EOY [Mid-Year] List Aggregate: 2018 New Music
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Some breakdowns by genre:
- Janelle Monae: Dirty Computer (Bad Boy) {447}: ABC:47, Al:1, AS:3, AV:11, BB:5, BS:1, Btz:8, BV:41, C:43, Ch:15, Cl:19, Cmp:13, Cos:+, Cpu:7, CS:2, Dag:1, DJ:2, DJB:15, DT:13, Du:11, Dv:13, E_UK:+, EE:7, EW:9, EWi:4, Ex:7, Fld:3, Fp:7, Fu:+, Fw:13, G:3, GC:5, Gf_D:2, Gf_N:11, Gg:1, GMg:1, GTV:2, Gw:25, Hi:42, HP:3, Hs:9, HV:+, I:3, Id:4, Int:1, LBF:49, LLV:4, M_ha:17, Mc:6, Mg:17, Mj:4, MO:3, Ms:15, Mu:15, Mx:13, Mz:5, N:5, Ne:36, NME:36, Noj:35, NPR:1, NR:2, NZ:11, Oo:1, OS:10, P:14, PA:11, Pap:4, PB:6, PCr:+, PM:4, PO:15, PW:21, Q:8, Qt:11, RC:1, Rdx:5, Re:3, Rf_h:22, Rf_k:37, RS:13, S:36, Sb:5, SC:1, Sg:38, Sk:7, Sl:2, TNZ:11, Thr:9, Tr:37, U:6, Up:4, UpC:2, UR:30, V:2(91), VMP:6, WHP:4, YF:1; 3v:10, am:+, am_r:+, asp:1, av_p:+, bg:8, bsd:+, cds:2, ct:15, db_s:2, dgc:+, g_e:2, gl:+, gq:+, hc_d:4, hc_g:1, hmv:+, jeh:1, jjg:10, ju:+, la_w:5, mc:+, mc_u:1, mj_v:3, mms:+, nt:+, now:6, np_t:+, ny_p:1, nyp:+, okp:7, p:9, pi:++, pm_p:6, pmc:+, rak:+, ref:1, ri:5, rs_s:1, sa:+, sdu_8, smh:+, so:+, tbt:9, ti:2, tl:2, tm:4, tms:+, usw:2, v_cm:4, v_cw:16, v_ja:5, vac:5, vae:9, val:3, vaph:1, vapw:4, vasl:8, vbbo:10, vbr:1, vbw:8, vcb:6, vcmj:10, vcp:3, vcpa:7, vcr:6, vdc:6, vdca:3, vdd:1, vgt:5, vhgw:4, vhh:8, vib:+, vjco:4, vje:4, vjl:4, vjtr:8, vjty:8, vksj:5, vml:6, vmr:1, vrh:10, vrm:9, vsk:9, vsn:3, vtc:9, vu:+, vwh:6, xhs:4, xjd:1, xjdc:22, xjsm:6, xpb:10, xrt:1, yh:4 -- Mc:87, AM:1, RM:3, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Kacey Musgraves: Golden Hour (MCA Nashville) {358}: 405:21, ABC:5, Al:2, Alt:47, AS:1, BB:3, Blr:5, BS:4, BV:16, Ch:1, Cmp:36, Cos:+, CS:9, Dag:2, DT:2, Dv:1, DVk:2, E_US:6, EW:1, EWi:17, Ex:+, Fld:9, Fp:57, Fw:2, G:8, GC:22, Gg:3, I:4, Id:3, Int:2, LBF:31, LTL:6, M_ha:42, Mc:4, Mg:19, Mj:23, Ms:17, Mz:10, N:2, NME:65, NPR:3, NS:1, Oo:7, P:44, PA:18, PB:2, PCr:+, Pf:2, PM:2, PO:+, Ps:3, Q:12, Rdx:33, RS:2, RS_c:1, S:3, Sb:+, SC:9, Sg:1, Sl:25, Thr:1, Tr:24, Up:2, UpC:1, V:1(100), VMP:3, YF:3; am:+, am_c:+, asp:2, av_c:+, bg_c:6, bsd:+, cmt:+, db_s:10, e_c:4, ex_c:1, bc:2, gq:+, hc_g:2, hmv:+, ir:2, , ju:+, la_l:4, la_w:6, mc:+, mc_u:2, mms:+, nod:++, np:4, np_c:5, np_s:1, np_t:+, npr_m:+, nyp:+, owh:+, p:1, pi:++, pm_c:1, pmc:+, rak:+, re:4, ref:2, ri:+, scm_m:8, sdc:+, sg_c:1, sjm:5, sln:+, smh:+, so:+, sw:2, tbt:2, ti:8, tl:1, tns:+, ton:+, ust:+, usw:1, v_ab:1, v_cw:4, vac:6, vaf:8, val:1, vaph:4, vasl:10, vbs:7, vck:3, vcm:1, vcpa:3, vcr:10, vdb:3, vdd:2, vdf:9, vdh:4, vej:2, vgc:6, vhgw:6, vhh:5, vjco:8, vjh:5, vlk:8, vmd:6, vml:10, vnf:9, vrb:8, vrh:5, vse:3, vsn:6, vti:3, vu:4, vwh:2, vzl:8, wp:3, wsj:+, xhs:18, xjd:6, xpb:4, yh:2 -- Mc:89, AM:7, RM:6, RC:B+, TH:B
- Mitski: Be the Cowboy (Dead Oceans) {327}: 405:3, ABC:2, Al:4, Alt:2, Am_s:13, AV:10, BB:11, BV:4, C:7, Ch:13, CS:1, D:4, DJ:16, Dr:20, DT:9, Du:25, E_US:1, Eb:4, EW:4, EWi:33, Ex:3, Fld:1, FO:2, Fp:46, Fw:12, G:5, Gg:5, GMg:48, GTV:41, Hi:44, HV:+, I:24, Id:7, Int:19, LBF:1, LCA:13, LLV:72, M_ha:9, Mc:10, Mj:62, MO:8, Mu:16, N:34, NBH:23, NME:9, No:8, NPR:2, NR:4, NZH:9, Oo:19, OS:8, P:6, PA:23, Pap:7, Pc:71, Pf:1, PM:38, PO:+, Ps:26, PW:5, Q:16, Rdx:7, Re:2, Rf_k:10, RM:19, RS:14, RT:23, S:2, Sb:6, SC:10, Sg:10, Sk:3, Sl:7, Thr:6, TMT:18, TNZ:9, Tr:1, Up:39, UpC:3, UR:2, V:3(61), WHP:1, VMP:1, YF:2; am:+, am_i:+, av_i:+, cds:3, g_e:5, got:+, gq:+, hmv:+, ju:+, key:6, mc_u:4, mj:+, mj_v:4, mmg:+, nat:3, now:5, np:3, np_c:9, np_s:3, nt:7, ny_p:2, pf_k:+, pi:++, pm_k:4, re:10, ref:8, sa:+, smh:+, sw:1, ti:3, ust:+, v_ja:6, vaz:4, vbcr:6, vbbo:4, vca:6, vck:4, vclw:4, vdd:3, vgc:9, vjty:4, vksj:9, vktb:8, vml:4, vrm:4, vsn:4, vtl:4, vu:1, vwh:9, xjd:3 -- Mc:87, AM:5, RM:2, RC:A-, TH:B
- Pusha T: Daytona (GOOD/Def Jam -EP) {316}: 405:1, Al:30, Alt:30, AV:19, BB:4, Blr:3, BV:7, BV_r:3, C:19, Ch:17, Cl:7, CM:24, Cmp:1, CS:5, CX:17, DJ:22, DJB:2, DT:15, Du:1, Dv:26, E_US:5, Eb:2, EW:14, EWi:18, Ex:+, Fld:10, FO:14, Fu:+, G:17, GC:2, Gf_D:15, Gf_N:6, Gg:4, GMg:8, GTV:53, HDX:6, HG:20, Hi:11, HNH:4, Hs:1, HV:+, I:15, Int:5, Kp:5, LLV:91, LQ:2, Mc:20, Mj:12, MO:18, Mx:39, N:11, Ne:37, Ni:4, NME:5, Od:19, OS:14, P:7, PA:1, Pf:17, PM:62, PO:11, PW:24, Q:19, Qt:15, Rdx:12, Re:6, Rf_k:27, RS:7, RS_r:3, RT:31, S:8, Sb:9, SC:4, Sg:11, Sl:22, So:1, SR:20, Thr:14, TMT:8, Tr:2, Up:19, UpC:4, V:6(52), VMP:36, W:18, YF:14; 3v:4, ahh:1, am_h:+, av_h:+, bg_b:8, db_s:3, ex_h:2, fu:2, got:+, hhv:+, hyb:+, jc:1, ju:+, mc_u:6, mmg:+, now:4, nw:+, ny_c:11, okp:9, pi:++, ri:2, rtv:2, sa:+, sg_r:3, sjm:9, smh:+, ton:+, tr_h:2, ust:+, v_ab:3, vac:10, vah:7, valo:5, vbcr:5, vcm:9, vcmj:8, vcpa:4, vcr:4, vcw:2, vdc:4, vdca:1, vdd:4, vdws:2, vib:+, vis:9, vjs:9, vjty:6, vkc:10, vmb:10, vrh:8, vti:4, vu:5, vzs:6, wsj:+, xjd:+, xjdc:14, xrt:9, xxl:+ -- Mc:86, AM:4, RM:1, RC:A, TH:***
- Cardi B: Invasion of Privacy (Atlantic) {309}: 405:35, BB:2, BV:6, BV_r:1, C:11, Cl:14, Cos:+, Cmp:10, CS:8, CX:1, D:13, Dag:3, DJB:4, Du:7, Dv:12, DVk:26, E_UK:+, E_US:2, Eb:45, EW:2, EWi:8, Ex:+, F:20, Fld:21, FO:30, Fu:+, G:4, GC:20, Gf_D:14, Gg:2, GMg:4, GTV:68, HDX:10, HNH:23, Hs:3, HV:+, I:20, Int:7, LBF:6, Mc:34, Ms:24, N:13, Nd:19, Ni:38, NME:8, NPR:6, NZH:3, PA:21, Pap:3, PB:1, PCr:+, Pf:19, PM:42, PO:+, Ps:27, Q:46, Qt:54, Rdx:13, Rf_k:33, RS:1, RS_r:1, RSh:1, S:21, SC:8, Sg:4, Sl:6, So:19, Thr:3, TNZ:2, Up:8, UpC:5, V:3(61), VMP:16, YF:4, YW:10; am_h:+, av_h:+, db_s:5, dgc:+, ex_h:1, got:+, gq:+, hhv:+, jjg:2, jc:4, ju:+, key:11, mc:+, mms:+, nat:4, np_t:+, ny_c:8, nyp:+, okp:3, owh:+, p:7, pf_r:+, pi:++, pm_h:9, ref:3, ri:1, rtv:7, sg_r:1, sdc:+, sjm:6, sl:+, st:10, tbt:7, ti:1, tm:6, tr_h:6, ust:+, usw:3, v_ja:13, vah:3, val:6, vamp:5, vaph:6, vbbo:2, vcc:10, vck:10, vcm:10, vcwi:9, vdd:6, vdws:1, vej:4, vew:2, vhh:1, vib:+, vis:6, vjh:1, vjl:6, vjlf:3, vrb:2, vrc:8, vrh:1, vrm:6, vsk:8, vu:+, xbl:9, xjd:9, xjdc:38, xjl:3, xxl:+, yh:3 -- Mc:34, AM:13, RM:7, RC:A, TH:A-
- Robyn: Honey (Konichawa/Interscope) {258}: Al:17, BB:12, Btz:49, BV:9, C:36, Cl:5, Cmp:24, CS:12, D:2, Dag:22, DJ:8, Du:18, Dv:5, E_UK:+, E_US:7, Eb:33, EWi:49, Ex:2, Fp:54, Fw:7, G:2, GB:5, Gf:4, Gf_D:20, Gg:11, GTV:14, Hs:11, I:32, Id:11, Int:3, LBF:17, LLV:61, M:2, M_ha:22, Mc:2, Mg:14, Mix:17, Ms:40, Mu:28, Mx:6, N:6, NBH:9, Nd:1, Ni:10, NME:11, Noj:+, NPR:7, NR:32, NZH:8, OS:13, P:19, PA:2, Pap:16, Pf:4, PM:11, PO:+, Q:4, Rdx:15, Re:8, Rf_k:49, RS:45, RSh:13, S:9, SC:5, Sg:12, Sk:5, Sl:1, Thr:29, TNZ:8, Tr:32, Up:11, UpC:14, UR:69, V:5(52), YF:23; 3v:6, am:+, am_p:+, asp:7, av_p:+, bg_j:6, ct:12, db_s:6, gc:9, gq:+, ir:3, ju:+, key:13, mc_u:8, mmg:+, now:2, nyp:+, ra:+, ref:7, rs_p:4, sl:+, smh:+, ti:6, tms:+, tr_e:3, ust:+, usw:5, v_ja:1, vaph:3, vasl:2, vbw:2, vcm:2, vcwi:10, vdb:1, vgc:8, vjs:6, vksj:3, vktb:9, vmj:3, vml:2, vrb:10, vsp:10, vtc:4, vtl:8, vwh:1, xjdc:+, yh:5 -- Mc:89, AM:6, RM:5, RC:***, TH:**
- Idles: Joy as an Act of Resistance (Partisan) {250}: 405:11, Bq:3, C:5, Cl:10, CM:7, Crh:2, Dag:8, DJ:4, Dr:99, DS:2, DVk:36, E_UK:+, EE:12, EWi:19, FO:1, Fp:2, G:6, Gf_D:18, Gf_N:10, Gg:28, GMg:28, GTV:1, Gw:9, Hi:40, HP:1, Kp:1, L4:1, LBF:4, LCA:10, LLV:1, LQ:9, M_ha:5, Mc:5, Mg:3, Mj:6, MO:7, Ms:1, Mu:7, Mz:7, NBH:1, Ne:18, NME:3, NR:48, Od:20, Oo:6, OS:37, P:25, Pc:25, PM:3, PR:12, Q:7, RC:22, Rdx:17, Re:12, Rf_h:4, Rf_k:1, RM:6, Ro:16, RT:3, Sb:13, Sk:4, SR:9, Tr:14, Trk:9, U:27, UpC:88, Ups:10, UR:20, V:35(20), YF:+; bb6:1, ct:2, db_s:7, g_e:8, hmv:+, ju:+, mc_u:11, nt:1, rte:1, rut:11, sa:+, so_k:2, vab:2, vah:2, vapw:3, vew:9, vjte:6, vnf:5, xbl:5, xjd:+, xrt:4 -- Mc:88, AM:3, RM:10, RC:A-, TH:***
- Low: Double Negative (Sub Pop) {247}: 405:14, BV:2, C:47, Crh:12, Dr:9, DS:1, Dv:16, DVk:6, EE:8, Ex:10, F:49, FO:35, Fp:3, Fld:16, G:9, Gf:2, Gf_D:8, Gf_N:36, Gg:14, GTV:3, Gw:4, Hi:50, Ju:20, LBF:18, LCA:3, LLV:2, LQ:3, M_ha:45, Mc:18, Mj:19, MO:1, Ms:8, Mu:29, Mup:2, Mz:4, NBH:42, Ni:25, No:37, NPR:17, NR:11, Od:22, On:1, Oo:2, OS:6, P:8, Pc:15, Pf:8, PM:22, Q:21, Qt:8, RC:2, Rdx:1, Re:4, RM:1, Ro:2, RT:50, S:7, Sb:1, SC:3, Sg:8, Sk:43, SR:23, Thr:21, TMT:7, Tr:6, Trk:1, U:1, UpC:18, UR:4, V:8(43), VF:11, W:10, YF:+; am_i:+, av_i:+, bb6:5, bg_c:4, bu:1, hc_d:1, hmv:+, mc_u:15, np_s:10, pf_k:+, por:4, sa:+, sdc:+, ton:+, tr_e:7, vcb:8, vcmj:2, vdcm:6, vje:6, vjh:6, vsn:5, vsp:6, vu:2, vwh:8, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- Mc:86, AM:2, RM:4, TH:*
- Noname: Room 25 (self-released) {242}: 405:5, Alt:38, Atl:2, BB:22, Bc:3, Btz:14, BV:11, BV_r:4, Cl:20, CM:8, Cmp:9, CS:18, DJ:14, DJB:9, DT:11, E_US:4, Eb:26, EWi:3, G:14, GC:7, Gg:6, GMg:34, GTV:91, HG:12, HNH:11, Hs:14, HV:+, Int:12, LBF:40, M_ha:8, Mc:1, Mup:9, Mx:21, N:17, Ne:8, Ni:5, NME:80, NPR:5, NR:29, Od:47, OS:11, P:32, PAM:3, Pf:15, PM:9, PO:6, Rdx:36, Rf_k:44, RS:27, RS_r:7, RSh:4, S:19, Sb:46, Sg:23, Sk:20, So:22, Thr:12, Tr:4, Up:6, UpC:10, UR:52, V:7(48), VMP:4, W:38, YF:6; am:+, am_h:+, av_h:+, bg_b:6, cds:1, ct:3, ex_h:3, key:2, jjg:1, nap:+, now:7, pam_r:2, pf_r:+, pm_h:1, re:5, rtv:10, sa:+, sg_r:6, so_k:3, tbt:5, tr_h:2, usw:6, valo:7, vasl:5, vck:6, vcp:5, vdws:3, vew:4, vib:+, vgc:5, vhg:3, vjl:3, vjm:9, vjty:10, vkc:7, vml:1, vmp_j:6, vmr:3, vrc:1, vtc:2, vtl:5, vzs:8, wsj:+, xjd:4, xjdc:1, xrt:+, xxl:+ -- Mc:93, AM:23, RM:8, RC:A, TH:A-
- Parquet Courts: Wide Awake! (Rough Trade) {221}: 405:39, Alt:32, ATH:37, Blr:34, Bq:15, CM:10, Crh:1, DJ:1, Dr:11, DT:45, Dv:10, Eb:1, EWi:1, Ex:14, Fld:5, FO:6, Fp:13, Fw:5, G:23, Gf_N:34, Gg:22, GMg:5, GTV:15, HV:+, Kp:8, LCA:4, LLV:12, Mix:48, Mj:21, MO:17, Mz:23, Ne:5, NME:17, NR:7, Od:26, On:27, Oo:15, P:2, Pc:30, PO:12, Q:5, Rdx:48, Rf_k:24, RM:14, RS:40, RSh:19, RT:40, S:11, Sb:4, Sg:+, Sk:2, Sl:18, SR:1, Thr:2, TMT:45, Tr:17, UpC:21, UR:8, V:9(42), YF:12; 3v:3, ct:7, gl:++, got:+, jjg:5, nt:3, pf_k:+, pi:+, pm_k:1, sa:+, so_d:10, so_k:7, tm:2, vab:3, vad:8, vah:8, val:10, var:6, vbcr:3, vck:7, vcm:4, vcmj:3, vew:5, vjco:7, vjd:3, vjl:1, vjlf:2, vjte:8, vkj:3, vmr:4, vrc:4, vsp:4, vtc:3, vtk:3, xbl:1, xjd:2, xjdc:3, xjl:2, xjsm:3, xpb:6 -- AM:14, RM:14, RC:A, TH:A-
- Kamasi Washington: Heaven and Earth (Young Turks) {213}: 405:29, ABC:13, Al:48, AV:+, Bq:12, Btz:7, C:30, Cl:23, Cmp:48, Cpu:15, Crh:24, CS:4, DJ:29, DJM:24, Dr:8, Du:14, Dv:17, DVk:28, E_UK:+, EE:15, FO:36, Fp:1, G:7, GC:27, Gf_N:33, Gg:9, GTV:100, Gw:13, I:28, JC:12, JT:14, LBF:21, LLV:9, Mc:17, Mg:8, Mj:1, Ms:39, Mu:13, NBH:33, NME:92, No:33, Noj:10, NPR:18, NR:14, Oo:8, OS:9, OTR:27, PAM:10, Pc:45, Pf:48, PM:24, PW:8, Q:48, RC:4, Rdx:3, RM:10, RS_j:14, RT:22, Sb:38, Sg:34, So:3, Thr:10, Tr:10, Trk:28, U:21, Up:46, UpC:23, UR:1, V:21(28), VF:50, VMP:34; am:+, am_j:+, bb6:3, bl:6, ex_x:2, g_e:4, gl:+, gq:+, hhv:+, jeh:9, jrsc:12, kc:1, mms:+, nod:+, okp:17, pi:+, re:9, rut:9, sg_j:3, stb:5, tms:+, ukv:16, v_ab:2, v_cm:1, vaf:3, vak:6, var:9, vbbo:3, vcb:7, vgc:3, vgt:9, vjo:1, vjtr:1, vjty:3, vmp_j:5, vpf:1, vpg:9, vti:8, vzl:3, yh:7 -- Mc:86, AM:10, RM:15, TH:***
- Christine and the Queens: Chris (Because) {186}: Am_s:21, BB:20, Bq:9, Btz:21, C:16, Cl:1, CS:6, D:8, DJ:10, Dr:19, DS:3, Dv:2, E_US:19, EE:19, Fp:6, Fw:10, G:1, Gf_D:9, Gf_N:5, GTV:59, I:1, Id:2, Int:13, LBF:14, LLV:32, M_ha:39, Mc:3, Mj:5, MO:4, Ms:19, Mu:18, Mz:18, Ni:37, NME:10, NPR:21, NZH:15, Oo:4, OS:16, PA:8, Pap:10, PB:16, Pc:49, Pf:30, PM:17, Q:6, Rdx:46, Rf_k:45, RM:27, RT:63, S:27, SC:18, Sk:19, Sl:16, TNZ:15, Trk:8, U:9, UpC:43, UR:32, V:19(25), VMP:15, YF:37; am:+, am_p:+, asp:9, bg_j:1, cct:2, db_s:4, g_e:3, gq:+, ju:+, mj_v:8, rak:+, sdu:5, st:7, ust:+, v_ja:15, var:3, vasl:6, vbw:6, vjl:9, vjtr:2, vkc:8, vksj:6, vktb:1, vmj:4, vse:8, xpb:+ -- Mc:89, AM:16, RM:12, TH:**
- Courtney Barnett: Tell Me How You Really Feel (Mom + Pop Music) {183}: ABC:24, Al:6, ATH:20, BB:+, Bq:8, BV:22, Cos:+, Cpu:20, Crh:29, CS:27, DJ:6, Dr:34, DT:37, EE:6, EW:+, EWi:12, Ex:+, Fld:7, FO:9, Fp:4, G:27, Gf:22, Gf_N:38, Gg:19, GMg:2, GTV:52, HV:+, I:22, L:+, L4:10, LBF:44, LCA:23, LLV:7, Mg:7, Mj:8, MO:11, Ms:13, Mx:23, Mz:8, NBH:40, Nd:6, NME:63, Noj:45, NPR:16, NR:18, NZH:17, P:3, Pc:13, PCr:+, PO:+, Q:14, Rdx:45, Re:16, RM:51, RS:34, RT:9, S:48, Sb:14, Sk:8, Sl:13, SR:31, TNZ:17, Trk:47, U:17, Up:+, UpC:39, Ups:23, UR:5, V:16(31), YF:36, YW:23; bb6:+, cct:7, ct:13, hc_d:6, hmv:+, ju:+, mj:+, mms:+, now:1, np_t:+, pf_k:+, pi:+, pm_k:5, rut:4, scm:+, smh:+, so:+, so_d:3, tm:1, vbbo:7, vej:3, vhgw:2, vjd:2, vjtr:3, vkc:3, vpg:8, vshg:5, vu:+, xhs:11, xjdc:11, xrt:+ -- AM:12, RM:24, RC:A-, TH:***
- Sophie: Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides (MSMSMSM/Future Classic) {174}: 405:2, Atl:5, Btz:4, C:1, Cl:8, D:3, DJM:1, DS:5, Eb:3, EWi:+, F:23, Fw:15, G:11, GB:16, Gf:24, Gg:21, GTV:25, Hs:2, Int:8, Kp:11, LBF:3, LCA:20, LLV:93, LQ:26, M_ha:12, Mc:16, Mix:8, MO:6, Ms:14, Mu:4, N:31, NBH:25, Ne:15, NME:23, No:46, NR:5, Od:23, On:8, Pap:5, Pf:18, PM:13, PO:+, Q:42, Qt:28, Rdx:23, Rf_h:24, Rf_k:16, S:47, Sg:49, Sk:26, TMT:1, UpC:26, V:33(19), VF:2, YF:17; am:+, am_e:+, av_p:+, bl:3, bu:9, ju:+, mmg:+, mms:+, now:10, nw:+, pf_e:+, pm_v:10, ra:+, rs_a:2, sa:+, vac:1, vaph:5, vcw:4, vdb:2, vksj:7, vmb:3, wsj:+, xjd:5, xjdc:+, xlr:+ -- Mc:86, AM:8, RM:9, RC:A-, TH:***
- Ariana Grande: Sweetener (Republic) {161}: ABC:23, BB:1, Cl:18, Cmp:4, D:6, Dag:7, E_UK:+, E_US:10, EW:3, Fu:+, Fw:4, G:20, GB:7, GC:30, Gg:7, Hs:20, Int:4, LBF:13, M_ha:34, Mx:48, N:3, NME:21, NPR:22, NZH:4, Pap:2, PB:5, PCr:+, Pf:11, PM:46, Ps:4, RS:5, RSh:15, S:15, SC:12, Sg:3, Sl:20, Thr:22, TNZ:4, Up:5, UpC:7, V:31(26), VMP:29, WHP:9, YF:5; am:+, am_p:+, asp:8, av_p:+, bg_c:3, bsb:+, db_s:1, fu:3, hc_g:9, ju:+, mc_u:7, npr_m:+, ny_p:7, p:4, pmc:+, ref:4, rs_p:2, ust:+, v_cw:7, vae:5, vcm:3, vcpa:9, vjc:10, vis:1, , vnf:10, vrm:3, wo:+, xrt:+, yh:6 -- AM:33, RM:16, RC:A-, TH:B
- Arctic Monkeys: Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino (Domino) {154}: Al:18, BB:+, Bq:+, Btz:17, BV:34, C:21, Ch:20, Crh:9, DJ:25, DVk:11, E_UK:+, EE:4, EW:5, Ex:13, Fld:17, FO:11, Fp:24, G:10, GC:+, Gf_D:4, Gg:13, GTV:12, Gw:6, HP:8, I:2, Ju:12, L4:7, LBF:20, LLV:15, Mg:22, Mj:2, MO:23, Ms:38, Mu:11, Mz:14, N:80, NBH:2, Nd:7, Ni:17, NME:2, No:15, Noj:15, NR:19, On:5, Oo:5, OS:1, P:20, Pc:67, Pf:31, PM:+, Q:1, Rdx:29, RT:65, Sb:36, SC:+, SR:35, Trk:27, U:40, Up:3, UpC:30, UR:34, V:43(13), VMP:22, YF:22; bb6:4, g_e:1, hmv:+, nt:+, nyp:+, pf_k:+, rx:+, st:5, vcb:3, vu:6, wo:+, xr:+ -- AM:11, RM:20, TH:C+
- Kali Uchis: Isolation (Virgin EMI) {154}: AV:+, BB:16, C:39, Cos:+, CS:11, D:11, Dag:21, DJB:38, DT:34, Du:16, DVk:16, E_US:16, Eb:20, EW:17, EWi:28, Ex:+, F:34, Fu:+, Fw:1, G:21, GC:13, Gg:31, GMg:26, GTV:79, Hs:13, HV:8, Int:6, Kp:12, Mc:15, Ms:11, Mup:22, N:46, Nd:8, Ne:13, NME:7, NPR:9, Od:25, On:25, Oo:3, PA:4, PB:12, Pf:38, Qt:46, Rdx:24, Re:34, Rf_k:38, RS:24, S:20, Sb:+, Sg:28, Sk:22, UpC:22, V:23(25), YF:11; 3v:2, am:+, av_p:+, bg_c:10, bg_j:9, dgc:+, ex_s:3, fu:5, got:+, gq:+, jeh:4, mc:+, mc_u:14, mms:+, nat:10, nt:+, pm_p:1, por:7, sa:+, tbt:3, tm:5, ton:+, vac:2, vak:4, vas:10, vdb:7, vdme:2, vej:10, vgc:10, vis:8, vjl:10, vkj:10, vktb:3, vml:5, vnf:2, vsk:10, vspt:8, vu:+, xjd:+, xrt:+ -- Mc:87, AM:19, RM:21, RC:***, TH:A-
- Beach House: 7 (Sub Pop) {148}: Al:11, ATH:13, AV:1, BB:+, Blr:7, Cos:+, CS:42, DJ:26, DT:23, Dv:36, Eb:27, EW:+, Ex:4, Fld:2, FO:10, Fp:65, Fw:9, GB:25, GC:15, Gf:10, Gf_D:12, Gf_N:28, Hs:12, LLV:51, Ms:25, Mu:25, Mx:10, Mz:19, N:71, NBH:15, NPR:+, NR:13, Od:34, On:9, OS:5, PA:5, Pc:61, Pf:20, PM:34, Q:37, Rdx:16, Re:1, Rf_k:3, RM:73, Ro:15, RS:21, RT:66, Sb:16, SC:16, Sg:5, Sk:12, TMT:37, Tr:3, Up:13, UpC:15, UR:6, V:28(27), VMP:11, YF:+; 3v:5, am_i:+, av_i:+, mc_u:10, nap:+, nt:4, pf_k:+, pm_d:1, sa:+, tm:9, ust:+, v_ja:12, vbbo:9, vbs:5, vcca:9, vck:9, vjm:10, vrb:9 -- A:9, RM:32, TH:**
- Blood Orange: Negro Swan (Domino) {147}: 405:15, Bc:15, Btz:18, C:38, Cl:3, Cmp:9, CS:14, D:15, Dag:11, DJ:48, Dr:21, DS:12, DT:21, Du:9, Dv:14, E_UK:+, EW:18, Ex:8, FO:26, G:29, GC:16, Gf:14, Gf_N:1, Gg:12, Hs:19, I:21, Kp:6, LBF:15, LCA:24, Mc:38, Mg:13, Mu:5, Mup:10, Mz:6, N:54, Ne:49, NBH:7, Ni:6, NME:12, Noj:17, NR:25, Oo:12, P:49, Pc:27, Pf:46, PM:31, PO:+, Q:15, Re:20, Rf_h:35, Rf_k:22, S:5, SC:6, Sk:13, Sl:15, UpC:84, UR:39, V:50(14), VF:18, VMP:17, WHP:16, YF:13; 3v:8, am:+, am_r:+, av_p:+, now:8, nt:5, vak:2, vbbo:1, vbr:9, vbw:1, vdb:9, vdc:2, vis:10, vu:14 -- Mc:84, AM:15, RM:22, RC:***, TH:**
- Sons of Kemet: Your Queen Is a Reptile (Impulse!) {141}: 405:42, BIW:29, Bq:14, C:3, Cl:27, Cpu:13, Dr:2, DVk:23, EWi:+, Fp:61, G:12, JC:11, JT:9, JW:3, LBF:16, LLV:20, LQ:16, M_ha:7, Mj:63, MO:31, Mup:43, Ne:10, No:5, Od:13, On:3, OTR:45, PAM:2, Pc:56, PO:+, Qt:7, Rdx:14, RM:2, RT:74, Sb:+, So:13, Tr:9, Trk:48, U:10, UpC:38, UR:65, V:36(17), VF:13, W:1, YW:36; am:+, am_j:+, bb6:8, g_e:7, hmv:+, j_p:9, jcm:+, jpm:17, jrsc:21, sa:+, sdc:+, sg_j:2, sl:+, stb:9, vak:67vamp:3, vbo:3, vca:1, vcb:1, vcwi:6, vew:8, vjo:9, vpf:5, vsp:3, xce:1, xjdc:+, vjt:+, vrg:+ -- AM:35, RM:28, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Pistol Annies: Interstate Gospel (RCA Nashville) {137}: AS:2, BB:37, BS:7, EW:6, EWi:6, Gg:42, GMg:25, HV:3, LTL:2, NPR:13, NS:2, PM:37, PO:8, RS:4, RS_c:2, RSh:5, Thr:23, UpC:17, V:15(30), YF:20; am:+, am_c:+, av_c:+, bg_j:4, bsb:+, cmt:+, e_c:1, ex_c:3, hc_g:10, ir:5, nod:+, np_t:+, pi:+, pm_c:2, ri:9, scm:++, scm_m:2, sg_c:2, sln:+, tl:3, tns:+, v_ab:6, v_cw:6, vae:8, vaf:2, val:4, vamp:2, vapw:7, vas:8, vjcl:9, vew:3, vhgw:8, vjlf:8, vjm:6, vmb:4, vmj:10, vmr:8, vrc:5, vrm:8, vse:1, vu:3, vwh:3, xbl:10, xhs:9, xjd:+, xjdc:5, xjl:8, xjsm:1, xpb:+, xrt:8 -- AM:78, RM:82, RC:A, TH:A-
- US Girls: In a Poem Unlimited (4AD) {137}: 405:10, Al:37, Am_s:23, AV:+, Btz:47, BV:3, C:34, CM:49, Cos:+, CS:47, DJ:19, Dr:51, Eb:14, EWi:42, Ex:1, F:38, Fld:4, FO:8, Fw:3, G:38, GB:26, Gg:20, GMg:15, GTV:4, HV:5, LCA:22, M_ha:20, Mc:12, MO:50, Ms:6, Mz:25, N:30, Ne:11, NME:75, NR:1, P:13, Pf:22, PM:+, PW:44, Q:26, Rdx:11, Re:30, Rf_k:26, RM:39, Ro:14, RS:23, S:13, Sb:33, SC:+, Sg:26, Sk:45, Thr:4, TMT:39, Tr:42, UpC:32, UR:12, V:25(27), VF:49, YF:+; av_p:+, got:+, hmv:+, np:9, nt:+, nw:+, pm_k:9, ri:+, sa:+, ts:+, ust:+, vaph:10, var:2, vas:6, vcmj:5, vdme:10, vksj:1, vma:7, vrm:1, vzs:2, xpb:+ -- Mc:87, AM:20, RM:14, RC:*, TH:**
- Earl Sweatshirt: Some Rap Songs (Tan Cressida/Columbia -EP) {129}: 405:44, Alt:34, AV:8, Blr:6, BV:18, BV_r:10, Cmp:49, Dag:15, DJB:8, DT:48, E_US:8, F:15, Fld:24, FO:5, GB:6, Gg:10, HG:5, Hs:8, HV:11, Kp:10, Mc:8, N:58, Ne:26, NME:59, Od:1, OS:4, PA:17, PAM:1, Pf:7, PO:+, PW:34, Rf_k:32, RS_r:12, S:6, Sb:20, SC:14, Sg:35, Thr:17, Up:10, UpC:25, V:32(22), VF:25, VMP:5, YF:35; am_h:+, av_h:+, db_s:8, got:+, hc_d:2, ir:6, nt:8, okp:6, pam_r:1, pf_r:+, por:2, rak:+, sa:+, valo:2, vas:1, vis:5, vml:7, vtl:7, vu:8, xxl:+ -- Mc:87, AM:41, RM:39, TH:B
- Black Panther: The Album (Music From and Inspired By) (Top Dawg/Aftermath/Interscope) {129}: BB:6, BV_r:12, Cl:34, CM:34, Cmp:8, CS:16, DJB:16, EW:7, EWi:10, Ex:+, Fu:+, GC:36, Gg:25, GMg:38, HDX:5, HG:+, HP:5, I:5, Mx:1, Ni:1, NME:+, Noj:1, NPR:+, NZH:6, PAM:7, PB:7, PO:+, Ps:18, RS:+, RS_r:15, Sb:+, TNZ:6, Up:15, UpC:19, V:27(25), YF:10, YW:2; am_h:+, bb6:+, dgc:+, gc:3, got:+, jjg:+, np_t:+, nyp:+, owh:+, pam_r:4, pm_h:8, ri:+, sl:+, v_ja:8, vac:9, vcc:2, vcka:3, vdc:7, vdca:2, vdws:8, vib:+, xjd:+, xjdc:9, xxl:+, yh:1 -- AM:63, RM:71, RC:A, TH:***
- Snail Mail: Lush (Matador) {128}: Al:43, Alt:12, Am_s:4, ATH:39, AV:+, BB:25, Blr:1, Bq:+, Btz:41, C:32, CS:22, Dr:46, DT:4, Dv:21, E_US:3, EW:13, EWi:+, Ex:12, FO:19, Fp:91, G:36, Gf_N:18, Gg:29, LBF:22, LLV:78, Mu:22, N:4, NBH:14, NME:14, No:9, NPR:49, On:18, P:5, PA:12, Pf:5, Rdx:38, RM:40, RS:26, RT:81, S:14, Sb:11, Sg:2, Sk:35, So:23, SR:32, Thr:26, Trk:16, Up:33, UpC:12, Ups:24, UR:25, V:19(26), VMP:26, WHP:19, YF:9; am_i:+, av_i:+, got:+, hyb:+, key:5, npr_m:+, pf_k:+, pi:+, re:7, ri:+, ust:+, vck:5, vgc:2, vmd:2, vrb:5, vshg:6, vsp:8, wsj:+, xjd:8 -- AM:26, RM:11, TH:*
- Tierra Whack: Whack World (UMGRI/Interscope -EP) {125}: Atl:10, BB:19, Blr:30, C:9, Cmp:16, D:1, DJB:7, Du:3, E_US:14, EWi:21, F:8, Fw:14, GB:18, GC:11, Gg:16, HG:+, HNH:26, Hs:22, M_ha:2, N:1, Ne:44, NPR:10, OS:12, Pap:13, Pf:9, PO:22, Rdx:39, RS:37, RS_r:8, S:23, SC:17, TMT:25, UpC:40, V:29(28), VMP:8, YW:58; av_h:+, cds:5, ex_h:7, got:+, hyb:+, key:4, mms:+, okp:2, np_s:6, pf_r:+, pi:++, v_ja:3, vah:4, vapw:10, vdcm:7, vdd:5, vdws:6, vew:6, vgc:7, vhg:8, vib:+, vjl:5, vma:6, vmd:7, vrc:9, vrh:3, wsj:+, xpb:5, xxl:+ -- AM:51, RM:25, RC:A-, TH:A-
- John Prine: The Tree of Forgiveness (Oh Boy) {124}: AS:5, BS:11, Dag:16, Dv:31, DVk:45, EWi:13, Fld:+, Gg:45, GMg:35, HV:+, LTL:10, NPR:28, NS:4, PO:14, RS:22, RS_c:4, RT:64, So:12, U:26, Up:+, UpC:34, V:18(29); am:+, am_s:+, ax:+, cmt:+, ct:18, e_c:8, gl:+, got:+, hc_d:5, la_l:3, nod:++, np_b:8, np_t:+, npr_m:+, owh:+, pi:++, pm_a:7, scm:++, sg_c:3, sjm:4, so_d:9, tl:5, tns:+, vaf:1, vao:6, vasl:7, vcp:9, vdd:8, vdf:5, vdg:1, vgc:1, vhgw:1, vjd:5, vjlf:6, vjp:7, vjso:3, vjte:1, vjtr:4, vlk:7, vpbl:1, vpg:4, vtc:1, xhs:7, xjdc:10, xjl:7, xjsm:5, xpb:7 -- AM:90, RM:123, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Rolling Blackouts CF: Hope Downs (Sub Pop) {124}: ATH:47, Blr:12, Bq:+, BV:10, CM:13, Crh:16, DJ:7, Dr:10, Dv:3, DVk:27, EWi:25, FB:1, Fld:+, Fp:25, G:30, Gf_N:32, GMg:9, GTV:20, Hi:28, LLV:5, LQ:28, Mc:33, Mg:4, Mj:3, Ms:22, Mz:3, NME:18, No:14, NR:3, OS:20, P:8, Pc:4, PO:+, Q:22, Rdx:28, RM:4, RT:5, S:41, Sb:10, SR:42, Trk:14, U:2, UR:13, V:44(16); 3v:12, am:+, am_i:+, bb6:+, g_e:10, got:+, hmv:+, pm_k:7, rut:1, vab:10, vaz:1, vjco:9, vjlf:4, vtc:6, vzl:10, xhs:15, xjdc:41, xjl:4 -- Mc:84, AM:32, RM:30, RC:B+, TH:A-
- Travis Scott: Astroworld (Epic/Grand Hustle) {124}: 405:23, ABC:49, Alt:48, BB:7, Cl:2, Cmp:2, CX:3, Dag:6, DJB:3, E_US:15, EW:20, FO:15, Fu:+, G:28, GC:6, Gg:8, HDX:3, HNH:2, Hs:6, I:13, Int:9, Mc:27, N:7, NM:19, Noj:24, NPR:35, PB:14, Pf:23, Ps:21, RS:6, RS_r:2, RSh:7, Up:1, UpC:11, V:41(15), VP:39, YF:18; 3v:1, ahh:5, am:+, am_h:+, cds:9, ex_h:6, fu:4, got:+, hc_g:7, hhv:+, hyb:+, jc:2, mc_u:12, okp:4, pf_r:+, rtv:3, ust:+, vcr:9, vjm:4, vml:9, vsp:7, vtl:9, xxl:+ -- AM:30, RM:26, TH:**
- Jon Hopkins: Singularity (Domino) {122}: AV:12, BB:36, Bq:7, Btz:38, Crh:27, DJ:11, Dr:48, Dv:33, DVk:13, E_UK:+, Eb:17, Fp:9, G:49, Gf:1, Gf_N:3, GTV:19, Gw:37, Kp:15, LLV:6, Mc:35, Mix:5, Mj:62, MO:45, Ms:4, Mu:17, Mz:12, NBH:8, Ni:8, NME:27, Noj:48, OTR:11, PA:15, Pf:16, PM:47, RC:20, Rdx:8, RM:28, RT:70, S:30, Sg:46, Sk:21, So:2, SR:43, Tr:39, Trk:5, Up:27, UpC:56, UR:26, V:66(10), YF:+; am:+, am_e:+, art:+, av_e:+, bb_d:3, bb6:+, ex_e:4, hmv:+, ju:+, mmg:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:13, vcpa:8, vje:2, vjtr:6, xlr:+ -- Mc:35, AM:18, RM:41, RC:**, TH:***
- Kids See Ghosts [Kanye West & Kid Cudi]: Kids See Ghosts (GOOD/Def Jam -EP) {115}: BB:30, Blr:15, BV_r:22, Cl:21, Cmp:14, CX:14, DJB:13, Du:17, E_UK:+, Eb:6, EWi:14, GC:3, Gg:24, GMg:40, HDX:13, HG:6, Hi:49, HNH:16, LBF:27, LLV:60, M_ha:32, Mc:32, Mix:29, Ms:27, N:51, Ne:2, Ni:20, NME:15, Noj:33, NZH:12, Od:40, PA:14, PM:+, PO:+, Q:40, Rf_h:15, Rf_k:7, RS_r:16, Sb:15, Sl:3, So:7, TNZ:12, UpC:55, V:72(8); 3v:11, ahh:+, am:+, am_h:+, ex_h:4, fu:10, got:+, hmv:+, ir:1, jc:5, mc_u:3, nw:+, ny_c:7, nyp:+, pm_e:5, tms:+, usw:10, vcp:6, vcr:5, vkj:2, vnf:1, xjdc:17, xrt:+, xxl:+ -- Mc:84, AM:40, RM:52, TH:**
- Lucy Dacus: Historian (Matador) {113}: ABC:39, Alt:26, Am_s:16, Atl:21, BB:+, BS:3, Btz:35, BV:27, Ch:26, Cos:+, CS:17, DJ:35, Dr:64, DT:6, Eb:13, FO:25, LBF:48, LCA:17, LLV:17, M_ha:10, Mg:25, Mu:44, N:60, NPR:4, P:1, Pc:31, PM:54, Rdx:50, Rf_k:50, RS:17, RSh:2, Sb:3, SC:20, Sg:13, Thr:16, Trk:2, Up:41, UpC:6, UR:43, V:10(36), WHP:6, YF:16; ct:19, got:+, gq:+, key:9, nod:+, np_b:1, np_s:5, owh:+, pf_k:+, pi:+, pm_k:10, rak:+, sdu:10, sl:+, vbo:2, vcb:10, vcwi:4, vej:6, ves:5, vpg:3, vsn:8, vspt:7 -- AM:52, RM:43, TH:*
- Rosalia: El Mal Querer (Sony/Espana) {112}: BB:17, Btz:10, BV:19, D:7, Du:2, DVk:1, EE:+, EWi:27, F:3, Fw:18, G:31, GB:3, GC:10, Gg:15, Int:10, Kp:18, LBF:7, Ne:21, Ni:2, NME:94, NPR:8, Od:41, PA:6, Pap:6, Pf:6, PO:2, Rdx:+, Re:7, RS:31, Sg:21, TMT:31, Trk:22, UpC:86, V:17(30), VF:10, VMP:27, YF:+; am:+, am_w:+, kc:6, key:14, nap:+, ny_p:6, sa:+, sdu:3, ton:+, ust:+, v_ja:19, vah:5, vapw:2, vca:4, vdme:6, vdws:4, vhh:10, vjh:8, vjm:5 -- AM:17, RM:31, TH:B
- Yves Tumor: Safe in the Hands of Love (Warp) {104}: 405:18, Am_s:6, AV:6, Btz:27, BV:36, C:4, D:9, Dr:60, Dv:35, Eb:7, Ex:9, F:18, G:22, Gg:26, Kp:13, LQ:18, Mc:+, Mix:25, Ms:18, Mu:42, Mup:32, N:57, Ni:13, No:18, NR:16, Od:39, OS:2, OTR:44, Pf:10, PM:12, Qt:38, Rdx:9, Re:44, Rf_k:8, RT:18, S:40, Sb:26, SC:19, TMT:2, Tr:18, UpC:42, V:49(13), VF:14, VMP:23, W:50, YF:28; av_e:+, bl:4, ny_c:14, pm_e:2, por:1, ra:+, sa:+, tr_e:1, vjm:3, xlr:+ -- Mc:89, AM:24, RM:18, TH:B
- Young Fathers: Cocoa Sugar (Ninja Tune) {104}: Am_h:25, Bc:60, Bq:+, Btz:44, CM:38, CS:37, DJ:20, Dr:42, DS:9, Dv:19, E_UK:+, EW:+, EWi:49, Ex:18, Fp:5, G:16, Gg:38, GMg:14, GTV:7, Gw:12, Ju:17, LBF:5, LLV:22, M_ha:46, Mc:13, Mg:16, Mix:23, Mj:18, N:88, NBH:5, Ni:11, NME:24, NR:17, PA:20, PM:1, PO:+, Rf_k:29, RM:12, RT:27, Sb:29, Sg:40, Sk:1, Trk:13, U:13, UpC:70, UR:12, V:66(8), YF:30; am_h:+, bb6:+, hmv:+, ri:+, vdme:1, vjh:4, vmb:7 -- Mc:87, AM:27, RM:33, RC:**, TH:A-
- Shame: Songs of Praise (Dead Oceans) {103}: ATH:8, Bq:+, Btz:33, Cl:15, CM:54, Crh:5, Dr:41, Du:6, Dv:4, E_UK:+, Ex:20, FO:4, Fp:63, G:24, Gf_N:2, GTV:13, Gw:2, I:10, L4:2, LBF:11, LCA:14, LLV:11, LQ:25, Mj:71, MO:13, Ms:12, Mu:31, N:47, NBH:4, NME:6, On:10, P:12, Pc:72, PO:+, Q:33, Rdx:34, Re:10, Rf_k:12, Ro:7, RT:1, Sk:47, Tr:49, Trk:10, UpC:93, Ups:41, UR:31, V:75(9); bb6:+, hmv:+, mms:+, nt:2, vjte:10, vrb:7 -- AM:21, RM:37, TH:B
- Tirzah: Devotion (Domino) {103}: 405:34, Am_s:29, C:2, Cl:16, D:10, Dr:80, Du:5, E_UK:+, Ex:11, F:13, G:33, GB:1, Kp:9, LBF:2, LLV:87, LQ:4, Mix:1, Ms:10, N:24, Ni:14, NME:41, No:20, NR:36, On:28, OS:29, OTR:41, Pf:13, PO:+, Ps:14, Qt:43, RC:25, Rdx:10, RT:84, S:29, Sg:32, So:15, SR:7, TMT:5, Up:49, UpC:68, V:+(5), VF:1, W:21; am_r:+, bl:1, hhv:+, pf_x:+, ra:+, sa:+, v_ja:16, vah:9 -- AM:25, RM:17, TH:**
- Soccer Mommy: Clean (Fat Possum) {102}: ABC:10, Al:10, Alt:14, AV:+, BB:40, Blr:32, Bq:+, BS:15, BV:21, Dr:40, DT:7, E_US:12, EW:+, Ex:17, FO:12, Fw:25, Gf_N:47, Gg:51, LBF:30, LLV:76, N:45, NBH:44, NME:39, NPR:+, NR:23, NZH:13, P:4, Pf:27, RS:16, RSh:17, RT:42, Sb:12, Sg:7, TNZ:13, Trk:33, Up:14, UpC:20, UR:35, V:13(33), WHP:8, YF:21; am_i:+, gc:7, la_w:9, np:10, nw:+, ny_c:1, ny_p:8, pf_k:+, pi:+, ri:3, sw:10, ti:+, tns:+, vcda:5, vej:7, vktb:4, vmd:4, vrb:6, vrh:4, vzs:9 -- AM:69, RM:29, RC:A-, TH:**
- Saba: Care for Me (Saba Pivot) {96}: AV:3, BB:32, Blr:17, BV_r:18, Cmp:15, CS:3, DJB:1, DT:1, E_US:17, Fld:+, GC:4, Gg:18, HDX:12, HG:2, M_ha:15, Mup:1, NPR:26, Od:33, OS:31, PM:15, RS_r:17, S:37, Sg:+, Tr:26, Up:12, UpC:24, V:55(12), VMP:7; am_h:+, av_h:+, bg_c:7, ct:5, db_s:9, got:+, key:15, okp:15, pf_r:+, pm_h:2, sa:+, so:+, so_k:5, ton:+, tr_h:1, valo:4, vdc:9, vgc:4, vtl:6, xxl:+ -- AM:60, RM:44, RC:A-, TH:***
- The 1975: A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships (Dirty Hit/Polydor) {95}: Alt:11, BB:13, Bq:1, BV:49, Ch:2, Cl:26, CS:19, D:20, E_US:13, EW:16, G:34, Gg:17, GTV:67, Gw:15, I:29, Int:15, LBF:8, Mc:19, NME:1, PB:4, Pf:21, Q:3, Rf_k:9, S:1, Sg:45, Thr:20, Up:9, UpC:8, V:14(28), WHP:26, YF:7; gq:+, la_w:1, mc_u:8, npr_m:+, re:1, rs_p:20, rx:+, ti:9, tms:+, vaph:7, vbw:9, vcm:8, vcpa:5, wo:+, xjd:+, xr:+ -- Mc:86, AM:45, RM:23, TH:B
- Father John Misty: God's Favorite Customer (Sub Pop) {95}: Al:7, Bq:+, Btz:3, Ch:18, Cl:28, CS:+, Dag:16, Dv:8, DJ:30, DT:42, E_US:20, EE:1, FO:21, Fp:21, Fw:22, Gf_D:1, Gf_N:7, Gg:32, GTV:69, L4:5, LLV:16, Ms:31, Mz:37, NBH:11, NME:46, NPR:+, Od:46, OS:41, P:18, PM:53, Q:25, Re:32, RM:65, RS:47, RT:29, Sb:18, Sg:9, Tr:15, Trk:29, U:22, Up:7, UpC:33, UR:7, V:40(19), VMP:32, WHP:24; am_s:+, bb6:+, kc:5, nod:+, nt:9, pf_k:+, v_cw:5, vad:7, vcr:8, vhh:2 -- AM:31, RM:42, TH:B
- Superchunk: What a Time to Be Alive (Merge) {94}: BS:10, CM:5, Eb:44, EWi:2, Fld:+, GMg:3, HV:9, Mg:15, Mz:40, P:26, PO:17, RS:29, Sl:21, Thr:13, UpC:28, V:11(31), YF:44, YW:16; am:+, am_i:+, bg_c:8, ct:4, gl:+, owh:+, sl:+, so:+, so_d:4, so_k:4, vasl:3, vaz:7, vcp:2, vdws:5, ves:3, vjco:3, vjd:7, vjlf:1, vse:2, xhs:1, xjdc:2, xjl:1, xjsm:7, vjte:3, vjtr:7, vmd:3, xpb:1, vshg:8 -- AM:114, RM:152, RC:A, TH:**
- The Internet: Hive Mind (Columbia) {90}: Al:20, Atl:8, BB:24, Btz:42, C:13, Cl:11, Cmp:21, CS:26, D:12, DJB:20, E_UK:+, Eb:29, Fw:19, G:13, Gf:9, Gg:33, Hs:10, LBF:25, LLV:45, M_ha:4, Ms:28, Mu:39, Mup:12, Mx:26, N:26, No:25, Noj:12, NR:21, Pf:39, PO:+, RT:32, SC:13, Sl:5, Thr:5, Tr:31, UpC:54, V:60(12); am_r:+, bg_b:3, cds:10, ex_s:1, got:+, hyb:+, por:9, rs_s:5, v_ja:10, vbw:10, vdc:8, vib:+, vkc:5, xjdc:+ -- AM:39, RM:36, RC:A-, TH:***
- Spiritualized: And Nothing Hurt (Fat Possum/Bella Union) {90}: AV:13, Btz:19, CS:10, Dr:26, DT:49, Dv:22, EE:2, Fld:15, FO:7, Fp:34, GTV:26, Gw:3, Hi:6, Kp:3, LLV:30, Mc:29, Mj:9, Ms:37, Mx:37, Mz:1, N:43, NME:40, On:38, OS:22, Pc:22, PM:29, Q:20, Rdx:32, Re:35, Rf_k:19, RM:83, Ro:1, RT:46, Sb:24, Sg:15, Trk:49, U:4, Up:24, UR:29, V:65(12); am_k:+, av_i:+, bu:4, cct:1, rut:12, sa:+, vjco:10 -- Mc:84, AM:22, RM:34, TH:A-
- DJ Koze: Knock Knock (Pampa) {88}: AV:9, BB:+, Bq:+, BV:17, DJ:42, DJM:23, DVk:44, E_UK:+, E_US:9, Ex:+, Gf:16, Mc:22, Mix:3, Mu:3, N:9, NBH:13, OTR:16, P:34, PA:7, Pc:100, Pf:3, PM:51, PW:26, Q:18, Rdx:6, Rf_k:43, RS:+, S:17, SC:2, Sg:+, Sl:10, Up:22, UpC:27, V:38(17); am_e:+, av_e:+, bb_d:7, ex_e:2, mmg:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:10, por:10, ra:+, vac:4, vdb:6, vjs:8, vjtr:5, vsp:2, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- Mc:85, AM:28, RM:57, RC:**, TH:B
- Makaya McCraven: Universal Beings (International Anthem) {88}: Bc:12, BIW:5, DVk:12, FB:78, JC:4, JT:13, Mup:18, N:62, No:29, NPR:30, PAM:12, PO:7, PW:18, RS_j:4, S:38, Sb:+, V:22(23); am:+, am_j:+, bc_j:+, ex_x:7, j_p:14, jha:+, jhs:+, jjc:2, jjg:7, jjm:4, jmj:3, jnm:5, jrsc:23, jvv:2, jz:+, np_c:7, ny_u:16, sg_j:1, ukv:9, vad:1, vak:1, var:1, vbr:3, vcb:5, vdh:2, vdme:4, vjs:1, vmp_j:+, vrg:+, vsn:7, wsj:+ -- AM:138, TH:A-
- Let's Eat Grandma: I'm All Ears (Transgressive) {87}: AV:20, BB:48, Bc:41, Blr:18, Btz:23, BV:13, Cl:6, Crh:32, D:5, Dr:38, Eb:5, Ex:6, Fp:68, G:19, Gg:35, I:19, L4:8, LBF:9, LLV:28, LQ:13, Mc:25, Mj:20, MO:19, Ms:35, N:59, NBH:3, Ni:34, NME:67, Noj:8, NR:8, Od:32, Pf:32, Q:2, Rdx:30, RM:66, RT:11, Sb:+, U:29, UpC:78, UR:18, V:86(10), YF:47; am_i:+, av_p:+, hmv:+, pm_i:3, st:2, vmd:10, xjd:+ -- Mc:85, AM:38, RM:27, TH:*
- Boygenius: Boygenius (Matador -EP) {84}: 405:50, ABC:16, Alt:8, BB:29, Blr:43, BS:2, BV:20, CS:7, DT:25, E_US:11, Ex:16, Fld:13, FO:18, Gg:36, LBF:35, M_ha:35, Mx:22, NPR:12, Pf:29, PM:27, PO:+, Sb:44, So:20, Tr:34, Up:23, UpC:9, UR:3, V:26(24), VMP:35, WHP:3, YF:8; ct:8, nap:+, nod:+, np_s:5, pf_k:+, pm_f:4, re:2, sdc:+, sl:+, so_k:8, sw:4, vaz:6, vbbo:8, vcb:9, vdca:8, vej:9, vhh:4, vsn:1, xjd:10 -- AM:71, RM:38, TH:B
- Vince Staples: FM! (Def Jam -EP) {83}: 405:32, Blr:9, BV:26, BV_r:7, Cmp:31, CS:21, DJB:21, Du:13, E_UK:+, Fld:12, GC:24, Gf_N:35, Gg:41, HG:+, HNH:22, Hs:15, HV:18, M_ha:13, N:39, Ni:21, NME:30, NPR:36, PAM:19, Pap:12, Pf:26, PW:39, RS:18, RS_r:5, RSh:18, Sb:43, Sg:14, Sl:14, Thr:37, Tr:19, UpC:52, V:89(7), YF:29; ahh:13, am:+, am_h:+, av_h:+, bg_b:9, ex_h:8, got:+, okp:14, pam_r:5, pf_r:+, ri:4, sg_r:10, tr_h:7, so_d:6, sw:8, ts:+, up_r:8, v_ab:7, vjd:6, xxl:+ -- AM:68, RM:35, RC:*, TH:**
- Amen Dunes: Freedom (Sacred Bones) {80}: ATH:9, Bc:33, Btz:20, BV:31, Dr:15, DT:3, E_UK:+, Ex:+, Fld:11, FO:3, Fw:11, GB:4, HV:13, Kp:4, LBF:29, LLV:58, Mc:14, MO:35, N:63, NBH:10, NME:31, NR:24, Oo:13, OS:17, P:11, Pc:68, Pf:14, Re:15, Rf_k:30, S:4, Sb:34, Sk:32, TMT:48, Up:29, UpC:80, UR:55, V:46(12), VMP:30; av_i:+, got:+, pf_k:+, vdb:4, vje:10, vpg:1 -- Mc:87, AM:34, RM:49, TH:*
- The Beths: Future Me Hates Me (Carpark) {78}: ABC:1, Alt:23, Am_s:46, ATH:23, AV:14, Bc:13, Blr:44, BV:40, Dr:84, DT:35, EWi:15, GMg:6, GTV:6, Mg:2, NPR:41, NZH:2, P:29, Pc:69, PO:+, RS:20, Sb:25, SC:11, UpC:31, UR:98, V:23(23), WHP:20, YF:42, YW:31; am_i:+, bh:1, nod:+, pm_i:6, pmc:+, so_d:8, vdh:8, vej:5, ves:1, vjcl:8, vjco:1, vjd:8, vjo:7, vsk:4, xhs:6, xjd:7 -- AM:85, RM:64, RC:***, TH:*
- Car Seat Headrest: Twin Fantasy (Matador) {77}: Bc:26, Btz:13, CS:32, DS:14, EWi:+, Ex:15, Fld:20, FO:13, GMg:39, Hi:1, L4:20, LCA:8, LLV:89, Mc:7, Ms:7, N:52, Ne:40, Noj:25, NR:10, Od:6, On:13, Oo:17, PA:9, PO:+, Rf_k:14, Sb:2, Sk:9, Sl:24, UpC:73, V:75(10); mc_u:13, pf_k:+, pm_k:3, vjlf:7, wsj:+, xjd:+, xjdc:15, xjl:6 -- Mc:87, AM:47, RC:A-, TH:***
- Neko Case: Hell-On (Anti-) {77}: ABC:35, Al:16, AV:2, Cos:+, DJ:31, DVk:15, Eb:34, EW:12, EWi:+, Fp:28, G:+, Gg:34, GTV:9, LBF:39, Mc:26, Mx:2, Mz:27, Nd:26, NPR:+, P:31, PM:25, Q:28, Rdx:40, RS:33, RS_c:5, S:51, U:12, UpC:29, UR:63, V:12(30); am:+, am_k:+, av_i:+, bg:3, ex_c:7, ir:7, nod:+, owh:+, pf_k:+, sl:+, tl:7, vaf:10, vcwi:1, vjco:2, vjso:8, vmb:1, vwh:5, xhs:10 -- Mc:85, AM:55, RM:50, RC:B+, TH:*
- Mac Miller: Swimming (REMember Music/Warner Bros) {77}: 405:16, ABC:41, Alt:28, AS:25, BB:14, Blr:2, C:17, Cmp:11, CX:11, DJB:6, Fu:+, GC:9, HDX:17, HG:+, HNH:5, Hs:24, I:7, M_ha:23, N:18, NME:38, OS:3, PB:11, Ps:13, Q:45, Rf_k:43, RS_r:18, Up:50, UpC:60, V:+(6); ahh:14, bg_b:4, cds:6, fu:1, jc:3, key:3, mmg:+, okp:13, rtv:6, tr_h:4, valo:6, vib:+, vu:7, xxl:+ -- AM:65, RM:40, TH:*
- Julia Holter: Aviary (Domino) {76}: Btz:30, CS:25, E_UK:+, Eb:31, Fp:26, GB:12, Gg:44, GTV:40, L4:12, LLV:48, MO:16, Mu:8, Mx:20, N:14, NBH:30, Ne:39, No:26, On:6, OS:39, Pf:24, PM:16, Q:35, Qt:20, Rdx:20, Rf_h:8, Rf_k:5, Sb:+, SR:50, TMT:12, Tr:12, U:47, UR:10, V:48(13), W:12; am:+, am_i:+, av_i:+, hhv:+, ir:4, nat:7, pf_x:+, pm_v:2, ra:+, sa:+, vma:5, vspt:1 -- AM:29, RM:19, TH:B
- Tracey Thorn: Record (Merge) {76}: Al:8, CM:17, EWi:7, Fp:19, G:46, GMg:10, GTV:96, HV:6, Mg:5, Mj:15, Nd:5, NPR:+, PM:67, PO:1, Q:23, RC:21, RS:+, S:46, SR:16, Trk:46, U:43, UpC:59, V:30(24); bg_j:8, np_t:+, sl:+, vae:2, vas:2, vbw:3, vca:2, vcm:5, vcwi:3, vmj:6, vmr:10, vrm:7, vti:9, xhs:20, xjdc:12, xjsm:2 -- AM:83, RM:88, RC:A-, TH:**
- The Carters: Everything Is Love (Roc Nation/Parkwood) {74}: AV:+, BB:10, BV:30, BV_r:2, Cmp:7, Cos:+, DJB:32, E_US:18, Fp:94, Fu:+, GC:+, Gf_D:17, Gg:23, HDX:2, HG:+, Int:14, Nd:4, NME:91, Noj:23, NPR:50, PB:15, PO:+, Ps:1, Re:37, RS:48, RS_r:10, Thr:24, Trk:31, Up:36, UpC:35, V:+(6), YF:26, YW:17; am_h:+, am_r:+, asp:6, dgc:+, ex_h:5, got:+, p:6, usw:8, vib:+, vje:8, xxl:+ -- AM:91, RM:81, TH:***
- CupcakKe: Ephorize (self-released) {74}: BB:+, BV:37, BV_r:14, CM:42, Cmp:+, EWi:23, F:22, Gf:15, Gg:46, GMg:11, Hs:5, HV:2, Pf:12, PO:3, Rdx:25, RS:50, RS_r:11, S:49, Thr:15, UpC:64, V:50(14), YF:24, YW:8; ex_h:9, mj_v:9, pf_r:+, sa:+, so:+, so_d:2, vae:4, vaph:9, vas:4, vca:8, vdca:7, vdws:7, vjd:4, vjk:4, vmr:5, vrm:2, xjd:+, xjdc:18, xxl:+ -- AM:108, RM:108, RC:A-, TH:***
- Serpentwithfeet: Soil (Secretly Canadian) {74}: Atl:15, Bc:4, Btz:12, BV:39, D:19, DJ:33, Dr:75, Du:12, Eb:36, F:12, G:45, Gf:25, M_ha:11, Mc:11, MO:46, Ms:32, Mu:20, Mup:3, No:6, NPR:24, NR:38, OS:35, PM:5, Rdx:21, Rf_h:29, Rf_k:28, S:43, Sb:+, TMT:20, UpC:41, UR:67, V:95(9), VF:33, VMP:2; am_r:+, ex_s:6, np_b:9, ny_p:3, pm_v:8, ra:+, ri:+, sdc:+, vdme:9, vhg:10, vksj:10, wp:1 -- Mc:87, AM:59, RM:48, TH:B
- Brandi Carlile: By the Way I Forgive You (Low Country Sound/Elektra) {67}: AS:19, BB:+, Dag:14, EW:11, Gg:43, LTL:4, N:22, Nd:24, NPR:19, NS:6, PM:63, RS:12, RS_C:3, Thr:36, Up:+, UpC:69, V:33(21), YF:27; am_s:+, av_c:+, ax:+, bg:2, bsb:+, cmt:+, e_c:3, gc:6, hc_g:3, nod:++, owh:+, pm_a:4, ref:9, scm:++, v_cw:2, vab:9, val:2, vbo:6, vcm:6, vdg:2, vhgw:9, vhh:6, vpbl:6 -- AM:93, RM:104, RC:**, TH:B-
- Khruangbin: Con Todo El Mundo (Dead Oceans) {67}: 405:22, Bc:55, Bq:4, Btz:22, Crh:33, DJ:13, Dr:67, DT:14, E_UK:+, Fld:+, Fp:40, G:47, Gf:28, Kp:16, LLV:38, Mj:30, Ni:32, No:19, NPR:25, OTR:4, Pc:10, PW:15, RM:33, RT:4, Sb:21, Sk:33, Tr:46, UpC:57, V:39(15), VF:28, VMP:12; bb6:2, bl:10, got:+, hc_d:3, kc:3, vab:4, vaf:4, vbo:8, vsp:1 -- AM:50, RM:58, TH:*
- Daughters: You Won't Get What You Want (Ipecac) {66}: 405:24, AV:18, Bc:66, BV:28, C:35, CS:36, DVk:20, GC:25, Gf:7, Hi:14, LCA:1, M_ha:21, Mc:+, MO:42, Ne:1, No:2, NR:12, Od:15, On:4, PM:26, Qt:13, Re:13, Rf_h:2, Rf_k:6, RM:16, Tr:45, V:+(3); av_k:+, ex_m:4, lw_m:12, sdc:+, tr_m:5, vcw:7 -- Mc:87, AM:46, RM:61
- Brockhampton: Iridescence (RCA) {65}: BB:35, BV:29, BV_r:8, C:41, Cl:39, CS:15, D:16, Du:15, E_UK:+, GC:26, Gg:49, HG:+, Hi:22, LBF:12, N:68, NME:16, NZH:10, PM:39, Qt:94, Re:19, Rf_h:33, Rf_k:25, RS_r:14, Sg:16, Sl:11, TNZ:10, UpC:50, V:+(5); am_h:+, cds:4, gq:+, mmg:+, tr_h:5, up_r:7, vamp:1, vcpa:1, vib:+, wo:+ -- AM:82, RM:56, RC:**, TH:**
- Cat Power: Wanderer (Domino) {65}: Am_s:32, Btz:6, BV:43, CS:50, DJ:28, EE:5, FO:20, Fp:23, G:48, Gf_D:6, I:34, LLV:71, Mj:25, MO:43, Ms:29, Mz:9, N:72, Noj:3, Pf:45, Q:39, Rdx:18, So:6, SR:13, Trk:12, U:41, Up:31, UpC:92, UR:76, V:91(8); am_i:+, nap:+, nod:+, pf_k:+, rut:5, sdc:+, st:3, tms:+, v_ja:11, vahm:1, vje:3 -- AM:36, RM:66
- Hop Along: Bark Your Head Off Dog (Saddle Creek) {65}: Alt:1, BB:+, BV:14, Ch:11, DT:24, Eb:32, EWi:30, Ex:+, Mg:6, N:56, Ne:46, NPR:11, P:10, PA:10, PO:+, RS:19, RSh:8, Sb:19, Sg:18, Sk:23, UpC:13, UR:83, V:56(11), WHP:22, YF:19; key:1, npr_m:+, owh:+, pf_k:+, pi:+, pm_k:6, vej:1, vrb:4, xhs:8 -- AM:79, RM:53, RC:***, TH:*
- Sleep: The Sciences (Third Man) {63}: Crh:3, CS:+, Db:22, Dr:54, DT:39, DVk:37, Ex:+, FB:18, Fp:93, Gg:30, Gw:46, Hi:25, LCA:6, Mj:36, Mx:17, Ne:20, Od:48, Pf:43, PO:+, Rev:5, Rf_h:34, RM:32, RS:46, Sb:17, Sg:+, SR:5, Tr:28, UpC:76, V:42(14), YF:+; ex_m:2, hmv:+, lw_m:1, sa:+, tr_m:12, v_ab:8, v_ja:17, vbb:6, vcmj:7, vcw:6, vje:7, vu:9 -- AM:66, RM:125, TH:*
- Iceage: Beyondless (Matador) {62}: 405:27, Blr:33, Btz:2, C:12, Dr:66, Dv:18, Eb:9, FB:55, FO:40, Fw:8, Gf_N:27, Kp:7, LCA:12, LLV:56, Mx:32, N:21, NBH:27, NME:77, NR:6, On:16, OS:48, P:24, Pf:40, PM:+, Re:5, Rf_k:46, RSh:12, Sb:8, Sg:30, Sk:36, Tr:11, UpC:72, UR:40, V:+(6); am_i:+, nt:6, pf_k:+, vcmj:9 -- AM:44, RM:45
- Nils Frahm: All Melody (Erased Tapes) {61}: Atl:18, Am_s:17, AV:+, Bq:+, Crh:10, DJM:17, Dr:16, DT:40, E_UK:+, Ex:+, Fp:10, Gf_N:42, I:26, Ju:6, Kp:14, LLV:21, LQ:31, Mix:35, MO:27, Ms:2, Mu:27, Ni:9, OTR:14, Pc:34, PM:+, Rdx:4, RT:13, Sk:10, So:9, UR:56, V:+(6); bb6:+, ex_x:5, hmv:+, mmg:+, mms:+, ri:6, ton:+, vrh:9, xlr:+ -- AM:48, TH:**
- Elvis Costello & the Imposters: Look Now (Concord) {58}: CS:43, Dag:12, Dv:7, DVk:22, EE:3, EW:19, EWi:+, Fld:23, Fp:75, GMg:50, LLV:39, Mj:26, Nd:9, Oo:11, P:23, Q:24, RC:13, Rdx:27, Ro:5, RS:35, Sb:45, U:15, V:45(11); am_k:+, bg_u:4, got:+, pf_k:+, pi:+, v_cw:1, vao:3, vbs:10, vjb:2, vjt:5, xhs:5 -- AM:56, RM:65, TH:B-
- Troye Sivan: Bloom (Capitol) {57}: BB:28, Cl:29, CS:23, D:18, Eb:48, FO:29, G:37, Gg:48, GTV:81, HV:17, I:12, Id:15, Int:16, LBF:26, Mc:28, NBH:32, NME:29, Noj:34, On:11, Pap:14, PB:13, PCr:+, Ps:23, Sl:4, Up:16, V:+(7), YF:25; 3v:7, am_p:+, hc_g:8, la_w:8, nyp:+, pm_p:2, rs_p:7, tbt:8, ti:7, ust:+, vapw:9, vbw:4, wo:+ -- Mc:85, AM:86, RM:59, TH:B
- AAL (Against All Logic): 2012-2017 (Other People) {56}: 405:9, Atl:14, Ex:14, Gf_N:46, Hi:33, Mix:49, Mu:34, N:67, Ne:6, Od:4, PA:3, Pf:35, PO:+, PW:2, Rdx:26, RS:+, Sb:+, Sk:41, Sl:8, Tr:27, UpC:37, V:53(12); am_e:+, ex_e:1, got:+, mmg:+, pf_e:+, tr_e:2, vdb:5, vsp:5 -- AM:54, RM:118, TH:***
- JPEGMAFIA: Veteran (self-released) {56}: 405:7, Bc:9, Blr:40, CM:16, DJB:36, Ex:+, GC:21, Gf_N:13, HG:+, M_ha:47, N:41, Ne:3, NME:68, Pf:37, PO:+, PW:4, Qt:78, Rf_h:4, Rf_k:17, RS_r:20, S:24, Sg:+, Sk:50, TMT:47, Tr:41, V:+(3), VMP:13, W:5, YF:48; pf_r:+, sa:+, tr_h:10, vah:6 -- AM:75, RM:54, TH:B
- Kurt Vile: Bottle It In (Matador) {56}: Btz:11, Crh:31, Dr:79, DT:38, E_UK:+, FO:28, Fp:11, GTV:87, Ju:16, LBF:45, LLV:8, Mg:20, Mj:13, MO:22, Ms:21, Mu:21, Mz:39, N:61, Noj:20, NME:58, Pc:23, Q:30, RM:63, RS:9, Sb:+, SR:24, Tr:23, U:23, Up:18, UpC:66, UR:9, V:47(12); got:+, ton:+, vbbo:6, vbs:4, vcmj:4, vjtr:10, vmd:9 -- AM:43, RM:47
- J Cole: KOD (Roc Nation) {55}: BB:43, BS:28, Cmp:3, CX:5, DJB:39, Ex:+, Fu:+, GC:43, Gg:37, HDX:1, HG:30, HNH:1, NME:32, NPR:+, PAM:27, Sb:+, V:+(1), YF:33; ahh:4, asp:3, bg_b:2, cds:7, jc:8, mc:+, pam_r:14, rtv:5, up_r:1, vib:+, vu:+, xxl:+ -- AM:127, RM:126, TH:**
- Denzel Curry: TA13OO (Loma Vista) {54}: BS:14, BV:25, BV_r:6, Cmp:29, CS:45, DJB:40, FO:31, GC:1, Gf_N:20, Od:12, HDX:11, HNH:3, Ne:14, Rf_h:27, Rf_k:2, Sb:41, Sg:44, UpC:74, V:+(4), VMP:31; am_h:+, bg_c:1, hhv:+, pm_h:4, tbt:6, vca:3, vnf:4, xxl:+ -- AM:106, TH:***
