Metacritic Aggregate: 2021 New Music: Other (Mostly Rock)
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Some breakdowns by genre:
- Olivia Rodrigo: Sour (Geffen) {327}: 25:34, 45:1, Al:53, Alt:7, AV:12+, BB:1, BBN:3, Bq:4, BV:24, Ch:4, Cl:27+, Cmp:15, Cos:10, Crz:14, CS:22, D:4, Di:3, DIY:8+, DW:5, Dz:12, EW:10+, EWi:1, Ex:9, Fa:37, Fld:15, G:8+, GC:1, Gg:3, GMA:8, Gw:15, HP:32, I:30, Ins:1, IR:22, JDC:3, Jp:50, LAT:2, LBF:8, Mc:88, Mz:2, NME:10, NPR_l:3, NR:47, PB:3, Pf:21, Pf_r:12, PJ:3, PM:15, PO:+, Rf:6, RS:1+, RS_D:28, RSh:1, RT:73, Rx:4, S:4, Sbd:1, SC:17, Sg:13, Sl:42, Snv:7, STi:10, T:+, Tab:7, TL:1, Up:+, UPC:2, WHP:3, YF:5; 1l:14, am:+, am_p:+, ap:+, av_cs:17, av_nh:7, av_tt:2, bg:+, blw:1, cdm:3, cl:6, dg:9, do:+, dtm:8, dw:8, e:+, hc_g:4, hpo:+, i:6, it:+, js:1, les:+, npr_as:10, npr_bb:4, npr_cs:6, npr_sh:6, npr_st:7, ny_c:3, ny_p:8, ny_z:6, nyl:+, nzh:+, otw:+, p:2, p_p:+, pi:8, pm_p:1, ppg:7, ri:4, rsbs:4, rsjd:4, rssv:2, sdu:+, sjm:6, st_b:1, st_r:1, tm:+, tms:+, tv:+, up_p:+, ust_m:3, v_cw:7, vew_8, vg:1, vmp:+, wk:+, wwl:+, xbl:6, xbw:++, xci:4, xde:8, xem:7, xjc:3, xjd:3, xjdc;2, xjf:1, xjl:1, xjy:9, xkb:1, xmb:6, xrt:8, xsc:1, xscw:6, xtw:2, yds:+, yh:4, ypg:2, ysp:+ -- RC:A, TH:A-
- Japanese Breakfast: Jubilee (Dead Oceans) {289}: 45:23, Al:62, Alt:3, AV:1, BB:16, BBN:4, Bc:+, BPM:25+, BV:10, C:+, Ch:22, Cl:6+, CM:+, Cos:14, Crz:5, CS:2, D:10, DaB:13, Di:30, DIY:12+, DJ:43, EW:3, EWi:27, Ex:20, Fld:2, FO:2, G:13, GC:7, Gg:4, GMA:29, Gw:+, HP:37, I:8+, Ins:16, IR:20, IS:17, Jp:15, LBF:3, LQ:28, Lt:48, Mc:20, Mg:21, Mgn:13, MO:24+, Ms:44, Mz:6, NBH:11, NPR:12, NPR_l:1, NR:2, NT:12, OC:3, P:5, Pf:14, Pf_r:2, PJ:6, Plt:16, PM:30, Qt:47, Rf:65, RS:10+, RSh:18, RT:15, RTU:5, S:2, Sbd:4, SC:1, Sg:5, Si:7, Sk:6+, Sl:1+, Snv:8, Spk:39, STi:23, TL:55, Top:16, Tr:2, Up:+, UPC:1, UR:1, WHP:1, YF:1; afg:1, am:+, am_i:+, atw:+, av_am:19, av_cs:1, av_gs:1, av_mf:6, av_nh:16, av_tt:1, bg:+, dcs:3, dg:6, e:+, gcn:+, key:+, men:1, mw:4, npr_lm:5, npr_sh:3, p:8, p_p:15, pf_k:+, pg_ad:8, pi:3, pm_ip:1, ppg:6, rsjd:6, sr:1, st_r:8, tv:+, up_i:+, up_sh:10, vew:7, vmp:+, vrj:1, wk:+, wla:7, wsj:+, wyep:19, xco:7, xjd:21, xsc:7, yh:1, ypg:9 -- TH:***
- Dry Cleaning: New Long Leg (4AD) {277}: 3v:9, 45:27, Al:70, Alt:46, BBN:16, BIB:27, BPM:13+, Btz:17, BV:33, Cl:26+, CM:10, Cos:23, Crh:1, Crz:39, CS:17, D:12, Di:45, DIY:3+, DJ:10, DW:6, EWi:5, Ex:49, FO:1, G:7+, Gg:8, Gl:++, Gw:21+, HV:6, IS:4, JDC:14, L4:2, LI:15, LQ:10, Lt:18, LW:11, Mc:39, Mj:15+, MO:4+, Ms:49, Mw:40, NBH:17, Ni:5, NME:43, NR:3+, NT:6, OC:9, On:17, Oo:10, P:7+, Pc:5, Pf:10+, Pf:r:20, PJ:1, PO:34+, Qt:41, RC:10, RM:1, RS:24, RT:1, RTU:1, Rx:40, S:7, Sbd:16, Sk:4+, Sl:38, SR:2, T:+, TL:42, Tr:48, Trk:41, U:17+, UPC:10, UR:4, Vi:19, W:11, YF:12, Zf:26; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, atl:1, atw:+, av_cp:5, av_mf:13, ca_d:4, cw:1, e:+, ec:+, it:+, kc:10, kf:3, lar:1, n_ap:10, nst:+, ny_z:10, pf_k:+, ppg:3, p_r:+, ri:8, rsjb:1, rsjd:2, rut:8, sl:++, so_d:2, so_k:5, up_i:+, up_sh:7, vew:5, vgb:1, xbl:2, xbw:+, xci:13, xhs:8, xjc:4, xjd:+, xjy:7, xmb:+, xpb:6, xrw:1, xwb:3, ypg:3, yti:5 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Low: Hey What (Sub Pop) {276}: 25:44, 3v:13, AD:+, Al:87, AV:13+, BBN:8, Bc:++, BIB:7, BPM:1+, BV:3, Cl:38+, Crh:32, Crz:13, DaB:14, EE:5, Ex:18, Fld:6, FO:36, G:31+, GB:39, Gf:9, Gf_D:17, Gg:13, Gl:+, Hi:6, HP:48, IR:11, IS:2, Jp:6, LIL:5, LQ:20, Lt:14, LW:50, Mc:72, Mg:2, Mj:4+, MO:1, Ms:5, Mw:7, Mz:1, Ne:17+, No:3, NPR:21, NPR_l:15, NR:15, NT:2, OC:2, On:2, Oo:2, P:12+, Pc:45, Pf:5+, Pf_r:8, PJ:5, Plt:5, Qt:98, RM:3, RS:16+, RS_D:16, RT:56, Sbd:9, SC:3, Sg:4, Si:1, Sk:3+, Sl:5+, So:11, Spk:21, SR:3, Tr:1, Trk:15, U:4+, UPC:9, UR:3, W:4, WG:2, XSN:19, YF:20, Zf:11; aqd:+, av_am:5, av_cp:12, av_mf:10, ca_d:1, cw:3, dg:11, e:+, hc_d:7, ii:4, it:+, key:+, lar:5, n_ap:8, n_sp:+, npr_rh:6, ny_z:8, p_e:+, pf_k:+, pi:5, rte_k:+, rut:2, sl:++, so_k:12, sr:7, up_sh:2, vma:+, vrj:5, vu:2, xrw:2, xsm:14, yal:+, yds:7, yjc:3 -- TH:C
- Billie Eilish: Happer Than Ever (Interscope) {261}: 25:14, 3v:19, AD:+, Al:23, AV:16+, BB:8, BBN:14, Btz:1, BV:9, Ch:7, Cl:20+, Cmp:38, Cos:5, Crz:4, CS:26, D:29, DaB:21, Di:2, DIY:+, DW:2, Dz:17, Ec:21, EE:1, EW:+, EWi:3, Fld:20, FO:47, G:24+, GC:10, Gf_D:1, Gg:17, GMA:1, Gw:14+, HP:6, HV:11, I:14+, IR:12, JDC:1, Joe:20, Jp:11, LI:23, Lt:13, Mc:40, MO:+, Ms:29, Mz:22, NBH:28, NME:15, NPR_l:13, On:21, Oo:4, P:+, PB:2, Pc:75, Pf_r:10, PJ:9, PM:45, PO:+, Rf:9, RM:54, RS:15+, RS_D:15, RSh:11, Sbd:6, Si:2, Sl:6+, T:9+, Tab:1, TL:19, Top:10, Up:+, UPC:13, VF:50, WHP:27, XSN:8, YF:14, YW:2, Zf:28; am:+, am_p:+, ap:+, av_cs:19, av_lm:9, av_nh:1, dg:14, do:8+, dw:1, js:2, nst:+, ny_p:+, ny_z:11, nyl:+, nzh:+, p:9, p_p:+, pm_p:14, rsbs:6, svr:1, tm:+, up_p:+, v_cw:3, vew:+, vfk:4, vrj:4, wwl:+, xbw:++, xci:1, xem:5, xjc:9, xjd:6, xjdc:1, xkb:4, xnf:3, xrt:1, xscw:3, xsm:7, xtw:9, xwb:5, yh:3, ypg:7 -- RC:A, TH:A-
- Arlo Parks: Collapsed Into Sunbeams (Transgressive) {260}: 3v:5, 45:10, Al:9, AV:17, AZ:5, BB:15, BBN:12, Bc:++, BIB:39, Bq:19, Cl:3+, Cos:1, Crh:5, Crz:10, CS:3+, D:2, DaB:12, Di:34, DIY:6+, DJ:24, Du:5, EE:6, EWi:18, FO:13, G:9+, GC:9, Gf:4, Gg:11, GMA:9, Gw:31+, HP:30, I:22+, Ins:15, Jp:27, LBF:11, LI:26, Lt:8, Mc:95, Mg:3, MO:38+, Ms:9, Mz:3, NBH:10, NME:7, NPR:8, NPR_l:17, NR:11, OC:49, On:15, Oo:6, P:21, PB:9, Pc:24, Pf_r:43, PJ:15, Plt:6, PM:4, RC:11, RM:8, Rf:34, RS:19, RS_D:10, RT:2, RTU:2, S:17, Sbd:66, TL:7, Top:13, Trk:6, U:27+, Up:+, UPC:23, UR:7, WHP:10, YF:3+, Zf:12; 1l:11, afg:+, atw:+, av_cs:6, av_gs:18, av_nh:8, azr:5, bb6:2, bbc:+, bg:+, cdm:9, dcs:6, dg:7, e:+, ii:7, it:+, kc:1, key:+, kf:9, les:+, nat:2, ncpr:3, npr_rh:2, nst:+, ny_p:+, otw:+, p_p:+, pm_ip:4, rte:6, rut:11, st_r:5, svr:4, tms:+, ud:+, up_i:+, v_ja:5, vaz:19, wk:+, ws_s:15, wwl:+, wyep:9, xbl:3, xci:15, xjd:+, xmb:+, xwb:5, yds:+, ypg:8 -- TH:A-
- Turnstile: Glow On (Roadrunner) {228}: 25:40, 45:12, Alt:1, AV:7, BB:27, BBN:21, BPM:+, Bq:18, BV:1, BV_p:1, C:17, Ch:1, Cl:41+, CM:+, CS:4+, DaB:3, Di:27, DIY:7+, DW:27, Ex:17, Fa:14, Fld:1, FO:15, G:18, GC:29, Gg:6, Gl:++, Hi:44, HV:5, IR:+, JDC:37, Joe:3, K:4, LI:40, Lt:4, Mc:3, Mg:12, Ms:4, Mw:1, Mx:13, Ne:19+, Ni:15, NME:9, NPR:24, NR:33, NT:1, OC:5, On:23, P:2+, Pf:6+, Pf_r:15, PJ:30, PM:56, Pu:2, PW:8, Qt:93, Rev:3, RM:61, RS:8, RSh:19, S:1, Sbd:13, Sg:3, Tr:10, Up:+, UPC:4, UR:65, Vi:1; am:+, am_k:+, av_da:1, av_gs:10, av_mf:4, bbc:+, bg:+, dcs:7, dg:3, do:+, e:+, ec:+, lar:2, men:3, mw:7, npr_lm:10, npr_sh:9, otw:+, p_k:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pg_ad:7, ppg:1, ri:3, rshs:1, tm:+, up_i:+, up_sh:18, vaz:20, wp:4, xbw:+, xjd:22 -- TH:*
- Lucy Dacus: Home Video (Matador) {197}: 45:19, Al:66, Alt:13, BV:35, Cl:+, Cos:27, Crz:17, CS:6, D:28, DaB:45, DIY:+, DW:46, EWi:+, Ex:27, Fld:9, FO:9, G:48, GC:24, Gg:24, GMA:40, Gw:+, HP:42, Ins:13, IS:49, JDC:24, Jp:20, L4:10, LBF:34, Lt:38, Mc:52, Mj:66+, MO:+, Mz:18, NBH:41, NPR:3, NPR_l:5, NR:25, NT:15, OC:20, P:28+, Pc:36, Pf_r:17, PM:42+, PJ:8, Rf:43, RS:5+, RSh:3, Rx:32, S:5, Sbd:57, SC:5, Sg:14, Si:19, Sk:+, Sl:13+, Snv:13, Spk:27, Top:30, Trk:11, U:67+, Up:+, UPC:6, UR:8, Vi:29, WHP:2, YF:6, Zf:2; afg:8, am_s:+, ap:+, av_cs:15, av_mf:17, av_tt:19, ca_d:2, ca_o:5, cdm:8, cw:+, js:10, key:+, men:2, mw:10, npr_bb:1, npr_lm:1, npr_sh:1, npr_st:8, npr_th:7, ny_z:9, nyl:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pi:6, pm_ir:7, rsch:3, rssv:1, sl:+, so_d:18, sr:3, st_r:7, up_i:+, up_sh:11, ust_m:4, vew:4, vrj:10, wyep:17, xci:19, xjd:18, xjl:2, xscw:18, yal:+, yds:+, yng:2, yti:15, yzp:2 -- RC:A-, TH:**
- The Weather Station: Ignorance (Fat Possum) {195}: 3v:3, 45:17, Al:52, AV:10, BBN:17, BIB:5, BPM:+, Btz:4, BV:6, Cl:46+, Cos:20, CS:42, DaB:20, DJ:17, Ex:2, Fld:8, FO:32, G:4, Gg:9, GTV:72, HV:2, IS:5, LBF:43, Mc:11, Mg:4, Mj:12+, MO:+, Ms:7, NR:20+, NT:14, OC:7, On:5, Oo:8, P:3+, Pf:7+, Pf_r:16, PJ:18, PM:28, Qt:4, RM:22, RS:27+, RS_D:5, RT:11, RTU:10, S:14, Sg:8, Si:6, Snv:1, STi:6, Top:26, Tr:15, Trk:12, U:1+, UPC:15, UR:9, Zf:50; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, av_am:2, av_mf:1, bg:+, dcs:10, dg:8, e:+, ec:+, g_e:1, ii:10, it:+, key:+, lar:20, n_ap:1, n_sp:+, nat:4, ny_p:4, ny_z:7, p_p:+, pf_k:+, rsjb:9, rte:21, sdu:+, tbm:1, tms:+, wk:+, xjd:12, xmb:8, yzp:3 -- TH:**
- Wolf Alice: Blue Weekend (Dirty Hit) {193}: 45:2, Al:3, BBN:11, Bq:11, Btz:22, Ch:12, Cl:24+, Crh:26, Cos:8, Crz:2, D:1, DaB:5, Di:20, DIY:1+, Fa:24, FO:6, G:2+, Gf_D:4, Gg:27, GMA:5, GTV:79, Gw:25+, HP:3, HV:12, I:2+, Ins:18, Jp:24, L4:7, LBF:23, LW:32, Mc:8, Mj:36+, MO:11+, Ms:12, Mx:9, Mz:20, NBH:2, NME:3, NR:4, Oo:7, Pf_r:19, PJ:50, Plt:12, PM:22, RC:2, Rf:8, RM:23, RT:8, RTU:18, Sbd:32, Sk:7+, Snv:5, SR:18, STi:3, T:7+, Tab:6, Trk:30, U:+, UPC:56, UR:2, WHP:28, XSN:1, YF:7; afg:4, am:+, am_a:+, atw:+, cdm:10, gw:+, i:4, les:+, nst:+, nyl:+, pm_ip:2, ti:4, ust_p:5, wk:+, wla:2, yti:12 -- TH:**
- The War on Drugs: I Don't Live Here Anymore (Atlantic) {169}: 3v:11, Al:96, BB:40, BBN:15, BPM:42+, Ch:10, Crh:16, Crz:6, CS:32, DaB:19, DJ:13, EE:12, EW:2, Ex:14, FO:23, G:34, Gf_D:9, Gg:22, Gl:++, Gw:33, HP:21, IS:27, Joe:14, Jp:17, L4:18, LBF:37, Lt:11, Mc:55, Mg:25, Mj:17+, MO:33, Mz:5, NBH:14, ND:20, ND_r:23, NME:12, NPR_l:11, NR:5+, OC:14, Oo:9, P:20+, Pf:34+, Pf_r:3, PJ:10, Plt:2, PM:46+, Rf:23, RM:13, RS_D:14, S:13, Sbd:55, Sg:1, Si:3, Sk:+, Sl:32+, Snv:18, So:19, TL:73, Tr:36, U:8+, Up:+, UPC:7, UR:6, Vi:43, XSN:18, YF:35, Zf:52; 1l:15, am_k:+, aqd:+, bg:+, ca_o:4, do:4+, hc_d:10, key:+, lar:14, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pg_ad:4, pi:9, pm_ir:11, sjm:9, up_i:+, up_sh:1, wsj:+, wyep:3, xsc:8, yal:10, yh:10, yti:4 -- TH:B
- Nick Cave & Warren Ellis: Carnage (AWAL) {167}: 25:6, BBN:13, BPM:29+, Cl:32+, Crz:7, CS:24+, DIY:+, EE:2, EWi:48, Fld:13, FO:14, G:15+, Gf:1, Gf_D:3, Gg:29, Gw:34+, Hi:39, HP:4, I:15+, IR:17, IS:13, Joe:8, Jp:12, LW:17, Mc:5, Mj:5+, MO:8+, Ms:25, Mw:31, Mz:12, Ne:38+, NME:6, NR:12, OC:32, On:26, P:13+, P:28, Pf:+, Pf_r:40, PJ:63, Plt:15, RC:1, RM:5, RS:+, RS_D:1, RSh:14, RT:37, Sbd:2, SC:6, Sg:15, Sl:7, Snv:9, Spk:48, STi:5, T:3+, Top:5, Tr:29, U:3+, Up:+, UPC:+, UR:17; am_s:+, aqd:+, atw:+, bz:3, ca_d:10, ii:6, nst:+, pf_k:+, tm:+, up_i:+, wk:+, xco:8, xhs:1, xrw:8 -- TH:B
- Adele: 30 (Columbia) {156}: 25:11, 45:38, AD:+, Al:45, AV:15+, BB:4, BBN:10, Btz:24, Cl:40+, Cmp:3, Cmp_U:2, Crz:18, CS:20, Di:18, DIY:+, EE:3, EW:5+, EWi:+, GC:3, Gf_D:7, Gg:10, GMA:11, HP:39, I:37+, Jp:35, LAT:7, LBF:32, Mc:16, Mz:10, NPR:14, NPR_l:2, PB:5, Pf:32, Rf:16, RS:2+, RSh:4, Sbd:27, SC:10, Sl:+, Snv:15, T:4+, Tab:4, TL:6, UPC:22, VF:12, YF:36+; 1l:16, am:+, am_p:+, av_cs:5, av_gs:3, bbc:+, bh:+, cl:4, dg:13, do:+, e:+, hpo:+, npr_cs:4, nst:+, ny_p:+, ny_z:1, nzh:+, p:3, p_p:+, pm_p:3, rsbs:3, tm:+, up_p:+, v_cw:5, wi:8, wk:+, wsj:+, wwl:+, wyep:5, xhs:6, xsc:10 -- TH:B-
- St Vincent: Daddy's Home (Loma Vista) {149}: 45:8, AD:+, Al:59, AZ:1, BBN:20, Btz:19, C:+, Cl:+, Cos:33, Crz:12, CS:50, Di:13, DIY:19+, EE:8, G:27+, GC:38, Gf_D:6, Gg:25, GMA:38, Gw:36+, HP:9, I:23+, L4:17, Lt:45, LW:24, Mc:43, Mj:2+, MO:15+, Mx:26, Mz:40, NBH:32, Ne:5+, NPR_l:18, NR:49, Pc:100, Pf_r:18, PJ:69, PM:16+, RC:5, Rf:33, RM:30, RS:50+, RS_D:2, RT:16, RTU:14, S:21, Sbd:42, Sk:+, Sl:2+, Snv:20, STi:7, T:+, Tab:19, TL:44, U:23+, UPC:39, UR:38, WHP:7, XSN:9, YF:11, Zf:67; av_gs:19, av_mf:15, azr:1, bh:+, do:+, dtm:1, ii:8, kc:8, nst:+, ppg:2, sr:4, ust_p:2, v_cw:8, wk:+, wwl:+, wyep:6, xrw:+, xsm:8, yh:10, ysp:+ -- TH:**
- Black Country, New Road: For the First Time (Ninja Tune) {141}: 25:25, BPM:6+, BV:+, C:24, Cl:+, Crh:6, Crz:34, CS:37, DaB:2, Di:19, DIY:5, FO:39, G:44, Gg:32, Gw:+, Hi:1, IS:1, L4:19, LI:12, LQ:1, Mc:92, Mj:14+, MO:+, Ms:6, Mw:5, NBH:6, Ne:25+, NME:40, NR:35+, NT:5, OC:25, On:4, P:40, Pc:19, Pf_r:13, PJ:41, Plt:13, PM:14+, Qt:34, Rf:20, RM:2, RT:4, RTU:13, Sk:9, Sl:48, Spk:38, SR:14, Tr:6, U:9+, UPC:42, UR:35, Vi:6, WG:16, YF:31+, Zf:18; aqd:+, atw:+, bz:7, dcs:5, g_e:8, kc:9, npr_st:9, p_r:+, pf_k:+, rut:10, tms:+, vgb:4, wla:10, yds:+ -- TH:**
- Snail Mail: Valentine (Matador) {141}: 45:22, Al:75, AV:3+, BB:20, BPM:32, Ch:18, Cl:+, Crz:15, CS:12, D:36, DaB:32, DIY:16+, EW:6, Ex:8, Fld:7, FO:10, GB:33, Gg:14, GMA:31, Ins:11, Joe:11, L4:9, LI:29, LBF:12, Lt:22, Mc:15, Mj:+, Ms:11, Mx:49, Mz:26, NBH:29, NME:24, No:36, NPR_l:9, NR:18+, NT:16, OC:39, P:10+, Pf:15+, Pf_r:38, PJ:11, PM:27+, RM:24, RS:32+, S:10, Sbd:35, Sg:2, Sk:+, Sl:24, Snv:16, Tr:24, Trk:7, U:+, UPC:14, UR:18, YF:9+; ap:+, av_am:16, av_cs:8, av_gs:2, av_mf:9, av_tt:5, e:+, n_ap:+, npr_sh:7, ny_z:3, nyl:+, otw:+, p_p:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_ir:2, rssv:5, sr:9, up_i:+, ust_p:3, vaz:15, wsj:+, yns:++, yzp:7 -- TH:**
- Squid: Bright Green Field (Warp) {139}: AD:+, BPM:21+, C:9+, Cl:14+, Cos:26, Crh:8, CS:43, D:23, DaB:6, Di:40, DIY:10+, DW:68, EWi:24, Ex:22, FO:3, Gg:43, Gl:++, Gw:+, Hi:5, I:+, IS:8, LI:1, LQ:13, LW:10, Mc:13, Mj:48+, Ms:2, Mw:3, Mz:39, NBH:9, NR:19, NT:10, OC:33, P:18+, Pc:12, Pf:+, Pf_r:24, PJ:31, Qt:81, RM:21, RT:6, RTU:14, S:15, Sbd:56, SC:2, Sg:29, Sk:8, Sl:43+, Snv:17, SR:19, Trk:37, U:39+, UPC:61, UR:20, YF:38; am:+, am_i:+, bl:2, bz:1, dcs:9, n_sp:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, vce:1, vfk:1, vjo:3, wla:9, xci:+, xco:5 -- TH:**
- Self Esteem: Prioritise Pleasure (Fiction) {129}: 45:5, BBN:7, BPM:9+, Bq:9, Cl:19+, Crh:20, D:6, DIY:2+, EWi:16, FO:21, G:1+, Gw:1+, HP:7, I:4+, LBF:14, LQ:3, LW:8, Mc:2, MO:2+, Ni:3, NME:4, NR:1+, PJ:94, PM:43, RC:7, RM:38, Sbd:36, Sk:2+, STi:1, T:6, Tab:3, Trk:24, U:+, UPC:80, UR:31, YF:40; bb6:7, bbc:+, ec:+, g_e:2, i:1, kf:6, les:+, nst:+, p_p:+, pm_p:10, wk:+, xjd:+ -- TH:**
- Lana Del Rey: Chemtrails Over the Country Club (Polydor/Interscope) {127}: 45:11, AD:+, Al:43, BBN:19, Btz:30, BV:27, Cl:45+, Crz:43, CS:+, Di:1, DJ:41, Ec:28, EE:4, EWi:+, Fa:19, FO:38, G:40, Gf_D:2, Gg:42, Gw:+, HP:12, I:17+, IR:8, JDC:22, Jp:3, LAT:5, LI:34, Lt:23, Mj:3+, Ms:36, NBH:47, Ni:27, NR:48, On:13, PB:28, Pf_r:11, PJ:52, PM:34, PO:+, RC:21, RS:+, RS_D:11, Rx:43, S:25, Sbd:12, Sl:4, Snv:2, T:2+, Tab:11, TL:49, U:11+, Up:+, UPC:35, Zf:13; am_s:+, bz:2, les:+, ny_c:7, ny_z:+, nyl:+, tbm:24, tms:+, up_p:+, wk:+, wp:7, xbw:+, xci:22, xjl:7, xrw:5, xsm:6, yzp:4 -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Halsey: If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power (Capitol) {120}: 45:16, AD:+, Al:11, AV:20, BB:6, BBN:18, BV:+, Ch:20, Cl:+, Cmp:34, Cos:31, Crz:19, CS:40, D:20, DaB:35, Di:7, DIY:17, Fa:26, GC:2, Gg:21, GMA:12, Gw:+, I:+, Ins:6, Joe:9, Jp:10, K:9, LBF:15, Mx:2, NME:8, PB:1, Pf_r:42, PJ:69, PM:71, PO:+, Rf:19, RS:18, Sbd:10, SC:20, Sg:26, Sl:20, Tab:15, TL:38, Up:+, UPC:11, YF:8; 1l:12, am:+, am_a:+, av_mf:11, av_tt:10, bbc:+, e:+, ny_c:+, ny_z:+, nyl:+, nzh:+, p:5, p_p:+, pm_p:17, rsbs:1, tm:+, up_p:+, v_cw:9, vaz:10, vu:10, wwl:+, xbw:++, yds:9 -- TH:***
- Julien Baker: Little Oblivions (Matador) {112}: 45:29, Al:35, Alt:2, AV:+, AZ:9, BB:46, Bq:17, Cl:+, Cos:3, Crz:27, CS:15+, D:45, DaB:37, Di:38, DIY:+, Ex:13, FO:28, Gg:16, GMA:37, Gw:+, IR:13, Jp:22, LBF:13, Lt:20, Mc:61, MO:+, Ms:26, Mz:28, NBH:21, ND:15, NPR_l:14, P:36+, Pf_r:36, PJ:58, PM:38, PO:+, Rf:50, RM:94, RS:+, RT:54, Sbd:11, SC:9, Sg:23, Sk:+, Sl:41+, Spk:9, STi:13, Tr:23, U:+, Up:+, UPC:20, UR:14, Vi:38, WHP:8, YF:17+; am_s:+, atw:+, av_cs:18, av_tt:4, azr:9, ca_o:9, cw:10, gcn:+, i:2, ii:9, n_ap:3, ny_p:6, pm_ir:4, sl:++, up_i:+, yng:4, yti:1 -- TH:*
- Cassandra Jenkins: An Overview on Phenomenal Nature (Ba Da Bing) {108}: 25:50, Al:83, Alt:38, BPM:15, Btz:2, BV:7, Crz:16, DaB:43, Ex:12, G:32, GB:34, Gf:15, Gg:37, IS:14, LQ:4, Mc:26, Mj:+, No:15, NR:8+, OC:6, On:19, Oo:18, P:17, Pc:66, Pf:17+, Pf_r:21, PJ:26, PM:48+, RM:10, RS_D:19, RT:9, RTU:17, Sg:10, Sl:15, STi:19, Tr:12, Trk:29, U:7+, UPC:16, UR:5, WG:28, WHP:14, Zf:72; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, e:+, blw:14, ca_o:1, hc_d:6, key:+, men:10, n_sp:+, npr_bb:8, vjk:1, yzp:1 -- TH:**
- Idles: Crawler (Partisan) {105}: Al:82, Btz:6, BV:+, Cl:+, Crh:10, Crz:21, CS:16, DaB:22, DIY:+, EE:13, FO:7, Gw:19+, HP:14, I:+, IS:23, K:29, L4:3, LBF:46, Lt:7, LW:18, Mc:97, Mg:22, Mj:18+, MO:23+, Ms:8, Mw:2, Mz:7, NBH:5, NME:28, On:16, P:+, PJ:21, Rf:73, RM:9, RT:5, RTU:11, UR:45, VF:17, Vi:5, Zf:45; av_lm:5, bb6:5, bz:4, do:+, ec:+, kc:21, ny_p:+, p_r:+, pm_ir:3, so_d:6, so_k:2, vgb:10, wla:4, xscw:15, yds:+ -- TH:***
- Black Midi: Cavalcade (Rough Trade) {96}: Alt:39, BPM:2+, Cl:+, Crh:14, DaB:9, Di:35, Ex:26, Fa:22, FO:25, G:+, Gg:39, Gw:+, Hi:10, IS:10, Joe:17, Jp:47, LI:17, LQ:26, LW:25, Mj:70+, Ms:38, Mw:4, Mx:45, Mz:22, NBH:37, Ne:15+, Ni:23, No:29, NR:30, OC:28, On:8, Pc:73, Pf:23+, Pf_r:14, PJ:84, Plt:7, PM:73, Qt:20, RC:22, RM:11, Rf:45, RT:12, RTU:8, SC:18, SR:12, Top:27, Tr:8, U:70+, UPC:+, UR:89, Vi:25, YF:37+; cw:9, lar:12, ny_p:7, p_r:+, pf_k:+, rut:7, sl:++ -- TH:B
- Illuminati Hotties: Let Me Do One More (Snack Shack Tracks/Hopeless) {94}: Alt:25, Crz:46, CS:10, DW:4, EWi:10, Ex:46, Fld:11, Gg:44, JDC:15, Mc:27, Ms:41, Ne:33+, NPR:19, NR:7+, OC:30, P:+, Pf:35+, PJ:7, PM:+, PO:+, RS:42, Rx:8, Sl:+, Snv:14, Tr:33, UPC:58, UR:27; am_k:+, js:+, key:+, npr_hc:1, npr_lm:4, ny_z:5, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_ip:3, rsjb:2, rssv:7, up_i:+, vew:+, xbw:+, xci:2, xde:1, xjc:6, xjd:10, xjlu:7, xjsp:7, xjy:8, xscw:1, xsm:21, xwb:8, yal:7, yjc:7, ypg:6 -- RC:A, TH:A-
- Amyl & the Sniffers: Comfort to Me (Rough Trade) {87}: 45:28, Bq:20, Btz:39, Cl:+, Crh:9, Crz:33, CS:48, D:33, DaB:44, DIY:+, DJ:4, EWi:41, FO:20, Gf:20, Gl:+, Gw:3+, JDC:45, K:11, Lt:25, LW:1, Mc:45, Mj:22+, Ms:19, Mw:49, NBH:43, Pc:30, PJ:19, RM:14, RT:34, Sbd:62, Si:9, Sk:+, Trk:5, UPC:85, UR:+, Vi:13, YW:8; am:+, am_k:+, atw:+, p_k:+, p_r:+, rshs:8, rut:1, so_d:1, tm:+, vgb:9, xpb:3, yns:+ -- TH:A-
- Courtney Barnett: Things Take Time, Take Time (Mom + Pop) {84}: AZ:10, Cl:+, CS:45, DIY:+, DJ:21, DW:65, EWi:11, FO:4, GMA:34, I:25+, JDC:16, Lt:46, Mj:+, MO:42+, Mx:18, ND_r:43, NT:20, P:49+, Pc:85, PJ:13, Plt:8, PM:60+, RS:+, RS_D:18, RT:17, Rx:36, Sbd:26, Sl:10+, TL:68, U:34+, UPC:45, U:21, Vi:48, Zf:5; azr:10, it:+, js:+, p_p:+, pm_ip:7, rsjd:3, rssv:3, so_d:10, xbw:+, xci:8, xscw:19, yal:+, yng:3, yti:20 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Sault: Nine (Forever Living Legends) {84}: 45:20, Al:16, AZ:3, BIB:29, Bq:5, Btz:27, BV:28, Cl:33+, Crz:32, CS:27, DaB:23, Du:22, FO:31, G:6, Gf:11, Gw:+, Hi:42, IS:46, L4:16, Lt:16, Mc:21, Mg:17, Mj:24, Mz:31, NME:47, NR:43, P:32, PJ:33, PO:+, RC:15, RM:80, RS_D:17, RT:51, So:2, U:5+, UPC:27, WG:41, YW:6, Zf:36; am_r:+, azr:3, blw:2, g_e:5, rrv:+, sdu:+, so_d:20, tbm:11, tms:+, v_ja:10, ws_s:16, yjc:6, yns:+ -- TH:***
- Allison Russell: Outside Child (Fantasy) {81}: BS:1, Bt:7, EWi:25, Gl:+, IR:5, ND:1, ND_r:8, NPR:4, PJ:56, Rf:90, RS_c:2, SC:15, TL:2, UPC:44; am:+, am_f:+, ca_d:8, cw:+, atl:3, mw:1, npr_st:6, ns:1, ny_p:2, p_c:+, pi:1, sg_c:1, sjm:1, sl:+, st_b:2, v_cw:1, vrj:3, xmb:4, xmr:1 -- TH:A-
- Mogwai: As the Love Continues (Temporary Residence) {79}: AD:+, Al:90, BIB:32, BPM:+, Cl:49+, Crh:29, Crz:28, DaB:10, Di:24, DIY:+, FO:12, G:26, Gw:17+, Joe:10, LW:5, Mc:89, Mg:8, Mj:26+, MO:22+, Mw:22, Mx:31, Mz:11, Pc:1, PJ:35, Plt:4, PM:75, RC:8, Rf:31, RM:17, RT:49, Sbd:24, Sk:+, SR:5, Top:3, Trk:42, U:15+, UR:47, XSN:11; am:+, am_i:+, nst:+, pr:10, sk_s:7, vaz:9 -- TH:B
- For Those I Love: For Those I Love (September) {77}: 45:18, C:+, Cl:7+, D:22, DIY:9, DJ:16, DJM:+, FO:34, G:45+, Gw:7+, HP:2, I:7+, Joe:4, L4:1, LQ:16, Mc:10, Mj:+, MO:+, Ms:10, Ni:2, NME:11, On:27, PO:17+, RM:7, RT:13, Sl:37, STi:11, U:+, WG:34; it:+, les:+, men:6, nst:+, rte:3 -- TH:***
- Chvrches: Screen Violence (Glassnote) {70}: Al:12, AV:+, AZ:17, Btz:34, Ch:8, Cl:+, Cos:16, CS:7, D:26, DIY:+, EW:+, GMA:19, Gw:+, I:+, Jp:33, MO:+, Mx:8, Mz:14, NBH:45, NME:26, NPR_l:16, NR:+, Pf_r:48, PJ:88, PM:50+, Rf:13, Sbd:37, Sg:46, Sk:+, Spk:49, Trk:39, U:+, UPC:32, UR:19, YF:21; am:+, am_a:+, av_am:8, do:+, gcn:+, nst:4, p_p:+, pm_p:7, sk_s:5, ust_p:1, vdh:1, wyep:25 -- TH:***
- L'Rain: Fatigue (Mexican Summer) {68}: Bc:++, Btz:36, BV:20, C:20, Cl:30, Fa:39, Fld:14, Gg:36, LBF:38, LI:24, Mc:30, Mz:4, Ne:40, OC:10, P:38, Pf:2+, PJ:20, PO:+, Qt:15, RT:22, RTU:9, Tr:46, UPC:49, W:1, WG:13; am:+, am_r:+, aqd:+, av_mf:2, n_sp:+, npr_hc:3, ny_p:+, ny_z:+, pf_j:+, ra:+, rssv:10, tgl:+, vew:3, vma:9, vmp:+, wi:2, xwb:6 -- TH:*
