EOY List Aggregate: 2019 New Music
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Some breakdowns by genre:
- Lana Del Rey: Norman Fucking Rockwell (Polydor/Interscope) {447}: Al:5, Alt:27, AS:+, AV:8, BB:6, Bq:+, BV:2, C:8+, Cl:22+, Cmp:18, CP:12, CS:9+, D:2, DJ:5, Du:20, E:+, E_UK:+, EW:9, Ex:1, Fld:5+, FO:16, FWg:9, G:1, GB:1, GC:2, Gf:2, Gf_D:2, Gg:3, Gg_e:16, Gg_p:2, GMA:37, Got:16, GTV:6, Gw:10, Hil:5, HS:+, HV:11, I:2+, Id:1, Joe:3, LBF:15, LCA:1, LR:8, Mc:16, Mj:7, MO:10, Ms:4, MuH:2, Mx:12, N:2, NBH:11, NDO:2, Ne:33+, Ni:1, NME:3+, No:7, Noj:16, NPR:19, NR:5+, NT:5, O:+, Oo:1, P:19+, Pap:7, PB:2, PCr:18, Pf:1+, Pf_r:1, PM:3+, PO:+, PW:14, Ps:24, Q:1, Qt:46, Rf_k:32, RM:22, RS:3+, RSh:2, RT:77, RY:7, S:3, SC:2+, Sg:1, Sl:1+, So:15, Spk:2, Thr:4, Tr:37, Trk:22, TS:7, U:5, Up:1, Up_p:1, UpC:1, UR:19, USP:5, WHP:8, XJS:38, YF:2; 3v:2, am:++, am_p:+, aqd:+, atl:+, clt_f:4, cm:4, crk:2, diy:+, dtm:3, ec:+, fa:+, gcn:+, , gl:+, gq:+, gq_uk:7, hcw:9, hs:+, ih:+, imp:+, it:5, jrw:24, la_w:2, les:2, lib:+, ljs:1, lv_c:9, lv_k:1, lv_p:7, man:4, mc_u:1, mpr:5, nap:+, now:+, npr_kt:1, npr_lm:6, npr_rh:2, npr_sf:6, npr_st:7, nt:+, ny_c:6, ny_p:7, p:5, p_p:4, pi:6, ri:1, sjm:1, sl:++, smh:+, so_d:8, st:7, stm:6, tbt:8, ti:4, tg:+, tm:1, ug:17, ust:4, usw:9, v_ab:2, v_cw:+, vcwi:6, vu:7, wil:+, wp:1, wsj:+, xbw:8, xde:1, xjd:1, xjte:2, xmb:1, xrm:9, xtj:1, yh:3, yjb:6, yrb:2 -- PJ:9-383-35, RC:***, TH:A-
- Billy Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go? (Darkroom/Interscope) {380}: Atw:+, AV:9+, B:+, BB:2, Bq:2, C:16, Ch:13, Cl:4+, Cmp:6, Cos:+, CP:3, CS:1+, D:7, DW:11, E:+, EW:2+, Ex:17+, FO:19, G:3+, GB:7, GC:6, Gf:4, Gf_D:5, Gg:1, Gg_p:1, GMA:47, GTV:12, Gw:29, Hil:3, HS:+, I:37, Id:6, Joe:16, LBF:25+, LCA:33, LR:41, MO:2, Ms:5, MuH:3, Mx:19, N:62, NBH:5, Ne:14+, Ni:8, NME:1+, NPR:+, NR:40, O:+, Oo:3, P:34+, Pap:2, PB:1, PCr:3, Pf:21, Pf_r:17, PM:25, PO:6, Ps:38, PW:25, Q:9+, Qt:50, Rf:9, Rf_k:37, RM:13, RS:2+, RSh:20, RT:42, Rx:1, Sg:+, So:14, T:+, TS:5, U:41, Up:5, Up_p:3, Up_sh:14, UpC:2, UR:59, USP:2, VMP:+, XJS:2, YF:4, YW:1; 3v:3, am:+, am_p:+, ap:+, atl:+, cm:1, cp:2, dbu:+, dc:+, dep:3, diy:+, ec:+, em:+, fa:+, gq_uk:3, hp:2, hs:+, la_w:3, ljs:5, man:3, mc_u:5, mcl:7, mpr:2, mtv:+, mu:9, nat:7, npr_bb:14, npr_kt:3, ny_p:1, otw:+, p:4, p_p:10, pi:4, pir:+, ri:5, rx:+, sjm:2, sl:++, smh:+, sp:+, st:5, tg:+, ti:6, tm:9, up:+, ust:3, usw:1, v:+, v_cw:1, v_ja:3, vcm:5, vcwi:7, vew:1, vmt:2, vrj:9, vsd:4, vu:+, vzy:2, wi:+, wsj:+, xbl:7, xbw:1, xgh:2, xjc:1, xjd:3, xls:6, xmr:1, xrm:1, xsa:2, xscw:1, xsp:7, xtw:2, xwb:3, yh:1, yjb:5, yjl:2, yrb:yrb:2 -- PJ:3-595-57, RC:A, MT:A, TH:A-
- Tyler, the Creator: Igor (Columbia) {334}: Alt:40, Atw:+, BB:7, BV:5, C:4+, Ch:+, Cl:2+, Cmp:1, Crh:16, CS:6+, CX:20, D:5, DJB:1, DJM:39, Du:10, E:+, EW:5+, Ex:+, F:+, Fld:19+, FO:33, Fp:11, G:5, GB:23, GC:1, Gf_D:13, Gg:4, Gg_h:1, Gg_r:8, Got:8, Gw:46, HDX:6+, Hil:14, HNH:6, HS:+, HV:26, I:6+, Joe:6, LBF:13, LCA:5, LR:1, Mgn:7, MM:5, MO:21+, Ms:3, MuH:6, Mx:4, N:6, NDO:15, Ne:2+, Ni:2, NME:2+, Noj:2, NPR:25, NR:33, NT:16, Okp:3, P:17+, Pap:12, PB:6, Pf:23+, Pf_r:3, PM:39, PO:+, Ps:1, PW:1, Q:16, Qt:74, Rf:15, RS:12+, RT:65, RY:1, SC:5+, Sk:+, Sl:23, Spk:15, SR:5, Tr:7, Up:12, Up_h:4, UpC:3, UR:41+, USP:10, VMP:+, W:21, WHP:27, YF:7; 3v:10, afk:+, am:++, am_h:+, bg_b:10, bw:+, clt_f:6, clt_g:2, dbu:+, dc:+, do:+, dtm:2, em:+, ex_h:1, fa:+, fu:4, gcn:+, gq:+, hcw:1, hs:+, hyb:+, ih:+, imp:+, ipr:+, ju:+, la_w:7, lv_p:9, man:5, mc_u:2, mcl:1, mqw:1, mtv:+, now:2+, npr_sm:1, otw:+, p_h:4, pi:10, pir:+, pm_h:11, ri:6, rs_h:5, sp:+, tbt:5, tsu:+, up:+, ust:+, usw:8, v:+, v_ab:1, v_cw:+, vcm:6, vib:+, vti:2, vu:+, wi:+, wil:+, xjte:4, xxl:+, yh:+, yjl:10 -- PJ:20-234-22, TH:**
- FKA Twigs: Magdalene (Young Turks) {319}: Am_s:4, AV:1, BB:19, BV:9, C:1+, Cl:37+, Cmp:39, CS:29, D:6, DJ:19, DJB:9, Du:13, E:+, E_UK:+, Ex:3+, FB:76, Fld:3+, FO:27, G:7, GC:4, Gf:1, Gg:2, Gg_i:11, Gg_p:6, GMA:15, Gp:3, GB:18, Gw:9, Hil:8, HS:+, I:31+, Id:7, Joe:1, LBF:24+, LCA:30, LQ:1+, LR:12, Mc:9, Mgn:16, MM:57, MO:13+, Ms:1, Mx:21, N:26, NBH:28, NDO:11, Ni:14, NME:6+, No:12, NR:1+, NT:4, O:+, P:5+, Pap:4, PB:7, Pf:2+, Pf_r:2, PM:1+, PO:+, Ps:2, PW:17, Q:42+, Qt:21, Rf_k:3, RS:36+, RSh:7, RT:36, RY:4, S:5, Sb:16, SC:4, Sg:15, Sk:8+, Sl:2+, So:4, Spk:18, T:+, Thr:29, Tr:5, Trk:18, TS:3, Up:36, Up_p:11, UpC:10, UR:14+, VF:20, VMP:+, W:40, WHP:13, YF:12; 3v:6, afk:+, am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, atl:+, bl:4, cma:2, crk:17, diy:+, dtm:7, gcn:1, gq:+, hcw:10, hs:+, hyb:+, ih:+, imp:+, les:5, ljs:8, lv_c:2, lv_p:2, lv_v:1, mc_u:4, mcl:2, nap:+, nat:2, now:1, npr_bb:12, nt:+, p_p:2, ra:+, sl:+, sp:2+, st:3, ti:1, tm:8, ust:1, vcm:4, vu:4, wil:+, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- PJ:34-156-15, TH:B
- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds: Ghosteen (Ghosteen/Bad Seeds) {278}: AU:14, AV:7+, BB:49, BV:7, C:9+, Cl:19+, Crh:2, CS:20+, DJ:8, Du:30, Ex:10, FB:45, Fld:7+, FO:1, Fp:2, G:8+, Gf:3, Gf_D:1, Gg:11, GTV:8, Gw:17+, Hil:7, I:7+, LBF:2+, LCA:2, LQ:+, LR:18, Mc:1, Mg:11, Mj:1+, MM:6, MO:1+, Ms:2, MuH:10, NBH:4, NME:25+, No:29, Noj:1, NR:10, NT:19, O:+, Oo:2, P:15+, Pc:27, Pf:28+, Pf_r:12, PM:7, Q:5+, Qt:38, RM:4, RS:11+, RSh:17, RT:26, RY:19, SC:3, Sg:7, Sl:3+, Sk:1, So:1, Spk:4+, SR:8, T:+, Thr:21, Tr:2, Trk:16, TS:1, U:2+, Up:22, Up_i:7, UpC:12, UR:3+, USP:24, W:43; am:+, am_k:+, aqd:+, bb6:10, ca:2, cm:7, crk:11, ct:3, g_e:1, gq_uk:8, hc_d:1, hp:3, ipr:+, it:1, mc_u:8, pf_k:+, pi:5, nt:+, sjm:3, smh:+, so_k:3, sp:5+, st:1, tm:4, ug:13, v_ab:+, vnf:2, xhs:1, yh:2 -- PJ:7-429-35, TH:B
- Weyes Blood: Titanic Rising (Sub Pop) {275}: 405:+, Am_s:10, AV:5+, B:+, BIB:4, BV:1, C:47, Cl:+, CS:26+, D:4, DJ:42, Dr:33, E_UK:+, Ex:8+, Fld:1+, FO:30, G:10, GB:12, GC:38, Gf:5, Gg:7, Gg_p:12, Got:14, GTV:20+, Hil:12, HV:14, I:9+, Id:5, LBF:11+, LCA:4, LQ:21, LR:2, Mc:2, Mg:5, Mj:13+, MM:1, Ms:11, Mx:27, N:20, Ne:12+, Ni:27, NME:9+, No:47, Noj:47, NPR:14, NR:2+, NT:6, O:+, P:1+, Pc:77, Pf:9+, Pf_r:4, PM:38+, PO:+, PW:29, Q:7+, Rf_k:42, RM:76, RS:+, RT:2, RY:2, Sb:1, SC:+, Sg:17, Sk:10+, Sl:18, Spk:10, SR:18, Thr:12, TMT:+, Tr:11, Trk:4, TS:8, U:1+, Up:4, Up_sh:2, Up_i:1, UpC:7, UR:2+, VMP:+, YF:13; am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, dbu:+, diy:+, do:+, dtm:4, ec:+, g_e:5, gcn:3, gl:++, imp:+, ju:+, lib:+, lv_c:4, lv_v:2, mc_u:3, now:7+, npr_ct:3, npr_rh:6, npr_th:3, nt:+, p_i:1, pf_k:+, ptr:1, sl:+, sp:4+, st:8, ust:+, v:+, vti:8, wo:8, xrr:9, yjl:29 -- PJ:5-472-40, MT:B-, TH:B-
- Purple Mountains: Purple Mountains (Drag City) {274}: Alt:66, AS:+, AU:29, Bc:6, BIB:1, BS:3, BV:4, CM:13, CP:59, CS:23+, Dr:1, DW:62, Ex:7+, FO:9, G:45+, Got:2, GTV:22, Hil:19, HV:12, LBF:31+, LCA:23, LQ:4+, LR:11, Mc:15, Mg:14, Mj:9+, MM:27, N:7, Ne:31+, No:13, Noj:30, NR:+, NT:2, P:16+, Pc:47, Pf:10+, Pf_r:11, PM:10, PO:2, PW:12, Q:39+, Rf_k:5, RM:38, RS:37, RSh:11, RT:18, Rx:4, RY:12, S:2, Sb:6, SC:1+, Sg:3, Sl:7, So:9, Spk:7, Tr:19, Trk:48, TS:+, U:3+, Up:15, Up_sh:1, Up_i:5, UpC:4, UR:11+, USP:29, W:16, XJS:11, YF:10; am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, ca:7, cp_f:1, crk:1, dc:+, do:+, hc_d:7, ih:+, imp:+, it:4, la_w:8, lv_w:9, nap:+, now:3+, npr_bb:18, npr_oh:1, ns:1, p_i:7, pf_k:+, pi:1, ri:3, sl:++, tm:6, v_ab:+, vcwi:1, vew:3, vmt:1, vse:2, wil:+, xbw:2, xgm:9, xjd:4, xjdc:8, xjh:+, xjl:2, xjm:3, xmb:3, xmr:3, xsa:4, xscw:3, xsp:1, xtj:2, xwb:8, yps:+ -- PJ:1-1608-129, MT:A+, RC:A, TH:***
- Lizzo: Cuz I Love You (Nice Life/Atlantic) {269}: Al:33, Alt:12, AV:+, BB:4, BP:20, Bq:18, Ch:19, Cl:+, Cmp:+, Cos:+, CP:30, CS:7+, DJ:7, DJB:28, DW:6, E:+, EW:3+, Ex:+, FB:50, Fld:+, FO:10, Fp:14, G:28, GC:21, Gf:8, Gf_D:8, Gg:13, Gg_h:9, Gg_p:3, Gg_r:7, GMA:5, GTV:+, Gw:6+, HDX:+, Hil:16, HS:+, HV:33, I:44+, LBF:+, Mc:35, Mj:27, MO:3, Mx:31, MuH:4, NBH:29, NDO:7, Ne:20+, Ni:29, NME:16+, NPR:+, NR:26, O:+, Oo:10, P:9+, PB:3, PCr:16, Pf_r:30, PM:54, PO:+, Ps:29, Qt:23, Rf:39, RM:21, RS:6+, RSh:5, RT:86, Rx:30, Sk:3+, Sl:+, SR:15, T:+, Trk:37, TS:+, U:48, Up:8, Up_p:4, UpC:15, UR:44, USP:1, VF:50, WHP:4, XJS:8, YF:6, YW:6; am:++, am_p:+, am_r:+, app:+, bb6:+, diy:+, ex_s:3, fu:7, g_e:4, gl:++, gq_uk:6, hc_g:4, ih:+, ipr:+, les:7, man:1, mc_u:15, mg_h:2, mpr:1, npr_st:3, npr_kt:2, npr_rd:6, otw:+, owh:3, p:2, p_p:5, pir:+, pm_h:13, pm_p:7, ptr:2, sjm:5, smh:+, so_d:1, stm:5, tbt:4, tl:1, tm:2, usw:3, v:+, vew:2, vrj:6, vrjs:2, xbw:9, xgh:3, xls:8, xrm:3, xsa:10, xsp:10, xxl:+, yh:4, yjl:7, yrh:+ -- PJ:4-582-54, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow (Jagjaguwar) {265}: 405:+, Al:7, Am_s:22, AS:++, AU:19, AV:18+, BB:28, Bc:29, BP:2, Bq:+, BV:3, C:+, Ch:+, Cl:17+, CP:31, CS:2+, DJ:10, Dr:59, E:+, E_UK:+, Ec:6, EW:+, Ex:5+, Fld:+, FO:4, Fp:1, G:4+, Gf:7, Gf_D:9, Gg:8, Gg_i:1, Got:6, Gw:37, Hil:13, HV:+, I:26+, LBF:16+, LCA:20, LQ:+, Mc:17, Mg:21, Mj:24+, MM:29, MO:9+, Ms:38, Mx:20, NBH:7, Ni:23, NME:29+, No:17, NPR:6, NR:3+, NT:15, O:+, P:3+, PA:+, Pc:18, Pf:32+, Pf_r:14, PM:12+, Ps:22, Q:13+, Qt:77, Rf:10, Rf_k:33, RM:16, RS:27+, RSh:8, RT:30, Rx:73, Sb:18, SC:7+, Sg:+, Sk:+, So:3, Spk:+, T:+, Thr:7, Tr:23, TS:4, U:17, Up:38, Up_sh:25, Up_i:10, UpC:8, UR:7+, USP:22, VMP:+, WHP:7, XJS:12, YV:30; am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, bb6:+, bw:+, clt_t:3, ct:5, d:+, diy:+, do:+, ec:+, em:+, fa:+, gcn:9, gl:+++, hs:+, it:3, ju:+, mpr:9, nap:+, now:+, npr_ct:1, npr_kt:9, npr_lm:9, npr_ml:+, npr_rd:2, npr_rh:1, p_i:3, pf_k:+, smh:+, so_d:9, so_k:5, st:4, stm:8, tm:10, vma:9, xjc:6, yrh:+ -- PJ:6-441-40, RC:A-, MT:***, TH:*
- Angel Olsen: All Mirrors (Jagjaguwar) {259}: 405:+, Al:1, Am_s:14, AS:++, AV:13, BB:15, Bc:37, BS:19, BV:10, C:6+, Cl:25, Cpu:12, CS:4+, DJ:12, Dr:6, E:+, E_UK:+, Ex:2+, F:+, Fld:4, FO:17, Fp:8, G:6+, GB:32, Gg:6, Gg_i:4, GMA:33, Got:9, GTV:+, I:45+, L4:8, LBF:7+, LCA:14, LQ:22+, LR:63, Mc:6, Mg:6, Mj:40+, MM:22, MO:7, Ms:12, Mx:15, N:24, NBH:2, NME:24+, No:25, NoD:8, Noj:48, NPR:2, NR:20, NT:10, Oo:9, P:2+, Pc:41, Pf:4+, Pf_r:5, PM:8, Q:10+, Rf:1, Rf_k:20, RM:10, RS:14+, RSh:16, RT:3, RY:14, S:4, Sb:25, SC:13+, Sg:2, Sk:3+, Sl:+, SoG:43, Spk:13, Thr:11, TMT:+, Tr:1, TS:+, U:26, Up:11, Up_i:4, UpC:6, UR:1+, USP:29, VMP:+, WHP:29, YF:17; am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, diy:+, do:+, gl:++, hc_d:8, imp:+, kc:9, les:8, lv_c:1, mc_u:10, mtv:+, now:5+, npr_bb:3, npr_lm:4, npr_nc:6, npr_rd:9, nt:+, p_i:2, pf_k:+, pm_k:3, pta:+, sl:+, wsj:+ -- PJ:2-660-64, TH:*
- Vampire Weekend: Father of the Bride (Columbia) {235}: Al:18, Alt:34, Atw:+, AV:+, B:+, BB:11, BP:21, Bq:+, BV:6, Ch:+, Cl:+, Cmp:33, CP:47, CS:8+, DJ:26, DW:13, E:+, E_UK:+, EW:1+, Ex:14+, Fld:17+, FO:48, G:13+, GC:13, Gf_D:14, Gg:5, Gg_i:2, Gg_p:7, GMA:12, GTV:9, Gw:+, Hil:11, HV:+, I:32+, L4:18, LR:64, Mg:24, Mj:66+, MO:16, MuH:5, Mx:8, N:99, NAO:4, NBH:30, NDO:1, NME:12+, NT:8, O:+, Oo:7, P:20+, PA:+, Pf:25+, Pf_r:7, Ps:36, Q:28+, RS:7+, SC:6+, Sg:5, Sk:+, Sl:6, T:+, Thr:1, TS:10, U:40, Up:40, Up_sh:11, Up_i:11, UpC:5, UR:16+, USP:5, VMP:+, WHP:28, XJS:33, YF:1; am:++, am_i:+, atl:+, bb6:+, bw:+, clt_g:6, d:+, diy:+, ec:+, g_e:3, gq:+, gq_uk:5, hc_d:10, hcw:+, hs:+, ih:+, imp:+, la_w:6, mc_u:9, mcl:4, mpr:7, npr_rd:4, nt:+, owh:5, p_i:8, pf_k:+, ptr:9, rx:+, sjm:10, sl:+, sp:+, st:10, tbt:7ust:8, usw:4, v:+, v_ab:4, v_cw:+, vse:2, vu:3, xmr:7, xrm:10, xrr:3, xscw:+, xtj:9, yh:+, yjb:1, yjl:21 -- PJ:28-192-20, RC:B+, MT:B+, TH:**
- Big Thief: UFOF (4AD) {226}: 405:+, Alt:38, Am_s:3, AS:+, BB:+, BV:11, C:22, Ch:24, Cl:+, CP:9, Crh:17, CS:13, DJ:9, Dr:4, DW:47, Ex:11+, Fld:+, FO:8, Fp:+, G:25+, GB:3, Gf_D:16, Gg:12, Gg_i:3, Got:3, GTV:1+, Hil:4, HV:9, I:39+, LBF:+, LCA:18, LQ:31+, LR:65, Mc:13, Mg:3, Mj:22+, MM:2, MO:27+, N:30, NBH:3, Ni:3, No:8, NPR:+, NR:9, O:+, Oo:6, P:24+, Pc:38, Pf:3+, Pf_r:6, PM:9+, Q:19+, Rf_k:2, RM:25, RS:+, Rx:55, Sb:2, Sg:4, Sk:7+, Sl:20, SoG:40, Spk:3, Tr:17, U:9, Up:6, Up_i:2, UpC:16, UR:9+, VMP:+, XJS:29, YF:38; 3v:7, am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, bw:+, crk:25, gcn:4, gl:+, hs:+, imp:+, npr_bb:2, jfkz:+, nt:+, owh:10, p_i:9, pf_k:+, pm_f:5, ti:3, v:+, v_ja:9, vew:4, vmt:10, xbw:4, xjc:7, xjd:+, xrm:8, xwb:7, yjl:14, yrh:4 -- PJ:14-305-34, RC:A-, MT:A, TH:A-
- Little Simz: Grey Area (Age 101) {224}: Al:26, AV:14+, Bq:6, BV:12, C:12, Cl:3+, CM:15, Cmp:20, CP:20, CS:21+, CX:9, DJB:5, DJM:17, Dr:40, Du:3, DW:30, Ex:+, Fp:13, G:14+, GB:28, GC:11, Gf:15, Gg:14, Gg_h:16, Gw:2, HG:11, Hil:1, HS:+, I:3+, LBF:1+, LQ:3, Mc:3, Mix:13, MM:39, Ms:14, Mx:48, N:33, Ne:6+, Ni:7, NME:5+, No:5, NPR:+, NR:8+, O:+, Oo:14, Pc:9, Pf:+, Pf_r:27, PM:11, PO:1, Q:4+, Qt:+, RM:2, RT:4, Rx:35, RY:6, SC:+, So:8, Tr:46, Trk:27, TS:9, U:54, Up:+, Up_h:24, UpC:44.UR:100, VF:10, VMP:+, W:12, XJS:16, YW:4; am:++, am_h:+, bb6:5, clt_l:8, cmp:4, diy:+, ex_h:5, imp:+, les:4, npr_oh:8, npr_r:+, p_h:6, pm_h:5, rf_h:14, st:9, tsu:+, up:+, vzy:3, wo:10, xde:6, xjc:3, xjdc:7, xmr:5, xsa:3, xsp:4, xxl:+, yh:+, yjl:18 -- PJ:36-155-13, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
- Solange: When I Get Home (Saint/Columbia) {206}: Al:46, Atw:+, AU:13, AV:6+, BB:27, BP:7, BS:11, BV:21, C:18, Cl:14+, Cmp:15, Cos:+, CS:18+, D:9, DJ:15, DJB:25, DS:+, E:+, E_UK:+, EW:+, Ex:+, F:+, Fld:+, FO:34, G:19, GC:18, Gf:17, Gg:9, Gg_r:1, GTV:5+, HDX:+, Hil:20, HS:+, I:22+, LCA:37, LR:28, Mc:7, Mix:36, Mj:17+, MO:31, MuH:15, N:19, NBH:26, NDO:13, Ni:11, NME:14+, No:39, Noj:8, NPR:4, Okp:5, P:25+, PAM:+, Pap:11, Pc:22, Pf:5+, Pf_r:10, PM:62+, PO:+, Ps:19, Q:20, Qt:27, RM:36, RS:+, SC:11+, Sg:46, Sk:9+, So:5, Spk:26, Tr:8, U:60, Up:39, UpC:14, UR:29, USP:17, VF:5, VMP:+, W:23, WHP:14, YF:5; afk:+, am:+, am_r:+, aqd:+, bg_j:8, bw:+, dbu:+, do:+, diy:+, ex_s:2, fa:+, fu:2, gq:+, gq_uk:9, hc_d:2, hc_g:7, hcw:+, hdx_r:10, jrw:7, ju:+, la_w:1, now:4+, npr_rc:7, npr_sm:3, pir:+, pm_s:10, so_d:+, ta:+, ti:2, vib:+, vti:1, vu:2, wi:+, wo:2, xbf:8, yh:+ -- PJ:93-80-7, TH:*
- Fontaines DC: Dogrel (Partisan) {181}: Atw:+, AU:30, Bq:12, C:40, Cl:6+, CM:12, Crh:1, DJ:22, Dr:80, Du:19, DW:39, Ex:+, FB:9, FO:18, G:22+, Gg:29, Gg_i:26, GTV:3+, Gw:7+, Hil:6, I:33, L4:1, LBF:8+, LCA:8, LQ:28+, LR:5, Mc:20, Mg:2, Mj:6+, MM:21, MO:29+, Ms:16, NBH:9, NDO:9, Ni:16, NME:7+, No:45, NPR:+, NR:+, NT:1, Oo:4, P:14+, Pc:28, Pf:+, Pf_r:35, PM:4, Q:8+, Rf_k:25, RM:6, RT:1, Sg:10, Sk:+, Trk:3, U:34, UpC:47, Ups:4+, UR:45+, YV:43; 3v:4, 53:+, aqd:+, bb6:1, bw:+, ca:10, crk:26, d:+, diy:+, gl:+++, hp:1, imp:+, les:6, nt:+, p_k:2, pm_k:1, sl:+, so_k:+, xls:3, xwb:2, ypg:8 -- PJ:10-356-34, TH:***
- Brittany Howard: Jaime (ATO) {178}: AS:+, AV:12, BB:17, Bc:18, BS:2, Cl:39+, Cpu:1, CS:19+, DJ:23, EW:6, Ex:13+, Fp:+, G:32+, Gg:19, Gw:21+, Hil:17, I:27+, LCA:22, LQ:+, Mc:10, Mg:13, Mj:11+, Ms:17, MuH:8, Mx:29, N:79, NoD_r:49, NPR:1, NR:21+, P:6+, Pf:12+, Pf_r:37, PM:37, Q:36+, RS:15+, RT:84, Sg:45, Sl:24, Thr:15, TS:6, U:20+, Up:23, Up_sh:19, Up_i:8, UpC:18, UR:35, USP:23, WHP:1, YF:9; afk:+, am_k:+, aqd:+, bb6:8, bh:5, clt_l:2, clt_t:6, ct:14, diy:+, ec:+, g_e:7, gl:+++, hc_d:3, hc_g:2, ipr:+, jrmi:+, kc:1, mpr:6, npr_nc:5, npr_jg:7, npr_jh:1, npr_lo:1, npr_rc:4, ns:3, ny_p:2, p:10, pf_k:+, pi:2, pm_s:6, sl:++, smh:+, sp:+, st:6, stm:4, tl:5, ust:9, vcm:1, vcwi:8, vew:8, vrjs:5, vu:5, wsj:+, xjh:+, xscw:+, yh:10 -- PJ:19-245-25, TH:B
- Freddie Gibbs & Madlib: Bandana (Keep Cool/RCA) {173}: Al:14, Alt:37, AU:5, AV:4+, Bq:+, BV:33, C:24, Cl:24, Cmp:2, CS:12+, DJB:3, DW:7, Ex:+, FO:42, G:+, GB:11, GC:3, Gf:22, Gg:27, Gg_h:8, HDX:1+, HG:1, HNH:1, HS:+, LBF:40+, LQ:30+, Mc:11, Mgn:17, Mx:7, N:57, Ne:25+, NME:+, No:16, Noj:25, NR:29+, NT:11, Okp:2, P:+, Pc:63, Pf:+, Pf_r:22, PO:9, PW:5, Q:+, Rf:6, RS:+, RY:3, S:6, SC:+, Sg:30, Sk:+, Sl:14, Spk:+, SR:2, Thr:18, TMT:+, Tr:16, Up:29, Up_h:12, UpC:17, UR:52, USP:18, VF:38, VMP:+, W:32; am:++, am_h:+, bg_b:3, do:+, ex_h:3, hyb:+, imp:+, mg_h:1, npr_bc:2, npr_r:+, p_h:10, pm_h:9, rs_h:13, rtv:2, sg_r:7, sp:+, v_ab:3, vib:+, vu:6, wi:+, xxl:+ -- PJ:66-101-11, MT:***, TH:A-
- Big Thief: Two Hands (4AD) {166}: 405:+, Alt:38, BV:11, Ch:18, Cl:+, CP:17, Cpu:4, CS:+, Dr:4, Ex:11+, Fld:9, Fp:4, G:37+, GB:3, Gg:31, Gg_h:7, Got:3, Hil:10, I:5+, Joe:7, LBF:+, LCA:7, LQ:+, LR:83, Mc:22, Mj:+, MM:8, Ms:22, N:30, NBH:17, Ni:3, NR:4+, NT:12, O:+, Oo:12, P:4+, Pf:13+, Pf_r:9, PM:+, PO:+, RM:25, RS:17, RT:25, Rx:14, S:1, Sb:8, Sk:2+, Sl:+, SoG:17, Spk:46, Up_i:15, UpC:31, UR:15, WHP:15, XJS:28; aqd:+, clt_t:2, crk:25, diy:+, jfkz:+, gcn:4, imp:+, nap:+, npr_bb:1, npr_k:+, npr_ml:+, npr_st:10, nt:+, owh:10, p_i:4, pf_k:+, pm_f:6, pm_k:4, pta:+, sl:+, stm:1, v_ja:9, wsj:+, xjdc:6 -- PJ:13-327-30, RC:A-, TH:**
- Ariana Grande: Thank U Next (Republic) {166}: Atw:+, AV:+, BB:1, Cl:40, Cmp:3, Cos:+, CP:66, CS:5+, DS:+, Du:15, DW:9, E:+, EW:+, G:16+, GB:+, GC:7, Gf_D:11, Gg:18, Gg_p:5, Gg_r:6, GTV:+, HS:+, HV:3, I:42+, Id:14, LBF:+, Mc:18, MO:38+, MuH:1, Ne:27+, NME:30+, P:27, PA:+, PB:4, PCr:6, Pf:29, Pf_r:21, Ps:10, Q:46, Qt:+, RS:1+, RSh:14, SC:+, Sg:34, T:+, Thr:35, TMT:+, Up:2, Up_h:2, UpC:13, USP:4, VMP:+, YF:24; am:++, am_p:+, asp:7, fu:9, gq:+, gq_uk:2, ju:+, man:6, mc_u:6, mcl:9, mqw:6, mtv:+, now:+, npr_jg:1, npr_lm:5, ny_c:11, otw:+, p:1, p_p:7, sl:+, ti:+, ust:+, usw:2, v:+, v_cw:9, vcm:3, vu:+, xjl:5, xsp:3, yh:+, yjl:30, yrh:3 -- PJ:60-108-11, RC:***, MT:***, TH:**
- Jamila Woods: Legacy! Legacy! (Jagjaguwar) {160}: Al:23, AV:3+, BB:36, Bc:7, BV:18, Cl:+, CM:54, CP:55, CS:3+, DJB:2, Dr:37, DW:34, E:+, Ex:+, Fld:13+, G:43+, GC:33, Gf:18, Gg:10, Gg_h:37, Gg_i:13, Gg_p:10, Hil:10, HV:1, LCA:34, LQ:+, Mc:5, Mj:68, Mx:32, N:51, NME:+, NPR:+, NR:+, O:+, Okp:12, P:30, Pap:19, Pc:74, Pf:11+, Pf_r:36, PM:6+, PO:3, RS:25+, Rx:50, SC:+, Sg:37, Sl:15+, Thr:22, Tr:15, Trk:44, Up:+, Up_p:25, UpC:25, UR:82+, VMP:+, YF:20; afk:+, am:++, am_r:+, ca:1, ct:1, em:+, ex_s:1, ljs:6, lv_p:5, npr_jh:7, pm_s:2, ri:8, sl:++, so_k:1, tbt:3, tl:9, v_ab:7, v_cw:+, v_ja:10, vcm:9, vcwi:10, vib:+, xde:7, xjd:2, ypg:10, yrh:5 -- PJ:22-221-23, RC:A-, MT:A, TH:A-
- Black Midi: Schlagenheim (Rough Trade) {148}: 405:+, Alt:53, C:38, Cl:5+, CM:31, Crh:4, CS:+, Dr:8, DW:26, Ex:16, FB:98, FO:3, Fp:7, G:38, Gg:49, Gg_i:32, GTV:+, Gw:31+, Hil:18, L4:5, LBF:+, LCA:12, LQ:16+, LR:33, Mj:8+, MO:8+, Ms:14, NBH:15, Ne:15+, NME:+, No:4, Noj:9, NR:42, NT:14, P:11+, Pc:83, Pf:+, Pf_r:19, PM:64, PO:+, Q:+, Qt:7, Rf_k:4, RM:5, RS:+, RT:5, Rx:17, RY:8, S:9, Sg:11, Spk:36, SR:4, TMT:+, Tr:14, Up_i:19, UpC:45, UR:30, VF:+, YV:33; 3v:11, 53:+, crk:16, gcn:+, gig:+, imp:+, nt:+, ny_p:9, p_k:1, pf_k:+, pta:+, vew:10, vma:5, wil:+, yjl:9 -- PJ:21-229-23, RC:A-, TH:**
- Dave: Psychodrama (Neighbourhood) {141}: Al:21, AV:16, Bq:+, Cl:7, Cmp:+, CX:1, DJB:4, DJM:11, FO:7, Fp:10, G:2+, GC:27, Gg:34, Gg_h:17, GTV:25, Gw:4, HG:48, Hil:2, HNH:19, HS:+, I:10+, L4:3, LBF:4+, LQ:15, Mc:+, Mgn:9, Mix:32, Mj:23, MO:18+, Ni:10, NME:17+, Noj:36, NR:48, O:+, PAM:+, Pf:+, PM:5+, PO:+, Q:14+, Qt:61, So:10, TS:2, U:36, VF:1, YW:16; am+, am_h:+, bc_h:+, ca:3, cmp:3, ct:12, diy:+, ec:+, gq_uk:1, les:3, mg_h:6, pm_h:1, sjm:9, so_k:+, st:2xsa:6, xxl:+, yh:+ -- MT:A-, TH:A-
- Michael Kiwanuka: Kiwanuka (Polydor) {141}: Al:6, AS:++, AU:4, Bq:8, Cl:9, Crh:18, DJ:16, Ex:+, G:12+, Gf:24, GMA:2, GTV:2+, Gw:5+, Hil:15, HV:25, I:18+, Joe:9, LBF:20+, Mc:4, Mg:1, Mj:21+, MM:83, MO:4, Ms:7, NBH:25, NME:8+, No:32, NR:11, Oo:5, Pc:70, PM:18, PO:+, Q:2+, RY:24, Sb:26, So:22, T:+, Trk:2, TS:+, U:31+, UR:34; afk:+, am:+, am_r:+, bb6:3, ca:9, ct:4, d:+, ec:+, ew_s:5, gl:+++, hc_d:6, ipr:+, jrw:11, kc:6, npr_rd:1, ny_u:8, pi:3, pm_s:1, ptr:7, so_d:10, so_k:4:tl:4, vib:+, wil:+, yh:9 -- PJ:26-202-16, TH:*
- Jenny Lewis: On the Line (Warner Bros) {130}: Al:34, AS:+, AV:15+, BB:+, CP:40, CS:38, DJ:47, DS:+, E_UK:+, EW:7+, Ex:15+, Fld:+, G:26, Gg:15, Gg_i:5, Gg_p:17, GMA:28, Got:25, GTV:+, Hil:+, HV:+, I:38+, Mc:24, Mj:12+, MO:+, NME:+, NoD_r:35, NPR:+, NR:14, O:+, P:12+, Pc:50, Pf:+, PM:20, PO:+, Ps:7, Q:45+, RM:89, RS:13+, Sb:10, Spk:+, SR:16, T:+, Thr:6, TS:+, U:18, Up:+, Up_sh:8, Up_i:21, UpC:9, UR:28+, USP:13, YF:8; am_k:+, aqd:+, cp_f:2, ct:16, diy:+, ec:+, em:+, fa:+, gcn:5, gl:++, ipr:+, mpr:3, npr_kt:10, lv_c:5, nt:+, p_i:10, pf_k:+, ri:9, sl:+, so_d:+, so_k:+, ust:+, v_cw:+, vu:+, xjh:+, yjl:28 -- PJ:43-141-15, RC:***, MT:***, TH:*
- Slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain (Method) {130}: BB:+, Bc:4, Bq:+, BV:27, C:+, Cl:12+, CS:27, D:3, DJB:30, DJM:2, Du:2, E_UK:+, FO:15, G:9+, GC:41, Gg:17, Gg_h:24, GTV:23+, Gw:13, HS:+, L4:13, LBF:9+, LQ:20+, LR:26, Mj:41+, MM:71, Ms:9, N:65, NBH:21, Ne:16+, Ni:9, NME:4+, NT:7, O:+, Pf:34+, Pf_r:40, PM:2+, PO:+, Q:11+, Qt:+, Rf_k:48, RM:8, RT:60, Rx:56, So:12, TS:+, UR:56, VF:28, VMP:+, YF:37, YW:25; 3v:8, am_h:+, bb6:+, bw:+, cmp:7, d:+, diy:+, dtm:10, ec:+, ex_h:8, gcn:+, gq_uk:10, hcw:+, hs:+, hyb:+, imp:+, mg_h:9, nt:+, otw:+, npr_q:+, pm_h:2, pta:+, rf_h:7, v:+, wo:9 -- TH:***
- Danny Brown: Uknowhatimsayin¿ (Warp) {129}: 405:+, Alt:41, BB:47, BV:36, C:+, Cl:15+, Cmp:9, CP:11, DJ:44, DJB:12, Du:49, DW:14, Fld:16, G:+, GB:26, GC:24, Gg:21, Gg_h:14, GMA:24, HDX:+, HG:30, HNH:3, HV:4, LBF:17+, LCA:42, LR:85, Mc:37, Mj:56+, NAO:48, Ne:34+, NME:+, No:26, NR:+, O:+, Okp:7, P:23+, Pf:48+, Pf_r:26, PO:19, PW:18, Q:+, Rf_k:46, RS:+, Rx:7, RY:9, SC:12+, Sg:40, Sk:+, Spk:33, Thr:27, Tr:3, Up:49, Up_h:17, UR:53, XJS:7; afk:+, am_h:+, aqd:+, bg_b:1, bl:8, do:+, ex_h:2, hyb:+, imp:+, mg_h:7, now:8, p_h:1, rf_h:6, tsu:+, vib:+, xgh:9, xjdc:5, xscw:8, xsp:2, xtj:10, yrh:6 -- PJ:51-118-15, RC:A, TH:***
- Bon Iver: i,i (Jagjaguwar) {125}: Al:50, AS:+, Cl:+, Crh:19, CS:17+, DJ:18, E_UK:+, EW:+, Ex:12+, Fld:+, FO:13, Fp:+, GC:31, Gf:14, Gf_D:4, Gg:36, Gg_i:16, Gw:24+, LCA:48, LQ:+, LR:13, Mgn:4, Mj:47+, Ms:8, MuH:13, N:16, NBH:6, NDO:6, Ni:6, NME:33+, No:34, NR:+, O:+, P:31, Pc:78, Pf:16+, Pf_r:8, Q:22+, Rf:33, RM:33, RS:21, SC:+, Sg:39, Sl:+, So:11, Spk:50+, T:+, Thr:14, Tr:40, U:15, Up_sh:15, Up_i:3, UpC:20, UR:38, USP:12, VMP:+, YF:3; aqd:+, clt_g:1, diy:+, gig:+, gq:+, hcw:+, hs:+, hyb:+, jfkz:+, mpr:8, nap:+, npr_st:6, nt:+, ny_p:6, pf_k:+, sp:+, ti:7, wsj:+ -- PJ:75-94-9, TH:B
- Aldous Harding: Designer (4AD) {117}: Am_s:25, BB:+, Bc:21, BIB:2, BV:23, Cl:30+, DJ:11, Dr:28, Ex:+, FO:6, Fp:5, G:24+, GB:9, GTV:4+, I:1+, Id:12, LBF:12+, LQ:2, LR:40, Mc:8, Mj:5+, MM:4, Ms:30, Ni:32, NME:+, NoD:11, NPR:5, NT:17, O:+, Oo:19, P:+, Pc:61, Pf:39+, Pf_r:49, Q:3+, RM:11, RS:+, RT:45, Sb:7, SC:+, Sk:+, Tr:41, Trk:38, U:23, UR:23+; am:++, am_i:+, diy:+, ex_c:4, g_e:9, gl:+++, lib:+, npr_bb:5, npr_jg:6, npr_oh:10, npr_th:5, wil:+ -- PJ:16-287-26, TH:B
- Taylor Swift: Lover (Republic) {116}: Al:28, Alt:25, AV:+, BB:3, BP:24, Ch:7, CP:19, DW:52, E_UK:+, EW:+, Fld:15, G:27, GC:8, Gg:32, Gg_e:32, Gg_p:4, GMA:6, HV:24, I:19+, MO:22, MuH:12, NME:41+, Pap:20, PB:18, PCr:1, Pf_r:34, Ps:30, Q:35, Rf:41, RS:4+, Rx:42, RSh:1, T:+, TS:+, Up:25, Up_p:7, UpC:11, USP:3, XJS:19, YBN:31; am_p:+, app:+, fa:+, ih:+, la_w:10, lv_v:8, mc_u:7, mcl:5, mtv:+, ny_c:14, p_p:12, sl:+, stm:7, ta:+, tm:7, p_3, usw:7, v_ab:+, v_cw:1, yjb:3, yrh:1 -- PJ:69-98-8, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Julia Jacklin: Crushing (Polyvinyl) {112}: 405:+, Atw:+, AU:1, B:+, C:33, Cl:+, CP:2, CS:40+, DJ:3, Dr:69, E_UK:+, FO:2, GB:16, GTV:24+, I:12+, LBF:+, LQ:6+, Mc:25, Mj:+, MM:62, MO:+, N:+, Ni:4, NME:+, NoD:19, Noj:3, O:+, Oo:16, P:8+, Pf_r:46, Q:+, RM:12, RS:+, RT:83, Sb:4, Sk:5+, T:+, Spk:+, U:12+, UpC:34, UR:18, VMP:+, WHP:2; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ca:4, ct:13, d:+, diy:+, ju:+, now:+, nt:+, p_i:5, pf_k:+, pir:+, pm_f:15, smh:+, so_k:+, tm:5 -- PJ:130-61-7, MT:**, TH:B
- The Highwomen: The Highwomen (Elektra) {111}: AS:+, BB:8, BP:26, BS:12, CP:60, CS:33+, E:+, EW:4, Gg_c:38, GMA:38, HV:10, Mg:15, Mx:18, Ne:44+, NoD:2, NoD_r:2, P:22+, PM:68, Rf:2, RS:10+, RS_c:4, So:18, Spk:27, UpC:19, USP:8, VMP:+, XJS:5, YF:26; am:+, am_c:+, atl:+, b:1, ex_c:2, ih:+, ipr:+, ljs:+, mpr:4, npr_st:1, ns:2, owh:2, p_c:1, pm_c:1, scm:+, sg_c:1, sln:+, spt:1, tl:3, usw:5, v_cw:1, vcm:8, vti:5, vu:8, yjl:4 -- PJ:31-179-18, TH:B
- The National: I Am Easy to Find (4AD) {111}: Al:16, Alt:13, AS:+, AV:20+, B:+, Ch:+, Cl:+, Crh:14, DJ:20, DW:73, Ex:+, Fld:+, FO:40, G:+, Gg:25, Gg_i:15, Got:7, HV:16, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mg:9, Mj:+, MO:14, MuH:23, NBH:1, Ni:12, NME:+, Noj:18, NPR:+, NR:12+, P:50+, Pc:62, Pf_r:18, PM:28+, Q:+, RM:54, RS:30+, RT:73, SC:18+, Sg:+, Sk:6+, Sl:+, Spk:20+, Tr:36, U:27, Up:20, Up_i:6, UpC:23, UR:24+, USP:34, XJS:35; clt_f:3, diy:+, em:+, gl:+, ih:+, ipr:+, nt:+, p_i:17, sp:+, xhs:4, xrr:4, xwb:1 -- PJ:40-147-14, RC:A-, TH:**
- Bruce Springsteen: Western Stars (Columbia) {110}: Al:8, AS:+, BB:30, Cl:+, Crh:29, CS:50+, Dr:36, E:+, EW:10+, Fld:22, Fp:+, G:+, Gg:16, Got:20, GTV:+, I:4+, L:9, Mc:31, Mj:3+, MM:69, MO:+, NDO:17, NME:+, NoD_r:4, NPR:+, NR:50+, O:+, PM:+, PR:17, Q:23+, RS:22+, RSh:18, Sl:13, T:+, Tr:24, Trk:15, TS:+, U:7, Up:35, UpC:48, UR:+, USP:9, XJS:9; am_k:+, app:+, gl:+++, hp:4, ljs:2, mg_s:1, npr_lo:5, pm_a:6, scm:+, sl:+, sln:+, sp:+, ucr:1, v:+, v_cw:+, vrj:10, vrjs:6, vu:+, xhs:9, yh:7, yjb:8, yjl:15 -- PJ:27-198-19, RC:*, MT:B-, TH:B-
- Kris Davis: Diatom Ribbons (Pyroclastic) {109}: CM:34, JC:1, JT:5, NPR:23, PO:+; aaj:+, bg_g:1, db:+, ei:2, fd:4, jad:4, jadh:8, jd:2, jdbs:9, jdg:2, jdr:2, jhm:1, jjc:1, jjh:8, jjha:1, jjm:6, jjsh:3, jjwd:7, jka:3, jkc:8, jla:1, jlbi:10, jmc:1, jmj:3, jmju:5, jmk:2, jmks:8, jmu:1, jnt:5, jpm:5, jrd:5, jrg:3, jrsc:2, jsf:1, jsg:1, jsp:9, jtc:2, jtd:3, la_b:3, nat:3, npr_nc:1, ny_u:1, ph:10, pm_j:+, vrjs:3, jsw:4, vwl:1, ycy:7 -- TH:***
- Denzel Curry: Zuu (Loma Vista) {107}: Alt:36, Atw:+, AV:+, BS:13, BV:39, Cl:27+, Cmp:19, CP:41, CS:34, DJB:6, DW:4, Fld:8+, GC:19, Gg:30, Gg_h:12, HDX:7+, HNH:10, HS:+, Joe:2, LR:7, Mix:+, Ms:20, MuH:18, N:4, Ne:37+, Ni:20, NME:35+, P:49, Pf:36+, Pf_r:42, PO:+, Rf_k:15, RM:87, Sg:18, Tr:6, Up:14, Up_h:5, UpC:41, YF:16; afk:+, am:++, am_h:+, bw:+, ex_h:6, gcn:+, hcw:+, imp:+, p_h:2, rf_h:3, tsu:+, vnf:4, xbf:+, xrc:10, xscw:+, xsp:6, xxl:+, yh:+, yjl:19, yrh:9 -- PJ:144-57-7, TH:**
- Thom Yorke: Anima (XL) {105}: 405:+, AU:35, Bq:+, BV:17, Cl:+, Crh:21, CS:+, Dr:22, E:+, E_UK:+, EW:8, Fld:+, FO:12, Gf_D:3, GMA:23, I:+, Joe:8, LBF:+, LCA:11, LQ:+, LR:78, Mc:33, Mix:23, Mj:25+, MM:26, Ms:29, Mx:23, NBH:41, Ni:37, NME:+, Noj:31, NR:+, O:+, P:+, Pc:40, Pf:40+, PM:57+, Q:25+, Rf_k:35, RM:9, RS:+, RT:93, SC:16, Sl:4+, So:24, Spk:+, T:+, Tr:22, Trk:29, TS:+, Up_sh:20, UR:4+, USP:29, YF:18; 3v:9, aaj:+, aqd:+, cm:5, ex_e:3, hp:8, hyb:+, ipr:+, jfkz:+, kc:3, man:10, mc_u:13, nap:+, now:+, nt:+, pm_e:25, sp:+, ust:10, vu:+, xlr:+ -- PJ:124-65-8, TH:B-
- Better Oblivion Community Center: Better Oblivion Community Center (Dead Oceans) {103}: Alt:16, BB:34, Bq:+, BV:15, Ch:+, Cl:+, CS:25+, Ex:8+, Fld:14+, GTV:13+, HV:31, I:+, LBF:10+, MO:+, N:52, NAO:10, NBH:24, NDO:3, Ni:30, NME:+, NR:24, NT:3, P:18+, Pf_r:32, PO:+, Rf_k:39, RM:97, RS:+, Sb:12, Sg:33, Sk:+, SoG:15, Spk:+, Thr:32, U:74, Up:43, Up_i:13, UpC:26, UR:48+, WHP:6; bh:1, bw:+, clt_f:9, clt_t:4, diy:+, do:+, imp:+, ipr:+, now:+, npr_bb:4, npr_k:+, owh:1, p_i:6, pm_f:12, sl:++, sp:+, stm:9, ti:+, vcwi:3 -- PJ:25-203-19, RC:**, MT:**, TH:*
- Matana Roberts: Coin Coin Chapter Four: Memphis (Constellation) {103}: ACL:2, BIW:3, CM:52, Gf:19, JC:8, JW:16, Ne:8+, Pf:+, PO:+, Qt:98, RY:28, SC:15+, So:19, Spk:24, W:17; acl_x:+, am:++, am_j:+, aqd:+, bc_j:+, bg_g:7, db:+, ei:6, fj:1+, hep:8, jap:1, jdbs:10, jdku:1, jgm:7, jha:4, jin:1, jjm:2, jkb:1, jlbi:3, jlre:4, jmsc:1, jpm:4, jrw:2, jse:6, jssm:4, jwk:9, la_b:5, nb:5, npr_nc:10, pf_x:+, pm_v:2, sg_j:8, tr_j:+, vew:5, vjo:3, vmw:3, xce:4, ycy:5 -- PJ:65-102-9, TH:***
- Carly Rae Jepsen: Dedicated (604/School Boy/Interscope) {101}: Al:10, Atw:+, BB:20, BP:17, Ch:+, Cl:+, CM:50, Cmp:+, Ex:19+, Fld:20, G:+, GC:+, Gg_p:13, Gg_r:10, GMA:34, GTV:+, I:+, Id:13, LBF:+, MO:48+, MuH:+, NME:+, Ni:+, NPR:+, P:7+, Pf_r:25, PM:+, Qt:+, Rf:18, RS:+, RY:27, Sk:+, Sl:5, Trk:26, Up:46, Up_p:14, UpC:35, VMP:+, WHP:22, YF:11; am:++, am_p:+, atl:+, bg_j:1, bh:6, clt_g:5, dbu:+, gq:+, hc_g:10, ju:+, mu:1, npr_ml:+, npr_st:4, npr_kt:6, p_p:1, pm_p:6, sl:+, otw:+, owh:7, p:9, ust:+, v_ab:10, vcm:7, vnf:3, xrc:8, yh:+ -- PJ:76-93-8, TH:***
- Rapsody: Eve (Roc Nation) {100}: Al:20, AU:40, BB:29, BS:1, BV:22, Cl:35, Cmp:44, CP:23, DJ:39, DJB:14, DW:12, G:+, GC:15, Gg_h:7, GMA:9, HDX:2+, HG:2, HV:19, I:13+, LBF:33, Mc:+, Ne:50, Okp:11, Pf:+, PM:19, PO:5, Q:+, RS:42+, Rx:37, Up:9, Up_h:2, UpC:39, VMP:+; am:++, am_h:+, asp:5, bg_b:8, clt_l:6, hc_g:8, nat:4, npr_r:+, pm_h:3, rs_h:14, rtv:1, stm:10, vib:+, vzy:10, xde:8, xrc:4, xxl:+, yrh:+ -- PJ:68-99-12, RC:A-, TH:***
- (Sandy) Alex G: House of Sugar (Domino) {98}: 405:+, Alt:7, AS:+, C:+, CS:46+, Dr:76, DW:50, E:+, Ex:4+, Fld:10, FO:32, G:44, Gg:35, Gg_i:24, Got:10, Gw:42, L4:10, LBF:14+, LQ:+, LR:42, Mc:19, MM:15, MO:36+, Ms:19, N:3, NBH:22, NDO:8, NME:+, No:14, NR:6+, NT:13, P:29, Pf:17+, Pf_r:16, Q:+, Rf_k:7, RT:35, RY:26, Sg:6, Sk:+, SoG:32, TMT:+, Tr:13, UpC:49, UR:64, VMP:+, YF:35; am_i:+, crk:5, dc:+, gq:+, imp:+, npr_ml:+, p_i:13, pf_k:+, pi:7, vgb:1 -- PJ:71-95-9, TH:B
- James Blake: Assume Form (Polydor) {97}: Al:36, Atw:+, AU:3, AV:+, B:+, BP:5, Cl:18, Cmp:27, CS:+, DJ:6, DJB:35, E_UK:+, EW:+, Ex:+, G:31+, GC:37, Gf_D:7, Gg_i:31, Gg_p:18, GTV:+, I:8+, Joe:18, LCA:41, LR:4, Mgn:23, Mj:+, MO:+, MuH:17, NBH:34, Ni:13, NME:22+, NPR:+, Oo:8, Pf_r:23, Ps:37, Q:43+, Rf_k:22, Sg:+, Sk:+, Spk:40+, T:+, Tr:13, TS:+, Up:+, WHP:25; 3v:1, asp:10, bb6:+, clt_l:10, cmp:5, diy:+, fa:+, gig:+, hs:+, ju:+, les:10, now:10+, nt:+, pir:+, ra:+, ti:10, ust:5, yh:+ -- PJ:110-72-5, TH:B-
- The Comet Is Coming: Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery (Impulse!) {97}: Atw:+, Bq:+, BV:45, C:15, Cl:+, CP:13, Cpu:5, Crh:8, Dr:10, Fp:12, G:+, GTV:+, JC:+, LBF:+, LQ:10+, Mix:11, Mj:4+, Ne:21+, No:23, O:+, PAM:+, PO:+, Q:+, Qt:22, RM:7, RT:10, RY:18, So:2, Spk:47, SR:20, Tr:26, Trk:11, U:4, VMP:+; aaj:+, am:+, am_j:+, bb6:4, ct:11, db:+, gig:+, gl:+++, gl_j:+, imp:+, jah:4, jjh:+, jme:6, mm:3, nb:7, npr_lo:6, rb_j:+, sdu:9, so_k:+, tr_j:+, vjo:6, vrjs:9, xtw:8 -- PJ:55-114-13, TH:**
- Art Ensemble of Chicago: We Are on the Edge: A 50th Anniversary Celebration (Pi -2CD) {92}: CM:39, JC:2, JT:20, JW:9, Mj:+, PO:+, Qt:+, Tx_j:18, W:3; am_j:+, jaa:1, jbo:8, jck:7, jd:3, jdbs:7, jdku:6, jdl:2, jdme:5, jfk:10, jha:1, jhm:3, jin:7, jjc:6, jji:8, jjo:4, jjw:5, jjwd:2, jjws:1, jlb:2, jlbi:2, jmj:6, jmk:10, jmn:2, jpm:9, jps:3, jrb:1, jrd:1, jrk:4, jrmu:+, jrw:16, jry:1, jssm:1, jtb:9, la_b:7, nb:+, npr_nc:8, ny_u:8, pm_j:+, sdu:2, vwl:10, xce:7, ycy:4 -- TH:**
- Cate Le Bon: Reward (Mexican Summer) {92}: 405:+, AV:10+, BIB:6, Bq:+, BV:25, Cl:+, Dr:17, E_UK:+, FB:65, Fld:+, FO:29, G:18+, Gg_i:40, Gg_p:50, Got:5, GTV:49, I:21, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:37, Mc:14, Mj:19+, MM:16, MO:42+, N:58, NR:47, Pc:8, Pf:22+, Pf_r:43, PM:46+, Q:+, Qt:69, Rf:26, RM:46, RS:+, RT:7, SC:+, Sg:21, SR:3, Trk:9, U:11, UR:39+; am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, bg_b:3, diy:+, it:2, p_i:18, pf_k:+, sl:++, vcwi:5, vma:4, wil:+, yps:+ -- PJ:11-337-31, TH:B
- PUP: Morbid Stuff (Rise/BMG) {91}: 405:+, Alt:5, Atw:+, AV:+, BV:20, Bq:4, Ch:6, CP:65, CS:14+, DW:78, Ex:6+, Fld:11+, Gg:20, Gg_i:19, Gg_p:43, LCA:46, Mg:25, N:91, NAO:1, Ne:42+, NME:26+, NPR:+, P:47, Pf_r:41, PM:+, Pu:2, SC:+, Sg:31, Sk:+, Spk:25+, Trk:8, Up:+, Up_sh:23, Up_i:27, UpC:28, Ups:3+, UR:+, YW:44; ap:+, d:+, clt_f:2, clt_t:8, diy:+, gig:+, npr_rd:3, npr_k:+, npr_lm:1, p_k:5, pf_k:+, sp:+, v_ab:+ -- RC:*, TH:B
- Nilufer Yanya: Miss Universe (ATO) {87}: 405:+, Am_s:28, BB:39, Cl:38+, CS:42, D:11, Du:12, DW:71, E_UK:+, Ex:+, Fld:+, G:23+, GB:19, Gg:45, Gg_i:6, Gg_p:46, Got:24, GTV:+, Gw:33, HV:6, I:49+, LBF:+, LQ:23+, Mc:23, Mj:+, MM:67, N:50, NBH:44, Ni:5, NME:+, NPR:+, No:44, NR:35, O:+, P:28+, Pf:37+, Pf_r:31, PM:+, Q:+, Rf_k:28, RM:82, Sb:31, Sg:47, Sk:+, TS:+, Up:42, Up_i:12, UR:6+; am_i:+, clt_l:1, diy:+, mtv:+, npr_bb:13, otw:+, p_i:11, pf_k:+, xjd:9, yrh:+ -- PJ:93-80-9, MT:*, TH:A-
- Miranda Lambert: Wildcard (RCA Nashville) {86}: AS:+, BB:44, BS:21, CP:46, DW:10, G:+, Gg_c:6, HV:15, Mj:+, P:+, PCr:2, PO:+, RS:8+, RS_c:2, Rx:32, Sg:49, U:+, UpC:32, USP:35, XJS:3; am:+, am_c:+, b:3, bg_b:2, gq:+, ljs:+, npr_jg:2, ns:6, p_c:3, pm_c:2, ptr:8, scm:+, sg_c:2, sl:++, sln:+, tbt:1, tc:1, tl:2, v_ab:6, v_cw:+, vcwi:9, vse:8, xjl:3, xscw:6, xwb:10, yjb:10, yjl:5 -- PJ:51-118-13, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Kim Gordon: No Home Record (Matador) {85}: 405:+, C:+, Cl:+, CP:10, Cpu:19, Dr:42, DW:31, E_UK:+, FO:24, G:30+, Gg:50, Gg_i:46, Gw:+, I:50+, LBF:+, LCA:24, LQ:13+, LR:24, MO:34, No:1, NR:25, NT:20, O:+, Oo:15, P:24+, Pf:+, Q:+, Qt:20, Rf_k:43, RT:89, Rx:6, Sk:+, Trk:31, U:32, UpC:24, UR:97, VF:39, W:18, XJS:22; aqd:+, crk:6, gl:+, jy:6, now:9, p_k:8, pf_k:+, sl:+, vmt:3, vti:4, wil:+, xtj:3, yjl:32, yrb:7 -- PJ:15-293-30, RC:A, TH:A-
- Megan Thee Stallion: Fever (300 Entertainment) {85}: BB:23, BV:29, Cmp:24, CP:48, DJB:11, Du:40, DW:60, F:+, GC:40, Gg:24, Gg_h:13, Got:12, HDX:11+, HNH:18, HS:+, N:49, Ne:48, NPR:+, P:46, Pap:1, PB:20, Pf:+, Ps:39, PO:+, Rf_k:13, RS:31, RSh:12, Sg:+, Thr:10, TMT:+, Up:16, Up_h:6, VMP:+, YW:8; am:+, am_h:+, atl:+, bg_b:7, ex_h:9, fa:+, hc_g:3, mg_h:10, npr_kt:5, npr_r:+, npr_sm:2, p_h:5, pm_h:17, rf_h:2, ri:2, rs_h:7, sg_r:8, v:+, v_ab:+, xxl:+, yh:+, yjl:25 -- TH:***
- Charli XCX: Charli (Asylum) {85}: Cl:+, CS:30+, F:+, G:21+, GB:41, GC:23, Gf:28, Gg:47, GMA:48, GTV:46, Gw:+, HS:+, I:+, Id:10, LBF:34, Ms:15, Mx:16, N:10, Ne:1+, Ni:31, NME:47+, NR:45, O:+, P:42+, Pap:10, PB:5, PCr:15, Pf_r:13, RS:+, RY:40, Sg:22, Sk:+, Sl:+, T:+, TMT:+, TS:+, Up:32, Up_p:10, UpC:22, UR:51, VMP:+, WHP:3, YF:23; cm:9, dtm:1, g_e:6, les:10, ljs:7, mc_u:12, p_p:9, v_ja:1, wo:6 -- TH:**
- Bill Callahan: Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest (Drag City) {84}: 405:+, Am_s:20, AS:+, CS:+, Dr:3, E_UK:+, Ex:+, Fld:+, FO:28, Fp:9, G:34+, Gg_i:44, Got:1, HV:30, I:30, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:62, Mc:12, Mj:2+, MM:12, MO:11+, NME:+, No:3, NR:+, O:+, Pf:15+, Pf_r:39, NR:+, Q:24+, Qt:19, SC:9+, Sg:32, Sk:+, Thr:17, Trk:50, U:8+, UR:87; am_i:+, aqd:+, crk:23, ex_c:6, g_e:8, now:+, npr_nc:9, wil:+, wp:3, xsa:7 -- PJ:32-176-17, TH:*
- Floating Points: Crush (Ninja Tune) {82}: 405:+, AV:17, Bq:+, BV:37, C:+, Cl:26+, CP:44, Crh:36, DJM:25, Dr:35, Du:9, E_UK:+, FO:22, Gg_e:1, GTV:+, I:25+, LBF:+, LCA:49, LQ:9+, Mgn:2, Mix:2, MM:19, MO:+, Ms:10, N:27, Ni:35, NR:27, O:+, Pc:29, Pf:50+, PM:+, PW:19, Q:+, Qt:59, RT:55, Sk:+, So:13, SR:19, VF:22; am:+, am_e:+, crk:29, diy:+, ex_e:1, ia:+, imp:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:4, ra:+, sg_e:10, wsj:+ -- PJ:134-60-6, TH:**
- Jessica Pratt: Quiet Signs (Mexican Summer) {81}: Al:9, Am_s:7, BV:43, C:45+, CS:+, Dr:67, DS:+, Fld:+, GB:30, Gg:33, Gg_i:37, Hil:+, L4:4, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:53, Mc:32, Mj:75+, MM:33, MO:+, N:11, NBH:13, NR:15+, P:41, Pf:19+, Pf_r:47, PM:+, Q:12+, Rf:24, RT:79, SC:+, Sg:18, Sk:+, Spk:+, Thr:2, Tr:12, U:30, Up:+, Up_sh:21, Up_i:30, UR:79; am:++, am_f:+, aqd:+, bw:+, dbu:+, diy:+, ex_c:3, ih:+, p_f:3, pm_f:4, wp:5, wsj:+ -- PJ:105-73-7, MT:C, TH:B-
- Charly Bliss: Young Enough (Barsuk) {79}: Alt:8, AV:+, BB:+, Ch:8, CP:26, CS:11, DW:22, Ex:+, Fld:2+, Gg:46, Gg_i:17, Gg_p:37, GMA:4, GTV:+, LBF:+, Mg:12, Mx:9, P:36+, Pf:+, PM:65, Q:+, RS:+, Rx:34, SC:10+, Sg:12, SoG:+, Thr:25, Up:47, Up_i:14, UpC:21, UR:80+, XJS:14, YF:29; am_k:+, d:+, diy:+, do:+, gcn:+, ju:+, npr_k:+, npr_lm:7, pf_k:+, ri:7, xjd:6, xsa:9, yjl:22 -- PJ:55-114-12, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Maggie Rogers: Heard It in a Past Life (Capitol) {79}: Al:38, Atw:+, AU:23, B:+, BB:5, Bq:+, Ch:23, Cl:+, Cmp:25, CS:28+, E:+, GC:30, Gf:27, Gg:28, Gg_i:45, Gg_p:8, GMA:45, Gw:15, Id:3, Mx:47, MuH:25, N:88, NDO:5, NME:44+, Noj:14, P:26+, PCr:10, PM:+, Q:+, RS:41+, Up:17, Up_p:6, UpC:29, USP:28, WHP:24, YF:36; am_p:+, d:+, diy:+, gl:+, gq:+, ih:+, mu:3, nap:+, nt:+, otw:+, p_p:11, tbt:2, ti:+, v_cw:+, yh:+ -- MT:**, TH:**
- Sturgill Simpson: Sound & Fury (Elektra) {78}: AS:+, BB:35, BS:7, Ch:16, CS:37, E:+, Ex:+, FWg:3, G:40+, GMA:13, I:34+, Mj:34+, Mx:45, N:69, NoD:5, NoD_r:3, PM:49, Q:+, RS:16, RS_c:40, RT:39, Spk:+, Thr:23, U:35, Up_sh:5, Up_i:25, UpC:37, USP:10, VMP:+; clt_g:4, clt_l:7, ct:7, do:+, gq:+, ljs:3, npr_jg:9, ns:4, owh:4, p_c:12, pi:8, so_d:2, so_k:7, vcm:2, vu:9, yh:6, yjl:6 -- PJ:33-157-15, TH:***
- Jaimie Branch: Fly or Die II: Bird Dogs of Paradise (International Anthem) {77}: Bc:13, BIW:5, CM:20, JC:7, JT:14, PO:+, W:15; aqd:+, bc_j:+, fj:+, hep:1, jak:6, jd:8, jdbs:1, jha:7, jjc:4, jkm:8, jld:4, jma:+, jmj:8, jmsc:2, jpa:7, jpb:4, jrw:23, jsf:4, jsfr:7, jssm:3, jtb:2, jtc:3, mg_j:4, sdu:7, sg_j:1, sl:++, tr_j:+, vbc:7, vbr:1, vcwi:2, vjo:8, vmw:8, vpf:1, xgm:3, yps:+ -- PJ:99-78-7, TH:A-
- Stella Donnelly: Beware of the Dogs (Secretly Canadian) {75}: 405:+, Am_s:27, AU:39, B:+, CM:48, CS:22+, DW:+, Ex:+, Fld:+, FO:50, G:+, Gg_i:30, GTV:18+, LBF:+, LQ:+, MO:+, NME:+, NR:+, P:21+, PO:+, Q:+, RS:+, Rx:13, SC:+, Sg:+, SoG:36, Spk:+, Tr:+, UR:25+, XJS:17, YF:25; ath:+, bw:+, d:+, diy:+, ju:+, npr_ct:6, nt:+, otw:+, p_i:12, pir:+, pm_k:9, tbt:6, xjc:4, xrc:5, xmr:10, xrm:2, yjl:12, ypg:2, yrh:+ -- PJ:110-72-8, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
- Jpegmafia: All My Heroes Are Cornballs (EQT) {75}: Cl:36+, D:10, Du:5, Ex:+, Fld:21, FWg:25, GB:13, GC:16, Gg_h:35, HDX:+, HNH:24, HS:+, LBF:49+, LQ:8, MM:7, Ms:35, NDO:18, Ne:35+, NME:28+, P:35, Pap:18, Pf_r:20, PM:35+, PO:+, PW:44, Rf:22, RY:5, Sk:+, Spk:+, TMT:+, Tr:10, UR:98, VMP:+, W:20, YF:41; afk:+, am_h:+, cp_f:3, dc:+, dtm:5, imp:+, npr_q:+, p_h:3, pm_h:9, wil:+ -- TH:**
- Branford Marsalis Quartet: The Secret Between the Shadow and the Soul (Okeh) {72}: JC:4, JT:1, JW:1, O:+, PO:+; aaj:+, am:+, am_j:+, ghj:9, gl_j:+, hep:9, jaa:9, jan:12, jbm:9, jbo:2, jcjw:2, jdg:4, jdo:7, jgy:3, jhs:2, jjh:+, jjwd:9, jkm:1, jmja:5, jmju:2, jmk:1, jmmz:3, jnt:6, jpq:1, jrm:+, jrsc:7, jsa:10, jsg:3, jwj:1, npr_nc:3, sd_j:+, sdu:6, sg_j:9, vbr:8, vpf:+ -- TH:***
- Anderson Paak: Ventura (Aftermath/12 Tone Music) {72}: Al:4, Atw:+, AU:7, AV:19+, BP:10, Cl:+, Cmp:47, CS:31+, CX:5, DJB:27, E_UK:+, G:+, GC:28, Gg_h:39, GMA:8, Gw:+, HDX:+, Hil:+, I:+, LBF:+, MO:+, MuH:+, NME:42+, NPR:+, NR:+, Okp:9, Pc:39, RS:+, Sl:+, So:17, Spk:+, TS:+, Up:+, WHP:18; afk:+, am_r:+, bw:+, clt_l:4, do:+, ex_c:6, hcw:+, npr_bc:4, pm_s:11, xjl:9, xxl:+, yh:+ -- PJ:71-95-11, MT:B-, TH:***
- Sleater-Kinney: The Center Won't Hold (Mom + Pop) {72}: AV:+, Bc:36, BV:28, Cl:+, CP:43, CS:+, Dr:81, DW:56, Fld:+, Fp:20, G:36+, Gg:48, Gg_i:8, Gg_p:40, HV:28, I:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mj:36+, MO:24+, Mx:33, NME:+, P:45, PM:67, PO:+, Q:27+, RS:29+, Rx:26, Tr:50, TS:+, UR:37, VMP:+, XJS:23; d:+, diy:+, jy:3, mpr:10, now:+, npr_k:+, nt:+, p_i:14, ptr:3, sl:++, vcwi:4, wil:+, xgm:1, xtj:4, yjb:2 -- PJ:42-142-13, RC:A-, MT:B+, TH:B
- Tool: Fear Inoculum (Volcano/RCA) {72}: BV:8, Cl:+, Crh:24, CS:10+, DJ:31, EW:+, G:+, Gf_D:6, Gg:42, GMA:3, Gw:8+, Joe:5, L:19, Ms:21, Mx:17, NME:+, Oo:11, PR:1, Rev:1, Rf:38, RT:100, Spk:12+, YW:17; am:++, ap:+, cm:6, ex_m:8, gl:+++, imp:+, mc_u:14, sp:1+, ucr:6, ug:1 -- PJ:179-46-5
- Clairo: Immunity (Fader) {71}: BB:22, Ch:4, Cl:+, CS:+, Du:39, G:20+, GC:17, Gg_p:51, Joe:14, LBF:3, LR:49, MuH:20, N:17, NBH:14, NDO:4, NME:10+, Pap:15, PCr:4, Pf:18+, Pf_r:24, PM:+, Q:+, Sl:8+, Spk:+, Up:28, Up_p:8, VMP:+; 3v:5, crk:19, d:+, em:+, la_w:5, npr_jg:8, p_p:6, xjd:+ -- PJ:162-51-6, TH:***
- Raphael Saadiq: Jimmy Lee (Columbia) {69}: Al:2, CP:18, Cpu:9, DW:20, E_UK:+, Mc:+, MuH:7, NPR:3, O:+, P:+, PM:66+, PO:+, Q:+, Rx:65, USP:35, XJS:34; am:++, am_r:+, bg_g:6, ca:6, ct:2, do:+, ex_s:7, kc:5, npr_bc:7, npr_lo:2, npr_rc:3, pm_s:7, so_k:2, vew:9, vib:+, vrjs:1, vti:10, xjl:7, xscw:+, xsp:8, ypg:3, yrb:6 -- PJ:53-117-10, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Young Thug: So Much Fun (300/Atlantic/YSL) {69}: BB:43, BS:8, Cmp:4, CX:16, DJB:10, E_UK:+, GC:5, Gg:23, Gg_h:11, Got:18, HDX:16+, HNH:15, HV:23, N:71, NME:+, Noj:5, Okp:15, Pf:+, Pf_r:44, PO:+, PW:30, RS:18, SC:+, Sg:25, Up:3, Up_h:1, UpC:36, VMP:+; am_h:+, hyb:+, mg_h:3, rs_h:2, sg_r:6, sl:+, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:***
- Tomeka Reid Quartet: Old New (Cuneiform) {68}: BIW:45, CM:24, JC:3, JT:11, PO:+, Tx_j:3; am_j:+, ei:3, fd:3, gcn:+, jbs:2, jdbs:8, jehz:10, jin:2, jjc:2, jjm:+, jjws:2, jla:8, jls:9, jma:7, jmj:1, jmja:2, jmu:5, jpa:3, jpf:8, jrh:7, jri:10, jse:1, jsf:9, jsk:6, jsw:5, jtc:1, la_b:1, mm:9, npr_nc:2, vjc:2, vwl:3 -- TH:***
- Holly Herndon: Proto (4AD) {67}: 405:+, BB:+, BV:32, C:36, Cl:+, DJM:6, Dr:38, Du:6, Ex:+, F:+, G:+, Gg_e:8, Gg_p:41, LBF:+, LQ:40, LR:19, MO:+, N:34, No:37, NPR:17, NR:17, O:+, Pf:44+, PM:29+, Q:+, Qt:37, Sb:17, SC:+, Sg:13, Sk:+, Sl:21, TMT:+, Tr:43, UR:99+, VF:42, VMP:+; am:+, am_e:+, crk:3, ex_e:4, imp:+, npr_lg:5, npr_rh:3, pf_x:+, pm_e:2, pm_v:8, tr_e:+ -- PJ:229-36-4
- Jenny Hval: The Practice of Love (Sacred Bones) {67}: 405:+, AV:2, C:10+, Cl:+, DJ:49, Dr:24, E_UK:+, Ex:18, G:29, GB:29, Gg:39, Gg_e:45, Gg_p:42, GTV:39+, I:+, LBF+, LCA:29, Mc:29, Mj:48+, Ms:26, Mx:11, NPR:10, NR:38, Pf:20+, Pf_r:48, PM:14, Q:+, Qt:35, Rf:25, RM:26, RT:54, SC:+, Sg:16, Sk:+, Sl:10, Spk:9, Tr:38, U:28+, UR:21; am_i:+, crk:15, npr_oh:7, ra:+ -- TH:***
- Flying Lotus: Flamagra (Warp) {66}: AV:+, Cl:+, Cmp:36, CS:24+, DJB:49, DJM:22, Dr:63, E_UK:+, Ex:+, Fld:+, G:47, Gg_e:5, Hil:+, HS:+, I:+, LQ:+, Mgn:11, Mix:21, Mj:38+, MM:74, Ni:+, NME:+, Okp:8, P:+, Pc:23, PA:+, PO:+, PW:9, Q:+, RS:+, RT:66, Spk:42+, TMT:+, Up:+; afk:+, bb6:+, bl:3, diy:+, ex_e:2, ia:+, imp:+, jaa:10, ra:++, tg:+, ti:+, vu:+, wil:+, xlr:++, yh:+ -- TH:**
- 75 Dollar Bill: I Was Real (Thin Wrist) {65}: 405:+, CP:39, DW:75, FB:70, G:+, LBF:+, Mj:20+, No:21, O:+, Qt:31, RSh:19, Rx:15, U:38+, W:1, XJS:26; aqd:+, cp:5, fj:+, g_e:2, gcn:+, jsfr:6, jy:2, nap:+, pf_x:+, vma:8, vrjs:10, wsj:+, xgh:10, xjdc:1, xmb:10, xmr:6, xtj:8, ygb:2, yjs:1, yps:+, yrb:4 -- PJ:8-406-40, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Billy Woods & Kenny Segal: Hiding Places (Blackwoodz Studioz) {64}: AV:+, Bc:17, C:28, Cmp:+, DJB:7, DW:1, Fld:+, G:+, Gg_h:42, HG:5, N:8, Ne:41+, NPR:9, PO:+, PW:2, RY:21, Sg:9, VMP:+, W:44; bc_h:+, bw:+, ca:8, ct:6, do:+, imp:+, npr_jg:5, npr_lg:4, npr_q:+, rf_h:15, rs_h:9, sg_r:2, so_k:6, ti:5, xbl:1, yh:+ -- PJ:79-92-7, TH:***
- Kano: Hoodies All Summer (Parlophone) {62}: C:2+, Cl:1, CX:10, DJB:51, DJM:5, Du:1, Ex:+, G:50, GC:45, Gw:16+, HS:+, I:17, LBF:6+, LQ:34+, Mix:17, N:37, NME:27+, O:+, PM:21, Q:+, So:20, T:+, TS:+, VF:12; am_h:+, cmp:2, diy:+, fa:+, pm_h:4, wo:3 -- TH:*
- 100 Gecs: 1000 Gecs (Dog Show) {60}: Alt:11, C:25, CP:5, DW:44, Gg:22, Gg_i:35, Gg_p:21, N:1, Ne:49, NR:46, Pap:6, Pf:42, Pf_r:28, PM:50, Rf:31, RS:19, Rx:58, Sg:28, Thr:33, Up_i:17, UpC:30, W:19, XJS:18, YF:14; atl:+, crk:24, dc:+, do:+, dtm:8, fa:+, gq:+, hcw:+, ny_c:1, ny_p:10, pf_x:+, pm_v:14, vcm:10, xjd:10, xsa:5, xscw:5 -- PJ:201-41-5, TH:B
- Steve Lehman Trio/Craig Taborn: The People I Love (Pi) {60}: BIW:51, CM:10, JC:5, JT:30, PM:+; am_j:+, jadh:3, jbo:1, jbs:8, jbu:6, jbw:10, jck:1, jd:+, jdg:6, jdl:1, jff:7, jgy:7, jhs:9, jjo:1, jlbi:4, jls:2, jmc:3, jmj:2, jrd:4, jrh:4, jry:10, la_b:6, ny_u:4, pm_j:+, vjc:8, vth:1, vwl:8 -- TH:A
- The Murder Capital: When I Have Fears (Human Season) {60}: 405:+, Bq:+, Cl:+, Crh:5, FB:32, G:35+, Gf_D:17, GTV:11+, Gw:1, Joe:20, L4:2, LQ:32+, LR:66, MO:+, NBH:16, NME:+, Pc:20, Pu:11, Q:31+, Rf_k:10, RM:3, RT:31, Trk:46, U:37, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+, ec:+, em:+, hp:9, hs:+, nt:+, xls:9 -- PJ:145-57-5, TH:*
- Mannequin Pussy: Patience (Epitaph) {58}: 405:+, Alt:10, Bc:22, BV:35, CP:15, Fld:12, FO:44, Gg_i:34, Mg:8, Mj:+, NR:30+, P:33, Pf:35+, PO:+, RSh:3, Sb:30, Sg:14, SoG:+, Thr:28, Tr:29, Up:34, Up_sh:17, Up_i:9, UpC:33, UR:36+; npr_ct:5, npr_k:+, npr_lm:2, npr_ml:+, p_k:3, pf_k:+, xjh:+, xjm:2, xrr:5 -- PJ:81-91-9, TH:**
- Orville Peck: Pony (Sub Pop) {58}: 405:+, Am_s:1, AV:+, BB:+, BP:14, Ch:20, Cl:10+, Gg_c:14, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, MM:46, N:40, NME:39, Noj:13, NPR:+, PB:17, PM:69, Ps:32, Rf_k:1, RM:18, RS_c:30, RT:24, Thr:26, UpC:42, VMP:+; am_i:+, dbu:+, ex_c:1, fa:+, gcn:8, ipr:+, lv_v:4, nt:+, p_c:4, pm_c:8 -- PJ:140-59-7, TH:B-
- Caroline Polachek: Pang (Columbia) {58}: 405:+, AU:25, C:44, Cl:+, D:1, DJ:28, Ex:20, G:11+, GB:20, GC:46, Gg_p:23, GMA:11, I:35, LBF:35+, Mx:39, N:41, Ne:28+, NME:+, P:37+, Pap:3, PCr:25, Pf_r:45, PM:45, Q:21, RY:31, Sb:44, TMT:+, Up_p:19, UpC:38, UR:78, VMP:+, YF:22; do:+, fa:+, gcn:+, gq:+, nt:+, p_p:3, ta:+, xrr:8 -- TH:*
- Yola: Walk Through Fire (Easy Eye Sound/Nonesuch) {58}: AS:++, DJ:+, EW:+, Gg_c:10, Mj:+, NoD:3, NoD_r:15, NPR:+, PM:33+, Q:+, RS:48, RS_c:3, TS:+, USP:29; am_f:+, asp:6, b:+, bg_u:10, gl:+++, hc_g:1, ipr:+, jrmi:+, npr_jh:2, npr_lo:7, npr_st:9, p_c:2, pm_a:1, scm:+, sg_c:3, sl:+, spt:7, stm:3, tc:7, v_cw:8, vse:9 -- PJ:44-133-14, TH:*
- Carsie Blanton: Buck Up (So Ferocious) {57}: CP:71, DW:42, HV:8, Rx:5, XJS:4; cp:9, npr_kt:4, vmt:4, vzy:8, xbl:3, xbw:5, xjdc:4, xgh:5, xjc:5, xjl:4, xmr:4, xrc:3, xscw:2, xsp:5, xtw:6, yjl:3, yrh:+ -- PJ:23-207-20, RC:A-, MT:A, TH:A-
- Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah: Ancestral Recall (Ropeadope) {57}: Bc:5, BIW:16, BS:6, Cpu:10, CS:36, JC:26, JT:8, NPR:15, Pf:+; am:++, am_j:+, bc_j:+, db:+, gl:+, gl_j:+, hep:5, hft:11, jdku:2, jjm:+, jlrt:4, jra:2, jrmi:9, jslo:5, jwj:8, sg_j:5, tg:+, vjso:7, vjt:1, vmp_j:1, vmw:1, vpf:++ -- TH:*
- Anna Webber: Clockwise (Pi) {57}: CM:4, JC:6, PM:+; aaj:+, ei:5, fj:+, jap:4, jbs:4, jda:4, jff:4, jji:6, jjm:+, jjws:3, jkc:2, jkw:4, jlre:2, jpm:1, jra:6, jsp:1, jssm:7, jsw:3, jtd:1, jyo:3, lv_p:4, nb:+, ph:4, pm_j:+, vbc:2, vwl:7 -- TH:***
- DaBaby: Baby on Baby (South Coast Music Group) {55}: Alt:70, BB:+, BV:14, C:34, Cmp:11, CP:7, DJB:19, F:+, GC:9, Gg:26, Gg_h:10, Got:15, HDX:10, HNH:4, HV:+, N:46, Okp:13, PO:+, PW:7, Up:18, Up_h:7; gq:+, npr_r:+, rf_h:10, rs_h:4, rtv:4, sg_r:4, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:**
- Tanya Tucker: While I'm Livin' (Fantasy) {55}: Al:13, BS:9, Ex:+, Gg_c:4, NoD:14, NoD_r:26, NPR:24, PO:40, RS:24+, RS_c:1, Trk:+, UpC:46, USP:14; am:+, am_c:+, b:2, ex_c:8, gl:+, ljs:+, npr_jh:3, p_c:5, pm_c:4, scm:+, sg_c:4, sl:+, sln:+, tc:4, tl:8, v_cw:+, vrj:8, vrjs:8, vse:4 -- PJ:82-90-8, TH:**
- Ezra Furman: Twelve Nudes (Bella Union) {54}: CM:66, CP:68, CS:+, DW:61, FO:39, G:+, Gg_i:42, GTV:+, I:41+, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:17, Mj:+, MM:95, MO:+, NME:+, Noj:21, PO:13, Q:+, Rx:29, Trk:35, U:58+, Ups:+, UR:62+, XJS:10, YW:78; cp:10, d:+, nt:+, p_k:13, sp:+, xgm:8, xjl:1, xls:7, xmb:5 -- PJ:119-68-8, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Sunn O))): Life Metal (Southern Lord) {54}: 405:+, ACL:5, Crh:40, Dr:26, Ex:+, FO:46, Fp:17, L:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mc:21, Mj:53+, MO:49+, Mx:6, N:22, NR:19+, Pf:+, Q:+, Qt:10, Rev:+, RM:61, SC:17+, SR:6, Tr:31, U:59, W:10; am:+, aqd:+, crk:28, dc:+, imp:+, jeh:9, tr_m:24, vpf:5 -- PJ:100-76-6, TH:B-
- Summer Walker: Over It (Interscope) {54}: BB:21, C:20, Cmp:43, CX:4, DJB:59, F:+, GC:48, Gg:37, Gg_h:40, Gg_r:3, HDX:+, MuH:16, N:15, NME:+, Noj:19, Okp:4, PB:11, Ps:6, RS:38, TS:+, Up:19; am_r:+, atl:+, asp:2, fa:+, fu:3, hc_g:6, hdx_r:1, hyb:+, npr_rc:8, ny_c:12, ta:+, vib:+ -- TH:B
- The Chemical Brothers: No Geography (Virgin EMI) {53}: 405:+, Cl:+, CM:70, Crh:12, CS:+, DJ:2, DJM:45, Du:31, E_UK:+, Ex:+, FWg:22, G:+, GMA:32, I:+, Mgn:3, Mix:7, Mj:+, MO:+, NME:18+, Pf:+, Q:+, Rf_k:38, Tr:+, TS:+, UR:83+; diy:+, em:+, ex_e:10, ju:+, sp:+, tsu:+, vjo:+, xls:5 -- PJ:100-76-8, MT:**, TH:A-
- Tyler Childers: Country Squire (Hickman Holler/RCA) {53}: DW:54, Gg_c:7, NoD:9, NoD_r:1, PM:+, PO:+, RS_c:9, RT:80, Rx:24, VMP:+, XJS:31; am_c:+, b:10, clt_g:7, cp:3, ljs:+, mg_o:3, npr_rd:8, p_c:8, pm_c:7, scm:++, sg_c:6, sln:+, tl:6, vse:7, vzy:1, yjl:1 -- PJ:102-75-6, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Chick Corea Trio: Trilogy 2 (Concord -2CD) {52}: JC:10, JT:3, JW:2; aaj:+, db:+, hft:3, jah:2, jbm:6, jbo:7, jel:9, jgz:6, jjha:7, jjm:+, jjs:1, jla:3, jma:+, jmju:1, jmk:3, jmmz:1, jpb:3, jrh:10, jrmu:+, jrsc:8, jslo:7, jwj:2, npr_nc:7, sdu:1, tg:10 -- TH:**
- James Brandon Lewis: An Unruly Manifesto (Relative Pitch) {52}: BIW:14, CM:1, JC:18, PO:+; aaj:+, db:+, ei:4, fd:+, fj:+, jad:1, jes:3, jjsh:5, jjw:4, jkw:7, jld:3, jma:+, jmc:8, jmsc:5, jpa:4, jsf:3, jtc:5, vmw:10, vth:5, xbf:3, xbl:2, xtw:3 -- PJ:159-52-4, TH:A-
