakeoil: You've Been Watching Me (ECM) {39}: FJ:*2, JC:14, JG:46; am_j:+, blg:+, ei:5, ei_m:3, ghj:5, jga:3, jgg:+, jjm:2, jmh:10, jmm:3, jms:2, jpa:2, jph:1, jrn:2, jsd:2, jsp:4, jth:10, vrg:8 -- V:543-14-1, TH:***
  134. Bully: Feels Like (Startime International/Columbia) {39}: ABC:18, AS:40, AV:*2, Blr:36, CS:42, Dr:54, DW:73, EW:37, FL:46, FN:32, Gw:35, JD:4, LBF:+, Nd:18, PM:51, Pu:19, RT:92, S:39, YW:44; bv:+, chi:+, cos:7, gl:h, s_d:5, spt:6, tns:+ -- AY:184, V:62-139-17, TH:A-
  135. Hot Chip: Why Make Sense? (Domino) {39}: A_uk:11, Crg:65, DaJ:48, DJ:32, Dr:52, FL:39, Flp:49, Fp:24, Gw:42, In:36, Lt:20, Mix:9, Mu:12, PN:*2, RM:65, Rv:+, SA:10, U_jm:75, UR:57, WT:36, Zf:77; age:+, am_e:+, bv:*2, ex_e:8, te:+, vbw:+ -- AM:90, AY:198, V:299-25-3, TH:B
  136. Killing Joke: Pylon (Spinefarm) {39}: ClR:6, DaJ:4, Db:10, GTV:64, LW:6, MH:8, NN:7, Od:5, Si:13, Spk_u:88, SR:39, Te:3, TO:32, U:72; lt_m:6, mi_n:3, nz:+ -- V:133-63-6
  137. Charles Lloyd: Wild Man Dance (Blue Note) {39}: BIW:23, JC:9; am_j:+, ghj:3, jbm:3, jdo:4, jdr:2, jeh:3, jlb:6, jld:1, jlm:10, jpq:3, jsd:1, jtn:3, jwj:1, vjt:5, vrg:9, ww:1 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  138. The Mountain Goats: Beat the Champ (Merge) {39}: AV:*2, CM:14, Df:34, DS:99, DW:24, Eb:59, EWi:24, Gw:11, He:42, HV:28, JG:129, Ne:23, NR:41, P:11, PM:29; am_i:+, cmg:+, js:21, lc:+, po:+, r_ar:3 -- V:92-92-9, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
  139. Napalm Death: Apex Predator/Easy Meat (Century Media) {38}: AV:+, BA_m:13, Db:25, DVk:30, Lt:46, Mc:4, MH:13, Ne:42, NN:24, Od:10, Pf_m:+, RY:77, Spk_u:134, Te:1; am_m:+, ex_m:10, io:4, lt_m:1, lw_m:15, mi_n:21, ms_c:8, pm_m:6 -- AY:18
  140. Joey Badass: B4.DA.$$ (Cinematic Music Group) {37}: Am_h:16, CV:3, Eb:46, Gf_N:35, HG:9, IT:32, LM:37, Lt:36, Ne:41, Noj:34, So:23, Wat:38, XXL:12; ahh:+, ex_h:9, g_h:2, hdx:+, ht:+, lt_h:25, okp:5, pl_h:5, pm:h_11, r_h:12, st_h:19 -- V:288-26-4, TH:***
  141. The Chills: Silver Bullets (Fire) {37}: AV:+, CM:2, DW:67, EWi:19, He:18, HV:4, JD:33, JG:64, PN:+, RY:53, Scr:29, YW:12; ath:+, bv:*2, ct:10, js:10, vmt:+ -- V:110-76-8, MT:A, TH:A-
  142. Amir ElSaffar: Crisis (Pi) {37}: FJ:*2, JC:25, Mrg:14; cpu:2, jal:9, jar:4, jbu:7, jgg:+, jgs:4, jha:4, jhm:14, jjm:+, jka:7, jmj:10, jri:1, jtd:3, la_b:a, obs:1, w_j:3, ww:9 -- TH:A-
  143. Ryan Truesdell: Lines of Color (Blue Note/ArtistShare) {37}: JC:16, TG:+; fd:5, jbb:5, jbp:5, jda:10, jde:3, jfk:9, jgy:6, jjb:3, jjs:6, jjw:7, jkd:3, jkf:5, jpq:4, jrk:5, jrs:+, jsm:4, jtn:2, noj:3 -- TH:A-
  144. Levon Vincent: Levon Vincent (Novel Sound) {37}: AY:+, Bk:47, C:34, F:21, Mix:10, MR:24, Noj:35, Pf:+, Ph:4, Qt:59, RA:2, Re:32, Scr:20, VF:32, Xlr:3, Zf:59; cmg:+, ex_e:7, gd_e:1, s_b:19, vsp:+ -- AM:94, V:163-50-6
  145. Janet Jackson: Unbreakable (Rhythm Nation) {36}: ABC:49, AY:+, DW:36, EW:11, G:37, HV:33, Ma:19, Nc:9, Nd:9, Pf:36, S:50, Sl:13, Yh:+; am_r:+, ap_f:10, cos:6, ew_p:3, ex_r:10, la_k:3, lxl:14, m:3, p:8, rfs:+, vcm:+ -- AY:178, V:92-92-9, TH:*
  146. Marilyn Manson: The Pale Emperor (Loma Vista) {36}: Aq:2, AV:+, ClR:43, DaJ:3, DS:33, Gf_D:19, GTV:30, K:15, MH:7, NN:22, Od:40, Rev:11, RS:34, RS_A:34, St:47, TmR:43, Yh:+; am_m:+, gw:+, lw_r:2, se_p:1 -- V:126-66-4
  147. Matthew Shipp Trio: The Conduct of Jazz (Thirsty Ear) {36}: BA_j:6, JC:24, JG:120; eikk:+, fd:+, ghj:18, jah:6, jas:8, jbm:+, jbs:10, jel:6, jga:9, jgy:8, jjc:7, jjm:+, jjr:+, jld:4, jmu:10, jrh:+, jsh:8, jth:9, se_a:+, se_e:4, tn:4, ww:8 -- V:640-10-1, TH:A-
  148. Colin Stetson/Sarah Neufeld: Never Were the Way She Was (Constellation) {36}: BE:55, Bk:62, Bw:17, CRW:15, Ero:16, FB:+, FPE:79, HB:48, Mc:37, Ne:45, NN:36, No:1, Pf:+, RY:36, Spk_u:21; cmg:*3, mb:+, pm_a:5, rs_a:6, sq_x:19 -- AY:182, V:355-20-2, TH:A-
  149. Beach Slang: The Things We Do to Find People Who Feel Like Us (Polyvinyl) {35}: AbP:27, Am_s:50, AS:28, AV:7, Bq:13, Crg:49, Eb:32, Ex:15, FN:36, Gf_N:26, K:27, N:15, NR:40, P:41, Plt:15, Pu:13, Tr:45; bv:*2, chi:+, gl:h, r_ar:12, s_d:21, s_u:10, vjg:+, vrh:+ -- AY:85, V:48-169-16, TH:B
  150. Fetty Wap: Fetty Wap (RGF 300/Atlantic) {35}: Am_h:10, Cmp:40, CRW:63, DS:25, DW:43, KQ:16, Ma:17, N:17, Nc:47, NME:30, Pf:+, Ps:8, S:41, S_h:7, Sg_h:25, So:13, Std:37; bsp:12, cl:22, r_h:16, s_b:21, s_d:20, vjf:+, vx:10 -- V:103-80-9, TH:B-
  151. JD Allen: Graffiti (Savant) {34}: BA_j:1, JC:22, Mrg:2; fd:+, jal:8, jar:7, jbb:1, jbm:+, jek:3, jgg:+, jjm:+, jjo:9, jmk:6, jms:8, jrm:2, jsm:1, po:12 -- TH:A-
  152. Laurie Anderson: Heart of a Dog (Nonesuch) {34}: Btz:30, CM:31, EW_i:8, U_jm:78; cp:5, cpu:8, js:2, mm:+, po:+, vcp:+, vmr:+, vmt:+, vrc:+, vth:+, vtk:+ -- V:83-103-9, RC:A+, MT:A+, TH:A-
  153. Battles: La Di Da Di (Warp) {34}: AD:6, AV:+, Bl:21, C:87, CRW:11, DM:43, DS:78, Fld:10, Fp:32, JG:126, MR:26, P:36, Pc:64, PM:62, TO:39, Tr:38, YW:17; am_i:+, pm_a:10, s_g:15, tr_e:7, vda:+, wsj:9 -- V:246-30-4, TH:A-
  154. Liberty Ellman: Radiate (Pi) {34}: FJ:+, JC:26, Mrg:6; eikk:+, jal:7, jbb:3, jbm:+, jbs:5, jdb:3, jeh:8, jgg:+, jjo:4, jjs:5, jmh:4, jri:10, nb:2, ny_c:+, obs:14, vad:2 -- V:1044-9-1, TH:A-
  155. Health: Death Magic (Loma Vista) {34}: Am_s:25, AV:*2, Blr:45, DS:52, GTV:67, Jp:35, Lt:10, Mu:35, Mw:5, N:47, NN:42, Pg:43, Tr:17; bv:*2, chi:+, cmg:*3, gd_p:11, ong:+, owl:+, tam:+, tr_e:10 -- AM:97, V:82-105-10, TH:*
  156. Jose James: Yesterday I Had the Blues: The Music of Billie Holiday (Blue Note) {34}: JC:19, T_j:23, TG:43; am_j:+, jag:10, jal:10, jbp:14, jbs:+, jbu:4, jdo:10, jeh:6, jgg:+, jhm:7, jjl:1, jmc:+, jnb:4, jpb:10, jph:+, jrm:4, la_b:a, pl_j:7, pm_j:7, se_g:2, vpb:+ -- V:626-10-2, TH:*
  157. The Libertines: Anthems for Doomed Youth (Harvest/Virgin EMI) {34}: Bq:70, DS:77, DS_u:24, FN:18, Fp:97, Gw:23, In:35, LR:55, Lt:17, Mg:7, Mj:35, MO:26, Mu:13, NL:12, NME:29, PN:+, RS_F:6, S45:37, Su:27, Vi:20, Zf:50; gm:23 -- AM:70, V:216-37-4, TH:*
  158. Roisin Murphy: Hairless Toys (PIAS) {34}: AY:+, DS:97, Fp:20, GTV:63, IT:13, Mix:16, Mu:44, Ni:15, On:31, Pc:51, Ph:97, Q:39, S45:28, St:9, TO:43, U:53, Zf:51; am:+, am_e:+, bbc:+, ew_p:6, now:2, vhp:+ -- AM:92, V:200-40-4, TH:**
  159. Colleen: Captain of None (Thrill Jockey) {33}: Am_s:17, Bk:26, Bl:45, FB:+, Ms:30, No:+, Pc:23, Ro:12, RT:48, Qt:57, U_jm:74, VF:3; am:+, am_i:+, bbc:+, bgc:+, cha:8, cmg:*2, mj_s:9, npr:+, npr_e:+, vjm:+, vma:+ -- AY:157, V:456-15-3, TH:**
  160. Death Grips: The Powers That B [Jenny Death] (Electro Magnetic) {33}: Am_g:34, BE:56, Bf:14, CRW:4, Eb:45, ER:19, Ero:46, JG:50, Ne:2, NN:27, Pf_r:28, RT:75, S_h:40, Spk_u:15; dc:+, hu:21, lxl:11, r_h:11, utd:14 -- V:606-11-1, RC:B+, TH:*
  161. The Decemberists: What a Terrible World What a Beautiful World (Capitol) {33}: A_uk:99, ABC:26, Aq:16, AV:*2, BE:73, Df:47, FN:49, Fp:92, GTV:14, Gw:19, JD:32, P:39, PJ:7, RM:53, RTr:10, T_f:10, TG:37; boc:5, ejh:+, ghn:4 -- V:106-79-8
  162. Mac DeMarco: Another One (Captured Tracks) {33}: Am_g:36, BE:75, Blr:27, Bq:76, C:74, Dr:26, G:27, In:43, LR:24, Mu:50, NME:27, Pc:39, Pf_r:31, PN:*2, Q:50, RT:36, SR:46, UR:44, WT:49, Zf:22; am_i:+, gd_p:4, gg:+, gl:a, gp:+, rw:+, ucg:3 -- AM:98, V:444-16-2
  163. Helen: The Original Faces (Kranky) {33}: Am_s:45, AY:+, Bk:71, Bw:62, C:43, DaM:29, F:42, FB:+, GB:7, Mon:7, No:9, On:42, SBR:34, SR:5, TMT:22, VF:31; ah:+, cmg:+, ny_r:7, spt:4, vg:+ -- V:129-65-6, TH:*
  164. Hiatus Kaiyote: Choose Your Weapon (Flying Buddha) {33}: A_uk:22, Am_g:22, DJ:3, FB:+, FL:15, LM:18, Mc:+, Mu:45, Rv:+, Scr:11, Soh:9, Spk_u:147; am:+, am_r:+, ejh:+, okp:11, por:7, riu:7, rt:2, utd:25, vak:+, vdc:+ -- AY:29, V:278-28-3, TH:B-
  165. Hudson Mohawke: Lantern (Warp) {33}: Af:23, AY:+, Bl:59, C:10, Cmp:19, Du:28, DVk:48, Eb:42, Lt:47, Mix:5, Ms:14, Pg:38, Sk:35, Th:4, Va:29, WT:15; ex_e:6, r_e:7, vg:+, vjg:+, ye:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:B
  166. Julien Baker: Sprained Ankle (6131) {32}: ABC:12, AbP:6, Am_s:1, AV:13, Crg:6, P:49, PP:22, Sg:40; aqd:+, bm_f:7, bv:*2, cmg:+, g_o:1, npr_p:+, sam:7, vch:+, vma:+ -- V:70-120-11, TH:*
  167. Belle and Sebastian: Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance (Matador) {32}: AV:*2, BE:70, Dr:75, DS:61, DS_u:36, Fp:29, Gf_N:50, GTV:87, LM:42, Mg:23, Mon:5, Mz:40, Oo:40, PJ:2, PN:+, S45:12, Sk:49, TO:41, UR:47; ath:+, kxk:21 -- V:138-61-7, MT:*, TH:*
  168. Car Seat Headrest: Teens of Style (Matador) {32}: Am_g:33, Am_s:33, AM:+, Crg:45, Df:36, Eb:26, FN:7, MO:36, N:42, P:14, Pf:+, RS:30, RS_A:30, RY:73, Sg:39, UR:35, Yh:+; am_i:+, aqd:+, az:7, ex_u:+, nw:4, sam:9, skm:2, vwh:+ -- AY:97, V:89-96-10, TH:B
  169. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds: Chasing Yesterday (Sour Mash) {32}: A_uk:85, ABC:8, Aq:4, AV:+, BE:36, GTV:79, In:38, Lt:8, Mj:33, Mu:19, Q:17, RS_F:12, Su:14, VL:17; am_k:+, gw:+, lv_z:5, vaz:+ -- V:128-65-7
  170. Girlpool: Before the World Was Big (Wichita) {32}: C:13, D:18, DS:51, FN:24, JG:32, No:40, Pf:+, RT:95, Rv:+, S:49, Sg:41; am:+, az:6, cmg:*2, npr:+, npr_b:9, npr_t:10, owl:+, pm_i:6, po:+, rw:+, s_j:11, utd:23 -- AY:175, V:172-48-5, RC:**, TH:**
  171. Fred Hersch: Solo (Palmetto) {32}: JC:11, T_j:30, TG:23; jag:8, jbm:+, jdb:4, jdf:6, jdh:9, jfk:4, jgz:6, jjb:7, jjl:2, jjw:4, jkd:1, jlb:4, jum:8, jrd:4, jsf:9, jna:+, jrs:*2, vjt:9 -- V:1170-5-1
  172. High on Fire: Luminiferous (EOne) {32}: AV:*2, BA_m:7, Db:4, FB:53, Hi:45, Ne:17, Pf_m:18, Spk_u:116, Te:28; am_m:+, cs_m:17, ew_m:5, gd_m:3, gw:+, io:12, lw_m:7, mi_r:17, ms_c:9, pm_m:9, s_m:12 -- AY:88, V:459-15-2
  173. Sophie: Product (Numbers) {32}: Bk:37, Bl:42, DW:2, GB:12, Ms:35, Ne:26, Re:42, S:19, TMT:10; am_p:+, bm_x:19, gd_e:6, s_p:3, s_b:14, s_g:16, s_u:11 -- AY:161, V:459-15-2, RC:A-, TH:**
  174. Clutch: Psychic Warfare (Weathermaker) {31}: Aq:10, ClR:3, Cr:2, DM:41, FB:+, K:48, LW:63, MH:3, NN:23, RY:95, Spk_u:67, Te:5; gw:+, lw_r:6, ms_c:15, p_m:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  175. C Duncan: Architect (Fat Cat) {31}: 405:30, Btz:22, Dr:50, DVk:29, FF:15, Fp:54, GTV:18, He:8, IT:21, LR:9, Lt:31, Mon:19, MR:23, Mw:32, No:30, Oo:39, PM:48, RM:24, RT:64, TO:31, Zf:47; jgg:+ -- AM:78, AY:93, V:225-35-3, TH:B-
  176. Jeffrey Lewis & Los Bolts: Manhattan (Rough Trade) {31}: C:89, CM:12, EWi:7, JG:21, Zf:30; ath:+, bz:16, cp:1, js:7, mm:+, po:3, vcp:+, vnf:+, vrc:+, vtk:+ -- V:90-95-9, RC:A, TH:A-
  177. Myra Melford: Snowy Egret (Enja/Yellowbird) {31}: JC:15; am_j:+, av:+, cpu:3, eikk:+, jag:1, jan:10, jbm:6, jda:6, jgg:2, jhm:2, jjl:4, jmj:4, jum:3, jra:7, jsp:6, la_b:a, sdo:9 -- TH:***
  178. Travis Scott: Rodeo (Epic/Grand Hustle) {31}: Am_h:20, BE:68, Cl:24, Cmp:36, Eb:88, ER:5, LR:85, Ne:20, Pg:23, Std:36.XXL:4; ahh:+, am_h:+, bsp:2, cct:10, hdx:+, ht:2, jc:8, lt_h:21, vg:+ -- RC:*, TH:B
  179. Speedy Ortiz: Foil Deer (Carpark) {31}: ABC:25, AV:*2, AYP:28, C:92, Cmp:45, Df:44, FN:37, HV:9, Mc:25, N:41, NR:27, Rv:+, Sg:44, UR:88, Yh:+; adm:14, am_i:+, mj:8, nw:18, rw:+, vam:+ -- AY:101, V:77-111-10, RC:A-, TH:*
  180. Bring Me the Horizon: That's the Spirit (Columbia) {30}: A_uk:25, BE:66, Bq:5, Crg:20, K:1, Mc:+, MH:18, NME:49, Rev:4, Spk:42; am_m:+, cl:2, lw_r:10, no:+, rfs:+ -- AY:146, V:1170-5-1
  181. Disclosure: Caracal (PMR/Island) {30}: AV:+, Blr:25, Bq:47, ER:21, JM:5, LR:79, Mix:25, N:34, Nd:23, Pc:75, S45:23, Sl:25, Soh:11, Std:33, Su:35, WT:4; am_e:+, boc:16, hc:10, s_c:21, st:+, vg:+ -- V:299-25-3
  182. The Game: The Documentary 2 (Blood Money) {30}: A_uk:26, Am_h:11, Cmp:14, CV:12, HG:3, Sg_h:20, Soh:3, Std:22, XXL:7; ahh:+, am_h:+, bg_b:8, hdx:+, npr:+, upr:4, vg:+ -- V:459-15-2
  183. Kehlani: You Should Be Here (self-released) {30}: C:54, Cmp:12, D:11, HV:17, KQ:1, LM:35, N:16, Ps:15, Std:24, WT:16; am_r:+, ht:+, la_k:2, mac:5, tr_h:7, vg:+ -- AY:137, V:101-84-7, TH:B-
  184. Dave Rawlings Machine: Nashville Obsolete (Acony) {30}: A_uk:17, AS:23, He:7, NoD:4, NS:22, RM:54, RS_A:50, RS_c:20, U:38, U_jm:30, Yh:+; am_a:+, ex_c:10, pl_t:4, pm:u:7, rut:8, sht:15, sjw:3, vmg:+ -- V:112-75-8, TH:*
  185. Erykah Badu: But You Caint Use My Phone (Motown) {29}: DW:60, Fu:11, GB:26, JG:59, PA:36, PW:30, Sl:15, Std:25, Yh:+, Zf:41; bg_b:10, cos:12, fw:+, ht:+, okp:7, opb:+, po:17, se_a:+, st_i:14, vda:+ -- V:95-88-10, RC:**, TH:A-
  186. Richard Hawley: Hollow Meadows (Parlophone) {29}: A_uk:40, DM:8, Flp:9, Fp:38, Hu:5, LR:38, Mg:16, Mz:14, Pc:69, PN:+, RM:99, RT:37, Rv:+, SR:47, Su:50, UR:90, Yh:+; am_s:+ -- AY:163, V:579-12-1
  187. Horrendous: Anareta (Dark Descent) {29}: Db:1, Ero:51, FB:+, Pf_m:9, RY:21, Sg:34, Spk:43, Spk_u:7, Te:24; cs_m:4, io:11, maf:+, ms_c:11, p_m:5, s_j:17, s_m:4, tr_m:7 -- V:246-30-4
  188. Maddie & Tae: Start Here (Dot) {29}: A_uk:95, DW:76, HV:2, JG:100, NS:10, RS_c:9, T_c:58; am:+, am_c:+, bm_c:5, ew_c:10, npr_p:+, pm_c:7, tc:10, tns:+, vse:+, vti:+ -- AY:196, V:150-55-6, MT:*, TH:*
  189. Matthew E White: Fresh Blood (Domino) {29}: A_uk:34, Dr:88, Eb:68, Fld:3, Fp:39, Gf_D:15, IT:42, Mj:28, Ms:38, Noj:42, Pc:98, RM:38, RT:44, Su:12, TG:+, TO:33, U:33, U_jm:20, UR:77; aqd:+, sdm:+ -- AY:174, V:1170-5-1
  190. Wire: Wire (Pinkflag) {29}: Bw:23, CM:57, DaM:1, DVk:19, Flp:21, JD:7, Q:31, Qt:58, RM:45; aqd:+, bv:+, ct:20, dc:+, gw:+, jsh:10 -- V:165-50-5, RC:***, TH:***
  191. Dave Douglas Quintet: Brazen Heart (Greenleaf Music) {28}: FJ:+, JC:29, T_j:36, TG:+; ghj:15, jbm:2, jfk:6, jgz:1, jjh:6, jjl:5, jmk:9, jpb:5, jrm:+, jsd:10, jsf:4, noj:7, vjc:5, vpb:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  192. Dr Yen Lo: Days With Dr Yen Lo (Pavlov Institute) {28}: CRW:53, HG:+, KQ:17, PN:+, PW:16, Re:20, S_h:18, Sg_h:19, TMT:46; bgc:1, dc:+, qt_h:1, r_h:6, vtr:+ -- V:138-61-7, TH:A-
  193. Mgla: Exercises in Futility (No Solace) {28}: C:72, Db:14, Gf:16, MH:15, N:40, NN:52, Noj:36, Pf_m:8, RY:10, Spk_u:37, Te:6; cs_m:25, gd_m:5, maf:+, mi_f:+, mi_n:23, p_m:+, s_m:7
  194. Matt Mitchell: Vista Accumulation (Pi) {28}: FJ:+, JC:20; blg:+, ei_m:8, fd:+, jda:4, jgg:+, jjc:+, jmc:7, jph:5, jrk:7, jsb:10, jsd:5, jsf:1, jsp:2, jtd:1 -- V:558-13-1, TH:**
  195. My Morning Jacket: The Waterfall (ATO/Capitol) {28}: AS:38, AV:+, Df:23, DJ:29, Dr:44, Eb:69, Flp:26, Fp:34, GTV:65, Mz:6, P:42, Ps:14, RTr:15, U:48, UR:40, Yh:+; cmg:+, ejh:+, lc_g:+, opb:*3, rrh:6 -- V:85-101-11
  196. Myrkur: M (Relapse) {28}: BA_m:5, Db:28, FB:+, Gf:17, Gf_N:29, HB:50, K:19, MH:41, Noj:12, Pf_m:24, Te:17, Tr:32; am_m:+, mi_n:7, p_m:+, r_m:15, s_m:14, tr_m:4, vgm:+ -- V:327-24-3
  197. Skrillex/Diplo: Skrillex and Diplo Present Jack U (Atlantic/Mad Decent/OWSLA) {28}: AY:+, BB:23, Blr:12, Cmp:17, Crg:95, JM:+, Mix:48, PP:39, RS:16, Std:19; s_g:22, vnf:+, vu:7, ye:+ -- V:232-34-4, RC:**, MT:A-, TH:***
  198. Action Bronson: Mr Wonderful (Atlantic/Vice) {27}: Am_h:21, Cr:5, DW:28, Gf_N:41, Gw:21, HG:+, In:17, JG:87, Pg:30, PW:40, S_h:10, Sg_h:24; am_h:+, hdx:+, jc:7, okp:6, s_u:20 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  199. Failure: The Heart Is a Monster (InGrooves) {27}: ABC:7, Aq:1, Db:22, MH:31, NN:2, Pu:18, Spk_u:140; ew_m:10, gl:a, lw_r:13, mi_r:+, sq:5 -- V:191-42-4
  200. Lightning Bolt: Fantasy Empire (Thrill Jockey) {27}: Bk:90, Bw:20, CRW:9, Dr:91, Eb:47, LQ:37, Mc:20, Mw:44, NN:30, Pc:81, Qt:92, VF:37, YW:4; aqd:+, bm_x:4 -- AY:62, V:212-38-5, TH:**
  201. Nathaniel Rateliff: Nathaniel Raleliff & the Night Sweats (Stax) {27}: ClR:30, MO:32, NoD:18, P:30, PM:69, RM:17, RTr:22, Rv:*2, Su:25, TL:7, Yh:+; cpb:17, ejh:+, kxk:11, la_l:2, owl:+, r_r:16, skm:11, vhh:+ -- V:96-87-9, TH:*
  202. Boz Scaggs: A Fool to Cure (429) {27}: He:13, Mj:42, NoD:48, RS:18; am_l:+, js:11, mm:+, po:+, se_e:3, vjl:+ -- V:538-14-2, RC:A-, MT:A, TH:A-
  203. Irene Schweizer/Han Bennink: Welcome Back (Intakt) {27}: CM:1, EWi:15, JC:33; ei:4, jbs:4, jck:1, jdt:9, jhk:+, jjs:8, jpf:9, po:6, vth:+ -- V:171-49-3, TH:A
  204. The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die: Harmlessness (Epitaph) {27}: AbP:5, AV:*2, Blr:34, Bq:30, Crg:9, GTV:83, Gw:16, Pu:15, Ro:18, Sg:13, Spk_u:38; ad:+, bv:*2, rc:17, rrh:+ -- V:216-37-4
  205. Veruca Salt: Ghost Notes (El Camino) {27}: ABC:4, AV:*2; am_k:+, chi:+, cmg:+, ex_u:+, gm:17, lv_z:8, m:10, mj_s:8, ar_r:4, vaz:+, vto:+ -- V:174-47-6, MT:A-, TH:A-
  206. Best Coast: California Nights (Harvest) {26}: ABC:39, Blr:19, DW:30, GTV:25, S:42, SR:19, Va:40; am_k:+, az:15, cct:6, chi:+, g_o:4, kxk:+, mj_s:7, rfs:+, rrh:+, s_c:24, s_d:9, s_g:11, rw:+, vgc:+ -- V:155-54-5, MT:B, TH:*
  207. Gaz Coombes: Matador (Hot Fruit) {26}: A_uk:27, Dr:13, DS:94, DS_u:30, Fp:88, GTV:46, Kp:16, Mj:24, MO:17, PN:+, Q:22, RM:18, Rv:+, SR:27, St:41, Su:29; am_k:+, cpb:18, opb:+, srh:13 -- AY:186, V:640-10-1, TH:*
  208. Django Django: Burn Under Saturn (Ribbon) {26}: BE:93, Bq:72, Fp:28, LR:5, PN:*2, Q:15, RT:17, Sk:12, SR:44, TN:16, UR:43, VL:7, WT:27, Yh:+; opb:+ -- V:327-24-3
  209. Liturgy: The Ark Work (Thrill Jockey) {26}: BG:10, C:24, CRW:3, Od:37, Ru:7, TMT:48, Vi:11; cs_m:13, lc:+, rs_a:3, s_a:1, s_j:3 -- V:343-21-2, TH:C-
  210. Makaya McCraven: In the Moment (International Anthem) {26}: CM:55, FJ:+, JC:58, JG:28; g_j:5, jgg:+, jgs:9, la_b:a, nb:1, pm_j:10, po:+, se_g:6, vad:1, vkj:+, vmw:3 -- V:192-42-3, TH:***
  211. JD McPherson: Let the Good Times Roll (New Rounder) {26}: EWi:38, Hi:33, NoD:25, P:34, RM:79, TG:+, TL:2, U:42, Yh:*2; am_k:+, gl:a, gw:+, po:+, r_r:15, rut:4, te:+, vtl:+ -- V:94-92-8, TH:**
  212. Willie Nelson/Merle Haggard: Django and Jimmie (Legacy) {26}: JG:107, NoD:48, NS:6, RS_c:16, RTr:25, T_c:31, TG:+, TL:28, Yh:+; am_c:+, ew_c:7, pm_c:9, po:+, r_c:5 -- V:444-16-2, RC:***, TH:A-
  213. Keith Richards: Crosseyed Heart (Mindless/Virgin EMI) {26}: A_uk:92, ClR:12, EE:7, Mj:39, RS:17, RS_A:17, RS_F:4, RTr:+, Su:11, U:74; gw:+, se_d:6, ucr:5, vss:+ -- AY:171, V:251-30-3, TH:B
  214. John Scofield: Past Present (Impulse) {26}: JC:17, T_j:35; am_j:+, jac:8, jbm:4, jeh:1, jla:8, jlm:3, jpb:4, jrd:8, jsd:6, jtc:9, se_a:+, vjt:3, vpb:+ -- V:579-12-1, TH:***
  215. Shopping: Why Choose (Fat Cat) {26}: AYP:33, CM:33, FB:79, No:+, RM:56, RT:34, SR:8, TO:45, Wat:23; aqd:+, ar:6, ath:+, gt:+, s_d:11, vhh:+ -- V:140-61-6, RC:A-, TH:A-
  216. Soak: Before We Forgot How to Dream (Rough Trade) {26}: Am_s:9, AV:*2, Cl:34, DS:98, DS_u:32, Gf_D:23, In:10, IT:18, Pc:96, PP:20, RM:71, St:15, TG:+, UR:48; lmt:7, mm:+, npr_b:7 -- V:640-10-1
  217. The Wonder Years: No Closer to Heaven (Hopeless) {26}: AbP:8, BE:98, Blr:8, Bq:4, Crg:3, K:11, Pu:1, Spk_u:30; bv:*2, cl:23, dw:12
  218. Barry Altschul & 3Dom Factor: Tales of the Unforeseen (TUM) {25}: FJ:5, JC:40, JG:54; av:+, jbm:+, jbs:3, jmy:4, jpa:7, jtc:1, jtd:4, sdo:4, vjc:6 -- TH:A-
  219. Blackalicious: Imani Vol 1 (OGM) {25}: AV:+, Bq:73, DW:40, EWi:39, FB:+, HG:+, IT:17, JD:34, S_h:36, Soh:10; ct:14, r_h:18, vth:+ -- V:351-20-3, MT:A-, TH:A-
  220. Carter Tutti Void: F(x) (Industrial) {25}: Bw:1, DaM:6, JG:44, LW:45, Qt:4, RM:44, SA:3, W:41; am_e:+ -- V:499-15-1, TH:***
  221. Drake & Future: What a Time to Be Alive (Cash Money) {25}: Cmp:50, ER:17, Pg:21, Ps:3, Rv:+, S_h:50, Sg_h:16, Std:30, TO:26, XXL:9; bsp:7, st_h:23, vbm:+, vg:+ -- V:351-20-3, RC:**, TH:*
  222. Future: 56 Nights (Freebandz) {25}: Cmp:33, F:6, Ge:18, N:21, PW:1, S_h:23, Sg_h:7, Std:14, W:33; upr:6, st_h:22, vg:+ -- V:55-151-12, RC:*, TH:*
  223. Patty Griffin: Servant of Love (PGM) {25}: AS:19, FB:+, NoD:31, T_c:3, ; am_a:+, bm_f:5, gl:h, lp:+, npr:+, npr_t:8, pl_t:6, pm_u:1, sjw:5 -- AY:44, V:278-28-3, TH:**
  224. Helena Hauff: Discreet Desires (Ninja Tune/Werkdiscs) {25}: Bl:15, C:45, FPE:34, Mix:8, No:17, Noj:8, Ph:49, Rdx:46, RM:64, Th:28, VF:38; am_e:+, cha:10, dc:+, pl_e:6 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  225. JME: Integrity (Boy Better Know) {25}: A_uk:57, AY:+, Bq:1, C:14, DS:81, DS_u:29, N:6, NR:48, Pg:28, Qt:71, Sg_h:29, ?:+; cmg:+, vg:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  226. John Moreland: High on Tulsa Heat (Old Omens) {25}: ASA:6, NoD:5, NS:16, PM:24, RS_c:13, TL:18; ew_c:6, pm_u:6, r_am:2, sht:20, vss:+ -- V:124-68-6, TH:A-
  227. Muse: Drones (Warner Bros/Helium-3) {25}: BE:17, Df:42, DSp:25, EE:18, Gf_D:14, GTV:78, Gw:54, NME:41, Q:32, RS:39, RS_A:39, Si:5, StP:19, Su:42, Yh:9; gw:+, rfs:+ -- V:1170-5-1, MT:C+
  228. Paradise Lost: The Plague Within (Avalon) {25}: Db:3, DVk:50, MH:4, Noj:24, Od:15, Pf_m:14, RY:30, Si:16, Spk:29, Spk_u:36, Te:12; lt_m:9, lw_m:9, mi_r:12, ms_c:6
  229. Mike Reed's People Places & Things: A New Kind of Dance (482 Music) {25}: BIW:21, CM:18, JC:23, JG:63; jah:2, jgg:8, jjm:1, jmj:2, jms:1, jph:10, jth:3, la_b:a -- TH:A-
  230. Tal National: Zoy Zoy (Fat Cat) {25}: CM:28, DW:15, JG:133, Mrg:28, YW:20; am_w:+, aqd:+, gm:18, js:30, po:+, vtc:+ -- V:221-36-4, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:***
  231. Jason Derulo: Everything Is 4 (Warner Bros) {24}: CM:48, CRW:57, DW:7, HV:11, JG:57, Nc:28, S:33, Sl:24; mac:+, s_g:18, s_p:6, vnf:+ -- V:332-23-3, RC:A-, MT:B+, TH:*
  232. Lamb of God: VII: Sturm und Drang (Epic) {24}: Cr:17, K:12, MH:9, Rev:1, Si:8, Yh:+; am_m:+, gw:+, lt_m:12, lw_m:11, ms_c:3, ms_g:7, se_p:7
  233. James Brandon Lewis: Days of FreeMan (Okeh) {24}: BA_j:7, CM:19, JC:54, JG:14, TL:6; bu:9, jad:4, jeh:4, jgg:+, jrn:14, jsw:6, po:+ -- TH:A-
  234. Lower Dens: Escape From Evil (Ribbon Music) {24}: Am_g:30, AV:+, BE:100, Df:27, DS:48, Eb:49, GB:8, NN:34, Pf:+, Rv:+, Sp:20, UR:55, WT:20; aqd:+, ath:+, bv:+, lc_e:+, n_o:+, vg:+ -- V:156-53-7, MT:C+
  235. Madonna: Rebel Heart (Interscope) {24}: AV:+, DSp:10, FB:+, Jp:23, Nd:11, Poj:16, RS:45, RS_A:45, VL:22, Yh:+; am_p:+, ap_f:5, p:10, s_p:21 -- V:459-15-2, RC:*, TH:***
  236. Nicole Mitchell/Tomeka Reid/Mike Reed: Artifacts (482 Music) {24}: FJ:*2, JC:28; blg:+, jah:7, jdt:+, jgg:+, jhm:11, jjc:2, jji:8, jmh:9, jpa:4, jpf:10, jpj:8, jsf:8, jtc:2, ny_c:10 -- TH:A-
  237. Rabit: Communion (Tri Angle) {24}: AV:+, Bk:29, Bl:14, FB:+, Mix:15, Qt:51, S:35, SA:9, Th:16; am:+, am_e:+, bgc:19, bm_x:15, s_u:7, vg:+ -- AY:69, V:1072-8-1, TH:**
  238. Romare: Projections (Ninja Tune) {24}: AY:+, Bl:7, Btz:38, C:53, Cl:46, IT:6, LQ:31, Pc:11, Ph:29, RT:9, Zf:18; dj:1, mb:+, te:+
  239. Desaparecidos: Payola (Epitaph) {23}: AV:*2, Blr:38, Bq:12, CM:13, DS:62, DW:77, N:20, P:45, Vi:15; bv:*2, fw:+, gm:20 -- V:186-45-5, TH:A-
  240. Bill Fay: Who Is the Sender? (Dead Oceans) {23}: Btz:11, Bw:59, IT:28, LR:83, Mj:30, Mz:30, On:22, PN:5, Ro:9, RS_D:12, RS_F:13; am_s:+, bm_f:8, te:+ -- V:640-10-1
  241. Nils Frahm: Solo (Erased Tapes) {23}: 405:29, Bf:23, Bl:39, Bw:46, C:51, CRW:72, DS:17, Flp:38, Gf_D:16, JG:88, LW:52, Mon:36, Pc:53, Ph:87, RM:63, RT:89, SR:42, St:44 -- V:1072-8-1, TH:**
  242. Don Henley: Cass County (Capitol) {23}: He:26, NS:14, RS:20, RS_A:20, RS_c:2, RS_F:29, Su:48, Yh:+; am_c:+, bg_s:1, scm:+, szk:4, ucr:7 -- V:355-20-2, TH:*
  243. Jeremih: Late Nights: The Album (Def Jam) {23}: Blr:41, Cl:42, Ero:42, Nc:3, Noj:32, PA:42, Pf:41, Pg:29, PW:+; chi:+, n_o:+, s_b:9, s_j:10, st_i:21, vg:+, vrh:+, vtr:+, vx:9 -- AY:108, V:87-100-10
  244. Kode9: Nothing (Hyperdub) {23}: Bk:19, Bl:5, Du:11, F:30, LBF:+, PW:21, SR:34, Th:10, Xlr:11, Zf:69; ah:+, am_e:+ -- V:428-17-2, TH:**
  245. Marina and the Diamonds: Froot (Atlantic) {23}: AY:+, DS_u:23, EW:25, LBF:+, Poj:2, Spk:48, WT:48, Yh:+; am_p:+, ew_p:4, hc:9, id:6, r_gp:+, rfs:+, s_c:22, s_p:19, vbm:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:*
  246. Metz: Metz II (Sub Pop) {23}: Am_g:48, AV:+, BG:29, Blr:32, Df:48, DW:42, EW:27, GTV:85, Ms:22, Mw:19, Pc:82, RM:59, RT:76, SA:20, Wat:24; am_i:+, ew_r:10, tr_p:2 -- AY:107, V:276-29-3
  247. Motorhead: XXXX: Bad Magic (UDR) {23}: BA_m:11, ClR:14, DaJ:26, K:4, MH:16, Od:36, Rev:12, Si:18; am_m:+, gw:+, lt_m:15, maf:+, ucr:6 -- V:640-10-1, MT:*
  248. Chris Potter Underground Orchestra: Imaginary Cities (ECM) {23}: BA_j:4, JC:20, TG:31; am_j:+, ghj:11, jac:2, jdf:4, jdo:6, jgg:+, jtn:6, noj:+, se_a:+, ww:4 -- V:640-10-1TH:**
  249. Public Service Broadcasting: The Race for Space (Test Card) {23}: Bq:35, Flp:2, Fp:1, GTV:10, Pc:42, RM:36, RT:24, St:13, Su:41, VL:26; se_f:3 -- V:281-27-3
  250. Pusha T: King Push - Darkest Before Dawn: The Prelude (GOOD Music) {23}: DW:9, HG:+, JM:+, Pg:19, S_h:14; ahh:+, gd_h:14, ht:+, rr:6, st_h:4, vch:+, vcl:+ -- AY:33, V:132-63-8, RC:*, TH:***
  251. Tomeka Reid: Tomeka Reid Quartet (Thirsty Ear) {23}: BIW:13, FJ:*2, JC:50, JG:83; fd:+, jah:3, jas:7, jbs:1, jjo:7, jtc:+, om:+, vak:+, jsw:8 -- V:1135-6-1, TH:A-
  252. Sunn O))): Kannon (Southern Lord) {23}: Bk:22, Bw:2, CRW:50, DM:44, FB:+, LW:2, NN:28, Qt:19; av:+, bgc:20, dc:+, gd_m:6, jgk:3, vbb:+ -- V:289-26-3
  253. Richard Thompson: Still (Fantasy) {23}: Fp:53, FR:+, JD:20, Mj:21, NoD:28, T_f:34, U:24, U_jm:57; am_s:+, blg:+, jhk:+, po:+, sdu:10, sjw:4 -- AY:169, V:179-47-4, RC:**, TH:***
  254. Villagers: Darling Arithmetic (Domino) {23}: DS:91, DS_u:20, IT:20, LR:60, Ni:20, NL:16, Pl:4, PN:9, Rdx:31, St:11; it:9, lmt:4
  255. Years & Years: Communion (Interscope/Polydor) {23}: Btz:25, DSp:3, Fu:12, Jp:34, Ms:40, On:16, Poj:8, Q:43, Su:36, Va:47, WT:34, Yh:7; am_p:+, s_d:15, s_p:18 -- V:174-47-6
  256. The Arcs: Yours Dreamily (Nonesuch) {22}: Df:50, EW:31, Oo:47, RS:9, RS_A:9, Su:30, U_jm:103, Va:44, Yh:+; am_k:+, bg_s:7, kxk:14, npr_d:7, opb:+, r_r:13, tns:+, val:+ -- V:179-47-4, TH:B
  257. Between the Buried and Me: Coma Ecliptic (Metal Blade) {22}: HB:21, MH:21, PM:33, Rev:18; ad:+, am_m:+, ex_m:8, lw_m:6, mi_f:+, mi_r:1, ms_c:7, pm_k:1, pm_m:3, rrh:+ -- AY:167, V:579-12-1
  258. Brandi Carlile: The Firewatcher's Daughter (ATO) {22}: ABC:34, NoD:12, NS:30, SiC:9, TL:19; am_s:+, df:+, ejh:+, hu:4, n_o:+, npr:+, r_r:17, vmg:+ -- V:141-60-5, TH:***
  259. The Charlatans [UK]: Modern Nature (BMG) {22}: A_uk:14, Dr:90, Flp:11, Fp:78, GTV:62, Gw:41, LW:11, MO:15, Pc:12, Qt:84, SR:12, T:2; bbc:+
  260. Elysia Crampton: American Drift (Blueberry) {22}: BE:61, Bk:42, Bl:63, Pf:+, Qt:12, TMT:6, VF:34; cmg:+, npr_e:+, ou:7, s_a:8, s_j:15, vps:+, w_e:8 -- V:225-35-3, TH:A-
  261. Kris Davis Infrasound: Save Your Breath (Clean Feed) {22}: FJ:*2, JC:46; am_j:+, av:*2, blg:+, ei_m:9, jbb:8, jbs:7, jha:3, jje:2, jmh:6, jmj:6, jsp:3, jtd:8, la_b:h -- TH:**
  262. The Dead Weather: Dodge and Burn (Third Man) {22}: Aq:3, DW:64, JD:17, Cr:6, U_jm:130, Yh:*2; am_k:+, po:+, r_r:1, rrh:+ -- V:299-25-3, RC:**
  263. Ben Goldberg: Orphic Machine (BAG) {22}: BIW:15, CM:42, He:38; am_j:+, am_w:+, blg:+, eikk:+, jag:4, jbm:+jhm:13, jjs:16, jmh:8, jsp:+, se_a:+, ww:3 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  264. Hieroglyphic Being & JITU Ahn-Sahm-Buhl: We Are Not the First (RVNG Intl) {22}: 405:2, Bk:77, Bl:73, F:38, FB:+, JG:119, Ph:78, W:11; cmg:+, jgg:+, om:+, pm_a:8, pm_e:5 -- TH:A-
  265. Sam Lee & Friends: The Fade in Time (The Nest Collective) {22}: A_uk:21, FB:+, FR:4, He:22, Mc:+, T_f:3, TGW:2, U_jm:21; npr:+, npr_f:+, npr_l:+ -- V:1072-8-1, TH:*
  266. Low Cut Connie: Hi Honey (Ardent Music/Contender) {22}: JD:2, JG:136; am:+, am_k:+, ct:12, gl:a, gm:30, lxl:17, mm:+, po:+, vse:+ -- V:142-60-4, RC:**, TH:A-
  267. Panopticon: Autumn Eternal (Bind Rune/Nordvis) {22}: BE:63, Db:8, FB:+, FPE:89, Hi:1, Ne:34, Pf_m:3, RY:11, Spk_u:48; mi_n:12, vgm:+ -- V:579-12-1
  268. The Paranoid Style: Rock and Roll Just Can't Recall (Worldwide Battle -EP) {22}: CM:30, DW:5, EWi:13, JG:36; gm:15, js:13, po:+, vmr:+, vtk:+ -- V:200-40-4, RC:A, TH:***
  269. Troye Sivan: Blue Neighbourhood (Capitol) {22}: DSp:12, Poj:3, PP:48, Ps:20, StP:15, Va:36; am_p:+, ap_f:1, ew_p:5, la_w:3, npr_p:+ -- TH:*
  270. Pops Staples: Don't Lose This (1999, dBpm) {22}: A_uk:83, AV:*2, P:47, TL:25, U_jm:131, YW:3; aqd:+, ecs:6, ghn:20, pl_s:8, po:+, vtl:+ -- AY:75, V:278-28-3, MT:**, TH:**
  271. Sun Kil Moon: Universal Themes (Caldo Verde) {22}: A_uk:88, BE:35, CS:33, Fp:51, Mu:43, NL:15, PN:+, Q:24, Rdx:13, RM:95, U:32, U_jm:50, Zf:11; am_i:+, bz:10 -- V:427-17-3, TH:***
  272. Thundercat: The Beyond/Where the Giants Roam (Brainfeeder, EP) {22}: Hi:25, N:39, Pf:24, PW:9, Rv:+, TG:93, Tr:23, W:43, WT:47; aqd:+, ep_x:4, ex_r:7, ex_u:+, ou:+, utd:15, vda:+, vg:+, vtr:+ -- V:207-39-5, TH:B
  273. Ty Dolla Sign: Free TC (Atlantic) {22}: C:50, Cmp:25, Pg:39, PW:36, S_h:20, Std:18, XXL:15; ahh:+, am_r:+, bsp:8, hdx:+, la_k:9, n_o:+, npr:+, s_c:10, st_i:11, upr:14, vg:+ -- V:108-78-9
  274. Amorphis: Under the Red Cloud (Nuclear Blast) {21}: FB:+, Od:1, RY:26, Spk:28, Spk_u:61, Te:11; lw_m:4, maf:+, mi_f:+, mi_n:9, mp:1, se_p:2
  275. Bell Witch: Four Phantoms (Profound Lore) {21}: C:75, CS:31, Ero:20, FB:+, K:43, Pf_m:3, PM:54, Te:44; av:+, cs_m:2, gd_m:1, s_m:3 -- V:160-52-6
  276. Tony Bennett & Bill Charlap: The Silver Lining: The Songs of Jerome Kern (Columbia) {21}: JC:34; fd:+, g_j:4, jac:+, jdh:5, jjm:+, jmb:2, jmk:+, jna:+, jnb:16, jpb:8, jth:2, jtm:6, ny_c:+, vpb:+ -- V:444-16-2, TH:*
  277. EL VY: Return to the Moon (4AD) {21}: AV:+, BE:71, DM:40, DS:87, Flp:64, Gw:34, LBF:+, Mz:21, PN:+, Rv:*2, Sk:46, UR:10, Yh:+; boc:6, lc_e:+, lc_g:9wsj:6 -- V:335-23-2
  278. Foxing: Dealer (Triple Crown) {21}: AbP:2, BE:91, Blr:33, Bq:14, Crg:2, Pu:8, Spk_u:189; ad:+, bv:*2, cmg:+ -- V:459-15-2
  279. Colleen Green: I Want to Grow Up (Hardly Art) {21}: AV:*2, DW:48, Rv:+, S:31, Sg:8; ath:+, bv:+, chi:+, r_ar:2, mb:+, n_o:+, s_u:22 -- V:60-143-14, RC:A-, MT:C+, TH:B
  280. Helm: Olympic Mess (Pan) {21}: AV:+, Bk:11, Bl:76, Bw:25, F:18, KQ:23, No:34, On:35, Ph:76, Qt:14, Re:43, W:20; bgc:+, cmg:+, s_a:10, s_j:13, w_o:6
  281. Mount Eerie: Sauna (PW Elverum & Sun) {21}: AV:+, BE:89, Df:29, Eb:67, Hu:17, Ma:26, Mc:35, NR:47, On:50, S:46, Spk_u:185, TN:21; cmg:*3, mb:+, s_j:1 -- AY:155, TH:B-
  282. Wadada Leo Smith/John Lindberg Duo: Celestial Weather (TUM) {21}: JC:41; av:+, jad:10, jah:9, jdk:3, jdt:+, jhk:+, jra:10, jrs:*2, sdo:2, vhs:7, vlb:6 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  283. The Soft Moon: Deeper (Captured Tracks) {21}: AV:+, DaJ:5, FB:+, LW:14, Mw:14, NN:14, On:13, Qt:52, RM:47, TN:22, Tr:39; am_i:+, tr_e:3
  284. The Sonics: This Is the Sonics (Revox) {21}: AV:*2, ClR:20, FB:+, Gf_N:45, Si:9, Yh:+; am:+, am_k:+, po:+, rut:7, vgg:+, vse:+, vss:+ -- V:73-114-10, TH:***
  285. Dwight Yoakam: Second Hand Heart (Warner Bros) {21}: AS:31, HV:27, Nc:25, NoD:11, NS:12, RS_c:8, Yh:+; am_c:+, aqd:+, ex_c:9, pm_c:5, po:+, vam:+, vjp:+ -- AY:38, V:176-47-5, TH:B
  286. Chastity Belt: Time to Go Home (Hardly Art) {20}: C:19, Dr:14, Mg:25, Pc:28, S:34, Wat:21; am:+, am_i:+, bv:+, gm:24, npr_p:+, s_d:14, s_v:12 -- V:167-49-5, RC:**, MT:**, TH:*
  287. Downtown Boys: Full Communism (Don Giovanni) {20}: Pf:+, Rdx:43, St:42; ah:+, am:+, am_i:+, bv:+, fw:5, gt:+, imp:1, vkj:+ -- AY:73, V:71-115-11, TH:A-
  288. Steve Hauschildt: Where All Is Fled (Kranky) {20}: Am_s:41, AV:+, Bw:74, FPE:29, No:5, Pc:58, U_jm:64; am_e:+, cmg:+, ou:11, pm_e:12, s_a:6, s_j:20 -- TH:A-
  289. Little Simz: A Curious Tale of Trials + Persons (Age 101) {20}: 405:5, Cl:21, DS_u:50, FB:+, In:27, IT:50, LBF:+, LQ:30, N:23, Spk_u:193, TO:38, Zf:12; gd_h:13, vg:+ -- AY:138, V:640-10-1
  290. The Mavericks: Mono (Valory) {20}: A_uk:58, HV:26, NoD:6, NS:9, RS_c:11, TL:27; am_a:+, am_c:+, la_l:6, npr_p:+, vpg:+ -- AY:77, V:137-62-5, TH:**
  291. Oddisee: The Good Fight (Mello Music Group) {20}: DJ:11, HG:+, PW:49, S45:32, XXL:13; am_h:+, bg_b:5, ex_h:7, ex_u:+, hdx:+, pl_h:3, qt_h:8, st_h:7, vdc:+ -- V:402-19-2, TH:*
  292. Joan Shelley: Over and Even (No Quarter) {20}: T_c:4, U_jm:44; am_f:+, aqd:+, bm_f:13, cmg:+, la_r:8, nod:7, npr:+, npr_b:4, npr_t:1, vwh:+ -- V:80-110-9, TH:*
  293. Slayer: Repentless (Nuclear Blast) {20}: Aq:18, DaJ:18, K:18, MH:11, NN:39, Pl:+, Rev:5, Yh:+; am_m:+, gw:+, lt_m:4, se_p:8
  294. Omar Souleyman: Bahdeni Nami (Monkeytown) {20}: Bl:96, FB:+, Fp:99, JG:105, LR:78, PM:60, TG:47, U_jm:96, YW:13; po:+ -- V:1135-6-1, MT:A-, TH:A-
  295. Tamaryn: Cranekiss (Mexican Summer) {20}: Am_g:28, Am_s:2, AV:+, BG:3, Dr:96, FB:+, LBF:+, NN:19, SBR:37, UR:28; bv:+, owl:+ -- V:195-41-5
  296. The Apartments: No Song No Spell No Madrigal (Microcultures) {19}: Btz:48, MR:1, No:46, On:30, PN:2, U:66, VL:11, Yh:*2; gd_p:8 -- V:428-17-2
  297. The Bottle Rockets: South Broadway Athletic Club (Bloodshot) {19}: DW:41, NoD:23, NS:29, SiC:16; am_k:+, ghn:8, gm:29, js:24, mj:3 -- V:160-52-6, RC:A-, TH:***
  298. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: A Year With 13 Moons (Mexican Summer) {19}: Bk:10, Bl:25, F:14, No:42, Pc:95, Ph:77, TMT:49, YW:86; am:+, bgc:+, bm_x:16, lv_p:10, ou:9, vg:+ -- AY:74, V:456-15-3
  299. Container: LP (Spectrum Spools) {19}: Bl:23, Bw:42, C:26, CRW:12, Qt:75, Re:25, TMT:16; ah:+, am:+, am_e:+, bm_x:11, dc:+, imp:+ -- AY:105, V:1170-5-1, TH:**
  300. Dilly Dally: Sore (Partisan) {19}: Ex:14, GB:34, LBF:+, N:31, P:48; ah:+, am_k:+, bv:+, cmg:+, dw:11, now:+, nw:6, s_d:24, utd:22 -- AY:102, V:135-62-7, TH:**
  301. East India Youth: Culture of Volume (XL) {19}: A_uk:94, Dr:49, FF:35, GTV:31, Gw:47, LW:18, MO:28, Qt:6, Sk:45, SR:32, UR:42, VL:29; sdm:+, tam:+ -- AM:88, AY:173
  302. Fuzz: II (In the Red) {19}: AV:+, AYP:11, Dr:45, FB:12, FN:40, Hi:34, Pc:63, RM:90, RT:45, Rv:+, SR:11, U:58; gd_p:6, kxk:+, owl:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  303. Haiku Salut: Etch and Etch Deep (How Does It Feel to Be Loved) {19}: DS:30, DS_u:4, FB:+, FPE:10, GTV:51, Mon:49, LW:5, YW:37 -- AY:39, TH:**
  304. Anna von Hausswolff: The Miraculous (Other Music) {19}: Bw:37, DaM:10, DS:76, FB:97, FPE:31, LW:7, NN:43, No:+, PP:37, SA:16; cmg:+, tam:+ -- AY:84, V:558-13-1, TH:B
  305. King Midas Sound/Fennesz: Edition 1 (Ninja Tune) {19}: Bk:63, Bl:56, Bw:64, C:62, LW:76, Ph:68, Qt:18, S45:25, U_jm:90, VF:11, W:31; am_e:+, bgc:17, gd_o:2, om:+ -- V:640-10-1
  306. Lianne La Havas: Blood (Nonesuch) {19}: DJ:37, Gw:38, In:33, Ne:33, Pg:20, RT:53, Soh:8, Spk_u:102, Va:27; or:10, pl_s:2, rfc:20, st:+, vcb:+ -- V:327-24-3
  307. The Maccabees: Marks to Prove It (Fiction) {19}: Bq:7, Cl:33, Dr:100, DS:46, DS_u:12, DSp:23, Fp:68, MO:34, NME:9, Q:27, RM:11, SR:23; cpb:11
  308. Meek Mill: Dreams Worth More Than Money (MMG/Atlantic) {19}: Am_h:3, Cmp:49, Nc:18, S_h:11, Sg_h:18, Std:20; ahh:+, am_h:+, n_o:+, r_h:8 -- V:459-15-2, TH:*
  309. Refused: Freedom (Epitaph) {19}: Aq:19, Db:15, Gf_N:31, K:40, Lt:39, MH:23, Mw:49, NN:9, Vi:14; ms_c:12, ms_g:2, sq:13 -- V:351-20-3
  310. Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah: Stretch Music (Ropeadope) {19}: BA_m:10, JG:108; ex_i:+, g_o:10, jbu:9, jgs:2, jpj:10, la_b:h, nb:6, npr:+, ob:6, pl_j:4, vad:6 -- V:277-28-4, TH:*
  311. Cassandra Wilson: Coming Forth by Day (Legacy) {19}: JC:+, RS_F:14, TG:98; bg_r:6, ghj:13, jbm:+, jdo:7, jhm:6, jeh:7, jld:+, jmj:+, jtc:+, pl_j:6, vlb:+, vrg:4 -- TH:**
  312. Youth Lagoon: Savage Hills Ballroom (Fat Possum) {19}: 405:18, Am_g:45, Dr:20, Eb:53, Mw:6, PN:+, UR:82; boc:2, bv:+, cds:4, gg:+, npr_h:8 -- V:1044-9-1
  313. Julio Bashmore: Knockin' Boots (Boardwalk) {18}: AY:+, C:88, DJ:36, F:24, Mix:2, PP:21, SA:18, Th:32, TO:5, WT:22; vg:+
  314. Ran Blake: Ghost Tones: Portraits of George Russell (A-Side) {18}: JC:27, JG:5; fd:+, jdk:1, jel:9, jjo:5, jjs:1, jmm:4 -- V:606-11-1
  315. Bosse-de-Nage: All Fours (Profound Lore) {18}: AV:+, BG:20, CRW:23, Db:21, Pf_m:13, Spk:36, Spk_u:128; g_o:9, io:7, mi_f:+, s_m:16, tr_m:3, tr_p:5 -- V:402-19-2
  316. Braids: Deep in the Iris (Arbutus) {18}: A_uk:49, Am_s:16, CS:27, DS:8, Ex:18, Ni:17, PP:13, UR:86, WT:44; gg:+, mut:6 -- V:444-16-2
  317. John Carpenter: Lost Themes (Sacred Bones) {18}: AV:+, Bl:53, Bw:53, DaJ:9, Dr:65, Fp:91, Mon:11, NN:49, Pc:78, Wat:13; ecs:4, mi_f:+ -- V:245-31-3
  318. The Chemical Brothers: Born in the Echoes (Virgin EMI) {18}: AV:+, Cl:26, CRW:33, DJ:27, Flp:39, Jp:30, LM:33, Mix:6, Ni:27, Q:26; am_e:+, cmg:+, ye:+ -- V:1072-8-1, TH:**
  319. Brandon Flowers: The Desired Effect (Virgin EMI) {18}: DSp:14, Gw:24, HV:30, Ma:14, Su:13, Yh:+; am_p:+, id:8, la_w:9, rfs:+, s_c:14, s_p:16 -- V:150-55-6, TH:**
  320. Follakzoid: III (Sacred Bones) {18}: Bw:45, Dr:46, FB:+, JG:69, LW:38, Pc:20, RM:46, RT:74, SR:1, U_jm:120; om:+ -- TH:**
  321. Alex G: Beach Music (Domino) {18}: Crg:39, Eb:25, Ero:24, Is:26, S:10, Spk_u:92; ah:+, dc:+, s_g:14, s_j:5, s_u:4, s_v:22 -- AY:135, V:428-17-2
  322. Jacco Gardner: Hypnophobia (Polyvinyl) {18}: FB:33, Fld:21, Kp:14, LR:70, PJ:14, PN:+, RM:10, UR:66, Wat:6; cpb:10, ong:3
  323. Halsey: Badlands (Astralwerks) {18}: ABC:37, Crg:10, ER:22, Poj:15, Va:26; r_gp:+ -- V:640-10-1, RC:A-, TH:A-
  324. Hunee: Hunch Music (Rush Hour) {18}: Bl:99, C:6, IT:36, Noj:18, Oo:15, Ph:11, RA:10, Th:25, TO:30; dj:10, npr_e:+
  325. Jam City: Dream a Garden (Night Slugs) {18}: Af:30, Bl:57, C:27, F:19, GTV:76, Mix:17, Ph:62, Qt:15, VF:47, W:48; am_e:+, por:5, vg:+ -- V:234-34-3
  326. Le1f: Riot Boi (Terrible) {18}: 405:17, D:17, FB:+, JG:86, Ph:18, S_h:32, Sg_h:36, WT:45; am_h:+, pm_h:13, qt_h:4, vkj:+ -- AY:142, V:459-15-2
  327. Archy Marshall: A New Place 2 Drown (XL) {18}: D:3, Pf:33, PN:+, SA:8, WT:46; n_o:+, s_b:6, vg:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:A-
  328. MESH: Piteous Gate (Pan) {18}: Bk:16, Bl:31, C:64, CRW:56, F:12, Ph:93, Qt:47, Th:22, TMT:27, VF:24; ah:+, bgc:9, w_e:3 -- AY:35, V:640-10-1
  329. Milo: So the Flies Don't Come (Ruby Yacht/The Order Label) {18}: BE:79, FB:+, Ne:27, PW:22, Qt:86, Rv:+, RY:39, S_h:37, Spk_u:58; bg_b:7, g_h:5, qt_h:2, r_h:20 -- V:626-10-2, TH:**
  330. Modest Mouse: Strangers to Ourselves (Columbia) {18}: Aq:25, AV:+, BE:47, Blr:37, Fp:93, GTV:68, U:69, Vi:23; boc:13, ejh:+, gl:h, rrh:+ -- V:640-10-1, RC:***, TH:**
  331. Noah Preminger: Pivot: Live at the 55 Bar (self-released) {18}: JC:45, JG:24, TG:+; av:+, fd:+, jgg:5, jjb:5, jjm:+, jmk:2, jph:9, jtn:10 -- TH:A-
  332. Purity Ring: Another Eternity (4AD) {18}: Am_s:27, FF:26, Jp:16, LM:19, P:44, Sl:16, UR:87, Va:39, WT:31; am_i:+, boc:12, mut:10, psl:18, skm:12 -- V:122-69-7
  333. Daniel Romano: If I've Only One Time Askin' (New West) {18}: DVk:35, LBF:+, RS_c:30, T_c:41; am_a:+, ex_c:5, kxk:22, pl_t:7, r_am:9, sht:14, sjw:6 -- V:1170-5-1, RC:**, MT:**, TH:*
  334. Bill Ryder-Jones: West Kirby County Primary (Domino) {18}: A_uk:36, Hu:18, LBF:+, Mj:6, Mon:37, NME:47, PJ:31, PN:*2, Q:37, Zf:70; am_s:+, npr_h:10, te:+ -- AY:199
  335. The Weather Station: Loyalty (Paradise of Bachelors) {18}: Btz:35, PP:7, U:16, U_jm:3; bm_f:2, cmg:*2, ex_c:3, now:+ -- V:355-20-2
  336. Charli XCX: Sucker (Atlantic -14) {17}: A_uk:51, DS:12, DS_u:2, DSp:16, GTV:50, LW:62, NME:32, Poj:7, St:36, TO:37 -- TH:A-
  337. Gary Clark Jr: The Story of Sonny Boy Slim (Warner Bros) {17}: AV:+, EW:38, SiC:1, Soh:12, Yh:+; am_l:+, gl:h, gw:+, kxk:13, r_r:5, st_i:25
  338. Ian William Craig: Cradle for the Wanting (Recital) {17}: ACL:3, Bk:73, FB:+, FPE:60, No:3, Qt:74; bgc:+, cmg:*3, w_o:5
  339. Mikal Cronin: MCIII (Merge) {17}: Eb:56, FB:+, FN:12, LR:53, Ms:31, Nd:25, Noj:26, On:41, S45:11; am_k:+, boc:15, gl:h, kxk:25, rrh:+ -- V:626-10-2
  340. Dam-Funk: Invite the Light (Stones Throw) {17}: FB:+, Mz:33, Pf:+, PM:45, PW:5, Th:21, Wat:25; am_r:+, ft:+, imp:+, om:+, ou:4 -- V:402-19-2, TH:B
  341. Dawes: All Your Favorite Bands (Hub) {17}: AS:17, NoD:19, RS_D:16, RTr:+, SiC:7, TL:9, Yh:+; am_k:+, ejh:+ -- V:154-54-6, TH:B-
  342. Death Cab for Cutie: Kintsugi (Atlantic) {17}: AbP:23, AV:+, Crg:91, Fp:56, JM:2, Mz:36; cum:3, mi_r:+, owl:+, se_d:3, st_i:24 -- V:640-10-1
  343. Deradoorian: The Expanding Flower Planet (Anticon) {17}: DJ:46, Dr:58, LBF:+, MR:28, PM:61, PW:17, Rdx:16, Sk:47, U_jm:88, Zf:71; aqd:+, cmg:+, rfc:+, vps:+ -- V:459-15-2, TH:B
  344. Disasterpeace: It Follows [Original Sound Track] (Milan) {17}: ACL:9, CS:22, F:49, FF:10, FPE:47, GB:23, KQ:8, RY:81, Spk_u:16 -- V:298-25-4
  345. DJ Richard: Grind (Dial) {17}: Bk:69, C:20, F:9, Mix:21, Pf:+, Ph:89, Qt:35, Th:15, Xlr:22; ah:+, gd_e:11, sq_t:6 -- V:640-10-1
  346. Drenge: Undertow (Infectious) {17}: A_uk:41, Bq:79, FB:+, FL:30, Flp:29, Fp:25, Gf_D:20, LM:50, NME:38, RM:29, RT:72, Yh:+; bbc:+, nw:7 -- AY:23, V:355-20-2
  347. Elder: Lore (Armageddon) {17}: FB:7, HB:22, Hi:36, RY:55, Spk_u:11; cs_m:3, io:9, lv_p:5, mf_f:2, mi_r:19 -- V:240-32-4
  348. Jacob Garchik: Ye Olde (Yestereve) {17}: FJ:+, JC:52; av:*2, g_x:+, jjs:7, jmm:10, jpj:5, jra:9, se_a:*2, vgr:+, vrg:10 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  349. Ghostpoet: Shedding Skin (PIAS) {17}: Cl:38, DJ:40, Dr:68, DS:68, DS_u:22, Fp:21, LR:75, MO:39, No:38, Pc:83, RM:12; am_h:+, cpb:12, wsj:3 -- AY:195
  350. Mette Henriette: Mette Henriette (ECM, 2CD) {17}: BA_j:11, CM:54, JC:+, Mrg:20; jgk:1, jjm:+, jka:8, jpa:1, jsb:+, jtd:+, vjc:+
  351. Joanna Gruesome: Peanut Butter (Slumberland) {17}: AV:+, Bq:86, DS:65, DS_u:27, DW:17, FB:+, JG:80, RM:98, RT:33, YW:26; am_i:+, ath:+ -- V:289-26-3, RC:**, TH:*
  352. Kelela: Hallucinogen (Warp/Cherry Coffee, EP) {17}: Am_g:25, Cmp:38, F:8, Pf:31, Ph:39, PP:27, S:25, Tr:47; fw:+, hu:10, po:+, s_b:8, vg:+ -- V:196-40-5, TH:*
  353. Major Lazer: Peace Is the Mission (Mad Decent) {17}: A_uk:33, Blr:29, Ero:33, JG:77, LM:24, Mix:28, Std:31; am_e:+, am_g:+, r_e:10, vjf:+, ye:9 -- V:1107-7-1, RC:B+, TH:*
  354. Mac Miller: GO:OD AM (Warner Bros) {17}: Am_h:14, Cmp:21, HG:+, LM:45, Pg:25, Sg_h:30, Std:17, XXL:19; am_h:+, hdx:+, jc:9, okp:14, rr:9, st_h:9
  355. Mostly Other People Do the Killing: Mauch Chunk (Hot Cup) {17}: JC:37, JG:82; av:+, jde:7, jka:9, jmy:1, jsl:3, jtc:7, tn:3 -- TH:A-
  356. Nozinja: Nozinja Lodge (Warp) {17}: Bk:86, C:68, Cl:36, DW:71, JG:22, Mix:19; am_w:+, hu:18, om:+, rfc:12, vgr:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:A-
  357. Rival Consoles: Howl (Erased Tapes) {17}: AV:+, Bl:46, Dr:21, LQ:25, No:20, RM:40, Xlr:14; bz:13, ex_e:10, gd_e:8, lv_p:8, vg:+ -- V:459-15-2, TH:**
  358. Roots Manuva: Bleeds (Big Dada) {17}: Bl:78, Bq:64, Cl:37, FB:+, IT:44, LQ:29, Lt:12, MO:33, Qt:94, WT:25, Zf:19; bbc:+, lt_h:5 -- AY:57, TH:B
  359. RP Boo: Fingers Bank Pads and Shoe Prints (Planet Mu) {17}: Bk:79, C:8, CRW:36, DW:33, Mix:39, Mon:50, Pg:44, Qt:29, S:47, Th:24; hu:1, s_u:25 -- AY:151
  360. Tocotronic: Das Rote Album (Verbigo Berlin) {17}: In:4, Lt:41, Mu:14, Plt:2, Sp:7, Zf:7
  361. Paul Weller: Saturn's Pattern (Atlantic) {17}: A_uk:20, EE:19, Fp:86, GTV:48, Mj:25, Q:25, SR:21, Su:5, U:39; am_k:+ -- AY:179, V:1072-8-1
  362. Nate Wooley Quintet: (Dance to) the Early Music (Clean Feed) {17}: FJ:*2, Mrg:36; fd:9, jbm:+, jgg:+, jjm:+, jjs:4, jpz:1, jtc:6 -- TH:A-
  363. Zs: XE (Northern Spy) {17}: CRW:8, Ne:43, TMT:39; bm_x:20, cmg:*2, gt:+, jgg:+, ou:16, rs_a:3, vps:+ -- V:157-53-5, TH:**
  364. Bilderbuch: Schick Schock (Maschin) {16}: In:29, Lt:1, Mu:3, On:28, Plt:6, Zf:21; sdm:+
  365. Cam: Untamed (Arista Nashville) {16}: JM:+, NS:13, RS_c:15, Yh:+; am_c:+, ew_c:4, r_c:10, tbt:10, vse:+, vti:+ -- V:146-57-6, TH:**
  366. Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes: Blossom (Kobalt) {16}: A_uk:32, Bq:19, Crg:25, DaJ:17, K:8, MH:43, Pu:2, Spk_u:186, Vi:24
  367. Fabiano Do Nascimento: Danca Dos Tempos (Now-Again) {16}: EWi:34, JG:3, TG:6, VF:12; bot:+ -- V:543-14-1, TH:A-
  368. Craig Finn: Faith in the Future (Partisan) {16}: AS:8; am_s:+, ejh:+, js:28, mm:+ -- V:443-16-3, RC:A-, TH:A-
  369. Erik Friedlander: Illuminations (Skipstone) {16}: JC:51; fd:+, jbm:+, jek:10, jfk:7, jgg:10, jgz:9, jkd:8, jmn:3, jrm:+, jsy:4 -- TH:A-
  370. Selena Gomez: Revival (Interscope) {16}: EW:32, JM:+, Poj:14, RS:43, RSh:8, Sl:21; ew_p:9, id:15, s_c:5, s_p:14, vrs:+ -- V:120-69-8
  371. Ellie Goulding: Delirium (Interscope) {16}: DSp:7, Poj:4, Su:46, VL:18; am_p:+, ew_p:8, r_gp:+, s_c:9, s_p:13 -- V:459-15-2
  372. Leviathan: Scar Sighted (Profound Lore) {16}: Db:16, HB:44, Hi:13, Ne:13, Pf_m:+, RY:78, Spk:38, Spk_u:51; am_m:+, gd_m:7, gw:+, lw_m:14, p_m:11
  373. Locrian: Infinite Dissolution (Relapse) {16}: AV:+, Bw:32, FPE:20, Pf_m:11, Plt:9; am_m:+, av:+, dc:+, io:5 -- AY:96, V:412-19-1
  374. Los Lobos: Gates of Gold (429) {16}: ABC:46, He:29, JD:35, NoD:13, RTr:23; la_l:7, mm:+, noj:+, po:15, rut:3, vjt:+ -- V:246-30-4, TH:**
  375. Roscoe Mitchell Quartet: Celebrating Fred Anderson (Nessa)) {16}: FJ:*2, JC:31, JG:92; jdh:7, jdt:1, jhm:15, jji:1, jmm:7, jpf:1
  376. The Necks: Vertigo (Fish of Milk/Northern Spy) {16}: Bk:46, Bw:28, JG:99, Mrg:27, Qt:93, U_jm:39, W:10; av:+, cmg:+, s_a:12, sdm:+, sq:+ -- V:355-20-2, TH:*
  377. One Direction: Made in the AM (Columbia/Syco) {16}: CRW:74, DSp:20, ER:29, Ma:25, Nc:22, Poj:32, Ps:24, RSh:17, T:29; am_p:+, cl:25, cos:13, la_w:10 -- V:258-30-2
  378. Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe: I Declare Nothing ('a') {16}: Btz:33, C:58, FB:+, Fp:66, Ipr:17, Pc:9, PJ:36, PN:+, RM:13; cpb:13 -- TH:**
  379. Gretchen Peters: Blackbirds (Proper) {16}: He:3, NoD:21, T_c:7, TG:+; am_a:+, pm:u:8, szk:1, tns:+ -- TH:*
  380. Josh Ritter: Sermon on the Rocks (Pytheas) {16}: ASA:20, Ms:37, NoD:21, PM:32, SiC:5, Yh:+; am_s:+, ejh:+, nod:8, opb:+, vmg:+ -- V:157-53-5
  381. Rustie: Evenififudontbelieve (Warp) {16}: Bk:44, Bl:19, C:67, Du:27, Eb:29, F:11, Mix:27, Th:19; s_j:18, vg:+, ye:5 -- V:459-15-2
  382. Screaming Females: Rose Mountain (Don Giovanni) {16}: AV:*2, JD:18, Mg:17, Rv:+, S45:45, Sg:20; m:7, mj_s:4, r_ar:18, vgc:+ -- V:99-86-9
  383. Seinabo Sey: Pretend (Virgin) {16}: Poj:31, S:45, So:4, Va:42, WT:35, YW:16; ct:19, s_c:7, s_g:17, s_p:8 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:*
  384. VHOL: Deeper Than Sky (Profound Lore) {16}: DW:23, FB:+, Pf_m:16, Spk_u:118, Te:13; cs_m:18, mi_n:19, p_m:7, pm_m:7, r_m:5, s_m:5, tr_m:6 -- V:1170-5-1
  385. We Lost the Sea: Departure Songs (Translatoin Loss) {16}: AD:4, HB:8, Spk:9, Spk_u:5; ad:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  386. Africa Express: Africa Express Presents . . . Terry Riley's In C Mali (Transgressive) {15}: SA:13, TG:19; npr:+, npr_l:+, po:8 -- V:242-32-3, MT:A-, TH:***
  387. William Basinski: Cascade (2062/Temporary Residence) {15}: Bk:64, Bw:8, C:98, DaM:4, F:40, U_jm:61; dc:+, gd_o:7, vg:+ -- V:456-15-3
  388. Beauty Pill: Describes Things as They Are (Butterscotch) {15}: FB:+, Nc:1; m:5, npr:+ -- V:97-87-6, RC:A, TH:B
  389. Beirut: No No No (4AD) {15}: AV:+, Dr:48, Fp:63, LQ:21, LR:61, P:46, Pc:91, PN:*2, RM:94, Sk:22, U_jm:133, UR:52; boc:24 -- V:626-10-2
  390. Built to Spill: Untethered Moon (Warner Bros) {15}: Aq:15, AS:33, BE:96, C:57, JG:147, Mw:45; cmg:*2, gl:h, gw:+, lv_p:7, owl:+ -- V:428-17-2, TH:*
  391. Cattle Decapitation: The Anthropocene Extinction (Metal Blade) {15}: Db:20, HB:47, MH:28, Ne:40, Od:6, RY:35, Spk_u:149; lw_m:12, mi_f:+, mi_r:7, ms_c:4 -- V:459-15-2
  392. Clarence Clarity: No Now (Bella Union) {15}: Btz:42, Du:17, Eb:60, Ge:17, Ne:6, PM:67, Spk_u:77; boc:14, pm_a:1
  393. Anat Cohen: Luminosa (Anzic) {15}: JC:42, TG:+; ghj:8, jde:8, jjh:4, jlm:7, jpb:6, jrs:+, vpb:+, jsf:+ -- V:1072-8-1, TH:***
  394. Czarface: Every Hero Needs a Villain (Brick) {15}: CV:1, FB:+, HG:18, Ne:32, RY:99, Spk_u:148, YW:47 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  395. The Dear Hunter: Act IV: Rebirth in Reprise (Equal Vision) {15}: Crg:75, FB:+, HB:32, Lt:27, RY:85, Spk:4, Spk_u:9; pm_k:3 -- V:1072-8-1
  396. Drive-By Truckers: It's Great to Be Alive! (ATO) {15}: Mz:26, NoD:19, Ps:23; ghn:14, mm:+, po:19 -- MT:A-, TH:A-
  397. Dungen: Allas Sak (Mexican Summer) {15}: Dr:15, Dv:20, FB:21, Mj:20, PM:70, PW:26, So:17, U_jm:118; aqd:+, om:+ -- AY:180, TH:B
  398. David Gilmour: Rattle That Lock (Columbia) {15}: A_uk:89, ClR:32, Fp:73, Mj:48, RS_F:8, Su:23, TmR:32, Yh:+; gw:+, se_d:+, ucr:3 -- V:640-10-1
  399. Tom Harrell: First Impressions (HighNote) {15}: JC:44; jag:7, jbb:7, jde:4, jdr:1, jel:3, jjs:11, jmj:8, jnb:9, noj:4
  400. Intronaut: The Direction of Last Things (Century Media) {15}: Db:24, HB:1, Spk:26, Spk_u:3; lw_m:10, mi_r:8, ms_c:5
  401. Lnrdcroy: Much Less Normal (Firecracker) {15}: No_r:12, Ph:1, RA:4, W:36 -- TH:***
  402. Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas: Sound Prints: Live at Monterey Jazz Festival (Blue Note) {15}: JC:60, JG:134; am_j:+, fd:+, ghj:16, jbm:+, jdf:9, jlm:1, tn:10 -- TH:A-
  403. Nellie McKay: My Weekly Reader (429) {15}: DW:47; js:27, mm:+, vgr:+, vjt:+ -- V:136-62-6, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:*
  404. MewithoutYou: Pale Horses (Run for Cover) {15}: AbP:15, Blr:43, Crg:1, Spk:11, Spk_u:42; bv:*2, rrh:5
  405. Rhett Miller: The Traveler (ATO) {15}: AV:+, SiC:14; am_a:+, lv_z:10, vaz:+ -- V:459-15-2, RC:***, MT:***, TH:**
  406. Danilo Perez/John Patitucci/Brian Blade: Children of the Light (Mack Avenue) {15}: JC:37; jac:3, jel:1, jjh:5, jla:6, jlm:8, jpb:7, vpb:+ -- V:1072-8-1, TH:**
  407. Jay Rock: 90059 (Top Dawg) {15}: Am_h:26, Cl:44, CV:19, ER:16, HG:8, Nc:46, Std:27; pm_h:5, st_h:24 -- AY:147
  408. Randy Rogers & Wade Bowen: Hold My Beer Vol 1 (Lil' Buddy Toons) {15}: NS:17, RS_c:7, TL:20; am_c:+, pm_c:4, scm:+, szk:10 -- TH:***
  409. Mark Ronson: Uptown Special (RCA) {15}: DJ:43, DSp:21, FL:41, Gf_N:42, IT:40, Mj:43, On:25, RT:61, Su:39, UR:63, Va:34, Yh:+; am_r:+, tbt:+ -- V:444-16-2
  410. Jill Scott: Woman (Atlantic) {15}: ABC:33, DW:44, Yh:+; am_r:+, rt:8, st:+, vda:+ -- V:196-40-5MT:A-, TH:***
  411. Nadine Shah: Fast Food (Apollo) {15}: A_uk:91, DS:96, DS_u:31, FB:+, LBF:+, LW:60, MO:49, RM:21, RT:14, TO:15; am_s:+ -- AY:197, V:640-10-1
  412. Sons of Kemet: Lest We Forget What We Came Here to Do (Naim Jazz) {15}: FB:+, IT:16, LR:62, T_j:33; jpk:+, jth:7, obs:11, vak:+, w_j:9 -- V:1072-8-1, TH:A-
  413. Skylar Spence: Prom King (Carpark) {15}: PM:39; cmg:*2, nat:8, pm_p:1, rc:7, s_d:7, utd:24 -- V:153-55-4, TH:A-
  414. The Staves: If I Was (Atlantic) {15}: PP:9, Sg:30, SR:48, Va:48; bm_f:1, g_o:3, pl_t:9, tbt:8 -- AY:172, V:258-30-2
  415. Tyler the Creator: Cherry Bomb (Odd Future) {15}: Am_h:12, Blr:21, C:83, CV:18, N:43, Pg:42, Std:38; bsp:13, okp:4, owl:+, w_h:8 -- TH:*
  416. Wand: Golem (In the Red) {15}: FB:19, FN:35, LR:100, Pc:71, RM:19, RT:15, Rv:+, SR:43, U_jm:114; am_m:+, cpb:19, cs_m:16
  417. Kenny Wheeler: Songs for Quintet (ECM) {15}: T_j:2, TG:+; am_j:+, jbo:3, jgg:+, jpq:9, jsy:+, jtm:10, pm_j:13, vlb:4 -- V:640-10-1
  418. Young Thug: Slime Season 2 (self-released) {15}: KQ:12, Nc:12, Pf:+, PW:2, Sg_h:27; po:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  419. Calexico: Edge of the Sun (Anti) {14}: AV:+, BE:85, Fp:71, NoD:40, P:50, Pc:79, RM:84, RT:21; ejh:+, kxk:+, opb:+, pm_u:12, r_ar:8 -- V:414-18-2
  420. Caspian: Dust and Disquiet (Big Scary Monsters) {14}: AD:1, Crg:40, FPE:71, HB:34, Lt:24, Spk_u:54, Vi:19; ad:+ -- V:402-19-2
  421. Christine and the Queens: Christine and the Queens (Atlantic/Because/Neon Gold) {14}: DJ:42, Ero:31, Jp:19, PP:15, Yh:+; lc:+, n_o:+, s_c:15, s_p:11 -- V:157-53-5, TH:**
  422. Dan Deacon: Gliss Riffer (Domino) {14}: AV:+, CRW:52, CS:15, Eb:72, Gw:53, UR:41; mb:+, opb:+, s_g:3, utd:20 -- V:640-10-1, TH:*
  423. DJ Sotofett: Drippin' for a Tripp (Honest Jon's) {14}: RA:9, Ph:5, Th:27, VF:21, Xlr:12; npr:+, npr_e:+ -- V:355-20-2
  424. Enslaved: In Times (Nuclear Blast) {14}: BA_m:21, Db:37, HB:33, MH:27, Od:16, RY:37, Spk_u:96; am_m:+, lw_m:5, maf:+, mi_n:13 -- V:640-10-1
  425. Orrin Evans: The Evolution of Oneself (Smoke Sessions) {14}: BIW:19; ghj:19, jbm:+, jjb:4, jel:5, jmk:3, jnb:10, jrh:+, jrm:8, jtr:+
  426. Fall Out Boy: American Beauty/American Psycho (Island) {14}: AbP:26, AV:+, BE:65, Bq:100, K:26, Nc:41, Nd:10; am_k:+, cl:19, p:7, r_ar:14 -- V:558-13-1
  427. The Fall: Sub-Lingual Tablet (Cherry Red) {14}: AV:+, DaM:3, LW:44, Pc:44, Q:21, Si:19; bgc:+ -- TH:***
  428. False: Untitled (Gilead Media) {14}: AV:+, BG:7, Db:13, Pf_m:21, Spk_u:158; cs_m:5, hu:24, tr_m:9, vbb:+ -- V:284-27-2
  429. The Game: The Documentary 2.5 (Blood Money) {14}: CV:12, HG:3, Ne:39, Std:22, Yh:+; ahh:+, am_h:+, hdx:+, upr:4
  430. Nicholas Godin: Contrepoint (Because Music) {14}: Dr:77, LW:100, MR:5, PJ:27, PN:+, UR:60; sd:1, te:+ -- V:640-10-1
  431. The Go! Team: The Scene Between (Memphis Industries) {14}: AV:+, DW:18, Fp:69, YW:8; gm:28, vjl:+ -- V:289-26-3, RC:A-, TH:B
  432. Milford Graves & Bill Laswell: Space/Time · Redemption (TUM) {14}: BA_j:24; av:+, jgk:5, jmu:6, jrs:*2, vhs:1 -- TH:A-