- Indigo De Souza: Any Shape You Take (Saddle Creek) {67}: Alt:8, AV:5+, BPM:43+, BV:42, Cl:+, CS:28, DIY:+, EWi:38, Fld:5, FO:37, Gg:38, Gw:30+, IS:42, LBF:25, Mc:78, Mj:+, OC:17, P:25+, Pf:25+, Pf_r:29, RS_D:34, S:20, Sbd:71, Sk:+, U:+, Up:+, UPC:31, UR:60, WHP:9; av_am:1, av_mf:3, av_tt:3, n_sp:+, npr_hc:2, npr_lm:2, nyl:+, p_p:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, rsjb:7, up_i:+, vmp:+, xjd:+ -- TH:*
- The Armed: Ultrapop (Sargent House) {65}: Alt:11, AV:6, Bc:++, BV:26, BV_p:11, CS:38, Ex:42, Gg:41, IR:+, IS:35, Joe:2, K:50, Mc:76, Mw:48, Mx:17, NR:22+, NT:7, OC:21, P:8+, Pf:+, Pf_r:39, Pu:25, Qt:14, Rev:15, RM:35, Sbd:44, Sg:24, Tr:3, Up:+, UPC:57; am:+, am_k:+, av_am:3, av_da:3, av:mf:12, av_tt:11, lar:11, n_sp:+, ny_c:15, p_k:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, up_i:+ -- TH:B
- Robert Plant and Alison Krauss: Raise the Roof (Rounder) {65}: AD:+, AS:+, AZ:15, Bt:9, EE:7, EWi:+, Gf_D:19, HP:22, HV:21, Mj:9+, MO:+, ND_r:4, P:+, PJ:27, PO:50, RC:19, Si:16, Sl:+, TL:3, U:31, UCR:1, UPC:+; am:+, am_f:+, bg:+, do:+, e:+, it:+, ny_p:+, p_c:+, sdu:+, so_d:13, so_k:15, st_r:2, vew:+, wyep:4, xbw:+, xmr:2, ysp:+ -- TH:*
- Clairo: Sling (Fader/Republic) {64}: 3v:14, 45:4, AV:+, BB:50, BV:37, Cl:8+, Cos:15, Crz:35, D:31, DaB:29, DIY:+, FO:33, G:29, GC:14, Gw:32+, LBF:30, LI:6, Mc:77, NBH:46, NME:14, NR:50, NT:11, OC:45, Pf_r:28, Qt:+, RS:+, RT:39, Sbd:29, Sg:19, Tab:5, Up:+, UPC:77, UR:+, YF:25+; av_gs:5, cdm:1, kc:20, les:+, otw:+, up_p:+ -- TH:*
- Sleaford Mods: Spare Ribs (Rough Trade) {64}: AD:+, AZ:12, BIB:12, Cl:+, Crh:35, DW:64, FO:42, Gw:2+, Jp:42, LQ:11, Lt:34, LW:7, Mc:94, Mj:13+, MO:16+, Mz:21, NBH:42, NME:16, P:+, Pc:17, PJ:37, PM:6+, Qt:9, RT:35, Top:29, U:16+, UR:42, XSN:17, Zf:55; am_i:+, aqd:+, g_e:9, vjk:6, xpb:2 -- RC:***, TH:***
- Sam Fender: Seventeen Going Under (Polydor) {63}: 45:21, Bq:2, Cl:51+, D:5, DaB:17, DIY:15, FO:17, G:11+, Gw:11+, I:9+, LW:44, Mc:81, MO:7+, NME:1, Plt:9, PM:3+, Rf:44, Sbd:41, STi:17, T:+, UPC:+, VF:32; i:5, 1l:1, les:+, pm_ir:1, wk:+ -- TH:B
- Lana Del Rey: Blue Bannisters (Polydor/Interscope) {62}: 45:37, AV:+, BV:27, C:35, Cos:4, Crz:20, Di:15, DIY:+, Ex:31, GB:41, Gf:12, Gf_D:5, I:+, JDC:44, Mj:+, Mz:13, NME:17, On:14, Pf_r:9, Rf:52, RS:+, RS_D:47, Sl:3+, STi:9, T:+, Tab:2, U:+, UPC:+; atw:+, av_tt:12, nst:+, up_p:+, xci:26, xem:1 -- TH:***
- Parquet Courts: Sympathy for Life (Rough Trade) {61}: BIB:26, CM:+, Crh:12, DaB:47, DJ:15, DW:24, EWi:23, FO:5, Gw:43+, Hi:46, JDC:49, LI:22, LW:73, Mj:62+, Mw:12, No:26, NR:45+, NT:19, P:+, Pc:23, PJ:36, Rf:21, RT:72, Rx:50, Sk:+, TL:75, Trk:10, U:+, UR:58, Zf:70; am_a:+, do:+, pg_ad:3, rte:2, tm:+, xbl:7, xbw:+, xci:15, xjc:7, xjlu:6, xjd:+, xmb:+, xsc:9 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Serpentwithfeet: Deacon (Secretly Canadian) {61}: BPM:16+, Btz:31, C:+, Cl:16+, Cos:30, CS:11+, DIY:+, DJ:39, DW:28, EW:+, G:+, Gw:+, I:+, LBF:22, LQ:27, Mc:34, Ni:20, P:14+, PB:20, PM:+, PO:+, Rf:64, RS:+, RT:100, Sg:6, Sl:8+, UR:61, UPC:55, VF:37, WHP:13, YF:48+; am_p:+, atw:+, av_bk:9, av_cs:16, gcn:+, men:9, ny_c:+, p_p:+, pm_s:13, rrv:+, rte:10, vmp:+ -- TH:*
- Taylor Swift: Red (Taylor's Version) (Republic) {61}: Alt:47, AV:+, BB:25, Bq:8, Bt:32, Ch:14, Cl:+, Crz:8, CS:31, Di:17, G:+, I:+, Ins:4, LBF:26, Mc:6, NPR_l:7, Pf:+, PO:+, Rf:55, RS:+, RSh:2, Sl:12+, UPC:38, WHP:6, YF:18+; nst:+, nzh:+, nyl:+, p:4, rsbs:7, tv:+, wwl:+, xjd:+, xnf:2 -- TH:***
- Arab Strap: As Days Get Dark (Rock Action) {59}: AD:+, BIB:13, BPM:+, BV:47, Cl:+, DIY:+, FO:16, Gf:13, Gw:9+, Jp:13, LW:23, Mc:62, Mj:44+, MO:19+, Ms:45, Mz:17, On:1, Pc:60, PJ:48, Pf:+, PM:+, Qt:18, RS_D:49, Sbd:39, SC:11, Sg:17, Spk:13, SR:13, Trk:22, U:36+, UR:24; am_a:+, bz:6, sk_s:4, vjk:8 -- TH:**
- Lingua Ignota: Sinner Get Ready (Sargent House) {55}: 25:3, BPM:3+, Btz:42, C:30, DaB:31, Ex:32, G:+, IR:15, IS:9, K:23, Mc:83, Mj:+, Mx:28, Ne:2+, No:6, OC:16, P:23, Pf:41+, Pf_r:33, PJ:48, PM:23+, RM:73, RT:50, Sl:39+, Tr:19, UPC:73; afg:3, av_mf:19, men:12, pf_j:+, xsm:11, yns:++ -- TH:B-
- Shame: Drunk Tank Pink (Dead Oceans) {53}: Cl:+, Crh:2, CS:+, D:9, DaB:8, Di:47, DIY:+, EE:14, FO:29, Gl:+, Gw:+, I:+, IS:16, Joe:13, LI:33, LW:60, Mj:+, MO:+, Ms:22, Mw:45, NBH:19, NR:17+, NT:17, PM:+, Rf:49, RM:25, RT:31, U:+, UR:63, YW:28; am_a:+, p_r:+, rut:5, so_d:9, vjo:2 -- TH:***
- Damon Albarn: The Nearer the Fountain, More Pure the Stream Flows (Transgressive) {52}: Al:37, AZ:13, DIY:+, FO:18, G:+, LI:25, Lt:49, LW:39, Mg:20, Mj:43+, MO:+, Ms:18, Mx:33, Mz:16, On:9, PM:24+, RS_D:4, RT:30, Sk:+, So:18, STi:4, T:+, U:41+, UR:74, XSN:7, Zf:60; am:+, ii:3, it:+, wla:8, yti:19 -- TH:*
- Summer Walker: Still Over It (LVRN/Interscope) {52}: BB:17, BPM:+, C:19, Cl:57+, Cmp:7, CX:3, Du:21, Dz:5, Gg:28, Gw:29, HDX:+, LBF:18, Mc:56, NME:27, NPR:28, Okp:21, PB:16, RS:33+, Sg:38, Up:+, UPC:63; am_r:+, av_gs:4, av_nh:12, npr_lh:3, npr_r:+, ny_c:6, st_b:6, ti:5, up_r:+, v_ja:9, wi:5, yb_r:7 -- TH:*
- Faye Webster: I Know I'm Funny Haha (Secretly Canadian) {52}: BS:14, Crz:11, DIY:+, DJ:44, Ex:38, Fld:17, FO:35, Gl:+, LI:32, Mj:46+, NBH:20, NR:16, OC:23, P:39, Pf:11+, Pf_r:22, PJ:62, PW:19, Rf:48, RM:65, RT:77, Sbd:47, Tab:12, Tr:32, U:42+, Up:+, UPC:18, UR:37, YF:34; afg:+, av_cp:13, av_gs:9, lar:19, n_sp:+, otw:+, p_p:+, pf_k:+, pm_ip:6, up_i:+ -- TH:*
- Lorde: Solar Power (Universal) {51}: 25:42, 45:7, Btz:13, Cl:+, Cos:29, Crz:25, D:27, Di:5, DIY:11, Ex:29, G:+, GC:50, HP:33, Ins:2, Mj:56, NME:19, NPR_l:20, Pf_r:25, Sd:50, STi:14, Tab:8, UPC:+, YF:19; atl:6, av_gs:20, do:5, hyb:+, nzh:+, sjm:5, up_p:+, xci:32 -- TH:**
- Magdalena Bay: Mercurial World (Luminelle) {51}: BV:+, GB:1, IR:14, IS:40, Jp:21, NBH:35, Ne:32+, OC:19, Pf:49+, Pf_r:27, PM:20+, RSh:13, Snv:10, Tab:20, UPC:69, UR:12, WG:6, YF:47; am_p:+, av_cs:7, n_sp:+, p_p:+, pf_p:+, pm_p:4, rsjb:6, vmp:+, xci:47, xjd:20 -- TH:A
- Sufjan Stevens & Angelo De Augustine: A Beginner's Mind (Asthmatic Kitty) {50}: DaB:24, EE:15, GC:44, Hi:12, I:+, Jp:18, Mj:+, Mw:34, Mz:38, Ne:12+, No:10, Pc:48, Pf_r:23, Plt:10, Rf:11, RM:75, RT:47, SC:8, Sl:26, Spk:33, U:62+, UPC:+, UR:28, Vi:37, WHP:4, Zf:39; ca_o:8, dtm:5, it:+, npr_bb:7 -- TH:***
- Remi Wolf: Juno (Island) {50}: 45:13, BV:+, Cl:+, CS:29, D:3, DIY:18+, EWi:20, GC:42, Gw:51+, Ins:20, LBF:31, Mc:47, Mx:50, NME:34, P:30, PM:+, UPC:95, WG:22, YF:46+; av_cs:10, av_gs:11, av_mf:16, npr_lh:6, npr_rh:9, ny_z:14, nyl:+, otw:+, p_p:+, pm_p:11, ust_p:4, vaz:17, xci:16, xem:9, xpb:5, xscw:7 -- TH:***
- Grouper: Shade (Kranky) {49}: BPM:50, BV:38, C:+, Cl:+, Fa:47, GB:4, LBF:6, LQ:38, Mc:32, Mj:+, MO:32+, NR:34+, OC:36, Pf:18+, Pf_r:49, PW:32, Qt:39, RM:71, Sk:+, Spk:34, Tr:16, U:60+, UPC:62, VF:18, W:29, WG:37; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, av_cp:17, n_sp:+, pf_j:+, vmp:+, wp:2, yds:+ -- TH:*
- Valerie June: The Moon and Stars: Prescriptions for Dreamers (Fantasy) {49}: Al:64, BPM:+, BS:10, Bt:20, EWi:33, Mc:53, Mg:11, Mj:+, ND:9, ND_r:26, P:+, PM:27, Rf:70, RS:+, RS_c:9, Sl:40+, STi:25, TL:14, U:24+, UPC:+, WHP:20; am:+, am_f:+, hc_d:4, les:+, npr_ap:1, ny_p:+, p_c:+, pm_f:15, ppg:9, rte:12, tms:+, xco:9, xmb:3 -- TH:*
- Goat Girl: On All Fours (Rough Trade) {48}: 45:33, C:+, Cl:+, Crz:40, D:37, DIY:+, FO:46, G:38, Gw:+, I:+, L4:5, Mj:+, Ms:50, Mz:46, P:+, Pc:20, PJ:58, PM:51+, RT:59, Sbd:65, U:+, UR:75, Zf:38; am_i:+, ca_d:9, pm_ir:5, so_d:7, so_k:1, yds:5 -- TH:**
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor: G_d's Pee at State's End (Consetllation) {48}: ACL:15, BPM:+, Btz:23, Cl:+, CS:+, DaB:26, Di:36, IR:+, IS:11, LW:93, Mc:96, Mj:65+, MO:18+, Mz:36, No:8, On:7, P:+, Pc:16, Pf:+, Plt:17, PM:49+, Qt:43, RM:68, RT:32, SC:7, Sk:+, SR:8, U:+, UR:67, YF:+; am_i:+ -- TH:*
- Dawn Richard: Second Line (Merge) {48}: Bc:+, BPM:36, Gg:34, GMA:42, HV:23, LBF:35, P:47, Pf:22+, PM:5+, PO:35+, PW:44, RS:22+, Sbd:64, TL:15, UPC:+, Zf:6; am_r:+, av_nh:13, bg:+, cw:+, n_ap:5, npr_lg:2, npr_r:+, p_p:+, pm_s:3, ra:+, rsjd:7, rssv:6, sl:+, so_k:17, wi:+, wsj:+ -- TH:***
- Tirzah: Colourgrade (Domino) {48}: 45:35, Bc:+, Cl:42+, DJM:+, Fa:48, G:17, GB:2, IS:20, LI:19, LQ:14, Ni:9, Pf:13+, Qt:17, RS_D:29, RT:41, RTU:19, Sg:18, Sk:+, UPC:+, VF:29, WG:43, Zf:21; av_cp:8, bb6:10, n_sp:+, npr_sm:9, p_e:+, pf_j:+, ra:+, rte:8, wi:7, wsj:+ -- TH:*
- Girl in Red: If I Could Make It Go Quiet (AWAL) {47}: 45:9, BB:26, Cl:+, D:11, DaB:25, DIY:+, DW:20, EWi:+, Fld:12, Gf:6, Ins:14, LBF:29, MO:+, Ms:15, NME:36, P:+, PB:30, PO:40+, RM:57, Rx:58, WHP:24, YF:22; av_cs:11, av_tt:20, bg:+, npr_sh:2, otw:+, up_p:+, v_cw:10, xjd:24 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Dean Blunt: Black Metal 2 (Rough Trade) {46}: C:42+, Cl:22, Du:16, Dz:20, GB:6, Gw:+, LI:4, LQ:15, Mc:69, Mj:51+, Ne:49, No:21, NR:38, Pf:19+, PM:+, PW:16, Qt:3, RS_D:45, U:+, WG:7; lar:17, n_sp:+, pf_j:+, ra:+, tgl:+, vmp:+ -- TH:**
- No-No Boy: 1975 (Smithsonian Folkways) {46}: CM:+, DW:12, EWi:2, JDC:7, PJ:25, PO:10+, Rx:60; js:5, npr_fo:8, vew:2, xbw:++, xci:25, xem:8, xjc:1, xjd:4, xjdc:7, xmb:2, xrw:4, xwb:7, ypg:4 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Liz Phair: Soberish (Chrysalis) {43}: 45:45, AD:+, Al:19, DIY:+, DW:36, EW:+, EWi:36, GMA:20, I:+, JDC:39, MO:+, Mz:50, PJ:57, PM:+, Rf:106, Rx:46, TL:47; am:+, am_a:+, bg:+, cw:5, js:+, sl:++, v_cw:4, vew:9, xbw:+, xci:42, xmb:+, xph:10, xsm:20, yzp:6 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- James Blake: Friends That Break Your Heart (Republic) {42}: 25:48, AD:+, Al:68, Cl:60+, Cmp:33, Cos:21, Crz:24, DIY:+, DJ:50, GC:6, Gf_D:8, Gw:44+, HP:17, I:29+, IS:25, LBF:28, LI:20, Lt:50, Mz:43, Ne:30+, Pf_r:44, Rf:76, Zf:49; 1l:5, av_nh:2, pg_ad:9, tss_h:16, wk:+, xci:33, xsm:9 -- TH:B
- Porter Robinson: Nurture (Mom + Pop) {42}: Alt:43, BB:30, Cl:+, Fa:1, IR:2, Mgn:24, MO:+, Ne:9+, OC:1, P:41, Sl:30, UPC:30, YF:4+; am_e:+, da:+, edmt:2, nti:2, p_e:+, p_p:+, sl_e:+, tss_e:3 -- TH:B
- Helado Negro: Far In (4AD) {39}: BPM:14+, BS:2, C:+, FO:22, G:+, Mc:37, Mz:25, NPR:12, Pf:46+, PJ:61, PM:39+, PO:+, Sl:34+, Tr:39, UR:+, Zf:32; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, av_tt:9, kc:4, n_sp:+, npr_lh:10, pg_ad:6, vmp:+, wi:+, yjc:5 -- TH:*
- Hiatus Kaiyote: Mood Valiant (Brainfeeder) {39}: Al:10, Bc:+, Cl:+, DJ:3, GC:41, Gw:+, IS:36, Mc:70, Mj:+, NPR:32, Pc:35, PM:54+, Sl:28, Spk:43, WG:47; am:+, am_r:+, bc_s:+, bl:8, jzf:+, npr_ma:6, pg_ad:5, pm_s:11, ri:7, rte:20, tm:+, vma:2, vmp:+, vu:8, ws_s:9 -- TH:*
- Cleo Sol: Mother (Forever Living Originals) {39}: Al:7, Bc:++, BPM:37, Cl:28, Cmp_U:9, GB:38, GC:47, HV:20, Mj:+, NPR:26, Pc:68, PW:43, UPC:+, VF:39, WG:44, YF:49; am:+, am_r:+, av_bk:5, bc_s:+, kc:3, npr_r:+, pf_u:+, vmp:+, ws_s:10, yb_r:14, yns:++ -- TH:***
- Torres: Thirstier (Merge) {39}: BS:8, BV:23, Cl:+, DIY:+, DJ:38, Fld:25, GMA:23, Mj:+, MO:+, Mx:48, OC:42, Plt:3, Rf:66, RT:75, Sl:17+, TL:62, U:+, UPC:97, UR:49, Vi:2; am:+, am_i:+, av_am:4, av_mf:14, p_p:+, p_r:+, vjo:10, xrw:+ -- TH:B
- Tune-Yards: Sketchy (4AD) {39}: AD:+, DIY:+, DW:26, EWi:13, FO:44, G:+, JDC:32, Mj:+, PJ:79, PM:+, RS:+, Rx:7, Sk:+, TL:36, U:+; js:4, so_d:19, so_k:11, vma:+, xbw:++, xci:38, xjd:+, xjl:3, xmb:+, xrw:3, xscw:4 -- RC:A, TH:B
- Neil Young/Crazy Horse: Barn (Reprise) {39}: DW:58, EWi:39, JDC:12, Mj:+, ND_r:31, PJ:23, PO:49, Rx:1, UCR:3; js:9, ppg:10, xbw:+, xci:21, xde:7, xjc:5, xscw:8, xwb:10, yds:4, yzp:9 -- RC:A, TH:A-
- Iceage: Seek Shelter (Mexican Summer) {38}: BPM:28+, Btz:8, Crh:36, CS:+, DIY:+, Gl:++, Gw:47+, IS:24, Mc:93, Mj:+, MO:27+, NBH:18, NR:14, NT:9, On:6, Pc:67, Pf:+, Pf_r:41, Sg:45, Tr:37, U:+, UR:40; e:+, lar:21, p_r:+, pf_k:+ -- TH:B
- The Killers: Pressure Machine (Island) {38}: 25:38, Al:78, AV:+, Ch:6, Cl:+, DIY:+, Gf_D:13, Jp:39, Ne:46, NME:30, P:+, Pf_r:30, Rf:77, Si:8, Sl:25, +, Spk:10, STi:22, T:+, Up:+, UPC:91, YF:+; am_a:+, atw:+, bg:+, cl:10, do:6, key:+, up_i:+, up_sh:13 -- TH:*
- Sleater-Kinney: Path of Wellness (Mom + Pop) {38}: Al:88, DIY:+, DW:43, EW:+, EWi:12, I:27+, JDC:8, Mj:+, PJ:67, RS:+, RT:98, Rx:13, Sbd:45, U:73+, UCR:21; dw:4, xci:12, xjdc:8, xjy:5, xmb:7, xrw:7, xsc:3, yti:11 -- RC:A, TH:*
- Spellling: The Turning Wheel (Sacred Bones) {38}: 25:2, Bc:++, BPM:30, BV:+, Gf_D:18, GTV:63, Jp:44, MO:+, Ne:1+, NPR:36, OC:13, Pf_r:26, SC:12, Sl:19, Tr:9, UPC:+, UR:32; av_mf:5, key:+, npr_hc:7, xsm:16 -- TH:*
- Laura Mvula: Pink Noise (Atlantic) {37}: 25:22, 45:15, AD:+, Al:15, Cl:+, DIY:+, EW:+, G:22, Gw:37+, I:28+, LBF:42, Mc:12, Mj:+, NME:32, PB:15, RM:63, Sbd:22, Sk:+, STi:18, Tab:24, YF:28+; am:+, am_p:+, bbc:+, i:8, mw:2, p_p:+ -- TH:*
- Greentea Peng: Man Made (AMF) {37}: 45:44, AD:+, BIB:19, BPM:33+, Cl:24+, Crh:13, D:43, DIY:+, DJM:+, Du:7, G:30, Gw:+, LW:20, Mj:34+, Pc:47, RM:53, RT:68, Sk:+, YW:91; afg:+, ncpr:+, npr_rc:4, npr_sm:2, ws_s:13 -- TH:***
- Erika De Casier: Sensational (4AD) {36}: C:+, Cl:4+, Crz:36, DJM:+, Dz:19, G:37+, GB:16, IS:30, LI:18, Mw:28, NR:32+, Pf:40, PW:13, Qt:44, Sg:40, Sl:18, WG:39; p_p:+, pf_p:+, ra:+, vdh:2, vmp:+ -- TH:**
- Jane Weaver: Flock (Fire) {36}: AD:+, Al:57, Cl:+, G:+, LW:31, Mc:23, Mj:39+, MO:+, Mz:41, No:16, Pc:3, PJ:32, Qt:68, PM:57+, RM:49, RT:7, RTU:20, U:25+, UR:39; bb6:6, bg:+, pm_ir:10, pr:4 -- TH:**
- Garbage: No Gods No Masters (Infectious Music) {35}: Al:5, Cl:+, GMA:16, HV:13, JDC:36, Mj:+, Mx:44, PM:+, Rf:25, Rx:62, TL:67, UR:+, XSN:6; am_a:+, vaz:4, xci:46, xjc:10, yds:+, yti:8 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Tinashe: 333 (Tinashe Music) {35}: Cos:22, DW:45, EWi:21, HV:1, Ins:19, IR:24, Jp:45, Okp:16, PB:14, S:9, Sl:35, Tab:22, Up:+, UPC:76, YF:44; afg:10, av_bk:20, p_p:+, pf_p:+, up_r:+, wwl:+, xbl:9, xjd:13 -- TH:***
- Villagers: Fever Dreams (Domino) {35}: AS:+, Cl:+, DIY:+, Gw:+, HP:1, I:+, L4:11, Mc:67, Mj:10+, MO:+, NBH:22, Ni:21, Pc:93, RM:50, RS_D:6, RT:96, Sk:+, Trk:3, U:+, UR:64; it:+, rte:11 -- TH:B
- Adia Victoria: A Southern Gothic (Atlantic) {34}: BS:7, Bt:16, GMA:15, IR:19, Mj:+, ND:4, ND_r:32, NPR:44, RS_c:21, So:20, TL:12, UPC:94; ca_d:5, do:+, ns:2, p_c:+, so_d:11, so_k:14, v_ja:3 -- TH:**
- The Black Keys: Delta Kream (Nonesuch) {34}: AD:+, AS:+, AZ:16, Di:11, EE:20, G:+, HP:43, I:+, Mj:25+, ND_r:39, Pc:65, Sl:+, TN:+, Trk:14, U:53+, UCR:4; am_b:+, do:+, e:+, gw:18, rut:4, yti:17 -- TH:**
- The Coral: Coral Island (Run On) {34}: AD:+, Al:95, Cl:+, Crz:23, G:21+, GTV:92, Gw:+, Hi:31, HP:41, L4:5, LW:66, Mc:51, Mj:7+, MO:43+, Pc:62, RM:20, SR:6, T:+, U:22; am:+, am_k:+, ec:+, wk:+ -- TH:B
- Viagra Boys: Welfare Jazz (Year0001) {34}: AD:+, Cl:+, Crh:21, Gl:+, Gw:+, I:+, IS:28, LW:53, MO:49+, Mw:17, Ne:41+, No:17, Pc:52, PJ:86, RT:26, Si:20, Top:11, U:+, UR:70, Vi:11, YW:21; so_d:3, xpb:10 -- TH:***
- Willow: Lately I Feel Everything (MSFTS/Roc Nation/Polydor) {34}: 45:30, BB:41, BV_p:29, Cmp:43, D:17, DW:25, Dz:13, GC:26, GMA:44, I:39+, K:34, LBF:49, NPR:17, Okp:18, PB:11, PO:+; am_a:+, npr_hc:10, npr_lh:4, nyl:+, otw:+, pf_u:+, rsbs:10, rshs:6, up_i:+, xjd:+ -- TH:*
- Pom Pom Squad: Death of a Cheerleader (City Slang) {33}: 45:25, Alt:50, Cl:+, CS:21, D:41, DW:72, Fld:19, GMA:4, LBF:40, Mc:29, OC:34, P:44+, RT:80, UPC:33, UR:56; av_tt:8, npr_rh:8, p_p:+, p_r:+, rsbs:9, rssv:4, tv:+ -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Amythyst Kiah: Wary + Strange (Rounder) {32}: Bc:++, BS:19, Bt:1, Gl:++, Ms:27, ND:5, ND_r:20, NPR:37, PM:37, PO:+, RS:+, RS_c:18, TL:82, U:+; pm_f:7, so_k:9, wyep:8, xjd:+, xmr:8 -- TH:*
- Spirit of the Beehive: Entertainment, Death (Saddle Creek) {32}: Alt:29, BPM:7+, BV:32, Ex:21, Fa:31, GC:39, Gf:17, Gg:30, Pf:28, NR:9+, OC:12, P:9+, Pf:+, Pf_r:45, S:22, Sg:27, UPC:34; ny_c:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, vmp:+ -- TH:B
- Lindsey Buckingham: Lindsey Buckingham (Buckingham) {31}: AD:+, EW:7, IR:18, Mj:27+, PC:41, Rf:42, RSh:20, Sbd:59, TL:81, U:50+, UCR:2; am:+, am_s:+, xbw:+, xhs:10, xmb:5, xmr:5, xsm:5 -- TH:*
- Low Cut Connie: Tough Cookies: The Best of the Quarantine Broadcasts (Contender) {31}: DW:9, EWi:15, JDC:59, PJ:73, PM:68, PO:38+, Rx:9, YF:42; xci:9, xjd:+, xjl:6, xjlu:2, xscw:5, xtw:3 -- RC:A, TH:***
- Saint Etienne: I've Been Trying to Tell You (Heavenly) {31}: AD:+, Al:14, BIB:4, BV:+, Cl:+, Mc:84, Mj:38+, MO:6+, Mz:32, RC:13, RM:43, RT:42, U:14+, UR:79; am:+, am_i:+, pf_u:+, yds:+, yns:+ -- TH:**
- Rhiannon Giddens With Francesco Turrisi: They're Calling Me Home (Nonesuch) {30}: AD:+, G:+, Mc:14, Mj:+, Mx:27, ND:2, ND_r:17, PM:36+, TL:37, U:44+; am_f:+, bg:+, ec:+, ii:2, npr_ap:10, ny_p:+, pm_f:5, sdu:+ -- TH:***
- The Hold Steady: Open Door Policy (Positive Jams) {30}: AS:+, AV:+, Cl:+, DJ:25, JDC:25, MO:+, P:+, PJ:84, PO:+, RSh:9, Sbd:74, Sl:+, TL:35, U:32+, UPC:+; am:+, am_k:+, bh:+, wyep:10, xjsp:1 -- RC:B+, TH:**
- The Notwist: Vertigo Days (Morr Music) {30}: BPM:+, LI:36, Lt:35, Mw:11, Oo:5, PJ:74, Plt:1, Top:1, Vi:4, Zf:8; av_am:15 -- TH:**
- Lost Girls: Menneskekollektivet (Smalltown Supersound) {29}: BIB:15, BPM:26+, Btz:25, BV:41, Fa:35, Hi:2, IS:48, Mj:+, NR:26, Pf:36+, Sl:16, U:+, UR:73; am_i:+, p_e:+, pf_e:+, sl_e:+, tr_e:+ -- TH:A-
- Lump: Animal (Chrysalis) {29}: 25:41, BIB:9, BPM:+, BV:+, DIY:+, GTV:59, Gw:+, LW:46, Mj:+, MO:+, Mx:16, NBH:15, RT:43, Sk:+, U:+, UR:10, Zf:3; nst:+ -- TH:**
- Dinosaur Jr: Sweep It Into Space (Jagjaguwar) {28}: AD:+, BIB:33, Cl:+, Crh:40, Di:39, Gl:+, GMA:24, Gw:+, Mj:69+, PJ:27, PM:+, Sl:+, Trk:26, U:+, Vi:30; am_a:+, nst:+, rut:3, st_r:10, xsc:4, yal:4, yds:+, yti:10 -- TH:*
- Jungle: Loving in Stereo (Awal) {28}: 3v:12, AD:+, AV:17, Crh:23, DIW:+, DJM:+, FO:43, Gw:+, Mj:45+, Mz:29, NR:+, Pc:41, PM:55+, Rf:58, RT:29, Top:24, YW:20; av_bk:6, av_lm:3, pm_s:4 -- TH:*
- Kiwi Jr: Cooler Returns (Sub Pop) {28}: Bt:12, Cl:+, DIY:+, DW:13, Hi:41, JDC:67, LW:54, Mj:+, NR:13, PJ:14, RM:42, Sbd:52, UR:86; am_i:+, aqd:+, pm_ip:9, xci:14, xjwp:4, xjd:14, xmb:+ -- TH:***
- Jon Batiste: We Are (Verve) {27}: Al:33, CS:34, Gl:++, Ms:21, PJ:100, Rf:71, TL:24; am:+, am_r:+, bg:+, ncpr:7, ob:1, ws_s:1, wyep:1, xsm:19, yb_r:3, yh:6 -- TH:**
- Bonnie Prince Billy & Matt Sweeney: Superwolves (Drag City) {27}: BIB:11, Btz:14, Lt:21, Mc:100, Mj:50+, Mx:15, Pf:+, Rf:95, RS_D:31, Sg:7, U:+, Zf:29; am_f:+, aqd:+, ca_d:6, ca_o:2, rshs:5, up_sh:8, v_ja:7
- Joy Crookes: Skin (Insanity) {27}: 3v:15, Cl:21+, DIY:+, DJ:34, Du:14, G:+, Gw:+, HP:11, LBF:33, Mj:+, NME:41, RM:16, VF:23; bbc:+, npr_ap:5, pm_s:2, ws_s:2 -- TH:**
- Bo Burnham: Inside (the Songs) (Imperial Distribution) {26}: BB:12, Bq:12, CS:30, Ins:5, STi:15, Tab:14, Trk:25, UPC:+, WHP:30; am:+, atw:+, do:+, npr_st:10, nst:+, rsbs:2, vmp:+, wwl:+, xjl:9 -- TH:B-
- Yasmin Williams: Urban Driftwood (Spinster) {26}: Fa:34, Gg:46, ND:11, No:11, NPR:40, Pf:50+, PJ:44, PM:35, U:51, UPC:74; am:+, am_f:+, aqd:+, lar:9, men:7, npr_lg:3, npr_oh:6, up_sh:20, vmp:+, wp:8 -- TH:**
- Circuit Des Yeux: -Io (Matador) {25}: BPM:12+, C:14, Mg:13, Mj:+, MO:14+, NPR:49, OC:38, Tr:18, W:9; aqd:+, gcn:+, npr_hc:9, npr_lg:1, pf_j:+ -- TH:C+
- Katy Kirby: Cool Dry Place (Keeled Scales) {25}: Alt:30, CS:49+, Mc:64, Mj:+, NR:29, OC:37, P:33, Sbd:58, UPC:50, UR:+, WHP:23; afg:+, am_s:+, av_gs:8, av_tt:6, men:4, npr_lm:6, ns:4, p_p:+, pf_u:+, vmp:+ -- TH:*
- Nation of Language: A Way Forward (PIAS) {25}: 3v:1, Crz:31, GTV:88, Gw:42+, OC:46, P:+, PJ:51, RT:94, UR:11, Zf:65; blw:11, ii:5, kc:11, p_p:+, up_sh:14, ycp:9 -- TH:**
- Gruff Rhys: Seeking New Gods (Rough Trade) {25}: AS:+, BIB:3, BV:+, DIY:+, GTV:96, Gw:+, Mc:49, Mj:74+, MO:25+, Pc:72, PM:+, RM:45, RT:97, Trk:36, U:+, UR:46; bz:5, pm_ip:5
- Richard Dawson & Circle: Henki (Weird World) {24}: Mc:25, Mj:+, Ne:7+, No:32, Qt:7, RM:18, Si:+, U:10+; vce:9 -- TH:B
- Manic Street Preachers: The Ultra Vivid Lament (Sony) {24}: Al:56, Cl:+, GTV:73, LW:55, Mj:16+, PM:+, Qt:62, RC:3, RS_D:37, RT:69, Sbd:80, T:+, U:+, UR:82, XSN:10; yds:3
- Ashnikko: Demidevil (Parlophone -EP) {23}: 25:39, C:+, Cl:+, DIY:+, DW:10, Gw:50, JDC:65, LBF:24, PB:17, PO:+, Tab:25, YW:3; daq:20, xci:43, xjd:+ -- TH:**
- Chai: Wink (Sub Pop) {23}: G:47, GTV:82, Gw:39+, JDC:64, LQ:35, Rx:15, Sk:+, UR:44; am_p:+, dw:10, nat:+, p_p:+, pm_p:12, rte:23, vmp:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Bobby Gillespie & Jehnny Beth: Utopian Ashes (Silvertone) {23}: AD:+, AS:+, Cl:59+, Crz:50, DIY:+, EE:10, Gw:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Ms:28, Mz:15, Pc:76, Rf:63, RT:71, Sbd:70, U:45+, UR:68; am_a:+
- Rochelle Jordan: Play With the Changes (Young Art) {23}: Bc:+, Cl:18, Ex:50, HV:17, PM:10+, PW:15, Qt:31, UPC:81; am:+, am_r:+, cw:+, p_p:+, pm_s:6, sl:+ -- TH:***
- Manchester Orchestra: The Million Masks of God (Loma Vista) {23}: Alt:35, BV:12, Ch:2, Crz:49, CS:14+, DaB:18, DIY:+, Fld:16, Mg:14, Mx:37, Pu:13, UPC:+; am_a:+