- The Paranoid Style: A Goddamn Impossible Way of Life (Bar/None) {52}: Cpu:18, DW:8, PO:+, Rx:10, XJS:1; cp:4, jy:5, vzy:5, xbw:7, xgh:1, xjc:2, xjdc:2, xscw:4, xtj:5, xtw:4, xwb:5, ypg:1, yrb:1 -- PJ:17-249-20, RC:A, TH:***
- Chance the Rapper: The Big Day (self-released) {50}: AV:+, BP:18, CP:27, DW:51, E_UK:+, EW:+, Ex:+, G:+, LBF:+, PO:7, Rx:3, Thr:34, Up_h:23, USP:29, XJS:30; cp:1, vmt:6, vnf:1, xbw:6, xde:2, xgh:7, xjdc:9, xrm:5, xrr:6, xscw:9, ypg:6, yrb:10, yrh:+ -- PJ:38-150-16, RC:A, TH:A-
- Richard Dawson: 2020 (Weird World) {50}: 405:+, Dr:48, FO:14, G:15+, GTV:15+, I:+, LCA:6, LQ:5+, Mj:51, MO:23, Ne:3+, NR:+, Qt:2, Rf_k:44, RT:82, SC:+, Sk:+, Trk:12, TS:+, U:14+, Up_sh:10; dtm:9, les:1, wil:+ -- PJ:129-62-6
- Helado Negro: This Is How You Smile (RVNG Intl) {49}: AV:+, BB:+, Bc:9, Fld:23+, FO:23, Gg:43, Gg_e:23, Gg_i:50, Got:22, MM:36, N:14, NPR:+, NR:18+, P:40+, Pf:7+, Pf_r:33, PO:+, RT:68, SAC:2, SC:+, TMT:+, Tr:48, Up_i:33, UR:94; am:++, am_i:+, aqd:+, kc:10, npr_ct:7, npr_sf:1 -- PJ:86-85-9, MT:*, TH:*
- Deerhunter: Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? (4AD) {48}: Cl:+, CP:+, Dr:85, DS:+, E_UK:+, Ex:+, FO:26, G:+, Gg_i:9, Got:21, GTV:+, I:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:25, Mg:18, Mj:46+, MM:35, NME:+, Noj:49, NR:13+, Pc:16, Pf:+, PM:+, PO:+, Q:+, Qt:57, Sb:13, Sk:+, SoG:41, U:67+, UR:22+; am_i:+, aqd:+, diy:+, nt:+, pf_k:+ -- PJ:34-156-13, MT:B-, TH:B
- Hot Chip: A Bath Full of Ecstasy (Domino) {48}: Cl:+, E_UK:+, G:17, Gg_e:2, Gg_p:27, I:16+, L4:16, LBF:+, LR:69, Mc:38, Mix:16, Mj:31+, MO:6+, Ni:36, NME:+, O:+, PM:16+, Q:33+, RS:+, Sg:+, Sk:+, Sl:11, TS:+, UR:85+; diy:+, pm_ep:2, sp:+, xrr:7 -- PJ:166-50-5, TH:*
- Ari Lennox: Shea Butter Baby (Interscope) {48}: BB:33, Cl:34+, Cmp:26, DJB:22, GC:+, HDX:+, HV:22, N:5, NPR:12, Okp:1, Ps:4; afk:+, atl:+, asp:1, clt_g:2, clt_l:3, ex_c:8, fa:+, fu:5, hdx_r:2, mtv:+, npr_bc:5, npr_jh:6, npr_rc:2, p:8, vib:+, yh:+ -- TH:*
- Baroness: Gold & Grey (Abraxan Hymns) {47}: 405:+, B:+, CS:+, Ex:+, FB:66, FWg:15, G:+, Gg:44, LBF:+, Mc:+, Mj:+, Mx:14, NME:+, Pf:+, PM:13+, PR:2, Q:+, Rev:5, SC:+, Sg:+, Thr:9, Tr:4; am:++, ex_m:3, imp:+, tr_m:2, ug:20, vpf:10, vu:+
- Wilco: Ode to Joy (dBpm) {47}: Fld:+, G:+, Gg_i:38, Got:13, I:+, LBF:+, Mj:52+, O:+, NoD_r:19, NR:28+, Pc:94, Q:+, RS:26+, RT:62, Spk:+, Thr:19, TS:+, U:10+, Up_i:35, UpC:40, UR:55; aqd:+, clt_t:1, hc_d:5, ipr:+, jfkz:+, npr_bb:17, nt:+, owh:6, smh:+, vu:1 -- PJ:44-133-16, TH:*
- Madonna: Madame X (Interscope) {46}: Al:12, BB:46, CP:42, DW:21, G:+, Gg_p:15, GMA:49, Gw:+, Id:9, LBF:+, Mj:67+, MO:+, NME:45+, O:+, Q:+, Rx:63, Sl:12+; am_p:+, jy:4, vmt:7, xrr:1 -- PJ:201-41-3, RC:A-, MT:A, TH:A-
- Slipknot: We Are Not Your Kind (Roadrunner) {46}: Bq:+, CS:+, Fp:15, G:+, Gf_D:12, Gg:40, Gw:+, I:14+, Joe:4, Mc:+, MuH:21, NME:13+, Noj:12, PR:16, Pu:7, Q:+, Rev:2, Sk:+, Spk:41+, Ups:+, USP:26; ap:+, dep:1, ex_m:7, jyl:24, sjm:6, ug:6
- Burna Boy: African Giant (Atlantic) {45}: AU:21, BB:14, C:42, Cmp:13, CX:2, D:16, DJB:18, Du:18, Gg:38, HNH:22, Mix:45, N:12, NME:+, NPR:16, O:+, Okp:6, Pf:26+, PW:4, RS:46, Up_r:33; afk:+, atl:+, em:+, gcn:+, nap:+, vib:+, xrr:2 -- TH:*
- DaBaby: Kirk (Interscope) {45}: Alt:70, BB:9, BV:14, Cmp:5, CP:58, DW:33, Gg_h:15, Got:15, HDX:10, HV:7, NME:+, Pf:45, PW:7, RS:9+, Thr:8, Up_h:20; atl:+, ex_h:10, man:8, rs_h:6, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:***
- Foals: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost (Part 1) (Warner Bros) {45}: AU:6, B:+, Bq:+, Cl:+, DS:+, E:+, G:+, Gg_i:18, Gw:3, I:11+, LR:88, MO:+, NBH:8, NME:15+, NR:+, P:+, Q:29+, Rf:5, SC:+, Sk:+, Trk:6, UR:93; d:+, diy:+, nt:+, rx:+, sp:+
- Barker: Utility (Ostgut Ton) {44}: AV:12, Bc:+, C:43, DJM:3, Du:8, Ex:+, F:+, Mgn:6, Mix:1, Oo:18, Pf:47+, Qt:18, SR:13, VF:11; 3v:12, am_e:+, atl:+, bl:9, ia:4, pf_e:+, ra:+, sg_e:2, xlr:+ -- TH:***
- Fat White Family: Serfs Up! (Domino) {44}: Cl:+, Dr:75, FO:20, Fp:19, G:49, GTV:+, Gw:+, I:+, L4:12, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:3, Mj:14, MM:32, MO:41, NME:+, O:+, Pc:12, Q:6, Qt:8, RM:55, RT:33, SC:+, Sk:+, SR:9, U:42, UR:63; 53:+, lv_v:6, nt:+
- Girl Band: The Talkies (Rough Trade) {44}: 405:+, C:27+, Cl:+, Crh:32, Dr:39, FO:25, FWg:17, G:+, Joe:12, L4:14, LBF:46+, LCA:13, LQ:+, LR:31, Mj:+, NBH:27, Ni:15, NME:+, P:+, Pf:+, PO:+, Rf_k:16, RM:31, RT:94, Sb:24, Sg:48, Sk:+, Ups:+, UR:50; d:+, diy:+, hp:6, hs:+, p_k:20 -- PJ:245-34-3, TH:*
- Tyshawn Sorey and Marilyn Crispell: The Adornment of Time (Pi) {44}: JC:11, JT:27, PO:+; aaj:+, am:+, am_j:+, fd:+, fj:+, jbw:1, jdr:4, jjc:3, jjwd:4, jka:2, jkb:8, jkc:6, jlbi:7, jms:3, jri:5, jrs:+, jrsc:4, jrw:3, jsb:+, jsp:8, jssm:8, jsw:8, jwk:1, jyo:6, nb:+, ycy:9 -- TH:**
- Faye Webster: Atlanta Millionaires Club (Secretly Canadian) {44}: Am_s:43, Bc:+, BS:10, Cl:+, CS:16+, DJ:29, GB:14, Got:11, LBF:21, Mj:+, MM:63, N:95, NME:+, NR:43, O:+, P:10+, Pf:49, PM:+, Q:+, RS:+, Sb:19, Tr:+, UR:91, VMP:+, WHP:10; bw:+, gl:+++, npr_ct:2 -- PJ:105-73-6, TH:B
- Marika Hackman: Any Human Friend (AMF) {43}: Cl:+, Dr:86, FO:5, G:+, Gg_i:28, GMA:41, GTV:17+, Gw:38+, I:23+, LBF:23+, LQ:+, Mc:25, MO:+, NAO:24, NBH:33, NR:36, O:+, P:32+, PM:40, +, Q:+, RT:20, Sb:15, Spk:+, T:+, TS:+, UR:26+; d:+, diy:+, p_p:8, pm_k:10
- Todd Snider: Cash Cabin Sessions Vol 3 (Aimless) {43}: CM:30, CP:24, Gg_c:48, NoD_r:38, RS:43+, RS_c:16, Rx:2, Sl:16, YF:48, XJS:13; mg_s:8, vnf:5, vrjs:4, xgm:10, xjdc:3, xgh:4, xjl:10, xscw:7, xtw:7, yjl:16, yrb:5 -- PJ:76-93-10, RC:A, TH:A-
- The Delines: The Imperial (El Cortez) {42}: CM:72, CP:32, GTV:48+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Q:+, RT:15, Rx:19, Trk:5, U:65+, XJS:27; am:+, am_f:+, bg_u:1, gl:+++, pi:9, vew:7, xde:3, xgm:7, xmb:2, yjl:31 -- PJ:105-73-7, RC:A-, TH:***
- DIIV: Deceiver (Captured Tracks) {42}: Alt:57, Cl:+, FO:43, Gf:23, Gg_i:48, Gw:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:75, MM:24, NBH:18, NME:34+, No:33, NT:9, Oo:17, P:+, Pc:71, Q:+, RT:22, Sk:+, SR:14, Up_sh:6, UR:33+; diy:+, gcn:+, gl:+, imp:+, p_i:20, p_s:1, pf_k:+ -- PJ:24-205-18
- Lingua Ignota: Caligula (Profound Lore) {42}: BV:13, C:7, G:+, LCA:9, Mc:+, MO:19, Ms:31, N:28, Ne:4+, No:18, NR:23, Pf:+, PM:24+, Rf_k:21, RM:71, RY:13, Tr:34, Trk:33, YF:42; dtm:6, imp:+, lv_k:2, pm_v:1, sl:+, tr_m:8 -- PJ:245-34-3
- Allison Miller's Boom Tic Boom: Glitter Wolf (The Royal Potato Family) {42}: CM:26, BIW:7, JC:19, JT:37, PM:+; am:++, am_j:+, bc_j:+, ghj:1, hep:10, hft:10, jag:+, jdbs:5, jdo:3, jdr:5, jha:6, jjh:3, jjm:9, jjs:8, jls:10, jtc:4, pm_j:+, sg_j:10, sl:+, vjo:7, vpf:+, vwl:6, xtw:9 -- TH:A-
- Joel Ross: KingMaker (Blue Note) {42}: BIW:44, JC:13, JT:7, PO:+, VMP:+; db:+, gl_j:+, jak:6, jan:6, jdg:3, jdl:5, jhs:6, jin:3, jjm:+, jkm:2, jmks:1, jmr:9, jrd:7, jse:3, jsf:+, jtn:9, la_b:2, nb:9, ny_u:3, sdu:8, vjso:4, vmp_j:7, vmw:7 -- TH:*
- Kate Tempest: The Book of Traps and Lessons (Republic) {42}: Bq:+, Cl:+, DJ:36, Fp:+, G:+, Gw:+, LBF:+, LQ:27+, Mc:30, Mj:+, MO:30, Ms:6, NBH:10, NME:+, O:+, Q:+, Qt:82, Rf_k:26, RM:48, RT:47, Sk:+, UR:+; am:+, am_h:+, bb6:7, diy:+, rf_h:4, xgm:2, xls:1 -- PJ:148-56-4, MT:**, TH:*
- Mdou Moctar: Ilana: The Creator (Sahel Sounds) {41}: Bc:+, CM:64, Mj:+, PAM:+, Pf:+, PM:+, PO:18, PW:16, S:8, SC:+, Up_sh:13, VF:47, YW:13; aqd:+, clt_g:8, ex_s:9, gcn:+, lv_v:10, mg_w:6, nap:+, npr_bb:7, npr_oh:6, npr_k:+, pm_w:1, vrjs:7, xgm:5, ygb:8 -- PJ:12-335-35, TH:***
- Beyonce: Homecoming: The Live Album (Columbia) {40}: BB:12, DJB:13, Gg_p:20, HDX:+, Id:2, MuH:9, Ne:26+, Noj:34, NPR:+, Pf:14, Pf_r:50, PO:+, Ps:40, RS:+, USP:7, YF:15; am:+, gq:+, npr_kt:8, p:6, tg:+, usw:10, vib:+, vti:7, wp:+ -- PJ:110-72-6, MT:C+, TH:*
- Clipping.: There Existed an Addiction to Blood (Sub Pop) {40}: 405:+, Cl:+, GC:34, Gg_h:41, HG:28, LBF:42+, LQ:33, Ne:22+, Ni:18, No:35, P:+, PM:31, PW:40, Rf:44, Rf_k:6, RM:30, RY:10, Sk:+, Spk:30+, Tr:18, Trk:25, W:47; am_h:+, bc_h:+, do:+, p_h:8, pm_h:7, rf_h:1 -- TH:*
- Angel Bat Dawid: The Oracle (International Anthem) {40}: Bw:28, G:+, JC:30, N:72, PAM:+, Pf:+, PM:70, PO:+, PW:24, VF:8, W:2; aqd:+, jap:2, jdme:10, jhs:1, jjo:3, jra:7, jse:2, jssm:2, nb:+, npr_ap:1, vmw:2, wp:2, yjs:8 -- TH:*
- Rico Nasty/Kenny Beats: Anger Management (Sugar Trap) {40}: BB:+, C:39, Cmp:35, CP:69, D:8, DJB:24, Du:32, F:+, GC:+, Gg:41, Gg_h:33, Gg_p:38, Hil:+, HS:+, N:21, Ni:+, NME:+, Pf:43, Rf_k:47, RS:45+, Sg:23; afk:+, fa:+, gcn:+, gq:+, ju:+, p_h:7, pir:+, rf_h:8, rs_h:10, sg_r:3, ti:+, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:**
- Karen O & Danger Mouse: Lux Prima (BMG) {40}: Crh:31, CS:+, Gg_p:48, GTV:27, I:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mg:10, Mgn:21, Mj:+, MO:+, NME:+, NPR:+, NT:18, Pc:19, Q:+, RM:65, RS:34+, RT:37, Spk:+, Up:+, UpC:43, UR:+, WHP:21; am:+, am_i:+, bb6:+, diy:+, em:+, nt:+, v:+, v_ja:7 -- PJ:172-48-5, TH:**
- Mark Ronson: Late Night Feelings (RCA) {40}: BB:18, Cl:+, Cos:+, CP:35, DJ:27, Ex:+, Gg_p:31, GMA:26, GTV:+, Gw:28, I:+, Id:8, LQ:+, Ni:19, NME:+, Noj:27, P:+, Pap:14, T:+, TS:+, Up_p:5, UR:66, WHP:23; am:+, am_p:+, diy:+, pir:+, ust:7, v:+, v_ja:4 -- TH:*
- American Football: American Football (Polyvinyl) {39}: 405:+, Bq:+, BV:16, CS:+, DS:+, Fld:+, Joe:11, Ms:34, NBH:12, NME:+, No:9, NR:37, Pf:+, Q:+, Rf:14, SC:+, Sk:+, Spk:5+, Ups:+, UR:57+; ap:+, bw:+, crk:8, diy:+, imp:+, npr_lm:8, vu:+ -- PJ:206-40-4
- Our Native Daughters: Songs of Our Native Daughters (Smithsonian Folkways) {39}: BS:4, G:+, Gg_c:34, NoD:1, NoD_r:13, NPR:13, PO:+, RS_c:8, Trk:47, TS:+; am:+, am_f:+, mg_i:2, npr_lo:3, p_f:5, sol:8, tl:10 -- RC:**, MT:**, TH:A-
- Abdullah Ibrahim: The Balance (Gearbox) {38}: BIW:32, CM:22, Cpu:17, JC:17, JW:8, PO:+; aaj:+, db:+, fd:1, hft:15, jak:3, jcjw:8, jdk:1, jdo:5, jff:5, jgy:4, jlb:4, jma:1, jpq:8, sd_j:+ -- TH:***
- Sigrid: Sucker Punch (Island) {38}: Atw:+, BB:+, Bq:+, BP:1, Ch:14, Cl:+, DS:+, DW:40, Gf_D:19, Gg_p:32, GTV:+, I:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, MO:+, NME:+, PM:+, Q:+, RS:+, Sg:+, Sk:+, Up:+, Up_p:22; am_p:+, bw:+, d:+, dbu:+, ju:+ -- MT:B+, TH:**
- Sleaford Mods: Eton Alive (Extreme Eating) {38}: BIB:19, Cl:+, Crh:23, Du:44, FO:41, G:+, GTV:41, I:+, LQ:26+, Mc:28, Mj:65+, MO:50, O:+, NME:+, Pc:53, PM:44+, Q:38, Qt:13, RT:6, Sk:+, U:45+; atl:+, bb6:2, ygb:3 -- PJ:159-52-6, MT:*, TH:**
- Sudan Archives: Athena (Stones Throw) {38}: Cl:8+, CP:36, DJM:24, DW:48, F:+, G:+, LBF:39+, Mc:36, MO:17, NR:39, PM:+, PW:6, Rx:59, VF:49, XJS:21; am:+, am_r:+, ex_s:4, ny_p:4, sl:+, vsd:3, yrh:10 -- PJ:176-47-6, RC:A-, TH:**
- Toro Y Moi: Outer Peace (Carpark) {38}: AV:+, BB:+, Bc:63, Cmp:17, DJ:35, DJB:36, DS:+, Du:43, E_UK:+, G:+, GB:36, GC:+, Gg_e:21, Gg_i:51, Gg_p:24, GTV:+, Ni:34, P:+, Pc:36, PW:11, Q:+, RT:40, SC:+, Sk:+, Tr:44, Up_p:26; afk:+, bw:+, gl:+, ipr:+, nt:+, ta:+, tr_e:+, vu:+, yh:+ -- TH:*
- Miguel Zenon: Sonero: The Music of Ismael Rivera (Miel Music) {38}: JC:12, JT:16; db:+, jbu:5, jcjw:3, jda:1, jdk:10, jff:2, jgy:6, jhr:2, jjha:8, jjh:+, jkws:1, jlb:6, jmu:2, jnt:4, jrh:2, jrm:+, jrmu:+, jsa:7, jslo:8 -- TH:A-
- Taylor Ho Bynum 9-tette: The Ambiguity Manifesto (Firehouse 12) {37}: CM:6, JC:+; fd:6, jad:3, jal:+, jdr:7, jehz:5, jha:10, jhm:6, jji:9, jkws:8, jlb:5, jjw:+, jls:6, jmja:3, jms:10, jpf:1, jri:1, jsb:+, jsp:3, jtc:7, jyo:4, pm_j:+ -- TH:**
- Skepta: Ignorance Is Bliss (Boy Better Know) {37}: Bq:+, Cl:16+, Cmp:+, CX:13, Du:27, G:+, GC:36, Gw:40, HNH:14, I:43+, LQ:+, Mix:15, MO:33+, Ni:26, NME:+, Noj:46, O:+, Q:+, Sg:+, VF:30; bw:+, cmp:11, mg_h:8, nt:+, up:+, wo:5, yh:+ -- TH:**
- Loraine James: For You and I (Hyperdub) {36}: Bc:50, C:24, DJM:1, F:+, Gg_e:18, LBF:30, Mix:4, Ni:40, PM:51, Qt:1, VF:3, W:33; am:++, am_e:+, ia:7, pf_x:+, pm_e:15, ra:+ -- TH:**
- Kevin Morby: Oh My God (Dead Oceans) {36}: 405:+, Cl:+, Dr:11, Ex:+, FWg:12, Gg_i:47, LBF:+, Mj:+, MM:37, NME:+, Noj:26, O:+, P:13+, PM:+, Q:15+, RM:70, SC:+, SoG:34, U:+, Up:+, Up_i:29, UR:+, VMP:+, WHP:12; aqd:+, diy:+, p_i:15, pm_k:8 -- PJ:206-40-4
- Polo G: Die a Legend (Columbia) {36}: DJB:21, GC:25, Gg_h:21, HDX:+, HNH:5, N:25, Pf:33+, RS:20, Sg:20, Thr:24, Up_h:31, VMP:+, YF:46; am_h:+, gcn:2, ny_c:3, rs_h:1, sg_r:1, rtv:9, wsj:+, xxl:+ -- TH:**
- Priests: The Seduction of Kansas (Sister Polygon) {36}: 405:+, Am_s:37, Atw:+, Cl:+, CP:33, FB:15, Gg_i:38, LBF:+, Mg:17, N:81, P:+, PM:+, Q:+, RS:49+, RSh:15, Rx:61, SC:19, Sk:+; ct:+, nt:+, so_d:+, sp:+, xjc:9 -- PJ:90-81-8, RC:A-, TH:***
- Caterina Barbieri: Ecstatic Computation (Editions Mego) {35}: ACL:1, Du:16, Ex:+, F:+, Gg_e:11, Ms:25, No:10, NR:+, Qt:3, SC:+, VF:+, W:41; am_e:+, bl:1, ia:+, ra:++, sg_e:6 -- TH:A-
- Terri Lyne Carrington + Social Science: Waiting Game (Motema) {35}: BIW:60, JC:20, JT:29; am:+, am_j:+, bg_g:4, db:+, jbu:1, jd:1, jin:9, jkm:4, jlb:10, jlw:3, jmk:8, jrs:+, jrw:1, jslo:10, jwj:3, pm_j:+, vjt:4, vwl:4 -- TH:**
- Gary Clark Jr: This Land (Warner Bros) {35}: Al:11, AS:+, BB:+, BP:16, BS:26, Ex:+, Fld:+, L:7, Mj:+, NoD_r:13, PM:22, Q:+, Rf:4, RS:+, SC:+, Up:+; afk:+, am:+, am_b:+, do:+, gl:+, owh:8, v_cw:+, sp:3, yh:5 -- TH:B, MT:C
- Leonard Cohen: Thanks for the Dance (Columbia/Legacy) {35}: AS:+, Cl:+, Crh:33, CS:39+, G:+, GMA:17, GTV:30, I:+, LBF:+, Mc:34, Mj:37, MO:+, NME:+, NoD_r:46, P:+, RS:+, T:+, U:22; hc_d:4, gcn:+, now:+, nt:+, sl:+, v_cw:6, xhs:2, yjb:9 -- PJ:90-81-7, TH:A-
- Control Top: Covert Contracts (Get Better) {35}: Bc:73, BV:38, DW:5, FB:34, HV:2, N:+, PO:+, RSh:13, Sg:29+, YF:27, YW:22; ct:18, npr_lg:9, npr_ml:+, p_k:7, pf_k:+, xbl:6, xjd:8, yrh:7 -- PJ:123-66-7, MT:A-, TH:A-
- Craig Finn: I Need a New War (Partisan) {35}: 405:+, AS:++, GTV:10+, LBF:+, NAO:7, NR:+, Pf:+, RS:+, Rx:33, Sk:+, Spk:+, Ups:+, UR:+; am:+, gig:+, gl:+, ih:+, mg_s:10, xmr:9, xwb:4 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- David Torn/Tim Berne/Ches Smith: Sun of Goldfinger (ECM) {35}: JC:45, JT:40; aaj:+, db:+, fj:3+, jap:6, jbs:9, jdm:+, jff:8, jjm:8, jkc:1, jlre:3, jmju:6, jms:3, jsg:2, jsgj:2, jtmd:6, jyo:10, mm:10, pta:+, tn:3, tr_j:+, vmp_j:10 -- TH:***
- Vanishing Twin: The Age of Immunology (Fire) {35}: 405:+, BIB:5, BV:46, Dr:5, LBF:+, LQ:+, No:6, Pc:4, Pf:+, PM:32+, Q:+, Qt:6, RM:15, RT:8, Trk:39; am:+, am_i:+, bg_j:9, npr_jg:10 -- PJ:223-38-4
- Bring Me the Horizon: Amo (RCA) {34}: Bq:+, Ex:+, Gf:10, Gg_22, Gw:32, I:+, MuH:14, NME:11+, PB:9, PCr:17, Q:+, Rf:8, Sk:+, Ups:9+; am:+, ap:+, bw:+, dep:2, mcl:3
- Crosscurrents Trio [Dave Holland/Zakir Hussain/Chris Potter]: Good Hope (Edition) {34}: JC:23, JT:2; aaj:+, hft:4, jbw:6, jfkz:10, jla:2, jmk:4, jmmz:5, jmr:3, jrb:9, jrm:+, jsa:2, jtn:5, tg:+, vbr:5, vjc:4, vjt:7 -- TH:A-
- The Japanese House: Good at Falling (Dirty Hit) {34}: Atw:+, BP:6, Bq:+, Ch:9, Cl:+, G:42+, GTV:+, L4:19, LBF:+, Mgn:20, NME:50+, PB:15, PM:+, Q:+, Sk:+, TS:+, Up:+, YF:19; d:+, diy:+, em:+, fa:+, npr_ct:10 -- TH:*
- Joe Lovano: Trio Tapestry (ECM) {34}: Cpu:14, JC:17, JT:28, JW:19, PM:+; am:++, am_j:+, bg_g:6, jbu:7, jbm:8, jdo:1, jdr:10, jjwd:1, jkm:7, jlbi:6, jld:1, jpl:2, jrsc:3, tg:3 -- TH:**
- Maren Morris: Girl (Columbia Nashville) {34}: BB:26, BP:19, EW:+, Gg_c:1, Gg_p:39, N:38, Ps:25, Q:+, RS:+, RS_c:15, Sg:+, Up:+, Up_p:20, USP:16, VMP:+; am_c:+, b:6, em:+, gq:+, npr_kt:7, p:7, p_c:7, sg_c:7, sln:+, tc:9, v:+, v_cw:7 -- TH:B
- The Twilight Sad: It Won/t Be Like This All the Time (Rock Action) {34}: 405:+, Am_s:38, AU:11, Bq:+, Cl:+, DS:+, G:+, Gg_i:23, GTV:+, L4:11, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mc:27, MO:25+, NME:+, NR:16, P:+, PM:48+, Q:+, RM:95, RT:38, Sk:+, UR:17+; diy:+, pm_k:2 -- PJ:134-60-6, TH:B
- Amyl and the Sniffers: Amyl and the Sniffers (ATO) {33}: AU:38, B:+, Cl:+, Crh:7, DJ:17, Gw:34, LBF:+, Mj:16+, NME:19+, Pc:30, PR:10, Q:+, RM:24, RT:28, Ups:+; 53:+, am_k:+, d:+, diy:+, mg_p:2, now:+, nt:+ -- PJ:172-48-5
- Post Malone: Hollywood's Bleeding (Republic) {33}: BB:13, BP:23, Cmp:46, GC:14, Gg_h:5, Gg_p:16, NME:20+, PCr:24, Ps:43, RS:47+, Up:41, Up_h:15, Up_p:11, USP:18; am_p:+, man:2, rf_h:20, rs_h:20, tbt:10, xxl:+ -- TH:B
- Sampa the Great: The Return (Ninja Tune) {33}: AU:17, Bc:1, Cl:+, DJ:1, HDX:20, LR:86, Mix:38, Mj:+, Pc:42, PM:42+, Q:+, U:69; am_h:+, bc_h:+, pm_h:6, pta:+, smh:+, tm:3, xjh:+ -- TH:**
- YBN Cordae: The Lost Boy (Atlantic) {33}: BB:25, Cl:+, Cmp:40, CP:72, DJB:50, Ex:+, GC:10, Gg_h:22, HNH:21, HS:+, I:40, Up:10, Up_h:3, UpC:50, YF:32; am_h:+, fu:11, rf_h:9, rtv:5, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:A-
- 2 Chainz: Rap or Go to the League (Gamebread/Def Jam) {32}: 405:+, Cmp:12, CS:+, DJB:31, Ex:+, GC:50, Gg_h:2, HS:+, HV:17, NME:+, PO:+, Ps:17, Thr:5, Up:26, Up_h:10; am_h:+, do:+, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:**
- Kevin Abstract: Arizona Baby (Question Everything/RCA) {32}: BB:+, BS:15, Cmp:+, DJB:47, GC:+, Gg_h:31, HDX:+, HS:+, Joe:10, LBF:+, N:63, NME:+, PB:16, Sg:+, Up:44, Up_h:16; hc_g:9, hcw:4, otw:+, vnf:10, yh:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
- Bat for Lashes: Lost Girls (AWAL) {32}: Am_s:16, C:49, G:+, Gf:12, Gf_D:15, GMA:1, I:47+, LBF:+, MO:44, Mx:50, NBH:23, NME:+, No:19, NR:31, Pc:59, Q:+, RT:21, Sk:+, Tr:45, UR:12; d:+
- Chai: Punk (Burger) {32}: 405:+, BIB:31, DW:74, Ex:+, G:+, GTV:+, LBF:+, Mc:+, N:97, Ni:39, Pf:46+, Q:+, Rx:20, SC:+, Sg:+, Sk:+, Thr:20, VMP:+; d:+, diy:+, imp:+, pf_k:+, vmt:8 -- RC:A-, TH:*
- Ex Hex: It's Real (Merge) {32}: Bc:8, GTV:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, NME:+, P:+, RS:+, Sk:+, SoG:+, U:73+; am:+, am_i:+, cp_f:4, diy:+, gcn:+, gl:++, npr_jg:3, so_d:6, vse:6 -- PJ:18-246-24, RC:*, MT:**, TH:**
- Rhiannon Giddens: There Is No Other (Nonesuch) {32}: AS:+, G:+, JC:+, Mc:+, Mj:64+, NoD_r:34, PM:42+, RS:+, U:21+; am:+, am_f:+, db:+, gcn:+, gl:+++, jmb:9, jrmi:+, p_f:1, pm_a:8, scm:+, tg:+, v_cw:+ -- PJ:206-40-4, TH:***
- Hatchie: Keepsake (Double Double Whammy) {32}: Am_s:21, Bc:25, Cl:+, CS:48+, GTV:7+, Joe:19, LBF:+, PM:27+, Sg:+, Sk:+, Up_i:23, UR:8+; d:+, dir:+, imp:+, p_s:9, pir:+, pm_i:3, wo:1 -- PJ:190-44-5
- King Princess: Cheap Queen (Zelig) {32}: AU:31, CS:15, G:48+, Gg_p:45, GMA:43, LBF:39+, NME:+, PB:8, PCr:23, Ps:12, Q:48+, Up:30, Up_p:9, WHP:11; am_p:+, diy:+, gq:+, mtv:+, ti:8, usw:2, wil:+
- Nerija: Blume (Domino) {32}: AU:15, Bc:83, BIW:46, C:+, Cl:29+, Dr:21, JC:+, LQ:+, LR:70, Mj:+, Pc:25, Q:+, RT:23, Trk:+, U:47, VF:27; am_j:+, bc_j:+, em:+, jcm:+, jin:5, jmks:5, jpq:7, jrw:22, mm:8, rb_j:+, tr_j:+ -- TH:*
- The Raconteurs: Help Us Stranger (Third Man) {32}: AS:++, BB:40, Cl:+, Crh:35, Gg_i:36, I:+, LR:54, Mj:26+, NAO:23, NME:+, PM:+, Q:+, RS:+, Sl:17+, U:33+, USP:26; am_k:+, diy:+, do:+, sp:+, tg:+, ucr:2, v:+, v_cw:4, yh:8
- Sir Babygirl: Crush on Me (Father/Daughter) {32}: Alt:59, Atw:+, BB:+, CP:1, DW:2, HV:18, LBF:+, NR:+; p_p:13, vjo:+, vnf:8, xmb:6, xrc:1, yrh:+ -- PJ:162-51-5, RC:**, MT:**, TH:***
- That Dog: Old LP (Universal) {32}: CP:38, DW:15, GMA:10, Rx:23, XJS:20; am:++, am_i:+, vrj:1, vse:5, vzy:4, xgh:8, xmb:9, xrc:9, ypg:7 -- PJ:39-149-16, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Blanck Mass: Animated Violence Mild (Sacred Bones) {31}: 405:+, BV:50, Cl:+, DJM:48, Dr:64, G:+, Gg_e:7, LBF:+, LQ:+, MO:28+, N:83, NME:+, NR:22+, O:+, Pc:65, PM:53, RM:42, SC:+, Sk:+, Tr:49, UR:68+; gcn:+, imp:+, pm_e:7, tr_e:+ -- PJ:206-40-4
- Earthgang: Mirrorland (Dreamville/Interscope) {31}: BS:5, DJB:15, GC:22, Gg_h:26, HDX:12+, HNH:7, N:55, NME:+, PO:12, Ps:13, Up:31, Up_h:13; am_h+, fu:12, gq:+, imp:+, pm_h:12, rtv:6, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Khalid: Free Spirit (RCA) {31}: BB:32, CP:54, CX:18, DW:59, Id:16, PCr:9, Ps:8, Rx:66, Up:+, Up_p:21; asp:8, xmr:2, xrm:4, ypg:5 -- PJ:201-41-3, RC:A-, TH:***
- Quelle Chris: Guns (Mello Music Group) {31}: Bc:31, C:13, CP:+37, DJB:37, DW:79, HDX:+, HG:13, Ne:24+, PO:+, PW:42, Rx:67, VMP:+; am_h:+, bc_h:+, npr_q:+, npr_sf:5, rf_h:16, rtv:8, xxl:+, yrh:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Jay Som: Anak Ko (Polyvinyl) {31}: Am_s:15, Alt:73, CS:35+, Gg_i:14, LBF:+, LQ:+, NDO:20, NME:+, O:+, P:+, Pc:67, RT:12, Sk:+, SoG:25, TMT:+, Tr:25, Up_i:34, UR:13+, VMP:+; diy:+, gl:+, npr_k:+, ta:+ -- PJ:105-73-8
- Tropical Fuck Storm: Braindrops (Joyful Noise) {31}: Bc:+, BIB:39, CP:53, DJ:38, Dr:44, FB:16, GTV:+, LBF+, LCA:27, LQ:12+, MM:84, Ms:27, Ne:47+, P:+, Pc:95, PO:+, Q:+, RM:92, SC:+, Spk:+, Ups:+; diy:+, sl:+, smh:+, xmr:8 -- PJ:134-60-7, TH:*
- Johnathan Blake: Trion (Giant Step Arts) {30}: JC:15, JT:9; jag:+, jan:10, jda:3, jdg:8, jdl:10, jek:7, jkws:9, jmja:6, jmk:7, jrk:1, jsa:3, jse:7, jwj:4, jtn:3, vjso:8 -- TH:A-
- The Hold Steady: Thrashing Thru the Passion (Frenchkiss) {30}: AS:+, AV:+, DW:29, G:+, Gg_i:25, GTV:37+, NME:+, P:+, Pf:+, PM:+, RSh:9, U:+; ec:+, gl:+, xjh:+, xjte:6 -- PJ:234-35-4, MT:***, RC:B+, TH:A-
- Malibu Ken [Aesop Rock & Tobacco]: Malibu Ken (Rhymesayers) {30}: DJB:60, DW:19, HG:+, HS:+, Mx:36, Ne:46+, PO:+, PW:31, Rx:45, Spk:+, Tr:21, XJS:32; cp:6, gig:+, rf_h:17, vzy:9 -- PJ:225-37-4, RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:***
- Oh Sees: Face Stabber (Castle Face) {30}: CS:+, Dr:16, FB:94, LCA:16, Mj:63, No:2, Pc:58, PR:13, Q:37+, Rf:3, RM:56, RT:87, Sk:+, U:13+; am:+, am_k:+, yps:+ -- PJ:41-145-15
- Pedro the Lion: Phoenix (Polyvinyl) {30}: Alt:21, CP:16, DS:+, DW:45, LBF:+, P:+, PM:+, Rx:44, SC:+, Sk:+, Spk:+, UR:+, XJS:24; aqd:+, cp:8, gl:+, now:+, npr_k:+, npr_lm:10, xbw:10, xjh:+, xsp:9 -- PJ:85-88-11, RC:A-, TH:*
- Ezra Collective: You Can't Steal My Joy (Enter the Jungle) {29}: AU:22, Bq:14, C:+, Cl:11+, Dr:66, JC:+, LBF:+, LQ:24+, Mj:+, MM:60, NME:+, O:+, Pc:26, Q:+, Trk:+; bb6:+, d:+, jcm:+, jkm:5, rb_j:+, vjo:5, xce:2 -- TH:B
- Sam Fender: Hypersonic Missiles (Polydor) {29}: AU:10, Bq:5, Cl:13+, G:+, Gw:14+, I:20+, LBF:+, MuH:22, NME:38+, Q:+, Sk:+, T:+, TS:+, Up_sh:16; d:+, rx:+
- Fire! Orchestra: Arrival (Rune Grammofon) {29}: CM:38, JC:44; ei:1, fj:+, jcg:2, jdbs:2, jeh:3, jjw:1, jkb:5, jmsc:6, jps:4, jsp:2, jss:1, jtb:10, jyo:1 -- TH:B
- Jazzmeia Horn: Love and Liberation (Concord) {29}: Cpu:13, JC:+, TS:+; am:++, am_j:+, gl:++, gl_j:+, hft:18, j91:+, jd:10, jhm:4, jlrt:1, jlw:7, jmja:4, jmr:7, jrmi:7, jry:8, jsf:+, npr_ap:6 -- TH:***
- Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba: Miri (OutHere) {29}: CP:34, DW:23, HV:20, Mj:+, MO:+, O:+, PAM:+, PM:+, PO:+, Rx:52, U:+, XJS:+; sol:1, xtw:10 -- RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
- WH Lung: Incidental Music (Melodic) {29}: Dr:2, G:39+, GTV:45, L4:6, LQ:+, Mj:+, Pc:1, Q:+, RM:1, Trk:1, U:43
- The New Pornographers: In the Morse Code of Brake Lights (Concord) {29}: CP:45, DW:28, Got:17, NAO:34, P:+, PM:+, Rf:48, RS:+; am_i:+, ipr:+, npr_rd:7, sp:+, v_cw:5, vgb:5, vrj:7, xde:10, xhs:6, xjh:+, xtj:7, xtw:5, yjl:20, ypg:9 -- PJ:30-184-23, TH:*
- Octo Octa: Resonant Body (T4T LUV NRG) {29}: Bc:35, Bq:+, C:14, DJM:16, Du:23, F:+, G:+, Gg_e:22, Mgn:5, Mix:3, NME:31; am_e:+, gq:+, pm_e:10, ra:+, tr_e:+, xbl:5 -- TH:***
- Joan Shelley: Like the River Loves the Sea (No Quarter) {29}: Fp:6, Mj:+, NR:+, P:43+, Pf:+, Q:18+, RM:99, SC:+, Trk:+, U:6; am:+, am_f:+, aqd:+, ct:19, npr_bb:9, npr_st:5, npr_th:4, p_f:4 -- PJ:110-72-8
- Maxo Kream: Brandon Banks (Big Persona/RCA) {28}: BS:20, C:30, Cmp:48, CS:+, DJB:44, Gg_h:29, HNH:16, HS:+, N:23, Pf:+, PW:34, RS:+, Up_h:36; am_h:+, atl:+, mg_h:5, npr_r:+, npr_rc:6, rf_h:11, ri:4, sg_r:9, xxl:+ -- TH:**
- Matt Mitchell: Phalanx Ambassadors (Pi) {28}: BIW:61, CM:28, JC:32, JT:24; fj:+, ghj:8, jap:10, jcg:4, jd:11, jdb:8, jjo:2, jkws:5, jls:7, jrg:9, jsg:4, jsp:6, jwk:7, jyo:5, pm_j:+, vwl:2 -- TH:**
- Oso Oso: Basking in the Glow (Triple Crown) {28}: Alt:3, BB:42, Ch:5, Fld:6, Gg_i:22, GMA:19, NR:41, P:44+, Pf:30+, Sg:42, UpC:27; crk:4, p_k:4, pf_k:+, xjd:7 -- PJ:156-53-6
- Yazz Ahmed: Polyhymnia (Ropeadope) {27}: Bc:61, JC:+, JW:14, Ne:18+, PW:13; am_j:+, db:+, gl_j:+, hep:2, hft:19, jcm:1, jha:5, sg_j:2, tr_j:+, vpf:2 -- TH:**
- Anthony Braxton: Quartet (New Haven) 2014 (Firehouse 12 -4CD) {27}: JC:21; jan:13, jbs:1, jdr:5, jjc:5, jji:3, jjws:5, jms:4, jsb:2, jsf:2, jsp:7, jsw:2, jyo:9 -- TH:A-
- Foals: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost (Part 2) (Warner UK) {27}: Bq:3, Cl:+, Crh:3, Gw:20+, NME:+, NR:49, O:+, Q:+, RT:27, Sk:+, Spk:+, Trk:6, UR:65; d:+, diy:+, nt:+, rx:+
- Bill Frisell/Thomas Morgan: Epistrophy (ECM) {27}: JC:21, JT:15, JW:19; aaj:+, db:+, fd:2, ghj:2, jbm:5, jjwd:6, jls:1, jma:+, jmr:2, jpa:5, jrm:+, tg:7, vjso:6, vsd:2 -- TH:*
- Girlpool: What Chaos Is Imaginary (Anti-) {27}: C:+, CS:+, DS:+, DW:38, E_UK:+, FO:37, Gg_i:10, Hil:+, NME:+, NR:+, Sg:+, Sk:+, SoG:46, Thr:31, Up:+, Ups:+, VMP:+; d:+, gl:+, imp:+, nt:+, p_i:16, pf_k:+, vu:+ -- MT:*, TH:B
- Great Grandpa: Four of Arrows (Double Double Whammy) {27}: Alt:6, BV:49, Ch:15, Gg_i:27, LBF:+, Q:+, Sb:27, Sg:8, SoG:28, Spk:17, Up_i:26, Ups:+; clt_f:7, crk:18, npr_k:+, npr_lm:3, npr_rh:8, p_i:19, xwb:6 -- PJ:176-47-5
- Miho Hazama: Dancer in Nowhere (Sunnyside) {27}: BIW:43, Cpu:7, JC:38, JT:33, Tx_j:12; db:+, jdo:9, jgg:+, jjo:8, jma:+, jnt:9, jslo:6, mm:6, ny_u:7, ph:5, tg:4, vbr:7, vmw:4 -- TH:**
- Damon Locks/Black Monument Ensemble: Where Future Unfolds (International Anthem) {27}: Bc:3, BIW:1, JC:+, Pf:+, PO:+, SC:+, So:25, VF:+, W:25; am_j:+, aqd:+, bc_j:+, jgg:8, jjo:7, jmsc:8, la_b:10, jssm:6, lib:+ -- PJ:62-105-9, TH:*
- Stormzy: Heavy Is the Head (Merky/Atlantic) {27}: Bq:15, Cl:20+, E_UK:+, G:+, I:24+, LBF:19+, NME:37+, So:23, T:+, UR:+, VF:16; cm:3, diy:+, g_e:10, gq_uk:4 -- TH:**
- Rachid Taha: Je Suis Africain (Naive) {27}: CP:52, DW:69, PO:+, Rx:41; jy:9, mg_w:8, xbf:2, xbl:4, xbw:3, xjl:6, xjm:1, xrc:2 -- PJ:67-100-9, RC:A-, TH:A-
- These New Puritans: Inside the Rose (Infectious) {27}: C:+, D:17, FB:72, G:41+, GTV:14+, LBF:+, LQ:39, MO:47+, NR:+, Q:32+, Qt:5, RM:86, Sk:+, UR:+; d:+, imp:+, nt:+, sp:+
- Kanye West: Jesus Is King (GOOD/Def Jam) {27}: AU:20, Cmp:50, Du:45, E_UK:+, FWg:16, Gg_h:3, LR:20, NME:21+, Noj:20, T:+, YF:45; do:+, now:+, ny_c:9, rs_h:16, sjm:4, xtj:6 -- PJ:192-43-4, TH:B-
- Pip Blom: Boat (Heavenly) {26}: Crh:26, Dr:25, Gw:48+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Pc:82, RM:37, RS:+, RT:53, Sk:+, SoG:5; am_i:+, ct:15, so_k:+, vgb:4 -- PJ:98-79-10, RC:**, TH:***
- Mark Dresser Seven: Ain't Nothing but a Cyber Coup & You (Clean Feed) {26}: JC:24; aaj:+, db:+, fj:+, jdr:8, jehz:7, jjc:+, jkw:2, jmn:7, jmu:3, jnt:1, jpl:5, jrb:2, jri:9, jtd:2, sdu:3 -- TH:**
- Hand Habits: Placeholder (Saddle Creek) {26}: 405:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, LQ:+, N:76, NDO:15, P:39, PM:+, Q:+, Sb:9, Sg:36, SoG:38, Up:+, UR:+, WHP:16; aqd:+, cp_f:6, ta:+ -- PJ:115-70-8, MT:B+
- Camila Meza & the Nectar Orchestra: Ambar (Sony Masterworks) {26}: BIW:17, JC:35, JT:4, PM:+; db:+, hft:21, jaa:2, jjm:+, jkc:3, jmb:3, jmr:1, jrk:8, ph:2, vjc:1 -- TH:B
- Linda May Han Oh: Aventurine (Biophilia) {26}: CM:67, JC:29, JT:10; jadh:1, jd:7, jjwd:8, jme:5, jmk:5, jrm:+, jwj:6, nb:3, ph:9, vbr:2, vjc:7, vjso:5 -- TH:**
- William Parker/In Order to Survive: Live/Shapeshifter (AUM Fidelity) {26}: CM:37, G:+, JC:+; aaj:+, fj:+, jbs:3, jcg:7, jes:2, jnm:8, jps:6, jss:7, jwk:3, vbc:3, vsd:10, ycy:3, yjs:5 -- TH:A-
- Wadada Leo Smith: Rosa Parks: Pure Love: An Oratorio of Seven Songs (TUM) {26}: JC:14; aaj:+, jck:5, jd:5, jdo:4, jehz:9, jgy:9, jjw:3, jlbi:8, jpl:8, jri:2, jrk:7, jrw:21, jsp:4, jyo:2, noj:4 -- TH:*
- Harry Styles: Fine Line (Columbia) {26}: AV:+, BP:27, Bq:+, Cl:+, E_UK:+, G:+, Gg_p:9, I:+, Id:11, NME:+, Ps:34, RS:23+, RSh:4, Sl:+; diy:+, hcw:8, mc_u:11, now:+, usw:6 -- TH:C+
- Melissa Aldana: Visions (Motema) {25}: JC:34, JT:22, NPR:+, PM:+; aaj:+, ghj:3, jag:+, jd:9, jfkz:2, jja:4, jjo:9, jlb:5, jmr:8, jtn:7, pm_j:+, sd_j:+, tg:6, vjso:9, vwl:9 -- TH:**
- Hayes Carll: What It Is (Dualtone) {25}: BS:30, Cpu:15, Ex:+, Gg_c:40, Mj:+, NoD_r:5, NPR:+, PM:+, RS:+, RS_c:27; gl:+, mg_s:9, p_c:13, scm:+ -- RC:B+, TH:A-
- Theon Cross: Fyah (Gearbox) {25}: Dr:31, JC:+, No:36, O:+, PAM:+, Qt:41, RM:74; aaj:+, gcn:+, gl_j:+, hep:4, jcm:4, jm:+, la_b:8, nb:+, rb_j:+, sg_j:4, tg:+, tr_j:+, vpf:6+ -- TH:*
- Whit Dickey Tao Quartets: Peace Planet/Box of Light (AUM Fidelity -2CD) {25}: JC:+, PO:+; aaj:+, am:+, am_j:+, db:+, fj:2+, jcg:1, jehz:6, jes:1, jlre:7, jpf:6, jsk:9, jssm:10, jtb:7, jtc:10 -- TH:***
- Robert Forster: Inferno (Tapete) {25}: BIB:3, CM:69, CP:64, GTV:43, HV:32, Mj:+, PO:+, Q:+, RT:67, U:44; ath:+, xde:5 -- PJ:192-43-4, RC:B+, TH:A-
- GoldLink: Diaspora (Squaaash Club/RCA) {25}: Cl:+, Cmp:42, DJB:26, HDX:15+, HNH:23, HS:+, LR:89, Pf:+, PO:+, Q:+, Up:33, Up_h:14; up:+, vib:+, xxl:+ -- MT:A-, TH:***
- Jeffrey Lewis & the Voltage: Bad Wiring (Don Giovanni) {25}: LQ:+, PO:+, Rx:27, Sk:+, XJS:15; cp:7, vnf:9, xgh:6, xjdc:10, xjte:1, ypg:4, yrb:9 -- PJ:130-61-7, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Moor Mother: Analog Fluids of Sonic Black Holes (Don Giovanni) {25}: Cl:31+, DJM:26, F:+, G:+, LQ:+, No:15, PO:+, Qt:12, W:4; afk:+, dc:+, pf_x:+, pm_v:3, pta:+, ra:+, ygb:6 -- TH:**
- Sault: 5 (Forever Living Originals) {25}: Bc:2, GB:46, NPR:20, RT:59, VF:32, VMP:+; afk:+, am_r:+, bg_j:7, kc:2, npr_bc:3, npr_oh:2, npr_th:10 -- PJ:88-83-8, TH:A-
- Mavis Staples: We Get By (Anti-) {25}: Al:39, AS:+, DJ:34, G:+, Mj:39+, NoD:16, NoD_r:36, PM:+, Q:+, RS:+, Trk:49, TS:+, U:+, UR:+; am_b:+, gl:++, ljs:10, pm_s:9 -- TH:A-
- Vagabon: Vagabon (Nonesuch) {25}: 405:+, Am_s:48, Cl:+, G:+, Mj:+, NBH:37, NPR:11, P:+, Rf_k:12, Sb:20, Sk:+, Up_i:18, UR:72+, VMP:+; clt_l:9, diy:+, npr_bb:19, npr_ml:+, ta:+, v_ja:6
- Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Colorado (Reprise) {25}: Al:19, Cl:+, Ex:+, I:+, LR:99, Mj:61+, NME:+, NoD:15, NoD:21, O:+, Q:+, Rf:20, RS:+, U:25; gl:+, ucr:4, yjl:33 -- TH:***
- Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society: Mandatory Reality (Eremite) {24}: JC:+, Mj:+, W:9; aqd:+, db:+, jap:9, jlre:8, jsb:+, jsfr:10, jwk:8, lv_p:1, mg_j:1, ygb:1, yjs:2 -- PJ:57-113-10
- JD Allen: Barracoon (Savant) {24}: JC:+, JT:32, PO:+; aaj:+, db:+, jda:8, jdku:9, jhs:10, jjh:2, jlrt:9, jpm:6, jrmu:+jse:9, vjc:3, vpf:3, ycy:2 -- TH:A-
- Fabian Almazan Trio: This Land Abounds With Life (Biophilia) {24}: BIW:31, CM:+, JC:28, JT:13; db:+, jag:+, jbw:2, jdb:1, jgg:10, jmks:2, jnt:2, jrk:6, la_b:9, ph:6, pm_j:+, vwl:5 -- TH:*
- J Balvin & Bad Bunny: Oasis (Universal Music Latino) {24}: BB:10, Cmp:38, CP:70, HS:+, Ms:37, N:53, NPR:22, Pap:16, PB:14, Pf:+, PO:+, RS:33; fu:6, npr_sf:4, v_ja:2, vu:+ -- TH:**
- Brockhampton: Ginger (Question Everything/RCA) {24}: E_UK:+, GC:26, LBF:+, MuH:11, Ne:32+, NME:+, Pf_r:38, Ps:3, RS:35, Up_h:34, YF:21; am_h:+, hcw:2, mqw:8, mtv:+, rs_h:8 -- TH:**
- Stef Chura: Midnight (Saddle Creek) {24}: Bc:+, CS:+, Gg_i:12, NAO:44, NDO:19, P:+, PM:+, Q:+, RS:+, RT:90, Sb:38, SoG:16; d:+, diy:+ -- PJ:206-40-4, MT:A-, TH:**
- The Coathangers: The Devil You Know (Suicide Squeeze) {24}: DS:+, GTV:+, MO:+, P:+, PO:+, Rx:46, XJS:39; vmt:9, xbf:5, xjc:8, yjl:23 -- RC:A-, MT:A-, TH:A-
- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Infest the Rats' Nest (ATO) {24}: Crh:15, Gw:23+, LCA:26, Mj:35+, Ne:13+, PM:+, PR:6, Q:+, Rf:7, Rf_k:34, RY:33, Spk:38; gl:+, sp:+ -- PJ:142-58-6
- Lee Scratch Perry: Rainford (On-U Sound) {24}: Dr:34, G:+, Mj:10+, PO:+, Q:17+, Rx:21; bl:10, jy:+, xde:4 -- PJ:181-45-4, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Whitney: Forever Turned Around (Secretly Canadian) {24}: BIB:30, Dr:77, E_UK:+, Gw:36+, LBF:+, LR:74, Mj:+, MM:85, NBH:36, NDO:14, P:+, Pc:98, Q:+, Sk:+, SoG:7, UR:58; aqd:+, bg_u:9, d:+, nt:+
- Chelsea Wolfe: Birth of Violence (Sargent House) {24}: CS:+, Gw:22+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Ms:33, Mx:2, P:+, PM:+, PR:11, Q:+, Rev:13, RM:100, SC:+, Sk:+, Spk:+, UR:75; gl:+ -- PJ:225-37-3
- Snoh Aalegra: Ugh, Those Feels Again (Artium) {23}: Cl:+, Cmp:32, DJB:20, N:92, Okp:17, Ps:11; clt_l:5, em:+, fu:1, hdx_r:3, imp:+, npr_bc:8, npr_sm:4, vib:+ -- TH:**
- Jade Bird: Jade Bird (Glassnote) {23}: Atw:+, AV:+, BP:9, Bq:1, Cl:+, GMA:42, NME:+, NPR:+, PM:63, Q:+, RT:98, UR:+; b:+, d:+, ipr:+, p_c:14, rx:+
- Black Belt Eagle Scout: At the Party With My Brown Friends (Saddle Creek) {23}: 405:+, Am_s:9, Bc:70, CS:49+, Gg_i:29, Mc:40, Mj:+, NBH:48, NR:+, O:+, Pf:+, PM:+, Q:+, Sb:34, Sk:+, UR:31; crk:21, diy:+, pf_k:+ -- PJ:172-48-5
- Boogie: Everythings for Sale (Shady/Interscope) {23}: 405:+, Cmp:+, DJB:17, Gg_h:6, HDX:9+, HNH:20, HS:+, Up:27, Up_h:11; am_h:+, p_h:9, rf_h:13, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:*
- Boy Harsher: Careful (Nude Club) {23}: 405:+, Am_s:32, Bc:76, Gf:13, LQ:+, N:9, NBH:32, NME:+, PM:59, Q:+, Rf:16, Rf_k:23, TMT:+; pm_ep:9 -- PJ:145-57-5, TH:A-
- Alex Cameron: Miami Memory (Secretly Canadian) {23}: LBF+, LQ:+, LR:9, Ne:9+, Noj:7, NR:+, PM:+, Sk:+, Sl:9, Up_i:16, UR:76+; nt:+
- Fennesz: Agora (Touch) {23}: 405:+, BV:34, DS:+, Gg_e:12, LBF:+, Pf:8+, PO:+; am_e:+, crk:9, ex_e:8, imp:+, jkb:3, pm_a:3, pm_v:10, ra:+, tr_e:+ -- PJ:87-84-8, TH:B
- Vijay Iyer/Craig Taborn: The Transitory Poems (ECM) {23}: JC:37; aaj:+, am:+, fj:+, jahk:6, jal:+, jdm:+, jff:6, jhr:6, jlbi:5, jmju:10, jmks:9, jpf:2, jra:9, jry:4, jtd:8, jtmd:7, jyo:8 -- TH:**
- Steve Lacy: Apollo XXI (3Qtr) {23}: Cl:+, Cmp:+, E_UK:+, Ex:+, G:+, HS:+, LR:67, N:29, NME:+, PO:+, Up_i:32, VF:+, Up:+; afk:+, am_r:+, diy:+, em:+, hcw:6, lib:+, otw:+, wi:+, yh:+ -- TH:*
- Dr Mark Lomax, II: 400: An African Epic (CFG Multimedia -12CD) {23}: JC:41, PO:+; aaj:+, jbs:7, jjc:+, jka:1, jra:1, vjo:2, vth:3, xtw:1 -- PJ:245-34-2TH:A
- Leyla McCalla: Capitalist Blues (Jazz Village) {23}: O:+, PM:+, PM:+, PO:+, Rx:25; mg_i:8, pm_f:1, vew:6, vzy:7, xjc:10, xsp:+, yjl:26 -- PJ:234-35-4, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Modern Nature: How to Live (Bella Union) {23}: BIB:10, Dr:18, GTV:36, Mj:43+, Pc:93, Q:+, Sb:3, U:17+; aqd:+, ath:+, diy:+, pm_i:2 -- PJ:234-35-4
- Shura: Forevher (Secretly Canadian) {23}: Al:37, Cl:+, GTV:38+, Gw:41, I:29, LBF:32+, Mc:39, MO:+, N:54, NME:+, O:+, Q:+, RT:49, SC:+, Sk:+, Spk:+; am_p:+, d:+, pm_ep:4, ust:6
- The Cinematic Orchestra: To Believe (Domino) {22}: Cl:+, Dr:84, Ex:+, Gg_e:51, I:+, Mj:+, O:+, Pc:13, Q:+, RM:32, Sk:+, Tr:+, Trk:7; gig:+, lv_c:8, sp:+, tr_e:+ -- TH:**
- Gang Starr: One of the Best Yet (TTT/Gang Starr) {22}: Al:43, Bq:+, G:+, Gg_h:34, GMA:35, Gw:+, HDX:8+, HG:8, NAO:25, PO:+, Up_h:22, YW:20; pm_h:19, v_ab:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Jayda G: Significant Changes (Ninja Tune) {22}: Bc:24, Ex:+, G:+, Gg_e:4, LQ:+, Mix:6, NME:+, PM:+, Q:+, SC:+, Sk:+; am_e:+, ex_e:7, now:6+, pm_e:6 -- TH:*
- Injury Reserve: Injury Reserve (Senaca Village) {22}: 405:+, Cmp:+, DJB:48, HG:+, HS:+, LBF:37+, LQ:18+, Ni:17, Rf_k:30, RY:38, Spk:+; bw:+, rf_h:5, yh:+ -- TH:***
- Ethan Iverson Quartet With Tom Harrell: Common Practice (ECM) {22}: JC:33; am_j:+, db:+, jbu:4, jgz:1, jhr:9, jma:+, jme:3, jrh:1, jrm:+, jrsc:6, jsf:8, ph:8, vjso:3, vsd:7 -- TH:*
- Guillermo Klein: Los Guachos Cristal (Sunnyside) {22}: BIW:6, JC:42; bc_j:+, bg_g:8, jbu:8, jjm:+, jmks:4, jrd:6, jrw:9, noj:1, npr_nc:4, ny_u:2 -- TH:***
- Mekons: Deserted (Bloodshot) {22}: CM:63, Mj:+, PO:+, RS:+; am_f:+, ct:17, gl:+, npr_ap:4, sl:+, xls:2 -- PJ:58-111-8, RC:***, MT:***, TH:***
- Bob Mould: Sunshine Rock (Merge) {22}: Fld:+, L:+, GTV:+, Mj:+, P:+, PM:+, RS:+, Rx:76; am_k:+, diy:+, gcn:+, gl:+, so_d:+, xjte:7 -- PJ:59-110-12, MT:*, RC:A-, TH:**
- Kalie Shorr: Open Book (self-released) {22}: BS:14, Rx:9; b:9, npr_jh:4, ny_c:7, scm:+, sg_c:10, tc:8, v_cw:+ -- RC:A, TH:A-
- AJ Tracey: AJ Tracey (self-released) {22}: Cl:21+, Cmp:+, CX:6, DJM:15, G:+, Gw:30, I:36+, LBF:+, NME:23+, Q:+, TMT:+; yh:+ -- MT:**, TH:**
- Kelsey Waldon: White Noise/White Lines (Oh Boy) {22}: Al:42, AS:+, BS:28, Gg_c:21, NoD:20, RS_c:7, YW:41; am_c:+, fa:+, gl:+, ns:8, p_c:11, scm:+, sg_c:5 -- TH:A-
- Beck: Hyperspace (Capitol) {21}: Al:27, Bq:+, Cl:+, GMA:7, MM:98, NME:+, O:+, Oo:20, RS:39+, RT:11; clt_t:5, diy:+, ipr:+, sp:+ -- PJ:105-73-8, TH:B
- Andrew Bird: My Finest Work Yet (Loma Vista) {21}: Atw:+, AV:+, DS:+, MM:25, MO:+, NDO:9, Q:+, Spk:+, TS:+, UR:40+, WHP:20; am:+, am_f:+, clt_t:7, gl:+, pm_a:11 -- PJ:102-75-5
- Cherry Glazerr: Stuffed & Ready (Secretly Canadian) {21}: 405:+, Am_s:11, Gg_i:41, LBF:+, NME:+, PM:47+, Ps:16, Q:+, Sl:+, SoG:42, Tr:42, Ups:+; d:+, npr_k:+, nt:+, pm_k:5 -- PJ:201-41-6, TH:B
- Anat Cohen Tentet: Triple Helix (Anzic) {21}: JC:25, JT:19; ghj:6, jbu:9, jgz:5, jhr:4, jjm:3, jpb:8, jrh:3, jrs:+, jry:3, jtn:6, vjt:8 -- TH:**
- Bill Frisell: Harmony (Blue Note) {21}: JC:47, JW:5; db:+, hft:5, jjwd:5, jkc:4, jla:6, jms:11, jpl:4, mm:5, vjt:5 -- TH:*
- Iro Haarla, Ulf Krokfors & Barry Altschul: Around Again (TUM) {21}: CM:65, JC:39; aaj:+, fd:+, fj:+, jal:+, jdm:+, jek:6, jkws:3, jlv:6, jtd:4, jri:6, jsk:2, tg:+ -- TH:A-
- Kokoko!: Fongola (Transgressive) {21}: CP:14, Ex:+, LCA:40, LR:94, Mj:+, Ms:24, Q:+, RM:83, RT:32, VF:18; am:+, am_w:+, diy:+ -- MT:A-, TH:**
- Lankum: Livelong Day (Rough Trade) {21}: G:+, Joe:15, Mj:58+, NPR:8, Q:+, SC:+, Trk:40; am:++, am_f:+, hp:7, npr_bb:6, npr_jg:4, npr_oh:4, sol:7
- Anna Meredith: FIBS (Moshi Moshi) {21}: G:+, LBF:+, LQ:11+, MO:12, PM:58+, Sb:28, SC:+, Sk:+, UR:10+; am_e:+, d:+, diy:+, pf_x:+, tsu:+ -- TH:B
- Metronomy: Metronomy Forever (Because) {21}: BIB:37, Dr:73, E_UK:+, Gw:25, I:+, LBF+, LR:29, Mj:+, MM:41, MO:+, Mx:42, NME:+, O:+, Pc:96, Q:+, RM:75, RT:34, Trk:36, UR:61; diy:+, nt:+
- The Mountain Goats: In League With Dragons (Merge) {21}: Cl:+, G:+, HV:+, MO:+, P:+, PM:+, RS:+, SC:8, XJS:25; aqd:+, dbu:+, owh:9, vu:+, yps:+ -- PJ:115-70-7, MT:**, TH:**
- Rammstein: Rammstein [Untitled] (Vertigo/Capitol) {21}: Cl:+, CS:+, Gf:24, L:6, NME:+, Noj:45, PR:3, Rev:10, Spk:+, Ups:+; cm:8, sp:+, ug:3
- Enrico Rava/Joe Lovano: Roma (ECM) {21}: JC:36, JT:35, JW:12; am:+, am_j:+, jha:2, jla:4, jmju:8, jrg:4, jsa:1, vjso:1, vjt:6 -- TH:*
- Special Request: Vortex (Houndstooth) {21}: DJM:7, Du:4, Mix:10, VF:9; bc_e:+, ia:+, ra:++ -- TH:A-
- Swans: Leaving Meaning. (Young God) {21}: 405:+, FO:47, LBF:+, LCA:45, LR:98, Mg:23, Mj:+, MM:38, Ms:18, NR:+, Rf:28, Rf_k:19, RT:19, RY:11, SR:17; lv_p:8
- William Tyler: Goes West (Merge) {21}: Dr:68, LBF:+, LQ:38+, Mj:+, O:+, Q:+, Sg:43, Thr:3, U:+; acl_r:10, am:+, am_f:+, aqd:+, pm_a:20 -- PJ:192-43-5, TH:**
- Altin Gun: Gece (Glitterbeat) {20}: LCA:36, MM:10, Pc:7, PW:49, Rf:19, U:63, YW:92; am:++, am_i:+, pm_w:6, xsa:8 -- PJ:176-47-5, TH:**
- Battles: Juice B Crypts (Warp) {20}: Cl:+, CP:57, Ex:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, LR:14, MM:94, Mx:44, NME:+, P:+, Q:+, Rf:17; ct:+, diy:+, xbf:6, xls:4 -- PJ:220-39-5
- Blood Incantation: Hidden History of the Human Race (Dark Descent) {20}: BV:47, Ex:+, FB:82, FWg:6, LCA:43, Pf:41+, Qt:58, Rev:25, RY:20, Sg:44, Spk:+; gcn:+, npr_lg:2, tr_m:7, wil:+
- Blood Orange: Angel's Pulse (Domino) {20}: Cl:+, Du:38, E_UK:+, F:+, HS:+, LR:38, N:68, No:49, Noj:10, Pf:+, PO:+, Ps:44, YF:39; do:+, gcn:+, nt:+ -- TH:**
- Chromatics: Closer to Grey (Italians Do It Better) {20}: Am_s:2, BIB:21, GB:6, LBF:+, LR:32, MO:20, No:42, P:+, Sl:22+, Tr:27, UR:42, YF:40; ih:+ -- TH:B
- Chuck Cleaver: Send Aid (Shake It) {20}: CP:51, DW:35, PO:+, Rx:47, XJS:6; jy:8, vzy:6, yjl:27, yrb:8 -- PJ:118-69-7, RC:A-, TH:***
- Drugdealer: Raw Honey (Mexican Summer) {20}: Dr:78, FWg:24, GTV:+, LR:50, NDO:12, NME:+, Q:+, Sk:+, U:52, VMP:+, WHP:5; diy:+, gl:++, ih:+ -- PJ:79-92-8
- Elbow: Giants of All Sizes (Polydor/Verve) {20}: Al:32, AU:36, Fp:+, G:+, GMA:40, I:+, Mj:+, MO:45+, NBH:40, O:+, P:+, PM:60, Q:44+, Sk:+, T:+, UR:32+; sp:+
- Steve Gunn: The Unseen in Between (Matador) {20}: AS:+, Dr:70, Cl:+, Fld:+, GTV:+, LBF:+, Mj:54+, MM:28, NR:+, Pc:14, Q:+, Sk:+, Up:+; am:+, aqd:+, bg_u:3 -- PJ:60-108-11, MT:C+
- Tom Harrell: Infinity (HighNote) {20}: JC:+, JT:6; db:+, jag:+, jcjw:1, jjh:+, jkf:3, jme:9, jnt:10, jpb:1, jrmu:+ -- TH:**
- Jimmy Eat World: Surviving (RCA) {20}: Bq:9, Ch:1, Cl:+, GMA:16, NAO:28, Pu:6, Q:+, Spk:29+; am_k:+, ug:18
- Muna: Saves the World (RCA) {20}: Alt:29, BB:41, Cl:+, G:33, I:15+, NME:+, Pap:8, Q:+, RS:+, YF:50; d:+, diy:+, mu:4 -- TH:**
- Kim Petras: Clarity (BunHead) {20}: BB:48, Du:34, G:+, Gg_p:35, Gg_r:9, Id:17, NME:+, Pap:17, Rf:27, Up_p:17; dbu:+, diy:+, ih:+, ny_c:4 -- MT:C+
- Kendrick Scott Oracle: A Wall Becomes a Bridge (Blue Note) {20}: JC:+, JT:23, PM:+; gl_j:+, hft:6, jaa:4, jadh:9, jjh:7, jkm:3, jra:5, nb:6, noj:7, pm_j:+, vjso:2, vmp_j:6 -- TH:*
- Snapped Ankles: Stunning Luxury (The Leaf Label) {20}: 405:+, BIB:13, BV:42, Dr:51, LBF:+, LQ:+, Pc:48, Qt:16, RM:29, RT:88, Sb:14, Sk:+, SR:12, U:66; diy:+, do:+
- Adia Victoria: Silences (Atlantic) {20}: BS:23, CP:4, G:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, PM:55+; diy:+, ec:+, gcn:+, ipr:+, npr_ap:2, ns:5, ptr:5 -- MT:C+
- Ralph Alessi: Imaginary Friends (ECM) {19}: JC:+, JT:18; am:++, am_j:+, jd:6, jdo:6, jfkz:+, jjh:+, jkb:4, jme:1, jms:5, vbr:9 -- TH:*
- The Black Keys: Let's Rock (Easy Eye Sound/Nonesuch) {19}: G:+, Gw:+, I:48+, L:12, LR:55, MO:+, Ps:20, Q:+, RS:44+, U:61; am_k:+, nt:+, ucr:8, rx:+ -- PJ:154-54-7
- Etienne Charles: Carnival: The Sound of a People Vol 1 (Culture Shock Music) {19}: JC:43, SAC:24; db:+, jel:7, jfk:3, jgy:1, jjh:+, jjs:3, jrmi:2, xce:1 -- TH:**
- Epic Beard Men: This Was Supposed to Be Fun (Strange Famous) {19}: CP:+, HG:10, NAO:9, Rx:49, XJS:40, YW:60; pm_h:20 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Griselda: WWCD (Shady) {19}: Cmp:22, DJB:45, Gg_h:27, HDX:4+, HG:14, HNH:11; bg_b:4, hyb:+, rtv:3, vu:10, xxl:+
- Hozier: Wasteland, Baby! (Rubyworks) {19}: Atw:+, BP:8, Bq:+, CS:+, Id:4, MuH:24, T:+; hcw:5, hs:+, ih:+, mqw:3, sp:+
- Durand Jones & the Indications: American Love Call (Dead Oceans) {19}: AS:+, Bq:+, FB:99, G:46+, Mj:42+, NME:+, PM:23+, Q:+, RT:17, YW:12; pm_s:3, tbt:9 -- PJ:206-40-3, MT:C
- Kehlani: While We Wait (Atlantic/TSNMI) {19}: BB:+, Cmp:+, CP:49, DJB:32, DW:27, HS:+, HV:5, LBF:+, NPR:+, Thr:13, Up_p:32; pm_s:8, yh:+ -- TH:**
- Little Brother: May the Lord Watch (Imagine Nation Music/For Members Only/Empire) {19}: Al:24, DJB:16, DW:66, Gg_h:28, GMA:27, HDX:5+, HG:4, Okp:10, PO:+; am_h:+, bg_b:5, pm_h:16, rtv:7, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:**
- Willie Nelson: Ride Me Back Home (Legacy) {19}: E:+, Ex:+, Gg_c:26, Mj:+, NoD_r:7, O:+, PM:+, U:+, UR:+; ljs:+, pm_c:3, sp:+ -- TH:A-
- Iggy Pop: Free (Loma Vista) {19}: Fp:18, Gw:39, I:+, LR:16, NME:+, RT:13, SR:1, U:+; diy:+, ljs:9, nt:+, sp:+
- SEED Ensemble: Driftglass (Jazz Re:freshed) {19}: G:+, JC:+, JW:3, Mj:69, TS:+, VF:43; aaj:+, hep:7, jak:10, jcm:2, jpq:5, jrw:4, sg_j:7, vpf:+ -- TH:*
- Ty Segall: First Taste (Drag City) {19}: 405:+, BIB:7, Dr:9, FB:54, G:+, LR:34, Mj:+, NR:+, Pc:88, Q:+, Rf:23, Sk:+, Sl:+; gl:+ -- PJ:124-65-7
- Self Esteem: Compliments Please (Fiction) {19}: Bq:+, DS:+, FO:38, G:+, GTV:+, LBF:50+, LQ:17, MO:37+, NR:32, Q:50+, Sk:+, TS:+, UR:+; d:+, diy:+ -- MT:C+
- Sheer Mag: A Distant Call (Wilsuns) {19}: 405:+, C:+, G:+, N:84, NME:+, P:+, PO:+, Q:+, RS:32+, SoG:23; am_k:+, cp_f:5, npr_k:+, pf_k:+, yjl:17 -- TH:**
- Matthew Shipp Trio: Signature (ESP-Disk) {19}: JC:+, PM:+, PO:+; jbw:5, jel:5, jjsh:9, jka:8, jms:9, jmu:9, tn:7, vsd:5, ycy:8 -- TH:A-
- Sneaks: Highway Hypnosis (Merge) {19}: Bc:+, C:+, DS:+, Ex:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, MM:56, NME:46+, Q:+, Rx:72, UR:+; diy:+, so_d:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
- Spellling: Mazy Fly (Sacred Bones) {19}: 405:+, Am_s:12, Bc:27, Ex:+, Fld:+, P:+, Pf:+, PM:+, RT:85*, TMT:+, Tr:32, UR:+ -- MT:A-, TH:**
- BTS: Map of the Soul: Persona (Big Hit Entertainment) {18}: BB:+, CS:32+, DW:65, GC:29, Gg_p:14, HS:+, LBF:+, NME:36+, PCr:8, Pf_r:29, Ps:41; am_p:+, xrm:7
- James Carter Organ Trio: Live From Newport Jazz (Blue Note) {18}: JC:26, JT:31, PO:+; am_j:+, jbs:6, jgy:2, jrmi:5, jry:6, jsg:6, nb:10, tg:5, vbr:6 -- TH:***
- Crumb: Jinx (self-released) {18}: Am_s:13, Cpu:6, CS:+, Got:23, LBF:+, P:+, Q:+, RT:16, Sl:+, VMP:+; ipr:+, pf_k:+, xwb:9 -- PJ:234-35-3
- Joey DeFrancesco: In the Key of the Universe (Mack Avenue) {18}: JC:+, JT:21, NPR:+; am:+, am_j:+, db:+, gl_j:+, jaa:3, jcah:+, jck:9, jgy:5, jjs:9, vjt:3 -- TH:**
- Dreamville: Revenge of the Dreamers III (Dreamville/Interscope) {18}: Cmp:21, GC:35, HDX:3, HNH:8, Up_h:19; bg_b:2, do:+, mu:7, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Future: Future Hndrxx Presents: The Wizrd (Epic/Freebandz) {18}: Cmp:30, DJB:38, E_UK:+, Gg_h:21, HNH:2, HS:+, N:89, PW:36; am_h:+, sp:+, vu:+, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:**
- Ibibio Sound Machine: Doko Mien (Merge) {18}: Cl:+, DJM:50, Dr:13, Ex:+, G:+, PAM:+, PM:+, PO:+, Sk:+; am_w:+, mg_w:5, nt:+ -- MT:**, TH:**
- Sarathy Korwar: More Arriving (The Leaf Label) {18}: Dr:54, JC:+, Mj:70+, Pc:46, RM:41, RT:78, Trk:43, W:11; am_w:+, jak:9, rb_j:+, tg:+ -- TH:A-
- Lightning Bolt: Sonic Citadel (Thrill Jockey) {18}: 405:+, Cl:+, CM:5, LQ:+, Ne:38+, PO:+, Rf:11, RY:23; am_i:+, sl:+, v_ab:9 -- PJ:250-33-4, TH:*
- Christian Lillinger: Open Form for Society (Plaist Music) {18}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, fj:3+, jck:8, jmsc:3, jnm:1, jrw:5, mg_j:7 -- TH:***
- Kelsey Lu: Blood (Columbia) {18}: 405:+, BV:41, C:+, Cl:+, D:13, Ex:+, G:+, Mix:+, N:36, O:+, PO:+, VMP:+; lv_c:7, lv_v:3 -- TH:**
- Cass McCombs: Tip of the Sphere (Anti-) {18}: G:+, Got:19, LBF:+, Mj:55+, Pf:+, PM:+, Q:+, TMT:+, Up:+, Up_sh:12; d:+, diy:+, gl:+, nt:+ -- PJ:229-36-4
- Mike & the Moonpies: Cheap Silver & Solid Country Gold (Prairie Rose) {18}: Gg_c:43, RS_c:5; am:++, am_c:+, do:+, pm_c:5, scm:+++, vse:1 -- TH:*
- Ride: This Is Not a Safe Place (Wichita) {18}: Am_s:40, BIB:33, Cl:+, GTV:+, MM:66, MO:32+, NME:+, Q:+, RM:81, SR:11, Trk:10, UR:27; d:+, sp:+
- Sasami: Sasami (Domino) {18}: 405:+, Alt:55, DJ:33, Dr:72, Fld:24+, LBF:+, NME:+, P:+, Pc:54, Q:+, UR:46, VMP:+, WHP:30; diy:+, npr_ct:4 -- TH:*
- Jenny Scheinman/Allison Miller: Jenny Scheinman & Allison Miller's Parlour Game (Royal Potato Family) {18}: JC:+; am_j:+, bg_g:5, jbu:3, jdg:10, jmmz:6, jmr:6, jrg:5, la_b:4, nat:9, sdu:10 -- TH:***
- Caroline Spence: Mint Condition (Rounder) {18}: AS:++, Ex:+, RS_c:23; am_f:+, p_c:10, scm:++, vrj:5 -- MT:A-, TH:A-
- Teebs: Anicca (Brainfeeder) {18}: Cl:+, Ex:+, Gg_e:14, GTV:+, LBF:+, Mgn:10, MO:+, PW:33, Q:+; am_e:+, ex_e:5, ia:9, tr_e:+, xlr:+
- Nate Wooley: Columbia Icefield (Northern Spy) {18}: BIW:29, JC:+; db:+, fj:3, jap:8, jbs:10, jdg:1, jeh:1, jlre:1, jsb:9 -- TH:*
- Attacca Quartet: Caroline Shaw: Orange (New Amsterdam/Nonesuch) {17}: NPR:7, Pf:+; jma:+, mu:5, nat:5, npr_th:1, vsd:1, wil:+ -- PJ:206-40-4
- Bad Bunny: X 100PRE (Rimas Entertainment -18) {17}: BB:31, BV:40, DJB:34, GC:42, Pf:6, RS:5; atl:+, fa:+, man:7, ny_p:2, v:+ -- TH:[*]
- Lewis Capaldi: Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent (Capitol) {17}: Bq:16, Gf_D:10, Gg_p:47, I:+, LBF:+, Rx:69, Sk:+; cm:10, otw:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
- Juice Wrld: Death Race for Love (Interscope) {17}: BB:+, Cmp:+, Gg_h:4, NME:49+, RS:40+, Up:50, Up_h:18; rs_h:12, sp:+, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:B-
- Knocked Loose: A Different Shade of Blue (Pure Noise) {17}: Alt:64, Bc:65, BV:30, Ex:+, NME:+, Pu:4, Rev:4; ap:+, ex_m:2, ug:16
- Matmos: Plastic Anniversary (Thrill Jockey) {17}: Gg_e:9, MO:+, Ne:23+, NR:+, PM:+, Q:+, Qt:56, TMT:+, UR:+; acl_x:+, am:+, am_e:+, dc:+, tr_e:+ -- MT:C+
- Brad Mehldau: Finding Gabriel (Nonesuch) {17}: JC:+, JT:19, JW:11; db:+, hft:7, jda:9, jjh:+, jjha:6, jme:4, jmks:7, jslo:1, nb:+ -- TH:B
- MIKE: Tears of Joy (10k) {17}: Bc:23, DJB:72, E_UK:+, HS:+, Pf:31+, SC:+, Tr:33; afk:+, am:+, am_h:+, imp:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
- Moon Duo: Stars Are the Light (Sacred Bones) {17}: BIB:14, Dr:82, FB:26, Fp:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Pc:10, PW:21, Q:+, RM:51, Trk:14; aqd:+, gl:+
- Anthony Naples: Fog FM (Incenso) {17}: C:5, DJM:12, GB:50, Gg_e:17, Mix:28, Pf:+, Qt:+, VF:13; ia:+, ra:+, tr_e:+
- Miles Okazaki: The Sky Below (Pi) {17}: JC:49, Tx_j:9; jda:7, jdl:4, jff:9, jjs:7, jkws:4, jrh:8, jsk:5 -- TH:***
- Steph Richards: Take the Neon Lights (Birdwatcher) {17}: CM:23, JC:+; db:+, fj:+, jdbs:3, jld:8, jsk:7, jtd:9, jmju:9, jwk:2, sdu:4 -- TH:***
- Santana: Africa Speaks (Concord) {17}: JC:+, Mj:57+, PO:+, RS:+; db:+, gl:+, jcjw:10, jjha:10, jrmi:+, npr_fc:2, npr_lo:9, ny_p:3, sp:+, xce:8 -- TH:B