  433. Graveyard: Innocence and Decadence (Nuclear Blast) {14}: Aq:14, ClR:38, FB:5, MH:38, Spk_u:62, TmR:38; lw_r:12, mf_f:13, mf_h:12 -- V:606-11-1
  434. Ingrid Laubrock Anti-House: Roulette of the Cradle (Intakt) {14}: FJ:+, JC:56; blg:+, jhm:+, jjc:6, jjr:+, jkr:5, jpa:8, jrn:3 -- TH:***
  435. Leprous: The Congregation (Inside Out) {14}: HB:2, Od:3, RY:18, Spk_u:156; lt_m:3, mi_f:+
  436. Melanie Martinez: Cry Baby (Atlantic) {14}: ABC:5, AV:+, JM:23; id:10, r_gp:+, s_c:16, s_p:22 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:***
  437. Brad Mehldau: Ten Years Solo Live (Nonesuch) {14}: JC:35, T_j:40, TG:13; ghj:12, jdf:+, jph:4, jsf:5, jtm:3, la_b:h, vjc:8
  438. Paris: Pistol Politics (Guerrilla Funk, 2CD) {14}: DW:53, S_h:45; cpu:7, gm:8, vth:+ -- V:335-23-2, RC:A-, TH:A-
  439. Terell Stafford: Brotherlee Love: Celebrating Lee Morgan (Capri) {14}: BA_j:14, JC:36; am_j:+, jac:1, jjw:3, jmy:3, jsa:6 -- TH:**
  440. Terakaft: Alone (Tenere) (Out Here) {14}: FB:+, FR:+, JG:18, Qt:85, TGW:21; ap:+, wmc:+ -- RC:B+, TH:***
  441. Frank Turner: Positive Songs For Negative People (Interscope) {14}: Bq:18, Fp:72, GTV:74, SiC:19, Spk:37, T:15, Vi:35; bae:4, gl:h, opb:+
  442. Turnover: Peripheral Vision (Run for Cover) {14}: AbP:3, AV:+, Bq:57, Pu:6, Spk:32, Spk_u:18; ad:+ -- V:640-10-1
  443. Ultimate Painting: Green Lanes (Trouble in Mind) {14}: Dr:31, Fp:42, Gw:18, Oo:27, Pc:46, PJ:15, RT:41; am_i:+, ath:+, bv:*2 -- V:220-36-5
  444. Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats: The Night Creeper (Rise Above) {14}: Db:27, Dv:31, FB:15, RY:72, Si:15, Te:36, Vi:27, Wat:34; mi_r:+, r_r:4 -- V:332-23-3
  445. The Unthanks: Mount the Air (Rabble Rouser) {14}: A_uk:61, FR:13, He:30, RM:66, RT:66, St:31, T_f:7, TG:33, U_jm:134; age:+, am_f:+
  446. Wale: The Album About Nothing (Maybach Music/Atlantic) {14}: Am_h:9, Cmp:46, HG:17, Std:15, XXL:17; rr:10, st_h:12, vcl:+ -- V:459-15-2
  447. Ryn Weaver: The Fool (Mad Love/Interscope) {14}: ABC:31, SiC:10, Va:43, Yh:+; g_o:7, id:13, pm_p:3, s_c:25, s_g:7, s_p:17 -- V:640-10-1
  448. Rez Abbasi Acoustic Quartet [RAAQ]: Intents and Purposes (Enja) {13}: JC:49, JG:53, TG:+; jag:3, jbm:+, jda:9, jek:7, jgg:+, jgy:9, jmj:7, nb:+ -- TH:*
  449. Dominique A: Eleor (Wagram Music/Cinq 7) {13}: Hi:7, Ipr:8, Jp:48, Mz:22, PN:*2, Rdx:20; te:+
  450. Balthazar: Thin Walls (Play It Again Sam) {13}: DM:10, Hu:10, In:39, Ipr:15, Oo:21, Pl:17
  451. Louie Belogenis: Blue Buddha (Tzadik) {13}: BA_j:18; blg:+, jad:1, jdf:3, jgg:+, jsh:9 -- TH:***
  452. Bomba Estereo: Amanecer (Sony Music Latin) {13}: BB:19, Jp:33, RS:50; ap:+, kxk:20, npr:+, opb:+, pri:+ -- V:355-20-2, TH:***
  453. City and Colour: If I Should Go Before You (Dine Alone) {13}: Aq:5, Bq:66, Crg:33, DaJ:16, JM:+, Spk_u:93, Yh:+ -- AY:130, V:640-10-1
  454. Andrew Combs: All These Dreams (Colin) {13}: AS:22, NS:24, RS_c:28, RT:80, T_c:60; am_a:+, df:+, gl:a, pm_u:14, r_am:7, tns:+ -- V:640-10-1
  455. Miley Cyrus: Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz (self-released) {13}: Af:28, C:100, CRW:44, EW:10, Lt:29, NME:42, Poj:24, Su:40, TO:25, Va:50 -- V:150-55-6
  456. Death & Vanilla: To Where the Wild Things Are (Fire) {13}: Bw:60, DaM:5, No:16, Pc:60, PN:*2, RT:47; am_i:+, mb:+
  457. Dick Diver: Melbourne Florida (Chapter/Trouble in Mind) {13}: DJ:33, FL:16, Hi:27, PJ:33, RS_A:24; am_i:+, ath:+, bv:+, pm_i:4 -- AY:86, V:129-65-6
  458. DJ Koze: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {13}: In:47, Pf:47, PW:8, Xlr:7, Zf:15; cmg:+, vtr:+ -- V:167-49-5
  459. Eartheater: RIP Chrysalis (Hausu Mountain) {13}: F:10, FB:+, GB:25, TMT:34; ah:+, bm_x:5, hu:20, jcb:+, s_j:4
  460. Freddie Gibbs: Shadow of a Doubt (ESGN) {13}: CV:24, Eb:54, Pg:45, PW:14, Sg_h:31, Spk_u:174; bsp:11, cmg:+, lt_h:18, ou:14, upr:12 -- AY:131, V:147-57-5
  461. GLOSS: Demo (self-released, EP) {13}: N:7; ah:+, cmg:+, ex_x:9, imp:2, tr_p:10 -- V:355-20-2, TH:***
  462. Halestorm: Into the Wild Life (Atlantic) {13}: ClR:9, K:47, MH:26, Nc:39, Rev:9; lw_r:1, r_r:14
  463. Glen Hansard: Didn't He Ramble (Anti-) {13}: AS:48, DM:31, He:11, Pl:15, RS_F:28, SiC:13, T_c:49; am_f:+, lmt:16 -- V:459-15-2
  464. Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell: The Traveling Kind (Nonesuch) {13}: AS:37, DVk:46, Nc:50, NoD:6, NS:11; am_a:+, la_l:9, nod:10 -- V:251-30-3, TH:*
  465. Stephen Haynes: Pomegranate (New Atlantis) {13}: BA_j:17, FJ:2; av:*2, jgg:7, se_a:+ -- TH:***
  466. Jon Irabagon: Behind the Sky (Irabbagast) {13}: JC:52; fd:+, jbm:+, jgg:+, jgz:10, vhs:9, vjc:10, vjt:8, jsa:2, jtn:9 -- TH:**
  467. Kirk Knuffke: Arms & Hands (Royal Potato Family) {13}: CM:3, JG:62; jbm:+, jmn:6, la_b:h, vhs:8 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  468. Kreng: The Summoner (Miasmah) {13}: ACL:6, Bk:84, Bl:83, FF:25, KQ:6, No_r:27; cmg:+, ex_i:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  469. Julian Lage: World's Fair (self-released) {13}: JC:47, TG:10; g_j:9, jda:3, jhk:+, jlm:9, jnb:6, jtm:4 -- TH:*
  470. Lakker: Tundra (R&S) {13}: AV:+, Bl:20, FB:+, Flp:4, No:43; am_e:+, gd_e:3, sq_t:10
  471. Logic: The Incredible True Story (Def Jam) {13}: CV:17, HG:15, Std:21, StP:18, XXL:2; am:+, am_h:+
  472. Lyrics Born: Real People (Mobile Home) {13}: EWi:35, YW:5; po:+, vth:+ -- V:284-27-2, TH:A
  473. The Gary McFarland Legacy Ensemble: Circulation: The Music of Gary McFarland (Planet Arts) {13}: JC:59, TG:51; jdr:5, jsa:5, jsy:1 -- TH:A-
  474. Allison Moorer: Down to Believing (E1) {13}: NoD:33, NS:25, T_c:20, TG:14; am_c:+, bm_c:7, pl_t:8, pm_u:11 -- AY:31, TH:**
  475. My Dying Bride: Feel the Misery (Peaceville) {13}: DaJ:21, Db:17, Pf_m:+, RY:94, Te:9; am_m:+, maf:+, mi_n:28, r_m:14 -- V:459-15-2
  476. Jeremy Pelt: Tales Musings and Other Reveries (HighNote) {13}: BA_j:3; am_j:+, jpq:6, jrh:+, nb:5, noj:12, vad:5 -- V:1170-5-1
  477. Pinkshinyultrablast: Everything Else Matters (Shelflife) {13}: Af:20, DS:21, FB:49, No:22, RM:43, SBR:5, Scr:24, SR:24 -- AY:122
  478. Punch Brothers: The Phosphorescent Blues (Nonesuch) {13}: AS:46, Df:26, NoD:29, T_c:18; am_f:+, nod:5, sdu:1 -- AY:181, V:208-39-4
  479. Satan: Atom by Atom (Listenable) {13}: Db:12, FB:+, MH:36, RY:27, Spk_u:90, Te:22; maf:+, p_m:8, r_m:1 -- V:626-10-2
  480. Sauna Youth: Distractions (Upset the Rhythm) {13}: DS_u:46, GTV:41, LW:15, Pc:89, RM:51, RT:88, YW:+; bv:*2, dc:+, gt:+ -- AY:132
  481. Matthew Shipp Trio: To Duke (RogueArt) {13}: FJ:*2; jbo:1, jdr:10, jgk:4, jma:2, jms:10, jpf:8, se_a:+
  482. Slaves: Are You Satisfied? (Virgin EMI) {13}: Bq:24, Crg:31, DaM:19, Fp:48, NME:31, Q:42, RM:52, TO:50, Yh:+; bbc:+, no:+, te:+ -- V:428-17-2
  483. The Tallest Man on Earth: Dark Bird Is Home (Dead Oceans) {13}: BE:50, Crg:59, Mz:18, Plt:7, PN:+, Rv:+; boc:21, ejh:+, rrh:+ -- V:196-40-5
  484. Torche: Restarter (Relapse) {13}: Aq:17, AV:+, DW:25, FB:40, Te:48, Vi:21; am_m:+, ew_m:9, ex_m:6, io:10, s_m:13 -- V:538-14-2
  485. Toro y Moi: What For? (Carpark) {13}: Blr:17, GB:21, Gw:10, Pc:18, Wat:14, WT:39; or:11 -- V:1107-7-1, TH:*
  486. Twerps: Range Anxiety (Merge) {13}: FL:33, Hi:5, Mon:27, P:33, TG:+; ath:+, bv:*2, nw:20 -- V:167-49-5
  487. Rodrigo Amado: This Is Our Language (Not Two) {12}: BA_j:21, CM:26, FJ:1; jsp:7 -- TH:A-
  488. Asleep at the Wheel: Still The King: Celebrating the Music of Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys (Bismeaux) {12}: NoD:42, NS:21, RS_c:32, T_c:17, TG:35; am_c:+, sht:17 -- TH:A-
  489. Autre Ne Veut: Age of Transparency (Downtown) {12}: Eb:65, Ero:48, GB:19, Pg:4, TMT:37, WT:41; lv_r:10 -- V:327-24-3
  490. Meg Baird: Don't Weigh Down the Light (Drag City) {12}: Btz:12, Dr:59, Mg:20, NL:18, Pc:84, U_jm:36; am_f:+, aqd:+ -- V:640-10-1
  491. Katie Bull: All Hot Bodies Radiate (Ashokan Indie) {12}: JC:+; jan:1, jbo:5, jmu:+, vjo:9 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  492. Laura Cannell: Beneath Swooping Talons (Front and Follow) {12}: Bw:65, LW:87, Mrg:37, Qt:20, TG:4, U_jm:70, W:17
  493. Cheatahs: Mythologies (Wichita) {12}: Am_s:38, AV:+, DS:66, NN:50, SBR:7, UR:73, Yh:+; bz:6 -- AY:144, V:640-10-1
  494. Chris Dingman: The Subliminal & the Sublime (Inner Arts Initiative) {12}: JC:32; am_j:+, jbb:6, jgg:+, jph:6, jrk:4, jrm:1, jtn:7 -- TH:*
  495. Dornik: Dornik (PMR) {12}: Cl:22, IT:38, PP:43, T:17; am:+, am_r:+, pro:9, vak:+, vcl:+ -- AY:177, V:222-36-3
  496. Duran Duran: Paper Gods (Warner Bros) {12}: ABC:28, AV:+, RS:20, Su:49, Yh:*2; lv_z:4, vaz:+, vrs:+ -- V:119-70-6
  497. Eskimeaux: OK (Double Double Whammy) {12}: AV:+, Crg:26, Sg:28, TN:20; cmg:+, imp:5, npr_b:3, s_j:24 -- V:626-10-2
  498. Flying Saucer Attack: Instrumentals 2015 (Drag City) {12}: Bk:68, Bl:79, Bw:61, JD:24, LW:80, Mon:32, W:49; bgc:18, ou:+, vtl:+ -- AY:162, V:1170-5-1
  499. Food: This Is Not a Miracle (ECM) {12}: am_j:+, g_j:2, jgg:+, jjm:+, jmp:1 -- TH:A-
  500. Ghostface Killah/Adrian Younge: Twelve Reasons to Die II (Linear Labs) {12}: HG:13, SR:28, XXL:3; am_h:+, hdx:+, lt_h:22 -- TH:**
  501. Goatsnake: Black Age Blues (Southern Lord) {12}: FB:54, MH:47, NN:16, Ru:20, Te:10; am_m:+, sq:10 -- AY:106
  502. Alan Jackson: Angels and Alcohol (Capitol Nashville) {12}: HV:20, Nd:12, NS:19; am_c:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:A-
  503. Krallice: Ygg Huur (self-released) {12}: BG:4, FJ:+, S:44; s_j:8, s_m:2, vbb:+, vhs:+ -- V:234-34-3
  504. Lady Lamb [the Beekeeper]: After (Mom + Pop Music) {12}: CS:20, Eb:57, LM:36, Mc:39, Zf:78; am_s:+, ath:+, bv:+, nw:10 -- AY:148, V:606-11-1
  505. Lord Huron: Strange Trails (Iamsound) {12}: Blr:20, PN:+; pm_u:5 -- V:355-20-2, RC:B+, TH:***
  506. Jeff Lynne's ELO: Alone in the Universe (Columbia) {12}: ClR:18, Hu:15, RS_F:3, Su:38, TL:21; la_w:6 -- V:459-15-2
  507. Matrixxman: Homesick (Ghostly International) {12}: AV:+, Bl:64, Noj:41, Ph:19, RA:18, Xlr:8; am_e:+, s_b:18 -- V:640-10-1
  508. Rob Mazurek/Exploding Star Orchestra: Galactic Parables Vol 1 (Cuneiform) {12}: CM:41, FJ:+, JG:41; am_j:+, av:+, jsg:+, jms:4, srh:+ -- TH:***
  509. Giorgio Moroder: Deja-Vu (RCA) {12}: Gf_N:44, Yh:+; r_e:2 -- MT:A-, TH:A-
  510. Mumford & Sons: Wilder Mind (Glassnote) {12}: Df:49, JM:4, LM:27, Ps:10, RTr:19, T:11, Yh:+
  511. Peaceful Solutions: Barter 7 (self-released) {12}: -- RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
  512. Gary Peacock Trio: Now This (ECM) {12}: TG:+; am_j:+, jbm:+, jjb:6, jjm:9, jtc:10, ww:2 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  513. Prism Quartet: Heritage/Evolution Volume 1 (Innova) {12}: BIW:4, TG:21, Tx:3; jgg:+ -- TH:**
  514. Royal Thunder: Crooked Doors (Relapse) {12}: FB:6, MH:39, Te:14; lw_r:8, mf_f:7, mi_r:+, pm_r:8, rrh:+ -- V:192-42-3
  515. Scarface: Deeply Rooted (Facemob) {12}: Am_h:24, HG:2, Nc:44; ahh:+, bsp:14, hdx:+, po:+, st_h:13 -- V:425-18-1
  516. Jen Shyu & Jade Tongue: Sounds and Cries of the World (Pi) {12}: JC:+; blg:+, jar:+, jdh:3, jjc:8, jlb:8, jld:+, jsd:+, nat:7, ny_r:3 -- TH:B-
  517. Tenement: Predatory Headlights (Don Giovanni) {12}: AV:*2, DW:54; ecs:10, mj_l:6, now:6, ny_r:5, vrh:+, vu:9 -- V:100-85-7, TH:*
  518. Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band: Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band (Strut) {12}: FR:+, SR:7, TG:32, TGW:16; am_w:+, ap:+ -- TH:***
  519. Turnpike Troubadours: Turnpike Troubadours (Bossier City) {12}: NoD:40, NS:15, RS_c:36; am_c:+, ghn:10, scm:+, sdu:13, sht:1 -- V:289-26-3, TH:B
  520. Visionist: Safe (Pan) {12}: Bk:21, Bl:40, C:77, DaM:7, Ph:73, RA:19, Re:24, W:27 -- AY:140
  521. Wanda: Bussi (Vertigo Berlin) {12}: In:8, Lt:37, Mu:2, Plt:4
  522. The Waterboys: Modern Blues (Kobalt) {12}: Flp:24, Fp:60, Hu:14, Mz:12, T:1 -- V:355-20-2
  523. Windhand: Grief's Internal Flower (Relapse) {12}: CS:17, FB:+, Pf:m_25; cs_m:1, ex_m:5, p_m:10, tr_m:10 -- AY:81, V:640-10-1
  524. Young Guv: Ripe 4 Luv (Slumberland) {12}: AV:+, DW:59, Ero:6, MO:35; rfc:+, s_u:23 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  525. Joshua Abrams: Magnetoception (Eremite) {11}: BE:99, W:3; jsb:5, pf_x:2, srh:+ -- V:148-57-4
  526. Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman: Lice (Stones Throw, EP) {11}: DW:31; po:+ -- V:640-10-1, RC:A-, TH:A-
  527. The Gabriel Alegria Afro-Peruvian Sextet: 10 (Zoho) {11}: JC:+, TG:+; jbm:+, jgz:+, jjl:+, jkf:+, jmu:+, jrs:+ -- TH:***
  528. Arcturus: Arcturian (Prophecy Productions) {11}: HB:15, MH:34, Noj:7, Spk:22, Spk_u:161, Te:40; lw_m:18, mi_n:8
  529. Terence Blanchard: Breathless (Blue Note) {11}: TG:+; jbp:6, jjh:2, jmu:5, ob:2 -- V:1107-7-1, TH:**
  530. Blank Realm: Illegals in Heaven (Fire/Bedroom Suck) {11}: DJ:8, DS:59, Hi:37, Pc:13, PN:+; am_i:+, vhp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  531. Bop English: Constant Bop (Blood & Biscuits) {11}: Dr:86, FB:+, GB:17, RM:62, RT:26, U:65, U_jm:45; gl:a -- AY:24
  532. Childbirth: Women's Rights (Suicide Squeeze) {11}: C:95, DW:22; s_u:12 -- V:200-40-4, RC:A-, TH:***
  533. Coheed and Cambria: The Color Before the Sun (300 Entertainment) {11}: Bq:66, Crg:79, Od:27, Pu:5, Vi:36; ad:+, lw_r:14 -- V:606-11-1
  534. Cult Leader: Lightless Walk (Deathwish) {11}: AV:+, Db:36, HB:18, Spk:30, Spk_u:64; ex_m:1, sq:17 -- V:355-20-2
  535. Doomtree: All Hands (Doomtree) {11}: Aq:23, Cr:4, St:26; po:+, st_h:14 -- TH:***
  536. Dave Douglas: High Risk (Greenleaf Music) {11}: FJ:+; am_j:+, jbs:9, jra:4, obs:15, pm_j:4, se_e:6 -- TH:**
  537. Domenique Dumont: Comme Ca (Antinote) {11}: GB:22, Mon:34, Mw:20, Ph:13, RA:13, VF:22, W:26; cha:9
  538. Steve Earle & the Dukes: Terraplane (New West) {11}: AS:25, NoD:35, NS:28; am_a:+, sht:6, vss:+ -- V:234-34-3, RC:**, TH:**
  539. Ludovico Einaudi: Elements (Ponderosa) {11}: FPE:4, FR:+, LBF:+, TGW:7; wmc:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  540. Georgia: Georgia (Domino) {11}: Am_s:24, Bl:100, Dr:42, In:25, Pg:35, RM:60, RT:19, Zf:55 -- AY:110, TH:**
  541. Girls Names: My Arms Around a Vision (Tough Love) {11}: Dr:79, FB:47, St:28, UR:67; ath;+, bv:*2, lmt:5, te:+ -- V:606-11-1
  542. Robert Glasper: Covered: The Robert Glasper Trio Recorded Live at Capitol Studios (Blue Note) {11}: Soh:13, U_jm:112; am_j:+, jel:4, jjb:9, vmw:+ -- V:1044-9-1, TH:**
  543. Heads of State: Search for Peace (Smoke Sessions) {11}: TG:+; jek:9, jgy:10, jla:4, jmn:8, jrh:+, jwj:10 -- V:579-12-1, TH:**
  544. Mikko Innanen: Song for a New Decade (TUM) {11}: CM:39; jrn:6, jrs:*2, jsl:7, vjo:4 -- TH:A-
  545. Jerusalem in My Heart: If He Dies If If If If If If (Constellation) {11}: Qt:24, W:39; bu:6, cmg:*3, gd_o:8, w_o:1 -- V:1170-5-1
  546. Ochion Jewell Quartet: Volk (self-released) {11}: jgg:+, jmy:5, jjs:17, jpj:6, jsl:2 -- TH:A-
  547. Jaako Eino Kalevi: Jaako Eino Kalevi (Weird World) {11}: Am_g:50, Am_s:49, Eb:84, Gf_N:39, Pc:66, Pl:28, Qt:48, S45:31, TO:29, UR:59; bz:14
  548. KEN Mode: Success (Seasons of Mist) {11}: AV:+, HB:41, Mw:39, Ne:38, Pf_m:+, Te:31, Tr:46; ms_g:10, sq:16, tr_p:3
  549. Knxwledge: Hud Dreems (Stones Throw) {11}: FB:+, GB:37, Gf:18; am_h:+, g_h:4, om:+, qt_h:3 -- TH:*
  550. John Kruth: The Drunken Wind of Life: The Poem/Songs of Tin Ujevic (Smiling Fez) {11}: js:26, po:5 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  551. LA Priest: Inji (Domino) {11}: DS_u:48, Du:23, LR:64, NME:33, Noj:11, PN:*2, PP:50, UR:38 -- AY:134
  552. Lifted: 1 (PAN) {11}: Bk:95, Ph_c:7, VF:2 -- TH:***
  553. Lil Ugly Mane: Third Side of Tape (self-released) {11}: Ero:13, Ne:28, RY:12, Scr:15, TMT:18; pm_a:2
  554. Lucifer: Lucifer I (Rise Above) {11}: Db:5, FB:83, MH:49, Noj:22, Te:18; mf_h:4
  555. Marriages: Salome () {11}: Crg:54, DaJ:27, FB:24, LW:85, NN:3, Spk_u:192, TO:34; ms_g:8
  556. Mutoid Man: Bleeder (Sargent House) {11}: Pf_m:+, Spk_u:85, Te:43, Vi:8; am_m:+, mi_f:+, opb:+, sq:12 -- V:225-35-3
  557. Alva Noto: Xerrox Vol 3 (Raster Noton) {11}: AV:+, Bk:56, Bl:38, Bw:16, FF:36, Gf:25, Scr:21; bgc:12, gd_o:5
  558. Lindi Ortega: Faded Gloryville (Last Gang) {11}: JM:+, NS:27, RS_c:29; ex_c:8, r_am:3, sjw:10 -- AY:200, TH:***
  559. Pile: You're Better Than This (Exploding in Sound) {11}: AV:*2, Eb:61, FN:20, Mw:10; ftw:10 -- AY:117, V:267-30-1
  560. A Place to Bury Strangers: Transfixiation (Dead Oceans) {11}: AV:+, Bw:57, DaJ:36, FB:+, JG:115, Pc:43; gt:+ -- V:311-25-2, TH:***
  561. Pond: Man It Feels Like Space Again (Caroline) {11}: A_uk:98, BE:49, ClR:40, NME:34, Rv:+, SR:15, TM:15, TmR:40, U:70
  562. Schlippenbach Trio: Features (Intakt) {11}: FJ:+, T_j:13; jck:2, jhk:+, jjs:14 -- TH:A-
  563. Shopping: Consumer Complaints (Fat Cat) {11}: AYP:33; ar:6, gt:+ -- V:579-12-1, RC:A-, TH:***
  564. Soilwork: The Ride Majestic (Nuclear Blast) {11}: HB:20, Od:18, RY:79, Spk:44, Spk_u:41; lt_m:19, maf:+, mi_f:+, ms_c:14
  565. Taraf de Haidouks: Of Lovers Gamblers and Parachute Skirts (Crammed Discs) {11}: TGW:18; vjp:+, wmc:+ -- V:640-10-1, RC:A-, TH:**
  566. James Taylor: Before This World (Concord) {11}: Nd:6, RS:47, RS_A:47, RS_F:24, Yh:+; am_s:+, bg_s:9, bm_f:16 -- V:640-10-1, TH:C+
  567. Tinariwen: Live in Paris (Wedge) {11}: YW:18; mm:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  568. Twenty One Pilots: Blurryface (Fueled by Ramen) {11}: BE:72, JM:10, K:3, Yh:+; sp:16 -- V:182-47-3
  569. Ufomammut: Ecate (Neurot) {11}: FB:8, LW:84, Ru:16, Spk_u:126, Te:46; io:13, nz:+ -- V:1107-7-1
  570. Gebhard Ullmann Basement Research: Hat and Shoes (Between the Lines) {11}: CM:21; av:*2, jad:8, jri:8, jtr:+, vjo:5 -- TH:***
  571. White Reaper: White Reaper Does It Again (Polyvinyl) {11}: AYP:36, Cs:49, Eb:93, FB:+, YW:14; am_k:+ -- V:196-40-5, TH:***
  572. Wolf Eyes: I Am a Problem: Mind in Pieces (Third Man) {11}: Bk:45, Bw:11; ah:+, bm_x:18, cha:2, om:+, s_a:15 -- AY:129, V:299-25-3
  573. Dave Alvin/Phil Alvin: Lost Time (Yep Roc) {10}: NoD:9, U:68; am_a:+, la_l:8, sjw:+, vjt:+ -- V:176-47-5, TH:*
  574. Daniel Bachman: River (Three Lobed) {10}: Mrg:25, TG:3, U_jm:52; aqd:+, iw:10, s_a:7 -- V:640-10-1
  575. Boosie Badazz: Touch Down 2 Cause Hell (Atlantic) {10}: Am_h:17, Nc:21, PW:33, S_h:15, Sg_h:17; am_h:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  576. Josh Berman Trio: A Dance and a Hop (Delmark) {10}: Mrg:8; jah:10, jji:9, jmc:9 -- TH:A-
  577. Cloud Rat: Qliphoth (Moment of Collapse) {10}: AV:+, CRW:67, N:28, Pf_m:+, Te:19, TMT:24; cmg:+, s_m:10 -- V:459-15-2
  578. Phil Cook: Southland Mission (Thirty Tigers/Middle West) {10}: U:73, U_jm:7; aqd:+, iw:1, npr_d:8 -- V:1135-6-1
  579. Martin Courtney: Many Moons (Domino) {10}: Eb:79, LR:92, MR:21, PJ:12, U_jm:61, UR:46; ath:+, bv:*2
  580. The Deslondes: The Deslondes (New West) {10}: AS:27, RS_c:37, U_jm:6, YW:57; am_a:+, ob:10, sht:18 -- V:388-20-1, TH:B
  581. Die Nerven: Out (Glitterhouse) {10}: In:7, Lt:15, Mu:28, RS_D:21, Sp:17, Zf:28
  582. Disappears: Irreal (Kranky) {10}: AV:+, Bw:18, Mw:28; am_i:+, bv:*2 -- TH:***
  583. The Districts: A Flourish and a Spoil (Fat Possum) {10}: Aq:21, Blr:15, Crg:38, CS:18, RT:65; gd_p:12, rc:20 -- V:1170-5-1
  584. DJ Paypal: Sold Out (Brainfeeder) {10}: Bk:97, DW:62, Pf:+; ah:+, imp:+, ou:12, pm_e:17 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  585. EZTV: Calling Out (Captured Tracks) {10}: Am_s:39, FN:45, MR:17; am:+, am_i:+, ath:+, om:+, vhp:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:B
  586. Father: Who's Gonna Get Fucked First (Awful) {10}: C:79, F:26, S_h:19; hu:8, pm_h:+, qt_h:16 -- V:343-21-2, TH:**
  587. Feu! Chatterton: Ici Le Jour (A Tout Enseveli) (Barclay) {10}: LR:21, MR:14, PN:*2, VL:15; lp:+, vto:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  588. Fidlar: Too (Mom + Pop Music) {10}: Bq:36, CS:46, Df:33, Pu:20, TO:46, Vi:16; te:+ -- V:351-20-3
  589. Tomas Fujiwara & the Hook Up: After All Is Said (482 Music) {10}: CM:37; av:*2, jal:6, jjc:9, jrn:6 -- TH:A-
  590. Future: Beast Mode (self-released) {10}: Nc:27, PW:1, Sg_h:10 -- V:459-15-2
  591. Future Brown: Future Brown (Warp) {10}: D:20, Mix:40, PM:46, PP:25, Th:33, Zf:64; ex_e:9, pm_h:8, qt_h:12
  592. Ghost Culture: Ghost Culture (Because/Phantasy Sound) {10}: A_uk:13, Btz:44, DS:73, DS_u:35, GTV:89, LR:37, Ph:88, RT:58; am_e:+
  593. Aaron Goldberg: The Now (Sunnyside) {10}: T_j:6, TG:90; jag:6, jpb:9, jrd:9, vpb:+ -- V:1135-6-1, TH:*
  594. Heartless Bastards: Restless Ones (PTKF) {10}: Nc:4, Rv:+; cmg:+, ejh:+, gl:h, r_r:19 -- V:640-10-1
  595. Van Hunt: The Fun Rises the Fun Sets (Godless-Hotspot) {10}: JD:27, Soh:18, TL:26; am_r:+, ct:11, se_f:1 -- V:1170-5-1
  596. ICE [International Contemporary Ensemble]: In the Light of Air: ICE Performs Anna Thorvaldsdottir (Sono Luminus, 2CD) {10}: FB:+, FF:17, Mrg:4; jkg:3, npr:+
  597. Darius Jones Quartet: Le Bebe de Brigitte (Lost in Translation) (AUM Fidelity) {10}: CM:15; jgg:+, jsg:2, pm_j:8, w_j:5 -- TH:**
  598. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Paper Mache Dream Balloon (ATO) {10}: AYP:38, Btz:46, FB:+, FN:34, Mw:31, Mz:35, PJ:18, SR:22, U_jm:93
  599. Letta: Testimony (Coyote) {10}: Cl:47, Du:15, Mix:37, PW:10, Th:17 -- V:1170-5-1
  600. Linkwood: Expressions (Firecracker) {10}: Pc:10, Ph:6, RA:16, Th:13
  601. Joe Locke: Love Is a Pendulum (Motema) {10}: jbp:17, jdb:7, jjh:10, jla:3, jna:+, jwj:9 -- TH:***
  602. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe & Ariel Kalma: FRKWYS Vol 12: We Know Each Other Somehow (RVNG Intl) {10}: Bk:75, Bw:27, Ph_r:30, U_jm:126, VF:14; aqd:+, w_o:2 -- V:640-10-1
  603. Mekons/Robbie Fulks: Jura (Bloodshot) {10}: vtc:+ -- AY:187, V:414-18-2, RC:A-, TH:***
  604. Merzbow/Balasz Pandi/Mats Gustafsson/Thurston Moore: Cuts of Guilt/Cuts Deeper (Rare Noise -2CD) {10}: CRW:43; av:*3, g_x:+, rs_a:20, se_a:+ -- TH:***
  605. Mdou Moctar: Akounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai [Original Soundtrack Recording] (Sahel Sounds) {10}: Mon:3, PW:48; po:+ -- TH:A-
  606. Moonspell: Extinct (Napalm) {10}: Od:4; lt_m:13, mi_n:2, ms_g:11, vgm:+ -- V:543-14-1
  607. Kip Moore: Wild Ones (MCA Nashville) {10}: RS_c:6; bm_c:13, df:+, ew_c:5, r_c:7, tc:7 -- V:640-10-1
  608. William Parker/Raining on the Moon: Great Spirit (AUM Fidelity) {10}: JG:79; jgg:6, jth:5, tn:2 -- TH:A-
  609. Mario Pavone: Blue Dialect (Clean Feed) {10}: CM:46; jgg:+, jjm:+, jmc:8, jpf:4, tn:6 -- TH:***
  610. Ratatat: Magnifique (XL) {10}: AV:+, CS:37, Df:41, JM:16, LM:12, S45:39, WT:32; ye:+
  611. Antonio Sanchez: Three Times Three (CAM Jazz) {10}: TG:17; g_j:7, jbm:+, jdr:6, jnb:19, jpj:4, la_b:h, se_a:+
  612. The Shoes: Chemicals (Green United Music) {10}: LR:33, MO:42, VL:1, WT:6
  613. Snarky Puppy/Metropole Orkest: Sylva (Impulse!) {10}: TG:+; am_j:+, jpb:3, vtl:+, vpb:+ -- V:355-20-2, TH:***
  614. Stealing Sheep: Not Real (Heavenly) {10}: GB:46, GTV:36, LQ:36, Pc:45, RT:69; bv:*2, m:4 -- V:402-19-2
  615. St Germain: St Germain (Nonesuch) {10}: A_uk:42, C:71, Mix:24, Mz:32, Ph:32, TG:27, TGW:41; amg:+, ap:+, ejh:+, jtm:10 -- MT:B-
  616. Swans: The Gate (Young God) {10}: Bw:4, FJ:+, RY:4 -- V:1107-7-1
  617. Bryson Tiller: Trapsoul (RCA) {10}: BE:69, Cmp:43, ER:20, Ps:19, Std:16; ht:9, rt:7
  618. Title Fight: Hyperview (Anti) {10}: Am_s:37, Bq:37, DS:60, N:45, Vi:50; bv:+, cmg:+, rrh:9, vhs:+ -- V:243-31-4
  619. Charenee Wade: Offering (Motema) {10}: BIW:29, JC:+; jek:4, jgg:+, jjh:+, jjo:+, jld:+, jnb:18, jrk:9
  620. Wand: 1000 Days (Drag City) {10}: Am_g:49, FB:55, LQ:9, Ms:32, U_jm:123; ath:+, bgc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  621. Young Thug: Slime Season 1 (self-released) {10}: KQ:12, Nc:48, Pf:+, PW:2; po:+ -- V:459-15-2
  622. Zugezogen Maskulin: Alles Brennt (Buback) {10}: In:26, Lt:6, Mu:42, Zf:8; lt_h:2
  623. Aphex Twin: Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt 2 (Warp -EP) {9}: CM:53, JG:27, W:29; cmg:+, ou:+, vg:+ -- V:355-20-2, MT:B, TH:**
  624. Ballake Sissoko & Vincent Segal: Musique De Nuit (Six Degrees) {9}: FR:18, LR:72, TGW:12, U_jm:59; ap:+, hu:15 -- V:337-22-3
  625. Bilal: In Another Life (EOne) {9}: DVk:39, FL:32, U_jm:25; am:+, am_r:+, vak:+ -- V:343-21-2, TH:**
  626. Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino: Quaranta (Ponderosa Music & Art) {9}: FB:+, FR:5, TGW:5
  627. Circuit Des Yeux: In Plain Speech (Thrill Jockey) {9}: CS:14, Ero:21, Mon:18, Qt:11; ah:+ -- V:116-73-7
  628. Darkstar: Foam Island (Warp) {9}: Bl:85, Du:16, Th:8, Zf:53; s_b:20, vg:+
  629. Aisha Devi: Of Matter and Spirit (Houndstooth) {9}: DaM:11, Is:18, On:7, Re:14
  630. Drinks: Hermits on Holiday (Birth) {9}: C:78, DS:100, GTV:99, Rdx:47, U:71, Wat:17; aqd:+ -- V:499-15-1
  631. Fifth Harmony: Reflection (Epic) {9}: Cmp:39, CRW:65, F:34; am_p:+, la_k:7, s_c:3, s_p:12 -- V:311-25-2
  632. Billy Gibbons & the BFG's: Perfectamundo (Concord) {9}: am_l:+, r_r:10, se_d:1, ucr:1 -- V:428-17-2
  633. Gnod: Infinity Machines (Rocket) {9}: DS:57, LW:24, NL:13, Qt:22, RM:41, Sk:50, W:34; sq:+
  634. Angel Haze: Back to the Woods (self-released) {9}: CS:48, Gf:22, HV:18; pm_h:+ -- V:558-13-1, TH:***
  635. Wayne Horvitz: Some Places Are Forever Afternoon (Songlines) {9}: BIW:18; blg:+, jbp:12, jka:3, jms:9 -- TH:***
  636. Houndmouth: Little Neon Limelight (Rough Trade) {9}: AS:13, PM:26, SiC:8; npr_d:6, sht:9 -- V:640-10-1
  637. Iosonouncane: Die (Trovarobato) {9}: Kp:15, On:14, SA:2; sdm:+
  638. Kathryn Joseph: Bones You've Thrown Me and Blood I've Spilled (Hits the Fan) {9}: DS:14, DS_u:6, Mon:20; db_w:2
  639. Khemmis: Absolution (20 Buck Spin) {9}: Db:9, FB:+, Pf_m:5, Spk_u:160
  640. Elle King: Love Stuff (RCA) {9}: JM:22, Ps:4, TG:+; r_r:11 -- V:414-18-2, TH:*
  641. Natalia Lafourcade: Hasta La Raiz (Sony) {9}: BB:25, EE:2; am_w:+, vac:+, vam:+ -- V:342-21-3
  642. Heather Leigh: I Abused Animal (Editions Mego) {9}: Bk:65, Mon:48, W:5; bgc:8, pf:x:7 -- V:1170-5-1
  643. Lil Dicky: Professional Rapper (self-released -2CD) {9}: CV:25 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  644. Lionel Loueke: Gaia (Blue Note) {9}: JG:9; am_j:+, nb:10, vad:10 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:**
  645. Allen Lowe: In the Diaspora of the Diaspora: We Will Gather When We Gather (self-released) {9}: JG:78; jsh:3, po:10 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:A-
  646. Jon Lundbom and Big Five Chord: Jeremiah (Hot Cup) {9}: JG:37; av:+, jdk:8, jjm:+, jms:3 -- TH:***
  647. Mayday!: Future/Vintage (Strange Music) {9}: CV:2; am_h:+ -- TH:A-
  648. Melechesh: Enki (Nuclear Blast) {9}: Od:11, Qt:67, RY:76, Spk_u:111, Te:16; mi_r:13, r_m:8
  649. Metric: Pagans in Vegas (MMI/Crystal Math Music) {9}: AV:*2, SiC:15 -- V:577-12-2, TH:A-
  650. Whitey Morgan and the 78's: Sonic Ranch (Whitey Morgan Music) {9}: gw:+, scm:+, sht:10, sjw:9, szk:5 -- TH:***
  651. Bob Moses: Days Gone By (Domino) {9}: BB:20, EW:30, IT:48, PP:30; am_e:+, pl_e:2 -- V:402-19-2
  652. Moster: When You Cut Into the Present (Hubro) {9}: FB:100, Dv:25; jml:1 -- TH:***
  653. Israel Nash: Israel Nash's Silver Season (Loose Music) {9}: Btz:39, GTV:58, U:54, U_jm:14; kxk:6, pl_t:1
  654. No Joy: More Faithful (Mexican Summer) {9}: AYP:22, BG:2, SBR:11; ath:+ -- V:640-10-1
  655. Noveller: Fantastic Planet (Fire) {9}: AV:+, CRW:66, FB:+, LW:28; gt:+, imp:+, mj:7, vg:+ -- V:428-17-2
  656. Palehound: Dry Food (Exploding in Sound) {9}: AYP:4, P:35; npr_h:5 -- AY:166, V:1107-7-1
  657. William Parker: For Those Who Are Still (AUM Fidelity) {9}: W:25; jlb:7, jsg:9, jsh:1, srh:+, w_a:4
  658. Benoit Pioulard: Sonnet (Kranky) {9}: Bw:5; am_e:+, ex_i:+, pf_x:5 -- V:219-37-3
  659. Protoje: Ancient Future (Indiggnation Collective/Overstand) {9}: A_uk:62, JG:39; cpu:10, te:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:A-
  660. Public Image Ltd: What the World Needs Now . . . (Cargo/Red Eye) {9}: ClR:28, Flp:20, Fp:31, RT:71, U:64; po:+ -- V:1170-5-1, RC:*
  661. Puscifer: Money Shot (Puscifer Entertainment) {9}: Cr:7, JM:19, K:38, Vi:13; lw_r:11
  662. PWR BTTM: Ugly Cherries (Father/Daughter/Miscreant) {9}: 405:28, RSh:10; cds:10, sam:2, vrs:+ -- V:246-30-4
  663. Riverside: Love Fear and the Time Machine (Inside Out) {9}: Od:2, RY:23, Spk_u:181; ad:+, pm_k:4
  664. Stara Rzeka: Zamknely Sie Oczy Ziemi (Instant Classic) {9}: CRW:44, FB:45, Qt:2, Spk_u:153; cmg:+ -- V:339-22-2
  665. Antonio Sanchez: The Meridian Suite (CAM Jazz) {9}: g_j:7, jac:9, jnb:19, la_b:h, pm_j:11, vmw:1 -- V:388-20-1
  666. JC Satan: JC Satan (Born Bad) {9}: LR:39, Mw:4, NN:6, PN:+
  667. Spectres: Dying (Sonic Cathedral) {9}: BG:8, C:84, Dr:53, DS_u:39, RM:75 -- AY:60, V:579-12-1
  668. Sports: All of Something (Father/Daughter) {9}: AV:+, Crg:83, FN:10; fw:+, n_o:+, pm_i:10 -- V:640-10-1
  669. Dave Stryker: Messin' With Mister T (Strikezone) {9}: JC:37; jkf:6, jmn:9, jmy:2, jrm:9 -- TH:***
  670. Samba Toure: Gandadiko (Glitterbeat) {9}: FR:+, TGW:32, U_jm:132 -- RC:***, TH:***
  671. Turnstile: Nonstop Feeling (Reaper) {9}: Bq:10, NN:31, Pu:4, S45:42
  672. Tuxedo: Tuxedo (Stones Throw) {9}: Std:34; ft:+, pl_s:9, st:+, st_i:7 -- TH:A-
  673. War on Women: War on Women (Bridge Nine) {9}: AV:*2, LW:79, Nc:17, Vi:10 -- V:640-10-1
  674. Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat: The Most Important Place in the World (Chemikal Underground) {9}: LQ:32, Mon:9, PN:+, Ru:14 -- AY:16
  675. Neil Young/Promise of the Real: The Monsanto Years (Reprise) {9}: PN:+, RS_F:21, RTr:+, U:55, U_jm:37; ucr:8 -- V:640-10-1, RC:**, MT:C+
  676. 79rs Gang: Fiyo on the Bayou (Sinking City) {8}: ob:+, po:7, vtk:+ -- V:355-20-2, TH:A-
  677. Amason: Sky City (Ingrid) {8}: Gf:4, UR:37; bv:*2, opb:+
  678. Eszter Balint: Airless Midnight (Red Herring) {8}: -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  679. BC Camplight: How to Die in the North (Bella Union) {8}: Noj:23, PN:*2, Rv:+, St:27; boc:7, kxk:+ -- AY:192
  680. Bixiga 70: III (Glitterbeat) {8}: FB:+, FR:+, TGW:3; ap:+, pri:+
  681. Black Ryder: The Door Behind the Door (The Anti-Machine Machine) {8}: Eb:78, FB:+, GTV:38, SBR:12, UR:92; ath:+, owl:+
  682. Blind Guardian: Beyond the Red Mirror (Nuclear Blast) {8}: BA_m:18, Noj:31, Od:41, Pf_m:+, Pl:+; am_m:+, mp:6
  683. Boof: The Hydrangeas Whisper (Running Back) {8}: Pc:22, Ph:3, RA:8
  684. Cancer Bats: Searching for Zero (Metal Blade) {8}: Aq:8, Bq:56, K:28, MH:42, Od:25, Vi:31
  685. Cannibal Ox: Blade of the Ronin (IGC) {8}: HG:+, S_h:31, U_jm:129; lt_h:16 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  686. Tom Carter: Long Time Underground (Three Lobed) {8}: Bw:56, U_jm:116; aqd:+, lv_p:6, pf_x:1 -- V:251-30-3
  687. Olivia Chaney: The Longest River (Nonesuch) {8}: FR:13, Mrg:29, T_f:24, TG:78, U:46; am:+, am_f:+
  688. Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams (Atlantic/Parlophone) {8}: EW:29, JM:11, NME:35, Su:22, Va:24, Yh:+; p:9
  689. Chick Corea/Bela Fleck: Two (Concord) {8}: JC:56; am_j:+, jan:2, jbm:+, jdo:8, jjh:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:B
  690. Cousin Stizz: Suffolk County (self-released) {8}: AV:+, GB:18, Pg:9, S_h:24; s_j:14
  691. The Cribs: For All My Sisters (Sonic Brew) {8}: Bq:8, DS:82, GTV:49, NME:45; am_k:+ -- V:459-15-2
  692. The Darkness: Last of Our Kind (Canary Dwarf) {8}: ClR:4, Yh:+; am_k:+, gw:+ -- V:606-11-1
  693. Dead to a Dying World: Litany (Gilead Media) {8}: AV:+, Db:30, Pf_m:7; npr:+, s_j:12, s_m:9
  694. Destruction Unit: Negative Feedback Resistor (Sacred Bones) {8}: AV:+, JG:142, Pc:68, RSh:18; ah:+, bv:+ -- V:225-35-3
  695. Andrew Drury: Content Provider (Soup and Sounds) {8}: FJ:+; av:*2, jgg:+, jms:7, jpf:7, jrd:3 -- TH:B
  696. Du Blonde: Welcome Back to Milk (Mute) {8}: DS:31, DS_u:13, Fp:87, GTV:61, Gw:20; rfs:+
  697. Dutch Uncles: O Shudder (Memphis Industries) {8}: No:+, Pc:16, RM:82, Sk:18, UR:62 -- V:640-10-1
  698. EEK/Islam Chipsy: Kahraba (Nashazphone) {8}: C:28, CRW:59, JG:113, Qt:7, YW:68; npr_l:+
  699. Joe Ely: Panhandle Rambler (Rack 'Em) {8}: He:24, NoD:30, NS:20; am_a:+ -- V:459-15-2, TH:**
  700. Amina Figarova: Blue Whisper (In + Out) {8}: jbp:2, jgz:4, jsm:2, jtn:5 -- TH:B
  701. Flako: Natureboy (Five Easy Pieces) {8}: Bl:1, FB:+ -- TH:**
  702. The Front Bottoms: Back on Top (Atlantic) {8}: AbP:11, AV:+, Bq:16, Crg:46; gg:+ -- V:640-10-1
  703. Giant Sand: Heartbreak Pass (New West) {8}: AV:+, Pl:29, YW:64; aqd:+ -- RC:***, TH:*
  704. GoldLink: And After That We Didn't Talk (Soulection) {8}: ER:9, LBF:+, Pg:36; okp:8, vdc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  705. Marika Hackman: We Slept at Last (Dirty Hit) {8}: GTV:77, Gw:14, PP:35, RM:58, Yh:+; dw:13 -- V:1170-5-1
  706. Rich Halley 4: Eleven (Pine Eagle) {8}: CM:47; av:+, jrs:+, vjo:3 -- TH:***
  707. John Hollenbeck: Songs We Like a Lot (Sunnyside) {8}: TG:+; am_j:+, blg:+, jar:5, jbo:7, jpq:2 -- TH:B
  708. Holychild: The Shape of Brat Pop to Come (Glassnote) {8}: am_p:+, dw:9, s_g:5, s_p:23 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:**
  709. Hooton Tennis Club: Highest Point in Cliff Town (Heavenly) {8}: Dr:61, Mj:17, Pc:97, Q:49; bv:*2, dw:15
  710. Petre Inspirescu: Vin Ploile (Mule Musiq) {8}: Ph:12, Xlr:1 -- V:555-13-2
  711. Rafael Anton Irisarri: A Fragile Geography (Room 40) {8}: Bw:22, FPE:14, On:25, Ro:11; sq_x:3
  712. Nicolas Jaar: Nymphs III (Other People, EP) {8}: PW:18, Spk_u:109; cmg:*2, ex_x:1
  713. Nicolas Jaar: Nymphs II (Other People, EP) {8}: PW:18, Spk_u:66; cmg:*2, ex_x:1
  714. Jabberwocky: Lunar Lane (Fiction France) {8}: VL:3, WT:2
  715. Max Johnson Trio: Something Familiar (Fresh Sound New Talent) {8}: CM:7; av:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:***
  716. La Luz: Weirdo Shrine (Hardly Art) {8}: AV:+, FN:29, LW:81, Mz:38, PW:13; lc_e:8 -- V:251-30-3
  717. Ingrid Laubrock: Ubatuba (Firehouse 12) {8}: FJ:+; jdk:6, jhm:+, jmh:5, jrs:+ -- TH:**
  718. Bettye LaVette: Worthy (Cherry Red) {8}: He:14; am_r:+, bot:+, pl_s:3, vjt:+ -- V:579-12-1
  719. Leftfield: Alternative Light Source (Infectious) {8}: A_uk:60, Flp:15, Fp:30, Mix:11, RT:59; am_e:+
  720. Lizzo: Big Grrrl Small World (BGSW) {8}: Am_g:43, S_h:17, YW:46; g_o:8, s_b:13 -- AY:176, V:499-15-1, TH:*
  721. Cheikh Lo: Balbalou (import) {8}: FB:+, FR:+, Re:49, TGW:9; ap:+, pl_w:9
  722. Magic Circle: Journey Blind (20 Buck Spin) {8}: FB:3, Pf_m:+; cs_m:24, p_m:13 -- V:558-13-1
  723. Maribou State: Portraits (Counter) {8}: Bq:77, Dr:51, Mix:7; mb:+, ye:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  724. Will Mason Ensemble: Beams of the Huge Night (New Amsterdam) {8}: CM:45, FJ:+; av:*3, jgk:+, se_a:+ -- TH:*
  725. Mac McCaughan: Non-Believers (Merge) {8}: JG:103, Nc:30, Rv:+, am_i:+, iw:22, rfc:+ -- V:281-27-3, RC:*
  726. Charles McPherson: The Journey (Capri) {8}: jjw:9, jmb:9, jsm:5 -- TH:A-
  727. The Membranes: Dark Matter/Dark Energy (Metropolis) {8}: DaM:20, FB:+, LW:13, Qt:39; vce:+ -- V:258-30-2
  728. Mercury Rev: The Light in You (Bella Union) {8}: Dr:82, DS:67, LBF:+, LW:59, RT:55, UR:61; jdf:+, te:+
  729. Micachu and the Shapes: Good Sad Happy Bad (Rough Trade) {8}: C:96, LBF:+, MR:12, SR:35, U:67, W:45; vg:+
  730. Migos: Yung Rich Nation (Quality Control) {8}: S_h:47, Sg_h:34, Va:49; hdx:+ -- V:1170-5-1, RC:B+
  731. Moon Duo: Shadow of the Sun (Sacred Bones) {8}: FB:+, Flp:56, Fp:46, Pc:26, SR:40, U_jm:101, Wat:22 -- V:640-10-1
  732. Anthony Naples: Body Pill (Text) {8}: Bl:98, C:81, Ero:45, GB:33, Ph:22, RA:14; cmg:+
  733. Native Construct: Quiet World (Metal Blade) {8}: FB:+, HB:3, Spk_u:26; am_m:+, pm_k:10
  734. Nightwish: Endless Forms Most Beautiful (Nuclear Blast) {8}: ClR:27, MH:35; am_m:+, maf:+, mp:10, se_p:6, vgm:+ -- V:1107-7-1
  735. Oiseaux-Tempete: Utopiya? (Sub Rosa) {8}: ACL:16, Ipr:10, PN:+; av:+, sq:11
  736. Other Lives: Rituals (PIAS) {8}: Flp:61, Ipr:13, Pc:34, Pl:19, PN:+; boc:22
  737. Parkway Drive: Ire (Epitaph) {8}: K:5, MH:12; maf:*2
  738. Periphery: Juggernaut: Alpha (Summerian) {8}: HB:10, Rev:10; gw:+, lw_m:16
  739. Public Enemy: Man Plans God Laughs (Cobraside) {8}: AV:+, LW:34, RT:54, S_h:38; am_h:+, po:+ -- V:640-10-1, RC:*
  740. RJD2/STS: STS X RJD2 (RJ's Electrical Connections) {8}: JG:94; am_h:+ -- RC:***, TH:***
  741. Robyn & La Bagatelle Magique: Love Is Free (Konichiwa/Cherrytree/Interscope) {8}: Sl:11; ex_x:2 -- TH:A-
  742. Tom Russell: The Rose of Roscrae (Frontera) {8}: FR:+, T_c:27; am_f:+, fr:1, la_l:10 -- V:1044-9-1
  743. Sannhet: Revisionist (The Flenser) {8}: Ero:39, HB:30, Pf_m:10; bm_x:10, gt:+, s_m:18
  744. Andy Sheppard: Surrounded by Sea (ECM) {8}: TG:87; jje:1, jpq:5 -- TH:**
  745. Shlohmo: Dark Red (True Panther Sounds) {8}: AV:+, Eb:87, In:42, WT:28; pl_e:10 -- TH:***
  746. Slutever: Almost Famous (self-released, EP) {8}: DW:78, Eb:73 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  747. Sorority Noise: Joy Departed (Topshelf) {8}: AbP:22, Bq:20, Crg:8, Sg:46 -- V:243-31-4
  748. The Souljazz Orchestra: Resistance (Strut) {8}: TGW:40, YW:29; am_j:+, ft:+, jra:+ -- TH:***
  749. Stuff: Stuff (Buteo Buteo) {8}: De:17, DM:7, Is:9
  750. Tove Styrke: Kiddo (RCA) {8}: GTV:84, Pg:31, Poj:6, PP:17; s_p:9
  751. Tech N9ne: Special Effects (Strange) {8}: Am_h:22, CV:5, HG:+, S_h:49 -- V:640-10-1
  752. The Thing: Shake (The Thing) {8}: BA_j:22, FJ:*2; am_j:+, tn:7 -- TH:***
  753. Katie Thiroux: Introducing Katie Thiroux (BassKat) {8}: JC:+; jdr:8, jmn:+, jrm:+ -- TH:A-
  754. Thunderbitch: Thunderbitch (Thunderbitch) {8}: TL:17, U_jm:94, Yh:+; am_k:+, r_r:8 -- AY:141, V:1170-5-1, V:1170-5-1
  755. Trivium: Silence in the Snow (Roadrunner) {8}: BA_m:23, Noj:29, Od:46, Rev:17; am_m:+, gw:+, lt_m:14
  756. Christina Vantzou: No 3 (Kranky) {8}: Bw:6, No:+; cmg:+, ex_i:+, s_a:13 -- V:311-25-2
  757. Moritz Von Oswald: Sounding Lines (Honest Jon's) {8}: Bk:81, JG:58, Ph:99, Zf:48; bgc:14, bot:+, ou:+ -- V:640-10-1
  758. Joanna Wallfisch/Dan Tepfer: The Origin of Adjustable Things (Sunnyside) {8}: JC:*, TG:5; jkd:6, jkf:7 -- TH:*
  759. Wavves: V (Ghost Ramp/Warner Bros) {8}: Bf:15, Df:38, DWs;57, Rv:+; am_k:+, r_ar:13 -- V:311-25-2
  760. White Out/Nels Cline: Accidental Sky (Northern Spy) {8}: FJ:+, JG:48; av:*2, g_x:+, se_a:+ -- TH:**
  761. Jamie Woon: Making Time (Polydor) {8}: Bq:59, De:13, Mu:29, NR:37, PP:28; vcl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  762. Worriers: Imaginary Life (Don Giovanni) {8}: AV:+, YW:31; npr:+, tr_p:4 -- V:214-38-3, TH:**
  763. Wreckless Eric: America (Fire) {8}: JG:84, LW:53; am_k:+, po:20 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  764. Agent Fresco: Destrier () {7}: HB:6, Spk_u:63, Vi:30; vgm:+ -- V:499-15-1
  765. Ahnnu: Perception (Leaving) {7}: CRW:14, TMT:17; ou:+, rs_a:5
  766. Susan Alcorn: Soledad (Relative Pitch) {7}: FJ:+, JG:148; jmh:1, w_g:3
  767. Aline: La Vie Electrique (PIAS) {7}: LR:90, MR:2, PN:*2
  768. All Dogs: Kicking Every Day (Salinas) {7}: AV:+; ath:+, or:14, tr_p:9 -- V:234-34-3, RC:**
  769. Ray Anderson's Organic Quartet: Being the Point (Intuition) {7}: jan:5 -- V:640-10-1, TH:A-
  770. And So I Watch You From Afar: Heirs (Sargent House) {7}: AD:5, Crg:56, DaJ:49, Sk:36
  771. Annabel (lee): By the Sea and Other Solitary Places (If Music) {7}: DaM:2, LW:77; ou:+, rrh:+
  772. !!!: As If (Warp) {7}: Ni:18, S45:18, U_jm:139, Zf:61 -- V:258-30-2
  773. Lou Barlow: Brace the Wave (Joyful Noise) {7}: AYP:21, FN:30, U_jm:6; bz:4, lc_e:10, lc_g:+ -- MT:B-
  774. William Basinski: The Deluge (Temporary Residence) {7}: AV:+, Bw:9, W:50; gd_o:7, sq_x:15
  775. Michael Bisio: Accortet (Relative Pitch) {7}: FJ:+; av:+, blg:+, jmc:3, jms:6, se_a:+
  776. Blackberry Smoke: Holding All the Roses (New Rounder) {7}: ClR:8, He:48, RS_c:34; am_k:+, gw:+
  777. Samuel Blaser: Spring Rain (Whirlwind) {7}: jar:8, jbo:4, jri:2 -- TH:**
  778. Blitzen Trapper: All Across This Land (Vagrant) {7}: AV:+, ClR:48, TmR:48; am_k:+, rrh:+, vmg:+ -- V:459-15-2
  779. Anouar Brahem: Souvenance (ECM, 2CD) {7}: DVk:10, He:35, TGW:36; pl_j:3
  780. Andre Bratten: Gode (Smalltown Supersound) {7}: Dv:14, Gf_N:8; am_e:+, te:+
  781. Dee Dee Bridgewater: Dee Dee's Feathers (Okeh) {7}: T_j:46; jan:8, jsa:3, ob:+ -- TH:**
  782. Jakob Bro: Gefion (ECM) {7}: am_j:+, eikk:+, fd:+, jje:7, la_b:h -- TH:**
  783. Theo Burt: Gloss (Presto!?) {7}: Bk:5, F:46; bgc:2
  784. Will Butler: Policy (Merge) {7}: AV:+, Dr:89, Fld:17, UR:69 -- TH:**
  785. The Cairo Gang: Goes Missing (Drag City) {7}: Dr:35, Eb:91, Mrg:40, U_jm:76, Yh:+; am_i:+ -- V:402-19-2
  786. Ceremony: The L-Shaped Man (Matador) {7}: Am_s:40, AV:+, DaJ:46, Dr:37, FB:93, LW:96, Pu:24
  787. Cortex: Live (Clean Feed -14) {7}: FJ:+; jpa:5 -- TH:A-
  788. Alessandro Cortini: Risveglio (Hospital Productions) {7}: Bk:18, Bl:50, Bw:24, CRW:73, VF:29; jgg:+
  789. Stanley Cowell: Juneteenth (Vision Fugitive) {7}: jgy:4, jjs:13, jrh:+, vhs:6, vmw:10 -- TH:*
  790. Damaged Bug: Cold Hot Plumbs (Castle Face) {7}: LW:75, RT:67, Wat:15; ong:1
  791. Damily: Very Aomby (Helico) {7}: LR:63; ap:+, vtk:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  792. Bambi Davidson: Brunswick (Claremont 56) {7}: DaM:16, Pc:17, Ph:86, Zf:68 -- V:640-10-1
  793. Ernest Dawkins Live the Spirit Residency Big Band: Memory in the Center: An Afro Opera: Homage to Nelson Mandela (Dawk) {7}: jji:10, vmw:6 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:A-
  794. Dead Sara: Pleasure to Meet You (Pocket Kid) {7}: HV:29; lw_r:19, r_r:3, vmr:+ -- V:499-15-1, TH:*
  795. Lila Downs: Balas y Chocolate (RCA) {7}: FR:+, TGW:6; am_w:+ -- V:558-13-1, TH:*
  796. Anderson East: Delilah (Elektra/Low Country Sound) {7}: NL:19; sht:19 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  797. Ekoplekz: Reflekzionz (Planet Mu) {7}: AV:+, Bl:18, Bw:69, Hi:39, No:+; am_e:+
  798. Kurt Elling: Passion World (Concord) {7}: TG:46; am_j:+, jbm:+, jjw:8, jlm:+, noj:+ -- V:1135-6-1, TH:C
  799. Esmerine: Lost Voices (Constellation) {7}: ACL:4, Bw:44, FPE:82; ex_i:+
  800. Fear Factory: Genexus (Nuclear Blast) {7}: MH:19, Od:23; maf:+, mi_f:+, mi_r:5
  801. Mark Fell & Gabor Lazar: The Neurobiology of Moral Decision Making (The Death of Rave) {7}: Bk:3, CRW:22; rs_a:11 -- V:640-10-1
  802. The Foxymorons: Fake Yoga (Foxyphoton) {7}: -- RC:A-, TH:***
  803. Kinky Friedman: The Loneliest Man I Ever Met (Avenue A) {7}: po:+ -- V:428-17-2, RC:***, TH:**
  804. Satoko Fujii Orchestra Berlin: Ichigo Ichie (Libra) {7}: av:+, jtr:+, vjo:8 -- TH:A-
  805. Ghost Train Orchestra: Hot Town (Accurate) {7}: am_j:+, fd:10, jsy:2 -- TH:***
  806. Jose Gonzalez: Vestiges and Claws (Mute) {7}: ABC:20, Eb:89; am_s:+, gw:+, kxk:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  807. Gorod: A Maze of Recycled Creeds (Unique Leader) {7}: HB:14, Od:20, RY:57, Spk_u:120; mi_f:+
  808. GospelbeacH: Pacific Surf Line (Alive Naturalsound) {7}: AS:43, U_jm:92; rut:5, sd:4 -- V:640-10-1
  809. Albert "Tootie" Heath: Philadelphia Beat (Sunnyside) {7}: JG:25, TG:+; jgs:8, jmj:9, jwj:7 -- TH:**
  810. Eddie Henderson: Collective Portrait (Smoke Sessions) {7}: BA_j:13; jsy:6, vlb:7 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  811. Ray Wylie Hubbard: The Ruffian's Misfortune (Bordello) {7}: NoD:25; am_a:+ -- V:499-15-1, TH:A-
  812. Charlie Hunter Trio: Let the Bells Ring On (CHT Publishing) {7}: am_j:+, jga:2, jrm:3 -- TH:**
  813. Nicolas Jaar: Nymphs IV (Other People, EP) {7}: PW:18; cmg:*2, ex_x:1
  814. Jaga Jazzist: Starfire (Ninja Tune) {7}: FPE:46, HB:27, PM:71, Spk_u:195, TO:28; av:+, pm_e:13
  815. Philip Jeck: Cardinal (Touch) {7}: Bl:71, Bw:47, CRW:29, FJ:+, W:32; rs_a:13, sq_x:18
  816. Junglepussy: Pregnant With Success (self-released) {7}: DW:56, F:31, JG:121, PW:44, S_h:12 -- V:640-10-1
  817. Henry Kaiser/Ray Russell: The Celestial Squid (Cuneiform) {7}: am_j:+, av:+, blg:+, se_a:+ -- TH:***
  818. The Kandinsky Effect: Somnambulist (Cuneiform) {7}: am_j:+, av:+, jgk:8 -- TH:A-
  819. Tori Kelly: Unbreakable Smile (Capitol) {7}: Ps:2, Va:46; gg:+, rfs:+
  820. Ash Koosha: GUUD (Olde English Spelling Bee) {7}: Bk:25, Eb:70, Ero:15, F:43, Ne:25, Re:32
  821. Suzanne Kraft: Talk From Home (Melody as Truth) {7}: Bk:76, Ero:54, Ph:41, RA:6, VF:33
  822. Talib Kweli/9th Wonder: Indie 500 (It's a Wonderful World) {7}: Btz:47, CV:20, HG:25, JG:55; am_h:+, hdx:+
  823. Adam Lambert: The Original High (Warner Bros) {7}: AV:+, Poj:19, Yh:*2; am_p:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  824. Brian Landrus Trio: The Deep Below (BlueLand/Palmetto) {7}: jbp:4, jdb:8, jgg:+ -- TH:***
  825. Len Leise: Lingua Franca (International Feel) {7}: Ph:8, Th:23, VF:10
  826. Local H: Hey Killer (G&P) {7}: ABC:45, Aq:20, JD:28; am_k:+, chi:+, lw_r:16
  827. Allen Lowe: In the Diaspora of the Diaspora: Man With Guitar: Where's Robert Johnson? (self-released) {7}: jsh:5, po:+ -- TH:A-
  828. Old Man Luedecke: Domestic Eccentric (True North) {7}: T_c:45 -- RC:B+, TH:***
  829. The Mantles: All Odds End (Slumberland) {7}: Fld:20, JG:40; aqd:+, ath:+, pm_i:9 -- V:640-10-1
  830. Mew: +/- (Play It Again Sam) {7}: AV:+, Df:31, DS:42, On:44, UR:19; r_ar:15 -- V:1170-5-1
  831. Mika: No Place in Heaven (Virgin EMI) {7}: am_p:+, ghn:2, rfs:+ -- V:543-14-1, TH:**
  832. Jason Miles/Ingrid Jensen: Kind of New (Whaling City Sound) {7}: jan:7, jbm:+, jjh:7, jkf:2, jrh:+, se_a:+ -- TH:B
  833. Nidia Minaj: Danger (Príncipe) {7}: Bk:12, F:32, W:30; npr_e:+, w_b:3
  834. Monolord: Vaenir (Riding Easy) {7}: FB:+, Hi:30, Pf:m:+; cs_m:12, ex_m:9, mf_h:19 -- V:388-20-1
  835. Gurf Morlix: Eatin' at Me (Rootball) {7}: vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1, RC:***, TH:**
  836. Mumdance & Logos: Proto (Tectonic) {7}: Bl:26, C:82, PW:20, SA:24, SR:13
  837. Neck Deep: Life's Not Out to Get You (Hopeless) {7}: A_uk:37, BE:51, Bq:34, K:13, Pu:14
  838. Outfit: Slowness (Memphis Industries) {7}: FB:+, Pc:8, Sk:22, UR:98 -- AY:124
  839. Sam Outlaw: Angeleno (Six Shooter) {7}: NS:23; pm_c:10, r_am:5, r_c:4 -- V:640-10-1
  840. Passion Pit: Kindred (Columbia) {7}: AV:*2, JD:39, LM:23; s_g:8, st_i:22 -- V:499-15-1
  841. Petite Noir: La Vie Est Belle/Life Is Beautiful (Domino) {7}: NR:36, Noj:38, Re:34, UR:68, WT:21 -- AY:46, V:1170-5-1, MT:C
  842. Plastician: All the Right Moves (self-released) {7}: vmm:+, vti:+ -- V:230-35-2, TH:A-
  843. Dafnis Prieto Sextet: Triangles and Circles (Dafnison Music) {7}: JC:+; jag:5, jek:+, jjc:+, jjs:15, jlb:9
  844. Prince: HITnRUN Phase One (NPG) {7}: T:20; ft:+, gm:22, jkg:6, vtc:+ -- V:606-11-1
  845. Pulverize the Sound: Pulverize the Sound (Relative Pitch) {7}: FJ:*2; av:+, g_x:+, jpa:3, jpz:8
  846. Radioactivity: Silent Kill (Dirtnap) {7}: AYP:7, FN:50; ath:+, bv:+ -- V:558-13-1
  847. Raury: All We Need (Columbia) {7}: ER:27, HG:+, Rv:+; r_h:17, st_h:20 -- V:499-15-1, TH:*
  848. The Resonance Ensemble: Double Arc (Not Two) {7}: blg:+, jmc:1 -- TH:***
  849. Ringo Deathstarr: Pure Mood (Club AC30) {7}: BG:28, DaJ:43, SBR:4 -- AY:188
  850. Eve Risser: Des Pas Sur La Neige (Clean Feed) {7}: FJ:6, Mrg:19; jgg:+, jkg:7 -- TH:B
  851. Rocket From the Tombs: Black Record (Fire) {7}: FB:65, LW:54, YW:45; am_k:+, po:+ -- V:1107-7-1, TH:*
  852. Roomful of Teeth: Render (New Amsterdam) {7}: TG:15, Tx:2; nat:+
  853. Jeff Rosenstock: We Cool? (Side One Dummy) {7}: AV:+, Bq:84, Crg:42, Ne:30, Spk_u:31; cmg:+ -- V:459-15-2
  854. Schnellertollermeier: X (Cuneiform) {7}: am_m:+, av:*2, jgk:+, wsj:10 -- TH:**
  855. Skyzoo: Music for My Friends (First Generation Rich) {7}: HG:5; ahh:+ -- TH:**
  856. Slum Village: Yes! (Ne'astra) {7}: ABC:40, HG:+, Soh:20, Spk_u:131; vcl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  857. Small Black: Best Blues (Jagjaguwar) {7}: Am_s:7, Rv:+, UR:84; pm_p:7 -- V:1170-5-1
  858. Dexter Story: Wondem (Soundway) {7}: JG:140; am_j:+, am_w:+, vg:+, vmg:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:*
  859. Steve Swell: Kanreki: Reflection & Renewal (Not Two, 2CD) {7}: blg:+, jji:5, srh:+ -- TH:***
  860. Steve Swell: Kende Dreams: Hommage a Bartok (Silkheart) {7}: jad:6, jpf:3 -- TH:A-
  861. Tanya Tagaq: Animism (Six Shooter) {7}: CRW:49; mm:+, vmr:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:***
  862. Tau Cross: Tau Cross (Relapse) {7}: BA_m:12, Te:8; mi_n:11 -- V:1170-5-1
  863. Tesseract: Polaris (Kscope) {7}: HB:29, MH:10; pm_k:7, vjc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  864. THEESatisfaction: EarthEE (Sub Pop) {7}: Btz:16, Pc:99, VF:49; ex_r:6, pm_h:+ -- V:640-10-1
  865. Fred Thomas: All Are Saved (Polyvinyl) {7}: AV:+, Sg:37; am:+, am_i:+, cmg:+, vhp:+ -- V:240-32-4
  866. Shye Ben Tzur/Jonny Greenwood/The Rajasthan Express: Junun (Nonesuch) {7}: FB:+, JG:68, TG:71, U_jm:105; fw:+, gp:+ -- V:1107-7-1
  867. Carrie Underwood: Storyteller (Arista/Columbia) {7}: RS_c:24; am_c:+, bm_c:16, tc:5, tns:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  868. Ursula 1000: Voyeur (Insect Queen) {7}: YW:80; am_e:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:A-
  869. Barrence Whitfield & the Savages: Under the Savage Sky (Bloodshot) {7}: He:10; mj:10, sht:11 -- V:343-21-2, TH:*
  870. Marlon Williams: Marlon Williams (import) {7}: DJ:18, FL:49, RS_A:43, TM:20; age:+
  871. Wonder Girls: Reboot (JYP Entertainment) {7}: Fu:18; bb_k:1vti:+ -- V:499-15-1
  872. Wussy: Public Domain Volume 1 (Shake It, EP) {7}: js:22, po:+ -- RC:***', TH:**
  873. X: Albert Ayler's Ghosts Live at the Yellow Ghetto (Smog Veil, EP) {7}: JG:49; po:11, vce:+ -- V:626-10-2, TH:***
  874. 2814: Atarashi Ni~Tsu no Tanjo (Not Not Fun) {6}: Bl:82, On:33, RY:86, Spk_u:137; ou:5
  875. John Luther Adams: The Wind in High Places (Cold Blue) {6}: Mrg:18, TG:68, Tx:13 -- V:640-10-1
  876. The Alchemist/Oh No: Welcome to Los Santos (Mass Appeal) {6}: YW:9; am_h:+ -- V:1135-6-1, TH:*
  877. All Included: Satan in Plain Clothes (Clean Feed) {6}: jad:9, jmp:5 -- TH:***
  878. Mose Allison: American Legend in California (City Hall) {6}: jdk:4, mj:1 -- V:640-10-1
  879. All Them Witches: Dying Surfer Meets His Maker (New West) {6}: FB:52; gl:a, kxk:7, mf_f:11 -- V:1170-5-1
  880. All We Are: All We Are (Domino) {6}: Eb:93, Ni:24, PN:+, TO:11; mb:+
  881. Joel Alme: Flyktligan (Razzia) {6}: Gf:5, So:16
  882. The Amazing: Picture You (Partisan) {6}: AV:+, FB:+; nw:1 -- V:1044-9-1
  883. Atomic: Lucidity (Jazzland) {6}: av:+, jpf:5 -- TH:***
  884. Ava Luna: Infinite House (Western Vinyl) {6}: AV:+, Eb:55; cmg:*2, imp:+ -- V:414-18-2
  885. Michael Bates: Northern Spy (Stereoscopic) {6}: jah:8, jjm:+, jmc:6 -- TH:***
  886. Raoul Bjorkenheim/Ecstasy: Out of the Blue (Cuneiform) {6}: FJ:+; av:+, se_a:+ -- TH:***
  887. The Body/Thou: You, Whom I Have Always Hated/Released From Love (Thrill Jockey) {6}: Bw:75, Hi:48, Spk_u:46; am_m:+, s_m:8 -- AY:193
  888. Boogie: The Reach (self-released) {6}: F:20; cmg:*3, vg:+
  889. Tyondai Braxton: Hive1 (Nonesuch) {6}: CRW:6; am_e:+, rs_a:2
  890. Jeff Bridges: Sleeping Tapes (self-released) {6}: CRW:41, F:50, TG:88; aqd:+, rs_a:19 -- V:428-17-2
  891. Joey Calderazzo: Going Home (Sunnyside) {6}: TG:72; jgg:+, jra:6, noj:13 -- TH:**
  892. Cam: Welcome to Cam Country (Arista Nashville -EP) {6}: PM:78; bm_c:1, vjo:+ -- V:296-26-2, TH:B
  893. Alessia Cara: Know-It-All (Def Jam) {6}: ER:25, Ps:22; am_r:+, chi:+, st_i:23 -- V:626-10-2
  894. Chassol: Big Sun (Tricatel) {6}: LR:7, MR:27, Rv:+; bv:+
  895. Christian Fitness: Love Letters in the Age of Steam (self-released) {6}: Mw:33; cmg:*3, gt:+ -- V:388-20-1
  896. Cindy Lee: Act of Tenderness (Ccqsk) {6}: Ero:59, GB:5 -- V:267-30-1
  897. George Clanton: 100% Electronica (self-released) {6}: GB:10, Spk_u:10
  898. Diane Coffee: Everybody's a Good Dog (Western Vinyl) {6}: PJ:4; sd:3
  899. Marilyn Crispell/Gerry Hemingway: Table of Changes (Intakt) {6}: JG:138; jjs:12 -- TH:A-
  900. Def Leppard: Def Leppard (Mailboat) {6}: ClR:5; ucr:4
  901. Iris Dement: The Trackless Woods (Flariella) {6}: AS:47, He:34; mm:+, po:+ -- AY:92, V:626-10-2, MT:C+
  902. Aaron Diehl: Space Time Continuum (Mack Avenue) {6}: am_j:+, g_j:8, jna:+, jsw:9 -- TH:**
  903. Disturbed: Immortalized (Reprise) {6}: Rev:14; lt_m:8, lw_r:4, maf:+
  904. Monsieur Doumani: Sikose (self-released) {6}: FB:+, FR:+, TGW:4
  905. Elina Duni Quartet: Dallendyshe (ECM) {6}: T_j:41; obs:4 -- TH:***
