Metafile: 2012 New Records

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This is boilerplate . . .


Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Frank Ocean: Channel Orange (Def Jam) {422}: MC(92/46), AbP:90, AC:89, AM:90(2), AS:(19), AV:100(1), BB:94(1), BBC:80(2), BG:80, Blr:90, BPM:91(4), Cl:90(3), CMG:86(25), CMJ:80, CS:100(1), CT:88(1), DA:90, DIY:(5), DJB:90, DS:90(11), EW:83(1), Ex:80(2), F:95(2), Fa:80(16), Fix:90, Fly:100(3), G:100(1), Gw:(2), HDX:80, IS:80, LAT:(1), LBF:90(5), M:80(2), Mi:91(4), Mix:(21), MO:90(1), NME:(3), Now:100(1), NR:(6), NYT, Ob:80(5), Ok:88, P:87(1), Pf:95(2), Ph:100, PM:80(1), PMA:100(2), Pot:100(2), Q:80(), Qs:90, RR:80, RS:80(2), S:90(1), Sg:(2), Sl:90(1), Spk:80(11), St:100(3), T:100, TMT:80(12), U:80(5), UR:90(11), UT:88, W:(45); CM, ExW:(2), JG:**(11), SFJ:(*), RC:A-(40), MT:A, TH:A-; V[1-170-1952]
  2. Kendrick Lamar: Good Kid, Maad City (Top Dawg/Aftermath/Interscope) {312}: MC(91/29), AM:90(4), AV:83(11), BB:(2), BBC:80(1), BG:90, Blr:80(5), BPM:(7), Cl:(14), CMG:(5), CMJ:80, CS:100(3), CT:88(2), DJB:100, DS:(16), Du:80, EW:91(8), Ex:100(1), F:(4), Fa:100(1), G:80(5), HDX:90(), LAT:88(2), Mi:91(5), MO:(79), NME:(44), Now:100(2), NR:80(1), NYT, Ob:80, Ok:94(6), P:(18), Pf:95(1), PM:90(9), PMA:100(3), Pot:90(1), Px:95, Qs:(46), RR:80, RS:80(6), S:80, Sg:(3), Spk:(19), St:(16), TMT:(20), UR:(63), W:(23), XXL:100; ExW:(4), JG:**(20), SFJ:(*), RC:A-(17), TH:A-; V[2-126-1461]
  3. Tame Impala: Lonerism (Modular) {266}: MC(88/32), AbP:80, AM:90(13), AS:(37), ATH:80(23), AV:91, BBC:(21), Bl:90(8), Blr:80, Bow:83(3), BPM:86(5), Cl:90(13), CMJ:80, CS:(41), CT:(3), DIY:90(12), DS:80(69), Ex:90(6), F:89(1), Fly:80(10), G:100(6), Gw:(21), IS:90, LBF:90(34), M:80(12), Mg:75, Mi:83, MO:80(2), NME:90(1), Now:80(7), NR:90(2), P:75(16), Pf:90(4), Ph:88, PM:80(7), PMA:91(4), Pot:(6), Px:90, Q:80(), Qs:80, S:(26), Sg:(11), Spk:(49), St:(5), TMT:80, U:80(11), UR:80(2); ExW:(50), RC:**, TH:B; V[6-56-589]
  4. Fiona Apple: The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do (Clean Slate/Epic) {240}: MC(89/34), AM:90(3), AS:80(17), AV:100(5), BB:92, BBC:90, BG:90, Bow:80, BPM:83(31), CMG:87(2), CS:90(2), CT:88, DS:(6), Ex:80(10), EW:100(2), F:(17), Fa:80, G:(38), LAT:100(3), LBF:90, M:80, Mg:95, Mi:91, MO:90, NME:80, Now:80(5), NR:90(5), NYT, P:84(4), Pf:90(3), Ph:88, PM:(3), PMA:100(1), Pot:80(4), Px:85, RS:70(5), S:80(16), Sg:(1), Sl:80, Spk:90(18), St:80, TMT:80(44), U:80, UR:90(8); ExW:(10), JG:**(34), SFJ:(*), RC:A-(15), MT:A, TH:A-; V[3-101-1124]
  5. Grimes: Visions (4AD) {227}: MC(80/42), AM:80(1), AV:91, BBC:80, Bl:90(2), Bow:85(12), BPM:78, Cl:80(5), CMG:86(2), CS:(17), DA:80, DIY:80(2), DS:(37), Du:70, EW:83, Ex:80(5), F:86(3), Fa:(26), Fly:80(2), G:80(2), Gw:80(19), M:80(34), Mi:83(38), Mix:(8), MO:90(24), NME:80(2), Now:80, NR:80(15), NYT:80, P:(50), Pf:85(6), PM:80(11), PMA:91(8), Pot:(29), Px:80, Q:80(), Qs:80, RA:80(12), RS:(33), S:70, Sg:(26), Sk:80(3), Sl:70, Spk:90(15), St:80(4), TMT:80(11), U:(17), UR:(10), XL:90(21); ExW:(54), TH:*; V[9-51-482]
  6. Grizzly Bear: Shields (Warp) {226}: MC(86/36), AbP:93, AC:78, AM:80(38), AS:90, ATH:90(9), AV:91(14), BBC:80(25), BG:80, Bl:(7), Bow:85(7), BPM:78, Cl:80(10), CS:90(40), DA:90, DIY:(39), DS:80(44), Ex:(39), F:88, Fly:80(13), G:80(14), Gw:(33), LBF:(31), M:80(43), Mg:80(19), Mi:91(21), MO:90(64), NME:(17), NR:(10), NYT, Ob:(4), P:84(25), Pf:91(10), Ph:88, PM:90(19), PMA:91(6), Pot:80, Px:75, Q:80(), RS:80(35), S:80(17), Sg:(16), Spk:100(39), St:80(22), U:80(8), UR:85(9); ExW:(70), TH:B-; V[26-32-273]
  7. Japandroids: Celebration Rock (Polyvinyl) {220}: MC(83/33), AbP:92, AC:78, AP:90(3), AV:100(2), BBC:80, Bl:80(70), Blr:80, Bow:75, BPM:87(32), CMG:85(45), CS:90(8), CT:88(6), DIY:(4), DS:80(42), Du:80, EW:(3), Ex:80(9), Fly:80, Gw:(9), LAT:(5), LBF:90(7), Mg:(6), Mi:83, MO:80, NR:(13), P:(8), Pf:88(11), Ph:88, PM:80(2), PMA:91(5), Px:80, Qs:80, RkS:(23), RS:80(9), S:90(3), Sg:(7), Sl:90(7), Spk:80(20), St:80, TMT:80, U:(45), UR:(46); CM, ExW:(11), JG:*, YW, RC:A-(39), MT:***, TH:**; V[4-76-948]
  8. Beach House: Bloom (Sub Pop) {209}: MC(80/31), AM:80(22), AS:80, ATH:(16), AV:91, BB:(6), BBC:80, Bl:80(37), Blr:80, BPM:86(25), CMG:82(6), CS:90(7), DA:80, DIY:80(45), DS:(90), Du:80, Ex:(19), F:88(10), Fly:80(32), G:(36), IS:80, LBF:(29), M:(40), Mg:(3), Mi:91, MO:80(36), NME:(22), NR:(23), NYT:80, P:80(9), Pf:91(7), Ph:80, PM:100(4), PMA:83(15), Pot:(12), Px:90, Q:(), RS:70(28), S:80, Sg:(27), St:80, U:80, UR:80(3); ExW:(29), JG:**(12), RC:A-(41), MT:A-, TH:B; V[10-43-439]
  9. Jack White: Blunderbuss (Third Man/Columbia) {201}: MC(83/44), AC:78, AM:80(36), AP:80, AS:(21), AV:83(6), BB:95, BG:80, Bl:(54), Buf:88, Cl:80(11), CT:88, DIY:80(13), DS:80, EW:75, F:90(19), G:100(29), Gw:90(50), I:80, IS:80, LAT:80, M:100(1), Mg:(17), Mi:83, MO:90(21), NME:80(10), NR:(25), Ob:80(9), P:80(15), Pf:78, Ph:88, PM:(14), PMA:100(13), Q:80(), RS:90(3), S:80(35), Sl:70(10), Spk:80, St:80(7), T:100, TMT:90, U:80(3), UT:75; ExW:(30), JG:*, YW, RC:A-(90), MT:B+, TH:**; V[13-41-387]
  10. Swans: The Seer (Young God) {191}: MC(86/27), AC:89, AM:90(43), AV:100(7), BBC:(15), Bl:(45), Bow:(24), BPM:90(10), Cl:(22), CMG:90(1), CS:90(5), DIY:(32), DS:100(3), Du:90, Ex:(27), Fa:100(9), G:80, IS:80, LAT:(9), LBF:90, M:80, Mg:(7), Mi:75(3), MO:(35), NME:80, Now:80, NR:100(4), P:76, Pf:90(5), PM:80(5), PMA:(52), Px:90, RS:70, Qs:(1), S:80(7), Sg:(4), Sk:80, Sl:80(12), Spk:100(1), St:(55), TMT:100(3), UR:75(29), W:(39); JG:X, SFJ:(*), TH:B-; V[7-52-553]
  11. Dirty Projectors: Swing Lo Magellan (Domino) {187}: MC(80/41), AC:78, AP:80, ATH:(20), AV:91, BBC:80, Blr:80, Bow:85(15), BPM:89(42), CMJ:80, CS:80(48), DIY:80(28), DS:80(41), EW:75, Ex:(11), F:87, Fly:80(22), G:80(4), IS:80, LAT:88, LBF:80(43), Mi:91, Mix:80, MO:90(68), Now:80, NR:90(11), Ob:80, P:80(7), Pf:88(15), Ph:75, PM:80(57), PMA:91(19), Pot:90(26), Q:(), Qs:80, RS:70(50), S:90(23), Sg:(10), Sk:80(7), Sl:90(5), Spk:80, St:(60), U:80(42), UR:80(7); CM, ExW:(24), JG:**(17), RC:***, MT:A-, TH:C+; V[12-34-387]
  12. The XX: Coexist (Young Turks/XL) {181}: MC(79/46), AbP:90, AC:78, AM:80(32), ATH:(58), AV:91, BB:83, BBC:80, Bl:(26), Bow:90(20), BPM:81(33), Cl:80(17), CS:80, CT:88, DIY:(30), DS:(64), Du:70, EW:83, DS:100, F:82(20), Fa:(47), Fly:80(17), G:80(8), Gw:(8), I:100, IS:100, M:80(13), Mix:80, MO:80(76), NME:80(14), Now:80, NR:80(19), NYT:70, Ob:80(10), Pf:75, Ph:75, PMA:91(25), Pot:80(40), Px:85, RA:80, RS:70, S:80(31), St:80(2), T:80, U:90(20), UR:(94), UT:88; ExW:(41), JG:*, RC:A-(14), MT:*, TH:*; V[49-17-154]
  13. Cloud Nothings: Attack on Memory (Carpark) {167}: MC(83/33), AbP:90, AM, AP:90, ATH:80(2), AV:91(3), BB:(8), Bl:80, Blr:80, Bow:75, BPM:82(43), CMG:80(27), CMJ:80, CS:90(4), DIY:80(33), DS:80(30), Ex:(8), G:80, Gw:(44), LBF:(6), M:80, Mi:83, MO:80, Now:80, NR:(14), P:80(34), Pf:86(19), Ph:88, PM:80(18), PMA:83(33), Px:80, Q:80, RS:70(21), S:90(13), Sg:(6), Sk:(5), Sl:70, St:80(63), UR:(52); CM, ExW:(16), JG:**(68), RC:A-(59), MT:A-, TH:***; V[11-40-439]
  14. Killer Mike: RAP Music (Williams Street) {162}: MC(85/27), AM:80(15), AV:83, BPM:89(23), CMG:86(9), CS:90(6), CT:100(4), DJB:80, DS:80(18), EW:(6), Ex:(3), G:(39), Gw:(18), HDX:90(), Mi:100(7), Now:80, NR:(32), Ok:91(10), P:88(29), PM:90, Pf:86(13), PM:(6), PMA:91(16), Pot:100(3), Px:90, Q:80, Qs:(35), RR:90, RS:70(20), S:90(8), Sg:(23), Spk:100(4), TMT:(43), W:70(27), XXL:80; CM, ExW:(44), JG:(51), SFJ:(*), YW, RC:**, MT:**, TH:A-; V[8-53-552]
  15. Flying Lotus: Until the Quiet Comes (Warp) {161}: MC(86/21), AM:90(6), AV:91, BBC:90, Bl:(31), Bow:(27), BPM:97(1), Cl:90(7), CMG:(12), CS:80(49), DIY:90, DS:90(82), Du:80, Ex:90(4), F:90(18), G:(19), LBF:85(33), M:(39), Mg:(8), Mix:(1), MO:100(23), NME:90(49), NR:(8), Ok:94(3), Pf:85(22), Ph:75, PM:80(42), PMA:91(12), Pot:80(18), RA:80, RR:80, RS:70, S:70, Sg:(50), Sk:80, Sl:(22), St:(52), U:80(41), UR:75(56); DB, YW, TH:**, MT:A-; V[59-16-135]
  16. Cat Power: Sun (Matador) {151}: MC(79/34), AM:80(31), AS:90, ATH:(54), AV:75(22), BB:88(9), BBC:80, BG:90, Bl:(22), Bow:90, CS:90(32), CT:88, DIY:80, DS:90(24), Du:70, EW:91, F:86(6), Fix:80, Fly:90(4), G:80, LAT:88(7), M:(15), Mg:(5), MO:80(37), NME:(21), Now:80, NR:(41), Ob:80, P:80(36), Pf:79(29), PMA:75(51), Px:85, Q:80(), RS:80(16), S:80(24), Sg:(28), Sl:80, Spk:80, U:(46), UR:(45); JG:X, SFJ, RC:**, MT:C, TH:*; V[21-35-323]
  17. Chromatics: Kill for Love (Italians Do It Better) {148}: MC(80/18), AM:(28), ATH:(22), BBC:80(18), Bow:80(6), BPM:80(2), Cl:(29), CMG:78(17), CS:90(21), DIY:(14), DS:90(3), Ex:(21), F:(16), G:(13), LBF:80(47), Mi:(10), MO:100(4), Now:80, NR:(28), Pf:87(8), Ph:88, PM:80(10), PMA:91(7), Px:90, Qs:(41), RA:(16), S:80, Sg:(14), Sl:80(6), Spk:(28), St:(9), TMT:80, UR:80(12), XL:(11); MT:B; V[28-22-242]
  18. Jessie Ware: Devotion (Island) {147}: MC(84/22), AM:90(8), AV:83, BB:(4), BBC:90(4), BPM:83(36), CMG:(22), CS:80, DIY:80(16), DS:80(17), Ex:(18), Fa:80, Fix:80, Fly:90(5), G:80(3), Gw:(31), LBF:90(1), M:(33), Mix:80(13), MO:80(32), NME:80(27), Now:100(9), Pf:85(20), PM:90(8), PMA:91(14), Pot:80(45), Px:85, Q:80(), RA:80, RS:70, S:80(28), Sg:(5), Sl:80(2), Spk:90(7), St:(72), UR:(19); JG:*, MT:B-, TH:B; V[30-23-234]
  19. Alt-J: An Awesome Wave (Infectious) {146}: MC(74/12), BB:(10), BBC:80(9), Cl:90(2), DIY:80(7), DS:80(95), Fly:(12), G:(7), Gw:(3), MO:90(26), NME:80(5), Now:(6), NR:(18), PM:80(61), PMA:(47), Px:90, Q:(), St:80(1), UR:80(14); MT:C+, RC:B+, TH:*; V[125-9-74]
  20. Alabama Shakes: Boys and Girls (ATO) {141}: MC(78/26), AS:(10), BB:78, BBC:80(10), Buf:75, CT:75, Ex:80(44), G:80, Gw:(4), I:100, IS:80, LAT:88(10), Mg:(21), Now:80, NYT:70, Ob:80, P:86(6), Pf:78, Ph:75, PM:90, PMA:83(36), Px:80, Q:(), RS:70(34), S:70, Sk:80, Sl:(16), St:(32), T:80, U:80(27), UT:88; JG:*, MT:C+, TH:**; V[19-33-327]
  21. Sharon Van Etten: Tramp (Jagjaguwar) {140}: MC(81/31), AC:78, AS:(6), ATH:80(25), AV:83(4), BBC:80, Bl:(9), Bow:85(29), BPM:85(47), CMG:78(19), CMJ:80, CS:80(12), DIY:(41), DS:90(3), Du:90, Fly:(1), G:80, LAT:75, LBF:(17), M:80(35), Mg:(15), Mi:83(20), MO:(25), NME:90(15), NR:80(12), Ob:80(8), P:83(5), Pf:79(36), PMA:91(24), Q:80(), Qs:80, RS:80, S:80, Sg:(42), Spk:80, U:80(18), UR:(41); MT:B-, TH:B-; V[20-34-327]
  22. Miguel: Kaleidoscope Dream (RCA) {139}: MC(86/10), AM:90(5), AV:91(13), BB:(3), BBC:(24), CMG:(40), CS:80(18), CT:(10), DJB:80, EW:(4), Ex:(12), Fa:(38), G:80(11), LAT:(6), Mi:91(14), Now:80(3), Ok:(5), Pf:84(23), PM:80(37), PMA:(31), Pot:(42), RS:70, S:90(5), Sg:(12); CM, ExW:(28), JG:**(32), RC:A-(26), TH:B; V[5-69-751]
  23. Godspeed You! Black Emperor: Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! (Constellation) {134}: MC(84/27), AV:83, BBC:90, Bl:(25), BPM:85(26), CMG:(13), CS:(24), DIY:80, DS:80(7), Ex:80(17), F:90(8), Fix:80, G:100(40), LBF:75(38), Mi:83, MO:80(49), Now:80, NR:80(9), Ob:80, P:89(44), Pf:93(12), PM:90(15), PMA:(21), Px:85, RS:80, S:90(14), Sg:(13), Sk:100(8), Sl:70, Spk:90(2), UR:(62); JG:*, SFJ, TH:**; V[36-22-196]
  24. El-P: Cancer4Cure (Fat Possum) {125}: MC(84/39), AM:80, AV:100, BBC:90, BG:90, Bl:90, BPM:85(34), Cl:80, CMG:86(3), CMJ:80, CS:80(25), CT:88(7), DS:80(73), Du:80, Ex:80(14), F:89, Fa:80, G:80, HDX:80(), LAT:100, LBF:85, M:80, Mi:100(13), MO:80, Now:80, NR:80(36), Ok:91(7), P:(12), Pf:85(45), PM:(35), PMA:91(20), Pot:100(5), Px:85, Q:80(), RR:85, RS:70, S:70, Sg:(15), Sk:100(6), Spk:100(13), TMT:80, W:70; SFJ, RC:***, TH:***; V[27-29-262]
  25. Bob Dylan: Tempest (Columbia) {118}: MC(84/20), AS:90(1), AV:91(23), Bl:80, BPM:84, CT:88, DS:90, EW:100, G:80, I:80, IS:80, LAT:75, LBF:80, M:(10), Mg:(11), NR:80, NYT:70, Ob:80, P:90(26), PMA:(32), Px:85, Q:(), RS:100(4), Sl:80, St:(41), TMT:90, U:(2), W:(7); CM, ExW:(14), JG:*, RC:B+, MT:B+, TH:**; V[17-33-349]
  26. Father John Misty: Fear Fun (Sub Pop) {113}: MC(83/27), AC:89, AM:80, AS:(16), AV:75, BBC:80(20), BG:80, Bl:80, Bow:75, BPM:84, CMJ:80, DIY:90, Du:70, F:83(15), IS:100, LBF:(10), Mg:80, Mi:75, MO:80(71), NME:80, Now:80, P:(2), Ph:100, PM:80(27), PMA:(29), Px:80, Q:80, S:70, Sl:70(8), U:80(59), UR:80(13); RC:B+, TH:B; V[14-33-363]
  27. Dr John: Locked Down (Nonesuch) {112}: MC(86/30), AM:80, AS:80, AV:83, BB:84, BBC:80, BG:90, Buf:100, Cl:80, CT:88, DS:80, EW:91, G:100, I:80, IS:80, LAT:100(4), M:80(8), MO:80(80), Now:80, NR:80, Ob:80, P:90(38), Pf:75, Ph:88, PM:(26), Q:80, RS:80(15), S:80, Sl:(13), St:(43), U:90(4), UT:88; TN, YW, RC:**, MT:**, TH:**; V[22-32-313]
  28. Death Grips: The Money Store (Epic) {111}: MC(81/27), AM:80(18), AV:83, BBC:80(6), Bow:75, BPM:90(46), Cl:90(4), CMG:81, CMJ:80, CS:(16), DS:100(55), Du:80, Gw:(28), LAT:75, M:80, Mi:100, MO:(69), NR:100(3), Pf:87(9), PM:(29), PMA:91(23), Pot:(39), Px:75, Q:80, Qs:80, RR:80, S:80(12), Sk:100(1), St:100(68), TMT:90(16), U:80, W:70(15); ExW:(40), JG:(13), SFJ, RC:A-(45), MT:A-, TH:B; V[41-17-173]
  29. Purity Ring: Shrines (4AD) {111}: MC(79/28), AC:89, AV:91, BBC:90, BG:80, Blr:80, Bow:75, BPM:85(21), CMG:(47), CS:80(28), DIY:90(21), DS:80(63), Ex:80(41), F:84, Fa:80(46), Fly:90(15), G:80, Gw:(25), LBF:80(30), Mg:85, Mi:75(41), MO:80, NME:90(50), NR:80(37), Ob:80, P:82, Pf:84(24), PM:(71), PMA:83(9), S:70(41), Sg:(29)Sk:80, UR:80(25); JG:X, RC:*, TH:*; V[47-20-163]
  30. Leonard Cohen: Old Ideas (Columbia) {109}: MC(85/32), AC:78, AM:80, AS:80(4), AV:91(16), BB:75, Bl:100(42), BPM:76, Buf:75, CS:(34), CT:88, DS:80(60), EW:91, G:80, I:80, M:80(4), Mi:83, MO:90(59), Now:80, PM:90, Ob:80(2), P:95(39), PMA:75, Px:75, Q:80(), Qs:80(73), RS:90(13), S:80, Sg, T:100, U:80(1), UR:80(44), UT:88; CM, ExW:(15), JG:**(10), YW, RC:A-(37), TH:A-; V[23-31-311]
  31. Bruce Springsteen: Wrecking Ball (Columbia) {108}: MC(77/34), AbP:90, AC:89, AS:90(5), AV:83, BB:90(7), BBC:100, Buf:88, CS:80, DS:(94), EW:75, G:80, Gw:(47), I:100, M:(28), Mg:(22), MO:80(15), NME:80, NR:90, Ob:(7), Q:80, PM:90(56), PMA:91, Q:(), RS:100(1), S:70, St:80(8), T:80, U:90(10), UR:80(67), UT:88; ExW:(17), JG:*, RC:A-(10), MT:***, TH:A-; V[15-36-361]
  32. Lana Del Rey: Born to Die (Interscope) {105}: MC(63/21), BBC:90, Bl:(64), DS:(40), Fa:90(19), Fly:(11), G:80(17), Gw:80(42), IS:100, Mi:(8), NME:80(45), Pot:80, Q:(), Sl:80(9), Spk:80(24), St:(11), T:80, U:(51), UT:75; ExW:(33), JG:*(60), RC:*, MT:A-, TH:**; V[54-13-141]
  33. Actress: RIP (Honest Jons) {104}: MC(81/21), AM:80, Cl:90(31), CS:80, DIY:(49), DS:100(32), Du:70, Ex:80(34), Fa:90(11), G:(25), M:(45), Mi:100, Mix:80(26), MO:90(45), NME:80, NR:(22), NYT:70, Pf:85(33), Qs:80(19), RA:90(2), RS:70, St:(30), S:80, TMT:90(7), W:(3), XL:(3); JG:*, SFJ:(*), MT:***; V[71-13-113]
  34. Django Django: Django Django (Because) {104}: MC(81/21), BBC:80(17), Cl:(8), DIY:(18), DS:90(23), EW:(7), Fly:80(6), G:100(12), Gw:(12), LBF:(41), M:80(7), Mi:83, MO:80(78), NME:80(11), NR:80(17), P:91, PMA:75, Q:80(), RS:70(26), Sk:80(2), St:(6), U:80, UR:85(5); TH:B; V[151-5-63]
  35. Bat for Lashes: The Haunted Man (Capitol) {102}: MC(78/33), AM:(44), ATH:80(59), BPM:87(35), CS:80(19), DIY:80(10), DS:(57), F:80, Fa:(40), Fly:80(26), G:80(21), IS:80, LBF:90(42), M:80, Mi:83, MO:80(40), NME:80(34), Now:80, NR:80(35), Pf:84(17), Ph:80, PM:80(33), PMA:91(30), Px:80, Q:80(), RS:70, S:80(6), Sg:(44), Sl:70(4), St:80(14), U:(74), UR:85(4); JG:X, TH:B; V[35-19-202]
  36. Nas: Life Is Good (Def Jam) {100}: MC(80/27), AV:91, BBC:80, BG:80, BPM:85, CS:80(50), DJB:100, DS:80, Ex:80(42), Fa:(31), G:80, HDX:80(), IS:80, NME:80, Now:80, NR:90, NYT, Ob:80, Ok:(1), Pf:83, Ph:88, PM:80(36), PMA:83, Pot:80(24), RR:90, RS:70(18), S:70, Sl:90, UR:80, UT:88, WB:70, XXL:100; RC:***, MT:**, TH:**; V[56-16-139]
  37. Spiritualized: Sweet Heart Sweet Light (Fat Possum) {100}: MC(81/38), AC:89, AP:80, AV:83, BBC:80, Bl:(34), BPM:85(18), Cl:80, CMG:84(24), CS:90(22), CT:75, DS:(93), Du:70, EW:91, Ex:80, F:83, Fly:80, G:80, I:80, M:80, Mg:85(18), Mi:83, MO:80, NME:(28), Now:80, NR:80(16), NYT:70, Pf:88(31), Ph:75, PM:80(21), PMA:91(18), Px:85, RS:70, S:80, Sg:(20), St:80, TMT:100, UR:80(17), W:80; TH:B-; V[32-19-212]
  38. David Byrne/St Vincent: Love This Giant (4AD) {97}: MC(81/21), AC:89, AM:(9), AV:83, BBC:80(8), Cl:80, CMJ:80, CS:80, DS:80, Ex:(28), F:86, Fly:80(34), G:80, I:80, IS:100, LBF:85(22), MO:(13), NME:90(12), NR:80(38), NYT:70, P:75(30), PM:80(38), PMA:83(28), Px:85, Q:80(), U:(57), UR:(75), UT:75; JG:**(50), MT:C+, TH:*; V[84-11-102]
  39. First Aid Kit: The Lion's Roar (Wichita) {91}: MC(81/17), AC:89, AS:(39), BBC:80(23), BPM:78, Cl:80, CMJ:80, DIY:(47), DS:(65), Fly:80, G:80, I:80, IS:90, LBF(13), Mi:83, MO:80(38), NME:80, Now:80, P:84(10), Pf:76, PMA:75, Q:80, RS:70, St:80(49), U:80(40), UR:80(49); MT:C+, TH:B-; V[78-13-104]
  40. The Men: Open Your Heart (Sacred Bones) {89}: MC(83/29), AC:78, AM:80, ATH:90(12), AV:100(17), BBC:80, BPM:89(16), CMG:85(11), CS:80(42), DA:90, DIY:(37), Du:80, Ex:80(23), F:85, G:80, Mi:100(26), NME:80, Now:80, NR:90(24), P:(11), Pf:85(30), Ph:88, PM:(40), PMA:91(27), Px:75, Qs:80, RS:70, S:90, Sg:(17), Sl:80, Spk:90, TMT:80(36), U:80, UR:80; JG:*, YW, MT:B-, TH:**; V[50-18-150]
  41. The Walkmen: Heaven (Fat Possum) {89}: MC(82/10), AM:80(48), AP:80, ATH:80(7), AV:91(18), BBC:80, Blr:80, Bow:80, BPM:80, Cl:80, CMG:(43), CS:80, DIY:90(34), DS:90(80), EW:83, F:87, Fly:80, LBF:80, Mg:(1), Mi:75, MO:90(53), Now:80, P:84(14), Pf:81, PM:(13), PMA:91(11), Px:85, Q:(), RS:70, Sg:(8), Spk:90, TMT:80, UR:(59); MT:C, TH:C; V[75-9-107]
  42. Neil Young and Crazy Horse: Psychedelic Pill (Reprise) {89}: MC(80/32), AS:(2), AV:91, BBC:80, Bl:80(10), CT:75, DS:80(68), Du:80, EW:91, F:82, G:80, I:80, IS:80, M:(29), NME:80, NYT:70, Now:80, P:90, RS:80(10), S:70, Sg, Sl:80(23), Spk:80, St:80, U:80(9), UR:80; ExW:(48), TN, MT:B, TH:A-; V[31*-23-230]
  43. Andy Stott: Luxury Problems (Modern Love) {88}: MC(86/13), AM:90, BG:80, Bow:91(2), BPM:90(3), CMG:(16), Du:80, Ex:90(13), LAT:(8), Pf:87(14), PM:(28), Qs:80(28), RA:90(4), RS:70, S:80, TMT:90(8), W:(18), XL:80(16); SFJ, RC:*; V[29-21-239]
  44. DIIV: Oshin (Captured Tracks) {87}: MC(80/15), ATH:(34), AV:83, Bl:80, Bow:80, BPM:81(30), Cl:80, CMJ:80, DIY:(6), DS:80(72), EW:83, Ex:80, F:84(14), Fly:80(19), LBF:85(3), MO:90(7), NME:90(13), Pf:83(40), Ph:100, PMA:83(35), S:70, Sg:(22), Spk:80, U:80, UR:80(16); JG:X, YW, TH:**; V[96-11-92]
  45. John Talabot: Fin (Permanent Vacation) {87}: MC(81/13), BBC:80, BPM:85(14), CMG:(31), CS:80(14), DIY:80(22), DS:90(28), Fa:80, G:100, LBF(11), Mi:(17), Mix:(3), MO:90(6), NME:(47), NR:80(44), Pf:85(27), PM:(53), PMA:83(50), Px:85, Qs:(66), RA:90(3), S:80, Spk:(21), St:(45), XL:90(1); TH:***; V[106-10-86]
  46. Hot Chip: In Our Heads (Domino) {86}: MC(80/26), AM:90(30), ATH:(60), BBC:80, BPM:79, CMG:(37), CMJ:80, DIY:80(23), DS:80(98), F:80, Fly:80, G:80(9), I:80, IS:80, LBF:80, M:(14), Mi:83, Mix:(4), MO:90(75), NME:(33), Now:80, NR:(40), Ob:80, Pf:80(39), PM:90(31), PMA:83(57), Px:80, Q:(), RS:70, S:80, St:80(10), U:80(31), UR:(31); RC:**, TH:*; V[39-16-182]
  47. Dan Deacon: America (Domino) {85}: MC(82/35), AM:90(19), AV:91, Bl:80, Bow:75, BPM:84(44), CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80(85), Du:80, Ex:80, F:85, Fly:80, G:80, IS:80, LBF:75(36), M:80, Mg:90, Mi:91, MO:80(48), NME:80, Ob:80, Now:80, NR:90(29), P:78, Ph:88, PM:90, PMA:91(10), Px:85, Q:80, Qs:80, Sk:80, St:80, UR:85(28), W:80; MT:C+, TH:*; V[167-6-59]
  48. Liars: WIXIW (Mute) {84}: MC(81/34), AM:80, AV:91, BBC:80(16), Bow:90, BPM:84, Cl:80(23), CMG:81(26), CMJ:80, CS:90(26), DA:90, DIY:80(1), DS:90(3), Ex:80(45), Fly:90(36), LBF:90(32), M:80, Mg:80, MO:90(8), NME:80(39), P:78, Pf:78, PM:80, PMA:83(49), Px:75, Qs:80(15), RS:70, S:80, Sk:80, Sl:80, TMT:90, UR:80(24); TH:B; V[67-12-120]
  49. Ty Segall Band: Slaughterhouse (In the Red) {83}: MC(83/14), ATH:(83), AV:83, BBC:80, Bl:90(2), Blr:80, Bow:80, BPM:86(22), CS:80(23), Ex:80(49), LBF:80, Mg:(2), Mi:83, MO:80, NR:90(7), P:79, Pf:87(18), Ph:88, PMA:(42), Px:75, S:80, Sg, U:(16), UR:(76); TH:*; V[172-6-55]
  50. Twin Shadow: Confess (4AD) {82}: MC(76/31), AM:80, ATH:80(10), AV:91, BG:80, Bl:(11), Bow:80, BPM:76, CMJ:80, DIY:80(35), DS:90, F:85, Fly:80(23), G:80, Gw:(1), LBF:80, Mi:83(9), MO:80(73), NME:80, Now:80, NR:(27), NYT:70, Ob:80, Pf:86, Ph:75, PMA:83(22), Px:75, RS:70, S:70, Sg, Sk:100, Sl:80, U:80, UR:80(27); MT:B-, TH:B-; V[79-9-103]
  51. Bobby Womack: The Bravest Man in the Universe (XL) {82}: MC(81/21), AM:90(42), AV:83, BBC:80, BPM:91, Cl:80(1), CS:80, CT:75, DA:80, EW:91, F:82, Fix:90, G:80(10), I:80, IS:80, LAT:88, LBF:(18), M:(16), Mi:100, MO:80(63), NME:(46), Now:100, NR:(48), Ob:80, Q:(), RS:70(36), S:80, St:80, T:80, U:(34); DB, MT:B-, TH:**; V[132-7-70]
  52. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti: Mature Themes (4AD) {81}: MC(73/34), AM:80, ATH:80(45), AV:91, Bow:(23), DIY:80, DS:80, F:85, Fly:90(14), G:80, Gw:(36), LBF:90, Mg:80(16), Mi:75(30), NME:(25), NR:80, Pf:85(21), Ph:88, Pot:80(44), RS:70, S:80, St:(21), UR:80(23), W:(30); JG:X; V[64-14-129]
  53. Neneh Cherry: The Cherry Thing (Smalltown Supersound) {81}: MC(78/15), AM:80, Bl:90, Cl:90(16), CT:(8), Du:80, Ex:(50), Fa:80, G:80, I:80, LAT:88, LBF:75, Mi:75, MO:(95), NME:80, NR:80, Ok:82, Pf:80, PM:90, Px:80, Qs:(16), S:70, Sg, U:(19); CM, FJ, ExW:(59), JG:**(40), SFJ:(*), TN, MT:***, TH:A-; V[58-14-137]
  54. Julia Holter: Ekstasis (RVNG) {81}: MC(83/18), AM:80, BBC:80, Bow:90(4), BPM:86(9), Cl:(36), CMG:87(4), DS:80(10), Fa:80(14), G:80, M:80(9), Mi:75(16), MO:80(27), NME:80, NR:80(33), Pf:86(26), PM:80(46), Qs:80, RA:80, U:80(23), UR:(82), W:(8); TH:B; V[37-19-192]
  55. Metz: Metz (Sub Pop) {80}: MC(74/9), AP:90(5), ATH:(97), AV:100, BBC:80, BPM:79, CMJ:80, CS:80(27), DS:80, Ex:80(15), F:81, Fly:80, K:(60), Mi:83, MO:90, NME:80(35), Now:(8), NR:90(31), NYT, Pf:85(44), PM:90(43), PMA:(55); SFJ:(*), YW, TH:B; V[57-17-139]
  56. Scott Walker: Bish Bosch (4AD) {79}: MC(81/24), AM:90, BBC:80, Bl:(32), BPM:89, CMG:(20), CS:80(30), DIY:80, DS:(46), Du:80, EW:91, Ex:80, F:82, Fa:(27), G:80, I:80, IS:80, LBF:(12), M:80(11), NR:80, NYT:80, Pf:80, Qs:(2), Sl:70, TMT:100(1), UR:80(97), W:(11); SFJ, TH:C-; V[24-23-283]
  57. Passion Pit: Gossamer (Columbia) {78}: MC(76/33), AM:80, AP:80, AV:91, BB:85, BPM:81, CMJ:80, CT:88, DS:80(89), EW:75, F:84, G:80, Gw:(20), IS:80, LBF:80, MO:80, NME:80, NR:80, NYT:70, P:85, Pf:84, Ph:88, PM:(66), Px:80, RS:70(39), Spk:80(12), St:(20), U:80, UR:80(18), UT:88; YW, MT:C+; V[70-10-113]
  58. Baroness: Yellow and Green (Relapse) {77}: MC(81/22), AC:100, AP:80, BBC:90(13), Bl:80, CMJ:80, CS:80, K:100(21), Mg:(12), Mi:83, P:(47), Pf:85, PM:90(15), Q:80, Qs:80, Rev:(4), RkS:90(11), RS:70, S:90(15), Sg:(18), U:80, UR:(71); V[25*-26-312]
  59. How to Dress Well: Total Loss (Acephale) {77}: MC(76/24), Bow:76, BPM:85(8), Cl:80, CS:80(29), DS:80(49), Ex:80(36), Fa:80(6), Fix:80, G:80, LBF:90(15), Mi:83(6), MO:80(84), NME:80, P:80, Pf:84(28), Ph:75, PM:(52), PMA:75(44), Pot:80(35), S:70, Sg:(33), Sl:80, U:80, UR:(22), XL:80; TH:B; V[361-3-25]
  60. Converge: All We Love We Leave Behind (Epitaph) {76}: MC(81/7), AM:80(26), AV:83, BBC:80, CS:90(9), DS:80, Ex:80(7), K:(6), Mi:83(15), NR:90(49), Pf:86, PM:80, Px:85, Rev:(8), RkS:(2), S:80, Sg:(40), Sk:80, Spk:90(6), TMT:90(46); TH:B; V[45-15-167]
  61. Perfume Genius: Put Your Back N 2 It (Matador) {76}: MC(81/28), AM:80, AV:75, BPM:89(15), Cl:80(27), CMG:80(46), CS:80, DA:80, DIY:90(31), DS:80(15), F:85, Fly:80, Gw:(11), IS:100, LBF, Mi:91, MO:90(33), NME:80, Now:80, NR:80(42), Pf:84, PM:80, PMA:83(60), Px:80, Q:80, Qs:80, RS:70, St:(34), UR:(88); MT:C, TH:B; V[128*-8-82]
  62. Taylor Swift: Red (Big Machine) {76}: MC(76/21), AbP:85, AM:80, AS:80, AV:83, BB:86(5), CW:70(10), EW:83, G:80(16), LAT:75, NYT, Ob:80, PM:(23), R:80(13), RS:70(31), S:80(38), Sg:(19); ExW:(13), RC:A-(23), MT:A-; V[16-35-352]
  63. Animal Collective: Centipede Hz (Domino) {75}: MC(74/39), AbP:82, AP:80, BBC:80, Bow:75, BPM:91(37), Cl:90(21), CS:80, DIY:80(48), Du:80, EW:75, Ex:80, F:86, Fly:(33), IS:80, LBF:90, M:(44), Mi:83, MiF:98, NME:80, NR:80(45), Ph:88, PM:80, PMA:91(39), Q:80, RS:70, S:80(40), Spk:90, St:(37), TMT:80, UR:85(54); RC:***, TH:B-; V[160-5-60]
  64. Divine Fits: A Thing Called Divine Fits (Merge) {74}: MC(76/26), AM:80, AS:80, AV:83(12), Bl:(24), Bow:80, CS:90(20), CT:75, DIY:80, G:80, LBF:90, NR:80, NYT:80, P:(28), Pf:76, PMA:(38), Pot:80(49), Px:85, RS:70(23), S:70, Sl:80, UR:80(38); CM, ExW:(38), JG:**(19), RC:A-(89), MT:A-, TH:***; V[63-14-130]
  65. Chairlift: Something (Columbia/DMZ/Kanine) {70}: MC(76/14), AC:78, AM:80, AV:91, Bl:80, Bow:75, BPM:82, Buf:75, DIY:80(8), DS:(12), F:87, Fly:90(27), LBF:(25), Mi:75(31), MO:80, Pf:80(34), Ph:88, PMA:75(48), Px:75, RS:70, S:70, Sg:(9), Sl:80, UR:80(6); JG:X, TH:*; V[111-8-83]
  66. Laurel Halo: Quarantine (Hyperdub) {68}: MC(80/12), AM:90, Bow:(10), BPM:79, CMG:(28), DS:80, Ex:80(33), Fa:80, G:80, Mi:83, MO:80(94), Pf:80, Px:85, Qs:90(8), RA:80(19), S:70, Sk:80, Spk:90, TMT:80(5), XL:80, W:(1); TH:B; V[66-10-120]
  67. The Shins: Port of Morrow (Columbia) {68}: MC(71/30), AC:78, AS:(22), ATH:80, Bl:80, Bow:75, Cl:80(39), CMG:81, DS:80(66), EW:83, F:82, Gw:(34), I:80, Mi:91, MO:90, P:93(13), Pf:84, Ph:88, PMA:83(46), Q:80, RkS:(34), RS:70, S:70, Sg:(48), Sl:70, St:80, UR:(70); JG:**, MT:**, TH:*; V[195-6-50]
  68. Daphni: Jiaolong (Merge) {67}: MC(75/24), BBC:80, BG:80, Ex:80(26), Fly:80, IS:80, LAT:88, LBF:(23), M:80, Mix:80(2), NME:80, Now:80(4), Pf:75, Pot:80, Q:(), Qs:(38), RA:80(5), S:80(21), XL:85(14); SFJ:(*), TH:***; V[257-4-35]
  69. Ty Segall: Twins (Drag City) {67}: MC(78/14), AM:80, AV:75, Bl:80(2), Bow:79, BPM:87(13), CS:80, CT:75, F:85, G:80, M:(42), Mg:(2), Mi:83, MO:80, NME:90(41), NR:80, Ob:80, P:82, Pf:80, PM:90(64), Px:85, S:80(9), Sg:(32), U:80(69), UR:75(85); V[95*-11-102]
  70. Crystal Castles: III (Casablanca) {66}: MC(78/29), AbP:88, AM:80, ATH:(49), BB:83, BBC:80, Bl:80, CS:80(39), DS:80(35), Ex:80(49), F:84, Fix:90, G:80, IS:80, LBF:75, Mi:(12), Mix:80, NME:90(4), Now:80, NR:80, P:88, Pf:80, PMA:75, Px:85, TMT:80; TH:**; V[122-8-76]
  71. Santigold: Master of My Make-Believe (Atlantic) {66}: MC(76/23), AM:80(37), AV:75, BPM:82, CT:88, EW:83, Ex:(30), F:86, Fly:80, Gw:80(39), I:80, IS:80, LAT:88, Mi:91, Now:80, Ok:86(9), Ph:75, PM:80(74), PMA:83, Qs:80, S:90(10), Sl:80(3), St:(51), UT:75; ExW:(61), YW, RC:**, MT:**, TH:***; V[83-11-102]
  72. Mark Lanegan Band: Blues Funeral (4AD) {63}: MC(77/20), BBC:80, BPM:82, Cl:90, F:85, Du:80, G:80, I:100, K:(50), LBF, M:100(17), MO:90, P:77, Ph:75, PM:80, Px:75, Ob:80, Q:(), Qs:80(67), S:80, Sg, Sk:80, U:80(22); TH:B; V[109-10-84]
  73. Robert Glasper Experiment: Black Radio (Blue Note) {62}: MC(83/4), AM:90(14), BBC:90, Buf:75, Ex:(25), Fa:80, G:80, JW:(8), LAT:88, Ok:89, PM:(30), Pot:80(28), RS:70, S:70, UT:88; DB, JG:**(42), TH:*; V[65-13-125]
  74. Vijay Iyer Trio: Accelerando (ACT) {62}: MC(92/4), AM:80, BBC:90, Bl:90, Buf:100, Du:80, G:80, LAT:100, MO:(83), NYT, Pf:82, PM:80; CM, ExW:(26), JG:**(4), JM, TN, TH:A-; V[82-12-103]
  75. Wild Nothing: Nocturne (Captured Tracks) {62}: ATH:(19), AV:75, Bow:75, BPM:81, DIY:90(25), F:87, Fly:80, LBF:(16), Mi:75, MO:80, P:76, Pf:83, PM:80, PMA:75, Px:80, St:80, TMT:80, UR:80(1); JG:X
  76. Deftones: Koi No Yokan (Warner Bros) {61}: MC(84/15), AbP:90, AM:80, BBC:90, DIY:80, CS:80, DIY:80(42), DS:90(25), EW:83, K:(2), NME:80, P:75, Pf:88, Ph:88, PM:90, Rev:(1), RkS:(5), Sk:80, S:70(44), Sl:80, Spk:(9); V[268-4-34]
  77. Bob Mould: Silver Age (Merge) {58}: MC(84/15), AC:89, AM:90(47), AP:80, AV:91(8), BG:80, Bl:80(4), BPM:79, CS:80(47), CT:88, DIY:80, Du:80, F:80, LAT:88, MO:80, P:77, Pf:76, Ph:88, PM:(45), Px:80, UR:(89); MT:X, TH:B; V[38-17-187]
  78. Sleigh Bells: Reign of Terror (Mom + Pop) {58}: MC(74/28), BPM:77, CS:90(33), CT:88, DS:80, EW:83, F:87, LAT:75, Mg:(10), Mi:83, NME:80, Pf:82, Ph:88, PM:(58), PMA:91, Px:80, Q:80, RS:80, S:(27), Sg:(24), Sl:80, Spk:80, St:80, UR:80(96); CM, ExW:(49), JG:**(73), SFJ, RC:A-(65), MT:A-, TH:***; V[62-13-131]
  79. Andrew Bird: Break It Yourself (Mom and Pop Music) {57}: MC(79/22), AC:89, AM:80, AS:80(20), ATH:(44), AV:91, BG:80, Bl:90, BPM:79, Buf:75, Cl:80, DS:80(56), F:90, Fly:80, G:100, I:80, IS:100, LBF, Mi:75, MO:80, Ob:80, NR:90, P:86(17), Pf:75, Ph:75, PMA:83, RS:70, Sk:80, Sl:70, Spk:90(5), UT:88; TH:**; V[298-3-30]
  80. The Mountain Goats: Transcendental Youth (Merge) {57}: MC(80/11), AM:80, AS:80, AV:83, Bl:80, BPM:77, CS:80, DS:80, F:83, LBF:90, Mi:91, NR:(50), P:(20), Pf:78, PM:80(24), Px:80, RS:70, S:80, Sl:70, Spk:90(47), TMT:80, U:80, UR:75; ExW:(5), JG:*, RC:A(8), MT:(4), TH:A-; V[34*-23-215]
  81. Schoolboy Q: Habits and Contradictions (Top Dawg Entertainment) {57}: MC(83/8), AM:80, AV:75, BPM:87(40), CMG:84(21), Ex:(37), Fa:(42), HDX:80(), Mi:83, Pf:84(25), Ph:88, PM:80, PMA:83(43), Pot:80(11), RS:70, Sg:(31), XXL:80; JG:*, MT:***, TH:**; V[279-3-31]
  82. The Gaslight Anthem: Handwritten (Mercury) {56}: MC(71/26), AbP:100, AM:80, AP:90(1), AS:80(47), AV:83, BBC:90, Blr:80, DIY:90, EW:83, Ex:80, K:(19), Mi:83, P:78, Ph:75, PM:(60), RkS:(10), RS:70, Sg, Spk:80(10), UT:100; TH:B; V[223-5-42]
  83. Burial: Kindred (Hyperdub, EP) {55}: MC(89/8), AM:80, BPM:86, CMG:84(18), CS:80, DS:90, Fa:80, Mi:100(19), NR:90(26), Pf:87(16), PMA:100, Qs:(53), RA:90, RR:85, RS:70, S:80, Spk:90, St:(31), TMT:80(35), XL:80; CM, ExW:(18), JG:**(3), RC:A(74), MT:A(8), TH:A-; V[61-12-133]
  84. Jens Lekman: I Know What Love Isn't (Secretly Canadian) {55}: MC(77/20), AM:90, AS:80, ATH:80(55), AV:75, BPM:89(6), CMG:(35), CS:80, DS:80, Ex:80, F:84, Fly:80, LBF:90(2), NR:80, P:82(23), Pf:77, PM:80, Spk:80, UR:(87); CM, ExW:(20), JG:**(6), MT:A, TH:A-; V[51-13-148]
  85. Lambchop: Mr M (Merge) {54}: MC(81/22), AM:80, AV:91, Bow:75, BPM:80(39), CMG:81(50), CS:90(11), DIY:80, Du:80, G:80, LBF, Mi:75, Now:80, Ob:80, P:81, Pf:83(50), PM:80(48), Px:85, Q:80, RS:70, S:80, Sl:70, U:80, UR:(81); MT:C, TH:*; V[74-7-108]
  86. Matthew Dear: Beams (Ghostly International) {53}: MC(79/27), AM:80(17), AV:75, BBC:80, BPM:78, Cl:80(28), CS:80, DIY:90, F:84, Fly:80, LBF:75(37), M:80, Mi:91, Mix:80(18), MO:100(3), NR:90, P:78, Ph:75, PM:90, Q:80, RA:80, Sk:100(10), UR:75(83), W:80, XL:75; TH:*; V[361-3-25]
  87. Iris DeMent: Sing the Delta (Flariella) {53}: MC(83/7), AS:(12), BG:80, Bl:80, CT:88, E145:(5), G:80, PM:80(49), RS:70, Sl:90(17), T:90; CM, ExW:(27), JG:(35), RC:A-(47), MT:A-, TH:A-(9); V[44-17-168]
  88. Dinosaur Jr: I Bet on Sky (Jagjaguwar) {53}: MC(74/24), AbP:88, AM:80, AV:83, Bl:80, Bow:77, BPM:76, CMJ:80, CS:80, DS:80, F:83, LBF:75, Mg:80, Mi:83, NME:80, P:84, Pf:79, Ph:75, PM:80, Px:75, S:(29); V[83-10-102]
  89. Fun.: Some Nights (Fueled by Ramen) {53}: MC(66/6), AbP:95, AM:(29), Buf:75, Bl:90, EW:(10), G:80, Now:80, RS:70(43), S:70(50), Spk:80; JG:X, TH:B; V[43-14-169]
  90. Mumford and Sons: Babel (Glassnote) {53}: MC(68/19), AS:80(8), BB:85, BG:80, Cl:80, EW:91, F:(7), Gw:(45), M:80, P:80, Q:(), RS:70(11), St:80(56); TH:B-; V[116-6-80]
  91. Kathleen Edwards: Voyageur (Rounder) {52}: MC(74/25), AbP:93, AS:(36), BBC:80, BG:80, BPM:76, CS:80, DIY:90, EW:91, I:80, IS:80, LAT:75, LBF(20), MO:80, Now:80, Ph:88, R:80, RS:70, S:90(43), Sk:80, Sl:70, U:80, UT:75; JG:*, MT:**, TH:B; V[102-9-88]
  92. Saint Etienne: Words and Music by Saint Etienne (Heavenly) {52}: MC(82/24), AM:80, BBC:80, BG:80, DIY:80, Ex:80, G:80(18), IS:100, Mix:80, MO:80(44), NME:80, Now:80, NR:80(20), Pf:78, PM:80, Px:75, Q:80(), Qs:80, S:70, St:(44), TMT:80, U:80; ExW:(35), RC:A-(49), MT:**, TH:**; V[89-10-99]
  93. Patti Smith: Banga (Columbia) {52}: MC(81/30), AM:80, AS:80, AV:83, BBC:80, BG:80, CT:75, EW:91, F:88, G:80, I:80, LAT:88, M:80, NME:80, Now:80, NR:80(46), NYT:70, Ob:80, P:90, PM:90, Px:80, RS:70, S:80, Sl:80, St:80, U:80(25), UR:80, UT:75, W:80; JG:**(24), YW, MT:A, TH:A-; V[98-9-90]
  94. Michael Kiwanuka: Home Again (Interscope) {51}: MC(75/18), AS:(26), Cl:80, EW:83, F:83, G:80, M:80(36), MO:80, Ok:90(8), P:75, Pot:80, Q:80, S:70, T:80; JG:*; V[172-6-55]
  95. Lower Dens: Nootropics (Ribbon Music) {51}: MC(82/14), AM:80, AV:75, Bl:(6), Bow:85(16), BPM:75, CMG:79, CMJ:80, CS:80, DIY:80, DS:(75), F:82, Fly:80, MO:80, P:88, Pf:82, Ph:88, PMA:91(17), RS:70, S:80, Sg, Sk:80, TMT:80, U:80, UR:80(21); TH:*; V[123-7-75]
  96. The Lumineers: The Lumineers (Dualtone) {51}: MC(76/5), AC:89, AS:(13), P:86(21), R:(32), St:(67); TH:*; V[184-6-52]
  97. Polica: Give You the Ghost (Totally Gross National Product) {50}: MC(73/5), AC:89, Cl:80(24), CMJ:80, DIY:(50), DS:90(14), Fly:90(29), G:(27), LBF:(26), Mi:83, MO:80(20), NME:(40), Pf:76, PMA:91(53), Px:85, RS:70, S:80, Sk:80, Sl:(19); V[381-4-25]
  98. Frankie Rose: Interstellar (Slumberland) {50}: MC(75/14), AM:80, ATH:90(33), BG:80, Bl:(67), BPM:80, Cl:80, CMG:85, DIY:80, G:80, Mi:91, MO:80, Pf:84, PMA:75, Px:80, S:80(30), Sg, UR:80(40); TH:B; V[131-6-71]
  99. Bill Fay: Life Is People (Dead Oceans) {49}: AM:80(50), BBC:(19), Bow:85, CS:80, F:84, LBF:90(48), M:(3), MO:80, Pf:80, T:100, U:(6); TH:**; V[144-6-65]
  100. Field Music: Plumb (Memphis Industries) {48}: MC(78/26), AM:80, ATH:(48), AV:91(18), BPM:77, Cl:80, CMG:83, DIY:80(46), DS:90(36), Ex:80, Fly:90(7), G:80, Gw:(14), M:(30), MO:80(18), NME:80, Now:80, Ph:80, Px:80, Q:80(), Qs:80, Spk:80, St:80(38), U:80(15), UR:(34); JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  101. Ty Segall/White Fence: Hair (Drag City) {47}: MC(81/15), AM:80, AV:91, Bl:(2), Bow:75, BPM:83, CMG:77, CMJ:80, CS:80, Du:70, F:85, G:80, Mg:(2), Mi:75, NME:80, Now:80, Ob:80, Pf:82(18), U:80(7); V[210-5-45]
  102. Sigur Ros: Valtari (XL) {47}: MC(76/16), AM:80, AS:80, AV:91, BBC:80, Bl:80(33), BPM:79, CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80(54), F:(13), Gw:(5), LAT:75, MO:80, NR:80, RS:70, S:70, Sl:80, St:80, TMT:80; TH:*; V[343-2-26]
  103. Titus Andronicus: Local Business (XL) {47}: MC(78/24), AC:78, AM:80, ATH:(87), AV:83(8), BG:80, Bow:77, CMJ:80, CS:80, Ex:80, F:83, Now:80, NR:90, P:90(3), Ph:88, Px:80, RS:80(38), S:70, Spk:80; CM, MT:***, TH:**; V[52-16-148]
  104. Best Coast: The Only Place (Mexican Summer) {46}: MC(72/17), AP:80, ATH:80, BPM:77, CT:75, DIY:80, Fly:(38), Gw:(6), Mi:83, MO:90, Now:80, P:78, Ph:100, RS:80(14), S:80(48), St:80; ExW:(70), JG:*, RC:B+(44), MT:A-, TH:**; V[101-11-89]
  105. Dirty Three: Toward the Low Sun (Bella Union) {46}: MC(78/12), AM:80, AV:83, BBC:80, Bl:80(43), CMG:79, CT:75, DS:80(77), Du:70, F:89, G:80, Mi:83, MO:80(52), NME:90, NYT:80, Ob:80(3), PM:80, S:70, Sk:80, St:80, U:(39); V[298-3-30]
  106. Pink: The Truth About Love (RCA) {46}: MC(75/12), AM:90, BB:86, G:80, EW:100, NYT:70, S:70; ExW:(7), JG:**(5), RC:A(4), MT:A(6), TH:***; V[110-11-84]
  107. Torche: Harmonicraft (Volcom Entertainment) {46}: MC(83/20), AbP:80, AM:80(7), AP:80, AV:91, BBC:80, CMJ:90, DS:80, Ex:80, F:85, K:80(88), Mg:90(23), MH:90, PM:80, Px:75, RkS:(18), S:90(22), Sg:(30); V[93-8-94]
  108. Dwight Yoakam: 3 Pears (Warner Bros) {46}: MC(89/5), AM:90(12), AS:80(18), CW:80(2), E145:(11), EW:91, NYT:80, P:79, R:100(9); CM, MT:B-, TH:*; V[97-9-91]
  109. Action Bronson/Party Supplies: Blue Chips (Fool's Gold) {45}: AV:83, BPM:(45), CMG:(49), CS:80(10), Ex:(16), Mi:91(29), Pf:81(32), Pot:(10), S:(25), Sg:(43), Sl:(21), XXL:80; MT:A-, TH:***; V[68*-13-128]
  110. Goat: World Music (Stranded Rekords/Rocket) {45}: Cl:80, LBF:80, MO:(82), Pf:81, PM:80(68), Qs:(70), S:(32), U:(66); TH:***; V[53-15-147]
  111. Thee Oh Sees: Putrifiers II (In the Red) {45}: MC(67/7), ATH:80(39), BPM:80, DS:80, F:82, Mi:83, NR:90, P:83, Pf:81, Px:80, S:(33), Sl:80(25), TMT:80(34), U:(61); V[142-7-66]
  112. High on Fire: De Vermis Mysteriis (E1) {44}: MC(86/11), AC:78, AM:80, AP:80, AV:83, CMG:76, CS:80, Du:80, Ex:90, K:(80), Mi:100, NR:80, Pf:82, PM:90, Px:75, Qs:(27), Rev:(7), S:80, Spk:90; V[223-5-42]
  113. Norah Jones: Little Broken Hearts (Blue Note) {44}: MC(73/20), AbP:89, AC:78, AS:80(25), BG:80, Buf:88, CT:75, EW:75, Ex:80, F:82, I:80, MO:80, NYT, Ok:81, RS:70, S:80, Sl:70, St:80, T:80, UT:88; DB, MT:B-, TH:B; V[137-7-68]
  114. Mount Eerie: Clear Moon (PW Elverum and Sun) {44}: AM:80, AV:75, Bl:80, BPM:86(11), CMG:(29), CS:80, F:86, M:(21), Mi:75, NR:80(21), Pf:83, PM:80, Px:85, S:80, Spk:90(8), TMT:90(4), UR:(86); TH:B; V[172-6-55]
  115. Todd Snider: Agnostic Hymns and Stoner Fables (Aimless/Thirty Tigers) {44}: MC(83/9), AM:80, AS:90(11), AV:83, NYT:80, P:80(40), PM:(51), R:90, RS:70(47), S:80, Sl:80, UT:75; CM, ExW:(3), JG:**(15), RC:A(5), MT:A(10), TH:A(4); V[42*-14-182]
  116. TheeSatisfaction: Awe Naturale (Sub Pop) {44}: MC(69/5), AM:90(20), BPM:82, CS:80, LBF, MO:80(62), Ok:85, Pf:75, PM:80, PMA:91(26), Pot:80(14), Px:80, S:80; JG:**(46), TH:*; V[94-9-92]
  117. Loudon Wainwright III: Older Than My Old Man Now (2nd Story Sound) {44}: MC(84/9), AS:90(27), AV:91, BG:80, Buf:88, IS:100, MO:80, P:80, PM:80, RS:70, S:80, U:80; CM, ExW:(1), JG:**(1), YW, RC:A(3), MT:A+(1), TH:A(1); V[33-16-210]
  118. Rufus Wainwright: Out of the Game (Polydor) {43}: MC(79/25), AbP:91, AM:80, AV:83, BG:80, Buf:88, Cl:80, CS:80, EW:91, G:80, IS:80, LAT:88, M:80, MO:80, Now:100, P:90(19), Ph:88, PM:80, Q:80, RS:70, St:80, T:80, U:80(72); MT:**, TH:B-; V[178-6-54]
  119. Woods: Bend Beyond (Woodsist) {43}: MC(80/9), AM:80, ATH:80(14), AV:100, BPM:77, CS:80, Ex:80, F:80, Fly:90, Mi:75, NR:80, P:82(32), Pf:81, Px:75, S:80, U:(68), UR:(92); V[134-8-69]
  120. Neil Young: Americana (Reprise) {43}: MC(68/23), AS:80, AV:75, CT:88, BG:80, EW:91, G:100, Mi:100, Ob:100, P:88, Ph:75, PM:90, RS:70, S:70, Spk:80, U:(43); ExW:(8), JG:**(39), RC:A(1), MT:A(5), TH:*; V[77-10-104]
  121. The Avett Brothers: The Carpenter (Republic) {42}: MC(75/7), AC:89, AS:(7), AV:83, EW:91, MO:80, P:80(31), PM:(20), RS:70(41), UT:88; MT:B-; V[80-11-103]
  122. Deerhoof: Breakup Song (Polyvinyl) {42}: MC(81/12), AC:78, AM:80(11), Bl:80(68), Bow:75(25), BPM:81, CMG:(23), CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80, Du:80, Fly:90, MO:80, NME:80, NR:80(43), Ph:88, Px:80, Sk:80, TMT:80; V[427-2-20]
  123. Mac DeMarco: 2 (Captured Tracks) {42}: MC(79/13), ATH:80(40), Bow:81, BPM:85(20), CMJ:80, Ex:80, F:83, Fly:80, LBF:80, NME:80(29), Now:80, NR:80, Pf:82(43), U:80; TH:*; V[213-7-45]
  124. Jamey Johnson: Living for a Song: A Tribute to Hank Cochran (Mercury Nashville) {42}: MC(85/9), AM:80(35), AV:91, CW:80(1), E145:90(4), EW:75, NYT:80, R:100(3), RS:80, Sl:80; ExW:(50), SFJ, RC:A-(60), TH:***; V[394-2-22]
  125. Spoek Mathambo: Father Creeper (Sub Pop) {42}: MC(71/14), AM:80, Bl:80, CMJ:80, Fly:80, G:80, M:(25), Mi:83, MO:80, Now:80, NYT:70, Ob:80, Ok:78, S:(46), St:(64); CM, ExW:(6), JG:**(8), RC:A(21), MT:A(7), TH:***; V[134-8-69]
  126. Menomena: Moms (Barsuk) {42}: MC(81/24), AM:80, AV:83, BPM:80, CMJ:80, CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80, F:84, Fix:80, Fly:80, G:80, LBF:75, M:80, Mi:91, NME:80, Now:80, P:80, Pf:80, PM:80, Px:80, Sk:80, Sl:80, Spk:90(29), U:80, UR:85(36); V[723-1-10]
  127. Ab-Soul: Control System (!K7) {41}: MC(84/7), AM:80, DJB:80, Ex:80, HDX:90(), Mi:91, Pf:81, PMA:(58), Pot:80(8), Px:80, RR:85, S:80, XXL:80; CM, RC:A-(46), TH:**; V[298-3-30]
  128. Allo Darlin': Europe (Slumberland) {41}: MC(82/18), AM:80, ATH:80(70), AV:75, Bow:75, BPM:86, CS:(45), MO:100(61), NME:80, P:84, Pf:81, Ph:88, PM:90(69), RS:80(42), S:80; CM, ExW:(24), YW, RC:A-(80), MT:A-; V[55-12-140]
  129. Cody Chesnutt: Landing on a Hundred (Vibration Vineyard) {41}: MC(79/12), AM:90, AS:80, AV:75, CS:80, DIY:80, I:100, MO:80, NYT:70, Ok:88(2), St:80(36), U:80; V[118-8-80]
  130. Future: Pluto (Epic) {41}: MC(69/7), CMG:(36), CS:(36), Fa:(22), NYT, Pf:78(37), Pot:(50), Px:75, S:80(11), Sg:(34); RC:**, TH:**; V[18-28-329]
  131. Gojira: L'Enfant Sauvage (Roadrunner) {41}: MC(92/5), AC:78, AP:80, AV:91, BBC:90, G:100, K:(16), Pf:81, PM:80, Rev:(5), RkS:(22), S:80; V[165-5-59]
  132. Peaking Lights: Lucifer (Mexican Summer) {41}: MC(81/14), AM:80, BPM:78, CS:80, DIY:80(38), Du:80, G:80, LBF:75, Mi:83(18), Pf:79(48), PMA:83(45), Px:80, Q:(), S:80, St:100, TMT:80, UR:80(79); TH:*; V[427-2-20]
  133. Redd Kross: Researching the Blues (Merge) {41}: MC(85/15), AM:90(34), AP:80, AV:83, Bl:90(75), BPM:80, CT:75, Du:80, F:81, G:80, LAT:75, Mg:(20), Now:80, P:90, Ph:75, PM:80(59), Sg, U:90, UT:75; YW, TH:C+; V[69-10-114]
  134. Toy: Toy (Heavenly) {41}: MC(78/16), AP:80, BBC:80, Cl:80, DIY:90(9), DS:80, Fly:80(28), G:80, Gw:(17), LBF:(19), M:80(23), Mi:83, MO:90(16), NME:80(19), Now:100, Qs:80(43), UR:75(99); JG:X, TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  135. Aesop Rock: Skelethon (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {40}: MC(81/15), AM:80, AV:83, Bl:80, CMG:(44), CS:80, DS:(9), HDX:(), Ok:89, P:75, Pf:82, Pot:90(27), Px:75, RR:85, S:70, Sk:80, TMT:80, WB:80; TH:**; V[220-6-43]
  136. Kindness: World, You Need a Change of Mind (Female Energy/Polydor) {40}: MC(75/15), AM:80, Cl:(15), Fly:80(8), Gw:(32), IS:80, LBF, M:80, MO:80(100), Q:80(), S:70, U:90, UR:80(42); TH:C+; V[723-1-10]
  137. Lotus Plaza: Spooky Action at a Distance (Kranky) {40}: MC(75/12), AM:80, Bow:75(19), CMG:80, CS:80, Du:70, Fly:80(48), Mi:75, Pf:84(38), PMA:91(34), Px:80; MT:A-, TH:**; V[108-9-84]
  138. Metric: Synthetica (Mom + Pop) {40}: MC(74/13), AM:80, AV:75, BG:70, DS:(33), Fix:80, LAT:75, LBF:80, Now:80, Ph:100, PMA:75, RS:70, S:(47), T:100; CM, MT:*, TH:*; V[119-8-79]
  139. Wadada Leo Smith: Ten Freedom Summers (Cuneiform, 4CD) {40}: AM:90, G:80, MO:(47), PM:100(55), W:(31); FJ, TN, TH:***; V[126-7-73]
  140. Soundgarden: King Animal (Universal Republic) {40}: MC(70/27), AM:80, BBC:80, EW:75, G:80, K:(18), M:80, Now:80, NYT:80, Ph:75, Qs:80, Rev:(3), RS:70, S:70, Sk:80, St:80; V[1385-1-5]
  141. Carter Tutti Void: Transverse (Mute Artists) {39}: MC(66/8), AM:80, BBC:80(12), DS:80, Fa:90(43), MO:90(9), Pf:75, Qs:80(3), RA:80, S, Sk:80, U:(75), W:(9); JG:(62), TH:**; V[1303-1-8]
  142. Justin Townes Earle: Nothing's Gonna Change the Way You Feel About Me Now (Bloodshot) {39}: MC(72/24), AC:89, AS:(28), BB:78, Bl:80(14), BPM:75, Mg:(13), Now:80, P:88(24), Q:80, R:100, RS:70(37), U:80, UT:88; TH:*; V[337-3-27]
  143. Roc Marciano: Reloaded (Decon) {39}: MC(83/8), AM:80, Ex:90(24), HDX:80(), Ok:87, Pf:81, Pot:80(15), Qs:80, S:90(39), Sg, XXL:80; RC:*, TH:***; V[112-9-83]
  144. Melody's Echo Chamber: Melody's Echo Chamber (Fat Possum) {39}: MC(77/5), AM:80, Bow:77, BPM:78, DS:(29), Fly:80(25), NME:(16), NYT:70, Px:80, Qs:(51), St:(48), UR:(53); V[203-5-47]
  145. Muse: The 2nd Law (Warner Bros) {39}: MC(71/22), BB:92, BG:80, BPM:100, DS:80(45), Fly:80, G:80, Gw:(22), IS:90, K:(52), LAT:75, NME:80, Q:80(), RkS:(38), RS:70(46), U:80; V[192-5-50]
  146. Of Monsters and Men: My Head Is an Animal (Universal Republic) {39}: MC(73/5), BPM:81, G:80, Gw:(13), LBF:85, MO:80, P:75(41), PM:(39), Spk:80(41), St:80(17); V[126-7-73]
  147. Shackleton: Music for the Quiet Hour/The Drawbar Organ EPs (Woe to the Septic Heart) {39}: MC(87/11), BPM:81, Cl:(26), CMG:86(14), DA:90, Du:80, Fa:80, Mi:100, MO:100(43), Pf:80, Qs:80(34), RA:90(6), TMT:90, W:80(28); SFJ; V[157-4-60]
  148. Tindersticks: The Something Rain (City Slang) {39}: MC(82/15), AV:75, BBC:80, Bl:80, CMG:77, DIY:80, DS:90(58), Du:80, Ex:80, G:80, IS:80, MO:90(77), Ob:80, Pf:81, PM:80, Qs:80, S:70, Spk:80, TMT:80, U:80; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  149. Richard Hawley: Standing at the Sky's Edge (Mute; Parlophone/EMI) {38}: MC(78/22), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:90, CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80(74), Fly:80, G:100, Gw:100, I:80, IS:80, LBF:(35), M:80(24), MO:(54), NME:(23), Ph:100, PM:80, Q:(), Qs:80, U:(32), UR:(74); V[206-2-45]
  150. Elle Varner: Perfectly Imperfect (RCA) {38}: AM:90(33), RS:80, UT:75; CM, ExW:(25), JG:**(38), YW, RC:A-(32), MT:A-, TH:**; V[86-10-101]
  151. Beachwood Sparks: The Tarnished Gold (Sub Pop) {37}: MC(80/16), AM:80(23), ATH:(91), AV:83, Bl:90(39), DIY:80, G:80, I:80, LBF:75, MO:90(22), Now:80, Pf:77, Ph:88, S:70, U:(21); JG:X; V[187-4-50]
  152. Calexico: Algiers (Anti) {37}: MC(80/13), AV:91, BBC:80, Bl:90(20), BPM:76, Cl:80, Fly:80, I:80, LBF:90, MO:80(96), NR:80, Q:80, U:(63), UR:75; TH:B; V[337-3-27]
  153. Niki and the Dove: Instinct (Sub Pop) {37}: MC(77/18), AM:80, BBC:90, BPM:87, EW:83, F:86(9), Fix:80, Fly:90, IS:80, LBF:(4), Mi:83, MO:90, NME:80, NR:(39), Pf:79, PMA:83(37), S:70, Sl:80(11), St:80, UR:80(78); TH:B-; V[381-4-25]
  154. Rush: Clockwork Angels (Roadrunner) {37}: MC(79/4), AM:80, AV:91(15), BPM:80, CS:80, Ex:80, G:80, K:(30), Now:80, PM:(67), RS:70, S:70, Spk:(32); V[80-11-103]
  155. The 2 Bears: Be Strong (Southern Fried) {36}: MC(79/19), AM:90, BBC:80, BPM:78, Cl:80, DS:80, Du:80, G:80, I:80, Mix:(12), MO:80, NME:(48), Now:80, NR:80, Ob:80(1), PMA:75, Q:80(), St:80(18), U:80(55), XL:75; TH:*; V[346*-4-36]
  156. Dexys: One Day I'm Going to Soar (BMG) {36}: MC(85/11), BBC:90(3), Fix:100, Fly:80, G:80(34), IS:100, LBF:85, M:(5), MO:80(14), St:(46), T:80, U:90(13); V[427-2-20]
  157. Holy Other: Held (Tri Angle) {36}: MC(74/19), AM:80, BG:80, Bow:75, BPM:82(29), DIY:80, DS:80, Ex:80, Fa:90, Mi:75, Mix:(25), MO:80, NR:80, Pf:80, Px:85, RA:80, Sk:100, XL:80(13); JG:X, TH:B
  158. Azealia Banks: 1991 (Interscope, EP) {35}: MC(78/5), AM:80, Ex:80(48), Pf:77, Ph:100, PMA:75, RS:70(30); CM, ExW:(9), JG:(22), YW, RC:A(11), MT:A+(2), TH:**; V[105*-9-96]
  159. Damien Jurado: Maraqopa (Secretly Canadian) {35}: MC(81/22), AM:80, AP:80, AS:80, AV:91, BBC:80, BG:80, BPM:80, DS:80, Du:80, M:80, MO:80, NR:80, P:80(46), Pf:76, Px:75, S:70, Sk:80, TMT:90, U:80; V[192-5-50]
  160. The Maccabees: Given to the Wild (Fiction) {35}: MC(73/15), AbP:95, BBC:80, BPM:78, Cl:90(19), DIY:80(11), DS:(43), Fly:90(9), G:80, Gw:90(23), IS:80, NME:90(6), PM:(22), Q:80(), St:80, T:80
  161. Anais Mitchell: Young Man in America (Wilderland) {35}: MC(88/10), AS:80, BBC:80, Cl:80, DS:80(92), G:80, IS:100, MO:100(12), Ob:80, Pf:78, PM:80, Q:80, T:80, U:80(47); TH:*; V[241-4-39]
  162. Lee Ranaldo: Between the Times and the Tide (Matador) {35}: MC(78/13), AV:75, BPM:76, DIY:80, DS:80(88), Ex:80, F:86, Now:80, Q:80, S:70, Sk:80, U:(71), UR:80; CM, ExW:(68), JG:*, RC:A-(13), MT:**, TH:*; V[171-5-56]
  163. The Tallest Man on Earth: There's No Leaving Now (Dead Oceans) {35}: MC(76/15), ATH:80(4), AV:75, BPM:87, Cl:80, Ex:80, F:86, MO:100, PM:80(73), PMA:75, S:80, Spk:80(3), UR:75; MT:B-; V[723-1-10]
  164. Yeasayer: Fragrant World (Secretly Canadian) {35}: MC(70/42), AbP:86, AP:80, Bow:85, Cl:80(38), CMJ:80, CT:88, DIY:80, DS:80(47), EW:83, Fly:80, NYT:70, Ok:80, P:78, Ph:88, Q:80, RS:70, Sk:80, UR:90(15); JG:X, RC:B+, TH:*; V[298-3-30]
  165. Beak>: >> (Invada) {34}: AP:80, AM:80, CS:(38), Fa:80, Fly:80, G:80, LBF:75, MiF:86, NR:80, Qs:(57), S:(36), Sk:80; V[527-2-16]
  166. Madonna: MDNA (Interscope) {34}: MC(66/24), BBC:80, Cl:80, CT:75, I:80, MO:80, NYT:70, Ph:75, PM:80, RS:70, S:70, Sl:70, St:80(54), UT:88; ExW:(65), RC:A-(79), MT:A-, TH:A-; V[210-5-45]
  167. Pig Destroyer: Book Burner (Relapse) {34}: MC(84/6), AM:90, CMJ:80, CS:80, Du:80, Ex:(20), Pf:80, PM:90, Rev:(6); V[153-7-63]
  168. Amadou and Mariam: Folila (Because/Nonesuch) {33}: MC(75/16), AM:80, EW:91, I:80, Ok:88, P:80, RS:70(49), S, Sg, Sl:70, St:80, T:100; YW, RC:A-(95), MT:A-, TH:A-; V[274-3-32]
  169. The Congos/Sun Araw/M Geddes Gengras: Icon Give Thank (Rvng Intl) {33}: MC(77/7), AM:80, Du:70, M:80, Pf:81, PM:(72), Qs:(18), S:80, TMT:80(26), U:80(44), W:(2); SFJ:(*); V[164-7-60]
  170. Cooly G: Playin' Me (Hyperdub) {33}: Bl:80, BPM:78, DS:80, Fa:80(3), G:80(15), Gw:(29), Mix:(11), MO:80(39), NME:80, Pf:80, PM:90, Pot:90, RA:80, S:70, TMT:80, W:(41); V[226-4-41]
  171. Brian Eno: Lux (Warp) {33}: MC(76/27), AM:80, AV:83, Bl:80(55), BPM:79, DS:80, Du:70, I:80, MO:80, NME:80, NYT:80, Pf:80, PM:80, Pot:(48), Ob:80, Qs:80, S:70, Sk:80, Sl:70, U:80, UR:75, XL:80; SFJ:(*); V[427-2-20]
  172. Macklemore/Ryan Lewis: The Heist (ADA) {33}: MC(76/7), AC:78, AM:80, DJB:80, HDX:80(), XXL:80; RC:B+(72), TH:***; V[215-4-44]
  173. Mala: Mala in Cuba (Brownswood) {33}: MC(84/4), AM:80, BBC:80(11), Cl:80, Ex:80, G:(33), Mix:(5), NME:80, Pot:80, Q:(), RA:80, S:80(34), Sk:100, XL:(5); TH:*
  174. Neurosis: Honor Found in Decay (Neurot) {33}: MC(82/10), AM:80, AP:80, Du:80, Ex:80(43), G:80, K:(45), Pf:79, Px:85, PM:80, RkS:(24), S:80, Spk:80(27), TMT:80, U:80; V[278-2-31]
  175. POS: We Don't Even Live Here (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {33}: MC(87/5), AbP:90, AM:80, AP:90, AV:91(10), DIY:80, F:87, LBF:80, Pot:80, RR:85, St:80(62); TH:*; V[187-4-50]
  176. Raime: Quarter Turns Over a Living Line (Blackest Ever Black) {33}: MC(82/11), AM:90, BPM:82, Du:70, Ex:80, Fa:80, Qs:80(32), RA:80(20), TMT:100(49), W:80(38)
  177. Screaming Females: Ugly (Don Giovanni) {33}: MC(83/18), AM:80, ATH:(64), AV:91, BPM:80, CS:80, CT:88, Du:80, LAT:88, Mg:80, Mi:83, NR:90, P:79, Pf:80, Ph:88, Px:85, S:70, Sg:(21); CM, JG:*, MT:C+; V[120-7-77]
  178. Shearwater: Animal Joy (Sub Pop) {33}: MC(76/21), AbP:85, AC:78, AM:80, AV:83, Bl:90, Bow:75, Cl:80, CMG:82, DIY:80, DS:80(51), Ex:80, F:86, G:80, P:82, S:70, Sg, Sl:(24), U:80; TH:B; V[128-7-72]
  179. Smashing Pumpkins: Oceania (EMI) {33}: MC(72/18), AC:78, AM:80(39), AV:75, BBC:80, Blr:80, CS:80(43), CT:88, K:(61), P:83, Ph:100, RS:(48), S:70, Sl:70, Spk:80, UT:88; TH:B; V[268-4-34]
  180. Jake Bugg: Jake Bugg (Mercury) {32}: MC(80/12), Cl:80(33), Fix:80, Fly:80, G:80, Gw:(41), I:80, IS:80, M:80(49), MO:80, NME:90(9), Ob:80, Q:(), St:(47), U:80
  181. Donald Fagen: Sunken Condos (Reprise) {32}: MC(80/11), AM:90(16), I:80, IS:80, RS:70(25), Sl:80, U:90(58); ExW:(43), JG:**(26), RC:A-(42), MT:A-, TH:**; V[91-10-96]
  182. Four Tet: Pink (Text) {32}: Mi:83, Mix:(32), Pf:82, Ph:100, Pot:(33), S:80, St:(27), XL:95(4); JG:*, MT:*; V[172-6-55]
  183. Kellie Pickler: 100 Proof (BNA) {32}: MC(77/4), AM:80, BB:80, CW:(5), E145:(2), EW:83, R:100(2), Sl:70; TH:**; V[321-3-29]
  184. Six Organs of Admittance: Ascent (Drag City) {32}: MC(79/22), Bl:80, BPM:78, CS:80, DS:80, Du:80, Ex:80, F:83, K:80, LBF:85, Mg:80, MO:80, NME:80, NYT:70, Pf:75, Ph:75, Px:75, Q:80, Qs:(74), U:80(35), W:80; V[723-1-10]
  185. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs: Trouble (Casablanca) {32}: MC(76/8), AM:80, BBC:80(5), DS:80, G:80, LBF:75, Mix:(7), MO:80, NME:80(38), Ob:80, Q:(), S:70, St:80(19); TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  186. Big Boi: Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors (Purple Ribbon) {31}: MC(73/24), AV:83, BG:80, DJB:90, EW:91, Ex:100, Fa:80, HDX:80(), NYT:80, Ph:75, RR:80, RS:80, Sl:80, XXL:80; RC:*, TH:*; V[162-6-60]
  187. Big KRIT: Live From the Underground (Def Jam) {31}: MC(76/12), AC:78, BB:84, DJB:80, EW:91, Ex:90, HDX:90(), Ok:86, Px:75, PM:80, RR:80, RS:70, S:80, XXL:80; CM, RC:*, TH:A-
  188. Gary Clark Jr: Blak and Blu (Warner Bros) {31}: MC(75/13), AbP:90, AM:80, BG:80, EW:91, Ex:80, F:85, Ok:88, RS:70(27); TN, TH:B-; V[148-8-65]
  189. Here We Go Magic: A Different Ship (Secretly Canadian) {31}: MC(74/13), Bow:85, CMG:81(39), DIY:80, DS:80, F:83, Fa:80, Fly:80(31), Mi:83, MO:90, NME:80, NR:80, NYT:70, P:81, Ph:75, PM:90, Q:(), S:70, U:80; V[231-3-40]
  190. Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra: Theatre Is Evil (8ft) {31}: MC(83/9), AM:80, AP:80(7), BPM:78, DS:80, F:82, G:80, IS:100, MO:80, P:87, PM:90(44), Q:80, RS:70, St:80; TH:B; V[180-5-53]
  191. Regina Spektor: What We Saw From the Cheap Seats (Sire) {31}: MC(79/13), AM:80, AS:(38), AV:91, EW:75, F:81, LAT:75, MO:80, NME:80, PMA:83, RS:70, S:80, Sl:80, Spk:100(17); MT:**, TH:**; V[427-2-20]
  192. Lee Fields: Faithful Man (Truth and Soul) {30}: MC(76/8), AM:80, BBC:80, Bl:80(60), Du:70, I:80, M:80(20), Mi:100, Ok:90, Q:80, Sk:80; TH:***; V[243-4-38]
  193. The Fresh and Onlys: Long Slow Dance (Mexican Summer) {30}: ATH:80(21), AV:83, Bl:(29), Bow:80, BPM:75, F:82, Fly:80, LBF:75, MO:80, P:80, Pf:76, PM:90, Sk:80, TMT:80, UR:75(84); V[210-5-45]
  194. Hospitality: Hospitality (Merge) {30}: MC(80/7), AM:80, ATH:80(51), AV:91, CMG:78, Fly:80, P:(22), Ph:75, RS:80(32); JG:*, YW, MT:**, TH:*; V[136-10-69]
  195. Cate Le Bon: Cyrk (The Control Group) {30}: MC(81/12), AM:80, ATH:80, AV:83, BPM:77, CMG:75, Du:80, M:(41), MO:80, Now:80, NYT:80, P:76, Pf:76, PM:80, Spk:80, U:(52); JG:X, MT:C+; V[1264-2-10]
  196. Meshuggah: Koloss (Nuclear Blast) {30}: MC(78/6), AM:80, AV:83, DS:80, K:(85), MH:90, Rev:(2), S:90, Sk:80, Spk:80; V[672-1-12]
  197. Off!: Off! (Vice) {30}: MC(80/12), AM:90(41), AP:80, AV:83, Blr:80, CS:80, CT:75, F:84, K:(84), LAT:88, Mg:(14), Mi:75, NME:80, NYT:80, P:76, Px:85, RS:70, S:70, Sk:80; JG:X, MT:B-, TH:***; V[427-2-20]
  198. Pallbearer: Sorrow and Extinction (Profound Lore) {30}: BPM:(24), Ex:(47), Mi:(34), Pf:84(47), S:80(20); V[60-14-134]
  199. School of Seven Bells: Ghostory (Vagrant) {30}: MC(71/19), AM:90, AP:80, BBC:80, Bow:80, CS:80, DS:90(8), F:83, Fly:80, G:80, MO:80, Ob:80, PMA:83, Q:80(), Sg, Spk:80, St:80, UR:(55); TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  200. Corin Tucker Band: Kill My Blues (Kill Rock Stars) {30}: MC(78/21), AM:80, AP:80, AV:75, Bl:90(59), Du:80, F:83, M:80, Px:75, Q:80, S:70, Sl:70, UR:75; CM, ExW:(19), JG:**(53), YW, RC:A-(55), TH:**; V[115-9-81]
  201. Matthew E White: Big Inner (Hometapes) {30}: MC(78/8), Bl:90(1), CMJ:80, CS:90(15), F:83, NYT:70, Pf:81, RS:70, Sg:(46); TH:B; V[99-8-89]
  202. And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead: Lost Songs (Superball Music) {29}: MC(77/17), AbP:85, AM:80, AP:80, AV:91, CS:80, DIY:(24), DS:80(52), EW:83, F:84, Fly:90, K:(76), P:78, Pf:80, RkS:(46), Sk:80, Spk:80; V[381-4-25]
  203. Big KRIT: 4Eva N a Day (Livemixtapes) {29}: MC(78/8), AV:75, CMG:80, CS:80, DJB:90, Fa:80, P:85, PM:80, PMA:83, RR:85, RS:70, XXL:80; CM, ExW:(22), YW, RC:A-(68), TH:A-; V[527-2-16]
  204. Death Grips: No Love Deep Web (self-released) {29}: MC(74/10), BBC:80, BPM:80, Fa:90, Mi:75, Now:80, Pf:82, RR:80, St:80, TMT:80(42); RC:(36); V[184-6-52]
  205. JJ Doom: Key to the Kuffs (Lex) {29}: MC(77/21), AV:83, BBC:80, BPM:76, M:80, NME:80, Ok:79, Px:80, Q:80, Qs:80, RA:80, Sl:70, WB:100, XXL:80; JG:**(54), TH:**; V[1385-1-5]
  206. Craig Finn: Clear Heart Full Eyes (Vagrant) {29}: MC(69/22), AM:80, AV:83, BBC:80, Buf:75, CMG:78, EW:75, G:80, Mi:83, NYT:80, RkS:80, RS:70, Sk:80, Spk:(44), St:80, TMT:90, U:80; JG:*, RC:B+, MT:B, TH:***; V[257-4-35]
  207. Ellie Goulding: Halcyon (Interscope) {29}: MC(69/13), Blr:80, EW:83, Fly:80, Gw:(40), LAT:75, P:82, RS:70, St:80, T:80; V[179-3-53]
  208. King Tuff: King Tuff (Sub Pop) {29}: MC(79/10), ATH:(80), Bow:75, BPM:76, Du:70, Fly:80(20), Mi:83, P:87(35), Pf:78, Ph:88, PM:80, RS:70, S:80(18); V[72-10-111]
  209. Steve Lehman Trio: Dialect Fluorescent (Pi) {29}: G:80, S:80; CM, DB, ExW:(12), FJ, JG:**(2), TN, TH:A(2); V[130-5-71]
  210. The Mars Volta: Noctourniquet (Warner Bros) {29}: MC(79/12), AP:80, DIY:90, EW:83, Fly:80, G:80, K:(58), MO:80, Ob:80, Ph:75, PM:80, Q:80, S:70, Sk:80, UT:75; V[1303-1-8]
  211. Mount Eerie: Ocean Roar (PW Elverum and Sun) {29}: CMG:(29), F:83, LBF:85, NR:90, Pf:81, PM:80, Sg:(38), Spk:80(23), TMT:80(4), UR:75(91); V[257-4-35]
  212. Bonnie Raitt: Slipstream (Redwing) {29}: MC(79/10), AS:80(9), Buf:88, CT:75, EW:91, I:80, P:85, RS:80(22), S:80, UT:88; RC:**, MT:**, TH:**; V[138-8-68]
  213. Sam Rivers/Dave Holland/Barry Altschul: Reunion: Live in New York (Pi, 2CD) {29}: ExW:(70), TN, TH:A-(7); V[508-2-18]
  214. Esperanza Spalding: Radio Music Society (Heads Up) {29}: MC(68/8), EW:75, G:80, JW:(13), Ok:89, PM:(32), S:70, U:80, UT:88; DB, JG:*, TH:B-; V[215-4-44]
  215. Staff Benda Bilili: Bouger Le Monde (Crammed Discs) {29}: MC(87/9), AM:80, G:80, I:80, MO:90(74), Ob:80, PM:90, Q:80, T:80; ExW:(31), RC:A-(54), TH:A-; V[165-5-59]
  216. Tanlines: Mixed Emotions (True Panther Sounds) {29}: MC(77/11), ATH:(50), AV:83, CMJ:80, CS:80, DIY:80, Du:80, Ex:80, Ph:75, PMA:75, Px:80, RS:70, S:80, Sg, St:80; TH:B; V[106-10-86]
  217. Jimmy Cliff: Rebirth (Sunpower) {28}: MC(81/12), AM:80, AP:90(9), BG:80, Cl:80(25), CMG:77, IS:80, Pf:75, PM:90, RS:80(12), S:70, UT:88; TH:**; V[144-6-65]
  218. Cold Specks: I Predict a Graceful Explosion (Arts and Crafts) {28}: MC(76/13), BPM:78, DIY:90, DS:80, I:80, MO:80, Now:80, Pf:77, St:80, U:80, UR:75; TH:**; V[114*-7-101]
  219. Ravi Coltrane: Spirit Fiction (Blue Note) {28}: MC(75/6), AM:80, G:80, NYT:70, Ok:92; TN, YW, TH:**; V[1385-1-5]
  220. Future of the Left: The Plot Against Common Sense (Xtra Mile) {28}: MC(81/12), AM:80, AV:91(18), BPM:82, CMJ:80, DIY:90(19), DS:90(62), LBF:85, MO:90(93), RkS:80(21), S:70, Sk:80, Spk:90(42), TMT:80; MT:C, TH:*; V[181-5-52]
  221. Kelly Hogan: I Like to Keep Myself in Pain (Anti) {28}: MC(88/8), AM:90(40), AS:80, AV:75, Bl:80, CT:100(5), Du:80, P:77(49), PM:80, RS:70, S:80, Sl:90(20), U:80; TH:**; V[46-15-165]
  222. Lone: Galaxy Garden (R&S) {28}: MC(77/15), BBC:90, Bow:90, BPM:82(50), Cl:90, DS:80, Mi:83, Mix:80(14), MO:80, Pf:82, Pot:80, RA:80, S:80, XL:80; V[242-5-39]
  223. Beth Orton: Sugaring Season (Anti-) {28}: MC(75/16), AM:80, AS:80(43), Cl:80, CS:80, DIY:80, Ex:80, Fly:80, G:80, IS:80, LBF:80, P:80, Pf:77, Sk:80, Sl:70, T:80; V[228-5-41]
  224. M Ward: A Wasteland Companion (Merge) {28}: MC(76/22), AS:(46), AV:83, Bl:80(21), Buf:75, CS:80, DS:80, F:83, G:80, I:80, Ph:88, PMA:75, RS:70, U:80; YW, MT:***, TH:*; V[298-3-30]
  225. Paul Weller: Sonik Kicks (Island) {28}: MC(78/18), AM:90, BBC:80, DS:80, G:80, Gw:80, I:80, IS:80, M:(48), Mg:85, NME:80(42), NR:80, PM:80(50), Q:80(), T:80, U:80(28); JG:X, TH:B; V[298-3-30]
  226. Earth: Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light, Vol 2 (Southern Lord) {27}: MC(83/20), AM:80, AV:75, BBC:80, BPM:78, CS:80, DS:90(53), Du:80, Fa:90, G:100, K:80, NR:100, Pf:79, PM:80, Px:75, Qs:80, Sk:80, TMT:100, W:(34)
  227. Efterklang: Piramida (4AD) {27}: MC(74/13), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:(20), DIY:80, DS:90(31), Fa:80, Fly:80, LBF:90, M:80, MO:80, Q:80, Sk:80, St:80, UR:80(69)
  228. Green Day: Uno! (Reprise) {27}: MC(68/21), AP:80, EW:75, K:(7), M:80, MO:80, RkS:(36), RS:80(8), S:70; V[723-1-10]
  229. Guided by Voices: Let's Go Eat the Factory (GBV) {27}: MC(73/33), AM, AV:83, Bl:80, Buf:75, CMG:80, CS:80, CT:75, EW:83, F:85, G:80, LAT:88, Mg:(4), NME:80, P:84, Q:80, RS:70, S:80, Sg, UR:80; YW, TH:B; V[635-1-14]
  230. Himanshu [Heems]: Nehru Jackets (Greedhead) {27}: AV:83, Mi:91(37), Pot:90(7), RS:70, S:80(49); CM, JG:**(18), SFJ, ExW:(46), RC:A-(7), MT:A-, TH:A-; V[139-5-67]
  231. Carly Rae Jepsen: Kiss (604/Interscope/Schoolboy) {27}: MC(64/11), AM:80(10), BB:76, LAT:75, Now:80; ExW:(74), JG:*(71), MT:B-, TH:A-; V[40-15-174]
  232. Lianne La Havas: Is Your Love Big Enough? (Nonesuch) {27}: MC(71/15), Cl:80, IS:80, NYT:80, Ok:86, PM:90(70), Q:80, RS:70, St:(39), T:80; TH:***; V[197-6-49]
  233. Plan B: Ill Manors (Atlantic) {27}: MC(86/9), AM:80, DS:80, G:80(20), I:80, IS:90, NME:80, Ob:80(6), Q:80(), RR:90, S:80, St:80, T:100; TH:*; V[527-2-16]
  234. Punch Brothers: Who's Feeling Young Now? (Nonesuch) {27}: MC(79/9), AS:(30), AV:91, BG:80, G:80, P:90(45), Ph:88, PM:80, RS:70; TH:B; V[493-3-20]
  235. Christian Scott: Christian aTunde Adjuah (Concord, 2CD) {27}: MC(78/5), AM:80(25), G:80, JW:(12), M:80; JG:*, TN, TH:*; V[1365-1-6]
  236. Tennis: Young and Old (Fat Possum) {27}: MC(69/25), AM:80, AV:75, Blr:90, Cl:80, CMJ:80, EW:83, F:84, Fly:80, Mi:75, MO:80, Ph:75, PMA:83, Px:75, S:70; JG:X, MT:B, TH:*; V[315-4-30]
  237. Joey Badass: 1999 (Cinematic/Creative Control) {26}: BPM:79, CS:(44), Ex:(22), Pf:80, Sg:(37), WB:70; V[220-6-43]
  238. Dean Blunt/Inga Copeland [Hype Williams]: Black Is Beautiful (Hyperdub) {26}: MC(69/8), Fa:80(21), MiF:94, MO:80, Qs:(12), RA:80, S:80, TMT:80(2), W:(17); TH:*; V[73*-8-120]
  239. Carolina Chocolate Drops: Leaving Eden (Nonesuch) {26}: MC(80/10), AM:80, BBC:80, E145:(15), G:80, IS:80, LAT:88, Ob:80, PM:90(12), RS:80, UT:88; JG:*, RC:**, MT:***, TH:***; V[117-7-80]
  240. The Coup: Sorry to Bother You (Anti-) {26}: MC(79/4), AM:80, AV:91, CT:(9), RR:80, S:70; CM, ExW:(21), JG:*(14), RC:A-(64), TH:A-(8); V[76-10-105]
  241. Homeboy Sandman: First of a Living Breed (Stones Throw) {26}: MC(76/7), AM:80, BBC:80, Bow:80, HDX:80(), Ok:90, Pot:(34), Sk:80; JG:**(33), RC:A-(20), TH:A-; V[723-1-10]
  242. Beth Jeans Houghton and the Hooves of Destiny: Yours Truly, Cellophane Nose (Mute) {26}: MC(79/17), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:90(9), CS:80, DS:80, G:80, M:80, MO:80, Ob:80, Q:80, Qs:80, T:80, U:80, UR:80(68); TH:B; V[427-2-20]
  243. Kesha: Warrior (RCA) {26}: MC(74/14), AM:80, AV:75, BB:81, DS:80, EW:75, LAT:88, NYT:70, RS:70, S:70; JG:*, TH:B; V[90-10-97]
  244. Kid Koala: 12 Bit Blues (Ninja Tune) {26}: MC(77/6), AM:80, Ex:80, IS:80, U:80, WB:90, XL:75; JG:**(65), RC:A-(70), MT:A-, TH:A-; V[361-3-25]
  245. Lord Huron: Lonesome Dreams (Iamsound) {26}: MC(65/4), Bl:(19), EW:(5), F:82, P:(48), RS:70, UR:(51); TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  246. Brad Mehldau Trio: Ode (Nonesuch) {26}: MC(85/7), AM:80, BBC:80, Bl:90, Buf:88, G:80, IS:80, MO:90, NYT:80, PM:80; DB, TN
  247. AC Newman: Shut Down the Streets (Matador) {26}: MC(77/6), AM:80, ATH:80(71), AV:75, BPM:76, DIY:80, F:81, LBF:75, P:88, Px:80, Sl:70, UR:(93); MT:C+; V[361-3-25]
  248. Quakers: Quakers (Stones Throw) {26}: MC(79/13), AM:90, BBC:90, BPM:87, Cl:90, MO:80, NR:90, Ok:91, RR:85, S:70, Sk:100, WB:90; JG:**(70), TH:***
  249. Rick Ross: Rich Forever (Maybach Music Group) {26}: MC(72/10), AV:83, CMG:75, Mi:75, Now:80, NYT:70, P:82, Pf:(42), RS:70(45), S:70, Sg:(47), XXL:80; SFJ, MT:C; V[113-12-83]
  250. Emeli Sande: Our Version of Events (Virgin) {26}: MC(67/16), BBC:(22), DIY:80, I:80, LAT:75, NYT:70, Q:80(), T:90; V[298-3-30]
  251. TNGHT: TNGHT (Warp, EP) {26}: MC(86/8), BPM:86, CMJ:80, CS:80(31), Gw:(35), Mi:83(32), NME:90, NYT, Pf:85(35), Pot:80, S:80, Spk:80; TH:*; V[228-5-41]
  252. Traxman: Da Mind of Traxman (Planet Mu) {26}: MC(79/12), AM:80, DS:80, Du:80, Ex:80, Fa:80, Mi:(49), Px:80, Qs:80(44), S:90(19), TMT:80(19), W:80(42); TH:B; V[157-4-60]
