EOY [Mid-Year] List Aggregate: 2018 New Music: Electronica/Dance
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Some breakdowns by genre:
- Jon Hopkins: Singularity (Domino) {122}: AV:12, BB:36, Bq:7, Btz:38, Crh:27, DJ:11, Dr:48, Dv:33, DVk:13, E_UK:+, Eb:17, Fp:9, G:49, Gf:1, Gf_N:3, GTV:19, Gw:37, Kp:15, LLV:6, Mc:35, Mix:5, Mj:62, MO:45, Ms:4, Mu:17, Mz:12, NBH:8, Ni:8, NME:27, Noj:48, OTR:11, PA:15, Pf:16, PM:47, RC:20, Rdx:8, RM:28, RT:70, S:30, Sg:46, Sk:21, So:2, SR:43, Tr:39, Trk:5, Up:27, UpC:56, UR:26, V:66(10), YF:+; am:+, am_e:+, art:+, av_e:+, bb_d:3, bb6:+, ex_e:4, hmv:+, ju:+, mmg:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:13, vcpa:8, vje:2, vjtr:6, xlr:+ -- Mc:35, AM:18, RM:41, RC:**, TH:***
- Yves Tumor: Safe in the Hands of Love (Warp) {104}: 405:18, Am_s:6, AV:6, Btz:27, BV:36, C:4, D:9, Dr:60, Dv:35, Eb:7, Ex:9, F:18, G:22, Gg:26, Kp:13, LQ:18, Mc:+, Mix:25, Ms:18, Mu:42, Mup:32, N:57, Ni:13, No:18, NR:16, Od:39, OS:2, OTR:44, Pf:10, PM:12, Qt:38, Rdx:9, Re:44, Rf_k:8, RT:18, S:40, Sb:26, SC:19, TMT:2, Tr:18, UpC:42, V:49(13), VF:14, VMP:23, W:50, YF:28; av_e:+, bl:4, ny_c:14, pm_e:2, por:1, ra:+, sa:+, tr_e:1, vjm:3, xlr:+ -- Mc:89, AM:24, RM:18, TH:B
- DJ Koze: Knock Knock (Pampa) {88}: AV:9, BB:+, Bq:+, BV:17, DJ:42, DJM:23, DVk:44, E_UK:+, E_US:9, Ex:+, Gf:16, Mc:22, Mix:3, Mu:3, N:9, NBH:13, OTR:16, P:34, PA:7, Pc:100, Pf:3, PM:51, PW:26, Q:18, Rdx:6, Rf_k:43, RS:+, S:17, SC:2, Sg:+, Sl:10, Up:22, UpC:27, V:38(17); am_e:+, av_e:+, bb_d:7, ex_e:2, mmg:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:10, por:10, ra:+, vac:4, vdb:6, vjs:8, vjtr:5, vsp:2, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- Mc:85, AM:28, RM:57, RC:**, TH:B
- Nils Frahm: All Melody (Erased Tapes) {61}: Atl:18, Am_s:17, AV:+, Bq:+, Crh:10, DJM:17, Dr:16, DT:40, E_UK:+, Ex:+, Fp:10, Gf_N:42, I:26, Ju:6, Kp:14, LLV:21, LQ:31, Mix:35, MO:27, Ms:2, Mu:27, Ni:9, OTR:14, Pc:34, PM:+, Rdx:4, RT:13, Sk:10, So:9, UR:56, V:+(6); bb6:+, ex_x:5, hmv:+, mmg:+, mms:+, ri:6, ton:+, vrh:9, xlr:+ -- AM:48, TH:**
- AAL (Against All Logic): 2012-2017 (Other People) {56}: 405:9, Atl:14, Ex:14, Gf_N:46, Hi:33, Mix:49, Mu:34, N:67, Ne:6, Od:4, PA:3, Pf:35, PO:+, PW:2, Rdx:26, RS:+, Sb:+, Sk:41, Sl:8, Tr:27, UpC:37, V:53(12); am_e:+, ex_e:1, got:+, mmg:+, pf_e:+, tr_e:2, vdb:5, vsp:5 -- AM:54, RM:118, TH:***
- Skee Mask: Compro (Ilian Tape) {50}: C:10, DJM:2, Du:4, Eb:25, F:42, G:42, Hi:7, Mix:2, OTR:1, Pf:47, Qt:35, Sk:40, Thr:31, V:+(3), VF:7; am_e:+, av_e:+, bl:2, ex_e:10, pf_e:+, ra:+, vdb:10, vje:9, vsp:9, xlr:+ -- AM:62, RM:60, TH:***
- Oneohtrix Point Never: Age Of (Warp) {46}: 405:4, AV:+, C:37, CS:39, DJ:+, Fld:+, G:+, GB:+, Hs:21, LBF:38, Mix:22, N:75, NR:49, OS:33, Rdx:31, S:10, Sg:43, SR:4, Thr:40, Up:26, UpC:44, V:68(8), W:15; am:+, am_e:+, ex_e:5, hmv:+, rs_a:6, sa:+, vah:1, vcw:10 -- AM:57, RM:51, TH:*
- Tim Hecker: Konoyo (Kranky) {42}: 405:6, Bc:35, Fp:98, Gf:13, Gw:44, Mu:47, Mup:27, NR:39, Od:11, On:17, PM:28, Ro:10, So:4, SR:26, TMT:21, Tr:29, UR:96, V:+(5); am_e:+, av_e:+, ex_x:4, pm_e:20, pm_v:4, ra:+, sa:+, vma:10, vspt:3 -- AM:53, RM:69, TH:B
- Marie Davidson: Working Class Woman (Ninja Tune) {35}: 405:28, Bc:19, Dr:88, Du:23, F:43, Fp:100, LQ:36, Mix:10, N:73, Qt:14, Sk:31, V:+(1); am_e:+, bl:8, ex_e:3, hhv:+, now:3, pm_e:12, ra:+, vksj:4, xlr:+ -- AM:119, RM:138, RC:*, TH:A-
- Daniel Avery: Song for Alpha (Phantasy Sound/Mute) {34}: AV:17, Bq:+, Crh:17, DJM:15, Dr:77, E_UK:+, Fp:20, G:+, LLV:77, LQ:33, Mix:7, OTR:6, Pc:53, PM:+, Q:27, RM:80, RT:28, SR:8, YW:59; am_e:+, hmv:+, pm_e:24 -- AM:155, TH:*
- Helena Hauff: Qualm (Ninja Tune) {32}: Bc:58, C:44, Cl:17, DJM:8, Dr:29, DVk:31, E_UK:+, Mix:4, Ms:33, Mu:10, OTR:35, Qt:69, SR:6, V:+(2), W:42, YW:66; av_e:+, pm_e:16 -- AM:96, TH:***
