EOY List Aggregate: 2017 New Music

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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Kendrick Lamar: Damn (Top Dawg/Aftermath/Interscope) {587}: 405:1, ABC:5, Al:3, Alt:3, AS:10, AV:1, AY:1, AZ:2, Bae:1, BB:1, Bbx:1, BE:1, Blr:2, BV:1, C:6, Ch:5, Cl:2, Cmp:1, Crh:22, CS:2, DJ:18, DJB:1, Dr:3, DS:18, DT:1, DW:34, Eb:5, Esq:1, EW:2, F:41, Fld:3, Fp:15, Fu:1, G:2, GB:35, GC:1, Gg:1, Gw:11, HDX:1, HS:2, Huh:2, HV:32, I:7, Int:3, LBF:2, LQ:11, LR:1, MA:1, Mc:1, Mix:27, Mj:7, MO:9, MR:27, Mrg:16, N:2, Nd:1, NDN:4, Ne:45, NME:3, NPR:1, NR:2, NZH:3, P:2, Pc:11, Pf:1, Pg:1, PM:1, PMA:5, PO:30, PT:5, PW:3, Q:1, Rel:1, RM:68, RS:1, RS_A:1, RSh:1, RT:45, RU:1, RY:6, S:1, SC:1, Sg:2, Sg_h:1, Sk:1, Sl:1, Spk:3, SR:32, St:1, Su:10, Thr:3, TL:13, TMT:6, TN:1, TOC:1, Tr:2, Trk:26, U:3, Up:4, UR:6, VF:3, VMP:3, W:41, WHP:8, YF:1; 3v:10, ab:+, am:+, am_h:+, aqd:+, ard:1, asp:2, atl:1, ax:+, bbc:++, bbn:1, bet:1, bg_j:5, blt:2, cl:1, ct:3, db_s:6, de_f:3, de_m:5, du:3, e_uk:+, es_r:+, ex_h:1, g_e:+, gig:2, gq:+, hc_g:6, hmv:+, hyb:1, i:7, ir:10, it:+, iv:3, ju:1, kc:2, ke:+, kq:+, la_a:1, la_k:3, la_r:4, la_w:1, les:3, ljs:2, ma:1, mav:1, mmg:+, mut:2, nap:+, nat:4, now:1, npr_c:1, npr_h:1, npr_s:2, nt:5, nw:6, ny_c:14, ny_p:6, nyl:1, okp:1, owh:1, owl:+, p:2, pf_r:1, pi:2, pm_h:1, rb:+, rc:+, ri:6, sdu:10, sjm:2, sl_w:+, smh:+, so_g:3, so_j:3, st:2, tbt:7, ti:2, tr_h:+, ts:+, ust:3, usw:2, v;+, vib:+, wk:1, wx:1, xiw:6, vu:1, vu_r:3, xjd:4, xjdc:9, xjdo:5, xkm:3, xml:+, xmr:5, xms:5, xrm:5, xsp:4, xxl:+, yh:1 -- VV:1--1756, RC:A-, TH:A-
  2. Lorde: Melodrama (Lava/Republic) {340}: 405:17, ABC:4, Al:42, Alt:42, AV:17, AY:2, Bae:2, BB:3, BE:2, Blr:5, BV:22, Ch:11, Cmp:44, CS:1, D:4, Df:10, DS:28, Eb:7, Esq:4, EW:1, Ex:4, FO:30, Fp:50, Fu:9, G:4, GC:6, Gg:2, HS:3, HV:14, I:2, Int:2, LBF:11, LQ:7, Mc:3, MO:1, N:10, Nd:3, NDN:3, NME:1, NPR:5, NR:1, NZH:2, Pf:5, Pg:3, PM:2, PMA:1, PT:16, Q:4, Rel:2, RS:2, RS_A:2, RS_p:1, RSh:5, RY:39, S:4, SC:20, Sg:1, Sk:3, Sl:7, Spk:7, St:8, Su:1, Thr:1, TL:24, TMT:8, TN:6, TOC:6, Tr:23, U:18, Up:1, UR:56, VMP:5, WHP:5, YF:2; am:+, am_p:+, ard:4, bbc:+, bbn:3, bg_c:3, blt:5, cl:2, cos:1, db_s:5, e_uk:+, g_e:+, gig:1, gq:+, hc_g:3, hmv:+, i:2, ir:2, it:+, iv:2, ju:2, ke:+, les:1, ljs:13, ma:5, mav:10, mut:5, nat:+, npr_c:+, npr_h:4, nw:8, ny_c:10, ny_p:7, nyl:10, owh:9, p:3, pm_p:7, rb:+, ri:2, sjm:1, sl_w:+, smh:+, str:8, ti:5, ust:1, usw:6, v:+, vm:+, vu:8, wk:9, wo:+, wx:6, xab:6, xjd:6, yh:5 -- VV:4--724, RC:***, TH:A-
  3. SZA: Ctrl (Top Dawg/RCA) {312}: 405:4, Alt:18, AV:5, AY:38, AZ:5, Bae:4, BB:2, BE:15, Blr:3, BV:2, C:4, Cl:4, Cmp:3, CS:7, D:2, DJB:3, DS:42, DT:12, Esq:2, EW:3, F:3, Fu:4, G:3, GB:28, GC:2, Gg:3, HS:4, I:5, Int:1, LBF:3, LQ:10, LR:95, MA:5, Mc:11, MR:19, N:1, NDN:1, Ne:16, NME:7, NPR:2, NR:14, NZH:6, P:25, PCr:4, Pf:2, Pg:2, PM:35, PMA:8, PO:49, PT:8, PW:47, Q:27, Qt:68, Rel:4, RM:65, RS:20, RSh:4, RU:3, S:3, SC:6, Sg:5, Sk:2, Sl:15, Thr:12, TMT:17, TN:7, TOC:7, Tr:33, U:53, Up:2, UR:51, VMP:1, WHP:12, YF:3; ab:+, am:+, am_r:+, asp:1, atl:7, bbn:2, bet:2, cl:3, cos:2, cuk:5, db_s:4, du:10, ex_s:1, hmv:+, hyb:3, i:5, it:+, ju:4, kq:+, la_a:2, la_k:2, la_w:7, les:7, ljs:7, ma:3, mut:1, nap:+, now:3, npr_c:9, npr_s:5, nw:15, ny_c:2, ny_p:8, nyl:8, okp:3, owl:+, p:10, rb:+, sdu:13, st:6, tbt:3, ti:1, ust:5, v:+, vib:+, vm:+, xab:4, xjd:8, xpb:2, xrc:9 -- VV:2--942, RC:***, TH:**
  4. Vince Staples: Big Fish Theory (Def Jam) {274}: 405:20, AV:9, AY:7, AZ:19, Bae:15, BB:18, Bbx:22, BE:17, Blr:9, BV:14, C:66, Ch:12, Cl:14, Cmp:14, CS:4, D:8, DJB:17, DT:6, DW:51, Eb:4, Esq:8, EW:7, Fld:19, Fu:19, G:23, GB:12, GC:8, Gg:4, HS:1, HV:24, I:16, Int:5, LBF:17, LQ:5, MA:13, Mc:6, Mix:39, N:25, NDN:2, NME:15, NPR:17, NR:10, Pf:7, Pg:8, PM:21, PMA:4, PT:34, PW:20, Qt:30, RS:28, RS_A:28, RSh:17, RT:70, RU:16, RY:25, S:30, SC:4, Sg:18, Sg_h:5, Sk:8, Spk:10, Sl:3, St:9, Thr:29, Tr:1, Up:10, UR:55, WHP:17, YF:17; 3v:6, am:+, am_h:+, ax:+, bg_c:9, cl:16, db_s:1, e_uk:+, ex_h:2, g_e:+, i:16, ir:8, it:+, ke:+, la_a:5, now:5, nw:14, ny_p:10, okp:7, pf_r:2, pm_h:5, rb:+, ri:7, rs_e:11, sl_w:+, str:4, tr_h:+, ust:8, v:+, vib:+, xjsp:10, xms:9, xsa:3, xxl:+ -- VV:17--313, RC:A-, TH:**
  5. St Vincent: Masseduction (Loma Vista) {273}: ABC:22, Al:24, AS:8, AV:2, AY:12, AZ:4, Bae:20, BB:12, BE:19, BV:3, C:40, Cl:18, Crh:12, CS:6, D:13, Df:3, DJ:3, DS:4, DW:25, Eb:55, EW:4, Ex:8, F:34, Fld:17, FO:21, Fp:18, Fu:5, G:1, Gg:6, Gw:9, HV:5, I:14, Id:4, Int:17, LBF:37, LQ:18, LR:25, Mc:7, Mj:6, MO:2, N:9, NDN:11, NME:11, NR:4, NZH:19, P:34, PCr:2, Pf:22, Pg:36, PM:13, PMA:2, PT:20, Q:6, RS:18, RS_A:18, SC:7, Sg:14, Sk:13, Sl:2, Spk:20, St:4, Su:22, TL:2, U:9, Up:6, UR:3, VMP:2, WHP:6, YF:10; 3v:7, am:+, am_i:+, ard:2, asp:7, ath:+, bbc:+, bbn:4, bg_c:7, cct:1, cos:7, ct:13, db_s:7, df:+, e_uk:+, g_e:+, gl:+, gq:+, hmv:1, i:14, ir:4, it:+, ju:3, ke:+, la_w:2, les:2, ma:8, mav:6, mf:+, mmg:+, mut:3, nat:6, now:10, npr_c:+, nt:+, nw:13, ny_p:1, owh:5, pi:5, pm_p:6, rb:+, sdu:1, sjm:4, smh:+, st:3, tbt:1, tvd:6, ust:7, v:+, vm:+, wo:+, xbl:6, xjd:7, xjsp:5, xkm:9, xrm:3, xsp:7, yh:4 -- VV:3--899, RC:B+, TH:A-
  6. LCD Soundsystem: American Dream (DFA/Columbia) {254}: 405:2, AS:11, AV:20, AY:9, AZ:16, Bae:13, BB:23, BE:6, Bq:8, BV:5, C:10, Cl:6, CM:54, Crh:4, CS:40, Df:1, DJ:5, DJM:12, Dr:26, DS:27, DT:50, Esq:19, EW:6, Ex:5, F:47, Fld:12, FO:6, Fp:1, G:6, Gg:17, GTV:4, Gw:15, HS:17, LQ:20, LR:3, LW:35, Mc:15, Mg:12, Mix:10, Mj:1, MO:3, NDN:14, NME:5, NR:5, NZH:18, P:8, Pc:2, Pf:12, PM:5, PMA:3, Q:2, Qt:44, Rel:23, RM:2, RS:5, RS_A:5, RSh:16, RT:37, RY:24, S:25, SC:2, Sg:9, Sk:6, Sl:8, SR:5, St:2, Su:11, Thr:20, Tr:14, Trk:3, U:1, UR:12, VMP:11, WHP:20, YF:26; 3v:1, am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, bbc:+, bbn:5, bg_c:2, cl:4, ct:15, e_uk:+, g_e:+, gl:+, hmv:+, ju:8, kc:4, ke:+, mav:8, mmg:+, nt:1, nw:7, owh:+, pf_k:3, ra:+, sl_w:+, smh:+, st:10, ti:10, tr_e:2, tvd:5, usw:8, xjsp:4, xhs:9 -- VV:9--486, RC:**, TH:**
  7. Jay-Z: 4:44 (Roc Nation/UMG) {192}: 405:11, Al:25, AY:77, BB:4, Bbx:2, BE:31, C:26, Cl:13, Cmp:2, CS:25, DJ:46, DJB:7, DW:2, DT:20, Eb:16, Esq:3, EW:13, F:18, Fu:3, GC:5, Gg:5, HDX:4, HS:7, Huh:20, HV:31, I:15, MA:2, MR:1, N:24, Nd:2, Ne:22, NME:37, NPR:11, NZH:10, Pf:13, Pg:5, PO:64, PW:45, Q:46, Rel:13, RS:12, RS_A:12, RU:2, S:33, Sg:50, Sg_h:9, Sl:5, Su:38, TL:56, Up:7, VMP:27, YF:4, YW:21; am_h:+, ard:5, asp:4, atl:10, bbc:+, bbn:7, bet:3, bg_j:6, cl:8, de_f:1, ex_h:3, hyb:6, ir:9, kq:+, la_k:6, la_w:4, mut:4, ny_c:21, nw:5, owh:+, okp:6, p:5, pf_r:4, pi:4, pm_h:6, ri:1, sdu:4, sjm:+, smh:+, usw:7, v:+, vib:+, vu_r:6, wk:6, wx:8, xjd:2, xjdc:3, xpb:8, xrm:4, yh:6 -- VV:8--495, RC:A-, TH:**
  8. Sampha: Process (Young Turks) {185}: 405:7, AV:12, AY:26, AZ:6, Bae:5, BB:9, BE:18, Blr:12, Bq:60, BV:26, Cl:3, Cmp:5, CS:35, D:12, DJ:4, DJB:2, Dr:34, DS:90, DT:7, Esq:10, F:28, FO:31, Fp:37, Fu:2, G:20, GC:3, Gg:9, HS:9, Huh:6, I:18, Int:12, LBF:16, LR:13, MA:9, Mc:12, Mg:6, Mix:17, Mj:35, N:4, NDN:7, Ne:46, NME:23, NPR:4, NR:50, NZH:7, P:10, Pc:26, Pf:15, Pg:14, PM:6, PO:31, Q:14, Rel:7, RT:12, S:24, Sk:5, Spk:19, Su:39, Thr:23, TL:51, Trk:38, Up:27, UR:64, VF:1, VMP:15; ab:+, am:+, am_r:+, bb6:3, bbc:++, bbn:9, blt:6, cuk:4, du:6, e_uk:+, es_r:+, ex_s:2, gq:+, hmv:+, hyb:5, i:18, iv:8, ju:6, kq:+, la_a:4, la_k:8, ma:7, mmg:+, okp:9, vib:+, vu:9, wk:10, wx:4 -- VV:24--241, RC:**, TH:*
  9. The National: Sleep Well Beast (4AD) {182}: Al:4, AS:6, AV:14, AY:36, Bae:10, BE:7, Blr:17, Bq:28, BV:17, Ch:14, Cl:19, Crh:5, CS:36, Df:2, DJ:7, Dr:48, DS:65, DT:15, DW:33, Eb:70, Esq:17, Ex:19, Fld:21, FO:2, Fp:9, G:25, Gg:14, I:22, LR:52, LW:10, Mc:18, Mg:2, Mj:12, MO:5, Nd:12, NDN:24, NME:13, NPR:24, NR:3, NZH:15, Pc:33, PM:14, PMA:12, Q:10, RS:11, RS_A:11, RT:14, S:37, Sg:32, Spk:1, St:7, Su:33, TL:38, TN:18, TOC:18, Tr:4, Trk:4, U:7, Up:13, UR:7, VF:47, VMP:10, YF:12; 3v:4, am_i:+, ard:8, ath:+, cho:8, df:+, e_uk:+, gq:+, hc_d:1, hmv:+, mf:+, mmg:+, npr_s:10, nt:3, nw:9, pf_k:16, pm_k:8, rc:+, sdu:12, st:5, ust:10, xbs:+, xbw:5, xhs:8, xjdo:9, xsa:9, yh:2 -- VV:14--322, RC:A-, TH:***
  10. The War on Drugs: A Deeper Understanding (Atlantic) {170}: 405:10, ABC:46, AS:22, AV:3, Bae:9, BB:20, BE:3, Blr:16, Bq:30, Ch:22, Cl:58, Crh:10, CS:20, Df:21, DJ:2, Dr:52, DS:96, DT:13, Ex:9, FO:41, Fp:12, G:7, Gg:11, I:28, LBF:30, LR:31, LW:42, Mg:3, Mj:49, MO:10, NDN:10, NME:39, NPR:20, NR:18, P:23, Pc:8, Pf:11, PM:20, PMA:6, Q:23, Rel:15, RM:31, RS_A:15, S:5, Sg:6, Sk:49, Spk:16, SR:36, St:10, Su:12, Thr:10, TL:45, Tr:22, Trk:13, U:2, Up:3, UR:1, VMP:12, YF:23; 3v:3, ab:+, am_k:+, aqd:+, ath:+, atl:2, ax:+, bbn:6, bg_c:10, cls:9, db_s:9, gig:4, gq:+, hmv:+, kc:1, ljs:17, mav:2, mut:8, nap:+, nni:+, nt:7, owl:+, pf_k:2, pi:3, pm_k:3, rx:+, sjm:9, st:4, tvd;4, wx:3, yh:8 -- VV:6--513, TH:B
  11. Kelela: Take Me Apart (Warp) {159}: 405:15, ABC:8, Am_s:10, AY:97, Bae:8, BB:11, BE:34, BV:27, C:21, Cl:12, Cmp:17, CS:11, D:6, DJB:16, DJM:44, Dr:62, DS:88, EW:11, F:26, Fp:87, Fu:16, G:9, GB:42, GC:10, Gg:7, HS:6, Huh:5, HV:1, Int:4, LBF:23, LR:39, Mc:29, Mix:3, N:8, Nd:10, Ne:41, NR:21, Pc:72, PCr:9, Pf:4, Pg:34, PM:8, PMA:11, PO:44, PW:19, Qt:6, Rel:11, RSh:11, RT:19, S:15, SC:18, Sg:26, Sk:48, SR:28, Thr:16, Tr:30, Up:38, VF:9, VMP:14, YF:11; ab:+, am_r:+, bbn:10, bl:7, cos:4, ct:17, cuk:6, du:2, ex_s:4, hc_d:4, iv:7, ju:5, kq:+, ma:6, now:4, nyl:9, okp:10, ra:+, rb:+, smh:+, str:6, v;+, vib:+, vm:+, vu:7, wp:7, xjd:10 -- VV:16--315, TH:**
  12. Tyler the Creator: Flower Boy (Columbia) {152}: Alt:28, AY:78, Bae:16, BB:29, Bbx:14, BE:4, Blr:30, C:23, Ch:20, Cl:7, Cmp:6, D:3, DJB:8, DT:18, Eb:25, Esq:9, Fp:80, Fu:6, G:13, GC:4, Gg:8, HDX:5, HS:5, Huh:10, HV:18, Int:9, LBF:27, LR:47, MA:3, Mc:25, N:5, NDN:6, Ne:14, NME:19, Pf:8, Pg:12, PM:54, PMA:9, PT:23, PW:46, Q:40, RU:12, RY:2, Sl:14, Spk:12, St:12, TN:2, TOC:2, Tr:34, Up:14, VF:44, VMP:17, W:18, WHP:29, YF:16; ab:+, am:+, am_h:+, bg_c:8, de_d:10, du:9, es_r:+, ex_h:6, hc_g:4, hmv:+, hyb:4, ir:12, ma:2, now:7, nt:9, nw:17, owl:+, okp:2, pf_r:3, pm_h:9, vib:+, xxl:+ -- VV:68--112, TH:B
  13. Slowdive: Slowdive (Dead Oceans) {140}: Al:21, Am_s:15, AY:42, BE:9, BV:4, C:13, Cl:74, CS:5, Df:18, DJ:6, Dr:28, DS:22, DT:8, DW:37, Eb:69, Ex:3, Fld:24, FO:5, Fp:17, G:28, Gw:4, LQ:33, LR:41, LW:2, MO:4, N:58, NDN:9, NR:9, P:16, Pc:3, Pf:30, PM:12, PMA:16, RM:3, RT:53, RY:11, S:41, SC:5, Sg:15, SR:11, Spk:29, St:15, Thr:28, TMT:25, TN:3, TOC:3, Tr:9, Trk:1, U:11, UR:4, WHP:23, YF:30; ab:+, cls:7, e_uk:+, gl:++, hmv:+, nt:8, nw:12, pf_k:8, vu:2, wsj:+, xjsp:9, xmv:4, yh:3 -- VV:7--500, TH:*
  14. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: The Nashville Sound (Southeastern) {137}: AS:2, AY:115, BE:43, BS:28, BV:23, Ch:8, CM:35, Df:12, DJ:39, DT:9, DW:9, Fp:7, Gg:28, GTV:33, LTL:8, Mg:21, Mj:27, MR:11, N:87, NDN:13, NPR:7, P:12, PM:18, PO:6, RS:21, RS_A:21, RS_c:2, Sg:49, Thr:15, TL:1, U:72, Up:11, YF:18; am_a:+, b_a:6, blt:4, cho:2, df:+, dw:9, ex_c:4, mf:+, nni:+, nod:+, npr_c:6, npr_s:8, ns:4, owh:4, pi:1, pm_a:1, ri:5, scm:++, sjm:+, xbs:+, xdc:+, xde:8, xhs:3, xism:2, xjc:3, xjdc:4, xjdo:6, xjsm:2, xkm:5, xmr:6, xpa:1, xsa:1, xsc:1, xsp:3, xss:5 -- VV:5--548, RC:A, TH:***
  15. Mount Eerie: A Crow Looked at Me (PW Elverum & Sun) {137}: AY:3, Bc:34, BE:5, Blr:21, BV:20, Cl:54, CS:8, Df:22, Dr:8, DT:2, Eb:1, F:14, G:47, Gg:12, Huh:3, Mc:2, Mg:22, MO:39, N:23, Ne:3, No:1, NPR:31, NR:11, P:9, Pf:14, Pg:32, PM:24, PT:3, RM:53, RY:5, S:23, SC:12, Sg:10, Sk:21, Spk:14, Thr:5, TMT:1, Tr:3, U:40, UR:19, VF:21, WHP:10; ab:+, am:+, am_i:+, atl:6, bg_c:5, blt:3, db_s:2, ex_c:2, gig:3, ir:5, jmsc:+, la_a:6, lhb:+, now:2, npr_h:7, ny_c:3, sl_w:+, vu:3 -- VV:15--319, RC:A, TH:*
  16. Father John Misty: Pure Comedy (Sub Pop) {135}: AY:43, AZ:10, Bae:17, BE:13, Bq:96, CL:28, DJ:11, Dr:29, DS:71, DT:11, Eb:2, EW:19, Ex:11, FO:4, Fp:4, G:16, GC:30, Gg:20, LQ:23, LR:14, LW:59, Mc:23, Mg:19, Mj:48, MO:37, NDN:17, Ne:1, NME:4, NR:26, P:3, Pc:89, PM:17, PMA:10, Q:7, Rel:14, RM:44, RS:19, RS_A:19, RT:23, SC:15, Sg:22, Sk:50, Sl:20, SR:43, St:17, Su:9, TL:25, Tr:12, Trk:5, U:13, Up:5, UR:9, VMP:4; ax:+, bb6:4, bbc:+, e_uk:+, g_e:+, gig:8, gq:+, hmv:+, it:+, ke:+, nod:+, npr_h:10, nt:2, st:1, ust:6, v:+, wk:4 -- VV:12--340, TH:B-
  17. Perfume Genius: No Shape (Matador) {135}: 405:5, AS:24, AY:31, Bae:3, BB:27, BE:16, BV:9, C:12, Cl:89, CS:17, D:11, DJ:13, Dr:100, DS:25, DT:3, Eb:6, Esq:6, EW:15, FO:18, Fp:64, G:5, Gg:10, GTV:5, Huh:18, I:4, LBF:10, LR:29, Mc:27, Mg:20, Mj:29, MO:8, N:52, Ne:10, NME:24, NPR:6, NR:17, Pf:16, PM:19, PMA:13, RM:43, RY:36, S:26, SC:16, Sg:4, Sk:4, St:26, Su:21, Thr:35, TMT:50, Tr:36, Trk:45, U:70, Up:28, UR:18, VMP:16, WHP:24; am_i:+, bbn:8, e_uk:+, g_e:+, gig:5, hc_d:5, i:4, ir:15, iv:9, ke:+, la_r:9, les:8, nyl:6, pm_i:8, rb:+, ti:3, v:+ -- VV:18--288, TH:B-
  18. Thundercat: Drunk (Brainfeeder) {114}: AY:103, AZ:7, BB:44, BE:32, C:14, Cl:65, Cmp:30, CS:33, DJ:26, DJB:29, Dr:4, DS:12, DT:43, Eb:24, Esq:20, FO:43, Fp:28, Fu:14, G:8, GC:32, Gg:13, GTV:21, I:25, JC:+, LBF:49, LQ:16, LR:46, Mix:9, Mj:21, MO:38, N:98, NDN:23, NME:50, NPR:36, NR:44, Pc:24, Pf:24, Pg:35, PM:37, PO:98, PT:21, PW:1, Q:25, Rel:21, RM:88, RT:9, S:12, Sg:47, Sk:9, Sl:18, SR:13, Tr:17, Trk:10, U:42, UR:62, VMP:19, YF:38; ab:+, am_r:+, aqd:+, bb6:1, blt:9, df:+, du:7, es_r:+, ex_s:3, gl:++, gq:+, hmv:+, it:+, mf:+, ny_u:14, ra:+, rc:+, xlr:+, str:3 -- VV:13--327, TH:*
  19. Migos: Culture (QC/YRN/300) {112}: Bae:24, BB:8, Bbx:11, BS:11, C:15, Cl:15, Cmp:7, CS:42, DJB:19, DT:27, DW:11, F:23, GC:7, Gg:23, HDX:7, HS:10, HV:6, LR:4, MA:12, N:13, NPR:38, Pf:19, Pg:20, PO:110, PW:5, RS:9, RSh:19, RU:5, S:11, Sg:33, Sg_h:2, Thr:32, YF:24, YW:4; am_h:+, atl:4, bet:4, cl:10, ex_h:7, hyb:2, kq:+, nap:+, pf_r:5, pm_h:8, tr_H:+, v;+, vib:+, xde:5, vu_r:2, wp:2, xgm:9, xjl:4, xms:6, xxl:+ -- VV:19--260, RC:A-, TH:***
  20. Big Thief: Capacity (Saddle Creek) {111}: 405:6, Alt:10, Am_s:13, AY:48, BE:55, Blr:26, BV:13, C:53, Cl:36, DJ:48, Dr:75, DS:75, DT:17, DW:49, Eb:10, Fld:1, FO:24, GB:34, Huh:14, LBF:34, LR:73, NDN:19, NPR:3, NR:13, Pc:40, Pf:23, PM:43, PT:1, RM:8, RT:4, S:2, Sk:12, TMT:27, Tr:11, Up:9, UR:21, VMP:8, WHP:1, YF:43; am_s:+, ath:+, bb6:8, gl:+, gq:+, nap:+, npr_b:1, npr_h:3, npr_s:4, nw:1, owh:+, pf_k:5, pm_k:5, sl_w:+, wx:2, xpb:6 -- VV:39--201, RC:B+, TH:**
  21. King Krule: The OOZ (True Panther Sounds) {110}: Bae:7, BB:45, BE:25, Blr:29, Bq:20, BV:35, C:25, Ch:24, Cl:8, CS:31, D:9, DJB:36, DS:87, Eb:27, Esq:7, Ex:14, FO:1, G:22, GB:9, Gg:18, HS:8, Huh:1, I:12, LBF:9, LR:2, N:3, NDN:8, NME:16, NR:38.P:13, Pf:3, Pg:13, PM:27, PT:19, RM:86, RT:95, S:28, SC:9, Sk:25, Spk:40, Su:24, Thr:30, Tr:6, UR:28, WHP:22; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, cuk:12, du:1, e_uk:+, hc_d:10, hyb:10, i:12, it:+, kc:3, okp:13, pf_k:1, rb:+, wo:+ -- TH:B
  22. Julien Baker: Turn Out the Lights (Matador) {100}: Alt:2, Am_s:20, AS:13, AV:8, AY:61, Bae:22, BE:35, Bq:3, BV:6, Ch:1, Cl:53, CS:13, DT:34, Eb:8, Ex:6, Huh:8, KYS:1, LBF:31, Mc:32, N:30, NDN:5, NR:22, P:47, Pf:18, Rel:9, RS_A:41, SC:13, Sg:13, Spk:43, TN:12, TOC:12, Up:32, UR:2, VMP:6, WHP:7, YF:13; ap:+, ath:+, bg_c:1, gig:10, la_a:3, lhb:+, mut:10, ny_c:10, ny_p:4, nyl:3, pf_k:4, ts:+, v:+ -- VV:36--204, TH:B
  23. Waxahatchee: Out in the Storm (Merge) {98}: ABC:18, AV:10, AY:106, Bc:31, BE:88, CM:19, DW:16, Eb:50, Fp:61, Gg:47, LW:93, Mg:1, MR:23, NO:27, NDN:15, NPR:41, P:18, PO:32, RS:14, RS_A:14, RSh:8, Sg:8, UR:54, YF:37; am_i:+, ath:+, hc_d:7, hmv:+, lhb:+, owh:+, pf_k:13, pi:10, sl_w:+, ust:9, v:+, xab:5, xbl:4, xbs:+, xbw:2, xdc:+, xgh:4, xis:4, xism:6, xjc:6, xjdc:2, xjdo:3, xjm:6, xjsp:3, xkm:7, xmb:6, xms:8, xpa:6, xsa:7, xsc:9, xscw:5, xsp:2, xtw:1 -- VV:10--349, RC:A, TH:A-
  24. The XX: I See You (Young Turks) {98}: Am_s:12, AY:109, Bae:19, BB:14, BE:22, Bq:17, Cl:84, Crh:32, Df:19, DJ:37, DT:29, DW:22, Eb:22, Esq:15, Ex:18, FO:42, FP:2, G:44, GC:26, Gg:15, HS:23, HV:7, I:29, Int:6, LR:67, Mc:19, Mix:19, MR:31, NME:46, NR:12, P:28, Pf:40, PM:7, PMA:7, Q:17, RS_A:30, SC:10, Sk:36, St:16, Thr:34, TL:52, Tr:29, Trk:30, U:50, Up:37, UR:39, YF:9; 3v:2, ab:+, ath:+, e_uk:+, ir:11, mmg:+, owl:+, rx:+, ti:8, ts:+, wk:3, wsj:+, xml:+ -- VV:38--202, RC:B+, TH:A-
  25. Jens Lekman: Life Will See You Now (Secretly Canadian) {91}: BE:68, CM:12, DW:1, EW:10, HV:3, Mc:36, MO:47, MR:5, PM:39, PO:33, RS_p:12, SC:8, Sk:30, TL:9, UR:37, YF:29; pm_p:2, xbw:1, xde:1, xgh:2, xism:1, xjc:1, xjd:1, xjdc:1, xjdo:2, xjl:1, xjsm:3, xjy:3, xms:3, xpa:4, xsc:2, xscw:1, xsp:1, xss:1, xtw:10 -- VV:19--260, RC:A, TH:***
  26. Jlin: Black Origami (Planet Mu) {90}: AY:10, Bc:2, BE:59, C:20, Cl:87, CS:23, DJM:27, Dr:20, DT:21, F:11, GB:40, Gg:24, Mc:5, Mix:8, N:18, NPR:16, Pc:74, Pf:10, PM:10, PO:7, PT:30, PW:6, Qt:35, RS:23, RSh:15, RT:77, S:6, SC:14, Sg:44, Sk:33, TMT:22, TN:13, TOC:13, Tr:26, VF:35, W:4; am:+, am_e:+, bl:1, blt:1, es_r:+, ex_e:3, hmv:+, la_r:3, now:8, ra:+, rb:+, rs_e:1, tr_e:1, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- VV:11--345, TH:**
  27. Fever Ray: Plunge (Rabid/Mute) {89}: 405:3, ABC:25, Al:49, AV:7, AY:62, BE:72, BV:21, C:3, Cl:48, D:5, DJM:3, DS:82, DW:31, Eb:46, F:16, GB:17, Gg:27, HS:15, HV:35, LR:18, Mc:8, MO:21, MR:18, N:34, NDN:22, NME:41, NPR:27, NR:25, Pf:9, PM:3, Qt:3, S:17, Sg:12, Sk:16, Sl:12, Spk:24, St:28, Tr:32, UR:31, YF:20, YW:22; am:+, am_i:+, bbc:+, ir:6, ra:+, str:10, tr_e:4 -- VV:65--113, RC:A-, TH:*
  28. Khalid: American Teen (Right Hand/RCA) {83}: Bae:26, BB:5, CM:11, Cmp:47, CS:44, DJB:18, DW:48, Fu:7, GC:24, Gg:38, LBF:50, MR:10, N:17, NZH:4, Pg:48, Rel:19, RS:6, RS_A:6, RU:4, TL:40, YF:19; bet:8, cl:5, hc_g:2, la_k:9, rb:+, sjm:3, tbt:6, ti:4, usw:5, xbw:9, xdc:+, xjc:8, xmb:3, xml:+, xmr:9, xms:1, xrc:1, xscw:6, xss:9, xtw:7 -- VV:58--125, RC:A, TH:A-
  29. Fleet Foxes: Crack-Up (Nonesuch) {82}: 405:8, Al:10, AY:85, Bae:6, BE:8, Blr:20, Bq:92, BV:18, Cl:97, CS:30, Df:6, DJ:25, Dr:38, Eb:9, Ex:13, FO:34, Fp:6, GC:36, Gg:22, Huh:13, MO:19, Ne:36, No:32, P:40, Pf:39, PM:16, PMA:14, PT:45, Q:41, RM:87, RY:13, S:46, Sk:45, Spk:22, Tr:5, U:41, Up:8, UR:17, VMP:18, WHP:15, YF:41; am:+, am_i:+, ath:+, gl:+, nt:+, owh:+, owl:+, pf_k:9, pm_k:2 -- VV:77--100, TH:C+
  30. Alvvays: Antisocialites (Polyvinyl) {79}: ABC:11, Bc:11, BE:20, Blr:18, Bq:52, C:51, Cl:78, Dr:45, DS:55, DT:4, Ex:1, Fp:67, G:29, GB:16, Gg:36, Gw:32, LW:8, Ne:35, NME:17, NPR:32, NR:15, P:7, Pc:25, PM:44, PT:27, RM:91, RY:28, Sg:31, Sk:44, Tr:16, Trk:8, UR:20, YF:14; am:+, am_i:+, ath:+, cho:7, hmv:+, les:5, nt:4, pm_i:2, ri:3, ts:+, xmr:3 -- VV:31--224, RC:A-, TH:**
  31. Protomartyr: Relatives in Descent (Domino) {75}: 405:18, AY:16, Bc:27, BE:73, BV:43, Crh:27, Dr:1, DS:19, Eb:92, FO:8, G:24, Gg:35, GTV:15, LQ:1, Mc:17, MO:11, Ne:33, NME:42, NR:7, Pc:23, PT:14, RM:20, RSh:7, RT:90, RY:32, Sk:10, St:3, Tr:13, UR:43; ab:+, am:+, am_i:+, ath:+, ct:6, es_r:+, gl:++, lhb:+, nt:6, nw:11, so_g:6, xmv:2 -- VV:65--113, TH:***
  32. Run the Jewels: Run the Jewels 3 (self-released) {74}: Alt:32, BS:3, Crh:15, DJB:26, DW:64, Eb:19, Fp:31, GC:18, GTV:37, HV:33, NDN:16, Ne:42, NR:45, P:4, Pc:66, Pf:29, Pg:43, PM:33, PW:43, RM:95, RT:22, Sk:7, Sl:10, TL:28, Tr:19, UR:90, YW:1; am_h:+, ard:3, cl:6, ct:1, ex_h:5, hmv:+, owh:8, pf_r:7, so_g:1, tr_h:+, xdc:+, xjl:10, xsa:6 -- VV:33--222, RC:A-, TH:A-
  33. Bjork: Utopia (One Little Indian) {71}: 405:16, Al:8, AV:15, Bae:11, BE:38, BV:42, C:24, D:7, Df:14, DJ:24, DS:15, Eb:30, F:40, FO:28, GC:28, Gg:43, GTV:20, Gw:27, LR:48, Mix:12, Mrg:27, Pf:20, Qt:31, RT:3, S:29, Sg:28, Sl:11, Su:25, TMT:21, VF:50, VMP:21, WHP:4; am:+, am_i:+, blt:7, ct:16, gig:9, ju:7, nap:+, nat:+, now:6, ny_p:5, rc:+, rx:+, sjm:+, sl_w:+, str:1 -- VV:34--211, TH:*
  34. Kesha: Rainbow (Kemosabe/RCA) {71}: BB:16, BS:10, Ch:17, Cmp:21, Eb:31, EW:14, GC:43, Id:1, Int:14, LBF:41, MR:38, N:62, Nd:26, NPR:8, PCr:6, RS:4, RS_p:2, Thr:37, TL:31, YF:6; am_p:+, bbc:+, cl:15, cos:3, df:+, kq:+, les:9, ljs:20, mf:+, npr_s:3, ns:2, nyl:2, owh:2, p:4, pm_p:1, ti:7, usw:10, vm:+, yh:9 -- VV:32--223, TH:*
  35. Margo Price: All American Made (Third Man) {71}: ABC:36, AS:1, AY:105, BS:19, DW:36, EW:5, Fp:52, Gg:51, LTL:5, MR:44, N:21, Nd:9, Pc:73, PM:23, RS:16, RS_A:16, RS_c:1, RT:29, Su:5, TL:6, U:24; ab:+, am_c:+, atl:5, b_a:4, cos:5, ct:18, ex_c:9, ljs:18, nod:+, ns:1, pi:6, ri:8, sjm:+, sl_w:+, v:+ -- VV:35--205, RC:B+, TH:**
  36. Lana Del Rey: Lust for Life (Interscope) {69}: BB:48, BE:30, BV:33, C:2, Cmp:46, DS:69, Fp:58, GB:50, GC:14, Gg:48, I:21, Id:3, Int:8, LR:11, N:19, NME:8, Pf:32, PM:53, PO:5, Q:39, RS:26, RS_A:26, RS_p:7, Su:8, U:61, YF:7; cos:9, e_uk:+, it:+, sjm:8, vib:+, vm:+, wp:3, xis:3, xtj:1, xmb:1 -- VV:37--203, TH:A-
  37. Spoon: Hot Thoughts (Matador) {68}: ABC:3, AY:141, AZ:12, BE:28, CM:60, CS:9, Df:4, DJ:14, DT:31, DW:60, Eb:63, Fld:6, HV:11, Mg:15, N:96, Nd:14, NR:31, P:38, Pc:60, PM:29, RT:59, S:20, SC:11, Thr:25, TN:14, TOC:14, Trk:23, U:45, UR:13, YW:16; am_k:+, ath:+, cls:6, owh:+, pm_k:7, ri:4, tbt:8, wsj:+, wx:10 -- VV:21--257, RC:***, TH:***
  38. Moses Sumney: Aromanticism (Jagjaguwar) {68}: 405:14, AY:102, Bc:1, BE:99, BV:24, C:61, Cl:5, CS:12, DJ:38, DJB:48, DT:10, F:33, G:40, GC:37, Gg:21, LBF:39, Mc:20, NPR:14, Pf:6, Pg:30, PM:46, S:10, Sg:19, Tr:47, UR:24, VF:31, VMP:7, WHP:2; 3v:5, ab:+, bg_j:7, ct:9, ex_s:6, g_e:+, ke:+, kq:+, npr_b:3, ny_p:3, so_g:9, wsj:+ -- VV:27--232, TH:*
  39. Paramore: After Laughter (Fueled by Ramen) {67}: AY:46, Bae:23, BB:15, BE:36, Blr:27, Bq:15, BV:38, Ch:3, CS:45, DS:13, G:26, GC:27, Gg:32, HV:10, Int:11, N:33, Nd:29, NME:20, NPR:50, PCr:19, PM:52, RS:25, RS_A:25, RS_p:6, S:8, Sg:37, Sk:14, Spk:15, Su:30, TN:8, TOC:8, YF:5; am:+, am_p:+, ap:+, ns:8, xrc:3 -- VV:44--171, RC:**, TH:***
  40. Wolf Alice: Visions of a Life (Dirty Hit/RCA) {67}: ABC:2, Al:26, AY:30, Bae:28, BE:39, Blr:8, Bq:4, Cl:26, DS:1, FO:50, Fp:16, G:12, GTV:22, Gw:2, LW:87, Mj:45, MO:7, NME:2, NR:8, Q:3, RM:17, RT:57, St:11, Su:19, UR:5, YF:39; bbc:+, cct:5, df:+, mf:+, rx:+, smh:+ -- TH:*
  41. Arca: Arca (XL) {65}: BE:40, C:1, Cl:10, CS:16, D:1, Dr:94, Eb:84, HS:20, LQ:25, LR:22, Mc:9, Mix:7, N:16, NR:24, Pf:21, PM:22, PMA:19, Qt:32, Spk:18, St:30, TMT:3, TN:10, TOC:10, Tr:28, U:39, VF:42; am:+, am_e:+, hmv:+, mmg:+, nyl:5, pf_x:1, ra:+, rs_e:9, tr_e:3 -- TH:B
  42. Queens of the Stone Age: Villains (Matador) {65}: BE:27, Bq:38, Cl:95, Crh:8, Df:5, DJ:30, DS:34, Eb:49, EW:25, Fp:55, Gg:49, Gw:19, I:17, LW:51, Mg:8, Mj:3, MO:31, Nd:21, NME:35, NZH:9, Pc:79, PM:47, Q:9, RS:8, RS_A:8, RT:21, St:13, Su:6, YF:48; am_k:+, ax:+, gl:+, hmv:+, i:17, ljs:19, owh:3, rx:+, sjm:+, smh:+, tr:+ -- VV:85--86, TH:B
  43. Drake: More Life (Young Money/Cash Money) {64}: Bae:25, BB:21, Bbx:9, BE:97, C:19, Cl:31, Cmp:10, DJB:27, DW:24, Esq:14, Fu:17, G:17, GC:20, Gg:16, HS:16, LR:65, N:7, NR:37, NZH:17, Pf:38, Pg:45, RS:27, RS_A:27, RU:6, S:49, Sg_h:6, Thr:22, Up:25, YF:27; cl:12, cuk:3, e_uk:+, ex_h:4, ju:10, la_8, la_w:10, ny_c:13, pf_r:9, usw:9, vib:+, xxl:+, xrm:9 -- VV:54--138, TH:*
  44. Japanese Breakfast: Soft Sounds From Another Planet (Dead Oceans) {64}: Alt:23, Am_s:41, AY:145, Bae:29, Bc:75, BV:32, C:94, Cl:44, Dr:54, DS:62, DT:40, Eb:17, Esq:11, F:44, FO:29, Gg:33, GTV:2, Huh:4, LBF:47, Mc:30, Mg:11, N:68, P:37, PCr:10, Pg:22, PM:50, PMA:18, PT:18, RS:39, RS_A:39, RSh:18, Sg:17, Sk:24, Up:15, UR:10, VMP:20, YF:40; lhb:+, pi:8, smh:+, xab:2 -- VV:56--134, TH:**
  45. Hurray for the Riff Raff: The Navigator (ATO) {63}: AS:14, AY:49, AZ:1, Bc:6, Dr:99, DS:29, DW:46, Eb:33, Fp:79, Gg:37, GTV:13, Mc:33, Mg:16, Mj:8, N:63, NDN:20, NPR:9, PM:30, PO:80, RM:92, RS_A:49, S:19, Sk:29, Sl:21, Thr:2, TL:43, Trk:50, U:10, Up:31; am:+, am_s:+, df:+, kq:+, mf:+, ob:8, pm_a:3, wx:9 -- VV:22--256, RC:***, TH:*
  46. Taylor Swift: Reputation (Big Machine) {63}: BB:6, BE:48, Ch:16, Cmp:26, Gg:19, GTV:23, I:19, MO:16, Nd:22, NME:31, RS:7, RS_A:7, RS_p:3, RSh:2, S:48, Sl:17, Su:43, Thr:38, YF:35; ard:7, asp:5, cl:18, i:19, la_l:9, la_w:9, ny_c:5, p:1, sjm:5, smh:+, ti:9, usw:3, v:+, vm:+, wo:+, xbs:+, xiw:6, xrm:2 -- VV:71--108, TH:**
  47. Kelly Lee Owens: Kelly Lee Owens (Smalltown Supersound) {61}: 405:13, Am_s:47, AY:83, Bc:22, BV:44, C:82, Cl:24, DJM:14, Dr:18, DS:2, Fp:94, GB:2, GTV:24, HS:+, Huh:12, LBF:5, LQ:2, LR:75, Mix:11, NME:25, NR:27, Pc:1, Pf:33, RM:32, RT:81, Sk:23, SR:19, UR:29, VF:30; 3v:9, aqd:+, atl:9, ex_e:2, la_a:10, lhb:+, tr_e:6, xlr:+ -- VV:45--168, TH:B
  48. Future: HNDRXX (Epic/A1/Freebandz) {60}: AY:119, BB:17, Bbx:5, BS:27, C:62, Cmp:4, CS:15, DJB:12, EW:16, F:5, GC:38, Gg:26, HDX:11, HS:22, Int:15, MA:14, N:13, Pf:27, PW:4, RSh:9, RU:15, S:27, Thr:6; am_h:+, cl:14, e_uk:+, es_r:+, pf_r:6, sjm:+, v:+ -- VV:77--100, RC:**, TH:**
  49. Richard Dawson: Peasant (Domino) {59}: AY:14, BE:95, C:9, Dr:32, Fp:5, G:10, Gw:10, LBF:36, LQ:3, Mj:20, MO:22, Mrg:1, Ne:19, No:10, PT:43, Qt:1, RM:22, RY:20, SC:3, TMT:36, Trk:32, U:6, W:2; ex_c:8, rc:+ -- TH:B
  50. Rapsody: Laila's Wisdom (Def Jam) {59}: AL:19, AY:23, BB:36, Bbx:3, BS:9, BV:28, Cl:34, Cmp:13, DJ:41, DJB:5, DS:95, DW:40, GC:15, Gg:30, HDX:2, I:3, MA:7, Mc:+, Ne:40, NPR:36, Sg_h:35, St:45; am_h:+, de_f:7, i:3, pf_r:20, pm_h:2, vib:+, xjm:1, xxl:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  51. Jay Som: Everybody Works (Polyvinyl) {58}: ABC:16, Alt:46, Am_s:4, AY:190, AZ:8, Bae:14, BB:46, BE:61, Cl:46, CS:48, DT:5, Eb:83, EW:20, Ex:7, FO:10, Gg:34, Nd:30, NPR:21, NR:28, P:1, Pf:26, PMA:20, PT:32, RS:29, Sg:23, Thr:14, Tr:25, UR:25, WHP:26; am_i:+, es_r:+, lhb:+, nw:4, pf_k:7 -- VV:41--184, TH:*
  52. Stormzy: Gang Signs & Prayer (Merky) {57}: AY:86, Bq:5, C:37, Cl:16, DJB:37, DJM:11, Dr:42, DS:79, F:31, Fp:32, G:18, Gg:29, GTV:29, HS:21, Huh:19, I:13, Int:10, LBF:4, LR:71, Mc:37, N:43, NME:14, Pg:40, Q:11, Qt:78, RM:82, Sk:35, Su:13, VF:18; am_h:+, cuk:2, e_uk:+, ex_h:10, gq:+, i:12, les:6, rs_e:8, vib:+, wo:+ -- TH:*
  53. Idles: Brutalism (Bailey) {55}: AY:19, BE:79, Bq:66, C:22, CM:4, Crh:6, DS:37, Fp:21, GTV:1, Gw:5, Huh:24, LBF:14, LQ:9, LW:5, MO:12, Ne:31, No:49, Pc:27, PM:25, RM:4, RT:15, Trk:20; am:+, am_q:+, bby:5, hmv:+ -- TH:***
  54. Courtney Barnett/Kurt Vile: Lotta Sea Lice (Matador) {54}: AY:128, BE:66, DS:86, DT:42, Fld:9, FO:33, Fp:3, G:41, LBF:22, LR:28, Mj:16, MO:40, N:29, P:5, Pc:28, RM:84, RS:15, RT:34, Sk:39, SR:50, Su:37, TL:46, U:8, Up:19, UR:16; ab:+, aqd:+, ath:+, bb6:6, bbc:+, cct:8, cls:5, ct:12, e_uk:+, ljs:14, rb:+, so_j:10 -- VV:52--141, TH:*
  55. J Hus: Common Sense (Black Butter/Epic) {53}: AY:100, C:17, Cl:1, D:14, DJB:49, F:7, G:14, GC:31, HS:18, Huh:9, I:11, LBF:6, Mix:5, N:6, NME:6, Pg:16, PW:25, Q:37, Qt:65, VF:11; cuk:1, du:4, i:11, ny_c:15 -- TH:**
  56. Phoebe Bridgers: Stranger in the Alps (Dead Oceans) {52}: Alt:48, Am_s:3, AY:73, Bc:9, BE:58, Blr:28, Bq:47, BV:11, Ch:4, Cl:30, CS:22, DS:57, GTV:27, LBF:1, Mc:40, MO:6, N:83, No:14, RM:28, RT:54, Sk:17, Spk:13, Thr:36, Tr:50, Trk:33, Up:17, UR:47, WHP:3, YF:50; ab:+, bb6:10, npr_s:9, st:7, tvd:1 -- VV:72--106, TH:*
  57. Brockhampton: Saturation II (Question Everything/Empire) {52}: Alt:39, AY:122, BE:11, Blr:10, BV:12, C:45, CM:31, CS:34, DJB:42, GC:9, HS:14, HV:21, Int:16, LR:99, NDN:25, Pg:15, PMA:17, RY:8, Sg:11, Sg_h:4, Sk:40, Spk:35, St:5, VMP:25, YF:44; gig:6, pm_h:4, xjd:9, xss:8, xxl:+ -- TH:**
  58. Aldous Harding: Party (4AD) {52}: AY:92, BV:16, C:43, Cl:80, DJ:16, Dr:15, Fp:65, GB:4, Id:12, LQ:12, LR:21, Mj:10, Mrg:35, NPR:10, NZH:1, Pc:21, RM:36, RS_A:45, RT:1, Sk:18, Trk:19, U:73, VMP:22; g_e:+, hmv:+, ke:+, les:4, npr_b:2 -- TH:B
  59. Priests: Nothing Feels Natural (Sister Polygon) {52}: Am_s:29, AV:6, BB:25, BV:31, C:27, CM:51, DW:85, Gg:42, GTV:47, Eb:35, Esq:16, F:48, LQ:27, Mg:14, NR:41, NPR:44, P:21, Pf:25, PT:12, S:18, Sg:3, Sk:42, Thr:31, Tr:20, UR:86, WHP:27; am_i:+, atl:8, blt:8, ct:10, lhb:+, nw:10, pf_k:6, pm_k:10, so_g:10, so_j:4 -- VV:25--239, RC:**, TH:**
  60. Laura Marling: Semper Femina (More Alarming) {51}: ABC:31, AY:35, BE:41, Cl:77, CS:27, DJ:9, Dr:67, DS:9, DT:46, Eb:74, FO:32, Fp:23, G:19, Gg:25, Mc:22, Mg:13, Mj:25, MO:26, Mrg:30, N:76, NME:49, NR:34, P:31, Q:42, RT:78, SR:33, Tr:45, Trk:6, U:21, UR:58, YF:36; am:+, am_s:+, e_uk:+, ex_c:3, npr_b:7, rx:+, smh:+, wk:2 -- VV:89--84, TH:*
  61. Randy Newman: Dark Matter (Nonesuch) {51}: ABC:23, CM:26, Fld:14, Fp:83, Mc:39, Mj:33, MR:37, Nd:4, RS:13, RS_A:13, RSh:20, S:43, TL:22, U:51; am:+, am_s:+, hc_d:6, la_l:1, la_w:5, sdu:2, sl_w:+, xgh:9, xhs:5, xjl:3, xpa:3, xscw:2 -- VV:29--225, RC:A, TH:A-
  62. Big KRIT: 4eva Is a Mighty Long Time (Multi Alumni/BMG) {50}: Al:7, AY:118, BB:47, Bbx:10, BE:82, BS:1, BV:47, Cl:35, DJB:4, Eb:43, GC:16, HDX:6, MA:10, Ne:4, RY:9, Sg_h:38; de_d:5, de_f:2, ex_c:9, vib:+, xxl:+ -- RC:***, TH:***
  63. Jaimie Branch: Fly or Die (International Anthem) {50}: Bc:19, BIW:2, CM:7, JC:12, Mrg:28, NPR:47, W:9; aqd:+, jap:3, jdst:2, jem:3, jgl:4, jjc:+, jlre:7, jmsc:4, jmsk:6, jpa:2, jtb:2, jvv:14, la_r:2, npr_c:5, ny_u:4, qt_j:5, sg_j:1, tn:+ -- VV:75--104, TH:**
  64. The New Pornographers: Whiteout Conditions (Collected Works/Concord) {49}: ABC:49, BE:92, Df:13, DT:47, DW:4, MR:17, NR:46, P:11, PO:42, RS:44, RS:44, TL:17, UR:41; owh:7, xbw:4, xde:3, xhs:6, xism:10, xiw:8, xjl:8, xjsm:10, xjdc:7, xjsp:2, xmb:5, xml:+, xsa:8, xsp:5, xtw:9 -- VV:50--149, RC:A, TH:***
  65. Syd: Fin (Columbia) {49}: 405:19, AY:153, AZ:18, BB:33, BV:41, C:31, Cl:39, CM:65, Cmp:11, DJB:41, DW:5, Eb:32, Gg:39, HS:24, Huh:15, I:8, LBF:19, LR:84, N:26, Pf:36, Pg:18, PM:41, PO:27, S:45, Thr:4; ab:+, bet:10, ex_s:9, i:8, okp:15 -- VV:49--150, TH:A-
  66. Valerie June: The Order of Time (Concord) {49}: Al:18, AY:5, BS:5, LTL:6, Mc:+, Mg:18, Nd:18, PM:28, RS:24, RS_A:24, RS_c:3, Sl:19; am_s:+, cls:4, cos:10, db_s:3, gl:+, ljs:1, nod:+, ny_p:9, pm_a:10, scm:+, sjm:10, smh:+, xmb:4 -- VV:89--84, RC:*, TH:**
  67. Algiers: The Underside of Power (Matador) {48}: AS:15, AY:15, BE:45, Dr:57, DW:57, Eb:44, Gw:26, LBF:35, LQ:17, Mc:16, Mg:24, MO:13, Ne:9, NME:18, NR:44, PM:11, Qt:24, RM:18, SC:17Sk:43, St:24, Tr:7, UR:36; am:+, am_i:+, gl:++, pm_k:1 -- VV:29--225, RC:A-, TH:B
  68. The Magnetic Fields: 50 Song Memoir (Nonesuch) {48}: AY:11, BE:94, Df:17, DW:3, Gg:49, Gw:7, Mc:13, Mj:34, MO:35, MR:15, PMA:15, Sl:9, U:67, YF:33; ath:+, atl:3, sl_w:+, vu:4, xjdc:6, xjdo:4, xmr:8, xrm:1, xtj:3, xtw:2 -- VV:28, RC:A-, TH:B-
  69. Nicole Mitchell: Mandorla Awakening II: Emerging Worlds (FPE) {48}: BIW:4, CM:56, JC:5, JW:15, PO:57, Qt:28, W:35, WFM:1; ab:+, am:+, am_j:+, ei:3, jap:2, jdme:7, jfn:8, jnn:4, jtb:1, jvv:1, kq:+, npr_c:8, ny_u:1, qt_j:1, sg_j:13, sl_w:+ -- TH:**
  70. (Sandy) Alex G: Rocket (Domino) {47}: Alt:16, BE:87, C:30, Cl:41, CS:26, Dr:97, DT:25, Eb:14, Esq:5, Ex:16, MO:33, N:20, NME:40, No:26, NR:6, Pf:48, PM:51, PT:4, Sg:21, TN:5, TOC:5, Tr:8, Up:46, WHP:30; am_i:+, bg_c:6, wx:7 -- TH:B
  71. Vijay Iyer Sextet: Far From Over (ECM) {47}: AY:8, CM:15, G:48, JC:1, JW:19, NPR:12, RS:33; am:+, am_j:+, bg_g:8, ei:1, fd:7, jdst:8, jem:7, jfk:8, jmsc:3, jsf:5, jtb:7, jtd:1, npr_c:3, ny_u:10, pm_j:6, sg_j:6, tn:1, tr_j:+, xtj:2 -- TH:***
  72. Alex Lahey: I Love You Like a Brother (Universal Music New Zealand) {47}: AY:113, Bc:40, BV:50, CM:16, DW:43, Eb:42, MR:8, N:85, UR:46; dw:6, mav:4, rb:+, xmh:+, xbl:1, xbs:+, xbw:6, xgm:6, xism:8, xjc:9, xjd:3, xjdo:1, xjl:5, xjsm:4, xmr:2, xpa:2, xrc:4, xscw:6, xss:3 -- VV:56--134, TH:***
  73. Rhiannon Giddens: Freedom Highway (Nonesuch) {45}: AS:9, AY:84, BS:8, Fp:40, FR:7, G:36, LTL:1, Nd:16, NPR:13, PM:34, PO:16, RM:42, RS_c:6, Su:14, TL:3, U:26; am_a:+, la_l:4, nod:+, npr_c:+, pm_a:7, sdu:6 -- VV:26--239, TH:**
  74. Mac DeMarco: This Old Dog (Captured Tracks) {44}: BE:21, Blr:7, Cl:94, Dr:16, DT:30, Eb:38, EW:12, Ex:12, FO:39, Fp:99, GC:45, Huh:23, LR:7, N:100, NR:20, Pc:17, Pg:27, RM:23, RT:30, S:38, SR:10, St:25, Trk:16, UR:95, YF:47; ab:+, am:+, am_i:+, df:+, mf:+, nt:10, wk:5
  75. Jane Weaver: Modern Kosmology (Fire) {44}: AY:44, Cl:59, Crh:25, Dr:10, DS:8, Fp:46, G:11, Gw:21, LQ:37, Mj:5, MO:42, No:50, Pc:48, Q:22, Qt:18, RM:5, RT:8, Sk:32, SR:22, St:19, Trk:31, U:16, UR:73, VF:45; am:+, am_i:+, hmv:+ -- TH:*
  76. Julie Byrne: Not Even Happiness (Ba Da Bing) {43}: ABC:44, AY:81, BE:80, BV:37, Cl:39, CS:37, Dr:5, G:42, GB:25, Gg:31, LBF:48, Mj:28, P:27, Pc:93, Pf:37, RM:1, S:9, Sg:20, TMT:43, U:14, Up:45, UR:72, WHP:19; ab:+, aqd:+, ax:+, ex_c:10, tvd:8 -- VV:55--135, TH:**
  77. Four Tet: New Energy (Text) {43}: ABC:12, AY:170, Cl:21, DJ:21, Dr:14, DS:51, DW:35, EW:23, Fp:92, G:32, Gg:46, HS:+, Huh:7, Mc:+, Mix:4, Pc:67, PM:9, Q:18, SR:9, U:36; am_e:+, du:5, ex_e:1, ir:7, ra:+, xlr:+ -- TH:**
  78. The Horrors: V (Wolf Tone/Caroline) {43}: Am_s:28, AV:18, AY:47, Bq:59, Cl:9, DS:33, Eb:20, Fp:13, G:15, Gw:8, LW:22, Mc:10, MO:15, NR:30, NZH:12, Pc:49, Q:13, RT:69, SR:34, St:14, Su:3, UR:14; e_uk:+, gq:+, hmv:+
  79. Kehlani: SweetSexySavage (Atlantic) {43}: BB:24, C:16, Cl:27, D:17, DW:19, F:21, Fu:20, Gg:45, HV:8, Int:18, LBF:46, MR:25, PCr:24, Pf:47, RU:7, S:13, Thr:8, TOC:24, U:24; am:+, am_r:+, hmv:+, kq:+, la_a:7, la_k:1, xkm:10, xss:7 -- VV:73--105, TH:*
  80. Open Mike Eagle: Brick Body Kids Still Daydream (Mello Music Group) {42}: Alt:36, AY:79, Bc:30, DJB:21, Fld:15, Ne:17, NPR:29, Pf:49, PM:42, PO:102, PW:2, RS:34, S:50, Sg_h:16, Sk:38, St:38; de_d:4, de_f:6, de_k:2, de_m:2, la_r:8, pf_r:11, pm_h:7, sl_w:+, tr_h:+, xxl:+ -- VV:60--120, RC:A-, TH:**
  81. Harry Styles: Harry Styles (Columbia) {41}: Bae:27, BB:10, BE:70, Cmp:33, Fu:13, GC:11, Rel:25, RS:17, RS_A:17, RS_p:5, RSh:3, TL:60, YF:8; am_p:+, cl:7, e_uk:+, hc_g:+, ma:9, ti:6, usw:1, v:+, vm:+, xbs:+, yh:7 -- VV:52-141, TH:B
  82. Daniel Caesar: Freudian (Golden Child) {40}: BB:31, Blr:6, Cmp:9, DJB:6, GC:12, Gg:41, Gw:29, N:70, Pg:7, Rel:12, RU:10, YF:46; am_e:+, asp:3, bet:9, ex_s:5, hyb:9, la_k:4, ma:4, okp:8, vib:+, wo:+ -- VV:46--155, TH:*
  83. Cigarettes After Sex: Cigarettes After Sex (Partisan) {40}: Am_s:1, AZ:20, Bq:67, Cl:32, Dr:50, DS:39, FO:3, G:21, I:26, LBF:43, LR:10, Mg:10, No:37, NR:32, Pc:51, Q:21, RM:40, RT:6, Trk:44, WHP:11; ab:+, hmv:+ -- TH:A-
  84. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith: The Kid (Western Vinyl) {40}: AY:172, Bc:8, C:67, Dr:12, F:20, G:43, GB:43, Mix:38, NME:48, No:24, NPR:37, P:30, Pc:64, Pf:44, PM:31, Qt:51, RM:39, S:21, U:28, Up:34, VF:17, W:5; am:+, am_e:+, aqd:+, bl:6, ex_i:+, pf_x:2, sl_w:+, xlr:+ -- VV:40--194, TH:B
