Metacritic/EOY Aggregate: 2024 New Music
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Some breakdowns by genre:
- Charli XCX: Brat (Atlantic) {351}: 45:1*, Al:+, Alt:1, AV:2*, BB:1, BPM:2*, BV:3, C:4, Ch:11, Cl:3*, Cmp:16, Cmp)_u:16, Cos:+, CS:1, D:1*, DIY:1*, DJM:+, DW:29, Dz:2, Em:1, Ev:+, EW:1, Ex:2*, Fa:2, Fld:5, G:1*, GB:9, GQ:+, GTV:6, HP:3, I:2*, IT:*, KC:20, LAT:9, LBF:8*, LI:3, LQ:2, MO:1*, Ne:1*, NME:1*, NPR:+, NR:2, NT:17, Oo:1, P:6*, Pf:2*, PM:1, PW:17, Qt:15, RA:3, Rf:1, Ri:1, RS:1*, RSh:1, RSUK:+, RT:8, S:+++, SC:12, Sg:1, Sk:1*, Sl:1*, SLi:*+, SMH:+++, Spk:1*, SSt:+, STi:2, StL:2, T:1*, TL:6, TO:4, Tr:2, Tu:3, U:59, Up:+UR:12, V:+, VF:21, W:29, XCI:**, YW:6; am:+*, ap:+, asp:+, atl:2, atw:+, bb_d:+, bb6:+, bi:2, cdm:3, ec:+, g_e:3, hpo:+, hyb:++, n_ap:7, ny_p:1, ny_z:3, p:2, pi:1, ra:*, ti:5, v_ja:1, v_sh:3, vg:+, vrt:6, wp:1, xco:1, xjd:2, xjdc:*, xrw:+, xwb:2 -- A:89/26, RX:B+, TH:A-
- The Cure: Songs of a Lost World (Fiction) {196}: AD:*, Al:+, AV:3*, BB:50, BPM:6*, BV:8, BV_i:11, Ch:4, Cl:6*, ClR:11*, CS:20, DIY:11, DS:1, Em:19, EW:8, Ex:28, Fld:2, FO:15*, G:11*, Gl:++, GTV:1*, HP:21, I:8*, IT:*, KC:13, LAT:15, LBF:47*, LI:6, LW:2*, Mg:12, Mj:31*, MO:2*, NME:6*, NPR:+, NR:6, NT:15*, O:*, Oo:8, P:11*, PM:12, Qt:62, Rf:5, Ri:3, RkS:8, RS:48*, RSh:7, RSUK:+, RT:23, SC:1, Sg:29, Sk:5*, Sl:7*, Sp:*, Spk:3*, STi:8, T:3*, TO:5, Tr:3, U:69*, Up:+, UR:3*, VF:6, WM:5, WX:3, XSN:*; am:+*, ap:+, e:4, ny_p:9, rx:+, so_k:17, vjk:3, vu:1, xco:8, xjao:2, ybw:3 -- A:91/29, TH:*
- Fontaines D.C.: Romance (XL) {194}: AD:*, Alt:10, BB:33, BPM:21*, BV:6, BV_i:2, C:2, Cl:4*, CS:2, D:2*, DIY:3*, Dz:17, Ex:39*, Fa:16, Fld:6, FO:4*, G:7, Gl:+, GQ:+, GTV:2*, HP:1, I:1*, IT:*, KC:5, LBF:11*, LI:1, LQ:*, LW:6, Mg:5, Mj:7*, MO:4*, NME:2*, NT:9*, O:*, Oo:2, Ov:*, P:13*, PM:5*, RC:*, Rf:27, Ri:12, RS:58*, RSUK:+*, RT:13, S:*.Sg:28, Sk:2*, SMH:+++, Sp:*, Spk:*, STi:1, StL:18, T:5, TO:1, Tr:7, U:13*, Up:+, UR:4*, WM:3, WX:2, XSN:*; am:*, ap:+, atw:+, bb6:+, pi:14, rx:+, vg:+, vu:8, xco:6 -- A:89/34, TH:**
- Waxahatchee: Tigers Blood (Anti-) {184}: 45:8, AD:*, Al:+*, Alt:3, AV:1, BB:21, BPM:5*, BV:12, Cl:19*, CM:16, CS:3, D:27, DIY:*, DW:21, Ex:3*, Fa:26, Fld:7, G:18*, Gl:++, GTV:*, HP:40, HV:+, I:*, LBF:20*, LQ:5, Mj:30*, MO:26*, NME:35*, NPR:+, NR:32, NT:8*, P:2*, Pf:6*, PM:9, Ri:17, RS:10*, RSh:12, RT:25, Sg:4, Sk:13*, Sl:5*, Sp:*, Spk:38, SpL:**, T:*, TL:8, Tr:9, Tu:17, U:10*, Up:+, Up_h:14, UR:17, WX:5, XCI:**, XJS:19; am:*, n_ap:5, ny_z:9, pi:3, so_d:18, so_k:14, ti:2, xbw:+, xco:2, xde:10, xem:9, xjc:10, xjdo:4, xhs:3, xjd:9, xjdc:6*, xrt:+, xrw:1, xsp:*, xtw:5, xwb:+, ybw:1, ysp:*, yzp:5 -- A:86/30, MT:A-, RX:A-, TH:A-
- MJ Lenderman: Manning Fireworks (Anti-) {179}: Alt:9, AV:12, BB:38, BPM:29, BV:2, C:25, Ch:26, Cl:9*, CS:18, D:46*, DW:24, EW:7, Ex:11*, Fa:8, Fld:24, FO:5*, G:13, GB:14, Gl:++, GQ:+, IT:*, LBF:2*, LQ:11, Mg:11, Mj:54*, MO:*, NME:14*, NPR:+, NR:4, NT:19*, O:*, P:7*, Pf:4*, Pf_k:7, PM:11*, PW:12, RC:*, Ri:11, RS:3*, RSh:3, RT:24, SC:11, Sg:2, Sk:11*, Sl:14*, Spk:*, STi:13, Tr:11, Tu:6, U:8*, Up:+, Up_h:1, UR:33, *, VF:12, WX:1, XCI:**, XJS:16; am:+, asp:+, atw:+, e:8, ec:+, n_ap:1, ny_z:1, pi:2, vg:+, vjk:7, vrt:1, vu:6, xhs:6, xjd:7, xjdc:7*, xrt:++, xrw:10, xtj:6, xwb:3, ybw:5 -- A:85/21, RX:A-, TH:***
- Billie Eilish: Hit Me Hard and Soft (Interscope) {177}: 45:4*, AD:*, Al:+, AV:20, BB:5, BPM:43, BV:+, Ch:8, Cl:35*, Cmp:5, Cos:+, CS:41, D:6*, DIY:10*, Dz:13, Em:2, Ev:+*, EW:4, Ex:*, Fld:4, FO:*, G:3*, GTV:31, HP:4, HV:+, I:14*, KC:6, LAT:10, LBF:*, LI:8, MO:12*, NME:9*, O:*, P:68*, Pap:+, PM:52, Rf:13, RS:5*, RSh:11, SC:4, Sl:3*, SLi:*, Spk:25, SpL:**, STi:7, T:*, TL:1, U:64, Up:+, V:+, XCI:**, XJS:4; am:+, ap:+, asp:+, atw:+, bi:3, dw:+, e:7, hpo:+, hyb:++, js:4, n_ap:10, ny_c:12, ny_p:4, p:6, pi:7, ti:+, v_cw:4, vg:+, vrt:2, xbw:+, xco:9, xjdc:*, xpb:+, xsp:*, xwb:+, ysp:* -- A:86/23, RC:A, MT:***, RX:A, TH:A-
- Beyoncé: Cowboy Carter (Parkwood/Columbia) {170}: 45:3, AD:*, Al:*+, AV:10, BB:2, BPM:12*, Cl:23*, Cmp:7, Cos:+, CS:5, DW:19, Dz:14, Ev:+*, EW:2, Ex:*, Fld:20, G:5*, HDX:*, I:11*, IT:*, LAT:11, LI:41, MO:38*, Ne:26*, NME:7*, NPR:+, NR:*, NT:*, O:*, Oo:3, P:56, Pf:*+, PM:2, PO:+, Rf:3, Ri:18, RS:2*, RSh:4, SC:*+, Sg:+, Sl:25*, SSt:+, STi:11, T:2*, TO:13, Tr:40, Up:+, V:+, XCI:**, XJS:14; am:+*, asp:+, atl:5, atw:+, bi:1, dw:+, e:1, hpo:+, js:10, n_ap:6, ny_c:15, ny_z:10, odb:*, p:1, pi:4, so_d:11, ti:+, v_cw:2, v_sh:7, vg:+, vrt:16, xco:7, xem:3, xgm:9, xjc:3, xjdc:*, xpb:5, xsp:*, xtj:1, ysp:* -- A:87/24, MT:A, RX:A, TH:**
- Adrianne Lenker: Bright Future (4AD) {163}: 45:30, AV:+, BPM:3*, BV:22, C:22, Cl:5*, CM:+, Cos:+, D:*, DIY:*, DW:23+, Ex:24*, Fld:15, FO:28*, G:47, HP:5, I:5*, LBF:*, LI:59, Mj:35*, MO:16*, Ne:22*, NME:22*, NR:12, NT:29*, Oo:11, P:16*, Pf:23*, PO:+, RC:*, Rf:20, RS:56*, RT:21, Sg:19, Sk:6*, Sl:2*, SLi:*+, SMH:+++, Sp:*, Spk:22*, SpL:**, STi:4, TL:30, TO:18, U:6*, Up:+, UR:9*, VF:2, WM:36, XCI:**, XJS:3; am:+*, bi:13, bv_f:+, dw:+, js:3, n_ap:16, vg:+, vrt:15, xco:3, xem:1, xjc:1, xjd:1, xjdc:2*, xjdo:3, xme:6, xpb:2, xrw:2, xsp:*, xtj:4, xtw:6, xwb:4, yzp:2 -- A:86/27, MT:A+, RX:A, TH:***
- Kendrick Lamar: GNX (PGLang/Interscope) {161}: Al:+, Alt:19, AV:4*, BB:4, BPM:14*, BV:9, BV_r:2, Ch:22, Cl:16*, Cmp:1, CS:10*, D:*, DIY:6, DW:60, Dz:5, Ev:+, Ex:16*, Fld:3, G:*, GQ:+, HG:+, I:18, IT:*, LAT:14, LBF:9*, LQ:17, MO:*, Ne:3*, NME:12*, NPR:+, NT:*, O:*, Okp:+, P:19*, PW:19, Qt:43, Rf:19, Ri:7, RS:21*, SC:7, Sg:3, Sl:34, Spk:18*, STi:15, StL:19*, Up:+, WE:35, XJS:7, YW:53; am:*, asp:+, atw:+, bb_h:1, cs_r:1, dw:+, e:6, g_e:9, hpo:+, hyb:++, p_h:2, pi:12, sg_r:1, tr_h:+, v_cw:7, v_ja:3, v_sh:5, vrt:9, wp:3, xem:10, xjao:+, xjc:4, xjd:10, xjdc:*, xwb:5, ybw:2 -- A:87/20, RX:A-, TH:***
- Cindy Lee: Diamond Jubilee (Realistik Studios) {135}: AV:5, BB:+, BPM:1*, BV:4, BV_i:1, C:1, CS:25, Em:26, EW:5, Ex:1, Fa:28, Fld:21, FO:13, G:2, GB:1, GTV:21, HV:+, KC:8, LBF:3, LI:66, Ne:19*, NME:11, NR:8, NT:10*, P:3*, Pf:1*, PM:3, PW:1, Ri:4, RS:15, SC:9, Sg:8, Sk:9, Sl:13, SLi:*+, Spk:50, StL:3, TO:3, U:9, Up_h:11, UR:39, W:6; n_ap:17, ny_z:4, vrt:7, xpb:+, xwb:+ -- A:87/7, TH:*
- Tyler, the Creator: Chromakopia (Columbia) {128}: AV:11*, BB:7, BV:7, BV_r:1, C:10, Cl:2*, Cmp:2, CS:14*, D:10*, Dz:8, Em:5, Ex:9, Fld:12, G:8*, GQ:+, HDX:*, HG:+, HP:15, I:7, KC:17, LBF:19*, LI:51, Ne:27*, NME:44, NPR:+, NR:17, NT:34, O:*, Okp:+, Oo:19, P:14*, PM:16, PW:31, Rf:6, Ri:10, RS:17*, Sg:12, Sk:7, SMH:+++, StL:15, TO:24, Tr:48, Tu:30, Up:+, VF:11, YW:25; ap:+, bb_h:4, cdm:5, cs_r:2, hpo:+, hyb:++, p_h:6, sg_r:4, so_d:10, so_k:8, tr_h:+, v_ja:4, vrt:10, xjao:+ -- A:82/16, TH:***
- Kim Gordon: The Collective (Matador) {123}: 45:21, Al:+, BPM:15, BV:23, C:16, Cl:27, ClR:*, CM:46, DIY:*, DW:43, Ex:35*, Fa:15, Fld:22, FO:50*, G:10, GTV:27, LBF:*, LI:31, LQ:7, LW:32, Mj:10*, MO:21*, Ne:34*, NME:*+, NPR:+, NR:21, NT:31*, Ov:*, P:64*, Pf:10*, Pf_k:5, PM:6*, Qt:50, RC:*, Rf:17, RS:26, RSh:13, RT:37, SC:5*, Sg:24, Sk:18*, Sl:45, SLi:*+, SpL:*, StL:14, Tr:13, Tu:2, U:30*, UR:26, VF:1, W:8, XCI:*, XJS:+; am:*, atl:3, bb6:+, bl:6, ny_z:8, pf_e:+, vg:+, vu:+, wp:4, xco:+, xjdc:*, xrw:6, xsp:*, xtj:2 -- A:81/23, RX:A-, TH:A-
- Mannequin Pussy: I Got Heaven (Epitaph) {123}: 45:32, Alt:8, BB:43, BPM:7*, BV:1, CS:22, D:*, DIY:*, DW:72, Em:4, Ex:6, Fa:3, Fld:1, FO:31, *, K:35*, LBF:5, LQ:*, Mg:19, MO:14*, NR:1*, NT:7*, P:28*, Pf:11*, Pf_k:3, PM:57*, PO:+, Pu:13, PW:24, Ri:2, RS:22*, RSh:5, RT:67, S:*, Sg:25, Sk:15*, Sl:11*, SLi:*, Sp:*, TO:9, Tr:19, Up:+, UR:42*, W:44, WX:4, XCI:*; am:+*, ap:+, atl:8, atw:+, pi:9, xco:+, xjao:4, xjdc:*, xsp:* -- A:86/22, TH:**
- Jessica Pratt: Here in the Pitch (Mexican Summer) {121}: Al:+, AV:6, BPM:4*, BV:10, BV_i:9, C:26, Cl:11*, Em:33, EW:6, Ex:27, Fld:25, FO:6*, G:41*, GB:4, Gl:++, GTV:16*, KC:2, LBF:36*, LI:37, Mj:36*, MO:18, NPR:+, NR:7, NT:27*, Oo:17, P:1*, Pf:3*, PM:21, PW:3, Ri:8, RS:18, S:*, SC:8*, Sg:6, Sl:18, Sp:*, Spk:*, Tr:16, U:5*, Up:+, Up_h:10, UR:10*, V:*; am:+*, atw:+, bb6:+, bv_f:+, ec:+, pi:5, tr_f:+, v_sh:2, wp:2 -- A:87/18, TH:B
- Vampire Weekend: Only God Was Above Us (Columbia) {119}: Alt:25, BB:19, BPM:31*, BV:39, Cl:21*, Cos:+, D:*, DIY:*, DW:36, Em:27, Ex:*, FO:32*, G:35, GQ:+, GTV:15*, HP:17, HV:+, I:3*, IT:*, LIL:15, Mj:*, MO:*, Ne:9*, NME:*, NR:15, NT:25*, O:*, Oo:20, P:71*, Pf:26*, PM:66*, RC:*, Rf:10, RS:43*, SC:*, Sg:37, Sk:14*, Sl:6, Sp:*, Spk:27*, SpL:**, STi:12, TL:12, TO:7, U:66*, Up:+, Up_h:17, UR:11*, WX:7, XCI:**, XJS:20; am:+*, atw:+, n_ap:9, ny_p:3, rx:+, vg:+, vrt:4, xco:4, xjc:9, xjdc:*, xsp:*, xvw:7, yzp:3 -- A:86/31, MT:A-, RX:A-, TH:**
- Sabrina Carpenter: Short n' Sweet (Island) {106}: 45:35, Al:+, BB:3, Ch:6, Cl:28, Cmp:19, CS:34, D:5, DW:1, Em:3, Ev:+, EW:3, Ex:25, G:9, HP:14, I:16*, LAT:1, NME:42*, NPR:+, Pap:+, Pf:35*, PM:44, Ri:24, RS:4*, RSh:20, S:+++, Sg:45, Sl:29*, SMH:+++, SpL:**, STi:16, T:*, TL:26, Up:+, XCI:**, XJS:15; am:+, atl:10, atw:+, bi:8, e:2, ec:+, hpo:+, n_ap:3, ny_c:2, p:3, pi:6, v_sh:4, vg:+, xbw:+, xjd:3, xjdc:*, xtj:8, xwv:2 -- A:69/18, TH:***
- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds: Wild God (Bad Seed/Play It Again Sam) {104}: AD:*, Cl:33*, ClR:49*, Ex:*, Fld:19, G:20*, GQ:+, GTV:5, HP:16, I:4*, IT:*, KC:26, LBF:*, LI:2, LW:3, Mg:2, Mj:2*, MO:3*, NME:*, NT:28*, O:*, Pf_k:10, PM:10, Qt:88, Rf:2, RS:97, RSh:15, RT:36, SC:2*, Sk:*, STi:6, T:8*, U:1*, Up:+, UR:5, WM:8; am:+, vjk:2, vrt:5, xco:+, xhs:1, xrw:+ -- A:86/19, TH:C+
- English Teacher: This Could Be Texas (Island) {99}: 45:2*, BPM:22*, BV_i:33, Cl:34, CS:21, D:4*, DIY:2*, DS:8, Em:48, Fld:17, FO:2*, GTV:39*, HP:6, I:13*, LBF:33*, LQ:18*, LW:7, Mg:9, Mj:15*, MO:5*, NME:3, NT:36*, Ov:*, PM:37, RC:*, RSUK:+*, RT:2, SC:*+, Sk:12*, STi:3, StL:24, T:*, U:27*, UR:14, WM:25; bb6:+, ec:+, so_d:8, so_k:15, ti:+, vma:+, xco:+ -- A:87/27, TH:***
- Doechii: Alligator Bites Never Heal (Top Dawg/Capitol) {97}: 45:6, AV:9, BB:10, BV:19, BV_r:4, C:48, Cl:18, CM:19, Cmp:4, CS:27, DW:11, Dz:3, Em:9, Ev:+, Ex:23, Fld:16, G:40, LBF:21, NME:*, NPR:+, Okp:+, P:99, Pap:+, PW:20, Rf:30, Ri:9, RS:9*, RSh:8, Sg:9, SpL:**, Up:+, XCI:*, XJS:11; am:+, asp:+, atw:+, bb_h:3, cs_r:3, dw:+, hpo:+, hyb:++, p_h:12, pi:10, tr_h:+, v_sh:6, vg:+, xhs:2, xjd:4, xjdc:*, xjdo:5, xme:3, xpb:13, ybw:6 -- A:77/3, TH:**
- Clairo: Charm (self-released) {96}: 45:7, AV:7, BB:15, BPM:27*, Cl:10*, D:31*, DIY:*, Dz:4, Em:20, Ex:30, Fa:38, Fld:11, G:4*, GQ:+, HP:10, KC:4, LAT:17, LBF:*, LI:9, NME:17*, NT:16*, P:76*, Pf:21, PM:68*, Qt:17, Rf:12, RS:13*, RT:16, SC:6, Sl:43*, StL:13*, Tu:5, Up:+, UR:63, VF:7; am:+*, atw:+, bi:12, cdm:1, n_ap:18, vg:+, xjdc:* -- A:81/19, TH:***
- Beth Gibbons: Lives Outgrown (Domino) {95}: 45:17, AD:*, Al:+, BPM:25, BV:13, BV_i:6, C:34, Em:47, Ex:*, Fld:31, FO:29*, G:*+, GTV:*, IT:*, LBF:16, LI:5, LQ:*, Mj:3*, MO:6*, Ne:18*, NME:26*, NPR:+, NT:42, O:*, Oo:9, P:15*, Pf:*, PM:24, PW:34, Qt:+, RC:*, RT:44, SC:19*, Sg:+, Sk:*, Sl:16*, Sp:*, Spk:43, SSt:+, Tr:21, U:3*, UR:45*, WM:1; am:+*, ap:+, ec:+, ny_p:7, ra:*, ti:1, xco:+ -- A:86/24, TH:A-
- The Last Dinner Party: Prelude to Ecstasy (Island) {95}: 45:16*, AD:*, BB:32, Cl:50*, Cos:+, D:3*, DIY:5*, Em:37, Ev:+, Ex:*, Fld:10, FO:22*, G:*+, GTV:7*, HP:8, I:20*, IT:*, LBF:*, LIL:67, LW:28, Mj:46, MO:48*, Ne:21*, NME:23*, NR:5*, NT:45*, Oo:7, P:*, Pap:+, PM:28, RC:*, RS:80*, RSUK:+*, RT:5, Sk:3*, SLi:*+, Sp:*, Spk:*, STi:14, StL:50, T:6*, TO:15, UR:13*, WX:6; am:+*, atw:+, bi:18, rx:+, vrt:8, xco:10, ybw:12, ysp:* -- A:85/34, TH:*
- Mdou Moctar: Funeral for Justice (Matador) {88}: AD:*, AV:17, C:13, CS:7, Ex:18*, FO:20*, G:45, HV:+, LBF:*, Mj:22*, MO:50*, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, P:60, Pf:30*, PM:4*, PO:6, PW:6, Qt:69, RC:*, RS:19*, S:*, SC:20*, Sl:47, SLi:+, Sp:*, StL:12, Tr:39, U:14*, Up_h:26, UR:31*, YW:7; am:+*, e:9, ec:+, n_ap:8, so_d:12, so_k:7, ti:+, vjk:9, vma:+, xco:+, xhs:+, xjdc:*, xjdo:6, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:88/19, MT:***, TH:***
- Magdalena Bay: Imaginal Disk (Mom + Pop) {85}: 45:23, Alt:18, BPM:38, BV:20, C:42, Cl:12, CS:29, D:15, Em:7, Ex:15, Fld:13, GB:7, GTV:28, LBF:12*, Ne:10*, NME:5*, NR:10, NT:5*, P:26*, Pap:+, Pf:19, PM:42, Rf:16, RSh:9, RT:18, Sg:5, Sl:10*, Spk:34, StL:1, Up:+, UR:1*; am:*, atw:+, bi:7, vg:+, xco:+ -- A:83/11, TH:**
- The Smile: Wall of Eyes (XL) {83}: AD:*, Al:+, BPM:*, BV:+, Cl:*, ClR:*, CS:12, D:*, DIY:20*, DW:40, Ev:*, FO:10*, G:*+, HP:23, I:10*, IT:*, LI:16, LW:10*, Mg:6, Mj:13*, MO:*, Ne:*, NME:25*, NR:29, NT:13*, O:*, Oo:14, Ov:*, P:*, Pf:*+, PM:27*, RC:*, RS:35*, RSUK:*, SC:*, Sk:*, Sl:*, SLi:*, Sp:*, T:*, Tr:31, U:7*, UCR:+, UR:8*, WM:10; am:*, ap:+, atw:+, vu:+, xco:+ -- A:86/40, TH:B
- St. Vincent: All Born Screaming (Virgin) {81}: 45:15, AD:*, Al:+, AV:*+, BB:29, BPM:28*, BV:+, Cl:32*, D:45*, DIY:9*, Ex:+, Fld:14, G:*+, GTV:*, HP:7, I:*, KC:24, LBF:*, LI:54, LW:27*, Mj:25*, MO:15*, NME:*, NR:26, NT:21*, O:*, P:*, Rf:4, RS:49*, RT:15, SC:17, Sk:*, Sl:4*, STi:17, T:7*, U:*, UR:30*, WX:14, XCI:*; am:+*, atw:+, e:+, vg:+, xco:+ -- A:84/33, TH:**
- Hurray for the Riff Raff: The Past Is Still Alive (Nonesuch) {80}: BPM:8*, BV:32, Cl:*, Ev:*, EW:9, Ex:*, GTV:*, IT:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NPR:+, O:*, P:12*, Pap:+, Pf:33*, PM:40*, PO:2, RC:*, RS:36*, Sg:+, Sk:*, Sl:19*, Sl:+, Sp:*, SpL:**, Tr:43, U:20*, XCI:**, XJS:10; am:+*, asp:+, atl:6, js:6, ny_z:2, sg_c:+, so_d:3, so_k:16, xco:+, xjdc:*, xrw:8, xsp:*, xtj:7, xwb:10, ysp:*, yzp:1 -- A:86/21, MT:A, TH:A-
- Mk.gee: Two Star & the Dream Police (R&R Digital) {79}: BB:9, BPM:46, C:6, Cl:1*, Cmp:24, D:41, DW:53, DZ:1, Ex:19, Fa:23, Fld:30, G:16, GB:2, KC:22, LAT:3, LBF:7*, LI:88, NME:15, NPR:+, NT:38, P:51, Pf:18, PW:7, Ri:6, RS:14*, Sg:22, SSt:+, Tu:8, Up:+; ap:+, asp:+, atw:+, cgm:4, hyb:++, n_ap:2, ny_c:1, vg:+, vu:+ -- A:76/5, TH:**
- Father John Misty: Mahashmashana (Sub Pop/Bella Union) {76}: AD:*, AV:14*, BPM:32, BV:21, Ch:14, Cl:*, CS:48, DIY:*, FO:40*, G:*, GQ:+, I:*, LBF:*, LI:90, LQ:*, Mg:3, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, NR:49, NT:2*, P:49*, Pf:*, PM:54, RC:*, Rf:24, Ri:5, RT:11, SC:10*, Sg:16, Sp:*, STi:9, T:*, TL:25, U:*, Up:+, Up_h:2, UR:7, WM:2, WX:9, YW:86; n_ap:20, pi:11, v_cw:6, vg:+, xhs:9, xjao:+, xjdc:*, xrw:+, xwb:+, ybw:4 -- A:85/23, TH:*
- Laura Marling: Patterns in Repeat (Partisan) {75}: 45:18, BPM:34*, Cl:36*, DIY:13*, Ev:+, FO:*, G:25*, GQ:+, GTV:33, I:9*, IT:*, LBF:25*, LQ:*, LW:64, Mj:41*, MO:35*, Ne:15*, NR:34, NT:24, P:42*, Pf:31*, PM:56, RC:*, RT:3, STi:18, StL:22, T:*, U:45*, UR:28*, VF:20, WM:4; atw:+, bv_f:+, ny_z:5, tr_f:+, xjdc:*, xpb:1, xtj:5 -- A:87/19, TH:**
- Jack White: No Name (Third Man) {75}: Al:+*, AV:8, Cl:41*, ClR:13, CS:6, DY:38, Em:29, Ex:13, Fld:33, FO:8*, G:37*, HP:44, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Ne:4*, NME:*, NT:*, P:18*, PW:42, Rf:7, RS:20*, RT:29, Sl:32, Spk:*, STi:22, TL:13, TO:14, U:15*, Up:+, UR:36*, WM:33, WS:10, YW:14; am:*, e:3, rx:+, so_d:16, v_cw:3, v_ja:9, xjdc:* -- A:85/18, TH:**
- Nala Sinephro: Endlessness (Warp) {73}: 45:20, Bc:+, BPM:16*, C:3, Cl:20, CS:44, DJM:+, DW:71, Ex:49, G:30*, GQ:+, JC:+, LBF:6, LI:11, LQ:14, NPR:+, O:*, P:10, Pf:5*, PW:14, RT:53, RA:21, Sg:23, Sk:19*, Spk:4, StL:5*, Tr:14, Tu:13, U:25*, VF:4; am:+*, bb6:+, bp:9, bv_j:+, ny_p:10, sg_j:+ -- A:82/10, TH:***
- Nilüfer Yanya: My Method Actor (Ninja Tune) {72}: 45:24, BPM:10, BV:43, BV_i:20, Cl:7, CS:13, D:*, DIY:*, Dz:15, Ex:14*, G:6, GB:12, GTV:*, LBF:18*, LI:32, Mg:23, MO:*, NME:37*, NPR:+, NR:25, NT:12*, P:32, Pf:13*, PW:39, Rf:25, SC:16, Sg:27, Sk:*, Sl:8, StL:*, Tr:12, U:55*, Up:+, UR:2*, VF:8; am:*, ap:+, ti:6, vg:+ -- A:83/14, TH:***
- Amyl and the Sniffers: Cartoon Darkness (B2B/Virgin) {70}: 45:10, AD:*, Alt:26, BV_i:30, Cl:*, CS:17, D:49*, DIY:14, FO:9*, G:34*, Gl:++, GTV:12, HP:38, K:3*, LBF:*, LI:98, LW:1*, Mg:14, Mj:34*, MO:41*, NME:29, Ov:*, P:*, Pap:+, RT:7, Sp:*, UR:58, XCI:**, XSN:*; am:+*, ap:+, bb6:+, so_d:4, xhs:10, xjao:+, xjdc:*, xpb:3 -- A:82/20, TH:A-
- Jamie XX: In Waves (Young) {68}: AD:*, BB:48, BPM:*, Cl:17*, CS:28, D:26*, DIY:*, Ev:*, Ex:50*, G:44*, GQ:+, IT:*, KC:3, LBF:*, LI:12, Mj:*, MO:13*, NME:*, NT:*, Oo:18, PM:8*, PW:18, Ri:22, RSUK:+, RT:22, SC:*, STi:25, StL:*, T:*, TO:6, Tr:30, U:*, Up:+, UR:37, XCI:**; am:+*, bb_d:+, ec:+, tr_e:+, v_ja:2, v_sh:10, xjdc:* -- A:82/25, TH:A-
- Arooj Aftab: Night Reign (Verve) {67}: BPM:18*, BV:40, C:5, Cl:55, CS:47, FO:23*, G:19*, GTV:30, IT:*, JC:+, LBF:17, Mj:39*, Ne:*, NME:36, NT:47*, Oo:6, P:63, Pf:17*, PM:23*, PW:35, Qt:31, RS:64*, S:*, Sl:48, Spk:41*, TO:17, Tr:34, Tu:9, U:4*, VF:44; am:+*, ti:9, tr_f:+, xhs:4, xpb:11, yjsc:7, ysp:* -- A:86/14, TH:***
- Cassandra Jenkins: My Light, My Destroyer (Dead Oceans) {67}: BPM:9*, Cl:*, DS:5, Ex:22, G:31*, LBF:1*, LQ:1*, Mj:14*, MO:*, NPR:+, NR:13, NT:43*, P:20*, Pf:28*, PM:*, RC:*, RT:27, SC:*, Sg:43, Sk:*, Sl:9*, Spk:*, Tu:7, U:11*, UR:6*; am:+*, vjk:8, vma:+, xco:+, yzp:4 -- A:85/21, TH:*
- Sprints: Letter to Self (City Slang) {65}: 45:12, Cl:45*, ClR:*, D:19*, DIY:4*, DS:2, GTV:3*, HP:11, IT:*, K:37, LBF:23*, LI:39, LQ:*, Mj:*, NME:34*, NR:9, NT:39*, PM:59*, RSUK:+, RT:9, Sg:+, U:*, UR:55*, WM:35, YW:1; so_d:2, so_k:1, ti:+ -- A:84/19, TH:A-
- Idles: Tangk (Partisan) {64}: BB:+, BV_i:15, Cl:*, ClR:24*, D:*, DIY:*, Em:45, Ev:*, G:*, GTV:8*, IT:*, K:31*, KC:9, LBF:30*, LI:71, LW:5*, Mj:51*, NME:46*, NT:35*, O:*, O:12, RC:*, RS:*+, RSUK:+*, RT:6, Sk:*, SLi:*, Sp:*, U:61*, UR:87*, V:+, WX:13, XSN:*; ap:+, so_d:7, v_ja:7, vg:+, vrt:14 -- A:78/37, RX:*, TH:**
- ScHoolboy Q: Blue Lips (Interscope) {60}: BB:25, BV:17, BV_r:3, Cl:39*, Cmp:10, CS:33, Em:6, Ex:31, Fld:29, HDX:*, HG:+, HV:+, LBF:22, NME:28, NPR:+, NR:44, Okp:+, P:52, Pf:*+, Qt:51, Rf:14, Ri:20, RS:68*, Sl:+, Spk:44*, SSt:+, TO:10, Up:+, Up_h:+; am:+*, bb_h:6, cs_r:6, hpo:+, hyb:++, n_ap:15, p_h:11, sg_r:2, vu:+, xjdc:*, xpb:+ -- A:81/8, TH:*
- Blood Incantation: Absolute Elsewhere (Century Media) {58}: AMG:*, Bc:+, BV:5, Cl:*, CS:9, Db:2, DiS:*, Ex:12, K:16*, MH:1*, MI:*, Ne:31*, NPR:+, NR:36, NT:30*, Oo:10, Pf:34*, PM:53, Pu:25, Qt:65, Sg:26, Spk:11, TO:11, Tr:4, U:*, Up:+, W:16; am:+*, ti:7 -- A:86/11, TH:*
- Brittany Howard: What Now (Island) {58}: AD:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Fld:9, G:+, Gl:++, GTV:*, HV:+, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:40*, MO:*, Ne:44*, NME:*+, O:*, Okp:+, P:80*, Pf:*+, PM:39, RC:*, Rf:9, RS:54, SC:+, Sl:50, Spk:30*, SSt:+, TL:11, Tr:17, U:35*, Up:+; am:*, bi:9, n_ap:14, ny_p:2, pi:8, so_k:18, ti:4, vu:+, ysp:* -- A:81/21, TH:**
- Yard Act: Where's My Utopia? (Island) {57}: AD:*, BV_i:27, Cl:*, CM:+, D:17*, DIY:*, DW:70, FO:42*, LBF:*, LQ:*, LW:75, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, NT:41*, O:*, Ov:*, P:*, PM:30+, RC:*, RSUK:+*, RT:10, Sk:*, SLi:*+, T:*, Tr:+, U:*, UR:21*, XCI:**, XJS:+; am:+*, xjao:+, xjdc:*, xpb:10, xsp:* -- A:83/26, MT:A-, RX:A-, TH:**
- Tyla: Tyla (Epic) {54}: 45:28*, AV:+, BB:13, Cl:15*, Cmp:37, Cmp_U:5, Cos:+, CS:+, Fa:37, G:28, GB:21, HDX:*, HV:+, LBF:*, NME:19*, NPR:+, Okp:+, Pf:22*, Qt:+, RA:16, RS:6*, SpL:**, Up:+, V:+, YW:62; am:+*, bi:6, hpo:+, odb:*, ra:*, vg:+, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:81/9, BT:B+, TH:**
- Vince Staples: Dark Times (Def Jam/Blacksmith) {53}: Al:+, Alt:12, AV:+, BB:30, BPM:35*, BV:+, BV_r:12, Cl:14*, Cmp:32, CS:36, Em:9, Ex:20*, Fld:18, HG:+, HV:+, LBF:*, Ne:29*, Okp:+, P:8, RS:75, RSh:19, Sl:*, Sg:+, SSt:+, T:*, Up:+, Up_h:+, XCI:**; bb_h:18, bi:19, cs_r:8, p_h:1, vu:+, xjdc:* -- A:81/8, TH:***
- Knocked Loose: You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To (Pure Noise) {52}: Alt:14, BV:16, C:27, Ch:12, CS:43, DiS:*, Ex:41, G:42*, K:1*, LBF:15*, MH:4*, MI:*, MSuk:*, Ne:7*, NME:27, P:54, Pf:*, Pu:2, Rf:18, RkS:3, Sk:*, Sp:*, Spk:12, Up:+; ap:+, ny_c:11 -- A:88/14
- Nia Archives: Silence Is Loud (Hijinxx/Island) {51}: 45:11, AD:*, Cl:59*, Cmp_U:15, D:8*, DIY:16*, DJM:+, Ex:+, Fld:42, G:15*, LW:15*, Ne:*, NME:4*, Okp:+, P:96, PW:26, RSUK:+*, RT:56, Sg:+, XCI:**; am:+*, ra:*, xjdc:*, xsp:* -- A:80/17, MT:A, TH:A-
- Ka: The Thief Next to Jesus (Iron Works) {51}: BPM:19, BV:48, BV_r:9, CM:23, Cmp:6, Em:49, Fa:12, HG:+, DW:25, Ne:5*, Okp:+, P:47, Pf:24*, PO:5, PW:2, Qt:83, Ri:13, Sg:18, Tr:42, Tu:25, W:14, XCI:*; atl:9, cs_r:15, p_h:8, tr_h:+, vu:3, xpb:+ -- A:86/2, TH:**
- The Paranoid Style: The Interrogator (Bar/None) {51}: DW:4, SpL:**, TL:15, XCI:**, XJS:1; js:1, vrt:3, xjao:+, xjc:6, xjdc:4*, xjdo:8, xme:7, xrw:9, xsp:*, xtj:9, xtw:1, xwb:1, ysp:* -- MT:A, RX:A, TH:A-
- Taylor Swift: The Tortured Poets Department (Republic) {51}: AD:*, Al:+*, BB:8, Ch:16, Cl:*, Cos:+, D:47, Ev:+, G:*, HP:31, I:19*, IT:*, LAT:2, LBF:*, O:*, PM:60*, RS:23*, STi:10, T:4*, TO:25, U:68, Up:+, UR:*, V:+, XCI:*; bi:5, e:+, ny_c:16, p:4, vrt:13, ysp:* -- A:71/28, RC:*, MT:**, RX:*, TH:A-
- Tierra Whack: World Wide Whack (Interscope) {51}: 45:9, AV:+, BV:+, Cl:*, CS:24, D:*, DS:9, DW:22, G:+, HDX:*, LBF:*, NME:*, O:*, PO:+, RS:*+, Sg:+, Sk:*, Sl:*, SpL:*, Up:+, Up_h:+, XCI:**, XJS:+; am:+*, cs_r:4, e:+, hpo:+, sg_r:7, ti:+, tr_h:+, xem:7, xjao:+, xjdc:*, xsp:*, xwb:8 -- A:78/16, RX:A-, TH:A-
- Chat Pile: Cool World (The Flenser) {50}: Blb:*, BPM:11*, BV:37, C:44, Ch:10, CS:19, Db:27, DiS:*, DW:20, Ex:7*, Fld:35, G:49, K:*, LBF:*, MH:*, MI:*, MSuk:*, Ne:25*, NT:6*, PM:75*, Pu:20, Sg:21, Spk:6*, Tr:1; ap:+, xjao:7 -- A:83/17, TH:**
- Maggie Rogers: Don't Forget Me (Capitol) {50}: 45:*, AD:*, Al:+, AV:22, BB:23, Ch:13, Cl:29*, D:16*, DIY:*, DW:+, Em:12, Ex:*, GQ:+, I:*, LBF:*, MO:*, NME:*, NT:*, P:*, PM:*, RC:*, Rf:29, RS:65, S:*, Sk:*, Sl:*, Sp:*, Up:+, XCI:**, XJS:+; am:*, xco:+, xjdc:*, xrw:+, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:80/23, MT:A-, TH:A-
- Mount Eerie: Night Palace (PW Elverum & Sun) {49}: BPM:17*, CS:26, DW:15, Ex:*, Fa:6, Fld:23, FO:*, GTV:24, LBF:*, Ne:14*, NT:22, P:73, Pf:7*, PM:32*, Ri:19, RS:*, SC:*, Sg:7, Sk:*, Sl:22, Sp:*, Spk:*, StL:45, Tr:18, U:*, UR:22*; am:+*, atl:1, ny_z:6 -- A:83/19, TH:*
- Gillian Welch/David Rawlings: Woodland (Acony) {48}: BPM:45, Gl:++, IT:*, LBF:34, Mj:4*, NPR:+, O:*, P:22*, Pf:*, PM:33*, RC:*, RS:28*, Sl:31, TL:5, Tr:27, U:2*, WM:7, WX:8; am:*, bv_f:+, g_e:1, tr_f:+, xjdc:*, ybw:8 -- A:82/11, TH:***
- Ariana Grande: Eternal Sunshine (Republic) {47}: 45:*, Al:+, BB:6, Cl:*, Cos:+, D:*, Em:10, Ev:*, G:24*, LAT:7, MO:46*, NME:24*, O:*, Pap:+, PM:63*, Rf:23, RS:8*, Spk:42, T:*, Up:+, V:+; am:+*, atw:+, e:+, cmp:+, p:8, v_sh:1, vg:+, xsp:* -- A:76/22, TH:**
- Johnny Blue Skies [aka Sturgill Simpson]: Passage Du Desir (High Top Mountain) {47}: AV:16, BPM:*, BV:18, CS:4, Fld:34, Gl:++, Mj:57*, NR:38, O:*, P:5*, Pf:*, PM:15, Rf:21, RS:24*, Sg:42, Sl:28*, Spk:*, TL:16, Tr:25, U:17*, Up:+; am:+*, bv_c:+, e:5, scm:*, sg_c:+ -- A:85/10, TH:**
- Kali Uchis: Orquídeas (Geffen) {47}: 45:40, AV:+, BB:11, Cl:48*, Cmp:49, Ev:*, Fld:45, G:22*, HV:+, KC:27, LBF:*, NME:*+, NPR:+, O:*, P:65*, Pap:+, Pf:36*, PM:*+, Rf:11, RS:96, Sk:*, Sl:17, SSt:+, TO:12, U:77, Up:+, V:+; am:+*, asp:+, ti:+, v_ja:10, xsp:* -- A:80/15, MT:B-, TH:A-
- Kacey Musgraves: Deeper Well (MCA Nashville) {45}: Al:+*, BB:12, Ch:30, Cos:+, CS:8, D:*, G:26, HP:32, I:*, IT:*, LAT:20, MO:*, P:*, Pap:+, PM:*+, S:+++, Sp:*, Spk:*, T:*, TL:10, U:*, V:+; hpo:+, p:5, v_cw:10, vg:+, xwb:9, ysp:* -- A:77/23, MT:**, TH:A-
- Bill Ryder-Jones: Iechyd Da (Domino) {44}: BV:44, BV_i:8, Cl:*, DIY:*, FO:1*, G:32*, GTV:29*, LBF:*, LW:63*, Mj:5*, MO:23*, NME:40*, Qt:22, RC:*, RT:19, Sk:*, Sp:*, Spk:*, U:16, WM:15; am:* -- A:88/17, TH:A-