- Deafheaven: Ordinary Corrupt Human Love (Anti-) {54}: 405:37, ATH:29, Bq:+, Ch:23, CS:30, Db:14, Eb:18, Fld:14, G:41, Gg:40, LCA:16, M_ha:43, Mc:23, N:69, NME:22, NR:26, Pf:28, PM:7, PR:5, Pu:23, Re:22, Rev:12, Rf_h:10, Rf_k:15, S:44, Tr:5, UpC:47, UR:97, V:59(11), VMP:18; hmv:+, lw_m:30, np:7, tr_m:9, v_ja:7 -- Mc:85, AM:37, RM:46
- Wayne Shorter: Emanon (Blue Note) {51}: Cpu:12, JC:1, JT:1, JW:2, RS_j:3, V:87(7); am_j:+, ei:5, gl:++, j_p:13, jbm:6, jeh:+, jhs:6, jjw:+, jms:+, jrsc:19, jz:+, np_c:3, ny_u:1, p_j:6, pm_j:+, vgt:1, vjc:2, vjso:6, vjt:7, vlb:6, vmw:5 -- TH:B-
- Henry Threadgill 14 or 15 Kestra: Agg: Dirt . . . and More Dirt (Pi) {51}: CM:9, EWi:32, JC:2, JT:16, NPR:+, PO:+, V:+(5); ei:2, fd:1, fj:+, jap:6, jbm:15, jdm:+, jdt:+, jha:5, jjc:7, jjg:8, jkp:2, jlb:1, jnm:4, jpa:5, jpm:7, jtb:7, jvv:1, jz:+, np_c:6, ny_u:19, sg_j:10, vpf:3 -- TH:A-
- Yo La Tengo: There's a Riot Going On (Matador) {51}: Cpu:22, Dr:14, EWi:+, Fld:22, Fp:37, Mj:44, No:4, P:50, Pc:82, PO:+, RC:5, RM:49, Sb:28, SC:+, Thr:30, Tr:48, Up:+, U:5, UR:47, V:53(10), W:41; got:+, nod:+, nw:+, pf_k:+, ton:+, vcca:3, vzs:1, xhs:12, xjdc:28 -- AM:100, RM:94, RC:A-, TH:**
- Skee Mask: Compro (Ilian Tape) {50}: C:10, DJM:2, Du:4, Eb:25, F:42, G:42, Hi:7, Mix:2, OTR:1, Pf:47, Qt:35, Sk:40, Thr:31, V:+(3), VF:7; am_e:+, av_e:+, bl:2, ex_e:10, pf_e:+, ra:+, vdb:10, vje:9, vsp:9, xlr:+ -- AM:62, RM:60, TH:***
- The Breeders: All Nerve (4AD) {49}: ABC:4, Al:44, CM:47, DJ:+, Dr:57, FB:58, Fp:12, GTV:44, Gw:17, HV:+, LLV:52, Mc:37, Mj:10, MO:44, Mx:38, NME:66, NPR:+, NZH:19, PM:+, RC:19, Re:18, RS:+, SR:14, TNZ:19, U:18, V:+(7); am_i:+, art:+, gl:+, hmv:+, pf_k:+, vu:15 -- Mc:84, AM:96, RM:95, RC:*, TH:*
- Superorganism: Superorganism (Domino) {49}: BB:+, Bq:+, CS:49, DT:12, E_UK:+, EWi:43, FO:49, GMg:37, NBH:20, Nd:21, NME:71, NPR:14, RS:+, RT:20, Sb:42, Sk:39, UR:50, V:62(13), YF:34; am:+, am_i:+, bb6:+, , mms:+, np_b:2, nt:+, v_ja:18, vah:10, vdcm:1, vdme:5, vew:7, vjl:8, vjlf:9, vsn:10, xjdc:27, xjl:9 -- AM:87, RM:131, RC:A-, TH:***
- Anna Calvi: Hunter (Domino) {48}: AV:4, Btz:34, DS:6, Fp:22, GTV:21, L4:3, LLV:14, Mc:40, Mj:31, MO:14, Mu:32, Mx:18, Mz:24, NBH:6, NR:9, Q:10, RT:37, Trk:6, U:45, UR:42, V:+(2); am_s:+, av_i:+, bu:8, hmv:+, vzl:2 -- Mc:84, AM:49, RM:63
- MGMT: Little Dark Age (Columbia) {48}: BB:+, Blr:23, Bq:+, EE:16, EW:+, Ex:+, FO:37, GC:14, Gf_D:3, Gf_N:22, GTV:43, Ms:5, Mz:16, NBH:21, Ne:16, NME:+, Od:28, OS:15, P:17, Pc:11, Rdx:49, Rf_k:18, Sb:+, Sg:39, UR:17, V:+(4), YF:15; nw:+, owh:+, sa:+ -- AM:42, RM:101
- Neneh Cherry: Broken Politics (Smalltown supersound/Awal) {47}: ABC:37, Al:35, Cl:32, DJ:24, Fp:60, G:44, MO:32, Mu:45, Mup:5, NBH:29, Noj:+, NR:50, On:20, Pf:34, PO:+, Rdx:19, UR:45, V:71(10), VF:29; ex_s:9, ny_p:5, sa:+, tr_e:5, vca:5, vcb:4, vcmj:6, vjm:8, vkc:4, vwh:4, vzl:4 -- AM:64, RM:112, TH:***
- Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks: Sparkle Hard (Matador) {47}: CS:44, Dag:25, Dr:12, DT:+, EWi:+, Fld:6, Fp:72, Mc:36, Mj:39, NR:40, Q:32, RC:14, RS:36, S:26, Sb:30, SR:28, Thr:28, Tr:40, U:37, UpC:79, UR:33, V:57(11); am_i:+, gl:+, got:+, pf_k:+, ri:8, ton:+, vbcr:7, vcca:1, vdca:10, vrh:7, vse:10, vsn:9, xhs:19 -- Mc:84, AM:74, RM:67, RC:***, TH:*
- Eric Church: Desperate Man (EMI Nashville) {46}: AS:7, EW:8, HV:10, Nd:14, NS:5, RS:38, RS_c:6, Thr:8, V:+(4); am_c:+, e_c:2, la_l:2, pm_c:3, cg_c:8, scm:+, scm_m:4, sln:+, tns:+, v_ab:4, v_cw:19, val:9, vas:9, vse:7 -- TH:A-
- Ry Cooder: The Prodigal Son (Fantasy) {46}: Dag:5, Dv:30, EE:13, EWi:36, Fp:32, FR:13, Mj:33, Noj:30, U:14, V:+(4); art:+, bg_u:3, bu:3, jjk:+, la_l:2, nod:+, sdu:4, v_cm:7, vjp:1, vlk:1, xhs:3, xjdc:29 -- AM:126, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Mary Gauthier: Rifles & Rosary Beads (In the Black) {46}: AS:20, BS:30, Cpu:2, DVk:48, EW:+, EWi:41, LTL:9, NPR:23, NS:17, PM:+, PO:18, RS_c:14, V:95(8); am_f:+, ax:+, la_l:1, nod:+, pm_a:6, tl:9, vapw:1, vew:10, vjt:10, xjsm:9, vlk:5 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Oneohtrix Point Never: Age Of (Warp) {46}: 405:4, AV:+, C:37, CS:39, DJ:+, Fld:+, G:+, GB:+, Hs:21, LBF:38, Mix:22, N:75, NR:49, OS:33, Rdx:31, S:10, Sg:43, SR:4, Thr:40, Up:26, UpC:44, V:68(8), W:15; am:+, am_e:+, ex_e:5, hmv:+, rs_a:6, sa:+, vah:1, vcw:10 -- AM:57, RM:51, TH:*
- Ambrose Akinmusire: Origami Harvest (Blue Note) {45}: BIW:6, DT:41, JC:5, JT:2, JW:10, NPR:38, PO:+, V:+(6), VMP:38; j_p:5, jjm:+, jmc:10, jmj:2, jpm:12, jrsc:9, jz:+, nat:2, np_c:1, ny_u:2, vcb:2, vjc:1, vlb:1, vma:6 -- TH:*
- Florence + the Machine: High as Hope (Virgin EMI) {45}: ABC:34, Al:47, Atl:22, BB:31, Blr:31, Bq:+, E_UK:+, Fp:77, GC:49, Gf_D:7, Gg:47, I:31, Id:9, M_ha:38, Mu:37, Mz:43, Nd:13, NME:84, PM:64, Ps:2, Q:31, RS:28, UR:57, V:+(5), WHP:25; mms:+, nyp:+, rx:+, tm:8, tms:+, val:7, vaph:2, vhg:7, xr:+ -- AM:88, RM:97
- Ashley McBryde: Girl Going Nowhere (Warner Nashville) {45}: BB:+, BS:20, HV:+, NS:3, P:48, RS:42, RS_c:8, UpC:46, V:62(13); am_c:+, av_c:+, e_c:9, hmv:+, la_l:9, nod:+, np_s:7, ny_c:6, pm_c:6, scm:+, scm_m:3, sg_c:5, sl:+, sln:+, tl:4, tns:+, v_cw:12, vaz:5, vcwi:7, vrh:2, vwh:10 -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Cecile McLorin Salvant: The Window (Mack Avenue) {45}: Cpu:5, JC:9, JT:5, JW:5, RS_j:2, V:+(5); am_j:+, jbm:32, jeh:+, jfk:1, jhs:+, jjm:+, jmj:5, jpm:+, jrsc:16, jz:+, np_c:10, ny_u:20, v_cw:10, vad:3, vgt:2, vjc:+, vmp_j:2, vrg:+ -- TH:*
- Anderson Paak: Oxnard (Aftermath/12 Tone Music) {44}: ABC:7, Blr:10, Bq:+, BV_r:26, Cmp:44, CX:7, DT:43, E_US:+, FO:41, Fu:+, GC:29, GMg:31, HNH:25, Mup:37, Ne:27, Ni:40, NME:90, Ps:7, V:+(3); am_r:+, gl:+, hdx_r:1, jeh:6, kc:8, mmg:+, re:6, up_r:3, vgt:10, xxl:+ -- TH:A-
- Drake: Scorpion (Cash Money/Republic) {43}: BB:15, Cl:13, Cmp:34, CX:2, Dag:9, DJB:49, Fu:+, GC:45, HDX:20, HNH:30, Ps:19, RS:10, RS_r:4, RSh:11, Up:43, V:82(9); got:+, jc:7, ny_c:4, p:3, vib:+, vis:2, xxl:+ -- AM;73, RM:91
- Mount Eerie: Now Only (PW Elverum & Sun) {43}: 405:25, AV:+, Blr:41, DT:+, Eb:12, Ex:+, LLV:88, LQ:35, N:50, No:21, NR:22, Re:9, Rf_k:20, Sk:29, Tr:13, UR:24, V:83(7), VMP:33; am:+, am_i:+, bg_c:5, ex_c:5, hhv:+, np_s:2, pf_k:+, xjdc:45, vmb:6 -- AM:67, RM:62, RC:A, TH:*
- Willie Nelson: Last Man Standing (Legacy) {43}: EE:17, EWi:26, GMg:21, Mj:67, NS:8, PA:13, PO:+, RS:+, RS_c:19, V:+(6), YW:32; am_c:+, art:+, e_c:6, jjk:+, pm_c:7, scm:+, vjlf:10, vjp:8, vjt:1, vlk:10, vtc:8, vtk:10, xhs:14, xjdc:7, xjl:10, xrt:+ -- RC:A, TH:A-
- Playboi Carti: Die Lit (AWGE) {42}: C:6, Cmp:45, DJB:10, Du:20, E_UK:+, F:35, Fu:+, GB:20, GC:8, Gg:39, Hs:17, N:23, Ne:28, Pf:25, RS:+, RS_r:19, S:18, Sg:+, TMT:16, V:+(4), YF:+; pf_r:+, por:6, rtv:11, up_r:6, vac:7, xxl:+ -- AM:102, RM:55, TH:*
- Tim Hecker: Konoyo (Kranky) {42}: 405:6, Bc:35, Fp:98, Gf:13, Gw:44, Mu:47, Mup:27, NR:39, Od:11, On:17, PM:28, Ro:10, So:4, SR:26, TMT:21, Tr:29, UR:96, V:+(5); am_e:+, av_e:+, ex_x:4, pm_e:20, pm_v:4, ra:+, sa:+, vma:10, vspt:3 -- AM:53, RM:69, TH:B
- Jeff Rosenstock: Post- (Polyvinyl) {42}: Alt:13, Atl:12, AV:+, Bq:+, BV:24, CS:34, Eb:8, Hi:12, Mc:+, NR:27, PM:50, Rf_k:4, Sb:+, Sg:+, Thr:35, Up:+, UpC:48, UR:58, V:80(10); av_i:+, pi:++, pm_k:2, sdc:+, so:+, sw:3, vcr:7, vdd:10, vshg:10 -- Mc:88, AM:142, RM:91, TH:*
- Amanda Shires: To the Sunset (Silver Knife) {42}: Atl:23, AS:4, BV:42, EWi:40, NS:13, RS:41, RS_c:7, Sk:44, UpC:45, V:89(9); am_f:+, am_s:+, ct:16, gl:+, nod:+, pm_a:3, so_d:7, tl:6, tns:+, vcp:10, vhgw:7, vhh:3, vjd:1, xjdc:43 -- AM:186, RC:A-, TH:***
- Tyshawn Sorey: Pillars (Firehouse 12 -3CD) {42}: CM:+, JC:14, JT:20, PO:+, V:+(4), W:16; ei:1, fj:++, j_p:7, jap:2, jdt:+, jgm:5, jhs:2, jjc:8, jlb:4, jlre:3, jnm:10, jpm:1, jsb:7, jsg:1, jtb:4, sg_j:9, vgt:7, vpf:8 -- TH:**
- Camila Cabello: Camila (Epic) {41}: BB:8, EW:10, G:+, GC:+, I:25, Nd:23, PB:8, PCr:+, Ps:8, RS:3, RSh:20, Up:20, V:+(1); am_p:+, hc_g:6, ref:10, rs_p:1, st:9, ti:10, usw:7, v_cw:11 -- AM:187, RM:92, TH:**
- Rico Nasty: Nasty (Sugar Trap) {41}: Atl:1, BV:32, BV_r:11, DJB:24, F:5, Gf_N:48, Hs:23, M_ha:29, N:37, Pf:36, PW:30, RS_r:28, S:16, Sg:50, V:+(2), VMP:20; okp:12, pf_r:+, pm_h:3, sg_r:5, vdh:3, vhg:9, wp:10, xxl:+ -- AM:144, RM:80, TH:**
- Courtney Marie Andrews: May Your Kindness Remain (Fat Possum/Mama Bird) {40}: Al:21, DJ:47, Fp:82, G:43, GTV:76, LLV:96, LTL:8, Mj:53, NPR:+, NS:15, P:21, RS_c:13, RT:91, U:25, UpC:96, V:72(9); am_f:+, av_c:+, bsd:+, gl:++, hmv:+, nod:+, pm_a:13, scm:++, v_cm:5, vbo:1, vjcl:2 -- AM:131, RM:142, TH:*
- Nipsey Hussle: Victory Lap (Atlantic) {40}: AV:+, BB:27, BV_r:20, Cmp:6, Cp:+, DJB:28, GC:42, Gg:27, HDX:4, HG:+, HNH:13, Thr:19, Up:21, V:+(3); ahh:2, am_h:+, bg_b:5, hyb:+, rtv:1, vcka:1, vib:+, vis:3, xxl:+ -- AM:174, RM:106, TH:*
- Bettye LaVette: Things Have Changed (Verve) {40}: Cpu:18, EWi:5, JC:+, P:42, PO:4, RS:+, V:50(12), YF:39; am_r:+, nod:+, v_cm:6, val:8, vjt:8, vlk:3, , vmr:7, vrc:3, vrg:7, vtk:7, xhs:2, xjdc:21 -- RC:A, TH:A
- Lil Wayne: Tha Carter V (Young Money/Republic) {40}: BB:18, Cl:30, Cmp:18, DJB:43, Fu:+, GC:12, Gg:50, HDX:18, HNH:21, PW:50, RS:43, RS_r:9, V:+(1); ahh:9, am_h:+, cds:8, hhv:+, ir:10, np:5, okp:18, sjm:1, up_r:17, vib:+, xxl:+ -- AM:164, RM:128, RC:***, TH:**
- Ghost: Prequelle (Loma Vista) {39}: Dag:4, Dv:25, DVk:41, L:+, Mx:3, Ne:17, PM:69, PR:1, Rev:1, Ups:39, V:99(6); am:+, an:4, gc:10, gl:++, hmv:+, lw_m:2, vmd:5, yh:10 -- AM:70
- Jorja Smith: Lost & Found (FAMM) {39}: ABC:40, Blr:13, Bq:+, C:25, Clr:12, Cos:+, CX:16, DT:+, Fp:88, GC:47, Gf_N:37, LBF:19, PM:40, So:8, V:98(7); am_r:+, cmp:10, dgc:+, ex_s:2, gq:+, hdx_r:9, hhv:+, v_ja:2, vdc:10, vkc:1 -- AM:77, RM:86, TH:**
- Amy Rigby: The Old Guys (Southern Domestic) {38}: CM:31, EWi:34, GMg:44, Mg:9, PO:+, V:79(8), YW:5; np_t:+, vdf:2, vhgw:5, vjk:1, vjte:2, vtc:5, vtk:1, xjdc:4, xjsm:8 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Jay Rock: Redemption (TDE/Interscope) {38}: Blr:16, BV_r:13, Cmp:5, DJB:42, DT:50, Fld:8, GC:39, HDX:7, HG:22, HNH:10, NME:81, UpC:53, V:+(3); ahh:15, hhv:+, jc:10, pf_r:+, pm_h:7, rtv:8, up_r:5, vdca:4, vib:+, xxl:+ -- AM:128, RM:149, TH:*
- Caroline Rose: Loner (New West) {38}: ABC:9, AS:18, ATH:18, Bc:85, LQ:30, MO:12, Ni:18, NPR:+, P:43, RT:25, UR:27, UpC:77, V:57(9), VMP:9; am_f:+, gl:++, key:8, nod:+, np:2, pi:++, ts:+, vdd:7, vdf:4, vjcl:6 -- AM:137, RM:129, TH:B
- Andrew Cyrille: Lebroba (ECM) {35}: JC:3, PO:+, RS_j:19, V:+(1); ei:3, fd:9, j_p:4, jbm:8, jgm:6, jha:7, jjc:5, jjg:+, jjk:+, jjm:10, jmj:4, jpa:8, jpm:6, jrsc:22, jz:+, ny_u:7, p_j:8, sg_j:6, tn:2 -- TH:***
- Marie Davidson: Working Class Woman (Ninja Tune) {35}: 405:28, Bc:19, Dr:88, Du:23, F:43, Fp:100, LQ:36, Mix:10, N:73, Qt:14, Sk:31, V:+(1); am_e:+, bl:8, ex_e:3, hhv:+, now:3, pm_e:12, ra:+, vksj:4, xlr:+ -- AM:119, RM:138, RC:*, TH:A-
- Dream Wife: Dream Wife (Lucky Number) {35}: Crh:19, FB:37, Fp:85, GMg:33, GTV:18, LBF:36, MO:28, Nd:16, NME:13, RM:25, RT:38, Sk:14, Ups:6, YF:46, V:+(5); bb6:+, gc:4, vaz:2, vgm:5 -- AM:136, RM:73, TH:***
- Lori McKenna: The Tree (CN/Thirty Tigers) {35}: Ch:29, EW:15, Id:13, LTL:12, Nd:11, NS:9, PO:+, RS_c:24, Trk:25, V:+(3), YF:+; av_c:+, bsb:+, nod:+, scm:++, vjco:6, vmj:5, wp:5, xjdc:+ -- RC:B+, TH:A-
- Suede: The Blue Hour (Warner UK) {35}: Dag:23, DS:13, EE:11, Fp:35, GTV:23, Gw:10, I:35, Mj:35, MO:5, Mu:30, Mz:2, On:12, OS:28, Qt:4, V:+(1), YF:+; am_k:+, rx:+, xr:+ -- AM:58, RM:77
- Teyana Taylor: KTSE [Keep That Same Energy] (GOOD Music/Def Jam -EP) {35}: BB:42, C:27, Cmp:37, F:40, Fw:16, GC:44, I:30, Int:11, Ni:31, Noj:9, Pap:8, PO:+, Sg:29, Thr:39, TMT:36, V:+(3); bg_c:9, gq:+, hdx_r:7, ju:+, okp:1, rs_s:2, ton:+, vib:+ -- AM:130, RM:74, TH:B
- Turnstile: Time & Space (Roadrunner) {35}: BB:+, Blr:37, Bq:+, BV:8, Ex:+, L:+, NME:35, PR:10, Pu:12, Rev:3, RkS:33, RS:+, Sb:+, Sg:+, Up:+, V:+(4); av_k:+, ex_m:10, lw_r:15, ny_c:13, vcpa:6, vmd:1, wp:7 -- AM:104, TH:*
- Daniel Avery: Song for Alpha (Phantasy Sound/Mute) {34}: AV:17, Bq:+, Crh:17, DJM:15, Dr:77, E_UK:+, Fp:20, G:+, LLV:77, LQ:33, Mix:7, OTR:6, Pc:53, PM:+, Q:27, RM:80, RT:28, SR:8, YW:59; am_e:+, hmv:+, pm_e:24 -- AM:155, TH:*
- Camp Cope: How to Socialise & Make Friends (Run for Cover) {34}: Alt:7, Am_s:34, Bc:23, Blr:42, BV:1, Eb:19, GTV:82, NR:30, P:28, Pf:44, Sb:+, Sg:41, UpC:65, Ups:18, V:99(6); pf_k:+, smh:+, ves:2 -- AM:196, RM:68, RC:**, TH:***
- Mariah Carey: Caution (Epic) {34}: BB:39, C:49, Cmp:48, F:50, Id:1, Pap:1, PCr:+, S:12, Sl:12, Thr:33, V:85(7); am_r:+, bsb:+, hdx_r:5, now:9, okp:10, rs_p:8, vamp:4, vti:5, vu:10 -- RM:101, TH:B
- Ezra Furman: Transangelic Exodus (Bella Union) {34}: AV:7, BB:+, FO:38, Fp:44, GTV:11, Gw:23, Mc:24, MO:10, Mu:24, NME:28, NR:31, RT:55, SC:7, Trk:30, U:16, UR:49, V:+(2); am_i:+ -- Mc:85, AM:76, RM:76, RC:A-, TH:**
- The Goon Sax: We're Not Talking (Wichita) {34}: ATH:2, Btz:15, EWi:+, GMg:49, Hi:30, LLV:37, LQ:34, Mj:37, Mz:27, N:96, NR:44, PO:+, RT:69, Sb:+, UR:92, V:+(6); ju:+, pm_i:4, vdws:10, xjdc:40 -- AM:118, RC:A-, TH:A-
- Mary Halvorson: Code Girl (Firehouse 12) {34}: CM:48, JC:7, JT:12, Od:10, V:+(5); am_j:+, ei:7, j_p:6, jjc:10, jlre:2, jtd:2, jz:+, nat:6, np_c:4, pm_j:+, vbb:5, vjc:3, vjcl:7, vlb:4, vrg:+, vspt:2 -- TH:*
- Anna von Hausswolff: Dead Magic (City Slang) {34}: Bc:27, BV:46, Dr:53, Fp:51, Gf_D:19, Hi:10, L:+, LLV:25, LQ:17, MO:29, Ne:35, Od:3, On:2, Rf_h:13, RM:72, Tr:22, V:+(3), UR:84; bu:6, hmv:+, sa:+, vamp:8 -- AM:61
- Myra Melford's Snowy Egret: The Other Side of Air (Firehouse 12) {34}: BIW:9, CM:26, JC:8, JT:3, NPR:42, PO:+, V:+(3); jbm:16, jjm:3, jlb:7, jpm:8, jrsc:6, jtd:8, jz:+, nat:8, np_c:2, ny_u:9, vjo:+, vlb:7, vsn:2 -- TH:A-
- J Balvin: Vibras (Universal Latino) {33}: BB:9, Cmp:39, Ms:3, Mz:17, N:83, NPR:34, Rdx:2, RS:15, V:+(3); am_w:+, hc_g:4, ti:5, usw:9, vclw:1, vsk:7 -- AM:72, RM:87, TH:**
- Beak>: >>> (Temporary Residence) {33}: Crh:11, Dr:39, FO:27, Fp:87, Gw:49, Ju:19, LCA:19, LLV:19, LQ:20, No:22, Pc:3, Rf_k:36, RM:38, RT:60, SR:2, U:8, UR:72; bb6:7 -- AM:95, TH:*
- Marianne Faithfull: Negative Capability (BMG) {33}: Atl:16, Dag:10, Dv:15, EE:18, Fp:84, Mc:+, NR:15, On:38, Ro:20, UpC:85, V:75(7); bu:5, cct:5, sa:+, vae:10, vjt:2 -- Mc:88, AM:99, RC:***, TH:***
- Dave Holland: Uncharted Territories (Dare2) {33}: CM:20, JC:17, PO:+, V:+(1); fd:10, fj:+, j_p:2, jadu:6, jap:8, jcg:10, jch:6, jdt:+, jeh:+, jgm:4, jmsc:5, jnm:3, jsb:1, pm_j:+, vsh:2, xrt:+ -- TH:A-
- No Age: Snares Like a Haircut (Drag City) {33}: AV:+, CM:37, EWi:20, Fld:+, G:+, GMg:17, Mc:31, NR:45, OS:43, PO:+, RM:23, Sb:22, Thr:38, V:+(3); am_i:+, v_ab:10, vjlf:5, xjdc:13, xjl:5, xrt:+ -- Mc:84, RC:A, TH:A-
- Tal National: Tantabara (Fat Cat) {33}: CM:40, Dr:50, EWi:35, GMg:36, HV:1, PO:+, RS:+, V:+(6), YW:7; am_w:+, vas:7, vcw:5, vkj:7, vsk:1, xbl:4, xjdc:16, xpb:8 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Helena Hauff: Qualm (Ninja Tune) {32}: Bc:58, C:44, Cl:17, DJM:8, Dr:29, DVk:31, E_UK:+, Mix:4, Ms:33, Mu:10, OTR:35, Qt:69, SR:6, V:+(2), W:42, YW:66; av_e:+, pm_e:16 -- AM:96, TH:***
- Haley Heynderickx: I Need to Start a Garden (Mama Bird) {32}: Bc:46, Btz:16, Dr:45, DT:17, GTV:22, LQ:27, LTL:11, NPR:+, Od:44, P:+, P:30, RM:91, Sb:31, Up:25, V:+(4), WHP:10, YF:32; ex_c:4, nod:+, pf_k:+, pm_f:8 -- AM:151, RM:124, TH:**
- Lonnie Holley: MITH (Jagjaguwar) {32}: BS:5, G:35, LQ:32, No:27, On:33, P:36, PM:23, PO:+, S:42, SC:20, UpC:89, V:+(5), VF:3; hhv:+, nap:+, nw:+, pm_v:1, sa:+, vjs:10, vzs:4 -- AM:185, RM:75, TH:B
- Adrianne Lenker: Abysskiss (Saddle Creek) {32}: DT:20, LLV:97, NBH:18, NR:47, P:41, Pf:42, RM:54, RT:35, Sg:27, Tr:50, UR:54, V:+(5), VMP:28, WHP:14; am_f:+, ex_c:10, nod:+, np_b:5, pf_k:+, pm_f:5, vbo:9, vzs:5 -- AM:165, RM:96, RC:*, TH:*
- Sarah Shook & the Disarmers: Years (Bloodshot) {32}: LTL:19, NS:22, PM:32, RS_c:16, V:+(5); am_f:+, bsd:+, ct:1, gl:+, nod:++, pm_a:2, scm:+++, sg_c:10, so:+, so_k:1, vdf:3, vhgw:3 -- RC:**, TH:*
- First Aid Kit: Ruins (Columbia) {31}: Al:27, Cos:+, DJ:+, E_UK:+, Fp:8, Gf:6, Gf_D:5, Mg:23, Mx:14, Noj:+, OS:42, RM:86, V:+(1), WHP:2; bb6:+, hmv:+, mc:+, owh:+, pm_f:17, scm:+ -- AM:184, TH:B
- Jean Grae & Quelle Chris: Everything's Fine (Mello Music Group) {31}: Al:24, Bc:1, HG:+, M_ha:40, Mup:46, Ne:30, PO:+, PW:16, RS_r:22, Sg:+, Tr:35, V:+(8), W:24; am_h:+, ex_h:10, hhv:+, pf_r:+, var:10, vml:8 -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Charles Lloyd & the Marvels + Lucinda Williams: Vanished Gardens (Blue Note) {31}: BS:21, JC:20, JT:17, JW:1, RS_j:6, V:+(4); gl:+, jbm:40, jfk:8, jhs:+, jjk:+, jjw:+, jms:+, jrsc:4, pm_j:+, sdu:2, vjcl:5 -- TH:***
- Natalie Prass: The Future and the Past (ATO) {31}: AS:24, CS:+, DT:+, Fp:83, G:15, GTV:58, MO:36, NME:99, NR:35, Pc:59, PM:59, RC:12, RS:+, Sk:28, UpC:61, UR:15, V:75(7); am_s:+, got:+, hmv:+, mms:+, tbt:1, vbs:6, vrb:3 -- AM:111
- 6lack: East Atlanta Love Letter (LoveRenaissance/Interscope) {30}: Blr:39, Cl:3, Cmp:25, CX:9, Dag:19, DJB:33, GC:33, LBF:32, Ps:9; hdx_r:2, pam_r:11, up_r:16, vib:+ -- RM:148, RC:A-, TH:***
- The Ex: 27 Passports (Ex) {30}: CM:4, DVk:17, EWi:11, GMg:7, No:7, Oo:9, On:41, V:+(2); xbl:2 -- RC:A-, TH:A
- Gwenno: Le Kov (Heavenly) {30}: Dr:13, Fp:53, G:39, GTV:42, LLV:18, LQ:15, Mj:29, NR:28, PM:61, Qt:96, RM:44, RT:34, SR:3, U:32, UR:37, V:+(3); bb6:+, hmv:+, nt:+, sd:6 -- AM:149, RM:89, TH:**
- Miles Okazaki: Work: The Complete Compositions of Thelonios Monk (self-released) {30}: BIW:50, JC:13, JT:26, V:+(3); fj:+, jadu:10, jch:8, jcm:6, jdme:2, jgl:1, jjc:1, jjg:3, jjm:2, jmj:7, jz:+, ny_u:5, sfj:3 -- TH:***
- Ty Segall: Freedom's Goblin (Drag City) {30}: CS:46, Dr:17, DT:8, Eb:40, Fld:+, FO:24, Fp:55, Gw:42, LLV:42, Mj:38, Mz:13, Noj:19, Od:37, Q:17, Sb:48, U:3, V:+(1); am_k:+, pf_k:+, rut:6 -- AM:84, RM:79, TH:B
- Leon Bridges: Good Thing (Columbia) {29}: Al:33, BB:+, Bq:+, Cl:39, Cpu:6, DJB:14, E_UK:+, Fp:38, G:+, NPR:+, Ps:5, Sb:+, Up:34, V:+(4); am_r:+, ex_s:7, kc:2, mc:+, mms:+, nod:+, v_cw:14 -- TH:*
- Lump: Lump (Dead Oceans) {29}: Dr:5, Fp:59, GTV:74, Ju:4, LLV:41, LQ:5, Mj:66, Mx:19, Pc:2, RT:19, Sb:+, UR:14, V:+(1); art:+
- Kanye West: Ye (Def Jam/GOOD Music -EP) {29}: Blr:14, Cmp:+, CS:+, GC:+, Gf_D:16, Ne:32, NME:34, Noj:46, RS_r:30, TMT:23, V:+(3); 3v:9, am_h:+, got:+, ir:8, la_w:10, ny_c:7, pm_h:5, por:5, tm:10, ton:+ -- AM:110, RM:119, RC:*, TH:*
- YOB: Our Raw Heart (Relapse) {29}: CS:13, Db:1, DVk:29, Mx:12, N:49, Rev:20, Rf_h:12, Tr:25, UpC:51, V:+(4), VMP:21; am:+, lw_m:10, sdc:+, tr_m:2, vbb:3, vu:12 -- AM:105, RM:141
- Fucked Up: Dose Your Dreams (Merge) {28}: Atl:7, Blr:11, Crh:26, Eb:24, Ex:5, GTV:36, Mu:41, Mx:44, NME:56, Sb:+, Sg:25, Tr:47, UpC:97, UR:44, V:+(5); am_i:+, nt:10, ts:+, vjco:5 -- AM:92, RM:78
- Gazelle Twin: Pastoral (Anti-Ghost/Moon Ray) {28}: DS:4, Fp:99, LQ:21, M_ha:26, MO:9, Pc:42, Qt:1, RM:35, RT:94, U:31, V:+(4), VF:37, W:44; hmv:+, vkj:1 -- AM:141, RM:72
- The Good the Bad the Queen: Merrie Land (Studio 13) {28}: Cl:33, Gf_N:8, Gw:38, Kp:19, Mu:19, Mz:11, NME:73, OS:7, Q:47, Rdx:44, Re:43, UR:62, V:+(2), YF:50; am_k:+, sa:+, st:1, vse:6 -- AM:89
- JID: DiCaprio 2 (Dreamville) {28}: BS:9, Cmp:20, DJB:12, GC:40, HG:9, HNH:7, Ne:41, NPR:48, Od:24, RS_r:13, Up:17; pam_r:7, pf_r:+, sg_r:7, vib:+, xxl:+ -- RM:136, TH:*
- Meshell Ndegeocello: Ventriloquism (Naive) {28}: Al:12, BB:+, HV:16, PO:+, S:39, UpC:63, V:37(15); am_r:+, bg_j:3, jeh:2, nyp:+, sl:+, vae:1, vdh:5, vmj:2, vrm:5, vti:2 -- TH:*
- Shopping: The Official Body (FatCat) {28}: CM:18, EWi:+, FB:59, Nd:25, PO:+, SR:46, Tr:36, V:+(7)YW:14; am:+, am_i:+, pf_k:+, vcca:7, vjk:2, vtk:5, xjdc:44 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Jack White: Boarding House Reach (Third Man/Columbia) {28}: CS:+, Fld:+, Fp:16, Gw:28, LLV:73, Mj:73, Ms:34, Mz:38, Nd:15, Ne:12, NME:50, Sb:32, U:20, Up:+, V:95(6); am_k:+, an:9, fu:9, tns:+, v_cw:8, val:5, yh:9 -- AM:125, TH:B-
- Foxing: Nearer My God (Triple Crown) {27}: Alt:3, Blr:24, Bq:11, BV:5, Ch:3, Rf_k:23, Up:37, UpC:16, V:64(7); bg_c:2, npr_m:+, vbr:6, vcpa:2 -- RM:111
- Goat Girl: Goat Girl (Rough Trade) {27}: Crh:8, Dr:87, FB:38, Fp:28, G:50, LLV:13, MO:30, Mu:9, NME:82, NR:37, P:+, Qt:52, RM:24, RT:7, UR:95, V:+(3); hmv:+, vab:8 -- AM:154, RM:138
- Lotic: Power (Tri Angle) {27}: DJM:12, F:1, Mix:18, Mup:7, PM:8, Qt:81, VF:8; am:+, am_e:+, pm_e:7, rs_a:7, sa:+, tr_e:6 -- AM:113, RM:83, TH:B
- Tropical Fuck Storm: A Laughing Death in Meatspace (Tropical Fuck Storm/Mistletone) {27}: BV:47, DJ:12, FB:43, Hi:46, Ms:16, Ne:48, Od:38, PO:+, Qt:16, Sb:+, V:+(2), YF:+; rut:10, sl:+, vcwi:5, xjdc:19 -- AM:121, RC:A-, TH:**
- Harriet Tubman: The Terror End of Beauty (Sunnyside) {27}: CM:+, JC:36, PO:+, RS_j:12, V:61(7); jhs:7, jjm:5, jrsc:11, jvv:5, ny_u:11, vbc:7, vgt:3, vjm:1, vsh:1 -- RC:A-, TH:*
- Kadhja Bonet: Childqueen (Fat Possum) {26}: 405:8, AV:+, Bc:7, Mup:14, Pc:1, PM:+, Trk:17, V:+(5); am:+, am_r:+, ex_s:10, nt:+, v_ja:9, vak:3 -- AM:197, TH:B-
- Steve Coleman and Five Elements: Live at the Village Vanguard Vol I (The Embedded Sets) (Pi) {26}: CM:+, JC:6, JT:19, V:+(1); ei:4, jfk:6, jha:4, jjc:3, jlb:5, jmc:4, jrsc:8, jtd:1, jz:+ -- TH:***
- Confidence Man: Confident Music for Confident People (Heavenly) {26}: Dr:98, G:32, Gw:14, LLV:70, Mj:52, NME:54, Re:17, RM:15, RT:36, Sk:17, V:+(1), YW:20; am_p:+, pm_p:7, var:4 -- AM:163, TH:A-
- Judas Priest: Firepower (Columbia) {26}: Dag:18, Db:5, L:+, Ne:23, Noj:7, PR:2, Rev:4, RS:+, V:+(3); lw_m:3, sjm:10, tr_m:16 -- AM:98
- Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper: A Star Is Born [Soundtrack] (Interscope) {26}: BB:21, Fu:+, PB:19, Ps:10, RS:8, RSh:10, V:+(7), VMP:40, YF:38; am_p:+, cct:10, mc_u:5, ref:6, rs_p:3, tbt:10, vaph:8, yh:8
- Ingrid Laubrock: Contemporary Chaos Practices: Two Works for Orchestra With Soloists (Intakt) {26}: JC:21, V:+(1); ei:6, fj:+, j_p:1, jap:3, jcg:2, jdme:1, jjg:+, jpm:14, jtd:7, nat:1, sg_j:7, vpf:4vrg:+ -- TH:***
- A Perfect Circle: Eat the Elephant (BMG) {26}: Fp:70, Gf:3, Gf_D:11, Gw:1, L:+, Mx:36, Noj:27, PR:3, Rev:10; an:7, lw_r:3 -- AM:80
- Autechre: NTS Sessions 1-4 (Warp) {25}: RS:+, N:64, On:7, OTR:28, V:+(5), W:8; am:+, am_bx:+, am_e:+, bu:7, hhv:+, ny_p:10, ra:+, rs_a:1, vcw:1, vpf:7, xlr:+ -- AM:101
- Brothers Osborne: Port Saint Joe (EMI Nashville) {25}: AS:15, NPR:+, NS:10, RS:+, RS_c:9, SC:+, Up:+, V:+(1); am:+, am_c:+, cmt:+, e_c:7, nod:+, pm_c:8, scm:+, scm_m:5, sg_c:6, sln:+, tns:+, vse:9 -- TH:B
- Hookworms: Microshift (Domino) {25}: E_UK:+, G:+, LLV:3, Mc:9, Mj:50, Mx:25, NME:+, On:41, Re:31, Ro:8, Sb:37, Sk:+, U:34, V:+(2), VF:+; hmv:+, mms:+ -- Mc:87, TH:*
- I'm With Her: See You Around (Rounder) {25}: Mx:31, NS:24, P:35, PM:33, V:+(5); am:+, am_f:+, av_c:+, ax:+, nod:++, pm_f:1, v_cw:13, la_l:10, pm_a:1, sdu:1, vdg:3, vej:8
- Maribou State: Kingdoms in Colour (Counter) {25}: Dr:59, E_UK:+, Fp:95, Ju:15, LLV:85, Mix:15, Ni:3, NME:52, PM:10, RT:59, RM:58, Trk:44; am_e:+, cmp:12, pm_e:9, rak:+ -- AM:183, TH:*
- Ashley Monroe: Sparrow (Warner Nashville) {25}: HV:20, NS:7, RS_c:27, V:+(3), YF:40; am:+, am_c:+, nod:+, pm_c:4, scm_m:9, sg_c:7, sln:+, vjs:5, vmr:2, vse:4, wp:6, xjdc:+ -- RC:*, TH:B-
- Nao: Saturn (Little Rokyo/Sony UK) {25}: Am_s:24, Cl:35, D:14, G:26, I:14, Id:24, LBF:23, Pap:9, S:25, Sk:18, V:+(3); cmp:2, rs_s:9, vclw:5, vtl:1 -- RM:121
- Joshua Redman/Ron Miles/Scott Colley/Brian Blade: Still Dreaming (Nonesuch) {25}: JC:15, JT:6, JW:5, RS_j:20, V:+(1); am_j:+, fd:2, jbm:9, jjm:+, jrsc:25, p_j:9, vjso:1 -- TH:***
- Jeff Tweedy: WARM (dBpm) {25}: AS:6, CS:40, DT:44, Mc:30, OS:34, RS:44, Thr:32, V:84(9); am_k:+, hc_d:8, pf_k:+, vdf:1, vjty:1, vmb:5, wsj:+ -- Mc:84, AM:145, TH:**
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra: Sex & Food (Jagjaguwar) {25}: DJ:39, Dr:83, LLV:80, NME:43, Ni:28, NZH:5, Od:50, OS:26, Pc:73, RT:56, SR:25, TNZ:5, Trk:45, UR:68, V:+(3); bb6:+, gl:+, kc:7 -- AM:152
- Zeal and Ardor: Stranger Fruit (MVKA) {25}: AV:+, Bc:47, Dag:24, Db:33, Gf_N:17, M:+, Ms:20, Ne:42, PO:5, Rev:?, Sb:+, Ups:50, V:+(4); av_m:+, lw_m:46 -- AM:148, TH:*
- Peter Brotzmann/Heather Leigh: Sparrow Nights (Trost) {24}: JC:+, PO:+, RS_j:5, V:+(1); fj:++, jap:1, jdt:+, jeh:4, jgl:4, jhs:5, jno:2, jss:2 -- TH:*
- David Byrne: American Utopia (Todomundo/Nonesuch) {24}: FO:33, Fp:17, Gf_N:14, LBF:50, Mz:30, Nd:2, Ni:23, NME:44, PM:60, Re:50, RS:32, V:69(10); la_l:6, np_b:6, vasl:9, vbr:7, vjso:9, vjtr:9 -- AM:94, TH:B
- Fatoumata Diawara: Fenfo: Something to Say (Shanachie) {24}: CM:53, Dv:39, DVk:40, FR:3, G:+, Mj:11, Ms:23, PM:49, Rdx:41, Re:27, RM:89, RT:24, V:+(3); pm_w:5, sdu:7 -- AM:135, RM:132, TH:**
- Field Music: Open Here (Memphis Industries) {24}: Dr:49, GTV:50, Mj:22, MO:15, OS:36, PM:52, RC:3, RM:85, Ro:13, RT:86, Sb:+, SR:48, UR:79, V:+(1); am:+, am_i:+, mms:+ -- AM:162, RM:140
- Flasher: Constant Image (Domino) {24}: Am_s:14, Bc:18, Dr:86, Fw:21, Gw:26, P:47, PM:+, RSh:14, Sb:+, Sg:6, Tr:43, UR:77, V:69(8); pf_k:+, vrh:6 -- RM:147, RC:***
- Bill Frisell: Music IS (Okeh) {24}: JC:26, JT:8, V:+(4); am_j:+, jbm:3, jch:1, jjk:+, jjm:6, jlb:9, jz:+, p)j:3, vbb:2, vjm:2, vjt:+ -- TH:**
- Migos: Culture II (Quality Control/Motown/Capitol) {24}: BB:+, Cl:40, Cmp:50, CX:6, G:+, HV:+, PM:+, PO:+, PW:50, RS_r:25, V:+(3); am_h:+, hhv:+, mc:+, p:5, pm_h:10, vcc:7, xxl:+ -- RC:*, TH:**
- Nine Inch Nails: Bad Witch (The Null Corporation) {24}: Mx:40, NME:74, NR:42, Od:36, Qt:61, Re:45, Rf_k:34, Ro:9, RS:39, Sb:7, Sl:23, Tr:8, V:+(5); an:8, lw_r:25, sa:+, smh:+ -- AM:81
- Objekt: Cocoon Crush (PAN) {24}: DJM:11, Kp:2, Mc:+, Mix:6, OTR:20, Qt:5, Rdx:43; pf_e:+, pm_e:11, ra:+, xlr:+ -- Mc:87, AM:115, TH:**
- Thou: Magus (Sacred Bones) {24}: Bc:59, BV:15, Db:34, Mx:30, N:12, No:49, NPR:43, NR:20, Rf_h:21, Tr:30, UpC:71, V:+(3); av_m:+, tr_m:1, vbb:9, vspt:5 -- AM:112, RM:135
- Thumbscrew: Theirs (Cuneiform) {24}: BIW:4, JC:10, V:+(1); bc_j:+, fd:9, jbm:45, jjg:+, jjm:+, jmc:9, jmj:1, jms:+, pm_j:+, vad:+ -- TH:A-
- Leon Vynehall: Nothing Is Still (Ninja Tune) {24}: E_UK:+, Mix:19, Ni:19, NME:85, On:45, OTR:8, Pc:24, PM:+, RM:36, RT:15, VF:36; ex_e:9, mmg:+, por:3, ra:+ -- AM:176, TH:**
- Colter Wall: Songs of the Plains (Young Mary's) {24}: ABC:21, Cpu:14, DT:26.I:6, LTL:1, NS:27, RS_c:39, V:+(1), VMP:14; av_c:+, gl:++, nod:+, scm:++ -- TH:**
- Lily Allen: No Shame (Parlophone) {23}: ABC:31, Al:50, CS:38, E_UK:+, G:40, Int:18, LLV:95, LQ:22, RT:43, V:+(1); bsb:+, cmp:13, gq:+, mms:+, v_cw:9, vktb:5 -- RC:*, TH:A-
- Armand Hammer: Paraffin (Backwoodz Studioz) {23}: Bc:28, M_ha:18, Ne:24, Od:2, PM:65, PW:6, TMT:32, V:+(3), VMP:10; av_h:+, pf_r:+, sg_r:4 -- TH:**
- Black Thought: Streams of Thought Vol 1 (Human Re Sources) {23}: ABC:3, BV_r:23, DT:22, HG:14, Od:35, V:+(5); ahh:8, bg_b:1, ct:+, pi:++, so:+, vdc:3, vdd:9, vjs:7, xxl:+
- Gaz Coombes: World's Strongest Man (Caroline) {23}: Dr:100, Fp:14, GTV:83, LLV:26, Mj:17, NR:33, Pc:75, Q:29, RM:55, RT:93, Trk:3, UR:28, V:+(1); am_k:+, bb6:+, hmv:+, mj:+ -- AM:167
- Phonte: No News Is Good News (Foreign Exchange) {23}: Al:3, Bc:42, BV_r:24, DJB:5, HDX:9, HG:10, V:+(1); am_h:+, bg_b:7, vdc:5 -- TH:**
- Tribulation: Down Below (Century Media) {23}: BV:12, Db:2, DVk:8, Gf:8, M_ha:16, Noj:+, Rev:27, Tr:20, V:+(1); av_m:+, lw_m:9, tr_m:3 -- AM:139
- Kamaal Williams: The Return (Black Focus) {23}: Bc:49, Bq:+, C:23, DJM:32, Mup:23, No:13, OTR:36, Pc:48, PW:23, RT:87, VF:43, W:35; cmp:8, hmv:+, jcm:+, stb:4, ukv:17, vjt:+ -- RM:154, TH:**
- JD Allen: Love Stone (Savant) {22}: CM:+, JC:22, JT:25, PO:16; jbm:1, jdb:3, jdt:+, jjm:9, jpm:3, jz:+, p_j:1, vjt:+ -- TH:**
- Chvrches: Love Is Dead (Glassnote) {22}: ABC:18, Bq:+, DS:8, Fp:78, Mx:43, Mz:42, PM:45, UpC:95, UR:87, V:72(9), YF:43; np_c:4, rx:+, vbbo:5, vgm:7, xr:+ -- TH:*
- Robbie Fulks/Linda Gail Lewis: Wild! Wild! Wild! (Bloodshot) {22}: NS:21, PO:+, V:+(5); am_c:+, am_f:+, bg_u:7, mj:+, pm_a:10, scm:+, vdf:7, vjp:3, vjty:7, vshg:3 -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Grouper: Grid of Points (Kranky) {22}: Bc:21, GB:8, Mx:28, N:77, NBH:34, No:23, Pc:94, PM:+, Qt:23, TMT:9, Up:30, V:+(5), VF:+, W:40; hhv:+, ra:+ -- AM:107, RM:90, TH:B
- Jon Hassell: Listening to Pictures (Pentimento Volume One) (Ndeya) {22}: Mj:60, On:21, PO:+, Re:33, RM:59, V:+(3), W:46, YW:104; am_j:+, jcm:+, sa:+, sjf:8, vbb:7, xjdc:34 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Speedy Ortiz: Twerp Verse (Carpark) {22}: EWi:24, GMg:32, HV:4, Mx:46, NR:43, PO:+, Up:24, V:+(4); mj:+, vas:3, vca:7, vjk:10, xjdc:42 -- RC:A-, TH:*
- Phosphorescent: C'est La Vie (Dead Oceans) {22}: DJ:40, DT:29, Dv:38, Gf:27, Gf_N:41, LLV:57, Mj:48, Ms:30, Noj:5, P:46, RM:77, RT:44, Sk:38, Up:32, UR:38, V:+(4), WHP:30 -- AM:122, RM:145
- Post Malone: Beerbongs & Bentleys (Republic) {22}: BB:38, Cmp:23, CX:4, Fp:86, Fu:+, GC:32, HNH:27, Id:20, Ps:20, Up:40, V:+(1); mc:+, xxl:+ -- Mc:51, AM:123, RM:153, TH:**
- Marlon Williams: Make Way for Love (Dead Oceans) {22}: Btz:5, DJ:34, Gf:21, NBH:24, NZH:1, TNZ:1, Trk:21, UR:53; ex_c:6, nod:+ -- AM:120
- Wye Oak: The Louder I Call the Faster It Runs (Merge) {22}: Cos:+, DT:+, LLV:31, Mj:45, Mx:29, OS:40, RM:94, Sg:+, Sk:15, Up:+, UpC:100, UR:23, V:+(6); nw:+, ves:4, vma:3, vzs:3 -- TH:*
- Gorillaz: The Now Now (Parlophone) {21}: Al:25, Bq:+, Fp:69, Gf_D:10, Gf_N:44, HP:6, LLV:49, Mj:75, NME:47, OS:25, Sb:27, V:+(1); gq:+, rx:+, smh:+, vu:11 -- AM:191, TH:B-
- [Thee] Oh Sees: Smote Reverser (Castle Face) {21}: Crh:14, Dr:22, FB:35, Hi:21, LLV:36, Mj:24, Pc:38, RC:6, RM:50, RT:10, Sb:+, SR:41, V:+(2); am_k:+, pmc:+ -- AM:143
- Gruff Rhys: Babelsberg (Rough Trade) {21}: Dr:55, Fp:71, GTV:45, Mj:32, OS:45, Q:13, RC:16, U:7, UR:48, V:+(2); am_k:+, am_s:+, hmv:+, sd:4 -- AM:150, RM:85
- Ross From Friends: Family Portrait (Brainfeeder) {21}: Bq:19, Dr:47, Eb:46, Ju:9, Mix:9, Mu:33, NME:51, OTR:10, Re:25, SR:21, Trk:38; am_e:+ -- TH:**
- Idris Ackamoor & the Pyramids: An Angel Fell (Strut) {20}: Hi:24, JC:+, No:10, PO:+, Qt:2, RC:9, RM:56, V:+(2); hmv:+, jcm:+, vsh:9 -- TH:**
- The Armed: Only Love (Throat Ruiner) {20}: Atl:9, AV:5, Bc:25, CM:50, DT:33, Hi:47, N:8, Qt:68, Sg:31, UpC:91, V:+(1); av_k:+ -- AM:180
- Bodega: Endless Scroll (What's Your Rupture?) {20}: Bq:+, Crh:18, Dr:4, Eb:49, GTV:10, LLV:65, RM:31, RT:12, SR:19, V:+(4); vjk:7 -- RM:116
- Daniel Carter/William Parker/Matthew Shipp: Seraphic Light (AUM Fidelity) {20}: CM:14, JC:27, PO:+, V:+(1); jadu:3, jlb:3, jmc:8, jsb:4, jsg:2, tn:4 -- TH:A-
- Frankie Cosmos: Vessel (Sub Pop) {20}: DT:10, EWi:+, Ex:+, N:42, Noj:47, OS:49, Sg:+, V:+(2); sw:5, vdws:9 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Interpol: Marauder (Matador) {20}: Al:14, Blr:46, Fp:33, I:39, LLV:53, Mz:48, NBH:35, NME:100, Q:11, Re:14, RT:21, Trk:23, Up:44, V:+(1); hmv:+, vktb:7 -- AM:132, RM:98
- La Luz: Floating Features (Hardly Art) {20}: Bc:4, Btz:28, Cos:+, Crh:35, Fw:23, LQ:38, M_ha:28, Pc:47, PO:+, PW:14, RM:11, Trk:20, V:+(1); mj:+
- Lykke Li: So Sad So Sexy (RCA) {20}: Blr:21, CS:48, FO:32, Gw:33, Hs:18, NME:88, Noj:+, Pap:20, Q:41, Up:38, V:+(3)WHP:21; ref:5, st:8, vktb:10 -- AM:117, RM:120
- Ought: Room Inside the World (Merge) {20}: ATH:3, Dr:62, Eb:43, FB:41, FO:47, GTV:38, Gw:34, MO:38, NBH:16, P:27, Rf_k:13, UR:41, V:+(1) -- AM:116, RM:117
- Rival Consoles: Persona (Erased Tapes) {20}: AV:+, Dr:33, Mc:+, Ni:24, OS:19, OTR:39, Pc:66, PM:18, RM:8; am_e:+, ex_e:7, hmv:+, pm_e:3, xlr:+ -- Mc:88, TH:*
- Elza Soares: Deus E Mulher (Deckdisc) {20}: CM:25, EWi:+, GMg:12, PAM:14, PO:13, V:+(1); vtk:9, xjdc:8, xrt:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- David Virelles: Igbo Alakorin (The Singer's Groove) Vol I & II (Pi) {20}: JC:37, JT:18, V:+(1); ct_j:1, fd:7, jjm:+, jlb:2, jmc:+, jpm:+, jrsc:14, tn:+, vjc:+ -- TH:A-
- Hinds: I Don't Run (Mom + Pop) {19}: Btz:36, E_UK:+, FO:44, GMg:16, LBF;28, Noj:16, RS:+, RT:72, Sb:+; xjdc:37 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Frank Kimbrough: Monk's Dreams: The Complete Compositions of Thelonious Sphere Monk (Sunnyside -6CD) {19}: JC:19; fd:4, jbm:28, jdb:7, jfk:5, jjm:+, jmc:1, jms:+, jz:+, vjc:+ -- TH:A-
- Paul McCartney: Egypt Station (Capitol) {19}: ABC:6, BB:46, EE:10, Mj:27, RS:11, RSh:15, V:+(5); am_k:+, jjk:+, rx:+, vgg:7, xr:+ -- AM:177, RM:133, TH:B-
- Hailu Mergia: Lala Belu (Awesome Tapes From Africa) {19}: Cpu:17, Dr:94, JC:+, Mj:72, Od:29, PAM:8, PO:+, PW:42, Qt:97, RS_j:16, W:29; am_w:+ -- TH:***
- Orquesta Akokan: Orquesta Akokan (Daptone) {19}: JC:+, NPR:31, PAM:30, PO:10, RC:15, V:+(2), VMP:19; am_w:+, st_j:+, vjs:3, xpb:+ -- TH:***
- Riton & Kah-Lo: Foreign Ororo (Riton Time) {19}: EWi:22, GMg:19, V:+(4); vclw:8, vjl:7, vtk:6, xbl:6, xjdc:26, xpb:2 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Royce Da 5'9": Book of Ryan (Entertainment One) {19}: Al:19, BB:+, Cmp:27, Ex:+, GC:28, HDX:8, HG:18, HNH:8; ahh:3, vib:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Sunflower Bean: Twentytwo in Blue (Mom + Pop) {19}: Blr:36, FO:22, GTV:73, L4:16, Nd:20, NME:4, P:16, RT:61, V:+(3); nt:+, vbcr:8 -- RM:107, TH:*
- Assif Tsahar/William Parker/Hamid Drake: In Between the Tumbling a Stillness (Hopscotch) {19}: JC:+; fj:+, jcg:5, jmm:1, jno:1, tn:1 -- TH:A-
- Tune-Yards: I Can Feel You Creep Into My Private Life (4AD) {19}: GTV:34, HV:+, LLV:68, NR:46, RS:+, UR:61, V:99(5); am_i:+, bb6:+, so:+, sw:9, vma:4, xjdc:+, vrm:10 -- RC:A-, TH:B
- TVAM: Psychic Data (Psychic Data) {19}: Crh:4, Dr:30, Gw:5, Pc:5, RM:7, SR:10
- Twenty One Pilots: Trench (Fueled by Ramen) {19}: BB:34, Bq:+, Ch:28, GC:18, Ne:33, PB:10, RkS:1, Ups:5, V:+(2)
- Ryley Walker: Deafman Glance (Dead Oceans) {19}: Dr:68, LLV:66, Mj:7, On:48, Pc:62, RC:23, Sg:36, U:44, Up:+, UR:70, V:+(2); am_s:+, bu:2, hmv:+ -- AM:166, RM:139
- American Aquarium: Things Change (New West) {18}: AS:9, BS:24, RS_c:20; nod:+, owh:+, scm:+++, xjdc:+ -- RC:B+, TH:***
- Amnesia Scanner: Another Life (PAN) {18}: Bc:61, C:24, D:17, F:16, Hi:22, Mix:13, TMT:19; pf_x:+, pm_e:6, pm_v:11, rs_a:9 -- AM:133, RM:109, TH:*
- Laurie Anderson/Kronos Quartet: Landfall (Nonesuch) {18}: Btz:9, G:+, Mup:42, PM:56, Qt:82, Rdx:22, Ro:17, V:+(2) -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Brent Cobb: Providence Canyon (Elektra) {18}: I:38, NS:18, RS:+, RS_c:10, V:+(1); am_c:+, av_c:+, pm_c:5, scm:++, vshg:2 -- TH:**
- Jeremy Dutcher: Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa () {18}: Ex:+, NPR:20, UpC:36, V:87(6); ex_x:1, sl:+, sol:+, vae:7, vapw:6, vcwi:2, vjc:6, vti:1
- Eleanor Friedberger: Rebound (Frenchkiss) {18}: G:+, M:28, Mc:39, OS:46, Pc:40, Q:36, U:39, Ur:81, V:91(7), VF:38; am_s:+, ct:10, mms:+, so:+, so_k:10, vjte:5 -- Mc:84, RM:113
- Ben LaMar Gay: Downtown Castles Can Never Block the Sun (International Anthem) {18}: Kp:20, JC:52, VF:16, W:3; jdme:7, jgl:3, jjc:+, jlre:9, vlb:+ -- RM:144, TH:**
- Julian Lage: Modern Lore (Mack Avenue) {18}: Cpu:8, DT:18, JC:44, V:+(2); am_j:+, jbm:36, jdc:+, jjk:+, jz:+, pm_j:+, vad:10, vjcl:3, vjo:+, vjt:+ -- TH:B
- Meek Mill: Championships (MMG/Atlantic) {18}: Cmp:28, DJB:50, GC:46, PO:+, RS_r:23, UpC:58, V:+(1); okp:16, pf_r:+, rtv:4, vib:+, xxl:+ -- RC:B+, TH:***
- Kelly Moran: Ultraviolet (Warp) {18}: Gw:7, P:40, PM:41, S:33, V:+(1); ex_x:8, hhv:+, pf_x:+, pm_e:14, pm_v:14, ton:+, tr_e:10, vbc:3 -- AM:182, TH:*
- Mudhoney: Digital Garbage (Sub Pop) {18}: DVk:7, GMg:41, Mj:55, PO:+, V:+(3); am_k:+, gc:1, vbc:6, vgg:1 -- RC:***
- Charlie Puth: Voicenotes (Atlantic) {18}: BB:26, S:34, Up:42, UpC:94, V:+(2), VMP:37, YF:+; bsd:+, la_w:7, ny_c:2, rs_p:15, ust:+, usw:4, vcm:7 -- RM:155, TH:*
- Smino: Noir (Downtown JV) {18}: Atl:13, Cmp:22, DJB:17, GC:31, N:81, V:+(3); ri:7, rtv:9, tr_h:8, up_r:4, vca:9, vhg:1, vtl:2
- The Wonder Years: Sister Cities (Hopeless) {18}: Alt:21, Blr:8, Bq:18, Ch:4, M_ha:25, Pu:14, RkS:45, Ups:4
- Thom Yorke: Suspiria [Music for the luca Guadagino Film] (XL) {18}: Cl:37, DJ:44, Fp:31, Gf_N:23, I:40, Mup:50, Pc:76, RM:61, Ro:3, Sb:+, UR:85, V:+(5); vje:5 -- AM:159
- Rodrigo Amado: A History of Nothing (Trost) {17}: CM:19, JC:74, PO:+; j_p:+, jap:7, jcg:7, jjsh:+, jmsc:9, jsb:2, jtb:10, tn:7 -- TH:A-
- Kenny Barron Quintet: Concentric Circles (Blue Note) {17}: JC:23, JT:4, V:+(2); am_j:+, jha:1, np_c:8, vbr:10, vmw:+, vpg:5 -- TH:**
- Burna Boy: Outside (Atlantic) {17}: Du:24, PAM:6, PW:45, Thr:7, V:+(3); okp:11, pam_r:3, vhg:5, vsk:5 -- TH:*
- Sylvie Courvoisier Trio: D'Agala (Intakt) {17}: CM:44, JC:16, V:+(1); j_p:18, jbm:43, jha:+, jjsh:+, jpm:4, jtd:3, jvv:9, ny_u:15 -- TH:***
- Czarface/MF Doom: Czarface Meets Metal Face (Silver Age) {17}: ABC:45, Al:34, HDX:14, HG:+, Sb:+, V:+(1), YW:35; am_h:+, var:8 -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Homeboy Sandman & Edan: Humble Pi (Stones Throw -EP) {17}: Am_h:5, No:11, GMg:47, V:+(1); am_h:+, vdme:8, xjdc:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
- Rich Krueger: Life Ain't That Long (Rockink) {17}: EWi:9, V:+(3); vcp:4, xjdc:32, vmb:2, vrc:6 -- RC:A, TH:**
- Lyrics Born: Quite a Life (Mobile Home) {17}: EWi:48, GMg:22, PO:+, V:+(2), YW:6; xjdc:39, xjsm:10 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Brad Mehldau: Seymour Reads the Constitution! (Nonesuch) {17}: DVk:47, JC:24, JT:8, JW:4; am_j:+, art:+, jdc:+, jrsc:18, vad:+, vjt:+ -- TH:*
- Melody's Echo Chamber: Bon Voyage (Fat Possum) {17}: Dr:28, GTV:5, Mx:24, SR:34, U:42, UR:90, V:+(2); am:+, am_i:+, art:+, nt:+, sd:9, vad:5 -- AM:147, TH:B
- Nicole Mitchell: Maroon Cloud (FPE) {17}: JC:35, JW:7, V:+(1); am_j:+, jap:5, jeh:+, jlb:8, jvv:+, pm_j:+, sg_j:8, vjc:+ -- TH:***
- Now Now: Saved (Trans-) {17}: ABC:33, Alt:19, Am_s:18, Ch:5, Id:17, PCr:+, Sg:+, V:+(1); gq:+, npr_m:+, sw:6
- Panic! at the Disco: Pray for the Wicked (Fueled by Ramen) {17}: Bq:+, GC:34, GTV:60, Nd:28, PB:3, Pu:13, Q:44, RkS:8, Ups:32; am_p:+, gq:+
- Thumbscrew: Ours (Cuneiform) {17}: BIW:4, JC:10; bc_j:+, fd:9, jjg:+, jmc:9, jms:+, vad:+ -- TH:A-
- Becky Warren: Undesirable (self-released) {17}: EWi:+, GMg:45, NS:28, PO:+, RS_c:18; gl:++, xjdc:6 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Wussy: What Heaven Is Like (Shake It) {17}: EWi:37, GMg:18, PO:+, V:+(2); am_i:+, vcp:8, vtc:7, xjsm:4 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Architects: Holy Hell (Epitaph) {16}: Blr:19, Bq:+, Crh:21, GTV:37, I:33, Mc:+, NME:60, Pu:16, RkS:11, Ups:3 -- Mc:90
- Black Thought: Streams of Thought Vol 2: Traxploitation (Human Re Sources) {16}: ABC:3, BV_r:23, HG:21, Od:35, V:+(3); ahh:8, bg_b:1, jeh:7, pi:++, vdd:9, vjs:7
- Ceramic Dog [Marc Ribot]: YRU Still Here? (Northern Spy) {16}: JC:+, PO:+, V:+(2), YF:+, YW:38; jpa:10, vmr:9, xce:2 -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Eminem: Kamikaze (Aftermath/Shady/Interscope) {16}: CX:13, GC:50, GMg:24, HDX:19, HNH:20, NME:86, V:+(2); jan:9, xxl:+ -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Park Jiha: Communion (Tak:til) {16}: 405:12, G:+, JC:+, V:+(1), VF:9, W:48; pm_v:19, xbl:3, xrt:+ -- RM:115, TH:**
- Leikeli47: Acrylic (Hardcover/RCA) {16}: BV_r:15, GMg:27, NPR:29, Pap:19, V:+(1); pf_r:+, var:5 -- RC:A-, TH:**
- James Brandon Lewis/Chad Taylor: Radiant Imprints (OFF) {16}: CM:39, JC:46, PO:+, RS_j:11; jbm:42, jhs:+, jjc:4, jmc:+, jpm:13, ny_u:8 -- TH:A-
- Johnny Marr: Call the Comet (New Voodoo) {16}: ABC:17, GTV:89, L:+, L4:19, LLV:23, Mj:68, MO:21, Mz:34, Pc:51, RT:76, V:+(3); rx:+, vaz:8, xr:+
- Nicki Minaj: Queen (Young Money/Cash Money) {16}: CX:18, Fu:+, GMg:46, V:+(1), YW:1; okp:8, xhs:16, xxl:+ -- TH:***
- Georgia Anne Muldrow: Overload (Brainfeeder) {16}: AV:16, Bc:32, JC:+, Mup:21, PAM:5, Pf:49, V:+(2); am_r:+, ex_s:4, jeh:3, v_ja:20
- The Orielles: Silver Dollar Moment (Heavenly) {16}: Crh:6, Dr:52, Gw:41, Pc:16, Q:50, RT:16, Sb:+, Trk:40, V:+(2); am:+, am_i:+, bb6:9
- Rolo Tomassi: Time Will Die and Love Will Bury It (Holy Roar) {16}: Bc:83, Mc:+, Pu:1, Rf_h:11, Sg:22, Ups:12; hmv:+ -- Mc:92, TH:***
- Slaves: Acts of Fear and Love (Virgin EMI) {16}: Bq:+, Crh:15, FO:16, Gf_N:31, L4:17, LLV:94, NME:20, Re:24, RM:81, RT:68, Sk:16
- Sumac: Love in Shadow (Thrill Jockey) {16}: Hi:32, Rf_h:1, Tr:21, V:+(6); av_m:+, lw_m:20, tr_m:4, vbb:1, vbc:10
- Viagra Boys: Street Worms (YEAR0001) {16}: Btz:32, FB:39, Gf:11, LQ:14, NME:57, Noj:+So:24, V:+(2); so_d:1, vjd:10, xpb:+ -- AM:153
- Mandy Barnett: Strange Conversation (Dame Productions/Thirty Tigers) {15}: GMg:43, PO:+, V:+(1); am_c:+, nod:+, vjb:9, xjdc:23 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Bruce: Sonder Somatic (Hessle Audio) {15}: C:42, DJM:19, F:36, Mix:12, OTR:31, Qt:47, VF:12; xlr:+ -- AM:198, RM:110, TH:**
- Rosanne Cash: She Remembers Everything (Blue Note) {15}: BS:12, LTL:20, NS:11, RS_c:22, P:33, V:+(1); am_s:+, jjk:+, la_l:8 -- TH:***
- Dessa: Chime (Doomtree) {15}: Eb:28, NPR:+, V:+(4); ct:20, so:+, so_d:5, vasl:4, vjd:9, vkc:6 -- TH:A-
- Empress Of: Us (Terrible) {15}: Bc:47, Cmp:38, Eb:30, Fw:24, Gf:29, Ni:26, UpC:75, V:+(2), YF:49; av_p:+, mj_v:2, vac:3, vktb:6
- George FitzGerald: All That Must Be (Double Six) {15}: Crh:22, E_UK:+, Mix:20, Noj:43, PM:6, V:+(1); mmg:+, pm_e:1 -- TH:**
