Metacritic Aggregate: 2023 New Music: Hip-Hop


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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Billy Woods & Kenny Segal: Maps (Backwoodz Studioz) {201}: Alt:43, BPM:10, BV:2, BV_r:1, Cl:9, CM:24, CS:4, DW:30, EWi:20, Ex:7, Fa:4, Fld:7, G:14, GB:3, GTV:75, HG:3, HV:34, Ind:8, LBF:8, LCA:27, LQ:12, Mc:10, Mj:21, Ne:5, No:2, NPR:+, NPR_l:19, NR:2, NT:10, P:23, Pf:3, PM:25, PO:28, PW:3, Qt:60, Rf:18, RS:8, RSh:4, Rx:45, Sbd:36, SC:15, Sg:3, Sk:5, Sl:47, SLi:7, Spk:5, SpL:28, TH_n:4, Tr:2, TSG:5, UPC:8, UR:46, VF:+, W:24, XCI:41, XSP:4, Yb:43; am:+, am_h:+, atw:+, ay_h:1, g_e:1, p_h:+, pm_h:3, rs_h:3, sg_r:1, sl:+, so_d:13, so_k:3, ss_h:10, tmr:19+, tr_h:+, ts:10, vew:7, vmk:3, vrjs:+, vsk:+, vu:+, xbf:+, xco:5, xgh:10, xsp:4, yab:1, ydho:+, yjf:3, yjsp:1, ymm:4, ymr:24 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  2. JPEGMafia & Danny Brown: Scaring the Hoes (AWAL) {169}: Alt:30, AV:15, BB:48, BPM:18, BV:15, BV_r:3, C:12, CE:68, Cl:16, CM:37, CS:40, D:43, DIY:15, DW:4, EWi:4, Ex:5, Fa:5, G:34, GB:11, HG:2, HV:18, Ind:16, LBF:10, LQ:2, Mc:39, Mix:+, Ms:16, Ne:2, NME:15, No:8, NPR:+, NPR_l:16, NR:4, NT:27, P:38, PO:154, PW:2, Rf:36, Ri:13, RS:19, RT:22, Rx:31, SE:32, Sg:14, Sk:11, SLi:1, Spk:1, SpL:16, TO:11, Tr:22, TSG:10, UPC:22, UR:32, VF:+, XCI:4, XSP:2, Yb:21; am_h:+, atl:9, ay_e:2, ay_h:3, bc:+, ec:+, g_e:7, kf:9, mc_u:9, npr_kt:7, p_h:+, sg_r:10, sl:++, ss_h:6, tmr:+, tr_h:+, vah:7, vew:+, voh:7, xbf:+, xci:4, xgh:6, xjdc:10, xrt:4, xsp:2, xss:3, yb_h:11, ydho:+, yjsp:10, ysp:+, yst:4 -- RC:A, TH:*
  3. Noname: Sundial (self-released) {123}: 45:10, AV:17, BV:13, BV_r:2, C:24, Cl:45, Cmp:12, CS:21, DJ:11, DW:6, Dz:13, ES:6, EWi:38, Fa:34, G:17, HDX:9, HV:13, Jp:9, LBF:7, Mc:24, NPR:+, NPR_l:28, P:25, Pf:13, PM:14, PO:12, Qt:61, Ri:20, RS:13, RSh:7, SLi:26, SpL:40, TH_n:46, Up:+, UPC:15, Vb_h:5, VF:+, W:18, XWP:44, Yb:31; ap:+, asp:+, ay_h:7, bb_h:8, n_ap:6, jjm:4, ny_p:+, nyl:7, p_h:+, pm_h:1, rs_h:1, sg_r:3, ss_h:13, ti:7, tmr:+, up_h:+, vewe:5, vmk:8, voh:9, vu:5, xjd:4, xjlu:2, xpb:10, xrr:1, xwb:10, yb_h:3, yds:10, ymr:14, yst:+ -- RC:***, TH:A-
  4. Armand Hammer: We Buy Diabetic Test Strips (Fat Possum) {78}: Alt:36, BPM:14, BV:1, BV_r:1, C:47, Cl:24, DW:62, EWi:+, GB:23, HG:1, HV:8, Mc:26, Ne:11, No:20, NT:33, P:46, PM:23, PO:20, PW:3, Ri:7, RT:8, Sbd:27, Sl:34, SLi:19, Tr:4, TSG:23, UPC:51; am_h:+, ay_h:2, bc:+, bc_h:+, p_h:+, pm_h:2, sg_r:4, ss_h:20, tr_h:+, vu:6, xby:9, ycc:+, ymm:2 -- RC:B+, TH:***
  5. Danny Brown: Quaranta (Warp) {63}: BV:15, BV_r:3, CE:113, Cmp:44, DW:20, EWi:+, G:38, HDX:2, HG:8, HV:5, LBF:30, NT:30, PW:15, Qt:9, Rx:36, Sbd:11, Spk:31, TH_n:28, UPC:43, Why:8, XCI:26; am:+, am_h:+, ay_h:12, ny_p:8, p_h:+, ss_h:24, tmr:4+, tr_h:+, ts:13, vu:+, ydho:8, ymr:12, yst:7 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  6. Killer Mike: Michael (Loma Vista) {63}: BB:36, BS:4, Cmp:5, CS:36, D:14, DJ:47, ES:15, Esq:7, HDX:1, HG:29, Mx:7, NME:27, Pc:95, PO:73, S:+, Sbd:39, TSG:26, Up:+, UPC:77, Vb_h:1, Yb:49, YW:20; ay_h:13, ay_t:2, bb_h:1, lib:+, p_h:+, pm_h:12, ss_h:11, tmr:+, up_h:+, yb_h:1 -- RC:***, TH:***