- The Anchoress: The Art of Losing (Kscope) {22}: AD:+, Cl:+, LBF:36, Mc:66, Mj:+, MO:29+, RC:14, STi:16, UR:53, XSN:2; pr:1 -- TH:***
- Nathan Bell: Red, White and American Blues (It Couldn't Happen Here) (Need to Know) {22}: DW:17, EWi:44, JDC:11, Rx:10, TN:+; js:+, xci:11, xscw:9 -- RC:A, TH:A
- Sarah Mary Chadwick: Me and Ennui Are Friends, Baby (Ba Da Bing!) {22}: EWi:28, JDC:13, MO:+, RS:+, Rx:24, SC:14; js:+, xbl:8, xbw:++, xci:52, xem:3, xrw:6 -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Los Lobos: Native Sons (New West) {22}: AAJ:+, AS:+, IR:+, JDC:41, Mj:+, ND_r:11, PO:+, Rf:59, TL:64, U:+; am:+, am_k:+, xjlu:5, xrw:+, xsm:4 -- RC:***, TH:*
- Hayley Williams: Flowers for Vases/Descansos (Atlantic) {22}: 45:40, Ch:13, Cl:+, D:15, DIY:14+, EW:+, G:39, Gw:+, PB:29, Rf:105, Sbd:18, YF:15; am_p:+ -- TH:***
- Flock of Dimes: Head of Roses (Sub Pop) {21}: BPM:+, I:+, MO:+, Mx:47, P:+, PJ:63, RT:92, Sg:48, U:+, UPC:+, UR:30; am_i:+, aqd:+, ca_o:6, men:11, npr_lm:3, npr_st:5, ny_p:+, ny_z:+
- John Grant: Boy From Michigan (Bella Union) {21}: AD:+, BIB:24, I:18, LW:71, Mj:11+, MO:50, Mw:19, Pc:69, PM:59, RM:81, RT:74, Sbd:49, Sk:+, U:19+, UR:23
- Darkside: Spiral (Matador) {20}: AD:+, BPM:+, C:+, IS:12, Mj:+, Mx:25, NR:+, P:+, Pc:21, PW:6, Sk:+, UR:+, Zf:34; am_e:+, av_cp:16, kc:14, tr_e:+
- Foo Fighters: Medicine at Midnight (RCA) {20}: Al:39, Cl:+, DIY:+, EE:9, Gf_D:16, K:42, MO:+, RS:40+, UCR:6, Vi:41; am:+, am_k:+, xsc:6
- Foxing: Draw Down the Moon (Hopeless) {20}: Alt:10, Bq:13, BV:+, Ch:5, DIY:+, NR:24, OC:27, P:+, Pu:3, UPC:28; up_i:+
- John Hiatt With the Jerry Douglas Band: Leftover Feelings (New West) {20}: AAJ:+, AS:+, Gl:+, JDC:9, ND_r:10, PM:66+, TL:70, U:+; xhs:3, xjdc:9 -- TH:A-
- Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: Georgia Blue (Southeastern) {20}: AS:+, Bt:41, DW:38, JDC:47, ND_r:1, Rx:65, TL:33, UCR:22; am_k:+, xwb:15, yal:+, yzp:10 -- RC:A-, TH:B
- Lord Huron: Long Lost (Republic) {20}: AS:+, Bt:48, I:21+, Mc:17, Mj:+, MO:+, Rf:5, U:+; am_a:+, atw:+, dcs:4, pm_f:8, scm:+, wyep:11 -- TH:B
- Rostam: Changephobia (Matsor Projects) {20}: AV:+, LAT:3, Mj:+, Rf:82, RT:95, UPC:83; am_a:+, av_cs:3, av_tt:18, do:+, key:+, mw:3, ny_z:+, wsj:+ -- TH:*
- Peter Stampfel: Peter Stampfel's 20th Century in 100 Songs (Louisiana Red Hot) {20}: EWi:9, PO:+, Rx:6, TL:30; xjy:1, xscw:12, xtw:1, ypg:1 -- TH:**
- Taylor Swift: Fearless (Taylor's Version) (Republic) {20}: AV:+, Bq:8, Cl:+, CS:+, Di:10, G:+, Gw;+, I:+, Pf_r:47, RS:+, T:+; wwl:+, xjd:+ -- TH:***
- The World Is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die: Illusory Walls (Epitaph) {20}: Alt:18, BPM:+, BV:16, BV_p:5, Ch:21, Fld:24, Sl:+, Spk:2, Tr:50, UPC:67, UR:+; p_r:+
- Carsie Blanton: Love & Rage (So Ferocious) {19}: EWi:30, JDC:60, PM:+, Rx:66; js:+, xci:50, xjd:19, xjl:5, xscw:16, xwb:11 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Cloud Nothings: The Shadow I Remember (Carpark) {19}: Alt:24, CS:+, DIY:+, DW:53, HV:24, JDC:57, NR:31, PM:+, Sl:+, UPC:+, YW:62; am_i:+, pm_ir:6, xjsp:3 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Fiddlehead: Between the Richness (Run for Cover) {19}: Alt:6, BV:44, BV_p:20, P:15, PM:+, Sg:20, UPC:64, YW:47; av_da:2, p_k:+, p_r:+, pf_u:+ -- TH:*
- The Goon Sax: Mirror II (Matador) {19}: DIY:+, G:+, HV:32, LI:30, NR:42, PJ:94, PO:+, RS_D:40, RT:78, U:+, UR:34, Zf:31; aqd:+, vaz:12, xjsp:9 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Parannoul: To See the Next Part of the Dream (self-released) {19}: 25:23, CS:+, Hi:3, Joe:6, Jp:40, OC:41, Pf:+, Plt:11, Sg:30, UPC:79, YF:27; p_r:+, pf_k:+
- Emma Ruth Rundle: Engine of Hell (Sargent House) {19}: BV:+, K:7, Mj:+, MO:+, Mw:6, Mx:1, OC:35, Sk:+, Vi:9
- Strand of Oaks: In Heaven (Thirty Tigers) {19}: Mg:1, Mj:+, NBH:48, OC:11, PJ:79, PM:+, RS_D:50, Sbd:61, U:59+, UPC:+, UR:+; wyep:23, yal:9
- Aaron Lee Tasjan: Tasjan! Tasjan! Tasjan! (New West) {19}: AS:+, Bt:+, Gl:++, ND:8, ND_r:16, PM:69+, RS_c:14, Sl:+, TL:18, U:+; pm_p:19, rsjh:9 -- TH:B
- Teenage Fanclub: Endless Arcade (Merge) {19}: AD:+, Btz:32, Cl:+, Mg:24, Mj:23+, MO:20+, RM:51, Sk:+, TL:34, U:30+; am_a:+, aqd:+, sk_s:10, yal:+, yti:13
- Ryley Walker: Course in Fable (Husky Pants) {19}: AD:+, Cl:+, DIY:+, Hi:47, Mc:65, Mj:58+, No:27, Pc:77, Rf:91, RM:96, Si:14, U:28+, UR:97; am_s:+, aqd:+, up_sh:17
- Big Red Machine: How Long Do You Think It's Gonna Last? (Jagjaguwar) {18}: FO:45, Mj:+, NBH:4, NME:35, NR:37, Oo:13, Pc:99, Trk:48, U:58+, Up:+; up_i:+, yal:2
- Duran Duran: Future Past () {18}: Al:13, AV:14, GMA:27, RSh:15, UCR:13, XSN:3; am_p:+, av_lm:6, vaz:1
- Elbow: Flying Dream 1 (Polydor) {18}: AD:+, Al:31, Gw:+, Mc:90, Mj:+, MO:40+, NBH:39, P:+, PM:31, RC:18, Si:10, U:+, UR:41, YF:+
- Field Music: Flat White Moon (Memphis Industries) {18}: AD:+, AS:+, BIB:31, DIY:+, LW:67, Mj:29+, Pc:50, RM:86, U:+, UR:52; am:+, am_i:+, bb6:3, pr:5, ysp:+
- Hiss Golden Messenger: Quietly Blowing It (Merge) {18}: AS:+, G:+, Mj:72+, ND:3, ND_r:25, RS:+, Trk:34, U:18+; am_f:+, aqd:+, tbm:21 -- TH:*
- Modest Mouse: The Golden Casket (Epic) {18}: Al:74, Ch:19, Mj:+, NR:46+, PM:+, Sl:+, UR:16; av_tt:13, do:+, xjl:8, yal:+, ycp:2 -- TH:**
- Royal Blood: Typhoons (Warner) {18}: AS:+, Crh:22, Di:22, Gw:48+, I:+, K:41, Lt:10, Mj:+, Ms:30, NME:25, Rf:40, RM:70, UCR:24, Vi:47; am_k:+
- ABBA: Voyage (Polar) {17}: AD:+, Btz:38, Di:8, I:34+, MO:21, PM:+, RS:+, RS_D:48; am_p:+, cw:+, mw:9, sl:+, svr:8, wk:+, ysp:+ -- TH:B-
- Aeon Station: Observatory (Sub Pop) {17}: DW:37, EWi:46, Mg:5, PJ:88, UR:62, WG:33, YW:19; vma:5, xbw:++ -- TH:**
- Bachelor: Doomin' Sun (Polyvinyl/Lucky Number) {17}: D:38, DIY:+, NR:40, PJ:52, PM:+, RSh:6, UPC:+, UR:66, WHP:17; npr_bb:2, pf_k:+, pm_ip:11, so_d:15
- Ducks Ltd: Modern Fiction (Carpark -EP) {17}: BIB:21, Ex:47, Fld:22, NR:23+, Pc:33, PJ:24, PO:45+, UPC:71, UR:50; aqd:+, p_r:+, pm_ir:8, rsjd:10 -- TH:**
- Myriam Gendron: Ma Delire: Songs of Love, Lost & Found (Feeding Tube) {17}: Pf:+, PJ:39U:+; aqd:+, cw:2, npr_lg:9, pf_u:+, sl:++, vjk:5, ycc:9, yjc:4 -- TH:**
- Home Is Where: I Became Birds (Knifepunch) {17}: Alt:9, BPM:+, BV:21, BV_p:7, Pf:+, PM:+, Sg:39, UPC:72; p_r:+, pf_k:+, xjd:+, ycp:3
- Aimee Mann: Queens of the Summer Hotel (Superego) {17}: Al:41, EWi:+, GMA:46, MO:+, ND_r:29, RS_D:41, U:+, UPC:98, Zf:20; am:+, am_s:+, cw:+, sl:+, xhs:7, xwb:9 -- TH:*
- Mereba: Azeb (Interscope -EP) {17}: BS:4, JDC:27, Rx:39; dw:9, npr_r:+, pf_u:+, xtw:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
- The Mountain Goats: Dark in Here (Merge) {17}: HV:26, Mj:+, MO:+, P:43+, Rf:57, U:+, UR:+; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, xmb:+, yng:9 -- TH:A-
- Nao: And Then Life Was Beautiful (Little Tokyo) {17}: Al:73, Cl:+, Cos:11, DIY:+, DJ:29, G:+, I:+, Mc:57, NME:46, RT:58, Sbd:34; am_r:+, av_bk:13, hpo:+, up_r:+, yb_r:20
- Gary Numan: Intruder (BMG) {17}: AZ:19, Cl:+, Ec:16, LW:92, Mj:+, Mx:11, RM:88, SR:10, XSN:16 -- TH:**
- Anna B Savage: A Commmon Turn (City Slang) {17}: BPM:35+, Cl:+, Hi:33, LQ:7, Mj:+, MO:+, NBH:25, Ni:24, Trk:9; npr_th:5, rut:14 -- TH:B
- The Reds, Pinks & Purples: Uncommon Weather (Slumberland) {17}: Bc:+, GMA:32, MO:+, Pc:18, PJ:40, RM:90, Trk:19, YW:81; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, up_sh:16, vjk:2 -- TH:*
- Ada Lea: One Hand on the Steering Wheel the Other Sewing a Garden (Saddle Creek) {16}: BV:+, Crz:47, GB:22, OC:15, Sg:41, Sk:+, UR:+; av_mf:18, npr_bb:10, npr_rh:1 -- RC:*, TH:**
- Adult Mom: Driver (Epitaph) {16}: DIY:+, RS:34+, RSh:8; rsch:9, rsjd:1, vaz:16 -- RC:***, TH:**
- Celeste: Not Your Muse () {16}: 45:24, Al:50, I:+, DaB:39, DIY:+, DJ:22, GTV:51, I:26, Mj:+, MO:+, Mz:48, NBH:49, T:+; am_r:+, npr_nb:7, ws_s:6
- Biffy Clyro: The Myth of the Happily Ever After (14th Floor) {16}: Cl:+, DIY:+, K:19, Mc:7, MO:35, Plt:19, Pu:4, Vi:39
- Dijon: Absolutely (R&R Digital/Warner) {16}: Alt:40, Cl:44, Fa:3, LBF:41, Up:+; cdm:4, npr_r:+, nst:+, otw:+, rte:24, up_i:+, vmp:+ -- TH:B
- Django Django: Glowing in the Dark (Because Music) {16}: AD:+, Cl:+, DIY:+, GTV:70, I:+, Mj:+, MO:+, Mw:23, PM:+, RT:76, Sk:+, Top:15, U:+, YF:+; pm_p:9
- The Felice Brothers: From Dreams to Dust (Yep Roc) {16}: AD:+, AS:+, Gl:+, Mc:63, Mj:+, Ms:13, ND_r:45, RS_D:35, U:+; am_c:+, am_f:+, p_c:+, pm_f:14 -- TH:**
- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Butterfly 3000 (KGLW) {16}: BV:+, Cl:+, Di:29, DIY:+, DJ:40, Gw:+, Mj:+, Ms:47, S:24, U:+, UR:72; am:+, am_k:+, tm:+, tms:+, vmp:+
- Joy Oladokun: In Defense of My Own Happiness (Amigo/Verve Forecast/Republic) {16}: BB:38, BS:11, Bt:24; npr_ma:1, npr_nb:1, ns:10, pm_f:6 -- TH:A-
- Xenia Rubinos: Una Rosa (Anti-) {16}: Hi:9, LBF:27, OC:29, Pf:33+, S:28, Sg:33, U:+, UPC:+; npr_cs:5, npr_fc:7, p_p:+, pf_p:+
- Weezer: OK Human (Crush Music/Atlantic) {16}: Cl:+, Crh:37, DaB:46, Di:33, GMA:36, HP:38, Mj:+, MO:+, Ne:29+, PM:+, Rf:86, UCR:28; am_a:+, dtm:4
- Claud: Super Monster (Saddest Factory) {15}: 45:26, C:+, Cl:+, CS:+, D:7, LBF:48, Pc:74, RM:32, Sbd:68, WHP:11; cdm:7, up_p:+
- David Crosby: For Free (BMG) {15}: AD:+, AS:+, Mc:73, Mj:19+, PM:+, RC:25, U:48+, UCR:5; am_s:+
- Tom Jones: Surrounded by Time (S-Curve) {15}: Cl:+, DIY:+, I:+, Mc:91, Mj:+, MO:+, RM:60, T:8+, TL:31, U:+; ec:+ -- TH:*
- LoneLady: Former Things (Warp) {15}: Jp:29, LW:61, MO:+, Pc:4, Qt:97, Trk:47, U:55+; am:+, am_i:+ -- TH:**
- Marissa Nadler: The Path of the Gods (Sacred Bones) {15}: Ec:10, LI:41, LW:40, Mc:58, Mj:+, MO:+, Mx:22, U:+, UR:+; am:+, am_i:+, bg:+, vaz:13
- Vanishing Twin: Ookii Gekkou (Fire) {15}: Bc:+, BIB:37, MO:+, No:18, Pc:89, Qt:91, RT:25, SR:20, U:+; am_i:+, aqd:+, bg:+, vmp:+
- Wednesday: Twin Plagues (Orindal) {15}: Alt:28, BV:50, GB:18, P:31, PJ:86, Sg:11, UPC:+, UR:59; av_am:11, p_r:+, pf_k:+, vgb:8, vmp:+
- Wild Pink: A Billion Little Lights (Royal Mountain) {15}: Alt:4, BPM:+, Ch:25, OC:26, PM:+, Up:+, UPC:24, UR:+; atw:+, up_i:+, up_sh:5
- Steven Wilson: The Future Bites (Arts & Crafts) {15}: AS:+, Di:26, G:+, Mj:+, PM:+, SoT:10, U:+, XSN:4; pr:2
- Snoh Aalegra: Temporary Highs in the Violet Skies (ARTium/Roc Nation) {14}: Cmp:21, CX:7, Up:+, UPC:+; am_r:+, av_bk:19, hyb:+, svr:3, up_r:+, yb_r:6, -- TH:*
- Tori Amos: Ocean to Ocean (Decca) {14}: AD:+, Al:8, DJ:32, Mj:+, MO:+, PM:+, Rf:75, Sbd:78, UPC:+; am_a:+, vaz:3
- Thomas Anderson: Ladies and Germs (Out There) {14}: JDC:38, Rx:42; js:+, xph:8, xmb:10, xwb:12 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- The Besnard Lakes: The Besnard Lakes Are the Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings (Fat Cat) {14}: BIB:6, BV:+, Mj:+, On:27, SR:4, U:61+, UR:+; yds:+
- Jackson Browne: Downhill From Everywhere (Inside) {14}: AD:+, EE:16, Gl:+, Mj:+, ND_r:18, PM:+, RC:20, Rf:74, RS_D:33, UCR:18
- Half Waif: Mythopoetics (Anti-) {14}: Cl:+, DIY:+, OC:4, P:+, Sk:+, Tr:35, UPC:96, WHP:5
- Hand Habits: Fun House (Saddle Creek) {14}: Cl:+, GB:42, Mj:+, OC:31, Pf:43, PJ:62, PM:+, Rf:94, Sk:+, UPC:88, Zf:40; aqd:+, key:+, pf_k:+
- Topaz Jones: Don't Go Tellin' Your Momma (New Funk Academy/Black Canopy) {14}: AZ:18, RS:39, Up:+, WHP:19; av_bk:16, crm:+, p_h:+, sl_h:+, std:10, up_h:+, yb_h:19, vmp:+
- Liars: The Apple Drop (Mute) {14}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Mc:75, Mj:+, MO:39+, NR:+, Qt:12, RC:6, U:+; am_i:+
- Marina: Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land (Atlantic) {14}: AD:+, Al:28, Cl:+, DW:56, Gw:+, PM:+, Rf:107, Sl:50; am_p:+, pm_p:15 -- TH:A-
- Poppy: Flux (Sumerian) {14}: BPM:+, Cl:+, DIY:+, K:16, Mx:23, Rf:24, Sbd:60; am_a:+, bg:+, dtm:6 -- TH:***
- Anika: Change (Sacred Bones) {13}: LI:9, Mj:+, Mx:46, Pc:15, U:+, UR:+, Zf:15 -- TH:**
- The Antlers: Green to Gold (Anti-) {13}: DIY:+, IR:+, Mg:7, Mj:+, MO:26+, NBH:13, RM:89, U:+, YF:+
- Audiobooks: Astro Tough (Heavenly) {13}: BB:1, BV:48, Cl:+, LQ:5, Qt:23, U:+
- Chubby and the Gang: The Mutt's Nuts (Partisan) {13}: Crh:24, Gw:+, K:37, RM:72, RT:99, Sb:23, Trk:18, Vi:26; rsjb:3 -- TH:**
- Aaron Frazer: Introducing . . . (Dead Oceans) {13}: AS:+, Cl:+, Gl:+, Hi:43, Mj:+, NR:36, RM:67; am_r:+, blw:4, ws_s:4, yng:6
- Steve Gunn: Other You (Matador) {13}: AS:+, Btz:20, Cl:+, Mj:61+, Pf:+, U:29+, UR:98; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+
- Kings of Leon: When You See Yourself () {13}: Di:48, Mj:+, MO:+, UCR:20, XSN:15; 1l:18, do:2, e:+, xkb:5
- The Jeffrey Lewis & Peter Stampfel Band: Both Ways (self-released) {13}: EWi:+, PO:23+, Rx:2; xtw:6 -- RC:A, TH:[++]
- WH Lung: Vanities (Melodic) {13}: Gw:+, L4:8, Mj:+, Pc:7, RM:12, Trk:31, U:+, UR:54
- Parcels: Day/Night () {13}: Gw:+, Jp:31, LI:43, Lt:6, Mgn:19, Ms:17, Mz:45; 1l:3
- Jordan Rakei: What We Call Life (Ninja Tune) {13}: Al:63, Crz:42, DJ:28, DJM:+, Gw:+, Pc:96, PM:+, RM:26, RT:61; jzf:+, pm_s:7, ws_s:20 -- TH:*
- Tems: If Orange Was a Place (RCA/Since 93) {13}: BB:42, NPR:15, Okp:15, RS:17+; gcn:+, hpo:+, hyb:+, wi:3
- Dean Wareham: I Have Nothing to Say to the Mayor of LA (Double Feature) {13}: Al:80, BIB:14, Mj:+, U:37+; aqd:+yds:10, yti:16 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Paul Weller: Fat Pop (Volume 1) (Polydor) {13}: AD:+, HP:34, Mj:6+, PM:+, Rf:72, RT:67, STi:24, Trk:50, U:26+
- Baby Queen: The Yearbook (Polydor) {12}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Gw:+, SR:16; xci:41, xjd:1 -- TH:***
- Bleachers: Take the Sadness Out of Saturday Night (RCA) {12}: 45:36, DIY:+, NME:44, PO:+, Rf:88, RM:83, YF:+; am_p:+, cdm:2, up_p:+ -- TH:*
- Noga Erez: Kids (City Slang) {12}: Cl:+, NBH:3, Sk:+; am_p:+, av_am:13, npr_rh:7 -- TH:***
- Marianne Faithfull With Warren Ellis: She Walks in Beauty (BMG) {12}: C:+, Cl:+, I:+, Mj:+, MO:+, PM:+, PO:37+, U:72; rte_k:+ -- TH:**
- Geese: Projector (Partisan) {12}: BPM:+, CS:19, FO:48, LI:49, Mc:82, P:29, RS:+, RT:93, UR:25; p_r:+, up_i:+, vma:10
- Chrissie Hynde: Standing in the Doorway: Chrissie Hynde Sings Bob Dylan (BMG) {12}: AAJ:+, AD:+, Mj:40+, PO:+, RS:+, UCR:15; xph:5 -- TH:**
- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: LW (Flightless) {12}: Cl:+, Crh:17, DaB:38, Di:41, Gw:+, LW:13, Mj:31+, U:+, Vi:35
- London Grammar: Californian Soil (Metal & Dust/Ministry of Sound) {12}: Al:22, Cl:+, Ec:2, I:31+, NBH:31, NME:21, T:+; am_a:+
- OneTwoThree: OneTwoThree (Kill Rock Stars) {12}: JDC:53, Rx:30, YW:64; xmb:9 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Jeff Rosenstock: Ska Dream (Polyvinyl) {12}: DW:8, JDC:61, Ne:10+, Pf:+; av_da:16, xci:31 -- TH:*
- Todd Snider: First Agnostic Church of Hope and Wonder (Aimless) {12}: Bt:47, JDC:62, ND_r:42, TL:32; ns:8 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
- Tamar Aphek: All Bets Are Off (Kill Rock Stars) {11}: U:+; am_i:+, so_d:4, so_k:9, xjsp:5, yds:8 -- RC:*, TH:**
- Daniel Bachman: Axacan (Three Lobed) {11}: Mj:+, U:54+, W:5; aqd:+, npr_lg:8, ycc:6, yjc:9
- William Doyle: Great Spans of Muddy Time (Tough Love) {11}: I:40, LQ:12, Mj:+, Qt:5, RM:78, U:+; am_i:+
- Emily Duff: Razor Blade Smile (Mr Mudshow Music) {11}: PO:+, Rx:52; xci:45 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Gazelle Twin & NYX: Deep England (NYX Collective) {11}: AD:+, G:+, LW:12, MO:+, Qt:10, RM:39, , Trk:44, U:+
- La Femme: Paradigmes (Disque Pointu) {11}: Gw:+, LI:10, MO:+; am_i:+, kc:12, so_d:5 -- TH:**
- Public Service Broadcasting: Bright Magic (PIAS) {11}: DIY:+, Gw:+, Mj:49, Pc:29, PM:25, RM:15, RT:52, Trk:49, UR:87; pr:19
- Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats: The Future (Stax) {11}: EE:11, Mj:+, Mz:37, ND_r:36, TL:51, U:+; am_k:+, e:+, rut:6, wyep:16
- The Staves: Good Woman (Nonesuch) {11}: 45:42, Al:91, Cl:+, DIY:+, G:+, Gw:+, I:+, Mj:+, MO:+, U:+; atw:+
- Taylor Swift: Evermore (Republic -20) {11}: GC:25, Up:+, UPC:25; up_p:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Yebba: Dawn () {11}: Al:42, Cl:+, Cmp:27, NPR:43, Tab:21; atw:+, av_lm:4, hpo:+, v_ja:6, yb_r:16
- The Avalanches: We Will Always Love You (Island -20) {10}: DJ:1, Fa:41, Top:2 -- TH:**
- Crowded House: Dreamers Are Waiting (EMI) {10}: AD:+, G:+, Mj:+, MO:+, PM:+, RS_D:44, XSN:12; do:9, vaz:6
- Du Blonde: Homecoming (Daemon TV) {10}: Gw:10+, LW:78, MO:+, Pc:49, Trk:27; bb6:4
- Colleen Green: Cool (Hardly Art) {10}: DIY:+, DW:48, Mg:19, PW:39, UR:94; pf_u:+, yti:14 -- TH:**
- Guided by Voices: It's Not Them. It Couldn't Be Them. It Is Them! (GBV) {10}: Mg:10, Mj:+, PJ:58, PM:+; am_i:+, pm_ir:9, yti:2
- International Music: Ententraum () {10}: RS_D:38, Lt:2, Top:14, Zf:9
- Sophia Kennedy: Monsters (City Slang) {10}: BPM:44, G:+, Lt:19, Mj:+, RS_D:9, Zf:17
- La Luz: La Luz (Hardly Art) {10}: Bc:+, LW:51, Pc:79, PJ:47, PW:22, U:+, UR:+; am_i:+, vgb:6, yti:9
- Lightning Bug: A Color of the Sky (Fat Possum) {10}: L4:20, Mc:85, Mj:+, Sl:46+; up_sh:9, vgb:5, vmp:+
- Man on Man: Man on Man (Polyvinyl) {10}: DIY:, MO:41+, Top:21; vrj:2 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Maximo Park: Nature Always Wins (PIAS) {10}: AD:+, BPM:+, Cl:+, GMA:25, Gw:+, L4:12, MO:+, NR:+, Rf:97
- John Mayer: Sob Rock (Columbia) {10}: Al:99, Di:32, Sbd:20, T:+; do:+, e:+, gw:1
- Middle Kids: Today We're the Greatest (Domino) {10}: Cl:+, DJ:8, P:+, UR:93; tm:+, wyep:14, yzp:5
- Chloe Moriondo: Blood Bunny (Fueled by Ramen) {10}: Alt:5, D:13, DIY:+, Mc:99, PB:21; ny_c:13
- My Morning Jacket: My Morning Jacket (ATO) {10}: AS:+, Mj:+, Rf:85, TL:79, U:43+, UR:+, Vi:31; am_k:+, wyep:13
- Origami Angel: Gami Gang (Counter Intuitive) {10}: Alt:22, BV_p:17, Ch:17, UPC:86; p_k:+, p_r:+, ycp:5
- Palberta: Palberta 5000 (Wharf Cat) {10}: DW:16, BPM:+, JDC:70, MO:+; npr_lm:8, ny_z:+, p_k:+, vaz:11 -- TH:*
- Maisie Peters: You Signed Up for This (Gingerbread Man) {10}: Bq:7, Cl:+, D:40, I:+, PM:47+; atw:+, pm_p:6
- Saint Sister: Where I Should End () {10}: HP:8, Joe:15, Ni:8; it:+, rte:22
- Patrick Shiroishi: Hidemi (American Dreams) {10}: ACL:8, JC:+, PM:+, PW:30, VF:30, W:47, YW:56; jkp:9
- Snapped Ankles: Forest of Your Problems (The Leaf Label) {10}: BIB:17, Crh:34, LW:74, Mj:+, Pc:8, Qt:78, RT:27
- Squirrel Flower: Planet (Polyvinyl) {10}: Cl:+, GTV:95, PM:+, RT:82, Sbd:72, Sk:+, U:+, Zf:42; am_s:+, pm_ir:14
- Laura Stevenson: Laura Stevenson (Don Giovanni) {10}: Al:93, Alt:34, BV:+, RSh:16, Sbd:69, Spk:26, U:+; av_da:18, ca_o:10
- Tindersticks: Distractions (City Slang) {10}: AD:+, EE:17, MO:+, Mz:30, RS_D:25, RT:40, U:+; am_s:+, xsm:12
- TV Priest: Uppers (Sub Pop) {10}: Crh:15, DaB:33, GTV:93, Gw:+, LW:100, MO:+, Pc:44, RM:34, YW:38
- Joyce Wrice: Overgrown (Joyce Wrice Music) {10}: Okp:4, UPC:+; npr_r:+, up_r:+, yb_r:4 -- TH:*
- Marisa Anderson & William Tyler: Lost Futures (Thrill Jockey) {9}: ACL:7, Mj:+, PM:+, U:+; am_f:+, aqd:+, hc_d:9
- Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes: Sticky (AWAL) {9}: Bq:14, DIY:+, Gw:+, K:25, Mj:+, Pu:20, Sbd:63
- The Courettes: Back in Mono () {9}: AD:+, Hi:14, LW:4, Mj:+, RM:52
- Joe Fahey: February on Ice (Rough Fish) {9}: JDC:66, Rx:41 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Stephen Fretwell: Busy Guy (Speedy Wunderground) {9}: Cl:+, G:46, LW:28, Mj:73+, Pc:95, RC:23, RT:90, U:+
- Orla Gartland: Woman on the Internet (New Friends Music) {9}: D:16, DIY:+, HP:28, MO:+, Rf:12, RT:55; rte:17
- Lande Hekt: Going to Hell (Get Better) {9}: BV:+, DIY:+, YW:13; xjd:+, ycp:10 -- TH:***
- Hovvdy: True Love (Grand Jury) {9}: Ch:29, CS:25, DIY:+, P:+, UPC:+, UR:36; atw:+, pm_ip:12, up_i:+
- HTRK: Rhinestones (N&J Blueberries) {9}: Fa:27, GB:3; ra:+ -- TH:***
- Lily Konigsberg: Lily We Need to Talk Now (Wharf Cat) {9}: BPM:+, Mj:+, U:+; av_mf:20, p_p:+, pf_p:+, xjd:+ -- TH:**
- Billie Marten: Flora Fauna (Fiction) {9}: Cl:+, GTV:81, Gw:+, I:19+, Mc:79, Sk:+, U:+
- Billy Nomates: Emergency Telephone (Invada -EP -20) {9}: DW:41, JDC:54, PO:+; xsc:+, xtw:+ -- RC:*, TH:***
- Quivers: Golden Doubt (Ba Da Bing!) {9}: BIB:18, DJ:27, Hi:45, Mz:42, PJ:54; vaz:7, xsc:5
- Rosali: No Medium (Spinster Sounds) {9}: Bc:++, U:74+; aqd:+, key:+, lar:23, up_sh:4
- Nitin Sawhney: Immigrants (Sony Masterworks) {9}: Al:2, MO:+ -- TH:A-
- Greta Van Fleet: The Battle at Garden's Gate (Lava/Republic) {9}: Di:14, GTV:53, K:35, U:+, UCR:16; av_lm:14, gw:+
- Martha Wainwright: Love Will Be Reborn (Cooking Vinyl) {9}: Al:84, AS:+, I:33+, Mj:+, MO:+, RT:53, U:+; am_f:+
- Weezer: Van Weezer (Crush Music/Atlantic) {9}: AV:+, Ch:30, GMA:36, Di:50, Gw:+, K:44, UCR:35; am_k:+, nst:+
- I'll Be Your Mirror: A Tribute to the Velvet Underground & Nico (Verve) {9}: Rx:64, UCR:32 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Rodrigo Amarante: Drama (Polyvinyl) {8}: Btz:49, Mj:+, NPR:45, U:+; am_l:+, aqd:+, npr_as:6, vma:+