- Gas: Rausch (Kompakt) {15}: Btz:31, PM:+, RS:+, TMT:46, Tr:16, V:+(3); am_e:+, np:6, pm_e:22, rs_a:4, sa:+, tr_e:9, vcw:8
- Rich Krueger: NOWThen (Rockin'K Music) {15}: EWi:47, Cpu:24, GMg:20, V:(2); vmb:8, vtc:10, xjdc:31 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas: Sound Prints: Scandal (Greenleaf Music) {15}: JC:45, JT:15, RS_j:13; ct_j:9, jbm:38, jfk:7, jjm:+, jz:+, pm_j:+, vjt:+ -- TH:***
- Shawn Mendes: Shawn Mendes (Island) {15}: BB:23, GC:+, M_ha:27, PCr:+, RS:+; am_p:+, mj_v:10, p:8, rs_p:9, ti:4, wo:+ -- TH:***
- MNEK: Language (Virgin EMI) {15}: BB:41, Id:12, M_ha:1, MO:41, Pap:15, PB:9, V:+(3)
- Maria Muldaur: Don't You Feel My Leg: The Naughty Bawdy Blues of Blue Lu Barker (The Last Music Company) {15}: EWi:15, PO:+, V:+(1); vtk:4, xjdc:30 -- RC:A, TH:A-
- Richard Thompson: 13 Rivers (New West) {15}: Fp:56, FR:15, GTV:66, Mj:41, U:11, V:+(4); am_s:+, cct:6, jjk:+, rut:7, vkc:9, vlk:9, xhs:17
- Paul Weller: True Meanings (Parlophone/Warner Bros) {15}: Fp:62, LLV:98, Mj:14, Q:9, Trk:36, U:24, V:+(1); am_k:+, sd:2 -- AM:175, RM:99
- Sheck Wes: Mudboy (Cactus Jack/GOOD Music/Interscope) {15}: Atl:19, BV_r:17, Du:8, E_UK:+, Pf:33, RS_r:27, TMT:50, UpC:62, V:+(5), YF:46; pf_r:+
- Virginia Wing: Ecstatic Arrow (Fire) {15}: Dr:23, G:25, GTV:70, LQ:1, Mup:41, Pc:78, RM:62, Sk:24, V:+(2); am:+, am_i:+
- Dave Alvin and Jimmie Dale Gilmore: Downey to Lubbock (Yep Roc) {14}: NS:23, V:+(3), YW:49; gl:+, la_l:5, vlk:6, vpbl:5, vpg:10 -- TH:A-
- Bali Baby: Baylor Swift (TWIN) {14}: HV:15, SC:+, V:+(1); vclw:9, xjdc:+ -- RC:A-TH:A-
- Behemoth: I Loved You at Your Darkest (Metal Blade) {14}: CS:28, Dag:13, Gf:5, Mc:+, Rev:8, V:+(1); lw_m:22 -- Mc:88, AM:157
- Dierks Bentley: The Mountain (Capitol) {14}: BB:49, HV:+, NS:12, RS_c:15; am_c:+, cmt:+, e_c:5, scm:+, scm_m:7, sln:+, tns:+
- Toni Braxton: Sex & Cigarettes (Def Jam) {14}: CM:12, EWi:+, HV:12, PO:19, V:+(2); am_r:+, vti:10, xpb:3 -- TH:**
- Sarah Davachi: Let Night Come on Bells End the Day (Recital) {14}: F:21, Mg:11, No:34, On:45, TMT:34, V:+(1), W:6, YF:+; ex_x:6, ra:+ -- AM:171
- Death Grips: Year of the Snitch (Third Worlds) {14}: Eb:16, GC:37, Gf_N:40, Ne:9, Rf_h:43, Rf_k:31, V:+(1); ax:5, vnf:7 -- AM:190
- Dirty Projectors: Lamp Lit Prose (Domino) {14}: Dr:1, MO:37, Nd:12, Rdx:37, U:28, V:+(2); sa:+, vma:2
- Alejandro Escovedo: The Crossing (Yep Roc) {14}: LTL:3, P:39, V:+(5); am:+, am_s:+, bg:5, v_cm:2, vaf:5
- GoGo Penguin: A Humdrum Star (Blue Note) {14}: Gw:20, LLV:74, Pc:36, RM:18, V:+(1); am_j:+, jgt:+, jz:+, stb:3, var:7 -- TH:*
- Hamell on Trial: The Night Guy at the Apocalypse: Profiles of a Rushing Midnight (Saustex) {14}: EWi:29, PO:+, V:+(3); vjl:2, vmb:9, vrc:7, xjdc:24 -- RC:A, TH:*
- Joshua Hedley: Mr Jukebox (Third Man) {14}: AS:10, NS:16, RS_c:23, V:+(2); am_c:+, nod:+, scm:++, tns:+, vhgw:10, vshg:9 -- TH:B
- JLin: Autobiography [Music From Wayne McGregor's Autobiography] (Planet Mu) {14}: C:48, DJM:31, Mup:13, PO:24, V:+(1), W:39; am_e:+, av_e:+, ra:+, rs_a:10 -- TH:***
- Seun Kuti & Egypt 80: Black Times (Strut) {14}: PAM:15, PM:55, V:+(3); am_w:+, hmv:+, pm_w:6, vcca:6, vjk:9 -- RC:*, TH:A-
- Lupe Fiasco: Drogas Wave (1st and 15th Productions) {14}: GC:48, HG:26, PO:+, V:+(1); ahh:7, xjdc:36 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Manic Street Preachers: Resistance Is Futile (Columbia) {14}: Al:49, DS:15, Fp:36, L:+, LLV:27, M_ha:6, NME:69, Q:49, RT:41, V:+(1); xr:+
- Roc Marciano: Rosebudd's Revenge 2: The Bitter Dose (Marci) {14}: Cmp:+, DJB:35, HG:27, PW:27, TMT:38, V:+(1); hhv:+, xxl:+ -- RC:***, TH:***
- MAST: Thelonious Sphere Monk (World Galaxy) {14}: EWi:38, JC:+, PO:+, V:+(1); vrc:2 -- RC:A, TH:***
- The Mekons 77: It Is Twice Blessed (Slow Things) {14}: CM:27, EWi:39, GMg:29, PO:+; xjdc:33, xrt:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- The Necks: Body (Northern Spy) {14}: Bc:64, CM:21, EWi:+, JC:+, No:41, PO:+, U:50, v:+(5); g_e:6, j_p:10, pm_v:18, xbl:8, xrt:7 -- TH:**
- Pale Waves: All the Things I Never Said (Dirty Hits) {14}: Bq:+, GTV:72, LBF:33, Mx:27, NME:53, V:+(4); np_s:9, rx:+, vclw:2, vgm:3, wo:+, xr:+
- Paul Simon: In the Blue Light (Legacy) {14}: EE:20, EWi:+, Nd:18, Noj:50, RC:11, V:+(1); xjdc:+ -- RC:A-, TH:B
- Tomberlin: At Weddings (Saddle Creek) {14}: 405:49, Am_s:2, Eb:35, LBF:24, Rf_k:35, Sb:+, Sg:20, Sk:46, V:+(1) -- RM:103
- Vein: Errorzone (Closed Casket Activities) {14}: Alt:27, Bc:68, NME:89, Rev:2, UpC:90; av_k:+, ex_m:1, lw_m:6 -- AM:179
- Villagers: The Art of Pretending to Swim (Domino) {14}: HP:2, Mj:49, Mu:38, Mz:32, NBH:28, Ni:16, RT:95, SR:27, UR:100 -- AM:124
- The Weeknd: My Dear Melancholy (XO/Republic -EP) {14}: ABC:20, BB:+, Cmp:46, On:45, Ps:22; hdx_r:4, mc:+, ny_c:9, ti:+, rs_s:6, vu:13 -- TH:*
- Jonathan Wilson: Rare Birds (Bella Union) {14}: Btz:1, Dv:28, LLV:67, Oo:18, Trk:26, Up:+; gl:++ -- AM:192
- Olafur Arnalds: Re:member (Mercury) {13}: Am_s:49, DT:36, LBF:36, MO:40, NBH:17, NPR:32, RT:45, V:+(4); mmg:+, np_b:3, vhh:7 -- RM:127
- Binker and Moses: Alive in the East? (Gearbox) {13}: Dr:37, JC:+, Mj:46, V:+(1); jcm:+, jjg:+, jss:10, vspt:4 -- TH:A-
- Culture Abuse: Bay Dream (Epitaph) {13}: Alt:35, Blr:4, Bq:+, L:+, N:36, Ups:16, V:+(1); am_i:+ -- RM:122
- Currensy/Freddie Gibbs/The Alchemist: Fetti (ESGN/Jet Life/ALC/Empire) {13}: BV_r:28, Cmp:17, DJB:11, HG:11, PW:29, V:+(2); hhv:+, pf_r:+, vbcr:10, xxl:+
- Cypress Hill: Elephants on Acid (BMG) {13}: Am_h:16, Atl:11, HG:+, I:17, Mj:16, Re:11 -- TH:**
- Eartheater: Irisiri (PAN) {13}: C:45, Eb:23, PM:36, Qt:52, TMT:24, V:+(5), VF:45, W:19; pf_x:+, pm_e:17, vkj:8 -- RM:70
- Future: Beast Mode 2 (Epic/Freebandz) {13}: DJB:29, HNH:17, N:44, PW:13, Thr:11; ust:+ -- TH:A-
- John Grant: Love Is Magic (Bella Union/Partisan) {13}: Crh:20, Fp:18, I:16, L4:14, LLV:29, Mj:57, Pc:55, RT:26, UR:21
- Hermit and the Recluse: Orpheus vs the Sirens (Obol for Charon) {13}: 405:13, BV_r:30, HG:+, M_ha:33, Ne:38, PW:19, TMT:43, V:+(2); hhv:+, pf_r:+, sg_r:8
- Mick Jenkins: Pieces of a Man (Cinematic) {13}: Bc:48, Blr:29, BV_r:9, HG:+, HNH:19, Mup:24, Up:28; pf_r:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Hayley Kiyoko: Expectations (Empire/Atlantic) {13}: BB:44, GC:41, Nd:29, RSh:9, Up:+, V:+(2); bsd:+, mj_v:5, rs_p:6 -- TH:*
- Low Cut Connie: Dirty Pictures (Part 2) (Contender) {13}: RS:+, V:+(3); am:+, am_k:+, gl:+, vaf:6, vjcl:10, vse:5 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Ella Mai: Ella Mai (Interscope) {13}: CX:10, Nd:10, Ps:17, V:+(2); hdx_r:6, vib:+, vis:4
- Aaron Parks: Little Big (Ropeadope) {13}: JC:47, V:+(1); am_j:+, jbm:46, jjk:+, jjm:8, jmju:+, pm_j:+, vjso:5 -- TH:***
- Houston Person & Ron Carter: Remember Love (HighNote) {13}: JC:+, RS_j:10, V:+(1); jan:5, jdt:+, jhs:+, st_j:+ -- TH:***
- Preoccupations: New Material (Jagjaguwar) {13}: ATH:26, Fw:17, P:37, Pc:80, Rf_k:21, RM:64, Sb:47, Up:+, V:+(3); ts:+, vcca:2
- Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats: Tearing at the Seams (Stax) {13}: EE:14, Nd:30, NPR:+, V:+(2); am_b:+, la_l:7, owh:+, rut:3, vbs:3, vjso:7
- Michael Rault: It's a New Day Tonight (Wick) {13}: Dr:76, DT:5, Ju:8, LLV:79; hc_d:10, sd:1
- Rhye: Blood (Loma Vista) {13}: AV:+, E_UK:+, Gf_D:13, Gf_N:25, Mu:36, Mz:22, NBH:12, Up:+, V:+(1); kc:10 -- AM:173
- Screaming Females: All at Once (Don Giovanni) {13}: AV:+, Mc:21, Mg:10, Ne:45, Sg:+, Thr:25, V:+(6); gl:+, key:10, vjty:9 -- Mc:86
- Caitlyn Smith: Starfire (Monument) {13}: Ch:21, NS:19, UpC:99, V:+(2); bsd:+, scm:+++, scm_m:1, vdh:6 -- TH:B
- Tove Styrke: Sway (Sony) {13}: BB:+, Id:21, LBF:46, MO:48, NME:+, Noj:+, V:+(3); gq:+, mj_v:1, rs_p:12, st:6
- Deena Abdelwahed: Khnnar (InFine) {12}: C:28, DJM:13, PAM:11, Qt:50, VF:6; ra:+ -- AM:134, RM:134
- Aphex Twin: Collapse EP (Warp -EP) {12}: ABC:50, CS:31, Eb:15, Sb:+; tr_e:4, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- TH:***
- Black Peaks: All That Divides (Rise) {12}: GTV:17, I:37, Pu:10, Sk:36, Ups:1
- The Blaze: Dancehall (Columbia) {12}: Mix:37, Ms:9, Mu:43, Noj:11, V:+(1); ny_c:11, v_ja:4 -- AM:170
- Boy Azooga: 1 2 Kung Fu! (Heavenly) {12}: Crh:23, Dr:71, GTV:86, Gw:43, L4:11, Pc:19, RT:52, SR:22; mms:+ -- TH:*
- BTS: Love Yourself: Tear (Big Hit) {12}: BB:+, GC:17, N:100, PCr:+, V:91(3), YF:+; am_p:+, rs_p:13, vck:1 -- TH:B
- The Chills: Snow Bound (Fire) {12}: EWi:+, HV:7, PO:+, V:+(3); cct:3, vas:5 -- TH:**
- Death Cab for Cutie: Thank You for Today (Atlantic) {12}: Alt:20, Bq:6, Ch:16, NBH:46, Ups:35, V:+(5), WHP:7
- DJ Healer: Nothing 2 Loose (All Possible Worlds) {12}: GB:13, Gf:17, N:38, TMT:29, V:+(6); pf_e:+, ra:+, vdb:8, xlr:+ -- AM:129
- Doctor Nativo: Guatemaya (Stonetree) {12}: PO:+, V:+(1); vtk:8, xrt:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Gaika: Basic Volume (Warp) {12}: Gw:8, I:9, LBF:47, N:89, Qt:83, SR:15 -- TH:*
- Half Waif: Lavender (Cascine) {12}: 405:41, Am_s:10, LQ:40, PM:+, Sg:17, Sk:27, Up:+4, UpC:81, V:+(1)
- Imarhan: Temet (City Slang) {12}: Mj:47, Trk:41, V:+(1); pm_w:7, vab:7 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Insecure Men: Insecure Men (Fat Possum) {12}: LLV:47, Mj:34, Pc:79, Qt:3, RM:47, RT:78, V:+(1); hmv:+ -- AM:161
- Jungle: For Ever (XL) {12}: Bq:+, E_UK:+, Gf_N:15, Mj:69, Mz:33, Ni:27, SR:45, V:+(1); kc:4 -- AM:193
- Angelique Kidjo: Remain in Light (Kravenworks) {12}: Cpu:19, Fp:97, Mg:21, Noj:41, NPR:+, PAM:22, V:+(6), YF:+; am_i:+, nod:+, sol:+
- Lil Baby & Gunna: Drip Harder (Quality Control) {12}: Cmp:12, DJB:48, Sg:47; av_h:+, ny_c:5, pf_r:+, sg_r:2, up_r:10 -- TH:***
- Lil Baby: Harder Than Ever (Quality Control) {12}: DJB:30, HNH:9, N:20, RS_r:21; ny_c:5, xxl:+ -- TH:**
- The Midnight Hour/Ali Shaheed Muhammad/Adrian Younge: The Midnight Hour (Linear Labs) {12}: Al:38, Bc:52, Mup:17, V:+(3); am:+, am_r:+, vak:5, vmp_j:+, xce:4
- Kylie Minogue: Golden (BMG/Darenote) {12}: Al:23, Id:5, V:+(3); hc_g:5, rs_p:11, vae:6, vdcm:2
- Tom Misch: Geography (Beyond the Groove) {12}: Al:15, Bq:2, NME:42, PM:+, RT:54, V:+(1); hyb:+, kc:9
- Angelika Niescier Trio: The Berlin Concert (Intakt) {12}: CM:11, JC:38, PO:+; jdt:+, jpa:6, jtd:4 -- TH:***
- Nines: Crop Circle (XL) {12}: C:8, CX:15, LQ:19, Mix:14; cmp:3, hmv:+
- Adam O'Farrill's Stranger Days: El Maquech (Biophilia) {12}: JC:32, V:+(2); jjm:1, jmj:6, jpm:5, vad:4, vrg:+ -- TH:*
- Barre Phillips: End to End (ECM) {12}: CM:+, JC:62; j_p:3, jdt:+, jms:+, jsg:3, vmp_j:7 -- TH:***
- Joey Purp: Quarterthing (self-released) {12}: BV:45, BV_r:5, CS:41, DJB:25, FO:46; tr_h:9, up_r:18 -- TH:**
- Emma Ruth Rundle: On Dark Horses (Sargent House) {12}: Blr:38, Mx:7, Rev:23, RM:52, Sb:+, Tr:7, Trk:42, V:+(1)
- Say Sue Me: Where We Were Together (Damnably/ELectric Muse) {12}: ATH:17, Bc:10, RM:43, Up:+, V:+(3); am_i:+, pm_i:8, vml:3
- Szun Waves: New Hymn to Freedom (The Leaf Label) {12}: Dr:74, FB:95, Gw:47, JC:+, LQ:29, Mup:20, Qt:39, RM:13, Sb:35, V:+(2); vma:9 -- TH:*
- Trondheim Jazz Orchestra/Ole Morten Vagan: Happy Endings (Odin) {12}: CM:3, JC:+, V:+(2); vcr:1, xrt:+ -- TH:**
- Vessel: Queen of Golden Dogs (TriAngle) {12}: 405:30, F:9, PM:21, V:+(2), W:36; pf_x:+, pm_e:5, sa:+ -- RM:84
- Salim Washington: Dogon Revisited (Passin' Thru) {12}: CM:2, EWi:+, JC:+, PO:+, V:+(1); jno:4 -- TH:***
- Wild Pink: Yolk in the Fur (Tiny Engines) {12}: Alt:24, Blr:45, Ch:19, Sb:+, Sg:24, Up:35, Up:49, V:+(4), WHP:18 -- RM:105
- Wussy: Getting Better (Damnably -EP) {12}: EWi:31, PO:+, V:+(1), YF:+; vmr:6, xjdc:+ -- RC:A, TH:*
- Anna & Elizabeth: The Invisible Comes to Us (Smithsonian Folkways) {11}: FR:2, Od:49, PM:+, V:+(1); bg_u:1, nod:+
- ASAP Rocky: Testing (RCA) {11}: Cmp:+, CS:24, GC:+, HNH:18, Hs:4; fu:7, ts:+
- Black Milk: Fever (Mass Appeal/Computer Ugly) {11}: 405:19, Am_h:4, HG:+, Sb:+, V:+(1); am_h:+, vcka:8
- Charles Bradley: Black Velvet (Dunham) {11}: AS:8, Bq:+, Fp:45, SR:30, V:+(3); ex_s:5, gl:+, vhh:9
- Buddy: Harlan & Alondra (07-20) {11}: Cl:40, DJB:19, HG:+, M_ha:3, ; up_r:15, vib:+, xxl:+
- Don Byron/Aruan Ortiz: Random Dances and (A)tonalities (Impakt) {11}: JC:29, V:+(1); ct_j:6, fd:6, jdt:+, jjm:7, jrsc:24, jvv:7 -- TH:***
- Cavern of Anti-Matter: Hormone Lemonade (Duophonic) {11}: Dr:65, Mup:33, No:44, On:35, Pc:35, RM:95, SR:12, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Diali Cissokho & Kaira Ba: Routes (Twelve/Eight) {11}: V:+(1); vtk:2 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- The Nels Cline 4: Currents Constellations (Blue Note) {11}: JC:33, V:+(2); am_j:+, jbm:19, jch:2, jdc:+, jjk:+, vjso:4 -- TH:*
- Cloud Nothings: Last Building Burning (Carpark) {11}: Crh:37, Eb:10, EWi:+, HV:+, PO:20, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Conjurer: Mire (Holy Roar) {11}: L:+, Pu:9, Rf_h:3, Ups:14; av_m:+
- Elysia Crampton: Elysia Crampton (Break World -EP) {11}: G:+, Od:14, PM:44, TMT:6; pf_x:+, pm_e:4 -- TH:*
- Kris Davis & Craig Taborn: Octopus (Pyroclastic) {11}: CM:51, JC:70, RS_j:18, V:+(2); jmj:9, jvv:6 -- TH:A-
- Aisha Devi: DNA Feelings (Houndstooth) {11}: Bc:2, DJM:21, F:6, On:44, VF:30; pm_v:17
- DJ Taye: Still Trippin' (Hyperdub) {11}: C:14, Mix:47, PW:9, S:50, V:+(1), VF:34; am_e:+ -- RM:151
- Open Mike Eagle: What Happens When I Try to Relax (Auto Reverse -EP) {11}: BV_r:19, Mup:36; xpb:9 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- Kurt Elling: The Questions (Okeh) {11}: JC:67, JT:28, JW:7, SC:+; am_j:+, jbm:12, jdb:5, vjo:+ -- TH:B-
- Everything Is Recorded: Everything Is Recorded by Richard Russell (XL) {11}: Mx:5, Q:43, RT:2; st:4
- Fantastic Negrito: Please Don't Be Dead (Cooking Vinyl) {11}: Al:9, EWi:45, L:+, V:+(2); am_b:+, ct:11, sdu:9, so:+, tl:8
- Laurel Halo: Raw Silk Uncut Wood (Latency -EP) {11}: E_UK:+, F:39, On:31, PW:43, TMT:33, V:+(12VF:20, W:33; av_e:+, hhv:+ -- RM:102
- Kathryn Joseph: From When I Wake the Want Is (Rock Action) {11}: 405:36, Dr:92, Fp:41, GTV:24, RM:20, Sk:11, U:46, V:+(1); vbo:10
- Damien Jurado: The Horizon Just Laughed (Secretly Canadian) {11}: DT:27, Oo:14, OS:44, RM:92, V:81(7); am:+, am_s:+, vrg:5 -- AM:168
- Quin Kirchner: The Other Side of Time (Astral Spirits) {11}: BIW:3, JC:+; bc_j:+, jpm:+, pm_j:+ -- TH:***
- Natalia Lafourcade: Musas Vol 2 (Sony Mexico) {11}: GC:19, Ne:4, Od:9, V:+(1); am_w:+
- Marlowe: Marlowe (Mello Music Group) {11}: Am_h:1, Bc:90, Mup:39, YW:24 -- TH:***
- Martyn: Voids (Ostgut Ton) {11}: DJM:7, Mix:11, OTR:26, SR:11, VF:23; am_e:+, ra:+
- Christian McBride: Christian McBride's New Jawn (Mack Avenue) {11}: CM:+, JC:42, V:+(2); am_j:+, jbm:41, jmj:10, jmju:+, jrsc:17, vgt:6 -- TH:**
- Mewithoutyou: [untitled] EP (Run for Cover) {11}: Alt:15, BV:44, Ch:6, Rf_h:16, Ups:13, V:+(2), YF:+
- Mr Fingers: Cerebral Hemispheres (Aleviated) {11}: DJM:34, G:+, HV:+, Mix:31, OTR:3, Pc:77, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Onyx Collective: Lower East Suite Part Three (Big Dada) {11}: Gw:30, JC:+, Ju:2, RM:75, V:+(1); vlb:8 -- TH:***
- Our Girl: Stranger Today (Cannibal Hymns) {11}: Dr:31, GTV:27, LLV:34, RM:5, RT:67, V:+(1); ct:6, so_k:6
- Eddie Palmieri: Full Circle (Ropeadope) {11}: Bc:70, JC:58, V:+(2); am_w:+, vcv:10, vdg:4, vlb:+ -- TH:***
- Hanna Paulsberg Concept/Magnus Broo: Daughter of the Sun (Odin) {11}: CM:1, Dv:34, EWi:46, JC:+, V:+(1); jpm:19 -- TH:**
- Erin Rae: Putting on Airs (Single Lock) {11}: AS:11, NS:29, RS_c:12, V:+(3); ax:+, nod:+, sg_c:4, vdf:10
- Rae Sremmurd: SR3MM (Eardruma/Interscope) {11}: BB:50, Cmp:30, HV:+, RS:25, RS_r:6; am_h:+, xxl:+ -- RC:*, TH:B
- Marc Ribot: Songs of Resistance 1942-2018 (Epitaph) {11}: Btz:40, JC:96, PO:+, V:+(2); am:+, am_f:+, jlb:10 -- RC:*, TH:***
- Serengeti: Dennis 6e (People) {11}: PO:+, PW:38, V:+(1); vdca:9 -- RC:A-, TH:***
- SOB X RBE: Gangin (Empire) {11}: BB:+, BV_r:25, Cmp:+, CS:+, Pf:50, S:28, Sg:+, Thr:27, V:+(1); pf_r:+, vdh:7 -- TH:B
- Henry Threadgill: Double Up Plays Double Up Plus (Pi) {11}: JC:18, JT:11; jha:8, jadu:8, jlre:8 -- TH:A-
- The Voidz: Virtue (RCA) {11}: FO:34, Fw:6, LQ:37, Ne:29, PA:19, Sg:+, V:+(3); vu:+
- The War and Treaty: Healing Tide (Strong World Entertainment) {11}: AS:12, LTL:17, RS_c:34, V:+(2); bg_u:10, nod:++, tl:10, tns:+
- Dan Weiss: Starebaby (Pi) {11}: JC:25, JT:21, RS_j:8, V:+(1); jhs:1, jmc:5 -- TH:B
- White Denim: Performance (City Slang) {11}: DJ:36, Dr:6, FB:22, Fp:30, LLV:24, Pc:21, RM:70, RT:75, V:+(1)
- Wild Nothing: Indigo (Captured Tracks) {11}: Am_s:20, ATH:21, NBH:22, OS:32, Pc:39, UR:19; pm_d:7, pm_p:4
- Alice in Chains: Rainier Fog (BMG) {10}: Crh:34, PR:4; an:1, lw_r:8 -- AM:158
- Atmosphere: Mi Vida Local (Rhymesayers) {10}: Am_h:11, HG:+, V:+(1); am_h:+, vcka:10 -- RC:**, TH:**
- Nik Bartsch's Ronin: Awase (ECM) {10}: JC:91; am_j:+, jgt:+, jjc:6, jjk:+, jmju:+ -- TH:A-
- Black Foxxes: Reiði (Spinefarm) {10}: Bq:+, DS:7, Pu:7, Ups:7 -- TH:B
- Blawan: Wet Will Always Dry (Ternesc) {10}: DJM:17, NPR:+, OTR:22, Qt:19, VF:15; am_e:+, ra:+
- Daniel Blumberg: Minus (Mute) {10}: Dr:25, LLV:84, On:14, RM:97, RT:6; sa:+ -- AM:109
- Bombino: Deran (Partisan) {10}: PO:+, V:+(1); am_i:+, vab:6 -- RC:***, TH:***
- Boston Manor: Welcome to the Neighbourhood (Pure Noise) {10}: Bq:`17, RkS:3, Ups:2
- Anna Burch: Quit the Curse (Polyvinyl) {10}: ABC:38, Bc:67, Sb:50, UR:93, V:+(4), YW:75; am_s:+, vrb:1
- Gouge Away: Burnt Sugar (Deathwish) {10}: Alt:29, Blr:26, Rev:9, Ups:20, V:+(1); av_k:+, tr_m:11
- John Hiatt: The Eclipse Sessions (New West) {10}: AS:22, Dag:20, LTL:5, V:+(1); am_s:+, xhs:13
- Hot Snakes: Jericho Sirens (Sub Pop) {10}: LCA:11, LLV:62, M_ha:31, Ms:26, RM:93, Sg:+, V:+(4); rut:13 -- AM:194, TH:B
- Ben Howard: Noonday Dream (Island) {10}: Bq:+, I:11, NBH:19, RM:42, Sb:+; am_f:+, rx:+, xr:+
- Jon Irabagon Quartet: Dr Quixotic's Traveling Exotics (Irabbagast) {10}: JC:28; jbm:35, jdt:+, jjm:+, jmc:+, jpa:9, tn:5 -- TH:**
- Ruston Kelly: Dying Star (New Rounder) {10}: AS:13, Ch:10, NS:25, RS_c:11, UpC:67, V:+(4); nod:+
- Eli Keszler: Stadium (Shelter Press) {10}: F;44, JC:+, Od:27, TMT:11, W:13; sa:+, wp:8 -- RM:114
- John Kruth & La Societa dei Musici: Forever Ago (Ars Spoletium) {10}: V:+(1); vcp:7, xjdc:25 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Masta Ace & Marco Polo: A Breukelen Story (Fat Beats) {10}: Al:41, Am_h:3, HG:15 -- TH:***
- HC McEntire: Lionheart (Merge) {10}: GTV:61, SC:+, Thr:18, Up:+, V:+(3); nod:+, vjcl:1
- Miss Red: KO (Pressure) {10}: DJM:45, No:28, PW:46, Qt:74, V:+(1), YW:29; am_e:+ -- TH:***
- Connan Mockasin: Jassbusters (Mexican Summer) {10}: Dr:89, E_US:+, Gw:23, NME:64, Pc:98, RT:39, Sb:+, U:33; pmc:+ -- AM:178
- Van Morrison and Joey DeFrancesco: You're Driving Me Crazy (Legacy) {10}: JC:+, PO:+, V:+(2); am_j:+, jz:+, vjt:9, vlb:3 -- TH:**
- Nas: Nasir (Mass Appeal/Def Jam -EP) {10}: Am_h:15, HG:17, PO:+, V:+(3); jeh:10 -- RC:*, TH:**
- Pig Destroyer: Head Cage (Relapse) {10}: Bc:30, BV:33, Db:10, Qt:51, Rev:13, V:+(4); lw_m:23
- Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs: King of Cowards (Rocket) {10}: C:29, Crh:30, Dr:97, Fp:96, Gw:51, MO:24, Pc:74, Qt:67, RM:29, RT:96
- Proc Fiskal: Insula (Hyperdub) {10}: PW:12, W:14, V:+(1), YW:40; am_e:+, pm_e:18 -- TH:**
- Bill Ryder-Jones: Yawn (Domino) {10}: FO:23, GTV:29, L4:15, LLV:54, NBH:47, Q:38, RM:41, Trk:15
- The Jamie Saft Quartet: Blue Dream (RareNoise) {10}: JC:80; jcd:+, jmc:2, ukv:3 -- TH:A-
- John Scofield: Combo 66 (Verve) {10}: JC:68, JT:24; jbm:2, jdc:+, jjk:+, p_j:2 -- TH:**
- Shannon Shaw: Shannon in Nashville (Easy Eye Sound/Nonesuch) {10}: Am_s:1, V:+(3); vbo:7 -- TH:***
- Matthew Shipp: Zero (ESP-Disk) {10}: JC:87; am_j:+, jadu:5, jeh:+, jnm:7, jtb:1 -- TH:*
- Esperanza Spalding: 12 Little Spells (Concord) {10}: JC:55, RS:49, V:+(2); jhs:9, ny_p:4, ny_u:4, valo:3 -- TH:B
- Chucho Valdes: Jazz Bata 2 (Mack Avenue) {10}: JC:+, V:+(2); jlb:6, jrsc:10, vcv:2, vjt:+ -- TH:***
- Fay Victor's SoundNoiseFunk: Wet Robots (ESP-Disk) {10}: CM:+, JC:+, V:+(1); jdt:+, jjm:+, jlre:4, vjm:7 -- TH:**
- Walking Distance: Freebird by Walking Distance Feat Jason Moran (Sunnyside) {10}: BIW:2, JC:+, bc_j:+, ny_u:17 -- TH:***
- Years & Years: Palo Santo (Polydor) {10}: Bq:+, I:23, LBF:34, NME:33, NR:41, PB:18, PCr:+, V:+(1); am_p:+
- 03 Greedo: The Wolf of Grape Street (Alamo) {9}: AV:+, BB:+, C:40, M_ha:41, PW:3; v_ab:9
- Ammar 808: Maghreb United (Glitterbeat) {9}: Bc:39, FR:20, NPR:39, PAM:28, V:+(1); sol:+, vcmj:1
- Anteloper: Kudu (International Anthem) {9}: Bc:78, BIW:39, JC:+, RS_j:17; pm_j:+, vjo:+ -- TH:**
- The Bad Plus: Never Stop II (Legbreaker) {9}: JC:66, RS:+, RS_j:1, V:+(1); jhs:10
- Blackberry Smoke: Find a Light (3 Legged) {9}: L:+, NPR:+, PR:18; am_k:+, pm_a:12, scm:+++
- The Body: I Have Fought Against It but I Can't Any Longer (Thrill Jockey) {9}: Eb:39, No:16, Qt:64, Rf_h:14, Rf_k:48, V:+(1); av_m:+
- Moses Boyd Exodus: Displaced Diaspora (Exodus) {9}: C:18, JC:+, V:+(1); stb:7, vamp:10 -- TH:***
- Calexico: The Thread That Keeps Us (Anti-) {9}: Fp:73, Mz:36, U:38, V:+(4); vbs:1, ves:10, vspt:6
- Children of Zeus: Travel Light (First Word) {9}: Bc:75, Mix:16, Pc:17, VF:32; cmp:1
- Chris Corsano/Bill Orcutt: Brace Up! (Palilalia) {9}: JC:+, PO:+, V:+(5), W:22; jfn:8, jtb:2, vbc:4
- The Coup: Sorry to Bother You: The Soundtrack (UMGRI Interscope) {9}: PO:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- CupcakKe: Eden (self-released) {9}: BV:37, BV_r:14 -- RC:***, TH:***
- Daphne & Celeste: Daphne & Celeste Save the World (Balatonic) {9}: MO:33, V:+(4); am_p:+, bg_j:2, vdcm:4, vksj:8, vmj:8 -- TH:B
- Django Django: Marble Skies (Ribbon) {9}: Crh:40, E_UK:+, Fp:47, Re:42, RT:48, UR:94, V:+(1); am_i:+, hmv:+
- Drakeo the Ruler: Cold Devil (Stinc Team -17) {9}: M_ha:24, PW:1, S:35; wp:2
- Kaja Draksler/Petter Eldh/Christian Lillinger: Punkt Vrt Plastik (Intakt) {9}: CM:23, JC:+; jmsc:4, jpm:+ -- TH:A-
- Jonathan Finlayson: 3 Times Round (Pi) {9}: JC:53; jbm:47, jjg:+, pm_j:+, vad:+ -- TH:A-
- Ghetts: Ghetto Gospel: The New Testament (GIIG) {9}: CX:11, Du:22, I:18, LQ:24, NME:78, So:25; cmp:9
- Westside Gunn: Supreme Blientele (Griselda) {9}: Cmp:42, DJB:27, HG:4, PW:25, V:+(2); vbcr:9
- Guttersnipe: My Mother the Vent (Upset the Rhythm) {9}: No:36, Qt:44, V:+(1), W:4; rs_a:5, vcw:9
- Eddie Henderson: Be Cool (Smoke Sessions) {9}: JC:95, V:+(1); jan:+, jbm:7, jz:+, p_j:7, vlb:9 -- TH:***
- Jose James: Lean on Me (Blue Note) {9}: JC:+, V:+(1); am_r:+, ct_j:3, vzl:1 -- TH:*
- Juice WRLD: Goodbye & Good Riddance (self-released) {9}: CX:19, GC:+; la_w:3, ny_c:3, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Mary Lattimore: Hundreds of Days (Ghostly International) {9}: Dr:70, Thr:34, U:49, V:+(3), VF:+; hmv:+, pm_b:6, vwh:7, xlr:+
- Jeffrey Lewis: Works by Tuli Kupferberg (1923-2010) (Don Giovanni) {9}: PO:+, V:+(1); vjte:9 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
- Maisha: There Is a Place (Brownswood) {9}: BIW:40, FB:80, JC:+, Mj:40, V:+(1); jcm:+, stb:6, ukv:15, vrg:+ -- TH:*
- Amber Mark: Conexao (PMR/Virgin EMI -EP) {9}: BB:+, EWi:+, V:+(1); got:+, vnf:8 -- RC:A-
- Metro Boomin: Not All Heroes Wear Capes (Republic) {9}: Cmp:40, DJB:37, GC:38, HDX:16, N:91; hhv:+, up_r:13, xxl:+
- Kikagaku Moyo: Masana Temples (Guruguru Brain) {9}: FB:53, Gf:26, Gw:21, Hi:38, V:+(6), VF:17; ton:+, vab:5
- Muncie Girls: Fixed Ideals (Buzz) {9}: DS:10, GTV:51, Pu:19, Ups:36, YW:73; av_k:+
- Wolfgang Muthspiel: Where the River Goes (ECM) {9}: JC:75, JT:30; am_j:+, jfkz+, jjk:+, jms:+, vmp_j:+ -- TH:**
- Nap Eyes: I'm Bad Now (Paradise of Bachelors) {9}: Dr:3, Hi:18, MO:47, P:+; am_i:+
- Kate Nash: Yesterday Was Forever (Girl Gang) {9}: PCr:+, V:+(1), YW:25; vdcm:3 -- TH:A-
- Tami Neilson: Sassafrass! (Outside Music) {9}: NZH:7, TNZ:7; ax:+ -- TH:**
- Nu Guinea: Nuova Napoli (NG) {9}: GB:24, Mix:24, On:26, OTR:2, Ro:18
- Octavian: Spaceman (Black Butter) {9}: Blr:28, Cl:22, DJB:31, Du:10, N:29, NME:79; cmp:6
- Evan Parker/Barry Guy/Paul Lytton: Music for David Mossman: Live at Vortex London (Intakt) {9}: JC:+, PO:+; jadu:2, jdt:+ -- TH:A-
- Dafnis Prieto Big Band: Back to the Sunset (Dafnison) {9}: JC:+; jbm:22, jdb:+, jlb:+, jmc:+, jtd:+ -- TH:***
- Roller Trio: New Devices (Edition) {9}: BIW:8, JC:+, JW:16; bc_j:+ -- TH:*
- Bobby Sanabria Manhattan Big Band: West Side Story: Reimagined (Jazzheads -2CD) {9}: JC:57, V:+(1); fd:3, jbm:24, jvv:+, jz:+, vcv:7, vjo:+ -- TH:B
- Steve Tibbetts: Life Of (ECM) {9}: JC:98, JT:29, V:+(2); am_j:+, vbb:8, vjc:+, vmw:10, wp:9 -- TH:*
- Frank Turner: Be More Kind (Xtra Mile) {9}: Bq:+, Pu:21, V:+(3); gl:++, nod:+, rx:+, ves:7, xr:+
- Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats: Wasteland (Rise Above) {9}: Db:7, FB:21, Gf:12, V:+(1); lw_m:5
- Carrie Underwood: Cry Pretty (Capitol Nashville) {9}: Nd:17, NS:20; am_c:+, av_c:+, p:10, sln:+, tns:+
- Jenny Wilson: Exorcism (Gold Metal) {9}: Noj:+, So:14, V:+(3); bg_j:10, vdcm:8, vmj:1
- Miguel Zenon: Yo Soy La Tradicion (Miel Music) {9}: JC:41, JT:10; jjm:+, vad:+ -- TH:***
- August Greene: August Greene (Fat Beats) {8}: HG:1, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- BC Camplight: Deportation Blues (Bella Union) {8}: Crh:7, RM:3, SR:17, Trk:39
- Belly: Dove (Belly Touring) {8}: ABC:27, HV:+, Mx:41, Sl:9, V:+(3); vaz:10
- Big Red Machine: Big Red Machine (People) {8}: FO:45, Ju:10, Mu:48, NBH:49, Ni:30, P:22, V:+(2)
- Jean-Michel Blais: Dans Ma Main (Arts & Crafts) {8}: AV:+, LCA:7, V:+(1); ex_x:3, vjc:7
- The Bottle Rockets: Bit Logic (Bloodshot) {8}: NS:30; am_k:+, bg_u:2, nod:+, scm:+, xjdc:47 -- TH:*
- Lando Chill: Black Ego (Mello Music Group) {8}: Bc:89, Mup:6, V:+(2); vbr:4 -- TH:*
- David Crosby: Here if You Listen (BMG) {8}: V:+(4); am_s:+, nod:+, vapw:8, vcr:2, vjt:6, vsh:5
- Dead Can Dance: Dionysus (PIAS) {8}: DVk:50, Fp:52, GTV:32, On:48, Ro:19, V:+(2); am_w:+
- Dear Nora: Skulls Example (Orindal) {8}: Sg:33, V:+(2); pm_i:1, vdh:1
- Djrum: Portrait With Firewood (R&S) {8}: DJM:9, GB:27, OTR:17; hhv:+, xlr:+
- Dr Octagon: Moosebumps: An Exploration Into Modern Day Horripilation (Bulk) {8}: ABC:32, Am_h:10, HG:+, V:+(1); am_h:+, vcca:10
- Evidence: Weather or Not (Rhymesayers) {8}: Am_h:2, DJB:41, HG:7
- Ezra Collective: Juan Pablo: The Philosopher (Enter the Jungle) {8}: FB:79, Pc:9; stb:1
- Flatbush Zombies: Vacation in Hell (Glorious Dead) {8}: HG:+, Up:+, V:+(1), YF:+; up_r:2 -- TH:***
- Satoko Fujii Orchestra Berlin: Ninety-Nine Years (Libra) {8}: JC:+, V:+(1); jsg:5, jvv:4 -- TH:**
- Gurrumul: Djarimirri (Skinny Fish Music) {8}: DJ:3; pm_v:3, pm_w:4
- Fred Hersch Trio: Live in Europe (Palmetto) {8}: JC:34, V:+(1); jdc:+, jdm:+, jfk:2, vahm:10 -- TH:**
- Will Hoge: My American Dream (EDLO) {8}: BS:19, RS_c:21; nod:+ -- RC:**, TH:**
- John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble: All Can Work (New Amsterdam) {8}: BIW:15, JC:+; bc_j:+, jjk:+, jjm:+, ny_u:18, vrg:+ -- TH:B
- Adam Hopkins: Crickets (Out of Your Head) {8}: CM:+, Oo:10; sa:+, tn:+ -- TH:**
- The James Hunter Six: Whatever It Takes (Daptone) {8}: ABC:12, Cpu:3; gl:++
- Immortal: Northern Chaos Gods (Nuclear Blast) {8}: Db:8, Ro:6, V:+(1); lw_m:29
- The Interrupters: Fight the Good Fight (Hellcat) {8}: Bq:+, Ms:36, Pu:24, Re:38, SR:29, V:+(1); hc_m:4
- Jeremih & Ty Dolla Sign: Mih-Ty (Def Jam) {8}: Cmp:32, Pf:41, S:22; hdx_r:3, rs_s:4 -- RM:146
- Jupiter & Okwess: Kin Sonic (Glitterbeat -17) {8}: V:+(3); ny_p:9, pm_w:1, vbr:2, vdme:7 -- TH:[**]
- Maxo Kream: Punken (TSO) {8}: AV:+, BV_r:16, DJB:26, F:45, Gf_N:29, N:85, V:+(1); ri:+
- Kyle: Light of Mine (Atlantic) {8}: Up:48 -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Michael Leonhart: The Painted Lady Suite (Sunnyside) {8}: JC:+; jbm:5, jjm:+, jjw:+, p_j:5, vrg:+
- Johan Lindstrom Septett: Music for Empty Halls (Moserobie) {8}: CM:22, JC:+; jeh:+, jgl:5 -- TH:***
- Loretta Lynn: Wouldn't It Be Great (Legacy) {8}: M_ha:30, NS:14; nod:+, pm_c:9, sg_c:9 -- TH:**
- Mahobin: Live at Big Apple in Kobe (Libra) {8}: V:+(1); jadu:4, jeh:5, vahm:8 -- TH:**
- Megan Thee Stallion: Tina Snow (SoSouth) {8}: Atl:20, V:+(2); pf_r:+, vhg:2, vtl:3
- Francois Moutin & Kavita Shah Duo: Interplay (Dot Time) {8}: JC:83; jbm:4, p_j:4 -- TH:***
- Marissa Nadler: For My Crimes (Sacred Bones) {8}: Al:45, Bc:93, BV:35, LLV:75, Sb:+, Trk:34, V:+(1); nod:+
- Thiago Nassif: Tres (Foom) {8}: -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Willie Nelson: My Way (Legacy) {8}: JC:+, V:+(1); cmt:+, vjt:4 -- RC:*, TH:**
- Emilie Nicolas: Tranquile Emile (Warner Music Norway) {8}: Dv:6, Gf_N:4 -- AM:195
- Pendant: Make Me Know You Sweet (West Mineral) {8}: F:2, TMT:14; ra:+ -- RM:143
- Bobby Previte: Rhapsody (RareNoise) {8}: BIW:1, JC:51; bc_j:+, jbm:44 -- TH:B
- R+R=Now: Collagically Speaking (Blue Note) {8}: V:+(1); am_j:+, gl:++, jz:+, stb:8, valo:10, vmp_j:8 -- TH:B
- Salad Boys: This Is Glue (Trouble in Mind) {8}: ATH:4, FB:85, V:+(1); vjk:3
- Senyawa: Sujud (Sublime Frequencies) {8}: FB:90, No:32, Qt:22, V:+(2), W:7; vpf:10
- Amy Shark: Love Monster (Wonderkick Entertainment) {8}: Id:10, V:+(1); bsd:+, hc_m:1
- Susana Santos Silva: All the Rivers: Live at Panteao Nacional (Clean Feed) {8}: JC:89; j_p:+, jdt:+, jsg:9, jtd:5 -- TH:**
- Skeletonwitch: Devouring Radiant Light (Prosthetic) {8}: Db:6, Hi:27, Mx:16, V:+(1); av_m:+
- Sly & Robbie Meet Nils Petter Molvaer Feat Eivind Aarset and Vladislav Delay: Nordub (Okeh) {8}: PO:9 -- TH:A-
- Rejjie Snow: Dear Annie (300) {8}: DJB:45, FO:48, HP:4, NME:49; jc:6
- Soap & Skin: From Gas to Solid/You Are My Friend (PIAS) {8}: Mu:6, Ro:4 -- AM:156
- Spanish Love Songs: Schmaltz (A-F) {8}: Alt:31, Ch:8, Pu:3, V:+(1)
- The Spook School: Could It Be Different? (Slumberland) {8}: Am_s:43, ATH:12, Hi:35, V:+(1), YW:12; pm_i:10
- State Champs: Living Proof (Pure Noise) {8}: Bq:+, Pu:5, RkS:17, Ups:38
- Jason Stein's Locksmith Isidore: After Caroline (Northern Spy) {8}: CM:+, JC:+; jgl:7, jtb:9 -- TH:A-
- St Vincent: Masseduction (Loma Vista -17) {8}: Cl:36, E_UK:+, Noj:2, Sb:39; v_cw:18 -- TH:A-
- Richard Swift: The Hex (Secretly Canadian) {8}: Mg:18, OS:30, P:38, V:+(4); valo:8, vrg:2
- Tangents: New Bodies (Temporary Residence) {8}: No:3, PM:20, V:+(2); am_j:+
- Teleman: Family of Aliens (Moshi Moshi) {8}: Fp:15, GTV:85, RM:98, Trk:7; am_i:+
- Tomb Mold: Manor of Infinite Forms (20 Buck Spin) {8}: Db:17, Od:43, Rev:19, V:+(3); jhs:8, tr_m:15
- Sidi Toure: Toubalbero (Thrill Jockey) {8}: PO:+, YW:45; am_w:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
- Trouble & Mike Will Made It: Edgewood (Eardruma/Interscope) {8}: BS:18, HNH:6, N:79, S:45; pm_h:6
- Underoath: Erase Me (Fearless) {8}: BB:+, Ch:25, Rev:28, RkS:16, Ups:45, V:+(2); vcpa:10
- Valee: GOOD Job You Found Me (GOOD Music/Def Jam -EP) {8}: HNH:24, PW:10, V:+(1); ct:14 -- TH:**
- Greta Van Fleet: Anthem of the Peaceful Army (Republic) {8}: NM:76, PR:8, V:+(3); an:3, lw_r:19 -- Mc:53, AM:188
- Laura Veirs: The Lookout (Raven Marching Band) {8}: Al:40, Fp:67, Mj:58, MO:25, No:40, RM:78, U:48; am_f:+
- Voivod: The Wake (Century Media) {8}: Db:13, Tr:38, V:+(4); jhs:3, xce:5
- 03 Greedo: God Level (Alamo) {7}: Cmp:35, DJB:46, N:15, S:31; av_h:+ -- RM:130
- Gaye Su Akyol: Isrikrarli Hayal Hakikattir (Glitterbeat) {7}: 405:17, FR:11, W:45; pm_w:8, xpb:+
- Angles 3: Parede (Clean Feed) {7}: JC:+; j_p:8, tn:8 -- TH:A-
- Shinichi Atobe: Heat (DDS) {7}: C:15, OTR:7, VF:42; ra:+
- Audiobooks: Now! (in a Minute) (Heavenly) {7}: BV:50, LQ:7, Qt:9
- James Bay: Electric Light (Republic) {7}: BB:+, Bq:+, Nd:22, PCr:+, V:+(1); am_p:+
- Benny the Butcher: Tana Talk 3 (Griselda) {7}: DJB:44, HG:3, PW:25; pf_r:+
- Nat Birchall: Cosmic Language (Jazzman) {7}: JW:10; ukv:6 -- TH:***
- Body/Head: The Switch (Matador) {7}: V:+(4)W:9; vbc:1
- Boy Pablo: Soy Pablo (U OK?) {7}: Gf_N:9, Noj:4
- Jakob Bro: Bay of Rainbows (ECM) {7}: BIW:21, JC:+, V:+(1); jjk:+, vbb:10 -- TH:**
- Chris Carter: Chris Carter's Chemistry Lessons Vol 1 (Mute) {7}: Dr:81, Mj:43, Qt:17, RT:73; bl:5
- City Girls: Period (Quality Control) {7}: F:31, N:28, PW:20, RS_r:26, V:+(2); xce:8 -- TH:B
- Oliver Coates: Shelley's on Zenn-La (RVNG Intl) {7}: Dr:24, LQ:10, Mix:30, RM:57, V:+(1)
- Cowboy Junkies: All That Reckoning (Latent) {7}: Fp:76, RM:74, U:19; nod:+, sjm:3
- Alela Diane: Cusp (Allpoints) {7}: Mc:+, NPR:+, OS:27, Up:+, V:+(1); vapw:5 -- Mc:87
- Dos Santos: Logos (International Anthem) {7}: BIW:11, FB:92, JC:+, V:+(1); bc_j:+ -- TH:*
- Dave Douglas Quintet: Brazen Heart: Live at Jazz Standard: Saturday (Greenleaf Music) {7}: JC:+; jdt:+, jfk:4 -- TH:***
- Mia Dyberg Trio: Ticket! (Clean Feed) {7}: BIW:48, CM:28, JC:+; tn:6 -- TH:***
- Anderson East: Encore (Low Country Sound/Elektra) {7}: Cpu:9, PM:+, V:+(1); am_f:+, cmt:+, nod:+
- Brian Fallon: Sleepwalkers (Island) {7}: Bq:+, Ch:9, EW:+; hc_m:2
- Fatima: And Yet It's All Love (Eglo) {7}: OTR:25, Pc:46, VF;4; ra:+
- Fire!: The Hands (Rune Grammofon) {7}: RM:9; jgl:8, jss:6 -- TH:**
- Franz Ferdinand: Always Ascending (Domino) {7}: Bq:+, DJ:46, Fp:79, GTV:57, Mz:41, UR:60 -- AM:200
- Satoko Fujii/Joe Fonda: Mizu (Long Song) {7}: JC:92; jjsh:+, jno:6, vjo:+ -- TH:***
- Satoko Fujii: Solo (Libra) {7}: JC:31; jdm:+, jha:6, jtb:5 -- TH:**
- Gift of Gab: Rejoice! Rappers Are Rapping Again! (Giftstribution Unlimited -EP) {7}: -- RC:***, TH:A-
- Gabe Gurnsey: Physical (Phantasy Sound/PIAS) {7}: LQ:8, Ni:22, Qt:36, RT:33; bb6:6
- Rich Halley 3: The Literature (Pine Eagle) {7}: JC:97; jdm:+, jjm:+ -- TH:A-
- Hatchie: Sugar & Spice (Heavenly -EP) {7}: Bc:17, UR:36, V:+(3); np:1
- Carlos Henriquez: Dizzy Con Clave: Live From Dizzy's Club Coca Cola (RodBros Music) {7}: JC:+; jbm:10, jjm:+, p_j:10 -- TH:***
- Kristin Hersh: Possible Dust Clouds (Fire) {7}: MO:26, No:38, Pc:97, RT:71, V:+(1); vksj:2
- Imperial Triumphant: Vile Luxury (Gilead Media) {7}: Ne:43, On:48, Rf_h:19, V:+(1); ex_m:9, tr_m:10
- The Jayhawks: Back Roads and Abandoned Motels (Legacy) {7}: Fp:81, Mz:20; nod:+, pm_a:5, rut:14 -- TH:B
- Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis: Una Noche Con Ruben Blades (Blue Engine) {7}: V:+(3); jeh:d8, jz:+, vcv:3 -- TH:**
- Roy Kinsey: Blackie (Not Normal) {7}: Mup:4 -- TH:***
- The Lemon Twigs: Go to School (4AD) {7}: Eb:42, U:36, V:+(2); sd:7, tms:+, vbs:2
- Christian Lillingers Grund: Cor (Plaist Music) {7}: JC:+; jadu:7, jmsc:1, jpm:2
- Lithics: Mating Surfaces (Kill Rock Stars) {7}: CM:46, FB:56, Mup:38, V:+(1) -- TH:***
- Roc Marciano: Behold a Dark Horse (Marci) {7}: DJB:47, HG:23, RS_r:29, V:+(2); pf_r:+, vbcr:4
- Mastersystem: Dance Music (Physical Education) {7}: ABC:21, N:76, NME:55, RT:17, Sk:30, UR:71
- Nellie McKay: Sister Orchid (Palmetto) {7}: V:+(2); nod:+, vdcm:5, vjb:6 -- TH:**
- Mike and the Moonpies: Steak Night at the Prairie Rose (self-released) {7}: LTL:18, RS_c:17; am_c:+, scm:+++
- Tony Molina: Kill the Lights (Slumberland) {7}: ATH:1, Noj:39, V:+(1)
- Mol: Jord (Holy Roar) {7}: 405:20, L:+, Pu:11, Sg:+; lw_m:19
- Ohmme: Parts (Joyful Noise) {7}: S:32, V:+(3), YF:+; ct:17, pm_k:8 -- TH:**
- Old Crow Medicine Show: Volunteer (Columbia Nashville) {7}: PM:58, V:+(1); am:+, am_f:+, pm_a:11, scm:+ -- TH:*
- Pariah: Here From Where We Are (Houndstooth) {7}: DJM:3, Mix:32, OTR:50; bl:9
- Ryan Porter: The Optimist (World Galaxy/Alpha Pup) {7}: Bc:20, JC:+, PW:31, V:+(1); vgt:8, vmp_j:+
- Noah Preminger: Genuinity (Criss Cross) {7}: JC:93; jjm:+, jrsc:2, pm_j:+ -- TH:**
- Stephanie Richards: Fullmoon (Relative Pitch) {7}: JC:+; jlre:1, vjc:+ -- TH:**
- Rufus Du Sol: Reprise (Warner Music) {7}: BB:45, Mix:27; bb_d:1, ju:+, mmg:+
- Akira Sakata & Chikamorachi With Masahiko Satoh: Proton Pump (Family Vineyard) {7}: JC:+, V:+(1); jfn:7, jtd:6 -- TH:***
- Andy Sheppard Quartet: Romaria (ECM) {7}: JC:+, V:+(1); am_j:+, vab:1 -- TH:*
- Matthew Shipp Quartet: Sonic Fiction (ESP-Disk) {7}: JC:69, V:+(1); jbm:39, jgm:8, jjg:6 -- TH:**
- SiR: November (Top Dawg) {7}: AV:+, Cmp:43, DJB:23, RS:+, Up:+; av_p:+, vib:+
- Luciana Souza: The Book of Longing (Sunnyside) {7}: JC:76; am_j:+, jjm:+, jz:+, pm_j:+ -- TH:**
- Bruce Springsteen: Springsteen on Broadway (Columbia -2CD) {7}: V:+(1); xhs:+ -- RC:A
- Bobo Stenson Trio: Contra La Indecision (ECM) {7}: JC:54, JW:16; am_j:+, jdm:+
- John Surman: Invisible Threads (ECM) {7}: JC:+, V:+(1); am_j:+, jjk:+, vjo:6 -- TH:***
- Suuns: Felt (Secretly Canadian) {7}: Gw:45, Ju:1 -- AM:189
- Steve Swell: Music for Six Musicians: Hommage A Olivier Messiaen (Silkheart) {7}: JC:39, V:+(1); vlb:2 -- TH:***
- Aaron Lee Tasjan: Karma for Cheap (New West) {7}: AS:17, RS_c:31, V:+(1); nod:+, vzl:5
- The Thing: Again (Trost/The Thing) {7}: JC:+, PO:+; tn:9 -- TH:A-
- Mark Turner/Ethan Iverson: Temporary Kings (ECM) {7}: JC:40, JW:13; jfk:10, vjc:+ -- TH:**
- The Vaccines: Combat Sports (Columbia) {7}: Bq:10, G:+; owh:+, rx:+, xr:+
- David S Ware Trio: The Balance (Vision Festival XV+) (AUM Fidelity) {7}: CM:+, JC_r:+; jmsc:8, tn:+ -- TH:***
- Warmduscher: Whale City (The Leaf Label) {7}: FO:39, Ju:13, LLV:63, Qt:79, RM:100, RT:57
- Waterparks: Entertainment (Equal Vision) {7}: Bq:+, Rk:S:5, Ups:17
- Sam Wilkes: Wilkes (Leaving) {7}: AV:15, PW:48, V:+(1); pm_b:1
- Wreckless Eric: Construction Time & Demolition (Southern Domestic) {7}: -- RC:A-, TH:***
- The Xcerts: Hold on to Your Heart (Raygun) {7}: Bq:+, M_ha:19, Pu:15, RkS:24, Ups:26 -- TH:B
- XXXtentacion: ? (Best Vibes Forever) {7}: Cmp:+, CX:8, HNH:29; jc:9, xxl:+
- Zuli: Terminal (UIQ) {7}: PAM:13, Qt:71, W:2
- Aceyalone & DJ Fat Jack: 43rd & Excellence (That Kind of Music) {6}: V:+(1); vao:9 -- TH:A-
- Anguish: Anguish (RareNoise) {6}: V:+(1); jgl:+, vmp_j:4 -- TH:**
- Art Brut: Wham! Bang! Pow! Let's Rock Out (Alcopop!) {6}: Bq:+, EWi:44, GMg:30, YW:21 -- TH:**
- Bad Luck: Four (Origin) {6}: jgm:7, jnm:2 -- TH:***
- Alice Bag: Blueprint (Don Giovanni) {6}: NPR:44, PO:+, V:+(1); am:+, am_i:+ -- TH:*
- Baloji: 137 Avenue Kaniama (Bella Union) {6}: PAM:29; bb6:+, pam_r: -- TH:***
- Basement: Beside Myself (Fueled by Ramen) {6}: Bq:+, RkS:19, Ups:8
- Rayland Baxter: Wide Awake (ATO) {6}: BS:16, LLV:59, Sb:+, V:+(1); am_s:+
- Blocks & Escher: Something Blue (Metalheadz) {6}: DJM:5, Mix:45, Qt:41
- Daniel Brandt: Channels (Erased Tapes) {6}: Hi:2, No:35, RM:26
- Cancer Bats: The Spark That Moves (Batskull/New Damage) {6}: Ex:+, Pu:2, Ups:28
- Dillon Carmichael: Hell on an Angel (Riser House) {6}: RS_c:38; nod:+, scm:+++ -- TH:*
- Jennifer Castle: Angels of Death (Paradise of Bachelors) {6}: Ex:+, V:+(1); ex_c:2, nod:+, ts:+
- Chloe x Halle: The Kids Are Alright (Parkwood/Columbia) {6}: PO:25; asp:5, ti:+ -- TH:**
- Chromeo: Head Over Heels (Last Gang) {6}: V:+(1); vmd:8 -- TH:A-
- Cult Leader: A Patient Man (Deathwish) {6}: Pu:18, Rev:11, Rf_h:32; ex_m:7
- Tim Daisy's Fulcrum Ensemble: Animation (Relay) {6}: BIW:37, JC:+; jtb:8 -- TH:***
- Lucrecia Dalt: Anticlines (RVNG Intl) {6}: Qt:76, VF:48; av_e:+, hhv:+, pm_v:13, ra:+
- Josephine Davies' Satori: In the Corners of Clouds (Whirlwind) {6}: CM:+, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Demdike Stare: Passion (Modern Love) {6}: DJM:27, V:+(2), VF:27; am_e:+, ra:+, sa:+
- Drug Church: Cheer (Pure Noise) {6}: Alt:10, Pu:17, Sg:48
- Jason Eady: I Travel On (Old Guitar) {6}: scm:+++ -- TH:***
- Orrin Evans and the Captain Black Big Band: Presence (Smoke Sessions) {6}: CM:+, JC:64; jeh:+, jrsc:1 -- TH:B
- Failure: In the Future Your Body Will Be the Furthest Thing From Your Mind (Failure) {6}: ABC:19, Mx:4
- The Field: Infinite Moment (Kompakt) {6}: No:50, Noj:+, OS:47; av_e:+, hmv:+, xlr:+
- Catrin Finch & Seckou Keita: Soar (Bendigedig) {6}: FR:1; sol:+
- Miya Folick: Premonitions (Terrible/Interscope) {6}: 405:45, I:36, V:+(2), WHP:17; np:8
- Forth Wanderers: Forth Wanderers (Sub Pop) {6}: DT:19, Fld:19, Sg:+; pf_k:+
- James Francies: Flight (Blue Note) {6}: JC:+, V:+(1); jvv:+, vmp_j:3, vmw:7 -- TH:B
- Free Cake for Every Creature: The Bluest Star (Double Double Whammy) {6}: RS:30, RSh:3, V:+(1)
- Full Blast: Rio (Trost) {6}: JC:+, PO:+; tn:3 -- TH:***
- Freddie Gibbs: Freddie (ESGN/Empire -EP) {6}: Blr:22, HG:+, N:48, PO:+ -- TH:**
- Marshall Gilkes/WDR Big Band: Always Forward (Alternate Side) {6}: JC:+, JT:34; jbm:23, jdb:1
- Devin Gray: Dirigo Rataplan II (Rataplan) {6}: JC:+; jdt:+, jpa:7 -- TH:***
- Keiji Haino & Sumac: American Dollar Bill: Keep Facing Sideways You're Too Hideous to Look at Face On (Thrill Jockey) {6}: Rf_h:48, V:+(2); rs_a:+, vcw:3
- Mary Halvorson/Bill Frisell: The Maid With the Flaxen Hair (Tzadik) {6}: JC:59, Rdx:35; jbm:20, jfk:9, jjm:+, jpm:10
- Stefon Harris + Blackout: Sonic Creed (Motema) {6}: JC:30, JT:22; ct_j:5, jdb:+, jeh:+ -- TH:B-
- Juliana Hatfield: Juliana Hatfield Sings Olivia Newton-John (American Laundromat) {6}: Al:29, EWi:+, V:+(3); am_s:+, vshg:4
- Hieroglyphic Being: The Red Notes (Soul Jazz) {6}: Dr:27, PM:+; am_e:+ -- TH:***
- High on Fire: Electric Messiah (Entertainment One) {6}: Rev:15, V:+(2); av_m:+, lw_m:16, tr_m:22
- Horrendous: Idol (Season of Mist) {6}: Db:28, Ne:19, Rev:24, V:+(1); tr_m:6