  906. Open Mike Eagle: A Special Episode Of (Mello Music Group) {6}: FB:+, PW:25; pm_h:14 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  907. Eccentronic Research Council: Johnny Rocket, Narcissist & Music Machine . . . I'm Your Biggest Fan (Without Consent) {6}: LQ:33, Pc:55, Qt:42, T:10
  908. James Elkington & Nathan Salsburg: Ambsace (Paradise of Bachelors) {6}: Dr:73, U_jm:58; am_f:+, aqd:+, now:10 -- V:1170-5-1
  909. Enter Shikari: The Mindsweep (Hopeless) {6}: Bq:27, Crg:11, K:14 -- V:640-10-1
  910. Duane Eubanks Quintet: Things of That Particular Nature (Sunnyside) {6}: BA_j:9; jnb:12 -- TH:**
  911. FIS: The Blue Quicksand Is Going Now (Loopy) {6}: AV:+, Bk:66, Bl:27, F:29, No:48; cmg:+
  912. The Foreign Exchange: Tales From the Land of Milk and Honey (Foreign Exchange Music) {6}: Soh:15; am_r:+, iw:9, st:+, vak:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  913. Fort Romeau: Insides (Ghostly International) {6}: AV:+, Mix:30, Ph:35; am_e:+, dj:4
  914. Chico Freeman/Heiri Kanzig: The Arrival (Intakt) {6}: jbo:6, jek:8 -- TH:A-
  915. Donnie Fritts: Oh My Goodness (Single Lock) {6}: bm_c:6, npr_p:+ -- RC:*, TH:***
  916. Satoko Fujii Tobira: Yamiyo Ni Karasu (Libra) {6}: av:+, jmy:6, jtr:+ -- TH:***
  917. Gazpacho: Molok (Kscope) {6}: Pl:+, RY:63, Spk_u:108; pm_k:5 -- V:1107-7-1
  918. Gengahr: A Dream Outside (Transgressive) {6}: Bq:92, Cl:31, Gw:45, LR:86, RM:61 -- AY:90
  919. Ghost Bath: Moonlover (Northern Silence) {6}: FB:+, FJ:+, Od:38; cs_m:22, mi_r:3
  920. Good Tiger: A Head Full of Moonlight () {6}: HB:4; ms_g:5
  921. Kevin Gordon: Long Gone Time (Crowville Media) {6}: NoD:44; ghn:5, gl:h, nod:9 -- V:606-11-1
  922. Marty Grosz Meets the Fat Babies: Diga Diga Doo (Delmark) {6}: jrs:+, jsy:+ -- TH:A-
  923. Steve Gunn & the Black Twig Pickers: Seasonal Hire (Thrill Jockey) {6}: Dr:67, U_jm:22; am_f:+, aqd:+, w:a:4
  924. Tigran Hamasyan: Mockroot (Nonesuch) {6}: Mw:46, Spk_u:8; obs:2
  925. Scott Hamilton with the Jeff Hamilton Trio: Hamilton and Hamilton Live in Bern (Capri) {6}: jmb:4, jrs:+ -- TH:***
  926. Hate Eternal: Infernus (Seasons of Mist) {6}: BA_m:2, Db:26, MH:48
  927. Ted Hearne: The Source (New Amsterdam) {6}: jkg:1, nat:2 -- TH:*
  928. Carlos Henriquez: The Bronx Pyramid (Blue Engine) {6}: JG:104; jda:+, jel:+, jmb:+ -- TH:**
  929. Heroin in Tahiti: Sun and Violence (Boring Machines) {6}: ACL:18, FPE:97, Ru:6
  930. Hills: Frid (Rocket) {6}: RM:92, RT:81, SR:3
  931. John Howard & the Night Mail: John Howard & the Night Mail (Tapete) {6}: Mc:+, PJ:5; am_s:+
  932. Hypercolor [Maoz/Ilgenfritz/Ligeti]: Hypercolor (Tzadik) {6}: CM:56, JG:116; av:+, jgg:+ -- TH:**
  933. Idlewild: Everything Ever Written (Empty Words) {6}: A_uk:54, DS:35, DS_u:18, Gw:37 -- V:640-10-1
  934. I Love Makonnen: Drink More Water 5 (OVO Sound) {6}: DW:63, PW:29, S_h:21 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:**
  935. Inventions: Maze of Woods (Temporary Residence) {6}: AV:+, DaM:18, FPE:58, YW:85 -- TH:*
  936. Jason James: Jason James (New West) {6}: YW:28; pl_t:5 -- TH:***
  937. Keith Jarrett: Creation (ECM) {6}: TG:65; am_j:+, jde:2 -- TH:**
  938. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis: Live in Cuba (Blue Engine, 2CD) {6}: JC:43; jel:2, jmb:7 -- TH:**
  939. Jazz Cartier: Marauding in Paradise (self-released) {6}: ER:28, Pg:49; ex_h:10, n_o:+, now:+ -- V:355-20-2
  940. JT the Goon: King Triton (Oil Gang) {6}: Bl:93, F:41, PW:6; vg:+
  941. Kaze: Uminari (Circum-Libra) {6}: av:+, jdk:+, jsb:8 -- TH:***
  942. Kerrier District [Luke Vibert]: 4 (Hypercolour) {6}: Bl:8, Ph:64, Wat:20
  943. Mark Knopfler: Tracker (Mercury) {6}: RS:23, RS_A:23, RS_F:27; am_a:+, se_d:+ -- V:225-35-3
  944. K-Os: Can't Fly Without Gravity (Dine Alone) {6}: CV:4; am_h:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  945. Kylesa: Exhausting Fire (Seasons of Mist) {6}: FB:+, MH:44, Od:17; am_m:+, mi_n:29
  946. Oliver Lake/William Parker: To Roy (Intakt) {6}: FJ:+; po:+ -- TH:A-
  947. Lanterns on the Lake: Beings (Bella Union) {6}: DS:54, DS_u:15, RM:31 -- AY:47, V:402-19-2
  948. Lapalux: Lustmore (Brainfeeder) {6}: Bl:37, Dr:70, Eb:96, SR:26, WT:29; pm_e:8
  949. Le Butcherettes: A Raw Youth (Ipecac) {6}: JD:6, NN:55; cmg:+ -- V:459-15-2
  950. Little Mix: Get Weird (Syco) {6}: DSp:5, Poj:22; n_o:+
  951. Allen Lowe: In the Diaspora of the Diaspora: Where a Cigarette Is Smoked by Ten Men (Constant Sorrow) {6}: jsh:2 -- TH:A-
  952. The Lucid Dream: The Lucid Dream (Holy Are You) {6}: DS:18, DS_u:7, FB:23
  953. Man Without Country: Maximum Entropy (PIAS) {6}: DaJ:8, FF:16; psl:13
  954. Christian McBride Trio: Live at the Village Vanguard (Mack Avenue) {6}: JC:48; jbm:+, jbp:+, jda:8, jlm:4
  955. Meat Wave: Delusion Moon (Side One Dummy) {6}: AV:*2, Bq:88; rc:11, tr_p:8 -- V:640-10-1
  956. MED/Blu/Madlib: Bad Neighbor (Bang Ya Head) {6}: JG:106; am_h:+, bgc:+, pm_h:+ -- AY:194, V:640-10-1
  957. Lubomyr Melnyk: Rivers and Streams (Erased Tapes) {6}: MO:14, Tx:15, U_jm:128 -- AY:127
  958. Mini Mansions: The Great Pretenders (Capitol) {6}: A_uk:23, FB:+, LM:29, LW:92 -- AY:64, V:543-14-1
  959. Misþyrming: Songvar Elds Og Oreiðu (Terratur Possessions) {6}: N:9, RY:92, Spk_u:55; maf:+
  960. Murs: Have a Nice Life (Strange Music) {6}: HG:+; am_h:+ -- TH:A-
  961. Haruka Nakamura: Ongaku No Aru Fuukei (Kitchen) {6}: FPE:2, Tx:18
  962. New York Gypsy All Stars: Dromomania (self-released) {6}: -- RC:A-, TH:**
  963. Pascal Niggenkemper: Look With Thine Ears: Solo (Clean Feed) {6}: FJ:10; jgg:+ -- TH:**
  964. Gard Nilssen's Acoustic Unity: Firehouse (Clean Feed) {6}: CM:29; jml:6 -- TH:A-
  965. No Devotion: Permanence (Collect) {6}: Bq:49, K:9, Spk_u:24 -- V:640-10-1
  966. Daniel Norgren: Alabursy (Superpumpa) {6}: Gf:13, He:43, Pl:20, So:25
  967. Obsequiae: Aria of Vernal Tombs (20 Buck Spin) {6}: Pf_m:22, Spk_u:165; cs_m:11, s_m:11, vgm:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  968. The Orb: Moonbuilding 2703 AD (Kompakt) {6}: Bl:69, Mix:47, RT:51; am_e:+, pl_e:9, pm_e:15
  969. Owiny Sigoma Band: Nyanza (Brownswood) {6}: Fp:64, Ph:69, Qt:46, VF:42; ap:+ -- V:640-10-1
  970. Palm: Trading Basics (Exploding in Sound) {6}: BG:9; ah:+, gt:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  971. Paranoid London: Paranoid London (self-released) {6}: C:49, Ph:10, Xlr:20
  972. Evan Parker/John Edwards/Eddie Prevost/Christof Thewes/Alexander von Schlippenbach: 3 Nights at Cafe Oto (Matchless) {6}: FJ:*2; blg:+, jhk:+, jpz:3
  973. Pentimento: I No Longer (Ada) {6}: AbP:10, Bq:69, Spk_u:70 -- V:640-10-1
  974. Pissgrave: Suicide Euphoria (Profound Lore) {6}: CRW:47, Ne:50, Pf_m:+, Qt:100, Te:35 -- V:459-15-2
  975. Duane Pitre: Bayou Electric (Important) {6}: U_jm:8; bgc:15, pf_x:3
  976. Angaleena Presley: American Middle Class (Slate Creek -14) {6}: T_c:1; df:+ -- RC:A, TH:A-
  977. Promised Land Sound: For Use and Delight (Paradise of Bachelors) {6}: AS:39, Mj:37, U_jm:95; am_a:+, gl:h -- V:311-25-2
  978. Radical Dads: Universal Coolers (Old Flame) {6}: YW:15 -- TH:A-
  979. Tom Rainey Trio: Hotel Grief (Intakt) {6}: blg:+, jhm:+, jkr:9, jsf:7 -- TH:**
  980. Nadia Reid: Listen to Formation Look for the Signs (Scissor Tail/Spunk) {6}: PP:11, U_jm:24, Zf:57; bot:+ -- V:640-10-1
  981. Thomas Rhett: Tangled Up (Valory Music Group) {6}: RS_c:26, StP:25; am_c:+, tc:3 -- V:640-10-1
  982. Ricked Wicky: I Sell the Circus (Guided by Voices) {6}: FN:4, Mg:13
  983. Raphael Roginski: Plays John Coltrane and Langston Hughes: African Mystic Music (Bolt) {6}: FJ:+, W:16; jpz:6, vps:+ -- V:640-10-1
  984. Daniel Rosenboom: Astral Transference & Seven Dreams (Orenda) {6}: av:*2 -- TH:A-
  985. Buffy Sainte-Marie: Power in the Blood (True North) {6}: mac:+, npr_p:+, rfc:1 -- V:355-20-2
  986. Salad Boys: Metalmania (Trouble in Mind) {6}: AYP:25, Hi:26, UR:99; ar:8, ath:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  987. Schnipo Schranke: Satt (Buback) {6}: In:12, Mu:9, Zf:63
  988. Sexwitch: Sexwitch (Echo/BMG) {6}: FB:+, GTV:82, MO:31, RM:28, TO:44, UR:32
  989. Sheer Mag: II (Wilsuns RC) {6}: AV:+; ah:+, ex_x:5 -- RC:**
  990. Sicko Mobb: Super Saiyan 2 (self-released) {6}: C:46, S_h:33, TMT:13; qt_h:9 -- V:640-10-1
  991. Rotem Sivan Trio: A New Dance (Fresh Sound New Talent) {6}: nb:4, vad:4 -- V:1135-6-1, TH:*
  992. The Smoking Trees: TST (Ample Play) {6}: LW:4, PJ:39; am_i:+
  993. Sarah Kirkland Snider: Unremembered (New Amsterdam) {6}: Tx:6; nat:4, nymd:+
  994. Luciana Souza: Speaking in Tongues (Sunnyside) {6}: jdo:5, jjb:+, jla:9, jtm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  995. The Spook School: Try to Be Hopeful (Fortuna Pop) {6}: MO:40, YW:60; ath:+ -- AY:152, TH:**
  996. Laura Stevenson: Cocksure (Don Giovanni) {6}: AV:+, Blr:6, N:37, Spk_u:179; chi:+
  997. Stick in the Wheel: From Here (self-released) {6}: FR:1, U:59
  998. Swervedriver: I Wasn't Born to Lose You (Cobraside) {6}: AV:+, FB:+, SBR:15; am_k:+ -- V:186-45-5, TH:B
  999. Teeth of the Sea: Highly Deadly Black Tarantula (Rocket) {6}: FB:+, No:+, Qt:17, RM:57, SR:37
  1000. Thighpaulsandra: The Golden Communion (Editions Mego) {6}: Bw:8, DaM:8
  1001. Rolo Tomassi: Grievances (Holy Roar) {6}: A_uk:100, Crg:22, K:33, Spk_u:71; ad:+ -- AY:63
  1002. David Torn: Only Sky (ECM) {6}: am_j:+, noj:11, vbb:+ -- V:1107-7-1, TH:**
  1003. Traams: Modern Dancing (Fat Cat) {6}: C:91, DS_u:47, GTV:96, Mw:41, NN:46 -- AY:120
  1004. Trembling Bells: The Sovereign Self (Tin Angel) {6}: Dr:66, FB:+, Mon:39, U_jm:111; bbc:+ -- AY:112
  1005. Mika Vainio & Franck Vigroux: Peau Froide Leger Soleil (Cosmo Rhythmatic) {6}: Bk:94, Bw:30, No:35, Qt:40; sq_e:4
  1006. Vastum: Hole Below (20 Buck Spin) {6}: Pf_m:19; p_m:2, s_m:19 -- V:311-25-2
  1007. Vattnet Viskar: Settler (Century Media) {6}: HB:28, Pf_m:+; cs_m:20, mi_f:+, tr_m:5
  1008. Vilod: Safe in Harbour (Perlon) {6}: Ph:65, Xlr:5 -- V:499-15-1
  1009. Visigoth: The Revenant King (Metal Blade) {6}: BA_m:8; am_m:+, p_m:+, r_m:13
  1010. Vox Arcana: Caro's Song (Relay) {6}: FJ:3; jsp:10 -- TH:*
  1011. Wax Idols: American Tragic (Collect) {6}: AV:+; ath:+, imp:13, n_o:+, owl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1012. Westkust: Last Forever (Run for Cover) {6}: Gf:11, MR:16, SBR:21, Spk_u:127
  1013. While She Sleeps: Brainwashed (Epic) {6}: Crg:41, K:30, MH:17, Spk_u:75; ap_u:+
  1014. Wildhoney: Sleep Through It (Deranged/Forward) {6}: SBR:17; bv:*2, gt:+ -- TH:*
  1015. Brian Wilson: No Pier Pressure (Capitol) {6}: TG:+, Yh:+; vgg:+, vss:+ -- V:251-30-3, TH:*
  1016. Wolff & Clark: Expedition 2 (Random Act) {6}: jmy:8, jsl:4 -- TH:***
  1017. Nate Wooley: Battle Pieces (Relative Pitch) {6}: FJ:+; av:*2, blg:+, jrn:19, jsb:3
  1018. Wrekmeister Harmonies: Night of Your Ascension (Thrill Jockey) {6}: Bw:88, MO:45, Pf_m:+, ; cs_m:8, p_m:9 -- AY:115
  1019. The Yawpers: American Man (Bloodshot) {6}: Hi:19 -- TH:A-
  1020. Yelawolf: Love Story (Slumerican/Shady/Interscope) {6}: Am_h:23, Lt:13; lt_h:12, scm:+ -- V:555-13-2
  1021. Michael Zerang & the Blue Lights: Songs From the Big Book of Love (Pink Palace) {6}: FJ:+; av:+ -- TH:A-
  1022. Hommage a Eberhard Weber (ECM) {6}: TG:+; am_j:+, g_j:10, jbp:19, jla:10 -- TH:*
  1023. Abra: Rose (577114) {5}: C:76, F:17, GB:28 -- V:299-25-3
  1024. Jeanne Added: Be Sensational (Naive) {5}: LR:18, VL:10
  1025. Advance Base: Nephew in the Wild (Orindal/Tomlab) {5}: AV:+; pm_i:1 -- V:311-25-2
  1026. Alamo Race Track: Hawks (Excelsior) {5}: Bf:9, NL:17
  1027. Alaska Thunderfuck: Anus (Sidecar) {5}: rfs:+ -- TH:A-
  1028. Gregg Allman: Greg Allman Live: Back to Macon GA (Rounder) {5}: -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  1029. All Time Low: Future Hearts (Hopeless) {5}: Bq:15, K:7
  1030. Oren Ambarchi: Live Knots (Pan) {5}: Bk:99, Bw:55, Ph:70; w_a:2
  1031. American Aquarium: Wolves (Last Chance) {5}: NoD:35; iw:8, sht:4 -- V:640-10-1
  1032. Anna & Elizabeth: Anna & Elizabeth (Trade Root Music/Free Dirt) {5}: FR:2; npr_f:+
  1033. Anti-Flag: American Spring (Spinefarm) {5}: DaJ:2, Vi:42
  1034. Julian Arguelles: Let It Be Told (Basho) {5}: T_j:17 -- TH:***
  1035. Julian Arguelles: Tetra (Whirlwind) {5}: jbo:9, jpk:+ -- TH:***
  1036. Olafur Arnalds and Nils Frahm: Collaborative Works (Erased Tapes) {5}: Dr:83, Fp:67, Lt:50; pl_e:7 -- AY:139
  1037. Arstidir Lifsins: Aldafodr Ok Munka Drottinn (Van) {5}: mi_n:+, p_m:1 -- V:499-15-1
  1038. Felicia Atkinson: A Readymade Ceremony (Shelter Press) {5}: Bw:81, Ero:49; pf_x:15, s_a:3, s_j:7
  1039. August Burns Red: Found in Far Away Places (Fearless) {5}: Bq:97, HB:49, Spk_u:132; am_m:+, maf:+
  1040. Author & Punisher: Melk En Honing (Housecore) {5}: AV:*2, Db:39, NN:38 -- V:1170-5-1
  1041. Babyface: Return of the Tender Lover (Def Jam) {5}: am_r:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:***
  1042. Baio: The Names (Glassnote) {5}: Mz:11, UR:91; s_g:12 -- V:499-15-1
  1043. Kelsea Ballerini: The First Time (Black River) {5}: RS_c:27, Yh:+; am_c:+, bm_c:11 -- V:1072-8-1
  1044. Stefano Battaglia Trio: In the Morning: Music of Alec Wilder (ECM) {5}: obs:8, ww:7 -- TH:***
  1045. Bob Belden's Animation: Machine Language (Rare Noise) {5}: av:+, jbm:+, jje:8, sdm:+, se_a:+ -- TH:B
  1046. Flavien Berger: Leviathan (Pan European) {5}: LR:10, MR:15
  1047. David Berkman: Old Friends and New Friends (Palmetto) {5}: jdb:5, jjm:+ -- TH:**
  1048. Better Off: Milk (Equal Vision) {5}: AbP:17, Blr:48, Crg:44 -- V:1170-5-1
  1049. JG Biberkopf: Ecologies (Knives) {5}: Bk:36, F:25, Ph:85, VF:16
  1050. Big Grams [Big Boi & Phantogram]: Big Grams (Epic -EP) {5}: CV:15, Fld:25; st_h:10 -- V:459-15-2
  1051. Nat Birchall: Invocations (Jazzman) {5}: JG:137 -- TH:A-
  1052. Andrew Bishop: De Profundis (Envoi) {5}: am_j:+, jgg:+ -- TH:***
  1053. Sir Richard Bishop: Tangier Sessions (Drag City) {5}: U_jm:26, VF:15; am_f:+ -- V:284-27-2
  1054. Bitchin Bajas & Natural Information Society: Autoimaginary (Drag City) {5}: JG:47, U_jm:28; om:+, s_a:20 -- V:640-10-1
  1055. Bitchin Bajas: Transporteur (Hands in the Dark, EP) {5}: U_jm:4; aqd:+ -- V:296-26-2
  1056. Biters: Electric Blood (Earache) {5}: ClR:10, K:25 -- V:640-10-1
  1057. Kate Boy: One (Island) {5}: pm_p:8, s_c:4, s_p:10 -- V:604-11-2
  1058. Boytoy: Grackle (Papercup Music) {5}: YW:19 -- TH:***
  1059. Geof Bradfield Quintet: Our Roots (Origin) {5}: ghj:14, jmc:10, jpj:9 -- TH:**
  1060. Joe Budden: All Love Lost (eOne) {5}: HG:7; am_h:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1061. Bullet for My Valentine: Venom (RCA) {5}: Bq:80, K:50, Rev:19; maf:+
  1062. Kristian Bush: Southern Gravity (Streamsound) {5}: RS_c:10; df:+, tns:+
  1063. Caligula's Horse: Bloom (Inside Out US) {5}: HB:38, RY:49, Spk_u:39; maf:+, mi_r:16
  1064. Larry Campbell/Teresa Williams: Larry Campbell and Teresa Williams (Red House) {5}: am_a:+, nod:3, vto:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1065. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Rafal Mazur: Unknowable (Not Two) {5}: av:+ -- TH:A-
  1066. Chaos Echoes: Transient (Nuclear War Now!) {5}: BA_m:3, Mon:41
  1067. Charlemagne Palestine: Ssingggg Sschlllingg Sshpppingg (Idiosyncratics) {5}: CRW:17; rs_a:7, w_m:4
  1068. Chicago Reed Quartet: Western Automatic (Aerophonic) {5}: jdt:10, jgg:+, srh:+ -- TH:**
  1069. Christian Mistress: To Your Death (Relapse) {5}: FB:2 -- V:543-14-1
  1070. The Close Readers: The Lines Are Open (Austin -14) {5}: CM:10; js:15, po:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  1071. Kara-Lis Coverdale: Aftertouches (Sacred Phrases) {5}: ah:+, cmg:*2, npr_e:+, w_e:10
  1072. Crooks [UK]: Are We All the Same Distance Apart (Equal Vision) {5}: Crg:52, Pu:7, Spk_u:188
  1073. Crypt Sermon: Out of the Garden (Dark Descent) {5}: Db:31, Pf_m:+; io:14, lw_m:13, r_m:18
  1074. Dasha Rush: Sleepstep (Sonar Poems for My Sleepless Friends) (Raster-Noton) {5}: Xlr:4; bgc:10
  1075. Dendritic Arbor: Romantic Love (Grimoire) {5}: BG:1
  1076. Des Ark: Everything Dies (Republic of Music) {5}: AV:*2; iw:5 -- V:1170-5-1
  1077. Katie Dey: Asdfasdf (Orchid Tapes) {5}: F:37, Spk_u:164; cmg:+, dc:+, n_o:+
  1078. Daveed Diggs: Small Things to a Giant (Deathbomb Arc -12) {5}: YW:56 -- TH:A-
  1079. DMX Krew: There Is No Enduring Self (Breakin) {5}: Bl:24, YW:72 -- TH:***
  1080. Nicole Dollanganger: Natural Born Losers (Eerie Organization) {5}: N:18, PP:29, Rdx:39 -- V:640-10-1
  1081. Marcelo Dos Reis/Luis Vicente/Theo Ceccaldi/Valentin Ceccaldi: Chamber 4 (FMR) {5}: FJ:7 -- TH:**
  1082. Drape: Relax/Relapse (Riot Factory) {5}: FB:+, No:2
  1083. Anneli Drecker: Rocks & Straws (Rune Grammofon) {5}: Tx:1
  1084. Eagles of Death Metal: Zipper Down (T-Boy) {5}: Cr:14, FB:+, Yh:*2
  1085. Matthias Eick: Midwest (ECM) {5}: TG:+; am_j:+, jjl:8 -- TH:**
  1086. Ela Orleans: Upper Hell (HB) {5}: Mon:1
  1087. Envy: Atheist's Cornea (Temporary Residence) {5}: AD:10, AV:+, NN:54
  1088. Errors: Lease of Life (Rock Action) {5}: DS:64, DS_u:26, Mon:28, Sk:43 -- AY:123
  1089. Eternal Tapestry: Wild Strawberries (Thrill Jockey) {5}: FB:+, Pc:90; aqd:+, w_a:5
  1090. James Falzone/The Renga Ensemble: The Room Is (Allos Documents) {5}: FJ:+; am_j:+, jji:4, jtd:10
  1091. The Fear Ratio: Refuge of a Twisted Soul (SKAM) {5}: Bl:17, No:+; sq_e:2
  1092. San Fermin: Jackrabbit (Downtown) {5}: Eb:63, GTV:86, UR:51; ghn:11 -- V:459-15-2
  1093. James Ferraro: Skid Row (Break World) {5}: TMT:3 -- V:258-30-2
  1094. Joe Fiedler Trio: I'm In (Multiphonics Music) {5}: eikk:+ -- TH:A-
  1095. Five Finger Death Punch: Prospect Park () {5}: K:45, Rev:12; lw_r:15, maf:+
  1096. The Greg Foat Group: The Greg Foat Group Live at the Playboy Club London (Jazzman) {5}: BIW:7; jgs:+ -- TH:*
  1097. GABI: Sympathy (Kemado) {5}: 405:25, Eb:94, Ero:11; cmg:+
  1098. Laszlo Gardony: Life in Real Time (Sunnyside) {5}: jbm:+, jrs:+ -- TH:***
  1099. Anne Garner: Be Life (Slowcraft/Unperceived) {5}: FPE:22, Tx:4
  1100. Michael Gibbs & the NDR Bigband: Play a Bill Frisell Set List (Cuneiform) {5}: fd:4, jpq:7, jrs:*2
  1101. Yair Elazar Glotman: Etudes (Subtext) {5}: CRW:71, No:19; bgc:+, sq_x:6
  1102. Golden Void: Berkana (Thrill Jockey) {5}: FB:4 -- V:579-12-1
  1103. Michael Monroe Goodman: The Flag the Bible and Bill Monroe (MammerJam) {5}: szk:2 -- TH:***
  1104. Grave Pleasures: Dreamcrash (Columbia) {5}: FB:18, MH:20, Vi:49
  1105. The Green Door All-Stars: Youth Stand Up! (Autonomous Africa) {5}: Mon:4, VF:30
  1106. Peter Gregson: Touch (Sono Luminus) {5}: ACL:17, FPE:68, Tx:12
  1107. Rachel Grimes: The Clearing (Temporary Residence) {5}: U_jm:83; am:+, am_i:+, cmg:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1108. Rich Halley 4: Creating Structure (Pine Eagle) {5}: av:+ -- TH:A-
  1109. Nigel Hall: Ladies and Gentlemen . . . Nigel Hall (Feel Music Group) {5}: YW:48; ob:+ -- TH:***
  1110. Ross Hammond: Flight (Prescott) {5}: TG:91; av:+, jgg:+ -- TH:**
  1111. Harry Harris: Songs About Other People (Wild Sound) {5}: T_f:1
  1112. Gavin Harrison: Cheating the Polygraph (Kscope) {5}: Hi:31; se_e:1 -- V:558-13-1
  1113. Miho Hazama: Time River (Sunnyside) {5}: TG:16; jdo:9 -- TH:**
  1114. Heathered Pearls: Body Complex (Ghostly International) {5}: Am_s:46, Bl:91, Xlr:18; am_e:+
  1115. Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott: Wisdom Laughter and Lines (Virgin EMI) {5}: am_s:+, gm:13 -- TH:***
  1116. John Hebert: Rambling Confessions (Sunnyside) {5}: jbm:7, jga:10, jgg:+, jjm:6 -- TH:*
  1117. Mark Helias Open Loose: The Signal Maker (Intakt) {5}: FJ:+; eikk:+ -- TH:***
  1118. Amy Helm: Didn't It Rain (E1) {5}: NoD:35, T_c:50; npr_f:+ -- TH:**
  1119. Hermitude: Dark Night Sweet Light (Nettwerk) {5}: FL:40, TM:19, Yh:+; age:+
  1120. Hey Colossus: In Black and Gold (Rocket) {5}: FB:+; sq:1, w_a:6
  1121. Nick Hoppner: Folk (Ostgut Ton) {5}: C:29, Noj:27, Ph:82, Xlr:13
  1122. Horisont: Odyssey (Rise Above) {5}: FB:30; mf_h:7, p_m:3 -- V:499-15-1
  1123. Howling: Sacred Ground (Monkeytown) {5}: In:19; s_b:4 -- V:558-13-1
  1124. Hu Vibrational: Presents The Epic Botanical Beat Suite (MOD Technologies) {5}: FJ:+; av:+ -- TH:***
  1125. Infinity Girl: Harm (Topshelf) {5}: BG:32, Crg:60, FB:+, SBR:22 -- V:1170-5-1
  1126. Invisible Astro Healing Rhythm Quartet: 2 (Trouble in Mind) {5}: FB:99; am_j:+ -- TH:***
  1127. The Inward Circles: Belated Movements for an Unsanctioned Exhumation August 1984 (Corbel Stone Press) {5}: Bw:68, Qt:13; dc:+, sq_x:16
  1128. Jon Irabagon: Inaction Is an Action (Irabbagast) {5}: av:*2, jmh:7, sdo:3 -- TH:B
  1129. Joe Jackson: Fast Forward (EarMusic) {5}: He:23; am_k:+, se_d:4 -- V:289-26-3
  1130. Ahmad Jamal: Live in Marciac: August 5th 2014 (Dynamo) {5}: TG:+; jma:3, jpq:10 -- TH:*
  1131. Jape: This Chemical Sea (Faction) {5}: Ni:10, St:24; lmt:14
  1132. Daniel Johns: Talk (Eleven) {5}: Yh:+; age:+, am_r:+, rfs:+ -- V:558-13-1
  1133. Rickie Lee Jones: The Other Side of Desire (The Other Side of Desire) {5}: He:25, T_c:37; blg:+, npr_p:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1134. Tom Jones: Long Lost Suitcase (S-Curve) {5}: TL:15; la_l:3 -- V:1170-5-1
  1135. Julia Kent: Asperities (The Leaf Label) {5}: ACL:19, Bw:63, FPE:70; sq_x:11
  1136. Peter Kernel: Thrill Addict (Code 7/On the Camper) {5}: Ipr:20, Mw:30; sq:3
  1137. Samuel Kerridge: Always Offended Never Ashamed (Contort) {5}: Qt:44, SA:12; am_e:+, sq_t:7
  1138. Bill Kirchner: An Evening of Indigos (Jazzheads, 2CD) {5}: jdr:9, jrs:*2 -- TH:**
  1139. Kite: VI (Progress) {5}: Gf:9; idy:9, psl:10
  1140. Kandia Kouyate: Renascence (Sterns Africa) {5}: FR:18, TGW:17; ap:+
  1141. Kowloon Walled City: Grievances () {5}: Pf_m:17, Spk_u:56; vbb:+ -- V:222-36-3
  1142. Diana Krall: Wallflower (Verve) {5}: RS_F:17, TG:+, Yh:+; rfs:+ -- TH:B-
  1143. La Casa al Mare: This Astro (self-released -EP) {5}: SBR:2; ad:+
  1144. Pokey LaFarge: Something in the Water (Rounder) {5}: Cr:13, Flp:54, JG:95 -- V:355-20-2
  1145. The Leaf Library: Daylight Versions (Where It's At Is Where You Are) {5}: FB:+, LW:49; pm_i:3 -- V:1072-8-1
  1146. The Lilac Time: No Sad Songs (Tapete) {5}: Flp:6, PJ:22, TG:+
  1147. Little Boots: Working Girl (Dim Mak) {5}: Poj:21, PP:44; am_p:+, id:12, rfs:+
  1148. Love A: Jagd und Hund (Rookie) {5}: In:45, Lt:38, Plt:11, Vi:22
  1149. Rico Love: Turn the Lights On (Interscope) {5}: Nc:10; am_r:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1150. Allen Lowe/Matthew Shipp/Kevin Ray/Jake Millett: In the Diaspora of the Diaspora: Ballad for Albert (Constant Sorrow) {5}: jsh:4 -- TH:***
  1151. Lucero: All a Man Should Do (ATO) {5}: AS:29, NoD:31; r_am:8 -- AY:190, V:558-13-1
  1152. Harold Mabern: Afro Blue (Smoke Sessions) {5}: JC:55; jjb:10, jmb:8, jnb:14, jsf:+ -- TH:B
  1153. Made to Break: Before the Code (Trost) {5}: CM:38, FJ:+ -- TH:***
  1154. Magma: Slag Tanz () {5}: av:*3, vbb:+ -- V:284-27-2
  1155. Main Attrakionz: 808s and Dark Grapes III (Vapor) {5}: Eb:74; cmg:*3, mb:+
  1156. Tony Malaby's Tubacello: Scorpion Eater (Clean Feed -14) {5}: jri:3 -- TH:***
  1157. Todd Marcus Jazz Orchestra: Blues for Tahrir (Marcus) {5}: ghj:10, jsm:6, vmw:4 -- V:1170-5-1
  1158. Mastery: Valis (The Flenser) {5}: Ero:18, Pf_m:+; hu:5
  1159. Drew McDowall: Collapse (Dais) {5}: Bw:3 -- V:640-10-1
  1160. Terrence McManus and John Hebert: Saints and Sinners (Rowhouse Music) {5}: av:+, jjm:+, sdo:5 -- TH:*
  1161. Joe McPhee/Jamie Saft/Joe Morris/Charles Downs: Ticonderoga (Clean Feed) {5}: jgk:10 -- TH:A-
  1162. Joe McPhee/Paal Nilssen-Love: Candy (PNL, 7CD) {5}: FJ:9; jdt:+, jpa:6
  1163. Marcus Miller: Afrodeezia (Blue Note) {5}: TG:+; am_j:+, am_w:+ -- V:1170-5-1, TH:*
  1164. Billy Mintz: The 2 Bass Band . . . Live (Thirteenth Note) {5}: jgz:5, jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1165. Motorama: Poverty (Talitres) {5}: Mu:40, Mz:27, PN:*2; gd_p:7
  1166. Georgia Anne Muldrow: A Thoughtiverse Unmarred (Mello Music Group) {5}: FB:+, HG:+, Soh:14; am_h:+, pm_h:12
  1167. Mutiny on the Bounty: Digital Tropics (Small Pond) {5}: AD:13, Crg:66, FPE:17
  1168. Meg Myers: Sorry (Atlantic) {5}: ABC:19, SiC:13 -- V:203-40-3
  1169. Simon Nabatov/Mark Dresser: Projections (Clean Feed) {5}: jpa:+, jsb:9 -- TH:***
  1170. Noisem: Blossoming Decay (A389) {5}: Db:18, Pf_m:23; io:8 -- V:459-15-2
  1171. Noonday Underground: Body Parts for Modern Art (Stubbie) {5}: JG:43 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  1172. Of Montreal: Aureate Gloom (Polyvinyl) {5}: BE:78, LM:26, S45:27; r_ar:11 -- V:402-19-2
  1173. Christopher Owens: Chrissybaby Forever (Caroline) {5}: LR:77, MR:6 -- V:499-15-1
  1174. OZO: A Kind of Zo (Clean Feed) {5}: jgg:+ -- TH:A-
  1175. Evan Parker/Joe Morris/Nate Wooley: Ninth Square (Clean Feed) {5}: FJ:+; jkr:6, sdo:10 -- TH:**
  1176. Charlie Parr: Stumpjumper (Red House) {5}: am_l:+, gl:h, sjw:8 -- TH:**
  1177. John Patitucci Electric Guitar Quartet: Brooklyn (Three Faces) {5}: jbm:9, jeh:9, jrd:10, jrm:+, ww:10
  1178. Peaches: Rub (I U She) {5}: DaJ:40, NN:45, Noj:30, U_jm:48 -- V:626-10-2
  1179. Pearson Sound: Pearson Sound (Hessle) {5}: Bl:80, Ph:30, Qt:68, SA:28; am_e:+
  1180. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Callas (Leo -2CD) {5}: FJ:+ -- TH:A-
  1181. Perez: Saltos (Barclay) {5}: LR:69, VL:2
  1182. Periphery: Juggernaut: Omega () {5}: gw:+, mi_r:2, ms_g:3
  1183. Petrels: Flailing Tomb (Denovali) {5}: DS:29, DS_u:14, FPE:12
  1184. Pinkish Black: Bottom of the Morning (Relapse) {5}: FB:+, Pf_m:20; sq:19 -- V:388-20-1
  1185. PINS: Wild Nights (Bella Union) {5}: DS_u:33, LW:12, RM:93, YW:63 -- TH:**
  1186. Michael Price: Entanglement (Erased Tapes) {5}: ACL:7, CRW:61, FPE:21
  1187. The Prodigy: The Day Is My Enemy (Take Me to the Hospital) {5}: Fp:96, Mix:18, MH:22, Q:45
  1188. Pure Bathing Culture: Pray for Rain (Partisan/PTKF) {5}: Am_s:14, AV:+, GB:41; tam:+
  1189. Reggie Quinerly: Invictus (Redefinition Music) {5}: TG:+; jel:8, jrs:+, jsg:7 -- TH:*
  1190. Loke Rahbek and Puce Mary: The Female Form (Posh Isolation) {5}: Bk:41; dc:+, s_a:17, sq_e:5
  1191. Enrico Rava Quartet/Gianluca Petrella: Wild Dance (ECM) {5}: TG:+; jgg:+, jjl:10 -- TH:**
  1192. The Rempis Percussion Quartet: Cash and Carry (Aerophonic) {5}: jgg;+ -- TH:A-
  1193. Pete Rodriguez: El Conde Negro (Destiny) {5}: jar:13, jjh:9, jnb:15, jrs:+, vad:+
  1194. Rent Romus' Life's Blood Ensemble: The Otherworld Cycle (Edgetone) {5}: av:+ -- TH:A-
  1195. Daniel Rosenboom: Astral Transference & Seven Dreams (Orenda) {5}: la_b:h -- TH:A-
  1196. Rosetta: Quintessential Ephemera (self-released) {5}: AD:9, Spk_u:144; ad:+
  1197. Mark Rubin Jew of Oklahoma: Southern Discomfort (Rubinchik) {5}: po:+ -- RC:A-
  1198. Marta Sanchez Quintet: Partenika (Fresh Sound New Talent) {5}: am_j:+, jgg:+, ny_r:9 -- TH:**
  1199. Kendrick Scott Oracle: We Are the Drum (Blue Note) {5}: TG:84; jar:12, jbm:+, nb:8, vad:8
  1200. Shannon and the Clams: Gone by the Dawn (Hardly Artn) {5}: DaJ:30, Eb:66; gw:+, kxk:+ -- V:1072-8-1
  1201. Shapednoise: Different Selves (Type) {5}: Qt:64; sq_e:1 -- V:1170-5-1
  1202. Shape of Despair: Monotony Fields (Season of Mist) {5}: Db:38, MH:29, RY:64, Spk_u:19
  1203. Matthew Shipp Chamber Ensemble: The Gospel According to Matthew & Michael (Relative Pitch) {5}: av:*2, blg:+, jmc:4
  1204. The Sidekicks: Runners in the Nerved World (Epitaph) {5}: AbP:19, AV:+; or:8 -- V:1170-5-1
  1205. Sigh: Graveward () {5}: Pf_m:+, Te:15; m_r:16, mi_n:26
  1206. Skepticism: Ordeal (Svart) {5}: Db:7, Pf_m:15
  1207. Jim Snidero: Main Street (Savant) {5}: TG:+ -- TH:A-
  1208. Bjorn Solli: Aglow: The Lyngor Project Vol 1 (Lyngor) {5}: TG:+; jgg:+, jkf:10 -- TH:**
  1209. Special Request: Modern Warfare (XL) {5}: Mix:13; dj:2, vg:+
  1210. Spin Marvel: Infolding (RareNoise) {5}: av:+, se_a:+ -- TH:***
  1211. George Strait: Cold Beer Conversation (MCA Nashville) {5}: NS:26, RS_c:39, Yh:+; am_c:+, bm_c:15
  1212. Swallow the Sun: Songs From the North I II & III (Sony) {5}: Db:32, FB:+, Spk_u:50; am_m:+, mp:8
  1213. Sweat Lodge: Talismana (Ripple Music) {5}: FB:+; cs_m:23, mf_h:1
  1214. Swim Deep: Mothers (RCA) {5}: Bq:22, NME:18; dw:19 -- AY:109
  1215. Tamikrest: Taksera (Glitterbeat) {5}: TG:+; po:+ -- RC:*, TH:**
  1216. They Might Be Giants: Glean (Idlewild) {5}: ABC:16 -- MT:**, TH:*
  1217. TI: Da Nic (Grand Hustle) {5}: Sg_h:21 -- V:1072-8-1, RC:***
  1218. Tinashe: Amethyst (self-released) {5}: Cmp:24; cmg;+, tr_h:6, vg:+ -- V:355-20-2
  1219. Toto: XIV (Frontiers Music) {5}: ClR:24; se_d:2, se_f:5
  1220. Toundra: IV (Century Media) {5}: AD:7, FPE:63, Spk_u:194
  1221. Tribu Baharu: Pa'l Mas Exigente Bailador (self-released) {5}: YW:+ -- TH:A-
  1222. Trust Fund: Seems Unfair (import) {5}: C:73, Crg:89, DS:40, DS_u:17
  1223. Luca Turilli's Rhapsody: Prometheus: Symphonia Ignis Divinus (Nuclear Blast) {5}: BA_m:1
  1224. Luke Vibert: Bizarster (Planet Mu) {5}: Bl:35, Cl:30 -- TH:***
  1225. Vision of Disorder: Razed to the Ground (Candlelight) {5}: NN:5; ms_c:10
  1226. Waco Brothers: Cabaret Showtime (Bloodshot) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  1227. Butch Walker: Afraid of Ghosts (Dangerbird) {5}: AbP:15, Nc:24, T_c:15
  1228. Leo Welch: I Don't Prefer No Blues (Big Legal Mess) {5}: am_l:+, po:+ -- TH:***
  1229. Kenny Werner: The Melody (Pirouet) {5}: TG:81; jbb:2, jkf:8, jrm:6
  1230. Whyte Horses: Pop or Not (CRC Music -16) {5}: PJ:1
  1231. Ben Williams: Coming of Age (Concord) {5}: am_j:+, jac:6, jnb:3, jsm:7 -- TH:B-
  1232. Steve Wilson & Wilsonian's Grain: Live in New York: The Vanguard Sessions (Random Act) {5}: jjb:8, jmk:1, vjt:10
  1233. Fatima Yamaha: Imaginary Lines (Magnetron) {5}: Cl:49, Ph:83, Xlr:10
  1234. Savina Yannatou/Primavera en Salonico: Songs of Thessaloniki (ECM) {5}: DV_k:42; am_w:+, pl_w:6 -- TH:**
  1235. Younghusband: Dissolver (ATP) {5}: Gw:55, PJ:28, UR:45; bv:*2
  1236. Zenker Brothers: Immersion (Ilian Tape) {5}: Bk:59, Ph:43, RA:17; s_b:10
  1237. 93 Million Miles From the Sun: Fall Into Nothing (White Light) {4}: DS_u:41, SBR:6
  1238. Abba Gargando: Abba Gargando (Sahel Sounds) {4}: YW:51 -- TH:***
  1239. Acre: Better Strangers (Tectonic) {4}: Bl:81, F:13; vg:+
  1240. Ryan Adams: Live at Carnegie Hall (Blue Note) {4}: RY:14; rfs:+ -- V:1170-5-1, MT:D+
  1241. Afiara Quartet & Skratch Bastid: Spin Cycle (Centredisc) {4}: TG:8; rfc:18
  1242. Joey Alexander: My Favorite Things (Motema) {4}: JC:+; jbp:3, jkf:+
  1243. Alkaloid: The Malkuth Grimoire () {4}: HB:7, Spk_u:124
  1244. Harry Allen: Something About Jobim (Stunt) {4}: JG:75 -- TH:***
  1245. Karrin Allyson: Many a New Day: Karrin Allyson Sings Rodgers and Hammerstein (Motema Music') {4}: T_j:50; abp:8, jtn:+
  1246. Goncalo Almeida/Tobias Klein/Martin van Duynhoven: Vibrate in Sympathy (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:24 -- TH:***
  1247. Altan: The Widening Gyre (Compass) {4}: T_f:11, TG:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1248. Amberian Dawn: Innuendo () {4}: mp:5, vgm:+ -- V:558-13-1
  1249. Scott Amendola: Fade to Orange (Sazi) {4}: av:*2, se_a:+ -- TH:*
  1250. Leny Andrade and Roni Ben-Hur: Alegria de Vivir (Motema) {4}: JG:123; jmb:1
  1251. Mark Andre: . . . Auf . . . () {4}: FF:3
  1252. Annie Girl and the Flight: Bodies (United for Opportunity -EP) {4}: YW:30 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  1253. *AR: Memorious Earth (Corbel Stone Press) {4}: ACL:10, Bw:89
  1254. Gilad Atzmon: The Whistle Blower (Fanfare) {4}: jje:3, jmn:4
  1255. Autechre: AE_LIVE () {4}: FF:4
  1256. Avatarium: The Girl With the Raven Mask (Metalville) {4}: FB:28, RY:29; lt_m:17, mf_h:8
  1257. Awolnation: Run (Red Bull) {4}: Lt:19; mi_r:+, r_r:6
  1258. Aram Bajakian: There Were Flowers Also in Hell (Dalava -14) {4}: EWi:37, JG:71; js:25, po:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  1259. Adam Baldych & Helge Lien Trio: Bridges (ACT) {4}: jpk:+ -- TH:***
  1260. Ballister: Worse for the Wear (Aerophonic) {4}: jml:8 -- TH:***
  1261. The Balustrade Ensemble: Renewed Brilliance (Serein) {4}: FPE:64, Tx:7
  1262. Banda De Los Muertos: Banda De Los Muertos (Barbes) {4}: mm:+, nymd:+, vgr:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1263. Baron: Torpor (Svart) {4}: FB:10 -- V:1170-5-1
  1264. Blick Bassy: Ako (No Førmat!) {4}: FR:18, TGW:39; te:+
  1265. James Bay: Chaos and the Calm (Virgin EMI) {4}: JM:3
  1266. Beliefs: Leaper (Hand Drawn Dracula) {4}: SBR:3
  1267. Bewilder: Dear Island (Excelsior) {4}: DVk:45, He:33, Oo:45, Pl:22
  1268. Debashish Bhattacharya: Slide Guitar Ragas From Dusk Till Dawn (Riverboat) {4}: JG:110 -- TH:***
  1269. Big KRIT: It's Better This Way (Def Jam) {4}: HG:+; hdx:+, st_h:6 -- TH:*
  1270. Bjork: Tri Angle Records Birthday DJ Set (soundcloud) {4}: YW:6 -- V:1044-9-1
  1271. BKO Quintet: Bamako Today (Buda Records) {4}: TGW:14; ap:+, wmc:+
  1272. Black Breath: Slaves Beyond Death (Southern Lord) {4}: AV:+, Te:38; ew_m:4
  1273. The Black Dahlia Murder: Abysmal (Metal Blade) {4}: BA_m:20, HB:43, ; am_m:+
  1274. Black Star Riders: The Killer Instinct (Nuclear Blast) {4}: ClR:22; gw:+, vhs:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1275. Booba: DUC (Tellac) {4}: LR:99; gd_h:1
  1276. Boots: Aquaria (Columbia) {4}: ER:23, FB:+, Va:37; wsj:11
  1277. Bobby Bradford-Frode Gjerstad Quartet: The Delaware River (NoBusiness) {4}: FJ:*2 -- TH:**
  1278. Breaking Benjamin: Dark Before Dawn (Hollywood) {4}: JM:18; lw_r:3
  1279. The Brian Jonestown Massacre: Musique de Film Imagine (A) {4}: PJ:10, PN:+
  1280. Heather Woods Broderick: Glider (Western Vinyl) {4}: DS:49, Tx:14 -- V:388-20-1
  1281. Brodinski: Brava (Parlophone) {4}: Cmp:48, Mix:25, Pg:27 -- V:1170-5-1
  1282. Peter Brotzmann: Munster Bern (Cubus) {4}: FJ:*2; jdt:4
  1283. The Dan Brubeck Quartet: Celebrating the Music and Lyrics of Dave & Iola Brubeck (Blue Forest, 2CD) {4}: jrs:+ -- TH:***
  1284. Luke Bryan: Kill the Lights (Capitol Nashville) {4}: RS_c:25; am_c:+, bm_c:17, tns:+
  1285. BTS: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt 2 () {4}: bb_k:4, vti:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1286. Carousel: 2113 (Tee Pee) {4}: FB:85; ppg:10, vsm:+ -- V:1107-7-1
  1287. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert: Io (FMR) {4}: av:+ -- TH:***
  1288. Hugo Carvalhais: Grand Valis (Clean Feed) {4}: jje:5 -- TH:**
  1289. Marc Cary: Rhodes Ahead Vol 2 (Motema) {4}: jel:10, se_a:+, se_e:10, se_g:9
  1290. Cave of Swimmers: Reflection () {4}: r_m:4, vjo:+ -- V:311-25-2
  1291. Eric Chenaux: Skullsplitter (Constellation) {4}: Qt:54; cmg:+ -- AY:65, V:1170-5-1
  1292. Anthony Child: Electronic Recordings From the Maui Jungle (Editions Mego, 2CD) {4}: Bw:90, Qt:62; om:+ -- V:579-12-1
  1293. Ciara: Jackie (Epic) {4}: rfs:+ -- TH:***
  1294. CocoRosie: Heartache City (Lost Girl) {4}: Ero:56, LBF:+, S45:14
  1295. Cold Beat: Into the Air (Crime on the Moon) {4}: ath:+, bv:*2 -- V:281-27-3
  1296. Agedoke Steve Colson: Tones for Harriet Tubman/Sojourner Truth/Frederick Douglass (Silver Sphinx -2CD) {4}: noj:5 -- TH:**
  1297. Columbia Nights: In All Things (Record Breakin') {4}: am_r:+, st:+, vak:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1298. The Coneheads: LP 1 [14 Year Old High School PC-Fascist Hype Lords Rip Off Devo for the Sake of Extorting $$$ From Helpless Impressionable Midwestern Internet] (Erste Theke Tontrager, EP) {4}: po:12 -- TH:***
  1299. Shemekia Copeland: Outskirts of Love (Alligator) {4}: TG:+; am_l:+, se_a:+, se_f:9
  1300. Cradle of Filth: Hammer of the Witches (Nuclear Blast) {4}: DaJ:20; am_m:+, lw_m:17
  1301. Cruciamentum: Charnel Passages (Profound Lore) {4}: Db:40, Pf_m:+, Spk_u:117, Te:50
  1302. Stephan Crump/Mary Halvorson: Secret Keeper: Emerge (Intakt) {4}: av:+, jrn:9 -- TH:**
  1303. Dance Gavin Dance: Instant Gratification (Rise) {4}: Spk:10; ms_g:13
  1304. Dave DK: Val Maira (Kompakt) {4}: AV:+, Xlr:17; am_e:+
  1305. Guy Davis: Kokomo Kidd (MC) {4}: fr:12 -- RC:**, TH:*
  1306. Seven Davis Jr: Universes (Ninja Tune) {4}: Dr:30, Mix:31, Ph:79, Th:29
  1307. Caroline Davis Quartet: Doors: Chicago Storylines (Ears & Eyes) {4}: jrs:+ -- TH:***
  1308. Deaf Wish: Pain (Sub Pop) {4}: AYP:29, BG:18 -- V:459-15-2
  1309. Michael Dease: Decisions (Posi-Tone) {4}: jkd:5, jmk:5
  1310. Defeater: Abandoned (Epitaph) {4}: Bq:52, Crg:70, Ms:28, Vi:46
  1311. Dej Loaf: #AndSeeThatsTheThing (IBGM/Columbia -EP) {4}: JG:101, Pf:+, S_h:22; r_h:19 -- TH:B
  1312. Anthony De Mare: Liaisons: Re-Imagining Sondheim from the Piano (ECM New Series) {4}: TG:9; npr:+
  1313. Deportees: The Big Sleep (Universal) {4}: Gf:12, So:15
  1314. Die Orsons: What Goes? (Vertigo Berlin) {4}: Lt:11; lt_h:4
  1315. Diet Cig: Over Easy (Father/Daughter -EP) {4}: YW:40; rw:+ -- V:555-13-2, TH:*
  1316. John Dikeman/William Parker/Hamid Drake: Live at La Resistenza (El Negocito) {4}: FJ:+ -- TH:***
  1317. DJ Sandji: 100% Balani Showby (Sahel Sounds) {4}: YW:59 -- TH:***
  1318. Dodheimsgard: A Umbra Omega (Peaceville) {4}: Spk_u:107, Te:23; maf:+ -- V:188-45-2
  1319. Dog Party: Vol 4 (Asian Man) {4}: YW:69 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:**
  1320. Marcelo Dos Reis/Angelica V Salvi: Concentric Rinds (Cipsela) {4}: FJ:*2; jpa:10 -- TH:*
  1321. Lara Downes: A Billie Holiday Songbook (Steinway & Sons) {4}: TG:+, Tx:8
  1322. Donato Dozzy: The Loud Silence (Further) {4}: Bl:89, CRW:60, Ph:94 -- V:640-10-1
  1323. Kaja Draksler/Susana Santos Silva: This Love (Clean Feed) {4}: FJ:+; jml:5 -- TH:*
  1324. Dr Cosmo's Tape Lab: Beyond the Silver Sea (Sugarbush) {4}: PJ:11; sd:5
  1325. DRKWAV: The Purge (Royal Potato Family) {4}: JG:143 -- TH:***
  1326. Scott DuBois: Winter Light (ACT) {4}: blg:+, jld:7, la_b:h, se_a:+
  1327. Damien Dubrovnik: Vegas Fountain () {4}: sq_e:3, w_o:3
  1328. Ducktails: St Catherine (Domino) {4}: Dr:43, Pc:21, S:45:43, UR:29 -- V:640-10-1
  1329. Justin Townes Earle: Absent Fathers (Loose Music) {4}: T_c:23, TG:76; am_s:+ -- TH:*
  1330. Harris Eisenstadt: Golden State (Songlines) {4}: jrn:20 -- TH:***
  1331. Brett Eldredge: Illinois (Rhino) {4}: Nc:20; am_c:+, pm_c:8
  1332. Eleventh Dream Day: Works for Tomorrow (Thrill Jockey) {4}: FB:+, U_jm:46; ct:12 -- V:414-18-2
  1333. Eliane Elias: Made in Brazil (Concord) {4}: jmb:3, jnb:17 -- TH:*
  1334. Elvis Depressedly: New Alhambra (Run for Cover) {4}: Crg:51, FN:46, Spk_u:190 -- V:1170-5-1
  1335. Enablers: The Rightful Pivot (Soulfood) {4}: Mw:47, Sk:33; sq:8 -- V:1044-9-1
  1336. Enya: Dark Sky Island (Warner Bros) {4}: Qt:31, T:31, T_f:64; vg:+
  1337. Europe: War of Kings (UDR) {4}: ClR:36, TmR:36; vjo:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  1338. Expansions: The Dave Liebman Group: The Puzzle (Whaling City Sound) {4}: jjh:+ -- TH:***
  1339. John Fedchock Big Band: Like It Is (MAMA) {4}: jrm:5 -- TH:**
  1340. Lorenzo Feliciati: Koi (Rare Noise) {4}: av:+ -- TH:***
  1341. Agusti Fernandez: River Tiger Fire (Fundacja Sluchaj! -4CD) {4}: FJ:4
  1342. Fightstar: Behind the Devil's Back (self-released) {4}: Crg:80, K:21, Spk:50, Spk_u:99
  1343. F Ingers: Hide Before Dinner (Blackest Ever Black) {4}: Bk:15, Bl:97; dc:+
  1344. Nick Finzer: The Chase (Origin) {4}: jnb:5, jtr:+ -- TH:*
  1345. The Fireworks: Switch Me On (Shelflife) {4}: RT:90, YW:22; ath:+ -- TH:*
  1346. Fleur East: Love Sax and Flashbacks (Syco) {4}: Poj:17, PP:47; s_c:20
  1347. Ben Folds: So There (New West) {4}: Fp:81; am_s:+, rfs:+ -- V:355-20-2
  1348. Frazey Ford: Indian Ocean (Nettwerk) {4}: Fp:58, NL:7
  1349. Sullivan Fortner: Aria (Impulse) {4}: jda:+, jjl:+, jmu:+, jph:+
  1350. Giovanni Francesca: RAME (Auand) {4}: BIW:5
  1351. Nick Fraser: Too Many Continents (Clean Feed) {4}: FJ:+ -- TH:***
  1352. Fresku: Nooit Meer Terug (Topnotch) {4}: DVk:43, Oo:43; pl_h:4
  1353. William Ryan Fritch: Revisionist (Lost Tribe Sound) {4}: FPE:3
  1354. The Frozen Vaults: 1816 (Voxxov) {4}: ACL:8, FPE:62
  1355. Jake Xerxes Fussell: Jake Xerxes Fussell (Paradise of Bachelors) {4}: am:+, am_f:+, iw:23 -- V:208-39-4
  1356. F(x): 4 Walls () {4}: bb_k:2, vjc:+ -- V:299-25-3
  1357. Dave Gahan & the Soulsavers: Angels & Ghosts (Columbia) {4}: Fp:84, LW:67, RS_F:22 -- V:414-18-2
  1358. Galactic: Into the Deep (Provogue) {4}: am_r:+, ft:+, ob:4
  1359. Galantis: Pharmacy (Atlantic) {4}: Poj:11; am_p:+, ye:+
  1360. Guy Garvey: Courting the Squall (Polydor) {4}: Flp:57, Su:28, T:26 -- V:640-10-1
  1361. Duke Garwood: Heavy Love (Heavenly) {4}: U_jm:119, Yh:+; am_l:+ -- V:442-17-1
  1362. John T Gast: Excerpts (Planet Mu) {4}: Bk:28, Bl:22, Ph:56; om:+
  1363. Gaussian Curve: Clouds (Music From Memory) {4}: FPE:100, Ph:31, RA:15
  1364. Herb Geller/Roberto Magris: An Evening With Herb Geller & the Roberto Magris Trio: Live in Europe 2009 (JMood -14) {4}: jrs:+ -- TH:***
  1365. Gigspanner: Layers of Ages (Gigspanner) {4}: T_f:4
  1366. Flavio Giurato: La Scomparsa Di Majorana (Entry) {4}: Ru:12; bu:2
  1367. Gloryhammer: Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards (Napalm) {4}: RY:59, Spk_u:49; se_p:3
  1368. God Is an Astronaut: Helios Erebus () {4}: AD:2
  1369. Gwilym Gold: A Paradise (Brille) {4}: Du:4
  1370. Devin Gray: RelativE ResonancE (Skirl) {4}: av:+ -- TH:***
  1371. Jimmy Greene: Beautiful Life (Mack Avenue -14) {4}: jdh:10, jkf:3 -- TH:*
  1372. Grimm Grimm: Hazy Eyes Maybe (ATP) {4}: FB:+, LQ:11, LW:58
  1373. Grooms: Comb the Feelings Through You Hair (Western Vinyl) {4}: No:+; bv:*2, gt:+
  1374. Guapo: Obscure Knowledge (Cuneiform) {4}: FB:+, Qt:96; av:*2
  1375. Mats Gustafsson & Nu Ensemble: Hidros 6: Knockin' (Not Two) {4}: FJ:*2; jjr:+, jsb:6
  1376. Brian Harnetty: Rawhead & Bloodybones (Dust-to-Digital) {4}: jgg:+, po:+ -- TH:**
  1377. Lafayette Harris Jr Trio: Bend to the Light (Airmen) {4}: jrm:+, jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1378. Nai Harvest: Hairball (Top Shelf) {4}: Bq:75, Crg:76, Pu:21; chi:+
  1379. Russell Haswell: As Sure as Night Follows Day (Diagonal) {4}: Bk:34, Bl:41, Qt:49 -- V:640-10-1
  1380. H Hawkline: In the Pink of Condition (Heavenly) {4}: Gw:29, No:+, TG:+, U:52
  1381. Chuck Hawthorne: Silver Line (Three Notches Music) {4}: T_c:6 -- V:558-13-1
  1382. Liam Hayes: Slurrup (Fat Possum) {4}: RT:46, TG:74, U_jm:65 -- V:1107-7-1
  1383. Hecq: Mare Nostrum (Hymen) {4}: cmg:+, sq_x:1
  1384. The Helio Sequence: The Helio Sequence (Sub Pop) {4}: AV:+, FPE:13 -- V:640-10-1
  1385. Nick Hempton: Catch and Release (Triple-Distilled) {4}: BA_m:15; jmb:5
  1386. Volker Hennes: Emperor Ambassador () {4}: FF:5
  1387. Heroes Are Gang Leaders: The Avant Age Garde I AMs of the Gal Luxury (Flat Langton's Arkeyes) {4}: jrn:17 -- TH:***
  1388. Boo Hewerdine: Open (Reveal) {4}: T_f:5
  1389. Hey Colossus: Radio Static High (Rocket) {4}: NN:53, Qt:28; sq:6, w_a:10
  1390. Hindsights: Cold Walls/Cloudy Eyes (Beach Community) {4}: Crg:93, Pu:9
  1391. Mike Holober: Balancing Act (Palmetto) {4}: jdb:9, jrk:8 -- TH:**
  1392. Horsebeach: II (Alone Together) {4}: Pc:2
  1393. Rita Hosking: Frankie and the No-Go Road (self-released) {4}: T_c:5
  1394. Hot Nerds: Strategically Placed Bananas (Three One G) {4}: BG:5
  1395. House of Wolves: Daughter of the Sea (self-released) {4}: Jp:20, PN:+; bz:18
  1396. Huntress: Static (Napalm) {4}: BA_m:4
  1397. IAMX: Metonia (Metropolis) {4}: FF:37, GTV:57; psl:4
  1398. I Love Makonnen: iLoveMakonnen 2 (OVO Sound/Warner Bros, EP) {4}: PW:29, Sg_h:22; st_h:21 -- TH:*
  1399. Imagine Dragons: Smoke + Mirrors (Polydor) {4}: Ps:5
  1400. Innerroute: Fourmation (self-released) {4}: av:+, jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1401. Aaron Irwin Quartet: A Room Forever (self-released) {4}: jde:1 -- TH:*
  1402. Nicolas Jaar: Pomegranates (Other People) {4}: PW:18; cmg:*2
  1403. Chris Janson: Buy Me a Boat (Warner Nashville) {4}: RS_c:17; r_c:9, tns:+
  1404. Mick Jenkins: Wave[s] (Cinematic) {4}: HG:+, S_h:34; ahh:+, st_h:15
  1405. Kagoule: Urth (Earache) {4}: GTV:28, LW:20, Zf:58
  1406. Kamelot: Haven (Napalm) {4}: Od:13; am_m:+, mp:7
  1407. Kammerflimmer Kollektief: Desarroi (Staubgold) {4}: FJ:+ -- TH:***
  1408. Kauan: Sorni Nai (Blood Music) {4}: Spk:13, Spk_u:23; ad:+
  1409. Justin Kauflin: Dedication (Qwest/Jazz Village) {4}: jra:2 -- TH:**
  1410. Keep of Kalessin: Epistemology () {4}: Od:8; mi_f:+
  1411. Stefan Keune/Dominic Lash/Steve Noble: Fractions (NoBusiness) {4}: FJ:+ -- TH:***
  1412. Kneebody + Daedelus: Kneedelus (Brainfeeder) {4}: jth:8 -- TH:***
  1413. Krill: A Distant Fist Unclenching (Steak Club) {4}: C:47, Eb:86; ah:+, gt:+
  1414. Ernie Krivda: Requiem for a Jazz Lady (Capri) {4}: jbp:11 -- TH:***
  1415. Martin Kuchen/Jon Rune Strom/Tollef Ostvang: Melted Snow (NoBusiness) {4}: jjr:+ -- TH:***
  1416. Kuedo: Assertion of a Surrounding Presence (Knives) {4}: Bk:23, F:16; ou:+
  1417. Dayna Kurtz: Rise and Fall () {4}: He:5
  1418. Kwabs: Love + War (Atlantic) {4}: Gf_D:28, LBF:+; pl_s:10, st:+
  1419. La Bien Querida: Premeditacion Nocturnidad Y Alevosía (Elefant) {4}: Jp:5
  1420. Laddio Bolocko: Live & Unreleased () {4}: FJ:+; g_x:+, vhs:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1421. Land: Anoxia (Important) {4}: Bw:54; sq_x:2 -- V:640-10-1
  1422. Le Galaxie: Le Club (Universal) {4}: Ni:13, St:37; lmt:17
  1423. Oded Lev-Ari: Threading (Anzic) {4}: BIW:22; jdb:6 -- TH:**
  1424. Leveret: New Anything (Rootbeat) {4}: FR:7, T_f:60
  1425. Liberez: All Tense Now Lax () {4}: DaM:9; sq_x:7
  1426. Linear Bells: Insides (Assembly Field) {4}: FPE:5
  1427. Line & Circle: Split Figure (Grand Gallop) {4}: AV:+; lv_z:7, vaz:+ -- V:355-20-2
  1428. The Lone Bellow: Then Came the Morning (Descendent) {4}: P:25, T_c:35; wsj:7 -- V:459-15-2
  1429. Efren Lopez: El Fill del Llop (Buda Musique) {4}: FR:+, TGW:8
  1430. Tove Lo: Queen of the Clouds (Island -14) {4}: Poj:5 -- TH:B
  1431. Darlene Love: Introducing Darlene Love (Columbia/Wicked Cool) {4}: RS:25, RS_A:25; vss:+ -- V:143-59-6
  1432. Simon Love: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time (Fortuna Pop) {4}: PJ:6; sd:10
  1433. Corb Lund: Things That Can't Be Undone (New West) {4}: NS:18; am_c:+ -- V:355-20-2
  1434. Mammoth Penguins: Hide and Seek (Fortuna Pop!) {4}: LW:91; ath:+, pm_i:5
  1435. Maserati: Rehumanizer (Temporary Residence) {4}: AD:29, FB:+, Wat:31 -- V:640-10-1
  1436. Nick Mazzarella Trio: Ultraviolet (International Anthem) {4}: jji:6 -- TH:***
  1437. Kristin McClement: The Wild Grips (Willkommen) {4}: Ro:3
  1438. Mark McGuire: Beyond Belief (Dead Oceans) {4}: Am_s:42, FPE:9
  1439. Moon B: Lifeworld (Growing Bin) {4}: Pc:41, Ph:90, VF:26; om:+
  1440. Carla Morrison: Amor Supremo (Cosmica) {4}: am_w:+, bg_r:9, npr:+ -- V:205-40-2
  1441. Rae Morris: Unguarded (Atlantic) {4}: A_uk:97, DSp:13, PP:31
  1442. Teedra Moses: Congnac & Conversation (Shanachie) {4}: Nc:33; am_r:+, st:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  1443. Mr Kitty: Fragments (Negative Gain) {4}: DaJ:10; idy:18
  1444. My Baby: Shamanaid (Embrace) {4}: Pl:14; pl_t:3
  1445. The Myrrors: Arena Negra (Beyond Beyond Is Beyong) {4}: FB:+; lv_p:9, sq:18 -- V:1170-5-1
  1446. Findlay Napier: VIP Very Interesting Persons (Cherrygroove) {4}: T_f:2
  1447. Negative Scanner: Negative Scanner (Trouble in Mind) {4}: AYP:2
  1448. Nero: Between II Worlds (Cherrytree/Interscope) {4}: Poj:30; ye:1
  1449. The Nightingales: Mind Over Matter (Louder Than War) {4}: Flp:60, LW:19 -- TH:*
  1450. Nile: What Should Not Be Unearthed (Nuclear Blast) {4}: Od:33; ew_m:+, lt_m:23, maf:+
  1451. Paal Nilssen-Love: Erta Ale (PNL -14) {4}: jad:2, jml:3 -- TH:***
  1452. Molly Nilsson: Zenith (Dark Skies Association/Night School) {4}: GB:36, Mon:8
  1453. Niyaz: The Fourth Light (Six Degrees) {4}: wmc:+ -- TH:***
  1454. No Fun: How I Spent My Bummer Vacation (Concrete Jungle) {4}: YW:50 -- TH:***
  1455. Nosaj Thing: Fated (Timetable) {4}: Bl:47, Fld:22, No:+, PW:42
  1456. ObLik: Order Disorder (Ormo) {4}: CM:52 -- TH:***
  1457. Old Dominion: Meat and Candy (RCA) {4}: RS_c:40; am_c:+, bm_c:8 -- V:428-17-2
  1458. Stephen O'Malley: Gruides (DDS) {4}: Bk:8, Bw:39
  1459. Tomoko Omura: Roots (Inner Circle Music) {4}: BIW:6; jtr:+
  1460. Pete Oxley and Nicholas Meier: Chasing Tales (MGP) {4}: T_j:10; jrm:+
  1461. Fito Paez & Moska: Locura Total (Sony Music) {4}: EE:5
  1462. Palma Violets: Danger in the Club (Rough Trade) {4}: AV:+, Bq:38, Q:46, RT:20
  1463. Evan Parker Electro-Acoustic Septet: Seven (Victo) {4}: blg:+, jsb:1
  1464. Lisa Parrott: Round Tripper (Serious Niceness) {4}: jek:6, jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1465. Ben Patterson: For Once in My Life (Origin) {4}: jtr:+, se_g:5 -- TH:*
  1466. Tom Paxton: Redemption Road (Pax) {4}: T_c:19; fr:4
  1467. Pentagram: Curious Volume (Peaceville) {4}: FB:+, MH:33; mf_h:10 -- V:640-10-1
  1468. Pet Symmetry: Pets Hounds (Asian Man) {4}: AV:+, Crg:97, Pu:22; rc:18
  1469. Phaedra: Blackwinged Night (Rune Grammofon) {4}: Mrg:38; cmg:*3
  1470. Rod Picott: Fortune (Welding Rod) {4}: -- V:1170-5-1, TH:***
  1471. Jean-Michel Pilc: What Is This Thing Called? (Sunnyside) {4}: TG:39; jgg:+, jmc:2
  1472. Stefano Pilia: Blind Sun New Century Christology () {4}: SA:5
  1473. Lucas Pino: No Net Nonet (Origin) {4}: jda:+, jtr:+ -- TH:**
  1474. Michael Pisaro: A Mist Is a Collection of Points (New World) {4}: Mrg:10 -- V:640-10-1
  1475. Valery Ponomarev: Out Father Who Art Blakey (Zoho Music -16) {4}: jmn:7 -- TH:***
  1476. Emily Portman: Coracle (Furrow) {4}: FR:7, T_f:49
  1477. Potsa Lotsa Plus: Plays Love Suite by Eric Dolphy (Jazzwerkstatt) {4}: FJ:+; jtd:7 -- TH:**
  1478. Power Monster: Single White Female (Signora Ward) {4}: s_a:5, spt:8 -- V:388-20-1
  1479. Project Pablo: I Want to Believe (1080p) {4}: Du:24, Xlr:9
  1480. Puff Daddy: MMM (Bad Boy/Epic) {4}: Nc:36, Sg_h:33, Std:29 -- V:1170-5-1
  1481. Pyramids: A Northern Meadow (Profound Lore) {4}: Pf_m:+; jgg:+, ms_g:14 -- V:640-10-1
  1482. Queensryche: Condition Human (Century Media) {4}: Spk:33; lw_m:8, se_p:4
  1483. Raketkanon: RKTKN#2 (KKK) {4}: Hu:20, Is:27, K:23
  1484. RAM: Svbversvm (Metal Blade) {4}: FB:+; mi_n:24, p_m:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1485. John Raymond: Foreign Territory (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: BA_j:19 -- TH:**
  1486. Real Lies: Real Life (Marathon) {4}: GTV:35, Noj:33, Qt:89 -- V:388-20-1
  1487. Revenge: Behold.Total.Rejection () {4}: Pf_m:+, Te:26; vhs:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1488. Roger Robinson: Dis Side Ah Town () {4}: DaM:14; w_d:5
  1489. Pete Rock: PeteStrumentals 2 (Mello Music) {4}: JG:93, YW:25 -- TH:**
  1490. Roman a Clef: Abandonware (Infinite Best) {4}: Am_s:18; por:3
  1491. Pharis and Jason Romero: A Wanderer I'll Stay (Lula) {4}: FR:+, T_c:8
  1492. Roots Magic: Hoodoo Blues & Roots Magic (Clean Feed) {4}: jgg:+ -- TH:***
  1493. Jamison Ross: Jamison (Concord Jazz) {4}: jlb:+, jnb:8, ob:9, st:+
  1494. Rick Ross: Black Market (Def Jam) {4}: Std:35; am_h:+, rr:5
  1495. Robert Sabin: Humanity Part II (Ranula Music) {4}: jgg:+ -- TH:***
  1496. Sacred Paws: Sacred Paws (Rock Action) {4}: Mon:2
  1497. Joe Satriani: Shockwave Supernova (Sony Music) {4}: ClR:49, TmR:49; gw:+ -- V:543-14-1
  1498. Emily Saunders: Outsiders Insiders (Mix Sounds) {4}: T_j:7; jra:+
  1499. Saun & Starr: Look Closer (Daptone) {4}: Dr:81, Hi:22, IT:29, U_jm:138
  1500. Say Lou Lou: Lucid Dreaming (Cosmos Music) {4}: Poj:9; rfs:+
  1501. MC Schmidt/Batu Malablab: Suite for Prepared Piano Flute and Electronics (Megaphone/Knock 'Em Dead) {4}: jcb:+, spt:3 -- V:1170-5-1
  1502. Anoushka Shankar: Home (Deutsche Grammophon) {4}: TG:86, TGW:42; vgr:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1503. Andy Shauf: The Bearer of Bad News (Party Damage/Tender Loving Empire) {4}: Pl:23; db_w:5, npr_h:7
  1504. Sheer Agony: Masterpiece (Couple Skate/Omnian) {4}: JG:96; am_i:+, bv:*2
  1505. Shining: International Blackjazz Society (Spinefarm) {4}: FB:+; am_m:+, mi_f:+, mi_r:9