  253. The Vaccines: Come of Age (Columbia) {26}: MC(68/20), AbP:80, BBC:80, Cl:80(35), Fly:80(16), Gw:(10), M:80, NME:80(36), Q:(), RS:70; V[502-2-19]
  254. Air: Le Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip to the Moon) (Virgin) {25}: MC(71/18), AM:80, AV:75, BBC:80, Buf:75, EW:100, F:91, Fly:80, IS:80, P:80, Ph:75, PMA:91, Px:75, S:80, UR:80(72); MT:A-, TH:A-; V[1264-2-10]
  255. Band of Horses: Mirage Rock (Columbia) {25}: MC(68/21), AS:(50), F:87, G:80, M:80, NME:80, P:86, Ph:75, RS:70(19), Sl:70, U:90; V[257-4-35]
  256. Tim Berne: Snakeoil (ECM) {25}: MC(80/5), AM:80, BBC:80, Buf:88, G:80, NYT, PM:80; FJ, JG:**, TN, TH:***; V[327-3-28]
  257. Black Breath: Sentenced to Life (Southern Lord) {25}: MC(86/6), AM:80, AP:80, DA:80, DS:90, Ex:80, Fa:(39), K:(37), Mi:100, NME:90, Pf:76, Qs:(54), RkS:(27); V[239-5-40]
  258. Bloc Party: Four (Frenchkiss) {25}: MC(68/34), AM:80, AP:80, AV:75, Cl:80, DIY:80(44), DS:80(50), EW:83, F:80, Fix:80, Fly:80, G:80, LBF:80, MO:90, NYT:70, Ob:80, RS:70, St:100(61); V[723-1-10]
  259. Brother Ali: Mourning in America and Dreaming in Color (Rhymesayers) {25}: MC(80/7), AM:80, HDX:80, LBF:75, M:80, Ok:85, Pf:79, Pot:80(41), Q:80, RR:85, WB:90, XXL:80; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  260. GOOD Music: Cruel Summer (GOOD Music/Def Jam) {25}: MC(66/15), BPM:75, EW:91, G:80, Gw:(15), NME:(31), RS:(24), XXL:80; RC:B+, MT:***, TH:**; V[427-2-20]
  261. Branford Marsalis Quartet: Four MFs Playin' Tunes (Marsalis Music) {25}: MC(75/5), BG:80, G:80, JW:(9), NYT:80, UT:88; JG:**(48), TN, TH:A-
  262. Om: Advaitic Songs (Drag City) {25}: MC(67/14), CMG:86, CS:80, DS:80, Du:80, Fix:80, G:80, MO:80, Px:80, Spk:90; V[1264-2-10]
  263. Antibalas: Antibalas (Daptone) {24}: MC(78/19), AC:78, AM:80, AV:83, BBC:80, Bl:(63), CS:80, Du:80, G:80, LBF:75, M:80, Mg:90, NME:80, Ob:80, Pf:75, Ph:88, RR:80; TH:A-; V[427-2-20]
  264. Willis Earl Beal: Acousmatic Sorcery (XL) {24}: MC(70/12), AM:80, AV:91, Bow:75, Cl:80(40), DIY:80, Fa:80, G:80, MO:80, NR:80, PMA:75, Pot:80, S, Sk:80; TH:*; V[343-2-26]
  265. The Cribs: In the Belly of the Brazen Bull (Wichita) {24}: MC(69/17), AM:80, BBC:80, CS:80, DIY:80(3), DS:90(61), F:85, Fly:80(21), G:(22), Gw:80(37), MO:80, NME:90(8), St:80(59)
  266. Van Halen: A Different Kind of Truth (Interscope) {24}: MC(79/11), AM:80, AV:75, BB:78, Bl:80, Buf:100, EW:91, G:80, Ph:100, RS:70, S:70, UT:88; V[92-5-94]
  267. The Magnetic Fields: Love at the Bottom of the Sea (Merge) {24}: MC(67/35), AC:78, BBC:80, BG:80, BPM:86, Cl:80, DIY:80, DS:(78), F:85, RS:70, S:80, Sk:80, UT:75; JG:**(29), RC:A-(81), MT:A-, TH:***; V[215-4-44]
  268. Micachu and the Shapes: Never (Rough Trade) {24}: MC(76/20), BG:80, Cl:80(30), DS:80, Fa:80, G:80, M:80, Mi:100, MO:80, NME:80, Qs:80, S:80, U:80(33), W:80; V[251-4-36]
  269. Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded (Universal Republic) {24}: MC(59/24), BBC:(14), EW:75, G:80, RS:80, S:80(45); ExW:(63), JG:**(49), RC:A-(78), MT:B+, TH:A-; V[99-8-89]
  270. Moon Duo: Circles (Sacred Bones) {24}: MC(72/7), BBC:80, Bl:(57), Bow:78, Mi:91, NME:80, Pf:76, Sk:80; V[587-2-15]
  271. Nite Jewel: One Second of Love (Secretly Canadian) {24}: MC(75/16), Bow:80, EW:83, F:82, Fa:80, G:(35), LAT:75, Mi:10(33), NYT:70, Ph:75, PM:85, PMA:83, Px:80, S:70, Sl:70, U:(65); V[1385-1-5]
  272. Angel Olsen: Half Way Home (Bathetic) {24}: Bow:(14), BPM:82, Pf:80, St:(15), TMT:80(23); V[361-3-25]
  273. Quantic and Alice Russell with the Combo Barbaro: Look Around the Corner (Tru Thoughts) {24}: MC(83/7), BBC:80, Bl:80(72), M:80, Ok:90, PM:80(41), Pot:90, S:70, U:80; JG:**(41), TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  274. Rick Ross: God Forgives, I Don't (Def Jam) {24}: MC(75/15), AbP:80, AM:80, CS:80, DJB:80, EW:91, HDX:80, LAT:75, RR:80, RS:80, S:70, Sl:80, UT:75, XXL:80; V[277-4-32]
  275. Serengeti: CAR (Anticon) {24}: MC(82/4), Bow:75, CMJ:80, LBF:75, Ok:78, Pf:76, Ph:88, RS:70, S:80, Sk:80; ExW:(31), JG:**(7), RC:A-(25), TH:A-; V[327-3-28]
  276. Henry Threadgill Zooid: Tomorrow Sunny/The Revelry, Spp (Pi) {24}: G:80, PM:80; CM, FJ:(5), TN, TH:***; V[402-2-21]
  277. Usher: Looking 4 Myself (RCA) {24}: MC(74/10), BB:90, BPM:75, DJB:80, EW:75, G:80, LAT:75, Pf:76, PM:80, RS:70, S:70, Sg, UT:88; MT:**(74), TH:*; V[184-6-52]
  278. Vessel: Order of Noise (Tri-Angle) {24}: BPM:79, DS:80, Fa:80, LBF:80, MO:80, RA:90(7), St:(66), XL:80(10); V[723-1-10]
  279. Daughn Gibson: All Hell (White Denim) {23}: MC(83/4), AC:78, ATH:(92), Fly:(24), Mi:83, Pf:81, S:80, TMT:80(17); JG:X; V[361-3-25]
  280. Grass Widow: Internal Logic (HLR) {23}: MC(71/7), AM:80, ATH:80(15), Bl:80, Bow:85(26), Du:70, F:85, Mi:83, Pf:77, Ph:75, S:80; YW; V[154-5-62]
  281. R Kelly: Write Me Back (RCA) {23}: MC(76/13), BBC:80, BG:80, CT:75, EW:91, I:80, LAT:75, MO:80, Now:80, RS:70, S:70(37), UT:75; JG:X; V[181-5-52]
  282. Little Big Town: Tornado (Capitol) {23}: MC(72/5), AM:80, BB:80, CW:80(3), E145:(16), NYT:70, Ph:75, R:90(12), Sl:80; V[723-1-10]
  283. Bruno Mars: Unorthodox Jukebox (Atlantic) {23}: MC(71/15), BB:77, EW:91, PM:80, RS:80, S:80; JG:X, TH:**; V[152-6-63]
  284. Mission of Burma: Unsound (Fire) {23}: MC(77/20), AM:90, Bl:80, Bow:80, CMJ:80, CS:80, CT:75, DIY:80, Ex:80, Fly:90, G:80, LBF:90, MO:80, NME:80, P:82, Pf:77, RS:70, S:80, Sk:80, U:80; V[298-3-30]
  285. Orbital: Wonky (ACP) {23}: MC(72/9), BBC:80, DIY:80, DS:80(67), G:(37), M:(18), MO:80, NME:80, Pf:75, Q:(), S:80, Sk:80, St:80, U:(64), UT:75; V[399-3-22]
  286. Silent Servant: Negative Fascination (Hospital Productions) {23}: MC(82/4), BPM:78, Du:80, Fa:(20), Mi:91(27), Qs:80(22), RA:90(15); V[381-4-25]
  287. Solange: True (Terrible, EP) {23}: MC(80/6), CMG:(30), CMJ:80, EW:83, NME:80, P:79, Pf:78; ExW:(50), JG:**(9), TH:**; V[172-6-55]
  288. The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion: Meat + Bone (Mom + Pop) {23}: MC(72/13), AV:75, Bl:90(45), G:80, IS:80, LBF:80, M:80, NME:80, P:85, Px:75, Ob:80, Qs:80, Spk:80, U:80(73); V[493-3-20]
  289. Sun Kil Moon: Among the Leaves (Caldo Verde) {23}: MC(70/7), AV:75(21), Du:70, F:87, G:80, LBF:90, MO:(66), S:70, Sg:(41), Spk:80, U:(36); V[508-2-18]
  290. Voices From the Lake [Donato Dozzy and Neel]: Voices From the Lake (Prologue) {23}: MC(87/5), BPM:84(48), Fa:80, Pf:82, Qs:80, RA:100(1), S:80, St:(58); V[200-6-48]
  291. Bear in Heaven: I Love You, It's Cool (Hometapes) {22}: MC(66/7), ATH:80(38), BPM:77, F:88, Mi:83, P:80, Pf:75, PMA:83, Px:80, S:70, UR:80(20); V[587-2-15]
  292. Ry Cooder: Election Special (Nonesuch) {22}: MC(77/17), BG:80, G:80, I:80, IS:80, M:80, Ob:80, Ph:75, PM:90, RS:80, St:100(53), U:90(30); YW, RC:B+, MT:***, TH:***; V[427-2-20]
  293. Dr Dog: Be the Void (Epitaph) {22}: MC(83/7), AM:80, AP:80, AS:(44), AV:91, BPM:75, F:86, NR:80, P:75, Ph:75, PMA:83(41); MT:***, TH:*; V[298-3-30]
  294. Patterson Hood: Heat Lightning Rumbles in the Distance (ATO) {22}: MC(79/8), AC:78, AM:90, AS:80, AV:83, Bl:(38), RS:70, St:80, U:80(37); YW, RC:B+, TH:***; V[427-2-20]
  295. Jam City: Classical Curves (Night Slugs) {22}: Fa:90(7), G:(23), Mi:91, Mix:(39), Qs:(14), RA:90(11); TH:**; V[141-5-66]
  296. Lindstrom: Smalhans (Smalltown Supersound) {22}: G:80, Mix:(16), AM:80, Pf:76, S:70(42); TH:**; V[218-6-44]
  297. Aimee Mann: Charmer (Superego) {22}: MC(76/13), AM:80, AV:75, Bl:80(74), F:84, Fix:80, IS:80, M:80(22), P:78, PM:80, U:80; V[232-4-40]
  298. The Menzingers: On the Impossible Past (Epitaph) {22}: MC(93/9), AbP:95, AP:90, BBC:90, DIY:80(20), Ex:90, K:100(13), PM:80, RkS:80(1), Spk:(25); V[723-1-10]
  299. Georgia Anne Muldrow/Madlib: Seeds (SomeOthaShip) {22}: MC(82/9), AM:80, Ex:80(31), Now:80, NYT:80, Ok:90(4), P:77, Pf:79, S:70; JG:**, YW, MT:C+; V[508-2-18]
  300. Nada Surf: The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy (Barsuk) {22}: MC(71/14), AP:80, AV:75, EW:75, F:82, Mg:(24), NR:80, P:80, Q:80; MT:**; V[48-14-159]
  301. Sinead O'Connor: How About I Be Me (And You Be You)? (One Little Indian) {22}: MC(71/12), AS:80, AV:83, BB:84, Cl:80, EW:83, Ex:80, G:80, I:80, MO:80, Now:80, Pf:76, S:70, T:80; MT:**; V[207-4-45]
  302. Pet Shop Boys: Elysium (Astralwerks) {22}: MC(68/12), BBC:80, DS:80, IS:80, Now:80; JG:*(75), ExW:(74), RC:A-(53), MT:A-, TH:A-
  303. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: Here (Vagrant) {22}: MC(72/8), AS:(23), Cl:80(6), EW:91, Ex:80, Now:80, Ph:88, PMA:75, RS:70(7), UT:75
  304. Gallows: Gallows (PIAS) {21}: MC(79/11), AbP:86, AM:80, AP:90, BBC:80, Blr:80, DIY:80, DS:90, K:80(96), LBF:80, Now:80, RkS:(9), Sk:80, Spk:80(46), St:80
  305. The Hives: Lex Hives (Disques Hives) {21}: MC(69/29), AbP:83, AP:80, AV:83, BPM:80, DIY:80, F:85, IS:80, MO:80, NME:80, Ph:88, S:70; TH:*; V[650-2-14]
  306. Robert Hood: Motor: Nighttime World 3 (Music Man) {21}: AM:80, Mix:(50), Qs:(50), RA:90(9); V[1385-1-5]
  307. Ahmad Jamal: Blue Moon (Jazz Village) {21}: MC(78/7), Bl:80, Buf:88, Du:70, G:80, IS:80, JW:(16), Ob:80; DB, JG:*; V[1303-1-8]
  308. The Killers: Battle Born (Island) {21}: MC(68/20), AbP:90, AM:80, AV:75, BBC:80, CMJ:80, EW:75, LAT:75, NR:80, Q:(), S:80, T:80; V[587-2-15]
  309. Lightships: Electric Cables (Domino) {21}: MC(84/10), AM:80(21), BBC:80, Bow:75, Du:80, G:80, MO:80, Now:100, Pf:75, Ph:88, PM:80, Sk:80, U:80(38)
  310. LV: Sebenza (Hyperdub) {21}: MC(82/13), BBC:80, BPM:82, DS:(38), Fa:80, Mix:80(20), NME:80, Now:80, Pf:80, RA:80, S:80, Sl:90, W:80; JG:**(27)
  311. Moonface/Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery (Jagjaguwar) {21}: MC(78/13), AV:83, BPM:80, Fly:90, LBF:(28), PM:90, PMA:83, S, Sk:80, TMT:90, UR:(33); V[1385-1-5]
  312. Porcelain Raft: Strange Weekend (Secretly Canadian) {21}: MC(71/11), AM:80, AV:75, Bow:75, BPM:79, CS:80, F:84, LBF, NME:80, PMA:83(59), Sk:80, U:80, UR:80(50); TH:**; V[694-2-12]
  313. Simian Mobile Disco: Unpatterns (Wichita) {21}: MC(72/19), AP:80, BBC:80, BG:80, DS:80, Ex:80, G:80, Mix:80(19), NME:80, Now:80, RA:80, S:80, Spk:80, XL:90(2); TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  314. Miike Snow: Happy to You (Downtown) {21}: MC(74/16), BBC:80, Cl:80, CS:80, EW:91, F:86(11), Gw:(49), M:80, Mg:75, NME:80, Now:80, Ph:75, PMA:75, Spk:80; V[1385-1-5]
  315. Marty Stuart: Nashville Vol 1: Tear the Woodpile Down (Sugar Hill) {21}: MC(81/8), AM:80, BG:80, Bl:80, CW:80, E145:(1), M:80, PM:80, R:80; V[635-1-14]
  316. Ryan Truesdell: Centennial: Newly Discovered Works of Gil Evans (ArtistShare) {21}: AM:80, NYT, PM:100; TH:***
  317. Patrick Watson: Adventures in Your Own Backyard (Domino) {21}: MC(67/5), Now:80, S:70, St:80; V[723-1-10]
  318. ZZ Top: La Futura (Mercury) {21}: MC(74/8), AM:90, G:80, M:80(27), RS:70, UT:75; TH:***; V[232-4-40]
  319. Alcest: Les Voyages de l'Ame (Plastic Head) {20}: MC(87/7), AM:80, K:100(44), NYT:70, PM:90, Qs:80; V[427-2-20]
  320. Allah-Las: Allah-Las (Innovative Leisure) {20}: MC(73/12), CS:80, F:85, Fly:(40), M:80, U:80(24); V[361-3-25]
  321. Antony and the Johnsons: Cut the World (Secretly Canadian) {20}: AV:83, BPM:84, DIY:80, DS:80, F:87, Fix:80, LBF:80, MO:80, NME:80, Pf:81, PM:90, Sk:80, Sl:70, St:80; JG:X; V[427-2-20]
  322. The Bad Plus: Made Possible (E1) {20}: MC(85/5), AM:90, BBC:80, G:80, NYT:70, PM:80; DB, TN, TH:**; V[337-3-27]
  323. Breton: Other People's Problems (Fat Cat) {20}: MC(75/11), AP:80, BBC:80, Cl:(37), Mix:80, MO:80(46), NME:80(30), Q:80, St:80(24)
  324. Ceremony: Zoo (Matador) {20}: MC(73/19), AP:80, AV:75, BPM:78, CMJ:80, CS:80, Fly:80, NME:80, Ph:75, RS:70, S:80, Sg; V[493-3-20]
  325. Dead Can Dance: Anastasis (Play It Again Sam) {20}: MC(70/15), AV:83, Bl:(73), F:88, Pf:80, Q:80, Sg, UT:75; V[346-3-26]
  326. Disappears: Pre Language (Kranky) {20}: MC(71/6), AM:80, M:80, S:70; CM, JG:**(55), MT:***, TH:A-; V[232-4-40]
  327. Dave Douglas Quintet: Be Still (Greenleaf Music) {20}: AM:80, PM:90; DB, TN, TH:A-; V[723-1-10]
  328. Benjamin Gibbard: Former Lives (Barsuk) {20}: MC(69/18), AbP:89, AP:80, Bl:80, EW:83, LBF:75, P:75, Ph:75, RS:70, U:80, UR:(61); V[325-2-28]
  329. Killing Joke: MMXII (Spinefarm) {20}: MC(75/7), DS:80, K:(32), M:80, MH:90, Qs:80(59), Spk:90; V[427-2-20]
  330. Lost in the Trees: A Church That Fits Our Needs (Epitaph) {20}: MC(83/10), AM:90, Bl:(35), BPM:88(12), NYT:70, P:80, PM:80, Px:80, S:70, UR:80(100); V[427-2-20]
  331. Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang: En Yah Sah (Luaka Bop) {20}: MC(81/9), AM:80, BG:80, CMJ:80, P:85; ExW:(59), YW, RC:A-(93), TH:A-; V[150-8-64]
  332. Old Crow Medicine Show: Carry Me Back (ATO) {20}: MC(75/7), AM:80, AS:80(41), Bl:80, LAT:75, S:70, Sl:80, U:90, UT:75; V[394-2-22]
  333. Trust: TRST (Arts and Crafts) {20}: MC(79/6), BPM:80, Ex:80, Mi:75, MO:80, Now:80, PMA:75, TMT:80, UR:80(37); V[723-1-10]
  334. Bowerbirds: The Clearing (Dead Oceans) {19}: MC(77/13), ATH:90(63), AV:83, BPM:84, CS:80, DS:80, Fly:80, LBF, MO:80, P:83, Pf:79, S:70, Sl:80
  335. Zac Brown Band: Uncaged (Atlantic) {19}: MC(74/7), AbP:87, AM:80, CW:80, E145:(20), EW:75, R:100(1), Sl:80, UT:100
  336. The Darkness: Hot Cakes (EMI) {19}: MC(67/24), AM:80, IS:100, G:80, K:80(41), M:80, MO:80, Ob:80, Q:80, St:80; V[394-2-22]
  337. The Evens: The Odds (Dischord) {19}: MC(84/8), AM:80, AP:80, Bl:80, Du:70, F:78, NR:90, Pf:80, Ph:88, S:80, Sg:(45); V[132-7-70]
  338. Mary Halvorson Quintet: Bending Bridges (Firehouse 12) {19}: PM:80; FJ:(7), CM, TN; V[240-3-39]
  339. Billy Hart: All Our Reasons (ECM) {19}: MC(85/5), AM:80, BBC:90, Buf:75, Du:80, G:80, JW:(18), NYT:80; TH:*; V[427-2-20]
  340. Lamb of God: Resolution (Epic) {19}: MC(71/9), AP:80, AV:83, BB:80, K:(10), Ph:75, PM:80, Rev:(9), Spk:80
  341. Lupe Fiasco: Food and Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Part 1 (Atlantic) {19}: MC(70/18), AV:75, DJB:90, EW:75, HDX:80(), Qs:90, RR:75, XXL:80; RC:**, MT:B-, TH:**
  342. Merchandise: Children of Desire (Katorga Works) {19}: AM:80, BPM:78(27), CMG:(38), Mi:75, NME:(24), Pf:78; V[327-3-28]
  343. Van Morrison: Born to Sing: No Plan B (Blue Note) {19}: AM:80, Bl:80, G:80, MO:80, RS:80; DB, ExW:(57), TN, MT:**, TH:A(3); V[187-4-50]
  344. Gregory Porter: Be Good (Motema Music) {19}: MC(91/4), AM:80, BBC:90, G:80, IS:100, JW:(6); CM, TH:B; V[192-5-50]
  345. Karriem Riggins: Alone Together (Stones Throw) {19}: MC(82/4), AM:90(24), BBC:80, Bl:80, Ok:86, Pf:78, Pot:80(16), WB:70; JG, SFJ, TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  346. Shed: The Killer (50 Weapons) {19}: MC(79/13), BBC:80, BPM:77, Du:80, Ex:80, Mix:80, NME:80, Ph:75, Q:80, RA:80(8), XL:(18)
  347. Taken by Trees: Other Worlds (Secretly Canadian) {19}: AM:80, Bow:77, LBF:80(40), Pf:76, UR:80(35); JG:X; V[1385-1-5]
  348. The Very Best: MTMTMK (Moshi Moshi) {19}: MC(76/17), AV:75, DIY:80, EW:75, Fly:80, G:100, MO:80, Ok:89, Ph:88, PM:90; RC:*, JG:*; V[162-6-60]
  349. Why?: Mumps, Etc (Anticon/City Slang) {19}: MC(63/9), AM:90, Bow:90, BPM:78, DIY:80, DS:90, LBF:(46), Sk:80, Sl:70, St:(71); TH:**
  350. BBU!: Bell Hooks (Mad Decent/Mishka) {18}: Pf:78, PM:80(54), RR:75, S:70; ExW:(58), JG:*(67), MT:A-, TH:A-; V[351-2-25]
  351. Chick Corea/Eddie Gomez/Paul Motian: Further Explorations (Concord Jazz, 2CD) {18}: MC(79/5), AM:80, BG:80, Buf:88, G:80, UT:75; DB, JG:**(16), TN, TH:**; V[540-1-15]
  352. Graham Coxon: A+E (Parlophone) {18}: MC(75/12), Cl:80, DIY:90(17), Fly:90(30), G:80, MO:80(99), NME:90(32), U:80(26)
  353. Delta Spirit: Delta Spirit (Rounder) {18}: MC(70/15), AbP:85, AS:(45), CS:80, F:85, PM:80, S:70, U:80; V[361-3-25]
  354. Dum Dum Girls: End of Daze (Sub Pop, EP) {18}: MC(73/9), AV:75, NR:90, P:80, Pf:83(41), Px:75, Sl:70, UR:(61); V[147-7-65]
  355. Errors: Have Some Faith in Magic (Rock Action) {18}: MC(80/10), BBC:80, BPM:76, Cl:80, DIY:80, DS:90(27), Fly:(45), LBF(21), MO:80, Pot:80, Px:75, Q:80, Sk:100(4), St:80
  356. Melanie Fiona: The MF Life (Universal Republic) {18}: MC(79/6), AM:80, BB:78, EW:91, NYT:70, RS:70; TH:*; V[399-3-22]
  357. Lee Gamble: Diversions 1994-1996 (Pan, EP) {18}: Bow:(11), Fa:(2), RA:(13), W:(35); TH:*; V[427-2-20]
  358. Gotye: Making Mirrors (Universal Republic) {18}: MC(79/5), Buf:75, EW:83, MO:90, NYT:70, Pf:77, RS:70, UT:88; MT:C+, TH:B; V[723-1-10]
  359. Holly Herndon: Movement (Rvng) {18}: MC(82/6), BPM:79, CS:80, Pf:81, Qs:80(33), TMT:80(13); TH:B; V[427-2-20]
  360. Motion Sickness of Time Travel: Motion Sickness of Time Travel (Spectrum Spools) {18}: MC(88/4), BPM:85(17), DS:(22), Mi:83, Pf:83, Ph:88, Qs:80, TMT:80(32); V[257-4-35]
  361. Mouse on Mars: Parastrophics (Monkeytown) {18}: MC(77/8), AM:80, BPM:75, Cl:80, CMG:81, DIY:80, Du:70, F:82, Fa:80, Mi:75, NR:80, Pf:82, RS:70, S:70, Sk:80; V[1385-1-5]
  362. The Mynabirds: Generals (Saddle Creek) {18}: MC(81/8), AM:80, AP:80, Bow:75, CMJ:80, LBF:75, P:85, Pf:75, Px:80, S:80, UR:(64); TH:B; V[723-1-10]
  363. Laetitia Sadier: Silencio (Drag City) {18}: MC(76/18), AM:80, BBC:80, Bow:80, Du:80, Ex:80, F:86, LBF:90, Now:80, Q:80, S:70, U:80(50), UR:80(57), W:80; V[587-2-15]
  364. Tamaryn: Tender New Signs (Mexican Summer) {18}: MC(73/13), AM:80, Bl:(23), DS:80, F:84, Mi:75, Pf:75; JG:X
  365. The Twilight Sad: No One Can Ever Know (FatCat) {18}: MC(78/12), AV:83, BBC:80, BPM:76, DIY:80, DS:80(13), Mi:75, MO:80, NR:80, Sk:80(9), St:80, U:80
  366. Two Door Cinema Club: Beacon (Glass Note) {18}: MC(62/18), AP:80, BBC:80, EW:83, Fly:80(41), NME:80, P:83, St:(25)
  367. UFOmammut: Oro: Opus Primum (Neurot) {18}: MC(77/8), AM:80, DS:80, Du:80, Ex:80, G:80, M:80, PM:80, Qs:80(47), S:70, Sk:80; V[160-5-60]
  368. VCMG: SSSS (Mute) {18}: MC(71/17), BBC:80, BPM:85, DS:80, I:80, IS:80, MO:80(10), NME:80, NYT:70, Qs:(5), Sk:80; TH:**
  369. Martha Wainwright: Come Home to Mama (Co-Operation) {18}: MC(77/18), AM:80, BBC:80, BG:80, DIY:80, F:80, G:80, M:80, MO:80, NME:80, Pf:75, Q:80, Qs:80, U:80; V[723-1-10]
  370. Xiu Xiu: Always (Polyvinyl) {18}: MC(80/17), AM:80, AP:80, AV:83, BBC:80, Bl:80, DS:90, Du:80, Fly:80, IS:100, Mi:83, MO:80, P:78, Ph:75, S:70, TMT:90, U:80
  371. 2:54: 2:54 (Polydor) {17}: MC(68/20), BBC:80, DIY:80, EW:83, Fly:(47), K:100, MO:90(50), NME:80, Px:85, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  372. Oren Ambarchi: Audience of One (Touch) {17}: MC(78/8), AM:80, Du:80, M:80(50), MiF:80, S:70, TMT:80, W:80; JG:**(25), TH:***; V[222-4-42]
  373. Paul Banks: Banks (Matador) {17}: MC(63/19), Bow:80, DIY:80, EW:83, F:81, LBF:85(24), M:80, MO:80(97), NME:80, Q:(), St:80, UR:80(39); V[587-2-15]
  374. The Beach Boys: That's Why God Made the Radio (Capitol) {17}: MC(64/19), BPM:75, EW:83, LAT:75, M:(47), NYT:70, UT:75; TH:**; V[144-6-65]
  375. Brandi Carlile: Bear Creek (Columbia) {17}: MC(84/4), AM:80, AS:(15), BG:80, E145:(25), Ex:80, PM:80; TH:B; V[198-5-48]
  376. The dB's: Falling Off the Sky (Bar/None) {17}: MC(75/9), Bl:90(30), CT:88, Mg:90(9), U:80; RC:(34), TH:*; V[104*-10-97]
  377. Demdike Stare: Elemental (Modern Love) {17}: MC(85/5), AM:80, DS:80, Mi:75, RA:80, Spk:80, TMT:90(22); SFJ; V[298-3-30]
  378. DJ Rashad: Teklife Vol 1: Welcome to the Chi (Lit City Trax) {17}: NYT, S:(4), TMT:90(15), W:(43), XL:85(40); TH:B; V[654-1-13]
  379. Enter Shikari: A Flash Flood of Colour (Hopeless) {17}: MC(76/9), AbP:85, AP:90(2), Fly:80, Gw:90, K:(1), NME:80(37), Q:80, RkS:(15)
  380. Friends: Manifest! (Fat Possum) {17}: MC(71/17), AM:80, Bl:(47), DS:80, Fix:80, Fly:80, NME:80, Ph:100, Px:75, RS:70; V[1264-2-10]
  381. The Gaslamp Killer: Breakthrough (Brainfeeder) {17}: MC(70/10), DIY:80, Du:70, Fa:80, Mix:(31), Pf:77, Pot:90(21), Q:80, Sk:80; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  382. Gravenhurst: The Ghost in Daylight (Warp) {17}: MC(70/9), AM:80(46), ATH:(62), Bl:80, Bow:80, Cl:80, F:81, G:80, MO:80, Qs:80(23); V[723-1-10]
  383. Green Day: Dos! (Reprise) {17}: MC(66/20), AM:80, AP:80, BG:80, EW:83, K:(100), LAT:88, RS:70
  384. Heartless Bastards: Arrow (Partisan) {17}: MC(77/15), AC:89, AM:80, AV:91, CT:88, EW:83, P:80, RS:70; MT:C+; V[254-3-35]
  385. Fred Hersch Trio: Alive at the Vanguard (Palmetto) {17}: G:80; JG:**(28), TN, TH:**; V[1385-1-5]
  386. Howler: America Give Up (Rough Trade) {17}: MC(68/12), AV:75, Fly:80(35), G:80, MO:80, NME:80, P:(33), Q:80; YW, MT:C; V[723-1-10]
  387. Low Cut Connie: Call Me Sylvia (self-released) {17}: MC(80/5), AM:80, AS:80, RS:70; CM, ExW:(42), JG:**(23), RC:A-(69), TH:A-; V[337-3-27]
  388. John Mayer: Born and Raised (Columbia) {17}: MC(73/8), AbP:91, BB:83, EW:75, RS:80(17), S:70; MT:*, TH:B; V[254-3-35]
  389. Mystery Jets: Radlands (Rough Trade) {17}: MC(65/15), AM:80, ATH:90(11), Cl:80, Fly:80(39), G:80, IS:80, MO:80, Ob:80, PM:80, Qs:80, St:(44); MT:S
  390. Napalm Death: Utilitarian (Century Media) {17}: MC(61/4), Ex:80, K:(93), MH:80, PM:80, S:80, Sk:80; V[327-3-28]
  391. Jerrod Niemann: Free the Music (Arista) {17}: MC(80/4), AM:80, AS:80, CW:80(4), R:90(8), RS:70; TH:**; V[502-2-19]
  392. Gretchen Peters: Hello Cruel World (Scarlet Letter) {17}: MC(78/6), AM:80, E145:(21), PM:80, R:90, Sl:80, T:80, U:80, UT:88
  393. Sean Price: Mic Tyson (Duck Down Entaprizez) {17}: MC(85/4), AM:80, Ex:90, HDX:80(), Ok:89, RR:85, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  394. The Raveonettes: Observator (Vice) {17}: MC(74/9), AP:80, AV:75, Bl:(36), F:84, Mi:83, Ph:75, Q:80, UR:75
  395. Royal Headache: Royal Headache (What's Your Rupture?) {17}: MC(75/9), AM:80, ATH:90(13), Bl:80, Pf:80, Px:80; MT:C+, TH:B; V[203-5-47]
  396. Shovels and Rope: O' Be Joyful (Dualtone) {17}: AS:(3), Bl:80, F:83, P:(37); RC:*, TH:*; V[254-3-35]
  397. Title Fight: Floral Green (Side One Dummy) {17}: MC(84/4), AbP:85, AP:80(6), BBC:80, Blr:90, DIY:(40), K:80(46), RkS:(16)
  398. Violens: True (Slumberland) {17}: MC(75/8), AM:80, Bow:75, Du:80, F:80, Fly:80, Mi:83, P:79, S:70, UR:80(32); V[694-2-12]
  399. Zammuto: Zammuto (Temporary Residence) {17}: MC(76/8), Bow:80(5), BPM:75, CMG:81(42), Mg:80, NR:80, P:81, Pf:80, PMA:(56), Px:80, S:80; MT:B-; V[250-3-36]
  400. Between the Buried and Me: The Parallax II: Future Sequence (Metal Blade) {16}: MC(74/7), AbP:92, AM:80, AP:80, K:80, RkS:(29); V[1264-2-10]
  401. Brandy: Two Eleven (RCA) {16}: MC(83/4), AM:80, BG:80, EW:83, Sl:70; V[337-3-27]
  402. The Caretaker: Patience (After Sebald) (History Always Favors the Winners) {16}: MC(80/7), AM:80, CMG:80, Ex:80, Fa:80, Mi:83, Pf:80, RA:80, TMT:80(18), U:80, W:70; MT:*, YW; V[635-1-14]
  403. Clinic: Free Reign (Domino) {16}: MC(73/21), AM:80, BG:80, Cl:80, DIY:80, F:83, M:80, Q:80, Qs:80, Sl:80; CM
  404. Cornershop: Urban Turban: The Singhles Club (Ample Play) {16}: MC(73/5), Mg:80, NME:80, S:80, U:(67); JG:*, YW, RC:B+, MT:B+, TH:A-
  405. Deep Time: Deep Time (Hardly Art) {16}: MC(81/4), AC:78, ATH:(46), Bow:75, Du:90, Pf:77, Px:80; MT:*; V[298-3-30]
  406. Diamond Rugs: Diamond Rugs (Partisan) {16}: MC(71/8), AC:78, AP:80, AS:(40), F:89(5), Mg:80, P:77, S:80; RC:***, TH:**; V[520-2-17]
  407. Dry the River: Shallow Bed (RCA) {16}: MC(70/16), DIY:80, Ex:80, Gw:80, M:80, MO:80, Q:80, T:100; V[723-1-10]
  408. Glen Hansard: Rhythm and Repose (Anti-) {16}: MC(68/11), Bl:80(53), Ex:80, Mg:90, Ph:75, S:70, St:80(50); V[325-2-28]
  409. Tim Hecker/Daniel Lopatin: Instrumental Tourist (Software) {16}: MC(70/18), AM:80, Ob:80, Pf:75, S:70, Sk:80, TMT:(28); V[195-6-50]
  410. Ital: Hive Mind (Planet Mu) {16}: MC(75/13), BPM:81(41), DS:80, Du:80, Mi:91, MiF:84, Mix:80, MO:80, Pf:80, Ph:88, RA:80, S:80, W:70, XL:75; TH:***
  411. Lukid: Lonely at the Top (Ninja Tune) {16}: MC(71/8), Cl:80, MO:80, Pf:80, Sk:80; RC:A-(67), TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  412. Corb Lund: Cabin Fever (New West) {16}: AM:80, AS:80, E145:(10), Ex:(32), Sl:80; TH:**; V[266-3-34]
  413. Memoryhouse: The Slideshow Effect (Sub Pop) {16}: MC(69/14), AV:75, Bl:80, Blr:80, F:84, Fly:80, MO:80, Ph:75, PMA:75, S:70; V[1385-1-5]
  414. A Place to Bury Strangers: Onwards to the Wall (Dead Oceans, EP) {16}: MC(72/8), Bl:80, CS:80, DS:80, Ph:88, PM:80, Px:80, S:70; JG:*, YW, RC:A-(87), MT:A-, TH:**
  415. A Place to Bury Strangers: Worship (Dead Oceans) {16}: MC(70/19), AM:80, F:87, Fly:90, LBF:75, P:78; JG:**(61), RC:A-(35), MT:A-, TH:***
  416. Public Image Ltd: This Is PiL (Redeye Music Distribution) {16}: MC(60/9), Bl:90, DS:80, G:80, M:(37), MO:100(34), S:80, Spk:80, U:(53), UT:88; TH:*; V[493-3-20]
  417. Pye Corner Audio: Sleep Games (Ghost Box) {16}: AM:90, Bow:86(28), DS:80, W:(46); V[298-3-30]
  418. Silversun Pickups: Neck of the Woods (Dangerbird) {16}: MC(81/5), AP:80, AV:75, DIY:80, P:85, Ph:75, RS:70, UT:75
  419. Squarepusher: Ufabulum (Warp) {16}: MC(78/5), AM:80, AP:80, Bl:80, DS:80, Mi:75, MiF:94, S:70, Sk:80, Sl:70, St:80, U:80
  420. Stars: The North (ATO) {16}: MC(76/11), AM:80, AP:80, AV:75, BPM:79, DIY:80, F:80, Now:80, P:90(43), Px:85, St:80; V[540-1-15]
  421. Carrie Underwood: Blown Away (Arista) {16}: MC(70/6), AM:80, BB:89, CW:80, EW:83, NYT:70, R:80(13), UT:75; MT:C+
  422. Band of Skulls: Sweet Sour (Vagrant) {15}: MC(70/17), AP:80, Bl:80, BPM:75, DA:80, EW:83, Gw:80, MO:80, P:79, U:80, UT:75; V[587-2-15]
  423. Blondes: Blondes (Rvng Intl) {15}: MC(77/12), DS:100(3), Mi:75, MO:90(5), NR:90, Pf:75, Qs:80, RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  424. John Cale: Shifty Adventures in Nookie Wood (Domino) {15}: AV:75, DS:(96), F:84, G:80, LBF:80, P:79, PM:80, Sl:90, UR:80; TH:**; V[527-2-16]
  425. Chiddy Bang: Breakfast (Virgin) {15}: MC(66/6), DIY:80, EW:100(9), Ok:84, UT:75; ExW:(64), MT:A-, TH:A-(6); V[650-2-14]
  426. Choir of Young Believers: Rhine Gold (Ghostly International) {15}: MC(77/15), Bow:75, Ex:80, F:81, Fly:80, G:80, LBF, M:80, P:79, Pf:77, Ph:75, Q:80, S:80, U:80, UR:80(30)
  427. Chris Cohen: Overgrown Path (Captured Tracks) {15}: MC(72/9), AM:80, Du:80, Fly:80, Pf:76, Sg:(36), TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  428. De La Soul's Plug 1 and Plug 2: Present . . . First Serve (Duck Down Music) {15}: MC(72/8), AV:75, HDX:80, Ok:87, Pot:80, RR:80, RS:70, St:80; CM, YW, JG:**(64), MT:A, TH:A-
  429. Echo Lake: Wild Peace (Slumberland) {15}: MC(76/8), AM:80, Bl:90, Bow:85, Cl:80, DS:90(48), Ex:80, Fly:80, LBF:90(8), NME:80, Ph:75
  430. Emeralds: Just to Feel Anything (Editions Mego) {15}: MC(67/10), BBC:80, CMJ:80, CS:80, F:85, S:70, XL:80(17); V[1385-1-5]
  431. Garbage: Not Your Kind of People (Stunvolume) {15}: MC(62/23), AP:80, EW:75, G:80, RS:70(44), S:80, St:(65), UT:88; JG:X, MT:C, TH:*; V[274-3-32]
  432. Kenny Garrett: Seeds From the Underground (Mack Avenue) {15}: MC(77/4), AM:80, Buf:100, NYT:70, PM:80; DB, TN, TH:**; V[1277-1-9]
  433. Angel Haze: Reservation (True Panther/Noizy Cricket!!, EP) {15}: AV:91, CS:90(13), G:(30), Pf:80; TH:***; V[587-2-15]
  434. Darius Jones Quartet: Book of Mae'bul (Another Kind of Sunrise) (AUM Fidelity) {15}: AM:80; CM, DB, FJ, JG:**, TN; V[723-1-10]
  435. Juju and Jordash: Techno Primitivism (Dekmantel) {15}: Pf:79, RA:80, XL:80; TH:***; V[232-4-40]
  436. Ben Kweller: Go Fly a Kite (The Noise Company) {15}: MC(74/11), AP:80, AS:(47), Bl:80, CMJ:80, EW:83, P:85, U:80; V[723-1-10]
  437. Jason Lytle: Department of Disappearance (Anti-) {15}: MC(71/19), AM:80, DIY:80, F:80, G:80, I:80, Px:80, TMT:80, U:80; V[385-2-24]
  438. Marina and the Diamonds: Electra Heart (Elektra) {15}: MC(55/15), EW:83, G:(31), St:(35), UT:88; V[493-3-20]
  439. Captain Murphy: Duality (self-released) {15}: Pf:80, Pot:80(23), Spk:(31); V[1385-1-5]
  440. Marissa Nadler: The Sister (Box of Cedar) {15}: MC(71/16), AV:83, Bl:80, BPM:75, LBF:80, Mg:75, MO:80, P:90, Px:75; V[1385-1-5]
  441. Prinzhorn Dance School: Clay Class (DFA) {15}: MC(65/8), AM, CMG:77, DS:80, Du:70, IS:80, Mi:83, RS:70; YW, MT:A-, TH:A-; V[427-2-20]
  442. PS I Love You: Death Dreams (Paper Bag) {15}: MC(77/15), AV:91, BPM:75, Ex:80, Fly:80, Now:80, NR:90(30), P:79, PM:90, Px:80, S:70; YW, MT:C-
  443. Rodrigo y Gabriela: Area 52 (ATO) {15}: MC(74/9), AM:80, DIY:80, EW:83, G:80, IS:80, P:76, UT:88; TH:***
  444. John K Samson: Provincial (Epitaph) {15}: MC(76/5), AM:80, Mg:(25), Now:80, P:87(27), Ph:75, Px:75, Spk:80(48); TH:***; V[201-4-47]
  445. Spider Bags: Shake My Head (Odessa) {15}: AM:80, Bl:80(15), Pf:81, PM:80, Px:75; TH:*; V[327-3-28]
  446. Stealing Sheep: Into the Diamond Sun (Cooperative Music) {15}: MC(72/10), BBC:80, Fly:80(44), G:80, IS:80, LBF:75, MO:80(55), Qs:80
  447. The Sword: Apocryphon (Razor & Tie) {15}: MC(72/4), AM:80, PM:80; V[587-2-15]
  448. Otis Taylor: Otis Taylor's Contraband (Telarc) {15}: MC(75/5), AM:80, Bl:80(41), M:80, P:83, S:80; DB, RC:***, TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  449. Teengirl Fantasy: Tracer (True Panther Sounds) {15}: MC(71/22), AM:80, Bl:90(27), Cl:80, CS:80, DIY:80, Ex:80, Fix:80, Mix:80, Now:80, S:70, Sl:80, XL:80
  450. Moritz von Oswald Trio: Fetch (Honest Jons) {15}: MC(90/5), AM:90, Bl:80, Du:80, Ex:90, MiF:92, Qs:80, RA:80, S:70, XL:85; V[723-1-10]
  451. Matt Wilson's Arts and Crafts: An Attitude for Gratitude (Palmetto) {15}: AM:80, PM:80; DB, TN, TH:**
  452. Action Bronson: Rare Chandeliers (Vice) {14}: MC(79/8), Ex:90, Now:80, PM:90, Pot:90(22), RS:70, S:80; V[274*-4-42]
  453. Bahamas: Barchords (Universal Republic) {14}: MC(80/9), AC:78, AM:80, BG:80, CS:80, G:80, Now:80, U:80; MT:C+; V[540-1-15]
  454. Justin Bieber: Believe (Island) {14}: MC(74/8), AM:80, BBC:80, EW:83, G:80, LAT:88, Ob:80, S:70; V[1303-1-8]
  455. Black Moth Super Rainbow: Cobra Juicy (Rad Cult) {14}: MC(71/14), F:80, NR:80, Pf:76, Ph:75, P:77, Px:80, U:80, UR:(48); TH:*
  456. Paul Buchanan: Mid Air (Newsroom) {14}: CS:80, M:(46), MO:80(57), St:80(12), U:(14); V[351-2-25]
  457. Kasey Chambers/Shane Nicholson: Wreck and Ruin (Sugar Hill) {14}: MC(87/4), AM:90, AS:80, E145:(13), Sl:80; TH:**; V[232-4-40]
  458. Ani DiFranco: Which Side Are You On? (Righteous Babe) {14}: MC(70/15), BG:80, Buf:88, CS:80, I:80, MO:80, RS:70; YW, RC:A-(62), MT:A-, TH:A-
  459. El Perro Del Mar: Pale Fire (Memphis Industries/The Control Group) {14}: MC(66/15), BBC:80, Bow:79, CMJ:80, F:70, LBF:85(9), P:78, Px:80; V[1385-1-5]
  460. Exitmusic: Passage (Secretly Canadian) {14}: MC(76/9), Bow:85(21), BPM:80, CMJ:80, DS:(71), LBF:80, Mg:80, MO:80, Pf:76
  461. Fang Island: Major (Sargent House) {14}: MC(74/16), AM:80, Bow:75, Fly:80, LBF:80, P:79, Ph:75, PM:80, Px:75, RkS:90, S:80, St:80; V[406-1-20]
  462. Jay Farrar/Will Johnson/Anders Parker/Yim Yames: New Multitudes (Rounder) {14}: MC(80/7), AbP:88, AC:89, AS:(34), AV:91, LAT:75, M:80, MO:80, PM:80, U:80; TH:**
  463. Gangrene: Vodka and Ayahausca (Decon) {14}: MC(78/9), AM:80, HDX:80(), Ok:88, Pot:80, RR:75, Urb:80; TH:***
  464. Charles Gayle Trio: Streets (Northern Spy) {14}: TMT:80, W:(44); CM, FJ, JG:**, TN, TH:A-; V[427-2-20]
  465. Guided by Voices: The Bears for Lunch (self-released) {14}: MC(73/10), AbP:80, Du:70, Mg:(4), Px:80; V[520-2-17]
  466. Darren Hayman and the Long Parliament: The Violence (Fortuna Pop) {14}: MC(88/7), BBC:90, DIY:90, DS:80(86), Gw:(38), LBF:75, MO:100(72), NME:80, Qs:90(20), U:80
  467. La Sera: Sees the Light (Hardly Art) {14}: MC(76/7), AM:80, ATH:80(74), BBC:80, BPM:80, Mi:83, NME:80, P:86, Pf:75, Px:75, S:80; TH:B
  468. Le1f: Dark York (Greedhead) {14}: Fa:(37), Mi:91(1); V[86-10-101]
  469. Lorn: Ask the Dust (Ninja Tune) {14}: MC(80/11), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:80, Du:80, Ex:80, MiF:86, MO:80, NME:80, PM:80, Pot:90, S:80, Sk:80; TH:**
  470. The Luyas: Animator (Dead Oceans) {14}: MC(69/9), AM:80, Ex:80, Du:70, F:84, LBF:75, TMT:80
  471. Maps and Atlases: Beware and Be Grateful (Barsuk) {14}: MC(67/12), AV:83, Fly:80, P:77, Ph:75, Sl:90, S:80, Sk:80, Sl:(18)
  472. JD McPherson: Signs and Signifiers (2010, Rounder) {14}: AM:80, PM:90, RS:70; RC:***, TH:**; V[103-8-87]
  473. Mirroring: Foreign Body (Kranky) {14}: MC(78/9), Bow:85(9), CMG:76, NME:80, Pf:79, PM:80, W:70; V[723-1-10]
  474. Nachtmystium: Silencing Machine (Century Media) {14}: CS:80, K:(62), Pf:80, Ph:75, PM:90, S:70, Sg;
  475. Anaal Nathrakh: Vanitas (Candlelight/Lumberjack) {14}: Fix:80, Qs:(9); V[723-1-10]
  476. Sweet Billy Pilgrim: Crown and Treaty (EMI) {14}: MC(88/4), BBC:80, CS:80, G:80, I:80, IS:80, M:100(31), MO:90(28), Ob:80, Q:80, U:80
  477. Pond: Beard, Wives, Denim (Modular) {14}: MC(73/6), AM:80, Fly:(18), NME:80(7), S:70, U:(56); V[1385-1-5]
  478. Pop 1280: The Horror (Sacred Bones) {14}: MC(76/6), AbP:85, AC:89, BPM:76, CMG:77, CMJ:80, NR:80, Pf:75, Px:80, TMT:80
  479. Portico Quartet: Portico Quartet (Real World) {14}: MC(72/9), DIY:90, DS:80, Gw:(43), IS:80, M:80, MO:80(11); JM
  480. Rihanna: Unapologetic (Roc Nation/Def Jam) {14}: MC(61/25), BB:86, EW:83, NYT:70, RS:70, S:70; V[502-2-19]
  481. Royal Thunder: CVI (Relapse) {14}: MC(76/7), PM:80, Rev:90, S:80; V[170-6-57]
  482. Scuba: Personality (Hotflush) {14}: MC(79/14), Cl:80, CMJ:80, Du:80, Mi:83, Mix:80(6), Pf:81, Ph:75, S:80, St:(70), XL:75
  483. Sic Alps: Sic Alps (Drag City) {14}: MC(72/13), CS:80, Du:90, Pf:78, Px:75, Sk:80, U:80; V[279-3-31]
  484. SpaceGhostPurrp: Mysterious Phonk: Chronicles of SpaceGhostPurrp (4AD) {14}: MC(75/8), BPM:78, Du:70, HDX:80, LBF:75, Mi:91(50), Pf:80, Px:80; V[351-2-25]
  485. Sidi Toure: Koima (Thrill Jockey) {14}: MC(72/6), AM:80, Bl:(52), CMJ:80, Mg:80, MO:(67), Now:80, S:70; DB, YW
  486. Ricardo Villalobos: Dependent and Happy (Perlon) {14}: MC(85/5), Du:80, Fa:(29), Pf:82, RA:80(17), W:(10); V[723-1-10]
  487. Chelsea Wolfe: Unknown Rooms: A Collection of Acoustic Songs (Sargent House) {14}: MC(73/8), AM:80, Bow:81, P:80, Pf:77, Qs:80, St:80, TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  488. Dustin Wong: Dreams Say, View, Create, Shadow, Leads (Thrill Jockey) {14}: MC(78/9), AM:80, Bl:80, CMG:85(34), Du:70, MO:80, Pf:77, S:70, U:80; YW; V[427-2-20]
  489. 2 Chainz: Based on a TRU Story (Def Jam) {13}: MC(55/19), Ex:80, P:77, RS:70; V[1365-1-6]
  490. Azealia Banks: Fantasea (self-released) {13}: Pf:76, PMA:75, S:80, Spk:80; JG:*, RC:**, MT:**; V[361-3-25]
  491. Blut Aus Nord: 777: Cosmosophy (Debemur Morti) {13}: AM:(49), Pf:85; V[723-1-10]
  492. Christian Mistress: Possession (Relapse) {13}: MC(82/5), AM:80, Ex:80, Pf:76, PM:80, S:70; V[257-4-35]
  493. Crocodiles: Endless Flowers (Frenchkiss) {13}: MC(68/11), AP:80, ATH:(96), DIY:90, F:82, LBF:80, MO:80, S:70, St:80; V[587-2-15]
  494. Currensy: The Stoned Immaculate (Warner Bros) {13}: MC(77/10), AM:80, AV:75, DJB:80, EW:83, Ex:80, HDX:80, S:70
  495. Ben Folds Five: The Sound of the Life of the Mind (ImaVeePee) {13}: MC(70/8), AS:(33), AV:75, S:70; V[527-2-16]
  496. Gaza: No Absolutes in Human Sufferng (Black Market Activities) {13}: Ex:(46), S:80, Spk:80(37)
  497. Go-Kart Mozart: On the Hot Dog Streets (West Midlands) {13}: Bl:80, G:80, Q:(), U:(12)
  498. Holograms: Holograms (Captured Tracks) {13}: MC(78/6), ATH:80(61), BPM:75, CS:80, Ex:80, Fly:90, Mi:75, NME:80, Ph:75, S:70
  499. Hot Water Music: Exister (Rise) {13}: MC(75/9), AbP:80, AP:90, BG:80, K:80, RkS:(8), S:70, Spk:80; V[723-1-10]
  500. Ray Wylie Hubbard: The Grifter's Hymnal (Bordello) {13}: MC(87/4), AM:80, AC:89, P:84, U:80; YW, RC:A-, TH:A-; V[149-5-64]
  501. Hundred Waters: Hundred Waters (Elestial Sound) {13}: MC(80/5), Bow:83, BPM:82, CMJ:80, Pf:81, St:(28); V[246-3-37]
  502. Imperial Teen: Feel the Sound (Merge) {13}: MC(70/18), AM:80, AV:75, BB:87, Du:80, Ph:75, RS:70, S:80; MT:A-, TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  503. Islands: A Sleep and a Forgetting (Anti/Epitaph) {13}: MC(70/12), F:83, P:75, Pf:79, PM:(63), PMA:83, Px:80; V[654-1-13]
  504. Alan Jackson: Thirty Miles West (EMI Nashville) {13}: MC(75/4), AM:80, CW:70, E145:80(7), LAT:75, R:100(16), UT:75; TH:**
  505. Marc Johnson/Eliane Elias: Swept Away (ECM) {13}: G:80; DB, TN, TH:*; V[672-1-12]
  506. Alicia Keys: Girl on Fire (RCA) {13}: MC(70/19), BB:86, BBC:80, BG:80, EW:75, P:75, RS:80, T:80; V[723-1-10]
  507. Kimbra: Vows (Warner Bros) {13}: MC(76/9), EW:100, F:83, RS:70, S:70, Sl:70, UT:88; MT:C, TH:B; V[1385-1-5]
  508. Bettye LaVette: Thankful N' Thoughtful (Anti-) {13}: MC(85/4), AM:80, AS:80, Bl:80(28), Now:80, NYT:80, P:90(42); V[124-8-74]
  509. Lindstrom: Six Cups of Rebel (Smalltown Supersound) {13}: MC(60/21), Du:80, Mi:83, Mix:80, MO:90(31), RA:80, S:80(42), W:80; TH:B-; V[1303-1-8]
  510. Main Attrakionz: Bossalinis and Fooliyones (Young One) {13}: AV:75, Fa:80(25), Mi:100(48), Pot:80, S:70; JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  511. Maximo Park: The National Health (V2) {13}: MC(74/14), AM:80, BBC:80, G:80, IS:80, NME:80, Ph:88, PM:80; V[723-1-10]
  512. Paul McCartney: Kisses on the Bottom (Hear Music) {13}: MC(65/18), BBC:80, Buf:88, EW:100, G:80, NYT:80, P:80, T:80, U:80, UT:88; DB, MT:***, TH:*
  513. Brad Mehldau Trio: Where Do You Start (Nonesuch) {13}: MC(81/4), BBC:80, G:80, IS:100, MO:80; TN; V[1344-1-7]
  514. Ron Miles: Quiver (Enja/Yellowbird) {13}: DB, FJ, TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  515. Wymond Miles: Under the Pale Moon (Sacred Bones) {13}: MC(79/5), AM:80, AV:83, Bl:80, CMJ:80, Du:70, Mi:75, Px:75, TMT:80
  516. Rhett Miller: The Dreamer (Maximum Sunshine) {13}: MC(74/8), AC:78, AP:80, AS:80(35), P:80, RS:70, S:70; RC:B+, MT:**, TH:**; V[587-2-15]
  517. Monolake: Ghosts (Imbalance Computer Music) {13}: MC(84/7), BPM:80, Ex:90, Fa:90, PM:80, RA:90, W:80; TH:***
  518. Kip Moore: Up All Night (Mercury Nashville) {13}: CW:80(6), R:90(4); TH:*
  519. Meshell Ndegeocello: Pour Une Ame Souverain: A Dedication to Nina Simone (Naive) {13}: AM:80, AbP:92, Bl:80, Sl:80; TH:*; V[298-3-30]
  520. Oh No: Ohnomite (Traffic) {13}: MC(81/5), AM:80, CMJ:80, Ex:80, Ok:84, Pot:80, RR:80, S:80, Spk:80; JG:*, YW, TH:**
  521. Jeremy Pelt: Soul (HighNote) {13}: AM, JW:(7), NYT; DB, JG:**(47), TH:**
  522. Jessica Pratt: Jessica Pratt (Birth) {13}: Pf:75, Px:75, Sg:(39); V[315-4-30]
  523. Dawn Richard: Armor On (Our Dawn Entertainment, EP) {13}: G:80(24), Mi:75, Pf:82; JG:**(21); V[169-5-57]
  524. Lionel Richie: Tuskegee (Mercury) {13}: MC(68/5), BBC:80, CW:100, EW:91, R:100(30); JG:X; V[361-3-25]
  525. Daniel Rossen: Silent Hour/Golden Mile (Warp, EP) {13}: MC(83/10), AV:100, BPM:82, CS:80, NME:80, Pf:80, PMA:100, Px:80, S:70, St:80, UR:80; V[427-2-20]
  526. Jenny Scheinman: Mischief and Mayhem (self-released) {13}: AM:80, PM:80; DB, TN, TH:A-
  527. Standard Fare: Out of Sight, Out of Town (Melodic) {13}: ATH:80(17); ExW:(61), RC:A-(33), MT:A-, TH:**; V[587-2-15]
  528. The Staves: Dead and Born and Grown (Atlantic) {13}: MC(83/9), AM:80, Fix:90, I:100, IS:80, LBF:75, M:80, MO:80, Q:80, St:80, U:80
  529. The Time Jumpers: The Time Jumpers (Rounder) {13}: AS:80, CW:(9), E145:100(9), R:100(24)
  530. Trampled by Turtles: Stars and Satellites (BanjoDad) {13}: MC(71/5), Ex:80, P:84; V[1385-1-5]
  531. Unsane: Wreck (Alternative Tentacles) {13}: MC(79/6), AP:80, Du:80, Ex:80, Pf:76, Ph:75, S:70; V[1365-1-6]
  532. David Virelles: Continuum (Pi) {13}: NYT; TN, TH:**
  533. The Alchemist: Russian Roulette (Decon) {12}: MC(80/5), AM:80, HDX:90(), Ok:85, S:80; TH:B
  534. Oren Ambarchi/Keiji Haino/Jim O'Rourke: Imikuzushi (Black Truffle) {12}: MC(82/5), CMG:79, Du:80, Pf:82, S:80, TMT:90, W:80(14); V[723-1-10]
  535. AU: Both Lights (The Leaf Label) {12}: MC(75/9), BPM:80, Cl:80, DA:80, DIY:80, LBF, MO:80, NME:80, NR:80, Sk:80
  536. Dierks Bentley: Home (Capitol Nashville) {12}: MC(67/5), CW:(7), EW:91, PM:80, R:80, UT:88; MT:C+, TH:*
  537. Bhi Bhiman: Bhiman (Boocoo Music) {12}: DS:80; CM, RC:A-(75), MT:A-, TH:***; V[315-4-30]
  538. Cadence Weapon: Hope in Dirt City (Upper Class) {12}: MC(79/5), AM:80, NME:80, Now:80, PM:80, Pot:80, Px:80, St:80; TH:***; V[1385-1-5]
  539. Chick Corea/Gary Burton: Hot House (Concord) {12}: MC(71/9), AM:80, G:80, M:80, Ob:80, UT:88; DB, TH:B-; V[723-1-10]
  540. Dawnbringer: Into the Lair of the Sun God (Profound Lore) {12}: MC(82/4), AM:80, Ex:80, Pf:77, PM:80, S:70
  541. Dragged Into Sunlight: Widowmaker (Prosthetic) {12}: Ex:(38), PM:90, Qs:(7), Rev:80; V[672-1-12]
  542. Mark Eitzel: Don't Be a Stranger (Merger) {12}: MC(76/9), AM:80, Bl:80, Du:80, LBF:80, MO:80, P:80; V[257-4-35]
  543. Enslaved: Riitiir (Nuclear Blast) {12}: MC(70/4), Ex:90, K:80(94); V[587-2-15]
  544. Every Time I Die: Ex Lives (Epitaph) {12}: MC(73/7), AbP:95, Blr:90, HM:80, K:(20), PM:80, RkS:90(19), S:70
  545. Nathan Fake: Steam Days (Border Community) {12}: MC(67/12), Bow:75, Cl:80, Ex:80, Mix:80(44), MO:80(89), RA:80, Sk:80
  546. Fanfarlo: Rooms Filled With Light (Atlantic) {12}: MC(74/10), AM:80, BBC:80, CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80, Fly:80, MO:80, Now:80, NR:80
  547. John Fullbright: From the Ground Up (Blue Dirt) {12}: AS:(31); TH:**; V[257-4-35]
  548. Lee Gamble: Dutch Tvashar Plumes (PAN) {12}: Fa:(2), Qs:(17), RA:90; V[723-1-10]
  549. Gossip: A Joyful Noise (Columbia) {12}: MC(58/19), DIY:80, I:80, S:70, U:80; TH:B; V[327-3-28]
  550. Green Day: Tre! (Reprise) {12}: MC(63/14), EW:83, RS:80; V[723-1-10]
  551. Guided by Voices: Class Clown Spots a UFO (Fire) {12}: MC(75/11), AV:83, BPM:76, Fly:80, Mg:(2), Mi:75, PM:80
  552. The Henry Clay People: Twenty Five for the Rest of Our Lives (TBD) {12}: MC(83/5), AbP:80, AV:83, CS:90(37); YW, RC:B+, MT:***, TH:**
  553. Jesca Hoop: The House That Jack Built (Bella Union) {12}: MC(80/8), BBC:80, DS:80, I:80, M:80, MO:80, S:70, U:80
  554. Howlin Rain: The Russian Wilds (American) {12}: MC(75/8), AM:80, Bl:90, BPM:76, CMG:79, DA:80, MO:80, RS:80, U:(48); V[351-2-25]
  555. Iamamiwhoami: Kin (To Whom I May) {12}: DIY:80, LBF:85, MO:80, Pf:76, PMA:(54); V[406-1-20]
  556. Jeff the Brotherhood: Hypnotic Nights (Warner Bros) {12}: MC(67/9), AM:80, Ex:80, Mi:83, NYT:70, RS:70, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  557. Kishi Bashi: 151a (Joyful Noise) {12}: AC:78, BPM:80; V[587-2-15]
  558. Chris Knight: Little Victories (Drifter's Church) {12}: R:(23); ExW:(45), RC:***, TH:A(5); V[427-2-20]
  559. Lee Konitz/Bill Frisell/Gary Peacock/Joey Baron: Enfants Terribles (Half Note) {12}: JG:*, TH:***; V[508-2-18]
  560. Kool AD: 51 (Greedhead/Mishka) {12}: MC(71/4), Pf:79, Pot:(13), Px:80; JG:**(59), SFJ, RC:B+, MT:*, TH:***
  561. Krallice: Years Past Matter (self-released) {12}: NR:80, Pf:82, PM:(65); V[226-4-41]
  562. Ladyhawke: Anxiety (Modular) {12}: MC(64/18), AM:80, AP:80, BBC:80, DIY:80, Mg:80, MO:80, RS:70
  563. Sam Lee: Ground of Its Own (The Nest Collective) {12}: AM:90, G:80, LBF:80, MO:(41); V[723-1-10]
  564. Wadada Leo Smith/Louis Moholo-Moholo: Ancestors (TUM) {12}: FJ, TN, TH:A-
  565. Light Asylum: Light Asylum (Mexican Summer) {12}: MC(70/13), AM:80, Fa:90, Fly:80, Mi:83, NME:80, PMA:75, S:80, XL:75
  566. Tift Merritt: Traveling Alone (Yep Roc) {12}: MC(79/7), AM:80, Bl:80(13), EW:91, NYT:80, P:77, PM:80; TH:**; V[694-2-12]
  567. Pat Metheny: Unity Band (Nonesuch) {12}: MC(78/4), AM:80, BBC:80, G:80; DB, TN, TH:B-
  568. Mono: For My Parents (Temporary Residence) {12}: MC(75/7), AM:80, AP:80, DS:80, LBF:80, Now:80
  569. Nude Beach: II (Dead Broke) {12}: ATH:90(30), Mi:91, NR:80, S:80, Sg:(25); V[361-3-25]
  570. NZCA/Lines: NZCA/Lines (Lo) {12}: MC(67/9), Cl:80, Fly:80, G:80, LBF, MO:80, Ob:80, Qs:100; TH:*
  571. Of Montreal: Paralytic Stalks (Polyvinyl) {12}: MC(63/18), AV:83, DIY:80, F:80, LBF, Px:80, TMT:90, UR:80; TH:B-; V[405-3-21]
  572. Orange Goblin: A Eulogy for the Damned (Candlelight) {12}: MC(72/5), Ex:80, K:80(39), MH:90, S:80
  573. Rangda: Formerly Extinct (Drag City) {12}: MC(78/9), AM:80, Bl:80, NYT:70, Pf:79, Sk:80, U:80, W:80; V[427-2-20]
  574. Chelle Rose: Ghost of Browder Holler (Lil' Damsel) {12}: AC:78, E145:(14); YW, RC:*, TH:**; V[587-2-15]
  575. The Sea and Cake: Runner (Thrill Jockey) {12}: Bow:75, DIY:80, F:80, LBF:75, NR:80, Px:80, Sl:70
  576. Slaughterhouse: Welcome to: Our House (Shady) {12}: MC(75/7), Ex:80, HDX:90(), RR:80, S:70, UT:75, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  577. Stone Sour: House of Gold and Bones Part 1 (Atlantic) {12}: MC(79/5), AM:80, K:80(25), Q:80, Rev:(10), RkS:80; V[1303-1-8]
  578. Tenacious D: Rize of the Fenix (Columbia) {12}: MC(64/13), AM:80, AV:83, K:80, P:83, St:80, UT:75
  579. Levon Vincent: Fabric 63 (Fabric) {12}: AM:90, RA:90, S:80, XL:85(9); V[587-2-15]
  580. The Wedding Present: Valentina (Scopitones) {12}: MC(69/10), ATH:80(52), DS:80, Ex:80, Mg:85, MO:80, Now:80, NR:80
  581. White Lung: Sorry (Deranged) {12}: MC(72/5), AM:80, CMG:(33), Ex:(40), Pf:80; V[361-3-25]
  582. Jamie Woon: Mirrorwriting (Verve) {12}: MC(69/16), BBC:80, DS:80, IS:80, MO:80, NR:80, Pf:80, T:80; YW, MT:*; V[1365-1-6]
  583. Jason Aldean: Night Train (Broken Bow) {11}: MC(68/6), CW:90, EW:91, R:(7); TH:C+; V[723-1-10]
  584. JD Allen Trio: The Matador and the Bull (Savant) {11}: DB, TN, TH:*; V[427-2-20]
  585. Anathema: Weather Systems () {11}: MC(77/5), AM:90, Ex:80, K:(3), Spk:80
  586. The Antlers: Undersea (Anti-, EP) {11}: ATH:100, Bl:80, BPM:80, DS:80, P:80, Pf:81, PM:80, PMA:75, Spk:90
  587. Sir Richard Bishop: Intermezzo (Ideologic Organ) {11}: MC(79/5), Du:80, Pf:74, Qs:(64), S:70, TMT:80, U:80, W:70; V[723-1-10]
  588. Bombay Bicycle Club: A Different Kind of Fix (Island) {11}: MC(77/18), AbP:91, BBC:80, BPM:82, Cl:80, F:83, G:80, I:80, NME:80, NR:80, PM:80, Q:80; TH:B
  589. Lee Brice: Hard 2 Love () {11}: CW:70, NYT, R:(6), UT:88
  590. Bright Light Bright Light: Make Me Believe in Hope () {11}: DIY:80, G:(26), Gw:(24), LBF:75, MO:80(19)
  591. Cafe Tacuba: El Objeto Antes Llamado Disco (Verve) {11}: AM:90; V[723-1-10]
  592. Cancer Bats: Dead Set on Living (Metal Blade) {11}: MC(72/8), AbP:76, AP:80, Ex:80, Fly:80, K:(17), MH:90, RkS:(25)
  593. Clams Casino: Instrumentals II (self-released) {11}: Gw:(48), NR:80, Pf:79, RA:80, RR:80; MT:A-; V[1277*-2-14]
  594. Anat Cohen: Claroscuro (Anzic) {11}: TN, TH:***
  595. Keyshia Cole: Woman to Woman (Geffen) {11}: MC(79/4), AM:80, EW:83, G:80; JG:*; V[723-1-10]
  596. The Cult: Choice of Weapon (Cooking Vinyl) {11}: MC(72/8), AM:80, EW:91, Mg:85, Ph:75; V[723-1-10]
  597. Danny!: Payback (Okayplayer) {11}: MC(76/8), AM:80, DJB:80, HDX:80, PM:80, RR:90, Sl:80; YW, TH:A-; V[406-1-20]
  598. Debo Band: Debo Band (Next Ambiance) {11}: MC(75/4), Pf:78, PM:90(62), S:80, St:80; TH:*
  599. Dent May: Do Things (Paw Tracks) {11}: MC(71/9), AM:80, F:84, P:78, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  600. Alejandro Escovedo: Big Station (Fantasy) {11}: MC(88/5), AM:90, AV:75, Bl:80, CT:88, P:90, RS:70; V[540-1-15]
  601. Eternal Summers: Correct Behavior (Kanine) {11}: ATH:80(24), NR:80, Pf:76, Ph:88, TMT:80; V[187-4-50]
  602. Orrin Evans: Flip the Script (Posi-Tone) {11}: DB, TN, TH:*
  603. Evans the Death: Evans the Death (Slumberland) {11}: MC(74/6), ATH:(82), MO:80, PM:80, Q:80, RS:70, S:80; V[351-2-25]
  604. Rebecca Ferguson: Heaven (Columbia) {11}: MC(84/10), AM:80, BBC:80, CS:80, EW:91, G:80, I:80, MO:80, Ob:80, T:100; V[427-2-20]
  605. The Flaming Lips: The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends (Warner Bros) {11}: MC(73/13), AbP:85, AM:80, BPM:78, Cl:80, EW:100, Pf:82, U:80
  606. Gonjasufi: MU.ZZ.LE (Warp) {11}: MC(71/11), AV:75, Cl:80, CMJ:80, G:80, NME:80, Now:80, Pf:78
  607. Homeboy Sandman: Subject: Matter (Stone's Throw, EP) {11}: MC(78/5), Pf:77, Ok:85, Pot:80, RS:70; JG:*(45), RC:A-(76), MT:A-, TH:***
  608. Horseback: Half Blood (Relapse) {11}: AM:80, Pf:76, S:80; V[361-3-25]
  609. Hanne Hukkelberg: Featherbrain (Propeller) {11}: MC(82/8), BBC:80, Cl:80, DS:80, Fly:80, M:80, MiF:90, Qs:80, U:80
  610. Ihsahn: Eremita (Candlelight) {11}: MC(81/5), AM:80, Ex:80, K:80, Pf:76, PM:80
  611. Ka: Grief Pedigree (Iron Works) {11}: Pf:77; V[427-2-20]
  612. Katatonia: Dead End Kings (Peaceville) {11}: DS:80, AM:80, Fix:80, G:80, Spk:80(36)
  613. Living by Lanterns: New Myth/Old Science (Cuneiform) {11}: DB, TN, TH:A-; V[672-1-12]
  614. Lushlife: Plateau Vision (Western Vinyl) {11}: MC(79/6), HDX:80, Mg:80, Ok:91, S:80; JG:*, RC:***, TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  615. Michael Mayer: Mantasy (Kompakt) {11}: MC(75/9), Cl:80, Mix:80(15), MO:80, RA:80, XL:80; YW
  616. Hafez Modirzadeh: Post-Chromodal Out! (Pi) {11}: S:80; JG:*, TN, TH:***
  617. Motion City Soundtrack: Go (Epitaph) {11}: MC(77/6), AP:80(8), K:80(9), PM:80; V[540-1-15]
  618. Murder by Death: Bitter Drink, Bitter Moon (Bloodshot) {11}: MC(81/6), AM:80, AP:90, AS:80, CMJ:80, P:80; TH:B; V[587-2-15]
  619. Now, Now: Threads (Transrecords) {11}: MC(74/4), AP:80, DIY:90, K:(57); V[327-3-28]
  620. Ondatropica: Ondatropica (Soundway) {11}: G:80; YW, TH:A-; V[270-3-33]
  621. Eivind Opsvik: Overseas IV (Loyal Label) {11}: AM:80; CM, FJ, TH:A-; V[654-1-13]
  622. Graham Parker and the Rumour: Three Chords Good (Primary Wave) {11}: MC(77/5), AM:80, Bl:80, RS:70; V[121-7-76]
  623. Poolside: Pacific Standard Time (self-released) {11}: AM:90, UR:(90); JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  624. Chuck Prophet: Temple Beautiful (Yep Roc) {11}: MC(81/6), AC:78, AM:80, Bl:80(71), Ex:80, MO:80, P:90; V[198-5-48]
  625. Ramona Falls: Prophet (Barsuk) {11}: MC(77/8), AP:80, Bow:80, BPM:77, CMG:77, F:80, PM:90; V[1385-1-5]
  626. Rusko: Songs (Mad Decent/Downtown) {11}: MC(69/12), AM:80, BB:81, NME:80, RS:70, S:70; MT:A-, TH:A-
  627. Bill Ryder-Jones: If . . . (Domino) {11}: MC(81/13), Cl:80, DS:80, Du:80, G:80, M:80, MO:90, NME:80, Ob:80, Q:80, St:80, U:80
  628. Rye Rye: Go! Pop! Bang! (NEET/Interscope) {11}: MC(69/7), CMJ:80, NYT:70, RS:70, UT:75; YW, RC:B+, MT:**, TH:***; V[343-2-26]
  629. Saint Vitus: Lillie: F-65 (Season of Mist) {11}: MC(76/6), Du:80, K:100(89), Pf:80, S:70
  630. Scissor Sisters: Magic Hour (Polydor) {11}: MC(63/11), EW:75, MO:80, S:80, U:80, UT:88
  631. The Soft Moon: Zeros (Captured Tracks) {11}: MC(75/6), AM:80, LBF:85, P:75, Ph:88
  632. Susanne Sundfor: The Silicone Veil (Sonnet Sounds) {11}: LBF:85, MO:80(42), Spk:80; V[402-2-21]
  633. John Surman: Saltash Bells (ECM) {11}: MC(84/4), BBC:80, G:100, IS:80, JW:(3), Ob:100; TN, TH:A-; V[1344-1-7]
  634. Swearin': Swearin' (Salinas) {11}: Pf:78, Sg:(35); RC:**, TH:**; V[140-6-67]
  635. Todd Terje: It's the Arps (Smalltown Supersound, EP) {11}: MC(80/7), BPM:78, Fa:80, CMG:75, Du:80, Pf:76, RA:90, XL:90(12); TH:A-
  636. Devin Townsend Project: Epicloud (Inside Out) {11}: Fix:90, K:(63); V[1365-1-6]
  637. Trailer Trash Tracys: Ester (Double Six) {11}: MC(71/14), BBC:80, DIY:80, F:83, Fly:80(50), G:80, MO:80, PMA:91, U:80; V[723-1-10]
  638. Tribes: Baby (Island) {11}: MC(62/15), Fly:80, G:80(28), Gw:(30), Mg:80, MO:90, NME:90(18); V[1385-1-5]
  639. The Unthanks: Diversions, Vol 1: The Songs of Robert Wyatt and Antony and the Johnsons: Live From the Union Chapel, London (Diversions Vol 1) (Rough Trade) {11}: MC(77/12), AM:80, BBC:80, G:80, M:80, MO:80, Ob:80, Q:80, RS:70; JG:*, TH:*
  640. White Rabbits: Milk Famous (Mute) {11}: MC(77/14), AC:89, AM:80, AV:91, Bow:75, EW:75, F:83, MO:80, P:83, S:80; V[723-1-10]
  641. Wiley: Evolve or Be Extinct (Big Dada) {11}: MC(72/13), G:80, NME:80, PM:80, Ob:80, Ok:82, Q:80, T:80, Sk:80; YW, MT:*; V[1303-1-8]
  642. Tommy Womack: Now What! (Cedar Creek Music) {11}: AS:80, Bl:80; CM, ExW:(50), RC:A-(50), MT:A-, TH:A-
  643. Yellow Ostrich: Strange Land (Barsuk) {11}: MC(70/8), AC:78, Bow:75, F:80, P:81, S:70; V[587-2-15]
  644. James Yorkston: I Was a Cat From a Book (Domino) {11}: MC(75/14), AM:80, Fly:80, LBF:80, M:80, Q:80, U:80, Sk:80, St:80
  645. Tom Ze: Tropicalia Lixo Logico (Lapa) {11}: P:86; CM, ExW:(34), MT:A(3); V[321-3-29]
  646. John Abercrombie Quartet: Within a Song (ECM) {10}: G:80; TN, TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  647. Dominique A: Vers Les Lueurs (Wagram Music/Cinq 7) {10}:
  648. The Babies: House on the Hill (Woodsist) {10}: MC(70/12), ATH:(85), Ex:80, F:84, Pf:78
  649. BadBadNotGood: BBNG2 (self-released) {10}: Ex:(29), Ok:87, Pot:80(20), Px:85; TH:*
  650. Barker and Baumecker: Transsektoral (Ostgut Ton) {10}: MC(78/4), BPM:78, RA:90(10), XL:85(6)
  651. Geoff Barrow/Ben Salisbury: Drokk: Music Inspired by Mega-City One (Invada) {10}: MC(79/5), AM:80, MO:80(85), Px:80, Qs:80, S:70, Sk:80
  652. Bee Mask: When We Were Eating Unripe Pears (Spectrum Spools) {10}: Qs:(49); V[723-1-10]
  653. Belbury Poly: The Belbury Tales (Ghost Box) {10}: MC(76/7), Bow:80, DS:80, Du:80, NR:80, TMT:90(48); MT:C+; V[723-1-10]
  654. Brendan Benson: What Kind of World (Lojinx/Readymade) {10}: MC(65/15), Bl:80, LAT:75, MO:80, NME:80, P:75; V[723*-2-20]
  655. Ryan Bingham: Tomorrowland (Axster Bingham) {10}: MC(66/5), AbP:80, P:91, PM:80(47), R:(37); V[1264-2-10]
  656. Andrew Bird: Hands of Glory (Mom and Pop Music, EP) {10}: MC(74/9), AC:89, ATH:80, F:84, P:78, PM:80, Sl:70; TH:*
  657. CFCF: Exercises (Paper Bag/Dummy, EP) {10}: MC(72/12), DS:(97), Fa:80, Fly:80, Mi:83, NME:80, Pf:80, S:80
  658. The Chariot: One Wing (Good Fight) {10}: AbP:85, AP:90, Blr:80, K:(33), RkS:90; V[723-1-10]
  659. Circa Survive: Violent Waves (self-released) {10}: AbP:85, AP:90, Blr:80, Rev:80, RkS:90
  660. Clark: Iradelphic (Warp) {10}: MC(72/5), BPM:82, Cl:80, MiF:98, MO:80, S:70, St:80; TH:B
  661. Claro Intelecto: Reform Club (Defsin) {10}: MC(89/4), BPM:82, Ex:80, Fa:80, MiF:94, RA:90, Spk:90; MT:C+, TH:**
  662. Coheed and Cambra: The Afterman: Ascension (Universal) {10}: MC(69/6), AV:75, DIY:80, K:(69), PM:80, RkS:80; V[1385-1-5]
  663. Avishai Cohen: Triveni II (Anzic) {10}: AM:80, DB, TH:**
  664. Cursive: I Am Gemini (Saddle Creek) {10}: MC(71/13), AV:75, CMJ:80, CS:80, DS:80(100), P:78, RkS:80, S:80; V[723-1-10]
  665. Dark Dark Dark: Who Needs Who (Supply and Demand) {10}: MC(76/7), Cl:80, Fly:80, LBF:80, MO:80, Ph:75, Q:80, U:80
  666. Delicate Steve: Positive Force (Luaka Bop) {10}: MC(76/7), CMJ:80, DS:80, F:84, LBF:80, P:85, Pf:76, PMA:75, Pot:80, S:70
  667. Die Antwoord: Tension (Zef) {10}: MC(55/13), BPM:75, Qs:80; MT:A-, TH:*; V[232-4-40]
  668. Aaron Dilloway: Modern Jester (Hanson) {10}: MC(86/4), Du:90, Pf:77, RA:90, TMT:80(21), W:(26); V[187-4-50]
  669. Terrence Dixon: Far From the Future Pt 2 (Tresor) {10}: Fa:90(8), RA:80
  670. E-40: The Block Brochure: Welcome to the Soil, Pt 1 (HT2) {10}: MC(78/6), AV:75, Du:80, Pf:79; V[723*-2-20]
  671. E-40: The Block Brochure: Welcome to the Soil, Pt 3 (HT2) {10}: MC(78/6), Du:80, Pf:79, RR:75; V[723*-2-20]
  672. Electric Guest: Mondo (Downtown) {10}: MC(59/8), BPM:84; V[1385-1-5]
  673. Escort: Escort (Tirk) {10}: AM:90, AV:83, Mi:75, Pf:77, RS:70(40), S:80; MT:***, TH:***
  674. Josephine Foster: Blood Rushing (Fire) {10}: MO:80, W:(12); V[427-2-20]
  675. Ruthie Foster: Let It Burn (Blue Corn) {10}: MC(76/8), M:80, P:80, PM:80, UT:75; TH:*; V[427-2-20]
  676. Foxygen: Take the Kids Off Broadway (Jagjaguwar, EP) {10}: MC(80/4), AM:80, Pf:79, S:70, UR:75(66); V[672-1-12]
  677. Galactic: Carnivale Electricos (Epitaph) {10}: MC(70/6), AM:80, Bl:80, Ex:80, NYT:80, PM:(25); TH:B; V[694-2-12]
  678. Jacob Garchik: The Heavens: The Athetist Trombone Album (Yestereve) {10}: LAT:88; FJ, TN, TH:A-
  679. Good Old War: Come Back as Rain (Sargent House) {10}: MC(66/5), AbP:80, AM:80, Bl:80, Blr:80; V[723-1-10]
  680. Kevin Gordon: Gloryland (Crowville Media) {10}: AM:80, AS:80, Bl:80, PM:80, R:80, RS:70, UT:100; TH:*
  681. Great Lake Swimmers: New Wild Everywhere (Nettwerk) {10}: MC(69/14), AV:75, BBC:80, BG:80, Bl:80, DA:90, Now:80, Px:75; MT:C+
  682. Neil Halstead: Palindrome Hunches (Brushfire) {10}: MC(69/6), LBF:80, MO:80(17), Sk:80
  683. Tom Harrell: Number Five (High Note) {10}: AM:80; TN, TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  684. I:Cube: "M" Megamix (Versatile) {10}: Fa:100(17), S:80; V[298-3-30]
  685. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: Live From Alabama (Lightning Rod) {10}: MC(85/4), AM:80, AS:90(14), BG:80, Bl:80(16); V[723-1-10]
  686. Shooter Jennings: Family Man (E1) {10}: MC(81/5), AM:80, BG:80, CW:80, EW:75, LAT:75, R:90; JG:X
  687. Diana Krall: Glad Rag Doll (Verve) {10}: MC(75/7), AS:80, EW:83, PM:80, U:80; DB, TH:A-
  688. The Little Willies: For the Good Times (Blue Note) {10}: MC(71/15), AM:80, BBC:80, BG:80, IS:80, MO:80, P:85, Sl:70, U:80; MT:*, TH:*
  689. Terry Malts: Killing Time (Slumberland) {10}: MC(59/7), ATH:100(1), BPM:79, Ex:80, F:84; V[385-2-24]
  690. Marilyn Manson: Born Villain (Downtown) {10}: MC(67/5), BB:78, Buf:75, Gw:80, IS:100, K:(77),
  691. Meek Mill: Dreamchasers 2 (self-released) {10}: Px:80, S:70, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  692. Meek Mill: Dreams and Nightmares (Warner Bros) {10}: MC(69/8), RS:70, XXL:80; RC:*; V[315-4-30]
  693. Mika: The Origin of Love (Casablanca) {10}: MC(73/8), G:80, Q:80; TH:A-; V[427-2-20]
  694. Kylie Minogue: The Abbey Road Sessions (Astralwerks) {10}: MC(70/8), AV:75, G:80, IS:80, Sl:70
  695. Ted Nash: The Creep (Plastic Sax) {10}: JG:**(43), TH:A-
  696. Willie Nelson: Heroes (Legacy) {10}: MC(74/6), AC:89, CW:70, EW:75, MO:80, R:80, T:80, U:90; RC:B+, TH:**
  697. No Doubt: Push and Shove (Interscope) {10}: MC(71/9), AM:80, BB:85, EW:83, S:70, Sl:70; V[1385-1-5]
  698. O Children: Apnea (Republic of Music) {10}: Cl:80, DIY:80, MO:80(98)
  699. Oddisee: People Hear What They See (Mello Music) {10}: HDX:80, Ok:86, Pot:80(9), RR:85
  700. Ombre: Believe You Me (Asthmatic Kitty) {10}: MC(77/8), BBC:80, Bow:85(22), DS:80, PM:80, Px:80
  701. Pepe Deluxe: Queen of the Wave (Catskills) {10}: MC(67/6), Cl:80, LBF, MO:80, PM:100(17), Spk:80; TH:**; V[219-3-43]
  702. Pinback: Information Retrieved (Temporary Residence) {10}: MC(72/9), AM:80, AP:80, F:85, P:80, UR:75; V[723-1-10]
  703. Propagandhi: Failed States () {10}: RkS:(4), Spk:80(50); V[723-1-10]
  704. Kurt Rosenwinkel: Star of Jupiter (Wommusic, 2CD) {10}: AM:90, NYT; DB; V[723-1-10]
  705. Rumer: Seasons of My Soul (Atlantic) {10}: MC(85/8), AM:80, BBC:80, Buf:100, G:80, I:80, IS:80, PM:90
  706. Shintaro Sakamoto: How to Live With a Phantom (Other Music) {10}: AM:80, Bow:75, Mi:91, S:70; V[1385-1-5]
  707. Serengeti: The Kenny Dennis EP (Anticon, EP) {10}: Pf:78, Px:80, S:80; RC:A-(85), TH:**
  708. Matthew Shipp Trio: Elastic Aspects (Thirsty Ear) {10}: JG:*, TN, TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  709. Skrillex: Bangarang (Big Beat, EP) {10}: MC(60/7), RS:70, S:70, UT:75; RC:A-(6), MT:A-, TH:B; V[394-2-22]
  710. S/S/S: Beak and Claw (Anticon, EP) {10}: MC(64/6); ExW:(36), JG:**(31), RC:A-(57), MT:A-, TH:***
  711. Storm Corrosion: Storm Corrosion (Roadrunner) {10}: MC(81/6), BBC:80, Fix:80, G:80, K:80, M:80, Q:80
  712. Billy Talent: Dead Silence (Atlantic) {10}: MC(80/4), AM:80, DIY:80, K:(22), Q:80, RkS:(7)
  713. Testament: Dark Roots of Earth (Nuclear Blast) {10}: MC(82/5), AM:80, Ex:80, K:80, Rev:80
  714. Rolo Tomassi: Astraea (Destination Moon) {10}: DS:80, Fly:80, K:(35), NME:80, Qs:(62), RkS:(47)
  715. Trash Talk: 119 (Odd Future) {10}: MC(74/8), Blr:80, CMJ:80, Fly:90(42), LBF:75, NME:80, NYT:80
  716. Two Fingers: Stunt Rhythms (Big Dada) {10}: MC(76/6), Ex:80, MO:80, Q:80; RC:A-(82), TH:**; V[1344-1-7]
  717. Two Gallants: The Bloom and the Blight (ATO) {10}: MC(71/8), AM:80, AP:80, Bl:80, DIY:80, MO:80
  718. Chad Valley: Young Hunger (Cascine) {10}: MC(77/8), AM:80, CMJ:80, F:82, LBF:(44), UR:(43); V[1385-1-5]
  719. The Wallflowers: Glad All Over (Columbia) {10}: MC(73/10), AbP:80, AM:80, EW:75, U:80; V[1365-1-6]
  720. White Fence: Family Perfume Vol 1 (Woodsist) {10}: MC(76/4), BPM:78(49), F:85, Pf:76, Px:80, S:70; V[427-2-20]
  721. Don Williams: And So It Goes (Sugar Hill) {10}: MC(70/4), AM:80, CW:80, E145:80(3), R:100(38), UT:88
  722. Andre Williams/The Sadies: Night and Day (Yep Roc) {10}: MC(73/11), M:80, Now:80, Q:80, U:80; RC:A-(96), TH:A-
  723. Cassandra Wilson: Another Country (E1) {10}: MC(72/4), IS:80, NYT:70, UT:100; TH:**; V[427-2-20]
  724. Windy and Carl: We Will Always Be (Kranky) {10}: MC(79/5), BPM:78, DS:80, Ex:80, PM:80, Px:75, S:80, Sk:80; JG:X; V[257-4-35]
  725. Alex Winston: King Con (Cooperative Music/V2) {10}: MC(64/10), AM:80; V[654-1-13]
  726. X-TG: Desertshore/The Final Report (Industrial, 2CD) {10}: Pf:78, Qs:(4); V[587-2-15]
  727. Young Smoke: Space Zone (Planet Mu) {10}: MC(82/4), DS:80, Fa:80(35), Sk:80, TMT:80, XL:75; V[1385-1-5]
  728. Oren Ambarchi: Sagittarian Domain (Editions Mego) {9}: AM:80, Qs:(40); TH:***; V[587-2-15]
  729. Nik Bartsch's Ronin: Live (ECM) {9}: SFJ, TN, YW, TH:A-
  730. Black Bananas: Rad Times Xpress IV (Drag City) {9}: MC(61/9), Pf:78, Ph:88, PM:80, Qs:80, U:80; V[181-5-52]
  731. Blackberry Smoke: The Whippoorwill (Southern Ground) {9}: CW:80, R:100(19)
  732. Black Dice: Mr Impossible (Ribbon Music) {9}: MC(56/10), Bl:80, BPM:76, Cl:90, Du:70, Mi:75, Pf:77, S:70; V[508-2-18]
  733. Blu and Exile: Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them (Dirty Science) {9}: MC(76/5), Ex:80, Ok:85, PM:80, Pot:80(30), WB:90
  734. Breakbot: By Your Side (Ed Banger) {9}: AM:(27), DIY:80, Mix:(33); V[723-1-10]
  735. Evan Caminiti: Dreamless Sleep (Thrill Jockey) {9}: MC(83/5), AM:80, BBC:80, Mg:80, Mi:75, NME:80, Px:75; V[1303-1-8]
  736. Caspian: Waking Season (Triple Crown) {9}: MC(89/5), AbP:86, AP:80, K:80, RkS:90, S:80; V[427-2-20]
  737. Chicha Libre: Canibalismo (Barbes/Crammed) {9}: Bl:80, S:80; TH:*; V[1385-1-5]
  738. Neil Cowley Trio: The Face of Mount Molehill (Naim Jazz) {9}: MC(79/7), G:80, M:80, T:80, U:80; JM, TH:***
  739. Zani Diabate and Les Heritiers: Tientalaw (Sterns Africa) {9}: RC:**, MT:A(9), TH:A-; V[587-2-15]
  740. Fatoumata Diawara: Fatou (Nonesuch) {9}: PM:80; DB; V[298-3-30]
  741. Dusted: Total Dust (Polyvinyl) {9}: MC(76/6), Bow:80, Du:75, LBF:80, Now:80, UR:(80)
  742. DVA: Pretty Ugly (Hyperdub) {9}: MC(73/12), BBC:80, Cl:80, M:80, Mix:80(17), Qs:80, S:80; V[1385-1-5]
  743. E-40: The Block Brochure: Welcome to the Soil, Pt 2 (HT2) {9}: MC(68/6), Du:80, Pf:79; V[723*-2-20]
  744. Egyptian Hip Hop: Good Don't Sleep (R&S) {9}: DIY:80, Fly:80(46), LBF:(39), Pf:75, UR:(95)
  745. Emmure: Slave to the Game (Victory) {9}: MC(69/5), AP:80, Ex:80, MH:80, RkS:80(31); into the wild