- Juan Ibarra Quinteto: NauMay (self-released) {6}: BIW:10, JC:+; bc_j:+ -- TH:*
- Ill Considered: Ill Considered 3 (self-released) {6}: BIW:45; ukv:8 -- TH:A-
- Illuminati Hotties: Kiss Yr Frenemies (Tiny Engines) {6}: Alt:37, Ex:+, Sg:19, V:+(3); npr_m:+
- International Music: Die Besten Jahre (Staatsakt) {6}: Mu:1 -- AM:169
- Shooter Jennings: Shooter (Elektra) {6}: RS_c:30, V:+(2); am_c:+, nod:+, vdg:5
- Myles Kennedy: Year of the Tiger (Napalm) {6}: L:+, PR:14; lw_r:1
- Khalid: Suncity (Right Hand Music Group -EP) {6}: Ps:15 -- RC:***, TH:*
- Khemmis: Desolation (20 Buck Spin/Nuclear Blast) {6}: Db:9, FB:28, PM:+; tr_m:13
- King Tuff: The Other (Sub Pop) {6}: P:+, Pc:89, Sb:+, Up:+, V:+(1); gl:++
- Kira Kira: Bright Force (Libra) {6}: JC:90; jlre:7 -- TH:A-
- Peter Kuhn Trio: Intention (FMR) {6}: JC:+; jdt:+ -- TH:A-
- Lake Street Dive: Free Yourself Up (Nonesuch) {6}: BB:+, V:+(1); bh:7, pm_p:10, vjb:5
- Ravyn Lenae: Crush (Atlantic -EP) {6}: HV:19, Noj:29; got:+, key:7 -- TH:*
- Jinx Lennon: Grow a Pair!!! (Septic Tiger) {6}: PO:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
- Hubert Lenoir: Darlene (Simone) {6}: LCA:9, V:+(2); ts:+, vti:6
- LFU [Lisbon Freedom Unit]: Praise of Our Folly (Clean Feed) {6}: PO:+; j_p:+ -- TH:A-
- Chris Lightcap: Superette (The Royal Potato Family) {6}: JC:+, JT:39, V:+(1); am_j:+, vrg:10 -- TH:*
- Lolina: The Smoke (self-released) {6}: TMT:3, V:+(1); pf_x:+
- Loma: Loma (Sub Pop) {6}: ATH:45, E_UK:+, Mg:24, UR:16, V:+(1)
- Lord Huron: Vide Noir (Republic) {6}: BV:48, Ch:22, GTV:30, Up:+, V:+(1); ves:8
- Luluc: Sculptor (Sub Pop) {6}: RM:99, V:+(1); am:+, am_f:+, vpbl:3
- The Maghreban: 01deas (R&S) {6}: OTR:5, PAM:17
- The Magpie Salute: High Water I (Eagle) {6}: PR:6, Trk:24, V:+(1); vdg:7
- Kate McGarry/Keith Ganz/Gary Versace: The Subject Tonight Is Love (Binxtown) {6}: JC:+; jdb:10, jmc:+, jjw:+ -- TH:**
- Metric: Art of Doubt (BMG) {6}: DS:11, Up:45, V:+(1); gc:+, ts:+
- Joakim Milder/Fredrik Ljungkvist/Mathias Landraeus/Filip Augustson/Fredrik Rundkvist: The Music of Anders Garstedt (Moserobie) {6}: JC:+ -- TH:A
- Parker Millsap: Other Arrangements (Okrahoma) {6}: ax:+, nod:+, pm_a:9, scm:+, so:+ -- TH:*
- Aidan Moffat & RM Hubbert: Here Lies the Body (Rock Action) {6}: GTV:16, Qt:33, Sk:6
- Molly Tigre: Molly Tigre (Very Special) {6}: -- RC:***, TH:***
- Alicia Hall Moran: Here Today (Yes -17) {6}: JC:+, JT:32, V:+(1); vmw:1
- Mozzy: Gangland Landlord (Mozzy/Empire) {6}: Atl:6, N:53, V:+(1); vhg:6
- Murs: A Strange Journey Into the Unimaginable (Strange Music) {6}: HG:+, V:+(1); ves:9 -- TH:***
- Muse: Simulation Theory (Warner Bros) {6}: Gw:27, NME:70; am_k:+, lw_r:11, v_cw:15, xr:+
- Old Man Saxon: The Pursuit (Pusher -EP) {6}: CM:32, V:+(1); vnf:3, xrt:+ -- TH:*
- Rita Ora: Phoenix (Atlantic) {6}: Id:16; am_p:+, mj_v:7, rs_p:14, tms:+
- Doug Paisley: Starter Home (No Quarter) {6}: RS_c:29, So:17; got:+, nap:+, nod:+
- Panopticon: The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness Part I and II (Nordvis) {6}: Bc:92, Db:40, Hi:8, Qt:21; av_m:+, tr_m:14
- Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Oneness (Leo -3CD) {6}: JC:+; jmc:3 -- TH:***
- Petal: Magic Gone (Run for Cover) {6}: Alt:40, Blr:25, Ups:9, V:+(2)
- Gretchen Peters: Dancing With the Beast (Scarlet Letter) {6}: LTL:15, V:+(1); bsd:+, nod:+, vamp:6
- Chris Pitsiokos CP Unit: Silver Bullet in the Autumn of Your Years (Clean Feed) {6}: CM:41, JC:+; j_p:12, tn:10 -- TH:**
- Popcaan: Forever (Mixpak) {6}: Cmp:41, E_UK:+, N:65, PAM:21 -- TH:**
- Pram: Across the Meridian (Domino) {6}: Rf_h:9; bg_j:5, vmj:7
- Princess Nokia: A Girl Cried Red (Rough Trade -EP) {6}: Pc:81, PO:+ -- RC:B+, TH:*
- The Prodigy: No Tourists (BMG) {6}: Crh:38, NME:48, NZH:20, TNZ:20
- Gwenifer Raymond: You Never Were Much of a Dancer (Tompkins Square) {6}: RM:37, V:+(1), YW:71; g_e:9, vjh:3
- Remember Sports: Slow Buzz (Father/Daughter) {6}: Alt:44, RSh:6, V:+(1), YW:69
- Restorations: LP5000 (Tiny Engines) {6}: ATH:14, UpC:82, V:+(1); npr_m:+, ves:6
- Rudy Royston: Flatbed Buggy (Greenleaf Music) {6}: BIW:43, JC:81; jbm:11 -- TH:***
- Javier Santiago: Phoenix (Ropeadope) {6}: JC:+, V:+(1); vad:9, vmp_j:1 -- TH:B
- Santigold: I Don't Want: The Gold Fire Sessions (Downtown) {6}: E_UK:+, NZH:16, PO:+, TNZ:16, V:+(1)
- Alexander von Schlippenbach/Globe Unity Orchestra: Globe Unity - 50 Years (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jdt:+ -- TH:A-
- Trygve Seim: Helsinki Songs (ECM) {6}: am_j:+, jjk:+, ukv:13 -- TH:***
- Shy Glizzy: Fully Loaded (300 Entertainment) {6}: Atl:4, V:+(1); vhg:4
- Lucie Silvas: EGO (Furthest Point/Thirty Tigers) {6}: Nd:3; bsb:+, cmt:+
- Skyzoo: In Celebration of Us (First Generation Rich/Empire) {6}: ABC:30, Ex:+, HG:8, V:+(1)
- Smashing Pumpkins: Shiny and Oh So Bright Vol 1/LP: No Past No Future No Sun (Napalm) {6}: Fp:50, Sb:+; am_k:+, an:5, lw_r:30
- The Soft Moon: Criminal (Sacred Bones) {6}: Btz:45, Rev:7, Rf_h:47, Rf_k:40
- Martial Solal: My One and Only Love: Live at Theater Gutersloh (Intuition) {6}: JC:77; jdb:4 -- TH:***
- Space Afrika: Somewhere Decent to Live (Sferic) {6}: F:25, LQ:12, PW:22, Re:39; xlr:+
- St Lenox: Ten Fables of Young Ambition and Passionate Love (Anyway) {6}: PM:43, V:+(1); am_i:+, vma:1
- Anna St Louis: If Only There Was a River (Woodsist/Mare) {6}: Dr:73, Pc:92, RM:90, Trk:11; am_f:+
- St Paul and the Broken Bones: Young Sick Camellia (Records) {6}: Mx:50, PM:19, V:+(2); nod:+, vdg:6
- Sudan Archives: Sink (Stones Throw) {6}: M_37, PW:33, V:+(1), VF:+; vgt:4
- Kevin Sun: Trio (Ectomorph Music) {6}: JC:+; vjo:+ -- TH:A-
- Tonight Alive: Underworld (UNFD/Hopeless) {6}: Bq:+, RkS:29, Ups:27, V:+(1); vgm:4
- Trio HLK: Standard Time (Ubuntu) {6}: BIW:17; bc_j:+ -- TH:***
- Ken Vandermark [Marker]: Roadwork 1/Roadwork 2/Homework 1 (Audiographic -3CD) {6}: fj:+, jgl:6, jkp:1, jnm:6
- VWCR [Ken Vandermark/Nate Wooley/Sylvie Courvoisier/Tom Rainey]: Noise of Our Time (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jjsh:+ -- TH:A-
- Jamie Lin Wilson: Jumping Over Rocks (self-released) {6}: bsd:+, scm:+++ -- TH:**
- Hilary Woods: Colt (Sacred Bones) {6}: Bc:34, F:26, LLV:33, Mup:34, RM:30, V:+(1)
- 3hattrio: Lord of the Desert (Okehdokee) {5}: V:+(1); xce:3 -- TH:**
- 700 Bliss: Spa 700 (Halcyon Veil/Don Giovanni -EP) {5}: NPR:47, Qt:42; pf_x:+ -- TH:**
- Abhi the Nomad: Marbled (Tommy Boy) {5}: YW:15 -- TH:***
- Christina Aguilera: Liberation (RCA) {5}: Cos:+, Id:14, PCr:+, V:+(1); rs_p:17
- Joey Alexander: Eclipse (Motema) {5}: JC:+; jbm:31, jrsc:12 -- TH:**
- Arild Andersen: In-House Science (ECM) {5}: JC:84 -- TH:A-
- Ray Angry: One (JMI) {5}: JC:+, RS_j:9; jhs:+
- Archivist & Fugal: Undertow (Bleed -EP) {5}: YW:9 -- TH:**
- Arp: Zebra (MexicanSummer/Kemado) {5}: Dr:78, Fw:20, VF:41; am_e:+
- As It Is: The Great Depression (Fearless) {5}: Bq:+, RkS:7, Ups:30
- Asleep at the Wheel: New Routes (Bismeaux) {5}: V:+(2); vjb:8, vpbl:4 -- TH:*
- Avantgardet: Alla Kanner Apan (Avantgardet) {5}: Noj:+, So:5
- Baco Exu Do Blues: Bluesman (self-released) {5}: V:+(1); xrt:2 -- TH:**
- Dmitry Baevsky/Jeb Patton: We Two (Jazz & People) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Joan Baez: Whistle Down the Wind (Bobolink/Razor & Tie) {5}: Fp:42, RS:+, V:+(1); am_f:+, art:+
- Bali Baby: Resurrection (TWIN -EP) {5}: -- RC:B+, TH:**
- Bambara: Shadow on Everything (Wharf Cat) {5}: FB:6, Tr:33, V:+(1)
- Barker: Debiasing (Ostgut Ton -EP) {5}: F:4; xlr:+
- Jon Batiste: Hollywood Africans (Verve) {5}: V:+(1); fd:+, vjp:6, vjso:10 -- TH:*
- Beartooth: Disease (Red Bull) {5}: Pu:6, RkS:25; lw_r:18
- The Bevis Frond: We're Your Friends Man (Fire) {5}: Mg:1
- Bhad Bhabie: 15 (BHAD Music) {5}: V:+(1), YW:26; vdcm:9 -- TH:**
- Blueprint: Two-Headed Monster (Weightless) {5}: HG:+ -- TH:A-
- Martin Blume/Tobias Delius/Achim Kaufmann/Dieter Manderscheid: Frames & Terrains (NoBusiness) {5}: JC:+; jcg:3 -- TH:**
- Benjamin Boone/Philip Levine: The Poetry of Jazz (Origin) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Don Broco: Technology (Nuclear Blast) {5}: Bq:+, RkS:2
- Owen Broder: Heritage: The American Roots Project (ArtistShare) {5}: JC:+; fd:5, jfk:+, jjw:+ -- TH:B
- The Brother Brothers: Some People I Know (Compass) {5}: V:+(1); nod:++, pm_f:19, scm:++
- Justin Brown: Nyeusi (Biophilia) {5}: JC:+, V:+(2); ny_u:10, vjg:7, vrg:8 -- TH:B-
- The Caretaker: Everywhere at the End of Time - Stage 4 (History Always Favours the Winners) {5}: Qt:45, TMT:26, V:+(2); pm_v:7, xlr:+
- Caroline Says: No Fool Like an Old Fool (Western Vinyl) {5}: ATH:43, GB:10, Sg:+
- Olivia Chaney: Shelter (Nonesuch) {5}: FR:7; am_f:+, am_s:+
- Kenny Chesney: Songs for the Saints (Blue Chair/Parlophone/Warner Bros) {5}: RS_c:28; am_c:+, scm:+, scm_m:6, tns:+
- Chicago Farmer: Quarter Past Tonight (self-released) {5}: GMg:42 -- RC:A-
- Anat Cohen/Fred Hersch: Live in Healdsburg (Anzic) {5}: BIW:31; bc_j:+, jdb:+, jgt:+ -- TH:*
- Brandon Coleman: Resistance (Brainfeeder) {5}: JC:+, Mup:16, PW:37; am_j:+
- Max Cooper: One Hundred Billion Sparks (MESH) {5}: DJM:10, Mix:33, Trk:37
- Shemekia Copeland: America's Child (Alligator) {5}: Cpu:16; am_b:+, nod:+, pm_a:15
- The Coral: Move Through the Dawn (Ignition) {5}: GTV:64, Gw:19; rx:+, xr:+
- Roxy Coss: The Future Is Female (Posi-Tone) {5}: JC:63, V:+(1); jha:2, vmw:8 -- TH:B
- Charley Crockett: Lonesome as a Shadow (Son of Davy) {5}: V:+(1); am_c:+, pm_a:17, scm:+, vdf:6
- Cut Worms: Hollow Ground (Jagjaguwar) {5}: P:+, Sb:+, V:+(3); vpg:2
- Roger Daltrey: As Long as I Have You (Polydor) {5}: RC:17, V:+(1); am_k:+, vdg:9
- Eddie Daniels: Heart of Brazil (Resonance) {5}: JC:73, PO:+, V:+(1); jan:10, jdb:6
- D Double E: Jackuum (Bluku Music) {5}: DJM:49, Du:19; cmp:5
- Deaf Havana: Rituals (SO/Silva Screen) {5}: Bq:+, Pu:8, RkS:27
- Dilly Dally: Heaven (Partisan) {5}: PM:66, Up:47, UpC:83, Ups:25, V:+(2)
- Drinks: Hippo Lite (Drag City) {5}: Fld:+, Re:48, SR:49, V:+(3); sa:+
- Marty Ehrlich: Trio Exaltation (Clean Feed) {5}: JC:+; jtd:9 -- TH:***
- Espen Eriksen Trio With Andy Sheppard: Perfectly Unhappy (Rune Grammofon) {5}: CM:+ -- TH:A-
- FAVX: Welfare (Burger -EP) {5}: V:+(1), YW:3
- Fenne Lily: On Hold (self-released) {5}: NBH:41, WHP:5
- Fire-Toolz: Skinless X-1 (Hausu Mountain) {5}: Bc:77, TMT:28, V:+(1); am_e:+, pf_x:+
- Michael Formanek Elusion Quartet: Time Like This (Intakt) {5}: JC:+, V:+(1); jmj:8 -- TH:**
- Foxwarren: Foxwarren (Anti-) {5}: Am_s:9, FO:43, WHP:29
- Hal Galper Quartet: Cubist (Origin) {5}: jdm:+ -- TH:A-
- Gang Gang Dance: Kazuashita (4AD) {5}: Am_s:26, LLV:92, PM:+, Rf_k:39, V:+(1)
- Billy F Gibbons: The Big Bad Blues (Concord) {5}: Trk:18; am:+, am_b:+ -- TH:*
- Sidney Gish: No Dogs Allowed (self-released -17) {5}: Alt:9, Fld:18
- Benito Gonzalez/Gerry Gibbs/Essiet Okon Essiet: Passion Reverence Transcendence: The Music of McCoy Tyner (Whaling City Sound) {5}: JC:+; jmju:+ -- TH:***
- Graveyard: Peace (Nuclear Blast) {5}: FB:2, V:+(1)
- Jonny Greenwood: Phantom Thread () {5}: Od:7, Sg:+, V:+(2)
- Guided by Voices: Space Gun (GBV) {5}: Mg:12, V:+(3); am_i:+, got:+
- Gunna: Drip Season 3 (Gunna) {5}: HNH:14; ny_c:5, xxl:+
- Tord Gustavsen Trio: The Other Side (ECM) {5}: CM:30, JC:+; am_j:+ -- TH:**
- Barry Guy: Barry Guy @ 70: Blue Horizon: Live at Ad Libitum (Fundacja Sluchaj -3CD) {5}: jcg:9 -- TH:A-
- Halestorm: Vicious (Atlantic) {5}: PR:11; lw_r:5, sjm:7
- Halo Maud: Ju Suis Une Ile (Heavenly) {5}: Pc:6, SR:37
- Clay Harper: Bleak Beauty (self-released) {5}: xjdc:+ -- RC:B+, TH:*
- Hater: Siesta (Fire) {5}: ATH:10, Dr:69, NBH:45
- Haunt: Burst Into Flame (Shadow Kingdom) {5}: Db:12, V:+(1); jhs:4
- Bjorn Marius Hegge Trio: Assosiasjoner (Particular) {5}: CM:45 -- TH:A-
- Here Lies Man: You Will Know Nothing (Riding Easy) {5}: Crh:28, RT:79, V:+(1); vrg:3
- Art Hirahara: Sunward Bound (Posi-Tone) {5}: jrsc:20 -- TH:A-
- Jason Kao Hwang Burning Bridge: Blood (True Sound) {5}: JC:61 -- TH:A-
- Zaki Ibrahim: The Secret Life of Planets (self-released) {5}: V:+(2); vdc:1, vis:7
- ILL: We Are ILL (Box) {5}: FB:42, Qt:6, Sb:+
- Jim James: Uniform Distortion (ATO) {5}: GTV:75, LLV:64, Mj:64, V:+(1); am_s:+
- Bas Jan: Yes I Jan (Lost Map) {5}: Dr:63, FB:19, Qt:56, V:+(1)
- Ingrid Jensen/Steve Treseler: Invisible Sounds: For Kenny Wheeler (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+; jjk:+ -- TH:***
- Joyce Manor: Million Dollars to Kill Me (Epitaph) {5}: Alt:25, Bq:+, M_ha:36, Ups:42, V:+(1)
- KAAN: Subtle Meditation (Redefinition) {5}: YW:42 -- TH:A-
- Darrell Katz and the JCA Orchestra: Rats Live on No Evil Star (JCA) {5}: JC:+; jjw:+ -- TH:***
- Kaze: Atody Man (Libra) {5}: JC:+; jcg:8 -- TH:***
- Key! & Kenny Beats: 777 (Hello!/DOTS) {5}: C:33, DJB:22, RS_r:24; pf_r:+, ri:+
- Elle King: Shake the Spirit (RCA) {5}: ABC:28, V:+(1); gl:+, p:2
- Kississippi: Sunset Blush (Alcopop) {5}: Alt:6, Am_s:12
- Martin Kuchen & Landaeus Trio: Vinyl (Moserobie) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Kukuruz Quartet: Julius Eastman Piano Interpretations (Intakt) {5}: JC:+, V:+(1); sfj:4 -- TH:*
- Lala Lala: The Lamb (Hardly Art) {5}: Am_s:30, Bc:88, UR:64, V:+(1) -- RC:*
- Jim Lauderdale: Time Flies (Yep Roc) {5}: V:+(1); am_c:+, vshg:1
- Gabor Lazar: Unfold (The Death of Rave) {5}: DJM:29, , F:7, Qt:24
- Gregory Lewis: Organ Monk Blue (self-released) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Dave Liebman/Tatsuya Nakatani/Adam Rudolph: The Unknowable (RareNoise) {5}: JC:+, V:+(1); jvv:3 -- TH:*
- Carol Liebowitz/Birgitta Flick: Malita-Malika (Leo) {5}: JC:+; jha:10 -- TH:***
- Lonker See: One Eye Sees Red (Instant Classic) {5}: Gw:48, Hi:4
- The Lovely Eggs: This Is Eggland (self-released) {5}: LLV:100, MO:34, Pc:52, Sb:+, V:+(1); hmv:+
- Mad Crush: Mad Crush (Upon This Rock) {5}: -- RC:B+, TH:**
- MALK: Death From a Love (House Assembly Music -17) {5}: No:1
- Mansion: First Death of the Lutheran (I Hate) {5}: FB:4, V:+()
- Gia Margaret: There's Always Glimmer (Orindal) {5}: Blr:47, GB:30, LBF:10
- Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness: Upside Down Flowers (Fantasy) {5}: Ch:7, Id:18
- Mildlife: Phase (Research) {5}: OTR:18, Pc:58, V:+(1); vbw:7
- Allison Miller/Carmen Staaf: Science Fair (Sunnyside) {5}: JC:65; jjm:+, jrsc:15, ny_u:12 -- TH:*
- Mint Field: Pasar De Las Luces (Innovative Leisure) {5}: Am_s:47, Sb:+, V:+(1); am_i:+, pm_d:4
- Mdou Moctar/Elite Beat: Mdou Moctar Meets Elite Beat in a Budget Dancehall (Boomarm Nation) {5}: PO:+ -- TH:A-
- Whitey Morgan and the 78's: Hard Times and White Lines (Whitey Morgan Music) {5}: nod:+, scm:+++ -- TH:*
- Rae Morris: Someone Out There (Atlantic) {5}: 405:26, NME:98; am_p:+, bsd:+ -- TH:*
- Mount Eerie: After (Live) (PW Elverum & Sun) {5}: DT:32, TMT:13; pm_f:7, sl:+
- David Murray Feat Saul Williams: Blues for Memo (Motema) {5}: JC:+; ny_u:13, pm_j:+ -- TH:**
- Israel Nash: Lifted (Loose) {5}: Fp:66, Trk:43, V:+(1); gl:++
- Youssou N'Dour: Raxas Bercy 2017 (self-released -17) {5}: EWi:+, V:+(1); vcp:1 -- [TH:A-]
- No Fast Food: Settings for Three (Corner Store Jazz) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Nothing: Dance on the Blacktop (Relapse) {5}: Alt:42, N:32, Rev:16, V:+(1)
- Nothing Nowhere: Ruiner (DCD2/Fueled by Ramen) {5}: RkS:4, Ups:40
- Eva Novoa's Ditmas Quartet: Live at IBeam (Fresh Sound New Talent) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Now Vs Now: The Buffering Cocoon (Jazzland) {5}: JC:88, V:+(2); vad:2, jvv:8 -- TH:B
- Bill O'Connell: Jazz Latin (Savant) {5}: JC:+, V+(1); jan:1
- Erlend Olderskog Albertsen: Rodssal Neen Glassdor (Dugnad Rec) {5}: CM:15 -- TH:***
- On the Levee Jazz Band: Swinging New Orleans Jazz: For Dancing - Or Just Listening! (Big Al) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Orbital: Monsters Exist (ACP) {5}: DJM:41, Fp:49, GTV:90, Mix:41, Mx:33
- Aruan Ortiz Trio: Live in Zurich (Intakt) {5}: JC:+; jjsh:+ -- TH:***
- Outer Heaven: Realms of Eternal Decay (Relapse) {5}: Db:20; ex_m:5, rak:+
- Bamba Pana: Poaa (Nyege Nyege) {5}: PAM:9, TMT:15, V:+(2)
- Papercuts: Parallel Universe Blues (Slumberland) {5}: ATH:7, GTV:54, V:+(1)
- Parcels: Parcels (Kitsune) {5}: Mz:46, NBH:37, NME:37, UR:82 -- AM:140
- Josh T Pearson: The Straight Hits! (Mute) {5}: LLV:10, Mz:44, RT:30
- Peel Dream Magazine: Modern Meta Physic (Slumberland) {5}: Am_s:15, ATH:24, Bc:87, V:+(1)
- Grant Peeples and the Peeples Republik: Settling Scores Vol II (Gatorbone) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
- Peluche: Unforgettable (One Little Indian) {5}: FB:3, V:+(1)
- Petite Noir: La Maison Noir/The Black House (Roya) {5}: PAM:4, PO:+
- Pianos Become the Teeth: Wait for Love (Epitaph) {5}: Blr:20, Ch:12, RkS:37
- Polyphia: New Levels New Devils (Equal Vision) {5}: Ne:34, Rf_h:5
- PRhyme: PRhyme 2 (self-released) {5}: Al:36, Am_h:6, HG:29
- Rainbow Kitten Surprise: How To: Friend Love Freefall (Elektra) {5}: BS:17, Sb:40; gl:++
- Jamie Saft: Solo a Genova (RareNoise) {5}: JC:+; jdc:+ -- TH:***
- Christian Sands: Facing Dragons (Mack Avenue) {5}: JC:+; jmju:+, vmp_j:+ -- TH:**
- The Sea and Cake: Any Day (Thrill Jockey) {5}: Am_s:42, Sb:23, V:+(1); vcca:4
- Shad: A Short Story About a War (Secret City) {5}: V:+(2); vcka:9, vjcl:4 -- TH:*
- Mike Shinoda: Post Traumatic (Warner Bros) {5}: ABC:48, HG:+, RkS:12; lw_r:27
- The Sidekicks: Happiness Hours (Epitaph) {5}: Alt:18, Ch:24, Sb:+; key:12
- Simian Mobile Disco: Murmurations (Wichita) {5}: Fp:91, Qt:99, SR:40, V:+(1); pm_b:10
- Walter Smith III: Twio (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:100 -- TH:A-
- Gary Smulyan: Alternative Contrafacts (SteepleChase) {5}: JC:+; jdt:+ -- TH:***
- Soft Kill: Savior (Profound Lore) {5}: Am_s:3, Rf_h:28
- Sonar With David Torn: Vortex (RareNoise) {5}: JC:+; jms:+ -- TH:***
- Spectral [Dave Rempis/Darren Johnston/Larry Ochs]: Empty Castles (Aerophonic) {5}: JC:+; jcg:4 -- TH:**
- Spider Bags: Someday Everything Will Be Fine (Merge) {5}: Hi:37, V:+(1); am_k:+, vjty:2
- Stone Temple Pilots: Stone Temple Pilots (03-16) {5}: PR:16; an:2, lw_r:10
- The Story So Far: Proper Dose (Pure Noise) {5}: Bq:13, NME:45, RkS:15
- Street Sects: The Kicking Mule (The Flenser) {5}: V:+(1); ax:3, vjp:5
- Marcus Strickland Twi-Life: People of the Sun (Blue Note/Revive Music) {5}: JC:+, V:+(2); vak:10, vmp_j:+, jvv:10 -- TH:B
- Subtle Degrees: A Dance That Empties (New Amsterdam) {5}: JC:+, PO:+ -- TH:***
- Sunmi: Warning (MakeUs -EP) {5}: 405:46, V:+(4); vck:2, xbl:7, xrt:+
- Swamp Dogg: Love Loss and Auto-Tune (Joyful Noise) {5}: Mj:56, PO:+, Rf_h:20, V:+(1); vdh:9 -- TH:B
- Tallawit Timbouctou: Hali Diallo (Sahel Sounds) {5}: PO:+, V:+(1) -- TH:***
- Teen Judge: Teen Judge (Berthed Futurist) {5}: FB:5, V:+(1)
- Tocotronic: Die Unendlichkeit (Vertigo) {5}: Mu:2 -- AM:103
- Tracyanne & Danny: Tracyanne & Danny (Merge) {5}: Am_s:27, Btz:46, RT:58, UR:22; am_s:+
- Trampled by Turtles: Life Is Good on the Open Road (Banjodad) {5}: Trk:32, V:+(1); gl:++, scm:+
- Trembling Bells: Dungeness (Tin Angel) {5}: GTV:62, RC:8; sd:10
- Trophy Eyes: The American Dream (Hopeless) {5}: Bq:+, RkS:6, Ups:43
- KT Tunstall: Wax (Virgin) {5}: Al:5; am_k:+
- Ken Vandermark/Klaus Kugel/Mark Tokar: No-Exit Corner (Not Two) {5}: CM:6, JC:+, PO:+, V:+(1)
- Marije Van Dijk: The Stereography Project Feat Jeff Taylor and Katell Keinig (Hert) {5}: BIW:7, JC:+; bc_j:+ -- TH:B
- Biliana Voutchkova/Michael Thieke: Blurred Music (Elsewhere) {5}: fj:+, jap:10, jdme:6, jeh:10, jkp:8
- Cuong Vu 4Tet: Change in the Air (RareNoise) {5}: JC:+; jbm:18, pm_j:+ -- TH:**
- Marcin Wasilewski Trio: Live (ECM) {5}: JC:+; jmju:+ -- TH:***
- Weakened Friends: Common Blah (Don Giovanni) {5}: ABC:14, Am_s:48 -- RC:**
- Ben Wendel: The Seasons (Motema) {5}: JC:56; jfkz:+, jmju:+, vad:+ -- TH:*
- Barrence Whitfield & the Savages: Soul Flowers of Titan (Bloodshot) {5}: V:+(1), YW:65; mj:+, nod:+, vao:7
- Wooden Shjips: V (Thrill Jockey) {5}: FB:48, Fp:74, SR:18, V:+(1)
- Charli XCX: Pop 2 (Asylum -17) {5}: TMT:4 -- , V:+(2)[TH:***]
- The Yellowjackets: Raising Our Voice (Mack Avenue) {5}: JC:+, V:+(1); am_j:+, jan:4
- YoungBoy Never Broke Again: Until Death Call My Name (Never Broke Again/Atlantic) {5}: Cmp:+, HNH:12 -- TH:**
- Denny Zeitlin: Wishing on the Moon (Sunnyside) {5}: JC:+, V:+(1); jdb:+, jdm:+, vahm:7
- 21 Savage: I Am > I Was (Slaughter Gang/Epic) {4}: HDX:15, V:+(1); vtl:10
- Advisory Circle: Ways of Seeing (Ghost Box) {4}: Pc:7
- Stefan Aeby Trio: The London Concert (Intakt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Against the Current: Past Lives (Fueled by Ramen) {4}: RkS:13, Ups:44; hc_m:9
- Alchemy Sound Project: Adventures in Time and Space (ARC) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Christopher Ali Solidarity Quartet: To Those Who Walked Before Us (Jazz Och Solidaritet) {4}: BIW:23; bc_j:+ -- TH:**
- Ben Allison: Quiet Revolution (Sonic Camera) {4}: JC:85; jbm:14, jfk:3
- American Pleasure Club: A Whole Fucking Lifetime of This (Run for Cover) {4}: N:10, Sg:+
- Marisa Anderson: Cloud Corner (Thrill Jockey) {4}: V:+(3); am_f:+, nod:+, vaf:9
- Bill Anschell: Shifting Standards (Origin) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Dem Atlas: Bad Actress (Rhymesayers) {4}: Am_h:13, V:+(1); vcka:6 -- TH:B
- Atomic: Pet Variations (Odin) {4}: CM:+, Dv:24 -- TH:**
- At the Gates: To Drink From the Night Itself (Century Media) {4}: Db:11, Rev:30, Sg:+
- Ava Luna: Moon 2 (Western Vinyl) {4}: Eb:41, V:+(2); nw:+, vzs:7
- Daniel Bachman: The Morning Star (Three Lobed) {4}: LLV:90, Od:30, V:+(1); am_f:+
- Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore: Ghost Forests (Three Lobed) {4}: V:+(1); nap:+, vjk:4
- Simon Barker/Henry Kaiser/Bill Laswell/Rudresh Mahanthappa: Mudang Rock (Fractal Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Between the Buried and Me: Automata I (Sumerian) {4}: L:+, Mx:34, SC:+, V:+(1); lw_m:8
- Birth of Joy: Hyper Focus (Glitterhouse) {4}: FB:7, V:+(1)
- Andy Biskin: 16 Tons: Songs From the Alan Lomax Collection (Andorfin) {4}: JC:+; jmc:+ -- TH:**
- Black Dresses: Wasteisolation (self-released) {4}: N:16, Sg:+, V:+(1)
- The Black Queen: Infinite Games (self-released) {4}: Mx:8, Rev:29
- Blossoms: Cool Like You (Virgin EMI) {4}: Bq:+, NME:87; rx:+, xr:+
- RP Boo: I'll Tell You What (Planet Mu) {4}: TMT:22, V:+(1); am_e:+, pm_e:21
- The Boxer Rebellion: Ghost Alive (Absentee) {4}: L4:4
- Carla Bozulich: Quieter (Constellation) {4}: Od:5
- Peter Brotzmann & Fred Lonberg-Holm: Ouroboros (Astral Spirits) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Kane Brown: Experiment (RCA Nashville) {4}: RS_c:40; am_c:+, ny_c:10, sln:+
- Mansur Brown: Shiroi (Black Focus) {4}: V:+(1); cmp:14, pm_b:9, vak:9
- Bury Tomorrow: Black Flame (Music for Nations) {4}: Bq:+, RkS:26, Ups:11
- Francesco Cafiso: We Play for Tips (Eflat) {4}: JC:+, JT:33 -- TH:**
- Jonas Cambien Trio: We Must Mustn't We (Clean Feed) {4}: jpm:18 -- TH:***
- Can't Swim: This Too Won't Pass (Pure Noise) {4}: Bq:5
- Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/John Edwards: Elements (FMR) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert/Rafal Mazur: Beyond Dimensions (FMR) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Jenn Champion: Single Rider (Sub Pop) {4}: Am_s:9, V:+(2)
- Chaos Echoes & Mats Gustafsson: Sustain (Utech) {4}: jno:3, jsg:4
- The Chick Corea + Steve Gadd Band: Chinese Butterfly (Stretch/Concord -2CD) {4}: JC:+; jbm:30, jz:+ -- TH:*
- Clutch: Book of Bad Decisions (Weathermaker) {4}: PR:7; lw_r:14
- The Coathangers: Live (Suicide Squeeze) {4}: -- RC:**, TH:**
- Coyote Poets of the Universe: Strange Lullaby (Square Shaped -2CD) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Crack Cloud: Crack Cloud (Deranged) {4}: Ju:3
- Cucina Povera: Hilja (Night School) {4}: Qt:59, V:+(1), W:34; vkj:6
- Current 93: The Light Is Leaving Us All (House of Mythology) {4}: Ne:50, On:19, Sb:+
- Cut Chemist: Die Cut (A Stable Sound) {4}: Am_h:9, V:+(1)
- Laureen Daigle: Look Up Child (Centricity Music) {4}: re:3, sjm:2
- Darlingside: Extralife (More Doug/Thirty Tigers) {4}: Btz:24, PM:+; np_b:4
- Chuck D as Mistachuck: Celebration of Ignorance (SpitSLAM) {4}: HG:+ -- TH:***
- Chris Dave: Chris Dave and the Drumhedz (Blue Note) {4}: JC:+, V:+(1); am_r:+, vak:8 -- TH:B
- Delaney Davidson: Shining Day (Southbound Music) {4}: NZH:14, TNZ:14
- Devin Dawson: Dark Horse (Atlantic/Warner Music Nashville) {4}: RS_c:25; am_c:+, e_c:10, sln:+
- The Decemberists: I'll Be Your Girl (Capitol) {4}: Fp:27, P:15, V:+(3)
- Helena Deland: From the Series of Songs "Altogether Unaccompanied" Vol I (Luminelle) {4}: GB:2
- Del the Funky Homosapien & Amp Live: Gate 13 (Gate 13) {4}: Am_h:8, HG:+
- Den-Mate: Loceke (Babe City) {4}: Am_s:5
- The Devil Makes Three: Chains Are Broken (New West) {4}: V:+(1); am_f:+, scm:+, vjp:9
- Pierre Dorge: Soundscapes (SteepleChase) {4}: jdt:+ -- TH:***
- Hamid Drake/Joe McPhee: Keep Going (Corbett vs Dempsey) {4}: jdt:+ -- TH:***
- Duppy Gun: Miro Tape (Broken Versions) {4}: F:10, Re:46
- Baxter Dury/Etienne De Crecy/Delilah Holliday: BED (Heavenly) {4}: Pc:18, SR:44, YW:105
- E-40: The Gift of Gab (Heavy on the Grid) {4}: Am_h:18 -- RC:**
- Yelena Eckemoff: Desert (L&H Production) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Kat Edmonson: Old Fashioned Gal (Spinnerette) {4}: JC:+, V:+(1); vpbl:8 -- TH:*
- Eels: The Deconstruction (E-Works) {4}: Btz:25, Crh:36, Fp:39, Mz:28
- Wendy Eisenberg: The Machinic Unconscious (Tzadik) {4}: JC:+, V:+(1); vbc:5
- Evoken: Hypnagogia (Profound Lore) {4}: Db:4
- Exploded View: Obey (Sacred Bones) {4}: Hi:26, NR:34, Pc:87, V:+(2)
- George Ezra: Staying at Tamara's (Columbia) {4}: Bq:16, Nd:27; fu:6
- Fall Out Boy: Mania (Island) {4}: Bq:+, Ch:30, RkS:21, Ups:47
- Fat Tony: 10000 Hours (self-released) {4}: PO:+; hc_m:6 -- RC:*, TH:*
- Fischerspooner: Sir (Ultra) {4}: Gw:16, Nd:+, V:+(1)
- Sue Foley: The Ice Queen (Stony Plain) {4}: am_b:+ -- TH:***
- Danny Fox Trio: The Great Nostalgist (Hot Cup) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Phil France: Circle (Gondwana) {4}: Pc:8
- Gabriela Friedli Trio: Areas (Leo) {4}: JC:+; jno:8 -- TH:**
- Satoko Fujii: This Is It! (Libra) {4}: JC:+; jjsh:+ -- TH:**
- Tia Fuller: Diamond Cut (Mack Avenue) {4}: JC:71; jeh:+, jz:+ -- TH:*
- Fuudge: Les Matricides (Lazy at Work) {4}: LCA:5
- Laura Gibson: Goners (Barsuk) {4}: LLV:99, NBH:43, Sb:+, V:+(1); np_s:8
- Payroll Giovanni & Cardo [Got Wings]: Big Bossin Vol 2 (Def Jam) {4}: PW:17, V:+(1); up_r:19
- The Vinny Golia Sextet: Trajectory (Nine Winds/Orenda) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Dayramir Gonzalez: The Grand Concourse (Hippos in Tanks) {4}: JC:+, JT:40; jjg:+, vmw:+
- Laura Jane Grace & the Devouring Mothers: Bought to Rot (Bloodshot) {4}: Bq:+, V:+(1); am_k:+, gl:+
- Maria Grand: Magdalena (Biophilia) {4}: CM:29; jlb:+ -- TH:**
- Jonny Greenwood: You Were Never Really Here [Original Motion Picture Soundtdrack] (Lakeshore) {4}: Ju:5
- Guillermo Gregorio/Rafal Mazur/Ramon Lopez: Wandering the Sounds (Fundacja Sluchaj) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Grupo Mono Blanco: ¡Fandango! Sones Jaroches de Veracruz (Smithsonian Folkways) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Altin Gun: On (Les Disques Bongo Joe) {4}: Hi:41, Pc:14, YW:79
- Hamar Trio: Yesterday Is Here (Clean Feed) {4}: j_p:+ -- TH:***
- Jack Harlon & the Dead Crows: Hymns (Suspect/Pirates Press) {4}: FB:8, V:+(1)
- Ben Harper & Charlie Musselwhite: No Mercy in This Land (Anti-) {4}: AS:23, DVk:47, V:+(1); am_b:+
- Odetta Hartman: Old Rockhounds Never Die (Northern Spy) {4}: LV:55, RM:79, RT:89; ex_c:8
- Gilad Hekselman: Ask for Chaos (Hexophonic Music/Motema) {4}: JC:+, JT:37; jbm:37, jfkz:+
- Here's to Us: Animals Wild and Tame (Hoob) {4}: JC:+; jtd:10 -- TH:**
- HER: I Used to Know Her: Part 2 (RCA -EP) {4}: E_UK:+, V:+(1); hdx_r:8, rs_s:10
- Monika Herzig: Monika Herzig's Sheroes (Whaling City Sound) {4}: JC:79; jha:3 -- TH:*
- Hjerteslag: Nattseileren (Eget Selskap) {4}: Dv:20, Gf_N:19
- Christopher Hollyday: Telepathy (Jazzbeat Productions) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- William Hooker Trio: Remembering (Astral Spirits) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Francois Houle/Alexander Hawkins/Harris Eisenstadt: You Have Options (Songlines) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Hovvdy: Cranberry (Double Double Whammy) {4}: DT:16, NME:95, V:+(1)
- How to Dress Well: The Anteroom (Domino) {4}: LBF:42, Noj:18, V:+(1)
- McClenty Hunter Jr: The Groove Hunter (Strikezone) {4}: JC:+; jeh:+, jrsc:5
- Illingsworth: You're No Fun (Mello Music Group) {4}: Am_h:7, Mup:35
- Ayn Inserto Jazz Orchestra: Down a Rabbit Hole (Summit) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Nabihah Iqbal: Weighing of the Heart (Ninja Tune -17) {4}: DJM:4
- Jacquees: 4275 (Republic) {4}: Cmp:26, V:+(1); rs_s:3
- Joan as Police Woman: Damned Devotion (PIAS) {4}: DJ:38, Mx:47, Mz:29, RM:22
- Phillip Johnston & the Coolerators: Diggin' Bones (Asynchronous) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Mike Jones/Penn Jillette: The Show Before the Show: Live at the Penn & Teller Theater (Capri) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Jonghyun: Poet/Artist (SM Entertainment) {4}: GC:35, PCr:+, PO:+, V:+(1)
- Just Friends: Nothing but Love (Counter Intuitive) {4}: Alt:4
- Ryan Keberle/Frank Woeste: Reverso: Suite Pavel (Phonoart) {4}: BIW:14, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Kimbra: Primal Heart (Warner Bros) {4}: Al:13, Up:+; am_p:+
- Allan Kingdom: Peanut Butter Prince (First Gen) {4}: V:+(1), YW:87; vcka:5
- Sarathy Korwar and Upaj Collective: My East Is Your West (Gearbox) {4}: BC:16, JC:+; jcm:+
- Yoni Kretzmer's New Dilemma: Months Weeks and Days (OutNow) {4}: JC:+, V:+(1); jjsh:+, vlb:10
- Kuzu: Hiljaisuus (Astral Spirits) {4}: fj:+, jlre:10, jmsc:2 -- TH:***
- Azar Lawrence: Elementals (HighNote) {4}: JC:+; vmp_j:10 -- TH:**
- Joelle Leandre/Elisabeth Harnik: Tender Music (Trost) {4}: jap:4, j_p:11, jkp:10
- Okkyung Lee: Cheol-Kkot-Sae (Steel Flower Bird) (Tzadik) {4}: jkp:4, jlre:5
- Les Louanges: La Nuit Est Une Panthere (Bonsound) {4}: LCA:2
- Dave Liebman/John Stowell: Petite Fleur: The Music of Sidney Bechet (Origin) {4}: JC:72; jdb:8, jdm:+ -- TH:*
- Liza Anne: Fine but Dying (Arts & Crafts) {4}: Sb:+, WHP:12, YF:31
- Brandon Lopez: Quoniam Facta Sum Vilis (Astral Spirits) {4}: CM:+, JC:+; jkp:9 -- TH:*
- Los Hermanos Cubero: Quique Dibuja La Tristeza (El Segell del Primavera) {4}: -- AM:199, EE:+, Rdx:+; rut:+
- Lionel Loueke: The Journey (Aparte) {4}: JC:+, JT:38; jfkz:+, jt:+
- Lucius: Nudes (Mom + Pop Music) {4}: Btz:50, V:+(3); v_cw:3
- Igor Lumpert & Innertextures: Eleven (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
- Madder Mortem: Marrow (Karisma) {4}: V:+(1); vgm:1
- MaidaVale: Madness Is Too Pure (The Sign) {4}: FB:10, V:+(1)
- Dan Mangan: More or Less (Arts & Crafts) {4}: ATH:5
- Marmozets: Knowing What You Know Now (Roadrunner) {4}: Bq:+, G:+, RkS:28, Ups:37
- J Mascis: Elastic Days (Sub Pop) {4}: Mz:31, SC:15, V:+(3)
- Medeski Martin & Wood and Alarm Will Sound: Omnisphere (Indirecto) {4}: JC:+, V:+(1); vlb:5
- Brad Mehldau: After Bach (Nonesuch) {4}: JW:7, PM:+, V:+(1) -- TH:B
- The Messthetics: The Messthetics (Dischord) {4}: Sb:+, V:+(4); vbb:4
- The Milk Carton Kids: All the Things I Did and All the Things That I Didn't Do (Anti-) {4}: nod:+, pm_f:2, v_cw:17
- Rhett Miller: The Messenger (ATO) {4}: GMg:13 -- TH:**
- Moby: Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt (Mute) {4}: Ro:12; am_e:+, mmg:+
- Mod Con: Modern Convenience (Poison City) {4}: DJ:9, V:+(1)
- MO: Forever Neverland (Chess Club/RCA Victor) {4}: Id:8; mj_v:6
- Mogwai: Kin [Original Soundtrack] (Temporary Residence) {4}: LLV:69, Pc:44, RM:71, V:+(2); cct:8
- Mojo Juju: Native Tongue (ABC) {4}: DJ:5
- Bob Moses: Battle Lines (Domino) {4}: Sb:+, V:+(1); bb_d:4
- Motorcade: Motorcade (Idol) {4}: V:+(1); ct:9, so:+, so_k:9
- Mountain Man: Magic Ship (Nonesuch) {4}: Dr:96; nap:+, nod:+, pm_f:20
- Mournful Congregation: The Incubus of Karma (Osmose/20 Buck Spin) {4}: Db:23, Rf_h:44, V:+(2); tr_m:18
- Haru Nemuri: Harutosyura (Perfect) {4}: Ne:7; ir:9
- Nervus: Everything Dies (Big Scary Monsters) {4}: Bq:+, Ups:19, V:+(1)
- Willie Nile: Children of Paradise (River House) {4}: V:+(1); am_k:+, vjt:3
- Gard Nilssen's Acoustic Unity: Live in Europe (Clean Feed -3CD) {4}: JC:86 -- TH:***
- Nino De Elche: Antologia Del Cante Flamenco Heterodoxo (Sony Music) {4}: On:23, Rdx:+; pm_v:6 -- AM:181
- Fredrik Nordstrom: Needs (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
- Novelist: Novelist Guy (Mmmyeh) {4}: I:27, V:+(1); cmp:4
- Adam Nussbaum: The Lead Belly Project (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jbm:21 -- TH:**
- Of Montreal: White Is Relic/Irrealis Mood (Polyvinyl) {4}: UR:88, V:+(1); ax:4
- Okzharp & Manthe Ribane: Closer Apart (Hyperdub) {4}: PAM:26, PM:48; pm_e:15, sa:+
- Lisa O'Neil: Heard a Long Gone Song (River Lea) {4}: FR:5
- The Other Years: The Other Years (No Quarter) {4}: V:+(1); vasl:1
- Ovlov: Tru (Exploding in Sound) {4}: V:+(1); am:+, am_i:+, vjk:8
- Ozuna: Aura (Sony Music Latin) {4}: Atl:17, BB:47, V:+(1); am_w:+
- Pacific Heights: A Lost Light (WM New Zealand) {4}: NZH:18, TNZ:18
- Palm Reader: Braille (Silent Cult) {4}: Pu:4
- The Paper Kites: On the Corner Where You Live (Nettwerk) {4}: V:+(1), WHP:28; vahm:2
- Clay Parker and Jodi James: The Lonesomest Sound That Can Sound (self-released) {4}: V:+(1); vrg:1
- William Parker: Flower in a Stained-Glass Window/The Blinking of the Ear (Centering/AUM Fidelity -2CD) {4}: JC:+; tn:+ -- TH:**
- Hermeto Pascoal & Big Band: Natureza Universal (Scubidu) {4}: V:+(1); vcv:1
- Essaie Pas: New Path (DFA) {4}: VF:+, V:+(2); vcca:5
- Sandro Perri: In Another Life (Constellation) {4}: V:+(3); ex_s:6, sl:+, vcwi:8
- Mark Peters: Innerland (Sonic Cathedral) {4}: RT:8, YW:52
- Pinegrove: Skylight (self-released) {4}: DT:28, V:+(4), WHP:13
- Polica/Stargaze: Music for the Long Emergency (Totally Gross National Product/Transgressive) {4}: E_UK:+, Mx:9
- Bennett Wilson Poole: Bennett Wilson Poole (Aurora) {4}: Trk:4
- Portal: Ion (Profound Lore) {4}: Db:24, Ne:25, Rf_h:45, V:+(1)
- Poster Children: Grand Bargain! (Lotuspool) {4}: ABC:42, V:+(2); vjte:4
- Brigid Mae Power: The Two Worlds (Tompkins Square) {4}: RC:7, VF:35
- Noam Preminger/Frank Carlberg: Whispers and Cries (Red Piano) {4}: JC:48, JT:27, ; jdb:2
- The Presets: Hi Viz (EMI) {4}: DJ:17; tm:3
- Primitive World: White on White (Ecstatic) {4}: V:+(1); sfj:1
- Protoje: A Matter of Time (Easy Star) {4}: Bq:+, DVk:30, RT:62, So:18
- Lena Raine: Celeste [Original Soundtrack] (Radical Dreamland) {4}: GB:23, V:+(1), YF:+; ton:+
- Mette Rasmussen/Chris Corsano: A View of the Moon (From the Sun) (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:+; j_p:15 -- TH:**
- Reason: There You Have It (Top Dawg) {4}: BV_r:27, HG:+; up_r:12, vib:+
- Dave Rempis/Tomeka Reid/Joshua Abrams: Ithra (Aerophonic) {4}: JC:+; jfn:10 -- TH:**
- Retirement Party: Somewhat Literate (Counter Intuitive) {4}: Alt:5
- Rezzett: Rezzett (Trilogy Tapes) {4}: OTR:19, Qt:66; pf_e:+
- The Rheingans Sisters: Bright Field (RootBeat) {4}: FR:4
- Ari Roar: Calm Down (Bella Union) {4}: Dr:18, V:+(1); am_s:+
- Tess Roby: Beacon (Italians Do It Better) {4}: F:30, GB:11; mms:+
- Niles Rodgers & Chic: It's About Time (Virgin EMI) {4}: Bq:+, V:+(1); jan:3
- Paul Rogers/Olaf Rupp/Frank Paul Schubert: Three Stories About Rain Sunlilght and the Hidden Soil (Relative Pitch) {4}: JC:+; jpa:1
- Renee Rosnes: Beloved of the Sky (Smoke Sessions) {4}: JC:+; jmju:+ -- TH:**
- The Roves: The Roves (One Man Movement) {4}: Hi:5
- Jacob Sacks: Fishes (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jpm:20 -- TH:**
- Satan: Cruel Magic (Metal Blade) {4}: Bc:40, Db:16, V:+(3)
- Sauna Youth: Deaths (Upset the Rhythm) {4}: GTV:99, Hi:45, Pc:93, SR:38
- Jacques Schwarz-Bart/Stephane Galland/Malcolm Braff/Laurent David: Shijin (Alter-Nativ) {4}: JC:+, V:+(1); vmw:4
- Ty Segall & White Fence: Joy (Drag City) {4}: FO:50, LLV:83, V:+(1) -- TH:*
- Sara Serpa: Close Up (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; j_p:+, jdt:+ -- TH:*
- Shygirl: Cruel Practice (Nuxxe) {4}: TMT:10, V:+(1)
- Julian Siegel Quartet: Vista (Whirlwind) {4}: JW:16 -- TH:**
- Edward Simon: Sorrows & Triumphs (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:43; jdb:9, jjw:+ -- TH:*
- Sir Robin & the Longbowmen: Prozacco (Sir Robin) {4}: FB:9, V:(1)
- Slash Featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators: Living the Dream (Snakepit/Roadrunner) {4}: PR:17; an:6, lw_r:12
- Sleaford Mods: Sleaford Mods EP (Rough Trade -EP) {4}: Sb:+, V:+(1); vbc:2 -- TH:B
- Sloan: 12 (Yep Roc) {4}: CM:35, V:+(4); am_k:+, vshg:9 -- TH:B
- SLUGish Ensemble: An Eight Out of Nine (Slow & Steady) {4}: BIW:28; bc_j:+ -- TH:**
- Sofi Tukker: Treehouse (Ultra) {4}: Sl:19, V:+(1); ti:+
- Gunter Baby Sommer: Baby's Party [Guest: Till Bronner] (Intakt) {4}: am_j:+ -- TH:***
- Stephane Spira: New Playground (Jazzmax) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- The Spirit of the Beehive: Hypnic Jerks (Tiny Engines) {4}: Alt:16, ATH:49, V:+(1); pf_k:+
- Kandace Springs: Indigo (Blue Note) {4}: Al:46; am_r:+, st_j:+, vmp_j:+
- Jon Rune Strom Quintet: Fragments (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:52 -- TH:**
- Geir Sundstol: Brodles (Hubro) {4}: Dv:9, Gf_N:24
- Svartidauði: Revelations of the Red Sword (Van) {4}: Hi:3 -- k
- Tamino: Amir (Arts & Crafts) {4}: I:8, NBH:39
- Ebo Taylor: Yen Ara (Mr Bongo) {4}: V:+(1); vsk:3 -- TH:**
- Teenage Wrist: Chrome Neon Jesus (Epitaph) {4}: Am_s:25, Ups:22, V:+(2); vzl:6
- The Temperance Movement: A Deeper Cut (Eararche) {4}: L:+, PR:15; lw_r:24
- Them Are Us Too: Amends (Dais) {4}: Am_s:41, Hi:13, Od:21
- Thiefs: Graft (Le Greffe) (Jazz & People) {4}: JC:+; jjc:9 -- TH:**
- Thrice: Palms (Epitaph) {4}: Bq:+, Ch:14, RkS:31
- Thunderpussy: Thunderpussy () {4}: Up:+, V:+(1); lw_r:26, vgg:6
- Justin Timberlake: Man of the Woods (RCA) {4}: BB:+, Ps:11; owh:+ -- Mc:55
- Tiny Moving Parts: Swell (Triple Crown/Big Scary Monsters) {4}: Bq:20, Pu:25, Sg:+
- Joshua Trinidad: In November (RareNoise) {4}: V:+(1); vjso:2 -- TH:*
- Tunng: Songs You Make at Night (Full Time Hobby) {4}: LLV:50, OS:38, RM:96, UR:99
- Tyler the Creator: Music Inspired by Illumination & Dr Seuss' the Grinch (Columbia) {4}: E_UK:+, V:+(1); vcka:2
- Uada: Cult of a Dying Sun (Eisenwald) {4}: Db:3
- Underworld & Iggy Pop: Teatime Dub Encounters (Caroline -EP) {4}: Fp:80, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Hana Vu: How Many Times Have You Driven By (Luminette) {4}: 405:31, FO:17, V:+(1)
- Jennifer Warnes: Another Time Another Place (BMG) {4}: V:+(1); am_s:+, vjb:4
- Norma Waterson & Eliza Carthy With the Gift Band: Anchor (Topic) {4}: FR:6; am_f:+
- Kenny Werner: The Space (Pirouet) {4}: JC:+; jdb:+, jdm:+ -- TH:*
- Dr Michael White: Tricentennial Rag (Basin Street) {4}: JC:+, PO:+ -- TH:**
- Havard Wiik Trio: This Is Not a Waltz (Moserobie) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
- Windhand: Eternal Return (Relapse) {4}: Bc:62, BV:38, FB:29; av_m:+
- Martin Wind: Light Blue (Laika) {4}: JC:+, JT:35, V:+(1); vbr:8 -- TH:B-
- Andrew WK: You're Not Alone (Sony) {4}: L:+, Mx:42, Ne:31, V:+(1)
- Wyvern Lingo: Wyvern Lingo (Rubyworks) {4}: HP:9, Ni:35
- Yipes!: Yipes!!! (self-released) {4}: V:+(1); vjb:1
- Darryl Yokley's Sound Reformation: Pictures at an African Exhibition (Truth Revolution) {4}: V:+(1); vao:1 -- TH:B
- 10^32K: The Law of Vibration (self-released) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- 3MA: Anarouz (Six Degrees) {3}: V:+(1); vrg:4
- Juhani Aaltonen/Raoul Bjorkenheim: Awakening (Eclipse) {3}: jch:10 -- TH:**
- Tom Abbs & Frequency Response: Hawthorne (Engine Studios) {3}: -- TH:***
- The Academic: Tales From the Backseat (Room 6) {3}: HP:10
- Ace of Cups: Ace of Cups (High Moon) {3}: V:+(1); jgg:3 -- TH:B
- The Aces: When My Heart Felt Volcanic (Red Bull) {3}: PA:16, YF:41
- Belle Adair: Tuscumbia (Single Lock) {3}: BS:13, V:+(1)
- Agar Agar: The Dog & the Future (Cracki) {3}: Gw:32, Mu:46, NME:61
- David Ake: Humanities (Posi-Tone) {3}: -- TH:***
- Alkaline Trio: Is This Thing Cursed? (Epitaph) {3}: Bq:+; hc_m:5
- Amber Arcades: European Heartbreak (Heavenly) {3}: Btz:48, Dr:82, LLV:35
- Amyl and the Sniffers: Big Attraction & Giddy Up (Damaged Goods) {3}: FB:77, RT:14
- Ancestors: Suspended in Reflections (Pelagic) {3}: FB:20, V:+(1)
- Arabrot: Who Do You Love (Pelagic) {3}: Qt:10
- Archie and the Bunkers: Songs From the Lodge (Dirty Water) {3}: V:+(1); vahm:5
- Ethan Ardelli: The Island of Form (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