- Justin Bieber: Justice (Def Jam) {8}: BB:36, Cmp:20, Gw:+, I:+, WHP:26; nzh:+, up_p:+
- Black Dresses: Forever in Your Heart () {8}: 25:1, Ne:23+; p_e:+
- Pip Blom: Welcome Break (Heavenly) {8}: DIY:+, GTV:56, Gw:+, Mj:+, RT:28, U:+, UR:69; vgb:7
- Chris Brokaw: Puritan (12XU) {8}: Mj:+, PJ:29, PM:+; aqd:+, vjk:3 -- TH:**
- Cheekface: Emphatically No (New Professor Music) {8}: Rf:79, YW:18; av_tt:17, p_r:+ -- TH:***
- The Chills: Scatterbrain (Fire) {8}: HV:29, LW:76, MO:+, U:+; vaz:8 -- TH:***
- Pan Daijing: Jade (PAN) {8}: ACL:20, BPM:5+, VF:45
- John Francis Flynn: I Would Not Live Always () {8}: HP:15, Ni:6, U:+; it:+, sol:+
- The Go! Team: Get Up Sequences Part One (Memphis Industries) {8}: Pc:34, RM:97, Sl:+; vaz:18, ycp:8 -- TH:***
- Holding Absence: The Greatest Mistake of My Life (SharpTone) {8}: K:5, Pu:5
- Inhaler: It Won't Always Be Like This () {8}: D:19, HP:40, NME:49, T:+, XSN:13; atw:+
- Kings of Convenience: Peace or Love (EMI) {8}: G:+, MO:+, Mz:33, NBH:24, Top:28, U:+, YF:+; am_s:+
- Le Ren: Leftovers (Royal Mountain) {8}: Ex:33, NBH:22, ND:14, Zf:10; aqd:+
- Mndsgn: Rare Pleasure (Stones Throw) {8}: Bc:+, Okp:14; am_r:+, npr_r:+, pg_ad:2, vmp:+
- Lael Neale: Acquainted With Night (Sub Pop) {8}: LI:16, Mj:+, U:+, UR:71, Zf:27; am_f:+, aqd:+
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: SHYGA! The Sunlight Mound (What Reality?) {8}: Cl:+, DaB:27, Gw:+, MO:+, U:+, Vi:10
- Slayyyter: Troubled Paradise (Fader Label) {8}: D:46, PM:+, Tab:18; p_p:+, pm_p:20, up_p:+ -- TH:*
- Jorja Smith: Be Right Back (FAMM) {8}: AD:+, Cl:+, GC:21, PB:13, Pc:63; pm_s:10, ws_s:19
- Indigo Sparke: Echo (Sacred Bones) {8}: GB:31, NBH:8, U:+, Zf:54; pf_u:+, tr_u:+
- Tomahawk: Tonic Immobility (Ipecac) {8}: Cl:+, CS:+, Mx:7, UCR:38, Vi:50; pm_k:6
- Virginia Wing: Private Life (Fire) {8}: Cl:+, DIY:+, G:+, LQ:17, MO:+, U:+; nst:+
- Jade Bird: Different Kinds of Light (Glassnote) {7}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Gw:+, I:+, YW:89; am_f:+, wyep:12
- The Brkn Record: The Architecture of Oppression Part 1 (Mr Bongo) {7}: PO:+, YW:10 -- TH:***
- Children of Zeus: Balance () {7}: Bc:+, Cl:36+, Cmp_U:8, Pc:27
- Clinic: Fantasy Island (Domino) {7}: GTV:55, Mj:+, MO:46+, U:+, UR:88; aqd:+
- Dodie: Build a Problem (Doddieoddie) {7}: Cl:+, D:44, Gw:+, RT:66; am_s:+, npr_rh:3
- Easy Life: Life's a Beach (Island) {7}: Cl:+, Crh:38, D:35, DIY:+, NBH:27, NME:39; nst:+
- El Michaels Affair: Yeti Season () {7}: Gf:10, MO:+, Ni:22, Trk:43, Zf:30
- Jose Gonzalez: Local Valley (Mute) {7}: AS:+, Gw:+, NBH:30, Rf:37, U:+; am_s:+, av_lm:17
- Guided by Voices: Earth Man Blues (GBV) {7}: BIB:23, Mg:10, PJ:77, RS:+, UPC:+
- Iosonouncane: IRA () {7}: On:3, Spk:7
- Demi Lovato: Dancing With the Devil . . . The Art of Starting Over (Island) {7}: Cl:+, GC:49, I:+, PM:+, Rf:30, T:+; pm_p:13
- Francis Lung: Miracle (Memphis Industries) {7}: Cl:+, LW:83, Mj:+, Pc:13, U:+; am_s:+
- Mega Bog: Life, and Another (Paradise of Bachelors) {7}: BIB:34, Mj:+, Pf:+, U:+, UR:51; aqd:+, pf_k:+
- Israel Nash: Topaz (self-released) {7}: Gf:3, Mj:+, U:46+
- Native Soul: Teenage Dreams () {7}: G:+, PAM:28, PO:+, VF:47; npr_oh:5, npr_sm:6
- Dorothea Paas: Anything Can't Happen (Telephone Explosion) {7}: Ex:24, GB:9, GTV:71, U:+; am_s:+
- Prettyboy D-O: Love Is War () {7}: Fa:17, PAM:1
- Quicksand: Distant Populations (Epitaph) {7}: BV_p:19, Mw:10, Mx:29, Vi:28
- Reigning Sound: A Little More Time With Reigning Sound (Merge) {7}: Gl:++, LW:47, Mj:57+, U:+; rut:9
- Esther Rose: How Many Times (Father/Daughter) {7}: Al:48, Mj:+, NR:+, PM:+, RM:47, U:+; am_c:+
- Ty Segall: Harmonizer (Drag City) {7}: BIB:10, DaB:48, Mw:39; am_k:+, aqd:+
- The Stranglers: Dark Matters (Coursegood) {7}: LW:6, Mj:35+, MO:+, RM:98
- Tele Novella: Merlynn Belle (Kill Rock Stars) {7}: Bc:+, U:+; am_i:+, sci:39 -- TH:***
- Tonstartssbrandht: Petunia (Mexican Summer) {7}: Mj:+, UR:+; am_i:+, aqd:+, pf_k:+, up_sh:3
- Rosie Tucker: Sucker Supreme (Epitaph) {7}: Alt:23, BV:+, MO:+, U:+; av_tt:8, npr_lm:9, p_p:+
- The Vaccines: Back in Love City () {7}: Bq:6, DIY:+, Gw:28+, Ms:39
- Watchhouse: Watchhouse (Thirty Tigers) {7}: AS:+, BS:5, Mj;+; pm_f:13
- We Are the Union: Ordinary Life (Bad Time) {7}: BV:39, BV_p:8; av_tt:15, xjd:7 -- TH:*
- Amigo the Devil: Born Against (Liars Club) {6}: AS:+, CS:39+, Gl:++, LW:59
- Another Michael: New Music and Big Pop (Run for Cover) {6}: Alt:17, Mj:+; key:+, pf_k:+, up_i:+
- Joan Armatrading: Consequences () {6}: AD:+, AS:+, G:+, Mj:+, MO:+, TL:77
- Bess Atwell: Already Always () {6}: I:13+, Trk:8
- Gaspard Auge: Escapades (Genesis/Ed Banger/Because Music) {6}: Cl:+, DJ:49, LI:13, MO:+; am_e:+
- Matt Berry: The Blue Elephant (Acid Jazz) {6}: AD:+, BIB:22, Cl:+, GTV:94, LW:26, U:+
- The Bronx: Bronx VI (Cooking Vinyl) {6}: DJ:47, K:15, L4:13, Vi:36
- Camera: Prosthuman (Bureau B) {6}: Lt:27, Top:4, U:+
- Jerry Cantrell: Brighten () {6}: CS:+, UCR:19; am:+, am_k:+, gw:19
- Alessia Cara: In the Meantime (Def Jam) {6}: Cos:17, PM:63+; am_p:+, pm_p:18
- The Chisel: Retaliation (La V ida Es Un Mus Discos) {6}: DW:23, Hi:40, YW:11; p_k:+ -- TH:*
- Colleen: The Tunnel and the Clearing (Thrill Jockey) {6}: PM:+; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, p_e:+, vma:+
- Elvis Costello & the Attractions: Spanish Model (UMe) {6}: UCR:40; cw:+, sl:+, xhs:9 -- TH:**
- Deerhoof: Actually, You Can (Joyful Noise) {6}: Ne:42, P:+; am_i:+, vma:1
- Madi Diaz: History of a Feeling (Anti-) {6}: BV:49, Mj:+, U:+, UR:99; npr_st:4
- Dummy: Mandatory Enjoyment (Trouble in Mind) {6}: Bc:++, P:+, PJ:34; aqd:+, p_r:+
- Fake Fruit: Fake Fruit (Rocks in Your Head) {6}: Bc:++, BIB:16; p_k:+, p_r:+
- Finneas: Optimist () {6}: DIY:+, GC:36, I:+, Ins:10
- Dave Gahan & Soulsavers: Imposter () {6}: Cl:+, Gf:5; av_lm:11
- Lou Hayter: Private Sunshine (Skint) {6}: BIB:36, GTV:97, MO:17+, Pc:26
- Michael Hurley: The Time of the Foxgloves (No Quarter) {6}: JDC:56, Zf:46; aqd:+, n_ap:7 -- TH:**
- Hybrid: Black Halo (Distinctive) {6}: Ec:1, PM:+
- Joan as Police Woman/Tony Allen/Dave Okumu: The Solution Is Restless (PIAS) {6}: Mj:+, MO:+, U:+, Zf:25; rte_k:+, vma:+
- Kero Kero Bonito: Civilisation (Polyvinyl) {6}: 25:32, Crz:48, DIY:+, YF:24; dtm:10, pm_ip:15
- Lake Street Dive: Obviously (Nonesuch) {6}: PM:+; do:3, pm_s:16, wyep:22
- Shannon Lay: Geist (Sub Pop) {6}: Btz:28, LBF:50, Mc:44, Mj:+, NR:39, U:+
- Lone: Always Inside Your Head (Greco-Roman) {6}: Mj:+, No:5; av_cp:19
- Lost Horizons: In Quiet Moments () {6}: Mj:+, MO:45+, Pc:25, RM:74, UR:95
- Rosie Lowe & Duval Timothy: Son (Carrying Colour) {6}: Al:30, Bc:+, GB:25, Pf:+, WG:27; pf_j:+
- Mannequin Pussy: Perfect () {6}: Alt:21, BPM:+, Cl:+, NR:+, YW:32; xjd:+
- Rachika Nayar: Our Hands Against the Dusk (NNA Tapes) {6}: Fa:20, PM:+; bc_a:+, jmsu:10, vdh:10
- Ngaiire: 3 () {6}: DJ:5; tm:+, vdh:9
- Potter Payper: Thanks for Waiting () {6}: Cl:+, Cmp_U:12, Du:8
- Proc Fiskal: Siren Spine Sysex (Hyperdub) {6}: C:38, Cl:23, Sk:+, WG:49; sk_s:2
- Rise Against: Nowhere Generation (Loma Vista) {6}: K:28, Rf:2, Vi:40
- Ross From Friends: Tread () {6}: DJ:42, Du:13, MO:+; tss_e:2
- Nathan Salsburg: Psalms (No Quarter) {6}: G:+, Mj:52+, U:+, Zf:24; aqd:+
- Shelley FKA Dram: Shelley (Atlantic/Empire) {6}: Cmp:10; npr_r:+, up_r:+, yb_r:23
- Silver Synthetic: Silver Synthetic (Third Man) {6}: BIB:8, BV:+, Gl:+; am_k:+
- Sleigh Bells: Texis (Mom + Pop) {6}: DIY:+, DW:80, Mx:41, P:+; ycp:4
- Smerz: Believer (XL) {6}: Btz:29, Lt:31, MO:+, Zf:14; bl:10
- Too Much Joy: Mistakes Were Made (People Suck Music) {6}: JDC:29 -- RC:B+, TH:**
- UV-TV: Always Something (Paper Cup Music) {6}: UR:85, YW:101; pm_ip:14, so_k:7, xjsp:10, ypg:10
- Vilde Tuv: Melting Songs () {6}: Gf:2, So:12
- Wet: Letter Blue () {6}: GB:8, WHP:15; av_cs:12
- Matthew E White: K Bay (Domino) {6}: Mj:+, PM:+, RS_D:32, U:+, UR:100, Zf:63
- James Yorkston and the Second Hand Orchestra: The Wide, Wide River (Domino) {6}: Btz:35, Cl:+, Mj:+, U:+, UR:92; am_f:+
- Charli Adams: Bullseye (Color Study) {5}: D:24, Gw:13+; atw:+
- Aly & AJ: A Touch of the Beat Gets You Up on Your Feet Gets You Out and Then Into the Sun (Aly & AJ Music) {5}: G:35, Tab:23; am_p:+, wwl:+ -- TH:*
- Art D'Ecco: In Standard Definition (Paper Bag) {5}: MO:+, U:+; am_i:+, blw:7, so_d:16
- Bell Orchestre: House Music (Erased Tapes) {5}: ACL:10, Mw:35, U:+
- Lea Bertuci: A Visible Length of Light (Cibachrome Editions) {5}: ACL:1
- BLK JKS: Abantu/Before Humans (Glitterbeat) {5}: Mj:75+, MO:+, PAM:45, U:+
- Sega Bodega: Romeo (Nuxxe) {5}: C:48, Cl:+, IS:38, Up:+; up_i:+
- Darrin Bradbury: Artvertisement (Anti-) {5}: PM:+; xci:53 -- TH:***
- Billy Bragg: The Million Things That Never Happened (Cooking Vinyl) {5}: AS:+, Mj:+, MO:+; cw:+, sl:+
- Civic: Future Forecast (Flightless) {5}: Hi:38, Mw:16; p_k:+, vgb:3
- Alice Cooper: Detroit Stories (EarMusic) {5}: I:+, Mj:+, MO:+, UCR:11
- Joel Culpepper: Sgt Culpepper () {5}: Al:44, Crh:39, Gw:+; bc_s:+, ws_f:11
- Digga D: Made in the Pyrex (02-25) {5}: Cl:+, Cmp_U:7, G:+
- Drug Store Romeos: The World Within Our Bedrooms (Fiction) {5}: D:39, Gw:22+, RM:55, RT:60
- FACS: Present Tense (Trouble in Mind) {5}: Bc:+, BIB:28, MO:+, PJ:77; p_k:+
- The Front Bottoms: In Sickness & in Flames (Fueled by Ramen -20) {5}: JDC:17, Rx:12; xtw:7 -- RC:[A], TH:[**]
- Fucked Up: Year of the Horse () {5}: Mx:21, PC:44, Tr:45; am_i:+, cl:7
- Haiku Salut: The Hill, the Light, the Ghost (Secret Name) {5}: GTV:98, Mj:+, MO:+, U:57+
- Hamish Hawk: Heavy Elevator (Assal) {5}: Trk:45; npr_oh:8, sk_s:1
- Lily Hiatt: Lately (New West) {5}: Bt:13, Sl:+, TL:50, U:+
- Dylan Hicks: Accidental Birds (Soft Launch) {5}: JDC:68 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Susanna Hoffs: Bright Lights (Baroque Folk) {5}: AS:+, TL:78; xmr:3, ysp:+
- The Horrors: Lout () {5}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Gw:+, I:+, T:+
- Elton John: The Lockdown Sessions (Mercury) {5}: BB:29, Mj:+, PM:+, UCR:17
- Juls: Sounds of My World () {5}: Fa:9, PAM:19
- Sun June: Somewhere (Run for Cover) {5}: Alt:31, DIY:+, GB:23, LBF:20
- John Kruth: Love Letters From the Lazaretto (self-released) {5}: -- RC:**, TH:***
- Lady Gaga: Dawn of Chromatica (Interscope) {5}: PO:+; am_p:+, npr_e:+, nyl:+ -- TH:*
- Natalia Lafourcade: Un Canto Por Mexico Vol II () {5}: do:+, npr_as:3, npr_cs:3
- Lambchop: Showtunes (Merge) {5}: Fa:42, GTV:90, Mj:+, MO:+, U:+
- Langhorne Slim: Strawberry Mansion (Dualtone) {5}: AS:+, Mj:+, U:+ -- TH:**
- Liminanas/Laurent Garnier: De Pelicula (Berreto Music) {5}: AD:+, Crh:33, Pc:97, PU:+, RM:82
- Lo Talker: A Comedy of Errors () {5}: BS:3; blw:10
- Paul McCartney: McCartney III [Imagined] (Capitol -20) {5}: Mj:32, UCR:9; blw:15
- Meet Me @ the Altar: Model Citizen (Fueled by Ramen -EP) {5}: BV_p:37, Cl:+, DIY:+, DW:54, Gw:+, PO:+
- Melvins: Working With God (Ipecac) {5}: CS:+, P:+, PM:+, Qt:50, UCR:33
- Millionz: Provisional Licence () {5}: C:23, Cl:31+, Cmp_U:14
- Morray: Street Sermons (Pick Six/Interscope) {5}: BV_r:16, Cmp:37, Gg_h:35; xxl:+
- Carlos Nino & Friends: More Energy Fields, Currrent (International Anthem) {5}: JC:+, U:+; aqd:+, jzf:+, yns:+
- Ovlov: Buds () {5}: NR:+, UPC:+; am_i:+, npr_lm:7, xjsp:6
- Pepe Deluxe: Phantom Cabinet Vol 1 (Catskills) {5}: PM:17+; pm_p:5
- Perturbator: Lustful Sacrements (Blood Music) {5}: Crh:3, K:33
- Chris Pierce: American Silence (Pierce) {5}: RF:84; pm_f:1 -- TH:*
- Pinkshift: Saccharine (self-released -EP) {5}: Alt:20, BV_p:16; xjd:+
- Piroshka: Love Drips and Gathers (Bella Union) {5}: LW:81, Mj:+, UR:15; yti:6
- Pom Poko: Cheater (Bella Union) {5}: BPM:+, Gw:+, PM:+; pm_ir:15, ycp:6
- Rose City Band: Earth Trip (Thrill Jockey) {5}: Mj:+, RM:58, U:75+; aqd:+
- Andy Shauf: Wilds (Anti-) {5}: Mj:+, Mw:18, P:+, U:+
- She Drew the Gun: Behave Myself () {5}: Cl:+, Trk:4
- Soda Blonde: Small Talk () {5}: HP:18; atw:+, it:+, rte:13
- Son Volt: Electro Melodier (Transmit Sound) {5}: AS:+, Mj:+, ND_r:13, U:+
- Still Corners: The Last Exit (Wrecking Light) {5}: AS:+, Mj:+, Mz:35, U:+, UR:29
- Suuns: The Witness (Joyful Noise) {5}: Mw:25, NBH:44, No:14; am_i:+
- Alfie Templeman: Forever Isn't Long Enough (Chess Club) {5}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Gw:+ -- TH:**
- Thastrom: Dom Som Skiner () {5}: Gf_D:11, So:17; svr:7
- Hayden Thorpe: Moondust for My Diamond (Domino) {5}: DIY:+, Gl:+, MO:+, U:+, UR:91
- Tomaga: Intimate Immensity (Hands in the Dark) {5}: Mw:29, Qt:16, W:16
- Tristen: Aquatic Flowers (Mama Bird) {5}: GTV:66, U:+; am_s:+, ns:5
- Tropical Fuck Storm: Deep States (Joyful Noise) {5}: DJ:30, Mj:+, PO:+, U:+ -- TH:*
- Twenty One Pilots: Scaled and Icy (Fueled by Ramen/Elektra) {5}: AD:+, D:48, K:27, Pu:22; am_a:+
- Water From Your Eyes: Structure (Wharf Cat) {5}: BPM:+, Pf:+, Sg:21, UR:48; p_p:+
- Zahara: Puta () {5}: Jp:1
- Zhu: Dreamland 2021 () {5}: Rf:87; edmt:4, nti:3
- 75 Dollar Bill: Live Ateliers Claus (self-released) {4}: vfk:3 -- TH:**
- Agusa: En Annan Varld () {4}: SoT:5
- Alien Boy: Don't Know What I Am () {4}: Alt:19; p_r:+, up_sh:15
- Dot Allison: Heart-Shaped Scars (SA) {4}: AD:+, Al:77, Mj:+; am_s:+
- Aries: Believe in Me, Who Believes in You () {4}: afg:2, otw:+, stu:9
- Maria Arnal I Marcel Bages: Clamor () {4}: Jp:4
- Baker Boy: Gela (Island) {4}: DJ:6; tm:+
- The Bamboos: Hard Up () {4}: DJ:18; ws_f:2
- Natalie Bergman: Mercy (Third Man) {4}: Mj:+, Pc:54, STi:21, U:+
- Black Honey: Written & Directed () {4}: 45:39, DIY:+, Gw:+, Pc:94
- Blackstarkids: Puppies Forever () {4}: D:18; bg:+, ud:+
- The Body & Big/Brave: Leaving None but Small Birds (Thrill Jockey) {4}: Bc:+, P:+, PM:+, Tr:21
- Bill Callahan & Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Blind Date Party (Drag City) {4}: aqd:+, pg_ad:1
- Pearl Charles: Magic Mirror (Kanine) {4}: Gw:+, I:+, RT:89; ec:+
- Cheap Trick: In Another World (BMG) {4}: P:+, SoT:37, UCR:12
- Jarvis Cocker: Chansons D'Ennui Tip-Top (ABKCO) {4}: AD:+, Cl:+, MO:+; am_a:+
- Cathal Coughlan: Song of Co-Akin (Dimple Discs) {4}: Mj:+, MO:+, U:68; yds:+
- Crumb: Ice Melt (Crumb) {4}: BPM:+, Crz:38, Mj:+; p_p:+
- Gemma Cullingford: Let Me Speak (Outre) {4}: Mj:+, Pc:14, RM:93
- Lucky Daye: Table for Two () {4}: BB:28; am_r:+, tv:+, yb_r:13
- Del Amitri: Fatal Mistakes (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: Mj:+, RS_D:12, T:+
- Desperate Journalist: Maximum Sorrow! () {4}: NBH:26, Rf:27, UR:83; bg:+
- Ani DiFranco: Revolutionary Love (Righteous Babe) {4}: MO:+; am_f:+ -- TH:**
- Aaron Dilloway & Lucrecia Dalt: Lucy & Aaron () {4}: Fa:49, W:25; am_e:+, tr_u:+
- The Dirty Nil: Fuck Art (Dine Alone) {4}: Pu:19, Sbd:53, Vi:46
- Ed Dowie: The Obvious I (Needle Mythology) {4}: Qt:40, U:+; am:+, am_i:+
- Eleventh Dream Day: Since Grazed () {4}: Mg:16, PJ:75; so_k:10
- Endless Boogie: Admonitiions (No Quarter) {4}: Mj:33+, U:+; aqd:+
- Explosions in the Sky: Big Bend [An Original Soundtrack for Public Television] (Temporary Residence) {4}: ACL:5
- Flyte: This Is Really Going to Hurt () {4}: I:10+
- Frost: Day and Age () {4}: SoT:9; pr:14
- Barry Gibb: Greenfields: The Gibb Brothers Songbook Vol 1 (Capitol) {4}: AS:+, G:+, Mj:+, U:+
- Gnod: La Mort Du Sens (Rocket) {4}: MO:+, Pc:92, Qt:72, RM:91
- Griff: One Foot in Front of the Other (Warner) {4}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Gw:+, LBF:44
- Growing: Diptych (Silver Current) {4}: ACL:16, Mj:+, MO:+
- Hard Feelings: Hard Feelings (Domino) {4}: Qt:29, UR:+; av_lm:7, bh:+
- Juliana Hatfield: Blood (American Laundromat) {4}: Al:21, GMA:49; am_a:+, yti:7
- Celia Hollander: Timekeeper (Leaving) {4}: ACL:4
- Ben Howard: Collections From the Whiteout (Island) {4}: DIY:+, Gw:+, I:+, Mj:+
- James: All the Colours of You (Virgin) {4}: Cl:+, LW:35, Mj:+, Mz:49
- Joeboy: Somewhere Between Beauty & Magic () {4}: PAM:9; rsjd:8
- The Joy Formidable: Into the Blue (Hassle) {4}: RT:70, UR:84; am_a:+, yti:18
- Kississippi: Mood Ring (Triple Crown) {4}: Alt:12, UPC:100; up_p:+
- Daniel Knox: Won't You Take Me With You (HP Johnson Presents) {4}: BPM:+, Cl:+, Mj:+, U:+
- K-Trap: Trapo () {4}: Cl:+, Cmp_U:13, DJM:+
- Pokey LaFarge: In the Blossom of Their Shade (New West) {4}: AD:+, PM:+, U:+; am_f:+
- Lala &ce: Everything Tasteful () {4}: LI:3
- Zara Larsson: Poster Girl () {4}: Cl:+, D:47, DIY:+; am_p:+
- Bobby Lee: Origin Myths (Tompkins Square) {4}: Mj:+, U:+, YW:104; aqd:+
- Leprous: Aphelion () {4}: Gf:19; pm_k:8, pr:9
- Lice: Wasteland: What Ails Our People Is Clear (Settled Law) {4}: C:+, DIY:+, Gw:+, U:+
- Lotic: Water (Houndstooth) {4}: U:+; am_e:+, gcn:+, sg_e:10
- Maurice Louca: Saet El Hazz (The Luck Hour) () {4}: G:+, JC:+; jsd:10, yclw:8
- Maeckes: Pool () {4}: Lt:17, Plt:20
- Johnny Mafia: Sentimental (Howlin' Banana) {4}: LW:64, Mw:8
- Jesse Malin: Sad and Beautiful World () {4}: ND_r:38; rsjh:1
- The Marias: Cinema () {4}: Rf:99; kc:6, npr_lh:8, otw:+
- Modern Nature: Island of Noise (Bella Union) {4}: GTV:57, U:20+
- Moontype: Bodies of Water () {4}: OC:47, PJ:79; vgb:2
- Motorpsycho: Kingdom of Oblivion (Stickman) {4}: SoT:15, Vi:21; am_k:+
- Roisin Murphy: Crooked Machine (Skint) {4}: Al:27, PO:+; am_e:+ -- TH:*
- John Murry: The Stars Are God's Bullet Holes (Submarine Cat) {4}: HP:44, Mj:+, U:35+
- Neighborhood Brats: Confines of Life (Dirt Cult) {4}: LW:42; p_k:+, xph:4
- Bill Nelson: Dazzlebox (self-released) {4}: Ec:3
- Nervous Dater: Call in the Mess (Counter Intuitive) {4}: DW:84; xjd:+ -- TH:**
- Night Beats: Outlaw R&B (Fuzz Club) {4}: LW:62, Mj:+; blw:5
- Angel Olsen: Aisles (Jagjaguwar -EP) {4}: AV:+, DIY:+, PO:+, Sk:+
- Declan O'Rourke: Arrivals (East-West) {4}: HP:19, Mj:+, U:+
- Painted Shrines: Heaven and Holy () {4}: Btz:48, Hi:21, MO:+; am_i:+
- Pale Waves: Who Am I? () {4}: 25:35, Ch:23, Cl:+, D:30
- Pardoner: Came Down Different (Bar/None) {4}: Bc:++, YW:78; p_r:+
- Parris: Soaked in Indigo Moonlight () {4}: C:+; npr_e:+, sg_e:2
- Karen Peris: A Song Is Way Above the Lawn (Therese) {4}: BIB:20, Mj:+; am_f:+
- Petey: Lean Into Life (Terrible) {4}: Up:+, UPC:93; av_tt:16, up_i:+
- Peyton: PSA () {4}: AD:+, Bc:++; am_r:+
- Porches: All Day Gentle Hold! (Domino) {4}: LI:42, Sl:+; p_p:+, vmp:+
- Puma Blue: In Praise of Shadows () {4}: Al:65, Cl:+, Gw:+; atw:+
- Rainbow Girls: Rolling Dumpster Fire (self-released -EP) {4}: yng:1 -- TH:*
- Ran Cap Duoi: Ngu Ngay Ngay Ngay Tan The (Subtex) {4}: PO:+, Qt:19; pf_j:+
- Remember Sports: Like a Stone (Father/Daughter) {4}: BV_p:41, UR:96; xjd:+, ycp:7
- David Ritschard: Blabarskungen (United Stage/Universal) {4}: -- So:3
- Satomimagae: Hanazono (RVNG) {4}: Mj:+, PM:+, Tr:40; pm_g:8
- Peggy Seeger: First Farewell (Red Grape Music) {4}: AD:+, G:+, Mj:+, U:+
- Ed Sheeran: = (Asylum) {4}: T:+; up_p:+, ust_m:5
- Slant: 1X (Iron Lung) {4}: Bc:+, DW:82; av_da:14, vfk:+
- Sloppy Jane: Madison () {4}: GB:44, Ne:13+
- Smoke Bellow: Open for Business (Trouble in Mind) {4}: xbw:+, yjc:1
- Julia Stone: Sixty Summers (BMG) {4}: DJ:35, I:+, Mj:+, U:+
- STR4TA: Aspects (Brownswood) {4}: Al:36, Bc:+; jzf:+, ws_f:16
- Supermilk: Four by Three () {4}: GMA:2
- Tasha: Tell Me What You Miss the Most (Father/Daughter) {4}: Al:85, P:+; av_gs:13, p_p:+
- Thrice: Horizons/East (Epitaph) {4}: Ch:27, Sbd:31, Vi:18
- Martina Topley-Bird: Forever I Wait (AWAL) {4}: AD:+, Crz:45, Mj:+; av_lm:13
- Myke Towers: Lyke Mike (Whiteworld Music/Warner Music Latina) {4}: BB:45, RS:43; npr_as:9, rssv:9
- Transatlantic: The Absolute Universe () {4}: SoT:7; pr:16
- Alan Vega: Mutator (Sacred Bones) {4}: AD:+, Cl:+, LW:69, MO:+
- Vincint: There Will Be Tears () {4}: hc_g:1, mw:8
- Hana Vu: Public Storage () {4}: BPM:27+, NR:+; vmp:+
- Nick Waterhouse: Promenade Blue (Innovative Leisure) {4}: AS:+, Cl:+, Mj:+, U:+
- Carl Weingarten: Ember Days (Multiphase) {4}: Ec:4
- White Flowers: Day by Day (Tough Love) {4}: Mj:+, No:47, Pc:42, RM:37
- AA Williams: Songs From Isolation () {4}: MO:+, Top:6
- Charlotte Day Wilson: Alpha () {4}: Al:89, Cl:+, Ex:23, NR:+
- Xiu Xiu: Oh No (Polyvinyl) {4}: Cl:+, DIY:+, MO:44+
- Yard Act: Dark Days (ZEN FC -EP) {4}: YW:96 -- TH:***
- You Me at Six: Suckapunch (Underdog) {4}: Gw:+, K:46, Pu:11
- 75 Dollar Bill Featuring Barry Weisblat: Social Music at Troost Vol 1 (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
- 88rising, Niki & DJ Snake: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: The Album (Hollywood/Marvel Music/Interscope) {3}: GC:15; am_h:+
- Gracie Abrams: This Is What It Feels Like (Interscope) {3}: PB:27; cdm:6, ny_c:+
- Aerial East: Try Harder (Partisan) {3}: DIY:+, Mj:+, U:+