  7. Lil Yachty: Let's Start Here (Quality Control Music/UMG) {51}: AV:6, BB:8, BPM:38, BS:3, C:17, Cmp:10, Esq:13, Ex:38, Fld:20, KC:6, NME:50, RS:4, RSh:12, RT:70, Up:+, UPC:26, Why:2, Yb:16; am_h:+, so_d:12, so_k:15, tmr:+, up_h:+, vrt:6, xem:8, yrr:3 -- RC:*, TH:*
  8. Ice Spice: Like . . ? [all editions] (10K Projects/Capitol -EP) {45}: BB:18, BV:21, BV_4, Cl:59, Cmp:9, DW:68, EWi:40, LAT:6, Pf:32, PO:191, RS:52, Rx:47, Sbd:17, Sl:21, TH_n:60, XSP:50; ay_t:9, bb_h:2, ny_c:2, p_h:+, pm_h:10, sg_r:8, tr_h:+, v_sh:4, vew:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  9. Doja Cat: Scarlet (Kemosabe/RCA) {43}: 45:22, BB:7, BV_r:9, Cl:38, Cmp:4, DW:72, EWi:+, NPR:+, PO:163, Rf:35, Sbd:31, Up:+, UPC:28, Vb_h:3, XCI:39; atw:+, bb_h:5, hpo:+, hyb:+, lib:+, sg_r:5, up_h:+, v_ja:3, xss:9, yb_h:6, ymr:35, yst:+ -- TH:***
  10. Earl Sweatshirt & the Alchemist: Voir Dire (ALC/Tan Cressida) {42}: BPM:50, BV_r:13, Cl:13, Cmp:21, CS:30, DW:37, Ex:20, HDX:7, HP:50, NME:26, PM:34, PW:13, RS:59, Sbd:6, Sg:12, SLi:37, Spk:38, Tr:18, UPC:67, Why:25; ae:5, am_h:+, ay_h:10, p_h:+, pm_h:9, rs_h:4, sg_r:7, tr_h:+, vu:+ -- TH:*
  11. Sexyy Red: Hood Hottest Princess (Heavy on It) {40}: BB:40, BV:42, BV_r:7, CE:131, Cmp:23, DW:33, Fa:13, Ne:20, NPR:+, Pf:41, PO:57, PW:42, RSh:20, Sg:46, Up:+, UPC:60, Vb_h:11, XCI:72; bb_h:6, hpo:+, ny_c:9, p_h:+, rs_h:5, sg_r:6, sl:+, up_h:+, vew:+, wi:+, wp:5, xjdc:+, yb_h:23 -- TH:*
  12. El Michels Affair & Black Thought: Glorious Game (Big Crown) {39}: Al:+, HDX:7, HG:13, KC:14, TH_n:6, TSG:48, Up:+, UR:67, Vb_h:8, XCI:47, XSP:27; am_h:+, ay_h:15, bv_i:+, p_h:+, pi:2, pm_h:6, ss_h:9, tmr:+, tr_h:+, up_h:+, xgm:11, xjlu:9, yb_h:25, ymr:36, ytb:6 -- TH:A-
  13. Sleaford Mods: UK Grim (Rough Trade) {39}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, L4:4, LQ:35, LW:34, Mj:37, MO:34, NT:40, Qt:45, RC:16, RT:26, S:+, U:68, Why:47, XSN:7; am:+, am_a:+, aqd:+, ay_h:5, bb6:+, vah:9, vjk:+, vkf:3, xwb:18, ygb:5, yrr:2 -- TH:***
  14. Buck 65: Super Dope (self-released) {34}: DW:24, EWi:27, PO:22, Rx:2, TH_n:11, XCI:17, XSP:35; jy:2, xbf:10, xde:+, xgh:4, xjc:4, xjlu:5, ydho:10, ymr:20, yst:+ -- RC:A, TH:A-
  15. Kaytramine [Amine/Kaytranada]: Kaytramine (Venice Music) {28}: BB:14, Cl:60, Cmp:41, Esq:5, Ex:34, Ind:23, LBF:41, Mix:+, NME:31, PO:119, RS:38, Up:+, UPC:55; ay_h:21, bb_q:+, bi:5, p_h:+, up_h:+, yb_h:2 -- TH:***
  16. Genesis Owusu: Struggler (Ourness/AWAL) {28}: CS:37, D:21, DJ:6, Gl:+, Jp:69, LW:92, Mx:2, Ne:12, NME:18, Sbd:45, WX:2; am:+, am_r:+, ay_ir:23, ay_r:20, so_k:8 -- TH:**
  17. Liv.e: Girl in the Half Pearl [all editions] (In Real Life) {27}: 45:24, Cl:31, DW:7, EWi:+, Ind:29, Mix:+, NR:19, Pf:39, PO:41, PW:14, Sg:38, Sl:50, UPC:82, W:32; am:+, am_r:+, bc:+, pf_p:+, vu:+, xjdc:+, xss:7 -- TH:**
  18. Kassa Overall: Animals (Warp) {26}: DB:+, JC:+, Mj:43, TSG:4; ay_h:17, ay_j:19, ayu_j:20, bv_j:+, jadh:8, jak:+, jbbr:4, am_j:+, jkm:10, jmmz:+, jpl:9, km:+, ny_u:3, pm_h:4, pm_j:+ -- TH:*
  19. Buck 65: Punk Rock B-Boy (self-released) {25}: DW:57, EWi:+, PO:13, Rx:39, SpL:36, TH_n:2, XCI:27; xjdc:5, xtj:3, ymr:37 -- RC:A-, TH:A