- Lotic: Power (Tri Angle) {27}: DJM:12, F:1, Mix:18, Mup:7, PM:8, Qt:81, VF:8; am:+, am_e:+, pm_e:7, rs_a:7, sa:+, tr_e:6 -- AM:113, RM:83, TH:B
- Autechre: NTS Sessions 1-4 (Warp) {25}: RS:+, N:64, On:7, OTR:28, V:+(5), W:8; am:+, am_bx:+, am_e:+, bu:7, hhv:+, ny_p:10, ra:+, rs_a:1, vcw:1, vpf:7, xlr:+ -- AM:101
- Maribou State: Kingdoms in Colour (Counter) {25}: Dr:59, E_UK:+, Fp:95, Ju:15, LLV:85, Mix:15, Ni:3, NME:52, PM:10, RT:59, RM:58, Trk:44; am_e:+, cmp:12, pm_e:9, rak:+ -- AM:183, TH:*
- Objekt: Cocoon Crush (PAN) {24}: DJM:11, Kp:2, Mc:+, Mix:6, OTR:20, Qt:5, Rdx:43; pf_e:+, pm_e:11, ra:+, xlr:+ -- Mc:87, AM:115, TH:**
- Leon Vynehall: Nothing Is Still (Ninja Tune) {24}: E_UK:+, Mix:19, Ni:19, NME:85, On:45, OTR:8, Pc:24, PM:+, RM:36, RT:15, VF:36; ex_e:9, mmg:+, por:3, ra:+ -- AM:176, TH:**
- Grouper: Grid of Points (Kranky) {22}: Bc:21, GB:8, Mx:28, N:77, NBH:34, No:23, Pc:94, PM:+, Qt:23, TMT:9, Up:30, V:+(5), VF:+, W:40; hhv:+, ra:+ -- AM:107, RM:90, TH:B
- Jon Hassell: Listening to Pictures (Pentimento Volume One) (Ndeya) {22}: Mj:60, On:21, PO:+, Re:33, RM:59, V:+(3), W:46, YW:104; am_j:+, jcm:+, sa:+, sjf:8, vbb:7, xjdc:34 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Ross From Friends: Family Portrait (Brainfeeder) {21}: Bq:19, Dr:47, Eb:46, Ju:9, Mix:9, Mu:33, NME:51, OTR:10, Re:25, SR:21, Trk:38; am_e:+ -- TH:**
- Rival Consoles: Persona (Erased Tapes) {20}: AV:+, Dr:33, Mc:+, Ni:24, OS:19, OTR:39, Pc:66, PM:18, RM:8; am_e:+, ex_e:7, hmv:+, pm_e:3, xlr:+ -- Mc:88, TH:*
- Riton & Kah-Lo: Foreign Ororo (Riton Time) {19}: EWi:22, GMg:19, V:+(4); vclw:8, vjl:7, vtk:6, xbl:6, xjdc:26, xpb:2 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
- Kelly Moran: Ultraviolet (Warp) {18}: Gw:7, P:40, PM:41, S:33, V:+(1); ex_x:8, hhv:+, pf_x:+, pm_e:14, pm_v:14, ton:+, tr_e:10, vbc:3 -- AM:182, TH:*
- Thom Yorke: Suspiria [Music for the luca Guadagino Film] (XL) {18}: Cl:37, DJ:44, Fp:31, Gf_N:23, I:40, Mup:50, Pc:76, RM:61, Ro:3, Sb:+, UR:85, V:+(5); vje:5 -- AM:159
- Bruce: Sonder Somatic (Hessle Audio) {15}: C:42, DJM:19, F:36, Mix:12, OTR:31, Qt:47, VF:12; xlr:+ -- AM:198, RM:110, TH:**
- George FitzGerald: All That Must Be (Double Six) {15}: Crh:22, E_UK:+, Mix:20, Noj:43, PM:6, V:+(1); mmg:+, pm_e:1 -- TH:**
- JLin: Autobiography [Music From Wayne McGregor's Autobiography] (Planet Mu) {14}: C:48, DJM:31, Mup:13, PO:24, V:+(1), W:39; am_e:+, av_e:+, ra:+, rs_a:10 -- TH:***
- Deena Abdelwahed: Khnnar (InFine) {12}: C:28, DJM:13, PAM:11, Qt:50, VF:6; ra:+ -- AM:134, RM:134
- Aphex Twin: Collapse EP (Warp -EP) {12}: ABC:50, CS:31, Eb:15, Sb:+; tr_e:4, wsj:+, xlr:+ -- TH:***
- The Blaze: Dancehall (Columbia) {12}: Mix:37, Ms:9, Mu:43, Noj:11, V:+(1); ny_c:11, v_ja:4 -- AM:170
- DJ Healer: Nothing 2 Loose (All Possible Worlds) {12}: GB:13, Gf:17, N:38, TMT:29, V:+(6); pf_e:+, ra:+, vdb:8, xlr:+ -- AM:129
- Jungle: For Ever (XL) {12}: Bq:+, E_UK:+, Gf_N:15, Mj:69, Mz:33, Ni:27, SR:45, V:+(1); kc:4 -- AM:193
- Szun Waves: New Hymn to Freedom (The Leaf Label) {12}: Dr:74, FB:95, Gw:47, JC:+, LQ:29, Mup:20, Qt:39, RM:13, Sb:35, V:+(2); vma:9 -- TH:*
- Cavern of Anti-Matter: Hormone Lemonade (Duophonic) {11}: Dr:65, Mup:33, No:44, On:35, Pc:35, RM:95, SR:12, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Elysia Crampton: Elysia Crampton (Break World -EP) {11}: G:+, Od:14, PM:44, TMT:6; pf_x:+, pm_e:4 -- TH:*
- DJ Taye: Still Trippin' (Hyperdub) {11}: C:14, Mix:47, PW:9, S:50, V:+(1), VF:34; am_e:+ -- RM:151
- Laurel Halo: Raw Silk Uncut Wood (Latency -EP) {11}: E_UK:+, F:39, On:31, PW:43, TMT:33, V:+(12VF:20, W:33; av_e:+, hhv:+ -- RM:102