- Geordie Greep: The New Sound (Rough Trade) {42}: D:28*, DIY:*, FO:*, Gl:++, LQ:6*, MO:*, Ne:6*, NT:4*, Qt:79, RC:*, RT:32, Sl:26*, Spk:7*, StL:6*, Tr:32, U:*, UR:19, WM:20; atw:+, xjao:3 -- A:83/17, TH:B
- Julia Holter: Something in the Room She Moves (Domino) {42}: AD:*, BPM:26*, Ex:*, Fa:35, FO:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:68*, MO:31*, Ne:33*, NT:48*, P:*, Pf:*+, Qt:+, RC:*, SC:*, Sg:+, Sk:*, SLi:*+, Sp:*, Spk:32, Tr:38, U:12*, UR:51, VF:5; am:+*, ra:*, vma:+ -- A:81/23, TH:*
- Floating Points: Cascade (Ninja Tune) {41}: Ex:46, FO:*, LBF:*, LI:81, Mj:63*, MO:11*, Ne:46*, O:*, O:13, Pf:*, RS:83, RT:54, Sg:32, Sl:36, Tr:5, U:46*, WM:16; am:+*, atl:4, bb_d:+, g_e:5, tr_e:+, xjdc:*, xpb:18 -- A:82/11, TH:A-
- Tems: Born in the Wild (RCA) {41}: BB:18, C:12, Cl:*, Cmp:14, Cmp_U:2, DW:82, Dz:19, EW:10, Fa:8, I:*, LAT:6, NME:41*, NPR:+, O:*, RS:37*, S:*, SSt:+, Up:+, V:+; am:*, bi:11, xpb:8 -- A:84/8, TH:A-
- Kneecap: Fine Art (Heavenly) {40}: AD:*, Alt:50, DIY:*, Fld:41, G:29, HP:2, IT:*, LBF:46, LI:69, LW:44, Mj:*, NME:13*, Pu:16, RT:26, Sk:4*, STi:5, StL:27, T:10, UR:52, XCI:*; vg:+ -- A:83/10, TH:A-
- Shabaka: Perceive Its Beauty, Acknowledge Its Grace (Impulse!) {40}: AD:*, Al:+*, BV:+, C:30, G:+, JC:+, LBF:*, LW:84*, Mj:12*, NR:41, NT:*, O:*, P:58, Pf:*+, S:*, Sk:*, SSt:+, StL:38, U:18*, WM:14; am:*, bv_j:+, g_e:4, jcm:+, jhs:26, jmmz:++, sg_j:+, vu:+ -- A:79/14, TH:**
- Jlin: Akoma (Planet Mu) {39}: C:49, DJM:+, DW:14, Ex:*, Pf:25*, PM:18*, PO:+, Qt:+, RA:23, Sk:*, Sl:44, SpL:**, Tr:10, U:57*, VF:15; am:*, bl:5, pf_e:+, ra:*, sg_e:6, sg_x:+, tr_e:+, xme:10 -- A:79/9, MT:***, TH:***
- Chelsea Wolfe: She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She (Loma Vista) {39}: Cl:*, CS:+, D:*, Ex:*, K:13*, LBF:*, LQ:*, MH:3, MO:*, Ne:8*, NR:39, P:100*, Pu:5, Qt:97, Qt:+, RC:*, Sk:*, Spk:9*, Tr:29; am:+*, ap:+, -- A:82/23, TH:**
- Mach-Hommy: #Richaxxhaitian (Mach-Hommy) {38}: BV:38, BV_r:7, CM:48, Cmp:26, G:36, GB:5, HG:+, Ne:43*, Okp:+, Pf:*, PW:11, Qt:58, Ri:23, Sg:49, Spk:17, SSt:+; cs_r:17, odb:*, p_h:4, tr_h:+, vu:2, xjdc:* -- A:80/2, MT:A-, TH:***
- Kim Deal: Nobody Loves You More (4AD) {37}: AV:13, BV_i:22, ClR:*, CS:50, DW:61, Fld:27, I:6, LI:28, Mg:16, Mj:6*, MO:32, NT:40, P:43, RC:*, TL:34, U:42*, XCI:**, YW:99; am:+, g_e:6, xjdc:8*, xwb:7 -- A:88/4, RX:**, TH:**
- Charles Lloyd: The Sky Will Still Be There Tomorrow (Blue Note) {36}: AAJ:+, G:*, JC:+, JW:2, LW:25*, Mj:29*, S:*, Sp:*, U:46*; am:+*, jcm:+, jfk:1, jgy:1, jhs:20, jmju:6, tms_j:+, xgm:8, xrt:+, xwb:+, yjsc:10, ysp:* -- A:93/7, TH:A-
- Bob Vylan: Humble as the Sun (Ghost Theatre) {36}: Cl:44*, ClR:*, DIY:*, GTV:14*, K:12*, LW:*+, MO:33*, NME:*, PO:+, RT:88, Sk:*, SLi:+, Sp:*, XCI:*, YW:5; ap:+, bb6:+, xjdc:* -- A:84/12, MT:A-, TH:A-
- Wussy: Cincinnati Ohio (Shake It) {36}: DW:62, Sg:50, XCI:**, XJS:2; dw:+, js:2, so_k:9, vgb:10, vrt:11, xem:5, xgm:4, xjdc:1*, xrw:4, xtj:3, xtw:4 -- RX:A, TH:***
- Rachel Chinouriri: What a Devastating Turn of Events (Elektra) {35}: 45:22, BB:44, Cl:*, Cos:+, D:32*, DIY:8*, Em:28, G:23, GTV:48, HP:41, LBF:*, NME:10*, O:*, P:84, RS:38, RSUK:+, Sk:*, STi:20, T:*, TO:16, V:+; bi:15, vu:7 -- A:82/10, TH:***
- Ducks Ltd.: Harm's Way (Carpark) {35}: BV_i:19, Ex:10*, Gl:+, Mg:7, NR:11*, NT:*+, P:21*, Sp:*, Up_h:20, UR:49*, YW:9; am:*, vgb:7, xpb:+ -- A:77/12, MT:A-, TH:**
- Mabe Fratti: Sentir Que No Sabes (Unheard of Hope) {35}: BPM:20*, C:8, Ex:*, FO:27*, G:12*, JC:+, LBF:43, LQ:3*, Mj:*, P:17, Pf:20*, RA:10, Sg:35, Sk:*, Tr:35, U:31* -- A:87/10, TH:**
- Nadine Shah: Filthy Underneath (EMI North) {34}: 45:19, AD:*, Cl:31*, D:*, DIY:*, Ev:*, FO:11*, IT:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:56*, MO:9*, NME:*, NR:33, NT:*, O:*, Ov:*, Qt:10, RC:*, Sk:*, U:60*; am:*, bb6:+ -- A:84/22, TH:*
- The Smile: Cutouts (XL) {34}: AV:*, BPM:48, Cl:*, DW:90, Ev:*, FO:*, I:*, IT:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mg:6, Mj:*, MO:42*, NME:*, O:*, Pf:*, RC:*, RT:4, S:+++, SC:*, U:*, UR:16*, XSN:* -- A:79/25, TH:*
- Still House Plants: If I Don't Make It, I Love U (Bison) {34}: Cl:25, DW:58, Ex:26*, G:14*, HV:+, Mj:*, P:72, Pf:15*, Qt:6, RT:83, Sk:10*, U:49, VF:9, W:5; bl:4, sg_x:+, vma:+, xjdc:* -- A:86/6, MT:B-, TH:B-
- JPEGMafia: I Lay Down My Life for You (AWAL) {33}: BV_r:13, Cl:54*, DW:83, K:*, LQ:8, Ms:21, Ne:13*, NPR:+, O:*, Sl:41, Spk:*, StL:4*; am:+, ec:+, o_e:2, p_h:14, ti:3, tr_h:+, xbw:+, xpb:16 -- A:78/9, TH:*
- Pet Shop Boys: Nonetheless (Parlophone) {33}: AD:*, Al:+*, Cl:*, D:*, G:21, GTV:*, I:*, LBF:*, LI:35, Mj:32*, MO:7*, NME:*, O:*, Qt:+, RC:*, RSh:17, T:*; am:*, xjao:8, xjdc:* -- A:81/15, MT:B+, TH:A-
- Claire Rousay: Sentiment (Thrill Jockey) {33}: Cl:*, FO:19*, G:27, LQ:9*, NPR:+, O:*, P:88*, PM:72*, RS:76, RSh:14, SC:*, Sg:+, Sk:*, RS:*, Tu:1, U:*, VF:30, W:50; ny_c:13, vu:+ -- A:80/13, TH:*
- Sleater-Kinney: Little Rope (Loma Vista) {33}: 45:37, Al:+, Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, DW:57, Ev:*, Fld:47, FO:*, K:*, LQ:*, Mj:*+, MO:*, NME:*, PM:*, RC:*, RS:99, T:*, UR:*, XCI:*, XJS:+; am:*, e:+, xjdc:*, xrw:7, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:77/27, MT:B+, RX:B+, TH:B
- Kamasi Washington: Fearless Movement (Young) {33}: Bc:+, Cl:*, G:+, JC:+, LBF:*, Mj:44*, NME:*, NT:26*, O:*, PM:*+, RC:*, Rf:8, RT:100, S:*, Sk:*, Sp:*, Spk:45*, SSt:+, U:62, UR:44*; am:*, atw:+, bv_j:+ -- A:82/20, TH:***
- The Lemon Twigs: A Dream Is All We Know (Captured Tracks) {32}: AV:+, ClR:23*, D:*, DIY:*, FO:14*, G:+, LI:44, LW:+, Mj:8*, Ne:39*, NME:*, NT:14, P:29, RC:*, RT:39, SC:14*, SLi:+, U:*, T:*, UR:60; ln:8, ysp:* -- A:79/18
- Carly Pearce: Hummingbird (Big Machine) {32}: BB:+, DW:84, TL:9, XCL:**, XJS:5; am:*, js:5, xbw:+, xjc:8, xjd:6, xjdc:*, xsp:*, xtj:10, ysp:* -- A:80/1, MT:A-, RX:A, TH:***
- LL Cool J: The Force (Def Jam) {31}: AD:*, AV:*, BV_r:18, Cmp:40, DW:3, HG:+, LAT:8, Mj:*, Okp:+, PW:25, Ri:21, Sg:47, XCI:**; am:*, sg_r:5, xbw:+, xhs:7, xjdc:*, xjdo:7, xpb:19 -- A:75/7, TH:A-
- Rosali: Bite Down (Merge) {31}: AV:24, Bc:+, BV:25, Ex:+, LBF:*, Mj:*, P:95*, PM:*, Rf:26, SC:*, Sg:+, U:34*, Up_h:6XCI:*; am:+*, bv_f:+, vjk:1, xjdc:*, xjdo:2 -- A:81/10, RX:A-, TH:B
- Rosie Tucker: Utopia Now! (Sentimental) {31}: DW:31, NPR:+, P:89, RS:67, RSh:6, Sg:+, SpL:**, XCI:**, XJS:+; xjd:5, xjdc:5*, xjdo:9, xsp:* -- MT:A-, RX:A-, TH:***
- Tucker Zimmerman: Dance of Love (4AD) {31}: DW:50, Mj:*, NT:20*, U:*, XCI:**, XJS:6; am:*, js:8, xeb:3, xem:2, xjc:5, xjdc:3*, xpb:+, xrw:3, xtw:7, yzp:9 -- A:82/6, TH:A-
- AG Cook: Britpop (New Alias) {30}: Cl:52*, D:23*, DIY:*, DW:51, Dz:12, Em:11, Ex:42, GQ:+, LBF:*, LIL:47, NME:*+, Rf:22, Sg:+, Sk:*, Sl:15*, TO:8; bb6+, vg:+, vu:+ -- A:87/9, TH:**
- Ezra Collective: Dance, No One's Watching (Partisan) {30}: AD:*, Cl:*, D:*, DJM:+, FO:17*, GQ:+, I:*, JC:+, KC:7, Mj:33*, MO:22*, NME:*, O:*, RC:*, RSUK:+, RT:14, T:*, Tu:29, U:*, VF:26; am:*, ec:+ -- A:84/13, TH:*
- Dua Lipa: Radical Optimism (Warner) {30}: 45:*, Al:+, BB:27, Ch:18, Cos:+, D:*, I:*, IT:*, LI:72, MO:42*, O:*, PM:49*, Sl:40*, T:*, Up:+; am:+, atw:+, vg:+, xjdc:*, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:70/25, MT:*, TH:A-
- Caribou: Honey (Merge/City Slang) {29}: AD:*, Bc:+, BV_i:24, Cl:*, DIY:*, Ex:5*, Fa:30, FO:*, LI:49, MO:*, RT:40, Tr:33, Tu:22, UR:48; am:*, bb_d:+, tr_e:+ -- A:71/16, TH:**
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor: No Title as of 13 February 2024 28,340 Dead (Constellation) {29}: BPM:44*, DiS:*, Em:22, Ex:37, Fld:39, FO:7*, LW:41, Mj:*, Ne:2, O:*, Pf:27, Pf_k:22, Sk:17*, StL:46, U:*; am:*, sg_x:+ -- A:77/13, TH:***
- Judas Priest: Invincible Shield (Columbia) {29}: Blb:*, ClR:2*, CS:45, Db:4, DiS:*, Gl:+, K:26*, MH:2*, MI:*, MO:*, Qt:80, RC:*, Sp:*, Spk:*, UCR:+, W:36; am:* -- A:83/14
- Mustafa: Dunya (Jagjaguwar) {29}: Al:*, Cl:*, Dz:6, Ex:4*, LBF:44, LI:29, NME:8, NPR:+, Okp:+, P:30, Pf:*, RS:30*, Sl:*, T:*, Tu:4; vu:5 -- A:79/8
- Beabadoobee: This Is How Tomorrow Moves (Dirty Hit) {28}: AD:*, Cl:*, DIY:15, I:*, IT:*, K:*, LBF:*, MO:*, NME:50*, O:*, P:*, PM:14*, RS:*, RT:69, Spk:*, STi:21, T:*, XCI:*; am:*, cdm:9, rx:+ -- A:77/25, TH:A-
- DIIV: Frog in Boiling Water (Fantasy) {28}: Cl:*, DIY:*, DW:64, FO:18*, HP:39, LAT:16, LI:46, NT:3*, PM:78, S:*, Sg:30, U:*, Up:+, Up_h:9, UR:29*; am:*, ap:+ -- A:77/17, TH:*
- Ekko Astral: Pink Balloons (Topshelf) {28}: Alt:7, BV:30, DW:75, Fld:38, KC:15, NPR:+, NT:*, P:83*, Pf:*, Pf_k:1, SC:*, Up:+, YW:10; ap:+, xpb:14 -- A:83/4, TH:***
- Elucid: Revelator (Fat Possum) {28}: Bc:+, BV:33, BV_r:6C:29, HG:+, Mj:*, NR:50, Okp:+, PW:32, RS:66, StL:26, Tr:6, YW:30; am:+*, ny_p:8, p_h:15, so_k:4, tr_h:+ -- A:77/4, TH:A-
- Chief Keef: Almighty So 2 (43B) {27}: AV:+, Cmp:18, DJM:+, Dz:18, G:+, HV:+, P:37, Pf:49*, RS:33*, Sg:15, Sl:27, SpL:*, Up:+, Up_h:+; am:*, n_ap:11, p_h:13, sg_r:+, vu:+ -- A:79/4, TH:***
- The Hard Quartet: The Hard Quartet (Matador) {27}: AV:25, BV_i:18, Cl:*, ClR:*, G:*, Gl:++, LAT:19, LBF:*, Mg:8, Mj:69*, NT:50*, RC:*, RS:84, RSh:18, U:*, Up_h:18; xjdc:* -- A:77/15, TH:*
- Fabiana Palladino: Fabiana Palladino (Paul Institute/XL) {27}: AD:*, C:37, Cl:13, Fa:24, G:17*, GQ:+, HP:45, LBF:*, LI:14, MO:17*, NPR:+, P:33*, RT:20, Tr:44; am:*, vg:+ -- A:83/6, TH:***
- Sheer Mag: Playing Favorites (Third Man) {27}: 45:42, DIY:*, DW:6, Ex:*, G:*+, Gl:++, LQ:*, Mj:*, P:*, S:46*, Sl:*, Tr:+, U:*, XCI:**; am:*, atw:+, xjao:10, xjdo:10, xsp:* -- A:79/15, TH:**
- Shellac: To All Trains (Touch and Go) {27}: Cl:*, CS:40, Ex:+, FO:34*, K:*, LI:48, LW:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:11, Qt:11, S:*, SC:*, Sg:+, Spk:*, U:37, W:17; am:*, so_d:9, so_k:20, ti:+, xjdc:* -- A:85/9, MT:**
- This Is Lorelei: Box for Buddy, Box for Star (Double Double Whammy) {27}: Alt:13, BV:11, DW:47, Fa:32, NR:20, NT:23*, P:25*, Pf:39, RS:69, Sg:13, Up_h:8, UR:57*, XCI:*; ap:+, xme:2 -- A:84/4, TH:**
- Heems & Lapgan: Lafandar (Veena Sounds) {26}: BV_r:16, DW:77, HDX:*, HG:+, NR:14, PO:+, Sg:+, SpL:*, XCI:**; xem:8, xjdc:*, xpb:+, xsp:*, xtw:8 -- A:78/2, RX:A-, TH:A
- David Murray Quartet: Francesca (Intakt) {26}: CM:49, JC:+, JW:6; jhs:2, jfk:4, jgy:2, jmju:8, ny_s:2, xde:4, yjsc:9, ysp:* -- RX:A-, TH:A-
- Wunderhorse: Midas (Communion) {26}: D:7*, DIY:7*, FO:16*, GTV:19*, HP:13, NME:47*, RSUK:+*, RT:*, Sk:20, T:9 -- A:83/7
- Being Dead: Eels (Bayonet) {25}: FO:*, GB:3, LBF:*, NR:23, NT:32*, P:46*, Pf:38*, PM:17*, Up:+, UR:82*, XCI:*; am:+*, ap:+, atw:+, xpb:+ -- A:85/8
- Hinds: Viva Hinds (Lucky Number) {25}: D:*, DIY:*, I:15, LBF:42*, Mj:*, MO:*, NT:*, RS:81*, RT:55, Sk:*, StL:*, U:*, UR:47*, XCI:**; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:80/15, TH:A-
- Les Amazones d'Afrique: Musow Danse (Real World) {25}: AD:*, DW:59, GTV:*, HV:+, Mj:*, NR:47, PM:13*, RS:*+, U:*, XCI:**; xjdc:*, xme:9, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:78/9, RX:A-, TH:***
- Pearl Jam: Dark Matter (Republic) {25}: AD:*, Al:+, BB:+, Cl:*, ClR:6*, I:*, IT:*, K:40*, LW:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, Rf:33, RS:*+, S:*, Sp:*, T:*, U:*, UCR:+; am:* -- A:82/25
- Patricia Brennan Septet: Breaking Stretch (Pyroclastic) {24}: CM:6, JC:+, NPR:+, PO:+, SpL:**; jgy:3, jhs:6, jjc:1, jmju:3, jmmz:++, ny_s:6, sg_j:+ -- TH:A-
- Bring Me the Horizon: Post Human: Nex Gen (Sony) {24}: Cl:57*, D:*, DiS:*, G:*+, K:2*, MH:17, NME:49*, Pu:10, RkS:5, RSUK:*; ap:+ -- A:77/9
- Zach Bryan: The Great American Bar Scene (Belting Bronco/Warner) {24}: Al:+, BB:24, BV:14, Ch:21, CS:42, Ne:*, Rf:35, RS:12*, TL:21, XCI:**; bv_c:+, ny_c:14, scm:*, xtw:10, xwb:+ -- A:72/6, MT:B+, TH:**
- Confidence Man: 3AM (La La La) (Chaos/Polydor) {24}: CE:9, Cl:37*, D:11*, Ev:+, FO:*, G:*, GTV:41, MO:10*, NME:*, RSUK:*, UR:41; am:*, bb_d:+ -- A:83/12, TH:***
- Fox Green: Light Darkness (self-released) {24}: CM:+, DW:67, PO:+, SpL:**, XCI:**, XJS:18; xbw:+, xjdc:9* -- MT:A-, RX:A-, TH:A-
- Gouge Away: Deep Sage (Deathwish) {24}: BV:15, Ch:20, Cl:*, DW:2, FO:*, NR:31, Pf_k:18, PM:36*, Ri:27, Sg:14, TR:23; ap:+, sg_hc:3 -- A:77/5, TH:**
- Mary Halvorson: Cloudward (Nonesuch) {24}: AAJ:+, CM:11, G:*, JC:+, JW:4, Mj:*, PM:35*, Qt:40, Sg:+, Tr:+, U:*; am:*, jhs:21, jjc:6, jmju:4, xde:7, ysp:* -- A:81/7, TH:**
- Faye Webster: Underdressed at the Symphony (Secretly Canadian) {24}: AV:23, Cos:+, CS:+, Ev:*, Ex:*, FO:*, KC:29, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NT:*, O:*, RC:*, RS:34*, S:*, Sl:*, Sp:*, U:*, Up:+, UR:53; am:*, atw:+ -- A:79/22, TH:*
- Remi Wolf: Big Ideas (Island) {24}: 45:26, BB:35, C:*, Cl:*, CS:23, D:13*, DIY:19*, Ex:48*, Ne:*, NME:*, NT:*, NPR:+, Rf:31, S:23*, SC:*, Sl:23; am:*, vg:+ -- A:82/15
- Madi Diaz: Weird Faith (Anti-) {23}: 45:*, Al:+, DIY:*, Ex:*, Fld:36, GTV:*, NPR:+, NT:*, P:*, PM:41, Sg:41, U:*, XCI:*; am:* -- A:79/13, MT:A, TH:A-
- Green Day: Saviors (Reprise) {23}: Blb:*, Ch:7, ClR:32*, DiS:*, DIY:*, Em:24, Ev:*, FO:*, K:9*, Mj:*, NME:*, RkS:15, Sk:*, Sp:*; ap:+, rx:+ -- A:72/28
- Helado Negro: Phasor (4AD) {23}: AD:*, Bc:+, BPM:*, BV:+, Cl:22, Ex:*, FO:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NT:*, O:*, Pf:47*, Pf_k:27, Qt:75, RS:62, U:*; am:*, asp:+, n_ap:12, ny_z:7 -- A:81/14, TH:**
- Liquid Mike: Paul Bunyan's Slingshot (self-released) {23}: Alt:6, CS:32, HV:+, NR:30, NT:*, P:*, RS:78*, S:*, Sg:+, SpL:*, Tr:47, Up_h:5, XCI:*; xjdc:* -- A:81/5, TH:**
- Touché Amoré: Spiral in a Straight Line (Rise) {23}: Ch:2, D:*, DiS:*, DIY:*, Fld:49, GTV:*, LBF:*, MH:30*, NT:18*, PM:*, Pu:15, RI:14, RkS:22, Tr:36; ap:+ -- A:80/14
- Friko: Where We've Been, Where We Go From Here (ATO) {22}: AV:15, NR:3*, NT:37*, P:4*, Pf_k:8, S:*, Sl:37, Up_h:13; am:* -- A:84/7
- Future & Metro Boomin: We Don't Trust You (Epic/Freebandz/Republic Boominati Worldwide) {22}: BB:14, Cmp:3, Ex:40, Okp:+, Ri:15, RS:7, Sg:++, Up:+, Up_h:+; bb_h:2, ny_c:6 -- A:62/6, TH:**
- Marika Hackman: Big Sigh (Chrysalis) {22}: 45:31, BV_i:38, Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, FO:*, GTV:*, IT:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, PM:58, RT:35, Sp:*, U:*; am:* -- A:79/24, TH:**
- MGMT: Loss of Life (Mom+Pop) {22}: D:*, DIY:*, G:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, LI:26, Mj:*, MO:*, Ne:20*, NME:*, RC:*, RT:93, SC:*+, Sg:+, Sk:*, Sl:*, U:*, UR:84*, XSN:* -- A:77/29
- Jeff Parker ETA IVtet: The Way Out of Easy (International Anthem) {22}: JC:+, Mj:*, O:*, Pf:*, PO:9, PW:5, SC:*, U:*; am:*, bv_j:+, jhs:11, jmmz:++ -- A:82/6, TH:A-
- Yaya Bey: Ten Fold (Big Dada) {21}: Cl:43*, DW:54, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, Okp:+, P:35, Pf:*+, Qt:+, S:*, SSt:+, TO:21; am:+*, odb:* -- A:85/8, MT:C+, TH:***
- John Cale: POPtical Illusion (Domino) {21}: AD:*, FO:*, G:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, LW:20, Mj:28*, MO:*, RC:*, RS:57*, S:*, StL:*, U:21*; am:* -- A:82/18, TH:***
- Fievel Is Glauque: Rong Weicknes (Fat Possum) {21}: G:*, GB:37, Mj:*, NT:*, P:62*, Pf:32*, Qt:47, StL:7*, Tu:20, U:56*, W:30; xjao:5 -- A:79/8, TH:*
- Foxing: Foxing (Grand Paradise) {21}: Alt:29, BPM:24, BV:24, Ch:3, LBF:*, PM:*, Pu:7, SC:15*, Spk:5*, UR:* -- A:86/6
- Future Islands: People Who Aren't There Anymore (4AD) {21}: Cl:*, CS:+, DIY:*, Em:35, Ex:*, G:*+, LQ:*, MO:*, Ne:45*, NT:*, P:*, PM:*+, SC:*, Sk:*, Sp:*, UR:38* -- A:75/24, TH:*
- GloRilla: Glorious (CMG/Interscope) {21}: BB:40, BV:41, BV_r:5, Cmp:15, NPR:+, Okp:+, PW:38, RS:25, Up:+; am:*, bb_h:5, hpo:+, hyb:++ -- A:67/6, TH:**
- Michael Kiwanuka: Small Changes (Polydor) {21}: Al:+, FO:35, GTV:9*, LI:94, Mg:17, Mj:42*, RC:*, TL:19, U:*, UR:35, WM:17, WX:11; so_k:12 -- A:83/4
- Leyla McCalla: Sun Without the Heat (Anti-) {21}: Mj:38*, O:*, PM:*, S:*, SLi:*, U:80*, XCI:**; sg_c:+, xsp:*, ysp:* -- A:84/6, MT:A-, TH:A-
- The Messthetics/James Brandon Lewis: The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (Impulse!) {21}: CM:44, JC:+, LW:*, Mg:21, Mj:*, P:23, S:*, Tr:+, XCI:*; bv_j:+, jhs:5 , ny_s:5, xjdc:*, ybw:11, ysp:* -- A:81/5, RX:**, TH:***
- Swamp Dogg: Blackgrass: From West Virginia to 125th St (Oh Boy) {21}: DW:52, Mj:*, PM:*, PO:+, U:*, XCI:*, XJS:+; am:*, xhs:+, ysp:* -- A:81/5, MT:***, RX:A-, TH:***
- أحمد [Ahmed]: Giant Beauty (Fönstret) {21}: CM:5, JC:+, JW:8, PO:4, W:1 -- TH:A-
- Laurie Anderson: Amelia (Nonesuch) {20}: AD:*, Cl:*, DW:41, PM:77*, RC:*, S:*, SC:*, U:72*, W:34; xgm:10 -- A:78/12, RX:A-, TH:A-
- Elbow: Audio Vertigo (Polydor) {20}: AD:*, Al:+, BV_i:14, Cl:*, ClR:*, G:*, Gl:+, IT:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NT:*, PM:38*, RC:*, Sp:*, U:*, UR:23*; ysp:* -- A:84/18, TH:B
- Fat Dog: Woof. (Domino) {20}: Cl:*, D:44*, DIY:18*, Gl:+, LBF:*, LI:40, LW:30, NME:*, NR:16, NT:*, RT:49, Sk:*, StL:21*; am:+* -- A:73/22
- Sierra Ferrell: Trail of Flowers (Rounder) {20}: PM:25, RS:60, S:*, TL:2, V:+; am:*, bv_c:+, e:+, sg_c:+, v_cw:5, xco:5, ysp:* -- A:79/3, TH:***
- Four Tet: Three (Text) {20}: BV:+, BV_i:39, Cl:42*, DW:46, Ex:38*, HV:+, Sg:38, Tr:+; bb_d:+, ra:*, xjdc:* -- A:73/8, MT:**, RX:**, TH:***
- High Vis: Guided Tour (Dais) {20}: BV:26, BV_i:17, DIY:*, K:5*, Pf_k:29, PM:73, Ri:26, RSUK:+, RT:51, Sg:36; ap:+, sg_hc:1 -- A:79/4, TH:*
- Kaytranada: Timeless (RCA) {20}: Al:+, BB:37, Cl:*, DJ:4, DJM:+, Em:38, Ex:*, NME:*, NPR:+, O:*, RS:40, S:*; bb_d:+, bi:20 -- A:76/9, TH:***
- Porridge Radio: Clouds in the Sky They Will Always Be There for Me (Secretly Canadian) {20}: D:*, DIY:*, G:*, LBF:*, Mg:1, Mj:*, NME:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:26, Ri:16, Sk:*, U:*, UR:79, VF:27; am;* -- A:80/13
- Chappell Roan: The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess (Amusement/Island -23) {20}: PO:3, TL:3, TO:2; xhs:8, xjdo:1, xme:4, xwv:3 -- TH:[A-]
- Soccer Mommy: Evergreen (Loma Vista) {20}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, K:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NT:*, PM:*, RC:*, RS:39*, Sk:*, Sp:*, U:*, UR:74, XSN:*; ap:+, vrt:12, xjdc:* -- A:80/21, TH:*
- Astrid Sonne: Great Doubt (Escho) {20}: C:31, DW:81, G:*+, GB:18, P:27, Pf:9, PW:33, RA:4, VF:3; vg:+ -- A:79/2
- Mary Timony: Untame the Tiger (Merge) {20}: DIY:*, LW:38, Mg:22, PM:43*, S:*, SC:+, Sl:42*, U:*, UR:93, W:21; am:*, so_d:1, so_k:2, ysp:*, yzp:7 -- A:76/14, TH:B
- Rafael Toral: Spectral Evolution (Moikai) {20}: Bc:+, Fa:22, Mj:*, Pf:14*, Qt:7, SC:*+, U:*, W:2; sg_x:1 -- A:86/4, TH:*
- Wild Pink: Dulling the Horns (Fire Talk) {20}: Alt:5, CS:11, NT:44*, P:9*, PM:46*, Sg:17, Spk:*, Up_h:16, UR:68; vg:+ -- A:79/6
- David Gilmour: Luck and Strange (Sony) {19}: ClR:3, FO:*, Gl:++, I:*, IT:*, Mj:18*, MO:47*, RC:*, Sp:*, T:*, U:48*; am:* -- A:81/12
- Vijay Iyer: Compassion (ECM) {19}: IT:*, JC:+, NPR:+, Pf:*, PM:*, SC:*, Spk:49, YW:35; am:*, bv_j:+, jmmz:+, wp:7, xtw:3, yjsc:1 -- A:82/6, TH:***
- Justice: Hyperdrama (Because Music) {19}: BB:28, KC:1, LI:7, MO:*, NME:*, RT:94, Sk:*, U:*, Up:+, V:+; bb_d:+, ra:*, v_sh:9 -- A:68/20
- Khruangbin: A La Sala (Dead Oceans) {19}: AD:*, AS:*, Cl:*, Ex:*, FO:*, LI:23, Mj:66, MO:*, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, Ov:*, PM:67, S:*, Sk:*, Up:+, UR:66, WX:15 -- A:74/23
- The Libertines: All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanada (Casablanca/Republic) {19}: AD:*, Cl:40*, ClR:*, DiS:*, FO:*, I:*, LI:21, Mj:*, NME:*, RSUK:+*, StL:*, XCI:*, XSN:*; rx:+, xjdc:* -- A:74/21, RX:**, TH:B
- The Linda Lindas: No Obligation (Epitaph) {19}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, G:*, K:49*, NME:*, PM:*, RkS:21, RS:*, Sk:*, UR:70*; am:* -- A:79/15, RX:B+, TH:**
- Linkin Park: From Zero (Machine Shop/Warner) {19}: AD:*, Blb:*, D:*, G:*, I:*, K:7*, MH:*, MI:*, MO:*, RkS:4, T:*; ap:+, rx:+ -- A:75/16
- Los Campesinos!: All Hell (Heart Swells) {19}: BPM:23*, Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, G:48, GTV:44, LBF:40, Pf:*, PM:48, RSUK:+, SC:*, Sg:10, Sk:*, Spk:*, VF:36 -- A:85/10
- Roc Marciano: Marciology (Marci Enterprises) {19}: BV:+, BV_r:11, DJM:+, DW:73, HDX:*, HG:+, Okp:+, Pf:*, Qt:33, RS:*+, SSt:+, Tr:+; odb:*, sg_r:3, tr_h:+ -- A:80/3, TH:*
- Moor Mother: The Great Bailout (Anti-) {19}: BPM:*, Ex:*, JC:+, LW:45, Mj:*, Ne:32*, NT:*, P:*, SC:*, Tr:+, U:*, VF:28, W:4; am:*, ra:* -- A:81/12, TH:*
- Rapsody: Please Don't Cry (Jamla/Roc Nation) {19}: Al:+, BV_r:15, Cl:*, Cmp:25, HG:+, Pf:*, SSt:+, Up:+, Up_h:+; bb_h:13, cs_r:12, odb:*, p_h:3, ti:8, xjdc:* -- A:74/3, TH:**
- Sumac: The Healer (Thrill Jockey) {19}: AMG:*, BV:36, DiS:*, DW:68, Ex:33, LW:*, MH:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:13, PM:26*, Spk:16, Tr:8; pm_m:18, sg_x:+ -- A:79/9
- Arab Strap: I'm Totally Fine With It 👍 Don't Give a Fuck Anymore 👍 (Rock Action) {18}: Cl:*, IT:*, LW:97*, Mj:*, MO:*, NR:46*, Pf_k:12, PM:*, Qt:+, RC:*, RSUK:+, U:70*, UR:99* -- A:81/14
- Willi Carlisle: Critterland (Signature Sounds) {18}: BPM:33, P:39, PM:*, Sg:48, Sl:12*, TL:37, XCI:**; bv_c:+, xjdc:*, xwv:1, ysp:* -- A:82/3, TH:**
- Empress Of: For Your Consideration (Major Arcana/Giant) {18}: AV:21, BPM:49, Cl:40*, D:*, DIY:*, G:38, P:93, Pf:*, Sk:*, Sl:21*, Tu:14; bi:14, v_ja:6 -- A:84/7, TH:**
- Halsey: The Great Impersonator (Columbia) {18}: AD:*, BPM:*, Cl:*, D:*, K:*, NME:39*, PM:*, RS:42*; am:*, atw:+, bi:10, v_cw:8 -- A:72/16, TH:A-
- Milton Nascimento/Esperanza Spalding: Milton + Esperanza (Concord) {18}: G:*, IT:*, JC:+, JW:3, Mj:*, U:*, W:33; am:+*, jcm:+, jmmz:+, jnj:+, vma:+ -- A:77/9, TH:**
- Willie Nelson: The Border (Legacy) {18}: AD:*, BB:+, Mj:*, MO:*, SC:*, U:33*, XCI:**; xeb:8, xjdc:* -- A:79/6, RX:***, TH:A-
- Amy Rigby: Hang in There With Me (Tapete) {18}: LW:91*, Mj:*, RC:*, U:*, XJS:+, YW:38; am:*, xde:2, xvw:10 -- A:84/5, RX:***, TH:A-
- Sophie: Sophie (Transgressive) {18}: DJM:+, LBF:31*, MO:*, O:*, RC:*, RS:*, RT:1; am:*, bb_d:+, bl:10, g_e:8 -- A:69/19, TH:**
- Thou: Umbilical (Sacred Bones) {18}: AMG:*, BV:31, DiS:*, Fld:44, G:*+, K:*, LW:*+, MH:33*, MI:*, P:59, Qt:78, Spk:47*, Tr:15 -- A:85/10
- Tindersticks: Soft Tissue (Lucky Dog/City Slang) {18}: BV_i:3, ClR:*, G:*, LI:56, Mj:73*, MO:36*, RC:*, RT:34, SC:*, U:65*, UR:72; am:* -- A:79/10
- Jane Weaver: Love in Constant Spectacle (Fire) {18}: AD:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, LW:35, Mj:9*, MO:*, PM:61*, Qt:38, RC:*, RT:31, U:*; am:*, ti:+ -- A:80/10
- X: Smoke & Fiction (Fat Possum) {18}: GTV:*, K:50*, LW:62, Mj:*, P:*, PO:+, UR:*, YW:96; am:*, pi:15, so_d:19, vrt:17, xjdc:*, xrw:5, xwb:6 -- A:77/11, TH:*
- The Black Crowes: Happiness Bastards (Silver Arrow) {17}: Al:+*, ClR:1*, Mj:43*, RC:*, RS:*+, Sp:*, U:*, UCR:+; am:* -- A:79/12
- Naima Bock: Below a Massive Dark Land (Sub Pop) {17}: Cl:*, Ex:45, Fa:29, FO:*, LBF:*, Mj:58*, NT:*, RC:*, StL:11*, U:*, UR:91; am:*, bb6:+, bv_f:+ -- A:83/9
- Erika de Casier: Still (4AD) {17}: AV:+, C:*, CS:+, Ex:+, GB:36, Pf:40, PW:9, Sg:20, Sl:*, SMH:+++, Tr:+; vg:+ -- A:70/8
- Cavalier: Different Type Time (Backwoodz Studioz) {17}: BV_r:20, Fa:46, HG:+, Okp:+, P:67, Pf:*+, PW:13, Ri:25, RS:87, SSt:+; odb:*, p_h:+ -- A:75/2, TH:**
- Common & Pete Rock: The Auditorium Vol. I (Loma Vista) {17}: Al:*+, Cl:*, Em:32, HG:+, Mj:37*, Okp:+, RS:98, Up:+; am:+, bb_h:11, tr_h:+, vma:+ -- A:80/5, TH:***
- Bruce Dickinson: The Mandrake Project (BMG) {17}: Blb:*, ClR:4*, DiS:*, K:45*:MH:5*, MI:*, RC:*, UCR:+ -- A:77/12
- Kahil El'Zabar's Ethnic Heritage Ensemble: Open Me, a Higher Consciousness of Sound and Spirit (Spiritmuse) {17}: CE:2, JC:+, Mj:*, O:*, PO:+, PW:44; jcm:+, jfk:2, ysp:* -- A:80/2TH:A-
- John Grant: The Art of the Lie (Bella Union) {17}: AD:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, GTV:32*, IT:*, LBF:*, Mj:11*, O:*, RC:*, RT:58, U:*, UR:27; am:+* -- A:82/13
- Ice Spice: Y2K! (10K/Capitol/Dolo) {17}: BV_r:21, DW:8, I:*, O:*, RS:73, XCI:*; wp:9, xjdc:* -- A:61/16, MT:A-, TH:***