  20. Larry June and the Alchemist: The Great Escape (Empire) {25}: BV_r:15, Cmp:19, DJM:+, HDX:8, HG:7, PW:40, Ri:19, RS:91, Up:+, UPC:91, Vb_h:14; am_h:+, bb_h:12, p_h:+, up_h:+, yb_h:8 -- TH:*
  21. Little Simz: No Thank You (Forever Living Originals '22) {25}: 3v:5, Cmp:27, DJ:4, Pc:14, TH_n:25, UPC:89, Vb_h:20, XCI:43, XSP:45; ss_h:1, tr_h:+ -- RC:A-, TH:[A-]
  22. Veeze: Ganger (Navy Wavy) {25}: Cmp:16, DW:83, Fa:20, HDX:10, HV:28, Pf:35, PW:7, RS:39, Sg:33, UPC:37; bb_h:13, p_h:+, rs_h:2, sg_r:2, wp:2 -- TH:*
  23. Travis Scott: Utopia (Cactus Jack/Epic) {24}: BB:21, Cmp:3, Fp:+, HDX:5, HP:43, NPR_l:50, Up:+, UPC:70, Why:20; am_h:+, ay_t:7, bb_h:10, hyb:+, tmr:+, up_h:+ -- TH:**
  24. Aesop Rock: Integrated Tech Solutions (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {23}: DW:82, HG:4, Mx:17, PM:53, PO:30, PW:16, XCI:68; am:+, am_h:+, ay_h:16, pm_h:13, ss_h:23, tr_h:+, xpb:+, yjsp:2 -- TH:*
  25. Bad Bunny: Nadie Sabe Lo Que Va a Pasar Manana (Rimas Entertainment) {23}: BB:17, BV_r:8, Cmp:7, Jp:34, RS:32, TSG:3, UPC:53; am_l:+, ay_t:5, bb_l:+, hyb:+, tmr:+ -- TH:**
  26. McKinley Dixon: Beloved! Paradise! Jazz! (City Slang) {22}: BV_r:25, CS:7, EWi:+, LBF:13, Ne:25, P:3, RS:54, RT:90, SLi:40, Spk:32, UPC:65; ay_h:6, bc:+, p_h:+, tr_h:+ -- TH:*
  27. Gunna: A Gift & a Curse (YSL/300 Entertainment) {21}: BB:33, Cmp:1, RS:48, Up:+, UPC:72, Vb_h:2; ay_t:17, bb_h:4, rs_h:7, up_h:+ -- TH:***
  28. MIKE: Burning Desire (10K) {20}: BV:39, BV_r:6, Cmp:31, Ex:31, Fa:50, HG:26, Ne:45, PW:41, Spk:34, TO:13, UPC:30; am:+, am_h:+, p_h:+, rs_h:10, ss_h:21, tr_h:+ -- TH:*
  29. Metro Boomin: Heroes & Villains [all editions] (Boominati/Republic) {19}: Cmp:8, Esq:10, HDX:3, Up:+, UPC:99, Vb_h:4; up_h:+ -- TH:**
  30. Jim Legxacy: Homeless N*gga Pop Music ((!)) {18}: C:1, Cmp_U:7, Dz:14, Fa:46, G:422, GB:25, Mix:+, PW:9; p_h:+ -- TH:B
  31. Nas: Magic 3 (Mass Appeal) {17}: Al:+, DJ:36, HDX:4, HG:28, Vb_h:9, YW:14; ss_h:18, xsm:5 -- TH:**
  32. CASisDEAD: Famous Last Words (XL) {15}: Cl:18, Cmp_U:10, DJM:+, Dz:19, LBF:11, Mix:+, RT:73, SLi:45 -- TH:**
  33. Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday 2 (Young Money/Republic) {15}: Cmp:42, Pap:+, Rx:69, TH_n:64; atw:+, vg:+, xjdc:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  34. Navy Blue: Ways of Knowing (Def Jam) {15}: BV_r:24, Cl:39, HG:24, Mix:+, Ne:50, PW:48, TH_n:19; am_h:+, ss_h:7, tr_h:+ -- TH:A-
  35. Blockhead: The Aux (Backwoodz Studioz) {14}: BV_r:20, CE:144, HG:5, PW:49; yng:1 -- TH:***
  36. IceColdBishop: Generational Curse (Epic) {14}: BPM:37, BV:37, BV_r:5, DW:58, HG:40, PO:86, TH_n:32 -- TH:A-
  37. Mick Jenkins: The Patience () {14}: BV_r:16, LBF:16, NPR:+, Rf:41, Vb_h:19; p_h:+, ss_h:14, yb_h:4 -- TH:**
  38. Beneficence & Jazz Spastiks: Summer Night Sessions () {13}: EWi:+, HG:10, TH_n:3 -- TH:A
  39. J Hus: Beautiful and Brutal Yard (Black Butter) {13}: BV_r:11, Cmp_U:3, LBF:32, Mix:+, PO:167, Up:+, Why:34; ay_h:19, up_h:+
  40. MC Yallah: Yallah Beibe (Hakuna Kulala) {13}: Mix:+, Qt:29, Ri:26, TH_n:50; am_h:+, bc:+, pm_h:7, xgm:28, tr_h:+ -- TH:A-