- Alice Phoebe Lou: Glow (self-released) {3}: NBH:34; atw:+ -- TH:*
- Alizzz: Tiene Que Haber Algo Mas () {3}: Jp:9
- Angel Du$t: Yak: A Collection of Truck Songs () {3}: DIY:+, Vi:17
- Angels & Airwaves: Lifeforms () {3}: Cl:+, Spk:37; am_a:+
- Anne-Marie: Therapy (Asylum) {3}: MO:+; xkb:3
- April Magazine: If the Ceiling Were a Kite: Vol I () {3}: Bc:+, No:43; yjc:8
- Juliette Armanet: Bruler Le Feu () {3}: LI:8
- Ashe: Ashlyn () {3}: Ins:7
- Banoffee: Tear Tracks (Prim8 Music) {3}: C:6
- Bedouine: Waysides (The Orchard) {3}: P:+, U:+; aqd:+
- The Bevis Frond: Little Eden (Fire) {3}: LW:95, Mj:+; vjk:9
- Boston Manor: Desperate Times, Desperate Pleasures () {3}: DIY:+, Pu:15
- Boylife: Gelato () {3}: cdm:5, vmp:+
- The Boys With the Perpetual Nervousness: Songs From Another Life (Bobo Integral) {3}: Hi:15, PJ:82, PO:+
- Bruit: The Machine Is Burning . . . () {3}: Hi:19, Mw:46
- Bull: Discover Effortless Living () {3}: DIY:+, Gw:49+
- Cabaret Voltaire: Dekadrone (Mute) {3}: MO:+, U:+ -- TH:*
- Caligonaut: Magnified as Giants () {3}: SoT:6
- Catbite: Nice One (Bad Time) {3}: BV_p:12, UPC:+
- The Catenary Wires: Birling Gap (Shelflife) {3}: LW:43, Mj:+, U:+
- Central Cee: Wild West () {3}: Cmp_U:6
- Cheval Sombre: Time Wait for No One (Sonic Cathedral) {3}: Mj:+, MO:+, U:+
- Cimafunk: El Alimento () {3}: RS:23; npr_as:8, rsjd:9
- Cindy: 1:2 () {3}: Mj:+, RM:95; vdh:6
- Citizen: Life in Your Glass World () {3}: Alt:37, BV:+, Ch:28
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: New Fragility (CYHSY) {3}: MO:+, Rf:104, U:+
- Cola Boyy: Prosthetic Boombox (MGMT/Record Makers) {3}: P:+; am:+, am_i:+
- Cold Water Swimmers: Holiday at the Secret Lake (DIY or Die) {3}: LW:9
- Joanna Connor: 4801 South Indiana Avenue (Keeping the Blues Alive) {3}: AS:+, YW:63; am_b:+
- Cub Scout Bowling Pins: Clang Clang Ho () {3}: Mg:10
- Damon & Naomi: A Sky Record (20/20/20) {3}: U:56+; aqd:+
- Dan Ex Machina: Bail Shag EP (self-released -EP) {3}: DW:18 -- TH:*
- Emily D'Angelo: Enargeia () {3}: NPR:34; npr_th:3
- Kyle Dion: Sassy (AWAL) {3}: up_r:+, yb_r:5
- Julie Doiron: I Thought of You (You've Changed) {3}: BIB:38, U:+; am_s:+
- Drinking Boys and Girls Choir: Marriage License () {3}: Bc:+, GTV:54; p_k:+
- Dumpstaphunk: Where Do We Go From Here? (The Funk Garage) {3}: ob:4, ws_f:19
- Efterklang: Windflowers (City Slang) {3}: AD:+, Mj:+, NBH:38
- Danny Elfman: Big Mess (Anti-) {3}: AS:+, Rf:62; am_a:+
- Enumclaw: Jimbo Demo (Youth Riot -EP) {3}: GB:11, PW:47
- Evanescence: The Bitter Truth () {3}: CS:+, K:49, Rf:41
- Feu! Chatterton: Palais D'Argile (Caroline) {3}: LI:27, Ne:27+
- Johnny Flynn & Robert Macfarlane: Lost in the Cedar Wood () {3}: Cl:+, Trk:35; am_f:+
- Flyying Colours: Fantasy Country () {3}: npr_oh:2, xjsp:8
- Chloe Foy: Where Shall We Begin (self-released) {3}: Cl:+, Gw:+, MO:+
- Mabe Fratti: Sera Que Ahora Podremos Entendernos () {3}: G:+, LQ:36, Mj:+
- Fruit Bats: The Pet Parade (Merge) {3}: AS:+, U:+, UPC:68
- Masayoshi Fujita: Bird Ambience (Erased Tapes) {3}: U:+; pm_b:3
- Maxine Funke: Seance (A Colorful Storm) {3}: Mj:+; am_s:+, aqd:+
- Ezra Furman: Sex Education: Songs From Season 3 (Bella Union -EP) {3}: JDC:42 -- TH:**
- Geoffrey O'Connor: For as Long as I Can Remember () {3}: Mz:34; am:+, am_s:+
- Lisa Gerrard/Jules Maxwell/James Chapman: Burn (Atlantic Curve) {3}: Ec:29, XSN:20
- Ghost of Vroom: Ghost of Vroom 1 () {3}: GMA:39, YW:14
- Bendik Giske: Cracks (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: Btz:46, G:+, U:+
- Goldband: Betaalbare Romantiek () {3}: 3v:7
- Grandbrothers: All the Unknown () {3}: Ec:11, MO:+
- David Gray: Skellig (AWAL) {3}: AS:+, MO:+, T:+
- Green Lung: Black Harvest (Svart) {3}: K:26, SoT:18
- Noah Gundersen: A Pillar of Salt (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: AS:+, Ch:11
- Steve Hackett: Surrender of Silence (Inside Out) {3}: AD:+, AS:+; pr:20
- Luke Haines: Setting the Dogs on the Post Punk Postman (Cherry Red) {3}: PM:+, RC:17
- Cory Hanson: Pale Horse Rider (Drag City) {3}: Mj:+, PJ:93, U:+
- Sinead Harnett: Ready Is Always Too Late () {3}: Cl:+; tv:+, yb_r:12
- Hello Cosmos: Golden Dirt (Cosmic Glue) {3}: GTV:84, LW:16
- Herbert: Musca (Accidental) {3}: Bc:+, Mj:+, MO:+
- Kacy Hill: Simple, Sweet, and Smiling () {3}: Al:100, PM:+; av_cp:10
- Midori Hirano: Soniscope () {3}: VF:10
- Rutger Hoedemaekers: The Age of Oddities (FatCat/130701) {3}: ACL:18, LW:94
- Brittany Howard: Jaime (Reimagined) () {3}: kc:5, npr_cs:9
- Howlin' Rain: The Dharma Wheel (Silver Current) {3}: Mj:63+; aqd:+
- Ishmael Ensemble: Visions of Light (Severn Songs) {3}: Bc:+, Mj:+, Trk:46
- Penelope Isles: Which Way to Happy (Bella Union) {3}: DIY:+, MO:+, UR:22
- Damien Jurado: The Monster Who Hated Pennsylvania (Maraqopa) {3}: Mj:+, U:+; am_s:+
- KennyHoopla & Travis Barker: Survivors Guilt: The Mixtape (Mogul Vision/Arista) {3}: BV_p:45, DIY:+; otw:+
- Sylvie Kreusch: Montbray () {3}: IS:32; kf:4
- Nicholas Krgovich: This Spring: Songs by Veda Hille (Tin Angel) {3}: Mj:+; cw:+, sl:+
- Lucy Kruger & the Lost Boys: Transit Tapes (For Women Who Move Furniture Around) (Unique) {3}: Mj:+, NBH:16
- Lala Lala: I Want the Door to Open () {3}: Bc:+, OC:43; bg:+
- Domenico Lancelloti: Raio (Aaaa) {3}: U:+; vdh:4
- The Lathums: How Beautiful Life Can Be () {3}: Cl:+, FO:50, Gw:+
- Leandrul: Psychosis of Dreams (Handsmade) {3}: Ec:8
- Mica Levi: Blue Alibi () {3}: Cl:+, Mw:38, No:24
- The Linda Lindas: The Linda Lindas (self-released -EP -20) {3}: -- TH:***
- Lou Barlow: Reason to Live (Joyful Noise) {3}: Cl:+, LW:72, Mj:+
- The William Loveday Intention: Will There Ever Be a Day That You're Hung Like a Thief? (Damaged Goods) {3}: LW:38; am:+, am_k:+
- The Lucid Dream: The Deep End () {3}: MO:+, XSN:14
- Luwten: Draft () {3}: GTV:60, Oo:20
- The Maine: XOXO: From Love and Anxiety in Real Time () {3}: Ch:9
- Makthaverskan: For Allting () {3}: UR:78; am:+, am_i:+
- Matt Maltese: Good Morning It's Now Tomorrow () {3}: Cl:+, DIY:+, Mj:+
- Maneskin: Teatro D'Ira Vol I () {3}: npr_fo:2, nyl:+
- Marconi Union: Signals (Just Music) {3}: Ec:9
- Jimbo Mathus & Andrew Bird: These 13 (Wegawam Music/Southern Broadcast) {3}: Mj:+; am_f:+, key:+
- Ed Maverick: Eduardo () {3}: Mz:47; hc_g:2
- James Vincent McMorrow: Grapefruit Season (Sony) {3}: HP:10
- Buck Meek: Two Saviors (Keeled Scales) {3}: U:+, UPC:59; am_f:+
- Mesh: Mesh (Born Yesterday -EP) {3}: Bc:+; key:+ -- TH:*
- Midnight Sister: Painting the Roses (Jagjaguwar) {3}: Mj:+, U:+, UR:80
- Midwife: Luminol () {3}: Btz:47, GTV:62, UPC:+
- Momus: Athenian () {3}: Mz:9
- Mono: Pilgrimage of the Soul (Temporary Residence) {3}: Btz:37, GTV:87, MO:+
- Monster Magnet: A Better Dystopia (Napalm) {3}: PO:33+, UCR:34
- Muqata'a: Kamil Manqus (Hundebiss) {3}: W:22; pf_e:+, tr_e:+
- Mush: Lines Redacted (Memphis Industries) {3}: Cl:+, LW:90, U:+
- Musk Ox: Inheritance () {3}: Spk:6
- New Bums: Last Time I Saw Grace (Drag City) {3}: U:+; am_s:+, aqd:+
- Nite Jewel: No Sun (Gloriette) {3}: GB:35, U:+; am_i:+
- Ora the Molecule: Human Safari (Mute) {3}: UR:13; am_p:+
- Orquesta Akokan: 16 Rayos (Daptone) {3}: Mj:+, U:+; am_l:+
- The Oscillation: Untold Futures (All Time Low) {3}: RM:48, SR:15
- Sam Outlaw: Popular Mechanics () {3}: Bt:15; min_m:7
- Hayden Pedigo: Letting Go (Mexican Summer) {3}: Mw:44, U:+; aqd:+
- Pink Sweat$: Pink Planet (Atlantic) {3}: av_bk:17, hc_g:9, up_r:+
- Michael Pisaro-Liu: Revolution Shuffle (Erstwhile) {3}: tgl:+++
- Pond: 9 () {3}: DIY:+, Gw:+; av_lm:16
- Postdata: Twin Flames (Paper Bag) {3}: GTV:75, Mj:+, PM:+
- Quinn: Drive-By Lullabies () {3}: Dz:18; pf_u:+
- Lucy Railton and Kit Downes: Subaerial (SN Variations) {3}: ACL:17; vma:8
- Renee Reed: Renee Reed (Keeled Scales) {3}: GB:37, NR:+, U:+
- Remi: Fried (House of Beige) {3}: DJ:9
- Resina: Speechless (FatCat/130701) {3}: ACL:6
- Alasdair Roberts & Volvur: The Old Fabled River (Drag City) {3}: Mj:+, U:+; am_f:+
- Rodeola: Arlene () {3}: GTV:91; ca_o:3
- Rudimental: Ground Control (Asylum/Atlantic/Major Tom's) {3}: pm_s:1
- Johanna Samuels: Excelsior! (Mama Bird) {3}: Alt:41, Mj:+, U:+
- Suzanne Santo: Yard Sale () {3}: Sl:11+
- Save Face: Another One for the Highlight Reel (Epitaph) {3}: Alt:16, BV_p:46
- Ulrich Schnauss & Jonas Munk: Eight Fragments of an Illusion (Azure Vista) {3}: Ec:7
- Scowl: How Flowers Grow (Flatspot) {3}: BV_p:27, K:18
- Scrimshire: Nothing Feels Like Everything () {3}: Al:47, WS_j:20
- Shannon & the Clams: Year of the Spider (Easy Eye Sound) {3}: AS:+, GTV:77, U:+
- Leanne Betasamosake Simpson: Theory of Ice (You've Changed) {3}: Ex:11, Pf:+
- Sir Babygirl: Golden Bday; The Mixtape (self-released) {3}: xjd:+ -- TH:**
- Solomun: Nobody Is Not Loved () {3}: Top:12; edmt:9
- The Specials: Protest Songs 1924-2012 (Island) {3}: AD:+, Pc:82, U:+
- Springtime: Springtime (Joyful Noise) {3}: Mj:+, Mw:13
- Still Woozy: If This Isn't Nice, I Don't Know What Is () {3}: av_lm:10, hyb:+, otw:+
- St Lenox: Ten Songs of Worship and Praise for Our Tumultuous Times (Don Giovanni) {3}: PM:+; am_i:+, xph:6
- Strange Boy: Holy/Unholy () {3}: Ni:19; atw:+
- Will Stratton: The Changing Wilderness (Bella Union) {3}: Mj:+, U:+; am_f:+
- Tash Sultana: Terra Firma () {3}: Cl:+, Gw:+; gw:+
- Sunburned Hand of the Man: Pick a Day to Die (Three Lobed) {3}: PM:+, U:49+
- Surfbort: Keep On Truckin' () {3}: DIY:+, Gw:20
- Ian Sweet: Show Me How You Disappear () {3}: CS:+, OC:44; pf_k:+
- Sweet Trip: A Tiny House, in Secret Speeches, Polar Equals () {3}: Spk:8
- Swindle: The New World (BMG) {3}: Du:9
- Mauricio Tagliari: Mao: Dancas Tipicas De Cidades Imaginarias () {3}: PO:13+
- Thirdface: Do It With a Smile (Exploding in Sound) {3}: BV_p:28, Pf:+; av_da:12
- Yves Tumor: The Asymptotical World (Warp -EP) {3}: Mw:30; gcn:+, pf_k:+
- Twin Shadow: Twin Shadow () {3}: Ne:43+; am_a:+
- Chad VanGaalen: World's Most Stressed Out Gardener (Sub Pop) {3}: DIY:+, NR:+, U:+
- Rebecca Vasmant: With Love From Glasgow (Rebecca & Nathan) {3}: Bc:+, Sk:+, WS_j:38
- The Wallflowers: Exit Wounds (New West) {3}: Mj:+, ND_r:41, YF:+
- Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development Plan: Interim Report, March 1979 () {3}: No:7
- Waterparks: Greatest Hits (300 Entertainment) {3}: D:32, K:31 -- TH:*
- A Winged Victory for the Sullen: Invisible Cities (Artificial Pinearch Manufacturing) {3}: Pc:31, RM:66; tr_e:+
- Writhing Squares: Chart for the Solution (Trouble in Mind) {3}: Hi:49; aqd:+, yclw:6
- Xixa: Genesis (Julian) {3}: Mj:+, MO:+, U:+
- Yellow Ostrich: Soft () {3}: Mw:9
- Zayn: Nobody Is Listening () {3}: npr_cs:1
- The Zenmenn: Ener the Zenmenn (Music From Memory) {3}: Pc:86; yns:++
- 24/7 Diva Heaven: Stress (Noisolution) {2}: LW:36, Vi:27
- Justin Adams & Mauro Durante: Still Moving () {2}: AD:+; sol:+
- Admiral Fallow: The Idea of You (Chemikal Underground) {2}: Mj:+, Sk:+
- Al-Dos Band: Doing Our Thing With Pride (Kalita) {2}: yns:++
- Marina Allen: Candlepower (Fire) {2}: MO:+, RT:38
- Anaiis: This Is No Longer a Dream () {2}: Bc:+; bc_s:+
- Apifera: Overstand (Stones Throw) {2}: bg:+, ws_b:9
- Arabrot: Norwegian Gothic (Pelagic) {2}: Qt:60, Vi:24
- Art of Time Ensemble: Ain't Got Long () {2}: 33:2
- Jelani Aryeh: I've Got Some Living to Do () {2}: WHP:16
- Assertion: Intermission () {2}: rshs:4
- Azita: Glen Echo (Drag City) {2}: U:+, W:42
- BackRoad Gee: Reporting Live (From the Back of the Roads) (23 Formation Music) {2}: Du:17
- Jay Bahd: Return of Okomfo Anokye () {2}: PAM:43; ny_c:+
- Baio: Dead Hand Control () {2}: DIY:+, UR:81
- Brigitte Bardini: Stellar Lights (Ruby Valley) {2}: Ec:12
- Beach Bunny: Blame Game (-EP) {2}: DW:34; xjd:+
- Beans on Toast: Survival of the Friendliest (Beans on Toast Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Beast in Black: Dark Connection () {2}: SoT:20
- Beautify Junkyards: Cosmorama (Ghost Box) {2}: MO:+, U:+
- Beauty Pill: Instant Night (Northern Spy -EP) {2}: tr_u:+ -- TH:*
- Andrew Belle: Nightshade () {2}: min_m:2
- BeMyFiasco: Where I Left You () {2}: am_r:+, bc_s:+
- Benny Sings: Music (Stones Throw) {2}: Cl:+, DIY:+
- Matt Berninger: Serpentine Prison () {2}: Mg:18
- Big Big Train: Common Ground () {2}: pm_k:9, pr:3
- Birds of Maya: Valdez (Drag City) {2}: Pf:+; pf_k:+
- Birdy: Young Heart (Atlantic) {2}: am_p:+, am_s:+
- Katy B: Peace and Offerings () {2}: AD:+, DIY:+
- Black Dice: Mod Prog Sic () {2}: AD:+; am_e:+
- Black Pistol Fire: Look Alive (Black Hill) {2}: YW:7 -- TH:*
- Black Swan: Repetition Hymns (Past Inside the Present) {2}: ACL:19
- Guy Blakeslee: Postcards From the Edge (Entrance) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- BLK ODYSSY: BLK Vintage () {2}: Bc:+; dik:+
- Bloodkin: Black Market Tango () {2}: Gl:++
- Blue Rojo: Solitario () {2}: Fa:12
- BoomBaptist, Elaquent, & Juicy the Emissary: Komfort Food (Cream Dream) {2}: bc_b:+, ws_b:10
- Ben Bostick: Grown Up Love () {2}: AS:+, YF:+
- Edie Brickell & New Bohemians: Hunter and the Dog Star (Shuffle) {2}: Al:51, AS:+
- Buffalo Daughter: We Are the Times (Anniversary) {2}: U:+; am_i:+
- Ethel Cain: Inbred (Homie Shit Magazine -EP) {2}: Fa:13
- Caparezza: Exuvia () {2}: GC:20
- Caravan: It's None of Your Business () {2}: Mj:+; pr:15
- Cemento: Killing Life (Iron Lung) {2}: bc_p:+, p_k:+
- Central Cee: Wild West () {2}: Cl:+, Du:25
- Cheval Sombre: Days Go By (Sonic Cathedral) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Chihuahua: Violent Architecture (self-released) {2}: LW:19
- Lucinda Chua: Antidotes 2 (4AD) {2}: Pc:39, RM:27
- Coco: Coco () {2}: UR:+, WHP:25
- Cold Beat: War Garden (self-released) {2}: BIB:35; am_i:+
- Coldplay: Music of the Spheres (Parlophone) {2}: am_p:+, up_p:+
- The Connells: Steadman's Wake () {2}: yal:3
- Contour: Love Suite (Good Question -EP) {2}: bc_s:+ -- TH:*
- The Contraptionists: Working Man's Dread (self-released) {2}: -- RC:**, TH:B
- Alessandro Cortini: Scuro Chiaro () {2}: Mx:20
- Creeper: American Noir () {2}: DIY:+, Gw:+
- Adrian Crowley: The Watchful Eye of the Stars (Chemikal Underground) {2}: Mj:+; it:+
- Spencer Cullum: Spencer Cullum's Coin Collection (YK) {2}: LI:50, RT:83
- Current Joys: Voyager () {2}: NBH:33; atw:+
- Dark Mark vs Skeleton Joe: Dark Mark vs Skeleton Joe (Rare Bird/Kitten Robot) {2}: LW:56, Mx:34
- Steve Dawson: At the Bottom of a Canyon in the Branches of Tree (Pravda) {2}: AS:+, PM:+
- Dazy: Maximumblastsuperloud: The First 24 Songs () {2}: Alt:48; p_r:+
- Deap Vally: Marriage () {2}: AD:+, DIY:+
- Death by Unga Bunga: Heavy Male Insecurity (Jansen) {2}: Vi:23, YW:84
- Dee Gees: Hail Satin (Roswell/RCA) {2}: Di:23; xkb:10
- The Deep Dark Woods: Changing Faces (Six Shooter) {2}: AS:+; bg:+
- De'Wayne: Stains (Hopeless) {2}: D:25, K:24
- Dion: Stomping Around () {2}: EE:19
- DJ Format: Devil's Workshop (Project Blue Book) {2}: Pc:56, Trk:21
- Malik Djoudi: Troie () {2}: LI:14
- Do Nothing: Glueland () {2}: DIY:+, Gw:+
- Doran: Doran () {2}: G:+; aqd:+
- Draco Rosa: Sound Healing 1:11 () {2}: npr_fc:4
- Ryan Dugre: Three Rivers () {2}: Mj:+; pm_b:11
- Sal Dulu: Xompulse (Sal Dulu) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Kelman Duran: Night in Tijuana (Scorpio Red) {2}: C:13
- Dusky: Joy () {2}: Mgn:14
- DVSN & Ty Dolla $ign: Cheers to the Best Memories () {2}: Cl:+; xxl:+
- Eartheater: Phoenix: La Petite Mort Edition (PAN) {2}: ACL:12
- Anderson East: Maybe We Never Die (Elektra) {2}: Bt:27, U:+
- Chris Eckman: Where the Spirit Rests () {2}: Mj:+, RS_D:23
- Jorge Elbrecht: Presentable Corpse 002 () {2}: am:+, am_i:+
- Emanuel: Alt Therapy (Universal) {2}: Ex:34; atw:+
- Alejandro Escovedo: La Cruzada () {2}: ND_r:14
- Sam Evian: Time to Melt (Fat Possum) {2}: UR:55; aqd:+
- Evile: Hell Unleashed () {2}: Crh:11
- Ex Deo: The Thirteen Years of Nero () {2}: SoT:16
- The Fantastics!: Take a Shot (BBE) {2}: ws_f:5
- Farmer Dave & the Wizards of the West: FDWOW (Curation) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Willy Fishman: ¡Guachi Guau! () {2}: npr_fo:5
- Samantha Fish: Faster (Rounder) {2}: PM:+; gw:20
- Mick Flannery & Susan O'Neill: In the Game () {2}: HP:27; it:+
- Flight Facilities: Forever () {2}: tm:+, tss_e:9
- Floatie: Voyage Out (Exploding in Sound) {2}: av_da:20, p_r:+
- Flyjack: Pan Am (Big Indie) {2}: ws_f:3
- Focalistic: President Ya Straata () {2}: PAM:15
- Zack Fox: Shut the Fuck Up Talking to Me () {2}: bg:+, xkb:7
- Peter Frampton: Peter Frampton Forgets the Words (UMe) {2}: AS:+, UCR:23
- The Fratellis: Half Drunk Under a Full Moon () {2}: Gw:+, Rf:103
- Rosie Frater-Taylor: Bloom () {2}: Al:71; ws_s:7
- Mark Fredson: Nothing but Night (self-released) {2}: xci:+ -- TH:*
- Fur: When You Walk Away () {2}: Mj:+, RT:57
- Fuubutsushi: Yamawarau (Cached Media) {2}: men:15, npr_lg:10
- Gabriels: Bloodline () {2}: WG:20
- Angelica Garcia: Echo Electrico () {2}: npr_fo:4
- GCOM: E2-XO () {2}: Mgn:16
- Claire George: The Land Beyond the Light (Cascine) {2}: P:+; p_p:+
- Gus G: Quantum Leap () {2}: gw:2
- Debbie Gibson: The Body Remembers () {2}: hc_g:5
- Glok: Pattern Recognition (Bytes) {2}: Cl:+, Mj:+
- Renee Goust: Planet Her () {2}: av_nh:4
- Gov't Mule: Heavy Load Blues (Fantasy) {2}: ND_r:47, PM:+
- Grandmas House: Grandmas House () {2}: DIY:+, Gw:+
- Grave Flowers Bongo Band: Strength of Spring (Castle Face) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Ground: Ozunu (Chill Mountain) {2}: pm_e:5
- Guardian Singles: Guardian Singles (Trouble in Mind) {2}: aqd:+, vjk:7
- Gustaf: Audio Drag for Ego Slobs (Royal Mountain) {2}: DIY:+; p_r:+
- Anthony Hamilton: Love Is the New Black () {2}: am_r:+, yb_r:25
- Peter Hammill: In Translation (Fie!) {2}: RC:24; tbm:6
- Hammock: Elsewhere (Hammock Music) {2}: Ec:14
- Hutch Harris: Suck Up All the Oxygen (self-released -EP) {2}: DW:19 -- TH:**
- Havana Swim Club: Havana Swim Club (self-released) {2}: ACL:14
- Heartless Bastards: A Beautiful Life () {2}: Rf:83; bg:+
- Amy Helm: What the Flood Leaves Behind () {2}: AS:+; am_f:+
- Helm: Axis (Dais) {2}: Hi:34, Qt:64
- Cory Henry: Best of Me () {2}: npr_nb:4
- Kent Hilli: The Rumble () {2}: SoT:19
- Scott Hirsch: Windless Day () {2}: Mj:+; aqd:+
- Carol Hodge: This Crippling Space Between (Midnight Stamp) {2}: LW:15
- Holy Other: Lieve () {2}: Cl:+, GB:43
- Hyperdontia: Hideous Entity () {2}: av_da:4
- Illenium: Fallen Embers () {2}: da:+, edmt:7
- Natalie Imbruglia: Firebird (BMG) {2}: Al:29, MO:+
- Isolation Berlin: Geheimnis () {2}: Plt:18
- It It Anita: Sauve () {2}: Mw:14
- Jackson + Sellers: Breaking Point (Anti-) {2}: Bt:46, U:+
- Luke James & Nu Deco Ensemble: A Live Sensation () {2}: npr_ma:2
- Ja Panik: Die Gruppe () {2}: RS_D:42, Zf:64
- Jevon: Fell in Love in Brasil () {2}: Cl:50+
- Jhelisa: 7 Keys V.1 () {2}: Mj:+, YF:+
- Jhelisa: 7 Keys V.2 () {2}: Mj:+, YF:+
- JME, Frisco & Shorty: Norf Face (Norf Face) {2}: Du:20
- Jeff Johnson & Phil Keaggy: Ravenna (Ark) {2}: Ec:15
- JoJo: Trying Not to Think About It (Warner/Clover Music -EP) {2}: wwl:+, yb_r:10
- Kaada: Misinterpretation () {2}: Mx:14
- Kaonashi: Dear Lemon House, You Ruined Me: Senior Year (Equal Vision) {2}: BV_p:15
- Liam Kazar: Due North (Woodsist/Mare) {2}: U:+; aqd:+
- KDAP: Influences (Arts & Crafts) {2}: Mj:+; tr_e:+
- Phil Keaggy: Acoustic Sketches Vol 3 (self-released) {2}: Ec:17
- Mat Kearney: January Flower () {2}: am_s:+, min_m:8
- David Keenan: What Then? (Rubyworks) {2}: HP:16
- Keinemusik: Send Return () {2}: Mgn:20
- Kele: The Waves Pt 1 () {2}: Cl:+, DIY:+
- Kevin Keller: Shimmer (Kevin Keller Productions) {2}: Ec:13
- Dale Kerrigan: Noise Bitch () {2}: Spk:16
- Khemmis: Deceiver () {2}: Mx:19
- Kid Kapichi: This Time Next Year () {2}: GTV:58, Gw:+
- King Crimson: Music Is Our Friend: Live in Washington and Albany, 2021 (Panegyric) {2}: AAJ:+, TN:+
- Kitner: Shake the Spins (Relief Map) {2}: Alt:45; pm_ir:13
- David Kitt: Laser Days (self-released) {2}: HP:20
- Kizis: Tidibabide/Turn (Tin Angel) {2}: MO:+, Qt:33
- Klein: Harmattan (Pentatone) {2}: C:33+
- Chaz Knapp: Organ Drunes (Figure Eight) {2}: yclw:3
- KSHMR: Harmonica Andromeda () {2}: da:+, nti:9
- The KVB: Unity (Invada) {2}: L4:15
- Whitney K: Two Years (Maple Death) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Lady Dan: I Am the Prophet () {2}: AD:+, Cl:+
- Ladyhawke: Time Flies (BMG) {2}: Al:72, MO:+
- Lanterna: Hidden Drives (Badman) {2}: Ec:18
- Mason Lindahl: Kissing Rosy in the Rain (Tompkins Square) {2}: Mj:+; vma:7
- Anthony Linell: Winter Ashes () {2}: Hi:16
- Liquid Tension Experiment: 3 () {2}: SoT:13
- Lucy Liyou: Practice (Full Spectrum) {2}: bc_a:+, tgl:+
- Lonely Guest: Lonely Guest (False Idols) {2}: HP:26, Mj:+