  85. Loyle Carner: Yesterday's Gone (AMF) {39}: AY:99, BE:96, Bq:2, Cl:69, DS:23, FO:37, Fp:78, I:1, LBF:12, LR:23, MO:43, NME:12, Pc:68, RM:49, RT:60, St:27, Trk:12, VF:23; bbc:+, df:+, gq:+, i:1, les:10, mf:+, mut:9, st:9, wo:+ -- TH:B
  86. Angaleena Presley: Wrangled (Thirty Tigers) {38}: AS:3, BS:2, DW:15, MR:50, PO:23, RS_c:10, RSh:14, TL:11; am:+, am_c:+, pm_a:14, scm:+, sl_w:+, xbw:8, xjdo:8, xjsm:9, xmb:8, xsc:10, xsp:9 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  87. Sheer Mag: Need to Feel Your Love (Static Shock) {38}: AY:58, Bae:30, Blr:38, C:28, Eb:36, Ex:17, Fld:8, LW:31, Mc:31, N:11, NME:21, P:6, RS:22, RS_A:22, S:14, Sl:6, SR:35, Thr:26, Tr:40, Up:29; am:+, am_k:+ -- VV:59--124, RC:A-, TH:**
  88. Charly Bliss: Guppy (Barsuk) {37}: ABC:6, Alt:4, AV:16, AY:34, Bc:5, BB:38, BE:63, DW:39, Mc:+, MR:35, N:46, PM:55, Sg:7, Up:23, YW:49; lhb:+, nat:+, nw:2, pm_k:6, ri:9, xbw:3 -- VV:42--178, TH:**
  89. Grizzly Bear: Painted Ruins (RCA) {37}: Bae:18, BE:29, BV:40, DJ:33, DS:20, Eb:78, Fp:10, GB:41, LR:32, No:3, Pc:92, PW:18, RS:40, RS_A:40, RT:44, St:40, U:20, UR:8; ath:+, e_uk:+, owl:+, sdu:16, ust:2, wsj:+, xab:9
  90. Laurel Halo: Dust (Hyperdub) {37}: AY:27, Bc:44, C:65, D:15, DJM:36, Dr:66, DS:85, F:6, GB:5, Gw:18, HS:+, LR:92, Mc:26, No:25, Pf:46, Qt:88, SR:39, TMT:7, Tr:39, VF:8, W:31; es_r:+, lhb:+, ra:+, rs_e:18 -- TH:*
  91. Mount Kimbie: Love What Survives (Warp) {36}: AY:126, Bq:87, C:34, Cl:72, DJ:17, Dr:23, DS:68, Eb:34, FO:17, GB:31, LQ:24, LR:37, Mix:2, NR:36, Pc:29, Pf:34, PM:38, PW:32, RM:14, Sk:11, SR:29, Trk:41, UR:44, VF:16; aqd:+, mmg:+, tr_e:9, xlr:+ -- TH:B
  92. Chris Stapleton: From a Room: Volume 1 (Mercury Nashville) {36}: BB:22, BS:23, BV:34, Ch:10, EW:9, LTL:10, RS:30, RS_c:4, Thr:27, TL:21, VMP:29; am_c:+, ard:6, cct:10, cl:13, ljs:12, owh:6, scm:+, sdu:5, sln:2, v:+, vu:6 -- VV:98--75, TH:***
  93. Arcade Fire: Everything Now (Columbia) {35}: AY:22, BE:26, Bq:29, Crh:2, DJ:50, DS:100, DW:20, Eb:93, Fp:11, GTV:17, Gw:16, LR:17, LW:50, Nd:11, NME:29, Pc:85, Rel:5, Su:31; rx:+ -- TH:A-
  94. Kamasi Washington: Harmony of Difference (Young Turks) {35}: ABC:19, BIW:44, Cl:17, CS:21, DS:61, Esq:12, Fp:73, JC:52, LBF:25, MO:46, Pf:31, PW:15, Sl:16, TN:16, TOC:16, Tr:43, UR:94, WFM:2; aqd:+, bbc:+, blt:10, pi:7, sg_j:8, tr_j:+ -- VV:62--119, TH:*
  95. Ryan Adams: Prisoner (Blue Note) {34}: AY:186, BE:50, CS:3, DJ:28, DS:83, DT:16, Fp:54, Gw:3, LBF:26, LW:64, RM:29, RT:2, Su:47, U:75, WHP:25; ab:+, am_k:+, e_uk:+, nni:+, owh:+, tbt:10, wsj:+ -- VV:70--110, TH:*
  96. Beck: Colors (Capitol) {34}: ABC:1, Al:12, BE:89, Crh:1, DS:53, Fp:74, LR:90, Mj:40, NME:30, Pc:82, Q:30, RS:42, RS_A:42, RT:41, Su:17, TL:57, YF:28; df:+, gl:+, kc:9, mf:+, owh:10, rx:+, xjsp:6 -- TH:B
  97. Orchestra Baobab: Tribute to Ndiouga Dieng (Nonesuch/World Circuit) {34}: CM:46, DW:63, FR:8, MR:22, PO:3, RM:10; am_w:+, hmv:+, pi:9, xde:2, xeb:10, xgm:4, xjl:2, xtw:3 -- VV:95--81, RC:A-, TH:A-
  98. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever: Talk Tight (Sub Pop -EP) {34}: DW:6, MR:48, PO:14; dw:4, xdc:+, xgh:5, xism:4, xjc:4, xjdo:7, xjl:6, xmb:7, xmr:10, xpa:5, xrc:5, xscw:8, xsp:6 -- RC:A, TH:A-
  99. Joey Badass: All-Amerikkkan Badass (Pro Era/Cinematic) {33}: Bbx:16, BE:52, BV:49, Cmp:18, DJB:13, Eb:77, Fu:15, GC:13, HDX:13, LBF:15, Ne:37, RU:14, Up:30; am_h:+, ex_h:8, pm_h:3, xxl:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  100. Aimee Mann: Mental Illness (SuperEgo) {33}: Al:35, AY:171, BE:100, CS:19, Df:8, Eb:79, Fp:47, Gw:45, Mc:24, Mj:19, P:17, RS_p:14; am:+, am_s:+, ct:14, gl:++, hmv:+, la_r:5, so_j:6, xhs:4, xjsp:8, yh:10 -- VV:60--120, TH:*
  101. 2 Chainz: Pretty Girls Like Trap Music (Def Jam) {32}: Alt:30, AY:177, Bbx:8, BS:17, C:71, Cl:42, Cmp:25, DJB:45, GC:23, HDX:12, HS:+, HV:16, MA:8, N:84, PO:107, PW:34, Sg_h:21; am_h:+, pf_r:17, vib:+, xbl:10, xss:4, xxl:+ -- TH:*
  102. John Moreland: Big Bad Luv (4AD) {32}: AS:12, BS:4, LTL:4, RM:57, RT:82, TL:4, Trk:25; b_a:8, gl:++, nap:+, pm_a:4, scm:++, xeb:8, xmv:3 -- TH:A-
  103. Saint Etienne: Home Counties (Heavenly) {32}: Al:1, CM:42, HV:2, MO:14, RT:86, U:34, UR:82; hmv:+, xmr:1, xrc:2, xsc:4, xss:2 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  104. The Moonlandingz: Interplanetary Class Classics (Transgressive) {31}: AY:40, Crh:34, Dr:35, FO:7, Fp:98, GTV:3, Gw:13, LW:53, Mj:11, MO:17, NME:45, Pc:19, Qt:4, RM:13, Trk:49, U:55; am:+, am_i:+ -- TH:B
  105. Charlotte Gainsbourg: Rest (Because Music) {30}: Al:11, BV:29, Cl:92, DS:64, Eb:13, Fld:5, FO:25, G:31, I:24, LBF:13, LR:24, N:99, Pf:17, UR:15; ab:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, cho:10, owl:+ -- VV:46--155, TH:**
  106. Kevin Morby: City Music (Dead Oceans) {30}: AY:140, Cl:51, Dr:9, DT:26, Fld:11, FO:9, Gw:51, LBF:7, LQ:22, NME:22, P:20, Q:48, RM:45, Tr:48, U:63, Up:44, UR:52, VMP:13; am_s:+, aqd:+, gl:+
  107. Blanck Mass: World Eater (Sacred Bones) {29}: AY:156, BE:98, Dr:2, DS:99, Fp:36, LQ:6, Mix:32, NR:16, PM:26, RM:37, RT:100, Sk:41, Spk:39, Tr:46, U:64, UR:91; am_e:+, bl:3, pf_x:6, tr_e:5 -- TH:*
  108. Miguel: War & Leisure (ByStorm/RCA) {29}: AY:173, Cmp:42, EW:22, Fld:22, G:33, Gg:44, HV:23, Pg:41, PO:106, RU:17, S:39, Thr:13, TL:58, YF:25, YW:3; ab:+, am_r:+, asp:8, ax:+, bg_j:2, kq:+ -- VV:51--146, TH:*
  109. Ryuichi Sakamoto: Async (Milan) {29}: AY:39, F:1, Qt:67, RM:77, TMT:13, TN:20, TOC:20, VF:10, W:13; am_e:+, es_r:+, ex_i:+, ir:14, jeh:+, pf_x:4, tvd:3 -- TH:*
  110. Sylvan Esso: What Now (Loma Vista) {29}: AV:4, DS:36, EW:8, LBF:32, Mg:9, MO:24, NPR:23, P:19, Sk:26, WHP:21; cho:3, npr_s:1, v:+ -- VV:79--98, TH:A-
  111. Converge: The Dusk in Us (Epitaph) {28}: Alt:22, AY:41, Blr:22, Bq:58, BV:25, Ch:18, Cl:79, DT:32, Mc:4, Ne:44, RY:10, Sg:30, St:23, Tr:24; am:+, ap:+, ex_m:1, pm_m:3 -- VV:91--83
  112. Feist: Pleasure (Interscope) {28}: AY:132, BE:37, BV:8, DS:7, Ex:2, LR:88, N:65, Ne:39, RM:33, S:42, Sg:40, Sk:27, U:74, Up:26, UR:30; am_s:+, gig:7, npr_h:2, ri:10, ts:+ -- TH:B
  113. Lil Uzi Vert: Luv Is Rage 2 (Atlantic) {28}: BB:13, Cl:83, Cmp:8, DJB:47, DW:59, Fu:11, GC:22, Gg:40, LR:76, HS:11, N:51, NPR:22, RU:8; am_h:+, pf_r:14, vib:+, vu_r:1, xxl:+ -- TH:*
  114. Wiki: No Mountains in Manhattan (XL) {28}: Alt:41, BV:10, C:57, DJB:14, HS:+, LQ:8, MA:4, N:59, Pg:39, PW:21, Sg_h:23, TN:19, TOC:19; okp:14, pf_r:12, xxl:+ -- TH:**
  115. Playboi Carti: Playboi Carti (AWGE/Interscope) {27}: DJB:43, F:25, GB:7, HS:12, MA:17, Pf:35, Pg:26, S:36, TMT:9; hyb:7, iv:5, pf_r:8, vu_r:4, xxl:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
  116. Haim: Something to Tell You (Columbia) {27}: Cmp:48, Eb:53, Fp:93, HV:22, RM:93, Sl:4, WHP:14, YF:21; asp:10, e_uk:+, ir:1, mav:7, rb:+, tbt:4, tvd:2, ust:4 -- TH:**
  117. Roscoe Mitchell: Bells for the South Side (ECM -2CD) {27}: JC:7, PO:20, W:47; am:+, am_j:+, fd:3, jdme:8, jem:8, jjc:+, jmsc:2, jnn:2, jvv:2, ny_u:5, qt_j:2 -- VV:68--112, TH:***
  118. Sleaford Mods: English Tapas (Rough Trade) {27}: Bq:36, C:41, FO:16, Fp:59, LQ:14, LW:1, Mj:9, Q:12, Qt:75, RT:28, St:22, U:32; ath:+, la_r:10, rc:+ -- TH:***
  119. Chris Stapleton: From a Room: Volume 2 (Mercury Nashville) {27}: BS:23, BV:34, Ch:10, EW:9, Rel:6, Thr:27, TL:21, Up:39, VMP:29; ab:+, am_c:+, cl:13, scm:+, sdu:5, sln:2, v:+, vu:6 -- TH:**
  120. Bicep: Bicep (Ninja Tune) {26}: C:75, Cl:29, DJM:7, Dr:60, DS:54, Fp:33, Gw:50, Mix:1, RM:21, RT:72, Sk:20, St:18; hmv:+, mmg:+, ra:+, rs_e:15 -- TH:**
  121. Irreversible Entanglements: Irreversible Entanglements (International Anthem/Don Giovanni) {26}: Bc:43, BIW:9, JC:+, W:16, WFM:5; jap:1, jdst:10, jem:6, jnn:3, qt_j:3, sg_j:5 -- TH:A-
  122. The Mountain Goats: Goths (Merge) {26}: AY:164, BS:16, CM:48, HV:28, Mc:35, MR:13, Ne:21, NR:48, RT:94, Thr:17, UR:84, YF:49; am_i:+, aqd:+, pm_k:9, sl_w:+, xtj:9 -- RC:***, TH:***
  123. William Parker Quartets: Meditation/Resurrection (AUM Fidelity 2CD) {26}: CM:1, JC:13, PO:12; ab:+, dw:1, jfk:5, jvv:11, qt_j:9, xiw:9, xgm:3, xmr:4 -- TH:A-
  124. Robert Plant: Carry Fire (Nonesuch) {26}: AS:7, AY:37, FR:+, Gw:20, Mc:28, RM:74, RS:32, RS_A:32, Su:4, TL:44, U:25, YW:31; am:+, am_a:+, la_l:3, rc:+, smh:+, st:8, xml:+
  125. Princess Nokia: 1992 Deluxe (Rough Trade) {26}: AY:157, DS:31, FO:19, Gw:23, LQ:29, LR:20, Ne:30, NME:32, Qt:8, RT:98, Sg_h:14, SR:6; npr_u:+, xdc:+, xgh:3, xlr:+ -- RC:A, TH:***
  126. Tyshawn Sorey: Verisimilitude (Pi) {26}: BIW:23, CM:40, JC:3, Mrg:22, PO:55; ab:+, am_j:+, ei:4, jjc:7, jrm:+, jtd:6, jvv:13, nat:+, npr_c:+, ny_u:3, qt_j:6, sg_j:7 -- TH:A-
  127. Charli XCX: Number 1 Angel (Asylum) {26}: C:29, Cmp:12, EW:18, GB:54, HS:13, Int:20, N:38, PCr:22, Pg:50, RS_p:8, TMT:4; nyl:11 -- VV:91--83, TH:A-
  128. Young Thug: Beautiful Thugger Girls (300/Atlantic) {26}: C:87, DJB:30, DW:86, GC:17, HDX:19, LR:93, Pg:37, PO:69, PW:8, RU:20, S:22, Sg_h:11, Thr:39, TMT:31; ab:+, pm_h:10 -- RC:*, TH:***
  129. The Menzingers: After the Party (Epitaph) {25}: AY:107, BE:74, Blr:1, Bq:6, Ch:2, Cl:50, N:40, Spk:5; am_q:+, ap:+, ax:+, hmv:+, xml:+
  130. Mogwai: Every Country's Sun (Temporary Residence) {25}: Bq:54, Dr:68, DS:16, Eb:51, FO:36, Fp:20, GTV:10, LW:19, Mj:46, Pc:22, Qt:93, RM:96, SR:8, St:48, Trk:29, UR:87; cct:3
  131. Oddisee: The Iceberg (Mello Music Group) {25}: AY:168, DJB:24, DW:93, HDX:16, PO:53, Sg:41, Sg_h:20; am_h:+, de_d:2, de_k:1, wsj:+, xss:10 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  132. Oh Sees: Orc (Castle Face) {25}: Dr:21, Fld:23, FO:35, Fp:22, Gw:33, Mj:24, Ne:20, P:22, Pc:9, PT:31, RM:30, RT:36, SR:2, TN:27, TOC:27, Trk:36, U:33; pm_k:4
  133. Nadine Shah: Holiday Destination (1965) {25}: AY:56, DS:26, FO:20, Fp:27, GTV:25, Gw:6, LBF:28, LQ:40, MO:50, NR:23, Qt:5, RM:7, SR:45, UR:85; bb6:7, hmv:+ -- TH:*
  134. Broken Social Scene: Hug of Thunder (City Slang) {24}: BE:56, BV:46, Df:9, DJ:36, DS:58, FO:40, Fp:24, LW:99, N:37, Pc:59, TN:9, TOC:9, U:46, UR:11; owl:+, pf_k:12, vu:10
  135. Gorillaz: Humanz (Parlophone) {24}: Al:17, BE:33, Bq:68, Df:15, Fp:38, LW:80, NME:18, NZH:13, Q:5, RT:79, Su:15, Up:22; bbc:+, e_uk:+, owl:+, rx:+
  136. Grandaddy: Last Place (30th Century/Columbia) {24}: AY:181, Df:16, DS:48, DT:19, Fp:57, Gw:1, LW:74, NR:39, RT:76, St:34, UR:68; df:+, gl:++, mf:+, xml:+ -- TH:**
  137. Ariel Pink: Dedicated to Bobby Jameson (Mexican Summer) {24}: 405:9, Bc:76, BE:62, Df:7, F:36, FO:11, LR:34, Ne:32, Pc:12, PW:9, SR:48; ab:+, ath:+, e_uk:+, spt:+ -- VV:94--82
  138. Zeal & Ardor: Devil Is Fine (MKVA) {24}: DW:14, MR:4, PO:1, RM:34, Trk:35; xis:2, xjc:10, xml:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
  139. Cloud Nothings: Life Without Sound (Carpark) {23}: ABC:32, BE:81, Blr:13, CM:76, CS:14, DS:93, DW:28, Eb:88, G:39, HV:30, LW:25, N:48, PO:45, Sk:37; xjdo:10 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  140. Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings: Soul of a Woman (Daptone) {23}: ABC:42, Al:47, AS:4, AY:32, DT:39, Mc:21, Ne:18, P:48, RS:46, RS_A:46, TL:27, UR:77; am_r:+, am_r:+, gl:+, ljs:9, nod:+ -- VV:48--152, TH:*
  141. Sorority Noise: You're Not as ___ as You Think (Triple Crown) {23}: Alt:7, AY:155, BE:71, Blr:15, Bq:51, Ch:9, Eb:52, Nd:5, Sg:16, Up:33, VMP:24; ap:+ -- TH:**
  142. Lee Ann Womack: The Lonely the Lonesome & the Gone (ATO) {23}: AS:21, HV:12, NRP:26, PM:56, PO:91, RS_c:5, TL:7; am_c:+, hc_g:7, ljs:4, scm:+, sln:12, wsj:+ -- VV:43--176, TH:**
  143. Diet Cig: Swear I'm Good at This (Frenchkiss) {22}: Alt:43, AY:136, Blr:14, Cl:81, CM:64, Eb:90, LW:7, N:31, Nd:13, P:35; cho:5, sjm:7 -- RC:**, TH:***
  144. Steve Earle & the Dukes: So You Wannabe an Outlaw (Warner Bros) {22}: AS:16, PO:18, TL:16; am_a:+, ljs:6, scm:+, xde:6, xgh:7, xjdc:5, xjy:10 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  145. Mavis Staples: If All I Was Was Black (Anti-) {22}: Al:28, BS:20, Fld:7, PO:51, TL:14; am_r:+, ct:8, gl:++, nod:+, so_g:8, vu:5 -- RC:**, TH:***
  146. Zola Jesus: Okovi (Sacred Bones) {22}: AY:149, Bc:71, DS:17, Esq:18, Pf:41, PM:4, SC:19, Sg:43, Tr:38, UR:63, VF:43; am_i:+, bg_j:3, cos:6 -- VV:91--83, TH:B
  147. Brockhampton: Saturation (Question Everything/Empire) {21}: Alt:39, BE:12, BV:12, Cl:11, DJB:35, GC:9, LR:99, Ne:2, RY:23, Sg_h:25, VMP:25; pm_h:4 -- TH:*
  148. Call Super: Arpo (Houndstooth) {21}: AY:146, DJM:1, Mix:16, Qt:13, VF:20; ab:+, e_uk:+, ra:+, rs_e:17, xlr:+ -- TH:A-
  149. Craig Finn: We All Want the Same Things (Partisan) {21}: DW:92, Fld:18, GTV:19, RSh:10, TL:18; cls:3, ljs:15, owh:+ -- RC:B+, TH:A-
  150. GoldLink: At What Cost (Squaaash Club/RCA) {21}: AZ:13, Bbx:15, Cmp:28, DJB:15, N:15, Pg:23, Sg_h:10; bet:7, okp:5, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:***
  151. James Holden & the Animal Spirits: The Animal Spirits (Border Community) {21}: AY:116, C:77, Dr:7, Fp:53, Gw:35, Mix:45, No:2, Qt:7, VF:22, WFM:4; hmv:+
  152. Manchester Orchestra: A Black Mile to the Surface (Loma Vista) {21}: AY:200, BE:85, Bq:57, Ch:6, Eb:71, GTV:43, Mg:5, Spk:4, Tr:31; am_i:+, bg_c:4, e_uk:+ -- TH:B
  153. Cecile McLorin Salvant: Dreams and Daggers (Mack Avenue) {21}: JC:6, JW:1, JY:19, TL:35; am:+, am_j:+, jfk:1, jvv:15, nat:3, npr_c:+ -- TH:*
  154. Ty Segall: Ty Segall (Drag City) {21}: AY:110, AZ:17, Df:20, Dr:17, DT:48, Fld:13, LW:91, Mc:38, P:32, Pc:76, PO:70, TN:17, TOC:17, U:22; am_k:+
  155. Sarah Shook & the Disarmers: Sidelong (Bloodshot) {21}: DW:8, MR:36, PM:49, PO:63; pm_a:15, scm:+, xgm:2, xhs:7, xjc:2, xpb:3 -- RC:B+, TH:***
  156. Kelly Clarkson: Meaning of Life (Atlantic) {20}: BB:50, EW:21, Id:7, Nd:6, PCr:1, RS_p:11, TL:34; am_p:+, bbc:+, usw:4
  157. Future Islands: The Far Field (4AD) {20}: Bq:77, DS:98, DT:44, Eb:54, Fp:60, Id:9, Mg:7, Rel:3, St:39, UR:33; e_uk:+, mmg:+ -- TH:*
  158. Liam Gallagher: As You Were (Warner Bros) {20}: BE:67, Bq:74, Df:25, FO:47, LW:20, NME:10, Q:15, RS:37, RT:32, Su:2, TL:62; am_k:+, rx:+
  159. Gas: Narkopop (Kompakt) {20}: C:39, Gw:22, Mc:+, RM:25, TMT:18, TN:15, TOC:15, U:31, YW:72; am:+, am_e:+, ex_e:6, hc_d:8, pf_x:5, rs_e:13, spt:+ -- TH:B
  160. Lilly Hiatt: Trinity Lane (New West) {20}: BS:26, RS_c:9, TL:5; ab:+, am_a:+, b_a:7, cho:4, gl:++, npr_u:+, pm_a:2 -- TH:**
  161. Nadia Reid: Preservation (Basin Rock) {20}: BV:39, DJ:34, Dr:47, GTV:38, Mj:2, N:80, Q:32, RM:15, RS_A:4, RT:89, Sk:47; hmv:+ -- TH:*
  162. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever: The French Press (Sub Pop) {20}: CM:30, DW:52, HV:15, NR:29, Pc:4, RM:98, U:57; aqd:+, xbs:+, xbw:7, xjc:+ -- RC:B+, TH:**
  163. Oumou Sangare: Mogoya (No Format) {20}: FR:5, Mj:38, Mrg:18, NPR:45, PO:84; bbc:+, pm_w:6, sdu:3 -- RC:B+TH:A-
  164. Sparks: Hippopotamus (BMG) {20}: AY:185, Crh:14, FO:45, Fp:82, G:37, LR:26, Mj:15, Q:26, St:49, U:69; cct:6, gl:++, la_l:2, xsa:5 -- VV:79--98
  165. Sunny Sweeney: Trophy (Aunt Daddy) {20}: CM:55, HV:20, MR:26, TL:8; scm:++, xbl:3, xbw:10, xpa:9 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  166. Craig Taborn: Daylight Ghosts (ECM) {20}: CM:34, JC:4, JW:12; am_j:+, jjc:4, jtd:3, jvv:7, ny_u:18, pm_j:9, xtj:10 -- TH:A-
  167. Alt-J: Relaxer (Atlantic) {19}: BE:64, Bq:14, Fp:26, LR:100, NME:38, Q:45, RM:41, Sk:34, UR:61, WHP:13, YF:34; bb6:2, e_uk:+, npr_b:5, rx:+
  168. Bonobo: Migration (Ninja Tune) {19}: Blr:32, Bq:64, DJ:23, Dr:31, Fp:34, I:20, Mix:15, RT:64, Sk:19, Up:50; e_uk:+, ex_e:5, hyb:8, i:20, mmg:+
  169. Chastity Belt: I Used to Spend So Much Time Alone (Hardly Art) {19}: Al:38, Bc:7, C:56, DT:37, Eb:59, Huh:17, LQ:15, Mg:4, Pc:75, Qt:57; owl:+ -- TH:*
  170. EMA: Exile in the Outer Ring (City Slang) {19}: AY:104, Bc:13, Cl:91, DS:3, GTV:11, Thr:18, UR:99; am:+, am_i:+, npr_u:+ -- VV:98--75, TH:**
  171. Forest Swords: Compassion (Ninja Tune) {19}: AY:159, DJM:23, Dr:84, GTV:30, LQ:34, Pc:45, Q:20, RM:80, Sk:31, Thr:19, Tr:42; ab:+, bl:5, ex_e:9, pf_x:11, rs_e:20 -- TH:B-
  172. Calvin Harris: Funk Wav Bounces Vol 1 (Sony) {19}: BB:7, Cmp:19, GC:50, Int:7, RU:11, VMP:26; am_p:+, kq:+, nw:3, tbt:9, vib:+ -- TH:*
  173. Japandroids: Near to the Wild Heart of Life (Anti-) {19}: BB:32, LR:81, LW:6, S:47, Thr:7, Up:21; hmv:+, owh:+, ts:+ -- VV:95--81, RC:***, TH:**
  174. Charles Lloyd New Quartet: Passin' Thru (Blue Note) {19}: JC:9, JW:5, JY:50, WFM:15; am_j:+, jjs:1, jsf:7, npr_c:+ -- TH:***
  175. Matt Mitchell: A Pouting Grimace (Pi) {19}: CM:6, JC:17; ei:2, jdme:9, jdst:1, jjc:1, pm_j:1 -- TH:**
  176. Power Trip: Nightmare Logic (Southern Lord) {19}: AY:52, BV:7, Crh:9, CS:39, Mc:+, N:36, Qt:56, Tr:21, VMP:9; ex_m:2, pm_m:12 -- VV:65--113
  177. Fred Thomas: Changer (Polyvinyl) {19}: Cl:66, DW:10; am:+, am_i:+, dw:7, pm_i:4, xism:7, xsc:3 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  178. Tinariwen: Elwan (Anti-) {19}: AY:51, DT:14, Fp:8, PO:76, U:54; am_w:+, bbc:+, hmv:+, pm_w:8, v:+ -- RC:**, TH:A-
  179. Jessie Ware: Glasshouse (Island) {19}: ABC:20, Al:15, Bq:81, EW:17, Fu:10, I:9, S:31, UR:71, WHP:28; gq:+, i:9, pm_p:13
  180. Actress: AZD (Ninja Tune) {18}: Bc:17, C:32, Cl:73, F:30, Qt:94, Mix:21, No:30, S:32, SR:38, TMT:39, W:11; am_e:+, du:8, ra:+, rs_e:14 -- TH:*
  181. Rodney Crowell: Close Ties (New West) {18}: AY:60, LTL:14, RS_c:17, TL:10; am_a:+, cct:9, nod:+, scm:+ -- RC:***, TH:***
  182. Future: Future (Epic/A1/Freebandz) {18}: Cl:23, Cmp:15, DJB:28, GC:38, N:35, Pg:9, Sg_h:19; ny_c:20, sjm:+, v:+, xxl:+ -- RC:*, TH:**
  183. JID: The Never Story (Dreamville/Interscope) {18}: Bbx:24, Cmp:43, DJB:9, GC:39, HDX:18, Pg:11; de_d:7, de_f:4, de_m:8, vib:+ -- TH:***
  184. Peter Perrett: How the West Was Won (Domino) {18}: Mg:17, Mj:22, PO:15, SR:40, TL:54, U:12; am_k:+, ljs:16 -- RC:***, TH:A-
  185. The Weather Station: The Weather Station (Paradise of Bachelors) {18}: AY:24, Dr:83, Eb:73, Fp:51, LBF:40, S:40, Sg:38, U:4, Up:43, UR:79; aqd:+, ex_c:1, nap:+
  186. Yazz Ahmed: La Saboteuse (Naim) {17}: Bc:18, BIW:1, JC:87, VF:15, WFM:17; sg_j:2, tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  187. Binker & Moses: Journey to the Mountain of Forever (Gearbox) {17}: BIW:46, Dr:27, JW:20, Mj:17, RM:19, VF:2, WFM:3; sg_j:11
  188. Alex Cameron: Forced Witness (Secretly Canadian) {17}: Eb:23, Fld:2, LBF:38, LQ:13, LR:5, Ne:12, RM:97, TN:21, TOC:21
  189. Tyler Childers: Purgatory (Hickman Holler) {17}: BS:7, LTL:18, N:75, NPR:39, RS_c:14; am_a:+, b_a:1, scm:++ -- TH:**
  190. Circuit Des Yeux: Reaching for Indigo (Drag City) {17}: AY:25, DS:94, Mc:+, MO:36, Mrg:3, N:41, NR:19, W:10; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+
  191. Daddy Issues: Deep Dream (Infinity Cat) {17}: Blr:50, DW:18, PO:85; ns:6, xdc:+, xkm:6, xms:4 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  192. Kate Gentile: Mannequins (Skirl) {17}: CM:14, JC:50; fd:+, jap:5, jem:4, jjc:+, jlre:5, jmsc:10, ny_u:11, pm_j:10 -- TH:***
  193. Ghostpoet: Dark Days + Canapes (Play It Again Sam) {17}: Bq:78, DS:63, Fp:39, I:6, LR:77, Mj:13, Pc:50, Q:47, RM:12; e_uk:+, i:6 -- TH:**
  194. Girlpool: Powerplant (Anti-) {17}: C:85, DW:55, Esq:13, Pf:45, PT:6, Sg:36, Thr:33, UR:81; es_r:+, pf_k:11, spt:+ -- RC:B+, TH:B
  195. Girl Ray: Earl Grey (Moshi Moshi) {17}: AY:120, Dr:51, DS:40, G:30, Gw:46, Huh:21, Pc:41, Q:16, RS_p:16, RT:40, SR:31, UR:38; am:+, am_i:+, bg_j:10
  196. Marika Hackman: I'm Not Your Man (Sub Pop) {17}: ABC:13, AY:68, Bq:82, C:92, Eb:18, G:27, Huh:22, LBF:44, MO:44, RM:55, RT:73, Trk:21, UR:42 -- TH:**
  197. Ibibio Sound Machine: Uyai (Merge) {17}: AY:131, Bc:98, Ne:29, PM:48, PO:2, RT:99; hmv:+, pm_w:2, xpb:9 -- RC:**, TH:**
  198. Les Amazones d'Afrique: Republique Amazone (RealWorld) {17}: G:46, PO:25, VF:4; pm_w:1 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  199. Roc Marciano: Rosebudd's Revenge (Quality Control/300/Atlantic) {17}: Bbx:19, Cmp:29, DJB:38, PW:38, Sg:48, Sg_h:3; de_d:1, de_k:4 -- TH:**
  200. Juana Molina: Halo (Crammed Discs) {17}: AY:21, Bc:23, DS:10, G:34, LR:51, U:17, W:26; ab:+, am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, npr_h:8 -- VV:97--78, TH:*
  201. Ride: Weather Diaries (Wichita) {17}: Bq:91, Crh:17, DS:35, Fp:14, Gw:34, LW:14, SR:4, Trk:15, U:37, UR:59
  202. Songhoy Blues: Resistance (Fat Possum) {17}: AY:91, Bc:66, Bq:56, Dr:77, Fp:66, Gw:48, LBF:24, Mj:23, RM:24, RS:31, RT:97, St:31; bbc:+, hmv:+, sdu:7, wk:8 -- TH:**
  203. Chelsea Wolfe: Hiss Spun (Sargent House) {17}: Am_s:44, AY:111, Cl:64, DS:59, Eb:15, LW:43, RM:61, RY:35, St:42, Tr:10; ab:+, am_i:+, npr_h:6, owl:+
  204. Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society: Simultonality (Eremite) {16}: JC:+, Mrg:32, U:15, W:7; aqd:+, jem:1 -- VV:98--75, TH:A-
  205. Bedouine: Bedouine (Spacebomb) {16}: AY:55, Bc:82, Eb:58, LR:42, P:39, PW:42, RM:67, RT:17, TN:26, TOC:26, UR:45; la_r:1, rc:+
  206. Bell Witch: Mirror Reaper (Profound Lore) {16}: Am_s:21, AV:13, AY:160, Bc:32, RY:37, St:47, TMT:45, Tr:41; ab:+, bbc:+, ex_m:5, pm_m:1
  207. Brockhampton: Saturation III (Question Everything/Empire) {16}: Alt:39, AY:69, BE:10, BV:12, DW:38, Pg:4, RY:7 -- TH:**
  208. Jack DeJohnette/Larry Grenadier/John Meddeski/John Scofield: Hudson (Motema) {16}: JC:14, JY:4; bg_g:4, jkf:2, jsf:3 -- TH:A-
  209. Downtown Boys: Cost of Living (Sub Pop) {16}: AY:176, NDN:21, No:42; am:+, am_q:+, ct:5, ny_c:23, so_g:5, so_j:2 -- RC:**, TH:**
  210. Harriet Tubman: Araminta (Sunnyside) {16}: CM:3, JC:34, PO:9; sg_j:9, xbl:5, xmv:10 -- TH:A-
  211. Jazzmeia Horn: A Social Call (Prestige) {16}: JC:49, JW:7, JY:1, WFM:13; am_j:+, jrm:4 -- TH:**
  212. Colin Stetson: All This I Do for Glory (52Hz) {16}: AY:72, DS:32, Fp:100, Gw:41, MO:34, No:6, SR:21, WFM:27; am_j:+, ex_i:+ -- TH:A-
  213. Ty Dolla Sign: Beach House 3 (Atlantic) {16}: Pg:10, PW:11, RU:18, S:34; am_r:+, bet:5, xab:3, xxl:+ -- VV:87--85, TH:*
  214. The Clientele: Music for the Age of Miracles (Merge) {15}: AY:80, Fld:20, U:19; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, nni:+, pm_i:5, xml:+ -- VV:64--116, TH:***
  215. Steve Coleman's Natal Eclipse: Morphogenesis (Pi) {15}: CM:52, JC:2, WFM:25; fd:4, jfk:6, pm_j:5 -- TH:A-
  216. Colleen: A Flame My Love a Frequency (Thrill Jockey) {15}: AY:95, C:63, F:2, Qt:64, TMT:46, VF:6; am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ra:+
  217. Fat Tony: MacGregor Park (First One Up) {15}: DW:61, PO:35; hc_g:5, xpb:4, xtw:8 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  218. Hamell on Trial: Tackle Box (New West) {15}: DW:56, MR:29; xjsm:7, xpa:7, xscw:9, xtj:7 -- RC:A, TH:A-
  219. Arto Lindsay: Cuidado Madame (Northern Spy) {15}: CM:24, DW:82, HV:19, Mrg:34, PO:46; es_r:+, sl_w:+ -- RC:***, TH:A-
  220. Dua Lipa: Dua Lipa (Warner) {15}: BB:43, Blr:24, Ch:23, Cmp:35, Fu:18, PCr:21, RS_p:9, Su:33, YF:31; am_p:+ -- TH:**
  221. Demi Lovato: Tell Me You Love Me (Island) {15}: BB:40, GTV:49, Id:16, PCr:5, RS_p:15, Thr:11; am_p:+, la_w:6, p:6
  222. John Maus: Screen Memories (Ribbon Music) {15}: Am_s:23, C:50, Cl:22, F:49, GB:57, LR:27, N:64, SR:12, U:59, W:46; ab:+, ath:+, la_r:6, ra:+
  223. Brad Paisley: Love and War (Arista Nashville) {15}: DW:87, RS_c:37; sln:15, xgh:8, xjy:7, xms:2, xpa:8, xscw:4 -- RC:A, TH:B
  224. Pallbearer: Heartless (Profound Lore) {15}: AY:70, Bc:20, Crh:35, CS:18, Eb:82, LW:36, Ne:47, Sg:25, Tr:27; pm_m:2, xmv:5
  225. The Paranoid Style: Underworld USA (Bar/None) {15}: DW:67, MR:39, PO:108; xism:3, xjsm:1 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  226. Pere Ubu: 20 Years in a Montana Missile Silo (Cherry Red) {15}: DW:66, PO:105; xgm:10, xjy:9, xtj:4, xmv:9 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  227. Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah: Diaspora (Stretch Music/Ropeadope) {15}: BS:22, DT:49, JC:30, JW:10, WFM:9; ex_i:+, sg_j:4, wp:4 -- TH:**
  228. Smino: Blkswn (Zero Fatigue/Downtown) {15}: Cmp:41, CS:10, DJB:11, Pg:6; bet:6, okp:11, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:**
  229. Sam Smith: The Thrill of It All (Capitol) {15}: GC:47, Nd:23, RS:10, RS_A:10, RS_p:4, Su:26, TL:37; asp:6
  230. Wadada Leo Smith: Najwa (TUM) {15}: JC:22, PO:40; ei:5, jjc:9, jmsc:8, jnn:1, ny_u:2 -- TH:A-
  231. This Is the Kit: Moonshine Freeze (Rough Trade) {15}: Dr:74, DS:89, Eb:95, Mj:14, Mrg:37, P:26, Pc:46, RM:11, RT:46, St:41, Trk:39, UR:100; rc:+
  232. Trio Da Kali and Kronos Quartet: Ladilikan (World Circuit) {15}: Fp:87, FR:1, G:50, NPR:42, PO:72, RT:87, U:43, VF:46; aqd:+, sdu:14, xde:4, xgm:8, xscw:10 -- RC:A-, TH:*
  233. U2: Songs of Experience (Interscope) {15}: ABC:9, BE:91, Nd:24, RS:3, Su:7; ard:9, rx:+ -- VV:98--75
  234. David S Ware Trio: Live in New York 2010 (AUM Fidelity) {15}: CM:36, JC:+, PO:97; dw:10, jfn:7, jpa:4, tn:+, xis:1 -- TH:A-
  235. Wiley: Godfather (self-released) {15}: AY:148, Cl:52, DS:70, GC:19, Ne:34, NME:9; am_h:+, cuk:9, e_uk:+ -- RC:***
  236. Amine: Good for You (Motown) {14}: Cmp:36, DJB:31, DW:17, GC:48, HS:25, MR:33, Pg:42, Sg_h:7; ny_c:11, tr_h:+, xxl:+
  237. Benjamin Booker: Witness (ATO) {14}: CM:75, Gw:47, N:47, P:24, RM:79; am:+, am_b:+, str:2, xsa:4 -- TH:***
  238. Jen Cloher: Jen Cloher (Milk!) {14}: AY:133, DJ:1, Dr:44, DS:66, No:27, RM:26, RS_A:29, RT:84; smh:+, ts:+
  239. Amber Coffman: City of No Reply (Columbia) {14}: AY:158, Cl:45, DW:50, RS_p:19; am_s:+, xmr:7, xrc:6 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  240. Ornette Coleman: Celebrate Ornette (Song X -16) {14}: JC:26, RS:43; fd:+, jfk:3, xgh:10, xjy:4, xtw:5 -- RC:A-
  241. CyHi the Prynce: No Dope on Sundays (Brooklyn Knights) {14}: Bbx:13, BS:6, Cmp:45, DJB:40, HDX:3, Pg:49; de_f:5, xxl:+
  242. Baxter Dury: Prince of Tears (Heavenly) {14}: BV:36, G:38, GTV:44, Gw:12, LQ:35, LW:44, Q:8, RT:20, UR:49; bbc:+
  243. Tomas Fujiwara: Triple Double (Firehouse 12) {14}: JC:33; fd:+, jjc:2, jsf:1, jtd:9, jvv:5 -- TH:A-
  244. Gang of Youths: Go Farther in Lightness (Sony) {14}: BE:84, DJ:40, RS_A:3, Spk:8, Up:16; mav:3, smh:+
  245. Godspeed You! Black Emperor: Luciferian Towers (Constellation) {14}: BE:49, Dr:11, LW:78, No:5, Pc:39, RM:85, RT:68, UR:57; am_i:+, pf_x:12
  246. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Flying Microtonal Banana (ATO) {14}: Bq:86, BE:23, DJ:15, FO:15, Ne:28, Qt:90, RM:58, RT:24, RY:31, U:35; am_k:+, smh:+
  247. JD McPherson: Undivided Heart & Soul (New West) {14}: AS:5, AY:88, P:50, RS_c:33, TL:29; am:+, am_k:+, gl:+, ljs:8, scm:+ -- TH:*
  248. Milo: Who Told You to Think??!!?!?!?! (Ruby Yacht) {14}: AY:114, Bc:39, DJB:10, PW:31, Sg_h:17, TMT:14, Up:18; de_k:7, pf_r:19
  249. Willie Nelson: God's Problem Child (Legacy) {14}: AY:123, HV:29, MR:32, RS_c:8, TL:36; am_c:+, scm:+, wk:7, xbl:9 -- RC:*, TH:**
  250. Preservation Hall Jazz Band: So It Is (Legacy) {14}: CM:38, JC:+, PO:8, WFM:31; am_j:+, ob:2, sg_j:16, xhs:10, xtj:8 -- TH:**
  251. The Shins: Heartworms (Columbia) {14}: BE:60, DJ:31, DS:77, Fp:71, LR:72, LW:90; e_uk:+, xjsp:1 -- RC:***, TH:*
  252. Wadada Leo Smith: Solo: Reflections and Meditations on Monk (TUM) {14}: JC:20, PO:66; jfk:10, jjc:+, jmsc:8, jmsk:2, jnn:1, jtb:4 -- TH:**
  253. Vagabon: Infinite Worlds (Father/Daughter) {14}: AY:54, Bc:64, NDN:12, NR:33, Pf:42, PT:22, Up:47, WHP:18; lhb:+, pf_k:10 -- RC:*, TH:*
  254. Tony Allen: The Source (Blue Note) {13}: AY:59, BIW:31, Gw:38, JC:54, LR:35, Mj:26, PW:28, WFM:48; am_j:+, sg_j:19, tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  255. Chuck Berry: Chuck (Dualtone) {13}: DW:26, LR:70, PO:92; la_l:10, xjy:8 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  256. Bleachers: Gone Now (RCA) {13}: Ch:7, I:27, NME:26, PCr:23, TL:48; am_p:+, wo:+ -- RC:***, TH:*
  257. The Courtneys: II (Flying Nun) {13}: Fld:25, NR:47, RSh:13, YW:6; ath:+, pf_k:15, pm_i:9 -- VV:85--86, TH:**
  258. Elder: Reflections of a Floating World (Armageddon Shop) {13}: Cl:37, Crh:11, DW:69, Ne:43, RM:99, RY:29, Sg:24, Tr:37, Trk:40; pm_m:14, wsj:+ -- VV:83--90
  259. Emperor X: Oversleepers International (Tiny Engines) {13}: CM:22, DW:30, MR:46; xjd:5, xrm:7 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  260. Gogol Bordello: Seekers and Finders (Cooking Vinyl) {13}: DW:70, PO:19; xjl:9, xeb:4 -- RC:A, TH:**
  261. Robyn Hitchcock: Robyn Hitchcock (Yep Roc) {13}: Sl:22, U:38; am_i:+, aqd:+, sd:9, xhs:1, xmv:1 -- VV:82--95, TH:*
  262. Ibeyi: Ash (XL) {13}: Cl:20, LR:36, Pc:77, Pf:28, VMP:28; am_r:+, ex_s:8, hc_d:3, ma:10 -- VV:87--85, TH:*
  263. Ahmad Jamal: Marseille (Jazz Village) {13}: CM:77, JC:18, JW:3, WFM:12; am_j:+, aqd:+ -- TH:**
  264. Meek Mill: Wins & Losses (MMG/Atlantic) {13}: Bbx:6, C:81, Cmp:34, GC:46, HDX:15, MA:16; cuk:7, vu_r:8, xxl:+
  265. Ron Miles: I Am a Man (Yellowbird) {13}: BIW:13, JC:15, NPR:30; fd:9, npr_c:2, ny_u:20, pm_j:7 -- TH:***
  266. Oxbow: Thin Black Duke (Hydra Head) {13}: AY:6, LW:66, Mc:+, MO:20, Ne:11, Qt:10 -- TH:*
  267. Whitney Rose: South Texas Suite (Six Shooter -EP) {13}: MR:42, TL:15, YW:88; am_a:+, scm:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
  268. Aki Takase/David Murray: Cherry Shakura (Intakt) {13}: CM:9, JC:76; xgm:1, xtw:4 -- TH:A-
  269. Ulver: The Assassination of Julius Caesar (House of Mythology) {13}: AY:17, Cl:47, KYS:5, MO:25, NR:40, Spk:2
  270. Colter Wall: Colter Wall (Young Mary's) {13}: RS_c:29, RT:5, Su:46; b_a:2, scm:+ -- TH:A-
  271. Miguel Zenon: Tipico (Miel Music) {13}: CM:53, JC:16, NPR:48; am_j:+, bg_g:7, jrm:3, npr_c:7 -- TH:A-
  272. The Afghan Whigs: In Spades (Sub Pop) {12}: Dr:79, DS:92, Eb:29, Fp:76, LW:41, Nd:8, Pc:97, RM:69, UR:70; pf_k:14
  273. Nicole Atkins: Goodnight Rhonda Lee (Single Lock) {12}: AS:19, AY:63, HV:5, MR:45; am:+, am_s:+, ex_c:5 -- TH:B
  274. The Big Moon: Love in the 4th Dimension (Columbia) {12}: AY:108, Bq:18, C:78, DS:30, FO:26, MO:32, NME:44, RT:7; rx:+
  275. Body Count: Bloodlust (Century Media) {12}: DW:76, MR:24, PO:37; xjc:7, xjsm:8 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  276. Beth Ditto: Fake Sugar (Virgin) {12}: MR:34, Trk:8; wsj:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
  277. Lee Gamble: Mnestic Pressure (Hyperdub) {12}: AY:82, F:42, Mix:34, No:17, Qt:69, W:38; am_e:+, bl:8, ra:+, xlr:+ -- TH:*
  278. Dylan Hicks: Ad Out (Soft Launch) {12}: xde:10, xjm:4, xjsm:5, xmv:6 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  279. The Jesus and Mary Chain: Damage and Joy (ADA/Warner) {12}: Fp:45, GTV:35, LR:94, LW:4, Pc:53, SR:16 -- TH:**
  280. Jonwayne: Rap Album Two (The Order Label) {12}: AY:161, Bc:45, Cl:88, DJB:23, HDX:20, PW:22, Sg_h:24; am_h:+ -- TH:***
  281. Penguin Cafe: The Imperfect Sea (Erased Tapes) {12}: Dr:86, No:8, P:33, Pc:7, YW:29; aqd:+ -- TH:**
  282. Omar Souleyman: To Syria With Love (Mad Decent) {12}: C:35, YW:14; pm_w:4 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
  283. Starlito & Don Trip: Step Brothers Three (Grind Hard) {12}: DW:68, MR:40, PW:33, Sg_h:36 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  284. Susanne Sundfor: Music for People in Trouble (Bella Union) {12}: AY:64, BE:46, Dr:93, GB:59, LBF:45, Mj:31, MO:49, Pc:84, Q:34, U:30; am:+, am_s:+
  285. Matt Wilson: Matt Wilson's Honey and Salt (Palmetto) {12}: JC:8; am_j:+, bg_g:3, fd:+, jjc:10, jkf:3, jrm:7 -- TH:*
  286. Charli XCX: Pop 2 (Asylum) {12}: DW:45, Id:20, Int:13, ; iv:4, nyl:11, vm:+ -- TH:***
  287. Angles 9: Disappeared Behind the Sun (Clean Feed) {11}: CM:2, JC:59; tn:5 -- TH:A-
  288. Brand New: Science Fiction (Procrastinate! Music Traitors) {11}: AY:13, BE:14, FO:22, LW:83, Mc:+, RY:21, Spk:11; db_s:8 -- TH:B
  289. Elbow: Little Fictions (Polydor/Concord) {11}: ABC:17, Al:16, BE:69, Q:36, Su:23, UR:34; kc:10, nni:+, rx:+
  290. Errorsmith: Superlative Fatigue (Pan) {11}: AY:87, D:18, F:9, Qt:49, VF:7; ra:+
  291. Foo Fighters: Concrete and Gold (Roswell) {11}: BE:77, Mj:42, Nd:19, NME:27, RS:49, Su:16; ard:10, owh:+, rx:+
  292. Hard Working Americans: We're All in This Together (Melvin) {11}: PO:73, TL:39; xgm:7, xkm:8 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  293. Hear in Now [Mazz Swift/Tomeka Reid/Silvia Bolognesi]: Not Living in Fear (International Anthem) {11}: JC:+; jap:6, jdme:5, jem:5, jnn:8, jtb:6, qt_j:7 -- TH:**
  294. Natalie Hemby: Puxico (GetWrucke) {11}: AS:23, Ch:21, RS_c:12, TL:33; pm_a:6, scm:+, xeb:2 -- TH:**
  295. Jesca Hoop: Memories Are Now (Sub Pop) {11}: AY:18, Dr:82, DS:45, No:45, RM:38; am_s:+ -- TH:A-
  296. Iglooghost: Neo Wax Bloom (Brainfeeder) {11}: AY:75, LQ:26, Mix:37, Ne:15, PM:15, RY:40, Spk:28; am_e:+, ex_e:7
  297. Lost Bayou Ramblers: Kalenda (Rice Pump) {11}: PO:4; ob:5, scm:+ -- TH:A-
  298. Low Cut Connie: Dirty Pictures (Part 1) (Contender) {11}: CM:70, DW:32, RS:47; am_k:+, gl:++, ljs:11, xms:7 -- RC:***, TH:B
  299. Vic Mensa: The Autobiography (Roc Nation) {11}: ABC:21, CS:38; am_h:+, ct:7, e_uk:+, so_g:7, so_j:7, xbl:7, xxl:+ -- RC:**, TH:B
  300. Thurston Moore: Rock N Roll Consciousness (Caroline) {11}: C:55, FO:38, Fp:90, LW:45, Qt:33, RM:50, RT:25, SR:26 -- RC:**, TH:*
  301. Mura Masa: Mura Masa (Polydor) {11}: Bae:21, BB:34, Blr:11, DS:81, NME:34, NZH:14, Sk:15 -- TH:*
  302. Gard Nilssen's Complete Unity: Live in Europe (Clean Feed) {11}: CM:17, JC:+; jdst:7, jgl:1, jjs:9 -- TH:***
  303. Octo Octa: Where Are We Going? (Honey Soundsystem) {11}: C:5, DJM:6, Mix:22, N:74; ra:+, xab:7
  304. Omni: Multi Task (Trouble in Mind) {11}: Bc:74, Dr:13, P:41, Sk:22, SR:44; ab:+, am:+, am_i:+, aqd:+, ath:+
  305. The Perceptionists: Resolution (Mello Music Group) {11}: PO:29; xjm:10, xsp:10 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  306. Pile: A Hairshirt of Purpose (Exploding in Sound) {11}: Alt:15, AV:11, Blr:46, PT:2, S:44; bg_j:+
  307. The Regrettes: Feel Your Feelings Fool! (Warner Bros) {11}: YW:8; am_k:+, ct:11, so_j:1 -- VV:79--98, TH:**
  308. Shabazz Palaces: Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star (Sub Pop) {11}: Bc:80, GB:6, Mj:43, PO:68; aqd:+, sdu:17 -- TH:***
  309. Matthew Shipp Trio: Piano Song (Thirsty Ear) {11}: CM:29, JC:32; am_j:+, fd:5, jvv:6 -- TH:A-
  310. Soulwax: From Deewee (Play It Again Sam) {11}: Crh:3, Dr:78, DS:11, Mix:24, St:43; am_p:+, tr_e:10
  311. David Virelles: Gnosis (ECM) {11}: BIW:39, JC:72, WFM:35; am_j:+, es_r:+, fd:+, jjs:+, jrm:22, npr_c:+, ny_u:8 -- TH:*
  312. Paul Weller: A Kind Revolution (Parlophone) {11}: AY:125, Df:23, Fp:43, LW:81, Mc:14, Mj:37, Q:24, RT:52, SR:49; rx:+
  313. 21 Savage: Issa Album (Slaughter Gang/Epic) {10}: BB:49, BS:30, C:83, Cmp:37, Pg:31, PW:29; ny_c:12, tr_h:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
  314. 21 Savage/Offset/Metro Boomin: Without Warning (Epic) {10}: Cmp:40, MA:6, Pg:17, PW:29, Sg_h:13 -- TH:*