  41. Paris Texas: Mid Air (Paris Texas) {12}: CS:12, LBF:37, LQ:20, Ms:24, NME:37, UPC:100; ay_h:24, cdm:9, p_d:8, vu:+
  42. Young Nudy: Gumbo (RCA) {12}: Cmp:25, DW:65, RS:22, Vb_h:15; ay_h:14, ay_t:3, am_h:+, sg_u:9, vu:+ -- TH:*
  43. Drake: For All the Dogs [all editions] (OVO Sound) {11}: BB:50, Cmp:22, RS:35, Vb_h:10; ay_t:18, bb_h:20, ny_c:12, rs_h:6, tmr:+ -- TH:B
  44. Lil Uzi Vert: Pink Tape (Generation Now/Atlantic) {11}: DW:14, HV:7, Up:+, Why:44; ay_t:12, up_h:+ -- TH:**
  45. Offset: Set It Off (Motown) {11}: Cmp:15, Up:+, Vb_h:7; ay_t:8, bb_h:9, up_h:+, yb_h:24 -- TH:*
  46. Skyzoo & the Other Guys: The Mind of a Saint (First Generation Rich) {11}: HG:18, NR:41, Up:+; pm_h:15, ss_h:2, up_h:+ -- TH:***
  47. Ken Carson: A Great Chaos (Opium/Interscope) {10}: Cmp:29, DW:28, Sl:15; p_h:+, rs_h:8, wp:3 -- TH:**
  48. Open Mike Eagle: Another Triumph of Ghetto Engineering (Auto Reverse) {10}: BV_r:22, PO:206, PW:22; bc_h:+, p_h:+, ss_h:16, tmr:+ -- TH:***
  49. Oddisee: To What End (Outer Note) {10}: HG:12, Up:+; pm_h:11, ss_h:3, up_h:+ -- TH:***
  50. Dave and Central Cee: Split Decision (Neighbourhood -EP) {9}: Cmp:18; bb_h:7, ymr:40 -- RC:B+, TH:**
  51. Elzhi X Oh No: Heavy Vibrato (Nature Sounds) {9}: HG:19, TH_n:12; ss_h:25 -- TH:A-
  52. Nas: Magic 2 (Mass Appeal) {9}: Al:+, Cmp:40, HG:43; am_h:+, ay_h:25, tmr:+, yb_h:9 -- TH:**
  53. Shabazz Palaces: Robed in Rareness (Sub Pop) {9}: BV_r:12, GB:48, PO:113; pm_h:8 -- RC:***, TH:*
  54. Slowthai: Ugly (Method/Universal) {9}: Ind:46, Jp:44, On:48, TH_n:68; ay_h:11 -- TH:A-
  55. Westside Gunn: And Then You Pray for Me (Griselda/Empire) {9}: BV_r:18, Vb_h:13; ay_t:6, bb_h:15, rs_h:9 -- TH:**
  56. Tanner Adell: Buckle Bunny (Columbia) {8}: CE:87, TL:58; ny_c:13, spt:9, xjb:+ -- TH:***
  57. Czarface: Czartificial Intelligence (Silver Age/Virgin) {8}: HG:16, TH_n:44, YW:40 -- TH:A-
  58. Maxo: Even God Has a Sense of Humor (Def Jam) {8}: BV_r:14, Qt:92; pm_h:18, ss_h:5, tmr:+, tr_h:+
  59. Skech185 & Jeff Markey: He Left Nothing for the Swim Back (Backwoodz Studioz) {8}: HG:25; bc_h:_+, pm_h:14, ss_h:4, tr_h:+ -- TH:**
  60. Stik Figa X the Expert: Ritual (Rucksack) {8}: HG:15, TH_n:15 -- TH:A-
  61. Wiki & Tony Seltzer: 14k Figaro (Wikset Enterprise) {8}: BV:39, BV_6, Ne:38 -- TH:***
  62. Apollo Brown & Planet Asia: Sardines (Mello Music Group) {7}: HG:6; ss_h:17 -- TH:***
  63. Headie One & K-Trap: Strength to Strength () {7}: Cmp_U:1 -- TH:**
  64. Homeboy Sandman: I Can't Sell These Either (self-released) {7}: DW:61, PO:140, TH_n:42 -- TH:A-
  65. Kid Abstrakt & Leo Low Pass: Still Dreaming (Melting Pot Music) {7}: HG:41, TH_n:62; xgm:26 -- TH:A-
  66. Lil Wayne: Tha Fix Before Tha VI (Young Money) {7}: DW:46, Rx:72, XCI:45 -- RC:A-, TH:B
  67. Tkay Maidza: Sweet Justice (4AD) {7}: 45:30, BV_r:10, SLi:15 -- TH:**
  68. The Streets: The Darker the Shadow the Brighter the Light (679/Warner Music UK) {7}: HP:48, Why:22; am_h:+, tmr:10+ -- TH:**
  69. Avelino: God Save the Streets (More Music/OddChild Music) {6}: I:20; pm_h:5 -- TH:**
  70. Chika: Samson: The Album () {6}: DJ:24, Up:+, Vb_h:6; up_h:+