  746. Estelle: All of Me (Homeschool/Atlantic) {9}: MC(70/6), AV:75, EW:83, HDX:80, LAT:75, RS:70, UT:88; MT:B-; V[723-1-10]
  747. EST [Esbjorn Svensson Trio]: 301 (ACT) {9}: G:80, JW:(2)
  748. Eternal Tapestry: A World Out of Time (Thrill Jockey) {9}: MC(76/5), AM:80, Bl:(40), F:78; V[723-1-10]
  749. Mark Fell: Sentielle Objectif Actualite (Editions Mego) {9}: MC(76/5), Du:80, Pf:75
  750. Fennesz: Aun (Ash International) {9}: Bl:80(69), Bow:80, MiF:80; SFJ, YW
  751. Fort Romeau: Kingdoms (100% Silk) {9}: BPM:80, Mi:75, Mix:(46), Pf:75, S:80; V[654-1-13]
  752. Gang Colours: The Keychain Collection (Brownswood) {9}: MC(69/7), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:(12), Fly:80, Gw:80, Mix:80, MO:90, XL:75
  753. Melody Gardot: The Absence (Decca) {9}: MC(77/6), M:80, NYT:80, T:80, UT:88; V[1385-1-5]
  754. Laura Gibson: La Grande (Barsuk) {9}: MC(76/12), BBC:80, DIY:80, MO:80, NME:80, NR:80, PM:90, Q:80, Sk:80, U:80; MT:C+
  755. Chilly Gonzales: Solo Piano II (Arts and Crafts) {9}: MC(73/7), BBC:80, DS:80, M:80; V[1385-1-5]
  756. Grass Roots: Grass Roots (AUM Fidelity) {9}: CM, FJ, JG:*, TN, TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  757. Graveyard: Lights Out (Nuclear Blast) {9}: AbP:89, EW:91; V[508-2-18]
  758. Alexander Hawkins Ensemble: All There, Ever Out (Babel) {9}: G:80; FJ, JM, TN, TH:**
  759. The Invisible: Rispah (Ninja Tune) {9}: MC(76/11), BBC:80, Ex:80, Fly:90(37), M:80, MO:90, UR:80(26)
  760. Jeremih: Late Nights With Jeremih (self-released) {9}: Fa:90(12); V[143-8-66]
  761. Eyvind Kang: The Narrow Garden (Ipecac) {9}: MC(73/6), AM:80, Pf:75, U:80, W:80
  762. Mark Knopfler: Privateering (Mercury) {9}: MC(80/5), M:80, MO:80, RS:80, T:80, UT:88; V[1385-1-5]
  763. LHF: Keepers of the Light (Keysound) {9}: MC(85/5), BPM:85(38), DS:80(19), Fa:80, Q:80, RA:90; V[723-1-10]
  764. Loscil: Sketches From New Brighton (Kranky) {9}: AM:80, Bow:80
  765. Mares of Thrace: Pilgrimage (Sonic Unyon) {9}: MC(84/4), AM:80, Mg:80, Now:80, PM:80
  766. Kathy Mattea: Calling Me Home (Sugar Hill) {9}: AM:80, AS:80, E145:100(19); V[406-1-20]
  767. Medeski Martin and Wood: Free Magic (Indirecto) {9}: AM:80, PM:80; DB, TN, TH:A-
  768. The Melvins [Lite]: Freak Puke (Ipecac) {9}: MC(67/6), Ex:80, NR:80, Px:80, Rev:80, S:70; V[587-2-15]
  769. Meursault: Something for the Weakened (Song, by Toad) {9}: AM:80, Cl:80, DIY:90, DS:80, LBF:85, MO:80, Sk:80
  770. Mewithoutyou: Ten Stories (Pine Street Collective) {9}: MC(84/4), AbP:84, AP:80, Blr:80, PM:80, Spk:80(22); V[699-1-11]
  771. Maria Minerva: Will Happiness Find Me? (Not Not Fun) {9}: MC(74/7), Bow:90(8), Mi:83, TMT:80; V[272-4-33]
  772. Nneka: Soul Is Heavy (Decon) {9}: MC(73/5), BG:80, EW:83, Now:80, Ok:91; TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  773. Nu Sensae: Sundowning (Suicide Squeeze) {9}: AM:80, BPM:85(28), Pf:80, Ph:75; V[1385-1-5]
  774. Odd Future: The OF Tape Vol 2 (Columbia) {9}: MC(73/13), AV:90, Blr:80, BPM:78, P:84, Pf:75, RS:70; JG:X, MT:C-, TH:B-
  775. Opossom: Electric Hawaii (Fire) {9}: BPM:77, CS:80, DIY:80, DS:80, Fly:80, P:75; V[723-1-10]
  776. Mike Reed's People, Places and Things: Clean on the Corner (482 Music) {9}: CM, DB, JG:**(44), TN, TH:A-; V[1344-1-7]
  777. The Chris Robinson Brotherhood: Big Moon Ritual (Silver Arrow) {9}: MC(74/5), AM:80, I:80, U:80(29)
  778. RZA: The Man With the Iron Fists [OST] (Soul Temple) {9}: MC(73/4), HDX:80, Ok:79, Pot:80(31), XXL:80
  779. Elliott Sharp Trio: Aggregat (Clean Feed) {9}: CM, FJ, TN, TH:A-
  780. Richard Skelton: Verse of Birds (Corbel Stone Press) {9}: Qs:(37), W:(21); V[1303-1-8]
  781. Slash/Myles Kennedy/The Conspirators: Apocalyptic Love (EMI) {9}: MC(63/6), Ex:80, K:(73), Rev:80
  782. Chris Smither: Hundred Dollar Valentine (Signature Sounds) {9}: MC(89/5), Bl:90, IS:80, M:100, U:80; TH:*; V[587-2-15]
  783. The Soft Pack: Strapped (Mexican Summer) {9}: MC(72/6), DIY:80, F:84, LBF:75; RC:**, MT:**
  784. Soulsavers: The Light of the Dead See (V2) {9}: MC(73/7), AM:80, G:80, MO:90(81), NME:80, S:80; V[361-3-25]
  785. Spectrum Road: Spectrum Road (Palmetto) {9}: AM:80, S:80; TN
  786. Speech Debelle: Freedom of Speech (Big Dada) {9}: MC(60/15), AM:80, Fly:80, G:80, MO:80, Ob:80, RR:75, Sk:100; JG:X, RC:***, TH:***
  787. Bobo Stenson Trio: Indicum (ECM) {9}: AM:80, G:80; JM, TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  788. Symmetry: Themes for an Imaginary Film (Italians Do It Better) {9}: BPM:83, DS:80, Pf:81, RA:80
  789. Tall Ships: Everything Touching (Big Scary Monsters) {9}: MC(80/5), AM:80, BBC:80, DIY:(26), LBF:80, MO:(65)
  790. Ebo Taylor: Appia Kwa Bridge (Strut) {9}: MC(75/8), Du:70, M:80, Q:80, S:70; YW, TH:*
  791. Yosvany Terry: Today's Opinion (Criss Cross) {9}: NYT; TH:A-; V[723-1-10]
  792. Tracey Thorn: Tinsel and Lights (Merge) {9}: MC(78/7), AM:80, BG:80, G:80, Ob:80, Q:80; V[1385-1-5]
  793. Ana Tijoux: La Bala (Nacional) {9}: LAT:88, Ok:83; TH:*
  794. The Ting Tings: Sounds From Nowheresville (Columbia) {9}: MC(55/23), I:100, IS:80, RS:70, T:80, U:80; JG:X, RC:*, TH:***; V[672-1-12]
  795. The Trishas: High, Wide and Handsome (self-released) {9}: AC:78, Bl:90, E145:(12), R:100; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  796. Turbonegro: Sexual Harassment (Volcom) {9}: G:80, K:(47), NME:80, Qs:(58), RkS:80; V[1385-1-5]
  797. Turing Machine: What Is the Meaning of What (Temporary Residence) {9}: MC(86/5), AP:90, Bl:80, BPM:79, Mg:90, S:80; V[723-1-10]
  798. Ultraista: Ultraista (Temporary Residence) {9}: MC(72/6), F:83, NYT:70, UR:80(47); V[1385-1-5]
  799. Weird Dreams: Choreography (Tough Love) {9}: MC(77/6), DIY:80(15), Fly:80, MO:80, NR:80, Pf:76; V[1264-2-10]
  800. Whitechapel: Whitechapel (Metal Blade) {9}: MC(77/8), AbP:79, AP:80, Ex:80, K:80(82), RkS:90(32)
  801. Witchcraft: Legend (Nuclear Blast) {9}: V[155-6-62]
  802. Young Guns: Bones (PIAS) {9}: MC(71/6), AbP:87, K:(23), MO:80, Q:80, RkS:(14)
  803. Yukon Blonde: Tiger Talk (Dine Alone) {9}: MC(80/4), AP:80, Bl:80, CS:80, Ex:80, Fly:80, LBF
  804. Advance Base: A Shut-In's Prayer (Orindal/Caldo Verde) {8}: MC(79/8), BPM:80, Ex:80, M:80(19), MO:90, Px:75; V[587-2-15]
  805. Christina Aguilera: Lotus (RCA) {8}: MC(58/11), AM:80, BB:82
  806. Damon Albarn: Dr Dee (Virgin) {8}: MC(67/20), AV:83, BBC:80, G:80, M:(32), U:80(49); TH:C+
  807. Aluk Todolo: Occult Rock (Ajna Offensive) {8}: Pf:77; V[587-2-15]
  808. Angles 8: By Way of Deception: Live in Ljubljana (Clean Feed) {8}: FJ:(2), TH:A-
  809. Omer Avital: Suite of the East (Anzic) {8}: DB, TN
  810. Jessica Bailiff: At the Down-Turned Jagged Rim of the Sky (Kranky) {8}: MC(75/4), AM:80, Bow:78, MO:90, Pf:75; V[723-1-10]
  811. Balkan Beat Box: Give (Nat Geo) {8}: S:70; RC:A-(66), MT:***, TH:***; V[587-2-15]
  812. Josh Berman and His Gang: There Now (Delmark) {8}: DB, TH:***
  813. Bigg Jus: Machines That Make Civilization Fun (Mush) {8}: MC(70/5), BBC:80, Ex:80, Fa:80(50), Mi:83, Sk:80; TH:*
  814. Black Music Disaster [Matthew Shipp/J Spaceman/Steve Noble/John Coxon]: Black Music Disaster (Thirsty Ear) {8}: PM:80; TN, TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  815. Black Prairie: A Tear in the Eye Is a Wound in the Heart (Sugar Hill) {8}: AM:90; TH:**
  816. James Blackshaw: Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death (Important) {8}: MC(74/7), Bow:80, Pf:79, TMT:90, W:70
  817. Blood Red Shoes: In Time to Voices (V2) {8}: MC(72/10), DS:80(39), Gw:80, IS:80, MO:80
  818. Blues Control: Valley Tangents (Drag City) {8}: MC(72/10), AM:80, DS:80, Mi:75, TMT:80, W:70; V[723-1-10]
  819. BoB: Strange Clouds (Atlantic) {8}: MC(64/8), BG:80, DJB:80, EW:91, RR:75, S:80, UT:88, XXL:80; TH:B
  820. Bonnie Prince Billy: The Marble Downs (Honest Jons) {8}: MC(78/6), AM:80, CS:80, M:80, MO:80, PM:80, Sk:80; JG:X
  821. Bosse-de-Nage: III (Profound Lore) {8}: Pf:79, PM:80, S:70; V[699-1-11]
  822. Boys Noize: Out of the Black (Ingrooves) {8}: MC(67/8), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:80, Ex:80, Mix:80(42); V[1385-1-5]
  823. Apollo Brown and OC: Trophies (Mello Music Group) {8}: HDX:80(), Ok:86, Pot:90(36), RR:100; V[406-1-20]
  824. Tim Burgess: Oh No I Love You (O Genesis) {8}: MC(72/10), M:80, MO:90(87), Qs:80(63), U:80
  825. Cannibal Corpse: Torture (Relapse) {8}: MC(77/6), AC:89, AM:80, Ex:80, MH:80, PM:80, S:80; V[723-1-10]
  826. Cattle Decapitation: Monolith of Inhumanity (Metal Blade) {8}: MC(82/4), AM:80, Ex:80, Rev:80, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  827. Ceu: Caravana Sereia Bloom (Six Degrees) {8}: MC(70/), AM:80, S:70
  828. Jason Collett: Reckon (Arts and Crafts) {8}: MC(72/9), AS:80, Bl:80, Ex:80, I:80, IS:80; V[1385-1-5]
  829. Gaz Coombes: Presents . . . Here Come the Bombs (Hot Fruit) {8}: MC(72/10), BBC:80, Bow:80, Cl:80, DIY:80, Fly:80, MO:80, NME:80
  830. Cult of Youth: Love Will Prevail (Sacred Bones) {8}: MC(77/5), AC:78, ATH:(32), Bl:80, Mi:91, Pf:80, Px:85, Sg
  831. Dev: The Night the Sun Came Up (Republic) {8}: MC(71/4), EW:75, RS:70; YW; V[502-2-19]
  832. Dope Body: Natural History (Drag City) {8}: MC(70/7), BPM:78, CMJ:80, F:84, Pf:79, Px:75, Qs:(39)
  833. Doseone: G Is for Deep (Anticon) {8}: MC(66/7), CMG:85, LBF:75, Ok:80, PM:80, S:70, Sk:80, U:80
  834. DZ Deathrays: Bloodstreams (Hassle) {8}: MC(77/6), Cl:(32), DIY:90(29), Fly:80, K:80
  835. Jason Eady: AM Country Heaven (self-released) {8}: E145:(8), R:80(29)
  836. Eight and a Half: Eight and a Half (Arts and Crafts) {8}: MC(64/5), DS:(59), Ex:80
  837. Flume: Flume (Future Classic) {8}: Pot:80, Px:80
  838. Fontanelle: Vitamin F (Southern Lord) {8}: DS:80; V[351-2-25]
  839. Francois and the Atlas Mountains: E Volo Love (Domino) {8}: MC(71/11), BBC:80, Fly:80, LBF:(27), Q:80, Sk:80; TH:***
  840. Gentleman Jesse: Leaving Atlanta (Douchemaster) {8}: MC(80/5), AM:80, ATH:90(5), BPM:79, Pf:79, S:80; V[177-4-54]
  841. Golden Retriever: Occupied With the Unspoken (Thrill Jockey) {8}: MC(68/6), AM:80, Bl:80, Du:80, Mg:75, S:70, W:70; V[540-1-15]
  842. Gunplay: Bogota Rich: The Prequel (Maybach) {8}: Fa:80(36), Pf:76; V[723-1-10]
  843. Todd Gustavsen Quartet: The Well (ECM) {8}: AM:80, G:80, IS:80; TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  844. Charlie Haden/Hank Jones: Come Sunday (Emarcy) {8}: LAT:88, UT:75; DB, TH:*
  845. Hilary Hahn and Hauschka: Silfra (Deutsche Grammophon) {8}: MC(70/11), M:80, NYT:70, Px:80, S:80, U:80; FJ
  846. Halls: Ark (No Pain in Pop) {8}: Bow:75, DS:(76), LBF:90(14), UR:75(77)
  847. Heems: Wild Water Kingdom (Greedhead) {8}: MC(71/5), Pot:80(38); RC:A-(31), TH:A-
  848. Keaton Henson: Dear . . . (Motive) {8}: MC(74/6), AM:80, DIY:80, G:80, Ob:80, Q:80
  849. Hexvessel: No Holier Temple (Svart) {8}: Qs:(42)
  850. House Shoes: Let It Go (Traffic Entertainment Group) {8}: MC(69/5), AM:80, Ok:88, Pot:80, RR:75
  851. Ian Hunter and the Rant Band: When I'm President (Slimstyle) {8}: AM:80, AS:80, Bl:80, U:(62); V[232-4-40]
  852. Imagine Dragons: Night Visions (KidinaKorner/Interscope) {8}: AbP:84, UT:75
  853. Ital: Dream On (Planet Mu) {8}: MC(72/9), BPM:76, Sk:80, TMT:80, XL:75
  854. The Jim Jones Revue: The Savage Heart (PIAS) {8}: DIY:80, G:80, MO:80, NME:80
  855. Brian Jonestown Massacre: Aufheben (A) {8}: MC(73/16), AM:80, M:80, Mg:80, NME:80, NR:90, Spk:80; JG:X
  856. Masabumi Kikuchi: Sunrise (ECM) {8}: AM:80, NYT; TN, TH:***
  857. KTL: V (Editions Mego) {8}: Pf:81, Qs:(10), S:80
  858. Lace Curtains: The Garden of Joy and the Well of Loneliness (Female Fantasy) {8}: AC:89, ATH:(100), Pf:75; V[1385-1-5]
  859. Adam Lambert: Trespassing (RCA) {8}: MC(79/4), AM:80, BB:86, RS:80, Sl:70, UT:75; V[539-3-16]
  860. Langhorne Slim and the Law: The Way We Move (Ramseur) {8}: Bl:80, F:83, PM:80
  861. Meyhem Lauren: Respect the Fly Shit (self-released) {8}: RR:85, S:70
  862. Jason Lescalleet: Songs About Nothing (Erstwhile) {8}: TMT:90(31), W:(5); V[351-2-25]
  863. Loops of Your Heart: And Never Ending Nights (Magazine) {8}: MC(72/9), Bl:90, BPM:79, NR:90, RA:80, S:80
  864. Lucero: Women and Work (ATO) {8}: MC(69/6), AM:80, Bl:90, UT:88; V[1303-1-8]
  865. Eleni Mandell: I Can See the Future (Yep Roc) {8}: MC(84/4), AM:80, AS:80, Bl:80, P:80
  866. Carolyn Mark: The Queen of Vancouver Island (Mint) {8}: CM, RC:A-(56), TH:A-; V[1385-1-5]
  867. Dave Matthews Band: Away From the World (RCA) {8}: MC(77/7), AbP:85, AM:80, BB:78, EW:75, RS:70(29)
  868. Tim McGraw: Emotional Traffic (Curb) {8}: MC(72/7), AM:80, CW:80, EW:75, R:100, RS:70, UT:75
  869. Joe Morris/William Parker/Gerald Cleaver: Altitude (AUM Fidelity) {8}: JG:(57), FJ, TN; V[520-2-17]
  870. Mungolian Jet Set: Mungodelics (Smalltown Supersound) {8}: MC(73/5), AM:80, Mix:80; SFJ:(*), TH:***
  871. Music Tapes: Mary's Voice (Merge) {8}: MC(72/5), Bl:80, BPM:78, LBF:90, NR:80, TMT:80; V[282-1-30]
  872. Oberhofer: Time Capsules II (Glass Note) {8}: MC(70/12), Cl:80, DS:80, Gw:(27), NME:80
  873. The Orb/Lee Scratch Perry: The Orbserver in the Star House (Cooking Vinyl) {8}: Gw:(46), Mi:75, Mix:(41)
  874. Jeff Parker Trio: Bright Light in Winter (Delmark) {8}: DB, FJ, JG:*, TN, TH:**
  875. Parkway Drive: Atlas (Epitaph) {8}: MC(77/4), AbP:85, AM:80, AP:90, K:(24), RkS:(13)
  876. Paws: Cokefloat! (Fat Cat) {8}: MC(77/6), AM:80, BBC:80, Sk:80; YW; V[1277-1-9]
  877. Phedre: Phedre (Daps) {8}: MC(73/5), Bow:85(13), Ex:80, Now:80, NR:90
  878. Duane Pitre: Feel Free (Important) {8}: W:(37); V[244-2-37]
  879. Prong: Carved Into Stone (Long Branch) {8}: MC(84/4), Bl:80, MH:80, Q:80, S:70
  880. Pulled Apart by Horses: Tough Love (Transgressive) {8}: DIY:(43), DS:80, Fly:90(43), G:80, MO:80, NME:80
  881. Rapsody: The Idea of Beautiful (Jamla) {8}: HDX:80(), Ok:82, Pot:80(25), RR:85, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  882. Ringo Deathstarr: Mauve (Club AC30) {8}: AM:80, DS:80, Mi:91, NR:80
  883. Martin Rossiter: Drop Anchor! (12-03) {8}:
  884. Sinkane: Mars (DFA) {8}: BPM:78, Now:80, Ok:85; JG:X
  885. Skyzoo: A Dream Deferred (The Faculty) {8}: MC(86/5), HDX:80(), Ok:90, PM:80, XXL:80
  886. Slugabed: Time Team (Ninja Tune) {8}: MC(72/4), BBC:80, DIY:80, DS:80, Mix:(40), S:70, XL:85
  887. Soap and Skin: Narrow (Play It Again Sam) {8}: MC(74/4), BBC:80, MO:80(91), St:80, U:80
  888. Supreme Cuts: Whispers in the Dark (Dovecote) {8}: BPM:80, Fa:(30), Mi:83, RA:80; RC:**, TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  889. SWV: I Missed Us (E1) {8}: AM:80, EW:83, Now:80, S:80, UT:75
  890. Tedeschi Trucks Band: Live: Everybody's Talkin' (Sony Masterworks) {8}: MC(75/6), AM:80, AS:80, RS:70, U:80; TH:*
  891. Teen Daze: All of Us, Together (Lefse) {8}: MC(57/11), ATH:(69), BPM:82, DIY:80, F:82, LBF:75, Px:75, S:70
  892. Sebastien Tellier: My God Is Blue (Record Makers) {8}: MC(67/), Mi:83, MO:80(29), RA:80
  893. The Toure-Raichel Collective: The Tel Aviv Session (Cumbancha) {8}: PM:80(34); V[244-2-37]
  894. Alexander Tucker: Third Mouth (Thrill Jockey) {8}: MC(78/7), Bl:80, Du:80, M:80, MO:80, Qs:80(29), S:70
  895. US Girls: Gem (Fat Cat) {8}: MC(76/6), AM:80, Bow:90(1), DIY:80, Du:70, Pf:77; V[723-1-10]
  896. Nick Waterhouse: Time's All Gone (Innovative Leisure) {8}: MC(71/10), Bl:80, CT:75, F:84, I:80, M:80, S:80; V[214-3-44]
  897. White Hills: Frying on This Rock (Thrill Jockey) {8}: MC(69/7), AV:75, Qs:80(21), S:70
  898. Witch Mountain: Cauldron of the Wild (Profound Lore) {8}: Pf:78, S:70; V[540-1-15]
  899. Wreckless Eric/Amy Rigby: A Working Museum (Southern Domestic) {8}: Bl:90(66); ExW:(47), RC:A-(30); V[361-3-25]
  900. Yellowcard: Southern Air (Hopeless) {8}: MC(83/7), AbP:95, AM:80, AP:80, PM:90, Spk:90(30)
  901. Young Magic: Melt (Carpark) {8}: MC(68/16), AV:75, BBC:80, Bl:80, DIY:80, F:85, NME:80
  902. The Young: Dub Egg (Matador) {8}: MC(70/10), AM:80, Bl:80, CMG:75, Ex:80, S:70; V[635-1-14]
  903. Zeus: Busting Visions (Arts and Crafts) {8}: MC(70/9), AM:80, Ex:80, Now:80, S:80; V[427-2-20]
  904. 3 Inches of Blood: Long Live Heavy Metal (Century Media) {7}: AM:80; V[1385-1-5]
  905. The Amazing: Gentle Stream (Subliminal Sounds//Partisan) {7}: MC(78/6), AM:80, AV:91, DS:80, M:80; V[723-1-10]
  906. Ancestors: In Dreams and Time (Tee Pee) {7}: PM:80; V[527-2-16]
  907. Bass Clef: Reeling Skullways () {7}: MC(74/6), Cl:80, Du:70, Qs:80, W:70(25); V[427-2-20]
  908. Big Deal: Lights Out (Mute) {7}: MC(70/10), BBC:80, CS:80, G:80, RS:70; V[1385-1-5]
  909. The Big Pink: Future This (4AD) {7}: MC(58/25), AV:75, EW:83, F:83, Sk:80; JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  910. Theo Bleckmann: Hello Earth! The Music of Kate Bush (Winter and Winter) {7}: Buf:88; MT:*, TH:**; V[1277-1-9]
  911. Boomgates: Double Natural (Bedroom Suck) {7}:
  912. Matthew Bourne: Montauk Variations (Leaf) {7}: MC(72/4), BBC:80, Buf:88, DS:80, MiF:84, MO:80, Sk:80
  913. Peter Broderick: (Bella Union) {7}: MC(79/4), M:80, MO:80, TMT:80, U:80
  914. Peter Buck: Peter Buck (Mississippi/Change) {7}: AM:80, Bl:90(12), RS:70; V[672-1-12]
  915. Burning Love: Rotten Thing to Say (Southern Lord) {7}: MC(84/4), AC:78, AM:80, CS:80, Ex:80, K:80
  916. Bushman's Revenge: A Little Bit of Big Bonanza (Rune Grammophone) {7}: AM:80; FJ; V[1303-1-8]
  917. Busy Signal: Reggae Music Again (Xenon) {7}: BBC:(7), AM:80; JG:*
  918. Kenny Chesney: Welcome to the Fishbowl (Blue Chair/Columbia) {7}: MC(64/7), AbP:80, AS:80, R:80(17)
  919. Chief Keef: Back From the Dead (mixtape) {7}: Pf:79
  920. The Chieftains: Voice of Ages (Hear Music) {7}: MC(70/5), BG:80, E145:90, EW:75, G:80, MO:80, S:70, UT:75
  921. Chrome Canyon: Elemental Themes (Stones Throw) {7}: MC(72/6), BPM:75, Q:80, UR:75(73), XL:75
  922. Clock Opera: Ways to Forget (Island/Moshi Moshi) {7}: MC(59/12), Cl:80, M:80, St:80; V[672-1-12]
  923. The Cookers: Believe (Motema) {7}: AM:80; DB, TN, TH:**
  924. Mac DeMarco: Rock and Roll Night Club (Captured Tracks) {7}: MC(79/5), AM:80, Bow:80, BPM:78, Mi:83, Now:80
  925. Dirty Ghosts: Metal Moon (Last Gang) {7}: MC(62/4), Px:85
  926. Kurt Elling: 1619 Broadway: The Brill Building Project (Concord) {7}: G:80, JW:(15); TH:C+; V[502-2-19]
  927. Enabler: All Hail the Void (Southern Lord) {7}: S:70; V[723-1-10]
  928. Felix: Oh Holy Molar (Kranky) {7}: MC(77/8), DS:80, Du:80, NR:80, Px:80, S:70
  929. The Bryan Ferry Orchestra: The Jazz Age (BMG) {7}: MC(80/6), BBC:80, G:80, I:80, MO:80, Ob:80; V[156-2-60]
  930. JK Flesh: Posthuman (3by3) {7}: Pf:76, Qs:(36), S:80
  931. Fly: Year of the Snake (ECM) {7}: G:80; CM, JM, TH:***
  932. Forward Strategy Group: Labour Division (Perc Trax) {7}: BPM:77, Fa:80, Qs:(56), RA:80; V[587-2-15]
  933. Freelance Whales: Diluvia (Mom + Pop Music) {7}: MC(73/7), AbP:89, AV:91, Bl:80, P:75, PMA:83
  934. Gap Dream: Gap Dream (Burger) {7}: BPM:80, Mi:83
  935. The Ghost Inside: Get What You Give (Epitaph) {7}: MC(68/7), AbP:90, AP:80, K:80(91), RkS:(3)
  936. Girl Unit: Club Rez EP (Night Slugs, EP) {7}: MC(81/4), Du:80, Mi:91, Pf:75, RA:80, XL:80; TH:*
  937. Goatwhore: Blood for the Master (Metal Blade) {7}: MC(66/6), AM:80, Ex:80, K:80, MH:80; V[327-3-28]
  938. Graffiti6: Colours (Capitol) {7}: MC(81/5), AbP:90, AM:80, EW:75, I:100, UT:75
  939. Grand Magus: The Hunt (Nuclear Blast) {7}: S:70; V[1277-1-9]
  940. Macy Gray: Covered (429) {7}: MC(68/5), Buf:75, St:80, UT:75; RC:B+, MT:B+
  941. Joel Harrison 7: Search (Sunnyside) {7}: DB, FJ, TN, TH:**
  942. Ren Harvieu: Through the Night (Island) {7}: MC(63/7), BBC:80, G:80, MO:80, NME:80, Q:()
  943. The Heavy: The Glorious Dead (Counter) {7}: MC(74/8), CS:80, Ex:80, M:80, MO:80
  944. Dylan Hicks: Sings Bolling Greene (Two Deuces) {7}: ExW:(37), RC:A-(84), TH:A-; V[723-1-10]
  945. Hiss Golden Messenger: Poor Moon (Tompkins Square/Paradise of Bachelors) {7}: MC(80/4), Ex:80, Pf:78, U:80; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  946. Instituto Mexicano del Sonido [Mexican Institute of Sound]: Politico (Nacional) {7}: AM:90
  947. Catherine Irwin: Little Heater (Thrill Jockey) {7}: MC(77/8), AM:80, Ex:80, Mg:85, U:80; V[723-1-10]
  948. Wanda Jackson: Unfinished Business (Sugar Hill) {7}: MC(81/5), AM:80, AV:75, CT:75, P:79, Sl:80; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  949. Jeremiah Jae: Raw Money Raps (Brainfeeder) {7}: BPM:80, Cl:80, Pot:80(32), Sk:80
  950. Manu Katche: Manu Katche (ECM) {7}: G:80; TN, TH:**
  951. Keane: Strangeland (Cherrytree/Interscope) {7}: MC(53/11), EW:75, F:80, G:80, UT:75
  952. Toby Keith: Hope on the Rocks (Show Dog Universal Music) {7}: MC(72/4), AM:80, CW:80(8), R:80(26); TH:B
  953. Nina Kraviz: Nina Kraviz (Rekids) {7}: BPM:79, Mi:75, Mix:(37), RA:80
  954. Lacuna Coil: Dark Adrenaline (Century Media) {7}: MC(75/6), AM:80, Ex:80, K:80
  955. Legowelt: The Paranormal Soul (Clone Jack for Daze Series) {7}: V[427-2-20]
  956. Lemonade: Diver (True Panther Sounds) {7}: MC(64/9), DA:80, DIY:80, LBF:75, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  957. Lilacs and Champagne: Lilacs and Champagne (Mexican Summer) {7}: MC(74/5), CMG:77, Pf:78, PM:80; MT:*; V[723-1-10]
  958. Fred Lonberg-Holm's Fast Citizens: Gather (Delmark) {7}: FJ, TN, TH:A-
  959. Lionel Loueke: Heritage (Blue Note) {7}: G:80, Ok:85, PM:80; DB, TH:B
  960. Lyle Lovett: Release Me (Lost Highway) {7}: MC(71/7), AM:80, CW:70, EW:83, P:90; TH:*
  961. Madteo: Noi No () {7}: Fa:(13); V[587-2-15]
  962. Amanda Mair: Amanda Mair (Labrador) {7}: MC(72/5), MO:80, Sl:80; V[723-1-10]
  963. Make Do and Mend: Everything You Ever Loved (Rise) {7}: MC(87/4), AbP:95, AP:80, Blr:80, K:80, RkS:90(17)
  964. Marriages: Kitsune (Sargent House) {7}: MC(80/6), AbP:88, MH:80, MO:80, NR:80; V[1303-1-8]
  965. Masta Ace/DOOM: MA_DOOM: Son of Yvonne (Fat Beats) {7}: AV:75, RR:75, WB:70
  966. Getatchew Mekuria and the Ex and Friends: Y'Anbessaw Tezeta (Terp) {7}: DB, FJ; V[279-3-31]
  967. Dan Melchior: The Backward Path (Northern Spy) {7}: Bl:80(44), TMT:90; V[157-4-60]
  968. MenahanStreet Band: The Crossing (Daptone) {7}: MC(83/4), Bl:80, CS:80, Ok:93, PM:80, Px:75; V[723-1-10]
  969. Miguel Zenon/Laurent Coq: Rayuela (Sunnyside) {7}: PM:80; DB, TH:***
  970. Milo Greene: Milo Greene (Chop Shop/Atlantic) {7}: F:84, PM:80, UT:75; V[1385-1-5]
  971. Mind Spiders: Meltdown (Dirtnap) {7}: MC(76/6), CS:80, Mi:83, Pf:77, Px:75; V[527-2-16]
  972. Minus the Bear: Infinity Overhead (Dangerbird) {7}: MC(72/8), AbP:85, AP:90, CMJ:80, RkS:80
  973. Marisa Monte: O Que Voce Quer Saber de Verdade (Blue Note) {7}: AM:80, PM:80; TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  974. Motorpsycho and Stal Storlokken: The Death Defying Unicorn () {7}: Qs:(69)
  975. Murs/9th Wonder: The Final Adventure (It's a Wonderful World) {7}: AM:80, HDX:(), Ok:88, Pot:80
  976. Narrows: Painted (Deathwish) {7}: MC(87/4), AbP:90, AP:90, BBC:90, K:80, S:70, Spk:80
  977. Ne-Yo: RED (Motown) {7}: MC(71/6), BG:80, EW:91, NYT:80; TH:***
  978. Old Man Gloom: No (Hydra Head) {7}: PM:80, S:70, Sg
  979. oOoOO: Our Loving Is Hurting Us (Tri Angle, EP) {7}: MC(69/6), Fa:80, Mi:75, Px:75, S:70, XL:85(27)
  980. Orcas: Orcas (Morr Music) {7}: MC(73/10), Bl:80, Ex:80, F:84, Pf:77, TMT:80; V[361-3-25]
  981. Lindi Ortega: Cigarettes and Truckstops (Last Gang) {7}: Bl:80; YW, TH:*
  982. Pelt: Effigy (MIE Music) {7}: W:(48); V[723-1-10]
  983. Preservation Hall Jazz Band: St Peter and 57th St (Rounder) {7}: MC(81/6), BBC:80, G:80, Ob:80, Ok:86, Sl:70, T:80
  984. Prince Rama: Top Ten Hits of the End of the World (Paw Tracks) {7}: MC(62/6), Mi:75(40), Ph:88, Sg; V[508-2-18]
  985. Gerry Read: Jummy (Fourth Wave) {7}: Mix:(48), Pf:80, XL:80(20); V[723-1-10]
  986. Reptar: Body Faucet (Vagrant) {7}: MC(67/4), DIY:80, P:80, S:70
  987. Max Richter: Recomposed: Vivaldi (Deutsche Grammophon) {7}: Spk:(43); V[723-1-10]
  988. Rival Sons: Head Down (Earache) {7}: G:80, K:(27)
  989. Luke Roberts: The Iron Gates at Throop and Newport (Thrill Jockey) {7}: MC(77/6), Bow:75, CMG:77, Du:80, F:80, MO:80, S:70, U:80
  990. Jason Robinson: Tiresian Symmetry (Cuneiform) {7}: CM, FJ, TN, TH:**
  991. Roller Trio: Roller Trio (F-ire) {7}: G:80, JW:(16), T:80; JM, TH:***
  992. Saigon: The Greatest Story Never Told: Chapter Two: Bread and Circuses (Suburban Noize) {7}: MC(84/5), RR:80, XXL:80; RC:A-(24), TH:A-
  993. Ed Schrader's Music Beat: Jazz Mind (Load) {7}: MC(76/5), Du:80, S:80
  994. Shoes: Ignition (Black Vinyl) {7}: Bl:80(61); V[527-2-16]
  995. Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars: Radio Salone (Cumbancha) {7}: V[282-1-30]
  996. Sigh: In Somniphobia (Candlelight) {7}: Rev:90, S:70; V[1385-1-5]
  997. Sonny and the Sunsets: Longtime Companion (Polyvinyl) {7}: MC(69/6), AV:83, Du:80, P:75, Px:75, S:80
  998. Sun Airway: Soft Fall (Dead Oceans) {7}: MC(78/6), CMJ:80, F:82, MO:80, NR:80, Ph:75, UR:75
  999. Serj Tankian: Harakiri (Reprise) {7}: MC(71/5), AbP:81, AP:80, K:(55), UT:75; V[526-1-16]
  1000. Team Me: To the Treetops (Propeller) {7}: BPM:82, LBF, Sk:80
  1001. Teen: In Limbo (Carpark) {7}: MC(71/12), Bow:80, CS:80, DIY:80, F:81, Mg:80; V[406-1-20]
  1002. The Temper Trap: The Temper Trap (Columbia) {7}: MC(59/9), AM:80(45), AP:80
  1003. The Thing/Barry Guy: Metal! (NoBusiness) {7}: CM, FJ:(3), TN, TH:**
  1004. TI: Trouble Man: Heavy Is the Hand (Atlantic/Grand Hustle) {7}: MC(65/7), HDX:80(), RR:75; JG:X, TH:**; V[427-2-20]
  1005. Turnpike Troubadours: Goodbye Normal Street (Bossier City) {7}: AM:80
  1006. Tyvek: On Triple Beams (In the Red) {7}: AM:80, Pf:80
  1007. Jason Urick: I Love You (Thrill Jockey) {7}: MC(78/6), AM:80, Bl:80, Du:70, MiF:84, Pf:79, TMT:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1008. Vatican Shadow: Kneel Before Religious Icons (Type) {7}: Bow:75, Qs:(6); V[723-1-10]
  1009. Waco Brothers/Paul Burch: Great Chicago Fire (Bloodshot) {7}: MC(80/6), AM:80, AV:83, M:80; JG:*, RC:**
  1010. Mirel Wagner: Mirel Wagner (Friendly Fire) {7}: F:82, LBF, Pf:78, S:80; V[1277-1-9]
  1011. David S Ware/Planetary Unknown: Live at Jazzfestival Saalfelden 2011 (AUM Fidelity) {7}: FJ, TN
  1012. Sara Watkins: Sun Midnight Sun (Nonesuch) {7}: MC(76/5), AM:80, BBC:80, E145:(23), UT:75
  1013. Stian Westerhus: The Matriarch and the Wrong Kind of Flowers (Rune Grammofon) {7}: MiF:100; FJ:(10)
  1014. Mike Wexler: Dispossession (Mexican Summer) {7}: MC(76/7), Bl:80, Bow:80, CS:80, Pf:78, S:70
  1015. White Suns: Sinews (Load) {7}: S:80, TMT:90(27); V[720-2-11]
  1016. Wire: The Black Session: Paris, 10 May 2011 (Pink Flag) {7}: MC(70/9), BBC:80, Bl:80, Du:70, Ex:80, U:80; MT:**, TH:*
  1017. Yeti Lane: The Echo Show (Sonic Cathedral) {7}: DS:80, MO:90, Sk:80
  1018. Eivind Aarset: Dream Logic (ECM) {6}: AM:80; FJ, TH:**; V[508-2-18]
  1019. Farrah Abraham: My Teenage Dream Ended (self-released) {6}: G:(32), TMT:(33); V[270-3-33]
  1020. Aerosmith: Music From Another Dimension! (Columbia) {6}: MC(52/19), EW:75, NYT:70
  1021. Harry Allen/Scott Hamilton: 'Round Midnight (Challenge) {6}: G:100; TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  1022. Ben Allison: Union Square (A-Beat) {6}: CM, Ex:(73), JG:**(37), TN
  1023. All Time Low: Don't Panic (Hopeless) {6}: MC(74/4), AP:80, K:(48), RkS:80(35)
  1024. Anywhere: Anywhere (ATP) {6}: AP:80, Bow:80, P:77; V[723-1-10]
  1025. Lawrence Arabia: The Sparrow (Bella Union) {6}: DIY:80, Fly:80, LBF:75; V[540-1-15]
  1026. Arca: Stretch 2 (UNO) {6}: TMT:80(45), XL:75; V[527-2-16]
  1027. Architects: Daybreaker (Century Media) {6}: MC(73/8), BBC:80, Ex:80, K:80(36), RkS:(48)
  1028. Ash Borer: Cold of Ages (Profound Lore) {6}: Pf:80, Spk:80; V[402-2-21]
  1029. As I Lay Dying: Awakened (Metal Blade) {6}: MC(78/6), AbP:85, AP:80, Ex:80, K:80
  1030. Astra: The Black Chord (Metal Blade) {6}: CMG:76, S:80
  1031. Bad Books: II (Triple Crown) {6}: MC(81/5), AbP:80, AP:80, P:91; V[723-1-10]
  1032. Bobby Bare: Darker Than Light (E1/Plowboy) {6}: AM:80, E145:(24); TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  1033. Jim Black Trio: Somatic (Winter and Winter) {6}: JG:(58), DB, TH:***
  1034. Bomba Estereo: Elegancia Tropical (Polen) {6}: V[540-1-15]
  1035. Cory Branan: Mutt (Bloodshot) {6}: MC(82/5), AP:80, AS:(24), P:77, PM:80
  1036. Peter Brotzman/Masahiko Satoh/Takeo Moriyama: Yatagarasu (Not Two) {6}: W:(50); FJ, TN
  1037. Cave Painting: Votive Life (Third Rock) {6}: Bow:78, DIY:80, Gw:(16), LBF:(49)
  1038. Cheap Time: Wallpaper Music (In the Red) {6}: MC(66/6), Du:80, S:70
  1039. Cheval Sombre: Mad Love (Sonic Cathedral) {6}: MC(72/6), AM:80, DS:80, LBF:75, MO:80(92), Qs:80
  1040. Chicago Underground Duo: Age of Energy (Northern Spy) {6}: AM:80, PM:80; FJ, TN, TH:***
  1041. Code Orange Kids: Love Is Love//Return to Dust (Deathwish) {6}: CS:(46), Mi:(44); V[635-1-14]
  1042. Kelan Philip Cohran and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble: Kelan Philip Cohran and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble (Honest Jons) {6}: Ok:80, S:80; TH:***
  1043. Eric Copeland: Limbo (Underwater Peoples) {6}: MC(79/6), AM:80, BPM:79, Du:80, Pf:77, Px:80, S:70
  1044. Easton Corbin: All Over the Road (Mercury) {6}: MC(66/4), CW:80, R:(28)
  1045. Robert Cray Band: Nothin but Love (Provogue) {6}: G:80
  1046. Crippled Black Phoenix: (Mankind) The Crafty Ape (Cool Green) {6}: MO:90
  1047. Benjamin Damage and Doc Daneeka: They!Live (50 Weapons) {6}: MC(68/4), Mix:80(30), RA:80, XL:80(26)
  1048. David Daniell/Douglas McCombs: Versions (Thrill Jockey) {6}: MC(78/4), AM:80, Pf:77, S:80
  1049. Deadmau5: Album Title Goes Here (Ultra) {6}: MC(59/13), Mix:80(34), P:85
  1050. Dead Sara: Dead Sara (Pocket Kid) {6}: V[272-4-33]
  1051. The Decemberists: We All Raise Our Voices to the Air: Live Songs 04.11.08 (Capitol) {6}: MC(76/8), AV:75, BPM:75, CS:80, DS:80, I:80, PM:80
  1052. Lana Del Rey: Paradise (Interscope, EP) {6}: MC(63/8), DS:80; JG:*, SFJ, MT:B+, TH:B
  1053. The Devil's Blood: The Thousandfold Epicentre (Metal Blade) {6}: MC(79/6), K:80, PM:80, Q:80; V[723-1-10]
  1054. Dion: Tank Full of Blues (Blue Horizon) {6}: AM:90, AV:(24), Buf:75; TH:**
  1055. Diplo: Express Yourself (Mad Decent, EP) {6}: MC(68/8), NME:80, Pf:76, RS:70, S:80; RC:B+, TH:**
  1056. DJ Premier/Bumpy Knuckles: The KoleXXXion (Gracie) {6}: HDX:80, RR:90, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  1057. Dog Is Dead: All Our Favourite Stories (Atlantic) {6}: MC(70/5), Fix:80, Fly:80, G:80, MO:80, Ob:80
  1058. Down: Down IV, Part 1: The Purple EP (Down, EP) {6}: V[723-1-10]
  1059. Eagle Twin: The Feather Tipped the Serpent's Scale (Southern Lord) {6}:
  1060. The Early November: In Currents (Rise) {6}: AbP:90, AP:80(10), Blr:80
  1061. Elbow: Dead in the Boot (Interscope) {6}: MC(78/11), I:80, M:80, PM:80, Sl:80, T:80; V[723-1-10]
  1062. Sidsel Endresen/Stian Westerhus: Didymoi Dreams (Rune Grammofon) {6}: G:80, MiF:100
  1063. Evoken: Atra Mors (Profound Lore) {6}: Pf:77, PM:80; V[335-2-27]
  1064. The Explorers Club: Grand Hotel (Rock Ridge Music) {6}: MC(69/4), AM:80, U:80
  1065. Fire!/Oren Ambarchi: In the Mouth a Hand (Rune Grammofon) {6}: MiF:92; FJ, TN
  1066. Tim Fite: Ain't Ain't Ain't (Anti-) {6}: MC(68/5), AC:89; V[723-1-10]
  1067. Rosie Flores: Working Girl's Guitar (Bloodshot) {6}: MC(76/6), AbP:84, AM:80, Ex:80; TH:*
  1068. Michael Formanek: Small Places (ECM) {6}: TH:**; V[1277-1-9]
  1069. John Foxx and the Maths: The Shape of Things (Metamatic) {6}: MC(79/6), BBC:80, DIY:80, M:80, MO:80, Qs:80(48)
  1070. Foxy Shazam: The Church of Rock and Roll (Capitol) {6}: MC(74/5), AbP:80, AP:80, Blr:80, Buf:75
  1071. Frightened Rabbit: State Hospital (Atlantic, EP) {6}: MC(79/4), AV:83, DS:80, Fix:80, NME:80, P:75, Sk:80
  1072. Fushitsusha: Mabushii Itazura Na Inori (Heartfast) {6}: W:(13); V[723-1-10]
  1073. The Futureheads: Rant (Nul) {6}: MC(82/7), BBC:80, IS:100, MO:80, NR:80, St:80(29)
  1074. Gallon Drunk: The Road Gets Darker From Here (Clouds Hill) {6}: AV:75, Bl:80; V[508-2-18]
  1075. Big Baby Gandhi: No1 2 Look Up 2 (Greedhead) {6}: Px:80; ExW:(56), RC:A-(52), TH:***
  1076. Geographer: Myth (Modern Art) {6}: MC(71/4), AM:80, AbP:81; V[1385-1-5]
  1077. Get the Blessing: OCDC (Naim Jazz) {6}: Bl:80, G:80, MO:80; JM
  1078. Gold Motel: Gold Motel (Thirty Tigers) {6}: MC(76/6), AP:80, P:80, U:80, UT:75; MT:C+; V[672-1-12]
  1079. Gucci Mane: Trap Back (1017 Brick Squad) {6}: Pf:78; V[361-3-25]
  1080. Haleek Maul: Oxyconteen (Merok) {6}: Fa:(48), Mi:(25), S:70
  1081. Halestorm: The Strange Case Of (Atlantic) {6}: K:(49)
  1082. Calvin Harris: 18 Months (Columbia) {6}: MC(58/15), BB:77, F:85; V[723-1-10]
  1083. Hip Hatchet: Joy and Better Days (Gravitation) {6}: BPM:83
  1084. Homeboy Sandman: Chimera (Stones Throw, EP) {6}: BPM:75, S:80, Urb:80; RC:B+
  1085. Horse Feathers: Cynic's New Year (Kill Rock Stars) {6}: MC(69/10), F:82, P:85, PM:80
  1086. How to Destroy Angels: An Omen (Columbia, EP) {6}: MC(77/9), AP:80, EW:83, LAT:88, RS:80, Sk:80; V[427-2-20]
  1087. James Iha: Look to the Sky (The End) {6}: MC(56/8), AM:80, M:80, PM:80
  1088. I Like Trains: The Shallows (I Like) {6}: DS:(91), Fly:80, MO:80, NME:80, Sk:80
  1089. The Intelligence: Everybody's Got It Easy but Me (In the Red) {6}: ATH:80(28), Pf:75; V[1344-1-7]
  1090. Jon Irabagon's Outright!: Unhinged (Irabbagast) {6}: DB, FJ, TN; TH:B-
  1091. Will Johnson: Scorpion (Undertow Music Collective) {6}: MC(77/4), AM:80, PM:80; V[1303-1-8]
  1092. Elton John vs Pnau: Good Morning to the Night (Mercury) {6}: G:80, Q:()
  1093. Jukebox the Ghost: Safe Travels (Yep Roc) {6}: MC(70/8), AV:75, CS:80, P:77, S:70
  1094. Kadavar: Kadavar (Tee Pee) {6}: PM:80, S:70
  1095. Kiss: Monster (Universal) {6}: MC(62/8), K:(64), LAT:75
  1096. Thomas Koner: Novaya Zemlya () {6}: Qs:(31), W:(32)
  1097. Konx-Om-Pax: Regional Surrealism (Planet Mu) {6}: MC(64/8), Bow:80, MiF:92, S:70, W:70
  1098. Kreator: Phantom Antichrist (Nuclear Blast) {6}:
  1099. Land Observations: Roman Roads IV-XI (Mute) {6}: Bl:80, Qs:(13)
  1100. Lapalux: When You're Gone (Brainfeeder, EP) {6}: MC(81/6), BBC:80, BPM:79, Mi:83, TMT:80, XL:80; TH:*
  1101. Lau: Race the Loser (Reveal) {6}: G:100, MO:80(58)
  1102. Levek: Look a Little Closer (Lefse) {6}: MC(73/6), AM:80, P:75, TMT:80; V[672-1-12]
  1103. Literature: Arab Spring (Square of Opposition) {6}: ATH:90(26); V[723-1-10]
  1104. Lonely Drifter Karen: Poles (Crammed Discs) {6}: AM:80; V[427-2-20]
  1105. Joyce Manor: Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired (Asian Man) {6}: MC(95/5), AbP:92, AP:80, DIY:80, K:100(65); MT:B-
  1106. Many Arms: Many Arms (Tzadik) {6}: S:70; FJ, TN
  1107. Masaki Batoh: Brain Pulse Music (Drag City) {6}: MC(71/9), AM:80, Ex:80, S:70, U:80, W:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1108. Maserati: Maserati VII (Temporary Residence) {6}: MC(78/4), AP:80, Pf:77; V[723-1-10]
  1109. Memory Tapes: Grace/Confusion (Carpark) {6}: MC(77/10), AV:91, DIY:80, Ph:75, PM:80
  1110. Miniature Tigers: Pharaoh (Modern Art) {6}: MC(71/4), AM:80, CS:80, RS:70; TH:*
  1111. Minotaur Shock: Orchard (Melodic) {6}: LBF:85, MO:80, RA:80, XL:80
  1112. MNDR: Feed Me Diamonds (Ultra Music) {6}: F:83, RS:70, S:80; V[493-3-20]
  1113. Municipal Waste: The Fatal Feast (Nuclear Blast) {6}: MC(82/5), AP:80, Ex:80, K:80; V[493-3-20]
  1114. My Jerusalem: Preachers (The End) {6}: AC:78, PM:80(75); V[1385-1-5]
  1115. Nadja: Dagdrom (Broken Spine) {6}: MC(72/5), AM:80, Ex:80, Fix:80, Pf:78
  1116. Naomi Punk: The Feeling (Captured Tracks) {6}: AM:80, Bow:78, Pf:76; JG:X
  1117. Neon Trees: Picture Show (Mercury) {6}: MC(64/6), AbP:80, BB:80, Blr:80; V[295-2-30]
  1118. Salim Nourallah: Hit Parade (Tapete) {6}: MC(82/4), AM:80, Du:80, PM:80; V[298-3-30]
  1119. Oneida: A List of Burning Mountains (Jagjaguwar) {6}: MC(76/6), Bl:80, P:82, Qs:80; V[723-1-10]
  1120. Pangaea: Release (Hessle) {6}: Pf:77, Sk:80, XL:75; V[723-1-10]
  1121. William Parker Orchestra: Essence of Ellington (AUM Fidelity) {6}: PM:80; CM, JG:*, TN
  1122. Luis Perdomo: Universal Mind (RKM) {6}: Buf:88; DB, TH:**
  1123. Phronesis: Walking Dark (Edition) {6}: IS:80, JW:(14); JM
  1124. Pierce the Veil: Collide With the Sky (Fearless) {6}: K:(5), RkS:(33)
  1125. Plants and Animals: The End of That (Secret City) {6}: MC(61/6), F:80, P:76; V[723-1-10]
  1126. Pontiak: Echo Ono (Thrill Jockey) {6}: MC(66/8), Bl:80, MO:80, Px:85
  1127. Jon Porras: Black Mesa (Thrill Jockey) {6}: MC(70/5), Bow:75, Du:70, S:70, W:70
  1128. Port St Willow: Holiday (self-released) {6}: PBM:75, Pf:78
  1129. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals: The Lion the Beast the Beat (Hollywood) {6}: MC(70/6), EW:83, NYT:80; V[670-2-13]
  1130. Public Enemy: Most of My Heroes Still Don't Appear on No Stamp (Enemy) {6}: RC:A-(51); V[723-1-10]
  1131. Pujol: United States of Being (Saddle Creek) {6}: CS:80; V[251-4-36]
  1132. Punks on Mars: Bad Expectations (Zoo Music) {6}: AM:80, ATH:80(29), NR:80(47)
  1133. Recondite: On Acid (Absurd) {6}: BPM:79, RA:80(14); V[361-3-25]
  1134. Redshape: Square (Running Black) {6}: RA:80, XL:(22)
  1135. Fionn Regan: 100 Acres of Sycamore (Heavenly Music) {6}: MC(71/15), BBC:80, G:80, M:80, MO:80, U:80; V[723-1-10]
  1136. River City Extension: Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Your Anger (XOXO/Anchor & Hope Music) {6}: MC(66/), AbP:84, CS:80, P:83; V[650-2-14]
  1137. Rocket Juice and the Moon: Rocket Juice and the Moon (Honest Jons) {6}: MC(70/10), AV:83, G:80, I:80, RS:70
  1138. Roomful of Teeth: Roomful of Teeth (New Amsterdam) {6}: TMT:90; V[723-1-10]
  1139. Lucy Rose: Like I Used To (Sony) {6}: Cl:80, Fix:80, Fly:(49), LBF:75
  1140. Ryat: Totem (Brainfeeder) {6}: MC(75/), BPM:75, DIY:80, DS:80, Pot:80(46), S:70
  1141. Sand Circles: Motor City (Not Not Fun) {6}: Fa:(15); V[723-1-10]
  1142. Lucas Santtana: O Deus Que Devasta Mas Tambem Cura () {6}:
  1143. Say Anything: Anarchy, My Dear (Equal Vision) {6}: MC(66/10), AbP:85, Blr:80, EW:83, RkS:80; V[635-1-14]
  1144. Ulrich Schnauss/Mark Peters: Underrated Silence (Bureau B) {6}: MC(69/12), CMJ:80, Ex:80, MO:80, Q:80, S:70; JG:X, YW
  1145. Ed Sheeran: + (Elektra) {6}: MC(65/8), I:80, Q:80
  1146. Aram Shelton Quartet: Everything for Somebody (Singlespeed Music) {6}: FJ:(4), TH:***
  1147. Andy Sheppard/Michael Benita/Sebastian Rochford: Trio Libero (ECM) {6}: G:100; JG:**(56), JM, TH:A-
  1148. Gwilym Simcock/Tim Garland/Asaf Sirkis: Lighthouse (ACT) {6}: G:80, JW:(18); JM, TH:B
  1149. Slakadeliqs: The Other Side of Tomorrow (Do Right) {6}: V[723-1-10]
  1150. Todd Snider: Time as We Know It: The Songs of Jerry Jeff Walker (Aimless) {6}: MC(68/8), AM:80, BG:80, U:80; RC:**, TH:**
  1151. The Souljazz Orchestra: Solidarity (Stunt) {6}: MC(79/4), AM:80, Ok:90, PM:80
  1152. Dave Stapleton: Flight (Edition) {6}: MC(92/4), BBC:80, G:80, IS:80; JM
  1153. Stumbleine: Spiderwebbed (Monotreme) {6}: MC(82/4), AM:80, Cl:80, DS:90(70), Sk:80
  1154. Talk Normal: Sunshine (Joyful Noise) {6}: MC(79/6), AM:80, CMJ:80, Du:70, Pf:77
  1155. This Many Boyfriends: This Many Boyfriends (Angular) {6}: DIY:80, Fly:80, LBF:80, MO:80; V[723-1-10]
  1156. Yann Tiersen: Skyline (Anti) {6}: MC(75/7), Bl:80, DS:80, F:82, MO:80, PM:80, S:70
  1157. Tops: Tender Opposites (Spindle Music) {6}:
  1158. A Tribe Called Red: A Tribe Called Red (Masalacism) {6}: Ok:90
  1159. Trio VD: Maze (Naim) {6}: MC(74/4), BBC:80, G:80, MO:80; JM
  1160. Steve Turre: Woody's Delight (HighNote) {6}: AM:80; DB, TN, YW, TH:*
  1161. Mark Van Hoen: The Revenant Diary (Editions Mego) {6}: MC(84/4), AM:80, BBC:80, MiF:80, TMT:80; V[527-2-16]
  1162. Vindicatrix: Mengamuk (Mordant Music) {6}: Qs:(45)
  1163. The Wave Pictures: Long Black Cars (Moshi Moshi) {6}: MC(68/6), ATH:(56), DIY:80, Du:70, MO:80; V[723-1-10]
  1164. Waxahatchee: American Weekend (Don Giovanni) {6}: NYT; V[587-2-15]
  1165. While She Sleeps: This Is the Six (The End) {6}: K:(4), RkS:(12)
  1166. White Fence: Family Perfume Vol 2 (Woodsist) {6}: MC(77/5), BPM:83(49), F:85, Px:80; V[427-2-20]
  1167. White Manna: White Manna (Holy Mountain) {6}: Sk:80
  1168. Sam Willis: Winterval (Half Machine) {6}: MC(71/5), DIY:80, M:80, Qs:80
  1169. Winterfylleth: The Threnody of Triumph (Candlelight) {6}: K:(12), Pf:79; V[723-1-10]
  1170. Wintersleep: Hello Hum (Capitol) {6}: LBF:(50), Now:100
  1171. Woods of Ypres: Woods 5: Grey Skies and Electric Light (Earache) {6}: K:(40); V[587-2-15]
  1172. Samuel Yirga: Guzo (Real World) {6}: MC(76/6), BBC:80, IS:80, M:80
  1173. Zambri: House of Baasa (Kanine) {6}: MC(73/5), Bow:80, Ph:88, UR:80(58)
  1174. Zelienople: The World Is a House on Fire (Type) {6}: Mi:91, Spk:80
  1175. Rudi Zygadlo: Tragicomedies (Planet Mu) {6}: MC(78/8), AM:80, Ex:80, M:80, MO:80, Pf:75
  1176. 100s: Ice Cold Perm (Dreamcollabo) {5}: V[361-3-25]
  1177. Joshua Abrams: Represencing (Eremite) {5}: CS:80; V[587-2-15]
  1178. Acephalix: Deathless Master (Southern Lord) {5}: MC(71/4), Ex:80, K:80, Pf:75, S:70
  1179. Barry Adamson: I Will Set You Free (Central Control) {5}: MC(71/9), AM:80, Bl:80, I:80, U:80; V[519-1-17]
  1180. Dave Aju: Heirlooms (Circus) {5}: MC(84/4), Du:80, Mix:80, Pf:80, XL:80; JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  1181. Alpine: A Is for Alpine (Ivy League) {5}:
  1182. Aluna George: You Know You Like It (Tri Angle, EP) {5}: MC(74/7), BPM:79, DIY:90, NME:80, Pf:77, S:70
  1183. Anti-Flag: The General Strike (Side One Dummy) {5}: MC(71/7), AP:80, Blr:80, DIY:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1184. Arnaldo Antunes: A Curva Da Cintura (Mais Um Discos) {5}: MC(71/5), PM:80, U:80
  1185. Ehud Asherie/Harry Allen: Upper West Side (Posi-Tone) {5}: DB, TH:A-
  1186. Atriarch: Ritual of Passing (Profound Lore) {5}: Pf:76; V[723-1-10]
  1187. Author and Punisher: Ursus Americanus (Seventh Rule) {5}: V[670-2-13]
  1188. Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires: There Is a Bomb in Gilead (Alive) {5}: MC(80/4), Bl:80, Du:80, U:80; V[723-1-10]
  1189. Ballister: Mechanisms (Clean Feed) {5}: FJ, TN, TH:**
  1190. Batida: Batida (Soundway) {5}: RC:A-, TH:A-
  1191. Bats: The Sleep of Reason (Richter Collective) {5}: DS:90(81), Spk:80(26), St:100
  1192. Eric Bibb: Deeper in the Well (Stony Plain) {5}: MC(70/4), AM:80, BBC:80; TH:A-
  1193. The Big Sleep: Nature Experiments (Frenchkiss) {5}: MC(76/4), CMJ:80, MO:80; V[672-1-12]
  1194. Jherek Bischoff: Composed (Brassland) {5}: MiF:92, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1195. Bison BC: Lovelessness (Metal Blade) {5}: PM:80
  1196. Raoul Bjorkenheim/Anders Nilsson/Gerald Cleaver: Kalabalik (DMG/ARC) {5}: FJ, TN, TH:A-
  1197. Black Country Communion: Afterglow (J&R) {5}:
  1198. Black Marble: A Different Arrangement (Hardly Art) {5}: MC(76/4), ATH:80(35), Px:75, TMT:80
  1199. Black Moth: The Killing Jar (New Heavy Sounds) {5}: K:(56)
  1200. The Black Swans: Occasion for Song (Misra) {5}: MC(77/6), AM:80, Du:80, Pf:76, Px:80; V[587-2-15]
  1201. Black to Comm: Earth (De Stijl) {5}: MC(79/4), M:80, Pf:76, TMT:80
  1202. Jonathan Blake: The Eleventh Hour (Sunnyside) {5}: DB
  1203. Mykki Blanco: Mykki Blanco and the Mutant Angels (Uno/Oh Wow) {5}: S:70, TMT:(50); V[723-1-10]
  1204. Blockhead: Interludes After Midnight (Ninja Tune) {5}: HDX:80, Px:80, S:70; TH:***
  1205. Joe Bonamassa: Driving Towards the Daylight (J&R Adventures) {5}: MC(70/4), U:80
  1206. Bong: Mana-Yood-Sushai (Ritual Productions) {5}: Sk:80
  1207. Brackles: Rinse Presents: Brackles (Rinse) {5}: MC(72/6), BPM:80, Fa:80, Mix:80, RA:80
  1208. Peter Brotzmann/Jason Adasiewicz: Going All Fancy (Bro/Eremite) {5}: FJ
  1209. Apollo Brown/Guilty Simpson: Dice Game (Mello Music Group) {5}: HDX:80, RR:80; V[723-1-10]
  1210. Ane Brun: It All Starts With One (Play It Again Sam) {5}: MC(71/7), BBC:80, I:80, M:80, MO:80, P:75
  1211. Don Byron: Love, Peace, and Soul (Savoy Jazz) {5}: AM:80; DB, TH:A-; V[723-1-10]
  1212. Sera Cahoone: Deer Creek Canyon (Sub Pop) {5}: MC(75/4), AM:80, Bl:80, Pf:78; V[321-3-29]
  1213. The Cairo Gang: The Corner Man (Empty Cellar) {5}: V[672-1-12]
  1214. The Cast of Cheers: Family (School Boy Error) {5}: DS:80, St:80(73)
  1215. Citizens!: Here We Are (Ais) {5}: MC(70/5), NME:80
  1216. Alex Clare: Lateness of the Hour (Universal Republic) {5}: MC(58/8), I:80, M:80
  1217. Maya Jane Coles: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {5}: RA:80, S:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1218. Conan: Monnos (Burning World/Gravedancer) {5}: Pf:80
  1219. Amy Cook: Summer Skin (Thirty Tigers) {5}: Bl:80, PM:80; TH:*
  1220. Corrosion of Conformity: Corrosion of Conformity (Candlelight) {5}: MC(76/7), AM:80, Pf:76, PM:80, Spk:80; TH:B
  1221. Cut Hands: Black Mamba (Susan Lawly) {5}: Mi:(36); V[723-1-10]
  1222. Delilah: From the Roots Up (Atlantic) {5}: Fix:80, G:80, St:80
  1223. Dethklok: Dethalbum III (Williams Street) {5}: MC(63/5), AM:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1224. Devin: Romancing (Frenchkiss) {5}: MC(70/5), AM:80, BBC:80, PM:80, St:80
  1225. Diamond Rings: Free Dimensional (Astralwerks) {5}: MC(63/10), AM:80, Ex:80, TMT:80
  1226. Dignan Porch: Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen (Captured Tracks) {5}: MC(67/8), AM:80, Fly:80
  1227. Dirty Dozen Brass Band: Twenty Dozen (Savoy Jazz) {5}: UT:75; DB, RC:**, TH:*
  1228. Disclosure: The Face (Greco-Roman, EP) {5}: BPM:83, XL:80(33); V[587-2-15]
  1229. Distal: Civilization (Tectonic) {5}: MC(73/7), Pf:77, XL:80, W:80
  1230. Divorce: Divorce () {5}: NME:80, Sk:80; V[427-2-20]
  1231. Chano Dominguez: Flamenco Sketches (Blue Note) {5}: AM:80, Buf:88; V[723-1-10]
  1232. Mike Doughty: The Flip Is Another Honey (Snack Bar) {5}: MC(76/4), AM:80, Sl:70; V[723-1-10]
  1233. Elina Duni: Matane Malit (ECM) {5}: AM:80; TH:***
  1234. Paul Dunmall/Tony Bianco: Thank You to John Coltrane (Slam) {5}: JG:*, FJ, TN, TH:***
  1235. Kyle Bobby Dunn: Bring Me the Head of Kyle Bobby Dunn (Low Point) {5}: MC(76/5), AM:80, Ex:80, MiF:80, RA:80, W:70
  1236. Open Mike Eagle: 4NML HSPTL (Fake Four) {5}: Mi:83, RR:75, S:70; TH:**
  1237. The Eastern Sea: Plague (WhiteLab BlackLab) {5}: AbP:90, ATH:80(78)
  1238. The Eccentronic Research Council: 1612 Underture (Bird) {5}: Qs:(24), Sl:70
  1239. Jimmy Edgar: Majenta (Hotflush) {5}: MC(59/8), NME:80, RA:80
  1240. Kat Edmonson: Way Down Low (Spinnerette) {5}: MC(82/4), AC:78, BG:90, NYT:80; DB
  1241. Elephant and Castle: Transitions (Plug Research) {5}: MC(80/5), Bow:80, BPM:84, DA:80, PM:80, XL:80
  1242. Matt Elliott: The Broken Man (Ici D'Ailleurs) {5}: MiF:100; V[1385-1-5]
  1243. Ellery Eskelin/Dave Ballou/Michael Formanek/Devin Gray: Dirigo Rataplan (Skirl) {5}: CM, FJ, TH:***; V[1365-1-6]
  1244. Evening Hymns: Spectral Dusk (Shuffling Feet) {5}:
  1245. Fanga/Maalem Abdallah Guinea: Fangnawa Experience (Strut) {5}: MC(79/4), Du:80, IS:80, PM:80; TH:**
  1246. Darling Farah: Body (Civil Music) {5}: BPM:78, RA:80, XL:80
  1247. Simone Felice: Simone Felice (Team Love) {5}: MC(66/7), PM:80, U:80(70)
  1248. Field Report: Field Report (Partisan) {5}: MC(86/4), P:84, Px:80, U:90; V[587-2-15]
  1249. Roberto Fonseca: Yo (Jazz Village) {5}: MO:80
  1250. Tomas Fujiwara and the Hook Up: The Air Is Different (482 Music) {5}: FJ, TN, TH:A-
  1251. Tia Fuller: Angelic Warrior (Mack Avenue) {5}: DB; V[501-1-19]
  1252. Gatekeeper: Exo (Hippos in Tanks) {5}: MC(70/8), AM:80, Mi:100, Spk:90, W:70
  1253. Gato Libre: Forever (Libra) {5}: FJ, TH:*
  1254. Gemma Ray: Island Fire (Bronzeat) {5}: MC(73/8), BBC:80, M:80, S:70, U:80
  1255. Freddie Gibbs: Baby Face Killa (ESGN) {5}: CS:80, Ok:85, Pf:82; V[298-3-30]
  1256. Gift of Gab: The Next Logical Progression (Quannum Projects) {5}: MC(70/6), AM:80, Ok:88, S:70; TH:**; V[1303-1-8]
  1257. Gloriana: A Thousand Miles Left Behind (Emblem/Warner Bros) {5}: CW:80, EW:91, R:80(36)
  1258. Goth Trad: New Epoch (Deep Medi Musik) {5}: MC(65/5), BPM:76, Du:70, Fa:80, RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  1259. Grasscut: Unearth (Ninja Tune) {5}: MC(76/6), AM:80, I:80, M:80, Ph:75
  1260. Jonny Greenwood: The Master [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Nonesuch) {5}: MC(76/5), AM:80, DS:80, M:80
  1261. Guardian Alien: See the World Given to a One Love Entity () {5}: Qs:(71); V[295-2-30]
  1262. Gypsyphonic Disko: NoLAPhonic Volume 2 (Super Smart Produce) {5}: Ok:80; YW, TH:A-; V[540-1-15]
  1263. Hairy Bones: Snakelust (to Kenji Nakagami) (Clean Feed) {5}: FJ, TH:A-
  1264. Ross Hammond Quartet: Adored (Prescott) {5}: FJ, TN, TH:***
  1265. Hawk Eyes: Ideas (Fierce Panda) {5}: DS:80, K:(11)
  1266. Angel Haze: Classick (self-released) {5}: EW:91, Pf:76, Qs:(61), S:70
  1267. The Helio Sequence: Negotiations (Sub Pop) {5}: MC(65/13), Cl:80, Px:75; V[587-2-15]
  1268. Helm: Impossible Symmetry (Pan) {5}: Fa:80(49)
  1269. Caroline Herring: Camilla (Signature Sounds) {5}: P:80; TH:*; V[427-2-20]
  1270. Susanna Hoffs: Someday (Baroque Folk) {5}: Sl:70; V[723-1-10]
  1271. Hop Along: Get Disowned (HotGreen) {5}: Spk:(34); V[723-1-10]
  1272. Hot Panda: Go Outside (Mint) {5}: MC(72/7), AM:80, Bow:75, Q:80, S:70
  1273. Hunx: Hairdresser Blues (Hardly Art) {5}: MC(71/6), ATH:80(18), NME:80, S:70
  1274. IamSu!: Kilt (Dat Piff DL) {5}: S:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1275. Zaki Ibrahim: Every Opposite (Motif) {5}: V[723-1-10]
  1276. The Imagined Village: Bending the Dark (ECC) {5}: MC(76/4), Fix:90, G:80, IS:80, Ob:80
  1277. The Invisible: Rispah (Ninja Tune) {5}: Fly:80, LBF:80, MO:(30)
  1278. Islet: Illuminated People (Turnstile/Shape) {5}: Bow:85, Cl:80, DIY:80, NME:80
  1279. Sarah Jaffe: The Body Wins (Kirtland) {5}: MC(73/10), AC:89, F:84, NYT:70, P:81
  1280. Jaill: Traps (Sub Pop) {5}: MC(65/9), AV:83, Fly:80, Mg:80, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1281. Leela James: Loving You More: In the Spirit of Etta James (Shanachie) {5}: AM:80, Ok:85
  1282. JB and the Moonshine Band: Beer for Breakfast () {5}: R:80(5)
  1283. The Jealous Sound: A Gentle Reminder (Music Is Subjective) {5}: AbP:85, AP:80; V[321-3-29]
  1284. Joey and Rory: His and Hers (Vanguard/Sugar Hill) {5}: CW:70, E145:(22), R:90(22)
  1285. Josephine: Portrait (Ark) {5}: G:80, MO:80, Q:()
  1286. Kayhan Kalhor: I Will Not Stand Alone (World Village) {5}: V[1303-1-8]
  1287. Paul Kelly: Spring and Fall (Gawd Aggie) {5}: Bl:80
  1288. Wiz Khalifa: Taylor Allderdice (mixtape) {5}: RR:75, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  1289. K-Holes: Dismania (Hardly Art) {5}: MC(73/6), Bl:80, S:70; JG:*, TH:*
  1290. K'Naan: Country, God or the Girl (A&M/Octone) {5}: MC(74/4), AM:80, P:81, RS:70; TH:A-
  1291. Andrew Lamb: Rhapsody in Black (NoBusiness) {5}: FJ, TN, TH:A-
  1292. Lavender Diamond: Incorruptible Heart (Paracadute) {5}: MC(76/5), AM:80, Du:70, LAT:88, U:80; V[1344-1-7]
  1293. Leila: U and I (Warp) {5}: MC(71/6), AM, Cl:80, MiF:94, RA:80, U:80
  1294. Greg Lewis: Organ Monk: Uwo in the Black (self-released) {5}: DB, TH:*
  1295. Liberteer: Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees (Relapse) {5}: Pf:78; V[282-1-30]
  1296. Lil B: White Flame (Based World) {5}: Mi:75, TMT:(40); V[1385-1-5]
  1297. The Liminanas: Crystal Anis (Hozac) {5}: U:(60)
  1298. Linkin Park: Living Things (Warner Bros) {5}: MC(57/12), EW:75, K:(90), UT:75
  1299. Locrian and Mamiffer: Bless Them That Curse You (Profound Lore) {5}: PM:80, S:70, TMT:90
  1300. Loincloth: Iron Balls of Steel (Southern Lord) {5}: AP:90, AV:83, DS:80, Pf:79; V[266-3-34]
  1301. Lostprophets: Weapons (Epic) {5}: MC(61/10), G:80, K:(66), RkS:(42)
  1302. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe: Timon Irnok Manta (Type) {5}: Fa:(45)
  1303. Jon Lundbom and Big Five Chord: No New Tunes (Hot Cup) {5}: FJ, TN, TH:A-
  1304. Magic Trick: Ruler of the Night (Hardly Art) {5}: MC(75/5), AM:80, ATH:90(27), Du:70
  1305. Magnetic North: Orkney: Symphony of the Magnetic North (Full Time Hobby) {5}: MC(74/5), DS:80, M:80, Qs:80; V[723-1-10]
  1306. Maroon 5: Overexposed (A&M) {5}: MC(54/12), AbP:85, RS:70, UT:75
  1307. Janis Martin: The Blanco Sessions (Cow Island) {5}: AC:78, AM:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1308. Virginia Mayhew: Mary Lou Williams: The Next 100 Years (Renma) {5}: AM:90; TH:***
  1309. Donny McCaslin: Casting for Gravity (Greenleaf Music) {5}: TN, TH:***
  1310. Eugene McGuinness: The Invitation to the Voyage (Domino) {5}: G:80, NME:80
  1311. Bill McHenry: La Peur du Vide (Sunnyside) {5}: DB, TH:***; V[723-1-10]
  1312. Carlton Melton: Photos of Photos (101 Distribution) {5}: Qs:(72); V[723-1-10]
  1313. MHz Legacy: MHz Legacy (Ingrooves) {5}: MC(81/4), Ex:80, HDX:(), Ok:84, XXL:80
  1314. Buddy Miller/Jim Lauderdale: Buddy and Jim (New West) {5}: E145:(17); TH:B-; V[527-2-16]
  1315. Mohn: Mohn (Kompakt) {5}: MC(71/4), Ex:80, S:70, TMT:80, XL:75; V[723-1-10]
  1316. Dylan Mondegreen: Dylan Mondegreen (Shelflife) {5}: AM:90, Bl:80
  1317. Jim Moray: Skulk (NIAG) {5}: MC(79/5), G:80, IS:80, Ob:80, U:80
  1318. Natural Child: Hard in Heaven (self-released) {5}: ATH:80(81); V[282-1-30]
  1319. Nedry: In a Dim Light (Monotreme) {5}: MC(84/6), BBC:80, Cl:80, MO:80(51), NR:80
  1320. New War: New War (Sensory Projects/Polyester) {5}: Qs:(60)
  1321. Bo Ningen: Line the Wall (Stolen Recordings) {5}: Fly:80, Qs:(65)
  1322. The Noisettes: Contact (Mono-Ra-Rama) {5}: MC(77/9), Fly:80, G:80, IS:80, Q:80
  1323. Oh Mercy: Deep Heat (Capitol) {5}:
  1324. Miles Okazaki: Figurations (Sunnyside) {5}: NYT; TN, TH:A-
  1325. One Direction: Take Me Home (Columbia) {5}: MC(69/9), AM:80, BB:80, BBC:80, IS:80; TH:C+
  1326. Jimmy Owens: The Monk Project (IPO) {5}: AM:90; TH:***; V[1277-1-9]
  1327. Panopticon: Kentucky (Pagan Flame Productions) {5}:
  1328. Paradise Lost: Tragic Idol (Century Media) {5}: V[723-1-10]
  1329. Para One: Passion (Because) {5}: MC(85/4), BBC:80, Cl:80, Mi:83, XL:85
  1330. Pelican: Ataraxia/Taraxis (Southern Lord, EP) {5}: MC(84/4), AP:80, DS:80, Ex:80, RkS:80, S:70
  1331. Periphery: Periphery II: This Time It's Personal () {5}: K:(78), Rev:80
  1332. Houston Person: Naturally (High Note) {5}: TH:A-(10); V[1303-1-8]
  1333. The Pharmacy: Stoned and Alone (Old Flame) {5}: ATH:(93), P:75; V[723-1-10]
  1334. Phon.O: Black Boulder (50 Weapons) {5}: MC(74/4), BPM:78, Cl:80, MiF:98, S:80
  1335. Pinkunoizu: Free Time! (Full Time Hobby) {5}: Bow:75, Sk:80, St:80
  1336. The Pond [Kathryn Williams]: The Pond (One Little Indian) {5}: MC(67/4), BBC:80, Fix:80, LBF:90, MO:80, St:80
  1337. The Presets: Pacifica (Modular) {5}: MC(67/4), CS:80
  1338. Primitive Weapons: The Shadow Gallery (Prosthetic) {5}: MC(78/4), MH:80, Pf:79, RkS:80
  1339. Rascal Flatts: Changed (Big Machine) {5}: MC(64/4), CW:70, NYT:70, R:80, UT:75
  1340. Ratking: Wiki93 (XL) {5}: NME:(43), Pot:80, Px:75
  1341. Reks: Straight, No Chaser (Brick) {5}: HDX:80, Ok:88, RR:80, XXL:80
  1342. Eric Revis 11:11: Parallax (Clean Feed) {5}: TN, TH:A-
  1343. Eve Risser/Benjamin Duboc/Edward Perraud: En Corps (Dark Tree) {5}: FJ:(1)
  1344. Alasdair Roberts: Urstan (Drag City) {5}: MC(72/12), AM:90, Du:80, I:80, U:80
  1345. Rone: Tohu Bohu (InFine Music) {5}: RA:80
  1346. Royal Baths: Better Luck Next Life (Kanine) {5}: MC(64/6), Bow:75; TH:*
  1347. Rumer: Boys Don't Cry (Atlantic) {5}: MC(69/11), AM:80, BBC:80, IS:80; V[427-2-20]
  1348. Catherine Russell: Strictly Romancin' (World Village) {5}: Buf:88; TH:***
  1349. Matthew Ryan: In the Dusk of Everything (self-released) {5}: AS:(49); TH:**; V[1385-1-5]
  1350. Satan's Wrath: Galloping Blasphemy (Metal Blade) {5}: V[723-1-10]
  1351. Simon Scott: Below Sea Level (12K) {5}: MiF:94; V[1385-1-5]
  1352. Sea Pinks: Freak Waves (CF) {5}: ATH:80(3)
  1353. Sharks: No Gods (Rise) {5}: MC(80/7), BBC:80, NME:80, Q:80, RkS:80(26)
  1354. Ryan Shaw: Real Love (Dynotone) {5}: UT:88
  1355. Shigeto: Lineage (Ghostly International, EP) {5}: MC(66/4), Ex:80, Pot:80; V[723-1-10]
  1356. Shlohmo: Vacation (Friends of Friends, EP) {5}: BPM:76, Pf:75, Pot:80; JG:*
  1357. Shonen Knife: Pop Tune (Good Charamel) {5}: MC(84/4), AM:80, BBC:80, IS:80, MO:80, Sk:80
  1358. Shrag: Canines (Fortuna Pop) {5}: AM:80, Fix:90, MO:80
  1359. The Shrine: Primitive Blast (Tee Pee) {5}: S:80
  1360. Sigha: Living With Ghosts (Hotflush) {5}: MC(84/4), DS:80, RA:80, XL:80(35)
  1361. Smallpeople: Salty Days (Smallville) {5}: RA:80(18), S:80
  1362. Snow Patrol: Fallen Empires (Island/Def Jam) {5}: MC(58/25), AS:80, AV:75, EW:75, Q:80
  1363. The Soundtrack of Our Lives: Throw It to the Universe (Yep Roc) {5}: MC(75/6), AV:83, Bl:80, M:80, Ph:75
  1364. Spector: Enjoy It While It Lasts (Fiction/Luv Luv Luv) {5}: NME:(26), St:80
  1365. Steep Canyon Rangers: Nobody Knows You (Rounder) {5}: MC(68/4), AM:80, P:91; TH:B-; V[723-1-10]
  1366. Julia Stone: By the Horns (Nettwerk) {5}: MC(74/4), Cl:80, F:80
  1367. Ned Sublette: Kiss You Down South (Postmambo) {5}: RC:A-(92), TH:A-; V[723-1-10]
  1368. The Sugarman Three: What the World Needs Now (Daptone) {5}: MC(83/6), AM:80, Bl:80, CS:80, PM:80, S:70
  1369. Teenage Bottlerocket: Freak Out! (Fat Wreck Chords) {5}: MC(75/4), AbP:78, AP:80, Ph:88
  1370. Tender Trap: Ten Songs About Girls (Fortuna Pop) {5}: MC(80/5), AM:80, LBF:80, M:80, MO:80; YW
  1371. Terror Danjah: The Dark Crawler (Hyperdub, EP) {5}: MC(72/7), BBC:80, DS:80, RA:80, Sk:80, XL:85
  1372. Paul Thorn: What the Hell Is Goin' On? (Perpetual Obscurity) {5}: PM:80; V[654-1-13]
  1373. Tin Man: Neo Neo Acid (Absurd) {5}: Mi:75, RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  1374. Tribecastan: New Deli (Evergreen) {5}: TH:**; V[723-1-10]
  1375. Tu Fawning: A Monument (City Slang) {5}: MC(76/5), Bow:80, MO:80, U:80
  1376. Josh Turner: Punching Bag (MCA Nashville) {5}: MC(59/4), CW:80, R:90; V[723-1-10]
  1377. Two Wounded Birds: Two Wounded Birds (Holiday Friends) {5}: MC(75/6), AM:80, Fly:80, NME:80
  1378. TyS and Joe Moses: Whoop! (self-released) {5}: V[1385-1-5]
  1379. Ulver: Childhood's End (KScope) {5}: RS:80; V[723-1-10]
  1380. Vacationer: Gone (Downtown) {5}: MC(72/4), AP:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1381. Mika Vainio: Fe304: Magnetite (Touch) {5}: MC(75/5), Du:80, Ex:80, MiF:86; FJ
  1382. Venomous Maximus: Beg Upon the Light (Cutthroat) {5}: V[351-2-25]
  1383. Anna von Hausswolff: Ceremony (Kning Disk) {5}:
  1384. Joe Louis Walker: Hellfire (Alligator) {5}: MC(71/5), Bl:80, CT:75; TN, TH:*
  1385. Kenny Wheeler Big Band: The Long Waiting (CAM Jazz) {5}: Buf:100, G:80; TH:*
  1386. Whirr: Pipe Dreams (Tee Pee) {5}: AP:80, Pf:75, PM:80; V[723-1-10]
  1387. Jim White: Where It Hits You (Yep Roc) {5}: MC(71/9), DIY:80, Ex:90, U:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1388. White Wires: WWIII (Dirtnap) {5}: ATH:80(73), S:70
  1389. Keith Fullerton Whitman: Generators (Editions Mego) {5}: Pf:75, S:70; TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  1390. Keith Fullerton Whitman: Occlusions (Editions Mego) {5}: MC(70/6), Du:70, Px:75, XL:80; TH:***
  1391. Billy Woods: History Will Absolve Me () {5}: Spk:(40); V[427-2-20]
  1392. Woven Hand: The Laughing Stalk (Sounds Familyre) {5}: V[1385-1-5]
  1393. Yamantaka//Sonic Titan: YT//ST () {5}: CS:80, Now:(10)
  1394. 1982 + BJ Cole: 1982 + BJ Cole (Hubro) {4}:
  1395. Rez Abbasi Trio: Continuous Beat (Enja) {4}: TH:***
  1396. Addison Groove: Transistor Rhythm (50 Weapons) {4}: MC(69/11), Cl:80, Du:70
  1397. Ahleuchatistas: Heads Full of Poison (Cuneiform) {4}: Bl:90(62), PM:80
  1398. The All-American Rejects: Kids in the Street (Interscope) {4}: MC(62/7), AbP:80, AP:80, EW:75, UT:88
  1399. Fatima Al Qadiri: Desert Strike (Fade to Mind, EP) {4}: Pf:79, TMT:80, XL:75
  1400. Altered Natives: Tenement Yard Vol 3 (Eye4Eye) {4}: Fa:(33), XL:80
  1401. Amenra: Mass V (Neurot) {4}:
  1402. Tori Amos: Gold Dust (Deutsche Grammophon) {4}: MC(74/7), AS:80, P:87, U:80
  1403. Anberlin: Vital (Republic) {4}: MC(83/4), AbP:95, AP:80, Spk:90(33)
  1404. Arild Andersen/Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: Celebration (ECM) {4}: G:80; JM, TN, TH:B
  1405. Josh Arcoleo: Beginnings (Edition) {4}: G:80; JM
  1406. Asia: XXX (Frontiers) {4}: AM:80
  1407. Audra Mae and the Almighty Sound: Audra Mae and the Almighty Sound (Side One Dummy) {4}: AP:80; YW
  1408. Aukso Orchestra: Krzysztof Penderecki: Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima/Polymorphia/Jonny Greenwood: Popcorn Superhet Receiver/48 Responses to Polymorphia (Nonesuch) {4}: MC(76/7), AM:80, CS:80, TMT:90, U:80
  1409. Axe Wound: Vultures (The End) {4}: MC(64/6), BBC:80, K:80(28), Q:80
  1410. Bad Weather California: Sunkissed (Family Tree) {4}: MC(79/5), AV:100, Qs:80, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1411. Tomas Barfod: Salton Sea (Friends of Friends) {4}: MC(73/7), BPM:80, RA:80
  1412. Basement: Colourmeinkindness (MRI) {4}: RkS:(40); V[1385-1-5]
  1413. Django Bates: Confirmation (Lost Marble) {4}: G:100, JW:(9)
  1414. Jessie Baylin: Little Spark (Blonde Rat) {4}: F:81; YW; V[201-4-47]
  1415. Bell Witch: Longing (Profound Lore) {4}: Pf:80
  1416. Marco Benevento: Tigerface (The Royal Potato Family) {4}: PM:80; V[723-1-10]
  1417. Big Sean: Detroit (mixtape) {4}: XXL:80
  1418. BJ the Chicago Kid: Pineapple Now and Laters (self-released) {4}: DJB:90, Pot:90(17)
  1419. Black Sky Black Death/Nacho Picasso: Exalted (self-released) {4}: Pot:80(19), S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1420. Blank Realm: Go Easy (Siltbreeze) {4}: V[1303-1-8]
  1421. Sarah Blasko: I Awake () {4}:
  1422. Blood Command: Funeral Beach (Fysisk Format) {4}: K:(8), RkS:(41)
  1423. Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz: Abraxas: Book of Angels 19 (Tzadik) {4}: FJ, TN
  1424. Dean Blunt: The Narcissist II (self-released) {4}: TMT:80(10); V[1264-2-10]
  1425. Jonathan Boulet: We Keep the Beat, Found the Sound, See the Need, Start the Heart (Modular) {4}: DS:80
  1426. Brad: United We Stand (Razor and Tie) {4}: MC(65/4), K:80(71)
  1427. Don Broco: Priorities (Sony Music) {4}: MC(71/4), K:80(83), RkS:(30)
  1428. Bobby Broom: Upper West Side Story (Origin) {4}: DB, TN
  1429. Bro Stephen: Baptist Girls () {4}:
  1430. Peter Brotzmann: Solo + Trio Roma (Victo, 2CD) {4}: AM:80; FJ
  1431. Brubeck Brothers Quartet: Life Times (Blue Forest) {4}: DB, TH:***
  1432. Hannibal Buress: Animal Furnace (Comedy Central) {4}: AV:91, CS:80, S:80
  1433. Bury Tomorrow: The Union of Crowns (Nuclear Blast) {4}: K:(87), RkS:(28)
  1434. The Calm Blue Sea: Arrivals and Departures () {4}: ATH:(84)
  1435. Andre Canniere Group: Forward Space (Whirlwind) {4}: G:100, MO:80; JM
  1436. Marco Cappelli's Italian Surf Academy: The American Dream (Mode) {4}: DB, TH:**
  1437. Mary Chapin Carpenter: Ashes and Roses (Rounder) {4}: MC(65/7), AM:80, T:80
  1438. Jennifer Castle: Castlemusic (No Quarter) {4}: MC(69/4), CMG:76, Du:70, Now:100, S:70
  1439. Cats on Fire: All Blackshirts to Me (Matinee) {4}: ATH:90(8)
  1440. Austin Cesear: Cruise Forever (Public Information) {4}: RA:80, S:80
  1441. The Chap: We Are Nobody (Lo) {4}: MC(78/4), AM:80, Du:70, U:80; MT:B; V[1385-1-5]
  1442. Childish Gambino: Royalty (mixtape) {4}: P:83
  1443. Romain Collin: The Calling (Palmetto) {4}: Buf:75, TH:*
  1444. Columbia Nights: Dawn/Dusk (Record Breakin) {4}: AM:80, Ok:80
  1445. Shemekia Copeland: 33-1/3 (Telarc) {4}: AM:80
  1446. Rose Cousins: We Have Made a Spark (Outside) {4}: Now:100
  1447. Cowboy Junkies: The Wilderness: The Nomad Series, Vol 4 (Latent/Razor and Tie) {4}: MC(71/5), Ex:80, Now:80, P:75
  1448. Crybaby: Crybaby (Helium) {4}: MC(84/4), Fly:80, G:80, Ob:80, Q:80
  1449. Tim Culpepper: Pourin' Whiskey on Pain () {4}: R:100(10)
  1450. Dam Mantle: Brothers Fowl () {4}: CS:80
  1451. Anthony David: Love Out Loud (E1) {4}: JG:*
  1452. Rhodri Davies: Wound Response (Alt.Vinyl) {4}: W:(29)
  1453. Ernest Dawkins: Afro Straight (Delmark) {4}: TN, TH:A-
  1454. Deadbeat: Eight (BLKRTZ) {4}: MC(74/4), Du:70, XL:75; SFJ
  1455. Deepchord: Sommer (Soma) {4}: RA:80, XL:80
  1456. D'Eon: LP (Hippos in Tanks) {4}: MC(76/7), AM:80, BPM:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1457. John DeRosa: A Wolf in Preacher's Clothes (Mother West) {4}: Bl:90, PM:80, Sk:80
  1458. Deus: Following Sea Guide (PIAS) {4}: DS:(84)
  1459. Diagrams: Black Light (Full Time Hobby) {4}: DS:80, G:80, I:80, MO:80
  1460. Dinowalrus: Best Behavior (Old Flame) {4}: MC(70/5), CMJ:80, MO:80, NR:80; JG:X
  1461. Philip Dizack: End of an Era (Truth Revolution) {4}: DB, TH:**
  1462. Ricardo Donoso: Assimilating the Shadow (Digitalis) {4}: Pf:76; V[587-2-15]
  1463. Dot Dash: Winter Garden Light (self-released) {4}: ATH:80(76); V[723-1-10]
  1464. Dying Fetus: Reign Supreme (Relapse) {4}: AC:78, S:70
  1465. Eightball: Life's Quest (E1) {4}: MC(75/5), NYT:70, RR:80, S:70, XXL:80
  1466. Harris Eisenstadt: Canada Day III (Songlines) {4}: FJ, TN
  1467. Elephant9/Reine Fiske: Atlantis (Rune Grammofon) {4}: FJ
  1468. Elfin Saddle: Devastates (Constellation) {4}: V[723-1-10]
  1469. Emptyset: Medium () {4}: Qs:(26), W:(16)
  1470. Mary Epworth: Dream Life () {4}: Cl:90, Fix:80, LBF:75
  1471. Eraas: Eraas (Felte) {4}: MC(71/5), AM:80; V[723-1-10]
  1472. Errors: New Relics (Rock Action, EP) {4}: MC(67/5), BBC:80, Fly:80, LBF:75, Sk:80
  1473. Suzannah Espie: Sea of Lights () {4}:
  1474. Exlovers: Moth (Young and Lost Club) {4}: ATH:(31), YW; V[723-1-10]
  1475. The Faceless: Autotheism (Sumerian) {4}: AP:80, Rev:80
  1476. Paloma Faith: Fall to Grace (RCA) {4}: MC(62/11), BBC:80, EW:91; V[1385-1-5]
  1477. Family Band: Grace and Lies (No Quarter) {4}: AbP:85, Bow:75, Pf:75
  1478. Family of the Year: Loma Vista (Nettwerk) {4}: MC(78/5), AM:80, BBC:80, NME:80
  1479. Fay: Din (Time No Place) {4}: BPM:78
  1480. Fixers: We'll Be the Moon (Mercury) {4}: MC(77/7), G:80, Mix:80, MO:90(86)
  1481. Bela Fleck/Marcus Roberts Trio: Across the Imaginary Divide (Rounder) {4}: JW:(11); DB
  1482. Floratone: Floratone II (Savoy Jazz) {4}: TH:***
  1483. FOE: Bad Dream Hotline (Mercury) {4}: DS:80(20), MO:80
  1484. Steve Forbert: Over With You (Blue Corn) {4}: MC(75/6), AM:80, Bl:80, U:80
  1485. Colt Ford: Declaration of Independence () {4}: CW:80, R:100, UT:75
  1486. Nils Frahm: Screws (Erased Tapes, EP) {4}: DS:(79)
  1487. Aaron Freeman: Marvelous Clouds (Partisan) {4}: MC(75/4), AM:80, AV:75, S:80; V[295-2-30]
  1488. Freeway: Diamond in the Ruff (Babygrande) {4}: HDX:(), RR:75, XXL:80
  1489. Friendzone: Collection 1 (self-released) {4}: CMG:83(10); V[282-1-30]
  1490. Game: Jesus Piece (Interscope) {4}: MC(66/8), AM:80
  1491. Giant Giant Sand: Tucson: A Country Rock Opera (Fire) {4}: MC(76/5), AM:80, Bl:80(18), U:80
  1492. Glasper Experiment: Robert (Black Radio Recovered: The Remix EP) {4}:
  1493. Hans Glawischnig: Jahira (Sunnyside) {4}: AM:80; TH:***
  1494. Golden Void: Golden Void (Thrill Jockey) {4}: MC(70/5), AM:80, Ex:80; V[1303-1-8]
  1495. Grave: Endless Procession of Souls (Red General) {4}:
  1496. Anthony Green: Beautiful Things (Atlantic) {4}: MC(72/4), AbP:85, AP:80
  1497. Clinton Gregory: Too Much Ain't Enough (Melody Roundup) {4}: CW:80, R:80(15)
  1498. Steve Gunn/John Truscinski: Ocean Parkway (Three Lobed) {4}: TMT:80; V[720-2-11]
  1499. Gunplay: 601 and Snort (self-released) {4}: V[723-1-10]
  1500. Gudrun Gut: Wildfire (Monkia) {4}: AM:80, MO:80
  1501. Keiji Haino/Stephen O'Malley/Oren Ambarchi: Nazoranai (Ideologic Organ) {4}: NYT
  1502. Rich Halley 4: Back From Beyond (Pine Eagle) {4}: CM, TN, TH:***
  1503. Heart: Fanatic (Epic) {4}: MC(74/5), PM:90
  1504. Ryan Hemsworth: Last Words (Wedidit, EP) {4}: Mi:83, Pf:77, Pot:80
  1505. Nona Hendryx: Mutatis Mutandis (Righteous Babe) {4}: AM:80; TH:*; V[723-2-10]
  1506. The Herbaliser: There Were Seven (Department H) {4}: MC(84/4), AM:80, BBC:80, Cl:80, MO:80
  1507. Hercules and Love Affair: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {4}: Ok:84, Sl:70; V[1385-1-5]
  1508. Heroin in Tahiti: Death Surf (Boring Machines) {4}: Fa:(23), TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  1509. The Host: The Host (Planet Mu) {4}: MC(70/7), CMJ:80, Du:70, MO:80, RA:80
  1510. Ben Howard: Every Kingdom (Republic) {4}: AS:(42)
  1511. Human Don't Be Angry: Human Don't Be Angry (Chemikal Underground) {4}: MC(67/7), MO:80, NME:80, Sk:80
  1512. The Human Hearts: Another (Shrimper) {4}: RC:A-(19); V[723-1-10]
  1513. The Hundred in the Hands: Red Night (Warp) {4}: MC(74/6), Ex:80, Mi:100, Px:80
  1514. Husky: Forever So (Sub Pop) {4}: MC(72/7), Bow:75, DIY:80, U:80
  1515. Incantation: Vanquish in Vengeance (Listenable) {4}: V[723-1-10]
  1516. The Internet: Purple Naked Ladies (Odd Future) {4}: MC(57/13), Fa:80(24), Mi:75, S:70
  1517. Isidore [Steve Kilbey and Jeffrey Cain]: Life Somewhere Else (Communicating Vessels) {4}: MC(90/4), AM:80, Bl:90, Ex:80, PM:90
  1518. Isis: Temporal (Ipecac) {4}: MC(77/8), AbP:81, AM:80, Ph:75, PM:80
  1519. Ital Tek: Nebula Dance (Planet Mu) {4}: MC(75/6), Mix:80, NME:80, Pf:78, XL:75
  1520. I Was a King: You Love It Here () {4}: ATH:90(6)
  1521. Jazz Punks: Smashups (self-released) {4}: RC:***, TH:*
  1522. Jazz Soul Seven: Impressions of Curtis Mayfield (BFM Jazz) {4}: TH:*
  1523. Erik Jekabson: Anti-Mass (Jekab's Music) {4}: AM:80, TH:*
  1524. The Jezabels: Prisoner (Mom and Pop Music) {4}: MC(71/8), MO:80, RS:80, Spk:90
  1525. Spencer P Jones and the Nothing Butts: Spencer P Jones and the Nothing Butts () {4}:
  1526. Tom Jones: Spirit in the Room (Island) {4}: MC(71/7), I:80; V[540-1-15]
  1527. Bap Kennedy: The Sailor's Revenge (Proper) {4}: MC(74/5), M:80, T:80
  1528. Kid Rock: Rebel Soul (Top Dog/Atlantic) {4}: MC(67/8), BB:80, NYT:70, RS:70
  1529. Killa Kyleon and Mouse on Tha Track: Welcome to the Fish Fry (self-released) {4}: S:80
  1530. Frank Kimbrough Trio: Live at Kitano (Palmetto) {4}: TH:***
  1531. King Dude: Burning Daylight (Dais) {4}: MC(70/4), Du:70, U:80
  1532. Ben Klock: Fabric 66 (Fabric) {4}: RA:90, XL:90(25)
  1533. K'Naan: More Beautiful Than Silence (Octone, EP) {4}: MC(70/4), HDX:80; RC:**, MT:*, TH:*
  1534. Sophia Knapp: Into the Waves (Drag City) {4}: MC(73/7), AM:80
  1535. Jacob Korn: You and Me (Uncanny Valley) {4}: Mix:(47), RA:90
  1536. Kraftklub: Mit K (Universal import) {4}:
  1537. Jana Kramer: Jana Kramer (Elektra Nashville) {4}: R:90(33)
  1538. Martin Kuchen: Hellstorm (Mathka) {4}: FJ:(8)
  1539. Steve Kuhn Trio: Wisteria (ECM) {4}: G:80; DB, TH:***
  1540. Kwes: Meantime (Warp, EP) {4}: MC(67/8), BBC:80, BPM:75, Pf:76; V[723-1-10]
  1541. La Coka Nostra: Masters of the Dark Arts (Fat Beats) {4}: Ok:87, XXL:80; V[723-1-10]
  1542. Mary Jane Lamond/Wendy MacIsaac: Seinn (Trade Root Music/Turtlemusik) {4}: AM:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1543. Lapalux: Some Other Time (Brainfeeder, EP) {4}: BPM:78, Pot:80, Sk:80, XL:80
  1544. Las Malas Amistades: Maleza (Honest Jons) {4}: AM:80
  1545. Meyhem Lauren: Mandatory Brunch Meetings (Mishka/Greedhead) {4}: Pot:80; V[282-1-30]
  1546. Led Er Est: The Diver (Sacred Bones) {4}: MC(71/5), CMG:78, Mi:83, S:70, U:80
  1547. Lescop: Lescop () {4}:
  1548. Levity: Afternoon Delights () {4}: FJ:(9)
  1549. Lightning Bolt: Oblivion Hunter (Load, EP) {4}: MC(66/10), NYT:70
  1550. Lil B: God's Father (self-released) {4}: MC(75/4), BPM:78, Pf:80, S:70; JG:X
  1551. Little Feat: Rooster Rag (Rounder) {4}: MC(74/5), AbP:80, BG:80
  1552. Local H: Hallelujah! I'm a Bum (Slimstyle) {4}: MC(75/4), AM:80, TMT:80; V[207-4-45]
  1553. Joe Locke/Geoffrey Keezer Group: Signing (Motema) {4}: TH:***; V[1277-1-9]
  1554. Christian Loeffler: A Forest (Ki) {4}: BPM:80, RA:90, Sk:80
  1555. Lower Plenty: Hard Rubbish (Special Award) {4}: V[723-1-10]
  1556. Lower Than Atlantis: Changing Tune (Island) {4}: MC(65/4), K:80(15), RkS:(20)
  1557. Macintosh Plus: Floral Shoppe (Beer on the Rug) {4}: TMT:(6); V[1264-2-10]
  1558. Madness: Oui Oui, Si Si, Ja Ja, Da Da (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: MC(71/8), AM:80, M:80, Q:80
  1559. Janiva Magness: Stronger for It (Alligator) {4}: Bl:90, Buf:88; TH:*
  1560. Marconi Union: Different Colours (Just Music) {4}: Cl:80(34), Sk:80
  1561. Margot and the Nuclear So and So's: Rot Gut, Domestic (Mariel) {4}: MC(73/7), AP:80, Ph:88, S:80; JG:X
  1562. Jodie Marie: Mountain Echo (Verve) {4}: MC(72/7), G:80, I:80, M:80
  1563. Willy Mason: Carry On (Polydor) {4}: MC(78/5), BBC:80, IS:80, Ob:80
  1564. John McLaughlin: Now Here This (Abstract Logix) {4}: JW:(5), TN
  1565. Joe McPhee/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten: Brooklyn DNA (Clean Feed) {4}: JG:*, TH:***
  1566. Mgla: With Hearts Toward None (~az) {4}:
  1567. Ingrid Michaelson: Human Again (Mom and Pop) {4}: MC(74/5), BG:80, EW:83
  1568. Milk Maid: Mostly No (Fat Cat) {4}: MC(64/9), Fly:80, LBF:75, Px:75
  1569. Kate Miller-Heidke: Nightflight (Sony) {4}: V[399-3-22]
  1570. Mac Miller: Macadelic (mixtape) {4}: DJB:80, XXL:80
  1571. Marcus Miller: Renaissance (Concord) {4}: AM:90
  1572. Miss May I: At Heart (Rise) {4}: RkS:(6)
  1573. Nicole Mitchell: Arc of O (Rogue Art) {4}: FJ:(6)
  1574. Modeselektor: Modeselektor Proudly Presents Modeselektion Vol 2 (Monkeytown) {4}: MC(70/7), Cl:80, Mix:80, XL:80
  1575. Mogwai: A Wretched Virile Lore (Sub Pop) {4}: MC(64/12), Ex:80, Qs:80, Sk:80; JG:X
  1576. The Moons: Fables of History (Schnitzel) {4}: MO:80, NME:80; V[723-1-10]
  1577. Moon Wiring Club: Clutch It Like a Gonk (Geccophonic) {4}: Fa:90; SFJ; V[723-1-10]
  1578. Moreno and L'Orch First Moja-One: Sister Pili+2 (Sterns) {4}: G:80; YW, RC:A-(73)
  1579. M-Phazes: Phazed Out (Coalmine) {4}: DJB:80, HDX:80, Ok:84; TH:*
  1580. Father Murphy: Anyway Your Children Will Deny It (Aagoo) {4}: Sk:80
  1581. Murs X Fashawn: This Generation (Duck Down Music) {4}: MC(74/7), DJB:80, HDX:80, Ok:86, XXL:80
  1582. Mutilation Rites: Empyrean (Prosthetic) {4}: Pf:77
  1583. New Build: Yesterday Was Lived and Lost (Lanark) {4}: MC(76/7), Du:80, MO:80, Pf:77, PMA:83
  1584. Sam Newsome: The Art of the Soprano, Vol 1 (self-released) {4}: TN, TH:***
  1585. Nguzunguzu: Warm Pulse (Hippos in Tanks, EP) {4}: MC(70/6), Fa:80, Mi:75, XL:75; JG:*
  1586. Koo Nimo: Highlife Roots Revival (Riverboat) {4}: AM:80; RC:***, TH:A-
  1587. Jim Noir: Jimmy's Show (self-released) {4}: MC(74/6), AM:80, BBC:80, U:80
  1588. Tig Notaro: Live () {4}: CS:90(35)
  1589. Aaron Novik: Secret of Secrets (Tzadik) {4}: PM:80; FJ, TH:**
  1590. Fenn O'Berg [Fennesz/O'Rourke/Rehberg]: In Hell (Editions Mego) {4}: S:80, TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  1591. O' Brother: Garden Window (Triple Crown) {4}: MC(83/4), AbP:87, AP:80, CS:80, Ph:75
  1592. Linda Oh: Initial Here (Greenleaf Music) {4}: DB, TN, TH:***
  1593. Old Time Musketry: Different Times (Steeplechase) {4}: TH:A-
  1594. Anders Osborne: Black Eye Galaxy (Alligator) {4}: AM:90, Bl:90(50)
  1595. Overkill: The Electric Age (E1) {4}: AC:78, AM:80
  1596. Tom Paley: Roll On Roll On (Hornbeam) {4}: MC(82/4), BBC:80, G:80, U:80
  1597. Ivo Perelman/Matt Shipp/Gerald Cleaver: The Foreign Legion (Leo) {4}: FJ, TH:A-
  1598. Ralph Peterson Fo'tet/Sextet: The Duality Perspective (Onyx) {4}:
  1599. Phantom Limb: The Pines (Naim Edge) {4}: MC(67/4), I:80
  1600. Pilgrim: Misery Wizard () {4}: K:(43)
  1601. Pilot to Gunner: Guilty Guilty (Arctic Rodeo) {4}:
  1602. Pinch: Fabriclive 61 (Fabric) {4}: MC(81/4), Pf:75, Qs:80, XL:85(38)
  1603. Pinkish Black: Pinkish Black (Handmade Birds) {4}: V[427-2-20]
  1604. Platform 1: Takes Off (Clean Feed) {4}: FJ, TH:***
  1605. Robert Pollard: Mouseman Cloud (GBV) {4}: MC(69/10), F:85, Px:75, Q:80, S:70
  1606. Karine Polwart: Traces (Hegri) {4}: AM:80, G:80
  1607. The Polyphonic Spree: Holidaydream: Sounds of the Holidays Vol One (Kirtland) {4}: Sl:70; V[723-1-10]
  1608. Pop Singles: All Gone (Vacant Valley) {4}: ATH:(77)
  1609. Lisa Marie Presley: Storm and Grace (Republic) {4}: MC(66/4), AS:80, Sl:70; V[540-1-15]
  1610. Public Enemy: The Evil Empire of Everything (Enemy) {4}: Bl:(17); RC:B+
  1611. Joe Pug: The Great Despiser (Lightning Rod) {4}: PM:80
  1612. Pye Corner Audio: The Black Mill Tapes Volumes 1 and 2 (Type, 2CD) {4}: Bow:85, RA:80
  1613. Tom Rainey Trio: Camino Cielo Echo (Intakt) {4}: FJ, TH:***
  1614. The Raveonettes: Into the Night (self-released, EP) {4}: MC(72/4), DS:80, Mi:83, PM:80; V[385-2-24]
  1615. Eric Reed: The Baddest Monk (Savant) {4}: TH:**
  1616. Haley Reinhart: Listen Up! (19/Interscope) {4}: S:70, UT:75
  1617. Ben Riley: Grown Folks Music (Sunnyside) {4}: JG:**(63), TH:A-
  1618. Rise to Remain: City of Vultures (Century Media) {4}: MC(65/7), BBC:80, K:80, Q:80, RkS:80
  1619. Mariel Roberts: Nonextraneous Sounds (Innova) {4}: V[1385-1-5]
  1620. Wallace Roney: Home (HighNote) {4}: G:80; TN, TH:*
  1621. Carina Round: Tigermending (Dehisce) {4}: MC(87/4), AM:80, PM:80, Sl:80; V[1344-1-7]
  1622. Royal-T: Rinse Presents Royal-T (Rinse) {4}: MC(79/4), Fa:80, Q:80, XL:75
  1623. Gonzalo Rubalcaba: XXI Century (5Pasion, 2CD) {4}: Buf:75; TH:***
  1624. Samothrace: Reverence to Stone (20 Buck Spin) {4}: Pf:82
  1625. Angelica Sanchez Quintet: Wires and Moss (Clean Feed) {4}: FJ, TH:***
  1626. Arturo Sandoval: Dear Diz (Concord) {4}: TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  1627. Dan Sartain: Too Tough to Live (One Little Indian, EP) {4}: DIY:80, NR:80; V[723-1-10]
  1628. Sauna Youth: Dreamlands (Gringo) {4}: Fly:80, LBF:75, MO:80
  1629. Alexander von Schlippenbach: Schlippenbach Plays Monk (Intakt) {4}: DB, FJ, TH:*
  1630. Louis Sclavis Atlas Trio: Sources (ECM) {4}: FJ, TH:A-
  1631. Darrell Scott: Long Ride Home (Full Light) {4}: PM:80; TH:B; V[723-1-10]
  1632. Seapony: Falling (Hardly Art) {4}: Bl:80; JG:X, YW; V[723-1-10]
  1633. Serpentine Path: Serpentine Path (Relapse) {4}: MC(74/6), BBC:80, PM:80
  1634. Billy Joe Shaver: Live at Billy Bob's (Smith Music Group) {4}: MC(76/6), AM:80, Bl:90, PM:80
  1635. Shifted: Crossed Paths (Mote-Evolver) {4}: BPM:77, RA:80
  1636. Simian Ghost: Youth (Heist or Hit) {4}: MC(75/7), M:80, U:80
  1637. Marie Sioux: Gift for the End (Almost Musique) {4}: MC(74/7), AM:80, Bow:75, U:80
  1638. The Skints: Part and Parcel (Bomer Music) {4}: Gw:(7), RkS:80
  1639. Sleep Party People: We Were Drifting on a Sad Song (Blood and Biscuits) {4}: LBF:(45), MO:80
  1640. Slug Guts: Playin' in Time With the Deadbeat (Sacred Bones) {4}: MC(67/4), Mi:75, S:70; V[540-1-15]
  1641. Sly and Robbie: Blackwood Dub (Groove Attack) {4}: AM:80, G:80; TH:*
  1642. Smoke DZA: Rugby Thompson (High Times) {4}: MC(79/6), Ex:80, Ok:84, S:80, XXL:80
  1643. Smoke Fairies: Blood Speaks (V2) {4}: MC(69/8), Ob:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1644. SoKo: I Thought I Was an Alien (Because) {4}: MC(68/5), IS:80
  1645. Joan Soriano: La Familia Soriano (IASO) {4}: RC:(98), TH:A-
  1646. Sotho Sounds: Junk Funk (Riverboat) {4}: YW, RC:**, TH:**
  1647. SpaceGhostPurrp: God of Black EP Vol 1 (self-released) {4}: Fa:(5), Mi:83
  1648. Spacin': Deep Thuds (Richie) {4}: Pf:78; V[168-5-58]
  1649. SpectraSoul: Delay No More (Shogun Audio) {4}: Mix:(9), NME:80
  1650. Spiders: Flash Point (Crusher) {4}: V[720-2-11]
  1651. Split Cranium: Split Cranium (Hydra Head) {4}: MC(75/4), Pf:77, PM:80
  1652. Stalley: Savage Journey to the American Dream (Maybach Music) {4}: PM:80, S:70, XXL:80
  1653. Mary Stallings: Don't Look Back (HighNote) {4}: NYT; DB, TH:***
  1654. Kristi Stassinopoulou/Stathis Kalyviotis: Greekadelia (Riverboat) {4}: AM:90, G:80
  1655. Still Flyin': On a Bedroom Wall (Highline) {4}: MC(68/5), AM:80, ATH:(42), DS:90
  1656. Joss Stone: The Soul Sessions, Vol 2 (S-Curve) {4}: MC(60/11), BBC:80, G:80
  1657. Will Stratton: Post-Empire (PID) {4}: V[540-1-15]
  1658. Ken Stringfellow: Danzig in the Moonlight (Spark and Shine) {4}: MC(70/4), AM:80; V[427-2-20]
  1659. Submotion Orchestra: Fragments () {4}: Gw:(26)
  1660. Susanna: Wild Dog (Rune Grammofon) {4}: MC(78/5), AM:80, MiF:84, M:80, U:80
  1661. Pete Swanson: Man With Potential (Type) {4}: MC(86/5), CMG:79, M:80, Pf:85; TH:*
  1662. Tall Firs: Out of It and Into It (ATP) {4}: MC(68/5), MO:80, Q:80; V[723-1-10]
  1663. Thastrom: Bevapna Dig Med Vingar (~az) {4}:
  1664. Thenewno2: Thefearofmissingout (HOT) {4}: MC(60/8), CT:75, NR:80
  1665. Therapy?: A Brief Crack of Light (Blast) {4}: MC(74/4), Cl:80, K:80(79), MK:80
  1666. Prins Thomas: Prins Thomas 2 (FULL PUPP) {4}: MC(70/4), Cl:80, Mi:83
  1667. Tigercats: Isle of Dogs (Acuarela) {4}: MO:80(57); V[723-1-10]
  1668. Timmy's Organism: Raw Sewage Roq (In the Red) {4}:
  1669. Mina Tindle: Taranta (Believe) {4}: Bow:80
  1670. Christine Tobin: Sailing to Byzantium (Trail Belle) {4}: G:80, JW:(4)
  1671. Trapist: The Golden Years (Staubgold) {4}: MC(80/4), Du:80, PM:80, W:80
  1672. Tree: Sunday School (Gutter City) {4}: Mi:83; V[315-4-30]
  1673. Treponem Pal: Survival Sounds (Just Une Trace) {4}: V[723-1-10]
  1674. Turbo Fruits: Butter (Serpents and Snakes) {4}: MC(77/5), PM:80, U:80; V[520-2-17]
  1675. Tussle: Tempest (Smalltown Supersound) {4}: MC(71/7), AM:80, XL:75; SFJ; V[723-1-10]
  1676. Blue Gene Tyranny: Detours (Unseen Worlds) {4}: TMT:90; JG:**, TH:***
  1677. Matt Ulery: By a Little Light (Greenleaf Music, 2CD) {4}: TH:*
  1678. Caetano Veloso/David Byrne: Live at Carnegie Hall (Nonesuch) {4}: MC(72/4), G:80, Now:80, Ob:80; MC:C, TH:B
  1679. Visioneers: Hipology (BBE) {4}: Ok:88, PM:80, S:70
  1680. Vision of Disorder: The Cursed Remain Cursed () {4}: K:(31)
  1681. Volcano: Pinata (The Leaf Label) {4}: ATH:(89)
  1682. Walk the Moon: Walk the Moon (RCA) {4}: EW:75
  1683. The Wanted: The Wanted (Island, EP) {4}: MC(62/5), AM:80, EW:83, UT:75
  1684. ZZ Ward: Til the Casket Drops (Hollywood) {4}: V[723-1-10]
  1685. Marry Waterson/Oliver Knight: Hidden (One Little Indian) {4}: MC(73/5), G:80, IS:80, Q:80
  1686. We Are Serenades: Criminal Heaven (Cherrytree/Interscope) {4}: MC(78/4), AM:80, Mg:90, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1687. We Are the Ocean: Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow (Hassle) {4}: MC(64/6), K:(70), RkS:(50), Spk:80
  1688. Mort Weiss: I'll Be Seeing You (SMS Jazz) {4}: TH:A-
  1689. The Whammies: Play the Music of Steve Lacy (Driff) {4}: FJ, TH:A-
  1690. White Arrows: Dry Land Is Not a Myth (Votiv) {4}: MC(70/11), ATH:(75), AV:91, CMJ:80
  1691. The White Buffalo: Once Upon a Time in the West (Unison Music Group) {4}: AS:80; V[723-1-10]
  1692. Vinyl Williams: Lemniscate (No Pain in Pop) {4}: Bow:(17), Fly:80
  1693. Michael Wollny's [em]: Wasted and Wanted (ACT) {4}: G:80; JM
  1694. The Wooden Sky: Every Child a Daughter, Every Moon a Sun (Black Box) {4}: LBF:75
  1695. C Spencer Yeh: Transitions (De Stijl) {4}: AM:80, TMT:90; V[540-1-15]
  1696. Katherine Young: Pretty Monsters (Public Eyesore) {4}: FJ, TH:**
  1697. Richard Youngs: Amaranthine (MIE Music) {4}:
  1698. Your Demise: The Golden Age (Ais) {4}: K:(68), RkS:(49)
  1699. You Won't: Skeptic Goodbye (Old Flame) {4}: PM:80, PMA:75, S:70, TMT:80
  1700. Yppah: Eighty One (Ninja Tune) {4}: DS:(26), MO:100, S:70
  1701. YU: The Earn (Mello Music Group) {4}: Ok:93, RR:80, Urb:80
  1702. Zombie Zombie: Rituels d'un Nouveau Monde (Versatile) {4}:
  1703. Zomes: Improvisations (Thrill Jockey) {4}: MC(74/4), Du:80, W:70; V[723-1-10]
  1704. 3:33: In the Middle of Infinity (Parallel Thought) {3}: RR:75
  1705. 9th Wonder and Buckshot: The Solution (Duck Down Music) {3}: MC(70/4), Ok:80, XXL:80
  1706. Juhani Aaltonen/Heikki Sarmanto: Conversations (TUM, 2CD) {3}: TH:A-
  1707. Abrahma: Through the Dusty Paths of Our Lives (Small Stone) {3}:
  1708. Accept: Stalingrad (Nuclear Blast) {3}:
  1709. Acid Mothers Temple/The Melting Paraiso UFO: Son of a Bitches Brew (Important) {3}: TN
  1710. Acid Pauli: MST (Clown and Sunset) {3}: MC(66/5), Du:70
  1711. Admiral Fallow: Tree Bursts in Snow (Nettwerk) {3}: MC(74/5), BBC:80, U:80
  1712. Ahnnu: Pro Habitat (Wtr Clr) {3}: TMT:80(39); V[1385-1-5]
  1713. Alog: Unemployed (Rune Grammofon) {3}: MiF:100, MO:80, Pf:79
  1714. Rodrigo Amado Motion Trio and Jeb Bishop: Burning Live at Jazz Ao Centro (JACC) {3}: TN, TH:**
  1715. Oren Ambarchi/Robin Fox: Connected (Kranky) {3}: AM:80; TH:*
  1716. The Amity Affliction: Chasing Ghosts (Roadrunner) {3}: MC(77/4), AP:80, K:80, RkS:80
  1717. Anathema: Weather Systems (The End) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1718. Ian Anderson: Thick as a Brick 2 (Chrysalis) {3}: BB:80; V[1385*-2-10]
  1719. Ray Anderson Pocket Brass Band: Sweet Chicago Suite (Intuition) {3}: DB; TH:***
  1720. Anenon: Acquiescence (Non Projects) {3}: PM:80, XL:85(31)
  1721. Lynne Arriale: Solo (Motema) {3}: Buf:88; TH:*
  1722. Arts and Sciences: New You (Singlespeed Music) {3}: FJ, TH:***
  1723. Ases Falsos: Juventud Americana (Arca Discos) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1724. Asphyx: Deathhammer (Century Media) {3}:
  1725. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour: Out of Frequency (Chrysalis) {3}: MC(67/4), AbP:85, AM:80, Buf:75
  1726. Astro: Astro (Nacional) {3}:
  1727. Auntie Flo: Future Rhythm Machine (Huntleys + Palmers) {3}: RA:80
  1728. Aych: As the Crow Flies (Relative Pitch) {3}: FJ, TN
  1729. Azure Ray: As Above So Below (Saddle Creek, EP) {3}: MC(69/5), AV:75, F:80, Sl:80
  1730. Daniel Bachman: Seven Pines (Tompkins Square) {3}: V[1385-1-5]
  1731. Bad Brains: Into the Future (Megaforce) {3}: MC(70/9), AP:80, LAT:75
  1732. Bailter Space: Strobosphere (Fire) {3}: Sk:80; JG:*
  1733. Balmorhea: Stranger (Western Vinyl) {3}: AC:89; V[1277-1-9]
  1734. Baloji: Kinshasa Succursale (Crammed) {3}: S:70; TH:**
  1735. Balthazar: Rats () {3}:
  1736. The Bamboos: Medicine Man (Tru Thoughts) {3}: MC(75/4), AM:80, BBC:80
  1737. Tom Bancroft: Trio Red: First Hello to Last Goodbye (Interrupto) {3}: G:80; JM
  1738. Bang On!: [Sic] (Big Dada) {3}: MC(60/4); RC:**, TH:**
  1739. Battles: Dross Glop (Warp) {3}: MC(60/10), Buf:75, Ex:80, Pf:78
  1740. Bebetunes: Inhale C-4 $$$$$ () {3}: TMT:(14); V[587-2-15]
  1741. William Beckett: Winds Will Change (Yike, EP) {3}: AbP:80, AP:80; V[540-1-15]
  1742. Bellowhead: Broadside (Navigator) {3}: G:80, MO:80
  1743. Roni Ben-Hur/Santi Debriano: Our Thing (Motema) {3}: TH:***
  1744. Han Bennink Trio: Bennink and Co (ILK) {3}: TH:A-
  1745. Bersarin Quartet: II () {3}:
  1746. The Bewitched Hands: Vampiric Way () {3}:
  1747. Bible of the Devil: For the Love of Thugs and Fools () {3}:
  1748. Big Dipper: Crashes on the Platinum Planet (Almost Ready) {3}: AV:83, Bl:80; V[723-1-10]
  1749. Benjamin Biolay: Vengeance (import) {3}:
  1750. Bitch Prefect: Big Time (Bedroom Suck) {3}: V[427-2-20]
  1751. Blackie: Gen (Tooth) {3}: BPM:82; V[351-2-25]
  1752. Black Tambourine: OneTwoThreeFour (Slumberland, EP) {3}: MC(67/4), Px:75, S:80, TMT:80
  1753. Ran Blake/Christine Correa: Down Here Below: Tribute to Abbey Lincoln Volume One (Red Piano) {3}: TH:**
  1754. Blaudzun: Heavy Flowers (V2) {3}:
  1755. Bleeding Knees Club: Nothing to Do (Iamsound) {3}: MC(68/7), NYT:70, S:80; YW
  1756. Bleeding Through: The Great Fire (Rise) {3}: MC(69/5), AP:80, MH:80
  1757. Rory Block: I Belong to the Band: A Tribute to Rev Gary Davis (Stony Plain) {3}: AM:80
  1758. Harper Blynn: Busy Hands (self-released) {3}: AbP:88
  1759. Bored Nothing: Bored Nothing (Spunk) {3}:
  1760. Dennis Bovell: Mek It Run (Pressure Sounds) {3}: AM:80; JG:*
  1761. Ralph Bowen: Total Eclipse (Posi-Tone) {3}: TN, TH:*
  1762. Wade Bowen: The Given (Sea Gayle/Columbia) {3}: CW:70, R:(18)
  1763. Jesse Boykins III and MeLo-X: Zulu Guru () {3}: Ok:86
  1764. Bobby Bradford/Frode Gjerstad/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Paal Nilssen-Love: Kampen (NoBusiness) {3}: FJ, TN, TH:***
  1765. Nelson Bragg: We Get What We Want (CDBaby) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1766. Peter Broderick: These Walls of Mine (Erased Tapes) {3}: MC(70/7), MO:80, Q:80
  1767. Brooklyn Jazz Underground: A Portrait of Brooklyn (Bju'ecords) {3}: DB, TH:**
  1768. Kix Brooks: New to This Town () {3}: CW:70, R:90
  1769. Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet: Walk, Love, Sleep (Smalltown Superjazz) {3}: FJ
  1770. Busdriver: Beausseros (Fake Four) {3}: MC(68/6), Pot:80; JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  1771. C2C: Tetra () {3}:
  1772. Car Bomb: w^w^^w^w (self-released) {3}: Pf:76
  1773. Cardinal: Hymns (Fire) {3}: MC(67/9), Bl:80, Ph:88; V[723-1-10]
  1774. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Alexey Lapin: In Motion (Leo) {3}: FJ, TH:A-
  1775. Katy Carr: Paszport (Deluce) {3}: G:80, MO:(70)
  1776. Catcall: The Warmest Place (Ivy League) {3}: V[1277-1-9]
  1777. Cemeteries: The Wilderness (Lefse) {3}: MC(67/4), Bow:78, NME:80
  1778. Amy Cervini: Digging Me Digging You (Anzic) {3}: Buf:75; DB
  1779. Chappo: Moonwater (Shout! Factory) {3}: YW
  1780. Chassol: X-Pianos () {3}:
  1781. Chief Keef: Finally Rich (Interscope) {3}: MC(61/10), Pf:75, S:80; V[335-2-27]
  1782. Ablaye Cissoko/Volker Goetze: Amanke Dionti (Motema) {3}: Buf:100; TH:**
  1783. Classics of Love: Classics of Love (Asian Man) {3}: AP:80(4)
  1784. Jon Cleary: Occapella! (FHQ) {3}: Bl:80
  1785. Todd Clouser's A Love Electric: 20th Century Folk Selections (Royal Potato Family) {3}: AM:80, Buf:88; TH:**
  1786. Trish Clowes: And in the Night-Time She Is There (Basho) {3}: G:80; JM
  1787. Jeff Coffin and the Mu'tet: Into the Air (Ear Up) {3}: DB, TH:B
  1788. Alice Cohen: Pink Keys (Olde English Spelling Bee) {3}: Mi:(24)
  1789. Hannah Cohen: Child Bride (Bella Union) {3}: Bow:80, Fly:80, MO:80
  1790. Cold Pumas: Persistent Malaise (Faux Discx) {3}: Bow:85(18); V[672-1-12]
  1791. Henry Cole and the Afrobeat Collective: Roots Before Branches (self-released) {3}:
  1792. Ned Collette and Wirewalker: 2 (Fire) {3}: Bl:80, Bow:90
  1793. Colour Haze: She Said (Elektrohasch) {3}: V[540-1-15]
  1794. Concrete Knives: Be Your Own King () {3}:
  1795. Conduits: Conduits () {3}:
  1796. Bobby Conn: Macaroni (Fire) {3}: MC(76/7), DS:80, IS:80, Q:80
  1797. Conveyor: Conveyor () {3}:
  1798. Copywrite: God Save the King (Man Bites Dog) {3}: HDX:80, Ok:77, XXL:80
  1799. Chick Corea: The Continents: Concerto for Jazz Quintet and Chamber Orchestra (Deutsche Grammophon, 2CD) {3}: Buf:75
  1800. The Cornshed Sisters: Tell Tales (Memphis Industries) {3}: MC(67/8), IS:80, MO:80
  1801. Corsair: Corsair (self-released) {3}: V[540-1-15]
  1802. Marilyn Crispell/Mark Dresser/Gerry Hemingway: Play Braxton (Tzadik) {3}: AM:80; FJ
  1803. Amelia Curran: Spectators (Six Shooter) {3}: Now:80
  1804. Currensy/Harry Fraud: Cigarette Boats (mixtape) {3}: XXL:80
  1805. Curumin: Arrocha (Six Degrees) {3}: S:70
  1806. Daddy Yankee: Prestige (El Cartel) {3}: AM:80
  1807. Duduka Da Fonseca Quintet: Samba Jazz: Jazz Samba (Anzic) {3}: TH:*
  1808. Meredith D'Ambrosio: By Myself (Sunnyside) {3}: AM:80; TH:**
  1809. The Darcys: Aja (Arts and Crafts) {3}: UR:(65)
  1810. Dark Time Sunshine: ANX (Fake Four) {3}: Ok:89, Pot:80, Spk:90
  1811. The Datsuns: Death Rattle Boogie (Straight to the Sun) {3}: AM:80
  1812. Steve Davis: Gettin' It Done (Posi-Tone) {3}: DB, TN, TH:***
  1813. Deathspell Omega: Drought (Season of Mist) {3}: S:80; V[1303-1-8]
  1814. Graham Dechter: Takin' It There (Capri) {3}: AM:80; TH:*
  1815. Joey DeFrancesco/Larry Coryell/Jimmy Cobb: Wonderful! Wonderful! (High Note) {3}: TH:*
  1816. Deichkind: Befehl von Ganz Unten (import) {3}:
  1817. Jack DeJohnette: Sound Travels (E1 Music) {3}: AM, JG:X
  1818. Vladislav Delay: Kuopio (Raster Music) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1819. Delta Rae: Carry the Fire () {3}:
  1820. Del the Funky Homosapien: Attractive Sin (Parallel Thought) {3}: MC(69/8), Ok:85, P:83, RR:85
  1821. Devil Sold His Soul: Empire of Light () {3}: K:(26), RkS:80
  1822. Madi Diaz: Plastic Moon (Small Horse) {3}: Bl:80; V[1303-1-8]
  1823. Luther Dickinson: Hambone's Meditations (Songs of the South) {3}: AM:80
  1824. Aaron Dilloway/Jason Lescalleet: Grapes and Snakes (PAN) {3}:
  1825. Dinosaur Feathers: Whistle Tips (Ernest Jenning) {3}: P:82, S:70
  1826. The Dirty Guv'nahs: Somewhere Beneath These Southern Skies (Dualtone) {3}: P:75; V[1303-1-8]
  1827. Disasterpeace: Fez (self-released) {3}: CMG:80(32); V[1385-1-5]
  1828. DJ Food: The Search Engine (Ninja Tune) {3}: MC(69/7), AM:90, MO:80, Pot:90
  1829. DJ Khaled: Kiss the Ring (Republic) {3}: MC(64/6), EW:75, XXL:80
  1830. Dobie: But Fear Itself (Big Dada, EP) {3}: RC:A-(91), TH:***
  1831. Dobie: Nothing to Fear (Big Dada, EP) {3}: RC:A-(86), TH:***
  1832. Don't Talk to the Cops!: Let's Quit (Greedhead) {3}: JG:**(66), RC:B+
  1833. Jerry Douglas: Traveler (E1 Music) {3}: MC(70/7), CW:80, I:80, T:80
  1834. Lila Downs: Pecados y Milagros (Sony Music Latin) {3}: AC:89, PM:80
  1835. Dragonette: Bodyparts (self-released) {3}: AM:80
  1836. Dragon Force: The Power Within (Electric Generation) {3}: MC(74/5), G:80, K:80, MH:80
  1837. Drudkh: Eternal Turn of the Wheel (Seasons of Mist) {3}: MC(76/4), Ex:80, Pf:82, TMT:80
  1838. Kevin Drumm: Relief (Editions Mego) {3}: Pf:77
  1839. Dave Dub: The Treatment (Stones Throw) {3}: Mi:91, Ok:76, Pot:80
  1840. Scott DuBois: Landscape Scripture (Sunnyside) {3}: FJ, TH:***
  1841. Petar Dundov: Ideas From the Pond (Music Man) {3}: RA:90, S:70
  1842. Dwele: Greater Than One () {3}: UT:88
  1843. Fred Eaglesmith: 6 Volts (Bluewater Music) {3}: Bl:90; TH:*
  1844. Kate Earl: Stronger (Downtown) {3}: AM:90
  1845. Easter Island: Frightened (self-released) {3}: Bl:80, P:77
  1846. Easy Star All-Stars: Easy Star's Thrillah (Easy Star) {3}:
  1847. Edens Edge: Edens Edge () {3}: R:80
  1848. El Doom and the Born Electric: El Doom and the Born Electric (Rune Grammofon) {3}: V[1385-1-5]
  1849. Elephant Micah: Louder Than You (Product of Palmyra) {3}: CS:80, S:70
  1850. Eprom: Metahuman (Rwina) {3}: BPM:81, RA:80, XL:75
  1851. Eternal Summers: The Dawn of Eternal Summers (Kanine) {3}: NR:80, Ph:75, S:70
  1852. Eternal Tapestry: Dawn in 2 Dimensions (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Bl:80
  1853. Melissa Etheridge: 4th Street Feeling (Island) {3}: EW:83, RS:70
  1854. Everclear: Invisible Stars (E1) {3}: MC(72/4), EW:83; V[723-1-10]
  1855. E.via: E.viagradation Part 1: Black and Red (Dline Art Media, EP) {3}: V[1303-1-8]
  1856. Evian Christ: Kings and Them (Tri Angle) {3}: BPM:76
  1857. Fabolous: The Soul Tape 2 (mixtape) {3}:
  1858. Adam Fairhall: The Imaginary Delta (Slam) {3}: JM, TH:**
  1859. James Falzone: Klang: Brooklyn Lines . . . Chicago Spaces (self-released) {3}: FJ, TN
  1860. Far East Movement: Dirty Bass (Interscope) {3}: EW:75; TH:***
  1861. Deniro Farrar and Shady Blaze: Kill or Be Killed () {3}: CS:80
  1862. Feed the Rhino: The Burning Sons (In at the Deep End) {3}: K:(75)
  1863. Morton Feldman: Crippled Symmetry: At June in Buffalo () {3}: W:(20)
  1864. Cheo Feliciano/Ruben Blades: Eba Say Aja (Ariel Rivas) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1865. Joe Fiedler: Joe Fiedler's Big Sackbut (YSL) {3}: TH:***
  1866. Firewater: International Orange! (Bloodshot) {3}: AM:80; TH:B; V[723-1-10]
  1867. Florence and the Machine: MTV Unplugged (Universal Republic) {3}: MC(67/8), NME:80, PM:90, RS:70
  1868. Florida Georgia Line: It'z Just What We Do (Republic Nashville, EP) {3}: CW:80, R:80(11)
  1869. Foals: Tapes (!K7) {3}: MC(74/9), AM:80, Bl:80, NME:80
  1870. Josephine Foster: Perlas (Fire) {3}: MC(81/6), Du:80, IS:100, PM:80
  1871. Frak: Muzika Electronic (Digitalis) {3}: RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  1872. Fraktus: Millennium Edition (Staatsakt) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1873. The Fray: Scars and Stories (Epic) {3}: MC(57/5), BB:76, Bl:80, UT:75
  1874. Matthew Friedberger: Matricidal Sons of Bitches (Thrill Jockey) {3}: MC(56/4)
  1875. Curtis Fuller: Down Home (Capri) {3}: TH:*
  1876. Nelly Furtado: The Spirit Indestructible (Interscope) {3}: MC(63/7), LAT:88, Sl:70
  1877. Future Unlimited: Future Unlimited (self-released, EP) {3}: BPM:81, PMA:75
  1878. Gaggle: From the Mouth of the Cave (Transgressive) {3}: DIY:80, DS:80
  1879. Jacob Garchik/Jacob Sacks/David Ambrosio/Vinnie Sperrazza: 40 Twenty (Yeah-Yeah) {3}: FJ, TH:**
  1880. David Gilmore: Numerology: Live at Jazz Standard (Evolutionary Music) {3}: TN, TH:***
  1881. Glacial: On Jones Beach (3 Lobed) {3}: Pf:80, TMT:80; FJ
  1882. God Seed: I Begin (Indie) {3}: Rev:80
  1883. The Golden Boys: Dirty Fingernails (12XU) {3}: AC:78; V[540-1-15]
  1884. Holly Golightly and the Brokeoffs: Sunday Run Me Over (Transdreamer) {3}: MC(72/6), Mg:80, R:80; YW
  1885. Go Radio: Close the Distance (Fearless) {3}: MC(74/4), AbP:90, AP:80
  1886. Amy Gore and Her Valentines: In Love (Bloodshot) {3}: V[699-1-11]
  1887. Macy Gray: Talking Book (429) {3}: Sl:80; V[672-1-12]
  1888. Gordon Grdina's Haram: Her Eyes Illuminate (Songlines) {3}: AM:80; TH:***
  1889. Jacques Greene: Ready (3024, EP) {3}: XL:90(8)
  1890. Narada Burton Greene: Live at Kerrytown House (NoBusiness) {3}: FJ, TH:**
  1891. Groundislava: Feel Me (Friends of Friends) {3}: F:80, Pot:80(43)
  1892. Hildur Gudnadottir: Lefydu Ljosinu (Touch) {3}: V[406-1-20]
  1893. Gavin Guss: On High (Fin) {3}:
  1894. Haarp: Husks (Housecore) {3}:
  1895. Dan HabarNam: From the Known (Exit) {3}: BPM:84, RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  1896. Hallelujah the Hills: No One Knows What Happens Next (Discrete Pageantry) {3}: MC(58/5), Ex:80, Px:75
  1897. Matthew Halsall: Fletcher Moss Park (Gondwana) {3}: JM; V[723-1-10]
  1898. Hammock: Departure Songs (self-released) {3}:
  1899. Hangedup and Tony Conrad: Transit of Venus (Constellation) {3}: S:70
  1900. Heatsick: Deviation () {3}: W:(36)
  1901. Heat Wave: Fukd in Tha Game (Deep Tapes) {3}: TMT:(41); V[1385-1-5]
  1902. Heavenly Beat: Talent (Captured Tracks) {3}: MC(72/4), Ex:80; V[723-1-10]
  1903. CC Hennix and the Chora(s)san Time-Court Mirage: Live at the Grimm Museum 1 () {3}: W:(6)
  1904. Joe Hertenstein: Future Drone (Jazzwrkstatt) {3}: FJ, TN, TH:**
  1905. Fay Hield and the Hurricane Party: Orfeo (Topic) {3}: MC(66/5), BBC:80, Ob:80
  1906. Missy Higgins: The Ol' Razzle Dazzle (Vagrant) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1907. Lisa Hilton: American Impressions (Ruby Slippers) {3}: TH:*; V[723-1-10]
  1908. Hladowski and Joynes: The Wild Wild Berry (Bo' Weavil) {3}:
  1909. Hodgy Beats: Untitled (self-released, EP) {3}: Fa:80, NME:80, PMA:75, S:70
  1910. Malcolm Holcombe: Down the River (Gypsy Eyes Music) {3}: Bl:80; V[406-1-20]
  1911. Lonnie Holley: Just Before Music (Dust to Digital) {3}: V[225-3-41]
  1912. Holus-Bolus: Pine Barren (Prom Night) {3}: FJ, TH:A-
  1913. Honky: 421 (MVD Audio) {3}: AC:89
  1914. Hooray for Earth: True Loves (Memphis Industries) {3}: MO:80
  1915. Horisont: Second Assault (Rise Above) {3}:
  1916. Steve Horowitz: New Monsters (Posi-Tone) {3}: TN, TH:***
  1917. Horrid Red: Celestial Joy (Terrible) {3}: Fa:80(4)
  1918. Hostage Calm: Please Remain Calm (Run for Cover) {3}: AbP:95, AP:80, RkS:80
  1919. Hot Club of Detroit: Junction (Mack Avenue) {3}: DB, TN
  1920. Hot Sugar: Moon Money (Ninja Tune, EP) {3}: Pot:80(37), Px:85
  1921. Sophie Hunger: The Danger of Light () {3}:
  1922. Huoratron: Cryptocracy (Last Gang) {3}: S:80
  1923. Icebreaker/BJ Cole: Brian Eno: Apollo (Cantaloupe) {3}:
  1924. Icona Pop: Iconic EP (Big Beat, EP) {3}: Pf:75
  1925. Ides of Gemini: Constantinople (Neurot) {3}: S:70
  1926. Nikki Iles: Hush (Basho) {3}: JM
  1927. Imbogodom: And They Turned . . . (Thrill Jockey) {3}: MC(74/4), AV:83, Fa:80, TMT:80
  1928. Incognito: Surreal (Shanachie) {3}: V[427-2-20]
  1929. Indian Handcrafts: Civil Disobedience for Losers (Sargent House) {3}: MC(77/5), AM:80, Now:80
  1930. Ingram Hill: Ingram Hill (Rock Ridge) {3}: R:80(27)
  1931. In Mourning: The Weight of Oceans () {3}: Spk:(35)
  1932. Insane Clown Posse: The Mighty Death Pop! (Psychopathic) {3}: S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1933. Internet Club: Vanishing Vision (self-released) {3}: TMT:80(47); V[1385-1-5]
  1934. Inverloch: Dark/Subside (Relapse) {3}:
  1935. Jon Irabagon/Mike Pride/Mick Barr: I Don't Hear Nothin' but the Blues Volume 2: Appalachian Haze (Irabbagast) {3}: TN; V[723-1-10]
  1936. The Irrepressibles: Nude (Of Naked Design) {3}: DS:80, MO:80(60)
  1937. I See Hawks in LA: New Kind of Lonely (Western Seeds) {3}: Bl:80, S:70; TH:*
  1938. Nicolas Jaar: Don't Break My Love/The Prism (Clown and Sunset, EP) {3}:
  1939. Ralph Jackson: The Alabama Love Man (The Rabbit Factory) {3}: Ok:84, PM:90
  1940. Casey James: Casey James () {3}: CW:70, R:80(21)
  1941. Trinidad James: Don't Be SAFE (mixtape) {3}:
  1942. Janel and Anthony: Where Is Home (Cuneiform) {3}: TN
  1943. Jim Jarmusch: The Mystery of Heaven (Sacred Bones) {3}: MC(80/4), AM:80, Du:80, F:78
  1944. Jess and the Ancient Ones: Jess and the Ancient Ones (Svart) {3}:
  1945. Jamie Jones: Tracks From the Crypt (Crosstown Rebels/Redeye) {3}: Mix:(36), S:70
  1946. Jupiter: Juicy Lucy (Grand Blanc) {3}:
  1947. Kaiser Chiefs: Start the Revolution Without Me (Cooperative Music) {3}: MC(57/12), PM:80, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1948. Kandodo: Kandodo (Thrill Jockey) {3}: S:80, Sk:80
  1949. Rebekka Karijord: We Become Ourselves (Freak Kitten) {3}: Bow:82, LBF:75
  1950. Arthur Kell Quartet: Jester (Bju'ecords) {3}: TH:A-
  1951. Eli Keszler: Catching Net (PAN) {3}: TMT:80; FJ
  1952. Kaki King: Glow (Velour) {3}: MC(68/6), P:80
  1953. King Mez: My Everlasting Zeal (mixtape) {3}: XXL:80
  1954. Kevn Kinney: A Good Country Mile (self-released) {3}: AM:80, Bl:80; TH:***
  1955. Guillermo Klein/Los Gauchos: Carrera (Sunnyside) {3}: TH:*
  1956. Kid Kopphausen: I (Trocadero) {3}:
  1957. Jonas Kullhammar/Torbjörn Zetterberg/Espen Aalberg: Basement Sessions Vol. 1 (Clean Feed) {3}: TN, TH:***
  1958. La Bien Querida: Ceremonia () {3}:
  1959. Labtekwon: Hardcore: Labtekwon and Righteous Indignation (Rootzilla vs Masta Akbar (self-released) {3}: Ok:85, WB:90
  1960. Seth Lakeman: Tales From the Barrel House (Honour Oak) {3}: MC(74/5), G:80, Ob:80, U:80
  1961. Sonny Landreth: Elemental Journey (Proper) {3}: Bl:80, JG:X
  1962. Larman Clamor: Frogs (Small Stone) {3}:
  1963. Philip Lauer: Phillips (Running Back) {3}: RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  1964. Lazer Sword: Memory (Monkeytown) {3}: MC(71/5), Ex:80, Pf:75, S:70
  1965. Cate Le Bon: Cyrk II (Turnstile) {3}: BPM:78, DIY:80
  1966. Lecrae: Gravity (Reach) {3}: RR:80; V[282-1-30]
  1967. The Peggy Lee Band: Invitation (Drip Audio) {3}: TH:A-
  1968. Lento: Anxiety Despair Languish (Denovali) {3}:
  1969. Letting Up Despite Great Faults: Untogether (self-released) {3}: ATH:(36), Bl:80
  1970. James Levy and the Blood Red Rose: Pray to Be Free () {3}:
  1971. Lil Reese: Don't Like (mixtape) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  1972. Lil Ugly Mane: Mista Thug Isolation (self-released) {3}: Mi:(2)
  1973. Linkoban: Super Into On It (Super Billion) {3}: RC:A-(100), TH:***
  1974. Little Mix: DNA (Sony UK) {3}:
  1975. Lo' Jo: Cinema el Mundo (World Village) {3}: G:80
  1976. Loma Prieta: IV (Deathwish) {3}: AP:80
  1977. Jeff Loomis: Plains of Oblivion (Century Media) {3}:
  1978. Lord Fowl: Moon Queen () {3}:
  1979. Lord Mantis: Pervertor (Candlelight) {3}: V[427-2-20]
  1980. Lostalone: I'm a UFO in This City (Jacknife) {3}: K:(29), NME:80
  1981. Love and Theft: Love and Theft (RCA Nashville) {3}: R:80(25)
  1982. Lower: Walk on Heads (Escho, EP) {3}: CS:80, Pf:80
  1983. Scott Lucas and the Married Men: Blood Half Moon (The End) {3}: Ph:75, S:70; V[723-1-10]
  1984. Igor Lumpert Trio: Innertextures Live (Clean Feed) {3}: JG:**(69), TH:**
  1985. Ava Luna: Ice Level (Infinite Best) {3}: MC(68/5), Ph:100, S:70
  1986. Dustin Lynch: Dustin Lynch (Broken Bow) {3}:
  1987. Lynyrd Skynyrd: Last of a Dyin' Breed () {3}:
  1988. Harold Mabern: Mr. Lucky: A Tribute to Sammy Davis Jr (High Note) {3}: DB, TH:**
  1989. Maga Bo: Quilombo do Futuro (Post World Industries) {3}: Bl:80
  1990. Todd Marcus: Inheritance (Hipnotic) {3}:
  1991. Marduk: Serpent Sermon (Century Media) {3}: S:80; V[723-1-10]
  1992. Justin Martin: Ghettos and Gardens (Dirtybird) {3}: MC(72/4), Mix:80(10)
  1993. Mark Masters Ensemble: Ellington Saxophone Encounters (Capri) {3}: TN, TH:**
  1994. Matmos: The Ganzfeld EP (Thrill Jockey, EP) {3}: MC(64/5), DA:80, XL:80; V[1385-1-5]
  1995. Mayday!: Take Me to Your Leader () {3}: DJB:80, HDX:80()
  1996. Rob Mazurek Pulsar Quartet: Stellar Pulsations (Delmark) {3}: FJ, TN, TH:***
  1997. Kate McGarry: Girl Talk (Palmetto) {3}:
  1998. Scott McLemore: Remote Location (self-released) {3}: TN
  1999. Mean Jeans: Mean Jeans on Mars (Dirtnap) {3}: PM:80, S:70; V[520-2-17]
  2000. MediaFired: The Pathway Through Whatever (Beer on the Rug, EP) {3}: TMT:90(25); TH:*
  2001. MellowHype: Numbers (Columbia) {3}: MC(73/5), AM:80
  2002. Melvins: The Bulls and the Bees (Scion A/V, EP) {3}: S:70
  2003. Memphis May Fire: Challenger (Rise) {3}: MC(65/4), AbP:75, K:(67)
  2004. Bridgit Mendler: Hello My Name Is (Hollywood) {3}:
  2005. Mesita: The Coyote (self-released) {3}: BPM:85
  2006. MGK: Lace Up (Interscope) {3}: MC(76/4), AM:80, XXL:80
  2007. Milagres: Glowing Mouth (Memphis Industries) {3}: G:80, IS:80
  2008. The Milk: Tales From the Thames Delta (Sony UK) {3}: YW; V[699-1-11]
  2009. Liudas Mockunas/Barry Guy: Lava (NoBusiness) {3}: FJ, TN, TH:***
  2010. Mo Kolours: EP2: Banana Wine (One-Handed Music) {3}: BPM:81, Ok:88, Px:80
  2011. Mokoomba: Rising Tide (Igloo/Discovery) {3}: G:80; V[502-2-19]
  2012. Monica: New Life (J) {3}: MC(55/4)
  2013. Kendra Morris: Banshee (Wax Poetics) {3}: Bl:(56)
  2014. Motorama: Calendar (~az) {3}:
  2015. Jason Mraz: Love Is a Four Letter Word (Atlantic) {3}: MC(63/8), AM:80, EW:75
  2016. John Mulaney: New in Town (Comedy Central) {3}: AV:91, RS:70
  2017. Mumblin' Deaf Ro: Dictionary Crimes () {3}: St:(23)
  2018. MV/EE: Space Homestead (Woodsist) {3}: MC(70/5), AM:80, Du:70; JG:X
  2019. My Sleeping Karma: Soma (Napalm) {3}:
  2020. Janka Nabay and the Bubu Gang: An Letah (True Panther Sounds, EP) {3}: MC(82/4), CS:80, Pf:78, PM:80
  2021. Natural Child: For the Love of the Game (self-released) {3}: V[230-2-40]
  2022. Necro Deathmort: The Colonial Script (Distraction) {3}: K:(72)
  2023. Ferenc Nemeth: Triumph (Dreamers Collective) {3}: TH:**
  2024. Ne Obliviscaris: Portal of I () {3}: Spk:90
  2025. Neon Quartet: Subjekt (Edition) {3}: G:80; JM
  2026. NHK'Koyxen: Dance Classics Vol 1 (Pan) {3}: V[540-1-15]
  2027. Night Moves: Colored Emotions (Domino) {3}: MC(70/5), AM:80, Bow:81, UR:75
  2028. Nile: At the Gates of Sethu (Nuclear Blast) {3}:
  2029. Anders Nilsson: Night Guitar (Soundatone) {3}: FJ, TH:**
  2030. Niyaz: Sumud (Six Degrees) {3}: AM:80; TH:*
  2031. Norman Nodge: Berghain 06 (Ostgut Ton) {3}: RA:80, XL:80
  2032. No Joy: Negaverse (Mexican Summer) {3}: Px:80, S:70; HW
  2033. Novalima: Karimba (ELS Music) {3}:
  2034. Oberman Knocks: Beatcroft Slabs (Aperture) {3}: MiF:98
  2035. Jennifer O'Connor: I Want What You Want (Kiam) {3}: Bl:80, PM:80, Px:75
  2036. Old Apparatus: Alfur (Sullen Tone, EP) {3}: Sl:80; SFJ:(*)
  2037. Old Man Gloom: No (Hydra Head) {3}: V[1344-1-7]
  2038. Old Man Luedecke: Tender Is the Night (True North) {3}:
  2039. Patrice O'Neal: Mr P (BSeen Media) {3}: AM:80, AV:91, RS:80
  2040. One Direction: Up All Night (Syco/Columbia) {3}: MC(64/5), EW:83, UT:75; TH:*
  2041. Oneman: Fabriclive 64 (Fabric) {3}: Pf:80, S:70, XL:85
  2042. Onuinu: Mirror Gazer (Bladen County/Bad Cop Bad Cop) {3}: MC(76/4), F:81, PM:80
  2043. Oriole: Every New Day (F-ire) {3}: G:80; JM
  2044. Aruan Ortiz: Orbiting (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: TH:**
  2045. The Orwells: Remember When (Autumn Tone) {3}: F:84
  2046. Joan Osborne: Bring It On (Saguaro Road) {3}: DB; V[650-2-14]
  2047. Outer Space: Akashic Record (Events: 1986-1990) (Editions Mego/Spectrum Spools) {3}: S:70, TMT:90; V[1385-1-5]
  2048. Owenise: Citizens (Out on a Limb) {3}: St:80
  2049. Jason Palmer: Take a Little Trip: Plays Minnie Riperton (Steeplechase) {3}: AM:90; DB
  2050. Papa Roach: The Connection (Eleven Seven) {3}: MC(55/4), K:(14), Rev:80
  2051. Evan Parker/John Edwards/Eddie Prevost: All Told: Meetings With Remarkable Saxophonists, Vol 1 (Matchless) {3}: G:80, FJ
  2052. Evan Parker's Electro-Acoustic Ensemble: Hasselt (Psi) {3}: FJ
  2053. Partikel: Cohesion (Whirlwind) {3}: JM
  2054. Passenger: All the Little Lights (Nettwerk) {3}: PM:90
  2055. Mike Patton: Luciano Berio: Laborintus II (Ipecac) {3}: MC(64/6), Bl:90, S:70, Sk:80
  2056. Ivo Perelman/Joe Morris/Gerald Cleaver: Family Ties (Leo) {3}: TN, TH:A-
  2057. Ivo Perelman/Joe Morris/Gerald Cleaver: Living Jelly (Leo) {3}: FJ, TH:A-
  2058. Pharaoh: Bury the Light (Cruz del Sur) {3}:
  2059. Kelly Joe Phelps: Brother Sinner and the Whale (Black Hen) {3}: T:80
  2060. The Phenomenal Handclap Band: Form and Control (Tummy Touch) {3}: MC(61/14), Mix:80, Q:80
  2061. The Pheromoans: Does This Guy Stack Up? (Upset the Rhythm) {3}: DS:80, NME:80
  2062. The Pierces: You and I (Mercury) {3}: Sl:70; V[672-1-12]
  2063. Courtney Pine: House of Legends (Destin-E World) {3}: G:80, JW:(1)
  2064. The Pines: Dark So Gold (Red House) {3}:
  2065. Michael Pisaro and Toshiya Tsunoda: Crosshatches () {3}: W:(24)
  2066. Pitbull: Global Warming (RCA) {3}: MC(64/7), EW:91
  2067. Plankton Wat: Spirits (Thrill Jockey) {3}: MC(68/4), AM:80, S:70
  2068. Joel Plaskett Emergency: Scrappy Happiness (Maple Music) {3}: V[1344-1-7]
  2069. Polysick: Digital Native (Planet Mu) {3}: MC(61/6), Fa:80, S:80, TMT:100
  2070. Poor Moon: Poor Moon (Sub Pop) {3}: MC(65/11), AM:80, M:80
  2071. Po Po: Dope Boi Majik (Mad Decent) {3}: BPM:79, F:82, S:70
  2072. Emily Portman: Hatchling (CadizMusic) {3}: G:80
  2073. Archie Powell and the Exports: Great Ideas in Action (Good Land) {3}: Bl:80(51)
  2074. The Pre New: Music for People Who Hate Themselves () {3}: Qs:(55)
  2075. Pretty Lightning: There Are Witches in the Woods (Fonal) {3}: Mi:75
  2076. Dafnis Prieto: Proverb Trio (Dafnison Music) {3}: DB, TH:**
  2077. Prostitutes: Psychedelic Black (Stabudown) {3}: RA:90; V[723-1-10]
  2078. Pure Bathing Culture: Pure Bathing Culture (Father/Daughter, EP) {3}: V[406-1-20]
  2079. Pussy Riot: Kill the Sexist! (self-released) {3}: JG:**(30)
  2080. The Pyramids: Otherworldly (Disko B) {3}: MC(69/5), NME:80, Sk:80, U:80
  2081. Joey Ramone: . . . Ya Know? (BMG) {3}: MC(66/9), P:76, RS:80, U:90
  2082. J Rawls and Casual: Respect Game or Expect Flames (Nature Sounds) {3}: Ok:89, RR:75
  2083. RED Trio/Nate Wooley: Stem (Clean Feed) {3}: FJ, TH:**
  2084. Darryl Reeves: Mercury (Epic Life Music Group) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  2085. Rhyton: Rhyton (Thrill Jockey) {3}: MC(68/5), Du:80, NR:90, TMT:80
  2086. Right Away, Great Captain!: The Church of the Good Thief (Favorite Gentelemen) {3}: AP:80
  2087. Rising: To Solemn Ash (Exile on Mainstream) {3}: Pf:76, S:80
  2088. Riverboat Gamblers: The Wolf You Feed (Volcom) {3}: MC(83/), AC:89, S:70; V[1385-1-5]
  2089. The Duke Robillard Jazz Trio: Wobble Walkin' (Blue Duchess) {3}: Buf:75; TH:*
  2090. The Chris Robinson Brotherhood: The Magic Door (Silver Arrow) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  2091. Rover: Rover (Wagram) {3}:
  2092. The Royalty: Lovers (Victory) {3}: AP:80, Bl:80, St:80
  2093. Rustie: Essential Mix (BBC) {3}: Pf:81(46); V[1385-1-5]
  2094. Mitch Ryder: The Promise (Michigan Broadcasting) {3}: MC(79/5), AM:80, P:77, U:80
  2095. Said the Whale: Little Mountain (Hidden Pony) {3}: UT:75; V[723-1-10]
  2096. Bobby Sanabria Big Band: Multiverse (Jazzheads) {3}: TH:***; V[540-1-15]
  2097. Saukrates: Season One (Frostbyte Media) {3}: Ok:86, RR:80
  2098. School of Seven Bells: Put Your Sad Down (Vagrant, EP) {3}: MC(63/4), CS:80, Sk:80; V[723-1-10]
  2099. The School: Reading Too Much Into Things Like Everything (Elefant) {3}: YW
  2100. Sea Wolf: Old World Romance (Dangerbird) {3}: MC(63/4), AM:80, F:81
  2101. Seekersinternational: The Call From Below (Digitalis) {3}: V[723-1-10]
  2102. Lorenzo Senni: Quantum Jelly (Editions Mego) {3}: Fa:(34)
  2103. Set It Off: Cinematics () {3}: K:(94), RkS:80
  2104. Shadows Fall: Fire From the Sky (Razor and Tie) {3}: MC(79/4), Ph:88, Rev:80
  2105. Anoushka Shankar: Traveller (Deutsche Grammophon) {3}: PM:80
  2106. Shinedown: Amaryllis (Atlantic) {3}: MC(49/5)
  2107. Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell: Don't Hear It? Fear It! (Rise Above/Metal Blade) {3}:
  2108. Beanie Sigel: This Time (Ruffhouse) {3}: MC(76/4), AM:80, HDX:80, XXL:80; RC:*
  2109. Sistema Bomb: Electro-Jarocho (Round Whirled) {3}: V[723*-2-20]
  2110. Sixpence None the Richer: Lost in Translation (self-released) {3}: Bl:80, EW:83, UT:75
  2111. Sizarr: Psycho Boy Happy (Four Music) {3}:
  2112. Skanska Mord: Paths to Charon () {3}:
  2113. Skunk Anansie: Black Traffic (100%) {3}: MC(53/5), K:80
  2114. Gary Smulyan: Smul's Paradise (Capri) {3}: DB, TH:**
  2115. Snarky Puppy: GroundUp (Ropeadope) {3}: Ok:88; DB; V[1277-1-9]
  2116. So Many Wizards: Warm Nothing (Frenchkiss) {3}: ATH:(95), Bow:75
  2117. Something for Kate: Leave Your Soul to Science (EMI) {3}:
  2118. Sonic Avenues: Television Youth (Dirtnap) {3}: ATH:80(47)
  2119. Sonic Liberation Front: Jetway Confidential (High Two) {3}: TH:A-; V[1277-1-9]
  2120. Sonnymoon: Sonnymoon (Plug Research) {3}: Ok:89, Pot:80, S:70
  2121. The Soul Rebels: Unlock Your Mind (Rounder) {3}: MC(72/4), BBC:80, PM:80; TH:B
  2122. Spain: The Soul of Spain () {3}: G:80
  2123. Spiro: Kaleidophonica (Real World) {3}: G:80
  2124. Rick Springfield: Songs for the End of the World (UMe) {3}:
  2125. Stagnant Pools: Temporary Room (Polyvinyl) {3}: MC(79/6), AM:80, AP:80, CS:90
  2126. Starring: ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ (Northern Spy) {3}: S:80; V[1344-1-7]
  2127. Stepdad: Wildlife Pop (Black Bell) {3}: AbP:88
  2128. Mike Stern: All Over the Place (Heads Up) {3}: G:80; DB
  2129. Sufjan Stevens: Silver and Gold (Asthmatic Kitty, EP) {3}: MC(70/5), P:75, Pf:78
  2130. Stew and the Negro Problem: Making It (TNP) {3}: MC(64/4), Bl:80; V[427-2-20]
  2131. Mark Stewart: The Politics of Envy (Future Noise Music) {3}: MC(67/6), Mg:80, S:80
  2132. St Lucia: St Lucia EP (self-released, EP) {3}:
  2133. Angus Stone: Broken Brights (Nettwerk) {3}: MC(69/7), AM:80, I:80, M:80
  2134. Strand of Oaks: Dark Shores (self-released) {3}: CS:80
  2135. Strategy: Strategy (Peak Oil) {3}: XL:80
  2136. Strawberry Whiplash: Hits in the Car (Matinee) {3}: ATH:80, Bl:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2137. Strings of Consciousness: From Beyond Love (Staubgold) {3}: MC(69/4), Ex:80, MiF:84, TMT:80
  2138. Strong Arm Steady/Statik Salektah: Stereo Type (Stones Throw) {3}: MC(81/4), AM:80, HDX:80, Ok:80
  2139. Struck by Lightning: True Predation (Translation Loss) {3}: MC(79/4), AM:80, DA:80, Ex:80; JG:X
  2140. Stubborn Heart: Stubborn Heart (One Little Indian) {3}: MC(72/4), BBC:80, Cl:80, Mix:80
  2141. Suckers: Candy Salad (Frenchkiss) {3}: MC(71/6), Mi:91, Px:75, Sl:70
  2142. Sugar and the Hi-Lows [Trend Dabbs/Amy Stroup]: Sugar and the Hi-Lows (101) {3}: AS:80, YW; V[723-1-10]
  2143. Sun Araw: The Inner Treaty (101 Distribution) {3}: V[1344-1-7]
  2144. Sunken Foal: Friday Syndrome Vol 1 () {3}: St:(57)
  2145. Sweden: Under the Sycamore Tree (Vestkyst) {3}: CM
  2146. Sweet Sweet Lies: The Hare the Hound and the Tortoise (Something Nothing) {3}: MC(89/4), DIY:80, IS:100, U:80
  2147. Taffy: Caramel Sunset (Club AC30) {3}: DS:80, Fix:80, NME:80
  2148. Talking Cows: Almost Human (Morvin/Jazz Sick) {3}: DB, TN, TH:***
  2149. Talvihorros/Damian Valles: Monuments and Ruins (Textura) {3}: MiF:94
  2150. Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii: Muku (Libra) {3}: FJ, TH:**
  2151. T-Ara: Funky Town (Core Contents Media, EP) {3}: V[654-1-13]
  2152. Loga Ramin Tarkian: Mehraab (Six Degrees) {3}: AM:80
  2153. Gabriel Teodros: Colored People's Time Machine (Fresh Chopped Beats) {3}: Bl:80, Ok:86, RR
  2154. Anna Ternheim: The Night Visitor (Downtown) {3}: AS:80
  2155. Jacky Terrasson: Gouache (Universal UK) {3}:
  2156. Tin Hat: The Rain Is a Handsome Animal (New Amsterdam) {3}: TH:***
  2157. The Tough Shits: The Tough Shits (Burger) {3}: BPM:82
  2158. Colin Towns' Blue Touch Paper: Stand Well Back (Provocateur) {3}: G:80, JW:(18)
  2159. Kristina Train: Dark Black (Mercury) {3}: AM:90
  2160. Trey Songz: Chapter V (Atlantic) {3}: MC(68/8), DJB:80, NYT:70, UT:75
  2161. Troubled Horse: Step Inside (Rise Above/Metal Blade) {3}: V[699-1-11]
  2162. Troyka: Moxxy (Edition) {3}: JM
  2163. Lissy Trullie: Lissy Trullie (Downtown) {3}: MC(60/5); V[1365-1-6]
  2164. Mikolaj Trzaska/Olie Brice/Mark Sanders: Riverloam Trio (NoBusiness) {3}: FJ, TH:**
  2165. The Twilight Sad: No One Can Ever Know: The Remixes (Fat Cat) {3}: MC(68/5), DIY:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2166. Jakob Ullman-Fremde Zeit: Addendum () {3}: W:(4)
  2167. Umberto: Night Has a Thousand Screams (Rock Action) {3}: Sk:80
  2168. Unnatural Helpers: Land Grab (Hardly Art) {3}: ATH:(88)
  2169. Untold: Change in a Dynamic Environment Part 1 (Hemlock) {3}: XL:75(7)
  2170. Untold: Change in a Dynamic Environment Part 3 (Hemlock) {3}: XL:80(7)
  2171. Manuel Valera: New Cuban Express (Mavo) {3}: TH:**; V[1385-1-5]
  2172. Peter Van Hoesen: Perceiver (Time to Express) {3}: RA:80; V[1277-1-9]
  2173. Jozef Van Wissem/Jim Jarmusch: Concerning the Entrance Into Eternity (Important) {3}: S:70; V[723-1-10]
  2174. Vatican Shadow: Ornamented Walls (Modern Love) {3}: Mi:(39)
  2175. Vattnet Viskar: Vattnet Viskar (Broken Limbs, EP) {3}: Pf:79
  2176. Mr Vegas: Sweet Jamaica (VP, 2CD) {3}: AM:80
  2177. *****Virtual [Virtual Information Desk]: ******** [Contemporary Sapporo] (Beer on the Rug) {3}: TMT:80(29); V[1385-1-5]
  2178. Wolfgang Voight: Ruckverzauberung 6 () {3}: Fa:(10)
  2179. Torben Waldorff: Wah Wah (ArtistShare) {3}: TH:B
  2180. Weasel Walter/Mary Halvorson/Peter Evans: Mechanical Malfunction (Thirsty Ear) {3}: TH:A-
  2181. Gary War: Jared's Lot (Spectrum Spools) {3}: Mi:75, TMT:80
  2182. Sean Wayland: Click Track Jazz: Slave to the Machine (Seed Music) {3}: TH:*
  2183. Emily Wells: Mama () {3}: MC(64/4), CS:80
  2184. Ben Wendel: Frame (Sunnyside) {3}: DB, TN, TH:**
  2185. White Birds: When Women Played Drums (Grizzly) {3}: Bow:75, LBF
  2186. White Car: Everyday Grace (Hippos in Tanks) {3}: Mi:100(42)
  2187. The Fate of the World Depends on This Kiss Whitehorse: Six Shooter () {3}:
  2188. Pharez Whitted: For the People (Origin) {3}: DB, TH:*
  2189. Why?: Sod the Seed (City Slang, EP) {3}: DS:90(87), Sk:80
  2190. Wiley: It's All Fun and Games Til [mixtape compilation of Step Freestyles 1-10] () {3}: Fa:(18); YW
  2191. Amanda Jo Williams: The Bear Eats Me () {3}: CMG:(41); V[723-1-10]
  2192. Dar Williams: In the Time of Gods (Razor and Tie) {3}: MC(69/5), AM:80; V[723-1-10]
  2193. Jessica Williams: Songs of Earth (Origin) {3}: TH:***
  2194. Hank Williams Jr: Old School, New Rules (Atlantic) {3}: MC(45/4)
  2195. Robbie Williams: Take the Crown (Island) {3}: MC(64/12), G:80
  2196. Willits + Sakamoto: Ancient Future (Ghostly International) {3}: PM:80
  2197. Rita Wilson: AM/FM (Decca) {3}: RS:70, UT:75
  2198. Winterpills: All My Lovely Goners (Signature Sounds) {3}: MC(76/5), AbP:86, AC:78; V[654-1-13]
  2199. Wintersun: Time I (Nuclear Blast) {3}: Now:80
  2200. Jah Wobble and Keith Levene: Yin and Yang (Cherry Red) {3}: V[1344-1-7]
  2201. Wo Fat: The Black Code (Small Stone) {3}:
  2202. Patrick Wolf: Sundark and Riverlight (Bloody Chamber Music/Nylon) {3}: MC(65/14), DS:80, LBF:80, MO:90, Spk:80
  2203. Woollen Kits: Four Girls () {3}: ATH:(79); JG:*
  2204. The Word Alive: Life Cycles () {3}: MC(80/?), K:(81), RkS:80
  2205. Yakuza: Beyul (Profound Lore) {3}: MC(72/4), Ex:80
  2206. Yashin: We Created a Monster () {3}: K:(86), RkS:80
  2207. Gabby Young and Other Animals: The Band Called Out for More (Gift of the Gab) {3}: CS:80, G:80
  2208. Young Man: Vol 1 (Frenchkiss) {3}: MC(74/7), CS:80, P:87, PM:80
  2209. Yuna: Yuna (Fader) {3}:
  2210. YYU: Timetimetime and Time (Beer on the Rug) {3}: TMT:90(9)
  2211. Peter Zak: Nordic Noon (Steeplechase) {3}: JG:*, TH:A-
  2212. Denny Zeitlin: Wherever You Are: Midnight Moods for Solo Piano (Sunnyside) {3}: AM:80; TH:**
  2213. Mati Zundel: Amazonico Gravitante (Waxploitation/ZZK) {3}: S:70
  2214. 10-20: Magnet Marsh (Broken 60) {2}: Fa:80, MiF:88
  2215. 120 Days: 120 Days II (Splendour) {2}: MC(53/4), LBF, S:70
  2216. 2Kilos and More: Kurz Vor5 (Audiophobe) {2}: MiF:88
  2217. 45 Grave: Pick Your Poison () {2}:
  2218. 8mm: Between the Devil the Two Black Hearts () {2}:
  2219. Vieo Abiungo/Peter Monro: Thunder May Have Ruined the Moment () {2}:
  2220. Ramzi Aburedwan: Reflections of Palestine (Riverboat) {2}: RC:***, TH:***
  2221. Accidental Tourists: The LA Sessions (Challenge) {2}: TH:**
  2222. Bernard Adamus: #2 (Grosse Boite) {2}:
  2223. Adrenaline Mob: Omerta (Elm City/EMI) {2}: V[1344-1-7]
  2224. Aeon: Aeons Black (Metal Blade) {2}: Rev:80; V[723-1-10]
  2225. Agalloch: Faustian Echoes (Dammerung Arts, EP) {2}:
  2226. Ahab: The Giant (Napalm) {2}:
  2227. Air Traffic Controller: Nordo (Sugarpop) {2}:
  2228. Akatombo: False Positives (Hand-Held) {2}: RA:80
  2229. Aldebaran: Embracing the Lightless Depths (Profound Lore) {2}: Pf:80
  2230. Eric Alexander/Vincent Herring: Friendly Fire (High Note) {2}: TN, TH:**
  2231. A Life Once Lost: Ecstatic Trance (Season of Mist) {2}: AP:80
  2232. Steve Almaas: Trailer Songs (Lonesome Whipporwill) {2}: Bl:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2233. Altar of Oblivion: Grand Gesture of Defiance (Shadow Kingdom) {2}:
  2234. Joe Alterman: Give Me the Simple Life (Miles High) {2}: TH:**
  2235. Alunah: White Hoarhound (PsycheDOOMelic) {2}:
  2236. Chico Alvarez: El Montunero: Country Roots/Urban Masters (Mafimba) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2237. Amber London: 1994 EP (Rvidxr Klvn, EP) {2}: Mi:(43)
  2238. The American Scene: Safe for Now (Pure Noise) {2}: AP:80
  2239. Miss A: Touch (JYP Entertainment) {2}: V[508-2-18]
  2240. Theresa Andersson: Street Parade (Basin Street) {2}: AbP:81
  2241. Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra: Bum Bum (Alien Transistor) {2}:
  2242. Angelwitch: As Above, So Below (Metal Blade) {2}:
  2243. Anglagard: Viljans Oga (Anglagard) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2244. Anhedonist: Netherwards (Dark Descent) {2}: Pf:82
  2245. Animation: Transparent Heart (Rare Noise) {2}: TN
  2246. Alhousseini Anivolla: The Walking Man (Riverboat) {2}: PM:80; TH:**
  2247. Antwon: End of Earth (Dreamcollabo) {2}:
  2248. Apache Dropout: Bubblegum Graveyard () {2}:
  2249. Aqua Nebula Oscillator: Third (Tee Pee) {2}:
  2250. Archive: With Us Until You're Dead (Dangervisit) {2}: MC(72/4), LBF:80, M:80
  2251. Adam Arcuragi: Like a Fire That Consumes All Before It . . . (Thirty Tigers) {2}: MC(57/4), Px:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2252. Keny Arkana: Tout Tourne Autour du Soleil (Because Music) {2}: V[427-2-20]
  2253. Joan Armatrading: Starlight (429) {2}: V[427-2-20]
  2254. Arrange: Five Years With the Sun (JUKBOXR, EP) {2}: AbP:83, BPM:79
  2255. Joseph Arthur: Redemption City (self-released) {2}: Bl:90
  2256. ASC: Out of Sync (Samurai Red Seal) {2}: BPM:77, RA:80
  2257. Clarice Assad: Home (Adventure Music) {2}: AM:80; TH:**
  2258. Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound: Manzanita (Tee Pee) {2}:
  2259. Atherton: No Threat (Vinyl Tap/Deep Thinka) {2}: RR:85; V[1385-1-5]
  2260. Atoma: Skylight () {2}: Spk:(14)
  2261. Aufgehoben: Fragments of the Marble Plan (Holy Mountain) {2}: TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  2262. Gregg August: Four by Six (Iacuessa) {2}:
  2263. Avec Pas D'Casque: Astronomie (Grosse Boite) {2}:
  2264. Aybee: Worlds (Deepblak) {2}: RA:80
  2265. Azusa Plane: Where the Sands Turn to Gold (Rocket Girl) {2}: DS:80, Pf:85
  2266. Jeff Babko: Crux (Tonequake) {2}: TH:*
  2267. Baden Baden: Coline () {2}:
  2268. Rob Baird: I Swear It's the Truth (Carnival) {2}: R:90
  2269. Alvarius B: Alvarius B (self-released) {2}: Bl:90; V[635-1-14]
  2270. Bambounou: Orbiting (50 Weapons) {2}: XL:75
  2271. Bang Data: La Sopa (Rockolito) {2}: PM:80
  2272. Bang on a Can All-Stars: Big Beautiful Dark and Scary (Cantaloupe) {2}: S:80
  2273. The Bankees: Home (self-released) {2}: ATH:90(37)
  2274. Anton Barbeau and Three Minute Tease: Three Minute Tease (self-released) {2}: Bl:80
  2275. Sara Bareilles: Once Upon Another Time (EP) {2}:
  2276. Bruce Barth: Three Things of Beauty (Savant) {2}: TH:**
  2277. Gary Bartz: Coltrane Rules: The Tao of a Musical Warrior (Oyo) {2}: TN, TH:**
  2278. Bassnectar: Vava Voom (Amorphous Music) {2}:
  2279. BassX3: Transatlantic (Leo) {2}: FJ
  2280. Beak: Eyrie (Someoddpilot) {2}: Ph:88, S:70
  2281. Beardfish: The Void (Inside Out) {2}:
  2282. Bear Driver: Bear Driver (Adventure Club) {2}: DIY:80, MO:80
  2283. Bearhug: Bill, Dance, Shiner (Spunk) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2284. Bears: Greater Lakes (Misra) {2}: AP:80, PM:80
  2285. Beat Connection: The Palace Garden (Tender Age) {2}: Fly:90
  2286. Beats and Pieces Big Band: Big Ideas (101 Distribution) {2}: JM
  2287. William Beckett: Walk the Talk (Yike, EP) {2}: AbP:80, AP:80
  2288. Bee Mask: Vaporware/Scanops (Room40) {2}:
  2289. Lurrie Bell: Devil Ain't Got No Music (Aria BG) {2}: AM:80
  2290. Bereft: Leichenhaus (The End) {2}:
  2291. Jerry Bergonzi: Shifting Gears (Savant) {2}: TH:A-
  2292. Debashish Bhattacharya: Live in Calcutta (Riverboat) {2}:
  2293. Bicep: Vision of Love EP (EP) {2}: XL:(30)
  2294. Big Big Train: English Electric Pt One (English Electric/GEP) {2}: V[406-1-20]
  2295. The Big Eyes Family Players and Friends: Folk Songs II (Static Caravan) {2}: G:80, Sk:80
  2296. Big Wave Riders: Life Less Ordinary () {2}: ATH:80(94)
  2297. Todd Bishop Group: Little Played Little Bird: The Music of Ornette Coleman (Origin) {2}: TH:**
  2298. Michael Bisio/Matthew Shipp Duo: Floating Ice (Relative Pitch) {2}: FJ, TN
  2299. Bjork: Bastards (One Little Indian) {2}: St:80
  2300. Black Light Burns: The Moment You Realize You're Going to Fall () {2}:
  2301. Blacklisters: Blklstrs () {2}: K:(98)
  2302. Black Mountain: Year Zero [The Original Soundtrack] (Jagjaguwar) {2}: MC(76/4), AV:91, BPM:75
  2303. Black Rain: Now I'm Just a Number (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: Fa:80, S:80
  2304. Black Shape of Nexus: Negative Black () {2}:
  2305. Black Twig Pickers: Whompyjawed (Thrill Jockey) {2}:
  2306. Blawan: His He She and She (Hinge Finger) {2}: BPM:75
  2307. Benton Blount: Benton Blount (self-released) {2}: R:80(39)
  2308. The Blues Broads: The Blues Broads (Delta Groove) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2309. Bnegao and Seletores De Frequencia: Sintoniza La (Coqueiro Verde) {2}:
  2310. Bobun: Suite Pour Machines a Meche (Creative Sources) {2}: FJ
  2311. Deanna Bogart: Pianoland (Blind Pig) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2312. The Bohman Brothers: Back on the Streets () {2}: W:(22)
  2313. Boldy James: Consignment: Favor for a Favor, the Redi-Rock Mixtape (self-released) {2}: Pf:78
  2314. Boneshaker: Boneshaker (Trost) {2}: FJ, TN
  2315. Bonnie Prince Billy: Hummingbird (EP) {2}: CS:80
  2316. Mathieu Boogaerts: Mathieu Boogaerts () {2}:
  2317. Born Gold: Little Sleepwalker (Audraglint) {2}: BPM:77
  2318. Boy: Mutual Friends (Decca) {2}: DIY:80
  2319. Brainstorm: Heat Waves (Tender Loving Empire) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2320. Brazilian Trio: Constelacao (Motema) {2}: TH:*
  2321. Kyle Brenders Quartet: Offset (18th Note) {2}: TH:A-
  2322. William Brittelle: Loving the Chambered Nautilus (New Amsterdam) {2}:
  2323. Jacques Brodier: Filtre de Realite (Penultimate Press) {2}:
  2324. Chris Brokaw: Gambler's Ecstasy (12XU) {2}: LBF:85; V[723-1-10]
  2325. Broken Water: Tempest (Hardly Art) {2}: MC(69/5), AM:80; V[723-1-10]
  2326. Peter Brotzmann/Jorg Fischer: Live in Wiesbaden (Not Two) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  2327. Tore Brunborg/Kristi Huke: Scent of Soil (Hubro) {2}:
  2328. Buika: En Mi Piel (Warner Latina) {2}: V[427-2-20]
  2329. Bullet: Full Pull (Nuclear Blast) {2}:
  2330. Dana Buoy: Summer Bodies (Lefse) {2}: MC(64/5), ATH:(68)
  2331. Burial: Truant/Rough Sleeper (Hyperdub, EP) {2}: JG:**; V[1385-1-5]
  2332. Burning Hearts: Extinctions (Shelflife) {2}: AM:80
  2333. Busta Rhymes: Year of the Dragon (Starbus) {2}: EW:83, RR:75
  2334. John Butcher/Mark Sanders: Daylight (Emanem) {2}: FJ
  2335. John Butcher/Matthew Shipp: At Oto (Fataka) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2336. Butterfly Boucher: Butterfly Boucher (101 Distribution) {2}:
  2337. Buxton: Nothing Here Seems Strange (New West) {2}: V[427-2-20]
  2338. George Cables: My Muse (High Note) {2}: TH:***
  2339. Chris Cagle: Back in the Saddle () {2}: R:80
  2340. California Wives: Art History (Vagrant) {2}: MC(65/4), P:75
  2341. Candlemass: Psalms for the Dead (Napalm) {2}: Ph:75
  2342. Bill Cantrall and Axiom: Live at Kitano (Upswing) {2}: TH:***
  2343. D'Marc Cantu: A New World (MOS) {2}:
  2344. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: Visiting This World (Devotion) {2}: BPM:79, S:80
  2345. Capsule: Stereo Worxxx (Yamaha Music Communications) {2}: V[527-2-16]
  2346. Barbara Carlotti: L'Amour, L'Argent, Le Vent () {2}:
  2347. Hugo Carvalhais: Particula (Clean Feed) {2}: TH:***
  2348. Gustavo Casenave: Tango Casenave (Watch Craft Music) {2}: RC:**, TH:*
  2349. The Casket Lottery: Real Fear (No Sleep) {2}:
  2350. Edmar Castaneda: Double Portion (Arpa y Voz) {2}: TH:**
  2351. Castle: Blacklands (Van/Prosthetic) {2}:
  2352. Castratti: Eora (Time No Place) {2}: BPM:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2353. Nick Catchdubs/Jackie Chain: After Hours (Fools Gold) {2}: Pf:78
  2354. Catheter: Southwest Doom Violence (Selfmadegod) {2}: S:70
  2355. Chain and the Gang: In Cool Blood (K) {2}:
  2356. Andrew Chalk: Forty-Nine Views in Rhapsodies' Wave Serene (Faraway Press) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2357. Chamillionaire: Ammunition () {2}: HDX:80, XXL:80
  2358. The Chapman Family: Cruel Britannia (Best Before) {2}: DS:90, Fly:80
  2359. Brian Charette: Music Organ Sextette () {2}:
  2360. Charlatan: Isolatarium (Type) {2}:
  2361. Cheap Girls: Giant Orange (Rise) {2}: MC(70/5), AP:80, K:80
  2362. Cheek Mountain Thief: Cheek Mountain Thief (Full Time Hobby) {2}: G:80
  2363. Cherub: Mom and Dad (Elm and Oak) {2}: CS:80, NR:80
  2364. Children of the Night: Queens . . . Revisited (Mishka) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2365. Cory Chisel and the Wandering Sons: Old Believers (Readymade) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2366. ChoColat: I Like It, the First Mini Album (Paramount) {2}: V[672-1-12]
  2367. Chromatics: Running From the Sun () {2}:
  2368. The Chrome Cranks: Ain't No Lies in Blood (Thick Syrup) {2}: V[587-2-15]
  2369. Chrome Waves: Chrome Waves (Gravedancer) {2}: Rev:80, S:80
  2370. Cid Rim: Cid Rim (Lucky Me) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2371. Circle: Manner (Hydra Head) {2}: V[1344-1-7]
  2372. Citizen Cope: One Lovely Day (Rainwater) {2}: MC(63/4), Ok:87
  2373. Civil Twilight: Holy Weather (Wind-Up) {2}: AbP:90
  2374. The Clarinet Trio: 4 (Leo) {2}: FJ
  2375. Clark: Fantasm Planes (Warp, EP) {2}: MC(70/5), NME:80, W:80
  2376. The Cloudmakers Trio: Live at the Pizza Express (Whirlwind) {2}: G:80; JM
  2377. Clubroot: III-MXII () {2}: Spk:(38)
  2378. Melanie C: Stages (PID) {2}:
  2379. Coal Porters: Find the One (Prima) {2}: Bl:80
  2380. Cocaine 80s: Express 0G EP (~az) {2}: Fa:(41)
  2381. Adam Cohen: Like a Man (Decca) {2}: S:70
  2382. John Wesley Coleman: The Last Donkey Show (Goner) {2}: MC(59/4), Bl:80, CMG:79
  2383. Collarbones: Die Young (Two Bright Lakes) {2}:
  2384. Mark Collie and His Reckless Companions: Alive at Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary () {2}: CW:70
  2385. Andrew Combs: Worried Man (Coin) {2}: AS:80(29)
  2386. Container: LP (Spectrum Spools) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2387. The Contortionist: Intrinsic (E1/Good Fight) {2}: AP:80
  2388. William Control: Silentium Amoris (Control) {2}: K:(97)
  2389. Elizabeth Cook: Gospel Plow (Thirty One Tigers, EP) {2}: TH:*
  2390. Hollie Cook: Prince Fatty Presents Hollie Cook in Dub (Mr Bongo) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2391. Marc Copland: Some More Love Songs (Pirouet) {2}: TH:**
  2392. Wilson "Chembo" Corniel: Afro Blue Monk (American Showplace Music) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2393. Ferry Corsten: WKND () {2}: Mix:(24)
  2394. Cortez: Cortez (Cortez) {2}:
  2395. Counting Crows: Underwater Sunshine (Or What We Did on Our Summer Vacation) (Collective Sounds) {2}: MC(66/4), BG:80
  2396. Craft Spells: Gallery (Captured Tracks, EP) {2}: MC(66/9), AM:80; V[723-1-10]
  2397. Crazy Lixx: Riot Avenue (Frontiers) {2}:
  2398. Crazy Spirit: Crazy Spirit (Toxic State) {2}:
  2399. Captain Crimson: Dancing Madly Backwards (Transubstans) {2}:
  2400. Criolo: No Na Orelha (Sterns) {2}: G:80
  2401. Alberta Cross: Songs of Patience (ATO) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2402. Croupier: Croupier () {2}: St:(42)
  2403. George Crowley Quartet: Paper Universe (Whirlwind) {2}: G:80; JM
  2404. Crushed Stars: In the Bright Rain (Simulacra) {2}: Bl:90
  2405. Crystal Palace: Spirit Quest (Rotifer) {2}:
  2406. Cub Scouts: Told You So (self-released, EP) {2}: AbP:85; V[723-1-10]
  2407. Cuff the Duke: Union (Paper Bag) {2}: MC(59/5)
  2408. Currensy: Muscle Car Chronicles () {2}: HDX:80, XXL:80
  2409. Currensy/Styles P: #The1st28 (mixtape) {2}: XXL:80
  2410. Peter Cusack: Sounds From Dangerous Places () {2}: W:(47)
  2411. Cut Hands: Volumes 1 and 2 (Dirter) {2}: RA:80
  2412. Will C: Eli's Prism (Double You) {2}: WB:90
  2413. Dads: American Radass (This Is Important) (Flannel Gurl) {2}: AbP:86; V[520-2-17]
  2414. Damien: Flirt () {2}:
  2415. The Dandy Warhols: This Machine (The End) {2}: MC(55/7), AbP:84, AM:80
  2416. Dark Horses: Black Music (import) {2}:
  2417. Dark Sky: Black Rainbows (Black Acre, EP) {2}: Fa:80, XL:75
  2418. John Daversa: Artful Joy (BFM Jazz) {2}: TH:*
  2419. Jack Davies: Jack Davies Big Band (V&V) {2}: MO:80
  2420. Angharad Davies/Tisha Mukarji/Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga: Outwash (Another Timbre) {2}: FJ
  2421. Jeff Davis: Leaf House (Fresh Sound New Talent) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  2422. Daytrader: Twelve Years (Rise) {2}: MC(78/4), AbP:90, AP:90
  2423. Dead Fingers: Dead Fingers (Big Legal Mess/Fat Possum) {2}: S:70; V[1385-1-5]
  2424. Deaf Havana: Fools and Worthless Liars (import) {2}: K:(74)
  2425. Matthew Dear: Headcage (Ghostly International, EP) {2}: MC(71/9), CS:80, Ok:85
  2426. Death Hawks: Death and Decay () {2}: LBF
  2427. The Dan DeChellis Trio: My Age of Anxiety (Sachimay) {2}: TH:**
  2428. Deep Sea Arcade: Outlands (Ivy League) {2}: Fly:80
  2429. Deep Sea Diver: History Speaks () {2}: V[1264-2-10]
  2430. Deepspacepilots: Deepspacepilots (self-released) {2}:
  2431. Vladislav Delay: Espoo (Raster Music, EP) {2}:
  2432. Delorentos: Little Sparks (Delo) {2}: St:100(33)
  2433. Joy Denalane: Maureen (Nesola) {2}: Ok:85
  2434. D'Eon: Music for Keyboards (~az) {2}: Fa:(32)
  2435. Taylor Deupree: Faint (12k) {2}:
  2436. Devilman: Devilman () {2}: Qs:(68)
  2437. Devin the Dude: Seriously Trippin' (E1 Entertainment, EP) {2}: RR:75; V[723-1-10]
  2438. DFRNT: Fading (Echodub) {2}: Sk:80, XL:75
  2439. Dictaphone: Poems From a Rooftop () {2}:
  2440. Die Turen: Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (Staatsakt) {2}:
  2441. Diggy: Unexpected Arrival () {2}: XXL:80
  2442. Digital Daggers: The Devil Within () {2}: Spk:80
  2443. The District Attorneys: Slowburner (This Is American Music) {2}: PM:80; V[723-1-10]
  2444. DJ Bedbugs: Teenpop Lock and Drop Volume 2 () {2}: V[1303-1-8]
  2445. DJ Drama: Quality Street Music (E1) {2}: MC(62/5), AM:80, XXL:80
  2446. DJ Nature: Return of the Savage (Golf Channel) {2}:
  2447. DJ Purple Image: Head Tear of the Drunken Sea (Deep Tapes) {2}: Bow:80, Mo:75
  2448. DJ Sex-play: Enter the Jeep (self-released) {2}: Mi:100(23)
  2449. DJ Sneak: Fabric 62 (Fabric) {2}: RA:80, S:80
  2450. Dntel: Aimlessness (Pampa) {2}: S:70, XL:75
  2451. Lou Doillon: Places (Barclay) {2}:
  2452. Ty Dolla Sign: Beach House () {2}: V[493-3-20]
  2453. Dolphins Into the Future: Canto Arquipelago (Underwater Peoples) {2}: TMT:80(30)
  2454. Domo Genesis/The Alchemist: No Idols (self-released) {2}: Pot:80, XXL:80
  2455. Denise Donatelli: Soul Shadows (Savant) {2}: TH:B
  2456. Kui Dong/Larry Polansky/Christian Wolff: Trio (Henceforth) {2}: TH:***
  2457. Dos Cafundos: Capitao Coracao (Far Out) {2}:
  2458. Double AB and Dub Sonata: Media Shower (Man Bites Dog) {2}: Ok:79, RR:80
  2459. The Doughboys: Shakin' Our Souls (RAM) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2460. Joe Driscoll/Sekou Kouyate: Faya (Localization) {2}: MO:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2461. Driver Friendly: Bury a Dream (self-released) {2}: AbP:84, Blr:80
  2462. Marc Ducret: Tower Vol 4 (Ayler) {2}: FJ
  2463. The Duke Spirit: Bruiser (Shangri-La Music) {2}: MC(66/13), Cl:80, DA:80
  2464. Natalie Duncan: Devil in Me (Universal UK) {2}:
  2465. Dunes: Noctiluca (Post Present Medium) {2}: Pf:76; V[427-2-20]
  2466. Maya Dunietz/John Edwards/Steve Noble: Cousin It (Hopscotch) {2}: FJ, TH:***
  2467. Dysrhythmia: Test of Submission (Profound Lore) {2}:
  2468. Each Other: Heavily Spaced (EP) {2}: CMG:(48)
  2469. Earlimart: Systemic Preferences (The Ship) {2}: MC(63/4), F:82; V[723-1-10]
  2470. Early Graves: Red Horse (No Sleep) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2471. Eat Lights Become Lights: Heavy Electrics () {2}: LBF:75
  2472. Nick Edwards: Plekzationz (Editions Mego) {2}: TMT:90; V[723-1-10]
  2473. Egyptian Project: Ya Amar (Six Degrees) {2}: RC:*
  2474. Egyptology: The Skies (Clapping Music) {2}:
  2475. Egyptr: Egyptr () {2}:
  2476. Harris Eisenstadt: Canada Day Octet (482 Music) {2}: FJ
  2477. Eisley: Deep Space (Equal Vision) {2}: AbP:90, Blr:80
  2478. Ekoplekz: Intrusive Incidentalz Vol 2 (Punch Drunk) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2479. Elder: Spires Burn EP (Armageddon, EP) {2}:
  2480. Electric Electric: Discipline () {2}:
  2481. Elg: Mil Pluton (Hundebiss) {2}: TMT:80
  2482. Emmplekz: Izod Days (Mordant Music) {2}:
  2483. Empresarios: El Sonido Magico (Fort Knox) {2}: Bl:(58)
  2484. Ending People: Fill Your Lungs (Cash Cow, EP) {2}: AbP:87, BPM:76
  2485. Ensemble Economique: Crossing the Pass, By Torchlight (Dekorder) {2}: TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  2486. Erdbeerschnitzel: Tender Leaf () {2}: Mix:(45)
  2487. Ergo: If Not Inertia (Cuneiform) {2}: TH:*
  2488. Espen Eriksen Trio: What Took You So Long (Rune Grammofon) {2}: MiF:88
  2489. Mark Ernestus Presents Jeri-Jeri with Mbene Diatta Seck: Mbeuguel Dafa Nekh () {2}: W:(40)
  2490. Wayne Escoffery: The Only Son of One (Sunnyside) {2}: TH:***
  2491. Rick Estrin and the Nightcats: One Wrong Turn (Alligator) {2}: Bl:80; V[699-1-11]
  2492. Marvin Etzioni: Marvin Country! (Nine Mile) {2}: Bl:80, T:80
  2493. Eureka California: Big Cats Can Swim (Happy Happy Birthday to Me) {2}: LBF:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2494. Jace Everett: Mr Good Times (Westen Boys) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2495. Everyone Everywhere: Everyone Everywhere (Motif) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2496. Terrie Ex/Paal Nilssen Love: Hurgu! (PNL) {2}: FJ, TN
  2497. Fabulous Diamonds: Commercial Music (Chapter Music) {2}: Bow:80
  2498. Fairhorns: Doki Doki Run () {2}: Qs:(30)
  2499. Dana Falconberry: Leelanau (Antenna Farm) {2}: AC:89
  2500. Jimmy Fallon: Blow Your Pants Off () {2}:
  2501. The Farm: The Farm (All In/Elektra Nashville) {2}: R:(34)
  2502. Farsot: Insects (Prophecy) {2}:
  2503. Ricardo Fassi: Sitting in a Song (Alice) {2}: TH:*
  2504. Fearless Vampire Killers: Militia of the Lost () {2}: K:(101)
  2505. Michael Feinberg: The Elvin Jones Project (Sunnyside) {2}: TH:**
  2506. Fenster: Bones (Morr Music) {2}: PM:80
  2507. Fergus and Geronimo: Funky Was the State of Affairs (Hardly Art) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2508. Fields of the Nephilim: Ceremonies (Ad Mortem ad Vitam) (Sacred Symphony) {2}: MC(54/4), K:80, MH:80
  2509. Amina Figarova: Twelve (In + Out) {2}: TH:**
  2510. The Figgs: The Day Gravity Stopped (Stomper) {2}: Ph:75; V[406-1-20]
  2511. Tom Findlay: Late Night Tales: Presents Music for Pleasure (Late Night Tales) {2}: RS:70; V[723-1-10]
  2512. David Fiuczynski: Planet Microjam (Rare Noise) {2}:
  2513. Flats: Better Living (One Little Indian) {2}: MC(58/11), DS:80, NME:80
  2514. Sam Flax: Age Waves (self-released) {2}:
  2515. Floating Action: Fake Blood (Removador/Harvest) {2}: Bl:90(65)
  2516. The Flood Models: Floor YourLove (POJ) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2517. Flying Colours: Flying Colours () {2}:
  2518. FNU Ronnies: Saddle Up (Load) {2}: Mi:75; V[723-1-10]
  2519. Foreign Slippers: Farewell to Old Ghosts () {2}: Bow:75, LBF:80
  2520. Fozzy: Sin and Bones () {2}: K:(99)
  2521. Peter Frampton: FCA! 35 Tour: An Evening With Peter Frampton (Eagle) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2522. Karima Francis: The Remedy (Mercury) {2}: MC(60/9), IS:80
  2523. Robert Francis: Strangers in the First Place (Vanguard) {2}: AbP:92, PM:80
  2524. Francois and the Atlas Mountains: Plaine Inondable (Domino) {2}: LBF:80, MO:80
  2525. Amit Friedman Sextet: Sunrise (Origin) {2}: TH:*
  2526. Dan Friel: Valedictorian/Exoskeleton (Thrill Jockey, EP) {2}: MC(75/4), Du:70, NR:80
  2527. Fucked Up: Year of the Tiger (Matador, EP) {2}: Pf:75, S:70
  2528. Lindsay Fuller: You, Anniversary (ATO) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2529. The Funk Ark: High Noon (ESL Music) {2}: Ok:88
  2530. Ragnhild Furebotten: Never on a Sunday (Ta:Lik) {2}:
  2531. Fushitsusha: Hikari to Nazukeyo (Heartfast) {2}: V[587-2-15]
  2532. Future: Astronaut Status (mixtape) {2}:
  2533. Gabriel and the Hounds: Kill Full of Teeth (Communion) {2}: DIY:80, S:70
  2534. Galapagoose: Commitments (Magical Properties) {2}: Pot:80
  2535. Manuel Galban: Blue Cha Cha (Concord) {2}: AM:90; JG:X
  2536. Hal Galper Trio: Airegin Revisited (Origin) {2}: TH:*
  2537. Game: California Republic (mixtape) {2}: RR:75
  2538. Matt Garrison: Blood Songs (D Clef) {2}: TH:*
  2539. Rebecca Gates and the Consortium: The Float (Parcematone) {2}: Bl:80
  2540. Rebecca Gates: The Float (Parcematone) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2541. Sara Gazarek: Blossom and Bee (Palmetto) {2}:
  2542. The Gazette: Division (Sony) {2}: AM:90
  2543. Rayna Gellert: Old Light (Story Sound) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2544. Gensu Dean: Lo-Fi Finghaz (Mellow Music Group) {2}: Ok:88, RR:85
  2545. Gepe: GP () {2}:
  2546. Get Well Soon: The Scarlet Beast O' Seven Heads (import) {2}:
  2547. Ghost Mice: All We Got Is Each Other () {2}: Spk:(16)
  2548. Giana Factory: Save the Youth (Safe and Sound) {2}: MO:90
  2549. Carlos Giffoni: Evidence (Mexican Summer/Software, EP) {2}: Pf:76, S:80
  2550. Lafayette Gilchrist/New Volcanoes: It Came From Baltimore: Live at the Windup Space Vol 1 (Creative Differences) {2}:
  2551. Marshall Gilkes: Sound Stories (Alternate Side) {2}: TH:**
  2552. Girls Aloud: Ten (Universal) {2}: St:80
  2553. Glowsun: Eternal Season (Napalm) {2}:
  2554. Gwilym Gold: Tender Metal (Bronze Format) {2}: DIY:80, DS:90
  2555. Jared Gold: Goldenchild (Posi-Tone) {2}: TN, TH:*
  2556. Vinny Golia/Marco Eneidi/Lisa Mezzacappa/Vijay Anderson: Hell-Bent in the Pacific (NoBusiness) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  2557. Holly Golightly: Long Distance (Damaged Goods) {2}: MC(68/4), IS:80; TH:*
  2558. Eddie Gomez: Per Siempre (BFM) {2}: Buf:88; TH:B
  2559. Wynter Gordon: Human Condition Pt 1: Doleo (self-released) {2}: Fa:80
  2560. Gospel Music: How to Get to Heaven From Jacksonville, FL (Kill Rock Stars) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2561. Graham Gouldman: Love and Work (Rosala) {2}:
  2562. Jon Dee Graham: Garage Sale (Freedom) {2}: PM:80; V[723-1-10]
  2563. Grand Salvo: Slay Me in My Sleep (Preservation/Inertia) {2}:
  2564. Grape Street: A Date With You () {2}: ATH:(72)
  2565. Cee Lo Green: Cee Lo's Magic Moment (Elektra) {2}: MC(73/5), AM:80, Sl:80
  2566. Greenleaf: Nest of Vipers (Small Stone) {2}:
  2567. Vivian Green: The Green Room (E1) {2}: AM:80
  2568. Nanci Griffith: Intersection (Proper) {2}: MC(67/5), P:80; TH:**
  2569. Grinderman: Grinderman 2 RMX (Mute) {2}: MC(71/7), Cl:80, IS:80
  2570. Group Rhoda: Out of Time, Out of Touch (Night School) {2}: Bow:75
  2571. Ivar Grydeland: Bathymetric Modes (Hubro) {2}:
  2572. David Guetta: Nothing but the Beat 2.0 (Capitol) {2}:
  2573. Guillemots: Hello Land! (self-released) {2}: MO:80; V[540-1-15]
  2574. Will Guthrie: Sticks, Stones and Breaking Bones (Antboy) {2}: TMT:80; FJ
  2575. Gypsyhawk: Revelry and Resilence (Metal Blade) {2}:
  2576. Haim: Forever (National Anthem, EP) {2}: Fly:100
  2577. Greg Haines: Digressions (Preservatio) {2}: MiF:84
  2578. Tianna Hall and the Mexico City Jazz Trio: Two for the Road (Mighty Pretty) {2}: TH:*
  2579. Nate Hall: A Great River (Neurot) {2}: Fix:90
  2580. Hallock Hill: A Hem of Evening (MIE) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2581. Halls: Fragile (The Sounds of Sweet Nothing, EP) {2}: DS:80, MO:80
  2582. Mary Halvorson Trio: Jazzstudio Nurnberg, 2012-09-26 (Bayerischer Rundfunk stream) {2}:
  2583. Jeff Hamilton Trio: Red Sparkle (Capri) {2}: DB, TH:*
  2584. Beres Hammond: One Love, One Life (VP) {2}: AM:80
  2585. Bella Hardy: The Dark Peak and the White (NOE) {2}:
  2586. Stefon Harris/David Sanchez/Christian Scott: Ninety Miles: Live at Cubadisco (Concord) {2}: TN; V[1277-1-9]
  2587. Francis Harris: Leland (Scissor and Thread) {2}: RA:80
  2588. Jack Harris: The Flame and the Pelican (Proper Music) {2}: T:90
  2589. Steve Harris: British Lion (UMe) {2}: K:(38)
  2590. Beth Hart: Bang Bang Boom Boom () {2}:
  2591. Mickey Hart: Mysterium Tremendum (360°) {2}:
  2592. Russel Haswell: Factual (Editions Mego) {2}: TMT:80
  2593. Boris Hauf Sextet: Next Delusion (Clean Feed) {2}: FJ, TH:*
  2594. Steve Hauschildt: Sequitur (Kranky) {2}: MC(69/6), XL:75
  2595. Kate Havnevik: You () {2}:
  2596. Hawthorne Headhunters: The Myriad of Now (Plug Research) {2}: Ok:81
  2597. The Haxan Cloak: The Men Parted the Sea to Devour the Water (Latitudes) {2}: LBF:75, MO:80
  2598. Hunter Hayes: Hunter Hayes () {2}: R:80
  2599. Warren Haynes Band: Live at the Moody Theater (Stax) {2}: Bl:80(48)
  2600. The Heartbreaks: Funtimes (Nusic Sounds) {2}: DIY:80, MO:80
  2601. Heathered Pearls: Loyal (Ghostly International) {2}: MC(75/4), CS:80, XL:75
  2602. Heathers: Kingdom (Aunthill) {2}: St:100(13)
  2603. Heat: Old Sparky (Electric Magic) {2}:
  2604. Paul Heaton: Presents: The 8th (Proper) {2}: MO:80, Sk:80
  2605. Heavy Blanket: Heavy Blanket (Outer Battery) {2}: MC(64/8), K:80, S:80
  2606. Heavy Cream: Super Treatment (Infinity Cat) {2}: Mi:75, S:70
  2607. Thomas Heberer's Clarino: Cookbook (Red Toucan) {2}: FJ
  2608. Heimataerde: Gottgleich (Metropolis) {2}: AM:80
  2609. Hellbillies: Tretten () {2}:
  2610. Hello, Skinny: Hello, Skinny () {2}:
  2611. Hellwell: Beyond the Boundaries of Sin (Shadow Kingdom) {2}:
  2612. Hermitude: HyperParadise (Elefant Traks) {2}:
  2613. Her Parents: Physical Release (GG Pith) {2}: LBF:80
  2614. Daniel Herskedal/Marius Neset: Neck of the Woods (Edition) {2}: JM
  2615. Herzog: Cartoon Violence (Exit Stencil) {2}: RC:**, TH:*
  2616. Luke Hess: Keep On (FXHE) {2}: RA:90; V[723-1-10]
  2617. Emma Hewitt: Burn the Sky Down (Armada) {2}: V[540-1-15]
  2618. Hey Sholay: ((O)) (Fierce Panda) {2}: DS:80(99)
  2619. Hiawatha: Language (Last Gang) {2}: XL:75
  2620. Hidden Orchestra: Archipelago (Tru Thoughts) {2}: MC(64/5), Ok:88, Sk:80
  2621. Highasakite: All That Floats Will Rain () {2}:
  2622. High Aura'd: Sanguine Futures (Bathetic) {2}:
  2623. Marquis Hill: Sounds of the City (self-released) {2}: DB
  2624. Hinder: Welccome to the Freakshow (Republic) {2}: V[253-2-35]
  2625. Hirsute Pursuit: Tighten That Muscle Ring () {2}: Qs:(52)
  2626. Hit the Lights: Invicta (Razor and Tie) {2}: MC(69/5), AbP:80, AP:80
  2627. The Hobart Brothers and Lil' Sis Hobart: At Least We Have Each Other (Freedom) {2}: AC:78, PM:80
  2628. JT Hodges: JT Hodges (Show Dog/Universal) {2}: R:100(20)
  2629. The Holiday Crowd: Over the Bluffs (Shelflife) {2}: Bl:80
  2630. Hollows: Vulture (Trouble in Mind) {2}: YW; V[723-1-10]
  2631. Jim Holman: Explosion! (Delmark) {2}: TN, TH:**
  2632. Ben Holmes Quartet: Anvil of the Lord (Skirl) {2}: FJ, TH:***
  2633. Holy Esque: Holy Esque (self-released, EP) {2}: DS:80, Sk:80
  2634. Holy Mountain: Earth Measures (Chemikal Underground) {2}: DS:80, Sk:80
  2635. Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet: True (Challenge) {2}:
  2636. Ace Hood: Starvation (mixtape) {2}: XXL:80
  2637. Hooded Fang: Tosta Mista (Full Time Hobby) {2}: MC(68/8), U:80
  2638. Hooded Menace: Effigies Of Evil (Relapse) {2}:
  2639. William Hooker Quintet: Channels of Consciousness (NoBusiness) {2}: TN, TH:***
  2640. Horrendous: The Chills (Darks Descent) {2}: Mi:83
  2641. Hot Sugar: MiDi Murder (Scion AV, EP) {2}: Mi:(45)
  2642. Hour of 13: 333 (Earache) {2}: S:70
  2643. House of Heroes: Cold Hard Want () {2}: Spk:80
  2644. Tevo Howard: Monument (Buzzer Fly, EP) {2}: XL:85(35)
  2645. RM Hubbert: Thirteen Lost and Found (Chemikal Underground) {2}: Sk:80
  2646. Mike Huckaby: The Tresor EP (EP) {2}: XL:(19)
  2647. Mick Hucknall: American Soul (Rhino) {2}: MC(60/9), I:80, Q:80
  2648. Charlie Hunter/Scott Amendola: Not Getting Behind Is the New Getting Ahead (Charlie Hunter Music) {2}:
  2649. Hurray for the Riff Raff: Look Out Mama () {2}:
  2650. Bobby Hutcherson: Somewhere in the Night (Kind of Blue) {2}:
  2651. Sophie Hutchings: Night Sky (Preservation) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2652. Eric Hutchinson: Moving Up Living Down (Warner Bros) {2}: EW:83, UT:75
  2653. Alex Hutton Trio: Legentis (F-ire) {2}: JM
  2654. Huw M: Gathering Dusk () {2}: LBF:80, MO:80
  2655. Frida Hyvonen: To the Soul () {2}:
  2656. I-Am-Ampersand: Grave Goods () {2}: Bow:(50)
  2657. I Call Fives: I Call Fives (Pure Noise) {2}: Spk:80
  2658. Ice Choir: Afar (Underwater Peoples) {2}: S:80; V[540-1-15]
  2659. Ice Dragon: Dream Dragon (Yersinia Pestis) {2}:
  2660. Ice Dragon: Tome of the Future Ancients (Yersinia Pestis) {2}:
  2661. Icky Blossoms: Icky Blossoms (Saddle Creek) {2}: MC(65/7), PM:80
  2662. I Compani: Garbo (Icdisc) {2}: AM:80, TH:***
  2663. Idjut Boys: Cellar Door (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: MC(76/?), MO:80, S:80
  2664. Ilsa: Intoxicantations (A389) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2665. Imperial State Electric: Pop War (Psychout/Sound Pollution) {2}: Bl:80
  2666. Indesinence: Vessels of Light and Decay (Profound Lore) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2667. Inner Tube: Inner Tube (Pacific City Sound Visions) {2}: CMG:76
  2668. InterStatic: InterStatic (RareNoise) {2}: TN
  2669. Carmen Intorre Jr: For the Soul (Random Act) {2}: TN
  2670. I-Octane: Crying to the Nation (VP) {2}: AM:80
  2671. Ralph Irizarry and Los Viejos De La Salsa: Viejos Pero Sabrosos (BKS) {2}: V[540-1-15]
  2672. Iron Dog: Interactive Album Rock (self-released) {2}: TH:***
  2673. Iron Solomon: Monster (Duck Down) {2}: Ok:86, S:70
  2674. Ivy Garden of the Desert: Blood Is Love (Nasoni) {2}:
  2675. Ivy Queen: Musa (Siente Music) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2676. Ali Jackson/Aaron Goldberg/Omer Avital: Yes! (Sunnyside) {2}: DB, TH:**
  2677. Joe Jackson: The Duke (Razor and Tie) {2}: MC(43/4); V[1365-1-6]
  2678. Stevie Jackson: (I Can't Get No) Stevie Jackson () {2}: MC(65/7), EW:83
  2679. Jagwa Music: Bongo Hotheads (Crammed Discs) {2}: MC(69/4), W:70
  2680. Jahiliyya Fields: Unicursal Hexagram (LIES) {2}:
  2681. Benedikt Jahnel Trio: Equilibrium (ECM) {2}: TH:**
  2682. Marielle V Jakobsons: Glass Canyon (Students of Decay) {2}: TMT:80
  2683. Hannah James and Sam Sweeney: State and Ancientry (Root Beat) {2}:
  2684. Ja Rule: Pil2 (Fontana) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2685. Cosmo Jarvis: Think Bigger () {2}: CS:80
  2686. Jazzanova: Upside Down (Sonar Kollektiv) {2}: PM:80
  2687. JBM: Stray Ashes (Western Vinyl) {2}: ATH:(43), AV:75
  2688. Jellyfish: Live at Bogart's (Omnivore/EMI) {2}: PM:80; V[723-1-10]
  2689. Je Suis le Petit Chevalier: An Age of Wonder (La Station Radar/Shelter Press) {2}: TMT:90
  2690. Jets: Jets (Leisure System, EP) {2}: BPM:78, XL:75
  2691. JJamz: Suicide Pact () {2}: EW:75
  2692. Job for a Cowboy: Demonocracy (Metal Blade) {2}: AP:80
  2693. Jodis: Black Curtain (Hydra Head) {2}:
  2694. Jogging: Take Courage () {2}: St:(74)
  2695. Johann Johannsson: Copenhagen Dreams (Norman) {2}: Pf:75
  2696. John 5: God Told Me To () {2}:
  2697. Max Johnson: Quartet (Not Two) {2}: FJ; TH:**
  2698. Matthew Perryman Jones: Land of the Living (Cante Jondo) {2}: AS:80
  2699. Rickie Lee Jones: The Devil You Know (Concord) {2}: MC(67/6), AM:80, T:80
  2700. Jonquil: Point of Go (Dovecote) {2}: MC(69/9), BBC:80, Bl:80
  2701. Jonwayne: Oodles of Doodles (Stones Throw) {2}: XL:80
  2702. Cathy Jordan: All the Way Home (Blix Street) {2}: AM:80
  2703. Seu Jorge: Musicas Para Churrasco Vol 1 (Wrasse) {2}: G:80
  2704. Julian Joseph: Live at the Vortex in London (ASC) {2}: G:80
  2705. Junk Culture: Wild Quiet () {2}: ATH:(99)
  2706. Laura Jurd: Landing Ground () {2}: JM
  2707. Just a Band: Sorry for the Delay (self-released) {2}:
  2708. The Kabeedies: Soap (Fierce Panda) {2}: DIY:80
  2709. Kalle Kalima and K-18: Out to Lynch (TUM) {2}: TH:**
  2710. Silvana Kane: La Jardinera (Six Degrees) {2}: V[427-2-20]
  2711. Peter Karp/Sue Foley: Beyond the Crossroads (Blind Pig) {2}: Bl:80
  2712. Mike Keneally: Wing Beat Fantastic (Exowax) {2}: Sl:80
  2713. Dom Kennedy: Yellow Album (mixtape) {2}:
  2714. Nuala Kennedy: Noble Stranger (Compass) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2715. Stacey Kent: Dreamer in Concert (Blue Note) {2}: DB, TH:***
  2716. Wiz Khalifa: ONIFC (Atlantic) {2}: MC(62/7), EW:83; V[723-1-10]
  2717. David Kikoski: Consequences (Criss Cross) {2}: TN
  2718. Kill Devil Hill: Kill Devil Hill (SPV/Steamhammer) {2}: Rev:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2719. The King Blues: Long Live the Struggle () {2}: RkS:80(37)
  2720. Dave King: I've Been Ringing You (Sunnyside) {2}: TH:*
  2721. Kingdom of Suicide Lovers: Distant Waves (Golden Hour/Super Secret) {2}: AC:78
  2722. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: 12-Bar Bruise (self-released) {2}:
  2723. King L: Showtime (self-released) {2}: Pf:75, S:70
  2724. King Mob: Force 9 (King Mob) {2}:
  2725. Kinky: Sueno de la Machina (Nacional) {2}: PM:80
  2726. Kinny: Can't Kill a Dame With Soul (Caroline) {2}:
  2727. Kitty Pryde: Ha Ha I'm Sorry (self-released, EP) {2}: RS:70
  2728. Kiyoko: Sea of Trees () {2}: Mix:(49)
  2729. Klaus and Kinski: Herreros Y Fatigas () {2}:
  2730. Guy Klucevsek: The Multiple Personality Reunion Tour (Innova) {2}: TH:**
  2731. Konshens: Mental Maintenance (Subkonshus/VP) {2}: AM:80
  2732. Andra Kouyate and Seke Chi: Saro (Studio Mali) {2}: S:80; RC:***
  2733. Kowloon Walled City: Container Ships (Wordclock) {2}:
  2734. David Krakauer: Book of Angels, Vol. 18: Pruflas (Tzadik) {2}: FJ
  2735. Wayne Krantz: Howie 61 (Abstract Logix) {2}:
  2736. Krar Collective: Ethiopia Super Krar (Riverboat) {2}:
  2737. Kreayshawn: Somethin' Bout Kreay (Columbia) {2}: MC(42/14); JG:X; V[427-2-20]
  2738. Kreidler: Den (Bureau B) {2}: MC(70/6), M:80
  2739. Kuedo: Work, Live and Sleep in Collapsing Space (Planet Mu) {2}: DS:80, XL:75
  2740. Talib Kweli/Z-Trip: Attack the Block (mixtape) {2}:
  2741. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu: Pamyu Pamyu Revolution (Warner Music Japan) {2}: V[635-1-14]
  2742. La Chiva Gantiva: Pelao (Crammed Discs) {2}: PM:80
  2743. Ladyhawk: No Can Do (Triple Crown) {2}: Pf:75
  2744. Pokey LaFarge and the South City Three: Live in Holland () {2}:
  2745. Kyla La Grange: Ashes (Ioki) {2}: G:80, MO:80
  2746. Alan Lamb/Garry Bradbury/David Burraston/Oren Ambarchi/Robin Fox: Wired Open Day 2009 (Taiga) {2}: TMT:80
  2747. Graham Lambkin: Amateur Doubles () {2}: TMT:(24); V[1385-1-5]
  2748. Large Professor: Professor @ Large (Fat Beats) {2}: Ok:83
  2749. Sabrina Lastman: The Candombe Jazz Sessions (Zoho) {2}: TH:*
  2750. Last Step: Sleep (Planet Mu) {2}: MiF:82, XL:75
  2751. Bill Laswell: Means of Deliverance (Innerhythmic) {2}: TH:**
  2752. Greg Laswell: Landline (Vanguard) {2}: MC(63/4), Bl:80, DA:80
  2753. Lau Nau: Valohiukkanen (Fonal) {2}:
  2754. Lazarus and the Plane Crash: Horseplay (Antique Beat) {2}: I:80, IS:80
  2755. Daunik Lazro/Jean-François Pauvros/Roger Turner: Curare (NoBusiness) {2}: TN, TH:**
  2756. Lean Left: Live at the Cafe Oto (Unsounds) {2}: FJ, TN
  2757. Dylan LeBlanc: Cast the Same Old Shadow (Rough Trade) {2}: Bow:75, LBF:75
  2758. Lecrae: Church Clothes (mixtape) {2}: XXL:80
  2759. Amos Lee: As the Crow Flies (Blue Note) {2}: EW:75, UT:75
  2760. Le K: Freewheel (Karat) {2}: RA:80; V[723-1-10]
  2761. Aaron Lewis: The Road () {2}: R:80
  2762. Leona Lewis: Glassheart (Syco) {2}: MC(60/6)
  2763. Like Pioneers: Oh, Magic (Abandoned Love) {2}: F:80, PM:80
  2764. Lil' Band o' Gold: Plays Fats (Dust Devil) {2}:
  2765. Lil Durk: I'm Still a Hitta () {2}: V[203-5-47]
  2766. Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials: Jump Start (Alligator) {2}: Bl:80; YW
  2767. Lil Fame/Termanology: Fizzyology (Brick) {2}: RR:75
  2768. Christian Lillinger's Grund: Second Reason (Clean Feed) {2}: TH:**
  2769. Lil Wayne: Dedication 4 (mixtape) {2}: RS:70
  2770. Gareth Lockrane's Grooveyard: The Strut (Whirlwind) {2}:
  2771. Annea Lockwood: In Our Name () {2}: W:(33)
  2772. Christian Loffler: A Forest () {2}: Mix:(43)
  2773. Niels Lyhne Lokkegaard: Vesper (self-released) {2}: FJ
  2774. LOL Boys: Changes (Friends of Friends, EP) {2}: XL:80
  2775. Lone Wolf: The Lovers () {2}: Cl:80, LBF:80
  2776. Loreen: Heal (Warner Bros UK) {2}:
  2777. Lorelei: Enterprising Sidewalks (Slumberland) {2}: MC(74/4), AV:75
  2778. Lorentz and Sakarias: Himlen Ar Som Morkast Nar Natten Lyser Starkast (~az) {2}:
  2779. Los Evangelistas: Homenaje a Enrique Morente () {2}:
  2780. Russ Lossing: Drum Music: Music of Paul Motian (Sunnyside) {2}: FJ
  2781. The Lost Rivers: Sin and Lostness (Northern Star) {2}: DS:90(34)
  2782. Jasmine Lovell-Smith's Towering Poppies: Fortune Songs (Paint Box) {2}: CM, TH:***
  2783. The James Low Western Front: Whiskey Farmer (Union Made) {2}: T:80
  2784. Lust for Youth: Growing Seeds (Avant) {2}: Mi:83
  2785. L-Vis 1990: Club Constructions Vol 1 () {2}: XL:(24)
  2786. LWH: CIA TV () {2}: CMG:(15)
  2787. Jeff Lynne: Long Wave (Frontiers) {2}: MC(74/5), AM:80, AV:75
  2788. Lyriel: Leverage (AEM) {2}: V[391-2-23]
  2789. The Lytics: They Told Me (Camobear) {2}: Ok:78; YW
  2790. Paul Lytton/Nate Wooley: The Nows (Clean Feed, 2CD) {2}: FJ, TH:*
  2791. Alex Machacek: FAT (Abstract Logix) {2}:
  2792. Machinedrum: SXLND (Lucky Me, EP) {2}: Sk:100
  2793. The Machine: Calmer Than You Are (Elektrohasch) {2}:
  2794. The Mad Scene: Blip (Siltbreeze) {2}: Mi:75; V[723-1-10]
  2795. Magic Slim and the Teardrops: Bad Boy (Blind Pig) {2}: Bl:80
  2796. Majeure: Solar Maximum (Temporary Residence) {2}:
  2797. Majical Cloudz: Turns Turns Turns (Arbutus/Merok, EP) {2}: Pf:76, Ph:100
  2798. Malawi Mouse Boys: He Is #1 (IRL) {2}: V[699-1-11]
  2799. Maldives: Muscle for the Wing (Spark & Shine) {2}: Bl:90; V[348-1-25]
  2800. The Mallard: Yes on Blood (Castle Face) {2}: V[427-2-20]
  2801. Mammifer/Pyramids: Mammifer/Pyramids (Hydra Head) {2}:
  2802. Mamont: Passing Through the Mastery Door (Ozium) {2}:
  2803. Mando Diao: Infruset (import) {2}:
  2804. Man Forever: Pansophical Catarach () {2}: Qs:(75)
  2805. Manowar: The Lord of Steel (Magic Circle) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2806. Jacam Manricks: Cloud Nine (Posi-Tone) {2}: TN, TH:**
  2807. Man Without Country: Foe (Lost Balloon/Cooperative Music) {2}: UR:(98)
  2808. Tania Maria: Tempo (Naxos/Naive) {2}: Buf:75, PM:90
  2809. The Mark of Cain: Songs of the Third and Fifth () {2}:
  2810. Ian Martin: Mechanical Rain (Further) {2}: TMT:(38); V[540-1-15]
  2811. Laura J Martin: The Hangman Tree (Static Caravan) {2}: MC(76/5), Q:80, U:80
  2812. Billy Martin/Wil Blades: Shimmy (The Royal Potato Family) {2}: DB, JG:*
  2813. Martyn: Hello Darkness (Brainfeeder, EP) {2}: Sk:80, XL:75
  2814. Martyrdod: Paranoia (Southern Lord) {2}: V[587-2-15]
  2815. Masta Conga and His New Afro Latin Vintage Orchestra: Last Odyssey (Ubiquity) {2}: AM:890
  2816. Matchbox Twenty: North () {2}: EW:75
  2817. Matryoshka: Laideronnette () {2}: V[1277-1-9]
  2818. Matt and Kim: Lightning (Fader) {2}: MC(59/12), EW:83; JG:X; V[406-1-20]
  2819. Maverick Sabre: Lonely Are the Brave (Mercury) {2}: I:80, MO:80
  2820. Maybach Music Group: Self Made Vol 2 (Warner Bros) {2}: MC(84/4), EW:91, XXL:80
  2821. Maybeshewill: I Was Here for a Moment, Then I Was Gone (Function) {2}: MC(76/4), RkS:80, Spk:80
  2822. Matthew Mayfield: A Banquet for Ghosts () {2}: St:(69)
  2823. Sean McCann/Matthew Sullivan: Vanity Fair (Recital) {2}: TMT:80; V[540-1-15]
  2824. McEnroe: Las Orillas () {2}:
  2825. Joe McKee: Burning Boy (Dot Dash/Remote Control) {2}:
  2826. Michael McNeill Trio: Passageways (self-released) {2}: TH:A-
  2827. Joe McPhee/Eli Keszler: Ithaca (8mm) {2}: FJ
  2828. Joe McPhee: Glasses (Corbett vs Dempsey) {2}: FJ
  2829. Joe McPhee: Variations on a Blue Line (Corbett vs Dempsey) {2}: FJ
  2830. Me and My Drummer: The Hawk, the Beak, the Prey (Sinnbus) {2}:
  2831. The Megaphonic Thrift: The Megaphonic Thrift (Club Ac30/Sonic Unyon) {2}: MC(70/6), DS:80, Q:80
  2832. Mekong Delta: Intersections (Steamhammer) {2}: V[1277-1-9]
  2833. The Memories: The Memories () {2}: ATH:(90)
  2834. Menace Ruine: Alight in Ashes (Profound Lore) {2}: Pf:77
  2835. Daniel Menche: Guts (Editions Mego) {2}:
  2836. Men in Burka: Men in Burka (Tundra Dubs) {2}: Mi:100(46)
  2837. Meridian Brothers: Desesperanza (Soundway) {2}: V[1277-1-9]
  2838. Madalyn Merkey: Scent (New Images) {2}: TMT:80
  2839. Mermonte: Mermonte () {2}:
  2840. Merveille and Crosson: DRM (Visionquest) {2}: RA:80, XL:80
  2841. Metallic Taste of Blood: Metallic Taste of Blood (Rare Noise) {2}: TN
  2842. Hendrik Meurkens/Gabriel Espinosa: Celebrando (Zoho) {2}: Buf:75; TH:C+
  2843. Miaoux Miaoux: Light of the North (Chemikal Underground) {2}: LBF:75, Sk:80
  2844. Miguel: Art Dealer Chic Vol 1 (self-released, EP) {2}: Pf:78, RS:70; TH:B-
  2845. Miguel: Art Dealer Chic Vol 2 (self-released, EP) {2}: Pf:78, RS:70
  2846. Miguel: Art Dealer Chic Vol 3 (self-released, EP) {2}: Pf:78, RS:70
  2847. Mike Will Made It: Est in 1989 (Part 2) (Live Mixtapes) {2}: V[282-1-30]
  2848. Wymond Miles: Earth Has Doors (Sacred Bones, EP) {2}: MC(67/4), Du:70, S:70
  2849. Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded: The Re-Up (Universal) {2}: MC(72/8), LAT:75, Ph:88
  2850. Mind Over Mirrors: High and Upon (Aguirre) {2}: TMT:80
  2851. Ministry: Relapse (AFM) {2}: MC(68/8), K:80, MH:80
  2852. Mint Condition: Music at the Speed of Life (Shanachie) {2}: Ok:83
  2853. Bob Mintzer Big Band: For the Moment (MCG Jazz) {2}: DB, TH:B
  2854. Miryo: Miryo aka Johoney (Neowiz Entertainment, EP) {2}: CMG:84; V[723-1-10]
  2855. Miss S: Miss Us? (Brand New Music/Windmill Media) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2856. Mixtapes: Even on the Worst Nights (No Sleep) {2}: K:(34)
  2857. Logan Mize: Nobody in Nashville (Big Yellow Dog) {2}: R:80(40)
  2858. Michael Mizrahi: The Bright Motion (New Amsterdam) {2}:
  2859. MMM Quartet: Live at the Metz' Arsenal (Leo) {2}: FJ
  2860. Mockuno NuClear: Drop It (NoBusiness) {2}: TN, TH:***
  2861. Tony Monaco: Celebration: Life-Love-Music (Chicken Coup/Summit) {2}: TH:*
  2862. Monogrenade: Tantale () {2}:
  2863. Monokle: Saints (Ki) {2}: Sk:80, XL:80
  2864. Jose-Luis Monton: Solo Guitarra (ECM) {2}: TH:**
  2865. Monuments: Gnosis (Century Media) {2}: RkS:(43)
  2866. Andy Moor: Zero Point One () {2}: Mix:(27)
  2867. Gaby Moreno: Postales (Warner Music Latina) {2}:
  2868. Gramps Morgan: Reggae Music Lives (Gargamel) {2}: AM:80
  2869. Alanis Morissette: Havoc and Bright Lights (Columbia) {2}: MC(56/16), P:80; MT:X; V[1385-1-5]
  2870. Morning Parade: Morning Parade (Parlophone) {2}: Gw:80
  2871. Carla Morrison: Dejenme Llolar (Cosmica) {2}:
  2872. Craig Morrison: Craig Morrison (GMV Nashville) {2}: R:90(40)
  2873. Ra-Kalam Bob Moses: Sacred Exhalations (Ra-Kalam) {2}: FJ, TN
  2874. Kassem Mosse and Mix Up: MM/KM () {2}: Qs:(11)
  2875. Mount Carmel: Real Women (Siltbreeze) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2876. Mouse on Tha Track: Millionaire Dreamzzz (self-released) {2}:
  2877. Mrs Magician: Strange Heaven (Swami) {2}: MC(77/4), DA:80, PM:80
  2878. Mull Historical Society: City Awakenings (Xtra Mile) {2}: MC(70/4), DIY:80, Q:80
  2879. Peter Mulvey: The Good Stuff (Signature) {2}: T:80
  2880. Munchi: Moombahtonista (Mad Decent, EP) {2}: S:80; TH:*
  2881. Jonas Munk: Pan (Impetus/El Paradiso) {2}: V[1277-1-9]
  2882. Murk: House Masters (Defected) {2}: RA:80, XL:90
  2883. Musette: Drape Me in Velvet (Hapna) {2}:
  2884. Mushy: Breathless (Mannequin) {2}: Mi:(28)
  2885. Mux Mool: Planet High School (Ghostly International) {2}: MC(69/5), Mi:91, Urb:80
  2886. My Best Fiend: In Ghostlike Fading (Warp) {2}: MC(69/8), Bl:90
  2887. Nacho Picasso and Blue Sky Black Death: Lord of the Fly (self-released) {2}: CMG:75
  2888. Narasirato: Warato'o (Smash) {2}: MO:80(88)
  2889. National Youth Jazz Orchestra: The Change (NYJO) {2}: G:80
  2890. Natural Snow Buildings: Night Coercion Into the Company of Witches (Ba Da Bing!) {2}: TMT:80; V[723-1-10]
  2891. Naught: Stolen Babies () {2}: V[1365-1-6]
  2892. Nautiluss: Habitat (Turbo, EP) {2}: XL:85(15)
  2893. Ivo Neame: Yatra (Edition) {2}: JM
  2894. Necessary: Galgeberg/Gimie () {2}: Qs:(25)
  2895. Nekromantheon: Rise, Vulcan Spectre () {2}:
  2896. Bill Nelson and the Gentlemen Rocketeers: Recorded Live in Concert at Metropolis Studios, London (Convexe Entertainment) {2}: Bl:80; V[1264-2-10]
  2897. Drew Nelson: Tilt-A-Whirl () {2}:
  2898. Neung Phak: 2 (Abduction) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2899. Alex Niggemann: Paranoid Funk () {2}: Mix:(38)
  2900. The Nightingales: No Love Lost (Ais) {2}: M:(26)
  2901. Hailey Niswanger: The Keeper (Calmit Productions) {2}: TN, TH:**
  2902. N'Klabe: La Salsa Vive Reloaded () {2}:
  2903. NOFX: Self Entitled (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: MC(68/4), AbP:84
  2904. Nothing but Noise: Not Bleeding Red (Future Noise) {2}: Bl:80, S:80
  2905. No Trigger: Tycoon (No Sleep) {2}: RkS:(44)
  2906. OBN Ills: OBN Ills () {2}: ATH:(53)
  2907. Michael Occhipinti: The Universe of John Lennon (True North) {2}:
  2908. Piero Odorici: Cedar Walton Presents (Savant) {2}: TN, TN:***
  2909. The Oh Hello's: Through the Deep, Dark Valley () {2}:
  2910. Okkultokrati: Snakereigns (Fysisk Format) {2}:
  2911. Old Apparatus: Derren (Sullen Tone, EP) {2}: SFJ:(*)
  2912. Old Apparatus: Harem (Sullen Tone, EP) {2}: SFJ:(*)
  2913. Old Apparatus: Realise (Sullen Tone, EP) {2}: SFJ:(*)
  2914. The Old Ceremony: Fairytales and Other Forms of Suicide () {2}:
  2915. Old Time Machine: Old Time Machine (File Under: Music) {2}: AbP:85, PM:80
  2916. Mike O'Neill: Wild Lines (Zunior) {2}: Now:80
  2917. One Little Plane: Into the Trees (Text) {2}: MC(67/5), MO:80, XL:75
  2918. Yoko Ono/Kim Gordon/Thurston Moore: Yokokimthurston (Chimera Music) {2}: MC(57/11), Mg:90, W:80; JG:X
  2919. Orange Caramel: Lipstick (Pledis Entertainment) {2}: V[508-2-18]
  2920. Rita Ora: Ora (Sony UK) {2}:
  2921. Anthony Orio: BetweenHome and the Bright Lights (self-released) {2}: R:(35)
  2922. Iris Ornig: No Restrictions (self-released) {2}: DB
  2923. Jim O'Rourke: Old News No 8 (Editions Mego) {2}: TMT:80
  2924. Bill Ortiz: Highest Wish (Left Angle) {2}: Ok:84, RR:75
  2925. Bill Ortiz: Winter in America (Left Angle) {2}: Ok:80, RR:80
  2926. Outfit: Another Night's Dreams Reach Earth Again (Double Denim, EP) {2}: DS:80, LBF:80
  2927. Outlands: Outlands (Chill Mega Chill) {2}: Mi:83(22)
  2928. Owl City: The Midsummer Station (Universal Republi) {2}: MC(55/9), AV:75
  2929. Owl: First Album (Magick Hermit/Lummox) {2}:
  2930. Pacific UV: Weekends (Mazarine) {2}: MC(58/4), DS:80, P:79
  2931. Paco Sala: Ro-me-ro (Digitalis) {2}: Bow:80
  2932. Lou Pallo: Thank You Les (Showplace Music Productions) {2}: DB, TH:***
  2933. Pao: Pao (Shhpuma) {2}: FJ
  2934. Papier Tigre: Recreation () {2}:
  2935. Paradoxical Frog: Union (Clean Feed) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  2936. Karin Park: Highwire Poetry (State of the Eye) {2}: LBF:80, NR:80
  2937. The Pass: Melt () {2}:
  2938. Brian Patneaude: All Around Us (WEPA) {2}: TN
  2939. Theodore Paul and Gabriel: Please Her, Please Him () {2}:
  2940. Vinnie Paz: God of the Serengeti (Enemy Soil) {2}: HDX:80; V[1385-1-5]
  2941. Peace: EP Delicious (Columbia, EP) {2}: Fly:100, NME:80
  2942. Charlie Peacock: No Man's Land (Twenty Ten) {2}: TH:*; V[1385-1-5]
  2943. Pedestrian Deposit: Kithless (Arbor) {2}: S:70, TMT:80
  2944. Michael Pedicin: Live @ the Loft (Jazz Hut) {2}: TH:**
  2945. Clarence Penn: Dali in Cobble Hill () {2}:
  2946. Penny Royale: This Town (Sleepy Hollows Editions) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2947. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/Whit Dickey: The Clairvoyant (Leo) {2}: TH:A-
  2948. Ivo Perelman/The Sirius Quartet: The Passion According to GH (Leo) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  2949. Perispirit: Spiritual Church Movement (Digitalis) {2}: RA:80
  2950. Guillaume Perret: Guillaume Perret and the Electric Epic () {2}:
  2951. Perturbator: Terror 404 (Aphasia) {2}: Mi:75; V[723-1-10]
  2952. Giovanna Pessi/Susanna Wallumrød: If Grief Could Wait (ECM) {2}: TH:**
  2953. Philippe Petit: Oneiric Rings on Grey Velvet (Agoo) {2}: MiF:80, TMT:80
  2954. The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band: Between the Ditches (Side One Dummy) {2}: AM:80
  2955. Phantom Ghost: Pardon My English () {2}:
  2956. Pharaoh Overlord: Lunar Jetman (Ektro) {2}: V[1365-1-6]
  2957. Photek: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {2}: MC(69/5), S:70
  2958. Photek: Ku: Palm () {2}: V[1277-1-9]
  2959. Enrico Pieranunzi: Permutation (CAM Jazz) {2}: Buf:88, TH:***
  2960. Ariel Pink/R Stevie Moore: Ku Klux Glam (Spunky Monkey) {2}: Fa:(28)
  2961. John Pizzarelli: Double Exposure (Telarc) {2}: MC(72/4), G:80, Ob:80; TH:B
  2962. Planet Asia: Black Belt Theatre (Green Streets Entertainment) {2}: Ok:84, RR:80
  2963. Plank!: Animalism (Akoustik Anarkhy) {2}: DS:80, LBF:80
  2964. Paul Plimley/Barry Guy/Lucas Niggli: Hexentrio (Intakt) {2}: FJ, TH:***
  2965. Robert Pollard: Jack Sells the Cow (Guided by Voices) {2}: MC(53/5), LBF:80
  2966. Ponderosa: Pool Party (New West) {2}: AbP:86, P:86; JG:X
  2967. Pony Face: Hypnotized (self-released) {2}:
  2968. Pop Etc: Pop Etc (Rough Trade) {2}: MC(53/12), AV:83, S:70
  2969. Iggy Pop: Apres () {2}:
  2970. Pop Winds: Earth to Friend (Arbutus) {2}: CMG:83, Spk:80
  2971. Philippe Baden Powell: Adventure Music Piano Masters Series: Vol 2 (Adventure Music) {2}: AM:80, Buf:88; TH:B
  2972. Power Animal: Exorcism (Crash Symbols) {2}: Px:80; TH:**
  2973. Pretty and Nice: Us You All We (Pax Natural/Lost Colony Music, EP) {2}: AbP:83; V[723-1-10]
  2974. Primate: Draw Back a Stump (Relapse) {2}: S:80
  2975. The Primitives: Echoes and Rhymes (Elefant) {2}: Pf:75
  2976. Prince Royce: Phase II () {2}:
  2977. Princeton: Remembrance of Things to Come (Hit City USA/Easter Everywhere) {2}: F:84, PMA:75
  2978. Profligate: Come Follow Me (More) {2}: RA:90; V[723-1-10]
  2979. Matt Pryor: May Day (Nightshoes Syndicate) {2}: AP:80, CS:80
  2980. Pumice: Puny (Soft Abuse) {2}: MC(70/4), Du:70, TMT:80
  2981. Rob Pursey/Davey Boy Smith: Ratchet World (self-released) {2}:
  2982. Races: Year of the Witch (French Kiss) {2}: MC(70/5), BPM:78, F:83
  2983. Radar Eyes: Radar Eyes (HoZac) {2}: V[654-1-13]
  2984. Raekwon: Unexpected Victory (Ice H2O) {2}: BPM:75
  2985. Zoe Rahman: Kindred Spirits (Manushi) {2}:
  2986. RAM: Death (Metal Blade) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  2987. The Random Kids: Paint It All Gold (self-released) {2}:
  2988. Raphael: Super Welter () {2}:
  2989. Ratchet Orchestra: Hemlock (Drip Audio) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  2990. Nicola Ratti: Streengs (Senufo Editions) {2}: FJ
  2991. Christopher Rau: Two (Smallville) {2}: JG:*
  2992. The Martha Redbone Roots Project: The Garden of Love: Songs of William Blake (CDBaby) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  2993. Redgrave: National Act (Lovitt, EP) {2}: S:70
  2994. Red River Dialect: Awellupontheway (Lono) {2}:
  2995. Fionn Regan: Bunkhouse Vol 1: Anchor Black Tattoo () {2}: St:(26)
  2996. Megan Reilly: The Well (Carrot Top) {2}: Bl:80
  2997. Reks: Rebelutionary (Gracie) {2}: HDX:80, XXL:80
  2998. Return to Forever: The Mothership Returns (Eagle Rock, 3CD) {2}:
  2999. Revenge: Scum. Collapse. Eradication (Nuclear War Now!) {2}: Pf:80
  3000. Riff Raff: Summer of Surf (Mad Decent) {2}: V[587-2-15]
  3001. Riz MC: Microscope (Tru Thoughts) {2}: MC(74/6), CMG:83, IS:80
  3002. Pete Robbins: Live in Basel (Hate Laugh Music) {2}: FJ, TH:*
  3003. Kathryn Roberts/Sean Lakeman: Hidden People (Navigator) {2}: G:80
  3004. Scott Robinson Doctette: Bronze Nemesis (Doc-Tone) {2}: TH:*
  3005. Robin the Fog: The Ghosts of Bush (The Fog Signals) {2}:
  3006. The Rocket Summer: Life Will Write the Words (Aviate) {2}: MC(64/4), AbP:80, AP:80
  3007. Alfredo Rodriguez: Sounds of Space (Mack Avenue) {2}: PM:80; TH:*
  3008. Ed Romanoff: Ed Romanoff (self-released) {2}: AS:90; V[723-1-10]
  3009. Roman Ruins: Homebuilding () {2}:
  3010. Roomrunner: Super Vague (Fan Death, EP) {2}: Pf:79, S:80
  3011. Rosenkopf: Rosenkopf (Wierd) {2}: Pf:76, S:70
  3012. Mama Rosin: Bye Bye Bayou (Moi J'Connais/Proper) {2}: G:80
  3013. Keith Rowe/John Tilbury: EE Tension and Circumstance (Potlatch) {2}: TMT:90
  3014. Xenia Rubinos: Magic Trix () {2}:
  3015. Xavier Rudd: Spirit Bird () {2}:
  3016. Amanda Ruzza: This Is What Happened (Pimienta) {2}: TH:B
  3017. Jerome Sabbagh: Plugged In (Bee Jazz) {2}: TH:**
  3018. Carol Saboya: Belezas (AAM) {2}: TH:*
  3019. Damien Saez: Messina () {2}:
  3020. Saint Motel: Voyeur () {2}: ATH:(98)
  3021. Curtis Salgado: Soul Shot (Alligator) {2}: Bl:80
  3022. Teresa Salgueiro: O Misterio (Clepsidra Musica) {2}: AM:90
  3023. Sibiri Samake: Dambe Foli: Bamana Hunters Music (Kanaga System Krush) {2}: RC:*, TH:**
  3024. Sambasunda Quintet: Java (Riverboat) {2}: AM:80
  3025. Sasha Go Hard: Do You Know Who I Am? (self-released) {2}: Pf:79
  3026. JC Satan: Faraway Land () {2}:
  3027. Savoir Adore: Our Nature () {2}:
  3028. Bryan Scary: Daffy's Elixir (Paper Garden) {2}:
  3029. Diego Schissi Quinteto: Tongos (Sunnyside) {2}: PM:90; DB, TH:B
  3030. Markus Schulz: Scream () {2}: Mix:(23)
  3031. Jacques Schwarz-Bart: The Art of Dreaming (Aztec Musique) {2}:
  3032. Seal: Soul 2 (Warner Bros) {2}: MC(68/4), BB:77, G:80
  3033. Sea of Bees: Orangefarben (Team Love) {2}: MC(58/4), I:80
  3034. Sebadoh: Secret EP (self-released, EP) {2}: BPM:75; MT:A-
  3035. The Secret: Agnus Dei (Southern Lord) {2}:
  3036. Pete Seeger/Lorre Wyatt: A More Perfect Union (Appleseed) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3037. Russ Seeger: Living in Peace (Paradiddle) {2}: V[1277-1-9]
  3038. Sene: Brooklyknight (Plug Research) {2}: Ok:79, Pot:80
  3039. Serebro: Mama Lover (Columbia Europe) {2}: V[587-2-15]
  3040. Rachel Sermanni: Under Mountains (Middle of Nowhere) {2}: MO:80
  3041. Sara Serpa/Ran Blake: Aurora (Clean Feed) {2}: TH:*
  3042. Serpentine Path: Serpentine Path (Relapse) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3043. Session Victim: The Haunted House of House (Delusions of Grandeur) {2}: S:70
  3044. Elliott Sharp's Terraplane: Sky Road Songs (Enja) {2}: RC:**, TH:*
  3045. Ian Shaw: A Ghost in Every Bar (Splash Point) {2}:
  3046. Shear: Breaking the Stillness (Lifeforce) {2}: V[699-1-11]
  3047. Dylan Shearer: Porchpuddles (Empty Cellar) {2}: TMT:80
  3048. The Sheepdogs: The Sheepdogs () {2}:
  3049. Elizabeth Shepherd: Rewind (Linus) {2}:
  3050. Mark Sherman: The LA Sessions (Miles High) {2}: AM:80; TH:**
  3051. Adrian Sherwood: Survival and Resistance (On-U Sound) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  3052. Mike Shiflet: Merciless (Type) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3053. Richard Shindell: 13 Songs You May or May Not Have Heard Before (Signature) {2}: T:100
  3054. Shiny Toy Guns: III (Five Seven Music) {2}:
  3055. Show of Hands: Wake the Union (Hands On Music) {2}: T:80
  3056. Shy Glizzy: Law () {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  3057. The Sidekicks: Awkward Breeds (Red Scare) {2}: AP:90, Bl:80
  3058. Siinai: Olympic Games (Splendour) {2}: MC(52/4), S:80
  3059. Singing Adams: Moves (Records Records Records) {2}: MC(72/5), BBC:80, MO:80
  3060. Singtank: In Wonder (EastWest) {2}: G:80, MO:80
  3061. Jeremy Siskind: Finger-Songwriter (Bju'ecords) {2}: TH:*
  3062. Ballake Sissoko: At Peace () {2}:
  3063. Ricky Skaggs: Music to My Ears () {2}: E145:100
  3064. Ski Beatz: 24 Hour Karate School Presents Twilight () {2}: XXL:80
  3065. Skyharbor: Blinding White Noise: Illusion and Chaos (Prosthetic) {2}: K:(51)
  3066. Nina Sky: Nicole and Natalie (self-released) {2}: Fa:80
  3067. Slam Dunk: Welcome to Miami (self-released) {2}: AbP:85
  3068. Slava: Soft Control (Software, EP) {2}: BPM:76, Mi:75
  3069. The Slaves: Spirits of the Sun (Digitalis) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3070. Slipknot: Antennas to Hell (Roadrunner) {2}: St:80
  3071. Steve Smith and Vital Information: Live! One Great Night () {2}:
  3072. Dr Lonnie Smith: The Healer (Pilgrimage) {2}:
  3073. Mindy Smith: Mindy Smith (!K7) {2}: MC(68/4), R:100
  3074. The Smittens: Believe Me (Fika) {2}:
  3075. Snail: Terminus (Snail) {2}:
  3076. Snowblink: Inner Classics (Arts and Crafts) {2}: MC(60/4), LBF:80, Now:80
  3077. Social Studies: Developer (Antenna Farms) {2}:
  3078. Sola-Mi: Nexus [Music From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (self-released) {2}: AbP:92
  3079. Ben Sollee: Half Made Man (The Ear) {2}: Sl:90(15)
  3080. Sonic Boom Six: Sonic Boom Six (import) {2}: RkS:(45)
  3081. Sons of Otis: Seismic (Small Stone) {2}:
  3082. Soul Clap: Efunk: The Album (Wolf + Lamb Music) {2}: MC(59/4), Ex:80
  3083. Soulfly: Enslaved (Roadrunner) {2}: MC(56/4), Ex:80, MH:80
  3084. Luciana Souza: Duos III (Sunnyside) {2}:
  3085. Luciana Souza: The Book of Chet (Sunnyside) {2}:
  3086. Malick Pathe Sow/Bao Sissoko: Aduna (Muziekpublique/Discovery) {2}: G:80
  3087. Sam Sparro: Return to Paradise (101 Distribution) {2}:
  3088. Malka Spigel: Every Day Is Like the First Day (Swim) {2}: MC(77/4), M:80, PM:80
  3089. The Spinto Band: Shy Pursuit () {2}:
  3090. Spook of the Thirteenth Lock: The Brutal Here and Now () {2}: St:(75)
  3091. Rae Spoon: I Can't Keep All of Our Secrets (Saved by Radio) {2}: Now:80
  3092. Erika Spring: Erika Spring (Cascine, EP) {2}: MC(66/6), F:83, LBF:75
  3093. Spring Standards: Yellow/Gold (Parachute Shooter) {2}: V[1344-1-7]
  3094. The Spy From Cairo: Arabadub (Wonderwheel) {2}:
  3095. The Ssion: Bent (Dovecote) {2}: MC(63/4), Bl:80, TMT:80
  3096. Stabil Elite: Douze Pouze (Italic) {2}:
  3097. Stacian: Songs for Cadets (Moniker) {2}:
  3098. Jesse Stacken: Bagatelles for Trio (Fresh Sound New Talent) {2}: TH:*
  3099. Starkey: Orbits (Civil Music) {2}: Pf:80; V[427-2-20]
  3100. Starlito: Post Traumatic Stress () {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  3101. Starving Weirdos: LandLines (Amish) {2}:
  3102. State Faults: Desolate Peaks () {2}: Spk:(45)
  3103. Allen Stone: Allen Stone (ATO) {2}:
  3104. Stone Quartet: Live at Vision Festival (Ayler) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  3105. The Stray Birds: The Stray Birds (self-released) {2}:
  3106. Ruben Studdard: Letters From Birmingham () {2}: BB:80
  3107. Melissa Stylianou: Silent Movie (Anzic) {2}: DB, TH:B
  3108. S-Type: Billboard (LuckyMe, EP) {2}: Fa:80, Sk:80
  3109. Substance Abuse: Background Music (Feed the Peeps) {2}: RR:75; YW
  3110. Edgar Summertyme: Sense of Harmony (Viper) {2}: NME:90; V[723-1-10]
  3111. Sureshot Symphony Solution: Elegant Aggression (Go Global) {2}: RR:75
  3112. Surrender: Surrender () {2}: Mix:(29)
  3113. Pete Swanson: Pro Style (Type, EP) {2}: Pf:79
  3114. Sweater Girls: Sweater Girls Were Here (Happy Happy Birthday to Me) {2}: AM:80
  3115. Sweet Lights: Sweet Lights (Highline) {2}: MO:80
  3116. Andrew Swift: Swift Kick (D Clef) {2}: TH:*
  3117. Take 6: One (Shanachie) {2}: TH:C+
  3118. Talibam: Puff Up the Volume (Critical Heights) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3119. Tom Tallitsch: Heads or Tails (Posi-Tone) {2}: TN, TH:**
  3120. Taraf de Haidouks/Kocani Orkestar: Band of Gypsies 2 (Crammed Discs) {2}: PM:80
  3121. Taragana Pyjarama: Tipped Bowls (Kompakt) {2}: MC(68/6), Pf:75, S:80
  3122. T-Ara: Mirage (Core Contents Media) {2}: V[654-1-13]
  3123. Tech N9ne: Klusterfuk (Strange Music, EP) {2}: HDX:80, RR:75
  3124. Teen Daze: The Inner Mansions (Lefse) {2}: MC(66/5), Mi:75, Ph:75
  3125. John Tejada: The Predicting Machine (Kompakt) {2}: MC(71/5), Mix:80, Qs:80
  3126. Templeton: El Murmullo () {2}:
  3127. Erena Terakubo with Legends: New York Attitude (4Q) {2}: TH:**
  3128. The-Drum: Heavy Liquid (Audraglint, EP) {2}: Mi:83(47)
  3129. Toots Thielemans: Yesterday and Today (Out of the Blue) {2}: DB; V[699-1-11]
  3130. Thieves Like Us: Bleed Bleed Bleed (Captured Tracks) {2}: Bow:85, S:70
  3131. Ablaye Ndiaye Thiossane: Thiossane (Discograph/Sterns) {2}: RC:B+, TH:***
  3132. The Thirteenth Assembly: Station Direct (Important) {2}: FJ
  3133. Thisquietarmy: Phantom Limbs (Land of Decay) {2}:
  3134. Thollem/Parker/Cline: The Gowanus Session (Porter) {2}: TN, TH:***
  3135. Three Legged Race: Persuasive Barrier (Spectrum Spools) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3136. Thunderkraft: Totentanz () {2}:
  3137. The The The Thunder: All at Once () {2}: V[282-1-30]
  3138. Kevin Tihista's Red Terror: On This Dark Street (Broken Horse) {2}: MO:80
  3139. Tinashe: Reverie () {2}: V[1344-1-7]
  3140. Tin Man: Vienna Blue (Global A) {2}: MC(71/5), Ex:80, Qs:80
  3141. TK: Flowering (Sony) {2}: AM:90
  3142. Toadies: Play.Rock.Music (Kirtland) {2}: S:70
  3143. Tones: San av Salve () {2}:
  3144. Tonight Alive: What Are You So Scared Of? (Fearless) {2}: K:(54)
  3145. Sumi Tonooka: Now (ARC, 2CD) {2}: TH:**
  3146. Toro y Moi: June 2009 (Carpark) {2}: MC(67/10), AV:83, S:70
  3147. Torus: Torus (Sonic Router, EP) {2}: DS:80, Fa:80
  3148. Tragically Hip: Now for Plan A (Zoe) {2}: V[672-1-12]
  3149. Treasure Fleet: Cocamotion (Recess) {2}: V[1365-1-6]
  3150. Tremonti: All I Was () {2}: Rev:80
  3151. Trespass Trio: Bruder Beda (Clean Feed) {2}: FJ, TH:***
  3152. Triad God: NXB (Hippos in Tanks) {2}: Fa:(44)
  3153. Obie Trice: Bottoms Up (Black Market Entertainment) {2}: Ok:80
  3154. Trio M: The Guest House (Enja) {2}:
  3155. Trippy Wicked and the Cosmic Children of the Knight: Going Home (Trippy Wicked) {2}:
  3156. The Trypes: Music for Neighbors (Acute) {2}: Px:80; V[723-1-10]
  3157. Mikolaj Trzaska's Ircha: Zikaron Lefanaj (Kilogram) {2}: FJ
  3158. T.Shirt: The Fuck () {2}: HDX:80, Ok:82
  3159. Alexander Turnquist: Like Sunburned Snowflakes () {2}:
  3160. John Turville Trio: Conception (import) {2}: JM
  3161. Tygers of Pan Tang: Ambush (Rocksector) {2}:
  3162. Tyson: Die on the Dancefloor () {2}:
  3163. Federico Ughi: Songs for Four Cities (Skycap) {2}:
  3164. Jakob Ullmann: Fremde Zeit Addendum (Edition RZ) {2}:
  3165. David Ullmann Quintet: Falling (Wet Cash) {2}: DB, TH:*
  3166. Uncle Kracker: Midnight Special (Sugar Hill) {2}: R:(31)
  3167. The Unthanks: Diversions Vol 2: With Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band (Rabble Rouser) {2}: G:80
  3168. The Unwinding Hours: Afterlives () {2}: Sk:100
  3169. Utah Jazz: Groove Therapy () {2}: Mix:(35)
  3170. UV Pop: No Songs Tomorrow (Sacred Bones) {2}: S:80, Sk:80
  3171. Anthony Valadez: Just Visiting (Plug Research) {2}: Ok:87
  3172. Paul Van Dyk: Evolution (Vandit) {2}: MC(56/4), Mix:(28)
  3173. Van She: Idea of Happiness (Modular) {2}: MC(67/4), Ph:75
  3174. Alamaailman Vasarat: Valta (Nordic Notes) {2}:
  3175. Vatican Shadow: Ghosts of Chechnya (Hospital Productions) {2}: V[587-2-15]