  315. Ambrose Akinmusire: A Rift in Decorum: Live at the Village Vanguard (Blue Note -2CD) {10}: JC:10, JW:17; am_j:+, jsf:8, pm_j:12, sg_j:12 -- TH:*
  316. Tim Berne's Snakeoil: Incidentals (ECM) {10}: JC:28; am_j:+, jch:3, jjs:2, jpa:7 -- TH:***
  317. The Black Angels: Death Song (Partisan) {10}: Crh:23, Fp:86, Gw:36, Pc:44, RM:9, RT:35, SR:17
  318. Blondie: Pollinator (BMG) {10}: Al:27, MR:28, RS_p:10; xjy:6 -- RC:A-, TH:B
  319. Brother Ali: All the Beauty in This Whole Life (Rhymesayers) {10}: AY:150, Bbx:17; am_h:+, de_m:4 -- RC:**, TH:**
  320. Bully: Losing (Sub Pop) {10}: Alt:20, Bq:83, BS:13, YW:33; ns:3 -- TH:**
  321. Cortex: Avant-Garde Party Music (Clean Feed) {10}: CM:10, JC:99; jdst:6, tn:2 -- TH:***
  322. Creeper: Eternity in Your Arms (Roadrunner) {10}: AY:45, Bq:1, Mc:+, NME:36; am_q:+, ap:+
  323. Lil Peep: Come Over When You're Sober (Part One) (Warner Music Sweden) {10}: Cl:57, GC:49, N:79; ap:+, ir:3, iv:1, spt:+
  324. Daniele Luppi and Parquet Courts: Milano (30th Century/Columbia) {10}: C:58, DW:90, RT:16; xpb:1 -- TH:***
  325. Muna: About U (RCA) {10}: BB:41, Blr:49, LBF:20, PCr:20, Q:28, YF:22; nyl:7, xab:8 -- TH:*
  326. Conor Oberst: Salutations (Nonesuch) {10}: AY:180; xjsp:7 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  327. Old 97's: Graveyard Whistling (ATO) {10}: AZ:22, LTL:13; am_a:+, scm:+ -- RC:**, TH:***
  328. Phoenix: Ti Amo (Glassnote) {10}: CS:43, LR:16, NME:43, Q:38, Up:42, UR:69, YF:15; e_uk:+
  329. Pink: Beautiful Trauma (RCA) {10}: ABC:47, BB:30, DW:65, RS_p:20; p:8, xjm:3 -- TH:**
  330. Chuck Prophet: Bobby Fuller Died for Your Sins (Yep Roc) {10}: LTL:17; am_s:+, pm_a:13, xhs:2, xmb:10 -- RC:**, TH:*
  331. Residente: Residente (Fusion Media Group) {10}: BB:19, RS:38; hc_g:1, ny_p:2, sl_w:+, xiw:10
  332. Eric Revis: Sing Me Some Cry (Clean Feed) {10}: CM:8, JC:40; jjc:6, jsf:6 -- TH:A-
  333. Rostam: Half-Light (Nonesuch) {10}: Am_s:8, FO:49, HV:27, Up:12, VMP:23 -- TH:**
  334. Shakira: El Dorado (Sony Latin Music) {10}: Fu:8, Id:2 -- TH:***
  335. Joan Shelley: Joan Shelley (No Quarter) {10}: AY:96, NPR:34, Q:33, U:5; aqd:+, nod:+, npr_s:7
  336. Sleater-Kinney: Live in Paris (Sub Pop) {10}: YW:2; xgm:4 -- RC:B+, TH:*
  337. Special Request: Belief System (Houndstooth) {10}: C:88, Cl:93, DJM:2, Mix:6, MO:23
  338. Swet Shop Boys: Sufi La (Customs -EP) {10}: DW:58; xtj:6 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  339. Tennis: Yours Conditionally (Mutually Detrimental) {10}: AZ:14, Blr:4, Pc:6, VMP:30
  340. Torres: Three Futures (4AD) {10}: Eb:3, LBF:33, N:27, NPR:28, PT:38; am_i:+, nw:16
  341. Trio 3: Visiting Texture (Intakt) {10}: CM:5, JC:+, PO:62 -- TH:A-
  342. White Reaper: The World's Best American Band (Polyvinyl) {10}: AY:166, Blr:23, N:55, NR:42, P:14; ath:+, gl:++, pf_k:20
  343. Lizz Wright: Grace (Concord) {10}: JC:+; bg_g:1, nni:+, nod:+, ny_u:6 -- TH:***
  344. Yaeji: Yaeji (Godmode -EP) {10}: BV:30, GB:1, Pf:50; xlr:+ -- TH:**
  345. Goncalo Almeida/Rodrigo Amado/Marco Franco: The Attic (NoBusiness) {9}: CM:50, JC:83; jsb:+, qt_j:8, tn:6 -- TH:A-
  346. Robt Sarazin Blake: Recitative (Same Room -2CD) {9}: xeb:6 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  347. Cherry Glazerr: Apocalipstick (Secretly Canadian) {9}: Am_s:43, BV:48, DS:80, Eb:40, PT:28, RM:100, St:32, Tr:44; ath:+
  348. Allison Crutchfield: Tourist in This Town (Merge) {9}: Sg:27; am_i:+, cos:8, pi:10, xjm:8 -- RC:**, TH:**
  349. Daphni: Joli Mai (Jiaolang) {9}: Mix:25, SR:15; am_e:+, e_uk:+, ex_e:10, kq:+, rs_e:5
  350. Depeche Mode: Spirit (Columbia) {9}: ABC:27, BE:86, DS:84, Fp:30, Q:49, Su:36; am:+, am_k:+, ath:+
  351. Dirty Projectors: Dirty Projectors (Domino) {9}: DJ:10, Dr:19, LR:69, UR:66; hmv:+ -- RC:*, TH:C
  352. DJ Python: Dulce Compania (Incienso) {9}: C:11, F:4, Mix:33; ra:+, rs_e:16
  353. Bob Dylan: Triplicate (Columbia) {9}: JC:+, LR:61, Nd:17, PO:86, RS:35, RS_A:35, Su:28; la_l:8 -- TH:C+
  354. Equiknoxx: Colon Man (DDS) {9}: F:15, GB:30, PW:12, VF:38; ra:+, rs_e:7, xlr:+
  355. The Feelies: In Between (Bar/None) {9}: DW:54; aqd:+, cct:4, ct:20, so_j:8 -- VV:84--87, TH:**
  356. Curtis Harding: Face Your Fear (Anti-) {9}: Bq:10, PM:31, TL:50, YW:34; am:+, am_r:+, bg_j:9
  357. Ray Wylie Hubbard: Tell the Devil I'm Gettin' There as Fast as I Can (Bordello/Thirty Tigers) {9}: LTL:19; am_a:+, scm:+ -- RC:*, TH:A-
  358. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard/Mild High Club: Sketches of Brunswick East (ATO) {9}: C:89, P:15, Pc:69, SR:1
  359. Klein: Tommy (Hyperdub -EP) {9}: TMT:5, W:3; pf_x:19
  360. Kirk Knuffke: Cherryco (SteepleChase) {9}: CM:43, JC:42; fd:1 -- TH:A-
  361. Mark Lanegan Band: Gargoyle (Heavenly/PIAS) {9}: Crh:24, Fp:69, Gw:24, LW:89, Mc:34, Mj:18, PM:36; am_a:+
  362. Liars: TFCF (Mute) {9}: Dr:81, DS:60, Fld:4, Qt:11, RT:58
  363. Lil B: Black Ken (BasedWorld) {9}: Cmp:50, F:39, HS:19, Pf:43, PW:36, W:45; pf_r:10, vu_r:10
  364. Rudresh Mahanthappa's Indo-Pak Coalition: Agrima (self-released) {9}: BIW:33, JC:11; am_j:+, ny_u:12 -- TH:A-
  365. Midland: On the Rocks (Big Machine) {9}: NPR:40, RS_c:7; am_c:+, sln:8, wp:1
  366. Youssou N'Dour: Seeni Valeurs (Jive/Epic) {9}: xeb:3 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
  367. NERD: No One Ever Really Dies (I Am Other/Columbia) {9}: DW:7, LR:12; okp:4 -- TH:**
  368. Offa Rex: The Queen of Hearts (Nonesuch) {9}: AY:20, FR:6, Trk:2
  369. Nnamdi Ogbonnaya: Drool (Father/Daughter/Sooper) {9}: Bc:50, CM:68; tr_h:+, xkm:2 -- RC:A-, TH:B-
  370. Awa Poulo: Poulo Warali (Awesome Tapes From Africa) {9}: DW:71, VF:19; aqd:+ -- RC:B+, TH:**
  371. Public Service Broadcasting: Every Valley (Test Card) {9}: Bq:22, DS:97, Fp:19, LW:30, RT:48, St:21; df:+, mf:+
  372. David Rawlings: Poor David's Almanack (Acony) {9}: Fp:77, LTL:7, RM:75, RS_c:38, U:71; pm_a:9, xeb:9
  373. Real Estate: In Mind (Domino) {9}: Blr:25, Dr:55, FO:23, LR:56, Pc:91, RM:90, RT:67, SR:24, U:65 -- TH:B
  374. Whitney Rose: Rule 62 (Six Shooter) {9}: AY:76, TL:19; am:+, am_a:+, pm_a:8, scm:+ -- TH:**
  375. Rick Ross: Rather You Than Me (Maybach Music Group/Epic) {9}: Bbx:4, Cmp:20, DJB:25; vib:+, xxl:+
  376. Royal Blood: How Did We Get So Dark (Warner Bros) {9}: BE:51, Bq:41, Fp:96, LW:28, RM:66, RT:38, Su:40; am_k:+, rx:+
  377. Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah: Ruler Rebel (Stretch Music/Ropeadope) {9}: BS:22, DT:49, JC:30; sg_j:4, wp:4 -- TH:**
  378. Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah: The Emancipation Procrastination (Stretch Music/Ropeadope) {9}: BS:22, DT:49, JC:30; sg_j:4, wp:4 -- TH:**
  379. Snapped Ankles: Come Play the Trees (The Leaf Label) {9}: Crh:37, Dr:59, No:48, Pc:80, Qt:14, RM:6
  380. Chris Speed Trio: Platinum on Tap (Intakt) {9}: JC:54, Mrg:5 -- TH:A-
  381. Marty Stuart and His Fabulous Superlatives: Way Out West (Superlatone) {9}: LTL:9, RS_c:16, TL:49; am_c:+, scm:++ -- TH:B
  382. Tamikrest: Kidal (Glitterbeat) {9}: Mj:32, PO:54; hmv:+, pm_w:3 -- RC:**, TH:**
  383. Trio Heinz Herbert: The Willisau Concert (Intakt) {9}: JC:+; jdbk:6, jtd:10, jvv:4 -- TH:A-
  384. Visible Cloaks: Reassemblage (RVNG Intl) {9}: C:44, F:12, Pc:99, Qt:45, VF:14; bl:10, ra:+
  385. Wire: Silver/Lead (Pinkflag) {9}: CM:47, LW:11, Mj:36, Qt:87; am_i:+, ath:+, so_j:9 -- TH:*
  386. Charlie Worsham: Beginning of Things (Warner Bros Nashville) {9}: HV:9, RS_c:13, TL:12; am_c:+, xce:7 -- TH:B
  387. Yaeji: EP 2 (Godmode -EP) {9}: BV:30, GB:1 -- TH:***
  388. Yumi Zouma: Willowbank (Caroline) {9}: Al:34, Blr:19, GB:14, NZH:16, UR:35; ath:+
  389. Rez Abbasi: Unfiltered Universe (Whirlwind) {8}: JC:27; bg_g:6, jjs:4, pm_j:2 -- TH:**
  390. Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman: Triple Fat Lice (Stones Throw -EP) {8}: DW:83 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  391. Gregg Allman: Southern Blood (New Rounder) {8}: AY:93, BS:12, LTL:20, RS:41, TL:42; scm:+
  392. All Them Witches: Sleeping Through the War (New West) {8}: AY:28, AZ:15, Crh:18, Trk:14; am_k:+
  393. Fatima Al Qadiri: Shaneera (Hyperdub -EP) {8}: TN:4, TOC:4 -- TH:B
  394. Amok Amor [Christian Lillinger/Petter Eldh/Wanja Slavin/Peter Evans]: We Know Not What We Do (Intakt) {8}: CM:66, JC:+; jem:2 -- TH:A-
  395. Anemone [Peter Evans/John Butcher/Frederic Blondy/Clayton Thomas/Paul Lovens]: A Wing Dissolved in Light (NoBusiness) {8}: jfn:1, jmsc:7, jsg:7 -- TH:***
  396. At the Drive-In: In-ter A-li-a (Rise) {8}: Bq:62, Crh:7, DW:62, LW:49, St:37; ap:+
  397. Dan Auerbach: Waiting on a Song (Easy Eye Sound/Nonesuch) {8}: ABC:24, LR:60; am_k:+, kc:7, nni:+, pm_p:5, tvd:7
  398. Denys Baptiste: The Late Trane (Edition) {8}: JC:+, JW:2, WFM:22 -- TH:**
  399. Beach Fossils: Somersault (Bayonet) {8}: Dr:85, DT:38, FO:14, Pc:13, UR:88; ath:+
  400. Jane Ira Bloom: Wild Lines: Improvising Emily Dickinson (Outline -2CD) {8}: JC:21; jjs:8, jrm:+, jsf:4 -- TH:***
  401. Anouar Brahem: Blue Maqams (ECM) {8}: JC:66, JW:11, YW:38; am_j:+, jjs:10 -- TH:**
  402. Chamber 4: City of Light (Clean Feed) {8}: JC:+; jtb:10, jrj:+, jsg:2, jtd:8 -- TH:**
  403. Chicano Batman: Freedom Is Free (ATO) {8}: AY:163, PM:40; ab:+, am_w:+, gl:++, kc:6, kq:+ -- TH:B-
  404. Clark: Death Peak (Warp) {8}: AY:147, Cl:33, DJM:22, DS:47, Eb:72, LQ:19; am_e:+
  405. Code Orange: Forever (Roadrunner) {8}: AY:53, Bq:70, Ne:38, RS:50; ap:+, ex_m:3, pm_m:11
  406. Kara-Lis Coverdale: Grafts (Boomkat Editions) {8}: C:74, GB:37, N:91, No:4, TMT:40
  407. Carl Craig: Versus (InFine) {8}: AY:144, Mix:31; am_e:+, e_uk:+ -- TH:A-
  408. Destroyer: Ken (Merge) {8}: DS:78, S:16, UR:75; aqd:+, ath:+, pf_k:19, sl_w:+
  409. Everything Everything: A Fever Dream (RCA) {8}: AY:139, Bq:12, GTV:12, PM:59, Q:29; rx:+
  410. The Flaming Lips: Oczy Mlody (Warner Bros) {8}: Df:24, Fp:95, LW:29, Nd:27, Su:20, UR:89; e_uk:+
  411. Satoko Fujii Orchestra New York: Fukushima (Libra) {8}: CM:32, JC:+; jlre:1, jsb:+ -- TH:**
  412. Satoko Fujii Orchestra Tokyo: Peace (Libra) {8}: CM:37, JC:79; jap:7, jsf:9 -- TH:A-
  413. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds: Who Built the Moon? (Sour Mash) {8}: BE:76, Bq:26, Cl:99, Gw:31, RS:37, Su:27; am_k:+, rx:+
  414. Terry Gibbs: 92 Years Young: Jammin' at the Gibbs House (Whaling City Sound) {8}: JC:+, JY:3 -- TH:***
  415. Glassjaw: Material Control (Century Media) {8}: Blr:39, Ch:19, KYS:13, Spk:17; ap:+
  416. Tee Grizzley: My Moment (300/Atlantic) {8}: HV:26, Sg_h:18; xbl:8, xjm:5, xxl:+ -- TH:*
  417. Mariem Hassan: La Voz Indomita (del Sahara Occidental) (Nubenegra) {8}: PO:61 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  418. Louis Hayes: Serenade for Horace (Blue Note) {8}: JC:88, JY:2 -- TH:***
  419. The Heliocentrics: A World of Masks (Soundway) {8}: DJM:41, JC:+, WFM:41; jvv:3 -- TH:***
  420. Nona Hendryx & Gary Lucas: The World of Captain Beefheart (Knitting Factory) {8}: -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  421. Hiss Golden Messenger: Hallelujah Anyhow (Merge) {8}: AY:117, Dr:64, RS_c:32, U:27, Up:20; aqd:+, nod:+
  422. Kamaiyah: Before I Wake (self-released) {8}: F:8, Sg_h:12; pf_r:16, wp:9, xxl:+
  423. Kondi Band: Salone (Strut) {8}: rs_e:4 -- RC:***, TH:***
  424. Lankum: Between the Earth and Sky (Rough Trade) {8}: FR:2, St:6, Su:32
  425. Dave Liebman/Joe Lovano: Compassion: The Music of John Coltrane (Resonance) {8}: JC:76, JY:93; jjs:3, jrm:+ -- TH:***
  426. Little Big Town: The Breaker (Capitol Nashville) {8}: RS_c:24, Thr:9; am_c:+, p:9, sln:5
  427. Makaya McCraven: Highly Rare (International Anthem) {8}: WFM:8; aqd:+, ny_u:13 -- TH:***
  428. Zara McFarlane: Arise (Brownswood) {8}: Bc:38, JC:+, Trk:47, WFM:24; am:+, npr_c:+, sg_j:20 -- TH:*
  429. Mhysa: Fantasii (Halcyon Veil) {8}: F:24, Qt:89, TMT:10, W:20; pf_x:10
  430. Kip Moore: Slowheart (MCA Nashville) {8}: EW:24, RS_c:11; am:+, am_c:+, sln:1
  431. Youssou N'Dour: Raxas Bercy 2017 (self-released) {8}: -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  432. Matt North: Above Ground Fools (self-released) {8}: -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  433. Dawn Oberg: Nothing Rhymes With Orange (self-released -EP) {8}: DW:21; xpa:10 -- RC:A, TH:*
  434. Miles Okazaki: Trickster (Pi) {8}: BIW:26, JC:60; jdst:5, jnn:9, pm_j:3 -- TH:**
  435. Bill Orcutt: Bill Orcutt (Palilalia) {8}: W:15; aqd:+, jds:+, jem:9, jmsk:1
  436. Oso Oso: The Yunahon Mixtape (Seal Mountain) {8}: ABC:7, Alt:1
  437. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 4: Hyperion (Leo) {8}: JC:+; jmsc:1, tn:8 -- TH:***
  438. G Perico: All Blue (So Way Out) {8}: Cmp:27, DW:79, F:45, PW:13, Sg_h:8
  439. Mike Reed: Flesh & Bone (482 Music) {8}: CM:20, JC:24; jjc:5 -- TH:***
  440. Ulrika Spacek: Modern English Decoration (Tough Love) {8}: C:72, Dr:22, FO:48, No:36, Pc:71, RM:89, RT:92, SR:42
  441. James Blood Ulmer With the Thing: Baby Talk: Live at the Molde International Jazz Festival 2015 (Trost) {8}: JC:+; jgl:3, jmsk:3 -- TH:***
  442. Jhene Aiko: Trip (Def Jam) {7}: ABC:14; la_k:5, npr_u:+, nyl:4
  443. JD Allen: Radio Flyer (Savant) {7}: CM:49, JC:38, Mrg:2; sg_j:10
  444. Barry Altschul's 3Dom Factor: Live in Krakow (Not Two) {7}: JC:39; tn:4 -- TH:A-
  445. Chino Amobi: Paradiso (NON) {7}: Bc:60, TMT:24, W:1 -- TH:B
  446. Austra: Future Politics (Domino) {7}: DS:6, UR:83; am_i:+, bg_j:8, e_uk:+
  447. Angelo Badalamenti: Twin Peaks [Limited Event Series Original Soundtrack] (Rhino) {7}: RY:4, TMT:23; ab:+, sl_w:+
  448. The Barr Brothers: Queens of the Breakers (Secret City) {7}: AY:192, Gw:42; cls:1, ex_c:7, nod:+
  449. Bash & Pop: Anything Could Happen (Fat Possum) {7}: AZ:9, DW:72, Mg:23; am_k:+, ljs:10
  450. William Basinski: A Shadow in Time (Temporary Residence) {7}: AY:57, C:18, DS:50; hc_d:2, pf_x:7 -- TH:B
  451. Bibio: Phantom Brickworks (Warp) {7}: AY:142, TN:11, TOC:11, YW:82; am_e:+ -- TH:B
  452. Bing & Ruth: No Home of the Mind (4AD) {7}: AY:71, Dr:6, Pc:88, RM:78, YW:60
  453. Brooklyn Raga Massive: Terry Riley in C (Northern Spy) {7}: BIW:3, JC:+, W:29; aqd:+
  454. The Bug vs Earth: Concrete Desert (Ninja Tune) {7}: Bc:54, Eb:96, Mj:30, No:33, Qt:99, RM:52, W:24
  455. Burnt Sugar/The Arkestra Chamber: All You Zombies Dig the Luminosity (Avant Groidd) {7}: PO:34 -- RC:***, TH:***
  456. Eliza Carthy & the Wayward Band: Big Machine (Topic) {7}: FR:3, am_a:+, am_w:+, hmv:+
  457. Collectif Spatule: Le Vanneau Huppe (Aloya) {7}: BIW:5, JC:+ -- TH:**
  458. CP Unit: Before the Heat Death (Clean Feed) {7}: CM:39, JC:+; tn:3 -- TH:***
  459. The Cribs: 24-7 Rock Star Shit (Sonic Blew) {7}: Bq:9, Crh:13, LW:18
  460. CunninLynguists: Rose Azura Njano (A Piece of Strange Music/RBC) {7}: de_k:3 -- RC:***, TH:**
  461. Pan Daijing: Lack (Pan) {7}: C:84, Mrg:19, TMT:37, W:8 -- TH:B-
  462. Deer Tick: Vol 2 (Partisan) {7}: gl:+, xdc:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
  463. Desperate Journalist: Grow Up (Fierce Panda) {7}: Am_s:8, GTV:6, LW:38
  464. Casey Dienel: Imitation of a Woman to Love (self-released) {7}: Bc:25, DS:76, Eb:11; bj_j:1
  465. Rose Elinor Dougall: Stellular (Vermillion) {7}: AY:195, DS:74, Qt:95, RT:31, TN:25, TOC:25, UR:22
  466. Jason Eady: Jason Eady (Old Guitar) {7}: LTL:12; scm:+ -- TH:A-
  467. Justin Townes Earle: Kids in the Street (New West) {7}: Nd:7; pm_a:12, scm:+ -- TH:**
  468. Floating Points: Reflections - Mojave Desert (Luaka Bop) {7}: Bq:89, Dr:36, Pc:43, U:68; hmv:+ -- TH:**
  469. Dori Freeman: Letters Never Read (MRI) {7}: LTL:11; scm:+ -- TH:A-
  470. Bill Frisell/Thomas Morgan: Small Town (ECM) {7}: JC:19; fd:2, jjc:+ -- TH:**
  471. Gnod: Just Say No to the Psycho Right-Wing Capitalist Fascist Industrial Death Machine (Rocket) {7}: Dr:53, GTV:45, Pc:83, Qt:17, SR:23, W:43
  472. Jimmy Greene: Flowers: Beautiful Life Volume 2 (Mack Avenue) {7}: JC:+, JY:36; am_j:+ -- TH:A-
  473. Nick Hakim: Green Twins (ATO) {7}: Blr:42, Cl:70, G:35, NDN:18, UR:67; am_r:+
  474. Alexander Hawkins: Unit[e] (self-released) {7}: CM:25, JC:+, JW:14, Mrg:25 -- TH:**
  475. Here Lies Man: Here Lies Man (Riding Easy) {7}: RM:16, Qt:92, RT:10, VF:48
  476. Homeboy Sandman: Veins (Stones Throw -EP) {7}: DW:84 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  477. Jay IDK: IWasVeryBad (Commission Music) {7}: DJB:20, GC:44, MA:20, Pg:44; xxl:+
  478. Kasai Allstars & Orchestre Symphonique Kimbanguiste: Around Felicite (Crammed Discs) {7}: xism:9 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  479. Diana Krall: Turn Up the Quiet (Verve) {7}: JY:9 -- TH:***
  480. Land of Talk: Life After Youth (Saddle Creek) {7}: Blr:43, BV:15, DJ:19, DT:35, Up:35
  481. Jon Langford: Jon Langford's Four Lost Souls (Bloodshot) {7}: xsc:7 -- RC:***, TH:***
  482. Ted Leo: The Hanged Man (SuperEgo) {7}: Sg:46, UR:65; ct:2, so_g:2 -- VV:62--119, TH:B
  483. Logic: Everybody (Def Jam) {7}: Bbx:7, GC:35; am_h:+, cl:20, xxl:+
  484. L'Orange: The Ordinary Man (Mello Music Group) {7}: ab:+ -- RC:***, TH:***
  485. Lord Echo: Harmonies (Soundway) {7}: xeb:1 -- TH:A-
  486. Made to Break: Trebuchet (Trost) {7}: JC:+; jeh:+, jlre:9 -- TH:A-
  487. Gucci Mane/Metro Boomin: Droptopwop (GUWOP/1017/Atlantic) {7}: Cmp:24, GC:33, N:86, Pg:33; db_s:10, e_uk:+, xxl:+
  488. Mastodon: Emperor of Sand (Reprise) {7}: Al:40, Fp:63; am:+, ex_m:7, hmv:+, pm_m:19, xmv:7
  489. Jessica Lea Mayfield: Sorry Is Gone (ATO) {7}: Cl:55, RS_c:39; cho:1, gl:++
  490. Joe McPhee/Damon Smith/Alvin Fielder: Six Situations (Not Two) {7}: JC:+; jgl:10, jpa:3 -- TH:***
  491. Melkbelly: Nothing Valley (Wax Nine) {7}: AY:189, Bc:91, MO:28, P:36, PT:7
  492. MIKE: May God Bless Your Hustle (self-released) {7}: Bc:15, C:68, HS:+, MA:22; pf_r:15, vu_r:9
  493. Yoko Miwa Trio: Pathways (Ocean Blue Tear Music) {7}: JC:+, JY:45; jkf:7 -- TH:A-
  494. Stanton Moore: With You in Mind (Cool Green) {7}: JC:+, JY:82; am_j:+, am_r:+, ob:1
  495. Ikue Mori: Obelisk (Tzadik) {7}: JC:+, Mrg:7; jck:10, jlre:3
  496. North Mississippi Allstars: Prayer for Peace (Legacy) {7}: TL:34 -- RC:***, TH:***
  497. Linda May Han Oh: Walk Against Wind (Biophilia) {7}: JC:23; jvv:12, pm_j:4 -- TH:***
  498. Oneohtrix Point Never: Good Time [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Warp) {7}: CS:49, GB:24, No:35, SR:46; ab:+, am_e:+, iv:10
  499. Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark [OMD]: The Punishment of Luxury (White Noise) {7}: Fp:49, GTV:16, RT:51 -- TH:***
  500. Orchestre Les Mangelepa: Last Band Standing (Strut) {7}: SR:25; xjm:2 -- TH:A-
  501. Ivo Perelman/Nate Wooley/Brandon Lopez/Gerald Cleaver: Octagon (Leo) {7}: JC:+; jpa:5 -- TH:A-
  502. Quelle Chris: Being You Is Great I Wish I Could Be You More Often (Mello Music Group) {7}: Bc:12, Ne:26, Sg_h:29; de_d:3, de_k:8 -- TH:B-
  503. Tom Rainey Obbligato: Float Upstream (Intakt) {7}: JC:43, Mrg:15 -- TH:A-
  504. Re-TROS: Before the Applause (Modern Sky Entertainment) {7}: CM:18, Qt:34 -- TH:A-
  505. Porter Ricks: Anguilla Electrica (Tresor) {7}: No:22; ab:+, am_e:+, ra:+, str:5, xlr:+
  506. Lucy Rose: Something's Changing (Communion) {7}: Al:2, Bq:76, Trk:28; rx:+
  507. A Savage: Thawing Dawn (Dull Tools) {7}: AY:178, DW:44 -- RC:A-, TH:*
  508. Rina Sawayama: Rina (The Vinyl Factory -EP) {7}: D:10, PCr:3 -- TH:B-
  509. Jen Shyu: Song of Silver Geese (Pi) {7}: JC:94; fd:+, jjc:+, jjs:+, ny_u:19, tn:+ -- TH:*
  510. Nate Smith: Kinfolk: Postcards From Everywhere (Ropeadope) {7}: BIW:30, JC:73, JY:73; jrm:2, npr_c:+, pm_j:13 -- TH:B
  511. Tomasz Stanko New York Quartet: December Avenue (ECM) {7}: JC:84, JW:13, PO:89; tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  512. Jason Stein Quartet: Lucille! (Delmark) {7}: JC:+; fd:+, jtb:8 -- TH:A-
  513. Thurst: Cut to the Chafe (self-released) {7}: DW:81, PO:47 -- RC:B+, TH:**
  514. Tops: Sugar at the Gate (Arbutus) {7}: Blr:44, GB:3, Huh:25; am_i:+
  515. Toro y Moi: Boo Boo (Carpark) {7}: Am_s:38, Cl:86, GB:11, Huh:11, Pg:25
  516. Ecca Vandal: Ecca Vandal (Dew Process) {7}: RS_A:9; rb:+, smh:+ -- TH:**
  517. Wand: Plum (Drag City) {7}: AY:198, Dr:30, LQ:28, P:45, TN:23, TOC:23, U:58
  518. Becky Warren: War Surplus (self-released -16) {7}: DW:23; xjdc:8, xjsm:6, xkm:1, xrc:8 -- TH:[A-]
  519. Weaves: Wide Open (Kanine) {7}: Bc:56, Ex:15, N:44, P:46; npr_b:9, ts:+
  520. Wolf Parade: Cry Cry Cry (Sub Pop) {7}: AY:112, Eb:12, LW:98, St:44, UR:26; ath:+
  521. Youngboy Never Broke Again: AI Youngboy (Never Broke Again) {7}: MA:18, N:45; ny_c:19, pf_r:18, vu_r:7, xxl:+
  522. Kevin Abstract: American Boyfriend: A Suburban Love Story (Brockhampton/Empire -16) {6}: dw:3, xbl:2, xjm:9, xrc:10 -- TH:[*]
  523. Akmee: Neptun (Nakama) {6}: CM:13, JC:+ -- TH:***
  524. Fabian Almazan: Alcanza (Biophilia) {6}: BIW:18, JC:35; jrm:+, jtd:4 -- TH:B-
  525. Thomas Anderson: My Songs Are the House I Live In (Out There) {6}: xrm:8 -- RC:*, TH:A-
  526. Mario Batkovic: Mario Batkovic (Veruston) {6}: Dr:49, No:7, Qt:86, WFM:34
  527. Girma Beyene & Akale Wube: Ethiopiques 30: Mistakes on Purpose (Buda Musique) {6}: FR:19 -- TH:A-
  528. Big Boi: Boomiverse (Epic) {6}: BS:21, HV:34 -- RC:*, TH:***
  529. Brainwaltzera: Poly-Ana (FILM) {6}: SR:7; bl:2, xlr:+
  530. Brian Eno: Reflection (Warp) {6}: Q:31, RT:42; npr_b:+, spt:+ -- TH:**
  531. British Sea Power: Let the Dancers Inherit the Party (Golden Chariot/Caroline) {6}: AY:121, Dr:76, Fp:70, LW:52, Qt:42, UR:80
  532. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Rafal Mazur: Oneness (FMR) {6}: JC:+; tn:10 -- TH:A-
  533. The Charlatans [UK]: Different Days (BMG) {6}: Bq:42, LW:12, Pc:20; rx:+
  534. Chicago/London Underground: A Night Walking Through Mirrors (Cuneiform) {6}: JC:+; jmsk:8 -- TH:A-
  535. Billy Childs: Rebirth (Mack Avenue) {6}: JC:48, JY:11; jrm:1 -- TH:B-
  536. Chronixx: Chronology (Soul Circle Music) {6}: MA:11, RS:48 -- RC:**, TH:*
  537. Cloakroom: Time Well (Relapse) {6}: Am_s:35, LW:9, Tr:18
  538. Anat Cohen Tentet: Happy Song (Anzic) {6}: JC:66; xtj:5 -- TH:***
  539. Maya Jane Coles: Take Flight (I/AM/ME) {6}: DJM:7, Mix:18; mmg:+
  540. Alessandro Cortini: Avanti (The Point of Departure) {6}: GB:15, VF:40, YW:70; bl:4
  541. Dalava: The Book of Transfigurations (Songlines) {6}: CM:73, Mrg:8, PO:60 -- TH:*
  542. Deafcult: Auras (Hobbledehoy) {6}: Am_s:2, KYS:17
  543. Dev: I Only See You When I'm Dreamin' (Devishot) {6}: MR:12 -- TH:A-
  544. DKV Trio: Latitude 41.88 (Not Two) {6}: jmsk:5 -- TH:A-
  545. Mark Eitzel: Hey Mr Ferryman (Merge) {6}: AY:183, NR:49, RT:93, U:62; am_s:+, sl_w:+
  546. Eliane Elias: Dance of Time (Concord) {6}: JC:+, JY:20; am_j:+, jkf:+ -- TH:*
  547. Amir ElSaffar/Rivers of Sound: Not Two (New Amsterdam) {6}: BIW:14, JC:61; fd:+, qt_j:10, sg_j:15
  548. Eminem: Revival (Aftermath/Shady/Interscope) {6}: -- RC:**, TH:A-
  549. Ellery Eskelin/Christian Weber/Michael Griener: Sensations of Tone (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jvv:9 -- TH:A-
  550. Neil Finn: Out of Silence (EMI) {6}: NZH:8, am_s:+, xsa:10, la_l:6
  551. Ron Gallo: Heavy Meta (New West) {6}: AS:18; g_e:+, gl:++, ke:+
  552. Freddie Gibbs: You Only Live 2wice (ESGN/Empire) {6}: Bbx:25, Cmp:23, Sg_h:32; xxl:+ -- TH:**
  553. Goldfrapp: Silver Eye (Mute) {6}: Fp:25, GTV:32, RT:71, UR:50; xpb:10 -- TH:*
  554. Halsey: Hopeless Fountain Kingdom (Astralwerks) {6}: BB:28, Bq:79, GC:29; cl:19 -- TH:**
  555. Michael Head & the Red Elastic Band: Adios Senor Pussycat (Violette) {6}: Crh:36, LR:86, Pc:34, Q:44, U:49; am_s:+
  556. Niall Horan: Flicker (Capitol) {6}: Id:13, RS_p:17; am_p:+, sjm:+
  557. Hvalfugl: By (self-released) {6}: BIW:10, JC:+ -- TH:**
  558. Jakuzi: Fantezi Muzik (Domuz) {6}: Bc:58, C:97, Dr:72; xce:1
  559. The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra: The Music of John Lewis (Blue Engine) {6}: JC:93, JY:23; fd:8, jfk:5 -- TH:*
  560. The Killers: Wonderful Wonderful (Island) {6}: AS:20, BE:42, Su:35; am_k:+, rx:+
  561. Alison Krauss: Windy City (Capitol) {6}: RS_c:25, Su:44 -- TH:A-
  562. Nikki Lane: Highway Queen (New West) {6}: TL:20; am_a:+, b_a:9, pm_a:11 -- TH:**
  563. LANY: LANY (Polydor) {6}: Rel:10; ap:+, pm_p:11, vm:+
  564. London Grammar: Truth Is a Beautiful Thing (Ministry of Sound) {6}: Al:14, Bq:24, Fp:29; e_uk:+, rx:+
  565. Los Campesinos!: Sick Scenes (Wichita) {6}: AY:151, Bq:65, Dr:91, LW:72, NR:35 -- RC:*
  566. Christian McBride Big Band: Bringin' It (Mack Avenue) {6}: JC:44, JY:5; am_j:+ -- TH:B-
  567. Lisa Mezzacappa: AvantNOIR (Clean Feed) {6}: CM:28, JC:86; jnn:5 -- TH:**
  568. The Microscopic Septet: Been Up So Long It Looks Like Down to Me: The Micros Play the Blues (Cuneiform) {6}: CM:63, JC:+ -- TH:A-
  569. Nicole Mitchell and Haki Madhubuti: Liberation Narratives (Black Earth Music) {6}: JC:+; sl_w:+ -- TH:A-
  570. Matt Mitchell: Forage (Screwgun) {6}: JC:58; jjc:3, jlre:12, npr_c:10, ny_u:7
  571. Sun Kil Moon: Common as Light and Love Are Red Valley of Blood (Caldo Verde) {6}: BE:78, Eb:28, Ne:5
  572. Mostly Other People Do the Killing: Loafer's Hollow (Hot Cup) {6}: JC:+, PO:21 -- TH:A-
  573. Mozzy: I Up Top Ahk (Empire) {6}: Bbx:18, MA:23, N:53, Sg_h:30; xxl:+
  574. Murs: Captain California (Strange Music) {6}: am_h:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
  575. The Necks: Unfold (Ideologic Organ) {6}: CM:69, JC:+; jnn:7 -- TH:***
  576. Palehound: A Place I'll Always Go (Polyvinyl) {6}: DT:36, PT:11, RSh:6,
  577. William Parker & Stefano Scodanibbio Duo: Bass Duo (Centering) {6}: jck:2, jdme:3 -- TH:**
  578. Partner: In Search of Lost Time (You've Changed) {6}: Ex:20, N:67; now:9, npr_h:5
  579. Nicholas Payton: Afro-Caribbean Mixtape (Paytone/Ropeadope) {6}: JC:41, JY:48, WFM:20; ob:6 -- TH:*
  580. Hannah Peel: Mary Casio: Journey to Cassiopeia (My Own Pleasure) {6}: Dr:96, DS:21, MO:48, Pc:90, Qt:91, RM:70
  581. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 6: Saturn (Leo) {6}: jmsc:+jtb:3 -- TH:***
  582. Pessimist: Pessimist (Blackest Ever Black) {6}: C:48, DJM:32, Mix:46; am_e:+, ra:+, xlr:+
  583. Portico Quartet: Art in the Age of Automation (Gondwana) {6}: Gw:40, Pc:15; e_uk:+ -- TH:**
  584. Prophets of Rage: Prophets of Rage (Fantasy) {6}: Bq:90, Fp:56, Nd:20; df:+, mf:+
  585. PVRIS: All We Know of Heaven All We Need of Hell (Rise) {6}: Bq:11, Spk:38; ap:+, cl:17, hmv:+
  586. Raekwon: The Wild (Ice H2O/Empire) {6}: AY:182, AZ:11, HDX:8
  587. Jordan Rakei: Wallflower (09-22) {6}: Al:5, DJ:29, Mix:48
  588. Lee Ranaldo: Electric Trim (Mute) {6}: DW:88 -- RC:A-, TH:*
  589. Dizzee Rascal: Raskit (Dirtee Stank/Island) {6}: Q:19; am_h:+, e_uk:+ -- RC:**
  590. Red Planet/Bill Carrothers: Red Planet With Bill Carrothers (Shifting Paradigm) {6}: BIW:8, JC:+ -- TH:**
  591. The Rempis Percussion Quartet: Cochonnerie (Aerophonic) {6}: JC:+; jjc:+ -- TH:A-
  592. Thomas Rhett: Life Changes (Valory Music) {6}: BB:37, RS_c:40; am_c:+, scm:++, sln:9
  593. Roswell Rudd/Fay Victor/Lafayette Harris/Ken Filiano: Embrace (RareNoise) {6}: JC:75; jrm:+ -- TH:A-
  594. Jana Rush: Pariah (Objects Limited) {6}: C:47, W:6; am_e:+, ra:+
  595. Samo Salamon Sextet: The Colours Suite (Clean Feed) {6}: JC:+; jck:6 -- TH:A-
  596. Irene Schweizer/Joey Baron: Live! (Intakt) {6}: JC:51; jvv:8, ny_u:15 -- TH:***
  597. Jimmy Scott: I Go Back Home (Eden River) {6}: JC:+; jkf:1 -- TH:**
  598. Brandon Seabrook: Die Trommel Fatale (New Atlantis) {6}: CM:59, JC:+, YW:83; jjc:+ -- TH:**
  599. The Secret Sisters: You Don't Own Me Anymore (New West) {6}: RS_c:22; am_a:+, b_a:5, nod:+, scm:+
  600. Shabazz Palaces: Quazarz vs the Jealous Machines (Sub Pop) {6}: Mj:43, PO:96; am_h:+, aqd:+ -- TH:**
  601. Ed Sheeran: Divide (Atlantic/Asylum) {6}: BB:26, BE:75, Su:18, YF:42; p:7
  602. Temples: Volcano (Fat Possum) {6}: Dr:37, FO:46, Fp:84, LR:62, RT:50, UR:53; e_uk:+
  603. Timber Timbre: Sincerely Future Pollution (City Slang) {6}: FO:13, LQ:4
  604. Yves Tumor: Experiencing the Deposit of Faith (self-released) {6}: F:38, TMT:2; pf_x:15
  605. Faye Webster: Faye Webster (Awful) {6}: BS:15, GB:8; kq:+
  606. Randy Weston: The African Nubian Suite (African Rhythms 2CD) {6}: JC:+, PO:74 -- TH:A-
  607. Hype Williams: Rainbow Edition (Big Dada) {6}: C:60, Pc:57, SR:3
  608. Steven Wilson: To the Bone (Caroline) {6}: BE:44, Fp:48, Spk:31; pm_r:1
  609. Waclaw Zimpel/Jakub Ziolek: Zimpel/Ziolek (Instant Classic) {6}: Qt:2 -- TH:**
  610. Gabriel Alegria Afro-Peruvian Sextet: Diablo en Brooklyn (Saponegro) {5}: jkf:+ -- TH:A-
  611. All Time Low: Last Young Renegade (Fueled by Ramen) {5}: Bq:43, GTV:9; ap:+
  612. Ellen Arkbro: For Organ and Brass (Subtext) {5}: Mrg:6, W:17
  613. Felicia Atkinson: Hand in Hand (Shelter Press) {5}: N:89, TMT:11, W:14
  614. Kelsea Ballerini: Unapologetically (Black River) {5}: RS_c:18; am_c:+, ny_c:18, sln:10
  615. Sam Bardfeld: The Great Enthusiasms (BJU) {5}: BIW:19 -- TH:***
  616. Carlos Bica & Azul: More Than This (Clean Feed) {5}: jch:4 -- TH:***
  617. Big Sean: I Decided (GOOD/Def Jam) {5}: Cl:43, HDX:14; am_h:+, xxl:+
  618. Borderlands Trio [Stephan Crump/Kris Davis/Eric McPherson]: Asteroidea (10-15) {5}: JC:54 -- TH:A-
  619. Don Bryant: Don't Give Up on Love (Fat Possum) {5}: PO:94, TL:53; am_r:+, npr_u:+ -- TH:*
  620. Buffalo Jazz Octet: Live at Pausa Art House (Cadence Jazz) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  621. Molly Burch: Please Be Mind (Captured Tracks) {5}: DS:73, GB:47, Huh:16, P:42
  622. Cabbage: Young Dumb and Full of . . . (Skeleton Key) {5}: LW:3; xce:6
  623. Kirin J Callinan: Bravado (EMI) {5}: Eb:100, Ne:7, UR:60
  624. Michael Chapman: 50 (Paradise of Bachelors) {5}: AY:130, Dr:90, U:29; hmv:+, xde:7
  625. Bill Charlap Trio: Uptown Downtown (Impulse) {5}: JC:+, JY:89; nat:8 -- TH:**
  626. Chicago Edge Ensemble: Decaying Orbit (self-released) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  627. Benjamin Clementine: I Tell a Fly (Behind/Virgin EMI) {5}: LR:74, Spk:49, TL:47; am_s:+, npr_u:+
  628. Cleric: Resurrection (Figure -EP) {5}: YW:5 -- TH:*
  629. Avishai Cohen: Cross My Palm With Silver (ECM) {5}: JC:+; am_j:+, ny_u:16 -- TH:**
  630. Richie Cole: Latin Lover (RCP) {5}: JC:92; tn:+ -- TH:***
  631. Corbin: Mourn (Wedidit Collective) {5}: D:20, GC:41, N:57, Pg:38
  632. Miley Cyrus: Younger Now (RCA) {5}: PCr:7, Su:50 -- TH:*
  633. Deerhoof: Mountains Move (Joyful Noise) {5}: AY:197, Eb:26, GTV:41, LQ:32, UR:76
  634. Die Enttauschung: Lavaman (Intakt) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  635. DJ Quik & Problem: Rosecrans (Diamond Lane) {5}: PW:9, Up:49; xxl:+
  636. DJ Sports: Modern Species (Firecracker) {5}: C:59, GB:39; ra:+, rs_e:10, xlr:+
  637. Do Make Say Think: Stubborn Persistent Illusions (Constellation) {5}: AY:66, No:15, PM:58; ex_i:+
  638. Do Make Say Think: Stubborn Persistent Illusions (Constellation) {5}: DS:67, Pc:38, PM:58, Spk:37; am_i:+
  639. Fabiano Do Nascimento: Tempo dos Mestres (Now-Again) {5}: VF:29; ab:+, pm_w:10 -- TH:**
  640. Dave Douglas: Little Giant Still Life (Greenleaf Music) {5}: JC:63; fd:6, jfk:9 -- TH:**
  641. The Dream Syndicate: How Did I Find Myself Here? (Anti-) {5}: AY:143, LR:43, PM:57; cct:2
  642. EABS: Repetitions (Letters to Krzysztof Komeda) (Astigmatic) {5}: WFM:38; xbs:+ -- TH:***
  643. Dominique Eade & Ran Blake: Town and Country (Sunnyside) {5}: JC:62; bg_g:2, jsf:+ -- TH:*
  644. Silke Eberhard Trio: The Being Inn (Intakt) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  645. Nadah El Shazly: Ahwar (News) {5}: Bc:77, Mrg:14, W:12
  646. Ex Eye: Ex Eye (Relapse) {5}: AY:33, No:28, S:35; am:+, pm_m:17
  647. Joe Fiedler: Like Strange (Multiphonics Music) {5}: JC:+; pm_j:8 -- TH:***
  648. Filthy Friends: Invitation (Kill Rock Stars) {5}: PO:39; am_k:+ -- RC:**, TH:*
  649. Flat Worms: Flat Worms () {5}: Pc:10, RM:63, RT:26
  650. Ben Frost: The Centre Cannot Hold (Mute) {5}: AY:154, Eb:80; am_e:+, pf_x:14, xlr:+
  651. Froth: Outside (Briefly) (Wichita) {5}: Am_s:6, Pc:96; ab:+
  652. Satoko Fujii: Invisible Hound (Cortez Sound) {5}: JC:84 -- TH:A-
  653. Jake Xerxes Fussell: What in the Natural World (Paradise of Bachelors) {5}: Dr:39, RT:55, U:44; aqd:+, nap:+
  654. Nubya Garcia: Nubya's 5ive (Jazz Re:freshed) {5}: Cl:100, WFM:11 -- TH:**
  655. Gabriel Garzon-Montano: Jardin (Stones Throw) {5}: Cl:62, Mix:40; am_r:+, kc:5 -- TH:B
  656. Gato Libre: Neko (Libra) {5}: JC:+; bg_g:10, jjc:+ -- TH:**
  657. Gato Preto: Tempo (Unique) {5}: PO:75 -- TH:A-
  658. Golden Pelicans: Disciples of Blood (Goner) {5}: PO:11 -- TH:***
  659. Karen Gwyer: Rembo (Don't Be Afraid) {5}: F:19, VF:26, W:40; ra:+
  660. Rich Halley/Carson Halley: The Wild (Pine Eagle) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  661. Heads of State: Four in One (Smoke Sessions) {5}: JC:+, JY:15 -- TH:**
  662. Fred Hersch: Open Book (Palmetto) {5}: JC:25; jrm:+ -- TH:***
  663. Eric Hofbauer: Prehistoric Jazz Volume 4: Reminiscing in Tempo (Creative Nation Music) {5}: JC:+; bg_g:+ -- TH:***
  664. Joseph Huber: The Suffering Stage (self-released) {5}: scm:++ -- TH:***
  665. IFE: IIII+IIII (self-released) {5}: Bc:81, LR:59, NPR:18; am_w:+
  666. Ifriqqiya Electrique: Ruwahine (Glitterbeat) {5}: NPR:19, Qt:20, St:50
  667. Juju & Jordash: Sis-Boom-Bah! (Dekmantel) {5}: DJM:9; ab:+, ra:+
  668. Chief Keef: Thot Breaker (RBC) {5}: TMT:19, Sg_h:27; ny_c:25, pf_r:13
  669. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Murder of the Universe (ATO) {5}: BE:65, Cl:71, LW:27; bg_j:4
  670. Kodak Black: Paintin' Pictures (Atlantic) {5}: Cmp:22, MA:21, Pg:19; xxl:+
  671. Pierre Kwenders: Makanda at the End of Space the Beginning of Time (Bonsound) {5}: Bc:72, LR:89, PO:87; ex_s:10 -- TH:*
  672. Lapalux: Ruinism (Brainfeeder) {5}: DJM:29, Dr:88, DS:91, Eb:62; am_e:+
  673. Large Unit: Fluku (PNL) {5}: CM:33 -- TH:A-
  674. LA Witch: LA Witch (Suicide Squeeze) {5}: FO:44, Pc:47, PW:10
  675. Le Filles De Illighadad: Eghass Malan (Sahel Sounds) {5}: Mrg:25, YW:59; aqd:+ -- TH:**
  676. Les Filles De Illighadad: Eghass Malan (Sahelsounds) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  677. Tove Lo: Blue Lips (Island) {5}: Bae:12, RS_p:13; iv:6
  678. Mabel: Ivy to Roses (Capitol) {5}: D:16, N:39, PCr:11
  679. Brian McCarthy Nonet: The Better Angels of Our Nature (Truth Revolution) {5}: JC:+; jrm:11 -- TH:***