  71. Chino XL & Stu Bangas: God's Carpenter (Brutal Music/1332) {6}: HG:30, TH_n:30 -- TH:A-
  72. Fatboi Sharif & Steel Tipped Dove: Decay () {6}: BV_r:23, HG:17; bc_h:+, ss_h:12, tr_h:+ -- B-
  73. Kool Keith & Real Bad Man: Serpent (Real Bad Man) {6}: HG:9 -- TH:***
  74. MIKE/Wiki/The Alchemist: Faith Is a Rock (ALC) {6}: BV:39, BV_r:6; v_sh:6 -- TH:*
  75. Rainy Miller/Space Afrika: A Grisaille Wedding (Fixed Abode) {6}: Dz:11, GB:22, Ind:19, Mix:+ -- TH:B
  76. Potter Payper: Real Back in Style () {6}: Cl:56, Cmp_U:2, Why:38
  77. Rasheed Chappell & the Arcitype: Sugar Bills () {5}: HG:47 -- TH:A-
  78. Kofi Flexxx: Flowers in the Dark (Native Rebel) {5}: BA:+; am_j:+, bc:+, ry_j:+, ymh:9
  79. Gloss Up: Before the Gloss Up (Quality Control) {5}: DW:16 -- TH:***
  80. Gloss Up: Shades of Gloss (Quality Control) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  81. Homeboy Sandman: Rich (Dirty Looks) {5}: tmr:+ -- RC:**, TH:**
  82. Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz: Welcome 2 Collegrove () {5}: Cmp:46, DW:41; ay_t:14, bb_h:17, yb_h:16
  83. Neak: Die Wurzel (self-released) {5}: HG:20; nlm:6 -- TH:**
  84. Quavo: Rocket Power (Quality Control/Motown) {5}: Up:+, Vb_h:12; ay_t:11, up_h:+
  85. Jae Skeese: Abolished Uncertainties () {5}: ss_h:8 -- TH:A-
  86. AJ Suede & Televangel: Parthian Shots (Fake Four) {5}: HG:14; yjsp:3 -- TH:*
  87. That Mexican OT: Lonestar Luchador (Manifest/Good Talk/Good Money Global) {5}: PO:213, Up:+; up_h:+ -- TH:**
  88. Don Toliver: Love Sick (Cactus Jack/Atlantic) {5}: Cmp:33, Up:+; am_r:+, bb_r:7, yb_h:20 -- TH:B
  89. Young Thug: Business Is Business (Atlantic) {5}: Vb_h:18; ay_t:13 -- TH:**
  90. 6lack: Since I Have a Lover (Interscope) {4}: am_r:+, yb_r:12 -- TH:**
  91. Atmosphere: So Many Other Realities Exist Simultaneously (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {4}: HG:59 -- TH:***
  92. Atmosphere: Talk Talk EP (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {4}: TSG:19 -- TH:**
  93. B Cool-Aid: Leather Blvd (Lex) {4}: HG:44, PW:46, W:38 -- TH:*
  94. Big Freedia: Central City (Queen Diva) {4}: PO:21, YW:57; am_h:+, so_d:6 -- TH:B-
  95. Bktherula: LVL5 P1 (Warner -EP) {4}: -- RC:***, TH:*
  96. Conway the Machine: Won't He Do It (Drumwork/Empire) {4}: Cmp:48; yb_h:10 -- TH:**
  97. Chuck D as Mistachuck: We Wreck Stadiums: Homage to Rap & Baseball Heroes (SpitSLAM) {4}: tmr:+ -- TH:***
  98. Four Elements & Beyond: Clock the Chemistry (Four Elements & Beyond) {4}: HG:22 -- TH:***
  99. Nick Grant: Sunday Dinner () {4}: Vb_h:16; ss_h:19, yb_h:7
  100. Jack Harlow: Jackman (Generation Now/Atlantic) {4}: Up:+; bb_h:19, up_h:+ -- TH:*
  101. Ja'king the Divine: Parables of the Sower (Copenhagen Crates) {4}: HG:54 -- TH:***
  102. Key Glock: Glockoma 2 (Paper Route Empire) {4}: Cmp:11, Ne:47; bb_h:18
  103. Kool Keith: Black Elvis 2 (Mello Music Group) {4}: HG:48; am_h:+ -- TH:**
  104. Talib Kweli & Madlib: Liberation 2 (Luminary) {4}: HG:35 -- TH:***
  105. Madlib/Meyhem Lauren/DJ Muggs: Champagne for Breakfast () {4}: HG:32 -- TH:***