- The Jesus and Mary Chain: Glasgow Eyes (Fuzz Club) {17}: AD:*, ClR:*, LI:38, LW:22, Mj:48*, RC:*, RT:65, Sp:*, U:63*, UR:75*, XNS:*; xjao:6 -- A:75/22, TH:**
- Lime Garden: One More Thing (So Young) {17}: 45:41*, D:24*, DIY:*, FO:39*, GTV:10*, Mj:*, NME:*, Ov:*, SLi:20* -- A:81/13
- Corb Lund: El Viejo (New West) {17}: PO:1, XCI:*; sg_c:+, xem:4, xhs:5, xpb:7, xrt:++, ysp:* -- TH:***
- Mount Kimbie: The Sunset Violent (Warp) {17}: BV_i:40, C:28*, Cl:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, MO:*, NR:24, NT:*, Ov:*, P:*, RT:43, SC:+, VF:18; bb6:+, ra:* -- A:79/13
- Old 97's: American Primitive (ATO) {17}: RS:*, TL:17, XCI:**, XJS:+; am:*, xeb:10, xjdc:*, xsp:* -- A:73/4, MT:**, RX:A-, TH:*
- Wadada Leo Smith & Amina Claudine Myers: Central Park's Mosaics of Reservoir, Lake, Paths and Gardens (Red Hook) {17}: CM:14, G:+, JC:+, JW:9, U:78; jhs:15, jfk:3, jjc:4, sg_j:+, yjsc:3 -- A:74/1, TH:*
- Linda Thompson: Proxy Music (Storysound) {17}: AD:*, IT:*, Mj:*, MO:*, RC:*, T:*, TL:35, U:58*; am:*, xpb:17, xsp:+, ysp:* -- A:81/12, MT:B-, RX:***, TH:*
- Immanuel Wilkins: Blues Blood (Blue Note) {17}: G:*, JC:+, JW:16, NPR:+, S:+++; am:+*, jgy:5, jjc:3, jmmz:+ -- A:70/3, TH:**
- Kathryn Williams & Withered Hand: Willson Williams (One Little Independent) {17}: SpL:*, XCI:**, XJS:17; xde:6, xeb:4, xjdc:* -- MT:B+, RX:A-, TH:*
- Allie X: Girl With No Face (Twin Music) {16}: Alt:36, AV:+, BV:+, Cos:+, DIY:*, LBF:*, NT:*, Rf:15, RS:91, RT:61, SC:+; am:* -- A:79/10, TH:***
- Thomas Anderson: Hello, I'm From the Future (Out There) {16}: SpL:**, XJS:9; js:9, xsp:*, xwb:+ -- RX:A-, TH:A-
- Denzel Curry: King of the Mischievous South Vol. 2 (PH/Loma Vista) {16}: BPM:*, Cmp:47, Fld:8, K:27, Ne:23*, RT:28, Tr:20, Up:+; cs_r:7, tr_h:+ -- A:70/10, TH:**
- Amaro Freitas: Y'Y (Psychic Hotline) {16}: Bc:+, Cl:*, G:*, JC:+, Mj:*, P:79, Pf:*, PO:+, SpL:**, U:*; am:+*, jmmz:+ -- A:84/6, TH:**
- Future & Metro Boomin: We Still Don't Trust You (Epic/Freebandz/Republic/Boominati Worldwide) {16}: Ex:40, Cmp:13, Okp:+, PW:10, Ri:15, Sg:++, Up:+, Up_h:+ -- TH:**
- James Brandon Lewis Quartet: Transfiguration (Intakt) {16}: CM:15, IT:*, JC:+, JW:5, O:*, PM:*+; ysp:* -- TH:A-
- Kali Malone: All Life Long (Ideologic Organ) {16}: G:*, LI:52, LQ:*, LW:43, Mj:*, O:*, Pf:*+, Qt:+, Sk:*, U:*, W:24; ra:*, s_t:+, sg_x:+ -- A:79/9, TH:*
- MIKE & Tony Seltzer: Pinball (10k) {16}: C:40, CS:30, Ex:44, P:44, Pf:*, Qt:60, Sl:24, Spk:36, Tr:+, Up_h:+; cmp:+, cs_r:5, p_h:5 -- A:80/1, TH:*
- Opeth: The Last Will and Testament (Reigning Phoenix) {16}: AMG:*, Blb:*, ClR:40*, CS:37, MH:6*, MI:*, PM:*, Spk:31, WM:13; am:+* -- A:84/10
- Christopher Owens: I Wanna Run Barefoot Through Your Hair (True Panther) {16}: DIY:*, Fa:11, FO:48, LI:42, NR:45*, NT:1*, U:44*; am:+ -- A:88/4
- Gruff Rhys: Sadness Sets Me Free (Rough Trade) {16}: AD:*, FO:*, IT:*, LW:*, Mj:21*, MO:29*, O:*, NT:*, RC:*, Spk:*, U:*, UR:95; am:*, ysp:* -- A:81/14, TH:B
- Ride: Interplay (Wichita) {16}: AD:*, BV_i:26, Cl:*, FO:*, HP:43, LI:62, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, RC:*, U:*, UR:18*, XSN:* -- A:78/17, TH:*
- Matthew Shipp Trio: New Concepts in Piano Trio Jazz (ESP-Disk) {16}: JC:+; am:+, jfk:6, jgy:8, jmc:3, jmmz:++, sg_j:+, yjsc:5, ysp:* -- TH:A-
- Chris Smither: All About the Bones (Signature Sounds) {16}: XCI:**, XJS:+; xde:3, xjdc:10*, ysp:* -- RX:A-, TH:A-
- Alan Sparhawk: White Roses, My God (Sub Pop) {16}: AD:*, Cl:*, Ex:*, LBF:29, LI:61, Mj:*, O:*, Pf:*, Qt:72, RC:*, SC:*, Sl:*, NT:*, U:22*, UR:* -- A:81/15
- Ayra Starr: The Year I Turned 21 (Mavin Global Holdings) {16}: BB:+, Cl:*, Cmp:12, Cmp_U:6, Fa:20, NME:*, O:*, RS:53, Up:+; am:* -- A:83/5, TH:**
- Wishy: Triple Seven (Winspear) {16}: Alt:23, CS:46, MO:*, NME:*, P:50*, Sg:11, Spk:*, Up_h:15; am:*, ap:+, atw:+, vgb:3 -- A:77/8
- 1010Benja: Ten Total (Three Six Zero) {15}: Okp:+, P:75, Pf:*+, Up:+; vu:+, xsp:* -- A:86/1, MT:A-, TH:A-
- Gracie Abrams: The Secret of Us (Interscope) {15}: 45:14, Al:+, BB:16, Ch:28, Cos:+, D:*, HP:48, NME:*, PM:*, RS:*, T:*; hpo:+, vg:+ -- A:72/12
- Bad Moves: Wearing Out the Refrain (Don Giovanni) {15}: DW:33, XJS:12; vgb:1, xbw:+, xjdc:* -- RX:A-, TH:***
- The Chisel: What a Fucking Nightmare (Pure Noise) {15}: AV:+, Blb:*, ClR:*, DiS:*, DW:13, K:*, Ne:35*, Pu:19, Sg:+, U:*; xjdc:* -- A:73/7, TH:*
- Grandaddy: Blu Wav (Dangerbird) {15}: G:*, Mg:24, Mj:*, MO:*, NT:*, Pf:*+, RC:*, SC:*, Sk:*, U:40*, UR:94*; so_d:14, xjdc:* -- A:76/16, TH:B
- Hermanos Gutiérrez: Sonido Cósmico (Easy Eye Sound) {15}: Cl:*, Em:30, Mj:62*, PM:*+, RT:77, SC:*, U:*, V:+; am:* -- A:82/6, TH:A-
- High on Fire: Cometh the Storm (MNRK) {15}: BV:45, CS:15, Db:34, DiS:*, DW:9, K:*, MI:*, MH:29*, MSuk:*, Ne:*, SpL:* -- A:77/11
- Hovvdy: Hovvdy (Arts & Crafts) {15}: CS:31, Ex:*, LBF:*, NR:43, NT:*, P:61*, Pf:*+, S:*, Sg:33, Up:+; am:*, atw:+, vg:+ -- A:82/8, TH:*
- The Jesus Lizard: Rack (Ipecac) {15}: Cl:*, ClR:*, CM:+, DiS:*, FO:*, LW:29, Mj:*, O:*, Pf_k:17, PM:*, RC:*, SC:*, UR:*; so_k:13 -- A:83/11
- Loidis: One Day (Incienso) {15}: DJM:+, DW:69, Pf:42, RA:1; pf_e:+, sg_e:4, tr_e:+ -- A:79/2, TH:***
- Lupe Fiasco: Samurai (1st and 15th Too) {15}: Cl:*, Fld:43, HG:+, Ne:42*, Okp:+, Spk:29*, XCI:*; xjdc:* -- A:81/4, RX:***, TH:**
- Kelly Lee Owens: Dreamstate (Dirty Hit) {15}: 45:29, Cl:46, DJM:+, Fa:44, G:*, GQ:+, NME:43*, PM:65*, RSUK:+, U:*, Up:+, Up_h:27; bb_d:+ -- A:74/9
- Pissed Jeans: Half Divorced (Sub Pop) {15}: AV:+, ClR:*, DiS:*, DW:7, K:*, MH:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Tr:+, U:*, XCI:*; xjao:+, xsp:* -- A:75/15, TH:*
- Poppy: Negative Spaces (Sumerian) {15}: Cl:*, DW:66, G:*, K:6*, MH:*, RkS:2, Spk:14; ap:+ -- A:80/4
- Previous Industries: Service Merchandise (Merge) {15}: Bc:+, BV_r:26, HG:+, PW:30; p_h:19, tr_h:+ -- A:74/2, RX:A, TH:A-
- Bolis Pupul: Letter to Yu (Deewee) {15}: AD:*, Fld:46, LI:22, MO:*, NT:*, O:*, Pf:*+, PM:*, Tu:24; am:*, ra:* -- A:77/11, TH:***
- Redd Kross: Redd Kross (In the Red) {15}: AV:18, ClR:*, Mj:*, S:*, U:*, XSN:*; am:+*, so_d:5, so_k:3, vrt:18, ysp:* -- A:83/8
- Samara Joy: Portrait (Verve) {15}: JC:+, JW:1, Mj:*, S:+++, TL:27; am:+*, jgy:6 -- A:85/2, TH:*
- Skee Mask: Resort (Ilian Tape) {15}: C:9, GB:8, Spk:33; pf_e:+, sg_e:2, tr_e:+ -- A:78/2, TH:A-
- Twenty One Pilots: Clancy (Fueled by Ramen/Elektra) {15}: AD:*, D:*, K:4*, NT:*, RkS:1; am:*, ap:+ -- A:80/8
- Xiu Xiu: 13" Frank Beltrame Italian Stileetto With Bison Horn Grips (Polyvinyl) {15}: FO:*, G:43, Ne:16*, P:*, Qt:4, RC:*, Sk:*, Spk:*, UR:65* -- A:79/10
- Alkaline Trio: Blood, Hair, and Eyeballs (Rise) {14}: ClR:*, D:*, DiS:*, K:*, Pu:8, RkS:9, Sk:*, Spk:*; am:*, ap:+ -- A:78/10
- Bonny Light Horseman: Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free (Jagjaguwar) {14}: Ex:*, Gl:++, Mj:*, MO:19*, NT:*, RT:74, SC:*, U:53*; bb6:+, xrt:+ -- A:86/7
- Camera Obscura: Look to the East, Look to the West (Merge) {14}: FO:24*, GTV:22*, MO:*, Pf:*, RC:*, RT:41, Sp:*, U:*, UR:40*; am:*, ysp:* -- A:80/14
- Myriam Gendron: Mayday (Thrill Jockey) {14}: Ex:43, Mj:*, S:*, SC:3, Sg:+, U:36*; vjk:5 -- A:82/6, TH:**
- The High Llamas: Hey Panda (Drag City) {14}: BV_i:7, Mj:*, MO:20*, PM:*, RC:*, U:23*; am:*, ln:3 -- A:75/10
- Miranda Lambert: Postcards From Texas (Republic Nashville) {14}: AD:*, NME:*, TL:7, XCI:**, XJS:13; xjdc:* -- A:75/3, TH:A-
- Metz: Up on Gravity Hill (Sub Pop/Dine Alone) {14}: BV_i:16, Cl:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, FO:*, NR:42, NT:46*, PM:*+, Qt:+, Tr:22; am:* -- A:80/9
- Thurston Moore: Flow Critical Lucidity (Daydream Library Series) {14}: ClR:*, LI:55, Mj:*, PM:*, Qt:96, RC:*, RT:33, U:*; am:* -- A:79/8, RX:***, TH:**
- Meshell Ndegeocello: No More Water: The Gospel of James Baldwin (Blue Note) {14}: AD:*, Al:+*, G:*, JC:+, Mj:*, NPR:+, O:*, PM:47; am:+*, jnj:+ -- A:83/7, TH:**
- NxWorries: Why Lawd? (Stones Throw) {14}: BB:31, Em:23, Ne:41*, NT:*, Okp:+, P:82, Pf:*, RT:52, SC:*, Sk:*, SSt:+, Up:+; am:*, hpo:+ -- A:76/7
- Katy J Pearson: Someday, Now (Heavenly) {14}: Cl:*, DIY:*, FO:37*, Mj:*, MO:*, Ov:*, RC:*, RT:17, Sk:*, U:*, UR:89, VF:29 -- A:83/10
- Shakira: Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran (Sony Music Latin) {14}: BB:39, Cl:*, NME:*, O:*, RS:27*, SpL:**, Up:+, V:+; am:* -- A:72/8, TH:***
- Soft Play: Heavy Jelly (BMG) {14}: D:48*, DIY:12*, G:*, GTV:*, K:17*, LBF:*, LW:21*, Ov:* -- A:81/11
- Yasmin Williams: Acadia (Nonesuch) {14}: LBF:*, Mj:*, NPR:+, NR:48, P:86, PM:29*, Sk:*, U:79*; am:+*, n_ap:19, tr_f:+ -- A:82/8
- The Black Keys: Ohio Players (Nonesuch) {13}: Blb:*, ClR:8*, I:*, Mj:*, RS:*+, U:*, UCR:+, YW:51; rx:+ -- A:71/17
- Clarissa Connelly: World of Work (Warp) {13}: C:19, Fa:5, FO:*, G:46, LQ:12, RT:86, W:47; bb6:+ -- A:75/2
- Cumgirl8: The 8th Cumming (4AD) {13}: Dz:10, FO:*, KC:19, LW:52, NME:*, PW:45, RT:92, StL:10 -- A:72/6
- Eminem: The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce) (Shady/Aftermath/Interscope) {13}: Cmp:8, HG:+, T:*, XCI:** -- A:50/15, MT:A-, TH:**
- Orla Gartland: Everybody Needs a Hero (New Friends Music) {13}: Cl:*, D:9*, DIY:*, FO:44*, HP:12, NME:*, NT:*, StL:23 -- A:84/7
- Gatecreeper: Dark Superstition (Nuclear Blast) {13}: BV:28, Cl:*, Db:7, Ex:*, K:8*, MH:12, Spk:* -- A:81/6
- GloRilla: Ehhthang Ehhthang (CMG/Interscope) {13}: Alt:21, BV:41, BV_r:5, SpL:**, Up_h:+; cs_r:19 -- TH:***
- Goat Girl: Below the Waste (Rough Trade) {13}: D:*, DIY:*, FO:*, LQ:13, LW:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NT:*, Sk:*, U:*, UR:64; so_d:17 -- A:77/16
- Good Looks: Lived Here for a While (Keeled Scales) {13}: BV:+, BV_i:13, FO:*, LBF:32, NR:27, P:48*, Up_h:4, UR:83 -- A:82/2
- Hamish Hawk: A Firmer Hand (So) {13}: FO:*, GTV:47*, Mj:64*, MO:30*, Qt:42, RC:*, Sk:*, Sl:38, UR:81; bb6:+ -- A:83/7
- Richard Hawley: In This City They Call You Love (BMG) {13}: AD:*, Cl:*, FO:*, LW:19, Mj:52*, MO:*, NME:*, RC:*, U:*, WM:22, XSN:* -- A:79/10
- Heriot: Devoured by the Mouth of Hell (Century Media) {13}: DiS:*, K:14*, LBF:*, MH:7*, Pu:3 -- A:88/4
- King Hannah: Big Swimmer (City Slang) {13}: Ex:*, LBF:*, LI:24, Mg:20, Mj:*, Ms:9, PM:*, U:*; am:*, xpb:6 -- A:78/9
- Ravyn Lenae: Bird's Eye (Atlantic) {13}: 45:36, BB:42, Em:25, Ex:*, Fa:9, LBF:38*, NME:*, Okp:+, O:*; am:* -- A:77/7
- Les Savy Fav: Oui, LSF (Frenchkiss) {13}: ClR:*, D:*, DIY:*, DW:18, Mj:*, O:*, RC:*, Sk:*, XCI:** -- A:76/12, TH:**
- Megan Moroney: Am I Okay? (Columbia Nashville) {13}: DW:17, RS:92, XJS:8; am:*, e:10, xjd:8, xme:8 -- A:73/3, TH:***
- Willie Nelson: Last Leaf on the Tree (Legacy) {13}: AD:*, Mj:*, T:*, TL:18, U:*; am:*, vrt:20, xrw:+ -- A:83/6, RX:**, TH:**
- ØKSE: ØKSE (Backwoodz Studioz) {13}: CM:2, JC:+, XCI:*, YW:16; dw:+ -- TH:A-
- Madeleine Peyroux: Let's Walk (Just One Recording/Thirty Tigers) {13}: Mj:*, MO:*, RC:*, SC:*, U:*; am:*, ysp:* -- A:81/6, RX:***, TH:***
- Phelimuncasi & Metal Preyers: Izigqinamba (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {13}: PO:7; vma:+ -- RX:A, TH:A-
- Conchúr White: Swirling Violets (Bella Union) {13}: Cl:*, GTV:*, HP:18, IT:*, Mj:*, RC:*, SC:*, Sp:*, U:* -- A:82/8, TH:***
- Dave Alvin & Jimmie Dale Gilmore: TexiCali (Yep Roc) {12}: Mj:*, SC:*, U:74*; xrt:++, xjc:7, xjdc:* -- A:78/4, TH:A-
- Beings: There Is a Garden (No Quarter) {12}: JC:+, Mj:*, U:*, W:10; sg_x:3 -- A:80/2, TH:A-
- Big Special: Postindustrial Hometown Blues (So) {12}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, LBF:*, LW:32*, Mj:*, NME:*, RT:12, U:*, WM:37 -- A:85/10
- Bladee: Cold Visions (Trash Island) {12}: Fa:4, P:97, Pf:8*, Sl:33; am:+, p_h:16 -- A:67/3
- Bodega: Our Brand Could Be Yr Life (Chrysalis) {12}: ClR:*, D:*, DIY:*, FO:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, XSN:*, YW:17; am:*, vgb:2 -- A:76/16
- Chanel Beads: Your Day Will Come (Jagjaguwar) {12}: BPM:42, C:15, Fa:42, LBF:4*, NT:*, Pf:46, RT:85 -- A:77/5
- Gary Clark Jr: JPEG RAW (Warner) {12}: ClR:10*, Mj:*, RS:*+, S:*, Sp:*, SSt:+, U:*; ysp:* -- A:82/7, TH:B-
- Cloud Nothings: Final Summer (Pure Noise) {12}: FO:*, HV:+, NR:18*, NT:+, PM:*+, RT:50, Tr:41; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:74/11
- Charley Crockett: $10 Cowboy (Son of Davy) {12}: AS:*, AV:19, Gl:+, RS:89, S:*, TL:32, XCI:*; am:+* -- A:83/4, TH:**
- The Kris Davis Trio: Run the Gauntlet (Pyroclastic) {12}: CM:29, JC:+; jgy:7, jlp:10, jmju:2, jmmz:++ -- TH:***
- Drug Church: Prude (Pure Noise) {12}: D:*, DiS:*, DW:26, Ex:*, FO:*, K:*, PM:50*, Sg:34, Tr:26; sg_hc:2 -- A:82/7
- Fake Fruit: Mucho Mistrust (Carpark) {12}: NT:*, Pf_k:30; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:74/5, RX:A-, TH:A-
- Fat White Family: Forgiveness Is Yours (Domino) {12}: Cl:*, FO:*, LIL:25, LW:54*, NME:*, Qt:12, RC:*, Sl:*, SLi:*, UR:77 -- A:75/13
- Fred Again . .: Ten Days (Atlantic) {12}: Cl:*, D:*, DW:88, HP:47, NME:*; bb_d:+ -- A:68/10, RX:A-, TH:**
- Liam Gallagher/John Squire: Liam Gallagher/John Squire (Parlophone) {12}: ClR:*, Ev:*, LW:+, Mj:*+, O:*, NME:*, T:*, XSN:*; am:*, e:+, rx:+ -- A:66/21
- Goat: Goat (Rocket) {12}: AD:*, Cl:*, FO:25*, GTV:*, LBF:*, LW:57, Mj:*, RC:*, YW:19; am:* -- A:78/12
- Gossip: Real Power (Columbia) {12}: D:*, DIY:*, LI:74, LW:53, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, RC:*, T:*, XSN:* -- A:74/16, TH:**
- Ibibio Sound Machine: Pull the Rope (Merge) {12}: FO:*, PM:55*, RT:90, U:*; am:*, so_k:11, ysp:* -- A:78/5, MT:*, TH:**
- Ihsahn: Ihsahn (Candlelilght) {12}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, K:*, MH:8*, MI:*, MSuk:*, RC:*, SC:* -- A:85/9
- Allen Lowe & the Constant Sorrow Orchestra: Louis Armstrong's America Volume 2 (ESP-Disk -2CD) {12}: JC:+, SpL:**; dw:+, jgy:9, xjc:2 -- TH:A
- Megan Thee Stallion: Megan (Hot Girl) {12}: 45:25, Alt:27, BV:+, BV_r:24, SpL:*, NME:48, Up:+, YW:58; bb_h:7 -- TH:***
- Nada Surf: Moon Mirror (New West) {12}: Mg:4, Mj:*, MO:*, P:*, RS:*, RSh:16, U:*, YW:42 -- A:74/9
- NewDad: Madra (Fair Youth/Atlantic) {12}: Cl:*, D:*, GTV:18*, HP:49, NME:45*, RC:*, SLi:32*, U:* -- A:73/12
- Ngwaka Son Systeme: Iboto Ngenge (Eck Echo) {12}: SpL:**, XCI:**; ysp:* -- MT:A-, TH:***
- Oranssi Pazuzu: Muuntautuja (Nuclear Blast) {12}: BPM:*, Db:38, DiS:*, DW:87, MH:11*, Qt:9, Spk:*, Tr:24 -- A:78/7
- O.: WeirdOs (Speedy Wunderground) {12}: Cl:*, DIY:*, FO:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NME:*, Tu:12, XCI:*; am:+* -- A:80/9, TH:*
- Peggy Gou: I Hear You (XL) {12}: BB:+, Ex:*, I:*, KC:28, LBF:*, LI:43, MO:*, O:*, RT:38, Sk:*, T:*; bb_d:+ -- A:75/12
- Rema: Heis (Mavin Global Holdings/Jonzing World/Interscope) {12}: BB:45, Cl:*, Cmp:28, DJM:+, Fa:48, NME:38*, NPR:+, RS:11*, Up:+ -- A:82/5
- Revival Season: Golden Age of Self Snitching (Heavenly) {12}: Cl:*, HG:+, SSt:+, YW:2; cs_r:9, tr_h:+ -- A:80/1, TH:***
- Porter Robinson: Smile! :D (Mom+Pop/Sample Sized) {12}: D:*, Em:13, LBF:*, Ne:24*, RS:86*, SC:*, Sk:*, Sl:*, UR:* -- A:75/13, TH:B
- Joel Ross: Nublues (Blue Note) {12}: AAJ:+, CM:+, JC:+, O:*; jcm:+, tms_j:+, wrti:+, ysp:* -- TH:A-
- Tyshawn Sorey Trio: The Susceptible Now (Pi) {12}: JC:+; jgy:4, jhs:3, jmmz:++, ny_s:3 -- TH:***
- Sum 41: Heaven :x: Hell (Rise) {12}: AD:*, Ch:23, D:*, K:21*, RkS:6, Sp:*, Spk:*; am:*, ap:+ -- A:82/10
- Richard Thompson: Ship to Shore (New West) {12}: AD:*, ClR:*, Mj:23*, RT:79, TL:24, U:43*; xjdc:*, xwv:4, yzp:6 -- A:80/5
- Ulcerate: Cutting the Throat of God (Debemur Morti) {12}: AMG:*, Blb:*, BV:+, Db:16, MH:14*, MI:*, Spk:8 -- A:90/4
- Uniform: American Standard (Sacred Bones) {12}: BPM:39*, DiS:*, LW:*, MH:*, Ne:*, NT:*, P:31, Qt:61, S:*, SC:*, Sl:* -- A:87/11
- Adeem the Artist: Anniversary (Four Quarters) {11}: PO:+, RS:79, SC:*+; am:*, bv_c:+, sg_c:+, xjdc:*, ysp:* -- A:77/4, TH:**
- Alcest: Les Chants de l'Aurore (Nuclear Blast) {11}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:*, MI:*, MSuk:*, PM:*, SC:*, Spk:19* -- A:80/11
- Oren Ambarchi/Johan Berthling/Andreas Werlin: Ghosted II (Drag City) {11}: C:32, CM:+, Mj:59*, Qt:+, S:*, U:50* -- A:80/4, TH:***
- Bashy: Being Poor Is Expensive (Bish Bash Bosh) {11}: Cl:26, Cmp_U:1, DJM:+, NME:31 -- TH:***
- Bat for Lashes: The Dream of Delphi (AWAL) {11}: Al:+, Cl:*, FO:*, GTV:*, IT:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, Sk:*, UR:69, XSN:* -- A:73/17
- Better Lovers: Highly Irresponsible (SharpTone) {11}: -- Blb:*, Cl:*, DiS:*, K:28*, MI:*, Pu:1
- Bibi Club: Feu De Garde (Secret City) {11}: BV_i:4, Ex:8*, LI:78, Mj:* -- A:75/4
- Leon Bridges: Leon (Columbia) {11}: Cl:56*, DIY:*, FO:*, KC:12, Mj:*, O:*, RC:*, U:*; am:* -- A:81/10
- Manu Chao: Viva Tu (Because Music) {11}: Mj:*, PM:*, U:*, XCI:*; xbw:+, xeb:2 -- A:78/4, TH:A-
- Charly Bliss: Forever (Lucky Number) {11}: Alt:40, D:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, NT:*, O:*, RS:70*, UR:80; bi:16 -- A:74/15
- The Dare: What's Wrong With New York? (Republic/Frequencies) {11}: Cl:*, D:20*, DIY:*, FO:*, PM:*, Sk:*, WX:12; ybw:7 -- A:76/11
- The Decemberists: As It Ever Was, So It Will Be Again (YABB/Thirty Tigers) {11}: Gl:+, LW:77, MO:*, P:*, PM:62, RC:*, RT:87, Sp:*, Spk:*, U:*, UR:54 -- A:77/9
- Dirty Three: Love Changes Everything (Drag City) {11}: Mj:26, MO:*, NT:*, O:*, Pf:*, PM:*, RC:*, SC:*, U:38*; am:* -- A:78/12
- DJ Anderson do Paraíso: Queridão (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {11}: Fa:10, G:+, Qt:52, RA:6, Sl:20; pf_e:+ -- TH:B
- Wendy Eisenberg: Viewfinder (American Dreams) {11}: CM:+, G:*, JC:+, Pf:50, Qt:55, SC:18; am:*, jhs:18 -- A:78/4, TH:**
- Everything Everything: Mountainhead (BMG) {11}: AD:*, D:*, DIY:*, LBF:*, MO:*, NT:*, RC:*, Sp:*, Spk:*, UR:56* -- A:79/13
- Ex-Easter Island Head: Norther (Rocket) {11}: E -- LQ:4*, Qt:1, U:*
- Katie Gavin: What a Relief (Saddest Factory) {11}: 45:27, C:50, Cl:*, D:22*, DIY:17*, P:*, RT:84; vg:+ -- A:77/7
- Laura Jane Grace: Hole in My Head (Polyvinyl) {11}: D:*, DiS:*, DIY:*, FO:*, K:*; am:*, ap:+, ysp:* -- A:76/10, TH:***
- Sahra Halgan: Hiddo Dhawr (La Région/Danaya Music) {11}: FO:12*, Qt:74 -- A:90/1, MT:A-, TH:***
- Maya Hawke: Chaos Angel (Mom+Pop) {11}: 45:43, D:43*, Fld:48, LBF:*, Mj:*NT:*, UR:25*; ap:+, cdm:10 -- A:76/11
- Darius Jones: Legend of e'Boi (The Hypervigilant Eye) (AUM Fidelity) {11}: CM:10, JC:+, PO:10 -- TH:A-
- King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: Flight b741 (P(doom)) {11}: DIY:*, G:*, Gl:++, Mj:72*, RC:*, Sp:*, StL:*, UR:78* -- A:75/13
- Katy Kirby: Blue Raspberry (Anti-) {11}: BPM:*, D:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NT:*, O:*, P:*, Spk:*, U:*; am:* -- A:77/16, TH:**
- Julian Lage: Speak to Me (Blue Note) {11}: Gl:+, JC:+, S:*, Sp:*, Spk:*, U:*; am:*, yjsc:2, ysp:* -- A:90/5, TH:*
- Lip Critic: Hex Dealer (Partisan) {11}: Alt:16, BV:+, Cl:*, CS:38, LBF:37, NME:*, P:57, RT:72, SLi:28*; ap:+ -- A:82/6
- W.H. Lung: Every Inch of Earth Pulsates (Melodic) {11}: Cl:*, GTV:4*, Sk:*, StL:*, U:*, UR:76* -- A:80/8
- MAVI: Shadowbox (Mavi 4 Mayor Music) {11}: BV_r:10, HG:+, Okp:+, Pf:*, PW:21, Qt:89; cs_r:16 -- A:80/1, TH:**
- Melt-Banana: 3+5 (Azap) {11}: Blb:*, ClR:*, DW:85, MH:37, Pf_k:4, S:*, Sk:*, Spk:* -- A:87/6
- Moin: You Never End (AD 93) {11}: LQ:16, Pf:*, Qt:3, VF:47, W:7 -- A:81/1
- John Moreland: Visitor (Old Omens/Thirty Tigers) {11}: AD:*, PM:*+, RC:*, TL:31, U:*; bv_c:+, ysp:* -- A:85/4, TH:***
- Pale Waves: Smitten (Dirty Hit) {11}: Ch:17, Cl:*, D:50*, DIY:*, GTV:*, K:24, NME:*, Sk:*, Sl:* -- A:77/11
- Peter Perrett: The Cleansing (Domino) {11}: BV_i:32, ClR:45, LW:4; xjao:1 -- TH:**
- Primal Scream: Come Ahead (BMG) {11}: AD:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Ev:*, I:*, LI:19, Mj:*, NME:*, RC:*, UR:59 -- A:70/18
- Laetitia Sadier: Rooting for Love (Drag City) {11}: AD:*, BV_i:34, Mj:*, MO:*, PM:70*, SC:+, U:*, UR:98; am:*, xjao:+ -- A:77/11
- Saint Etienne: The Night (Heavenly) {11}: Al:*, Cl:*, IT:*, Mj:*, NT:*, StL:*, U:*, UR:92, XSN:*; am:* -- A:81/14, TH:*
- Ty Segall: Three Bells (Drag City) {11}: Gl:++, HV:+, LW:*, Mj:*, NT:*, P:*, Sk:*, SLi:*, Tr:+, U:* -- A:76/15
- SML: Small Medium Large (International Anthem) {11}: Bc:+, CM:+, JC:+, S:*, SC:*, U:*, YW:26; am:* -- A:81/5, TH:***
- Speed: Only One Mode (Flatspot/Last Ride) {11}: BV:29, DiS:*, K:10*, LBF:*, NME:*; ap:+, sg_hc:4 -- A:83/4
- Luke Stewart Silt Trio: Unknown Rivers (Pi) {11}: CM:+, JC:+; jgy:+, jhs:7, jmmz:++, ny_s:7 -- TH:A-
- Tarbaby: You Think This America (Giant Step Arts) {11}: JC:+; jhs:1, jmmz:+, ny_s:1 -- TH:***
- Morgan Wade: Obsessed (Ladylike/RCA Nashville) {11}: XCI:*, XJS:+; pi:13 -- RX:A-, TH:A-
- Warmdüscher: Too Cold to Hold (Strap Originals) {11}: FO:3*, I:*, MO:*, RC:*, Sk:*, StL:42; bb6:+ -- AA:77/7
- Paul Weller: 66 (Polydor) {11}: ClR:*, G:*, Mj:17*, RC:*, T:*, U:41*; am:*, rx:+ -- A:76/12
- AALY Trio [Mats Gustafsson/Peter Janson/Kjell Nordeson]: Sustain (Silkheart) {10}: CM:1, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Amen Dunes: Death Jokes (Sub Pop) {10}: Fa:21, GTV:*, LBF:*, NT:*, Pf_k:14, S:*, Sk:*, UR:*; am:* -- A:77/14
- Balance and Composure: With You in Spirit (No Sleep/Memory Music) {10}: Alt:15, Ch:5, DiS:*, Ex:*, Spk:*; ap:+ -- A:78/4
- Beak>: >>>> (Invada) {10}: BV_i:5, DiS:*, LI:79, Mj:*, U:32*; am:* -- A:83/4
- Jazmin Bean: Traumatic Livelihood (Island) {10}: 45:*, DIY:*, K:43*, NME:*, SLi:16* -- A:82/5, TH:**
- BigXthaPlug: Take Care (United Masters/BigXthaPlug) {10}: BF:46, BV_8, Cmp:17, NPR:+, PW:28, Up:+; cs_r:13
- Blue Bendy: So Medieval (The State 51 Conspiracy) {10}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, LBF:*, NME:*, Ov:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:23, SLi:*, U:* -- A:83/9
- Alan Braufman: Infinite Love Infinite Tears (Valley of Search) {10}: CM:4, JC:+, PO:+; am:* -- A:80/1, TH:***
- Dehd: Poetry (Fat Possum) {10}: AV:+, Ex:*, G:*+, NT:*, PM:*+, RT:70; am:*, so_k:10 -- A:76/9
- Jake Xerxes Fussell: When I'm Called (Fat Possum) {10}: Mj:*, Pf:*, SC:*, Sg:31, U:28*; am:+*, n_ap:13, xjdc:* -- A:81/6
- Girl in Red: I'm Doing It Again Baby! (Columbia) {10}: D:29*, DIY:*, RS:*+, XCI:**; xsp:* -- A:71/11, TH:**
- Half Waif: See You at the Maypole (Anti-) {10}: Alt:4, BPM:13*, NT:*, Spk:*, U:* -- A:78/7
- Hannah Frances: Keeper of the Shepherd (Ruination) {10}: NR:28, P:45, Pf:*+, PM:64*, Sp:*, U:*; tr_f:+ -- A:86/4, TH:*
- Iglooghost: Tidal Memory Exo (LuckyMe) {10}: Bc:+, Dz:7, Ne:28*, Spk:39; bl:3, ra:* -- A:74/4
- James: Yummy (Virgin/Nothing but Love Music) {10}: Cl:*, ClR:*, GTV:42*, LW:16, Mj:*, MO:45*, RC:* -- A:80/7
- Jawnino: 40 (True Panther) {10}: C:7, Cl:8, DJM:+, Dz:16, G:+ -- A:70/1
- J.U.S X Squadda B: 3rd Shift (Bruiser Brigade) {10}: DW:37, Okp:+, Pf:*, Pf_h:7, Up:+ -- A:79/2, TH:***
- Kings of Leon: Can We Please Have Fun (LoveTap/Capitol) {10}: ClR:*, I:*, MO:*, RC:, RS:*+, Sp:*, U:*, UCR:+; am:*, rx:+ -- A:72/17
- Latto: Sugar Honey Iced Tea (Streamcut/RCA) {10}: Alt:38, Cmp:31, RS:46, Up:+; am:*, bb_h:8, hpo:+ -- A:70/4, TH:***
- Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets: Indoor Safari (Yep Roc) {10}: ClR:*, Mj:48*, RC:*, U:73*; am:*, xde:8, xrt:+ -- A:80/6, TH:*
- Kelly Moran: Moves in the Field (Warp) {10}: Cl:*, LQ:*, O:*, PM:*; am:*, sg_x:2 -- A:83/6, TH:***
- Kate Nash: 9 Sad Symphonies (Kill Rock Stars) {10}: XCI:*, YW:41 -- MT:B-, XG:***, TH:A
- Nídia & Valentina Magaletti: Estradas (Latency) {10}: C:45*, DJM:+, RA:9, VF:49, W:31; pf_e:+, sg_x:+ -- A:79/2
- Nightwish: Yesterwynde (Nuclear Blast) {10}: Blb:*, ClR:46*, DiS:*, K:36*, MH:16*, MI:* -- A:86/7
- Ivo Perelman/Mark Helias/Tom Rainey: Truth Seeker (Fundacja Sluchaj) {10}: CM:3, JC:+; jmju:+ -- TH:A-