  1506. Shit & Shine: 54 Synth-Brass 38 Metal Guitar 65 Cathedral (Rocket) {4}: Bw:73, Pc:94, Qt:80; dc:+,
  1507. Shit & Shine: Everybody's a Fuckin Expert (Editions Mego) {4}: Bk:70, Bw:97, RT:77 -- V:640-10-1
  1508. Side A: In the Abstract (Not Two -14) {4}: jpf:2 -- TH:**
  1509. Martin Simpson/Nancy Kerr/Andy Cutting: Murmurs (Topic) {4}: FR:9, T_f:28
  1510. Siskiyou: Nervous (Constellation) {4}: Ipr:9; rfc:+
  1511. Slobber Pup: Pole Axe (Rare Noise) {4}: av:*2 -- TH:**
  1512. Smurphy: A Shapeless Pool of Lovely Colors Suspended in the Darkness (Leaving) {4}: F:44, TMT:19 -- V:640-10-1
  1513. Soley: Ask the Deep (Morr Music) {4}: Am_s:35, FB:+, LBF:+, PN:+
  1514. Son Lux: Bones (Glassnote) {4}: LR:94, Noj:28, PN:+ -- V:579-12-1
  1515. The Spanish Donkey: Raoul (Rare Noise) {4}: av:*2, jrs:+, se_a:+ -- TH:B
  1516. Spector: Moth Boys (Caroline/Fiction) {4}: Bq:45, DS_u:45; n_o:+
  1517. Spraynard: Mable (Jade Tree) {4}: AV:+, Crg:53, Pu:16
  1518. Squarepusher: Damogen Furies (Warp) {4}: Bl:74; pm_e:19, vda:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1519. Mavis Staples: Your Good Fortune (Anti -EP) {4}: JG:118 -- TH:***
  1520. Steak Number Eight: Kosmokoma (Indie) {4}: De:6; ad:+
  1521. Sumac: The Deal (Profound Lore) {4}: FB:+; cs_m:21, vbb:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1522. The Sword: High Country (Razor & Tie) {4}: AV:+, FB:77; mi_r:+, r_m:11
  1523. Symphony X: Underworld (Nuclear Blast) {4}: RY:62; am_m:+, maf:+, mi_r:18
  1524. Otis Taylor: Hey Joe Opus: Red Meat (Trance Blues Festival) {4}: TG:+; RC:***
  1525. Telekinesis: Ad Infinitum (Merge) {4}: AV:*2, UR:64 -- V:203-40-3
  1526. Tempel: The Moon Lit Our Path (Prosthetic) {4}: AV:*2, RY:96, Spk_u:143
  1527. Jacky Terrasson: Take This (Impulse) {4}: TG:57; jjl:6, -- TH:**
  1528. Them Are Us Too: Remain (Dais) {4}: SBR:8 -- V:459-15-2
  1529. This Is the Kit: Bashed Out (Brassland) {4}: bbc:+, bm_f:15, lc_g:4
  1530. Timbre: Sun & Moon (Aurora Music) {4}: FB:+, On:19, RY:54
  1531. Samuel Torres Group: Forced Displacement (Zoho) {4}: JC:+; jbm:+, jmn:+, jtn:+
  1532. Total Babes: Heydays (Wichita) {4}: YW:36 -- RC:**, TH:*
  1533. Daby Toure: Amonafi (Cumbancha) {4}: TGW:37; pri:+, vcc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1534. Vieux Farka Toure & Julia Easterlin: Touristes (Six Degrees) {4}: FR:9, TGW:34
  1535. Meghan Trainor: Title (Epic) {4}: JM:26 -- TH:***
  1536. Walter Trout: Battle Scars (Provogue) {4}: ClR:39, He:46, TmR:39; se_e:7
  1537. Troyka: Ornithophobia (Naim Jazz) {4}: T_j:5
  1538. Tuxedomoon and Cult With No Name: Blue Velvet Revisited (Crammed Discs) {4}: Flp:5
  1539. Twin Shadow: Eclipse (Warner Bros) {4}: AV:+, TN:18 -- V:626-10-2
  1540. Universal Indians w/Joe McPhee: Skullduggery (Clean Feed) {4}: jjr:+ -- TH:***
  1541. The Vaccines: English Graffiti (Columbia) {4}: Bq:28, Fp:80; owl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1542. Vakula: Voyage to Arcturus (Leleka) {4}: Ph:15, VF:17
  1543. Manuel Valera & Groove Square: Urban Landscape (Destiny) {4}: jbm:+, jrm:10 -- TH:**
  1544. Valet: Nature (Kranky) {4}: Bw:100, GB:40 -- AY:164, V:299-25-3
  1545. The Vamps: Wake Up (Virgin EMI) {4}: Poj:20, Ps:17
  1546. Vanguard Jazz Orchestra: OverTime: Music of Bob Brookmeyer (Planet Arts -14) {4}: jjw:2, vrg:5
  1547. Julieta Venegas: Algo Sucede (Sony Norte) {4}: EE:17; vac:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1548. Vennart: The Demon Joke (Superball) {4}: ClR:50, Spk_u:183, TmR:50, Vi:48
  1549. Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo: Swing Zing! (FV) {4}: jkd:2 -- TH:**
  1550. Jane Voss & Hoyle Osborne: Never No More Blues (Ripple) {4}: fr:15; RC:***
  1551. Eli Wallace/Jon Arkin/Karl Evangelista: Cabbages Captain & King (Edgetone) {4}: av:+ -- TH:***
  1552. John Wall & Alex Rodgers: Work 2011-2014 () {4}: FF:2
  1553. Dale Watson: Call Me Insane () {4}: gw:+, r_am:10, r_c:6 -- V:355-20-2
  1554. Weedpecker: II (Weedpecker) {4}: FB:75; mf_f:3, mf_h:14
  1555. Weird Owl: Interstellar Skeletal (A) {4}: FB:+, SR:6
  1556. Byron Westbrook: Precipice (Root Strata) {4}: U_jm:72; pf_x:4 -- V:499-15-1
  1557. Carrie Wicks: Maybe (OA2) {4}: jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1558. Wildhoney: Your Face Sideways (Topshelf -EP) {4}: SBR:14, YW:70 -- TH:*
  1559. Wildlights: Wildlights (Season of Mist) {4}: Vi:6 -- V:267-30-1
  1560. Nicole Willis & the Soul Investigators: Happiness in Every Style (Timmion) {4}: pl_s:5, vmg:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1561. Julia Wolfe: Anthracite Fields (Cantaloupe) {4}: jkg:9, nat:6, vjo:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  1562. Woolen Men: Temporary Monument (Woodsist) {4}: AYP:35; ath:+, bv:*2
  1563. Nate Wooley/Dave Rempis/Pascal Niggenkemper/Chris Corsano: From Wolves to Whales (Aerophonic) {4}: CM:58; jgg:+ -- TH:**
  1564. Nate Wooley/Ken Vandermark: East by Northwest (Audiographic) {4}: FJ:+; jpa:9 -- TH:**
  1565. Lizz Wright: Freedom & Surrender (Concord) {4}: am_r:+, npr_p:+, se_a:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  1566. WRVTH: WRVTH () {4}: HB:5
  1567. Yarn/Wire: Currents Vol. 3 (Yarn/Wire) {4}: Mrg:7; av:+
  1568. Yellow Eyes: Sick With Bloom (Gilead Media) {4}: BG:19, Pf_m:+; cs_m:7
  1569. You Am I: Porridge & Hotsauce (Inertia) {4}: DJ:13; vss:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1570. Youth Worship: LP1 (Self Harm) {4}: YW:71 -- TH:***
  1571. Michael Zerang & the Blue Lights: Hash Eaters & Peacekeepers (Pink Palace) {4}: av:+ -- TH:***
  1572. Zomba Prison Project: I Have No Everything Here (Six Degrees) {4}: IT:30 -- V:640-10-1, TH:**
  1573. John Zorn: Simulacrum (Tzadik) {4}: JG:144; av:+, jal:5
  1574. Zu: Cortar Todo (Ipecac) {4}: FB:+; cmg:+, p_m:+ -- AY:156
  1575. Zun Zun Egui: Shackles Gift (Bella Union) {4}: FB:+ -- AY:14, TH:*
  1576. 36 Crazyfists: Time and Trauma (Spinefarm) {3}: K:17, Od:24
  1577. 4 Pozitsii Bruno: Nenuzhnii Opit () {3}: Af:8
  1578. 5 Seconds of Summer: Sounds Good Feels Good (Capitol/Hi or Hey) {3}: EW:28, K:49 -- V:388-20-1
  1579. 75 Dollar Bill: Wooden Bag (Other Music) {3}: aqd:+, pf_x:13 -- V:640-10-1
  1580. Chantal Acda: The Sparkle in Our Flaws (Glitterhouse) {3}: Tx:10
  1581. Act: Act II (self-released) {3}: nb:7, vad:7 -- V:1170-5-1
  1582. Active Child: Mercy (Vagrant) {3}: Am_s:23, DaJ:42 -- V:640-10-1
  1583. John Adams/San Francisco Symphony/Michael Tilson Thomas: Absolute Jest/Grand Pianola Music (SFS) {3}: npr:+ -- TH:**
  1584. Monty Adkins: Unfurling Streams () {3}: FF:8
  1585. Ad Nauseam: Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est (Lavadome Productions) {3}: BA_m:14, Spk_u:76
  1586. Adventures: Supersonic Home () {3}: Crg:92, Vi:47; n_o:+
  1587. Alessio Alberghini/Garrison Fewell: Inverso (Floating Forest) {3}: FJ:+ -- TH:**
  1588. Alison Wonderland: Run (Astralwerks) {3}: re:5, ye:+
  1589. Aimee Allen: Matter of Time (Azuline) {3}: jtr:+ -- TH:**
  1590. Alpine: Yuck (Ivy League) {3}: pm_p:4 -- V:459-15-2
  1591. Oren Ambarchi/Jim O'Rourke: Behold (Editions Mego) {3}: Bw:70, Qt:65; pf_x:20
  1592. Anderson: Patterns (Anderson Songs) {3}: IT:22, Ni:16
  1593. Dan Andriano in the Emergency Room: Party Adjacent (Xtra Mile) {3}: Bq:71, DaJ:41 -- V:640-10-1
  1594. Anekdoten: Until All the Ghosts Are Gone (Musea/Virta) {3}: FB:34, RY:74, Spk_u:168
  1595. Angelus Apatrida: Hidden Evolution () {3}: Od:9
  1596. Apparatus: Apparatus (self-released) {3}: BA_m:6
  1597. Dayme Arocena: Nueva Era (Brownswood) {3}: TG:22; npr+1 -- V:1170-5-1
  1598. Astronauts Etc: Mind Out Wandering (Hit City USA) {3}: Crg:85; utd:21 -- V:1072-8-1
  1599. Augustine Azul: EP () {3}: mf_f:1
  1600. Au Ra: Jane's Lament (Felte) {3}: SBR:9
  1601. Tiffany Austin: Nothing but Soul (Con Alma) {3}: T_j:34; jrs:+, jsg:+ -- TH:B
  1602. Avicii: Stories (Virgin/EMI) {3}: A_uk:93; am_p:+, ye:+
  1603. Asaf Avidan: Gold Shadow (Universal) {3}: Lt:14 -- V:1044-9-1
  1604. Aram Bajakian: Music Inspired by the Color of Pomegranates (Sanasar) {3}: se_a:+ -- TH:**
  1605. Amadou Balake: In Conclusion (Sterns Africa) {3}: FR:+, TGW:27; pl_w:8
  1606. Bang on a Can All Stars: Field Recordings (Cantaloupe) {3}: Yh:+; vtl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1607. Koes Barat: Koes Barat (Sub Pop) {3}: FB:+; vdw:+ -- V:355-20-2
  1608. Sara Bareilles: What's Inside: Songs From Waitress (Epic) {3}: Nc:16, TG:+
  1609. Bathysphere: Bathysphere (Driff) {3}: jsp:8 -- TH:**
  1610. Rayland Baxter: Imaginary Man (ATO) {3}: AS:15; am_a:+
  1611. [Garth] Be: Hipnotony (Sweet Sticky) {3}: Du:29, Pc:29, Ph:54
  1612. Bertrand Belin: Cap Waller (Wagram Music/Cinq 7) {3}: LR:46, PN:*2
  1613. Bella Hardy: With the Dawn (Noe) {3}: FR:+, T_f:16
  1614. Karl Berger/Kirk Knuffke: Moon (NoBusiness -2CD) {3}: jmp:6 -- TH:**
  1615. Eric Bibb & JJ Milteau: Lead Belly's Gold (Stony Plain) {3}: T_j:38; fr:2
  1616. Bicep: Just (Aus, EP) {3}: GB:42; cmg:+
  1617. Big Toast: Fuck Off Tarquin () {3}: w_h:1
  1618. Ryan Bingham: Fear and Saturday Night (Azater Bingham) {3}: NoD:35; am_a:+, sht:8
  1619. The Bird and the Bee: Recreational Love (Rostrum) {3}: AV:+, Nc:49; kxk:+
  1620. Bizingas: Eggs Up High (NCM East) {3}: se_a:+ -- TH:**
  1621. The Black Lillies: Hard to Please () {3}: NoD:16; nod:6
  1622. Blacklisters [BLKLSTRS]: Adult (Handshake) {3}: C:61, Mw:11
  1623. Blancmange: Semi Detached (Cherry Red) {3}: Flp:65; psl:9 -- V:1170-5-1
  1624. Sarah Blasko: Eternal Return (EMI) {3}: DJ:15, RS_A:21
  1625. Blaue Blume: Syzygy (A:larm Music) {3}: Gf_N:15; tam:+
  1626. Nicki Bluhm & the Gramblers: Loved Wild Lost (Little Sur) {3}: hu:16 -- TH:**
  1627. Boduf Songs: Stench of Exist (Flenser) {3}: Bw:29, Hi:50 -- V:1170-5-1
  1628. BORNS: Dopamine (Interscope) {3}: am_p:+, boc:25 -- V:640-10-1
  1629. Boy: We Were Here (Groenland) {3}: Lt:48, VL:19
  1630. Brawther: Endless (Balance) {3}: Mix:43, Ph:23, Th:30
  1631. The Bright Light Social Hour: Space Is Still the Place (Frenchkiss) {3}: gl:a -- V:538-14-2
  1632. Thomas Brinkmann: What You Hear (Is What You Hear) (Editions Mego) {3}: No:41; dc:+, pf_x:8
  1633. Jakob Bro: Hymnotic/Salmodisk (Loveland) {3}: BIW:14, FJ:+
  1634. Brothers of the Sonic Cloth: Brothers of the Sonic Cloth (Neurot) {3}: Gf:19, NN:29
  1635. Apollo Brown: Grandeur (Mello Music Group) {3}: HG:19; am_h:+
  1636. Ane Brun: When I'm Free (Baloon Ranger) {3}: Dv:18, Gf_N:48
  1637. Buika: Vivir Sin Miedo (Warner Music Spain) {3}: ap:+, vcc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1638. Dave Burrell/Steve Swell: Turning Point (NoBusiness -14) {3}: jga:+, jjr:+, jri:6 -- TH:A-
  1639. Cage the Elephant: Tell Me I'm Pretty () {3}: gg:+, val:+ -- V:337-22-3
  1640. Michael Cain: Sola (self-released) {3}: jje:6, jrm:+, se_a:+
  1641. Alison Cameron/Contact: A Gossamer Bit (Redshift) {3}: W:40; w_m:3
  1642. Caravan Palace: Caravan Palace (MVKA) {3}: pm_p:2 -- V:640-10-1
  1643. Aidan Carroll: Original Vision (Truth Revolution/Lyte) {3}: jda:+, nb:9, vad:9
  1644. Peter Case: HWY 62 (Omnivore) {3}: NoD:23, T_c:54 -- V:606-11-1
  1645. Cat's Eyes: The Duke of Burgundy [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Caroline) {3}: PJ:20, U_jm:135
  1646. Ernesto Cervini: Turboprop (Anzic) {3}: vjc:9 -- TH:**
  1647. CFCF: Radiance & Submission (Driftless) {3}: Bl:78; ou:8 -- V:1170-5-1
  1648. CFCF: The Colours of Life (1080p) {3}: am_e:+, ou:3
  1649. Kasey Chambers: Bittersweet (Sugar Hill) {3}: am_s:+ -- V:640-10-1MT:*, TH:B
  1650. David Chesky/Jazz in the New Harmonic: Primal Scream (Chesky) {3}: BA_j:12; jbm:+
  1651. Cyrus Chestnut: A Million Colors in Your Mind (High Note) {3}: am_j:+, ghj:9, jnb:11
  1652. Jon Cleary: Go Go Juice (Thirty Tigers) {3}: ob:1
  1653. Cloakroom: Further Out (Run for Cover) {3}: AV:*2, SBR:25
  1654. Co La: No No (Software) {3}: Bl:13 -- V:355-20-2
  1655. Colder: Many Colours (Bataille) {3}: DS:72, FB:+, Zf:75
  1656. George Colligan & Theoretical Planets: Risky Notion (Origin) {3}: jtr:+ -- TH:**
  1657. Romain Collin: Press Enter (ACT) {3}: jde:10 -- TH:**
  1658. Chris Cornell: Higher Truth (Polydor) {3}: K:32; gw:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1659. Kara-lis Coverdale & LXV: Sirens (Umor-Rex) {3}: Bk:6
  1660. Danny & the Champions of the World: What Kind of Love () {3}: rut:1
  1661. Darts & Arrows: Altamira (Ears & Eyes) {3}: U_jm:104; av:+ -- TH:*
  1662. Datblygu: Porwr Trallod (Ankstmusik) {3}: LW:25; bgc:3
  1663. Sarah Davachi: Baron's Court (Students of Decay) {3}: Bw:26; bgc:+, cmg:+
  1664. Dead Ghosts: Love and Death and All the Rest (Redeye) {3}: Hi:43; nw:5
  1665. Dead Neanderthals: Endless Voids (Alone) {3}: BA_j:16, FJ:+
  1666. De Beren Gieren: One Mirrors Many (Clean Feed) {3}: jml:7 -- TH:**
  1667. Etienne De Crecy: Super Discount Vol 3 (Pixadelic) {3}: WT:26; am_e:+, pm_e:+
  1668. Bram De Looze: Septych (Clean Feed) {3}: FJ:+ -- TH:**
  1669. Deux Maisons: For Sale (Clean Feed) {3}: FJ:+ -- TH:**
  1670. Kristin Diable: Create Your Own Mythology (Speakeasy) {3}: AS:50; ob:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:B
  1671. Diat: Positive Energy (Iron Lung) {3}: Mon:43; om:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1672. Disenchanter: Strange Creations (self-released) {3}: FB:+; mf_h:11, p_m:+
  1673. Herbert Distel: Travelogue () {3}: w_m:1
  1674. Dahi Divine: The Element (Right Direction) {3}: jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1675. DJ Nigga Fox: Noite e Dia (Principe Discos, EP) {3}: TMT:41; vg:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1676. Double-Basse [Benjamin Duboc/Jean-Luc Petit]: This Is Not Art (Clean Feed) {3}: jmp:3 -- TH:*
  1677. Dralms: Shook () {3}: Noj:6
  1678. The Early November: Imbue (Rise) {3}: Bq:82, Crg:88, Spk_u:172
  1679. Editors: In Dream (PIAS) {3}: BE:81, DaJ:23, Flp:47
  1680. Eidola: Degeneraterra (Blue Swan) {3}: HB:17; ad:+
  1681. Eighth Blackbird: Filament (Cedille) {3}: FPE:23, TG:+; av:+
  1682. Eleh/Tara Jane O'Neil: Split (Important) {3}: Bk:9
  1683. Elephant9 & Reine Fiske: Silver Mountain (Rune Grammofon) {3}: FB:26; obs:12 -- TH:*
  1684. Emika: Klavirni (Emika) {3}: TG:+; ex_i:+ -- TH:*
  1685. Enforcer: From Beyond (Nuclear Blast) {3}: FB:+, Od:32, Te:34
  1686. Ensiferum: One Man Army (Metalblade) {3}: Od:12; maf:+
  1687. Errorsmith & Mark Fell: Protogravity () {3}: w_b:1
  1688. Ellery Eskelin: Solo Live at Snugs (Hatology) {3}: jdt:8 -- TH:**
  1689. Eternal Summers: Gold and Stone (Kanine) {3}: bv:*2, mj_s:10
  1690. Faith Healer: Cosmic Troubles (Mint) {3}: Re:30, TG:67; cmg:+
  1691. Tyler Farr: Suffer in Peace (Columbia) {3}: RS_c:31; vrh:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1692. Fashawn: The Ecology () {3}: HG:+; vdc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1693. Rebecca Ferguson: Lady Sings the Blues (RCA) {3}: T_j:8
  1694. J Fernandez: Many Levels of Laughter (Joyful Noise) {3}: PN:+, UR:96; bv:+
  1695. Fjordne: Moonlit Invocations (White Paddy Mountain) {3}: FPE:7
  1696. Flores Del Vicio: Reach a Better Feeling (Opal Tapes) {3}: CRW:20; rs_a:8
  1697. Flying Lotus: You're Dead! (Warp -14) {3}: -- V:1170-5-1TH:**
  1698. Roberto Fonseca & Fatoumata Diawara: At Home (Live in Marciac) (Jazz Village) {3}: TG:63, TGW:35; se_g:+
  1699. A Forest of Stars: Beware the Sword You Cannot See (Lupas Lounge) {3}: Spk_u:89, Te:33; maf:+
  1700. Sara Forslund: Water Is Wild (Volkoren/Time Released Sound) {3}: LW:68, Ro:15
  1701. Toby Fox: Undertale Soundtrack (self-released) {3}: RY:8
  1702. Nils Frahm: Victoria [Music for the Motion Picture] (Erased Tapes) {3}: Flp:32, In:18
  1703. Fresh Cut Orchestra: From the Vine (self-released) {3}: TG:+; jda:+, jgg:+
  1704. Frog Eyes: Pickpocket's Locket (Paper Bag) {3}: cmg:*3
  1705. Funkstorung: Funkstorung (Monkeytown) {3}: Th:14, Zf:76
  1706. Future Stoa: Post Rock On . . . (self-released) {3}: cmg:*3
  1707. Gang of Four: What Happens Next (Metropolis) {3}: -- V:444-16-2, MT:*, TH:*
  1708. Gang of Youths: The Positions () {3}: RS_A:8
  1709. Gangsta Boo: Candy Diamonds & Pills (self-released) {3}: C:86, DW:70, S_h:27
  1710. Garden of Worm: Idle Stones (Svart) {3}: AV:+, Pf_m:+; maf:+
  1711. Ghost Rhythms: Madeleine (self-released) {3}: BIW:10
  1712. Tania Giannouli Ensemble: Transcendence (Rattle) {3}: Tx:9
  1713. Polly Gibbons: Many Faces of Love (Resonance) {3}: jmy:9, jsl:+ -- TH:*
  1714. Gerry Gibbs Thrasher Dream Trio: Live in Studio (Whaling City Sound) {3}: jgz:8 -- TH:**
  1715. Marshall Gilkes/WDR Big Band: Koln (OA2) {3}: jbp:9, jdb:2
  1716. Ginkgoa: EP Ginkgoa (self-released -EP) {3}: YW:+ -- TH:**
  1717. Mr G: A Night on the Town (Phoenix G) {3}: Mix:20, Ph:66
  1718. Gnaw Their Tongues: Abyss of Longing Throats (Crucial Blast) {3}: FB:+, Qt:55, Te:39
  1719. Gold Celeste: The Glow (Riot Factory) {3}: No:+, Yh:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1720. Golden Rules: Golden Ticket (Lex) {3}: VF:8
  1721. Fraser A Gorman: Slow Gum (Kobalt) {3}: JD:40, RT:63, U_jm:106
  1722. Gothic Chicken: Lift The Cobweb Veil (Pink Hedgehog -16) {3}: PJ:8
  1723. Grandpa's Cough Medicine: 180 Proof (self-released) {3}: sht:2 -- TH:*
  1724. Great Cynics: I Feel Weird (Lame-O) {3}: Pu:10
  1725. Milo Greene: Control (Elektra) {3}: am_p:+, st_i:5
  1726. William Clark Green: Ringling Road (Bill Grease) {3}: szk:3 -- TH:*
  1727. Grupo Fantasma: Problemas () {3}: pri:+, se_f:2
  1728. Jasmine Guffond: Yellow Bell (Sonic Pieces) {3}: Bk:39, FPE:94 -- V:1044-9-1
  1729. Giovanni Guidi Trio: This Is the Day (ECM) {3}: jtn:8 -- TH:**
  1730. Noah Gundersen: Carry the Ghost (Dualtone) {3}: AbP:12, Crg:21
  1731. Gun Outfit: Dream All Over (Paradise of Bachelors) {3}: om:+, vg:+ -- V:355-20-2
  1732. Gunplay: Living Legend (Def Jam) {3}: CRW:39, Sg_h:39; am_h:+
  1733. Gush: The March (Konvoj) {3}: FJ:*2; av:+
  1734. Guster: Evermotion (Nettwerk) {3}: bg_s:10, opb:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1735. Yngvil Vatn Guttu: On the Crosswalk (Kachemak) {3}: jsl:1
  1736. Barry Guy: Five Fizzles for Samuel Beckett (NoBusiness -EP -14) {3}: jjr:+ -- TH:**
  1737. The H2 Big Band: It Could Happen (Origin) {3}: jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1738. Steve Hackett: Wolflight (Inside Out US) {3}: ClR:26, Pl:+; se_d:7
  1739. Robert Haigh: The Silence of Ghosts (Siren) {3}: Bw:96; bot:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1740. Laurel Halo: In Situ (Honest Jon's) {3}: Bk:52, DW:58, Zf:52
  1741. Tigran Hamasyan: Luys I Luso (ECM) {3}: On:46, TG:49; jrm:+ -- TH:B-
  1742. Ham Sandwich: Stories From the Surface (Route 109A) {3}: St:16; lmt:8
  1743. Hangman's Chair: This Is Not Supposed to Be Positive () {3}: NN:10
  1744. Joel Harrison 5: Spirit House (Whirlwind) {3}: T_j:26; jbm:10, jjh:8
  1745. Paul Hartnoll: 8:58 (ACP) {3}: Flp:10
  1746. Chihei Hatakeyama: Moonlight Reflecting Over Mountain (Room48) {3}: FPE:52, On:46; bgc:+
  1747. Darren Hayman: Florence (Fika) {3}: Mz:37, PJ:19
  1748. HeCTA: The Diet (Merge) {3}: Dr:56; boc:23 -- V:640-10-1
  1749. Will Herrington: Solace (self-released) {3}: jrd:5 -- TH:*
  1750. Joe Hertenstein/Pascal Niggenkemper/Thomas Heberer: HNH2 (Clean Feed) {3}: FJ:+ -- TH:**
  1751. Nic Hessler: Soft Connections (Captured Tracks) {3}: Am_s:44; or:9 -- V:1170-5-1
  1752. High-Functioning Flesh: Definite Structures (Dais) {3}: idy:1
  1753. Dre Hocevar Trio: Coding of Evidentiality (Clean Feed) {3}: jgg:+ -- TH:**
  1754. Eric Hofbauer Quintet: Prehistoric Jazz Vol 1: The Rite of Spring (Creative Nation Music -14) {3}: BIW:8 -- TH:***
  1755. Will Hoge: Small Town Dreams (Cumberland) {3}: RS_c:12; am_a:+
  1756. Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors: Medicine (+180) {3}: TG:66; df:+, rrh:+
  1757. The Honeycutters: Me Oh My (Organic) {3}: T_c:39; nymd:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1758. Christian Howes: American Spirit (Resonance) {3}: jgg:+, jrm:+, jrs:+
  1759. Sophie Hunger: Supermoon (Two Gentlemen) {3}: RS_D:19, Zf:44
  1760. ICP Orchestra: East of the Sun (ICP -14) {3}: av:+ -- TH:**
  1761. InAeona: Force Rise the Sun (Prosthetic) {3}: Pf_m:+; ms_g:3
  1762. In Gowan Ring: The Serpent and the Dove (Les Disques Du 7eme Ciel) {3}: Bw:82, He:17
  1763. Trevor Jackson: Format (The Vinyl Factory) {3}: Bl:49, Ph:37, RT:32
  1764. Jadakiss: Top 5 Dead or Alive (Def Jam) {3}: CV:22, HG:+, Std:40
  1765. Jeremiah Jae & L'Orange: The Night Took Us in Like Family (Mello) {3}: BE:82, HG:+, Spk_u:175
  1766. Jedi Mind Tricks: The Thief and the Fallen () {3}: CV:16, HG:+
  1767. Ellen Jewell: Sundown Over Ghost Town (Signature Sounds) {3}: NoD:25; am_c:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1768. Joe Topping: The Vagrant Kings (Fellside) {3}: T_f:9
  1769. Steve Johns: Family (Strikezone) {3}: jrm:+, -- TH:**
  1770. Mathew Jonson: Fabric 84 (Fabric) {3}: Xlr:6
  1771. Kadavar: Berlin (Nuclear Blast) {3}: FB:32, Wat:29, cs_m:10
  1772. Kampfar: Profan (Indie) {3}: maf:+, mi_n:4
  1773. Kanaku Y El Tigre: Quema Quema Quema (Strut/Tigers Milk) {3}: Ms:18 -- TH:*
  1774. Kataklysm: Of Ghosts & Gods (Nuclear Blast) {3}: Od:29; maf:+, mi_r:14
  1775. Kelpe: The Curved Line (DRUT) {3}: Bl:10
  1776. Kiasmos: Kiasmos (Erased Tapes -14) {3}: pl_e:1
  1777. Kid 606: Recollected Ambient Works Vol 1: Bored of Excitement (Tigerbeat6) {3}: Bw:95, YW:82; bgc:+
  1778. Angelique Kidjo: Sings (429) {3}: ap:+, vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1779. Kid Rock: First Kiss (Top Dog) {3}: JM:+, RS_c:18
  1780. Kill West: Smoke Beach (Crang) {3}: FB:94; cs_m:14, jgg:+
  1781. Emily King: The Switch (Making Music) {3}: okp:3, st:+
  1782. Kenneth Kirschner: Compressions & Rarefactions () {3}: FF:9
  1783. Tom Kitching: Interloper (Fellside) {3}: FR:+, T_f:13
  1784. Klagwart: Transit () {3}: w_a:1
  1785. Kirk Knight: Late Knight Special (Cinematic/Pro Era) {3}: Blr:46, HG:+, ; hdx:+
  1786. Daniel Knox: Daniel Knox () {3}: On:27; vtr:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  1787. Felix Laband: Deaf Safari (Compost) {3}: Ph:81, Zf:12
  1788. Lama + Joachim Badenhorst: The Elephant's Journey (Clean Feed) {3}: FJ:+; jtd:9 -- TH:*
  1789. Graham Lambkin & Michael Pisaro: Schwarze Riesenfalter () {3}: W:15 -- V:1072-8-1
  1790. Sonny Landreth: Bound by the Blues (Mascot Label Group) {3}: TG:96; am_l:+, ob:+
  1791. Gill Landry: Gill Landry (ATO) {3}: pm_u:9, vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1792. Langhorne Slim & the Law: The Spirit Moves (Dualtone) {3}: SiC:18; am_a:+
  1793. Adam Larson: Selective Amnesia (Inner Circle Music) {3}: BA_j:23; se_g:7 -- TH:*
  1794. Le Berger: Music for Guitar & Patience () {3}: jgg:+, sq_x:12 -- V:640-10-1
  1795. Left Lane Cruiser: Dirty Spliff Blues (Alive Naturalsound) {3}: sht:16 -- V:640-10-1, TH:*
  1796. Jean Leloup: A Paradis City (Grosse Boîte) {3}: lp:+, mac:+, rfc:+
  1797. John Lemke: Nomad Frequencies (Denovali) {3}: FPE:15, Mon:45
  1798. Daniel Levin/Mat Maneri: The Transcendent Function (Clean Feed) {3}: jpa:+ -- TH:**
  1799. Sam Lewis: Waiting on You (Brash Music) {3}: T_c:47; r_am:4
  1800. Lights & Motion: Chronicle (Deep Elm) {3}: AD:19, FPE:42
  1801. Lions: Lions EP (self-released -EP) {3}: nymd:+ -- TH:**
  1802. Carol Lipnik: Almost Back to Normal () {3}: nymd:+, vjf:+ -- V:311-25-2
  1803. The Lonely Wild: Chasing White Light () {3}: boc:1
  1804. Frantz Loriot/Manuel Perovic Notebook Large Ensemble: Urban Furrow (Clean Feed) {3}: jgg:+ -- TH:**
  1805. Los Gaiteros De San Jacinto: Dub De Gaita Volumes II & III () {3}: w_d:1
  1806. Lost Soul: Atlantis: The New Beginning (Apostasy) {3}: BA_m:9
  1807. Lotic: Agitations (Janus Berlin, EP) {3}: TMT:50; ah:+ -- V:499-15-1
  1808. Lotic: Heterocetera (Tri Angle, EP) {3}: Bk:55, Th:11
  1809. Ludacris: Ludaversal (Def Jam/Virgin) {3}: CV:9
  1810. LWH: Twelve Living Generations (Green Ova) {3}: cmg:*3
  1811. Shelby Lynne: I Can't Imagine (New Rounder) {3}: He:28; bm_c:9 -- V:640-10-1, TH:B
  1812. Madeon: Adventure () {3}: ye:2 -- V:349-21-1
  1813. Shai Maestro Trio: Untold Stories (Motema) {3}: obs:5 -- TH:*
  1814. Mansion: Early Life (Degenerate) {3}: BG:11, KQ:25
  1815. Manyfingers: The Spectacular Nowhere (Ici d'ailleurs) {3}: No:14; bz:11
  1816. Marduk: Frontschwein (Century Media) {3}: Pl:+; lt_m:25, maf:+
  1817. Marsen Jules: The Empire of Silence (New Amsterdam) {3}: FPE:6
  1818. Vic Mars: The Land and the Garden (Clay Pipe Music) {3}: Mon:17, PJ:40
  1819. Matchess: Somnaphoria (Trouble in Mind) {3}: am:+, am_i:+, mb:+
  1820. Stephan Mathieu: Before Nostromo () {3}: bgc:5 -- V:1072-8-1
  1821. Rob Mazurek: Alternate Moon Cycles (International Anthem -14) {3}: jka:2 -- V:1170-5-1
  1822. Michelle McAdorey: Into Her Future (DWR) {3}: ex_u:+, now:+, rfc:8
  1823. Pete McCann: Range (Whirlwind) {3}: jbm:+, jmn:5 -- TH:*
  1824. Donny McCaslin: Fast Future (Greenleaf Music) {3}: nb:+, se_a:+ -- TH:*
  1825. John McLaughlin and the 4th Dimension: Black Light (Abstract Logix) {3}: jbm:+, se_a:+ -- V:577-12-2
  1826. Chris McNulty: Eternal (Palmetto) {3}: jdb:+, jna:+ -- TH:*
  1827. Glenn Mercer: Incidental Hum (Bar/None) {3}: FB:+, JD:31; jgk:9
  1828. Metallic Taste of Blood: Doctoring the Dead (Rare Noise) {3}: av:+ -- TH:**
  1829. MG [Martin Gore]: MG (Mute) {3}: Flp:27, RM:81 -- V:640-10-1
  1830. The Mike + Ruthy Band: Bright as You Can (Humble Abode) {3}: T_c:46; npr_f:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1831. The Milk: Favourite Worry (Wah Wah) {3}: bbc:+, pl_s:4
  1832. Faze Miyake: Faze Miyake (Rinse) {3}: Du:18; vg:+
  1833. Ben Monder: Amorphae (ECM) {3}: la_b:a, vjc:7 -- TH:B
  1834. Monophonics: Sound of Sinning () {3}: ft:+, opb:*2
  1835. Michael Monroe: Blackout States (Spinefarm) {3}: ClR:47, TmR:47 -- V:1107-7-1
  1836. Van Morrison: Duets: Re-working the Catalogue (RCA) {3}: Fp:85 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:*
  1837. T Hardy Morris: Drownin' on a Mountaintop (Dangerbird) {3}: AYP:6
  1838. The Mouse Outfit: Step Steadier () {3}: ABC:9
  1839. Mural: Tempo (Sofa -3CD) {3}: blg:+, jkr:4
  1840. My Disco: Severe (Temporary Residence) {3}: CRW:19, Qt:30
  1841. Nao: February 15 (Little Toyko, EP) {3}: mac:+, s_p:20 -- V:414-18-2
  1842. Natural Snow Buildings: Terror's Horns (Ba Da Bing) {3}: Bw:33, No:27, U_jm:140
  1843. Josh Nelson: Exploring Mars (Origin) {3}: TG:+; jar:3
  1844. Nev Cottee: Strange News From the Sun (Wonderful Sound) {3}: PJ:9
  1845. The New Division: Gemini () {3}: DaJ:7
  1846. Novelist x Mumdance: 1 Sec (XL, EP) {3}: YW:88; vg:+ -- TH:*
  1847. Novella: Land (Sinderlyn) {3}: LQ:38; hu:23 -- AY:191
  1848. Jackie Oates: The Spyglass & the Herringbone (ECC) {3}: FR:13, T_f:30
  1849. Obnox: Know America (Ever/Never) {3}: po:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:*
  1850. London O'Connor: O[Delta] (self-released) {3}: Ero:58, Pg:46 -- V:640-10-1
  1851. Caili O'Doherty: Padme (Odo) {3}: jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1852. Of Monsters and Men: Beneath the Skin (Republic) {3}: BE:95; hc:4
  1853. The Oh Hellos: Dear Wormwood (Ada) {3}: AV:+; lc_g:5
  1854. Oh Hiroshima: In Silence We Yearn () {3}: AD:8
  1855. Tunde Olaniran: Transgressor (Quite Scientific) {3}: am_r:+, rfc:14 -- V:299-25-3
  1856. Olavi Trio: Oh, La Vie! (TUM) {3}: jra:8 -- TH:**
  1857. The Ongoing Concept: Handmade () {3}: Crg:36, Spk_u:184; ap_u:+
  1858. Bill Orcutt and Jacob Felix Huele: Colonial Donuts (Palilalia) {3}: CRW:31; rs_a:14 -- V:640-10-1
  1859. Paul Orwell: Blowing Your Mind Away (Heavy Soul) {3}: FN:8
  1860. Oxxxymiron: Gorgorod () {3}: Af:10
  1861. Papa Mali: Music Is Love (429) {3}: ob:+, se_e:5
  1862. Graham Parker and the Rumour: Mystery Glue (Universal) {3}: am_k:+, vss:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1863. Partikel: String Theory (Whirlwind) {3}: T_j:18; jtm:7
  1864. Nicholas Payton: Letters (Paytone) {3}: jrs:*2, ob:8
  1865. Ivo Perelman/Mat Maneri/Joe Morris: Counterpoint (Leo) {3}: FJ:+ -- TH:**
  1866. Ivo Perelman/Mat Maneri/Tanya Kalmanovitch: Villa Lobos Suite (Leo) {3}: FJ:+ -- TH:**
  1867. Tristan Perich: Parallels (Physical Editions) {3}: CRW:24; jkg:+, rs_a:12
  1868. Elvis Perkins: I Aubade (MIR) {3}: Fld:16; dw:20
  1869. Houston Person: Something Personal (HighNote) {3}: jan:3 -- V:640-10-1
  1870. The Phantom Band: Fears Trending (Chemikal Underground) {3}: Mon:35, Pc:77, Sk:38
  1871. Phase: Alone in Time (Token) {3}: am_e:+, pl_e:5
  1872. Physical Therapy: Hit the Breaks (Liberation Technologies -EP) {3}: YW:49 -- TH:**
  1873. Chris Pitsiokos Trio: Gordian Twine (New Atlantis) {3}: g_x:+, jrn:4
  1874. Bucky Pizzarelli: Renaissance: A Journey From Classical to Jazz (Arbors) {3}: jan:4, jrs:+ -- TH:B
  1875. James Place: Living on Superstition (Umor-Rex) {3}: AV:+; pf_x:17, s_j:25
  1876. PLS.trio: East River (Echo Chamber) {3}: jka:1
  1877. Poison Idea: Confuse and Conquer (Southern Lord) {3}: Pf_m:+, Te:37; am_m:+
  1878. Polar Inertia: Kinematic Optics () {3}: sq_t:1
  1879. Pole: Wald (Pole) {3}: Bl:52, Pc:93; cmg:+
  1880. Pop Evil: UP (eOne) {3}: Rev:15; lw_r:18
  1881. The Pop Group: Citizen Zombie (Freaks R Us) {3}: Ne:8 -- TH:*
  1882. The Pretty Things: The Sweet Pretty Things (Are in Bed Now, of Course . . .) (Repertoire) {3}: ClR:37, TmR:37; sd:9
  1883. Psycroptic: Psycroptic (Prosthetic) {3}: mi_r:4, ms_c:13
  1884. Veli-Matti Puumala: Anna Liisa () {3}: FF:7
  1885. Joshua Radin: Onward and Sideways (Glass Bead) {3}: TG:+, Yh:+ -- V:1107-7-1
  1886. Radkey: Dark Black Makeup (Little Man/Strange Loop) {3}: ClR:35, LW:32, TmR:35
  1887. Raekwon: Fly International Luxurious Art (Ice H2O/Caroline) {3}: ABC:38, AV:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1888. Rap Monster: RM () {3}: S_h:48; vti:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1889. Mette Rasmussen/Chris Corsano: All the Ghosts at Once (Relative Pitch) {3}: FJ:+; av:+, jrn:15
  1890. Ratking: 700 Fill (self-released -EP) {3}: cmg:*2 -- V:640-10-1
  1891. Rats on Rafts: Tape Hiss (Kurious) {3}: FB:95, LW:26, Oo:24
  1892. Red Death: Permanent Exile () {3}: gg:+, io:15 -- V:640-10-1
  1893. Regis: Manbait (Blackest Ever Black) {3}: CRW:64, No:+, Ph:60
  1894. Reijseger/Fraanje/Sylla: Count Till Zen (Winter & Winter) {3}: BIW:9
  1895. Gloria Reuben: Perchance to Dream (MCG Jazz) {3}: jrs:+ -- TH:**
  1896. The Rheingans Sisters: Already Home (RootBeat) {3}: FR:6
  1897. Rich Homie Quan: If You Ever Think I Will Stop Goin' In Ask Royal Rich (TIG Entertainment) {3}: qt_h:17, tr_h:9 -- V:355-20-2
  1898. Stephen Riley/Peter Zak: Haunted Heart (Steeplechase) {3}: jdt:5, jkd:10
  1899. Rivers of Nihil: Monarchy () {3}: HB:11, Spk_u:105
  1900. Alasdair Roberts: Alasdair Roberts (Drag City) {3}: Flp:36, U_jm:102; am_f:+
  1901. Matana Roberts: Always (Relative Pitch) {3}: av:+, jsw:10srh:+
  1902. Jason Roebke: Every Sunday (Clean Feed) {3}: jgg:+ -- TH:**
  1903. Rone: Creatures (Infine) {3}: FPE:66, WT:30; pm_e:11
  1904. Christina Rosenvinge: Lo Nuestro (Primavera Sound) {3}: Jp:10
  1905. RotoR: Funf (Nois-o-lution) {3}: FB:+; mf_f:5
  1906. Rudimental: We the Generation (Atlantic) {3}: Bq:58; ye:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1907. Ruf Dug: Island (Music for Denmark) {3}: Pc:15, Ph:33
  1908. Todd Rundgren/Emil NikolaisenLindstrom/: Runddans (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: U_jm:79; vgr:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:B-
  1909. Sam Sadigursky: Follow the Stick (BJU) {3}: BIW:17; jrk:6
  1910. Saintseneca: Such Things (Anti) {3}: Spk_u:25; npr_t:9 -- V:444-16-2
  1911. Alejandro Sanz: Sirope (Universal) {3}: am:+, am_w:+ -- TH:*
  1912. Sarpanitum: Blessed Be My Brothers . . . (Willowtip) {3}: Db:11, Spk_u:146
  1913. Saycet: Mirage (Meteores Music) {3}: PN:+, VL:12
  1914. Danny Schmidt: Owls (Live Once) {3}: T_c:10
  1915. Simon Scott: Insomni (Ash International) {3}: U_jm:91; vbb;+ -- V:1072-8-1
  1916. Scuba: Claustrophobia (Hotflush) {3}: DVk:37, pm_e:14 -- AY:133
  1917. Seasick Steve: Sonic Soul Surfer (Bronzerat) {3}: TG:25; cpu:4
  1918. Senses Fail: Pull the Thorns From Your Heart () {3}: Bq:93, Crg:15
  1919. SFJazz Collective: Live: SFJazz Center 2014: The Music of Joe Henderson & Original Compositions (SFJazz) {3}: ghj:7, noj:2
  1920. Shining: IX: Everyone Everything Everywhere Ends (Season of Mist) {3}: Od:39; lt_m:18, maf:+
  1921. Sightings: Amusers and Puzzlers (DAIS) {3}: Bk:80, No:45 -- V:311-25-2
  1922. Silicon: Personal Computer (Weird World) {3}: Dr:34, Du:19
  1923. Silversun Pickups: Better Nature (New Machine) {3}: AV:+, Od:49, RTr:+
  1924. SiR: Seven Sundays (Fresh Selects) {3}: Nc:19; okp:10
  1925. Six Organs of Admittance: Hexadic (Drag City) {3}: Bw:98, W:28 -- V:640-10-1
  1926. Skriptonit: Dom S Normal'nimi Yavleniyami () {3}: Af:6
  1927. Slow Moving Clouds: Os (self-released) {3}: IT:10
  1928. Snik: Metasediment Rock (Clean Feed) {3}: CM:43 -- TH:**
  1929. So Hideous: Laurestine () {3}: HB:46, Spk_u:79; mi_r:10
  1930. Solitaire Miles: Susie Blue and the Lonesome Fellas () {3}: se_g:1
  1931. Sonic Jesus: Neither Virtue Nor Anger (Fuzz Club) {3}: FB:69; ong:5
  1932. Son Little: Son Little (Anti-) {3}: Pl:18, RS_F:23
  1933. Mike Sopko/Bill Laswell/Thomas Pridgen: Sopko Laswell Pridgen (self-released) {3}: jgg:+ -- TH:**
  1934. Soupcans: Soft Party (Telephone Explosion) {3}: gt:+, now:+, nz:+
  1935. Spidergawd: Spidergawd II (Crispin Glover) {3}: FB:+, Gf_N:30, Vi:26
  1936. Spoiwo: Salute Solitude (self-released) {3}: AD:11; ad:+
  1937. Spurv: Skarntyde (No Forevers) {3}: AD:38, FPE:55; ad:+
  1938. Ben Stapp & the Zozimos: Myrrha's Red Book: Act 1 (Evolver) {3}: jrn:7 -- TH:**
  1939. Statik Selektah: Lucky 7 (Showoff/Duck Down Music) {3}: HG:23 -- TH:**
  1940. Stornoway: Bonxie (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: Fp:79; owl:+ -- AY:83
  1941. The Story So Far: The Story So Far (Pure Noise) {3}: BE:58, Bq:26; rrh:+
  1942. Strawberry Girls: American Graffiti (Tragic Hero) {3}: Spk_u:6
  1943. Strie: Struktura (Serein) {3}: cmg:+, sq_x:4
  1944. Striking Matches: Nothing But the Silence (IRS) {3}: df:+, or:17, tc:9
  1945. Swamp Dogg: The White Man Made Me Do It (Alive/SDEG) {3}: am_l:+, po:+ -- TH:*
  1946. Swindle: Peace Love & Music (Butterz) {3}: Mix:44; ye:4
  1947. Tom Tallitsch: All Together Now (Posi-Tone) {3}: BA_j:8
  1948. Tangled Thoughts of Leaving: Yield to Despair (Pelagic) {3}: AD:26, HB:37; ad:+
  1949. Tapes: No Broken Hearts on This Factory Floor (EM) {3}: Ph:7
  1950. Teho Teardo: Ballyturk (Specula) {3}: DaM:26, RM:87, SA:25
  1951. Tech N9ne: Strangeulation Vol II () {3}: CV:7
  1952. Tellison: Hope Fading Nightly (Alcopol!) {3}: Bq:90, DS_u:38, Pu:23
  1953. Therapy?: Disquiet (Amazing) {3}: MH:25, NN:26, Te:42
  1954. The The: Hyena [A Soundtrack] (Lazarus) {3}: Flp:8
  1955. A Thousand Horses: Southernality (Decca) {3}: RS_c:19; ew_c:9
  1956. Thousand: Thousand (Talitres) {3}: PN:7
  1957. Thy Art Is Murder: Holy War (Nuclear Blast) {3}: Crg:73, MH:40; mi_r:20
  1958. Thy Catafalque: Sgurr (Season of Mist) {3}: FB:+, RY:43, Spk_u:115
  1959. Boubacar Traore: Mbalimaou (Lusafrica) {3}: TG:55 -- TH:**
  1960. John Trudell and Bad Dog: Wazi's Dream (Sobeit) {3}: cpu:5 -- V:499-15-1
  1961. Tyrese: Black Rose (Voltron) {3}: am_r:+, st:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  1962. Us Free [Bill McHenry/Henry Grimes/Andrew Cyrille]: Fish Stories (Fresh Sound New Talent -14) {3}: vlb:5 -- V:640-10-1, TH:***
  1963. Vasas Flora Och Fauna: Slakt Med Lotta Svard (Startracks) {3}: Gf:8
  1964. Venera 4: Eidolon (self-released) {3}: SBR:10
  1965. Verdena: Endkadenz Vol 2 (Blackout) {3}: Kp:9
  1966. The Very Best: Makes a King (Moshi Moshi) {3}: Noj:43, Re:45; am_w:+
  1967. Vessels: Dilate (Bias) {3}: Flp:30, FPE:99 -- AY:145
  1968. Vilod: Safe in Harbour (Perlon) {3}: RA:20; npr_e:+
  1969. Vintage Trouble: 1 Hopeful Rd (Blue Note) {3}: ClR:19 -- V:579-12-1
  1970. Christuan Vuust & Aaron Parks: Storytelling (Aero) {3}: jdo:1
  1971. The Wainwright Sisters: Songs in the Dark (Fontana) {3}: T_f:63; am_f:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  1972. Marry Waterson and David A Jaycock: Two Wolves (One Little Indian) {3}: He:16, U_jm:127
  1973. Patrick Watson: Love Songs for Robots (Domino) {3}: UR:70; lc_g:+, opb:+
  1974. Juan Wauters: Who Me? (Captured Tracks) {3}: cmg:+, s_u:17 -- TH:*
  1975. Wavves/Cloud Nothings: No Life for Me (Ghost Ramp) {3}: AV:+, AYP:34 -- V:640-10-1
  1976. We Are Harlot: We Are Harlot (Roadrunner) {3}: ClR:17, K:31
  1977. Allison Weiss: New Love (Side One Dummy) {3}: Bq:96, Crg:78; tbt:6
  1978. The White Birch: The Weight of Spring (Glitterhouse) {3}: PN:8
  1979. Whitehorse: Leave No Bridge Unburned (Six Shooter) {3}: rfc:4 -- V:1135-6-1
  1980. Widowspeak: All Yours (Captured Tracks) {3}: Btz:49; aqd:+ -- V:640-10-1
  1981. John Wiese: Deviate From Balance (Helicopter) {3}: CRW:40; dc:+, rs_a:18
  1982. Dar Williams: Emerald (Bread and Butter Music) {3}: T_c:9
  1983. John Williams: Star Wars: The Force Awakens [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] () {3}: FF:6
  1984. With the Dead: With the Dead (Dead On) {3}: Db:29, Spk_u:180, Te:49
  1985. Michael Wollny: Nachtfahrten (ACT) {3}: T_j:42; jck:9, jpk:+
  1986. Billy Woods: Today I Wrote Nothing (Blackwoodz Studioz) {3}: Ne:46, PW:27 -- V:640-10-1
  1987. Wyles & Simpson: Wyles & Simpson (Virgin EMI) {3}: PP:33, Soh:17
  1988. Allie X: Collxtion I (Universal/Label X/Sleepless, EP) {3}: PP:40; ex_x:10 -- V:1072-8-1
  1989. Yacht: I Thought the Future Would Be Cooler () {3}: chi:+, vdw:+ -- V:289-26-3
  1990. Year of the Goat: The Unspeakable (Napalms) {3}: FB:+; mp:9 -- V:453-16-1
  1991. Nonoko Yoshida: Lotus (Nonoya) {3}: jcb:+, jkr:2
  1992. Young Dro: Da Reality Show (Entertainment One) {3}: Sg_h:13 -- V:1135-6-1
  1993. Young Guns: Ones and Zeros (Wind-Up) {3}: K:10
  1994. Ben Zimmerman: The Baltika Years (Software) {3}: TMT:42; w_e:5
  1995. Another Day, Another Time: Celebrating the Music of Inside Llewyn Davis (Nonesuch) {3}: T_f:8
  1996. Revive Music Presents Supreme Sonancy Volume 1 (Revive/Blue Note) {3}: g_j:3, jnb:7
  1997. Southpaw [Music From and Inspired by the Motion Picture] () {3}: CV:10
  1998. University of California Santa Barbara Cylinder Audio Archive () {3}: w_g:1
  1999. Josh Abbott Band: Front Row Seat (Pretty Damn Tough) {2}: am_c:+, ew_c:8
  2000. Leila Abdul-Rauf: Insomnia (Malignant) {2}: F:47; cmg:+
  2001. Above & Beyond: We Are All We Need (Ajuna Beats) {2}: Mix:33; ye:+
  2002. Abyssal: Antikatastaseis () {2}: Spk_u:136, Te:29
  2003. Acid King: Middle of Nowhere Centre of Everywhere (Svart) {2}: FB:+; maf:+
  2004. Acronym: June () {2}: sq_t:4
  2005. Terry Adams: Talk Thelonious (Clang) {2}: vjt:6 -- V:538-14-2
  2006. Aevangelist: Omen Ex Simulcra (Debemur Morti Productions) {2}: BG:17
  2007. Africans With Mainframes: Commission Number 3 (Bio Rhythm Holland -EP) {2}: YW:38 -- TH:*
  2008. Ahab: The Boats of the Glen Carrig (Napalm) {2}: MH:30 -- V:640-10-1
  2009. Ilyas Ahmed: I Am All Your Own () {2}: Ero:36 -- V:1170-5-1
  2010. Akhlys: The Dreaming I (Debemur Morti Productions) {2}: Spk_u:13
  2011. The Alchemist: Israeli Salad (ALC) {2}: pm_h:15, r_h:14
  2012. Harry Allen/Jan Lundgren Quartet: Quietly There (Stunt) {2}: jkf:4
  2013. Marc Almond: The Velvet Trail (Cherry Red) {2}: Mz:15
  2014. Myriam Alter: Crossways (Enja) {2}: jje:4
  2015. Alternative TV: Opposing Forces () {2}: DaM:15
  2016. Alustrium: A Tunnel to Eden (self-released) {2}: Spk_u:12
  2017. Ruby Amanfu: Standing Still (Rival & Co) {2}: PM:75, Yh:+
  2018. Amateur Best: The Gleaners (Brille) {2}: Du:12
  2019. Amnesia Scanner: Angels Rig Hook (Gum Artefacts) {2}: BE:44, TMT:38
  2020. David Amram: This Land (Newport Classics) {2}: fr:3
  2021. Ancient Methods: Turn Ice Realities Into Fire Dreams (Hands) {2}: YW:67 -- TH:*
  2022. Ancient Ocean: Blood Moon (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {2}: AV:+, FPE:56
  2023. Joey Anderson: Invisible Switch (Dekmantel) {2}: C:93, Qt:79
  2024. John Anderson: Goldmine (Bayou Boys Music) {2}: RS_c:38; am_c:+
  2025. Jill Andrews: The War Inside (Vulture Vulture) {2}: SiC:11
  2026. John Andrews & the Yawns: Bit by the Fang (Woodsist) {2}: AYP:20
  2027. Android Asteroid: Íkaros () {2}: vce:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  2028. Paolo Angeli: S'U (Recommended) {2}: jpz:5
  2029. Anoice: Into the Shadows (Ricco) {2}: ACL:14
  2030. Anonymous 4: 1865: Songs of Hope and Home from the American Civil War (Harmonia Mundi) {2}: TG:36 -- V:1170-5-1
  2031. Antimatter: The Judas Table () {2}: mi_n:5
  2032. Laurie Antonioli & Richie Beirach: Varuna (Origin) {2}: TG:+; jbb:+ -- TH:B-
  2033. April Rain: Leave Me No Light (self-released) {2}: AD:23; ad:+
  2034. Arcane: Known/Learned () {2}: HB:36, Spk_u:60
  2035. Michelle Arcila & Eivind Opsvik: A Thousand Ancestors (Loyal Label) {2}: jrn:5
  2036. The Armed: Untitled (No Rest Until Ruin) {2}: AV:+; mi_f:+
  2037. Armored Saint: Win Hands Down () {2}: se_p:5
  2038. Olafur Arnalds & Alice Sara Ott: The Chopin Project (Mercury Classics) {2}: npr_b:8 -- V:640-10-1
  2039. The Artaud Beats [Geoff Leigh/Yumi Hara/Chris Cutler/John Greaves]: Logos (Bonobo's Ark) {2}: blg:+, jgk:+
  2040. Steve Ashley: This Little Game (Market Square Music) {2}: T_f:15
  2041. Ashtray Navigations: A Shimmering Replica () {2}: w_o:4
  2042. Asian Dub Foundation: More Signal More Noise (ADF Communications/Believe) {2}: FB:+, LW:30
  2043. Asphalt Orchestra: Surfer Rosa (Cantaloupe -14) {2}: jde:5
  2044. Astrobrite: Deluxer (self-released) {2}: SBR:13
  2045. Astropol: The Spin We're In () {2}: ABC:14
  2046. The Atomic Bitchwax: Gravitron (Tee Pee) {2}: FB:+; mf_f:18
  2047. Atreyu: Long Live (Spinefarm) {2}: Rev:20
  2048. AUN: Fiat Lux (Cyclic Law) {2}: ACL:15
  2049. Auntie Flo: Theory of Flo (Rough Trade) {2}: GTV:70, Mix:29
  2050. Autobahn: Dissemble (Tough Love) {2}: Dr:71, DS_u:42
  2051. Carlos Averhoff Jr: Iresi (Inner Circle) {2}: jgz:+, jla:+
  2052. Seth Avett/Jessica Lea Mayfield: Seth Avett and Jessica Lea Mayfield Sing Elliott Smith (Ramseur) {2}: PN:+ -- V:428-17-2
  2053. A-Wax: EverLasting Money () {2}: PN:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2054. Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band Juguya: Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band Juguya (Sublime Frequencies) {2}: YW:35 -- V:640-10-1
  2055. Babx: Cristal Automatique (Bison Bison) {2}: PN:+; te:+
  2056. Bad Cop/Bad Cop: Not Sorry (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: Pu:12
  2057. Baddat for Trubbel: Tva Sjundedelar Av Ett Liv (Ken Rock) {2}: So:11
  2058. Bad//Dreems: Dogs at Bay () {2}: RS_A:18
  2059. Bad Guys: Bad Guynaecology (Riot Season) {2}: LQ:39, Qt:76
  2060. Ballad of Crows: Ballad of Crows () {2}: T_f:18
  2061. Baloni: Ripples (Clean Feed) {2}: FJ:*2
  2062. Lee Bannon: Pattern of Excel (Ninja Tune) {2}: ex_i:+ -- V:425-18-1
  2063. Barren Earth: On Lonely Towers (Century Media) {2}: maf:+, mi_f:+
  2064. Stacy Barthe: BEcoming (Motown) {2}: Yh:*2
  2065. William Basinski + Richard Chartier: Divertissement (Important) {2}: AV:+, Bw:41
  2066. Battle Beast: Unholy Saviour (Nuclear Blast) {2}: Od:42; maf:+
  2067. Beat Detectives: Boogie Chillen/The Hills of Cypress (Where To Now?) {2}: TMT:12
  2068. BeatKing: Houston 3 AM (self-released) {2}: S_h:46, Sg_h:32
  2069. Beat Spacek: Modern Streets (Ninja Tune) {2}: Bl:86, DJ:35
  2070. Beauty School: Residual Ugly (Humbler) {2}: av:+ -- TH:*
  2071. Bensley: Next Generation () {2}: Crg:50; ye:+
  2072. Adam Berenson: Lumen (Dream Play Records -14) {2}: jka:4
  2073. David Berkeley: Cardboard Boat (Straw Man) {2}: Yh:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2074. Geoff Berner: We Are Going to Bremen to Become Musicians (Coax) {2}: mac:+, rfc:9
  2075. Tim Berne/Steve Byram: Spare () {2}: vjm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2076. Jac Berrocal/David Fenech/Vincent Epplay: Antigravity (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: Bk:48; cha:7
  2077. Bersarin Quartett: III (Denovali) {2}: FPE:26; sq_e:9
  2078. Chuck Bettis: Pixel Bleed (Living Myth) {2}: spt:10 -- V:499-15-1
  2079. Pat Bianchi Trio: A Higher Standard (21-H) {2}: jrm:+ -- TH:*
  2080. Big Brave: Au De La (Southern Lord) {2}: DaM:25; ny_r:8
  2081. Binh & Onur: Ozer Treatment 02 (Treatment) {2}: Ph:24, Xlr:25
  2082. Biota: Funnel to a Thread () {2}: w_a:3
  2083. Birds in Row: Personal War () {2}: gd_m:10 -- V:606-11-1
  2084. Black Cilice: Mysteries (Iron Bonehead) {2}: Pf_m:+; s_m:15
  2085. Black Fast: Terms of Surrender (EOne) {2}: Pf_m:+, Spk_u:141
  2086. The Black Madonna: The Bunker Podcast 99 () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:267-30-1
  2087. Black Nail Cabaret: Harry Me Marry Me Bury Me Bite Me (Basic Unit) {2}: psl:3
  2088. Black Rainbows: Hawk Dope (Heavy Psych Sounds) {2}: FB:+, JD:23
  2089. Black Space Riders: Refugeeum () {2}: FB:+; r_m:6
  2090. The Black Wizards: Lake of Fire (Raging Planet) {2}: FB:+; mf_f:17
  2091. Black Zone Myth Chant: Mane Thecel Phares (Editions Gravats) {2}: Bk:33 -- V:640-10-1
  2092. Blade: FabricLive Promo Mix July () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2093. Michael Blake: Tiddy Boom (Sunnyside -14) {2}: jmc:5 -- TH:A-
  2094. Blind Idiot God: Before Ever After () {2}: vhs:+ -- V:214-38-3
  2095. Blues Pills: Blues Pills Live (import) {2}: FB:+, RY:46
  2096. Michael Blum/Jim Stinnett: Commitment (self-released) {2}: jrs:+ -- TH:*
  2097. BMB Spacekid: Boiler Room Upfront 039 () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2098. Bohannons: Black Cross Black Shield () {2}: vce:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  2099. Boogarins: Manual (Other Music) {2}: Btz:36, JG:124
  2100. Boulevards: Boulevards EP (self-released -EP) {2}: iw:4
  2101. Boxed In: Boxed In (Nettwerk) {2}: A_uk:86, UR:85
  2102. Reuben Bradley: Cthulhu Rising (Rattle) {2}: BIW:11
  2103. Paul Brady: The Vicar Street Sessions, Vol 1 (Proper) {2}: T_f:20
  2104. Brawlers: Romantic Errors of Our Youth (Alcopop) {2}: Pu:17
  2105. Travis Bretzer: Waxing Romantic (Mexican Summer) {2}: TG:+; mb:+
  2106. British Sea Power: Sea of Brass (Golden Chariot) {2}: AV:+, LW:57
  2107. Don Broco: Automatic (Epic) {2}: Bq:62, K:42
  2108. Brother O' Brother: Show Pony (Fonoflo) {2}: FN:16
  2109. Andy Brown: Soloist (Delmark) {2}: TG:+ -- TH:*
  2110. Zac Brown Band: Jekyl + Hyde (Republic) {2}: RS_c:23; bm_c:20
  2111. Brown Eyed Girls: Basic () {2}: bb_k:3
  2112. VV Brown: Glitch (Yoy) {2}: Poj:29; rfs:+
  2113. Bruit Noir: I/III () {2}: PN:*2
  2114. The Bug: The Bug Vs Sleng Teng () {2}: w_d:2
  2115. Kim Burrell: A Different Place () {2}: vcc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2116. John Butcher/Andy Moor: Experiments With a Leaf (Unsounds) {2}: jpz:4
  2117. John Butcher: Nigemizu (Uchimizu) {2}: FJ:*2
  2118. George Cables: In Good Company (HighNote) {2}: jna:+, jrh:+
  2119. Evan Caminiti: Meridian (Thrill Jockey) {2}: Bw:31; sq_x:9
  2120. Vinicius Cantuaria: Canta Antonio Carlos Jobim (Sunnyside) {2}: jmc:+, jth:+
  2121. Caitlin Canty: Reckless Skyline (self-released) {2}: T_c:25; npr_f:+
  2122. Anna Caragnano & Donato Dozzy: Sintetizzatrice (Spectrum Spools) {2}: No:49; cmg:+
  2123. Terri Lyne Carrington: The ACT Years (ACT) {2}: am_r:+, st:+
  2124. Eliza Carthy/Tim Erkisen: Bottle (import) {2}: FR:+, TG:+1
  2125. Caustic: Industrial Music (Negative Gain Productions) {2}: DaJ:28; idy:14
  2126. Cavanaugh: Time and Materials () {2}: S_h:44 -- V:1170-5-1
  2127. Nick Cave/Warren Ellis: Loin Des Hommes [Original Soundtrack] (Kobalt/Goliath Entertainment) {2}: U:75, U_jm:110
  2128. Celer: How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Loved You When You Know I've Been a Liar All My Life (Two Acorns) {2}: Bw:91 -- V:640-10-1
  2129. Cemeteries: Barrow (Snowbeat) {2}: FF:23; dw:18
  2130. Michael Chapman: Fish (Tompkins Square) {2}: No:50, U_jm:89
  2131. Brian Charette: Alphabet City (Posi-Tone) {2}: jkd:7 -- TH:*
  2132. Dheepa Chari: Patchwork (self-released) {2}: jmn:+, jrs:+ -- TH:B-
  2133. Derek Charke: Tundra Songs (CMC) {2}: jkg:4
  2134. Ben Chatwin: The Sleeper Awakes (Village Green) {2}: FPE:19
  2135. Cherubs: 2 Ynfynyty (Brutal Panda) {2}: BG:13
  2136. Children of Bodom: I Worship Chaos (Nuclear Blast) {2}: am_m:+, maf:+
  2137. Billy Childs: Map to the Treasure: Reimagining Laura Nyro (Masterworks -14) {2}: vjf:+ -- V:640-10-1, TH:B-
  2138. China Crisis: Autumn in the Neighbourhood () {2}: On:11
  2139. Chinx: Welcome to JFK (Entertainment One) {2}: Std:39 -- V:1170-5-1
  2140. CHON: Grow (Sumerian) {2}: Spk_u:191; mi_r:+
  2141. The Church: Further/Deeper () {2}: Flp:23 -- V:640-10-1
  2142. Cicada: Light Shining Through the Sea (self-released) {2}: FPE:18
  2143. Cigale: Cigale () {2}: mf_f:4
  2144. Citizen: Everybody Is Going to Heaven (Run for Cover) {2}: AV:+, Bq:32
  2145. Cathy Claret: Solita Por El Mundo (import) {2}: Flp:14
  2146. Shareef Clayton: North & South (Harlem River) {2}: jgg:+, jrs:+
  2147. The Cleaners From Venus: Rose of the Lanes (Soft Bodies) {2}: PJ:37 -- V:640-10-1
  2148. Rupert Clervaux & Beatrice Dillon: Studies I-XVII for Samplers and Percussion (Snow Dog) {2}: Bk:35, Qt:72
  2149. Shana Cleveland & the Sandcastles: Oh Man, Cover the Ground (Suicide Squeeze) {2}: Rv:+ -- V:579-12-1
  2150. Nels Cline & Julian Lage: Room (Mack Avenue -14) {2}: jmh:2 -- TH:*
  2151. Cloudkicker: Woum () {2}: AD:16
  2152. Club 8: Pleasure (Labrador) {2}: AV:+; s_d:16
  2153. Cocksure: Corporate_Sting () {2}: DaJ:35 -- V:640-10-1
  2154. Alice Cohen: Into the Grey Salons (Olde English Spelling Bee) {2}: Sp:11
  2155. Colaris: Nexus () {2}: AD:12
  2156. Coma: This Side of Paradise (Kompakt) {2}: In:13
  2157. Common Objects: Whitewashed With Lines (Another Timbre, 2CD) {2}: FJ:+; srh:+
  2158. Alex Conde: Descarga for Monk (Zoho) {2}: jbm:+, jje:+
  2159. Jonah Considine: Golden Flu (Nein -EP) {2}: YW:55 -- TH:*
  2160. Consumer Electronics: Dollhouse Songs (Harbinger Sound) {2}: Bw:80, Qt:70
  2161. Lainie Cooke: The Music Is the Magic (Onyx Music) {2}: jan:6 -- V:1170-5-1, TH:B
  2162. Cool Uncle: Cool Uncle (Fresh Young Minds/Empire) {2}: bg_b:9 -- V:640-10-1
  2163. Mike Cooper: Fratello Mare (Room 40) {2}: Bk:49, Bw:85
  2164. Corrections House: How to Carry a Whip () {2}: Od:26, Te:30
  2165. Alessandro Cortini: Forse 3 (Important) {2}: AV:+, Bw:50
  2166. Counterparts: Tragedy Will Find Us (Pure Noise) {2}: Fp:98, Spk_u:73
  2167. The Ben Cox Band: This Waiting Game (Cinnamon) {2}: T_j:13
  2168. Crack Ignaz: Kirsch (Melting Pot) {2}: lt_h:24 -- TH:*
  2169. Sarah Cracknell: Red Kite (Cherry Red) {2}: RT:62 -- V:558-13-1
  2170. The Crayon Fields: No One Deserves You (Chapter Music) {2}: ath:+ -- V:1044-9-1
  2171. Crazy P: Walk Dance Talk Sing (!K7) {2}: dj:5
  2172. Creepoid: Cemetery Highrise Slum (Collect) {2}: Blr:44, Bq:94
  2173. Cristobal and the Sea: Sugar Now () {2}: PN:*2
  2174. Crossfaith: Xeno (Razor & Tie) {2}: K:35; am_m:+
  2175. Crow and the Canyon: Leaving Soon () {2}: vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2176. Nicola Cruz: Prender El Alma (ZZK) {2}: Th:20
  2177. Donald Cumming: Out Calls Only (Washington Square) {2}: RS_D:13
  2178. Joe Cunningham: Restraint (PJCE) {2}: jra:5
  2179. Amelia Curran: They Promised You Mercy (Blue Rose) {2}: T_c:14
  2180. Billy Currington: Summer Forever (Mercury Nashville) {2}: Yh:+; am_c:+
  2181. CW/A: Words Unspoken Acts Undone () {2}: sq_t:5
  2182. D5: Sides of Space (Delsin) {2}: Ph:14
  2183. Dancing With Ruby: In the Interest of Beasts (Sexy Units) {2}: psl:5
  2184. Dane Terry: Color Movies () {2}: vjf:+ -- V:499-15-1
  2185. Laurie Dapice: Parting the Veil (self-released) {2}: jbp:13, jrs:+