- Martyn: Voids (Ostgut Ton) {11}: DJM:7, Mix:11, OTR:26, SR:11, VF:23; am_e:+, ra:+
- Mr Fingers: Cerebral Hemispheres (Aleviated) {11}: DJM:34, G:+, HV:+, Mix:31, OTR:3, Pc:77, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Blawan: Wet Will Always Dry (Ternesc) {10}: DJM:17, NPR:+, OTR:22, Qt:19, VF:15; am_e:+, ra:+
- Miss Red: KO (Pressure) {10}: DJM:45, No:28, PW:46, Qt:74, V:+(1), YW:29; am_e:+ -- TH:***
- Proc Fiskal: Insula (Hyperdub) {10}: PW:12, W:14, V:+(1), YW:40; am_e:+, pm_e:18 -- TH:**
- Mary Lattimore: Hundreds of Days (Ghostly International) {9}: Dr:70, Thr:34, U:49, V:+(3), VF:+; hmv:+, pm_b:6, vwh:7, xlr:+
- Djrum: Portrait With Firewood (R&S) {8}: DJM:9, GB:27, OTR:17; hhv:+, xlr:+
- Pendant: Make Me Know You Sweet (West Mineral) {8}: F:2, TMT:14; ra:+ -- RM:143
- Tangents: New Bodies (Temporary Residence) {8}: No:3, PM:20, V:+(2); am_j:+
- Shinichi Atobe: Heat (DDS) {7}: C:15, OTR:7, VF:42; ra:+
- Oliver Coates: Shelley's on Zenn-La (RVNG Intl) {7}: Dr:24, LQ:10, Mix:30, RM:57, V:+(1)
- Gabe Gurnsey: Physical (Phantasy Sound/PIAS) {7}: LQ:8, Ni:22, Qt:36, RT:33; bb6:6
- Pariah: Here From Where We Are (Houndstooth) {7}: DJM:3, Mix:32, OTR:50; bl:9
- Zuli: Terminal (UIQ) {7}: PAM:13, Qt:71, W:2
- Blocks & Escher: Something Blue (Metalheadz) {6}: DJM:5, Mix:45, Qt:41
- Daniel Brandt: Channels (Erased Tapes) {6}: Hi:2, No:35, RM:26
- Demdike Stare: Passion (Modern Love) {6}: DJM:27, V:+(2), VF:27; am_e:+, ra:+, sa:+
- The Field: Infinite Moment (Kompakt) {6}: No:50, Noj:+, OS:47; av_e:+, hmv:+, xlr:+
- Hieroglyphic Being: The Red Notes (Soul Jazz) {6}: Dr:27, PM:+; am_e:+ -- TH:***
- The Maghreban: 01deas (R&S) {6}: OTR:5, PAM:17
- The Prodigy: No Tourists (BMG) {6}: Crh:38, NME:48, NZH:20, TNZ:20
- Space Afrika: Somewhere Decent to Live (Sferic) {6}: F:25, LQ:12, PW:22, Re:39; xlr:+
- Archivist & Fugal: Undertow (Bleed -EP) {5}: YW:9 -- TH:**
- Arp: Zebra (MexicanSummer/Kemado) {5}: Dr:78, Fw:20, VF:41; am_e:+
- Barker: Debiasing (Ostgut Ton -EP) {5}: F:4; xlr:+
- The Caretaker: Everywhere at the End of Time - Stage 4 (History Always Favours the Winners) {5}: Qt:45, TMT:26, V:+(2); pm_v:7, xlr:+
- Brandon Coleman: Resistance (Brainfeeder) {5}: JC:+, Mup:16, PW:37; am_j:+
- Max Cooper: One Hundred Billion Sparks (MESH) {5}: DJM:10, Mix:33, Trk:37
- Fire-Toolz: Skinless X-1 (Hausu Mountain) {5}: Bc:77, TMT:28, V:+(1); am_e:+, pf_x:+
- Gabor Lazar: Unfold (The Death of Rave) {5}: DJM:29, , F:7, Qt:24
- MALK: Death From a Love (House Assembly Music -17) {5}: No:1
- Orbital: Monsters Exist (ACP) {5}: DJM:41, Fp:49, GTV:90, Mix:41, Mx:33
- Simian Mobile Disco: Murmurations (Wichita) {5}: Fp:91, Qt:99, SR:40, V:+(1); pm_b:10
- Advisory Circle: Ways of Seeing (Ghost Box) {4}: Pc:7
- The Black Queen: Infinite Games (self-released) {4}: Mx:8, Rev:29
- RP Boo: I'll Tell You What (Planet Mu) {4}: TMT:22, V:+(1); am_e:+, pm_e:21
- Mansur Brown: Shiroi (Black Focus) {4}: V:+(1); cmp:14, pm_b:9, vak:9
- Cucina Povera: Hilja (Night School) {4}: Qt:59, V:+(1), W:34; vkj:6
- Cut Chemist: Die Cut (A Stable Sound) {4}: Am_h:9, V:+(1)
- Duppy Gun: Miro Tape (Broken Versions) {4}: F:10, Re:46
- Phil France: Circle (Gondwana) {4}: Pc:8
- Moby: Everything Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt (Mute) {4}: Ro:12; am_e:+, mmg:+
- Bob Moses: Battle Lines (Domino) {4}: Sb:+, V:+(1); bb_d:4
- Pacific Heights: A Lost Light (WM New Zealand) {4}: NZH:18, TNZ:18
- Essaie Pas: New Path (DFA) {4}: VF:+, V:+(2); vcca:5
- The Presets: Hi Viz (EMI) {4}: DJ:17; tm:3
- Primitive World: White on White (Ecstatic) {4}: V:+(1); sfj:1
- Rezzett: Rezzett (Trilogy Tapes) {4}: OTR:19, Qt:66; pf_e:+