- Pixies: The Night the Zombies Came (Pixies/BMG) {10}: Cl:*, ClR:*, DIY:*, FO:*, LI:82, Mj:*, Sl:*, Sp:*, T:*, UR:71 -- A:71/18, TH:B
- Pouty: Forget About Me (Get Better) {10}: DW:28, Pf_k:28, YW:4; xjdc:* -- TH:**
- Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross: Challengers [Original Soundtrack] (Milan) {10}: AV:+, BV_i:21, CS:16, DW:+, G:39, P:74, Ri:30, Sg:+; bb_d:+ -- A:72/1
- Vera Sola: Peacemarker (Spectraphonic/City Slang) {10}: Cl:*, FO:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, O:*; am:*, ysp:* -- A:77/10, TH:**
- Meryl Streek: Songs for the Deceased (Venn) {10}: Cl:*, DiS:*, FO:33*, HP:30, K:*, LW:9, PM:* -- A:84/5
- Two Shell: Two Shell (Young) {10}: DIY:*, Dz:20, GQ:+, NME:*, StL:31, Tu:18 -- A:74/4, TH:**
- Lainey Wilson: Whirlwind (BBR) {10}: BB:36, RS:47*, XCI:*, YW:22; am:*, atw:+ -- A:75/3, TH:***
- Matt Wilson: Matt Wilson's Good Trouble (Palmetto) {10}: CM:50, JC:+; jjc:5, jmmz:++ -- TH:A-
- Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Fu##in' Up (Reprise) {10}: ClR:*, Mj:*, P:*, PM:*, Sl:*, U:*; xjdc:* -- A:78/9, TH:***
- Yung Lean & Bladee: Psykos (Year0001/World Affairs) {10}: AV:+, Dz:11, LBF:10, Pf:*; cmp:+, ny_c:8, vg:+ -- A:65/2
- Zawose Queens: Maisha (Real World) {10}: Mj:*, PM:45*, XCI:* -- A:73/4, MT:A
- 200 Stab Wounds: Manual Manic Procedures (Metal Blade) {9}: Blb:*, Db:13, DiS:*, K:23*, MH:*, MI:*, UR:* -- A:83/7
- Melissa Aldana: Echoes of the Inner Prophet (Blue Note) {9}: JC:+, JW:17, PM:*; jhs:9, ny_s:9, ysp:* -- A:80/1, TH:**
- Avalanche Kaito: Talitakum (Glitterbeat) {9}: CE:4, FO:36, Qt:+; ysp:* -- MT:**
- Been Stellar: Scream From New York, NY (Dirty Hit) {9}: Alt:43, Cl:*, D:38*, DIY:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, NME:*, NT:* -- A:79/10
- Big | Brave: A Chaos of Flowers (Thrill Jockey) {9}: CS:++, Ex:36*, MH:35, Qt:57, Spk:*, Tr:28, U:* -- A:81/8
- Carsie Blanton: After the Revolution (self-released) {9}: XCI:**; xjdc:*, xsp:* -- MT:**, TH:***
- Bleachers: Bleachers (Dirty Hit) {9}: Alt:32, Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, HP:46, Mj:*, NME:*, TO:23; cdm:7 -- A:66/20
- Blossoms: Gary (ODD SK) {9}: Cl:*, D:30*, GTV:*, MO:*, RSUK:+*, XSN:*; rx:+ -- A:77/8
- Camila Cabello: C,XOXO (Geffen/Interscope) {9}: Cmp:44, LBF:14, MO:*, Pap:+, RS:85, Spk:*; atw:+ -- A:58/15, TH:*
- A Certain Ratio: It All Comes Down to This (Mute) {9}: AD:*, FO:*, G:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:*, RC:* -- A:78/10, TH:**
- Chastity Belt: Live Laugh Love (Suicide Squeeze) {9}: D:*, DIY:*, Mj:*, MO:*, P:*, Tr:+, UR:*, XSN:*; am;* -- A:74/14, MT:B-
- Julie Christmas: Ridiculous and Full of Blood (Red Creek) {9}: Bc:+, Db:8, MH:15*, Pu:12 -- A:72/4
- Crypt Sermon: The Stygian Rose (Dark Descent) {9}: AMG:*, Db:1, DiS:*, MI:*, S:* -- A:85/5
- Doris: Ultimate Love Songs Collection (Janine) {9}: Pf:16*, Pf_h:2; p_h:9, tr_h:+ -- A:83/1
- Joe Fonda Quartet: Eyes on the Horizon (Long Song) {9}: JC:+; jmju:+, jlp:5, jmc:11 -- TH:A-
- Bill Frisell: Orchestras (Blue Note) {9}: IT:*, JC:+, JW:20, Mj:*; am:*, tms_j:+ -- A:78/5, TH:**
- Glass Beach: Plastic Death (Run for Cover) {9}: BV:27, CS:+, HV:+, NT:*+, SC:*, Sg:44, Spk:*, Tr:49 -- A:77/6, TH:B-
- Guided by Voices: Strut of Kings (GBV) {9}: FO:*, LW:*, Mg:10, Mj:*, NT:*, PM:*, U:* -- A:73/9
- Hiatus Kaiyote: Love Heart Cheat Code (Brainfeeder) {9}: GTV:*, JC:+, Sk:*, Spk:*, SSt:+, StL:30; am:+*, ysp:* -- A:70/10
- Illuminati Hotties: Power (Hopeless) {9}: D:*, Ex:*, O:*, RS:45*, SC:*; am:* -- A:74/12, TH:**
- Inter Arma: New Heaven (Relapse) {9}: AMG:*, Db:9, MI:*, MH:*, MSuk:*, Qt:+, Tr:+ -- A:80/4
- Kid Kapichi: There Goes the Neighbourhood (Spinefarm) {9}: ClR:*, D:*, DiS:*, K:15*, Pu:6 -- A:83/4
- Laila!: Gap Year (IIIXL) {9}: BB:46, Cmp:9, Em:15, Okp:+, Pf_h:17 -- A:72/1
- Merce Lemon: Watch Me Drive Them Dogs Wild (Darling) {9}: BPM:*, fld:32, GB:29, LBF:41, NR:35, P:41*, UR:*; ybw:9 -- A:80/5
- Lucy Rose: This Ain't the Way You Go Out (Communion) {9}: Al:+, Cl:*, DIY:*, I:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*; am:* -- A:80/10, TH:*
- Nduduzo Makhathini: Unomkhubulwane (Blue Note) {9}: JC:+, O:*; am:+*, jmju:5 -- A:85/2, TH:***
- The Marías: Submarine (Nice Life/Atlantic) {9}: Em:36, Fld:28, HP:37, LBF:*, RS:44, Sg:+; bi:4, cdm:8 -- A:77/3
- The Mavericks: Moon & Stars (Mono Mundo) {9}: BB:+, TL:4; am:* -- A:80/1, TH:***
- Zara McFarlane: Sweet Whispers: Celebrating Sarah Vaughan (Universal) {9}: AD:*, G:*, JW:19, Mj:*, U:*; am:* -- A:84/5, TH:**
- Eliza McLamb: Going Through It (Royal Mountain) {9}: Ex:*, NT:*, PM:*+, UR:*, XCI:* -- A:81/5, TH:***
- Omni: Souvenir (Sub Pop) {9}: FO:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:39*, NT:*, PM:*, U:*; am:* -- A:75/14
- Pillow Queens: Name Your Sorrow (Royal Mountain) {9}: D:*, DIY:*, FO:*, HP:50, IT:*, LBF:*, Sk:*; atw:+, so_d:13 -- A:80/10
- Porij: Teething (Play It Again Sam) {9}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, LBF:*, NME:*, RC:*, T:* -- A:75/8, TH:**
- Chris Potter/Brad Mehldau/John Patitucci/Brian Blade: Eagle's Point (Edition) {9}: JC:+; jcm:+, jfk:8, tms_j:+, ysp:* -- TH:A-
- Katie Pruitt: Mantras (Rounder) {9}: HV:+, XCI:**; ysp:* -- MT:***, TH:**
- Real Estate: Daniel (Domino) {9}: Cl:*, D:*, GTV:*, LI:60, Mj;*, RC:*, Sk:*, U:*; am:* -- A:73/20
- Tomeka Reid Quartet: 3+3 (Cuneiform) {9}: AAJ:+, CM:20, JC:+; jcm:+ -- TH:A-
- SahBabii: Saaheem (self-released) {9}: Cmp:11, Em:21, Okp:+, Pf_h:5; am:* -- A:80/2
- Squarepusher: Dostrotime (Warp) {9}: AD:*, U:*; am:*, bl:1 -- A:78/4, TH:***
- John Surman: Words Unspoken (ECM) {9}: JC:+, JW:10; jmju:+ -- TH:A-
- Torres: What an Enormous Room (Merge) {9}: Cl:*, LBF:*, MO:*, PM:*+, RC:*, SC:*, Sl:*; am:* -- A:73/20
- Tribulation: Sub Rosa in Æternum (Century Media) {9}: Blb:*, Db:5, K:*, MH:41*, MI:* -- A:79/6
- Verraco: Breathe . . . Godspeed (Timedance -EP) {9}: Pf:*, Qt:+, RA:11; sg_e:5 -- A:82/1, TH:***
- Fay Victor: Herbie Nichols SUNG: Life Is Funny That Way (Tao Forms -2CD) {9}: CM:37, JC:+, PO:+, W:22 -- TH:A
- The Waeve: City Lights (Transgressive) {9}: Cl:*, DIY:*, LW:51*, Mj:*, MO:*, U:*, UR:15 -- A:77/9
- Wand: Vertigo (Drag City) {9}: Mj:*, NR:40, NT:*, SC:*, Tr:50, U:*, Up_h:24, UR:*; am:* -- A:79/9
- Willow: Empathogen (Three Six Zero/Gamma) {9}: Cos:+, D:25, Okp:+, Up:+, Spk:*, SSt:+; hpo:+, jmmz:+, ti:+ -- A:75/3
- Xaviersobased: Keep It Goin Xav (34Ent) {9}: Fa:33, Pf:29*, Pf_h:1 -- A:82/1, TH:*
- Africatown, AL: Ancestor Sounds (Free Dirt) {8}: -- MT:***, RX:***, TH:**
- Anycia: Princess Pop That (United Masters) {8}: Cmp:33, DW:39, RS:29, Up_h:+ -- A:68/1, TH:***
- Omar Apollo: God Said No (Warner) {8}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, NME:*, RS:59*; am:*, vg:+ -- A:79/7
- Aurora: What Happened to the Heart? (Glassnote) {8}: DIY:*, HP:35, NME:*, NT:*, SC:*, Sl:35*, T:* -- A:83/8
- Blu & Evidence: Los Angeles (Bigger Picture Music/New World Color) {8}: Al:+(, HG:+, Ne:*, Okp:+, Ri:28 -- A:85/2, TH:**
- The Body & Dis Fig: Orchards of a Futile Heaven (Thrill Jockey) {8}: G:*, LQ:*, MI:*, MSuk:*, Qt:21, W:12; pm_m:7 -- A:75/9
- Bon Iver: Sable, (Jagjaguwar -EP) {8}: AV:*, NME:*, NT:*, Sp:*, VF:34; n_ap:4, vg:+ -- A:82/7
- Boston Manor: Sundiver (SharpTone) {8}: AD:*, D:*, K:33*, Pu:4 -- A:78/5
- Caxtrinho: Queda Livre (QTV) {8}: Bc:+, CM:34, W:9 -- TH:***
- Childish Gambino: Atavista (RCA) {8}: Cl:*, HP:25, I:*, NME:*, YW:18; am:*, atw:+, v_ja:5 -- A:70/10
- Steve Coleman and Five Elements: PolyTropos/Of Many Turns (Pi) {8}: JC:+; jgy:+, jjc:2 -- TH:A-
- Isaiah Collier & the Chosen Few: The World Is on Fire (Division 81) {8}: CE:6, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Anastasia Coope: Darning Woman (Jagjaguwar) {8}: FO:*, LBF:*, LQ:10, Qt:+, Sp:*; am:* -- A:83/6
- Crack Cloud: Red Mile (Jagjaguwar) {8}: Alt:41, D:*, FO:*, G:*, LBF:35, NT:*, S:*; am:* -- A:77/12
- Crows: Reason Enough (Bad Vibrations) {8}: Cl:*, D:*, FO:*, GTV:20*, LBF:*, DiS:* -- A:79/8
- Guy Davis: The Legend of Sugarbelly (M.C.) {8}: xjdc:* -- RX:A-, TH:***
- Deadletter: Hysterical Strength (So) {8}: D:34*, DiS:*, GTV:*, LW:12, NME:*, RT:75 -- A:74/9
- Emmeluth's Amoeba: Nonsense (Moserobie) {8}: CM:21, JC:+, SpL:** -- TH:A-
- Peter Evans: Extra (We Jazz) {8}: CM:8, JC:+; jhs:23 -- TH:***
- RAP Ferreira & Fumitake Tamura: The First Fist to Make Contact When We Dap (Ruby Yacht) {8}: HG:+; odb:* -- RX:***, TH:***
- Future: Mixtape Pluto (Freebandz/Epic) {8}: Cl:*, Cmp:36, Okp:+, PW:10; bb_h:9, sg_r:10 -- A:64/5
- Angélica Garcia: Gemelo (Partisan) {8}: Cl:*, LBF:39, NPR:+, P:*, S:*; am:+*, so_k:19, xpb:+ -- A:83/4
- Ghetts: On Purpose, With Purpose (Warner) {8}: Cl:47*, Cmp_U:13, DIY:*, NME:21*, rSUK:+ -- A:77/5
- Margaret Glaspy: The Sun Doesn't Think (ATO -EP) {8}: SpL:**, XCI:**; xjdc:* -- TH:***
- Glass Animals: I Love You So F***ing Much (Polydor) {8}: D:36*, DIY:*, LBF:*, RSUK*, T:*; am:*, atw:+ -- A:62/16
- Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti & Frank Rosaly: Mestizx (International Anthem) {8}: JC:+, PM:*, RC:*, Tr:+; am:* -- A:79/4, TH:***
- Louis Hayes: Artform Revisited (Savant) {8}: JC:+; jhs:4, ny_s:4 -- TH:***
- Heems: Veena (Veena Sounds) {8}: BV_r:16, HG:+, PM:22, XCI:* -- TH:***
- Haley Heynderickx: Seed of a Seed (Mama Bird) {8}: Ex:*, NT:*, P:91*, StL:49, U:*; tr_f:+, vgb:9 -- A:80/6
- Home Counties: Exactly as It Seems (Submarine Cat) {8}: D:*, DIY:*, LBF:*, Ov:*, Sk:*, XCI:*; xjdc:* -- A:81/7, TH:*
- Jon Hopkins: Ritual (Domino) {8}: AD:*, Ex:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:28*, RC:*, UR:* -- A:75/15
- Horse Jumper of Love: Disaster Trick (Run for Cover) {8}: Fld:26, FO:*, NR:22*, NT:*, PM:74, Sk:*; am;* -- A:80/8
- Nailah Hunter: Lovegaze (Fat Possum) {8}: LBF:*, Mj:*, NT:*, P:*, U:*; am:+*, ra:* -- A:74/12
- Nicolás Jaar: Archivos de Radio Piedras [Piedras 1/2] (Other People) {8}: LBF:*, Pf:*, PW:41, SMH:+++, VF:16 -- A:79/3
- Joan as Police Woman: Lemons, Limes and Orchids (PIAS) {8}: AD:*, Mj:49*, MO:49*, O:*, U:*; am:* -- A:84/6
- Julia-Sophie: Forgive Too Slow (Ba Da Bing!) {8}: DiS:*, DS:3, GTV:*, LBF:*, Sp:* -- A:83/5
- Julie: My Anti-Aircraft Friend (Atlantic) {8}: D:*, NR:37, NT:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:19, StL:34 -- A:79/4, TH:*
- Kirk Knuffke: Super Blonde (SteepleChase) {8}: CM:7, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Jim Kweskin: Never Too Late: Duets With Friends (Storysound) {8}: xde:5 -- RX:***, TH:***
- La Luz: News of the Universe (Sub Pop) {8}: Bc:+, FO:38*, LW:*, Mj:*, S:*, UR:90* -- A:82/9
- Jon Langford & the Bright Shiners: Where It Really Starts (Tiny Global Productions) {8}: xeb:1 -- RX:***, TH:**
- Sam Lee: Songdreaming (Cooking Vinyl) {8}: Mj:*+, MO:8*, O:*, U:* -- A:88/4
- Leprous: Melodies of Atonement (Inside Out) {8}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:21*, MI:*, Spk:26* -- A:79/6
- Loma: How Will I Live Without a Body? (Sub Pop) {8}: BV:+, GTV:40, LBF:*, Mj:*, NT:*, U:*, UR:24; am:* -- A:76/9
- Frank London/The Elders: Spirit Stronger Than Blood (ESP-Disk) {8}: CM:+, JC:+; jhs:8, jmmz:+, ny_s:8 -- TH:***
- Allen Lowe & the Constant Sorrow Orchestra: Louis Armstrong's America Volume 1 (ESP-Disk -2CD) {8}: JC:+; jgy:9, xjc:3 -- TH:A-
- Post Malone: F-1 Trillion (Mercury/Republic) {8}: BB:17, Ch:9, I:*, XCI:*, T:* -- A:67/11
- The Marías: Submarine (Atlantic) {8}: Em:36, Fld:28, HP:37, LBF:*, RS:44; atw:+, bi:4 -- A:77/3
- Lauren Mayberry: Vicious Creature (EMI) {8}: D:14*, DIY:*, O:*, UR:96*; am:* -- A:70/16
- Lizzy McAlpine: Older (RCA) {8}: D:39*, DIY:*, Ex:*, HP:42, LBF:*, Spk:*; am:* -- A:80/7
- Declan McKenna: What Happened to the Beach? (Tomplicated) {8}: Cl:*, D:35*, DIY:*, G:*m, LBF:*, NME:*, SLi:* -- A:78/12
- Mercury Rev: Born Horses (Bella Union/Believe Music) {8}: AD:*, LW:*, Mj:24*, MO:*, O:*, RC:*; am:* -- A:76/11
- Pat Metheny: MoonDial (BMG) {8}: JC:+, JW:7, Mj:*; am:*, jhs:27 -- A:76/4, TH:*
- Naemi: Dust Devil (3XL) {8}: Fa:13, GB:16, Pf:*+, Qt:26; pf_e:+ -- A:80/1
- Orange Goblin: Science, Not Fiction (Peaceville) {8}: -- AD:*, Blb:*, ClR:18*, K:*, MH:28*
- Bill Orcutt Guitar Quartet: Four Guitars Live (Palilalia) {8}: JC:+, PO:8 -- TH:A-
- Tess Parks: Pomegranate (Fuzz Club) {8}: Cl:*, Ex:*, LW:26*, Mj:*, RC:*, UR:67; bb6:+ -- A:77/7
- Pernice Brothers: Who Will You Believe (New West) {8}: Mj:*, RT:66, U:*, UR:*; am:*, xhs:+, xjdc:*, xsp:* -- A:80/5
- Pom Poko: Champion (Bella Union) {8}: AD:*, FO:*, G:*, GTV:*, Mj:74*, MO:*, NT:* -- A:81/8
- Pom Pom Squad: Mirror Starts Moving Without Me (City Slang) {8}: 45:45, D:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, RS:100*, XCI:*; ap:+ -- A:77/8
- Pond: Stung! (Spinning Top) {8}: Cl:*, ClR:*, DIY:*, FO:*, Mj:*, Ov:*, RT:97, U:* -- A:76/12
- RM: Right Place, Wrong Person (HYBE/Big Hit) {8}: BB:+, NME:16*, RS:88*; hyb:++ -- A:90/2
- Serpentwithfeet: Grip (Secretly Canadian) {8}: Cl:49*, DIY:*, Ex:*, GQ:+, P:*; am:*, ra:* -- A:l72/12
- Sexyy Red: In Sexyy We Trust (Rebel) {8}: BB:+, BV_r:17, Pf_h:15, RS:71; p_h:17, sg_r:9 -- A:68/2
- Shaboozey: Where I've Been, Isn't Where I'm Going (Republic/Empire) {8}: BB:20, RS:55*, Up:+, XCI:* -- A:79/2, TH:*
- Sarah Shook & the Disarmers: Revelations (Abeyance) {8}: AS:*, LW:76, P:+*; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:79/4, TH:**
- Skaiwater: #Gigi (GoodTalk/Capitol) {8}: Cmp:27, Fa:1, Pf:12 -- A:74/1
- The Softies: The Bed I Made (Father/Daughter) {8}: FO:*, P:*, Pf:*, RSh:10; am:+* -- A:83/4
- Spectral Voice: Sparagamos (Dark Descent) {8}: AMG:*, Db:15, DiS:*, Fa:41, Qt:+; pm_m:4 -- A:90/2
- Spectral Wound: Songs of Blood and Mire (Profound Lore) {8}: AMG:*, Db:3, DiS:*, Ex:*, MH:* -- A:83/4
- Colin Stetson: The Love It Took to Leave You (Invada) {8}: C:20, Ex:*, JC:+, U:*; bv_j:+ -- A:85/2, TH:**
- Billy Strings: Highway Prayers (Reprise) {8}: Gl:++, Mj:*, RS:*, SC:*, TL:14; am:* -- A:80/5
- The The: Ensoulment (Cineola/EarMusic) {8}: ClR:*, GTV:35, Mj:27*, RC:*, Sp:*, WM:30; am:* -- A:78/10
- Fred Thomas: Window in the Rhythm (Polyvinyl) {8}: PM:20*, Tr:45, XCI:*; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:82/3, TH:*
- Total Blue: Total Blue (Music From Memory) {8}: C:11, Pf:*, PW:37, RA:19; pf_e:+, tr_e:+ -- A:80/1
- The Umbrellas: Fairweather Friend (Tough Love) {8}: Cl:*, NR:19*, U:*, XSN:*; am:* -- A:76/7, TH:*
- Undeath: More Insane (Prosthetic) {8}: Blb:*, BV:47, Db:20, DiS:*, K:*, MH:45* -- A:83/6
- Underworld: Strawberry Hotel (Virgin Music) {8}: AD:*, Mj:*, MO:34*, O:*, Qt:64, RC:*, U:* -- A:79/9
- Unto Others: Never, Neverland (Century Media) {8}: DiS:*, K:*, MH:10*, MI:*, MSuk:* -- A:86/5
- Villagers: That Golden Time (Domino) {8}: FO:*, HP:20, IT:*, Mj:*, MO:40*, Spk:* -- A:76/9
- أحمد [Ahmed]: Wood Blues (Astral Spirits) {8}: JC:+, Pf:43*; jmmz:+ -- A:82/1, TH:A-
- Lola Young: This Wasn't Meant for You Anyway (Island) {8}: Em:31, NME:*+, O:*, SLi:+, Spk:*, T:*; atw:+ -- A:87/4
- Miguel Zenón: Golden City (Miel Music) {8}: JC:+; jdm:+, jmmz:++ -- TH:A-
- 21 Savage: American Dream (Slaughter Gang/Epic) {7}: BB:47, Cl:*, Cmp:29, Up:+, Up_h:+ -- A:70/5, TH:**
- 2nd Grade: Scheduled Explosions (Double Double Whammy) {7}: DW:16, NT:*, P:*, Sg:46; am:+* -- A:81/4
- The Bad Plus: Complex Emotions (Mack Avenue) {7}: JC:+; jhs:22, jmju:10, jmmz:++ -- TH:**
- Kelsea Ballerini: Patterns (Black River) {7}: Ch:1; atw:+, p:9 -- A:70/1
- Kenny Barron: Beyond This Place (Artwork/PIAS) {7}: JC:+; jgy:+, jjc:7 -- TH:A-
- BbyMutha: Sleep Paralysis (True Panther) {7}: 45:13, BPM:40*, BV_r:28 -- A:79/2, TH:**
- Benny the Butcher: Everybody Can't Go (Def Jam) {7}: BV_r:27, Cl:*, HDX:*, HG:+, Up:+, Up_h:+; am:* -- A:73/5
- The Bevis Frond: Focus on Nature (Fire) {7}: AD:*, BV_i:36, Mj:71*, PM:*, U:*; am:* -- A:80/5
- Melissa Carper: Borned in Ya (Mae Music) {7}: Gl:++; scm:* -- TH:A-
- Matt Champion: Mika's Laundry (RCA) {7}: Cl:53, Spk:*, Up:+; atw:+, cdm:6, hyb:++ -- A:74/2
- Chrystabell & David Lynch: Cellophane Memories (Sacred Bones) {7}: LW:31*, Mj:*, Qt:36, Sk:*, UR:85; am:* -- A:71/16
- Coco & Clair Clair: Girl (Nice Girl World) {7}: G:33*; vg:+ -- A:75/3, TH:A-
- Cola: The Gloss (Fire Talk) {7}: DIY:*, FO:*, Pf_k:20, RS:*, UR:*; am:* -- A:75/9
- Alfredo Colón: Blood Burden (Out of Your Head) {7}: JC:+, SpL:** -- TH:A-
- The Core: Roots (Moserobie) {7}: JC:+, SpL:** -- TH:A-
- Couch Slut: You Could Do It Tonight (Brutal Panda) {7}: BPM:50, DiS:*, DW:79, Sg:39, Sl:*; sg_m:2 -- A:76/5
- Crawlers: The Mess We Seem to Make (Polydor) {7}: D:*, DIY:*, K:20*, MO:*, NME:* -- A:84/5
- Sarah Davachi: The Head as Form'd in the Crier's Choir (Late Music) {7}: Ex:*, LBF:*, LW:59, Mj:*, U:47*; sg_x:+ -- A:83/4
- Caroline Davis: Portals Vol. 2: Returning (Intakt) {7}: JC:+, KC:16; jmmz:++ -- TH:**
- Lucky Daye: Algorithm (Keep Cool/RCA) {7}: Al:+, Cl:*, SSt:+, Up:+; am:*, hpo:+, v_ja:8 -- A:78/3
- Desperate Journalist: No Hero (Fierce Panda) {7}: GTV:17*, MO:*, RC:*, UR:73, XSN:* -- A:80/5
- DJ A-Tron & 03 Greedo: Crip, I'm Sexy (self-released) {7}: Pf_h:10, PW:4
- Dave Douglas: Gifts (Greenleaf Music) {7}: JC:+, PM:*+ -- TH:A-
- William Doyle: Springs Eternal (Tough Love) {7}: FO:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:23, RC:*, U:* -- A:77/8
- Du Blonde: Sniff More Gritty (Daemon TV) {7}: Cl:*, MO:*, O:*, U:*, UR:*; am:+* -- A:79/8
- Dummy: Free Energy (Trouble in Mind) {7}: Bc:+, LBF:50, Pf:*, XSN:*, YW:27; am:*, ap:+ -- A:80/5
- Einstürzende Neubauten: Rampen: APM (Alien Pop Music) (Potomak) {7}: LW:42*, Qt:25, RS:*+, Tr:+, U:* -- A:78/5
- Elephant9 With Terje Rypdal: Catching Fire (Rune Grammofon) {7}: JC:+, PM*; am:+, jhs:14 -- A:90/1, TH:***
- Etran De L'Aïr: 100% Saharan Guitar (Sahel Sounds) {7}: Mj:*, PW:43, U:*; xjdc:* -- A:78/3, TH:***
- Jeff Evans Porkestra: Willow Pillow (self-releaed -EP) {7}: -- RX:A-, TH:***
- FLO: Access All Areas (Island) {7}: Cmp_u:7, DIY:*, NME:32*; ny_c:10 -- A:67/8
- Keeley Forsyth: The Hollow (FatCat) {7}: BPM:*, LBF:27, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:+, SC:*, U:* -- A:80/6
- Satoko Fujii Quartet: Dog Days of Summer (Libra) {7}: JC:+; jdm:+, jlp:3 -- TH:***
- Masayoshi Fujita: Migratory (Erased Tapes) {7}: FO:41*, Mj:*, PM:*, StL:*, U:*; am:* -- A:80/7
- Freddie Gibbs: You Only Die 1nce (ESGN) {7}: Al:+*, BV_r:29, Cmp:43, HG:+, PW:27; bb_h:10 -- A:73/3
- Michael Head & the Red Elastic Band: Loophole (Modern Sky) {7}: Mj:16*, RC:*, RT:71, U:26* -- A:90/3
- Paul Heaton: The Mighty Several (EMI) {7}: Mj:*, MO:*, RC:*, T:*, U:* -- A:79/6, TH:**
- The Heavy Heavy: One of a Kind (ATO) {7}: Cl:*, Mg:25, Mj:*, NT:*; am:*, xrt:++ -- A:81/4
- The Home Team: The Crucible of Life (Thriller) {7}: DiS:*, K:46*, Pu:18, RkS:17 -- A:75/3
- Ian Hunter: Defiance Part 2: Fiction (Sun) {7}: ClR:7*, RC:*, UCR:+; ysp:* -- A:78/4
- Iron & Wine: Light Verse (Sub Pop) {7}: Cl:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, P:*, RC:*, S:*, U:*; am:* -- A:80/14
- Japandroids: Fate & Alcohol (Anti-) {7}: Cl:*, MO:*, NME:*, NT:49*, P:*, U:* -- A:75/12
- Job for a Cowboy: Moon Healer (Metal Blade) {7}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:38*, MI:*, MSuk*, Spk:28 -- A:84/7
- Norah Jones: Visions (Blue Note) {7}: LBF:*, Mj:*, RC:*, Rf:34; am:*, ysp:* -- A:75/8, TH:*
- Myles Kennedy: The Art of Letting Go (Napalm) {7}: Blb:*, ClR:12*, DiS:*, K:*, Sp:* -- A:84/5
- Allegra Krieger: Art of the Unseen Infinity Machine (Double Double Whammy) {7}: P:38*, RS:61, SC:*, StL:33*; bv_f:+ -- A:81/5
- Lady Gaga: Harlequin (Interscope) {7}: Al:*, IT:*, Spk:*, XCI:**; am:* -- A:71/12, TH:*
- Lava La Rue: Starface (Dirty Hit) {7}: AD:*, Cl:*, D:37*, DIY:*, MO:*, Okp:+ -- A:85/7
- Little Simz: Drop 7 (Forever Living Originals -EP) {7}: XCI:*; bb_h:12, p_h:20, xjdc:*, ysp:* -- TH:**
- Los Bitchos: Talkie Talkie (City Slang) {7}: FO:*, Gl:++, GTV:*, LBF:*, PM:*, Sk:* -- A:76/9
- The Lovely Eggs: Eggsistentialism (Egg) {7}: ClR:*, FO:*, LW:13*, Mj:*, U:* -- A:85/7
- J Mascis: What Do We Do Now (Sub Pop) {7}: AD:*, Ev:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, O:*, U:*; am:* -- A:71/21
- Masta Ace & Marco Polo: Richmond Hill (Fat Beats) {7}: Al:+*, HG:+, SSt:+; odb:* -- A:90/1, TH:**
- Master Peace: How to Make a Master Peace (PMR) {7}: D:12*, NME:*, RSUK:+*, RT:47 -- A:83/4
- MC5: Heavy Lifting (EarMusic) {7}: ClR:39 -- RX:A-, TH:**
- Nails: Every Bridge Burning (Nuclear Blast) {7}: Blb:*, Db:25, DiS:*, K:*, MH:25, MI:*, Ne:36 -- A:78/6
- Fabiano do Nascimento & Sam Gendel: The Room (01-26) {7}: FO:47, G:*, JC:+, Mj:*, U:* -- A:82/5, TH:**
- Neck Deep: Neck Deep (Hopeless) {7}: AD:*, DiS:*, K:11*, RkS:13 -- A:73/5
- Normani: Dopamine (RCA/Keep Cool) {7}: Cl:*, D:*, NME:*, RS:32* -- A:72/7, TH:**
- Nubiyan Twist: Find Your Flame (Strut) {7}: JC:+, LW:40*; am:*, odb:*, ysp:* -- A:73/3, TH:*
- Oceans of Slumber: Where Gods Fear to Speak (Season of Mist) {7}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:27*, MI:*, Spk:* -- A:85/6
- Osees: Sorcs 80 (Castle Face) {7}: ClR:*, LW:81*, Mj:*, U:*; am:+* -- A:75/9
- Pa Salieu: Afrikan Alien (Warner Music UK) {7}: Cl:30, Cmp_U:8, GQ:+, NME:*, T:* -- A:86/3
- Personal Trainer: Still Willing (Bella Union) {7}: ClR:*, D:*, Pf_k:25, U:76*, UR:88, WM:27 -- A:69/10
- QOW Trio: The Hold Up (Ubuntu Music) {7}: JC:+, PO:+; xde:9 -- TH:A-
- Tim Reaper & Kloke: In Full Effect (Hyperdub) {7}: C:23, DJM:+, G:*, RA:17, YW:28; am:+ -- A:100/1
- Rotting Christ: Pro Xristou (Season of Mist) {7}: DiS:*, MH:20*, MI:*, MSuk:*, SC:* -- A:76/7
- Angelica Sanchez/Chad Taylor: A Monster Is Just an Animal You Haven't Met Yet (Intakt) {7}: JC:+; jlp:1 -- TH:***
- Kit Sebastian: New Internationale (Brainfeeder) {7}: FO:*, GTV:13*, PM:34*; am:* -- A:83/4
- Serengeti: KDIV (Othar) {7}: XCI:**; xjdc:* -- TH:A-
- Shovel Dance Collective: The Shovel Dance (American Dreams) {7}: Mj:*, P:85, Qt:8, U:*; g:e:10 -- A:80/2
- Shygirl: Club Shy (Because Music -EP) {7}: DIY:*, LBF:49*, VF:50; vu:+, xjdc:* -- A:78/4, TH:*
- Sisso & Maiko: Singeli Ya Maajabu (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {7}: CE:5, W:32; ysp:* -- TH:*
- Skee Mask: ISS010 (Ilian Tape) {7}: DW:56, Qt:71, RA:14; sg_e:2 -- A:74/1, TH:*
- Peter Stampfel/Eli Smith/Walker Shepard: Wildernauts (Don Giovanni) {7}: XCI:*; xjdc:* -- RX:B+, TH:**
- State Faults: Children of the Moon (Deathwish) {7}: BV:34, Spk:2*; atw:+ -- A:100/1
- The Staves: All Now (Nonesuch) {7}: Cl:*, FO:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, MO:*; atw:+, ysp:* -- A:76/8
- Takkak Takkak: Takkak Takkak (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {7}: CE:1, PO:+; xpb:15
- Tapir: The Pilgrim, Their God & the King of My Decrepit Mountain (Heavenly/PIAS) {7}: DIY:*, GTV:*, RT:63, SLi:17*; am:*
- Tinashe: Quantum Baby (Nice Life) {7}: 45:38, Okp:+, Pap:+, S:*; p:7 -- A:70/10, TH:**
- Tristwch Y Fenywod: Tristwch Y Fenywod (Night School) {7}: Bc:+, C:46, Qt:2; tr_f:+
- Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats: Nell' Ora Blu (Rise Above) {7}: DiS:*, MI:*, MSuk:*, Sp:*, U:*; am:+* -- A:77/9
- Usher: Coming Home (Mega) {7}: BB:+, Ev:*, HV:+, Pf:*, T:*; odb:*, xpb:+ -- A:71/8
- Suki Waterhouse: Memoir of a Sparklemuffin (Sub Pop) {7}: D:*, Em:14, I:*, Rf:32; am:*, atw:+ -- A:71/8
- Dan Weiss: Even Odds (Cygnus) {7}: JC:+, SpL:*; jhs:12 -- TH:A-
- Aaron West & the Roaring Twenties: In Lieu of Flowers (Hopeless) {7}: AD:*, BPM:*, K:*, P:*, Sl:49, Sp:*, Spk:* -- A:92/8, TH:B
- While She Sleeps: Self Hell (Spinefarm) {7}: Cl:*, DiS:*, K:38*, MH:46, Pu:14 -- A:75/6
- 070 Shake: Petrichor (GOOD Music/Def Jam) {6}: C:17, LBF:*, STi:19; ap:+ -- A:64/6
- Actress: Statik (Smalltown Supersound) {6}: DJM:+; pf_e:+, ra:*, sg_e:8, tr_e:+ -- TH:*