- Laura Stevenson: The Big Freeze (Don Giovanni) {17}: Alt:42, Am_s:44, GTV:33, NAO:20, SC:+, Spk:1+, YF:34; clt_f:1, p_f:6
- Aki Takase Japanic: Thema Prima (BMC) {17}: CM:9, G:+, JC:+; aaj:+, jff:1, jma:3, xbf:1 -- TH:***
- Hayden Thorpe: Diviner (Domino) {17}: Cl:+, GTV:42, Joe:13, L4:15, LBF:28+, LQ:+, Mj:+, MO:39+, NME:+, Q:+, UR:49; d:+, diy:+
- The Who: Who (Polydor) {17}: Cl:+, G:+, GMA:21, L:5, Mj:59, NME:+, T:+, U:71+; am_k:+, sp:+, ucr:3 -- PJ:134-60-5, TH:B
- Brandee Younger: Soul Awakening (self-released) {17}: JC:+, Tx_j:1; jek:3, jel:6, jin:6, jmmz:2, jpq:10, jrd:8 -- TH:***
- Young Nudy & Pi'erre Bourne: Sli'mere (RCA) {17}: AV:+, Cmp:7, DJB:53, F:+, GB:45, HNH:25, HS:+, N:59, Pf:+; fa:+, xxl:+, yh:+ -- TH:***
- Peter Brotzmann/Alexander Von Schlippenbach/Han Bennink: Fifty Years After . . . Live at the Lila Eule 2018 (Trost) {16}: JC:+; fj:+, jeh:6, jes:9, jpf:4, jsgr:4, tn:5, vmp_j:3 -- TH:A-
- Loyle Carner: Not Waving, but Drowning (Virgin/EMI) {16}: Bq:10, CX:7, I:+, LBF:44+, LR:22, MO:+, Ni:22, Pc:37, Q:47; xjm:5
- DKV & Joe McPhee: The Fire Each Time (Not Two -6CD) {16}: CM:18, JC:+, PO:+; aaj:+, fj:+, jjsh:1, jkb:10, jmsc:7, jsgj:7, jtd:5, jtmd:3
- Florist: Emily Alone (Double Double Whammy) {16}: E_UK:+, Ex:+, Ni:25, P:+, Pf:27+, Sb:21, SC:+, Sg:24, UR:92; am_i:+, crk:22, ex_c:7, gcn:+, p_f:7, pm_f:7
- Beth Gibbons & the Polish National Symphony Orchestra: Henryk Gorecki: Symphony No 3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs) (Domino) {16}: Fp:16, G:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Noj:33, Pf:+, PM:+, PO:+, Q:+, RM:34, U:+, UR:+; am:+, jrw:18, wil:+
- Go: Organic Orchestra & Brooklyn Raga Massive: Ragmala: A Garland of Ragas (Meta -2CD) {16}: JC:+; jgg:9, jgt:10, jjs:4, jla:5, jmn:1, jms:13, jsk:10, tg:+ -- TH:***
- Hiss Golden Messenger: Terms of Surrender (Merge) {16}: G:+, LBF+, Mg:20, Mj:71, NoD:6, NoD_r:42, O:+, Q:+, Sk:+; aqd:+, gl:+, npr_ap:7 -- PJ:149-55-5
- Ahmad Jamal: Ballades (Jazzbook) {16}: JC:31, PO:+; db:+, jel:1, jma:6, jmj:4, jpl:3, jrm:+, jrmu:+, jrsc:10, jry:7, tg:+
- Ryan Keberle & Catharsis: The Hope I Hold (Greenleaf Music) {16}: JC:+, JT:26, Tx_j:5; jjh:1, jpb:2, jrm:+, vjc:5 -- TH:**
- Reba McEntire: Stronger Than the Truth (Big Machine) {16}: AS:+, Gg_c:2, HV:35, RS_c:26; am_c:+, b:8, scm:+, sln:+, spt:5, tc:10, xbl:8 -- TH:*
- Buddy & Julie Miller: Breakdown on 20th Ave South (New West) {16}: AS:+, Mj:+, NoD:18, NoD_r:9, U:+, YW:38; am_f:+, gl:+, p_c:17, vrj:2 -- TH:**
- Nature Work: Nature Work (Sunnyside) {16}: CM:21, JC:+; db:+, jji:1, jnt:3, jrk:10, jms:1 -- TH:A-
- Bill Orcutt: Odds Against Tomorrow (Palilalia) {16}: Qt:80, S:7; aqd:+, jdme:8, jsfr:5, jtb:5, npr_lg:8, pf_x:+, wil:+, yjs:3 -- PJ:93-80-8
- Otoboke Beaver: Itekoma Hits (Damnably) {16}: 405:+, CP:29, Ne:11+, Rf_k:17, RY:36, SoG:+, YW:18; p_k:11, vma:3 -- TH:**
- Noah Preminger Group: Zigsaw: Music of Steve Lampert (self-released) {16}: JC:+; jdo:2, jmc:5, jmu:4, jrg:1, nb:2 -- TH:A-
- The Regrettes: How Do You Love? (Warner Bros) {16}: CS:43+, Mx:35, Sl:19+; am_k:+, so_d:7, xjd:5, xmb:4 -- PJ:93-80-6, TH:***
- Dave Rempis/Brandon Lopez/Ryan Packard: The Early Bird Gets (Aerophonic) {16}: CM:16, JC:+; db:+, jes:5, mg_j:9, tn:1, vth:6, xbl:+ -- TH:A-
- The Specials: Encore (Island) {16}: Cl:+, GTV:+, Mj:73, NME:+, Pc:73, Q:34+, Qt:+, T:+, U:24; bb6:9 -- MT:***, TH:*
- Tinariwen: Amadjar (Anti-) {16}: Fp:+, G:+, Mj:15+, Pc:99, PO:+, Q:+, U:+; am_w:+, aqd:+, gl:+, mg_w:10, xls:10 -- TH:**
- The Bad Plus: Activate Infinity (Edition) {15}: JC:+; am_j:+, db:+, hft:25, jfkz:4, jjha:5, jmmz:7, jmr:4, jslo:2 -- TH:**
- Bedouine: Bird Songs of a Killjoy (Spacebomb) {15}: LBF:+, Mj:+, NR:+, P:38+, Pf:+, PM:+, Q:+, Sb:39, Up_i:28, WHP:19; p_f:2, pm_f:14
- Brutus: Nest (Sargent House) {15}: BV:26, N:47, Rev:8, Sg:41, Tr:30, Ups:6; imp:+, lv_k:8, p_k:6 -- PJ:229-36-5
- Cage the Elephant: Social Cues (RCA) {15}: BB:+, Gg_i:33, Gw:18+, I:28+, Mj:+, MO:+, NME:+, RS:+, UR:+; mcl:8, mqw:9 -- PJ:234-35-4
- Cigarettes After Sex: Cry (Partisan) {15}: Cl:+, Crh:27, Ec:17, Ex:+, G:+, I:+, LR:76, Mj:+, Ms:23, Pc:51, RT:29 -- TH:***
- Dorian Electra: Flamboyant (self-released) {15}: Bc:+, D:14, N:70, Ne:10+, Pap:5, PB:12; gcn:6
- Giant Swan: Giant Swan (Keck) {15}: C:32+, Cl:+, DJM:13, Du:11, Mix:25, No:27, Qt:63, VF:6; ia:+, pm_e:9
- Ben Goldberg: Good Day for Cloud Fishing (Pyroclastic) {15}: BIW:47, JC:+; aaj:+, jag:+, jdr:1, jla:10, jmc:+, jms:2, jmu:6, ycy:1 -- TH:B
- Michele Rosewoman's New Yor-Uba: Hallowed (Advance Dance Disques) {15}: JC:40; jek:1, jfk:4, jlb:1, jrmu:+, jry:2 -- TH:***
- Quinsin Nachoff's Flux: Path of Totality (Whirlwind) {15}: BIW:26, JC:+; aaj:+, bc_j:+, db:+, jri:3, ph:1, vth:8 -- TH:A-
- Gard Nilssen Acoustic Unity: To Whom Who Buys a Record (Odin) {15}: CM:3, JC:+, PO:+; fj:+, jhs:4, jsgr:7, xbf:7 -- TH:A-
- Rival Sons: Feral Roots (Low Country Sound/Atlantic) {15}: CS:+, L:4, Noj:6, PR:5, Trk:41; am_k:+, gl:+
- Earl Sweatshirt: Feet of Clay (Tan Cressida/Warner -EP) {15}: BV:31, DW:67, E:+, LBF:+, NME:+, Pf:+, PO:+, PW:43, RS:+; am_h:+, app:+, aqd:+, v_ab:+, wil:+, wsj:+ -- TH:B
- Tanya Tagaq: Toothsayer (03-01) {15}: CP:22, DW:49, PO:+, Rx:18; jy:10, now:+, pta:+, ra:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Wand: Laughing Matter (Drag City) {15}: BIB:25, Dr:7, FB:93, Gw:+, N:73, NR:+, P:48+, Sg:+, SoG:37, UR:+; bw:+ -- PJ:48-121-11
- Benny the Butcher: The Plugs I Met (Griselda) {14}: Cmp:16, DW:55, GC:12, Gg_h:36, HDX:14+, VMP:+; ny_c:13, npr_r:+, vib:+, xxl:+
- Yugen Blakrok: Anima Mysterium (IOT) {14}: Bc:57, HG:19, PO:16, Qt:55; bc_h:+, ct:9, pm_h:10, so_k:9 -- TH:A-
- Luke Combs: What You See Is What You Get (River House) {14}: BB:38, Ex:+, Gg_c:3, USP:24; am_c:+, b:5, scm:+, sln:+ -- TH:**
- Dave Douglas/Uri Caine/Andrew Cyrille: Devotion (Greenleaf Music) {14}: G:+, JC:+, JT:12, PM:+; jaa:6, jab:10, jme:2, jsk:1, jtc:8 -- TH:*
- Liam Gallagher: Why Me? Who Not (Warner Bros) {14}: Al:17, AS:+, Bq:+, Cl:+, FO:45, I:+, Mj:+, NME:+, Q:41+, RT:99; app:+, rx:+
- Rich Halley: Terra Incognita (Pine Eagle) {14}: CM:27, JC:+; aaj:+, fd:+, jdk:+, jrb:8, jsf:7, jsk:3, vth:7 -- TH:A-
- Jesca Hoop: Stonechild (Memphis Industries) {14}: Dr:57, GTV:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, MM:77, NR:+, Pc:56, Q:+, RM:88, UR:+; diy:+ -- PJ:181-45-2, TH:*
- Randy Houser: Magnolia (Stoney Creek) {14}: Gg_c:20, RS_c:6; am_c:+, b:+, npr_jh:5, scm:+, tc:2 -- TH:**
- Keith Jarrett: Munich 2016 (ECM) {14}: JC:+, JT:38; aaj:+, jdl:3, jjha:4, jkm:+, jrb:10, jslo:4, jtn:1 -- TH:*
- Kaytranada: Bubba (RCA) {14}: Gg_e:10, LBF:45+, Mgn:14, MO:+, NME:+, Pf:+; nt:+, rf_h:18 -- TH:**
- Lambchop: This (Is What I Wanted to Tell You) (City Slang/Merge) {14}: G:+, GTV:+, LBF:+, LR:39, Mj:50+, MO:+, Pf:+, PM:+, Q:+, U:46+; aqd:+, crk:30
- Life: A Picture of Good Heath (Afghan Moon) {14}: Crh:11, L4:7, LBF+, Mj:+, Ms:40, RM:40, Trk:21, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+, sp:+
- Brian Lynch Big Band: The Omni-American Book Club: My Journey Through Literature in Music (Holistic MusicWorks) {14}: JC:49; gl_j:+, jbm:10, jbw:8, jcah:+, jel:8, jgz:3, jpq:4, jrk:2 -- TH:A-
- Allison Moorer: Blood (Autotelic) {14}: AS:+, BS:22, NoD_r:22; am_f:+, jrw:19, mg_o:4, p_c:9, scm:+, v_cw:+ -- TH:A-
- Nkisi: 7 Directions (UIQ) {14}: F:+, Gg_e:15, Mix:34, PAM:+, Qt:47, TMT:+, VF:33, W:42; ia:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:14, ra:++
- Ian Noe: Between the Country (National Treasury) {14}: Gg_c:50, NoD_r:11, RS_c:19; bg_u:7, mg_o:2, scm:+++ -- TH:***
- Amanda Palmer: There Will Be No Intermission (Cooking Vinyl) {14}: B:+, LBF:+, Mx:3, NME:+, Noj:22, PM:+, Q:+, T:+; gl:+, hs:+, npr_bb:15
- Peter Perrett: Humanworld (Domino) {14}: G:+, Mj:+, O:+, PO:15, Q:+, U:19+; ygb:7 -- TH:A-
- Pink: Hurts 2B Human (RCA) {14}: BB:+, Gg_p:19, Gg_r:12, MuH:+, PCr:13; am_p:+ -- RC:**, TH:***
- Portico Quartet: Memory Streams (Gondwana) {14}: Cl:+, Dr:74, JC:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Pc:11, RM:19, Trk:+; aaj:+, jadh:6, jgt:6 -- TH:*
- Rex Orange County: Pony (RCA) {14}: AS:+, Cl:33+, Cmp:37, Gw:43+, HS:+, LBF:+, NME:48+, Q:+, RT:91; diy:+, npr_bc:10 -- TH:B
- Ed Sheeran: No 6 Collaborations Project (Asylum) {14}: CX:8, G:+, PCr:22, T:+, Up:45, Up_p:13 -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Strand of Oaks: Eraserland (Dead Oceans) {14}: 405:+, AS:+, NPR:+, Sg:+, Up:+, Up_i:20, UR:5+; aqd:+ -- PJ:88-83-8
- TR/ST: The Destroyer - 1 (House Arrest) {14}: Am_s:34, Gf:9, N:48, Noj:4, Rf_k:24, So:16, Tr:+; sp:+
- Molly Tuttle: When You're Ready (Compass) {14}: AS:+, Mj:+, NoD:4, NoD_r:23, Trk:+, TS:+; b:+, p_f:9, scm:+ -- TH:**
- Charlotte Adigery: Zandoli (Deewee -EP) {13}: 405:+, HV:27, PAM:+; xrm:6 -- RC:***, MT:A-, TH:**
- Susan Alcorn/Joe McPhee/Ken Vandermark: Invitation to a Dream (Astral Spirits) {13}: PO:+; fj:3+, jeh:2, jlre:5, jps:1, jtb:3, jtmd:8
- Rodrigo Amado/Chris Corsano: No Place to Fall (Astral Spirits) {13}: JC:+; aaj:+, jjsh:10, jkw:5, jpa:1, jtb:8 -- TH:A-
- Michaela Anne: Desert Dove (Yep Roc) {13}: Al:45, AS:+, Gg_c:27, NoD:17, RS_c:10; am_c:+, scm:++, sg_c:9 -- TH:*
- Black Marble: Bigger Than Life (Sacred Bones) {13}: 405:+, Gf:6, GTV:40, Mj:+, NBH:45, Rf_k:8; ath:+, pm_ep:8 -- PJ:122-67-7
- Matt Brewer: Ganymede (Criss Cross) {13}: CM:14, JC:+; db:+, jjm:10, jmmz:4, jsa:4 -- TH:A-
- Zack Brock/Matt Ulery/Jon Deitemyer: Wonderment (Woolgathering) {13}: FB:47, JC:+, Tx_j:2; db:+, jgg:1, jrk:9 -- TH:**
- Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes: End of Suffering (International Death Cult) {13}: Bq:11, Gw:44+, MO:+, NME:+, Q:+, Rev:12, RT:85, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+
- Erika De Casier: Essentials (Independent Jeep Music) {13}: C:19, Du:7, F:+, GB:2, Mix:14, N:56
- Mac DeMarco: Here Comes the Cowboy (Mac's Record Label) {13}: Gg_i:21, LR:47, Mj:+, Ni:38, NME:+, NR:+, Q:26+, RS:+, RT:43, U:+; mqw:4
- Steve Earle & the Dukes: Guy (New West) {13}: Mj:+, NoD_r:12, PO:+, Q:+; cp_f:9, gl:+, sl:+ -- RC:**, TH:***
- Robert Ellis: Texas Piano Man (New West) {13}: Mj:+, Ms:39, PM:+, RS_c:22, SC:+; am:++, am_f:+, gl:+, p_c:6, pm_a:3, vse:10 -- TH:B
- Fever 333: Strength in Numb333rs (Roadrunner/333 Wreckords Crew) {13}: Bq:+, Pu:5, Ups:2+; ap:+, d:+, dep:8
- Michael Formanek Very Practical Trio/Tim Berne/Mary Halvorson: Even Better (Intakt) {13}: JC:+; jck:4, jehz:4, jji:2, jsgr:5, vjc:10 -- TH:***
- Friendly Fires: Inflorescent (Polydor) {13}: Bq:+, Crh:34, G:+, NBH:47, PM:+, Q:+; d:+, nt:+, pm_p:2, vti:3, xrr:8
- Fruit Bats: Gold Past Life (Merge) {13}: CP:75, NoD:7, PM:+, WHP:17; gl:+++, v_cw:+ -- PJ:90-81-6, TH:*
- Lafayette Gilchrist: Dark Matter (self-released) {13}: JC:+; fd:+, ghj:5, jgt:5, jmy:8, jsk:4, jsl:6 -- TH:***
- Fred Hersch & the WDR Big Band: Begin Again (Palmetto) {13}: JC:+, JT:36; db:+, hft:14, jcjw:4, jma:10, jpq:2, jrh:5, tg:8 -- TH:*
- Per "Texas" Johansson/Torbjorn Zetterberg/Konrad Agnas: Orakel (Moserobie) {13}: CM:2, JC:+; fj:+, jeh:4, vth:9 -- TH:A-
- Klein: Lifetime (Ijn) {13}: DJM:9, F:+, Qt:68, VF:48, W:6; bl:7, pm_e:3, ra:+
- Chris Knight: Almost Daylight (Drifters Church) {13}: AS:+, NoD_r:24; bg_u:4, do:+, scm:+++, yjl:11 -- TH:A-
- Julian Lage: Love Hurts (Mack Avenue) {13}: Cpu:8, JC:+; am_j:+, aqd:+, jahk:7, jbu:10, tg:+, wil:+ -- TH:***
- Martha: Love Keeps Kicking (Dirtnap) {13}: 405:+, Bq:+, Cl:+, GTV:+, NME:+, Sk:+, Ups:+, YW:74; ath:+, diy:+ -- PJ:128-63-6, TH:**
- The Menzingers: Hello Exile (Epitaph) {13}: Alt:44, Bq:7, Ch:21, P:+, PM:+, Pu:13, Spk:+; ap:+, diy:+, lv_k:6
- Mercury Rev: Bobbie Gentry's the Delta Sweete Revisited (Partisan) {13}: AS:+, Ec:15, GTV:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Noj:17, O:+, PM:+, RM:23, SC:+ -- MT:C, TH:B
- Van Morrison: Three Chords & the Truth (Exile/Caroline) {13}: AS:+, Mj:+, NoD_r:40, T:+, U:70; am_b:+, gl:++, ipr:+, npr_lo:10 -- TH:***
- Youssou N'Dour: History (Naive/Believe) {13}: O:+, PO:+, Rx:40; jy:7, xbf:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Nivhek: After Its Own Death/Walking in a Spiral Towards the House (Yellow Electric) {13}: Dr:87, F:+, GB:21, Mg:19, Pf:+, PM:+, Qt:+, VF:31; lv_p:10, pf_x:+, ra:+ -- TH:*
- Opeth: In Cauda Venenum (Nuclear Blast) {13}: CS:+, FB:28, NME:+, PM:36+, PR:15, Rf:36, Spk:44; am:+, ug:4, vpf:8
- Jon Pardi: Heartache Medication (Capitol/Snakefarm) {13}: Gg_c:5, RS_c:18; am_c:+, b:4, la_w:4, scm:+, sln:+
- J Pavone String Ensemble: Brick and Mortar (Birdwatcher) {13}: JC:+, Tx:16; fj:+, jap:3, jdme:7, jes:8, jkp:7, jsfr:1, vbc:10 -- TH:B
- Jeremy Pelt: Jeremy Pelt the Artist (HighNote) {13}: JC:+; am_j:+, hep:3, jadh:7, jjh:+, jse:4, sg_j:3, vpf:++ -- TH:*
- Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/William Parker/Bobby Kapp: Ineffable Joy (ESP-Disk) {13}: JC:+; fj:+, jdk:2, jjws:9, jrs:+, jss:3, vbc:4 -- TH:***
- Gruff Rhys: Pang! (Rough Trade) {13}: Dr:20, G:+, LQ:+, Mj:72+, MO:+, Pc:100, Q:+, Trk:45, U:62, +; gl:+
- Scott Robinson: Tenormore (Arbors Jazz) {13}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, fd:+, jdb:9, jgz:9, jkd:3, jrm:+, jrs:+ -- TH:A-
- Dua Saleh: Nur (Against Giants -EP) {13}: CP:+, Rx:71, VMP:+; jy:+, npr_sm:9, xbf:+, xsp:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Show Me the Body: Dog Whistle (Loma Vista) {13}: 405:+, G:+, LBF:+, LQ:25+, Mx:41, NME:+, Rf_k:11, Sk:+, TMT:+; diy:+, nt:+
- Snotty Nose Rez Kids: Trapline (Fontana North) {13}: Ex:+, LBF:27, PO:10; ex_h:7, now:+, vti:9, xgm:6 -- TH:A-
- Soak: Grim Town (Rough Trade) {13}: Am_s:5, G:+, I:+, LBF:+, Ni:+, Q:+, UR:81+; d:+, hs:+
- Devin Townsend: Empath (Hevy Devy/Inside Out) {13}: CS:+, GTV:+, L:+, Mx:1, Noj:24, PM:52, SC:+; gl:+, ug:7
- Greg Ward Presents Rogue Parade: Stomping Off From Greenwood (Greenleaf Music) {13}: CM:68, JC:48; db:+, jdg:7, jgg:2, jhr:3, jjc:7, jjh:+, jtc:6, noj:5 -- TH:B-
- Xiu Xiu: Girl With Basket of Fruit (Polyvinyl) {13}: LQ:+, Ne:5+, PM:+, Qt:+, Spk:23+, TMT:+; dc:+, sp:+
- Blink-182: Nine (Columbia) {12}: Bq:+, Ch:17, GMA:22, NME:+, Ups:8; ap:+, dep:10, do:+, rx:+
- Bonnie 'Prince' Billy: I Made a Place (Drag City) {12}: AS:+, LBF:+, MO:+, Noj:35, O:+, Sk:+, Sl:25+, U:39; aqd:+, lib:+, wil:+
- The Caretaker: Everywhere at the End of Time: Stage 6 (History Always Favors the Winners) {12}: ACL:4, Qt:+, RY:17, TMT:+, W:35; ia:+, ra:++, xlr:+
- Cochemea: All My Relations (Daptone) {12}: Cpu:11, JC:+, Mj:+, MM:72, Trk:+; aqd:+, gl:+, gl_j:+, tr_j:+ -- TH:**
- Coldplay: Everyday Life (Atlantic) {12}: EW:+, LBF:+, NME:43+, Rf:45, RS:28+, Spk:+, T:+, TS:+; am:+, am_k:+
- Czarface/Ghostface Killah: Czarface Meets Ghostface (Silver Age) {12}: Bq:+, HG:24, NME:+, PO:+, YW:11; am_h:+, ih:+, mg_h:4 -- TH:**
- DJ Shadow: Our Pathetic Age (Mass Appeal -2CD) {12}: AV:+, Bq:+, Crh:10, GMA:14, LR:80; lv_c:3 -- TH:**
- William Doyle: Your Wilderness Revisited (self-released) {12}: LBF:48+, LQ:+, Mj:+, MO:15, Q:+, Qt:4; diy:+
- Moppa Elliott: Jazz Band/Rock Band/Dance Band (Hot Cup -2CD) {12}: JC:+; db:+, jjc:+, jlre:9, vth:4, xgm:4 -- TH:A-
- Binker Golding: Abstractions of Reality Past & Incredible Feathers (Gearbox) {12}: JC:+; aaj:+, hft:20, jak:1, jcm:3 -- TH:A-
- HTRK: Venus in Leo (Ghostly) {12}: Am_s:39, DJM:42, FWg:1, LR:43, No:40; am:+, am_e:+, ia:+
- Inter Arma: Sulphur English (Relapse) {12}: 405:+, CS:+, N:74, Pf:+, PM:+, Sg:+, Tr:35; dc:+, do:+, tr_m:3, xbl:9
- The Jonas Brothers: Happiness Begins (self-released) {12}: BB:16, Cos:+, Gg_p:11, I:+, Ps:15, Up_p:23, USP:18; app:+
- Salif Keita: Un Autre Blanc (Naive) {12}: CP:50, Mj:+, PO:+, Rx:12 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Angelique Kidjo: Celia (Verve) {12}: G:+, NPR:+; am_w:+, db:+, npr_fc:1, jrmi:+, jrw:15, pm_w:5 -- TH:*
- Kishi Bashi: Omolyari (Joyful Noise) {12}: 405:+, GTV:+, Mj:+, Sb:29, Spk:21+, WHP:9; clt_f:10, ipr:+, pm_f:8
- Slauson Malone: A Quiet Farewell 2016-2018 (self-released) {12}: Bc:51, FWg:5, Ne:17+, VMP:+, YF:47; afk:+
- Steve Mason: About the Light (Double Six/Domino) {12}: Cl:+, GTV:+, L4:20, Mj:+, MO:+, Pc:43, PM:+, Q:+, RM:91, Sk:+, UR:+
- Joe McPhee/John Butcher: At the Hill of James Magee (Trost) {12}: JC:+, PO:+; aaj:+, db:+, fj:+, jkb:9, jps:7, jsgr:9, jssm:9 -- TH:***
- Haviah Mighty: 13th Floor (self-released) {12}: LCA:28, YW:5; ex_h:4, npr_rd:5 -- TH:***
- Moodymann: Sinner (KDJ) {12}: DW:68, GB:17, Mix:9, N:94, Pf:+, PM:+, PW:37; do:+, ra:+
- Junius Paul: Ism (International Anthem) {12}: CM:36, JC:+, PO:4; jadh:5, jak:4, rb_j:+ -- TH:*
- Mario Pavone Dialect Trio: Philosophy (Clean Feed) {12}: JC:+, PO:+; jbw:9, jehz:1, jjm:7, vbr:4, -- TH:***
- Pixies: Beneath the Eyrie (Infectious) {12}: Cl:+, GMA:20, I:+, LQ:+, NAO:6, NME:+; nt:+, xhs:10 -- PJ:181-45-3
- Jordan Rakei: Origin (Ninja Tune) {12}: Al:29, Cl:+, DJ:41, PM:17+, RM:12, RT:61; em:+, pm_s:4
- Joshua Redman & Brooklyn Rider: Sun on Sand (Nonesuch) {12}: JC:+; am:++, am_j:+, fd:+, jma:+, jra:4, tg:2 -- TH:**
- Herlin Riley: Perpetual Optimism (Mack Avenue) {12}: JC:+; hft:12, jach:+, jel:4, jhr:7, jrm:+, jrmi:4, jry:5 -- TH:*
- Sacred Paws: Run Around the Sun (Merge/Rock Action) {12}: BIB:26, LBF:+, NAO:43, RM:43, Sk:+, U:56, UR:+; am:+, am_i:+, bh:9, d:+ -- PJ:102-75-10
- Poncho Sanchez: Trane's Delight (Concord Picante) {12}: JC:+, PO:+; am_j:+, jah:5, jcjw:5, jhm:10, jlrt:2, jlw:4 -- TH:B
- Schoolboy Q: CrasH Talk (Top Dawg/Interscope) {12}: Atw:+, Cmp:10, Gg_h:19, NME:+, Thr:30, Tr:+; do:+, up:+, yh:+
- Veronica Swift: Confessions (Mack Avenue) {12}: J -- JC:+; aaj:+, hft:24, jcjw:7, jmju:4, jry:9, jsy:3, sd_j:+
- Paula Temple: Edge of Everything (Noise Manifesto) {12}: DJM:10, Gg_e:20, LBF:+, Spk:+; bc_e:+, pm_e:12, ra:+, tsu:+, vpf:7
- Toy: Happy in the Hollow (Tough Love) {12}: GTV:19+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Noj:42, P:+, Q:+, RT:75; diy:+, p_s:5
- A Winged Victory for the Sullen: The Undivided Five (Ninja Tune) {12}: 405:+, Gg_e:37, LBF:+, Mgn:18, Mj:+, No:31, Pc:15, PM:56, Q:+; pm_e:19
- Ana Roxanne: ~~~ (Leaving) {11}: Bc:11, F:+, GB:43, N:60, No:24, Qt:76; aqd:+, bc_a:+, ra:+, ta:+
- Joe Armon-Jones: Turn to Clear View (Brownswood) {11}: JC:+, Mj:+, Q:+, RT:50, Trk:+, VF:36; aaj:+, jcm:+, jse:7, rb_j:+, ti:9 -- TH:B
- Bibio: Ribbons (Warp) {11}: Cl:+, Dr:60, Ni:21, PM:+, Q:+, RM:59; am:+, am_e:+, gl:+, ia:+, sp:+
- Black to Comm: Seven Horses for Seven Kings (Thrill Jockey) {11}: 405:+, ACL:3, LBF:+, PM:+, Qt:44, Tr:+; pm_v:9, tr_e:+ -- TH:B
- Anthony Braxton: GTM (Syntax) 2017 (New Braxton House) {11}: JC:+; fj:+, jab:2, jd:4, jkp:4, jsw:1
- Alan Broadbent Trio: New York Notes (Savant) {11}: JC:+, O:+; db:+, fd:+, jkd:1 -- TH:A-
- Jane Bunnett & Maqueque: On Firm Ground/Tierra Firme (Linus Entertainment) {11}: JC:+; j91:+, jhm:9, jmb:1, jmn:3, jrmu:+, jsf:+, npr_fc:10 -- TH:B
- Shana Cleveland: Night of the Worm Moon (Hardly Art) {11}: Bc:40, BIB:24, LQ:+, Pc:6, U:50+; ct:10, so_k:10, vgb:9
- Chick Corea/The Spanish Heart Band: Antidote (Concord) {11}: JC:+, PM:+; am:+, gl_j:+, hft:16, j91:+, jpb:6, jse:10, jsy:1 -- TH:B-
- Theo Croker: Star People Nation (Sony Masterworks) {11}: BS:16, JC:+, JW:16; am:++, am_j:+, jjh:+, pm_j:+, sd_j:+ -- TH:B
- Cult of Luna: A Dawn to Fear (Metal Blade) {11}: 405:+, BV:44, Gf:30, Mx:24, RY:15, Spk:8; lv_k:5
- Fidel [Que Vola?] Fourneyron: Que Vola? (No Format) {11}: JC:+, PAM:+, PO:+, TS:+; jrw:17, vjo:1 -- TH:***
- Martin Frawley: Undone at 31 (Merge) {11}: Sb:41 -- RC:***, MT:A-, TH:***
- Satoko Fujii/Ramon Lopez: Confluence (Libra) {11}: JC:+; aaj:+, jdm:+, jka:5, jkws:7, jlv:4 -- TH:***
- George Garzone/Peter Erskine/Alan Pasqua/Darek Oles: 3 Nights in LA (Fuzzy Music -3CD) {11}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, jan:3, jbm:1, jek:4, jrm:+
- Larry Grenadier: The Gleaners (ECM) {11}: JC:+; am:+, am_j:+, db:+, jab:7, jjm:5, jma:4, wil:+ -- TH:*
- Guided by Voices: Sweating the Plague (GBV) {11}: Got:4, Mg:7, PM:+, Sl:+; dc:+ -- PJ:71-95-9
- Ider: Emotional Education (Glassnote) {11}: 405:+, Bq:+, Cl:+, LBF:18+, O:+, Rf_k:18; d:+, diy:+
- Alex Lahey: The Best of Luck Club (Dead Oceans) {11}: Cl:+, CM:+, CS:+, LBF:+, NR:+, Up:+, Ups:+, UR:43; d:+ -- TH:**
- Mark Lanegan Band: Somebody's Knocking (Heavenly) {11}: Cl:+, G:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Mx:10, PM:41, Q:+; gl:+, pm_k:6
- Stephen Malkmus: Groove Denied (Matador) {11}: CS:+, Dr:61, DS:+, LQ:+, MM:100, Q:+, Rf:43, RS:+, Sk:+, U:49+ -- MT:B-
- Maluma: 11:11 (Sony) {11}: BB:37, NME:+, Ps:5, RS:+; am:+, am_w:+ -- TH:**
- Microwave: Death Is a Warm Blanket (Pure Noise) {11}: Alt:28, Bq:+, NAO:45, Pu:1; ap:+, npr_rh:4
- Mount Eerie & Julie Doirion: Lost Wisdom Pt 2 (PW Elversum & Sun) {11}: 405:+, CS:+, Ex:+, P:+, Rf_k:36, SC:+, TMT:+, UR:77+; aqd:+, crk:20, nt:+
- OGJB Quartet [Oliver Lake/Graham Haynes/Joe Fonda/Barry Altschul]: Bamako (TUM) {11}: JC:+; aaj:+, jbw:3, jha:3, jjw:6, jpf:7 -- TH:***
- Palehound: Black Friday (Polyvinyl) {11}: 405:+, NPR:+, P:+, RSh:6, SoG:13; npr_k:+, npr_ml:+, yrh:8
- Jason Palmer: Rhyme and Reason (Giant Step Arts) {11}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, jag:+, jmja:8, jsa:8, jtn:4 -- TH:***
- Pere Ubu: The Long Goodbye (Cherry Red) {11}: GTV:+, PM:+, PO:20, Sb:11 -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Pharmakon: Devour (Sacred Bones) {11}: 405:+, LBF+, LQ:+, N:77, NR:34+, Tr:9; dc:+, ra:+
- Pom Poko: Birthday (Bella Union) {11}: Bc:+, Dr:46, GTV:+, LBF:+, NAO:31, NME:+, PM:+; bg_j:5, nt:+ -- TH:*
- Resavoir: Resavoir (International Anthem) {11}: Bc:12, JC:+, N:86, NPR:+, Pf:+, PO:+; gcn:+, jadh:2, nb:8 -- TH:B
- Jason Ringenberg: Stand Tall (Courageous Chicken) {11}: YW:3 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
- Rozi Plain: What a Boost (Memphis Industries) {11}: Dr:27, GTV:+, LBF:+, MM:82, Q:+, RM:77, Sk:+; am_i:+, vma:1
- Rustin Man: Drift Code (Domino) {11}: G:+, Mj:49+, MO:46+, Ms:28, RM:20, U:68; am_f:+, nt:+
- Marta Sanchez Quintet: El Rayo De Luz (Fresh Sound New Talent) {11}: BIW:56, JC:+; jek:9, jjm:4, jma:+, ny_u:6 -- TH:A-
- Mavis Staples: Live in London (Anti-) {11}: B:+, Mj:+; am_r:+, gl:+, xhs:8 -- PJ:245-34-4, MT:***, TH:**
- Sunn O))): Pyroclasts (Southern Lord) {11}: 405:+, Dr:26, LBF:+, N:22, Ne:40+, Pf:+, SC:+, W:37; aqd:+, crk:28
- SWMRS: Berkeley's on Fire (Fueled by Ramen) {11}: Alt:23, Bq:+, Ups:1+; ap:+, d:+, hs:+
- Tegan and Sara: Hey, I'm Just Like You (Warner Bros) {11}: CS:+, I:+, NME:+, O:+, Up_p:24, USP:18; am_p:+, p_p:15 -- TH:**
- Tinashe: Songs for You (self-released) {11}: AU:26, Cmp:45, HV:12, PB:13; gcn:+, hc_g:6, hdx_r:6, p_p:14, rf_h:19
- Tindersticks: No Treasure but Hope (City Slang) {11}: G:+, GTV:26+, LR:60, MM:13, MO:+, NR:+, RT:76; aqd:+ -- PJ:166-50-3
- Rian Treanor: Ataxia (Planet Mu) {11}: F:+, DJM:23, Gg_e:36, Mix:+, PM:+, Qt:54; am_e:+, bl:5, ia:+, xlr:+
- Two Door Cinema Club: False Alarm (Glassnote) {11}: Bq:19, Cl:+, Gw:35+, I:+, LBF:+, Q:+; d:+, diy:+, rx:+
- Gebhard Ullmann/Hans Ludemann/Oliver Potratz/Eric Schaefer: MikroPULS (Intuition) {11}: CM:17, JC:+; jal:+, jld:9, jlv:2 -- TH:A-
- Betty Who: Betty (self-released) {11}: Atw:+, BP:3, Cos:+, PM:+; am_p:+, pm_p:10 -- TH:**
- Yak: Pursuit of Momentary Happiness (Third Man) {11}: Crh:13, LBF:+, Mj:+, NME:+, Noj:28, Trk:34; 53:+, diy:+, gl:++
- Laurie Anderson/Tenzin Choegyal/Jesse Paris Smith: Songs From the Bardo (Smithsonian/Folkways) {10}: Pf:+, PO:14, W:22; am:+, pm_v:15, tg:+ -- TH:***
- Angles 9: Beyond Us (Clean Feed) {10}: CM:59, JC:+; fj:+, jad:6, jls:8, jsgj:4 -- TH:***
- Baby Keem: Die for My Bitch (self-released) {10}: Cmp:14, DJB:69, Okp:16, VMP:+; npr_bc:6, npr_sm:7, ny_c:8, xxl:+
- Banks: III (Harvest) {10}: Al:22, Cl:+, I:+, LBF:+, NME:+, O:+, Ps:42, Q:+, RS:+, YF:28
- Beirut: Gallipoli (4AD) {10}: LBF:+, LQ:+, NME:+, PM:+, Q:+, RS:+, SC:+, U:+, UR:+; am_f:+
- Big/Brave: A Gaze Among Them (Southern Lord) {10}: 405:+, AV:+, MO:+, Tr:20; do:+, ex_m:6, tr_m:1
- Ran Blake/Clare Ritter: Eclipse Orange (Zoning) {10}: JC:+; aaj:+, jfk:5, mm:2 -- TH:A-
- Calexico & Iron and Wine: Years to Burn (Sub Pop) {10}: AS:+, Fp:+, Mj:+, MM:59, MO:+, NoD_r:50, SC:+, Sk:+; gl:++
- The Claypool Lennon Delirium: South of Reality (Prawn Song/ATO) {10}: 405:+, AS:++, P:+, Rf:49; am_k:+, gl:+++ -- PJ:234-35-3
- Avishai Cohen/Yonathan Avishai: Playing the Room (ECM) {10}: JC:+, JW:6; am_j:+, db:+, jbo:6, jfkz:9, jme:10 -- TH:*
- Mikal Cronin: Seeker (Merge) {10}: CS:+, FWg:14, LBF:+, Mj:+, NR:44+, Spk:+; am_k:+ -- PJ:149-55-5
- Rodney Crowell: Texas (RC1) {10}: AS:+, NoD_r:18, U:+; am_c:+, pm_c:9, v_cw:+ -- TH:***
- Carla Dal Forno: Look Up Sharp (Kallista) {10}: 405:+, DJM:38, GB:40, Mj:+, RM:17, Sk:+, VF:17; ra:+
- Desert Sessions: Dessert Sessions, Vols. 11 & 12 (Matador) {10}: Gw:+, Mj:+, Mx:46, NME:32+, Q:+, Spk:+; am_k:+, diy:+, sp:+
- Doja Cat: Hot Pink (Kemosabe/RCA) {10}: BP:22, Cmp:49, DW:43, NME:40+, PO:+; vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:**
- Dave Douglas: Engage (Greenleaf Music) {10}: JC:+; ghj:10, jbs:5, jms:6, jmu:10 -- TH:A-
- Drab Majesty: Modern Mirror (Dais) {10}: Ex:+, GTV:+, N:13, No:50, Noj:39, P:+, RT:92; sp:+ -- PJ:64-103-11
- Empath: Active Listening: Night on Earth (Get Better) {10}: Bc:19, DW:53, P:+, Pf:+, RS:+, Sg:26; am_i:+, p_k:9 -- TH:*
- Avram Fefer Quartet: Testament (Clean Feed) {10}: BIW:58, CM:7, JC:+; jgg:4 -- TH:***
- Flume: Hi This Is Flume (Future Classic) {10}: Atw:+, Cmp:+, Gg_e:24, Mix:33, Ne:43+; ju:+, otw:+, pir:+, yh:+
- Jake Xerxes Fussell: Out of Sight (Paradise of Bachelors) {10}: G:+, Mj:33+, O:+, U:57; aqd:+, ca:5, nap:+ -- PJ:140-59-6
- Galcher Lustwerk: Information (Ghostly International) {10}: C:+, DJM:8, F:+, GB:25, Mix:24, PW:35, VF:25; wp:9
- Jacques Greene: Dawn Chorus (Lucky Me) {10}: DJM:35, Gg_e:27, Mgn:12, Mix:27, RT:56; am_e:+, ex_e:6, tr_e:+, tsu:+
- Mary Halvorson & John Dieterich: A Tangle of Stars (New Amsterdam) {10}: JC:+; jes:4, jlbi:1, jsfr:8, sl:+ -- TH:**
- Hama: Houmeissa (Sahel Sounds) {10}: Bc:75, CP:6, HV:+, PAM:+, PO:+; tg:+, vgo:+ -- MT:B-, TH:*
- Joe Henry: The Gospel According to Water (Worksong) {10}: Sb:23; hc_d:9, npr_ap:10, stm:2, xhs:7, xsa:1 -- PJ:119-68-6
- Heroes Are Gang Leaders: The Amiri Baraka Sessions (Flat Langston's Arkeyes) {10}: JC:+, PO:+; vth:2, xjm:9 -- TH:A
- Marquis Hill: Love Tape (Black Unlimited Music Group) {10}: JC:+, PO:+; jlw:2, jmmz:8, jrd:3, jse:5, ny_u:5
- Homeboy Sandman: Dusty (Mello Music Group) {10}: DW:58, GMA:46, HG:52; am_h:+, bc_h:+ -- RC:**, TH:***
- Yves Jarvis: The Same but by Different Means (Anti-) {10}: Bc:60, GB:8, NPR:+, Pf:+; aqd:+, npr_oh:5, tg:+
- Jerome Jennings: Solidarity (Iola) {10}: JC:+; jlv:5, jma:+, jrsc:1 -- TH:***
- Cody Jinks: After the Fire (Late August) {10}: NoD_r:26, am_c:+, scm:+++, spt:3 -- TH:***
- Lee Konitz Nonet: Old Songs New (Sunnyside) {10}: JC:+; jlb:8, jmja:1, noj:3 -- TH:***
- Kuzu: Hiljaisuus (Astral Spirits/Aerophonic) {10}: JC:+; aaj:+, jjsh:2, jml:5 -- TH:A-
- La Dispute: Panorama (Epitaph) {10}: 405:+, AU:37, Bq:+, Ch:22, Pu:21, Sk:+, Spk:39+; ap:+, diy:+
- Lafawndah: Ancestor Boy (Concordia) {10}: Bc:84, D:19, Du:47, F:+, LQ:+, PAM:+, Qt:+, Sk:+; ra:+
- Tove Lo: Sunshine Kitty (Island) {10}: E_UK:+, Gf_D:18, Gg_p:45, Id:15, Mx:28, N:66, NME:+, Q:+
- Kali Malone: The Sacrificial Code (Ideal) {10}: F:+, Mj:+, W:7; ia:+, npr_lg:3, npr_oh:9, pf_x:+
- Mattiel: Satis Factory (ATO) {10}: Crh:9, Gw:+, LR:36, Mj:+, Q:+, RT:70; diy:+, sp:+
- Men I Trust: Oncle Jazz (self-released) {10}: GB:4, GTV:29+; imp:+, kc:4, npr_bc:9
- Midland: Let It Roll (Big Machine) {10}: Gg_c:23, RS_c:13; am_c:+, b:7, bg_u:6, pm_c:10, scm:+, sln:+, v_cw:+
- Ben Monder: Day After Day (Sunnyside) {10}: JC:+, PM:+; db:+, jmc:6, jpl:10, jrg:8, jrm:+, tg:+, vmw:9, wil:+
- Thurston Moore: Spirit Counsel (Daydream Library) {10}: RT:64*, Qt:88; dc:+, gl:+, jsfr:2, mg_n:4, wil:+ -- PJ:119-68-6
- Kassa Overall: Go Get Ice Cream and Listen to Jazz (self-released) {10}: Bc:91, JC:+; jgg:7, jjo:6, jma:+, jra:3, jsw:9 -- TH:**
- Jai Paul: Leak 04-13 (Bait Ones) (XL) {10}: E_UK:+, GB:+, Gg_e:44, Hil:+, Okp:14, RS:+, RY:22 -- TH:**
- Joshua Redman Quartet: Come What May (Nonesuch) {10}: JC:+, PM:+; lma:5, jff:10, jsf:10, sd_j:+ -- TH:***
- Dave Rempis/Joshua Abrams/Avreeayl Ra + Jim Baker: Apsis (Aerophonic) {10}: JC:+; fj:+, jcg:8, jdku:10, jls:4 -- TH:A-
- Emily Scott Robinson: Traveling Mercies (Tone Tree Music) {10}: Gg_c:41, RS_c:21; scm:+++, sg_c:8, yjl:8 -- TH:***
- Royal Trux: White Stuff (Fat Possum) {10}: Mj:45+, PM:+, PO:11, Q:+, U:+; gl:+ -- TH:**
- RRoxymore: Face to Phase (self-released) {10}: C:35, DJM:19, Gg_e:13; bc_e:+, ia:+, sg_e:3, tr_e:+
- Catherine Russell: Alone Together (Dot Time) {10}: JC:+; db:+, gl_j:+, jcmb:6, jmn:8, jslo:3, jsy:8 -- TH:**
- Molly Sarle: Karaoke Angel (PTKF) {10}: Am_s:49, BS:29, Mj:+, Q:+, RM:84, TS:+; aqd:+, npr_rh:9, wil:+ -- PJ:171-49-4
- SiR: Chasing Summer (Top Dawg/RCA) {10}: DJB:52, HDX:+, N:31, Okp:18, Ps:31; afk:+, hdx_r:5, vib:+
- Skyzoo & Pete Rock: Retropolitan (Mello Music Group) {10}: HDX:17+, HG:6; bg_b:9, xxl:+ -- TH:**
- Spirit Adrift: Divided by Darkness (20 Buck Spin) {10}: FB:13, N:64, Pf:+, Rev:9, Tr:+; tr_m:4
- Sunflower Bean: King of the Dudes (Mom + Pop -EP) {10}: NME:+, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+ -- MT:A-, TH:**
- Sunwatchers: Illegal Moves (Trouble in Mind) {10}: FB:69, FWg:18, Mj:+, W:31; aqd:+, npr_lg:7, pta:+, ygb:9 -- PJ:69-98-10
- Rajna Swaminathan: Of Agency and Abstraction (Biophilia) {10}: JC:+, PM:+, Tx_j:14; jda:6, jjo:10, jlb:3, jrg:2
- Swervedriver: Future Ruins (Dangerbird) {10}: BIB:29, Mj:+, PM:+, Q:+, Sk:+, Sl:+, UR:+; diy:+, p_s:10 -- PJ:46-131-13
- Teeth of the Sea: Wraith (Rocket) {10}: DS:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, PM:+, Qt:29, Sk:+, YW:9; gig:+
- Gebhard Ullmann Basement Research: Impromptus and Other Short Works (WhyPlayJazz) {10}: CM:42, JC:+; jcg:6, jpa:9, jpl:6, jri:7, jrw:20 -- TH:***
- John Luther Adams: Become Desert (Cantaloupe) {9}: G:+, NPR:21; aaj:+, jms:7, npr_oh:3, npr_th:2, tg:+
- PP Arnold: The New Adventures of . . . PP Arnold (EarMusic) {9}: Mj:18+, PM:+, RM:39, TS:+; am_r:+, jrw:13, pm_s:15
- Byron Asher: Byron Asher's Skrontch Music (Sinking City) {9}: PO:8, Tx_j:20; xde:9, xscw:10 -- TH:**
- Bastille: Doom Days (Virgin/EMI) {9}: Bq:+, Ch:+, Cl:+, Gw:+, NME:+, Q:+, Sk:+; d:+, diy:+
- Beyonce: The Lion King: The Gift (Walt Disney) {9}: CP:67, CX:17, PB:10; fa:+, fu:8, vib:+
- Ryan Bingham: American Love Song (Thirty Tigers) {9}: AS:+, Gg_c:39, NoD_r:37; am:+, am_f:+, gl:+++, scm:+
- Frankie Cosmos: Close It Quietly (Sub Pop) {9}: CP:25, GMA:30, NR:+, RS:+, Sb:36, SoG:44; xbf:+ -- TH:**
- Lucky Daye: Painted (Keep Cool/RCA) {9}: DJB:40, Ex:+, N:61; afk:+, npr_bc:1, npr_sm:8, vib:+
- Angelo De Augustine: Tomb (Asthmatic Kitty) {9}: LBF:+, Q:+, Sb:37, Spk:+, UR:+, WHP:26; clt_f:8, nt:+, p_f:8
- The Divine Comedy: Office Politics (self-released) {9}: GTV:+, Mj:+, MO:5+, Q:+, UR:54
- Drahla: Useless Coordinates (Captured Tracks) {9}: 405:+, G:+, LQ:+, NME:+, RT:72; diy:+, vgb:3 -- PJ:245-34-3
- Dreezy: Big Dreez (Interscope) {9}: F:+, HDX:+; pm_h:14, xjm:10 -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Justin Townes Earle: The Saint of Lost Causes (New West) {9}: AS:+, Gg_c:37, NoD_r:26, P:+, PM:+, RS_c:25; gl:+, p_c:19, vu:+
- Employed to Serve: Eternal Forward Motion (Spinefarm) {9}: Ex:+, NME:+, Rev:+, Ups:5+; diy:+
- Fire-Toolz: Field Whispers (Into the Crystal Palace) (Orange Milk) {9}: Gg_e:26, Pf:+, SC:14; crk:13, gcn:+, pf_x:+, pm_f:7, tr_e:+
- Guided by Voices: Warp and Woof (GBV) {9}: Got:4, Mg:7; sp:+ -- PJ:47-130-10
- Guided by Voices: Zeppelin Over China (GBV) {9}: Got:4, LBF:+, Mg:7 -- PJ:37-152-14
- Gunna: Drip or Drown 2 (Young Stoner Life) {9}: Cmp:+, G:+, Gg_h:38, Thr:16, VMP:+; sp:+, vib:+, yh:+
- Alex Harding/Lucian Ban: Dark Blue (Sunnyside) {9}: JC:+; jahk:5, jld:5, jri:4 -- TH:**
- Headie One: Music X Road (Relentless) {9}: C:48, Du:33, G:+, Mix:30, NME:+, Qt:72; cmp:1
- Health: Vol 4: Slaves of Fear (Loma Vista) {9}: DS:+, LBF:+, Mx:40, Rev:+, Sk:+, Spk:+; diy:+, ih:+, nt:+
- Tim Hecker: Anoyo (Kranky) {9}: 405:+, Dr:56, LBF:+, PM:+, Sk:+; acl_x:+, bc_a:+, lv_p:6, xlr:+ -- TH:B
- Hiromi: Spectrum (Telarc) {9}: JC:+; am_j:+, jsg:5, jsy:5, mm:7 -- TH:**
- Ile: Almadura (Sony Music Latin) {9}: NPR:19, SAC:19; npr_fc:3, npr_jh:8, ny_p:5
- Michael Janisch: Worlds Collide (Whirlwind) {9}: JC:+, JW:3; jpq:9, jss:6 -- TH:**
- Roger Kellaway: The Many Open Minds of Roger Kellaway (IPO) {9}: JC:+; jkd:+, jrm:+, jsl:4 -- TH:A-
- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Fishing for Fishies (ATO) {9}: DJ:13, Gw:+, L:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, UR:+; d:+, tg:+
- Kokoroko: Kokoroko (Brownswood) {9}: Bc:55, JC:+, LBF:+, PAM:+; aaj:+, jin:4, xlr:+ -- TH:*
- Oumar Konate: I Love You Inna (Clermont Music) {9}: Rx:48 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Liturgy: HAQQ (YLYLCYN) {9}: FWg:2, Ne:7+, RY:30
- Maurice Louca: Elephantine (Northern Spy) {9}: BIW:20, JC:+, PM:+, SC:+; jrg:7, tr_j:+, vjo:10 -- TH:*
- Rosie Lowe: Yu (Wolf Tone) {9}: Al:15, Cl:+, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mj:+; em:+ -- TH:**
- Mahalia: Love and Compromise (Warner UK) {9}: Cl:+, CX:15, LBF:43+, LQ:+; afk:+, am_r:+, cmp:6
- Mega Bog: Dolphine (Paradise of Bachelors) {9}: BIB:40, Dr:29, GB:34, Mj:63+, Q:+, Qt:96; aqd:+, gl:+
- Microtub: Chronic Shift (Bohemian Drips) {9}: fj:3+, jkp:2, jnm:9, jsb:1 -- TH:B
- Murlo: Dolos (Coil) {9}: C:21, Cl:+, DJM:4, Du:26, F:+, PW:50
- Ted Nash/Steve Cardenas/Ben Allison: Somewhere Else: West Side Story Songs (Plastic Sax) {9}: JC:+; db:+, fd:8, jfk:1, jjh:+ -- TH:**
- Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: Turn Off the News (Build a Garden) (Fantasy) {9}: NoD_r:10, Q:+; am_k:+, gl:+, pm_a:9, scm:+ -- TH:*
- JS Ondara: Tales of America (Verve Forecast) {9}: AS:++, BB:+; gig:+, gl:+++, tl:7 -- PJ:197-42-4
- Evan Parker/Barry Guy/Paul Lytton: Concert in Vilnius (NoBusiness) {9}: JC:+; jahk:1, jgm:8, jnm:7 -- TH:***
- Patience: Dizzy Spells (Winona) {9}: Am_s:8, RT:75*, SC:+; am:+, am_i:+, pm_i:5
- Patio: Essentials (Fire Talk) {9}: FB:11, RSh:10, Sg:+, SoG:30, YW:94; p_k:19
- Nicholas Payton: Relaxin' With Nick (Smoke Sessions -2CD) {9}: JC:+; jdg:5, jel:2, jgy:8, jmk:6 -- TH:**
- Pelada: Movimiento Para Cambio (Pan) {9}: F:+, Gg_e:30; gcn:10, ia:5, ra:+, sg_e:1
- The Pernice Brothers: Spread the Feeling (Ashmont) {9}: BIB:15, Mg:16; xhs:3, xrc:7 -- PJ:29-187-19, TH:*
- Ralph Peterson & the Messenger Legacy: Legacy Alive: Volume 6 at the Sidedoor (Onyx Productions) {9}: JC:+; db:+, jbm:2, jcah:+, jkd:9, jpq:6 -- TH:**
- Pile: Green and Gray (Exploding in Sound) {9}: Alt:14, AV:+, Bq:+, Tr:+; hs:+, lv_p:3, now:+
- Pivot Gang: You Can't Sit With Us (self-released) {9}: Cl:32+, CS:41+, HG:+, N:+, Noj:41, Up_h:35; xxl:+
- Refused: War Music (Spinefarm) {9}: Bq:+, CS:+, Mc:+, NAO:30, NME:+, Pu:18, Q:+; diy:+
- Sada Baby: Bartier Bounty (Asylum) {9}: BB:+, N:67, Pf:+, PW:8, Sg:+; sg_r:5, xxl:+
- The Soft Cavalry: The Soft Cavalry (Bella Union) {9}: Cl:+, GTV:+, LBF:+, MM:51, MO:+, NME:+, O:+, Sk:+, UR:86; sp:+
- Son Volt: Union (Transmit Sound) {9}: NoD:10, NoD_r:15; b:+; gl:+, p_c:20 -- TH:*
- Special Request: Bedroom Tapes (Houndstooth) {9}: Mgn:13, Mix:19; ra:+, tsu:+ -- TH:***
- Strange Ranger: Remembering the Rockets (Tiny Engines) {9}: Alt:19, Gg_i:43, Spk:+, Up_sh:18, Ups:+; crk:12, imp:+
- Tierney Sutton Band: Screenplay (BFM Jazz) {9}: JC:+, JT:39; aaj:+, jkf:1 -- TH:***
- Leo Svirsky: River Without Banks (Unseen Worlds) {9}: Pf:+, SC:+, Tx:7; aqd:+, fj:+ -- TH:**
- Tacocat: This Mess Is a Place (Sub Pop) {9}: P:+, PM:+, XJS:36; d:+, so_d:3, sp:+ -- RC:**
- Toh-Kichi [Satoko Fujii/Taysuya Yoshida]: Baikamo (Libra) {9}: JC:+; jahk:10, jeh:7, jmc:10, jsl:5 -- TH:***
- Tycho: Weather (Mom + Pop) {9}: Cl:+, Dr:100, Ex:+, Pc:84, Sk:+; nt:+, pm_ep:5 -- PJ:234-35-3
- Vivian Girls: Memory (Polyvinyl) {9}: FO:31, NR:+, RS:+, SoG:+, TMT:+, UR:+; am_i:+, diy:+, nt:+
- While She Sleeps: So What? (Sleeps Brothers) {9}: Pu:3, Sk:+, Ups:+; bw:+, dep:4
- White Denim: Side Effects (City Slang) {9}: Dr:47, DS:+, FB:53, Mj:+, PM:+, Q:+; gl:++, sp:+
- The Wildhearts: Renaissance Men (Graphite) {9}: L:1, PR:4
- Billy Woods: Terror Management (Blackwoodz Studioz) {9}: DJB:23, DW:41, HG:16; npr_rc:1 -- TH:**
- Eri Yamamoto Trio & Choral Chameleon: Goshu Ondo Suite (AUM Fidelity) {9}: BIW:41, JC:+; jek:2, jjw:10 -- TH:A-
- 21 Savage: I Am > I Was (Slaughter Gang/Epic -18) {8}: DJB:+, GC:20, HS:+, Up:24, Up_h:9
- Monty Alexander: Wareika Hill: Rastamonk Variations (MACD) {8}: JC:+; db:+, jah:3, jgt:7, jrmi:3, jwj:7
- Rodrigo Amado/Gonçalo Almeida/Onno Govaert [The Attic]: Summer Bummer (NoBusiness) {8}: CM:32; fj:+, jcg:5 -- TH:A-
- Apparat: LP5 (Mute) {8}: DS:+, LBF:+, Mgn:8, NBH:38, Noj:23; gl:+
- Felicia Atkinson: The Flower and the Vessel (Shelter Press) {8}: PM:+, Qt:83, SC:+, VF:44, W:49; db:+, jkb:7, ra:+
- BaianaSystem: O Futuro Nao Demora (Maquina De Louco) {8}: PO:+, SAC:8; afk:+ -- TH:***
- Philip Bailey: Love Will Find a Way (Verve) {8}: HV:21, Mj:+; gl:+, npr_ap:5, vmp_j:2 -- TH:*
- Devendra Banhart: Ma (Nonesuch) {8}: E_UK:+, FO:35, Mj:+, MO:+, NBH:43, PM:+, Q:+; aqd:+
- Black Pumas: Black Pumas (ATO) {8}: Bq:+, Mj:+, Q:+; app:+, mg_i:3, gl:+++ -- PJ:166-50-5
- Black Star Riders: Another State of Grace (Nuclear Blast) {8}: L:3, Mj:+, PR:9
- AA Bondy: Enderness (Fat Possum) {8}: 405:+, GTV:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, PM:+, Rf_k:31, RT:97; aqd:+
- Liz Brasher: Painted Image (Fat Possum) {8}: AS:+, Cpu:3, PM:+; gl:+, tg:+
- Heather Woods Broderick: Invitation (Western Vinyl) {8}: Am_s:50, Ec:8, LQ:+, Mj:+, NPR:+; am_f:+
- Chris Brown: Indigo (RCA) {8}: CX:12, Gg_r:2; hdx_r:4
- Brighde Chaimbeul: The Reeling (River Lea) {8}: G:+, Qt:9; mg_i:1, tg:+
- Edwyn Collins: Badbea (AED) {8}: Cl:+, Mj:29+, MO:+, O:+, Q:30+; am:+
- Sylvie Courvoisier/Mark Feldman: Time Gone Out (Intakt) {8}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, jjsh:4, jsa:6, jtd:10 -- TH:*
- The Cranberries: In the End (BMG) {8}: Al:48, Cl:+, G:+, I:+, Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+; sp:+ -- MT:C+
- The Darkness: Easter Is Cancelled (Cooking Vinyl) {8}: L:2, PR:8, Q:+
- Dawn: New Breed (Local Action/Our Dawn) {8}: CP:8, G:+, HS:+, PM:+, SC:+; ra:+
- Mark De Clive-Lowe: Heritage (Ropeadope) {8}: JC:+, Ex:+; jak:8, jmmz:9, nb:1 -- TH:*
- Dido: Still on My Mind (BMG) {8}: Al:3, MO:+, PM:+, Sk:+; am_p:+
- Dream State: Primrose Path (UNFD) {8}: Pu:9, Spk:+, Ups:7+
- Dumb: Club Nites (Mint) {8}: DW:24, PO:+, YW:96; diy:+ -- PJ:166-50-4, TH:***
- Nick Dunston: Atlantic Extraction (Out of Your Head) {8}: CM:35, PO:+; jdme:3, jes:7, jjm:+ -- TH:**
- Ekiti Sound: Abeg No Vex (Crammed Discs) {8}: CM:43, PM:30+; pm_e:11, pm_w:3 -- TH:**
- Emmeluth's Amoeba: Chimaera (Ora Fonogram) {8}: CM:8; jeh:5 -- TH:***
- Erin Enderlin: Faulkner County (Black Crow Productions) {8}: Gg_c:46, RS_c:17; npr_ap:9, npr_jh:9, scm:++ -- TH:*
- E-Saggila: My World My Way (Northern Electronics) {8}: Gg_e:19, Mix:43; ia:3, pm_e:18, ra:+, sg_e:7
- Follakzoid: I (Sacred Bones) {8}: LBF:+, No:20, Pc:24, SR:7; pta:+
- The Futureheads: Powers (Nul) {8}: GTV:+, Mj:+, NAO:22, NR:+, O:+, PM:+, Rf:42; diy:+
- Jan Garbarek/Hilliard Ensemble: Remember Me, My Dear (ECM) {8}: Ec:19, JC:+; jmks:3, nb:4 -- TH:*
- Garcia Peoples: One Step Behind (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {8}: FB:38, Mj:+, SC:+, Up_sh:7; aqd:+ -- PJ:156-53-6
- Gauche: A People's History of Gauche (Merge) {8}: Bc:15, UR:+, YW:49 -- RC:*, TH:***
- Sara Gazarek: Thirsty Ghost (MRI) {8}: JC:+; db:+, hft:9, jcjw:9, jdb:7, jjw:9, jrm:+, sd_j:+
- Patty Griffin: Patty Griffin (PGM) {8}: AS:+, NoD_r:39, PM:+; am:+, am_f:+, gl:+, p_f:15, pm_a:13
- Laurence Hobgood: Tesseterra (Ubuntu Music) {8}: JC:+; aaj:+, jsl:1, tg:9 -- TH:**
- Eric Hofbauer's Five Agents: Book of Water (Creative Nation Music) {8}: JC:+; jbo:9, jdk:3, jjw:7 -- TH:***
- Bruce Hornsby: Absolute Zero (Zappo Productions) {8}: Mj:+, MO:40; aqd:+, ec:+, gl:+, jgt:2, tg:+
- Penelope Isles: Until the Tide Creeps In (Bella Union) {8}: Dr:62, Q:+, RM:80, RT:54*, SoG:31, UR:89; d:+, diy:+
- The Jamie Saft Quartet: Hidden Corners (RareNoise) {8}: JC:+; db:+, jad:7, jrh:9, jpf:10, vbc:6 -- TH:**
- Jeanines: Jeanines (Slumberland) {8}: Am_s:30, BIB:8, YW:45; ath:+, pm_i:9 -- PJ:156-53-6
- Cody Jinks: The Wanting (Late August) {8}: am_c:+, scm:+++, spt:3 -- TH:**
- JME: Grime MC (Boy Better Know) {8}: Bq:13, Cl:28+, Du:17, Pf:80, VF:40
- Damien Jurado: In the Shape of a Storm (Mama Bird) {8}: Dr:98, Mj:+, SC:+, Sk:+, UR:+; aqd:+, sp:+ -- PJ:192-43-4
- Laura Jurd: Stepping Back, Jumping In (Edition) {8}: BIW:11, JC:+; bc_j:+, jha:9, jm:+, jml:7, jrd:14 -- TH:B
- Sundara Karma: Ulfilas' Alphabet (Sony UK) {8}: Atw:+, Bq:+, Gg_i:49, LBF:+, NME:+, Q:+; d:+, diy:+
- Kills Birds: Kills Birds (KRO) {8}: FB:14; ct:8, so_d:5, so_k:8, xbf:4
- Frank Kimbrough: Monk's Dreams: The Complete Compositions of Thelonious Sphere Monk (Sunnyside -6CD -18) {8}: JC:+, JT:25; jjs:2, jpb:5, jtn:2 -- TH:[A-]
- King Midas Sound: Solitude (Cosmo Rhythmatic) {8}: Atw:+, LBF:+, Qt:81, VF:21, W:27; dc:+, ia:+, ra:+
- Korn: The Nothing (Roadrunner) {8}: AU:12, CS:+, NME:+, Rev:15; am:+, ug:19
- Ada Lea: What We Say in Private (Saddle Creek) {8}: GTV:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Sk:+; npr_ct:8, npr_rh:5, nt:+
- Leif: Loom Dream (Whities) {8}: C:41, DJM:29, Gg_e:31, Pf:+, VF:41; ex_e:9, ia:+, pf_e:+
- Michael Leonhart Orchestra: Suite Extracts Vol 1 (Sunnyside) {8}: JC:+; db:+, jahk:2, jjs:5, jld:2
- L'Orange & Jeremiah Jae: Complicate Your Life With Violence (Mello Music Group) {8}: CP:63, HG:15; pm_h:15 -- TH:A-
- The Maine: You Are OK (8123) {8}: Alt:20, Ch:3, Ups:+; ap:+
- Mandolin Orange: Tides of a Teardrop (Yep Roc) {8}: NoD_r:17, PM:+, Sb:43, Trk:+; am_f:+, gl:+, jfkz:+
- Maps: Colours Reflect Time Loss (Mute) {8}: Dr:79, Ec:9, MO:+, Pc:81, PM:+; lv_c:6
- Maxo: Lil Big Man (Def Jam) {8}: AV:+, Cmp:+, DJB:29, Okp:19, SC:+; bg_b:6, yh:+
- NF: The Search (Capitol) {8}: Ch:10, GC:39, Gg_h:47, HDX:+; ap:+, sjm:8
- Oli XL: Rogue Intruder, Soul Enhancer (Bloom) {8}: C:37, Du:28, F:+, Qt:53; fa:+, ia:+, ra:++
- Evan Parker & Kinetics: Chiasm (Clean Feed) {8}: JC:+; fj:+, jbw:7, jjsh:9 -- TH:A-
- Pond: Tasmania (Marathon Artists) {8}: Atw:+, GTV:+, Gw:26, LBF:+, NME:+, Q:+, RT:44, Sk:+
- Chris Potter: Circuits (Edition) {8}: JC:+; aaj:+, jff:3, jjh:6, jjwd:3, jm:+ -- TH:B-
- Preservation Hall Jazz Band: A Tuba to Cuba (Sub Pop) {8}: PC:+, PO:+; am_j:+, db:+, jcjw:6, jdku:5 -- TH:*
- Prince Daddy & the Hyena: Cosmic Thrill Seekers (Counter Intuitive) {8}: Alt:2, Fld:18, NAO:47, Ups:+
- Pronoun: I'll Show You Stronger (Rhyme & Reason) {8}: Alt:75, AV:+, DW:27, Ex:+, Up_sh:9, Up_i:22
- Eliane Radigue: Occam Ocean 2 (Shilin) {8}: W:29; dc:+, fj:3, jkp:3, jsfr:3
- Josh Ritter: Fever Breaks (Pytheas) {8}: LBF:+, NoD_r:19, NPR:+, Q:+, Sb:35; npr_bb:16, sp:+
- Lucy Rose: No Words Left (Arts & Crafts) {8}: Al:44, G:+, I:+, Q:+, Trk:32; d:+, diy:+, nt:+
- David Sanchez: Carib (Ropeadope) {8}: JC:+; gl_j:+, jag:+, jhr:5 -- TH:***
- Sault: 7 (Forever Living Originals) {8}: Bc:2 -- TH:A-
- Derek Senn: How Could a Man (self-released) {8}: Rx:51 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- The SLP: The SLP (Columbia) {8}: Bq:+, Gw:49, Mj:+, NME:+, Q:49+, RT:77*; rx:+
- Sonar With David Torn: Tranceportation (Volume 1) (RareNoise) {8}: JC:+; jgm:5, jkc:9 -- TH:A-
- Spielbergs: This Is Not the End (By the Time It Gets Dark) {8}: LBF:+, NME:+, PM:+, SoG:48, Ups:+, UR:+, YW:109; d:+
- Stahls Trio: Kalltorp Sessions: Volume One (Moserobie) {8}: JC:+; jmy:1, jsl:10 -- TH:***
- George Strait: Honky Tonk Time Machine (MCA Nashville) {8}: Ex:+, Gg_c:8; am_c:+, scm:+, sln:+, tc:6 -- TH:B
- Svetlost: Odron Ritual Orchestra (PMG) {8}: BIW:10, JC:+; bc_j:+ -- TH:***
- Swindle: No More Normal (Brownswood) {8}: Cl:23+, Mj:+, PM:+, Q:+; cmp:14, em:+, rb_j:+ -- TH:B-
- Tallest Man on Earth: The (I Love You. It's a Fever Dream.) {8}: -- Atw:+, BB:+, E_UK:+, Hil:+, Q:+, Spk:49+; gl:+
- Avey Tare: Cows on Hourglass Pond (Domino) {8}: CS:+, DS:+, LBF:+; am:+, am_i:+, diy:+, nt:+, sp:+
- Temples: Hot Motion (ATO) {8}: Cl:+, Crh:38, MM:92, Q:+, RT:51, UR:74+ -- PJ:234-35-3
- Stephan Thelen: Fractal Guitar (Moonjune) {8}: aaj:+, jms:1 -- TH:A-
- Tiny Ruins: Olympic Girls (Ba Da Bing!) {8}: DJ:32, GTV:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, MM:45, Noj:32; am_f:+, npr_rh:7
- Titus Andronicus: An Obelesk (Merge) {8}: CS:+, LBF:+, PM:+, Ups:+, UR:+; bg_u:8, ptr:10 -- PJ:201-41-5
- Tomb Mold: Planetary Clairvoyance (20 Buck Spin) {8}: Bc:30, Ex:+, Pf:+, Tr:39; em_m:1, tr_m:9
- Torche: Admission (Relapse) {8}: FB:73, PM:+, Spk:31+; atl:+, do:+, gcn:+, tr_m:13
- Trash Kit: Horizon (Upset the Rhythm) {8}: Dr:19, G:+, GTV:+, LBF:+, Sk:+, U:29+
- Dwight Trible: Mothership (Gearbox) {8}: JC:+; aaj:+, hft:1, jcm:+, jdbs:6 -- TH:*
- Jeremy Udden: Three in Paris (Sunnyside) {8}: JC:+, PM:+; bg_g:9, db:+, fd:9 -- TH:***
- Underworld: Drift Series 1: Sampler Edition (Smith Hyde) {8}: DJ:14, Mj:28, O:+, PM:15, Q:40; lv_c:10
- Ken Vandermark: Momentum 4: Consequent Duos 2015-2019 (Audiograph -5CD) {8}: JC:+, PO:+; aaj:+, fj:+, jehz:8, jpa:2, mg_j:8
- Warmduscher: Tainted Lunch (The Leaf Label) {8}: Crh:20, FO:21, LBF:+, Pc:68, Qt:94, RM:72; bb6:6
- Dee White: Southern Gentleman (Easy Eye Sound/Warner Music Nashville -18) {8}: BS:27, RS_c:31; am:+, am_c:+, b:+, scm:+ -- TH:**
- The Yawpers: Human Question (Bloodshot) {8}: PM:+; am_k:+, gl:+++ -- RC:*, TH:**
- 03 Greedo & Kenny Beats: Netflix & Deal (Alamo) {7}: Cmp:31, DJB:65, Du:24, N:39, NME:+, PW:15
- Add-2: Jim Crow: The Musical (Add-2 Productions) {7}: HG:7 -- TH:A-
- Angel Du$t: Pretty Buff (Roadrunner) {7}: Alt:61, LBF:+, Rev:18, TMT:+; ap:+, do:+
- Angel-Ho: Death Becomes Her (Hyperdub) {7}: Bc:78, PAM:+, PO:+, SC:+; am_e:+, pf_x:+ -- TH:*
- Baby Rose: To Myself (Human Re Sources) {7}: BS:17, DJB:41; npr_rc:5, npr_sm:5
- Sara Bareilles: Amidst the Chaos (Epic) {7}: Gg_r:11, MuH:19, USP:35; v_cw:10
- The David Berkman Sextet: Six of One (Palmetto) {7}: jan:1 -- TH:A-
- Blood Red Shoes: Get Tragic (Jazz Life) {7}: DS:+, GTV:+, MO:+, Sk:+; d:+, nt:+, sp:+
- Blu & Oh No: A Long Red Hot Los Angeles Summer Night (Native Sounds) {7}: HG:20, Ne:36+, PA:+ -- TH:**
- Itamar Borochov: Blue Nights (Laborie Jazz) {7}: JC:+; am:+, am_j:+, am_w:+, jek:10 -- TH:**
- George Cables: I'm All Smiles (HighNote) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, jlrt:8, jwj:5 -- TH:**
- Uri Caine: The Passion of Octavius Catto (816 Music) {7}: JC:+; jkw:1, jls:3, pm_j:+
- JJ Cale: Stay Around (Because) {7}: AS:+, L:+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Trk:20, UR:+
- Car Seat Headrest: Commit Yourself Completely (Matador) {7}: DW:32 -- MT:A-, TH:**
- Shanti Celeste: Tangerine (Peach Discs) {7}: DJM:36, G:+, LBF:+, Mix:8, Qt:66
- Diabel Cissokho: Rhythm of the Griot (Kafou Music) {7}: Rx:31 -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Collard: Unholy (Virgin/EMI) {7}: Cl:+, Gw:11+, I:46+; diy:+
- Comet Gain: Fireraisers Forever (Tapete) {7}: am:++, am_i:+, ath:+, xhs:5 -- PJ:134-60-6
- Corridor: Junior (Sub Pop) {7}: LCA:3, LR:73; nt:+ -- PJ:110-72-7
- Crazy P: Age of the Ego (Walk Don't Walk) {7}: Mix:40, Pc:75; pm_p:4 -- TH:***
- Crows: Silver Tongues (Balley) {7}: Mj:+, NME:+, Q:+, RM:49, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+
- Stephan Crump/Ingrid Laubrock/Cory Smythe: Channels (Intakt) {7}: fj:+, jap:7, jtmd:9 -- TH:A-
- Rosalie Cunningham: Rosalie Cunningham (Esoteric America) {7}: FB:1, PR:19
- The Dangerous Summer: Mother Nature (Hopeless) {7}: Ch:2, Spk:19+
- Sarah Davachi: Pale Bloom (W 25th/Superior Viaduct) {7}: Dr:45, Mj:+, Qt:+, SC:+, TMT:+; ra:++
- Dopolarians: Garden Party (Mahakala) {7}: JC:+, PO:+; jbw:4 -- TH:***
- Drinking Boys and Girls Choir: Keep Drinkinig!! (Damnably) {7}: 405:+, SoG:3 -- RC:**
- Du Blonde: Lung Bread for Daddy (Moshi Moshi) {7}: LBF:+, NME:+, Q:+, Trk:17; am:+, diy:+
- Duster: Duster (Muddguts) {7}: AS:++, I:+, NR:+, RY:25; am:+, aqd:+
- Efdemin: New Atlantis (Ostgut Ton) {7}: C:26+, DJM:44, Mix:+; ia:+, ra:++
- Mats Eilertsen: And Then Comes the Night (ECM) {7}: aaj:+, am:+, am_j:+, jms:2 -- TH:**
- Petter Eldh: Koma Saxo (We Jazz) {7}: CM:29, JC:+; jpm:2, jsb:7 -- TH:**
- Ellery Eskelin/Christian Weber/Michael Griener: The Pearls (Intakt) {7}: JC:+; jdk:5, jmc:+ -- TH:***