- Julian Arguelles: Tonadas (Edition) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Joe Armon-Jones: Starting Today (Brownswood) {3}: JC:+; stb:2
- Huda Asfour: Kouni (self-released) {3}: V:+(1); vsk:2
- Richard Ashcroft: Natural Rebel (BMG) {3}: Al:42; rx:+, xr:+
- The Atlas Moth: Coma Noir (Prosthetic) {3}: Db:18, V:+(1)
- Awakebutstillinbed: What People Call Low Self-Esteem Is Really Just Seeing Yourself the Way that Other People See You (Tiny Engines) {3}: Alt:39, UpC:98, V:+(2)
- Awolnation: Here Come the Runts (Red Bull) {3}: V:+(1); vjo:2
- Bad Moves: Tell No One (Don Giovanni) {3}: V:+(1); vjty:5
- Sami Baha: Free for All (Planet Mu) {3}: PM:+; am_h:+, sa:+
- John Bailey: In Real Time (Summit) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Duck Baker: Plays Monk (Triple Point) {3}: JC:+; jpa:2
- Marcia Ball: Shine Bright (Alligator) {3}: V:+(1); vpbl:7 -- TH:*
- Bardo Pond: Volume 8 (Fire) {3}: V:+(1); vjk:5
- MC Paul Barman: (((Echo Chamber))) (Mello Music Group) {3}: -- TH:***
- Bat Fangs: Bat Fangs (Don Giovanni) {3}: Cos:+, Fld:+, V:+(1)
- Jamie Baum Septet+: Bridges (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; jgt:+ -- TH:*
- Tony Bennett & Diana Krall: Love Is Here to Stay (Verve/Columbia) {3}: jz:+ -- TH:**
- Beta Librae: Sanguine Bond (Incienso) {3}: F:32, N:82, V:+(1); pf_e:+
- Rafiq Bhatia: Breaking English (Anti-) {3}: V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Big Freedia: 3rd Ward Bounce (Asylum Worldwide -EP) {3}: PO:+; am_h:+, gq:+ -- TH:B
- Birds in Row: We Already Lost the World (Deathwish) {3}: Blr:27, N:78, Sg:37, V:+(1)
- Kasper Bjorke Quartet: The Fifty Eleven Project (Kompakt) {3}: Noj:26, YW:50; xlr:+
- Black Belt Eagle Scout: Mother of My Children (Saddle Creek) {3}: DT:31, UR:66; pf_k:+
- Samuel Blaser: Early in the Mornin' (Out Note) {3}: JC:+; am_j:+ -- TH:*
- Samuel Blaser With Marc Ducret/Peter Bruun: Taktlos Zurich 2017 (Hatology) {3}: jch:9, pm_j:+ -- TH:*
- The Blinders: Columbia (Modern Sky Entertainment) {3}: L4:18, LLV:46
- Bliss Signal: Bliss Signal (True Panther Sounds) {3}: DJM:30, Qt:87, Rf_h:26
- BlocBoy JB: Simi (Bloc Nation) {3}: PW:36; wp:4
- Dan Block: Block Party: A Saint Louis Connection (Miles High) {3}: -- TH:***
- Bokante and Metropole Orkest: What Heat (Real World) {3}: V:+(1); pm_w:3
- Jason Boland & the Stragglers: Hard Times Are Relative (Proud Souls) {3}: nod:+, scm:++
- Bella Boo: Fire (STudio Barnhus) {3}: GB:9
- Ruby Boots: Don't Talk About It (Bloodshot) {3}: bsd:+, nod:+, pm_a:8
- Boys: Rest in Peace (PNKSLM) {3}: ATH:36; pm_i:2
- Geof Bradfield: Yes and . . . Music for Nine Improvisers (Delmark) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Bobby Bradford/Hafez Modirzadeh: Live at the Blue Whale (NoBusiness) {3}: -- TH:***
- Anouar Brahem: Blue Maqams (ECM -17) {3}: jgm:1 -- [TH:**]
- Randy Brecker & Mats Holmquist: Together (Summit) {3}: -- TH:***
- Magnus Broo Trio: Rules (Moserobie) {3}: jpm:15 -- TH:**
- Brownout: Fear of a Brown Planet (Fat Beats) {3}: Am_h:17, NPR:+
- Andrew Bryant: Ain't It Like the Cosmos (Last Chance) {3}: BS:6
- Jarod Bufe: New Spaces (OA2) {3}: -- TH:***
- Buffalo Tom: Quiet and Peace (Schoolkids) {3}: V:+(3); vaz:3
- Molly Burch: First Flower (Captured Tracks) {3}: ATH:33, Blr:48, Sb:+
- Russell EL Butler: The Home I'd Build for Myself and All My Friends (Left Hand Path) {3}: DJM:16, V:+(1); vamp:7
- Buxton: Stay Out Late (New West) {3}: Noj:14; hc_d:9
- Rodrigo Campos: 9 Sambas (YB Music) {3}: V:+(1); xrt:3
- Carpenter Brut: Leather Teeth (No Quarter/Caroline) {3}: Noj:13, V:+(1)
- Chai: Pink (Otemoyan) {3}: am_i:+, pf_k:+, xpb:+
- Brian Charette/George Coleman: Groovin' With Big G (SteepleChase) {3}: -- TH:***
- Eric Chenaux: Slowly Paradise (Constellation) {3}: No:12, Qt:26
- Chicago Edge Ensemble: Insidious Anthem (Trost) {3}: -- TH:***
- Wild Billy Childish & CTMF: Brand New Cage (Damaged Goods) {3}: V:+(1); vao:2
- Lando Chill & the Lasso: Landolasso (Mello Music Group -EP) {3}: Mup:8
- Cloves: One Big Nothing (Universal Music Australia) {3}: Id:6
- Biffy Clyro: MTV Unplugged: Live at Roundhouse London (Warner Bros) {3}: Bq:+; rx:+, xr:+
- Freddy Cole: My Mood Is You (HighNote) {3}: -- TH:***
- Sean Conly: Hard Knocks (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
- Hollie Cook: Vessel of Love (Merge) {3}: PAM:39, RT:77, V:+(1)
- Erland Cooper: Solan Goose (Phases) {3}: MO:20, Qt:25
- Corrosion of Conformity: No Cross No Crown (Nuclear Blast) {3}: Db:31, L:+, V:+(1)
- Mario Costa: Oxy Patina (Clean Feed) {3}: j_p:+ -- TH:**
- Kyle Craft: Full Circle Nightmare (Sub Pop) {3}: PM:68, Ps:12
- Jeremiah Cymerman: Decay of the Angel (5049) {3}: JC:+; jmc:+, jsg:7
- The Dangerous Summer: The Dangerous Summer (Hopeless) {3}: Bq:+, RkS:48, Ps:16
- Maria Da Rocha: Beetroot & Other Stories (Shhpuma) {3}: j_p:+ -- TH:**
- Sarah Davachi: Gave in Rest (Ba Da Bing!) {3}: V:+(2); vjh:2
- Ray Davies: Our Country: Americana Act 2 (Legacy) {3}: V:+(1); vlk:2
- Caroline Davis: Heart Tonic (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Jordan Davis: Home State (EMI Nashville) {3}: V:+(1); sln:+, vclw:10
- Kris Davis/Matt Mitchell/Aruan Ortiz/Matthew Shipp: New American Songbooks Volume 2 (Sound American) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Dawes: Passwords (Hub) {3}: V:+(1); gl:+, v_cw:20
- Matthew Dear: Bunny (Ghostly international) {3}: MO:39, V:+(1); ts:+
- Michael Dessen Trio: Somewhere in the Upstream (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
- Die Nerven: Fake (Glitterhouse) {3}: Mu:12 -- AM:160
- The Dirty Nil: Master Volume (Dine Alone) {3}: N:19, V:+(1)
- Doe: Grow Into It (Topshelf) {3}: ABC:11, Ups:33
- Liran Donin's 1000 Boats: 8 Songs (Cavalo) {3}: JW:10
- Bonny Doon: Longwave (Woodsist) {3}: Fld:+, P:+, V:+(3)
- Tashi Dorji & Tyler Damon: Leave No Trace: Live in St Louis (Family Vineyard) {3}: jnm:9, jtb:3
- Earthless: Black Heaven (Nuclear Blast) {3}: FB:70, Mx:49, V:+(1)
- Dave East and Styles P: Beloved (Def Jam) {3}: HG:+; ahh:12, xxl:+
- Ebony Bones: Nephilim (1984) {3}: V:+(1); vsh:3
- Yelena Eckemoff: Better Than Gold and Silver (L&H Production) {3}: jjk:+ -- TH:**
- Editors: Violence (PIAS) {3}: NBH:26; rx:+, xr:+
- Delroy Edwards: Rio Grande (LA Club Resource) {3}: OTR:49, PW:35, TMT:41
- El Coyote: El Coyote (self-released) {3}: scm:+++
- Emma Louise: Lilac Everything (Liberation) {3}: DJ:23, Id:25, V:+(1)
- En Attendant Ana: Lost and Found (Trouble in Mind) {3}: ATH:46, V:+(1), YW:57
- Epic Beard Men: Season 1 (Strange Famous) {3}: -- RC:*, TH:**
- Extra Large Unit: More Fun Please (PNL) {3}: jeh:1
- Kyle Falconer: No Thank You (Riverman) {3}: L4:9
- Farai: Rebirth (Big Dada) {3}: PAM:23; hhv:+, xlr:+
- Farao: Pure-O (Western Vinyl) {3}: Am_s:22, GTV:47, VF:46
- Fickle Friends: You Are Someone Else (Polydor) {3}: bsd:+ -- TH:**
- Fiddlehead: Springtime and Blind (Runs for Cover) {3}: Blr:35, Eb:21; av_k:+
- Roman Filiu: Quarteria (Sunnyside) {3}: jbm:33, jjc:+ -- TH:*
- Nora Fischer & Marnix Dorrestein: Hush (Universal Music) {3}: V:+(1); vbo:5
- Frame Trio: Luminaria (FMR) {3}: j_p:+, jsg:6, jtb:6
- Amaro Freitas: Rasif (Far Out) {3}: CM:+; hhv:+, xrt:+
- Kinky Friedman: Circus of Life (Echo Hill) {3}: V:+(1); vjb:3
- Future War Bride: Majahua (self-released) {3}: L4:6
- GDFX: Young Ox Restraint (Mondoj) {3}: JC:+, V:+(1); sjf:7
- Tommy Genesis: Tommy Genesis (Downtown) {3}: Hs:8
- Camilla George: The People Could Fly (Ubuntu) {3}: JC:+; sg_j:5
- Inara George: Dearest Everybody (Release Me) {3}: am_s:+, bsd:+, mj:+
- Glass Traps: Glass Traps (self-released) {3}: V:+(1); vsh:4
- Goatman: Rhythms (Rocket) {3}: FB:82, Pc:86, Sb:+
- Go-Kart Mozart: Mozert's Mini-Mart (West Midlands) {3}: Mj:54, Q:34, U:35
- Aaron Goldberg: At the Edge of the World (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Vinny Golia/Henry Kaiser/Bob Moses/Damon Smith/Weasel Walter: Astral Plane Crash (Balance Point Acoustics) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Thibault Gomez: La Grande Reveuse (Parallel) {3}: jss:1
- Chilly Gonzales: Solo Piano III (Gentle Threat/Fontana/North) {3}: Dr:58, E_UK:+, RT:88
- Good Charlotte: Generation Rx (BMG) {3}: RkS:20, Ups:34
- Peggy Gou: Once (Ninja Tune -EP) {3}: Bc:16; mmg:+
- Seth Graham: Gasp (Orange Milk) {3}: TMT:35, V:+(1); rs_a:8
- Macy Gray: Ruby (Artistry) {3}: ABC:44, Al:32, V:+(3)
- Danny Green Trio Plus Strings: One Day It Will (OA2) {3}: jdm:+ -- TH:**
- Tom Grennan: Lighting Matches (Insanity) {3}: Bq:+; rx:+, xr:+
- Muriel Grossmann: Golden Rule (RRgems) {3}: J -- ukv:1
- Haiko Salut: There Is No Elsewhere (PRAH) {3}: GTV:8
- Jeff Hamilton Trio: Live From San Pedro (Capri) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Ross Hammond & Sameer Gupta: Mystery Well (Prescott) {3}: -- TH:***
- Glen Hansard: Between Two Shores (Anti-) {3}: HP:7
- Francoise Hardy: Personne D'Autre (Parlophone France) {3}: EE:9
- Harm's Way: Posthuman (Metal Blade) {3}: Rev:17; ex_m:6
- Jaimee Harris: Red Rescue (Ruby White) {3}: V:+(1); vpbl:2
- Joel Harrison: Angel Band: Free Country Vol 3 (HighNote) {3}: JC:+, V:+(1); vmw:9
- Steve Hauschildt: Dissolvi (Ghostly International) {3}: Am_s:50Pc:96; am_e:+
- The Heat Death: The Glenn Miller Sessions (Clean Feed) {3}: CM:43 -- TH:**
- Arve Henriksen: The Height of the Reeds (Rune Grammofon) {3}: JC:+, No:47; jjk:+
- G Herbo & Southside: Swervo (Machine/Epic/Cinematic/150 Dream Team/808 Mafia) {3}: pf_r:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
- Tyler Higgins: Blue Mood (Shhpuma) {3}: JC:+, JT:36 -- TH:*
- The HIRS Collective: Friends Lovers Favorites (Get Better/SRA) {3}: N:33, NPR:40, V:+(1); av_k:+
- Adam Hood: Somewhere in Between (Southern Songs) {3}: RS_c:32; am_c:+, cmt:+
- Hopesfall: Arbiter (Graphic Nature/Equal Vision) {3}: ax:1
- Gregory Alan Isakov: Evening Machines (Dualtone) {3}: PM:70, V:+(2); nod:+
- Ital Tek: Bodied (Planet Mu) {3}: DJM:36, PM:35; pm_e:8
- Alice Ivy: I'm Dreaming (Universal Music Australia) {3}: V:+(1); pm_p:3
- Jerusalem in My Heart: Daqa'iq Tudaiq (Constellation) {3}: Qt:84, W:11
- Cody Jinks: Lifers (Rounder) {3}: am_c:+, scm:++
- John Johanna: I'll Be Ready When the Great Day Comes (Faith & Industry) {3}: V:+(1); vao:4
- Glenn Jones: The Giant Who Ate Himself and Other New Works for 6 & 12 String Guitar (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Od:8
- G Jones: The Ineffable Truth (Illusory) {3}: bb_d:5, mmg:+
- Gabriel Kahane: Book of Travelers (Nonesuch) {3}: V:+(1); vlk:4
- Kelela: Take Me a_Part: The Remixes (Warp) {3}: Pap:11, PO:+
- Roger Kellaway Trio: New Jazz Standards Vol 3 (Summit) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Tori Kelly: Hiding Place (Schoolboy/Capitol) {3}: la_w:4, sjm:8
- Madeline Kenney: Perfect Shapes (Carpark) {3}: GTV:84, UR:73, V:+(1)
- Kero Kero Bonito: Time 'n' Place (Polyvinyl) {3}: Ne:22, OS:23, V:+(1)
- Marcus King Band: Carolina Confessions (Fantasy) {3}: V:+(1); gl:++
- Kode9 & Burial: Fabriclive 100 (Fabric) {3}: Fp:90, V:+(1); jjg:9
- Kojaque: Deli Daydreams (Soft Boy) {3}: Ni:7
- Koplant No: Elker (Mize Music) {3}: JC:+, V:+(1); vmw:3
- Ernie Krivda and Swing City: A Bright and Shining Moment (Capri) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Rolf Kuhn: Yellow + Blue (MPS) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Laurel: Dogviolet (Counter) {3}: Am_s:7
- Pablo Ledesma/Pepa Angelillo/Mono Hurtado/Carlo Brandan: Gato Barbieri Revisitado (Discos ICM) {3}: BIW:35 -- TH:**
- Cindy Lee: Model Express (W25TH/Superior Viaduct) {3}: GB:15, Sb:49
- Robbie Lee & Mary Halvorson: Seed Triangular (New Amsterdam) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Peggy Lee: Echo Painting (Songlines) {3}: BIW:12; bc_j:+ -- TH:B
- Jose Lencastre Nau Quartet: Eudaimonia (FMR) {3}: j_p:+ -- TH:**
- Les Big Byrd: Iran Iraq IKEA (PNKSLM) {3}: FB:75, Pc:28, Trk:50
- Les Filles De Illighadad: Eghass Malan (Sahel Sounds) {3}: Ju:7 -- TH:**
- Lewsberg: Lewsberg (self-released) {3}: DVk:32, Gw:36, V:+(1)
- Lil Peep: Come Over When You're Sober Pt 2 (Columbia) {3}: NME:62, V:+(1); am_h:+, ny_c:15
- The Liminanas: Shadow People (Because Music) {3}: GTV:92, Pc:91; rut:15
- Little Mix: LM5 (Syco Music) {3}: PB:20, V:+(1); am_p:+
- Logic: Bobby Tarantino II (Def Jam) {3}: GC:+, HG:+; xxl:+
- The Love Birds: In Lovers Corner (Trouble in Mind) {3}: ATH:40, Fld:25, V:+(1)
- Lowtide: Southern Mind (Rice Is Nice) {3}: Am_s:28; pm_d:3
- Kitty MacFarlane: Namer of Clouds (Navigator) {3}: FR:9
- Cam Maclean: Wait for Love (Atelier Ciseaux) {3}: V:+(1); vktb:2
- Shai Maestro: The Dream Thief (ECM) {3}: jfkz:+ -- TH:**
- The Magic Gang: The Magic Gang (Warner UK/Yala!) {3}: Bq:+, Cl:38, SR:33
- Joe Magnarelli: Magic Trick (SteepleChase) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- The Mammals: Sunshiner (Humble Abode Music) {3}: LTL:7
- Roc Marciano & DJ Muggs: KAOS (Soul Assassins) {3}: Cmp:33, HG:19
- Marie/Lepanto: Tenkiller (Big Legal Mess) {3}: BS:8
- Thomas Marriott: Romance Language (Origin) {3}: jdm:+
- Masego: Lady Lady (EQT) {3}: pmc:+, up_r:11, vib:+
- Mass Gothic: I've Tortured You Enough (Sub Pop) {3}: Gw:50, Pc:99, V:+(1)
- Massive Wagons: Full Nelson (Earache) {3}: PR:9
- Trixie Mattel: One Stone (self-released) {3}: BB:+; scm:++
- Mattiel: Mattiel (Burger) {3}: Crh:25, Pc:57, RT:47
- John Maus: Addendum (Ribbon) {3}: Noj:6
- Yo-Yo Ma: Six Evolutions: Bach Cello Suites (Sony Classical) {3}: V:+(1); vjc:4
- Eliza McCarthy & Mica Levi: Slow Dark Green Murky Waterfall (Slip) {3}: V:+(1); sfj:5
- Dave McMurray: Music Is Life (Blue Note) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Messa: Feast for Water (Aural) {3}: FB:12, V:+(1)
- Mid-Air Thief: Crumbling (Botanical House) {3}: Od:16, PA:22
- Miguel: War & Leisure (ByStorm/RCA -17) {3}: V:+(1); vcc:3 -- [TH:*]
- MIKE: Renaissance Man (Lex) {3}: Bc:22; pf_r:+ -- TH:*
- Ministry: AmeriKKKant (Nuclear Blast) {3}: Mx:11; lw_m:24
- Mink Slide: Egyptian Musk (King Flex Entertainment) {3}: V:+(1); vbcr:1
- Moaning: Moaning (Sub Pop) {3}: NBH:38, Sb:+, V:+(2)
- Momentum 2&3: Momentum 2&3 [Brullt/Monster] (Audiographic -17) {3}: JC:+; jpa:3 -- [TH:*]
- Jemeel Moondoc Quartet: The Astral Revelations (RogueArt) {3}: CM:+, JC:+; jjsh:+
- Moondoggies: A Love Sleeps Deep (Sub Pop) {3}: V:+(1); gc:5
- Jason Moran and the Bandwagon: Looks of a Lot (Yes) {3}: JC:+; jrsc:3
- Moskus: Mirakler (Hubro) {3}: CM:33 -- TH:**
- Moster: States of Minds (Hubro -2CD) {3}: Dv:40, JC:+ -- TH:*
- John Moulder: Decade: Memoirs (Origin) {3}: ct_j:10
- Mumford & Sons: Delta (Glassnote) {3}: Bq:+; nod:+, xr:+
- Nakhane: You Will Not Die (BMG) {3}: GTV:77, NME:83, On:48
- David Nance Group: Peaced and Slightly Pulverized (Trouble in Mind) {3}: V:+(2); vcr:3
- Brenda Navarrete: Mi Mundo (ALMA) {3}: V:+(1); vcv:5
- Judy Niemack: New York Stories (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+, V:+(1); jan:2
- The Night Flight Orchestra: Sometimes the World Ain't Enough (Nuclear Blast) {3}: Gf:18, Noj:+
- NVDES: Vibe City Utah (Maison Nvdite) {3}: V:+(1), YW:11
- Kate NV: [XXX] For (RVNG Intl) {3}: Gw:31, W:26; hhv:+
- Tobe Nwigwe: The Originals (self-released) {3}: V:+(1); vje:1
- Jackie Oates: The Joy of Living (ECC) {3}: FR:8
- Oh Pep!: I Wasn't Only Thinking About You . . . (ATO) {3}: DJ:50, WHP:15
- Okkervil River: In the Rainbow Rain (ATO) {3}: Pc:65, V:+(1) -- RC:*
- Olden Yolk: Olden Yolk (Trouble in Mind) {3}: ATH:35, Bc:91, V:+(1)
- Orphaned Land: Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs (Century Media) {3}: Gf:19, L:+
- Lindi Ortega: Liberty (Shadowbox) {3}: am_c:+, nod:+, scm:+
- Ozzy: Ett Oga Rott (Play 66) {3}: So:10
- Palaye Royale: Boom Boom Room (Side B) (Sumerian) {3}: RkS:9
- Papa M: A Broke Moon Rises (Drag City) {3}: Dr:7
- Graham Parker: Cloud Symbols (100%) {3}: V:+(1); am_k:+, vjb:10
- Parkway Drive: Reverence (Epitaph) {3}: L:+, RkS:40, Ups:21
- Chris Pasin: Ornettiquette (Planet Arts) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Carly Pearce: Every Little Thing (Big Machine -17) {3}: V:+(1); vjs:4 -- [TH:B-]
- Jeremy Pelt: Noir En Rouge: Live in Paris (HighNote) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Perfume: Future Pop (Universal J/Perfume) {3}: TMT:40, V:+(1); am_p:+
- Ralph Peterson's Aggregate Prime: Inward Venture: Alive Vol 5 at the Side Door (Onyx Productions) {3}: JC:+; jbm:27, jeh:+
- Sam Phillips: World on Sticks (Littlebox) {3}: Mup:19, V:+(1)
- Pink: Beautiful Trauma (RCA -17) {3}: V:+(1); vcc:4 -- [TH:**]
- Leslie Pintchik: You Eat My Food You Drink My Wine You Steal My Girl! (Pintch Hard) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- A Place to Bury Strangers: Pinned (Dead Oceans) {3}: ABC:46, Re:40; ts:+
- Planet Asia: Mansa Musa (X-Ray) {3}: Am_h:19, HG:+
- Polo & Pan: Caravelle (Caroline) {3}: V:+(1); vdme:3
- Porches: The House (Domino) {3}: Rf_k:11, Sk:48
- Trevor Powers: Mulberry Violence (Baby Halo) {3}: Eb:47, V:+(1); pm_v:12
- Puce Mary: The Drought (Pan) {3}: Bc:99, Kp:17
- Nikita Rafaelov: Spirit of Gaia (Gotta Let It Out) {3}: jdm:+ -- TH:**
- RAM: RAM 7: August 1791 (Willibelle) {3}: V:+(1) -- RC:**, TH:B
- Ramzi: Phobiza Vol 3: Amor Fati (Fati) {3}: VF:24; hhv:+, pf_e:+
- Kristjan Randalu: Absence (ECM) {3}: am_j:+ -- TH:**
- John Raymond & Real Feels: Joy Ride (Sunnyside) {3}: jdb:+ -- TH:**
- Rejoicer: Energy Dreams (Stones Throw) {3}: No:48 -- TH:**
- The Rempis/Daisy Duo & Guests: Dodecahedron (Aerophonic -2CD) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Sheena Ringo: Reimport Vol 2: Civil Aviation Bureau (EMI) {3}: V:+(1); vjc:5
- Maria Rita: Amor E Musica (Universal Music) {3}: V:+(1); vcv:4
- Jack River: Sugar Mountain (Hopeless Utopian) {3}: Int:20; ju:+
- Rivers of Nihil: Where Owls Know My Name (Metal Blade) {3}: ex_m:3, lw_m:15
- Draco Rosa: Monte Sagrado (Sony Music Latin) {3}: V:+(1); am:+, am_w:+
- Rucci: El Perro (Mackk) {3}: PW:7
- Saint Sister: Shape of Silence (IE:Music) {3}: Ni:12; pm_f:9
- Nathan Salsburg: Third (No Quartet) {3}: V:+(1); am:+, am_f:+
- The Samps: Breakfast (Gloriette) {3}: GB:21, OS:18
- San Holo: Album1 (Bitbird) {3}: DVk:49; bb_d:2
- Sans: Kulku (Cloud Valley) {3}: FR:10
- Say Lou Lou: Immortelle (Cosmos) {3}: V:+(1); bg_j:7, vmj:9
- Boz Scaggs: Out of the Blues_Concord (07-27) {3}: TH:*
- JP Schlegelmilch/Jonathan Goldberger/Jim Black: Visitors (Skirl) {3}: RS_j:15 -- TH:*
- Ed Schrader's Music Beat: Riddles (Carpark) {3}: LQ:23, UR:46, V:+(2)
- Colin Self: Siblings (RVNG Intl) {3}: NPR:33, V:+(3); pf_x:+
- Lauren Sevian: Bliss (Posi-Tone) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Shakers n' Bakers: Heart Love (Little i Music) {3}: JC:+; jmc:7 -- TH:*
- Shannon & the Clams: Onion (Easy Eye/Nonesuch) {3}: V:+(1); gl:++, vjp:10
- Jake Shears: Jake Shears (Freida Jean) {3}: V:+(2); vbw:5
- She Drew the Gun: Revolution of Mind (Skeleton Key) {3}: L4:13; bb6:10
- The Sheepdogs: Changing Colours (Waner) {3}: Mz:21; rut:2
- Shirt: Pure Beauty (Third Man) {3}: LQ:6
- Shlomo: Mercurial Skin (Taapion) {3}: DJM:6
- Shy Boys: Bell House (Polyvinyl) {3}: ATH:6, V:+(1)
- Silent Planet: When the End Began (Solid State) {3}: Rf:h:6
- Josh Sinton's Predicate Trio: Making Bones Taking Draughts Bearing Unstable Millstones Pridefully Idiotically Prosaically (Iluso) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Dr Lonnie Smith: All in My Mind (Blue Note) {3}: Cpu:21; jbm:17, jz:+ -- TH:B-
- Jill Sobule: Nostalgia Kills (Pinko) {3}: V:+(1); nat:9, vdg:8
- Soulwax: Essential (Deewee/PIAS) {3}: Dr:36, Mix:38; nt:+
- Spanish Harlem Orchestra: Anniversary (ArtistShare) {3}: JC:+, V:+(1); vcv:6
- Jon Spencer: Spencer Sings the Hits (In the Red) {3}: Crh:39, RT:80, V:+(1)
- Ssion: O (Dero Arcade) {3}: Hs:16; ti:+
- Stand Atlantic: Skinny Dipping (Hopeless) {3}: RkS:10
- Lisa Stansfield: Deeper (EarMusic) {3}: V:+(2); vkc:2
- Stew & the Negro Problem: Notes of a Native Song (Tight Natural Productions) {3}: V:+(1); vae:3
- Sugarland: Bigger (Big Machine) {3}: am_c:+, sln:+, tns:+
- Sun June: Years (Keeled Scales) {3}: ATH:25, GB:19
- Suss: Ghost Box [Expanded] (Northern Spy) {3}: V:+(1); pm_b:3
- Swearin': Fall Into the Sun (Merge) {3}: Sk:42, Ups:46, V:+(1)
- Swizz Beatz: Poison (Epiz/Swizz Beatz) {3}: HG:+; up_r:9, xxl:+
- Tasha: Alone at Last (Father/Daughter) {3}: V:+(1); valo:1
- Fred Thomas: Aftering (Polyvinyl) {3}: V:+(2); am:+, am_i:+
- Linda Thompson: Linda Thompson Presents My Mother Doesn't Know I'm on the Stage (Omnivore) {3}: V:+(1); vao:5
- TI: Dime Trap (Grand Hustle/Epic) {3}: BS:29, HG:+; ahh:11
- The Ting Tings: The Black Light (Finca) {3}: V:+(1); vahm:4
- Tncb [XXXX]: Sekundenschlaf (Blackest Ever Black) {3}: Qt:57; hhv:+, pf_e:+
- Rafael Toral/Hugo Antunes/Joao Pais Filipe/Ricardo Webbens: Space Quartet (Clean Feed) {3}: j_p:+ -- TH:**
- Bjorn Torske: Byen (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: Dv:32, Pc:88; am_e:+
- Ricardo Toscano: Quartet (Clean Feed) {3}: j_p:+ -- TH:**
- Totally Mild: Her (Chapter Music) {3}: ATH:50, V:+(1); am_i:+
- Trust Fund: Bringing the Backline (self-released) {3}: RC:10
- Typhoon: Offerings (Roll Call) {3}: GTV:55, Up:+; gq:+
- Vakula: Metaphors (Leleka) {3}: OTR:9
- Kate Vargas: For the Wolfish & Wandering (self-released) {3}: RC:***
- Nacho Vegas: Violetica (Marxophone) {3}: -- AM:172, EE:+, Rdx:+
- Vril: Anima Mundi (Delsin) {3}: OTR:13; hhv:+
- The Vryll Society: Course of the Satellite (Deltasonic) {3}: Pc:50, RM:84, Sb:+
- Vuur: In This Moment We Are Free: Cities (Inside Out Music) {3}: V:+(1); vgm:2
- Waajeed: From the Dirt (Dirt Tech Rock) {3}: OTR:15, V:+(1)
- Warmth: Parallel (Archives) {3}: YW:111; pm_b:5
- War on Women: Capture the Flag (Bridge 9) {3}: BV:23, Eb:11
- Kobie Watkins: Movement (Origin) {3}: ct_j:8
- Bugge Wesseltoft & Prins Thomas: Bugge Wesseltoft & Prins Thomas (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: Pc:90 -- TH:**
- Veryan Weston/Element Project: The Make Project (Barnyard) {3}: JC:+; jsb:5
- Wet Tuna: Livin' the Die (Feeding Tube) {3}: SC:+, V:+(1); vbc:8
- Whyte Horses: Empty Worlds (CRC) {3}: Pc:20; am_i:+
- Mars Williams: Mars Williams Presents an Ayler Xmas: Volume 2 (Soul What) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Kelly Willis: Back Being Blue (Premium) {3}: V:+(1); am_c:+ -- TH:*
- The Wombats: Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life (Kobalt) {3}: Bq:+; rx:+, xr:+
- The Wood Brothers: One Drop of Truth (Thirty Tigers) {3}: gl:++, nod:+
- Kris Wu: Antares (Interscope) {3}: V:+(1); vcka:4
- Allie X: Super Sunset (Twin Music) {3}: Pap:18; gq:+
- YG: Stay Dangerous (Def Jam) {3}: hhv:+, up_r:14, vib:+
- YoshimiO/Susie Ibarra/Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe: Flower of Sulphur (Thrill Jockey) {3}: PM:+ -- TH:**
- You Me at Six: VI (Underdog) {3}: Bq:+, RkS:23, Ups:49
- Peter Zak Quartet Featuring Marcos Varela: One Mind (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- 5 Seconds of Summer: Youngblood (Capitol) {2}: PB:17
- Geoff Achison: Sovereign Town (Jupiter/Landslide) {2}: LTL:16
- Actress x London Contemporary Orchestra: Lageos (Ninja Tune) {2}: V:+(1); sfj:6
- Adult: This Behavior (Dais) {2}: V:+(1); am_e:+
- Advance Base: Animal Companionship (Run for Cover) {2}: V:+(2); vdca:6
- Agrimonia: Awaken (Southern Lord) {2}: V:+(2); tr_m:7
- Aguanko: Pattern Recognition (Aguanko) {2}: 1J
- Cyrille Aimee: Live (Mack Avenue) {2}: JC:+; jcmb:+
- The Aints: The Church of Simultaneous Existence (ABC) {2}: Sb:+, V:+(1)
- Air Waves: Warrior (Western Vinyl) {2}: SC:+, V:+(1)
- Alameda 4: Czarna Woda (Instant Classic) {2}: Hi:19
- Albatre: The Fall of the Damned (Shhpuma) {2}: V:+(1); j_p:+ -- TH:B
- Jimmy Aldridge & Sid Goldsmith: Many a Thousand (Ear Trumpet) {2}: FR:17
- Alien Boy: Sleeping Lessons (Tiny Engines) {2}: ATH:11
- Tony Allen & Jeff Mills: Tomorrow Comes the Harvest (Blue Note) {2}: FB:65, V:+(1)
- All Them Witches: ATW (New West) {2}: FB:23, RM:88
- Karrin Allyson: Some of That Sunshine (Kasrecords) {2}: JC:+, JT:23
- Oren Ambarchi/Kassel Jaeger/James Rushford: Face Time (Black Truffle) {2}: V:+(1); sfj:9
- Marsha Ambrosius: Nyla (Entertainment One) {2}: am_r:+, rs_s:8
- Ame: Dream House (Innervisions) {2}: Mix:28, OTR:46
- Jakob Anderskov: Mysteries (ILK) {2}: -- TH:**
- Animal Flag: Void Ripper (Triple Crown) {2}: Alt:17
- Lotte Anker/Pat Thomas/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Stale Liavik Solberg: His Flight's at Ten (Iluso) {2}: -- TH:**
- Anne-Marie: Speak Your Mind (Warner UK) {2}: GC:+; rs_p:18
- Tucker Antell: Grime Scene (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- Alex Anwandter: Latinoamericana (Nacional) {2}: HV:14
- Aorlhac: L'Esprit Des Vents (Les Acteurs De L'Ombre) {2}: V:+(1); vsh:10
- Apathy: The Widow's Son (Dirty Version) {2}: Am_h:24, HG:25
- Apple Jam: Off the White Album (Roseta Productions) {2}: V:+(1); jgg:10
- Lynne Arriale Trio: Give Us These Days (Challenge) {2}: JC:82 -- TH:*
- Art in America: Cloudborn (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); vgm:10
- Ash Code: Perspektive (Metropolis) {2}: Am_s:19
- Ashe: The Rabbit Hole (Mom + Pop Music) {2}: WHP:11
- Anelis Assumpcao: Taurina (Pomm_elo/Scubidu Music) {2}: EWi:+; xrt:+
- Auntie Flo: Radio Highlife (Brownswood) {2}: Bq:+, OTR:47
- Tiffany Austin: Unbroken (Con Alma) {2}: jcmb:+ -- TH:*
- Mart Avi: OtherWorld (self-releasead) {2}: GTV:88, Gw:22
- Bad Bunny: X 100PRE (Rimas Entertainment) {2}: V:+(3) -- TH:*
- Gacha Bakradze: Word Color (Lapsus) {2}: pf_e:+, xlr:+
- Kevin Bales & Keri Johnsrud: Beyond the Neighborhood: The Music of Fred Rogers (GabNat) {2}: JC:+; jjw:+
- Dave Ballou and BeepHonk: The Windup (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Balun: Prisma Tropical (Good Child) {2}: NPR:46, V:+(1)
- Jacob Banks: Village (UMGRI/Interscope) {2}: Noj:44; vib:+
- Alina Baraz: The Color of You (Mom + Pop Music) {2}: Ps:25; bsd:+
- Andrew Barker/Daniel Carter: Polyhedron (Astral Spirits) {2}: -- TH:**
- Barker Trio: Avert Your I (Astral Spirits) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Joey Baron/Robyn Schulkowsky: Now You Hear Me (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
- Bart & the Bedazzled: Blue Motel (Lovemonk) {2}: Mz:15
- Beach Slang: Everything Matters but No One Is Listening (Quiet Slang) (Polyvinyl) {2}: V:+(1); owh:+
- Ryan Beatty: Boy in Jeans (Boy in Jeans) {2}: Int:17
- Renick Bell: Turning Points (Seagrave) {2}: F:19
- Han Bennink/Steve Noble/Alexander Hawkins: 11.8.17 (Otoroku) {2}: jss:4
- Tim Berne/Matt Mitchell: Angel Dusk (Screwgun) {2}: JC:+; jjm:+
- Bernice: Puff: In the Air Without a Shape (Arts & Crafts) {2}: Ex:19
- Eraldo Bernocchi: Like a Fire That Consumes All Before It (RareNoise) {2}: jms:+ -- TH:*
- Matt Berry: Television Themes (Acid Jazz) {2}: Fp:87, LLV:82
- Lea Bertucci: Metal Aether (NNA Tapes) {2}: W:17
- Carlos Bica & Azul: Azul in Ljubljana (Clean Feed) {2}: j_p:+ -- TH:*
- Nick Biello: Vagabond Soul (Blujazz) {2}: -- TH:**
- Big Heart Machine: Big Heart Machine (self-released) {2}: jjm:+, vad:+ -- TH:B
- Big Joanie: Sistahs (self-released) {2}: Qt:60, V:+(1)
- David Binney: Here & Now (Mythology) {2}: JC:+; jjk:+ -- TH:B-
- David Birchall/Andrew Cheetham/Colin Webster/Otto Willberg: Plastic Kneecap (Raw Tonk) {2}: jfn:4
- Nat Birchall Meets Al Breadwinner: Sounds Almighty (Tradition Disc) {2}: -- TH:**
- Birds of Chicago: Love in Wartime (Signature Sounds) {2}: bsd:+, pm_a:16
- Bird Streets: Bird Streets (Omnivore) {2}: V:+(1); vzl:9
- Bixiga 70: Quebra Cabeca (Glitterbeat) {2}: PAM:20
- Black Moth Super Rainbow: Panic Blooms (Rad Cult) {2}: Mx:45, V:+(1)
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club: Wrong Creatures (Vagrant) {2}: Mz:35, V:+(1)
- Black Tongue: Nadir (self-released) {2}: Rf_h:18
- Michelle Blackwell: Body of Work (Blackwell Entertainment) {2}: V:+(1); xce:10
- Terence Blanchard: Live (Blue Note) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Blowzabella: Two Score (self-released) {2}: FR:17
- Blueface: Famous Cryp (5th Amendment) {2}: PW:11
- Blue Yonder: Rough and Ready Heart (NewSong) {2}: nod:+, scm:+
- Martin Blume/Wilbert De Joode/John Butcher: Low Yellow (Jazzwerkstatt) {2}: -- TH:**
- Dean Blunt: Soul on Fire (self-released) {2}: C:50; pf_x:+
- Body Type: Body Type EP (Partisan -EP) {2}: FB:25; ju:+
- Body Void: I Live Inside a Burning House (Crown and Throne) {2}: 405:40, Rf_h:37
- Bombay Rickey: Electric Bhairavi (Cowboys & Indian) {2}: V:+(1); vrg:6
- Borzoi: A Prayer for War (12XU) {2}: ATH:19
- Matthew Bourne/Nightports: Nightports With Matthew Bourne (The Leaf Label) {2}: Ju:18
- Craig Brann: Lineage (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
- Break: Another Way (Symmetry) {2}: Bq:+, Mix:36
- Edie Brickell & New Bohemians: Rocket (Verve Forecast) {2}: V:+(1); vpbl:10
- Ian Brighton/Henry Kaiser: Together Apart (Fractal) {2}: jch:3
- Brom: Sunstroke (Trost) {2}: -- TH:**
- Brooklyn Youth Chorus: Silent Voices (New Amsterdam) {2}: Cpu:11
- Kev Brown: Fill in the Blank (Redefinition/Fat Beats) {2}: Am_h:14
- Apollo Brown & Locksmith: No Question (Mellow Music Group -EP) {2}: HG:+, Mup:30
- Arthur Buck: Arthur Buck (New West) {2}: V:+(1); vaz:9
- Tom Buller: When a Country Boy Gets the Blues (self-released) {2}: scm:++
- Greg Burk: The Detroit Songbook (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
- Cedric Burnside: Benton County Relic (Single Lock) {2}: BS:25, Mj:59
- Busdriver: Electricity Is on Our Side (Temporary Forever) {2}: HG:+, PO:+ -- TH:B-
- Chris Butler & Ralph Carney: Songs for Unsung Holidays (Smog Veil) {2}: -- RC:**
- Jon Butler Trio: Home (Jarrah) {2}: DJ:18
- Chris Byars: New York City Jazz (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
- Candy: Good to Feel (Triple-B) {2}: Rev:25; av_k:+
- Cane Hill: Too Far Gone (Rise) {2}: Rev:18
- Alessia Cara: The Pains of Growing (Def Jam) {2}: PCr:+; rs_p:16
- Dustin Carlson: Air Ceremony (Out of Your Head) {2}: -- TH:**
- Carolina Story: Lay Your Head Down (Black River Americana) {2}: V:+(1); pm_f:16
- John Carpenter: Halloween [Original Soundtrack] (Sacred Bones) {2}: CS:20
- Casey: Where I Go When I Am Sleeping (Rise) {2}: Bq:+, Ups:48
- Cautious Clay: Blood Type (self-released) {2}: Ps:24, WHP:27
- Cave: Allways (Drag City) {2}: FB:50, Sb:+
- Guillermo Celano/Jachim Badenhorst/Marcos Baggiani: Lili & Marleen (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Ernesto Cervini's Turboprop: Abundance (Anzic) {2}: -- TH:**
- Kasey Chambers: Campfire (Essence Music Group) {2}: am_s:+bsd:+
- Chapel of Disease: . . . And as We Have Seen the Storm We Have Embraced the Eye (Van) {2}: Db:15
- Chastity: Death Lust (Captured Tracks) {2}: Rf_h:41; ts:+
- Ben Chatwin: Staccato Signals (Village Green) {2}: Am_s:40, RM:21
- Chemtrails: Calf of the Sacred Cow (PNKSLM) {2}: Gf:23, V:+(1)
- Cher: Dancing Queen (Warner Bros) {2}: rs_p:5
- Chesterfield: Consuelo (Mikroton) {2}: jeh:2
- Chevel: Always Yours (Different Circles) {2}: F:48; hhv:+
- CHEW: Feeding Frenzy (Iron Lung) {2}: Bc:24; av_k:+
- Lando Chill: Maya Maia Mayu (Mello Music Group -EP) {2}: Mup:15
- Dave Chose: Dave Chose (Bonsound) {2}: LCA:15
- Chvrches: Hansa Session (Liberator Music -EP) {2}: ABC:18
- Mike Clark & Delbert Bump: Retro Report (Ropeadope) {2}: -- TH:**
- Clay Hips: Happily Ever After (Annika) {2}: pm_i:5
- Clearance: At Your Leisure (Topshelf) {2}: Bc:98; am_i:+
- Clouds: Heavy the Eclipse (Electric Deluxe) {2}: DJM:20
- Clown Core: Toilet (8===D) {2}: V:+(1); vnf:6
- Clubz: Destellos (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); jac:8
- Coheed and Cambria: Vaxis Act I: The Unheavenly Creatures (Roadrunner) {2}: V:+(2); lw_r:21
- Gabriella Cohen: Pink Is the Colour of Unconditional Love (Captured Tracks) {2}: DJ:15
- Louis Cole: Time (Brainfeeder) {2}: gW:18
- Kevin Coleman: First Songs (self-released) {2}: Od:17
- Richie Cole: Cannonball (RCP) {2}: -- TH:**
- Marco Colonna/Agusti Fernandez/Zlatko Kaucic: Agrakal (Not Two) {2}: JC:+; jfn:9
- Colouring: Bn (UMGRi/Interscope) {2}: V:+(1); pm_p:8
- The Cordovas: That Santa Fe Channel (ATO) {2}: LTL:13
- Courteeners: St Jude: Re-Wired (Polydor) {2}: rx:+, xr:+
- Chris Crack: Just Gimme a Minute (New Deal Collectives) {2}: PW:40; pf_r:+
- Ian William Craig: Thresholder (FatCat) {2}: Qt:85, V:+(1)
- Crepes: In Cahoots (Universal Music Australia) {2}: DJ:41, FB:27
- Alison Crockett: Obrigada (Sol Image) {2}: V:+(1); jeh:5
- Ronnie Cuber: Ronnie's Trio (SteepleChase) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Will Dailey: Golden Walker (Wheelkick) {2}: bh:5
- Tim Daisy: Configurations (Relay) {2}: -- TH:**
- Dark Sarah: The Golden Moth (Inner Wound) {2}: V:+(1); vgm:9
- Dark Times: Tell Me What I Need (Sheep Chase) {2}: YW:13
- Billie Davies Trio: Perspectives II (self-released) {2}: JC:+; jjw:+
- Jesse Dayton: The Outsider (Blue Elan) {2}: bg_u:5
- Dead Composers Club [Noah Preminger/Rob Garcia]: Chopin Project (Connection Works) {2}: JC:+; jgt:+ -- TH:B
- Michael Dease: Bonafide (Posi-Tone) {2}: -- TH:**
- Debit: Animus (NAAFI) {2}: F:14
- Jerry David Decicca: Time the Teacher (Impossible Ark) {2}: RC:18
- The Declining Winter: Belmont Slope (Home Assembly Music) {2}: No:17
- Dedekind Cut: Tahoe (Kranky) {2}: W:23, YW:100
- Benoit Delbecq 4: Spots on Stripes (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
- Delgres: Mo Jodi (Jazz Village) {2}: V:+(1); vbr:5
- Christopher Dell/Johannes Brecht/Christian Lillinger/Jonas Westergaard [DBLW]: Boulez Materialism: Live in Concert (Plaist) {2}: -- TH:**
- Julien Desprez/Luis Lopes: Boa Tarde (Shhpuma) {2}: -- TH:**
- DeWolf: Thrust (Mascot) {2}: L:+; rut:8
- Dir En Grey: The Insulated World (Columbia) {2}: ax:2
- DJ Khalab: Black Noise 2084 (On the Corner) {2}: PAM:36, V:+(1)
- DJ Krush: Cosmic Yard (ES) {2}: V:+(1); vpf:6
- Dorian Concept: The Nature of Imitation (Brainfeeder) {2}: V:_(1); am_e:+
- Dot Dash: Proto Retro (The Beautiful Music) {2}: ATH:16
- Drangsal: Zores (Caroline) {2}: Mu:14
- Dreams: No One Defeats Us (EMI Australia) {2}: V:+(1); am_p:+
- Drowse: Cold Air (The Flenser) {2}: Rf_h:40, V:+(1); sdc:+
- Elina Duni: Partir (ECM) {2}: am_j:+ -- TH:*
- The Du-Rites: Gamma Ray Jones (Redefinition/Fat Beats) {2}: Am_h:12
- DZ Deathrays: Bloody Lovely (Alcopop!) {2}: YW:110; tm:7
- Dave East: Karma 2 (The DisPensary) {2}: HNH:15
- Echo Ladies: Pink Noise (Sonic Cathedral) {2}: RT:82; pm_d:11
- El Dusty: Cumbia City (Aftercluv Dancelab) {2}: V:+(1); vjo:8
- Elephant9: Greatest Show on Earth (Rune Grammofon) {2}: JC:+; jjk:+
- Eleventeen Eston: At the Water (Growing Bin) {2}: Pc:12
- Elohim: Elohim (BMG) {2}: Blr:49; ax:8
- Prins Emanuel: Diagonal Musik (Music for Dreams) {2}: OTR:43, Pc:26
- Emery: Eve (BC Music) {2}: V:+(1); vti:7
- Signe Emmeluth's Amoeba: Polyp (Ora Fonogram) {2}: CM:+; jtd:+
- Endangered Blood: Don't Freak Out (Skirl) {2}: JC:+; jpm:9
- The End [Sofia Jernberg/Mats Gustafsson/Kjetil Moster/Anders Hana/Greg Saunier]: Svarmod Och Vemod Ar Vardesinnen (RareNoise) {2}: jeh:7, jmsc:10 -- TH:D+
- The English Beat [Dave Wakeling]: Here We Go Love (Here We Go) {2}: PO:+, V:+(1) -- TH:B-
- Epic45: Through Broken Summer (Wayside and Woodland) {2}: Ro:11
- Ibon Errazkin: Foto Aerea (Elefant) {2}: Rdx:+; am_w:+
- John Escreet: Learn to Live (Blue Room) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- The Essex Green: Hardly Electronic (Merge) {2}: Sb:+, V:+(1)
- Silvana Estrada ft Ciudad De Las Flores: Lo Sagrado (30 Amp Circuit -17) {2}: V:+(1); xrt:6
- Ethers: Ethers (Trouble in Mind) {2}: ATH:22; am_i:+
- EUT: Fool for the Vibes (V2 Benelux) {2}: Oo:20
- The Gil Evans Orchestra: Hidden Treasures Monday Nights: Volume One (Bopper Spock Suns Music) {2}: jbm:25 -- TH:*
- Exes: Before You Go (self-released) {2}: M_ha:14
- Ex:Re: Ex:Re (Glassnote) {2}: V:+(1); vjh:10
- Dizzy Fae: Free Form Mixtape (self-released) {2}: Qt:88, V:+(1)
- Fatherson: Sum of All Your Parts (Easy Life) {2}: Bq:+, Sk:34
- Ezra Feinberg: Pentimento and Others (Related States) {2}: V:+(1); vsh:8
- The Fernweh: The Fernweh (Skeleton Key) {2}: sd:3
- The Fever 333: Made an America (Roadrunner/333 Wreckords Crew) {2}: lw_r:4
- Field Report: Summertime Songs (Verve) {2}: V:+(1); nod:+
- Film School: Bright to Death (Hauskat) {2}: pm_d:2
- William Fitzsimmons: Mission Bell (Nettwerk) {2}: ABC:25, NBH:48
- Roman Flugel: Themes (ESP Institute) {2}: Mix:46, OTR:33
- Josephine Foster: Faithful Fairy Harmony (Fire) {2}: W:27; sa:+
- Jeffrey Foucault: Blood Brothers (Tone Tree Music) {2}: bg_u:6, nod:+
- Jurg Frey and Magnus Granberg/Ensemble Grizzana: Early to Late (Another Timbre) {2}: jno:5
- Frigs: Basic Behaviour (Arts & Crafts) {2}: Blr:50, V:+(1)
- Sinsuke Fujieda: Hyper Harmony (SoFa) {2}: ukv:4
- The Furrow Collective: Fathoms (Hudson) {2}: FR:12
- Sebastian Gandera: Le Raccourci (Efficient Space) {2}: Ju:14
- Gang of Youths: MTV Unplugged (Live in Melbourne) (Mosy) {2}: rx:+, xr:+
- Fernando Garcia: Guasabara Puerto Rico (Zoho) {2}: jbm:34 -- TH:*
- Kevin Gates: Luca Brasi 3 (Bread Winners' Association) {2}: HNH:28, PW:32
- Gengahr: Where Wildness Grows (self-released) {2}: LLV:40, NME:96
- Ruth Gipps: Symphonies Nos 2 and 4/Song for Orcheatra/Knight in Armour (Chandos) {2}: nat:5
- Glintshake: [Nonb3A] (self-released) {2}: FB:57, Gw:40
- Gloria: Oidophon Echorama (Howlin Banana) {2}: sd:5
- Glorietta: Glorietta (Nine Mile) {2}: gl:++
- Gnod: Chapel Perilous (Rocket) {2}: Qt:40, Sb:+
- Godsmack: When Legends Rise (Spinefarm) {2}: L:+; lw_r:7
- The God the Bad & the Zugly: Misanthropical House (Fysisk Format) {2}: Dv:11
- Lori Goldston: The Passion of Joan of Arc (Substrata) {2}: jgm:2
- Vinny Golia/Steph Richards/Bert Turetzky: Trio Music (pfMENTUM) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Goodnight Texas: Conductor (2 Cent Bank Check) {2}: LTL:14
- Ipek Gorgun: Ecce Homo (Touch) {2}: V:+(1), W:47
- The Go! Team: Semicircle (Memphis Industries) {2}: RT:97; art:+ -- TH:**
- Isaac Gracie: Isaac Gracie (Virgin) {2}: rx:+, xr:+
- Graz Composers Orchestra Meets Claudia Doffinger: Monochrome (QFTF) {2}: JC:+; jjw:+
- Great News: Wonderfault (Eget Selskap) {2}: Gf_N:16
- Guerilla Toss: Twisted Crystal (DFA) {2}: Ne:47, V:+(1)
- Gulp: All Good Wishes (ELK) {2}: Pc:41, RM:53
- Westside Gunn: Hitler Wears Hermes 6 (Griselda) {2}: HG:16
- Haiyti: Montenegro Zero (Vertigo/UMG) {2}: Mu:49; jc:+
- Tim Haldeman: Open Water as a Child (Woolgathering) {2}: BIW:13
- Albert Hammond Jr: Francis Trouble (Red Bull) {2}: E_UK:+, V:+(1)
- Hampshire & Foat: Nightshade (Athens of the North) {2}: Pc:54, YW:113
- Eric Harland: 13th Floor (13th Floor) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Allan Harris: The Genius of Eddie Jefferson (Resilience Music) {2}: JC:+, V:+(1); jan:6
- Hate Eternal: Upon Desolate Sands (Season of Mist) {2}: Db:39; lw_m:14
- Marquis Hawkes: The Marquis of Hawkes (Houndstooth) {2}: DJM:39, Mix:21
- Hawkwind: Road to Utopia (Cherry Red) {2}: V:+(1); cct:3
- Hawthonn: Red Goddess (Of This Men Shall Know Nothing) (Ba Da Bing!) {2}: Qt:18
- Heathen Apostles: Bloodgrass Vol I & II (Ratchet Blade) {2}: V:+(1); xce:7
- Hellions: Rue (UNFD) {2}: RkS:42, Ups:31
- HER: I Used to Know Her: The Prelude (RCA -EP) {2}: V:+(1); rs_s:10
- Magos Herrera & Brooklyn Rider: Dreamers (RCA) {2}: NPR:15
- Hidden Hospitals: Liars (Mstatement) {2}: V:+(1); vgm:6
- HIDE: Castration Anxiety (Dais) {2}: V:+(1); vjh:9
- Hieroglyphic Being: The Replicant Dream Sequence (Moog Library) {2}: SR:39 -- TH:*
- Utada Hikaru: Hatsukoi (Sony) {2}: V:+(1); vjc:9
- Marquis Hill: Modern Flows Vol 2 (Black Unlimited Music Group) {2}: JC:+; jz:+ -- TH:B
- Theo Hill: Interstellar Adventures (Posi-Tone) {2}: JC:+; vmp_j:9
- Hjelle: Fan Ta NPM (Jared Sin) {2}: So:16
- Steve Hobbs: Tribute to Bobby (Challenge) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Amos Hoffman/Noam Lemish: Pardes (self-released) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Hollow Hand: Star Chamber (Talkshow) {2}: FB:14
- Peter Holsapple: Game Day (Omnivore) {2}: V:+(1); am_s:+, vjte:7
- Holy Motors: Slow Sundown (Wharf Cat) {2}: Am_s:31, Pc:64
- Honest John w/ Ab Baars: Treem (Clean Feed) {2}: jpm:11 -- TH:*
- Howlin Rain: The Alligator Bride (Silver Current) {2}: PR:20
- Huntsmen: American Scrap (Prosthetic) {2}: Hi:15
- Jenny Hval: The Long Sleep (Sacred Bones -EP) {2}: Qt:31; pf_x:+
- HVL: Ostati (Organic Analogue) {2}: Mix:40; ra:+
- Koenji Hyakkei: Dhorimvishka (self-released) {2}: Bc:44, V:+(1)
- Ice Cube: Everythang's Corrupt (Lench Mob/Interscope) {2}: HG:+, V:+(1)
- ICP Orchestra: Live at the Royal Room: Second Set: 6 May 2015 (ICP) {2}: -- TH:**
- Ihsahn: Amr (Spinefarm) {2}: L:+, V:+(1)
- Ineffable Demise: Beyond the Marrow Gates (Realityfade) {2}: V:+(1); vpf:9
- I See Hawks in LA: Live and Never Learn (Western Seeds) {2}: V:+(1); nod:+