  3176. Vaura: Selenelion (Wierd) {2}: S:70; V[635-1-14]
  3177. Papo Vazquez Mighty Pirates Troubadours: Picaro () {2}: J
  3178. Vedomir: Vedomir (Dekmantel) {2}:
  3179. Venetian Snares: Fool the Detector (Planet Mu) {2}: S:70, Sk:80
  3180. Andrea Veneziani: Oltreoceano (self-released) {2}: Buf:88, TH:**
  3181. Ben Vida: Esstends-Esstends-Esstends (Pan) {2}: V[1385-1-5]
  3182. Elio Villafranca/Arturo Stable: Dos Y Mas (Motema) {2}: AM:80; TH:**
  3183. Vintage Trouble: The Bomb Shelter Sessions (Vintage Trouble) {2}: P:85; V[723-1-10]
  3184. Christiaan Virant: Fistful of Buddha () {2}: SFJ:(*)
  3185. Chad Wackerman: Dreams, Nightmares and Improvisations () {2}:
  3186. Wahid: Road Poem (BMP Blouzo) {2}: YW
  3187. Waka Flocka Flame: Triple F Life: Fans Friends and Family (Warner Bros/Asylum/Brick Squad Monopoly) {2}: MC(67/12), NYT:70, XXL:80
  3188. Waka Floka Flame: Salute Me or Shoot Me 4: Banned From (mixtape) {2}:
  3189. Seth Walker: Time Can Change (Red General) {2}:
  3190. Walking Papers: Walking Papers () {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3191. Joe Walsh: Analog Man (Concord) {2}: MC(64/4)
  3192. Warsaw Village Band: Nord (Jaro) {2}: G:80
  3193. Aaron Watson: Real Good Time () {2}: R:80
  3194. Vince Watson: Every Soul Needs a Guide (Everysoul) {2}: BPM:78, RA:80
  3195. Waves of Fury: Thirst (Alive Naturalsound) {2}: MO:80, Sk:80
  3196. Wax Mannequin: No Safe Home () {2}:
  3197. Wax Tailor: Dusty Rainbow From the Dark (Le Plan/Lab Oratoire) {2}: Ok:87
  3198. We Are Augustines: Rise Ye Sunken Ships (EMI) {2}: DIY:90, Sk:80
  3199. We Are the Physics: Your Friend, the Atom (DIY) {2}: Sk:80; V[723-1-10]
  3200. Andrew Weatherall: Masterpiece (Ministry of Sound) {2}: Pf:78, RA:80
  3201. Bry Webb: Provider (Idee Fixe) {2}: MC(76/5), Ex:80, PM:80
  3202. Florian Weber: Biosphere (Enja) {2}: TH:**
  3203. We Can't Enjoy Ourselves: Make a Mess of Sacred Ground (4:3) {2}: ATH:80(66)
  3204. Weird Party: Hussy () {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3205. Bobby Wellins/Kate Williams: Smoke and Mirrors (KWJazz) {2}: G:80
  3206. Kenny Werner: Me, Myself and I (Justin Time) {2}: Buf:88
  3207. Whatever Brains: Whatever Brains (Sorry State) {2}: V[406-1-20]
  3208. Simone White: Silver Silver (Honest Jons) {2}: MO:80
  3209. Wiccans: Field II (Katorga Works) {2}:
  3210. Wight: Through the Woods Into Deep Water (Bilocation/Fat and Holy) {2}:
  3211. Wilco: iTunes Session (dBpm) {2}: RS:70; MT:*
  3212. Willamette: Always in Postscript (Own) {2}:
  3213. Anita Wilson: Worship Soul (EMI Gospel) {2}: NYT
  3214. Wilson Phillips: Dedicated (Sony Masterworks) {2}: Buf:75; MT:D
  3215. Steven Wilson: Get All You Deserve (Kscope) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3216. Witchsorrow: God Curse Us (Metal Blade) {2}: S:70
  3217. Wodensthrone: Curse () {2}:
  3218. Cory Wong: Quartet/Quintet (self-released) {2}: TH:B
  3219. Hank Wood and the Hammerheads: Go Home (Toxic State) {2}:
  3220. Lilly Wood and the Prick: The Fight () {2}:
  3221. Baby Woodrose: Third Eye Surgery (Bad Afro) {2}:
  3222. Nate Wooley/Christian Weber/Paul Lytton: Six Feet Under (NoBusiness) {2}: FJ, TH:**
  3223. Nate Wooley: [8] Syllables (Peira) {2}: FJ
  3224. Nate Wooley: The Almond (Pogus) {2}: FJ
  3225. Woolfy vs Projections: The Return of Love (Permanent Vacation) {2}:
  3226. The World Record: Freeway Special (Squid vs Whale) {2}: AbP:83
  3227. Stephane Wrembel: Origins (Water Is Life) {2}: DB
  3228. Brandon Wright: Journeyman (Posi-Tone) {2}: TH:**
  3229. Daredevil Christopher The Wright: The Nature of Things () {2}: ATH:(65)
  3230. Steven Wright-Mark: My Plastic World (Amplifrier Music) {2}:
  3231. Wrongtom/Deemas J: In East London (Tru Thoughts) {2}: AM:80
  3232. Wu-Block: Wu-Block () {2}:
  3233. Xerxes: Our Home Is a Deathbed (No Sleep) {2}: MC(75/4), AbP:85, Ex:80
  3234. Xibalba: Hasta La Muerte (Southern Lord) {2}: Fix:80
  3235. Xxxy: Everything (Well Rounded, EP) {2}: Pf:77, XL:75
  3236. Xzibit: Napalm (EMI) {2}: MC(66/6), RR:75, Sl:70
  3237. Yawn: Happy Tears (Feel Trip, EP) {2}: AbP:86, NR:80
  3238. Y La Bamba: Court the Storm (Tender Loving Empire) {2}: RS:70, S:70
  3239. Yo Ma Ma [Stephen Kalinich/Jon Tiven]: Shortcuts to Infinity (MS Music, 2CD) {2}: RC:A-, TH:A-
  3240. Pamela York: Lay Down This World (Jazzful Heart Music) {2}: DB, TH:*
  3241. You Blew It!: Grow Up, Dude (Topshelf) {2}: AbP:85, Blr:80
  3242. You Me at Six: Sinners Never Sleep (Virgin) {2}: MC(69/6), K:80, Ph:75
  3243. Young Dro and DJ Burn One: Ralph Lauren Reefa (self-released) {2}: Pf:78
  3244. Young Fresh Fellows: Tiempo De Lujo (Yep Roc) {2}: Bl:80; V[389-3-24]
  3245. Nate Young: Regression Vol 3: Other Days () {2}:
  3246. Young Prisms: In Between (Kanine) {2}: MC(75/5), AM:80, F:83
  3247. Jenny Owen Youngs: An Unwavering Band of Light (self-released) {2}: PM:80
  3248. Yousef: A Product of Your Environment () {2}: Mix:(22)
  3249. You Slut!: Medium Bastard (Stressed Sumo) {2}: K:(92)
  3250. Yuksek: Living on the Edge of Time (Ultra) {2}: AM:80, G:80
  3251. Antonio Zambujo: Quinto (World Village) {2}:
  3252. Zedd: Clarity (Interscope) {2}: AM:80
  3253. Jesper Zeuthen: Plus (Barefoot) {2}:
  3254. Zieti: Zemelewa (Grigri) {2}: V[723-1-10]
  3255. Hans Zimmer: The Dark Knight Rises (Sony Classical) {2}: AM:80
  3256. Zita Swoon Group: Wait for Me (Crammed Discs) {2}: PM:80
  3257. John Zorn: Templars: In Sacred Blood (Tzadik) {2}: TN
  3258. John Zorn: The Concealed (Tzadik) {2}: DB, TN
  3259. John Zorn: The Hermetic Organ (Tzadik) {2}: FJ, TN
  3260. 10-20: Magnet Marsh (Broken60) {1}:
  3261. 10 Ft Ganja Plant: Shake Up the Place (ROIR) {1}:
  3262. 10 Years: Minus the Machine () {1}:
  3263. 14KT: A Friendly Game of KT (A-Side Worldwide) {1}: Ok:86
  3264. 17 Pygmies: Celestina III: Even Celestina Gets the Blues () {1}:
  3265. 1977: So Is the Sea (self-released) {1}: Now:80
  3266. 1991: High Tech High Life (Opal Tapes) {1}:
  3267. 300 Basses: Sei Ritornelli (Potlatch) {1}:
  3268. 40 Love: Dreams Don't Sleep (self-released) {1}: Ok:80
  3269. 4Tet: A Different Song (Leo) {1}: FJ
  3270. 4th Pyramid: The Pyramid Scheme (Silk Ivory/Lyrics to Go and Universal) {1}: Ok:81
  3271. 4two7: Internal Dialogue (3sixty5) {1}: RR:75
  3272. 50 Cent: TheLost Tape (mixtape) {1}:
  3273. 51717: OVUL (Opal Tapes) {1}:
  3274. 6ix: Almost Even Further (Leo) {1}: FJ
  3275. Anna Aaron: Dogsin Spirit () {1}:
  3276. Abadabad: The Wild (self-released) {1}: Ph:88
  3277. Greg Abate: The Greg Abate Quintet Featuring Phil Woods (Rhombus) {1}: TH:*
  3278. Josh Abbott Band: Small Town Family Dream () {1}:
  3279. Luke Abbott: Modern Driveway () {1}: NME:80
  3280. Abel (NY): Make It Right () {1}: Spk:90
  3281. Abiah: Life as a Ballad (Abiah Music) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3282. Aborted: Global Flatline (Century) {1}: Mi:75
  3283. Jennie Abrahamson: The Sound of Your Beating Heart () {1}:
  3284. Casey Abrams: Casey Abrams (Concord) {1}:
  3285. Acid Mothers Temple and the Melting Paraiso UFO: IAO Chant From the Melting Paraiso Underground Freak Out (Riot Season) {1}:
  3286. Actual Proof: Black Boy Radio () {1}: DJB:80
  3287. Actual Water: The Paisley Orchard () {1}:
  3288. Glasser Adam: Mzansi (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:*
  3289. Rewd Adams and the Last Skeptics: Not to Make a Living () {1}: Cl:80
  3290. Addison Groove: Adventures in Rainbow Country (50 Weapons, EP) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3291. Monty Adkins: Four Shibusa (Audiobulb) {1}: MiF:88
  3292. AEGES: The Bridge () {1}:
  3293. A Forest of Stars: A Shadowplay of Yesterdays () {1}:
  3294. Afrolicious: A Dub for Mali (ESL) {1}:
  3295. After School: Playgirlz (Avex) {1}:
  3296. Agent Ribbons: Family Haircut () {1}:
  3297. Agent Side Grinder: Hardware () {1}:
  3298. The Agitator: XV (Commotion) (Baku ShadoDo) {1}: Mi:83
  3299. Agnes: Veritas () {1}:
  3300. Agony Family: Earth! (self-released) {1}: V[654-1-13]
  3301. Kiran Ahluwalia: Aam Zameen: Common Ground (Avokado Artists) {1}:
  3302. Ilyas Ahmed: With Endless Fire (Immune) {1}:
  3303. Aimon: Flatliner (Tundra) {1}: Sk:80
  3304. Ruben Albarran: Hecho En Mexico [The Soundtrack] () {1}:
  3305. The Alchemist: Rapper's Best Friend 2 (Decon) {1}: S:70
  3306. Alcoholic Faith Mission: Ask Me This (Old Flame) {1}: TMT:80
  3307. Guilio Aldinucci: Tarsia () {1}:
  3308. Jorn Aleskjaer: I'm So Glad I Spent This Day With You () {1}:
  3309. Amir Alexander: Every's Beautiful EP (HypeLTD, EP) {1}: XL:75
  3310. Alexander and the Grapes: Hemispheres (New Granada) {1}: AbP:84
  3311. The Algorithm: Polylmorphic Code (Basick) {1}:
  3312. Alistair the Optimist: Alistair the Optimist () {1}: MO:80
  3313. Erol Alkan: Another Bugged Out Mix (!K7) {1}: RA:80
  3314. Lina Allemano Four: Live at the Tranzac (Lumo) {1}: FJ
  3315. Kris Allen: Thank You Camellia (RCA) {1}: EW:83
  3316. Alley Boy: Nigganati (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  3317. Alley Ghost: Born There (Big Muddy) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3318. Alligator Indian: Spring, I'm In () {1}:
  3319. Akula Allrich: Live! Uniquely Standard (self-released) {1}:
  3320. All Them Witches: Our Mother Electricity (self-released) {1}:
  3321. Joel Alme: A Tender Trap (Ais) {1}:
  3322. Almost Charlie: Tomorrow's Yesterday (Words on Music) {1}:
  3323. Alphabeat: Express Non-Stop (Universal import) {1}:
  3324. Alpha Couple: Covers (Already Dead, EP) {1}: Mi:91
  3325. Altan: Posion Glen (Compass) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  3326. Alterbeats: The French Revolution (Alterprod) {1}: RR:75
  3327. J Alvarez: Overseas Highway EP (EP) {1}: XL:(34)
  3328. Lorena Alvarez Y Su Banda Municipal: Anonimo () {1}:
  3329. AM and Shawn Lee: Celestial Electric (ESL) {1}: MO:80
  3330. Gaby Amarantos: Treme () {1}:
  3331. Oren Ambarchi: Raga Ooty (Nilgiri Plateau) {1}:
  3332. Amelie-les-Crayons: Jusqu'a La Mer () {1}:
  3333. American Aquarium: Burn. Flicker. Die () {1}:
  3334. AM/FM Dreams: Red Milk () {1}:
  3335. Amirali: In Time () {1}:
  3336. Amiri: Vinyl Richie (Hipnott) {1}: Ok:84
  3337. Among Wolves: This Is a Wave Goodbye () {1}:
  3338. The Ampersands: This Is Your Adventure Too () {1}:
  3339. Amun Dragoon: Unlimited Dream Company (self-released) {1}: TMT:80
  3340. Anda Union: The Wind Horse () {1}:
  3341. Bret Anderson: Black Rainbows (EMI) {1}: F:82
  3342. Angel Witch: As Above, So Below (Rise Above) {1}:
  3343. Anguish: Through the Archdemon's Head (Dark Descent) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3344. Animal Kingdom: The Looking Away (Boombox/Mom + Pop) {1}: F:85
  3345. Animal Lover: Fundango () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3346. Animal Nation: The Basement Tapes Vol 1 (URBNET) {1}: RR:75
  3347. Animation: Agemo () {1}:
  3348. Amy Annelle: The Cimarron Banks (High Plains Sigh) {1}: AC:89
  3349. Bill Anschell/Brent Jensen/Chris Smyer: Blueprints (Origin) {1}: TH:***
  3350. The Antfarm Quartet: Live (Dreambox Media) {1}: Buf:75
  3351. Antigama: Stop the Chaos (Selfmadegod) {1}: S:70
  3352. Alex Anwandter: Rebeldes () {1}:
  3353. Ape School: Junior Violence (Hometapes) {1}: Bow:80
  3354. Apollo Cobra: Motherland (self-released) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3355. Apollo Ghosts: Landmark (You've Changed) {1}: Now:80
  3356. Apollo Run: Here Be Dragons Vol III (self-released) {1}: AbP:86
  3357. Apologies, I Have None: London () {1}:
  3358. Apple Sisters: 1943 (CD Baby) {1}:
  3359. Ararat: Ararat II (Elektrohasch) {1}:
  3360. Arbouretum: Aureola (Thrill Jockey) {1}: MC(65/5)
  3361. Arbouretum: Covered in Leaves (cdr) {1}:
  3362. Luigi Archetti: Null II/III (Die Schachtel) {1}: FJ
  3363. Archetype: Red Wedding (Dekagon) {1}: Ok:78
  3364. The Archie Pelago: The Archie Pelago (Mistery Saturday Night, EP) {1}: Fa:80
  3365. Arc: Imperium De Somnus, Interrex De Vitro Regia (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  3366. Arc in Round: Arc in Round () {1}: LBF:75
  3367. Susie Arioli: All the Way (Jazzheads) {1}: TH:*
  3368. Arit: Feu La Figure () {1}:
  3369. Arizona Dranes: He Is My Story: The Sanctified Soul of Arizona Dranes (Tompkins Square) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3370. Arkells: Michigan Left (Universal Music Group Canada) {1}: AbP:88
  3371. Olafur Arnalds: Another Happy Day [Original Soundtrack] (Erased Tapes) {1}: MC(67/4), DIY:80
  3372. Arrange: New Memory (self-released) {1}: Pf:78
  3373. Arrested Development: Standing at the Crossroads (Vagabond) {1}: WB:90
  3374. Art Department/Konrad Black: Graveyard Tan (No 19) {1}: XL:80
  3375. Joseph Arthur: Junkyard Hearts () {1}: P:83
  3376. Tom Arthurs/Ollie Brown/Isambard Khroustaliov/Lothar Ohlmeier: Long Division (Not Applicable) {1}: MiF:80
  3377. Tom Arthurs/Richard Fairhurst: Postcards From Pushkin (Babel) {1}: JM
  3378. ArtOfficial: Vitamins and Minerals (ArtOfficial Music) {1}: Ok:80
  3379. Tone Ase/Thomas Stronen: Voxpheria (Gigafon) {1}: MiF:98
  3380. Ashan: Ancient Forever (Inner Islands) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3381. Aspidistrafly: A Little Fable () {1}:
  3382. Assembly of Light: Assembly of Light () {1}:
  3383. Asunder Trio [Paul Dunmall/Mark Sanders/Hasse Poulsen]: The Lamp (Kilogram) {1}: FJ
  3384. At Devil Dirt: Chapter II (Vulgo gratissimus auctor) (self-released) {1}:
  3385. The A: Z (Imaginary Nonexistent) {1}: MiF:90
  3386. Atom Eye: Trilogy 120 () {1}: Fix:80
  3387. The Atomic Duo: Broadsides () {1}: AC:78
  3388. Atomic Forest: Obsession (Now-Again) {1}: Bl:80
  3389. Atom TM and Tobias: Grand Blue (Mule Musiq) {1}:
  3390. Atom TM: Winterreise (Raster-Noton) {1}:
  3391. A-Trak: Tuna Melt EP (Fool's Gold, EP) {1}: Pf:75
  3392. Attack! Vipers!: Deadweight Revival (import) {1}: RkS:80
  3393. Michael Attias: Spun Tree (Clean Feed) {1}: TH:***
  3394. Rich Aucoin: We're All Dying to Live () {1}:
  3395. The Audible Doctor: I Think That . . . (BBAS) {1}: RR:75
  3396. August Burns Red: Sleddin' Hill () {1}:
  3397. Emilie Autumn: Fight Like a Girl (The End) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3398. An Autumn for Crippled Children: Only the Ocean Knows () {1}:
  3399. Mickey Avalon: Loaded (Suburban Noize) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3400. AWAR: The Laws of Nature (Lions Pride/Raw Koncept) {1}: RR:75
  3401. Axel's Axiom: Uncommon Sense (Armored) {1}: TH:*
  3402. Marvin Ayres: Harmogram Suite () {1}:
  3403. Iggy Azalea: Glory (mixtape, EP) {1}:
  3404. Baba Scholae: 69 (Ad Vitam) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3405. Babelfish: Babelfish (Moletone) {1}: G:80
  3406. Babe, Terror: Knights (, EP) {1}: Sk:80
  3407. BABs: Diving Bells (Loop) {1}: FJ
  3408. Baby Eagle and the Proud Mothers: Bone Soldiers (You've Changed) {1}: Now:80
  3409. Daniel Bachman: Oh Be Joyful (One Kind Favor) {1}: BPM:75
  3410. Baddat For Trubbel: Vardighet (Punks Only) {1}:
  3411. The Bad Light: Marrow of Sound (Bad Light) {1}:
  3412. Bad Veins: The Mess We've Made (Modern Outsider) {1}: AbP:83
  3413. Katie Baggs: Home Again, Home Again () {1}:
  3414. Bailatino: Aniversario (Korta) {1}:
  3415. The Baird Sisters: Until You Find Your Green () {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  3416. Aidan Baker: The Spectrum of Distraction (Robotic Empire) {1}:
  3417. Eddy Baker: Saul Silver EP (self-released, EP) {1}: Mi:75
  3418. Jon Balke/Batagraf: Say and Play (ECM) {1}: TH:*
  3419. Ballrogg: Cabin Music () {1}:
  3420. Baloni: Fremdenzimmer () {1}:
  3421. Balsam Range: Papertown (Mountain Home) {1}:
  3422. Bambounou: Cobe (50 Weapons, EP) {1}: XL:75
  3423. Bambu: One Rifle Per Family (Beatrock Music) {1}: Pot:80
  3424. Banda De Turistas: Ya (Sony import) {1}:
  3425. Banda La Trakalosa: Doble Vida (Discos Sabinas) {1}:
  3426. Bandshell: Dust March EP (EP) {1}: XL:(39)
  3427. Gary B and the Notions: How Do We Explode () {1}:
  3428. Stu Bangas and Vanderslice: Diggaz With Attitude (Man Bites Dog) {1}: Ok:74
  3429. Lloyd Banks: V6: The Gift (mixtape) {1}:
  3430. David Banner: Sex, Drugs and Video Games (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  3431. Lee Bannon: Fantastic Plastic (Plug Research) {1}: Ok:88
  3432. Anthony B: Freedom Fighter (Irievibrations) {1}:
  3433. Jef Barbara: Contamination () {1}:
  3434. Del Barber: Headwaters () {1}:
  3435. Jill Barber: Mischievous Moon (Outside) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3436. Bardo Pond: Yntra (Latitudes) {1}:
  3437. Joanna Barker: February () {1}:
  3438. Paul Barker: Fix This (Gigantic Pictures) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3439. Bark!: Fume of Sighs (Psi) {1}: FJ
  3440. Bill Barner: Ten Tunes (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  3441. Alan Barnes: The Art Trip/The Music of Art Pepper (Woodville) {1}:
  3442. Dave Barnes: Stories to Tell () {1}: UT:75
  3443. George Barnett: 17 Days (self-released) {1}:
  3444. Barnett's International Swing Party: Tour 2010: Live () {1}:
  3445. Barren Earth: The Devil's Resolve () {1}:
  3446. Mick Barr/Kevin Shea/Tim Dahl: Barr Shea Dahl (ugExplode) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3447. Jennah Barry: Young Men () {1}:
  3448. Tim Barry: 40 Miler (Chunksaah) {1}: AP:80
  3449. Todd Barry: Super Crazy () {1}: CS:80
  3450. Bart and Friends: There May Come a Time (Matinee, EP) {1}: ATH:80
  3451. David Bartholome: Cosmic Woo Woo () {1}:
  3452. Mario Basanov: Journey () {1}:
  3453. Basic Soul Unit: Motional Response () {1}:
  3454. Johnnie Bassett: I Can Make That Happen (Mack Avenue) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3455. Marcia Bassett/Samara Lubelski: Sunday Night, Sunday Afternoon (Kye) {1}: TMT:80
  3456. Bastard of the Skies: Tarnation (Future Noise) {1}:
  3457. The Bastards of Fate: Who's a Fuzzy Buddy? () {1}: CS:80
  3458. Bastille: Other People's Heartache () {1}: V[1344-1-7]
  3459. Waldemar Bastos: Classics of My Soul () {1}:
  3460. Bathaus: Arcane///Cut (Haute Magie) {1}: Px:85
  3461. Batsauce: Starcrossed (Galapagos4) {1}: RR:80
  3462. Battery Face: Addams Family Values () {1}: Sk:80
  3463. Franco Battiato: Apriti Sesamo () {1}:
  3464. Kim Baxter: The Tale of Me and You (self-released) {1}: Bl:80
  3465. Rayland Baxter: The Miscaluation of Song (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:85
  3466. Bayside: Covers: Volume 1 (Gumshoe) {1}: AP:80
  3467. Willis Earl Beal: Principles of a Protagonist (Hot Charity/XL) {1}: BPM:79
  3468. Beastwars: Beastwars (Destroy) {1}: PM:80
  3469. Beaten to Death: Xes and Strokes (Mas-Kina) {1}: V[394-2-22]
  3470. Sarah Beatty: Black Gramophone () {1}:
  3471. Gerry Beaudoin: The Return (Francesca) {1}: TH:**
  3472. The Beauty Room: The Beauty Room II () {1}:
  3473. Bebe: Un Pokito De Rocanrol () {1}:
  3474. Nils Bech: Look Inside () {1}:
  3475. Beck: Song Reader (McSweeney's) {1}: V[427-2-20]
  3476. Thavius Beck: The Most Beautiful Ugly (self-released) {1}: Sk:80
  3477. Behold . . . the Arctopus: Horrorscension (Red General) {1}:
  3478. Behold! The Monolith: Defender (Redeemist) {1}:
  3479. Being There: Breaking Away (Young and Lost Club) {1}: DS:80
  3480. Be'lakor: Of Brath and Bone () {1}:
  3481. Be'lakor: Of Breath and Bone (Kolony) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3482. Andrea Belfi: Wege () {1}:
  3483. Bell X1: Field Recordings (Belly Up) {1}: St:80
  3484. Thomas Bel: Innerly (Annexia) {1}: MiF:80
  3485. Bend Sinister: Small Fame () {1}:
  3486. Bend Sister: On My Mind (File Under: Music) {1}: Now:80
  3487. Beneath the Massacre: Incongruous (Prosthetic) {1}: S:80
  3488. Michael Benedict and Bopitude: Five and One (CDBaby) {1}: TN
  3489. Beninghove's Hangmen: Beninghove's Hangmen () {1}: FJ
  3490. Lakecia Benjamin: Retox (Motema) {1}: Ok:82
  3491. Tony Bennett: Viva Duets (Columbia) {1}: Sl:70
  3492. Benny Sings: Art (Fat Beats and Dox) {1}: Ok:80
  3493. Dierks Bentley: Country and Cold Cans (, EP) {1}: R:80
  3494. Cheryl Bentyne: Let's Misbehave: The Cole Porter Song Book () {1}:
  3495. Berangere Maximin: No Man Is an Island (Sub Rosa) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  3496. Marc Berger: Ride () {1}: R:80
  3497. Espen Berg: Noctilucent (Afterklang) {1}:
  3498. Dan Bern: Doubleheader (self-released) {1}: AS:80
  3499. Alexander Berne and the Abandoned Orchestra: Self Referentials Vols 1 and 2 () {1}:
  3500. Nicolas Bernier: Music for a Piano/Music for a Book () {1}:
  3501. Eraldo Bernocchi/Harold Budd/Robin Guthrie: Winter Garden (Rare Noise) {1}: JM
  3502. Noah Bernstein: Six (self-released) {1}: FJ
  3503. Bester Quartet: Metamorphoses (Tzadik) {1}: FJ
  3504. Bevar Sea: Bevar Sea (Bevar Sea) {1}:
  3505. Bibitanga and the Selenites: 40 Degrees of Sunshine (Nat Geo) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3506. Bicep: Stripper (Love Fever) {1}: XL:80
  3507. Big Bang: Alive () {1}:
  3508. Big Bang: Still Alive () {1}:
  3509. Bigg Jus: Machines That Make Civilization Fun (Mush) {1}: Pot:80
  3510. Big KRIT: KRIT Wuz Here (Green Streets Entertainment) {1}: RC:***
  3511. The Big Ol' Nasty Getdown: Vol 1 () {1}:
  3512. Big Science: Difficulty () {1}: P:79
  3513. Big Wreck: Albatross () {1}:
  3514. Otmar Binder Trio: Boogie Woogie Turnaround (Jump River) {1}: TH:***
  3515. Biosphere: L'Incoronazione di Poppea (self-released) {1}: BPM:76
  3516. Birds of Passage: Winter Lady () {1}:
  3517. The Birthday Massacre: Hide and Seek () {1}:
  3518. Jeb Bishop/Jorrit Dijkstra: 1000 Words (Driff) {1}: TH:**
  3519. Bison Bison: Bison Bison (self-released) {1}:
  3520. Hector Bizerk: Drums. Rap. Yes. () {1}: Sk:80
  3521. Kasper Bjorke: Fool () {1}:
  3522. Katy B: Danger EP (self-released, EP) {1}: Pf:78
  3523. Betty Black: Bad Weather (KID) {1}: Ok:83
  3524. Black Elk: Sparks () {1}:
  3525. Black Forest Fire: Tansit of Venus (Sedimental) {1}: Bl:80
  3526. Black God: II (No Idea, EP) {1}:
  3527. Black James: Im a Miracle (FarFetched) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3528. Black Lizard: Crawl to the Rock (Fat and Holy) {1}:
  3529. Black Magician: Nature Is The Devil's Church (Shaman/Burning World) {1}:
  3530. Black Marble: Weight Against the Door (Hardly Art) {1}: Mi:83
  3531. Mary Black: Stories From the Steeples (Blix Street) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3532. The Black Opera: EnterMission (A-Side Worldwide) {1}: Ok:85
  3533. Blackout Beach: 11 Pink Helicopters in the Coral Sky (self-released, EP) {1}: CMG:75
  3534. A Black People: Red Eyes (Death Agonies and Screams) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3535. Black Pyramid: II (MeteorCity) {1}:
  3536. Blacksmif: And the Sun Rose Out () {1}:
  3537. Black Space Riders: Light Is The New Black (Brainstorm) {1}:
  3538. Black Sun Roof: Feral (VHF) {1}:
  3539. Ruben Blades: Todos Vuelven Live (Ariel Rivas, 2CD) {1}:
  3540. Ran Blake/David "Knife" Fabris: Vilnius Noir (NoBusiness) {1}: TH:**
  3541. Michael Blake: In the Grand Scheme of Things (Songlines) {1}: TH:B
  3542. Terence Blanchard: Red Tails [Soundtrack] (Sony Classical) {1}: Buf:88; TH:C+
  3543. Blanche Blanche Blanche: Wink With Both Eyes (Night People) {1}: Pf:77
  3544. Christian Bland and the Revelators: Pig Boat Blues () {1}:
  3545. Blanketship: Pleated Shorts (Gigante Sound) {1}: JG:*
  3546. Blaqk Audio: Bright Black Heaven (Superball) {1}: MC(59/6), AP:80
  3547. Samuel Blaser Quartet: As the Sea (Hatology) {1}: FJ
  3548. Karl Blau: Songles () {1}:
  3549. Bleubird: Cannonball (Fake Four) {1}: Mi:91
  3550. The Julian Bliss Septet: A Tribute to Benny Goodman (Signum) {1}: TH:*
  3551. Richard Bliwas Trio: Nine (Rising Rose) {1}: TN
  3552. Dan Block: Duality (Miles High) {1}: TH:**
  3553. Erik Blood: Touch Screens (self-released) {1}: V[672-1-12]
  3554. Blood of the Sun: Burning on the Wings of Desire (Brainticket) {1}:
  3555. Bloody Hammers: Bloody Hammers (Soulseller) {1}:
  3556. Bloody Knives: Blood (Saint Marie) {1}: S:70
  3557. Blue Daisy X Unknown Shapes: Bedtime Stories (Black Acre, EP) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3558. The Bluefields: Pure (Underground Treehouse) {1}: Bl:80
  3559. The Blueflowers: Stealing the Moon () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3560. Blues Pills: Bliss EP (Crusher, EP) {1}:
  3561. Blundetto: Warm My Soul () {1}:
  3562. BMB: Where Pail Limbs Lie (Liberation Technologies, EP) {1}: XL:80
  3563. The Boats: Ballads of the Research Department () {1}:
  3564. BoB: Fuck Em We Ball (mixtape) {1}:
  3565. Stanislav Bobrytskyy/Andy Gore: Live at Babuin (self-released) {1}: FJ
  3566. Stanislav Bobrytskyy/Mikhail Paramzin: Draft Communication (self-released) {1}: FJ
  3567. Charles Bobuck: Codgers on the Moon (The Residents) {1}:
  3568. Boddika: Acid Jackson () {1}:
  3569. Ian Boddy/Erik Wollo: Frontiers (Inner Knot) {1}:
  3570. Eric Boeren Quartet: Coconut (Platenbakkerij) {1}:
  3571. Wil Bolton: Under a Name That Hides Her (Hibernate) {1}: MiF:90
  3572. Bol/Westerhus/Snah: Numb, Number (Gigafon) {1}: MiF:94
  3573. Bonafide: Ultimate Rebel (Off Ya Rocka) {1}:
  3574. Bonde do Role: Tropicalbacanal () {1}:
  3575. AA Bondy: Believers () {1}:
  3576. Bonga: Hora Kota (Lusafrica) {1}:
  3577. Bonobo: Black Sands Remixed (Ninja Tune) {1}: Sk:80
  3578. Booba: Futur () {1}:
  3579. Boolfighit: Feral () {1}:
  3580. Paul Booth: Trilateral (Pathway) {1}: JM
  3581. Boptitude: Five Plus One (Planet Arts) {1}:
  3582. Borealis: Voidness (Origami Sound) {1}: BPM:81
  3583. Boricua Legends: Cadencia, Ricura Y Sabor (MKE) {1}:
  3584. Sean Born: Behind the Scale (Mello Music Group) {1}: Pot:80
  3585. Born To Hula: Tales Of Love (Born To Hula) {1}:
  3586. Bouncing Souls: Comet (Rise) {1}:
  3587. Kevin Bowe and the Okemah Prophets: Natchez Trace (Applause) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3588. The Boxcars: All In (Mountain Home) {1}:
  3589. Boxer the Horse: French Residency () {1}:
  3590. Boxer: The Horse French Residency () {1}:
  3591. A Boy and His Kite: A Boy and His Kite () {1}:
  3592. Boy Friend: Egyptian Wrinkle (Hell, Yes!) {1}: Sk:80
  3593. Boyjazz: Unlimited Nights and Weekends (For Once) {1}:
  3594. Boys Like Girls: Crazy World (Columbia, EP) {1}: AbP:80
  3595. Boys Who Say No: Contingencies (self-released) {1}: Now:80
  3596. Lisa Bozikovic: This Is How We Swim () {1}:
  3597. B-Pos: Pos Tapes the Album (One League Entertainment) {1}: Ok:84
  3598. Brachfeld: Andrea (Lady of the Island) {1}:
  3599. Martin Brandlmayr/Werner Dafeldecker/Christian Fennesz: Till the Old World's Blown Up and a New One Is Created (M=Minimal) {1}: FJ
  3600. Paul Brandt: Just as I Am () {1}:
  3601. Branes: Perfection Condition (Burger) {1}: Mi:91
  3602. Anthony Branker and Ascent: Together (Origin) {1}: TH:**
  3603. Brasstronaut: Mean Sun (Unfamiliar) {1}: Now:80
  3604. Breabach: Bann (Breabach) {1}:
  3605. Breakups: Running Jumping Falling Shouting () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3606. Breathing Blue: Inner Animal () {1}:
  3607. Christoph Breg: Paraphrases () {1}:
  3608. Georg Breinschmid: Fire (Preiser) {1}: TH:*
  3609. Kari Bremnes: Og Sa Kom Resten Av Livet () {1}:
  3610. Brick Mower: My Hatable Face (Don Giovanni) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3611. Bright Moments: Natives (Luaka Bop) {1}: MC(79/4), I:100; TH:B
  3612. The Brimstone Days: On a Monday Too Early to Tell (Transubstans) {1}:
  3613. Chloe Brisson: Blame It on My Youth (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  3614. Brite Futures: Dark Past (Turnout) {1}: Ph:75
  3615. Broadcaster/Peggy Seeger: Folksploitation (Red Grape) {1}: MO:80
  3616. Broadway Calls/Mixtapes: Vision Quest (No Sleep, EP) {1}: AP:80
  3617. Zach Brock: Almost Never Was (Criss Cross) {1}: TH:*
  3618. Jakob Bro: Bro/Knak () {1}:
  3619. Jakob Bro: Time (Loveland) {1}: FJ
  3620. Broken Cups: Slaves of the Grave () {1}:
  3621. Elliott Brood: Days Into Years (Paper Bag) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3622. Brooklyn Rider: Seven Steps (In a Circle) {1}:
  3623. Jon Brooks: Shapwick (Clay Pipe Music) {1}:
  3624. Brother Ali: The Bite Marked Heart (Rhymesayers, EP) {1}: TH:*
  3625. Brothers Unconnected: Unrock the House (Unrock) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3626. Brothertiger: Golden Years (Mush) {1}: PM:80
  3627. Peter Brotzmann and Improvising Ensemble of Qianxingzhe: China Live 2011 (Jazzhuis) {1}: FJ
  3628. Peter Brotzmann/John Edwards/Steve Noble: The Worse the Better (OTO roku) {1}: FJ
  3629. Peter Brotzmann/Massimo Pupillo/Paal Nilssen-Love: Roma (PNL) {1}: TN
  3630. Ted Brown/Kirk Knuffke: Pound Cake (Steeplechase) {1}:
  3631. Bobby Browser: Just Browsing (100% Silk) {1}: XL:80
  3632. Chris Brubeck's Triple Play: Live at Arthur Zankel Music Center (Blue Forest) {1}: TH:***
  3633. Kyle Bruckmann's Wrack: Cracked Refraction (Porter) {1}: TH:***
  3634. Patrick Bruel: Lequel de Nous () {1}:
  3635. Benjamin Brunn: Colour Tracks (Colour Tracks) {1}: RA:80
  3636. Bru-Tang Clan: Enter Tha 63 Chambahs (self-released) {1}: RR:75
  3637. Keegan Boone Bryan: Back to the Country (Tate Music Group) {1}: AS:80
  3638. Luke Bryan: Spring Break 4 . . . Suntan City (EP) {1}: R:80
  3639. Bryter Later: Two Lenses (Students of Decay) {1}: RA:80
  3640. The BSC: Manual (NO Books) {1}:
  3641. OB Buchana: Let Me Knock the Dust Off (Ecko) {1}:
  3642. Kelly Bucheger: House of Relics (Harder Bop) {1}: TH:**
  3643. Buck 65: 20 Odd Years Volume 4: Ostranenie (Warner Music Canada) {1}: RC:*
  3644. Tony-Joe Bucklash: Tony-Joe Bucklash (Foghorn) {1}:
  3645. Joe Budden: A Loose Quarter (mixtape) {1}:
  3646. Buffalo Killers: Dig Sow Love Grow (Alive Naturalsound) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  3647. Buke and Gase: Function Falls (Brassland) {1}: Pf:78
  3648. Ice Burgandy: Progress Involves Risk Unfortunately (self-released) {1}:
  3649. Max Burgundy: The Murder of Mark Fuhrman (Oreos for Breakfast) {1}: RR:75
  3650. Buried Sleeper: Colosseium (Buried Sleeper) {1}:
  3651. Alexandra Burke: Heartbreak on Hold () {1}:
  3652. Michael "Iron Man" Burks: Show of Strength (Alligator) {1}: Bl:80
  3653. Daren Burns: Fear Is Not the Natural State of Civilized People (UrbanNerds) {1}: FJ
  3654. Burnt Friedman: Bokoboko (Nonplace) {1}:
  3655. Burnt Friedman: Zohuken (Nonplace) {1}:
  3656. Burn the Fleet: The Modern Shape () {1}: RkS:90
  3657. Andy Burrows: Company (PIAS) {1}: DIY:80
  3658. Euan Burton: Occurrences (Whirlwind) {1}: JM
  3659. Bushman's Revenge: Never Mind the Botox (Rune Grammofon) {1}: AM:80
  3660. Bushwalking: First Time (Army of Bad Luck) {1}:
  3661. Bushwiccan: Metropol (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:83
  3662. Busy Doing Nothing!: Busy Doing Nothing! (Mint/Nardwuar the Human Serviette) {1}: Now:80
  3663. LaVerne Butler: Love Lost and Found Again (High Note) {1}: TH:***
  3664. Taurey Butler: Taurey Butler () {1}:
  3665. Tyler Butler: Winter King () {1}:
  3666. Bvdub: All Is Forgiven () {1}:
  3667. Jim Byrnes: I Hear the Wind in the Wires (Black Hen Music) {1}: Bl:80
  3668. Ed Byrne's Latin Jazz Evolution: Conquistador (Blue Truffle Music) {1}: TH:**
  3669. Raymond Byron and the White Freighter: Little Death Shaker () {1}: LBF:80
  3670. The Caezars: Worth the Attention () {1}:
  3671. Cafe Aman Istanbul: Fasl-i Rembetiko (Kalan) {1}:
  3672. Cafe Iman Istanbul: Fasl-i Rembetiko () {1}:
  3673. Cage and Aviary: Migration (Internasjonal) {1}: BPM:83
  3674. Cage the Elephant: Live From the Vic in Chicago (, DVD) {1}: EW:91
  3675. Cakewalk: Wired (Hubro Music) {1}: MiF:92
  3676. Cakewlk: Wired () {1}:
  3677. Calan: Jonah () {1}:
  3678. David Caldwell-Mason: Cold Snap (self-released) {1}: TN
  3679. Califone: Sometimes Good Weather Follows Bad People (Jealous Butcher) {1}: Bl:80
  3680. Callers: Reviver (Partisan) {1}:
  3681. Caltrop: Ten Million Years and Eight Minutes (Holidays for Quince) {1}: V[406-1-20]
  3682. Carter Calvert: Carter Calvert and the Roger Cohen Trio (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  3683. Evan Caminiti: Night Dust (Immune) {1}: YW
  3684. Michael Campagna: Moments (Challenge) {1}: TH:B
  3685. Eddie C Campbell: Spider Eating Preacher (Delmark) {1}: TN
  3686. Miguel Campbell: Back in Flight School (Hot Creations) {1}:
  3687. Campo: Campo () {1}:
  3688. Canailles: Manger Du Bois (Grosse Boite) {1}:
  3689. Candy: Whatever Happened to Fun . . . (Rock Candy) {1}: Bl:80
  3690. Lucio Capece: Zero Plus Zero (Potlatch) {1}: TMT:80
  3691. Capitol K: Andean Dub (Faith and Industry) {1}: Sk:80
  3692. Vinicio Capossela: Marinai, Profeti E Balene () {1}:
  3693. Captain Planet: Treibeis () {1}:
  3694. Capullo: Testigos Del Fin Del Mundo (Tropic-All) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  3695. Devine Carama: It Was Written (bandcamp) {1}: RR:75
  3696. Caramelo: Ride (self-released) {1}:
  3697. Caravan Palace: Panic () {1}:
  3698. Caravels and Gifts From Enola: Well Worn (Topshelf/The Mylene Sheath) {1}: AP:80
  3699. Eugene Carchesio: Circle Music (Room 40) {1}:
  3700. S Carey: Hoyas (Jagjaguwar, EP) {1}: MC(59/6), S:70
  3701. Tim Carey: Room 114 (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  3702. Matt Carlson: Particle Language (Draft) {1}: Mi:83
  3703. Tony Caro and John: Blue Clouds (Drag City) {1}: BPM:81
  3704. Paul Carrack: Good Feeling (Universal UK) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3705. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert: Shores and Ditches (FMR) {1}: TH:***
  3706. Luisito Carrion: Que Mas Puedo Pedir (JM Productions) {1}:
  3707. Bill Carrothers: Family Life (Pirouet) {1}: TH:**
  3708. Cars and Trains: We Are All Fire () {1}:
  3709. Mel Carter: The Other Standards (CSP) {1}: TH:*
  3710. Sam Carter: The No Testament (Captain) {1}:
  3711. Neal Casal: Sweeten the Distance (Royal Potato Family) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3712. Case Studies: The World Is Just a Shape to Fill the Night (Sacred Bones) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3713. The Cash Box Kings: Holler and Stomp () {1}:
  3714. Cashmere Cat: Mirror Maru (Pelican Fly) {1}: Pf:76
  3715. The Casket Girls: Sleepwalking (Graveface) {1}: Bow:77
  3716. Philippe Cassard: Debussy: L'Oeuvre Pour Piano () {1}:
  3717. Oscar Castro-Neves: Live at Blue Note Tokyo (Zoho) {1}: TH:*
  3718. Castrovalva: You're Not in Hell, You're in Purgatory () {1}: RkS:80
  3719. The Cataracs: Gordon Taqueria (Universal, EP) {1}: Fa:80
  3720. Cat Cosmai: The Line_The (self-released) {1}:
  3721. Catl: Soon This Will All Be Gone () {1}:
  3722. Catz 'N Dogz: Body Language 12 (Get Physical) {1}: RA:80
  3723. Caught in the Wake Forever: Against a Simple Wooden Cross () {1}:
  3724. Cauldron: Tomorrow's Lost (Earache) {1}:
  3725. Dan Cavanagh Trio: The Heart of the Geyser (OA2) {1}: TH:*
  3726. Cave: Neverendless () {1}:
  3727. Ethel Cee and Dumhi: Seven Thirty (self-released) {1}: Ok:89
  3728. Celer: Evaporate and Wonder (Experimedia) {1}:
  3729. Cello+Laptop: Parallel Paths () {1}:
  3730. Jackie Chain: Bruce Lean Chronicles (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  3731. Challenger: The World Is Too Much for Me (self-released) {1}: AbP:88
  3732. Matt Chamberlain: Company 23 (Yanki Arc) {1}:
  3733. Joe Chambers Moving Pictures Orchestra: Live at Dizzys Club Coca Cola (Savant) {1}: TH:B
  3734. Bobby Champs: Drag Queen (Pictures Music) {1}: XL:75
  3735. Bob Chance: It's Broken (Trunk) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  3736. Chandeliers: Founding Fathers () {1}: CS:80
  3737. Charansalsa: Pa' Mi Pueblo (Charansalsa) {1}:
  3738. Charge Group: Charge Group () {1}:
  3739. Charli XCX: Heartbreaks and Earthquakes: The Mixtape (self-released, EP) {1}: PMA:83
  3740. Charon: Sulphur Seraph (the Archon Principle) (Sepulchral Voice) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3741. Jean-Pierre Chasse: Pilgrim of the Strings (Productions de L'Onde) {1}:
  3742. Chatham County Line: Sight and Sound (Yep Roc) {1}:
  3743. Chaundon: The Jammington () {1}: HDX:80
  3744. Sylvain Chauveau/Stephan Mathieu: Palimpsest (Schwebung) {1}:
  3745. Cheater Slicks: Reality Is a Grape (Columbus Discount) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3746. Cheers Elephant: Like Wind Blows Fire (self-released) {1}: NR:90
  3747. Chelsea Grin: Evolve (, EP) {1}: Rev:80
  3748. The Chemical Brothers: Don't Think (Astralwerks) {1}: Pf:82
  3749. Ed Cherry: It's All Good (Posi-Tone) {1}: TH:*
  3750. Cheryl: A Million Lights () {1}:
  3751. Chicken Diamond: Chicken Diamond II () {1}:
  3752. Billy Childish/Sexton Ming: Dung Beetle Rolls Again (Damaged Goods) {1}: V[672-1-12]
  3753. Chimp Spanner: All Roads Lead Here (Basick) {1}:
  3754. Chimurenga Resistance: Pungwe () {1}:
  3755. Chino XL: RICANstruction: The Black Rosary (Viper) {1}: RR:75
  3756. Chinx Drugz: Cocaine Riot 2 () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3757. Chip Tha Ripper: Tell Ya Friends () {1}:
  3758. Duncan Chisholm: Affric (Copperfish) {1}:
  3759. Chives: Dads (Primary) {1}: TH:***
  3760. Chocquibtown: Eso Es Lo Que Hay (Universal Latino) {1}:
  3761. Choir of the 21st Century/Howard Williams: Yugoslav, Hungarian and Nonsense Songs and Other Choral Music (Somm) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3762. Roger Chong: Send a Little Love (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  3763. Chris Cab: Echo Boom () {1}: DJB:80
  3764. Christ: Cathexis [Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Parallax) {1}: Sk:80
  3765. Christeene: Waste Up, Kneez Down () {1}: AC:89
  3766. Christian Cosmos: Enthronement by God as the First-Born of the Dead (Hospital Productions) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3767. Christian Tiger School: Third Floor (Bombaada) {1}:
  3768. Thanos Chrysakis/Philip Somervell: Knotted Alembic (Aural Terrains) {1}: FJ
  3769. Chunky: Rugged () {1}:
  3770. Churches: Churches () {1}:
  3771. Chyle MC: Cosmic Karma (Cosmic Alien Entertainment) {1}: Ok:82
  3772. Cianide: Gods of Death (Hell's Headbangers) {1}: Mi:75
  3773. Suzanne Ciani: Lixiviation (Finders Keepers) {1}:
  3774. Cian Ciaran: Outside In (self-released) {1}: DIY:80
  3775. The Cinematic Orchestra: Presents In Motion #1 (Ninja Tune) {1}: MC(58/4)
  3776. Circle of Ouroborus: The Lost Entrance of the Just (Handmade Birds) {1}: Pf:82
  3777. Circus Maximum: Nine () {1}:
  3778. Cities Aviv: Black Pleasure (Mishka) {1}: Pot:80
  3779. Citizen: Room Service (Love Fever, EP) {1}: XL:80
  3780. The Citizen's Band: Broken Rome (Live at Robert Johnson) {1}:
  3781. Civil Wars: Live at Amoeba () {1}:
  3782. Louis CK: Live at Carnegie Hall () {1}:
  3783. Jason Clackley: To the Few and Far Between (Mountain Man) {1}: PM:80
  3784. Clare and the Reasons: KR-51 (Fog Stand) {1}: MC(66/4), NYT:80
  3785. Bryan Clark and the New Lyceum Players: Southern Intermission (Rainfeather) {1}:
  3786. Steven A Clark: Fornication Under the Consent of the King (L&E Media/Bloody Ground) {1}: AbP:83
  3787. The Classic Crime: Phoenix () {1}: Spk:90
  3788. Classics of Love: Classics of Love (Asian Man) {1}:
  3789. Andy Clausen: The Wishbone Suite (Table and Chairs) {1}: TH:**
  3790. Clayton Brothers: The Gathering (ArtistShare) {1}: DB
  3791. Nels Cline/Henry Kaiser/Jim Thomas/Weasel Walter/Allen Whitman: Jazz Free: A Connective Improvisation (There) {1}: FJ
  3792. Coasta: Coasta (Unsigned, EP) {1}: AbP:85
  3793. Cock and Swan: Stash (Lost Tribe Sound) {1}:
  3794. Codeine: When I See the Sun () {1}: LBF:90
  3795. Flavia Coelho: Bossa Muffin (Discograph) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3796. Kevin Coelho: Funkengruven: The Joy of Driving a B3 (Chicken Soup/Summit) {1}: TH:**
  3797. Avishai Cohen: Duende () {1}:
  3798. Avishai Cohen/Nitai Hershkovits: Blue Note () {1}: J
  3799. Coki: Onboard () {1}:
  3800. Co La: Daydream Repeater (NNA Tapes) {1}: JG:*
  3801. Colapesce: Un Meraviglioso Declino (42 Records) {1}:
  3802. Cold Crows Dead: Ghost That Burned Your House Down (Raygun) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  3803. Cold Showers: Love and Regret (DAIS) {1}: MC(69/4), Du:80
  3804. Cheryl Cole: A Million Lights (101 Distribution) {1}:
  3805. Coleman: Sounds of Al-Mashriq: The Land Where the Sun Rises (Mochilla) {1}: JG:*
  3806. Cole Specks: I Predict a Graceful Expulsion (Mute) {1}: Pf:77
  3807. Jason Collete: Reckon/Essential Cuts (Arts and Crafts) {1}: AS:80
  3808. William Fowler Colling: Tenebroso (Handmade Birds) {1}:
  3809. Raynald Colom: Rise (Jazz Village) {1}:
  3810. Colorama: Good Music (AED) {1}:
  3811. Shawn Colvin: All Fall Down (Nonesuch) {1}: MC(72/5), AM:80
  3812. Command V: Command V (Mush) {1}: S:70
  3813. Communist Daughter: Lions and Lambs (Grain Belt, EP) {1}: AbP:90
  3814. Com Truise: In Decay (Ghostly International) {1}: Px:75
  3815. Comus: Out of the Coma (Rise Above) {1}:
  3816. Jose Conde: Jose Conde (Pipiki) {1}:
  3817. Conforce: Escapism (Delsin) {1}: BPM:81
  3818. Connections: Private Airplane () {1}:
  3819. Cat Conner: Cat Tales () {1}:
  3820. Gideon Conn: Take It All (self-released) {1}: Fix:80
  3821. Jon Connor: The Blue Album (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  3822. Jon Connor: The People's Rapper (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  3823. Saul Conrad: Poison Packets (Mountain of Leopards) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  3824. Constants: Pasiflora (The Mylene Sheath) {1}: S:70
  3825. Continental: All a Man Can Do (East Grand) {1}: AP:80
  3826. Control Unit with Massimo: Top Trains (Clan Destine) {1}: Mi:75
  3827. Anna Coogan and Daniele Fiaschi: The Nowhere, Rome Sessions (self-released) {1}: T:80
  3828. Cookbook: The Smell of Success (Just-Us) {1}: RR:75
  3829. Coat Cooke/Joe Poole: Conversations (Now Orchestra) {1}: TH:***
  3830. Coat Cooke/Rainer Wiens: High Wire (Now Orchestra) {1}: TH:***
  3831. Cookie Duster: When Flying Is Easy () {1}:
  3832. Coolrunnings: Dracula Is Only the Beginning (LebensStrasse) {1}: DIY:80
  3833. Cop City/Chill Pillars: Hosed (Florida's Dying) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3834. Julian Cope: Psychedelic Revolution () {1}:
  3835. Coppe + Nikakoi: Rays (Mango and Sweet Rice) {1}: MiF:96
  3836. CopperWire: Earthbound (Porto Franco) {1}: RR:75
  3837. The Corduroy Road: Two-Step Silhouette (Independent) {1}: PM:80
  3838. Paul Corley: Disquiet () {1}:
  3839. Stephen Cornford: Binatone Galaxy () {1}:
  3840. Correatown: Pleiades (Highline) {1}: MC(58/5), AS:80
  3841. Chris Corsano: Cut (Hot Cars Warp) {1}: TMT:80
  3842. Cosculluela: War Kingz () {1}:
  3843. Carlo Costa/FrantzLoriot/Sean Ali: Natura Morta (Prom Nights) {1}: FJ
  3844. Elvis Costello and the Imposters: The Return of the Spectacular Spinning Songbook!!! (Universal) {1}: St:80
  3845. Erin Costelo: We Can Get Over () {1}:
  3846. Cough Cool: Lately (Bathetic) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3847. Courtships: The Feral Sound or the Whole Art of Courtships () {1}: Spk:80
  3848. Christa Couture: The Living Record () {1}:
  3849. Coven: Worship New Gods () {1}:
  3850. Bucky Covington: Good Guys () {1}: CW:80
  3851. Cowbell: Beat Stampede (Damaged Goods) {1}:
  3852. The Cranberries: Roses (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: MC(60/10); MT:C+
  3853. Dan Cray: Meridies (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  3854. The Creepy Crawlies: Get Buried! () {1}:
  3855. Elvis Crespo: Los Monsters () {1}:
  3856. Natalie Cressman: Unfolding (self-released) {1}: TH:B
  3857. Crisis Line: Phones (self-released) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3858. Cristal: Apostate (Flingco) {1}: S:70
  3859. Roc C: Stoned Genius (KashRoc Entertainment) {1}: Ok:80
  3860. Crooked Bangs: Crooked Bangs (Western Medical) {1}: AC:78
  3861. Crooked Cowboy and the Freshwater Indians: Annalog and Her Hopeful Diaries (Neurotic Yell) {1}: AbP:81
  3862. The Crooked Fiddle Band: Overgrown Tales () {1}: Sk:80
  3863. Crooked I: In None We Trust: The Prelude (COB, EP) {1}: Ok:79
  3864. The Crookes: Hold Fast () {1}:
  3865. Connie Crothers/David Amer: Spontaneous Suites for Two Pianos (RogueArt) {1}:
  3866. Bart Crow: Dandelion () {1}: R:90
  3867. David Crowder Band: Give Us Rest or (A Requiem Mass in C [The Happiest of All Keys]) () {1}:
  3868. Adrian Crowley: I See Three Birds Flying () {1}: Sk:80
  3869. Crowns: Crowns () {1}: RkS:80
  3870. Adam Cruz: Milestone (Sunnyside) {1}:
  3871. Jason Cruz and Howl: LoungeCore (Echotone) {1}: AbP:81
  3872. Katja Cruz/Howard Curtis: Lightning and Thunder (Ein Klang) {1}:
  3873. Silvia Perez Cruz: 11 de Novembre () {1}:
  3874. Freddy Cruz Y Su Fuerza Latina: La Solucion (Meloo Music) {1}:
  3875. Crystal Viper: Crimen Excepta (AFM) {1}:
  3876. Alex Cuba: Ruido En El Sistema (Caracol) {1}: Now:80
  3877. Cubana All Stars: A Dream Come True (VCM, 2CD) {1}:
  3878. Cuddly Shark: Body Mass Index (Armellodie, EP) {1}: Sk:80
  3879. Cults Percussion Ensemble: Cults Percussion Ensemble (Trunk) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3880. The Cult: Weapon of Choice (Essential Music) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3881. Culture of Un: Moonish (Bocian) {1}: FJ
  3882. Adrian Cunningham: Walkabout (New Market Music) {1}: TH:B
  3883. Cupp Cave: Retina Waves (Ramp) {1}: XL:80
  3884. Currensy: Priest Andretti () {1}:
  3885. Cusses: Cusses () {1}: 10-30
  3886. Cut Teeth: Televandalism (Topshelf, EP) {1}: AP:80
  3887. CVLTS: Realiser (Aguirre) {1}: Mi:83
  3888. Jeremiah Cymerman: Purification/Dissolution (5049) {1}:
  3889. Cypress Hill/Rusko: Cypress X Rusko (V2/Cooperative) {1}: TH:*
  3890. Maxence Cyrin: The Fantasist () {1}:
  3891. Erland Dahlen: Rolling Bomber (Hubro) {1}: MiF:84
  3892. Dailey and Vincent: The Gospel Side of Dailey and Vincent (Cracker Barrel) {1}: CW:70
  3893. Dala: best Day () {1}: R:80
  3894. Dal Shabet: Bang Bang (Happy Face Entertainment) {1}: V[406-1-20]
  3895. Damn Vandals: Done for Desire (self-released) {1}: DIY:80
  3896. Doc Daneeka/Abigail Wyles: Toby Jug (Ten Thousand Yen) {1}: XL:75
  3897. Walter Daniels and the Giblets: Walter Daniels and the Giblets (Ghost Highway) {1}: AC:89
  3898. Eddie Daniels/Roger Kellaway: Live at the Library of Congress (IPO) {1}:
  3899. Lars Danielsson: Libretto (ACT) {1}: JM
  3900. Dankte: Throat Doctor (Dior Senta) {1}: Mi:91
  3901. Dans LesArbres: Canopee (ECM) {1}: FJ
  3902. Dantke: The Dro Doctor Pt 1 (self-released) {1}: Mi:91
  3903. Billy Danze: Rap United Nations (First Wave) {1}: Ok:79
  3904. Isaac Darche: Boom-Bap!tism (Bju'ecords) {1}: TH:*
  3905. Dare Dukes: Thugs and China Dolls () {1}:
  3906. Dark Poetry: Dark Poetry (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ
  3907. Dark Room Notes: Dark Room Notes (BBE Music) {1}: St:80
  3908. Dark Time Sunshine: Vessel (Fake Four) {1}: RC:**
  3909. The DA: You Kids! (self-released) {1}: RC:***
  3910. Daughter: The Wild Youth (EP) {1}:
  3911. David's Lyre: Picture of Our Youth (self-released) {1}: DS:80
  3912. Roger Davidson Trio: We Remember Helen (Soundbrush) {1}: TH:***
  3913. Rick Davies: Salsa Norteña (Emlyn) {1}: TH:***
  3914. Angharad Davies/Tisha Mukarji/Dimitra Lazaridou-Chartigoga: Outwash () {1}:
  3915. The Billie Davies Trio: All About Love (Cobra Basement) {1}: TH:**
  3916. DaVinci: The Moena Lisa () {1}:
  3917. Gareth Davis/Frances-Marie Uitti: Gramercy (Miasmah) {1}: S:70
  3918. Guy Davis: The Adventures of Fishy Waters: In Bed With the Blues (Smokeydoke) {1}: DB
  3919. Jesse Davis: Live at Smalls (Smalls Live) {1}:
  3920. Moot Davis: Man About Town () {1}: R:80
  3921. Caroline Davis Quartet: Live Work and Play (Ears and Eyes) {1}: TH:**
  3922. Jesse Davis Quintet: Live at Smalls (Smalls Live) {1}:
  3923. Dawes: North Hills () {1}: LBF:80
  3924. Dawns: Dawns (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:84
  3925. Richard Dawson: Magic Bridge () {1}:
  3926. Jesse Dayton: Jesse Sings Kinky (Stag) {1}: AC:78
  3927. DDm: Winter and the Tinman's Heart (EP) {1}:
  3928. Deacon Blue: The Hipsters () {1}:
  3929. Dead Goats: The Path of the Goat (Instant Classic) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3930. Dead Melotron: Glitter (Sonic Cathedral) {1}: MO:80
  3931. Dead Sea Apes: Lupus (~az) {1}:
  3932. Death and Vanilla: Death and Vanilla () {1}:
  3933. Deathhammer: Onward to the Pits () {1}:
  3934. Johnny DeBlase Quartet: Composites () {1}:
  3935. Debruit: From the Horizon (Civil Music) {1}: RA:80
  3936. Dewey Decibel: #Boomboxbookworm (Bold New Breeds) {1}: WB:80
  3937. Decimus: Decimus #11 (Digitalis) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3938. Decomposure: Eating Chicken (Blank Squirrel) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  3939. Deborah De Coral: Nunca O Una Eternidad () {1}:
  3940. Robert Deeble: Heart Like Feathers (Dead Letter) {1}: Bl:90
  3941. Deepchild: Neukolln Burning (Thoughtless) {1}: XL:80
  3942. Deep Sea Thunder Beast: DST (DST) {1}:
  3943. Degial: Death's Striking Wings (Sepulchral Voice) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3944. Mike Dehnert: Fachwerk 25 (Fachwerk) {1}: S:70
  3945. Rusty de la Croix: Rusty de la Croix (Coultone) {1}:
  3946. Benoit Delbecq: Crescendo in Duke (Nato) {1}:
  3947. Delhi 2 Dublin: Delhi 2 Dubland (self-released, EP) {1}:
  3948. DELS: Black Salad (Big Dada) {1}: Pot:80
  3949. Delta Funktionen: Traces (Delsin) {1}: MiF:86
  3950. Rocco DeLuca: Drugs 'N Hymns (429) {1}: Bl:80; TH:B
  3951. Tom Demac: Critical Distance Pt 2 (Hypercolor) {1}: XL:90
  3952. Demetra: Lone Migration (Head in the Sand) {1}: Now:80
  3953. Doug Deming and the Jewel Tones: What's It Gonna Take (Vizzitone) {1}:
  3954. Dem One and BOOKS One: The New Math (Low Self Discipline, EP) {1}: RR:75
  3955. Demonical: Death Infernal (Cyclone Empire) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3956. Demonic Death Judge: Skygods (Inverse) {1}:
  3957. Demon Lung: Pareidolia EP (Demon Lung, EP) {1}:
  3958. Jeremy Denk: Ligeti/Beethoven (Nonesuch) {1}:
  3959. Jim Denley/Philippe Lauzier/Pierre-Yves Martel/Kim Myhr/Eric Normand: Transition de Phase (Tour de Bras) {1}: FJ
  3960. Wesley Dennis: Country Enough () {1}:
  3961. The Departed: Adventus () {1}:
  3962. Departures: Still and Moving Lines () {1}:
  3963. Emanuele de Raymondi: Buyukberber Variations () {1}:
  3964. Dena DeRose: Travelin' Light (MaxJazz) {1}:
  3965. Michael Des Barres: Carnaby Street (Gonzo) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3966. Design: Hangin' (100% Silk) {1}: Mi:75
  3967. Desolate: Celestial Light Beings (Fauxpas Musik) {1}: BPM:77
  3968. Detective: However Strange () {1}:
  3969. Devin the Dude: The Dude (Rap-A-Lot) {1}: RR:75
  3970. Chris Devotion and the Expectations: Amalgamation and Capital (Armellodie) {1}: Sk:80
  3971. Laurent de Wilde: Over the Clouds () {1}:
  3972. Diablo Swing Orchestra: Pandora's Pinata (Sensory) {1}:
  3973. Amadou Diagne: Introducing Amadou Diagne (World Music Network) {1}: TH:**
  3974. Diagonal: The Second Mechanism (Rise Above/Metal Blade) {1}:
  3975. Dial: Western Front (Ektro) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3976. Diamond Dogs: Set Fire to It All (Legal) {1}: Bl:80
  3977. Diamond Version: EP1 () {1}:
  3978. Dibiase: Looney Goons (10thirty) {1}: Ok:79
  3979. Gareth Dickson: Quite a Way Away () {1}:
  3980. Tina Dico: Where Do You Go to Disappear? (EMI import) {1}:
  3981. Didn't Palnet: We're Goin' Nowhere () {1}:
  3982. Die Enttauschung: Vier Halbe (Intakt) {1}: TH:***
  3983. Die Hard: Die Hard (Halleluwah Hits) {1}: Sk:80
  3984. Die Heiterkeit: Herz aus Gold (Staatsakt) {1}:
  3985. Die Mikronesische Mafia: Die Mikronesische Mafia () {1}:
  3986. Die Selektion: Die Selektion (Aufnahmeund + Wiedergaba) {1}: Mi:83
  3987. Digitalism: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {1}: S:70
  3988. Digits: Death and Desire () {1}: Now:80
  3989. Digits: Where Do You Belong? (self-released) {1}: Ph:88
  3990. Dikembe: Broad Shoulders (Tiny Engines) {1}: AbP:80
  3991. J Dilla: Rebirth of Detroit (Ruff Draft) {1}: YW
  3992. Dirty Heads: Cabin by the Sea (Eleven Seven) {1}: DIY:80
  3993. Dirty Projectors: About to Die (Domino, EP) {1}: MC(74/5), P:81
  3994. Disease Concept: Liquor Bottles and Broken Steel (Goat Skull) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  3995. Dispatch: Circles Around the Sun (Universal Republic) {1}: EW:75
  3996. DivaGeek: He Said, She Said () {1}:
  3997. Dizraeli and the Small Gods: Never Mind (ECC) {1}: Sk:80
  3998. DJ Adlib: Hi-Hat Club Vol 6: Haus and Garten (Melting Pot Music) {1}: WB:70
  3999. Djavan: Rua Dos Amores () {1}:
  4000. DJ Baglady: Beloved (AMDISCS) {1}: TMT:80
  4001. DJ Cheeba/DJ Moneyshot/DJ Food: Solid Steel Radio Show 31/8/2012 Part 1 + 2 (Ninja Tune) {1}: YW
  4002. DJ Format: Statement of Intent (Project Blue Book) {1}: WB:85
  4003. DJ Kemit: Everlasting () {1}:
  4004. DJ Raff: Latino and Proud (Nacional) {1}: V[427-2-20]
  4005. DJ Shadow: Reconstructed () {1}: Cl:80
  4006. DJ Sliink: Vibrate (Body High) {1}: S:80
  4007. DJ Vadim: Don't Be Scared (BBE) {1}: MC(77/4), Q:80
  4008. DL Marble: Not the One () {1}:
  4009. Marcus D: Melancholy Hopeful (self-released) {1}: WB:75
  4010. DNF: Hurt (High Anxiety/No Idea) {1}:
  4011. Dodaren: Maen (D) {1}:
  4012. Dodgy: Stand Upright in a Cool Place (Strike Back) {1}: G:80
  4013. The Dodoz: Forever I Can Purr () {1}:
  4014. Dodsengel: Imperator (Terratur Possessions) {1}:
  4015. Dog Bless You: Ghosts and Friends () {1}:
  4016. The Do Good Assassins: Rome () {1}:
  4017. Dog Shredder: Brass Tactics (Good to Die, EP) {1}: Pf:76
  4018. Dolfish: I'd Rather Disappear Than Stay the Same (Afternoon) {1}: P:78
  4019. Julie Dolron: So Many Days () {1}:
  4020. Michel Doneda/Nils Ostendorf: Cristallisation (Absinth) {1}: FJ
  4021. Manuel Cowboy Donley and His Trio Romantic-o: The Brown Recluse Sessions (Mini) {1}: AC:89
  4022. Chris Dooks and Machinefabriek: The Eskdalemuir Harmonium (Komino) {1}: MiF:98
  4023. Dopelord: Magick Rites (self-released) {1}:
  4024. Dopethrone: III (Dopethrone) {1}:
  4025. Delphine Dora/Paulo Chagas/Bruno Duplant: Onion Petals as Candle Light (Wild Silence) {1}: FJ
  4026. Dots Will Echo: Drunk Is the New Sober/Stupid Is the New Dumb (Asthmatic Kitty) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4027. The DOT: And That (The Beats) {1}: NME:80
  4028. Double Tandem [Baars/Vandermark/Nilssen-Love]: Cement (PNL) {1}: TN
  4029. Double Tandem: Ox (Den) {1}: FJ
  4030. DouBt: Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love () {1}:
  4031. Doughbeezy: Blue Magic (Headwreckas) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4032. The Douglas Firs: The Furious Sound (Armellodie) {1}: Sk:80
  4033. Drcarlsonalbion: La Strega and the Cunning Man in the Smoke (Latitudes) {1}: Sk:80
  4034. DRC Music: Kinshasa One Two (Warp) {1}:
  4035. Dream Boat: Eclipsing (Cloud) {1}: BPM:78
  4036. Dreamend: And the Tears Washed Me, Wave After Cowardly Wave () {1}:
  4037. Dreamscape: La-Di-Da Recordings (Kranky) {1}: Pf:81
  4038. Ian Drennan: The Wonderful World (Underwater Peoples) {1}: Fa:80
  4039. Dre Skull: Loudspeaker Riddim (Mixpak) {1}: XL:90
  4040. Drivin' N' Cryin': Song About Cars, Space, and the Ramones (self-released, EP) {1}: Bl:80
  4041. Drommere Og Drankere: Baten Blir Til Mens Du Ror () {1}:
  4042. Drop the Line: Enter the Night (Ultra) {1}: Mi:83
  4043. D/R/U/G/S: The Source of Light (Different) {1}: XL:75
  4044. Rick Drumm and Fatty Necroses: Return From the Unknown (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  4045. Kevin Drumm: Crowded (Bocian) {1}:
  4046. Drunken Prayer: Into the Missionfield (Fluff and Gravy) {1}: Bl:80
  4047. Dave Drusky: Capybara () {1}:
  4048. DSW: Dust Storm Warning (Acid Cosmonaut) {1}:
  4049. D-Tension: Wack Music for Dope People (CommonWealth) {1}: RR:80
  4050. Du Bartas: Es Contra Ta Pel () {1}:
  4051. Will Duffa: Parergon (Just Music) {1}: Sk:80
  4052. Isnaj Dui: Abstracts on Solitude () {1}:
  4053. Duke Special: Oh Pioneer (AIG) {1}: MO:80
  4054. Candy Dulfer: Crazy (Razor and Tie) {1}: TH:*
  4055. Tony Duncan: Earth Warrior (Canyon) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4056. Dune Buggy Attack Battalion: Ypsidelica () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4057. Dunlavy: A Lifetime of Catastrophic Failure (~az) {1}:
  4058. Blair Dunlop: Blight and Blossom (Rooksmere) {1}:
  4059. Kait Dunton: Mountain Suite (Real and Imagined Music) {1}: TH:**
  4060. Dunwells: Blind Sighted Faith (Playing in Traffic) {1}: V[427-2-20]
  4061. James Durbin: Memories of a Beautiful Disaster () {1}:
  4062. Lincoln Durham: The Shovel [vs] the Howlingbones (Rayburn) {1}: T:80
  4063. Louis Durra: Rocket Science (Lot 50) {1}: TH:*
  4064. Dusk + Blackdown: Dasaflex (Keysound) {1}: MC(69/4), M:80
  4065. Dusky: Calling Me (School) {1}: XL:75
  4066. Will Dutta: Parergon (Just) {1}: MO:80
  4067. Richard Dutton: A Walk Through Darkness (self-released) {1}: Bl:80
  4068. Danielle Duval: Of the Valley () {1}:
  4069. Dwellers: Good Morning Harakiri (Small Stone) {1}:
  4070. Mia Dyson: TheMoment () {1}:
  4071. E-40 and Too Short: The History Channel (self-released) {1}: Pf:78
  4072. Each Other: Taking Trips (Prison Art Tapes, EP) {1}: CMG:81
  4073. Geoff Eales and Isorhythm: Shifting Sands (33) {1}: JM
  4074. Early Morning Rebel: Early Morning Rebel (Baby Bird) {1}: AbP:89
  4075. Earn/Mirror to Mirror: Sympathy/Soft Years Split Cassette (Jugular Forest) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4076. Earth Drive: Ink Storm (Earth Drive) {1}:
  4077. Earthen Grave: Earthen Grave (Earthen Grave) {1}:
  4078. Earthship: Iron Chest (Pelagic) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4079. Silke Eberhard/Alex Huber: Singen Sollst Du (Not Two) {1}: FJ
  4080. Echo Movement: Love and the Human Outreach () {1}:
  4081. Yelena Eckemoff: Forget-Me-Not (Yelena Music) {1}: TH:***
  4082. Edda: Odio I Vivi (Niegazowana) {1}:
  4083. Edens Edge: Edens Edge (Big Machine) {1}:
  4084. Paul Edis: There Will Be Time (Jazz Action) {1}:
  4085. Matthew Edwards and the Unfortunates: The Fates (Last Tape/Vollwert) {1}: Bl:90
  4086. Todd Edwards: Shall Go EP (EP) {1}: XL:(29)
  4087. Ana Egge: Bad Blood (Ammal) {1}: Now:80
  4088. Ekkehard Ehlers: Adikia (Staubgold) {1}:
  4089. Eightball: Premro () {1}: XXL:80
  4090. Eighth Blackbird: Meanwhile (Cedille) {1}:
  4091. Shauli Einav: Opus One (Plus Loin Music) {1}: Buf:75
  4092. Ekundayo: Ekundayo (Ropeadope) {1}: Ok:81
  4093. El Bebeto Y Su Banda Patria Chica: Ese Soy Yo () {1}:
  4094. Electric Moon: The Doomsday Machine (Sulatron/Nasoni) {1}:
  4095. The Electronic Anthology Project: Of Dinosaur Jr (self-released) {1}: S:70
  4096. Eleh: Floating Frequencies/Intuitive Synthesis (Important) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4097. The Element Choir/William Parker: At Christ Church Deer Park (Barnyard) {1}: TH:*
  4098. Elephant9: Live at the BBC (Rune Grammofon) {1}: FJ
  4099. TG Elias: TG Elias () {1}:
  4100. Eligh and Amp Live: Therapy at 3 (Live Up) {1}: Ok:86
  4101. Elite Gymnastics: Ruin 4 (Acephale) {1}: Mi:91
  4102. Elizaveta: Beatrix Runs (Universal Republic) {1}: Sl:70
  4103. El Javi Trio: Self Portrait () {1}:
  4104. Craig Elkins: I Love You (self-released) {1}: AbP:85
  4105. Duke Ellington Legacy: Single Petal of a Rose (Renma) {1}: TH:**
  4106. El Pathos: Love and Hate () {1}: AC:78
  4107. EL: Something Else (Akwaaba) {1}:
  4108. Elvis Depressedly: Hotter Sadness (Orchid Tapes) {1}: BPM:78
  4109. Elvis Depressedly: Mickey's Dead (self-released) {1}: BPM:79
  4110. The Elwins: And I Thank You () {1}:
  4111. EMEFE: Good Future () {1}:
  4112. Caro Emerald: Deleted Scenes From the Cutting Room Floor () {1}:
  4113. Emma-Lee: Backseat Heroine () {1}:
  4114. Empires: Garage Hymns (History) {1}: Ph:75
  4115. Empirical: Elements of Truth (1-2-3-4 Go) {1}: JM
  4116. Empty Flowers: Six (Translation Loss) {1}: Sg
  4117. Empusae: Symbiosis () {1}:
  4118. En: Already Gone (Students of Decay) {1}:
  4119. Endemic Ensemble: Lunar () {1}:
  4120. Enemies!: Desolation Dream () {1}:
  4121. The Enemy: Streets in the Sky () {1}:
  4122. Engel: Blood of Saints () {1}: Rev:80
  4123. Toulouse Engelhardt: Toulousology (Lost Groove Arts) {1}: Bl:80
  4124. English Words: Red Potion () {1}:
  4125. Ensemble FisFuz/Gianluigi Trovesi: Papillons (HGBS) {1}: DB
  4126. Ensemble X: Metaimproviser (Red Toucan) {1}: FJ
  4127. +++: EP2 (Deftones/Far, EP) {1}: Ph:75
  4128. Epica: Requiem for the Indifferent () {1}:
  4129. Equitant: Body Vehement (Black Montanas) {1}: Mi:83
  4130. Daniel Erdmann: How to Catch a Cloud (Intakt) {1}: FJ
  4131. Ari Erev: A Handful of Changes (self-released) {1}: TH:***
  4132. Eric Erhardt: A Better Fate (Tapestry) {1}: TH:*
  4133. Escapists: Burial () {1}: Fix:80
  4134. Christian Escoude: Plays Brassens: Au Bois de Mon Coeur (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:***
  4135. Espanto: Rock'n Roll () {1}:
  4136. Esplendor Geometrico: Prehistoric Sounds Necrosis (Geometrik) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4137. Essex Improviser's Collective: Lifting the Light (Fred Taylor Music, 2CD) {1}: TH:**
  4138. Gene Ess: A Thousand Summers (SIMP) {1}: TH:**
  4139. Esthero: Everything Is Expensive (self-released) {1}:
  4140. Estocar: Faux Fiction () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4141. Javier Estrada: Pre Continental Colonization Trap (Finess) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4142. Ethel: Heavy (Innova) {1}: Pf:78