  106. Phiik & Lungs [aka Lonesword]: Another Planet 4 (Tase Grip/Break All) {4}: PW:10 -- TH:*
  107. Rae Sremmurd: Sremm 4 Life (EarDruma/Interscope) {4}: HV:32, RS:95; ay_t:10 -- TH:*
  108. Recognize Ali: Back to Mecca II (Greenfield Music) {4}: HG:23 -- TH:***
  109. Rome Streetz: Wasn't Built in a Day (De Rap Winkel) {4}: HG:11, PO:121 -- TH:*
  110. Shaheed & DJ Supreme: The Art of Throwing Darts (Communicating Vessels) {4}: HG:46 -- TH:***
  111. V Knuckles & Phoniks: The Next Chapter (Don't Sleep) {4}: HG:56 -- TH:***
  112. Rod Wave: Nostalgia () {4}: LAT:14; bb_h:14, yb_h:12
  113. Alaska & Steel Tipped Dove: The Structural Dynamics of Flow (Fused Arrow) {3}: HG:49 -- TH:**
  114. Black Milk: Everybody Good? () {3}: HG:60; tmr:+ -- TH:*
  115. Buck 65/Doseone/Jel: North American Adonis (Handsmade) {3}: -- TH:***
  116. Natanael Cano: Nata Montana (Warner Music Latina) {3}: bb_l:+, ny_c:+, pf_l:+
  117. City Girls: Raw (Quality Control/Motown) {3}: PO:175 -- TH:**
  118. Day Tripper: What a Time to Be Dead () {3}: HG:31 -- TH:**
  119. Kari Faux: Real B*tches Don't Die! (Drink Sum Wtr) {3}: PO:54; bc:+ -- TH:*
  120. T Fernandez: Once Upon a Melody () {3}: nlm:1
  121. Gaika: Drift (Big Dada) {3}: DJM:+, Mix:+, W:36
  122. Boldy James/Rich Gains: Indiana Jones (self-released) {3}: HG:34 -- TH:**
  123. JustVibez + Negro Justice: Art of the Craft (self-released) {3}: HG:21 -- TH:**
  124. Kill Bill: The Rapper: Fullmetal Kaiju (Exociety) {3}: PO:130 -- TH:**
  125. Kojaque: Phantom of the Afters () {3}: HP:7
  126. Logic: College Park (Three Oh One/BMG) {3}: HG:39, YW:69 -- TH:*
  127. Lyrics Born: Vision Board (Mobile Home -22) {3}: Rx:75, XCI:64, XSP:51 -- TH:[A-]
  128. Metro Boomin: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse [Soundtrack From & Inspired by the Motion Picture] (Boominati/Republic) {3}: BB:43, Yb:35 -- TH:*
  129. Vinnie Paz: All Are Guests in the House of God (Iron Tusk Music) {3}: HG:37 -- TH:**
  130. Post Malone: Austin (Island) {3}: LAT:20, Why:28
  131. Raw Poetic [& Damu the Fudgemunk]: Away Back In (Def Presse) {3}: HG:58 -- TH:**
  132. Jay Royale: Criminal Discourse (self-released) {3}: HG:33 -- TH:**
  133. Vayda: Breeze () {3}: C:7
  134. Bob Vylan: Bob Vylan Presents the Price of Life (Ghost Theatre -22) {3}: PO:134 -- RC:**, TH:[A-]
  135. Jay Worthy & Roc Marciano: Nothing Bigger Than the Program (GDF/Marci Enterprises/Empire) {3}: BV_r:17, PW:26
  136. Yungmorpheus & Real Bad Man: The Chalice & the Blade (Real Bad Man) {3}: HG:52 -- TH:**
  137. $ilkmoney: I Don't Give a Fuck About This Rap Shit, Imma Just Drop Until I Don't Feel Like It Anymore (DB$B -22) {2}: SpL:32, XCI:42 -- TH:[**]
  138. 705: 7:05 () {2}: nlm:5
  139. AntsLive: Just a Matter of Time (Payday) {2}: C:32, Mix:+
  140. Babyface Ray: Summer's Mine () {2}: bb_h:16, vu:+
  141. BigXthaPlug: Amar (United Masters) {2}: PW:25 -- TH:*
  142. Mykki Blanco: Postcards From Italia (Transgressive, EP) {2}: p_h:+ -- TH:*
  143. Blxst & Binuo Rideaux: Sixtape 3 () {2}: Up:+; up_h:+