- Advancing on a Wild Pitch: Disasters Vol 2 (Hot Cup) {6}: SpL:*; jhs:30 -- TH:A-
- Ben Allison/Steve Cardenas/Ted Nash: Tell the Birds I Said Hello: The Music of Herbie Nichols (Sonic Camera) {6}: JC:+; jfk:5 -- TH:***
- Asake: Lungu Boy (YBNL Nation/Empire) {6}: Cmp_U:3, G:*, T:* -- A:71/6
- The Attic & Eve Risser: La Grande Crue (NoBusiness) {6}: CM:25, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Babehoven: Water's Here in You (Double Double Whammy) {6}: NT:*, P:*, RS:*+, UR:86* -- A:81/4
- Bad Omens: Concrete Jungle [The OST] (Sumerian) {6}: K:*, MH:*, RkS:7; ap:+ -- A:80/2
- Basic: This Is Basic (No Quarter) {6}: Mj:*, SC:*, U:52*; xgm:5 -- A:79/4, TH:***
- Amanda Bergman: You Hand Forever Checking on My Fever (Gamlestans Grammofonbolag) {6}: FO:26, LBF:*, Mj:*, RC:*, U:*; atw:+ -- A:80/4
- Berwyn: Who Am I (Sony [UK]) {6}: DIY:*, MO:*, NME:33, O:*, RSUK:+, Sk:* -- A:90/4
- The Black Dahlia Murder: Servitude (Metal Blade) {6}: Blb:*, Db:22, DiS:*, K:*, MH:*MSuk:* -- A:79/6
- Blu & Exile: Love (The) Ominous World () {6}: Al:+*, Em:50, HG:+, Ne:*, Okp:+ -- A:85/2
- Body Meat: Starchris (Partisan) {6}: GTV:*, LBF:48*, Pf:*, S:*, StL:29 -- A:81/4
- Bossman Dlow: Mr Beat the Road (Alamo) {6}: PW:15, Up:+, Up_h:+; cmp:+, ny_c:9 -- A:65/2
- Anthony Branker & Imagine: Songs My Mom Liked (Origin) {6}: JC:+; am:+, xgm:6 -- TH:***
- Bright Eyes: Five Dice, All Threes (Dead Oceans) {6}: BPM:*, BV:42, DIY:*, I:17, U:* -- A:72/10
- Burial: Dreamfear/Boy Sent From Above (XL -EP) {6}: DW:89, GB:24, S:*; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:80/3, TH:*
- Anna Butterss: Mighty Vertebrate (International Anthem) {6}: JC:+, WM:29; jnj:+ -- TH:***
- Candy: It's Inside You (Relapse) {6}: BV:35, DiS:*, K:*; ny_c:3, sg_hc:8 -- A:77/3
- Jerry Cantrell: I Want Blood (Double J Music) {6}: Blb:*, ClR:*, K:*, MH:*, Sp:*; am:* -- A:79/7
- Frank Carlberg Large Ensemble: Elegy for Thelonious (Sunnyside) {6}: JC:+; jmc:1 -- TH:**
- Cheekface: It's Sorted (self-released) {6}: Ne:38*, P:*, UR:50*; xpb:+ -- A:85/3
- Cash Cobain: Play Cash Cobain (Giant Music) {6}: Okp:+, RS:50*, Up:+; bb_h:14, sg_r:8 -- A:79/2
- Isaiah Collier & the Chosen Few: The Almighty (Division 81) {6}: JC:+, PM:*; jhs:10, ny_s:10 -- A:90/1, TH:**
- Dar Disku: Dar Disku (Soundway) {6}: DJM:+, GQ:+, U:*, VF:17 -- A:70/2, TH:*
- Deep Purple: =1 (EarMusic) {6}: Blb:*, ClR:9*, Sp:* -- A:74/8
- Djrum: Meaning's Edge (Houndstooth -EP) {6}: DW:63, Pf:48*; pf_e:+ -- A:83/1, TH:**
- El Perro Del Mar: Big Anonymous (City Slang) {6}: DS:4, LBF:*, Mj:* -- A:75/4
- Alon Farber Hagiga With Dave Douglas: The Magician: Live in Jerusalem (Origin) {6}: xde:1 -- TH:***
- Ezra Feinberg: Soft Power (Tonal Union) {6}: C:38, G:*, Mj:*, P:34, U:*; bb6:+ -- A:80/3
- Field Music: Limits of Language (Memphis Industries) {6}: FO:*, Mj:75*, UR:62; am:+* -- A:75/6
- Ingebrigt Håker Flaten & (Exit) Knarr: Breezy (Sonic Transmissions) {6}: CM:12, JC:+, PO:+ -- TH:**
- Flo Milli: Fine Ho, Stay (RCA) {6}: RS:*+, Up:+, Up_h:+ -- A:73/3, TH:**
- Flukten [Hanna Paulsberg]: Flukten (Odin) {6}: CM:18; jcm:+ -- TH:***
- Friends & Neighbors: Circles (Clean Feed) {6}: jmc:4, ysp:* -- TH:***
- Satoko Fujii Tokyo Trio: Jet Black (Libra) {6}: JC:+, PO:+; jlp:7 -- TH:***
- Rui Gabriel: Compassion (Carpark) {6}: GTV:*, Mj:*, PM:*, RC:*, S:*; s_t:+ -- A:80/6
- Ganavya: Like the Sky I've Been Too Quiet (Naive/Virgin) {6}: G:*, JC:+, RC:*; s_t:+ -- A:80/2, TH:**
- Nubya Garcia: Odyssey (Concord Jazz) {6}: Bc:+, JC:+, RSUK:+, Sg:40; bv_j:+, sg_j:+ -- TH:B
- Nicole Glover: Plays (Savant) {6}: JC:+; jmmz:+ -- TH:A-
- Ruth Goller: Skyllumina (International Anthem) {6}: G:*, JC:+, JW:13, WM:23; jcm:+ -- A:78/2, TH:B
- Ciara Grace: Write It Down (self-released) {6}: -- RX:B+, TH:***
- Graphic Nature: Who Are You When No One Is Watching? (Rude) {6}: DiS:*, K:25*, MH:*, RkS:12 -- A:83/3
- Gordon Grdina/Christian Lillinger: Duo Work (Attaboygirl) {6}: JC:+; jlp:4 -- TH:***
- Griff: Vertigo (Warner Music UK) {6}: Cl:*, D:*, NME:*, RS:31, RSUK:+* -- A:71/8
- Hamferð: Men Guðs Hond Er Sterk (Metal Blade) {6}: AMG:*, DiS:*, MH:49*, MSuk:*, Spk:* -- A:86/5
- Hawkwind: Stories From Time and Space (Cherry Red) {6}: ClR:34*, LW:*, Mj:*, RC:*, Spk:* -- A:82/7, TH:B
- Gemma Hayes: Blind Faith (Townsend) {6}: Al:+*, HP:19, IT:*, Mj:* -- A:78/4
- Heavee: Unleash (Hyperdub) {6}: DJM:+; am:*, ln:2, pf_e:+, tr_e:+ -- A:78/2, TH:B
- Hulder: Verses in Oath (20 Buck Spin) {6}: AMG:*, Db:12, DiS:*, MI:*, MSuk:* -- A:90/4
- Humanist: On the Edge of a Lost and Lonely World (Bella Union) {6}: ClR:*, FO:*, LW:73, MO:*, RC:*, XSN:* -- A:79/6
- Infant Island: Obsidian Wreath (Secret Voice) {6}: BPM:30*, MSuk:*, Sg:+, Spk:*; sg_hc:5 -- A:83/4
- Jon Irabagon's Outright!: Recharge the Blade (Irabbagast) {6}: JC:+; jhs:19, jmmz:+ -- TH:***
- Jordana: Lively Premonition (Grand Jury) {6}: D:18*, G:*, LBF:*; am:* -- A:93/4
- Kasabian: Happenings (Sony UK) {6}: DIY:*, I:*, LW:*, NME:*, T:*; rx:+ -- A:65/15
- Kiasmos: II (Erased Tapes) {6}: -- G:*, FO:*, Mj:*, MO:*, RT:46; am:*
- Kerry King: From Hell I Rise (Reigning Phoenix) {6}: DiS:*, K:*, MH:32*, RS:93* -- A:71/9
- Cassie Kinoshi's SEED.: Gratitude (International Anthem) {6}: JC:+, Mj:65*; g_e:7jcm:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
- Lady Blackbird: Slang Spirituals (Foundation Music Productions/BMG) {6}: KC:18, Mj:20*, RC:*, STi:24 -- A:80/2
- Mike LeDonne/Eric Alexander [Heavy Hitters]: That's What's Up! (Cellar Music) {6}: JC:+; jhs:16, jmmz:+ -- TH:***
- David Leon: Bird's Eye (Pyroclastic) {6}: AAJ:+, JC:+; jmmz:++ -- TH:**
- Lisha G & Trini Viv: Groovy Steppin Sh*t (Open Shift Distribution) {6}: Pf:37*, Pf_h:4 -- A:83/1
- Lord Spikeheart: The Adept (Hækalu) {6}: C:18, G:*, Qt:+, Tr:+; pm_m:10 -- A:75/3
- Lowen: Do Not Go to War With the Demons of Mazandaran (Church Road) {6}: K:29*, MH:9* -- A:90/2
- Lucifer: Luciver V (Nuclear Blast) {6}: ClR:*, Db:30, K:*, MH:19, Spk:* -- A:79/8
- Lux Quartet: Tomorrowland (Enja/Yellowbird) {6}: CM:+, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Lynks: Abomination (Heavenly) {6}: D:*, K:*, LQ:*, NME:*, RSUK:*, RT:81 -- A:79/9
- Maxïmo Park: Stream of Life (Lower Third/PIAS) {6}: Cl:*, ClR:*, GTV:*, MO:*, RC:*, XSN:* -- A:79/8
- Jon McKiel: Hex (You've Changed) {6}: Ex:+, LBF:*, Mj:*, RC:*, Sp:*; s_t:+ -- A:78/6
- Memorials: Memorial Waterslides (Fire) {6}: BV_i:12, U:*, UR:20; am:* -- A:73/3
- The Mysterines: Afraid of Tomorrows (Fiction) {6}: D:*, DIY:*, FO:*, LBF:*, MO:*, RT:89 -- A:74/8
- Nacka Forum: Peaceful Piano (Moserobie) {6}: CM:43, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Nap Eyes: The Neon Gate (Paradise of Bachelors) {6}: Ex:32, Fa:19, LBF:*, NT:*, U:* -- A:79/4
- The Necks: Bleed (Northern Spy) {6}: JC:+, Mj:*, SC:*, U:*, W:45; am:* -- A:81/5, TH:*
- Necrot: Lifeless Birth (Tankcrimes) {6}: Blb:*, Db:10, DiS:*, MI:* -- A:80/4
- NLE Choppa: Slut Szn (Warner) {6}: DW:10, XCI:*; xjdc:* -- A:40/1, TH:*
- Nourished by Time: Catching Chickens (XL -EP) {6}: GB:19, RA:22, StL:*, Up_h:19 -- A:81/2
- Office Culture: Enough? (Ruination) {6}: Fa:31, PM:80, SC:*, Sp:*, U:*; xjao:+ -- A:86/4
- Oso Oso: Life Till Bones (Yunahon Entertainment) {6}: Alt:2, NT:*, S:* -- A:81/4
- Ivo Perelman/Chad Fowler/Reggie Workman/Andrew Cyrille: Embracing the Unknown (Mahakala Music) {6}: CM:+, JC:+; jmc:2 -- TH:**
- Pijn: From Low Beams of Hope (Floodlit) {6}: DiS:*, MH:39*, Pu:9 -- A:85/2
- A Place to Bury Strangers: Synthesizer (Dedstrange) {6}: DW:76, PM:*, RC:*, UR:85*; am:* -- A:74/9
- Chuck Prophet: Wake the Dead (Yep Roc) {6}: AD:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, U:*; am:*, xhs:+ -- A:79/7
- Public Service Broadcasting: The Last Flight (So) {6}: GTV:*, Mj:53*, MO:*, RC:*, RT:98 -- A:79/6
- Pylon Reenactment Society: Magnet Factory (Strolling Bones) {6}: DW:32; xjdc:* -- RX:*, TH:***
- Quivers: Oyster Cuts (Merge) {6}: Mg:13, Mj:*, Sp:*, Spk:*; am:* -- A:74/7
- Dave Rempis/Jason Adasiewicz/Joshua Abrams/Tyler Damon: Propulsion (Aerophonic) {6}: CM:24, JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn: Quiet in a World Full of Noise (Merge) {6}: Mj:*, Sl:39, Tr:37, U:*; am:+* -- A:80/5
- Elias Rønnenfelt: Heavy Glory (Escho) {6}: NT:*, LBF:*, LQ:15, NT:11 -- A:72/8
- Samo Salamon/Vasil Hadzimanov/Ra-Kalam Bob Moses: Dances of Freedom (Samo) {6}: jdm:3 -- TH:A-
- Jenny Scheinman: All Species Parade (Royal Potato Family) {6}: JC:+; yjsc:4 -- TH:***
- Idit Shner & Mhondoro: Ngatibatanei [Let Us Unite!] (OA2) {6}: JC:+; xgm:7 -- TH:A-
- Linda Sikhakhane: Iladi (Blue Note) {6}: JC:+; am:*, jcm:+ -- A:80/1, TH:***
- Jae Skeese & Superior: Testament of the Times (RRC Music/BarsOverBs) {6}: HG:+; odb:* -- TH:A-
- Slift: Ilion (Sub Pop) {6}: K:*, MH:26, RC:*, Spk:37*; am:* -- A:81/7
- The Smashing Pumpkins: Aghori Mhori Mei (Tirty Tigers/Martha's) {6}: BPM:*, Cl:*, K:*, NR:*; am:+* -- A:73/8
- Ches Smith: Laugh Ash (Pyroclastic) {6}: IT:*, JC:+, PM:+; jmmz:++ -- TH:*
- Sy Smith: Until We Meet Again (Foreign Exchange Music) {6}: Al:+*, SSt:+; am:+*, odb:* -- A:95/2
- Spirit of the Beehive: You'll Have to Lose Something (Saddle Creek) {6}: FO:43*, G:*, NT:*, PM:*, StL:* -- A:79/10
- Sunny Five [Tim Berne/David Torn/Ches Smith/Devin Hoff/Marc Ducret]: Candid (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; sg_x:+, ysp:* -- TH:***
- Leon Thomas III: Mutt (Ezmny/Motown) {6}: Em:17, Okp:+, Up:+; am:*, hpo:+ -- A:80/1
- Tzompantli: Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force (20 Buck Spin) {6}: Db:6, MI:*; pm_m:5 -- A:75/2
- Joanna Wang: Hotel La Rut (Sony Music) {6}: Ne:17*, StL:8 -- A:80/1
- The Warning: Keep Me Fed (Lava/Republic) {6}: DiS:*, K:19, RkS:11; atw:+ -- A:77/3
- Anna Webber: Simpletrio2000 (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jjc:8, jmmz:+ -- TH:***
- Charlotte Day Wilson: Cyan Blue (XL) {6}: Ex:*, G:+, NT:*, Sp:*; am:+* -- A:83/4
- Cameron Winter: Heavy Metal (Partisan) {6}: FO:*, LBF:28*, NT:33*, StL:48 -- A:90/3
- Wussy Duo: Cellar Door (Shake It -EP) {6}: DW:35 -- RX:A-, TH:*
- Dwight Yoakam: Brighter Days (Thirty Tigers) {6}: IT:*; am:+*, xeb:5, xpb:+ -- A:77/3
- Zeal & Ardor: Greif (self-released) {6}: D:*, DiS:*, K:41*, MH:23, Pu:24 -- A:73/9
- 86TVs: 86TVs (Parlophone) {5}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, LW:36; rx:+ -- A:74/5
- Arild Andersen/Daniel Sommer/Rob Luft: As Time Passes (April) {5}: WM:19 -- TH:***
- Bret Anderson/Paraorchestra/Charles Hazlewood: Death Songbook (BMG/World Circuit) {5}: ClR:*, I:12, O:*, RC:* -- A:72/5
- Anitta: Funk Generation (Republic) {5}: p:10, xjdc:* -- A:70/1, TH:***
- Awon & Parental: Sublime (HHV) {5}: HG:+; odb:* -- TH:***
- Awon x Phoniks: Golden Era 2 (Don't Sleep) {5}: HG:+ -- TH:A-
- Bacchae: Next Time (Get Better) {5}: DW:49, XCI:* -- TH:***
- Ballister: Smash and Grab (Aerophonic) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Beachwood Sparks: Across the River of Stars (Curation) {5}: ClR:*, Gl:+, Mj:*, U:71; am:* -- A:79/6
- Albert Beger/Ziv Taubenfeld/Shay Hazan/Hamid Drake: Cosmic Waves (NoBusiness) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Lakecia Benjamin: Phoenix Reimagined (Live) (Ropeadope) {5}: JC:+; jmju:9 -- TH:***
- Bilal: Adjust Brightness (self-released) {5}: Okp:+; am:*, vma:+, vu:4 -- A:90/1
- Bingo Fury: Bats Feet for a Widow (The State51 Conspiracy) {5}: FO:*, LQ:19*, StL:* -- A:81/3
- Andrew Bird Trio: Sunday Morning Put-On (Loma Vista) {5}: LBF:*, Mj:*, SC:*, Sp:*; am:* -- A:77/8
- Blackberry Smoke: Be Right Here (3 Legged) {5}: ClR:17*, U:*; am:* -- A:80/3
- Black Curse: Burning in Celestial Poison (Supulchral Voice) {5}: AMG:*, Db:23, DiS:*; pm_m:3 -- A:80/2
- John Blum Quartet Featuring Marshall Allen: Deep Space (Astral Spirits) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Bnny: One Million Love Songs (Fire Talk) {5}: FO:*, MO:*, P:*, UR:*; am:* -- A:78/7
- Silvia Bolognesi/Dudú Kouate/Griffin Rodriguez: Timing Birds (Astral Spirits) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Bon Jovi: Forever (Island) {5}: Blb:*, ClR:50*, I:*, K:* -- A:68/7
- Laci Kaye Booth: The Loneliest Girl in the World (Geffen) {5}: LAT:4; atw:+
- Borknagar: Fall (Century Media) {5}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:*, MSuk:* -- A:84/6
- Aziza Brahim: Mawja (Glitterbeat) {5}: AD:*, MO:*, U:* -- A:80/3, TH:**
- Peter Brötzmann/Toshinori Kondo/Sabu Toyozumi: Complete Link (2016, NoBusiness) {5}: JC_r:+ -- TH:A-
- Betty Bryant: Lotta Livin' (Bry-Mar Music) {5}: xeb:7 -- TH:A-
- Bullion: Affection (Ghostly International) {5}: GB:35, NME:*, Pf:*; am:*, ra:* -- A:80/4
- John Butcher + 13: Fluid Fixations (Weight of Wax) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Bill Callahan: Resuscitate! (Drag City) {5}: Mj:*, U:*, Up_h:12; am:* -- A:80/4
- James Carter: Un (Unaccompanied Baritone Saxophone) (JMI) {5}: PO:+; jhs:13, ysp:* -- TH:**
- Frank Carter & the Rattlesnakes: Dark Rainbow (International Death Cult) {5}: AD:*, DiS:*, DIY:*, Pu:11 -- A:72/11
- Cassyette: This World Fucking Sucks (23) {5}: DIY:*, K:34*, MH:*, Sk:* -- A:75/7
- Cavalier & Child Actor: Cine (Backwoodz Studioz) {5}: Okp:+, PW:13 -- TH:**
- Layale Chaker & Sarafand: Radio Afloat (In a Circle) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Civerous: Maze Envy (20 Buck Spin) {5}: DiS:*, MI:*, Ne:11* -- A:88/4
- Chris Cohen: Paint a Room (Hardly Art) {5}: AD:*, AM:*, LI:86, RC:*, UR:* -- A:72/9
- Caleb Wheeler Curtis: The True Story of Bears and the Invention of the Battery (Imani -2CD) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Amalie Dahl's Dafnie: Står Op Med Solen (Aguirre) {5}: CM:33, JC:+ -- TH:***
- Dame Area: Toda la verdad sobre Dame Area (Humo Internacional/Mannequin) {5}: Pf_k:2, Sk:* -- A:79/2
- Caroline Davis' Alula: Captivity (Ropeadope -23) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- De Schuurman: Bubbling Forever (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {5}: C:21, RA:2
- Dialect: Atlas of Green (RVNG) {5}: BPM:*, Qt:13, W:18 -- A:80/1
- Dödsrit: Nocturnal Will (Wolves of Hades) {5}: Blb:*, Db:19, MH:31* -- A:80/3
- Welf Dorr/Elias Meister/Dmitry Ishenko/Kenny Wollesen: So Far So Good (self-released) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Drahla: Angeltape (Captured Tracks) {5}: FO:*, LW:*, UR:*; am:*, vgb:8 -- A:77/9
- Drakeo the Ruler: The Undisputed Truth (Stinc Team) {5}: Pf:*, PW:8, Ri:29 -- A:80/1
- Earthtone9: In Resonance Nexus () {5}: Blb:*, ClR:*, DiS:*, MH:*, K:* -- A:80/5
- Erick the Architect: I've Never Been Here Before (self-released) {5}: Cl:*, HG:+, KC:25, SLi:+; cs_r:18 -- A:79/2
- Ernest: Nashville, Tennessee () {5}: BB:+, LAT:5
- Julieta Eugenio: Stay (Cristalyn) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Sam Evian: Plunge (Flying Cloud/Thirty Tigers) {5}: GTV:*, SLi:39*, UR:*; am:* -- A:78/5
- Kelly Finnigan: A Lover Was Born (Colemine) {5}: Gl:+, Mj:70*, RT:80, U:* -- A:80/2
- Fire!: Testament (Rune Grammofon) {5}: CM:+, JC:+ -- TH:***
- Fleshgod Apocalypse: Opera (Nuclear Blast) {5}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:*, MSuk:* -- A:87/5
- Floros Floridis/Matthias Bauer/Joe Hertenstein: Temporal Driftness (Evil Rabbit) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Fousheé: Pointy Heights (RCA/Trackmasters) {5}: Cl:*, Cmp:41, KC:23, O:*, Okp:+ -- A:80/2
- Aaron Frazer: Into the Blue (Dead Oceans) {5}: Gl:++, Mj:*, NR:*, U:* -- A:78/4
- Fu Manchu: The Return of Tomorrow (At the Dojo) {5}: Blb:*, ClR:*, K:*, MI:*, RC:* -- A:79/6
- Ganavya: Daughter of a Temple (Leiter) {5}: JC:+ -- bb6:+, jmmz:++
- Amanda Gardier: Auteur (Music Inspired by the Films of Wes Anderson) (self-released) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Frode Gjerstad Trio: Unknown Purposes (Circulasione Totale) {5}: CM:13 -- TH:***
- Glitterer: Rationale (Anti-) {5}: D:*, DiS:*, FO:*, NT:*, Sg:+ -- A:77/5
- Vanisha Gould and Chris McCarthy: Life's a Gig (Fresh Sound New Talent) {5}: JC:+; jmmz:+, wrti:+ -- TH:**
- Grand Magus: Sunraven (Nuclear Blast) {5}: Blb:*, ClR:*, DiS:*, MH:43* -- A:78/6
- Conan Gray: Found Heaven (Republic) {5}: D:40*, DIY:*, Up:+; am:* -- A:75/7
- Gunna: One of Wun (YSL/300 Entertainment) {5}: BB:+, Cmp:38, Up:+, Up_h:+; bb_h:16 -- A:49/4
- Gurriers: Come and See (No Filter) {5}: Cl:*, D:42*, FO:*, Ov:* -- A:77/6
- Mickey Guyton: House on Fire (Capitol Nashville) {5}: TL:22, XCI:**; xjdc:* -- TH:*
- Rich Halley 4: Dusk and Dawn (Pine Eagle) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Halo Maud: Celebrate (Heavenly) {5}: GTV:43, LI:63, Mj:*, RC:*; am:* -- A:78/4
- Hana Vu: Romanticism (Ghostly International) {5}: BPM:47, FO:*, LBF:26*; am:* -- A:75/11
- Mercer Hassy Orchestra: Duke's Place (Mercer Hassy) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Lalah Hathaway: Vantablack (SRG) {5}: Al:+*, SSt:+; am:+* -- A:90/2
- Eirik Hegdal Eklektisk Samband: Turnchest (Particular) {5}: CM:9, JC:+ -- TH:*
- Dylan Hicks & Small Screens: Modern Flora (Soft Launch) {5}: xjdc:* -- TH:A-
- Hifi Sean & David McAlmont: Daylight () {5}: AD:*, LW:23, Mj:*, O:*, RC:* -- A:76/5
- John Hollenbeck & NDR Bigband: Colouring Hockets (Plexatonic) {5}: JC:+; jfk:10 -- TH:***
- Homeshake: CD Wallet (Shhoamkee) {5}: Cl:*, LI:65, NT:*, Ov:*; am:* -- A:82/4
- Honeyglaze: Real Deal (Fat Possum) {5}: BPM:*, Cl:*, D:*, Ov:*; am:* -- A:80/6
- Jazzmeia Horn: Messages (Empress Legacy) {5}: JC:+; jmmz:++ -- TH:**
- Jason Kao Hwang: Soliloquies: Unaccompanied Pizzicato Violin Improvisations (True Sound) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- I Am Three: In Other Words (Leo) {5}: CM:+ -- TH:A-
- I Dont Know How but They Found Me: Gloom Division (Concord) {5}: D:*, DiS:*, K:*, RkS:18 -- A:78/4
- Ethan Iverson: Technically Acceptable (Blue Note) {5}: JC:+; jfk:7, tms_j:+, yjsc:6 -- TH:*
- Javon Jackson/Nikki Giovanni: Javon & Nikki Go to the Movies (Solid Jackson/Palmetto) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Boldy James/Conductor Williams: Across the Tracks (Near Mint) {5}: C:36, PO:+; bb_h:20 -- A:78/1, TH:**
- Joe Fahey: Andrea's Exile (Rough Fish) {5}: -- RX:***, TH:**
- Josh Johnson: Unusual Object (Northern Spy) {5}: JC:+, PM:*; jmmz:+ -- A:80/1, TH:**
- I Jordan: I Am Jordan (Ninja Tune) {5}: DJM:+, W:*; bb6:+ra:* -- TH:*
- Goran Kajfeš Tropiques: Tell Us (We Jazz) {5}: jmmz:++ -- TH:***
- Ariel Kalma/Jeremiah Chiu/Marta Sofia Honer: The Closest Thing to Silence (International Anthem) {5}: Mj:*, Pf:*; am:* -- A:80/4, TH:**
- Charlie Kohlhase's Explorer's Club: A Second Life (Mandorla Music) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Kokoko!: Butu (Transgressive) {5}: AD:*, DIY:*, Mj:*, PM:*; xpb:12 -- A:78/7, MT:**
- Lenny Kravitz: Blue Electric Light (BMG) {5}: Al:+, ClR:*, Mj:*, RC:*; am:* -- A:72/7
- KRM & KMRU: Disconnect (Phantom Limb) {5}: C:43, Cl:*, Mj:*, W:42; bl:7 -- A:81/3
- Kurious: Majician (Metalface) {5}: Mj:*, Pf_h:18; am:*, tr_h:+ -- A:76/3
- Chow Lee: Sex Drive (TC Music) {5}: Cmp:42, Fa:34, Sl:30*, Up:+ -- A:79/2
- Janel Leppin's Ensemble Volcanic Ash: To March Is to Love (Cuneiform) {5}: CM:42, JC:+ -- TH:***
- Jeffrey Lewis: Ghosterbusters (-EP) {5}: xjdc:* -- MT:A-
- Lizzie No: Halfsies () {5}: AD:*, Mg:18, SC:*; sg_c:+ -- A:85/2
- Loe Shimmy: Zombieland 2 () {5}: Pf_h:3, PW:23
- Lollise: I Hit the Water (Switch Hit) {5}: PM:19* -- A:100/1, TH:**
- Jake Long: City Swamp (New Soil) {5}: O:*, WM:9; jcm:+ -- A:80/1
- Lyrics Born: Goodbye, Sticky Rice (Mobile Home) {5}: xjdc:* -- TH:A-
- Delfeayo Marsalis Uptown Jazz Orchestra: Crescent City Jewels (Troubadour Jass) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Charles McPherson: Reverence (Smoke Sessions) {5}: JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:***
- Megafauna: And So I Watch You From Afar (Pelagic/Velocity) {5}: Cl:*, DiS:*, IT:*, K:*, MH:* -- A:79.6
- Melvins: Tarantula Heart (Ipecac) {5}: Blb:*, MH:*, PM:*, U:*, UCR:+ -- A:76/10
- Midnight: Hellish Expectations (Metal Blade) {5}: Db:31, DiS:*, MH:*, MI:*, MSuk* -- A:78/5
- Kylie Minogue: Tension II (BMG) {5}: Al:+, I:*, IT:*, LBF:*, NME:* -- A:73/12
- Nicole Mitchell and Ballaké Sissoko: Bamako Chicago Sound System (FPE) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Elaine Mitchener: Solo Throat (Otoroku) {5}: U:*, W:3 -- A:90/1
- Mike Monford: The Cloth I'm Cut From (self-released) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Jimmy Montague: Tomorrow's Coffee (self-released) {5}: Alt:24, NT:*, P:53*; ysp:* -- A:88/2
- Sam Morton: Daffodils & Dirt (XL) {5}: GB:22, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, U:* -- A:76/5
- Mothica: Kissing Death (Heavy Heart/Rise) {5}: DiS:*, K:32*, RkS:14 -- A:80/2
- My Dying Bride: A Mortal Binding (Nuclear Blast) {5}: Blb:*, ClR:*, DiS:*, MI:*, MSuk* -- A:76/8
- David Nance: David Nance & Mowed Sound (Third Man) {5}: AV:+, Mj:*, P:*, Sg:+; am:* -- A:77/5
- Navy Blue: Memoirs in Armour (Freedom Sounds) {5}: BV_r:22; tr_h:+ -- A:78/1, TH:***
- Necrophobic: In the Twilight Grey (Century Media) {5}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MI:*, MSuk:* -- A:84/5
- Nines: Quit While You're Ahead (Zino) {5}: Cmp_U:20, DJM:+, T:* -- A:80/1, TH:*
- Adam O'Farrill: Hueso (FOOD) {5}: JC:+; jjc:10 -- TH:***
- Oneida: Expensive Air (Joyful Noise) {5}: S:*, Sp:*, U:*; vjk:4 -- A:80/4
- One Step Closer: All You Embrace (Run for Cover) {5}: Alt:31, D:*, DiS:*, K:*, Spk:* -- A:85/4
- Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp: Ventre Unique (Bongo Joe/Red Wig) {5}: CE:10 -- TH:**
- Dorothea Paas: Think of Mist (Telephone Explosion) {5}: BV_i:25, Ex:47*, GB:27; bv_f:+ -- A:80/1
- Jason Palmer: The Cross Over: Live in Brooklyn (Giant Step Arts -2CD) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- William Parker/Cooper-Moore/Hamid Drake: Heart Trio (AUM Fidelity) {5}: JC:+_ -- TH:A-
- Orville Peck: Stampede (Warner) {5}: FO:*, O:*, SC:*; sg_c:+, xrt:+ -- A:73/8
- Polygonia: Da Nao Tian Gong (Polygonia) {5}: RA:5, YW:104
- Porches: Shirt (Domino) {5}: Em:44, Ex:*, FO:*, NT:*; am:* -- A:75/7
- Pregoblin: Pregoblin II (Strap Originals) {5}: FO:49*, GTV:*, Mj:*, SLi:25 -- A:83/3
- Katherine Priddy: The Pendulum Swing (Cooking Vinyl) {5}: AD:*, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, Sp:* -- A:80/6
- Dafnis Prieto: 3 Sides of the Coin (Dafnison Music) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Jason Robinson: Ancestral Numbers II (Playscape) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Jason Robinson: Ancestral Numbers (Playscape) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Catherine Russell/Sean Mason: My Ideal (Dot Time) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Ruthven: Rough & Ready (Paul Institute/XL) {5}: Cl:24, MO:37*; am:+* -- A:90/2
- Marta Sanchez Trio: Perpetual Void (Intakt) {5}: JC:+; jgy:+ -- TH:***
- Scene Queen: Hot Singles in Your Area (Hopeless) {5}: D:*, DiS:*, MH:*, K:48* -- A:80/5
- Secret Sisters: Mind, Man, Medicine (New West) {5}: TL:20 -- TH:***
- Seefeel: Everything Squared (Warp -EP) {5}: LBF:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:21, U:*; pf_e:+ -- A:80/4
- See You Space Cowboy: Coup De Grâce (Pure Noise) {5}: M -- BV:+, DiS:*, K:*; ap:+
- Brad Shepik: Human Activity: Dream of the Possible (Shifting Paradigm) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- M Slago/Homeboy Sandman: And We Are Here (Fly 7 Music) {5}: HG:+, XCI:* -- TH:***
- Slash: Orgy of the Damned (Gibson) {5}: ClR:29*, MH:*, Sp:*, UCR:+ -- A:69/6