- Eiko Ishibashi: The Dream My Bones Dream (Drag City) {2}: VF:19, V:+(1), W:32
- Ian Isiah: Shugga Sextatpe (Vol 1) (UNO NYC) {2}: Pap:17
- Jericho Jackson: Khrysis & Elzhi Are Jericho Jackson (Jamla) {2}: Al:22, HG:28
- Jillian Jacqueline: Side B (Big Loud) {2}: V:+(1); vclw:3
- Peter Jacquemyn: Fundament (El Negocito) {2}: jkp:7, jsg:+
- Hanna Jarver: So Long (Cosmos) {2}: Gf:20
- Jesus Piece: Only Self (Southern Lord) {2}: Bc:37; tr_m:19
- Joan of Arc: 1984 (Joyful Noise) {2}: V:+(1); vrg:9
- Johan: Pull Up (Excelsior) {2}: Oo:16
- Phillip Johnston: The Adventuers of Prince Achmed (Asychronous) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Joji: Ballads 1 (88rising Music/12Tone Music) {2}: Du:21, Hs:25
- Paul Jolly & Mike Adcock: Risky Furniture (33xtreme) {2}: jss:3
- The Joy Formidable: AAARTH (Seradom) {2}: RT:51; am_i:+
- John Kaada: Closing Statements (Mirakel) {2}: Mx:15
- Kaelan Mikla: Nott Eftir Nott (Artofact) {2}: Rev:14
- Kammerflimmer Kollektief: There Are Actions Which We Have Neglected and Which Never Cease to Call Us (Bureau B) {2}: jmsc:3
- Miles Kane: Coup De Grace (Virgin EMI) {2}: Bq:+; xr:+
- Karg: Dornenvogel (AOP) {2}: Rf_h:17
- Kassin: Relax (Luaka Bop) {2}: pm_p:5
- Silvia Kastel: Air Lows (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: DJM:46; ra:+
- Kaia Kater: Grenades (Smithsonian Folkways) {2}: nod:+, pm_a:19
- Paul Kelly: Nature (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: DJ:32, P:45
- Lydia Kepinski: Premier Juin (Chivi Chivi) {2}: LCA:18
- Kiefer: Happysad (Stones Throw) {2}: Mup:29, PO:+
- Kilchhofer: The Book Room (Marionette) {2}: hhv:+, pm_v:9
- King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: Gumboot Soup (ATO -17) {2}: SR:47, V:+(1)
- King Princess: Make My Bed (Zelig -EP) {2}: V:+(1); rs_p:10
- Klein: CC (self-released -EP) {2}: TMT:30; pf_x:+
- Litku Klemetti: Taika Tapahtuu (Luova) {2}: V:+(1); vspt:10
- Knalpot: Dierendag (Shhpuma) {2}: V:+(1) -- TH:*
- Knife Knights: 1 Time Mirage (Sub Pop) {2}: PO:+, V:+(1)
- Kirk Knight: IIWII (Pro Era) {2}: HG:+; up_r:20
- Kirk Knuffke/Steven Herring: Witness (SteepleChase) {2}: JC:+; jtd:+ -- TH:B
- Gleb Kolyadin: Gleb Kolyadin (KScope) {2}: L:+; jgt:+
- Hiro Kone: Pure Expenditure (Dais) {2}: No:24, V:+(1)
- Mark Kozelek: Mark Kozelek (Caldo Verde) {2}: Rf_k:41, V:+(1)
- Kevin Krauter: Toss Up (Bayonet) {2}: Am_s:11
- Kriegsmaschine: Apocalypticists (No Solace) {2}: Hi:16
- Femi Kuti: One People One World (Knitting Factory) {2}: am_w:+ -- TH:*'
- Laibach: The Sound of Music (Mute) {2}: Qt:32, V:+(1)
- Graham Lambkin: No Better No Worse (Vol 1) (self-released) {2}: Od:18
- Graham Lambkin: No Better No Worse (Vol 2) (self-released) {2}: Od:18
- Ray LaMontagne: Part of the Light (RCA) {2}: ABC:36, V:+(1)
- Dawn Landes: Meet Me at the River (Yep Roc) {2}: V:+(1); am_s:+, vdf:8
- Meyhem Lauren: Glass (916% Entertainment) {2}: V:+(1); vbcr:2
- Melissa Laveaux: Radyo Siwel (No Format) {2}: PAM:25, U:30
- LEA: Zwischen Meinen Zeilen (Four Music) {2}: Id:19
- Leesun: 20 Year's Old Temperature (Sugar -17) {2}: V:+(1); vcka:7
- Heather Leigh: Throne (Editions Mego) {2}: Mz:50, PO:+
- Klara Lewis & Simon Fisher Turner: Care (Editions Mego) {2}: pm_v:5
- Like Pacific: In Spite of Me (Pure Noise) {2}: RkS:18
- Lil Skies: Life of a Dark Rose (All We Got/Atlantic) {2}: BB:+, Cmp:+
- Lil Yachty: Lil Boat 2 (Quality Control/Motown/Capitol) {2}: BB:+, V:+(1) -- Mc:50
- Joe Locke: Subtle Disguise (Origin) {2}: jdb:+, jjk:+
- Logic: YSIV (Def Jam) {2}: HG:+, YW:39
- The Longshot: Love Is for Losers (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); am_k:+
- Laura Love: She Loved Red (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); jgg:8
- LSDXOXO: Body Mods (self-released) {2}: F:11
- Lucero: Among the Ghosts (Thirty Tigers) {2}: AS:16
- Lucifer: Lucifer II (Century Media) {2}: FB:16
- Jessica Lurie: Long Haul (Chant -17) {2}: BIW:42, JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Lera Lynn: Plays Well With Others (Single Lock) {2}: am_w:+, nod:+
- Harold Mabern: The Iron Man: Live at Smoke (Smoke Sessions) {2}: JC:+; jrsc:7
- Maggot Heart: Dusk to Dusk (Teratology) {2}: FB:13
- Daron Malakian and Scars on Broadway: Dictator (Scarred for Life) {2}: V:+(1); lw_r:22
- Bugzy Malone: B Inspired (BSomebody) {2}: CX:20
- Kali Malone: Cast of Mind (Hallow Ground) {2}: F;46; hhv:+
- Matt Maltese: Bad Contestant (Atlantic UK) {2}: NME:26, V:+(1)
- Maluma: FAME (Sony Music Latin) {2}: BB:+; am_w:+
- Mammoth Grinder: Cosmic Crypt (Relapse) {2}: N:27; av_m:+
- Todd Marcus: On These Streets (A Baltimore Story) (Stricker Street) {2}: JC:78; jeh:+ -- TH:B
- Brian Marsella Trio: Outspoken: The Music of the Legendary Hasaan (Tzadik) {2}: J -- JC:+; jjg:+
- Gigi Masin: Kite (self-released) {2}: pm_b:2
- Massage: Oh Boy (Tearjerk) {2}: FB:84; pm_i:7
- Matchess: Sacracorpa (Trouble in Mind) {2}: am_i:+, pf_x:+
- Donny McCaslin: Blow (Motema) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Drew McDowall: The Third Helix (Dais) {2}: Qt:89, V:+(1)
- Carson McHone: Carousel (Loose Music) {2}: RS_c:35; scm:+
- Jim McNeely/The Frankfurt Radio Big Band: Barefoot Dances and Other Visions (Planet Arts) {2}: JC:94; jjw:+
- JD McPherson: Socks (New West) {2}: nod:+, scm:+
- Meat Beat Manifesto: Impossible Star (MBM) {2}: Mx:35; tr_e:8
- Lubomyr Melnyk: Fallen Trees (Erased Tapes) {2}: pm_b:4
- Melo-Zed: Eleven (EOne Music Canada) {2}: Mup:11
- Mephiti: Mephiti (El Negocito) {2}: BIW:20
- Middle Kids: Lost Friends (Domino) {2}: DJ:21, Sb:+
- Mien: Mien (Rocket) {2}: Pc:43, RT:90
- MIKE: Black Soap (Lex -EP) {2}: Fld:+ -- TH:*
- Blake Mills: Look (Verve) {2}: V:+(1), YW:112
- Andy Milne & Dapp Theory: The Seasons of Being (Sunnyside) {2}: JC:+; jeh:+
- Milo: Budding Ornithologists Are Weary of Tired Analogies (Ruby Yacht/The Order Label) {2}: BV_r:21; sg_r:9
- Roscoe Mitchell/Montreal-Toronto Art Orchestra: Ride the Wind (Nessa) {2}: JC:99; jdt:+
- Louis Moholo-Moholo's Five Blokes: Uplift the People (Ogun) {2}: JC:+; jjsh:+
- Monsieur Doumani: Angathin (self-released) {2}: FR:20
- Moonface: This One's for the Dancer & This One's for the Dancer's Bouquet (Jagjaguwar) {2}: OS:24, UR:75
- Motel Mirrors: In the Meantime (Last Chance) {2}: cmt:+, nod:+
- Mourning [A] BLKstar: The Garner Poems (Electric Cowbell) {2}: Mup:44, Re:21
- Mouse on Mars: Dimensional People (Thrill Jockey) {2}: Mu:40, Qt:34
- Mr Eazi: Life Is Eazi Vol 2: Lagos to London (Universal Music) {2}: PAM:24; pam_r:6
- Mr Twin Sister: Salt (Plancha) {2}: GB:17, V:+(1)
- Ms Jody: I'm Doin' My Thang (Ecko) {2}: V:+(1); vsk:6
- Dana Murray: Negro Manifesto (Ropeadope) {2}: JC:+, PO:+
- Mutant Beat Dance: Mutant Beat Dance (Rush Hour Music) {2}: OTR:42; xlr:+
- Muthoni Drummer Queen: She (Yotanka) {2}: PAM:18
- Kim Myhr/Quatuor Bozzini/Caroline Bergvall/Ingar Zach: Pressing Clouds Passing Crowds (Hubro) {2}: jeh:3
- Myriad 3: Vera (ALMA) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Mythic Sunship: Upheaval (El Paraiso) {2}: FB:73, Hi:31
- Quinsin Nachoff's Flux: Path of Totality (Whirlwind -19) {2}: JC:+; vjc:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Akua Naru: The Blackest Joy (The Urban Era) {2}: PAM:37; pam_r:15
- Nasty C: Strings & Bling (Universal Music) {2}: PAM:31; pam_r:12
- Matt Nathanson: Sings His Sad Heart (Acrobat) {2}: Ch:27, V:(1)
- The Native Cats: John Sharp Toro (RIP Society) {2}: FB:11
- Michael Nau: Michael Nau & the Mighty Thread (Relearn to Boogie) {2}: FO:42, V:+(1); vdh:10
- Negative Scanner: Nose Picker (Trouble in Mind) {2}: V:+(1), YW:51
- Arianna Neikrug: Changes (Concord) {2}: ct_j:4
- Neurotic Fiction: Pulp Music (Specialist Subject) {2}: FB:17
- Frank Newsome: Gone Away With a Friend (Free Dirt) {2}: scm:++
- The New York All-Star Big Band: The Unheard Artie Shaw (Hep) {2}: JC:+; jan:+
- Kody Nielson: Birthday Suite (Flying Nun) {2}: Ju:11
- Andrew Nolte: Tied to a String (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); vpbl:9
- Nordra: Pylon II (Sige) {2}: W:20
- Normandie: White Flag (Easy Life) {2}: Pu:20
- Alva Noto: Unieqav (Noton) {2}: Hi:17
- Oak Ridge Boys: 17th Avenue Revival (Lightning Rod) {2}: V:+(1); vjb:7
- The Ocean Party: The Oddfellows' Hall (Spunk) {2}: FB:26; ju:+
- Kori Octoberr: 40 oz (Rosegold) {2}: V:+(1); vcc:9
- O Emperor: Jason (Big Skin) {2}: Ni:15
- Of Mice & Men: Defy (Rise) {2}: Ups:15
- Hen Ogledd: Mogic (Domino) {2}: Qt:12
- Meg Okura/Sam Newsome/Jean-Michel Pilc: NPO Trio Live at the Stone (Chant) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Meg Okura & the Pan Asian Chamber Jazz Ensemble: Ima Ima (Chant) {2}: jdb:+ -- TH:*
- Tunde Olaniran: Stranger (Magic Wheel) {2}: YW:18
- Old Wounds: Glow (Good Fight Music) {2}: Rev:22, V:+(1)
- Ondt Blod: Natur (Fysisk Format) {2}: Gf_N:12
- Optiganally Yours: OY in Hi-Fi (Joyful Noise) {2}: ATH:15
- Orquesta Del Tiempo Perdido: Stille (Shhpuma) {2}: BIW:18 -- TH:B
- Gilbert O'Sullivan: Gilbert O'Sullivan (BMG) {2}: am:+, am_s:+
- Ulysses Owens Jr: Songs of Freedom (Somethin' Cool) {2}: ct_j:2
- Niklas Paschburg: Oceanic (7K!) {2}: V:+(1); am_e:+, np_b:7
- PassCode: Locus (USM Japan) {2}: V:+(1); vgm:8
- Patois Counselors: Proper Release (Ever/Never) {2}: V:+(1); vjk:6
- Peace: Kindness Is the New Rock and Roll (Ignition) {2}: Bq:+, NME:97
- Manu Pekar: Pagan Panic (dbMP(x) -17) {2}: BIW:19
- Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: The Art of Perelman-Shipp Volume 1: Titan (Leo -17) {2}: jss:5 -- [TH:A-]
- Perfect Beings: Vier (InsideOut) {2}: L:+, V:+(1)
- Peter Bjorn and John: Darker Days (Warner Music Sweden) {2}: ABC:15
- Grace Petrie: Queer as Folk (self-released) {2}: FR:17
- Phantastic Ferniture: Phantastic Ferniture (Polyvinyl) {2}: LQ:39, Ni:29
- Roberta Piket: West Coast Trio (13th Note) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Charles Pillow Large Ensemble: Electric Miles (MAMA) {2}: JC:+; vjo:+ -- TH:B
- Pinkshinyultrablast: Miserable Miracles (Club AC30) {2}: GTV:31, RT:92
- Pink Siifu: Ensley (Pink Siifu) {2}: Bc:29; pf_r:+
- Ant'lrd and Benoit Pioulard: Deck Amber (Sounds Et Al) {2}: V:+(1), YW:102
- Planningtorock: Powerhouse (DFA) {2}: Noj:38, Qt:27
- Karine Polwart: Laws of Motion (Hudson) {2}: FR:16
- Portrayal of Guilt: Let Pain Be Your Guide (Gilead Media) {2}: N:25; tr_m:8
- Powerwolf: The Sacrament of Sin (Napalm) {2}: V:+(1); jan:7
- Chris Price: Dalmatian (Omnivore) {2}: v_cm:3
- Primal Rite: Dirge of Escapism (Revelation) {2}: V:+(1); av_m:+
- Prime Minister of Doom: Mudshadow Propaganda (Planet Uterus) {2}: TMT:29; ra:+
- Santiago Quintans/Ramon Lopez: Espadas Como Labios (Creative Sources) {2}: jch:4
- The Rails: Other People (Psychonaut) {2}: V:+(1); vjp:2
- Tom Rainey Obbligato: Float Upstream (Intakt -17) {2}: JC:+; vjc:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Allen Ravenstine: Waiting for the Bomb (Morphius/ReR Megacorp) {2}: -- RC:*, TH:*
- Amy Ray: Holler (Compass) {2}: am_f:+, nod:+
- Ray BLK: Empress (Island) {2}: PM:14
- Real Friends: Composure (Fearless) {2}: Bq:+, RkS:22
- Marina Rebeka: Verdi: Luisa Miller (BR-Klassik) {2}: YW:19
- Red Sun Rising: Thread (Razor & Tie) {2}: lw_r:2
- Kate Reid: The Heart Already Knows (self-released) {2}: JC:+; jjw:+
- Ike Reilly: Crooked Love (Rock Ridge Music) {2}: -- RC:**
- Logan Richardson: Blues People (Ropeadope) {2}: ny_u:3 -- TH:B
- Alasdair Roberts/Amble Skuse/David McGuinness: What News (Drag City) {2}: G:+; am_f:+
- Ava Rocha: Tranca (Circus) {2}: V:+(1); xrt:10
- Rebekah Rolland: Seed & Silo (self-released) {2}: pm_f:3
- Pharis & Jason Romero: Sweet Old Religion (Lula) {2}: nod:+, scm:+
- Maggie Rose: Change the Whole Thing (Starstruck) {2}: RS_c:33; bsb:+
- Jamison Ross: All for One (Concord) {2}: am_j:+, jz:+
- Josh Rouse: Love in the Modern Age (Yep Roc) {2}: GTV:48; am_s:+
- Ruby Karinto: Ruby Karinto (HoZac) {2}: V:+(1); vsh:7
- Anne Sajdera: New Year (Bijuri) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Carter Sampson: Lucky (Horton) {2}: Trk:19
- Greg Saunier/Mary Halvorson/Ron Miles: New American Songbooks Volume 1 (Sound American -17) {2}: BIW:41, JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Cash Savage & the Last Drinks: Good Citizens (Mistletone) {2}: DJ:49; smh:+
- J Peter Schwalm: How We Fall (RareNoise) {2}: jms:+ -- TH:*
- The Selecter: Daylight (DMF -17) {2}: V:+(1); vcc:8
- Senses Fail: If There Is Light It Will Find You (Pure Noise) {2}: hc_m:3
- Septeto Santiaguero & Jose Alberto El Canario: A Mi Que: Tributo A Los Classicos Cubanos (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); vcv:9
- Sepulcher: Panoptic Horror (Edged Circle Productions) {2}: Db:30; tr_m:24
- Seinabo Sey: I'm a Dream (Universal Music AB) {2}: Al:31, Noj:+
- Cosmo Sheldrake: The Much Much How How and I (Transgressive) {2}: Gw:39, On:41
- ShitKid: This Is It (PNKSLM) {2}: V:+(1); vjh:7
- Shy Layers: Midnight Marker (Beats in Space) {2}: am:+, am_e:+
- Ayanda Sikade: Movements (self-released) {2}: ukv:2
- Catherine Sikora/Christopher Culpo: The Spectral Life of Things () {2}: jfn:3
- Judy Silvano & the Zephyr Band: Lessons Learned (Unit) {2}: JC:+; jan:+
- Sink Ya Teeth: Sink Ya Teeth (Hey Buffalo) {2}: LQ:11, V:+(1)
- Ski Mask the Slump God: Beware the Book of Eli (Republic) {2}: PW:49, SC:+
- Slikback: Lasakaneku (Hakuna Kulala) {2}: V:+(1); pf_e:+
- Slothrust: The Pact (Dangerbird) {2}: Sb:+, V:+(2)
- Slowgold: Morkare (Playground Music Scandinavia) {2}: So:11
- Smerz: Have Fun (XL) {2}: GB:22, VF:+
- Cory Smythe: Circulate Susanna (Pyroclastic) {2}: JC:+; jadu:9 -- TH:B-
- Snow Patrol: Wildness (Polydor) {2}: rx:+, xr:+
- Snowpoet: Thought You Knew (Edition) {2}: JC:+; ukv:18
- Soft Science: Maps (Test Pattern) {2}: V:+(1); pm_d:12
- Sonadores De Sinaloa: Lo Improvisado (Mayra Music) {2}: V:+(1); vjo:10
- Sonido Gallo Negro: Mambo Cosmico (Glitterbeat) {2}: Bc:95; am_w:+
- Astrid Sonne: Human Lines (Escho) {2}: F:27, V:+(1)
- Sons of Bill: Oh God Ma'am (Loose Music) {2}: V:+(1); vbs:8
- Sungjae Son: Near East Quartet (ECM) {2}: JC:+; jms:+
- Harvey Sorgen/Joe Fonda/Marilyn Crispell: Dreamstruck (Not Two) {2}: JC:+; jmju:+
- Soulfly: Ritual (Nuclear Blast) {2}: Rf_h:49, V:+(1)
- Sound Voyage: En Route to Thailand (Free Soul) {2}: OTR:12
- Tess Souter: Picture in Black and White (NOA) {2}: JC:+; jan:+
- Specter: Built to Last (Sound Signature) {2}: V:+(1); ra:+
- Spectral Wound: Infernal Decadence (Vendetta) {2}: Hi:20
- Spesh: Famous World (Killroom) {2}: pm_d:5
- Spice: Captured (Spice Official) {2}: V:+(2); vamp:9
- Spiders: Killer Machine (Crusher) {2}: FB:93, V:+(1)
- Starchild & the New Romantic: Language (self-released) {2}: Bc:72; am_r:+
- State Champion: Send Flowers (Sophomore Lounge) {2}: V:+(1); pf_k:+
- Candi Staton: Unstoppable (Beracah) {2}: Mj:74, V:+(1); vaf:7
- Luke Stewart: Works for Upright Bass and Amplifier (Monofonus Press/Astral Spirits) {2}: CM:+, JC:+
- Stick in the Wheel: Follow Them True (self-released) {2}: V:+(1); hmv:+
- Still Corners: Slow Air (Wrecking Light) {2}: Pc:85, UR:59
- Stine Janvin Motland: Fake Synthetic Music (Pan) {2}: V:+(1); vma:8
- Stone Broken: Ain't Always Easy (Spinefarm) {2}: PR:19
- The Struts: Young & Dangerous (Interscope) {2}: V:+(1); am_k:+
- Styles P: Dime Bag (Phantom Entertainment) {2}: Am_h:20
- Styles P: G-Host (Phantom Entertainment) {2}: HG:+; ahh:6
- Suchmos: The Ashtray (Sony) {2}: On:15
- Ady Suleiman: Memories (Pemba) {2}: PAM:34, RT:53
- Summoning: With Doom We Come (Napalm) {2}: V:+(1); vjo:5
- Surgeon: Luminosity Device (Dynamic Tension) {2}: DJM:22; ra:+
- Svalbard: It's Hard to Have Hope (Translation Loss) {2}: Db:29, N:40
- Patrick Sweany: Ancient Noise (Nine Mile) {2}: AS:14
- Sam Sweeney: The Unfinished Violin (Island) {2}: FR:13
- Matthew Sweet: Tomorrow's Daughter (Megaforce) {2}: V:+(1); vdg:10
- Swick: Court Composer (NLV) {2}: V:+(1); vclw:6
- Swing Out Sister: Almost Persuaded (Sony) {2}: V:+(1); vahm:9
- Tanukichan: Sundays (Coqueiro Verde) {2}: ABC:29; pm_d:9
- Chad Taylor: Myths and Morals (Ears & Eyes) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Tenderlonious: The Shakedown (22a Music) {2}: VF:26; ukv:14
- Tentenko: Tentenko (Toothpaste) {2}: N:84, VF:39
- Therapy?: Cleave (Marshall) {2}: PR:13
- They Might Be Giants: I Like Fun (Idlewild) {2}: Sb:+, V:+(1); vahm:6
- Thin Lips: Chosen Family (Lame-O) {2}: N:93, V:+(1)
- Thollem/Clouser/Chase: Dub Narcotic Session Vol II (Personal Archives) {2}: V:+(1); vsh:6
- Thollem/DuRoche/Stjames Trio: Live in Our Time (ESP-Disk) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Camille Thurman: Waiting for the Sunrise (Chesky) {2}: JC:+; vjt:+
- Titus Andronicus: A Productive Cough (Merge) {2}: Sl:17
- Tokyo Police Club: TPC (self-released) {2}: Bq:+, V:+(2)
- Tommy '86: Freedom to Obey (M-Tronic) {2}: Crh:13
- Topdown Dialectic: Topdown Dialectic (Peak Oil) {2}: pf_e:+, pm_b:7
- Jean Toussaint Allstar 6tet: Brother Raymond (Lyte) {2}: JW:13
- Trash Boat: Crown Shyness (Hopeless) {2}: Bq:+, RkS:38
- Tres Oui: Poised to Flourish (Shrimper) {2}: FB:83; pm_i:9
- Alexander Tucker: Don't Look Away (self-released) {2}: Qt:48; am_f:+
- Uniiqu3: Phase 3 (NLV) {2}: V:+(1); vclw:7
- Vanishing Kids: Heavy Dreamer (Svart) {2}: FB:15
- Christina Vantzou: No 4 (Kranky) {2}: ex_x:10, xlr:+
- Varathron: Patriarchs of Evil (Agonia) {2}: Db:19
- Venetian Snares/Daniel Lanois: Venetian Snares x Daniel Lanois (Timesig/Planet Mu) {2}: am_e:+, ex_e:8
- Very Be Careful: Daisy's Beauty Salon (Downtown Pijao) {2}: V:+(1); vjp:4
- Antarctigo Vespucci: Love in the Time of E-Mail (Polyvinyl) {2}: Alt:46; hc_m:8
- Elio Villafranca: Cinque (ArtistShare) {2}: J:50; jeh:+
- Ben Vince: Assimilation (Where to Now?) {2}: JC:+, Qt:55
- Mike Viola: The American Egypt (Good Morning Monkey) {2}: V:+(1); vzl:7
- Visigoth: Conqueror's Oath (Metal Blade) {2}: Db:26; lw_m:21
- Vital Idles: Left Hand (Upset the Rhythm) {2}: Bc:84, FB:99
- Patricia Vonne: Top of the Mountain (String Commander) {2}: V:+(1); xce:9
- Kan Wakan: Phantasmagoria Vol 1 (MurMur Music) {2}: Gw:11
- Walking Papers: WP2 (Loud & Prou) {2}: L:+; lw_r:29
- Tim Warfield: Jazzland (Criss Cross) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Warm Drag: Warm Drag (In the Red) {2}: RM:48; am_i:+
- Walter Wolfman Washington: My Future Is My Past (Anti-) {2}: JC:+; am_b:+
- Neville Watson: The Midnight Orchard (Don't Be Afraid) {2}: F:17
- Waxahatchee: Great Thunder (Merge -EP) {2}: Sb:+, V:+(2)
- Wayfarer: World's Blood (Profound Lore) {2}: Hi:34, V:+(1)
- Web Web: Dance of the Demons (Compost) {2}: ukv:5
- Wednesday Campanella: Galapagos (Warner Music Japan) {2}: V:+(2); vdcm:10
- Erika Wennerstrom: Sweet Unknown (Partisan) {2}: gl:++
- Mike Westbrook: Starcross Bridge (Hatology) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Cliff Westfall: Baby You Win (self-released) {2}: scm:++
- Wet: Still Run (Columbia) {2}: WHP:23; tbt:8
- Tony Joe White: Bad Mouthin' (Yep Roc) {2}: am_b:+, mj:+
- Xylouris White: Mother (Bella Union) {2}: am_f:+, art:+
- Buster Williams: Audacity (Smoke Sessions) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Vinyl Williams: Opal (Requiem Pour Un Twister) {2}: NME:93; por:8
- Witch Prophet: The Golden Octave (88 Days of Fortune) {2}: Bc:36, Mup:31
- With Confidence: Love and Loathing (Hopeless) {2}: Pu:22, RkS:44
- Witxes: Orients (Consouling Sounds) {2}: V:+(1); vspt:9
- Michael Wollny Trio: Live: Wartburg (ACT) {2}: JW:15
- Alison Wonderland: Awake (Universal Australia) {2}: Up:+; bb_d:8
- Jack Wright: You Haven't Heard This (Spring Garden Music) {2}: jgm:3
- Wstr: Identity Crisis (Hopeless) {2}: RkS:14
- Young Jesus: The Whole Thing Is Just There (Saddle Creek) {2}: UR:89, V:+(2)
- Young Thug: On the Rvn (300 Entertainment/Atl) {2}: Noj:22; gq:+
- Yungblud: 21st Century Liability (Locomotion/Geffen) {2}: RkS:43, YF:+
- Yung Hurn: 1220 (Live From Earth) {2}: Mu:50; jc:+
- Malena Zavala: Aliso (Yucatan) {2}: RM:19
- Thalia Zedek Band: Fighting Season (self-released) {2}: Bc:69; am_i:+
- 6ix9ine: Dummy Boy (Scumgang) {1}: xxl:+
- 7FO: Ryhu No Nukegara (Em) {1}: OTR:29
- 808INK: When I'm About You'll Know (Island) {1}: cmp:15
- 8ulentina: Eucalyptus (Club Chai) {1}: V:+(1)
- 9th Wonder: Presents: Jamla Is the Squad II (Jamla) {1}: HG:+
- AB2088: Replicate (Liquidators) {1}: YW:78
- Chris Abelen: Songs on the Eve of Dismissal (CAMP) {1}: BIW:46
- Abhorrence: Megalohydrothalassophobic (Svart) {1}: Db:27
- Above & Beyond: Common Ground (self-released) {1}: bb_d:6
- Alexander Abreu & Havana D'Primera: Cantor Del Pueblo (Patata Productions) {1}: V:+(1); vcv:8
- Jacob Acosta: Desert Sounds (self-released) {1}: pm_f:10
- Active Bird Community: Amends (Barsuk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Michael Adkins Quartet: Flaneur (Hatology) {1}: jdt:+
- Antonio Adolfo: Encontros: Orquestra Atlantica (AAM Music) {1}: JC:+
- Dominique A: La Fragilite (Wagram Music/Cinq 7) {1}: Rdx:42
- P Adrix: Album Desconhecido (Principe) {1}: Bc:81
- Daniel Aged: Daniel Aged (Quality Time) {1}: N:97
- Nima Aghiani: REMS (PTP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Gregory Agid Quartet: Jamz (Bubble Bath) {1}: J -- JC:+
- Agnarkea: Black Helicopters (self-released) {1}: W:28
- AG: The Taste of AMBrosia (Fat Beats) {1}: HG:+
- AHI: In Our Time (22nd Sentry) {1}: scm:+
- Ails: The Unraveling (The Flenser) {1}: tr_m:17
- AJA: AJA (Opal Tapes) {1}: Qt:63
- AKA: Touch My Blood (Beam Group) {1}: pam_r:13
- Akhenaten: Golden Serpent God (Satanath) {1}: lw_m:17
- Alaclair Ensemble: Le Sens Des Paroles (7ieme) {1}: LCA:25
- Alastor: Slave to the Grave (Riding Easy) {1}: FB:61
- Alba Griot Ensemble: The Darkness Between the Lines (Riverboat) {1}: pm_w:9
- The Alchemist: Bread (ALC -EP) {1}: HG:+
- Jason Aldean: Rearview Town (Broken Bow) {1}: cmt:+
- Howard Alden/Marty Krystall/Buell Neidlinger: The Happenings: Music of Herbie Nichols (K2B2 -17) {1}: JC:+
- Giulio Aldinucci: Disappearing in a Mirror (Karlrecords) {1}: pm_v:16
- Eric Alexander: Song of No Regrets (HighNote -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Alfa Mist: Antiphon (Black Acre) {1}: J -- OTR:24
- ALLBLACK & Kenny Beats: 2 Minute Drills (Play Runners Association/DOTS/Empire) {1}: PO:+
- ALLBLACK: Outcalls (Play Runners Association x Perfect Your Craft/Empire) {1}: hyb:+
- Jimmie Allen: Mercury Lane (Stoney Creek) {1}: sln:+
- Kenny Allstar: Block Diaries (Locked In/Star Work/Columbia) {1}: C:46
- Alpines: Full Bloom (Untrue) {1}: Bq:+
- Alter of Perversion: Intra Naos (Norma Evangelium Diaboli/The Ajna Offensive) {1}: Rf_h:23
- The Amazing: In Transit (Partisan) {1}: Am_s:33
- Amgala Temple: Invisible Airships (Pekula) {1}: FB:36
- Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh: Foxglove & Fuschia (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Amigo: And Friends (Schoolkids) {1}: nod:+
- Gabriel Naim Amor: Moments Before (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Amorphis: Queen of Time (Nuclear Blast) {1}: lw_m:13
- Amor: Sinking Into a Miracle (Night School) {1}: Qt:86
- Shawn Amos: Breaks It Down (Put Together) {1}: am_b:+
- Amsterdam Klezmer Band & Sondorgo: Szikra (Vetnasj) {1}: Re:41
- Amu: Weave (Libra) {1}: -- TH:*
- Anbessa Orchestra: Negestat (self-released) {1}: pm_w:10
- Ancient Methods: The Jericho Records (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Ancients: Frozen Aisle (Tenth Court) {1}: V:+(1)
- Anda: Do Worry Be Happy (Amoeba Culture -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dave Anderson: Melting Pot (Label1) {1}: -- TH:*
- Leny Andrade: Bossa Nossa: Leny Andrade Canta Fred Falcao (Biscoito Fino) {1}: JC:+
- Angele: Brol (Angele VL) {1}: PA:25
- Anicon: Entropy Mantra (Vendetta) {1}: av_m:+
- Animal Collective: Tangerine Reef (Domino) {1}: V:+(1)
- Clau Aniz: Filha De Mil Mulheres (Minty Fresh) {1}: pm_v:15
- Anthroprophh: Omegaville (Rocket) {1}: Qt:98
- Any Other: Two Geography (42) {1}: sa:+
- Ichiko Aoba: QP (JVC) {1}: 405:43, V:+(1)
- Apolo: Live in Stockholm (Joyful Noise) {1}: PO:+
- Apostille: Choose Life (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: Dr:56
- Appleblim: Life in a Laser (Sneaker Social Club) {1}: DJM:33
- The Aquadolls: The Dream and the Deception (Burger/Aqua Babe) {1}: Noj:36
- Aqueduct Ensemble: Improvisations on an Apricot (Last Resort) {1}: V:+(1)
- Arc Iris: Icon of Ego (Ba Da Bing!) {1}: GTV:46
- Arena: Double Vision () {1}: L:+
- Arkells: Rally Cry (Last Gang) {1}: fu:8
- Joan Armatrading: Not Too Far Away (BMG) {1}: am_s:+
- Arse: Primitive Species (self-released -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- Art D'Ecco: Trespasser (Paper Bag) {1}: V:+(1)
- Artist Deleted: Track Deleted (Me Me Me) {1}: YW:93
- The Artist Is Unknown: Later Tonight (Dream Catalogue) {1}: YW:97
- Cory Asbury: Reckless Love (Bethel Music) {1}: re:8
- ASC: Artefacts of Rotation (Auxiliary) {1}: YW:61
- ASEUL: Asobi (Astro Kidz) {1}: 405:33
- Greg Ashley: Fiction Is Non Fiction (Dusty Medical) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pete Astor: One for the Ghost (Tapete) {1}: RT:83
- Felicia Atkinson/Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: Limpid as the Solitudes (Shelter Press) {1}: pm_v:20
- David August: D'Angelo (PIAS) {1}: OTR:40
- Aurora: Infections of a Different Kind (Step 1) (Glassnote) {1}: LBF:41
- Author & Punisher: Beastland (Relapse) {1}: tr_m:20
- Avantdale Bowling Club: Avantdale Bowling Club (Years Gone By) {1}: Od:42
- Awar: Spoils of War (Lions Pride) {1}: HG:+
- Axolotes Mexicanos: Salu2 (Elefant) {1}: YW:76
- Azusa: Heavy Yoke (Solid State) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ab Baars/Kaja Draksler/Joe Williamson: Fish Scale Sunrise: No Queen Rises (Relative Pitch) {1}: JC:+
- Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band: The Serpent's Mouth (Big Crown) {1}: V:+(1)
- Grazyna Bacewicz: Chamber Works (Chandros) {1}: NPR:+
- Danny Bacher: Still Happy (Whaling City Sound) {1}: -- TH:*
- Eric Bachman: No Recover (Merge) {1}: V:+(1)
- Backspace: Human Nature Architecture (Maybe Mars) {1}: YW:53
- Bad Rabbits: Mimi (BAD) {1}: ax:7
- Noah Baerman Resonance Ensemble: The Rock & the Redemption (RMI) {1}: JC:+
- Tom Bailey: Science Fiction (Mikrokosmos) {1}: V:+(1)
- Aidan Baker: Deer Park (Muzan Editions) {1}: V:+(1)
- Bob Baldori/Arthur Migliazza: The Boogie Kings: Disturbing the Peace (Blujazz/Spirit) {1}: -- TH:*
- Charlie Ballantine: Life Is Brief: The Music of Bob Dylan (Green Mind) {1}: jms:+
- Severine Ballon: Inconnaissable (All the Dust) {1}: jdme:8
- Ball Park Music: Good Mood (Stop Start) {1}: Sb:+
- Christian Balvig 6-tet: Music for Humans (AMP) {1}: BIW:36
- Band-Maid: World Domination (JPU) {1}: ax:6
- Banjolectric: So Below (self-released) {1}: pm_f:18
- Kota Banks: Prize (NLV) {1}: ju:+
- Maria Baptist: Resonance (self-released) {1}: jgt:+
- Barely Civil: We Can Live Here Forever (Take This to Heart) {1}: V:+(1)
- Barrio Sur: Heart Break (self-released) {1}: TMT:17
- Typh Barrow: Raw (Doo Wap) {1}: V:+(1)
- Todd Barton: Multum in Parvo (Blue Tapes) {1}: Qt:29
- William Basinski + Lawrence English: Selva Oscura (Temporary Residence) {1}: xlr:+
- Bas: Milky Way (Dreamville/Interscope) {1}: xxl:+
- Bonnie Baxter: Ask Me How Satan Started (Hausu Mountain) {1}: V:+(1)
- David Bazan: Care (Polyvinyl) {1}: am_s:+
- Bazzi: Cosmic (Iamcosmic/Atlantic) {1}: GC:+
- BbyMutha: Muthaz Day 3 (825402 DK) {1}: pf_r:+
- BCUC: Emakhosini (Buda Musique) {1}: VF:40
- Beach Skulls: Las Dunas (PNKSLM) {1}: V:+(1)
- Beans: Triptych (Gamma) {1}: YW:43
- Bearings: Blue in the Dark (Pure Noise) {1}: RkS:41
- Beast: Ens (Thrill Jockey) {1}: V:+(2)
- Beastmaker: EP 10 [-] EP 80 (self-released) {1}: Bc:73
- The Beat Escape: Life Is Short the Answer's Long (Bella Union) {1}: Noj:31
- Tucker Beathard: Nobody's Everything (Mother Tucker/Warner Music Nashville) {1}: cmt:+
- Louis Beaudoin-de-la-Sablonniere/Eric Normand/Louis-Vencent Hamel: Brulez Les Meubles (Tour de Bras) {1}: jch:7
- Beautify Junkyards: The Invisible World of Beautify Junkyards (Ghost Box) {1}: V:+(1)
- Bebeta: Megalon (Monaberry -EP) {1}: YW:101
- Bedbug: I'll Count to Heaven in Years Without Seasons (Joy Void) {1}: V:+(1)
- Begravningsentreprenorema: Jamna Plagor (Ektro) {1}: V:+(1)
- Michael Beharie/Teddy Rankin-Parker: A Heart From Your Shadow (Mondoj) {1}: JC:+
- Belle Game: Fear Nothing (Arts & Crafts) {1}: ATH:44
- Stefan Bellnas: Podunk (Country & Eastern) {1}: JC:+
- Bend Sinister: Foolish Games (Cordova Bay) {1}: bsd:+
- Benin City: Last Night (Moshi Moshi) {1}: PM:30
- Laura Benitez & the Heartache: With All Its Thorns (Copperhead) {1}: bsd:+
- R Beny: Saudade (Dauw) {1}: YW:109
- Adam Berenson/Scott Barnum/Eric Hofbauer: Introverted Cultures (Dream Play) {1}: JC:+
- David Berkeley: The Faded Red and Blue (Straw Man) {1}: V:+(1)
- Andrew Bernstein: An Exploded View of Time (Hausu Mountain) {1}: JC:+
- Sarah Bernstein Unearthish: Crazy Lights Shining (Phase Frame) {1}: JC:+
- Emily Berregaard: A Poem (Strange Rules) {1}: V:+(1)
- Berry: Everything Compromised (Joyful Noise) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:B-
- Ben Bertrand: NGC 1999 (OFF) {1}: hhv:+
- Mica Bethea Big Band: Suite Theory (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Ryan Biesack/James Miley/Mike Nord: Trio Untold (PJCE) {1}: BIW:38
- Big Bliss: At Middle Distance (Exit Stencil) {1}: V:+(1)
- Big Bold Back Bone: Emerge (Wide Ear) {1}: -- TH:*
- Big Little Lions: Alive and Well (Far Flung/Blaster) {1}: bsd:+
- Big Miz: Build/Destroy (Dixon Avenue Basement Jams) {1}: DJM:42
- A Big Yes and a Small No: Mise En Abyme (The Royal Potato Family) {1}: V:+(1)
- Bilderbuch: Mea Culpa (Maschin) {1}: On:33
- Binary Star: Lighty/Ears Apart (self-released) {1}: HG:+
- Bishop Nehru: Elevators Act I & II (Nehruia) {1}: HG:+
- Bjork: Utopia (One Little Indian -17) {1}: Mj:65 -- TH:*
- Ivar Bjornson & Einar Selvik: Hugsja (By Norse) {1}: L:+
- Black Eyed Peas: Masters of the Sun Vol 1 (Interscope) {1}: am_h:+
- Black Label Society: Grimmest Hits (Entertainmenet One) {1}: lw_m:7
- Black Salvation: Uncertainty Is Bliss (Relapse) {1}: FB:49
- Black Spirituals: Black Access/Black Axes (Sige) {1}: JC:+
- Black Stone Cherry: Family Tree (Mascot) {1}: L:+
- Black Uhuru: As the World Turns (self-released) {1}: V:+(1); jan:8
- (blank): (blank) () {1}: V:+(1)
- Sarah Blasko: Depth of Field (Universal Australia) {1}: DJ:37
- Blast: Drifting (Pince-Oreilles) {1}: BIW:22
- Bleeding Through: Love Will Kill All (SharpTone) {1}: Noj:32
- Blessthefall: Hard Feelings (Rise) {1}: RkS:49
- Blinky Bill: Everyone's Just Winging It and Other Fly Tales (The Garden) {1}: PAM:32
- Erica Blinn: Better Than Gold (Curry House) {1}: V:+(1)
- Rory Block: A Woman's Soul: A Tribute to Bessie Smith (Stoney Plain) {1}: jcmb:+
- Pip Blom: Paycheck (Persona Non Grata -EP) {1}: mj:+
- Blood of the Sun: Blood's Thicker Than Love (Listenable/Border) {1}: Noj:42
- Bloods: Feelings (Share It Music) {1}: Am_s:35
- The Blood Tub Orchestra: The Seven Curses of the Music Hall (Phono Erotic) {1}: GTV:28
- Blue Lab Beats: Xover (Blue Adventure/All Points) {1}: NPR:+
- BoA: WOMAN (SM Entertainment) {1}: 405:38
- Bodies on Everest: A National Day of Mourning (Cruel Nature) {1}: GTV:65
- Joe Bonamassa: Redemption (J&R) {1}: am_b:+
- Cyril Bondi/Pierre-Yves Martel/Christoph Schiller: TSE (Another Timbre) {1}: jsb:8
- Bone Sickness: Theater of Morbidity (self-released) {1}: av_m:+
- Bongripper: Terminal (Great Barrier) {1}: V:+(2)
- Bonjay: Lush Life (Mysteries of Trade) {1}: ex_s:8
- Bonnacons of Doom: Bonnacons of Doom (Rocket) {1}: Sb:+
- Martyn Bootyspoon: Silk Eternity (Fractal Fantasy) {1}: F:33
- Born Ruffians: Uncle Duke & the Chief (Yep Roc) {1}: -- RC:*
- Borns: Blue Madonna (Interscope) {1}: V:+(1)
- Borusiade: A Body (Comeme) {1}: ra:+
- Bosse-de-Nage: Further Still (The Flenser) {1}: av_m:+
- Boss Keloid: Melted on the Inch () {1}: L:+
- Boston Symphony Orchestra/Andris Nelsons: Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos 4 & 11: The Year 1905 (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: NPR:37
- Bound: No Beyond (Diehard Skeleton) {1}: Am_s:44
- Wade Bowen: Solid Ground (Bowen Sounds) {1}: pm_c:10
- Nathan Bowles: Plainly Mistaken (Paradise of Bachelors) {1}: nap:+
- RL Boyce: Rattlesnake Boogie (Waxploitation) {1}: -- TH:*
- Boy George and Culture Club: Life (BMG) {1}: Al:28
- Andrea Brachfeld: If Not Now When? (Jazzheads) {1}: -- TH:*
- Bendik Braenne: Benedictionary (Bendix) {1}: Gf_N:49
- Jay Bragg: Honky Tonk Dream (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Brainoil: Singularity to Extinction (Tankcrimes) {1}: V:+(1)
- Brand New Friend: Seatbelts for Aeroplanes (Xtra Mile) {1}: Bq:+
- Anthony Braxton: Solo (Victoriaville) (Victo) {1}: JC:+
- Breaking Benjamin: Ember (Hollywood) {1}: lw_r:6
- Jonathan Bree: Sleepwalking (Lil' Chief) {1}: Re:26
- Phoebe Bridgers: Stranger in the Alps (Dead Oceans -17) {1}: V:+(2) -- [TH:*]
- Bishop Briggs: Church of Scars (Teleport/Island) {1}: PCr:+
- David Brinston: Kitty Whipped (Ecko) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ensign Broderick: BloodCrush (Six Shooter) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jakob Bro: Returnings (ECM) {1}: am_j:+ -- TH:B
- Action Bronson: White Bronco (Empire) {1}: ri:10
- Amanda Brown: Dirty Water (self-released) {1}: bsd:+
- Sheldon Brown Group: Blood of the Air (Edgetone) {1}: -- TH:*
- Apollo Brown & Joell Ortiz: Mona Lisa (Mello Music Group) {1}: HG:13
- Kev Brown: Homework (self-released) {1}: Bc:97
- Rosa Brunello Y Los Fermentos: Volverse Live in Trieste (CAM Jazz) {1}: JC:+
- BTS: Love Yourself: Answer (Big Hit) {1}: V:+(1)
- OB Buchana: Parking Lot Love Affair (Ecko) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mariel Buckley: Driving in the Dark (self-released) {1}: nod:+
- Sarah Buechi: Contradiction of Happiness (Intakt) {1}: -- TH:*
- Bun B: Return of the Trill (2 Trill/Double Dose) {1}: HG:+
- Tim Burgess: As I Was Now (O Genesis) {1}: Pc:29
- Burrows/Greg Campbell/Vinny Golia/Clyde Reed: Tales From the Zoo (Third Rail) {1}: jgm:10
- Butcher Brown: AfroKuti: A Tribute to Fela (self-released) {1}: J -- ukv:19
- Butcher Brown: Camden Session (Gearbox) {1}: -- TH:*
- Buttechno: Cherskogo Drive (Cititrax/Minimal Wave) {1}: OTR:21
- The Buttshakers: Sweet Rewards (Underdog) {1}: Hi:36
- Nadine Byrne: Dreaming Remembering (Ideal) {1}: hhv:+
- Demian Cabaud: Astah (Carimbo Porta-Jazz) {1}: j_p:+
- Cabbage: Nihilistic Glamour Shots (BMG) {1}: GTV:94
- Eduardo "Visitante" Cabra/Vicente Garcia/Trending Tropics: Trending Tropics (Sony) {1}: am_w:+
- Calm: By Your Side (Hell Yeah) {1}: Pc:70
- Joao Camoes/Jean-Luc Cappozzo/Jean-Marc Foussat: Autres Paysages (Clean Feed -17) {1}: j_p:+
- Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons: The Age of Absurdity () {1}: L:+
- Campdogzz: In Rounds (15 Passenger) {1}: V:+(1)
- Laura Cannell & Andre Bosman: Reckonings (Brawl) {1}: Qt:37
- Cantique Lepreux: Paysages Polaires (Eisenwald Tonschmiede) {1}: V:+(1)
- Henry Canyons: Cool Side of the Pillow (Backwoodz Studioz) {1}: PW:41
- Capital Cities: Solarize (Lazy Hooks/Capitol) {1}: am_p:+
- Capitol K: Goatherder (Faith & Industry) {1}: Qt:90
- Steve Cardenas: Charlie and Paul (Newvelle) {1}: jbm:13
- Harley Card: The Greatest Invention (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- The Caretaker: Everywhere at the End of Time - Stage 5 (History Always Favours the Winners) {1}: xlr:+
- Jeff Carey: Zero Player Game (Ehse) {1}: V:+(1)
- Kyle Carey: The Art of Forgetting (Riverboat) {1}: pm_f:6
- S Carey: Hundred Acres (Jagjaguwar) {1}: NBH:31
- Carino: Movidas (Elefant) {1}: Re:28
- Darci Carlson: Darci Carlson (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Dylan Carlson: Conquistador (Sargent House) {1}: RM:34
- Sabrina Carpenter: Singular: Act I (Hollywood) {1}: PCr:+
- Derek Carr: Contact (Subwax Excursions) {1}: OTR:32
- Francois Carrier/Michel Lambert: Out of Silence (FMR -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Daniel Carter/Patrick Holmes/Matthew Putman/Hilliard Greene/Federico Ughi: Telepathic Alliances (577 -17) {1}: JC:+
- Tommy Cash: ¥¤$ [YES] (Platoon) {1}: NME:25
- Lynn Cassiers: Imaginary Band (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Castle: Deal Thy Fate (Ripple) {1}: FB:34
- Cataclysmic Commentary: Audience Participation (Eschatology) {1}: jpa:4
- Doja Cat: Amala (RCA) {1}: NPR:+
- Caleb Caudle: Crushed Coins (Cornelius Chapel) {1}: BS:26
- Dan Cavanaugh/Dave Hagedorn: 20 Years (UT Arlington) {1}: -- TH:*
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Distant Sky: Live in Copenhagen (Bad Seed -EP) {1}: RT:99
- Cecilia: Adoration (Halcyon Veil) {1}: F:41
- Centavrvs: Somos Uno (Casete Upload) {1}: am_w:+
- Cero: Poly Life Multi Soul (Kakubarhythm) {1}: On:23
- Amy Cervini: No One Ever Tells You (Anzic) {1}: JC:+
- Chamber 3: Transatlantic (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Chancha Via Circuito: Bienaventuranza (Wonderwheel) {1}: Mup:26
- Channel Tres: Channel Tres (Godmode) {1}: V:+(1)
- Chaos Echoes: Mouvement (Nuclear War Now!) {1}: tr_m:21
- Stefan Chaplikov: Clementi: Keyboard Sonatas Opp 25 33 & 46 (Naxos) {1}: YW:54
- Bryan Chapman: 7 Shadows and Iron Lungs (Monotony) {1}: Mix:50
- Charalambides: Tom and Christina Carter (Drawing Room) {1}: V:+(1)
- Charge It to the Game: House With a Pool (Ghost Ramp) {1}: PO:+
- Pearl Charles: Sleepless Dreamer (Kanine) {1}: RT:85
- Jean Chaumont: The Beauty of Differences (Misfitme Music) {1}: jbm:50
- Cherish the Ladies: Heart of the Home (Big Mammy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Cyrus Chestnut: Kaleidoscope (HighNote) {1}: am_j:+ -- TH:B
- Chhoti Maa: Agua Corre (894959) {1}: PO:+
- Chhoti Maa: Caldo De Hueso (self-released) {1}: PO:+
- Adrien Chicot: City Walk (Gaya Music Production) {1}: ukv:10
- Chief Keef: The Cozart (FilmOn Music) {1}: PO:+
- Chlorine: Loser Herds (Panurus Productions) {1}: GTV:78
- Choral Hearse: Mire Exhumed (self-released) {1}: FB:72
- Chrome Hill: The Explorer (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Chrome Sparks: Chrome Sparks (Counter) {1}: am_e:+
- Chungha: Blooming Blue (Stone Music Entertainment) {1}: V:+(1)
- Churchburn: None Shall Live . . . The Hymns of Misery (Armageddon Label) {1}: av_m:+
- Church Fire: Summer Camp Doom Diary (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Church Sisters: A Night at the Opry (Valory Music) {1}: scm:+
- Marko Churnchetz: Ruthenia: Retrospective of Russian Composers of the 20th Century (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: jms:+
- Ciel: Hundred Flowers (Coastal Haze) {1}: pf_e:+
- Citric Dummies: The Kids Are Alt-Right (Erste Theke Tontrager) {1}: V:+(1)
- City Girls: Girl Code (Quality Control) {1}: M_ha:44, V:+(1) -- TH:B
- George Clanton: Slide (100% Electronica) {1}: Od:31
- Cathy Claret: Primavera (Respect) {1}: Mz:47
- The Stanley Clarke Band: The Message (Mack Avenue) {1}: JC:+
- Zack Clarke: Mesophase (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Scott Clark: ToNow (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Clarks: Madly in Love at the End of the World (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Clean Bandit: What Is Love? (Atlantic) {1}: am_p:+
- Jon Cleary: Dyna-Mite (FHQ) {1}: -- TH:*
- Dawn Clement: Tandem (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
- Cloud Rat: Clipped Beaks//Silk Panic (Colline Noire) {1}: V:+(1)
- CNCO: CNCO (Sony Music Latin) {1}: ax:10
- Jose Pedro Coelho: Passarola Voadora (Carimbo Portajazz) {1}: j_p:+
- Emmet Cohen: Master Legacy Series Volume 2 (Cellar Live) {1}: jmju:+
- Anat Cohen Tentet: Happy Song (Anzic -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:***]
- Beccy Cole: Lioness (ABC) {1}: ax:9
- Collate: Liminal Concerns (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Colle Der Fomento: Adversus (CDF/TAK Prod/Tuff Kong) {1}: sa:+
- Ned Collette: Old Chestnut (It) {1}: Bc:96
- Jacob Collier: Djesse Vol 1 (Hajanga) {1}: jz:+
- George Colligan: Nation Divided (Whirlwind) {1}: -- TH:*
- Colour Me Wednesday: Counting Pennies in the Afterlife (Dovetown/KROD) {1}: ABC:22
- Comanche Moon: Country Music Deathstar (Edgewater Music Group) {1}: scm:+
- The Common Cold: Shut Up! Yo Liberals! (Action) {1}: GTV:33
- Common Objects [John Butcher/Angharad Davies/Rhodri Davies/Lina Lapelyte/Lee Patterson/Pat Thomas]: Skullmarks (Ftarri) {1}: jsb:9
- Concretism: For Concrete and Country (Castles in Space) {1}: No:45
- Connections: Foreign Affairs (Trouble in Mind) {1}: V:+(3)
- Container: LP (Spectrum Spools) {1}:
- Nicola Conte: Let Your Light Shine On (Universal) {1}: am_j:+
- Conway: Everybody is FOOD (Griselda) {1}: PW:25
- Conway the Machine: Everybody Is FOOD (Griselda) {1}: HG:+