- The Exbats: E Is for Exbats (Burger) {7}: UR:+ -- RC:B+, TH:***
- Ex:Re: Ex:Re (4AD) {7}: -- Ms:32, Pc:72, RM:47, RT:9; pta:+
- Feet: What's Inside Is More Than Just Ham (Clapped) {7}: Gw:+, L4:9, LBF:+, NME:+, Q:+
- Fidlar: Almost Free (Mom + Pop) {7}: NAO:15, NME:+, Q:+; d:+, diy:+, gl:+
- The Flaming Lips: King's Mouth (self-released) {7}: Fld:25, G:+, I:+, NME:+, PM:+, Q:+; diy:+
- Anat Fort Trio: Colour (Sunnyside) {7}: JC:+, Tx_j:13; jgg:3 -- TH:**
- Dori Freeman: Every Single Star (Blue Hens Music) {7}: AS:+; pm_a:15, pm_f:13, scm:+ -- TH:***
- Girl Ray: Girl (Moshi Moshi) {7}: BIB:23, Cl:+, LQ:+, Pc:35, RT:69, UR:84; d:+
- Greet Death: New Hell (Deathwish) {7}: Alt:26, Ch:25, Sg:50; lv_k:4, p_s:2
- Steve Haines: Steve Haines and the Third Floor Orchestra (Justin Time) {7}: JC:+, Tx_j:8; aaj:+, jjw:2
- Harriet Tubman: The Terror End of Beauty (Sunnyside) {7}: JC:+, PO:+, Rx:16; jlb:9, jrg:10, jy:+ -- RC:[A-], TH:[*]
- Mike Holober/The Gotham Jazz Orchestra: Hiding Out (Zoho) {7}: JC:+; jan:5, jrm:+ -- TH:***
- William Hooker: Symphonie of Flowers (ORG Music) {7}: JC:+; vbc:1, ycy:6 -- TH:**
- International Teachers of Pop: International Teachers of Pop (Desolate Spools) {7}: BIB:20, FO:36, LBF:+, Mj:+, Pc:55, Qt:24
- Javier Red's Imagery Converter: Ephemeral Certainties (Delmark) {7}: JC:+; fd:+, jad:10 -- TH:A-
- Goran Kajfes Tropiques: Into the Wild (Headspin) {7}: BIW:9; bc_j:+ -- TH:***
- Karenn: Grapefruit Regret (Voam) {7}: DJM:47, Qt:11, VF:24; ia;+, imp:+, ra:+
- Karyyn: The Quanta Series (Mute) {7}: 405:+, Ex:+, Q:+, SC:+; am:+, am_e:+, gig:+ -- MT:C
- Kel Assouf: Black Tenere (Glitterbeat) {7}: CM:51, PAM:+, PO:+ -- TH:A-
- Kornel Kovacs: Stockholm Marathon (Studio Barnhus) {7}: Du:35, GB:49, Mix:5; ra:+
- Mike Krol: Power Chords (Merge) {7}: GTV:+, LBF:+, SoG:8; clt_t:9 -- PJ:49-120-12
- Dustin Laurenzi: Snaketime: The Music of Moondog (Astral Spirits) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, jmc:7, jpm:8, mg_j:2
- L'Epee: Diabolique (A) {7}: Crh:22, LR:52, Pc:21, RM:64, Trk:42; vgb:7 -- PJ:172-48-4
- Liebman Rudolph & Drake: Chi (RareNoise) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, vth:10 -- TH:A-
- Chris Lightcap: SuperBigmouth (Pyroclastic) {7}: JC:+; db:+, jahk:3, jhs:7, jmj:6, wil:+ -- TH:B
- Kedr Livanskiy: Your Need (2MR) {7}: Bc:+, C:17, Du:36, G:+; am:+, am_e:+ -- TH:B
- Local Natives: Violet Street (Loma Vista) {7}: LBF:+; bw:+, diy:+, em:+, imp:+, nt:+ -- PJ:234-35-4
- Lorelle Meets the Obsolete: De Facto (Sonic Cathedral) {7}: LQ:+, MO:+, Pc:5, U:+
- Lost Under Heaven: Love Hates What You Become (Mute) {7}: 405:+, Cl:+, Sk:+; am:++, am_i:+, diy:+
- Lower Dens: The Competition (Ribbon) {7}: LBF+, Mj:+, NBH:39, Sl:+, UR:70; nt:+ -- PJ:229-36-4
- Rob Mazurek: Desert Encrypts Vol 1 (Astral Spirits) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, jad:2, jdg:9, jka:4
- Dan McCarthy: Epoch (Origin) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, jdb:3 -- TH:***
- Meitei: Komachi (Metron) {7}: 405:+, VF:2; fa:+, ia:+
- Mono: Nowhere Now Here (Temporary Residence) {7}: ACL:9, Ex:+, GTV:+; acl_r:3
- Rachel Musson/Pat Thomas/Mark Sanders: Shifa: Live at Cafe Oto (577) {7}: db:+, jfn:3, jps:5 -- TH:**
- Angelika Niescier/Christopher Tordini/Gerald Cleaver: New York Trio Feat Jonathan Finlayson (Intakt) {7}: CM:+, JC:+; jlre:10, jpa:6 -- TH:***
- Aaron Novik: The Fallow Curves of the Planospheres (Avant LaGuardia) {7}: BIW:2, JC:+; bc_j:+ -- TH:*
- O'Flynn: Aletheia (Silver Bear) {7}: Mgn:1, Mix:18
- Ohtis: Curve of Earth (Full Time Hobby) {7}: LBF:5+, NME:+, RT:63
- Oompa: Cleo (OompOutLoud) {7}: xbf:10, xjm:4 -- TH:A-
- Paranoid London: PL (self-released) {7}: Bq:+, DJM:14, Mix:20, Q:+; tsu:+
- Tayla Parx: We Need to Talk (Taylamade/Atlantic) {7}: Cmp:+, Ps:23, SC:+, Up:+, Up_p:16; yh:+
- Lee Scratch Perry: Heavy Rain (On-U Sound) {7}: FB:63, YW:80; am_w:+ -- TH:A-
- Tom Rainey Trio With Mary Halvorson and Ingrid Laubrock: Combobulated (Intakt) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, fd:+, jji:5 -- TH:***
- Eric Reed: Everybody Gets the Blues (Smoke Sessions) {7}: Cpu:20, JC:+; jrsc:5 -- TH:**
- Wallace Roney: Blue Dawn-Blue Nights (HighNote) {7}: JC:+; am_j:+, fd:+, jsg:7 -- TH:***
- SebastiAn: Thirst (Because Music) {7}: I:+, LQ:+, LR:30, Mj:+, MO:+, Q:+; tsu:+
- SFJAZZ Collective: The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim and Original Compositions (SFJAZZ) {7}: JC:+; ghj:7, jrmi:1, jrmu:+, noj:8
- Bria Skonberg: Nothing Never Happens (self-released) {7}: JC:+; jjw:8, jla:9, jmju:7 -- TH:***
- Slayyyter: Slayyyter (The Mixtape) (self-released) {7}: PCr:14, PM:61; wo:4 -- TH:**
- Elza Soares: Planeta Fome (Deck) {7}: CP:61, DW:80, PO:+; xjl:8 -- TH:***
- Somersaults [Olie Brice/Mark Sanders/Tobias Delius]: Numerology of Birdsong (West Hill) {7}: CM:40; fj:+, jdme:6, jss:9 -- TH:***
- Sote: Parallel Persia (Diagonal) {7}: F:+, PO:+, Qt:84, W:30; bc_e:+, ra:+ -- TH:*
- Omar Souleyman: Shlon (Mad Decent/Because) {7}: Gw:+, NME:+; am_w:+ -- TH:A-
- Spaza: Spaza (Mushroom Hour Half Hour) {7}: Bc:59, JC:+, Qt:+; pf_x:+, vbr:3, xlr:+
- Billy Strings: Home (Rounder) {7}: NoD_r:8, Rf:37; clt_g:10, scm:++
- Dave Stryker: Eight Track III (Strikezone) {7}: JC:+; db:+, jcah:+, jjh:+, jkd:8 -- TH:**
- Sarah Tandy: Infection in the Sentence (Jazz Re:freshed) {7}: JC:+; aaj:+, jcm:+, vjo:4, xce:5
- Tedeschi Trucks Band: Signs (Fantasy) {7}: L:11; am:+, am_b:+, gl:+, jrmi:+, ucr:9
- The Teskey Brothers: Run Home Slow (Ivy League) {7}: AU:16, Bq:+, DJ:4
- Rosie Tucker: Never Not Never Not Never Not (New Professor Music) {7}: Alt:1, Up:+; ath:+
- Federico Ughi: Transoceanico (577) {7}: CM:11, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Unloved: Heartbreak (Heavenly) {7}: Crh:25, Dr:94, GTV:+, LR:93, Mj:+, MM:91, RM:85
- Andres Vial/Dezron Douglas/Eric McPherson: Gang of Three (Chromatic Audio) {7}: JC:+; jlv:1 -- TH:***
- The Waterboys: Where the Action Is (Cooking Vinyl) {7}: Fp:+, Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+, U:55, UR:+; gl:+
- Patrick Watson: Wave (Secret City/Domino) {7}: Fld:+, GTV:+, LCA:25, LQ:+, MM:87, Spk:+; sp:+
- Weval: The Weight (Kompakt) {7}: LBF:+, NBH:49, PM:34+; pm_e:20, pm_ep:3
- Wreckless Eric: Transience (Southern Domestic) {7}: Mj:+, Q:+, XJS:37 -- RC:***, TH:*
- Yatta: Wahala (PTP) {7}: ACL:7, Bc:34, W:36; acl_x:+, pf_x:+
- James Yorkston: The Route to the Harmonium (Domino) {7}: DS:+, G:+, LQ:+, Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+; am_f:+
- Rez Abbasi: A Throw of Dice by the Silent Ensemble (Whirlwind) {6}: JC:+; jmn:10, jpl:9, jrb:4 -- TH:*
- Christine Abdelnour/Chris Corsano: Quand Fond La Neige, Ou Va Le Blanc? (Relative Pitch) {6}: fj:+, jab:1, jfn:4
- Africa Express: Egoli (self-released) {6}: LQ:+, MO:+, NME:+, O:+, Q:+; am_w:+
- Akiko Hamilton Dechter: Equal Time (Capri) {6}: JC:+; db:+, jcah:+, jkf:5 -- TH:*
- Alcest: Spiritual Instinct (Nuclear Blast) {6}: BV:19, PM:+, Rf_k:50, RT:57; ug:15
- Azam Ali: Phantoms (Terrestrial Lane) {6}: Ec:2; mg_w:2
- The Amazons: Future Dust (Fiction) {6}: Bq:+, I:+, Q:+, TS:+; d:+, rx:+
- Brittany Anjou: Enamigo Reciprokataj (Origin) {6}: JC:+; aaj:+, jdb:10, jha:8 -- TH:**
- Ehud Asherie Trio: Wild Man Blues (Capri) {6}: JC:+; jml:10, jsy:2 -- TH:**
- Aurora: A Different Kind of Human (Step II) (Glassnote) {6}: G:+, LBF:+, MO:+, NME:+, Rf:32; d:+
- Automatic: Signal (Stones Throw) {6}: Bc:68, FB:36, Gf:29, RM:47; kc:7, man:9
- Patricia Barber: Higher (ArtistShare) {6}: JC:+; jhr:1, jjo:5
- William Basinski: On Time Out of Time (Temporary Residence) {6}: DS:+, LBF:+, Pf:+, PM:+; dc:+, xlr:+ -- MT:C-
- Jon Batiste: Chronology of a Dream: Live at the Village Vanguard (Verve) {6}: JC:+; am_j:+, jbu:2, jdku:7 -- TH:*
- BCUC: The Healing (Buda Musique) {6}: G:+, RT:47*, Trk:19 -- TH:**
- Blaenavon: Everything That Makes You Happy (Transgressive) {6}: Gw:27, LBF:+, NME:+; d:+, diy:+, nt:+
- TK Blue: The Rhythms Continue (JaJa) {6}: JC:+; jjh:+, jlw:6, jmy:2, jwj:9
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre: The Brian Jonestown Massacre (A Recordings) {6}: LR:57, MO:+, Pc:60, Q:+, Sk:+, UR:+
- Brooks & Dunn: Reboot (Arista Nashville) {6}: BB:+, Gg_c:18, HV:34, RS_c:34; b:+ -- TH:B
- Camila Cabello: Romance (Simco/Epic) {6}: Gg_p:28, I:+, Id:19, RS:+; am_p:+
- Kirin J Callinan: Return to Center (EMI) {6}: BIB:35, Ne:19+, UR:73+
- Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: Tracing Back the Radiance (Mexican Summer) {6}: LBF:+, LR:91, Pf:+; am:++, am_e:+
- Michael Chapman: True North (Paradise of Bachelors) {6}: LBF:+, Mj:+, MM:49, Q:+, UR:+; am_f:+
- Chastity Belt: Chastity Belt (Hardly Art) {6}: Bc:+, Cl:+, Mj:+, Sk:+, Sl:+ -- PJ:181-45-5
- George Coleman: The Quartet (Smoke Sessions) {6}: JC:+; fd:7 -- TH:A-
- Romain Collin: Tiny Lights: Genesis (XM) {6}: JC:+; jgt:3, noj:10 -- TH:**
- Cosey Fanni Tutti: Tutti (Conspiracy International) {6}: LQ:+, NME:+, Qt:40; pm_e:24, ra:+, tg:+
- CP Unit: Riding Photon Time (Eleatic) {6}: JC:+; tn:9 -- TH:A-
- Stephan Crump's Rosetta Trio: Outliers (Papillon) {6}: JC:+; db:+, jmn:4 -- TH:**
- Cub Sport: Cub Sport (self-released) {6}: LBF:+, MuH:+, Ps:9; pir:+
- Miley Cyrus: She Is Coming (RCA -EP) {6}: Atw:+, G:+, Gg_p:33, NME:+, Ps:18
- Tim Daisy's Vox 4: Roman Poems (Relay) {6}: fj:+, jsgr:3, jtb:1
- Harold Danko/Kirk Knuffke: Play Date (SteepleChase) {6}: JC:+; jkd:4 -- TH:***
- Kate Davis: Trophy (Solitaire) {6}: Bc:69; npr_bb:8, npr_k:+, npr_rh:10, nt:+, vgb:10
- Jamael Dean: Black Space Tapes (Stones Throw) {6}: JC:+; v_ab:5, vmp_j:4 -- TH:*
- Michael Dease: Never More Here (Posi-Tone) {6}: JC:+; jgz:2, jrm:+ -- TH:**
- Default Genders: Main Pop Girl 2019 (self-released) {6}: Pf:+; crk:7, gcn:+, pf_x:+ -- TH:**
- Desperate Journalist: In Search of the Miraculous (Fierce Panda) {6}: GTV:16+, LBF:+, Mj:+, Sk:+
- Devil Master: Satan Spits on Children of Light (Relapse) {6}: Ex:+, Rev:7, Tr:+; tr_m:+
- Dinosaur Pile-Up: Celebrity Mansions (Parlophone) {6}: Bq:+, Gw:+, Pu:19; d:+, dep:6
- Celine Dion: Courage (Sony) {6}: BB:50, Gg_p:25, Id:20, MO:+; am_p:+
- DJ Python: Derretirse (Dekmantel -EP) {6}: Ex:+, Gg_e:47, Mj:+, TMT:+; pf_e:+, ra:+
- Dream Theater: Distance Over Time (Inside Out) {6}: CS:+, L:+, Noj:40; gl:++, ug:8
- Dude York: Falling (Hardly Art) {6}: P:+, SoG:2, Ups:+
- Duke: Uingizaji Hewa (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {6}: F:+, Gg_e:34, W:46; am:+, am_e:+, pf_e:+
- Eerie Wanda: Pet Town (Joyful Noise) {6}: Sb:5; am_i:+, aqd:+
- Ethnic Heritage Ensemble: Be Known: Ancient/Future/Music (Spiritmuse) {6}: BIW:25, JC:+; jtc:9 -- TH:***
- Lee Fields & the Expressions: It Rains Love (Big Crown) {6}: AS:+, Mj:+, O:+, Q:+, SC:+; am_r:+
- The Flesh Eaters: I Used to Be Pretty (Yep Roc) {6}: AS:+; mg_p:1, vjo:+, yps:+
- From Wolves to Whales [Nate Wooley/Dave Rempis/Pascal Niggenkemper/Chris Corsano]: Strandwal (Aerophonic -2CD) {6}: JC:+; aaj:+, jsb:10 -- TH:***
- Satoko Fujii: Solo Piano: Stone (Libra) {6}: JC:+; jmc:4, jra:8 -- TH:**
- Full of Hell: Weeping Choir (Relapse) {6}: Ex:+, Rev:+; ex_m:4, tr_m:20 -- PJ:229-36-4
- Fury: Failed Entertainment (Run for Cover) {6}: Bc:+, Ch:+, Rev:19, Sg:+; bw:+
- Ras G and the Afrikan Space Program: Dance of the Cosmos (Akashik) {6}: S:10; xlr:+ -- TH:**
- Gender Roles: Prang (Big Scary Monsters) {6}: Bq:+, Pu:10, Ups:+; dep:7
- Ghostface Killah: Ghostface Killahs (Now Generation) {6}: -- RC:***, TH:***
- Gil Evans Orchestra: Hidden Treasures: Monday Nights Vol 1 (Deko Music) {6}: JC:+; jek:8, jji:4, jwj:+, noj:+
- Vince Gill: Okie (MCA Nashville) {6}: am_c:+, bg_u:2, scm:+, tc:3
- MT Hadley: Empty (PIAS) {6}: Du:42, Gw:19+, LBF:+; diy:80
- Glen Hansard: This Wild Willing (Anti-) {6}: Ex:+, Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+, Spk:+; npr_st:8
- Dave Harrington Group: Pure Imagination, No Country (Yeggs) {6}: PW:10, Up_sh:24; aqd:+, pta:+
- Alexander Hawkins: Iron Into Wind: Piano Solo (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jal:+, jehz:3 -- TH:**
- Richard Hawley: Further (BMG) {6}: Bq:+, G:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Q:+, Sk:+
- Helm: Chemical Flowers (Pan) {6}: Bc:62, F:+; dc:+, ia:+, pta:+, ra:+
- Florian Hoefner Trio: First Spring (ALMA) {6}: aaj:+, jdm:+, jgt:9 -- TH:***
- Jimmy "Duck" Holmes: Cypress Grove (Easy Eye Sound) {6}: AS:+; am:+, am_b:+, aqd:+, p_f:13, tg:+
- Human Feel [Chris Speed/Andrew D'Angelo/Kurt Rosenwinkel/Jim Black]: Gold (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; db:+, jad:9, jkws:2 -- TH:*
- Chrissie Hynde With the Valve Bone Woe Ensemble: Valve Bone Woe (BMG) {6}: AS:+, G:+, I:+, Q:+; gl:+, nat:10 -- TH:B
- IDK: Is He Real? (Warner) {6}: HDX:+, Up:21, Up_h:8; xxl:+
- Ellen Jewell: Gypsy (Signature Sounds) {6}: NoD_r:47, PM:+; am_f:+, gl:+, pm_a:5
- Ras Kass: Soul on Ice 2 (Mello Music Group) {6}: HDX:+, HG:51, PO:+ -- TH:***
- K.Flay: Solutions (Interscope/Night Street) {6}: Rf:13, UR:+; ap:+, d:+, sp:+
- Chaka Khan: Hello Happiness (Island) {6}: Al:30, MuH:+, O:+, Q:+, RM:35, SC:+
- Kneebody: Chapters (Edition) {6}: JC:+; am_j:+, jadh:4, vjso:10 -- TH:*
- Brian Krock: Liddle (Outside In Music) {6}: JC:+; am_j:+, db:+, vjc:9 -- TH:**
- Joachim Kuhn: Melodic Ornette Coleman: Piano Works XIII (ACT) {6}: JC:+, PO:+; db:+, jck:3 -- TH:*
- Lagwagon: Railer (Fat Wreck Chords) {6}: Gf:21, NAO:5, Spk:+
- Lamb: The Secret of Letting Go (Cooking Vinyl) {6}: Ec:1, Q:+
- Shannon Lay: August (Sub Pop) {6}: Dr:30, Mj:+, Q:+, RM:68, Sb:33, U:+
- Dylan Leblanc: Renegade (ATO) {6}: AS:++, Mj:+, RS_c:32, Sk:+; jfkz:+
- Kim Lenz: Slowly Speeding (Blue Star) {6}: YW:100; am:++, am_f:+ -- TH:**
- David Liebman/Jeff Coffin/Victor Wooten/Chester Thompson/Chris Walters/James DaSilva: On the Corner Live! The Music of Miles Davis (Ear Up) {6}: JC:+; jbo:4, jjh:+ -- TH:**
- Lillie Mae: Other Girls (Third Man) {6}: Pc:66, PM:+; am_f:+, gl:+, mg_i:9, p_c:16
- Fredrik Ljungkvist Trio: Atlantis (Moserobie) {6}: CM:41, JC:+; jpm:7 -- TH:***
- Jon Lundbom Big Five Chord: Harder on the Outside (Hot Cup) {6}: JC:+; aaj:+, jms:7 -- TH:***
- Carmen Lundy: Modern Ancestors (Afrasia) {6}: JC:+; jah:10, jlw:1, jmn:9
- Quiana Lynell: A Little Love (Concord Jazz) {6}: JC:+, JT:34; jkm:9, jlw:10, vjt:2 -- TH:B
- Made to Break: F4 Fake (Trost) {6}: JC:+; tn:6 -- TH:A-
- Malibu: One Life (Joyful Noise) {6}: F:+, GB:15; pf_x:+, pm_a:2
- Matt Maltese: Krystal (7476) {6}: Gw:12+, LBF:+, NME:+; d:+
- Todd Marcus: Trio+ (Stricker Street) {6}: JC:+; am_j:+, ghj:4 -- TH:**
- Wynton Marsalis: Bolden: Music From the Original Soundtrack (Blue Engine) {6}: JC:+; jah:7, vjt:10 -- TH:***
- Marilyn Mazur: Marilyn Mazur's Shamania (RareNoise) {6}: JC:+; db:+, vmw:5 -- TH:**
- Delbert McClinton: Tall, Dark & Handsome (Hot Shot) {6}: NoD:13, NoD_r:32; am_b:+, gl:+
- Tom McDermott: Meets Scott Joplin (Arbors) {6}: JC:+; fd:+, jdku:8, jsy:10 -- TH:**
- Duff McKagan: Tenderness (Universal) {6}: L:+, Mj:+; am_k:+, gl:+, sp:+, ucr:10,
- Angie McMahon: Salt (Dualtone) {6}: AS:+, AU:8, CS:+, Q:+
- Meat Puppets: Dusty Notes (Megaforce) {6}: PM:+, Sk:+; vrj:3, ygb:10 -- PJ:197-42-4
- Mereba: The Jungle Is the Only Way Out (Interscope) {6}: Atw:+, DJB:42, N:+; em:+, npr_ap:3
- The Minus 5: Stroke Manor (Yep Roc) {6}: Mg:4; am_k:+ -- PJ:149-55-5
- Yoko Miwa Trio: Keep Talkin' (Ocean Blue Tear Music) {6}: JC:+; bg_g:10, db:+, jsl:8 -- TH:***
- Hedvig Mollestad Trio: Smells Funny (Rune Grammofon) {6}: Mj:+, Tx:8 -- TH:**
- Motorpsycho: The Crucible (Stickman) {6}: FB:4, Mj:+, Spk:+
- Andrew Munsey: High Tide (Birdwatcher) {6}: JC:+; jrb:8, sdu:5 -- TH:**
- Murs: The Iliad Is Dead and the Odyssey Is Over (Jamla) {6}: HDX:+, HG:35 -- TH:A-
- Ossia: Devil's Dance (Blackest Ever Black) {6}: F:+, Qt:+; pm_e:21, ra:++, tr_e:+
- Evan Parker: Crepuscule in Nickelsdorf (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; aaj:+, jjws:4, jsb:3
- Evan Parker/Paul G Smyth: Calenture and Light Leaks (Weekertoft) {6}: fj:+, jlre:6, jtmd:4 -- TH:**
- People Under the Stairs: Sincerely the P (Piecelock 70) {6}: HG:25, NAO:38 -- TH:A-
- Sandro Perri: Soft Landing (Constellation) {6}: Mj:+, MM:48, Pf:+, U:72; aqd:+, crk:27
- Piroshka: Brickbat (Bella Union) {6}: Am_s:41, BIB:32, Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+, UR:47
- Tim Presley & White Fence: I Have to Feed Larry's Hawk (Drag City) {6}: Cl:+, LQ:+, Noj:37, Sk:+; aqd:+, diy:+
- PTU: Am I Who I Am (Trip) {6}: C:46, F:+, Gg_e:46, Pf:+; ra:++
- Queen Key: Eat My Pussy Again (Machine Entertainment Group) {6}: Cmp:+; yh:+ -- TH:A-
- Rakta: Falha Commun (Damada Noite) {6}: Bc:81, NPR:+, Qt:78, Tr:+; do:+, npr_lg:6
- Red Kite: Red Kite (RareNoise) {6}: JC:+; jahk:4, jld:7 -- TH:**
- Tomeka Reid/Filippo Monico: The Mouser (Relative Pitch) {6}: CM:+; fj:+ -- TH:A-
- Thomas Rhett: Center Point Road (Valory) {6}: Gg_c:9, RS_c:39; am_c:+, sln:+
- Roddy Ricch: Please Excuse Me for Being Antisocial (Dream Chasers) {6}: DJB:63, Gg_h:23, HDX:+; rs_h:3, xxl:+
- Alfredo Rodriguez/Pedrito Martinez: Duologue (Mack Avenue) {6}: JC:+, PO:+; jjh:+ -- TH:***
- Runaway June: Blue Roses (Wheelhouse) {6}: Gg_c:11, RS_c:14; p_c:18, sln:+
- Jamie Saft/Steve Swallow/Bobby Previte: You Don't Know the Life (RareNoise) {6}: JC:+; aaj:+, gl_j:+, jek:5, jmc:9 -- TH:B
- Antonio Sanchez & Migration: Lines in the Sand (CAM Jazz) {6}: JC:+; db:+, jbo:5, jdo:10, vjo:9
- Hama Sankare: Niafunke (Clermont Music) {6}: -- RC:B+, TH:***
- Scheen Jazzorkester & Thomas Johansson: As We See It . . . (Clean Feed) {6}: CM:44, JC:+; jal:+ -- TH:***
- Ty Segall: Deforming Lobes (Drag City) {6}: Atw:+, CS:+, I:+, O:+, Q:+, Sk:+
- Gwilym Simcock: Near and Now (ACT) {6}: JC:+, JW:6; jpq:3 -- TH:B
- Sinkane: Depayse (City Slang) {6}: GTV:+, I:+, LQ:+, MM:93, PM:+, Q:+
- Slikback: Tomo (Hakuna Kulala) {6}: F:+, VF:4; ra:+
- Jim Snidero: Waves of Calm (Savant) {6}: JC:+; am_j:+, jsg:9 -- TH:***
- Mary Stallings: Songs Were Made to Sing (Smoke Sessions) {6}: JC:+; db:+, jah:1 -- TH:*
- Starcrawler: Devour You (Rough Trade) {6}: L4:17, Q:+; ljs:4, nt:+
- State Faults: Clairvoyant (No Sleep) {6}: FWg:13, Spk:6+
- Andy Stott: It Should Be Us (Modern Love -EP) {6}: GB:39, Gg_e:48, ; am_e:+, ia:2, xlr:+
- Aki Takase: Hokusai: Piano Solo (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jck:2, jjws:8 -- TH:**
- Tuba Skinny: Some Kind-a-Shake (self-released) {6}: JC:+; bg_g:2 -- TH:***
- Turning Jewels Into Water: Map of Absences (FPE) {6}: Bc:+, PM:+; am_e:+ -- TH:***
- Uboa: The Origin of My Depression (self-released) {6}: FWg:7, Ne:39+; bc_a:+
- Underworld: Drift Series 1 [Box Set] (Caroline -6CD) {6}: Gg_e:35, Mj:+, Q:+; pm_e:1
- Joni Void: Mise En Abyme (Constellation) {6}: Ex:+, Mj:+, Pf:+, PM:+, Sk:+; pta:+
- Aaron Watson: Red Bandana (BIG Label) {6}: Gg_c:19; am_c:+, scm:++, sln:+
- Jane Weaver: Loops in the Secret Society (Fire) {6}: FB:95, Mj:+, Qt:+, SR:10
- Walt Weiskopf European Quartet: Worldwide (Orenda) {6}: aaj:+, jcah:+ -- TH:A-
- Leo Bud Welch: The Angels in Heaven Done Signed My Name (Easy Eye Sound) {6}: AS:+, Cpu:2; am_b:+
- White Lies: Five (PIAS) {6}: Bq:+, Gf_D:20, Mj:+, Sk:+; am:+
- White Reaper: You Deserve Love (Elektra) {6}: FWg:10, Up_i:31; am_k:+ -- PJ:130-61-5
- Wicca Phase Springs Eternal: Suffer On (Run for Cover) {6}: Rev:24, Spk:34+; clt_f:5, diy:+
- Joy Williams: Front Porch (Sensibility) {6}: Gg_c:28, Mx:34, RS_c:28; p_c:15, pm_f:20, v_cw:+
- Will of the People [Haftor Medboe]: Will of the People (Copperfly) {6}: BIW:4 -- TH:**
- The Dave Wilson Quartet: One Night at Chris' (self-released) {6}: JC:+; jrm:+, jsg:8 -- TH:***
- You Tell Me: You Tell Me (Memphis Industries) {6}: Dr:71, G:+, Mj:+, MO:+, RM:27, Sk:+
- Yuna: Rouge (Verve) {6}: E_UK:+, Up:48, Up_p:15; pm_p:5
- Paul Zauner's Blue Brass Feat David Murray: Roots n' Wings (PAO/Blujazz) {6}: JC:+; gl_j:+, jdo:8 -- TH:***
- 03 Greedo: Still Summer in the Projects (Alamo) {5}: Cmp:+, G:+, Up:+, Up_h:26; yh:+
- 96 Back: Excitable, Girl (Central Processing Unit) {5}: F:+, Mix:47, VF:7
- Stefan Aeby: Piano Solo (Intakt) {5}: JC:+; jad:5, jkc:10 -- TH:*
- Areni Agbabian: Bloom (ECM) {5}: G:+, PM:+; db:+, fj:+, tg:+ -- TH:B
- Ahmed: Super Majnoon (East Meets West) (Otoroku) {5}: JC:+; jpm:3, jssm:5
- Don Aliquo/Michael Jefry Stevens: Live at Hinton Hall: The Innocence of Spring (self-released) {5}: JC:+; jlv:3 -- TH:**
- Oren Ambarchi: Simian Angel (Editions Mego) {5}: Mj:+; jkb:2, pf_x:+, xlr:+
- Franck Amsallem: Gotham Goodbye (Jazz & People) {5}: JC:+; jbo:10 -- TH:***
- And the Kids: When This Life Is Over (Signature Sounds) {5}: SoG:1
- Gretje Angell: In Any Key (Grevlinto) {5}: JC:+; db:+, jslo:9 -- TH:**
- Arashi [Akira Sakata/Johan Berthling/Paal Nilssen-Love]: Jikan (PNL) {5}: fj:+, jtmd:2 -- TH:**
- Dayme Arocena: Sonocardiogram (Brownswood) {5}: JC:+, SAC:23; jin:10, npr_fc:6, npr_sf:7
- Astrid: A Porthole (I) (Gizeh) {5}: ACL:20; acl_r:1
- Teodross Avery: After the Rain: A Night for Coltrane (Tompkins Square -18) {5}: JC:+, PO:+, YW:51; am_j:+, tn:10 -- TH:[***]
- A-WA: Bayti Fi Rasi (S-Curve) {5}: am:++, am_w:+, pm_w:2
- Backxwash: Deviancy (Grimalkin -EP) {5}: Bc:16 -- TH:***
- Bad Religion: Age of Unreason (Epitaph) {5}: L:+, NAO:35; ap:+, xjte:3
- Barrie: Happy to Be Here (Winspear) {5}: 405:+, Am_s:23, Atw:+, RT:46; ta:+
- Jon Batiste: Anatomy of Angels: Live at the Village Vanguard (Verve) {5}: JC:+; db:+, hft:8, jmy:+ -- TH:*
- B Boys: Dudu (Captured Tracks) {5}: CS:+, FB:49, NME:+, Pc:87, RM:98
- BEA1991: Brand New Adult (self-released) {5}: Bc:+, GB:5
- Beans on Toast: The Inevitable Train Wreck (self-released) {5}: Bq:+ -- TH:A-
- Bent Knee: You Know What They Mean (Inside Out/Sony) {5}: FB:3, PM:+
- Lea Bertucci: Resonant Field (NNA Tapes) {5}: jsfr:4, ny_u:10, vsd:8 -- TH:*
- Big Business: The Beast You Are (Joyful Noise) {5}: Mx:13, Rf:12; sp:+
- Big KRIT: KRIT Iz Here (Multi Alumni) {5}: DJB:64, Gg_h:50, Up_r:32 -- TH:**
- Michael Bisio/Kirk Knuffke/Fred Lonberg-Holm: Requiem for a New York Slice (Iluso) {5}: JC:+; aaj:+, fj:+, jdk:9 -- TH:*
- Blacks' Myths: Blacks' Myths II (Atlantic Rhythms) {5}: JC:+, Pf:+, PO:+; jhs:8, pf_x:+
- Seamus Blake: Guardians of the Heart Machine (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+; jfkz:+ -- TH:***
- Bleached: Don't You Think You've Had Enough? (Dead Oceans) {5}: LBF:+, Ups:+, UR:71; nt:+ -- PJ:127-64-5
- Blessed: Salt (self-released) {5}: FWg:4, Spk:+
- Boy Scouts: Free Company (Anti-) {5}: Am_s:46, Pf:+, Sb:45; pf_k:+, ta:+
- Peter Brotzmann/Heather Leigh: South Moon Under (self-released) {5}: fj:+, jss:4, jtmd:5
- Apollo Brown: Sincerely, Detroit (Mello Music Group) {5}: HG:3; am_h:+
- Will Burns/Hannah Peel: Chalk Hill Blue (Rivertones) {5}: Dr:12, Mj:74, Qt:+, Sk:+
- Carter Tutti Void: Triumvirate (Conspiracy International) {5}: C:11+, LQ:+, Qt:86
- Catfish and the Bottlemen: The Balance (Island) {5}: Atw:+, Bq:+, CS:47; rx:+, sp:+
- Cat in a Bag: Cat in a Bag (Clean Feed) {5}: JC:+; jsg:10 -- TH:***
- Ceremony: In the Spirit World Now (Relapse) {5}: NAO:12; lv_k:7, lv_v:5
- Julien Chang: Jules (Transgressive) {5}: Mj:+, N:45, Q:+, UR:96; diy:+
- Che Apalache: Rearrange My Heart (Free Dirt) {5}:
- Cheekface: Therapy Island (New Professor Music) {5}: CM:60, CP:56, DW:72 -- TH:**
- Circa Waves: What's It Like Over There? (Prolifica/PIAS) {5}: Bq:+, I:+, Sk:+; d:+, rx:+
- Mike Clark: Indigo Blue: Live at the Iridium (Ropeadope) {5}: JC:+; aaj:+, jbm:3, jrmi:+
- Club D'Elf: Night Sparkles (Live) (Face Pelt) {5}: JC:+; jka:10 -- TH:***
- Avishai Cohen: Arvoles (Razdaz/Sunnyside) {5}: JC:+; jmn:6 -- TH:***
- Lloyd Cole: Guesswork (Ear) {5}: BIB:18, Mj:+, Q:+; gl:+ -- PJ:220-39-4
- Combo Chimbita: Ahomale (Anti-) {5}: SAC:14; am_w:+, clt_g:9, do:+
- Luke Combs: The Prequel (River House -EP) {5}: Ex:+, Gg_c:17, RS_c:20
- Cooper Moore/Stephen Gauci: Studio Sessions Vol 1 (Gaucimusic) {5}: JC:+; jjsh:6 -- TH:***
- Copeland: Blushing (Tooth & Nail) {5}: Ch:12, Spk:14+
- Chris Crack: Never Hated I Just Waited (New Deal Collectives) {5}: Cmp:+, N:82, PW:32; imp:+, yh:+
- Sheryl Crow: Threads (Big Machine) {5}: Gg_c:31, I:+, MO:+; sln:+, v_cw:+
- Nicola Cruz: Siku (ZZK) {5}: SAC:4; pm_w:10
- Ronnie Cuber: Straight Street (SteepleChase) {5}: JC:+; jhm:8 -- TH:***
- DaBaby: Blank Blank (South Coast Music Group -EP -18) {5}: DW:3 -- PJ:130-61-5, TH:[***]
- Gus Dapperton: Where Polly People Go to Read (Awal) {5}: Am_s:17, HS:+, LBF:+; d:+
- Daughter of Swords: Dawnbreaker (Nonesuch) {5}: Mj:+, Sb:40; p_f:10, pm_f:17, wil:+
- DEHD: Water (Fire Talk) {5}: N:+, RT:96, SoG:11; am_i:+
- Deliluh: Beneath the Floors (Tin Angel) {5}: LQ:14+, Rf_k:41; p_k:15
- Charlie Dennard: Deep Blue (Deneaux -18) {5}: JC:+; jan:4, jkf:4
- Bertrand Denzler/CoO: Arc (Potlatch) {5}: aaj:+, fj:+, jkp:10, jsb:5
- Desertion Trio: Twilight Time (Long Song) {5}: JC:+; jaa:5, jdbs:4
- John Dikeman/George Hadow/Dirk Serries/Martina Verhoeven/Luis Vicente: Ideal Principle (Raw Tonk -18) {5}: JC:+; jkw:8 -- TH:***
- The DIVA Jazz Orchestra: DIVA + the Boys (MCG Jazz) {5}: JC:+; jmb:2, jrs:+ -- TH:*
- DJ Muggs x Mach-Hommy: Tuez-Les Tous (Soul Assassins) {5}: 405:+, BB:+, PW:23, VMP:+; yrh:+
- Peter Doherty: Peter Doherty & the Puta Madres (Strap Originals) {5}: Cl:+, LR:46, Mj:+, NME:+, RT:98*
- Rose Elinor Dougall: A New Illusion (Republic of Music) {5}: GTV:+, Qt:+, UR:20+
- Paul Dunmall Sun Ship Quartet: John Coltrane 50th Memorial Concert at Cafe Oto (Confront) {5}: JC:+; jpf:5, tn:4
- Elder Ones [Amirtha Kidambi]: From Untruth (Northern Spy) {5}: JC:+, Bc:41; jsw:6, jwk:4 -- TH:B
- Maria Faust/Tim Dahl/Weasel Walter: Farm Fresh (Gotta Let It Out) {5}: CM:55, PO:+ -- TH:***
- Femina: Perlas & Conchas (self-released) {5}: SAC:5; pm_w:7
- The Fictive Five: Anything Is Possible (Clean Feed) {5}: aaj:+, jcg:3 -- TH:**
- Field Medic: Fade Into the Dawn (Run for Cover) {5}: Alt:47, Rf_k:27, Ups:+; am:+, am_i:+
- Amina Figarova: Road to the Sun (AmFi) {5}: JC:+; aaj:+, db:+, jdm:+, jrm:+
- Filthy Friends: Emerald Valley (Kill Rock Stars) {5}: G:+, Sk:+; diy:+ -- TH:**
- Flamingods: Levitation (Moshi Moshi) {5}: Dr:97, Pc:80, RM:62, Trk:30; sp:+
- Luis Fonsi: Vida (Universal Latino) {5}: Gg_p:29, RS:+; am:+, am_w:+, app:+
- Al Foster: Inspirations & Dedications (Smoke Sessions) {5}: JC:+; jma:2 -- TH:**
- Foxygen: Seeing Other People (Jagjaguwar) {5}: LBF:+, MO:+, Q:+; gl:+, lv_v:9
- Satoko Fujii/Joe Fonda: Four (Long Song) {5}: JC:+; jdr:9 -- TH:***
- The Garifuna Collective: Aban (Stonetree Music) {5}: PM:+; pm_w:4 -- TH:**
- Gatecreeper: Deserted (Relapse) {5}: N:93, Rev:3
- Giggs: Big Bad . . . (No BS/Island) {5}: Cl:+, E_UK:+, G:+, LBF:+, NME:+
- Girls on Grass: Dirty Power (self-released) {5}: PO:+; xjh:+ -- RC:*, TH:**
- Karol G: Ocean (Universal Latino) {5}: -- BB:24, Cmp:+, N:90; am_w:+, yh:+
- Victor Gould: Thoughts Become Things (Blue Room) {5}: JC:+; hep:6, sg_j:6, vpf:4
- Westside Gunn: Flygod Is an Awesome God (Griselda) {5}: HDX:+, U:51 -- RC:***
- Haelos: Any Random Kindness (Infectious Music) {5}: PM:26+; pm_ep:1
- Scott Hamilton Quartet: Danish Ballads . . . & More (Stunt) {5}: fd:+ -- TH:A-
- Joel Harrison: Still Point: Turning World (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+; jrb:5 -- TH:**
- Kevin Hays/Lionel Loueke: Hope (Edition) {5}: aaj:+, db:+, jgt:1
- Heart Attack Man: Fake Blood (Triple Crown) {5}: Alt:18, NAO:19; p_k:18
- The Hecks: My Star (Trouble in Mind) {5}: BIB:12, N:18 -- PJ:206-40-3
- Bjorn Marius Hegge: Ideas (Particular) {5}: CM:57 -- TH:A-
- Weldon Henson: Texas Made Honky Tonk (Hillbilly Renegade) {5}: scm:+ -- TH:A-
- Common Holly: When I Say to You Black Lightning (Barsuk) {5}: Ex:+, LQ:36, Mj:+, P:+, Sk:+
- Holy Holy: My Own Pool of Light (Sony Music Australia) {5}: AU:2, DJ:30
- Horse Jumper of Love: So Divine (Run for Cover) {5}: FWg:8, P:+; p_s:8
- Julia Hulsmann Quartet: Not Far From Here (ECM) {5}: JC:+; jfkz:+, jjha:3, jkm:10
- Ikarus: Mosaismic (Ronin Rhythm) {5}: ACL:10; acl_r:2
- Indoor Pets: Be Content (Wichita) {5}: Gw:+, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+ -- TH:*
- Christone "Kingfish" Ingram: Kingfish (Alligator) {5}: Rf:30; am:+, am_b:+, npr_lo:8, tg:+
- IPT: Diffractions (ForTune) {5}: jgm:4 -- TH:***
- Ithaca: The Language of Injury (Holy Roar) {5}: Pu:12, Rev:20; tr_m:17
- Jealous of the Birds: Wisdom Teeth (Atlantic -EP) {5}: Rx:70 -- RC:A-
- Lauren Jenkins: No Saint (Big Machine) {5}: RS_c:37; am:+, am_c:+ -- TH:**
- Bobby J From Rockaway: Summer Classics (Make Noise) {5}: HG:9 -- TH:**
- Per Texas Johansson: Strak Pa Himlen Och Stora Hus (Moserobie) {5}: JC:+; jld:6 -- TH:***
- Cody Johnson: Ain't Nothin to It (CoJo Music/Warner) {5}: Gg_c:24; am_c:+, b:+, scm:+, sln:+
- Hobo Johnson: The Fall of Hobo Johnson (Reprise) {5}: Ne:30+, NME:+, Pu:25; tg:+
- Jim Jones: El Capo (Vamplife) {5}: Cmp:29, HG:57; vib:+, xxl:+, yh:+
- Kacy & Clayton: Carrying On (New West) {5}: Mj:+, U:+; am_f:+, aqd:+, gl:+
- Kaiser Chiefs: Duck (Polydor) {5}: Bq:+, Q:+, T:+; d:+, rx:+
- Philippe Katerine: Confessions (Cinq 7/Wagram Music) {5}: LR:6, MM:20
- Julia Kent: Temporal (The Leaf Label) {5}: Dr:95, G:+, Mj:+, RM:93, Sk:+
- Khruangbin: Hasta El Cielo (Dead Oceans) {5}: Pc:32, PM:+, PW:28, Q:+ -- PJ:124-65-4
- Kindness: Something Like a War (Female Energy) {5}: LR:45, Ni:24, Pc:85, UR:+; wi:+
- King Nun: Mass (Dirty Hit) {5}: Bq:+, Gw:47+; d:+, diy:+
- Petros Klampanis: Irrationalities (Enja) {5}: Tx_j:7 -- TH:**
- Kota the Friend: Foto (Flybys) {5}: DJB:39, EX:+, Ps:33; rs_h:17, xxl:+
- Krept & Konan: Revenge Is Sweet (Virgin EMI) {5}: Cl:+, CX:11, LBF:+, O:+
- Kronos Quartet: Terry Riley: Sun Rings (Nonesuch) {5}: PO:+; aaj:+, jms:10, jrw:6, tg:+ -- TH:B
- Lady Lamb: Even in the Tremor (Ba Da Bing!) {5}: AS:+, CS:44+; hcw:3
- Ladytron: Ladytron (!K7) {5}: BIB:16, G:+, Mj:+, Q:+
- Lakou Mizik: HaitiaNola (Cumbancha) {5}: PM:+, TS:+; jrmi:+, sol:6 -- TH:*
- The Last Poets: Transcending Toxic Times (Ropeadope -2CD) {5}: JC:+; jhm:2 -- TH:**
- Mark Lockheart: Days on Earth (Edition) {5}: JC:+; aaj:+, jbo:3, jm:+
- Nils Lofgren: Blue With Lou (Castle Track Road) {5}: PM:+, U:+; app:+, gl:+ -- TH:*
- Alex LoRe & Weirdear: Karol (Challenge) {5}: JC:+, Tx_j:19; jrk:5
- Russ Lossing: Changes (SteepleChase) {5}: JC:+; jnt:7 -- TH:***
- Los Wembler's De Iquitos: Vision Del Ayahuasca (Barbes) {5}: SAC:1
- Lucki: Freewave 3 (self-released) {5}: BB:+, F:+, N:+, PW:48; gcn:+
- The Lumineers: III (Decca) {5}: AS:+, Bq:+, GTV:+; gl:+, hc:7
- Jeff Lynne's ELO: From Out of Nowhere (Columbia) {5}: G:+, GMA:44, Mj:+; sjm:7, ucr:7
- The Magpie Salute: High Water II (Provogue) {5}: AS:+, L:16, Mj:+; gl:+
- J Majik: Full Circle (Infrared) {5}: Qt:+; am:+, am_i:+, ra:++
- Charlie Marie: Charlie Marie (self-released -EP) {5}: scm:+++ -- TH:**
- Melanie Martinez: K-12 (Atlantic) {5}: Gg_e:49; am_p:+, ap:+, mqw:2
- Kendell Marvel: Solid Gold Sounds (Easy Eye Sound) {5}: Gg_c:44, RS_c:11; bg_u:5
- Mavi: Let the Sun Talk (self-released) {5}: DJB:8, VMP:+; npr_r:+
- John McCowen: Mundanas I-V (Edition Wandelweiser) {5}: fj:+, jkp:1, jsfr:9
- Taylor McFerrin: Love's Last Chance (Awal) {5}: am:++, am_r:+, em:+, gl:+
- The Messthetics: Anthropocosmic Nest (Dischord) {5}: FB:31, JC:+; jhs:3 -- TH:*
- Metropolitan Jazz Octet Featuring Dee Alexander: It's Too Hot for Words: Celebrating Billie Holiday (Delmark) {5}: JC:+; jhm:7, jhr:8 -- TH:**
- Nathan Micay: Blue Spring (Lucky Me) {5}: Mix:12; bl:6, ra:++
- Julia Michaels: Inner Monologue Part 1 (Republic -EP) {5}: Cos:+, PCr:5
- Roscoe Mitchell Orchestra: Littlefield Concert Hall Mills College March 19-20, 2018 (Wide Hive) {5}: JC:+; fd:5 -- TH:**
- Jay Mitta: Tatizo Pesa (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {5}: Gg_e:29, PAM:+, VF:45; pf_e:+, pm_e:16
- Mdou Moctar: Blue Stage Sessions (Third Man) {5}: PO:+ -- TH:A-
- Justin Moore: Late Nights and Longnecks (Big Machine) {5}: Ex:+, Gg_c:13, RS_c:36; scm:+
- Mark Mulcahy: The Gus (Mezzotint) {5}: GTV:29+, Mj:+, RT:80*; wil:+
- Rina Mushonga: In a Galaxy (PIAS) {5}: Cl:+, I:+, LBF:22+, Pf:+
- North Mississippi Allstars: Up and Rolling (New West) {5}: AS:+; am_b:+, gl:++, jrmi:+
- Nots: 3 (Goner) {5}: LBF:+, PO:+ -- PJ:225-37-4, TH:**
- Larry Ochs/Nels Cline/Gerald Cleaver: What Is to Be Done (Clean Feed) {5}: JC:+; tn:2 -- TH:**
- Offset: Father of 4 (Motown/Quality Control) {5}: Gg_h:43, HDX:+, NME:+, Up:+; xxl:+ -- MT:C+
- Old Man Saxon: Goldman Sax (Saxon Kincy -EP) {5}: CM:62; vnf:7, xbf:9 -- TH:**
- Omni: Networker (Sub Pop) {5}: N:78, PM:+, Sk:+; am:+, aqd:+
- Panda Bear: Buoys (Domino) {5}: GB:33, LQ:+, Q:+, Sl:+; diy:+
- Parsnip: When the Tree Bears Fruit (Anti Fade) {5}: ath:+, p_k:10, pm_i:4 -- PJ:206-40-4
- Jessica Pavone: In the Action (Relative Pitch) {5}: JC:+; vbc:8 -- TH:**
- Ken Peplowski/Diego Figueiredo: Amizade (Arbors) {5}: JC:+; jgz:6, jkd:5 -- TH:*
- Periphery: Periphery IV: Hail Stan (3Dot) {5}: PM:+, Rev:+, Spk:43; ug:2
- PJ Perry Featuring Bill Mays: This Quiet Room (Cellar Live) {5}: JC:+; jkd:2, jsl:3
- Houston Person: I'm Just a Lucky So and So (HighNote) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Petrol Girls: Cut & Stitch (Hassle) {5}: Sk:+, Ups:+; npr_lg:1
- Pet Shop Boys: Inner Sanctum (X2) {5}: xbl:+ -- TH:A-
- The Pirate Ship Quintet: Emitter (Denovali) {5}: ACL:14, SC:+; acl_r:5
- Pixx: Small Mercies (4AD) {5}: Am_s:33, LBF:+, Q:+, Sk:+; d:+
- Plaid: Polymer (Warp) {5}: PM:+, Q:+; am_e:+, pm_e:13, tsu:+
- Puppy: The Goat (Spinefarm) {5}: Cl:+, L:+, Rev:+, Ups:+; d:+
- Queen Zee: Queen Zee (Sasstone) {5}: LBF:+, NME:+, Ups:+; d:+, diy:+
- Radiator Hospital: Sings Music for Daydreaming (Salinas) {5}: NAO:40, SoG:4
- Kojey Radical: Cashmere Tears (Asylum) {5}: Cl:+, LBF:29+, NME:+ -- TH:*
- The Rhythm Method: How Would You Know I Was Lonely? (Moshi Moshi) {5}: D:12, Gw:+, LBF:+; d:+
- Eve Risser: Apres Un Reve (Clean Feed) {5}: JC:+; fj:+, jjs:10, jpm:10, jsgj:8
- Bruce Robison & Kelly Willis: Beautiful Lie (Next Waltz) {5}: PM:+; scm:++ -- TH:**
- Rick Ross: Port of Miami 2 (Epic/Maybach) {5}: Cmp:23, Gg_h:18; vib:+, xxl:+
- Russian Circles: Blood Year (Sargent House) {5}: Rev:14, UR:+; acl_r:6, do:+,
- Scopes [Ben Van Gelder/Tony Tixier/Tom Berkmann/Mathias Ruppnig]: Scopes (Whirlwind) {5}: db:+, jfkz:+, jm:+ -- TH:**
- Julia Shapiro: Perfect Version (Hardly Art) {5}: 405:+, Am_s:35, Bc:93, Sk:+; sp:+
- Marcus Shelby Orchestra: Transitions (MSO) {5}: JC:+; aaj:+, jrs:+, jsy:7 -- TH:*
- Bob Sheppard: The Fine Line (Challenge) {5}: JC:+; jpb:7, jrm:+ -- TH:**
- Shovels & Rope: By Blood (Dualtone) {5}: NoD_r:48, PM:+, PO:+; gl:+, ipr:+
- Shy FX: Raggamuffin Sound Tape (Cult.ure) {5}: Cl:+, So:6; ec:+
- Silk Road Assassins: State of Ruin (Planet Mu) {5}: PM:+, PO:+; ia:+, pm_e:8 -- TH:*
- Silversun Pickups: Widow's Weeds (New Machine) {5}: BP:12, Gg_i:20, Sl:+
- SLD Trio: El Contorno Del Espacio (Fundacja Sluchaj) {5}: JC:+; fj:+, jpa:10 -- TH:**
- Snarky Puppy: Immigrance (GroundUP Music) {5}: JC:+; am_j:+, jkm:6, jm:+, jpb:10
- Maria Somerville: All My People (self-released) {5}: GB:38, Ni:+, VF:15
- Something Blue: Maximum Enjoyment (Posi-Tone) {5}: JC:+; db:+, jkf:2 -- TH:*
- Special Request: Offworld (Houndstooth) {5}: Bc:43 -- TH:A-
- Matthias Spillmann Trio: Live at the Bird's Eye Jazz Club (Clean Feed) {5}: JC:+; aaj:+, jml:6 -- TH:**
- Emily A Sprague: Watery Memory/Mount Vision (RVNG Intl) {5}: DW:15, F:+ -- TH:**
- Dexter Story: Bahir (Soundway) {5}: Bc:66, JC:+; am:+, em:+ -- TH:*
- The Stroppies: Whoosh (Tough Love) {5}: GTV:+; am:+, am_i:+, pm_i:7 -- PJ:53-117-13
- Carol Sudhalter Quartet: Live at Saint Peter's Church (Alfa Projects) {5}: JC:+; jkd:7, jrs:+ -- TH:**
- Norbert Susemihl/Chloe Feoranzo/Harry Mayronne/Barnaby Gold: The New Orleans Dance Hall Quartet: Tricentennial Hall Dance 17, October (Sumi) {5}: PO:+ -- TH:A-
- Suss: High Line (Northern Spy) {5}: Ec:21; aqd:+, bc_a:+, pm_b:9 -- PJ:206-40-4
- Swim Deep: Emerald Classics (Cooking Vinyl) {5}: Bq:+, LBF+, NME:+; d:+, wo:7
- Tallies: Tallies (Kanine) {5}: Am_s:18, RT:71, SoG:35, UR:+
- Tamaryn: Dreaming the Dark (Dero Arcade) {5}: Am_s:26, F:+, LBF:+, Up:+, Up_p:35
- Daniel Thorne: Lines of Sight (Erased Tapes) {5}: 405:+, ACL:16, Dr:23, LBF:+, LQ:+
- Christopher Tignor: A Light Below (Western Vinyl) {5}: Tx:1
- Rebecca Trescher: Where We Go (Enja/Yellowbird) {5}: BIW:8 -- TH:**
- Typical Sisters: Hungry Ghost (Outside In Music) {5}: PM:+; am:+, jrm:+ -- TH:**
- Matt Ulery: Delicate Charms (Woolgathering) {5}: BIW:42, Tx_j:4
- Umut Adan: Bahar (Riverboat) {5}: PM:+; mg_w:1, pm_w:8
- Unkle: The Road: Part II/Lost Highway (Songs for the Def) {5}: Cl:+, Ec:13, Ex:+; gl:+
- Vetiver: Up on High (Mama Bird) {5}: Mj:+, PM:+, Sk:+; gl:+, pm_a:12
- Fay Victor: Barn Songs (Northern Spy) {5}: jdme:1 -- TH:**
- Hana Vu: Nicole Kidman/Anne Hathaway (Luminelle) {5}: 405:+, LQ:+, PM:+; d:+, diy:+
- Wallows: Nothing Happens (Atlantic) {5}: Atw:+; hs:+, ipr:+, nt:+, otw:+
- Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian (Athens of the North) {5}: Pc:3, Sk:+
- Nick Waterhouse: Nick Waterhouse (Innovative Leisure) {5}: AS:+, Mj:+, YW:107; am_r:+, sp:+
- G Calvin Weston/The Phoenix Orchestra: Dust and Ash (577) {5}: JC:+, YW:116; db:+, vbc:9 -- TH:*
- Aaron West & the Roaring Twenties: Routine Maintenance (Hopeless) {5}: Alt:50, Bq:17, Ch:+, Spk:+
- Rodney Whitaker: All Too Soon: The Music of Duke Ellington (Origin) {5}: JC:+, PO:+ -- TH:***
- Whitechapel: The Valley (Metal Blade) {5}: CS:+, Ex:+; bw:+, ex_m:5
- Jeff Williams: Bloom (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+; jjm:1, jm:+
- Wilma Vritra: Burd (Bad Taste) {5}: Bc:39; bc_h:+, npr_q:+, npr_rc:9 -- TH:*
- Ry X: Unfurl (Infectious Music) {5}: Cl:+, DJ:+, E:+, PM:+; pm_ep:7
- YG: 4Real 4Real (Def Jam) {5}: Cmp:+, DJB:67, Gg_h:32, HS:+; yh:+
- Y La Bamba: Mujeres (Tender Loving Empire) {5}: BB:+, Cmp:+; npr_fc:9, yh:+ -- PJ:206-40-4
- Yonaka: Don't Wait 'Til Tomorrow (Asylum) {5}: Gw:+, LBF:+, NME:+, Q:+; rx:+
- Young Guv: Guv I (Run for Cover) {5}: Up_sh:22; am_i:+, clt_t:10, nt:+ -- PJ:181-45-5
- Zonal: Wrecked (Relapse) {5}: No:38, PO:+, W:26; am_h:+, pm_e:23
- Greg Abate with the Tim Ray Trio: Gratitude: Stage Door Live @ The Z (Whaling City Sound) {4}: aaj:+ -- TH:***
- Cyrille Aimee: Move On: A Sondheim Adventure (Mack Avenue) {4}: JC:+; jmr:5, sd_j:+ -- TH:B
- Ellen Allien: Alientronic (BPitch) {4}: Gg_e:33, Mix:41; am_e:+, do:+
- Laurie Antonioli: The Constant Passage of Time (Origin) {4}: jrm:+, tg:+ -- TH:**
- Atomic: Pet Variations (Odin) {4}: JC:+; aaj:+ -- TH:**
- Babymetal: Metal Galaxy (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: CS:+, Gw:45+, Ups:+
- Backstreet Boys: DNA (RCA) {4}: BB:+, Cos:+, Ps:14
- Blick Bassy: 1958 (Tot Ou Tard) {4}: G:+, PAM:+; sol:2
- Beabodoobee: Space Cadet (Dirty Hit -EP) {4}: LBF+, NME:+, YW:43; d:+
- Bedouin Soundclash: Mass (Easy Star) {4}: NAO:3
- Jerry Bergonzi: The Seven Rays (Savant) {4}: JC:+; jpb:4 -- TH:*
- The Nat Birchall Quartet: The Storyteller: A Musical Tribute to Yusef Lateef (Jazzman) {4}: aaj:+, jcm:7 -- TH:**
- Bjarki: Happy Earthday (!K7) {4}: PM:+; pm_e:17, tsu:+, xlr:+
- Black Peaches: Fire in the Hole (Hanging Moon) {4}: Dr:90, Qt:+, RM:96, U:53
- Blackpink: Kill This Love (YG Entertainment/Interscope) {4}: Pap:9, Up_p:27
- Blarf: Cease & Desist (Stones Throw) {4}: -- MT:A-, TH:B-
- Bluetech: Holotrope (Behind the Sky Music) {4}: Ec:5
- Mal Blum: Pity Boy (Don Giovanni) {4}: P:+, SoG:26 -- RC:B+
- Bodega: Shiny New Model (What's Yr Rupture?) {4}: Dr:91, Gw:+; d:+, sp:+
- Body of Light: Time to Kill (Dais) {4}: Am_s:6, GTV:32
- Benjamin Boone/Philip Levine: The Poetry of Jazz: Volume Two (Origin) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Samantha Boshnack's Seismic Belt: Live in Santa Monica (Orenda) {4}: -- TH:A-
- John Boutte: A "Well Tempered" Boutte (Boutteworks) {4}: JC:+; bg_g:3, j91:+
- Randy Brecker & NDR Bigband: Rocks (Piloo) {4}: JC:+; aaj:+, jbm:7, jrm:+ -- TH:B
- Bremer/McCoy: Utopia (Luaka Bop) {4}: am:++, am_j:+, pm_b:10 -- TH:B
- Patrick Brennan/Abdul Moimeme: Terraphonia (Creative Sources) {4}: JC:+; jka:9, jsb:6 -- TH:*
- William Brittelle: Spiritual America (New Amsterdam/Nonesuch) {4}: Tx:2
- Broods: Don't Feed the Pop Monster (Neon Gold/Atlantic) {4}: PCr:7, Up_p:28
- Peter Brotzmann: I Surrender Dear (Trost) {4}: fj:+, jss:10 -- TH:**
- Bun B & Statik Selektah: TrillStatik (Empire) {4}: HDX:18+, HG:+
- Art "Turk" Burton: Ancestral Spirits (T N' T Music) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Business of Dreams: Ripe for Anarchy (Slumberland) {4}: Bc:42, YW:10
- The Cactus Blossoms: Easy Way (Walkie Talkie) {4}: AS:+, GTV:+; am_f:+, scm:+
- Calboy: Wildboy (self-released) {4}: NHN:13, N:75; rs_h:11
- The Campfire Flies: Sparks Like Litle Stars (OverPop Music) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Rosie Carney: Bare (Akira) {4}: 405:+, LBF:+, Mj:+; em:+
- Daniel Carter/Tobias Wilner/Djibril Toure/Federico Ughi: New York United (577) {4}: YW:55 -- TH:***
- Cassius: Dreems (Justice/Love Supreme) {4}: LR:15, MO:+; tsu:+
- Cattle Decapitation: Death Atlas (Metal Blade) {4}: CS:+, Mx:25; lv_k:3
- Layale Chaker & Sarafand: Inner Rhyme (In a Circle) {4}: aaj:+, xce:6 -- TH:**
- Chali 2na & Krafty Kuts: Adventures of a Reluctant Superhero (Manphibian Music) {4}: Bq:+, Cl:+, Pc:49, RT:28*
- Greyson Chance: Portraits (GCM) {4}: Atw:+, BP:11, Ps:47
- Choosey & Exile: Black Beans (Fat Beats) {4}: HDX:+, HG:+, Up_h:40; bc_h:+
- Zack Clarke Trio: Vertical Shores (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jml:3 -- TH:*
- Clark: Kiri Variations (Throttle) {4}: Dr:92, LBF:+, LQ:+, Mj:+
- Sabrina Claudio: Truth Is (SC Entertainment) {4}: Up_p:29; lv_v:7, v_ja:5
- Clinic: Wheeltappers and Shunters (Domino) {4}: G:+, MO:+, UR:90+
- Jimmy Cobb: This I Dig of You (Smoke Sessions) {4}: JC:+; jlrt:7 -- TH:**
- Quentin Collins Sextet: Road Warrior (Ubuntu) {4}: JW:9; jm:+
- Erland Cooper: Sule Skerry (Phases) {4}: Cl:+, MO:35+, Qt:+
- Marc Copland: And I Love Her (Illusions) {4}: aaj:+, jdm:+, jfkz:+, jrm:+
- Croy and the Boys: Howdy High-Rise (Spaceflight) {4}: scm:++ -- TH:**
- Czarface: The Odd Czar Against Us (Silver Age) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Steve Davis: Correlations (Smoke Sessions) {4}: JC:+; aaj:+, jcah:+ -- TH:*
- Mark De Clive-Lowe: Heritage II (Ropeadope) {4}: Bc:74; nb:1 -- TH:B
- Dengue Dengue Dengue: Zenit & Nadir (Enchufada) {4}: Bc:64, SAC:10
- Whit Dickey/Kirk Knuffke: Drone Dream (NoBusiness) {4}: jmc:+ -- TH:***
- Ani DiFranco: No Walls: Mixtape (Righteous Babe) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Dis Fig: Purge (PTP) {4}: F:+, TMT:+; pm_f:12, ra:+
- Diva Sweetly: In the Living Room (Seal Mountain) {4}: Alt:15, NAO:14
- DJ Haram: Grace (Hyperdub -EP) {4}: Bc:+, F:+; pf_e:+, ra:+
- DJ Khaled: Father of Asahd (We the Best/Epic) {4}: CX:14, Gg_h:25, NME:+
- Dave Douglas Quintet: Brazen Heart: Live at Jazz Standard (Greenleaf Music -18) {4}: JC:+; jbm:4, jrh:6 -- TH:[***]
- Drenge: Strange Creatures (Infectious) {4}: NME:+, RM:78; d:+, gl:+
- Drumming Cellist [Kristijan Krajncan]: Abraxas (Sazas) {4}: -- TH:A-
- The Drums: Brutalism (Anti-) {4}: PM:+, Q:+; now:+, nt:+
- DSC [Leon Lee Dorsey/Greg Skaff/Mike Clark]: Monktime (Jazz Avenue 1) {4}: JC:+; mm:4 -- TH:*
- Earth: Full Upon Her Burning Lips (Sargent House) {4}: Mj:+, Mx:22, Sk:+; jab:11
- Peter Eldridge/Kenny Werner: Somewhere (Rosebud Music) {4}: JC:+; aaj:+, jdb:6, tg:+ -- TH:C-
- Elephant9/Reine Fiske: Psychedelic Backfire II (Rune Grammofon) {4}: Mj:+; db:+ -- TH:**
- ELEW: ELEW Plays Rosenwinkel: Cubism (Heartcore) {4}: JC:+; jda:2, jel:10
- Andy Emler/David Liebman: Journey Around the Truth (Signature Radio France) {4}: JC:+; jpl:1
- Emotional Oranges: The Juice Vol 1 (Avant Garden) {4}: Cmp:+, HDX:+, LBF:+; yh:+
- freakestra Euphorium: Grande Casino (Euphorium -18 -3CD) {4}: JC:+; jml:1
- The Faim: State of Mind (BMG) {4}: Ups:10; ap:+
- False: Portent (Gilead Media) {4}: Bc:10; tr_m:19
- Fenella: Fenella (Fire) {4}: No:11, RM:79, Qt:92
- Joe Fiedler: Open Sesame (Multiphonics Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Dominique Fils-Aime: Stay Tuned! (Ensoul) {4}: Bc:47, LCA:21; mg_i:4
- Fly Pan Am: C'est Ca (Constellation) {4}: No:48; am:++, am_i:+
- Chris Forsyth: All Time Present (No Quarter) {4}: FB:42, Mj:44+; aqd:+
- Alex Fournier: Triio (Furniture Music) {4}: CM:56 -- TH:***
- Foxes in Fiction: Trillium Killer (Orchid Tapes) {4}: am:++, am_i:+, ta:+
- French Vanilla: How Am I Not Myself? (Danger Collective) {4}: Bc:82, UR:+, YV:44; pm_i:10
- Paolo Fresu/Richard Galliano/Jan Lundgren: Mare Nostrum III (ACT) {4}: JC:+; jgy:10 -- TH:**
- Froth: Duress (Wichita) {4}: MM:40, Pc:89; am:+, am_i:+
- Fujiya & Miyagi: Flashback (Impossible Objects of Desire) {4}: PM:+, Q:+, YW:47; pm_ep:6
- Hal Galper Trio: The Zone: Live at the Yardbird Suite (Origin) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Lee Gamble: In a Paraventral Scale (Hyperdub -EP) {4}: DS:+, PM:+; ia:+, ra:+
- Laszlo Gardony: La Marseillaise (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jmy:10 -- TH:**
- Kevin Gates: I'm Him (Bread Winners' Association) {4}: DW:81, HNH:17; am_h:+
- Ioanna Gika: Thalassa (Sargent House) {4}: 405:+, GTV:+, Rf_k:14
- Charles Wesley Godwin: Seneca (self-released) {4}: scm:+++ -- TH:*
- Jeff Goldblum & the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra: I Shouldn't Be Telling You This (Decca) {4}: Gw:+, I:+; hft:23, ih:+
- Gong Gong Gong: Phantom Rhythm (Wharf Cat) {4}: LQ:29+; aqd:+ -- PJ:181-45-6
- GospelbeacH: Let It Burn (Alive) {4}: cp_f:8, gl:+, sp:+ -- PJ:250-33-4
- Grayscale: Nella Vita (Fearless) {4}: Alt:51, Sk:+; ap:+, do:+
- Grlwood: I Sold My Soul to the Devil When I Was 12 (Sonablast!) {4}: so_d:4, xjte:5
- Steve Gunn/Ryan Jewell/Ryley Walker: Flops in New York (Husky Pants) {4}: Up_sh:3
- Laurel Halo: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {4}: GB:35, Gg_e:50, Mc:+; am_e:+
- Jason Hawk Harris: Love & the Dark (Bloodshot) {4}: GTV:+; pm_a:14, scm:++ -- TH:C+
- Hash Redactor: Drecksound (Goner) {4}: YW:85; p_k:17 -- TH:**
- Kevin Hays/Mark Turner/Marc Miralta: Where Are You (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: db:+ -- TH:***
- The Matthew Herbert Big Band: The State Between Us (Accidental) {4}: JC:+, Mj:+, PM:+; jlbi:9
- Hevreh Ensemble: A Path of Light (Ansonica) {4}: Tx:4
- Lisa Hilton: Oasis (Ruby Slippers -18) {4}: JC:+; jkf:6, jmju:3
- Holding Absence: Holding Absence (SharpTone) {4}: Pu:8; dep:9
- Horsebeach: The Unforgiving Current (Alone Together) {4}: Pc:2
- The Hot Sardines: Welcome Home/Bon Voyage (Eleven) {4}: YW:88 -- TH:***
- Shafiq Husayn: The Loop (Nature Sounds) {4}: Bc:92; am:+, am_r:+, xlr:+
- Idlewild: Interview Music (Empty Word) {4}: Cl:+, NME:+, PM:+, Sk:+
- Ifriqiyya Electrique: Laylet El Booree (Glitterbeat) {4}: Bc:+, PO:+, Qt:51; vma:10
- Ill Considered: Ill Considered 5 (Ill Considered Music) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Ill Considered: Ill Considered 6 (Ill Considered Music) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Ill Considered: Ill Considered 8 (Ill Considered Music) {4}: YW:63 -- TH:***
- Imperial Teen: Now We Are Timeless (Merge) {4}: vrj:4 -- MT:**
- Insignificant Other: I'm So Glad I Feel This Way About You! (Counter Intuitive) {4}: Alt:9, DW:63
- Jon Irabagon: Invisible Horizon (Irabbagast -2CD) {4}: JC:+; jkw:9, jmc:+, jmja:10
- Christoph Irniger Pilgrim: Crosswinds (Intakt) {4}: BIW:70; aaj:+ -- TH:**
- Anne Mette Iversen's Ternion Quartet: Invincible Nimbus (BJU) {4}: db:+ -- TH:***
- Michael Gregory Jackson Clarity Quartet: Whenufindituwillknow (Golden) {4}: JC:+; jjha:9 -- TH:**
- Jambinai: Onda (Bella Union) {4}: Mj:+, PM:+, RM:50, Spk:+
- Jerkcurb: Air Con Eden (Handsome Dad) {4}: 405:+, D:18, P:+
- Jinjer: Macro (Napalm) {4}: Ex:+, Rev:11; ap:+
- Georgette Jones: Skin (self-released) {4}: scm:++ -- TH:**
- Paul Jost: Simple Life (PJ Music) {4}: JC:+; jcmb:4, jsl:7
- Ahmed Ag Kaedy: Akaline Kidal (Sahel Sounds) {4}: PO:+; tg:+ -- TH:**
- Kamancello: Kamancello II: Voyage (Kamancello) {4}: Tx:5
- Kevin Keller: Ice Worlds (self-released) {4}: Ec:3
- Dermot Kennedy: Without Fear (Riggins) {4}: Gw:+, RT:64; npr_st:2
- Amirtha Kidambi/Lea Bertucci: Phase Eclipse (Astral Spirits) {4}: JC:+; jin:8, vbc:5
- Killswitch Engage: Atonement (Metal Blade) {4}: CS:+, Rev:6
- Koffee: Rapture (Promised Land) {4}: Cmp:+, PAM:+; afk:+, yh:+
- Konx-Om-Pax: Ways of Seeing (Planet Mu) {4}: DJM:32, Gg_e:38, Mix:+; pm_e:22
- Kuzu: Lift to Drag (Medium Sound) {4}: fj:+, jmsc:10, jtb:6, jtmd:10