  2186. Rhodri Davies/John Butcher: Routing Lynn (Ftarri) {2}: jsb:2
  2187. Richard Dawson: Nothing Important (Domino -14) {2}: Mj:15
  2188. Day Wave: Headcase (self-released -EP) {2}: SBR:18
  2189. Daze Maxim: Rising/Falling (Hello? Repeat) {2}: Xlr:16
  2190. Dead Players: Freshly Skeletal () {2}: w_h:5
  2191. Dead When I Found Her: All The Way Down (Artoffact Recordings) {2}: idy:3
  2192. Deafcult: Deafcult (self-released -EP) {2}: SBR:16
  2193. The Dears: Times Infinity Volume One (Dangerbird) {2}: UR:49; lc_g:10
  2194. Death Alley: Black Magick Boogieland (Tee Pee) {2}: FB:+; p_m:+
  2195. Death Hawks: Sun Future Moon (Svart) {2}: FB:+; maf:+
  2196. Death's Dynamic Shroud.wmv: I'll Try Living Like This (Dream Catalogue) {2}: F:15
  2197. Steve Deaton Three: The Steve Deaton Three () {2}: vss:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2198. The Declining Winter: Home for Lost Souls (Home Assembly Music) {2}: No:12
  2199. Defyance: Reincarnation () {2}: vce:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2200. Robert DeLong: In the Cards (Glassnote) {2}: Yh:+; ye:+
  2201. Dengue Fever: The Deepest Lake (Tuk Tuk) {2}: am_w:+ -- V:444-16-2
  2202. Jeff Denson/Lee Konitz: Jeff Denson Trio + Lee Konitz (Ridgeway) {2}: jgg:+ -- TH:*
  2203. Bertrand Denzler: Morph (Confront) {2}: jsb:4
  2204. Minami Deutsch: Minami Deutsch (Cardinal Fuzz) {2}: FB:48, No:36
  2205. Dev: Bittersweet July () {2}: vce:+ -- V:428-17-2
  2206. Diablo: Silver Horizon (Sakara) {2}: lt_m:5
  2207. Diagrams: Chromatics (Full Time Hobby) {2}: PN:+, TG:75
  2208. Dialect: Gowanus Drifts (1080p) {2}: Bk:13
  2209. Mario Diaz de Leon: The Soul Is the Arena () {2}: FJ:+; av:+
  2210. Aaron Dilloway: Sounds of Nepal Volumes 1-3 () {2}: w_g:5
  2211. Dither: Olympiad Vol 1: Dither Plays Zorn (Tzadik) {2}: CRW:21; rs_a:10
  2212. Divers: Hello Hello (Party Damage) {2}: opb:+, or:16
  2213. DJWWWW: USM! () {2}: w_e:2
  2214. Dope Body: Kunk (Drag City) {2}: AV:+, Ne:49
  2215. Down I Go: You're Lucky God, That I Cannot Reach You (Holy Roar) {2}: Spk_u:20
  2216. Draconian: Sovran () {2}: mp:3
  2217. Dragged Into Sunlight/Gnaw Their Tongues: NV (Prosthetic) {2}: ex_m:4
  2218. Pauline Drand: EP () {2}: PN:*2
  2219. Dreadnought: Bridging Realms () {2}: HB:19
  2220. Dreamcrusher: Hackers All of Them Hackers (Fire Talk) {2}: gt:+, s_a:16
  2221. Paquito D'Rivera & Quinteto Cimarron: Aires Tropicales () {2}: jdr:+, jgg:+
  2222. DRS: Mid Mic Crisis (Soul: R) {2}: Mix:14
  2223. Andrew Drury: The Drum (self-released) {2}: av:*2 -- TH:B-
  2224. Dubkasm: Victory () {2}: w_d:3
  2225. Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel: DfTaLS With Helton and Bragg () {2}: av:*2
  2226. Dumblonde: Dumblonde () {2}: vti:+ -- V:258-30-2
  2227. Paul Dunmall/Tony Bianco: Homage to John Coltrane (Slam) {2}: tn:5
  2228. Kait Dunton: Trio Kait (self-released) {2}: jrm:+, se_a:+
  2229. Dwig: From Here to There () {2}: sq_t:3
  2230. Dyke Drama: Tender Resignation (Salinas -EP) {2}: DW:27; s_u:14 -- TH:B
  2231. Eartheater: Metalepsis (Hausu Mountain) {2}: FB:+ -- V:459-15-2
  2232. Earthly: Days (Noumenal Loom) {2}: iw:3
  2233. Earthside: A Dream in Static (self-released) {2}: HB:42; ad:+
  2234. Eaves: What Green Feels Like (Heavenly) {2}: A_uk:90, Dr:28
  2235. Echolyn: I Heard You Listening (self-released) {2}: FB:+; pm_k:8
  2236. Ecstatic Vision: Sonic Praise (Relapse) {2}: FB:+; maf:+
  2237. Kirsten Edkins: Art & Soul (self-released) {2}: BA_j:25 -- TH:*
  2238. Sinne Eeg/Thomas Fonnesbaek: Sinne Eeg and Thomas Fonnesbaek (Stunt) {2}: jrd:+, jrs:+
  2239. Harris Eisenstadt: Canada Day IV (Songlines) {2}: jhm:10, jrn:16
  2240. Ryan Elliott: RA Live: the Peacock Society Paris () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2241. Encephalon: Psychogenesis (Dependent) {2}: idy:2
  2242. Lawrence English: Viento (Taiga) {2}: BK:85; sq_x:20
  2243. Ensemble Signal: Steve Reich: Music for 18 Musicians () {2}: Mrg:26; av:+
  2244. Enshine: Singularity (self-released) {2}: RY:51, Spk_u:68
  2245. ESB [Yann Tiersen/Thomas Poli/Lionel Laquerriere]: ESB (Bureau B) {2}: Flp:13
  2246. Escort: Animal Nature (Escort) {2}: am_r:+ -- V:499-15-1
  2247. Eskmo: SOL (Apollo) {2}: ye:+ -- TH:*
  2248. Robin Eubanks Mass Line Big Band: More Than Meets the Ear (ArtistShare) {2}: se_a:+ -- TH:*
  2249. Kevin Eubanks/Stanley Jordan: Duets (Mack Avenue) {2}: jma:9, jsl:6
  2250. Eugene the Oceanographer: The Tigers of Mount Paektu (Maybles) {2}: Qt:98 -- V:1170-5-1
  2251. Peter Evans Quintet: Destination: Void (More Is More -14) {2}: FJ:+ -- TH:*
  2252. Evans the Death: Expect Delays (Slumberland) {2}: ath:+ -- AY:45
  2253. Evil Blizzard: Everybody Come to Church (Louder Than War) {2}: LW:17
  2254. Fairhorns: Fuckup Rush (Kindarad) {2}: DS:95, GTV:56
  2255. Jonny Faith: Sundial (Tru Thoughts) {2}: am_e:+, hu:12
  2256. Falling in Reverse: Just Like You () {2}: gw:+, r_r:9
  2257. False Lights: Salvor (Wreckord) {2}: FR:12
  2258. Family of the Year: Family of the Year () {2}: Ps:12
  2259. Fantasma: Free Love (Soundway) {2}: G:30; am_w:+
  2260. Farruko: Visionary (Sony) {2}: am_g:+, am_w:+
  2261. Fatoni & Dexter: Yo Picasso (WSP) {2}: Zf:27; lt_h:11
  2262. Kit Wilmans Fegradoe: Issa (Important) {2}: Tx:17
  2263. Filipe Felizardo: Volume IV: The Invading Past and Other Dissolutions () {2}: vps:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2264. Feufollet: Two Universes (Feufollet) {2}: ob:+ -- V:558-13-1
  2265. Fight Like Apes: Fight Like Apes (Alcopop) {2}: St:25; lmt:19
  2266. Flight: Flight (Bad Omen) {2}: FB:+; mf_h:9
  2267. The Floor Models: Letter From Liverpool () {2}: vss:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2268. Floorplan AKA Robert Hood: Live at Weather Festival Paris () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2269. Marco Flores y #1 Banda Jerez: Soy El Bueno () {2}: vjo:+ -- V:606-11-1
  2270. Flying Horseman: Night Is Long (Unday) {2}: DM:13; kf:3
  2271. FM: Heroes and Villains (Frontiesr Music) {2}: ClR:42, TmR:43
  2272. Fossil Aerosol Mining Project: The Day 1982 Contaminated 1971 (Helen Scarsdale) {2}: Bw:93; jgg:+
  2273. Four Year Strong: Four Year Strong (Pure Noise) {2}: Bq:39, K:22
  2274. John Foxx: London Overgrown (Metamatic) {2}: Flp:28, Qt:91
  2275. Simon Frick: Solo (Boomslang) {2}: jsl:5
  2276. Dan Friel: Life (Thrill Jockey) {2}: DW:55 -- AY:104
  2277. Fred Frith: Field Days (The Amanda Loops) (Fred/ReR) {2}: blg:+, jpz:7
  2278. Frontierer: Orange Mathematics () {2}: HB:26, Spk_u:87
  2279. The F Spot: Femmes Fatales (Folkstock) {2}: T_f:17
  2280. Fuck the Facts: Desire Will Rot (Noise Salvation) {2}: Pf_m:+; ex_m:7
  2281. Full of Hell: Full of Hell & Merzbow (Profound Lore, 2CD) {2}: BA_m:17
  2282. Funeral for a Friend: Chapter & Verse (Distiller) {2}: Bq:83, Crg:35
  2283. Funkadelic: First Ya Gotta Shake the Gate (The C Kunspyruhz -3CD -14) {2}: blg:+, jkg:+ -- RC:***, TH:*
  2284. Yuri Gagarin: At the Center of All Infinity () {2}: mf_h:5
  2285. The Galleria: Calling Card/Mezzanine (Environ, EP) {2}: GB:20
  2286. Gallows: Desolation Sounds (Bridge 9) {2}: Crg:58, Vi:34
  2287. Renaud García-Fons & Derya Turkan: Silk Moon () {2}: obs:3
  2288. Melody Gardot: Curency of Man (Decca/Verve) {2}: te:+ -- V:1072-8-1
  2289. Brian Gascoigne: Phase IV [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] () {2}: FF:13
  2290. Gazpacho: Molok (Kscope) {2}: FB:35, RY:90
  2291. G-Eazy: When It's Dark Out (RCA) {2}: Am_h:13
  2292. Geezer/Borracho: The Second Coming of Heavy Chapter One () {2}: mf_h:3
  2293. Michael Gibbs/The NDR Bigband: In My View (Cuneiform) {2}: av:+, jrs:+
  2294. John Ginty: No Filter () {2}: se_a:*2
  2295. Jess Glynne: I Cry When I Laugh () {2}: Nc:32; ew_p:10
  2296. Goblin Rebirth: Goblin Rebirth (Relapse) {2}: mi_f:+ -- V:579-12-1
  2297. God Mother: Maktbehov (Violent Groove) {2}: Pf_m:+; lw_m:19
  2298. Gods of Eden: From the End of Heaven () {2}: HB:16
  2299. Golden Pelicans: Oldest Ride Longest Line (Total Punk) {2}: AV:+, AYP:39
  2300. Edsel Gomez: Road to Udaiput (Zoho Music) {2}: jbm:+, jsy:7
  2301. Gonno: Remember the Life Is Beautiful (Endless Flight) {2}: Pc:88, YW:33
  2302. Chilly Gonzales: Chambers (Gentle Threat/Fontana North) {2}: Dr:92, U_jm:81
  2303. Vin Gordon & Selection Train Players: Red Blood/Bloodshed () {2}: w_d:4
  2304. Gorgoroth: Instinctus Bestialis (Soulseller) {2}: maf:*2
  2305. Gossamer: Automaton (Innovative Leisure) {2}: Mon:33, Ph:98
  2306. The Grand Gestures: Happy Holidays (Chute) {2}: Flp:19
  2307. Vivian Green: Vivid (Make Noise) {2}: ABC:47; am_r:+
  2308. Gruesome: Savage Land (Relapse) {2}: NN:33, Te:25
  2309. Guantanamo Baywatch: Darling . . . It's Too Late (Suicide Squeeze) {2}: P:28 -- V:640-10-1
  2310. Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet: Family First (Beat Music Productions) {2}: DVk:11
  2311. Guts Club: Arm Wrestling Tournament () {2}: vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2312. Buddy Guy: Born to Play Guitar (RCA) {2}: RS_F:30; gw:+
  2313. David Hajdu: Waiting for an Angel (Miranda Music) {2}: jbb:+, jhm:+
  2314. Emily Hall: Folie a Deux (Bedroom Community) {2}: TG:18
  2315. Hama: Torodi () {2}: CRW:18
  2316. Ross Hammond/Catherine Sikora: Perfect Plasticity (Gold Lion Arts) {2}: FJ:+; av:+
  2317. Albert Hammond Jr: Momentary Masters (Vagrant) {2}: FN:41 -- V:640-10-1
  2318. Darren Hanlon: Where Did You Come From? (Flippin Yeah Industries) {2}: DJ:44 -- V:1044-9-1
  2319. Hardstedt: UM004 () {2}: sq_t:2
  2320. Ange Hardy: Esteesee (Story) {2}: He:39, T_f:55
  2321. Tom Harrell: Trip (HighNote) {2}: jga:5
  2322. Juliana Hatfield Three: Whatever My Love (American Laundromat) {2}: ABC:27; am_k:+
  2323. Kenneth Salters Haven: Enter to Exit (Destiny) {2}: jag:+, jda:+
  2324. Marquis Hawkes: Sweet (Houndstooth) {2}: Xlr:15
  2325. Hayden: Hey Love (Arts & Crafts) {2}: PN:+; ath:+
  2326. Warren Haynes: Ashes & Dust (Concord) {2}: gw:+, se_d:+
  2327. The Hearse: The Hearse () {2}: DaJ:11
  2328. The Heavy Eyes: He Dreams of Lions (Kozmik Artifactz) {2}: FB:+; mf_f:14
  2329. Florian Hecker & Mark Leckey: Hecker Leckey Sound Voice Chimera (Pan) {2}: Bk:92, Bl:95
  2330. Gilad Hekselman: Homes (Jazz Village) {2}: jbm:+, jgs:10
  2331. Helrunar: Niederkunfft () {2}: mi_n:18, r_m:9
  2332. Philip Henry and Hannah Martin: Watershed (Dragonfly Roots) {2}: FR:+, T_f:57
  2333. Herbert: The Shakes (Accidental) {2}: Bl:12
  2334. Yaron Herman: Everyday (Blue Note) {2}: T_j:31; obs:6
  2335. Vincent Herring: Night and Day (Smoke Sessions) {2}: jmb:6 -- TH:*
  2336. Herva: Killa (Planet Mu) {2}: Bl:44 -- V:606-11-1
  2337. Conrad Herwig: The Latin Side of Joe Henderson (HighNote -14) {2}: jpf:+, jrm:+
  2338. Lilly Hiatt: Royal Blue (Normaltown) {2}: am_a:+, pm_u:10
  2339. HIBOU: HIBOU (Barsuk) {2}: Eb:99, SBR:26
  2340. Patrick Higgins: Bachanalia (Telegraph Harp) {2}: JG:145, U_jm:137
  2341. Hijokaidan: Emergency Stairway to Heaven () {2}: av:*2
  2342. HNNY: Sunday (Omena) {2}: IT:41; mb:+
  2343. Heinz Holliger: Machaut-Transkriptionen (ECM) {2}: jkg:2
  2344. Hollywood Vampires: Hollywood Vampires (UMe) {2}: ucr:9 -- V:640-10-1
  2345. Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet: Desire (Challenge) {2}: pl_j:5
  2346. Hooded Menace: Darkness Drips Forth () {2}: Spk_u:44; p_m:+
  2347. Hopsin: Pound Syndrome (Funk Volume/Warner Bros) {2}: Am_h:28, CV:23
  2348. Eva-Maria Houben: Air: Works for Flutes and Organ () {2}: w_m:5
  2349. Houndstooth: No News From Home (No Quarter) {2}: U_jm:33; mm:+
  2350. James Newton Howard: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] () {2}: FF:20
  2351. Dylan Howe: Subterranean: New Designs on Bowie's Berlin (Motorik) {2}: noj:6, se_g:8
  2352. Hox: Duke of York (Editions Mego) {2}: Bw:52 -- V:640-10-1
  2353. Hurts: Surrender (Columbia) {2}: Poj:33, WT:38
  2354. J Hus: The 15th Day (self-released) {2}: N:19
  2355. I Am Waiting for You Last Summer: Mirrors (Flowers Blossom in the Space) {2}: AD:30, FPE:81
  2356. Idjut Boys: Versions (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: Pc:87, Ph:100
  2357. I-LP-O in Dub: Communist Dub (Editions Mego) {2}: Bk:83, Bl:88
  2358. Imperia: Tears of Silence () {2}: vgm:+ -- V:606-11-1
  2359. India Electric Co: The Girl I Left Behind Me (Shoelay Music) {2}: T_f:14
  2360. Indigo Girls: One Lost Day (Vanguard) {2}: AV:+; ejh:+
  2361. Infected Mushroom: Converting Vegetarians II () {2}: Spk_u:114; ye:8
  2362. Injury Reserve: Live From the Dentist Office () {2}: Ne:12
  2363. Ralph Irizarry & Timbalaya: 20th Anniversary (Truth Revolution) {2}: jpj:+, vlb:+
  2364. The Chuck Israels Jazz Orchestra: Joyful Noise: A Tribute to Horace Silver (self-released) {2}: jrd:3
  2365. Goran Ivanovic: Goran Ivanovic Trio () {2}: se_g:4
  2366. Ivardensphere: Fable (Metropolis) {2}: idy:5
  2367. Jack O' the Clock: Outsider Songs () {2}: av:*2
  2368. Susan James: Sea Glass (SJM) {2}: Flp:62; sd:6
  2369. Jeff the Brotherhood: Wasted on the Dream (Infinity Cat) {2}: FB:+; tns:+
  2370. Jeph Jerman & Tim Barnes: Matterings (Erstwhile) {2}: Mrg:16
  2371. Jerusalem in My Heart/Suuns: Suuns & Jerusalem in My Heart (Secretly Canadian) {2}: PN:+; hu:7
  2372. Orso Jesenska: Effacer La Mer (3h50) {2}: PN:+; bz:8
  2373. Jess and the Ancient Ones: Second Psychedelic Coming: The Aquarius Tapes (Svart) {2}: FB:14
  2374. Johann Johannsson: Sicario [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Varese Sarabande) {2}: F:35, IT:37
  2375. Hermione Johnson: The Shape of a Mouth (4 Eyes) {2}: jkr:3
  2376. Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings: It's a Holiday Soul Party (Daptone) {2}: YW:42; pl_s:6
  2377. Jonsson & More: No Way Out (Sunny Sky) {2}: jra:3
  2378. Anders Jormin/Lena Willemark/Karin Nakagawa: Trees of Light (ECM) {2}: TG:+ -- TH:*
  2379. Jute Gyte: Ship of Theseus (Jeshimoth Entertainment) {2}: Pf_m:+, Qt:90
  2380. Kali Uchis: Por Vida () {2}: ht:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2381. Kammarheit: The Nest (Cyclic Law) {2}: av:+, idy:21
  2382. Kangding Ray: Cory Arcane (Raster Noton) {2}: AV:+; gd_e:12
  2383. Kardes Turkuler: Kerwane (Network Medien/Membran/Kalan Muzik) {2}: TGW:20
  2384. Kim Kashkashian/Sivan Magen/Marina Piccinini: Tre Voci () {2}: vjc:+ -- V:1072-8-1
  2385. Kaskade: Automatic (Arkade/Warner Bros) {2}: am_e:+, ye:+
  2386. Kave: Ominousium () {2}: av:*2
  2387. Annie Keating: Make Believing (self-released) {2}: T_c:16
  2388. Robert Earl Keen Jr: Happy Prisoner: The Bluegrass Sessions (Dualtone) {2}: NoD:39, TG:82 -- V:640-10-1
  2389. Keep Shelly in Athens: Now I'm Ready (Friends of Friends) {2}: Am_s:34, AV:+
  2390. Seckou Keita: 22 Strings (ARC Music) {2}: FR:+, TGW:43
  2391. Toby Keith: 35 Mph Town (Show Dog Nashville) {2}: am_c:+, bm_c:18 -- TH:B
  2392. Dan Kelly: Leisure Panic (ABC Music) {2}: DJ:20
  2393. Jessika Kenney: Atria () {2}: vbb:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  2394. Mamak Khadem: The Road (Innova) {2}: wmc:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2395. Kid Millions & Jim Sauter: Bloom (Astral Spirits) {2}: FJ:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2396. Kid Wave: Wonderlust (Heavenly) {2}: GTV:66 -- V:1044-9-1
  2397. King Dude: Songs of Flesh & Blood: In the Key of Light () {2}: DaJ:14
  2398. King Heavy: King Heavy () {2}: r_m:2
  2399. King King: Reaching for the Light (Manhaton) {2}: ClR:46, TmR:46
  2400. King Los: God Money War (After Platinum/88 Classic/RCA) {2}: Nc:37, Yh:+
  2401. Jacob Kirkegaard: 5 Pieces (Posh Isolation) {2}: CRW:30; rs_a:9
  2402. Kiss the Frog: Hillmonster () {2}: av:*2
  2403. Kkidss: Hot Trash (Rok Lok) {2}: MR:18
  2404. Petros Klampanis: Minor Dispute (import) {2}: TG:+; jbm:8
  2405. Klone: Here Comes the Sun (Pelagic) {2}: Lt:44, Spk_u:106
  2406. Natasha Kmeto: Inevitable (Dropping Gems) {2}: cmg:*2
  2407. Knife Pleats: Hat Bark Beach (Jigsaw) {2}: YW:54 -- TH:*
  2408. The Knocks: So Classic (Big Beat -EP) {2}: s_c:23, s_g:9
  2409. Knuckle Puck: Copacetic (Rise) {2}: Bq:25, Crg:98
  2410. Konsforradare: End of History (Teg Publishing) {2}: So:20
  2411. Kooley High: Heights () {2}: vcl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2412. Kopecky: Drug for the Modern Age (ATO) {2}: boc:17, re:7
  2413. Heikki Koskinen/Teppo Hauta-Aho/Mikko Innanen: Kellari Trio (Edgetone) {2}: av:+ -- TH:*
  2414. Syl Kougai: IXOYE () {2}: FF:11
  2415. Jana Kramer: Thirty One (Elektra Nashville) {2}: bm_c:19 -- V:640-10-1
  2416. Nina Kraviz: Live @ Dommune Tokyo () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2417. Nicholas Krgovich: On Cahuenga (Orindal) {2}: PN:+; bgc:+
  2418. Rolf Kuhn: Stereo (MPS) {2}: jck:3
  2419. Sam Kulik: The Broadcast (self-released) {2}: g_x:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2420. Lady Leshurr: Queens Speech Episode 4 () {2}: w_h:3
  2421. Lame Drivers: Chosen Era (Jigsaw) {2}: YW:32 -- TH:*
  2422. La Misma: Kanizadi (Toxic State) {2}: DW:75 -- V:258-30-2
  2423. Jorn Lande and Trond Holter: Dracula: Swing of Death () {2}: mp:4
  2424. Nikki Lane: All or Nothin' (New West -14) {2}: DKv:21 -- TH:*
  2425. Kenny Lattimore: Anatomy of a Love Song (EOne) {2}: am_r:+, st:+
  2426. Jim Lauderdale: Soul Searching: Vol 1 Memphis/Vol 2 Nashville () {2}: sjw:7 -- V:640-10-1
  2427. Legendary Skies: Novarupta () {2}: AD:14
  2428. Dominique Leone: San Francisco () {2}: av:+ -- V:499-15-1
  2429. Lettuce: Crush () {2}: ft:+, gp:+
  2430. Le Vent Du Nord: Tetu (Borealis) {2}: TGW:33 -- V:1135-6-1
  2431. Igor Levit: Bach, Beethoven, Rzewski (Sony Classical) {2}: jkg:5
  2432. The Lev-Yulzari Duo: Azafea: A Spanish Odyssey () {2}: vcc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2433. LGoony: Grape Tape (self-released) {2}: In:31; lt_h:10
  2434. LHF: For the Thrown (Keysound) {2}: dj:3
  2435. The Lickets: Dolls in Color (International Corporation) {2}: Tx:19
  2436. Ligeia Mare: Amplifier () {2}: av:*2
  2437. Terra Lightfoot: Every Time My Mind Runs Wild (Sonic Unyon) {2}: mac:+, rfc:6
  2438. Lightning Bug: Floaters (self-released) {2}: SBR:19
  2439. Lil B & Chance the Rapper: Free (self-released) {2}: Sg_h:14
  2440. Denny Lile: Hear the Bang (Big Legal Mess) {2}: cmg:*2
  2441. Lil Herb: Ballin' Like I'm Kobe (self-released) {2}: PW:11
  2442. Christian Lillinger: Grund (Pirouet) {2}: jck:4
  2443. Lil Wayne: No Ceilings 2 (Wayne) {2}: -- RC:**
  2444. Line Katcho: Pulsions () {2}: FF:19
  2445. Little Wings: Explains (Woodsist) {2}: bm_f:3
  2446. Lolina: Relaxin' With Lolina (self-released) {2}: TMT:36 -- V:640-10-1
  2447. Loma Prieta: Self Portrait (Deathwish) {2}: Crg:90; io:6
  2448. London, Meander, Pramuk & Ross: Royal Bopsters Project (Motema Music) {2}: jgz:+, jna:+ -- TH:B
  2449. Long Beard: Sleepwalker (Team Love) {2}: bm_f:12, imp:+
  2450. Looper: Offgrid: Offline (Mute) {2}: pm_i:2
  2451. Loose Tubes: Arriving Lost Marble () {2}: jw:3
  2452. Christian Lopez Band: Onward (Blaster) {2}: pm_u:15 -- V:1170-5-1
  2453. The Jeff Lorber Fusion: Step It Up (Heads Up) {2}: am_j:+, se_a:+
  2454. Los Bonsais: Nordeste (Elefant) {2}: YW:77 -- TH:*
  2455. Demi Lovato: Confident (Hollywood/Island) {2}: am_p:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2456. LST: Th Duo (Another Dark Age) {2}: Bk:17
  2457. Lucki Ecks: X (self-released) {2}: cmg:+, qt_h:15
  2458. Luna Sol: Blood Moon (Slush Fund) {2}: FB:+; mf_f:20
  2459. Lura: Heranca (Lusafrica) {2}: TGW:13
  2460. Ibrahim Maalouf: Kalthoum (import) {2}: pl_j:2
  2461. Machinefabriek/Anne Bakker: Deining () {2}: av:*2
  2462. Ruben Machtelinckx: Flock (El Negocito) {2}: BIW:20
  2463. Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy: One (Linus Entertainment) {2}: T_f:42 -- V:640-10-1
  2464. Maggotron: Bug Eyed Monsters () {2}: vce:+ -- V:331-24-2
  2465. The Magic Words: The Day We Ran Away (Magic Words Demos) (self-released) {2}: js:18 -- TH:*
  2466. The Magnetic Mind: . . . Is Thinking About It (Rowed Out) {2}: PJ:13
  2467. Majora: Iridescent () {2}: AD:17
  2468. Male Gaze: Gale Maze (Castle Face) {2}: FB:46; nz:+
  2469. Jesse Malin: New York Before the War (One Little Indian) {2}: Noj:46 -- V:579-12-1
  2470. Michael Malis: Lifted From the No of All Nothing (Polyfold) {2}: jmk:+, jpf:+
  2471. Kapela Maliszow: Mazurki Niepojete (Karrot Kommando) {2}: TGW:15
  2472. Mallee Songs: Natural Times (Gaga Digi) {2}: MR:11
  2473. Eleni Mandell: Dark Lights Up (Yep Roc) {2}: FB:+; nymd:+
  2474. Dan Mangan & Blacksmith: Club Meds (Arts & Crafts) {2}: Ms:36, Vi:43
  2475. Peder Mannerfelt: The Swedish Congo Record (Archives Interieures) {2}: Bk:74 -- V:1135-6-1
  2476. Mansfield TYA: Corpo Inferno (Vicious Circle) {2}: LR:71, PN:+
  2477. Many Arms & Toshimaru Nakamura: Many Arms & Toshimaru Nakamura (Public Eyesore) {2}: g_x:+, se_a:+
  2478. Gillian Margot: Black Butterfly (Hipnotic) {2}: jrs:+, vmw:+
  2479. Marianas Trench: Astoria (Interscope) {2}: BE:97, JM:29
  2480. Marietta: Basement Dreams Are the Bedroom Cream (Born Bad) {2}: Crg:72, Mw:21
  2481. Bachar Mar-Khalife: Ya Balad () {2}: PN:+; wmc:+
  2482. Marrow: The Gold Standard (self-released) {2}: rc:9 -- V:640-10-1
  2483. Steve Martin & Edie Brickell: So Familiar (Rounder) {2}: am_f:+ -- RC:*
  2484. Martin Nonstatic: Granite () {2}: amg:+, sq_e:6
  2485. Ricky Martin: A Quien Quiera Escuchar (Sony Music Latin) {2}: am_w:+, rfs:+
  2486. Souad Massi: El Mutakallimum (Masters of the World) (Wrasse) {2}: TGW:31; ap:+
  2487. Master Musicians of Bukkake: Further West Quad Cult (Important) {2}: Qt:83, U_jm:113
  2488. MAS YSA: Seraph (Downtown) {2}: cmg:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2489. Mates of State: You're Going to Make It (Barsuk -EP) {2}: AV:+, gm:9
  2490. Nilson Matta: East Side Rio Drive (World Blue) {2}: jkd:+ -- TH:*
  2491. Roy Mattson: Mesmer () {2}: av:*2
  2492. Mayday Parade: Black Lines (Fearless) {2}: Bq:51 -- V:640-10-1
  2493. Kane Mayfield: The Return of Rap () {2}: Nc:13
  2494. Missy Mazzoli: Vespers for a New Dark Age (New Amsterdam) {2}: Tx:11
  2495. Sean McCann: Ten Impressions for Strings and Piano (Root Strata) {2}: AV:+, FPE:41
  2496. Brendan McCauley: The McCartneys of Pennyburn 1865-1912 (Copperplate) {2}: T_f:19
  2497. Tom McRae: Did I Sleep and Miss the Border (Buzzard Tree) {2}: GTV:98 -- V:414-18-2
  2498. Malvina Meinier: Home (Midnight Special) {2}: Ipr:14
  2499. Susie Meissner: Tea for Two (Lydian Jazz) {2}: jrs:+, jsy:+
  2500. Dan Melchior's Broke Review: Lords of the Manor (In the Red) {2}: nz:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2501. Carlton Melton: Out to Sea (Agitated) {2}: FB:+, RM:85
  2502. Daniel Menche/Mamiffer: Crater (Sige) {2}: Bw:43; pf_x:12
  2503. Ava Mendoza: Unnatural Ways (New Atlantis) {2}: jkr:+, jrn:10
  2504. The Men That Will Not Be Blamed for Nothing: Not Your Typical Victorians (Leather Apron) {2}: LW:55 -- V:1135-6-1
  2505. MFBTY: Wondaland () {2}: bb_k:5
  2506. Miami Horror: All Possible Futures (Dine Alone/Haven Sounds) {2}: Yh:+ -- V:355-20-2
  2507. Michete: Cool Tricks () {2}: DW:65, S_h:41
  2508. Mild High Club: Timeline (Circle Star) {2}: Pc:61, Zf:79
  2509. The Milk Carton Kids: Monterey (Anti) {2}: TG:97; df:+
  2510. Jenks Miller and Rose Cross NC: Music for Snowdrifts (Ba Da Bing!) {2}: iw:19, s_a:18
  2511. Olan Mill: Cavade Morlem (Dronarivm) {2}: FPE:61; amg:+
  2512. Robert Mills: Indian Talking Machine () {2}: w_g:2
  2513. Bob Mintzer Big Band: Get Up! (MCG Jazz) {2}: jrs:+ -- TH:*
  2514. The Minus 5: Dungeon Golds (Yep Roc) {2}: AV:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2515. The Mire: Vice Regalia (self-released -EP) {2}: Spk_u:101; ad:+
  2516. Misha Mishenko: Songs of the Dead Dragons (Flowers Blossom in the Space) {2}: FPE:16
  2517. Roscoe Mitchell Trio: Angel City (RogueArt) {2}: jdk:5
  2518. Mitski: Bury Me at Makeout Creek (Don Giovanni) {2}: Gw:25 -- V:640-10-1
  2519. Moa Pillar: Humanity () {2}: Af:13
  2520. Momus: Glyptothek (American Patchwork) {2}: Yh:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2521. Mondo Drag: Mondo Drag (Kozmik Artifactz) {2}: FB:71; cs_m:19
  2522. Mon Draggor: Pulling Strings/Pushing Buttons (self-released) {2}: pm_p:9 -- V:1170-5-1
  2523. Ty Money: Cinco De Money (self-released) {2}: PW:32 -- V:640-10-1
  2524. Monster Rally & Jay Stone: Foreign Pedestrians (Gold Robot) {2}: S_h:29 -- TH:*
  2525. Moore Moss Rutter: Mmr Ii (Rootbeat) {2}: FR:+, T_f:48
  2526. Eric Vaarzon Morel: El Aguador (self-released) {2}: pl_w:3
  2527. Flo Morrissey: Tomorrow Will Be Beautiful (Glassnote) {2}: LR:43, Yh:+
  2528. Neal Morse Band: The Grand Experiment (Metal Blade) {2}: Pl:+; pm_k:9
  2529. Elliott Moss: Highspeeds (Grand Jury) {2}: LR:47, VL:30
  2530. Gilligan Moss: Ceremonial (EMI -EP) {2}: YW:+ -- TH:*
  2531. Mother Engine: Absturz (Gebruder Schall) {2}: FB:63; mf_f:
  2532. Motion City Soundtrack: Panic Stations (Epitaph) {2}: Bq:74 -- V:640-10-1
  2533. Mourn: Mourn (Captured Tracks) {2}: Ero:53, FN:48
  2534. Mouse on the Keys: The Flowers of Romance (Machupicchu Industrias) {2}: Spk_u:74; ad:+
  2535. Jack Mouse & Scott Robinson with Janice Borla: Three Story Sandbox (Tall Grass '16) {2}: jrs:+ -- TH:*
  2536. Jon Mueller: A Magnetic Center (Rhythmplex) {2}: jgg:+, pf_x:10
  2537. Mumdance: Fabriclive 80 (Fabric) {2}: am_e:+, gd_o:6
  2538. Luis Munoz: Voz (Pellin Music) {2}: jrs:+, jsg:+
  2539. The Mystic Jungle Tribe: Solaria (Early Sounds) {2}: Ph:51, VF:39
  2540. Bill Nace/Steve Backowski/Chris Corsano: Stolen Car (Golden Lab) {2}: FJ:+; jkr:+
  2541. Tatsuya Nakatani & Michel Doneda: Duo (Nakatani-Kobo) {2}: jpz:2
  2542. The Names: Stranger Than You (Factory Benelux) {2}: Flp:17
  2543. Patrick Naylor: Days of Blue (self-released) {2}: T_j:19
  2544. Aurora Nealand and Tom McDermott: City of Timbres (self-released) {2}: ob:3
  2545. Nechochwen: Heart of Akamon (Bindrune) {2}: maf:+, mi_n:15
  2546. Sharon Needles: Taxidermy () {2}: DaJ:13
  2547. The Neighbourhood: Wiped Out! (Sony BMG) {2}: Pg:17
  2548. Richard Nelson/Aardvark Jazz Orchestra: Deep River (Heliotrope) {2}: jde:9 -- TH:*
  2549. Sarah Bethe Nelson: Fast Moving Clouds (Burger) {2}: Am_s:43, Eb:85
  2550. Nena: Oldschool () {2}: vce:+ -- V:453-16-1
  2551. Marius Neset: Pinball (ACT) {2}: jpk:+ -- TH:*
  2552. Neuroticfish: A Sign of Life (Non Ordinary) {2}: idy:4
  2553. Martin Newell: TEatime Assortment (Captured Tracks) {2}: Yh:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2554. Ne-Yo: Non-Fiction (Motown) {2}: am_r:+ -- V:640-10-1, MT:B
  2555. NHK: Program () {2}: gd_o:4
  2556. Night Demon: Curse of the Damned () {2}: FB:+; r_m:12
  2557. Nightfell: Darkness Evermore (20 Buck Spin) {2}: AV:+; p_m:6
  2558. Paal Nilssen-Love: Cut and Bleed (Ideal) {2}: FJ:*2
  2559. Niton: Tiresias () {2}: gd_o:3
  2560. Francisco Nixon: Lo Malo Que Nos Pasa (Siesta) {2}: Jp:18
  2561. Liam Noble: A Room Somewhere (Basho) {2}: T_j:20
  2562. Nonsemble: Go Seigen vs Fujisawa Kuranosuke (Bigo & Twigetti) {2}: FPE:48; av:+
  2563. Nordic Giants: A Seance of Dark Delusions (Kscope) {2}: ClR:45, TmR:45
  2564. Northaunt: Istid I-II () {2}: av:*2
  2565. Northcote: Hope Is Made of Steel (Black Box) {2}: ClR:44, TmR:44
  2566. Northlane: Node (Rise) {2}: Crg:81; ad:+
  2567. Nothing but Thieves: Nothing but Thieves (RCA) {2}: Bq:43, Su:44
  2568. NYM: Untitled () {2}: av:*2
  2569. Obnox: Boogalou Reed (12XU) {2}: po:+ -- V:299-25-3
  2570. Larry Ochs: The Fictive Five (Tzadik) {2}: FJ:+; jld:8
  2571. October: Black Body Radiation (Skudge) {2}: C:65, Ph:92
  2572. Odawas: Black Harmony (Bookmaker) {2}: bz:3
  2573. Odessey & Oracle: Odessey & Oracle and the Casiotone Orchestra (Folkwit) {2}: PJ:34; sd:7
  2574. Odezenne: Dolziger Str 2 (Tot ou Tard) {2}: LR:22; gd_h:12
  2575. Odwalla88: Earth Flirt () {2}: vkj:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2576. Oh Mercy: When We Talk About Love (EMI) {2}: DJ:38, RS_A:36
  2577. Eric Olsen ReVision Quartet: Sea Changes (BluJazz) {2}: jtr:+ -- TH:*
  2578. Steve Olson: The Ruthless Shapes of Paradise (self-released) {2}: av:*2
  2579. Olymphia: Music for a Dance Performance () {2}: sq_x:5
  2580. Stephen O'Malley: Eternelle Idole (Shelter Press) {2}: Bk:51, Bw:35
  2581. One Hour Before the Trip: Boarding Pass () {2}: AD:20
  2582. One More Grain: Grain Fever (self-released) {2}: LW:99, Qt:32
  2583. Marco Oppedisano: Resolute () {2}: av:*2
  2584. Jim O'Rourke: Arco (Die Schachtel) {2}: Bk:14
  2585. Orwell: L'Exposition Universelle () {2}: PN:*2
  2586. Ou: Scrambled! (Spoot) {2}: jdo:3
  2587. The Outfit TX: Down by the Trinity (self-released) {2}: PW:19
  2588. Jose Padilla: So Many Colours (International Feel) {2}: Pc:49, Ph:38
  2589. Tom & Ben Paley: Paley & Son (Hornbeam) {2}: FR:18
  2590. Palmbomen: Palmbomen II (Beats in Space) {2}: GB:50, Ph:57
  2591. Panda Bear: Crosswords (Domino, EP) {2}: ex_x:3
  2592. Papa Roach: FEAR (Eleven Seven) {2}: Bq:95; lw_r:20
  2593. Paper Dollhouse: Aeonflower (Finders Keepers) {2}: Bl:66, Qt:87
  2594. Paper: We Design the Future (Novoton) {2}: Gf:15
  2595. Han-Earl Park: Anomic Aphasia (Slam) {2}: av:*2
  2596. Dan Patlansky: Dear Silence Thieves (self-released) {2}: ClR:41, TmR:41
  2597. Cristina Pato: Latina (Sunnyside) {2}: jgg:+, jrs:+
  2598. The Patriotic Sunday: All I Can't Forget () {2}: sq:4
  2599. Payroll Giovanni: Stack Season () {2}: PN:*2
  2600. Perio: 30 Minutes With Perio (Objet Disque) {2}: bz:5
  2601. John Petrucelli Quintet: The Way (self-released, 2CD) {2}: jms:+ -- TH:*
  2602. Pictureplane: Technomancer (Anticon) {2}: Am_s:26 -- V:499-15-1
  2603. Roberta Piket: Emanation (Solo: Volume 2) (Thirteenth Note) {2}: jrs:+ -- TH:*
  2604. Dizu Plaatjies and Friends: Ubuntu: The Common String (Mountain) {2}: TGW:26; wmc:+
  2605. Plainride: Return of the Jackalope (Plainride) {2}: FB:+; mf_f:16
  2606. Rozi Plain: Friend (Lost Map) {2}: LR:98, Pc:33
  2607. PLO Man: Stations of the Elevated (Acting Press) {2}: Xlr:19
  2608. PNL: Le Monde Chico (QLF) {2}: LR:40, PN:+
  2609. PNL: Que La Famille () {2}: PN:+; gd_h:6
  2610. Polar Bear: Same as You (The Leaf Label) {2}: Flp:52 -- AY:154
  2611. Pollyester: City of O () {2}: Zf:82 -- V:267-30-1
  2612. Port St Willow: Syncope (People Teeth) {2}: AV:+; ad:+
  2613. Post Malone: Post Malone EP (self-released) {2}: Lt:35; lt_h:20
  2614. Sam Prekop: The Republic (Thrill Jockey) {2}: Bk:67 -- V:1170-5-1
  2615. Presents For Sally: Colours & Changes (Sainte Marie) {2}: DS_u:40, SBR:46
  2616. Sean Price: Songs in the Key of Price (Ruck Down) {2}: CRW:62, HG:+
  2617. Prinzhorn Dance School: Home Economics () {2}: Zf:46 -- V:579-12-1
  2618. Pro-Pain: Voice of Rebellion (Steamhammer) {2}: lt_m:24, se_p:10
  2619. Pyramaze: Disciples of the Sun (Inner Wound) {2}: Spk_u:159; maf+
  2620. Quarterbacks: Quarterbacks (Team Love) {2}: ath:+, s_u:18
  2621. Queen Elephantine: Omen (Atypeek Music) {2}: Ro:17
  2622. Queen Kwong: Get a Witness (Dissention) {2}: Aq:24, K:34
  2623. Quelle Chris: Innocent Country (Mello Music Group) {2}: HG:+; qt_h:14
  2624. Quiet Hollers: Quiet Hollers (self-released) {2}: SiC:20
  2625. Errol Rackipov: Pictures From a Train Window () {2}: jsa:9, jtr:+
  2626. Abbey Rader's West Coast Quartet: First Gathering (Abray Productions) {2}: av:*2
  2627. Ramzi: Houti Kush () {2}: bgc:+ -- V:1072-8-1
  2628. Rapper Big Pooh & Nottz: Home Sweet Home () {2}: HG:21; hdx:+
  2629. Rast: Jesus Saves () {2}: w_h:4
  2630. Jonas Rathsman: Essential Mix () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2631. Rational Discourse: Live at the Mothlight (Rational Discourse) {2}: jgz:2
  2632. Michael Rault: Living Daylight (Burger) {2}: AYP:17
  2633. Mason Razavi/Bennett Roth-Newell: After You (First Orbit Sounds Music) {2}: jtr:+ -- TH:*
  2634. Rebelledo: Beats in Space Radio Show #798 Part 2 () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2635. Reckonwrong: Whities 005 () {2}: w_b:5
  2636. Rob Reddy: Bechet: Our Contemporary (Reddy Music) {2}: jtc:4
  2637. Redman: Mudface () {2}: CV:14
  2638. Red Pill: Look What This World Did to Us (Mello Music Group) {2}: PW:47; st_h:16
  2639. Red River Dialect: Tender Gold & Gentle Blue (Hinterground) {2}: Dr:63; am_f:+
  2640. Red Velvet: The Red () {2}: bb_k:7 -- V:640-10-1
  2641. Remote Viewers: Pitfall () {2}: av:*2
  2642. The Resistance: Torture Tactics () {2}: ew_m:3
  2643. The Revenge: Love That Will Not Die (Roar Groove) {2}: Mix:36; dj:6
  2644. Jess Ribeiro: Kill It Yourself (Barely Dressed/Remote Control) {2}: DJ:48; age:+
  2645. Rionegro: Rionegro (Comeme) {2}: Th:18
  2646. Rizzla: Iron Cages (Fade to Mind) {2}: pm_e:18 -- V:1170-5-1
  2647. Robert Pollard: Faulty Superheroes (GBV) {2}: dc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2648. Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman: Tomorrow Will Follow Today (Iscream) {2}: T_f:12
  2649. Joanne Robertson: Black Moon Days (Feeding Tube) {2}: om:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2650. Michael Robinson: The Spirit Pool (Azure Miles) {2}: Tx:16
  2651. Ava Rocha: Ava Patrya Yndia Yracema (Disco Maravilha) {2}: ny_r:4
  2652. Al Rogers Jr: Luvadocious () {2}: imp:4
  2653. Dennis Rollins Velocity Trio: Symbiosis () {2}: se_g:3
  2654. Roommate: Make Like (Strange Weather) {2}: cmg:*2
  2655. David Rosenboom: Naked Curvature () {2}: w_m:2
  2656. Whitney Rose: Heartbreaker of the Year (Cameron House) {2}: T_c:55; am_a:+
  2657. Kostas Roukounas: The Crisis () {2}: w_g:4
  2658. Keith Rowe and John Tilbury: Enough Still Not to Know (SOFA) {2}: W:47; jhk:+
  2659. RSS B0YS: HDDN (Mik Musik) {2}: Qt:99; dc:+
  2660. Ruby the Hatchet: Valley of the Snake (Tee Pee) {2}: FB:96, Rv:+
  2661. Xavier Rudd & the United Nations: Nanna (Nettwerk) {2}: AV:+; am_g:+
  2662. Rudeboyz/Menchess: Rudeboyz () {2}: w_b:4
  2663. RudeBoyz: Rudeboyz EP (Goon Club Allstars, EP) {2}: CRW:46; vg:+
  2664. Rudolph/Go: Organic Guitar Orchestra: Turning Towards the Light (Cunieform) {2}: av:+, jjs:9
  2665. Runaway Brother: Mother () {2}: Crg:47 -- V:640-10-1
  2666. Run the Jewels: Meow the Jewels () {2}: bgc:+, s_g:24
  2667. Nicole Saboune: Miman (Woah Dad) {2}: Gf:20
  2668. Akira Sakata/Jim O'Rourke/Chikamorachi/Merzbow: Flying Basket () {2}: FJ:*2
  2669. Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow: Ex Machina OST (Invada) {2}: FF:30, LW:70
  2670. Horacio Saluzzi/Lavandera: Imagenes: Music for Piano (ECM) {2}: TG:20
  2671. Logan Sama: Fabriclive 83 () {2}: gd_e:4
  2672. Will Samson: Ground Luminosity (Talitres) {2}: PN:+
  2673. Griselda Sanderson: Radial (Waulk) {2}: TGW:30; wmc:+
  2674. Tigana Santana: Tempo & Magma (Ajabu!) {2}: LR:66, TGW:22
  2675. Saxon: Battering Ram (UDR) {2}: ClR:28, FB:+
  2676. Schneider Kacirek: Shadows Documents (Bureau B) {2}: jml:4
  2677. The School: Wasting Away and Wondering (Elefant) {2}: PJ:21 -- V:1170-5-1
  2678. Science of Deduction: Blue Oceans Rising Red Blood Running () {2}: vgg:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2679. Scorpions: Return to Forever (Sony Music) {2}: ClR:34, TmR:34
  2680. Craig Scott's Lobotomy: War Is A Racket () {2}: se_a:*2
  2681. Seekers International: Her Imperial Majesty () {2}: bgc:+, w_d:7
  2682. The Selecter: Subculture (DMF Music) {2}: AV:+; am_g:+
  2683. Sergeant Thunderhoof: Ride of the Hoof (self-released) {2}: FB:89; mf_h:18
  2684. Sewer Goddess: Painlust () {2}: hu:2
  2685. Ron Sexsmith: Carousel One (Compass) {2}: RS_D:24; am_s:+
  2686. SF Jazz Collective: Live SFJazz Center 2014 (SFJazz) {2}: jwj:3
  2687. Elliott Sharp: The Boreal () {2}: av:*2
  2688. Shatner's Bassoon: The Self-Titled Album Shansa Barsnaan (Wasp Millionaire) {2}: jml:2
  2689. The Sheepdogs: Future Nostalgia () {2}: r_r:7, rut:6
  2690. Sherwood & Pinch: Late Night Endless (Tectonic/On-U Sound) {2}: Bl:48, SA:26
  2691. Matthew Shipp and Mat Walerian Duo: Live in Okuden (ESP-Disk) {2}: jrs:+, jsh:+
  2692. Sarah Shook & the Disarmers: Sidelong (self-released) {2}: iw:2
  2693. Sick Sad World: Fear and Lies (Help Yourself) {2}: am:+, am_i:+
  2694. Jacek Sienkiewicz: Nomatter () {2}: FF:14
  2695. SikTh: Opacities () {2}: HB:12
  2696. Simoncino: Amazon Atlantis (Creme Organization) {2}: Ph:16
  2697. Guilty Simpson: Detroit's Son (Stones Throw) {2}: am:+, am_h:+
  2698. Matt Skiba and the Sekrets: Babylon () {2}: DaJ:15
  2699. Sleeping With Sirens: Madness (Epitaph) {2}: Bq:55, K:36
  2700. Slow Meadow: Slow Meadow (Hammock Music) {2}: FPE:11
  2701. Slug: Ripe (Memphis Industries) {2}: DaM:28, RM:74
  2702. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith: Euclid (Western Vinyl) {2}: ou:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2703. Snail: Feral (Small Stone) {2}: FB:13
  2704. Snoop Dogg: Bush (Columbia/Doggystyle) {2}: Wat:36; am_r:+
  2705. Snooty Garbagemen: Snooty Garbagemen (12XU)) {2}: JD:19
  2706. Soko: My Dreams Dictate My Reality (Because Music) {2}: FB:+, LR:35
  2707. Toni Sola: The Heart of Jazz (Fresh Sound) {2}: jma:5
  2708. Solefald: World Metal: Kosmpolis Sud () {2}: Te:47; mi_n:10
  2709. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin: The High Country (Polyvinyl) {2}: Crg:62; chi:+
  2710. Sonar: Black Light (Cuneiform) {2}: av:+, jhk:+
  2711. Sorcerer: In the Shadow of the Inverted Cross (Metal Blade) {2}: FB:+; am_m:+
  2712. Sound Awakener: September Traveler () {2}: av:*2
  2713. JD Souther: Tenderness () {2}: se_f:4
  2714. Spanglish Fly: New York Boogaloo (Caco World Music) {2}: nymd:+ -- TH:*
  2715. Spectral Wound: Terra Nullius (Media Tree) {2}: s_j:19, s_m:20
  2716. The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion: Freedom Tower: No Wave Dance Party 2015 (Mom + Pop Music) {2}: U_jm:97; am_k:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2717. Vic Spencer: The Cost of Victory (self-released) {2}: PW:43 -- V:640-10-1
  2718. Spirit Family Reunion: Hands Together () {2}: vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2719. Spiro: Welcome Joy and Welcome Sorrow (Real World) {2}: FR:13
  2720. The Sporting Life: 55 5's (R&S) {2}: N:13
  2721. Harvie S/Sheryl Bailey: Plucky Strum (Whaling City Sound) {2}: se_a:+ -- TH:*
  2722. Mary Stallings: Feelin' Good (HighNote) {2}: jbp:15, jld:+
  2723. Chris Stamey: Euphoria (Yep Roc) {2}: am_k:+ -- V:355-20-2
  2724. State Champs: Around the World and Back (Pure Noise) {2}: Bq:17
  2725. Stearica: Fertile (Monotreme, 2CD) {2}: BA_m:15
  2726. Becca Stevens: Perfect Animal (Universal) {2}: TG:12
  2727. Matthew Stevens: Woodwork (Whirlwind) {2}: jda:+, jmm:9
  2728. Joe Stilgoe: New Songs for Old Souls (Linn) {2}: T_j:16
  2729. Kelley Stoltz: In Triangle Time (Castle Face) {2}: FB:+, U_jm:29
  2730. Jeff Stonehouse: Mariner's Willow (Listening Mirror) {2}: ACL:20
  2731. Jayme Stone: Jayme Stone's Lomax Project (Borealis) {2}: TG:42; fr:7
  2732. Stutter Steps: Stutter Steps (Wild Kindness) {2}: ath:+, pm_i:7
  2733. Tove Styrke: Kiddo () {2}: s_c:6 -- V:355-20-2
  2734. Sulphur Aeon: Gateway to the Antisphere (import) {2}: RY:91 -- V:640-10-1
  2735. Sun Club: The Dongo Durango (ATO) {2}: Nc:14
  2736. Sunder: Sunder (Tee Pee) {2}: FB:11
  2737. Sunken Foal: Friday Syndrome Vol 3 () {2}: FF:12
  2738. Superheaven: Ours Is Chrome (Side One Dummy) {2}: Blr:49, Bq:60
  2739. Superpoze: Opening (import) {2}: WT:33; bz:7
  2740. Surfer Blood: 1000 Palms (Joyful Noise) {2}: Va:13
  2741. Svalbard: One Day All This Will End (Holy Roar) {2}: MH:45; mi_f:+
  2742. SVE: My Religion (Anywilde) {2}: Poj:18
  2743. Sweet Cobra: Earth (Proper) {2}: AV:*2
  2744. Emma Swift: Emma Swift (self-released -14) {2}: PJ:16
  2745. Sylosis: Dormant Heart () {2}: Od:43; mi_r:11
  2746. Talk in Tongues: Alone With a Friend (Fairfax) {2}: PW:24, UR:89
  2747. Roberto Tapia: Diferente () {2}: vjo:+ -- V:1107-7-1
  2748. Tarquin: Kid U/Lost My Marbles () {2}: w_b:2
  2749. Tom Teasley: Dreams of India () {2}: vjp:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2750. Te Vaka: Amataga (Warm Earth) {2}: TGW:45; wmc:+
  2751. This Way to the Egress: Great Balancing Act (self-released) {2}: -- RC:**
  2752. Kelly Thoma: 7 Fish (self-released) {2}: TGW:23; wmc:+
  2753. Robert Scott Thompson: Palimpsest () {2}: av:*2
  2754. Three Days Grace: Human (RCA) {2}: lw_r:17, maf:+
  2755. Thunder: Wonder Days (EarMusic) {2}: ClR:11
  2756. Toe: Hear You () {2}: AD:18
  2757. Towkio: Wav Theory (self-released) {2}: Cmp:27; rc:13
  2758. Jill Townsend Big Band: Legacy: The Music of Ross Taggart (Cellar Live) {2}: jjw:5
  2759. Trementina: Almost Reach the Sun (Vinyl Junkie/BYM) {2}: SBR:20
  2760. Tricot: AND () {2}: Spk_u:154 -- V:640-10-1
  2761. Trixter: Human Era () {2}: r_m:3
  2762. Tsjuder: Anti Liv (Season of Mist) {2}: maf:+, mi_n:16
  2763. Tunnels of Ah: Thus Avici () {2}: av:*2
  2764. Roger Turner & Otomo Yoshihide: The Last Train () {2}: av:+, w_j:10
  2765. The Twilight Sad: Oran Mor Session (Fatcat) {2}: Ipr:12
  2766. Tycho: Elsewhere: Burning Man Sunrise Set 2015 () {2}: vmm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  2767. Cath & Phil Tyler: The Song-Crowned King (Ferric Mordant) {2}: U_jm:86; w_a:9
  2768. Jeremy Udden/Nicolas Moreaux: Belleville Project (Sunnyside) {2}: BIW:26; se_a:+
  2769. Ultra Magnus & DJ Slam!: The Raw (Handsolo) {2}: Hi:12
  2770. The Underachievers: Evermore: The Art of Duality (RPM) {2}: Ne:36, Spk_u:59
  2771. Uniform: Perfect World (Alter) {2}: Pf_m:+; s_a:19
  2772. Gregorio Uribe Big Band: Cumbia Universal (Zoho) {2}: jbm:+, jtr:+
  2773. Valkyrie: Shadows (Relapse) {2}: FB:29 -- V:428-17-2
  2774. Marike Van Dijk: The Stereography Project (BJU) {2}: BIW:12
  2775. Sharon Van Etten: I Don't Want to Let You Down (Jagjaguwar, EP) {2}: cmg:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2776. Vasa: Colours (Black Sheep) {2}: AD:43, FPE:37
  2777. Veil of Maya: Matriarch () {2}: ap_u:+, ms_g:12
  2778. Liz Vice: There's a Light () {2}: vgc:+ -- V:499-15-1
  2779. Violent Mae: Kid (self-released) {2}: cmg:*2
  2780. Violet Cold: Desperate Dreams () {2}: vgm:+ -- V:1072-8-1
  2781. Vision Fortune: Country Music (ATP) {2}: FB:+, No:39
  2782. Wolfgang Voigt: Ruckverzauberung 10 (Kompakt) {2}: U_jm:53, YW:39
  2783. Vola: Inmazes (self-released) {2}: Spk_u:138; ad:+
  2784. Vom Grill: Knerpen! (Pan) {2}: CRW:34; rs_a:16
  2785. Vomitface: Another Bad Year (Boxing Clever, EP) {2}: Eb:81; gt:+
  2786. Von Hertzen Brothers: New Day Rising (Spinefarm) {2}: ClR:16
  2787. Lucia Von Wyl: Frost (Hatology) {2}: jga:4
  2788. Vorum: Current Mouth (Sepulchral Voice) {2}: BG:14
  2789. Vreid: Solverv (Indie) {2}: maf:+, mi_n:30
  2790. Vril: Portal (Delsin) {2}: Ph:17
  2791. Vulfpeck: Thrill of the Arts (Vulf) {2}: cmg:+, ft:+
  2792. Tay Walker: 25HAD (25 Hours a Day) () {2}: vcl:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2793. DA Wallach: Time Machine (4 Strikes) {2}: Yh:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2794. Walls: Urals (Ecstatic) {2}: Bl:36, Dr:99
  2795. Christian Wallumrod: Pianokammer (Hubro) {2}: Mrg:24; ex_i:+
  2796. Lucy Ward: I Dreamt I Was a Bird (Betty Beetroot) {2}: He:27, T_f:59
  2797. Ward Thomas: From Where We Stand (WTW Music) {2}: scm:+ -- TH:*
  2798. WASP: Golgotha (Napalm) {2}: ClR:31; lt_m:10
  2799. Waterstrider: Nowhere Now () {2}: boc:3
  2800. Watertank: Destination Unknown (Dppweet) {2}: NN:11
  2801. Aaron Watson: The Underdog () {2}: tc:4
  2802. The Wave Pictures: Great Big Flamingo Burning Moon (PIAS) {2}: LR:87, Pc:67
  2803. Wax Stag: II (Old Habits) {2}: Ni:23, Ph:80
  2804. Weakwick: For Show (Fashion Fingers USA) {2}: BG:16
  2805. Weatherbox: Flies in All Directions () {2}: JM:15
  2806. Whitesnake: The Purple Album () {2}: gw:+, se_d:+
  2807. Wild Card: Organic Riot (Top End) {2}: T_j:11
  2808. Wilderun: Sleep at the Edge of the Earth (self-released) {2}: Spk_u:98; maf:+
  2809. Brad Allen Williams: Lamar (Sojourn) {2}: jda:+ -- TH:*
  2810. Joy Williams: Venus (Columbia/Sensibility) {2}: PP:49 -- V:1135-6-1
  2811. Kathryn Williams: Hypoxia (One Little Indian) {2}: LW:16
  2812. Wilson: Right to Rise (Razor & Tie) {2}: ClR:33, TmR:33
  2813. Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie: Travels in Constants Vol 24 (Temporary Residence) {2}: ACL:12
  2814. Wimps: Suitcase (Kill Rock Stars) {2}: ath:+, gt:+
  2815. Mark Winkler: Jazz and Other Four Letter Words (Cafe Pacific) {2}: jrm:+ -- TH:***
  2816. Winter Dust: Thresholds () {2}: AD:15
  2817. The Winter Passing: A Different Space of Mind (6131) {2}: Pu:25, St:23
  2818. Teresa Winter: Oh Tina No Tina (Reckno) {2}: Bk:20
  2819. Witchskull: The Vast Electric Dark (Witchskull) {2}: FB:57; mf_f:19
  2820. With the Dead: With the Dead (Rise Above)) {2}: FB:+; mf_h:15
  2821. Irek Wojtczak & the Fonda-Stevens Group [Wojtczak NYCConnection]: Folk Five (ForTune) {2}: jka:5
  2822. Ben Wolfe: The Whisperer (Posi-Tone) {2}: jrk:3
  2823. The Wombats: Glitterbug (Bright Antenna) {2}: Bq:85 -- V:1170-5-1
  2824. Dizzy Wright: The Growing Process (Funk Volume) {2}: HG:+; am_h:+
  2825. The Write Brothers: First Flight (self-released) {2}: ob:5
  2826. Daniel Wylie's Cosmic Rough Riders: Chrome Cassettes () {2}: PN:+
  2827. Xaos: Xaos (IRL) {2}: npr:+, npr_l:+
  2828. Xosar: Let Go (Opal Tapes) {2}: Th:26; ah:+
  2829. The Young'Uns: Another Man's Ground (Hereteu) {2}: FR:+, T_f:69
  2830. Young Wonder: Birth (Feel Good Lost) {2}: St:30; lmt:6
  2831. Yowler: The Offer (Double Double Whammy) {2}: Ero:43, Sg:32
  2832. Zedashe: Our Earth and Water () {2}: vcc:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2833. Zedd: True Colors () {2}: ye:6 -- V:640-10-1
  2834. Zierler: ESC (Venity Music Group) {2}: RY:19
  2835. Forro Zinho: Forro in the Dark Plays Zorn (Tzadik) {2}: pm_j:5
  2836. Zombi: Shape Shift (Relapse) {2}: AV:+, Rv:+
  2837. John Zorn: Gomory: Book of Angels Vol 25: Mycale Sings Masada Book Two (Tzadik) {2}: blg:+, jfk:10
  2838. John Zorn: Inferno (Tzadik) {2}: tn:8, vhs:10
  2839. John Zorn: Pellucidar: A Dreamers Fantabula (Tzadik) {2}: BIW:16
  2840. John Zorn: The True Discoveries of Demons and Witches (Tzadik) {2}: blg:+ -- V:640-10-1
  2841. John Zorn: The True Discoveries of Witches and Demons (Tzadik) {2}: jgk:+, sdm:+
  2842. Zulus: II (Aagoo) {2}: BG:15
  2843. Nacao Zumbi: Nacao Zumbi (Circular Moves) {2}: Mrg:17
  2844. Rutger Zuydervelt: Sneeuwstorm (Glistening Examples) {2}: ACL:13
  2845. Have Moicy 2: The Hoodoo Bash (Red Newt) {2}: js:16, po:+
  2846. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number [Original Soundtrack] () {2}: Hi:11
  2847. 10 000 Russos: 10 000 Russos (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:+
  2848. 1099: Young Pines (1099) {1}: ad:+
  2849. 207 and Kodin 6: Block EP (Macabre Unit -EP) {1}: HW:43
  2850. 207 & Kodin: 6 Block (Macabre Unit) {1}: YW:+
  2851. 23 Skidoo: Beyond Time (Les Disques Du Crepuscule) {1}: Bw:49
  2852. 24th Street Wailers: Where Evil Grows () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  2853. 2cellos: Celloverse () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  2854. 2PM: No 5 () {1}: bb_k:8
  2855. 3 Problems: A Problem Story () {1}: -- V:388-20-1
  2856. 3rd Attempt: Born in Thorns (Dark Essence) {1}: maf:+
  2857. 4 Cienagas: Cuatro Cienagas () {1}: mf_h:17
  2858. 6-String Drag: Roots Rock & Roll () {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  2859. Aarhus Jazz Orchestra & Lars Moller: ReWrite of Spring (DaCapo) {1}: jgg:9
  2860. Mindi Abair/The Boneshakers: Live in Seattle (Heads Up) {1}: am_r:+
  2861. Abakus: The Beginning/Dreamer (Modus -EP) {1}: amg:+
  2862. Abrahma: Reflections in the Bowels of a Bird (Small Stone) {1}: FB:+
  2863. Abyss: Heretical Anatomy () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  2864. Acherontas: Ma-ion (Formulas of Reptillian Unification) (WTC) {1}: K:46
  2865. Acorn: Vieux Loup () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  2866. Actapulgite: Koendelietzsche () {1}: gd_e:15
  2867. Act of Defiance: Birth and the Burial () {1}: gw:+
  2868. Lee Actor: Piano Concerto (Navrona) {1}: TG:+
  2869. John Luther Adams/Glenn Kotche: Ilimaq () {1}: av:*2
  2870. Adrenaline Mob: Dearly Departed () {1}: Od:47
  2871. Adult Mom: Momentary Lapse of Happiness (Tiny Engines) {1}: rw:+
  2872. ADVAETA: Death and the Internet () {1}: gt:+
  2873. Afrikan Sciences: Circuitious () {1}: Zf:81
  2874. The Afterimage: Lumière () {1}: Spk_u:103
  2875. Against Me!: 23 Live Sex Acts (Universal) {1}: ap_u:+
  2876. Agusa: Tva (The Laser's Edge) {1}: FB:+
  2877. Ah! Kosmos: Bastards () {1}: On:28
  2878. Ahleuchatistas: Arrebato () {1}: av:+
  2879. Kiran Ahluwalia: Sanata: Stillness (Magenta -14) {1}: TG:+
  2880. Airbird & Napolian: Mr Foolish (Cascine) {1}: GB:31
  2881. The Airborne Toxic Event: Dope Machines (Epic) {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  2882. Aires & Rui P Andrade: Panico-Ambiente () {1}: av:+
  2883. Air Formation: Were We Ever Here (Club AC30 -EP) {1}: SBR:30
  2884. Airs: Apart (Bone Orchard -EP) {1}: SBR:23
  2885. AKATOMBO: Sometime Never () {1}: DaM:27
  2886. Akisai: Images (Schole) {1}: FPE:91
  2887. Alameda 5: Duch Tornada () {1}: Scr:27
  2888. Alarmist: Popular Demain (self-released) {1}: FPE:25
  2889. J Albert: Dance Slow () {1}: sq_t:8
  2890. Jose Alberto "El Canario": Tributo A Los Compadres: No Quiero Llanto (101 Distribution, 2CD) {1}: ap:+
  2891. Alborosie Meets King Jammy: Dub of Thrones (VP) {1}: JG:114
  2892. Ana Alcaide: Tales of Pangea (ARC Music) {1}: wmc:+
  2893. Howard Alden: Guitar Solo (K2B2) {1}: jld:9
  2894. Aldo: Liberi Sumus (Le Triton) {1}: te:+
  2895. Alesana: Confessions () {1}: ap_u:+
  2896. Aleya: Carbon Copy Trip () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  2897. Alif: Aynama-Rtama (Nawa) {1}: U_jm:136
  2898. Alio Die & Lorenzo Montana: Holographic Codex (Projekt) {1}: amg:+
  2899. Rasheed Ali: 1968: Soul Power (Digital Rain Factory) {1}: st:+
  2900. Bernard Allison: In the Mix () {1}: se_a:+
  2901. Allseits: Chimare () {1}: av:+
  2902. All That Remains: The Order of Things (Razor & Tie) {1}: Od:35
  2903. All We Expected: All We Expected & Raum Kingdom Split () {1}: AD:47
  2904. Abd Al Malik: Scarifications (PIAS) {1}: lp:+
  2905. Aloa Input: Mars Etc (Morr Music) {1}: Zf:67
  2906. Jarrod Alonge: Beating a Dead Horse () {1}: Spk_u:83
  2907. Alpha Tiger: iDentity (Steamhammer) {1}: BA_m:25
  2908. Alpha Wave Movement: System A (Harmonic Resonance) {1}: amg:+
  2909. Fatima Al Qadiri: Genre-Specific Xperience (UNO NYC, EP) {1}: vg:+
  2910. Robby Ameen: Days in the Night (Two and Four) {1}: jbm:+
  2911. American Culture: Pure American Gum (Jigsaw) {1}: ath:+
  2912. The American Dollar: Across the Oceans () {1}: AD:33
  2913. American Wrestlers: American Wrestlers (Fat Possum) {1}: -- V:640-10-1, TH:B
  2914. Amiensus: Ascension (self-released) {1}: ms_g:6
  2915. Among Wolves: Separation and Other Loves [EP] () {1}: Nc:29
  2916. Ampacity: Superluminal () {1}: mf_h -- 13
  2917. The Amphibious Man: Witch Hips () {1}: nymd:+
  2918. Analog Son: Stomp and Shout () {1}: ft;+
  2919. ANAMAI: Sallows (Buzz) {1}: F:45
  2920. Ancient Rites: Laguz () {1}: mi_n:6
  2921. Ancient River: Keeper of the Dawn (Summer Moon) {1}: FB:86
  2922. Ancient Sky: Mosaic (Wharf Cat) {1}: FB:+
  2923. Jakob Anderskov: Habitable Exomusics Vol I-II-III: Kinetics (The Path)/Statics (The Map)/Dynamics (The Terrain) (ILK) {1}: jmn:10
  2924. Brint Anderson: Covered in Earl (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  2925. Marisa Anderson/Tashi Dorji: Split (Footfalls) {1}: pf_x:16
  2926. And the Golden Choir: Another Half Life (Cargo) {1}: Mu:26
  2927. And the Kids: Turn to Each Other () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  2928. Mikel Andueza: 5 Segundoro/Cada 5 Segundos (Errabal Jazz) {1}: jma:8
  2929. Angel-Ho: Death Drop From Heaven () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  2930. Angra: Secret Garden () {1}: Spk_u:176