- Conway the Machine: The Blakk Tape (916% Entertainment -EP) {1}: HG:24
- Ross Cooper: I Rode the Wild Horses (self-released) {1}: bsd:+
- Liz Cooper & the Stampede: Window Flowers (Sleepyhead) {1}: nod:+
- Cooper: Tiempo Temperatura Agitacion (Elefant) {1}: YW:45
- Cornelius: Mellow Waves (Rostrum) {1}: Pc:83
- Cosmic Church: Tayttymys (Kuunpalvelus) {1}: Db:38
- Mich Cota: Kija/Care (Tin Angel) {1}: V:+(1)
- George Cotsirilos Quartet: Mostly in Blue (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Alison Cotton: All Is Quiet at the Ancient Theatre (1046908 DK) {1}: Qt:49
- Courtney Barnett/Kurt Vile: Lotta Sea Lice (Matador) {1}: SR:36 -- TH:*
- Jason Crabb: Unexpected (New Day Entertainment) {1}: tns:+
- Chris Crack: Being Woke Ain't Fun (New Deal Collectives) {1}: PW:40
- Chris Crack: Let's Just Be Friends (New Deal Collectives) {1}: PW:40
- Chris Crack: Thanks Uncle Thrill (New Deal Collectives) {1}: PW:40
- Crack the Sky: Living in Reverse (Loud & Proud) {1}: V:+(1); xce:6
- Craft: White Noise and Black Metal (Season of Mist) {1}: lw_m:27
- Isla Craig: The Becoming (Pleasence) {1}: nod:+
- Crayola Lectern: Happy Endings (Onomatopoeia) {1}: On:38
- Creep Show: Mr Dynamite (Bella Union) {1}: Qt:93
- Cremation Lily: In England Now Underwater (Alter) {1}: hhv:+
- Crippled Black Phoenix: Great Escape (Season of Mist) {1}: FB:89
- Marilyn Crispell/Tanya Kalmanovitch/Richard Teitelbaum: Dream Libretto (Leo) {1}: -- TH:*
- Charley Crockett: Lil GL's Blue Bonanza (Son of Davy) {1}: am_b:+
- Rodney Crowell: Acoustic Classics (RC1) {1}: -- TH:*
- Cruel Diagonals: Disambiguation (Drawing Room) {1}: V:+(1)
- Marc Cuevas: Carta Blanca (Underpool Music) {1}: BIW:27
- Tim Culpepper: DUI (Drinkin' Under the Influence) (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Cult of the Damned: Part Deux: Brick Pelican Posse Crew Gang Syndicate (Blah) {1}: DJM:43
- Cult Party: And Then There Was This Sound (Icecapades) {1}: No:30
- Ryan Culwell: The Last American (Missing Peace) {1}: RS_c:26
- Adrian Cunningham and Ken Peplowski: Duologue (Arbors Jazz) {1}: JC:+
- Current Joys: A Different Age (Danger Collective) {1}: AV:+
- Cursive: Vitriola (15 Passenger) {1}: V:+(1)
- Caleb Wheeler Curtis: Brothers (self-released) {1}: jdb:+
- Francesco Cusa & the Assassins Meets Duccio Bertini: Black Poker (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
- Tomasz Dabrowski Ad Hoc: Ninjazz (ForTune) {1}: -- TH:*
- Dabrye: Three/Three (Ghostly International) {1}: am_h:+
- Duduka Da Fonseca Trio: Plays Dom Salvador (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
- Dalham: Janus (Public House) {1}: No:42
- DALI (Deadly Avenger & Luke Insect): When Haro Met Sally (Burning Witches) {1}: Pc:33
- Damu the Fudgemunk & Flex Mathews: Dreams & Vibrations (Redefinition) {1}: YW:22
- Ben Danaher: Still Feel Lucky (Soundly Music) {1}: cmt:+
- Dancehall: The Band (Vibe/Anti-Vibe) {1}: Btz:37
- Jesse Daniel: Jesse Daniel (Die True) {1}: scm:+
- Dan + Shay: Dan + Shay (Warner Nashville) {1}: tns:+
- Eric Darius: Breakin' Thru (SagiDarius) {1}: vmp_j:+
- The Dark Light: Keep Off the Grass (Unknown Pleasures) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dark Web: Clone Age (Erste Theke Tontraeger) {1}: V:+(1)
- Daniel Davies: Events Score (Lakeshore) {1}: Am_s:38
- Benjamin Lazar Davis: Nothing Matters (BLD) {1}: V:+(1)
- Elise Davis: Cactus (Tone Tree Music) {1}: BS:22
- Jonathan Davis: Black Labyrinth (Sumerian) {1}: lw_r:23
- James Davis Quintet: Disappearing Roads (Whistler) {1}: BIW:47
- Ward Davis: Asunder (self-released -EP) {1}: scm:+
- Dawnbreaker: Deus Vult (1022919 DK) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dennis Llewellyn Day: Bossa Blues and Ballads (DDay Media Group) {1}: -- TH:*
- The Daysleepers: Creation (My Daydream) {1}: pm_d:6
- dBridge: A Love I Can't Explain (Exit) {1}: DJM:40
- Dead Horses: My Mother the Moon (self-released) {1}: nod:+
- Dead Vortex: Event Horizon/Redshift (A Besta) {1}: j_p:+
- Michael Dease: Reaching Out (Posi-Tone) {1}: JC:+
- Death Valley Girls: Darkness Rains (Suicide Squeeze) {1}: V:+(1)
- Manny Dee: The Residue (Tresor) {1}: Qt:65
- Dehousy: Stage 2 ([Re]Sources) {1}: YW:28
- De Leon: De Leon (Mana) {1}: ra:+
- Tomasa Del Real: Bellaca Del Ano (Nacional) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jax Deluca: Organs in the Wind (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Gonzalo Del Val With David Liebman & Ronan Guilfoyle: Standards in Dublin (Quadrant) {1}: JC:+
- Der Nino Aus Wien: Der Nino Aus Wien (Problembar) {1}: Mu:35
- Detroit Bop Quintet: Two Birds (TQM -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- Detroit Swindle: High Life (Heist) {1}: Mix:39
- Raheem DeVaughn: Decade of a Love King (BMG) {1}: am_r:+
- DeVotchKa: The Night Falls Forever (Concord) {1}: sdc:+
- Devouring Star: The Arteries of Heresy (Dark Descent) {1}: Db:32
- Dwiki Dharmawan: Rumah Batu (Moonjune) {1}: jjk:+
- Hannah Diamond: Soon I Won't See You at All (PC Music -EP -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- Stella Diana: 57 (Vipchoyo Sound Factory) {1}: Sb:+
- Broeder Dieleman: Komma (Snowstar) {1}: DVk:38
- The Digital Blonde: Neon (JOOF) {1}: Mix:44
- Cara Dillon: Wanderer (Charcoal -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- Will DiMaggio: At Ease (Future Times) {1}: VF:+
- Al Di Meola: Elegant Gypsy & More Live (Ear Music) {1}: jz:+
- Direct Hit: Crown of Nothing (Fat Wreck Chords) {1}: hc_m:10
- Dirtmusic: Bu Bir Ruya (Glitterbeat) {1}: On:21
- Disturbed: Evolution (Reprise) {1}: lw_r:9
- The Diva Jazz Orchestra: 25th Anniversary Project (ArtistShare -17) {1}: JC:+
- Divine Weeks: We're All We Have (self-released) {1}: v_cm:8
- DJ Healer: Planet Lonely (All Possible Worlds) {1}: GB:+
- DJ Jazzy Jeff: M3 (Playlist Music) {1}: Al:39
- DJ Juan Data: Ritmos Crotos Volume 1 (Stronghold Sound) {1}: PO:+
- DJ Nigga Fox: Cranio (Warp -EP) {1}: pf_e:+
- DJ Raph: Sacred Groves (self-released) {1}: hhv:+
- DJ Richard: Dies Irae Xerox (Dial) {1}: Hi:39
- DJ Smokey & Ruben Slikk: Goony Toonz (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Dodos: Certainty Waves (Polyvinyl) {1}: am_i:+
- Dodsrit: Spirit Crusher (Prosthetic) {1}: N:74
- Dolphin: 442 (self-released) {1}: On:35
- David Dominique: Mask (Orenda) {1}: BIW:33 -- TH:C
- Donna the Buffalo: Dance in the Street (self-released) {1}: nod:+
- Al Doum & the Faryds: Spirit Rejoin (Bongo Joe) {1}: FB:81
- Douvelle19: D19 (D19 -EP) {1}: Sb:+
- Kit Downes: Obsidian (ECM) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Donato Dozzy: Filo Loves the Acid (Tresor) {1}: V:+(1)
- Donato Dozzy: Mindless Fullness (Eerie -EP) {1}: OTR:23
- Bob Drake: L'Isola Dei Lupi (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dream System 8: We Sleep Again (Minty Fresh) {1}: V:+(1)
- Eris Drew & Octo Octa: Devotion (Naive -EP) {1}: pf_e:+
- Druid: The Seven Scrolls (self-released) {1}: FB:51
- Dubstar: One (Northern Whites) {1}: Al:26
- Duckwrth: An Xtra Uugly Mixtape (Universal -17) {1}: xrt:+
- Dunbarrow: Dunbarrow II (Riding Easy) {1}: FB:87
- Dungen & Woods: Myths 003 (Mexican Summer) {1}: Dr:43
- Paul Dunmall/Jon Irabagon/Mark Sanders/Jim Bashford: The Rain Sessions (FMR) {1}: JC:+
- Kelman Duran: 13th Month (Apocalipsis) {1}: F:28
- The Dwarfs of East Agouza: Rats Don't Eat Synthesizers (Annihaya) {1}: Bc:38
- Thomas Dybdahl: All These Things (V2) {1}: am_s:+
- Bokani Dyer Trio: Neo-Native (self-released) {1}: jdb:+
- Erik Dylan: Baseball on the Moon (self-released) {1}: bsd:+
- Mia Dyson: If I Said Only So Far I Take It Back () {1}: DJ:43
- Eagle Twin: The Thundering Herd (Southern Lord) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Earls of Leicester: Live at the CMA Theater at the Country Music Hall of Fame (New Rounder) {1}: cmt:+
- Earthgang: Royalty (Spillage Village -EP) {1}: HG:+
- Dave East: Paranoia 2 [P2] (Def Jam) {1}: CS:29
- East Man: Red White and Zero (Planet Mu) {1}: Qt:77
- Ronnie Eaton: The Hand That Mocked Them and the Heart That Fed (self-released) {1}: bsd:+
- Echo Beds: Buried Language (The Flenser) {1}: V:+(1)
- Echodrone: Past Present and Future (Isomer) {1}: Sb:+
- Echoes of Ellington Jazz Orchestra: Jazz Planets (Right Track) {1}: st_j:+
- John Edwards/Mark Sanders/John Wall: FGBH (Entr'acte) {1}: jss:7
- Ana Egge: White Tiger (StorySound) {1}: nod:+
- The Egyptian Lover: 1985 (Egyptian Empire) {1}: Am_h:21
- Wendy Eisenberg: Its Shape Is Your Touch (Vin du Select Qualitite) {1}: JC:+
- Jorge Elbrecht: Here Lies (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- El Eco With Guillermo Nojechowicz: Puerto de Buenos Aires 1933 (Zoho -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:*]
- Electric Citizen: Helltown (Riding Easy) {1}: FB:86
- Electric Indigo: 511593 (Imbalance Computer Music) {1}: VF:47
- Electric Squeezebox Orchestra: The Falling Dream (OA2) {1}: am_j:+ -- TH:B
- Electronica Pineapple Boys: Hello! EPB (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Elephant Micah: Genericana (Western Vinyl) {1}: RM:82
- Elisapie: The Ballad of the Runaway Girl (Bronsound) {1}: ex_c:9
- Elk City: Everbody's Insecure (Bar None) {1}: V:+(1)
- Roddy Ellias/Marc Copland/Adrian Vedady: ECV: Sticks and Stones (Kwimu Music) {1}: jjk:+
- Amir ElSaffar/Rivers of Sound: Not Two (New Amsterdam -17) {1}: JC:+
- Emanative: Earth (Jazzman) {1}: jcm:+
- Embassador Dulgoon: Hydrorion Remnants (Nonlocal Research) {1}: W:37
- The Embassy: White Lake (International) {1}: So:21
- Empath: Liberating Guilt and Fear (Get Better) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ron English: Dance/Cry/Dance (Detroit Music Factory) {1}: JC:+
- EOD: Named (bbbbbb) {1}: DJM:35
- Fima Ephron: Songs From the Tree (Ropeadope) {1}: jbm:49
- Peter Erskine & the Dr Um Band: On Call (Fuzzy Music) {1}: jz:+
- Escape-ism: The Lost Record (Merge) {1}: V:+(1)
- Eli Escobar: Shout (Classic) {1}: DJM:50
- Estelle: Lovers Rock (VP) {1}: vib:+
- Etch: Ups & Downs (Sneaker Social Club) {1}: DJM:25
- Etran De L'Air: No 1 (Sahel Sounds) {1}: YW:85
- E-Turn: Young World (Fake Four) {1}: YW:88
- Peter Evans/Barry Guy: Syllogistic Moments (Maya) {1}: jjsh:+
- Sam Evian: You Forever (Saddle Creek) {1}: DT:46
- Evicshen: Klee Doll (Hot Releases) {1}: V:+(1)
- Evil Blizzard: The Worst Show on Earth (Crackedankles) {1}: Sb:+
- Ewol/Grey Code/Skylark: I I I (MethLab -EP) {1}: YW:55
- Exael: Collex (West Mineral) {1}: VF:31
- EXO: Don't Mess Up My Tempo (SM) {1}: V:+(1); vck:8
- The Exploding Eyes Orchestra: II (Svart) {1}: FB:24
- Extremity: Coffin Birth (20 Buck Spin) {1}: tr_m:25
- Eyedress: Sensitive G (Lex) {1}: V:+(1)
- Factory Floor: A Soundtrack for a Film (H/O/D) {1}: V:+(1)
- Faith/Void: Embrace Nothingness (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Bebe Fang: Bebe Fang (Vrystaete) {1}: E -- hhv:+
- Marco Faraone: Lunar Eclipse (Drumcode) {1}: YW:37
- Mylene Farmer: Desobeissance (Stuffed Monkey) {1}: Id:23
- Father Murphy: Rising: A Requiem for Father Murphy (Avant!) {1}: sa:+
- Fatty Cakes and the Puff Pastries: Fatty Cakes and the Puff Pastries (Emotional Response) {1}: YW:46
- Adam Faucett: It Took the Shape of a Bird (Last Chance) {1}: V:+(1); pm_a:14
- Faustcoven: In the Shadow of Doom (Nuclear War Now) {1}: V:+(*)
- Maria Faust: Machina (Stunt) {1}: jpm:16
- John Faxe: I Am Awake (Losen) {1}: jgt:+
- Lorraine Feather: Math Camp (Relarion) {1}: jcmb:+
- Thomas Fehlmann: Los Lagos (Kompakt) {1}: am_e:+
- Simone Felice: The Projector (New York Pro) {1}: Fp:43
- Andre Fernandes' Centauri: Draco (Nischo) {1}: j_p:+
- Feu! Chatterton: L'Oiseleur (Universal Music Division Barclay) {1}: LCA:21
- Fever Ray: Plunge (Rabid/Mute -17) {1}: xjdc:35 -- [RC:A-, TH:*]
- Martha Ffion: Sunday Best (Turnstile) {1}: Sk:25
- Fia Fiell: All in the Same Room (Nice Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Fierce & the Dead: The Euphoric () {1}: L:+
- Joao Pais Filipe: Joao Pais Filipe (Lovers & Lollypops) {1}: j_p:+
- Lars Fill: Frit Falt 11 (Fiil) {1}: jss:9
- R Finn: Collecting Trip (Heritage) {1}: bsd:+
- Fit of Body: Black Box No Cops (2MR) {1}: Bc:82
- Five Finger Death Punch: And Justice for None (Prospect Park) {1}: lw_r:20
- Dom Flemons: Black Cowboys (Smithsonian Folkways) {1}: pm_a:20
- JK Flesh: New Horizon (Electric Deluxe) {1}: ra:+
- Flowers Must Die: Dar Blommor Dor (Rev/vega) {1}: Sb:+
- Folk Soul Revival: Folk Soul Revival (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Foodman: Aru Otoko No Densetsu (Sun Ark) {1}: N:90
- David Ford: Animal Spirits (AntiFragile Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- For King & Country: Burn the Ships (Word Entertainment) {1}: tns:+
- Forma: F () {1}: V:+(1)
- Forma: Semblance (Kranky) {1}: Pc:84
- Frank Foster: 'Til I'm Gone (Lone Chief) {1}: am_c:+
- Julie Fowlis/Eamon Doorley/Zoe Conway/John McInntyre: Allt (Machair) {1}: V:+(1)
- Julie Fowlis: Alterum (Machair -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- Christopher Fox: Topophony (HatArt) {1}: jsb:6
- Ruby Rose Fox: Salt (self-realeased) {1}: bg:6
- The Fratellis: In Your Own Sweet Time (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sawyer Fredericks: Hide Your Ghost () {1}: ax:+
- Fredfades & Eikrem: Gronlandsutraen (Forlaget Fanfare) {1}: Gf:_N:43
- Ace Frehley: Spaceman (Entertainment One) {1}: V:+(1)
- Friends and Neighbors: What's Next (Clean Feed) {1}: CM:+
- FRND: Before U I Didn't Exist (BMG) {1}: V:+(1)
- Romulo Froes: O Disco Das Horas (YB Music) {1}: xrt:+
- Frog Eyes: Violet Psalms (Paper Bag) {1}: V:+(1)
- Frokedel: How We Made It (Propeller) {1}: GTV:93
- Frontierer: Unloved (self-released) {1}: ex_m:8
- Frontperson: Frontrunner (Oscar Street) {1}: UR:80
- Frost: Matters (Lost Room) {1}: RM:60
- Fucked and Bound: Suffrage () {1}: L:+
- Satoko Fujii Orchestra New York: Fukushima (Libra -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Yuko Fujiyama: Night Wave (Innova) {1}: JC:+
- Funeral Mist: Hekatomb (Horma Evangelium Diaboli) {1}: Db:21
- The Fun Years: A Heart to Heart About Our Values (Spring Break) {1}: V:+(1)
- Furze: The Presence . . . (Polytriad Fingerprints) {1}: V:+(1)
- Fusk: The Jig Is Up (WhyPlayJazz) {1}: JC:+
- Future & Juice Wrld: Wrld on Drugs (Epic/Freebandz) {1}: Fu:+
- Julius Gabriel/Joao Pais Filipe: Paisiel (Lovers & Lollypops) {1}: j_p:+
- Thomas Gabriel: Long Way Home (Oxvision Media) {1}: scm:+
- Jeffrey Gaines: Alright (Omnivore) {1}: am_s:+
- Galahad: Seas of Change () {1}: L:+
- Elliot Galvin: The Influencing Machine (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- Anja Garbarek: The Road Is Just a Surface (Drabant Music) {1}: GTV:63
- Kany Garcia: Soy Yo (Sony Latin) {1}: BB:+
- The Garden: Mirror Might Steal Your Charm (Epitaph) {1}: NME:72
- Melody Gardot: Live in Europe (Verve -2CD) {1}: st_j:+
- David Garland: Verdancy (self-released) {1}: NPR:+
- Garland: Preludes #1 (Lullabies for Insomniacs) {1}: hhv:+
- Tim Garland: Weather Walker (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- Amerigo Gazaway: No Free Beats: An Original Soundtrack (self-released) {1}: YW:86
- Gazpacho: Soyuz (Kscope) {1}: L:+V:+(1)
- Seppe Gebruers/Hugo Antunes/Paul Lovens: The Room: Time & Space (El Negocito) {1}: j_p:16
- Gee Tee: Gee Tee (Sorry State) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sam Gendel/Sam Wilkes: Music for Saxofone and Bass Guitar (Leaving) {1}: PW:48
- M Geddes Gengras: Light Pipe (Room40) {1}: pm_b:8
- The Gentleman Losers: Permanently Midnight (Grainy) {1}: No:43
- Geotic: Traversa (Ghostly International) {1}: am_e:+
- Gepe: Folclor Imaginario (Quesmasucabeza) {1}: Rdx:47
- Get Cape Wear Cape Fly: Young Adult (Xtra Mile) {1}: Bq:+
- Get the Blessing: Bristopia (Kartel) {1}: BIW:30
- The Get Up Kids: Kicker (Polyvinyl) {1}: YW:34
- Jim Ghedi: A Hymn for Ancient Land (Basin Rock) {1}: Dr:91
- Ghorba: Zero Threat to the Rave (Jacktone) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ghost Cop: One Weird Trick (self-released) {1}: pmc:+
- Ghostemane: N/O/I/S/E (Blackmage) {1}: Rev:21
- Ghostface Killah: The Lost Tapes (X-Ray) {1}: HG:+
- Ghost Music: I Was Hoping You'd Pass by Here (Arlen) {1}: GTV:98
- Tania Giannouli/Rob Thorne/Steve Garden: Rewa (Rattle) {1}: jeh:6
- Geoff Gibbons: Shadow of a Stone: Songs of Remembrance (Bluecafe Music) {1}: pm_f:14
- Eliza Gilkyson: Secularia (Red House) {1}: am_f:+
- Celine Gillain: Bad Woman (Drama) {1}: hhv:+
- Gustavo Gimeno: Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring/Funeral Song/Game of Cards/Concerto in D "Basel"/Agon (PentaTone Classics) {1}: am:+
- Ginger Wildheart: Ghost in the Tanglewood () {1}: L:+
- Pedro Giraudo & the WDR Big Band: An Argentinian in New York (Zoho) {1}: JC:+
- Giriboy: Graduation (Loen Entertainment -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- Girl in Red: Chapter 1 (Marie Ulven -EP) {1}: Gf_N:39
- Glitch Mob: See Without Eyes (Glass Air) {1}: BB:+
- Glorior Belli: The Apostates (Season of Mist) {1}: av_m:+
- Jess Glynne: Always in Between (Atlantic) {1}: PCr:+
- God Is an Astronaut: Epitaph () {1}: L:+
- Adekunle Gold: About 30 (Afro Urban/Empire) {1}: PAM:38
- Ben Goldberg/Michael Coleman: Practitioner (BAG Productions) {1}: JC:+
- Larry Goldings/Peter Bernstein/Bill Stewart: Toy Tunes (Pirouet) {1}: JC:+
- Goldmund: Occasus (Western Vinyl) {1}: YW:108
- Goon: Dusk of Punk/Happy Omen (Partisan) {1}: V:+(1)
- Goreshit: Loather (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Grace Basement: Mississippi Nights (Avonmore) {1}: scm:+
- Graduating Life: Grad Life (self-released) {1}: Alt:41
- Max Graef: Lo Siento Mucho Pero No Hablo Tu Idioma (Tantelet) {1}: hhv:+
- Grand Canyon: Le Grand Canon (Bodan Kuma) {1}: Sb:+
- Grapetooth: Grapetooth (Polyvinyl) {1}: N:98
- Ilaria Graziano & Francesco Forni: Twinkle Twinkle (Lamastrock) {1}: Re:47
- Great Dane: Gamma Ray (ADBC) {1}: pm_e:25
- Green Dragon: Green Dragon (self-released) {1}: FB:91
- Greenleaf: Hear the Rivers (Napalm) {1}: FB:68
- Kelly Green Trio: Volume One () {1}: jcmb:+
- William Clark Green: Hebert Island (Bill Greease) {1}: scm:+
- Tee Grizzley: Activated (300) {1}: Up:+
- Group Listening: Clarinet & Piano: Selected Works Vol 1 (PRAH) {1}: Dr:85
- The Growlers: Casual Acquaintances (Beach Goth) {1}: Noj:28
- David Guetta: 7 (Parlophone France) {1}: am_p:+
- Gundelach: Baltus (Terrible) {1}: Gf_N:45
- Gunship: Dark All Day (Horse in the Hedge) {1}: V:+(1)
- Gurls: Run Boy Run (Grappa) {1}: Gf_N:26
- Anne Guthrie: Brass Orchids (Students of Decay) {1}: W:31
- Gyre of Incandescents: Gyre of Incandescents (Wolfspell) {1}: V:+(1)
- Hairband: Hairband (Monorail Music -EP) {1}: No:39
- Half Man Half Biscuit: No One Cares About Your Creative Hub So Get Your Fuckin' Hedge Cut (Probe Plus) {1}: Trk:35
- Halo Circus: Robots & Wranglers (self-released) {1}: bsd:+
- Frode Haltli: Avant Folk (Hubro) {1}: JC:+
- Mary Halvorson/Joe Morris: Traversing Orbits (RogueArt) {1}: JC:+
- Marc-Andre Hamelin: Schubert: Piano Sonata and Impromptus (Hyperion) {1}: YW:84
- Ross Hammond/Jay Nair: Songs of Universal Peace (self-released) {1}: jmc:+
- Hanson: String Theory (Three Car Garage) {1}: V:+(1)
- Francis Harris: Trivial Occupations (Scissor & Thread) {1}: xlr:+
- JP Harris: Sometimes Dogs Bark at Nothing (Free Dirt) {1}: scm:+
- Sam Harris: Harmony (self-released) {1}: ny_u:6
- Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa: Black Coffee (J&R Adventures) {1}: am_b:+
- Courtney Hartman & Taylor Ashton: Been on Your Side (Free Dirt) {1}: nod:+
- Harunemuri: Harutosyura (Perfect Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Chihei Hatakeyama: Butterfly's Summer and Vanished (White Paddy Mountain) {1}: V:+(1)
- Chihei Hatakeyama: Void XV (White Paddy Mountain) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones: Vicious Circles (Planet Mu -EP) {1}: am_e:+
- Alexander Hawkins: Unit[e] (self-released -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Hawks and Doves: From a White Hotel (Jullian) {1}: nod:+
- Hawktail: Unless (Padiddle) {1}: nod:+
- Yoshinori Hayashi: Ambivalence (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: V:+(1)
- Darren Hayman: Thankful Villages Vol III (Belka) {1}: Qt:58
- Head Technician: Profane Architecture (Ecstatic) {1}: Am_s:36
- Hearts Hearts: Goods/Gods (Tomlab) {1}: am_p:+
- Hearts & Minds: Electroradiance (Astral Spriits) {1}: JC:+
- James Heather: Stories From Far Away on Piano (Ahead of Our Time) {1}: Dr:93
- Reverend Horton Heat: Whole New Life (Victory) {1}: V:+(1)
- Heavie: WFM (Teklife) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pablo Held Trio: Investigations (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- The Hellroys: Hellroys Is Real (No Soul) {1}: scm:+
- Amy Helm: This Too Shall Light (Yep Roc) {1}: V:+(1); pm_f:13
- Chris Hennessee: Ramble (Big Gassed) {1}: scm:+
- Hep Lad: >>[:]<< (Philip K Discs) {1}: V:+(1)
- Maggie Herron: A Ton of Trouble (Herron Song) {1}: J -- V:+(1); jgg:9
- Her's: Invitation to Her's (Heist or Hit) {1}: Sk:49
- High Reeper: High Reeper (Heavy Psych) {1}: FB:69
- Lisa Hilton: Oasis (Ruby Slippers) {1}: jmju:+
- Pamela Hines Trio: The Music of Richard Whiting (Katya) {1}: jdm:+
- Micah P Hinson: When I Shoot at You With Arrows I Will Shoot to Destroy You (Full Time Hobby) {1}: On:28
- Thea Hjelmeland: Kulla (Theah Music) {1}: Dv:27
- HMS Norris: Inspirational Talks (Bubblewrap) {1}: Sb:+
- Hodera: Besides (Take This to Heart -EP) {1}: Alt:45
- Hodge: Beneath Two Moons (Berceuse Heroique) {1}: YW:70
- HOGG: Self-Extinguishing Emission (Scrapes) {1}: V:+(1)
- Malcolm Holcombe: Come Hell or High Water (Gypsy Eyes Music) {1}: nod:+
- Sigurd Hole: Elvesang (self-released) {1}: jjk:+
- Hilde Marie Holsen: Lazoli (Hubro) {1}: jeh:9
- Corcoran Holt: The Mecca (Holthouse Music) {1}: JC:+
- Holy Fawn: Death Spells (Whelmed) {1}: Sg:42
- Holy Golden: Sleepwalkers in the Milky Way (Wallflower) {1}: Sb:+
- Holy Wave: Adult Fear (The Reverberation Appreciation Society) {1}: Pc:95
- Adam Holzman: Truth Decay (Big Fun Productions) {1}: jjk:+
- Horse Feathers: Appreciation (Kill Rock Stars) {1}: bg_u:8
- John Howie Jr: Not Tonight (Suah Sounds) {1}: nod:+
- Hubbabubbaklubb: Drommen Drommerne Drommer (Snorkel) {1}: Ni:33
- Human People: Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears (Exploding in Sound) {1}: V:+(1)
- Hunee: Hunchin' All Night (Rush Hour) {1}: ra:+
- Anton Hunter: Article XI (Efpi) {1}: BIW:32
- Hurry: Every Little Thought (Lame-O) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jason Kao Hwang: Sing House (Euonymous -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:***]
- Hypoluxo: Running on a Fence (Broken Circles) {1}: Sb:+
- IAMX: Alive in New Light (Orphic) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ice Nine Kills: The Silver Scream (Fearless) {1}: RkS:35
- ICP Orchestra: Live at the Royal Room: First Set: 6 May 2015 (ICP) {1}: -- TH:*
- I Don't Know How but They Found Me: 1981 Extended Play (Fearless -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pascuala Ilabaca Y Su Fauna: El Mito De La Pergola (Petit Indie) {1}: sol:+
- like I: Sleepless Illusions (Hot Releases) {1}: V:+(1)
- Illa J: John Yancey (Jakarta) {1}: Am_h:23
- Illusionaut: Snow Queen (Spinning Inside) {1}: an:10
- Ilsa: Corpse Fortress (Relapse) {1}: N:70
- Imagine Dragons: Origins (Kid Ina Korner/Interscope) {1}: GTV:56
- Inferi: The Revenant (The Artisan Era) {1}: Rf_h:30
- In Her Eye: Change (self-released) {1}: pm_d:10
- Inja: Blank Pages (Hospital) {1}: pm_e:19
- The Innocence Mission: Sun on the Square (Badman) {1}: ATH:41
- Kaoru Inoue: Em Paz (Groovement Organic Series) {1}: hhv:+
- Insolito UniVerso: La Candela Del Rio (Olindo) {1}: VF:22
- Ionnalee [Jonna Lee]: Everyone Afraid to Be Forgotten (To Whom It May Concern) {1}: bsd:+
- Iron & Wine: Weed Gardens (Sub Pop) {1}: V:+(1)
- Irreversible Entanglements: Irreversible Entanglements (International Anthem/Don Giovanni -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: Live From the Ryman (Southeastern) {1}: V:+(1)
- Isolation Berlin: Vergifte Dich (Staatsakt) {1}: Mu:26
- Erica Itani: Paranoir Antares (Auskrai) {1}: YW:81
- Itoldyouiwouldeatyou: Oh Dearism (Alcopop/Failure by Design) {1}: Ups:29
- Ivy Lab: Death Don't Always Taste Good (20/20 LDN) {1}: DJM:37
- Chelsea Jade: Personal Best (Create Music Group) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jeremiah Jae: DAFFI (Black Jungle Squad) {1}: Bc:50
- Jaja: Upon the River of Heaven (Cyan) {1}: YW:114
- Jim James: Uniform Clarity (ATO) {1}: DT:30
- James: Living in Extraordinary Times (BMG) {1}: V:+(2)
- Jaye Jayle: No Trail and Other Unholy Paths (Sargent House) {1}: RM:68
- Jazzanova: The Pool (Sonar Kollektiv) {1}: PM:+
- Dax J: Offending Public Morality (Monnom Black) {1}: DJM:48
- Jedi Mind Tricks: The Bridge & the Abyss (Enemy Soil) {1}: HG:+
- The Jellyman's Daughter: Dead Reckoning (Boat Duck) {1}: pm_f:12
- Brandon Jenkins: Tail Lights in a Boomtown (IndieExtreme/Red Dirt Legend) {1}: scm:+
- Clarice Jensen: For This From That Will Be Filled (Miasmah) {1}: pf_x:+
- Jensen Incercepter: Mother (Lone Romantic) {1}: Mix:42
- Jet Black: L'Ere Du Vide (Skeletal Lightning) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jiboia: 0000 (Discrepant) {1}: V:+(1)
- JIRM: Surge Ex Monumentis (Small Stone) {1}: FB:71
- Johann Johannsson: Mandy [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Lakeshore) {1}: V:+(1)
- Kacey Johansing: The Hiding (Night Bloom -17) {1}: RM:46
- Travis Johnson and Friends: Dubious Reservoir (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Joi: SIR Rebekkah Holylove (Jolicious/Leau Tech) {1}: V:+(1)
- Karen Jonas: Butter (Yellow Brick) {1}: bsd:+
- Jeter Jones: Dhis Him (Music Access) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jim Jones: Wasted Talent (Vamplife/Empire) {1}: Cmp:+
- Joe Armon Jones: Starting Today (Brownswood) {1}: jcm:+
- MB Jones: ROK Spy (Drama) {1}: hhv:+
- Sir Charles Jones: The Masterpiece (Southern King Entertainment) {1}: V:+(1)
- Stimulator Jones: Exotic Worlds and Masterful Treasures (Stones Throw) {1}: am_r:+
- Durand Jones & the Indications: Durand Jones & the Indications (Dead Oceans) {1}: V:+(1)
- Anthony Joseph: People of the Sun (Heavenly Sweetness) {1}: PAM:35
- JosyAra: Mansa Furia (Tratore) {1}: xrt:+
- Allysha Joy: Acadie : Raw (Gondwana) {1}: Pc:63
- JOY: No Light Below (Blood and Ink) {1}: Rf_h:25
- Vance Joy: Nation of Two (Atlantic) {1}: Id:22
- Juiceboxxx: Never Surrender Forever (Dangerbird -EP) {1}: YW:30
- Jukebox the Ghost: Off to the Races (self-released) {1}: V:+(2)
- Justice: Woman Worldwide (Caroline) {1}: bb_d:10
- Kacy & Clayton: The Siren's Song (self-released -17) {1}: sd:8
- Jaakko Eino Kalevi: Out of Touch (Weird World) {1}: UR:91
- Pat Kalla & Le Super Mojo: Jonglear (Favorite) {1}: PW:28
- Ted Russell Kamp: Walkin' Shoes (PoMo) {1}: scm:+
- Kieran Kane/Rayna Gellert: The Ledges (Dead Reckoning) {1}: nod:+
- Achim Kaufmann: Mnemon (Nuscope) {1}: JC:+
- Okay Kaya: Both (Heavy Body) {1}: Gf_N:21
- Jeff Kelly and the Graveyard Shift: Jeff Kelly and the Graveyard Shift (853653 DK) {1}: bsd:+
- Grace Kelly: Go Time: Brooklyn 2 (PAZZ Productions) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ken Mode: Loved (New Damage/Season of Mist) {1}: Db:37
- Nigel Kennedy: Kennedy Meets Gershwin (Warner Classics) {1}: JC:+
- Stacey Kent: I Know I Dream: The Orchestral Sessions (Okeh -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Mazen Kerbaj: Walls Will Fall: The 49 Trumpets of Jericho (Bohemian Drips) {1}: jsg:8
- Cash Kidd: Bebe Kidd 2 (4746 Global) {1}: hyb:+
- The Kiddiwinks: Wicked Leisure (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Kid Koala: Floor Kids [Original Video Game Soundtrack] (Arts & Crafts) {1}: YW:83
- Kid Rock: Sweet Southern Sugar (Broken Bow) {1}: V:+(1)
- Kiki Pau: Hiisi (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {1}: V:+(1)
- Nina Kinert: Romantic (V2) {1}: Gf:30
- King Brothers: Wasteland (Hound Gawd!) {1}: V:+(1)
- King Buffalo: Longing to Be the Mountain (self-released) {1}: FB:64
- King Champion Sounds: For a Lark (Excelsior) {1}: GTV:49
- King Crimson: Meltdown: Live in Mexico City (DGM) {1}: jjk:+
- King Dude: Music to Make War To (Van) {1}: Rf_h:36
- King Fred: Soul 2 Soul (Riverside) {1}: V:+(1)
- King Krule: The Ooz (True Panther Sounds) {1}: LLV:86
- Randall King: Randall King (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Kino: Radio Voltaire () {1}: L:+
- Neal Kirkwood: Blue Inventions (Present Eye) {1}: JC:+
- Kyoko Kitamura's Tidepool Fauna: Protean Labyrinth (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Kleenex Girl Wonder: Vana Mundi (Reesonable) {1}: Sb:+
- Kleenex Girl Wonder: White Lacuna (self-released) {1}: Sb:+
- Flynn Kliemann: Nie (TwoFinger) {1}: Sb:+
- Knelt Rote: Alterity (Headspin) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mark Knopfler: Down the Road Wherever (British Groove/Virgin EMI) {1}: nod:+
- Adam Kolker & Russ Lossing: Whispers and Secrets (Fresh Sound) {1}: jjm:+
- Yusef Komunyakaa/David Cieri/Mike Brown: White Dust (Ropeadope -17) {1}: JC:+
- Lee Konitz/Dan Tepfer: Decade (Impulse) {1}: JC:+
- Kooley High: Never Come Down (Mecca) {1}: HG:+
- Kool G Rap & 38 Spesh: Son of G Rap (TCF Music Group) {1}: HG:+
- Magdalena Kozena/Robin Ticciati: Ravel/Duparc: Aimer Et Mourir/Danses Et Melodies (Linn) {1}: am:+
- Krakow Loves Adana: Songs After the Blue (Better Call Rob) {1}: NBH:36
- Kraus: Path (Terrible) {1}: YW:77
- Lenny Kravitz: Raise Vibration (BMG) {1}: V:+(1)
- Nicholas Krgovich: Ouch (Tin Angel) {1}: am_s:+
- Kryptonyte: Kryptonyte (Dolfin) {1}: Bc:65
- Marty Krystall/Mike Alvidrez/Fritz Wise: Marty's Mode (K2B2) {1}: JC:+
- Martin Kuchen: Lieber Heiland Lass Uns Sterben (Sofa -17) {1}: jgl:9
- Uli K: Uliverse (Yegorka) {1}: pf_x:+
- Kuniko: Steve Reich: Drumming () {1}: jcmb:+
- Ola Kvernberg: Steamdome (Grappa) {1}: jjk:+
- Albrecht La'Brooy: Tidal River (Apollo) {1}: xlr:+
- Yazmin Lacey: When the Sun Dips 90 Degrees (First Word) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jimmy LaFave: Peace Town (Music Road) {1}: nod:+
- Reese Laflare: Reese Laflare (Empire) {1}: 405:47
- Owen Lake & the Tragic Loves: The Best of Your Lies (Carrier) {1}: pm_a:18
- Mickey Lamantia: Every Bad Habit (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Domenico Lancellotti: The Good Is a Big God (Luaka Bop) {1}: am_w:+
- Lanco: Hallelujah Nights (Arista Nashville) {1}: cmt:+
- Lane 8: Little by Little (This Never Happened) {1}: bb_d:9
- Mark Lanegan & Duke Garwood: With Animals (Heavenly/PIAS) {1}: LLV:81
- Laraaji/Arji OceAnanda/Dallas Acid: Arrive Without Leaving (Flying Moonlight) {1}: pf_x:+
- Last Emperor: Jungle Jim Season 1 (From the Muscle Music Group) {1}: HG:+
- Greg Laswell: Next Time (Leg Graswell) {1}: pm_f:15
- Laura & Greg: Juice Break (Paper Garden) {1}: V:+(1)
- Laura Jean: Devotion (Chapter Music) {1}: GTV:35
- Lay Llamas: Thuban (Rocket) {1}: Sb:+
- Desiderio Lazaro: Moving (Sintoma) {1}: j_p:+
- Sam Leak and Paula Rae Gibson: Permission (33xtreme) {1}: jss:8
- Lebrock: Real Thing (self-released) {1}: Noj:49
- Amos Lee: My New Moon (Dualtone) {1}: am_s:+
- Left Arm Tan: El Camino (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Legend of the Seagullmen: Legend of the Seagullmen (Dine Alone) {1}: lw_m:18
- Elise LeGrow: Playing Chess (S-Curve) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sonia Leigh: Mad Hatter (Willing to Fly Music) {1}: bsd:+
- Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares: BooCheeMish (Prophecy Productions) {1}: V:+(1)
- Joao Lencastre's Communion 3: Movements in Freedom (Clean Feed -17) {1}: j_p:+ -- [TH:**]
- Kiran Leonard: Western Culture (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Hi:43
- Les Lullies: Les Lullies (Slovenly) {1}: YW:67
- Vivian Leva: Time Is Everything (Free Dirt) {1}: scm:+
- Leverage Models: Whites (Anachronisme) {1}: V:+(1)
- Elliott Levin/Gabriel Lauber Duo: Yu (Dimensional -17) {1}: JC:+
- Sam Lewis: Loversity (Tone Tree Music) {1}: nod:+
- Liars: Titles With the Word Fountain [TFCF] (Mute) {1}: Gw:29
- Chris Liebing: Burn Slow (Mute) {1}: DJM:47
- Dave Liebman: Fire (Jazzline) {1}: JC:+
- LIINES: Stop-Start (Reckless Yes) {1}: FB:94
- A Lily: Ten Drones on Cassette (Phantom Limb) {1}: YW:92
- Limbs: Father's Son (UNFD) {1}: RkS:30
- Liminal: Liminal (Krunk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Lingua Franca: Model Minority (HHBTM) {1}: ATH:30
- Lingua Ignota: All Bitches Die (Profound Lore) {1}: V:+(1)
- Lisbon String Trio & Carlos Zingaro: Theia (Creative Sources) {1}: j_p:+
- Lissie: Castles (Lionboy) {1}: V:+(2)
- Dongfeng Liu: China Caribe (Zoho) {1}: JC:+
- LLNN: Deads (Pelagic) {1}: V:+(1)
- Locksmith: Ali (Landmark) {1}: HG:+
- Loco & Jam: Cluster Flux (Tronic -EP) {1}: YW:96
- Augusta McKay Lodge: Beyond Bach & Vivaldi: Rare Unaccompanied Works for the Baroque Violin (Naxos) {1}: YW:72
- Loidis: A Parade in the Place I Sit the Floating World (& All Its Pleasures) (Anno) {1}: pf_e:+
- Lokomotiv: Gnosis (Aduf) {1}: j_p:+
- Lone: Ambivert Tools Vol 3 (R&S) {1}: YW:94
- The Longcut: Arrows (Deltasonic) {1}: MO:49
- Loona: [++] (Vlending) {1}: V:+(1)
- Loose Nukes: 2018 Demo (self-released) {1}: V:+(*)
- David Lopato: Gendhing for a Spirit Rising (Global Coolant) {1}: jms:+
- Harold Lopez-Nussa: Un Dia Cualquiera (Mack Avenue) {1}: JC:+
- Lorelle Meets the Obsolete: De Facto (Sonic Cathedral) {1}: V:+(1)
- Salvo Losappio: Long Story Short (Gut String) {1}: JC:+
- Los Rolling Ruanas: Sangre Caliente (M3 Music) {1}: xrt:+
- Los Texmaniacs: Cruzando Borders (Smithsonian Folkways) {1}: hc:d:7
- Lionel Loueke: Close Your Eyes (Newvelle) {1}: JC:+
- Sarah Louise: Deeper Woods (Thrill Jockey) {1}: PM:+
- Lovebites: Battle Against Damnation () {1}: L:+
- Fullee Love: Soup J5 Presents Fullee Love: Free White & 21 (Najla Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Low Anthem: The Salt Doll Went to Measure the Depths of the Sea (Joyful Noise) {1}: np_b:10
- Low Jack: Riddims Du Lieu-dit (Les Disques De La Bretagne) {1}: VF:44
- LP: Heart to Mouth (Effective) {1}: Rf_h:39
- Lunmatic Soul: Under the Fragmented Sky () {1}: L:+
- Lusts: Call of the Void (Blinky Watts) {1}: Sb:+
- Galcher Lustwerk: 200% Galcher (Lustwerk Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Luxury Elite: Prism (self-released) {1}: V:+(2)
- Lychgate: The Contagion in Nine Steps (Blood Music) {1}: lw_m:25
- Lycia: In Flickers (Projekt) {1}: V:+(1)
- Machine Girl: The Ugly Art (Kitty on Fire) {1}: N:86, V:+(1)
- Machine Head: Catharsis () {1}: L:+
- Jackson Macintosh: My Dark Side (Sinderlyn) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ahmoudou Madassane: Zerzura (Sahel Sounds) {1}: PO:+
- Phil Madeira: Providence () {1}: ax:+
- Phil Madeira: Providence (Mercyland) {1}: nod:+
- Made to Break: Trebuchet (Trost) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Peter Madsen/Alfred Vogel: I Ching (Playscape) {1}: jmju:+
- Mae: Proletar Adel (Tee Productions) {1}: Dv:29
- The Magic City Trio: Amerikana Arkana (Kailua) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Magic Numbers: Outsiders (Black Candy) {1}: am_k:+
- Magic One: The Magic Show (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Magmamaker: Mindtripper (self-released) {1}: FB:76
- Janiva Magness: Love Is an Army (Blue Elan) {1}: am_b:+
- Maisie: Maledette Rockstar (self-released) {1}: sa:+
- Mammal: Come See My Dream (Animal Disguise) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mamuthones: Fear on the Corner (Rocket) {1}: Sb:+1
- The Manhattan Transfer: The Junction (BMG) {1}: JC:+
- Peder Mannerfelt: Daily Routine (self-released) {1}: DJM:44
- Roger Joseph Manning Jr: Glamping (self-released -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Many Rooms: There Is a Presence Here (Other People) {1}: Eb:50
- Maps & Atlases: Lightlessness Is Nothing New (Barsuk) {1}: SC:+
- Diane Marino: Soul Serenade: The Gloria Lynne Project (M&M) {1}: JC:+
- Mariza: Mariza (Parlophone Portugal) {1}: sol:+
- Ulaan Markhor: Helm (Soft Abuse) {1}: V:+(1)
- Walter Martin: Reminisce Bar & Grill (Family Jukebox) {1}: -- RC:*, TH:B
- Mark Masters Ensemble: Our Metier (Capri) {1}: JC:+
- Toshio Matsuura Group: Loveplaydance: 8 Scenes From the Floor (Brownswood) {1}: Pc:60
- Dave Matthews Band: Come Tomorrow (RCA) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Mattson 2: A Love Supreme (Spiritual Pajamas) {1}: JC:+
- The Mavericks: Hey! Merry Christmas (Mono Mundo) {1}: nod:+
- Abbe May: Fruit (Luxury Cat) {1}: DJ:45
- The Del McCoury Band: Del McCoury Still Sings Bluegrass (McCoury Music) {1}: PO:+
- Makaya McCraven: Where We Come From (Chicago X London Mixtape) (International Anthem) {1}: PO:+
- Sean McGowan: Son of the Smith (Xtra Mile) {1}: Bq:+
- Gayelynn McKinney: McKinFolk: The New Beginning (Detroit Music Factory) {1}: JC:+
- John McLaughlin & the 4th Dimension/Jimmy Herring & the Invisible Whip: Live in San Francisco (Abstract Logix) {1}: JC:+
- Joe McPhee/Daunik Lazro/Joshua Abrams/Guillaume Seguron/Chad Taylor: A Pride of Lions (The Bridge Sessions) {1}: jdt:+
- Joe McPhee: One Day . . . a Lightning Storm (Sound American -EP) {1}: PO:+
- Joe McPhee/Pascal Niggenkemper/Stale Liavik Solberg: Imaginary Numbers (Clean Feed -17) {1}: PO:21 -- [TH:***]
- Karen Meat: You're an Ugly Person (Emotional Response) {1}: ATH:28
- John Medeski: Mad Skillet (Indirecto) {1}: jdc:+
- Medhane: Ba Suba Ak Jamm (Grand Closing) {1}: -- RC:*
- Buck Meek: Buck Meek (Keeled Scales) {1}: nod:+
- Mefjus: Manifest (Vision) {1}: pm_e:23
- Megative: Megative (Last Gang) {1}: V:+(1)
- Michaela Meise: Ich Bin Griechin (Martin Hossbach) {1}: hhv:+
- Meitei: Kwaidan (self-released) {1}: pf_x:+
- Melbourne Cans: Heat of the Night (Lost and Lonesome) {1}: FB:40
- John Mellencamp: Other People's Stuff (Republic) {1}: YW:+
- Melting Hand: Faces of Earth (Hominid Sounds) {1}: Qt:73
- Melvins: Pinkus Abortion Technician (Ipecac) {1}: V:+(1)
- Menace Beach: Black Rainbow Sound (Memphis Industries) {1}: RM:76
- Menagerie: The Arrow of Time (Freestyle) {1}: J -- ukv:20
- Efrim Manuel Menuck: Pissing Stars (Constellation) {1}: Dr:35
- Don Menza Quartet: Sonny Daze (Alessa) {1}: JC:+
- Mesarthim: The Density Parameter (Avantgarde Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mestizo and the Heavy Twelves: Big Bad Death (Fake Four) {1}: YW:74
- Meyhem & DJ Muggs: Frozen Angels (Soul Assassins) {1}: YW:103
- Szilard Mezei Vocal Ensemble: Hotel America (Not Two) {1}: jnm:8
- MGUN: Axiom (Don't Be Afraid) {1}: am_e:+
- The Carl Michel Group: Music in Motian (The Compositions of Paul Motian) (Play On) {1}: JC:+
- Michigan Rattlers: Evergreen (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Michot's Melody Makers: Blood Moon (Sinking City) {1}: PO:23
- Midas Fall: Evaporate () {1}: L:+
- The Midnight: Kids (self-released) {1}: Noj:37
- Miggy Augmented Orchestra: Colorful (ArtistShare) {1}: JC:+
- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones: While We're at It (Big Red) {1}: V:+(2)
- Milestones: Red Lights (Fearless) {1}: RkS:39
- John R Miller and the Engine Lights: The Trouble You Follow (Emperor) {1}: scm:+
- Marcus Miller: Laid Black (Blue Note) {1}: jbm:48
- Nick Millevoi's Desertion Trio With Jamie Saft: Midtown Tilt (Shhpuma) {1}: JC:+
- Molly Milsson: Twenty Twenty (self-released) {1}: Bc:76
- Pavel Milyakov: Eastern Strike (Rassvet) {1}: pf_e:+
- Mind Over Mirrors: Bellowing Sun (Paradise of Bachelors) {1}: V:+(2)
- Mind Spiders: Furies (Dirtnap) {1}: am_i:+
- Minority Threat: Minority Threat (self-released -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Miserable: Loverboy/Dog Days (Sargent House) {1}: N:99
- Miss Information: Sequence (Pioneer Works Press) {1}: YW:47
- Miss World: Keeping Up With Miss World (PNKSLM) {1}: V:+(1)
- MMO-Ensemble: Any Day Now (Ora Fonogram) {1}: jms:+
- Moab: Through (Falling Dome) {1}: FB:60
- Modern Studies: Welcome Strangers (Fire) {1}: am_f;+
- MoE and Marhaug: Capsaicin (Utech) {1}: jno:10
- MoeTar: Final Four (Raze the Maze -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Abul Mogard: Above All Dreams (Ecstatic) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mom Jeans: Puppy Love (Counter Intuitive) {1}: Alt:33
- Moneybagg Yo: 2 Heartless (N-Less Entertainment/Interscope) {1}: V:+(1)
- Monster Magnet: Mindfucker (Napalm) {1}: Db:36
- Davy Mooney/Ko Omura: Benign Strangers (Sunnyside) {1}: jbm:29
- Moon Wiring Club: Psychedelic Spirit Show (Gecophonic Audio Systems) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dallas Moore: Mr Honky Tonk (SOL) {1}: scm:+
- Drew Moreland: Drew Moreland (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Mark Morgan: Department of Heraldry (Open Mouth) {1}: V:+(2)