- Walter Smith III: Three of Us Are From Houston and Reuben Is Not (Blue Note) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Jim Snidero: For All We Know (Savant) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Omar Souleyman: Erbil (Mad Decent) {5}: DW:78; xjdc:* -- TH:***
- Vinnie Sperrazza Apocryphal: Sunday (Loyal Label) {5}: JC:+; jhs:29 -- TH:***
- Stand Atlantic: Was Here (Hopeless) {5}: D:*, DiS:*, K:30*, RkS:23 -- A:80/3
- Jason Stein/Marilyn Crispell/Damon Smith/Adam Shead: Spi-raling Horn (Balance Point Acoustics) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- The Story So Far: I Want to Disappear (Pure Noise) {5}: Alt:22, K:*, Sp:*, Spk:23; ap:+ -- A:76/5
- Kevin Sun: Quartets (Endectomorph Music -2CD) {5}: jlp:9, jmc:8 -- TH:***
- Kevin Sun: The Fate of the Tenor (Endectomorph) {5}: JC:+; jlp:+ -- TH:***
- Sun Ra Arkestra [Under the Direction of Marshall Allen]: Lights on a Satellite (In+Out) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Mohammad Syfkhan: I Am Kurdish (Nyahh) {5}: Qt:5
- Aki Takase Japanic: Forte (Budapest Music Center) {5}: CM:30, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Christian Tamburr/Dominick Farinacci/Michael Ward-Bergeman: Triad (Ropeadope) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Alfie Templeman: Radiosoul (Chess Club) {5}: D:*, DIY:*, NT:*, RC:*, SC:* -- A:81/7
- Terminal Nation: Echoes of the Devil's Den (20 Buck Spin) {5}: Db:17, DiS:*, Sg:+; sg_hc:9 -- A:90/1
- Pat Thomas: The Solar Model of Ibn Al-Shatir (Otoroku) {5}: W:19 -- TH:**
- Hayden Thorpe: Ness (Domino) {5}: Cl:*, Mj:*, MO:24*, U:* -- A:80/5
- Thus Love: All Pleasure (Captured Tracks) {5}: Cl:*, GTV:11*, RT:62 -- A:90/2
- Zach Top: Cold Beer & Country Music (Leo33) {5}: TL:36; am:*, ny_c:7 -- A:80/1, TH:**
- Emilíana Torrini: Miss Flower (Groenland) {5}: FO:*, LW:71, Mj:*, MO:*, U:* -- A:78/5
- Devin Townsend: PowerNerd (HevyDevy/InsideOut) {5}: Blb:*, ClR:*, DiS:*, MH:22, MI:* -- A:78/6
- Oded Tzur: My Prophet (ECM) {5}: AAJ:+, JC:+; jcm:+ -- TH:**
- The Vaccines: Pick-Up Full of Pink Carnations (Super Easy) {5}: D:*, Ev:*, PM:*+, Sk:* -- A:68/11
- Kiki Valera: Vacilón Santiaguero (Circle 9 Music) {5}: JC:+, YW:89 -- TH:***
- Vitriol: Suffer & Become (Century Media) {5}: AMG:*, Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:*, MI:* -- A:84/6
- The Voidz: Like All Before You (Cult/Diggers Factory) {5}: Cl:*, LI:4 -- A:59/13
- Tashi Wada: What Is Not Strange? (RVNG Intl) {5}: Qt:16, U:*; sg_x:7 -- A:79/2
- Kelsey Waldon: There's Always a Song (Oh Boy) {5}: PM:*+ -- A:80/1, TH:***
- Terry Waldo & the Gotham City Band: Treasury Volume 1 (Turtle Bay) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- Whitelands: Night-bound Eyes Are Blind to the Day (Sonic Cathedral) {5}: FO:*, GTV:34, Mj:*, NME:*, RT:64 -- A:73/7
- Wilco: Hot Sun Cool Shroud (dBpm -EP) {5}: -- MT:A-, TH:*
- Kelly Willis/Melissa Carper/Brennen Leigh: Wonder Women of Country (Brooklyn Basement -EP) {5}: TL:29, XCI:*; ysp:* -- TH:**
- Norma Winstone/Kit Downes: Outpost of Dreams (ECM) {5}: G:*; am:* -- A:80/2, TH:***
- Winterfylleth: The Imperious Horizon (Candlelight) {5}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:42*, MSuk:* -- A:85/4
- Wizkid: Morayo (Starboy Entertainment/RCA) {5}: Cl:*, Cmp_U:9, NME:* -- A:80/4
- Young Jesus: The Fool (Saddle Creek) {5}: LBF:*, NT:*, P:94*, Spk:* -- A:84/5
- Zetra: Zetra (Nuclear Blast) {5}: DiS:*, K:18*, MH:34 -- A:73/3
- John Zorn: New Masada Quartet, Volume 3: Live at Roulette (Tzadik) {5}: JC:+ -- TH:A-
- The Zutons: The Big Decider (Icepop) {5}: Cl:*, Mj:*, NME:*, RC:*, XSN:*; rx:+ -- A:70/7
- 1349: The Wolf and the King (Season of Mist) {4}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MI:*, SC:* -- A:82/5
- Sakina Abdou/Toma Gouband/Maria Warelis: Hammer, Roll and Leaf (Relative Pitch) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Aborted: Vault of Horrors (Nuclear Blast) {4}: AMG:*, DiS:*, K:*, MSuk:* -- A:77/7
- Acceleration Due to Gravity: Jonesville: Music by and for Sam Jones (Hot Cup -EP) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Akai Solo: Dreamdropdragon (Break All) {4}: Okp:+, Pf_h:12, StL:40 -- A:77/1
- Eric Alexander: Timing Is Everything (Cellar Music) {4}: AAJ:*, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Marina Allen: Eight Pointed Star (Fire) {4}: AD:*, Cl:*, P:*, RT:73 -- A:80/4
- Luther Allison: I Owe It All to You (Posi-Tone) {4}: jmmz:++ -- TH:**
- Gonçalo Almeida: States of Restraint (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Alora Crucible: Oak Lace Apparition (House of Mythology) {4}: Spk:19* -- A:86/1
- Anciients: Beyond the Reach of the Sun (Season of Mist) {4}: AMG:*, Bob:*, Db:40, MH:* -- A:76/5
- Sam Anning: Earthen (Earshift Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Bill Anschell: Improbable Solutions (Origin) {4}: jdm:1 -- TH:*
- Apathy: Connecticut Casual: Chapter 2 (Dirty Version) {4}: HG:+, Ne:* -- A:80/1, TH:**
- Daymé Arocena: Alkemi (Brownswood) {4}: JC:+, O:*; am:* -- A:80/2, TH:*
- Arrested Development: Bullets in the Chamber (Vagabond Productions) {4}: HG:+, SSt:+; odb:* -- TH:*
- Bab L' Bluz: Swaken (Real World) {4}: AD:*, Mj:*, S:* -- A:83/4, TH:*
- Nik Bärtsch's Ronin: Spin (Ronin Rhythm) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- BassDrumBone: Afternoon (Auricle) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Bastille: "&" (Ampersand) (Best Laid Plans/EMI) {4}: D:*, DIY:*, XSN:*; rx:+ -- A:78/5
- Bruno Berle: No Reino Dos Afetos 2 (Psychic Hotline) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Pat Bianchi: Three (21H) {4}: tms_j:+ -- TH:***
- Carlos Bica: 11:11 (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jmc:7 -- TH:**
- Towa Bird: American Hero (Interscope) {4}: Cl:60, LBF:*, RS:52* -- A:73.4
- Bktherula: LVL5 P2 (Warner) {4}: -- RX:**, TH:**
- Black Country Communion: V () {4}: ClR:5
- Black Lives: People of Earth (Jammin' Colors) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- James Blake & Lil Yachty: Bad Cameo (Quality Control Music/Motown) {4}: Cl:*, GQ:+, LBF:*; am:* -- A:69/67
- Carsie Blanton: The Red Album Vol 1 (self-released -EP) {4}: xjdc:* -- TH:***
- Blue Lab Beats: Blue Eclipse (Decca) {4}: Cl:*, O:*, T:*; am:* -- A:85/4, TH:B
- Blue Moods: Swing & Soul (Posi-Tone) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Body Meπa: Prayer in Dub (Hausu Mountain) {4}: xjdc:* -- TH:***
- The Body: The Crying Out of Things (Thrill Jockey) {4}: DiS:*, K:*, MH:*; am:* -- A:80/5
- Borderlands Trio [Stephan Crump/Kris Davis/Eric McPherson]: Rewilder (Intakt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Geoff Bradfield: Colossal Abundance (Calligram) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Olie Brice/Rachel Musson/Mark Sanders: Immense Blue (West Hill) {4}: CM:22, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Brigitte Calls Me Baby: The Future Is Our Way Out (ATO) {4}: NME:*, RT:59; am:*, atw:+ -- A:73/3
- Brother Ali & unJUST: Love & Service (Travelers Media) {4}: HG:+, SSt:+; odb:* -- TH:*
- Cat Burns: Early Twenties (RCA) {4}: Cl:58*, LBF:*, O:* -- A:74/5
- Alina Bzhezhinska & Tony Kofi: Altera Vita (BBE) {4}: JC:+, JW:15; jcm:+
- C6Fe2RN6: C6Fe2RN6 (Astral Spirits) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- George Cables: I Hear Echoes (HighNote) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Caligula's Horse: Charcoal Grace (InsideOut) {4}: DiS:*, MH:48*, MI:* -- A:80/5
- Jonas Cambien: Jonas Cambien's Maca Conu (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
- Gerald Cannon: Live at Dizzy's Club: The Music of Elvin & McCoy (Woodneck) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Gunhild Carling: Jazz Is My Lifestyle! (Jazz Art) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Hayes Carll/Band of Heathens: Hayes & the Heathens (BOH) {4}: xwv:6 -- TH:***
- Kim Cass: Levs (Pi) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Cast: Love Is the Call (Cast) {4}: LW:*, Mj:*, XSN:*; am:* -- A:77/7
- Bill Charlap Trio: And Then Again (Blue Note) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- The Choir Invisible [Charlotte Greve/Vinnie Sperazza/Chris Tordini]: Town of Two Faces (Intakt) {4}: CM:35 -- TH:***
- Ciel & CCL: Tilda's Goat Stare (Naff) {4}: RA:13, VF:25, YW:78
- Cigarettes After Sex: X's (Partisan) {4}: Cl:*, Fld:37, I:*, LI:73 -- A:67/12
- Emmet Cohen: Vibe Provider (Mack Avenue) {4}: JC:+; jmju:+ -- TH:**
- Anat Cohen Quartetinho: Bloom (Anzic) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- J Cole: Might Delete Later (Dreamville/Interscope) {4}: Cl:*, Cmp:21, Up_h:+; bb_h:17 -- A:46/5
- Courteeners: Pink Cactus Café (Ignition) {4}: Mj:*, NME:*, RC:*; rx:+ -- A:78/4
- Courting: New Last Name (Lower Third/PIAS) {4}: A:71/10
- Sylvie Courvoisier: To Be Other-Wise (Intakt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Charley Crockett: $10 Cowboy Chapter II: Visions of Dallas (Son of Davy) {4}: scm:* -- TH:***
- Crumb: Amama (Crumb) {4}: FO:*, NT:*, Pf:*; ap:+ -- A:78/7
- Stephan Crump: Slow Water (Papillon Sounds) {4}: JC:+ -- A:70/1, TH:***
- Daisy Moon: System Creak (Peach Discs -EP) {4}: VF:35 -- TH:***
- The Dandy Warhols: Rockmaker (Sunset Blvd/Beat of the World) {4}: AD:*, MO:*, NT:*, Sp:* -- A:67/14
- Devon Daniels Quintet: LesGo! (Sam First) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Andra Day: Cassandra (Cherith) (Warner) {4}: SSt:+; am:+*, odb:* -- A:90/1
- Dead Pioneers: Dead Pioneers (Hassle) {4}: DiS:*, GTV:*, LW:14 -- A:90/2
- Michael Dease: Found in Space: The Music of Gregg Hill (Origin) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Defeated Sanity: Chronicles of Lunacy (Season of Mist) {4}: AMG:*, MI:*, MSuk:*; pm_m:9 -- A:83/4
- Jon De Lucia: The Brubeck Octet Project (Musæum Clausum) {4}: jcm:+ -- TH:***
- Eefje De Visser: Heimwee (Sony) {4}: Oo:4
- Ani DiFranco: Unprecedented Sh!t (Righteous Babe) {4}: AD:*, BPM:*, Mj:* -- A:76/5, TH:*
- DNYC3 & 03 Greedo: Project Tpain (self-released -23) {4}: -- PW:4
- Dog Unit: At Home (Brace Yourself) {4}: Cl:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, RT:68 -- A:76/5
- Dolores Forever: It's Nothing (Sweat Entertainment) {4}: Cl:*, D:*, LBF:*, XSN:* -- A:79/6
- Karl D'Silva: Love Is a Flame in the Dark (Night School) {4}: G:50*, W:27 -- A:100/1, TH:*
- Dvne: Voidkind (Metal Blade) {4}: DiS:*, MH:18* -- M:83/3
- Eliza & the Delusionals: Make It Feel Like a Garden (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: SMH:+++, Spk:* -- A:76/3
- Jacken Elswyth: At Fargrounds (Wrong Speed) {4}: Qt:14, U:* -- A:80/1
- Signe Emmeluth: Banshee (Motvind) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
- John Escreet: The Epicenter of Your Dreams (Blue Room Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Fantastic Negrito: Son of a Broken Man (Storefront) {4}: ClR:34*, Mj:*, RC:* -- A:80/3
- Fcukers: Baggy$$ (Technicolour -EP) {4}: FO:*, KC:11, Tu:26 -- A:74/2
- Fimiguerrero, Len & Lancey Foux: Conglomerate (Lizzy) {4}: Cmp_U:4 -- A:70/1
- Fine: Rocky Top Ballads (Escho) {4}: Fa:27, GB:6 -- A:77/1
- Nick Finzer: Legacy: A Centennial Celebration of JJ Johnson (Outside In Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Foster the People: Paradise State of Mind (Atlantic) {4}: Cl:*, FO:*, LBF:*; am:* -- A:78/6
- Joel Frahm Trio: Lumination (Anzic) {4}: jmmz:+ -- TH:***
- David Friesen: A Light Shining Through (Origin) {4}: jdm:+ -- TH:***
- Froukje: Noodzakelijk Verdriet (Top Notch/Frak 'n Roll) {4}: Oo:5
- Joel Futterman: Innervoice (NoBusiness) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Hilary Gardner: On the Trial With the Lonesome Pines (Anzic) {4}: JC:+; jmmz:+, tms_j:+ -- TH:*
- Sally Gates/Steve Hirsh/Daniel Carter: Phosphene (Mahakala Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Andreas Gerth & Carl Oesterheit: Music for Unknown Rituals (Umor Rex Mexico) {4}: CE:3
- Ghost Dubs: Damaged (Pressure) {4}: DJM:+, Mj:67*, Tu:27 -- A:77/2
- Claudia Gibson: The Fields of Chazy (self-released) {4}: -- RX:**, TH:**
- Marshall Gilkes and WDR Big Band: Life Songs (Alternate Side) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Ben Goldberg/Todd Sickafoose/Scott Amendola: Here to There (Secret Hatch) {4}: CM:39, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Charles Goold: Triptych Lespri (La Reserve) {4}: JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:**
- The Gringo Pistoleros: The Rise and . . . Subsequent Fall of the Texas Alien (self-released) {4}: -- RX:**, TH:**
- Noah Haidu: Standards II (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; ysp:* -- TH:**
- Sarah Hanahan: Among Giants (Blue Engine) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Ed Harcourt: El Magnifico (Deathless) {4}: MO:*, RC:*, U:*; am:* -- A:80/5
- Keyon Harrold: Foreverland (Concord) {4}: LW:*, O:* -- A:77/3, TH:**
- Hello Mary: Emita Ox (Frenchkiss) {4}: FO:45*, P:*, XSN:* -- A:85/3
- Fred Hersch: Silent, Listening (ECM) {4}: JC:+; am:*, tms_j:+ -- A:75/2, TH:*
- Conrad Herwig: The Latin Side of McCoy Tyner (Savant) {4}: JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:**
- Steve Hirsh/Steve Swell/Jim Clouse/William Parker: Out on a Limb (Soul City Sounds) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Jasper Høiby's 3 Elements: Like Water (Edition) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- House of All: Continuum (Tiny Global) {4}: LW:17, Mj:*, U:* -- A:80/2
- Christian Lee Hutson: Paradise Pop. 10 (Anti-) {4}: DIY:*, LBF:45*, PM:76 -- A:75/6
- Abdullah Ibrahim: 3 (Gearbox) {4}: JC:+; jgy:+, yjsc:8 -- TH:*
- Ill Considered: Precipice (New Soil) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Itasca: Imitation of War (Paradise of Bachelors) {4}: Cl:*, Mj:*, U:*; bv_f:+ -- A:77/5
- Jack J: Blue Desert (Mood Hut) {4}: GB:13, VF:13 -- A:71/1
- Joel and the Neverending Sextet: Marbled (Motvind) {4}: CM:27 -- TH:***
- Chuck Johnson: Sun Glories (Western Vinyl) {4}: PM:", U:54; am:*, sg_x:+ -- A:77/4
- Fergus Jones: Ephemera (Numero Group) {4}: DJM:+, GB:32, Qt:100, VF:38
- The Joymakers: Down Where the Bluebonnets Grow (Turtle Bay) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Juniore: Trois, Deux, Un () {4}: FO:*, LI:97; vgb:4 -- A:68/5
- Kaia Kater: Strange Medicine (Free Dirt) {4}: Ex:*, O:*, U:54* -- A:83/3
- Kaze: Unwritten (Circum/Libra) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Ryan Keberle & Catharsis: Music Is Connection (Alternate Side) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Kid Congo & the Pink Monkey Birds: That Delicious Vice (In the Red) {4}: Mj:*, RC:*, U:*; am:* -- A:78/5
- Izumi Kimura/Barry Guy/Gerry Hemingway: Six Hands Open as One (Fundacja Słuchaj) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Marcus King: Mood Swings (Republic) {4}: ClR:*, Mj:*, RS:*+ -- A:78/4
- Snorre Kirk: What a Day! (Stunt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Anni Kiviniemi Trio: Eir (We Jazz) {4}: ysp:* -- TH:***
- Brian Landrus: Plays Ellington & Strayhorn (Palmetto) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Latin Mafia: Todos Los Días Todo El Día (Rimas) {4}: BB:49, Fa:17, NPR:+
- Oisin Leech: Cold Sea () {4}: IT:*, Mj:61, U:29; bb6:+ -- A:69/3
- Logic: Ultra 85 (Three Oh One/BMG) {4}: HG:+, Ne:37*; am:* -- A:85/2
- Luis Lopes Humanization 4tet: Saarbrücken (Clean Feed) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Alex LoRe: Motivity (Weirdear) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Rosie Lowe: Lover, Other (Blue Flowers Music) {4}: AD:*, Al:+*, O:* -- A:87/5
- Brian Lynch: 7X7BY7 (Holistic MusicWorks) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- The Taj Mahal Sextet: Swingin' Live at the Church in Tulsa (Lightning Rod) {4}: XCI:* -- TH:***
- Malice K: Avanti (Jagjaguwar) {4}: D:*, LI:18, NME:* -- A:72/5
- Man Man: Carrot on Strings (Sub Pop) {4}: ClR:*, Gl:++, Mj:* -- A:80/2
- David Maranha/Rodrigo Amado: Wrecks (Nariz Entupido) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Maxo Kream: Personification (Stomp Down) {4}: BV_r:19, CS:49; cs_r:11 -- A:56/2
- Rob Mazurek Exploding Star Orchestra: Live at the Adler Planetarium (International Anthem) {4}: CM:+, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Thollem McDonas: Infinite-Sum Game (ESP-Disk) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Mermaid Chunky: Slif Slaf Slof (DFA) {4}: NME:*, RC:*, Sk:16 -- A:80/2
- Michelle: Songs About You Specifically (Transgressive) {4}: 45:33, D:*, Ne:*, P:40 -- A:80/2
- Midland: Fragments of Us (Graded) {4}: Cl:*, DJM:+, RA:20 -- A:82/2
- Midwife: No Depression in Heaven (The Flenser) {4}: Ex:*, P:66*, SC:* -- A:85/3
- Matt Mitchell: Illimitable (Obliquity) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Matt Mitchell: Zealous Angles (Pi) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Moggs Motel: Moggs Motel (SPV) {4}: Blb:*, ClR:27*, RC:* -- A:80/3
- Ben Monder: Planetarium (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jhs:25, jmmz:++ -- TH:B
- Mono: Oath (Temporary Residence) {4}: DiS:*, PM:*+; am:* -- A:78/5
- Mork: Syv (Peaceville) {4}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MI:*, Spk:* -- A:81/6
- Move: Free Baile: Live in Shenzhen (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- MTB [Brad Mehldau/Mark Turner/Peter Bernstein]: Solid Jackson (Criss Cross Jazz) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Riley Mulherkar: Riley (Westerlies) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Martha Skye Murphy: Um (AD 93) {4}: BV:50, Cl:*, Qt:63, Sk:* -- A:80/2
- Jasmine Myra: Rising (Gondwana) {4}: JC:+, O:*, WM:34; am:* -- A:80/2
- The National: Rome (4AD) {4}: DW:12; dw:+, xjao:+
- Camila Nebbia & Angelica Sanchez: In Another Land, Another Dream (Relative Pitch) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Nemahsis: Verbathim () {4}: Ex:29*, NME:18 -- A:80/1
- The New Wonders: Steppin' Out (Turtle Bay) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Molly Nilsson: Un-American Activities (Night School/Dark Skies Association) {4}: wp:5 -- TH:**
- Noahfinnce: Growing Up on the Internet (Hopeless) {4}: K:44*, RkS:16 -- A:70/3
- NOBRO: Set Your Pussy Free (Dine Alone -23) {4}: YW:3
- Eva Novoa: Novoa/Carter/Mela Trio, Vol. 1 (577) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Mali Obomsawin/Magdalena Abrego [Deerlady]: Greatest Hits (Out Of Your Head) {4}: CM:17 -- TH:**
- The Obsessed: Gilded Sorrow (Ripple Music) {4}: DiuS:*, MH:36*, MSuk:* -- A:77/5
- Office Dog: Spiel (Flying Nun/New West) {4}: Mg:15, Mj:*, U:* -- A:71/7
- Dina Ögon: Orion (Playground Music Scandinavia) {4}: Mj:*; am:+*, xjao:+ -- A:85/2
- Nils Økland Band: Gjenskinn (Hubro) {4}: CM:+, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Ol' Burger Beats: 74: Out of Time (Coalmine) {4}: HG:+; odb:* -- TH:**
- One for All: Big George (Smoke Sessions) {4}: AAJ:+, JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:*
- Origami Angel: Feeling Not Found (Counter Intuitive) {4}: Alt:11, DiS:*, DW:55 -- A:75/3
- Kresten Osgood Quintet: Live at H15 Studio (ILK Music) {4}: JC:+; jmc:10 -- TH:**
- Outfit [Daniel Romano]: Too Hot to Sleep (You've Changed) {4}: Sp:*; am:+*, ysp:* -- A:90/2
- Ulysses Owens Jr and Generation Y: A New Beat (Cellar Music) {4}: AAJ:+, JC:+ -- TH:**
- Paris Paloma: Cacophony (Nettwerk) {4}: D:*, DIY:*, T:*, XSN:* -- A:82/5
- Emile Parisien Quartet: Let Them Cook (ACT) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- William Parker & Ellen Christi: Cereal Music (AUM Fidelity) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Pedro the Lion: Santa Cruz (Polyvinyl) {4}: -- MT:A-
- Peel Dream Magazine: Rose Main Reading Room (Topshelf) {4}: SC:*, Up_h:21, UR:34; am:* -- A:76/5
- Ken Peplowski: Live at Mezzrow (Cellar Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Ivo Perelman/Aruán Ortiz/Ramón López: Ephemeral Shapes (Fundacja Słuchaj) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Ivo Perelman/Fay Victor/Jim Morris/Ramon Lopez: Messa Di Voce (Mahakala Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Ivo Perelman/Ingrid Laubrock: Duologues 3: Crystal Clear (Ibeji Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Pest Control: Year of the Pest (Quality Control HQ -EP) {4}: DW:45 -- TH:***
- Kate Pierson: Radios & Rainbows (Lazy Meadow Music) {4}: xgm:2 -- TH:**
- Planet D Nonet: Echoes of Harlem: A Salute to Duke Ellington Vol. 2 (Eastlawn) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Peso Pluma: Éxodo (Double P) {4}: NME:*, RS:74; sl:++ -- A:69/4
- Jonathan Powell: Mambo Jazz Party (Circle 9) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Neta Raanan: Unforeseen Blossom (Giant Step Arts) {4}: jmmz:+ -- TH:***
- Real Bad Man & Lukah: Temple Needs Water. Village Needs Peace. (Old Soul Music/Real Bad Man) {4}: HG:+; odb:* -- TH:**
- Red Clay Strays: Made by These Moments (RCA) {4}: Ex:*, Mj:*, RS:63; scm:* -- A:74/5
- Dave Rempis/Tashi Dorji Duo: Gnash (Aerophonic) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Travis Reuter: Quintet Music (self-released) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross/Boys Noize: Challengers [Mixed] by Boys Noize (The Null Corporation) {4}: BB:+, DW:86, Up:+; tr_e:+ -- A:72/1
- Steph Richards: Power Vibe (Northern Spy) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Rich Ruth: Water Still Flows (Third Man) {4}: LQ:*, Mj:*, U:*; am:* -- A:82/5
- Max Richter: In a Landscape (Decca) {4}: Cl:*, IT:*, RT:30, SC:* -- A:76/6
- Ripped to Shreds: Sanshi (Relapse) {4}: AMG:*, Db:14, MI:* -- A:83/2
- Joanne Robertson & Dean Blunt: Backstage Raver (World Music) {4}: C:24, GB:10
- Moses Rockwell Featuring Plain Old Mike: Regular Henry Sessions (Hipnott) {4}: HG:+ -- TH:***
- Sofie Royer: Young-Girl Forever (Stones Throw) {4}: Cl:*, G:*, LBF:*, LI:77 -- A:80/4
- Saint Saviour: Sunseeker (VLF) {4}: FO:46*, LBF:*, SC:* -- A:74/5
- Salute: True Magic (Ninja Tune) {4}: Cl:*, D:21, Fa:40; bb_d:+ -- A:78/2
- Samlrc: A Lonely Sinner (Starrcade) {4}: StL:9* -- A:91/1
- Michael Sarian: Live at Cliff Bell's (Shifting Paradigm) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- A Savage: The Loft Sessions (Rough Trade -EP) {4}: XCI:**; xjdc:* -- TH:*
- Scheen Jazzorkester & Cortex: Frameworks: Music by Thomas Johansson (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:45 -- TH:***
- Adam Schroeder/Mark Masters: CT! Adam Schroeder & Mark Masters Celebrate Clark Terry (Capri) {4}: tms_j:+ -- TH:***
- Dave Schumacher & Cubeye: Smoke in the Sky (Cellar) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Shaé Universe: Love's Letter (self-released) {4}: Cmp_U:10; odb:*
- Shannon & the Clams: The Moon Is in the Wrong Place (Easy Eye Sound) {4}: ClR:*, LBF:*, P:*; am:* -- A:82/4
- Matthew Shipp: The Data (RogueArt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Matthew Shipp/Steve Swell: Space Cube Jazz (RogueArt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- ShrapKnel: Nobody Planning to Leave (Backwoodz Studioz) {4}: BV_r:30, HG:+, Tr:46; tr_h:+ -- TH:B
- Skyzoo: Keep Me Company (Old Soul Music) {4}: HG:+ -- TH:***
- Sleepytime Gorilla Museum: Of the Last Human Being (Avant Night) {4}: AMG:*, ClR:*, Ex:*, Qt:76 -- A:78/4
- TV Smith: Handwriting (JKP/Easy Action) {4}: LW:+ -- TH:***
- Snow Patrol: The Forest Is the Path (Polydor) {4}: T:*, XSN:*; am:*, rx:+ -- A:60/8
- Sound the Alarm: Sound the Alarm: A Large Ensemble Instigation for Palestine [Recorded Live in Concert] (Relative Pitch) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Space: Embrace the Space (Relative Pitch) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Brittney Spencer: My Stupid Life (Elektra) {4}: RS:*+, SSt:+, TL:23 -- A:75/2