  680. Ernest McCarty Jr & Jimmie Smith: A Reunion Tribute to Erroll Garner (Blujazz) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  681. John McLaughlin & the Fourth Dimension: Live at Ronnie Scott's (Abstract Logix) {5}: JC:+, JW:6; ab:+
  682. MESH: Hesaitix (Pan) {5}: F:17, Qt:83, TMT:20
  683. Julia Michaels: Nervous System (Republic -EP) {5}: BB:35, Id:5
  684. Roscoe Mitchell: Discussions (Wide Hive) {5}: JC:+; nat:5 -- TH:**
  685. Charnett Moffett: Music From Our Soul (Motema) {5}: JC:95, JY:47 -- TH:***
  686. Quinsin Nachoff: Quinsin Nachoff's Ethereal Trio (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  687. Molly Nilsson: Imaginations (Dark Skies) {5}: Bc:48, GB:56, Pc:18, PW:27
  688. Noveller: Pink Sunset for No One (Fire) {5}: ABC:41, DS:5
  689. Zephaniah OHora & the 18 Wheelers: This Highway (MRI) {5}: am_a:+, scm:++ -- TH:**
  690. Eivind Opsvik: Overseas V (Loyal Label) {5}: CM:41, JC:+ -- TH:***
  691. Aruan Ortiz: Cub(an)ism (Intakt) {5}: JC:37, PO:65; jjc:+ -- TH:**
  692. Overcoats: Young (Arts & Crafts) {5}: WHP:9; npr_b:4
  693. Pain of Salvation: In the Passing Light of Day (InsideOut) {5}: Spk:9; pm_r:5
  694. Eddie Palmieri: Sabiduria/Wisdom (Ropeadope) {5}: JC:31, WFM:44 -- TH:***
  695. Pancrace: Pancrace (Penultimate Press) {5}: Mrg:4, W:44
  696. Gary Peacock Trio: Tangents (ECM) {5}: JC:89; jjc:+ -- TH:***
  697. Jeremy Pelt: Make Noise (HighNotes) {5}: CM:72, JW:18, JY:32; am_j:+
  698. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 1: Titan (Leo) {5}: jmsc:+ -- TH:A-
  699. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 2: Tarvos (Leo) {5}: jmsc:+ -- TH:A-
  700. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 3: Pandora (Leo) {5}: jmsc:+ -- TH:A-
  701. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 5: Rhea (Leo) {5}: jmsc:+ -- TH:A-
  702. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 7: Dione (Leo) {5}: JC:+; jmsc:+ -- TH:***
  703. Phronesis/Julian Arguelles/Frankfurt Radio Big Band: The Behemoth (Edition) {5}: JC:+, JW:4
  704. Pixx: The Age of Anxiety (4AD) {5}: Am_s:5, Dr:69
  705. Marvin Pontiac [John Lurie]: The Asylum Tapes (Strange and Beautiful) {5}: aqd:+ -- TH:A-
  706. Noah Preminger: Meditations on Freedom (self-released) {5}: CM:74, JC:36 -- TH:***
  707. Sean Price: Imperius Rex (Ruck Down) {5}: Al:29, Bbx:12; ab:+, am_h:+
  708. Public Enemy: Nothing Is Quick in the Desert (Enemy) {5}: -- RC:**, TH:***
  709. David Ramirez: We're Not Going Anywhere (Universal [NZ]) {5}: Blr:45, Trk:9; gl:+
  710. Shilpa Ray: Door Girl (Northern Spy) {5}: Eb:41, PT:29 -- RC:***
  711. Karriem Riggins: Headnod Suite (Stones Throw) {5}: PO:82; am_h:+, npr_c:+ -- TH:**
  712. Eve Risser/Kaja Draksler: To Pianos (Clean Feed) {5}: jap:9, jeh:+, jlre:4, jtb:11 -- TH:B
  713. Rocco John: Peace and Love (Unseen Rain) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  714. Roots Magic: Last Kind Words (Clean Feed) {5}: sg_j:18 -- TH:A-
  715. Rozwell Kid: Precious Art (Side One Dummy) {5}: Alt:6, N:69; am_q:+
  716. Christian Sands: Reach (Mack Avenue) {5}: JY:6 -- TH:**
  717. Tommy Smith: Embodying the Light: A Dedication to John Coltrane (Spartacus) {5}: JC:99 -- TH:A-
  718. The Spirit of the Beehive: Pleasure Suck (Tiny Engines) {5}: Alt:13, PT:10
  719. Dayna Stephens: Gratitude (Contagious Music) {5}: JC:53; jrm:6, jvv:10 -- TH:**
  720. Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell Live (self-released) {5}: RY:1
  721. Stik Figa: Central Standard Time (Mello Music Group) {5}: -- RC:**, TH:***
  722. Katie Thiroux: Off Beat (Capri) {5}: JY:52 -- TH:A-
  723. Anna Tivel: Small Believer (Fluff and Gravy) {5}: npr_u:+ -- TH:A-
  724. Trampolene: Swansea to Hornsey (Mi7) {5}: Bq:99, I:10; i:10
  725. A Tribe Called Quest: We Got It From Here . . . Thank You 4 Your Service (Epic -16) {5}: Mj:4, Pc:37 -- TH:[A-]
  726. Turnpike Troubadours: A Long Way From Your Heart (Bossier City) {5}: RS_c:34; am_a:+, b_a:10, scm:++ -- TH:B
  727. Ken Vandermark: Momentum 1: Stone (Audiographic 6CD -16) {5}: JC:+; jgl:7, jpa:1
  728. Ken Vandermark/Klaus Kugel/Mark Tokar: Escalator (Not Two) {5}: JC:+; tn:7 -- TH:***
  729. John Vanore: Stolen Moments: Celebrating Oliver Nelson (Acoustical Concepts) {5}: JC:68; jjs:5 -- TH:**
  730. Cuong Vu 4-Tet: Ballet (Rare Noise) {5}: JC:+; jrm:19 -- TH:***
  731. Tornado Wallace: Lonely Planet (Running Back) {5}: Pc:5, VF:34
  732. Justin Walter: Unseen Forces (Kranky) {5}: No:18, Qt:25, YW:47; am_e:+
  733. Washed Out: Mistery Mellow (Stones Throw) {5}: Al:44, GB:29, RT:66; kc:8, kq:+
  734. Roger Waters: Is This the Life We Really Want? (Columbia) {5}: BE:24, Fp:41, Mj:47, RM:48; gl:+
  735. Bobby Watson: Made in America (Smoke Sessions) {5}: JC:+, JY:14 -- TH:**
  736. David Weiss & Point of Departure: Wake Up Call (Ropeadope) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  737. Billy Woods: Known Unknowns (Blackwoodz Studioz) {5}: Ne:23; de_k:5, de_m:3
  738. Nate Wooley: Knknighgh (Minimal Poetry for Aram Saroyan) (Clean Feed) {5}: CM:21 -- TH:A-
  739. Wu-Tang: The Saga Continues (eOne) {5}: Bq:100 -- TH:A-
  740. Omri Ziegele Where's Africa: Going South (Intakt) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
  741. 03 Greedo: Purple Summer 03 (self-released) {4}: PW:14; vu_r:5
  742. Ben Allison and Think Free: Layers of the City (Sonic Camera) {4}: JC:54, JY:64; jrm:5
  743. Sebastien Ammann: Color Wheel (Skirl) {4}: -- TH:A-
  744. Tori Amos: Native Invader (Decca) {4}: Al:22, CS:32, LR:97; am_s:+
  745. Courtney Marie Andrews: Honest Life (Loose Music -16) {4}: RM:46, RT:56; hmv:+, xsc:6 -- TH:[*]
  746. Django Bates: Saluting Sgt Pepper (Edition) {4}: JC:+, JW:8 -- TH:B
  747. David Bazan: Care (Underflow) {4}: Blr:35, Eb:85, P:43; aqd:+
  748. Andrea Belfi: Ore (Float) {4}: Dr:43, WFM:6
  749. Ignacio Berroa Trio: Straight Ahead From Havana (Codes Drum Music) {4}: JY:76; jkf:+ -- TH:**
  750. Raoul Bjorkenheim Ecstasy: Doors of Perception (Cuneiform) {4}: -- TH:A-
  751. Raoul Bjorkenheim Triad: Beyond (Eclipse) {4}: jch:5 -- TH:**
  752. Mary J Blige: Strength of a Woman (Capitol) {4}: Thr:24 -- TH:***
  753. Blood Command: Cult Drugs (Fysisk Format) {4}: KYS:3
  754. Blue Note All Stars: Our Point of View (Blue Note 2CD) {4}: JC:+; am_j:+ -- TH:**
  755. Bomba Estereo: Ayo (Sony Music Latin) {4}: am_w:+, kq:+ -- TH:**
  756. Boneshaker: Thinking Out Loud (Trost) {4}: -- TH:A-
  757. Sam Braysher With Michael Kanan: Golden Earrings (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  758. Dee Dee Bridgewater: Memphis . . . Yes I'm Ready (Okeh) {4}: JC:+, JY:34; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  759. Alan Broadbent With the London Metropolitan Orchestra: Developing Story (Eden River) {4}: JC:74; jrm:10, jsf:10 -- TH:*
  760. Action Bronson: Blue Chips 7000 (Vice/Atlantic) {4}: LR:82; xxl:+ -- TH:**
  761. Peter Brotzmann/Steve Swell/Paal Nilssen-Love: Live in Tel Aviv (Not Two) {4}: JC:+; jpa:6 -- TH:**
  762. Burning Ghosts: Reclamation (Tzadik) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  763. Gerald Cannon: Combinations (Woodneck) {4}: JC:+, JY:29 -- TH:**
  764. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Alexey Lapin: Freedom Is Space for the Spirit (FMR) {4}: -- TH:A-
  765. Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert: Out of Silence (FMR) {4}: -- TH:A-
  766. Regina Carter: Ella: Accentuate the Positive (Okeh) {4}: JC:+, JY:39; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  767. Cyrus Chestnut: There's a Sweet Sweet Spirit (HighNote) {4}: JY:10; am_j:+
  768. Children of Alice: Children of Alice (Warp) {4}: SR:41, W:21; am_i:+, aqd:+
  769. Neil Cicierega: Mouth Moods (self-released) {4}: MR:21, Ne:6
  770. Citizen: As You Please (Run for Cover) {4}: Alt:11, Bq:19
  771. Alex Cline's Flower Garland Orchestra: Oceans of Vows (self-released 2CD) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  772. Club D'Elf: Live at Club Helsinki (Face Pelt 2CD) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  773. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales: Room 29 (Deutsche Grammophon) {4}: Fp:72, LQ:39, RT:63, St:35, UR:48
  774. Anat Cohen & Marcello Goncalves: Outra Coisa: The Music of Moacir Santos (Anzic) {4}: JC:+; fd:+ -- TH:**
  775. Luke Combs: This One's for You (River House/Columbia Nashville) {4}: RS_c:15; am_c:+, sln:16
  776. Chick Corea: The Musician (Stretch/Concord 3CD) {4}: JC:81, JY:18; am_j:+
  777. Rose Cousins: Natural Conclusion (Old Farm Pony) {4}: LTL:16; la_l:7, npr_u:+ -- TH:B
  778. Stephan Crump/Ingrid Laubrock/Cory Smythe: Planktonic Finales (Intakt) {4}: JC:+; jtd:2 -- TH:*
  779. CupcakKe: Queen Elizabitch (self-released) {4}: C:96, TMT:29 -- TH:**
  780. Danish String Quartet: Last Leaf (Deutsche Grammophon) {4}: Mrg:17, NPR:15
  781. Sarah Davachi: All My Circles Run (Students of Decay) {4}: Mrg:24, W:32; ex_i:+, str:7
  782. Ernest Dawkins New Horizons Ensemble: Transient Takes (Malcom) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  783. Deadspace: The Liquid Sky (663799) {4}: KYS:4
  784. Joey DeFrancesco + the People: Project Freedom (Mack Avenue) {4}: JY:7 -- TH:*
  785. DEK Trio: Construct 1: Stone (Audiographic) {4}: -- TH:A-
  786. Akua Dixon: Akua's Dance (Akua's Music) {4}: JC:+; sg_j:14 -- TH:**
  787. Gord Downie: Introduce Yerself (Arts & Crafts) {4}: Ex:10; ts:+
  788. Scott DuBois: Autumn Wind (ACT) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  789. Enter Shikari: The Spark (PIAS) {4}: Bq:7; ap:+
  790. Esmerine: Mechanics of Dominion (Constellation) {4}: AY:127, No:20; ex_i:+
  791. Peter Evans/Agusti Fernandez/Mats Gustafsson: A Quietness of Water (Not Two) {4}: jgl:5, jrj:+ -- TH:*
  792. Brent Faiyaz: Sonder Son (Lost Kids) {4}: Cl:98, DJB:22; okp:12, vib:+
  793. The Fall: New Facts Emerge (Cherry Red) {4}: LW:17, SR:27 -- TH:*
  794. Fazerdaze: Morningside (Flying Nun) {4}: NZH:11, UR:98; xab:10
  795. FCT = Francesco Cusa Trio Meets Carlo Atti: From Sun Ra to Donald Trump (Clean Feed) {4}: -- TH:A-
  796. Foxygen: Hang (Jagjaguwar) {4}: AZ:24, BE:53, PM:45, UR:27
  797. Free Radicals: Outside the Comfort Zone (Free Rads) {4}: -- TH:A-
  798. Leandro Fresco + Rafael Anton Irisarri: La Equidistancia (A Strangely Isolated Place) {4}: YW:57; pm_b:1
  799. Nelly Furtado: The Ride (Nelstar) {4}: ABC:30, Id:14, Sl:25
  800. Joana Gama/Luis Fernandes/Richardo Jacinto: Harmonies (Shhpuma) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  801. Laszlo Gardony: Serious Play (Solo Piano) (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; bg_g:5 -- TH:*
  802. Charles Gayle Trio: Solar System (ForTune) {4}: -- TH:A-
  803. Howe Gelb: Future Standards (Fire) {4}: -- RC:***, TH:*
  804. Camilla George Quartet: Isang (Ubuntu Music) {4}: JC:+; sg_j:3 -- TH:*
  805. Joe Goddard: Electric Lines (Greco-Roman/Domino) {4}: Mix:14, Trk:34; hmv:+
  806. Goldie: The Journey Man (Metalheadz) {4}: DJM:5
  807. Gorilla Mask: Iron Lung (Clean Feed) {4}: -- TH:A-
  808. Gospelbeach: Another Summer of Love (Alive Naturalsound) {4}: am_k:+, sd:1
  809. Great Grandpa: Plastic Cough (Double Double Whammy) {4}: Alt:5
  810. Jacques Greene: Feel Infinite (Lucky Me) {4}: Mix:13; ex_e:4
  811. Mary Halvorson: Paimon: The Book of Angels Volume 32 (Tzadik) {4}: JC:+; jap:10, jjc:8, jmsk:9
  812. Hamell on Trial: Big Mouth Strikes Again: Hamell Live (New West) {4}: -- TH:A-
  813. Armand Hammer: Rome (Blackwoodz Studioz) {4}: PW:16, Sg_h:28; de_k:6
  814. Tom Hang: To Be Held in a Non Position (Tidy Bedroom) {4}: VF:5
  815. Hello Skinny: Watermelon Sun (Brownswood) {4}: VF:25, WFM:10
  816. Hercules and Love Affair: Omnion () {4}: RM:49, RT:51; am_e:+, e_uk:+
  817. Hoops: Routines (Fat Possum) {4}: Am_s:14, DT:45, GB:21
  818. Jason Kao Hwang: Sing House (Euonymous) {4}: JC:65 -- TH:***
  819. Ikonika: Distractions (Hyperdub) {4}: Cl:25, DJM:10
  820. Iron Chic: You Can't Stay Here (Side One Dummy) {4}: AV:19, Bq:75; am_q:+
  821. Benedikt Jahnel Trio: The Invariant (ECM) {4}: JC:+; jkf:6 -- TH:**
  822. Garland Jeffreys: 14 Steps to Harlem (Luna Park) {4}: PO:36 -- RC:**, TH:*
  823. Johnny Jewel: Windswept (Italians Do It Better) {4}: CS:50, DS:44, GB:48; sl_w:+
  824. Jidenna: The Chief (Wondaland/Epic) {4}: RU:9; ny_c:16
  825. Howard Johnson and Gravity: Testimony (Tuscarora) {4}: JC:+, JY:84 -- TH:**
  826. Chuck Johnson: Balsams (Vdsq) {4}: Mrg:38, U:23; aqd:+, hc_d:9
  827. Kacy & Clayton: The Siren's Song (New West) {4}: am_a:+, aqd:+, gl:++
  828. Goran Kajfes Subtropic Arkestra: The Reason Why Vol 3 (Headspin) {4}: BIW:12; jeh:+, tr_J:+
  829. Noah Kaplan Quartet: Cluster Swerve (Hatology) {4}: -- TH:A-
  830. Kasabian: For Crying Out Loud (Sony) {4}: Q:35, NME:33, Su:29; rx:+
  831. Ryan Keberle & Catharsis: Find the Common Shine a Light (Greenleaf Music) {4}: jrm:+, pm_j:11 -- TH:**
  832. Paul Kelly: Life Is Fine (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: DJ:8, RS_A:31
  833. King Crimson: Official Bootleg: Live in Chicago June 28th 2017 (Discipline Global Mobile) {4}: RY:3
  834. Lisa Knapp: Til April Is Dead: A Garland of May (Ear to the Ground) {4}: FR:10, G:49
  835. Lee Konitz: Frescalalto (Impulse) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  836. Koreatown Oddity: Finna Be Past Tense (Stones Throw) {4}: YW:11 -- TH:**
  837. Talib Kweli: Radio Silence (Javotti Media) {4}: ABC:15, Al:36; am_h:+
  838. Steve Lacy: Steve Lacy's Demo (Three Quarter -EP) {4}: DT:28, MA:24, PO:28, Thr:40 -- TH:B
  839. Brian Landrus Orchestra: Generations (BlueLand) {4}: JC:47; fd:+ -- TH:**
  840. Lecrae: All Things Work Together (Reach/Columbia) {4}: Al:32, GC:34, Rel:24; sjm:+
  841. Led Bib: Umbrella Weather (RareNoise) {4}: CM:67, JC:+; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  842. Lindstrom: It's Alright Between Us as It Is (Feedelity) {4}: Mix:36, Pc:81, U:48; am_e:+
  843. Lodz: Time Doesn't Heal Anything (Klonosphere) {4}: KYS:2
  844. Lowly: Heba (Bella Union) {4}: AY:124, Cl:82, Dr:87, RT:91
  845. L'Rain: L'Rain (Astro Nautico) {4}: Bc:10; pf_x:17
  846. Luka Productions: Fasokan (Sahel Sounds) {4}: VF:33; aqd:+ -- TH:**
  847. David Luning: Restless (Blue Rose Music) {4}: LTL:2
  848. Shelby Lynne & Allison Moorer: Not Dark Yet (Silver Cross/Thirty Tigers) {4}: AY:188, P:49; pm_a:5
  849. Gucci Mane: Mr Davis (Atlantic) {4}: LR:91; am_h:+, e_uk:+, kq:+
  850. Mat Maneri/Evan Parker/Lucian Ban: Sounding Tears (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jdbk:8 -- TH:*
  851. Mark Masters Ensemble: Blue Skylight (Capri) {4}: JC:+, JY:85 -- TH:**
  852. Imelda May: Life Love Flesh Blood (Decca) {4}: St:20, Su:41; am_p:+
  853. Nick Mazzarella & Tomeka Reid: Signaling (Nessa) {4}: JC:+; fd:+, jtd:5
  854. Gary Meek: Originals (self-released) {4}: JC:+; jkf:+ -- TH:**
  855. Melvins: A Walk With Love and Death (Ipecac) {4}: Df:11, LW:15
  856. Lisa Mezzacappa: Glorious Ravage (New World) {4}: JC:+; ab:+, jjs:6 -- TH:*
  857. Billy Mintz: Ugly Beautiful (Thirteenth Note) {4}: JC:+; jjc:+ -- TH:**
  858. Modern Mal: The Misanthrope Family Album (Mal) {4}: -- RC:B+, TH:*
  859. Jason Moran: Bangs (Yes) {4}: JC:68; npr_c:4, sl_w:+
  860. Gurf Morlix: The Soul & the Heal (Rootball) {4}: -- RC:**, TH:**
  861. Mostly Other People Do the Killing: Paint (Hot Cup) {4}: JC:99 -- TH:***
  862. Kyle Motl Trio: Panjandrums (Metatrope) {4}: jrj:+ -- TH:***
  863. Alison Moyet: Other (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: Al:6, MO:45
  864. Michael Nau: Some Twist (Suicide Squeeze) {4}: LR:49, Pc:16; aqd:+
  865. Steve Nelson: Brothers Under the Sun (HighNote) {4}: JC:+, JY:12; jrm:8
  866. Neukollner Modelle: Sektion 3-7 (Umlaut) {4}: JC:+; jfn:4, jsb:+
  867. Nite Jewel: Real High (Gloriette) {4}: Am_s:40, AY:191, GB:13
  868. Gary Numan: Savage (Songs From a Broken World) (BMG) {4}: Qt:48, RM:56, Su:45; cct:7
  869. Uwe Oberg/Rudi Mahall/Michael Griener: Lacy Pool 2 (Leo) {4}: JC:96 -- TH:***
  870. Arturo O'Farrill & Chucho Valdes: Familia: Tribute to Bebo & Chico (Motema) {4}: JC:+; am_j:+ -- TH:**
  871. Emile Parisien/Vincent Peirani/Andreas Schaerer/Michael Wollny: Out of Land (ACT) {4}: JC:+, JW:9 -- TH:B
  872. Evan Parker & RGG: Live @ Alchemia (Fundacja Sluchaj) {4}: -- TH:A-
  873. Part Chimp: IV (Rock Action) {4}: DW:91, LW:67, Qt:84, SR:30
  874. Mario Pavone: Vertical (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  875. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/Joe Hertenstein: Scalene (Leo) {4}: -- TH:A-
  876. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/William Parker/Bobby Kapp: Heptagon (Leo) {4}: -- TH:A-
  877. Katy Perry: Witness (Capitol) {4}: DS:46, Id:8
  878. Pharmakon: Contact (Sacred Bones) {4}: No:40, TMT:42; pf_x:20, tr_e:8
  879. Courtney Pine: Black Notes From the Deep (Freestyle) {4}: JC:+, JW:16; am_j:+
  880. Playboy Manbaby: Don't Let It Be (Dirty Water) {4}: AZ:3
  881. Karine Polwart & Pippa Murphy: A Pocket of Wind Resistance (Hudson) {4}: AY:4
  882. Pond: The Weather (Marathon Artists) {4}:
  883. Gregory Porter: Nat "King" Cole & Me (Blue Note) {4}: Al:30, JC:+, JY:79; am_j:+ -- TH:C+
  884. Quicksand: Interiors (Epitaph) {4}: AY:193, Crh:20, PT:49
  885. Anne Quillier 6tet: Dusty Shelters (Prince-Oreilles) {4}: BIW:7, JC:+
  886. Rag'n'Bone Man: Human (Sony UK) {4}: RM:62, Su:42; df:+, mf:+ -- TH:B-
  887. Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement: Ambient Black Magic (Hospital Productions) {4}: F:32, Qt:63, YW:89; xlr:+
  888. Mette Rasmussen/Tashi Dorji/Tyler Damon: To the Animal Kingdom (Trost) {4}: jlre:2, jtb:5
  889. Dave Rempis/Matt Piet/Tim Daisy: Hit the Ground Running (Aerophonic) {4}: jtb:9 -- TH:***
  890. Max Richter: Three Worlds: Music From Woolf Works (Deutsche Grammophon) {4}: AY:134, DS:72, RM:59; am:+
  891. Jason Rigby: Detroit-Cleveland Trio: One (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  892. Stephen Riley/Peter Zak: Deuce (SteepleChase) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
  893. Troy Roberts: Tales & Tones (Inner Circle) {4}: JC:+, JY:78 -- TH:**
  894. RVG: Quality of Mercy (Island) {4}: DJ:47; mav:5, rb:+
  895. Sacred Paws: Strike a Match (Rock Action) {4}: AY:196, LW:40; am:+, am_i:+
  896. Marta Sanchez Quintet: Danza Imposible (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: BIW:36, JC:+ -- TH:**
  897. The Angelica Sanchez Trio: Float the Edge (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:57, JC:+ -- TH:**
  898. Romeo Santos: Golden (Sony Latin) {4}: BB:39, HV:17 -- TH:*
  899. Greg Saunier/Mary Halvorson/Ron Miles: New American Songbooks Volume 1 (Sound American) {4}: JC:+; jeh:+, npr_c:4
  900. Saz'iso: At Least Wave Your Handkerchief at Me: The Joys and Sorrows of Southern Albanian Songs (Glitterbeat) {4}: FR:4
  901. Matthew Shipp Quartet: Not Bound (ForTune) {4}: -- TH:A-
  902. ShitKid: EP 2 (PNKSLM -EP) {4}: DW:12, MR:20 -- TH:B
  903. Paula Shocron/German Lamonega/Pablo Diaz: Tensegridad (Hatology) {4}: JC:+; jpa:10 -- TH:**
  904. Show Me the Body: Corpus I (Loma Vista) {4}: C:99, MA:15, PT:46
  905. Sinkane: Life & Livin' It (City Slang) {4}: LR:40, Pc:62, RT:80; aqd:+
  906. Sir the Baptist: Saint or Sinner (Atlantic) {4}: ct:4, so_g:4
  907. Steve Slagle: Alto Manhattan (Panorama) {4}: JY:49 -- TH:***
  908. Slaughter Beach Dog: Birdie (Lame-O) {4}: Alt:17, Bq:98, N:72
  909. The Smith Street Band: More Scared of You Than You Are of Me (Side One Dummy) {4}: Bq:45, RS_A:37, Spk:44; smh:+
  910. Martial Solal & Dave Liebman: Masters in Bordeaux (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:70 -- TH:***
  911. Spellling: Pantheon of Me (self-released) {4}: Bc:4 -- TH:B
  912. Steffi: World of the Waking State (Ostgut Ton) {4}: C:70, DJM:19; ra:+
  913. Mike Stern: Trip (Heads Up) {4}: JC:+, JY:94; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  914. Sufjan Stevens/Bryce Dessner/Nico Muhly/James McAlister: Planetarium (4AD) {4}: BE:54, RM:47, UR:23; tvd:10
  915. SWIDT: Stoneyhunga (Universal [New Zealand]) {4}: NZH:5
  916. Pat Thomas: Elephant Clock of Al Jazari (Otoroku) {4}: JC:+; jmsc:9, qt_j:4
  917. Ralph Towner: My Foolish Heart (ECM) {4}: JC:78; jrm:12 -- TH:**
  918. Trespass Trio: The Spirit of Pitesti (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:62, JC:+; jtd:7 -- TH:*
  919. Tricky: Ununiform (False Idols) {4}: ABC:50, C:91, UR:78 -- TH:*
  920. Umfang: Symbolic Use of Light (Technicolour) {4}: C:80, Dr:89, F:37, Mix:26
  921. UNKLE: The Road: Part 1 (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: Fp:97, LW:13; e_uk:+
  922. Vector Families: For Those About to Jazz/Rock We Salute You (Sunnyside) {4}: -- TH:A-
  923. Velkro: Too Lazy to Panic (Clean Feed) {4}: -- TH:A-
  924. Roy Woods: Say Less (OVO Sound/Warner Bros) {4}: YW:15 -- TH:**
  925. The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die: Always Foreign (Epitaph) {4}: 405:12, Alt:45, Spk:47
  926. Allie X: CollXtion II (Sugar Music) {4}: Id:15, PCr:12
  927. Young Dolph: Thinking Out Loud (Paper Route Empire) {4}: Cmp:39, Sg_h:31; wp:+, xxl:+
  928. Your Old Droog: Packs (Fat Beats) {4}: BV:45, Pc:31, Sg_h:39; ab:+
  929. Bobby Zankel & the Wonderful Sound 6: Celebrating William Parker @ 65 (Not Two) {4}: JC:+; tn:9 -- TH:**
  930. Zed Bias: Different Response (Exit) {4}: DJM:4
  931. Espen Aalberg/Jonas Kullhammar/Torbjörn Zetterberg/Susana Santos Silva: Basement Sessions Vol 4 (The Bali Tapes) (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  932. Snoh Aalegra: Feels (Artium) {3}: DJB:46, RU:19
  933. Greg Abate/Tim Ray Trio: Road to Forever (Whaling City Sound) {3}: JC:+, JY:61 -- TH:*
  934. Antonio Adolfo: Hybrido: From Rio to Wayne Shorter (AAM) {3}: JY:16; jkf:+ -- TH:B
  935. Airiel: Molten Young Lovers (Shelflife) {3}: Am_s:7
  936. Tony Allen: A Tribute to Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers (Blue Note -EP) {3}: PO:71 -- TH:**
  937. Jason Anick & Jason Yeager: United (Inner Circle) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  938. Bill Anschell: Rumbler (Origin) {3}: jrm:+ -- TH:**
  939. Erlend Apneseth Trio: Ara (Hubro) {3}: JC:+, Mrg:13
  940. Juliette Armanet: Petite Amie (Barclay) {3}: LR:6
  941. ASAP Twelvyy: 12 (ASAP Worldwide/Polo Grounds) {3}: Cmp:32, HS:+; xxl:+
  942. Atomic: Six Easy Pieces (Odin) {3}: CM:44 -- TH:**
  943. Bad History Month: Dead and Loving It: An Introductory Exploration of Pessimysticism (Exploding in Sound) {3}: PT:9
  944. Ballister: Slag (Aerophonic) {3}: jmsk:4 -- TH:*
  945. Rahsaan Barber: The Music in the Night (Jazz Music City) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  946. Sophie Barker: Break the Habit (Disco Gecko) {3}: ABC:10
  947. Django Bates' Beloved: The Study of Touch (ECM) {3}: JC:81; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  948. Stefano Battaglia: Pelagos (ECM) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  949. Cardi B: Gangsta Bitch Music Vol 2 (KSR) {3}: Qt:97, Sg_h:22 -- TH:*
  950. Belly: Mumble Rap (Def Jam) {3}: HDX:9
  951. Peter Bernstein: Signs LIVE! (Smoke Sessions) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  952. Big Bold Back Bone: In Search of the Emerging Species (Shhpuma) {3}: jdbk:3, jdst:9 -- TH:B
  953. David Binney: The Time Verses (Criss Cross) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  954. Bitchin Bajas: Bajas Fresh (Drag City) {3}: U:60; aqd:+, rc:+
  955. The Black Madonna: RA.600 (Resident Advisor) {3}: MR:9
  956. Brian Blade & the Fellowship Band: Body and Shadow (Blue Note) {3}: BIW:37, JC:+; am_h:+ -- TH:B-
  957. Jean-Michel Blais & CFCF: Cascades (Arts & Crafts) {3}: DS:14; pm_b:6
  958. Theo Bleckmann: Elegy (ECM) {3}: JC:+; nat:+ -- TH:*
  959. Lena Bloch & Feathery: Heart Knows (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: JC:90; jjc:+ -- TH:*
  960. Blood Cultures: Happy Birthday () {3}: Spk:6
  961. Blue Rose Code: The Water of Leith (Navigator) {3}: FR:+, GTV:14
  962. Blushh + Maddie Ross: Split (self-released -EP) {3}: DW:42 -- TH:**
  963. Boston Modern Orchestra Project: Stephen Hartke: The Ascent of the Equestrian in a Balloon (BMOP/sound) {3}: nat:1
  964. Daniel Brandt: Eternal Something (Erased Tapes) {3}: Dr:41, No:13
  965. John Butcher/Damon Smith/Weasel Walter: The Catastrophe of Minimalism (Ballance Point Acoustics) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  966. Wednesday Campanella: Superman (Atlantic) {3}: D:19, PCr:17
  967. Laura Cannell: Hunter Huntress Hawker (Brawl) {3}: Qt:16; jlre:8
  968. Can't Swim: Fail You Again (Pure Noise) {3}: Blr:34, Bq:53; ap:+
  969. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: On the Echoing Green (Mexican Summer) {3}: LR:33; aqd:+, pf_x:13
  970. Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes: Modern Ruin (International Death Cult) {3}: Bq:31, LW:26; ap:+
  971. Ernesto Cervini's Turboprop: Rev (Anzic) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  972. Yves Charuest/Agusti Fernandez/Nicolas Caloia/Peter Valsamis: Stir (Tour de Bras) {3}: JC+; jfn:9, jsb:+
  973. Stef Chura: Messes (Urinal Cake) {3}: am_i:+ -- RC:**
  974. Circle: Terminal (Southern Lord) {3}: Qt:19, W:34
  975. Counterfeit: Together We Are Stronger (Xtra Mile) {3}: GTV:7
  976. Counterparts: You're Not You Anymore (Pure Noise) {3}: DW:74, Sg:29; ap:+
  977. Crystal Fairy: Chrystal Fairy (Ipecac) {3}: Crh:19, LW:33
  978. Damso: Ipseite (92I) {3}: LR:9
  979. Dauwd: Theory of Colours (Technicolour) {3}: AY:187, Mix:30; am_e:+
  980. Ray Davies: Americana (Legacy) {3}: Fp:42; am_s:+, rc:+
  981. Death From Above: Outrage! Is Now (Warner Bros) {3}: Cl:67, LW:77, Ne:49
  982. DEK Trio: Construct 2: Artfacts (Audiographic) {3}: -- TH:***
  983. DEK Trio: Construct 3: Divadlo 29 (Audiographic) {3}: -- TH:***
  984. Jon De Lucia Group: As the River Sings (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: -- TH:***
  985. Tom Dempsey/Tim Ferguson Quartet: Waltz New (OA2) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  986. Corey Dennison Band: Night After Night (Delmark) {3}: -- TH:***
  987. Whit Dickey/Mat Maneri/Matthew Shipp: Vessel in Orbit (AUM Fidelity) {3}: -- TH:***
  988. Honey Dijon: The Best of Both Worlds (Classic Music) {3}: DJM:20; Mix:28
  989. Aaron Dilloway: The Gag File (Dais) {3}: F:46, No:23, W:39
  990. DJ Format & Abdominal: Still Hungry () {3}: RM:76, YW:17
  991. Dalton Domino: Corners (Lightning Rod) {3}: scm:+ -- TH:**
  992. The Dorf: Lux (Umland) {3}: jsg:1
  993. Drab Majesty: The Demonstration (Dais) {3}: Am_s:30, GB:51, PT:24
  994. Kaja Draksler Octet: Gledalec (Clean Feed 2CD) {3}: JC:+, Mrg:20 -- TH:B
  995. Mark Dresser: Modicana (NoBusiness) {3}: jch:9 -- TH:**
  996. The Drums: Abysmal Thoughts (Anti-) {3}: Am_s:36, Eb:45; ath:+
  997. Isabelle Duthoit/Franz Hautzinger: Lily (Relative Pitch) {3}: jap:4, jeh:+
  998. Harris Eisenstadt Canada Day Quartet: On Parade in Parede (Clean Feed) {3}: CM:58 -- TH:**
  999. Harris Eisenstadt: Recent Developments (Songlines) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1000. Electric Wizard: Wizard Bloody Wizard (Spinefarm) {3}: Crh:16, Qt:62
  1001. Katie Ellen: Cowgirl Blues (Lauren) {3}: DW:80, N:28; spt:+
  1002. Employed to Serve: The Warmth of a Dying Sun (Holy Roar) {3}: KYS:10
  1003. Endless Boogie: Vibe Killer (No/Quarter) {3}: Dr:80, Mj:41; aqd:+
  1004. Lawrence English: Cruel Optimism (Room40) {3}: AY:194, TMT:30; am_e:+
  1005. Christoph Erb/Jim Baker/Frank Rosaly: . . . Don't Buy Him a Parrot . . . (Hatology) {3}: -- TH:***
  1006. Kevin Eubanks: East West Time Line (Mack Avenue) {3}: JY:13 -- TH:*
  1007. ExpEAR & Drew Gress: Vesper (Kopasetic) {3}: -- TH:***
  1008. Adam Fairhall: Friendly Ghosts (Efpi) {3}: -- TH:***
  1009. Nathan Fake: Providence (Ninja Tune) {3}: DJM:18, F:50
  1010. Erica Falls: Home Grown (Southern Girls) {3}: PO:100 -- TH:**
  1011. Nick Finzer: Hear & Now (Outside In Music) {3}: JC:+, JY:24 -- TH:*
  1012. Fjort: Couleur (Grand Hotel Van Cleef) {3}: KYS:8
  1013. Chris Forsyth & the Solar Motel Band: Dreaming in the Non-Dream (No Quarter) {3}: Dr:46, U:52; aqd:+
  1014. Frontier Ruckus: Enter the Kingdom (Loose Music) {3}: -- RC:***
  1015. Champian Fulton & Scott Hamilton: The Things We Did Last Summer (Blau) {3}: JC:+, JY:91 -- TH:*
  1016. Diamanda Galas: All the Way (Virtual Label) {3}: Bc:78, W:19
  1017. Patrick Gallois: Cimarosa: Overtures Vol 5 (Naxos -16) {3}: YW:9
  1018. Hal Galper and the Youngbloods: Live at the Cota Jazz Festival (Origin) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1019. Gerry Gibbs & Thrasher People: Weather or Not (Whaling City Sound -2CD) {3}: JY:8 -- TH:B
  1020. Jean-Brice Godet: Lignes De Cretes (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1021. Ben Goldberg School: Vol 1: The Humanities (BAG) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1022. Gold Class: Drum (Felte) {3}: DJ:20; mav:9
  1023. Golden Teacher: No Luscious Life (self-released) {3}: VF:13, W:28
  1024. Wesley Gonzalez: Excellent Musician (Moshi Moshi) {3}: LQ:21, SR:18
  1025. Gordon Grdina Quartet: Inroads (Songlines) {3}: -- TH:***
  1026. Guerilla Toss: GT Ultra (DFA) {3}: Ne:27, Sg:45; spt:+
  1027. G-Worthy: G-Worthy (Fool's Gold) {3}: PW:13; xxl:+
  1028. Noah Haidu: Infinite Distances (Cellar Live) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1029. Charlie Halloran: Ce Biguine! (self-released) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1030. Ross Hammond + Jon Bafus: Masonic Lawn (Prescott) {3}: -- TH:***
  1031. Hand Habits: Wildly Idle (Woodsist) {3}: PT:42, RT:18
  1032. Happyness: Write In (Bar None) {3}: DT:41, No:39, Pc:56
  1033. Haram: When You Have Won You Have Lost (self-released) {3}: Bc:85, DW:89, N:56
  1034. Keyon Harrold: The Mugician (Legacy) {3}: WFM:40; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  1035. Hater: You Tried (PNKSLM) {3}: Blr:40, GB:20
  1036. Sinjin Hawke: First Opus (Fractal Fantasy) {3}: Mix:20, Ne:50
  1037. Tim Heidecker: Too Dumb for Suicide: Tim Heidecker's Trump Songs (Jagjaguwar) {3}: -- RC:B+, TH:B
  1038. G Herbo: Humble Beast (Machine Entertainment Group) {3}: Bbx:23, DJB:44; xxl:+
  1039. Vincent Herring: Hard Times (Smoke Sessions) {3}: JC:+, JY:88 -- TH:*
  1040. Hey Violet: From the Outside (Hi or Hey/Capitol/Caroline) {3}: MR:41; ny_c:4
  1041. Higher Brothers: Black Cab (CXSHXNLY) {3}: DW:27, Sl:23; ir:13
  1042. Chris Hillman: Bidin' My Time (Universal) {3}: am_a:+, la_h:5
  1043. Ho99o9: United States of Horror (Deathkult) {3}: LQ:38, LR:30, LW:84
  1044. Dre Hocevar: Surface of Inscription (Clean Feed) {3}: jdbk:1 -- TH:B-
  1045. Hodera: First Things First (Take This to Heart) {3}: Alt:9
  1046. Eric Hofbauer: Ghost Frets (Creative Nation Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1047. Holy Holy: Paint (Wonderlick Entertainment) {3}: DJ:22, RS_A:34; owl:+
  1048. House and Land: House and Land (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Mg:25, U:56; aqd:+
  1049. Nabihah Iqbal: Weighing of the Heart (Ninja Tune) {3}: Am_s:22, F:29; ab:+
  1050. Sherman Irby & Momentum: Cerulean Canvas (Black Warrior) {3}: JC:+, jrm:9 -- TH:*
  1051. Iron & Wine: Beast Epic (Sub Pop) {3}: Fp:89; am_s:+, nod:+
  1052. The Isley Brothers/Santana: Power of Peace (Legacy) {3}: -- RC:***
  1053. Dylan Jack Quartet: Diagrams (Creative Nation Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1054. The Jazz Passengers: Still Life With Trouble (Thirsty Ear) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1055. Ingrid and Christine Jensen: Infinitude (Whirlwind -16) {3}: JC:+; jkf:5 -- TH:[**]
  1056. JFDR [Jofridur Akadottir]: Brazil (White Sun Rec) {3}: LBF:8
  1057. Paul Jones: Clean (Outside In Music) {3}: BIW:11, JC:+ -- TH:B
  1058. Sean Jones: Live From Jazz at the Bistro (Mack Avenue) {3}: JC:+, JY:35 -- TH:*
  1059. Majid Jordan: The Space Between (OVO Sound/Warner Bros) {3}: DJB:33, RU:13
  1060. Jupiter & Okwess: Kin Sonic (Glitterbeat) {3}: FR:+ -- TH:**
  1061. Sundara Karma: Youth Is Only Ever Fun in Retrospect (Sony) {3}: Bq:25, Gw:37, Trk:37
  1062. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Polygondwanaland (self-released) {3}: AY:135, BE:57, ; pf_k:17
  1063. King Woman: Created in the Image of Suffering (Relapse) {3}: LW:58, N:22; owl:+
  1064. Mon Laferte: La Trenza (Universal) {3}: ab:+, am_w:+, hc_g:+
  1065. Natalia LaFourcade: Musas (Columbia) {3}: am_w:+, sdu:8, str:9
  1066. LAMA + Joachim Badenhorst: Metamorphosis (Clean Feed) {3}: jsg:3 -- TH:*
  1067. Michel Lambert: Alom Mola (Jazz From Rant) {3}: -- TH:***
  1068. Zara Larsson: So Good (Epic/TEN) {3}: am_p:+ -- TH:**
  1069. La Santa Cecilia: Amar y Vivir (Universal Music) {3}: NPR:25; am:+, am_w:+
  1070. The Last Dinosaur: The Nothing (Naim) {3}: No:46, Trk:18
  1071. Matt Lavelle/Lewis Porter/Hilliard Greene/Tom Cabrera: Matt Lavelle Quartet (Unseen Rain) {3}: -- TH:***
  1072. Lean Left: I Forgot to Breathe (Trost) {3}: jdbk:7 -- TH:**
  1073. Lee Ann Ledgerwood: Renewal (SteepleChase) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1074. R Andrew Lee: The Four Pillars Appearing From the Equal D Under Resonating Apparitions of the Eternal Process in the Midwinter Starfield 16 VIII 10 (Kansas City) (Irritable Hedgehog Music) {3}: Mrg:9
  1075. Leveret: Inventions (RootBeat) {3}: FR:9
  1076. Allegra Levy: Cities Between Us (SteepleChase) {3}: -- TH:***
  1077. Liebman/Murley Quartet: Live at U of T (U of T Jazz) {3}: -- TH:***
  1078. Mr Lif & Brass Menazeri: Resilient (Waxsimile) {3}: -- RC:**, TH:*
  1079. Lillie Mae: Forever and Then Some (Third Man) {3}: RT:88; b_a:3
  1080. Lil Yachty: Teenage Emotions (Quality Control/Capitol/Motown) {3}: DW:47, LR:79; owl:+
  1081. Little Barrie: Death Express (Non-Delux) {3}: RM:73; am_k:+, sd:6
  1082. Little Dragon: Season High (Loma Vista) {3}: Sk:46, UR:93; e_uk:+
  1083. Lomelda: Thx (Double Double Whammy) {3}: PT:17, Sg:35
  1084. Lone Taxidermist: Trifle (MemeTune) {3}: Qt:9
  1085. Mike Longo Trio: Only Time Will Tell (CAP) {3}: JY:63 -- TH:**
  1086. Lost Horizons: Ojala (Bella Union) {3}: RT:39; am:+, am_i:+
  1087. Lower Slaughter: What Big Eyes (Box) {3}: LQ:31, RM:72; am_q:+
  1088. Harold Mabern: To Love and Be Loved (Smoke Sessions) {3}: JC:+, JY:27 -- TH:*
  1089. Doug MacDonald: Jazz Marathon 2 (BluJazz -2CD) {3}: -- TH:***
  1090. Macklemore: Gemini (Bendo) {3}: Bbx:20; am_h:+
  1091. Holly Macve: Golden Eagle (Bella Union) {3}: RM:94, RT:13