- Shygirl: Cruel Practice (Nuxxe) {4}: TMT:10, V:+(1)
- Underworld & Iggy Pop: Teatime Dub Encounters (Caroline -EP) {4}: Fp:80, V:+(1) -- TH:**
- Beta Librae: Sanguine Bond (Incienso) {3}: F:32, N:82, V:+(1); pf_e:+
- Kasper Bjorke Quartet: The Fifty Eleven Project (Kompakt) {3}: Noj:26, YW:50; xlr:+
- Bliss Signal: Bliss Signal (True Panther Sounds) {3}: DJM:30, Qt:87, Rf_h:26
- Russell EL Butler: The Home I'd Build for Myself and All My Friends (Left Hand Path) {3}: DJM:16, V:+(1); vamp:7
- Carpenter Brut: Leather Teeth (No Quarter/Caroline) {3}: Noj:13, V:+(1)
- Farai: Rebirth (Big Dada) {3}: PAM:23; hhv:+, xlr:+
- Peggy Gou: Once (Ninja Tune -EP) {3}: Bc:16; mmg:+
- Steve Hauschildt: Dissolvi (Ghostly International) {3}: Am_s:50Pc:96; am_e:+
- Ital Tek: Bodied (Planet Mu) {3}: DJM:36, PM:35; pm_e:8
- Alice Ivy: I'm Dreaming (Universal Music Australia) {3}: V:+(1); pm_p:3
- G Jones: The Ineffable Truth (Illusory) {3}: bb_d:5, mmg:+
- Kode9 & Burial: Fabriclive 100 (Fabric) {3}: Fp:90, V:+(1); jjg:9
- Eliza McCarthy & Mica Levi: Slow Dark Green Murky Waterfall (Slip) {3}: V:+(1); sfj:5
- Kate NV: [XXX] For (RVNG Intl) {3}: Gw:31, W:26; hhv:+
- Polo & Pan: Caravelle (Caroline) {3}: V:+(1); vdme:3
- Ramzi: Phobiza Vol 3: Amor Fati (Fati) {3}: VF:24; hhv:+, pf_e:+
- Rejoicer: Energy Dreams (Stones Throw) {3}: No:48 -- TH:**
- The Samps: Breakfast (Gloriette) {3}: GB:21, OS:18
- San Holo: Album1 (Bitbird) {3}: DVk:49; bb_d:2
- Colin Self: Siblings (RVNG Intl) {3}: NPR:33, V:+(3); pf_x:+
- Shlomo: Mercurial Skin (Taapion) {3}: DJM:6
- Soulwax: Essential (Deewee/PIAS) {3}: Dr:36, Mix:38; nt:+
- Tncb [XXXX]: Sekundenschlaf (Blackest Ever Black) {3}: Qt:57; hhv:+, pf_e:+
- Bjorn Torske: Byen (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: Dv:32, Pc:88; am_e:+
- Vakula: Metaphors (Leleka) {3}: OTR:9
- Vril: Anima Mundi (Delsin) {3}: OTR:13; hhv:+
- Waajeed: From the Dirt (Dirt Tech Rock) {3}: OTR:15, V:+(1)
- Warmth: Parallel (Archives) {3}: YW:111; pm_b:5
- Bugge Wesseltoft & Prins Thomas: Bugge Wesseltoft & Prins Thomas (Smalltown Supersound) {3}: Pc:90 -- TH:**
- Actress x London Contemporary Orchestra: Lageos (Ninja Tune) {2}: V:+(1); sfj:6
- Adult: This Behavior (Dais) {2}: V:+(1); am_e:+
- Alameda 4: Czarna Woda (Instant Classic) {2}: Hi:19
- Oren Ambarchi/Kassel Jaeger/James Rushford: Face Time (Black Truffle) {2}: V:+(1); sfj:9
- Ame: Dream House (Innervisions) {2}: Mix:28, OTR:46
- Auntie Flo: Radio Highlife (Brownswood) {2}: Bq:+, OTR:47
- Gacha Bakradze: Word Color (Lapsus) {2}: pf_e:+, xlr:+
- Renick Bell: Turning Points (Seagrave) {2}: F:19
- Matthew Bourne/Nightports: Nightports With Matthew Bourne (The Leaf Label) {2}: Ju:18
- Break: Another Way (Symmetry) {2}: Bq:+, Mix:36
- Ben Chatwin: Staccato Signals (Village Green) {2}: Am_s:40, RM:21
- Chevel: Always Yours (Different Circles) {2}: F:48; hhv:+
- Clouds: Heavy the Eclipse (Electric Deluxe) {2}: DJM:20
- Ian William Craig: Thresholder (FatCat) {2}: Qt:85, V:+(1)
- Debit: Animus (NAAFI) {2}: F:14
- Dedekind Cut: Tahoe (Kranky) {2}: W:23, YW:100
- Dorian Concept: The Nature of Imitation (Brainfeeder) {2}: V:_(1); am_e:+
- El Dusty: Cumbia City (Aftercluv Dancelab) {2}: V:+(1); vjo:8
- Eleventeen Eston: At the Water (Growing Bin) {2}: Pc:12
- Prins Emanuel: Diagonal Musik (Music for Dreams) {2}: OTR:43, Pc:26
- Roman Flugel: Themes (ESP Institute) {2}: Mix:46, OTR:33
- Marquis Hawkes: The Marquis of Hawkes (Houndstooth) {2}: DJM:39, Mix:21
- HIDE: Castration Anxiety (Dais) {2}: V:+(1); vjh:9
- Hieroglyphic Being: The Replicant Dream Sequence (Moog Library) {2}: SR:39 -- TH:*
- HVL: Ostati (Organic Analogue) {2}: Mix:40; ra:+
- Ian Isiah: Shugga Sextatpe (Vol 1) (UNO NYC) {2}: Pap:17