  2931. Angry Itch: Champanzee (Angry Itch) {1}: LW:89
  2932. Lotte Anker: What River Is This (ILK -14) {1}: jbo:8 -- TH:*
  2933. Annabel: Having It All () {1}: Crg:64
  2934. Annen May Kantereit: Wird Schon Irgendwie Gehen (Vertigo Berlin, EP) {1}: In:49
  2935. Annie: Endless Vacation (Pleasure Masters, EP) {1}: ex_x:6
  2936. Anopheli: The Ache of Want () {1}: Spk_u:129
  2937. Another Fine Day: A Good Place to Be (Interchill) {1}: amg:+
  2938. Anti-Flag: Cease Fires () {1}: DaJ:31
  2939. Antigama: The Insolent (Code 7/Selfmadegod) {1}: BA_m:22
  2940. Antique Pony: Unalbum (self-released) {1}: GTV:55
  2941. Margaret Antwood: Work Focus (B.Yrself) {1}: vg:+
  2942. Aphex Twin/User18081971: SoundCloud Data Dump () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  2943. Gabrielle Aplin: Light Up the Dark (PLG UK Frontline) {1}: Bq:65
  2944. Apocalyptica: Shadowmaker (Better Noise/Eleven Seven Music) {1}: maf:+
  2945. Apocryphos: The Prisoner's Cinema () {1}: av:+
  2946. Apostille: Powerless (Night School) {1}: Mon:31
  2947. Appellative: Nomenclature (self-released -EP) {1}: ad:+
  2948. Mark Applebaum: 30 () {1}: av:+
  2949. Aqualung: 10 Futures (BMG) {1}: Eb:98
  2950. Aquarian Foundation: Mind Miniatures (Going Good) {1}: Ph:46
  2951. Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem: Violets Are Blue (Signature Sounds) {1}: T_c:24
  2952. Khaira Arby: Gossip (Clermont Music) {1}: ap:+
  2953. Arcane Roots: Heaven and Earth () {1}: Spk_u:100
  2954. Arc Divers: Holding Bodies () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  2955. Archgoat: The Apocalyptic Triumphator () {1}: Od:48
  2956. Archive 45: 33 and a Third (Viva La Revolution) {1}: LW:83
  2957. Archivist: Archivist (Alerta Antifascista) {1}: FPE:53
  2958. Tina Arena: Eleven (Wrasse) {1}: rfs:+
  2959. Arena: Unquiet Sky (import) {1}: Pl:+
  2960. Arenna: Given to Emptiness (Nasoni) {1}: FB:82
  2961. Ares Kingdom: The Unburial Dead () {1}: Te:41
  2962. Ariadne: Ex Tempore () {1}: av:+
  2963. Ariadne: Tsalal (Auris Apothecary) {1}: cmg:+
  2964. ARK: ARK (self-released) {1}: nb:+
  2965. Arlt: Deableries () {1}: PN:+
  2966. Olafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm: Loon (Erased Tapes, EP) {1}: vg:+
  2967. Arthur's Landing: Second Thoughts (Buddhist Army) {1}: U_jm:85
  2968. Art of the Memory Palace: This Life Is but a Passing Dream (Static Caravan) {1}: GTV:69
  2969. Arty: Glorious () {1}: ye:+
  2970. Asap Rocky: Alla () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  2971. Ascendant: Aetheral Code (Synphaera) {1}: amg:+
  2972. ASC: Imagine The Future () {1}: Spk_u:200
  2973. Ashbury Heights: The Looking Glass Society (Out of Line) {1}: idy:22
  2974. Ash: Kablammo! (Atomic Heart) {1}: LR:84
  2975. Gordon Ashworth: The One You Love and Cannot Trust () {1}: cmg:+
  2976. As It Is: Never Happy Ever After (Side One Dummy) {1}: Bq:89
  2977. Badi Assad: Hatched (QuatroVentos) {1}: ap:+
  2978. Astral Son: Silver Moon (Headspin) {1}: FB:+
  2979. Astrïd: The West Lighthouse Is Not So Far (Monotype) {1}: bz:19
  2980. Glenn Astro: Throwback (Tartelet Recors) {1}: Ph:40
  2981. Atari Teenage Riot: Reset (Digital Hardcore) {1}: MO:46
  2982. The Atom Age: Hot Shame (Asian Man) {1}: YW:+
  2983. Attalus: Into the Sea () {1}: Spk_u:133
  2984. Audio88 & Yassin: Normaler Samt (Heart Working Class) {1}: lt_h:9
  2985. Aurora: Silice (Charco) {1}: Re:48
  2986. Auscultation: L'etreinte Imaginaire () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  2987. Autechre: AE_LIVE_KRAKOW_200914 (self-released) {1}: RY:41
  2988. Autistici: Live at Electric Spring () {1}: av:+
  2989. Aviator: No Friend of Mine () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  2990. Avid Dancer: First Bath () {1}: n_o:+
  2991. A-WA: Habib Galbi (Love of My Heart) {1}: npr_l:+
  2992. Axis: Sova: Early Surf (Drag City/God?) {1}: AYP:40
  2993. Aye Aye: Aye Aye (Richie/Testoster Tunes) {1}: U_jm:117
  2994. Aye Nako: The Blackest Eye () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  2995. Ab Baars Trio & NY Guests: Invisible Blow (Wig) {1}: jri:+ -- TH:B
  2996. Baba Zula: 34 Oto Sanayi (Rainbow 45/Lila) {1}: YW:66
  2997. Babi Audi: Mommy Dust () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  2998. Baby Dee: I Am a Stick () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  2999. Robin Bacior: Water Dreams () {1}: On:50
  3000. Johan Baeckstrom: Like Before (Progress) {1}: psl:7
  3001. Dan Baird and Homemade Sin: Get Loud () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  3002. Aram Bajakian and Julia Ulehla: Dalava (Dalava -14) {1}: nymd:+
  3003. Kurt Baker: Play It Cool () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3004. Balam: Days of Old (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  3005. Elijah Jamal Balbed: Lessons From the Streets (self-released) {1}: jsm:9
  3006. Balladur: Plage Noire Plage Blanche (Le Turc Mechanique) {1}: NN:35
  3007. Balo: The Names () {1}: LR:56
  3008. Balzac: Bloodsucker () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3009. Bamba Wassoulou Groove: Farima (Label Bleu) {1}: FR:+
  3010. Bambi Kino Duo: See Heat () {1}: av:+
  3011. Michel Banabila: Jump Cuts () {1}: av:+
  3012. Michel Banabila/Oene van Geel: Music for Viola and Electronics () {1}: av:+
  3013. Band of Holy Joy: The Land of Holy Joy (Stereogram) {1}: LW:88
  3014. Band of Merrymakers: Welcome to Our Christmas Party () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3015. The Band Whose Name Is a Symbol: Masters of the Molehill (Cardinal Fuzz) {1}: FB:+
  3016. Azealia Banks: Broke With Expansive Taste (Prospect Park -14) {1}: Zf:83 -- TH:***
  3017. Bansheebeat: Lumine () {1}: Spk_u:47
  3018. Alina Baraz & Galimatias: Urban Flora EP () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3019. Barbarossa: Imager () {1}: boc:9
  3020. Daniel Barbiero/Cristiano Bocci: Nostos () {1}: av:*2
  3021. Daniel Barbiero/Jimmy Ghaphery: The Convergence of Parallel Lines () {1}: av:+
  3022. Barely Alive: We Are Barely Alive () {1}: ye:+
  3023. The Barker Band: The Land We Hold Dear (BB) {1}: T_f:43
  3024. Barker Trio: Barker Trio (Phantom Ear Music) {1}: jrn:12
  3025. Matthew Barlow: Now Age () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3026. Dave Barnes: Hymns for Her (50 Year Plan) {1}: TG:38
  3027. Barnett & Coloccia: Weld (Blackest Ever Black) {1}: AV:+
  3028. Barrule: Manannan's Cloak (Easy on the Records) {1}: T_f:25
  3029. Gren Bartley: Magnificent Creatures (Fellside) {1}: T_f:51
  3030. Basic House: VISA Prick (Opal Tapes -14) {1}: AV:+
  3031. Count Basie Orchestra: A Very Swingin' Basie Christmas! (Concord) {1}: YW:83
  3032. William Basinski + Richard Chartier: Aurora Liminalis (Line) {1}: Bw:40
  3033. Bass Communion & Freiband: Bass Communion & Freiband () {1}: av:+
  3034. Bassnectar: Into the Sun () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3035. Baston: Gesture () {1}: PN:+
  3036. Battlecross: Rise to Power (Metal Blade) {1}: am_m:+
  3037. Battle Tapes: Polygon () {1}: Aq:22
  3038. Bruno Bavota: Mediterraneo (Dronarivm) {1}: FPE:45
  3039. Matti Baybee: So Abnormal () {1}: -- V:606-11-1
  3040. Germaine Bazzle: It's Magic (Musik Bloc) {1}: ob:+
  3041. Beam Up: Innerstand (BBE) {1}: am_g:+
  3042. Beans on Toast: Rolling Up the Hill (Xtra Mile) {1}: Bq:78
  3043. Beans on Toast: The Grand Scheme of Things (Xtra Mile) {1}: YW:41
  3044. Beardfish: +4626 Comfortzone (Inside Out) {1}: pm_k:6
  3045. Beat Funktion: Olympus (DO Music) {1}: jtr:+ -- TH:B
  3046. BeatKing: Club God 4 (C3 Entertainment) {1}: tr_h:10
  3047. Beats & Pieces Big Band: All In (Efpi) {1}: T_j:24
  3048. Beaulieu Porch: The Carmelite Divine [Original Soundtrack] () {1}: PJ:25
  3049. Beborn Beton: A Worthy Compensation (Dependent) {1}: idy:24
  3050. Jeff Beck: Live+ () {1}: gw;+
  3051. Becoming Real: Pure Apparition (Transgressive) {1}: Bl:96
  3052. Lamia Bediuoi & the Desert Fish: Athamra (self-released) {1}: TGW:46
  3053. Beech Creeps: Beech Creeps () {1}: gt:+
  3054. Beekman Collective: Beekman Vol 1 (self-released) {1}: jar:11
  3055. Beesus: The Rise of Beesus (New Sonic) {1}: FB:+
  3056. Being as an Ocean: Being as an Ocean () {1}: Crg:69
  3057. The Bellfuries: Workingman's Bellfuries (Hi-Style) {1}: gw:+ -- TH:B
  3058. Bells Of: 00/85 () {1}: -- V:388-20-1
  3059. John Bence: Disquiet (Other People, EP) {1}: TG:34
  3060. Jeff Benedict Big Band: Holmes () {1}: jtr:+
  3061. Benge: Forms 4: Moor Music () {1}: FF:39
  3062. Bensiini: R () {1}: -- V:543-14-1
  3063. Berangere Maximin: Dangerous Orbits () {1}: sq_x:14
  3064. Berner & the Jacka: Drought Season 3 () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3065. Randy Bernsen: Grace Notes (Jericho Jams) {1}: jtr:+ -- TH:B
  3066. Tohpati Bertiga: Tribal Dance () {1}: jtr:+
  3067. Besides: Everything Is () {1}: AD:24
  3068. Betunizer: Enciende Tu Lomo (BCore Disc) {1}: Mw:13
  3069. Bhi Bhiman: Rhythm & Reason (Boocoo Music) {1}: gm:11
  3070. Big Chief Juan Pardo and Golden Comanche: Spirit Food (self-released) {1}: po:+
  3071. Big Data: 2.0 (Warner Bros) {1}: mi_r:+
  3072. Big Dick: Disappointment (Dirt Cult) {1}: FN:23
  3073. Big Picture Hjoliday: Shimmer and Melt (Ropeadope) {1}: jmy:7
  3074. Arga Bileg and Heiri Kanzig: Agula: Swiss-Mongolian Music Exchange Project (Musiques Suisses) {1}: TG:+
  3075. Binker and Moses: Dem Ones (Gearbox) {1}: GTV:71
  3076. Bio-Cancer: Tormenting the Innocent (Plastic Head) {1}: lt_m:22
  3077. Benjamin Biolay/Nicolas Fiszman: Trenet (Universal) {1}: am_w:+
  3078. Biosphere & Deathprod: Stator (Touch) {1}: Bl:87
  3079. Birds of Avalon: Disappearance (Third Uncle) {1}: iw:15
  3080. Richard J Birkin: Songs for Spoken Words (Time Travel Opps) {1}: FPE:49
  3081. Christopher Bissonnette: Pitch Paper & Foil (Kranky) {1}: Bw:92
  3082. Blackball: 3 Songs (self-released) {1}: iw:18
  3083. Black Dirt Oak/Jantar: Presage () {1}: av:+
  3084. The Black Dog: Neither/Neither (Dust Science) {1}: Bl:58
  3085. Black Flower: Abyssinia Afterlife (DeWerf) {1}: jml:+
  3086. Blacklisted: When People Grow People Go () {1}: Crg:57
  3087. Black Lizard: Solarize (Black Lizard) {1}: FB:+
  3088. Black Mecha: AA (The Death of Rave) {1}: Bk:60
  3089. Blackout: Blackout (RidingEasy) {1}: FB:+
  3090. James Blackshaw: Summoning Suns (Important) {1}: am_f:+
  3091. Sonny Black: Heart and Soul (Blues Archive) {1}: TG:+
  3092. Black Trip: Shadowline (SPV/Steamhammer) {1}: FB:74
  3093. Black Vulpine: Hidden Places (Moment of Collapse) {1}: Vi:29
  3094. The Black Watch: Highs and Lows () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  3095. Michelle Blades: Ataraxia () {1}: PN:+
  3096. Ran Blake & Christine Correa: The Road Keeps Winding (Red Piano) {1}: jfk:8
  3097. Elijah Blake: Shadows & Diamonds (Def Jam) {1}: am_r:+
  3098. Ran Blake/Sara Serpa: Kitano Noir () {1}: jgg:+
  3099. DT Blanco: Vanity (Mishka) {1}: qt_h:11
  3100. Blanco/YG/DB Tha General: California Livin (Guerrilla Entertainment) {1}: AV:+
  3101. Blandbladen: Vederkvickelse (Kommun 2) {1}: FB:+
  3102. Blank Body: Explicit Deluxe (self-released) {1}: Pg:34
  3103. Blawan: Hanging Out the Birds (Ternesc) {1}: YW:75
  3104. Blawan: Warm Tonal Touch () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  3105. Carla Bley/Steve Swallow/Andy Sheppard: Trios (ECM -13) {1}: jdr:7 -- TH:***
  3106. Blind Digital Citizen: Premieres Vies () {1}: PN:+
  3107. Blinddog Smokin': High Steppin (City Hall/Silver Talon) {1}: am_l:+
  3108. Bliss Blood & Al Street: Unspun () {1}: nymd:+
  3109. Olivia Block: Aberration of Light () {1}: av:*2
  3110. Blond-ish: Welcome to the Present (Kompakt) {1}: U_jm:127
  3111. Bloodhounds on My Trail: Escape II (Moon Sounds -EP) {1}: SBR:49
  3112. Blown Out: Jet Black Hallucinations (Golden Mantra) {1}: FB:+
  3113. Blown Out: Planetary Engineering (Golden Mantra) {1}: FB:+
  3114. Bluebirds of Paradise: In a Night () {1}: se_f:7
  3115. Blue Jean Committee: Catalina Breeze () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3116. Blundetto: World Of (Heavenly Sweetness) {1}: JG:109
  3117. Blunt Fang: Coarse Light 2: OTW From Heaven () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3118. Malik B & Mr Green: Unpredictable () {1}: ABC:30
  3119. Bobtown: A History of Ghosts () {1}: nymd:+
  3120. Stephan Bodzin: Powers of Ten (Herzblut) {1}: Ph:84
  3121. Spencer Bohren: Seven Birds (Valve) {1}: ob:+
  3122. Boira: Si De La Runa Naixes (self-released) {1}: ad:+
  3123. Jason Boland & the Stragglers: Squelch (Proud Souls) {1}: RS_c:33
  3124. Stefano Bollani: Joy in Spite of Everything (ECM -14) {1}: jjs:18
  3125. Bolo: Bolo (Bolo Music) {1}: TGW:48
  3126. Bombadil: Hold On (Ramseur) {1}: boc:11
  3127. Joe Bonamassa: Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks () {1}: gw:+
  3128. Bonanzas [Hino Koshiro/Akihiko Ando/Tesushi Nishikawa/Yasushi Yoshida]: Bonanzas (Meatbox) {1}: jcb:+
  3129. Bony King: Wild Flowers () {1}: He:49
  3130. Boom Jinx: No Answers in Luck () {1}: ye:+
  3131. Boot & Tax: Boot & Tax (Optimo Music) {1}: Ni:28
  3132. Reno Bo: Lessons From a Shooting Star () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3133. Born of Osiris: Soul Sphere () {1}: HB:45
  3134. Born Ruffians: Ruff (Yep Roc) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3135. Bossa Luce: Nel Salotto Degli Appestati (Endangered Species) {1}: Bk:91
  3136. Fabrizio Bosso: Duke (Verve) {1}: jma:7
  3137. Boston Modern Orchestra Project: Andrew Norman: Play (BMOP -14) {1}: npr:+
  3138. Botany: Dimming Awe the Light Is Raw (Western Vinyl) {1}: cmg:+
  3139. Tim Bowness: Stupid Things Mean the World (Esoteric) {1}: jmp:9
  3140. Boy & Bear: Limit of Love (Nettwerk) {1}: rfs:+
  3141. Boyfriend: Love Your Boyfriend: Pts 1 & 2 (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  3142. Boy Sets Fire: Boysetsfire (End Hits) {1}: Vi:38
  3143. The Boys of the Lough: The New Line (Botl) {1}: T_f:46
  3144. Bob Bradshaw: Whatever You Wanted (Fluke) {1}: T_c:56
  3145. Brain Damage: Walk the Walk (Jarring Effects) {1}: te:+
  3146. The Brains: Out in the Dark () {1}: DaJ:37
  3147. Randall Bramblett: Devil Music () {1}: -- V:606-11-1
  3148. Mackintosh Braun: Arcadia (Island) {1}: rfs:+
  3149. Tamar Braxton: Calling All Lovers (Epic) {1}: am_r:+
  3150. Tyondai Braxton: Hive1 () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3151. Break: Simpler Times (Symmetry) {1}: Mix:23
  3152. The Bridge Sessions: Sonic Communication () {1}: av:+
  3153. Bright Like the Sun: Bright Like the Sun () {1}: AD:37
  3154. The Bright Smoke: Terrible Towns () {1}: nymd:+
  3155. Broadcaster: Spin () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3156. Broadcloth: In Stitches () {1}: av:+
  3157. Broen: Yoga (Nabovarsel) {1}: Gf_N:36
  3158. Broken English Club: Suburban Hunting (Cititrax) {1}: Qt:78
  3159. The Bros Landreth: Let It Lie () {1}: df:+
  3160. Tom Brosseau: Perfect Abandon (Tin Angel) {1}: am_f:+
  3161. The Brothers Nazaroff: The Happy Prince (Smithsonian Folkways) {1}: fr:8
  3162. Brother: The Brilliance () {1}: lc_g:7
  3163. Brothertiger: Out of Touch () {1}: -- V:388-20-1
  3164. Peter Brotzmann/Keiji Haino/Jim O'Rourke: Two City Blues 1 (Trost) {1}: FJ:+
  3165. Peter Brotzmann/Keiji Haino/Jim O'Rourke: Two City Blues 2 (Trost) {1}: FJ:+
  3166. Alan Brown: Silent Observer (self-released) {1}: amg:+
  3167. Alison Brown: Song of the Banjo () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3168. Brown Bird: Axis Mundi (self-released) {1}: bg_r:7
  3169. Jewel Brown & Bloodest Saxophone: Roller Coaster Boogie () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3170. Michael Jerome Browne: Sliding Delta (Borealis) {1}: fr:13
  3171. Ben Browning: Turns (Yelllow Fear) {1}: Am_s:29
  3172. Bruce Brubaker: Glass Piano (Infine) {1}: JG:149
  3173. Andrew Bryant: This Is the Life () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  3174. Dave Bryant: The Garden of Equilibria (CD Baby) {1}: jhm:9
  3175. Jakob Buchanan: Requiem (self-released) {1}: FJ:+
  3176. Buckethead: Project Little Man () {1}: Spk_u:29
  3177. Bueno: Guilt () {1}: gt:+
  3178. Karina Buhr: Selvatica (Ybmusic) {1}: JG:125
  3179. Bully: Bully EP () {1}: -- V:428-17-2
  3180. Jane Bunnett: Maqueque (Justin Time) {1}: jwj:8
  3181. Burglary Years: 100 Roses () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3182. Busdriver: Thumbs (self-released) {1}: PW:39
  3183. Butcher Bear: This Is How the Game Gets You Played () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3184. Russell EL Butler: God Is Change (Opal Tapes) {1}: npr_e:+
  3185. Sam Butler: Raise Your Hands! () {1}: se_a:+
  3186. Buzz Rodeo: Sports (self-released) {1}: Mw:50
  3187. ByoNoiseGenerator: Turbulent Biogenesis () {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  3188. C418: Minecraft Volume Alpha (Ghostly International) {1}: No:37
  3189. Caboose: Coupe () {1}: ft:+
  3190. Caci Vorba: Satrika (Oriente Musik) {1}: TGW:49
  3191. Caddy: The Better End (Bolibompa) {1}: Dv:33
  3192. Cafeine: New Love () {1}: chi:+
  3193. Cairo Knife Fight: The Colossus (Warner Australia) {1}: Spk:47
  3194. Valia Calda: Valia Calda EP (self-released) {1}: BIW:30
  3195. Alex Calder: Strange Dreams (Captured Tracks) {1}: LR:97
  3196. Kathryn Calder: Kathryn Calder (File Under: Music) {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3197. Zachary Cale: Duskland (No Quarter) {1}: bm_f:19
  3198. Calibro 35: SPACE () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3199. California X: Nights in the Dark (Don Giovanni) {1}: rrh:+
  3200. Calimex Mental Implant Corp (Legowelt): El Saber Del Arpavor (Nightwind) {1}: Ph:55
  3201. Julian Calor: Evolve () {1}: ye:+
  3202. Ken Camden: Dream Memory (Kranky) {1}: Bw:84
  3203. Camera Shy: Camera Shy (Run for Cover) {1}: Am_s:28
  3204. Tina Campbell: It's Personal (Gee Tree) {1}: Yh:+
  3205. Camp Lo: Ragtime Hightimes (Nature Sounds) {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3206. Cankun: Only the Sun Is Full of Gold (self-released) {1}: Mw:34
  3207. Captain Crimson: Ageless Time (Transubstans) {1}: FB:+
  3208. Cardinal Noire: Cardinal Noir (EKProduct) {1}: idy:12
  3209. Frank Carlberg: Big Enigmas () {1}: jgg:+
  3210. Frank Carlberg: Word Circus (Red Piano) {1}: jpf:+
  3211. Juan Pablo Carletti/Tony Malaby/Christopher Hoffman: Nino/Brujo (NoBusiness) {1}: jsp:+
  3212. Caroline No: No Language (World News) {1}: GB:44
  3213. Carpenter Brut: Trilogy (No Quarter) {1}: psl:15
  3214. Michael Carpenter: The Big Radio () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3215. Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band: Zydeco Stuff (Swampadelic) {1}: ob:+
  3216. Liane Carroll: Seaside (Linn) {1}: jpq:+
  3217. Brett Carson: Quattuor Elephantis (Edgetone) {1}: av:+ -- TH:B
  3218. Cars & Trains: Dust () {1}: gt:+
  3219. Carter Tutti: Carter Tutti Plays Chris & Cosey (CTI) {1}: C:97
  3220. Ron Carter/WDR Big Band: My Personal Songbook (In+Out) {1}: jel:7
  3221. Bianca Caruso: Bravado (Randm) {1}: TG:+
  3222. Casa Futuro: Casa Futoro (Clean Feed) {1}: jjr:+
  3223. The Casey Sisters: Sibling Revelry (Old Bridge Music) {1}: T_f:56
  3224. Casey Veggies: Live & Grow (Epic) {1}: LM:22
  3225. Johnny May Cash: My Last Days (Chopsquad) {1}: F:36
  3226. Fabrizio Cassol/Serge Kakudji/Rodriguez Vangama: Coup Fatal (Outhere Music) {1}: am_w:+
  3227. Tommy Castro & the Painkillers: Method to My Madness (Alligator) {1}: am_l:+
  3228. Frank Catalano/Jimmy Chamberlin: God's Gonna Cut You Down (Ropeadope) {1}: jjh:+
  3229. Cataya: Sukzession () {1}: AD:22
  3230. Tim Catlin & Machinefabriek: Whorls () {1}: bgc:+
  3231. Catz N' Dogz: Basic Colour Theory (Pets) {1}: dj:8
  3232. Cavalcades: Lights Begin to Dance () {1}: Crg:86
  3233. Cavalier: Lemonade EP () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3234. CCTV: CCTV () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3235. Daniel Ceasar: Pilgrim's Paradise () {1}: -- V:267-30-1
  3236. Drew Ceccato/Tommy Babin/Chris Golinski: Tor () {1}: av:+
  3237. Cellars: Lovesick () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3238. Celldod: Mekaniskt Gransland (Suction) {1}: idy:19
  3239. Celo & Abdi: Bonchance (Groove Attack) {1}: lt_h:23
  3240. Ceschi: Broken Bone Ballads () {1}: PN:+
  3241. Sarah Mary Chadwick: 9 Classic Tracks () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3242. Chain of Flowers: Chain of Flowers (Alter) {1}: C:99
  3243. John Chantler: Still Light, Outside () {1}: cmg:+
  3244. Lily Chao: Chinese Folk Songs (Forced Exposure) {1}: aqd:+
  3245. The Chap: The Show Must Go (Lo) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3246. Vaadat Charigim': Sinking as a Stone (Burger) {1}: SBR:41
  3247. Sarah Elizabeth Charles: Inner Dialogue (Truth Revolution) {1}: vad:+
  3248. Charlie: Elysium () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3249. Charming Disaster: Love Crime & Other Trouble () {1}: nymd:+
  3250. The Charming Youngsters: Middleweights (self-released) {1}: iw:20
  3251. Checkpoint 303: The Iqrit Files (Kirkelig Kulturverksted) {1}: Qt:97
  3252. Brad Cheeseman Group: Brad Cheeseman Group () {1}: se_a:+
  3253. Cherish the Ladies: Crhistmas in Ireland () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3254. Cherry Choke: Raising the Waters (Elektrohasch) {1}: FB:+
  3255. David Chesky: Jazz in the New Harmonic: Primal Scream (Chesky) {1}: jld:6
  3256. Ches Smith and These Arches: International Hoohah (ForTune) {1}: blg:+
  3257. David Chevallier: Standards & Avatars (Cristal) {1}: FJ:+
  3258. The Chewers: Dead Dads (self-released) {1}: nz:+
  3259. Chicklette: Unfaithful (Hundebiss) {1}: TMT:40
  3260. Chief Keef: Bang 3 (self-released) {1}: n_o:+
  3261. Brian Chilala and Ngoma Zasu: Vangaza! (SWP) {1}: ap:+
  3262. Chimerenga Rennaissance: KNMM () {1}: opb:+
  3263. Chorusgirl: Chorusgirl (Fortuna Pop) {1}: -- AY:189
  3264. Chrch: Unanswered Hymns (Transylvanian/Battleground) {1}: FB:+
  3265. Seth Chrisman/Nathan McLaughlin: Olivebridge () {1}: av:+
  3266. CHRIST: TOWER () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3267. Chron Goblin: Backwater (Ripple) {1}: FB:+
  3268. Chronixx: Dread and Terrible () {1}: -- V:251-30-3
  3269. Chrononautz: Noments (Quietus) {1}: Qt:33
  3270. Chunk! No Captain Chunk!: Get Lost Find Yourself () {1}: ap_u:+
  3271. Cindy Lee: Malenkost (Isolated Now Waves) {1}: GB:32
  3272. Circa Waves: Young Chasers (Virgin EMI) {1}: Bq:33
  3273. Circle: Pharaoh Overlord () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  3274. Circles Around the Sun: Interludes for the Dead (Rhino) {1}: U_jm:71
  3275. Circuit of Suns: Circuit of Suns () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3276. Piotr Cisak/Pawel Oleksinski: Lao () {1}: av:+
  3277. A City Sorrow Built: Ai () {1}: Spk_u:112
  3278. Eric Clapton: Forever Man (GC/Reprice/Rhino, 2CD) {1}: RS_F:25
  3279. Stanley Clarke/Bireli Lagrene/Jean-Luc Ponty: D-Stringz (Impulse!) {1}: am_j:+
  3280. Steven A Clark: The Lonely Roller () {1}: boc:8
  3281. Thomas Clausen: Blue Rain (Stunt) {1}: JG:127
  3282. Clean Girls: Despite You () {1}: gt:+
  3283. Clear Water: Electricity () {1}: jtr:+
  3284. Chris Cleverley: Apparitions (Chris Cleverley Music) {1}: T_f:61
  3285. Anna Clock: Celestial () {1}: av:*2
  3286. Clouds Taste Satanic: Your Doom Has Come (Kinda Like) {1}: FB:+
  3287. Clownns: The Artful Execution of Artful Bimbo (Bleeding Heart) {1}: LW:78
  3288. Coal Chamber: Rivals () {1}: DaJ:34
  3289. Coastlands: Come Morning a Radiant Light () {1}: AD:49
  3290. Tasha Cobbs: One Place Live (Motown Gospel) {1}: Yh:+
  3291. Steve Cobby: Everliving (Declasse) {1}: Pc:70
  3292. Coclea: Coclea (Shhpuma) {1}: jpz:10
  3293. John Coffey: The Great News (V2 Benelux) {1}: Vi:40
  3294. Charles Cohen: Brother I Prove You Wrong LP (Morphine) {1}: Ph:71
  3295. Lorin Cohen: Home (Origin) {1}: jtr:+ -- TH:B
  3296. Avishai Cohen Trio: From Darkness (Razdaz) {1}: jgg:+
  3297. Cold Showers: Matter of Choice (Dais) {1}: FB:22
  3298. Crys Cole: Sand/Layna () {1}: bgc:+
  3299. J Cole: 2014 Forest Hills Drive (RCA -14) {1}: -- V:543-14-1, TH:***
  3300. J Cole: Hollywood Cole (self-released) {1}: YW:27
  3301. Lloyd Cole: 1D Electronics 2012-2014 (Bureau B) {1}: Flp:37
  3302. Oliver Cole: Year of the Bird () {1}: lmt:12
  3303. Coliseum: Anxiety's Kiss (Deathwish Inc) {1}: FB:+
  3304. Collective Soul: See What You Started by Continuing (Vanguard) {1}: rfs:+
  3305. Phil Collins: My Heart's in My Hand . . . (Nero) {1}: Bk:93
  3306. Colm Mac Con Iomaire: And Now the Weather (Plateau) {1}: IT:31
  3307. The Color Bars Experience: The Color Bars Experience () {1}: PN:+
  3308. Compass & Knife: The Setting of the Old Sun () {1}: AD:50
  3309. Complete: Beginning of a New Era () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3310. Condition: Actual Hell () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3311. Conduct: Fear and Desire (Conduct) {1}: FB:+
  3312. Mary Foster Conklin: Photographs (MockTurtle Music) {1}: jrs:+
  3313. Connection: Labor of Love () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  3314. Harry Connick Jr: That Would Be Me (Columbia) {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  3315. Chris Connolly: Alameda (Caldo Verde) {1}: U_jm:115
  3316. Conspirare: Pablo Neruda: The Poet Sings (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: TG:+
  3317. Contact: Brian Eno: Discreet Music (Cantaloupe) {1}: TG:+1
  3318. Cool Million: Sumthin' Like This (Sedsoul) {1}: st:+
  3319. David Cooper: The Journey (self-released) {1}: noj:15
  3320. Co-Pilgrim: Slows to Go (Battle Music) {1}: PJ:29
  3321. Coppice: Cores/Eruct (Category of Manifestation) {1}: FF:21
  3322. Max Corbacho: Splendid Labyrinths () {1}: av:+
  3323. Corder Ritger Yantis: Possession () {1}: sq_x:10
  3324. Cornered Yet Climbing featuring Kelly Jayne Jones: Fevered Realities (Tombed Visions) {1}: Qt:82
  3325. Corpo-Mente: Corpo-Mente () {1}: Spk_u:169
  3326. The Corrs: White Light (Rhino) {1}: rfs:+
  3327. Corsair: One Eyed Horse (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: FB:+
  3328. Jeff Cosgrove/Frank Kimbrough/Martin Wind: Conversations with Owls () {1}: av:+
  3329. Carlo Costa: Strata () {1}: av:+
  3330. Gal Costa: Estratosferica (Sony) {1}: JG:98
  3331. Couer de Pirate: Roses (Dare to Care) {1}: rfc:+
  3332. Counting Days: Liberated Sounds () {1}: Crg:99
  3333. The Cox Family: Gone Like the Cotton (Rounder) {1}: am_a:+
  3334. Samantha Crain: Under Branch & Thorn & Tree (Full Time Hobby/Ramseur) {1}: npr_f:+
  3335. The Cramps: Coast to Coast (Sonic Boom) {1}: LW:72
  3336. Crayon Pop: FM (Sony) {1}: JG:91
  3337. Robert Cray: 4 Nights of 40 Years Live (Provogue, 2CD) {1}: am_l:+
  3338. Creature With the Atom Brain: Night of the Hunter (Sacred Love) {1}: DM:48
  3339. The Creeping Ivies: Your New Favourite Garage Band (Flowers in the Dustbin) {1}: LW:98
  3340. The Creepshow: Life After Death () {1}: DaJ:47
  3341. The Crinn: Shadow Breather () {1}: Spk_u:35
  3342. Crobot: Something Supernatural () {1}: gw:+
  3343. Crocodiles: Boys (Zoo Music) {1}: FB:+
  3344. Rodney Cromwell: Age of Anxiety (Happy Robot) {1}: psl:12
  3345. Jeff Crosby: Waking Days () {1}: se_a:+
  3346. Connie Crothers Quartet: Deep Friendship (New Artists) {1}: jrs:+
  3347. CROWN: Natron (Candlelight) {1}: NN:25
  3348. The Crown: Death Is Not Dead () {1}: Od:45
  3349. Crying Lion: The Golden Boat (Honest Jon's) {1}: U_jm:80
  3350. Crywolf: Cataclasm () {1}: ye:10
  3351. Ctrls: Users (Token Belgium) {1}: YW:78
  3352. Jamie Cullum: Interlude (Blue Note) {1}: jbp:16 -- TH:B
  3353. Currensy: Pilot Talk III (Jet Life) {1}: Spk_u:167
  3354. Denzel Curry: 32 Zel/Planet Mushrooms (C9) {1}: C:69
  3355. Custard: Come Back All Is Forgiven (ABC Music) {1}: DJ:50
  3356. Cymande: A Simple Act of Faith (Cherry Red) {1}: am_g:+
  3357. Duduka Da Fonseca Trio: Jive Samba (Zoho Music) {1}: jdb:+
  3358. Dagobert: Afrika (Buback) {1}: Lt:40
  3359. Kat Dahlia: My Garden (Vested in Culture) {1}: TG:+
  3360. Daimh: The Hebridean Sessions (Goat Island Music) {1}: T_f:67
  3361. The Daintees: Haunted Highway (Barbaraville) {1}: LW:50
  3362. Rhoda Dakar: Sings the Bodysnatchers (Phoenix City) {1}: am_g:+
  3363. Joseph Daley/Warren Smith/Scott Robinson: The Tuba Trio Chronicles (JoDa Locust Street Music -16) {1}: jrs:+
  3364. Dalglish: Oidhche () {1}: dc:+
  3365. Damond Blue: Blessonz () {1}: Nc:35
  3366. Chris Daniels & the Kings: Funky to the Bone () {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  3367. Clay Danny: Ganymede () {1}: cmg:+
  3368. Danu: Buan () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3369. Danzig: Skeletons () {1}: -- V:459-15-2
  3370. Corey Dargel: OK It's Not OK (New Amsterdam) {1}: TG:70 --
  3371. Dark Matter Halo: Darkness Interrupted () {1}: av:+
  3372. Dark Quarterer: Ithaca (Metal on Metal) {1}: FB:+
  3373. Dark Tribe: The Modern Age (Scarlet) {1}: maf:+
  3374. Darlingside: Birds Say (More Doug) {1}: npr_f:+
  3375. Dash: 17 More Minutes () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3376. Dash Rip Rock: Wrongheaded (Drag Snake) {1}: ob:+
  3377. Datura4: Demon Blues (Alive Naturalsound) {1}: FB:+
  3378. Dauwd: Jupiter George (Kompakt) {1}: Xlr:21
  3379. Dawn of Humans: Slurping at the Cosmos Spine (La Vida Es Un Musica Discos) {1}: ah:+
  3380. Dawn of Midi: Dysnomia (Erased Tapes) {1}: Bl:68
  3381. Andra Day: Cheers to the Fall (Warner Bros) {1}: am_r:+ -- V:1135-6-1
  3382. Dazzled Sticks: Dazzled Sticks () {1}: Oo:37
  3383. DBH: Mood (Thread) {1}: Pc:76
  3384. Dbuk: Songs 1-8 () {1}: -- V:267-30-1
  3385. Dead Lord: Heads Held High (Century Media) {1}: FB:+
  3386. Dead Neighbors: Dead Neighbors (Fallbreak) {1}: BG:23
  3387. Dead Temple: Cult of Acid (PRC) {1}: FB:+
  3388. Deathtrip: Deep Drone Master () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3389. Debris Slide: Araido (Fluff) {1}: DS_u:44
  3390. Deepchord: Ultraviolet Music (Soma Quality) {1}: ou:+
  3391. Deep: What You Leave Behind (The Vinyl Dept) {1}: g_h:9
  3392. Hamilton De Holanda: Caprichos (import -14) {1}: TG:24
  3393. Deichkind: Niveau Weshalb Warum (Universal) {1}: Mu:23
  3394. Della Mae: Della Mae (Concord/Rounder) {1}: T_c:30
  3395. Delta Sleep: Twin Galaxies (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: GTV:73
  3396. Demon Eye: Tempora Infernalia (Soulseller) {1}: FB:59
  3397. Demon Head: Ride the Wilderness (This Charming Man) {1}: FB:80
  3398. Demon Lung: A Dracula (Candlelight) {1}: FB:+
  3399. Carles Denia I La Nova Rimaire: L'Home Insomne (Comboi) {1}: TGW:29
  3400. Denizen: Troubled Waters (Argonauta) {1}: FB:+
  3401. Den Sorte Skole: Indians & Cowboys (self-released) {1}: TGW:47
  3402. Dept of Harmonic Integrity: In Deck and Depth a Whim a Weft (Tymbal Tapes) {1}: AV:+
  3403. Jon Derosa: Black Halo (Rocket Girl) {1}: Flp:58
  3404. Dena DeRose: We Won't Forget You (HighNote) {1}: jna:+
  3405. Der Weg Einer Freiheit: Stellar () {1}: Spk_u:145
  3406. Michael Des Barres: The Key to the Universe () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3407. Desert Sweets: A Place Meant for Birds (Balance Point Acoustics) {1}: FJ:+
  3408. Desperate Journalist: Desperate Journalist (Fierce Panda) {1}: GTV:37
  3409. Alexandre Desplat: Suffragette [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Backlot Music) {1}: TG:+
  3410. Bryce Dessner/So Percussion: Music for Wood and Strings (Brassland) {1}: TG:45
  3411. Deville: Make It Belong to Us (Fuzzorama) {1}: FB:+
  3412. Devil Worshipper: Devil Worshipper (Holy Mountain) {1}: FB:87
  3413. Dhampyr: Oceanclots (Acephale Winter) {1}: Pf_m:+
  3414. Kasse Mady Diabate: Kirike (Six Degrees) {1}: TG:89
  3415. Dialects: Ltkltl (self-released) {1}: FPE:80
  3416. Diamond Youth: Nothing Matters () {1}: Nc:42
  3417. Alela Diane & Ryan Francesconi: Cold Moon (Rusted Blue) {1}: bm_f:20
  3418. Alela Diane & Ryan Francesconi: The Sun Today (Believe) {1}: U_jm:99
  3419. Diatessaron: Sunshine (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  3420. Diddy: MMM (Bad Boy) {1}: Cmp:35
  3421. Di Domenico/O'Rourke/Yamamoto: Delivery Health (Silent Water) {1}: FJ:+
  3422. Die Verboten: 2007 (Deewee) {1}: Ph:67
  3423. Different Streams: EUS Postdrome & Saaad () {1}: gd_o:10
  3424. Digital Leather: All Faded () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3425. John Dikeman/Dirk Serries/Steve Noble: Cult Exposure (Tonefloat) {1}: FJ:+
  3426. Dimesland: Psychogenic Atrophy (Crucial Blast) {1}: BG:31
  3427. Dimitri From Paris: Salsoul Mastermix (Octave Lab) {1}: JG:132
  3428. Dinosaur Pile-Up: Eleven Eleven (So) {1}: Bq:87
  3429. Dirty Dike: Hold My Hands () {1}: w_h:10
  3430. Devin Disanto & Nick Hoffman: Three Exercises () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3431. Discordian Community Ensemble: Draught, Suspicion () {1}: av:+
  3432. Marianne Dissard: Cologne Vier Takes () {1}: nymd:+
  3433. Claire Diterzi: 69 Battements Par Minute (Je Garde Le Chien/Au Pays Des Merveilles) {1}: te:+
  3434. DJ BC/The Beastles: Ill Submarine (self-released) {1}: YW:79
  3435. DJ Clent: Last Bus to Lake Park () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3436. DJ Fulltono: My Mind Beats Vol 1 () {1}: CRW:54
  3437. DJ Koze: XTC/Knee on Belly () {1}: w_b:6
  3438. DJ Orange Julius: Mall Music Presents: Juice II () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3439. DJ Rashad: 6613 (Hyperdub, EP) {1}: DW:29
  3440. DJ Spooky/Kronos Quartet: Rebirth of a Nation (Cantaloupe, 2CD) {1}: PM:58
  3441. DJ Stingray: Cognition (Lower Parts) {1}: Xlr:24
  3442. DLR: Seeing Sounds (Dispatch) {1}: Mix:45
  3443. DoctoR DooM: This Seed We Have Sown (Ripple) {1}: FB:+
  3444. The Dodos: Competition () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3445. Doe: First Four () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3446. Dog Fashion Disco: Ad Nauseam () {1}: Spk_u:65
  3447. Dogs on Acid: Dogs on Acid (Jade Tree) {1}: AV:+
  3448. Lou Doillon: Lay Low (Universal) {1}: LR:88
  3449. Doldrums: The Air Conditioned Nightmare (Sub Pop) {1}: PM:59
  3450. Dommedagssalme: Domain () {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  3451. DonMonique: Thirst Trap EP () {1}: S_h:43
  3452. Don Omar: The Last Don Vol 2 (Machete/Universal) {1}: am_w:+
  3453. Ricardo Donoso: Machine to Machine (Denovali) {1}: AV:+
  3454. Ricardo Donoso: Sarava Exu (Denovali) {1}: Ph:73
  3455. Donots: Karacho (Vertigo) {1}: Vi:44
  3456. Don't DJ: Magical Power Manko (Birdfriend) {1}: jcb:+
  3457. Doomina: Doomina LP () {1}: AD:35
  3458. Delphine Dora/Sophie Cooper: Distance Future (Was Ist Das?) {1}: pf_x:19
  3459. Big Chief Alfred Doucette: Originals (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  3460. Dave Douglas/Monash Art Ensemble: Fabliaux () {1}: obs:16
  3461. The Dovetail Trio: Wing of Evening (Rootbeat) {1}: T_f:52
  3462. Downfall of Nur: Umbras de Barbagia () {1}: Spk_u:45
  3463. DP: Designer Casket (self-released, EP) {1}: Pg:40
  3464. D/P/I: Ad Hocc (Zona Music) {1}: TMT:21
  3465. Molly Drag: Deeply Flawed () {1}: Crg:82
  3466. Drainolith: Hysteria (NNA Tapes) {1}: pf_x:18
  3467. William D Drake: Revere Reach () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  3468. Drame: Drame () {1}: PN:+
  3469. DRAM: GAHDAMN! EP (WAVE) {1}: S_h:25
  3470. Dr Dog: Live at a Flamingo Hotel (Anti) {1}: AV:+
  3471. The Dread: The Plastination of Otis T Fernbank (self-released) {1}: amg:+
  3472. The Dreaming: Rise Again () {1}: DaJ:39
  3473. Paquito D'Rivera: Jazz Meets the Classics (Sunnyside) {1}: jrd:+
  3474. Drug Church: Hit Your Head (No Sleep) {1}: Bq:81
  3475. Kevin Drumm/Jason Lescalleet: Busman's Holiday (Erstwhile) {1}: pf_x:14
  3476. Benjamin Duboc/Alexandra Grimal: Le Retour D'Ulysse (Improvising Beings) {1}: FJ:+
  3477. Scott DuBois: Winter Light (ACT) {1}: jpa:+
  3478. Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel: Live at Pine Lake June 2015 () {1}: av:+
  3479. Hilary Duff: Breathe In Breathe Out (RCA) {1}: s_p:25
  3480. Dumbsaint: Panorama in Ten Pieces (Art as Catharsis) {1}: ad:+
  3481. Ed Dupas: A Good American Life (Mackinhaw Harvest Music) {1}: T_c:44
  3482. Jack Dupon: Tete de Chien (Musea) {1}: blg:+
  3483. Jens Duppe: Anima (Double Moon) {1}: jml:10
  3484. The Dustbowl Revival: With a Lampshade On (Signature Sounds) {1}: ghn:17
  3485. DVS: DVTV (self-released) {1}: Sg_h:28
  3486. M Dwinell: Golden Ratio (Amish) {1}: U_jm:121
  3487. Dying Machines: You (self-released) {1}: FPE:40
  3488. E-40: Poverty and Prosperity (Heavy on the Grind) {1}: Sg_h:38
  3489. Open Mike Eagle: The Catcher of the Fade (self-released, EP) {1}: PW:25
  3490. The Eagle Rock Gospel Singers: Heavenly Fire (Ba Da Bing) {1}: TG:+
  3491. Earth Tongues: Rune () {1}: FJ:+
  3492. East West Quintet: Anthem (self-released) {1}: av:+ -- TH:B-
  3493. easyFun: easyMix () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3494. Ebauche: Adrift (Invisible Agent) {1}: amg:+
  3495. Eccentronic Research Council: Johnny Rocket Narcissist & Music Machine? I'm Your Biggest Fan (Without Consent) {1}: FB:+
  3496. Donald Edwards: Evolution of an Influenced Mind () {1}: jtr:+
  3497. Eels: Royal Albert Hall (Eworks, 3CD) {1}: Mz:34
  3498. Mark Egan: Direction Home (Wavetone) {1}: TG:+
  3499. Harris Eisenstadt: Golden State II () {1}: av:+
  3500. Eivor: Slor () {1}: FF:34
  3501. Elara: In the Depths of Time in an Ocean Made of Stars () {1}: AD:41
  3502. Electric Moon: The Theory of Mind (Soulatron) {1}: FB:76
  3503. Electro Sensitive Behaviour & Perry Blake: Modern Love (Orchard Lily) {1}: psl:6
  3504. Elephant: Hypergiant () {1}: lmt:20
  3505. Elephant Micah: Where in Our Woods (Western Vinyl) {1}: U_jm:109
  3506. Elephant Rifle: Ivory () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3507. Elfmilk: Relocation () {1}: hu:17
  3508. Elintseeker: Geography of the Heart (Plop) {1}: FPE:98
  3509. Eliogabal: Mo () {1}: av:+
  3510. Eli & the Hot Six: Contemporary Classic Jazz Live (Delmark) {1}: jrs:+
  3511. Curtis Eller & the New Town Drunks: Baudelaire in a Box: Songs of Anguish () {1}: nymd:+
  3512. Kirk Elliott & the Orchestra of Unmitigated Gaul: Widdershins: The Legend of Tristan Shoute (Pipistrelle Music) {1}: TG:29
  3513. Tinsley Ellis: Tough Love (Landslide) {1}: am_l:+
  3514. El Naan: Codigo de Barros (ARC Music) {1}: TGW:24
  3515. El Príncipe Idiota: Domestico (Fuego Amigo) {1}: S45:38
  3516. Elrox: Tralfamadore (Tape the Sound) {1}: amg:+
  3517. El Ten Eleven: Fast Forward () {1}: AD:28
  3518. Elza: A Mulher Do Fim Do Mundo (Circus) {1}: RY:22
  3519. Emerson String Quartet/Renee Rleming: Alban Berg: Lyric Suite (Decca) {1}: TG:+
  3520. Emika: Drei (Emika) {1}: am_e:+
  3521. Andy Emler Megaoctet: Obsession 3 () {1}: obs:10
  3522. Tommy Emmanuel: It's Never Too Late () {1}: gw:+
  3523. Employed to Serve: Greyer Than You Remember () {1}: Crg:77
  3524. Endless Melancholy: Her Name in a Language of Stars (Hidden Vibes) {1}: FPE:84
  3525. Endon: MAMA (Indies Japan) {1}: BG:27
  3526. Sidsel Endresen/Stian Westerhus: Bonita (Rune Grammofon) {1}: am_j:+
  3527. Marco Eneidi: Streamin' 4/Panta Rei (ForTune) {1}: jsl:8
  3528. Eno: From the Lower Earth and Ocean (Ikarus) {1}: FPE:96
  3529. Kat Epple & Nathan Dyke: Elemental Circuitry (self-released) {1}: amg:+
  3530. Daniel Erdmann/Samuel Rohrer/Vinent Courtois/Frank Mobius: Ten Songs About Real Utopia (Arjunamusic) {1}: jck:7
  3531. Eric Strickland: Revelate () {1}: sht:7
  3532. Damian Erskine: Within Sight () {1}: jtr:+
  3533. Mahan Esfahni: Time Present and Time Past () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3534. Eska: Eska (Earthling) {1}: MO:47
  3535. Eskimo Callboy: Crystals () {1}: ap_u:+
  3536. Nelson Esposito Quintana: None of the Above (NEQ & NEQ) {1}: jjh:+
  3537. Gene Ess: Eternal Monomyth () {1}: jtr:+
  3538. Estelle: True Romance (Established 1980) {1}: Nc:45
  3539. ETHEL: Documerica (Innova) {1}: TG:+
  3540. Ethereal: Final Fantasy () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3541. Ethos: Empty Path () {1}: Spk_u:80
  3542. EULA: Wool Sucking (Famous Swords) {1}: gt:+
  3543. Everyone But Me: Everyone But Me (Custom Made Music -EP) {1}: SBR:48
  3544. Everything Ever: Solid Ground () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3545. Dmitry Evgrafov: Collage (130701) {1}: Bl:72
  3546. Ex-Breathers: Past Tense () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3547. Excision: Codename X () {1}: CRW:68
  3548. Exgenesis: Aphotic Veil (Rain Without End) {1}: Spk:41
  3549. Expert Alterations: You Can't Always Be Liked (Kanine) {1}: ath:+
  3550. The Expert: Dynamic Drift (Well Wear) {1}: IT:47
  3551. The Exploding Eyes Orchestra: I (Svart) {1}: FB:36
  3552. Express Rising: Fixed Rope (Numero Group) {1}: Am_s:47
  3553. Exxasens: Back to Earth () {1}: AD:21
  3554. Eye of Nix: Moros (Belief Mower) {1}: p_m:12
  3555. The Eye of Time: Anti (Denovali) {1}: FPE:59
  3556. Eyes of a Blue Dog: Eyes of a Blue Dog () {1}: Flp:46
  3557. George Ezra: Wanted on Voyage (Columbia) {1}: StP:22 -- V:543-14-1
  3558. Fake Palms: Fake Palms () {1}: now:+
  3559. Shana Falana: Set Your Lightning Fire Free (Team Love) {1}: SBR:47
  3560. Falling Up: Falling Up () {1}: Spk_u:27
  3561. Falls: Omaha () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3562. Maria False: When (A Quick One) {1}: SBR:43
  3563. Family Dynamics: Service () {1}: -- V:205-40-2
  3564. Fanfarai: Tani (Tour'n'sol Productions) {1}: ap:+
  3565. Maria Farantouri: Echtes Archisa Na Tragoudo () {1}: He:37
  3566. Farao: Till It's All Forgotten (Full Time Hobby) {1}: Dr:80
  3567. Far Rainbow: No Medicine That Can Cure a Fool () {1}: av:+
  3568. Fat Freddy's Drop: Bays () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3569. Newton Faulkner: Human Love (BMG) {1}: rfs:+
  3570. Lewis Fautzi: Space Exploration (Soma) {1}: am_e:+
  3571. Felix Da Housecat: Narrative of Thee Blast Illusion () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  3572. Femina: Traspasa () {1}: pri:+
  3573. Fenster: Emocean (Morr) {1}: Pc:74
  3574. Lance Ferguson: Black Feeling 3 () {1}: bbc:+
  3575. Agusti Fernandez/Niels Lyhne Lokkegaard/Bjorn Heeboll: Amaranth (Discordian) {1}: av:+
  3576. Fern Mayo: Happy Forever () {1}: gt:+
  3577. Fever Dream: MoyaMoya (Club AC30) {1}: SBR:38
  3578. The Figgs: Other Planes of Here () {1}: -- V:626-10-2
  3579. Fight Amp: Constantly Off () {1}: sq:20
  3580. Figli di Madre Ignota: Bellydancer () {1}: nymd:+
  3581. Cassio Figueiredo: Diario () {1}: av:+
  3582. Sammy Figueroa: Imaginary World (Savant) {1}: jar:+
  3583. Figure: Gravity () {1}: ye:+
  3584. Shane Filan: Right Here (Rhino) {1}: rfs:+
  3585. Finale: Odds & Ends (Mello Music Group) {1}: am_h:+
  3586. Neil Finn & Paul Kelly: Goin' Your Way () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  3587. Fireships: Fireships () {1}: nymd:+
  3588. FIS: The Blue Quicksand Is Going Now (Loopy) {1}: Qt:60
  3589. Fit for an Autopsy: Absolute Hope Absolute Hell () {1}: HB:24
  3590. George FitzGerald: Fading Love (Domino/Double Six) {1}: Btz:43
  3591. Fjorden Baby: Oh Yeah! (Fjorden Bizznizz) {1}: Dv:38
  3592. The Flag: Heat Waves () {1}: gt:+
  3593. Flanger: Lollopy Dripper (Nonplace) {1}: Bl:61
  3594. Mike Flanigin: The Drifter () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3595. Flavor Crystals: The Shiver of the Flavor Crystals (Mpls Ltd) {1}: FB:43
  3596. Fleur de Lis: In the Midst of Chaos There Is a Stillness (self-released) {1}: FPE:69
  3597. The Frank Flight Band: The Usual Curse () {1}: nymd:+
  3598. Flo Rida: My House (Poe Boy/Atlantic) {1}: Am_h:25
  3599. Guilhem Flouzat: Portraits (Sunnyside) {1}: jtn:+
  3600. Flux Pavillion: Tesla () {1}: ye:+
  3601. Flying Horses: Tolt (self-released) {1}: FPE:45
  3602. Elisa Flynn: My Henry Lee () {1}: nymd:+
  3603. Pierre Flynn: Sur La Terre (Audiogram) {1}: lp:+
  3604. Flyying Colours: ROYGBIV (Club AC30/Shelflife -EP) {1}: SBR:31
  3605. Nickelus & Shawn Kemp F: Trick Dice (Authentic Music Group/Rayni Day Entertainment) {1}: RY:42
  3606. Fodd Dod: Studie I Narhet Langtan Och Besvikelse () {1}: sq_e:10
  3607. FOGG: High Testament (Tee Pee) {1}: FB:+
  3608. Fog Lake: Victoria Park (Orchid Tapes) {1}: or:15
  3609. Food Court: Food Court (Kye) {1}: TMT:43
  3610. Foodman: Couldwork (Orange Milk) {1}: bm_x:17
  3611. Foo Fighters: Saint Cecilia () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3612. Foo Fighters: Sonic Highways () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  3613. Robben Ford: Into the Sun (Provogue) {1}: se_e:9
  3614. Forevr: Demonstration (self-released -EP) {1}: SBR:32
  3615. Former Selves: Three Wells () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3616. Alma Forrer: Ne Dis Rien () {1}: PN:+
  3617. Bob Forrest: Survival Songs () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3618. Sam Forrest: Candlelightwater (Desert Mine) {1}: LW:35
  3619. Bror Forsgren: Narcissus (Jansen) {1}: Dv:40
  3620. Chris Forsyth & Koen Holtkamp: The Island (Trouble in Mind) {1}: U_jm:62
  3621. Fossil: Trapped in a Place That You Don't Want to Leave () {1}: Crg:61
  3622. Fourth World Magazine Vol II: Pinhead in Fantasia (Pacificity Soundvisions) {1}: TMT:26
  3623. Robin Fox: A Small Prometheus () {1}: bgc:+
  3624. Francisco el Hombre: La Pachanga! (Banana Ice, EP) {1}: TG:95
  3625. Frankie: Dreamstate () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3626. Free Children of Earth: Terminal Stasis () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  3627. Freedom Hawk: Into Your Mind (Small Stone) {1}: FB:88
  3628. Freekbass: Cincinnati () {1}: ft:+
  3629. Ola Fresca: Elixir (Pipiki) {1}: wmc:+
  3630. Jurg Frey: Grizzana and Other Pieces 2009-2014 (Another Timbre) {1}: W:37
  3631. M Friedberger/Neue Friedberger Oper/Mr Fried Burger: Mr Fried Burger I Resume? () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  3632. Fred Frith and Barry Guy: Backscatter Bright Blue (Intakt) {1}: jgk:+
  3633. From the Mouth of the Sun: Into the Well (Fluid Audio) {1}: FPE:87
  3634. Froth: Bleak (Burger) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3635. Masayoshi Fujita: Apologues (Erased Tapes) {1}: Dr:60
  3636. Funerary Call: The Mirror Reversed (Part 2) {1}: av:+
  3637. Funke and the Two Tone Baby: Balance (self-released) {1}: LW:73
  3638. Richie Furay: Hand in Hand () {1}: NoD:42
  3639. The Furious Seasons: My Love Is Strong () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3640. Pete Furniss/Haftor Medbøe: Bitter Together () {1}: av:+
  3641. Future: Horizons () {1}: DaJ:44
  3642. Future Punx: This is Post Wave () {1}: bv:+
  3643. Mick Futures: Banned From the Future (Telephone Explosion) {1}: nz:+
  3644. Josef Gaard: Obsidian Falls () {1}: sq_t:9
  3645. Giuliano Gabriele: Madre (Iworld) {1}: wmc:+
  3646. Juan Gabriel: Los Duo (Fonovisa) {1}: am_w:+
  3647. Steve Gadd Band: 70 Strong (BFM) {1}: se_a:+
  3648. Galar: De Gjenlevende () {1}: Spk_u:170
  3649. Galcher Lustwerk: Parlay EP () {1}: s_b:15
  3650. Brian Gallagher: All That's Ahead (self-released) {1}: TG:+
  3651. Don Gallardo: Hickory (Clubhouse) {1}: T_c:29
  3652. Galley Beggar: Silence and Tears (Rise Above) {1}: FB:+
  3653. Gamardah Fungus: Bardo Thodol () {1}: av:+
  3654. Gangbe Brass Band: Go Slow to Lagos (Buda Musique) {1}: JG:139
  3655. Gang Fatale: Pleasures & Q's III () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3656. Gangrene: You Disgust Me (Mass Appeal) {1}: HG:22
  3657. Gao Hong: Pipa Potluck (Innova) {1}: TG:+
  3658. Margarida Garcia and Manuel Mota: Crypt () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3659. Garden of Elks: A Distorted Sigh (Song by Toad) {1}: Sk:37
  3660. Gardens & Villa: Music for Dogs (Secretly Canadian) {1}: AV:+
  3661. The Garden: HaHa (Epitaph) {1}: rfs:+
  3662. Rachel Garniez: Who's Counting () {1}: nymd:+
  3663. Susanna Gartmayer: AOUIE: Bass Clarinet Solos (God/Chmafu Nocords) {1}: jkr:10
  3664. Giacomo Gates: Everything Is Cool (Savant) {1}: jrm:+
  3665. Kevin Gates: Murder for Hire (self-released) {1}: Sg_h:23
  3666. Gateway Drugs: Dare Tonight (564583) {1}: psl:11
  3667. Yonatan Gat: Director (Joyful Noise) {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  3668. Ray Gelato: Original Flavours (Double Scoop) {1}: jml:+
  3669. Gema Corredera: Feeling Marta (GC Music) {1}: ap:+
  3670. Gems: Kill the One You Love (Carpark) {1}: PP:38
  3671. Myriam Gendron: Not So Deep as a Well () {1}: -- V:211-39-3
  3672. Tommy Genesis: World Vision () {1}: PN:+
  3673. Genevieve: Escapism (Grimoire) {1}: BG:26
  3674. Genocide Pact: Forged Through Domination () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3675. Virginia Genta/Dag Stiberg/Jon Wesseltoft/David Vanzan: Det Kritiske Punkt (Feeding Tube) {1}: jkr:+
  3676. German Army: In Transit () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  3677. The Germans: Are Animals Different (Kinky Star) {1}: DM:25
  3678. Get Scared: Demons () {1}: ap_u:+
  3679. Get the Blessing: Astronautilus (Naim Jazz) {1}: g_j:6
  3680. Gfoty: Cake Mix () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  3681. Gus G: Brand New Revolution () {1}: gw:+
  3682. Ghazalaw: Ghazalaw (Marvels of the Universe) {1}: FR:+
  3683. Alireza Ghorbani: Eperdument . . . (Accords Croises/Harmonia Mundi) {1}: te:+
  3684. The Ghost Ease: Raw (K) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3685. Ghost Lake: I Feel Everything (self-released) {1}: SBR:50
  3686. Claudio Curti Gialdino: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Piano Music (Brilliant) {1}: TG:+
  3687. Giant Claw: Deep Thoughts (Orange Milk) {1}: TMT:32
  3688. Daughn Gibson: Carnation (Sub Pop) {1}: boc:20
  3689. Drew Gibson: 1532 () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3690. Jeremy Gill: Capriccio () {1}: av:+
  3691. David Gilmore: Energies of Change (Evolutionary Music) {1}: jbm:+
  3692. Gilmore & Roberts: Conflict Tourism (Gr!) {1}: T_f:54
  3693. Thea Gilmore: Ghosts and Graffiti (Full Fill) {1}: T_f:29
  3694. Pedro Giraudo: Cuentos (Zoho) {1}: jsa:+
  3695. Girls in Airports: Fables (Edition) {1}: FB:+
  3696. Girls Pissing on Girls Pissing: Scrying in Infirmary Architecture (Muzai) {1}: No:+
  3697. Glass Apple Bonzai: Night Maze (A Giant Robot Ate My Drum Machine) {1}: idy:23
  3698. Gleemer: Moving Away () {1}: Crg:84
  3699. Gloam: Hex of Nine Heads () {1}: n_o:+
  3700. Glowsun: Beyond the Wall of Time (Napalm) {1}: FB:62
  3701. Gnoomes: Ngan! (Rocke) {1}: No:+
  3702. Goat [Hino Koshiro/Akihiko Ando/Tesushi Nishikawa/Atsumi Tagami]: Rhythm & Sound (Unknownmix/Headz) {1}: jcb:+
  3703. Gilles Gobeil: Les lointains () {1}: FF:22
  3704. God Damn: Vultures (One Little Indian) {1}: Vi:33
  3705. Goddess: Paradise () {1}: nymd:+
  3706. God Module: Prophecy () {1}: DaJ:45
  3707. Going: Going II (Machinery) (Silent Water) {1}: FJ:+
  3708. Going: Machinery II (Silent Water) {1}: FJ:+
  3709. Gold Class: It's You (Felte) {1}: FL:36
  3710. Golden Teacher: Sauchiehall Enthrall (Golden Teacher, EP) {1}: W:24
  3711. Goldmund: Sometimes (Western Vinyl) {1}: FPE:28
  3712. Sandy Gold: Sandy Gold () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3713. Vinny Golia: Solo (Gold Lion Arts) {1}: av:+
  3714. Alborotador Gomasio: Los Excesos De Los Ninos (Limbo Starr) {1}: Jp:49
  3715. Ricardo Dias Gomes: -11 (RVNG Intl) {1}: Mrg:30
  3716. Delia Gonzalez: In Remembrance () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  3717. The Good the Bad & The Zugly: Hadeland Hardcore (Fysisk Format) {1}: Gf_N:49
  3718. Gov't Mule: Dub Side of the Mule (Evil Teen) {1}: am_g:+
  3719. Goya: Obelisk () {1}: mf_h:16
  3720. : Gqom Oh! The Sound of Durban Vol 1 (Gqom Oh!) {1}: F:28