- The Baba Andrew Lamb Trio: The Night of the 13th' Moon (LFDS) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Ingrid Laubrock + Aki Takase: Kasumi (Intakt) {4}: PO:+; db:+ -- TH:**
- LCD Soundsystem: Electric Lady Sessions (DFA/Columbia) {4}: Gg_e:3 -- MT:C+
- Leafcutter John: Yes! Come Parade With Us (Border Community) {4}: Dr:58, LQ:7
- Remy Le Boeuf: Light as a Word (Outside In Music) {4}: jjh:5 -- TH:**
- Leggy: Let Me Know Your Moon (Sheer Luck) {4}: Bc:48, SoG:9
- Aaron Lewis: State I'm In (Valory Music) {4}: Gg_c:16; scm:+, spt:8
- Lil Peep: Everybody's Everything (Columbia) {4}: Cl:+, DJB:73; mqw:5
- Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul: Summer of Sorcery (self-released) {4}: L:+; app:+, gl:+, sp:+
- Lomelda: M for Empathy (Double Double Whammy) {4}: FO:11, Tr:+; ta:+
- Russ Lossing: Motian Music (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; tg:+ -- TH:**
- Alice Phoebe Lou: Paper Castles (self-released) {4}: GTV:+, NBH:19; sp:+
- Godwin Louis: Global (Blue Room Music) {4}: JC:+; jel:3, sd_j:+
- Lucki: Days B4 III (Empire) {4}: Pf:+, PW:48; am_h:+, gcn:+
- Jon Lundbom/Bryan Murray: Beats by Balto! Vol 1 (Chant) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Lust for Youth: Lust for Youth (Sacred Bones) {4}: Am_s:31, MO:+, NME:+, Sk:+
- M83: DSVII (Mute) {4}: MO:+; em:+, mcl:6, sp:+
- Roberto Magris Sextet: Sun Stone (JMood) {4}: jrm:+ -- TH:***
- Marina: Love + Fear (Atlantic UK) {4}: Gg_p:26, Up_p:39; am_p:+, d:+
- Marker: New Industries (Audiographic) {4}: fj:+, jsgj:9, jsgr:2
- Jorgen Mathisen's Instant Light: Mayhall's Object (Clean Feed) {4}: -- TH:A-
- The Mavericks: Play the Hits (Mono Mundo) {4}: AS:+, NoD_r:41; am_c:+, scm:+
- Chelsea McBride's Socialist Night School: Aftermath (self-released) {4}: BIW:57, Tx_j:10
- MC Yallah X Debmaster: Kubali (Hakuna Kulala) {4}: DJM:31, F:+, W:13
- Chuck Mead: Close to Home (Plowboy) {4}: PM:+; am_f:+, pm_p:4
- Dave Meder: Passage (Outside In Music) {4}: am_j:+ -- TH:***
- Methyl Ethel: Triage (4AD) {4}: DS:+, LBF:+; diy:+, pir:+
- Hendrik Meurkens: Cobb's Pocket (In+Out) {4}: JC:+; gl_j:+, jpb:9, jrm:+
- Sei Miguel: O Carro De Fogo De Sei Miguel (Clean Feed) {4}: jnm:4, jsgj:5
- Dom Minasi: Remembering Cecil (Unseen Rain) {4}: aaj:+ -- TH:***
- Minua: Still Light (Traumton) {4}: BIW:13, JC:+; bc_j:+
- Mizmor: Cairn (Gilead Media) {4}: Ex:+, TR:28; tr_m:14, wp:10
- Rod Modell: Captagon (Tresor) {4}: am_e:+, do:+, ia:+, ra:+
- Billy Mohler: Focus! (Make) {4}: -- TH:A-
- MoStack: Stacko (Virgin EMI) {4}: CX:3
- Mute: Mute (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Whiskey Myers: Whiskey Myers (Wiggy Thump) {4}: NoD_r:6; scm:+
- NCT 127: We Are Superhuman (SM Entertainment -EP) {4}: AV:+, CS:+, PCr:12
- Paal Nilssen-Love: New Brazilian Funk (PNL) {4}: CM:71; fj:+ -- TH:**
- Daniel Norgren: Wooh Dang (Superpuma) {4}: GTV:+, NoD:12; aqd:+
- Aymee Nuviola: A Journey Through Cuban Music (Top Stop Music) {4}: hft:2, npr_sf:2
- Of Monsters and Men: Fever Dream (Republic) {4}: Spk:+; am_p:+, mcl:10, sp:+
- The Ogun Meji Duo: Spirits of the Egungun (CFG Multimedia) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Josefin Ohrn + the Liberation: Sacred Dreams (Rocket) {4}: LBF:+, Pc:17, RM:67
- Olden Yolk: Living Theatre (Trouble in Mind) {4}: BIB:27, MM:30, PM:+; aqd:+
- Dona Onete: Rebujo (AmpliDiversao) {4}: SAC:6, TS:+
- Origami Angel: Somewhere City (Chatterbot) {4}: Alt:4
- The Ed Palermo Big Band: A Lousy Day in Harlem (Sky Cat) {4}: JC:+, PM:+, TS:+; jrd:9
- Mike Patton & Jean-Claude Vannier: Corpse Flower (Ipecac) {4}: LQ:+, LR:72, Mx:49; sp:+
- Penguin Cafe: Handfuls of Night (Erased Tapes) {4}: Mj:+, MO:+, RT:52; jms:12
- Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Efflorescence: Volume 1 (Leo -4CD) {4}: fj:+ -- TH:***
- Peter Cat Recording Co: Bismillah (Panache) {4}: Cl:+, GTV:+, NME:+, Sk:+
- Laurence Pike: Holy Spring (The Leaf Label) {4}: Dr:49, LBF:+, Mj:+, O:+
- Benoit Pioulard & Sean Curtis Patrick: Avocationals (Beacon Sound) {4}: am:+, am_e:+, pm_b:4
- PNL: Deux Freres (QLF) {4}: G:+, GC:49, LR:23; lib:+
- Mike Posner: A Real Good Kid (Island) {4}: GTV:+, MuH:+; am:+, am_p:+
- The Rails: Cancel the Sun (Psychonaut Sounds) {4}: RT:41; gl:+ -- RC:**
- Ranky Tanky: Good Time (Resilience Music Alliance) {4}: PO:+; aaj:+, mg_i:7, pm_a:10
- RAP: Export (Jolly Discs) {4}: Pf:38+; crk:14, pf_e:+
- Reut Regev R*Time: Keep Winning (Enja) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Rise: Strangers (Wise Queen) {4}: Ec:4
- Robbie Robertson: Sinematic (Universal) {4}: AS:+; gl:+, sp:+, ucr:10
- Rocketship: Thanks to You (Darla) {4}: BIB:22; am:++, am_i:+
- Roc Marciano: Marcielago (Marci) {4}: DJB:54, HG:56, PW:20
- Rodrigo y Gabriela: Mettavolution (AT) {4}: am:+, am_w:+, gl:+, tg:+
- The Randy Rogers Band: Hellbent (Tommy Jackson) {4}: Gg_c:45; am_c:+, do:+, scm:+
- Romperayo: Que Jue? (Souk -18) {4}: SAC:3
- Rose City Band: Rose City Band (Jean Sandwich) {4}: FB:21, Pc:33, RM:94; aqd:+
- Simon Rose/Steve Noble: North Sea Night (Not Two) {4}: fj:+, jnm:3, jsgj:6
- Rymden: Reflections & Odysseys (Jazzland) {4}: JC:+, JW:14; jm:+
- Salami Rose Joe Louis: Zdenka 2080 (Brainfeeder) {4}: Bc:86, PM:+, Q:+; ta:+
- Samo Salamon & Freequestra: Free Sessions, Vol. 2: Freequestra (Sazas/Klopotec) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Nick Sanders Trio: Playtime 2050 (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jnt:8 -- TH:**
- Kefaya & Elaha Saroor: Songs of Our Mothers (Bella Union) {4}: Mj:+; am_w:+, sol:5
- Dana Saul: Ceiling (Endectomorph) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Say Anything: Oliver Appropriate (Dine Alone) {4}: Ups:+; ap:+, diy:+, vu:+
- Rob Scheps: Comencio (SteepleChase) {4}: JC:+; jkd:6 -- TH:**
- Louis Sclavis: Characters on a Wall (ECM) {4}: JC:+; jjha:2 -- TH:*
- Sebadoh: Act Surprised (Dangerbird) {4}: Mj:+, RM:58, YW:23 -- PJ:134-60-7, MT:B-
- See You Space Cowboy: The Correlation Between Entrance and Exit Wounds (Pure Noise) {4}: BV:48, Rev:22; ap:+, ex_m:10
- The Selva: Canicula Rosa (Clean Feed) {4}: jgm:3 -- TH:**
- Sessa: Grandeza (RISCO) {4}: Bc:20, U:75; aqd:+
- Matthew Shipp Trio/Nicole Mitchell: All Things Are (RogueArt) {4}: CM:61, JC:+; jad:8, vmw:6
- Sirom: A Universe That Roasts Blossoms for a Horse (Tak:til/Glitterbeat) {4}: ACL:11, Mj:+; acl_r:7
- Sisso: Mateso (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {4}: F:+; pf_e:+, sg_e:5
- Skyjack: The Hunger (Enja/Yellowbird) {4}: JC:+; jdb:4, jfkz:6
- Slikback: Lasakaneku (Hakuna Kulala) {4}: VF:4
- The Sonic Dawn: Eclipse (Heavy Psych) {4}: FB:2
- Spidergawd: V (Stickman) {4}: FB:5
- Steel Blossoms: Steel Blossoms (Billy Jam) {4}: scm:++, spt:10, yjl:13
- The Steel Woods: Old News (Woods Music) {4}: SC:+; scm:+++ -- TH:B-
- Colin Stranahan/Glenn Zaleski/Rick Rosato: Live at Jazz Standard (Capri) {4}: JC:+; jlv:8, jmmz:10 -- TH:*
- Ulla Straus: Big Room (Quiet Time Tapes) {4}: F:+, N:+, TMT:+; ia:+
- Stray Cats: 40 (Surfdog) {4}: L:8; sp:+
- Strung Out: Songs of Armor and Devotion (Fat Wreck Chords) {4}: NAO:2
- Sum 41: Order in Decline (Hopeless) {4}: Rf:40, Sl:+; am_k:+, ap:+
- Kevin Sun: The Sustain of Memory (Endectomorph Music) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Sun Runners: Lust for Life (Apron) {4}: C:3
- Steve Swell/Robert Boston/Michael Vatcher: Brain in a Dish (NoBusiness) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Alexa Tarantino: Winds of Change (Posi-Tone) {4}: BIW:69, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Ten Tonnes: Ten Tonnes (Warner Bros UK) {4}: Gw:+; d:+, diy:+, rx:+
- Terror Jr: Unfortunately, Terror Jr (Atlantic) {4}: BP:4
- Carl Testa: Sway Prototypes: Volume 2 (self-released) {4}: JC:+; fj:+, jkp:8, jsb:+
- Pat Thomas/Dominic Lash/Tony Orrell: Bley School (577) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Philip Thomas: Morton Feldman Piano (Another Timbre -5CD) {4}: W:5
- T-Pain: 1UP (Cinematic Music Group) {4}: Gg_r:5
- Mick Trouble: Here's the Mick Trouble LP (Emotional Response) {4}: BIB:9 -- PJ:149-55-6
- Jeff Tweedy: Warmer (dBpm) {4}: P:+, RS:+, Sb:32; jfkz:+
- Stein Urheim: Simple Pieces & Paper Cut-Outs (Hubro) {4}: Tx:3
- The Vampires: Pacifica (Earshift) {4}: JC:+; db:+, jfkz:+, jkws:6
- Jimmie Vaughan: Baby, Please Come Home (Last Music) {4}: am:+, am_b:+, gl:+, jrmi:+
- Leif Vollebekk: New Ways (Secret City) {4}: Ex:+, Gw:+, I:+; npr_rd:10
- Wale: Wow . . . That's Crazy (MGM/Warner) {4}: DJB:74; fu:10, vib:+, xxl:+
- Waterparks: Fandom (Hopeles) {4}: Bq:+, Ups:+; ap:+, d:+
- Bobby Watson/Vincent Herring/Gary Bartz: Bird at 100 (Smoke Sessions) {4}: PO:+; jlrt:3 -- TH:*
- Juan Wauters: La Onda De Juan Pablo (Captured Tracks) {4}: GTV:+, Pf:+; aqd:+, xbf:+
- Rod Wave: Ghetto Gospel (Alamo) {4}: BS:18; rs_h:15, xxl:+
- Weezer: Weezer (Black Album) (Crush/Atlantic) {4}: Q:+, RS:+, Spk:+; am_k:+
- Devon Welsh: True Love (You Are Accepted) {4}: 405:+, Rf_k:9
- Jennifer Wharton: Bonegasm (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jaaj:+, jdb:2
- Siobhan Wilson: The Departure (Suffering Fools) {4}: Cl:+, GTV:+, Mj:+, Sk:+
- Wretch 32: Upon Reflection (Polydor) {4}: Cl:+, CX:19, NME:+
- Shannon Wright: Providence (Vicious Circle) {4}: MM:3
- John Yao's Triceratops: How We Do (See Tao) {4}: JC:+; jlv:7 -- TH:**
- Pete Yorn: Caretakers (Shelly) {4}: GMA:18, Spk:+; mg_s:6
- Young MA: Herstory in the Making (MA Music/3D) {4}: G:+, PO:+; xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Denny Zeitlin: Remembering Miles (Sunnyside) {4}: aaj:+, jdm:+, jrm:+, tg:+
- 10^32K: The Law of Vibration (self-released -18) {3}: JC:+; jhs:5 -- TH:[**]
- 36?: Milk Mountain (File Under: Music) {3}: SoG:6
- 65daysofstatic: Replicr, 2019 (Superball Music/Century Media) {3}: 405:+, Spk:+, Ups:+
- 9T Antiope and Slavash Amini: Harmistice (Hallow Ground -EP) {3}: Bc:72, F:+, Qt:+
- Abjects: Never Give Up (Yippee Ki Yay) {3}: RC:**
- Acid Arab: Jdid (Crammed Discs) {3}: MO:43+ -- TH:*
- Akua: Them Spirits (self-released -EP) {3}: Ex:+; fa:+, now:+
- Alaskalaska: The Dots (Marathon Artists) {3}: d:+, diy:+, em:+
- Jason Aldean: 9 (Broken Bow) {3}: GTV:+; sln:+, spt:9
- Mats Aleklint/Per-Ake Holmlander/Paal Nilssen-Love: Fish & Steel (PNL) {3}: -- TH:***
- Eric Alexander: Eric Alexander With Strings (HighNote) {3}: JC:+; jah:8 -- TH:*
- Eric Alexander: Leap of Faith (Giant Step Arts) {3}: JC:+; fd:10, jlv:9
- Allah-Las: Lahs (Mexican Summer) {3}: LR:27, Pc:31; cp_f:7
- All Ellington: All Ellington (De Plattenbakkerij -18) {3}: JC:+; jmc:2
- Harry Allen/Mike Renzi: Rhode Island Is Famous for You (GAC) {3}: -- TH:***
- The Allman Betts Band: Down to the River (BMG) {3}: L:18, NoD_r:45
- Goncalo Almeida/Martin van Duynhoven/Tobias Klein: Live at the Bimhuis (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
- Joel Alme: Bort Bort Bort (Razzia) {3}: So:7
- Amazondotcom: Mirror River (Subreal) {3}: F:+, TMT:+; ra:+
- Franco Ambrosetti Quintet: Long Waves (Unit) {3}: -- TH:***
- Jay Anderson: Deepscape (SteepleChase) {3}: aaj:+ -- TH:**
- Anitta: Kisses (Warner Brasil) {3}: NME:+; asp:3
- AP6C [Alberto Pinton Sestetto Contemporaneo]: Layers (Clear Now) {3}: jmc:+ -- TH:**
- Erlend Apneseth Trio/Frode Haltli: Salinka, Molika (Hubro) {3}: BIW:12, JC:+
- Atmosphere: Whenever (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {3}: -- TH:***
- Allison Au Quartet: Wander Wonder (self-released) {3}: db:+ -- TH:**
- The Avett Brothers: Closer Than Together (Republic/Universal) {3}: AS:+, NoD_r:25; sp:+
- Awatair: Awatair Plays Coltrane (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: -- TH:***
- Iggy Azalea: In My Defense (Bad Dreams/Empire) {3}: -- TH:***
- The BABAorchestra: Marigold (Thirsty Owl/Slow and Steady) {3}: JC:+; fj:+, jrsc:9
- BABii: HiiDE (Death Waltz) {3}: LBF:+, Q:+, RM:90
- John Bacon/Michael McNeill/Danny Ziemann: Refractions (Jazz Dimensions) {3}: -- TH:***
- Steve Baczkowski/Brandon Lopez/Chris Corsano: Old Smoke (Relative Pitch) {3}: JC:+; aaj:+, jtd:7
- Bad Books: III (Loma Vista) {3}: Q:+, Spk:+, Ups:+
- Bad Breeding: Exiled (One Little Indian) {3}: Mj:+, Q:+, RT:69*
- Courtney Barnett: MTV Unplugged (Live in Melbourne) (Mom + Pop Music) {3}: LBF+ -- TH:**
- Brad Barrett/Joe Morris/Tyshawn Sorey: Cowboy Transfiguration (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: -- TH:***
- Albert Beger Quartet: The Gate (NoBusiness) {3}: -- TH:***
- Bertrand Belin: Persona (Cinq 7/Wagram Music/Grosse Boite) {3}: MM:9
- Ilia Belorukov/Gabriel Ferrandini: Disquiet (Clean Feed) {3}: aaj:+ -- TH:**
- Karl Berger/Jason Kao Hwang: Conjure (True Sound) {3}: JC:+; jehz:2 -- TH:B
- Biffy Clyro: Balance, Not Symmetry (Warner) {3}: PR:7
- Big Big Train: Grand Tour (English Electric) {3}: L:10
- The Big Yes: The Big Yes (Nakama) {3}: CM:25 -- TH:**
- Bonnie Bishop: The Walk (Thirty Tigers) {3}: AS:+ -- TH:**
- Black Mountain: Destroyer (Jagjaguwar) {3}: Crh:37, L:+, RM:73
- Blackwater Holylight: Veils of Winter (Riding Easy) {3}: FB:61, RT:95; sp:+
- Boneshaker: Fake Music (Soul What) {3}: CM:+, JC:+; tn:8
- Boris: Love & Evol (Third Man) {3}: PO:+, SC:+, Spk:+
- Tim Bowness: Flowers at the Scene (Inside Out Music) {3}: Mj:+, Spk:37+
- Glenn Branca: The Third Ascension (MVD Audio) {3}: Pf:+; jab:12, mg_n:7
- The Joshua Breakstone Trio: Children of Art (Capri -18) {3}: JC:+; jmy:4
- Bishop Briggs: Champion (Island) {3}: Mx:37, YF:49; ap:+
- The Budos Band: V (Daptone) {3}: Mj:+, RM:44; do:+
- Buke and Gase: Scholars (Brassland) {3}: LBF:+, NR:+, Spk:+
- Caamp: By and By (Mom + Pop) {3}: Alt:54, Ps:35; pm_f:18
- Calva Louise: Rhinoceros (Modern Sky) {3}: Cl:+, PM:+, Sk:+
- Canalon De Timbiqui: De Mar Y Rio (Llorona) {3}: SAC:7
- Francois Carrier/Alexander Hawkins/John Edwards/Michel Lambert: Nirguna (Fundacja Sluchaj -2CD) {3}: -- TH:***
- Matt Carson: No Regrets (Bunba) {3}: scm:+ -- TH:**
- Daniel Carter/Patrick Holmes/Matthew Putman/Hilliard Greene/Federico Ughi: Electric Telepathy Vol 1 (577) {3}: -- TH:***
- Paul Cauthen: Room 41 (Lightning Rod) {3}: Gg_c:42, RS_c:29; am_c:+
- Cave In: Final Transmission (Hydra Head) {3}: Rev:+; gl:+, sp:+
- Celer: Xiexie (Two Acorns) {3}: tx_a:1
- CFCF: Liquid Colours (BGM Solutions) {3}: GB:27; am:+, am_e:+
- Wild Billy Childish & CTMF: Last Punk Standing . . . (Damaged Goods) {3}: Mj:+, Q:+; am_k:+
- Chocolat: Jazz Engage (Dare to Care) {3}: LCA:10
- Chord Four: California Avant Garde (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
- Ciara: Beauty Marks (Beauty Marks Entertainment) {3}: BP:13, Up_p:33
- Clarly Bliss: Supermoon (Barsuk -EP) {3}: -- RC:***
- Clever Austin: Pareidolia (Touching Bass) {3}: Bc:54; npr_rc:10, xlr:+
- Dennis Coffey: Down by the River (Detroit Music Factory) {3}: JC:+; jmy:5
- Sam Cohen: The Future's Still Ringing in My Ears (39th Century) {3}: gl:++, nt:+
- Marc Cohn & Blind Boys of Alabama: Work to Do (BMG) {3}: AS:++, Ex:+
- The Comet Is Coming: The Afterlife (Impulse!) {3}: JC:+; nb:7 -- TH:*
- Common: Let Love (Loma Vista) {3}: Ex:+, HG:33, I:+
- Charlotte Cornfield: The Shape of Your Name (Next Door) {3}: Ex:+; ex_c:5
- Chris Corsano/Bill Nace/Steve Baczkowski: Mystic Beings (Open Mouth -18) {3}: jtmd:1
- Alessandro Cortini: Volume Massimo (Mute) {3}: Ex:+; bl:2
- Roxy Coss: Quintet (Outside In Music) {3}: JC:+; db:+, jmb:7
- Kyle Craft: Showboat Honey (Sub Pop) {3}: GTV:+, Mj:+, YW:27
- Marlon Craft: Funhouse Mirror (Same Plate) {3}: HDX:19, HG:58
- Charley Crockett: The Valley (Son of Davy) {3}: am_c:+, scm:++
- Jamie Cullum: Taller (Island) {3}: Bq:+, SC:+; am:+
- Custard Flux: Echo (self-released) {3}: FB:7
- Lucy Dacus: 2019 (Matador -EP) {3}: Alt:52, AU:34, P:+
- Tony Dagradi: Down Time (Astral Music) {3}: JC:+; jdku:3
- Jeff Davis: The Fastness (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: -- TH:***
- Caroline Davis & Rob Clearfield's Persona: Anthems (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; db:+, jdl:7
- Dayseeker: Sleeptalk (Spinefarm) {3}: Pu:20; ap:+
- Deafkids: Metaprogramacao (Neurot) {3}: DS:+, Qt:17
- Deathspell Omega: The Furnaces of Palingenesia (NoEvDia) {3}: Noj:15, Spk:+
- Debit: System (NAAFI) {3}: F:+; pf_e:+, ra:+
- Deep State: The Path to Fast Oblivion (Friendship Fever) {3}: YW:7 -- TH:B
- The Raymond De Felitta Trio: Pre-War Charm (Blujazz) {3}: -- TH:***
- Nina De Heney/Karin Johansson/Henrik Wartel: Quagmire (Creative Sources) {3}: JC:+; jpa:+ -- TH:*
- Deli Girls: I Don't Know How to Be Happy (Sweat Equity NYC) {3}: N:32, TMT:+; imp:+
- Lachlan Denton & Studio Magic: A Brother (Bobo Integral) {3}: am:+, am_i:+, ath:+
- Desert Dwellers: Breath (Black Swan) {3}: Ec:10
- The Devil Wears Prada: The Act (Tooth & Nail) {3}: Rev:23; am:+, ap:+
- Hannah Diamond: Reflections (PC Music) {3}: G:+, LBF:+, NME:+
- Jose Dias: After Silence Vol 1 (Clean Feed) {3}: aaj:+ -- TH:**
- Diat: Positive Disintegration (Iron Lung) {3}: Bc:85, Tr:+ -- PJ:225-37-5
- Robert Dick/Joelle Leandre/Miya Masaoka: Solar Wind (Not Two) {3}: JC:+; jkw:3
- Jordon Dixon: On! (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
- DJ Mustard: Perfect Ten (10 Summers/Interscope) {3}: Gg_h:30, Up_h:38; xxl:+
- Chano Dominguez & Hadar Noiberg: Paramus (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; jgg:6, jmks:10
- Doomsquad: Let Yourself Be Seen (Bella Union) {3}: 405:+, BIB:34, LBF:+
- Kit Downes: Dreamlife of Debris (ECM) {3}: BIW:36, JC:+; ph:7
- Isnaj Dui: Sight Seeing (Fbox) {3}: Tx:9
- Dump Him: Dykes to Watch Out For (Get Better) {3}: PO:+, YW:56 -- TH:*
- C Duncan: Health (Fatcat) {3}: PM:+, Sk:+, UR:60
- Kyle Bobby Dunn: From Here to Eternity (Past Inside the Present) {3}: AV:+, Mj:+, Pf:+
- EB the Younger: To Each His Own (Bella Union) {3}: GTV:+, Q:+; do:+
- Yelena Eckemoff/Manu Katche: Colors (L&H Production) {3}: -- TH:***
- Electric Guest: Kin (Atlantic) {3}: Ps:45, Up_p:18
- Eliane Elias: Love Stories (Concord) {3}: aaj:+, db:+ -- TH:*
- Elkhorn: Sun Cycle/Elk Jam (Feeding Tube) {3}: FB:46, YW:102; aqd:+
- Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18: Joia! (Agari/Banana & Louie) {3}: Dr:53, SAC:21; am:+
- Entr'acte: Soigne Ta Droite (Audiographic) {3}: JC:+; jsp:5
- Equiknoxx: Eternal Children (self-released) {3}: Mix:42, Qt:+, YW:66
- Daniel Erdmann's Velvet Revolution: Won't Put No Flag Out (BMC) {3}: BIW:35 -- TH:**
- Dominik Eulberg: Mannigfaltig (!K7) {3}: ACL:6
- Ben Eunson: Ace (Ocean Road) {3}: JC:+; jda:5
- Chris Farren: Born Hot (Polyvinyl) {3}: Alt:67, NAO:26; atl:+
- Farruko: Gangalee (Sony Latin) {3}: Cmp:+, N:+; yh:+
- Enrico Fazio Critical Mass: Wabi Sabi (Leo) {3}: JC:+; jsp:10, jyo:7
- Feels: Post Earth (Wichita) {3}: Mj:+, Pf:+; diy:+
- The Felice Brothers: Undress (Yep Roc) {3}: PM:+; gl:+, sp:+
- Fews: Into Red (Play It Again Sam) {3}: Dr:88, DS:+; diy:+
- Flore Laurentienne: Volume 1 (Costume) {3}: GB:24, LCA:19
- Florida Georgia Line: Can't Say I Ain't Country (Big Machine) {3}: Gg_c:12; am_c:+ -- MT:C
- Nils Frahm: All Encores (Erased Tapes) {3}: LQ:+, PM:+, Q:+
- Mabe Fratti: Pies Sobre La Tierra (Hole) {3}: pm_v:4, xlr:+
- Free Throw: What's Past Is Prologue (Triple Crown) {3}: Alt:48, Bq:+; ap:+
- Debby Friday: Death Drive (Fat Beats -EP) {3}: Bc:26, Qt:60; pta:+
- David Friesen Circle 3 Trio: Interaction (Origin -2CD) {3}: -- TH:***
- Fred Frith: All Is Always Now: Live at the Stone (Intakt -3CD) {3}: -- TH:***
- Frog: Count Bateman (Audio Antihero) {3}: SoG:10
- Larry Fuller: Overjoyed (Capri) {3}: -- TH:***
- Andy Fusco: Vortex (SteepleChase) {3}: aaj:+ -- TH:**
- The Galileo 7: There Is Only Now (Damaged Goods) {3}: FB:20, YW:118
- The Get Up Kids: Problems (Polyvinyl) {3}: Ex:+, SC:+ -- PJ:206-40-2
- Ghost Light: Best Kept Secrets (self-released) {3}: gl:+++
- Elena Gilliam/Michael Le Van: Then Another Turns (Blujazz) {3}: -- TH:***
- Glass Beach: The First Glass Beach Album (1290964) {3}: Alt:22, SoG:19
- Binker Golding & Elliot Galvin: Ex Nihilo (Byrd Out) {3}: aaj:+, jm:+ -- TH:*
- Good Riddance: Thoughts and Prayers (Fat Wreck Chords) {3}: NAO:13; sp:+
- Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band: The Gordian Knot (Music Content) {3}: JC:+; jsy:4
- Goon: Heaven Is Humming (Partisan) {3}: NR:+, Q:+, Ups:+
- The Gotobeds: Debt Begins at 30 (Sub Pop) {3}: Bc:100, MM:89; am_k:+
- Pasquale Grasso: Solo Ballads Vol 1 (Sony Masterworks -EP) {3}: JC:+; jmk:9, tg:+
- Gordon Grdina Quartet: Cooper's Park (Songlines) {3}: -- TH:***
- Greys: Age Hasn't Spoiled You (Carpark) {3}: Bc:46; now:+, p_k:16
- Nick Grinder: Farallon (self-released) {3}: JC:+; jmy:9 -- TH:*
- Tee Grizzley: Scriptures (300 Entertainment) {3}: HNH:9
- Muriel Grossman: Reverence (Dreamland) {3}: BIW:38; am:+, am_j:+
- Mark Guiliana: Beat Music! Beat Music! Beat Music! (Motema) {3}: JC:+; db:+, jaa:8 -- TH:B
- Westside Gunn: Hitler Wears Hermes 7 (Grizelda) {3}: Alt:74, Cmp:28, PW:47
- Sammy Hagar & the Circle: Space Between (BMG) {3}: L:+; ucr:5
- Halfsour: Sticky (Fire Talk) {3}: FWg:20; ath:+
- Hallelujah the Hills: I'm You (Discrete Pageantry) {3}: LBF:+; bh:4
- Frode Haltli: Border Woods (Hubro) {3}: Tx:10
- Scott Hamilton: Jazz at the Club: Live From Societeit De Witte (OAP) {3}: -- TH:***
- Scott Hamilton: Street of Dreams (Blau) {3}: -- TH:***
- Hammock: Silencia (Hammockmusic) {3}: ACL:13, GTV:31
- Juliana Hatfield: Juliana Hatfield Sings the Police (American Laundromat) {3}: PM:+, UR:+; sp:+
- Toby Hay: New Music for the 12 String Guitar (The State51 Conspiracy) {3}: Tx:6
- Oscar Hernandez & Alma Libre: Love the Moment (Origin) {3}: JC:+; db:+, jrmu:+
- Hickoids: All the World's a Dressing Room: Live in LA 08.24.2018 (Saustex) {3}: -- RC:***
- Honey Radar: Ruby Puff of Dust (What's Your Rupture?) {3}: ygb:4 -- PJ:142-58-5
- House and Land: Across the Field (Thrill Jockey) {3}: -- G:+, PM:+, U:+
- Housewives: Twilight Splendour (Blank Editions) {3}: LQ:19+
- Hugar: Varda (Masterworks) {3}: Ec:7
- Jason Kao Hwang Burning Bridge: Blood (True Sound -18) {3}: JC:+; jal:+, jkws:10 -- TH:[A-]
- Idles: A Beautiful Thing: Idles Live at Le Bataclan (Partisan) {3}: FO:49, LBF:+, UR:+
- Frank Iero and the Future Violents: Barriers (UNFD) {3}: Bq:+; am:+, ap:+
- Iguana Death Cult: Nude Casino (Innovative Leisure) {3}: YW:36; diy:+, p_k:14
- Ishmael Ensemble: A State of Flow (Severn Songs) {3}: Cl:+, G:+, Mj:+
- Jeremy Ivey: The Dream and the Dreamer (Anti-) {3}: RS_c:12; am_f:+
- JaJaWeDa: Pioneer Works Vol 1 (Balance Point Acoustics) {3}: jgm:1
- Jason James: Seems Like Tears Ago (Melodyville) {3}: YW:42; am_c:+, scm:+
- Jaws: The Ceiling (self-released) {3}: Bq:+, Gw:51; d:+
- Park Hye Jin: If You Want It (Clpp.Art -18) {3}: GB:10
- Pureum Jin: The Real Blue (Cellar Live) {3}: JC:+; db:+, jkd:10
- Jim Jones & the Righteous Mind: CollectiV (MaSonic) {3}: FB:23, L:+, Mj:+
- Kaina: Next to the Sun (Sooper) {3}: Bc:44, DJB:66, LQ:+
- Zlatko Kaucic Quintet: Morning Patches (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: JC:+; jsb:8 -- TH:*
- Keane: Cause and Effect (Island) {3}: Al:35, Q:+, T:+
- Kele: 2042 (!K7/Kola) {3}: NME:+, Q:+; diy:+
- Kemba: Gilda (Republic) {3}: DJB:43, Up_r:37; vib:+
- David Kikoski: Phoenix Rising (HighNote) {3}: -- TH:***
- Will Kimbrough: I Like It Down Here (Daphne Soundly) {3}: PM:+; gl:+, wil:+
- Soweto Kinch: The Black Peril (self-released) {3}: JC:+; jak:2
- Emily King: Scenery (ATO) {3}: GTV:+, P:+; now:+
- Kiwi Jr: Football Money (Mint) {3}: NR:+, YW:103; now:+
- Kodian Trio: III (Trost) {3}: -- TH:***
- Caroline Kraabel: Last1 Last2 (Emanem) {3}: JC:+; db:+, jra:10
- Jonathan Kreisberg: Capturing Spirits (New for Now Music) {3}: jfkz:1
- Bobby Krlic [The Haxan Cloak]: Midsommar [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) {3}: Mc:+, Mj:+; am:+
- Krokofant: Q (Rune Grammofon) {3}: JC:+; am:+, jahk:9 -- TH:B
- L7: Scatter the Rats (Blackheart) {3}: -- TH:***
- Lady Antebellum: Ocean (Big Machine) {3}: Gg_c:35, RS_c:35; sln:+
- Klaus Lang & Golden Fur: Beissel (Another Timbre) {3}: fj:+, jkp:5
- Lapis Trio: The Travelers (Shifting Paradigm) {3}: JC:+; jsk:8 -- TH:*
- Las Nubes: SMVT (Sweat) {3}: SoG:14; npr_sf:8
- Mary Lattimore/Mac McCaughan: New Rain Duets (Three Lobed) {3}: Mj:+; aqd:+, jkb:6
- Ingrid Laubrock: Contemporary Chaos Practices: Two Works for Orchestra With Soloists (Intakt -18) {3}: JC:+; jdr:3 -- TH:[***]
- Pak Yan Lau/Lionel Malric: Duo Pour 454 Chordes (El Negocito) {3}: fj:+, jsgj:3
- Bill Laurance: Cables (Flint Music) {3}: JC:+; jak:5
- Remy Le Boeuf: Assembly of Shadows (SoundSpore) {3}: JC:+; jrk:3
- Le Butcherettes: Bi/Mental (Rise) {3}: Al:31, DS:+; nt:+
- Mike LeDonne: Partners in Time (Savant) {3}: jcah:+ -- TH:**
- Urs Leimgruber/Jacques Demierre/Barre Phillips/Thomas Lehn: Willisau (Jazzwerkstatt) {3}: JC:+; aaj:+, jal:+ -- TH:B
- Joao Lencastre's Communion 3: Song(s) of Hope (Clean Feed) {3}: jpa:8 -- TH:**
- Hubert Lenoir: Darlene (Simone) {3}: LR:10
- Craig Leon: Anthology of Interplanetary Folk Music Vol 2: The Canon (RVNG Intl) {3}: Mj:+; aqd:+, bc_e:+
- Leprous: Pitfalls (InsideOut Music) {3}: FB:27, Spk:+; ug:11
- Billy Lester: From Scratch (Newvelle) {3}: JC:+; jjs:6, jfk:6
- Le SuperHomard: Meadow Lane Park (Elefant/Alter K) {3}: BIB:17, MM:97
- Lil Keed: Long Live Mexico (300 Entertainment) {3}: N:100, PW:30; xxl:+
- Lil Nas X: 7 (Columbia -EP) {3}: DW:+, GMA:31 -- TH:*
- Lil Pump: Harverd Dropout (Warner Bros) {3}: Cmp:+, Gg_h:+; yh:+
- Lioness: Pride & Joy (Posi-Tone) {3}: JC:+; jdk:4
- Loft: And Departt From Mono Games (TriAngle) {3}: Ex:+, F:+, Qt:45
- The Long Ryders: Psychedelic Country Soul (Omnivore) {3}: AS:+, Mj:+; am_k:+
- Daniel Lopatin: Uncut Gems [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Warp) {3}: G:+, RY:16
- Michelle Lordi: Break Up With the Sound (Cabinet of Wonder) {3}: JC:+; jmn:5
- Loscil: Equivalents (Kranky) {3}: am:+, am_e:+, xlr:+
- Los Coast: Samsara (New West) {3}: am_r:+, gl:++
- Sarah Louise: Nighttime Birds and Morning Stars (Thrill Jockey) {3}: aqd:+, bc_e:+, ex_u:+
- Manu Louis: Cream Parade (Igloo) {3}: JC:+; jml:4
- Lucille Furs: Another Land (Requiem Pour Un Twister) {3}: FB:6
- Lungbutter: Honey (Constellation) {3}: LQ:35+, Sb:22
- Harold Mabern: The Iron Man: Live at Smoke (Smoke Sessions -18) {3}: JC:+; jag:+, jcah:+
- J Macfarlane's Reality Guest: Ta Da (Hobbies Galore/Night School) {3}: pm_i:1
- Mach-Hommy: Wap Konn-Joj! (self-released) {3}: PW:23, VMP:+; npr_q:+
- Machine Gun Kelly: Hotel Diablo (Bad Boy/Interscope) {3}: HDX:+; am:+, ap:+
- Madteo: Dropped Out Sunshine (DDS) {3}: ia:+, ra:+, xlr:+
- Valentina Magaletti & Julian Sartorius: Sulla Pelle (Marionette) {3}: acl_x:+, jfn:2
- Jan Maksimovic/Dimitrij Golovanov: Thousand Seconds of Our Life (NoBusiness) {3}: 1J
- Jesse Malin: Sunset Kids (Wicked Cool) {3}: AS:+, RS:+, RS_c:33
- Maluba Orchestra: Maluba Orchestra (Stunt) {3}: JC:+; jls:5
- Gucci Mane: Woptober II (1017 Brick Squad/Atlantic) {3}: NME:+; am:+, am_h:+
- Mat Maneri Quartet: Dust (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; jmja:+ -- TH:*
- Johnny Mansfield: Elftet (Edition) {3}: JC:+; jsa:5
- Mansionair: Shadowboxer (Glassnote) {3}: B:+, Cl:+, LBF:+
- Gia Margaret: There's Always Glimmer (Orindal) {3}: Dr:43, Mj:+, RM:52
- Claire Martin: Believin' It (Linn) {3}: JW:12, TS:+
- The Mattson 2: Paradise (Company) {3}: LQ:+; am:+, am_i:+
- The Mauskovic Dance Band: The Mauskovic Dance Band (Soundway) {3}: Mix:+ -- TH:**
- Nick Mazzarella Trio: Counterbalance (Astral Spirits) {3}: CM:46; fj:+, jtb:4
- Reese McHenry: No Dados (Suah Sounds) {3}: Bc:89; xjm:6 -- PJ:93-80-9
- Joe McPhee/Paal Nilssen-Love: Song for the Big Chief (PNL) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
- Melii: Phases (Interscope) {3}: F:+, N:+, YW:91
- Alice Merton: Mint (Paper Plane/Mom + Pop) {3}: PM:+, Rf:29; gl:+
- Mika: My Name Is Michael Holbrook (Republic/Virgin EMI) {3}: Gw:+ -- TH:**
- Dominic Miller: Absinthe (03-01) {3}: db:+, jfkz:3
- Mini Mansions: Guy Walks Into a Bar . . . (Fiction) {3}: I:+, Q:+; am_k:+
- Phil Minton/John Butcher/Gino Robair: Blasphemious Fragments (Rastascan) {3}: jfn:9, jsb:4
- MoMA Ready: The NYC Dance Project (self-released) {3}: F:+; ra:++
- Montoya: Otun (ZZK) {3}: SAC:9
- Moon Tooth: Crux (Modern Static) {3}: RS:50+, Spk:32
- Gaby Moreno and Van Dyke Parks: ¡Spangled! (Nonesuch) {3}: am_w:+, npr_fc:4
- Gurf Morlix: Impossible Blue (Rootball) {3}: -- RC:*, TH:**
- Mourning [a] BLKstar: Reckoning (Don Giovanni) {3}: Bc:+ -- RC:**
- Msylma: Dhil-un Taht Shajarat Al-Zaqum (Halcyon Veil) {3}: F:+, Qt:25; tg:+
- Mustard: Perfect Ten (10 Summers/Interscope) {3}: Cmp:8
- Mutant Joe: Home Invasion Anthems (self-released) {3}: Du:50; ia:8, xlr:+
- Simon Nabatov Quintet: Last Minute Theory (Clean Feed) {3}: jes:10 -- TH:**
- Simon Nabatov: Readings: Gileya Revisited (Leo) {3}: JC:+; jkw:6 -- TH:*
- Marissa Nadler & Stephen Brodsky: Droneflower (Sacred Bones) {3}: Mx:26, PM:+, Qt:+
- Youn Sun Nah: Immersion (Warner Music) {3}: JC:+; jdb:5
- Necking: Cut Your Teeth (Mint) {3}: UR:+, YW:39; ex_u:+
- Sean Nelson: Nelson Sings Nilsson (Equivocal) {3}: pm_p:1
- New York Philharmonic/Jaap Van Zweden: Julia Wolfe: Fire in My Mouth (Decca) {3}: nat:1
- Jorge Nila: Tenor Time (Tribute to the Tenor Masters) (Ninjazz) {3}: -- TH:***
- Paal Nilssen-Love/Ken Vandermark: Screen Off (PNL) {3}: jsgr:8 -- TH:**
- The North: Plays the Music of Kenny Wheeler (AMM) {3}: JC:+; ph:3
- Amy O: Shell (Winspear) {3}: NAO:29, SoG:20
- Bill O'Connell and the Afro Caribbean Ensemble: Wind Off the Hudson (Savant) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Off With Their Heads: Be Good (Epitaph) {3}: NAO:37, Spk:+, Ups:+
- Sean O'Hagan: Radium Calls, Radium Calls (Drag City) {3}: LR:71, MO:26+
- The O'Jays: The Last Word (S-Curve) {3}: Ex:+, Mj:+; am_r:+
- One True Pairing: One True Pairing (Domino) {3}: Noj:44, Q:+; d:+
- Ossuarium: Living Tomb (20 Buck Spin) {3}: Bc:+, FWg:19
- Ulysses Owens Jr: Songs of Freedom (Resilience Music) {3}: JC:+; jrmi:6 -- TH:*
- Nicki Parrott: From New York to Paris (Arbors) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Richard Reed Parry: Quiet River of Dust Vol 2: That Side of the River (Anti-) {3}: LBF:+, UR:+; now:+
- Peaer: A Healthy Earth (Tiny Engines) {3}: Alt:35, Pf:+; pf_k:+
- Pearring Sound: Nothing but Time (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
- Wayne Peet Trio: What The? (Pfmentum) {3}: JC:+; jrb:3
- Pentagram Home Video: Who's There? I'm Here, You're Here (Death Waltz) {3}: Crh:6
- People Like Us: The Mirror (Discrepant) {3}: W:8
- Aleksi Perala: Sunshine 3 (Clone/DUB) {3}: DJM:20, Pf:+
- Ivo Perelman/Mat Maneri/Nate Wooley: Strings 3 (Leo) {3}: jss:5 -- TH:*
- Ivo Perelman/Mat Maneri/Nate Wooley/Matthew Shipp: Strings 4 (Leo) {3}: -- TH:***
- Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Live in Nuremberg (SMP) {3}: JC:+; fj:+, jmja:9
- Perfect Son: Cast (Sub Pop) {3}: Ex:+, PM:+; pm_ep:10
- Petbrick: I (Rocket) {3}: 405:+, Crh:28, GTV:+
- Pet Shop Boys: Agenda (X2 -EP) {3}: -- MT:*, TH:**
- Photonz: Nuit (Dark Entries) {3}: DJM:21, Mix:49; am_e:+
- Jim Piela: Out of Orbit (Orenda) {3}: -- TH:***
- Harley Poe: Have a Great Life (self-released) {3}: NAO:8
- Possible Humans: Everybody Split (Trouble in Mind) {3}: ath:+, yps:+ -- PJ:50-119-12
- Noah Preminger: After Life (Criss Cross) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: And Now What for the Whatchamacallit (Marathon Artists/What Reality?) {3}: Q:+; diy:+, nt:+
- PVRIS: Hallucinations (Warner -EP) {3}: Ups:+; diy:+, hs:+
- Pyur: Oratorio for the Underworld (Subtext) {3}: ACL:8
- Queen of Jeans: If You're Not Afraid, I'm Not Afraid (Topshelf) {3}: Alt:39, SoG:+; npr_ct:9
- Quirke: Steal a Golden Hail (Whities) {3}: ia:1
- Redd Kross: Beyond the Door (Merge) {3}: Noj:50; am_k:+ -- PJ:162-51-6
- Fionn Regan: Cala (Abbey) {3}: Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+
- Regular Citizen: Sleeping Unique (Presto!?) {3}: F:+; sg_e:4
- Sofia Rei & JC Maillard: Keter [John Zorn Masada Book 3] (Tzadik) {3}: JC:+; jag:+, jfk:7
- Joe Restivo: Where's Joe? (Blue Barrel) {3}: JC:+; jmy:3
- Dawn Richard: New Breed (Local Action) {3}: HV:29, Q:+; am_r:+
- Jim Robitaille Group: A View From Within (Whaling City Sound) {3}: JC:+; jrm:+, jrs:+
- Rent Romus' Life's Blood Ensemble: Side Three: New Work (Edgetone) {3}: -- TH:***
- Marlene Rosenberg: MLK Convergence (Origin) {3}: -- TH:***
- Rosengarden Funeral Party: Martyr (Moon Sounds) {3}: FB:8
- Daniel Rotem: Serenading the Future (self-released) {3}: Tx_j:6
- Ellen Rowe Octet: Momentum: Portraits of Women in Motion (Smokin' Sleddog) {3}: JC:+; jsl:2
- Vanessa Rubin: The Dream Is You: Rubin Sings Tadd Dameron (Nibur) {3}: JC:+; jcmb:2, jwj:10
- Rucci: Tako's Son (Empire) {3}: HDX:+, Up_h:39; npr_r:+
- Kelly Ruth: Forms (Pseudo Laboratories) {3}: mg_n:1
- Bill Ryder-Jones: Yawny Yawn (Domino) {3}: Mj:+, Q:+, Sk:+
- Suso Saiz: Nothing Is Objective (Music From Memory) {3}: pm_b:1
- Romeo Santos: Utopia (Sony Latin) {3}: Pf:+; ny_c:5
- Saweetie: Icy (Artistry/Warner Bros -EP) {3}: Pap:13; xjm:7
- School of Language: 45 (Memphis Industries) {3}: Dr:15, Mj:+
- Rob Schwimmer: Heart of Hearing (Sunken Heights Music) {3}: JC:+; jfk:2
- Kit Sebastian: Mantra Moderne (Mr Bongo) {3}: Bc:32, RT:14
- Serpent Column: Mirror in Darkness (1516887 DK) {3}: RY:34, Spk:16
- Elena Setien: Another Kind of Revolution (Thrill Jockey) {3}: PM:+; pm_f:3
- Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band: The Traveler (Concord) {3}: L:+; am_b:+, gl:+
- Shlohmo: The End (Friends of Friends) {3}: HS:+; am_e:+, sp:+
- Yotam Silberstein: Future Memories (Jazz & People) {3}: jgt:4, jrm:+
- Alex Sipiagin: NoFo Skies (Blue Room) {3}: JC:+; vbr:10
- Sirkis/Bialas IQ: Our New Earth (Moonjune) {3}: jms:14 -- TH:**
- Siskiyou: Not Somewhere (Constellation) {3}: LCA:17, LQ:+
- Skengdo & AM: Back Like We Never Left (Moves) {3}: Du:21, PW:27; cmp:10
- Sleeping With Sirens: How It Feels to Be Lost (Sumerian) {3}: PCr:19; ap:+
- Sloth Racket: Dismantle Yourself (Luminous) {3}: jm:+, jap:5
- Sly & Robbie/Roots Radics: The Final Battle: Sly & Robbie vs Roots Radics (Serious Reggae/Afro) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
- Snoop Dogg: I Wanna Thank Me (Doggystyle/Empire) {3}: HDX:13+
- Matthew Snow: Iridescence (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
- SOB X RBE & Hit Boy: Family Not a Group (Def Jam) {3}: Cmp:+, RS:+; yh:+
- SOL Development: The SOL of Black Folk (self-released) {3}: HG:37 -- TH:**
- Jakob Sorensen [Bagland]: Cirkel (Jaeger Community) {3}: JC:+; jml:2
- Soundbwoy Killah: Halcyon Daze (Sneaker Social Club) {3}: Du:14, Mix:29
- Esperanza Spalding: 12 Little Spells (Concord -18) {3}: JC:+, Mj:30; hft:13 -- TH:[B]
- Chris Speed Trio: Respect for Your Toughness (Intakt) {3}: -- TH:***
- Alister Spence and Satoko Fujii Orchestra Kobe: Imagine Meeting You Here (Alister Spence Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- Deem Spencer: Pretty Face (Deem Spencer & the Flower Shop) {3}: DJB:71, VMP:+; npr_q:+
- Spinn: Spinn (Modern Sky UK) {3}: LBF:+, Ups:+; d:+
- Peter Stampfel and the Atomic Meta Pagans: The Ordovician Era (Don Giovanni) {3}: -- RC:**, TH:*
- Lyn Stanley: London With a Twist: Live at Bernie's (AT Music) {3}: aaj:+ -- TH:**
- Ben Stapp/Joe Morris: Mind Creature Sound Dasein (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: jnm:2 -- TH:*
- Stealing Sheep: Big Wows (Heavenly) {3}: GTV:+, Sk:+; am_p:+
- Stenny: Stress Test (Ilian Tape) {3}: NR:+; ia:10, ra:+
- Stenny: Upsurge (Ilian Tape) {3}: DJM:34, Mix:39, VF:35
- Robert Stillman: Reality (Orindal) {3}: VF:23, YW:105; aqd:+
- STL GLD: The New Normal (AR Classic) {3}: bh:10 -- TH:**
- Allen Stone: Building Balance (ATO) {3}: LBF:+; am_r:+, pm_s:13
- Carl Stone: Baroo (Unseen Worlds) {3}: aqd:+, crk:10, pf_x:+
- Carl Stone: Himalaya (Unseen Worlds) {3}: W:14; vma:7
- Stray From the Path: Internal Atomics (UNFD) {3}: Pu:22; dep:5
- TeejayX6: The Swipe Lessons (TF Entertainment) {3}: GC:32; npr_q:+, wp:+
- Teen: Good Fruit (Carpark) {3}: LBF:+, Mx:43, Rf_k:29
- Telefon Tel Aviv: Dreams Are Not Enough (Ghostly International) {3}: Gg_e:43, Mj:+; am_e:+
- Threnody [Johan Berthling/Martin Küchen/Steve Noble]: A Paradigm of Suspicion (Trost) {3}: -- TH:***
- Yann Tiersen: All (Mute) {3}: DS:+, MO:+, P:+
- Yann Tiersen: Portrait (Muse) {3}: Ec:12, MO:+
- Tiger Trio [Joelle Leandre/Myra Melford/Nicole Mitchell]: Map of Liberation (RogueArt) {3}: JC:+; jpf:3
- Timespine: Urban Season (Shhpuma) {3}: JC:+; jkc:5
- Tiny Moving Parts: Breathe (Hopeless) {3}: Bq:+, Ex:+, Pu:23
- TNGHT: II (Warp/Lucky Me -EP) {3}: CP:28, LQ:+; xlr:+
- Amon Tobin: Fear in a Handful of Dust (Nomark) {3}: Gg_e:41, PM:+; ra:+
- Pat Todd and the Outsiders: The Past Came Callin' (Hound Gawd!) {3}: YW:24; mg_p:4
- Jenny Tolman: There Goes the Neighborhood (self-released) {3}: RS_c:24; spt:4
- Topdown Dialectic: Vol 2 (Peak Oil) {3}: 405:+; bc_a:+, pf_e:+
- Torbjorn Zetterberg & the Great Question: Live (Corbett vs Dempsey) {3}: -- TH:***
- Tourist: Everyday (Monday) {3}: E_UK:+, LBF:+; ju:+
- Trapper Keaper: Meets Tim Berne & Aurora Nealand (Ears & Eyes) {3}: -- TH:***
- Trentemoller: Obverse (In My Room) {3}: Mgn:25, NBH:20
- Triad God: Triad (Presto!?) {3}: F:+, TMT:+; gcn:+
- Trudy and the Romance: Sandman (B3SCI) {3}: 405:+, LBF:+; diy:+
- Trupa Trupa: Of the Sun (Glitterbeat) {3}: LBF:+, Mj:+; ct:+
- Tami T: High Pithed and Moist (Trannytone) {3}: Gf:11, LBF:36
- Alexander Tucker: Guild of the Asbestos Weaver (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Dr:32, Mj:+, Qt:32
- Tunes of Negation: Reach the Endless Sea (Cosmo Rhythmatic) {3}: No:30, Qt:64, W:24
- Frank Turner: No Man's Land (Polydor) {3}: Bq:+, Q:+; sp:+
- Upsammy: Wild Chamber (Nous'klaer Audio) {3}: Qt:+, VF:+; pf_e:+
- The Utopia Strong: The Utopia Strong (Rocket) {3}: Pc:69, Qt:15
- Warren Vache: Songs Our Fathers Taught Us (Arbors) {3}: -- TH:***
- Kiki Valera: Vivencias En Clave Cubana (Origin) {3}: -- TH:***
- Vegyn: Only Diamonds Cut Diamonds (PLZ Make It Ruins) {3}: C:+, GB:48, P:+
- Velvet Negroni: Neon Brown (4AD) {3}: LR:81; am_r:+, tsu:+
- Venom Prison: Samsara (Prosthetic) {3}: Rev:17; gl:+
- Claudia Villela: Encantada Live (Taina Music) {3}: jcmb:5 -- TH:*
- Juan Vinuesa Jazz Quartet: Blue Shots From Chicago (NoBusiness) {3}: -- TH:***
- Violent Femmes: Hotel Last Resort (PIAS) {3}: GTV:+, Mj:+, Sk:+
- Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano: Frkwys Vol 15: Serenitatem (RVNG Intl) {3}: Qt:+, Sk:+, TMT:+
- Devin Brahja Waldman: Brahja (RR Gems) {3}: -- TH:***
- Brad Walker Quartet: Live at Snug Harbor (self-released) {3}: JC:+; jdku:4
- The Warp/The Weft: Dead Reckoning (self-released) {3}: FB:10
- Dan Weiss Trio Plus 1: Utica Box (Sunnyside) {3}: BIW:68, CM:53, PO:+
- Paul Weller: Other Aspects: Live at the Royal Festival Hall (Parlophone) {3}: Mj:+, Q:+; gl:+
- Declan Welsh & the Decadent West: Cheaply Bought Expensively Sold (Modern Sky) {3}: AU:9
- Westkust: Westkust (Run for Cover) {3}: p_s:6, sp:+, vgb:8
- Kai Whiston: No World as Good as Mine (Lux) {3}: bc_e:+, pm_v:5
- John Paul White: The Hurting Kind (Single Lock) {3}: Mj:+; am_c:+, gl:+
- Barrence Whitfield Soul Savage Arkestra: Songs From the Sun Ra Cosmos (Modern Harmonic) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
- Mareike Wiening: Metropolist Paradise (Greenleaf Music) {3}: JC:+; jda:10 -- TH:*
- Wiki: Oofie (Wikiset) {3}: DJB:61, LQ:+, Ni:33
- Lula Wiles: What Will We Do (Smithsonian Folkways) {3}: am_f:+, mg_i:6, p_f:12
- Wing Walker Orchestra: Hazel (Ears & Eyes) {3}: BIW:28; db:+ -- TH:*
- Aida Bird Wolfe: Birdie (Songbrook -18) {3}: jcmb:1
- Woman's Hour: Ephyra (Practice) {3}: DS:+, Q:+; diy:+
- Ronnie Wood & His Wild Five: Mad Lad: A Live Tribute to Chuck Berry (BMG) {3}: -- TH:***
- The Xcerts: Wildheart Dreaming (Raygun) {3}: Sk:+, Ups:+; diy:+
- Yong Yandsen/Christian Meaas Svendsen/Paal Nilssen-Love: Hungry Ghosts (Nakama) {3}: -- TH:***
- Yawners: Just Calm Down (La Castanya) {3}: LBF:+; npr_sf:3
- YNW Melly: We All Shine (P2019) {3}: Cmp:41, PW:46; yh:+
- YoungBoy Never Broke Again: AI YoungBoy 2 (Never Broke Again) {3}: Cmp:34, Gg_h:45; xxl:+
- Your Old Droog: Transportation (Mongoloid Banks) {3}: HDX:+, HG:+, Pc:44
- Yung Baby Tate: Girls (self-released) {3}: DJB:70, PB:19
- Yu Su: Roll With the Punches (Second Circle -EP) {3}: F:+; pf_e:+, ra:+
- Simone Zanchini & Frankfurt Radio Big Band: Play the Music of Nino Rota (In+Out) {3}: JC:+; jhm:5
- Dave Zinno Unisphere: Stories Told (Whaling City Sound) {3}: JC:+; jkf:8 -- TH:*
- 33EMYBW: Arthropods (SVBKVLT) {2}: F:+; ra:+
- 3teeth: Metawar (Century Media) {2}: Rev:21; am:+
- 3TM: Lake (We Jazz) {2}: jfkz:5
- 808 State: Transmission Suite (self-released) {2}: Pc:97; do:+
- Abuse of Power: What on Earth Can We Do (Triple-B) {2}: Sg:35; imp:+
- Jessica Ackerley: A New Kind of Water (self-released) {2}: jdme:4
- Acronym & Kali Malone: The Torrid Eye (Stilla Ton) {2}: TMT:+; pf_x:+
- Afriqua: Colored (R&S) {2}: Ex:+; ex_u:+
- Oliver Hafke Ahmad: Future Blues (Urban Grooves Berlin) {2}: JC:+; jck:6
- Airbourne: Boneshaker (Spinefarm) {2}: PR:14
- Akasha System: Echo Earth (100% Silk) {2}: Gg_e:25; pf_e:+
- Juan Alamo & Marimjazzia: Ruta Panoramica (Summit) {2}: -- TH:**
- Albare: Albare Plays Jobim (Alfi) {2}: -- TH:**
- Jeremie Albino: Hard Time (Sleepless) {2}: Ex:+; em:+
- Susan Alcorn/Chris Corsano/Bill Nace: Live at Rotunda (Open Mouth) {2}: jps:2
- Taylor Alexander: Good Old Fashioned Pain (Hail Mary) {2}: scm:++
- All India Radio: Eternal (Spectra) {2}: Ec:18
- Alter Bridge: Walk the Sky (Napalm) {2}: ug:5
- Rodrigo Amado/Dirk Serries: Jazzblazzt (Raw Tonk) {2}: -- TH:**
- Amon Amarth: Berserker (Metal Blade) {2}: CS:+, Rev:+
- Anamanaguchi: [USA] (Polyvinyl) {2}: Ne:45+
- James Andean: Assemblance(s) (Empreintes Digitales) {2}: jab:4
- Finn Andrews: One Piece at a Time (Nettwerk) {2}: AU:18
- Max Andrzejewski's Hutte: Hutte & Guests Play the Music of Robert Wyatt (WhyPlayJazz) {2}: BIW:15
- Anemone: Beat My Distance (Royal Mountain) {2}: BIB:38; ipr:+
- Anguish: Anguish (RareNoise -18) {2}: JC:+; jml:9 -- TH:[**]
- Anteros: When We Land (Distiller) {2}: LBF:+; d:+
- Marc Anthony: Opus (Sony US Latin) {2}: am:+, am_w:+
- Aries: Welcome Home (Wunderworld) {2}: Q:+; otw:+
- Ellen Arkbro: Chords (Subtext) {2}: No:43; pf_x:+
- Armchair Oracles: Caught in Light (Armchair Music) {2}: ptr:4
- Michael Attias: Ëchos La Nuit (Out of Your Head) {2}: -- TH:**
- Rich Aucoin: Release (Haven Sounds) {2}: am:+, sp:+
- Badflower: OK, I'm Sick (Big Machine) {2}: MuH:+; ap:+
- Badge Epoque Ensemble: Badge Epoque Ensemble (Telephone Explosion) {2}: Ex:+; aqd:+
- Adam Baldych Quartet: Sacrum Profanum (ACT Music) {2}: BIW:19
- Bali Baby: Bubbles Bali (Billmania Media) {2}: -- TH:**
- Charlie Ballantine: Life Is Brief: The Music of Bob Dylan (Green Mind -18) {2}: JC:+; jsl:9
- Balthazar: Fever (PIAS) {2}: PM:+; pm_k:7
- Band of Skulls: Love Is All You Love (SO/Silva Screen) {2}: Ups:+; d:+
- Bangkok Lingo: Smells/Colours/Noise (Losen) {2}: JC:+; jlv:10
- Bangzz: Fresh Cut (Self Aware) {2}: yjs:7 -- PJ:181-45-3
- Bask: Bask III (Season of Mist) {2}: FB:19
- Olcay Bayir: Ruya: Dream for Anatolia (ARC) {2}: mg_w:3
- The Kenyatta Beasley Septet: The Frank Foster Songbook (Art Vs Transit -2CD) {2}: -- TH:**
- Beat Circus: These Wicked Things (Innova) {2}: jms:4
- Beaux Gris Gris & the Apocalypse: Love & Murder (Grow Vision Music) {2}: L:13
- Gregg Belisle-Chi: Book of Hours (Ears & Eyes) {2}: JC:+; jkc:7
- Bellows: The Rose Gardener (Topshelf) {2}: Ch:+, NAO:49
- George Benson: Walking to New Orleans (Provogue) {2}: JC:+; vjt:9
- R Beny: Echo's Verse (Dauw) {2}: No:46; ta:+
- Adam Berenson/Scott Barnum: Stringent and Sempiternal (Dream Play) {2}: JC:+; jka:6
- Beresford Hammond: Circle Inside the Folds (The 52nd) {2}: aaj:+, jm:+
- Daniel Bernardes & Drumming GP: Liturgy of the Birds: In Memoriam Olivier Messiaen (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Biche: La Nuit Des Perseides (Banquise) {2}: LR:35, MM:68
- Big Eyes: Streets of the Lost (Greenway) {2}: am_k:+, sp:+
- Black Alien: Abaixo De Zero: Hello Hell (Extrapunk Extrafunk) {2}: SAC:13
- Andy Black: The Ghost of Ohio (Republic) {2}: Ups:+; ap:+
- Black Futures: Never Not Nothing (Music for Nations) {2}: GTV:+, Ups:+
- Black Moon: Rise of Da Moon (Duck Down Music) {2}: HG:17
- Ray Blue: Work (Jazzheads) {2}: -- TH:**
- Blue Shroud Band: Intensegrity: The Small Formations/Odes and Meditations for Cecil Taylor (Not Two) {2}: fj:+, jsgr:6
- Silvia Bolognesi: Alive Shouts: An Homage to Bessie Jones (Fonterossa) {2}: jss:2
- Bones [Ziv Taubenfeld/Shay Hazan/Nir Sabag]: Reptiles (NoBusiness) {2}: -- TH:**
- Borknagar: True North (Century Media) {2}: Spk:28+
- Aziza Brahim: Sahari (Glitterbeat) {2}: PO:+; xjm:8
- Billy Branch & the Sons of Blues: Roots and Branches: The Songs of Little Walter (Alligator) {2}: YW:59; am_b:+
- Joseph Branciforte & Theo Bleckmann: LP1 (Greyfade) {2}: am:+, am_e:+
- Randy Brecker/Ada Rovatti: Brecker Plays Rovatti: Sacred Bond (Piloo) {2}: -- TH:**
- Rich Brian: The Sailor (88rising) {2}: Du:25, GC:44
- Brijean: Walkie Talkie (Native Cat) {2}: Bc:71; tg:+
- Chris Brokaw: End of the Night (Vin Du Select Qualitite) {2}: PJ:223-38-3
- Broken Shadows: Broken Shadows (Newvelle) {2}: JC:+; jfk:9
- Broken Social Scene: Let's Try the After [Vol 1] (Arts & Crafts) {2}: now:+, vu:+
- Broken Social Scene: Let's Try the After (Vol 2) (Arts & Crafts) {2}: now:+, vu:+
- Brother Ali: Secrets & Escapes (Rhymesayers) {2}: HG:18
- Analea Brown: Queendom (Mensch House) {2}: mg_w:4
- Ian Brown: Ripples (Polydor) {2}: G:+, Q:+
- Bruit Noir: II/III (Ici D'Ailleurs) {2}: MM:17
- Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown: Truth and Lies (Spinefarm) {2}: PR:18
- Budokan Boys: Dad Is Bad (Baba Vanga) {2}: PM:+, Qt:+
- Buku Abi: Don't Call Me (912160 DK -EP) {2}: asp:4
- Burial: Clausto/State Forest (Hyperdub -EP) {2}: DW:36, GB:+ -- TH:B
- Nicole Bus: Kairos (Roc Nation) {2}: HDX:+; hdx_r:9
- John Butcher/Rhodri Davies: Drunk on Dreams (Cejero) {2}: mg_j:3
- Buttechno: Badtrip (Trip -EP) {2}: Ex:+; ia:+
- Daniel Caesar: Case Study 01 (Golden Chil) {2}: em:+, vib:+
- Phil Campbell: Old Lions Still Roar (Nuclear Blast) {2}: PR:20
- Laura Cannell & Polly Wright: Sing as the Crow Flies (Brawl) {2}: G:+, Qt:93
- Joey Cape: Let Me Know When You Give Up (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: NAO:17
- Garrett T Capps: All Right, All Night (Shotgun House) {2}: GTV:35; scm:++
- Daniel Carter/Stelios Milhas/Irma Nejando/Federico Ughi: Radical Invisibility (577) {2}: -- TH:**
- Neko Case: Hell-On (Anti- -18) {2}: bh:2 -- TH:[*]
- The Cash Box Kings: Hail to the Kings! (Alligator) {2}: am:+, am_b:+
- Cashmere Cat: Princess Catgirl (Mad Love/Interscope) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
- Ceres: We Are a Team (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: lv_k:10, pir:+
- Layale Chaker & Sarafand: Inner Rhyme (In a Circle) {2}: -- TH:**
- Sebastian Chames: Reminiscing the Unknown Masters (self-released) {2}: JC:+; jma:8
- Chase and Status: Rtrn II Jungle (Virgin EMI) {2}: Cl:+, Mix:22
- Chicago Cellar Boys: Busy 'Til Eleven (Rivermont) {2}: JC:+; jsy:9
- Corey Christiansen: La Proxima (Origin) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Chronotape Project: Lotus Rising (Spotted Peccary) {2}: tx_a:4
- City and Colour: A Pill for Loneliness (Dine Alone/Still) {2}: Gw:+; mu:6
- City Girls: Girl Code (Quality Control -18) {2}: DW:17 -- TH:[B]
- Clairmont the Second: Do You Drive? (self-released) {2}: Ex:+; now:+
- Cleverlys: Blue (Mountain Home Music) {2}: spt:2
- Cloud Rat: Pollinator (Artoffact) {2}: TR:47; tr_m:6
- Trish Clowes: Ninety Degrees Gravity (Basho) {2}: -- TH:**
- Clowns: Nature/Nurture (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: NAO:18
- Kyle Eyre Clyd: Eggshell (Yew) {2}: mg_n:3
- Chris Cohen: Chris Cohen (Captured Tracks) {2}: LR:82, MM:42
- Anthony Coleman: Catenary Oath (NoBusiness) {2}: -- TH:**
- Comit: Remote Viewing (ASIP) {2}: Tx:20
- Frances Cone: Late Riser (Living Daylight) {2}: PM:+; gl:+
- Ags Connolly: Wrong Again (Finstock Music) {2}: Trk:24; scm:+
- Constantinople & Ablaye Cissoko: Traversees (Ma Case) {2}: sol:3
- Ivan Conti: Poison Fruit (Far Out) {2}: Bc:67; tg:+
- Cool Mariner: Sharing Waves (Leaving) {2}: Dr:14
- Blair Coron: On the Nature of Things (self-released) {2}: ACL:17
- Graham Costello's Strata: Obelisk (BPQD) {2}: BIW:23, Sk:+
- Counterparts: Nothing Left to Lose (Pure Noise) {2}: Alt:45, Spk:45