- Silvia Kastel: Air Lows (Blackest Ever Black) {2}: DJM:46; ra:+
- Kilchhofer: The Book Room (Marionette) {2}: hhv:+, pm_v:9
- Hiro Kone: Pure Expenditure (Dais) {2}: No:24, V:+(1)
- Graham Lambkin: No Better No Worse (Vol 1) (self-released) {2}: Od:18
- Graham Lambkin: No Better No Worse (Vol 2) (self-released) {2}: Od:18
- LSDXOXO: Body Mods (self-released) {2}: F:11
- Bugzy Malone: B Inspired (BSomebody) {2}: CX:20
- Kali Malone: Cast of Mind (Hallow Ground) {2}: F;46; hhv:+
- Gigi Masin: Kite (self-released) {2}: pm_b:2
- Drew McDowall: The Third Helix (Dais) {2}: Qt:89, V:+(1)
- Meat Beat Manifesto: Impossible Star (MBM) {2}: Mx:35; tr_e:8
- Melo-Zed: Eleven (EOne Music Canada) {2}: Mup:11
- Mutant Beat Dance: Mutant Beat Dance (Rush Hour Music) {2}: OTR:42; xlr:+
- Nordra: Pylon II (Sige) {2}: W:20
- Alva Noto: Unieqav (Noton) {2}: Hi:17
- Kori Octoberr: 40 oz (Rosegold) {2}: V:+(1); vcc:9
- Ant'lrd and Benoit Pioulard: Deck Amber (Sounds Et Al) {2}: V:+(1), YW:102
- Planningtorock: Powerhouse (DFA) {2}: Noj:38, Qt:27
- Prime Minister of Doom: Mudshadow Propaganda (Planet Uterus) {2}: TMT:29; ra:+
- Ruby Karinto: Ruby Karinto (HoZac) {2}: V:+(1); vsh:7
- Sink Ya Teeth: Sink Ya Teeth (Hey Buffalo) {2}: LQ:11, V:+(1)
- Slikback: Lasakaneku (Hakuna Kulala) {2}: V:+(1); pf_e:+
- Smerz: Have Fun (XL) {2}: GB:22, VF:+
- Sound Voyage: En Route to Thailand (Free Soul) {2}: OTR:12
- Specter: Built to Last (Sound Signature) {2}: V:+(1); ra:+
- Stine Janvin Motland: Fake Synthetic Music (Pan) {2}: V:+(1); vma:8
- Surgeon: Luminosity Device (Dynamic Tension) {2}: DJM:22; ra:+
- Swick: Court Composer (NLV) {2}: V:+(1); vclw:6
- Tommy '86: Freedom to Obey (M-Tronic) {2}: Crh:13
- Topdown Dialectic: Topdown Dialectic (Peak Oil) {2}: pf_e:+, pm_b:7
- Uniiqu3: Phase 3 (NLV) {2}: V:+(1); vclw:7
- Christina Vantzou: No 4 (Kranky) {2}: ex_x:10, xlr:+
- Venetian Snares/Daniel Lanois: Venetian Snares x Daniel Lanois (Timesig/Planet Mu) {2}: am_e:+, ex_e:8
- Neville Watson: The Midnight Orchard (Don't Be Afraid) {2}: F:17
- Wet: Still Run (Columbia) {2}: WHP:23; tbt:8
- Witxes: Orients (Consouling Sounds) {2}: V:+(1); vspt:9
- 7FO: Ryhu No Nukegara (Em) {1}: OTR:29
- 8ulentina: Eucalyptus (Club Chai) {1}: V:+(1)
- AB2088: Replicate (Liquidators) {1}: YW:78
- Above & Beyond: Common Ground (self-released) {1}: bb_d:6
- Nima Aghiani: REMS (PTP) {1}: V:+(1)
- AJA: AJA (Opal Tapes) {1}: Qt:63
- Giulio Aldinucci: Disappearing in a Mirror (Karlrecords) {1}: pm_v:16
- Ancient Methods: The Jericho Records (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Appleblim: Life in a Laser (Sneaker Social Club) {1}: DJM:33
- Artist Deleted: Track Deleted (Me Me Me) {1}: YW:93
- The Artist Is Unknown: Later Tonight (Dream Catalogue) {1}: YW:97
- ASC: Artefacts of Rotation (Auxiliary) {1}: YW:61
- Felicia Atkinson/Jefre Cantu-Ledesma: Limpid as the Solitudes (Shelter Press) {1}: pm_v:20
- David August: D'Angelo (PIAS) {1}: OTR:40
- Todd Barton: Multum in Parvo (Blue Tapes) {1}: Qt:29
- William Basinski + Lawrence English: Selva Oscura (Temporary Residence) {1}: xlr:+
- Bonnie Baxter: Ask Me How Satan Started (Hausu Mountain) {1}: V:+(1)
- Beast: Ens (Thrill Jockey) {1}: V:+(2)
- Bebeta: Megalon (Monaberry -EP) {1}: YW:101
- Michael Beharie/Teddy Rankin-Parker: A Heart From Your Shadow (Mondoj) {1}: JC:+
- Emily Berregaard: A Poem (Strange Rules) {1}: V:+(1)
- Big Miz: Build/Destroy (Dixon Avenue Basement Jams) {1}: DJM:42
- Martyn Bootyspoon: Silk Eternity (Fractal Fantasy) {1}: F:33
- Borusiade: A Body (Comeme) {1}: ra:+
- Buttechno: Cherskogo Drive (Cititrax/Minimal Wave) {1}: OTR:21
- Nadine Byrne: Dreaming Remembering (Ideal) {1}: hhv:+