  3721. Jon Dee Graham: Do Not Forget (Freedom) {1}: ghn:19
  3722. Seth Graham: No 00 in Clean Life (Orange Milk, EP) {1}: TMT:47
  3723. The Granite Shore: Once More From the Top () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  3724. The Grasping Straws: The Grasping Straws () {1}: nymd:+
  3725. Frank Gratkowski/Achim Kaufmann/Wilbert De Joode/Okkyung Lee/Richard Barrett/Tony Buck: Skein (Leo) {1}: jsh:7
  3726. Gratuit: La (Kythibong) {1}: Mw:25
  3727. Grave Babies: Holographic Violence () {1}: DaJ:50
  3728. Grawl!x: Good Grief (Time Travel Opps) {1}: LW:86
  3729. The Gray Havens: Fire and Stone () {1}: skm:16
  3730. Greg Grease: Born to Lurk Forced to Work () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3731. A Great Big World: When Morning Comes (Epic) {1}: am_p:+
  3732. Great Falls: The Fever Shed (Init) {1}: BG:24
  3733. Great Lake Swimmers: A Forest of Arms (Nettwerk) {1}: T_c:26
  3734. Benny Green: Live in Santa Cruz (Sunnyside) {1}: jmk:7
  3735. Judd Greenstein & Michi Wiancko: The Mend [Soundtrack] (New Amsterdam) {1}: TG:+
  3736. JJ Grey & Mofro: Ol' Glory (Relativity) {1}: TG:+
  3737. Terisa Griffin: Revival of Soul (Naked Soul) {1}: st:+
  3738. Grimlake: Atlas Hands () {1}: AD:42
  3739. The Grinding Ear: The Raining Universe () {1}: AD:27
  3740. Erik Griswold: Pain Avoidance Machine (Room40) {1}: ex_i:+
  3741. GRNDMS: Capitol Mill (Fox Food) {1}: aqd:+
  3742. Josh Groban: Stages (Reprise) {1}: Yh:+
  3743. Martin Grosswendt: Pay Day! (self-released) {1}: fr:6
  3744. Ground: Vodunizm (Chillmountain) {1}: ou:+
  3745. Group A: 70 + a (self-released) {1}: jcb:+
  3746. Brian Ellis Group: Escondido Sessions (El Paraiso) {1}: JG:85
  3747. Laura Groves: Committed Language (self-released, EP) {1}: TG:+
  3748. Grusom: Grusom (Kosmik Artifactz) {1}: FB:+
  3749. Gunship: Gunship (Horsie in the Hedge) {1}: Spk_u:22
  3750. Gurrisonic Orchestra: Three Kids Music () {1}: av:+
  3751. Gurun Gurun: Kon B () {1}: av:+
  3752. Mats Gustafsson: Piano Mating () {1}: av:+
  3753. Robin Guthrie and Mark Gardener: Universal Road (Soleil Apres Minuit) {1}: JD:36
  3754. Will Guthrie: Sacree Obsession (Ideal) {1}: jkr:+
  3755. Guttersnipe: Demo (self-released, EP) {1}: W:38
  3756. Mickey Guyton: Mickey Guyton EP () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3757. Stefano Guzzetti: Ensemble (Stella) {1}: FPE:90
  3758. Karen Gwyer: Bouloman () {1}: w_b:10
  3759. Pepe Luis Carmona Habichuela: La Vida Llega (Nuevos Medios) {1}: wmc:+
  3760. Haethen: Shaped by Aeolian Winds () {1}: Spk_u:125
  3761. Hakobune + Dirk Serries: Obscured by Beams of Sorrow (White Paddy Mountain) {1}: FPE:92
  3762. Jennifer Hall: Jennifer Hall EP () {1}: nymd:+
  3763. Halo Tora: Omni/One (East End) {1}: GTV:75
  3764. Matthew Halsall & the Gondwana Orchestra: Into Forever (Gondwana) {1}: T_j:39
  3765. Ryan Hamilton: Hell of a Day () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  3766. Jeff Hamilton Trio: Great American Songs Through the Years (Capri) {1}: jrs:+
  3767. Ross Hammond/John Bafus/Steuart Liebig: Lowburn () {1}: av:+
  3768. Ross Hammond/Luke Stewart/Nate Scheible: Mean Crow () {1}: av:+
  3769. Hand of Dust: Like Breath Beneath a Veil (Avant!) {1}: FB:67
  3770. Hanz: Reducer (Tri Angle) {1}: iw:24
  3771. The Hard Ground: Triptych () {1}: lmt:13
  3772. Danny L Harle: Broken Flowers (PC Music/Columbia, EP) {1}: GB:49
  3773. Harlott: Proliferation (Metalblade) {1}: maf:+
  3774. Harms Way: Rust () {1}: Crg:87
  3775. Harrison: Colors (Last Gang, EP) {1}: ex_x:8
  3776. Harrow: Fallow Fields (Broken Limbs) {1}: Pf_m:+
  3777. Haste the Day: Coward () {1}: Spk_u:135
  3778. The Hate My Day Jobs: Mouth on Fire () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  3779. Lalah Hathaway: Lalah Hathaway Live (EOne) {1}: am_r:+
  3780. Haujobb: Blendwerk (Basic Unit Productions/Negative Gain Productions) {1}: idy:8
  3781. Haunted Windchimes: Live Chimes: Volume One () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  3782. Kate Havnevik: &i () {1}: FF:38
  3783. Hawk Eyes: Everything Is Fine (self-released) {1}: K:39
  3784. Alexander Hawkins: Alexander Hawkins Trio (self-released) {1}: Mrg:21
  3785. Hawthonn: Hawthonn (Larkfall) {1}: Qt:21
  3786. Colin Hay: Next Year People (Compass) {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3787. Darren Hayman: Chants for Socialists (Where It's At Is Where You Are) {1}: am_f:+
  3788. Emlie Haynie: We Fall (Interscope/Polydor) {1}: RTr:+
  3789. Headdress: Smoke Break (Dead Guy) {1}: Hi:21
  3790. Head High: Home House Hardcore () {1}: gd_e:9
  3791. Heaters: Holy Water Pool (Carrot Top) {1}: AYP:37
  3792. Heather Nova: The Way It Feels () {1}: PN:+
  3793. The Heavy Minds: Treasure Coast () {1}: mf_f:10
  3794. The Hedge Schools: At the End of a Winding Day () {1}: lmt:18
  3795. He Heard Footsteps: Tomorrow Without You () {1}: AD:34
  3796. Heidevolk: Velua () {1}: r_m:19
  3797. Bruno Heinen & Kristian Borring: Postcard to Bill Evans (Babbel) {1}: T_j:29
  3798. Sylvaine Helary: Spring Roll/Printemps (Ayler) {1}: FJ:+
  3799. Hellions: Indian Summer (UNFD) {1}: K:44
  3800. Helloween: My God-Given Right (Nuclear Blast) {1}: Noj:40
  3801. Helvetia: Dromomania (Joyful Noise) {1}: No:+
  3802. Ace Henderson: Analog Youth: Yesterday Is Over (self-released) {1}: iw:13
  3803. Jeff Henderson/Tom Callwood/Anthony Donaldson: The Voice of an Angle (iii) {1}: FJ:+
  3804. Megan Henwood: Head Heart Hand (Dharma) {1}: T_f:33
  3805. Herbcraft: Wot Oz (Woodsist) {1}: FB:+
  3806. G Herbo: Ballin Like I'm Kobe () {1}: -- V:332-23-3
  3807. Here We Go Magic: Be Small (Secretly Canadian) {1}: UR:79
  3808. The Hermit Crabs: In My Flat (Matinee) {1}: pm_i:8
  3809. Her Name Is Calla: A Wave of Endorphins (self-released) {1}: FPE:93
  3810. Hessien: Your Empire in Decline (Long Story) {1}: FPE:38
  3811. Dave Heumann: Here in the Deep (Thrill Jockey) {1}: U_jm:49
  3812. He Whose Ox Is Gored: The Camel the Lion the Child (Bleeding Light) {1}: Pf_m:+
  3813. Heyrocco: Teenage Movie Soundtrack () {1}: chi:+
  3814. Hidden Rivers: Where Moss Grows (Serein) {1}: No:+
  3815. Hierophants: Parallax Error (Aargt/Goner) {1}: ath:+
  3816. High Dive: New Teeth (Salinas) {1}: AV:+
  3817. Highly Suspect: Mister Asylum () {1}: Spk_u:139
  3818. High Tides: High Tides () {1}: PW:45
  3819. Hilliard Ensemble & Heinz Holliger: Machaut Transcriptions () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3820. Judith Hill: Back in Time () {1}: ft:+
  3821. Theo Hill: Live at Smalls (Smallslive) {1}: jjh:+
  3822. Hinds: Very Best of Hinds So Far () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3823. Hior Chronik: Taking the Veil (Kitchen) {1}: FPE:65
  3824. The Hirsch Effekt: Holon: Agnosie (SPV) {1}: Vi:25
  3825. Michael Hix: Aeon (self-released) {1}: FPE:54
  3826. Hoboken Division: Arts & Crafts (Les Disques De La Face Cachee) {1}: bz:9
  3827. Hodera: United by Birdcalls () {1}: Crg:13
  3828. Tom Holkenborg [Junkie XL]: Mad Max: Fury Road [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Water Tower) {1}: TG:64
  3829. Fabian Holland: A Day Like Tomorrow (Rooksmere) {1}: T_f:21
  3830. Georg Holm/Orri Pall Dyrason/Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson/Kjartan Holm: Circe (Krunk) {1}: FPE:39
  3831. Holographic Field: Window Gazer (self-released) {1}: FPE:83
  3832. The Holydrug Couple: Moonlust (Sacred Bones) {1}: Pc:36
  3833. Holy Forest: Holy Forest () {1}: pri:+
  3834. Holy Holy: When the Storms Would Come () {1}: RS_A:26
  3835. Holy Serpent: Holy Serpent (RidingEasy) {1}: FB:+
  3836. The Holy Soul: Fortean Times (Damn You) {1}: FB:90
  3837. Holy White Hounds: Sparkle Sparkle (self-released) {1}: mi_r:+
  3838. Homeless Atlantic: The North Passage (self-released) {1}: FPE:57
  3839. Homunculus Res: Come Si Diventa Cio Che Si Era () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3840. The Honest Mistakes: Get It Right () {1}: Nc:43
  3841. Erik Honore: Heliographs (Hubro) {1}: FJ:+
  3842. William Hooker & Liudas Mockunas: Live at the Vilnius Jazz Festival (NoBusiness -14) {1}: jjr:+ -- TH:A-
  3843. William Hooker Quartet: Creative () {1}: av:+
  3844. Hope Drone: Cloak of Ash () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3845. Horse Lords: Hidden Cities () {1}: w_a:7
  3846. Hot 8 Brass Band: Vicennial (Tru Thoughts) {1}: ob:+
  3847. Hotel Books: Run Wild Young Beauty () {1}: Crg:24
  3848. Hot Jazz Jumpers: The Very Next Thing (On the Bol) {1}: jde:6 -- TH:'B
  3849. Hot Sugar: God's Hand (Break World) {1}: pm_e:16
  3850. Hour House: Chiltern (Forced Exposure) {1}: W:22
  3851. Housefire: Burnthemasters (Hot Releases) {1}: iw:14
  3852. House of Laurence: Awake (self-released) {1}: FB:61
  3853. Vardan Hovanissian & Emre Gultekin: Adana (import) {1}: pl_w:7
  3854. Barna Howard: Quite a Feeling (Mama Bird) {1}: pl_t:10
  3855. Joel Michael Howard: Love as a First Response () {1}: -- V:388-20-1
  3856. Charles Howl: Sir Vices (Ample Play) {1}: PJ:38
  3857. Howlin Rain: Mansion Songs (Easy Sound) {1}: U_jm:100
  3858. Howls of Ebb: The Marrow Veil () {1}: Spk_u:113
  3859. Hucci: 404 () {1}: ye:+
  3860. Dave Huemann: Here in the Deep () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3861. James Hughes-Jimmy Smith Quintet: Ever Up & Onward (CD Baby) {1}: am_j:+
  3862. Fred Hughes Trio: I'll Be Home for Christmas () {1}: jtr:+
  3863. Julia Hulsmann: A Clear Midnight: Kurt Weill and America (ECM) {1}: jje:+
  3864. Andy Human and the Reptoids: Andy Human and the Reptoids (S-S) {1}: nz:+
  3865. Hundreth: Free () {1}: ap_u:+
  3866. Hungrytown: Further West () {1}: nymd:+
  3867. Sam Hunt: Montevallo (MCA Nashville -14) {1}: -- V:640-10-1, TH:B
  3868. Husbands: Husbands () {1}: PN:+
  3869. Dick Hyman: House of Pianos (Arbors) {1}: jkd:9
  3870. Hypnotower: Unlearn (Ideal) {1}: Bk:31
  3871. I Am Niamh: Wonderland () {1}: lmt:9
  3872. Abdullah Ibrahim: The Song Is My Story (Sunnyside) {1}: jdk:9 -- TH:B
  3873. The Icarus Line: All Things Under Heaven (Agitated) {1}: DS:44
  3874. Icarus the Owl: Pilot Waves () {1}: Spk_u:69
  3875. Iglooghost & Mr Yote: Milk Empire (Activia Benz) {1}: qt_h:19
  3876. Kari Ikonen Trio: Beauteous Tales and Offbeat Stories () {1}: se_a:+
  3877. Dieter Ilg: Mein Beethoven () {1}: obs:7
  3878. I Ludicrous: Dull Is the New Interesting (Cherry Red) {1}: LW:95
  3879. Imaginary Forces: Low Key Movements (Entr'acte) {1}: Qt:56
  3880. Ima x Atto Plain: Ima x Atto Plain () {1}: av:+
  3881. Immortal Bird: Empress/Abscess () {1}: -- V:459-15-2
  3882. Indiana: No Romeo (import) {1}: TG:+
  3883. Industrial Revelation: Liberation & the Kingdom of Nri () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3884. Inkubus Sukkubus: Mother Moon () {1}: DaJ:32
  3885. Innocence Mission: Hello I Feel the Same () {1}: On:31
  3886. Insect Ark: Portal/Well () {1}: hu:19
  3887. Inspirative: Mysteriously Awake () {1}: AD:39
  3888. Internazionale: Elegy for the Victors (Posh Isolation) {1}: AV:+
  3889. In the Nursery: The Fall of the House of Usher (Itn) {1}: Flp:42
  3890. In the Sea: Henry Crabapple Disappear () {1}: FJ:+
  3891. Invincible Force: Satan Rebellion Metal () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3892. Angelique Ionatos: Reste La lumiere (Ici D'ailleurs) {1}: te:+
  3893. Ion Ludwig: Ghost II Coast (Ugold Series) {1}: Ph:44
  3894. Iration: Hotting Up (Three Prong) {1}: am_g:+
  3895. Iron Fist of the Sun: We Can Yield Our Own Footsteps () {1}: av:+
  3896. Ironsword: None but the Brave (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: FB:+
  3897. Campbell Irvine: Reunion of Two Bodies (Infrastructure New York) {1}: Bk:24
  3898. I Self Devin & Muja Messiah: 9th House () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3899. The Island of Misfit Toys: I Made You Something () {1}: Crg:29
  3900. I the Mighty: Connector () {1}: Spk_u:197
  3901. It It Anita: Recorded by John Agnello (Luik) {1}: Mw:26
  3902. It Prevails: Perdition () {1}: Spk_u:171
  3903. IU: Chat-Shire () {1}: bb_k:6
  3904. Billy Iuso: Overstanding (Nawlins Music) {1}: ob:+
  3905. Ivy Lab: Ivy Lab Presents 20/20 Volume 1 (20/20 LDN) {1}: Mix:38
  3906. Taisei Iwasaki: Blood Blockade Battlefront [OST] () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3907. Izah: Sistere () {1}: Spk_u:155
  3908. Jaala: Hard Hold () {1}: Ero:52
  3909. Jacko With Bambool: Jacko With Bambool (Sahama Musiques/Sweet Waters/Musicast) {1}: te:+
  3910. Luke Jackson: This Family Tree (First Take) {1}: T_f:22
  3911. Jad Fair & Norman Blake: Yes (Joyful Noise) {1}: Mon:40
  3912. Jah Cure: The Cure (VP) {1}: am_g:+
  3913. JAH Excretion: Meditation 5 () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3914. Jailbazer: Rasheed () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3915. Hannah James & Tuulikki Bartosik: Chatterbox (Rootbeat) {1}: T_f:31
  3916. Wendy James: The Price of the Ticket () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3917. Esko Jarvela Epic Male Band: Rye Groove (Esko Jarvela) {1}: wmc:+
  3918. Etienne Jaumet: La Visite (Versatile) {1}: am_e:+
  3919. Jazz Ensemble Baden-Wurttemberg: Doors Without Words (JazznArts) {1}: jmy:10
  3920. Jeezy: Church in These Streets (Def Jam) {1}: am_h:+
  3921. Waylon Jennings: Live in Concert Vol 2 () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3922. Jennylee: Right On! (Rough Trade) {1}: Am_s:30
  3923. Orso Jesenska: Effacer La Mer () {1}: PN:+
  3924. Jesse & Joy: Un Besito Mas (Warner Music Mexico) {1}: am_w:+
  3925. Jess & the Bandits: Here We Go Again () {1}: df:+
  3926. Jewel: Picking Up the Pieces (Concord) {1}: rfs:+
  3927. JGivens: Fly Exam (Humble Beast) {1}: re:6
  3928. Jlin: Freefall () {1}: w_b:8
  3929. Johannsson With Hildur Gudnadottir & Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe: Johann: End of Summer (Sonic Pieces) {1}: Bw:94
  3930. Jonathan Johansson: Lebensraum! (Sony) {1}: Gf:26
  3931. Chuck Johnson: Blood Moon Boulder (Scissor Tail) {1}: aqd:+
  3932. The Leslie Johnson Project: Leslie Johnson Project () {1}: se_g:10
  3933. Russ Johnson: Meeting Point (Relay) {1}: jga:7
  3934. Will Johnson: Swan City Vampires (Undertow) {1}: Wat:32
  3935. Joker: The Mainframe (self-released) {1}: ye:+
  3936. Danko Jones: Fire Music (Caroline) {1}: MH:32
  3937. Eugenie Jones: Come Out Swingin' (Openmic) {1}: jrs:+ -- TH:B
  3938. Zora Jones: 100 Ladies () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3939. Jordannah Elizabeth: A Rush () {1}: hu:13
  3940. Sebastian Jordan: Trapecista (Discos Pendiente) {1}: jar:9
  3941. Martyn Joseph: Sanctuary (Pipe) {1}: T_c:59
  3942. Simon Joyner: Grass Branch & Bone (Woodsist) {1}: AV:+
  3943. Joywave: How Do You Feel Now? () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  3944. JR JR: JR JR (Warner Bros) {1}: pm_p:6
  3945. JR & PH7 X Chuuwee: The South Sac Mack (Mis) {1}: AV:+
  3946. Juego the Ninety: Abandoned Mansions () {1}: Nc:26
  3947. Orlando Julias and the Heliocentrics: Jaiyee Afro (Strut -14) {1}: LW:66 -- TH:A-
  3948. Keita Juma: Chaos Theory (self-released) {1}: rfc:+
  3949. The Junior League: Also Rans (Kool Kat Musik) {1}: ob:+
  3950. Junko: The Void () {1}: w_o:7
  3951. Kadia: East of Alexandria (self-released) {1}: T_f:45
  3952. Kahn Commodo + Gantz: Volume 1 (PR Japan) {1}: C:32
  3953. Henry Kaiser/Robert Musso: Echoes for Sonny (MuWorks) {1}: blg:+
  3954. Goran Kajfes Subtropic Arkestra: The Reason Why Vol 2 (Headspin) {1}: U_jm:67
  3955. SK Kakraba: Songs of Paapieye () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3956. Kambo Super Sound: Tung-I Ramen () {1}: w_d:9
  3957. Kamixlo: Demonico () {1}: w_b:9
  3958. Okko Kamu/Lahti Symphony Orchestra: Sibelius: The Symphonies (BIS) {1}: am:+
  3959. The Kansas Smitty's House Band: Kansas Smitty (City Music) {1}: T_j:43
  3960. Jean Kapsa/Antoine Reininger/Maxime Fleau: La Ligne De Karman () {1}: obs:9
  3961. Kuba Kapsa Ensemble: Vantdraught 10 Vol 1 (Denovali) {1}: FPE:78
  3962. Karamika: KARAMIKA (ESP Institute) {1}: Ph:26
  3963. Karjalan Sissit: Want You Dead () {1}: av:+
  3964. Karmelloz: Silicon Forest () {1}: w_e:9
  3965. Katatonia: Sanctitude (Kscope) {1}: RY:66
  3966. Kaia Kater: Sorrow Bound (Kingswood) {1}: FR:+
  3967. K Camp: Only Way Is Up () {1}: S_h:39
  3968. Matt Keating: This Perfect Crime () {1}: nymd:+
  3969. Bastien Keb: Drinking in the Shadows of Zizou (One-Handed Music) {1}: VF:35
  3970. Tommy Keene: Laugh in the Dark (Second Motion) {1}: -- V:339-22-2
  3971. Alan Kelly Gang: The Last Bell (Blackbox Music) {1}: T_f:36
  3972. Paul Kelly: The Merri Soul Sessions (Gawd Aggie) {1}: ghn:16
  3973. Sam Kelly: The Lost Boys (TCR Music) {1}: T_f:68
  3974. Dustin Kensrue: Carry the Fire () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  3975. Doug Kershaw & Steve Riley: Face to Face (Valcour) {1}: ob:+
  3976. Khaki Blazer: Moontan Nocturnal (Hausu Mountain) {1}: ah:+
  3977. Nadia Khan: Open Interior (Where to Now?) {1}: Bk:53
  3978. Khost: Corrosive Shroud () {1}: av:+
  3979. The Kickback: Sorry All Over the Place () {1}: chi:+
  3980. Kick Bong: A Waking Dream (Cosmicleaf) {1}: amg:+
  3981. Sam Kidel: Untitled (Movements) (Entr'acte) {1}: Bk:89
  3982. Kid Ink: Full Speed (RCA) {1}: Am_h:30
  3983. Kid Millions: The Sanguine Cadaver () {1}: av:+
  3984. Kill Alters: Kill Alters () {1}: gt:+
  3985. Killer Boogie: Detroit () {1}: mf_f:15
  3986. Kill the Noise: Occult Classic () {1}: ye:+
  3987. Andy Kim': It's Decided (Arts & Crafts) {1}: -- V:604-11-2
  3988. Kindling: Galaxies (No Idea -EP) {1}: SBR:40
  3989. Aris Kindt: Floods (Scissor and Thread) {1}: Xlr:23
  3990. Curtiss King: Raging Waters () {1}: hdx:+
  3991. The King Khan & BBQ Show: Bad News Boys (In the Red) {1}: LR:80
  3992. Lauren King: Inscape (self-released) {1}: FPE:67
  3993. King Raam: A Day & a Year () {1}: nymd:+
  3994. Kings Destroy: Kings Destroy (War Crime) {1}: FB:+
  3995. Kinky: MTV Unplugged () {1}: se_f:+
  3996. Kitty Daisy & Lewis: Kitty Daisy & Lewis the Third (Sunday Best) {1}: Noj:50
  3997. Kitty: Kitty () {1}: -- V:388-20-1
  3998. KIZ: Hurra Die Welt Geht Unter (Vertigo Berlin) {1}: lt_h:6
  3999. Klezmerson: Amon () {1}: obs:17
  4000. Kodaline: Coming Up for Air (RCA) {1}: rfs:+
  4001. Kodiak Deathbeds: Kodiak Deathbeds (Affairs of the Heart) {1}: Flp:33
  4002. Kohoutek: Curious Aroma () {1}: av:+
  4003. Kolsch: 1983 (Kompakt) {1}: Mix:22
  4004. Komara: Komara (Hevhetia) {1}: FB:41
  4005. Kompost3: Ballads for Melancholy Robots (Laub) {1}: Rv:+
  4006. Kontiki Suite: The Greatest Show on Earth (self-released) {1}: PJ:26
  4007. Kontinuum: Kyrr () {1}: Spk_u:196
  4008. Andrzej Kosendiak: Gorczycki II (CD Accord) {1}: TG:+
  4009. A Kostis: The Jail's a Fine School () {1}: w_g:10
  4010. Sekou Kouyate: Sabaru (One World) {1}: wmc:+
  4011. Yoni Kretzmer 2Bass Quartet: Book II (OutNow) {1}: jrn:18
  4012. Krisiun: Forged in Fury (Century Media) {1}: BA_m:24
  4013. Peter Kris: Sprawl and Sky () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4014. Karin Krog/Steve Kuhn: Break of Day (Meantime) {1}: jan:9
  4015. Mike Krol: Turkey (Merge) {1}: -- V:459-15-2
  4016. KRS-One: Now Hear This () {1}: HG:+
  4017. Krts: Close Eyes to Exit () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4018. Ksiezyc: Rabbit Eclipse (Penultimate Press) {1}: Qt:37
  4019. Kuku: Ballads & Blasphemy (Buda Musique) {1}: ap:+
  4020. Kult of the Wizard: The White Wizard () {1}: mf_h:20
  4021. Kuroma: Kuromarama () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  4022. Dayna Kurtz: Rise and Fall (Kismet/MC) {1}: ob:+
  4023. Kyozin Yueni Dekai [Yoshihito Mizuuchi/Shinji Wada]: Kyozin Yueni Dekai (self-released) {1}: jcb:+
  4024. La Arrolladora Banda el Limon de Rene Camacho: Ojos en Blanco (Disa/Universal) {1}: am_w:+
  4025. Lack: Perhorresces (More/Hot Releases) {1}: iw:7
  4026. Ku-Umba Frank Lacy & Mingus Big Band: Mingus Sings (Sunnyside) {1}: jgg:+ -- TH:B-
  4027. Jimmy Lafave: The Night Tribe (Music Road) {1}: T_c:33
  4028. Colin Lake: One Thing That's For Sure (Louisiana Red Hot) {1}: ob:+
  4029. Oliver Lake Organ Quartet: What I Heard (Passin' Thru -14) {1}: jpf:6 -- TH:**
  4030. The Lake Poets: The Lake Poets (Dave Stewart Entertainment) {1}: owl:+
  4031. La Lucha: Standards Not Standards (Blue Line) {1}: jsl:9
  4032. La Maquinaria Nortena: Ya Dime Adios (Azteca/Fonovisa) {1}: am_w:+
  4033. Lambert: Stay in the Dark () {1}: Zf:39
  4034. Saad Lamjarred: Lm3allem (Boss) {1}: npr_l:+
  4035. Landshapes: Heyoon (Bella Union) {1}: TO:47
  4036. Lane 8: Rise (Anjunadeep) {1}: Rv:+
  4037. Sinikka Langeland: The Half-Finished Heaven (ECM) {1}: am_w:+
  4038. Travis Laplante/Peter Evans: Secret Meeting () {1}: av:+
  4039. Hazte Lapon: No Son Tu Marido (El Genio Equivocado) {1}: Jp:38
  4040. Lapti: V Tirazh () {1}: Af:27
  4041. Emma Larsson: Sing to the Sky (Origin) {1}: jrs:+ -- TH:B
  4042. Zara Larsson: Uncover (Epic, EP) {1}: s_p:24
  4043. Last Forever: Acres of Diamonds (StorySound) {1}: fr:10
  4044. Lauer: Borndom (Permanent Vacation) {1}: dj:7
  4045. Geraldine Laurent: At Work (Gazebo/L'Autre) {1}: te:+
  4046. Lau: The Bell That Never Rang (Reveal) {1}: FR:+
  4047. Rene Lavice: Play With Fire () {1}: ye:+
  4048. Jo Lawry: Taking Pictures (PRA) {1}: nat:10
  4049. Jerry Lawson: Just a Mortal Man (Red Beet) {1}: T_c:43
  4050. Damian Lazarus & the Ancient Moons: Message From the Other Side (Crosstown Rebels) {1}: Ph:61
  4051. Joelle Leandre/Benoit Delbecq/Francois Houle: 14 Rue Paul Fort Paris () {1}: FJ:+
  4052. Joelle Leandre/Serge Teyssot-Gay: Trans 2 (Intervalle Triton) {1}: FJ:+
  4053. Leather Corduroys: Season (self-released) {1}: n_o:+
  4054. Lorraine Leckie & Pavel Cingl: The Raven Smiled () {1}: nymd:+
  4055. Amos Lee: Live at Red Rocks (ATO) {1}: T_c:48
  4056. Junghwa Lee: Frank Stemper: The Complete Piano Music (Albany) {1}: noj:+
  4057. Leftover Crack: Constructs of the State () {1}: DaJ:22
  4058. The Legendary Pink Dots: Five Days Instrumentals (self-released) {1}: Bw:76
  4059. The Legendary Pink Dots: Five Days (self-released) {1}: Bw:36
  4060. Legendary Shake Shackers: Southern Surreal (Alternative Tentacles) {1}: LW:51
  4061. Legiac: The Faex Has Decimated () {1}: sq_e:7
  4062. Leif: Taraxacum (Until My Heart Stops) {1}: Qt:66
  4063. Leikeli47: Leikeli47 () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4064. Jennifer Leitham: Mood (S)wings (Sinistral) {1}: jrs:+
  4065. Lejsovka & Freund: Fatal Strategies () {1}: -- V:323-25-1
  4066. Louise Le May: A Tale Untold () {1}: PJ:23
  4067. Lenine: Carbono (Universal) {1}: FB:+
  4068. Daniel Lentz: In the Sea of Ionia (Code Blue Label) {1}: TG:52
  4069. Le Parody: Hondo (self-released) {1}: Jp:40
  4070. Le Pot [Manuel Mengis/Hans-Peter Pfammatter/Manuel Troller/Lionel Friedli]: Hera (Everest) {1}: jld:10
  4071. Le Rex: Wild Man () {1}: av:+
  4072. Holly Lerski: Wooden House (Laundrey Label) {1}: T_f:44
  4073. Les Ambassadeurs: Rebirth (World Village) {1}: ap:+
  4074. Les Sans Culottes: Les Dieux Ont Soif/The Gods Are Thirsty () {1}: nymd:+
  4075. Levantis: Romantic Psychology (Technicolour) {1}: cmg:+
  4076. Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch: Like Water Through Sand (130701) {1}: IT:49
  4077. Daniel Levin/Juan Pablo Carletti: Illusion of Truth (OutNow) {1}: FJ:+
  4078. Daniel Levin Quartet: Friction (Clean Feed) {1}: FJ:+ -- TH:B
  4079. Adam Levy: Naubinway () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4080. Barrington Levy: Acousticalevy (Tafari) {1}: TG:+
  4081. Leona Lewis: I Am (Def Jam/Island) {1}: am_p:+
  4082. Lex: Lex [EP] () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4083. The Liberation Music Collective: Siglo XXI (self-released) {1}: jsl:10 -- TH:**
  4084. Dave Liebman: Ceremony (Chesky) {1}: jjh:+
  4085. Sabine Liebner: Scelsi: Suite 9 and 10 Per Pianoforte (Wergo) {1}: YW:84
  4086. Light Years: I'll See You When I See You (Rude Networks) {1}: Bq:99
  4087. Liimanarina: Dokauschwitz () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  4088. Lilacs & Champagne: Midnight Features Vol 2: Made Flesh (Temporary Residence) {1}: YW:61
  4089. Lil Boosie: Touch Down 2 Cause Hell () {1}: r_h:13
  4090. Lil BUB: Science and Magic () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4091. Lil Durk: Remember My Name (Def Jam) {1}: Am_h:27
  4092. Andrew Liles: Cover Girls (Dirter Promotions) {1}: Bw:78
  4093. Max Lilja: Morphosis (Fluttery) {1}: FPE:32
  4094. Lil Wayne: Sorry 4 the Wait 2 (self-released) {1}: DW:74
  4095. Lily and Madeleine: Fumes () {1}: gg:+
  4096. Lindemann: Skills in Pills (Warner Bros) {1}: am_m:+
  4097. Linder Bros: Linder Bros () {1}: se_g:+
  4098. Roger Lion: Roger Lion () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4099. The Lions: Soul Riot (Stones Throw) {1}: am_g:+
  4100. Lithuania: Hardcore Friends () {1}: Crg:71
  4101. Lit Internet: Angelysium () {1}: w_e:7
  4102. Little Xs for Eyes: Everywhere Else () {1}: lmt:3
  4103. Litvakus: Raysn: The Music of Jewish Belarus () {1}: nymd:+
  4104. Lluvia: Eternidad Solemne (Graysun) {1}: cs_m:15
  4105. Locas in Love: Use Your Illusion 3 & 4 (Downbeat) {1}: Mu:24
  4106. Lodges: See God (Closed Door) {1}: NN:32
  4107. JP Lohian & Klonen Klana: JP Lohian & Klonen Klana () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  4108. London Elektricity: Are We There Yet? (Hospital) {1}: Mix:34
  4109. The London Souls: Here Come the Girls () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4110. Lone Echo [Devin Sarno]: Lone Echo (EP) () {1}: av:+
  4111. Lonely Lonely Knights: Lonely Lonely Knights (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4112. Longings: Longings () {1}: gt:+
  4113. Ralegh Long: Hoverance (Gare du Nord) {1}: PJ:24
  4114. Loop: Array 1 (ATP) {1}: No:47
  4115. Brian Lopez: Static Noise () {1}: PN:+
  4116. Lord Dying: Poisoned Altars (Relapse) {1}: am_m:+
  4117. Lord Fist: Green Eyleen (Ektro) {1}: FB:+
  4118. LORD: What Tomorrow Brings (Dominus) {1}: maf:+
  4119. Los Espíritus: Gratitud (self-released) {1}: Hi:24
  4120. Los Hijos de la Montana: Los Hijos de la Montana (Cosmica) {1}: db_w:7
  4121. Lost Salt Blood Purges: The Voids We All Long For () {1}: Spk_u:199
  4122. LOTION: Digital Control and Man's Obsolescence (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos/Toxic State) {1}: Pf_m:+
  4123. Love of Diagrams: Blast () {1}: gt:+
  4124. Lowercase Noises: James () {1}: AD:48
  4125. Low Jack: Sewing Machine (In Paradisum) {1}: Bk:87
  4126. Martin Lubenov's Jazzta Prasta: Impressions (Unit) {1}: TG:+
  4127. Lucy Rose: Work It Out (Columbia) {1}: Bq:48
  4128. Louie Ludwig with the Moss Pickers: Elevation 13 (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4129. Luke: Pornographie (Jiva Epic) {1}: VL:25
  4130. Lumisokea: Mnemosyne (Alter) {1}: No:+
  4131. Lunch: Let Us Have Madness Openly (Mass Media) {1}: FB:60
  4132. Lust: Lust (self-released) {1}: SBR:35
  4133. Drew Lustman: The Crystal Cowboy (Planet Mu) {1}: Bl:30
  4134. Lusts: Illuminations (1965) {1}: GTV:59
  4135. LV: Ancient Mechanisms (Brownswood) {1}: Du:21
  4136. LX & Maxwell: Obstand (Chapter One) {1}: lt_h:19
  4137. Lyambiko: Muse (import) {1}: TG:+
  4138. Lychgate: An Antidote for the Glass Pill () {1}: mi_n:20
  4139. Lycia: A Line That Connects (Handmade Birds) {1}: idy:7
  4140. Lydia: Run Wild () {1}: Crg:63
  4141. Mark Lyken/Emma Dove: Mirror Lands (Time Released Sound) {1}: YW:89 -- TH:B
  4142. Brian Lynch and Emmet Cohen: Questioned Answer (Hollistic Musicworks -14) {1}: jjw:10 -- TH:**
  4143. Jami Lynn: Fall Is a Good Time to Die (Jami Lynn Music) {1}: T_c:32
  4144. Macabre Omen: Gods of War - At War (Van) {1}: MH:50
  4145. Macchinamorbida: Mind the Gap Between the Platform and the Train (a Place Called Annexia) () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4146. The Machine: Offblast! () {1}: mf_f:12
  4147. George Maciuna: Musical Scoring Systems () {1}: w_m:9
  4148. Macka B: Never Played a 45 () {1}: w_d:8
  4149. Bill MacKay & Ryley Walker: Land of Plenty (Whistler) {1}: U_jm:55
  4150. Madaila: The Dance () {1}: -- V:558-13-1
  4151. Made in Heights: Without My Enemy What Would I Do (Heights) {1}: LM:48
  4152. Mad Season & the Seattle Symphony: Sonic Evolution/January 30, 2015/Benaroya Hall () {1}: -- V:453-16-1
  4153. Magister Templi: Into Duat () {1}: r_m:7
  4154. Daniel Mahoney and Various Artists: Sunblind Almost Motorcrash (Spork) {1}: YW:76
  4155. Thierry Maillard: The Kingdom of Arwen () {1}: jtr:+
  4156. The Main Squeeze: Mind Your Head () {1}: ft:+
  4157. Major Games: Major Games (self-released) {1}: cmg:+
  4158. Make: The Golden Veil (self-released) {1}: iw:6
  4159. Make Them Suffer: Old Souls () {1}: Spk_u:177
  4160. Malevolent Creation: Deadmans Path (Century Media) {1}: maf:+
  4161. Radu Malfatti: One Man and a Fly (Canthor) {1}: W:42
  4162. Jesse Malin: Outsiders (One Little Indian/Velvet Elk) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4163. John Malkovich: Like a Puppet Show () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4164. Russell Malone: Love Looks Good on You (HighNote) {1}: jna:+
  4165. Malthusian: Below the Hengiform (Invictus Productions) {1}: maf:+
  4166. Mamaleek: Via Dolorosa () {1}: gd_m:8
  4167. Mammatus: Sparkling Waters (Spiritual Pajamas) {1}: FB:56
  4168. Mana: Cama Incendiada (Warner Music Latina) {1}: am_w:+
  4169. Mandarin Dynasty: Feedback Time () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4170. Mandolin Orange: Such Jubilee () {1}: NoD:46
  4171. Manegarm: Manegarm () {1}: mi_n:27
  4172. The Manhattan Love Suicides: More Heat! More Panic! (Odd Box) {1}: DW:32
  4173. Man Is Not a Bird: Survived the Great Flood (Splendid) {1}: ad:+
  4174. Man Overboard: Heavy Love (Rise) {1}: Bq:42
  4175. Mansion: Altar Sermon EP (self-released) {1}: FB:73
  4176. Victor Manuelle: Que Suenen Los Tambores (Sony Music Latin) {1}: am_w:+
  4177. Harry Manx: 20 Strings and the Truth (Dog My Cat) {1}: TG:56
  4178. Thomas Mapfumo and Blacks Unlimited: Danger Zone (Chimurenga Music) {1}: ap:+
  4179. Jucara Marcal & Cadu Tenorio: Anganga () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4180. Marching Church: This World Is Not Enough (Sacred Bones) {1}: C:70
  4181. Marco Shuttle: Visione (Eerie) {1}: ou:+
  4182. Briana Marela: All Around Us (Jagjaguwar) {1}: UR:93
  4183. Eric Marienthal & Chuck Loeb: Bridges (Shanachie) {1}: am_j:+
  4184. Maritime: Magnetic Bodies/Maps of Bones () {1}: -- V:558-13-1
  4185. Mariza: Mundo (import) {1}: pl_w:10
  4186. Ky-Mani Marley: Maestro (Konfrontation Muzik) {1}: am_g:+
  4187. Pablo Marquez: El Cuchi Bien Temperado (ECM New Series) {1}: TG:30
  4188. Johnny Marr: Adrenalin Baby: Johnny Marr Live () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  4189. Marsheaux: A Broken Frame (Undo) {1}: psl:16
  4190. Marsimoto: Ring Der Nebelungen (Four Music) {1}: lt_h:14
  4191. Pat Martino With Jim Ridl: Nexus (HighNote) {1}: jsa:8
  4192. Till Martin Quintet: The Gardener (Unit) {1}: BIW:28
  4193. Maruta: Remain Dystopian (Relapse) {1}: Pf_m:+
  4194. Rachel Mason: The Lives of Hamilton Fish () {1}: nymd:+
  4195. Karen Matheson: Urram () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4196. Matt & Kim: New Glow () {1}: s_g:25
  4197. Maximalistica: The Clash of the Titans () {1}: av:+
  4198. Maxo: Chordslayer () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4199. Irvin Mayfield: New Orleans Jazz Playhouse (Basin Street, 7CD) {1}: Yh:+
  4200. Maysa: Back 2 Love (Shanachie) {1}: am_r:+
  4201. Andy May Trio: About Time (Ashwood) {1}: T_f:70
  4202. Nick Mazzarella/Ingebrigt Haker-Flaten/Avreeayl Ra: Azimuth (Astral Spirits) {1}: FJ:+
  4203. Stuart McCallum: City (Naim) {1}: Flp:40
  4204. McCrary Sisters: Let's Go () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  4205. John McCutcheon: Joe Hill's Last Will (Appalsongs) {1}: fr:10
  4206. Reba McEntire: Love Somebody (Nash Icon) {1}: bm_c:12
  4207. Matt McGinn: Latter Day Sinner (Matt McGinn Music) {1}: T_f:38
  4208. Don McGlashan: Lucky Stars () {1}: -- V:355-20-2
  4209. Dean McPhee: Fatima's Hand (Hood Faire) {1}: U_jm:35
  4210. Sarah McQuaid: Walking Into White () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4211. Daniel Meade: Keep Right Away () {1}: df:+
  4212. Keath Mead: Sunday Dinner (Company) {1}: ath:+
  4213. Meatraffle: Hi Fi Classics (Trashmouth) {1}: Qt:61
  4214. Mechina: Acheron () {1}: Od:21
  4215. Medeski/Hollenberg/Grohowski: Simulacrum () {1}: obs:19
  4216. Sarah Gayle Meech: Tennessee Love Song () {1}: df:+
  4217. The Megaphonic Thrift: Sun Stare Sound (YAP) {1}: Gf_N:40
  4218. Megaran: Rndm () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4219. Letha Rodman Melchior: Shimmering Ghost (Siltbreeze) {1}: pf_x:9
  4220. Melchior Productions Ltd: Meditations 1-6 () {1}: -- V:606-11-1
  4221. Myra Melford: Live at the Stone [EP] () {1}: av:+
  4222. Arman Melies: Vertigone (At(h)ome) {1}: te:+
  4223. Mello Music Group: Persona (Mello Music Group) {1}: HG:+
  4224. Melt Banana: Return of 13 Hedgehogs () {1}: hu:6
  4225. Menace Beach: Ratworld (Memphis Industries) {1}: Rv:+
  4226. Matthew Mercer: Supernatant () {1}: av:+
  4227. Aurelien Merle: Re Merle (self-released) {1}: LR:65
  4228. Scott Merritt: Of (self-released) {1}: rfc:13
  4229. Merry Hell: The Ghost In Our House and Other Storie (Mrs Casey) {1}: T_f:41
  4230. Wim Mertens: Charaktersketch () {1}: Flp:45
  4231. Merzbow: Konchuuki () {1}: av:+
  4232. Mesarthim: Isolate () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4233. Mestis: Polysemy () {1}: Spk_u:173
  4234. Metal Allegiance: Metal Allegiance () {1}: gw:+
  4235. Methyl Ethel: Oh Inhuman Spectacle (self-released) {1}: FL:44
  4236. MGK [Machine Gun Kelly]: General Admission (Bad Boy/Interscope) {1}: Yh:+
  4237. Midday Veil: This Wilderness (Beyond Beyond Beyond) {1}: FB:+
  4238. Midnight Odyssey: Shards of Silver Fade () {1}: Spk_u:163
  4239. Mikarma: Passes (CNVX) {1}: Bl:90
  4240. Mike and the Moonpies: Mockingbird (self-released) {1}: RS_c:35
  4241. Ron Miles: Circuit Rider (Enja -14) {1}: eikk:+
  4242. June Miller: Robots & Romans () {1}: ye:+
  4243. Kristine Mills: Bossa Too (InkWell Publishing) {1}: jtr:+ -- TH:B
  4244. Mime: Sekah Facebook () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4245. Mind in a Box: Memories (Dreamweb Music/Metropolis) {1}: idy:10
  4246. Mind Over Mirrors: The Voice Calling (Immune) {1}: pf_x:11
  4247. Marco Minnemann: Celebration () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4248. Minsk: The Crash and the Draw (Relapse) {1}: ad:+
  4249. Mint Condition: Healing Season (self-released) {1}: st:+
  4250. Minuit Machine: Violent Rains (No Emb Blanc) {1}: idy:25
  4251. Mipso: Old Time Reverie (Robust) {1}: jrs:+
  4252. Miracles of Modern Science: Mean Dreams (self-released) {1}: pm_p:10
  4253. Miriam: Down Today () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4254. Mirror: Mirror (Metal Blade) {1}: FB:38
  4255. Mirror Queen: Scaffolds of the Sky (Tee Pee) {1}: FB:39
  4256. Tom Misch: Beat Tape 2 (Beyond the Groove) {1}: Du:26
  4257. Miss Red: Murder (self-released) {1}: C:66
  4258. MisterWives: Our Own House (Republic) {1}: Eb:97
  4259. Mittland Och Leo: Optimists (JJ Funhouse) {1}: Bk:100
  4260. Mnek: Small Talk () {1}: -- V:558-13-1
  4261. Model 500: Digital Solutions (Metroplex) {1}: Ph:95
  4262. Modestep: London Road (INgrooves) {1}: ye:7
  4263. Mo Kolours: Texture Like Sun () {1}: opb:+
  4264. Molasar: Talismans (Telefuture) {1}: idy:16
  4265. Tony Momrelle: Keep Pushing (Reel People Music) {1}: st:+
  4266. Monash Art Ensemble: Helias (Jazzhead) {1}: FJ:+
  4267. The Money Pit: The Money Pit (self-released) {1}: AbP:30
  4268. Ashley Monical: Facing the Shadow () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4269. Monika: Secret in the Dark (Fat Possum/PIAS) {1}: te:+
  4270. The Monochrome Set: Spaces Everywhere (Tapete) {1}: Flp:35
  4271. Mono/The Ocean: Transcendental (Pelagic) {1}: am_m:+
  4272. Monster Magnet: Cobras and Fire (A Mastermind Redux) (Napalm) {1}: FB:84
  4273. Lorenzo Montana: Vari Chromo (Psychonavigation) {1}: amg:+
  4274. Gabriela Montero: Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No 2 (Orchid Classics) {1}: TG:99
  4275. Alvar Montfort/Lucas Martinez/Jordi Matas/Abel Boquera/Pep Mula: Underpool 4 (UnderPool) {1}: BIW:25 -- TH:*
  4276. Moon Ate the Dark: II (Sonic Pieces) {1}: FPE:43
  4277. The Moonbeams: Watching Wildlife (Moonbeam) {1}: T_f:37
  4278. Moonbow: Volto Del Demone (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  4279. Moon Curse: Spirit Remains (Kozmik Artifactz) {1}: FB:+
  4280. Moon Zero: Moon Zero () {1}: av:+
  4281. James Moore & Andie Spriner: Gertrudes: Music for Violin and Resonator Guitar () {1}: w_m:8
  4282. Daniel Martin Moore: Golden Age (Sofa Burn) {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4283. Denai Moore: Elsewhere (Because Music) {1}: PP:34
  4284. Thurston Moore + Mats Gustafsson: Live at Henie Onstad Kunstenter (Prisma) {1}: FJ:+
  4285. Kate Moore/Saskia Lankhoorn: Dances and Canons (ECM New Series) {1}: TG:54
  4286. Arash Moori: Heterodyne () {1}: sq_e:8
  4287. Morbid Vomit: Doctrine of Violence () {1}: mi_f:+
  4288. Ron Morelli: A Gathering Together (Hospital Productions) {1}: Bk:40
  4289. Solea Morente: Tendra Que Haber Un Camino (Sony Music Spain) {1}: Jp:36
  4290. Morgan Heritage: Strictly Roots (VP) {1}: am_g:+
  4291. Joe Morris: Solos Bimhuis (Relative Pitch) {1}: av:+
  4292. Lawrence "Butch" Morris: Possible Universe: Conduction® 192 (NuBop) {1}: fd:+
  4293. James Morrison: Higher Than Here (Island) {1}: rfs:+
  4294. Sarah Jane Morris: Bloody Rain () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4295. Mortalicum: Eyes of the Demon (Metal on Metal) {1}: FB:+
  4296. Jessica Moss: Under Plastic Island () {1}: -- V:606-11-1
  4297. The Most Serene Republic: Mediac (Fontana) {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  4298. Motel Beds: Mind Glitter (Anyway) {1}: FN:25
  4299. A Mote of Dust: A Mote of Dust (Babi Yaga) {1}: Vi:39
  4300. Mother Falcon: Good Luck Have Fun () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4301. Mother's Finest: Goody 2 Shoes & the Filthy Beast () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  4302. Mothertapes: Mothertapes () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4303. Motionfield: Luftrum (Carpe Sonum) {1}: amg:+
  4304. Motion Sickness of Time Travel: Ballades () {1}: -- V:459-15-2
  4305. Motion Sickness of Time Travel: Weeks (self-released) {1}: s_a:14
  4306. Motorpsycho and Stale Storlokken: En Konsert for Folk Flest (Rune Grammofon) {1}: FB:+
  4307. Nicole Moudaber and Skin: Breed [EP] () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4308. Moving Panoramas: One () {1}: -- V:323-25-1
  4309. Mozzy: Bladadah () {1}: -- V:299-25-3
  4310. Mr Green: Live From the Streets () {1}: ABC:30
  4311. Mrk: Blood () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4312. Ms Jody: Talkin' Bout My Good Thang () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4313. Mugen Hoso: North Carolina Shepherd Dog () {1}: hu:11
  4314. Mugwump: Unspell (Subfield) {1}: am_e:+
  4315. Nico Muhly/Ernest Bloch: Cello Concerto (Steinway & Sons) {1}: TG:79
  4316. Misha Mullov-Abbado: New Ansonia (Edition) {1}: T_j:32
  4317. Mumrunner: Full Blossom (Wolves & Vibrancy -EP) {1}: SBR:27
  4318. Murlo: Odyssey (Mixpak) {1}: F:27
  4319. James Murray: The Sea in the Sky () {1}: sq_x:8
  4320. Charlie Musselwhite: I Ain't Lyin' () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  4321. Michael Mussilami: Zephyr (Playscape) {1}: jri:9
  4322. Mute Forest: Deforestation (Lost Tribe Sound) {1}: Rv:+
  4323. Mutemath: Vitals (Wojtek) {1}: re:9
  4324. The Mynabirds: Lovers Know (Saddle Creek) {1}: -- V:258-30-2
  4325. My Sleeping Karma: Moksha (Napalm) {1}: FB:+
  4326. The Mystic Braves: Days of Yesteryear (self-released) {1}: PJ:32
  4327. Mz 412: Hekatomb () {1}: av:+
  4328. Nadastrom: Nadastrom (Friends of Friends) {1}: PW:41
  4329. Takami Nakamoto: Opacity (HIM Media -14) {1}: YW:34 -- TH:**
  4330. Naked Roots Conducive: Sacred521 () {1}: nymd:+
  4331. Naoise Roo: Lilith () {1}: lmt:10
  4332. Leigh Nash: The State I'm In () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4333. The National Youth Jazz Orchestra: NYJO Fifty (Whirwind) {1}: T_j:45
  4334. Natural Causes: Natural Causes (Snot Releases) {1}: iw:17
  4335. Natural Child: Live at the End: Freakin' Weekend V (self-released) {1}: po:+
  4336. Natural Information Society: Magnetoception () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4337. The Naturals: On the Way (To the Laughing Light of Plenty) (Emotional Response) {1}: VF:28
  4338. Natural Velvet: She Is Me (Friends) {1}: BG:30
  4339. Naughty Professor: Out on a Limb (Ropeadope) {1}: ob:+
  4340. Naytronix: Mister Divine (City Slang) {1}: Pc:52
  4341. Kim Nazarian: Some Morning (Kimj Music) {1}: jrs:+
  4342. N+(BOLT): N(37)/(BOLT) () {1}: av:+
  4343. Necrocosm: Damnation Doctrine (self-released) {1}: iw:25
  4344. Needs: Needs () {1}: gt:+
  4345. Needtobreathe: Live From the Woods at Fontanel (Atlantic) {1}: -- V:341-22-1
  4346. Negative Gemini: Real Virtual Unison (Human -EP) {1}: FB:+
  4347. Negro Leo: Ninos Heroes () {1}: hu:14
  4348. John Neilson: Tomorrow Comes the Spring () {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  4349. Nekfeu: Feu (Polydor) {1}: LR:49
  4350. Willie Nelson and Sister Bobbie: December Day [Willie's Stash Vol 1] (Legacy -14) {1}: po:9 -- RC:A, TH:B
  4351. Bill Nelson: Quiet Bells (Sonoluxe) {1}: Flp:34
  4352. Nervous Curtains: Con () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4353. Neu Balance: Rubber Sole () {1}: bgc:+
  4354. Never Shout Never: Black Cat (Loveway/Warner Bros) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4355. The New Basement Tapes: Lost on the River (Harvest -14) {1}: RTr:24
  4356. Carrie Newcomer: The Slender Thread () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4357. John Newman: Revolve (Island) {1}: T:24
  4358. Thomas Newman: Bridge of Spies [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Hollywood) {1}: TG:+
  4359. The New Monuments [Ben Hall/C Spencer Yeh/Don Dietrich]: Long Pig (Bocian) {1}: jkr:7
  4360. New Politics: Vikings () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4361. New Russia State Symphony/Alexander Walker: Havergal Brian: Symphonies 6 28 29 and 31 (Naxos) {1}: TG:+1
  4362. New Swears: Junkfood Forever Bedtime Whatever (Dirt Cult) {1}: FN:38
  4363. New Trocaderos: Thrills and Chills () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  4364. New Vocabulary: New Vocabulary (System Dialing) {1}: FJ:+
  4365. New Years Day: Malevolence (Another Century) {1}: K:37
  4366. Yannick Nezet-Seguin: Ravel: Daphnis et Chloe (Complete Ballet)/Pavane (BIS) {1}: am:+
  4367. Shane Nicholson: Hell Breaks Loose () {1}: RS_A:44
  4368. Emilie Nicolas: Like I'm a Warrior (RCA) {1}: LBF:+
  4369. Nicolay: City Lights Vol 3: Soweto (Foreign Exchange Music) {1}: am_r:+
  4370. Danielle Nicole: Danielle Nicole (Concord, EP) {1}: TG:+
  4371. Tami Nielsen: Dynamite! (Outside -14) {1}: rfc:+ -- TH:A-
  4372. Angelika Niescier/Hilmar Jensson/Scott McLemo: Broken Cycle () {1}: av:+
  4373. Angelika Niescier/Simone Zanchini/Stefano Senni: Now (Blue Pearls Music) {1}: jck:6
  4374. Night Birds: Mutiny at Muscle Beach () {1}: -- V:402-19-2
  4375. Nights Like These: Old Youth Culture () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4376. Ni: Les Insurges de Romilly (self-released) {1}: NN:44
  4377. BJ Nilsen + Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson: Avantgardegasse (Ultra Eczema) {1}: Bk:38
  4378. Ninja Sex Party: Attitude City () {1}: Spk_u:130
  4379. Nico Niquo: Epitaph (Orange Milk) {1}: ou:+
  4380. Nite Fields: Depersonalisation (Felte) {1}: Am_s:8
  4381. Nneka: My Fairy Tales (Bushqueen) {1}: ap:+
  4382. Lee Noble: Un Look (Patient Sounds) {1}: ah:+
  4383. Nocturnalia: Above Below Within (Gaphals) {1}: FB:+
  4384. Nocturnal Sunshine: Nocturnal Sunshine (I/AM/ME) {1}: dj:9
  4385. Safia Nolin: Limoilou (Bonsound) {1}: lp:+
  4386. No Monster Club: People Are Weird () {1}: lmt:11
  4387. Nordic Affect: Clockworking (Sono Luminus) {1}: Mrg:23
  4388. Nordmann: Alarm (9000) {1}: ad:+
  4389. Daniel Norgren: The Green Stone (Caroline) {1}: Pl:30
  4390. Henrik Munkeby Norstebo/Raymond Strid/Nina de Heney: Oslo Wien (Vafongool) {1}: FJ:+
  4391. Northern Lite: TEN (Una Music) {1}: psl:14
  4392. North Mississippi Allstars/Anders Osborne: Freedom & Dreams (NMO) {1}: TG:92
  4393. The North Sea: Anniversary () {1}: lmt:1
  4394. Northwinds: Eternal Winter (Black Widow) {1}: FB:68
  4395. Nostalgie Depression: Ahora Que La Luz Se Ha Ido . . . (Depressive Illusions/Amenti) {1}: Pf_m:+
  4396. Notorious BIG/Star Wars: Life After Death Star () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4397. Nots: We Are Nots (Ex-Cult/Goner -14) {1}: po:14 -- TH:A-
  4398. Not Waving: Voices (self-released) {1}: AV:+
  4399. Larry Novak: Invitation (Delmark) {1}: jrs:+
  4400. NOW Ensemble: Dreamfall (New Amsterdam) {1}: TG:26
  4401. Nuiversum: Ballads of Now & When (Repeat Until Death) {1}: FJ:+
  4402. Nurse With Wound/Graham Bowers: Mutation . . . The Lunatics Are Running the Asylum . . . (Red Wharf) {1}: Bw:21
  4403. Nymphalida: Loghi (Tranquillo/Psychonavigation) {1}: amg:+
  4404. Dawn Oberg: Bring () {1}: nymd:+
  4405. Uwe Oberg: Work (Hatology) {1}: W:44
  4406. Oberhofer: Chronovision (Glassnote) {1}: Eb:76
  4407. Obnox: Wiglet (Ever/Never) {1}: po:+
  4408. Ocean Party: Light Weight (Austin Town Hall) {1}: ath:+
  4409. Bill O'Connell and the Latin Jazz All-Stars: Imagine (Savant -14) {1}: jkf:+
  4410. Oddjob: Folk (Caprice) {1}: jje:9
  4411. Of Feather and Bone: Embrace the Wretched Flesh (Good Fight) {1}: ex_u:+
  4412. Officina Zoe: Mamma Sirena (Anima Mundi) {1}: TGW:44
  4413. Offshore: Offshore (Big Dada) {1}: Dr:78
  4414. Off The Sky: The Serpent Phase (Hibernate) {1}: AV:+
  4415. Of Montreal: Snare Lustrous Doomings (Polyvinyl) {1}: Eb:95
  4416. Of Virtue: Salvation () {1}: Spk_u:187
  4417. Ayub Ogada: Kodhi (Long Tale) {1}: FR:+
  4418. Josefin Ohrn + the Liberation: Horse Dance (Rocket) {1}: FB:44
  4419. Oisima: Nicaragua Nights (Create Control) {1}: riu:10
  4420. Oisin Mac Diarmada: The Green Branch () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4421. Damien O'Kane: Areas of High Traffic (Pure) {1}: T_f:62
  4422. Okmalumkoolkat: 100K Macassette () {1}: opb:+
  4423. Old Best Friend: Living Alone () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4424. The Old Ceremony: Sprinter () {1}: nymd:+
  4425. Old Man's Will: Hard Times: Troubled Man (RidingEasy) {1}: FB:+
  4426. Old Wave: Old Wave () {1}: opb:+
  4427. Joan Miquel Oliver: Pegasus (Sony) {1}: Jp:29
  4428. Oliver's Army: Back in Command () {1}: He:44
  4429. Angel Olsen: Burn Your Fire for No Witness (Jagjaguwar -14) {1}: Crg:48 -- TH:*
  4430. Mike Olson: Six Projects () {1}: av:+
  4431. Steve Olson: Conversations () {1}: av:+
  4432. OMI: Me 4 U (Ultra) {1}: am_g:+
  4433. Omni Vu Deity: Nuiemiu Rift (Virtual) {1}: amg:+
  4434. Omni Vu Deity: Vuunayatu (Virtual) {1}: amg:+
  4435. The O'My's: Keepin the Faith EP () {1}: st_i:20
  4436. Ona: American Fiction (Twin Cousins) {1}: rc:12
  4437. One Master: Reclusive Blasphemy (Eternal Death) {1}: lw_m:20
  4438. Oneohtrix Point Never: Commissions II (Warp) {1}: ou:+
  4439. Toshi Onizuka: What a Beautiful Day () {1}: jtr:+
  4440. Only Real: Jerk at the End of the Line (EMI) {1}: LR:48
  4441. Yui Onodera & Vadim Bondarenko: Cloudscapes () {1}: sq_x:13
  4442. Onra: Fundamentals (All City) {1}: Mw:37
  4443. OOBE: Stealth (Cleaning Tapes) {1}: ou:+
  4444. Opus 5: Tickle (Criss Cross) {1}: jac:10
  4445. Orgel Vreten: Komrad (V2) {1}: pl_j:10
  4446. Orgone: Beyond the Sun () {1}: ft:+
  4447. Orosmoln: Heliocentric (self-released) {1}: ad:+
  4448. Orphan Jane: A Poke in the Eye () {1}: nymd:+
  4449. Orpheus Omega: Partum Vita Mortem (Kolony) {1}: maf:+
  4450. Gerardo Ortíz: Hoy Mas Fuerte (Sony Music Latin) {1}: am:+
  4451. Gerardo Ortíz: Hoy Mas Fuerte (Sony Music Latin/Vevo) {1}: am_w:+
  4452. Oso Oso: Real Stories of Tue People Who Kind of Looked Like Monsters () {1}: Crg:27
  4453. Jeff Oster: Next () {1}: se_a:+
  4454. Our Oceans: Our Oceans (self-released) {1}: ad:+
  4455. Matt Owens: The Aviators' Ball (All Made Up) {1}: BIW:27
  4456. Oxxo Xoox: Namidae () {1}: vgm:+ -- V:1170-5-1
  4457. Mike Pace and the Child Actors: Best Boy (The Self-Starter Foundation) {1}: TG:+
  4458. Richard Page: Going South () {1}: se_f:8
  4459. Pain-Noir: Pain-Noir (Tomboy Lab) {1}: te:+
  4460. Painted Palms: Horizons (Polyvinyl) {1}: ath:+
  4461. Palace in Thunderland: In the Afterglow of Unity (self-released) {1}: FB:81
  4462. Gabriel Palatchi: Trivolution (self-released) {1}: jsp:+
  4463. Caterina Palazzi SudoKu KilleR: Infanticide (Auand) {1}: av:+
  4464. Pale Blue: The Past We Leave Behind (2mr/Captured Tracks) {1}: AV:+
  4465. Chas Palmer-Williams: American Smile British Teeth (Banquet Kingston) {1}: Bq:54
  4466. Palm Reader: Beside the Ones We Love () {1}: Spk_u:122
  4467. Panoram: Background Story (Wandering Eye) {1}: Ph:58
  4468. James Pants: Savage () {1}: -- V:412-19-1
  4469. Doe Paoro: After (Anti/Epitaph) {1}: PP:45
  4470. Papaya: No Me Quiero Enamorar (Jabalina Musica) {1}: Jp:42
  4471. Paperface: Out of Time (Daydream) {1}: Flp:22
  4472. Paperi T: Malarian Pelko (Johanna) {1}: FB:+
  4473. Jerry Paper: Carousel () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4474. Paranoid Visions: Cryptic Cross Words (Overground) {1}: LW:37
  4475. Han Earl Park/Dominic Lash/Corey Mwama: A Little Brittle Music () {1}: av:+
  4476. Evan Parker/Motoharu Yoshizawa: Two Chaps (Chap Chap) {1}: jhk:+
  4477. Vincent Parker: Purge () {1}: bgc:+
  4478. Karin Park: Apocalypse Pop (import) {1}: Qt:36
  4479. Parralox: Aeronaut (Conzoom) {1}: psl:17
  4480. Theo Parrish: American Intelligence (Sound Signature) {1}: Bl:33
  4481. Dion Parson & 21st Century Band: St Thomas (United Jazz International) {1}: jrs:+
  4482. Arvo Part/The Tallis Scholars: Tintinnabuli (Gimell) {1}: TG:40
  4483. Party Bois: The Singles () {1}: -- V:323-25-1
  4484. Jonah Parzen-Johnson: Remember When Things Were Better Tomorrow (Primary) {1}: av:+
  4485. Joanna Pascale: Wildflower (Stiletto) {1}: jel:+
  4486. Paskine: Progression/Performance () {1}: gd_o:9
  4487. Jose Luis Pastor: The Evidence: El Arte Medieval de la Penola (1201 Music) {1}: TG:+1
  4488. Patricia: Bem Inventory (Opal Tapes) {1}: Mw:28
  4489. Courtney Patton: So This Is Life () {1}: szk:9
  4490. Laura Pausini: Simili (Warner Music) {1}: am_w:+
  4491. Jessica Pavone: Knuckle Under (Taiga) {1}: jkr:+
  4492. Pazes: Induced (Time No Place) {1}: AV:+
  4493. Peace: Happy People (Columbia) {1}: Bq:31
  4494. Peacers: Peacers (Drag City) {1}: U_jm:125
  4495. Craig Pedersen Quartet: Ghosts [EP] () {1}: av:+
  4496. Pelzig: Medium Cool World () {1}: Zf:74
  4497. Penetration: Resolution (Polestar) {1}: LW:56
  4498. Clarence Penn & Penn Station: Monk: The Lost Files (Origin -14) {1}: jhm:12 -- TH:*
  4499. Pentatonix: Pentatonix () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4500. Perfect Beings: Perfect Beings II (My Sonic Temple) {1}: FB:+
  4501. Perils: Perils (Desire Path) {1}: Bw:86
  4502. Period: 2 (Public Eyesore) {1}: jrn:11
  4503. Jim Perkins: Constance (Bigo & Twigetti) {1}: FPE:77
  4504. Itzhak Perlman & Emanuel Ax: Faure & Strauss Violin Sonatas (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: TG:+
  4505. Phil Perry: A Better Man (Shanachie) {1}: am_r:+
  4506. Petal: Shame () {1}: Crg:28
  4507. Petite Noir: The King of Anxiety (Domino, EP) {1}: Eb:58