- Cross Record: Cross Record (Ba Da Bing!) {2}: GTV:+, RT:47
- Crystal Lake: Helix (Cube) {2}: Pu:15
- Alex Cuba: Sublime (Caracol) {2}: npr_fc:5
- Cucina Povera: Zoom (Night School) {2}: VF:+; tg:+
- Cuco: Para Mi (Interscope) {2}: NME:+; wi:+
- Cupertinos/Luis Toscano: Manuel Cardoso: Requiem, Lamentations, Magnificat & Motets (Hyperion) {2}: am:++
- Francesco Cusa & the Assassins Meet Duccio Bertii: Black Poker (Clean Feed -18) {2}: JC:+; jal:+ -- TH:[*]
- Werner Dafeldecker: Small Worlds (Edition Telemark) {2}: fj:+, jkp:9
- Piotr Damasiewicz & Power of the Horns: Polska (Astigmatic) {2}: jcm:5
- The Damned Things: High Crimes (Nuclear Blast) {2}: CS:+, L:+
- Ami Dang: Parted Plains (Leaving) {2}: Bc:90, G:+
- Danish String Quartet: Prism II: Beethoven, Schnittke, Bach (ECM New Series) {2}: am:++
- Avishai Darash: Samskara (A.MA) {2}: jms:5
- Charlene Darling: Saint-Guidon (A1000P) {2}: MM:58; lib:+
- Kelly David: Meditation in Green (Spotted Peccary) {2}: tx_a:3
- Davido: A Good Time (RCA) {2}: E:+, PO:+
- Caroline Davis: Alula (New Amsterdam) {2}: BIW:27 -- TH:*
- Deadbeat and Cambria: Trinity Thirty (Constellation) {2}: Tx:18
- Deadbeat Beat: How Far (Arrowhawk/Crystal Palace) {2}: am_i:+, ath:+
- The Dead South: Sugar & Joy (Six Shooter) {2}: PM:+, Trk:+
- Dead to a Dying World: Elegy (Profound Lore) {2}: BV:24, Spk:+
- Chuck Deardorf: Perception (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
- Death Grips: Gmail and the Restraining Orders (self-released) {2}: DW:18
- The Defiants: Zokusho (Frontiers) {2}: L:17
- Jeff Denson/Romain Pilon/Brian Blade: Between Two Worlds (Ridgeway) {2}: jfkz:+ -- TH:*
- Denzler/Grip/Johansson: Zyklus 1 (Umlaut/SAJ) {2}: fj:+, jnm:6
- Lauren Desberg: Out for Delivery (self-released) {2}: Tx_j:16
- De Staat: Bubble Gum (Banquet) {2}: Oo:13
- Katie Dey: Solipsisters (Run for Cover) {2}: SC:20
- Diamond Head: Coffin Train (Silver Lining Music) {2}: L:20
- Mario Diaz De Leon: Cycle and Reveal (Denovali) {2}: ACL:18
- Paul Dietrich Jazz Ensemble Featuring Clarence Penn: Forward (self-released) {2}: JC:+; noj:9
- Francesco Diodati Yellow Squeeds: Never the Same (Auand) {2}: JC:+; jtn:8
- Kyle Dion: Saga (self-released) {2}: DJB:33, LBF:+
- DJ Nate: Take Off Mode (Planet Mu) {2}: am_e:+, ia:+
- DJ Nigga Fox: Cartas Na Manga (Principe Discos) {2}: F:+; ra:+
- Malik Djoudi: Temperaments (Cinq 7/Wagram Music) {2}: Cl:+, LR:56
- Dog in the Snow: Vanishing Lands (Bella Union) {2}: GTV:+, LQ:+
- Marcelo Dos Reis/Valentin Ceccaldi/Marco Franco/Luis Vicente: Points (Multikulti) {2}: fj:+, jsgj:10
- Downhaul: Before You Fall Asleep (Refresh) {2}: Alt:17
- Lila Downs: Al Chile (SME US Latin) {2}: am:+, am_w:+
- Kaja Draksler/Petter Eldh/Christian Lillinger: Punkt Vrt Plastik (Intakt -18) {2}: CM:19 -- TH:[A-]
- The Dream Syndicate: These Times (Anti-) {2}: AS:+ -- PJ:166-50-5
- Drowse: Light Mirror (The Flenser) {2}: 405:+, FWg:23
- Dry Cleaning: Boundary Road Snacks and Drinks (It's OK -EP) {2}: P:+; diy:+
- Rebecca DuMaine and the Dave Miller Combo: Chez Nous (Summit) {2}: -- TH:**
- Dumb Things: Time Again (Coolin' by Sound) {2}: FB:37, SoG:33
- Sharman Duran: Questioning Reality (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Mark Dwane: Martian Apparitions (self-released) {2}: Ec:16
- Open Mike Eagle: The New Negroes: Season 1 Soundtrack (Comedy Central -EP) {2}: DW:57 -- TH:*
- Dave East: Survival (Mass Appeal/Def Jam) {2}: HDX:+; sp:+
- Callum Easter: Here or Nowhere (Lost Map) {2}: GTV:+, Sk:+
- ECCO2K: E (Year0001) {2}: Du:46; rf_h:12
- Marc Edwards/Guillaume Gargaud: Black Hole Universe (Atypeek Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Efterklang: Altid Sammen (4AD) {2}: MM:18
- Harris Eisenstadt: Canada Day Quartet Live (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Elder Island: The Omnitone Collection (self-released) {2}: bh:3
- Elephant9: Psychedelic Backfire I (Rune Grammofon) {2}: db:+ -- TH:*
- El Leon De Oro/Peter Phillips: Amarae Morti (Hyperion) {2}: am:++
- Vincent Neil Emerson: Fried Chicken & Evil Women (La Honda) {2}: scm:++
- Moy Eng/Wayne Wallace: The Blue Hour (Patois) {2}: JC:+; jmb:+ -- TH:B
- Eucalyptus: Kick it 'Till You Flip It (HAVNrecords) {2}: mg_j:5
- Exek: Some Beautiful Species Left (Anti-Fade) {2}: ygb:5
- FACS: Lifelike (Trouble in Mind) {2}: LBF:+ -- PJ:220-39-4
- Falls of Rauros: Patterns in Mythology (Gilead Media) {2}: FWg:11
- Perry Farrell: Kind Heaven (BMG) {2}: I:+, Q:+
- Lorenzo Feliciati/Michele Rabbia: Antikythera (RareNoise) {2}: -- TH:**
- Gabriel Ferrandini: Volupias (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- David Finck: Bassically Jazz (Burton Avenue Music) {2}: aaj:+ -- TH:*
- Five Play: Live From the Firehouse Stage (5Play) {2}: JC:+; jkf:9
- Flash Amazonas: Binary Birds and Other Rubbish Surreal Things (Sello In-Correcto) {2}: SAC:18
- Ben Flocks: Mask of the Muse (West Cliff) {2}: Tx_j:17; gl_j:+
- Rosie Flores: Simple Case of the Blues (The Last Music Company) {2}: -- TH:**
- Flowdan: Full Metal Jacket (Tru Thoughts) {2}: DJM:44; vpf:9
- Roberto Fonseca: Yesun (Mack Avenue/Wagram Music) {2}: JC:+; jrmi:+
- Four Tet: Anna Painting (Text -EP) {2}: pta:+, ra:+
- Fox Millions Duo: Biting Through (Thrill Jockey) {2}: PM:+; jab:9
- Mimi Fox: This Bird Still Flies (Origin) {2}: db:+ -- TH:*
- Nils Frahm: Encores 2 (Erased Tapes -EP) {2}: npr_bb:11, ra:+
- Ana Frango Eletrico: Little Electric Chicken Heart (Risco) {2}: Ne:29+
- Frankie and the Witch Fingers: ZAM (Greenway) {2}: Sk:+; imp:+
- Nick Fraser/Kris Davis/Tony Malaby: Zoning (Astral Spirits) {2}: jwk:5
- Freddie Douggie: Live in Juneteenth (International Anthem) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
- George Freeman: George the Bomb! (Blujazz/Southport) {2}: -- TH:**
- Fresh: Withdraw (Specialist Subject) {2}: Alt:43, GMA:39
- Tomas Fujiwara: Seven Poets Trio (RogueArt) {2}: JC:+; jmj:10
- Champian Fulton & Cory Weeds: Dream a Little . . . (Cellar Live) {2}: JC:+; jmb:6
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds: This Is the Place (Sour Mash -EP) {2}: I:+, NME:+
- Vyacheslav Ganelin/Deniss Pashkevich/Arkady Gotesman: Variations (Jersika) {2}: db:+ -- TH:*
- Ruth Garbus: Airmeister (Orindal) {2}: aqd:+, ta:+
- Kevin Garrett: Hoax (KG Music) {2}: Atw:+; em:+
- Ben Lamar Gay: Confetti in the Sky Like Fireworks [This Is Bate Bola OST] (International Anthem) {2}: PO:+, YW:120 -- TH:B
- Charles Gayle/Giovanni Barcella/Manolo Cabras: The Alto Sessions (El Negocito) {2}: -- TH:**
- Gene on Earth: Local Fuzz (Limousine Dream) {2}: Mix:26; xlr:+
- Geometry [Kyoko Kitamura/Taylor Ho Bynum/Joe Morris/Tomeka Reid]: Geometry of Distance (Relative Pitch) {2}: jgm:9 -- TH:*
- Gesaffelstein: Hyperion (Columbia) {2}: Cmp:+; yh:+
- Lucas Gillan's Many Blessings: Chit-Chatting With Herbie (Jeru Jazz) {2}: JC:+; jsy:6
- Luke Gillespie: Moving Mists (Patois) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Girl Unit: Song Feel (Night Slugs) {2}: Cl:+, DJM:41
- Giuda: EVA (Burger) {2}: Mj:+, Q:+
- Gnash: We (Atlantic) {2}: G:+, MuH:+
- Gnoomes: MU! (Rocket) {2}: p_s:3
- Matthias Goerne/Leif Ove Andsnes: Robert Schumann: Liederkreis Op 24/Kerner-Lieder (Harmonia Mundi) {2}: am:++
- GoGo Penguin: Ocean in a Drop [Music for a Film] (Decca -EP) {2}: GTV:+; jgt:8
- Aaron Goldberg: At the Edge of the World (Sunnyside) {2}: JC:+; jmks:6
- Brandon Goldberg: Let's Play (BSG) {2}: JC:+; jkf:7
- The Good Ones: Rwanda, You Should Be Loved (Anti-) {2}: am_w:+, npr_bb:10
- Peggy Gou: Moment (Gudu -EP) {2}: am_e:+, ra:+
- Georg Graewe/Ernst Reijseger/Gerry Hemingway: Concertgebouw Brugge 2014 (Fundacja Sluchaj) {2}: -- TH:**
- Grandchildren: Grandchildren (Rough Trade) {2}: am:+, am_i:+
- David Gray: Gold in a Brass Age (Kobalt) {2}: Mj:+, Q:+
- Devin Gray GPS Trio: Blast Beat Blues (Rataplan -EP) {2}: CM:58 -- TH:*
- Adam Green: Engine of Paradise (30th Century) {2}: LR:59; d:+
- Greensky Bluegrass: All for Money (Big Blue Zoo) {2}: gl:++
- Guillermo Gregorio & Brandon Lopez: 12 Episodes (Relative Pitch) {2}: -- TH:**
- Grip: Snubnose (Stray Society/Human Re Sources) {2}: DJB:55; rs_h:19
- Juan Luis Guerra y 440: Literal (Universal Music Latin) {2}: am:+, am_w:+
- Francesco Guerri: Su Mimmi Non Si Spara! (RareNoise) {2}: -- TH:**
- Giovanni Guidi: Avec Le Temps (ECM) {2}: JC:+; jrw:12
- Gum Takes Tooth: Arrow (Rocket) {2}: LQ:+, Qt:91
- Noah Gundersen: Lover (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: Ch:11
- Guster: Look Alive (Nettwerk) {2}: GMA:29; gl:+
- Augie Haas: Dream a Little Dream (Playtime Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Keiji Haino/Merzbow/Balasz Pandi: Become the Discovered, Not the Discoverer (RareNoise) {2}: jmc:+ -- TH:*
- Franz Halasz: JS Bach: The Lute Suites (BIS) {2}: am:++
- Jimmy Halperin: High and Outside (Cadence) {2}: JC:+; jmy:6
- Matthew Halsall: Oneness (Gondwana) {2}: Pc:76; npr_ap:8
- Hamza: Paradise (Rec 118/Just Woke Up) {2}: LR:48, PAM:+
- Trond Kallevag Hansen: Bedehus & Hawaii (Hubro) {2}: BIW:54; bc_j:+
- Harbinger: Extended (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- Harrga: Heroiques Animaux De La Misere (Avon Terror Corps) {2}: Qt:14
- Beth Hart: War in My Mind (Provogue) {2}: L:14
- John Hart: Crop Circles (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
- Juliana Hatfield: Weird (American Laundromat) {2}: UR:+; am_k:+
- Steve Hauschildt: Nonlin (Ghostly International) {2}: Gg_e:39; am_e:+
- Have a Nice Life: Sea of Worry (The Flenser) {2}: p_s:4
- Hawk Eyes: Advice (Drakkar Entertainment) {2}: PR:12
- Haybaby: They Get There (Tiny Engines) {2}: NAO:11
- Thomas Heberer: X Marks the Spot (OutNow) {2}: JC:+; jri:8
- Tim Heidecker: Another Year in Hell (Jagjaguwar) {2}: -- RC:**
- Arve Henriksen: Captured Under Mountainsides/Cryosphere/Towards Language/Acousmograph (Rune Grammofon -4CD) {2}: JC:+; jrw:8
- Here Lies Man: No Ground to Walk Upon (Riding Easy) {2}: Dr:65, Pc:91
- Matt Herskowitz: Mirror Image (Justin Time) {2}: Tx_j:11
- Hieroglyphic Being: Synth Expressionism/Rhythmic Cubism (On the Corner) {2}: bc_e:+, do:+
- Higher Brothers: Five Stars (88rising Music/12Tone Music) {2}: am:+, am_h:+
- Midori Hirano: Mirrors in Mirrors (Daisart) {2}: VF:19
- Olli Hirvonen: Displace (Ropeadope) {2}: -- TH:**
- Eric Hofbauer & Dylan Jack: Remains of Echoes (Creative Nation Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Homeshake: Helium (Royal Mountain) {2}: LBF:+; mqw:10
- The Honey Pot: Bewildered Jane (Mega Dodo) {2}: FB:17
- Hootie & the Blowfish: Imperfect Circle (Capitol Nashville) {2}: Gg_c:30; am_k:+
- Horndal: Remains (Prosthetic) {2}: Gf:16
- Wayne Horvitz European Orchestra: Live at the Bimhuis (Novara Jazz) {2}: JC:+; jdk:6
- Markus Howell: Get Right (Posi-Tone) {2}: vmp_j:+
- Carl Ludwig Hubsch/Pierre-Yves Martel/Philip Zoubek: Otherwise (Insub -18) {2}: JC:+; jkw:10 -- TH:[*]
- Husky Loops: I Can't Even Speak English (30th Century) {2}: Cl:+, GTV:34
- Shahbaz Hussain & Helen Anahita Wilson: Diwan (Golden Girl) {2}: BIW:50; tg:+
- Abdullah Ibrahim: Dream Time (Enja) {2}: -- TH:**
- Idle Hands: Mana (Eisenwald Tonschmiede) {2}: Bc:+; tr_m:25
- Iglooghost/Kai Whiston/BABii/: XYZ (Gloo) {2}: LQ:37+
- Immortal Bird: Thrive on Neglect (20 Buck Spin) {2}: tr_m:5
- The Infamous Stringdusters: Rise Sun (Tape Time) {2}: PM:+; pm_a:16
- Intocable: Percepcion (UMLE/Fonovisa) {2}: am:+, am_w:+
- Irreversible Entanglements: Homeless/Global (International Anthem -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
- Itasca: Spring (Paradise of Bachelors) {2}: Mj:+, NR:+
- Grace Ives: 2nd (Dots Per Inch Music) {2}: DW:64, GB:+
- JackBoys & Travis Scott: JackBoys (Cactus Jack/Epic -EP) {2}: Gg_h:46 -- TH:*
- Joe Jackson: Fool (Edel) {2}: AS:+, Mj:+; gl:+
- Jacquees: King of R&B (Cash Money) {2}: hdx_r:3
- Jakuzi: Hata Payi (City Slang) {2}: Am_s:36, GTV:+
- Ben Jarrell: Troubled Times (Country Roots) {2}: scm:++
- Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis: Swing Symphony (Blue Engine) {2}: JC:+; jsw:7
- Gethen Jenkins: Western Gold (5 Music) {2}: scm:++
- Ingrid Jensen/Steve Treseler: Invisible Sounds: For Kenny Wheeler (Whirlwind -18) {2}: JC:+; jmu:7 -- TH:[***]
- Jentsch Group No Net: Topics in American History (Blue Schist -18) {2}: JC:+; jrg:6 -- TH:[**]
- John: Out Here on the Fringes (Pets Care) {2}: LQ:+, RT:63*
- Jones Jones [Larry Ochs/Mark Dresser/Vladimir Tarasov]: A Jones in Time Saves Nine (NoBusiness -18) {2}: JC:+; jjsh:7 -- TH:[***]
- Norah Jones: Begin Again (Blue Note) {2}: CS:+; sp:+ -- TH:B
- Simon Joyner: Pocket Moon (Grapefruit) {2}: am_i:+, aqd:+
- Julie's Haircut: In the Silence Electric (Rocket) {2}: B:78, RM:53
- Vic Juris: Two Guitars (SteepleChase) {2}: JC:+; jgz:+
- Seba Kaapstad: Thina (Mello Music Group) {2}: PM:+; tg:+
- Noah Kahan: Busyhead (Republic) {2}: Id:18
- Henry Kaiser/Anthony Pirog/Jeff Sipe/Tracy Silverman/Andy West: Five Times Surprise (Cuneiform) {2}: -- TH:**
- Kaleta & Super Yamba Band: Medaho (Ubiquity) {2}: Bc:+, FB:71
- Jaakko Eino Kalevi: Dissolution (Weird World) {2}: LR:97, UR:95
- Kayhan Kalhor & Rembrandt Ferichs Trio: It's Still Autumn (Kepera) {2}: NPR:+; tg:+
- Karenn: Kind of Green (Voam Club Archive) {2}: do:+, ra:+
- Katarsis 4: Katarsis 4 (NoBusiness) {2}: -- TH:**
- Justin Kauflin: Coming Home (self-released) {2}: JC:+; jrd:10
- Mark Kavuma: The Banger Factory (Ubuntu Music) {2}: jcm:+, jm:+ -- TH:*
- Keb' Mo': Oklahoma (Concord) {2}: NoD_r:44; jrmi:+
- Nina Keith: Maranasati 19111 (Grind Select) {2}: GB:44; ta:+
- Kelela & Asmara: Aquaphoria (Warp) {2}: wp:4
- Nancy Kelly: Remembering Mark Murphy (SubCat) {2}: JC:+; jah:6
- Matt Kerekes: Ruby (Atlantic) {2}: Alt:65, Atw:+
- Keuning: Prismism (Pretty Faithful) {2}: NME:+, Noj:43
- Steve Khan: Patchwork (Tone Center) {2}: JC:+; aaj:+
- David Kilgour & the Heavy Eights: Bobbie's a Girl (Merge) {2}: aqd:+ -- PJ:190-44-6
- Kimchi Moccasin Tango: Yankee Zulu (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Izumi Kimura/Barry Guy/Gerry Hemingway: Illuminated Silence (Fundacja Sluchaj) {2}: -- TH:**
- Kinbrae: Landforms (Truant) {2}: LBF:+, Sk:+
- Mateo Kingman: Astro (AYA) {2}: SAC:11
- Kompromat: Traum Und Existenz (Clivage Music) {2}: PR:21; tsu:+
- Hiro Kone: A Fossil Begins to Bray (Dais) {2}: F:+, Pf:+
- Konradsen: Saints and Sebastian Stories (Cascine) {2}: Cl:+, LBF:+
- Konstrukt + Ken Vandermark: Kozmik Bazaar (Karlrecords) {2}: -- TH:**
- Akira Kosemura: Diary 2016-19 (Schole) {2}: Tx:14
- Sofia Kourtesis: Sofia Kourtesis (Studio Barnhus) {2}: GB:37, Pf:+
- Eliot Krimsky: Wave in Time (Pretty Purgatory) {2}: vma:2
- La Boa: Maquina (Mambo Negro) {2}: SAC:15
- Lady Lykez: Muhammad Ali EP (Hyperdub -EP) {2}: F+ -- TH:*
- La Feline: Vie Future (Kwaidan) {2}: MM:14
- Felix Lajko & Volosi: Felix Lajko & Volosi (Fono) {2}: sol:4
- La La Lars: La La Lars II (Headspin) {2}: -- TH:**
- Landline: Landline (Loyal Label) {2}: -- TH:**
- Pablo Lanouguere Quintet: Eclectico (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Lapalux: Amnioverse (Brainfeeder) {2}: LBF:+; am_e:+
- Travis Laplante: Human (New Amsterdam) {2}: JC:+; jdl:6
- La Santa Cecilia: La Santa Cecilia (Rebeleon) {2}: am_w:+, npr_fc:8
- Olivier Latry: Bach to the Future (La Dolce Volta) {2}: am:++
- Latvian Radio Choir/Sigvards Klava: Tchaikovsky: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom/Nine Sacred Choruses (Ondine) {2}: am:++
- Laughing Bastards: Unanimal (Ham) {2}: BIW:18
- Matt Lavelle Quartet: Hope (Unseen Rain) {2}: -- TH:**
- Avril Lavigne: Head Above Water (BMG) {2}: Cos:+, Gg_p:36
- Felix Lee: Inna Daze (Planet Mu) {2}: D:20
- Jose Lencastre Nau Quartet: Live in Moscow (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Jason Lescalleet: This Is What I Do Volume 21 (Glistening Examples) {2}: mg_n:5
- Le Villejuif Underground: When Will the Flies in Deauville Drop (Born Bad) {2}: LR:79, MM:55
- George Lewis/Roscoe Mitchell: Voyage and Homecoming (RogueArt) {2}: JC:+; jsw:10
- Lifafa: Jaago (Suryakant Sawhney) {2}: LCA:44, NME:+
- Grace Lightman: Silver Eater (Handsome Dad) {2}: GTV:+, Pc:86
- Lightning Dust: Spectre (Western Vinyl) {2}: sp:+ -- PJ:192-43-5
- Lights: Skin & Earth (Acoustic) (Universal Canada) {2}: Gw:+, Rf:50
- Lil Durk: Love Songs 4 the Streets 2 (Alamo) {2}: HNH:12
- Lilith: Safer Off (Take This to Heart) {2}: SoG:12
- Lil Tjay: True 2 Myself (Sony) {2}: CS:+ -- TH:*
- Lily & Madeleine: Canterbury Girls (New West) {2}: Noj:11
- Liquid Quintet [Agusti Fernandez/Artur Majewski/Albert Cirera/Rafal Mazur/Ramon Prats]: Flux (Fundacja Sluchaj) {2}: -- TH:**
- Lisel: Angels on the Slope (Luminelle) {2}: Spk:+; am_i:+
- Little May: Blame My Body (Universal Music Australia) {2}: B:+, N:+
- Duncan Lloyd: Outside Notion (Afternoon in Bed) {2}: Cl:+, GTV:+
- Jeff Lofton: Jericho (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Aubrey Logan: Where the Sunshine Is Expensive (Resonance) {2}: JC:+; jmb:8
- Logos: Imperial Flood (Different Circles) {2}: F:+; ia:+
- Long Beard: Means to Me (Double Double Whammy) {2}: Am_s:45, Up_i:24
- Los Piranas: Historia Natural (Glitterbeat) {2}: SAC:12
- Lost Souls of Saturn: Lost Souls of Saturn (R&S) {2}: Mj:+, Q:+
- Lionel Loueke: The Journey (Aparte -18) {2}: JC:+; jrb:6
- LPX: Junk of the Heart (LPX -EP) {2}: AV:+, PO:+
- Lucette: Deluxe Hotel Room (Rock Creek Music/Thirty Tigers) {2}: PM:+; gl:+
- Tamara Lukasheva Quartet: Homebridge (Traumton) {2}: JC:+; jsa:9
- Lumen Drones: Umbra (Hubro) {2}: Tx:17
- Francis Lung: A Dream Is U (Memphis Industries) {2}: LBF:+, Pc:34
- Mabel: High Expectations (Polydor) {2}: Gw:+; d:+
- Doug MacDonald Quartet: Organisms (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Magic Circle: Departed Souls (20 Buck Spin) {2}: FB:12
- Making Movies: Ameri'kana (3/2) {2}: SAC:17
- Stephen Mallinder: Um Dada (Dais) {2}: Qt:49, SC:+
- Mammoth Penguins: There's No Fight We Can't Both Win (Fika) {2}: YW:62; ath:+
- Mango X Mathman: Casual Work (Weapon of Choice) {2}: Ni:28; hp:10
- Maral: Mahur Club (Astral Plane) {2}: pm_f:13, sg_e:9
- Marble Arch: Children of the Slump (Geographie) {2}: BIB:36, MM:79
- Marianas Trench: Phantoms (604) {2}: PCr:11
- Ben Markley Quartet Featuring Joel Frahm: Slow Play (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- Hugh Marsh: Violinvocations (Western Vinyl) {2}: PM:+; tg:+
- Kevin Richard Martin: Sirens (Room40) {2}: PM:+, Qt:+
- Lisa Maxwell's Jazz Orchestra: Shiny! (Uncle Marvin Music) {2}: db:+ -- TH:*
- Mayhem: Daemon (Century Media) {2}: CS:+, Noj:29
- Christian McBride: Christian McBride's New Jawn (Mack Avenue -18) {2}: JC:+; jmr:10 -- TH:[**]
- MC Frontalot: Net Split, or the Fathomless Heartbreak of Online Itself (Level Up) {2}: -- RC:**
- The Pete McGuinness Jazz Orchestra: Along for the Ride (Summit) {2}: aaj:+, db:+ -- TH:B
- Nellie McKay: Bagatelles (Palmetto -EP) {2}: fd:+ -- TH:*
- Meditations & Prayers: Stabat Mater (Giraffa) {2}: JC:+; jjws:6
- Meemo Comma: Sleepmoss (Planet Mu) {2}: Qt:89; ia:+
- Tobias Meinhart: Berlin People (Sunnyside) {2}: JC:+; noj:6
- The Membranes: What Nature Gives . . . Nature Takes Away (Cherry Red) {2}: FB:74, Qt:90
- Mental Abstrato: Uzoma (self-released) {2}: SAC:20
- Efrim Manuel Menuck & Kevin Doria: Are Sing Sinck, Sing (Constellation) {2}: Ex:+, PM:+
- Mermaidens: Look Me in the Eye (Flying Nun) {2}: bg_j:4
- MexStep: Resistir (Third Root -18) {2}: PO:17 -- TH:[A-]
- Middle Kids: New Songs for Old Problems (Domino -EP) {2}: NPR:+; d:+
- Miggy Augmented Orchestra: Colorful (ArtistShare) {2}: JC:+; jgz:7
- Xose Miguelez: Ontology (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
- Levon Mikaelian Trio: Untainted (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Mikron: Severance (Central Processing Unit) {2}: DJM:33; ia:+
- Millencolin: SOS (Epitaph) {2}: NAO:16
- Dave Miller Trio: Just Imagine (Summit) {2}: -- TH:**
- Minimal Violence: InDreams (Technicolour) {2}: N:+; ia:+
- Minnesota Orchestra/Osmo Vanska: Mahler 1 (BIS) {2}: am:++
- Minor Pieces: The Heavy Steps of Dreaming (Fat Cat) {2}: Ex:+, GTV:+
- Minyo Crusaders: Echoes of Japan (Mais Um) {2}: PM:+, SAC:22
- Mister Water Wet: Bought the Farm (West Mineral) {2}: ia:+, pf_e:+
- Tony Molina: Songs From San Mateo County (Smoking Room) {2}: Ex:+, P:+
- Monarch: Beyond the Blue Sky (El Paraiso) {2}: FB:18
- Derel Monteith: Connemara: Solo Piano Improvisations (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- NO Moore/John Edwards/Eddie Prevost: Darkened, Yet Shone (Matchless) {2}: fj:+, jps:8
- Mark Morgan: Department of Heraldry (Open Mouth) {2}: jnm:5
- Idan Morim: IM (Outside In Music) {2}: am_j:+, jjh:+
- Joe Morris & Evan Parker: The Village (Fundacja Sluchaj) {2}: -- TH:**
- Moving Panoramas: In Two (Modern Outsider) {2}: -- vgb:2
- Mr Muthafuckin' eXquire: Mr Muthafuckin' eXquire (Chocolate Rabbit) {2}: -- RC:**
- Mr Tophat: Dusk to Dawn, Pts 1-3 (Twilight Enterprise) {2}: Mj:+, Q:+
- The Muffs: No Holiday (Omnivore) {2}: GMA:25 -- PJ:82-90-10
- Georgia Anne Muldrow: VWETO II (Mello Music Group) {2}: Bc:+, G:+
- Greg Murphy Trio: Bright Idea (Whaling City Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
- Simon Nabatov/Barry Guy/Gerry Hemingway: Luminous (NoBusiness -18) {2}: JC:+; jpf:9 -- TH:[A-]
- Simon Nabatov: Readings: Red Cavalry (Leo) {2}: fj:+ -- TH:*
- Qasim Naqvi: Teenages (Erased Tapes) {2}: Dr:+ -- TH:*
- Native Harrow: Happier Now (Loose Music) {2}: RM:66, Trk:+
- Neak: Kwesbaar (Gold Standard Collective) {2}: HG:22; pm_h:18
- Negroni's Trio: Acustico (Sony Music Latin) {2}: JC:+; jmy:7
- Nems: Gorilla Monsoon (Lyfer Gang) {2}: HDX:+, HG:26
- Nervus: Tough Crowd (Get Better) {2}: Bq:+, Ups:+
- Nina Nesbitt: The Sun Will Come Up, the Seasons Will Change (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: BB:+, I:+
- Neutrals: Kebab Disco (Emotional Respose) {2}: FB:25; ath:+
- New Orleans Jazz Orchestra: Songs: The Music of Allen Toussaint (Storyville) {2}: -- TH:**
- Maayan Nidam: Sea of Thee (Perlon -18) {2}: Qt:+; ra:+
- Night Moves: Can You Really Find Me (Domino) {2}: LBF:+; gl:+
- Nihiloxica: Biiri (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {2}: PAM:+; tg:+
- Nile: Vile Nilotic Rites (Nuclear Blast) {2}: Rf:47; ug:9
- Tony Njoku: Your Psyche's Rainbow Panorama (Silent Kid) {2}: LQ:+, Qt:28
- Nobject [Martin Kuchen/Rafal Mazur/Vasco Trilla]: X-Rayed (Fundacja Sluchaj) {2}: -- TH:**
- Terkel Norgaard: With Ralph Alessi (We Jazz) {2}: aaj:+, jfkz:8
- Northern Ranger: Eastern Stranger (self-released -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
- Northlane: Alien (UNFD) {2}: Pu:17
- Numenorean: Adore (Season of Mist) {2}: Gf:20
- O: A Terre! (Vietnam) {2}: MM:11
- Maciej Obara Quartet: Three Clowns (ECM) {2}: JC:+; jtn:10
- Danny Ocean: 54+1 (Atlantic) {2}: BP:15
- OFB: Frontstreet (Rattrap Reality) {2}: D:15
- Garrick Ohlsson: Brahms: Late Piano Works: Clavierstucke, Fantasias, Intermezzos (Hyperion) {2}: am:++
- Old Dominion: Old Dominion (RCA) {2}: am_c:+, sln:+
- Old Solar: SEE (627384 DK) {2}: acl_r:4
- Olivia Jean: Night Owl (Third Man) {2}: YW:61; am_k:+
- Isabelle Olivier/Rez Abbasi: OASIS (Enja/Yellowbird) {2}: -- TH:**
- Matt Olson: 789 Miles (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- Henrik Olsson/Ola Rubin: Olsson/Rubin (Barefoot) {2}: -- TH:**
- Ela Orleans: Movies for Ears (Night School) {2}: Bc:+, Qt:+
- Jim O'Rourke: To Magnetize Money and Catch a Roving Eye (Sonoris -4CD) {2}: Pf:+; lib:+
- Joell Ortiz: Monday (Mello Music Group) {2}: HDX:+, HG:41
- Anders Osborne: Buddha and the Blues (self-released) {2}: gl:++
- Oslo 14 Vocal Ensemble: Ut=inn (Losen) {2}: JC:+; jjws:10
- Sam Ospovat: Ride Angles (Skirl) {2}: -- TH:**
- Daniel O'Sullivan: Folly (O Genesis) {2}: Dr:52, Pc:79
- Outer Spaces: Gazing Globe (self-released) {2}:
- Out to Dinner: Different Flavors (Posi-Tone) {2}: db:+, jjh:+
- Ouzo Bazooka: Transporter (Tantana) {2}: FB:96, GTV:+
- Overkill: The Wings of War (Nuclear Blast) {2}: CS:+, L:+
- Danny Oxenberg and Bear Galvin: Early Abstractions Vol 1 (Three:Four) {2}: yjs:4
- Pan American: A Son (Kranky) {2}: Ex:+, Mj:+
- Paniyolo & Akio Watanabe: Passage of Sky (Schole) {2}: Tx:15
- Papoose: Underrated (Honorable/Empire) {2}: HDX:+, HG:46
- Papooz: Night Sketches (Half Awake) {2}: GTV:+, NME:+
- The Paranoyds: Carnage Bargain (Suicide Squeeze) {2}: Bc:+, PW:38
- Andrea Parkins/Matthew Ostrowski: Elective Affinities (Infrequent Seams) {2}: jdme:2
- Charlie Parr: Charlie Parr (Red House) {2}: pm_a:2
- Partch Ensemble: Sonata Dementia (Bridge) {2}: jab:3
- John Patitucci: Soul of the Bass (self-released) {2}: JC:+; jah:9
- PAT [Jacolby Satterwhite & Nick Weiss]: Love Will Find a Way Home (Pioneer Works Press) {2}: BIB:11
- Rozina Patkai: Taladim (Tom-Tom) {2}: -- TH:**
- Rahsaan Patterson: Heroes & Gods (Shanachie) {2}: am_r:+, xce:10
- Zachary Paul: Meditation on Discord (Touch) {2}: Tx:13
- Pelican: Nighttime Stories (Southern Lord) {2}: NR:+; ct:+
- Joe Pesci: Still Singing (BMG) {2}: JC:+; jfk:8
- Peterson Kohler Collective: Winter Colors (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
- Petite League: Rattler (Zap World) {2}: SoG:18
- Zach Phillips: The Wine of Youth Demos () {2}: yjb:4
- Physical Therapy: It Takes a Village: The Sounds of Physical Therapy (Allergy Season) {2}: F:+; pf_e:+
- Sandrine Piau/Le Concert De La Loge Julien Chauvin: Si J'ai Aime (Alpha) {2}: am:++
- PicaPica: Together & Apart (Rough Trade) {2}: MO:+; sp:+
- Roberta Piket: Domestic Harmony: Piket Plays Mintz (Thirteenth Note) {2}: -- TH:**
- Pinkish Black: Concept Unification (Relapse) {2}: NR:+; do:+
- Pissgrave: Posthumous Humiliation (Profound Lore) {2}: Ex:+, N:98
- Pizzagirl: First Timer (Heist or Hit) {2}: LBF:+; d:+
- The John Pizzarelli Trio: For Centennial Reasons: 100 Year Salute to Nat King Cole (Ghostlight) {2}: -- TH:**
- Pkew Pkew Pkew: Optimal Lifestyles (Dine Alone) {2}: Atw:+; sp:+
- Ben Platt: Sing to Me Instead (Atlantic) {2}: BP:25, MuH:+
- Karine Polwart: Karie Polwart's Scottish Songbook (Hegri) {2}: GTV:44, Trk:28
- Polyorchard: Black Mountain (Out and Gone) {2}: fj:+, jss:8
- Ryan Porter: Force for Good (World Galaxy) {2}: JC:+; jme:8
- Pottery: No 1 (Partisan) {2}: Dr:50; nt:+
- Powder: Powder in Space (DJ Mix) (Beats in Space) {2}: -- TH:**
- Lisa Prank: Perfect Love Song (Father/Daughter) {2}: YW:114; ath:+
- Noah Preminger: Preminger Plays Preminger (Newvelle) {2}: J -- JC:+; jmj:9
- Kyle Press: Overtones, Drones, and Saxophones (No Rent) {2}: JC:+; jdl:9
- Bill Pritchard & Frederic Lo: Rendez-vous Streets (Water Music) {2}: LR:87, MM:54
- Pumarosa: Devastation (Fiction) {2}: GTV:+; d:+
- Pye Corner Audio: Hollow Earth (Ghost Box) {2}: U:64; am_e:+
- The Quebe Sisters: The Quebe Sisters (self-released) {2}: scm:++
- RaaDie: Vast Potential (Traumton) {2}: BIW:21; bc_j:+
- Bogdan Raczynski: Rave 'Till You Cry (Disciples) {2}: ra:++
- Radamiz: Nothing Changes If Nothing Change (Payday) {2}: DJB:75, HDX:+
- Harish Raghavan: Calls for Action (Whirlwind) {2}: JC:+; jdl:8
- Lena Raine: Oneknowing (Local Action) {2}: Bc:87; bc_a:+
- Lenin Ramirez: Seguimos Adelante (DEL) {2}: mg_i:5
- Tyler Ramsey: For the Morning (Fantasy) {2}: mg_s:5
- Robert Randolph & the Family Band: Brighter Days (Provogue) {2}: am_b:+, gl:+
- Mette Rasmussen/Julien Desprez: The Hatch (Dark Tree) {2}: -- TH:**
- Rat Boy: Internationally Unknown (Parlophone/Hellcat) {2}: O:+, Q:+
- Rat Fancy: Stay Cool (HHBTM) {2}: Cl:+, YW:89
- Eli "Paperboy" Reed: 99 Cent Dreams (Yep Roc) {2}: AS:+; am_b:+
- Scott Reich: Instar (Heart Dance) {2}: tx_a:5
- Cene Resnik Trio Watch for Dogs: Shades of Colors (Not Two) {2}: -- TH:**
- Response & Pliskin: We're All Disturbed (Western Lore) {2}: DJM:18
- Jess Ribeiro: Love Hate (Barely Dressed) {2}: DJ:+, G:+
- Sorcha Richardson: First Prize Bravery (R&R Digital) {2}: hp:5
- Ritual Howls: Rendered Armor (Felte) {2}: Am_s:19
- Steve Roach: Bloom Ascension (Projekt) {2}: Ec:11
- Alasdair Roberts: The Fiery Margin (Drag City) {2}: Sk:+; aqd:+
- David Ian Roberts: Traveling Bright (Cambrian) {2}: Tx:19
- Michael Robinson: Tunis Phantom (Azure Miles) {2}: Tx:12
- Christophe Rocher/Joe Fonda/Harvey Sorgen: New Origin (Not Two) {2}: -- TH:**
- The Rocket Summer: Sweet Shivers (LAB) {2}: Pu:14
- Lilien Rosarian: A Day in Bel Bruit (1321678 DK) {2}: ACL:15
- Kurt Rosenwinkel Bandit 65: Searching the Continuum (Heartcore) {2}: JC:+; vjc:6
- Yoram Rosilio & the Anti Rubber Brain Factory: Ensuenos Burlescos, Peligrosos y Misticos de Tierras Mexicanas (LFDS) {2}: JC:+; jjws:7
- RPM: Just Like Falling (Unseen Rain) {2}: -- TH:**
- Georg Ruby: Village Zone (JazzHausMusik) {2}: jab:5
- Charles Rumback & Ryley Walker: Little Common Twist (Thrill Jockey) {2}: 405:+; aqd:+
- Bobby Rush: Sitting on Top of the Blues (Deep Rush) {2}: am_b:+, db:+
- Markus Rutz: Blueprints Figure One: Frameworks (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- RY X: Unfurl (Infectious Music) {2}: DJ:40, E_UK:+
- Maverick Sabre: When I Wake Up (FAMM) {2}: Ni:+, PM:+
- Saint Abdullah: Mechanical Flirtations (True Aether) {2}: PM:+, W:50
- Saint Agnes: Welcome to Silvertown (Death or Glory Gang) {2}: FB:90; 53:+
- Sakata/Yermenoglou/Di Domenico/Damianidis: Horyu-Ji (El Negocito) {2}: fj:+, jfn:7
- Samo Salamon/Szilard Mezei/Jaka Berger: Swirling Blind Unstilled (Klopotec) {2}: -- TH:**
- Moises P Sanchez: Unbalanced: Concerto for Ensemble (Uno Musica) {2}: JC:+; jma:9
- Emeli Sande: Real Life (Virgin EMI) {2}: pm_s:5
- Carmen Sandim: Play Doh (Ropeadope) {2}: am_j:+ -- TH:*
- Savage Mansion: Revision Ballads (Lost Map) {2}: FB:84, Sk:+
- Fabrizio Sciacca Quartet: Gettin' It There (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Scorn: Cafe Mor (Ohm Resistance) {2}: Qt:100; am_e:+
- Bill Scorzari: Now I'm Free (self-released) {2}: gl:++
- Seablite: Grass Stains and Novelties (Emotional Response) {2}: GMA:36; pm_i:8
- Sego: Sego Sucks (Roll Call) {2}: YW:15
- The Sensational Barnes Brothers: Nobody's Fault but Mine (Bible & Tire) {2}: BS:25, PO:+
- Shards: Find Sound (Erased Tapes) {2}: LBF:+; diy:+
- Shed: Oderbruch (Ostgut Ton) {2}: YW:79; ia:+
- Blake Shelton: Fully Loaded: God's Country (Warner Music Nashville) {2}: Gg_c:15
- The Sherlocks: Under Your Sky (BMG) {2}: G:+; rx:+
- Matthew Shipp/Mark Helias/Gordon Grdina: Skin and Bones (Not Two) {2}: jgm:2
- Matthew Shipp/Mat Maneri: Conference of the Mat/ts (RogueArt -18) {2}: JC:+; jlb:7
- ShitKid: [Detention] (PNKSLM) {2}: DW:70 -- TH:*
- Nick Shoulders: Okay, Crawdad (self-released) {2}: scm:++
- Shy Glizzy: Covered N Blood (300 Entertainment) {2}: am_h:+, xxl:+
- Paul Silbergleit: January (Blujazz) {2}: -- TH:**
- The Skints: Swimming Lessons (Mr Bongo) {2}: NAO:36; sp:+
- Slaughter Beach, Dog: Safe and Also No Fear (Big Scary Monsters) {2}: Alt:24, GTV:+
- Sly & the Family Drone: Gentle Persuaders (Love Love) {2}: GTV:+, Qt:36
- Shane Smith & the Saints: Hail Mary (Geronimo West) {2}: scm:++
- Wadada Leo Smith: Solo: Reflections and Meditations on Monk (TUM -17) {2}: JC:+; jji:10 -- TH:[**]
- Jim Snidero: Project-K (Savant -20) {2}: JC:+; jgz:10 -- TH:[***]
- Soen: Lotus (Silver Lining Music) {2}: Spk:35; ug:12
- Somos: Prison on a Hill (Tiny Engines) {2}: Alt:31, NAO:50
- Sontag Shogun: It Billows Up (Youngbloods) {2}: Tx:11
- Sorry Girls: Deborah (Arbutus) {2}: Am_s:24; ex_u:+
- SOS Gunver Ryberg: Entangled (Avian) {2}: Qt:+; ra:+
- The Souljazz Orchestra: Chaos Theories (Strut) {2}: Ex:+ -- TH:*
- Soundwalk Collective With Patti Smith: Mummer Love (Bella Union) {2}: -- TH:**
- Soundwalk Collective With Patti Smith: The Peyote Dance (Bella Union) {2}: Mj:+ -- TH:*
- John Southworth: Miracle in the Night (Tin Angel) {2}: am:+, am_f:+
- Carmen Souza: The Silver Messengers (Galileo Music Communication) {2}: JC:+; jml:8
- Spatialize: Beyond the Radar (self-released) {2}: Ec:14
- Spiral Stairs: We Wanna Be Hyp-No-Tized (Nine Mile) {2}: MO:+, PO:+
- Sports Team: Keep Walking (Holm Front) {2}: d:+, diy:+
- Lucy Spraggan: Today Was a Good Day (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: PM:+; pm_p:9
- Bruce Springsteen: Springsteen on Broadway (Columbia -2CD -18) {2}: Rx:11 -- RC:[A], TH:[**]
- Status Quo: Backbone (EarMusic) {2}: L:15
- Stellari String Orchestra: Vulcan (Emanem) {2}: JC:+; jal:+
- Stelzer/Murray: Commuter (Humanhood) {2}: mg_n:2
- Chip Stephens/Stenn Wilson: Sadness & Soul (Capri) {2}: -- TH:**
- Stereophonics: Kind (Parlophone) {2}: Cl:+; rx:+
- Zhenya Strigalev/Federico Dannemann: The Change (Rainy Days) {2}: aaj:+ -- TH:*
- Subjective: Act One: Music for Inanimate Objects (Sony Masterworks) {2}: LBF:+, Mj:+
- James Suggs: You're Gonna Hear From Me (Arbors -18) {2}: JC:+; jkf:10 -- TH:[**]
- Supa Bwe: Just Say Thank You (Freddy Got Magic/Empire -EP) {2}: RS:+ -- TH:*
- SuperM: SuperM (The 1st Mini Album) (SM/Capitol) {2}: PCr:20
- Surfbort: You Don't Exist (Modern Sky) {2}: YW:19
- Susanna & the Brotherhood of Our Lady: Garden of Earthly Delights (Susanna Sonata) {2}: am:+, am_i:+
- Spencer Sutherland: None of This Has Been About You (SM1/BMG) {2}: pm_p:3
- Christian Meaas Svendsen + Nakama + Rinzai Zen Center Oslo: New Rituals (Nakama) {2}: CM:47 -- TH:*
- Ann Sweeten: Before Today, Beyond Tomorrow (Orange Band) {2}: tx_a:2
- Tandem Felix: Rom-Com (self-released) {2}: Joe:17
- The Tea Club: If/When (self-released) {2}: FB:29; jfkz:+
- Teenage Bottlerocket: Stay Rad! (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: NAO:21; xjte:8
- Teen Daze: Bioluminescence (Flora) {2}: pm_b:5
- Temp Illusion: Autolected (Zabte Sote) {2}: F:+, YW:75
- Tenderlonious: Hard Rain (22A) {2}: Mj:+; bc_e:+
- Tengger: Spiritual 2 (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {2}: am_e:+, tr_e:+
- Dan Tepfer: Natural Machines (Sunnyside) {2}: JC:+; jpl:7
- Terraza Big Band: One Day Wonder (Outside In Music) {2}: jjh:+ -- TH:*
- Carl Testa: Sway Prototypes: Volume 1 (self-released) {2}: fj:+, jkp:8
- Yves Theiler Trio: We (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
- Theodore: Inner Dynamics (United We Fly) {2}: Ec:20
- Thick: Thick (Epitaph -EP) {2}: YW:104 -- TH:*
- Thigh Master: Now for Example (Goner) {2}: ath:+ -- PJ:71-95-10
- Pat Thomas and Kwashibu Area Band: Obiaa! (Strut) {2}: -- TH:**
- Thyla: What's on Your Mind (REX -EP) {2}: LBF:+, Ups:+
- Jonah Tolchin: Fires for the Cold (Yep Roc) {2}: Mj:+ -- TH:*
- Tone Spliff: Ardore Melodico (Mind Write Music) {2}: HG:12
- Toth: Practice Magic and Seek Professional Help When Necessary (Northern Spy) {2}: Rf_k:45, Spk:+
- Tourist: Wild (Monday) {2}: Mgn:15
- Trio Ramberget: Musik Att Somna Till (self-released) {2}: ACL:12
- Gianluigi Trovesi/Gianni Coscia: La Misteriosa Musica Della Regina Loana (ECM) {2}: -- TH:**
- Chico Trujillo: Mambo Mundial (Barbes) {2}: SAC:16
- Tucker Brothers: Two Parts (self-released) {2}: jan:2 -- TH:B
- Tui: Pretty Little Mister (self-released) {2}: pm_f:2
- Jeremy Tuplin: Pink Mirror (Trapped Animal) {2}: LBF:+; gig:+
- Turnover: Altogether (Run for Cover) {2}: Bq:+, RT:58
- Twen: Awestruck (Frenchkiss) {2}: ns:9, nt:+
- Twice: Fancy You (JYP) {2}: 405:+, Gg_p:34
- Twin Peaks: Lookout Low (Grand Jury) {2}: Ex:+; mu:8
- Underworld: Drift Songs (Smith Hyde) {2}: Qt:+; tsu:+
- Une Misere: Sermon (Nuclear Blast) {2}: Rev:16
- Urochromes: Trope House (Wharf Cat) {2}: LQ:+; pta:+
- Foy Vance: To Memphis (Atlantic UK) {2}: tc:5
- Ken Vandermark/Mats Gustafsson: Verses (Corbett vs Dempsey) {2}: -- TH:**
- Vandoliers: Forever (Bloodshot) {2}: gl:++
- Flin Van Hemmen: Casting Spells & the Coves (Neither/Nor) {2}: fj:+, jnm:10
- The Vegan Leather: Poor Girls/Broken Boys (Midnight Pink) {2}: GTV:+, Sk:+
- Vendredi Sur Mer: Premiers Emois (Profil De Face) {2}: GTV:+, SC:+
- Versus: Ex Voto (Ernest Jenning) {2}: Bc:+; bg_j:10
- Mat Vezio: Garde-Fou (Simone) {2}: LCA:15
- Luis Vicente/Vasco Trilla: A Brighter Side of Darkness (Clean Feed) {2}: fj:+ -- TH:*
- Violet: Bed of Roses (Dark Entries) {2}: DJM:30, F:+
- Vi Som Alskade Varandra Sa Mycket: Det Onda. Det Goda. Det Vackra. Det Fula. (Moment of Collapse) {2}: Spk:11
- Joris Voorn: Four (Spectrum (NL)) {2}: Mgn:19
- Claudia Vorbach: Is There a Time? (Phonector -18) {2}: jcmb:3
- Joshua Ray Walker: Wish You Were Here (State Fair) {2}: b:+, scm:+
- Tom Walker: What a Time to Be Alive (Relentless) {2}: Bq:+, Q:+
- Alice Wallace: Into the Blue (Rebelle Road) {2}: scm:+ -- TH:*
- !!!: Wallop (Warp) {2}: LBF+; ipr:+
- Jennifer Walshe: All the Many Peopls (Migro) {2}: Qt:70, W:38
- WaqWaq Kingdom: Essaka Hoisa (Phantom Limb) {2}: pm_e:5
- Dale Watson: Call Me Lucky (Red House) {2}: am_c:+, scm:+
- Cory Weeds Quintet: Live at Frankie's Jazz Club (Cellar Live) {2}: db:+ -- TH:*
- Ezra Weiss Big Band: We Limit Not the Truth of God (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- Cory Wells: The Way We Are (Pure Noise) {2}: Pu:16
- Matthew Whitaker: Now Hear This (Resilience) {2}: db:+, jlw:9
- Emily Jane White: Immanent Fire (Talitres) {2}: MM:73, RM:63
- Xylouris White: The Sisypheans (Drag City) {2}: am_w:+, aqd:+
- Why?: Aokohio (Joyful Noise) {2}: Mj:+, NAO:39
- Josephine Wiggs: We Fall (The Sound of Sinners) {2}: P:+; sp:+
- Mars Williams: Mars Williams Presents an Ayler Xmas: Volume 2 (Soul What -18) {2}: JC:+; jji:7 -- TH:[**]
- Saul Williams: Encrypted & Vulnerable (Pirates Blend) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
- Winterbourne: Echo of Youth (Universal Music Australia) {2}: AU:24, DJ:45
- Within Temptation: Resist (Vertigo Berlin) {2}: L:+, Sk:+
- Daniel Wohl: Etat (Nonesuch) {2}: npr_th:7, pm_v:6
- Woody: My Diary (self-released -EP) {2}: ACL:19, F:+
- Wovoka Gentle: Start Clanging Cymbals (Nude Music) {2}: GTV:+, Sk:+
- Stephane Wrembel: The Django Experiment IV (Arte Boreal) {2}: JC:+; jahk:8
- Robag Wruhme: Venq Tolep (Pampa/Bigwax) {2}: NBH:35; tsu:+
- Wschod: Wschod (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- XT: Palina'tufa (Empty Editions) {2}: jfn:5
- XXX: Language (Bana -18) {2}: YW:14
- Yeasayer: Erotic Reruns (self-released) {2}: LBF:+; gl:+
- Yellow Eyes: Rare Field Ceiling (Gilead Media) {2}: FWg:21; tr_m:18
- Yeule: Serotonin II (Bayonet) {2}: GB:47, TMT:+
- Yohuna: Mirroring (Orchid Tapes) {2}: LBF:+; ta:+
- Shinichiro Yokota: I Know You Like It (Far East) {2}: Mix:+; tr_e:+
- Youngsta CPT: 3T (Y?GEN) {2}: LBF:41, PAM:+
- Youth Fountain: Letters to Our Former Selves (Pure Noise) {2}: Ex:+; ap:+
- Zamilska: Uncovered (Untuned) {2}: N:+, Sk:+
- Alice Zawadzki: Within You Is a World of Spring (Whirlwind) {2}: JW:16
- ZelooperZ: Dyn-o-mite (Bruiser Brigade) {2}: AV:+, VMP:+
- Sui Zhen: Losing, Linda (Cascine) {2}: Bc:52, Pf:+
- Ziur: ATO (Planet Mu) {2}: F:+, Pf:+
- Zo!: FourFront (Foreign Exchange Music) {2}: am:+, am_r:+
- John Zorn: Tractatus Musico-Philosophicus (Tzadik) {2}: Qt:97; aaj:+
- Gabriel Zucker: Weighting (ESP Disk -18) {2}: JC:+; jtd:6 -- TH:[B]
- $uicideboy$ & Travis Barker: Live Fast, Die Whenever (G*59 -EP) {1}: sp:+
- 10 000 Russos: Kompromat (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:60
- 10k.Caash: The Creator (Def Jam) {1}: ny_c:10
- 3776: Saijiki (Natural Make) {1}: RY:37
- 38 Spesh: 1994 (TCF Music Group) {1}: HG:+
- 404: Guild One (Dirty Hit -EP) {1}: diy:+
- 42 Dugg: Young and Turnt (CMG & 4PF) {1}: HDX:+
- The 5 Browns: Christmas With the 5 Browns (Steinway and Sons) {1}: YW:57
- 8 Ball & MJG: Classic Pimpin' (Push Management) {1}: HG:+
- 93Punx: 93Punx (Roc Nation) {1}: ap:+
- Abakos: Solar Soldier (Moonshine) {1}: Ex:+
- Michael Abels: Us [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Back Lot Music) {1}: gcn:+
- John Calvin Abney: Safe Passage (Black Mesa) {1}: do:+
- Abnormality: Sociopathic Constructs (Metal Blade) {1}: CS:+
- Absolutely Free: Geneva Freeport (Idee Fixe) {1}: sp:+
- The Accidentals: The Accidentals Live (Savage Kittens) {1}: pm_f:11
- AceMo: All My Life (1136843 DK) {1}: F:+
- AceMoMa: AceMoMa EP (Jenkem -EP) {1}: pf_e:+
- Acid Carousel: Another Everything (Dreamy Life) {1}: do:+
- Ackley/Frith/Kaiser/Shelton: Unexpected Twins (Relative Pitch) {1}: fj:+
- Claudia Acuna: Turning Pages (Delfin) {1}: db:+
- Mike Adams at His Honest Weight: There Is o Feeling Better (Joyful Noise) {1}: aqd:+
- Elliot Adamson: Tihkal (Idea) {1}: em:+
- A.dixen: Death Tapes Vol 2 (Oen) {1}: ia:+
- Alessandro Adriani: Morphic Dreams (Stroboscopic) {1}: ia:+
- Africa Negra: Alia Cu Omali (Mar & Sol) {1}: xrc:6
- Afrikan Sciences: Centered (self-released) {1}: ra:+
- Afrodeutsche: RR001 (River Rapid -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Afterlife: Breaking Point (Hopeless) {1}: ap:+
- AGF: Commissioned Work (self-released) {1}: acl_x:+
- Aggromance: Turbera (HierdaH Club de Baile) {1}: F:+
- Agoria: Drift (Sapiens/Mercury/Universal) {1}: tsu:+
- Matias Aguayo: Support Alien Invasion (Crammed Discs) {1}: F+
- Aila Trio: Aila Trio (Hoo-Ha) {1}: CM:45
- Akai Solo & Pink Siifu: Black Sand (Field-Left) {1}: PW:26
- Tetuzi Akiyama/Ken Ikeda/Chihei Hatakeyama: Erroribus Humanis Et Antinomy (Otooto) {1}: fj:+
- Akufen: My Blue House (Quartet Series -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Alameda 5: Eurodrome (Instant Classic) {1}: Qt:99
- Abdu Ali: Fiyah!!! (self-released) {1}: Qt:52
- Saba Alizadeh: Scattered Memories (Karlrecords) {1}: tr_e:+
- Marshall Allen/Danny Ray Thompson/Jamie Saft/Trevor Dunn/Balasz Pandi/Roswell Rudd: Ceremonial Healing (RareNoise) {1}: fj:+
- Lolly Allen: Coming Home (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Harry Allen Quartet: London Date (Trio -16) {1}: fd:+ -- TH:[***]
- All the V Words: All the V Words (self-released) {1}: yps:+
- Karrin Allyson Sextet: Shoulder to Shoulder: Centennial Tribute to Women's Suffrage (eOne) {1}: JC:+
- Fatima Al Qadiri: Atlantics [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) {1}: vsd:6
- Altarage: The Approaching Roar (Seasons of Mist) {1}: Qt:+
- Altered Natives: Nine: Alpha (Eye 4 Eye) {1}: bc_e:+
- Bobby Alu: Flow (self-released) {1}: DJ:46
- Aly & AJ: Sanctuary (self-released -EP) {1}: Ps:26
- Amaal: Black Dove (Public/Universal) {1}: em:+
- Kendra Amalie: Intuition (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {1}: GTV:+
- Ambien Baby: En Transito (FATi) {1}: ra:+
- AM Breakups: Soldier (Reservoir Sound) {1}: HG:+
- Marco Ambrosini Ensemble Supersonus: Resonances (ECM) {1}: YW:125
- Amendola Vs Blades: Everybody Wins (Royal Potato Family) {1}: jrm:+
- American Pleasure Club: Fucking Bliss (Run for Cover) {1}: 405:+
- Siavash Amini: Serus (Room40) {1}: pta:+
- Amygdala: Our Voices Will Soar Forever (Prosthetic) {1}: Sg:38
- Fly Anakin and Tuamie: Emergency Raps Vol 4 (Mutant Academy) {1}: N:+
- Anatolian Weapons: To the Mother of Gods (Beats in Space) {1}: TMT:+
- Ancient Pools: Cosine (Forged Artifacts and Feeding Tube) {1}: ta:+
- Andavald: Undir Skyggdarhaldi (Mystiskaos) {1}: Spk:+
- Claudia Anderson: Synthesis (Tresor -EP) {1}: SC:+
- Andres: Andres IV (Mahogani Music) {1}: PO:+
- Roberta Wjm Andreucci/Mia Dyberg: Morph! (Duoscrapbook) {1}: fj:+
- Animistic Beliefs: Mindset:Reset (Solar One Music) {1}: do:+
- Another Sky: Life Was Coming in Through the Blinds (Fiction) {1}: diy:+
- Rosa Anschutz: RR4 (R-Label Group -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Xacobe Martinez Antelo Trio: Capturas (self-released) {1}: jma:+
- Anti-Lilly & Phoniks: That's the World (Dont Sleep) {1}: HG:21
- Antwood: Delphi (Planet Mu) {1}: PM:+
- Anunaku: Whities 024 (Whities) {1}: pf_e:+
- Apex Manor: Heartbreak City (Merge) {1}: -- PJ:154-54-5
- Charlie Apicella & Iron City: Groove Machine (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Omar Apollo: Friends (self-released -EP) {1}: em:+
- Apologist: MFCS M/Reception (Marginal Frequecy -EP) {1}: jgm:10
- AQXDM: Infrared (Houndstooth) {1}: YW:26
- Arabrot: Die Nibelungen (Pelagic) {1}: Qt:+
- S Araw Trio XIII: Activated Clown (NNA Tapes) {1}: -- TMT:+
- Sivan Arbel: Change of Light (self-released) {1}: jjh:+
- Dan Arcamone/Pangiotis Andreou/Steve Pruitt: Psalm (ARC) {1}: jan:7
- Martin Archer: Another Fantastic Individual (Discus Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Maria Chiara Argiro: Hidden Seas (Cavalo) {1}: db:+
- Arlt: Soleil Encule (Objet Design) {1}: MM:61
- Lynne Arriale Trio: Give Us These Days (Challenge) {1}: jrm:+
- Masha Art & LRK Trio: Anesthesia (Losen) {1}: db:+
- Asian Da Brat: Unfuccwitable (1017 Eskimo/Alamo) {1}: xxl:+
- Astralingua: Safe Passage (Midnight Lamp) {1}: PM:+
- Astral Social Club & Grumbling Fur: Plasma Splice Trifle (VHF) {1}: Qt:+
- As You Hear [Veryan Weston/Pei Ann Yeoh/Beibei Wang]: Four Seasonings (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: fj:+
- ATEEZ: Treasure EP.Fin: All to Action (KQ Entertainment) {1}: PCr:21
- John Atkinson & Talya Cooper: Plains (Florabelle) {1}: tx_a:9
- Rodney Atkins: Caught Up in the Country (Curb) {1}: Gg_c:47
- Atomic Road Kings: Clean Up the Blood (Big Tone) {1}: YW:46
- Avalanche Party: 24 Carat Diamond Trephine (So Knee) {1}: GTV:+
- Avatarium: The Fire I Long For (Nuclear Blast) {1}: FB:24
- Avatar: Vox Populi (DumpTruck) {1}: HG:+
- Awon: Soulapowa (Dont Sleep) {1}: HG:44
- Ayankoko: Kia Sao (Chinabot) {1}: TMT:+
- AYOK: 2K19 (Ayok) {1}: HG:+
- Baba Zula: Derin Derin (Glitterbeat) {1}: FB:48
- Baby Smoove: Baby (Never Stop Cashin) {1}: PW:39
- Baby Smoove: Purple Heart (Never Stop Cashin) {1}: PW:39
- BabyTron: Bin Reaper (The Hip Hop Lab) {1}: npr_r:+
- Bad Heaven Ltd: Strength (self-released) {1}: P:+
- Bad Wolves: NATION (Eleven Seven) {1}: Rf:21
- Mike Baggetta: Wall of Flowers (Joyful Noise) {1}: aqd:+
- Ka Baird: Respires (RVNG Intl) {1}: pf_x:+
- Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore: Ghost Forests (Three Lobed -18) {1}: pta:+
- Duck Baker: Spinning Song (Triple Point) {1}: fj:+
- Tim Baker: Forever Overhead (Arts & Crafts) {1}: ex_c:10
- Baloji: Kaniama: The Yellow Version (Bella Uion) {1}: PM:+
- Baltra: Ted (self-released) {1}: GB:22
- Isildurs Bane & Peter Hammill: In Amazonia (Ataraxia Music) {1}: jrw:10
- The Bangles/The Three O'Clock/The Dream Syndicate/Rain Parade: 3x4 (Yep Roc) {1}: so_d:+
- Dan Banks/Jose Canha/Trevor Taylor/Josh Ison: Luminos (FMR) {1}: fj:+
- Kelleigh Bannen: Favorite Colors (Whiskey Rain) {1}: sln:+
- Andrew Barker/John Dikeman: All Things Are Possible (Phantom Ear Music) {1}: jcg:9
- Simon Barker/Scott Tinkler: Interweave (Kimnara) {1}: fj:+
- Alan Barnes + Eleven: 60th Birthday Celebration (Woodville) {1}: TS:+
- Jimmy Barnes: My Criminal Record (Bloodlines) {1}: G:+
- Barnett & Coloccia: VLF (SIGE) {1}: NR:+
- Simone Baron & Arco Belo: The Space Between Disguises (GenreFluid) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B-
- Ali Barter: Hello, I'm Doing My Best (Inertia Music) {1}: YW:32
- Basement Revolver: Wax and Digital (Sonic Unyon -EP) {1}: Ex:+
- Basic Rhythm: On the Threshold (Planet Mu) {1}: am_e:+
- Dave Bass: No Boundaries (Whaling City Sound) {1}: jrm:+
- Marcia Bassett/Bob Bellerue: Endless Parabolas (Humanhood) {1}: mg_n:10
- Bat!: Bat Music for Bat People (Cleopatra) {1}: sp:+
- Bathe: I'll Miss You (self-released) {1}: N:+
- Batu: False Reeds (Timedance -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Batushka: Hospodi (Metal Blade) {1}: Mx:30
- Bonnie Baxter: Axis (Hausu Mountain) {1}: pf_x:+
- Rayland Baxter: Good Mmornin (ATO/Fontana North -EP) {1}: BS:24
- Bayonne: Drastic Measures (Mom + Pop) {1}: Sk:+
- Bayside: Interrobang (Hopeless) {1}: do:+
- Bazzi: Soul Searching (Atlantic) {1}: Up_p:30
- Beach Baby: Songs From the Limbo Lounge (self-released) {1}: diy:+
- The Beaches: The Professional (Universal Music Canada -EP) {1}: sp:+
- Beak>: Life Goes On (Invada) {1}: GTV:+
- BEAM: 95 (Epic) {1}: npr_sm:10
- Bear's Den: So That You Might Hear Me (Rounder) {1}: Bq:+
- The Beasts: Still Here (Bang!) {1}: B:+
- Beastwars: IV (Destroy) {1}: Spk:+
- Beat Detectives: NYPD Records Volume 3: Nefertiti Abstract Movie (NYPD) {1}: TMT:+
- The Beaumonts: This Is Austin: Recorded Live at the White Horse (Saustex) {1}: YW:113
- Alex Beaupain: Pas Plus Le Jour Que La Nuit (Polydor) {1}: LR:92
- Aaron Beckum: Obsolete (Swamp Moth Missionary Society) {1}: aqd:+
- Mathieu Bec/Michel Doneda: A Peripheral Time (FMR) {1}: fj:+
- Beeef: Bull in the Shade (581977 DK) {1}: SoG:+
- Nick Beggs: Words Fail Me (Esoteric Antenna) {1}: GTV:+
- Begonia: Fear (Rex Baby/Sony Music Canada) {1}: ex_u:+
- Behavior: Spirits & Embellishments (Post Present Medium) {1}: p_k:12
- Beheaded: Only Death Can Save You (Agonia) {1}: Ex:+
- Belle and Sebastian: Days of the Bagnold Summer (Matador) {1}: LBF+