- Split System: Vol II (Legless) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
- Jason Stein: Anchors (Tao Forms) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Stemeseder Lillinger Quartet: Umbra II (Intakt) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Dayna Stephens: Closer Than We Think (Cellar Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Billy Strings: Live: Vol. 1 () {4}: Up_h:7; am:* -- A:79/2
- Sulida: Utos (Clean Feed) {4}: CM:47 -- TH:***
- Susanna: Meditations on Love (SusannaSonata) {4}: AD:*, Mj:*, RC:*; am:* -- A:76/7
- Syclops: Black Eye (Bubble Tease Communications) {4}: RA:8; pf_e:+
- Ohad Talmor/Chris Tordini/Eric McPherson: Back to the Land (Intakt -2CD) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Natsuki Tamura/Jim Black: NatJim (Libra) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii: Aloft (Libra) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Teiku: Teiku (577) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Thirdface: Ministerial Cafeteria (Exploding in Sound) {4}: Pf:*, Pf_k:9 -- A:80/1
- Thumbscrew: Wingbeats (Cuneiform) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Don Toliver: Hardstone Psycho (Cactus Jack/Atlantic/Hardstone) {4}: Cmp:23, LAT:18; bb_h:15 -- A:53/3
- Tomin: A Willed and Conscious Balance (International Anthem) {4}: JC:+; jmmz:+ -- TH:**
- Total Tommy: Bruises (PIAS) {4}: -- D:*, DIY:*, GTV:*; atw:+
- Transatlantic Trance Map: Marconi's Drift (False Walls) {4}: JC:+; vu:9 -- TH:**
- Travis: L.A. Times (BMG) {4}: I:*, XSN:*; am:*, rx:+ -- A:71/11
- Steve Turre: Sanyas (Smoke Sessions) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Lisa Ullén: Heirloom (Fönstret) {4}: JC:+; sg_j:+ -- TH:**
- Vegyn: The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions (Plz Make It Ruins) {4}: Cl:*, Em:39, G:+, S:* -- A:77/5
- Martina Verhoeven Quintet: Indicator Light (Live at Paradox 2023) (A New Wave of Jazz Axis) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Wallice: The Jester (Dirty Hit) {4}: 45:34, D:*, DIY:*, NT:* -- A:80/5
- Jack Walrath: Live at Smalls (Cellar Music) {4}: JC:+ -- TH:***
- Orlando Weeks: LOJA (Fiction) {4}: Cl:*, FO:30*, MO:* -- A:83/3
- Wheel: Charismatic Leaders (Inside Out) {4}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:*, MI:* -- A:82/5
- WHO Trio: Live at Jazz Festival Willisau 2023 [First Visit] (Ezz-Thetics) {4}: jcm:+ -- TH:***
- Lucinda Williams: Sings the Beatles From Abbey Road (Highway 20) {4}: -- RX:***, TH:*
- Andrea Wolper: Wanderlust (Moonflower Music) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Wormed: Omegon (Season of Mist) {4}: pm_m:1, sg_m:9
- Xylitol: Anemones (Planet Mu) {4}: Qt:30 -- TH:***
- Carlos Zingaro/João Madeira/Sofia Borges: Trizmaris (4DaRecord) {4}: -- TH:A-
- Outer Spaceways Incorporated: Kronos Quartet & Friends Meet Sun Ra (Red Hot +) {4}: Bc:+; ysp:* -- TH:**
- Twisters: The Album (Atlantic) {4}: BB:22, DW:48 -- MT:**
- 454: Casts of a Dreamer () {3}: Pf:45*; tr_h:+ -- A:80/1
- Able Noise: High Tide (World of Echo) {3}: Qt:99, U:*, W:23 -- A:80/1
- Agriculture: Living Is Easy (The Flenser) {3}: Ex:+, MSuk:* -- A:80/1
- Cyrille Aimee: À Fleur De Peau (Whirlwind) {3}: odb:* -- TH:**
- Erlend Albertsen Basspace: Name of the Wind (Dugnad Rec) {3}: CM:+ -- TH:**
- Alfa Mist & Amika Quartet: Recurring: Live at King's Place (Sekito) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Lina Allemano's Ohrenschmaus: Flip Side (Lumo) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- JD Allen: The Dark, the Light, the Grey and the Colorful (Savant) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Alliance [Sharel Cassity/Colleen Clark]: Alliance (Shifting Paradigm) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Pedro Melo Alves: Conundrum Vol. 1: Itself Through Disappearance (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- John Anderson & the Band Geeks: True (Frontier) {3}: ClR:25*, Mj:* -- A:77/3
- Erika Angell: The Obsessions With Her Voice (Constellation) {3}: PM:*+, Qt:54 -- A:80/2
- Angles & Elle-Kari With Strings: The Death of Kalypso (Thanatosis Produktion) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Jason Anick/Jason Yeager: Sanctuary (Sunnyside) {3}: -- TH:***
- Lynne Arriale Trio: Being Human (Challenge) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Byron Asher's Skrontch Music: Lord, When You Send the Rain (Sinking City) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Mulatu Astatke and Hoodna Orchestra: Tension (Batov) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Baby Osama: Sexc Summer () {3}: Pf_h:9
- Steve Baczkowski: Cheap Fabric (Relative Pitch) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Bad Nerves: Still Nervous (Lowly/Suburban) {3}: ClR:20, DiS:* -- A:73/3
- Andy Baker: From Here, From There (Calligram) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Rahsaan Barber & Everyday Magic: Six Words (Jazz Music City) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Andrew Barker/William Parker/Jon Irabagon: Bakunawa (Out of Your Head) {3}: -- TH:***
- Mimi Barks: This Is Doom Trap (Silent Cult) {3}: DiS:*, K:39* -- A:80/3
- Bears in Trees: How to Build an Ocean: Instructions (I Sure Hope It Does) {3}: RkS:10
- Big Steff: Get Yo Scat Dirty, Vol. 2 () {3}: Ph_h:6
- Black Grape: Orange Head (Dgaff) {3}: LW:*, MO:*, XSN:* -- A:70/8
- T.K. Blue: Planet Bluu (Jaja) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Sega Bodega: Dennis (Harmonia Mundi) {3}: Cl:*, LBF:*; atl:7 -- A:76/4
- Karen Borca/Paul Murphy: Entwined (Relative Pitch) {3}: -- TH:***
- Surya Botofasina: Ashram Sun (Spiritmuse) {3}: WM:6
- Becca Bowen: County Line (self-released) {3}: -- YW:8
- Bridgetown Sextet: Functionizin' (Rivermont) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Bright Eyes: Five Dice, All Threes (Dead Oceans) {3}: -- RX:B+
- Brijean: Macro (Ghostly International) {3}: KC:14; am:* -- A:71/4
- British Murder Boys: Active Agents and House Boys (Downwards) {3}: Qt:48, RA:25; am:* -- A:80/1
- Brown Horse: Reservoir (Loose Music) {3}: Mj:*, U:39* -- A:85/2
- Bruiser Wolf: My Story Got Stories (Fake Shore Drive/Bruiser Brigade) {3}: Okp:+, PW:22; odb:* -- A:67/3
- Jake Bugg: A Modern Day Distraction (RCA) {3}: MO:*; am:*; rx:+ -- A:74/6
- The Buoys: Lustre (Sony) {3}: -- TH:***
- Cedric Burnside: Hill Country Love (Provogue) {3}: YW:107 -- TH:**
- John Butcher/Florian Stoffner/Chris Corsano: The Glass Changes Shape (Relative Pitch) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Cage the Elephant: Neon Pill (RCA) {3}: Blb:*, RS:*, T:* -- A:71/10
- Cakes Da Killa: Black Sheep (Young Art) {3}: S:* -- A:88/2, TH:**
- Summer Camargo: To Whom I Love (Blue Engine) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Isobel Campbell: Bow to Love (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: MO:*, RC:*, RT:76 -- A:69/6
- The Castellows: A Little Goes a Long Way (Warner Music Nashville -EP) {3}: XCI:* -- TH:**
- Bill Charlap Trio: And Then Again (Blue Note) {3}: -- TH:***
- Etienne Charles: Creole Orchestra (Culture Shock) {3}: JC:+; jcm:+ -- TH:*
- Charlie [Halloran] and the Tropicales: Jump Up (Nu-Tone) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Chemtrails: The Joy of Sects (Pnkslm) {3}: GTV:*, Mj:*, MO:* -- A:74/6
- The Church: Eros Zeta and the Perfumed Guitars (Communicating Vessels/Easy Action) {3}: LW:+, PM:*; am:* -- A:80/2
- Cnts: Thoughts & Prayers () {3}: Blb:*, DiS:*, PM:+ -- A:73/3
- Oliver Coates: Throb, Shiver, Arrow of Time (RVNG) {3}: GTV:38, Sk:*, U:* -- A:75/3
- Coffin Storm: Arcana Rising (Peaceville) {3}: HM:*, MSuk:*, Spk:* -- A:76/5
- Avishai Cohen: Ashes to Gold (ECM) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Coldplay: Moon Music (Parlophone/Atlantic) {3}: Cl:*, NME:*; rx:+ -- 57/16
- Scott Colley/Edward Simon/Brian Blade: Three Visitors (GroundUP Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Combat: Stay Golden (Counter Intuitive) {3}: Alt:20, P:69
- Corridor: Mimi (Bonsound) {3}: Ex:17* -- A:80/1
- Alessandro Cortini: Emosfere (-EP) {3}: DS:6
- Counterparts: Heaven Let Them Die (Pure Noise -EP) {3}: Alt:46, DiS:*Spk:* -- A:87/2
- Sheryl Crow: Evolution (Valory Music Group) {3}: Cl:*, UCR:+; am:* -- A:62/9
- Grace Cummings: Ramona (ATO) {3}: DJ:18, RS:94 -- A:68/5
- Samara Cyn: The Drive Home (-EP) {3}: Cmp:34, Up:+; atw:+
- Tomasz Dąbrowski & the Individual Beings: Better (April) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Dancer: 10 Songs I Hate About You (Meritorio) {3}: Pf_k:6
- Dark Tranquililty: Endrtime Signals (Century Media) {3}: Blb:*, MI:*, MSuk:* -- A:73/7
- Das Body: True Vulture () {3}: Cl:*, D:*, GTV:* -- A:80/3
- Josephine Davies: Satori: Weatherwards (Whirlwind) {3}: -- TH:***
- Dawn Again: Every Dog's Hotel (Hell Yeah) {3}: SMH:+++
- Jean Dawson: Glimmer of God (P+) {3}: Cl:*, Fld:40, Gl:+ -- A:90/1
- George Dearborne: Lotta Honky Tonkin' Left in Me (Wingate) {3}: scm:* -- TH:**
- Death's Dynamic Shroud.wmv & Galen Tipton: You Like Music (Ghost Diamond) {3}: Ne:30*, SLi:+ -- A:80/1
- Damien Dempsey: Hold Your Joy () {3}: HP:9
- Dissimulator: Lower Form Resistance (20 Buck Spin) {3}: AMG:*, DiS:*; pm_m:20 -- A:80/2
- Malik Djoudi: Vivant () {3}: -- LI:10
- Dubbeltrion: Bringing Scandi-Baltic Powerhousejazz to the People (Sonic Transmissions) {3}: CM:26 -- TH:**
- Nick Dunston: Colla Voce (Out of Your Head) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Enterprise Earth: Death: An Anthology (MNRK) {3}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MI:* -- A:82/5
- Fantasy of a Broken Heart: Feats of Engineering (Dots Per Inch) {3}: GTV:46*, P:* -- A:75/4
- Faux Real: Faux Ever (City Slang) {3}: LI:92, LQ:*; bb6:+ -- A:80/1
- Fever 333: Darker White (Century Media/333 Wreckords Crew) {3}: D:*, DIY:*, MH:50 -- A:66/5
- Fictional Souvenirs [Pat Thomas/John Butcher/Ståle Liavik Solberg]: Volatile Object (Trost) {3}: -- TH:***
- Finom: Not God (Joyful Noise) {3}: so_d:6, so_k:5
- Fletcher: In Search of the Antidote (EMI) {3}: Cl:*, D:*, LBF:* -- A:75/5
- The Flowers of Indulgence: Dylan's Lost Songs, Vol. 1 (Bothy Studio) {3}: xrw:+ -- TH:**
- The Folk Implosion: Walk Thru Me (Joyful Noise) {3}: PM:*, S:*, U:* -- A:71/9
- Font: Strange Burden (Acrophase) {3}: P:*, Pf_k:15 -- A:69/6
- Dan Fortin: Cannon (Elastic) {3}: JC:+; jlp:2
- Frail Body: Artificial Bouquet (Deathwish) {3}: Spk:20, Tr:+ -- A:60/1
- Ace Frehley: 10,000 Volts (MNRK) {3}: Blb:*, S:*, UCR:+ -- A:73/4
- Ben Frost: Scope Neglect (Mute) {3}: G:*+; vu:+ -- A:66/7
- Full of Hell: Coagulated Bliss (Closed Casket Activities) {3}: BV:+, Db:21, Tr:+ -- A:81/5
- The Fully Celebrated Orchestra: Sob Story (Relative Pitch) {3}: CM:36 -- TH:**
- Gaffa Tape Sandy: Hold My Hand, God Damn It (Counter Intuitive) {3}: DiS:*, Pu:17 -- A:90/1
- Gangrene: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose (ALC) {3}: HG:+ -- TH:**
- Kenny Garrett & Svoy: Who Killed AI? (Mack Avenue) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Gel: Persona (Blue Grape Music -EP) {3}: DiS:*, NME:*, PM:* -- A:81/6
- Ghost Trees: Intercept Method (self-released) {3}: JC:+; jmc:5
- GIFT: Illuminator (Captured Tracks) {3}: Cl:*, UR:32* -- A:80/2
- Girl Scout: Headache (Human Garbage -EP) {3}: DW:42; xjdc:* -- TH:*
- Glacial Tomb: Lightless Expanse (Prosthetic) {3}: AMG:*, Db:28, DiS:* -- A:80/2
- Philip Glass: Philip Glass Solo (Orange Mountain) {3}: Pf:*, SC:+, U:* -- A:76/4
- Gnod: Spot Land (Rocket) {3}: Qt:19
- Phillip Golub: Abiding Memory (Berthold/Endectomorph Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Jon Gordon: 7th Ave South (ArtistShare) {3}: JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:*
- Morgan Guerin: Tales of the Facade (Candid) {3}: JC:+; wrti:+ -- TH:*
- Giovanni Guidi: A New Day (ECM) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Gum.mp3: Black Life, Red Planet (Gum Studio) {3}: RA:18; tr_e:+
- Gun: Hombres (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: ClR:37*, DiS:* -- A:85/2
- Gustaf: Package Pt 2 (Royal Mountain) {3}: FO:*, S:*, YW:60 -- A:76/5
- Gyrofield: These Heavens (XL -EP) {3}: RA:7
- Alex Harding/Lucian Ban: Blutopia (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Tom Harrell: Alternate Summer (HighNote) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Hellbutcher: Hellbutcher (Metal Blade) {3}: Db:24, DiS:*, K:* -- A:75/4
- Alden Hellmuth: Good Intentions (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: -- TH:***
- Hildegard: Jour 1596 (Chivi Chivi) {3}: GB:17, NT:* -- A:83/1
- Holiday Sidedwinder: The Last Resort () {3}: DS:7
- Hubbub: abb abb abb (Relative Pitch) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Hyper Gal: After Image (Skin Graft) {3}: Tu:19; sg_x:+
- Susie Ibarra/Jeffrey Zeigler/Graham Reynolds: Insectum (Golden Hornet) {3}: JC:+
- Shawneci Icecold/Vernon Reid/Matthew Garrison & Grant Calvin Weston: Future Prime (Underground45) {3}: -- TH:***
- The Innocence Mission: Midwinter Swimmers (Bella Union/Thérèse) {3}: BV_i:10
- Jon Irabagon: I Don't Hear Nothin' but the Blues: Volume 3 Part 2: Exuberant Scars (Irabbagast) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Eiko Ishibashi: Evil Does Not Exist (Drag City) {3}: Mj:*, U:*, W:49 -- A:77/4
- Keefe Jackson/Raoul van der Weide/Frank Rosaly: Live at de Tanker (Kettle Hole) {3}: -- TH:***
- Arushi Jain: Delight (Leaving) {3}: Mj:*, U:*; ra:* -- TH:B-
- James Devane: Searching (Umeboshi) {3}: sg_e:1
- Dora Jar: No Way to Relax When You Are on Fire (Island) {3}: 45:39, D:*, DIY:* -- A:80/2
- The Jazz Passengers: Big Large: In Memory of Curtis Fowlkes (FOOD) {3}: -- TH:***
- Malcolm Jiyane Tree-O: True Story (New Soil/Mushroom Hour) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Joaju Cuarteto: Avy' a Jave (Polka Blue) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Kalandra: A Frame of Mind (Norse Music) {3}: DiS:*, MH:40* -- A:90/2
- Kanonenfieber: Die Urkatastrophe (Century Media) {3}: AMG:*DiS:*; pm_m:19 -- A:90/2
- Pandelis Karayorgis/George Kokkinaris: Out From Athens (Driff) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Kati Rán: Sála (Svart) {3}: DiS:*, MH:47* -- A:83/3
- Ryan Keberle: Bright Moments (Posi-Tone) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Amirtha Kidambi's Elder Ones: New Monuments (We Jazz) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Kids in Glass Houses: Pink Flamingo (Family Recipe) {3}: K:42*, LBF:* -- A:80/2
- Rebecca Kilgore: A Little Taste: A Tribute to Dave Frishberg (Cherry Pie Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- Sarah Kinsley: Escaper (Verve Forecast) {3}: DIY:*, FO:*, Mj:* -- A:87/3
- Kira Kira: Kira Kira Live (Alister Spence Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Lola Kirke: Country Curious (One Riot -EP) {3}: xjdc:*, ysp:* -- TH:*
- Lia Kohl: Normal Sounds (Moon Glyph) {3}: Alt:47; sg_x:4 -- A:78/2
- Lake Street Dive: Good Together (Fantasy) {3}: AS:*, Em:34; am:* -- A:67/3
- Ingrid Laubrock/Tom Rainey: Brink (Intakt) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Bill Laurance/The Untold Orchestra: Bloom (ACT Music) {3}: SC:+ -- TH:**
- Peggy Lee/Julien Wilson/Theo Carbo/Dylan van der Schyff: Open Threat (Earshift Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- Carin León: Boca Chueca, Vol. 1 () {3}: BB:34, V:+; am:* -- A:80/1
- David Liebman & the CNY Jazz Orchestra: If a White Horse From Jerusalem . . . (CNY Jazz Arts Foundation) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Yunchan Lim: Chopin: Études (Decca) {3}: G:*; am:+* -- A:100/2
- Rosemary Loar: Vagabond Heart/Curação Vagabundo (Atlor Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- Logic1000: Mother (Because Music) {3}: Cl:*, NME:*; ra:* -- A:72/4
- LØLØ: Fallilng for Robots & Wishing I Was One (Hopeless) {3}: DiS:*, K:*, RkS:24 -- A:77/3
- Low Cut Connie: Connie Live (Contender) {3}: xbw:+, xjdc:* -- TH:*(
- Igor Lumpert/Inner Textures: I Am the Spirit of the Earth (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- John Lurie: Painting With John (Royal Potato Family) {3}: -- TH:***
- LustSickPuppy: Carousel From Hell (self-released) {3}: Ne:40*, SLi:37 -- A:76/2
- Macseal: Permanent Repeat (Counter Intuitive) {3}: Alt:17, D:* -- A:80/1
- Magnum: Here Comes the Rain (Steamhammer/SPV) {3}: Blb;*, ClR:26, DiS:* -- A:73/5
- Roberto Magris: Europlane for Jazz: Freedom Is Peace (JMood) {3}: -- TH:***
- Jesse Malin: Silver Patron Saints () {3}: RS:90*; am:* -- A:80/2
- Man/Woman/Chainsaw: Eazy Peazy (Fat Possum -EP) {3}: NME:*, NT:*, Sk:* -- A:76/5
- Marianas Trench: Haven (604) {3}: Em:18, Sp:* -- A:80/1
- Claire Martin: Almost in Your Arms (Stunt) {3}: JW:14 -- TH:*
- Kenny Mason: 9 (RCA) {3}: Cmp:30, Okp:+, Up_h:+
- Daudi Matsiko: The King of Misery (Really Good) {3}: Bc:+, FO:*; tr_f:+ -- A:80/2
- Rob Mazurek Exploding Star Orchestra/Small Unit: Spectral Fiction (Corbett vs. Dempsey) {3}: -- TH:***
- Rob Mazurek Quartet: Color Systems (RogueArt) {3}: -- TH:***
- Christian McBride/Edgar Meyer: But Who's Gonna Play the Melody? (Mack Avenue) {3}: JC:+; jgy:10 -- TH:*
- James McClaskey & the Rhythm Band: Later on Blues (BigTone) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Terence McManus: Music for Chamber Trio (Rowhouse Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- James Vincent McMorrow: Wide Open, Horses (Nettwerk) {3}: HP:23, IT:*, Mj:* -- A:77/3
- Joe McPhee With Ken Vandermark: Musings of a Bahamian Son: Poems and Other Words (Corbett vs. Dempsey) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- JD McPherson: Nite Owls (New West) {3}: TL:32 -- TH:**
- Shawn Mendes: Shawn (Island) {3}: Cl:*; am:+* -- A:67/9
- Meth: Shame (Prosthetic) {3}: BPM:36, Spk:*, Tr:+ -- A:82/6
- Michael & the Mighty Midnight Revival: Songs for Sinners and Saints (Loma Vista/VLNS) {3}: Cl:*, O:*, Sp:* -- A:74/5
- Midnight Sons: Money Has No Owners (Chong Wizard) {3}: HG:+ -- TH:**
- Miss Li: Livet, Döden, Skiten Däremellan () {3}: PM:7
- Molchat Doma: Belaya Polosa (Sacred Bones) {3}: Mj:*, PM:*, RT:60 -- A:72/7
- Monolake: Studio (Imbalance Computer Music) {3}: Mj:*; bl:2 -- A:75/2
- Gurf Morlix: In Love at Zero Degrees (Rootball) {3}: xjdc:* -- TH:**
- Mother of Graves: The Periapt of Absence (Profound Lore) {3}: Db:11, DiS:* -- A:90/1
- Ms Boogie: The Breakdown (self-released) {3}: Pap:+, XCI:* -- A:74/1, TH:*
- Kjetil Mulelid: Agoja (Odin) {3}: jcm:+ -- TH:**
- Demetrio Muñiz: Tromboneando con Demetrio Muñiz (Egrem) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Mutant Academy: Keep Holly Alive () {3}: HG:+, Pf_h:23; tr_h:+ -- A:76/1
- Wolfgang Muthspiel: Etudes/Quietudes (Clap Your Hands) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Namesbliss: Lively Experience () {3}: H -- Cmp_U:18, DJM:+
- Camila Nebbia/Sofia Salvo/Lara Alarcón/Alfred Vogel: Pnkstrasse53 (Boomslang) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Nemzzz: Do Not Disturb (self-released) {3}: Cmp_U:14, DJM:+
- Nile: The Underground Awaits Us All (Napalm) {3}: Blb:*, DiS:*, MH:* -- A:79/7
- Tony Njoku: Last Bloom (Prah) {3}: LQ:20, Qt:+
- Tom Noble: House of Spirits (Razor N Tape) {3}:
- Nuse Tyrant: Juxtaposed Echoes (M25) {3}: HG:+ -- TH:**
- The Offspring: Supercharged (Concord) {3}: AD:*, Blb:*, MO:* -- A:72/8
- Old Mountain: Another State of Rhythm (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Margaux Oswald Collateral Damage: In Time, Hollow Oaks Become Chapels (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Royel Otis: Pratts & Pain (Ourness) {3}: Cl:*, D:*, NME:* -- A:71/5
- Out Of/Into [Joel Ross/Gerald Clayton/Kendrick Scott/Matt Brewer/Immanuel Wilkins]: Motion I (Blue Note) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Oxygen Destroyer: Guardian of the Universe (Redefining Darkness) {3}: AMG:*, Db:32, MH:* -- A:80/2
- Berke Can Özcan & Jonah Parzen-Johnson: It Was Always Time (We Jazz) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Palaye Royale: Death or Glory (Sumerian) {3}: K:47, RkS:*19 -- A:60/1
- Aaron Parks: Little Big III (Blue Note) {3}: JC:+, JW:12
- Partynextdoor: Partynextdoor 4 (P4) (OVO Sound/Santa Ana) {3}: BB:+, Cl:*, Up:+ -- A:80/1
- Paysage d'Hiver: Die Berge (Kunsthall Produktionen) {3}: AMG:*, Db:29, MI:* -- A:77/3
- Ivo Perelman/Gabby Fluke-Mogul: Duologues 2: Joy (Ibeji Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Ivo Perelman's São Paulo Creative 4: Supernova (self-released) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Lee "Scratch" Perry & Youth: Spaceship to Mars () {3}: -- DiS:*, Mj:50, RC:*
- Grace Petrie: Build Something Better () {3}: MO:27*, XSN:* -- A:90/2
- Phosphorescent: Revelator (Verve) {3}: Mj:*, U:24* -- A:76/8
- Dave Pietro: The Talisman (SteepleChase) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- A Place for Owls: How We Dig in the Earth (Broom of Destruction) {3}: Spk:13* -- A:86/1
- PNY Quintet: Over the Wall (RogueArt) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Polo Perks/AyooLii/FearDorian: A Dog's Chance (3500) {3}: Fa:47, SpL:** -- A:73/1
- Potter Payper: Thanks for Hating (36TL) {3}: Cl:*, Cmp_U:11 -- A:80/1
- Praktika: Balani Factory (Blanc Manioc) {3}: CE:8
- Pye Corner Audio: The Endless Echo (Ghost Box) {3}: U:75; am:* -- A:85/2
- Quadeca: Scrapyard (DeadAir) {3}: Ne:12* -- A:90/1
- Reggie Quinerly: The Thousandth Scholar (Redefinition) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- The Quireboys: Wardour Street (Cadiz Music) {3}: ClR:16* -- A:70/2
- Jordan Rakei: The Loop (Decca) {3}: MO:44*, SC:+ -- A:75/2
- Razorlight: Planet Nowhere (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: LW:*; am:*, rx:+ -- A:69/6
- Niamh Regan: Come as You Are (Faction) {3}: LBF:*, HP:29, Mj:* -- A:74/5
- Reut Regev's R*Time: It's Now: R*Time Plays Doug Hammond (ESP-Disk) {3}: -- TH:***
- Reyna Tropical: Malegría (Psychic Hotline) {3}: PM:31*; ti:10 -- A:79/2
- Diego Rivera: Ofendra (Posi-Tone) {3}: -- TH:***
- Diego Rivera: With Just a Word (Posi-Tone) {3}: -- TH:***
- Terre Roche: Inner Adult (self-released) {3}: SC:* -- A:83/1, TH:**
- Maggie Rose: No One Gets Out Alive (Big Loud) {3}: RS:72*; am:* -- A:80/2
- Rosé: Rosie (The Black Label/Atlantic) {3}: -- Ch:25, Cl:*, NME:*
- Brandon Ross Phantom Station: Off the End (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Royal Republic: LoveCop (Odyssey) {3}: ClR:30*, DiS:* -- A:73/3
- RRoxket: Red Ranger () {3}: Pf_h:8
- Saigon/Fredro: The Jordan Era (Payday) {3}: HG:+, XCI:*; odb:*
- Ryuichi Sakamoto: Opus (Milan) {3}: AD:*, Pf:41, PO:+ -- A:78/2
- Samana: Samana (The Road) {3}: AD:*, Mj:*, RC:* -- A:80/3
- Ann Savoy: Another Heart (Smithsonian Folkways) {3}: PO:+; ysp:* -- TH:*
- Saxon: Hell, Fire and Damnation (Silver Lining) {3}: ClR:44, MI:*, RC:* -- A:72/7
- Brandon Seabrook: Object of Unknown Function (Pyroclastic) {3}: JC:+, PO:+ -- TH:*
- Seafood Sam: Standing on Giant Shoulders (Drink Sum Wtr) {3}: SSt:+; odb:*, tr_h:+
- Ben Seretan: Allora (Tiny Engines) {3}: P:*, PM:*, S:* -- A:88/3
- Maya Shenfeld: Under the Sun (Thrill Jockey) {3}: Cl:*, Mj:*, MO:* -- A:78/5
- Siamese: Elements (Long Branch) {3}: Blb:*, K:*, Pu:21 -- A:77/3
- Tom Skinner: Voices of Bishara Live at "mu" (International Anthem) {3}: jcm:+ -- TH:**
- Harry Skoler: Red Brick Hill (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Bria Skonberg: What It Means (Cellar Live) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Sleepwalker: Delirium Pathomutageno Adductum (self-released) {3}: sg_m:1
- Connie Smith: Love, Prison, Wisdom and Heartaches (Fat Possum) {3}: ysp:* -- TH:**