  4508. Philippe Petit: Multicoloured Shadows () {1}: bgc:+
  4509. The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band: So Delicious (Shanachie) {1}: TG:83
  4510. Phantom Horse: Different Forces (Umor-Rex) {1}: No:31
  4511. David Philips: If I Had Wings () {1}: se_a:+
  4512. Joseph C Phillips Jr: Changing Same () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4513. Phinehas: Till the End () {1}: Spk_u:95
  4514. Myriam Phiro: Voyages (self-released) {1}: jsa:10
  4515. The Phoenix Foundation: Give Up Your Dreams (Memphis Industries) {1}: -- AY:165
  4516. Willie Phoenix & the Soul Underground: Captain Psychedelic (Eastman Studios) {1}: JG:89
  4517. Phony Ppl: Yesterday's Tomorrow () {1}: gd_h:15
  4518. Enrico Pieranunzi: Tales From the Unexpected (import) {1}: TG:+
  4519. Rey Pila: The Future Sugar () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4520. Pill: Pill EP (Dull Tools, EP) {1}: gt:+
  4521. Pimps of Joytime: Jukestone Paradise () {1}: ft:+
  4522. The Pines: The Field Journal () {1}: av:+
  4523. Pinkcourtesyphone: Sentimental Something (Important) {1}: Bw:87
  4524. Jeremy Pinnell: Oh/Ky () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4525. Joe Pisapia: Nightvision () {1}: tns:+
  4526. Pitbull: Dale (Mr 305) {1}: am_w:+
  4527. The Pitch: Frozen Orchestra (Amsterdam) (SOFA) {1}: FJ:+
  4528. Pit Ponies: Magnificent Second Occupation (Trashmouth) {1}: LW:71
  4529. Pixel: Golden Years (Cuneiform) {1}: jje:10 -- TH:B
  4530. Bucky Pizzarelli and Alexis Cole: In Good Company (Venus) {1}: jna:+
  4531. Bucky Pizzarelli: Bucky Pizzarelli () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4532. Places to Hide: Strange Lyfe () {1}: Crg:43
  4533. Planet Asia: Zapco Exp () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4534. Planks: Perished Bodies (Golden Antenna) {1}: Vi:41
  4535. Jeff Platz: Sour Grapes (Glitch) {1}: FJ:+
  4536. Pleasure Leftists: The Woods Of () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4537. Plini: The End of Everything () {1}: Spk_u:166
  4538. Ariel Pocock: Touchstone () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  4539. Rachel Podger: Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber: Rosary Sonatas (Channel Classics) {1}: am:+
  4540. Dawid Podsiadlo: Annoyance and Disappointment () {1}: On:46
  4541. Jonny Polonsky: The Other Side of Midnight () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4542. Polyorchard: Color Theory in Black and White (self-released) {1}: iw:11
  4543. Polyrhythmics: Octagon () {1}: ft:+
  4544. Pombagira: Flesh Throne Press (Svart) {1}: Pf_m:+
  4545. Pomegranate Tiger: Boundless () {1}: HB:25
  4546. Ponamero Sundown: Veddesta (Transubstans) {1}: FB:+
  4547. Matt Pond PA: The State of Gold (Doghouse) {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  4548. Pony Time: Rumours 2: The Rumours Are True () {1}: -- V:311-25-2
  4549. Pope: Fiction () {1}: Crg:68
  4550. Popular Mechanics: Onramp to Irrelevance () {1}: -- V:1044-9-1
  4551. Beth Porter & the Availables: Open Doors (King Bill) {1}: T_f:47
  4552. Portico: Living Fields (Ninja Tune) {1}: Dr:57
  4553. Positive No: Glossa () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  4554. The Posterz: Junga () {1}: lc:+
  4555. Colin Potter: Rank Sonata () {1}: w_o:8
  4556. Grace Potter: Midnight (Hollywood) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4557. Potty Mouth: Cherry Picking () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4558. Powder for Pigeons: Washed Dried Brain Fried () {1}: mf_f:6
  4559. Powertrio: Di Lontan (Clean Feed) {1}: jgg:+ -- TH:B
  4560. Prefuse 73: Rivington Nao Rio (Temporary Residence) {1}: am_e:+
  4561. Premature Burial: The Conjuring (New Atlantis) {1}: jrn:13
  4562. Yvonnick Prene: Merci Toots () {1}: jtr:+
  4563. Prequel Tapes: Inner Systems (R'coup'd) {1}: Ph:75
  4564. Pretend: Tapestry'd Life (Topshelf) {1}: dw:17
  4565. Pridjevi: Pridjevi (Trouble in Mind) {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4566. Priest: Priest () {1}: DaJ:25
  4567. Prince: HITnRUN Phase Two () {1}: ft:+
  4568. Prince Royce: Double Vision (RCA) {1}: am_w:+
  4569. Princess Century: Progress (Paperbag) {1}: AV:+
  4570. Prof: Liability () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4571. The Program: Path of Least Resistance () {1}: Flp:51
  4572. Project 46: Beautiful () {1}: ye:+
  4573. A Projection: Exit () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4574. Proper Snobs: Thoughts () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4575. Prosumer: Fabric 79 () {1}: gd_e:13
  4576. Ptaki: Przelot (Transatlantyk) {1}: Ph:63
  4577. Public Enemy: It Takes a Nation () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  4578. Publicist UK: Forgive Yourself (Relapse) {1}: FB:50
  4579. Joe Pug: Windfall (Lightning Rod) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4580. Jure Pukl: The Life Sound Pictures of Jure Pukl (Fresh Sound New Talent -14) {1}: jar:10 -- TH:**
  4581. Pulse Emitter: Digital Rainforest (Beer on the Rug) {1}: ou:+
  4582. Pure Ground: Standard of Living (Chondritic Sound) {1}: idy:15
  4583. Puts Marie: Masoch I-II () {1}: PN:+
  4584. PXXR GVNG: Los Pobres (Sony) {1}: Jp:28
  4585. Pye Corner Audio: Prowler (More Than Human) {1}: Bw:48
  4586. Pyogenesis: A Century in the Curse of Time (AFM) {1}: lt_m:7
  4587. Pyrrhon: Growth Without End (Selfmadegod/Handshake -EP) {1}: Pf_m:+
  4588. The QI Elves: No Such Thing as a Fish (Alcopop) {1}: Bq:41
  4589. Qluster: Tasten (bureau B) {1}: Flp:48
  4590. Qual: Sable () {1}: DaJ:24
  4591. Quantic: Quantic Presents the Western Transient: A New Constellation (Tru Thoughts) {1}: JG:97 -- TH:B
  4592. The Quash Wagon Reclusion: A Room with Tempered Walls () {1}: av:+
  4593. Quatuor Machaut: Quatuor Machaut (Ayler) {1}: FJ:+
  4594. Queen Crescent: Queen Crescent () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4595. Ivy Queen: Vendetta: Urban (Universal Music Latino) {1}: am_w:+
  4596. Queen Moo: Queen Moo () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  4597. Quell: Quell (self-released) {1}: SBR:28
  4598. Sarah Quintana: Miss River (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4599. Quixosis: Aguas (Qtzlctl) {1}: TG:+1
  4600. Quttinirpaaq: Dead September (Rural Isolation Project) {1}: YW:62 -- TH:C+
  4601. Akira Rabelais: The Little Glass (self-released) {1}: Bk:50
  4602. Rabit & Chino Amobi: The Great Game: Freedom From Mental Poisoning (Halcyon Veil) {1}: TMT:33
  4603. Radar Men on the Moon: Subversive I (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:+
  4604. Radio Europa: Rise of the Gutterzz Press and the Death of Modern Thought (Malt Barn) {1}: LW:69
  4605. Barton Rage/Bill Laswell: Realms I () {1}: av:+
  4606. Rahel: Alkali (self-released) {1}: -- V:355-20-2
  4607. Raica: Dose (Further) {1}: cmg:+
  4608. Rainmode: On (Spinnup) {1}: psl:19
  4609. Raised Fist: From the North (Epitaph) {1}: am_m:+
  4610. Ramleh: Circular Time (Crucial Blast) {1}: Bw:38
  4611. Raphael: Somnambules (Play On) {1}: te:+
  4612. Rapper Big Pooh & Apollo Brown: Words Paint Pictures () {1}: HG:24
  4613. RA: Scandinavia (Adrian) {1}: FB:92
  4614. Abdulla Rashim: A Shell of Speed (Northern Electronics) {1}: Ph:28
  4615. Maja SK Ratkje/Jon Wesseltoft/Camille Norment/Per Gisle Galaen: Celadon () {1}: w_o:10
  4616. Raven: ExtermiNation () {1}: r_m:17
  4617. Raya Brass Band: Raya (self-released) {1}: nymd:+
  4618. Shilpa Ray: Last Year's Savage (Northern Spy) {1}: LW:65
  4619. R City: What Dreams Are Made Of (Kemosabe/RCA) {1}: am_g:+
  4620. Ashley Reaks: Before Karesh (Metal Postcard) {1}: LW:74
  4621. Really Big Pinecone: Really Really Big Pinecone () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4622. Recitation: Carrion (Indisciplinarian) {1}: AV:+
  4623. Recondite: Placid (Acid Test) {1}: pl_e:8
  4624. Rectal Hygienics: Ultimate Purity () {1}: ong:10
  4625. Red Baraat: Gaadi of Truth (Sinj) {1}: TG:53
  4626. Redlight: X Colour (Lobster Boy) {1}: Mix:49
  4627. Amy Reed: Solo Guitar (EP) () {1}: av:+
  4628. Regular Einstein: Chimp Haven () {1}: nymd:+
  4629. Relentless: Night Terrors (Do or Die) {1}: FB:+
  4630. Clay Rendering: Snowthorn (Hospital Productions) {1}: Bk:43
  4631. Corrina Repp: The Pattern of Electricity () {1}: PN:+
  4632. Reservations: Taking Time () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4633. Retox: Beneath California (Epitaph) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4634. Retribution Body: Aokigahara (Type) {1}: Bk:54
  4635. Retrocity: Mixtape () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4636. The Revelers: Get Ready (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4637. Reverend and the Makers: Mirrors (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: LW:29
  4638. Matthew Revert: Not You () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4639. Revok: Bunt Auf Grau () {1}: sq:15
  4640. The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus: Beauty Will Save the World (Occultation) {1}: bot:+
  4641. Luke Reynolds: After the Flood () {1}: se_f:10
  4642. The Rezillos: Zero (Metropolis) {1}: -- V:349-21-1
  4643. Kimmie Rhodes: Cowgirl Boudoir (Sunbird) {1}: T_c:21
  4644. Rhum for Pauline: Leaving Florida (Futur) {1}: LR:95
  4645. Rice Cultivation Society: Mystical Shitheads () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4646. Ricercar Consort: Bach: Musikalisches Opfer (Mirare) {1}: RY:70
  4647. Cheryl Richards/Adam Caine/Nick Lyons: If Not for You (New Artists) {1}: jrs:+
  4648. Robert Rich: Filaments (Soundscape) {1}: amg:+
  4649. Ricked Wicky: King Heavy Metal () {1}: dc:+
  4650. Ricked Wicky: Swimmer to a Liquid Armchair () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4651. Christopher/Carl Testa Riggs: Sn () {1}: av:+
  4652. Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys: Voyageurs (self-released) {1}: ob:7
  4653. Mike Rimbaud: Put That Dream in Your Pipe and Smoke It () {1}: nymd:+
  4654. Indra Rios-Moore: Heartland (Decca)) {1}: T_j:21
  4655. The Riptide Movement: Getting Through (Caroline) {1}: rfs:+
  4656. Rise of Avernus: Dramatis Personæ (Code666) {1}: maf:+
  4657. Jenny Ritter: Raised by Wolves (Fiddle Head) {1}: T_c:28
  4658. Rivener: Fires in Repose () {1}: av:+
  4659. R'mone Entonio: Unorthodox Soul (self-released -EP) {1}: st:+
  4660. Steve Roach: Live in Tucson (Pinnacle Moments) {1}: av:+
  4661. Steve Roach: Skeleton Keys (Projekt) {1}: amg:+
  4662. Roadside Graves: Acne/Ears () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4663. George Robert All-Star Quartet: New Life (GPR -14) {1}: jkf:9
  4664. Marcus Roberts: Romance Swing and the Blues (J-Master) {1}: jnb:13
  4665. Troy Roberts: Secret Rhymes (Inner Circle Music) {1}: jbm+
  4666. Titi Robin/Mehdi Nassouli: Taziri (World Village) {1}: TGW:38
  4667. Jimmy Robinson: Three (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4668. Scott Robinson/Julian Thayer: ? (ScienSonic) {1}: jrs:+
  4669. Tad Robinson: Day Into Night () {1}: se_a:+
  4670. J Rocc: Petestrumentals 2 Mix (Mello Music) {1}: YW:73
  4671. Rock Candy Funk Party: Groove Is King () {1}: ft:+
  4672. Carmen Rodgers: Stargazer (Candigirl) {1}: am_r:+
  4673. The Rodriguez Brothers: Impromptu (Criss Cross) {1}: jph:+
  4674. John Fitz Rogers: Magna Mysteria () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4675. Tim Rogers & the Bamboos: The Rules of Attraction (Warner) {1}: DJ:41
  4676. Berta Rojas: History of Tango () {1}: jtr:+
  4677. Mario Rom's Interzone: Everything Is Permitted (Traumton) {1}: BIW:24
  4678. John Roney: Preludes (Effendi) {1}: TG:+1
  4679. Room Full of Strangers: Bad Vacation () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4680. Ropoporose: Elephant Love (Yotanka) {1}: bz:12
  4681. Erlend Ropstad: Det Beste Vi Far Til (Later Gator) {1}: Dv:26
  4682. Roseau: Salt (Big Dada) {1}: IT:45
  4683. Rick Ross: Black Dollar (Def Jam/Maybach) {1}: fw:+
  4684. Roundtable: Dread Marches Under Bloodied Regalia (Roundtable) {1}: FB:31
  4685. Josh Rouse: The Embers of Time (Yep Roc) {1}: GTV:95
  4686. Kyle Roussel: Rookie of the Year (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4687. Rover: Let It Glow (Bang) {1}: VL:27
  4688. Daniel Rowland, Priya Mitchell, Julian Arp & Luis Magalhaes: The Korngold Project, Part One (Two Pianists) {1}: TG:73
  4689. Royal Southern Brotherhood: Don't Look Back: The Muscle Shoals Sessions (Ruf) {1}: ob:+
  4690. Royce Wood Junior: The Ashen Tang (37 Adventures) {1}: TO:49
  4691. Rrose: Having Never Written a Note for Percussion (Further) {1}: AV:+
  4692. Kermit Ruffins & the Barbecue Swingers: #Imsoneworleans (Basin Street) {1}: ob:+
  4693. Charles Rumback: In the New Year (Ears & Eyes) {1}: T_j:44
  4694. Rumer: B-Sides and Rarities (Rhino) {1}: rfs:+
  4695. Kate Rusby: The Frost Is All Over (Pure) {1}: T_f:66
  4696. Rush: R40 Live (Anthem/Revolver Music) {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4697. Ruby Rushton: Two for Joy (22a) {1}: VF:44
  4698. John Russell: With . . . (Emanem) {1}: jml:9
  4699. Sam Russo: Greyhound Dreams () {1}: Crg:74
  4700. Molly Ryan: Let's Fly Away (self-released) {1}: jrs:+
  4701. Jerome Sabbagh: The Turn (Sunnyside) {1}: jga:8
  4702. Sabbath Assembly: Sabbath Assembly (Svart) {1}: maf:+
  4703. Sacri Monti: Sacri Monti (Tee Pee) {1}: FB:37
  4704. The Saddest Landscape: Darkness Forgives () {1}: Crg:37
  4705. Sadistik & Kno: Phantom Limbs () {1}: st_h:25
  4706. Saf One: She Wants a Man From Brum () {1}: w_h:7
  4707. Irene Sage: Love Is Good (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4708. Aziz Sahmaoui and University of Gnawa: Mazal (World Village) {1}: ap:+
  4709. Rizan Said: King of Keyboard (Annihaya) {1}: Qt:95
  4710. Saigon: New World Outro () {1}: PN:+
  4711. Ryuichi Sakamoto/Taylor Deupree/Illuha: Perpetual (12k) {1}: TG:+
  4712. Sakanaction: Shin Takarajima (New Treasure Island) {1}: npr_l:+
  4713. Gabriel Saloman: Movement Building Vol 2 (Shelter Press) {1}: ou:+
  4714. Esa-Pekka Salonen/Los Angeles Philharmonic: Frank Zappa: 200 Motels (The Suites) (Zappa) {1}: blg:+
  4715. Ben Salter: The Stars My Destination (ABC Music) {1}: DJ:30
  4716. Salut C'Est Cool: Sur Le Theme Des Grandes Decouvertes (Kidding Aside) {1}: LR:57
  4717. Ryan Sambol: Now Ritual (MRI/Red) {1}: aqd:+
  4718. Sammal: Myrskyvaroitus (Svart) {1}: FB:+
  4719. Samoyed: Saturday (Flask) {1}: Du:30
  4720. David Sanborn: Time and the River (OKeh) {1}: am_j:+
  4721. San Carol: Humain Trop Humain (Note for Sale) {1}: NN:37
  4722. Paul Sanchez: The World Is Round Everything That Ends Begins Again (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4723. Sandwitches: Our Toast (Empty Cellar) {1}: JD:26
  4724. Claudio Sanna: Ammentos (Hatology) {1}: jdt:+
  4725. Johnny Sansone: Lady on the Levee (Shortstack) {1}: ob:+
  4726. Patricia Santos: Never Like You Think () {1}: nymd:+
  4727. Lucas Santtana: Sobre Noites e Dias (No Format) {1}: jml:+
  4728. Sarkodie: Mary (Sarkcess Music) {1}: ap:+
  4729. Thayer Sarrano: Shaky (Guildwater Group) {1}: pm_u:13
  4730. Satan's Satyrs: Don't Deliver Us (Bad Omen) {1}: FB:+
  4731. Satan's Wrath: Die Evil (Metal Blade) {1}: p_m:+
  4732. Saturn & the Sun: Journey to the Center of Your Mind (Bocian) {1}: Bk:72
  4733. James Saunders: Assigned #15 () {1}: w_m:10
  4734. Sean Nicholas Savage: Other Death (Arbutus) {1}: Pc:54
  4735. Savanah: Deep Shades (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  4736. Savant: Invasion () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4737. Saviours: Palace of Vision (Listenable) {1}: FB:+
  4738. Saxophone Quartet Dicke Luft: Carillon () {1}: jgg:+
  4739. Fazil Say: Yeni Sarkilar (Ada Music) {1}: TG:62
  4740. Say Girl Say: Say Girl Say () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4741. SBPCh: Zdes' I Vsegda () {1}: Af:29
  4742. Greg Schatz: Everything That You Wanted (Hot Spazz) {1}: ob:+
  4743. Andras Schiff: Franz Schubert (ECM New Series) {1}: TG:+
  4744. Bob Schneider: King Kong () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4745. Conrad Schnitzler and Pyrolator: Construct () {1}: Flp:44
  4746. Neal Schon: Vortex () {1}: se_d:9
  4747. School: Reading Too Much Into Things Like Everything () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4748. Ember Schrag: The Folkadelphia Sessions () {1}: nymd:+
  4749. Robin Schulz: Sugar () {1}: ye:+
  4750. Scientist: The Dub Album They Didn't Want You to Hear! (Jah Life) {1}: JG:131
  4751. Darrell Scott: Ten: Songs of Ben Bullington (Full Light) {1}: am_f:+
  4752. Jackson Scott: Sunshine Redux (Bloodmoss) {1}: npr_h:9
  4753. Patrice Scott: Euphonium (Sistrum) {1}: Mix:46
  4754. John Scott [Stereocilia]: Slow Motion () {1}: av:+
  4755. Scythian: Hubris in Excelsis (Hells Headbangers) {1}: maf:+
  4756. Seabat: Synthus (Beer on the Rug) {1}: ou:+
  4757. Seafret: Oceans (Sweet Jane -EP) {1}: owl:+
  4758. Sealings: I'm a Bastard (Faux Discx/Italian Beach Babes) {1}: Flp:55
  4759. Sea Lion: Desolate Stars (Turnstile) {1}: bm_f:6
  4760. Seattle Symphony & Ludovic Morlot: Henri Dutilleux: Metaboles (Seattle Symphony Media) {1}: TG:+
  4761. Seaway: Colour Blind (Pure Noise) {1}: Bq:68
  4762. Second Storey and Appleblim: Second Storey and Appleblim Present ALSO (R&S) {1}: YW:74
  4763. The Second Wife: Tourist (PotLuck Foundation) {1}: iw:21
  4764. Secret Circuit: Cosmic Vibrations (Emotional Response) {1}: dc:+
  4765. Secret Lover: Secret Lover () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  4766. Secrets of the Moon: Sun () {1}: mi_n:14
  4767. Secrets of the Sky: Pathway (Metal Blade) {1}: am_m:+
  4768. Section Boyz: Don't Panic (self-released) {1}: Pg:32
  4769. Sect Pig: Self Reversed (Nuclear War Now! -EP) {1}: Pf_m:+
  4770. See Gulls: You Can't See Me (PotLuck Foundation) {1}: iw:16
  4771. Seeming Emptiness: Conversion () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4772. Seeming: Worldburners (Artoffact) {1}: idy:17
  4773. Ty Segall: Manipulator (Drag City -14) {1}: SR:25
  4774. Seijaku [Haino Keiji/Nasuno Mitsuru/Ichiraku Yoshimitsu]: After Seijaku (Doubt) {1}: jcb:+
  4775. Seijaku [Haino Keiji/Nasuno Mitsuru/Ichiraku Yoshimitsu]: Last Live (Doubt) {1}: jcb:+
  4776. Treha Sektori: The Sense of Dust and Sheer (EP) () {1}: av:+
  4777. Sendelica: Anima Mundi (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  4778. Senking: Closing Ice () {1}: bgc:+
  4779. Sensory Deprivation: Unsound () {1}: Spk_u:151
  4780. Serious Beak: Ankaa (Art as Catharsis) {1}: maf:+
  4781. Seryn: Shadow Shows (self-released) {1}: TG:59
  4782. Bobby Sessions: LOA (Law of Attraction) () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4783. Will Sessions: Mix Takes (Fat Beats) {1}: om:+
  4784. Danny Seth: Perception (Top Prospects, EP) {1}: LBF:+
  4785. Set Self on Fire: To Bathe in Embers () {1}: av:+
  4786. Sevdaliza: The Suspended Kid (Twisted Elegance, EP) {1}: vg:+
  4787. Seven Steps to the Green Door: Fetish () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  4788. Seventeen: 17 Carat () {1}: bb_k:9
  4789. Noura Mint Seymali: Tzenni (Glitterbeat -14) {1}: ap:+
  4790. Billy Shaddox: I Melt I Howl (Folkwise) {1}: gl:h
  4791. Shadow in the Cracks: Shadow in the Cracks (Goner) {1}: nz:+
  4792. Shahmen: All in the Circle (World of Wils) {1}: FB:+
  4793. Diane Shaw: Love Life & Strings (Mecca) {1}: st:+
  4794. Jeremy Shaw: Variation FQ (The Vinyl Factory) {1}: VF:45
  4795. She Bit Her Lip: Viiv (Seksound) {1}: SBR:24
  4796. Sheek Louch: Silverback Gorilla 2 (Tommy Boy) {1}: am_h:+
  4797. Sheer: Uneasy (The Native Sound) {1}: SBR:39
  4798. Duncan Sheik: Legerdemain () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4799. Shellfin: Cities Without Names (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  4800. A Shelter in the Desert: Pequenas Hiroshimas (self-released) {1}: ad:+
  4801. Shepherd: Stereolithic Riffalocalypse (self-released) {1}: FB:+
  4802. She Spread Sorrow: Rumspringa () {1}: av:+
  4803. The Shifting Sands: Cosmic Radio Station () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  4804. Shigeto: Intermission (Ghostly International) {1}: FJ:+
  4805. Shinedown: Threat to Survival (Atlantic) {1}: lw_r:7
  4806. Shinobu: 10 Thermidor (Lauren) {1}: AV:+
  4807. Shinyribs: Okra Candy () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4808. Shipwrecks: Shipwrecks EP () {1}: AD:36
  4809. Shooglenifty: The Untied Know (Shoogle) {1}: wmc:+
  4810. Shovels & Rope: Busted Jukebox Volume One () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4811. The Shrine: Rare Breed () {1}: mf_f:8
  4812. Deborah Shulman: My Heart's in the Wind (Summit) {1}: jrs:+
  4813. Shuttle 358: Can You Prove I Was Born (12K) {1}: Bk:78
  4814. Shy Girls: 4WZ () {1}: boc:19
  4815. Shy Glizzy & Zaytoven: For Trappers Only (mixtape) {1}: S_h:28
  4816. Sick Feeling: Suburban Myth (Collect) {1}: Blr:47
  4817. The Sideshow Tragedy: Capital () {1}: nymd:+
  4818. Siete Catorce: Paisajes (Enchufada) {1}: Th:31
  4819. Sigma: Life () {1}: ye:+
  4820. Sikth: Opacities () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4821. Silas Blak: Editorials: (Wartunes) () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4822. Silent Knight: Conquer and Command (self-released) {1}: maf:+
  4823. Silkie: Fractals () {1}: ye:+
  4824. Susana Santos Silva: Impermanence (self-released) {1}: FJ:+
  4825. Silverstein: I Am Alive In Everything I Touch () {1}: Spk_u:178
  4826. SimakDialog: Live at Orion (MoonJune) {1}: am_w:+
  4827. Simbiosi: Elements (Werkdiscs/Ninja Tune) {1}: Bk:82
  4828. SK Simeon and Yaw Faso: Maskya EP (Big Dada -EP) {1}: YW:24 -- TH:**
  4829. Singapore Sling: Psych Fuck (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:58
  4830. A Singer Must Die: Venus Parade (self-released) {1}: PN:+
  4831. Single Lash: Single Lash () {1}: gt:+
  4832. James Singleton: Shiner (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  4833. Tara Sinn & Blues Control: My Afterlife Is So Boring II () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4834. Sisters of . . .: The Serpent the Angel and the Adversary (Crowquill) {1}: ad:+
  4835. Sister Sparrow & the Dirty Birds: The Weather Below (Party Fowl) {1}: TG:61
  4836. Six Bells: A Little Bit Forever () {1}: -- V:1072-8-1
  4837. The Sixteen: Spirit Strength & Sorrow (Coro) {1}: TG:+
  4838. SJD: Saint John Divine () {1}: bot:+
  4839. Skindred: Volume (Napalm) {1}: am_m:+
  4840. Skinless: Only the Ruthless Remain () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4841. The Skints: Fm () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4842. Sky Architects: The Hollows () {1}: AD:45
  4843. Skye: In a Low Light (Skyewards) {1}: rfs:+
  4844. Skyforger: Senprusija () {1}: mi_n:17
  4845. A Skylit Drive: ASD (Tragic Hero) {1}: ms_g:15
  4846. Slashing Cousin: Fallen Gods (Skam) {1}: Bl:60
  4847. Slaves: Routine Breathing (Artery) {1}: LW:40
  4848. Slime: Company (Weird World) {1}: Bl:83
  4849. Slim K: Purple Flora () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4850. Slivovitz: All You Can Eat () {1}: jtr:+
  4851. The Slow Show: White Water (Haldern Pop) {1}: In:37
  4852. Slugdge: Dim and Slimeridden Kingdoms () {1}: Spk_u:84
  4853. Antonique Smith: Love Is Everything (9:23 Music Group) {1}: st:+
  4854. Canaan Smith: Bronco () {1}: tc:8
  4855. Daniel Smith: Jazz Suite for Bassoon (Summit) {1}: jrs:+ -- TH:B
  4856. Enoch Smith Jr: Misfits II: Pop (Misfitme Music) {1}: jsg:6 -- TH:B
  4857. Ms John Soda: Loom (Morr Music) {1}: Mon:44
  4858. Kuba Sojka: Multiple Faces (DMK) {1}: Ph:27
  4859. Soldiers of Fortune: Early Risers (Mexican Summer) {1}: U_jm:23
  4860. Solkyri: Sad Boys Club (self-released) {1}: FPE:36 --
  4861. Solution 45: Nightmares in the Waking State: Part I () {1}: Od:31
  4862. So Many Dynamos: Safe With Sound () {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  4863. Somatic Responses: The Motor of Decay () {1}: FF:28
  4864. Some Kind of Illness: Some Kind of Illness (self-released) {1}: Flp:31
  4865. Somerset Catalog: Lonely Fang (Misra) {1}: Rv:+
  4866. Jimmy Somerville: Homage (Strike Force Entertainment) {1}: A_uk:48
  4867. Some Skeletons: Vigils (Mountains of Records) {1}: LW:97
  4868. Sean Sonderegger's Magically Inclined: Eat the Air (Skirl) {1}: jar:14
  4869. Sonic Medusa: The Sunset Soundhouse Tapes (Ripple) {1}: FB:+
  4870. Sonny & the Sunsets: Talent Night at the Ashram (Polyvinyl) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4871. The Sorcerers: The Sorcerers (ATA) {1}: JG:150
  4872. Sosamann: Trap'd Out 2 () {1}: PN:+
  4873. Omar Sosa: Ile (Ota) {1}: TG:48
  4874. So Stressed: The Unlawful Trade of Greco-Roman Art (Honor Press) {1}: BG:22
  4875. Simone Sou/Guilherme Kastrup/Benjamim Taubkin: Sounds of Life (Adventure Music) {1}: TG:+
  4876. Soulfly: Archangel (Nuclear Blast) {1}: MH:24
  4877. Soulpersona: Momentum (SPR) {1}: st:+
  4878. Sound Awakener: Be Whole () {1}: av:+
  4879. Sound Pellegrino: Sound Pellegrino Presents SNDP Vol 4: Melodic Mechanisms (Sound Pellegrino) {1}: Du:25
  4880. Sourin: Sourin (self-released) {1}: SBR:36
  4881. Speak: Fall Time Radness () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4882. Spectral Voice: Necrotic Doom (self-released) {1}: Db:35
  4883. Claude Speed: Sun Czar Temple (Planet Mu, EP) {1}: Qt:88
  4884. Skylar Spence: Affairs () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4885. Spheruleus and Friends: William Barber (Hibernate) {1}: FPE:75
  4886. Spiders: Why Don't You EP (Crusher) {1}: FB:+
  4887. Spike Orchestra: Cerberus () {1}: obs:18
  4888. Spock's Beard: The Oblivion Particle (InsideOut) {1}: FB:+
  4889. Spray Paint: Punters on a Barge () {1}: gt:+
  4890. Squandra Omega: Altri Occhi Ci Guardano () {1}: sdm:+
  4891. Squeeze: Cradle to the Grave (Virgin EMI) {1}: am_k:+
  4892. SSBT: 247 Main (Astral Spirits) {1}: FJ:+
  4893. Stadt: Escalators (Fons) {1}: DM:32
  4894. Stand High Patrol: A Matter of Scale (Stand High) {1}: te:+
  4895. Ben Stapp & the Zozimos: Myrrha's Red Book: Act II (Evolver) {1}: jrn:7 -- TH:B
  4896. Dylan Stark: Heartland (Civil Music) {1}: FPE:27
  4897. Sabrina Starke: Outside the Box (Zip) {1}: pl_s:7
  4898. Starkey: The Transponder Orchestra (Alpha Pup) {1}: DKv:22
  4899. Ringo Starr: Postcards From Paradise (Universal) {1}: se_d:10
  4900. State Champion: Fantasy Error () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4901. Static Daydream: Static Daydream (Moon Sound/Saint Marie) {1}: SBR:33
  4902. Norbert Stein Pata Messengers: Play Rainer Maria Rilke: Das Karussell (Pata Music) {1}: jrs:+
  4903. Christopher Paul Stelling: Labor Against Waste () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4904. Stendeck: Folgor (Tympanik) {1}: idy:6
  4905. Kurt Stenzel: Jodorowsky's Dune [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Cinewax) {1}: amg:+
  4906. Stereophonics: Keep the Village Alive (Stylus) {1}: rfs:+
  4907. Jon Stickley Trio: Lost at Last (self-released) {1}: npr_f:+
  4908. Alan Stivell: AMzer (Keltia III/Harmonia Mundi) {1}: te:+
  4909. Rob St John: Surface Tension (Surface Tension) {1}: U_jm:40
  4910. Allen Stone: Radius (Capitol) {1}: TG:44
  4911. Angie Stone: Dream (Shanachie) {1}: am_r:+
  4912. Stoned Jesus: The Harvest (Moon) {1}: ad:+
  4913. Joss Stone: Water for Your Soul (Stone'd) {1}: rfs:+ -- MT:C
  4914. CW Stoneking: Gon Boogaloo () {1}: opb:+
  4915. Marc Stone: Poison & Medicine (Louisiana Red Hot) {1}: ob:+
  4916. Steve Stone: Malta Bend (Strange Music) {1}: am_h:+
  4917. Teresa Storch: Come Clean (Medicine Show) {1}: T_c:34
  4918. Stories: The Youth to Become () {1}: Spk_u:198
  4919. Stormzy: Know Me From () {1}: w_h:9
  4920. Stove: Is Stupider (Exploding in Sound) {1}: FB:+
  4921. Strategy: Noise Tape Self (Further) {1}: Bw:99
  4922. Stratovarius: Eternal () {1}: Spk_u:123
  4923. Casey Stratton: Paper Ships () {1}: DaJ:38
  4924. Stray Dogg: Come Along Wind (Pop Depression) {1}: ad:+
  4925. Strung Out: Transmission Alpha Delta (Fat Wreck Chords) {1}: Od:34
  4926. Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line: Wake (Blue Pig) {1}: AS:45 -- TH:B
  4927. Sturm Cafe: Europa! (SCR) {1}: idy:13
  4928. Subsignal: The Beacons of Somewhere Sometime (Goldencore) {1}: lt_m:21
  4929. A Sudden Burst of Colour: Waves Will Rise on Silent Water () {1}: AD:31
  4930. The Suffers: Make Some Room () {1}: -- V:267-30-1
  4931. The Suicide of Western Culture: Long Live Death! Down With Intelligence! (El Segell del Primavera) {1}: Jp:46
  4932. Suiyobi No Campanella: Zipang () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4933. Summer Camp: Bad Love (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Bq:53
  4934. Summer Cannibals: Show Us Your Mind (New Moss) {1}: JD:29
  4935. Summer Fiction: Himalaya (Burn Brightly Music) {1}: LR:73
  4936. Summer Twins: Limbo () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4937. The Sunchymes: Present (Calliope) {1}: PJ:30
  4938. Sundays & Cybele: Heaven (Beyond Beyond Beyond) {1}: FB:42
  4939. Sundowners: Sundowners (Skeleton Key) {1}: FB:+
  4940. Sun Hotel: Rational Expectations (Community) {1}: Eb:90
  4941. A Sunny Day in Glasgow: Planning Weed Like It's Acid/Life Is Loss (Mis Ojos Discos) {1}: cmg:+
  4942. Sunset in the 12th House: Mozaic (Prophecy) {1}: ad:+
  4943. Super Fast Girlie Show: Don't Go Down Gentle (Antipop) {1}: LW:31
  4944. Superhand: American Teeth (Malt Barn) {1}: LW:48
  4945. Superimpose (Matthias Müller/Christian Marien): Edinburgh () {1}: av:+
  4946. Supreme Talent Show: Danbe (Sahel Sounds) {1}: ap:+
  4947. Surfin' Mutants Pizza Party: The Death of Cool (Fleeting Youth) {1}: FN:47
  4948. Svn: SUED Label of the Month Mix () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  4949. S/V/R: Deluge (Union Finale) {1}: CRW:48
  4950. The Sway Machinery: Purity & Danger (3rd Generation) {1}: nymd:+
  4951. Sweet Baboo: The Boombox Ballads (Moshi Moshi) {1}: GTV:60
  4952. Sweet Cecilia: Sweet Cecilia (Old Man) {1}: ob:+
  4953. Switchback: Switchback (Multikulti) {1}: FJ:+
  4954. Sworn In: The Lovers/The Devil () {1}: ap_u:+
  4955. David Sylvian: There's a Light That Enters Houses With No Other House in Sight (Samadhisound) {1}: FJ:+
  4956. Syny: Orient () {1}: Scr:28
  4957. Syracuse: Liquid Silver Dream (Antinote -EP) {1}: Ph:53
  4958. Szymon: Tigersapp () {1}: RS_A:38
  4959. Lew Tabackin: Soundscapes (self-released -16) {1}: jrs:+
  4960. Andrea Taeggi: Mama Matrix Most Mysterious (Type) {1}: Bk:96
  4961. Takaakira: Taka () {1}: JM:30
  4962. H Takahashi: Sea Meditation () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4963. Joby Talbot/Conspirare: Path of Miracles (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: TG:94
  4964. Tallesen: Inca () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4965. Tall Tales & the Silver Lining: Tightropes (Other Music) {1}: or:18
  4966. Taman Shud: Viper Smoke (Trashmouth) {1}: FB:+
  4967. Tambour: Chapitre 1 (Moderna -EP) {1}: amg:+
  4968. Tamia: Love Life (Def Jam) {1}: am_r:+
  4969. Tanlines: Highlights (True Panther Sounds) {1}: Rv:+
  4970. Tapes Meets the Drums of Wareika: Datura Mystic/Version () {1}: w_d:6
  4971. The Tarantinos NYC: Surfin' the Silver Screen () {1}: nymd:+
  4972. Tarot: The Warrior's Spell (Heavy Chains) {1}: FB:25
  4973. Aaron Lee Tasjan: In the Blazes (First of 3) {1}: AS:41
  4974. Chip Taylor: The Little Prayers Trilogy (Train Wreck, 3CD) {1}: U:60
  4975. Kathleen Taylor: Broken by Design () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4976. Sean Taylor: The Only Good Addiction Is Love (Sean Taylor Songs) {1}: T_f:32
  4977. Seb Taylor: Collected Downtempo Vol 2 and 3 (Tribal Shift) {1}: amg:+
  4978. Steve Taylor & the Perfect Foil: Goliath () {1}: He:45
  4979. Sergei Tcherepnin: Quasar Lanterns () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  4980. John Tchicai/Tony Marsh/John Edwards: 27 September 2010 (Otoroku) {1}: FJ:+
  4981. Team Hegdal: Vol 3 (Particular) {1}: CM:36
  4982. Tearjerker: Stay Wild () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  4983. Tecumseh: Seven () {1}: av:+
  4984. Teenage Time Killers: Greatest Hits Vol 1 (Rise) {1}: am_m:+
  4985. Teen Girl Scientist Monthly: Hyper Trophy () {1}: -- V:343-21-2
  4986. Teen Men: Teen Men (Bar/None) {1}: -- V:606-11-1
  4987. Tei Shi: Verde (Mermaid Avenue) {1}: GB:45
  4988. Awna Teixeira: Wild One (Hazytales) {1}: T_c:22
  4989. The Telescopes: Hidden Fields (Tapete) {1}: DS_u:43
  4990. Tengger Cavalry: Blood Sacrifice Shaman () {1}: -- V:1135-6-1
  4991. Jimi Tenor/Tenors of Kalma: Electric Willow (Yellowbird) {1}: JG:111
  4992. Gordi Tentrees: Less Is More (Buckaroo) {1}: T_c:57
  4993. Teramaze: Her Halo () {1}: HB:31
  4994. Terranova: Restless (Kompakt) {1}: In:41
  4995. Terror: The 25th Hour () {1}: Od:50
  4996. Sweet Sue Terry and Friends: Live at the Deer Head Inn (Deer Head) {1}: jrs:+
  4997. Texas: Texas 25 (Play It Again Sam) {1}: rfs:+
  4998. The Changing Room: Behind the Lace (The Changingroom) {1}: T_f:23
  4999. Thee Tsunamis: Saturday Night Sweetheart () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5000. Then They Flew: Stable as the Earth Stops Spinning () {1}: AD:46
  5001. Then Thickens: Colic (Republic of Music) {1}: DS:47
  5002. Theory Hazit: Fall of the Light Bearer () {1}: opb:+
  5003. This Good Robot: The Light Is Taking Me to Pieces () {1}: Spk_u:82
  5004. This Love Is Deadly: Want (Bekassine/Lovesick) {1}: SBR:45
  5005. This Other Kingdom: Telescopic () {1}: lmt:15
  5006. Luther Thomas: In Denmark (ILK) {1}: FJ:+
  5007. Charlie Thompson: The Foothill Sessions () {1}: gw:+
  5008. Robert Scott Thompson: Pale Blue Dot () {1}: av:+
  5009. Robert Scott Thompson: Summer Idyll () {1}: av:+
  5010. Thornesbreed: GTRD (Art of Propaganda) {1}: maf:+
  5011. Threading: You Are Never Enough (The Native Sound -EP) {1}: SBR:42
  5012. Throw Down Bones: Throw Down Bones (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:+
  5013. T'ien Lai: RHTHM () {1}: Scr:23
  5014. Tiger Hatchery/Paul Flaherty: Live in New Haven (Ergot Records) {1}: FJ:+
  5015. Tijuana Panthers: Poster (Innovative Leisure) {1}: ath:+
  5016. Tiken Jah Fakoly: Racines (Wrasse) {1}: FR:+
  5017. Steve Tilston: Truth to Tell (Hubris) {1}: T_f:50
  5018. Tim & Caio: In Brazil () {1}: se_a:+
  5019. Timeflies: Just for Fun (Island) {1}: am_p:+
  5020. Vilma Timonen Quartet: Drops (Bafe's Factory) {1}: wmc:+
  5021. Tink: Winter's Diary 3 () {1}: S_h:30
  5022. Tink: Winter's Diary (self-released) {1}: C:85
  5023. Tiny Leaves: A Certain Tide (Future Sequence) {1}: FPE:50
  5024. Tipsy Oxcart: Upside Down () {1}: nymd:+
  5025. Wes Tirey: Journeyer/Forward Melancholy Dream () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5026. T-Monde: Yesterday's Gone (Valcour) {1}: ob:+
  5027. Ricardo Tobar: Collection (Cocoon) {1}: Hi:35
  5028. Together Pangea: The Phage (Burger -EP) {1}: rw:+
  5029. Toiling Midgets: A Smaller Life () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  5030. Tomboy: Sweetie (Toxic Reasons) {1}: AV:+
  5031. Tombstones: Vargariis (Soulseller) {1}: FB:+
  5032. Phil Tomsett: Broken Memory Machine (Fluid Audio) {1}: FPE:95
  5033. Anthony Toner: Miles & Weather (Dozens of Cousins) {1}: T_f:26
  5034. Toro y Moi: Samantha (self-released) {1}: -- V:1107-7-1
  5035. Totally Mild: Down Time () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5036. Total Makeover: Total Makeover () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5037. Totem Skin: Weltschmerz () {1}: Spk_u:28
  5038. Toupee: Leg Toucher (Moniker) {1}: BG:25
  5039. Tourist LeMC: En Route (Topnotch) {1}: DM:34
  5040. Town Portal: The Occident (Small Pond) {1}: ad:+
  5041. Toy Light: Sightless Unless (Alpha Pup) {1}: PW:50
  5042. Trabajo: Lucky Dollar City () {1}: gt:+
  5043. Tracy Island: War No More () {1}: nymd:+
  5044. Mark Tranmer: Further Woodland (Vertical Features) {1}: Flp:50
  5045. Trans Charger Metropolis: Haunted House Birds (self-released) {1}: FN:28
  5046. Happy Traum: Just for the Love of It (Lark's Nest Music) {1}: fr:9
  5047. Tremonti: Cauterize (Fret12) {1}: MH:46
  5048. Trepalium: Damballa's Voodoo Doll (Klonosphere) {1}: lt_m:16
  5049. Tres Gone: East Meets West () {1}: jtr:+
  5050. Trio 3 + Jason Moran: Refraction: Breaking Glass (Intakt -13) {1}: ghj:6 -- TH:A-
  5051. Trio Da Kali: EP (World Circuit) {1}: FR:+
  5052. Triptides: Azur (Requiem Pour Un Twister) {1}: No:32
  5053. Tropic of Cancer: Stop Suffering EP () {1}: -- V:543-14-1
  5054. Troum/Raison D'Etre: De Aeris in Sublunaria Influxu () {1}: av:+
  5055. Ulrich Troyer: Deadlock Versionsl () {1}: w_d:10
  5056. Chico Trujillo: Reina de Todos Las Fiestas (Barbes) {1}: ap:+
  5057. Trunkweed: Trunkweed Live Man () {1}: Nc:40
  5058. Shankar Tucker: Filament (Shrutibox Music) {1}: TG:+
  5059. Tumbleweed Wanderers: Realize () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5060. Turkuaz: Digitonium () {1}: ft:+
  5061. Martin Turner: Written in the Stars () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5062. Tut: Preacher's Son (self-released) {1}: Spk_u:53
  5063. Tuxis Giant: Tuxis Giant (self-released) {1}: cmg:+
  5064. TVXQ!: Rise as God () {1}: bb_k:10
  5065. Twilight Archive: Mood Chain (Electrophonogram) {1}: amg:+
  5066. Twin Guns: The Last Picture Show () {1}: nymd:+
  5067. Twin Peaks: Wild Onion () {1}: -- V:267-30-1
  5068. Ty Dolla Sign: Airplane Mode () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5069. Tyranny: Aeons in Tectonic Interment (Dark Descent) {1}: RY:69
  5070. Ian Tyson: Carnero Vaquero (Stony Plain) {1}: fr:14
  5071. UDO: Decadent (AFM) {1}: Noj:48
  5072. UFO: A Conspiracy of Stars (Steamhammer) {1}: ClR:21
  5073. UFQ: The Escape (SAE) {1}: T_f:58
  5074. Ugly Kid Joe: Uglier Than They Used Ta Be (Metalville) {1}: NN:51
  5075. Ulaan Khol: Salt () {1}: -- V:579-12-1
  5076. Underground Railroad to Candyland: The People Are Home () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5077. The Underground Youth: Haunted (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:+
  5078. Undersmile: Anhedonia () {1}: Te:45
  5079. The Union Trade: A Place of Long Years (Tricycle) {1}: FPE:85
  5080. United Bible Studies: The Ale's What Cures Ye (MIE Music) {1}: U_jm:68
  5081. The Universal Thump: Walking the Cat () {1}: nymd:+
  5082. Unleash the Archers: Time Stands Still () {1}: Od:44
  5083. Unlikely Friends: Solid Gold Cowboys () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5084. Until the Ribbon Breaks: A Lesson Unlearnt (1405) {1}: Mw:42
  5085. Upsilon Acrux: Sun Square Dialect (New Atlantis) {1}: FJ:+
  5086. Uranium Club: Human Exploration (Fashionable Idi) {1}: AV:+
  5087. Ur Draugr: With Hunger Undying (Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicate Fundamentum) {1}: maf:+
  5088. George Usher & Lisa Burns: The Last Day of Winter () {1}: nymd:+
  5089. Mahsa Vahdat: Traces of an Old Vineyard (Kirkelig Kulturverksted) {1}: TGW:50
  5090. Steve Vai: Stilness in Motion () {1}: gw:+
  5091. Chucho Valdes: Tribute to Irakere (Live in Marciac) (Jazz Village) {1}: jlb:10
  5092. Vald: NQNT2 () {1}: gd_h:9
  5093. Matt Valentine: Midden Mound (Child of Microtones) {1}: U_jm:108
  5094. Vanbot: Perfect Storm () {1}: FF:31
  5095. Van Halen: Tokyo Dome: Live in Concert () {1}: gw:+
  5096. Mark Van Hoen: Nightvision () {1}: bgc:+
  5097. Vanity: Vain in Life () {1}: -- V:355-20-2
  5098. Syberen Van Munster: Plunge for Distance () {1}: se_a:+
  5099. Vanum: Realm of Sacrifice () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5100. Jeroen Van Vliet: Zeeland Suite Revisited (Muziekpodium Zeeland) {1}: pl_j:9
  5101. Jozef Van Wissem: Only Lovers Left Alive (ATP -14) {1}: mm:+
  5102. Variable Geometry Orchestra: Lulu Auf Dem Berg (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ:+
  5103. The Variable Why: Looking at the Triangles () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5104. Jacob Varmus Septet: Aegean: For Three Generations of Jazz Lovers (Crows' Kin) {1}: jtr:+ -- **
  5105. Tom Varner: Nine Surprises (Tom Varner Music) {1}: jbb:10
  5106. Varsity: Varsity () {1}: Crg:67
  5107. Lars Vaular: 666 Alt (NMG/G-huset, EP) {1}: Dv:28
  5108. Lars Vaular: 666 Gir 25 (NMG/G-huset, EP) {1}: Dv:29
  5109. Papo Vazquez Mighty Pirates: Troubadours, Spirit Warrior (Picaro) {1}: jrs:+
  5110. Jennie Vee: Die Alone (Deluxe Ep) () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5111. Seva Venet: Revisiting New Orleans String Bands: 1880-1949 (Threadhead) {1}: ob:+
  5112. Venom: From the Very Depths () {1}: gw:+
  5113. Venomous Maximous: Firewalker (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: FB:+
  5114. Verbal Kent: Anesthesia (Mello Music Group) {1}: JG:146
  5115. Verma: Mul.Apin (Trouble in Mind) {1}: YW:81
  5116. The Veronicas: The Veronicas (RCA) {1}: am_p:+
  5117. Versis: Copaesthetic () {1}: PW:50
  5118. Vert: The Days Within (Shitkatapult) {1}: Mu:39
  5119. The Vespers: Sisters and Brothers (Black Suit) {1}: TG:+
  5120. Via App: 7 Headed () {1}: w_b:7
  5121. Viands: Temporal Relics () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5122. Sam Vicari: Giving Up () {1}: chi:+
  5123. Fernando Viciconte: Leave the Radio On () {1}: nymd:+
  5124. Video: The Entertainers (Third Man) {1}: AV:+
  5125. Vidunder: Oracles & Prophets (Crusher) {1}: FB:70
  5126. Vienna Ditto: Circle (Ubiquity Project) {1}: GTV:97
  5127. Lois V Vierk: Words Fail Me () {1}: w_m:7
  5128. Vile Creature: A Steady Descent Into the Soil () {1}: n_o:+
  5129. Villa Rosa: LeMuria () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5130. Sonny Vincent and Rocket From the Crypt: Vintage Piss (Swami) {1}: U_jm:82
  5131. Vinnum Sabbathi/Bar De Monjas: Fuzzonaut Split () {1}: mf_h:6
  5132. The Vintage Caravan: Arrival (Nuclear Blast) {1}: FB:+
  5133. Jonathan Vinten Trio: Lullaby of the Leaves (self-released) {1}: T_j:48
  5134. Violent Reaction: Marching On () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5135. Viridanse: Viridanse () {1}: sdm:+
  5136. Roseanna Vitro: Clarity: The Music of Clare Fisher (Random Act -14) {1}: jbm:+ -- TH:*
  5137. Michael Vlatkovich Septet: Ask 7 () {1}: av:+
  5138. Voices From the Lake: Live at Maxxi (Editions Mego) {1}: ou:+
  5139. Volcanic Queen: The Structure of Hidden Fire () {1}: Spk_u:142
  5140. The Volcanics: Transmission (Citadel) {1}: FB:72
  5141. Atanas Volkov: Ambition [Original Sound Track] (self-released) {1}: FPE:51
  5142. Volt 9000: Timeshift (Artoffact) {1}: idy:11
  5143. Steve Von Till: A Life Unto Itself () {1}: Spk_u:182
  5144. Ben Von Wildenhaus: II () {1}: nymd:+
  5145. Vukovar: Emperor () {1}: GTV:100
  5146. Vursatyl: Crooked Straights () {1}: opb:+
  5147. Alune Wade & Harold Lopez-Nussa: Havana-Paris-Dakar () {1}: He:47
  5148. The Waifs: Beautiful You (Compass) {1}: T_c:53
  5149. Wake Up Lucid: Gone With the Night () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5150. Waking Aida: Full Heal () {1}: AD:25
  5151. Chris Walla: Tape Loops (Trans) {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5152. Warm Graves: Ships Will Come () {1}: PN:+
  5153. Warm Soda: Symbolic Dream (Castle Face) {1}: FN:42
  5154. Tom Warnick & the World's Fair: Side Effects () {1}: nymd:+
  5155. Chris Washburne & the SYOTOS Band: Low Ridin' (Zoho) {1}: jkf:+
  5156. The Water: The Place to Be () {1}: Nc:34
  5157. Watkins Family Hour: Watkins Family Hour (Family Hour) {1}: T_c:40
  5158. Melia Watras: Ispirare (Sono Luminus) {1}: Mrg:34
  5159. Jeff 'Tain' Watts: Blue Vol 1 (Dark Key) {1}: ghj:20
  5160. We Are Match: Shores (Sony) {1}: LR:81
  5161. We Are the Ocean: Ark () {1}: Crg:98
  5162. Wearing Scars: A Thousand Words (Candyman) {1}: maf:+
  5163. Andrew Weathers Ensemble: Fuck Everybody You Can Do Anything (Full Spectrum) {1}: FPE:72
  5164. Jane Weaver: Silver Globe (Bird -14) {1}: Flp:43
  5165. The Weave: Knowledge Porridge (self-released) {1}: jrs:+
  5166. We Deserve This: Pacific () {1}: AD:44
  5167. Wednesday 13: Monsters of the Universe: Come Out and Plague () {1}: DaJ:33
  5168. Weeding Dub: Still Looking For (Wise and Dubwise/Modulor) {1}: te:+
  5169. The Weepies: Sirens (Nettwerk) {1}: AV:+
  5170. We Hunt Buffalo: Living Ghosts () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5171. Scott Weiland & the Wildabouts: Blaster (Universal) {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5172. Weird Candle: Regeneration (Weyrd Son) {1}: idy:20
  5173. Chris Weisman: The Holy Life That's Coming (NNA Tapes) {1}: bm_f:17
  5174. James Welburn: Hold (Miasmah) {1}: FPE:88
  5175. Bill Wells & Friends: Nursery Rhymes () {1}: Zf:37
  5176. Ben Wendel: The Seasons (self-released) {1}: ny_c:7
  5177. We Never Learned to Live: Silently I Threw Them Skyward (Holy Roar) {1}: GTV:91
  5178. We.Own.The.Sky: Earths Collide () {1}: AD:32
  5179. Norman Westberg: 13 (Room40) {1}: Bw:34
  5180. The Westies: West Side Stories () {1}: se_f:6
  5181. Leslie West: Soundcheck () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5182. Micko Westmorland: Yours Etc Abc (Landline) {1}: LW:94
  5183. We Stood Like Kings: USSR 1926 () {1}: AD:40
  5184. Weyes Blood: Cardamom Times () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  5185. Whatever Brains: LP (Sorry State) {1}: iw:12
  5186. Kenny Wheeler/John Taylor: On the Way to Two (CAM Jazz) {1}: jbm:+
  5187. Whenskiesaregray: Whenskiesaregray () {1}: Crg:94
  5188. The Whiskey Charmers: The Whiskey Charmers () {1}: nymd:+
  5189. White Boiz: Neighborhood Wonderful (Stones Throw) {1}: qt_h:13
  5190. White Gzus: Stackin N' Mackin Vol 3 (self-released) {1}: Sg_h:26
  5191. White Hills: Walks For Motorists (Thrill Jockey)) {1}: ?
  5192. White Manna: Pan (Cardinal Fuzz/Captcha) {1}: FB:+
  5193. White Noise Sound: Like a Pyramid of Fire (Rocket Girl) {1}: Flp:63
  5194. White Poppy: Natural Phenomena (Not Not Fun) {1}: SBR:44
  5195. White Rainbow: 21 Exoticism ESCAP (Leaving) {1}: YW:87
  5196. Jim White vs the Packway Handle Band: Take It Like a Man (Yep Roc) {1}: am_f:+
  5197. Trixie Whitley: Porta Bohemica -16 (MRI) {1}: DM:23
  5198. William Elliott Whitmore: Radium Death (Anti) {1}: sht:12
  5199. Whore Paint: Ultra Sound (Translation Lost) {1}: BG:21
  5200. Whote: Moons (VII Sounds) {1}: jsh:+
  5201. Widek: Journey to the Stars () {1}: Spk_u:81
  5202. WIDT: Point#3 (Pointless Geometry) {1}: Qt:23
  5203. Fay Wildhagen: Snow (VW) {1}: Gf_N:27
  5204. Wild Moth: Inhibitor () {1}: ong:6
  5205. Wild Raccoon: Mount Break (Howlin' Banana) {1}: Eb:100
  5206. Wild Up: You of All Things () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5207. Abigail Williams: The Accuser (Candlelight) {1}: am_m:+
  5208. Willow: Ardipithecus () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5209. Tony Wilson 6tet: A Day's Life (Drip Audio) {1}: rfc:+
  5210. Charlie Wilson: Forever Charlie (RCA) {1}: am_r:+
  5211. Wilten Boys' Choir: Arvo Part: Babel (Col Legno) {1}: TG:+
  5212. The Winery Dogs: Hot Streak () {1}: Od:28
  5213. Winter: Supreme Blue Dream (Lollipop) {1}: SBR:29
  5214. Winter Tradition: Lumi () {1}: -- V:1170-5-1
  5215. Witchwood: Litanies From the Woods (Jolly Roger) {1}: FB:+
  5216. Wizkid: Ayo (Empire Mates Entertainment) {1}: ap:+
  5217. Chrisian Wolff: Pianist: Pieces () {1}: w_m:6
  5218. Wolfheart: Winterborn (Spinefarm) {1}: Spk_u:72
  5219. Donovan Wolfington: How to Treat the Ones You Love () {1}: Crg:19
  5220. Wolfscote: Turn the Glass (Plains) {1}: T_f:27
  5221. SM Wolf: Neon Debris () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5222. Erik Wollo: Blue Radiance (Projekt) {1}: amg:+
  5223. Woob: Adaption (Bigamoebasounds) {1}: amg:+
  5224. Woodenhead: Live at Tipitina's (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  5225. Evan Woodle: Nth () {1}: av:+
  5226. Wormburner: Pleasant Living in Planned Communities (Dive -14) {1}: CM:50 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  5227. Seymour Wright: Seymour Writes Back (self-released) {1}: W:35
  5228. Wume: Maintain () {1}: -- V:323-25-1
  5229. Conchita Wurst: Conchita (Columbia) {1}: rfs:+
  5230. X Ambassadors: VHS () {1}: -- V:414-18-2
  5231. XL Middleton: Tap Water (Mo Funk) {1}: PW:37
  5232. Hamilton Yarns: The Eye of the Storm/Two Coins in a Fountain () {1}: w_a:8
  5233. Yarn/Wire: Currents Vol. 1 (Yarn/Wire) {1}: av:+
  5234. Yasunao Tone/Talibam!/Sam Kulik: Double Automatism () {1}: av:+
  5235. Yautja: Songs of Lament (Forcefield) {1}: AV:+
  5236. Tony Yazbeck/Jay Armstrong Johnson/Clyde Alves/Megan Fairchild/Alysha Umphress/Elizabeth Stanley: On the Town [New Broadway Cast Recording] (PS Classics) {1}: jrs:+
  5237. Yeah Yeah Noh: Automatically Saturday (Vuggum) {1}: LW:93
  5238. Years of Abuse: The Social Order () {1}: dc:+
  5239. C Spencer Yeh/Okkyung Lee/Lasse Marhaug: Wake Up Awesome () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5240. Yellow Claw: Blood for Mercy () {1}: ye:+
  5241. Yes: Like It Is: Live at Mesa Art Center () {1}: se_f:+
  5242. YFN Lucci: Wish Me Well () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5243. Yojimbo (now ROAR!): Ghost Birthday (self-released) {1}: ob:+
  5244. Otomo Yoshihide: Guitar Solo 2015 LEFT (Doubtmusic) {1}: FJ:+
  5245. You'll Live: Moving Past This () {1}: Crg:100
  5246. Jeremy Young & Aaron Martin: A Pulse Passes From Hand to Hand (White Paddy Mountain) {1}: FPE:76
  5247. Chris Young: I'm Comin' Over (RCA Nashville) {1}: tns:+
  5248. Younger: Younger () {1}: ABC:41
  5249. Young Galaxy: Falsework (Paper Bag) {1}: s_d:25
  5250. Young Gun Silver Fox: West End Coast (Legere) {1}: st:+
  5251. Simone Young/Philharmoniker Hamburg: Bruckner: Sinfonie Nr 5 (Oehms Classics) {1}: am:+
  5252. Roland P Young: Confluences (EM) {1}: Ph:25
  5253. Richard Youngs: Inside the Future (Glass Redux) {1}: Mon:38
  5254. Will Young: 85% Proof (Island) {1}: Poj:27
  5255. Your Old Droog: The Nicest () {1}: HG:+
  5256. Yppah: Tiny Pause (Counter) {1}: FPE:86
  5257. Yung: Alter () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5258. Yvette: Time Management () {1}: gt:+
  5259. Ingar Zach/Miguel Angel Tolosa: Loner (Sofa) {1}: FF:29
  5260. Zahara: Santa (GOZZ) {1}: Jp:47
  5261. Zardonic: Antihero (E1) {1}: mi_r:+
  5262. Z-Country Paradise: Z-Country Paradise (Z-Paradise) {1}: jkg:10
  5263. Zefur Wolves: Zefur Wolves () {1}: -- V:640-10-1
  5264. Denny Zeitlin/George Marsh: Riding the Moment (Sunnyside) {1}: se_a:+
  5265. Zhala: Zhala (Konichiwa) {1}: PP:42
  5266. ZOFO/Terry Riley: ZOFO Plays Terry Riley (Sono Luminous) {1}: TG:+
  5267. Zomby: Let's Jam!! (XL) {1}: vg:+
  5268. Zone Six: Love Monster (Sulatron) {1}: FB:+
  5269. John Zorn: Hen to Pan (Tzadik) {1}: blg:+
  5270. Yumi Zouma: EP II (Cascine, EP) {1}: GB:39
  5271. 20th Century Indian Classical Bootlegs () {1}: w_g:9
  5272. 50 Bands & a Cat for Indiana Equality () {1}: -- V:499-15-1
  5273. Ambient Online Volume 4 (Ambient Online) {1}: amg:+
  5274. Bessie [Music from the HBO Film] (Legacy) {1}: TG:+
  5275. Dakini Mother Tongue (Liquid Sound Design) {1}: amg:+
  5276. Digiseeds: Compiled by Ambientium (Ultimae) {1}: amg:+
  5277. Fiddle & Banjo: Tunes From the North, Songs From the South (Kos Green Music) {1}: T_c:38
  5278. Grime 2015 (AE1 Media) {1}: vg:+
  5279. Jewish Morocco () {1}: w_g:8
  5280. Juggernaut (Excelsior) {1}: FB:+
  5281. Morbid Tales! A Tribute to Celtic Frost (Corpse Flower) {1}: Pf_m:+
  5282. Nice Weather for War () {1}: w_o:9
  5283. Parallelogram () {1}: -- V:355-20-2
  5284. True Detective: Music From the HBO Series (Harvest) {1}: T_c:42
  5285. Who He? Ian Carr and Various Artists (Reveal) {1}: T_f:35


For information on what lists are consulted, and what the various abbreviations and notes mean, click here.