- Beloveds: Sa Tar Natten Dig Ater (Abrovinsch) {1}: BIW:34
- Belzebubs: Pantheon of the Nightside Gods (Century Media) {1}: Ex:+
- Benny Sings: City Pop (Stones Throw) {1}: AV:+
- Oddgeir Berg Trio: In the End of the Night (Ozella Music) {1}: jdm:+
- Berner & Curren$y: Pheno Grigio (Bern One/Jet Life) {1}: HDX:+
- Berner: El Chivo (Bern One) {1}: HDX:+
- The Berries: Berryland (Run for Cover) {1}: Ex:+
- Bethlehem Steel: Bethlehem Steel (Exploding in Sound) {1}: CS:+
- Better Off: Reap What You Sow (self-released) {1}: Alt:33
- Pat Bianchi: In the Moment (Savant -18) {1}: jrm;+ -- TH:[B]
- Carlos Bica/Daniel Erdmann/DJ Illvibe: I Am the Escaped One (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Khana Bierbood: Strangers From the Far East (Guruguru Brain) {1}: GTV:+
- Big Band of Brothers: A Jazz Celebration of the Allman Brothers Band (New West) {1}: AS:+
- Big Search: Slow Fascination (30th Century) {1}: Mg:22
- Big Stick: LP (Drag Racing Underground) {1}: W:39
- Big Tone & House Shoes: Big Shoes (Fat Beats) {1}: HG:+
- Big Wild: Superdream (Counter) {1}: -- Spk:+
- The Bird and the Bee: Interpreting the Masters Vol 2: A Tribute to Val Halen (No Expectations/Release Me) {1}: pm_p:8
- BJ the Chicago Kid: 1123 (Motown) {1}: -- TH:*
- Blackbear: Anonymous (Beartrap/Alamo/Interscope) {1}: mqw:7
- Blackberry Smoke: Homecoming: Live in Atlanta (3 Legged) {1}: NoD_r:31
- Black Dresses: Love and Affection for Stupid Little Bitches (Blacksquares) {1}: fa:+
- Blackfist: World Manumission Defense (Rawshit) {1}: HG:+
- Black Milk: Dive (Mass Appeal) {1}: HDX:+
- Black Road: Witch of the Future (BloodRock) {1}: FB:91
- Black Taffy: Elder Mantis (Leaving) {1}: do:+
- The Black Watch: Magic Johnson (ATOM) {1}: GTV:+
- Black Zone Magick Chant: Voyage Sacrifice (Shelter Press) {1}: TMT:+
- Michelle Blades: Visitor (Midnight Special) {1}: MM:65
- Mischa Blanos: Indoors (InFine) {1}: xlr:+
- Myriam Bleau: Lumens and Profits (Where to Now?) {1}: TMT:+
- Blind Lemon Jazz: After Hours: New Pages in the American Songbook (Ofeh) {1}: -- TH:*
- Blockhead: Free Sweatpants (Backwoodz Studioz) {1}: HG:+
- Jim Blomfield Trio: Strange Beauty (Every Way OK) (Pig) {1}: jm:+
- Bloor: Drolleries (Astral Spirits) {1}: jfn:8
- Blue Heron: Johannes Ockeghem: Complete Songs Vol 1 (self-released) {1}: tg:+
- Blue Jeans: Adult Hits (Life Like) {1}: ath:+
- Blue Orchids: The Magic Record of Blue Orchids (Tiny Global) {1}: FB:58
- Tim Bluhm: Sorta Surviving (Blue Rose) {1}: scm:+
- Blut Aus Nord: Hallucinogen (Debemur Morti) {1}: gcn:+
- Boards of Canada: Societas x Tape (Warp) {1}: Qt:+
- Bochum Welt: Seafire (Central Processing Unit) {1}: ia:+
- Body Meat: Truck Music (self-released) {1}: N:44
- Body Type: EP2 (Partisan) {1}: FB:52
- Christelle Bofale: Swim Team (Father/Daughter) {1}: Bc:95
- Rosario Bonaccorso Quartet: A New Home (Via Veneto Jazz) {1}: aaj:+
- Cyril Bondi/Pierre-Yves Martel/Christoph Schiller/Angharad Davies: Awire (Another Timbre) {1}: aaj:+
- Bonerama: Bonerama Plays Zeppelin (Basin Street) {1}: jjh:+
- Bones UK: Bones UK (Sumerian) {1}: ap:+
- Bonsai Club: Bonsai (Ubuntu Music) {1}: jm:+
- Richard Bonynge: Alfred Cellier: Dorothy (Naxos) {1}: tg:+
- Bella Boo: Once Upon a Passion (Studio Barnhus) {1}: Mix:31
- A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie: Hoodie SZN (Atlantic -18) {1}: GC:+
- Bookworms: Floating on Air/Hanging by a Thread (self-released) {1}: TMT:+
- Annie Booth: Spectral (Scottish Fiction) {1}: Sk:+
- Leila Bordreuil/Michael Foster: The Caustic Ballads (Relative Pitch -16) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:[*]
- Boreal Massif: We All Have an Impact (Pessimist Productions) {1}: ra:+
- Bored Lord: Transexual Rave Hymns (Knightwerk) {1}: DJM:49
- Born of Osiris: The Simulation (Sumerian) {1}: am:+
- Pi'erre Bourne: The Life of Pi'erre 4 (SossHouse/Interscope) {1}: Du:41
- Claudia Bouvette: Cool It (Cult Nation -EP) {1}: 405:+
- Kete Bowers: Paper Ships (Current) {1}: sp:+
- CJ Boyd: Kin Ships (Joyful Noise -4CD) {1}: pm_v:11
- Dale Ann Bradley: The Hard Way (Pinecastle) {1}: spt:6
- Mary Bragg: Violets as Camouflage (Tone Tree) {1}: PM:+
- Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley: Gold Cadillac (G-Three) {1}: j91:+
- The Brand New Heavies: TBNH (Acid Jazz) {1}: Al:49
- Brand of Sacrifice: God Hand (Unique Leader) {1}: ex_m:9
- Andre Bratten: Pax Americana (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: Mj:+
- Terrence Brewer & Pamela Rose: Don't Worry 'Bout Me (Strong Brew Music -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- Bridges With Seamus Blake: Continuum (Amp Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Bright Dog Red: How's By You? (Ropeadope) {1}: jjh:+
- Brightness: Brightness (I Oh You) {1}: DJ:37
- Thomas Brinkmann: Raupenbahn (Editions Mego) {1}: dc:+
- Broken English Club: White Rats II (LIES) {1}: ia:+
- Vilhelm Bromander & Fredrik Rasten: For Some Reason That Escapes Us (Differ) {1}: jeh:10
- Action Bronson & the Alchemist: Lamb Over Rice (ALC) {1}: HDX:+
- Bronx Slang: Bronx Slang (Fabyl) {1}: HG:38
- Jeffrey Brooks: The Passion (Innova) {1}: tg:+
- Brother Oliver: Well, Hell (Forthright) {1}: sp:+
- Blade Brown: Bags & Boxes 4 (Catalyst) {1}: cmp:13
- Blanco Brown: Honeysuckle & Lightning Bugs (BBR Music Group) {1}: Gg_c:51
- Zach Bryan: DeAnn (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Coco Bryce: Night on Earth (Fresh 86) {1}: DJM:40
- Jakob Buchanan: A Language of My Own (Skirl) {1}: aaj:+
- Bunny Hoova: Longing (Them There) {1}: Pc:92
- Greg Burk: As a River (Tonos) {1}: aaj:+
- Burna Boy & DJDS: Steel and Copper (Bad Habit) {1}: PAM:+
- T-Bone Burnett: The Invisible Light: Acoustic Space (Verve Forecast) {1}: P:+
- Joshua Burnside: Wear Bluebells in Your Hat if You're Goin' That Way (self-released) {1}: GTV:+
- Lee Burridge & Lost Desert: Melt (All Day I Dream) {1}: Ex:+
- The BVs: Cartography (iMD-KUS) {1}: ath:+
- Cabana Wear: Cabana Wear (Sludge People) {1}: PM:+
- Cagework: Cagework (Physical Education -EP) {1}: 405:+
- Calibre: Planet Hearth (Signature) {1}: Mix:44
- Call Super: All We Have Is Speed (Peach Discs) {1}: ra:+
- Myles Cameron: Lonely Suburban Blackboy (self-released) {1}: N:+
- Cam'ron: Purple Haze 2 (Killa Entertainment) {1}: xxl:+
- Candlemass: The Door to Doom (Napalm) {1}: CS:+
- Laura Cannell: The Sky Untuned (Brawl) {1}: Qt:+
- Ila Cantor: Encanto (Slow & Steady) {1}: BIW:39
- Car Bomb: Mordial (Holy Roar) {1}: Ups:+
- Steve Cardenas: Charlie and Paul (Newvelle) {1}: fd:+
- Carey: The Driver (Already Dead Tapes) {1}: pta:+
- Caribou: Home (Merge) {1}: pf_e:+
- Dillon Carmichael: I Do for You (Riser House -EP) {1}: scm:+
- Carnifex: World War X (Nuclear Blast) {1}: CS:+
- Carousel Kings: Plus Ultra (Victory) {1}: ap:+
- Sabrina Carpenter: Singular: Act II (Hollywood) {1}: Ps:21
- Liz Carroll & Jake Charon: Half Day Road (self-released) {1}: PM:+
- Ron Carter/Daniel Simmons Jr: The Brown Beatnik Tomes (Live at BRIC House) (Blue Note) {1}: jaa:7
- Daniel Carter/Julian Priester/Adam Lane/Reggie Sylvester/David Haney: Live Constructions Volume 2 (Slam) {1}: -- TH:*
- Eliza Carthy: Restitute (Topic) {1}: am_f:+
- Andre Carvalho: The Garden of Earthy Delights (Outside In Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Edmar Castaneda/Gregoire Maret: Harp vs Harp (ACT) {1}: JC:+
- Catching Flies: Silver Linings (Indigo Soul) {1}: em:+
- The Cat Empire: Stolen Diamonds (Two Shoes) {1}: DJ:48
- Catnapp: Break (Monkeytown) {1}: SAC:25
- Celestial Trax: Serpent Power (True Aether) {1}: F:+
- Central: Om Dans (Help) {1}: ra:+
- Eugene Chadbourne/Henry Kaiser: Wind Crystals: Guitar Duets by Wadada Leo Smith (Relative Pitch) {1}: fj:+
- Sarah Mary Chadwick: The Queen Who Stole the Sky (Rice Is Nice) {1}: N:+
- The Chainsmokers: World War Joy (Disruptor/Columbia) {1}: Gg_p:49
- David Chalmin: La Terre Inviisible (Ici D'Ailleurs) {1}: MM:51
- David Champagne: Bad Choices Make Good Stories (Agnostic Gospel) {1}: YW:86
- Channel Tres: Black Moses (Godnode -EP) {1}: nt:+
- Tanika Charles: The Gumption (Record Kicks) {1}: ex_s:10
- Chasms: The Mirage (Felte) {1}: Rf_k:40
- Chastity: Home Made Satan (Captured Tracks) {1}: ex_u:+
- Cha Wa: Spyboy (Upt) {1}: xce:3
- Cherubs: Immaculada High (Relapse) {1}: LCA:39
- Cherushii & Maria Minerva: Cherushii & Maria Minerva (100% Silk) {1}: Ex:+
- Chicago Sinfonietta/Mei-Ann Chen: Project W: Works by Diverse Women Composers (Cedille) {1}: tg:+
- Chief Keef & Zaytoven: GloToven (Glo Bang/RBC) {1}: HS:+
- Chilton: Little Birds (Dead Broke) {1}: NAO:41
- Maureen Choi Quartet: Theia (Barco) {1}: aaj:+
- Christian Fitness: You Are the Ambulance (Prescriptions) {1}: -- PJ:206-40-3
- Lucinda Chua: Antidotes 1 (self-released -EP) {1}: Pf:+
- Chuquimamani-Condori: Quirquincho Medicine (self-released) {1}: pm_b:8
- Suzanne Ciani: Flowers of Evil (Finders Keepers) {1}: SC:+
- Quinn Cicala: Talkin' to Breathe (Shibby) {1}: Alt:58
- Luke Cissell: String Sextets Nos 1 & 2 (Silver Squid) {1}: PM:+
- Citizen Cope: Heroin and Helicopters (Rainwater) {1}: ipr:+
- Clams Casino: Moon Trip Radio (self-released) {1}: Du:22
- The Clandestine Quartet: One for the Fossa, Two for the Wolverine (ThirtyThree) {1}: jfn:6
- Josienne Clarke: In All Weather (Rough Trade) {1}: LQ:+
- Claro Intelecto: Forgotten Wasteland (Delsin -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Claw the Thin Ice: Colour Phase (1321629 DK) {1}: GTV:+
- William Austin Clay: Return to Pop Island (Nino Tomorrow) {1}: do:+
- Cleaning Women: Intersubjectivity (Svart) {1}: GTV:+
- Clear Soul Forces: Still (Fat Beats) {1}: HG:+
- Jake Clemons: Eyes on the Horizon (BFD) {1}: app:+
- Cliff Notez: Why the Wild Things Are (HipStory) {1}: bh:8
- Cloak: The Burning Dawn (Season of Mist) {1}: tr_m:11
- Oliver Coates: John Luther Adams: Canticles of the Sky + Three High Places (RVNG Intl) {1}: Qt:79
- Jimmy Cobb: Remembering U (Jimmy Cobb World) {1}: -- TH:*
- Cold Kingdom: Into the Black Sky (self-released) {1}: sp:+
- Louis Cole: Live Sesh & Xtra Songs (Brainfeeder) {1}: JC:+
- Paula Cole: Revolution (675) {1}: PM:+
- Javier Colina & Pepe Rivero: El Panuelo De Pepa (Cezanne Producciones) {1}: jma:+
- George Colligan: Again With Attitude (Iyouwe) {1}: db:+
- Charlie Collins: Snowpine (Mirror) {1}: DJ:25
- Colour Haze: We Are (Elektrohasch) {1}: FB:40
- Lola Colt: Human Made (Part I) (Black Tigress -EP) {1}: FB:59
- Colunia: Zephyr (self-released) {1}: BIW:48
- Andrew Combs: Ideal Man (New West) {1}: npr_th:9
- Paul Combs: Unknown Dameron (Summit) {1}: JC:+
- Comfort: Not Passing (Anxious Music) {1}: Bc:+
- Common Sense Composers' Collective/Friction Quartet: Spark (Innova) {1}: tx_r:10
- Complete Walkthru: Scrolls (Numbers) {1}: pf_e:+
- Conforce: Dawn Chorus (Delsin) {1}: YW:34
- Harry Connick Jr: True Love: A Celebration of Cole Porter (Verve) {1}: -- TH:*
- Loren Connors and Daniel Carter: The Departing of a Dream Vol VII (Family Vineyard) {1}: fj:+
- Conway: Everybody Is FOOD 3 (Griselda) {1}: HDX:+
- Conway: 'Look What I Became . . . (Griselda) {1}: HDX:+
- Seth Cooke: Weigh the Word (self-released) {1}: pf_x:+
- Cool Original: I Never Said I Didn't Care (Good Cheer) {1}: Alt:62
- Erland Cooper & Leo Abrahams: Seachange (Phases) {1}: 405:+
- Max Cooper: Yearning for the Infinite (MESH) {1}: Mgn:24
- Eric Copeland: Trogg Modal Vol 2 (DFA) {1}: am_e:+
- Marc Copland: Gary (Illusions Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Ani Cordero: El Machete (Panapen) {1}: Bc:+
- Santiago Cordoba: En Otros Lugares (Sounds and Colours) {1}: pta:+
- Adrian Corker: Music for Lock Grooves (SN Variation) {1}: acl_x:+
- Jesse Mac Cormack: Now (Secret City) {1}: em:+
- Patrick Cornelius: This Should Be Fun (Posi-Tone) {1}: aaj:+
- Jhay Cortez: Famouz (N&E Entertainment) {1}: DJB:57
- The Country Side of Harmonica Sam: Broken Bottle, Broken Heart (El Toro) {1}: scm:+
- The Cowboys: The Bottom of a Rotten Flower (Feel It) {1}: -- PJ:197-42-3
- Kyle Cox: Perhaps One Day (self-released) {1}: NoD_r:43
- Chris Crack: Crackheads Live l onger Than Vegans (New Deal Collectives) {1}: PW:32
- Chris Crack: Pretty Niggas Only (New Deal Collectives) {1}: PW:32
- Creeping Death: Wretched Illusions (eOne) {1}: tr_m:22
- Benjamin Croft: 10 Reasons To . . . (33Jazz) {1}: jm:+
- Joy Crookes: Reminiscence EP (Speakerbox -EP) {1}: 405:+
- Cross Wires: A Life Extinct (Culture War) {1}: SoG:45
- Crushed Beaks: The Other Room (Clue) {1}: GTV:+
- Crypt Sermon: The Ruins of Fading Light (Dark Descent) {1}: FB:83
- Crypt Trip: Haze County (Heavy Psych) {1}: FB:80
- Madison Cunningham: Who Are You Now (Verve Forecast) {1}: pm_a:19
- Current Affairs: Object & Subject (Tough Love) {1}: Sk:+
- Colin Currie & Steve Reich: Live at Fondation Louis Vuitton (self-released) {1}: tg:+
- Cursive: Get Fixed (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: NAO:42
- Curtis + Garabedian + Sperrazza: New Year (Outside In Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Cynic: Traced in Air Remixed (Season of Mist) {1}: Spk:+
- Billy Ray Cyrus: The SnakeDoctor Circus (BBR Music Group) {1}: Gg_c:49
- Czarface: A Double Dose of Danger (Silver Age -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- Rachael Dadd: Flux (Memphis Industries) {1}: LQ:+
- Daedelus: The Bittereinders (Brainfeeder) {1}: pta:+
- Daisy the Great: I'm Not Getting Any Taller (Paper Moon) {1}: tg:+
- Gary Daly: Gone From Here (self-released) {1}: sp:+
- Damn Tall Buildings: Don't Look Down (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Danketsu 9: Towards a Walk in the Sun (Patient Sounds) {1}: BIW:59
- Daphni: Sizzling (Jiaolong) {1}: Ne:+
- Dark Blue: Victory Is Rated (12XU) {1}: -- PJ:206-40-5
- Dark Lo: American Made (Next) {1}: HG:43
- Dark Star Safari [Jan Bang/Erik Honore/Eivind Aarset/Samuel Rohrer]: Dark Star Safari (Arjunamusic) {1}: aaj:+
- The Darts: I Like You but Not Like That (Alternative Tentacles) {1}: 53:+
- Datach'i: Bones (Timesig) {1}: PM:+
- Pierre Daven-Keller: Kino Music (Kwaidan) {1}: MM:80
- Lise Davidsen: Richard Strauss: Four Last Songs/Wagner: Arias From Tannhauser (Decca) {1}: npr_th:8
- Marie Davidson: Chasing the Light (Ninja Tune -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Kris Davis/Matt Mitchell/Aruan Ortiz/Matthew Shipp: New American Songbooks Volume 2 (Sound American -18) {1}: BIW:40 -- TH:[**]
- Jean Dawson: Bad Sports (Handwritten) {1}: npr_sf:10
- Day6: The Book of Us: Gravity (JYP Entertainment) {1}: NME:+
- Jesse Dayton: Mixtape Vol 1 (Blue Elan) {1}: gl:+
- D-Block Europe: PTSD (self-released) {1}: cmp:8
- The Dead C: We Don't Know Anymore (Aterhours Eden Prostitute) {1}: mg_n:9
- Dead Heat: Certain Death (Edgewood) {1}: Sg:+
- Deadly Avenger: Your God Is Too Small (Burning Witches) {1}: Crh:30
- Dead Man's Whiskey: Under the Gun (Reloaded) (McCall) {1}: L:+
- Deadmau5: Here's the Drop (Mau5trap) {1}: Ec:23
- Fred Deakin: Presents the Lasters (Impotent Fury) {1}: FB:92
- Death and Vanilla: Are You a Dreamer? (Fire) {1}: Pc:90
- Deathprod: Occulting Disk (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: am_e:+
- Arrington De Dionyso: Shouting Over Deep Water Blues (Feeding Tube) {1}: tg:+
- Arrington De Dionyso/Ben Bennett: Live at China Cloud 1/12/2018 (self-released) {1}: fj:+
- Dee-1: Gods and Girls (Mission Vision) {1}: HDX:+
- Deep Cut: Different Planet (Gare Du Nord) {1}: DS:+
- Deer Tick: Mayonnaise (PTKF) {1}: gl:+
- Defeater: Defeater (Epitaph) {1}: ap:+
- Deft: Cracks (20/20 LDN) {1}: DJM:27
- Vincent Delerm: Panorama (Tot Ou Tard) {1}: MM:31
- Delicate Steve: Till I Burn Up (Anti-) {1}: UR:+
- De Lorians: De Lorians (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {1}: CP:74
- Lana Del Rabies: Shadow World (Deathbomb Arc) {1}: pta:+
- Deniro: Monsoon (Tape Records Amsterdam -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Jeremy Denk: C 1300-C 2000 (Nonesuch) {1}: tg:+
- Departure Chandelier: Antichrist Rise to Power (Nuclear War Now!) {1}: Ex:+
- Trev Deshon: Stressin' (self-released) {1}: em:+
- Desolate: Exceptionalism (Fauxpas Musik) {1}: Spk:47
- Despised Icon: Purgatory (Nuclear Blast) {1}: Ex:+
- Des'ree: A Love Story (Stargazer) {1}: MO:+
- Bryce Dessner: El Chan (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: UR:+
- The Devil and the Almighty Blues: Tre (Blues for the Red Sun) {1}: FB:85
- Mykele Deville: Maintain (No Trend) {1}: Bc:+
- Devlin: The Outcast (Devlin Music) {1}: Cl:+
- Nicholas Deyoe: James Tenney: Changes: 64 Studies for 6 Harps (New World) {1}: W:34
- Diabolic: The Disconnect (WarHorse) {1}: HG:60
- Diagonal: Arc (Cobblers) {1}: FB:39
- Diamond D: The Diam Piece 2 (Dymond Mine) {1}: HG:31
- Ben Dickey: A Glimmer on the Outskirts (SexHawkeBlack/Dualtone) {1}: mg_s:7
- Luther Dickinson and Sisters of the Strawberry Moon: Solstice (New West) {1}: am_b:+
- Alejandro Di Costanzo Trio: Barcino, La Ciudad de los Prodigios (Errabal) {1}: jma:+
- Joyce DiDonato: Songplay (Warner Classics/Erato) {1}: db:+
- Digawolf: Yellowstone (self-released) {1}: Ex:+
- Dijon: Sci Fi 1 (Dark Green) {1}: N:43
- Sam Dillon: Force Field (Posi-Tone) {1}: -- TH:*
- Jakob Dinesen: Keys & Strings (Stunt) {1}: aaj:+
- Dis Fantasy: Dis Fantasy (Deathbomb Arc -EP) {1}: Qt:65
- Dive Bar Saints: Home Free (Home Free) {1}: Gg_c:33
- Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein: Native Son [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) {1}: YW:121
- Djinn: Djinn (Rocket) {1}: MO:+
- DJ Manny: Let the Music Talk V1 (self-released) {1}: Bc:+
- DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess: One Place for the First Time (Jahmoni Music) {1}: Mix:+
- DJ Muggs & Eto: Hell's Roof (Soul Assassins) {1}: HG:+
- Djo: Twenty Twenty (self-released) {1}: NME:+
- DJ Plead: Pleats Plead EP (Nervous Horizon -EP) {1}: F:+
- DJ Sports: Akrasia (Help -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Katie Doherty & the Navigators: And Then (Steeplejack Music) {1}: GTV:+
- Lou Doillon: Soliloquy (Barclay) {1}: GTV:+
- Dolenz: Lingua Franca (Exit) {1}: DJM:46
- Doll Skin: Love Is Dead and We Killed Her (Hopeless) {1}: ap:+
- Dolphin Midwives: Liminal Garden (Beacon Sound) {1}: tg:+
- Dalton Domino: Songs From the Exile (Lightning Rod) {1}: scm:+
- Dommengang: No Keys (Thrill Jockey) {1}: PM:+
- Phil Donkin's Masterfrown: Value (nWog) {1}: jm:+
- Dope Knife: Things Got Worse (Brick) {1}: HG:42
- The Dose: Saline (Index) {1}: ap:+
- The Dove & the Wolf: Conversations (self-released) {1}: N:+
- Downfall of Gaia: Ethic of Radical Finitude (Metal Blade) {1}: Spk:+
- Mark Doyle: Watching the Detectives: Guitar Noir III (Free Will) {1}: -- TH:*
- Jamie Drake: Everything's Fine (AntiFragile Music) {1}: wil:+
- Dreamers: Launch Fly Land (Fairfax) {1}: ap:+
- Dream Nails: Take Up Space (Unplugged) (self-released) {1}: Sk:+
- Dressy Bessy: Fast Faster Disaster (Yep Roc) {1}: YW:30
- Drifting in Silence: Away (Labille) {1}: YW:35
- Drinker: Fragments (B3SCI) {1}: PM:+
- Elias Dris: Beatnik or Not to Be (Vicious Circle) {1}: MM:86
- The Driver Era: X (BMG) {1}: ap:+
- Drivin N Cryin: Live the Love Beautiful (self-relased) {1}: pm_a:7
- Drobakid: Two Moons (self-released -EP) {1}: 405:+
- Duel: Valley of Shadows (Heavy Psych Sounds) {1}: L:+
- Duenn: BGM (Line) {1}: YW:127
- The Dum Dum Boys: Let There Be Noise (1981, In the Red) {1}:
- Cy Dune: Desert (Lightning) {1}: aqd:+
- Matthew "Doc" Dunn: Upper Canada Blues (Cosmic Range) {1}: aqd:+
- Kelman Duran: 13th Month (Apocalipsis -18) {1}: pf_x:+
- Marc Durkee: Remains in Stasis (Darc Murkee) {1}: Ex:+
- Phil Durrant & Martin Vishnick: Rifinitori Di Momenti (Confront) {1}: J -- aaj:+
- Dyson Stringer Cloher: Dyson Stringer Cloher (Milk!) {1}: wil:+
- EABS: Slavic Spirits (Astigmatic) {1}: db:+
- Eartheater: Trinity (Chemical X) {1}: C:29
- Earthen Sea: Grass & Trees (Kranky) {1}: pm_b:6
- Earthquake Lights: Distress Signals (self-released) {1}: UR:69
- Julius Eastman: The Nigger Series (Blume) {1}: SC:+
- Ebony Steel Band: Pan Machine (OM Swagger) {1}: RT:81*
- Ecce Shnak: Metamorphejawns (Records Man) {1}: sp:+
- Eddy Current Suppression Ring: All in Good Time (Castle Face) {1}: -- PJ:181-45-5
- Egyptian Blue: Collateral Damage (YALA! -EP) {1}: GTV:+
- Mei Ehara: Even I (Kakubarhythm -EP) {1}: ta:+
- Peter Ehwald: Septuor De Grand Matin (Jazzwerkstatt) {1}: jm:+
- Mats Eilertsen: Reveries and Revelations (Hubro) {1}: BIW:66
- Douwe Eisenga: For Mattia (Trptk) {1}: aaj:+
- Idris Elba: Idris Elba Presents: The Yardie Mixtape [Music Inspired by the Motion Picture] (7wallace) {1}: LBF:+
- Elcamino: Elcamino 2 (TCF/Next) {1}: HDX:+
- Electric Youth: Memory Emotion (Last Gang/Watts Arcade) {1}: UR:67
- Elektro Hafiz and Grup Ses: Varyete (Zel Zele) {1}: YW:82
- Faith Eliott: Impossible Bodies (OK Pal) {1}: Sk:+
- Elizabeth Colour Wheel: Nocebo (The Flenser) {1}: 405:+
- Missy Elliott: Iconology (Atlantic -EP) {1}: LBF:+
- El Palacio De Linares: Largos Agotadores (Pretty Olivia) {1}: ath:+
- Elva: Winter Sun (Tapete) {1}: Up:+
- Emamouse/Nicolo: Desolation (Absurd Trax) {1}: TMT:+
- Emancipator & 9 Theory: Cheeba Gold (Loci) {1}: N:+
- Emarosa: Peach Club (Hopeless) {1}: do:+
- The Entrepreneurs: Noise & Romance (Tambourhinoceros) {1}: LBF:+
- ERP: Exomoon (Forgotten Future) {1}: do:+
- Errant Monks: Psychopposition (Tesla Tapes) {1}: Qt:30
- Errant Monks: The Limit Experience (Maternal Voice) {1}: Qt:+30
- Esoteric: A Pyrrhic Existence (Season of Mist) {1}: RY:29
- The Estate Agents: Landlords (Gob Nation) {1}: GTV:+
- Andre Ethier: Croak in the Weeds (Telephone Explosion) {1}: ex_c:9
- Eto & Superior: Long Story Short (Below System) {1}: bc_h:+
- Exael: Dioxippe (Xpq?) {1}: pf_e:+
- The Ex: 27 Passports (Ex -18) {1}: Rx:22 -- RC:[A-], TH:[A]
- Carolina Eyck and Eversines: Waves (Yeyeh) {1}: tg:+
- Emily Fairlight: Mother of Gloom (self-released) {1}: Trk:23
- The Fallen State: A Deadset Endeavour (Last Man Music) {1}: L:+
- False Advertising: Brainfreeze (Alcopop) {1}: Ups:+
- Falz: Moral Instruction (Bahd Guys Entertainment) {1}: PAM:+
- Fastball: The Help Machine (Zuni Tunes) {1}: pm_p:11
- Fatamorgana: Terra Alta (La Vida Es Un Mus) {1}: Bc:+
- Faux Ferocious: Pretty Groovy (Burger) {1}: ns:7
- Kari Faux: Cry 4 Help (Change Minds) {1}: SC:+
- Kalyn Fay: Good Company (Horton) {1}: mg_i:10
- Fea: No Novelties (Blackheart) {1}: npr_fc:7
- Richard Fearless: Deep Rave Memory (Drone) {1}: GTV:21
- Federale: No Justice (Jealous Butcher) {1}: AS:+
- Tanja Feichtmair: Omnixus + Solo (Leo) {1}: db:+
- Ferla: It's Personal (self-released) {1}: B:+
- Luc Ferrari: Music Promenade/Unheimlich Schon (Recollection GRM) {1}: SC:+
- Fet.Nat: Le Mal (Boiled) {1}: LCA:32
- John Finbury: Sorte! (Green Flash Music) {1}: JC:+
- Kelly Finnigan: The Tales People Tell (Colemine) {1}: tg:+
- Samantha Fish: Kill or Be Kind (Rounder) {1}: am_b:+
- FKJ: Live @ Salar De Uyuni for Cercle (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- The Flaming Lips: The Soft Bulletin: Live at Red Rocks (Warner Bros) {1}: Rf:46
- Flatland Cavalry: Homeland Insecurity (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Flight of the Conchords: Live in London (Sub Pop) {1}: Q:+
- Floorplan: So Glad/I Feel Him Moving (M-Plant -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Floral Print: Floral Print (Tiny Engines) {1}: SoG:+
- John Floreani: Sin (Hopeless) {1}: Ex:+
- Florida Man: Tropical Depression (Spartan) {1}: nt:+
- The Flower Kings: Waiting for Miracles (Century Media) {1}: jfkz:+
- Mary Flower: Livin' With the Blues Again (Little Village Foundation) {1}: db:+
- Flying Fish Cove: At Moonset (Help Yourself) {1}: ath:+
- The Flying Luttenbachers: Shattered Dimension (Ugexplode) {1}: yjs:9
- Lamin Fofana: Black Metamorphosis (self-released) {1}: CP:62
- Eamon Fogarty: Blue Values (Jealous Butcher) {1}: aqd:+
- Fokn Bois: Afrobeats LOL (Fokn) {1}: PAM:+
- Claude Fontaine: Claude Fontaine (Innovative Leisure) {1}: am_w:+
- Robben Ford & Bill Evans: The Sun Room (Ear Music) {1}: jrm:+
- Forests: Spending Eternity in a Japanese Convenience Store (Sweetness Follows) {1}: Alt:46
- Forgjord: Ilmestykset (Werewolf) {1}: Spk:+
- For Those I Love: For Those I Love (self-released) {1}: Ni:+
- Fred Fortin: Microdose (Grosse Boite) {1}: LCA:47
- Fort Smith Symphony/John Jeter: Florence Beatrice Price: Symphonies (Naxos) {1}: tg:+
- Iona Fortune: Tao of I Volume 2 (Ecstatic) {1}: bc_e:+
- FouKi: ZayZay (7e Ciel) {1}: LCA:50
- Four Letter Words: Pinch Point (Amalgam Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Foxhall Stacks: The Coming Collapse (Snappy Little Numbers) {1}: -- PJ:181-45-4
- Fox: Juice Flow (Swing Ting) {1}: Mix:35
- Mark Fox: Iridescent Sounds (Humble Genius) {1}: YW:106
- Mulo Francel/Chris Gall: Mythos (Fine Music) {1}: jgt:12
- Emma Frank: Come Back (Justin Time) {1}: pm_j:+
- The Franklin County Trucking Company: The Further Aventures of the Franklin County Trucking Company (Tri-Nut) {1}: scm:+
- The Franklys: Framed (Halta Halta) {1}: GTV:+
- Dretti Franks: Solarbeam (Rarestar) {1}: em:+
- Michael Franti & Spearhead: Stay Human Vol II (Thirty Tigers) {1}: PM:+
- Fredo: Third Avenue (Since 93) {1}: cmp:15
- Free Love: Extreme Dance Anthems (Optimo -EP) {1}: Mix:37
- Free Nationals: Free Nationals (OBE/Empire) {1}: em:+
- Tori Freestone Trio: El Mar De Nubes (Whirlwind) {1}: jm:+
- French 79: Joshua (Alter K) {1}: tsu:+
- Burnt Friedman: Musical Traditions in Central Europe: Explorer Series Vol 4 (Nonplace) {1}: ra:+
- Friolento: Destroy All Bad Luck (Din Music -EP) {1}: Spk:+
- William Ryan Fritch: Deceptive Cadence: Music for Film Volume I & II (Lost Tribe Sound) {1}: Ex:+
- Friyie: ANF: Ain't Nothing Free (Bong) {1}: Ex:+
- Haruna Fukazawa: Departure (Summit) {1}: -- TH:*
- Corey Fuller: Break (12k) {1}: bc_a:+
- Function: Existenz (Tresor) {1}: lib:+
- Fur: Fur (Nice Swan) {1}: diy:+
- Future Teens: Breakup Season (Triple Crown) {1}: Alt:30
- Gabber Modus Operandi: Hoxxxya (SVBKVLT) {1}: F:+
- Roses Gabor: Fantasy & Facts (All Points) {1}: d:+
- Eric Gales: The Bookends (Provogue) {1}: L:+
- Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds: Black Star Dancing (Sour Mash) {1}: NME:+
- Ricardo Gallen: Leo Brouwer: Guitar Sonatas (IBS Classical) {1}: tg:+
- Elliot Galvin: Modern Times (Edition) {1}: jfkz:7
- Kany Garcia: Contra El Viento (Sony) {1}: BB:+
- Carl Gari & Abdullah Miniawy: The Act of Falling From the 8th Floor (Whities) {1}: Qt:87
- John T Gast: 5GTOUR (5 Gate Temple) {1}: ia:6
- Stephen Gauci/Sandy Ewan/Adam Lane/Kevin Shea: Live at the Bushwick Series (Gaucimusic) {1}: -- TH:*
- Willard Gayheart: At Home in Blue Ridge (Blue Hens Music) {1}: pm_f:19
- G&D [Georgia Anne Muldrow/Declaime]: Black Love & War (Someothaship) {1}: am_h:+
- Howe Gelb: Gathered (Fire) {1}: Mj:+
- Generationals: Reader as Detective (Polyvinyl) {1}: nt:+
- Carla Geneve: Carla Geneve (Dot Dash) {1}: Bc:+
- Georgia: One Mind (Youth) {1}: ia:+
- Geowulf: My Resignation (PIAS) {1}: Cl:+
- German Army: Salary of Stagnation (Conjunto Vacio) {1}: GTV:50
- Ghold: Input>Chaos (Crypt of the Wizard) {1}: Qt:42
- Ghost Orchard: Bunny (Orchid Tapes) {1}: NAO:27
- Brantley Gilbert: Fire & Brimstone (Valory) {1}: Gg_c:22
- Paul Gilbert: Behold Electric Guitar (Music Theories) {1}: L:+
- Gilberto Gil: OK OK OK (Geleia Geral) {1}: PO:+
- Jess Gillam: Rise (Decca) {1}: TS:+
- Girli: Odd One Out (Virgin EMI) {1}: diy:+
- Robert Glasper: Fuck Yo Feelings (Loma Vista) {1}: -- TH:*
- Jay Glass Dubs: Epitaph (Brokeh Versions) {1}: W:48
- The Gloaming: The Gloaming 3 (Real World) {1}: npr_bb:20
- Glok: Dissident (Bytes) {1}: Cl:+
- Casey Golden: II (Muscle Beach) {1}: ta:+
- Golden Daze: Simpatico (Autumn Tone) {1}: N:+
- Gold: Why Aren't You Laughing? (Artoffact) {1}: FB:97
- Paulo Gomes: MAP + Chris Cheek (self-released) {1}: BIW:55
- Gong: The Universe Also Collapses (Kscope) {1}: PM:+
- The Good People: Good for Nuthin (Fresh Pressings) {1}: HG:34
- GooNew: Back From Hell (Big 64 Entertainment) {1}: wp:7
- Jay Gordon's Blues Venom: Slide Rules! (self-released) {1}: jcmb:9
- Miguel Gorodi Nonet: Apophenia (Ubuntu Music) {1}: jm:+
- Goro: Unbound Forever (self-released) {1}: Du:48
- Gal Gracen: Fantasy Gardens (Jaz) {1}: aqd:+
- Grae: New Girl (self-released -EP) {1}: em:+
- Ariana Grande: Sweetener (Republic -18) {1}: Rx:36 -- RC:[A-], TH:[B]
- Devin Gray: Devin Gray's Algorhythmica (Rataplan -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- Rose Gray: Blue, Lately (self-released) {1}: Atw:+
- Burton Greene/Damon Smith/Ra Kalam Bob Moses: Life's Intense Mystery (Astral Spirits) {1}: CM:49
- Hilliard Greene: Spirituals (Unseen Rain) {1}: -- TH:*
- Riley Green: Different 'Round Here (BMLG) {1}: Gg_c:25
- Paul Green & Two Worlds: A Bissel Rhythm (Big Round) {1}: jhr:10
- Grey Hairs: Health & Social Care (Gringo) {1}: GTV:+
- Rachel Grimes: The Way Forth (Temporary Residence) {1}: aqd:+
- Gary Gritness: The Legend of Cherenkov Blue (Hypercolour) {1}: Ex:+
- Gross Net: Gross Net Means Gross Net (Felte) {1}: LQ:+
- Sheff G: The Unluccy Luccy Kid (Winners Circle/Empire) {1}: N:80
- Guapdad 4000: Dior Deposits (TWNSHP) {1}: Up_h:25
- Hildur Guðnadottir: Chernobyl [Music from the Original TV Series] (Deutsche Gramophon) {1}: No:41
- Guillotine [Luis Lopes/Valentin Ceccaldi/Andreas Wildhagen]: Guillotine (Clean Feed) {1}: aaj:+
- Guitar Wolf: Love & Jett (self-released) {1}: PO:+
- Michael Gulezian: Thunder Heaven Light (Timbreline Music) {1}: Ec:25
- Mats Gustafsson/Jason Adasiewicz: Timeless (Corbett vs Dempsey) {1}: -- TH:*
- Rigmor Gustafsson: Come Home (ACT) {1}: db:+
- Guts: Philantropiques (Heavenly Sweetness) {1}: PAM:+
- Gypsies on the Autobahn: Suspended (Universal Ireland) {1}: em:+
- HAAi: Systems Up, Windows Down (Mute) {1}: am_e:+
- Steve Hackett: At the Edge of Light (Inside Out) {1}: L:+
- Nili Hadida: Nili Hadida (Biche/All Points) {1}: Cl:+
- Hague & White: The Eleventh Hour (Monks Road) {1}: GTV:+
- Hillary Hahn: 6 Partitas by Anton Garcia Abril (Decca) {1}: tg:+
- Hajk: Drama (Jansen) {1}: GTV:+
- Half Alive: Now, Not Yet (RCA) {1}: Gw:+
- Half Noise: Natural Disguise (LAB) {1}: d:+
- Hammerlands: Model Citizen (self-released) {1}: Ex:+
- Ross Hammond y Poly Verghese: Across Oceans (Big Weezus Music) {1}: jma:+
- Baptiste W Hamon: Soleil, Soleil Bleu (BMG) {1}: MM:34
- Peter Hand Big Band: Hand Painted Dream (Savant) {1}: jrm:+
- Hands Off Gretel: I Want the World (Puke Pop) {1}: L:+
- Jan Harbeck Quartet: The Sound the Rhythm (Stunt/Sundance Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Jack Harlow: Confetti (Generation Now/Atlantic) {1}: DJB:58
- The Harmaleighs: She Won't Make Sense (Nettwerk) {1}: GTV:+
- Harmony Rockets/Peter Walker: Lachesis/Clotho/Atropos (Tompkins Square) {1}: pta:+
- Harmony Woods: Make Yourself at Home (Skeletal Lightning) {1}: Alt:49
- Brian Harnetty: Shawnee, Ohio (Karlrecords) {1}: tg:+
- HARRIETT: Damani Nkosi & Ill Camille Are HARRIETT (Damcam) {1}: HG:39
- Harry Harris: I Feel Drunk All the Time (self-released) {1}: Sk:+
- Paula Harris: Speakeasy (Blu Gruv) {1}: aaj:+
- Pauline Kim Harris: Heroine (Sono Luminus) {1}: vsd:9
- Thor Harris & Rob Halverson: Fields of Innards III (Joyful Noise) {1}: jab:6
- Annie Hart: A Softer Offering (Instant) {1}: LQ:+
- Hasselman: 45 Drive (Pearl Music) {1}: YW:112
- Claire Hastings: Those Who Roam (Luckenbooth) {1}: tg:+
- Shuta Hasunuma: Oa (Northern Spy) {1}: xlr:+
- Gerrit Hatcher: Burnt Pan Rolling Boil (Kettle Hole) {1}: fj:+
- Haunter: Sacramental Death Qualia (I, Voidhanger) {1}: tr_m:15
- Haunt: If Icarus Could Fly (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: FB:87
- Hauschka: A Different Forest (Sony) {1}: LBF:+
- Have Mercy: The Love Life (Hopeless) {1}: ap:+
- Taylor Hawkins & the Coattail Riders: Get the Money (Columbia) {1}: NME:+
- Hawkwind: All Aboard the Skylark (Cherry Red) {1}: Mj:+
- Chuck Hawthorne: Fire Out of Stone (3 Notches Music) {1}: scm:+
- The HawtThorns: Morning Sun (Forty Below) {1}: Al:25
- Robin Hayward: Words of Paradise (Edition Telemark) {1}: jkp:6
- Hazy Sour Cherry: Tour De Tokyo (Damnably) {1}: SoG:49
- H-Burns: Midlife (Vietnam) {1}: LR:68
- Health & Beauty: Shame Engine/Blood Pleasure (Wichita) {1}: GTV:+
- The Heavy: Sons (BMG) {1}: L:+
- Tim Heidecker: What the Broken-Hearted Do . . . (Jagjaguwar) {1}: aqd:+
- Hejira: Thread of Gold (Lima Limo) {1}: Bc:58
- David Helbock: Playing John Williams (ACT) {1}: jms:8
- Helms Alee: Noctiluca (Sargent House) {1}: Spk:+
- David Helpling: Rune (Spotted Peccary) {1}: tx_a:7
- Hemlock Ernst & Kenny Segal: Back at the House (Ruby Yacht) {1}: HG:55
- Alex Hendriksen/Fabian Gisler: The Song Is You (Ezz-thetics) {1}: aaj:+
- Catherine Christer Hennix: The Deontic Miracle: Selections From 100 Models of Hegikan Roku (Blank Forms Editions/Empty Editions) {1}: mg_j:10
- Ashley Henry: Beautiful Vinyl Hunter (Sony Music CG) {1}: Cl:+
- Her Crooked Heart: To Love to Leave to Live (SoDak) {1}: am_f:+
- HER: I Used to Know Her (RCA) {1}: hdx_r:7
- James Hersey: Innerverse (Glassnote) {1}: em:+
- Daniel Herskedal: Voyage (Edition) {1}: aaj:+
- Elsa Hewitt: Citrus Paradisi (ERH) {1}: Qt:+
- Hey Colossus: Four Bibles (Alter) {1}: Qt:39
- Hide: Hell Is Here (Dais) {1}: 405:+
- Highasakite: Uranium Heart (Propeller) {1}: GTV:+
- The Hill Country Devil: Nicotine and China White (Gems on VHS) {1}: GTV:+
- Robyn Hitchcock & Andy Partridge: Planet England (Ape House -EP) {1}: -- PJ:142-58-5
- Alex Hitchcock Quintet: All Good Things (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: jm:+
- Ho99o9: Cyber Warfare (Toys Have Powers/999 Deathkit) {1}: afk:+
- James Holden: A Cambodian Spring [Original Soundtrack] (Border Community) {1}: Qt:+
- John Dee Holeman: Last Pair of Shoes (Music Maker) {1}: tg:+
- Holiday Ghosts: West Bay Playroom (PNKSLM) {1}: GTV:+
- Hollow Coves: Moments (Nettwerk) {1}: Cl:+
- Hollowstar: Hollowstar (self-released) {1}: L:+
- Honeyblood: In Plain Sight (Marathon Artists) {1}: Rf:34
- Al Hood and the H2 Jazztet: Jazz Muses (Aquarian) {1}: aaj:+
- William Hooker: Cycle of Restoration (FPE) {1}: -- TH:*
- An Horse: Modern Air (Grand Hotel van Cleef) {1}: SoG:+
- Hot 8 Brass Band: Take Cover (Tru Thoughts -EP) {1}: Bq:+ -- TH:B
- Hovvdy: Heavy Lifter (Double Double Whammy) {1}: ta:+
- HRNS: Naomi (Warm Winters) {1}: PM:+
- Joseph Huber: Moondog (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- David Huckfelt: Stranger Angels (Tone Tree Music) {1}: ipr:+
- Jack Hues and the Quartet Featuring Syd Arthur: Nobody's Fault but My Own (Dawn Chorus -EP) {1}: FB:64
- Charlotte Hug: Son-Icon Music (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: fj:+
- Charlotte Hug & Lucas Niggli: Fulguratio (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: fj:+
- Orjan Hulten Orion: Minusgrader (Artogrush) {1}: jm:+
- M Huncho: Utopia (Island) {1}: Mix:+
- Kelly Hunt: Even the Sparrow (Rarebird) {1}: pm_f:16
- Marc Hurtado: Hurt (Des Astres D'Or) {1}: dc:+
- HVL: Rhythmic Sonatas (Bassiani) {1}: ra:+
- Hyperculte: Massif Occidental (Bongo Joe) {1}: MM:47
- IAMDDB: Swervvvvv.5 (Union IV) {1}: PAM:+
- Iamthemorning: The Bell (Kscope) {1}: GTV:+
- Ida Mae: Chasing Lights (Thirty Tigers) {1}: I:+
- I Hate Models: L'Age Des Metamorphoses (Perc Trax) {1}: tsu:+
- I Jahbar & Friends: Inna Duppy SKRS Soundclash (Bokeh Versions) {1}: PO:+ -- B-
- Ilgen-Nur: Power Nap (Power Nap) {1}: NBH:42
- Jung Jae Il: Parasite [Original Soundtrack] (Sacred Bones) {1}: RY:39
- Illenium: Ascend (Astralwerks) {1}: Gg_e:42
- I Love Your Lifestyle: The Movie (Dog Knights) {1}: Pf:+
- Indianola: Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (Handwritten Distribution) {1}: AS:+
- The Infinites: The Infinites (First Humans) {1}: ath:+
- In Flames: I, the Mask (Nuclear Blast) {1}: L:+
- Inspectah Deck: Chamber No 9 (Urban Icon) {1}: HG:59
- Instupendo: Boys by Girls EP (self-released -EP) {1}: pm_p:12
- Intellexual: Intellexual (FanTasy) {1}: DW:77
- I Prevail: Trauma (Fearless) {1}: ap:+
- Rafael Anton Irisarri: Solastalgia (Room40) {1}: bc_a:+
- Ironomori: Kotonoha (Kitchen) {1}: tx_a:6
- Eiko Ishibashi: The Dream My Bones Dream (Drag City -18) {1}: pta:+
- ISS: Alles 3rd Gut (Sorry State) {1}: -- PJ:115-70-6
- I the Mighty: Unplugged in LA (Equal Vision) {1}: do:+
- Takaaki Itoh: Killing All Anarchists (Oaks -EP) {1}: ra:+
- It's Sunday: Tissue Issues (CryBaby & Howlin Banana) {1}: MM:75
- The Ivory Elephant: Stoneface (Kozmik Artifactz) {1}: -- FB:68
- Jade Imagine: Basic Love (Milk!) {1}: Sk:+
- Jah Division: Dub Will Tear Us Apart . . . Again (Ernest Jenning) {1}: Bq:+
- Jail Socks: It's Not Forever (No Sleep -EP) {1}: Alt:63
- Hayden James: Between Us (Future Classic) {1}: pir:+
- Jameszoo & Metropole Orkest & Jules Buckley: Melkweg (Brainfeeder) {1}: PM:+
- Henry Jamison: Gloria Duplex (Akira) {1}: Atw:+
- Nicky Jam: Intimo (Codiscos) {1}: v_ab:+
- Bryony Jarman-Pinto: Cage & Aviary (Tru Thoughts) {1}: pm_s:12
- Jatayu: Chango Tales (self-released) {1}: tg:+
- Patrice Jegou: If It Ain't Love (Prairie Star) {1}: aaj:+
- Jelly Boy: Everybody Is a Universe (Cannibal Hymns) {1}: diy:+
- Clarice Jensen: Drone Studies (Geographic North) {1}: pf_x:+
- Jess by the Lake: Under the Red Light Shine (Svart) {1}: FB:57
- J-E-T-S: Zoopsa (Innovative Leisure) {1}: PM:+
- Park Jiha: Philos (Glitterbeat) {1}: VF:29
- Jimbo Pap: It Can Always Get Worse (Fiesta Red) {1}: scm:+
- Nathalie Joachim With Spektral Quartet: Fanm D'Ayiti (New Amsterdam) {1}: nat:8
- Joel: Grunge Gospel: Side A (Black Cherry Music) {1}: Ps:46
- Jeff Johnson/Phil Keagy: Cappadocia (Arkmusic) {1}: Ec:22
- Howard Jones: Transform (Sony) {1}: P:+
- India Jordan: DNT STP MY LV (Local Action -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Marc Jordan: Both Sides (Linus Entertainment) {1}: aaj:+
- Kathryn Joseph: Bones You Have Thrown Me & Blood I've Spilled (Hits the Fan) {1}: pta:+
- Josin: In the Blank Space (Mvka) {1}: 405:+
- C Joynes & the Furlong Bray: The Borametz Tree (Feeding Tube) {1}: Mj:+
- Jtamul: Lubuni (Planet Mu -EP) {1}: Qt:+
- Juanes: Mas Futuro Que Pasado (National Own) {1}: am_w:+
- The Juan MacLean: The Brighter the Light (DFA) {1}: tr_e:+
- Jubilee: Call for Location (Mixpak) {1}: Du:29
- Judiciary: Surface Noise (Closed Casket Activities) {1}: Sg:+
- Judy and the Jerks: Music for Donuts EP (Thrilling Living -EP) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:C+
- Larry June: Early Bird (The FreeMinded) {1}: ri:10
- Larry June: Mr Midnight (The FreeMinded) {1}: em:+
- Barb Jungr: Bob, Brel & Me (Absolute) {1}: aaj:+
- Jungstotter: Love Is (PIAS) {1}: MM:43
- The Junior League: Adventureland (Greensleaves Sound/Kool Kat Musik) {1}: ptr:6
- Jupiter Styles: Ultra St Opera (self-released) {1}: SoG:24
- JustJohn x Dom Dias: Don III (Warner-EP) {1}: now:+
- Mette Juul: Change (Universal Music Group) {1}: J -- aaj:+
- J-Walk: Mediterranean Winds (Sometime Songs) {1}: Pc:64
- J-Zbel: Dog's Fart Is So Bad the Cat Throws Up (Brothers From Different Mothers) {1}: ra:+
- Kadavar: For the Dead Travel Fast (Nuclear Blast) {1}: FB:43
- Kaiju the Unconquerable: Cringeworthy (Leviathans Grin) {1}: HDX:+
- Kammerflimmerei: Perhaps (CHE!) {1}: aaj:+
- Doon Kanda: Labyrinth (Hyperdub) {1}: ia:+
- Kandodo 3: K3 (Rooster) {1}: RM:28
- Tara Kannangara: It's Not Mine Anymore (self-released) {1}: j91:+
- Eleni Karaindrou: Tous Des Oiseaux (ECM New Series) {1}: tg:+
- Karen & the Sorrows: Guaranteed Broken Heart (Ocean Born Mary Music) {1}: fa:+
- Kash Doll: Stacked (Republic) {1}: Up_h:27
- Makar Kashitsyn: Jazz Animals (Rainy Days) {1}: db:+
- Kaspiann: Cancel EP (Planet Rhythm) {1}: YW:73
- Kazu: Adult Baby (!K7) {1}: Q:+
- Keel Her: With Kindness (O Genesis) {1}: Dr:55
- Keren Ann: Bleue (Wrasse) {1}: LR:77
- Keto: Blackened Pool (self-released -18) {1}: pta:+
- Key!: So Emotional (Hello!) {1}: N:96
- Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y: 2009 (Atlantic/Jet Life) {1}: HDX:+
- Kid Koala: Music to Draw To: Io (Arts & Crafts) {1}: GMA:50
- Kiefer: Superbloom (Stones Throw) {1}: Bq:+
- Phil Kieran: Life Cycling (Maeve) {1}: DJM:37
- Kilchhofer/Anklin: Moto Perpetuo (Marionette) {1}: pta:+
- Lim Kim: Generasian (self-released) {1}: pm_w:9
- The King Khan Experience: Turkey Ride (Ernest Jenning/Khannibalism) {1}: PO:+
- King Prawn: The Fabulous New Sounds of . . . King Prawn (Cherry Red) {1}: NAO:32
- Kinlaw & Franco Franco: Mezzi Umani Mezze Macchine (Avon Terror Corps) {1}: N:+
- Kino Trio: Il Cielo Sopra Berlino (Babel) {1}: jm:+
- Matt Kivel: Last Night in America (Cascine) {1}: Spk:+
- Soren Kjaergaard: Live at Freedom Music Festival (ILK Music -18) {1}: fj:+
- Frode Kjekstad: In Essence (Losen) {1}: jfkz:+
- Klashnekoff: Iona (2019 SON) {1}: cmp:9
- Kleft: H+ Sexualis (Domestic Exile) {1}: F:+
- Kneeling in Piss: Tour De Force (The Fah-Q Catalog) {1}: PJ:234-35-4
- Knifeplay: Pearlty (718200 DK) {1}: N:+
- KNLO: Sainte-Foy (7e Ciel) {1}: LCA:38
- Johanna Knutsson: Tollarp Transmissions (Kontra-Musik) {1}: Qt:+
- Kobo: Periode D'Essai (Polydor) {1}: LR:58
- Michael Kocour: East of the Sun (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Koeosaeme: Obanikeshi (Orange Milk) {1}: PM:+
- Shuhei Kokuryo: First Episode (self-released) {1}: aaj:+
- Kontrabassduo Studer-Frey With Jurg Frey and Alfred Zimmerlin: Zeit (Leo) {1}: fj:+
- Calig Kontra: Simian Automatic (Manekinekopro) {1}: HG:29
- Kopy/Tentenko: Super Mild (Tal) {1}: VF:26
- Nina Kraviz: Stranno Stranno. Neobjatno. (Tpwn -EP) {1}: ra:+
- K-Rino: Mind Vision (SoSouth) {1}: HG:50
- Lucy Kruger & the Lost Boys: Sleeping Tapes for Some Girls (Unique) {1}: NBH:50
- Krum & Theory Hazit: Here's Mud in Your Eye (FiveSe7en Music) {1}: HG:53
- Kr!z: Mantra (Token -EP) {1}: ra:+
- K-Trap: No Magic (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
- Kukangendai: Palm (Ideologic Organ) {1}: SC:+
- K-X-P: IV (Svart) {1}: bc_e:+
- Labrinth: Euphoria [Original Score From the HBO Series] (Milan) {1}: Ps:27
- Albrecht La'Brooy: Healesville (Apollo) {1}: ia:+
- Lacuna Coil: Black Anima (Century Media) {1}: sp:+
- Lady Donli: Enjoy Your Life (Makiyayi) {1}: fa:+
- Lady Midnight: Death Before Mourning (Sound Verite) {1}: CP:+
- The LaFontaines: Junior (SO) {1}: Sk:+
- LA Guns: The Devil You Know (Nexus) {1}: L:+
- Lala Lala: The Lamb (Sub Pop) {1}: fa:+
- LAL: Dark Beings (Coax) {1}: Ex:+
- Catherine Lamb: Point/Wave (Another Timbre) {1}: aaj:+
- Ross Lambert: Magnit-Iz-Dat (Earshots) {1}: aaj:+
- Mohamed Lamouri: Underground Rai Love (Almost Music) {1}: MM:64
- Lanskey Jones: Dangerfield (World's Fair) {1}: N:+
- Lapsley: These Elements (XL -EP) {1}: sp:+
- Laraaji & Lyghte: Celestial Realms (Morning Trip) {1}: aqd:+
- Lava La Rue: Stitches (self-released) {1}: Cl:+
- Stoney LaRue: Onward (One Chord Song) {1}: scm:+
- Timo Lassy & Teppo Makynen: Timo Lassy & Teppo Makynen (We Jazz) {1}: db:+
- Last in Line: II (Frontiers) {1}: L:+
- Lau: Midnight and Closedown (Reveal) {1}: Sk:+
- Laurence-Anne: Premiere Apparition (uprince) {1}: LCA:31
- Sven Laux and Daniela Oren: The Writings (Dronarivm) {1}: YW:119
- Liz Lawrence: Pity Party (Second Breakfast) {1}: Gw:50
- Theo Lawrence: Sauce Piquante (Tomika/BMG) {1}: MM:90
- Tracy Lawrence: Made in America (Lawrence Music Group) {1}: scm:+
- LDY OSC: Sot (Kontra Musik) {1}: ia:+
- The Leaf Library: About Minerals (Inner Space Travels) {1}: GTV:+
- Learic & Es-K: Thought Instruments (Equal Eyes) {1}: HG:40
- Cate Le Bon & Bradford Cox: Myths 004 (Mexican Summer -EP) {1}: LQ:+
- Jake Leckie: The Abode (Outside In Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Xavier Lecouturier: Carrier (Origin) {1}: jjh:+ -- TH:B
- Led Bib: It's Morning (RareNoise) {1}: BIW:62 -- TH:B
- Gabe Lee: Farmland (Torrez Music Group) {1}: scm:+
- Okkyung Lee: Cheol-Kkot-Sae (Steel Flower Bird) (Tzadik -18) {1}: jsgr:10
- Benjamin Francis Leftwich: Gratitude (Dirty Hit) {1}: diy:+
- The Legion: Three the Bronx Way (Fat Beats) {1}: HG:+
- Shira Legman/Michael Pisaro: Barricades (Elsewhere) {1}: fj:+
- Le Grand: Plastic Jazz (BLKC -EP) {1}: Spk:+
- K Leimer: Irrational Overcast (First Terrace) {1}: PM:+
- The Leisure Society: Arrivals and Departures (Ego Drain) {1}: -- PJ:179-46-3
- Jens Lekman & Annika Norlin: Correspondence (Secretly Canadian) {1}: CP:21
- Peter Lemer Quintet: Son of Local Colour (ESP-Disk) {1}: fd:+
- The Lemonheads: Varshons 2 (Fire) {1}: Q:+
- Jamie Lenman: Shuffle (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: Ups:+
- LenneBrothers Band: Rocking Live Around the Fire Station (AGR Television) {1}: YW:71
- Lenzman: Bobby (Metalhedz) {1}: Mix:46
- Leon: Leon (BMG) {1}: Al:41
- Nguyen Le Quartet: Streams (ACT Music) {1}: jfkz:+
- Le Rex: Escape of the Fire Ants (Cuneiform) {1}: pm_j:+
- Lerosa: Bucket of Eggs (Acid Test) {1}: ia:+
- Les Violons De Bruxelles: Barcelone (Lejazzetal) {1}: TS:+
- Levitation Orchestra: Inexpressible Infinity (Astigmatic) {1}: jcm:+
- Lewsberg: Lewsberg (self-released) {1}: MM:53
- Dave Liebman & Richie Beirach: Eternal Voices (Jazzline) {1}: aaj:+
- Oliver Lieb: Violet Sky (Tronic -EP) {1}: YW:52
- Life of Agony: The Sound of Scars (Napalm) {1}: CS:+
- Lifted: 2 (Pan) {1}: ra:+
- Lighght: Gore-Tex in the Club, Balenciaga Amongst the Shrubs (Shadow Gazing) {1}: bc_e:+
- Murray A Lightburn: Hear Me Out (Dangerbird) {1}: nt:+
- Lightning Bug: October Song (Marbled Arm) {1}: Pf:+
- Hua Li: Dynasty (Next Door) {1}: ex_u:+
- Lil Flip & EJ Carter: H Town to Pi Town (Clover Town) {1}: HDX:+
- Damian Lillard: Big DOLLA (Front Page Music) {1}: Up_h:29
- Lily & Horn Horse/Banny Grove: 4 Partners Road (Nicey Music) {1}: do:+
- Brad Linde's Dix Out: There Will Be Some Changes Made (Bleebop) {1}: JC:+
- Lindstrom: On a Clear Day I Can See You Forever (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: Mj:+
- Liniker E Os Caramelows: Goela Abaixo (self-released) {1}: LBF:47
- Little Boots: Jump (On Repeat) {1}: SC:+
- Little Musket: Fever Blister (self-released -EP) {1}: SoG:+
- Little Scream: Speed Queen (Merge) {1}: -- RC:*
- Loamlands: Lez Dance (Cruisin') {1}:
- Locked Groove: Sunset Service (Hotflush) {1}: tsu:+
- Frederic Lo: Hallelujah! (Water Music) {1}: MM:76
- Aubrey Logan: Your Mom's Favorite Songs (Resonance -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- Logic: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (Def Jam) {1}: BB:+
- Mariano Loiacono: Vibrations (DBN) {1}: JC:+
- Sam Brady Long: Satie, Dilated (Unclench) {1}: tg:+
- Lord Haiti: On My Soul 1.5 (self-released) {1}: em:+
- The Lord Weird Slough Feg: The New Organon (Cruz Del Sur) {1}: FB:41
- Lorelei K: Lightbender (self-released) {1}: do:+
- Lorn: Drown the Traitor Within (Wednesday Sound) {1}: xlr:+
- Lost Bayou Ramblers: Rodents of Unusual Size [Music From the Motion Picture] (self-released) {1}: PO:+
- The Lost Words: Spell Songs (Quercus) {1}: TS:+
- Lotian: World Wide WEB (Toxic State) {1}: N:+
- Louder Than Death: Stop Und Fick Dich (In the Red) {1}: mg_p:8
- L'Oumigmag: Habitant (self-released) {1}: aaj:+
- Lowcaster: Flames Arise (Ripple) {1}: FB:30
- Lowest of the Low: Agitpop (Warner Music) {1}: sp:+
- Low Hum: Room to Breathe (Last Gang) {1}: PM:+
- Low Jack: Jingles Du Lieu-dit (Editions Gravats) {1}: Qt:+
- Lowly: Hifalutin (Bella Union) {1}: sp:+
- Low Roar: Ross (Tonequake) {1}: Spk:+
- Lowtec: Light Surfing (Avenue 66) {1}: ra:+
- LSD: Labrinth, Sia, Diplo Present . . . LSD (Columbia) {1}: EW:+
- L-space: Music for Megastructures (Last Night From Glasgow) {1}: GTV:+
- Erik Lundin: Zebrapojken (Mansa Banda) {1}: So:21
- Lage Lund: Terrible Animals (Criss Cross) {1}: -- TH:*
- Daniele Luppi & Parquet Courts: Milano (30th -17) {1}: Rx:68 -- RC:[A-], TH:***]
- Martina Lussi: Diffusion Is a Force (Latency) {1}: pf_x:+
- Julian Lynch: Rat's Spit (Ya Reach/Underwater Peoples) {1}: ta:+
- Lyric Jones & Nameless: Ga$ Money (self-released) {1}: HDX:+
- Doug MacDonald: Califournia Quartet (Dmacmusic) {1}: -- TH:*
- Doug MacDonald & the Tarmac Ensemble: Jazz Marathon 4: Live at Hangar 18 (DMAC -2CD) {1}: -- TH:*
- Machinefabriek: With Voices (Western Vinyl) {1}: acl_x:+
- Bill MacKay: Fountain Fire (Drag City) {1}: aqd:+
- Bill MacKay & Katika Kleijn: Stir (Drag City) {1}: aqd:+
- Macseal: Super Enthusiast (6131) {1}: Alt:32
- Madder Rose: To Be Beautiful (Trome) {1}: 405:+
- Maddie & Tae: Everywhere I'm Goin' (Mercury Nashville) {1}: sln:+
- Maddie & Tae: One Heart to Another (Mercury Nashville) {1}: sln:+
- Madmadmad: Proper Music (STAC) {1}: YW:77
- Madness of Crowds: Tulips (Hippo Machine) {1}: db:+
- Madonnatron: Musica Alla Puttanesca (Trashmouth) {1}: 53:+