- Capitol K: Goatherder (Faith & Industry) {1}: Qt:90
- The Caretaker: Everywhere at the End of Time - Stage 5 (History Always Favours the Winners) {1}: xlr:+
- Jeff Carey: Zero Player Game (Ehse) {1}: V:+(1)
- Derek Carr: Contact (Subwax Excursions) {1}: OTR:32
- Cecilia: Adoration (Halcyon Veil) {1}: F:41
- Channel Tres: Channel Tres (Godmode) {1}: V:+(1)
- Bryan Chapman: 7 Shadows and Iron Lungs (Monotony) {1}: Mix:50
- Chrome Sparks: Chrome Sparks (Counter) {1}: am_e:+
- Church Fire: Summer Camp Doom Diary (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ciel: Hundred Flowers (Coastal Haze) {1}: pf_e:+
- Clean Bandit: What Is Love? (Atlantic) {1}: am_p:+
- Concretism: For Concrete and Country (Castles in Space) {1}: No:45
- Container: LP (Spectrum Spools) {1}:
- Cornelius: Mellow Waves (Rostrum) {1}: Pc:83
- Mich Cota: Kija/Care (Tin Angel) {1}: V:+(1)
- Cremation Lily: In England Now Underwater (Alter) {1}: hhv:+
- Cruel Diagonals: Disambiguation (Drawing Room) {1}: V:+(1)
- Dalham: Janus (Public House) {1}: No:42
- DALI (Deadly Avenger & Luke Insect): When Haro Met Sally (Burning Witches) {1}: Pc:33
- Daniel Davies: Events Score (Lakeshore) {1}: Am_s:38
- dBridge: A Love I Can't Explain (Exit) {1}: DJM:40
- Manny Dee: The Residue (Tresor) {1}: Qt:65
- Dehousy: Stage 2 ([Re]Sources) {1}: YW:28
- De Leon: De Leon (Mana) {1}: ra:+
- Detroit Swindle: High Life (Heist) {1}: Mix:39
- Hannah Diamond: Soon I Won't See You at All (PC Music -EP -17) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Digital Blonde: Neon (JOOF) {1}: Mix:44
- DJ Healer: Planet Lonely (All Possible Worlds) {1}: GB:+
- DJ Nigga Fox: Cranio (Warp -EP) {1}: pf_e:+
- DJ Raph: Sacred Groves (self-released) {1}: hhv:+
- DJ Richard: Dies Irae Xerox (Dial) {1}: Hi:39
- Dolphin: 442 (self-released) {1}: On:35
- Douvelle19: D19 (D19 -EP) {1}: Sb:+
- Donato Dozzy: Filo Loves the Acid (Tresor) {1}: V:+(1)
- Donato Dozzy: Mindless Fullness (Eerie -EP) {1}: OTR:23
- Eris Drew & Octo Octa: Devotion (Naive -EP) {1}: pf_e:+
- Kelman Duran: 13th Month (Apocalipsis) {1}: F:28
- East Man: Red White and Zero (Planet Mu) {1}: Qt:77
- Echo Beds: Buried Language (The Flenser) {1}: V:+(1)
- The Egyptian Lover: 1985 (Egyptian Empire) {1}: Am_h:21
- Electric Indigo: 511593 (Imbalance Computer Music) {1}: VF:47
- EOD: Named (bbbbbb) {1}: DJM:35
- Eli Escobar: Shout (Classic) {1}: DJM:50
- Etch: Ups & Downs (Sneaker Social Club) {1}: DJM:25
- Evicshen: Klee Doll (Hot Releases) {1}: V:+(1)
- Ewol/Grey Code/Skylark: I I I (MethLab -EP) {1}: YW:55
- Exael: Collex (West Mineral) {1}: VF:31
- Eyedress: Sensitive G (Lex) {1}: V:+(1)
- Factory Floor: A Soundtrack for a Film (H/O/D) {1}: V:+(1)
- Marco Faraone: Lunar Eclipse (Drumcode) {1}: YW:37
- Thomas Fehlmann: Los Lagos (Kompakt) {1}: am_e:+
- Fia Fiell: All in the Same Room (Nice Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- JK Flesh: New Horizon (Electric Deluxe) {1}: ra:+
- Forma: Semblance (Kranky) {1}: Pc:84
- FRND: Before U I Didn't Exist (BMG) {1}: V:+(1)
- Garland: Preludes #1 (Lullabies for Insomniacs) {1}: hhv:+
- M Geddes Gengras: Light Pipe (Room40) {1}: pm_b:8
- The Gentleman Losers: Permanently Midnight (Grainy) {1}: No:43
- Geotic: Traversa (Ghostly International) {1}: am_e:+
- Ghorba: Zero Threat to the Rave (Jacktone) {1}: V:+(1)
- Goreshit: Loather (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Max Graef: Lo Siento Mucho Pero No Hablo Tu Idioma (Tantelet) {1}: hhv:+
- Great Dane: Gamma Ray (ADBC) {1}: pm_e:25
- David Guetta: 7 (Parlophone France) {1}: am_p:+
- Gunship: Dark All Day (Horse in the Hedge) {1}: V:+(1)
- Anne Guthrie: Brass Orchids (Students of Decay) {1}: W:31