  144. Buck 65: 14 KT Gold (self-released -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  145. Che Noir: Noir or Never (Poetic -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  146. Chucky Smash: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three () {2}: HG:51 -- TH:*
  147. Defprez: It's Always a Time Like This (Closed Sessions -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  148. Digga D: Back to Square One () {2}: Cmp_U:16
  149. Drakeo the Ruler & Ralfy the Plug: A Cold Day in Hell () {2}: PW:12
  150. Giggs: Zero Tolerance () {2}: Cmp_U:18
  151. Grouptherapy: I Was Mature for My Age but I Was Still a Child () {2}: Ne:16
  152. H31R: Head Space () {2}: bc_h:+, tr_h:+
  153. Thyra Hilden: Lucid Dreampop () {2}: nlm:2
  154. M Huncho: My Neighbours Don't Know () {2}: Cmp_U:19
  155. Wesley Joseph: Glow (Secretly Canadian -EP) {2}: ay_h:8, ay_r:21 -- TH:B
  156. King Kashmere & Alecs DeLarge: The Album to End All Alien Abductions (High Focus) {2}: HG:38 -- TH:*
  157. Kota the Friend: To See a Sunset () {2}: yb_h:5
  158. Lil Durk: Almost Healed (Alamo) {2}: EWi:+; ay_t:15
  159. Lil Tjay: 222 (Columbia) {2}: -- TH:**
  160. Vic Mensa: Victor (Roc Nation) {2}: XCI:70 -- TH:*
  161. Haviah Mighty: Crying Crystals (Mighty Gang) {2}: PO:110 -- TH:**
  162. Mike Body: Man Myth Legend () {2}: nlm:3
  163. MIST: Redemption () {2}: Cmp_U:17
  164. Nappy Nina: Morning Due (LucidHaus) {2}: BV_r:21; pm_h:19
  165. Papo2oo4 & Subjxct 5: PAP on PEDs () {2}: BV_r:19
  166. Popcaan: Great Is He (OVO Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  167. Princess Nokia: I Love You but This Is Goodbye (Arista -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  168. Rome Streetz: Noise Kandy 5 () {2}: Vb_h:17
  169. RXKNephew & Harry Fraud: Life After Neph () {2}: PW:47, Ri:25
  170. Sketch185 & Jeff Markey: He Left Nothing for the Swim Back (Backwoodz Studioz) {2}: -- TH:**
  171. Spectacular Diagnostics: Raw Lessons (Rucksack) {2}: HG:36; bc_h:+
  172. Speech Debelle: Sunday Dinner on a Monday () {2}: YW:55; am_h:+
  173. Temps: Party Gator Purgatory () {2}: ay_h:18, p_h:+
  174. TOBi: Panic (Same Plate Entertainment/RCA) {2}: Ex:30; yb_h:22
  175. Luh Tyler: My Vision (Motion Music/Atlantic) {2}: Up:+; up_h:+
  176. Valee & Harry Fraud: Virtuoso (Srfschl/Fake Shore Drive) {2}: PW:28, Ri:25
  177. Samuel Vincent: Rivalry () {2}: nlm:4
  178. Yungmorpheus: From Whence It Came () {2}: bc_h:+, ynn:7
  179. 03 Greedo & Mike Free: Free 03 (Alamo) {1}: PW:21
  180. Ausar: I Now Know () {1}: yb_h:15
  181. Big O: In the Company of Others (Vintage Soundz) {1}: HG:42
  182. Big Scarr: The Secret Weapon (1017/Atlantic) {1}: am_h:+
  183. Blanco: Rebourne () {1}: Cmp_U:24
  184. Lola Brooke: Dennis Daughter () {1}: yb_h:21
  185. Buscrates: Control Center (Bastard Jazz) {1}: pm_h:16
  186. Busta Rhymes: Blockbusta () {1}: ay_t:16
  187. Nia Chennai: Diary Is a Waste of Paper () {1}: nlm:8
  188. Clavish: Rap Game Awful (Polydor/Universal) {1}: Mix:+
  189. Dazegxd & Quinn: DSX.FM (DeadAir -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  190. Deante' Hitchcock: Once Upon a Time () {1}: yb_h:13
  191. Declaime & Theory Hazit: Rocketman () {1}: HG:57