  4143. Dylan Ettinger: Lifetime of Romance (Not Not Fun) {1}: Pf:79
  4144. Ett Rop Pa Hjalp: Hur Svart Kan Det Vara? (Transubstans) {1}:
  4145. Europe: Bay of Bones () {1}:
  4146. Bill Evans: In Good Company (Native and Fine) {1}:
  4147. Neal Evans: Bang (Royal Family) {1}: Ok:92
  4148. Eve 6: Speak in Code () {1}: UT:75
  4149. Evening Meetings: Defended by Clouds (Sweet Rot) {1}:
  4150. Evil Cowards: Moving Through Security () {1}:
  4151. Evil Needle: Equilibrium (HW&W) {1}: Pot:80
  4152. Connie Evingson: Sweet Happy Life () {1}:
  4153. Evol: Right Nightmare (Alku, EP) {1}: Fa:80
  4154. Evy Jane: Evy Jane (King Deluxe) {1}: XL:75
  4155. Sandy Ewen/Damon Smith/Weasel Walter: [untitled] (ugExplode) {1}: TMT:80
  4156. Ewert and the Two Dragons: Good Man Down () {1}:
  4157. Example: The Evolution of Man (Ministry of Sound) {1}: MC(68/5), I:80
  4158. Expensive Looks: Dark Matters (Group Together) {1}: Mi:75
  4159. The Explosion: Bury Me Standing (Chunksaah) {1}: AP:80
  4160. Expo 70: Beguiled Entropy (Blackest Rainbow) {1}:
  4161. Exrays: Trust a Robot () {1}:
  4162. Extra Life: Dream Seeds (Northern Spy) {1}: V[635-1-14]
  4163. EYE: Center of the Sun (Kemado) {1}: S:80
  4164. Eytan and the Embassy: Everything Changes () {1}:
  4165. Fabolous: There Is No Competition: Death Comes in 3's () {1}: XXL:80
  4166. Fabula: Fabula (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ
  4167. Fairmont: Automaton (My Favourite Robot) {1}: Now:80
  4168. Fake Blood: Cells (Different) {1}: MC(54/4)
  4169. Nathan Fake: Iceni Strings (Border Community) {1}: XL:80
  4170. Chet Faker: Thinking in Textures () {1}:
  4171. FaltyDL: Straight and Arrow (Ninja Tune) {1}: XL:85
  4172. Georgie Fame: Lost in a Lover's Dream () {1}:
  4173. Family Band: Grace and Lies () {1}: MC(73/?)
  4174. Nic Fanciulli: Balance (Balance) {1}: RA:80
  4175. Fans of Faye: Designed to Be () {1}: RkS:80
  4176. Fantastic Mr Fox: San'en (Black Acre, EP) {1}: XL:80
  4177. Farewell Republic: Burn the Boats (self-released) {1}: S:70
  4178. Geoff Farina: The Wishes of the Dead (Damnably) {1}: AP:80
  4179. Farmer Jason and Buddies: Nature Jams () {1}: E145:80
  4180. Farmers Market: Slav to the Rhythm () {1}:
  4181. Deniro Farrar: Destiny, Altered (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  4182. Fast Planet: Jes () {1}: CS:80
  4183. Fatal Lucciauno: Respect (Sportn' Life) {1}: Pot:80
  4184. The Fat Babies: Chicago Hot (Delmark) {1}: TH:***
  4185. Fat Janitor: Lurk (self-released, EP) {1}: Sk:80
  4186. Fat Jon: Rapture Kontrolle (Ample Soul) {1}: WB:90
  4187. Fat Tony and Tom Cruz: Double Dragon (Young One) {1}: S:70
  4188. Julian Fauth: Everybody Ought to Treat a Stranger Right () {1}:
  4189. Fear Factory: The Industrialist (Lumberjack/Candlelight) {1}: MC(63/4), S:70
  4190. Lorraine Feather: Tales of the Unusual (Jazzed Media) {1}: Buf:88
  4191. Federale: The Blood Flowed Like Wine (self-released) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4192. Julie Feeney: Clocks (Mittens) {1}: St:100
  4193. Morton Feldman: Music for Piano and Strings Vol 2 (Matchless) {1}:
  4194. Steven Feld: Jazz Cosmopolitanism in Accra (VoxLox) {1}:
  4195. Felice Brothers: God Bless You, Amigo () {1}:
  4196. Filipe Felizardo: Guitar Soli for the Moa and the Frog (Shhpuma) {1}: FJ
  4197. Dave Fell: Baltimore Backlog () {1}:
  4198. Fence: Fence () {1}:
  4199. Obi Fernandez: Confessions, Waves and the Garden State (Paper + Plastik) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4200. Per-Arne Ferner/Per Gunnar Juliusson: Undertowed (NORCD) {1}:
  4201. Alex Ferreira: El Afan () {1}:
  4202. Sky Ferreira: Ghost (Capitol, EP) {1}: MC(62/6)
  4203. Nick Ferrio and His Feelings: Introducing Nick Ferrio and His Feelings () {1}:
  4204. FFEAR (Forum for Electro-Acoustic Research): Mirage (Jazzheads) {1}: TH:**
  4205. Fidlar: Diydui (self-released, EP) {1}: BPM:80
  4206. Ken Field: Sensorium: Music for Dance and Film (Innova) {1}: TH:**
  4207. Field Music: Field Music Play... (Memphis Industries) {1}: MC(75/5), Q:80
  4208. The Field: Looping State of Mind Remixe (Kompakt) {1}: XL:75
  4209. Fight Bite: Fight Bite (self-released) {1}:
  4210. Fighting Fiction: Fighting Fiction (import) {1}: RkS:80
  4211. Fighting With Wire: Colonel Blood () {1}: RkS:80
  4212. Roman Filiu: Musae (Dafnison) {1}: TH:*
  4213. A Fine Frenzy: Pines () {1}: 10-16
  4214. Fink: Wheels Turn Beneath My Feet (Ninja Tune) {1}: MO:80
  4215. Finsterforst: Rastlos () {1}:
  4216. Firewind: Few Against Many () {1}:
  4217. Jorg Fischer/Olaf Rupp/Frank Paul Schubert: Phugurit (Gligg) {1}: TH:***
  4218. The Fish: Moon Fish (Clean Feed) {1}: TH:**
  4219. FIS: The Commons (Exit) {1}: Mi:83
  4220. Fistula: Northern Aggression (Patac) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4221. The Fixx: Beautiful Friction () {1}:
  4222. Flashcubes: Sportin' Wood: The Flashcubes Play the Songs of Roy Wood (Airmail) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4223. Flash Fiktion: Flash Fiktion (Split) {1}: DIY:80
  4224. Flashlights: I'm Not Alone (Tangible Formats) {1}:
  4225. Flatbush Zombies: DRUGS () {1}:
  4226. Flatfoot 56: Toil () {1}: CS:80
  4227. Flavor Crystals: Three (~az) {1}:
  4228. B Fleischmann: I'm Not Ready for the Grave Yet (Morr) {1}:
  4229. Flesh Lights: Too Big to Fail (Super Secret) {1}: AC:89
  4230. JK Flesh/Prurient: Worship in the Cleansing of the Imagination (Hydra Head) {1}: Pf:80
  4231. Paulo Flores: Ex Combatentes (Terra Eventos) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4232. Lannie Flowers: New Songs Old Stories () {1}:
  4233. Jeff Floyd: Watch Me Work (Wilbe) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4234. Flying Butresses: Orson Welles (Unseen Music/Wing Nut) {1}: St:80
  4235. Flying Horseman: Twist () {1}:
  4236. Foam Lake: Force and Matter () {1}:
  4237. Seamus Fogarty: God Damn You Mountain (Fence) {1}: Sk:80
  4238. Fo/mo/deep: A Beautiful Bang () {1}:
  4239. Food Pyramid: Mango Sunrise (Moon Glyph) {1}:
  4240. Fordamage: Volta Desviada () {1}:
  4241. The Forecast: Everybody Left (Clifton Motel) {1}: AP:80
  4242. Foreign Mothers: Duh (Thread Pull) {1}: AC:89
  4243. Forgas Band Phenomena: Acte V (Cuneiform) {1}: TN
  4244. Forgetters: Forgetters (Too Small to Fail) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4245. Forgotten Tomb: And Don't Deliver Us From Evil (Agonia) {1}: Pf:75
  4246. Forma: Off/On (Spectrum Spools) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4247. Forss: Ecclesia (self-released) {1}: Fix:80
  4248. Chris Forsyth: Kenzo Deluxe (Northern Spy) {1}:
  4249. Guy Forsyth: The Freedom to Fail (Blue Corn Music) {1}: AC:78
  4250. Chris Forsyth/Koen Holtkamp: Early Astral (Blackest Rainbow) {1}:
  4251. Fostercare: Altered Creature (Robot Elephant) {1}: Mi:75
  4252. Foster Care: Bad Vibe City (Jackshack) {1}:
  4253. Fowatile: Fowl Steps () {1}:
  4254. Bill Fox: One Thought Revealed (Jar Note) {1}:
  4255. Foxes and Iselia: Split () {1}: Spk:80
  4256. Foxes Fox: Live at the Vortex (Psi) {1}: FJ
  4257. Foxes: Warrior () {1}: P:76
  4258. Bruce Foxton: Back in the Room (Bass Tone) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4259. The Danny Fox Trio: The One Constant () {1}:
  4260. Dean Allen Foyd: Sounds Can Be So Cruel (Crusher) {1}:
  4261. Fraction/Fresh Kils: Extra Science (Kilzone Productions) {1}: RR:80
  4262. Francis: This Must Be Blood (Strangers Candy/Playground Music, E) {1}: BPM:79
  4263. Francolin: Won't Let You Down (self-released) {1}:
  4264. Carlos Franzetti: Pierrot et Colombine (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:*
  4265. Ruby Fray: Pith () {1}:
  4266. Rhett Frazie: Everyday Is Saturday (Digi-Soul) {1}: Ok:80
  4267. Daniel Freedman: Bamako by Bus (Anzic) {1}:
  4268. Ruby Free: Introducing Ruby Free () {1}:
  4269. Nelson Freire: Brasileiro: Villa-Lobos and His Friends (Decca) {1}: G:100
  4270. Frenchie: Concrete Jungle 2 () {1}: R
  4271. French Montana And: Coke Boys 3 (mixtape) {1}:
  4272. French Montana: Mac and Cheese 3 (mixtape) {1}:
  4273. French Wives: Dreams of the Inbetween (Electric Honey) {1}: Sk:80
  4274. Rockie Fresh: Driving 88 (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  4275. Fresh Vetz: The Tape Effect () {1}:
  4276. Paolo Fresu/Omar Sosa: Alma (Ota) {1}:
  4277. Jurgen Friedrich: Monosuite (Pirouet) {1}: DB, TH:B
  4278. Bill Frisell: The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved (429) {1}: RS:70; TH:B
  4279. Todd Fritsch: Up Here in the Saddle () {1}: R:80
  4280. Frittenbude: Delfinarium (Audiolith) {1}:
  4281. Frogs: Count Yer Blessingsz () {1}: V[1365-1-6]
  4282. Frogs: Squirrel Bunny Jupiter Deluxe () {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4283. From the Mouth of the Sun: Woven Tide () {1}:
  4284. Lily Frost: Do What You Love () {1}:
  4285. Frost: Radiomagnetic (FrostWorld) {1}:
  4286. Ruby Frost: Volition (~az) {1}:
  4287. Frozen Teens: Frozen Teens (Mauled by Tigers) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4288. Yuichiro Fujimoto: Speaks Melodies (Audio Dregs) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4289. Full Moon Radio: Drop Off () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4290. Funkommunity: Chequered Thoughts (Melting Pot Music) {1}: Ok:88
  4291. Fur: Image on the Reverse () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4292. Further Seems Forever: Penny Black () {1}:
  4293. Nobuyasu Furuya Quintet: The Major (NoBusiness) {1}: TH:***
  4294. Furze: Psych Minus Space Control (Fysisk Format) {1}:
  4295. Jesse Futerman: Super Basement (Jus Like Music) {1}: Ok:90
  4296. Futures: The Karma Album (Indigo) {1}: DIY:80
  4297. Fuxa: Electric Sound of Summer (Rocket Girl) {1}:
  4298. FWY!: San Clemente (Burundi Cloud) {1}: Mi:83
  4299. Gaelic Storm: Chicken Boxer (Lost Again) {1}:
  4300. Diego Gale: Entre Amigos (Sony) {1}:
  4301. Yuriy Galkin Nonet: Nine of a Kind (F-IRE) {1}: MO:80
  4302. Don Gallardo and How Far West: The Art of Troublesome Times () {1}:
  4303. Gallops: Yours Sincerely, Dr Hardcore (Blood and Biscuits) {1}: Sk:80
  4304. Leo Gandelman: Vip Vop (Far Out) {1}:
  4305. Cezary Gapik: The Sum of Disappearing Sound (Karlrecords) {1}: MiF:86
  4306. Garbo: La Moda () {1}:
  4307. Garfunkel and Oates: SLippery When Moist (No One Buys Records) {1}: AV:75
  4308. The Gary: Remains (Sick Room) {1}: AC:78
  4309. The Gaslamp Killer: BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4310. Giorgio Gaslini: Incanti (CAM Jazz) {1}: G:80
  4311. Goyo Gastelum: Sintonia Con La Muerte (Nueva Era Music) {1}: V[1277-1-9]
  4312. Gate: Damned Revolutions (Ultramarine) {1}:
  4313. Kevin Gates: Make Em Believe () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4314. The Gathering: Disclosure () {1}: Spk:80
  4315. Gauchiste: Gauchiste (Little Black Cloud) {1}: V[699-1-11]
  4316. Stephen Gauci: Thunk! (Not Two) {1}:
  4317. Gay: Talking Points () {1}: Now:80
  4318. Gazpacho: March of Ghosts () {1}:
  4319. GBE: For Greater Glory (self-released) {1}: S:80
  4320. Craig G: Ramblings of an Angry Old Man () {1}:
  4321. G-Dragon: One of a Kind (EP) {1}:
  4322. Gedeon Luke: Perfect Ain't Perfect () {1}:
  4323. Jonathan Gee Trio: Dragonfly (ASC) {1}: T:80
  4324. Hannah Georgas: Hannah Georgas (Dine Alone) {1}: V[654-1-13]
  4325. Guy Gerber: Fabric 64 (Fabric) {1}:
  4326. Ghedalia Tazartes: Coda Lunga (Von Archives) {1}:
  4327. Ghosting Season: The Very Last of the Saints (Last Night on Earth) {1}: BPM:76
  4328. Ghostlimb: Confluence (Vitriol/Molotov) {1}: S:70
  4329. A Giant Dog: Fight (Tic Tac Totally) {1}: AC:78
  4330. Giant Giant Giant: Tucson () {1}:
  4331. Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad: Country (Controlled Substance Sound Labs) {1}: Buf:75
  4332. Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad: In These Times (Controlled Substance Sound Labs) {1}: Buf:75
  4333. Freddie Gibbs: Shame (EP) {1}:
  4334. Mike Gibbs/NDR Big Band/Norma Winstone: Here's a Song for You (Fuzzy Moon) {1}:
  4335. Otis Gibbs: Harder Than Hammered Hell () {1}:
  4336. Tom Gibbs: Fear of Flying (Whirlwind) {1}: JM
  4337. Paul Gilbert: Vibrato () {1}:
  4338. Joe Gilman: Relativity (Capri) {1}: TH:*
  4339. Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts: The Innocent Left (Navigator) {1}:
  4340. Ginger: 100% () {1}:
  4341. Josh Ginsburg: Zembla Variations (Bju'ecords) {1}: TH:***
  4342. Girls Guns and Glory: Sweet Nothings () {1}:
  4343. Git Some: Exhaustion = Ferocity (Alternative Tentacles, EP) {1}: AP:80
  4344. Frode Gjerstad/Paal Nilssen-Love: Side by Side (CIMP) {1}: TN
  4345. Glas: Live at Brotz Gothenburg Sweden 2012 04 12 (self-released) {1}: FJ
  4346. Samantha Glass: Mysteries From the Palomino Skyliner (Not Not Fun) {1}:
  4347. GLC: Cathedral (self-released) {1}: Mi:91
  4348. Glissando: The World Without Us () {1}:
  4349. Mr G: State of Flux (Rekids) {1}: S:80
  4350. Gnod: Chaudelande Volumes 1 and 2 (Tamed) {1}:
  4351. Teea Goans: That's Just Me () {1}: E145:80
  4352. The Goblin Market: Beneath Far Gondal's Foreign Sky (Green Monkey) {1}: Bl:80
  4353. God Forbid: Equilibrium () {1}:
  4354. Godstopper: What Matters () {1}:
  4355. GoGo Penguin: Fanfares (Gondwana) {1}:
  4356. The Golden Age of Steam: Welcome to Bat Country (Basho) {1}:
  4357. Golden Cup: Vagabond (Blackest Rainbow) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4358. Jon Gold: Bossa of Possibility (Blujazz) {1}: DB
  4359. Kat Goldman: Gypsy Girl () {1}:
  4360. Stefan Goldmann: 17:50 () {1}:
  4361. Vinny Golia Quartet: Take Your Time (Relative Pitch Record) {1}: FJ
  4362. Ernest Gonzalez: Natural Traits (Friends of Friends) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4363. Dennis Gonzalez/Yells at Eels: Bandoleros En Gdansk (1 Car Garage) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4364. Dennis Gonzalez/Yells at Eels: Resurrection and Life (Ayler) {1}: TH:**
  4365. The Alex Goodman Quintet: Bridges (Connection Point) {1}: TH:*
  4366. Good Night and Good Morning: Narrowing Type (Own) {1}: PM:80
  4367. Goodnight, Texas: A Long Life of Living (self-released) {1}: AbP:90
  4368. Wynter Gordon: Doleo (EP) {1}:
  4369. Nico Gori/Fred Hersch: Da Vinci (Bee Jazz) {1}:
  4370. Annie Gosfield: Almost Truths and Open Deceptions () {1}:
  4371. Gospel Claws: Put Your Sunshine Away (Common Wall Media) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4372. Gotham Green and Quickie Mart: #HDv4 (bandcamp) {1}: RR:75
  4373. Goth Trad: New Epoch (Deep Medi) {1}: Fa:80
  4374. Gov't Mule: The Georgia Bootleg Box (Evil Teen) {1}:
  4375. Katie Grace: Best Bad Girl (Inside Outlaws) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4376. Graculus: Small Things (Whi Music) {1}: FJ
  4377. John Graham: Magic: Blanc et Noir (Ego Free Music) {1}: WB:70
  4378. John Graham: Success in Retrograde (Ego Free Music, EP) {1}: WB:80
  4379. Grails/Pharaoh Overlord: Black Tar Prophecies, Vol 5 (Kemado) {1}:
  4380. Michael A Grammar: Vitamin Easy () {1}: LBF:85
  4381. Grand Prismatic: Birds and Beasts (Birds Love Fighting) {1}:
  4382. Grand Union Orchestra: If Paradise (Grand Union) {1}:
  4383. Jerry Granelli Trio: Let Go (Plunge) {1}: FJ
  4384. Avi Granite's Verse: Snow Umbrellas (Pet Mantis) {1}: TH:**
  4385. Kay Grant/Alex Ward: Fast Track (Emanem) {1}: FJ
  4386. Jenn Grant: The Beautiful Wild () {1}:
  4387. The Grascals: Life Finds a Way (Mountain Home) {1}:
  4388. Grassfight: Icon, EP 2 (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:88
  4389. Grasshopper: The Day America Forgot (SicSic) {1}:
  4390. Gravelroad: Psychedelta () {1}:
  4391. Marty Graveyard: Summer Holiday () {1}:
  4392. Graveyard Train: Hollow (Spooky) {1}:
  4393. The Graviators: Evil Deeds (Napalm) {1}:
  4394. Greg Grease: Cornbread, Pearl and G (Black Corners) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4395. Great Elk: Autogeography () {1}:
  4396. The Great Wee Band: Light Blue (Trio) {1}:
  4397. Great Western Plain: Moustache Eye Patch () {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4398. Susan Greenbaum: This Life () {1}: R:80
  4399. Tatum Greenblatt: Imprints (self-released) {1}: DB
  4400. Colleen Green: Milo Goes to Compton (Art Fag) {1}: JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  4401. Chris Greene Quartet: A Group Effort (Single Malt) {1}: TH:*
  4402. Green Flames: Green Flames (Assommer) {1}: V[1277-1-9]
  4403. Leon Greening: Cookin' in Brooklyn (Leopard) {1}:
  4404. The Green Kingdom: Egress () {1}:
  4405. Liz Green: O Devotion! () {1}:
  4406. Pat Green: Songs We Wish We'd Written () {1}: CW:70
  4407. Green River Ordinance: Under Fire () {1}:
  4408. Phil Grenadier/Bruno Raberg: Plunge (Orbis) {1}: FJ
  4409. Greys: Easy Listening (Concession, EP) {1}: S:70
  4410. Alexandra Grimal: Andromeda (Ayler) {1}: FJ
  4411. Aiden Grimshaw: Misty Eye (RCA) {1}: G:80
  4412. Grip Grand: ESAE (Everyone Sucks at Everything) (Routine Fly) {1}: RR:80
  4413. GRIT: As I Look to the Sky From the Surface of the Water (Meanwhile Sounds) {1}: RA:80
  4414. Groan: The Divine Right of Kings (Soulseller) {1}:
  4415. Herbert Gronemeyer: I Walk (Gronland) {1}: DIY:80
  4416. Gros Mene: Agnus Dei (Grosse Boite) {1}:
  4417. Group Inerane: Guitars From Agadez Vol 3 () {1}:
  4418. The Growlers: Hung at Heart (Everloving) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4419. Grumbling Fur: Alice (Latitudes) {1}:
  4420. Grupo Arcano: Desde El Otro Lado Del East River (Coqui Jives Music) {1}:
  4421. Grupo Los Santos: Clave Heart (OA2) {1}: TH:**
  4422. Guano Padano: 2 (Ipecac) {1}:
  4423. Tomas Gubitsch: Itaca () {1}:
  4424. Mats Gustafsson: Mats G Plays Gullin (Sagittarius A-Star) {1}: FJ
  4425. Gustafsson/Russell/Strid: Birds (Den) {1}: FJ
  4426. Mats Gustafsson/Thurston Moore: Play Some Fucking Stooges (Quasi Pop/Dumpster Diving Lab) {1}: FJ
  4427. Bernocchi Budd Guthrie: Winter Garden () {1}:
  4428. Jim Guthrie: Indie Game [The Movie Soundtrack] () {1}:
  4429. Gypsy and the Cat: The Late Blue () {1}:
  4430. Hacienda: Shakedown (Collective Sounds) {1}: MC(61/6), Mg:75
  4431. Hacker Farm: UHF (Exotic Pylon) {1}:
  4432. Steve Hackett: Genesis Revisited II (Inside Out) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4433. Attab Haddad Ensemble: Days Distinctive (Weave) {1}: G:80
  4434. Gerald Hagen Trio: Song for Leslie (Surf Cove Jazz) {1}: TH:*
  4435. Rachel Haircut: Reserve EP (Aural Sects, EP) {1}: Mi:75
  4436. Ingebrigt Haker Flaten New York Quartet: Now Is (Clean Feed) {1}: TH:***
  4437. Hakobune: Faraway/Evergreen (Avant Archive) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4438. Half Noise: Half Noise (self-released, EP) {1}: AP:80
  4439. Jim Hall: Jim Hall Live! Vol 2-4 (ArtistShare) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4440. Jon Hamar: Hymn (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  4441. Hammer No More the Fingers: Pink Worm (EP) {1}:
  4442. Fred Hammond: God Love and Romance () {1}:
  4443. James Hand: Mighty Lonesome Man (Hillgrass Bluebilly) {1}:
  4444. Hands and Teeth: Hunting Season () {1}:
  4445. Adrian H and the Wounds: Adrian H and the Wounds (Projekt) {1}: Bl:80
  4446. Marc Hannaford: Ordinary Madness (Marchon) {1}: FJ
  4447. Lisa Hannigan: Passenger () {1}:
  4448. Hardcoretet: Do It Live (Tables and Chairs) {1}: TH:B-
  4449. Francoise Hardy: L'Amour Fou () {1}:
  4450. Bev Lee Harling: Barefoot in Your Kitchen () {1}:
  4451. Winard Harper and Jeli Posse: Coexist (JLP) {1}:
  4452. Ben Harper: By My Side (Virgin) {1}: PM:80
  4453. The Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer: Checkered Past () {1}:
  4454. JP Harris and the Tough Choices: I'll Keep Calling (Cow Island) {1}:
  4455. The Harris Group: Choices (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  4456. Jesse Harris: Sub Rosa (Dangerbird) {1}: EW:75
  4457. Mic Harrison and the High Score: Still Wanna Fight (Real Much) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4458. Joel Harrison/Lorenzo Feliciati: Holy Abyss (Cuneiform) {1}:
  4459. Frank Harrison Trio: Sideways (Linus) {1}: JM
  4460. Jeff Hart: Ghosts of the Old North State (Bombay) {1}: Bl:80
  4461. Elias Haslanger: Church on Monday (Cherrywood) {1}: AC:89
  4462. Mariem Hassan: El Aaiun Egdat (Nubenegra) {1}:
  4463. Erik Hassle: We Dance (Universal import) {1}:
  4464. Carrie Hassler: The Distance () {1}: R:80
  4465. Hatcham Social: About Girls (Fierce Panda) {1}: DIY:80
  4466. The Hate My Day Jobs: Live at Spike Hill () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4467. Ian Hawgood: The Shattered Light () {1}:
  4468. Garrison Hawk/Sly and Robbie: Survive (MOD Technologies) {1}: AM:80
  4469. Hawks: Pushover () {1}:
  4470. Mr Peter Hayden: Born a Trip (Kauriala Society) {1}:
  4471. Hunter Hayes: Live (, EP) {1}: R:80
  4472. Sean Hayes: Before We Turn to Dust (self-released) {1}:
  4473. Darren Hayman: January Songs (Belka) {1}: MO:80
  4474. Darren Hayman: Lido (Where Its At Is Where You Are) {1}: DS:80
  4475. Angel Haze: New York EP (Republic, EP) {1}: TH:*
  4476. Johnny Headband: Who Cooks for You () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4477. Headspace: I Am Anonymous () {1}:
  4478. The Head: Hang On () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4479. Health: Max Payne [The Official Soundtrack] (Rockstar Games) {1}: CMG:77
  4480. Michael Hearst: Songs for Unusual Creatures (Urban Geek) {1}:
  4481. Reverend Horton Heat: 25 to Life (Yep Roc) {1}: Ph:88
  4482. Florian Hecker: Chimerization (Farsi Language Version) (Editions Mego) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4483. Ted Hefko and the Thousandaires: If I Walked on Water (Onager) {1}: TH:**
  4484. Skip Heller: Fakebook II: That's Entertainment () {1}:
  4485. Tobias Hellkvist: Everything Is Connected () {1}:
  4486. Help Me Devil: Lokanta Hell () {1}:
  4487. Jay William Henderson: The Sun Will Burn Our Eyes (self-released) {1}:
  4488. Scott Henderson with Jeff Berlin and Dennis Chambers: HBC (Tone Center) {1}:
  4489. Ig Henneman Sextet: Live @ the Ironworks Vancouver (Wig) {1}: TH:**
  4490. Arve Henriksen: Solidification () {1}:
  4491. Heritage Blues Orchestra: And Still I Rise () {1}:
  4492. Herman Dune: Tell Me Something I Don't Know (Sony ATV, EP) {1}: Now:80
  4493. Yaron Herman: Alter Ego (ACT) {1}: JM
  4494. Hermit Crabs: Time Relentless (Matinee) {1}: Bl:80
  4495. Herve: Pick Me Up, Sort Me Out, Calm Me Down () {1}: Cl:80
  4496. Conrad Herwig: A Voice Through the Door () {1}:
  4497. He's My Brother She's My Sister: Nobody Dances in This Town (Park the Van) {1}: YW
  4498. Fred Hess Big Band: Speak (Alison) {1}: TH:***
  4499. Hession/Wilkinson/Fell: Two Falls and a Submission (Bo' Weavil) {1}: JM
  4500. Hey Ocean!: IS (Universal) {1}: BPM:79
  4501. Hey Rosetta!: Seeds (Sonic) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4502. John Hiatt: Mystic Pinball (New West) {1}:
  4503. David Hidalgo/Mato Nanju/Luther Dickinson: 3 Skulls and the Truth (Provogue) {1}: AM:80
  4504. Hidrogenesse: Un Digito Binario Dudoso () {1}:
  4505. The High Strung: ¿Posible - O - Imposible? (Paper Thin) {1}:
  4506. High Tone: High Damage () {1}:
  4507. High Water Marks: Pretending to Be Loud (Jigsaw) {1}:
  4508. Hill and the Sky Heroes: 11:11 () {1}:
  4509. Cliff Hillis: Dream Good () {1}:
  4510. Himself the Majestic: I Have No Identity Vol 3 (Nature Boy) {1}: Mi:83
  4511. The Hirsch Effekt: Holon: Anamnesis () {1}:
  4512. Thea Hjelmeland: Oh, the Third . . . () {1}:
  4513. Fred Ho and Quincy Saul Present the Music of Cal Massey: A Tribute Conducted by Whitney George (Mutable/Big Red Media) {1}: Buf:75
  4514. Hobo: Iron Triangle (M-nus) {1}: BPM:83
  4515. Florian Hoefner Group: Songs Without Words (OA2) {1}: TH:***
  4516. Derek Hoke: Waiting All Night () {1}:
  4517. Allan Holdsworth: None Too Soon (MoonJune) {1}: DB
  4518. Hold Your Horse Is: Frimley (Apres Vous) {1}: DIY:90
  4519. Jeff Holmes Quartet: Of One's Own (Miles High) {1}: TH:**
  4520. Julia Holter: Tragedy (Leaving) {1}:
  4521. Holy Balm: It's You () {1}:
  4522. Holy City Zoo: Nobody Sells for Less () {1}:
  4523. Holy Wave: Knife Hits () {1}: AC:78
  4524. Maya Homburger/Barry Guy: Tales of Enchantment (Intakt) {1}:
  4525. Honest Engines: Going Away (Tandem Shop) {1}: AbP:83
  4526. Honeychurch: Will You Be There With Me (Siren Electric) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4527. Hood: Recollected (Domino) {1}: DS:80
  4528. Hope for Agoldensummer: Life Inside the Body (Mazarine) {1}: V[699-1-11]
  4529. Martin Hoper: The Bridce (Hoob Jazz) {1}:
  4530. Chris Hopkins/Bernd Lhotzky: Partners in Crime (Echoes of Swing) {1}: TH:***
  4531. Nick Hoppner: Panorama Bar 04 (Ostgut Ton) {1}: RA:80
  4532. Fred Ho/Quincy Soul: Present: The Music of Cal Massey: A Tribute (Mutable/Big Red Media) {1}: DB
  4533. Horesback: Half Blood (Relapse) {1}:
  4534. Bruce Hornsby: Red Hook Summer () {1}: UT:75
  4535. Hortlax Cobra: Night Shift (Ingrid) {1}: S:70
  4536. The Hot 8 Brass Band: The Life and Times of ... (Tru Thoughts) {1}: G:80
  4537. Hot Coins: Geek Emotions (Remixes) (Hot Coins) {1}: XL:80
  4538. Francois Houle 5+1: Genera (Songlines) {1}: FJ
  4539. Houndmouth: Houndmouth EP (EP) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4540. House of Low Culture: Poisoned Soil (Taiga) {1}: TMT:80
  4541. House of Wolves: Fold in the Wind () {1}:
  4542. House Reverends: House Revs (Monofonus Press) {1}:
  4543. Housse de Racket: Alesia (Kitsune/Cooperative/Downtown) {1}: S:70
  4544. Harry Howard and the NDE: Near Death Experience (Spooky) {1}:
  4545. Ben Howard: The Burgh Island EP () {1}:
  4546. Christian Howes: Southern Exposure (Resonance) {1}: TH:**
  4547. Howl Griff: Fragile Diamond () {1}: LBF:85
  4548. Howling Hex: Wilson Semiconductors () {1}:
  4549. The Howls: Rocky Ground () {1}:
  4550. Howse: Lay Hollow (import) {1}:
  4551. Huerco S: Untitled (Opal Tapes) {1}:
  4552. Kevin Hufnagel: Transparencies (Nightfloat) {1}:
  4553. Huinca: Sic Semper Tyrannis (Digmetalworld) {1}:
  4554. Jordan Hull: Who's Gonna Teach You How to Live (Rope a Dope) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4555. Andy Human: Freeze (Chromewaves Radio) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4556. Human Cannonball: Let's Be Friends () {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  4557. Human Spirit: Dialogue: Live at the Earshot Jazz Festival (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  4558. Humming House: Humming House () {1}: R:100
  4559. Humming Urban Stereo: Sparkle () {1}:
  4560. Con Hunley: Wayfarin' Stranger (IMMI) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4561. Andy Hunter: Think Like a Mountain (self-released) {1}:
  4562. Ian Hunter Band/Mick Ronson: Live at Rockpalast (MIG Music) {1}: Bl:80
  4563. Alan Hurst: Nzambi (Emotional Response) {1}:
  4564. Jason Kao Hwang: Burning Bridge (Innova) {1}: TH:***
  4565. Hysterical Injury: Dead Wolf Sitaution () {1}: LBF
  4566. Weber Iago: Adventure Music Piano Masters Series Vol. 3 (Adventure Music) {1}: TH:**
  4567. Icarus: Fake Fish Distributio (Not Applicable) {1}: MiF:98
  4568. The Iceberg Quartet: The Iceberg Quartet (FMR) {1}: FJ
  4569. Ice Water (aka WOADAH): Holy Water () {1}:
  4570. Ich Bin Nintendo/Mats Gustafsson: Ich Bin Nintendo and Mats Gustafsson (Vafongool) {1}: FJ
  4571. Ichicuts: Filthy First Year () {1}:
  4572. Iconoclast: Are We Dying () {1}:
  4573. Tommy Igoe and the Birdland Big Band: Eleven (Deep Rhythm Music) {1}: TH:*
  4574. Kane Ikin/David Wenngren: Strangers (Kesh) {1}: MiF:84
  4575. Ikonika: I Make Lists (Hum and Buzz, EP) {1}: Pf:78
  4576. Ikons: Life Rhythm () {1}: LBF:80
  4577. James Ilgenfritz: Compositions (Braxton) 2011 () {1}:
  4578. Illogic and Blockhead: Preparing for Capture (self-released) {1}: RR:80
  4579. Illy: Bring It Back (Obese) {1}: RR:85
  4580. Il Teatro Degli Orrori: Il Mondo Nuvoo (PID) {1}:
  4581. Imagine Dragons: Continued Silence (EP) {1}:
  4582. I'm at a Funeral: Why Are You Making Me Do This (God the New Voice Sucks) {1}: V[406-1-20]
  4583. Immortal Technique: The Martyr (Viper) {1}: RR:85
  4584. Impossible: Close Relations () {1}:
  4585. The Impossible Gentlemen: The Impossible Gentlemen (Basho) {1}: TH:***
  4586. Indian City: Supernation () {1}:
  4587. Indian School: The Cruelest Kind (Walnut Tree, EP) {1}: AP:80
  4588. Indian Wells: Night Drops () {1}:
  4589. Indigo Kid: Indigo Kid (Babel) {1}: JM
  4590. The Infamous Stringdusters: Silver Sky (HighCountry/Sci Fidelity) {1}: AS:80
  4591. Infected Mushroom: Army of Mushrooms (Dim Mak) {1}: S:70
  4592. Infernal Overdrive: Last Rays of the Dying Sun (Small Stone) {1}:
  4593. Infinite Void: Infinite Void (Poison City) {1}:
  4594. Infinity People: In Love With the Light (UFO Factory) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4595. Ingen: Lusher (Digital Distortions, EP) {1}: Sk:80
  4596. InMe: The Pride (import) {1}: RkS:80
  4597. Innercity: A Lion's Baptism (Further) {1}: RA:80
  4598. Inno: Awaiting the Arrival (self-released) {1}: RR:75
  4599. Institutional Prostitution: Kushi Shi Shi (Fluorescent Friends) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4600. Internet Forever: Internet Forever (Tape Alarm) {1}: DIY:80
  4601. In This Moment: Blood (Century Media) {1}: MC(54/4), Ph:75
  4602. Inverloch: Dark ( Subside) {1}:
  4603. Invincible Czars: 1812 Overture (Future Banana Replacement) {1}: AC:78
  4604. IO Echo: Ministry of Love (Iamsound) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4605. Iori: Nexus (Bitta) {1}:
  4606. Xabier Iriondo: Irrintzi () {1}:
  4607. Iron Galaxy: Attention Seeker (Audio Culture) {1}: XL:80
  4608. Iron Mtn: Iron Mtn (self-released) {1}:
  4609. I See Stars: Digital Renegade (Sumerian) {1}: AP:80
  4610. I Self Devine: The Sound of Low Class Amerika (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4611. Israel and New Breed: Jesus at the Center () {1}: UT:75
  4612. Yoron Israel: Visions: The Music of Stevie Wonder (Ronja Music) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4613. It Hugs Back: Laughing Party (Safe and Sound) {1}: MC(69/4), MO:80
  4614. It's a Musical: For Years and Years (Morr Music) {1}: JG:X; V[723-1-10]
  4615. Anne Mette Iversen: Poetry of Earth (Bju'ecords) {1}: TH:***
  4616. I Was Totally Destroying It: Vexations (Greyday) {1}: AP:80
  4617. IX Tab: Spindle and the Bregnut Tree (self-released) {1}:
  4618. Jack and White: Undercover (June Baby, EP) {1}:
  4619. Jack and White: Winter (June Baby, EP) {1}:
  4620. The Jackhammers: Give 'Em Enough Dope (Eruption) {1}: Sk:80
  4621. The Samuel Jackson Five: The Samuel Jackson Five (Denovali) {1}: MO:80
  4622. Irene Jacob and Francis Jacob: Je Sais Nager (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:*
  4623. Cris Jacobs Band: Songs for Cats and Dogs (self-released) {1}:
  4624. Jadakiss: Consignment (mixtape) {1}:
  4625. Marek Jakubowicz: Feelings () {1}:
  4626. Jakwob: The Prize () {1}:
  4627. Aiden James: Trouble With This () {1}:
  4628. Joshua James: From the Top of Willamette Mountain () {1}:
  4629. Jamie's Elsewhere: Reimagined (EP) {1}: AP:80
  4630. Jandek: Maze of the Phantom (Corwood Industries) {1}:
  4631. The Jane Bradfords: 100 Miles of Broken Pavements (Simple Tapestry) {1}: St:80
  4632. Janitor of Lunacy: Crimes on the Dancefloor (Mannequin) {1}: Mi:75
  4633. Janus: Nox Aeris (Realid) {1}:
  4634. Jacob Jeffries Band: Tell Me Secrets (Boom Boom 88 Music) {1}: AbP:81
  4635. Doug Jerebine: Doug Jerebine Is Jesse Harper (Drag City) {1}: Bl:80
  4636. Jerseyband: Forever Hammer (self-released, EP) {1}:
  4637. Jesus H Foxx: Endless Knocking (Song, by Toad) {1}: Sk:80
  4638. Jesus Is My Son: 1914-1918 (FF HHH) {1}:
  4639. Jigsaw Seen: Gifted (Vibro-phonic) {1}: V[1365-1-6]
  4640. Jim-E Stack: Come Between (Good Years, EP) {1}: XL:75
  4641. JJCnV: Brainiac Handsome () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4642. JME: 96 Fuckries () {1}:
  4643. Joan of Arc: Joan of Arc Presents Joan of Arc (Joyful Noise) {1}: AP:80
  4644. Sven-Ake Johansson: Fur Paul Klee (Jazzwerkstatt) {1}: FJ
  4645. Karen Johns and Company: Peach (Ptarmigan Music/Jazz) {1}: TH:*
  4646. Jeff Johnson: Suitcase (Origin) {1}: TH:***
  4647. Max Johnson Trio: Elevated Vegetation (FMR) {1}: FJ
  4648. Daniel Johnston: Space Ducks: Soundtrack (Eternal Yip Eye Music) {1}: AC:78
  4649. Jokers of the Scene: JOT5 (Fool's Gold) {1}: Now:80
  4650. Jolly and the Flytrap: Linger on Mazurka () {1}:
  4651. Danko Jones: Rock and Roll Is Black and Blue () {1}:
  4652. Jessica Jones/Mark Taylor: Live at the Freight (New Artists) {1}: TH:**
  4653. Dave Jones Quartet: Resonance () {1}: JM
  4654. Jonwayne: This Is False (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  4655. Jooklo Danish Group: Mixture of Energies (Holiday) {1}: FJ
  4656. Jooklo Duo and Bill Nace: Scratch (Holidays) {1}: FJ
  4657. Kidd Jordan: On Fire 2 (Engine) {1}: TN
  4658. Anders Jormin: Ad Lucem (ECM) {1}: TH:*
  4659. Josco: Khan Tam-ngan Roum Kan (Somehow) {1}: Mi:100
  4660. Paul Josephs and Metronics: Sreong World (Grey Wind) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4661. Jot Dog: Turista del Amor () {1}:
  4662. Joyce: Rio (Far Out) {1}: G:80
  4663. Joyce the Librarian: They May Put Land Between Us () {1}:
  4664. Simon Joyner: Ghosts (Sing, Eunuchs!) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4665. J the S: The Last Days (Same Plate/Greater Good) {1}: Ph:88
  4666. Jubilee: Pop It! (Mixpak) {1}: S:80
  4667. FC Judd: Electronics Without Tears (Public Information) {1}:
  4668. Judgement Day: Polar Shift (Minus Head) {1}:
  4669. Juicy J: Blue Dream and Lean (mixtape) {1}:
  4670. Jumpcuts: Electrickery () {1}:
  4671. Jungle Fire: Jungle Fire () {1}:
  4672. Junior Electronics: Musostics (Bureau B) {1}: MC(72/4), NYT:70
  4673. Susan Justice: Eat Dirt (Capitol) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4674. Just Music Trio: Standpoint (Caligola) {1}:
  4675. Juvenile: Rejuvenation (UTP/Young Empire/Fontana) {1}: RR:75
  4676. Kab Driver: Kab Driver (Airflex Labs) {1}: RA:80
  4677. Kaizers Orchestra: Violeta Violeta Vol 2 (Universal) {1}:
  4678. Kalenna: Chamber of Diaries () {1}:
  4679. Kamelot: Silverthorn (Steamhammer/SPV) {1}: PM:80
  4680. Kandle: Kandle (Mercy/Happy Life, EP) {1}: Now:80
  4681. Kane Ikin: Sublunar () {1}:
  4682. Kap Bambino: Devotion (Because Music) {1}: DS:80
  4683. Markelian Kapedani: Balkan Bop () {1}:
  4684. Lucy Kaplansky: Reunion () {1}:
  4685. Jasmine Kara: Blues Ain't Nothing but a Good Woman Gone Bad (Acid Jazz) {1}: I:80
  4686. Karl 2000: Karl 2000 (self-released) {1}: TH:***
  4687. Jacob Karlzon: More (ACT) {1}: G:80
  4688. Karmin: Hello (Epic, EP) {1}: MC(43/4), EW:75
  4689. Kasra: FabricLive.62 (Fabric) {1}: RA:80
  4690. Katie Kim: Cover and Flood (Flaming June) {1}:
  4691. Katzenjammer: A Kiss Before You Go (Propeller) {1}: MO:80
  4692. Jim Keays: Dirty, Dirty () {1}:
  4693. Keep Shelly in Athens: In Love With Dusk/Our Own Dream () {1}:
  4694. Seckou Keita: Miro (Astar Artes) {1}: G:80
  4695. Brian Kelley Trio: Ready (self-released) {1}:
  4696. Anton Kellner and the Lone Stars: Sequences (self-released) {1}: AbP:83
  4697. Machine Gun Kelly: EST 4 Life (mixtape) {1}:
  4698. Machine Gun Kelly: Lace Up () {1}: XXL:80
  4699. Scott Kelly/Steve Von Till/Wino: Songs of Townes Van Zandt (My Proud Mountain/Neurot) {1}: S:70
  4700. Kelpe: I Felt Fuzzy (Svetlana) {1}: XL:75
  4701. Tondrae Kemp: Sun Money (Kwality) {1}: Ok:78
  4702. Mo Kenney: Mo Kenney () {1}:
  4703. Stephane Kerecki: Sounds Architects () {1}:
  4704. Eli Keszler: Cold Pin (PAN) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4705. Keyboard Kid: Cosmonaut (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  4706. The Key Frames: Low Light High Light () {1}:
  4707. Khalil Nova: Otomo No Otomaro (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  4708. Asfandyar Khan: Elsewhere (self-released) {1}:
  4709. Khan Kurra: World View EP () {1}:
  4710. Khia: MotorMouf Aka Khia Shamone (Thug Misses Entertainment) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  4711. The Kickdrums: Follow the Leaders (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  4712. Kickstand Band: Kitty Cat Sessions () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4713. Kidcity: Mrdr Brdns (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:83
  4714. Kid Ink: Rocketshipshawty (mixtape) {1}:
  4715. Kid Ink: Up and Away (Tha Alumni) {1}: XXL:80
  4716. Kidz Bop: Kidz Bop 21 (Razor and Tie) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4717. Kim Phuc: Copsucker (Iron Lung) {1}:
  4718. Kindness: Kindness (Terrible) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4719. Kingbastard: Lost Property (Herb) {1}: MiF:86
  4720. King Blood: Vengeance, Man (Ritchie) {1}:
  4721. King Britt: King Britt Presents Fhloston Paradigm (Hyperdub) {1}: Sk:80
  4722. King Brothers: Mach Club (7D Japan) {1}:
  4723. Kingdom of Fear: Kingdom of Fear (YNR) {1}: Sk:100
  4724. King Felix: Spring (Liberation Technologies, EP) {1}: Pf:80
  4725. King Giant: Dismal Hollow (Graveyard Hill) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4726. Jonny King: Above All (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:**
  4727. King Louie: Val Venis () {1}:
  4728. King Tears Bat Trip: King Tears Bat Trip () {1}:
  4729. Lisa Kirchner: Charleston for You (Verdant World) {1}: TH:**
  4730. Kitten: Cut It Out (Atlantic, EP) {1}: AbP:86
  4731. Jon K'Jon: Moving On () {1}:
  4732. Klashnekoff: FTLT (F*** the Long Talk) (SON Entertainment) {1}: RR:75
  4733. Jordan Klassen: Kindness (self-released) {1}: Now:80
  4734. Klub Des Loosers: La Fin De L'Espece () {1}:
  4735. Guy Klucevsek/Ain't Nothin' but a Polka Band: Polka From the Fringe (Starkland, 2CD) {1}:
  4736. K Michelle: 0 Fucks Given () {1}:
  4737. Nathan K: Dishes (self-released) {1}: AbP:81
  4738. Knife and Fork: The Higher You Get the Rarer the Vegetation (Bureau) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4739. Knife Party: Rage Valley () {1}:
  4740. Aidan Knight: Small Reveal () {1}:
  4741. Knock Knock: We Will Raise Your Child (101 Distribution) {1}:
  4742. Richard Knox/Frederic D Oberland: The Rustle of the Stars (Gizeh) {1}: Sk:80
  4743. Tate Kobang: The Book of Joshua () {1}:
  4744. Robot Koch: Cosmic Waves (Project Mooncircle) {1}: Ok:87
  4745. Kofelgschroa: Kofelgschroa () {1}:
  4746. Habib Koite/Eric Bibb: Brothers in Bamako (Stony Plain) {1}: TH:B-
  4747. Tatsuro Kojima: 16g (Audiobulb) {1}: MiF:86
  4748. Wendo Kolosoy: Botyiaki Ntembe (Igloor/Discovery) {1}: G:80
  4749. Sandra Kolstad: (Nothing Lasts) Forever (Trust Me) {1}: MO:80
  4750. Hanne Kolsto: Flashback () {1}:
  4751. Koncept: Awaken (Soulspazm) {1}:
  4752. KonKoma: KonKoma (Soundway) {1}: S:80; TH:B
  4753. Koolade: Beats Rocky (Blackout Entertainment) {1}: RR:80
  4754. Kool Keith: Drugs (Sugarcane) {1}: Ok:85
  4755. Kool Keith: Love and Danger (Junkadelic) {1}: MC(68/6), BBC:80
  4756. Kopecky Family Band: Kids Raising Kids () {1}:
  4757. Andrzej Korzynski: Secret Enigma (Finders Keepers) {1}: Sk:100
  4758. Akira Kosemura: Manon () {1}:
  4759. Kathy Kosins: To the Ladies of Cool () {1}:
  4760. Kotki Dwa: Staycations (self-released) {1}: Pf:76
  4761. Kottarashky and the Rain Dogs: Demoni (Asphalt Tango) {1}: TH:***
  4762. Suzanne Kraft: Horoscope (Young Adults) {1}: XL:80
  4763. Kristoff Krane: Fanfaronade (Crushkill) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4764. Yoni Kretzmer 2Bass Quarter: Weight (Out Now) {1}:
  4765. Liv Kristine: Libertine (Napalm) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4766. Adam Kromelow: Youngblood (Zoho) {1}: Buf:100
  4767. Fredrik Kronkvist: New York Elements (Connective) {1}: DB
  4768. Alexey Kruglov/Alexey Lapin/Oleg Yudanov: Impulse (Leo) {1}: FJ
  4769. Krystale and Kaytradamus: The Good Fight () {1}:
  4770. Felix Kubin: TXRF (It's) {1}: Mi:100
  4771. Sam Kulik: Escape From Society (Hot Cup) {1}: TH:*
  4772. Takuya Kuroda Sextet: Six Aces () {1}:
  4773. Deniz Kurtel and the Marcy All-Stars: The Way We Love () {1}: Cl:80
  4774. Dayna Kurtz: American Standard () {1}:
  4775. Dayna Kurtz: Secret Cannon Vol 1 () {1}:
  4776. Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas: Chances () {1}:
  4777. Dave Kusworth: The Bounty Hunters (Troubadour/Easy Action) {1}: Bl:80
  4778. Kutman: Presents Worldwide Family 2 (Brownswood) {1}: Ok:85
  4779. Kvety: BileVcely (Indies Scope) {1}:
  4780. KWJAZ: KWJAZ (Not Not Fun) {1}: Bow:85
  4781. Kydd: The Righteous LP (LNS) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4782. The Kyteman Orchestra: The Kyteman Orchestra () {1}:
  4783. Joe La Barbera: Silver Streams () {1}:
  4784. Labrinth: Electronic Earth (Syco Music) {1}: MC(55/8)
  4785. La Chicana: Revolucion O Picnic () {1}:
  4786. Lady Antebellum: On This Winter's Night () {1}: R:80
  4787. Ladysmith Black Mambazo: And Friends (Razor and Tie) {1}: P:85
  4788. La Excelencia: Ecos Del Barrio (Handle With Care) {1}:
  4789. Jimmy LaFave: Depending on the Distance () {1}:
  4790. Natalia Lafourcade: Mujer Divina: Homenaje a Agustin Lara (Sony-BMG) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4791. Jesse Lafser: Land in Sight () {1}: AS:80
  4792. Mario Laginha/Julian Arguelles/Helge Norbakken: 20 Anos De Jazz No Parque (Serralves) {1}:
  4793. La Grande Sophie: La Place du Fantome () {1}:
  4794. Lianne La Havas: Forget (Warner Bros, EP) {1}: DS:80
  4795. Laid Back: Cosyland (Terrorbird, EP) {1}:
  4796. Lakei: Konspirasjoner () {1}:
  4797. Lake Mary: Sheep Dog (self-relesed, EP) {1}:
  4798. Lake Radio: Dream House (self-released) {1}: Mi:75
  4799. Lake Street Dive: Fun Machine (Signature Sounds) {1}:
  4800. Ralph Lalama and Bop Juice: Live at Smalls (Smalls Live) {1}:
  4801. Andrew Lamb Trio: Honeymoon on Saturn (CIMP) {1}: TN
  4802. Bishop Lamont: The Layover () {1}:
  4803. Michael Landau Group: Organic Instrumentals (Tone Center) {1}:
  4804. Nils Landgren: Christmas With My Friends III () {1}: J
  4805. Landing: Landing (Geographic North) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4806. Land of Light: Land of Light (ESP Institute) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4807. Lands and Peoples: Pop Guilt () {1}:
  4808. Landscapes: Life Gone Wrong () {1}: RkS:80
  4809. Willie Lane: Guitar Army of One (Cord-Art) {1}: V[391-2-23]
  4810. Jason Lanox: Burning Every Bridge That I Cross to Find Some Beautiful Place to Get Lost (Henk) {1}: MiF:84
  4811. Tim Lapthorn: Transport (Pathway) {1}:
  4812. Larry and His Flask: Hobo's Lament (Paper + Plastick, EP) {1}: AP:80
  4813. La Santa Cecilia: El Valor () {1}:
  4814. The Last Bison: Inheritance (Universal Republic, EP) {1}: AbP:90
  4815. Last Days of 1984: Wake Up to the Waves (Osaka) {1}: MO:80
  4816. Last Witness: Mourning After (import) {1}: RkS:80
  4817. Yusef Lateef: Roots Run Deep () {1}:
  4818. La Terre Tremble!!!: Salvage Blues () {1}:
  4819. Latitudes: Individuation () {1}:
  4820. Latyrx: Disconnection (Latyramid, EP) {1}: RR:80
  4821. Ingrid Laubrock/Javier Carmona/Olie Brice: Catatumbo (Babel) {1}: FJ
  4822. Laurel Collective: Heartbeat Underground () {1}: MO:80
  4823. LA Vampires by Octo Octa: Freedom 2K (100% Silk) {1}: Mi:75
  4824. LA Vampires with Maria Minerva: The Integration (Not Not Fun) {1}:
  4825. Linda Lavin: Possibilities (Ghostlight) {1}: TH:*
  4826. Chris Lawhorn: Fugazi Edits (Case/Martingale) {1}: TH:***
  4827. Jay Lawrence Quartet: Sweet Lime (Jazz Hang) {1}: TH:**
  4828. LCD Soundsystem: Shut Up and Play the Hits (Oscilloscope) {1}: V[427-2-20]
  4829. LCMDF: Mental Health (, EP) {1}: LBF:75
  4830. George Leach: Surrender () {1}:
  4831. League of Extraordinary Gz, Shane Eli: The Plug () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4832. Leah: Of Earth and Angels () {1}:
  4833. Joelle Leandre/Phillip Greenlief: That Overt Desire of Object (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ
  4834. Rodrigo Leao: A Montanha Magica () {1}:
  4835. Chuck Leavell: Back to the Woods: A Tribute to the Pioneers of Blues Piano (Evergreen Arts) {1}:
  4836. Mark Leckey: Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore (The Death of Rave) {1}:
  4837. Chris Lee: Bury the Kings (Phantom) {1}:
  4838. Shawn Lee: Synthesizers in Space (ESL) {1}: S:70
  4839. Shawn Lee's Incredible Tabla Band: Tabla Rock (self-released) {1}:
  4840. Left Leberra: XRAY3D (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  4841. The Left: Cycles (Feels Right) {1}:
  4842. Jerry Leger and the Situation: Some Folks Know (Maple) {1}: Now:80
  4843. Le Ggril/Evan Parker: Vivaces (Tour de Bras) {1}: FJ
  4844. Lego Feet: SKA001CD (Skam) {1}: XL:80
  4845. The Leg: An Eagle to Saturn (Song, by Toad) {1}: Sk:80
  4846. Jussi Lehtisalo: Interludes for Prepared Beast (Full Contact/Svart) {1}: V[654-1-13]
  4847. Urs Leimgruber/Roger Turner: The Pancake Tour (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ
  4848. Leland Sundries: The Foundry EP (L'Echiquier, EP) {1}: RC:**
  4849. Lemolo: Kaleidoscope () {1}:
  4850. Le Prince Harry: It's Getting Worse () {1}:
  4851. Sondre Lerche: Bootlegs [Live] (Mona) {1}: MC(65/4), AM:80
  4852. Le Reveil Des Tropiques: Le Reveil Des Tropiques () {1}:
  4853. Sylvain Leroux: Quatuor Creole (Completely Nuts) {1}:
  4854. Les Discrets: Ariettes Oubliees () {1}:
  4855. Les Enfoires: Le Bal des Enfoires () {1}:
  4856. Les Jupes: Modern Myths () {1}:
  4857. Les Lesbiennes: Les Lesbiennes (self-released) {1}:
  4858. Les Revenants: Betes Lumineuses (C4) {1}:
  4859. Le Stelle: A Voyage Adrift (Supernatural Cat) {1}: S:80
  4860. Lester Bangs: Infinite Stretch (bandcamp) {1}: TH:C
  4861. Josh Levinson Sextet: Chauncey Street (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  4862. Pop Levi: Medicine (Ninja Tune) {1}: MC(50/8), Px:75
  4863. Le Volume Courbe: Theodaurus Rex (EP) {1}:
  4864. Yasmin Levy: Libertad (World Village) {1}: G:80
  4865. Leslie Lewis/Gerald Hagen Trio: Midnight Sun (Surf Cove Jazz) {1}: TH:**
  4866. LHF: EP3: Cities of Technology (Keysound, EP) {1}: Fa:80
  4867. Liam the Younger: After the Graveyard (Underwater Peoples) {1}: ATH:80
  4868. Liar: Strange Love (Infinite Machine) {1}:
  4869. Lichen Gumbo: Earthborn Jinzo (Avant Archive) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4870. Eric Lichter: Elks in Paris (Diamond Market) {1}: Bl:80
  4871. Liechtenstein: Fast Forward (Friction Discs) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4872. Annbjorg Lien: Khoom Loy (Heilo) {1}:
  4873. The Life and Times: No One Loves You Like I Do (Slimstyle) {1}: AP:80
  4874. Lifehouse: Almeria () {1}: EW:83
  4875. The Lighthouse and the Whaler: This Is an Adventure () {1}:
  4876. Lightning Love: Blonde Album (Quite Scientific) {1}: Bl:80
  4877. Lights Out Asia: Hy-Brasil () {1}: Spk:80
  4878. Ligro: Dictionary 2 () {1}:
  4879. Lil Daggers: Lil Daggers (Limited Fanfare) {1}: Bl:80
  4880. Lil Iffy: Wand Ambition () {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4881. Lil Jabba: Swisher (bandcamp) {1}: Fa:80
  4882. Lil' Keke: ABA II (Music Access) {1}: JG:X
  4883. Lillian Axe: Xi: The Days Before Tomorrow () {1}:
  4884. Lil' Ugly Mane: Mista Thug Isolation (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  4885. Limousine: Limousine II () {1}:
  4886. Bob Lind: Finding You Again (Big Beat) {1}: V[699-1-11]
  4887. Linden: Bleached Highlights (AED) {1}: G:80
  4888. Colin Linden: Still Live (File Under: Music) {1}: PM:80
  4889. Lindigo: Maloya Power () {1}:
  4890. Mark Lindsay/W Michael Lewis: Shogun Assassin (Baby Cart) {1}: V[635-1-14]
  4891. Monica Lionheart: Indian Summer () {1}:
  4892. The Liquid Crystal Project: LCP 3 (Nature Sounds/Polar Entertainment/Groove Attack) {1}: RR:85
  4893. LiveWire: Livin' () {1}: R:80
  4894. Living in Question: Recipes and Remedies (Lazy Bones) {1}: V[1264-2-10]
  4895. Tom Liwa: Goldrausch () {1}:
  4896. Bill Lloyd: Boy King of Tokyo () {1}:
  4897. Cher Lloyd: Sticks and Stones (Epic) {1}: MC(51/9), EW:75
  4898. Jim Lockey and the Solemn Sun: Death (import) {1}:
  4899. Lo Cor de la Plana: Marcha! () {1}:
  4900. Locrian and Christoph Heemann: Locrian and Christoph Heemann (Handmade Birds) {1}:
  4901. Andre Lodemann: Fragments (Best Works) {1}: RA:80
  4902. Logic: Young Sinatra (mixtape) {1}:
  4903. Logikparty: Oh Cult! (White Plague) {1}: St:80
  4904. Lonesome Shack: City Man () {1}:
  4905. Lonetones: Modern Victim (Little Thing) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4906. Jeremy Long: In Suspension (Innova) {1}: TH:*
  4907. Loose Tubes: Sad Afrika (Lost Marble) {1}: G:80
  4908. Loquat: We Could Be Arsonists (Nacional) {1}:
  4909. Jeff Lorber Fusion: Galaxy () {1}:
  4910. Lord of the Mushrooms: Perspectives () {1}:
  4911. Halie Loren: Heart First (Justin Time) {1}:
  4912. Mary Lorson and the Soubrettes: Burn Baby Burn (MLS) {1}: DS:80
  4913. Dorance Lorza and Sexteto Cafe: Rumbero De Corazon (DLR Music) {1}:
  4914. Los Angeles: 555/666/777 () {1}:
  4915. Brendan Losch: Low () {1}:
  4916. Los Embajadores: Faisanes () {1}:
  4917. Los Hacheros: Pilon (Chulo) {1}:
  4918. Los Miticos Del Ritmo: Los Miticos Del Ritmo () {1}:
  4919. Los Straitjackets: Jet Set (Yep Roc) {1}: Bl:80
  4920. Lost Bayou Ramblers: Mammoth Waltz (Bayou Perdu) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4921. Lost Harbours: Hymns and Ghosts (Liminal Noise) {1}:
  4922. Loud Lary Ajust: Gullywood (self-released) {1}:
  4923. Love American: Disquiet () {1}: Spk:80
  4924. Calvin Love: New Radar () {1}:
  4925. Love Cult: Fingers Crossed (Public Information) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4926. Lovedrug: Wild Blood () {1}:
  4927. Lovelock: Burning Feeling (Internasjonal) {1}: MC(71/4), NME:80
  4928. Love on a Real Train: Love on a Real Train () {1}:
  4929. Alfonso Lovo: La Gigantona (Numero Group) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4930. LP: Into the Wild (Warner Bros, 2CD) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4931. Alexei Lubimov: Claude Debussy: Preludes (ECM) {1}: JG:**
  4932. Alexei Lubimov/Alexei Zueb: Claude Debussy: Preludes (ECM) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4933. Luce Trio: Pieces, Vol 1 (Museum Clausum) {1}: TH:*
  4934. Lucky Dragons: Existers (Swill Children) {1}: S:70
  4935. A Lull: Meat Mountain (, EP) {1}: Bow:75
  4936. Lumerians: Lumerians (Permanent) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4937. Lund Quartet: Lund Quartet () {1}:
  4938. Carmen Lundy: Changes (Afrasia Productions) {1}:
  4939. Jessica Lurie Ensemble: Megaphone Heart (Zipa! Music) {1}: TH:*
  4940. LX Sweat: Sweat Sweat Sweat (Not Not Fun) {1}: Bow:80
  4941. Lymbyc Systym: Symbolyst (Western Vinyl) {1}: Bow:77
  4942. Payton MacDonald/Peter Evans/Elliott Sharp: Payton Peter Elliott (Savory Art) {1}: FJ
  4943. Machine: Selfish Bastard (self-released) {1}: Ok:78
  4944. Kathleen MacInnes: Cille Bhride (self-released) {1}:
  4945. Fiona J MacKenzie: Archipelago (Greentrax) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  4946. Mac Lethal: Irish Goodbye (Black Clover) {1}: RR:80
  4947. Mad Buffalo: Red and Blue () {1}:
  4948. Ciro Madd: Sleeping in the Rough Sea (Pug) {1}: BPM:77
  4949. Madia: Go Get It (PhasBase) {1}: Ok:82
  4950. Mad Nanna: I Made Blood Better (Negative Guest List) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4951. Mad River: Jersey Sloo (Shagrat) {1}: RS:80
  4952. Shai Maestro Trio: Shai Maestro Trio (Laborie) {1}: G:80
  4953. Maetrik: Cocoon Heroes: Live at Cocoon Ibiza (Cocoon) {1}: RA:80
  4954. Maga Bo: Quilombo do Futuro Remixed (Tijilo) {1}: Ok:86
  4955. Maggz: Soundscapes: Spring Selection (bandcamp) {1}: RR:75
  4956. Maggz: Soundscapes: Winter Selection (bandcamp) {1}: RR:75
  4957. Maghostut Trio: Live at Last (RogueArt) {1}:
  4958. Magical Mistakes: Special Friends (Kassette Klub) {1}: Ph:75
  4959. #Magicalpowers: #Magicalpowers (, EP) {1}: CS:80
  4960. Magnetiknorth: Evolver (Inky Blackness) {1}:
  4961. Vusi Mahlasela: Say Africa (Wrasse) {1}: G:80
  4962. Mahlis-Panos Project: Protoleia (self-released) {1}: TH:**
  4963. Maikotron Unit: Effugit (Jazz From Rant) {1}: TH:***
  4964. Maine: Good Love (Action Theory) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  4965. Maino: The Day After Tomorrow () {1}: XXL:80
  4966. Ivy Mairi: No Talker () {1}:
  4967. Majeure/Steve Moore: Brainstorm (Temporary Residence) {1}: S:70
  4968. Make: Trephine () {1}: RkS:80
  4969. Makeup and Vanity Set: 88:88 () {1}:
  4970. Makoomba: Rising Tide (Igloo) {1}:
  4971. Mala: Stand Against War/Maintain Thru Madness (DMZ) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  4972. Bill Mallonee: Amber Waves () {1}:
  4973. Michelle Malone: Day 2 (SBS) {1}: Bl:80
  4974. Daniel Maloso: In and Out (Comeme) {1}:
  4975. Mammoth Mammoth: Volume III: Hell’s Likely (Mammoth Mammoth) {1}:
  4976. Jo Mango: Murmuration (Olive Grove) {1}: Sk:80
  4977. Mangoo: Neverland (Small Stone) {1}:
  4978. Mankwe: Science and Spirit () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4979. Chico Mann: Instrumental EP () {1}:
  4980. Many Places: Another Oath (Tandem Shop) {1}: AbP:84
  4981. Manzoni: Cucina Povera (Garrincha/Venus) {1}:
  4982. Baba Maraire: Wona Baba Maraire (Tendai Maraire) {1}: Ok:89
  4983. Ayah Marar: The Real (import) {1}:
  4984. Marcy Playground: Lunch, Recess and Detention (Capitol/Woz) {1}: AbP:83
  4985. Gregoire Maret: Gregoire Maret (E1) {1}: Buf:88
  4986. Dario Marianelli: Anna Karenina [Soundtrack] (Decca) {1}:
  4987. Eric Marienthal: It's Love (E1) {1}: Buf:75
  4988. Marillion: Sounds That Can Be Made () {1}:
  4989. Anya Marina: Felony Flats (Atlantic) {1}:
  4990. Ulaan Markhor: Ulaan Markhor (Soft Abuse) {1}: V[699-1-11]
  4991. Don Mark's Fire Escape: In a New Light (Niromi) {1}: TH:**
  4992. Marmozets: Vexed (self-released) {1}: RkS:90
  4993. Charlie Mars: Blackberry Light (Rockingham) {1}: P:79
  4994. Max Marshall: Instant Camaraderie (Jazz Hang) {1}: TH:**
  4995. Dominic J Marshall Trio: Icaros (F-ire) {1}: JM
  4996. Marshstepper: Marshstepper (Chondritic Sound) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  4997. Emilia Martensson/Barry Green: And So It Goes (Babel) {1}:
  4998. Angela-Faye Martin: Anniversary (Totem Girl Music) {1}: Bl:80
  4999. Claire Martin: Too Much in Love to Care (Linn) {1}: G:80
  5000. Clare Martin: Too Much Love to Care (Linn) {1}:
  5001. Pedrito Martinez Group: Live at Guantanamera (Rolling Fork) {1}: YW
  5002. Martin, Haynes and Driver: Freedman at Western Front (Barnyard) {1}: TH:*
  5003. Mary Mary: Go Get It () {1}: UT:75
  5004. Hugh Masekela/Larry Willis: Friends (House of Masekela) {1}:
  5005. Masked Intruder: Masked Intruder (Red Scare) {1}:
  5006. Masta Ace: Son of Yvonne (Fat Beats) {1}: Ok:86
  5007. Masta Killa: Selling My Soul (Nature Sounds) {1}: MC(68/4), Px:75
  5008. Master Saleem: Maiya Ji Aa Jao (Times Music) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5009. The Mastersons: Birds Fly South (New West) {1}: V[427-2-20]
  5010. Mater Suspiria Vision: Inverted Triangle II (Phantasma Disques) {1}: Mi:83
  5011. Patsy Matheson: Stories of Angels and Guitars (Tomorrow/Proper) {1}: G:80
  5012. Stephan Mathieu: A Static Place (Minority) {1}: TMT:80
  5013. Emel Mathlouthi: Helmti Horra (World Village) {1}: G:80
  5014. Matisyahu: Spark Seeker (Fallen Sparks) {1}: MC(76/4), EW:83
  5015. Matta Gawa: Tambora (New Atlantis) {1}: TMT:80
  5016. Scott Matthew: Galantry's Favorite (Indie Europe/Zoom) {1}:
  5017. Mattic: The Abstract Convention (Phonosaurus) {1}: WB:70
  5018. Maveth: Coils of the Black Earth (Dark Descent) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5019. David Maxwell: Blues in Other Colors (Shining Stone) {1}: TH:*
  5020. Magda Mayas/ChristineAbdelnour: Myriad (Unsounds) {1}: FJ
  5021. Case Mayfield: The Many Colored Beast (PIAS) {1}:
  5022. Matt Mays: Coyote () {1}:
  5023. Lee Mazin: LoveLEE () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5024. Missy Mazzoli: Songs From the Uproar () {1}:
  5025. Shannon McArdle: Fear the Dream of Axes (Bar/None) {1}: Bl:80
  5026. Daniel McBrearty: Clarinet Swing< (Dan McB Music) {1}: TH:*
  5027. Kelly McCarty 3: Roux Steady (72 Offsuit) {1}: TH:*
  5028. MC Chris: Race Wars (self-released) {1}: RR:75
  5029. Sam McClain and Mahsa Vadat: A Deeper Tone of Longing (Valley Entertainment) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5030. Antsy McClain and the Trailer Park Troubadours: Living the Dream () {1}:
  5031. Quintus McCormick: Still Called the Blues (Delmark) {1}: TN
  5032. Neal McCoy: Twelve () {1}: CW:70
  5033. Scotty McCreery: Christmas With Scotty McCreery () {1}: R:90
  5034. Chad McCullough-Bram Weijters Quartet: Urban Nightingale (Origin) {1}: TH:B
  5035. Ian McGlynn: Now We're Golden (Bailey Park) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5036. Eamon McGrath: Young Canadians () {1}:
  5037. Isamu McGregor: Live at the Baked Potato! (Amorphous Paraphernalia) {1}: JM
  5038. Lori McKenna: Heart Shaped Bullet Hole (self-released, EP) {1}: E145:80
  5039. Ewan McLennan: The Last Bird to Sing (Fellside) {1}:
  5040. Heath McNease: The Weight of Glory: Songs Inspired by the Works of CS Lewis () {1}:
  5041. Dean McPhee: Son of the Black Peace () {1}:
  5042. Joe McPhee: Trio X: Tour 2010 (Corbett vs Dempsey) {1}:
  5043. M-Dot: Layercake (EMS Productions) {1}: Ph:88
  5044. Chuck Mead and His Grassy Knoll Boys: Back at the Quonset Hut (Ramseur) {1}: Bl:80
  5045. Medina: Forever (PID) {1}:
  5046. Meeco: Beauty of the Night (Connector) {1}:
  5047. Meiko: The Bright Side (Fantasy) {1}:
  5048. Melanin 9: Magna Carta (Red Snow) {1}: Sk:80
  5049. Mele Featuring Kano: Beamer (Grizzly) {1}: XL:75
  5050. Melingo: Corazon y Hueso (World Village) {1}: G:80
  5051. Steve Melling/Clark Tracey Special Septet: Special One (Melljazz) {1}:
  5052. Mellow Bravo: Mellow Bravo (Mad Oak) {1}: Ph:88
  5053. Katie Melua: Secret Symphony (Dramatico) {1}:
  5054. Memotone: Sleep. At Waking (Black Acre) {1}:
  5055. The Memphis Strange: Birth of the Strange () {1}: AC:78
  5056. Joe Mendelson: Women Are the Only Hope (Old Bold) {1}: Now:80
  5057. Mensch: Mensch () {1}:
  5058. Mental Powers: Pro Bono (Badminton Bandit) {1}:
  5059. Mercyland: Hymns for the Rest of Us (Mercyland) {1}: P:80
  5060. Giacomo Merega: Watch the Walls () {1}:
  5061. Messages: Message Bag (De Stijl) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5062. Message to Bears: Folding Leaves () {1}:
  5063. Metallica: Beyond Magnetic (Warner Bros) {1}: RS:70
  5064. Metro Zu: Mink Rug (self-released) {1}: Mi:75
  5065. Metta Quintet: Big Drum/SmallWorld (Jazz Reach) {1}: TN
  5066. Szilard Mezei Tubass Quintet: Canons: 2nd Hosting (NoBusiness) {1}:
  5067. Szilard Mezei Tubass Quintet: Canons: 2nd Hosting (NoBusiness) {1}: TH:**
  5068. Mi Ami: Decade (100% Silk) {1}: Mi:83
  5069. Danny Michel: Blackbirds Are Dancing All Over Me () {1}:
  5070. Misja Fitzgerald Michel: Time of No Reply () {1}:
  5071. Microwaves: Psionic Impedance (ugExplode) {1}: S:70
  5072. Mike Mictlan: Snaxxx (Doomtree) {1}:
  5073. Middle Class Fashion: Girl Talk (Blip Blap) {1}: V[587-2-15]
  5074. Midi Matilda: RedLight District (EP) {1}:
  5075. Midnight: Complete and Total Hell (Hells Headbangers) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5076. The Midnight Ghost Train: Buffalo (Karate Body) {1}:
  5077. Midnight Magic: Walking the Midnight Streets () {1}:
  5078. Midnite: In Awe (Fifth Sun) {1}:
  5079. Midnite: Kings Bell (I Grande) {1}:
  5080. M: Il () {1}:
  5081. Mile Me Deaf: Eat Skull () {1}: LBF:85
  5082. Allison Miller: Live at Willisau (Foxhaven) {1}: DB
  5083. Joel Miller: Swim (Origin) {1}: TH:**
  5084. Scott Miller/Rayna Gellert: CoDependents (Fay) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5085. Mimes of Wine: Memories for the Unseen () {1}:
  5086. Gianni Mimmo/Daniel Levin: Turbulent Flow (Amirani) {1}: FJ
  5087. Minnesota: Are You There (Hymn and Holler) {1}: V[672-1-12]
  5088. Minta and the Brook Trout: Olympia () {1}:
  5089. Linda Mirada: Con Mi Tiempo Y El Progreso () {1}:
  5090. Misia: Senhora Da Noite (Ais) {1}:
  5091. Mission for Christ: The Complete Sessions (Ektro) {1}: V[1365-1-6]
  5092. Mister Loveless: Grow Up () {1}:
  5093. Brian Stokes Mitchell: Simply Broadway (CDBaby) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5094. Lisa Mitchell: Bless This Mess () {1}:
  5095. Cheyenne Marie Mize: We Don't Need (Yep Roc) {1}: Sl:80
  5096. Mmoss: Only Children () {1}:
  5097. Modern Superstitions: Modern Superstitions () {1}:
  5098. Moebius and Tiechens: Moebius and Tiechens () {1}: Cl:80
  5099. Moe: What Happened to the La Las (Sugar Hill) {1}: MC(74/4), AS:80
  5100. Ariane Moffat: MA () {1}:
  5101. Joe Moffett: Ad Faunum (Not Two) {1}: FJ
  5102. Mohel: The Second Temple (Verdura) {1}:
  5103. Mojo Juju: Mojo Juju () {1}:
  5104. Moka Only and Ayatollah: Bridges (Greenstreets Entertainment) {1}: Ok:83
  5105. Jessica Molaskey/Dave Frishberg: At the Algonquin (Arbors) {1}:
  5106. Mole: What's the Meaning? (RareNoise) {1}: TN
  5107. Jason Molina: Autumn Bird Songs () {1}:
  5108. Molior Superum: Into The Sun (self-released) {1}:
  5109. Momus: Bibliotek (American Patchwork) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5110. Mona: Mona (Mercury) {1}:
  5111. Monarch: Omens (At a Loss) {1}: S:70
  5112. MondreMAN: MAN (Dreamcollabo, EP) {1}: CMG:78
  5113. MondreMAN: MC Illin' (Green Owl) {1}: Mi:75
  5114. Monoswezi: The Village (Riverboat) {1}:
  5115. Ryan Monroe: A Painting of a Painting on Fire () {1}:
  5116. Montage One:10.6.3 OGX: Stimulus One/Gold Chain Military () {1}: R
  5117. Eddie Montalvo: Desde Nueva York A Puerto Rico (Marcha/Select-O-Hits) {1}:
  5118. Eddie Montalvo: Desde Nueva York a Puerto Rico (Senor Marcha) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  5119. French Montana and the Coke Boys: Coke Boys (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  5120. French Montana, Juicy J and Project Pat: Cocaine Mafia (Evil Empire) {1}:
  5121. Moodymann: Picture This (Scion A/V) {1}:
  5122. Vincent Moon and Lulacruza: Esperando el Tsunami () {1}: ATH:80
  5123. Moon Curse: Moon Curse (self-released) {1}:
  5124. Moon Hooch: The Moon Hooch Album () {1}:
  5125. Moonless: Calling All Demons (Doomentia) {1}:
  5126. Moonspell: Alpha Noir/Omega White (Napalm) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5127. Moon Wiring Club: Today Bread, Tomorrow Secrets (Gecophonic) {1}:
  5128. Steve Moore: Light Echoes (Cuneiform) {1}:
  5129. Nick Moran Trio: No Time Like Now (Manor Sound) {1}: TH:*
  5130. Craig Morgan: This Ole Boy () {1}: CW:70
  5131. Mornin' Old Sport: Mornin' Old Sport () {1}:
  5132. Mairi Morrison/Alasdair Roberts: Urstan (Drag City) {1}:
  5133. Cristina Morrison: I Love (Baronesa) {1}: TH:***
  5134. James Morrison: Snappy Too (self-released) {1}: TH:**
  5135. Joe Moses: The Streets (Thump) {1}: S:70
  5136. Mos Generator: Nomads (Ripple) {1}:
  5137. Moskus: Salmesykkel () {1}: JM
  5138. Moss: Ornaments (Excelsior/V2) {1}:
  5139. The Motel Life: Those Bruises (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:82
  5140. Mother Mother: The Sticks () {1}:
  5141. Mothership: Mothership (self-released) {1}:
  5142. Mothlite: Dark Age (Kscope) {1}: Sk:80
  5143. John Moulder Quintet: The Eleventh Hour: Live at the Green Mill (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  5144. Moulettes: The Bear's Revenge (Balling the Jack) {1}: G:80
  5145. The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation: Egor (Denovali) {1}:
  5146. Mozella: The Brian Holland Sessions () {1}:
  5147. Mr Dream: Fatherland (God Mode, EP) {1}: BPM:75
  5148. Mr Nick and the Dirty Tricks: Oh Wow! () {1}:
  5149. Mugstar: Ad Marginem (Agitated) {1}:
  5150. Mugstar: Axis (Agitated) {1}:
  5151. Georgia Anne Muldrow/DJ Rome: Blackhouse (Mello Music Group) {1}: Ok:92
  5152. Mark Mulholland: The Cactus and the Dragon (Cannery Row) {1}: DS:80
  5153. Jim Mullen Reunion Quartet: String Theory (Diving Duck) {1}: TN
  5154. Mumiy Troll: Vladivostok (The Village) {1}: AbP:83
  5155. Muneshine: There Is Only Today (Droppin' Science Productions) {1}: RR:80
  5156. Murals: On a Passing Cloud () {1}:
  5157. Chrissy Murderbot: Friendship EP (Halo Cyan, EP) {1}: S:80
  5158. Murder Construct: Results (Relapse) {1}: PM:80
  5159. Muringa: The Unknown Knowns (Sofa Music) {1}: FJ
  5160. Olly Murs: Right Time Right Place (Sony) {1}:
  5161. Musaner: Once Upon a Time (Lucent Music) {1}: TH:**
  5162. Museum Mouth: Sexy but Not Happy (self-released) {1}:
  5163. Mr Muthafuckin' eXquire: Power and Passion (Universal Republic, EP) {1}: MC(60/5), S:70
  5164. Kali Mutsa: Ambrolina (Ambrolina) {1}: S:70
  5165. MxPx: Plans Within Plans () {1}:
  5166. My Best Friend: In Ghostlike Fading (Warp) {1}:
  5167. My Dry Wet Mess: Stereo Typing () {1}:
  5168. My Dying Bride: A Map of All Our Failures (Peaceville) {1}: Fix:80
  5169. David Myhr: Soundshine () {1}:
  5170. Myka 9 and Factor: Sovereign Soul (Fake Four) {1}: Mi:83
  5171. My Name Is John: The Thinker and the Prover (Stress Debt and Chestpains) {1}: St:80
  5172. Myriad 3: Tell (ALMA) {1}: TH:**
  5173. Myth Rychards: Rock Rock the Spot () {1}:
  5174. Naam: The Ballad of the Starchild EP (Tee Pee) {1}:
  5175. Nacho Picasso: Black Narcissus (self-released) {1}: Pot:80
  5176. Nadja and Vampillia: The Primitive World (Important) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5177. David Nail: 1979 (MCA Nashville, EP) {1}: AbP:86
  5178. Naim Amor: Dansons () {1}:
  5179. Nakatani/Tiner/Drake: Ritual Inscription (Epigraph) {1}: FJ, TH:U
  5180. Naked Truth: Ouroboros () {1}:
  5181. Arliss Nancy: Simple Machines () {1}:
  5182. Napolian: Rejoice (Software, EP) {1}: Mi:91
  5183. The Narrows: The Eve of Invasion () {1}: DIY:90
  5184. Kalen Nash: Ukred (Normaltown) {1}: Bl:80
  5185. Na'Tee: The Coronation () {1}:
  5186. Natie Soul: One Mind (American Showplace Music) {1}:
  5187. Nation Beat: Growing Stone (Barbes) {1}:
  5188. Natur: Head of Death (Earache) {1}: S:70
  5189. Nautiluss: Alpha (Turbo, EP) {1}: XL:75
  5190. Naytronix: Dirty Glow () {1}: Bow:89
  5191. Maria Neckam: Unison (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:C+
  5192. Necronomicon: The Queen Of Death (Hydro-Phonic) {1}:
  5193. Necrovation: Necrovation (Red General) {1}:
  5194. Negroni's Trio: On the Way (AA) {1}: TH:**
  5195. Neighbourhood: I'm Sorry . . . (The [R]evolve Group) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5196. Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real: Wasted () {1}: R:80
  5197. Beaver Nelson: Macro/Micro (Freedom) {1}: AC:89
  5198. Neptune: Msg Rcvd (Northern Spy) {1}:
  5199. Nervebreakers: Hijack the Radio! (Get Hip) {1}: AC:78
  5200. Netherfriends: Middle America (Kilo) {1}:
  5201. Thea Neumann: Lady and the Tramps (self-released) {1}: TH:**
  5202. New Bleeders: New Bleeders (Kinky Star) {1}: DS:90
  5203. Carrie Newcomer: Kindred Spirits (Rounder) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5204. Thomas Newman: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel [Soundtrack] () {1}:
  5205. Rachel Newton: The Shadow Side () {1}:
  5206. New White Light: Bela Tarr 7-13 () {1}:
  5207. New York City Queens: Burn Out Like Roman Candles () {1}:
  5208. New York Gypsy All Stars: Romantech (Traditional Crossroads) {1}:
  5209. New Zion Trio: Fight Against Babylon (Veal) {1}:
  5210. NickNack: State Machine (Crowd Control) {1}: AC:78
  5211. Britt Nicole: Gold (Sparrow/Capitol) {1}: V[654-1-13]
  5212. Nightmare Fortress: Until the Air Runs Out (Sweating Tapes, EP) {1}: Mi:83
  5213. Nightstalker: Dead Rock Commandos (Small Stone) {1}:
  5214. Nightwish: Imaginaerum () {1}:
  5215. Nihill: Verdonkermaan (Hydra Head) {1}: Pf:75
  5216. Nikko: Gold and Red (Tenzenmen) {1}:
  5217. John Jacon Niles: The Boone-Tolliver Recordings (LM Dupli-Cation) {1}: I:80
  5218. John Olav Nilsen and Gjengen: Den Eneste Veien Ut () {1}:
  5219. Molly Nilsson: History () {1}:
  5220. Nine Black Alps: Sirens (Brew) {1}: MC(75/4), K:80
  5221. Don Nino: In the Backyard of Your Mind () {1}:
  5222. No Anchor: The Golden Bridge (self-released) {1}:
  5223. Sebastian Noelle: Koan (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: TH:**
  5224. Noh Mercy: Noh Mercy (Superior Viaduct) {1}: V[654-1-13]
  5225. NOISIA: Split the Atom (Mau5trap) {1}:
  5226. Mossy Nolan: Mossy Nolan () {1}:
  5227. Russ Nolan: Tell Me (Rhinoceruss Music) {1}: TH:*
  5228. Nomads: Solna (Devil's Jukebox) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5229. Nadje Noordhuis: Nadje Noordhuis (Little Mystery) {1}: TH:***
  5230. No Regular Play: Endangered Species (Wolf + Lamb) {1}:
  5231. Norken and Deer: Micro Don Juan (Hydrogen Dukebox) {1}: MiF:84
  5232. Marianne Norottny/Barry Schwabsky: A Voice Hears You From Mysterious Places (Abaton Book Company) {1}:
  5233. Walter Norris/Leszek Mozder: The Last Set (ACT) {1}:
  5234. Norska: Norska (Brutal Panda) {1}:
  5235. North: The Great Silence (Cavity) {1}: AP:80
  5236. No Spill Blood: Street Meat (Sargent House, EP) {1}:
  5237. No UFO's: MPC Tracks Vol 1 (Nice Up Int'l) {1}:
  5238. No UFO's: Soft Coast () {1}:
  5239. Novella: Novella (Italian Beach Babes, EP) {1}: Fix:80
  5240. The November Five: If You're Satisfied You Are Dead (Montauk Industries) {1}: MO:80
  5241. No Zu: Life (Sensory Projects) {1}:
  5242. Nude on Sand: Nude on Sand (Sofamusic) {1}: MiF:94
  5243. Numbers Not Names: What's the Price () {1}:
  5244. Nuojuva: Valot Kaukaa (Preservation) {1}: MiF:84
  5245. Nutso: Behind These Bars () {1}:
  5246. Nylo: Memories of Speak (self-released) {1}: JG:*
  5247. Rad Obagam: Rad Obagam (self-released, EP) {1}: Ok:84
  5248. Obelyskkh: White Lightnin’ (Exile On Mainstream) {1}:
  5249. Obnox: I'm Bleeding Now (12XU) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5250. Tim O'Brien and Darrell Scott: We're Usually a Lot Better Than This () {1}: R:100
  5251. Occultation: Three and Seven (Profound Lore) {1}:
  5252. Ocean Party: Social Clubs (Sound of Melbourne/Birds Love Fighting) {1}:
  5253. Mark O'Connor: American Classics (OMAC) {1}: Buf:100
  5254. October Trio: New Dream () {1}:
  5255. Octo Octa: Oh Love (100% Silk, EP) {1}: XL:75
  5256. Octo Octa: Rough, Rugged and Raw (100% Silk) {1}: MI:75
  5257. Oddarrang: Cathedral (Texicali) {1}: JM
  5258. Oddfellow's Casino: The Raven's Empire (Nightjar) {1}:
  5259. Oddisee: Odd Renditions (, EP) {1}:
  5260. Stanley Odd: Reject (Circular) {1}: Sk:80
  5261. Tom Odell: Songs From Another Love (, EP) {1}: Fix:80
  5262. Odonis Odonis: Hollandaze (Fat Cat) {1}:
  5263. Piero Odorici: Cedar Walton Presents (Savant) {1}: TH:***
  5264. Oskar Offermann: Do Pilots Still Dream of Flying? (White) {1}:
  5265. The Officers: On The Twelve Thrones (Original Wall of Death) {1}:
  5266. oFF Love: Probably Love (M=Maxima) {1}: Mi:83
  5267. Offshore: Bake Haus (Big Dada) {1}: Sk:80
  5268. The Offspring: Days Go By (Columbia) {1}: MC(47/7)
  5269. Ohene: I Am Ohene (Soul Model/Kunaki) {1}: RR:85
  5270. The Oh Hellos: Through the Valley () {1}:
  5271. O'Hooley and Tidow: The Fragile (No Masters Cooperati) {1}: G:80
  5272. Oiltanker: The Shadow of Greed LP/Crusades 7" (Southern Lord) {1}: MO:80
  5273. Okadada: When the Night Comes () {1}:
  5274. Okta Logue: Ballads of a Burden () {1}:
  5275. Olamide: Live From the Bitter End () {1}: Ok:75
  5276. S Olbricht: The Last Act of Dorothy Stratten () {1}:
  5277. JJ Oliveros: El Jilguero de Centro Habana (Lujuna Music) {1}:
  5278. David Olney: Robbery and Murder (Deadbeet) {1}: Bl:80
  5279. Stephen O'Malley/Steve Noble: St Francis Duo (Bo Weavil) {1}: FJ
  5280. KG Omulo: Ayah Ye! Moving Train (self-released) {1}: Ok:76
  5281. The One Ensemble: Oriole () {1}:
  5282. One Happy Island: The Purpose of the Surface (Odd Box) {1}:
  5283. One Mile an Hour: One Mile an Hour (Snowbird) {1}: Fix:80
  5284. Oneohtrix Point Never/Rene Hell: In 1980 I Was a Blue Square (NNA Tapes) {1}: BPM:81
  5285. Oneontrix Point Never/Rene Hell: Music for Reliquary House/In 1980 I Was a Blue Square (NNA Tapes) {1}: Fa:80
  5286. Orchid: Heretic EP (Nuclear Blast) {1}:
  5287. Orcus Chylde: Orcus Chylde (World in Sound) {1}:
  5288. Oregon: Family Tree (CAM Jazz) {1}:
  5289. Graf Orlock: Los Angeles (Vitriol, EP) {1}: S:70
  5290. Ormonde: Machine (Hometapes) {1}: Bow:80
  5291. Orlando Ortiz and Karibe Mambo Orchestra: At Full Swing (OOK Music) {1}:
  5292. Aruan Ortiz: Santiarican Blues Suite (Sunnyside) {1}: TH:*
  5293. Gerardo Ortiz: El Primer Ministro () {1}:
  5294. Josh Osho: Life () {1}:
  5295. The Other Europeans: Splendor (Kikiyon, 2CD) {1}: AC:89
  5296. Our Lady Peace: Curve (E1) {1}: MC(49/4); V[1385-1-5]
  5297. Jamie Ousley: A Sea of Voices (Tie) {1}: Buf:88
  5298. The Outfits: Tryin' on the Outfits (Cut the Shit!) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5299. Overlord: The Expurgated Version () {1}:
  5300. Jake Owen: Endless Summer EP (RCA Nashville, EP) {1}: R:80
  5301. Dudley Owens/Aaron Wright Band: People Calling (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  5302. Owiny Sigoma Band: Owiny Sigoma Band (Brownwood) {1}: RC:B+
  5303. Julian Paaige: Dismal Ditty () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5304. Pac Div: GMB (RBC) {1}: Ok:89
  5305. Pachanga Boys: We Are Really Sorry (Hippie Dance) {1}:
  5306. Pacific 231: Scuffle (Nostalgie de la Boue) {1}:
  5307. Pacific Mambo Orchestra: PMO (Pacific Mambo) {1}:
  5308. Padang Food Tigers: Ready Country Nimbus (Bathetic) {1}:
  5309. Steven Padin: Out of the Silent Next (Candy Rat) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  5310. Morgan Page: In the Air () {1}:
  5311. Fiona Soe Paing: Tower of Babel (, EP) {1}: Sk:80
  5312. Paintings of Ships: DDFD (08-13) {1}:
  5313. Pale Divine: Painted Windows Black (Shadow Kingdom) {1}:
  5314. Paleman: All Good (Fulcrum, EP) {1}: XL:75
  5315. Palm Reader: Palm Reader () {1}: RkS:80
  5316. Pancho-San: Americans () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5317. Panic Room: Skin () {1}:
  5318. Papercranes: Three () {1}: Spk:80
  5319. Drew Paralic: Wintertime Tunes of Drew Paralic (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  5320. Parallel41: Parallel41 () {1}:
  5321. Pariah: Rift (R&S) {1}: XL:75
  5322. Parisian: Those Emotions Run High () {1}:
  5323. Emile Parisien Quartet: ChienGuepe (Laborie Jazz) {1}: FJ
  5324. Pariso: Nothing Beyond Everything After () {1}: RkS:80
  5325. Andrea Parker/Daz Quayle: Private Dreams and Public Nightmares (Aperture) {1}:
  5326. Maceo Parker: Soul Classics (Razor and Tie) {1}:
  5327. Evan Parker/Okkyung Lee/Peter Evans: The Bleeding Edge () {1}:
  5328. Ray Parker: Swingin' Never Hurt Nobody (Pythagoras) {1}: TH:*
  5329. Bernard Parmegiani: L'Oeil Ecoute/Dedans-Dehors (Editions Mego) {1}: Bow:75
  5330. Arvo Part: Adam's Lament (ECM) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  5331. PascAli: Suspicious Activity (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ
  5332. Joaquin Pascual: La Frontera () {1}:
  5333. Paula: Relaxed Fit (Arbutus) {1}: Bow:85
  5334. Mieka Pauley: The Science of Making Choices (self-released) {1}: AbP:88
  5335. Hanna Paulsberg Concept: Waltz for Lili (Ora Fonogram) {1}: JM
  5336. The Pauses/Great Deceivers: The Pauses/Great Deceivers (New Granada) {1}: AbP:85
  5337. Mario Pavone/Mike DiRubbo/Tyshawn Sorey: Trio (Arc Cafe) {1}: TN
  5338. Vinnie Paz: Gods of the Serengeti () {1}:
  5339. Peace: The World Is Too Much With Us () {1}: SFJ
  5340. The Peacocks: Don't Ask () {1}: RkS:90
  5341. Cesar Pedroso "Pupy": Siempre Pupy (BIS) {1}:
  5342. Pegasvs: Pegasvs (Canada) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5343. Penalune: Not All Clouds Are White (Broken20) {1}:
  5344. Bruce Peninsula: Of Songs () {1}: Now:80
  5345. Pentimento: Pentimento (Paper + Plastick) {1}:
  5346. People Get Ready: People Get Ready (Brassland) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5347. People of the North: Steep Formations () {1}:
  5348. Peoples Temple: More for the Masses (Hozac) {1}:
  5349. Pep Love: Rigamarole (Hieroglyphics Imperium) {1}: Ok:78
  5350. Gregory Pepper and His Problems: Escape From Crystal Skull Mountain (Fake Four) {1}: AbP:90
  5351. Pepper Boy: One Life to Live (Off the Block, EP) {1}: Mi:75
  5352. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/Michael Bisio: The Gift (Leo) {1}: TH:***
  5353. Perfeck Strangers: Series Premiere (URBNET) {1}: RR:80
  5354. Mauricio Pessoa: Habitat (Sony) {1}: Bl:90
  5355. Maria Peszek: Jezuz MariaPeszek (Mystic Production) {1}:
  5356. Peter and Kerry: La Trimouille (Tape Club) {1}: DIY:80
  5357. Philippe Petit and Friends: Cordophony (Home Normal) {1}: MiF:96
  5358. Philippe Petit: Eugenie (Alrealon Musique) {1}: MiF:92
  5359. Philippe Petit: Extraordinary Tales of a Lemon Girl Chapter 2: Fire Walking to Wonderland (Aagoo) {1}: MiF:96
  5360. Philippe Petit: Extraordinary Tales of a Lemon Girl Chapter 3: Hitch-Hiking Thru Bronze Mirrors (Aagoo) {1}: MiF:94
  5361. Philippe Petit: Una Symphonia Della Paura (Utech) {1}: MiF:100
  5362. Anto Pett/Bart van Rosmalen: Playwork (Leo) {1}: FJ
  5363. Phantom Buffalo: Tadaloora () {1}:
  5364. Dave Phillips and Freedance: Confluence (Innova) {1}: TH:**
  5365. Jack Phillips: Cafe Nights in New York () {1}:
  5366. Phillip Phillips: World From the Side of the Moon (Interscope) {1}: MC(64/5), EW:75
  5367. PHILM: Harmonic (Ipecac) {1}: MC(82/), Sk:80
  5368. Phineas and the Lonely Leaves: The Kids We Used to Be (self-released) {1}: RC:*
  5369. The Physics: Tomorrow People (self-released) {1}: Pot:80
  5370. Piano Magic: Life Has Not Finished With Me Yet (Second Language Music) {1}: MC(54/4), MIF:86
  5371. Jean Piche: Heliograms () {1}: Bow:80
  5372. Picore: Assyrian Vertigo (Jarring Effects) {1}: Sk:80
  5373. The Pictish Trail: The Summer Is Empty of Idiots (Fence) {1}: DS:80
  5374. Roberta Piket: Solo (Thirteenth Note) {1}:
  5375. Pill: The Epidemic (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  5376. Pilot to Bombardier: Seasides and Rarities () {1}:
  5377. The Pineapple Thief: All the Wars () {1}:
  5378. Piniellas: Without a Fight (This Ain't Havana) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5379. Pinkcourtesyphone: Foley Folly Folio () {1}:
  5380. Pins: Luvu4lyfe (Bella Union, EP) {1}: Fly:80
  5381. Pins of Light: II (Alternative Tentacles) {1}:
  5382. Pipher: Till Light () {1}:
  5383. The Pirate Ship Quintet: Rope for No-Hopers () {1}:
  5384. Marcellus Pittman: Pieces (Unirhythm) {1}:
  5385. Pixel: Reminder () {1}:
  5386. John Pizzarelli: Double Exposure (Telarc) {1}:
  5387. Plaster: Let It All Out (Vega) {1}:
  5388. Plateaus: Plateaus () {1}: ATH:(41)
  5389. Jake Playmo: My Favorite Toys () {1}:
  5390. Plvs Vltra: Parthenon (Spectrum Spools) {1}: S:70
  5391. POD: Murdered Love (Razor and Tie) {1}: MC(58/4), AM:80
  5392. The Pogues: The Pogues in Paris: 30th Anniversary Concert at the Olympia (Universal) {1}: JG:X
  5393. Verneri Pohjola Quartet: Ancient History (ACT) {1}: JM
  5394. Eva Polgar and Sador Valy: Mondrian Variations: Piano and Samplerworks (Ektro) {1}:
  5395. Marco Polo: Presents: Per La Mia Gente/For My People (Macro Beats) {1}: RR:75
  5396. Steve Poltz: Noineen Noiny Noin () {1}:
  5397. The Polymath: New Vs Old () {1}: WB:70
  5398. Pomegranates: Heaven (Modern Outsider) {1}: MC(72/5), AbP:88
  5399. Poor Moon: Illusion (Sub Pop, EP) {1}: MC(53/6)
  5400. Pop Zeus: Pop Zeus () {1}:
  5401. Portable Sunsets: Mercy (Magical Properties) {1}: S:70
  5402. Positive Catastrophe: Dibrujo, Dibrujo, Dibrujo (Cuneiform) {1}:
  5403. Post Teens: The Heat (No Idea, EP) {1}: AP:80
  5404. Frau Potz: Lehnt Dankend Ab () {1}:
  5405. Ben Powell: New Street (self-released) {1}: TH:**
  5406. Prairie Empire: Prairie Empire () {1}:
  5407. Prawn: Ships (Topshelf, EP) {1}: AbP:86
  5408. Predicate: Predictate (FMR) {1}: JM
  5409. Prem Rock: Mark's Wild Years (bandcamp) {1}: RR:80
  5410. Pressed And: Hyper Thistle (Mush, EP) {1}: AbP:86
  5411. Preteen Zenith: Rubble Guts and BB Eye (Good) {1}:
  5412. Prince Paul: Negroes on Ice (Nature Sounds) {1}:
  5413. Princess Superstar: The New Evolution () {1}: V[1365-1-6]
  5414. Marcus Printup: Homage (Steeplechase) {1}: DB
  5415. Prissy Clerks: Bruise or Be Bruised (Forged Artifacts) {1}:
  5416. Prizehog: A Talking To () {1}:
  5417. The Proclaimers: Like Comedy (429) {1}: MC(73/4), M:80
  5418. Kuusumun Profeetta: Huutoja Hiljaisesta Huoneesta () {1}: LBF:80
  5419. Profisee: From All Angles (Cloak X Dagger) {1}: Sk:80
  5420. Profusion: Rewotower () {1}:
  5421. Projectionists: Projectionists (EP) {1}:
  5422. Prosymna: Broken Waters of Mykines (Phantasma Disques) {1}: Mi:75
  5423. Protomartyr: No Passion All Technique (Urinal Cake) {1}:
  5424. John Proulx: The Best Thing for You () {1}:
  5425. Prozak: Paranormal (Fontana/RBC/Strange Music) {1}: RR:75
  5426. Psychemagik: Valley of Paradise [Time and Space Machine Remix] () {1}:
  5427. Psyconauts: Planet X (Psyconauts) {1}:
  5428. Oxmo Puccino: Roi Sans Carosse () {1}:
  5429. The Puddle: Secret Holiday and Victory Blues (Fish Ride) {1}:
  5430. Punch Brothers: Ahoy! (EP) {1}:
  5431. Purified in Blood: Flight of a Dying Sun () {1}:
  5432. The Purkinje Shift: Executive Contours (Samizdat) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5433. Pwin Teaks and the Children of the New H: Kosmische Puppen (Phantasma Disques) {1}: Mi:100
  5434. Pye Corner Audio: Black Mill Tapes: Volume 3: All Pathways Open (self-released) {1}:
  5435. Pyramidal: Dawn In Space (Radix) {1}:
  5436. Quartermaine: Quarter Life Crisis (Low Budget) {1}: WB:80
  5437. Karim Quellet: Fox () {1}:
  5438. Reggie Quinerly: Music Inspired by Freedman Town (Redefinition Music) {1}: TH:**
  5439. Raajmahal: Raajmahal (Kelippah) {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  5440. RAC: Chapter One () {1}:
  5441. Racebannon: Six Sik Sisters (Tizona) {1}: AP:80
  5442. The Racoon Wedding: Onondaga () {1}:
  5443. Radere: I'll Make You Quiet (Futuresequence) {1}: MiF:82
  5444. Mark Radford: Rinse:18 (Rinse) {1}: RA:80
  5445. Radiation City: Cool Nightmare (Tender Loving Empire) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5446. Radical Face: The Family Tree: The Roots () {1}:
  5447. Radioactive Man: Waits and Measures (Wang Trax) {1}: MO:80
  5448. Radioinactive: The Akashic Record (Flying Carpet Studios) {1}: RC:**
  5449. Radio Radio: Havre De Grace (Bonosound) {1}:
  5450. Radio String Quartet: Vienna (ACT) {1}:
  5451. Nate Radley: The Big Eyes (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: TH:**
  5452. Raglani: Husk (Arbor) {1}: V[540-1-15]
  5453. Raglani: Real Colors of the Physical World (Editions Mego) {1}: Pf:77
  5454. Elias Rahbani: Mosaic of the Orient (F Minor) {1}: V[1344-1-7]
  5455. Rah Rah: The Poet's Dead () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5456. The Rainbow Body: Return Unto Void (The Rainbow Body Sound Lab) {1}: YW
  5457. Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement: All Releases (Hospital Productions) {1}:
  5458. Ramblin' Ambassadors: Ramble On (Mint) {1}: Bl:80
  5459. David Ramirez: Apologies (Sweetworld) {1}:
  5460. Robert Randolph and the Family Band: In Concert (Dare) {1}:
  5461. Random and Lost Perception: Black Materia: The Remixes (Mega Ran Music) {1}: RR:80
  5462. Randomer: We Laugh, We Scream () {1}:
  5463. Random: Mega Ran in Language Arts Vols 1, 2 and 3 (self-released) {1}: V[723*-2-20]
  5464. Michael Rank and Stag: Kin (Louds Hymn) {1}: Bl:80
  5465. Rapsody: The Black Mamba (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  5466. Rat Columns: Sceptre Hole (Smartguy) {1}:
  5467. The Rattlesnakes: Spine () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5468. Ravens and Chimes: Holiday Life () {1}:
  5469. Amy Ray: Lung of Love (Daemon) {1}: MC(74/4), Bl:80
  5470. Marty Raybon: Southern Roots and Branches: Yesterday and Today () {1}:
  5471. Donnie Ray: I'm Goin' Back (Ecko) {1}:
  5472. John Raymond: Strength and Song (Strength and Song) {1}: TH:*
  5473. Real Durango: Maresysoles (self-released) {1}: BPM:78
  5474. Real McKenzies: Westwinds (Fat Wreck Chords) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5475. Suzanne Real: Kiss Me Like a Man (self-released) {1}:
  5476. Hayley Reardon: Where the Artists Go (Kingswood) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5477. Red Baraat: Chaal Baby () {1}:
  5478. Red Cafe: American Psycho (mixtape) {1}:
  5479. Rusty Redenbacher: The Tinkerer (self-released) {1}: Ok:79
  5480. Red Kite: Red Kite (F-ire) {1}: JM
  5481. Red Moon Road: Red Moon Road () {1}:
  5482. Red Wanting Blue: From the Vanishing Point () {1}:
  5483. Reedbeds: Fervent Pitches (Zen Tapes) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5484. Regal Degal: Veritable Who's Who () {1}:
  5485. Andrew Paul Regan: The Signal and the Noise (Brainlove) {1}: DS:80
  5486. Regional Garland: Mixed Sugar (Now Again) {1}: Ok:82
  5487. Regular John: Strange Flowers (import) {1}:
  5488. Rehab: Gullible's Travels () {1}: R:80
  5489. Lou Reid and Carolina: Calling Me Back Home (KMA) {1}:
  5490. Knut Reiersrud Band and Trondheimsolistene: Infinite Gratitude () {1}:
  5491. Reines D'Angleterre: Globe et Dynastie (Bo' Weavil) {1}:
  5492. Relic: Miles to Go (Must Be Santa/Gamma Delta Productions) {1}: RR:80
  5493. The Reminders: Born Champions () {1}: V[406-1-20]
  5494. The Resonance Ensemble: What Country Is This? (Not Two) {1}: FJ
  5495. The Rest: Seesaw (Auteur) {1}:
  5496. Retina.It: Descending Into Cravasse (Glacial Movements) {1}: MiF:80
  5497. Retisonic: Robots Fucking (Arctic Rodeo) {1}: CM
  5498. The Revivalist: City of Sound (self-released) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5499. Thomas Rhett: Thomas Rhett EP (Valory Music, EP) {1}:
  5500. Rhye: Open (Innovative Leisure) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5501. Rhythm Machine: Rhythm Machine (Now Again) {1}: Ok:83
  5502. Marc Ribot Trio: Live at the Village Vanguard (NPR stream) {1}:
  5503. Chase Rice: Dirt Road Communion () {1}: R:80
  5504. Tony Rice: The Bill Monroe Collection () {1}: CW:80
  5505. Chris Richards and the Subtractions: Get Yer La La's Out () {1}:
  5506. Monica Richards: Naiades (Danse Macabre) {1}: V[635-1-14]
  5507. Hannes Riepler: The Brave (Jellymould Jazz) {1}: JM
  5508. Sylvain Rifflet: Alphabet (self-released) {1}: FJ
  5509. Riff Raff: Birth of an Icon (Mad Decent) {1}: Pot:80
  5510. The Right Now: Gets Over You () {1}:
  5511. Ian Rilen and the Love Addicts: Family From Cuba (Phantom) {1}:
  5512. Stephen Riley: Hart-Beat (Steeplechase) {1}:
  5513. Terry Riley: Aleph (Tzadik) {1}: JG:X
  5514. RIPMC: Playboy (self-released) {1}: Ok:89
  5515. Rise and Fall: Faith (Deathwish Inc) {1}: AP:80
  5516. Josh Ritter: So Runs the World Away () {1}:
  5517. Rittz: White Jesus: Revival () {1}: DJB:80
  5518. Rizzle Kicks: Stereo Typical (Island) {1}: RR:75
  5519. Archie Roach: Into the Bloodstream () {1}:
  5520. Roadkill Ghost Choir: QuietLight (self-released, EP) {1}: AbP:93
  5521. Carol Robbins: Moraga (Jazzcats) {1}: TH:*
  5522. John Roberts: Paper Frames (Dial) {1}:
  5523. Robust: Fillin in the Potholes (Galapagos4) {1}: RR:75
  5524. The Rocketboys: Build Anyway () {1}: P:81
  5525. Rockin' Johnny Band: Grim Reaper (Delmark) {1}: TN
  5526. Rock Mecca: Pirate Radio Star (Rebel Vein Entertainment) {1}: RR:75
  5527. Sir Michael Rocks: Premier Politics 1.5 (Dat Piff) {1}: RR:85
  5528. Sir Michael Rocks: The Lap of Lux (One Off Entertainment) {1}: Ok:79
  5529. Rockwell Knuckles: Take Me to Your Leader () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5530. Rococode: Guns, Sex and Glory () {1}:
  5531. Roberto Rodriguez: Dawn () {1}:
  5532. Teri Roiger: Dear Abbey (Inner Circle) {1}:
  5533. Barry Romberg: Crab People (Romhog, 2CD) {1}: TH:U
  5534. Dan Romer/Benh Zeitlin: Beasts of the Southern Wild [Music From the Motion Picture] () {1}:
  5535. Romina Arena: Morricone Uncovered (Perseverance) {1}: Sl:80
  5536. Marlow Rosado Y La Riquena: Retro (Pink Chaos/Selecto Hits) {1}:
  5537. Frank Rosaly: Centering and Displacement (Utech) {1}: FJ
  5538. Frank Rosaly: Centering and Displacement (Utech) {1}:
  5539. Marlene Rosenberg Quartet: Bassprint (Origin) {1}: DB, TH:***
  5540. Alan Rosenthal: Just Sayin' (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  5541. Vanessa Rossetto: Exotic Exit () {1}:
  5542. Marc Rossi Group: Mantra Revealed (Innova) {1}: TH:*
  5543. Asher Roth: Pabst and Jazz (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  5544. Mikel Rouse: Boost/False Doors (ExitMusic) {1}:
  5545. Keith Rowe: September (Erstlive) {1}: TMT:90
  5546. Sean Rowe: The Salesman and the Shark (Anti/Epitaph) {1}: MC(66/4); V[723-1-10]
  5547. Roxette: Traelling (Capitol) {1}: S:80
  5548. The Royal Crowns: Volume Three () {1}:
  5549. Royal Southern Brotherhood: Royal Southern Brotherhood () {1}:
  5550. Royal Wood: We Were Born to Glory () {1}:
  5551. RoyceBirth: The Rebirth (Third Charm Media) {1}: Ok:89
  5552. The Roys: New Day Dawning () {1}: R:80
  5553. Rozi Plain: Joined Sometimes Unjoined (Fence) {1}: Sk:80
  5554. Akos Rozmann: 12 Stationer VI (Ideologic Organ) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5555. RPG: High Loathsome (RPG) {1}:
  5556. RPWL: Beyond Man and Time () {1}:
  5557. Rrose: Merchant of Salt (Eaux, EP) {1}:
  5558. Rrose: Preretinal (Eaux, EP) {1}:
  5559. Rrose: The Surgeon General (Eaux, EP) {1}:
  5560. Rrose: Wedge of Chastity (Eaux, EP) {1}:
  5561. Ruby My Dear: Remains of Shapes to Come (Ad Noiseam) {1}: RA:90
  5562. Ruby Throat: O' Doubt O' Stars (Sleeplikewolves) {1}: Bl:80
  5563. Fidel Rueda: Sinaloense Hasta Las Cachas () {1}:
  5564. The Ruiners: Shake, Rattle and Moan (Funky D) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5565. Rumberos Del Callejon: Construyendo (self-released) {1}:
  5566. Rumpistol/Red Baron: Floating (Project: Mooncircle) {1}: MiF:96
  5567. Run, Walk: Health () {1}: DIY:80
  5568. Run Walk: (Health) (Holy Roar) {1}: DS:80
  5569. Rusconi: Revolution (Qiln) {1}:
  5570. Emma Russack: Sounds of Our City (Spunk) {1}:
  5571. Tom Russell: Mesabi () {1}:
  5572. Russian Tsarlag: Midnight at Mary's House (Not Not Fun) {1}:
  5573. Sam Russo: Storm () {1}:
  5574. Ruste Juxx and the Arcitype: Victorious Impervious Champions (AR Classic/Duck Down) {1}: Ok:85
  5575. RUTA: Na Uschod (Karrot Kommando) {1}:
  5576. Paul Rutherford/George Haslam with Samuli Mikkonen Trio: Raahe '99: For Paul Rutherford (Slam) {1}: FJ
  5577. Cathie Ryan: Through Wind and Rain (Mo Leanbh) {1}: V[282-1-30]
  5578. Sabaton: Carolus Rex (Nuclear Blast) {1}:
  5579. Sabbath Assembly: Ye Are Gods (Ajna Offensive) {1}: Pf:76
  5580. Sachiko: Anro (Utech) {1}:
  5581. The Saddest Landscape: After the Lights (Topshelf) {1}: RkS:80
  5582. Safety Suit: These Times () {1}: UT:88
  5583. Shakura S'Aida: Time () {1}:
  5584. Saigon: Warning Shots 3: One Foot in the Grave (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  5585. Saint Dirt Elementary School: Abandoned Ballroom (Barnyard) {1}: TH:*
  5586. Saint Saviour: Union (Surface Area) {1}: MO:80
  5587. Felipe Salles: Departure (Tapestry) {1}: TH:**
  5588. Gabriel Saloman: Adhere (Miasmah) {1}:
  5589. Samite: Trust (Musicians for World Harmony) {1}:
  5590. Joe Sampson: Kill Our Friends () {1}:
  5591. Jon Samuel: First Transmission () {1}:
  5592. Paul Sanchez/Colman DeKay: Nine Lives () {1}:
  5593. Poncho Sanchez: Live in Hollywood (Concord Picante) {1}:
  5594. San Cisco: San Cisco (Fat Possum) {1}:
  5595. Inaki Sandoval: Miracielos (Bebyne) {1}:
  5596. San Gabriel: Volfe (Time No Place) {1}: XL:80
  5597. Andy Sangria: Kill the Precedent (100% Silk) {1}: XL:75
  5598. Sankofa: The Uptown Strut (Kingswood) {1}: YW
  5599. Santana: Shape Shifter (Starfaith) {1}: MC(47/6)
  5600. Sardonis: II (Meteor City) {1}:
  5601. Sarin Smoke [Pete Swanson/Tom Carter]: Vent (Mie Music) {1}:
  5602. Satellite Dub: Velikovsky Said (, EP) {1}: Sk:80
  5603. Saturday Night Gym Club: How to Build a Life Raft (EP) {1}: LBF
  5604. Saturna: The Kingdom of Spirit (Seven Snakes) {1}:
  5605. Pedro Sausa/Hernani Faustino: Falaise (Dromos) {1}: FJ
  5606. Daniel Savio: Daniel Savio (Dodpop) {1}: BPM:79
  5607. SBTRKT: Hold On [Sisi Bakbak Remix] () {1}:
  5608. Scarcity of Tanks: Vulgar Defender + Fear Is Not Conscience (Total Life Society) {1}: Bl:80
  5609. Scars on 45: Scars on 45 (Chop Shop/Atlantic) {1}:
  5610. Jane Scheckter: Easy to Remember (self-released) {1}: TH:***
  5611. Schneider TM: Construction Sounds (Bureau B) {1}: MO:80
  5612. Ellen Schoenaerts Kwartet: Feiten () {1}:
  5613. Trapper Schoepp: Run Engine Run (Side One Dummy) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5614. The Schomberg Fair: Providence (Slick Monkey) {1}: Now:80
  5615. School Is Cool: Entropology () {1}:
  5616. Benjamin Schoos: China Man vs China Girl (Freaksville) {1}: NME:80
  5617. Oliver Schories: Herzesangelegenheit (Parquet) {1}: BPM:82
  5618. Nicky Schrire: Freedom Flight (Circavision) {1}:
  5619. George Schuller's Circle Wide: Listen Both Ways (Playscape) {1}:
  5620. Claudio Scolari: Synthesis (Principal) {1}: TH:**
  5621. Scorch Trio/Mars Williams: Made in Norway (Rune Grammophone) {1}: FJ
  5622. Scott and Charlene's Wedding: Para Vista Social Club (Bedroom Suck) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5623. Nitty Scott: The Boombox Diaries Vol 1 (, EP) {1}: XXL:80
  5624. Scout: All Those Relays () {1}:
  5625. Scratcha DVA: Fly Juice (Hyperdub) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5626. Screen Vinyl Image: Strange Behavior (Custom Made/Northern Star) {1}: Mi:91
  5627. Scruffy and the Janitors: Scruffy and the Janitors (Pino) {1}: Bl:80
  5628. Sculpture: Slime Code (Kaleidoscope) {1}: RA:80
  5629. Seahawks: Aqua Disco (Ocean Moon) {1}:
  5630. Seamonster: Baldessari () {1}:
  5631. Seams: Tourist/Sleeper () {1}: LBF:75
  5632. Seams: Tourist/Sleeper () {1}: Sk:80
  5633. Seaworthy: Bellows and Breath (Preservation) {1}: MiF:84
  5634. Guy Sebastian: Armageddon (Sony import) {1}:
  5635. Secret Music: Secret Music (Black Bell) {1}: S:70
  5636. Secular Joy: Made for Better Things (Unhinged) {1}: Bl:80
  5637. Seed: Seed () {1}:
  5638. The See See: Fountayne Mountain (The Great Pop Supplement) {1}:
  5640. Seirom: 1973 (Aurora Borealis) {1}: Sk:80
  5641. Selah Sue: SelahSue (Columbia) {1}: Ok:85
  5642. Selan: Space Flight (Selonious) {1}: Ok:76
  5643. Selena: Enamorada de Ti () {1}:
  5644. Self Jupiter/Kenny Segal: The Kleenrz (Hellfyre Club) {1}: WB:90
  5645. Self Sacrifice: Self Sacrifice (Mello Music Group) {1}: Ok:82
  5646. Selvhenter: Frk B Fricka (Eget Vaerelse) {1}:
  5647. Sendai: Geotope (Time to Express) {1}: S:70
  5648. Sentridoh: Weed Forestin' (self-released) {1}: Pf:82
  5649. Seth Sentry: This Was Tomorrow (Inertia/High Score) {1}: RR:75
  5650. The Separate: Orchestral Variations V01 (Setanta) {1}: St:80
  5651. Septeto Santiaguero: Vamos Pa' La Fiesta (Picap) {1}:
  5652. John Singer Sergeant: John Singer Sergeant (Kirtland) {1}: AP:80
  5653. Dirk Serries/Jon Atwood: The Sleep of Reason (Tonefloat) {1}:
  5654. SertOne: Shapes in the Sky (Melted Music, EP) {1}: St:80
  5655. Seven Bells: Secrets of the Moon (Prophecy) {1}: Pf:75
  5656. Seventeen Evergreen: Steady On, Scientist! (Lucky Number) {1}: Bow:80
  5657. Lauren Sevian: Blueprint (CDBaby) {1}:
  5658. Sexion D'Assaut: L'Apogee () {1}:
  5659. Martin Sexton: Fall Like Rain () {1}:
  5660. Sexy Fi: Nunca Te Vi De Boa (Far Out) {1}:
  5661. Shad: Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness () {1}:
  5662. Shady Blaze: The Grind, Hustle and Talent (Green Ova) {1}: Mi:75
  5663. Shaggy: Summer in Kingston (Red General) {1}: EW:83
  5664. Shanell: Nobody's Bitch () {1}: V[1303-1-8]
  5665. Avery Sharpe: Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman? (JKNM) {1}: TH:***
  5666. Maia Sharp: Change the Ending () {1}: UT:75
  5667. Casey Shea: In Your Head (Family) {1}: AbP:83
  5668. Laura Sheeran: What the World Knows () {1}: LBF:75
  5669. Joan Shelley: Ginko (Ol Kentuck) {1}:
  5670. Shelter Point: Forever for Now (Hotflush, EP) {1}: XL:80
  5671. Shenoda: A Homage EP (Losing Suki) {1}: XL:75
  5672. Aaron Sheppard: Leverage (Psychic Arts) {1}: YW
  5673. Shift: Songs From Aipotu (Leo) {1}: FJ
  5674. Shining: Live Blackjazz (Prosthetic/Indie) {1}: NR:90
  5675. Ship Canal: Please Let Me Back Into Your House (19F3) {1}:
  5676. Shivery Shakes: Shivery Shakes (EP) {1}: ATH:80
  5677. Shonen Knife: Osaka Ramones (Good Charamel) {1}: P:79
  5678. Howard Shore and Metric: Cosmopolis [OST] (Howe) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5679. Shottie and TeV95: Delorean (95 Labs) {1}: RR:80
  5680. Wally Shoup/Paul Kikuchi: Aurora Distillations (Prefecture) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5681. Shout Out Out Out Out: Spanish Moss and Total Loss (Normals Welcome) {1}: MC(65/5), Ex:80
  5682. Showbiz and AG: Mugshot Music (Preloaded) () {1}:
  5683. Showbread: Cancer () {1}:
  5684. Shy One: Aztec Bwoy () {1}:
  5685. Siberia: Siberia () {1}:
  5686. Sid: M&W (Sony Korea) {1}:
  5687. Sigha: Abstractions I-IV (Hotflush) {1}: XL:75
  5688. Valgeir Sigurdsson: Architecture of Loss (Bedroom Community) {1}: MiF:92
  5689. Luca Sigurta: Bliss (Fratto 9 Under the Sky) {1}: MiF:80
  5690. Catherine Sikora/Ian Smith/Han-earl Park: Cork 04-04-11 (self-released) {1}: FJ
  5691. Matthew Silberman: Questionable Creatures (DeSoto Sound Factory) {1}: TH:***
  5692. Silence: Musical Accompaniment for the End of the World (The Pekinpah Association) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5693. Silencio: When I'm Gone () {1}:
  5694. Silent Harbour: Silent Harbour (Echocord) {1}: BPM:83
  5695. Silent Rider: Silent Rider (self-released) {1}: AbP:86
  5696. Silkie and Swindle: Unlimited () {1}:
  5697. Sills and Smith: No Way In, No Way Out () {1}:
  5698. Silver Jews: Early Times (Drag City) {1}: MC(67/11), Mg:90
  5699. The Silver Lake Chorus: Wreckage () {1}: P:78
  5700. Silverstein: Short Songs (Hopeless) {1}: Blr:80
  5701. Paul Simon: Live in New York City (Hear Music) {1}: PM:80
  5702. Sin Cos Tan: Sin Cos Tan (Sugarcane) {1}:
  5703. Matt Singer: The Build (Family) {1}: AbP:84
  5704. Sinner DC: Future That Never Happened (Mental Groove) {1}: MiF:94
  5705. Sissy: March of the Humans () {1}:
  5706. Sisters: The Mono (Multikulti Project) {1}: FJ
  5707. Skeleton Key: Gravity Is the Enemy () {1}:
  5708. Skelocrats: Whip Crack Away () {1}: St:80
  5709. Matt Skiba and the Sekrets: Babylon (Superball Music) {1}: MC(66/5), AP:80
  5710. Chris Skillz: Beyond the Sky (State City Music) {1}: Ok:83
  5711. Skip and Die: Riots in the Jungle () {1}:
  5712. Skogen: Is Gefallen in Den Schnee (Another Timbre) {1}: FJ
  5713. Skye: Back to Now (101 Distribution) {1}:
  5714. Slant Azymuth: Slant Azymuth (Pre-Cert) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5715. Sleaford Mods: Wank () {1}:
  5716. Sleepies: Weird Wild World () {1}:
  5717. Sleepin' Giantz: Sleepin' Giantz (Tru Thoughts) {1}: XL:75
  5718. Sleeping With Sirens: If You Were a Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack (Rise, EP) {1}: AP:80
  5719. Sleepy Sun: Spine Hits (The End) {1}: MC(62/10)
  5720. Slightly Stoopid: Top of the World () {1}:
  5721. Slow Country: The Late Great Slow Country () {1}:
  5722. Slow Dancing Society: Laterna Magica () {1}:
  5723. Slow Head: Fire Is the Mouth of the Snake (Disaro) {1}: Mi:91
  5724. Slugfield: Slimezone (PNL) {1}: FJ
  5725. Slumgum: Quardboard Flavored Fiber () {1}:
  5726. Brendon Small: Galaktikon (BS) {1}: V[406-1-20]
  5727. Small Professor: Gigantic Vol 1 (Diamond Music Group) {1}:
  5728. Ches Smith: Psycho Predictions (88 Records) {1}: FJ
  5729. Corey Smith: Live in Chattanooga () {1}: CW:80
  5730. Delano Smith: An Odyssey (Sushitech) {1}:
  5731. Sonny Smith: One Act Plays () {1}: ATH:80
  5732. The Smith Street Band: Sunshine and Technology (Poison City) {1}:
  5733. Sy Smith: Fast and Curious () {1}:
  5734. Smoke Mohawk: Viva El Heavy man (Nois-O-Lution) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5735. Dee Snider: Dee Does Broadway () {1}:
  5736. Snow Palms: Intervals (Village Green) {1}: Sk:80
  5737. Snus: Can't Stop Snussing (Ayler) {1}: FJ
  5738. So Cow/Squarehead: Out of Season (Inflated) {1}: V[635-1-14]
  5739. Soft Swells: Soft Swells (Modern Outsider) {1}:
  5740. Soft Wounds: Songs of Green Pheasant (Rusted Rail) {1}: NR:80
  5741. Robert Soko: Balkan Beats Soundlab (Piranha) {1}: TH:***
  5742. Solander: Passing Mt Satu (A Tenderversion Rec) {1}: Bow:75
  5743. Sola Rosa: Get It Together (Melting Pot) {1}:
  5744. Mark Solborg: Solborg 4+4+1 (Ilk) {1}: MiF:88; TH:B
  5745. Sole: A Ruthless Criticism of Everything Existing (self-released) {1}:
  5746. Solid Home Life: Solid Home Life () {1}:
  5747. Solomun: Watergate 11 (Watergate) {1}: XL:75
  5748. Solos: Beast of Both Worlds (Joyful Noise) {1}:
  5749. Solus3: Corner of the World () {1}:
  5750. Sol: Yours Truly () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5751. Soma: Nobody's Hotter Than God () {1}:
  5752. Son De Barrio De Puerto Rico: Que Nadie Te Quite Lo Bailao' (Son De barrio/Red FN) {1}:
  5753. Sone Institute: A Model Life (Front and Follow) {1}:
  5754. Sontag Shogun: Absent Warrior, Abandoned Battlefield (Palaver) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5755. Sophisticated Ladies: A True Story (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  5756. Mark Soskin: Nino Rota (Kind of Blue) {1}:
  5757. Soul Asylum: Delayed Reaction (429) {1}: MC(72/4), AV:75
  5758. Soul Control: Bore Core (Bridge Nine, EP) {1}: AP:80
  5759. Soul Khan: Wellstone (Brown Bag All Stars, EP) {1}: RR:75
  5760. Soundgarden: Boys and Girls (Universal Republic) {1}: V[1344-1-7]
  5761. Sourpatch: Stagger and Fade (HHBTM) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5762. Tessa Souter: Beyond the Blue (Motema) {1}: TH:***
  5763. South Memphis String Band: Old Times There (Memphis International) {1}:
  5764. Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes: Men Without Women Live () {1}:
  5765. South South Million: Wind Hand Caught in the Door (Triple Down) {1}: XL:75
  5766. Sissy Spacek: Dash/Anti-Clockwise (Gilgongo) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5767. Sparks the Rescue: Sparks the Rescue (self-released) {1}:
  5768. Martin Speake/Colin Oxley: Two Noe One (Pumpkin) {1}: G:80
  5769. Special Consensus: Scratch Gravel Road () {1}: E145:80
  5770. Spielgusher: Spielgusher (Clenched Wrench) {1}: PM:80
  5771. The Spill Canvas: Gestalt (Catapult) {1}: AP:80
  5772. Spill: Fluoresce (Monotype) {1}: MiF:86
  5773. The Spinning Rooms: The Spinning Rooms (self-released) {1}:
  5774. Spirit Descent: Seven Chapters In A Minor (Psychedoomelic) {1}:
  5775. Squakett: A Life Within a Day () {1}:
  5776. Ssaliva: RZA EP (Vlek, EP) {1}: XL:85
  5777. ST 2 Lettaz: REBEL (self-released) {1}:
  5778. Larry Stabbins: Transcendental (Noetic) {1}:
  5779. Stalking Horse: Specters (Role Model Corporate) {1}: DS:80
  5780. Tommaso Starace: Simply Marvellous (import) {1}:
  5781. Sabrina Starke: Outside the Box (PID) {1}:
  5782. Garrison Starr: Amateur (self-released) {1}: AbP:93
  5783. Star Wheel Press: Life Cycle of a Falling Bird (self-released) {1}: Sk:80
  5784. State Broadcasters: Ghosts We Must Carry (Olive Grove) {1}: DIY:80
  5785. States: Room to Run () {1}:
  5786. Statik Selektah and Termanology: 1982/2012 () {1}: HDX:80
  5787. John Statz: Old Fashioned () {1}:
  5788. Stay+: Fuck Christian AIDS (RAMP) {1}: Mi:75
  5789. Steed Lord: The Prophecy Pt 1 (New Crack City) {1}:
  5790. Christopher Paul Stelling: Songs of Praise and Scorn (Mecca Lecca) {1}: AS:80
  5791. Ste McCabe: Bad Kitty () {1}: LBF:75
  5792. Dayna Stephens: Today Is Tomorrow () {1}:
  5793. Dayna Stephens: Tomorrow Is Today (Criss Cross) {1}:
  5794. Stetson and Cia: Stetson and Cia () {1}: E145:80
  5795. Colin Stetson/Mats Gustafsson: Stones (Rune Grammofon) {1}: FJ
  5796. Dave Stewart: The Ringmaster General () {1}: UT:88
  5797. Stick to Your Guns: Diamond () {1}: RkS:80
  5798. Christoph Stiefel Inner Language Trio: Live! (Basho) {1}: G:80
  5799. Stiff Middle Fingers: Enemies With Benefits EP (self-released) {1}: Bl:80
  5800. Curtis Stigers: Let's Go Out Tonight (Concord Jazz) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5801. Stik Figa: As Himself (Mello Music Group) {1}: Ok:80
  5802. Robert Stillman: Station Wagon Interior Perspective (A Requiem for John Fahey) (Archaic Future) {1}:
  5803. Stockholm: Eyes in the Dark (self-released) {1}: AbP:90
  5804. Stoic: Wife (Left Blank, EP) {1}: Fa:80
  5805. F Stokes: Love, Always (Potholes Music, EP) {1}: Ok:84
  5806. Stoned Jesus: Seven Thunders Roar (Moon) {1}:
  5807. Ty Stone: American Style () {1}: R:100
  5808. John Stowell/Ulf Bandgren: Throop (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  5809. St Paul de Vence: St Paul de Vence () {1}:
  5810. Straight Lines: Freaks Like Us (import) {1}: RkS:80
  5811. The Stranglers: Giants (Coursegood) {1}: MC(67/5), MO:90
  5812. Bobby Streng's House Big Band: Getting Housed (self-released) {1}: TH:***
  5813. Stretch Money: 25 Miles Per Hour (Hot Lava) {1}: Ok:81
  5814. Eric Strickland and the B Sides: Honky Tonk Till I Die () {1}:
  5815. Strie: Ohtul () {1}:
  5816. Strike Anywhere: In Defiance of Empty Times (Bridge Nine) {1}: AP:80
  5817. Stripmines: Crimes of Dispassion (Sorry State) {1}:
  5818. Dennis Stroughmatt: La Belle Blondine (Swallow) {1}:
  5819. The Strumbellas: My Father and the Hunter () {1}:
  5820. Stubb: Stubb (Superhot) {1}:
  5821. Stuck in the Sound: Pursuit () {1}:
  5822. Studebaker John: Old School Rockin' (Delmark) {1}: TN
  5823. Styles of Beyond: Reseda Beach (Dirty Version) {1}: RR:80
  5824. Styles P: The Diamond Life Project (mixtape) {1}:
  5825. Styles P: The World's Most Hardest MC Project (D-Block/E-1 Music) {1}:
  5826. Submerse: Tears () {1}:
  5827. Submerse: They Always Come Back (Apollo, EP) {1}: Fa:80
  5828. Suborno: The Instrument () {1}: Cl:80
  5829. Subsonics: In a Black Spot (Slovenly) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  5830. Substantial: Home Is Where the Art Is (Mello Music Group) {1}: RR:80
  5831. Such Gold: Misadventures (Razor and Tie) {1}:
  5832. Sucioperro: Fused (self-released) {1}: DIY:80
  5833. Che Sudaka: 10 (K Industria) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5834. Sudo Quartet: Live at Banlieue Bleue (NoBusiness) {1}: TH:**
  5835. AJ Suede: Gold and Water (self-released) {1}: Mi:83
  5836. Suff Daddy: Suff Sells (Melting Pot Music) {1}: WB:75
  5837. Suicidal Angels: Bloodpath () {1}:
  5838. Suis La Lune: Riala () {1}: Spk:80
  5839. Sula Bassana: Dark Days (Sulatronic) {1}:
  5840. Chad Sullins and the Last Call Coalition: Incommunicado () {1}: R:100
  5841. Gabriel Sullivan and Taraf de Tucson: None of This Is Mine (Fell City) {1}: Bl:90
  5842. Summer Heart: About a Feeling (Sommarhjarta/Nomethod) {1}: AbP:83
  5843. Sundog: Insofar (Editions Penguin Cafe) {1}: MO:80
  5844. Sun Gods in Exile: Thanks for the Silver (Small Stone) {1}:
  5845. Sun Hammer: A Dream in Blood (Futuresequence) {1}: MiF:88
  5846. Sun Preachers: Faces Of Ashes (Sun Preachers) {1}:
  5847. Supa: Weird Is the New Cool (self-released) {1}: Mi:75
  5848. Super700: Under the No Sky () {1}:
  5849. Superchrist: Holy Shit (Hella Headbangers) {1}:
  5850. Super Hi-Fi: Dub to the Bone () {1}:
  5851. Super Vacation: Heater Pt II (Funny Not Funny) {1}:
  5852. SURVIVE: SURVIVE (Mannequin) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5853. Richard Sussman Quintet: Continuum (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  5854. Bailey Sutton: Pass It On () {1}:
  5855. Suum Cuique: Ascetic Ideals (Modern Love) {1}:
  5856. Svenska Kaputt: Svenska Kaputt () {1}:
  5857. Svolk: Nights Around The Round Table (Napalm) {1}:
  5858. Swallow the Sun: Emerald Forest and the Blackbird (Fontana/Universal) {1}: MC(65/4)
  5859. Pete Swanson/Rene Hell: Waiting for the Ladies (Shelter Press) {1}: MiF:84
  5860. Albert Swarm: Wake (Ceremony) {1}: RA:80
  5861. Swedish House Mafia: Until Now (Astralwerks) {1}: MC(58/7), EW:75
  5862. Sweethearts of the Rodeo: Restless (Good Trade) {1}: R:80
  5863. Sweet Hearts: Sweet Hearts (EP) {1}:
  5864. The Swellers: Running Out of Places to Go (Snowbird Songs, EP) {1}: AP:80
  5865. Steve Swell's Nation of We: The Business of Here: Live at the Roulette, August 13th, 2008 (Cadence) {1}: TN
  5866. The Swifter: The Swifter (The Wormhole) {1}:
  5867. Switchblade: Switchblade () {1}:
  5868. W S: S_W_Z_K (Tresor) {1}:
  5869. Sybreed: God Is an Automaton () {1}:
  5870. Sycamore: Sycamore and Friends () {1}: Sk:80
  5871. Syqem: Reflections of Elephants () {1}:
  5872. System of Survival: Needle and Thread (BPitch Control) {1}: PM:80
  5873. Nicholas Szczepanik: We Make Life Sad (None) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5874. Craig Taborn Trio: At Binhuis, Amsterdam (Radio Nederland stream) {1}:
  5875. Taco Leg: Taco Leg (Fan Death) {1}:
  5876. Yoshinori Takezawa: Dream Line () {1}:
  5877. Talabarte: Talabarte () {1}:
  5878. Ines Talbi: Boarding Gate () {1}:
  5879. Talibam/Sam Kulik: Discover Atlantass (Belly Kids) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5880. Talk Less, Say More: England Without Rain (Records on Ribs) {1}: NR:80
  5881. Tall and Small: The Pete Christlieb and Linda Small Eleven Piece Band: High on U (Bosco) {1}: DB
  5882. Tallhart: Bloodlines (Rory/Equal Vision, EP) {1}: AP:80
  5883. Talvihorros: And It Was So () {1}:
  5884. Bibi Tanga and the Selenites: 40° of Sunshine (Nat Geo) {1}:
  5885. Tank: This Is How I Feel () {1}:
  5886. Roberto Tapia: El Muchacho () {1}:
  5887. Joanne Shaw Taylor: Almost Always Never (Ruf) {1}:
  5888. Melvin Taylor: Beyond the Burning Guitar (Eleven East, 2CD) {1}: TH:*
  5889. The Rosie Taylor Project: Twin Beds () {1}:
  5890. Sean Taylor: Love Against Death (import) {1}:
  5891. Tazz: The Adventures of Tazz (Tsuba) {1}: RA:80
  5892. Ryan Teague: Field Drawings () {1}:
  5893. Tech N9ne: EBAH (, EP) {1}: HDX:80
  5894. The Technicolors: Listener (Rum Dance) {1}: AbP:83
  5895. Teenager: Frights (Telephone Explosion) {1}: Now:80
  5896. Awna Teixeira: Where the Darkness Goes (self-released) {1}: T:80
  5897. Tenement: Napalm Dream (Burger) {1}: V[348-1-25]
  5898. Ten Kens: Namesake () {1}:
  5899. Tensei: One (Plug Research) {1}: Ok:82
  5900. Terakaft: Kel Tamasheq (World Village) {1}: G:80
  5901. Terminal 11: Self Exorcism (Hymen) {1}: Mi:75
  5902. Terrible Feelings: Shadows (Deranged) {1}:
  5903. Test Artist: Test Album (Test Label) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5904. Ivano Tetelepta: True Colours (Fear of Flying) {1}:
  5905. Tetras: Pareidolia (Flingco) {1}: S:80
  5906. Te Vaka: Havili (Warm Earth) {1}:
  5907. Texas Hippie Coalition: Peacemaker () {1}:
  5908. Terre Thaemlitz: Soulnessless (Comatonse) {1}:
  5909. Huong Thanh: L'Arbre AuxReves (Buda) {1}:
  5910. Alexandre Tharaud: Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit (Virgin Classics) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5911. That Fucking Tank: TFT (Gringo) {1}: NME:80
  5912. That's Outrageous: Psycho (In Vogue) {1}: AP:80
  5913. The Cosmic Dead: The Exalted King (Cosmic Dead) {1}:
  5914. Thee Exciters: Perpetual Happening (Dirty Water) {1}:
  5915. The Howling Wind: Of Babalon (Profound Lore) {1}:
  5916. Them Bird Things: Pachyderm Nightmares (Playground) {1}:
  5917. Theme Park: Wax EP (EP) {1}:
  5918. Toots Thielemans European Quartet: 90 Yrs (Challenge) {1}: G:80
  5919. Thieving Irons: Behold, This Dreamer! () {1}:
  5920. This Is the Shoes: This Is the Shoes EP (self-released, EP) {1}:
  5921. Ben Thomas: Endless Mountain Region (Lungbasket) {1}: FJ
  5922. Jens Thomas: Speed of Grace (ACT) {1}:
  5923. Leon Foster Thomas: Brand New Mischief (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  5924. Rich Thompson Trio: Generations (Origin) {1}: TH:*
  5925. Andres Thor: Monokrom () {1}:
  5926. Thought Broadcast: Emergency Stairway (Editions Mego) {1}:
  5927. Thousand Foot Krutch: The End Is Where We Begin (TFK) {1}: V[1344-1-7]
  5928. Threads: Now Now (Trans) {1}:
  5929. Three Mile Pilot: MAPS (Temporary Residence, EP) {1}: AP:80
  5930. Three Trapped Tigers: Numbers 1-13 (Blood and Biscuits) {1}: DS:80
  5931. Threshold: March of Progress () {1}:
  5932. Throwback Suburbia: Shot Glass Souvenir () {1}:
  5933. Throwing Snow: Clamor (Snowfall, EP) {1}: XL:80
  5934. Kathryn Tickell: Northumbrian Voices (Park) {1}:
  5935. TI: Fuck Da City Up (mixtape) {1}:
  5936. Tiga: Tiga Non Stop (Different) {1}: RA:90
  5937. Tigers on Trains: Foundry () {1}: Spk:80
  5938. Tiger Waves: Don't Be Youself () {1}: ATH:80
  5939. Tanita Tikaram: Can't Go Back (EarMusic) {1}: MO:80
  5940. Tilly and the Wall: Heavy Mood (Team Love) {1}: MC(62/4), F:82
  5941. Grant Tilly: The World Keeps Passing By () {1}:
  5942. Timberwolf: Timberwolf (self-released) {1}: BPM:79
  5943. Time Machine: Vicious Experiments (Glow in the Dark) {1}: WB:70
  5944. Times New Viking: Over and Over (Siltbreeze) {1}:
  5945. Ting Tryer: Take Me to Your Leader (Thirsty Music) {1}: Ok:86
  5946. Tin Horn Prayer: Grapple the Rails (Paper + Plastick) {1}: AbP:87
  5947. Keith Tippett Octet: From Granite to Wind (Ogun) {1}: FJ
  5948. TobyMac: Eye on It (ForeFront) {1}: JG:X
  5949. Alice B Toklas: Rihta (self-released) {1}:
  5950. Tolouse Low Tax: Jeidem Fall (Karaoke Kalk) {1}: S:70
  5951. Vlada Tomova: Balkan Tales (Kuker Music) {1}:
  5952. Paul F Tompkins: Laboring Under Delusions: Live in Brooklyn (Aspecialthing) {1}:
  5953. Tom Tom Club: Downtown Rockers (Nacional, EP) {1}: MC(76/4), AM:80
  5954. Tomutonttu: Hylyt (Dekorder) {1}: TMT:90
  5955. Sia Tonlo: My Life (Lusafrica) {1}: RC:*
  5956. The Tontons: Golden () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5957. The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza: Danza III: The Alpha - the Omega (Black Market Activities) {1}: AP:80
  5958. Toot Toot Toots: Outlaws (Spooky/MGM) {1}:
  5959. Torae: Off the Record () {1}:
  5960. Rafael Toral/Davu Seru: Live in Minneapolis (Clean Feed) {1}: TH:**
  5961. Torches: Heads Full of Rust () {1}:
  5962. Gian Tornatore: The Heights (Sound Spiral) {1}: TH:*
  5963. Torn Hawk: Fragments So Far (Valcrond Video) {1}:
  5964. Torture Chain: Time Is but a Doorway to the Incinerator (Eternal Summer) {1}: Ph:88
  5965. Sofia Tosello: Tangolando (Lilihouse Music) {1}:
  5966. Touch and the Dirty Sample: The Fly (Neferiu) {1}: RR:80
  5967. Ali Farka Toure: Ni Foli (Social Music) {1}: V[699-1-11]
  5968. Tournesol: Tournesol (Kelsey) {1}: JM
  5969. Town Hall: Roots and Bells () {1}:
  5970. Town Mountain: Leave the Bottle (Pinecastle) {1}:
  5971. The Toxic Avenger: Angst (Little Owl) {1}: Ph:75
  5972. Toys That Kill: Fambly 42 (Recess) {1}: V[406-1-20]
  5973. Traben: Push () {1}:
  5974. Wojtek Traczyk: Free Solo (Multikulti) {1}: FJ
  5975. Tragedy: Darker Days Ahead (Tragedy) {1}: Sg
  5976. Train: California 37 (Columbia) {1}: MC(53/6), BB:75
  5977. Abdoulaye Traore/Mohamed Diaby: Debademba (Chapa Blues) {1}:
  5978. Tree and 110% Pure: Trillin (Grimey League) {1}: Pot:80
  5979. Treel: University Heights (Synthemesc) {1}: Mi:83
  5980. McCarthy Trenching: Plays the Piano (Slumber Party) {1}:
  5981. The Michael Treni Big Band: Boy's Night Out (self-released) {1}: TH:**
  5982. Tres Hongos: Where My Dreams Go to Die (Molk) {1}:
  5983. Tribal Tech: X (Tone Center) {1}:
  5984. Triosence with Sara Gazarek: Where Time Stands Still () {1}:
  5985. Don Trip: Guerrilla (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  5986. Don Trip: Help Is on the Way (mixtape) {1}:
  5987. Tristesse Contemporaine: Tristesse Contemporaine (Pschent) {1}:
  5988. Troglodyte: Don't Go in the Woods (noMore Tomorrow) {1}:
  5989. Tromboranga: Tromboranga Salsa Dura (Bloque 53) {1}:
  5990. Trophy Wife: Sing What Scares You (307 Knox) {1}: V[1365-1-6]
  5991. Trouble Books: Concatenating Fields () {1}: LBF:80
  5992. Troubled Coast: I've Been Thinking About Leaving You (Pure Noise, EP) {1}: AbP:86
  5993. The Troubles: The Troubles (Rattle) {1}:
  5994. Troum: Grote Mandrenke (Beta-lactam Ring) {1}:
  5995. Troy Ave: Bricks in My Backpack 3 (self-released) {1}: Pf:75
  5996. Truckstop Darlin': Hope and the Heart It Breaks () {1}:
  5997. True Underlord: The Darkmonk (XIL/Metal Face) {1}: Ok:78
  5998. Kenny Tudrick: Kenny Tudrick (Fountain) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  5999. Yoyo Tuki: Hoko Manu (Nuku Te Mango) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6000. Tumbledown House: Fables and Falsehoods (Silent Coyote Music) {1}: TH:**
  6001. The Tunas: The Tunas () {1}:
  6002. Turbowolf: Covers EP Vol 1 (Hassle, EP) {1}: Fix:80
  6003. Frank Turner: Last Minutes and Lost Evenings (Epitaph) {1}: Bl:80
  6004. Tusks: Total Entertainment (self-released) {1}: Now:80
  6005. Tusmorke: Underjordisk Tusmorke (Termo) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6006. Two Bit Charlie: All By Yourself EP (self-released, EP) {1}:
  6007. Twopool: Traffic Bins (Origin) {1}: TH:***
  6008. Two Steps From Hell: Sky World () {1}:
  6009. Two Wings: Love's Spring () {1}:
  6010. Tyga: Careless World: Rise of the Last King (Republic) {1}: MC(68/7), XXL:80
  6011. Tyga: Well Done 3 (mixtape) {1}:
  6012. Paul Tynan/Aaron Lington: Bicoastal Collective: Chapter Three (OA2) {1}: TH:*
  6013. Randi Tytingvag: Grounding () {1}:
  6014. UFO: Seven Deadly () {1}:
  6015. The Ugly Club: You Belong to the Minutes (self-released) {1}: AbP:84
  6016. Uku Kuut: Visions of Estonia (PPU) {1}:
  6017. Bogdo Ula: Crash Canis Majoris (self-released) {1}: FJ
  6018. Fernanda Ulibarri: At Ma (Cosmica) {1}:
  6019. Ultravox: Brilliant () {1}:
  6020. UMA: Drop Your Soul (Seayou, EP) {1}: S:80
  6021. Undersmile: Narwhal (Future Noise) {1}:
  6022. Under the Psychamore: I (7D Media) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6023. Uner: Universe (Visionquest, EP) {1}: XL:80
  6024. Uni and Her Ukelele: Lover's Cliche () {1}:
  6025. Union: Analogtronics (Fat Beats) {1}: Ok:92
  6026. Unleashed: Odalheim (Nuclear Blast) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6027. The Unthanks: Songs From the Shipyards (Rabble Rouser) {1}: G:80
  6028. Unto Ashes: Burials Foretold () {1}:
  6029. Unwoman: The Fire I Stared () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6030. Unwound: Live Leaves (Kill Rock Stars) {1}: V[587-2-15]
  6031. Upperground Orchestra: The Eupen Tapes (Morphine) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6032. Upper Left Trio: Ulternative (Origin) {1}: TH:***
  6033. Ursprung: Ursprung (Dial) {1}: MC(61/5), S:70
  6034. Urthboy: Smokey's Haunt (Elephant Traks) {1}:
  6035. Useless Eaters: Black Night (Manimal) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6036. USF: The Spray (Circles Into Squares) {1}: BPM:78
  6037. UV Race: Racism (Aarght!) {1}:
  6038. Uzala: Uzala (Uzala) {1}:
  6039. Imani Uzuri: The Gypsy Diaries (Her Holy Water Music) {1}: Ok:90
  6040. Vadoinmessico: Archaeology of the Future () {1}:
  6041. Mika Vainio/Kevin Drumm/Axel Dorner/Lucio Capece: Venexia (Pan) {1}:
  6042. Steve Vai: The Story of Light () {1}:
  6043. Dick Valentine: Destroy the Children (self-released) {1}: V[282-1-30]
  6044. Vallejo: Brothers Brew (VMG) {1}: AC:78
  6045. Ken Vandermark/Paal Nilssen-Love: Letter to a Stranger (Smalltown Superjazz) {1}: TN
  6046. Vidar Vang: Sidewalk Silhouettes () {1}:
  6047. Floris Vanhoof: Cycles of Confusion () {1}:
  6048. Carice van Houten: See You on the Ice () {1}:
  6049. Peter Van Huffel's Gorilla Mask: Howl! () {1}:
  6050. Von Vargas: World Famous Lexington Market () {1}:
  6051. Variety Lights: Central Flow (Fire) {1}: Sk:80
  6052. D Vassalotti: Book of Ghosts (Vinyl Rites) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6053. Papo Vazquez: Oasis (Picaro) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6054. VCheka: VCheka () {1}: Sk:80
  6055. Donald Vega: Spiritual Nature (Resonance) {1}: DB
  6056. Rudy Velle and the Soulphonics: It's About Time (Gemco) {1}: Ok:82
  6057. Piet Verbist: Zygomatik (Origin) {1}: TH:***
  6058. Verb T: Morning Process () {1}:
  6059. Verlaines: Untimely Meditations (Flying Nun) {1}: V[672-1-12]
  6060. Verse: Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace () {1}: RkS:90
  6061. Verses: Come to Life () {1}: RkS:80
  6062. Versus the World: Drink Sing Live Love () {1}: Rev:80
  6063. Very Be Careful: Remember Me From the Party? (Downtown Pijao) {1}: V[1365-1-6]
  6064. Vespers: The Fourth Wall (Phantom Domestic) {1}:
  6065. Vex Ruffin: Eulogy (Stones Throw, EP) {1}:
  6066. Vicentico: Vicentico 5 () {1}:
  6067. The Victor Ship: Contes De Fees () {1}: Spk:80
  6068. Vierkanttretlager: Die Natur Greift An () {1}:
  6069. The View: Cheeky for a Reason () {1}:
  6070. Villages: Theories of Ageing (Bathetic) {1}: BPM:80
  6071. Anna Cinzia Villani: Fimmana, Mare E Focu () {1}:
  6072. Eyal Vilner: Introducing the Eyal Vilner Big Band (Gut String) {1}: TH:*
  6073. Rhonda Vincent: Sunday Morning Singin' Live (Ingrooves) {1}:
  6074. Vinum Sabbatum: Bacchanale Premier (Eyes Like Snow/Northern Silence) {1}:
  6075. Virals: Coming Up With the Sun (Tough Love, EP) {1}: NME:80
  6076. Romain Virgo: The System (VP) {1}: RR:75
  6077. Visionist: Control This () {1}:
  6078. Visions of Trees: Visions of Trees (Something in Construction) {1}: MC(54/5)
  6079. Vloeimans/Weber: Live at the Concertgebouw (Challenge) {1}:
  6080. Tim Vocals: Live From Harlem (self-released) {1}: RS:70
  6081. Vinz Vonlathen/Cyril Bondi/Christophe Berthet: Silo (Leo) {1}: FJ
  6082. Vophoniq: Cosmogonie () {1}:
  6083. Rocky Votolato: Television of Saints (Undertow) {1}: MC(67/6), AP:80
  6084. Vox Arcana: Soft Focus (Relay) {1}: FJ
  6085. Vybz Kartel: Kingston Story [Deluxe Edition] (Vice and Mixpack) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6086. Waails: Paradise 1 (EP) {1}:
  6087. Waails: Paradise 2 (EP) {1}:
  6088. Wale: Folarin (mixtape) {1}:
  6089. John Wall and Mark Durgan: John Wall and Mark Durgan () {1}:
  6090. Wall of Death: Main Obsession (Born Bad) {1}:
  6091. Anne Walsh: Go (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  6092. Justin Walter: Stars (Walter) {1}: TH:B
  6093. C-Rayz Walz: The Code (bandcamp) {1}: RR:80
  6094. Wandelweiser: Und So Weiter (Another Timbre) {1}:
  6095. The Wandering: Go On Now, You Can't Stay Here (Songs of the South) {1}: P:78
  6096. Wanderlust: Record Time () {1}:
  6097. Wankelmut: Wankelmoods, Vol 1 (Poesie Musik) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6098. Warm Digits: Keep Warm . . . with the Warm Digits (Distraction) {1}: AM:80
  6099. War on Women: Improvised Weapons (EP) {1}:
  6100. Krystle Warren: Love Songs: A Time You May Embrace (Parlour Door) {1}: G:80
  6101. Water Liars: Phantom Limb (Misra) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6102. Watershed: Brick and Mortar () {1}:
  6103. The Water: Scandals and Animals () {1}:
  6104. Matheu Watson: Dunrobin Place (self-released) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6105. Reggie Watts: A Live at Central Park (Comedy Central, 2CD) {1}: CS:80
  6106. Trevor Watts/Veryan Weston: Dialogues in Two Places (Hi4Head) {1}:
  6107. Wattville: We Jostle (Sonic Router, EP) {1}: XL:75
  6108. Waves on Canvas: Into the Northsea (Psychonaviation) {1}: MiF:86
  6109. Wayfarer: The River () {1}:
  6110. Waymores: Waymors (CDBaby) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6111. Way Out Northwest: The White Spot (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ
  6112. Weapon: Embers and Revelations (Relapse) {1}: Pf:78
  6113. We Are Standard: Great State (Mushroom Pillow) {1}: DS:80
  6114. Andrew Weathers/Ancient Oceans: Andrew Weathers/Ancient Oceans (Rubber City Noise) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6115. Weaving the Fate: WTF (EP) {1}:
  6116. Chris Webby: Bars on Me (mixtape) {1}:
  6117. Katharina Weber/Barry Guy/Balts Nill: Games and Improvisations: Hommage a Gyorgy Kurtag (Intakt) {1}: FJ
  6118. Allison Wedding: This Dance (GroundUp Music) {1}: TH:***
  6119. Chris Weeks: A Haunting Sun (Tigerbeat6) {1}: BPM:75
  6120. Weeks: Gutter Gaunt Gangster (Serpents and Snakes) {1}:
  6121. The Wee Trio: Ashes to Ashes: A David Bowie Intraspective (Bionic) {1}: TH:B
  6122. Brent Weinbacvh: Mostly Live (Aspecialthing) {1}:
  6123. Joanna Weinberg: The Piano Diaries (Kissingpoint) {1}: TH:**
  6124. Carl Weingarten: Panomorphia () {1}:
  6125. Nils Weinhold: Shapes (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  6126. Weird Weeds: Weird Weeds (Sedimental) {1}: Pf:75
  6127. Chris Weisman: Maya Properties (OSR Tapes) {1}: Ph:75
  6128. Ezra Weiss: Our Path to This Moment (Roark) {1}: TH:*
  6129. Neil Welch: Boxwork (Table and Chairs) {1}:
  6130. Neil Welch: Sleeper (Table and Chairs) {1}:
  6131. Tyrone Wells: Where We Meet () {1}: R:80
  6132. The Well Wishers: Dreaming of the West Coast () {1}:
  6133. James Welsh: Air Valley (Losing Suki, EP) {1}:
  6134. Carol Welsman: Journey (Justin Time) {1}: Buf:75
  6135. We Show Up on Radar: Sadness Defeated () {1}:
  6136. Bugge Wesseltoft: Songs (Jazzland) {1}:
  6137. West End Motel: Only Time Can Tell (Warner Bros) {1}: AP:80
  6138. Calvin Weston: Of Alien Feelings (Imaginary Chicago) {1}:
  6139. Veryan Weston/Ingrid Laubrock/Hannah Marshall: Haste (Emanem) {1}: FJ
  6140. Wet Hair: Spill Into Atmosphere (De Stijl) {1}: Mi:75
  6141. We Were Skeletons: Blame and Aging (Topshelf) {1}: AP:80
  6142. Kirk Whalum: Romance Language () {1}: UT:75
  6143. Whatever Brains: Whatever Brains II (Sorry State) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6144. The Wheels: Road Block () {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6145. Padraig Whelan: Never Be So Wicked, No More as You Once Were () {1}: LBF:75
  6146. The Whigs: Enjoy the Company (New West) {1}: MC(70/6), AM:80
  6147. The Whiles: Somber Honey () {1}:
  6148. Whipkey Three: Two Truths () {1}:
  6149. A Whisper in the Noise: To Forget () {1}:
  6150. White Laces: Moves (Speakertree) {1}: PM:80
  6151. Shannon Whitworth/Barrett Smith: Bring It On Home () {1}:
  6152. WhoMadeWho: Brighter (Kompakt) {1}: MC(64/4)
  6153. Whourkr: 4247 Snare Drums (Ad Noiseam) {1}: V[1277-1-9]
  6154. Widespread Panic: Wood (Widespread) {1}: AS:80
  6155. Widowmaker: The Wink and the Gun () {1}:
  6156. Gin Wigmore: Gravel and Wine () {1}:
  6157. Wild Chamber Trio: 10.000 Leaves (Not Two) {1}: FJ
  6158. Wild Hunt: Before the Plane of Angles (Kemado) {1}:
  6159. Wildlife Control: Wildlife Control (self-released) {1}: TH:*
  6160. Wilds Forlorn: We, the Damned () {1}:
  6161. Dan Wilensky: Back in the Mix (Speechless Productions) {1}: TH:**
  6162. Walt Wilkins: Plenty () {1}: R:100
  6163. Andre Williams: Hoods and Shades (Bloodshot) {1}: MC(58/4), S:70
  6164. Andre Williams: Life (Alive Natural Sound) {1}: V[634-3-15]
  6165. Tom Williams and the Boat: Teenage Blood () {1}: Cl:80
  6166. Steve Williams: Steve Williams and Jazz Nation with Eddie Daniels (OA2) {1}: TH:*
  6167. Keller Williams/The Travelin McCourys: Pick (Sci-Fidelity/Mri) {1}:
  6168. Tony Williams: The World Famous: King of the Fool () {1}: DJB:80
  6169. Larry Willis: This Time the Dream's on Me (High Note) {1}: TH:**
  6170. Bob Willoughby: Jazz: Body and Soul (Evans Mitchell Books) {1}: DB
  6171. Spike Wilner: La Tendresse (Posi-Tone) {1}: TH:**
  6172. Windhand: Windhand (Forcefield) {1}:
  6173. Windings: I Am Not the Crow (Out on a Limb) {1}: St:80
  6174. Window Twin: Wish () {1}:
  6175. Carol Winenc/Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival: American Flute Quintets (Bridge) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6176. Leslie Winer: &C (The Tapeworm) {1}: V[699-1-11]
  6177. Win Win: Double Vision (Vice) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6178. Wires Under Tension: Replicant (Western Vinyl) {1}:
  6179. Wishmountain: Tesco (Accidental) {1}: Fa:80
  6180. Wisin and Yandel: Lideres () {1}:
  6181. Witchboy: Hollymode (Aural Sects) {1}: Mi:100
  6182. Witchboy: Le Universe Perverse (Aural Sects) {1}: Mi:83
  6183. Witchstone: Witchstone EP (Witchstone) {1}:
  6184. Withered Hand: Heart Heart EP (Fence, EP) {1}: JG:*
  6185. With Lions: Equipo (self-released) {1}:
  6186. Witxes: Sorcery/Geography () {1}:
  6187. The Wiyos: Twist (YO) {1}: G:80
  6188. Wizard Rifle: Speak Loud Say Nothing (Seventh Rule) {1}:
  6189. Wiz Khalifa: Cabin Fever 2 (mixtape) {1}:
  6190. Mike Wofford/Holly Hofmann Quintet: Turn Signal (Capri) {1}: TH:*
  6191. Wolfbrigade: Damned (Southern Lord) {1}:
  6192. Chubby Wolf: Seasick (Mystery Sea) {1}:
  6193. Wolf Parade: Apologies to the Queen Mary () {1}: Spk:100
  6194. Wolfram Trio: Wolfram (Va Fongool) {1}: FJ
  6195. Andrea Wolper/Connie Crothers/Ken Filiano: Trance Formation: In Concert (New Artists) {1}: TH:**
  6196. The Wood Brothers: Live Volume One: Sky High (Southern Ground) {1}: AS:80
  6197. The Wood Brothers: Live Volume Two: Nail and Tooth (Southern Ground) {1}: AS:80
  6198. Wooderson: Let the Man Speak (self-released) {1}: DS:80
  6199. The Woodrow Wilsons: The Devil Jonah (Whitehaus Family) {1}: Ph:75
  6200. Mitch Woods: Blues Beyond Borders: Live in Istanbul (VizzTone) {1}: YW
  6201. Woodsy Pride: Live at the All Hands House (All Hands Electric) {1}:
  6202. Paul Woolford: The Lab 04 (The Lab) {1}: RA:90
  6203. Woollen Kits: Woolen Kits (RIP Society/Fuse) {1}:
  6204. Wordburglar: 3rdburglar () {1}:
  6205. Wordsmith: King Noah (NU Revolution) {1}:
  6206. World Famous Headliners: World Famous Headliners (Big Yellow Dog) {1}: Bl:80
  6207. World Party: Arkeology (Seaview/Piccadilly) {1}: Bl:80
  6208. Worldwide: As the World Turns () {1}: AC:78
  6209. Worldwide: Gas Money (Timeless) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6210. Worm Ouroboros: Come the Thaw (Profound Lore) {1}:
  6211. Wot Gorilla?: Kebnekaise (self-released) {1}: DIY:80
  6212. Wraiths: Edinburgh/Glasgow (Land of Decay) {1}: S:70
  6213. Wreck and Reference: No Youth () {1}:
  6214. Wrecking Crew: Wu Tang Pulp () {1}:
  6215. Wretched: Son of Perdition () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6216. Dizzy Wright: Free SmokeOut Conversations (mixtape) {1}:
  6217. Richard Wright: Open Minded (Illregular Instrumentals) {1}: Ok:90
  6218. Writhing: Indomitable () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6219. Wzrd: Wzrd (Universal Republic) {1}: MC(54/8), EW:75
  6220. Xaddax: Counterclockwork (Skin Graft) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6221. Michelle Xen: Synaesthesiac (Paper Street) {1}: Sl:70
  6222. Xian Orphic: Xian Orphic (Pre-Cert Home Entertainment) {1}:
  6223. XRay Eyeballs: Splendor Squalor (Kanine) {1}: S:70
  6224. XV: Popular Culture (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  6225. XV: The Yellow Brick Road to SXSW (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  6226. XXL (Xiu Xiu/Larsen): Dude (Tin Angel) {1}: TMT:80
  6227. Xxxy: Bash EP (Halo Cyan, EP) {1}: XL:75
  6228. XXYYXX: XXYYXX () {1}:
  6229. Eri Yamamoto Trio: The Next Page (AUM Fidelity) {1}:
  6230. Elliott Yamin: Let's Get to What's Real (E1) {1}: S:70
  6231. John Yao Quintet: In the Now (Innova) {1}: TH:*
  6232. Yarn: Almost Home () {1}:
  6233. Year of the Goat: Angels' Necropolis (Van) {1}:
  6234. Yelawolf: Heart of Dixie (mixtape) {1}: XXL:80
  6235. Yellow Dubmarine: Abbey Dub (Red General) {1}: Buf:88
  6236. The Yes Yes Yalls: 9000 (self-released) {1}: RR:80
  6237. Yg: 4 Hunnid Degreez () {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6238. Yo Gotti: CM7: The WorldIs Yours (mixtape) {1}:
  6239. Yo Gotti: Live From the Kitchen (RCA) {1}: MC(60/4), Sg
  6240. The Young Evils: Foreign Spells (self-released) {1}:
  6241. Young Fathers: Tape One (Anticon) {1}: Ph:88
  6242. Young Jeezy: Its Tha World (mixtape) {1}:
  6243. Young Jeezy: Thug Motivation 103 (CTE/Def Jam) {1}: V[723-1-10]
  6244. Jordan Young: Cymbal Melodies (Posi-Tone) {1}: TN, TH:B
  6245. Katherine Young: Releasing Bound Water From Green Material (Prom Night, EP) {1}: TH:*
  6246. Neil C Young: El Camino (Canadian American) {1}: TH:*
  6247. Young Oceans: Young Oceans () {1}:
  6248. Young Pharaohs: White Shadows (Chill Mega Chill) {1}: Mi:75
  6249. Young Rival: Stay Young () {1}:
  6250. Richard Youngs: Core to the Brave (Root Strata) {1}:
  6251. Richard Youngs: Rurtain (Alter) {1}:
  6252. Young Thug: I Came From Nothing 3 (self-released) {1}: S:80
  6253. Young Zee and Mr Green: One Crazy Weekend (Ruff Cutz Media/Green Music Group) {1}: RR:80
  6254. You Say France and I Whistle: Angry Men (Spv US) {1}:
  6255. Shingo Yuji: Introducing Shingo Yuji (Yujipan Music) {1}: TH:*
  6256. Yusif: Yusif (self-released) {1}: Bl:80
  6257. Chris Zabriskie: Undercover Vampire Policeman () {1}: V[540-1-15]
  6258. Zahara: Loliwe (TS) {1}: V[1385-1-5]
  6259. Zanussi 13: Live (Moserobie) {1}:
  6260. Marta Zapparoli: Codex (Zeromoon) {1}:
  6261. Bojan Z: Soul Shelter (Emarcy) {1}:
  6262. Zdob Si Zdub Basta: Mafia! (Asphalt Tango) {1}:
  6263. Alvin Zealot: Flux () {1}:
  6264. Zebda: Second Tour () {1}:
  6265. Zebra and Snake: Healing Music (Republic of Music) {1}: DIY:80
  6266. Bertine Zetlitz: Electric Feet () {1}:
  6267. Zhenya Strigalev: Smiling Organizm (Whirlwind) {1}: JM
  6268. Matthias Ziegler: La Rusna (Music for Three Flutes) {1}: FJ
  6269. Pete Zimmer: Prime of Life (Tippin') {1}:
  6270. Zion I: Shadowboxing (Live Up) {1}: Ok:82
  6271. Zlam Dunk: Balcones (Mission Social Club) {1}: AC:78
  6272. Zohar's Nigun: The Four Questions (Rectify) {1}: TH:*
  6273. The Zoltars: Should I Try Once More () {1}:
  6274. John Zorn: Gnostic Preludes (Tzadik) {1}: TN
  6275. John Zorn: Mount Analogue (Tzadik) {1}: TN
  6276. John Zorn: Nosferatu (Tzadik) {1}: TN
  6277. Zowie: Love Demolition () {1}:
  6278. Zulu: Way of the Zulu (Stroll On) {1}: MO:80
  6279. Zulu Winter: Language (Arts and Crafts) {1}: MC(67/4)


For information on what lists are consulted, and what the various abbreviations and notes mean, click here.