- MorMor: Heaven's Only Wishful (Don't Guess) {1}: Mup:45
- Morphology: Traveller (Firescope) {1}: OTR:38
- Toussaint Morrison: Best When Sung From the Gutter (Urban Home Companion) {1}: V:+(1)
- T Hardy Morris: Dude the Obscure (Normaltown) {1}: V:+(1)
- Laura Morrow: Laura Morrow (self-released -EP) {1}: scm:+
- Mortuous: Through Wilderness (Tankcrimes) {1}: Db:25
- Diane Moser: Birdsongs (Planet Arts) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Ra Kalam Bob Moses/Bukky Leo: Spaceships Over Africa (Ra-Kalam -17) {1}: JC:+
- Michael Moss/Accidental Orchestra: Helix (4th Stream) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- The Nick Moss Band Featuring Dennis Gruenling: The High Cost of Low Living (Alligator) {1}: am_b:+
- Leila Moss: My Name Is Safe in Your Mouth (Bella Union) {1}: Sb:+
- Sam Moss: Neon (Lost Honey) {1}: nod:+
- Motels: The Last Few Beautiful Days (ReMarKable) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mother Feather: Constellation Baby (Metal Blade) {1}: Sb:+
- Mothers: Render Another Ugly Method (Epitaph) {1}: Sb:+
- Mount Kimbie: Love What Survives (Remixes Part 2) (Warp) {1}: YW:91
- The Mouse Outfit: Jagged Tooth Crook (TMO) {1}: ABC:43, GMA:43
- The Mover: Undetected Act From the Gloom Chamber (Boidae) {1}: DJM:38
- Mr G: A Part of Me Volume 2 (Phoenix G) {1}: Mix:34
- Jake Muir: Lady's Mantle (Sferic) {1}: Qt:70
- Wolf Muller & Niklas Wandt: Instrumentalmusik Von Der Mitte Der World (Growing Bin) {1}: On:37
- Anna Mullova/Paavo Jarvi: Arvo Part (Onyx Classics) {1}: am:+
- Munya: North Hatley (Winston Wolf) {1}: GB:+
- Murkage Dave: Murkage Dave Changed My Life (self-released) {1}: Cl:31
- Mark Murphy: Pocketful of Rainbows () {1}: jcmb:+
- Kristina Murray: Southern Ambrosia (Loud Magnolia) {1}: scm:+
- Musarc/Neil Luck: Bloody Sirens (Entr'acte) {1}: W:49
- Michael Musillami/Rich Syracuse: Bird Calls (Playscape -17) {1}: JC:+
- Michael Musillami Trio + 2: Life Anthem (Playscape) {1}: JC:+
- Mutual Benefit: Thunder Follows the Light (Transgressive) {1}: am_f:+
- MXM: More Than Ever (Warner Music Korea) {1}: V:+(1)
- MxPx: MxPx (Global Enterprises) {1}: hc_m:7
- My Brightest Diamond: A Million and One (Rhyme & Reason) {1}: V:+(1)
- Estee Nack x Sadhubold: Sirfinongold.wav (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Nadalands: The New Day: EP (Sub-Trawler -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Satoshi Nakamoto: dOPENet [NYPD Records Volume 2] (NYPD) {1}: TMT:49
- Hamish Napier: The Railway (Strathspey) {1}: V:+(1)
- Anthony Naples: Take Me With You (ANS) {1}: ra:+
- Bret Naucke: The Mansion (Spectrum Spools) {1}: V:+(1)
- Nearly Dead: Something Stronger (Geriatric) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Necromancers: Of Blood and Wine (Ripple) {1}: FB:62
- Necros Christos: Domedon Doxomedon (Sepulchral Voice) {1}: N:95
- Needlepoint: The Diary of Robert Reverie (BJK) {1}: FB:54
- Nef the Pharaoh: The Big Chang Theory (KILFMB/Sick Wid It/Empire) {1}: PW:47
- Neighbor Lady: Maybe Later (Friendship Fever) {1}: BS:23
- The Neighbourhood: The Neighbourhood (Columbia) {1}: am_p:+
- Nekromant: The Nekromant Lives (Ripple) {1}: FB:88
- Nes: Ahlam (ACT) {1}: st_j:+
- Ness Nite: Dream Girl (POW) {1}: VMP:24
- Carrie Newcomer: Live at the Buskirk Chumley Theatre (Available Light -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- New England Jazz Ensemble: Peter and the Wolf (NEJE) {1}: JC:+
- New Respects: Before the Sun Goes Down (Capitol) {1}: nod:+
- Niagara: Apologia (Principe) {1}: PAM:33
- Nice Try: Nice Try (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Nidia: Nidia E Ma Nidia E Fudida (Principe -17) {1}: PO:+
- Night Shop: In the Break (Woodsist/Mare) {1}: ATH:27
- Jorge Nila: Tenor Time (Tribute to the Tenor Masters) (Ninjazz -19) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:***]
- Nkisi: The Dark Orchestra (Arcola) {1}: W:43
- Nolatet: No Revenge Necessary (The Royal Potato Family) {1}: jdc:+
- Nonetheless: Nonetheless (Neubau) {1}: hhv:+
- Nonpareils: Scented Pictures (Mute) {1}: Qt:91
- Noonday Underground: On a Quiet Night (Hands Full) {1}: YW:68
- The Northern Belle: Blinding Blue Neon (Vestkyst) {1}: Dv:23
- North Sea Dialect: Local Guide (Numbers) {1}: VF:21
- Nostrum Grocers: Nostrum Grocers (Ruby Yacht) {1}: V:+(1)
- Notches: Almost Ruined Everything (Salinas) {1}: V:+(1)
- Thandi Ntuli: Exiled (Inpartmaint) {1}: JC:+
- Ted Nugent: The Music Made Me Do It (Round Hill Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Taiki Nulight: Murky Manor (Night Bass) {1}: Mix:43
- Numb.er: Goodbye (Felte) {1}: Am_s:37
- Nun: The Dome (Aarght!) {1}: V:+(1)
- Cassper Nyovest: Sweet and Short (Universal Music) {1}: pam_r:10
- The Oakland Elementary School Arkestra: The Saga of Padani (Modern Harmonic) {1}: JC:+
- John Oates: Arkansas (Thirty Tigers) {1}: am_f:+
- Obnox: Templo Del Sonido (Astral Spirits) {1}: V:+(1)
- OC: A New Dawn (DITC Studios/Slice-of-Spice) {1}: HG:+
- The Ocean: Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic (Metal Blade) {1}: lw_m:11
- OC From NC: It's Not You It's Me (643712 DK) {1}: HG:+
- OC & PF Cutin: Opium (Hendrix St) {1}: HG:+
- Odd Atlas: Odd Atlas (Ropeadope) {1}: BIW:34
- Odd Beholder: All Reality Is Virtual (Sinnbus) {1}: NBH:50
- Tom Odell: Jubilee Road (Columbia) {1}: Bq:+
- Okay Kaya: Both (Heavy Body) {1}: Rf_k:47
- Oklou: The Rite of May (Nuxxe) {1}: GB:29
- Vikingur Olafsson: Johann Sebastian Bach (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: NPR:45
- Will Oldham: Songs of Love and Horror (Drag City) {1}: V:+(1)
- Alex Oliverio: Sunshine Ensemble (self-released) {1}: BIW:49
- Omit: Enclosures 2011-2016 (Pica Disk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Omnium Gatherum: The Burning Cold (Century Media) {1}: V:+(1)
- Oneida: Romance (Joyful Noise) {1}: bu:10
- Onra: Nobody Has to Know (All City Dublin) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Opposition: Somewhere in Between (Aztec Musique) {1}: Sb:+
- ORB: The Space Between (Flightless) {1}: FB:66
- Orchid Mantis: Yellow House (Z Tapes) {1}: OS:50
- Jim O'Rourke: Sleep Like It's Winter (Newhere) {1}: W:30
- Jim O'Rourke: Steamroom 40 (Steamroom) {1}: V:+(1)
- Juan Andres Ospina Big Band: Tramontana (self-released) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Gesu No Kiwami Otome: Suki Nara Towanai (Warner Music Japan) {1}: On:31
- Our Hollow Our Home: In Moment//In Memory (//Hollow Music) {1}: RkS:36
- Overmono: Whities 019 (Whities) {1}: pf_e:+
- Kelly Lee Owens: Kelly Lee Owens (Smalltown Supersound -17) {1}: V:+(1) -- [TH:B]
- P2K DaDiddy: Welcome 2 Da Boom Boom Room (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- PAC Div: First Baptist (RBC) {1}: HG:+
- Palatine: Grand Paon De Nuit (Audiogram) {1}: V:+(1)
- Palberta: Roach Going Down (Wharf Cat) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pale Divine: Pale Divine (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: FB:31
- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu: Japamyu (Unborde/Warner Music Japan) {1}: V:+(1)
- Panchasila: Panchasila (Slucata Tapes) {1}: V:+(1)
- Konstantinos Papachristou: The Darkness of a Fairytale (BLB) {1}: jgt:+
- Paper Dollhouse: The Sky Looks Different Here (MoonDome) {1}: bl:7
- Jerry Paper: Like a Baby (Stones Throw) {1}: V:+(1); vad:6
- Parades Against Parades: Driving Me Stoned (Cardinal Fuzz) {1}: FB:46
- John Parish: Bird Dog Dante (Thrill Jockey) {1}: V:+(1)
- Emile Parisien Quintet: Sfumato Live in Marciac (ACT) {1}: JC:+
- Han-earl Park/Catherine Sikora/Nick Didkovsky: Eris 136199 (Buster and Friends) {1}: jlre:6
- Joyann Parker: Hard to Love (BNC) {1}: V:+(1)
- Spencer Parker: Dance Music (Work Them) {1}: Mix:26
- Tess Parks/Anton Newcombe: Tess Parks & Anton Newcombe (a) {1}: Pc:37
- Brockett Parsons: The Brockettship (Ropeadope) {1}: vmp_j:+
- Dolly Parton: Dumplin' [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Dolly/RCA Nashville) {1}: tns:+
- Abe Partridge: Cotton Fields and Blood for Days (Skate Mountain) {1}: BS:27
- Party Bois: Party Bois (Curve of the Earth) {1}: bh:10
- Ben Patton: Meaning What (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Courtney Patton: What It's Like to Fly Alone (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- John Paul: No Filter (Harbinger Sound) {1}: Sb:+
- Vinnie Paz: The Pain Collector (Enemy Soil) {1}: HG:+
- Peach Kelli Pop: Gentle Leader (Mint) {1}: sw:7
- Peaking Lights: Sea of Sand (Dekmantel) {1}: Mup:47
- Pearl Vision: Storm (EPM Music -EP) {1}: YW:90
- Von Pea & the Other Guys: I'm Good Luv Enjoy (Hipnott) {1}: bg_b:10
- Larry Peninsula: Country Music Only (Ramasound) {1}: scm:+
- The Ken Peplowski Big Band: Sunrise (Arbors) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Fernando Perdomo: Zebra Crossing (Forward Motion) {1}: V:+(1)
- Perel: Hermetica (DFA) {1}: Mu:23
- Steve Perry: Traces (Fantasy) {1}: am_k:+
- Perverts Again: Friday Night Light (Total Punk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ralph Peterson's Gen-Next Big Band: I Remember Bu (Onyx Productions) {1}: jbm:26
- Petite Noir: La Maison Noir: The Gift and the Curse (Roya -EP) {1}: FB:98
- Kim Petras: Turn Off the Light [Vol 1] (BunHead -EP) {1}: YF:+
- John Petrucelli: Presence (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Phew: Voice Hardcore (Mesh-Key) {1}: pf_x:+
- Grant-Lee Phillips: Widdershins (Yep Roc) {1}: am_s:+
- Phish: Kasvot Vaxt: I Rokk (JEMP) {1}: V:+(2)
- Phronesis: We Are All (Edition) {1}: jgt:+
- Dave Pietro: New Road: Iowa Memoirs (ArtistShare) {1}: jdb:+
- Laurence Pike: Distant Early Warning (The Leaf Label) {1}: Dr:44
- Pilar Zeta: Moments of Reality (Ultramajic) {1}: OTR:37
- Pill: Soft Hell (Mexican Summer) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pinch Points: Mechanical Injury (Roolette/Six Tonnes De Chair) {1}: Bc:74
- Pinkcourtesyphone: Romantic Threat (Line -EP) {1}: YW:56
- Benoit Pioulard: May (self-released) {1}: YW:63
- Ben Pirani: How Do I Talk to My Brother? (Colemine) {1}: V:+(1)
- PJs: Hermes (Aurel Canyon) {1}: V:+(1)
- Plan B: Heaven Before All Hell Breaks Loose (Atlantic) {1}: Sb:+
- Planet Battagon: Battagon Symphony EP (On the Corner -EP) {1}: YW:89
- Planet B: Planet B (Ipecac) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Plot in You: Dispose (Fearless) {1}: RkS:34
- The Pocket Philharmonic Orchestra/Peter Stangel: Beethoven Revisited Symphonies 1-9 () {1}: jcmb:+
- Pom Pom: 35 (Pom Pom) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pool Kids: Music to Practice Safe Sex To (Skeletal Lightning) {1}: Alt:22
- Poppy: Am I a Girl? (I'm Poppy/Mad Decent) {1}: V:+(1)
- Gregory Porter: Nat "King" Cole & Me (Blue Note -17) {1}: JT:31 -- [TH:C+]
- Joy Postell: Diaspora (self-released -EP) {1}: Mup:28
- Potatohead People: Nick & Astro's Guide to the Galaxy (Bastard Jazz) {1}: Am_h:22
- Chris Potter: The Dreamer Is the Dream (ECM -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:*]
- Prequel Tapes: Everything Is Quite Now (Gaffa Tape) {1}: OTR:48
- Sean K Preston & the Loaded Pistols: Forgive (Rusty Knuckles) {1}: scm:+
- Prettiest Eyes: Pools (Castle Face -17) {1}: RM:45
- Sean Price & Illa Ghee: Metal Detectors (Ruck Down -EP) {1}: HG:+
- The Prids: Do I Look Like I'm in Love (This-A-Way) {1}: Sb:+
- Primitive Knot: Thee Opener of the Way (Aurora) {1}: Qt:72
- Primo!: Amici (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: -- RC:*
- Primordial: Exile Amongst the Ruins () {1}: L:+
- Prison Religion: O Fucc Im on the Wrong Planet (Halcyon Veil) {1}: N:94
- The Proclaimers: Angry Cyclist (Persevere) {1}: Fp:64
- Profligate: Somewhere Else (Wharf Cat) {1}: am_e:+
- Prophet: Wanna Be Your Man (Stones Throw) {1}: am_r:+
- Proud Parents: Proud Parents (Dirtnap) {1}: YW:60
- Public Access TV: Street Safari (Cinematic) {1}: am_i:+
- Public Apology: Public Apology () {1}: V:+(1)
- Public Memory: Demolition (Felte) {1}: Hi:48
- Public Practice: Distance Is a Mirror (Wharf Cat -EP) {1}: FB:96
- Public Service Broadcasting: White Star Liner (PIAS -EP) {1}: YF:+
- PUI4: A Pearl in Dirty Hands (Aut) {1}: j_p:+
- Punch Brothers: All Ashore (Nonesuch) {1}: V:+(1); sdu:6
- Bernard Purdie & Friends: Present: Cool Down (Sugar Road) {1}: V:+(1)
- Diana Purim & Eyedentity: Many Bodies One Mind (Eyedentitymusic) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pynkie: Neoteny (Pynkie) {1}: GB:28
- Quando Rondo: Life After Fame (QRN/Never Broke Again/Atlantic) {1}: am_h:+
- Queen Naija: Queen Naija (Queen Naija Bulls) {1}: rs_s:7
- Bruno Raberg Trio: Tailwind (Red Piano) {1}: J -- ukv:11
- Rabid Dogs: Rabid Dogs (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Racetraitor: 2042 (Good Fight) {1}: N:87
- Radio Galaxy: Nobody Digs Your Music but Yourself (Rappers I Know/Radio Galaxy) {1}: YW:82
- Jack Radsliff: Migration Patterns (self-released -17) {1}: BIW:24
- Lucy Railton: Paradise 94 (Modern Love) {1}: VF:+
- Raime: Am I Using Content or Is Content Using Me? (Different Circles -EP) {1}: xlr:+
- Rangers: Late Electrics (Doom Trip) {1}: V:+(1)
- Vinnie Raniolo: Air Guitar: Songs of Flight (Raniolo Music) {1}: JC:+
- Rapsody: Laila's Wisdom (Def Jam -17) {1}: PO:+ -- [TH:**]
- Ras G & the Afrikan Space Program: Stargate Music (Leaving) {1}: xlr:+
- Andrew Rathbun Large Ensemble: Atwood Suites (Origin) {1}: J -- JC:+
- Rattle: Sequence (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: GTV:95
- Donnie Ray: My Southern Soul (CDS) {1}: V:+(1)
- Lesya Rayman: Going Up (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Veda Rays: For the Rest to Rest (Alleged) {1}: V:+(1)
- Eddi Reader: Cavalier (Reveal) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Record Company: All of This Life (Concord) {1}: so:+
- The Redneck Manifesto: The How (251) {1}: Ni:36
- Red River Dialect: Broken Stay Open Sky (Paradise of Bachelors) {1}: am_f:+
- Red Velvet: The Perfect Red Velvet (SM Entertainment) {1}: V:+(1)
- Reef: Revelation () {1}: L:+
- Xavier Reija: The Sound of the Earth (Moonjune) {1}: jms:+
- Adam Remnant: Sourwood (AnyWay) {1}: V:+(1)
- Poline Renou/Matthieu Donarier/Sylvain Lemetre: Adieu Mes Tres Belle (Yolk) {1}: JC:+
- The Republic of Wolves: Shrine (self-released) {1}: Sg:+
- Resina: Traces (Fat Cat) {1}: RM:67
- The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band: Poor Until Payday (Family Owned) {1}: V:+(1)
- Reverorum Ib Malacht: Im Ra Distare Summum Soveris Seris Vas Innoble (AnnapumA) {1}: Rf_h:50
- Matthew Revert/Vanessa Rossetto: Everyone Needs a Plan (Erstwhile) {1}: TMT:42
- Revocation: The Outer Ones (Metal Blade) {1}: av_m:+
- Rex Orange County: Apricot Princess (self-released) {1}: RT:49
- Rezz: Certain Kind of Magic (Mau5trap) {1}: mmg:+
- Kim Richey: Edgeland (Yep Roc) {1}: V:+(1)
- Rich the Kid: The World Is Yours (Rich Forever Music/Interscope) {1}: Cmp:+
- Stephen Riley: Hold 'Em Joe (SteepleChase) {1}: jdt:+
- The Rising: Moving On (Renegade Maverick) {1}: GTV:39
- River Cult: Halcyon Daze (Cats on Amps) {1}: V:+(1)
- Riverloam Trio [Mikolaj Trzaska/Olie Brice/Mark Sanders]: Live at the Alchemia (Kilogram) {1}: jjsh:+
- Rizzla: Adepta (Fade to Mind) {1}: Re:36
- RKSS: DJ Tools (UIQ) {1}: pf_x:+
- Troy Roberts: Nu-Jive Perspective (Inner Circle) {1}: jz:+
- Jason Robinson: Resonant Geographies (pfMENTUM) {1}: JC:+
- The Rock*A*Teens: Sixth House (Merge) {1}: V:+(4)
- Alfredo Rodriguez: The Little Dream (Mack Avenue) {1}: JC:+
- Roosevelt: Young Romance (City Slang/Music as Usual) {1}: Mz:45
- Roots Magic: Last Kind Words (Clean Feed -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Rosali: Trouble Anyway (Scissor Tail/Spinster Sounds) {1}: nod:+
- Rose Mercie: Rose Mercie (SDZ) {1}: ATH:31
- Andre Rosinha: Portico (Robalo -17) {1}: j_p:+
- Vanessa Rossetto: Fashion Tape (No Rent) {1}: V:+(1)
- Craig Ross & Tim Rutili: 10 Seconds to Collapse (Jealous Butcher) {1}: Sb:+
- Mehdi Rostami & Adib Rostami: Melodic Circles: Urban Classical Music From Iran (ARC Music) {1}: sol:+
- Rough Spells: Modern Kicks for the Solitary Witch (self-released -EP) {1}: FB:97
- Curtis Roush: Cosmic Campfire Music (Modern Outsider) {1}: V:+(1)
- Routine Death: Parallel Universes (Fuzz Club) {1}: Sb:+
- ROVA Saxophone Quartet: In Transverse Time (Les Disques Victo) {1}: JC:+
- Peter Rowan: Carter Stanley's Eyes (Rebel) {1}: nod:+
- Shamie Royston: Beautiful Liar (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
- rRoxymore: Thoughts of an Introvert Pt 2 (Don't Be Afraid) {1}: pf_e:+
- Vitor Rua & the Metaphysical Angels: When Better Isn't Quite Good Enough (ReR Megacorp) {1}: j_p:+
- Amber Rubarth/Joe Purdy: American Folk [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (American Folks) {1}: nod:+
- Risa Rubin: I'm Reliving the End Over and Over and Over Again and Its Only the Beginning (self-released) {1}: Bc:94
- Ruby Haunt: Blue Hour (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Roswell Rudd/Fay Victor/Lafayette Harris/Ken Filiano: Embrace (RareNoise -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Ruler: Winning Star Champion (Barsuk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Rules: Pronouns (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- E Ruscha V: Who Are You (Beats in Space) {1}: Dr:32
- Ryan Playground: 16/17 (Secret Songs/Last Gang) {1}: N:66
- Sacred Paws: Strike a Match (Rock Action -17) {1}: xrt:+
- Sad Baxter: So Happy (Cold Lunch) {1}: Bc:100
- Saintseneca: Pillar of Na (Anti-) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ryuichi Sakamoto: Async Remodels (Milan) {1}: C:31
- Walter Salas-Humara: Walterio (Rhyme & Reason) {1}: bg_u:9
- Maryan Saleh/Maurice Louca/Tamer Abu Ghazaleh: Lekhfa (Mostakell) {1}: Qt:100
- Felipe Salles and Interconnections Ensemble: The Lullalby Project and Other Works for Large Ensemble (Tapestry) {1}: JC:+
- Saloli: The Deep End (Kranky) {1}: Am_s:39
- Sammal: Suuliekki (Svart) {1}: FB:100
- Carolyn Sampson/Joseph Middleton: A Soprano's Schubertiade (Bis) {1}: am:+
- Samurai Japon: Samurai Japon (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- San Cha: Capricho Del Diablo (Outside Insight) {1}: Bc:86
- Marta Sanchez Quintet: Danza Imposible (Fresh Sound New Talent -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:**]
- Sandcatchers: What We Found Along the Way (Chant) {1}: JC:+
- Sandy's: Chime (Sandyams) {1}: DT:47
- Sango: In the Comfort Of (Last Gang) {1}: DJB:34
- Sanguine Hum: Now We Have Power (Bad Elephant) {1}: jjk:+
- Santa Librada: Santa Librada (self-released) {1}: FB:30
- Daniel Santiago/Pedro Martins: Simbiose (Adventure Music) {1}: jdb:+
- Sarayah: Feel the Vibe (Basin Street) {1}: PO:+
- Joe Satriani: What Happens Next () {1}: L:+
- Sauti Sol: Afrikan Sauce (self-released) {1}: rak:+
- Save Face: Merci (Epitaph) {1}: Alt:43
- Saxon: Thunderbolt () {1}: L:+
- The Saxophones: Songs of the Saxophones (Full Time Hobby) {1}: Btz:29
- Edward Sayer: Underdog Overlord (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Martha Scanlan: The River and the Light (Rock Ridge Music) {1}: nod:+
- Scarlxrd: Dxxm (Island) {1}: RkS:47
- Scarves: Dinner Dates for the End of Days (Good Eye) {1}: ATH:34
- Gunter Schickert: Labyrinth (self-released) {1}: hhv:+
- Guenter Schlienz: Tristan Magnetique (Otomatik Muziek) {1}: V:+(1)
- Schnellertollermeier: Rights (Cuneiform -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:*]
- Steffen Schorn & Zurich Jazz Orchestra: Three Pictures (Mons) {1}: jdm:+
- Sci-Fi Romance: Dreamers & Runaways (Broken Image Entertainment) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Sea Within: The Sea Within (Inside Out) {1}: jjk:+
- Self Defense Family: Have You Considered Punk Music (Run for Cover) {1}: GTV:71
- Bobby Sessions: RVLTN Chapter 1: The Divided States of Amerikkka (Def Jam) {1}: V:+(1); valo:9
- Sevdaliza: The Calling (Twisted Elegance) {1}: Re:49
- Michael Sever: Bad Bonez (Momotaro) {1}: OS:21
- Lauren Sevian: Bliss (Posi-Tone) {1}: CM:+
- Sex Riders: Sex Riders (Magankiadas) {1}: Re:29
- SFJAZZ Collective: Live: SFJAZZ Center 2017 (SFJAZZ) {1}: JC:+
- Joseph Shabason: Anne (Western Vinyl) {1}: -- No:31
- The Shacks: Haze (Big Crown) {1}: RT:100
- Anthony Shadduck: Quartet & Double Quartet (Joyful Noise/Big Ego) {1}: BIW:44
- Shades: In Praise of Darkness (Deadbeats) {1}: V:+(1)
- Shadow Child: Dance Trax Vol 9 (Dancetrax) {1}: YW:99
- Shadowparty: Shadowparty (Mute) {1}: Sb:+
- Red Shahan: Culberson County (7013) {1}: scm:+
- Shakarachi & Straneus: Steal Chickens From the Men and the Future From God (Studio Barnhus) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Sha La Das: Love in the Wind (Daptone) {1}: V:+(1)
- RF Shannon: Trickster Blues (Cosmic Dreamer Music) {1}: ATH:48
- Elliott Sharp With Mary Halvorson and Marc Ribot: Err Guitar (Intakt -17) {1}: j_p:17 -- [TH:**]
- Shelter: Profondeur 4000 (Growing Bin) {1}: Pc:32
- She Makes War: Brace for Impact (My Big Sister) {1}: Sb:+
- Jamie Shew: Eyes Wide Open () {1}: jcmb:+
- Shields: Life in Exile (Long Branch) {1}: RkS:32
- Mike Shiflet: Tetracosa Volume Eight (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Shifters: Have a Cunning Plan (Trouble in Mind) {1}: am_i:+
- Shinedown: Attention! Attention! (Atlantic) {1}: lw_r:16
- SHINee: The Story of Light (SM Entertainment) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Shins: The Worm's Heart (Aural Apothecary/Columbia) {1}: E_UK:+
- Jonny Shitbag & the Smokes: I Don't Listen to a Word My Friends Say (Captain Crook) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jonny Shitbag & the Smokes: You Could Not Have Given the Slightest of Fucks (Hidden Bay) {1}: V:+(1)
- Shorelights: Ancient Lights (Subwax Bcn) {1}: am_e:+
- Shotgun Rider: Palo Duro (Torrez Music Group) {1}: scm:+
- Nick Shoulders: Lonely Like Me (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Showbiz: A-Room Therapy (DITC) {1}: HG:+
- Shxcxchcxsh: Oufoufof (Rosten) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sick of It All: Wake the Sleeping Dragon! (Century Media) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sick Thoughts: Sick Thoughts (Goner) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sigh: Heir to Despair (Spinefarm) {1}: lw_m:28
- Sigrid: Raw (Universal Island -EP) {1}: Gf_N:50
- Catherine Sikora & Brian Chase: Untitled: After (Chaikin) {1}: JC:+
- Silva: Brasileiro (SLAP) {1}: Btz:39
- Hannah Silva: Talk in a Bit (Human Kind) {1}: W:25
- Simple Affections: Simple Affections (Recital) {1}: TMT:27
- Simple Minds: Walk Between Worlds (BMG) {1}: am_k:+
- Marc Sinan/Oguz Buyukberber: White (ECM) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Rhyan Sinclair: Barstormer (Little Haunted Girl Music) {1}: scm:+
- SineRider: Four Years Away (Sound in Silence) {1}: YW:107
- Single Mothers: Through a Wall (Dine Alone) {1}: Eb:22
- Singu: Siki (Growing Bin) {1}: hhv:+
- Riccardo Sinigallia: Ciao Cuore (Sugar Music) {1}: sa:+
- Sister Sparrow & the Dirty Birds: Gold (Thirty Tigers) {1}: bsb:+
- SIT: Invisibility (Sushitech) {1}: xlr:+
- Sitka Sun: Sitka Sun (The Long Road Society) {1}: FB:47
- Skadedyr: Musikk! (Hubro) {1}: CM:36
- Richard Skelton: Front Variations I & II (Aeolian) {1}: -- Qt:92
- Ski Mask the Slump God: Stokeley (Republic) {1}: xxl:+
- SKRS: Paradise Magic Traxx (Ancient Monarchy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Slam: Athenaeum 101 (Soma Quality) {1}: GTV:80
- Wanja Slavin Lotus Eaters: Salvation (WhyPlayJazz) {1}: BIW:26
- Sleepwalker: [-X-X] (Sentient Ruin) {1}: tr_m:23
- Slocan Ramblers: Queen City Jubilee (Slomusic) {1}: nod:+
- Sloucher: Be True (Swoon) {1}: gl:+
- Slow Crush: Aurora (Holy Roar) {1}: Rf_h:31
- Slowly Rolling Camera: Juniper (Edition) {1}: jgt:+
- Slugdge: Esoteric Malacology (Willowtip) {1}: av_m:+
- Small Island Big Song: Small Island Big Song (self-released) {1}: sol:+
- Small Professor: Church Jawns (self-released -EP) {1}: Mup:40
- Derek Smalls: Smalls Change (Meditations Upon Ageing) (BMG) {1}: -- RC:*
- Moira Smiley: Unzip the Horizon (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Chris Smither: Call Me Lucky (Signature Sounds) {1}: am_b:+
- Wadada Leo Smith/Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii/Ikue Mori: Aspiration (Libra -17) {1}: jdt:+ -- [TH:**]
- Wadada Leo Smith: Najwa (TUM -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Smoke Boys: Don't Panic II (self-released) {1}: cmp:11
- Smokescreens: Used to Yesterday (Slumberland) {1}: ATH:32
- Smoking Popes: Into the Agony (Asian Man) {1}: V:+(1)
- Smove: Funk n' Beats Vol 6 (Bombstrikes) {1}: YW:27
- SMX/Koehler: Blue 02 (Whities) {1}: pf_e:+
- Sneakbo: Brixton (Jetskiwave) {1}: cmp:7
- Rue Snider: City Living (self-released) {1}: bsb:+
- Somali Yacht Club: The Sea (Robust Fellow) {1}: FB:67
- Jonathan Something: Outlandish Poetica (Solitaire) {1}: bsb:+
- Jay Som: Pirouette (Polyvinyl) {1}: V:+(1)
- Jay Som: Turn the Other Cheek (Polyvinyl -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Sonder Bombs: Modern Female Rockstar (Take This to Heart) {1}: Alt:50
- Songs: Ohia: Love & Work: The Lioness Sessions (Secretly Canadian) {1}: V:+(1)
- Son Lux: Brighter Wounds (City Slang) {1}: Eb:38
- Sonoio: Fine (Dais) {1}: Re:23
- Shanna Sordahl: Radiate Don't Fear the Quietus (Full Spectrum) {1}: jdme:9
- Soul Assassins [DJ Muggs]: Dia Del Asesinato (Soul Assassins) {1}: HG:+
- Sound & Fury: Thundering of Dawn (Karkia Mistika) {1}: jjk:+
- Pedro Sousa/Miguel Mira/Alfonso Simoes: Rajada (Multikulti) {1}: j_p:+
- Scott Southworth: Hey Hillbilly Singer (Scott Likes Pie Music) {1}: scm:+
- Space Elevator: II (Steamhammer) {1}: V:+(1)
- Space Invadas: Wild World (Invada) {1}: DJ:27
- Spain: Mandala Brush (Dangerbird) {1}: Sb:+
- Special Interest: Spiraling (996364 DK) {1}: V:+(1)
- Spirit Fingers: Spirit Fingers (Shanachie) {1}: J -- ukv:12
- Spirit of Chicago Orchestra/Formation Jazz de la Musique de l'Air: Tribute to James Reese Europe (Fremeaux & Associes) {1}: JC:
- Spiritual Cramp: Television (Deranged) {1}: FB:63
- Spock's Beard: Noise Floor (InsideOut) {1}: V:+(1)
- Spring Heel Jack/Wadada Leo Smith/Pat Thomas/Steve Noble: Hackney Road (Treader) {1}: jmsc:6
- SRSQ: Unreality (Dais) {1}: Am_s:45
- Adam Stafford: Fire Behind the Curtain (Song by Toad) {1}: GTV:97
- Stahhr: Respect Due Vol 1 (self-released) {1}: YW:41
- Chris Stapleton: From a Room Volume 2 (Mercury Nashville -17) {1}: cmt:+ -- [TH:**]
- Starcrawler: Starcrawler (Rough Trade) {1}: Dr:61
- Booker Stardrum: Temporary Etc (NNA Tapes) {1}: V:+(1)
- Carolyn Staten: Ladies' Night (Firefyre) {1}: V:+(1)
- Statik Selektah & Termanology: Still 1982 (Showoff/ST) {1}: HG:+
- Alison Statton & Spike: Bimini Twist (Tiny Global Productions) {1}: V:+(1)
- Steeple Remove: Vonal-Axis (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:45
- James Steinle: South Texas Homecoming (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Jason Stein Quartet: Lucille! (Delmark -17) {1}: JC:+ -- [TH:A-]
- Aaron Stephens: Focus (Aaron Stephens Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mickey Stephens & Poor Blue: Wasteground (self-released) {1}: nod:+
- Colin Stetson: Heriditary [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) {1}: CS:35
- Tim Stevens Double Trio: With Whom You Can Be Who You Are (Rufus) {1}: BIW:25
- Story Untold: Waves (Hopeless) {1}: RkS:50
- Stove: 's Favorite Friend (Exploding in Sound) {1}: Alt:49
- Chuck Strangers: Consumers Park (Nature Sounds/Pro Era) {1}: HG:+
- The Stray Birds: Let It Pass (Yep Roc) {1}: nod:+
- Barbra Streisand: Walls (Columbia) {1}: rs_p:19
- Alexandra Streliski: Inscape (Secret City) {1}: ex_x:9
- Kristen Strom: Moving Day: The Music of John Shifflett (OA2) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- The Stryker Brothers: Burn Band (Scriptorium Rex) {1}: scm:+
- Dick Stusso: In Heaven (Sub Pop) {1}: ATH:38
- The Suffers: Everything Here (Shanachie) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sugar Plant: Headlights (Mango Knife Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Suicideboy: I Want to Die in New Orleans (G*59/Caroline) {1}: GC:23
- Suicideyear: Color the Weather (LuckyMe) {1}: am_h:+
- Tash Sultana: Flow State (Mom + Pop) {1}: CS:33
- Sarah-Jane Summers: Solo (Dell Daisy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Moses Sumney: Black in Deep Red 2014 (Jagjaguwar) {1}: Mup:25
- Sunmantra: Esoteric (Roam) {1}: YW:62
- Sunny War: With the Sun (Hen House Studios) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sunwatchers and Eugene Chadbourne: 3 Characters (Amish) {1}: V:+(1); vbc:9
- Sunwatchers: II (Trouble in Mind) {1}: Dr:95
- Supersilent: 14 (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: am_j:+
- Surfbort: Friendship Music (Fat Possum) {1}: V:+(1)
- Susanna: Go Dig My Grave (Susanna Sonata) {1}: Gf_N:30
- Swarvy: Anti-Anxiety (Paxico) {1}: Bc:45
- Cole Swindell: All of It (Warner Nashville) {1}: sln:+
- SW:SVN: SW:SVN (Apollo -EP) {1}: OTR:34
- Syclops: Pink Eye (BubbleTease Communications) {1}: OTR:30
- Synth Sisters: Euphoria (EM) {1}: Qt:62
- System: Plus (Morr Music) {1}: am_e:+
- Thabang Tabane: Matjale (Mushroom Hour Half Hour) {1}: PAM:40
- H Takahashi: Low Power (White Paddy Mountain) {1}: F:37
- Takeoff: The Last Rocket (Capitol/Motown/Quality Control) {1}: xxl:+
- Tom Tallitsch: Wheelhouse (Posi-Tone) {1}: vmp_j:+
- Tancred: Nightstand (Polyvinyl) {1}: V:+(1)
- Tax the Heat: Change Your Position () {1}: L:+
- Eric Taxxon: Punk (self-released) {1}: Od:45
- Tech N9ne: Planet (Strange) {1}: HG:+
- Dan Tepfer: Natural Machines (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- David Terry: Sorrow (Open Tapes) {1}: Qt:95
- Terry: I'm Terry (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: Dr:90
- Tesseract: Sonder () {1}: L:+
- Christian Tetzlaff: Bartok: Violin Concertos Nos 1 & 2 (Sony Classical/Legacy) {1}: NPR:27
- Textasy: Dallas Gun Club (Craigie Knowes -EP) {1}: YW:106
- They: Fireside (Mind of a Genius/Warner Bros) {1}: hdx_r:10
- Thick Syrup: Living in Leeds (Gringo) {1}: Sb:+
- The Third Sound: All Tomorrow's Shadows (Fuzz Club) {1}: FB:44
- This Wild Life: Petaluma (Epitaph) {1}: RkS:46
- James 'Creole' Thomas: Omas Sextet (Inpartmaint) {1}: VF:+
- Ural Thomas & the Pain: The Right Time (Tender Loving Empire) {1}: Gw:35
- Ken Thomson: Sextet (New Focus/Panoramic) {1}: JC:+
- Thou: Inconsolable (Robotic Empire) {1}: V:+(1)
- Thousand Foot Whale Claw: Black Hole Party (Holodeck) {1}: V:+(1)
- Throwing Snow: Loma (Houndstooth) {1}: am_e:+
- Thundercat/OG Ron C/DJ Candlestick: Drank (Brainfeeder) {1}: V:+(1)
- Thus Owls: The Mountain That We Live Upon (For the Living and the Dead) {1}: ts:+
- Timecop1983: Night Drive (self-released) {1}: Noj:21
- Tinashe: Joyride (RCA) {1}: V:+(1); am_r:+
- To Kill a King: The Spiritual Dark Age (These Are My Bones) {1}: Bq:+
- Tommy and the Commies: Here Come . . . (Slovenly) {1}: V:+(1)
- Torae & Praise: All Praises Due (Internal Affairs) {1}: HG:+
- Lauren Tosswill: My Home in the Year (Enmossed) {1}: V:+(1)
- Samba Toure: Wande (Glitterbeat) {1}: hmv:+
- Towkio: WWW (Republic) {1}: Up:+
- Traden: Traden (Subliminal Sounds) {1}: Hi:29
- Tragedy: Fury (Tragedy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Penelope Trappes: Penelope Two (Houndstooth) {1}: RM:69
- The Chandler Travis Three-O: Backward Crooked From the Sunset (Iddy Biddy) {1}: -- RC:*
- Tremonti: A Dying Machine (Napalm) {1}: L:+
- Trio Corrente & Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica de Sao Paulo: Ao Vivo (Tratore) {1}: JC:+
- The Trio Waz: That's What It Waz (Asian Improv -17) {1}: JC:+
- Trippie Redd: Life's a Trip (self-released) {1}: xxl:+
- Triptet: Slowly Away (Engine) {1}: jgm:9
- Manuel Troller: Vanishing Points (Three:four) {1}: V:+(1)
- TSVI: Inner Worlds (Nervous Horizon) {1}: F:24
- TT [Theresa Wayman]: LoveLaws (LoveLeaks) {1}: RM:87
- Tubis Trio: Flashback (AudioCave) {1}: jgt:+
- Tucka: Working With the Feeling (Hit Nation) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dave Tull: Texting and Driving (Toy Car) {1}: JC:+
- Turbamulta: Turbamulta (Clean Feed) {1}: j_p:+ -- TH:B
- Tuung: Songs You Make at Night (Full Time Hobby) {1}: V:+(1)
- Twice: Summer Nights (JYP -EP) {1}: 405:48
- Twice: What Is Love? (JYP -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Twins: That Which Is Not Said (2MR) {1}: am_e:+
- Ty: A Work of Heart (Jazz Re:freshed) {1}: Bq:+
- Ugly Valley Boys: Iron Mine (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- U-God: Venom (Babygrande) {1}: HG:+
- Matt Ulery: Sifting Stars (Woolgathering) {1}: ct_j:7
- Ulthar: Cosmovore (20 Buck Spin) {1}: Bc:51
- Ultimate Painting: Up! (Bella Union) {1}: v_ja:14
- Ultra Beauty: Ultra Beauty (Sister Polygon -EP) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ultrastation: 686868 EP (Mary Go Wild Black -EP) {1}: YW:80
- Uniform: The Long Walk (Sacred Bones) {1}: Btz:43
- U-Nix: Nuke Portland (Feel It) {1}: V:+(1)
- Unleashed: The Hunt for White Christ (Napalm) {1}: lw_m:26
- Upgrayedd Smurphy: #Peninsula (R-CH-V) {1}: V:+(1)
- Uranium Club: Live for the Very First Time (in Italy) (Castle Face) {1}: YW:33
- Keith Urban: Graffiti U (Hit Red/Capitol Nashville) {1}: sln:+
- Urban Pioneers: Hilbilly Swing Music (UpRooted) {1}: scm:+
- Uriah Heep: Living the Dream (Avalon) {1}: V:+(1)
- Kensuke Ushio: Devilman Crybaby [Original Soundtrack] (Aniplex) {1}: On:28
- Vacations: Changes (Human Sounds) {1}: Btz:26
- Jose Valente: Serpente Infinita (Respirar de Ouvido) {1}: j_p:+
- Calvin Valentine: Keep Summer Safe (Mello Music Group) {1}: Mup:49
- Valley Maker: Rhododendron (Frenchkiss) {1}: gl:+
- Value Void: Sentimental (Tough Love) {1}: Dr:72
- Vanishing Twin: Magic and Machines (Blank Editions) {1}: Qt:75
- VanJess: Silk Canvas (self-releaswed) {1}: V:+(1)
- Van William: Countries (Fantasy) {1}: Up:+
- Varg: Crush (Posh Isolation) {1}: ra:+
- Louie Vega: NYC Disco (Nervous) {1}: mmg:+
- Verve Jazz Ensemble: Connect the Dots (Lightgroove Media) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- David Vest: David Vest (Cordova Bay) {1}: Cpu:25
- Vexes: Ancient Geometry (self-released) {1}: lw_r:28
- Luis Vicente/Yedo Gibson/Vasco Trilla: L3 (Multikulti Project) {1}: j_p:+
- Vile Creature: Cast of Static & Smoke (Halo of Flies/Dry Cough) {1}: N:35
- Claudia Villela: Encantada Live (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Dhruv Visvanath: The Lost Cause (self-released) {1}: pm_f:11
- Matthew V: The Fifth (604) {1}: bsd:+
- Hank Von Hell: Egomania (Headbangr) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dita Von Teese: Dita Von Teese (Record Makers) {1}: am_p:+
- Vulfpeck: Hill Climber (Vulf) {1}: V:+(1)
- Vundabar: Smell Smoke (Gawk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Waco Brothers: Going Down in History (Bloodshot -16) {1}: GMg:23 -- [TH:***]
- Wake: Misery Rites (Translation Loss) {1}: Db:35
- Ryley Walker: The Lillywhite Sessions (Dead Oceans) {1}: V:+(1); am_k:+
- Summer Walker: Last Day of Summer (LVRN) {1}: V:+(1)
- Weasel Walter: Skhiizm (ugEXPLODE) {1}: JC:+
- Josh Ward: More Than I Deserve (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Wardruna: Skald (By Norse Music) {1}: Rf_h:46
- Madison Ward & the Mama Bear: The Radio Winners (Glassnote) {1}: asp:10
- Emily Warren: Quiet Your Mind (self-released) {1}: bsb:+
- Charles Watson: Now That I'm a River (Moshi Moshi) {1}: RC:24
- Waveless: As One More Folded Paper Crane (Moniker) {1}: pm_d:8
- The Wave Pictures: Brushes With Happiness (Moshi Moshi) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Wave Pictures: Look Inside Your Heart (Moshi Moshi) {1}: V:+(1)
- We Banjo 3: Haven (self-released) {1}: nod:+
- Weedpecker: III (Stickman) {1}: FB:52
- Cory Weeds Little Big Band: Explosion (Cellar Live) {1}: jcmb:+
- Alisa Weilerstein and the Trondheim Soloists: Transfigured Night (Pentatone) {1}: YW:48
- Kevin Welch: Dust Devil (Dead Reckoning) {1}: nod:+
- Wen: EPHEM:ERA (Big Dada) {1}: DJM:26
- Norman Westberg: After Vacation (Room40) {1}: V:+(1)
- Darling West: While I Was Asleep (Jansen) {1}: Dv:37
- Western Centuries: Songs From the Deluge (Free Dirt) {1}: scm:+
- Western Star: Any Way How (Saustex) {1}: V:+(1)
- We Were Promised Jetpacks: The More I Sleep the Less I Dream (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: UR:86
- Roland White & Friends: Tribute to the Kentucky Colonels (Crossroads) {1}: cmt:+
- Jim White: Waffles Triangles & Jesus (Loose Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Whoa Dakota: Patterns (LunaSea Media) {1}: bsb:+
- Wicca Phase Springs Eternal: Corinthiax (Dark Medicine -EP) {1}: N:92
- Wiegedood: De Boden Hebben Het Goed III (Century Media) {1}: Sb:+
- Gin Wigmore: Ivory (Island) {1}: bsd:+
- Wild Animals: The Hoax (BCore Disc) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Wild Feathers: Greetings From the Neon Frontier (Reprise) {1}: V:+(1); am_k:+
- Mars Williams: Mars Williams Presents an Ayler Xmas (Soul What -17) {1}: JC:++ -- [TH:***]
- Jess Williamson: Cosmic Wink (Mexican Summer) {1}: UR:73
- Steven Wilson: Home Invasion: In Concert at the Royal Albert Hall (Eagle) {1}: jjk:+
- Wilted Woman: Trapezoid Tappers (Plastic Bags) {1}: V:+(1)
- Wimps: Garbage People (Kill Rock Stars) {1}: Bc:79
- The Wind-Up Birds: Desire Paths (796201) {1}: Sb:+
- Mark Wingfield: Tales From the Dreaming City (Moonjune) {1}: jjk:+
- Wingtip Sloat: Purge and Swell/The Lost Decade (VHF) {1}: V:+(1)
- Luke Winslow-King: Blue Mesa (Bloodshot) {1}: am_b:+
- Norma Winstone: Descansado: Songs for Films (ECM) {1}: am_j:+
- Kendl Winter: Stumbler's Business (Team Love) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Winter Sounds: Maximum Reality (Logica Sonica Music) {1}: bsd:+
- Witch Mountain: Witch Mountain (Svart) {1}: FB:33
- Jeff Witscher: Approximately 1000 Beers (Salon) {1}: TMT:44
- Wizards: Rise of the Serpent (High Roller) {1}: FB:74
- Donovan Wolfington: Waves (Community) {1}: Alt:36
- SM Wolf: Bad Ocean (People in a Position to Know) {1}: V:+(1)
- Wombripper: From the Depths of Flesh (Redefining Darkness) {1}: V:+(1)
- Hank Wood and the Hammerheads: Hank Wood and the Hammerheads (03-09) {1}: V:+(1)
- Donovan Woods: Both Ways (Meant Well) {1}: RS_c:36
- Woolen Men: Post (self-released) {1}: Bc:43
- Woven Entity: Two (Enid) {1}: ukv:8
- Wrekmeister Haronies: The Alone Rush (Thrill Jockey) {1}: Rf_h:42
- Jack Wright/Dylan van der Schyff: Two in the Bush (Whirrboom!) {1}: jfn:7
- Wulfband: Revolter (Progress Productions -17) {1}: SC:+
- Wytch Hazel: II: Sojourn (Bad Omen) {1}: FB:32
- X-Altera: X-Altera (Ghostly International) {1}: am_e:+
- Xenony: Polish Space Program (Instant Classic) {1}: Qt:80
- XOR Gate: Conic Sections (Tresor) {1}: VF:+
- Yamantaka//Sonic Titan: Dirt (Paper Bag) {1}: am:+
- YBN Nahmir/YBN Almighty Jay/YBN Cordae: YBN: The Mixtape () {1}: BV_r:29
- Yellow Feather: And Gold (Couch Farm -17) {1}: scm:+
- Megumi Yonezawa/Masa Kamaguchi/Ken Kobayashi: Boundary (ESP-Disk) {1}: JC:+
- The Yossarians: Ambition Will Eat Itself (self-released) {1}: Qt:30
- You Are Wolf: Keld (Firecrest) {1}: FR:+
- Conner Youngblood: Cheyenne (Counter) {1}: Ni:39
- Young Echo: Young Echo (self-released) {1}: pf_x:+
- Younger: Night Milk (self-released) {1}: ABC:26
- Young Gun Silver Fox: AM Waves (Go! Entertainment) {1}: pm_p:9
- Young Guv: 2 Sad 2 Funk (Night School) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Young Mothers: Morose (Self Sabotage) {1}: PO:+, V:+(1)
- Young Nudy: Slimeball 3 (self-released) {1}: F:29
- Neil Young + Promise of the Real: The Visitor (Reprise -17) {1}: Mj:70 -- TH:B
- Young Romance: Don't Look (Banquet) {1}: Bq:+
- Young Scum: Young Scum (self-released) {1}: Bc:80
- Richard Youngs: Belief (O Genesis) {1}: sa:+
- Wes Youssi and the County Champs: Down Low (self-released) {1}: scm:+
- Youssoupha: Polaroid Experience (Bomaye Musik) {1}: pam_r:8
- Yovel: [Hide\'tu] (self-released) {1}: N:55
- Yowler: Black Dog in My Path (Double Whammy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Lechuga Zafiro: Testigo (NAAFI) {1}: V:+(1)
- Brandy Zdan: Secretear (Tallest Man) {1}: bsd:+
- Renata Zeiguer: Old Ghost (Northern Spy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Wei Zhongle: The Operators (Self Sabotage) {1}: YW:64
- Zhu: Ringos Desert (Mind of a Genius) {1}: V:+(1)
- Pablo Ziegler Trio: Jazz Tango (Zoho) {1}: jdb:+
- ZillaKami & SosMula: City Morgue Vol 1: Hell or High Water (Republic) {1}: Rev:26
- Zmatsutsi: Hooked Up (Macadam Mambo) {1}: hhv:+
- Zoe: Aztlan (Universal) {1}: Latin -- Mz:49
- Zomes: The First Stone (Near Unison) {1}: V:+(1)
- Zoom: Helium Octipede (Lotuspool) {1}: V:+(1)
- John Zorn: In a Convex Mirror (Tzadik) {1}: JC:+
- John Zorn: The Urmuz Epigrams (Tzadik) {1}: JC:+
For information on what lists are consulted, and what the various
abbreviations and notes mean, click