  192. Destroy Lonely: If Looks Could Kill () {1}: bb_h:11
  193. Sonny Digital: Dolores Son () {1}: yb_h:17
  194. DJ Muggs: Soul Assassins 3: Death Valley (Soul Assassins) {1}: Mix;+
  195. DPR Ian: Dear Insanity () {1}: am_h:+
  196. Eleanor: A Late Bloom () {1}: nlm:10
  197. Mike Flips/Nord1kone/Seize: Life Cycles () {1}: HG:53
  198. Gucci Mane: Breath of Fresh Air () {1}: am_h:+
  199. Harrison: Birds, Bees, the Clouds & the Trees (Last Gang) {1}: Ex:50
  200. Hit-Boy & Big Hit: Surf or Drown Vol 2 () {1}: yb_h:19
  201. Hotel 1105: D2X () {1}: ss_h:15
  202. IDK: F65 () {1}: yb_h:14
  203. Jaboukie: All Who Can't Hear Must Feel () {1}: p_h:+
  204. Jeezy: I Might Forgive . . . but I Don't Forget () {1}: yb_h:18
  205. Jehst: Mork Calling Orson (YNR Productions) {1}: pm_h:17
  206. Jovian: Jovian 2000 AD () {1}: nlm:9
  207. King Vision Ultra: Shook World () {1}: bc_h:+
  208. Kipp Stone: 66689 Blvd Prequel () {1}: p_h:+
  209. Lady London: SOUL () {1}: up_h:+
  210. Lapgan: History (Veena Sounds) {1}: -- TH:*
  211. Lil Tecca: TEC () {1}: Cmp:50
  212. Mach-Hommy/Tha God Fahim: Notorious Dump Legends Vol 2 (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  213. Macklemore: Ben (Bendore) {1}: am_h:+
  214. Kenny Mason: 3 (RCA, EP) {1}: vu:+
  215. Kenny Mason: 6 (RCA) {1}: vu:+
  216. Russ Millions: One of a Kind (One of a Kind) {1}: pm_h:20
  217. Moka Only: In and of Itself (Urbnet) {1}: HG:55
  218. Myst Milano: Beyond the Uncanny Valley (Halocline Trance) {1}: Ex:37
  219. Estee Nack: Nacksaw Jim Duggan () {1}: HG:50
  220. Niontay: Demon Muppy () {1}: tr_h:+
  221. Nosaj From New Kingdom & Steel Tipped Dove: House of Disorder (Fused Arrow) {1}: bc_h:+
  222. Joel Ortiz & L'Orange: Signature (Mello Music) {1}: YW:58
  223. Q: Soul, Present (Columbia) {1}: yb_r:17
  224. Real Bad Man & Blu: Bad News (Real Bad Men) {1}: tr_h:+
  225. Rick Ross & Meek Mill: Too Good to Be True () {1}: Cmp:39
  226. RXKNephew & DJ Rude One: The Onederful Nephew () {1}: vdcm:10
  227. Sampa the Great: As Above, So Below (Loma Vista) {1}: Pc:75
  228. Showtime Ramon: Venom Drip () {1}: nlm:7
  229. Sideshow: 2mm Don't Just Stand There! (10K) {1}: Mix:+
  230. Guilty Simpson: Escalation (Uncommon) {1}: HG:45; ae:23
  231. Sleepy Hallow: Boy Meets World () {1}: am_h:+
  232. Smoke DZA & Flying Lotus: Flying Objects (The Smoker's Club -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  233. Vince Staples: Ramona Park Broke My Heart (Blacksmith/Motown -22) {1}: XCI:65 -- TH:[**]
  234. Cisco Swank: More Better () {1}: p_h:+
  235. Earl Sweatshirt: Sick! (Warner '22) {1}: Pc:88 -- TH:[*]
  236. Tha God Fahim & Mach-Hommy: Notorious Dump Legends: Volume 2 () {1}: Fa:38
  237. TisaKorean: Let Me Update My Status (Jazzzy) {1}: PW:39 -- TH:B
  238. Valee X MVW: Valeedation () {1}: vbc:8
  239. Reuben Vincent: Love Is War (Jamla/Roc Nation) {1}: pm_h:21
  240. Paul Wall & Termanolog: Start Finish Repeat () {1}: ss_h:22
  241. Chester Watson: Fish Don't Climb Trees (POW) {1}: bc_h:+
  242. WiFiGawd: Been Bout It () {1}: wp:10
  243. Yeat: AfterLyfe (TwizzyRich/Geffen) {1}: Cmp:38