  1092. Mad Professor/Jah9: Mad Professor Meets Jah9 in the Midst of the Storm (VP) {3}: xjm:7 -- TH:**
  1093. The Magnettes: Ugly Youth (DigSin) {3}: PCr:8
  1094. Roberto Magris Sextet: Live in Miami @ the WDNA Jazz Gallery (JMood) {3}: -- TH:***
  1095. The Maine: Lovely Little Lonely (self-released) {3}: Ch:13; ap:+
  1096. Makthaverskan: III (Run for Cover) {3}: Bc:92, YW:52; am_i:+
  1097. Tony Malaby/Mat Maneri/Daniel Levin: New Artifacts (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1098. Russell Malone: Time for the Dancers (HighNote) {3}: JC:+, JY:17
  1099. Terrace Martin Presents the Pollyseeds: Sounds of Crenshaw Vol 1 (Ropeadope) {3}: AY:179, JC:+; am_r:+
  1100. Spoek Mathambo: Mzansi Beat Code (TEKA) {3}: xkm:4 -- TH:*
  1101. The Mavericks: Brand New Day (Mono Mundo) {3}: RS_c:23, TL:23; am_a:+
  1102. Maximo Park: Risk to Exist (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: Bq:84, LW:71; rx:+
  1103. Dent May: Across the Multiverse (Carpark) {3}: Bc:86, LR:80; am_s:+
  1104. John Mayer: The Search for Everything (Columbia) {3}: Cmp:38 -- RC:**
  1105. Rob Mazurek: Rome (Clean Feed) {3}: jdbk:4 -- TH:*
  1106. Tim McGraw and Faith Hill: The Rest of Our Life (Arista Nashville) {3}: sln:19, tbt:2
  1107. Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness: Zombies on Broadway (Vanguard) {3}: Ch:15; ap:+
  1108. John Mark McMillan: Mercury & Lightning (Lionhawk) {3}: Rel:8
  1109. John McNeil/Mike Fahie: Plainsong (Destiny) {3}: JC:+; jsf:2
  1110. Joe McPhee/Pascal Niggenkemper/Stale Liavik Solberg: Imaginary Numbers (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1111. Travis Meadows: First Cigarette (Blaster) {3}: RS_c:20, Up:41
  1112. Meat Wave: The Incessant (Side One Dummy) {3}: Alt:14; am_q:+
  1113. Mega Bog: Happy Together (Nicey Music) {3}: GB:10
  1114. Bob Merrill: Tell Me Your Troubles: Songs by Joe Bushkin (Accurate) {3}: -- TH:***
  1115. Tift Merritt: Stitch of the World (Yep Roc) {3}: Al:48; am_s:+ -- TH:*
  1116. Methyl Ethel: Everything Is Forgotten (4AD) {3}: DJ:45, NEM:28, Sk:28
  1117. Metz: Strange Peace () {3}: RM:71, RT:96; am_q:+
  1118. Midnight: Nocturnal (self-released -EP) {3}: KYS:15; mmg:+
  1119. Nidia Minaj: Nidia E Ma Nidia E Fudida (Principe) {3}: F:27, N:93; rs_e:6
  1120. Mdou Moctar: Sousoume Tamachek (Sahel Sounds) {3}: YW:66; nap:+ -- TH:*
  1121. Marcus Monteiro: Another Part of Me (Whaling City Sound) {3}: -- TH:***
  1122. Moon Duo: Occult Architecture Vol 1 (Sacred Bones) {3}: MO:29, Pc:63, RM:27
  1123. Jason Moran and the Bandwagon: Thanksgiving at the Vanguard (Yes) {3}: JC:45; jfk:7 -- TH:*
  1124. Jason Moran: MASS (Howl, eon) (Yes) {3}: JC:+; jfk:2
  1125. The MUH Trio [Roberto Magris/Frantisek Uhlir/Jaromir Helesic]: Prague After Dark (JMood) {3}: -- TH:***
  1126. Doug Munro and La Pompe Attack: The Harry Warren Songbook (GotMusic) {3}: -- TH:***
  1127. The Mynabirds: Be Here Now (Saddle Creek) {3}: DS:41, Eb:94; owh:+
  1128. Simon Nabatov/Max Johnson/Michael Sarin: Free Reservoir (Leo) {3}: -- TH:***
  1129. Zaid Nasser: The Stroller (SteepleChase) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1130. Vadim Neselovskyi Trio: Get Up and Go (Neuklang) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1131. New Order: NOMC15 (Pledge Music -2CD) {3}: -- TH:***
  1132. Sam Newsome and Jean-Michel Pilc: Magic Circle (Some New Music) {3}: JC:79 -- TH:**
  1133. Sam Newsome: Sopranoville: Works for Prepared and Non-Prepared Soprano (Some New Music) {3}: JC:+; jjc:+ -- TH:*
  1134. The New Year: Snow (Undertow) {3}: am_i:+, aqd:+, ath:+
  1135. NHK yx Koyxen [Kouhei Matsunaga]: Exit Entrance (DFA) {3}: No:19; am_e:+
  1136. Nick Mulvey: Wake Up Now (Caroline) {3}: LR:54, Pc:86, Trk:46
  1137. Paal Nilssen-Love/Frode Gjerstad: Nearby Faraway (PNL) {3}: -- TH:***
  1138. Nothing Nowhere: Reaper (DCD2/Equal Vision) {3}: ny_c:1
  1139. Ocean Grove: The Rhapsody Tapes (UNFD) {3}: KYS:7
  1140. The Ocean Party: Beauty Point (Spunk/Emotional Response) {3}: pm_i:1
  1141. OCS: Memory of a Cut Off Head (Castle Face) {3}: Pc:55; aqd:+, kq:+
  1142. Angel Olsen: Phases (Jagjaguwar) {3}: C:36, SR:37; e_uk:+
  1143. Johnny O'Neal: In the Moment (Smoke Sessions) {3}: JC:+, JY:77 -- TH:*
  1144. Orelsan: La Fete Est Finie (Wagram) {3}: LR:8
  1145. Matt Otto With Ensemble Iberica: Iberica (Origin) {3}: BIW:24 -- TH:**
  1146. Out Lines: Conflats (Rock Action) {3}: GTV:8
  1147. Evan Parker/Mikolaj Trzaska/John Edwards/Mark Sanders: City Fall: Live at Cafe Oto (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: jmsc:6 -- TH:**
  1148. Jonah Parzen-Johnson: I Try to Remember Where I Come From (Clean Feed) {3}: tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  1149. Elan Pauer: Yamaha/Speed (Creative Sources) {3}: -- TH:***
  1150. Peacers: Introducing the Crimsmen (Drag City) {3}: Fld:10
  1151. Perc: Bitter Music (Perc Trax) {3}: DJM:15, Qt:46
  1152. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/Nate Wooley: Philosopher's Stone (Leo) {3}: JC:+; jdst:3 -- TH:*
  1153. Ivo Perelman With Matthew Shipp and Jeff Cosgrove: Live in Baltimore (Leo) {3}: -- TH:***
  1154. Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band: Front Porch Sessions (Family Owned) {3}: am_b:+ -- TH:**
  1155. Photay: Onism (Astro Nautico) {3}: AY:101; am_e:+, bl:9
  1156. Piano Magic: Closure (Second Language) {3}: No:9
  1157. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs: Feed the Rats (Rocket) {3}: C:49, Qt:15
  1158. Lucas Pino: The Answer Is No (Outside In Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1159. Pissed Jeans: Why Love Now (Sub Pop) {3}: AY:152, LW:24; am_q:+
  1160. Lewis Porter/Phil Scarff Group: Three Minutes to Four (Whaling City Sound) {3}: -- TH:***
  1161. Portugal the Man: Woodstock (Atlantic) {3}: Rel:18; rx:+
  1162. POS: Chill Dummy (Doomtree) {3}: ABC:26, Eb:21; de_m:6
  1163. Chris Potter: The Dreamer Is the Dream (ECM) {3}: JC:29; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  1164. Dave Potter: You Already Know (Summit) {3}: jrm:20 -- TH:**
  1165. Propagandhi: Victory Lap (Epitaph) {3}: Bq:48, N:50, Spk:30
  1166. Pumarosa: The Witch (Fiction) {3}: AY:138, Q:50, RT:61
  1167. Ramzi: Phobiza Noite Vol 2 (Mood Hut -EP) {3}: GB:60; ab:+, xlr:+
  1168. Rat Boy: Scum (Parlophone) {3}: Bq:33, LW:16
  1169. Rebekah: Fear Paralysis (Soma) {3}: DJM:13; am_e:+
  1170. Reflections in Cosmo [Kjetil Moster/Hans Magnus Ryan/Stale Storlokken/Thomas Stronen]: Reflections in Cosmo (RareNoise) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1171. Remo Drive: Greatest Hits (self-released) {3}: Alt:12, BE:47
  1172. Dave Rempis: Lattice (Aerophonic) {3}: -- TH:***
  1173. The Reunion Project: Veranda (Tapestry) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1174. Bebe Rexha: All Your Fault: Pt 1 (Warner Bros -EP) {3}: Id:10
  1175. Bebe Rexha: All Your Fault: Pt 2 (Warner Bros -EP) {3}: Id:10
  1176. Rex Orange County: Apricot Priness (self-released) {3}: DJB:39, N:42, Pg:24
  1177. Rhomb: Global Patterns Part 2 (Modularz -16) {3}: YW:10
  1178. Riverside [Dave Douglas/Chet Doxas/Steve Swallow/Jim Doxas]: The New National Anthem (Greenleaf Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1179. Mariel Roberts: Cartography (New Focus) {3}: Mrg:10
  1180. Rocks FOE: Fight the Good? Fight (Black Acre) {3}: PW:17, YW:32
  1181. Rosalia: Los Angeles (Universal) {3}: Ne:8
  1182. Keith Rowe and Michael Pisaro: 13 Thirteen (Erstwhile) {3}: jck:1
  1183. Adam Rudolph's Moving Pictures: Glare of the Tiger (MOD Technologies) {3}: -- TH:***
  1184. Heikki Ruokangas/Olli Estola/Jakob Roland: Ruokangas/Estola/Roland (Alba) {3}: jch:1
  1185. Jeff Rupert and Richard Drexler: Imagination (Rupe Media) {3}: JC:+; jkf:4
  1186. Sadistik: Altars (Equal Vision) {3}: de_m:1
  1187. Jamie Saft/Steve Swallow/Bobby Previte With Iggy Pop: Loneliness Road (Rare Noise) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1188. Saicobab: Sab Se Purani Bab (Shochy) {3}: Mrg:12, W:27
  1189. Samo Salamon/Szilard Mezei/Achille Succi: Planets of Kei: Free Sessions Vol 1 (Not Two) {3}: -- TH:***
  1190. Marco Santilli CheRoba: L'Occhio Della Betulla (Unit) {3}: BIW:6
  1191. Astrid S: Party's Over (Universal -EP) {3}: Id:6
  1192. Jenny Scheinman: Here on Earth (Royal Potato Family) {3}: -- TH:***
  1193. Oliver Schwerdt: Prestige/No Smoking (Euphorium -2CD) {3}: -- TH:***
  1194. Rev Sekou: In Times Like These (Zent) {3}: -- RC:***, TH:B-
  1195. Joseph Shabason: Aytche (Western Vinyl) {3}: GB:49; aqd:+, sl_w:+
  1196. Elliott Sharp With Mary Halvorson and Marc Ribot: Err Guitar (Intakt) {3}: PO:99 -- TH:**
  1197. Shelter: Shelter (Audiographic) {3}: -- TH:***
  1198. The Sherlocks: Live for the Moment (Infectious Music) {3}: Bq:32, Crh:28, LW:79
  1199. Matthew Shipp: Invisible Touch at Taktlos Zurich (Hatology) {3}: -- TH:***
  1200. Shotgun Jazz Band: Steppin' on the Gas (self-released) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1201. Siama: Rivers From the Congo to the Mississippi (self-released) {3}: -- RC:***
  1202. Jared Sims: Change of Address (Ropeadope) {3}: -- TH:***
  1203. Rotem Sivan: Antidote (Alma) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1204. Bria Skonberg: With a Twist (Okeh) {3}: JC:+, JY:26 -- TH:*
  1205. Smidley: Smidley (Triple Crown) {3}: Alt:33, BV:19
  1206. Wadada Leo Smith/Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii/Ikue Mori: Aspiration (Libra) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1207. Sneaks: It's a Myth (Merge -EP) {3}: AY:200, Bc:47 -- TH:*
  1208. Snoop Dogg: Neva Left (Doggy Style) {3}: Bbx:21, C:100, PW:37
  1209. Soccer Mommy: Collection (Fat Possum) {3}: Am_s:49, Dr:92, LBF:21
  1210. Omar Sosa & Seckou Keita: Transparent Water (World Village) {3}: JC:+; bbc:+ -- TH:*
  1211. Caroline Spence: Spades and Roses (self-released) {3}: AS:17, N:71
  1212. Spilt Cities: Life on Hold (self-released) {3}: KYS:9
  1213. Lyn Stanley: The Moonlight Sessions: Volume Two (AT Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1214. Statues: No Grave No Burial (Dogswamp) {3}: KYS:6
  1215. John Stein/Dave Zinno: Wood and Strings (Whaling City Sound) {3}: -- TH:***
  1216. Angus & Julia Stone: Snow (EMI) {3}: DJ:49, Fp:85, LR:57
  1217. Strange Ranger: Daymoon (Tiny Engines) {3}: Alt:8
  1218. Billy Strings: Turmoil & Tinfoil (Apostol) {3}: BS:24; gl:+, scm:+
  1219. Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line: Champion (self-released) {3}: TL:55; nod:+, npr_u:+
  1220. Dave Stryker: Strykin' Ahead (Strikezone) {3}: JY:31; jrm:23 -- TH:*
  1221. Sudan Archives: Sudan Archives (Stones Throw -EP) {3}: Bc:36, F:13
  1222. Dan Sultan: Killer (Liberation) {3}: DJ:12, RS_A:33
  1223. Rain Sultanov: Inspired by Nature (Ozella) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1224. Steve Swell: Music for Six Musicians: Hommage A Olivier Messiaen (Silkheart) {3}: -- TH:***
  1225. Talinka: Talinka (MoonJune) {3}: -- TH:***
  1226. Joris Teepe & Don Braden: Conversations (Creative Perspective Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1227. Throttle Elevator Music: Retrospective (Wide Hive) {3}: -- TH:***
  1228. Throwing Snow: Embers (Houndstooth) {3}: AY:90, Cl:49; am_e:+
  1229. Timid Boy & Alexandar Ivkovic: This Is Hardgroove (Set About -16) {3}: YW:7
  1230. TiRon & Ayomari: WET: The Wonderful Ego Trip (The Cafeteria Line) {3}: HDX:17; la_k:7
  1231. Nestor Torres: Jazz Flute Traditions (Alfi) {3}: JC:+; jrm:24 -- TH:*
  1232. Bjorn Torske & Prins Thomas: Square One (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: C:86, DJM:49, Pc:61
  1233. Vieux Farka Toure: Samba (Six Degrees) {3}: -- TH:***
  1234. TQD: UKG (Butterz/AEI) {3}: F:10
  1235. Gabriele Tranchina: Of Sailing Ships and the Stars in Your Eyes (Rainchant Eclectic) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1236. Klaus Treuheit/Lou Grassi: Port of Call (NoBusiness) {3}: -- TH:***
  1237. Trichotomy: Known-Unknown (Challenge) {3}: -- TH:***
  1238. Tristen: Sneaker Waves (Modern Outsider) {3}: npr_u:+, ns:5
  1239. Trombone Shorty: Parking Lot Symphony (Blue Note) {3}: JY:33; ob:3 -- TH:B-
  1240. Com Truise: Iteration (Ghostly) {3}: Am_s:45, Pc:36; am_e:+
  1241. Turnover: Good Nature (Run for Cover) {3}: Blr:31, Bq:13
  1242. Twain: Rare Feeling (Keeled Scales) {3}: DT:23, PT:36; ath:+
  1243. Tzusing: Tzusing (LIES) {3}: VF:24; ra:+, xlr:+
  1244. Varg: Nordic Flora Series Pt 3: Gore-Tex City (Northern Electronics) {3}: C:64; ra:+, xlr:+
  1245. Vels Trio: Yellow Ochre (Total Refreshment Centre -EP) {3}: WFM:7
  1246. Mat Walerian/Matthew Shipp/William Parker: Toxic: This Is Beautiful Because We Are Beautiful People (ESP-Disk) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1247. Daniel Weltlinger: Samoreau: A Tribute to the Fans of Django Reinhardt (Rectify) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
  1248. Jurg Wickihalder/Barry Guy/Lucas Niggli: Beyond (Intakt) {3}: -- TH:***
  1249. Carl Winther & Jerry Bergonzi: Inner Journey (SteepleChase LookOut) {3}: -- TH:***
  1250. Jaime Wyatt: Felony Blues (forty Below -EP) {3}: N:60; scm:++ -- TH:*
  1251. Xiu Xiu: Forget (Polyvinyl) {3}: BE:90, Ne:13
  1252. Hideo Yamaki/Bill Laswell/Bjorn Bjorkenheim/Mike Sopko/Dominic James: Inaugural Sound Clash for the 2 Americas (MOD Technologies) {3}: -- TH:***
  1253. Msafiri Zawose: Uhamiaji (Soundway) {3}: FR:+, VF:27 -- TH:*
  1254. 03 Greedo: First Night Out (Golden Grenade Empire/Drummer Gang) {2}: PW:14
  1255. 03 Greedo: Money Changes Everything (Golden Grenade Empire) {2}: PW:14
  1256. 36 Crazyfists: Lanterns (Spinefarm) {2}: KYS:18
  1257. John Abercrombie Quartet: Up and Coming (ECM) {2}: am_j:+ -- TH:*
  1258. Acceptance: Colliding by Design (Rise) {2}: Eb:86; am_q:+
  1259. Adrift for Days: A Sleepless Grey (Art as Catharsis) {2}: KYS:19
  1260. Adult Mom: Soft Spots (Tiny Engines) {2}: RSh:12
  1261. AFI: AFI (The Blood Album) (Concord) {2}: am_q:+, ap:+
  1262. Agent Bla: Agent Blue (Kanine) {2}: Am_s:26, Bc:35
  1263. The Ahern Brothers: The Ahern Brothers (self-released) {2}: LTL:15
  1264. Laura Ainsworth: New Vintage (Eclectus) {2}: -- TH:**
  1265. Carol Albert: Fly Away Butterfly (Cahara) {2}: -- TH:**
  1266. Eric Alexander: Song of No Regrets (HighNote) {2}: JC:+; am_j:+
  1267. Joey Alexander: Joey Monk Live! (Motema) {2}: JC:+, JY:90
  1268. Alfa Mist: Antiphon (self-released) {2}: cls:2
  1269. Alfjors: Demons 1 (Shhpuma) {2}: -- TH:**
  1270. Wali Ali: To Be (Mendicant) {2}: -- TH:**
  1271. Lina Allemano's Titanium Rot: Squish It! (Lumo) {2}: jsg:4
  1272. Ellen Allien: Nost (BPitch Control) {2}: DJM:50, Mix:41
  1273. All Our Exes Live in Texas: When We Fail (ABC) {2}: DJ:27, RS_A:50
  1274. The Amazons: The Amazons (Fiction) {2}: Crh:31; rx:+
  1275. Sam Amidon: The Following Mountain (Nonesuch) {2}: aqd:+, nod:+
  1276. Amnesia Scanner: As Truth (Mixtape) (self-released) {2}: TMT:41; pf_x:18
  1277. John Andrews & the Yawns: Bad Posture (Woodsist) {2}: Fld:16
  1278. And So I Watch You From Afar: The Endless Shimmering (Sargent House) {2}: LW:54, Spk:41
  1279. Antibalas: Where the Gods Are in Peace (Daptone) {2}: Dr:98; am_w:+
  1280. Antietam: Intimations of Immortality (Motorific Sounds) {2}: YW:18
  1281. Dayme Arocena: Cubafonia (Brownswood) {2}: JC:+, PW:26
  1282. ASAP Ferg: Still Striving (RCA) {2}: tr_h:+, vib:+
  1283. ASAP Mob: Cozy Tapes Vol 2: Too Cozy (ASAP Worldwide/Polo Grounds/RCA) {2}: am_h:+, xxl:+
  1284. Shinichi Atobe: From the Heart It's a Start a Work of Art (DDS) {2}: VF:12
  1285. Au Ra: Cultivations (Felte) {2}: Am_s:18
  1286. Ayreon: The Source (Music Theories Recordings) {2}: pm_r:2
  1287. Baby in Vain: More Nothing (Partisan) {2}: -- RC:**
  1288. Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires: Youth Detention (Don Giovanni) {2}: BS:25; scm:+
  1289. Caiti Baker: Zinc (Perambulator) {2}: DJ:44, RS_A:47
  1290. Ballrogg [Klaus Ellerhusen Holm/Roger Arntzen/Ivar Grydeland]: Abaft the Beam (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1291. Heather Bambrick: You'll Never Know (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1292. David Banner: The God Box (A Banner Vision) {2}: BS:18
  1293. Amina Baraka: Amina Baraks & the Red Microphone (ESP-Disk) {2}: -- RC:**
  1294. Diego Barber: One Minute Later (Sunnyside) {2}: BIW:27, JC:+
  1295. Caterina Barbieri: Patterns of Consciousness (Important) {2}: F:35, W:36
  1296. Bargou 08: Targ (Glitterbeat) {2}: Qt:81 -- TH:*
  1297. Joao Barradas: Directions (Inner Circle Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  1298. Evan Bartels & the Stoney Lonesomes: The Devil God & Me (self-released) {2}: ljs:5
  1299. The Bats: The Deep Set (Flying Nun) {2}: YW:12
  1300. B-Boys: Dada (Captured Tracks) {2}: Eb:60; ath:+
  1301. Beaches: Second of Spring (Chapter Music) {2}: DJ:43, YW:23
  1302. The Beaches: The Late Show (Universal Canada) {2}: Blr:37; ts:+
  1303. John Beasley: MONK'estra Vol 2 (Mack Avenue) {2}: JC:46, JY:53 -- TH:B
  1304. Bed Wettin' Bad Boys: Rot (What's Your Rupture?) {2}: YW:36; am_q:+
  1305. Belle Haven: You Me and Everything in Between (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: KYS:14
  1306. Dave Bennett: Blood Moon (Mack Avenue) {2}: -- TH:**
  1307. Richard X Bennett: Experiments With Truth (Ropeadope) {2}: -- TH:**
  1308. Richard X Bennett: What Is Now (Ropeadope) {2}: -- TH:**
  1309. Cindy Lee Berryhill: The Adventurist (Omnivore) {2}: am_s:+, sdu:11
  1310. Johan Berthling/Martin Kuchen/Steve Noble: Threnody at the Gates (Trost) {2}: jck:3
  1311. Gianni Bianchini: Type I (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1312. Big Big Train: Grimspound (Giant Electric Pea) {2}: pm_r:4
  1313. Benjamin Biolay: Volver (Barclay) {2}: LR:68; am_w:+
  1314. Scott H Biram: The Bad Testament (Bloodshot) {2}: -- TH:**
  1315. Andrew Bird: Echolocations: River (Wegawarm) {2}: TN:22, TOC:22
  1316. Blackfoot Gypsies: To the Top (Plowboy) {2}: gl:++
  1317. Black Sabbath: The End: 4 February 2017 Birmingham (Eagle) {2}: RY:14
  1318. Blaenavon: That's Your Lot (Atlantic) {2}: Bw:63, Gw:28
  1319. Terence Blanchard: The Comedian (Blue Note) {2}: JC:+, JY:46
  1320. Blis: No One Loves You (Sargent House) {2}: Alt:21, Up:48
  1321. Blue Hawaii: Tenderness (Arbutus) {2}: -- GB:32, LBF:42
  1322. Jon Boden: Afterglow (Hudson) {2}: FR:+; hmv:+
  1323. Bokante: Strange Circles (GroundUP Music) {2}: pm_w:5
  1324. Jean-Francois Bonnel and His Swinging Jazz Cats: With Thanks to Benny Carter (Arbors) {2}: -- TH:**
  1325. Leila Bordreuil & Zach Rowden: Hollow (No Rent) {2}: jdme:4
  1326. Boucle Infinie: ???? (self-released -EP) {2}: KYS:15
  1327. Geof Bradfield: Birdhoused (Cellar Live) {2}: -- TH:**
  1328. Bobby Bradford/Hafez Modirzadeh: Live at the Magic Triangle (NoBusiness) {2}: -- TH:**
  1329. Goran Bregovic: Three Letters From Sarajevo (Universal) {2}: xeb:5
  1330. The Bronx: V (ATO) {2}: Bq:73, LW:97
  1331. Brot & Sterne: Tales of Herbst (Traumton) {2}: BIW:17
  1332. Chastity Brown: Silhouette of Sirens (Red House) {2}: xsc:5
  1333. Apollo Brown & Planet Asia: Anchovies (Mello Music Group) {2}: ABC:45; de_f:8
  1334. Kyle Bruckmann's Degradient: Dear Everyone (Not Two -2CD) {2}: -- TH:**
  1335. Luke Bryan: What Makes You Country (Capitol) {2}: sln:3
  1336. Lindsey Buckingham/Christine McVie: Lindsey Buckingham/Christine McVie (Atlantic) {2}: RS:36, RS_A:36
  1337. Enrique Bunbury: Expectativas (Warner Music Spain) {2}: am:+, am_w:+
  1338. John Butcher/John Edwards/Mark Sanders: Last Dream of the Morning (Relative Pitch) {2}: JC:+; jpa:8
  1339. Buzz Kill: Chrome (Burning Rose) {2}: Am_s:17
  1340. Chris Byars: The Music of Frank Strozier (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  1341. Cable Ties: Cable Ties (Poison City) {2}: rb:+, smh:+
  1342. The Cactus Blossoms: You're Dreaming (Red House -16) {2}: GTV:18 -- TH:[*]
  1343. The Cadillac Three: Legacy (Big Machine) {2}: am_c:+, sln:7
  1344. Lucia Cadotsch: Speak Low (Yellowbird -16) {2}: JC:+; fd:+
  1345. The Cairo Gang: Untouchable (Drag City) {2}: Dr:65, Eb:97
  1346. Camille: Oui (Balulalo) {2}: MO:18
  1347. Peter Campbell: Loving You: Celebrating Shirley Horn (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1348. Canzoniere Grecanico Saleltino: Canzioniere (Ponderosa) {2}: FR:11
  1349. The Caretaker: Everywhere at the End of Time Stage Two (History Always Favors the Winners) {2}: Qt:39, YW:41
  1350. Frank Carlberg Large Ensemble: Monk Dreams Hallucinations and Nightmares (Red Piano) {2}: JC:+; bg_g:9
  1351. Kent Carter/Sylvain Guerineau: Couleur De L'Exit (Improvising Beings) {2}: jfn:2
  1352. Cashmere Cat: 9 (Mad Love/Interscope) {2}: BB:42 -- TH:*
  1353. Cayetana: New Kind of Normal (Plum) {2}: ath:+, cho:7
  1354. The CCM Jazz Orchestra as James Bond: Nobody Does It Better (Summit) {2}: -- TH:**
  1355. Cende: #1 Hit Single (Double Double Whammy) {2}: Am_s:39; am_i:+
  1356. Nick Cester: Sugar Rush (Sester) {2}: DJ:42, RS_A:23
  1357. Kasey Chambers: Dragonfly (Sugar Hill) {2}: RS_A:43; am_a:+
  1358. Brian Charette Circuit Bent Organ Trio: Kurrent (Dim Mak) {2}: jrm:13 -- TH:*
  1359. Childhood: Universal High (Marathon Artists) {2}: RT:12
  1360. Childish Gambino: Awaken My Love! (Glassnote -16) {2}: GC:25; ex_s:7 -- TH:[*]
  1361. Chloe x Halle: The Two of Us (Parkwood/Columbia) {2}: Qt:37; gq:+
  1362. Choker: Peak (673303 DK) {2}: DJB:50, Pg:46
  1363. Circa Waves: Different Creatures (Virgin/EMI) {2}:
  1364. Zack Clarke: Random Acts of Order (Clean Feed) {2}: jrj:+ -- TH:*
  1365. Gerald Clayton: Tributary Tales (Motema) {2}: JC:+, JY:43 -- TH:B
  1366. Bruce Cockburn: Bone on Bone (True North) {2}: am_s:+, xce:8
  1367. Emmet Cohen Featuring Jimmy Cobb: Masters Legacy Series Vol 1 (Cellar Live -16) {2}: JC:+, JY:57
  1368. Colorado Jazz Repertory Orchestra: Invitation (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  1369. Michelle Coltrane: Awakening (Blujazz) {2}: -- TH:**
  1370. Andrew Combs: Canyons of My Mind (New West) {2}: AS:25, GTV:34
  1371. Ags Connolly: Nothin' Unexpected (At the Helm) {2}: Trk:24; scm:+
  1372. Jack Cooper: Sandgrown (Trouble in Mind) {2}: FO:12
  1373. The Corrs: Jupiter Calling (East West) {2}: Al:13
  1374. Larry Coryell's 11th House: Seven Secrets (Savoy Jazz) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1375. Sylvie Courvoisier/Mary Halvorson: Crop Circles (Relative Pitch) {2}: JC:+; jlre:11
  1376. Cowboys and Frenchmen: Bluer Than You Think (Outside In Music) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1377. Stanley Cowell: No Illusions (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  1378. Patrick Cowley: Afternooners (Dark Entries) {2}: C:69; ab:+
  1379. Robert Cray/Hi Rhythm: Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm (Jay-Vee) {2}: am_b:+, xsp:8
  1380. Crescent: Resin Pockets (Geographic) {2}: Dr:33, U:66
  1381. Curse of Lono: Severed (Submarine Cat) {2}: LW:88, Trk:42
  1382. Etienne Daho: Blitz (Mercury) {2}: LR:19
  1383. Tim Daisy: Music for Lying Still (Relay -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1384. Tim Daisy: Red Nation "1" (Relay) {2}: -- TH:**
  1385. Carla Dal Forno: The Garden (Blackest Ever Black -EP) {2}: GB:55, W:48
  1386. Jeremy Danneman & Sophie Nzayisenga: Honey Wine (Ropeadope) {2}: BIW:16
  1387. Dasher: Sodium (Jagjaguwar) {2}: Eb:66, RM:81
  1388. Dave: Game Over (Dove) {2}: N:49; cuk:8
  1389. Roger Davidson Trio With Hendrik Meurkens: Oracao Para Amanha/Prayer for Tomorrow (Soundbrush) {2}: -- TH:**
  1390. Rick Davies: Thugtet (Emlyn) {2}: -- TH:**
  1391. Dawn Ray'd: The Unlawful Assembly (Halo of Flies) {2}: N:14
  1392. DB1: Zwischenwelt (Hidden Hawaii) {2}: ra:+, xlr:+
  1393. Deaf Havana: All These Countless Nights (SO/Silva Screen) {2}: Bq:16
  1394. Michael Dease: All These Hands (Posi-Tone) {2}: JC:+, JY:54
  1395. Death of Lovers: The Acrobat (Dais) {2}: Am_s:16
  1396. Angelo De Augustine: Swim Inside the Moon (Asthmatic Kitty) {2}: Dr:24, RM:54
  1397. Deer Tick: Vol 1 (Partisan) {2}: gl:+ -- TH:*
  1398. Demen: Nektyr (Kranky) {2}: GB:18
  1399. Dial & Oatts/Rich DeRosa/WDR Big Band: Rediscovered Ellington (Zoho) {2}: JC:70 -- TH:*
  1400. The Dials: That Was the Future (self-released) {2}: sd:4
  1401. Jeff Dingler: In Transit (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1402. The Districts: Popular Manipulations (Fat Possum) {2}: wx:5
  1403. DJ Escrow: Universal Soulja Vol 1 (Hyperdub) {2}: TMT:16
  1404. DJ Meatman: God in Three Trax (self-released) {2}: DW:29, MR:43
  1405. DJ Seinfeld: Time Spent Away From U (Lobster Fury) {2}: VF:32; rs_e:12
  1406. Dopplereffekt: Cellular Automata (Leisure System) {2}: N:78; xlr:+
  1407. Tica Douglas: Our Lady Star of the Sea Help and Protect Us (Team Love) {2}: Bc:16
  1408. Chet Doxas: Rich in Symbols (Ropeadope) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1409. Laura Dubin Trio: Live at the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival (self-released 2CD) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1410. Duds: Of a Nature or Degree (Castle Face) {2}: LQ:30, Pc:30
  1411. Dungen: Haxan (Versions by Prins Thomas) (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: pm_b:3
  1412. Dutch Uncles: Big Balloon (Memphis Industries) {2}: LW:61, Pc:98
  1413. Dvsn: Morning After (OVO Sound/Warner Bros) {2}: Cl:40, GC:42
  1414. Dying Fetus: Wrong One to Fuck With (Relapse) {2}: Ne:48; ex_m:9
  1415. Sinne Eeg: Dreams (ArtistShare) {2}: -- TH:**
  1416. Brett Eldredge: Bret Eldredge (Atlantic Nashville) {2}: am_c:+, sln:6
  1417. Hanni El Khatib: Savage Times (Innovative Leisure) {2}: Crh:40, Trk:48
  1418. James Elkington: Wintres Woma (Paradise of Bachelors) {2}: AY:165, No:38
  1419. El Michaels Affair: Return to the 37th Chamber (Big Crown) {2}: Trk:17
  1420. END: From the Unforgiving Arms of God (Good Fight Music) {2}: KYS:16
  1421. Endon: Through the Mirror (Daymare) {2}: Qt:23; pm_m:6
  1422. Hazel English: Just Give In/Never Going Home (Polyvinyl -EP) {2}: Am_s:31; cho:9
  1423. Feature: Banishing Ritual (Upset the Rhythm) {2}: YW:62; am_q:+
  1424. Lorenzo Feliciati: Elevator Man (RareNoise) {2}: -- TH:**
  1425. Bob Ferrel: Bob Ferrel's Jazztopian Dream (self-released) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1426. Fifth Harmony: Fifth Harmony (Epic/Syco) {2}: la_k:10, ny_c:24
  1427. Ekin Fil: Ghosts Inside (The Helen Scarsdale Agency) {2}: No:16
  1428. Fishbach: A Ta Merci (Enterprise) {2}: LR:15
  1429. Fjaak: Fjaak (Monkeytown) {2}: DJM:39, Mix:44
  1430. Flamin' Groovies: Fantastic Plastic (Seven) {2}: am_k:+, sd:7
  1431. Seamus Fogarty: The Curious Hand (Domino) {2}: Dr:73, St:33
  1432. Sallie Ford: Soul Sick (Vanguard) {2}: P:44; scm:+
  1433. Ruthie Foster: Joy Comes Back (Blue Corn) {2}: am_b:+, nod:+
  1434. Julie Fowlis: Alterum (Machair) {2}: FR:18
  1435. Nick Fraser: Is Life Long? (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1436. Jurg Frey: Ephemeral Constructions () {2}: Mrg:21, Spk:22
  1437. Fred Frith/Hans Koch: You Are Here (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
  1438. Full of Hell: Trumpeting Ecstasy (Profound Lore) {2}: ex_m:4
  1439. Future & Young Thug: Super Slimey (Epic/300/Atlantic) {2}: C:98, Sg_h:34
  1440. Gallops: Bronze Mystic (Blood & Biscuits) {2}: TN:28, TOC:28
  1441. Hillary Gardner/Ehud Asherie: The Late Set (Anzic) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1442. Rayna Gellert: Workin's Too Hard (StorySound) {2}: FR:+; nod:+
  1443. Philipp Gerschlauer/David Fiuczynski: Mikrojazz: Neue Expressionistische Musik (RareNoise) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1444. Ghost Train Orchestra: Book of Rhapsodies Vol II (Accurate) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1445. Paul Giallorenzo Trio: Flow (Delmark) {2}: -- TH:**
  1446. Yedo Gibson/Hernâni Faustino/Vasco Trilla: Chain (NoBusiness) {2}: -- TH:**
  1447. Giggs: Wamp 2 Dem (Universal) {2}: Pg:29; cuk:14
  1448. David Gilmour: Live at Pompeii (Columbia) {2}: RY:15
  1449. Gwyneth Glyn: Tro (Bendigedig) {2}: FR:14
  1450. Godflesh: Post Self (Avalanche) {2}: AY:50, Qt:59
  1451. Gov't Mule: Revolution Come . . . Revolution Go (Concord) {2}: AY:65; am_k:+
  1452. Grace Sings Sludge: Life With Dick (Empty Cellar) {2}: ab:+, es_r:+
  1453. Pasquale Grasso/Renaud Penant/Ari Roland: In the Mood for a Classic (ITI Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  1454. Frank Gratkowski/Simon Nabatov: Mirthful Myths (Leo) {2}: -- TH:**
  1455. Cameron Graves: Planetary Prince (Mack Avenue) {2}: JC:+; tr_j:+ -- TH:B-
  1456. The Great Harry Hillman: Tilt (Cuneiform) {2}: -- TH:**
  1457. The Green Kingdom: The North Wind and the Sun (Lost Tribe Sound) {2}: No:12
  1458. Alexander Grimal/Benjuamin Duboc/Valentin Ceccaldi: Bambu (Ayler) {2}: jds:+, jsg:8
  1459. Ethan Gruska: Slomotionary (Sire) {2}: la_w:3
  1460. Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet: Jersey (Motema) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1461. Gun Outfit: Out of Range (Paradise of Bachelors) {2}: ath:+, cls:10
  1462. Jari Haapalainen Trio: Fusion Madness (Moserobie) {2}: -- TH:**
  1463. Jari Haapalainen Trio: Fusion Nation (Moserobie) {2}: -- TH:**
  1464. Tardo Hammer: Swinging on a Star (Cellar Live) {2}: JC:+, JY:80
  1465. Tom Harrell: Moving Picture (HighNote) {2}: JC:+, JY:59
  1466. Hans Hassler: Wie Die Zeit Hinter Mir Her (Intakt) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1467. Alexander Hawkins-Elaine Mitchener Quartet: Uproot (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
  1468. Willie J Healey: People & Their Dogs (National Anthem/Columbia) {2}: Trk:11
  1469. Paul Heaton + Jacqui Abbott: Crooked Calypso (Virgin EMI) {2}: xmb:9 -- TH:*
  1470. The Heliocentrics: The Sunshine Makers [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Soundway) {2}: sd:5
  1471. Arve Henriksen: Towards Language (Rune Grammofon) {2}: JC:+; am_j:+ -- TH:B
  1472. Joe Henry: Thrum (Sheer Sound) {2}: Sl:13
  1473. Oscar Hernandez & Alma Libre: The Art of Latin Jazz (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  1474. Hey Colossus: The Guillotine (Rocket) {2}: Qt:74, RM:60
  1475. Kacy Hill: Like a Woman (GOOD Music/Def Jam) {2}: Id:17
  1476. Florian Hoefner: Coldwater Stories (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  1477. Homeshake: Fresh Air (Sinderlyn) {2}: Cl:61, LR:98
  1478. Honest John: International Breakthrough (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1479. Horsebeach: Beauty & Sadness () {2}: Pc:14
  1480. Hot Water Music: Light It Up (Rise) {2}: Bq:80; hmv:+
  1481. Charles Howl: My Idol Family (Oh Many) {2}: SR:14
  1482. Humcrush: Enter Humcrush (Shhpuma) {2}: -- TH:**
  1483. Hundredth: Rare (Hopeless) {2}: Sg:42; ap:+
  1484. Hundred Waters: Communicating (Owsla) {2}: Eb:37; ax:+
  1485. Incendiary: Thousand Mile Stare (Closed Casket Activities) {2}: Sg:34; ex_m:10
  1486. Indian Wells: Where the World Ends (Friends of Friends) {2}: Mix:49; pm_b:8
  1487. Institute: Subordination (Sacred Bones) {2}: wp:5
  1488. Rafael Anton Irisarri: The Shameless Years (Umor Rex) {2}: Am_s:13
  1489. IU: Palette (Loen) {2}: Fu:12
  1490. Jade Jackson: Gilded (Anti-) {2}: RS_c:30; la_w:8
  1491. Henry Jamison: The Wilds (Akira) {2}: WHP:16
  1492. BJ Jansen: Common Ground (Ronin Jazz) {2}: -- TH:**
  1493. JASSS: Weightless (IDEAL) {2}: C:54; ra:+
  1494. Dusan Jevtovic: No Answer (Moonjune) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1495. Jim Jones & the Righteous Mind: Super Natural (self-released) {2}: Gw:43, LW:60
  1496. The Brian Jonestown Massacre: Don't Get Lost (A) {2}: LW:34, Pc:54
  1497. Yan Jun & Ben Owen: Swimming Salt (Organized Music From Thessaloniki) {2}: jck:5
  1498. Justice for the Damned: Dragged Through the Dirt (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: KYS:20
  1499. Keep Shelly in Athens: Philokalia (self-released) {2}: Am_s:19
  1500. Davy Kehoe: Short Passing Game (Wah Wah Wino) {2}: Qt:60, VF:36
  1501. Sam Kelly & the Lost Boys: Pretty Peggy (Navigator) {2}: FR:15
  1502. Stacey Kent: I Know I Dream: The Orchestral Sessions (Okeh) {2}: -- TH:**
  1503. Adamn Killa: I Am Adamn (Homespun Media Group) {2}: -- RC:**
  1504. Steve Kimmock: Satellite City (MRI Music) {2}: gl:++
  1505. Aris Kindt: Swann and Odette (Kingdoms) {2}: pm_b:5
  1506. KiNK: Playground (Running Back) {2}: DJM:17
  1507. Kitty: Miami Garden Club (Pretty Wavvy) {2}: DW:75; xms:10
  1508. Kllo: Backwater (Ghostly International) {2}: ju:9, owl:+
  1509. The Knife: Live at Terminal 5 (Rabid) {2}: DW:13
  1510. Knuckle Puck: Shapeshifter (Rise) {2}: Bq:21; ap:+
  1511. Kokotab: Flying Heart (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1512. Koyo: Koyo (88 Watt) {2}: GTV:40, LW:21
  1513. Kries: Selo Na Okuke/Village Tracks (Riverboat) {2}: FR:19
  1514. Krokofant: Krokofant III (Rune Grammofon) {2}: jdst:4
  1515. Joachim Kuhn New Trio: Beauty & Truth (ACT -16) {2}: JC:+; jkf:8 -- TH:[**]
  1516. Lady Antebellum: Heart Break (Busbee) {2}: sln:4
  1517. Laibach: Also Sprach Zarathustra (Mute) {2}: Qt:79; am_e:+
  1518. Oliver Lake Featuring Flux Quartet: Right Up On (Passin' Thru) {2}: JC:+; ab:+ -- TH:B
  1519. Lanark Artefax: Whities 011 (Whities -EP) {2}: rs_e:2
  1520. Steve Langone Trio: Breathe (Whaling City Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  1521. Ingrid Laubrock: Serpentines (Intakt -16) {2}: JC:+; fd:10 -- TH:[*]
  1522. Matt Lavelle's 12 Houses: End Times (Unseen Rain) {2}: -- TH:**
  1523. Joelle Leandre/Phil Minton: Leandre-Minton (Fou) {2}: JC:+; jsb:+
  1524. Chad Lefkowitz-Brown: Onward (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1525. Joao Lencastre's Communion 3: Movements in Freedom (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1526. Daniel Levin Quartet: Live at Firehouse 12 (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1527. Mark Lewis: New York Session (Audio Daddio) {2}: -- TH:**
  1528. Gregory Lewis Organ Monk: The Breathe Suite (self-released) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1529. The Liberation Music Collective: Rebel Portraiture (Ad Astrum) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1530. Life: Popular Music (Afghan Moon) {2}: GTV:48, Gw:44