- Francis Harris: Trivial Occupations (Scissor & Thread) {1}: xlr:+
- Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones: Vicious Circles (Planet Mu -EP) {1}: am_e:+
- Yoshinori Hayashi: Ambivalence (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: V:+(1)
- Head Technician: Profane Architecture (Ecstatic) {1}: Am_s:36
- Heavie: WFM (Teklife) {1}: V:+(1)
- Hep Lad: >>[:]<< (Philip K Discs) {1}: V:+(1)
- Hodge: Beneath Two Moons (Berceuse Heroique) {1}: YW:70
- HOGG: Self-Extinguishing Emission (Scrapes) {1}: V:+(1)
- Hubbabubbaklubb: Drommen Drommerne Drommer (Snorkel) {1}: Ni:33
- Hunee: Hunchin' All Night (Rush Hour) {1}: ra:+
- IAMX: Alive in New Light (Orphic) {1}: V:+(1)
- like I: Sleepless Illusions (Hot Releases) {1}: V:+(1)
- Inja: Blank Pages (Hospital) {1}: pm_e:19
- Kaoru Inoue: Em Paz (Groovement Organic Series) {1}: hhv:+
- Erica Itani: Paranoir Antares (Auskrai) {1}: YW:81
- Ivy Lab: Death Don't Always Taste Good (20/20 LDN) {1}: DJM:37
- Jaja: Upon the River of Heaven (Cyan) {1}: YW:114
- Jazzanova: The Pool (Sonar Kollektiv) {1}: PM:+
- Dax J: Offending Public Morality (Monnom Black) {1}: DJM:48
- Jensen Incercepter: Mother (Lone Romantic) {1}: Mix:42
- Travis Johnson and Friends: Dubious Reservoir (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- MB Jones: ROK Spy (Drama) {1}: hhv:+
- Justice: Woman Worldwide (Caroline) {1}: bb_d:10
- Kid Koala: Floor Kids [Original Video Game Soundtrack] (Arts & Crafts) {1}: YW:83
- Albrecht La'Brooy: Tidal River (Apollo) {1}: xlr:+
- Lane 8: Little by Little (This Never Happened) {1}: bb_d:9
- Chris Liebing: Burn Slow (Mute) {1}: DJM:47
- A Lily: Ten Drones on Cassette (Phantom Limb) {1}: YW:92
- Liminal: Liminal (Krunk) {1}: V:+(1)
- Loco & Jam: Cluster Flux (Tronic -EP) {1}: YW:96
- Loidis: A Parade in the Place I Sit the Floating World (& All Its Pleasures) (Anno) {1}: pf_e:+
- Lone: Ambivert Tools Vol 3 (R&S) {1}: YW:94
- Low Jack: Riddims Du Lieu-dit (Les Disques De La Bretagne) {1}: VF:44
- Galcher Lustwerk: 200% Galcher (Lustwerk Music) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mammal: Come See My Dream (Animal Disguise) {1}: V:+(1)
- Peder Mannerfelt: Daily Routine (self-released) {1}: DJM:44
- Mefjus: Manifest (Vision) {1}: pm_e:23
- MGUN: Axiom (Don't Be Afraid) {1}: am_e:+
- The Midnight: Kids (self-released) {1}: Noj:37
- Pavel Milyakov: Eastern Strike (Rassvet) {1}: pf_e:+
- Miss Information: Sequence (Pioneer Works Press) {1}: YW:47
- Abul Mogard: Above All Dreams (Ecstatic) {1}: V:+(1)
- Moon Wiring Club: Psychedelic Spirit Show (Gecophonic Audio Systems) {1}: V:+(1)
- Mark Morgan: Department of Heraldry (Open Mouth) {1}: V:+(2)
- Morphology: Traveller (Firescope) {1}: OTR:38
- Mount Kimbie: Love What Survives (Remixes Part 2) (Warp) {1}: YW:91
- The Mover: Undetected Act From the Gloom Chamber (Boidae) {1}: DJM:38
- Mr G: A Part of Me Volume 2 (Phoenix G) {1}: Mix:34
- Jake Muir: Lady's Mantle (Sferic) {1}: Qt:70
- Wolf Muller & Niklas Wandt: Instrumentalmusik Von Der Mitte Der World (Growing Bin) {1}: On:37
- Satoshi Nakamoto: dOPENet [NYPD Records Volume 2] (NYPD) {1}: TMT:49
- Anthony Naples: Take Me With You (ANS) {1}: ra:+
- Niagara: Apologia (Principe) {1}: PAM:33
- Nkisi: The Dark Orchestra (Arcola) {1}: W:43
- Nonetheless: Nonetheless (Neubau) {1}: hhv:+
- North Sea Dialect: Local Guide (Numbers) {1}: VF:21
- Taiki Nulight: Murky Manor (Night Bass) {1}: Mix:43
- Odd Beholder: All Reality Is Virtual (Sinnbus) {1}: NBH:50
- Onra: Nobody Has to Know (All City Dublin) {1}: V:+(1)
- Overmono: Whities 019 (Whities) {1}: pf_e:+
- Kelly Lee Owens: Kelly Lee Owens (Smalltown Supersound -17) {1}: V:+(1) -- [TH:B]
- Kyary Pamyu Pamyu: Japamyu (Unborde/Warner Music Japan) {1}: V:+(1)