- Loney Dear: A Lantern and a Bell () {2}: svr:5
- Gary Louris: Jump for Joy () {2}: AS:+, Mj:+
- Lizzie Loveless: You Don't Know (EggHunt) {2}: PM:+; pm_ip:8
- Low Hummer: Modern Tricks for Living () {2}: Gw:41, UR:77
- Holly Macve: Not the Girl (Modern Sky) {2}: RM:99, YW:71
- Maple Glider: To Enjoy Is the Only Thing () {2}: GTV:74, RM:64
- Mara TK: Bad Meditation () {2}: Al:46, Bc:+
- Desire Marea: Desire (Izimakade) {2}: RM:79, RT:48
- Reaux Marquez: No Roads () {2}: ns:3
- The Martha's Vineyard Ferries: Suns Out Gung Out (Ernest Jenning) {2}: U:+; yclw:7
- MARV: Keyboard Suite I (Enmossed) {2}: yns:++
- Willy Mason: Already Dead (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: Mj:+, RM:62
- Mac McCaughan: The Sound of Yourself (Merge) {2}: Mj:+, MO:+
- Menagerie: Many Worlds (Freestyle) {2}: WS_j:18
- Mendelson: Le Dernier Album () {2}: Hi:29; bz:8
- Mess Esque: Mess Esque (Drag City) {2}: am_i:+, aqd:+
- Roxane Metayer: Eclipse Des Ocelles (Morc) {2}: yns:+
- Julia Michaels: Not in Chronological Order () {2}: Cl:+; am_p:+
- Miguel Migs: Shaping Visions () {2}: Mgn:18
- Miguel: Art Dealer Chic 4 (ByStorm Entertainment/RCA) {2}: JDC:51; xnf:6
- Mild High Club: Going Going Gone () {2}: Cl:+, Pc:81
- Andy Mineo: Never Land II () {2}: GC:28; am_h:+
- Mirrors: Mirrors () {2}: npr_nb:5
- Miss Grit: Impostor () {2}: DIY:+, NR:+
- Moby: Reprise () {2}: I:+; am_a:+
- Montgomery and Turner: Sounds Passing Through Circumstances (Astral Editions) {2}: yclw:4
- Christy Moore: Flying Into Mystery (Sony) {2}: HP:13
- Van Morrison: Latest Record Project: Volume 1 (BMG/Exile) {2}: AS:+, U:+ -- TH:B
- Mouth Painter: Tropicale Moon (Feeding Tube) {2}: U:+; aqd:+
- Mr Twin Sister: Al Mundo Azul () {2}: GB:14
- The Muckers: Endeavor (Greenway) {2}: RTU:16
- Muzi: Interblaktic () {2}: PAM:16
- Nancy: The Seven Foot Tall Post-Suicidal Feel Good Blues () {2}: Cl:+, Gw:+
- The Natvral: Tethers (Kanine) {2}: DIY:+, U:+
- Newgrounds Death Rugby: Pictures of Your Pets () {2}: afg:5
- New Pagans: The Seed, the Vessel, the Roots and All (Big Scary Monsters) {2}: HP:36; tr_u:+
- Maggie Nicols: Creative Contradiction: Poetry, Story, Song & Sound (Takuroku -20) {2}: W:20
- Nikara: Nikara Presents Black Wall Street () {2}: npr_nb:2
- Willie Nile: The Day the Earth Stood Still () {2}: AS:+, PM:+
- Jim Noir: Deep Blue View (Dook) {2}: Mj:+, Pc:55
- Richard Norris: Hypnotic Response (Inner Mind) {2}: Pc:90, RM:59
- Nothing but Thieves: Moral Panic II () {2}: Gw:+; key:+
- NOV3L: Non-Fiction () {2}: Cl:+; p_r:+
- Maarja Nuut: Hinged () {2}: AD:+, U:+
- Oddfellow's Casino: The Cult of Water (Nightjar) {2}: MO:31+
- Oh Wonder: 22 Break () {2}: Gw:+, YF:+
- David Olney and Anana Kaye: Whispers and Sighs () {2}: ND:17
- Orchestre TPMD: We're Ok. But We're Lost Anyway () {2}: Mw:15
- Bill Orcutt: A Mechanical Joey () {2}: xkb:2
- The Orielles: La Vita Olistica (Heavenly) {2}: Pc:11
- Ouri: Frame of a Fauna () {2}: Cl:53; am_e:+
- Pan-Amerikan Native Front: Little Turtle's War () {2}: av_da:5
- Para One: Spectre: Machines of Loving Grace () {2}: Ni:17
- Jessica Pavone: Lull (Chalkin) {2}: JC:+, PM:+
- Molly Payton: Slack () {2}: DIY:+, LBF:47
- Peace Chord: Peace Chord () {2}: Cl:+, DIY:+
- Pelt: Reticence/Resistance (Three Lobed) {2}: aqd:+, tr_u:+
- Bruno Pernadas: Private Reasons () {2}: Cl:+, IR:+
- Leonie Pernet: Le Cirque De Consolation () {2}: LI:37, Mw:41
- Sara Petite: Rare Bird (JTMMusic) {2}: AS:+, YW:44
- Pharaon De Winter: France Forets () {2}: Mw:20
- Phobophobes: Modern Medicine () {2}: DIY:+, GTV:89
- Pixey: Sunshine State () {2}: DIY:+; afg:7
- Pony: TV Baby (Take This to Heart) {2}: vaz:5 -- TH:B
- Powerwolf: Call of the Wild () {2}: SoT:17
- Press to MECO: Transmute () {2}: Pu:18
- Katherine Priddy: The Eternal Rocks Beneath () {2}: AD:+, U:+
- Provoker: Body Jumper (Year0001) {2}: PM:+; p_r:+
- Anika Pyle: Wild River (June) {2}: av_da:7, key:+
- Quickly, Quickly: The Long and Short of It (Ghostly International) {2}: Pf:+; am_e:+
- Gerry Rafferty: Rest in Blue () {2}: AD:+, Mj:+
- Rag'n'Bone Man: Life by Misadventure (Sony) {2}: Gw:+, Mj:+
- Rambutan: Parallel Systems () {2}: W:40; bc_x:+
- Rata Negra: Una Vida Vulgar (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos) {2}: bc_p:+, p_k:+
- Ratboys: Happy Birthday Ratboy () {2}: av_am:18, av_da:19
- Rats on Rafts: Excerpts From Chapter 3: The Mind Runs a Net of Rabbit Paths (Fire) {2}: LW:21, U:+
- Remble: It's Remble (Warner) {2}: PW:20
- Bebe Rexha: Better Mistakes (Warner) {2}: YF:+; up_p:+
- Rhye: Home () {2}: Cl:+, I:+
- Riki: Gold (Dais) {2}: yns:+
- Steve Roach: Into the Majestic (Timeroom) {2}: Ec:19
- Rogue VHS: I Am: Rogue VHS () {2}: npr_nb:3
- Diana Ross: Thank You () {2}: Rf:93; xkb:8
- Oscar Rossignoli: Inertia (Rossignoli Music) {2}: ob:3
- Carmen Q Rothwell: Don't Get Comfy/Nowhere (Ruination -EP) {2}: PM:+; pf_j:+
- Run Logan Run: For a Brief Moment We Could Smell the Flowers () {2}: Cl:+, Mj:+
- Rural Tapes: Rural Tapes (Smuggler) {2}: I:+, Mj:+
- Shaun Ryder: Visits From Future Technology () {2}: AD:+, Mj:+
- Bruno Sanfilippo: Tangible (AD21) {2}: Ec:20
- San Holo: Bb U Ok? () {2}: nti:4
- Myles Sanko: Memories of Love (Legere) {2}: Al:97, Mj:+
- Sarah Louise: Earth Bow () {2}: U:+; aqd:+
- Sassy 009: Heart Ego () {2}: Cl:+, LQ:25
- Kit Sebastian: Melodi () {2}: Bc:+, Gw:+
- Trevor Sensor: On Account of Exile Vol 1 (High Black Desert) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Joana Serrat: Hardcore From the Heart () {2}: Gl:++
- SGJAZZ: SGJAZZ Vol 2 (Melting Pot Music) {2}: ws_b:5
- Eliza Shaddad: The Woman You Want () {2}: Sk:+; sk_s:8
- The Shadracks: From Human Like Forms (Damaged Goods) {2}: LW:58, Mj:+
- Shakka: Roadtrip to Venus () {2}: CX:17
- Shihad: Old Gods () {2}: DJ:20
- The Shindellas: Hits That Stick Like Girls () {2}: ns:7, yb_r:22
- Sincere Engineer: Bless My Psyche (Hopeless) {2}: BV_p:35, YW:53
- Six Organs of Admittance: The Veiled Sea (Three Lobed) {2}: aqd:+, vjk:10
- Slaughter Beach, Dog: At the Moonbase (-20) {2}: Alt:44, Fa:38
- Smile Machine: Bye for Now () {2}: am:+, am_i:+
- Willow Smith: Lately I Feel Everything () {2}: av_nh:3
- Snips: 52 Beats (Barbershop) {2}: ws_b:4
- Wayne Snow: Figurine (Roche Musique) {2}: am_r:+, ws_s:14
- The Snuts: WL (Parlophone) {2}: I:+, Sbd:33
- Soccer96: Dopamine (Moshi Moshi) {2}: Bc:+, Mj:+
- Son Lux: Tomorrows III () {2}: BPM:+; av_am:6
- Southern Avenue: Be the Love You Want () {2}: AS:+; am_b:+
- Sparks: Annette () {2}: Hi:37, UPC:+
- Spidergawd: VI () {2}: Vi:14
- Ayra Starr: 19 & Dangerous (Mavin) {2}: C:43, PAM:22
- Steady Holiday: Take the Corners Gently () {2}: npr_bb:3
- The Steoples: Wide Through the Eyes of No One () {2}: Mj:+; am_r:+
- Sufjan Stevens: Convocations (Asthmatic Kitty) {2}: AD:+, U:+
- Stokley: Sankofa (BluRaffe/Perspective) {2}: -- st_b:3
- Liz Stringer: First Time Really Feeling (Milk!) {2}: DJ:14
- Stubborn Heart: Made of Static () {2}: Gw:+, MO:+
- Sunny War: Simple Syrup (Hen House/Org Music) {2}: pm_f:2
- Superbloom: Pollen () {2}: Vi:12
- Swim School: Making Sense of It All () {2}: Gw:+, Sk:+
- Taahliah: Angelica (Untitled) {2}: sk_s:3
- Soshi Takeda: Floating Mountains (100% Silk) {2}: p_e:+, yns:+
- Tanz Mein Herz: Quattro (Standard In-Fi) {2}: Qt:11
- Taqbir: Victory Belongs to Those Who Fight for a Right Cause (La Vida Es Un Mus) {2}: Qt:85; bc_p:+
- Alexis Taylor: Silence (Orbistor) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Ted Barnes: 17 Postcards () {2}: AD:+, Mj:+
- TEKE::TEKE: Shirushi () {2}: am:+, am_l:+
- Tents: Limbo () {2}: vaz:2
- Tenue: Territorios () {2}: Btz:15
- Th1rt3en: A Magnificent Day for an Exorcism () {2}: 25:20
- ---: The Heart Pumps Kool-Aid (Mondoj) {2}: Qt:42; pf_j:+
- Robin Thicke: On Earth and in Heaven () {2}: am_r:+, yb_r:8
- Tigers Jaw: I Won't Care How You Remember Me (Hopeless) {2}: AS:+, BV_p:22
- MF Tomlinson: Strange Time (self-released) {2}: Gw;+, Mj:+
- Trace Mountains: House of Confusion (Lame-O) {2}: PM:+; up_sh:12
- Penelope Trappes: Penelope Three (Houndstooth) {2}: Mj:+, U:+
- Trash Boat: Don't You Feel Amazing? (Hopeless) {2}: K:17
- Tremonti: Marching in Time () {2}: SoT:25; gw:16
- Bar Tzabary: Rock 'n' Roll Batsahoraim () {2}: On:20
- Underscores: Fishmonger (Underscores) {2}: atl:5
- Carrie Underwood: My Savior () {2}: EW:+; scm:+
- Urban Village: Udondolo (No Format) {2}: PAM:26, U:+
- V9: Murk With a Mouth () {2}: Cmp_U:18
- Vangelis: Juno to Jupiter (Decca) {2}: MO:+; am_e:+
- Van Holzen: Aus Der Ferne () {2}: Vi:20
- VanJess: Homegrown () {2}: bg:+, yb_r:11
- Vapour Theories: Celestial Scuzz (Fire) {2}: MO:+, Qt:70
- Kiko Veneno: Hambre () {2}: Jp:14
- Vika & Linda: The Wait () {2}: DJ:12
- Vreid: Wild North West () {2}: Gf:18
- Wardruna: Kvitravn () {2}: Lt:40, Rf:102
- Weakened Friends: Quitter () {2}: GMA:13
- We Were Promised Jetpacks: Enjoy the View (Big Scary Monsters) {2}: MO:+, UR:+
- Kenneth Whalum: Broken Land 2 () {2}: am:+, am_r:+
- Whispering Sons: Several Others () {2}: Top:20
- Matthew E White & Lonnie Holley: Broken Mirror: A Selfie Reflection (Spacebomb/Jagjaguwar) {2}: Bc:+, Mj:+
- Remi Wolf: We Love Dogs! (Island) {2}: -- TH:**
- Sven Wunder: Natura Morta (self-released) {2}: Bc:+; aqd:+
- Ya Tseen: Indian Yard (Sub Pop) {2}: PM:+, U:+
- Yoo Doo Right: Don't Think You Can Escape Your Purpose (Mothland) {2}: -- Hi:17
- You Am I: The Lives of Others (The You Am I Set) {2}: DJ:23; tm:+
- You'll Never Get to Heaven: Wave Your Moonlight Hat for the Snowfall Train () {2}: GB:49; p_e:+
- Richard Youngs: CXXI (Black Truffle) {2}: Qt:80; tgl:+
- Yung: Ongoing Dispute () {2}: BPM:+, Cl:+
- 1914: Where Fear And Weapons Meet () {1}: SoT:40
- 36: Music for Isolation (Suite) (3Six) {1}: YW:59
- 75 Dollar Bill Featuring David Watson: Social Music at Troost Vol 2 (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- Absolutely Free: Aftertouch (Boiled) {1}: BIB:40
- Accept: Too Mean To Die () {1}: SoT:36
- The Accidentals: Time Out Session 1 (Savage Kittens) {1}: PM:+
- Acid Tongue: Arboretum () {1}: blw:9
- Poppy Ackroyd: Pause () {1}: Cl:+
- Action/Adventure: Pulling Focus (Pure Noise -EP) {1}: BV_p:32
- Adeline Hotel: Good Timing (Ruination) {1}: PM:+
- Adeline Hotel: The Cherries Are Speaking () {1}: PM:+
- AdultBook: Grecian Urn () {1}: GTV:64
- AFI: Bodies () {1}: DIY:+
- Afro Cluster: The Reach () {1}: GTV:100
- Afterlight: Afterlight () {1}: Mj:+
- Johan Agebjorn & Mikael Ogren: Artefact (Spotted Peccary) {1}: Ec:22
- Aging/Land Trance: Embassy Nocturnes (Tombed Visions) {1}: Qt:66
- Agnes: Magic Still Exists (Universal) {1}: G:50
- AHI: Prospect (Thirty Tigers) {1}: pm_f:12
- AJR: OK Orchestra (AJR Productions) {1}: am_p:+
- Jeffrey Alexander and the Heavy Lidders: Jeffery Alexander and the Heavy Lidders (Arrowhawk) {1}: aqd:+
- Akeem Ali: Mack in the Day Starring Keemy Casanova (Winners United) {1}: PW:38
- Alice Phoebe Lou: Child's Play (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- Kareem Ali: All These Moments () {1}: DJM:+
- Allie: Maybe Next Time () {1}: OC:40
- Alora Crucible: Thymiamatascension () {1}: Spk:30
- Alpha Maid: Chuckle () {1}: W:23
- Malik Alston: Presents Painted Pictures Air (The Jazz Diaries) {1}: WS_j:48
- Altar of Eden: Chimeras (Sound Grotesca) {1}: bc_p:+
- The Altered Hours: Convertible (Pizza Pizza) {1}: Qt:86
- Aluna: Higher Ground: Testaments () {1}: PO:+
- Amusement Parks on Fire: An Archaea (self-released) {1}: PM:+
- John Andrews & the Yawns: Cookbook (Woodsist) {1}: aqd:+
- Anna Phoebe: Sea Souls (Eat the Peach) {1}: RM:44
- Another Chemical Love Story: Another Chemical Love Story () {1}: DJM:+
- Another New Thing: XYZZY (Dipped in Gold) {1}: U:+
- Antonis Antoniou: Kkismettin (Ajabul) {1}: U:+
- Apta: Rainbow Islands (Polytelchnic Youth) {1}: Pc:22
- Luca Argel: Samba De Guerrilha () {1}: Btz:43
- Arm's Length: Everything Nice (self-released -EP) {1}: BV_p:48
- Tristan Arp: Sculpturegardening () {1}: pf_e:+
- Art School Girlfriend: Is It Light Where You Are () {1}: DIY:+
- ASC: An Increase in Entropy (Samurai Music) {1}: YW:60
- Asukrai: Pandronica (self-released) {1}: YW:105
- Ata Canani: Warte, Mein Land, Warte () {1}: Zf:73
- Athletic Progression: Cloud High in Dream, but Heavy in the Air (Touching Bass) {1}: WS_j:46
- Attacca Quartet: Real Life () {1}: bg:+
- The Aubreys: Karaoke Alone () {1}: Cl:+
- Mac Ayres: Magic 8Ball (Dixon Court) {1}: up_r:+
- Aywee Tha Seed: Smokey Ways to Chill (Beat Jazz International) {1}: ws_b:+
- Babe Rainbow: Changing Colours (Flightless) {1}: aqd:+
- Baby Boys: Threesome (Transgressive) {1}: pm_ip:13
- Baby Strange: Land of Nothing () {1}: DIY:+
- Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band: Expansions (Big Crown) {1}: ws_f:9
- Bad Bad Hats: Walkman () {1}: av_am:14
- Badge Epoch: Scroll (Badge Epoque) {1}: aqd:+
- Badsista: Gueto Elegance () {1}: PAM:34
- Bad Waitress: No Taste () {1}: GTV:80
- B-Ahwe: Motions () {1}: Gw:+
- Baiuca: Embruxo () {1}: Jp:46
- Hak Baker: Misled () {1}: Cl:+
- Balthazar: Sand (Play It Again Sam) {1}: PM:+
- Band of Holy Joy: Dreams Take Flight (Tiny Global) {1}: Mj:+
- Isildurs Bane & Peter Hammill: In Disequilibrium () {1}: pr:6
- Bill Banfield: Hey, Holla When You Hear Me () {1}: 33:10
- Bantam Lyons: Mardell () {1}: Mw:33
- Richard Barbieri: Under a Spell () {1}: U:+
- Janet Batch: You Be the Wolf () {1}: YF:39
- Jean-Efflam Bavouzet: Haydn: Piano Sonatas Vol 9 () {1}: am:+
- Beabadoobee: Our Extended Play () {1}: Gw:+
- Beach Fuzz: Beach Fuzz (self-released -EP) {1}: key:+
- Beach House: Once Twice Melody EP () {1}: yzp:8
- Beachy Head: Beachy Head (Graveface) {1}: UR:76
- Freya Beer: Beast (Sisterhood) {1}: LW:87
- Madison Beer: Life Support () {1}: PB:24
- Benedek: Mr Goods (LIES) {1}: YW:74
- Bernhoft: Dancing on My Knees () {1}: do:10
- Bernice: Eau de Bonjourno (Telephone Explosion) {1}: UR:+
- Berwyn: Tape 2/Formalhaut () {1}: I:38
- The Best of the Worst: Better Medicine (Bad Time) {1}: BV_p:43
- Yaya Bey: The Things I Can't Take With Me () {1}: Bc:+
- Big Brave: Vital (Southern Lord) {1}: Ex:40
- Biig Piig: The Sky Is Bleeding () {1}: DIY:+
- Bisbaye: Le Sens De La Fin (Cuneiform) {1}: JC:+
- Bishop Ivy: Parasocial () {1}: atw:+
- Black Mail: Une Hallucination Francaise () {1}: bz:9
- Jelani Blackman: Unlimited () {1}: Cl:+
- Blackmore's Night: Nature's Light () {1}: AS:+
- Blackwater Holylight: Silence/Motion () {1}: tr_u:+
- Wiliam Black: Pieces () {1}: da:+
- Blak Saagan: Se Ci Fosse La Luce Sarebbe Bellissimo () {1}: On:24
- Blancmange: Commercial Break (Blanc Check) {1}: MO:+
- Blaze Bayley: War Within Me () {1}: SoT:38
- Alex Bleeker: Heaven on the Faultline (Night Bloom) {1}: aqd:+
- Blockhead: Space Werewolves Will Be the End of Us (Future Archive) {1}: PW:45
- Blood Wizard: Western Spaghetti () {1}: Gw:+
- Bloody Head: The Temple Pillars Dissolve Into the Clouds (Hominid Sounds) {1}: Qt:74
- Bloto: Kwasy I Zasady () {1}: Bc:+
- Blowers: Blowers (Spooky/Chaputa!) {1}: LW:96
- Blue Orchids: Speed the Day (Tiny Global) {1}: LW:30
- Ilan Bluestone: Impulse () {1}: edmt:10
- FS Blumm & Nild Frahm: 2x1=4 () {1}: Zf:71
- Bnny: Everything () {1}: DIY:+
- Body Void: Bury Me Beneath This Rotting Earth () {1}: afg:9
- Michele Bokanowski: Rhapsodia/Battlements Solitaires (Recollection GRM) {1}: bc_x:+
- Bondo: 77 (self-released -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Bone Cutter: Bone Cutter (-EP) {1}: DW:76
- Boston Bun: There's a Nightclub Inside My Head () {1}: vmp:+
- David Boulter: Lover's Walk () {1}: No:33
- Boy Jugo: Time for Jazz () {1}: do:+
- Brand of Sacrifice: Lifeblood (Blood Blast) {1}: Ex:30
- Breeze: Only Up () {1}: Cl:+
- Bris: Tricky Dance Moves (TrueStory Entertainment) {1}: PW:49
- Brodka: Brut () {1}: GTV:67
- Frankie Bromley: Forgiveness (CLR -EP) {1}: YW:72
- The Brother Brothers: Calla Lily (Compass) {1}: pm_f:11
- The Brothers Steve: Dose (Big Stir) {1}: LW:97
- Brothertiger: Fundamentals Vol III (Satanic Panic) {1}: pm_b:9
- Nora Brown: Sidetrack My Engine () {1}: tr_u:+
- Tristan Brunsch: Am Rest () {1}: Lt:28
- Peter Bruntnell: Journey to the Sun (Domestico) {1}: Mj:+
- Allie Crow Buckley: Moonlit and Devious (self-released) {1}: UR:90
- Buffet Lunch: The Power of Rocks (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: MO:+
- Jake Bugg: Saturday Night, Sunday Morning () {1}: Gw:+
- Bullet for My Valentine: Bullet for My Valentine (Spinefarm) {1}: K:36
- The Buoys: Unsolicited Advice for Your DIY Disaster () {1}: xjd:11
- Molly Burch: Romantic Images () {1}: Gw:+
- The Buttshakers: Arcadia (Underdog) {1}: ws_f:6
- Armin van Buuren: A State of Trance Forever () {1}: edmt:6
- Byrell the Great and Precious: Snack Time () {1}: bc_c:+
- Cabaret Voltaire: BN9Drone (Mute) {1}: MO:+
- Cactus Lee: Texas Music Forever (709) {1}: aqd:+
- Matt Caflisch: Runaway (Fat Oak -20) {1}: -- TH:*
- Landon Caldwell: Deep Strand (Trouble in Mind) {1}: aqd:+
- Calicoco: Underneath (Dadstache) {1}: UR:+
- Califato 1/4: La Contracena () {1}: Jp:48
- Caliza: El Descenso () {1}: Jp:43
- Calva Louise: Euphoric () {1}: Gw:+
- Calyx: Stay Gone (Salinas/Chumpire/Ethospine/Plastic Miracles) {1}: BV_p:25
- Jeremy Camp: When You Speak () {1}: sjm:7
- Camp Trash: Downtiming () {1}: vmp:+
- Canal Irreal: Canal Irreal () {1}: av_da:11
- Laura Cannell & Kate Ellis: May Sounds (Brawl) {1}: Qt:83
- Caoilfhionn Rose: Truly () {1}: AD:+
- Car Culture: Dead Rock (Lighthead) {1}: C:45
- Carm: Carm (36d03d) {1}: RM:56
- Carol: Soiled (self-released -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Dylan Cartlidge: Hope Above Adversity () {1}: Cl:+
- Peter Case: The Midnight Broadcast (Bandaloop) {1}: AS:+
- Justin Cashion: Paranoid Narrative () {1}: do:+
- Cavetown: Man\'s Best Friend () {1}: Cl:+
- Kate Ceberano: Sweet Inspiration () {1}: Al:38
- Celestial: I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night (Ecstatic) {1}: Qt:100
- Censored Dialogue: Afro Pessimist () {1}: 25:24
- Eddie Chacon: Pleasure, Joy and Happiness (Day End) {1}: Pc:59
- Requin Chagrin: Bye Bye Baby (KMS Disques) {1}: MO:+
- Chain Reaktor: Homesick () {1}: SoT:39
- Tom Challenger: Imasche (self-released) {1}: tbm:20
- Jorja Chalmers: Midnight Train (Italians Do It Better) {1}: Qt:75
- Evan Cheadle: Fault Line Serenade (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- Wild Billy Childish & CTMF: Where the Wild Purple Iris Grows (Damaged Goods) {1}: Pc:98
- Child's Pause: Eyes to the Right (Thrilling Living) {1}: bc_p:+
- Rachel Chinouriri: Four° in Winter () {1}: DIY:+
- David Christian & Pinecone Orchestra: For Those We Met on the Way () {1}: am_s:+
- City of Dawn: Avenoir (Ingrown) {1}: YW:107
- City of Dawn & the Corrupting Sea: Mosaic of the Senses (Somewherecold) {1}: YW:97
- Stina Marie Claire: A Souvenir of a Terrible Year () {1}: Sk:+
- Clamm: Beseech Me () {1}: DIY:+
- Josienne Clarke: A Small Unknowable Thing (Corduroy Punk) {1}: Mj:+
- Casper Clausen: Better Way () {1}: Cl:+
- Cleopatrick: Bummer () {1}: Cl:+
- Club Queens: CQ2 (Club Queen) {1}: bc_c:+
- Cat Clyde & Jeremie Albino: Blue Blue Blue (Cinematic Music Group) {1}: YW:92
- Coach Party: After Party () {1}: DIY:+
- Cobalt Chapel: Orange Synthetic () {1}: No:30
- Cobrah: Cobrah () {1}: DIY:+
- Cochonne: Emergency () {1}: bc_p:+
- Turner Cody & the Soldiers of Love: Friends in High Places (Capitane) {1}: U:+
- Coevality: Multiple Personalities () {1}: Spk:50
- Sam Coffey & Iron Lungs: Real One () {1}: rut:13
- Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne: Rakes & Misfits (Grimdon) {1}: Mj:+
- Maya Jane Coles: Night Creature () {1}: Cl:+
- Jon Coley: If All I Ever Wanted Was All I Ever Needed (Jon Coley Music) {1}: Pc:46
- Shirley Collins: Crowlink (Domino -EP) {1}: Qt:36
- Rat Columns: Pacific Kiss () {1}: am_i:+
- Coma World: Coma World () {1}: MO:+
- Concrete Winds: Nerve Butcherer () {1}: av_da:13
- Clarissa Connelly: The Voyager () {1}: W:27
- Steve Conte: Bronx Cheer (Wicked Cool) {1}: LW:34
- Hattie Cooke: Bliss Land (Castles in Space) {1}: RM:33
- Cool Ghouls: At George's Zoo (Empty Cellar) {1}: aqd:+
- Cool Sounds: Bystander () {1}: NR:+
- Corbin: Ghost With Skin () {1}: Spk:40
- Ivan Cornejo: Alma Vacia (Manzana) {1}: ny_c:+
- Charlotte Cornfield: Highs in the Minuses () {1}: am_s:+
- Cosha: Mt Pleasant () {1}: G:+
- Counting Crows: Butter Miracle, Suite One (BMG -EP) {1}: PM:+
- Chris Crack: Sheep Hate Goats (New Deal Collective) {1}: PW:40
- Cradle Of Filth: Existence Is Futile () {1}: SoT:47
- Samantha Crain: I Guess We Live Here Now (Real Kind) {1}: PM:+