  1531. Lights: Skin & Earth (Warner Bros) {2}: PCr:13; ap:+
  1532. Lil Pump: Lil Pump (Warner Bros) {2}: Cmp:49, Pg:47
  1533. Lingua Ignota: All Bitches Die (self-released) {2}: Bc:33, RY:34
  1534. Little Bandit: Breakfast Alone (YK) {2}: RS_c:36; ns:10
  1535. Son Little: New Magic (Anti-) {2}: am_b:+, am_r:+
  1536. Live Human: Scratch Bop (Cosmic) {2}: -- TH:**
  1537. Living Colour: Shade (MRI) {2}: ABC:48 -- RC:*
  1538. Jess Locke: Universe (Pool House) {2}: RS_A:20
  1539. Locust Leaves: A Subtler Kind of Light (I Voidhanger) {2}: Bc:14
  1540. The Lone Bellow: Walk Into a Storm (Masterworks) {2}: Rel:16
  1541. Los Colognes: The Wave (Big Deal Media) {2}: gl:++
  1542. Lost Balloons: Hey Summer (Dirtnap) {2}: YW:55; am_q:+
  1543. Lotto: VV (Instant Classic) {2}: Qt:12
  1544. The Lovely Bad Things: Teenage Grown Ups (Burger) {2}: YW:37; am_q:+
  1545. Joyner Lucas: (508) 507-2209 (Atlantic) {2}: de_d:6, de_f:9
  1546. Mach-Hommy: Dump Gawd (YHN) {2}: PW:23, Sg_h:33
  1547. Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo': TajMo (Concord) {2}: JY:95; am_b:+ -- TH:B
  1548. Major Parkinson: Blackbox (Degaton) {2}: pm_r:3
  1549. Pete Malinverni Trio: Heaven (Saranac) {2}: JY:100; jrm:14
  1550. Malka: Ratatatat (Tantrum) {2}: df:+, mf:+
  1551. Mammut: Kinder Versions (Bella Union) {2}: LBF:18
  1552. Becca Mancari: Good Woman (self-released) {2}: RS_c:19
  1553. George Maple: Lover (self-released) {2}: Int:19
  1554. Delfeayo Marsalis: Kalamazoo (Troubadour Jass) {2}: TH:**
  1555. Pat Martino: Formidable (HighNote) {2}: JC:+, JY:86
  1556. Walter Martin: My Kinda Music (Family Jukebox) {2}: -- RC:**
  1557. Mausiki Scales: Drums & Shadows (self-released -16) {2}: WFM:19
  1558. Rob Mazurek: Chants and Borders (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1559. Chelsea McBride's Socialist Night School: The Twilight Fall (Browntasaurus) {2}: jjc:+ -- TH:*
  1560. Drew McDowall: Unnatural Channel (Dais) {2}: No:31; am_e:+
  1561. Mark McGuire: Ideas of Beginning (VDSQ) {2}: pm_b:4
  1562. Declan McKenna: What Do You Think About the Car? (Sony) {2}: Bq:95, Nd:25
  1563. Shannon McNally: Black Irish (Compass) {2}: TL:30; am_a:+
  1564. Shoji Meguro: Persona 5 Original Soundtrack () {2}: RY:17
  1565. MEM3: Circles (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1566. Men I Trust: Tailwhip (self-released -EP) {2}: GB:19
  1567. Metro Riders: Europe by Night (Possible Motive) {2}: pm_b:2
  1568. Alma Micic: That Old Feeling (Whaling City Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  1569. Milk Teddy: Time Catches Up With Milk Teddy (Lost & Lonesome) {2}: pm_i:3
  1570. Scott Miller: Ladies Auxiliary (FAY) {2}: BS:14
  1571. Mind Games [Angelika Niescier/Denman Maroney/James Ilgenfritz/Andrew Drury]: Ephemera Obscura (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1572. Kylie Minogue: En Dermee (Music Mania) {2}: xce:2
  1573. Mr Mitch: Devout (Planet Mu) {2}: NPR:46; cuk:11
  1574. Liudas Mockunas: Hydro (NoBusiness) {2}: -- TH:**
  1575. Abdul Moimeme: Exosphere (Creative Sources) {2}: JC:+; jds:+
  1576. Moire: No Future (Ghostly International) {2}: DJM:35; am_e:+
  1577. Lorrie Morgan/Pam Tillis: Come See Me & Come Lonely (Goldenlane) {2}: -- TH:**
  1578. Miles Mosley: Uprising (Verve) {2}: JC:+; am_j:+
  1579. Donny Most: Mostly Swinging (Summit) {2}: -- TH:**
  1580. Kjetil Moster/Jeff Parker/Joshua Abrams/John Herndon: Ran Do (Clean Feed) {2}: jch:7 -- TH:*
  1581. Kyle Motl: Transmogrification (Metatrope) {2}: -- TH:**
  1582. The Movielife: Cities in Search of a Heart (Rise) {2}: Bq:23, Nd:28
  1583. Michael Musillami/Rich Syracuse: Bird Calls (Playscape) {2}: JC:+; jjs:7
  1584. Myrkur: Mareridt (Relapse) {2}: LW:82, RT:27
  1585. Dimitris Mystakidis: Amerika (Fishbowl) {2}: FR:19
  1586. David Nance: Negative Boogie (Ba Da Bing) {2}: N:61, PT:39
  1587. Neck Deep: The Peace and the Panic (Hopeless) {2}: Bq:35; ap:+
  1588. Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real (Fantasy) {2}: am_a:+, scm:+
  1589. Sam Newsome and Jean-Michel Pilc: Magic Circle (Some New Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  1590. NF: Perception (Capitol) {2}: GC:40; am_h:+
  1591. Nine Inch Nails: Not the Actual Events (Null -16) {2}: Tr:15
  1592. Niteshifters: Huge Disco (Delimusic) {2}: pm_p:4
  1593. Nmesh: Pharma (Orange Milk) {2}: GB:58, TMT:47
  1594. Dick Oatts: Use Your Imagination (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  1595. Maciej Obara Quartet: Unloved (ECM) {2}: YW:13 -- TH:B
  1596. Frank Ocean: Endless (Fresh Produce -16) {2}: RY:19
  1597. The Octopus Project: Memory Mirror (Robot High School) {2}: YW:20
  1598. Odonis Odonis: No Pop (Felte) {2}: Eb:87, PT:48
  1599. Aine O'Dwyer: Gallarais (MIE) {2}: W:25; jap:8
  1600. Keiichi Okabe & Keigo Hoashi: NieR:Automata () {2}: RY:16
  1601. Old Dominion: Happy Endings (RCA Nashville) {2}: am_c:+, sln:18
  1602. Oliwood: Euphoria (Enja) {2}: jch:2
  1603. Once and Future Band: Once and Future Band (Castle Face) {2}: W:42; ab:+
  1604. Tara Jane O'Neil: Tara Jane O'Neil (Gnomonsong) {2}: Am_s:42, TMT:48
  1605. On Fillmore: Happiness of Living (Northern Spy) {2}: aqd:+, la_r:7
  1606. Onyx Collective: Lower East Suite Pt 1 (Big Dada) {2}: WFM:16
  1607. Onyx Collective: Lower East Suite Pt 2 (Big Dada) {2}: WFM:16
  1608. Organissimo: B3tles (Big O) {2}: JC:+, JY:44
  1609. Chuck Owen and the Jazz Surge: Whispers on the Wind (MAMA) {2}: JC:+; jrm:+
  1610. Keith Oxman: East of the Village (Capri) {2}: -- TH:**
  1611. Ozomatli: Non-Stop: Mexico to Jamaica (Cleopatra) {2}: am_w:+ -- TH:*
  1612. The Ed Palermo Big Band: The Great Un-American Songbook: Volumes I & II (Cuneiform 2CD) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1613. Pale Seas: Stargazing for Beginners (Abbey) {2}: SR:20
  1614. Nerina Pallot: Stay Lucky (Idaho) {2}: df:+, mf:+
  1615. Nai Palm: Needle Paw (Sony Classical) {2}: P:29; ab:+
  1616. Palm: Shadow Expert (Carpark) {2}: PT:13
  1617. Pan-Scan Ensemble: Air and Light and Time and Space (Hispid/PNL) {2}: -- TH:**
  1618. Papernut Cambridge: Mellotron Phase: Volume 1 (self-released) {2}: sd:3
  1619. Phil Parisot: Creekside (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  1620. Han-earl Park/Dominic Lash/Mark Sanders/Caroline Pugh: Sirene 1009 (Buster & Friends) {2}: BIW:38; jdme:6
  1621. Teri Parker: In the Past (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1622. Aaron Parks/Ben Street/Billy Hart: Find the Way (ECM) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1623. Charlie Parr: Dog (Red House) {2}: scm+, xsc:8
  1624. Nicki Parrott: Unforgettable: The Nat King Cole Songbook (Venus) {2}: -- TH:**
  1625. The Parson Red Heads: Blurred Harmony (You Are the Cosmos) {2}: Gw:17
  1626. Payroll Giovanni: Payface (self-released) {2}: Sg_h:15
  1627. Peaking Lights: The Fifth State of Consciousness (Two Flowers) {2}: Pc:94; owl:+
  1628. Carly Pearce: Every Little Thing (Big Machine) {2}: RS_c:26, Up:24
  1629. Hayden Pedigo: Greetings From Amarillo (Driftless) {2}: aqd:+, pm_b:10
  1630. People Like You: Verse (Topshelf) {2}: KYS:12
  1631. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Live in Brussels (Leo -2CD) {2}: -- TH:**
  1632. G Perico: 2 Tha Left (Caroline) {2}: PW:13
  1633. Pet Symmetry: Vision (Polyvinyl) {2}: ABC:38; am_q:+
  1634. Peverelist: Tesselations (Livity Sound) {2}: DJM:25, Mix:42
  1635. Stuart Popejoy: Pleonid (Leo) {2}: -- TH:**
  1636. Poppy: Poppy Computer (Mad Decent) {2}: RS_p:18
  1637. Michel Portal & Quatour Ebene: Eternal Stories (Erato) {2}: BIW:15
  1638. Debbie Poryes Trio: Loving Hank (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  1639. Powerdance: The Lost Art of Getting Down (self-released) {2}: G:45; xlr:+
  1640. Simona Premazzi: Outspoken (PRE) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1641. The Len Price 3: Kentish Longtails (MRI) {2}: sd:2
  1642. Primate Fiasco: Massachusetts Winter (self-released) {2}: -- RC:**
  1643. Primitive Man: Caustic (Relapse) {2}: N:73, Ne:25
  1644. Propaganda: Crooked (Humble Beast) {2}: Rel:20
  1645. Psychic Temple: IV (Joyful Noise) {2}: JC:+; aqd:+
  1646. Wojciech Pulcyn: Tribute to Charlie Haden (ForTune) {2}: -- TH:**
  1647. Pyrrhon: What Passes for Survival (Capitol) {2}: pm_m:4
  1648. Ranky Tanky: Ranky Tanky (Resilience) {2}: JC:+; fd:+
  1649. Rashad: LevelUp (Self Made) {2}: -- TH:**
  1650. Ratboys: GN (Topshelf) {2}: Alt:26, PT:33
  1651. Rays: Rays (Trouble in Mind) {2}: N:94; ath:+
  1652. Rebirth of Nefast: Tabernaculum (Norma Evangelium Diaboli) {2}: pm_m:5
  1653. Reniss: Tendon (New Bell Music -16) {2}: xce:4
  1654. Jamie Reynolds: Grey Mirror (Fresh Sound New Talent) {2}: -- TH:**
  1655. Rips: Rips (Faux Discx) {2}: so_j:5
  1656. Eve Risser/Benjamin Duboc/Edward Perraud: En Corps/Generation (Dark Tree) {2}: -- TH:**
  1657. Chris Robinson Brotherhood: Barefoot in the Head (Silver Arrow) {2}: am_k:+, cls:8
  1658. Liz Rose: Swimming Alone (self-released) {2}: TL:41; scm:+
  1659. Kurt Rosenwinkel: Caipi (Razdaz/Heartcore/Sunnyside) {2}: JC:96; am_w:+
  1660. ROVA Saxophone Quartet/Kyle Bruckmann/Henry Kaiser: Steve Lacy's Saxophone Special Revisited (Clean Feed) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1661. Royal Thunder: WICK (Spinefarm) {2}: Thr:21; pm_m:16
  1662. RSXGLD [Ro Spit & 14KT]: RSXGLD (Fat Beats) {2}: de_d:8, de_k:9
  1663. Vitor Rua and the Metaphysical Angels: Do Androids Dream of Electrid Guitars? (Clean Feed 2CD) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1664. Mark Rubin Jew of Oklahoma: Songs for the Hangman's Daughter (Rubinchik) {2}: -- TH:**
  1665. Adam Rudolph: Morphic Resonances (MOD Technologies) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1666. Rune Your Day: Rune Your Day (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  1667. Jack Rutter: Hills (self-released) {2}: FR:16
  1668. Matthew Ryan: Hustle Up Starlings (self-released) {2}: xsa:3
  1669. Phoebe Ryan: James (Columbia -EP) {2}: Id:19
  1670. Saagara: 2 (Instant Classic) {2}: Gw:14
  1671. The Sadies: Northern Passages (Yep Roc) {2}: ex_c:6 -- TH:*
  1672. Morgan Saint: 17 Hero (Epic -EP) {2}: Id:18
  1673. Akira Sakata/Manuel Mota/Giovanni Di Domenico/Mathieu Calleja: Jomon (Holidays) {2}: jfn:5
  1674. Louis Sclavis: Frontieres (JMS) {2}: xce:3
  1675. Scooter: Scooter Forever (Sheffield Tunes) {2}: xce:5
  1676. Seaway: Vacation (Pure Noise) {2}: Bq:72; am_q:+
  1677. Luke Sellick: Alchemist (Cellar Live) {2}: -- TH:**
  1678. Trevor Sensor: Andy Warhol's Dream (Jagjaguwar) {2}: Gw:25, Trk:22
  1679. Se Och Hor: Se Mig Hor Mig Kann Mig (Signal and Sound) {2}: jgl:2
  1680. Charlie Sepulveda & the Turnaround: Mr EP: A Tribute to Eddie Palmieri (HighNote) {2}: JC:+, JY:60
  1681. Sevdaliza: Ison (Twisted Elegance) {2}: C:33, GTV:42
  1682. The Seven Fields of Aphelion: Keep the Ocean Inside (Rad Cult) {2}: ex_i:+, pm_b:9
  1683. !!!: Shake the Shudder (Warp) {2}: Al:31; pm_p:9
  1684. She-Devils: She-Devils (Secretly Canadian) {2}: GB:27; ct:19
  1685. Sherwood & Pinch: Man vs Sofa (On-U Sound/Tectonic) {2}: am:+, am_e:+
  1686. Shinyribs: I Got Your Medicine (Mustard Lid) {2}: scm:+ -- TH:*
  1687. Idit Shner: 9 Short Stories (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  1688. Peter Silberman: Impermanence (Anti-) {2}: Cl:96, Eb:48
  1689. Martin Simpson: Trials and Tribulations (Topic) {2}: FR:12
  1690. Single Mothers: Our Pleasure (Dine Alone) {2}: Eb:68; am_q:+
  1691. Sirius: Acoustic Main Suite Plus the Inner One (Clean Feed) {2}: jsg:+5 -- TH:*
  1692. Six Organs of Admittance: Burning the Threshold (Drag City) {2}: AY:89; aqd:+
  1693. Skyzoo: Peddler Themes (First Generation Rich/Empire) {2}: -- TH:**
  1694. Sleep Token: Two (Basick -EP) {2}: KYS:11
  1695. Slotface: Try Not to Freak Out (Propeller) {2}: Bq:37, GTV:26
  1696. Jaden Smith: Syre (MSFTSMusic) {2}: Pg:28; am_h:+
  1697. Linda Catlin Smith: Drifter (Another Timbre) {2}: Mrg:11
  1698. Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra: Effervescence (Spartacus) {2}: -- TH:**
  1699. Social Club Misfits: The Misadventures of Fern & Marty (Social Club) {2}: Rel:17
  1700. Gunter Baby Sommer: Le Piccole Cose: Live at Theater Gutersloh (Intuition) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1701. Peter Sommer: Happy-Go-Lucky Locals (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1702. Sote: Sacred Horror in Design (Opal Tapes) {2}: Qt:76, W:30
  1703. Special Request: Fabriclive 91 (Fabric) {2}: am_e:+, ra:+
  1704. Spectral Voice: Eroded Corridors of Unbeing (Dark Descent) {2}: ab:+, pm_m:7
  1705. Regina Spektor: Remember Us to Life (Sire -16) {2}: xmb:2 -- TH:[**]
  1706. Vinnie Sperrazza Apocryphal: Hide Ye Idols (Loyal Label) {2}: jjc:+ -- TH:*
  1707. Spirit Adrift: Curse of Conception (20 Buck Spin) {2}: Bc:70; pm_m:15
  1708. Mavis Staples: I'll Take You There: An All-Star Concert Celebration (Blackbird Production Partners) {2}: -- TH:**
  1709. Steelism: Ism (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: gl:++
  1710. Sterac Electronics: Things to Think About (Voyage Direct) {2}: DJM:16
  1711. Still: I (Pan) {2}: Qt:80; xlr:+
  1712. Kelley Stoltz: Que Aura (Castle Face) {2}: Mj:39, Trk:27
  1713. Strand of Oaks: Hard Love (Dead Oceans) {2}: AZ:25, Up:36
  1714. Summit Quartet: Live in Sant' Arresi (Audiographic) {2}: -- TH:**
  1715. Superfood: Bambino (Dirty Hit) {2}: AY:129, Bq:97
  1716. Akio Suzuki/John Butcher: Immediate Landscapes (Flarri) {2}: W:33; jsb;+
  1717. Swans: Deliquescence (Young God) {2}: RY:12
  1718. Sweet Spirit: St Mojo (Nine Mile) {2}: YW:19
  1719. SW: The Album (Apollo) {2}: rs_e:19, xlr:+
  1720. Takaaki: New Kid in Town (Albany) {2}: -- TH:**
  1721. Talaboman: The Night Land (R&S) {2}: DJM:21; xlr:+
  1722. Tall Ships: Impressions (FatCat) {2}: AY:94, Bq:44
  1723. Jeannie Tanner: Words & Music (Tanner Time -2CD) {2}: -- TH:**
  1724. Otis Taylor: Fantasizing About Being Black (Inakustik) {2}: TL:26; am_b:+
  1725. Teeks: The Grapefruit Skies (self-released -EP) {2}: NZH:20
  1726. Teen Daze: Themes for a New Earth (Flora) {2}: ath:+, pm_b:7
  1727. Tei Shi: Crawl Space (Downtown/Interscope) {2}: AY:169, Eb:65
  1728. Toko Telo: Toy Raha Toy (Anio) {2}: FR:19
  1729. Tephra Sound: Horizon (self-released) {2}: BIW:20
  1730. Emma-Jean Thackray's Walrus: Walrus EP (Deptford Beach -EP) {2}: WFM:28 -- TH:*
  1731. Chris Thile/Brad Mehldau: Chris Thile & Brad Mehldau (Nonesuch) {2}: JC:64; am_j:+
  1732. Thollem/Mazurek: Blind Curves and Box Canyons (Relative Pitch) {2}: jdbk:5
  1733. Richard Thompson: Acoustic Classics II (Proper) {2}: FR:16
  1734. Shugo Tokumaru: Toss (Polyvinyl) {2}: TN:29, TOC:29
  1735. Masahide Tokunaga: Bwoouunn: Fleeting Excitement (Hitori) {2}: jck:4
  1736. Tonstartssbandht: Sorcerer (Mexican Summer) {2}: aqd:+, pf_k:18
  1737. T-Pain & Lil Wayne: T-Wayne (Nappy Boy) {2}: -- RC:**
  1738. Traxman: Tekvision (Teklife) {2}: rs_e:3 -- TH:B-
  1739. Triocity [Charles Pillow/Jeff Campbell/Rich Thompson]: I Believe in You (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  1740. Tune Recreation Committee: Voices of Our Vision (self-released) {2}: ny_u:9 -- TH:*
  1741. Two Inch Astronaut: Can You Please Not Help (Exploding in Sound) {2}: PT:15
  1742. Gebhard Ullmann/Oliver Potratz/Eric Schaefer: Das Kondesat (Why Play Jazz) {2}: JC:+; jpa:9
  1743. Umphrey's McGee: Zonkey (Cooking Vinyl -16) {2}: xjc:5 -- RC:[A-], TH:[**]
  1744. Uncommon Nasa: Written at Night (Man Bites Dog) {2}: Ne:24; de_m:9
  1745. University of Northern Colorado Jazz Lab Band: The Romeo and Juliet Project (Artist Alliance) {2}: JC:+; jkf:10
  1746. The Used: The Canyon (Hopeless) {2}: am_q:+, ap:+
  1747. Manuel Valera Trio: The Seasons (MaVo) {2}: JC:+; jjc:+
  1748. Valley Queen: Destroyer (self-released -EP) {2}: DT:22 -- TH:B-
  1749. Colin Vallon Trio: Danse (ECM) {2}: JC:+; am_j:+
  1750. The Vampires: The Vampires Meet Lionel Loueke (Earshift Music) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
  1751. Verite: Somewhere in Between (self-released) {2}: Al:20
  1752. Vibration Black Finger: Gaudi (Kudos) {2}: WFM:18
  1753. Ricardo Villalobos: Empirical House (A:rpia:r) {2}: Mix:34; xlr:+
  1754. Visionist: Value (Big Dada) {2}: Gw:30; am_e:+
  1755. Katie Von Schleicher: Shitty Hits (Ba Da Bing) {2}: Dr:63, Eb:47
  1756. Torben Waldorff: Holiday on Fire (ArtistShare) {2}: -- TH:**
  1757. Wall: Untitled (Wharf Cat) {2}: Dr:61, Eb:98
  1758. Alex Ward: Proprioception (Weekertoft) {2}: jdme:2
  1759. Warm Digits: Wireless World (Memphis Industries) {2}: Dr:58, RM:83
  1760. Kenny Warren Quartet: Thank You for Coming to Life (Whirlwind) {2}: JC:+; jjc:+
  1761. Washer: All Aboard (Exploding in Sound) {2}: Alt:37, PT:25
  1762. Wear Your Wounds: WYW (Deathwish) {2}: Am_s:34, LW:68
  1763. Andrew Weatherall: Qualia (Hoga Nord) {2}: DJM:45, Pc:70
  1764. Weezer: Pacific Daydream (Crush Music) {2}: Nd:15
  1765. White Sea: Tropical Odds (Les Disques du Crepuscle) {2}: pm_p:3
  1766. Wifisfuneral: Boy Who Cried Wolf (Interscope) {2}: PW:49; xxl:+
  1767. A Will Away: Here Again (Triple Crown) {2}: Alt:19
  1768. A Winged Victory for the Sullen: Iris [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Erased Tapes) {2}: Pc:78, RT:62
  1769. Alex Wintz: Life Cycle (Culture Shock Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  1770. David Wise: Till They Lay Me Down (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1771. Florian Wittenberg: Don't Push the Piano Around (NurNichtNur) {2}: -- TH:**
  1772. Wizkid: Sounds From the Other Side (Starboy/RCA) {2}: -- TH:**
  1773. Wobbler: From Silence to Somewhere (Karisma) {2}: RY:38; pm_r:7
  1774. Nate Wooley: Battle Pieces II (Relative Pitch) {2}: jdbk:2
  1775. Wrabel: We Could Be Beautiful (Epic) {2}: Id:11
  1776. Eric Wyatt: Look to the Sky (Whaling City Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  1777. Mahatma X: A Mobtown Suite Vol 1 (Home Assembly) {2}: No:11
  1778. Tal Yahalom/Almog Sharvit/Ben Silashi: Kadawa (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1779. Yellow Eyes: Immersion Trench Reverie (Sibir) {2}: N:77, Tr:35
  1780. Chris Young: Losing Sleep (RCA Nashville) {2}: am_c:+, sln:11
  1781. The Young 'Uns: Strangers (Hereteu) {2}: FR:12
  1782. Mark Zaleski Band: Days Months Years (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1783. Michael Zilber: Originals for the Originals (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  1784. Ziur: U Feel Anything? (Planet Mu) {2}: Mix:47; am_e:+
  1785. 1800Haightstreet: Endless (Lobster Theremin) {1}: Spk:48
  1786. 311: Mosaic (BMG) {1}: ABC:29
  1787. 3Divas: 3Divas (Diva) {1}: JC:+
  1788. '68: Two Parts Viper (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: ap:+
  1789. 79rs Gang: Dead and Gone/Wrong Part of Town (Urban Unrest -EP) {1}: aqd:+
  1790. Abstract Orchestra: Dilla (ATA) {1}: Pc:95
  1791. Accidentals: Odyssey (Masterworks) {1}: ABC:39
  1792. Ackercocke: Renaissance in Extremis (Peaceville) {1}: pm_m:10
  1793. Poppy Ackroyd: Sketches (One Little Indian) {1}: YW:65
  1794. Tom Adams: Silence (Kowloon) {1}: npr_b:6
  1795. Johan Agebjorn/Mikael Ogren: We Never Came to the White Sea (Spotted Peccary) {1}: am_e:+
  1796. Sophie Agnel/Daunik Lazro: Marguerite D'Or Pale (Fou -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
  1797. Natasha Agrama: The Heart of Infinite Change (World Galaxy/AlphaPup) {1}: JC:+
  1798. A-Ha: MTV Unplugged: Summer Solstice (Island) {1}: RY:33
  1799. Lydia Ainsworth: Darling of the Afterglow (Arbutus) {1}: LR:96
  1800. Akademie fur Alte Musik: Berlin-Telemann: Concerti Per Molti Stromenti (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: am:+
  1801. Akatombo: Short Fuse (Alt.Vinyl) {1}: Qt:98
  1802. Noel Akchote: Complete Recordings (Plays Anthony Braxton) (self-released) {1}: jch:10
  1803. Lauren Alaina: Road Less Traveled (Interscope) {1}: RS_c:35
  1804. Ala Ni: You & I (No Format) {1}: npr_b:10
  1805. Olivier Alary: Pieces for Sine Wave Oscillators (Line) {1}: YW:54
  1806. Darin & Brooke Aldridge: Faster and Farther (Mountain Home Music) {1}: nod:+
  1807. Lesa Aldridge/Ross Johnson: Lesa & Ross (The Great Pop Supplement -16) {1}: PO:79
  1808. Alex & Digby: For My Process (Flash as a Rat) {1}: xlr:+
  1809. Rahim AlHag: Letters From Iraq (Smithsonian Folkways) {1}: ab:+
  1810. Don Aliquo: Fathers & Sons (MCG Jazz) {1}: JY:70
  1811. Al Namrood: Enkar (Shaytan Productions) {1}: Qt:43
  1812. Alphaxone and Donny Darko: Forsaken (Cyro Chamber) {1}: YW:86
  1813. Altered Natives: The Black Album (Eye 4 Eye) {1}: Cl:68
  1814. Anna Altman: Freightliner (Exploding in Sound) {1}: PT:39
  1815. Amadou & Mariam: La Confusion (Because Music) {1}: pm_w:7
  1816. Amelia Airhorn: The Knocks & Skylar Spence Present Amelia Airhorn (self-released) {1}: pm_p:8
  1817. Siavash Amini: Tar (Hallow Ground) {1}: Qt:71
  1818. Amp Fiddler: Amp Dog Knights (Mahogan Music) {1}: Mix:29
  1819. Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra: Vula (Alien Transistor) {1}: ex_i:+
  1820. Lotte Anker: Plodi (Klopotec) {1}: jsg:6
  1821. Anna of the North: Lovers (Different) {1}: GB:26
  1822. Anohni: Paradise (Secretly Canadian -EP) {1}: e_uk:+
  1823. Antwood: Sponsored Content (Planet Mu) {1}: am_e:+
  1824. Aosoth: V: The Inside Scriptures (Agonia) {1}: pm_m:13
  1825. William Appling: Scott Joplin: The Complete Rags Waltez and Marches (WASO) {1}: YW:81
  1826. Aquaserge: Laisse Ca Etre (Almost Musique) {1}: Qt:82
  1827. Arashi [Akira Sakata/Johan Berthling/Paal Nilssen-Love]: Semikujira (Trost -16) {1}: JC:+
  1828. Amber Arcades: Cannonball (Heavenly -EP) {1}: YW:58
  1829. The Arcana: Lemon Freddy Phanton of the Sky (DSO) {1}: BE:83
  1830. Arcane Roots: Melancholia Hymns (Easy Life) {1}: Bq:55
  1831. Tim Armacost: Time Being (Whirlwind) {1}: JC:+
  1832. Artificial Brain: Infrared Horizon (Profound Lore) {1}: Spk:26
  1833. Asking Alexandria: Asking Alexandria (Sumerian) {1}: ap:+
  1834. Auction for the Promise Club: Silence (Zen 10) {1}: LW:47
  1835. August Burns Red: Phantom Anthem (Fearless) {1}: ap:+
  1836. Aurelio: Darandi (Real World -16) {1}: FR:+
  1837. Avenged Sevenfold: The Stage (Capitol) {1}: ap:+
  1838. Babx: Ascensions (Bisonbison) {1}: LR:53
  1839. BadBadNotGood: LateNightTales (LateNightTales) {1}: Fp:35
  1840. Sheryl Bailey & Harvie S: Plucky Strum Departure (Whaling City Sound) {1}: -- TH:*
  1841. J Balvin: Energia Lado B (Universal Music Latin) {1}: vib:+
  1842. Banda Magda: Tigre (GroundUP Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  1843. The Band of Heathens: Duende (BOH) {1}: RS_c:31
  1844. Bardo Pond: Under the Pines (Fire) {1}: CM:61 -- TH:B
  1845. Bobby Bare: Things Change (BFD) {1}: scm:+
  1846. Baths: Romaplasm (Anticon) {1}: AY:174
  1847. John Baumann: Proving Grounds (Golden Spread) {1}: scm:+
  1848. Darcy Baylis: Intimacy & Isolation (Downtime) {1}: rb:+
  1849. BBC Radiophonie Workshop: Burials in Several Earths (Room 13) {1}: LR:85
  1850. Beans: Wolves of the World (Tygr Rawwk) {1}: de_m:7
  1851. Emily Bear Trio: Into the Blue (Edston) {1}: JY:68
  1852. Beastie Respond: Information City (Foul-Up) {1}: DJM:47
  1853. BeatKing: Astroworld 2 (C3Entertainment/BreatKing Made This Sh-t) {1}: PW:44
  1854. Gerald Beckett: Oblivion (Summit) {1}: -- TH:*
  1855. Bedwetter: Volume 1: Flick Your Tongue Against Your Teeth and Describe the Present () {1}: Spk:32
  1856. Beholder: Claim No Native Land (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  1857. Mary Bell: LP (Le Turc Mecanique) {1}: Bc:65
  1858. Benedek: Bene's World (Leaving) {1}: VF:39
  1859. Han Bennink Trio: Adelante (ICP) {1}: JC:+
  1860. Ernaldo Bernocchi: Rosebud (RareNoise) {1}: -- TH:*
  1861. David Bertrand: Palmyra & Other Places (Blujazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  1862. Big Walnuts Yonder: Big Walnuts Yonder (Sargent House) {1}: St:36
  1863. Steve Bilodeau: The Sun Through the Rain (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  1864. Biogen: Halogen Continues (Trip) {1}: DJM:37
  1865. The Black Butterflies: Luisa (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  1866. Black Country Communion: BCCIV (Mascot) {1}: hmv:+
  1867. Black Flower: Artifacts (Sdban -16) {1}: JC:+
  1868. Black Gardenia: Lucky Star (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  1869. Black Grape: Pop Voodoo (Commercial Marketing) {1}: LW:23
  1870. Black Hat: Impossible World (Hansu Mountain) {1}: am_e:+
  1871. Black Lips: Satan's Graffiti or God's Art (Vice) {1}: -- TH:*
  1872. Black Moon: Enta Da Stage: The Remixes (Fat Beats) {1}: ab:+
  1873. Jim Black/Oskar Gudjonsson/Elias Stemeseder/Chris Tordini: Mala Mute (Intakt) {1}: -- TH:*
  1874. Black Shape: Doom Room (Tiptop Audio) {1}: YW:77
  1875. Black Star Riders: Heavy Fire (Nuclear Blast) {1}: hmv:+
  1876. Ran Blake & Kresten Osgood: The Dorothy Wallace Suite (ILK Music) {1}: JC:+
  1877. Sebastian Blanck: Convince Me (110 Editions) {1}: ABC:35
  1878. Sebastian Blanck: Likeness (110 Editions) {1}: ABC:35
  1879. Karl Blau: Out Her Space (Bella Union) {1}: am_s:+
  1880. Blindflug: Without Doubt (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  1881. Blois: Lake (Quinton's Fun) {1}: PT:44
  1882. Blue Iverson: Hotep (World Music Group) {1}: C:42
  1883. Blue Notes Tribute Orkestra: Live at the Bird's Eye (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  1884. Blue Notes Tribute Orkestra: Live at the Bird's Eye (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  1885. Blu & Exile: In the Beginning: Before the Heavens (Dirty Science/Fat Beats) {1}: ab:+
  1886. Dean Blunt & Joanne Robertson: Wahalla (Textile) {1}: Pc:52
  1887. BMX Bandits: BMX Bandits Forever (Elefant) {1}: LW:69
  1888. BNNT: The Multiverse (Instant Classic) {1}: Qt:26
  1889. BNQT: Volume 1 (Dualtone/Bella Union) {1}: am_k:+
  1890. Bohemian Trio: Okonkolo (Innova) {1}: JC:+
  1891. Richard Bona & Mandekan Cubano: Heritage (Qwest -16) {1}: JC:+
  1892. Tracy Bonham: Modern Burdens (A Woody Hollow) {1}: RS:45
  1893. Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Best Troubador (Drag City) {1}: aqd:+
  1894. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie: The Bigger Artist (Highbridge the Label) {1}: Cmp:16
  1895. Boosegumps: On the Way to Meet You (Birdtapes) {1}: PT:50
  1896. Boris: Dear (Sargent House) {1}: LW:76
  1897. Botanist: Collective: The Shape of He to Come (Avantgarde Music) {1}: Qt:41
  1898. Francois Bourassa Quartet: Number 9 (Effendi) {1}: JC:+
  1899. Matthew Bourne: Isotach (Leaf Label) {1}: BIW:25
  1900. Ben Lukas Boysen & Sebastian Plano: Everything (Erased Tapes) {1}: Bc:100
  1901. Danielle Bradbery: I Don't Believe We've Met (Big Machine) {1}: sln:20
  1902. Cory Branan: Adios (Bloodshot) {1}: RS_c:27
  1903. Michelle Branch: Hopeless Romantic (Verve) {1}: PCr:18
  1904. Brandon Can't Dance: Graveyard of Good Times (Lucky Number) {1}: Eb:99
  1905. Anthony Braxton: Solo (Victoriaville) 2017 (Victo) {1}: JC:+
  1906. Tamar Braxton: Bluebird of Happiness (Tamartianland) {1}: hc_g:+
  1907. Kati Briens Dream Band: Happy Music (self-released) {1}: BIW:43
  1908. Brix & the Extricated: Part 2 (Blang) {1}: PO:88
  1909. Broadside: Paradise (Victory) {1}: ap:+
  1910. Jakob Bro: Streams (ECM -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[B]
  1911. Broken English Club: The English Beach (LIES) {1}: xlr:+
  1912. JC Brooks: The Neon Jungle (Rock Ridge Music) {1}: am_r:+
  1913. Brooks Prumo Orchestra: Pass the Bounce (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  1914. The Brother Brothers: Tugboats EP (self-released -EP) {1}: scm:+ -- TH:B-
  1915. Peter Brotzmann/Heather Leigh: Sex Tape (Trost) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B-
  1916. Bill Brovold & Jamie Saft: Serenity Knolls (Rare Noise) {1}: -- TH:*
  1917. Zac Brown Band: Welcome Home (Elektra) {1}: sln:13
  1918. Carlinhos Brown: Semelhantes (Candyall Music) {1}: xce:9
  1919. Harriet Brown: Contact (Innovation Leisure) {1}: Sl:24
  1920. BTS: Loe Yourself * Her (Bit Hit -EP) {1}: ax:+
  1921. Jake Bugg: Hearts That Strain (EMI) {1}: am_s:+
  1922. Kate Bush: Before the Dawn () {1}: Mj:44
  1923. Business of Dreams: Business of Dreams (Parked in Hell) {1}: Bc:21
  1924. Taylor Ho Bynum: Enter the Plustet (Firehouse 12 -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
  1925. Caddywhompus: Odd Hours (Inflated) {1}: Eb:89
  1926. Cafe Tacuba: Jei Beibi (Melotron) {1}: am_w:+
  1927. Calibre: Grow (The Nothing Special -16) {1}: DJM:33
  1928. Caligula's Horse: In Contact (InsideOut) {1}: pm_r:10
  1929. Jonas Cambien/Adrian Myhr: Simiskina (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  1930. Michel Camilo: Live in London (Redondo Music) {1}: jsf:+
  1931. Larry Campbell and Teresa Williams: Contraband Love (Red House) {1}: nod:+
  1932. Camp Howard: Juice EP (EggHunt -EP) {1}: DT:33
  1933. Chantae Cann: Sol Empowered (Atlanta) {1}: WFM:36
  1934. Cantica Symphonia/La Compagnia Del Madrigale/Giuseppe Maletto/Ensemble La Pifarescha: Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro Della Beata Vergine (Glossa) {1}: am:+
  1935. Caracara: Summer Megalith (Flower Girl) {1}: Alt:50
  1936. Martin Carr: New Shapes of Life (Tapete) {1}: Cl:76
  1937. Casper Skulls: Mercy Works (Buzz) {1}: ts:+
  1938. Cast: Kicking Up the Dust (Cast Music) {1}: LW:55
  1939. The Chain Gang of 1974: Felt (Caroline) {1}: am_i:+
  1940. Chance the Rapper and Jeremih: Merry Christmas Lil' Mama: Re-Wrapped (self-released) {1}: YW:35
  1941. Tanika Charles: Soul Run (self-released -16) {1}: Al:39
  1942. Charlotte OC: Careless People (Sony) {1}: am_p:+
  1943. Cheap Trick: We're All Alright! (Big Machine) {1}: am_k:+
  1944. Cody Chesnutt: My Love Divine Degree (One Little Indian) {1}: am_r:+
  1945. Chmmr: Auto (Full Pupp) {1}: Pc:35
  1946. Chopstars x Barry Jenkins: Purple Moonlight (self-released) {1}: GB:46
  1947. Corey Christiansen: Dusk (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  1948. Chronic Tone: Green in Blue (self-released) {1}: de_k:10
  1949. Albert Cirera/Hernani Faustino/Gabriel Ferrandini/Agusti Fernandez: Before the Silence (NoBusiness -16) {1}: jgl:9 -- TH:[A-]
  1950. Albert Cirera & Tres Tambors: Suite Salada (Underpool) {1}: BIW:40
  1951. Citris: Panic in Hampton Boys (self-released) {1}: Eb:64
  1952. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: The Tourist (Undertow) {1}: e_uk:+
  1953. Brandy Clark: Big Day in a Small Town (Warner Bros -16) {1}: hmv:+ -- TH:[A-]
  1954. Dave Clarke: The Desecration of Desire (Slant) {1}: AY:162
  1955. Gary Clark Jr: Live North America 2016 (Warner Bros) {1}: am_b:+
  1956. Slaid Cleaves: Ghost of the Car Radio (Candy House Media) {1}: scm:+
  1957. Climax Landers: Climax Landers (Intellectual Bird) {1}: PT:37
  1958. Cloak: To Venomous Depths (Season of Mist) {1}: pm_m:20
  1959. Brent Cobb: Shine On Rainy Day (Elektra) {1}: I:23
  1960. Tal Cohen: Gentle Giants (Inner Circle) {1}: JC:+
  1961. Cold Specks: Fool's Paradise (Arts & Crafts) {1}: am_s:+
  1962. J Cole: 4 Your Eyez Only (Dreamville/Roc Nation/Interscope -16) {1}: ny_c:8 -- TH:[**]
  1963. George Colligan: More Powerful (Whirlwind) {1}: JC:+
  1964. Kweku Collins: Grey (Closed Sessions) {1}: CS:29
  1965. Collocutor: The Search (On the Corner) {1}: VF:37
  1966. Colorama: Some Things Just Take Time (Wonderful Sound) {1}: am_s:+
  1967. Jessi Colter: The Psalms (Legacy) {1}: aqd:+
  1968. The Comet Is Coming: Death to the Planet (Leaf Label) {1}: Bc:24
  1969. Conduct: Oma (Blu Mar Ten Music) {1}: DJM:46
  1970. Converge: Jane Live (Converge Cult) {1}: RY:22
  1971. Braxton Cook: Somewhere in Between (Fresh Selects) {1}: DT:24
  1972. The Cookers: The Call of the Wild & Peaceful Heart (Smoke Sessions -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[*]
  1973. Cool Americans: Infinite Hiatus (Topshelf) {1}: Alt:25
  1974. Mike Cooper: Raft (Room40) {1}: C:46
  1975. The Co-Op: The Co-Op (Brown Brothers -16) {1}: JC:+
  1976. Julian Cope: Drunken Songs (Head Heritage) {1}: am_i:+
  1977. Ani Cordero: Querido Mundo (self-released) {1}: am_w:+
  1978. Billy Corgan: Ogilala (BMG) {1}: spt:+
  1979. Eva Cortes: Crossing Borders (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  1980. Gustavo Cortinas Snapshot: Esse (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
  1981. Cosmic Analog Ensemble: Les Sourdes Oreilles (My Bags) {1}: Bc:68
  1982. Roxy Coss: Chasing the Unicorn (Posi-Tone) {1}: jkf:+
  1983. The Country Side of Harmonica Sam: A Drink After Midnight (El Toro) {1}: scm:+
  1984. Coupler: Gifts From the Ebb Tide (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
  1985. Francois Couturier/Tarkovsky Quartet: Nuit Blanche (ECM) {1}: JC:+
  1986. Cowboy Rhythmbox: Tanz Exotique (Phantasy Sound) {1}: YW:53
  1987. The Cowboy: The Cowboy Album (Fashionable Idiots) {1}: N:66
  1988. Cradle of Filth: Cryptoriana: The Seductiveness of Decay (Nuclear Blast) {1}: Spk:36
  1989. Craven Faults: Netherfield Works (Lowfold Works) {1}: No:29
  1990. Sandy Cressman: Entre Amigos (Cressman Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  1991. Criolo: Espiral De Ilusao (Oloko) {1}: xbs:+
  1992. AJ Croce: Just Like Medicine (Compass) {1}: am_b:+
  1993. Charley Crockett: Lil GL's Honky Tonk Jubilee (Son of Davy) {1}: scm:+
  1994. Crooked Bangs: II (Nervous Intent) {1}: Bc:46
  1995. Adrian Crowley: Dark Eyed Messenger (Chemikal Underground) {1}: am_s:+
  1996. Sheryl Crow: Be Myself (Warner Bros) {1}: ABC:28
  1997. Alex Cuba: Lo Unico Constante (Caracol/Fontana North) {1}: am_w:+
  1998. Denzel Curry: Imperial (Loma Vista) {1}: am_h:+
  1999. Curtis Brothers Quartet: Syzygy (Truth Revolution -16) {1}: JC:+
  2000. Cut Copy: Haiku From Zero (Capitol) {1}: UR:96
  2001. Dad Thighs: The Ghosts That I Fear (Damn Fine) {1}: Spk:45
  2002. Luca D'Alberto: Endless (7K!) {1}: LR:66
  2003. Dalek: Endangered Philosophies (Ipecac) {1}: am_h:+
  2004. Damaged Bug: Bunker Funk (Castle Face) {1}: Pc:87 -- TH:B
  2005. Lars Danielsson: Libretto III (ACT) {1}: JC:+
  2006. Tim Darcy: Saturday Night (Jagjaguwar) {1}: C:90
  2007. Darkhouse Family: The Offering (First Word) {1}: am_r:+
  2008. Joao Paulo Esteves Da Silva/Mario Franco/Samuel Rohrer: Brightbird (Arjunamusic) {1}: JC:+