- Paper Dollhouse: The Sky Looks Different Here (MoonDome) {1}: bl:7
- Spencer Parker: Dance Music (Work Them) {1}: Mix:26
- Party Bois: Party Bois (Curve of the Earth) {1}: bh:10
- Peaking Lights: Sea of Sand (Dekmantel) {1}: Mup:47
- Pilar Zeta: Moments of Reality (Ultramajic) {1}: OTR:37
- Benoit Pioulard: May (self-released) {1}: YW:63
- PJs: Hermes (Aurel Canyon) {1}: V:+(1)
- Planet Battagon: Battagon Symphony EP (On the Corner -EP) {1}: YW:89
- Pom Pom: 35 (Pom Pom) {1}: V:+(1)
- Potatohead People: Nick & Astro's Guide to the Galaxy (Bastard Jazz) {1}: Am_h:22
- Prequel Tapes: Everything Is Quite Now (Gaffa Tape) {1}: OTR:48
- Primitive Knot: Thee Opener of the Way (Aurora) {1}: Qt:72
- Profligate: Somewhere Else (Wharf Cat) {1}: am_e:+
- Public Memory: Demolition (Felte) {1}: Hi:48
- Ras G & the Afrikan Space Program: Stargate Music (Leaving) {1}: xlr:+
- Rezz: Certain Kind of Magic (Mau5trap) {1}: mmg:+
- Rizzla: Adepta (Fade to Mind) {1}: Re:36
- RKSS: DJ Tools (UIQ) {1}: pf_x:+
- rRoxymore: Thoughts of an Introvert Pt 2 (Don't Be Afraid) {1}: pf_e:+
- E Ruscha V: Who Are You (Beats in Space) {1}: Dr:32
- Saloli: The Deep End (Kranky) {1}: Am_s:39
- Sango: In the Comfort Of (Last Gang) {1}: DJB:34
- Guenter Schlienz: Tristan Magnetique (Otomatik Muziek) {1}: V:+(1)
- Sevdaliza: The Calling (Twisted Elegance) {1}: Re:49
- Shades: In Praise of Darkness (Deadbeats) {1}: V:+(1)
- Shadow Child: Dance Trax Vol 9 (Dancetrax) {1}: YW:99
- Shakarachi & Straneus: Steal Chickens From the Men and the Future From God (Studio Barnhus) {1}: V:+(1)
- Shelter: Profondeur 4000 (Growing Bin) {1}: Pc:32
- Mike Shiflet: Tetracosa Volume Eight (self-released) {1}: V:+(1)
- Shorelights: Ancient Lights (Subwax Bcn) {1}: am_e:+
- Shxcxchcxsh: Oufoufof (Rosten) {1}: V:+(1)
- SineRider: Four Years Away (Sound in Silence) {1}: YW:107
- Singu: Siki (Growing Bin) {1}: hhv:+
- SIT: Invisibility (Sushitech) {1}: xlr:+
- Richard Skelton: Front Variations I & II (Aeolian) {1}: -- Qt:92
- SKRS: Paradise Magic Traxx (Ancient Monarchy) {1}: V:+(1)
- Slam: Athenaeum 101 (Soma Quality) {1}: GTV:80
- SMX/Koehler: Blue 02 (Whities) {1}: pf_e:+
- Sonoio: Fine (Dais) {1}: Re:23
- Space Invadas: Wild World (Invada) {1}: DJ:27
- SRSQ: Unreality (Dais) {1}: Am_s:45
- Suicideyear: Color the Weather (LuckyMe) {1}: am_h:+
- Sunmantra: Esoteric (Roam) {1}: YW:62
- Supersilent: 14 (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: am_j:+
- SW:SVN: SW:SVN (Apollo -EP) {1}: OTR:34
- Synth Sisters: Euphoria (EM) {1}: Qt:62
- System: Plus (Morr Music) {1}: am_e:+
- Textasy: Dallas Gun Club (Craigie Knowes -EP) {1}: YW:106
- Thousand Foot Whale Claw: Black Hole Party (Holodeck) {1}: V:+(1)
- Throwing Snow: Loma (Houndstooth) {1}: am_e:+
- Timecop1983: Night Drive (self-released) {1}: Noj:21
- TSVI: Inner Worlds (Nervous Horizon) {1}: F:24
- Twins: That Which Is Not Said (2MR) {1}: am_e:+
- Ultrastation: 686868 EP (Mary Go Wild Black -EP) {1}: YW:80
- Upgrayedd Smurphy: #Peninsula (R-CH-V) {1}: V:+(1)
- Varg: Crush (Posh Isolation) {1}: ra:+
- Louie Vega: NYC Disco (Nervous) {1}: mmg:+
- Wen: EPHEM:ERA (Big Dada) {1}: DJM:26
- Norman Westberg: After Vacation (Room40) {1}: V:+(1)
- Wilted Woman: Trapezoid Tappers (Plastic Bags) {1}: V:+(1)
- X-Altera: X-Altera (Ghostly International) {1}: am_e:+
- XOR Gate: Conic Sections (Tresor) {1}: VF:+
- Lechuga Zafiro: Testigo (NAAFI) {1}: V:+(1)
- Zhu: Ringos Desert (Mind of a Genius) {1}: V:+(1)
- Zmatsutsi: Hooked Up (Macadam Mambo) {1}: hhv:+
- Zomes: The First Stone (Near Unison) {1}: V:+(1)
For information on what lists are consulted, and what the various
abbreviations and notes mean, click