- Madwort's Menagerie: Madwort's Menagerie (Madwort) {1}: BIW:24
- Veronica Maggio: Fiender Ar Trakigt (Universal) {1}: Gf:26
- Magic Shoppe: Circles (Cardinal Fuzz) {1}: FB:35
- Magna Pia: Eostre (Soma) {1}: YW:108
- Mahatma X: A Mobtown Suite Vol II (Home Assembly Music) {1}: No:22
- Malboro Bled: Malboro Bled (self-released) {1}: BIW:64
- Malci: Papaya! (WHY) {1}: N:+
- Nick Malcolm: Real Isn't Real (Green Eyes) {1}: jm:+
- Mall Grab: Growing Pains (Looking for Trouble -EP) {1}: YW:58
- Jae Mansa: Relationships and Money (Eoarn Entertainment) {1}: YW:67
- Mappe Of: The Isle of Ailynn (Paper Bag) {1}: GTV:+
- Zela Margossian Quintet: Transitions (Art as Catharsis) {1}: JC:+
- Olivier Marguerit: A Terre! (Vietnam) {1}: LR:44
- Amber Mark: Conexao (PMR/Virgin EMI -EP -18) {1}: Rx:53 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
- Markers: Heaven in the Dark Earth (God Unknown) {1}: -- Sk:+
- Busby Marou: The Great Divide (Warner Australia) {1}: DJ:50
- Marshall: Layers (Nettwerk) {1}: sp:+
- Marshmello: Joytime III (Joytime Collective) {1}: Gg_e:28
- Billie Marten: Feeding Seahorses by Hand (Sony UK) {1}: LBF:+
- Martyn: Odds Against Us (Ostgut Ton -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Masked Intruder: III (Pure Noise) {1}: Bq:+
- Josh Mason: Coquina Dose (Florabelle) {1}: tx_a:8
- James Massiah: Natural Born Killers (Ride for Me) (Levels) {1}: xlr:+
- Mathematik: ReAL/iS-HiM (Urbnet) {1}: HG:+
- Agathe Max & Natalia Beylis: The Garden of Paradise (Fort Evil Fruit) {1}: pta:+
- John Mayall: Nobody Told Me (Forty Below) {1}: gl:+
- Yo-Yo Ma: Salonen: Cello Concerto (Sony Masterworks) {1}: xbl:10
- Bryan McAllister: Very Stable Genius (Orenda) {1}: aaj:+
- James McArthur & the Head Gardeners: Intergalactic Sailor (Moorland) {1}: FB:67
- Dan McCarthy: City Abstract (Origin) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Kyle McEvoy: Always Fading (1631) {1}: YW:123
- Zara McFarlane: East of the River Nile (Brownswood) {1}: aaj:+
- MC Lars & Mega Ran: The Dewey Decibel System (Horris/Random Beats) {1}: YW:65
- Jenna McLean: Brighter Day (Moddl) {1}: -- TH:*
- Meatraffle: Bastard Music (Delayed) {1}: Qt:85
- Adam Meckler Orchestra: Magnificent Madness (Ropeadope) {1}: sd_j:+
- Medhane: Own Pace (Grand Closing) {1}: DJB:68
- Meg & Dia: Happysad (Pure Noise) {1}: -- em:+
- Rod Melancon: Pinkville (Blue Elan) {1}: scm:+
- Me Lost Me: The Lay of the Land (867242 DK) {1}: sp:+
- Meow Meow + Thomas Lauderdale: Hotel Amour (Heinz) {1}: TS:+
- Anna Meredith: Eighth Grade [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Columbia) {1}: Qt:+
- Merival: Lesson () {1}: Cl:+
- Mess: Learning How to Talk (Mess) {1}: Alt:60
- Metro Crowd: Planning: (Maple Death) {1}: NR:+
- Meursault: Crow Hill (Common Grounds) {1}: Sk:+
- Mgla: Age of Excuse (Northern Heritage) {1}: RY:32
- Midnite Snaxxx: Music Inside (Slovenly) {1}: YW:69
- Miguel: Te Lo Dije EP (RCA -EP) {1}: PO:+
- Massimiliano Milesi: Oofth (Auand) {1}: BIW:38
- Milky Chance: Mind the Moon (Universal Music Australia) {1}: AS:+
- The Millennial Club: She's So Insane (self-released -EP) {1}: em:+
- Olan Mill: Sacred Geometry (Dronarivm) {1}: YW:95
- Ronnie Milsap: The Duets (G-Force) {1}: Gg_c:32
- Nicki Minaj: Queen (Young Money/Cash Money -18) {1}: Rx:54 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
- Miniature Tigers: Vampires in the Daylight (self-released) {1}: SoG:39
- Misery Index: Rituals of Power (Season of Mist) {1}: Rev:+
- Gabriele Mitelli/Rob Mazurek: Star Splitter (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Mndsgn: Snaxx (Stones Throw) {1}: Cl:+
- MNNQNS: Body Negative (Fat Cat) {1}: LR:95
- Model Man: City Songs Pt 1 (Mahogany -EP) {1}: PM:+
- Modern Rituals: Yearning (Holy Roar -EP) {1}: diy:+
- Modeselektor: Who Else (Monkeytown) {1}: Ms:36
- MoE + Mette Rasmussen: Tolerancia Picante (Conrad Sound) {1}: Qt:95
- Abul Mogard: And We Are Passing Through Silently (Houndstooth) {1}: LBF:+
- Moken: Missing Chapters (MoodSwing) {1}: PM:+
- Molly: All That Ever Could Have Been (Sonic Cathedral) {1}: LBF:+
- Monnone Alone: Summer of the Mosquito (Lost & Lonesome) {1}: ath:+
- The Monochrome Set: Fabula Mendax (Tapete) {1}: RT:93*
- Monolord: No Comfort (Relapse) {1}: FB:89
- Monomotion: Fujisan (Fake Music) {1}: PM:+
- Derel Monteith Trio: Quantity of Life (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- Coco Montoya: Coming in Hot (Alligator) {1}: am_b:+
- Betty Moon: Hellucination (Evolver) {1}: sp:+
- Moon Boots: Bimini Road (Anjunadeep) {1}: kc:8
- Dylan Moon: Only the Blues (RVNG Intl) {1}: LQ:+
- Eli Moon: Bodies (Meridian) {1}: LBF:26
- Dallas Moore: Tryin' to Be a Blessing (Sol) {1}: scm:+
- Thurston Moore/Frank Rosaly: Marshmallow Moon Decorum (Corbett vs Dempsey) {1}: -- TH:*
- Steve Moore: Beloved Exile (Temporary Residence) {1}: PM:+
- Mope City: News From Home (01-18) {1}: ath:+
- Devin Morrison: Bussin' (NBN) {1}: am_r:+
- Morrissey: California Son (BMG) {1}: T:+
- Mark Morriss: Look Up (Reckless Yes) {1}: GTV:+
- Mohammad Reza Mortazavi: Ritme Jaavdanegi (Latency) {1}: pf_x:+
- Mark Morton: Anesthetic (Spinefarm) {1}: Ex:+
- Emile Mosseri: The Last Black Man in San Francisco [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Lakeshore) {1}: wil:+
- Motionless in White: Disguise (Roadrunner) {1}: ap:+
- Mount Liberation Unlimited: Mount Liberation Unlimited (Studio Barnhus) {1}: Mix:48
- Jack Mouse Group: Intimate Adversary (Tall Grass) {1}: -- TH:*
- Move D: Building Bridges (!K7) {1}: ra:+
- Mozes and the Firstborn: Dadcore (self-released) {1}: GTV:+
- Mozzy: Internal Affairs (Mozzy/Empire) {1}: N:42
- Mree: The Middle (Nettwerk -EP) {1}: Spk:+
- Mudhoney: Morning in America (Sub Pop) {1}: Cl:+
- Mukqs: SD Biomix (Orange Milk) {1}: acl_x:+
- John Mulaney: John Mulaney and the Sack Lunch Bunch (Drag City) {1}: CP:73
- Pep Mula: Mula II (Underpool) {1}: jma:+
- Mulatto: Hit the Latto (Pitstop/Stream Cut -EP) {1}: H -- Cl:+
- Kjetil Mulelid Trio: What You Thought Was Home (Rune Grammofon) {1}: aaj:+
- Sebastian Mullaert: A Place Called Inkonst (Kontra Musik) {1}: tsu:+
- Guillaume Muller: Sketches of Sound (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- AJ Munson: Cigarettes & Coffee (self-released) {1}: HG:23
- The Murlocs: Manic Candid Episode (Flightless) {1}: B:+
- Nick Murphy: Run Fast Sleep Naked (Downtown) {1}: LBF:+
- James Murray: Embrace Storms (Slowcraft) {1}: tx_a:10
- Keith Murray: Lord of the Metaphor 2 (Def Squad) {1}: HG:+
- Sequoyah Murray: Before You Begin (Thrill Jockey) {1}: pm_s:14
- Mush: Induction Party (Memphis Industries) {1}: LQ:+
- The Muslims: Mayo Supreme (Don't Panic) {1}: afk:+
- Mutate3k: Static (Edited Arts) {1}: ia:+
- Muzi: Zeno (We.The.Bundu) {1}: LR:61
- Corey Mwamba: Nth (Discus) {1}: jrw:25
- Mwenso & the Shakes: Emergence (The Process of Coming Into Being) (Ropeadope) {1}: hft:17
- My Disco: Environment (Downwards) {1}: Qt:75
- Robert Aeolus Myers: Talisman (Origin Peoples) {1}: ia:+
- John Myrtle: Here's John Myrtle (Bingo -EP) {1}: LBF:+
- The Mystery Lights: Too Much Tension! (Wick) {1}: FB:79
- Najee: Center of the Heart (Shanachie) {1}: jlw:8
- Phillip Nangle: 2 Karimba 3 Octave (self-released) {1}: tg:+
- Jonny Nash: Make a Wilderness (Music From Memory) {1}: ra:+
- Rebecca Nash: Peaceful King (Whirlwind) {1}: jm:+
- Thiago Nassif: Tres (Foom -18) {1}: Rx:60 -- RC:[A-], TH:[A-]
- Nas: The Lost Tapes II (Def Jam) {1}: Gg_h:51
- Nasty Cherry: Season 1 (Vroom Vroom -EP) {1}: NME:+
- The National Lights: Whom the Sea Will Keep (BloodShake -EP) {1}: 405:+
- Michael Nau: Less Ready to Go (ORG Music) {1}: aqd:+
- Aurora Nealand/Steve Marquette/Anton Hatwich/Paul Thibodeaux: Kobra Quartet (Astral Spirits) {1}: -- TH:*
- Nedarb: Amity (Baby Gang) {1}: Spk:+
- Paul Nedzela: Introducing Paul Nedzela (Outside In Music) {1}: JC:+
- Nefew: Spray Paint My Name on the Walls (Bases Loaded) {1}: fa:+
- Negativland: True False (Seeland) {1}: TMT:+
- Roberto Negro & Theo Ceccaldi: Montevago (Full Rhizome) {1}: J -- BIW:30
- Nekfeu: Les Etoiles Vagabondes (Seine Zoo) {1}: PM:+
- Robert Nelson: Nul N'Est Roe En Son Royaume (7e Ciel) {1}: LCA:35
- Neon Vectors: Bigger Grooves (self-released) {1}: imp:+
- New Years Day: Unbreakable (Century Media) {1}: ap:+
- New York Voices: Reminiscing in Tempo (Origin) {1}: j91:+ -- TH:B
- The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling: Lucky Guy! (Alligator) {1}: am_b:+
- Night Beats: Myth of a Man (Heavenly) {1}: Q:+
- The Night Cafe: 0151 (TNC) {1}: d:+
- Nil/Resplendent: Lesser Free Trade (self-released) {1}: FB:75
- Paal Nilssen-Love: New Japanese Noise (PNL) {1}: -- TH:*
- Nimmo: The Power (self-released) {1}: NME:+
- Ni: Noble Impulse + Normal Insanity (Tenzenmen) {1}: YW:124
- The Ninth Wave: Infancy (Distiller) {1}: LBF:+
- Hermann Nitsch: Albertina Quartett (Trost) {1}: jab:8
- Noah: Thirty (Flau) {1}: GB:31
- Nobigdyl: Lowercase Tape (Indie Tribe) {1}: GC:43
- NoCap: The Hood Dictionary (self-released) {1}: rs_h:18
- Nocturnus AD: Paradox (Profound Lore) {1}: Pf:+
- Nodding God: Nodding God Play Wooden Child (House of Mythology) {1}: Qt:+
- Alexander Noice: Noice (Orenda) {1}: PM:+
- Aimee Nolte: Looking for the Answers (Alpine Field) {1}: jan:9
- Nomadico: Gentefication (Yaxteq) {1}: do:+
- Nomad Stones: Unriddled (Brutal Panda) {1}: NAO:33
- None: Damp Chill of Life (Hypnotic Dirge) {1}: Spk:+
- Nonlocal Forecast: Bubble Universal (Hausu Mountain) {1}: ra:+
- No One Knows What the Dead Think: No One Knows What the Dead Think (Willowtip) {1}: tr_m:21
- Tujiko Noriko: Kuro [OST] (Pan) {1}: VF:34
- Richard Norris: Abstractions Vol 1 (Group Mind) {1}: Dr:83
- Richard Norris: Abstractions Vol 2 (Group Mind) {1}: Dr:83
- North Sea Radio Orchestra/John Greaves/Annie Barbazza: Folly Dololey: Songs From Robert Wyatt's Rock Bottom (Dark Companion) {1}: W:45
- Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto: Two (Live at Sydney Opera House) (Noton) {1}: ia:+
- Not Waving & Dark Mark: Downwelling (Ecstatic) {1}: xlr:+
- Heather Nova: Pearl (Saltwater) {1}: sp:+
- Nubiyan Twist: Jungle Run (Strut) {1}: PAM:+ -- TH:B-
- Nuvolascura: Nuvolascura (Zegema Beach) {1}: Bc:+
- Tim O'Brien: Tim O'Brien Band (Howdy Skies) {1}: p_f:11
- Obuxum: Re-Birth (Urbnet) {1}: Bc:+
- The Ocean Blue: Kings and Queens/Knaves and Thieves (Korda) {1}: sp:+
- Elijah Ocean: Back to the Lander (New Wheel Music) {1}: scm:+
- Christinna O: Girl in Passing (New Professor Music) {1}: 405:+
- Octavian: Endorphins (self-released) {1}: HS:+
- Octo Octa: For Lovers (Technicolour -EP) {1}: C:+
- Lucy O'Day and the Simon Latarche Trio: Honeymoon (self-released) {1}: jka:+
- Odd Okoddo: Auma (Pingipung) {1}: Bc:33
- Paul O'Dette: Albert De Rippe: Un Perfaict Sonneur De Leut (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: YW:101
- Senri Oe: Hmmm (Sony) {1}: jme:7
- Oh, Rose: While My Father Sleeps (Park the Van) {1}: sp:+
- Oiseaux-Tempete: From Somewhere Invisible (Sub Rosa) {1}: MM:50
- OjeRum: Alting Falder I Samme Rum (Sound in Silence) {1}: GTV:+
- Okada: Life Is But an Empty Dream (n5MD) {1}: 405:+
- Kele Okereke: 2042 (Kola) {1}: PO:+
- Vikingur Olafsson: JS Bach: Works & Reworks (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: jcmb:8
- Alicia Olatuja: Intuition: Songs From the Minds of Women (Resilience Music) {1}: jrm:+
- Andrew Oliver/David Horniblow: The Complete Morton Project (Lejazzetal) {1}: TS:+
- Olympia: Flamingo (Universal Music Australia) {1}: DJ:21
- Omma: 1905 (Antinote) {1}: VF:46
- Ola Onabule: Point Less (Rugged Ram) {1}: jms:9 -- TH:B
- Ona: Full Moon, Heavy Light (Hickman Holler) {1}: N:+
- Aki Onda: A Method to Its Messiness (Thalamos) {1}: dc:+
- Ondness: Not Really Now Not Any More (Holuzam) {1}: Qt:+
- One Eleven Heavy: Desire Path (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {1}: aqd:+
- One O'Clock Lab Band: Lab 2019 (North Texas Jazz) {1}: -- TH:*
- One Step Closer: From Me to You (Triple-B) {1}: Bc:+
- Oozing Wound: High Anxiety (Thrill Jockey) {1}: NR:+
- Ordinary Elephant: Honest (Berkalin) {1}: PM:+
- Meara O'Reilly: Hockets for Two Voices (Canteloupe -EP) {1}: vma:6
- Organ Tapes: Hunger in Me Living (Tobago Tracks) {1}: TMT:+
- Orgue Agnes: A Une Gorge (Three:four -18) {1}: pta:+
- Orodruin: Ruins of Ecstasy (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: FB:62
- Orouni: Partitions (December Square) {1}: MM:23
- Jim O'Rourke: Steamroom 43 (Steamroom) {1}: wil:+
- Bobby Oroza: This Love (Big Crown) {1}: Bc:49
- Carola Ortiz: Spirala (Balaio) {1}: tg:+
- O Terno: <Atras/Alem> (Risco) {1}: Bc:79
- Nao Otsuka: Tumblin (self-released) {1}: tg:+
- Ot To Not To: Loved to Happen (New Info) {1}: Cl:+
- Our Last Night: Let Light Overcome (self-released) {1}: do:+
- Over the Rhine: Love & Revelation (Great Speckled Dog) {1}: PM:+
- Jake Owen: Greetings From Jake Owen (Big Loud) {1}: Gg_c:36
- Oxyd: The Lost Animals (Onze Heures Onze) {1}: jm:+
- Ozuna: Nibiru (Aura Music) {1}: BB:45
- Mike Pachelli: High Standards (Fullblast) {1}: -- TH:*
- Paisiel [Joao Pais Filipe/Julius Gabriel]: Paisiel (Rocket) {1}: tr_j:+
- Charlemagne Palestine + Rrose: The Goldennn Meeenn + Sheeenn (Eaux) {1}: Qt:+
- Jason Palmer: Sweet Love: Jason Palmer Plays Anita Baker (SteepleChase) {1}: db:+
- Palmistry: Afterlife (Mixpack) {1}: F:+
- Pamcy: Binibini (Healthy Tapes) {1}: ta:+
- Christophe Panzani: Les Mauvais Temperaments (Jazz & People) {1}: BIW:53
- Papa Roach: Who Do You Trust? (Eleven Seven) {1}: vjo:+
- Emile Parisien Quartet: Double Screening (ACT) {1}: JC:+
- Evan Parker/Lotte Anker/Torben Snekkestad: Inferences (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
- Marianne Parker: Pages Intimes: Haitian Works for Solo Piano (self-releasesd) {1}: tg:+
- Evan Parker/Paul G Smyth: The Dogs of Nile (Weekertoft) {1}: fj:+
- Aaron Parks: Little Big (Ropeadope -18) {1}: jjh:+ -- TH:[***]
- Alan Parsons: The Secret (Frontiers) {1}: sp:+
- Partisans: Nit De Nit (Whirlwind) {1}: jm:+
- Bennett Paster: Indivisible (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- Pataphysical: Periphera (12th Isle) {1}: ia:+
- Patchwork Jazz Orchestra: The Adventures of Mr Pottercakes (Spark) {1}: jm:+
- Patriarchy: Asking for It (Dero Arcade) {1}: Rf_k:49
- Patten: Flex (555-5555) {1}: ia:+
- Zed Yun Pavarotti: French Cash (Artside) {1}: LR:51
- Pavo Pavo: Mystery Hour (Bella Union) {1}: Q:+
- Paws: Your Church on My Bonfire (Ernest Jenning) {1}: diy:+
- Liam Payne: LP1 (Capitol) {1}: Gg_p:30
- Vinnie Paz & Tragedy Khadafi: Camouflage Regime (Iron Tusk Music/Enemy Soil) {1}: HG:+
- Peach Pyramid: Bright Blue (Oscar St) {1}: ipr:+
- Ricardo Peixoto: Scary Beautiful (self-released) {1}: aaj:+
- Katarina Pejak: Roads That Cross (Ruf) {1}: am_b:+
- Drew Pelisek: In Over Time (Pale Hush) {1}: imp:+
- Jack Penate: After You (XL) {1}: Bq:+
- Pendant: Through a Coil (Tiny Engines) {1}: p_s:7
- Aleksi Perala: Resonance (Trip) {1}: YW:54
- G Perico: Ten-Eight (Roc Nation) {1}: N:85
- Miles Perkin Quartet: The Point in Question (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Lee Scratch Perry: Life of the Plants (Stones Throw -EP) {1}: PO:+
- Perspective, a Lovely Hand to Hold: Lousy (Lauren) {1}: Alt:68
- Mark Peters: Ambient Innerland (Sonic Cathedral) {1}: YW:83
- Ralph Peterson's Gen-Next Big Band: Listen Up! (Onyx) {1}: jcah:+
- Petlib: Maker (Beth Shalom) {1}: 405:+
- Petr Aleksander: Closer, Still (Nettwerk) {1}: GTV:47
- Petra: The Building (Concord) {1}: UR:+
- Pets: Superdestroyer (Lonely Ghost) {1}: SoG:50
- Petty: How Low We In (self-released) {1}: ns:10
- Peuk: Peuk (Fons) {1}: 53:+
- Pheeyownah: Silver (Labrador) {1}: Qt:+
- Phicus + Martin Kuchen: Sumpflegende (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
- Phora: Bury Me With Dead Roses (self-released) {1}: em:+
- Photonz: Angel Heart (Naive) {1}: YW:98
- Alberto Pibiri & the Al Peppers: The Nacho Blues (Alberto Pibiri Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Rebecca Pidgeon: Sudden Exposure to Light/Comfort (Toy Canteen) {1}: am:+
- Pijn & Conjurer: Curse These Metal Hands (Holy Roar) {1}: 405:+
- The Pinheads: Is This Real (Farmer and the Owl) {1}: YW:72
- Pink Sweat$: Volume 2 (Human Re Sources -EP) {1}: asp:9
- Pinky Pinky: Turkey Dinner (Innovative Leisure) {1}: LBF:+
- Michael Pisaro: Concentric Rings in Magnetic Levitation (Dumpf Edition) {1}: fj:+
- Pist Idiots: Ticker (Space 44) {1}: ct:20
- Plague Vendor: By Night (Epitaph) {1}: LBF:+
- Plant43: Three Dimensions (Central Processing Unit) {1}: do:+
- Mat Playford: Solar (Awesome Soundwave) {1}: DJM:28
- Pleasure Leftists: The Gate (Feel It) {1}: Bc:97
- Thelma Plum: Better in Blak (Warner) {1}: AU:28
- Point North: Retrograde (We Are Triumphant) {1}: do:+
- Gilles Poizat: Horse in the House (Carton) {1}: MM:88
- Polish Club: Iguana (Universal) {1}: AU:32
- Ryan Pollie: Ryan Pollie (Anti-) {1}: SoG:27
- Polyorchard: Sommian (Out and Gone) {1}: fj:+
- Pontiac Streator/Ula Straus: 11 Items (West Mineral) {1}: pf_e:+
- Pop 1280: Way Station (Weyrd Son) {1}: G:+
- The Po' Ramblin' Boys: Toil, Tears & Trouble (Rounder) {1}: pm_c:6
- Porangui: Porangui (Sol Creation) {1}: mg_w:7
- Charlie Porter: Immigration Nation (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Portraits Jazz Project: Portraits Featuring Adalia Tara (self-released) {1}: jka:+
- Possessed: Revelations of Oblivion (Nuclear Blast) {1}: M -- Ex:+
- Sarah Potenza: Road to Rome (self-released) {1}: RS_c:38
- Potty Mouth: Snafu (Get Better) {1}: sp:+
- Power Glove: Playback (So Bad) {1}: Crh:39
- Pozi: PZ1 (Prah) {1}: Dr:41
- Press Club: Wasted Energy (self-released) {1}: GTV:+
- Pretty Sneaky: 3 (self-released -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Pretty Vicious: Beauty of Youth (Big Machine) {1}: Cl:+
- The Prime Movers: The Prime Movers Blues Band (Modern Harmonic) {1}: am_b:+
- Justus Proffit: LA's Got Me Down (Bar/None) {1}: sp:+
- Prolapse: Ghosts of Dead Aeroplanes (Jetset) {1}: pta:+
- The Proper Ornaments: Six Lenins (Tapete) {1}: MM:81
- Prosper & Stabfinger: Fire in the Remix (Bombstrikes) {1}: YW:48
- Ian Prowse: Here I Lie (Kitchen Disco) {1}: Sk:+
- Psalm One: Flight of the Wig (Charm Lab) {1}: Bc:56
- The Psychotic Monks: Private Meaning First (Vicious Circle) {1}: LR:84
- Massimo Farjon Pupillo: Massimo Farjon Pupillo (Oltrarno) {1}: PM:+
- Pure Bathing Culture: Night Pass (Infinite Companion) {1}: Am_s:42
- Pursuit Grooves: Bess (What Rules) {1}: now:+
- Qualiatik: Discarnate (Psychoid Devices -EP) {1}: TMT:+
- Quando Rondo: From the Neighborhood to the Stage (Quando Rondo/Never Broke Again/Atlantic) {1}: N:87
- Quantic: Atlantic Oscillations (Tru Thoughts) {1}: em:+
- Quatuor Diotima: Bela Bartok: Integrale Des Quatuors a Cordes (Naive) {1}: am:+
- Queen Moo: Faint Sounds of Us Hanging Out (TwoMoo) {1}: SoG:21
- Queensryche: The Verdict (Century Media) {1}: L:+
- The Quiet Temple: The Quiet Temple (Point of Departure/Wichita) {1}: Pc:57
- Ted Quinlan: Absollutely Dreaming (self-released) {1}: j91:+
- David Quinn: Wanderin' Fool (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Quireboys: Amazing Disgrace (Off Yer Rocka) {1}: L:+
- Michele Rabbia/Gianluca Petrella/Eivind Aarset: Lost River (ECM) {1}: jms:6 -- TH:B
- Rabit: The Dope Show (self-released) {1}: F:+
- Spencer Radcliffe & Everyone Else: Hot Spring (Run for Cover) {1}: Sg:+
- Radical Empathy Trio: Reality and Other Imaginary Places (ESP-Disk) {1}: jes:6
- Michael Ragonese: Day to Day (self-released) {1}: aaj:+
- Rainer Veil: Vanity (Modern Love) {1}: Qt:+
- Shez Raja: Journey to Shambhala (Raja) {1}: jm:+
- RAMZi: Multiquest Niveau 1: Camoufle (FATi) {1}: ia:+
- Hania Rani: Esja (Gondwana) {1}: Pc:52
- Rastronaut: Calhariz/Massama N/Portas (Roska Kick & Snares) {1}: YW:97
- Rational Anthem: It's Only Permanent (A-F) {1}: xjte:10
- Maja SK Ratkje: Sult (Rune Grammofon) {1}: G:+
- Ratso: Stubborn Heart (Lucky Number) {1}: RT:81
- Raveena: Lucid (Moonstone/Empire) {1}: npr_sm:6
- Bob Ravenscroft & Inner Journeys: Phantasmagoria (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- John Raymond: Real Feels Live Vol 2 (Sunnyside) {1}: db:+
- Real Life Rock & Roll Band: Hollerin' the Spirit (Geomancy) {1}: npr_lg:10
- Trippie Redd: A Love Letter to You 4 (Ten Thousand Projects) {1}: Gg_h:48
- Red Hearse: Red Hearse (RCA) {1}: NME:+
- Redrago: Redrago (Life and Death) {1}: tsu:+
- The Reds, Pinks & Purples: Anxiety Art (Pretty Olivia) {1}: pm_i:6
- Ellen Reid: Prism (Decca Gold) {1}: npr_th:6
- Roseanne Reid: Trails (Last Man Music) {1}: TS:+
- Sarah Belle Reid: Underneath and Sonder (Pfmentum) {1}: jwk:10
- Relaxer: Coconut Grove (Avenue 66) {1}: sg_e:8
- Reliant K2: Reliant K2 (self-released) {1}: do:+
- Rema: Rema (Mavin/Jozing) {1}: PAM:+
- The Resonars: No Exit (Trouble in Mind) {1}: YW:50
- The Revelers: At the End of the River (Revelers) {1}: scm:+
- Revive the Rose: Revive the Rose (Snareguy) {1}: sp:+
- Rexx Life Raj: Father Figure 3: Somewhere Out There (Rexx Life/Empire) {1}: Up_h:21
- Graham Reynolds: Marfa: A Country & Western Big Band Suite (Golden Hornet) {1}: scm:+
- Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross: Watchmen: Vol 1 [Music From the HBO Series] (Null) {1}: YW:33
- Rowan Rheingans: The Lines We Draw Together (Red Dress) {1}: pm_f:9
- The Rhyolite Sound: Mojave Gold (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Leo Richardson Quartet: Move (Ubuntu Music) {1}: jm:+
- Robert Rich: Tactile Ground (Soundscape Productions) {1}: pm_b:7
- Rich Ruth: Calming Signals (General General/Plant Life) {1}: aqd:+
- Freya Ridings: Freya Ridings (Good Soldier/Capitol) {1}: Gw:+
- Riel: Espacio Interior (Buen Dia) {1}: YW:64
- Right Hand Left Zone: Zone Rouge (Bubblewrap Collective) {1}: GTV:+
- Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys: 30 Years Live (Valcour) {1}: PO:+
- Riot Ensemble: Speak, Be Silent (Huddersfield Contemporary) {1}: nat:6
- RIP Hayman: Dreams of India & China (Recital) {1}: TMT:+
- Ripperton: Contrails (ESP Institute) {1}: 405:+
- Rising: House of Waters (GroundUP) {1}: aaj:+
- Rising Sun Daughter: I See Jane (Modern Works -EP) {1}: pm_f:10
- Manja Ristic: The Black Isle (Flag Day) {1}: mg_n:8
- J Robbins: Un-Becoming (Dischord) {1}: xjte:9
- John Roberts: Can Thought Exist Without the Body (Brunette) {1}: ia:+
- The Chris Robinson Brotherhood: Servants of the Sun (Silver Arrow) {1}: am_k:+
- Michael Robinson: Spirit Lady (Azure Miles) {1}: tg:+
- Tad Robinson: Real Street (Severn) {1}: db:+
- Rocket 808: Rocket 808 (12XU) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:B
- Rome: Le Ceneri Di Heliodoro (Trisol) {1}: NR:+
- Romeo Elvis: Chocolat (Barclay) {1}: LR:100
- Leo Rondeau: Right on Time (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Ronin Arkestra: Sonkei (Albert's Favorites) {1}: rb_j:+
- Esther Rose: You Made It This Far (Father/Daughter) {1}: P:+
- Maddie Ross: Never Have I Ever (Sentimental) {1}: BB:+
- Rotten Girlz: Punk You (Sazas) {1}: -- TH:*
- Emily Rowed: April (604) {1}: em:+
- Royal Republic: Club Majesty (Nuclear Blast) {1}: L:+
- Rrose: Hymn to Moisture (Eaux) {1}: YW:93
- Jordan Rudess: Wired for Madness (Music Theories) {1}: L:+
- Dave Rudolph Quintet: Resonance (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- James Ruskin: Reality Broadcast Off (Blueprint -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Tom Russell: October in the Railroad Earth (Proper) {1}: scm:+
- Russian Girlfriends: In the Parlance of Our Times (A-F) {1}: Spk:22
- Russkaja: No One Is Illegal (Starwatch Entertainment) {1}: Spk:+
- RXM Reality: Devil World Wide (Hausu Mountain) {1}: am_e:+
- Ustad Saami: God Is Not a Terrorist (Glitterbeat) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:C
- Saba: Care for Me (Saba Pivot -18) {1}: Rx:62 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
- Sabaton: The Great War (Nuclear Blast) {1}: NME:+
- Sacri Monti: Waiting Room for the Magic Hour (Tee Pee) {1}: FB:51
- SadGirl: Water (Suicide Squeeze) {1}: Ex:+
- Sahbabil: 3P (Casting Ball -EP) {1}: em:+
- Saint Jhn: Ghetto Lenny's Love Songs (Godd Complexx/Hitco) {1}: DJB:46
- Saint Motel: The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: Part 1 (Elektra -EP) {1}: AS:+
- Saint Vitus: Saint Vitus (Season of Mist) {1}: FB:81
- Takako Saito: Spontaneous Music (Edition Telemark) {1}: SC:+
- SAM: Fury's Laughter (Delaphine -EP) {1}: ra:+
- JC Sanford Quartet: Keratoconus (Shifting Paradigm) {1}: jfkz:+
- Hama Sankare: Ballebe: Calling All Africans (Clermont Music -18) {1}: Rx:43 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
- Sanna: Carbon Compound Combinations (KWAM YC) {1}: Sk:+
- Lara Sarkissian: Peninsula (All Centre -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Julie Sassoon/Willie Kellers: Waves (Jazzwerkstatt) {1}: aaj:+
- Toyohiko Satoh: Iki (Carpe Diem) {1}: tg:+
- Sauce Walka: New Sauce City (The Sauce Familia) {1}: sg_r:10
- Saver: They Came With Sunlight (Pelagic) {1}: Spk:+
- Jack Savoretti: Singing to Strangers (BMG) {1}: T:+
- Scarecrow: Scarecrow (Ritual Sound) {1}: FB:44
- Schacke: Kisloty Forever (Kisloty -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Schammasch: Hearts of No Light (Prosthetic) {1}: tr_m:23
- Marianne Schuppe: Nosongs (Edition Wandelweiser) {1}: aaj:+
- Dave Scott: In Search of Hipness (SteepleChase) {1}: -- TH:*'
- R Scott: Ghosts of Merced (Orenda) {1}: BIW:33
- Scrap Brain: A Journey Into Madness (Drunken Sailor) {1}: Bc:45
- Sea Change: Inside (Shapes) {1}: LQ:+
- Seaway: Fresh Produce (Pure Noise) {1}: do:+
- Sech: Suenos (Rich Music) {1}: N:35
- Secret Shame: Dark Synthetics (self-released -EP) {1}: Bc:77
- Seeker Lover Keeper: Wild Seeds (self-released) {1}: DJ:24
- See You Space Cowboy: Songs for the Firing Squad (Pure Noise) {1}: Rev:+
- Seizures: Reverie of the Revolving Diamond (Sun Terrace) {1}: Spk:+
- Selfish Things: Logos (Pure Noise) {1}: do:+
- Asya Selyutina: Nikita Koshkin: 24 Preludes & Fugues Vol 1 (Naxos) {1}: YW:117
- Sensaround: Heart/Noise (HellosQuare) {1}: pta:+
- Sensible Soccers: Aurora (Brandimusic) {1}: Cl:+
- Senyawa: Sujud (Sublime Frequencies -18) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:[***]
- Serengeti: Dennis 6e (People -18) {1}: Rx:75 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
- Serengeti: Music From the Graphic Novel Kenny Vs the Dark Web (Burnco) {1}: -- RC:*
- Rachel Sermanni: So It Turns (self-released) {1}: Sk:+
- Erick Sermon: Vernia (Def Squad) {1}: HG:49
- Marco Serrato/Francesco Covarino: Bestemmia (Raw Tonk) {1}: jfn:10
- Vivian Sessoms: Life II (Ropeadope) {1}: gl_j:+
- Shadi: You Can't Hear Me (Deathbomb Arc) {1}: Spk:+
- Finlay Shakespeare: Domestic Economy (Editions Mego) {1}: dc:+
- Shapednoise: Aesthesis (Numbers) {1}: ia:+
- Avery Sharpe: 400: An African American Musical Portrait (JKNM) {1}: jjh:10
- Elliott Sharp/Frances-Marie Uitti: Peregrinations (Zoar) {1}: jeh:8
- Jas Shaw: Exquisite Cops (Delicacies) {1}: tsu:+
- Matthew Shaw: Among the Never Setting Stars (Blackest Rainbow) {1}: Dr:89
- The Sh-Booms: The Blurred Odyssey (Limited Fanfare) {1}: YW:87
- She Keeps Bees: Kinship (Ba Da Bing!) {1}: RM:69
- Shellac: The End of Radio (Touch & Go) {1}: Qt:+
- Ben Shemie: A Skeleton (Hands in the Dark) {1}: Ex:+
- She Past Away: Disko Anksiyete (Metropolis) {1}: Am_s:47
- Leo Sherman: Tonewheel (Outside In Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Chris Shiflett: Hard Lessons (Each Beach) {1}: am_k:+
- Shit and Shine: Doing Drugs, Selling Drugs (Riot Season) {1}: Qt:43
- Jonny Shitbag & the Smokes: You Know There's Nothing to You . . . (Hidden Bay) {1}: SoG:+
- Shonen Knife: Sweet Candy Power (Good Charamel) {1}: sp:+
- Shook Twins: Some Good Lives (Dutch) {1}: PM:+
- Shortparis: Tak Zakalyalas' Stal (OOO Universal) {1}: Qt:67
- Shredders: Great Hits (Doomtree) {1}: YW:40
- The Richard Shulman Trio: Waltzing Out of Town (RichHeart Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- ShunGu: A Black Market Album (Sunthings) {1}: Cl:+
- Shunkan: Cumberland Falls (Mad Mochi) {1}: npr_sf:9
- Shxcxchcxsh: Word (Mord -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Shy Girls: Bird on the Wing (Keep Cool/RCA) {1}: em:+
- Sick Gazelle: Odum (War Crime) {1}: vmp_j:8
- Samantha Sidley: Interior Person (Release Me) {1}: la_w:9
- Naomi Moon Siegel: Live at Earshot (Slow & Steady) {1}: BIW:67
- Signals Midwest: Pin (Lauren -EP) {1}: Alt:72
- Catherine Sikora: Warrior (self-released) {1}: jdme:9
- The Silence: Metaphysical Feedback (Drag City) {1}: FB:100
- Simple Creatures: Strange Love (BMG -EP) {1}: Bq:+
- Simulation: Death's Head Speaks (Hausu Mountain) {1}: am:+
- Mariee Sioux: Grief in Exile (Night Bloom) {1}: PM:+
- Sir Was: Holding on to a Dream (Memphis Industries) {1}: Dr:93
- Sister John: Sister John (Last Night From Glasgow) {1}: Sk:+
- Skeleton Goode: Skeleton Goode (Mega Dodo) {1}: FB:55
- Richard Skelton: Border Ballads (Corbel Stone) {1}: Qt:26
- Skinny Pelembe: Dreaming Is Dead Now (Brownswood) {1}: Cl:+
- Erik Skov: Liminality (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Skudge: Clear/Wasp (Skudge -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Phil Slater: The Dark Pattern (Earshift Music -2CD) {1}: JC:+; jld:10
- Slaves: The Velvet Ditch (Virgin EMI -EP) {1}: diy:+
- Sleep D: Rebel Force (Incienso) {1}: ia:+
- Sleep on It: Pride & Disaster (Equal Vision) {1}: ap:+
- Slingshot Dakota: Heavy Banding (Community) {1}: Alt:69
- Matt Slocum: Sanctuary (Sunnyside) {1}: db:+
- Slow Hollows: Actors (Not Another World) {1}: em:+
- Slow Meadow: Happy Occident (Hammock Music) {1}: bc_a:+
- Slum Sociable: LIF (Liberation -EP) {1}: AU:33
- Sly Horizon: The Anatomy of Light (Iluso) {1}: BIW:63
- Sly & Robbie: Dub Serge (Taxi) {1}: -- TH:*
- Smallpeople: Afterglow (Smallville) {1}: Mix:+
- Smif-N-Wessun: The All (Bucktown USA Entertainment/Duck Down Music) {1}: HG:32
- Carlton Jumel Smith: 1634 Lexington Avenue (Timmon) {1}: am_r:+
- Jaden Smith: Erys (MSFTSMusic/Roc Nation) {1}: Up_h:28
- Kenautis Smith & Lyfestile: From Which I Came (Something Wonderful) {1}: HDX:+
- Smith N' Weston: Get Down (self-released) {1}: tg:+
- Smoke DZA & Benny the Butcher: Statue of Limitations (RFC/Cinematic) {1}: HDX:+
- The Snakes: The Snakes (Anti-Fade) {1}: FB:88
- Emerson Snowe: That\'s Rock \'n\' Roll (Liberation) {1}: AU:27
- Sobhhi: Black I (Nuit Sans Fin -EP) {1}: em:+
- Soft Issues: Soft Issues (Opal Tapes) {1}: mg_n:6
- Sohrab: Simple Minds (Marginal Returns) {1}: xlr:+
- Soilwork: Verkligheten (Nuclear Blast) {1}: ug:14
- Emilio Solla International Jazz Orchestra: Puertos: Music From International Waters (Avantango) {1}: jdm:+
- Phillip Sollman: New Atlantis (Ostgut Ton) {1}: Gg_e:40
- Sauti Sol: Afrikan Sauce (self-releasead) {1}: PAM:+
- Alan Sond: Clown Around Town (Low Income $quad) {1}: TMT:+
- Sonta: Hood Love Vol One (Machine Entertainment Group) {1}: LBF:+
- Sophie: Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides Remix Album (self-released) {1}: ra:+
- Sore Points: Not Alright (Slovenly -EP) {1}: YW:21
- Sotto Voce: Safety (self-released) {1}: PM:+
- Soul Glo: The Nigga in Me Is Me (SRA) {1}: afk:+
- Soundgarden: Live From the Artists Den (Universal) {1}: Mj:+
- Southfrap Alliance: Southfrap Vol 1: Dans Tes Morts (Southfrap) {1}: F:+
- Samthing Soweto: Isphithiphithi (Platoon) {1}: afk:+
- Space Dimension Controller: Love Beyond the Intersect (R&S) {1}: ia:+
- Spaceship: Outcrops (Where It's At Is Where You Are) {1}: Qt:+
- DJ Sparr: Electric Bands (Innova) {1}: tg:+
- Spearmint: A You From the Future? (HitBack) {1}: GTV:+
- Tom Speight: Collide (self-released) {1}: Bq:+
- Vinnie Sperrazza/Jacob Sacks/Masa Kamaguchi: Play Sonny Rollins (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: -- TH:*
- Sphare Sechs: Transient Lunar Phenomenon (Cryo Chamber) {1}: YW:84
- SP:MC: Vintage/Slugfest (Sentry -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Sports Team: Making Hay (Bright Antenna) {1}: YW:37
- Spray Paint: Into the Country (12XU) {1}: -- PJ:149-55-6
- Spring Roll: Episodes (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Squaring Circles: Motion (Best & Fairest) {1}: pta:+
- Lyn Stanley: London Calling: A Toast to Julie London (AT Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Ringo Starr: What's My Name (Polydor) {1}: sp:+
- Stats: Other People's Lives (Memphis Industries) {1}: NME:+
- Steel Pulse: Mass Manipulation (Rootfire Cooperative) {1}: G:+
- Rubin Steiner: Say Hello to the Dawn of Paradox (Platinum) {1}: LR:90
- Lennon Stella: Love, Me (Columbia) {1}: Ps:28
- Joanna Sternberg: Then I Try Some More (Team Love) {1}: tg:+
- Fox Stevenson: Killjoy (AntiFragile Music) {1}: Mgn:22
- Sufjan Stevens & Timo Andres: The Decalogue (Asthmatic Kitty) {1}: sp:+
- St Jacobs Kammarkor/Rebaroque/Gary Graden: GF Handel: Messiah (Proprius -17) {1}: jcmb:10
- Eric St-Laurent: Bliss Station (Katzen Musik) {1}: j91:+
- Kelley Stoltz: My Regime (Banana & Louie) {1}: BIB:28
- The St Pierre Snake Invasion: Caprice Enchante (self-released) {1}: LQ:+
- Sean Strage: Street Urchin 2 (Nah Bro/Def Squad) {1}: HG:+
- Strangejuice: Raising Cannibals (self-released) {1}: gig:+
- Ulla Straus: Big Room (Quiet Time Tapes) {1}: pf_x:+
- Stray Kids: Cle 1: Miroh (JYP Entertainment -EP) {1}: mtv:+
- Pontiac Streator & Ulla Straus: 11 Items (West Mineral) {1}: ia:+
- String Machine: Death of the Neon (Earthwalk Collective) {1}: Alt:71
- Stubbleman: Mountains and Plains (Crammed Discs) {1}: PM:+
- Styles P: SP the Goat: Ghost of All Time (Empire -EP) {1}: HDX:+
- Subhumans: Crisis Point (Pirates Press) {1}: Rf:35
- Substance: Rise and Shine (Ostgun Ton -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Suga Free: The Resurrection (Buss Clinic) {1}: HDX:+
- Sugarfoot: In the Clearing (Crispin Glover) {1}: FB:86
- Denis Sulta: Aye Spoake Te Sumwuhn & They Listenhd (Ninja Tune) {1}: bc_e:+
- Summer Cannibals: Can't Tell Me No (Tiny Engines) {1}: P:+
- Anu Sun: Sanguine Regum (Ropeadope) {1}: N:+
- Anu Sun: Sanguine Regum (Ropeadope) {1}: vmp_j:9
- Sunday Service Choir: Jesus Is Born (INC) {1}: NME:+
- Sun Speak: Moon Preach (Flood Music) {1}: JC:+; jadh:10
- Super Low: Super Low (self-released) {1}: SoG:+
- Surachai: Come, Deathless (BL_K Noise) {1}: PM:+
- Surf Curse: Heaven Surrounds You (Danger Collective) {1}: 405:+
- Suzan Kocher: Suzan Kocher\'s Suprafon (Unique) {1}: NBH:31
- Swan's Chamber: Swan's Chamber (Leaving) {1}: aqd:+
- Swimming Tapes: Morningside (self-released) {1}: Cl:+
- Synestet: Les Usures (self-released) {1}: BIW:52
- Tom Syson: Different Coloured Days (self-released) {1}: jm:+
- Tadzio: The Sick Room (1027750 DK) {1}: tg:+
- Emi Takada: Why Did I Choose You? (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- Aki Takahashi: Morton Feldman: For Bunita Marcus (Mode) {1}: ycy:10
- Garry Tallent: More Like Me (D'Ville) {1}: app:+
- Talos: Far Out Dust (BMG) {1}: Ni:+
- Fumiya Tanaka: Right Moment (Perlon) {1}: xlr:+
- Clive Tanaka Y Su Orquesta: Pre-Sunrise Authority (Friends of Friends) {1}: GTV:+
- Akira Tana & Otonowa: Love's Radiance (Ai San San) (Vega Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Tanith: In Another Time (Metal Blade) {1}: xce:9
- Tank and the Bangas: Green Balloon (Verve) {1}: am_r:+
- Taphari: Earth's No Fun (Mister Saturday Night) {1}: N:+
- Tartit: Amankor/The Exile (Riverboat) {1}: mg_w:9
- Aaron Lee Tasjan: Karma for Cheap: Reincarnated (New West) {1}: NoD_r:33
- Tavishi: Voices in My Head (Chinabot) {1}: N:+
- Tawiah: Starts Again (First World) {1}: VF:37
- Tayhana: Tierra Del Fuego (Naafi) {1}: F:+
- Julian Taylor Band: Avalanche (Gypsy Soul) {1}: sp:+
- Gregory Taylor: Retinue (Palace of Lights) {1}: YW:76
- Joanne Shaw Taylor: Reckless Heart (Silvertone) {1}: L:+
- Claude Tchamitchian: In Spirit: Contrebasse Solo (Emouvance) {1}: fj:+
- Teamonade: This Is Your Only Warning (1036078 DK) {1}: SoG:29
- Tech N9ne: N9NA (Strange Music) {1}: am_h:+
- Techno Bert: Neue Dimensionen (Mannequin) {1}: YW:81
- Teenage Cavegirl: Candy Cigarettes (self-released) {1}: mg_p:6
- Telekinesis: Effluxion (Merge) {1}: -- PJ:76-93-7
- The Telescopes: Exploding Head Syndrome (Tapete) {1}: Mj:+
- Luke Temple: Both-And (Native Cat) {1}: UR:88
- Alfie Templeman: Don't Go Wasting Time (Chess Club -EP) {1}: NME:+
- Tenesha the Wordsmith: Peacocks & Other Savage Beasts (On the Corner) {1}: Pc:45
- Terrible People: Like Clean Air (Tired) {1}: Alt:56
- Terror Danjah: Invasion (Tru Thoughts) {1}: bc_e:+
- Tesla: Shock (Universal) {1}: L:+
- Test Dept: Disturbance (One Little Indian) {1}: PM:+
- Texas Hippie Coalition: High in the Saddle (Entertainment One) {1}: L:+
- Thank You Scientist: Terraformer (Evil Ink) {1}: ug:10
- Th Da Freak: Freakenstein (Howlin Banana) {1}: MM:96
- Thelma: The Only Thing (1055235 DK2) {1}: TMT:+
- Thingy: Morbid Curiosity (Joyful Noise) {1}: vgb:6
- Prins Thomas: Ambitions (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: MO:+
- Rafael Thomaz: Invencoes Para Violao E Percussao (Tratore) {1}: tg:+
- Travis Thompson: Reckless Endangerment (Epic) {1}: Up_h:30
- Those Darn Gnomes: Calling Whitetails to a Tuned Bow (Nefarious Industries) {1}: sp:+
- Throes: In the Hands of an Angry God (Holy Roar) {1}: Pu:24
- Thunder: Please Remain Seated (BMG) {1}: L:+
- Thunderpussy: Milk It (Stardog/Republic -EP) {1}: sp:+
- Thylacine: Roads Vol 1 (Intuitive) {1}: LBF:+
- Tiger Village: Modern Drummer (Hausu Mountain) {1}: pf_x:+
- Tijuana Panthers: Carpet Denim (Innovative Leisure) {1}: ipr:+
- John Tilbury: The Tiger's Mind (Cubus) {1}: Qt:34
- Ashley Tisdale: Symptoms (Big Noise) {1}: Up_p:31
- Anna Tivel: The Question (Fluff & Gravy) {1}: p_f:14
- Tobi: Still (self-released) {1}: ex_u:+
- Simon Toldam Trio: Omhu (ILK Music) {1}: aaj:+
- Neil Tolliday: Mallumo (Utopia) {1}: YW:99
- Tom of England: Sex Monk Blues (LIES) {1}: C:50
- Daniel Tompkins: Castles (Kscope) {1}: PM:+
- Patrick Topping: Watch What Ya Doing (Trick) {1}: YW:53
- Rafael Toral/Mars Williams/Tim Daisy: Elevation (Relay) {1}: jgm:6
- Toro Y Moi: Soul Trash (self-released) {1}: GB:36
- Katie Toupin: Magnetic Moves (TMG) {1}: PM:+
- Tourist Activities: Off My Mind (Den Tapes) {1}: Bc:98
- Magen Tracy & the Missed Connections: Long Fuse Burning (self-released) {1}: bh:7
- Meghan Trainor: The Love Train (Epic -EP) {1}: Cos:+
- Miguel Trapaga/Teresa Folgueira: Guitar Double Concertos (Naxos) {1}: tg:+
- Penelope Trappes: Penelope Redeux (Houndstooth) {1}: Bc:94
- Tree: The Wild End (Soul Trap/Parallel Thought) {1}: PW:22
- Tree & Vic Spencer: Nothing Is Something (Soul Trap Music) {1}: PW:22
- Tree: We Grown Now (Soul Trap Music) {1}: PW:22
- Tribe of Colin: Age of Aquarius (Honest Jon's) {1}: F:+
- Trimdon Grange Explosion: Trimdon Grange Explosion (Feeding Tube) {1}: SC:+
- TripleGo: Yeux Rouges (Twareg) {1}: Qt:71
- Walter Trout: Survivor Blues (Provogue) {1}: L:+
- Robin Trower: Coming Closer to the Day (Provogue) {1}: L:+
- TRP.P: 2TRP.P (Pirates Blend) {1}: Ex:+
- TR/ST: The Destroyer - 2 (Grouch) {1}: N:48
- True Moon: II (Lovely) {1}: FB:22
- Truth Club: Not an Exit (Tiny Engines) {1}: Sg:+
- Truth: The Fight for Survival (Hendrix St) {1}: HG:47
- Alexi Tuomarila Trio: Sphere (Edition) {1}: fj:+
- Klas Jervfors Turner: Suburban Dreams (Krokodil) {1}: jgt:11
- John Turville: Head First (Whirlwind) {1}: jm:+
- Francois Tusques: Alors Nosferatu Combina Un Plan Ingenieux (Cacophonic) {1}: fj:+
- Doug Tuttle: Dream Road (Burger) {1}: FB:77
- Twain: New Miami Sound (Keeled Scales) {1}: aqd:+
- Twins: New Cold Dream (2MR) {1}: ia:+
- Twin Talk: Weaver (37d03d) {1}: PM:+
- Two People: First Body (Terrible) {1}: B:+
- Tylor & the Train Robbers: Best of the Worst Kind (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Paul Tynan: Quartet (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
- Tzusing & MESH: Split (PAN -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Ubi: Under the Influence (Strange Music) {1}: HG:54
- UCC Harlo: United (Subtext) {1}: pta:+
- Uncommon Nasa & Kount Fif: City as School (Man Bites Dog) {1}: HG:27
- Unidentified Pattern: El Desespere (Duro) {1}: YW:115
- Unknown Mobile: Daucile Moon (Pacific Rhythm) {1}: Ex:+
- Upset: Upset (Lauren) {1}: SoG:47
- Uranium Club: The Cosmo Cleaners (Static Shock) {1}: -- PJ:159-52-5
- UV-TV: Happy (Deranged) {1}: YW:31
- Marcos Valle: Sempre (Far Out) {1}: SC:+
- Reinier Van Houdt/Bruno Duplant: Lettres Et Replis (Elsewhere) {1}: fj:+
- Ameer Vann: Emmanuel (Winston Wolf -EP) {1}: NME:+
- Varg: Sky City: A Weak Heart to Break (Spit) (Northern Electronics) {1}: ra:+
- Varg: Sky City: Even in the Heart of Heaven, Angels Can Still Feel Fear (Northern Electronics) {1}: ra:+
- Vastum: Orificial Purge (20 Buck Spin) {1}: Ex:+
- Vaura: Sables (Profound Lore) {1}: Spk:+
- VC-118A: Inside (Delsin) {1}: Qt:+
- Vein/Norrbotten Big Band: Symphonic Bop (Double Moon) {1}: jma:+
- Verbz: Pathways (Group Bracil) {1}: YW:68
- Versing: 10000 (Hardly Art) {1}: LBF:+
- Vestbo Trio: Gentlemen . . . (Dog Hound) {1}: -- TH:*
- Maenad Veyl: Body Count (self-released) {1}: tr_e:+
- Viagra Boys: Street Worms (Year0001) {1}: No:28
- The Victoriana: Fleetingly, but Completely (Dream) {1}: Am_s:29
- Rebekah Victoria: Songs of the Decades (Patois) {1}: -- TH:*
- Vilda: Vildaluodda/Wildprint (Bafe's Factory) {1}: sol:9
- Villages: Villages (self-released) {1}: Ex:+
- Vimur: Master of Fates (Boris) {1}: Spk:+
- Levon Vincent: World Order Music (Novel Sound) {1}: ia:+
- Bryce Vine: Carnival (Sire) {1}: YW:28
- Fabio Viscogliosi: Rococo (Objet Disque) {1}: MM:99
- Vitriol: To Bathe From the Throat of Cowardice (Century Media) {1}: Noj:38
- Waajeed: Ten Toes Down (Dirt Tech Reck) {1}: tr_e:+
- Roger Alan Wade: Simmering Rage (Johnny Knoxville) {1}: scm:+
- Ash Walker: Aquamarine (Night Time Stories) {1}: xlr:+
- Mike Walker: Ropes (Madhouse) {1}: aaj:+
- Seth Walker: Are You Open? (Royal Potato Family) {1}: am_b:+
- Wayne Wallace Latin Jazz Quintet: The Rhythm of Invention (Patois) {1}: -- TH:*
- Michael Vincent Waller: Moments (Unseen Worlds) {1}: YW:122
- Wandering Monster: Wandering Monster (Ubuntu Music) {1}: jm:+
- Wander: March (Headless Queen) {1}: acl_r:8
- Wanderwelle & Bandhagens Musikforening: Victory Over the Sun (Semantica) {1}: ia:+
- Jackson Wang: Mirrors (Team Wang/JYP Entertainment) {1}: Cl:+
- Madisen Ward & the Mama Bear: Started With a Family (Starts With Music) {1}: pm_a:18
- Warfogged: I: Voice (Artisan Era) {1}: Ex:+
- Warmth: Wildlife (Archives) {1}: YW:110
- Dionne Warwick: Dionne Warwick and the Voices of Christmas (S-Curve) {1}: app:+
- Waste of Space Orchestra: Syntheosis (Swart) {1}: tr_m:16
- Waterstrider: Way Out (30th Century) {1}: 405:+
- Trevor Watts/Stephen Grew: Let It Be: Live in Liverpool (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
- Juan Wauters: Introducing Juan Pablo (Captured Tracks) {1}: aqd:+
- Wavoka Gentle: Start Clanging Cymbals (Nude) {1}: Dr:99
- The Way Ahead: Bells, Ghosts and Other Saints (Clean Feed -18) {1}: jcg:10 -- TH:[*]
- We Are Only Human Once: The Prettiest Boys in Town (Morning Breath) {1}: Spk:+
- Weatherday: Come In (Porcelain Music) {1}: RY:35
- Weezer: Weezer (Teal Album) (Crush/Atlantic) {1}: rx:+ -- MT:C
- Noel Wells: It's So Nice (1356704 DK2) {1}: NAO:46
- We Lost the Sea: Triumph & Disaster (Bird's Robe/Dunk!/Holy Roar/Transition Loss) {1}: acl_r:9
- Kenny Werner: The Space (Pirouet -18) {1}: jan:11 -- TH:[*]
- Mike Westbrook Orchestra: Catania (Westbrook -2CD) {1}: aaj:+
- Wet Tuna: Water Weird (Three Lobed) {1}: aqd:+
- Koe Wetzel: Harold Saul High (YellaBush) {1}: scm:+
- Jeff Whalen: 10 More Rock Super Hits (Supermegabot Music Concern) {1}: am_k:+
- Whenyoung: Reasons to Dream (Virgin EMI) {1}: am:+
- Stevie Whisper: Stevie Whisper's Donkey Milk (Yes Belgrade) {1}: ra:+
- Whistling Arrow: Whistling Arrow (God Unknown) {1}: Qt:73
- Rodney Whitaker: Common Ground: The Music of Gregg Hill (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
- Whitehorse: The Northern South Vol 2 (Six Shooter) {1}: PM:+
- Whitesnake: Flesh & Blood (Frontiers) {1}: L:+
- Trixie Whitley: Lacuna (Unday) {1}: AS:+
- Whodat/Viola Klein: Workshop 26 (Workshop -EP) {1}: ra:+
- Whoop-szo: Warrior Down (You've Changed) {1}: ex_u:+
- Ryan Whyman: Fantasies & Memories (self-released) {1}: aaj:+
- Jacob Wick: Feel (Thin Wrist) {1}: mg_j:6
- Jacob Wick & Phil Sudderberg: Combinatory Pleasures (Astral Spirits) {1}: PO:+
- Carrie Wicks: Reverie (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- WiFiGawd & Hi-C: Underworld Order (Volume 1) (DTLA) {1}: PW:45
- WiFiGawd: Return of Da Big Dawg (DTLA) {1}: PW:45
- Tobias Wiklund: Where the Spirits Eat (Stunt) {1}: jma:+
- Seb Wildblood: Sketches of Transition (AMT) {1}: Mix:50
- Wild Classical Music Ensemble: Tout Va Bien Se Passer (Het Komt Allemaal Ruel Gold) (Born Bad) {1}: SC:+
- The Wild Reeds: Cheers (Dualtone) {1}: Sb:42
- Wild Side: Who the Hell Is Wild Side? (Triple B) {1}: Ex:+
- Sam Wilkes: Live on the Green (Leaving) {1}: aqd:+
- Rich Willey's Boptism Big Band: Down & Dirty (Wise Cat) {1}: aaj:+
- Hannah Williams & the Affirmations: 50 Foot Woman (Record Kicks) {1}: Al:40
- Sam Wilson: Groundless Apprehensions (self-released) {1}: pm_j:+
- Sissel Wincent: Assorted Lights (Rosten) {1}: F:+
- Mark Wingfield & Gary Husband: Tor & Vale (Moonjune) {1}: jrm:+ -- TH:B
- Mark Winkler: I'm With You: Mark Winkler Sings Bobby Troupe (Cafe Pacific) {1}: jrm:+
- George Winston: Restless Wind (RCA) {1}: am:+
- Anna Wise: As If It Were Forever (self-released) {1}: CS:+
- Sam Wise: Sorry You Were Saying (Platoon) {1}: Du:37
- Witching Waves: Persistence (Specialist Subject) {1}: YW:90
- Witch Vomit: Buried Deep in a Bottomless Grave (20 Buck Spin) {1}: ex_u:+
- Wives: So Removed (City Slang) {1}: -- MM:78
- Wizard Apprentice: Dig a Pit (Cruisin') {1}: Bc:96
- Woahnows: Young and Cool (Specialist Subject) {1}: Ups:+
- Alexander Wolfe: Little Death (Dharma) {1}: RM:60
- Christian Wolff: Preludes, Variations, Studies and Incidental Music (Sub Rosa) {1}: Qt:48
- Donovan Woods: The Other Way (Meant Well) {1}: sp:+
- Matt Woods: Natural Disasters (Lonely Ones) {1}: scm:+
- Robert Worby: Factitious Airs (Electronic Music) (Persistence of Sound) {1}: Qt:+
- Worshipper: Light in the Wire (Tee Pee) {1}: FB:33
- Dizzy Wright: Nobody Cares, Work Harder (Empire) {1}: HDX:+
- Wych Elm: Rat Blanket (Post Mortem -EP) {1}: SoG:22
- Ed Wynne: Shimmer Into Nature (Kscope) {1}: L:+
- Wy: Softie (Beatnik Creative) {1}: NBH:46
- X Ambassadors: Orion (Kidinakorner/Interscope) {1}: sp:+
- Xin: Melts Into Love (Subtext) {1}: F:+
- XL Middleton: 2 Minutes Till Midnight (Fat Beats) {1}: PW:41
- XP the Marxman & IceRocks: Nomads (DXA/Mijo Music) {1}: HG:36
- Emily Yacina: Remember the Silver (self-released) {1}: ta:+
- Yagya: Stormur (A Strangely Isolated Place) {1}: ia:+
- Yaima: Antidote (self-released) {1}: Ec:24
- Yao Bobby & Simon Grab: Diamonds (Lavalava) {1}: Qt:33
- Jason Yeager: New Songs of Resistance (Outside In Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Trisha Yearwood: Every Girl (Gwendolyn) {1}: Gg_c:29
- La Yegros: Suelta (Canta La Selva) {1}: Bc:+
- Yeruselem: The Sublime (Debemir Morti Productions) {1}: Qt:+
- Yes! Trio: Groove Du Jour (Jazz & People) {1}: db:+
- Derya Yildirim: Kar Yagar (Bongo Joe) {1}: MM:70
- YMTK: What You Wish For (Just Pan/PYC/Empire) {1}: N:+
- YNW Melly: Melly vs Melvin (P2019) {1}: PW:46
- Avery R Young: Tubman (FPE) {1}: Bc:53
- Buck Young: Buck II: Where Do You Want It? (No Rent) {1}: Qt:62
- Young Dolph & Key Glock: Dum and Dummer (Paper Route/Empire) {1}: DJB:56
- Young Guv: Guv II (Run for Cover) {1}: Up_sh:22
- Will Young: Lexicon (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: Al:47
- Your Old Droog: It Wasn't Even Close (Gogul Mogul) {1}: HG:45
- You Should Get to Know Us: Hole in Whatever (Desert Mine Music) {1}: SoG:+
- Youth Group: Australian Halloween (Ivy League) {1}: DJ:43
- Yowler: Black Dog in My Path (Double Double Whammy) {1}: pta:+
- Zeal & Ardor: Live in London (MVKA) {1}: PO:+
- Annika Zee: Factory Pageant (self-released) {1}: em:+
- ZelooperZ: Wild Card (Bruiser Brigade) {1}: AV:+
- Rah Zen: Upon the Apex (Dome of Doom) {1}: xlr:+
- Zico: Thinking (Kakao M) {1}: GC:47
- Michael Zilber: East West: Music for Big Bands (Origin -2CD) {1}: -- TH:*
- Zilla Rocca: 96 Mentality (Three Dollar Pistol Music) {1}: HG:+
- Dann Zinn: Day of Reckoning (Origin) {1}: jazz
- Zion80: The Book of Beri'ah Vol 8: Hod (Tzadik) {1}: BIW:49
- Damon Zucconi: Untitled Substance (Zero Grow) {1}: ra:+
- Jonathan Zwartz: Animarum (Waterfront) {1}: JC:+