  2009. The Date Brothers With Bob Barnard and Jonathan Zwartz: Just My Luck (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  2010. David's Angels: Traces (Kopasetic) {1}: -- TH:*
  2011. Kris Davis: Duopoly (Pyroclastic -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
  2012. Michael Davis: Hip-Bone Big Band (Hip-Bone Music) {1}: jrm:+
  2013. Moot Davis: Hierarchy of Crows (Wilburn) {1}: scm:+
  2014. Steve Davis: Think Ahead (Smoke Sessions) {1}: JY:22
  2015. Day Wave: The Days We Had (Harvest) {1}: Am_s:24
  2016. Dead Man's Chest: Trilogy (Ingredients -16) {1}: DJM:31
  2017. Dead Man Winter: Furnace (Gndwire) {1}: scm:+
  2018. Deaf Kids: Configuracao do Lamento (Neurot) {1}: Qt:52
  2019. Death's Dynamic Shroud: Heavy Black Heart (Orange Milk) {1}: Spk:46
  2020. Jessie James Decker: Southern Girl City Lights (Epic) {1}: am_c:+
  2021. Mark De Clive-Lowe: Live at the Blue Whale (Ropeadope) {1}: JC:+
  2022. Dego & Kaidi: A So We Gwarn (Sound Signature) {1}: VF:41
  2023. Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society: Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society (Six Degrees) {1}: YW:30
  2024. Delicate Steve: This Is Steve (Anti-) {1}: Up:40
  2025. Dwiki Dharmawan: Pasar Klewer (MoonJune -16) {1}: JC:+
  2026. The Brian Dickinson Quintet: The Rhythm Method (Addo) {1}: -- TH:*
  2027. Differ-Ent: It's Good to Be Differ-Ent (Don't Be Afraid) {1}: F:22
  2028. Dinner: New Work (Captured Tracks) {1}: ath:+
  2029. Dirty Songs: Play Dirty Songs (Audika) {1}: Mrg:39
  2030. Disperse: Foreword (Season of Mist) {1}: Spk:27
  2031. Brandi Disterheft: Blue Canvas (Justin Time) {1}: JY:96
  2032. Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein: Stranger Things 2 [A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack] (Lakeshore) {1}: CS:41
  2033. DJ Lycox: Sonhos & Pesadelos (Principe) {1}: C:52
  2034. DJ Manny: Greenlight (Teklife) {1}: C:73
  2035. Dodecahedron: Kwintessens (Season of Mist) {1}: pm_m:8
  2036. Dog Leg Dilemma: Not This Time (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2037. Dois: Esta Bien (Discos de Kirlian/Orphan) {1}: Bc:89
  2038. Chano Dominguez: Over the Rainbow (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  2039. Chano Dominguez: Over the Rainbow (Sunnyside) {1}: am_w:+
  2040. Miles Donahue: The Bug (Whaling City Sound) {1}: -- TH:*
  2041. Dope Knife: NineteenEightyFour (Strange Famous) {1}: de_m:10
  2042. Dopelord: Children of the Haze (Heavy Metal Vomit Party/Green Plague) {1}: Crh:33
  2043. Dwayne Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers: Top of the Mountain (Crew) {1}: ob:9
  2044. Marcelo Dos Reis: Cascas (Cipsela) {1}: jlre:10
  2045. Charlotte Dos Santos: Cleo (Fresh Selects) {1}: Bc:69
  2046. Jerry Douglas Band: What If (Universal) {1}: am_j:+
  2047. Dave Douglas/Frank Woeste: Dada People (Greenleaf Music -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
  2048. Mike Downes: Root Structure (Addo) {1}: -- TH:*
  2049. Lila Downs: Salon Lagrimas Y Deseo (Sony Mexico) {1}: am_w:+
  2050. Drakeo the Ruler: So Cold I Do Em (Stinc Team) {1}: PW:24
  2051. Paul Draper: Spooky Action (Kscope) {1}: LW:39
  2052. Mark Dresser Seven: Sedimental You (Clean Feed -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
  2053. Dr Mint: Voices in the Void (Orenda) {1}: -- TH:*
  2054. Dropkick Murphys: 11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory (Born & Bred) {1}: am_q:+
  2055. Duchess: Laughing at Life (Anzic) {1}: -- TH:*
  2056. The Duke Spirit: Sky Is Mine (Ex Voto) {1}: Gw:49
  2057. Dune Rats: The Kids Will Know It's Bullshit (Dine Alone) {1}: pm_p:14
  2058. Izzy Dunn: Recycle Love (Idunnit Music) {1}: Al:41
  2059. The Du-Rites: Greasy Listening (self-released) {1}: Al:45
  2060. The Dustbowl Revival: The Dustbowl Revival (Signature Sounds) {1}: am_a:+
  2061. Echobelly: Anarchy & Alchemy (self-released) {1}: LW:63
  2062. Echoes of Swing: Bix: A Tribute to Bix Beiderbecke (ACT -16) {1}: JC:+
  2063. Eddie the Wheel: Leave Behind (Vibe/Anti-Vibe) {1}: aqd:+
  2064. Edgelarks: Edgelarks (Dragonfly) {1}: FR:+
  2065. David "Honeyboy" Edwards: I'm Gonna Tell You Somethin' That I Know: Live at the G Spot (Pro Sho Bidness) {1}: am_b:+
  2066. Egyptrixx: Pure Beyond Reproach (Halocline Trance) {1}: am_e:+
  2067. Eight Rounds Rapid: Objet D'Art (Cadiz) {1}:
  2068. Henrique Eisenmann: The Free Poetics of Henrique Eisenmann (Red Piano) {1}: JC:+
  2069. Harris Eisenstadt/Mivos Quartet: Whatever Will Happen That Will Also Be (NoBusiness) {1}: -- TH:*
  2070. Eisley: I'm Only Dreaming (Equal Vision) {1}: Blr:47
  2071. El Goodo: By Order of the Moose (Strangetown) {1}:
  2072. Elizabeth & the Catapult: Keepsake (Compass) {1}: am_s:+
  2073. Elkhorn: The Black River (Debacle) {1}: aqd:+
  2074. Karen Elson: Double Roses (HOT) {1}: am_s:+
  2075. Eluvium: Shuffle Drones (Temporary Residence -EP) {1}: pf_x:16
  2076. Emmanuel: Rave Culture (ARTS) {1}: DJM:40
  2077. Endless Field [Jesse Lewis/Ike Sturm]: Endless Field (Biophilia) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
  2078. Marlene Enright: Placemats and Second Cuts (self-released) {1}: St:46
  2079. Ensemble of Irreproducible Outcomes: City Flexure (Irritable Hedgehog) {1}: YW:85
  2080. Enslaved: E (Nuclear Blast) {1}: pm_m:9
  2081. Noga Erez: Off the Radar (City Slang) {1}: AY:29 -- TH:B
  2082. Peter Erskine Trio: In Praise of Shadows (Fuzzy Music) {1}: JC:+
  2083. John Escreet: The Unknown (Sunnyside -16) {1}: PO:56 -- TH:[A-]
  2084. Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir: Korvits: Moorland Elegies (Ondine) {1}: NPR:33
  2085. Dmitry Evgrafov: Comprehension of Light (FatCat) {1}: No:41
  2086. Exit Order: Seed of Hysteria (La Vida Es Un Mus) {1}: wp:8
  2087. Exit Someone: Dry Your Eyes (Atelier Ciseaux) {1}: GB:53
  2088. Exuvia: The Ruins of Beverast (Van) {1}: RY:26
  2089. Eyelids: Or (Jealous Butcher) {1}: YW:61
  2090. Eyre Llew: Atelo (self-released) {1}: DS:24
  2091. Ezra Collective: Juan Pablo: The Philosopher (Enter the Jungle) {1}: WFM:29
  2092. Fabel: Fabel (Jaeger Community Music) {1}: BIW:22
  2093. Fabolous & Jadakiss: Friday on Elm Street (Def Jam) {1}: xxl:+
  2094. Paloma Faith: The Architect (RCA) {1}: am_p:+
  2095. Falling in Reverse: Coming Home (Epitaph) {1}: am_q:+
  2096. Falls of Rauros: Vigilance Perennial () {1}: Spk:21
  2097. Ty Farris & Trox: Room 39 (self-released) {1}: de_d:9
  2098. Fat Joe & Remy Ma: Plata O Plomo (RNG) {1}: xxl:+
  2099. Feedtime: Gas (In the Red) {1}: am_q:+
  2100. Fekky: El Clasico (Island) {1}: cuk:15
  2101. David Feldman: Horizonte (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2102. Fen: Winter (Code666) {1}: Spk:25
  2103. Alan Ferber Big Band: Jigsaw (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
  2104. Lance Ferguson: Raw Material (Warner Music Australia) {1}: DJ:35
  2105. Heloisa Fernandes: Faces (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  2106. Agusti Fernandez/Rafal Mazur: Ziran (Not Two -16) {1}: JC:+
  2107. Fever Dream: Squid (Club AC30) {1}: LW:56
  2108. Fink: Fink's Sunday Night Blues Club Vol 1 () {1}: RM:64
  2109. Fire Is Motion: Still I Try (self-released) {1}: Alt:29
  2110. Fire-Toolz: Drip Mental (Hausu Mountain) {1}: Bc:79
  2111. The Fireworks: Dream About You (Shelflife) {1}: YW:26
  2112. Samantha Fish: Chills & Fever (Ruf) {1}: ny_c:22
  2113. Fis & Rob Thorne: Clear Stones (Subtext) {1}: No:47
  2114. Fiuum Sharrkk: We Are Astonishingly Lifelike (Not Applicable) {1}: WFM:49
  2115. Fiver: Audible Songs From Rockwood (Idee Fixe) {1}: sl_w:+
  2116. The Flatliners: Inviting Light (Rise) {1}: Blr:33
  2117. Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn: Echo in the Valley (Rounder) {1}: JC:+
  2118. Mike Floss: Tennessee Daydreams (The Iconic Group) {1}: ns:7
  2119. Roberto Fonseca: Abuc (Impulse -16) {1}: WFM:43
  2120. Formation: Look at the Powerful People (Grand Jury) {1}: RT:74
  2121. Knox Fortune: Paradise (self-released) {1}: DJB:32
  2122. Brenton Foster: The Nature of Light (self-released) {1}: BIW:42
  2123. Chris Foster: Hadelin (Funi) {1}: FR:+
  2124. Foster the People: Sacred Hearts Club (Columbia) {1}: YF:32
  2125. The Four Bags: Waltz (NCM East) {1}: -- TH:*
  2126. Ken Fowser: Now Hear This! (Posi-Tone) {1}: JY:56
  2127. Greg Fox: The Gradual Progression (RVNG Intl) {1}: aqd:+
  2128. Craig Fraedrich With Trilogy and Friends: All Through the Night (Summit) {1}: -- TH:*
  2129. Thomas Franck Quartet: Association: Live at Jazzhus Montmartre (Storyville) {1}: JC:+
  2130. French Vanilla: French Vanilla (Danger Collective) {1}: Bc:41
  2131. Fresh: Fresh (Specialist Subject) {1}: ABC:43
  2132. Burnt Friedman: The Pestle (Latency) {1}: ra:+
  2133. Burnt Friedman & Mohammad Reza Mortazavi: Yek (Nonplace -EP) {1}: xlr:+
  2134. David Friesen: Structures (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  2135. The Frightnrs: More to Say Versions (Daptone) {1}: DW:73
  2136. The Front Bottoms: Going Grey (Fueled by Ramen) {1}: Bq:46
  2137. Satoko Fujii/Natsuki Tamura: Kisaragi (Libra) {1}: -- TH:*
  2138. Satoko Fujii Quartet: Live at Jazz Room Cortez (Cortez Sound) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
  2139. Fujiya & Miyagi: Fujiya & Miyagi (Impossible Objects of Desire) {1}: AY:137
  2140. Function: Recompiled I/II (A-TON) {1}: xlr:+
  2141. Pascal Gaigne: Handia [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Quartet) {1}: ab:+
  2142. Gajek: '17 (Monkeytown) {1}: xlr:+
  2143. Mahmoud Gania: Colours of the Night (Hive Mind) {1}: W:49
  2144. Gateway to Otherwise: Dragon Bus Terminal (Maybe Mars) {1}:
  2145. Gaudi: Magnetic (RareNoise) {1}: JC:+
  2146. Amerigo Gazaway: A Common Wonder (self-released) {1}: YW:28
  2147. Amerigo Gazaway: Player's Holiday: A Very Merry Mixtape (self-released) {1}: YW:56
  2148. Gazelle Twin: Kingdom Come (Anti-Ghost Moon Ray) {1}: Qt:47
  2149. Gene on Earth: Lazybones EP (09-01) {1}: xlr:+
  2150. Gentle Brent: Just Dandy (Jigsaw) {1}: sd:8
  2151. Geotic: Abysma (Ghostly International) {1}: ath:+
  2152. Julian Gerstin Sextet: The One Who Makes You Happy (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2153. Ghostemane: Hexada (self-released) {1}: Sg_h:26
  2154. Giant Claw: Soft Channel (Orange Milk) {1}: TMT:34
  2155. A Giant Dog: Toy (Merge) {1}: YW:84
  2156. Philip Gibbs: Infinite Spirit Perfect Now (Environmental Studies) {1}: jch:8
  2157. Perfect Giddimani: Live My Life Again (Giddimani) {1}: -- TH:*
  2158. Brantley Gilbert: The Devil Don't Sleep (Big Machine) {1}: am_c:+
  2159. David Gilmore: Transitions (Criss Cross) {1}: -- TH:*
  2160. Gingerlys: Gingerlys (Topshelf) {1}: pm_i:10
  2161. Giraffage: Too Real (Counter) {1}: am_e:+
  2162. Glass Animals: How to Be a Human Being (Wolf Tone -16) {1}: mut:7
  2163. Yair Elazar Glotman: Compound (Subtext) {1}: xlr:+
  2164. Gnarwolves: Outsiders (Big Scary Monsters/Tangled Talk) {1}: Bq:71
  2165. Gnoomes: Tschak! (Rocket) {1}: Pc:58
  2166. The Brett Gold New York Jazz Orchestra: Dreaming Big (Goldfox) {1}: -- TH:*
  2167. Vitor Goncalves: Vitor Goncalves Quartet (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  2168. Delia Gonzalez: Horse Follows Darkness (DFA) {1}: Bc:94
  2169. Alex Goodman: Second Act (Lyte) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
  2170. The Goon Sax: Up to Anything (Chapter Music -16) {1}: PO:43 -- TH:[***]
  2171. Gordi: Reservoir (Jagjaguwar) {1}: RS_A:38
  2172. Mike Gordon: Ogogo (ATO) {1}: gl:+
  2173. Gosheven: Leaper (Opal Tapes) {1}: W:50
  2174. Gracie and Rachel: Gracie and Rachel (self-released) {1}: npr_b:+
  2175. Grandbrothers: Open (City Slang) {1}: MO:41
  2176. Grand River: Crescente (Spazio Disponibile) {1}: xlr:+
  2177. The Granite Shore: Suspended Second (Occulation/Fishrider) {1}: Qt:38
  2178. Grave Pleasures: Motherblood (Century Media) {1}: LW:37
  2179. Grayscale: Adornment (Fearless) {1}: ap:+
  2180. Burton Greene: Compendium (Improvising Beings) {1}: JC:+
  2181. Josh Green & the Cyborg Orchestra: Telepathy & Bop (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2182. Greet Death: Dixieland (Flesh and Bone) {1}: Alt:24
  2183. Earl Grey: Headwinds (Inperspective) {1}: DJM:26
  2184. H Grimace: Self Architect () {1}: RT:43
  2185. Philipp Gropper's Philm: Sun Ship (WhyPlayJazz) {1}: JC:+
  2186. Guided by Voices: How Do You Spell Heaven (GBV) {1}: YW:87
  2187. Gunn Truscinski Duo: Bay Head (Three Lobed) {1}: aqd:+
  2188. Mats Gustafsson & Craig Taborn: Ljubljana (Clean Feed) {1}: jmsk:7 -- TH:B
  2189. Alejandra Guzman/Gloria Trevi: Versus (Universal) {1}: am_w:+
  2190. Tim Hagans: Faces Under the Influence: A Tribute to John Cassavetes (Waiting Moon) {1}: jrm:17
  2191. Ha Ha Tonka: Heart Shaped Mountain (Bloodshot) {1}: gl:+
  2192. Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton: Fatal Gift (Last Gang) {1}: DS:43
  2193. Half Cleveland: Live @ the Wi-Fi Cafe (self-released) {1}: PO:47
  2194. Half Waif: Form/A (Cascine) {1}: LBF:29
  2195. Ann Hallenberg/Il Pomo D'Oro: Carnevale 1729 (Pentatone) {1}: am:+
  2196. Tigran Hamasyan: An Ancient Observer (Nonesuch) {1}: JC:+
  2197. Yasmine Hamdan: Al Jamilat (Ipecac) {1}: bbc:+
  2198. Marc-Andre Hamelin: For Bunita Marcus (Hyperion) {1}: NPR:49
  2199. Ross Hammond: Follow Your Heart (Prescott) {1}: CM:71
  2200. Hampshire & Foat: Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (Athens of the North) {1}: tr_j:+
  2201. Larry Ham/Woody Witt: Presence (Blujazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  2202. Hamza: 1994 (Just Woke Up) {1}: LR:83
  2203. Hand Habits: Wildly Idle (Woodsist) {1}: GB:33
  2204. Hang Em High: Tres Testosterones (Gig Ant/Boomslang) {1}: jrj:+
  2205. Happy Hollows: Concordia (self-released) {1}: Eb:76
  2206. Daniel Hart: A Ghost Story [Original Soundtrack] (Milan) {1}: npr_h:9
  2207. Mick Harvey: Intoxicated Women (Mute) {1}: LW:94
  2208. Taylor Haskins & Green Empire: The Point (Recombination) {1}: -- TH:*
  2209. Joao Hasselberg & Pedro Branco: From Order to Chaos (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2210. Juliana Hatfield: Pussycat (American Laundromat) {1}: AY:74
  2211. Hauschka: What If (Temporary Residence) {1}: Cl:60
  2212. Have Mercy: Make the Best of It (Hopeless) {1}: Bq:85
  2213. H Hawkline: I Romanticize (Heavenly) {1}: Dr:25 -- TH:B
  2214. Walker Hayes: Boom (Monument) {1}: TL:61
  2215. Hazelrigg Brothers: Songs We Like (self-released) {1}: jrm:15
  2216. Headland: True Flowers From This Painted World (Headland) {1}: Pc:65
  2217. Headroom: Head in the Clouds (Trouble in Mind) {1}: aqd:+
  2218. Heart Attack Man: The Manson Family (You Did This/Triple Crown) {1}: Alt:49
  2219. Heaven in Her Arms: White Halo (Daymare) {1}: Sg:39
  2220. Hegge: Vi Ar Ledsna Men Du Far Inte Langre Vara Barn (Particular) {1}: CM:27
  2221. Helado Negro: Private Energy (Asthmatic Kitty -16) {1}: aqd:+
  2222. The Heliosonic Tone-Tette: Heliosonic Toneways Vol 1 (ScienSonic Laboratories) {1}: JC:90
  2223. Hellbound Glory: Pinball (Black Country Rock) {1}: scm:+
  2224. Rebecca Hennessy's Fog Brass Band: Two Calls (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2225. HER: HER (Island) {1}: asp:9
  2226. Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas: Telephone (Instant) {1}: am_k:+
  2227. The Hernies: If You Can't Think Then You Cannot Be Afraid of the Consequences of Your Actions (Orange Twin) {1}: BS:29
  2228. Emily Herring: Gliding (Eight 30) {1}: scm:+ -- TH:B
  2229. Daniel Herskedal: The Roc (Edition) {1}: BIW:28
  2230. Hiccup: Imaginary Enemies (Father/Daughter) {1}: YW:45
  2231. Hieroglyphic Being/Sarathy Korwar/Shabaka Hutchings: ARE Project (Technicolour) {1}: wp:6
  2232. High Plains: Cinderland (Kranky) {1}: ex_i:+
  2233. Hillsong United: Wonder (self-released) {1}: Rel:22
  2234. Cynthia Hilts: Lyric Fury (Blond Coyote) {1}: -- TH:*
  2235. Art Hirahara: Central Line (Posi-Tone) {1}: JC:+
  2236. Hitmakerchinx: Shades and Monsters: FDM Classics (Night Slugs) {1}: C:38
  2237. AJ Hobbs: Too Much Is Never Enough (Booker) {1}: scm:+
  2238. Les Hoffsaes & Loto Retina: Early Contact (Permalink) {1}: TMT:28
  2239. Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors: Souvenir (Magnolia Music) {1}: owh:+
  2240. Dave Holland/Chris Potter/Lionel Loueke/Eric Harland: Aziza (Dare2 -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
  2241. Holland-Coots Jazz Quintet: This Is So Nice It Must Be Illegal (Shane's Mohawk) {1}: JC:+
  2242. Hollyn: One-Way Conversations (Gotee) {1}: sjm:6
  2243. Homemade Weapons: Negative Space (Samurai Music) {1}: xlr:+
  2244. Honey Joy: Honey Joy (Everything Sucks) {1}: LW:86
  2245. Tristan Honsinger/Antonio Borghini/Tobias Delius/Axel Dorner: Hook Line and Sinker (De Platenbakakkerij) {1}: -- TH:*
  2246. Adam Hopkins: Party Pack Ice (pfMENTUM -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  2247. Horse Lords: Mixtape IV (Northern Spy) {1}: aqd:+
  2248. House of Feelings: Last Chance EP (Infinite Best -EP) {1}: pm_p:15
  2249. Randy Howard: A Pair of Knees (Grand Old Man Music) {1}: scm:+
  2250. HTMLflowers: Chrome Halo (Wondercore Island) {1}: rb:+
  2251. Hafdis Huld: Dare to Dream Small (Red Grape) {1}: MO:27
  2252. Dean Hurley: Anthology Resource Vol 1 (Sacred Bones) {1}: sl_w:+
  2253. Hurts: Desire (self-released) {1}: am_p:+
  2254. Agnes Hvizdalek: Index (Nakama) {1}: Mrg:31
  2255. Hypnotic Brass Ensemble: Book of Sound (Honest Jons) {1}: WFM:26
  2256. I Am the Polish Army: My Old Man (self-released) {1}: -- RC:*
  2257. Iceland Symphony Orchestra: Recurrence (Sono Luminus) {1}: bbc:+
  2258. Ichon: Il Suffit de la Faire (Bon Gamin) {1}: LR:87
  2259. Idle Bloom: Little Deaths (Fraternity as Vanity) {1}: ns:9
  2260. IKB: Ornithorhynchus Anatinus (Creative Sources) {1}: jds:+
  2261. Ill Camille: Heirloom (Illustrated/Frontroom) {1}: Bc:63
  2262. I Ludicrous: Songs From the Sides of Lorries (Cherry Red) {1}: Qt:54
  2263. Immolation: Atonement (Nuclear Blast) {1}: ex_m:8
  2264. Impalers: Cellar Dweller (Magic Bullet) {1}: Bc:93
  2265. Inheaven: Inheaven (PIAS) {1}: LW:57
  2266. Inna De Yard: The Soul of Jamaica (Chapter Two) {1}: FR:+
  2267. Innocent When You Dream: Dirt in the Ground (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2268. The Inward Circles: And Right Lines Limit and Close All Bodies (Corbel Stone Press) {1}: Qt:53
  2269. Iojii & Swarvy: Due Rent (Fresh Selects) {1}: Bc:42
  2270. Jon Irabagon/John Hegre/Nils Are Dronen: Axis (Rune Grammofon) {1}: -- TH:*
  2271. Jordan Ireland With Purple Orchestra: Jordan Ireland With Purple Orchestra (Spunk) {1}: GTV:39
  2272. Iron Reagan: Crossover Ministry (Relapse) {1}: Crh:38
  2273. Ishmael Ensemble: Songs for Knotty (Banoffee Pies -EP) {1}: xlr:+ -- TH:B
  2274. Anne Mette Iversen Quartet + 1: Round Trip (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  2275. Ivo: Mix: Songs to Chill To Vol 14 (Stereofox) {1}: YW:69
  2276. Jacaszek: Kwiaty (Ghostly International) {1}: am_e:+
  2277. Michael Gregory Jackson: Spirit Signal Strata (Golden) {1}: jch:6
  2278. Sidney Jacobs: First Man (Baby Chubs -16) {1}: JC:+
  2279. Jose James: Love in a Time of Madness (Blue Note) {1}: -- TH:*
  2280. Leela James: Did It for Love (BMG) {1}: am_r:+
  2281. Jamiroquai: Autumaton (Virgin EMI) {1}: Al:23
  2282. JAM: Silent Notes (Victor Entertainment) {1}: WFM:32
  2283. Chris Janson: Everybody (Warner Bros) {1}: sln:14
  2284. Japan Blues: Sells His Record Collection (self-released) {1}: Qt:55
  2285. Jass: Mix of Sun and Clouds (Yolk Music -16) {1}: JC:+
  2286. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra: Handful of Keys (Blue Engine) {1}: JY:55
  2287. Jerome Jennings: The Beast (Iola) {1}: JY:21
  2288. Jentsch Group Quartet: Fractured Pop (Fleur de Son) {1}: -- TH:*
  2289. Kari Jobe: The Garden (Sparrow) {1}: sjm:+
  2290. Nicole Johanntgen: Henry (Hofa) {1}: sg_j:17
  2291. Chuck Johnson: Balsams (Vdsq) {1}: YW:44
  2292. Max Johnson: In the West (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2293. Syleena Johnson: Rebirth of Soul (Shanachie) {1}: am_r:+
  2294. Willie Jones III: My Point Is . . . (WJ3) {1}: JC:+
  2295. Norah Jones: Day Breaks (Blue Note -16) {1}: JY:87 -- TH:[**]
  2296. Theo Jorgensmann and Albrecht Maurer: Hymnen An Die Nacht (Nemu) {1}: JC:+
  2297. Jorrdee: Avant (Parlophone) {1}: LR:38
  2298. Juanes: Mis Planes Son Amarte (Universal Music Latino) {1}: am_w:+
  2299. Juicy J: Highly Intoxicated (self-released) {1}: Sg_h:37
  2300. The Juju Exchange: Exchange (self-released) {1}: CS:47
  2301. Mr Jukes: God First (Island) {1}: Bq:39
  2302. Kadavar: Rough Times (Nuclear Blast) {1}: LW:100
  2303. Kamikaze Girls: Seafoam (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: Cl:75
  2304. Danny Kamins/Damon Smith/Alvin Fielder/Joe Hertenstein: After Effects (FMR) {1}: jrj:+
  2305. Jun Kamoda: Blind Disco (Black Acre) {1}: YW:40
  2306. Kano: Made in the Manor (PLG UK Frontline -16) {1}: DW:77 -- TH:[***]
  2307. Kardajala Kirridarra: Kardajala Kirridarra (self-released) {1}: DJ:32
  2308. Karen & the Sorrows: The Narrow Place (self-released) {1}: N:92
  2309. Kasai Allstars: Felicite Remixes (Crammed Discs) {1}: -- TH:*
  2310. Vangelis Katsoulis: If Not Now When (Utopia) {1}: VF:49
  2311. Achim Kaufman/Olie Brice: Of Tides (Babel) {1}: jrj:+
  2312. Maija Kauhanen: Raivopryora (Nordic Notes) {1}: FR:+
  2313. Kbit: Future Yesterday (self-released) {1}: mmg:+
  2314. Mack Keane: 2107 (MasonMack -EP) {1}: pm_p:10
  2315. Keeping: Ruin Value (Community) {1}: PT:50
  2316. Toby Keith: The Bus Songs (Show Dog Nashville) {1}: am_c:+
  2317. Madeline Kenney: Night Night at the First Landing (Company) {1}: UR:74
  2318. K Flay: Every Where Is Some Where (Night Street/Interscope) {1}: ap:+
  2319. Khaki Blazer: Didn't Have to Cut (Hausu Mountain) {1}: TMT:32
  2320. Steve Khan: Backlog (Tone Center) {1}: JY:42
  2321. Nadine Khouri: The Salted Air () {1}: RT:33
  2322. Kiasmos: Blurred EP (Erased Tapes -EP) {1}: pm_b:11
  2323. The Kickback: Weddings and Funerals (Julian) {1}: CS:28
  2324. Kid Koala: Music to Draw To: Satellite (Arts & Crafts) {1}: am_e:+
  2325. Rebecca Kilgore/Bernd Lhotzky: This and That (Arbors) {1}: JC:+
  2326. Kill Alters: No Self Helps (Hausu Mountain) {1}: Bc:59
  2327. Frank Kimbrough: Solstice (Pirouet -16) {1}: JC:+
  2328. Kingdom: Tears in the Club (Fade to Mind) {1}: -- RC:*
  2329. Kite Base: Latent Whispers (Little Something) {1}: LQ:36
  2330. Petros Klampanis: Chroma (Motema) {1}: JY:97
  2331. KMFDM: Hell Yeah (EarMusic) {1}: tr_e:7
  2332. Kneebody: Anti-Hero (Motema) {1}: am_j:+ -- TH:B
  2333. Mateusz Kolakowski/Alan Wykpisz/Bertlomiej Korelus: Schonberg (ForTune -16) {1}: jrj:+
  2334. Kolsch: 1989 (Kompakt) {1}: Mix:43
  2335. Konstrukt: Molto Bene (Holidays -16) {1}: jmsk:10
  2336. Gregg Kowalsky: L'Orange L'Orange (Mexican Summer) {1}: LR:63
  2337. Krallice: Go Be Forgotten (self-released) {1}: Spk:34
  2338. Krept & Konan: 7 Days (Def Jam) {1}: cuk:13
  2339. Nick Krgovich: In an Open Field (Tin Angel) {1}: am_s:+
  2340. Martin Kuchen/Lieber Heiland: Lass Und Sterben (Sofa Music) {1}: jgl:6
  2341. Kungobram: Night in Panam (self-released) {1}: BIW:49
  2342. Killa Kyleon & DJ Candlestick: Lorraine Motel (RBC) {1}: de_f:10
  2343. Kyoto Jazz Sextet: Unity (Extra Freedom) {1}: WFM:33
  2344. Yannis Kyriakides: Subvoice (Unsounds) {1}: jeh:+
  2345. Patti Labelle: Bel Hommage (GPE) {1}: JY:81
  2346. Pokey LaFarge: Manic Revelations (Universal) {1}: am_a:+
  2347. The LaFontaines: Common Problem (A Wolf at Your Door) {1}: GTV:31
  2348. Lagartijeando: El Gran Poder (Wonderwheel) {1}: Bc:84
  2349. La Mambanegra: El Callegueso Y Su Mala Mana (Movimentos) {1}: FR:+
  2350. Miranda Lambert: The Weight of These Wings (RCA Nashville -16) {1}: cl:9 -- TH:[A-]
  2351. Andrew Lamb/Warren Smith/Arkadijus Gotesmanas: The Sea of Modicum (NoBusiness) {1}: -- TH:*
  2352. Lando Chill: The Boy Who Spoke to the Wind (Mello) {1}: Bc:26
  2353. Sonny Landreth: Recorded Live in Lafayette (Provogue) {1}: sdu:15
  2354. Langhorne Slim: Lost at Last Vol 1 (Dualtone) {1}: gl:+
  2355. Jonny Lang: Signs (Provogue) {1}: am_b:+
  2356. La Pingo's Orquesta: Peregrino (Ropeadope) {1}: JC:+
  2357. Pierre Lapointe: La Science du Coeur (Sony France) {1}: LR:58
  2358. Larkin Poe: Peach (Tricki-Woo) {1}: LR:78
  2359. Last Leaves: Other Towns Than Ours (Lost & Lonesome) {1}: ath:+
  2360. La Tene: Tardive/Issime (Astral Spirits) {1}: jds:+
  2361. Mary Lattimore: Collected Pieces (Ghostly International) {1}: aqd:+
  2362. Eric Lau: Examples (First World) {1}: am_h:+
  2363. Shannon Lay: Living Water (Woodsist/Mare) {1}: la_a:9
  2364. Yung Lean: Stranger (Year0001) {1}: Pg:21
  2365. Anja Lechner/Agnes Vestermann: Valentin Silvestrov: Hieroglyphen Der Nacht (ECM New Series) {1}: jeh:+
  2366. Ledisi: Let Love Rule (Universal) {1}: am_r:+
  2367. Jihye Lee Orchestra: April (self-released) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B-
  2368. Left Lane Cruiser: Claw Machine Wizard (Alive Naturalsound) {1}: scm:+
  2369. Th' Legendary Shack Shakers: After You've Gone (Last Chance) {1}: scm:+
  2370. Leikeli47: Wash & Set (Hardcover/RCA) {1}: tr_h:+
  2371. Nguyen Le & Ngo Hong Quang: Ha Noi Duo (ACT) {1}: JC:+
  2372. Kiran Leonard: Derevaun Seraun (Moshi Moshi) {1}: NME:47
  2373. Sean Leon: CCWMTT (The Initiative) {1}: Blr:41
  2374. Sean Leon: I Think You've Gone Mad (or the Sins of the Father) (The Initiative) {1}: Blr:41
  2375. Sondre Lerche: Pleasure (PLZ-MONA) {1}: UR:97
  2376. Les Lullies: Don't Look Twice (Slovenly -EP) {1}: YW:64
  2377. Less Art: Strangled Light (Gilead Media) {1}: Tr:49
  2378. The Billy Lester Trio: Italy 2016 (Ultra Sound) {1}: -- TH:*
  2379. Let's Eat Grandma: I Gemini (Transgressive -16) {1}: PO:78 -- TH:[B]
  2380. Philip Lewen: Am I Really Here All Alone? (Tompkins Square) {1}: aqd:+
  2381. Gregory Lewis: Organ Monk Blue (self-released -18) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
  2382. Madison Lewis: Back to the Blue (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2383. James Brandon Lewis Trio: No Filter (BSN Sessions -16) {1}: WFM:30 -- TH:[**]
  2384. Lexie: Record Time! (Skeleton Realm) {1}: PT:47
  2385. Dave Liebman: Expansions Live (Whaling City Sound -16) {1}: JC:+
  2386. Helge Lien Trio: Guzuguzu (Ozella) {1}: JC:+
  2387. Lil Wayne: In Tune We Trust (916% Entertainment -EP) {1}: -- RC:*
  2388. Limp Wrist: Facades (La Vida Es Un Mus) {1}: Bc:37
  2389. Linkin Park: One More Light (Warner Bros) {1}: ABC:33
  2390. Travis Linville: Up Ahead (self-released) {1}: gl:+
  2391. Lithics: Borrowed Floors (Water Wing -16) {1}: CM:45
  2392. Little Cub: Still Life (Domino) {1}: AY:167
  2393. Kedr Livansky: Ariadna (2MR) {1}: GB:22
  2394. Llop: J Imp (El Negocito) {1}: -- TH:*
  2395. Loney Dear: Loney Dear (Real World) {1}: tvd:9
  2396. Looming: Seed (No Sleep) {1}: Blr:48
  2397. David Lopato: Gendhing for a Spirit Rising (Global Coolant -2CD) {1}: -- TH:*
  2398. Gabi Loscony: Six Crises (self-released -16) {1}: spt:+
  2399. Los Straitjackets: What's So Funny About Peace Love and Los Straitjackets (Yep Roc) {1}: am_a:+
  2400. Lo Tom: Lo Tom (Barsuk) {1}: ath:+
  2401. Lovely Dark: New Born (681429) {1}: Eb:81
  2402. Lower Than Atlantis: Safe in Sound (Easy Life/Red Essential) {1}: Bq:27
  2403. Julia Lucille: Chthonic (Keeled Scales) {1}: GB:23
  2404. Robyn Ludwick: This Tall to Ride (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2405. Walker Lukens: Tell It to the Judge (Modern Outsider) {1}: ABC:37
  2406. Lullabier: 2512 (Silber) {1}: YW:90
  2407. Lunatic Soul: Fractured (Kscope) {1}: pm_r:8
  2408. Carmen Lundy: Code Noir (Afrasia Productions) {1}: JY:37 -- TH:B
  2409. Lushloss: Asking/Bearing (Hush Hush) {1}: pf_x:9
  2410. Lusine: Sensorimotor (Ghostly International) {1}: am_e:+
  2411. Luwten: Luwten (Double for Me) {1}: 3v:8
  2412. The Luxembourg Signal: Blue Field (Shelflife) {1}: ath:+
  2413. L-Vis 1990: 12 Thousand Nights (self-released) {1}: HS:+
  2414. Lykantropi: Lykantropi (Lightning) {1}: Spk:42
  2415. Dustin Lynch: Current Mood (Broken Bow) {1}: am_c:+
  2416. Richard Lynch: Mending Fences (Fence Row) {1}: scm:+
  2417. Farbror Resande Mac: Farbror Resande Mac (Horisontal Mambo) {1}: Pc:32
  2418. Betsayda Machado & Parranda El Clavo: Loe Loa: Rural Recordings Under the Mango Tree (Odelia) {1}: ny_u:17
  2419. Mach Hommy: HBO [Haitian Body Odor] (Fashion Rebels/Griselda -16) {1}: PW:23
  2420. Mach-Hommy x Thagodfahim: Dollar Menu (YHN -EP) {1}: PW:23
  2421. Machine Gun Kelly: Bloom (Bad Boy/Interscope) {1}: ap:+
  2422. Bill MacKay: Esker (Drag City) {1}: aqd:+
  2423. Bill MacKay/Ryler Walker: SpiderBeetleBee (Drag City) {1}: am_a:+
  2424. Nick Maclean Quartet: Rites of Ascension (Browntasaurus) {1}: -- TH:*
  2425. Kristofer Maddigan: Cuphead [Original Soundtrack] (Iam8bit) {1}: RY:30
  2426. Madonnatron: Madonnatron (Trashmouth) {1}: Qt:22
  2427. Male Gaze: Miss Taken (Castle Face) {1}: am_q:+
  2428. Sabrina Malheiros: Clareia (Far Out) {1}: am_w:+
  2429. Mallory Knox: Wired (Search and Destroy) {1}: Bq:49
  2430. Post Malone: Stoney (Republic -16) {1}: GC:21
  2431. Mama Luma: Mama Luma (Krapp's Tapes/Noise-Below) {1}: jfn:6
  2432. Man Forever: Play What They Want (Thrill Jockey) {1}: Qt:21
  2433. Ray Mantilla: High Voltage (Savant) {1}: JY:65
  2434. Mapache: Mapache (Spiritual Pajamas) {1}: scm:+
  2435. MAP: Guerra E Paz (Porta Jazz) {1}: BIW:32
  2436. Briana Marela: Call It Love (Jagjaguwar) {1}: Eb:39
  2437. Marilyn Manson: Heaven Upside Down (Loma Vista) {1}: Fp:91
  2438. Mario Laginha/Julian Arguelles/Helge Andreas Norbakken: Setembro (Edition) {1}: JC:+
  2439. Amber Mark: 3:33 AM (PMR) {1}: GB:52
  2440. Marker: Marker (Medical) {1}: Am_s:25
  2441. Marker: Wired for Sound (Audiographic) {1}: jgl:8 -- TH:B
  2442. Markley & Balmer: Standards & Covers (Soona Songs) {1}: -- TH:*
  2443. Ben Markley Big Band: Clockwise: The Music of Cedar Walton (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
  2444. Rebecca Martin & Guillermo Klein: The Upstate Project (Sunnyside) {1}: BIW:21
  2445. Luis Jose Martins: Tentos - Invencoes E Encantamentos (Shhpuma) {1}: -- TH:*
  2446. Masta Killa: Loyalty Is Royalty (Nature Sounds) {1}: C:93
  2447. The Mastersons: Transient Lullaby (Red House) {1}: nod:+
  2448. Maston: Tulips (Phonoscope) {1}: aqd:+
  2449. Mating Ritual: How You Gonna Stop It (Smooth Jaws) {1}: owl:+
  2450. Andre Matos: Muquina (Rubalo Music -16) {1}: JC:+
  2451. Wade Matthews/Abdul Moimeme: Lisbon: 10 Sound Portraits (Creative Sources) {1}: jsb:+
  2452. Maximum Ernst: Maximum Ernst (Ever/Never) {1}: PO:52
  2453. Maysa: Love Is a Battlefield (Shanachie) {1}: am_r:+
  2454. Wojtek Mazolewski: Theme De Yoyo (Languidity) {1}: WFM:42
  2455. Rob Mazurek: Chimeric Stoned Horn (Astral Spirits) {1}: jlre:6
  2456. Delbert McClinton & Self-Made Men: Prick of the Litter (Thirty Tigers/Hot Shot) {1}: am_b:+
  2457. Parker McCollum: Probably Wrong (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2458. Ross McHenry: The Outsiders (First Word) {1}: am_j:+
  2459. Brian McKnight: Genesis (ILS Group) {1}: am_r:+
  2460. James Vincent McMorrow: True Care (Dine Alone) {1}: Eb:91
  2461. Hermon Mehari: Bleu (Unlabeled) {1}: jjc:+
  2462. Stephan Meidell: Metrics (Hubro) {1}: Mrg:36
  2463. Memory Drawings: The Nearest Exit (Zozaya/Signal) {1}: No:34
  2464. Menace Beach: Lemon Memory (Memphis Industries) {1}: LW:48
  2465. Leslie Mendelson: Love & Murder (Royal Potato Family) {1}: gl:+
  2466. Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne: Homecoming (Jazzline) {1}: JC:+
  2467. Meresha: Enter the Dreamland (Sonic Dolphin) {1}: am_p:+
  2468. Meridian Trio: Triangulum (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2469. Mesarthim: Presence (self-released -EP) {1}: Bc:52
  2470. Meta Meta: MM3 (Gonna Gringa Discos) {1}: dw:8
  2471. Me & That Man: Songs of Love and Death (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: xbs:+
  2472. Meursault: I Will Kill Again (Song by Toad) {1}: GTV:26
  2473. Mew: Visuals (PIAS) {1}: LW:75
  2474. Emi Meyer: Monochrome (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  2475. Szilard Mezei/Marina Dzukljev/Vasco Trilla: Still Now (If You Still) (FMR) {1}: jds:+
  2476. Miami Horror: The Shapes (self-released -EP) {1}: pm_p:12
  2477. K Michelle: Kimberley: The People I Used to Know (Atlantic) {1}: HV:25
  2478. Michete: Cool Tricks 3 (self-released) {1}: xrm:6 -- TH:B
  2479. Microtub: Bite of the Orange (Sofa) {1}: jsg:+
  2480. Middle Kids: Middle Kids (Domino -EP) {1}: Eb:61
  2481. Midnight Sister: Saturn Over Sunset (Jagjaguwar) {1}: UR:40
  2482. Jason Miles: Kind of New 2: Blue Is Paris (Lightyear) {1}: -- TH:*
  2483. Dominic Miller: Silent Light (ECM) {1}: ab:+
  2484. Simon Millerd: Lessons and Fairytales (Songlines) {1}: JC:+
  2485. The Milwaukee Jazz Orchestra: Welcome to Swingsville! (BluJazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  2486. Mina: Sentah (Enchufada) {1}: YW:50
  2487. Alex Mincek: Torrent (Sound American Publications) {1}: nat:7
  2488. Mindkult: Lucifer's Dream (Transforming Obscurity) {1}: Bc:62
  2489. Mind Over Mirrors: Undying Color (Paradise of Bachelors) {1}: aqd:+
  2490. Minor Victories: Orchestral Variations (Fat Possum) {1}: LW:32
  2491. MIR 8: Perihelion (Shhpuma) {1}: -- TH:*
  2492. MisterWives: Connect the Dots (Republic) {1}: am_p:+
  2493. Misty Coast: Misty Coast (Old Flame) {1}: Am_s:32
  2494. Robert Mitchell: A Vigil for Justice a Vigil for Peace (Depth of Field) {1}: WFM:23
  2495. Modern Studies: Swell to Great (Fire -16) {1}: am_i:+
  2496. Monocle: Kind Human Kind (self-released) {1}: ob:10
  2497. Monolord: Rust (Riding Easy) {1}: Crh:39
  2498. French Montana: Jungle Rules (Bad Boy) {1}: vib:+
  2499. Moonchild: Voyager (Tru Thoughts) {1}: Bc:67
  2500. Moon Diagrams: Lifetime of Love (Geographic North) {1}: Am_s:46
  2501. Christy Moore: On the Road (Columbia) {1}: Su:48
  2502. Kelly Moran: Bloodroot (Telegraph Harp) {1}: Bc:95
  2503. Carol Morgan: Post Cool Vol 1: The Night Shift (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  2504. Michael Morreale: Love and Influence (Blujazz -2CD) {1}: -- TH:*