- Joshua Chuquimia Crampton: 4 (Puro Fantasia -EP) {1}: PM:+
- Stoney Creation: If It Resonates . . . (self-released -EP) {1}: bc_s:+
- Tex Crick: Live in . . . New York City (Mac's Record Label) {1}: aqd:+
- AJ Croce: By Request (Compass) {1}: AS:+
- Dan Croll: On Top () {1}: Gw:+
- Brian Crosby: Imbrium () {1}: it:+
- Cro: Trip64 () {1}: On:24
- Crown: The End of All Things () {1}: Joe:16
- Cruelkamui: Substitute (self-released) {1}: YW:109
- Crystal Tides: Eat Your Words () {1}: Gw:+
- Cult Figures: Deritend (Gard Du Nord) {1}: LW:84
- The Cult of Dom Keller: They Carried the Dead in a UFO () {1}: AD:+
- Cultura Profetica: Sobrevolando Instrumental () {1}: npr_fc:15
- Cure for Paranoia: Bamf () {1}: do:+
- Dabin: Between Broken () {1}: edmt:8
- Sturle Dagsland: Sturle Dagsland () {1}: Mj:+
- Dakim: Regos_Chillin' (Ddust Direct) {1}: bc_b:+
- Dalham: Funf () {1}: No:39
- Dalriada: Oszel () {1}: SoT:42
- Dal:um: Similar & Different (Glitterbeat) {1}: Mj:+
- Dam Funk: Architecture III (Glydezone) {1}: PW:36
- Nina Dante + Bethany Younge: Lizard Tongue () {1}: bc_x:+
- Gene Dante: DL/UX () {1}: bh:+
- Danz CM: The Absurdity of Human Existence () {1}: GMA:47
- Dare: Against All Odds (Revelation) {1}: BV_p:34
- The Darkness: Motorheart () {1}: UCR:26
- Angharad Davies: Gwneud A Gwneud Eto/Do and Do Again (All That Dust) {1}: Qt:90
- Dawuna: Glass Lit Dream () {1}: Btz:41
- Daya: The Difference (Sandlot) {1}: am_p:+
- The Dead Daisies: Holy Ground () {1}: SoT:45
- Deap Vally: American Cockroach () {1}: DIY:+
- Deap Vally: Digital Dream () {1}: DIY:+
- Dear Laika: Pluperfect Mind () {1}: Pf:+
- Death Goals: The Horrible and the Miserable (self-released) {1}: BV_p:49
- Deathirl & Totalfuckingbliss: Death DLX () {1}: 25:43
- Deathretro: Deathretro (Cosmic Glue) {1}: LW:37
- Death's Dynamic Shroud.Wmv: Faith in Persona () {1}: Ne:31
- Lucas Debargue/Gidon Kremer/Kremerata Baltica: Zal: The Music of Milosz Magin () {1}: npr_th:10
- Roxanne De Bastion: You & Me, We Are the Same () {1}: MO:+
- De Beren Gieren: Less Is Endless () {1}: Mj:+
- Deep Tan: Creeping Speedwells () {1}: Gw:+
- Delilah Bon: Delilah Bon (Trash Queen) {1}: LW:98
- Del Water Gap: Del Water Gap () {1}: WHP:22
- Dana Dentata: Pantychrist (Roadrunner) {1}: K:32
- De Schuurman: Bubbling Inside (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {1}: bc_c:+
- Blu DeTiger: How Did We Get Here? () {1}: Gw:+
- Taylor Deupree: Mur (Dauw) {1}: MO:+
- Richard DeviParlamane: Systik (BL_K Noise) {1}: YW:69
- Dennis Deyoung: 26 East Vol 2 () {1}: SoT:22
- Diamante Electrico: Miro Lo Que Me Hiciste Hacer () {1}: npr_cs:8
- Die Arzte: Dunkel () {1}: Vi:45
- Digital Resistance: Alternative Facts (Grimace) {1}: LW:88
- Dina Ogon: Dina Ogon (Sing a Song Fighter) {1}: aqd:+
- Dinner: Dream Work (Captured Tracks) {1}: BIB:30
- Nina Dioz: Amor, Locura Y Otros Vicios () {1}: ncpr:+
- Patterson Dipper: Unearthing () {1}: Mj:+
- Dirty Honey: Dirty Honey () {1}: UCR:25
- DJ Clent: LEC 2 () {1}: bc_c:+
- DJ Friction: Synesthesia (Berlin Production Music) {1}: ws_b:19
- Djinn: Transmission () {1}: Mw:50
- DJ Nu-Mark: Run for Cover (Hot Plate) {1}: ws_f:15
- DJ Pitch: It's Not What You Said, It's Because You Spoke (Edited Arts) {1}: C:47
- DJ Toner: Blessed Are the Weird People (Vinyl Digital) {1}: ws_b:+
- DJ Tron: Feathers of Funk (Burning Sole) {1}: ws_f:17
- Dntel: The Seas Trees See (Morr Music) {1}: pg_ad:10
- The Dodos: Grizzly Peak () {1}: YF:+
- Micky Dolenz: Dolenz Sings Nesmith () {1}: Mj:+; ysp:+
- Bo Dollis Jr and the Wild Magnolias: My Name Is Bo (Gallatin Street) {1}: ob:6
- Dolphin Midwives: Body of Water () {1}: BPM:+
- Emma Donovan & the Putbacks: Under These Streets () {1}: tm:+
- Dowally: Early Bird // Night Owl () {1}: Mj:+
- Downhaul: Proof (Refresh) {1}: BV_p:33
- Riley Downing: Start It Over (New West) {1}: Mj:+
- Dragon Sound: Miami Connection (Enjoy the Ride) {1}: yns:+
- Dreamwell: Modern Grotesque (self-released) {1}: BV_p:23
- Johnny Drille: Before We Fall Asleep () {1}: PAM:47
- Dr Joy: Dr Joy (Idee Fixe) {1}: aqd:+
- Dropkick Murphys: Turn Up That Dial (Born & Bred) {1}: CS:+
- Drunken Kong: Dark Moon (Terminal M) {1}: YW:70
- Dry Cleaning: Sweet Princess (It's OK -18 -EP) {1}: Rx:28 -- RC:[A], TH:[***]
- Danielle Durack: No Place () {1}: NR:+
- Dwyer/Sawyer/Kerlin/Dolas/Caulkins/alone/Rodriguez/Boye/Soubiran/Myers-Ionita/Renteria: Moon Drenched (Castle Face) {1}: YW:90
- Editrix: Tell Me I'm Bad () {1}: bg:+
- Edward II: Dancing Tunes (Cadiz Music) {1}: Mj:+
- Ekoda: Dissociation (Noonesu) {1}: YW:117
- Elder Island: Swimming Static (Elder Island) {1}: RT:64
- Dorian Electra: My Agenda () {1}: hc_g:10
- Electric Youth & Pilotpriest: Come True (Waxwork/Milan) {1}: yns:+
- Elizabeth & the Catapult: Sincerely, E () {1}: am_s:+
- Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18: Mas (Banana & Louie) {1}: Mj:+
- Elusive: Nu Nu (World Galaxy Alpha Pup) {1}: ws_b:17
- Emanative & Liz Elensky: The Volume of the Light () {1}: Bc:+
- Empyrium: Uber Den Sternen () {1}: Spk:36
- Enhyphen: Border: Carnival (Belift Lab) {1}: pm_kp:16
- Enji: Ursgal () {1}: Cl:+
- Enny: Under Twenty Five (FAMM) {1}: Du:23
- Equiknoxx: Equiknoxx Meets Feel Free Hi Fi (Digital Sting) {1}: VF:49
- Espanto: Cemento () {1}: Jp:34
- Alan Evans Trio: Elephant Head (Vintage League Music) {1}: ws_f:18
- Eve 6: Grim Value () {1}: GMA:50
- Evripidis and His Tragedies: Neos Kosmos () {1}: Mz:44
- EXEK: Good Thing They Ripped the Carpet () {1}: yal:6
- The Exit Bags: Tower of Quiet () {1}: Spk:45
- Exodus: Persona Non Grata () {1}: SoT:34
- EX:RE: With 12 Ensemble () {1}: Mw:27
- FAFF: The Last Piglette (Kouncil Cat) {1}: YW:94
- Failure: Wild Type Droid () {1}: GMA:21
- Falle Nioke & Ghost Culture: Badiare EP () {1}: BPM:+
- Famous: The Valley () {1}: Gw:+
- Fantomes: It's OK () {1}: LI:45
- Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard: Once (Talitres) {1}: Mj:+
- Kari Faux: Lowkey Superstar (Don Giovanni) {1}: YW:31
- Fauzia: Flashes in Time () {1}: pf_e:+
- Fears: Oiche () {1}: Cl:+
- Jared Feinman: Love Is an Obstacle (West of Philly) {1}: -- TH:*
- Ruby Fields: Been Doin' It for a Bit (self-released) {1}: Cl:+
- Field Works: Cedars (Temporary Residence) {1}: U:+
- Fightmilk: Contender (Reckless Yes) {1}: LW:63
- Figmore: Jumbo Street (Fresh Selects) {1}: npr_r:+
- Figure of Speech: Figure of Speech? (B-Block) {1}: YW:52
- Dominique Fils-Aime: Three Little Words (En Soul) {1}: ws_s:12
- FilthyDirty: The Rise and Fall of Blasphemouth (Cracked Ankles) {1}: LW:91
- Fine Place: Flat White Moon (Night School) {1}: RM:85
- Marsha Fisher: New Ruins (Full Spectrum) {1}: bc_x:+
- Fiver: Fiver With the Atlantic School of Spontaneous Composition () {1}: aqd:+
- The Fleshtones: Face of the Screaming Werewolf (Yep Roc) {1}: PM:+
- Roman Flugel: Eating Darkness () {1}: Zf:48
- Fluisteraars: Gegrepen Door De Geest Der Zielsontluiking (Eisenwald) {1}: Qt:89
- Flying Raccoon Suit: Afterglow (self-released) {1}: BV_p:30
- Folamour: The Journey () {1}: Cl:+
- Tim Foljahn: I Dreamed a Dream (Cart/House) {1}: U:+
- Foushee: Time Machine () {1}: up_r:+
- Fox: Squang Dangs in the Key of Vibes () {1}: DJM:+
- Fractal Universe: The Impassable Horizon () {1}: SoT:43
- Nils Frahm: Graz (Erased Tapes) {1}: Mj:+
- Thiago Franca: The Importance of Being Espetacular (Mais Um Discos) {1}: WS_j:40
- Dylan Francis: Happy Machine () {1}: nti:8
- Pia Fraus: Now You Know It Still Feels the Same (Seksound) {1}: YW:77
- Fraxinus: Position [Displacement] (Powerplant) {1}: bc_c:+
- Fresh: The Summer I Got Good at Guitar () {1}: GMA:48
- Fricky: Fricktion () {1}: svr:10
- Conny Frischauf: Die Drift (Bureau B) {1}: U:+
- Frog of Earth: Frog of Earth (Wherethetimegoes) {1}: Qt:51
- Fryars: God Melodies () {1}: MO:+
- Funky DL: Jazz Dust (Washington Classics) {1}: ws_b:11
- Gaadge: Yeah? (Crafted Sounds) {1}: PM:+
- Gallant: Neptune () {1}: yb_r:9
- Galvanizer: Prying Sight of Imperception () {1}: av_da:15
- Drew Gardner: Drew Gardner (Eiderdown) {1}: aqd:+
- Gazo: Drill FR () {1}: Cl:+
- Gel: Violent Closure (-EP) {1}: DW:51
- Genn: Liminal () {1}: DIY:+
- Gentleman's Dub Cub: Down to Earth () {1}: Cl:+
- Gewandhausorchester Leipzig: Sofia Gubaidulina: Nelson + Repin () {1}: NPR:46
- Jim Ghedi: In the Furrows of Common Place (Basin Rock) {1}: U:+
- Ghlow: Slash and Burn () {1}: DIY:+
- Paul Gilbert: Werewolves of Portland () {1}: gw:11
- Zozo Ginsburg: Blue Mountains (self-released) {1}: LW:33
- Giveon: When It's All Said and Done . . . Take Time () {1}: BB:22
- The GJQ: The GJQ () {1}: do:+
- Glaive: All Dogs Go to Heaven () {1}: otw:+
- Glume: The Internet () {1}: DIY:+
- Dobet Gnahore: Couleur () {1}: ncpr:+
- The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick: Ways of Hearing () {1}: No:49
- The Gobs: 1-2-3-4!! () {1}: p_k:+
- God Body Disconnect: The Dormancy (Cryo Chamber) {1}: YW:102
- Golden Brown: Gems and Minerals (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- Golden Child: Game Changer () {1}: AD:+
- Vivien Goldman: Next Is Now () {1}: Mj:+
- Ruth Goller: Skylla (Vula Viel) {1}: Qt:48
- Gone to Color: Gone to Color (self-released) {1}: UR:+
- Lucy Gooch: Rain's Break () {1}: pf_e:+
- Goodbye World: At Death's Door (Youth Attack) {1}: Qt:54
- Felipe Gordon: A Landscape Onomatopeya () {1}: Hi:48
- Gorillaz: Meanwhile () {1}: Cl:+
- Grasscut: Overwinter (Lo) {1}: Mj:+
- Jonny Greenwood: Spencer (Mercury KX) {1}: pg:7
- Peter Gregson: Patina (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: Ec:24
- Tom Grennan: Evering Road () {1}: Cl:+
- The Grid/Fripp: Leviathan () {1}: AD:+
- The Grip Weeds: DiG () {1}: xmr:10
- Gully Boys: Favorite Son () {1}: xjd:25
- Haftbefehl: Das Schwarze Album () {1}: Lt:30
- Haiyti: Mieses Leben () {1}: Lt:24
- Haptic: Weird Undying Annihilation (Notice) {1}: tgl:+
- The Hard Ons: I'm Sorry Sir, That Riff's Been Taken () {1}: rut:15
- Harker: Axiom (Wiretap) {1}: RM:76
- Harmony Woods: Graceful Rage () {1}: atw:+
- Zacc Harris Group: Small Wonders (Shifting Paradigm) {1}: jmju:12
- Chihei Hatakeyama: Late Spring (Gearbox) {1}: VF:33
- Dave Hause: Blood Harmony () {1}: rsjh:2
- Hawthonn: Earth Mirror (Ba Da Bing!) {1}: Qt:45
- Mayer Hawthorne: Rare Changes () {1}: am_r:+
- Colin Hay: I Just Don't Know What to Do With Myself () {1}: AS:+
- Hayley and the Crushers: Fun Sized (Rum Bar) {1}: YW:45
- Rip Hayman: Waves: Real and Imagined (Recital) {1}: Mj:+
- James Heather: Modulations EP2 () {1}: Cl:+
- Houeida Hedfi: Fleuves De L'Ame () {1}: Cl:+
- Nico Hedley: Painterly (Whatever's Clever) {1}: PM:+
- Hellish Form: Remains () {1}: tr_u:+
- Hello Psychaleppo: Jismal EP () {1}: vfk:+
- Helsinki Chamber Choir/Nils Schweckendiek: Part: Passion () {1}: am:+
- Hemi Hemingway: The Lonely Hunter (Pnkslm) {1}: YW:86
- Luke Hemmings: When Facing the Things We Turn Away From () {1}: Cl:+
- Hen House: Equaliser () {1}: Sk:+
- Here Lies Man: Ritual Divination (RidingEasy) {1}: am_k:+
- Hey, Ily!: Internet Breath (Lonely Ghost -EP) {1}: BV_p:24
- Lauran Hibberd: Goober () {1}: DIY:+
- HighSchool: Forever at Last () {1}: Gw:+
- Hilang Child: Every Mover () {1}: MO:+
- Becky Hill: Only Honest on the Weekend () {1}: nti:6
- Judith Hill: Baby, I'm Hollywood (Regime Music Group) {1}: YW:46
- Himra: Ivoire Drill King () {1}: PAM:35
- Malcolm Holcombe: Tricks of the Trade () {1}: Mj:+
- Holiday Ghosts: North Street Air () {1}: Gw:+
- Holy Holy: Hello My Beautiful World () {1}: DJ:45
- Honest Mechanik: Honest Mechanik () {1}: bh:+
- Hooded Menace: The Tritonus Bell () {1}: SoT:23
- Hooveriii: Water for the Frogs (Reverb Appreciation Society) {1}: LW:79
- The Horrors: Against the Blade () {1}: DIY:+
- Houndmouth: Good for You (Dualtone) {1}: Mj:+
- Houseplants: Dry Goods () {1}: it:+
- David Huckfelt: Room Enough, Time Enough () {1}: Mj:+
- Fana Hues: Hues () {1}: av_nh:9
- Hulder: Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry () {1}: av_da:10
- Holly Humberstone: The Walls Are Way Too Thin () {1}: DIY:+
- Andrew Hung: Devastations () {1}: DIY:+
- Hurry: Fake Ideas () {1}: av_da:9
- Josh Hvaal: Getting Better (Hot Creations) {1}: YW:100
- Hype: From Beginning to End: End to New Beginnings (PURE) {1}: YW:83
- Frida Hyvonen: Dream of Independence () {1}: AD:+
- Lia Ices: Family Album () {1}: am_s:+
- Ida Mae: Click Click Domino (Thirty Tigers) {1}: AS:+
- Idles: Ultra Mono (Partisan -20) {1}: Rx:47 -- TH:[***]
- Illuminati Hotties: Free IH: This Is Not the One You've Been Waiting For (self-released -20 -EP) {1}: Rx:63 -- RC:[A-], TH:[*]
- Imagine Dragons: Mercury: Act 1 () {1}: YF:+
- Imany: Voodoo Cello () {1}: Lt:26
- Information Society: ODDfellows (Hakatak International) {1}: PM:+
- Insides: Soft Bonds () {1}: NO:22
- In the Whale: Vanishing Point () {1}: GTV:68
- Iotunn: Access All Worlds () {1}: SoT:48
- Ioulus: Oddkin (Rhizome) {1}: Qt:32
- Rufus Isabel Elliot: A/am/ams (Come Ashore, Turn Over) (Glarc) {1}: Qt:46
- Issam: Crystal () {1}: PAM:29
- IZ Band/IZ: Drop by Old Heaven Books () {1}: W:50
- Jail Socks: Coming Down (Counter Intuitive) {1}: BV_p:26
- Astro James: Live at Deep Ellum Art Co () {1}: do:+
- Seth James: Different Hat (Tiny Ass) {1}: YW:66
- Japan Review: Kvetch Sounds () {1}: BPM:+
- Jason & Jiminy: Songs for Borken Hearts () {1}: vma:+
- JASSS: A World of Service () {1}: DJM:+
- Jenevieve: Division () {1}: pf_u:+
- Jhariah: A Beginner's Guide to Faking Your Death () {1}: Alt:26
- Jim Bob: Who Do We Hate Today (Cherry Red) {1}: LW:65
- Joecephus and the George Jonestown Massacre: Heirs of the Dog (Saustex) {1}: PO:+
- Joe & the Shitboys: The Reson for Hardcore Vibes Again () {1}: Gw:46
- Johnny B33: Aries Moon () {1}: do:+
- Johnny Football Hero: Complacency (Knuckle Down/PennPop -EP) {1}: BV_p:40
- Jillette Johnson: It's a Beautiful Day and I Love You (Moss Rose) {1}: AS:+
- Nick Jonas: Spaceman (Island) {1}: wwl:+
- Caleb Landry Jones: Gadzooks Vol 1 () {1}: LI:31
- Jonsi: Obsidian () {1}: npr_bb:9
- Jordana: Something to Say to You () {1}: am_s:+
- Wesley Joseph: Ultramarine (Eeviltwinn) {1}: Al:32
- Joy Anonymous: Human Again () {1}: Cl:56
- Joystick: I Can't Take It Anymore (Bad Time/Stomp) {1}: BV_p:38
- Juanes: Origen () {1}: do:+
- ER Jurken: I Stand Corrected (Country Thyme) {1}: U:+
- Kafari: Blanket of Black (Hot Record Societe) {1}: aqd:+
- Kaleo: Surface Sounds () {1}: 25:28
- Kamggarn: Kamggarn () {1}: Vi:32
- Olivia Kaplan: Tonight Turns to Nothing (Olivia Kaplan) {1}: YW:79
- Karma Kid & Luke Fono: Bossa (Fool's Gold) {1}: YW:80
- Seth Kasselman: UV Catamaran () {1}: bc_x:+
- Kat Von D: Love Made Me Do It () {1}: Mx:39
- Kayak: Out Of This World () {1}: SoT:44
- Keen Dreams: The Second Body (Whatever's Clever/Strange Daisy) {1}: PM:+
- John Paul Keith: The Rhythm of the City (Wild Honey) {1}: AS:+
- Bre Kennedy: Note to Self () {1}: atw:+
- Dom Kennedy: Westside With Love III () {1}: bg:+
- Kid Congo & the Pink Monkeybirds: Swing From the Sean DeLear EP () {1}: aqd:+
- Tarah Kikuchi: Science (self-released -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Kills Birds: Married () {1}: DIY:+
- King Buffalo: Acheron () {1}: Vi:33
- Janette King: What We Lost () {1}: Cl:+
- Caroline Kingsbury: Heaven\'s Just a Flight (Fortune Tellers Music) {1}: pm_ip:10
- Ki Oni: Indoor Plant Life () {1}: tr_u:+
- Kirby: Sis, He Wasn't the One () {1}: yb_r:18
- Kiss Me, Killer: 2020 Vision (Grown Your Own) {1}: LW:70
- KK's Priest: Sermon of the Sinner () {1}: UCR:29
- Matti Klein Soul Trio: Live on Tape (Shuffle Stack) {1}: WS_j:39
- K, Le Maestro: Whip Music () {1}: am_r:+
- Katie Knipp: The Well (Heart Songs) {1}: YW:82
- Cameron Knowler & Eli Winter: Anticipation (American Dreams) {1}: aqd:+
- Kolezanka: Place Is (Bar None) {1}: UR:+
- Konduku: Parlama (Spazio Disponible) {1}: YW:68
- Koyo: Drives Out East () {1}: Alt:49
- Ktyb, 4lfa Et Mahdi Machfar: Bon Vent () {1}: PAM:48
- Kucka: Wrestling () {1}: Sk:+
- Kutiman: Surface Currents () {1}: U:+
- Ben Kweller: Circuit Boredom () {1}: GMA:33
- LA Guns: Checkered Past () {1}: UCR:31
- Matt LaJoie: Red Resonant Earth (Flower Room) {1}: aqd:+
- Jess Lamb and the Factory: You Are (Harrison Skydeck) {1}: Ec:30
- Tory Lanez: Alone at Prom () {1}: min_m:6
- Langkamer: West Country () {1}: Gw:+
- Rhys Langston: Stalin Bollywood () {1}: av_lm:12
- Daniel Lanois: Heavy Sun (Missing Piece) {1}: Mj:+
- LANY: Gg Bb Xx (Interscope) {1}: wwl:+
- Thierry Larose: Cantalou (Bravo Musique) {1}: Ex:43
- Lava La Rue: Butter-Fly () {1}: DIY:+
- The Lasso: 2121 () {1}: Bc:+
- Olivier Latry: Liszt: Inspirations () {1}: am:+
- Laufey: Typical of Me () {1}: am_s:+
- Michael League: So Many Me (GroundUP Music) {1}: PM:+
- Paul Leary: Born Stupid () {1}: AD:+
- Leather Rats: No Live 'Til Leather '98 (Bokeh Versions) {1}: Qt:76
- Iury Lech: Ontonanology () {1}: Mj:+
- Buzzy Lee: Spoiled Love (Future Classic) {1}: GW:28
- Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra/Andris Nelsons: Sofia Gubaidulina: Orchestral Works () {1}: npr_th:9
- Oliver Leith: Me Hollywood (Another Timbre) {1}: Qt:52
- Jinx Lennon: Liferafts for Latchicos (Septic Tiger) {1}: PO:+
- Hubert Lenoir: Pictura De Ipse: Musique Directe () {1}: LI:21
- Carin Leon: Inedito () {1}: BB:31
- Anna Leone: I've Felt All These Things (Half Awake) {1}: Mj:+
- Leroy: Dariacore () {1}: Fa:40
- Molly Lewis: The Forgotten Edge (Jagjaguwar -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Light Conductor: Sequence Two (Constellation) {1}: Mj:+
- Liily: TV or Not TV () {1}: DIY:+
- Lil Huddy: Teenage Heartbreak (Immersive/Sandlot/Geffen) {1}: nyl:+
- Lil Ugly Mane: Volcanic Bird Enemy and the Voiced Concern () {1}: Spk:41
- L'Imperatrice: Tako Tsubo () {1}: GTV:85
- Chloe Yu Nong Lin: Pi Sound () {1}: bc_x:+
- Maggie Lindemann: Paranoia () {1}: PB:19
- Dua Lipa: Future Nostalgia: The Moonlight Edition () {1}: nzh:+
- Liquids: Life Is Pain Idiot (self-released) {1}: pf_k:+
- Lisasinson: Perdona Mama (Elefant) {1}: YW:43
- Lithics: Tower of Age (Trouble in Mind -20) {1}: Rx:57 -- RC:[A-], TH:[A-]
- Little G Weevil: Live Acoustic Session (Hunnia) {1}: YW:65
- Liv.e: CWTTY+ (In Real Life) {1}: npr_r:+
- Javi Lobe: Memories of the Future (1631) {1}: YW:114
- Annea Lockwood: Becoming Air/Into the Vanishing Point (Black Truffle) {1}: bc_x:+
- Lojay & Sarz: LV N ATTN (self-released -EP) {1}: Fa:46
- Lokoy: Badminton () {1}: PB:22
- Lola in Slacks: Moon Moth (Last Night From Glasgow) {1}: LW:41
- Lonely the Brave: The Hope List (Easy Life) {1}: Gw:+
- Norman W Long: Black Brown Gray Green (Hausu Mountain) {1}: bc_x:+
- Lorenzo BITW: Pantea () {1}: Mj:+
- Loris: Rastros () {1}: bc_c:+
- The Los Sundowns: The Los Sundowns () {1}: npr_fc:10
- The Lounge Society: Silk for the Starving () {1}: DIY:+
- Loveshadow: Loveshadow (Music From Memory) {1}: Pc:91
- Bobbie Lovesong: On the Wind (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- Low Island: If You Could Have It All Again () {1}: Gw:+
- Andy Fairweather Low & the Low Riders: Lockdown Live (Secret) {1}: -- TH:*
- LP: Churches () {1}: I:+
- Lydia Luce: Dark River (Tone Free Music) {1}: AS:+
- Steve Lukather: I Found the Sun Again (The Players Club) {1}: AS:+
- Lunch Money Life: Tarmac the Lake () {1}: Cl:+
- Lustmord & Karin Park: Alter (Pellagic) {1}: PM:+
- Mabiland: Ninxs Rotxs () {1}: RS:28
- Amy Macdonald: The Human Demands (Infectious) {1}: LW:82
- Maenad Veyl & the Sarcasm Ensemble: Comfort in Misery () {1}: Hi:23
- MAGS: Say Things That Matter (Take This to Heart) {1}: YW:48
- Sananda Maitreya: Pandora's PlayHouse () {1}: Al:92
- Mall Grab: Steel City Dance Discs Volume 20 (Steel City Dance Discs) {1}: YW:61
- Mandrake Handshake: Shake the Hand That Feeds You () {1}: Gw:+
- M.anifest: Madina to the Universe () {1}: PAM:32
- Clara Mann: Consolations () {1}: Gw:+
- Mapache: 3 (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- Mapstation: My Frequencies, When We (Bureau B) {1}: U:+
- April March: In Cinerama () {1}: am_i:+
- Mariah the Scientist: RY RY World (RCA) {1}: npr_r:+
- Marine Eyes: Idyll () {1}: GTV:61
- Amber Mark: Softly EP () {1}: xnf:10
- Martha Marlow: Medicine Man () {1}: DJ:46
- Johnny Marr: Fever Dreams Pt 1 () {1}: DIY:+
- Zibuokle Martinaityte: Saudade () {1}: npr_th:8
- Ruth Mascelli: A Night at the Baths (Disciples) {1}: Qt:96
- Mas MusiQ: Auti 'ESharp () {1}: PAM:38
- Massage: Still Life () {1}: npr_oh:10
- Massiv in Mensch: Turkis und Schwar (Katyusha) {1}: pm_e:14
- Master Peace: Public Display of Affection () {1}: DIY:+
- Maston With L'Eclair: Souvenir (Innovative Leisure) {1}: aqd:+