  2505. Barbara Morrison: I Wanna Be Loved (Savant) {1}: JY:62
  2506. Van Morrison: Roll With the Punches (Caroline) {1}: xml:+ -- TH:B
  2507. Van Morrison: Versatile (Legacy) {1}: -- TH:*
  2508. Morrissey: Low in High School (BMG) {1}: rx:+
  2509. China Moses: Nightintales (MPS) {1}: JC:+
  2510. MoStack: High Street Kid (MizerMillion Entertainment) {1}: C:95
  2511. Motionless in White: Graveyard Shift (Roadrunner) {1}: ap:+
  2512. Moullinex: Hypersex (Discotexas) {1}: YW:25
  2513. Movements: Feel Something (Fearless) {1}: ap:+
  2514. Kikagaku Moyo: Stone Garden (Guruguru Brain) {1}: aqd:+
  2515. Mozart's Sister: Field of Love (Arbutus) {1}: Cl:56
  2516. Mozzy & Gunplay: Dreadlocks & Headshots (Real Talk Entertainment) {1}: N:82
  2517. The Mr T Experience: King Dork Approximately (self-released) {1}: AZ:23
  2518. Nico Muhly: Howards End [Original Series Soundtrack] (Warner Classics) {1}: ab:+
  2519. Mark Mulcahy: The Possum in the Driveway (Mezzotint) {1}: St:29
  2520. Misha Mullov-Abbado: Cross-Platform Interchange (Edition) {1}: BIW:48
  2521. Luis Munoz: The Dead Man (Pelin Music) {1}: JC:+
  2522. John Murry: A Short History of Decay () {1}: RT:65
  2523. Musica Elettronica Viva: Symphony No 106 (Victo -16) {1}: JC:+
  2524. Musicianer: Slow Learner (Iluso) {1}: JC:+
  2525. Musiq Soulchild: Feel the Real (eOne) {1}: am_r:+
  2526. Musique Noire: Reflections: We Breathe (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2527. Mutemath: Play Dead (Caroline) {1}: PCr:14
  2528. Mutoid Man: War Moans (Sargent House) {1}: ab:+
  2529. MXLX: Kicking Away at the Decrepit Walls Til the Beautiful Sunshine Blisters Thru the Cracks (Kindarad) {1}: Qt:70
  2530. Brad Myers & Michael Sharfe: Sanguinaria (Hopefulsongs) (Colloquy) {1}: -- TH:*
  2531. Jo Berger Myhre/Olafur Bjorn Olafsson: The Third Script (Hubro) {1}: jrj:+
  2532. The Myrrors: Hasta La Victoria (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {1}: aqd:+
  2533. Toshimaru Nakamura and Martin Taxt: Listening to the Footsteps of Living Ones Who Are Still on the Ground (Ftarri) {1}: jck:8
  2534. Naughty Professor: Identity (self-released) {1}: ob:7
  2535. Necrot: Blood Offerings (Tankcrimes) {1}: ab:+
  2536. Negative Press Project: Eternal Life: Jeff Buckley Songs and Sounds (Ridgeway) {1}: -- TH:*
  2537. Negro Leo: Action Lekking (QTV/Circus) {1}: Mrg:40
  2538. Ed Neumeister & His NeuHat Ensemble: Wake Up Call (MeisteroMusic) {1}: -- TH:*
  2539. Larry Newcomb Quartet With Bucky Pizzarelli: Living Tribute (Essential Messenger) {1}: -- TH:*
  2540. New Gen: New Gen (XL) {1}: C:79
  2541. The New Triumph: Keep on Push'n (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  2542. The New Vision Sax Ensemble: Musical Journey Through Time (Zak Publishing) {1}: -- TH:*
  2543. Jeb Loy Nichols: Country Hustle (Inkind) {1}: RT:85
  2544. Joe Nichols: Never Gets Old (Red Bow) {1}: am_c:+
  2545. Judy Niemack With Dan Tepfer: Listening to You (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
  2546. Jerrod Niemann: This Ride (Curb) {1}: am_c:+
  2547. Night Drive: Night Drive (self-released) {1}: ath:+
  2548. Niia: I (Atlantic) {1}: ny_c:6
  2549. Jan Nijdam Kwartet: Bij De Dieren Thuis (Sollasiututut) {1}: JC:+
  2550. Nine Inch Nails: Add Violence (Null -EP) {1}: ABC:34
  2551. Nines: One Foot Out (XL) {1}: cuk:10
  2552. Nite: Reborn (Cleopatra) {1}: ath:+
  2553. Nkisi: Kill (MW Norway) {1}: es_r:+
  2554. Christian Nodal: Me Deje Llevar (Universal) {1}: am_w:+
  2555. Nordic Affect: Raindamage (Sono Luminus) {1}: Mrg:23
  2556. Nordic Giants: Amplify Human Vibration (self-released) {1}: GTV:46
  2557. Northlane: Mesmer (UNFD) {1}: Bq:40
  2558. Kemper Norton: Hungan (self-released) {1}: Qt:36
  2559. Nothing but Thieves: Broken Machine (RCA) {1}: Su:49
  2560. Nothing More: The Stories We Tell Ourselves (Better Noise) {1}: ap:+
  2561. No Warning: Torture Culture (Last Gang) {1}: ex_m:6
  2562. Nurses: Naughtland (self-released) {1}: Eb:75
  2563. Oblivia: Martyr Complex (680744 DK) {1}: Bc:55
  2564. Obnox: Niggative Approach (self-released) {1}: PO:59
  2565. Obongjayar: Bassey (self-released -EP) {1}: N:90
  2566. The Obsessed: Sacred (Relapse) {1}: Crh:26
  2567. The Obsessives: The Obsessives (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: Alt:31
  2568. Mary Ocher: The West Against the People (Klangbad) {1}: Bc:51
  2569. Audrey Ochoa Trio: Afterthought (Chronograph) {1}: JC:+
  2570. Oddfellow's Casino: Oh Sealand (Microcultures) {1}: MO:30
  2571. The Odd Numbers: The Odyssey (Sons of Pioneers) {1}: sjm:+
  2572. Odesza: A Moment Apart (Foreign Family Collective) {1}: mmg:+
  2573. Oh Wonder: Ultralife (Island) {1}: Bq:88
  2574. Ojard: Euphonie () {1}: LR:50
  2575. Nils Okland Band: Lysning (Hubro) {1}: Mrg:29
  2576. Old Crow Medicine Show: 50 Years of Blonde on Blonde (Columbia Nashville) {1}: am_a:+
  2577. Stephan Oliva/Susanne Abbuehl/Oyvind Hegg-Lunde: Prince (Vision Fugitive) {1}: jeh:+
  2578. Omar: Love in Beats (Freestyle) {1}: Al:37
  2579. Jowee Omicil: Let's Bash (Jazz Village) {1}: JC:+
  2580. Tomoko Omura: Post Bop Gypsies (Inner Circle) {1}: JC:+
  2581. One OK Rock: Ambitions (Fueled by Ramen) {1}: ap:+
  2582. Dona Onete: Banzeiro (Na Music -16) {1}: FR:+
  2583. Onra: Chinoiseries Pt 3 (All City Dublin) {1}: YW:42
  2584. OOIOO: Gold & Green (Polystar) {1}: ab:+
  2585. Organic Trio: Saturn's Spell (Jazz Family) {1}: JY:66
  2586. Orion: Orion (Pax Am) {1}: N:88
  2587. Lindi Ortega: Til the Goin' Gets Gone (Soundly Music) {1}: scm:+
  2588. The Orwells: Terrible Human Beings (Atlantic) {1}: AZ:21
  2589. Daniel O'Sullivan: Veld (O Genesis) {1}: Qt:85
  2590. Otenba Kid: Pink Panther (Maltine -EP) {1}: YW:24
  2591. Otoboke Beaver: Love Is Short!! (Damnably -EP) {1}: YW:68
  2592. Otzi: Ghosts (Last Hour) {1}: owl:+
  2593. Sam Outlaw: Tenderheart (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: scm:+
  2594. Overlook: Smoke Signals (UVB-76) {1}: DJM:43
  2595. Ozuna: Odisea (VP/Dimelo Vi/Sony Music Latin) {1}: ny_c:7
  2596. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart: Painbow (09-01) {1}:
  2597. Palberta: Bye Bye Berta (Wharf Cat/Ramp Local) {1}: Bc:53
  2598. Sergio Pamies: What Brought You Here? (Bebyne) {1}: JC:+
  2599. Panda Riot: Infinity Maps (self-released) {1}: Am_s:27
  2600. Diana Panton: Solstice/Equinox (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  2601. Pardoner: Uncontrollable Salvation (Father/Daughter) {1}: Bc:29
  2602. Evan Parker ElectroAcoustic Septet: Seven (Victo -15) {1}: JC:+
  2603. Live in Concert: Ancient Future () {1 Parker Indo Latin Jazz_Mariah}:
  2604. Evan Parker/Mark Nauseef/Toma Gouband: As the Wind (Psi -16) {1}: jsb:+
  2605. Lee Roy Parnell: Midnight Believer (BFD) {1}: am_b:+
  2606. Nicki Parrott: Dear Blossom: A Tribute to Blossom Dearie (Arbors) {1}: -- TH:*
  2607. Sarah Partridge: Bright Lights & Promises: Redefining Janis Ian (Origin) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
  2608. John Patitucci: Irmaos De Fe (Newvelle) {1}: JC:+
  2609. Acid Pauli: BLD (Ouie) {1}: Mix:50
  2610. Mario Pavone Dialect Trio: Chrome (Playscape) {1}: JC:99
  2611. Justin Dean Payne: Coal Camp (Young Mary's -EP) {1}: scm:+
  2612. Michael Pedicin: As It Should Be: Ballads 2 (Groundblue) {1}: -- TH:*
  2613. Deniz Peeters & Simon Rose: Edith's Problem (Leo) {1}: jsg:9
  2614. Linda Perhacs: I'm a Harmony (Omnivore) {1}: LR:45
  2615. Gene Perla: Out of the Game (PM) {1}: JC:+
  2616. Frank Perowsky Jazz Orchestra: Gowanus (Jazzkey) {1}: -- TH:*
  2617. Houston Person: Rain or Shine (HighNote) {1}: JC:+
  2618. Perspective a Lovely Hand to Hold: What Not to Do (Broken Rim) {1}: Alt:34
  2619. Lucky Peterson: Tribute to Jimmy Smith (Jazz Village) {1}: JC:+
  2620. Phew: Voice Hardcore (Bereket) {1}: W:23
  2621. Allison Pierce: Year of the Rabbit (Masterworks) {1}: npr_s:6 -- TH:B
  2622. Samora Pinderhughes: The Transformations Suite (Gray Area -16) {1}: JC:+
  2623. Benoit Pioulard: Slow Spark Soft Spoke (Dauw) {1}: YW:67
  2624. The Pitch: Frozen Orchestra (Berlin) (Arbitrary) {1}: jds:+
  2625. John Pizzarelli: Sinatra & Jobim @ 50 (Concord) {1}: JY:51 -- TH:B-
  2626. Plastic Flowers: Absent Forever (Native Sound) {1}: Am_s:33
  2627. Ariel Pocock: Living in Twilight (Justin Time) {1}: JY:67
  2628. Polo & Pan: Caravelle (Hamburger) {1}: LR:64
  2629. Gregory Porter: Live in Berlin (Eagle Vision -16) {1}: JC:+
  2630. Ryan Porter: Spangle-Lang Lane (World Galaxy) {1}: WFM:21
  2631. Porter Union: Porter Union (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2632. POW!: Crack an Egg (Castle Face) {1}: am_q:+
  2633. Ryan Power: They Sell Doomsday (NNA) {1}: Bc:96
  2634. Pregnancy: Urgency (Lost & Lonesome) {1}: pm_i:7
  2635. Gregory Privat Trio: Family Tree (ACT -16) {1}: JC:+
  2636. The Proper Ornaments: Foxhole (Slumberland) {1}: Dr:71
  2637. PWR BTTM: Pageant (Polyvinyl) {1}: AY:98
  2638. Pye Corner Audio: The Spiral (Death Waltz) {1}: Pc:42
  2639. Don Q: Corner Stories (Highbridge/Atlantic) {1}: Sg_h:40
  2640. Quantic and Nidia Gongora: Curao (Tru Thoughts) {1}: pm_w:9
  2641. Quartet NL [Benjamin Herman/Peter Beets/Ruud Jacobs/Han Bennink]: Quartet NL (ICP) {1}: JC:+
  2642. Quercus [June Tabor/Iain Ballamy/Huw Warren]: Nightfall (ECM) {1}: am_j:+
  2643. Michael Rabinowitz: Uncharted Waters (Cats Paw) {1}: -- TH:*
  2644. Vanessa Racci: Italiana Fresca (self-released) {1}: JC:+
  2645. Errol Rackipov Group: Distant Dreams (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
  2646. Spencer Radcliffe & Everybody Else: Enjoy the Great Outdoors (Run for Cover) {1}: N:97
  2647. Radiator Hospital: Play the Songs You Like (Salinas) {1}: owl:+
  2648. RaeLynn: WildHorse (Warner Bros Nashville) {1}: RS_c:28
  2649. Ragana: You Take Nothing (self-released) {1}: N:32
  2650. Rah Zen: Midnight Satori (Dome of Doom) {1}: PW:48
  2651. Rainer Maria: Rainer Maria (self-released) {1}: ath:+
  2652. Rancid: Trouble Maker (Epitaph) {1}: DW:78
  2653. Rat Columns: Candle Power (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: am_i:+
  2654. T Raumschmiere: Heimat (Kompakt) {1}: am_e:+
  2655. Ada Rave Trio: The Sea the Storm and the Full Moon (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2656. Allan Rayman: Roadhouse 01 (Communion) {1}: Blr:36
  2657. Red Axes: The Beach Goths (Garzen) {1}: C:76
  2658. Trippie Redd: A Love Letter to You (Caroline) {1}: MA:25
  2659. Luke Reed: Won't Be There (self-released) {1}: GB:44
  2660. Sofia Rei Featuring Marc Ribot: El Gavilan (Cascabalera) {1}: JC:+
  2661. Remnants: Accomplices Not Allies (Discos MMM) {1}: owl:+
  2662. Alex Rex: Vermillion (Tin Angel) {1}: Dr:70
  2663. Emilio Reyna: La Lenta Marcha De Las Estrellas (self-released) {1}: BIW:50
  2664. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross: Before the Flood [Soundtrack] (Lakeshore -16) {1}: DS:38
  2665. Riccardo Muti/Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Bruckner: Symphony No 9 (CSO Resound) {1}: am:+
  2666. Robert Rich and Markus Reuter: Lift a Feather to the Flood (Soundscapes) {1}: YW:78
  2667. Miranda Lee Richards: Existential Beast () {1}: RM:35
  2668. Max Richter: Behind the Counter With Max Richter (Rough Trade) {1}: Fp:75
  2669. Riddlore: Afro Mutations (Nyege Nyege Tapes -16) {1}: Qt:57 -- TH:[**]
  2670. Rise Against: Wolves (Virgin) {1}: ap:+
  2671. Aki Rissanen Trio: Another North (Edition) {1}: JC:+
  2672. Josh Ritter: Gathering (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: am_a:+
  2673. RJ: MrLA (Empire/400 Summers) {1}: PW:39
  2674. Carol Robbins: Taylor Street (Jazzcats) {1}: -- TH:*
  2675. Marcus Roberts Trio: Trio Crescent: Celebrating Coltrane (J-Master) {1}: jrm:+
  2676. Rodhad: Anxious (Dystopian) {1}: DJM:42
  2677. Adam Rogers: Dice (Adraj) {1}: JC:+
  2678. Chris Rogers: Voyage Home (Art of Life -16) {1}: JC:+
  2679. Raphael Roginski: Plays Henry Purcell (Bolt) {1}: Mrg:33
  2680. Berta Rojas: Felicidade (OnMusic) {1}: JC:+
  2681. Marc Romboy: Voyage De La Planete (Hyperharmonic) {1}: DJM:38
  2682. Wallace Roney: A Place in Time (HighNote -16) {1}: JY:92
  2683. Roosevelt: Midnight Versions (City Slang) {1}: YW:76
  2684. Frankie Rose: Cage Tropical (Slumberland) {1}: Bc:49
  2685. Jeremy Rose: Within & Without (Earshift Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  2686. Nadia Rose: Highly Flammable (Ministry of Sound) {1}: xce:10
  2687. Joe Rosenberg Ensemble: Tomorrow Never Knows (Quark) {1}: JC:+
  2688. Daniel Rosenthal: Music in the Room (American Melody) {1}: -- TH:*
  2689. Francois-Xavier Roth/Les Siecles: Maurice Ravel: Daphnis & Chloe, Complete Ballet (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: am:+
  2690. Lawrence Rothman: The Book of Love (Downtown/Interscope) {1}: LR:55
  2691. Scott Routenberg Trio: Every End Is a Beginning (Summit) {1}: -- TH:*
  2692. ROVA: Orkestrova: No Favorites! For Lawrence "Butch" Morris (New World) {1}: JC:+
  2693. Royal Trux: Platinum Tips + Ice Cream (Domino) {1}: LW:62
  2694. Rick Rude: Make Mine Tuesday (Sophomore Lounge/Tiny Radars) {1}: PT:36
  2695. Rulemares: Atractor Extrano (FMR -16) {1}: JC:+
  2696. Ruby Rushton: Trudi's Songbook Vol 2 (22a) {1}: WFM:39
  2697. R We Who R We: I Love You (self-released) {1}: nat:+
  2698. Sabil: Zabad: Twilight Tide (Harmonia Mundi/Latitudes) {1}: FR:+
  2699. Sadaf: Shell (Outside Insight -EP) {1}: W:37
  2700. Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble: Finding Me Finding You (Drag City) {1}: Bc:28
  2701. Saffron Ensemble: Will You? (Rock Paper Scissors) {1}: jrm:21
  2702. Buffy Sainte-Marie: Medicine Songs (True North) {1}: am_a:+
  2703. Manga Saint Hilaire & Lewi B: Outbursts From the Outskirts (self-released) {1}: PW:40
  2704. Suso Saiz: Rainworks (Music From Memory) {1}: YW:51
  2705. Salami Rose Joe Louis: Zlaty Sauce Nephew (Hot Record Societe) {1}: Bc:57
  2706. Maryam Saleh/Maurice Louca/Tamer Abu Ghazaleh: Lekhfa (Mostakell) {1}: PW:35
  2707. Sampa the Great: Birds and the BEE9 (Big Dada) {1}: rb:+
  2708. Antonio Sanchez: Bad Hombre (CAM Jazz) {1}: JC:+
  2709. Sandcatchers: What We Found Along the Way (Chant) {1}: BIW:47
  2710. San Francisco String Trio: May I Introduce to You (Ridgeway) {1}: -- TH:*
  2711. Marco Santilli's CheRoba & Il Fiato Delle Alpi: La Stua (Unit) {1}: JC:+
  2712. Sassy 009: Do You Mind (Luft -EP) {1}: GB:36
  2713. Sean Nicholas Savage: Yummycoma (Arbutus) {1}: ab:+
  2714. Alexandra Savior: Belladonna of Sadness (Columbia) {1}: I:30
  2715. Say Sue Me: Say Sue Me (Electric Muse/Damnably) {1}: Bc:73
  2716. Scenes: Destinations (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  2717. Morten Schantz: Godspeed (Edition) {1}: JC:+
  2718. Ken Schaphorst Big Band: How to Say Goodbye (JCA -16) {1}: JC:+
  2719. Virginia Schenck: Aminata Moseka: An Abbey Lincoln Tribute (Airborne Ecstasy) {1}: JC:+
  2720. Pete Schlegel: J-Town (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2721. Schnellertollermeier: Rights (Cuneiform) {1}: -- TH:*
  2722. Scholars: Arts and Grafts (Banquet) {1}: Bq:61
  2723. School Damage: School Damage (Chapter) {1}: pm_i:6
  2724. Jan Schulte: Tropical Drums of Deutschland (Music for Dreams) {1}: aqd:+
  2725. Louis Sclavis: Asian Fields Variations (ECM) {1}: TH:*
  2726. Marilyn Scott: Standard Blue (Prana Entertainment) {1}: jrm:18
  2727. Sarah Jane Scouten: When the Bloom Falls From the Rose (Light Organ) {1}: scm:+
  2728. Seafang: Solid Gold (Emotional Response) {1}: YW:39
  2729. Garren Sean: Garren LP (self-released) {1}: DJB:34
  2730. Second Storey: Lucid Locations (Houndstooth) {1}: DJM:28
  2731. Second Woman: Second Woman (Spectrum Spools) {1}: am_e:+
  2732. See Through Dresses: Horses of the Other World (Tiny Engines) {1}: owh:+
  2733. Jelani Sei: Lvndr Twn (self-released) {1}: Alt:47
  2734. Self Talk: Almost Everything (Inertia Access) {1}: YW:73
  2735. Bobby Selvaggio Transcendental Orchestra: Quantum Man (Dot Time -16) {1}: JC:+
  2736. The Selva: The Selva (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2737. Sense MC: The Elephant in the Room (Different Music) {1}: DJM:48
  2738. Serengeti: Jueles/Butterflies (self-released) {1}: PW:30
  2739. Sex Mob: Cultural Capital (Rex -16) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
  2740. Ron Sexsmith: The Last Rider (Compass) {1}: am_s:+
  2741. Sam Sfirri & Taku Unami: Zymology (Hibari Music) {1}: jck:9
  2742. SFJazz Collective: Music of Miles Davis & Original Compositions (SFJazz) {1}: JC:+
  2743. Shabaka and the Ancestors: Wisdom of Elders (Brownswood -16) {1}: jsf:+ -- TH:[*]
  2744. Shamir: Revelations (Father/Daughter) {1}: TL:32
  2745. Shed: The Final Experiment (Monkeytown) {1}: am_e:+
  2746. Blake Shelton: Texoma Shore (Warner Bros Nashville) {1}: -- TH:*
  2747. Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band: Lay It on Down (Provogue) {1}: am_b:+
  2748. Chris Shiflett: West Coast Town (Side One Dummy) {1}: RS_c:21
  2749. Shigeto: The New Monday (Ghostly International) {1}: WFM:46
  2750. Ships: Precession (self-released) {1}: it:+
  2751. ShitKid: Fish (PNKSLM) {1}: -- TH:*
  2752. Shit & Shine: Total Shit! (Diagonal) {1}: Qt:27
  2753. Shobaleader One: Elektrac (Warp) {1}: am_e:+
  2754. Shout Out Louds: Ease My Mind (Merge) {1}: Am_s:50
  2755. Sia: Everyday Is Christmas (RCA) {1}: xrm:10
  2756. Mako Sica: Invocation (Instant Classic/Feeding Tube) {1}: jds:+
  2757. Layth Sidiq: Son of Tigris (self-released -16) {1}: JC:+
  2758. Ben Sidran: Picture Him Happy (Nardis) {1}: JC:+
  2759. Jeff "Siege" Siegel Quartet: King of Xhosa (ARC) {1}: JC:+
  2760. Silverstein: The Dead Reflection (Rise) {1}: Ch:25
  2761. Bostjan Simon: There Be Monsters (Klopotec) {1}: BIW:45
  2762. Sinai Vessel: Brokenlegged (Tiny Engines) {1}: Alt:44
  2763. Siriusmo: Comic (Monkeytown) {1}: am_e:+
  2764. Sirom: I Can Be a Clay Snapper (Tak:til) {1}: jds:+
  2765. Rikard Sjoblom's Gungfly: On Her Journey to the Sun (InsideOut) {1}: pm_r:6
  2766. Skepta: Vicious (Boy Better Know) {1}: am_h:+
  2767. Sky Architect: Nomad (FREIA Music) {1}: pm_r:9
  2768. Skyway Man: Seen Comin' From a Mighty Eye (Yweknee) {1}: aqd:+
  2769. Steve Slagle: Dedication (Panorama -18) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
  2770. Slatface: Try Not to Freak Out (Propeller) {1}: DS:52
  2771. Sleeping With Sirens: Gossip (Warner Bros) {1}: ap:+
  2772. Sleep on It: Overexposed (Equal Vision) {1}: ap:+
  2773. Sloppy Heads: Useless Smile (Shrimper) {1}: aqd:+
  2774. Slow Is Possible: Moonwatchers (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2775. Andrew Smiley: Dispersal (Astral Spirits) {1}: jem:10
  2776. Hal Smith's Swing Central: Windy City Swing (Tuxedo Cat) {1}: JC:+
  2777. Laura Smyth & Ted Kemp: The Poacher's Fate (Broken Token) {1}: FR:+
  2778. SOB X RBE: SOB X RBE (self-released) {1}: ny_c:17
  2779. Sohn: Rennen (4AD) {1}: Trk:43
  2780. Mark Solborg & Christian Skjodt: Omdrejninger (ILK) {1}: jeh:+
  2781. Dave Soldier: The Eighth Hour of Amduat (Mulatta) {1}: -- TH:*
  2782. Soley: Endless Summer (Morr) {1}: AY:184
  2783. So Many Wizards: Heavy Vision (Lolipop) {1}: Bc:83
  2784. Clark Sommers: Lens by a Thread (Eyes & Ears) {1}: JC:+
  2785. So Much Light: Oh Yuck (Anti-) {1}: am_r:+
  2786. Sonder: Into (self-released) {1}: Cmp:31
  2787. Sonic Jesus: Grace (Fuzz Club) {1}: Gw:39
  2788. Sons of the Palomino: Sons of the Palomino (BFD) {1}: scm:+
  2789. Sorcerer: The Crowning of the Fire King (Metal Blade) {1}: Spk:50
  2790. Sounds of A&R: Sounds of A&R (Soaring) {1}: JY:99
  2791. Space Camp: Force Femmed (Howling Frequency) {1}: PT:50
  2792. Richard Spaven: The Self (Fine Line) {1}: WFM:50
  2793. Spectres: Condition (Sonic Cathedral) {1}: LW:73
  2794. Spinning Coin: Permo (Geographic) {1}: ath:+
  2795. Spiral Stairs: Doris & the Daggers (Nine Mile) {1}: LW:95
  2796. Spotlights: Seismic (Ipecac) {1}: LW:85
  2797. Konrad Sprenger: Stack Music (Pan) {1}: TMT:33
  2798. Squeeze: The Knowledge (Love) {1}: Q:43
  2799. David Stackenas: Bricks (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2800. Terell Stafford: Forgive and Forget (Herb Harris Music -16) {1}: JY:30 -- TH:[A-]
  2801. Stalley: Tell the Truth: Shame the Devil (Blue Collar Gang) {1}: xxl:+
  2802. Standing on the Corner: Red Burns (self-released) {1}: MA:19
  2803. Star Tropics: Lost World (Shelflife) {1}: ath;+
  2804. Staub Quartet: House Full of Colors (JACC) {1}: JC:+
  2805. Josiah Steinbrick: Meeting of Waters (Leaving) {1}: aqd:+
  2806. Juanita Stein: America (Nude) {1}: DS:56
  2807. Steps: Tears on the Dance Floor (self-released) {1}: PCr:15
  2808. Stereophonics: Scream Above the Sounds (Parlophone) {1}: rx:+
  2809. Sterile Garden: Drift (Basement Tapes) {1}: spt:+
  2810. Matthew Stevens: Preverbal (Ropeadope) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
  2811. John Stowell/Ulf Bandgren Quartet: Night Visitor (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  2812. Strange U: #LP4080 (High Focus) {1}: W:22
  2813. Will Stratton: Rosewood Alamanac (Bella Union) {1}: Dr:95
  2814. Eric Strickland & the B Sides: Black and White and Blue (Ol' River) {1}: scm:+
  2815. The Strypes: Spitting Image (EMI) {1}: -- am_k:+
  2816. Danay Suarez: Palabras Manueles (Universal) {1}: NPR:43
  2817. Sublee: Ideepsum (Metereze -16) {1}: ra:+
  2818. Succumb: Succumb (The Flenser) {1}: pm_m:18
  2819. Hiromi Suda: Nagi (BluJazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  2820. Sully: Escape (Keysound) {1}: DJM:30
  2821. Sult/Lasse Marhaug: Harpoon (Conrad Sound/Pica Disk) {1}: -- TH:*
  2822. Sun Araw: The Saddle of the Increate (Sun Ark) {1}: TMT:49
  2823. Sunrot: Sunnata (self-released) {1}: N:81
  2824. Surf Curse: Nothing Yet (Danger Collective) {1}: YW:46
  2825. Surfer Blood: Snowdonia (Joyful Noise) {1}: LW:65
  2826. The Surfing Magazines: The Surfing Magazines (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Dr:56
  2827. Suss Cunts: Suss Cunts (Emotional Response) {1}: YW:74
  2828. Suzeri & Fiona Lee: Ftarri de Solos (Ftarri) {1}: jck:7
  2829. Suzy: Yes? No? (JYP -EP) {1}: PCr:16
  2830. SW: Untitled (SUED) {1}: ra:+
  2831. Cyiyoko Szlavnics: During a Lifetime (Another Timbre) {1}: jds:+
  2832. Kuniyuki Takahashi: Newwave Project (Mule Musiq) {1}: VF:28
  2833. Talamanca System: Talamanca System (International Feel) {1}: Mix:23
  2834. Tanya Morgan: YGWYS4 (self-released) {1}: Al:43
  2835. Aaron Lee Tasjan: Silver Tears (New West -16) {1}: nod:+ -- TH:[B]
  2836. Dylan Taylor: One in Mind (Blujazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  2837. Sam Taylor Quartet With Larry McKenna: Along the Way (Cellar Live) {1}: JC:+
  2838. Team Hegdal: Vol 4 (Particular Recordings Collective) {1}: CM:23
  2839. Tedeschi Trucks Band: Live From the Fox Oakland (Fantasy) {1}: am_b:+
  2840. TeeCee4800: Ralness Over Millions 2 (Caroline) {1}: PW:41
  2841. Teleplasmiste: Frequency Is the New Ecstasy (House of Mythology) {1}: Qt:40
  2842. Kate Tempest: Let Them Eat Chaos (Lex -16) {1}: mut:6 -- TH:[**]
  2843. Ten Fe: Hit the Light (Some Kinda Love) {1}: Eb:67
  2844. Dan Tepfer Trio: Eleven Cages (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
  2845. Tera Melos: Trash Generator (Sargent House) {1}: AY:175
  2846. Dan Terminus: Automated Refrains (Blood Music) {1}: Crh:21
  2847. Yosvany Terry/Baptiste Trotignon: Ancestral Memories (Okeh) {1}: -- TH:*
  2848. Tetragrammacide: Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix (Iron Bonehead) {1}: Qt:100
  2849. The Texas Gentlemen: TX Jelly (New West) {1}: gl:+
  2850. Texas: Jump on Board (BMG) {1}: Al:50
  2851. Henri Texier: Concert Anniversaire 30 Ans (Label Bleu) {1}: JC:+
  2852. Thelma: Thelma (Tiny Engines) {1}: PT:41
  2853. Thet Liturgiske Owasendet: Catalina (Lobster Sleep Sequence -16) {1}: No:44
  2854. Thievery Corporation: The Temple of I & I (ESL) {1}: wsj:+
  2855. Chris Thile: Thanks for Listening (Nonesuch) {1}: sdu:9
  2856. Jacques Thollot: Thollot in Extenso (Nato) {1}: JC:+
  2857. Charles Thomas: The Colors of a Dream (Sea Tea) {1}: -- TH:*
  2858. Twerk Thomson: Plays Unpopular Songs (Twerk-O-Phonic) {1}: JC:+
  2859. Holly Throsby: After a Time (Spunk!) {1}: RS_A:48
  2860. Camille Thurman: Inside the Moment (Chesky) {1}: JC:+
  2861. Tigers Jaw: Spin (Black Cement) {1}: Bq:34
  2862. Tiger Trio [Myra Melford/Joelle Leandre/Nicole Mitchell]: Unleashed (RogueArt -16) {1}: JC:+
  2863. Trevor James Tillery: Together Alone (self-released) {1}: am_p:+
  2864. Tired Lion: Dumb Days (Universal Music) {1}: DS:49
  2865. Toadies: The Lower Side of Uptown (Kirtland) {1}: ABC:40
  2866. Toddla T: Foreign Light (Steeze) {1}: Bq:50
  2867. Maylee Todd: Acts of Love (Do Right!) {1}: am_r:+
  2868. Toiret Status: Nyoi Plunger (oumenal Loom) {1}: TMT:44
  2869. Kasper Tom/Rudi Mahall: One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure (Barefoot -16) {1}: JC:+
  2870. Tiziano Tononi and Southbound: Trouble No More . . . All Men Are Brothers (Long Song) {1}: JC:+
  2871. Tiziano Tononi & Daniele Cavallanti Nexus: Experience Nexus! (Rudi) {1}: JC:+
  2872. TootArd: Laissez Passer (Glitterbeat) {1}: FR:+
  2873. Cat Toren: Cat Toren's Human Kind (self-released) {1}: BIW:41
  2874. Total Leatherette: For the Climax of the Night (Milk) {1}: Qt:61
  2875. Boubacar Traore: Dounia Tabolo (Lusafrica) {1}: -- RC:*
  2876. Ron Trent: Presents Prescription: Word Sound & Power (Rush Hour) {1}: ra:+
  2877. Trex: Treatment (Mac 2 Digital) {1}: YW:43
  2878. Tribalistas: Tribalistas 2 (Phonomotor) {1}: xrc:7
  2879. Dwight Trible: Inspirations (Gondwana) {1}: WFM:47
  2880. Trio Blastonal: It Is What It Is! (self-released) {1}: BIW:29
  2881. Trio S: Somewhere Glimmer (Zitherine) {1}: -- TH:*
  2882. Mo Troper: Exposure & Response (Good Cheer) {1}: Alt:40
  2883. Trouble Kaze: June (Circum-Disc) {1}: -- TH:*
  2884. True Moon: True Moon (Lovely) {1}: LW:92
  2885. Samuel Truitt: Thorns (Melters) {1}: YW:80
  2886. Trummors: Headlands (Ernest Jenning) {1}: aqd:+
  2887. Akiko Tsuruga: So Cute So Bad (self-released) {1}: JY:38
  2888. Fletcher Tucker: Cold Spring (Gnome Life) {1}: aqd:+
  2889. Lina Tullgren: Won (Captured Tracks) {1}: Am_s:48
  2890. Simon Fisher Turner: Giraffe (Editions Mego) {1}: Qt:96
  2891. Shania Twain: Now (Mercury Nashville) {1}: MR:49
  2892. Twinsmith: Stay Cool (Saddle Creek) {1}: owh:+
  2893. Oded Tzur: Translator's Note (Enja/Yellowbird) {1}: JC:+
  2894. Jeremy Udden/John McNeil/Akyer Kobrinsky/Anthony Pinciotti: Hush Point III (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  2895. Undergang: Misantropologi (Dark Descent) {1}: ab:+
  2896. Uniform: Wake in Fright (Sacred Bones) {1}: Eb:56
  2897. (U)nity: (U)nity Is Power (Ropeadope) {1}: JC:+
  2898. University of Toronto Jazz Orcherstra: Sweet Ruby Suite (UofT Jazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  2899. Unsane: Sterilize (Southern Lord) {1}: Qt:66
  2900. Upgrayedd Smurphy: Hypnosys (R-CH-V) {1}: TMT:38
  2901. Uptown Jazz Tentet: There It Is (Irrabagast) {1}: JY:69
  2902. Urbanity: Urban Soul (Alfi) {1}: JY:72 -- TH:B
  2903. Us & Us Only: Full Flower (Topshelf) {1}: ath:+
  2904. UUUU: UUUU (Editions Mego) {1}: Qt:73
  2905. UV-TV: Glass (Deranged) {1}: YW:48
  2906. Aaron Vance: My Own Way (Windy Holler) {1}: scm:+
  2907. Ken Vandermark: Momentum 2 & 3 (Audiographic) {1}: -- TH:*
  2908. Rick Vandivier: Under One Roof (self-released) {1}: jrm:+
  2909. Chad VanGaalen: Light Information (Sub Pop) {1}: PT:26
  2910. Paul Van Gysegem/Chris Joris/Patrick De Groote: Boundless (El Negocito) {1}: JC:+
  2911. Vanishing: Vanishing (Tombed Visions) {1}: Qt:29
  2912. Petra Van Nuis & Andy Brown: Lessons Lyrical (String Damper) {1}: JC:+
  2913. Raphael Vanoli: Bibrax (Shhpuma) {1}: -- TH:*
  2914. Alan Vega: IT (Fader Label) {1}: Qt:50
  2915. Carlos Vega: Bird's Up (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  2916. Vein: Vein Plays Ravel (Double Moon) {1}: jjc:+
  2917. Venn: Runes (Full Time Hobby) {1}: Dr:40
  2918. Vermont: II (Kompakt) {1}: ab:+
  2919. The Verve Jazz Ensemble: Swing-A-Nova (self-released) {1}: JY:98
  2920. Luke Vibert: Garave Vol 1 (Hypercolor) {1}: DJM:24
  2921. Rhonda Vincent & Daryle Singletary: American Grandstand (Upper Management Music) {1}: scm:+
  2922. Vodi: Talk (BAM) {1}: ax:+
  2923. Joni Void: Selfless (Constellation) {1}: pf_x:8
  2924. Vok: Figure (Nettwerk) {1}: Am_s:37
  2925. Wale: Shine (Maybach) {1}: xxl:+
  2926. Wheeler Walker Jr: Ol' Wheeler (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: scm:+
  2927. Walk the Moon: What If Nothing (RCA) {1}: am_p:+
  2928. Walpyrgus: Walpyrgus Nights (Cruz del Sur Music) {1}: Bc:61
  2929. Walter Etc: Gloom Cruise (Lame-O) {1}: Alt:38
  2930. Grace Wanderwaal: Just the Beginning (Syco/Columbia) {1}: Al:33
  2931. John Waters: Make Trouble (Third Man) {1}:
  2932. Aaron Watson: Vaquero (Big Label) {1}: am_c:+
  2933. Jeff "Tain" Watts: Blue Vol 2 (Dark Key Music -16) {1}: JY:58
  2934. Trevor Watts/Veryan Weston/Alison Blunt/Hannah Marshall: Dialogues With Strings: Live at Cafe Oto in London (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
  2935. Waveform Transmission: V 2.0-2.9 (Astral Industries) {1}: No:43
  2936. Web Web: Oracle (Compost) {1}: BIW:34
  2937. Cory Weeds: Let's Groove: The Music of Earth Wind & Fire (Cellar Live) {1}: JY:83
  2938. Cory Weeds Quintet/David Hazeltine: It's Easy to Remember (Cellar Live -16) {1}:
  2939. Cory Weeds & the Jeff Hamilton Trio: Dreamsville (Cellar Live) {1}: JY:28
  2940. Kody West: Green (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2941. We Three and the Death Rattle: Entrances and Exits (PAW//PURR) {1}: GTV:50
  2942. Martin Wheatley & Tom Langham: The Land of Might-Have-Been (Bigfoot) {1}: JC:+
  2943. Mark Whipkey: Best New Music (self-released) {1}: owh:+
  2944. Matthew Whitaker: Outta the Box (Jazz Foundation of America) {1}:
  2945. White Hills: Stop Mute Defeat (Thrill Jockey) {1}: PM:60
  2946. Joshua White: 13 Short Stories (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: JC:+
  2947. Mark Whitfield: Grace (self-released) {1}: JY:40
  2948. Why?: Moh Lhean (Joyful Noise) {1}: Eb:57
  2949. Chip Wickham: La Sombra (Lovemonk) {1}: WFM:45
  2950. Widowspeak: Expect the Best (Captured Tracks) {1}: ath:+
  2951. Wild Beasts: Punch Drunk and Trembling (Domino) {1}:
  2952. Wildflower: Wildflower (Stac) {1}: WFM:37
  2953. Wild Pink: Wild Pink (Tiny Engines) {1}: Alt:27
  2954. The Wild Reeds: The World We Built (Last Gang) {1}: scm:+
  2955. Wild Wing: Doomed II Repeat (665699 -EP) {1}: Bc:99
  2956. Ken Wiley: Jazz Horn Redux (Krug Park Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  2957. Alex Williams: Better Than Myself (Big Machine) {1}: am_c:+
  2958. Lucinda Williams: This Sweet Old World (Highway 20/Thirty Tigers) {1}: Fp:81
  2959. Mars Williams: An Ayler Xmas (Soul What) {1}: JC:+
  2960. Tom Williams: All Change (Wine Boat) {1}: bb6:9
  2961. Christopher Willits: Horizon (Ghostly International) {1}: YW:79
  2962. Siobhan Wilson: There Are No Saints (Song by Toad) {1}: GTV:36
  2963. Mark Wingfield/Markus Reuter/Aaron Stavi/Asaf Sirkis: The Stone House (MoonJune -16) {1}: JC:+
  2964. Mark Winkler: The Company I Keep (Cafe Pacific) {1}: jrm:16
  2965. Withered Hand + A Singer of Songs: Among Horses (Son Canciones) {1}: xeb:7
  2966. Deanna Witkowski: Makes the Heart to Sing: Jazz Hymns (Tilapia) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
  2967. Woe: Hope Attrition (Vendetta) {1}: N:95
  2968. Wolf Eyes: Undertow (Lower Floor) {1}: LW:46
  2969. Ira Wolf: The Closest Thing to Home (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  2970. Wolves in the Throne Room: Thrice Woven (Artemisia) {1}: Spk:33
  2971. Dustin Wong/Takako Minekawa: Are Euphoria (Thrill Jockey) {1}: aqd:+
  2972. Wooden Wand: Clipper Ship (Three Lobed) {1}: aqd:+ -- TH:B
  2973. Harmony Woods: Nothing Special (self-released) {1}: Alt:35
  2974. Woods: Love Is Love (Woodsist) {1}: RT:75
  2975. Woopheadclrms: Meeting Room + Rare Plants (Ukiuki Atama) {1}: TMT:35
  2976. Victor Wooten/Dennis Chambers/Bob Franceschini: Trypnotyx (VIX) {1}: JC:+
  2977. Worriers: Survival Pop (Side One Dummy) {1}: Bq:93
  2978. Stephane Wrembel: The Django Experiment I (Water Is Life) {1}: JC:+
  2979. Wrongtom & the Ragga Twins: In Time (Tru Thoughts) {1}: Mj:50
  2980. Xetas: The Tower (12XU) {1}: Bc:88
  2981. Sadat X: The Sum of a Man (Diamond Mine) {1}: Al:46
  2982. XXXTentacion: 17 (Bad Vibes Forever) {1}: xxl:+
  2983. Jim Yanda Trio: Home Road (Corner Store Jazz -2CD) {1}: -- TH:*
  2984. YFN Lucci: Long Live Nut (Think It's a Game) {1}: xxl:+
  2985. Otomo Yoshihide/Hiroshi Yamazaki/Evan Parker: 14.11.16 (Otoroku) {1}: jnn:6
  2986. Yossarians: Fabric of Time (self-released) {1}: Qt:72
  2987. Youandewan: The Brane 001 (The Brane) {1}: xlr:+
  2988. You'll Never Get to Heaven: Images (Yellow K) {1}: GB:38
  2989. You Me at Six: Night People (Infectious Music) {1}: Bq:94
  2990. Brett Young: Brett Young (Big Machine) {1}: sln:17
  2991. Young Dolph: Bullet Proof (Paper Route Empire) {1}: N:54; wp:+
  2992. Young Dolph: Gelato (Paper Route Empire) {1}: wp:10
  2993. Young Marco: Selectors 002 (Dekmantel) {1}: ra:+
  2994. Young Nudy: Nudy Land (Paradise East) {1}: PW:50
  2995. Reggie Young: Forever Young (Whaling City Sound) {1}: -- TH:*
  2996. Dave Young/Terry Promane Octet: Vol 2 (Modica Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  2997. Yucky Duster: Duster's Lament (Infinity Cat) {1}: PT:40
  2998. Yuksek: Nous Horizon (Partyfine) {1}: DJM:34
  2999. Glenn Zaleski: Fellowship (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  3000. Denny Zeitlin and George Marsh: Expedition (Sunnyside) {1}: jrm:+
  3001. Pablo Ziegler Trio: Jazz Tango (Zoho) {1}: -- TH:*
  3002. Hans Zimmer & Benjamin Wallfish: Blade Runner 2049 [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Epic) {1}: CS:46
  3003. Hans Zimmer: Dunkirk [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Water Tower Music) {1}: CS:24
  3004. Dave Zinno Unisphere: River of January (Whaling City Sound) {1}: -- TH:*
  3005. Zombie Zombie: Livity (Versatile) {1}: LR:44


For information on what lists are consulted, and what the various abbreviations and notes mean, click here.