- Mildred Maude: Sonic Cathedral () {1}: xph:7
- Max I Million: Uncut Gems (Coalmine) {1}: ws_b:+
- Ego Ella May: Fieldnotes () {1}: bc_s:+
- MC Carol: Borogodo () {1}: vfk:+
- McCarthy Trenching: Perfect Game (self-released -20) {1}: xwb:13 -- TH:[***]
- Walt McClements: A Hole in the Fence (American Dreams) {1}: Mj:+
- Jim McCulloch: When I Mean What I Say (Violette) {1}: LW:68
- Joel McCullough: Starsign (self-released) {1}: WS_j:44
- Murray McLauchlan: Hourglass (True North) {1}: AS:+
- Dean McPhee: Witch's Ladder (Hood Faire) {1}: Mj:+
- Me and That Man: New Man, New Songs, Same Shit () {1}: Mx:43
- Media Jeweler: The Sublime Scripture of Being Alive () {1}: am_i:+
- Meskerem Mees: Julius () {1}: kc:19
- The Memory Band: Colours (Hungry Hill) {1}: tbm:25
- Javier Mena: I Entisiasmo () {1}: xsm:17
- Me Rex: Megabear () {1}: BV:+
- Mexican Institute of Sound: Distrito Federal (self-released) {1}: -- npr_as:5
- Mhaol: Gender Studies () {1}: Gw:+
- Miesha & the Spanks: Singles EP (Miesha Louie) {1}: YW:29
- Robbie Miller: Little Love () {1}: DJ:36
- Milquetoast & Co: Shiny (Little) Mind () {1}: atw:+
- Pavel Milyakov & Bendik Giske: Pavel Milyakov & Bendik Giske () {1}: MO:+
- Mine: Hinuber () {1}: Lt:15
- Mini Skirt: Casino () {1}: p_k:+
- Kylie Minogue: Disco: Guest List Edition () {1}: Mgn:22
- Minotaur Shock: Qi (Bytes) {1}: Mj:+
- Mirage: Mirage (Peatonal West) {1}: Qt:82
- Mister Goblin: Four People in an Elevator and One of Them Is the Devil () {1}: Alt:42
- MitiS: Lost (Opehlia) {1}: da:+
- MNDR: Hell to Be You Baby () {1}: Mgn:21
- Mocky: Overtones for the Omniverse () {1}: am:+
- Mod Con: Modern Condition () {1}: DJ:37
- Molten: Dystopian Syndrome () {1}: SoT:50
- Monde UFO: 7171 (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- Monobody: Comma () {1}: SoT:50
- Jimmy Montague: Casual Use () {1}: up_sh:19
- Donny Montell: 1987 () {1}: YF:43
- Moo Latte: Snax (U Know Me) {1}: ws_b:18
- Gary Moore: How Blue Can You Get (Provogue) {1}: MO:+
- Steve Moore: Analog Sensitivity (Be With) {1}: Mj:+
- Solea Morente: Aurora Y Enrique () {1}: Jp:49
- David John Morris: Monastic Love Songs () {1}: U:+
- The Neal Morse Band: Innocence & Danger () {1}: SoT:46
- Federico Mosconi: Dreamers and Tides (Dronarium) {1}: YW:106
- Mousv: El Sahaba () {1}: PAM:23
- Mr Mitch: Lazy (Gobstopper) {1}: ra:+
- Msaki: Platinumb Heart () {1}: PAM:46
- The Mudd Club: Bottle Blonde (Raving Pop Blast) {1}: LW:22
- Mujeres Podridas: Muerte En Paraiso () {1}: Bc:+
- Mundo Primitivo: Paisage Interior (Static Shock) {1}: bc_p:+
- The Murlocs: Bittersweet Dreams (ATO) {1}: Mj:+
- Musa Dagh: Musa Dagh () {1}: Vi:42
- Museum of Love: Life of Mammals (Skint) {1}: Mj:+
- Music on Hold: 30 Minutes Of () {1}: LI:44
- My Bloody Sex Party: Vol 2 (Zoomin' Night) {1}: Qt:84
- John Myrtle: Myrtle Soup () {1}: Gw:+
- Naked Days: My Head Hz () {1}: NR:+
- Naked Raygun: Over the Overlords () {1}: so_d:12
- Hamza Namira: Mawlood Sanat () {1}: On:27
- Napoleon Da Legend & Amerigo Gazaway: The World Changed (Soulmates) {1}: YW:37
- The Narcotix: Mommy Issues () {1}: Bc:+
- Nasty Cherry: The Movie () {1}: DIY:+
- NEOV: Picture of a Good Life () {1}: NBH:50
- Net Gala: ? Shinpa (Svbkvlt) {1}: -- bc_c:+
- Deb Never: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? () {1}: DIY:+
- NewDad: Waves () {1}: DIY:+
- Newmen: Futur II () {1}: Top:8
- Jeb Loy Nichols: Jeb Loy () {1}: am_r:+
- Nicki Nicole: Parte De Mi () {1}: Ms:46
- Nightshift: Zoe () {1}: bc_p:+
- Lucia Nimcova & Sholto Dobie: Dilo (Mappa) {1}: tgl:+
- Ninajirachi & Kota Banks: True North () {1}: atl:8
- Erica Nockalls: Dark Music From a Warm Place (Gentlemen) {1}: LW:80
- Noctiferia: Reforma () {1}: Mj:+
- Cedric Noel: Hang Time () {1}: BPM:+
- NOFX: Single Album () {1}: Vi:22
- NoMBe: Chromatopia (Th3rd Brain) {1}: yal:+
- Nonexistent: Nonexistent (Downwards) {1}: Qt:59
- No Rome: It's All Smiles () {1}: D:42
- The Kody Norris Show: All Suited Up () {1}: Trk:38
- Nothing, Nowhere: Trauma Factory () {1}: Cl:+
- Antonina Nowacka: Vocal Sketches From Oaxaca (TakuRoku) {1}: Qt:92
- Roy Noyes: Arc Minutes () {1}: yjc:10
- Nun Gun: Mondo Decay () {1}: tr_u:+
- Obijuan x Philanthrope: Saxred Gin (Bad Taste) {1}: YW:58
- Obscura: A Valediction () {1}: SoT:24
- Odd Beholder: Sunny Bay () {1}: NBH:36
- Stanley Odd: Stay Odd (Handsome Tramp) {1}: sk_s:9
- Odette: Herald () {1}: tm:+
- The Offspring: Let the Bad Times Roll (Concord) {1}: Di:44
- Ohbliv: Rugged Tranquility Volume 1 & 2 (Paxico) {1}: ws_b:16
- Vikingur Olafsson: Mozart & Contemporaries () {1}: svr:9
- Old Sea Brigade: Motivational Speaking (Nettwerk) {1}: U:+
- Only Sun: Tangled Mind () {1}: DIY:+
- Ophidian I: Desolate () {1}: SoT:33
- Orden Ogan: Final Days () {1}: SoT:32
- Ossler: Regn Av Glas (St4t/Bengans) {1}: So:25
- Ours: Ours () {1}: am_a:+
- Pachyman: The Return of . . . Pachyman (ATO) {1}: aqd:+
- Fito Paez: Los Anos Salvajes () {1}: npr_fo:6
- Pageants: Sun and Settled Days (Eye Dull) {1}: YW:67
- Paloma Mami: Suenos De Dali () {1}: n_sp:+
- Danna Paola: KO () {1}: tv:+
- Paperbark: What Was Left Behind (Constellation Tatsu) {1}: YW:93
- Paradox: Heresy II () {1}: SoT:26
- The Parrots: Dos () {1}: Gw:+
- Marissa Paternoster: Peace Meter () {1}: Mg:23
- Rita Payes and Elisabeth Roma: Como La Piel () {1}: npr_as:7
- Pays P: Ca V Aller (Peculiar Works) {1}: BIB:25
- Pearl & the Oysters: Flowerland (Feeltrip) {1}: PW:48
- Pell: Floating While Dreaming II (self-released) {1}: ob:8
- The People in Fog: 1977 (Sound of Vast) {1}: VF36
- Perfect Angels: Exit From the Ultra-World (Zach Phillips) {1}: aqd:+
- Perkins & Federwisch: One Dazzling Moment (Strategic Tape Reserve) {1}: Qt:87
- The Person: Tide Life (Growing Bin) {1}: Pc:71
- Phabo: Soulquarius (Soulection) {1}: up_r:+
- Pile: Songs Known Together, Alone () {1}: Mw:21
- The Pineapple Thief: Nothing but the Truth (Kscope) {1}: am_k:+
- The Pine Hill Haints: The Song Companion of a Lone Star Cowboy (Single Lock) {1}: YW:42
- The Pink Stones: Introducing . . . the Pink Stones (Normaltown) {1}: AS:+
- Pink Suits: Political Child (self-relased) {1}: LW:29
- Pixey: Free to Live in Colour () {1}: DIY:+
- The Point: Phonkadelic () {1}: bc_b:+
- Poison Ruin: Poisin Ruin (Urge) {1}: -- tr_u:+
- Karine Polwart & Dave Milligan: Still as Your Sleeping () {1}: npr_oh:9
- Pop 1280: Museum on the Horizon () {1}: Btz:21
- Porij: Baby Face () {1}: DIY:+
- George Porter Jr and Runnin' Pardners: Crying for Hope (self-released) {1}: ob:9
- Poverty's No Crime: A Secret to Hide () {1}: SoT:28
- Brigid Mae Power: Burning Your Light (Fire -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Presha: Rats (Samauri Music) {1}: YW:50
- Terry Presume: What Box? () {1}: otw:+
- Private Function: Whose Line Is It Anyway (FOLC) {1}: LW:27
- Marcin Przybylowicz/PT Adamczyk/Paul Leonard-Morgan: Cyberpunk 2077 [Original Score] (Projekt Red -20) {1}: Mx:36
- PS5: Unconscious Collective (Hyperjazz) {1}: WS_j:42
- Joe Pug: The Diving Sun () {1}: bg:+
- Qlowski: Quale Futuro? () {1}: tr_u:+
- Quadry: They Think We Ghetto () {1}: pf_u:+
- Quantic & Nidia Gongora: Almas Conectadas () {1}: PAM:42
- Raccoon City: For Nobody, Nowhere (Dog Knights Production) {1}: BV_p:31
- Joshua Radin: The Ghost and the Wall (Nettwerk) {1}: AS:+
- Priya Ragu: Damnshestamil () {1}: DIY:+
- Ralfy the Plug: Rapper Overnight 2 (Stinc Team) {1}: PW:41
- Hania Rani: Music for Film and Theatre (Gondwana) {1}: Pc:87
- RC & the Gritz: Live in Deep Ellum () {1}: do:+
- Recap: Count to Five () {1}: npr_th:6
- Red Ribbon: Planet X () {1}: U:+
- Redtenbacher's Funkestra: Big Funk Band (RSB) {1}: ws_f:20
- Lizzie Reid: Cubicle (Seven Four Seven Six) {1}: sk_s:6
- Eimear Reidy & Natalia Beylis: Whose Woods These Are (self-released) {1}: Qt:21
- Sofia Rei: Umbral () {1}: npr_fc:13
- Remulak: Scrambled Eggs 2 (Remulak) {1}: ws_b:6
- Revelers Hall Band: Revelers Hall Band () {1}: do:+
- Rhyton: Pharaonic Crosstalk (Feeding Tube -20) {1}: aqd:+
- Chris Richards: Wisconsin River (White Mare) {1}: Mj:+
- Ridiculous Bitch: Ridiculous Bitch () {1}: YF:+
- Al Riggs: I Got a Big Electric Fan to Keep Me Cool While I Sleep (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- George Riley: Interest Rates: A Tape (self-released) {1}: ra:+
- Ritual Coak: Divine Invasions (Bubblewrap) {1}: YW:40
- River: Muthoni Drummer Queen () {1}: PAM:30
- Rivers Of Nihil: The Work () {1}: SoT:35
- Robohands: Shapes (King Underground) {1}: ws_b:+
- Daniel Romano's Outfit: Cobra Poems (You've Changed) {1}: PM:+
- The Roomsounds: Good Company () {1}: do:+
- Kevin Ross: Drive 2 () {1}: yb_r:21
- Sean Rowe: The Darkness Dressed in Colored Lights () {1}: bg:+
- Roy: Roy's Garage (Idee Fixe) {1}: Mj:+
- The Ruins of Beverast: The Thule Grimoirs () {1}: Hi:30
- Raf Rundell: OM Days () {1}: AD:+
- Rich Ruth: Where There's Life (self-released -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Ruutu Poiss: Palav Aed (Wake Dream) {1}: yclw:10
- Sagan: Anti-Ark (Seeland) {1}: YW:33
- Saint Agnes: Vampire () {1}: Gw:+
- Shintaro Sakamoto: The Feeling of Love (Virgin) {1}: aqd:+
- Salamanda: Sphere (Metron) {1}: C:29
- Salem: Salem II () {1}: DIY:+
- Salt Cathedral: Carisma [Isolation Mixes] () {1}: npr_fc:14
- Ryan Sambol: Gestalt () {1}: pf_u:+
- The Samurai Of Prog: The Lady And The Lion And Other Grimm Tales I () {1}: SoT:30
- Sandy's: Magic Mind () {1}: YF:+
- Shubh Saran: Inglish () {1}: pf_j:+
- Albertine Sarges: The Sticky Fingers (Moshi Moshi) {1}: MO:+
- Arthur Satan: So Far So Good () {1}: Mw:44
- Tiwa Savage: Water & Garri () {1}: PAM:44
- Dave Scanlon: Pink in Each, Bright Blue, Bright Green (Whatever's Clever) {1}: PM:+
- Scarlxrd: Dead Rising () {1}: DW:40
- GS Schray: The Changing Account () {1}: LQ:24
- Scorpion Kings: Rumble in the Jungle () {1}: PAM:24
- Sea Fever: Folding Lines () {1}: GTV:76
- Sech: 42 () {1}: npr_cs:7
- Section H8: Welcome to the Nightmare (Flatspot) {1}: BV_p:39
- Sel Balamir: Swell () {1}: pr:17
- Sen Senra: Corazon Cromado () {1}: Jp:30
- Seth Sentry: Super Cool Tree House (High Score) {1}: YW:57
- Ursula Sereghy: OK Box (Gin & Platonic) {1}: Qt:73
- Rachel Sermanni: Swallow Me () {1}: Sk:+
- Sexyy Red: Ghetto Superstar () {1}: vfk:+
- Shackleton: Departing Like Rivers (Woe to the Septic Heart) {1}: Qt:38
- Julia Shapiro: Zorked () {1}: am_i:+
- Amy Shark: Cry Forever () {1}: Rf:89
- Jas Shaw: Solibruchstelle I: Become the Scenic Route () {1}: MO:+
- Tony Shhnow: Authentic Goods () {1}: pf_u:+
- Shire T: Tomorrow's People () {1}: Crh:30
- Marco Shuttle: Cobalt Desert Oasis (Incienso) {1}: Qt:99
- Sia: Music [Songs From and Inspired by the Motion Picture] (Monkey Puzzle/Atlantic) {1}: am_p:+
- Silicone Prairie: My Life on the Silicone Prairie () {1}: p_k:+
- Jeffrey Silverstein: Torii Gates (Arrowhawk) {1}: aqd:+
- Janet Simpson: Safe Distance () {1}: U:+
- Sir Sly: The Rise & Fall of Loverboy () {1}: atw:+
- Sir Was: Let the Morning Come () {1}: Cl:+
- Sister John: I Am by Day (Last Night From Glasgow) {1}: LW:77
- Skillibeng: Crocodile Teeth LP () {1}: PAM:21
- Skullcrusher: Storm in Summer () {1}: DIY:+
- Alice Skye: I Feel Better but I Don't Feel Good () {1}: DJ:48
- Slaughterhouse: Fun Factory (Recess) {1}: PO:+
- Slaughter to Prevail: Kostolom () {1}: Rev:24
- Sleep Token: This Place Will Become Your Tomb (Spinefarm) {1}: K:48
- Slow Down Molasses: Minor Deaths (Noyes) {1}: LW:48
- Slut: Talks of Paradise () {1}: Zf:44
- Smiling: Not Rock () {1}: tr_u:+
- Smirk: EP () {1}: pf_u:+
- Smith & Burrows: Only Smith & Burrows Is Good Enough () {1}: MO:+
- Smith/Kotzen: Smith/Kotzen () {1}: gw:10
- Nell Smith und the Flaming Lips: Where the Viaduct Looms () {1}: Zf:56
- Smoothboi Ezra: Stuck () {1}: DIY:+
- Snag: Death Doula (Middle-Man/Zegema Beach) {1}: BV_p:44
- Sndtrak: And Then There Was Light () {1}: bc_b:+
- Snow Ellet: Suburban Indie Rock Star () {1}: Alt:33
- Soccer Committee: Tell From the Grass (Morc) {1}: U:+
- Social Haul: Social Haul () {1}: Gw:+
- Socioclast: Socioclast () {1}: av_da:17
- Softcult: Year of the Rat () {1}: Gw:+
- Sons of Raphael: Full-Throated Messianic Homage () {1}: Cl:+
- Sorry: Twistustwain () {1}: DIY:+
- Soul Sugar: Excursions in Soul Reggae Funk & Dub (Gee) {1}: ws_f:10
- Sourdure: De Mort Viva () {1}: W:30
- Sour Widows: Crossing Over (-EP) {1}: BV:+
- Spearmint: Holland Park () {1}: Mj:+
- Spencer: Are U Down? () {1}: DIY:+
- The Spill Canvas: Conduit () {1}: P:+
- Spirits Having Fun: Two () {1}: p_r:+
- John Splithoff: All In (Pleasant Love) {1}: PM:+
- Spllit: Spllit Sides () {1}: p_k:+
- Lucy Spraggan: Choices () {1}: GTV:65
- Sydney Sprague: Maybe I Will See You at the End of the World () {1}: DIY:+
- Spread Joy: Spread Joy () {1}: p_k:+
- The Stan Laurels: There Is No Light Without Dark (Big Stir) {1}: LW:49
- Paul Stanley's Soul Station: Now and Then (UMe) {1}: Mj:+
- Starflyer 59: Vanity (Velvet Blue) {1}: aqd:+
- Ringo Starr: Zoom In () {1}: UCR:39
- Stars Hollow: I Want to Live My Life (Acrobat Unstable) {1}: BV_p:47
- Macie Stewart: Mouth Full of Glass () {1}: Btz:26
- Rod Stewart: The Tears of Hercules () {1}: xkb:6
- Stiff Richards: State of Mind () {1}: xph:3
- Stigma: Too Long (Pessimist Productions) {1}: pm_e:10
- Sting: The Bridge () {1}: T:+
- Oliver St Louis: Matters of the Heartless (First Word) {1}: ws_s:11
- Strawberry Guy: Sun Outside My Window (Melodic) {1}: Mj:+
- Strawbs: Settlement (Cherry Red) {1}: AS:+
- Succumb: XXI (Caligari) {1}: Qt:49
- Suffering Hour: The Cyclic Reckoning () {1}: Hi:25
- Sultan + Shepard: Something Everything () {1}: da:+
- Moses Sumney: Live From Blackalachia () {1}: WG:29
- Super American: Sup () {1}: Alt:32
- Superstate: Superstate () {1}: DIY:+
- Susto: Time in the Sun () {1}: BS:21
- Swap Meet!: Hell () {1}: bc_c:+
- Matthew Sweet: Catspaw () {1}: Mj:+
- Matthew Sweet: Catspaw (Omnivore) {1}: am_k:+
- Max Syedtollan/Plus-Minus Ensemble: Four Assignments (Glarc) {1}: Qt:56
- Taking Meds: Terrible News From Wonderful Men (Smartpunk) {1}: BV_p:50
- Brendan Tallon: Love in These Times (Mercenary) {1}: HP:47
- Carter Tanton: Carter Tanton (Western Vinyl) {1}: Mj:+
- Tapes and Topographies: In Muted Forms (Shimmering Minds) {1}: YW:116
- Taraka: Welcome to Paradise Lost () {1}: Bc:+
- Katelyn Tarver: Subject to Change () {1}: Cl:+
- Andrew Tasselmyer: Piano Frameworks (Andrew Tasselmyer) {1}: YW:88
- Gloria Ann Taylor: Be Worthy (Ubiquity -EP) {1}: aqd:+
- Tot Taylor: Frisbee () {1}: RT:79
- T Bear: Fresh Bear Tracks (Quarto Valley) {1}: AS:+
- Team Scheisse: Ich Hab Dir Blumen Von Der Tankstelle Mitgebracht (Jetzt Wird Gekusst) () {1}: Zf:62
- Tears/OV: Pluto's Return (Bloxham Tapes) {1}: bc_x:+
- Tedeschi Trucks Band: Layla Revisited (Live at LOCKN) () {1}: ND_r:37
- Towa Tei: LP (Mach/Columbia) {1}: am_p:+
- Tekniq: Librah () {1}: DJM:+
- The Telephone Numbers: The Ballad of Doug () {1}: Hi:26
- The Telescopes: Songs of Love and Revolution (Tapete) {1}: BPM:+
- Texas: Hi (BMG) {1}: Al:34
- Thala: Adolescence () {1}: NBH:13
- Theoreme: Les Artisans (Maple Death) {1}: aqd:+
- The The: The Comeback Special () {1}: av_lm:20
- They Might Be Giants: BOOK () {1}: AD:+
- Chris Thile: Laysongs (Nonesuch) {1}: am_f:+
- Third Son: Retrograde (Polymath) {1}: -- nst:+
- Paul Thorn: Never Too Late to Call (Thirty Tigers) {1}: PM:+
- ThouxanBanFauni: Time of My Life (self-released) {1}: tgl:+
- Throwing Snow: Dragons (Houndstooth) {1}: MO:+
- Thunder: All The Right Noises () {1}: SoT:31
- Thurst: I'm Gen X () {1}: PO:+
- Tia Maria Producoes: Lei Da Tia Maria () {1}: vfk:+
- Tigercub: As Blue as Indigo (Blame) {1}: DIY:+
- Tightill: Strassenpop () {1}: Lt:47
- Tobacco City: Tobacco City USA (Scissor Tail) {1}: aqd:+
- Mia Doi Todd: Music Life () {1}: yal:+
- ToiToiToi: Vaganten (Ghost Box) {1}: aqd:+
- Tones and I: Welcome to the Madhouse (Elektra) {1}: am_p:+
- Toth: You and Me and Everything () {1}: npr_bb:6
- Toyah: Posh Pop (Edsel) {1}: RM:100
- The Transcendence Orchestra: All Skies Have Sounded (Editions Mego) {1}: Qt:28
- Treetop Flyers: Old Habits () {1}: GTV:99
- Trigaida: Elate (Etheraudio) {1}: Ec:25
- Triptides: Alter Echoes (Alive Naturalsound) {1}: AS:+
- Trophy Scars: Astral Pariah () {1}: Spk:23
- Ailsa Tully: Holy Isle () {1}: Gw:+
- Tulsa: Ese Extasis () {1}: Jp:32
- Turbulance: Turbulance (Cooperation) {1}: WS_j:41
- Turner: Daydream and Stars (Stoned Gospel) {1}: LW:45
- Molly Tuttle: But I'd Rather Be With You Too () {1}: ND_r:28
- Andrew Tuttle & Padang Food Tigers: A Cassowary Apart (Bedroom Suck) {1}: Mj:+
- Tuvaband: Growing Pains & Pleasures () {1}: Gw:+
- Twilight Archive: Recent Detours (Electrophonogram) {1}: Ec:27
- Ugly Shadows: EP (A World Divided) {1}: bc_p:+
- Undo K From Hot: GAS Get a Star () {1}: xnf:7
- Upper Wilds: Venus (Thrill Jockey) {1}: PM:+
- UQiYO: Tokyo Utopia (Namy&) {1}: pm_f:9
- Jan Van Angelopoulos: Streams (Terenga Beat) {1}: WS_j:43
- Vandalismus: Bombers From Burundi () {1}: Lt:36
- Sharon Van Etten: Epic Ten (Ba Da Bing) {1}: Top:23
- Vaudou Game: Noussin (Hot Casa) {1}: ws_f:12
- Alan Vega/Ben Vaughn/Barb Dwyer/Palmyra Delran: After Dark () {1}: AD:+
- Vels Trio: Celestial Greens (Rhythm Section International) {1}: WS_j:47
- The Velveteers: Nightmare Daydream (Easy Eye Sound) {1}: AS:+
- Vex: Average Minds Think Alike (self-released) {1}: LW:86
- James Vickery: Songs That Made Me Feel () {1}: Gw:+
- Raoul Vignal: Years in Marble () {1}: am_s:+
- Sonny Vincent: Snake Pit Therapy (Svart) {1}: LW:75
- Vindata: With Opened Eyes () {1}: vmp:+
- The Vintage Caravan: Monuments (Napalm) {1}: PM:+
- Rien Virgule: La Consolation Des Violettes (Murailles Music) {1}: Qt:67
- Visionist: A Call to Arms () {1}: MO:+
- Vistas: What Were You Hoping to Find? () {1}: Gw:+
- Volk: Cashville (Romanus) {1}: YW:49
- Dlina Volny: Dazed () {1}: GTV:52
- Steve Von Till: Harvestman: 23 Untitled Poems (Neurot) {1}: YW:111
- Ryley Walker & Kikagaku Moyo: Deep Fried Grandeur (Husky Pants) {1}: U:+
- Wallice: Off the Rails () {1}: otw:+
- Dillon Warnek: Now That It's All Over () {1}: rsjh:6
- PM Warson: True Story (Legere) {1}: ws_s:18
- Wasted Cathedral: I'm Gonna Love You 'Til the End of Time (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
- Andrew Wasylyk: Balgay Hill: Morning in Magnolia () {1}: Cl:+
- Sara Watkins: Under the Pepper Tree (New West) {1}: AS:+
- Wavves: Hideaway () {1}: DIY:+
- We Are Scientists: Huffy () {1}: Cl:+
- Wesley Stace: Late Style (Omnivore) {1}: PM:+
- White Denim: Crystal Bullets/King Tears (English Mallard) {1}: Pc:37
- The White Ring: Show Me Heaven () {1}: MO:+
- Harrison Whitford: Afraid of Nothing () {1}: atw:+
- The Wildhearts: 21st Century Love Songs (Graphite) {1}: K:45
- Sam Williams: Glasshouse Children () {1}: npr_ap:6
- Tomos Williams: Cwmwl Tystion (Ty Cerdd) {1}: tbm:18
- William the Conqueror: Maverick Thinker (Chrysalis) {1}: Mj:+
- Brian Wilson: At My Piano (Universal) {1}: HP:46
- Winds: Look at the Sky (Natural Music) {1}: aqd:+
- Wine Lips: Mushroom Death Sex Bummer Party () {1}: DaB:36
- Witch Fever: Reincarnate () {1}: Gw:+
- Wizkid: Made in Lagos () {1}: UPC:+
- Erik Wollo: Winter Tide (Projekt) {1}: Ec:23
- Michal Wolski & Grzegorz Bojanek: Oxygen (Minicromusic) {1}: YW:112
- Oliver Wood: Always Smilin' (Honey Jar/Thirty Tigers) {1}: AS:+
- Roddy Woomble: Lo! Soul () {1}: Sk:+
- Wooze: Get Me to a Nunnery () {1}: DIY:+
- Wretch 32: Little Big Man () {1}: Cl:+
- Evan Wright: Sound From Out the Window () {1}: Cl:+
- Wyldest: Monthly Friend () {1}: DIY:+
- X Ambassadors: The Beautiful Liar () {1}: am_a:+
- Yaima: Earth Trilogy One & Two (Yaima Music) {1}: Ec:26
- Nana Yamato: Before Sunrise (Dull Tools) {1}: GB:24
- Raed Yassin: Archeophony () {1}: W:43
- Yes/And: Yes/And () {1}: pf_u:+
- Yes: The Quest () {1}: UCR:37
- Li Yilei: ?/OF (Metron) {1}: Bc:+
- Xiola Yin: Self-Containd Illusion (The Peak) (Dinzu Artefacts) {1}: bc_x:+
- York: The SoulJazz Experience Vol 1 (Upper Level) {1}: ws_f:13
- The Young Hearts: The Modern State () {1}: Gw:+
- Y*O*U*N*G*M*A*N & Celestaphone: A Year of Octobers (Drumhex) {1}: YW:54
- Young MA: Off the Yak () {1}: av_nh:6
- Andrew Scott Young/Ryan Jewell/Ryley Walker: Post Wook (Husky Pants) {1}: aqd:+
- Young Slo-Be: Slo-Be Bryant 3 (KoldGreedy Entertainment/Thizzler on the Roof) {1}: PW:23
- Will Young: Crying on the Bathroom Floor () {1}: MO:+
- Ziur: Antifate () {1}: AD:+
- The Zolas: Come Back to Life (Light Organ) {1}: Ex:41
- Zopa: La Dolce Vita () {1}: rsjh:8
- Zo! & Tall Black Guy: Abstractions () {1}: am_r:+
- Pamela Z: A Secret Code () {1}: W:38
- Zuzu: Queensway Tunnel () {1}: DIY:+