- Tuk Smith & the Restless Hearts: Rogue to Redemption (Gypsy Rose) {3}: ClR:35*, DiS:* -- A:73/3
- Snakeskin: They Kept Our Photographs (Mais Um Discos) {3}: DS:10
- Todd Snider: Viva Satellite (Purple Version) (Aimless) {3}: -- RX:**, TH:*
- Snow Strippers: Night Killaz Vol. 2 (Surf Gang -EP) {3}: Dz:9 -- A:68/1
- The Snuts: Millennials (Happy Artist) {3}: D:*, XSN:*; rx:+ -- A:70/4
- Ben Solomon: Echolocation (Giant Step Arts) {3}: -- TH:***
- Sólstafir: Hinj Helga Kvöl (Century Media) {3}: MH:24*, MI:* -- A:70/5
- Something Else! [Featuring Vincent Herring]: Soul Jazz (Smoke Sessions) {3}: JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:*
- Daniel Sommer/Arve Henriksen/Johannes Lundberg: Sounds & Sequences (April) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Peter Somuah: Highlife (ACT Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Soweto Gospel Choir & Groove Terminator: History of House () {3}: KC:10
- State Champs: State Champs (Pure Noise) {3}: DiS:*, DIY:*, K:* -- A:75/4
- Ela Stiles: Not a Stranger () {3}: SMH:+++
- Still Corners: Dream Talk (Wrecking Light) {3}: Cl:*, Sp:*, UR:61 -- A:75/5
- Superposition: II (We Jazz) {3}: CM:+ -- TH:**
- Sweet Meg: Bluer Than Blue (Turtle Bay) {3}: scm:* -- TH:**
- Takacs Quartet: Schubert: String Quartet in G Major D887/String Quartet in B Flat Major D112 (Hyperion) {3}: G:*; am:+* -- A:90/2
- Aki Takase/Daniel Erdmann: Ellington (Enja/Yellowbird) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii/Ramón López: Yama Kawa Umi (Not Two) {3}: -- TH:***
- Aaron Lee Tasjan: Stellar Evolution (Blue Élan) {3}: PM:*, V:+; v_cw:9 -- A:77/2
- TGB: Room 4 (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick: The Iliad and the Odyssey and the Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick (Count Your Lucky Stars) {3}: Alt:28, BPM:*, SC:* -- A:84/2
- Michael Thomas: The Illusion of Choice (Criss Cross Jazz) {3}: -- TH:***
- TiaCorine: Almost There (South Scope/Interscope -EP) {3}: BB:+ -- TH:**
- Bryson Tiller: Bryson Tiller (RCA) {3}: BB:+, Cl:*, Up:+ -- A:79/3
- Toro Y Moi: Hole Earth (Dead Oceans) {3}: Cl:*, RC:*; am:* -- A:73/6
- Tramhaus: The First Exit (Subroutine) {3}: Oo:16, UR:* -- A:85/1
- Transition Unit: Fade Value (A New Wave of Jazz Axis) {3}: -- TH:***
- Transmission Towers: Transmission One (É Soul Cultura/Mr Bongo) {3}: ln:1
- Triples: Assemble24 (Modhaus) {3}: NME:30*, Spk:* -- A:80/2
- Ryan Truesdell: Synthesis: The String Quartet Sessions (ArtistShare -3CD) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Juanma Trujillo: Howl (Endectomorph Music) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Akiko Tsuruga: Beyond Nostalgia (SteepleChase) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Twin Talk: Live (Shifting Paradigm) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Ultimate Thunder: A Spider Will Come to Eat Your Flesh (Easy Listening) {3}: LW:8 -- A:70/1
- Unionen: Unionen (We Jazz) {3}: -- TH:***
- Joey Valence & Brae: No Hands (JVB) {3}: HG:+, Ne:49* -- A:80/1
- Jordan VanHemert: Deep in the Soil (Origin) {3}: AAJ:+ -- TH:**
- Piet Verbist: Flamenco Jazz Summit: El Mar Empieza Aquí (Origin) {3}: -- TH:***
- Luis Vicente Trio: Come Down Here (Clean Feed) {3}: CM:+ -- TH:**
- Village of the Sun: Live in Tokyo (Gearbox) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Liba Villavecchia Trio + Luis Vicente: Muracik (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Leif Vollebekk: Revelation (Secret City) {3}: DJ:34, Ex:*; atw:+ -- A:80/1
- Wallows: Model (Atlantic) {3}: Cl:*, D:*; ap:+ -- A:66/5
- Jennifer Walshe/Tony Conrad: In the Merry Month of May (Blue Chopsticks) {3}: VF:14, W:38
- Water Damage: In E (12XU) {3}: Qt:37, W:15 -- A:77/1
- Cory Weeds Meets Champian Fulton: Every Now and Then: Live at OCL Studios (Cellar Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- Randy Weinstein: HarmoniMonk (Random Chance) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Western Jazz Collective: Dark Journey: The Music of Andrew Rathbun (Origin) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Friso van Wijck: Friso van Wijck's Candy Container (TryTone) {3}: -- TH:***
- Cole Williams: How We Care for Humanity (Four Corner) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Adam Wiltzle: Eleven Fugues for Sodium Pentothal (Kranky) {3}: Mj:*, U:*; am:* -- A:75/5
- Ben Wolfe: The Understated (Resident Arts) {3}: JC:+; jfk:9 -- TH:*
- WoochieWobbler: Is My Future Bright? (3455092 DK -EP) {3}: DW:27 -- TH:**
- Lizz Wright: Shadow (Blues & Greens) {3}: JC:+; jcm:+ -- TH:*
- Wussy: The Great Divide (Shake It -EP) {3}: -- RX:B+, TH:B
- Eri Yamamoto Quadraphonic: Fly With the Wings (Mahakala Music) {3}: -- TH:***
- Yatta: Palm Wine () {3}: Okp:+, P:81, W:46
- Yeat: 2093 (Field Trip/Capitol) {3}: Cmp:22, Ne:50* -- A:65/5
- Young Miko: Att. (The Wave Music Group) {3}: BB:+, RS:41, V:+
- Your Old Droog: Movie (self-released) {3}: BV_r:14, HG:+
- Denny Zeitlin: Panoply (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- John Zorn: Lamentations (Tzadik) {3}: jnj:+ -- TH:**
- John Zorn: Ou Phrontis (Tzadik) {3}: jhs:17 -- TH:**
- 4Batz: U Made Me a St4r (4Batz/Gamma -EP) {2}: BB:+; cmp:+ -- A:40/1
- Abel [Dutch Rapper] & Sef: Ijsland (Burning Fik) {2}: Oo:15
- Ab-Soul: Soul Burger (Top Dawg) {2}: Cmp:35, Okp:+ -- A:40/1
- Accept: Humanoid (Napalm) {2}: ClR:*, Sp:* -- A:79/6
- Jessica Ackerley: All of the Colours Are Singing (AKP) {2}: CM:38 -- TH:*
- Taylor Acorn: Survival in Motion () {2}: Ch:15
- ADHD: 9 (Enja) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Okaidja Afroso: Àbòr Édín (Chechekule) {2}: XCI:* -- TH:*
- Louise Alder/RTim Mead/Anna Stéphany/Stuart Jackson/Adam Plachetka/Arcangelo/Jonathan Cohen: Handel: Theodora, HWV 60 (Alpha) {2}: am:+* -- A:100/1
- Rauw Alejandro: Cosa Nuestra (Duars Entertainment/Sony) {2}: Up:+; am:* -- A:73/3
- Eric Alexander/Mike LeDonne: Together (Cellar Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Bernard Allison: Luther\'s Blues () {2}: xrt:++
- Amigo the Devil: Yours Until the War Is Over (Liars Club/Ragtime Music Group) {2}: CS:+, XSN:* -- A:100/1
- Shirlette Ammons: Spectacles (Puddin Pie) {2}: YW:83; so_k:6
- Angry Blackmen: The Legend of ABM (Deathbomb Arc) {2}: Fld:50; p_h:7 -- A:72/2
- The Anti-Queens: Disenchanted (Stomp) {2}: Sp:*; so_d:15 -- A:75/2
- Maria Chiara Argirò: Closer (Innovative Leisure) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:77/3
- ARXX: Good Boy (Submarine Cat/Humming) {2}: 45:44, LW:37
- Félicia Atkinson: Space as an Instrument (Shelter Press) {2}: Fa:25, LI:87 -- A:74/1
- Ab Baars/Joost Buis/Berlinde Deman: Cecil's Dance (Wig) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- BabyChiefDoIt: Animals Only () {2}: Pf_h:20 -- A:76/1
- Sebastian Bach: Child Within the Man (Reigning Phoenix) {2}: ClR:22, MH:* -- A:68/4
- Dmitry Baevsky: Roller Coaster (Fresh Sound New Talent) {2}: -- TH:**
- David Bailis: Tree of Life (Create or Destroy) {2}: -- TH:**
- Barely Civil: I'd Say I'm Not Fine (Take This to Heart) {2}: Ch:19
- Bark Culture: Warm Wisdom (Temperphantom) {2}: jhs:24 -- TH:*
- Jon Batiste: Beethoven Blues [Batiste Piano Series, Vol. 1] (Verve/Interscope) {2}: JC:+, YW:45
- Jamie Baum Septet+: What Times Are These (Sunnyside) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Bawo: It Means Hope Where I'm From () {2}: Cmp_U:17
- Beans: Zwaard (Tygr Rawwk) {2}: HG:+ -- TH:*
- Maya Beiser: Maya Beiser x Terry Riley: In C (Islandia) {2}: NPR:+; am;* -- A:80/1
- Evan Nicole Bell: Runaway Girl (Humingbird -EP) {2}: ysp:* -- TH:*
- Ruby Bell: Greatest Hits (Dog Show -EP) {2}: xme:5
- Belong: Realistic IX (Kranky) {2}: am:+* -- A:74/5
- Oddgeir Berg Trio: A Place Called Home (Ozella) {2}: jdm:9 -- TH:*
- Peter Bernstein: Better Angels (Smoke Sessions) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Big Big Train: The Likes of Us (InsideOut) {2}: ClR:21, RC:* -- A:65/4
- Big Freedia With the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra: Live at the Orpheum Theater (Queen Diva) {2}: PO:+; ysp:*
- Bilal/?uestlove/Robert Glasper/Burniss Earl Travis II: Live at Glasshaus () {2}: A:80/1
- Bilmuri: American Motor Sports (Columbia) {2}: RkS:20
- Blanco: Gilberto's Son () {2}: Cmp_U:21, DJM:+
- Blues Pills: Birthday (BMG) {2}: ClR:36, K:* -- A:70/3
- Blu/Shafiq Husayn: Out of the Blue (Nature Sounds) {2}: Okp:+; odb:*
- Body Bag Ben/Vega7 the Ronin: Kawasaki Killers (Body Bag Productions/Fat Beats) {2}: HG:+; odb:*
- Body Count: Merciless (Century Media) {2}: XCI:**
- Boeckner: Boeckner! (Sub Pop) {2}: Mj:*, UR:* -- A:76/5
- Willi Bopp/Camille Émaille/Gianni Gebbia/Heiner Goebbels/Cécile Lartigau/Nicolas Perrin: The Mayfield (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
- Anthony Braxton: 10 Comp (Lorraine) 2022 (Braxton House) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- The Bobby Broom Organi-sation: Jamalot Live (Steele) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown: Electrified () {2}: ClR:42* -- A:80/1
- Buddy: Don't Forget to Breathe (Empire) {2}: Up:+, Up_r:+
- The Bug Club: On the Intricate Inner Workings of the System (Sub Pop) {2}: NT:*, RT:48 -- A:77/3
- John Butcher/Florian Stoffner/Chris Corsano: The Glass Changes Shape (Relative Pitch) {2}: -- TH:**
- Cadence Weapon: Rollercoaster (MNRK) {2}: am:*, p_h:18 -- A:80/1
- Ana Lua Caiano: Vou Ficar Neste Quadrado (Glitterbeat) {2}: SLi:41, U:* -- A:80/1
- David Lance Callahan: Down to the Marshes (Tiny Global) {2}: LW:78* -- A:80/1
- Kirin J Callinan: If I Could Sing (PIAS/Worse) {2}: AV:+, SC:* -- A:65/2
- Laura Cannell: The Rituals of Hildegard Reimagined (Brawl) {2}: Mj:*, Qt:56 -- A:75/2
- Cappo: S.T.A.R.V.E. () {2}: W:20
- Caroline Says: The Lucky One (Western Vinyl) {2}: GB:26, Mj:* -- A:74/5
- George Cartwright & Bruce Golden: Dilate (self-released) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Caveira: Ficar Vivo (Shhpuma) {2}: JC:+, Qt:66
- Ceebo: Lambethnotla () {2}: -- Cmp_U:19
- Ceres: Magic Mountain (1996-2022) (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: Spk:24* -- A:92/1
- Brian Charette: You Don't Know Jack! (Cellar Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Eric Chenaux Trio: Delilghts of My Life (Constellation) {2}: Qt:32, RC:* -- A:80/1
- Amelia Coburn: Between the Moon and the Milkman () {2}: AD:*, LW:99 -- A:85/2
- CoffeeBlack & WTM Scoob: Love at First Sight () {2}: Pf_h:11
- COIN: I'm Not Afraid of Music Anymore (10K Projects) {2}: Sp:*; atw:+ -- A:90/1
- The Cold Stores: The Southern (Mascot) {2}: ClR:47* -- A:80/1
- Commoner: A Commoner's Quest () {2}: K:*, LW:+ -- A:80/1
- Concrete Winds: Concrete Winds (Sepulchral Voice) {2}: sg_m:5
- Convulsing: Perdurance (self-released) {2}: sg_m:3
- Cordae: The Crossroads (Atlantic) {2}: am:*, bb_h:19 -- A:70/2
- Chick Corea & Béla Fleck: Remembrance (Thirty Tigers) {2}: JC:+; tms_j:+ -- TH:B
- Iván Cornejo: Mirada (Zaragoza/Interscope) {2}: ny_c:5
- A Country Western: Life on the Lawn () {2}: vgb:5
- The Courettes: The Soul of . . . the Fabulous Courettes () {2}: LW:60, RT:91
- Covan: Nayba () {2}: Tu:15
- Cruza: Cruzafied (Def Jam) {2}: Okp:+; am:* -- A:80/1
- Jeremiah Cymerman: Body of Light (5049) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Cyril Cyril: Le Futur Ça Marche Pas (Bongo Joe) {2}: PM:*+ -- A:80/1
- Douglas Dare: Omni (Erased Tapes) {2}: LW:83* -- A:80/2
- Darkthrone: It Beckons Us All (Peaceville) {2}: Db:37, DiS:* -- A:59/3
- Daryll-Ann: Spring (Excelsior) {2}: WM:18
- Caroline Davis/Wendy Eisenberg: Accept When (Astral Spirits) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- D-Block Europe: Rolling Stone (UMG/D-Block/EGA) {2}: Cl:*, O:* -- A:67/3
- The Dead South: Chains & Stakes (Six Shooter/DevilDuck) {2}: AD:*, XSN:* -- A:80/3
- Death Lens: Cold World (Epitaph) {2}: DiS:*; ap:+ -- A:70/2
- Lea Desandre & Thomas Dunford: Idylle (Erato) {2}: am:+* -- A:100/1
- The Deslondes: Roll It Out (New West) {2}: WM:32; sg_c:+
- Dhangsha: Broadcast Signal Intrusion () {2}: W:11
- Alvaro Diaz: Sayonara (Universal Music Latino) {2}: RS:16
- Divr: Is This Water (We Jazz) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- DOLO2K: In the Name of Harman () {2}: Pf_h:14
- Domestic Terminal: Sanctuary () {2}: Spk:47* -- A:80/1
- Donato Dozzy: Magda (Spazio Disponibile) {2}: C:23, DJM:+ -- A:73/1
- Rose Droll: With Strangers () {2}: SLi:44* -- A:85/1
- Drunk Mums: Beer Baby (Legless) {2}: Cl:*, DiS:* -- A:77/3
- Duncecap: Pay or Dispute (Backwoodz Studioz) {2}: SC:*+ -- A:80/1
- Thembi Dunjana: God Bless iKapa. God Bless Mzantsi (AfricArise) {2}: JC:+; sg_j:+
- Isabelle Duthoit & Franz Hautzinger: Dans le Morvan (Relative Pitch) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Steve Dyer: Enhlizweni: Song Stories From My Heartland (Ropeadope) {2}: JC:+; jjc:9
- Eliane Elias: Time and Again (Candid) {2}: -- TH:**
- El Khat: Mute (Glitterbeat) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
- Elyanna: Woledto (Salxco UAM [Universal Arabic Music]) {2}: Fa:14 -- A:77/1
- Emel: MRA (Yotanka) {2}: PM:71* -- A:80/1
- Empirical: Wonder Is the Beginning (Whirlwind) {2}: JW:11
- Enjoyable Listeners: Trapped in the Cage of a Hateful Bird () {2}: GTV:25* -- A:90/1
- Ensemble 0/Talea Ensemble/Ensemble Dedalus/James Baker: Sarah Hennies: Motor Tapes (New World) {2}: W:41; sg_x:+
- Envy: Eunoia (Temporary Residence/Pelagic) {2}: DiS:*, Fa:39 -- A:75/2
- Erotic Secrets of Pompeii: Mondo Maleficum () {2}: LW:18
- John Esposito: Blues for Outlaw Hearts (Sunjump) {2}: jdm:4
- Eunuchs: Harbour Century (Nola Bel) {2}: SLi:36* -- A:68/2
- Orrin Evans and the Captain Black Big Band: Walk a Mile in My Shoe (Imani) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Everliven Sound & Slimline Mutha: Echo Chamber (self-released) {2}: HG:+; odb:*
- EvilGiane & Slimesito: Evillime (Surf Gang) {2}: CS:+, Tr:+
- Eye: Dark Light (New Heavy Sounds) {2}: AD:*, DiS:* -- A:77/3
- Feeling Figures: Everything Around You (K) {2}: P:98* -- A:80/1
- F.G.S.: Tinker Bell's Cough () {2}: GB:20
- Renée Fleming/Kelli O'Hara/Joyce DiDonato/Metropolitan Opera Orchestra/Metropolitan Opera Chorus/Yannick Nézet-Ségun: Kevin Puts: The Hours (Erato) {2}: am:+* -- A:100/1
- FM: Old Habits Die Hard () {2}: ClR:15 -- A:70/1
- Jonathan Fournel/Mozarteumorchester Salzburg/Howard Griffiths: Piano Concertos Nos. 18 KV 456 & 21 KV 467 (Alpha) {2}: am:+* -- A:100/1
- Sam Fribush Trio: People Please (Flybird Music) {2}: JC:+; wrti:+
- David Friesen: This Light Has No Darkness (Origin) {2}: jdm:2 -- TH:B
- Future Palace: Distortion (Arising Empire) {2}: DiS:*, Sp:* -- A:80/3
- Fuubutsushi: Meridians (Cached.Media) {2}: JC:+, Spk:* -- A:90/1
- Asher Gamedze & the Black Lungs: Constitution (International Anthem) {2}: jnj:+ -- TH:*
- GiGi FM: Movimiento (Sea~réne) {2}: sg_e:3
- Girl and Girl: Call a Doctor (Sub Pop) {2}: XCI:**
- Girls in Synthesis: Sublimination () {2}: DS:*, LW:+ -- A:80/1
- John Glacier: Like a Ribbon (Young -EP) {2}: GB:+, YW:72
- Glorygirl2950: Queen of the Land (self-released) {2}: Pf_h:19 -- A:74/1
- Harry Górski-Brown: Durt Dronemaker After Dreamboats (Glarc) {2}: Qt:46
- Grande Mahogany: As Grande As (Laundry Music) {2}: Ne:48* -- A:80/1
- Nick Gravenites and Pete Sears: Rogue Blues () {2}: xrt:++
- Devin Gray: Melt All of the Guns (Rataplan) {2}: -- TH:**
- Joy Guidry: Amen (Whited Sepulchre) {2}: BPM:*, JC:+ -- A:80/1
- Mats Gustafsson & Liudas Mockūnas: Watching a Dog. Smiling (NoBusiness) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Caity Gyorgy: Hello! How Are You? (La Reserve) {2}: -- TH:**
- The Haas Company [Featuring Frank Gambale]: Vol. 2: Celestial Latitude (Psychiatric) {2}: -- TH:**
- Tigran Hamasyan: The Bird of a Thousand Voices (Naive) {2}: JC:+; jnj:+
- Asmaa Hamzaoui & Bnat Timbouktou: L'bnat (EBB Music) {2}: xpb:4
- Dave Harrington: Skull Dream () {2}: PW:46; sg_x:+ -- A:74/1
- HarrisP: Spirits of Mauronoros (Veego) {2}: jcm:+, jlp:+
- Hakushi Hasegawa: Mahōgakkō (Brainfeeder) {2}: am:*, atw:+ -- A:70/3
- Hataalii: Waiting for a Sign (Dangerbird) {2}: FO:21* -- A:90/1
- Haunted Plasma: I () {2}: AMG:*; pm_m:15 -- A:80/1
- Alexander Hawkins/Sofia Jernberg: Musho (Intakt) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Arve Henriksen/Harmen Fraanje: Touch of Time (ECM) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Marquis Hill Composers Collective: Beyond the Jukebox (Black Unlimited Music Group) {2}: JC:+; jnj:+
- His Lordship: His Lordship () {2}: ClR:43* -- A:90/1
- Nils Hoffmann: Running in a Dream (Anjunabeats/Anjunadeep) {2}: TO:19
- Patrick Holland: Infra (Verdicchio Music Publishing) {2}: DJM:+, Sp:* -- A:90/1
- Homeboy Sandman: Rich II (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
- Hyeseon Hong Jazz Orchestra: Things Will Pass (Pacific Coast Jazz) {2}: -- TH:**
- Horsemeat: Embrace the Abyss (self-released) {2}: A:80/1
- Hour: Ease the Work (Dear Life) {2}: P:92, PM:* -- A:80/1
- Anja Huwe: Codes (Sacred Bones) {2}: LW:82, RC:* -- A:75/2
- Idaho: Lapse (Arts & Crafts) {2}: P:*, Sp:* -- A:71/4
- Joshua Idehen: Mum Does the Washing (Big Wednesday -EP) {2}: KC:30, XCI:*
- Ill Considered: Infrared (New Soil) {2}: -- TH:**
- Inert: 2Inert (self-released) {2}: -- RX:**
- Jason Isbell: Live From the Ryman Vol. 2 (Southeastern) {2}: XCI:**
- Laird Jackson: Life (self-released) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Boldy James & Nicholas Craven: Penalty of Leadership () {2}: HG:+, PW:49 -- A:79/1
- Sarah Jarosz: Polaroid Lovers (Rounder) {2}: PM:79, U:* -- A:73/3
- Jelly Roll: Beautifully Broken (Stoney Creek/Republic) {2}: BB:41, I:* -- A:69/5
- Christine Jensen Jazz Orchestra: Harbour (Justin Time) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Peter Alexander Jobson: Burn the Ration Books of Love (self-released) {2}: LW:58, Mj:* -- A:75/2
- Karen Jonas: The Rise and Fall of American Kitsch (self-released) {2}: scm:* -- TH:*
- Jaz Karis: Safe Flight (MNRK) {2}: AD:*; am:* -- A:80/2
- Philippe Katerine: Zouzou (Cinq 7/Wagram Music) {2}: LI:13
- Jason Keiser: Kind of Kenny (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
- Roger Kellaway: Live at Mezzrow (Cellar Music) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Tori Kelly: Tori. (Epic) {2}: LAT:13
- KMRU: Natur (Touch) {2}: sg_x:5
- Davey Knowles: Invisible Man () {2}: xrt:++
- Krallice: Ingorganic Rites (self-released) {2}: Ne:47* -- A:79/2
- Kyle: Smyle Again (Independently Popular/APG) {2}: Up:+, Up_h:+
- Pokey LaFarge: Rhumba Country () {2}: xrt:++
- Lala &ce: Solstice (Columbia) {2}: LI:17
- Ray LaMontagne: Long Way Home (Liula) {2}: Rf:28, U:* -- A:70/3
- Dawn Landes: The Liberated Woman's Songbook (Fun Machine Music) {2}: XCI:* -- TH:*
- Jon Langford & the Men of Gwent: Lost on Land & Sea (Country Mile -23) {2}: xgm:3 -- TH:[**]
- Ella Langley: Hungover (Sawgod/Columbia) {2}: ny_c:4
- Jeff Lederer: Guilty!!! (Little (i) Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Ledisi: Good Life (BMG) {2}: odb:*, ysp:*
- AJ Lee and Blues Summit: City of Glass () {2}: xrt:++
- Jihye Lee Orchestra: Infinite Connections (Motéma Music) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- London Choral Sinfonia/Michael Waldron: The French Album (Orchid Classics) {2}: am:+* -- A:100/1
- London Grammar: The Greatest Love (Ministry of Sound) {2}: D:*; am:* -- A:73/3
- Loose Articles: Scream If You Wanna Go Faster (Alcopop!) {2}: GTV:*, LW:100 -- A:80/1
- Luis Lopes: Dark Narcissus: Stereo Guitar Solo (Shhpuma) {2}: -- TH:**
- Los Angeles Philharmonic/Gustavo Dudamel/Maria Dueñas/Los Angeles Master Chorale: Gabriela Ortiz: Revolución Diamantina () {2}: NPR:+; am:+ -- A:80/1
- Clara Luciani: Mon Sang (Romance Musique) {2}: LI:20
- Lutalo: The Academy (Winspear) {2}: Cl:51* -- A:90/1
- Hayoung Lyou: The Myth of Katabasis (Endectomorph Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Lyra: Lyra () {2}: HP:34, LBF:* -- A:75/2
- Machinedrum: 3FOR82 (Ninja Tune) {2}: bb_d:+, tr_e:+
- Make Them Suffer: Make Them Suffer (Greyscale/SharpTone) {2}: Alt:42, MH:* -- A:72/3
- Malconfort: Humanism () {2}: pm_m:2
- Mall Girl: Pure Love (Jansen) {2}: PM:*+ -- A:74/3
- Massive Wagons: Earth to Grace () {2}: ClR:14
- Mark Masters Ensemble: Sui Generis (Capri) {2}: -- TH:**
- Michael Mayo: Fly (Mack Avenue) {2}: jmmz:+ -- TH:*
- Fergus McCreadie: Stream (Edition) {2}: SC:*, WM:21 -- A:86/1
- Loreena McKennitt: The Road Back Home (Quinlan Road) {2}: AD:*, Sp:* -- A:89/3
- Meridian Brothers: Mi Latinoamérica Sufre (Ansonia) {2}: am:+* -- A:80/2
- Microplastique: Blare Blow Bloom! (Irritable Mystic) {2}: -- TH:**
- Midas Fall: Cold Waves Divide Us () {2}: DiS:*, Spk:46 -- A:80/1
- Middle Kids: Faith Crisis Pt. 1 (Lucky Number) {2}: Alt:30, U:* -- A:70/3
- Milkweed: Folklore 1979 (Broadside Hacks) {2}: Qt:27; tr_f:+
- Mitochondrion: Vitriseptome (Profound Lore) {2}: AMG:*; pm_m:6 -- A:80/1
- Mizu: Forest Scenes (NNA Tapes) {2}: PM:*+ -- A:84/2
- Moby: Always Centered at Night (Mute) {2}: Sp:* -- A:68/10, MT:C+, TH:*
- Modney: Ascending Primes (Pyroclastic) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- MoneySet: Us Against the City () {2}: Pf_h:13
- More Eaze: Lacuna and Parlor (Mondoj) {2}: SC:13
- Sarah Jane Morris: Sisterhood () {2}: AD:*, GTV:* -- A:90/2
- Fred Moten/Brandop Löpez/Gerald Cleaver: The Blacksmiths, the Flowers (Reading Group) {2}: CM:28, Qt:77
- Motorists: Touched by Stuff (We Are One) {2}: -- YW:11
- Simon Moullier: Elements of Light (Candid) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Mura Masa: Curve 1 (Pond) {2}: GQ:+, O:* -- A:80/1
- Mxmtoon: Liminal Space (AWAL) {2}: D:*, DIY:* -- A:80/2
- The Mystery Lights: Purgatory (Wick) {2}: LW:89, RC:* -- A:75/2
- Nappy Nina & Swarvy: Nothing Is My Favorite Thing (10-23) {2}:
- Nayeon: Na (JYP -EP) {2}: BPM:37* -- A:84/1
- New Regency Orchestra: New Regency Orchestra (Mr Bongo) {2}: -- TH:**
- Yannick Nézet-Séguin/Chamber Orchestra of Europe: Brahms: The Symphonies (Deutsche Grammophon) {2}: YW:15
- Nice Biscuit: SOS (The Reverberation Appreciation Society) {2}: StL:47* -- A:75/2
- Night Tapes: Assisted Memories (Nettwerk -EP) {2}: GB:11
- Nonpareils: Rhetoric & Terror (Mute) {2}: Qt:18 -- A:70/2
- Eva Novoa: Novoa/Gress/Gray Trio, Volume 1 (577) {2}: -- TH:**
- Noxis: Violence Inherent in the System (Rotted Life) {2}: AMG:*; pm_m:17 -- A:80/1
- Obliti Devoravit: Under My Michigan Sky (Colloquial Sound) {2}: sg_m:4
- Oceanator: Everything Is love and Death (Polyvinyl) {2}: UR:100* -- A:80/1
- Joy Oladokun: Observatiosn From a Crowded Room (Amigo) {2}: CS:35, PM:69
- Alicia and Michael Olatuja: Olatuja (Whirlwind) {2}: odb:* -- TH:*
- Ombiigizi: Shame (Arts & Crafts) {2}: Ex:34, NT:* -- A:83/1
- The Ophelias: Ribbon (self-released -EP) {2}: PM:*+ -- A:80/1
- Örnatorpet: Fordomdags () {2}: Spk:15
- Oruã: Passe (Transfusão Noise) {2}: LW:46S:* -- A:77/2
- Anders Osborne: Picasso\'s Villa () {2}: xrt:++
- Sam Outlaw: Terra Cotta (Black Hills) {2}: XCI:* -- TH:*
- Pallbearer: Mind Burns Alive (Nuclear Blast) {2}: K:*, Sp:* -- A:84/8
- Henrik Palm: Nerd Icon (Svart) {2}: DiS:*, SC:+ -- A:80/1
- Parannoul: Sky Hundred (Longinus) {2}: LBF:*, P:90 -- A:73/3
- Paranoid London: Arseholes, Liars and Electronic Pioneers (Paranoid London) {2}: DJM:+, RT:99
- Jeremy Pelt: Tomorrow's Another Day (HighNote) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Ivo Perelman/Iva Bittová/Michael Bisio: Vox Popoli Vox Dei (Mahakala Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Peter Cat Recording Co.: Beta बेटा () {2}: Cl:*, U:* -- A:78/3
- Peverelist: Pulse Echo (Livity -EP) {2}: pf_e:+, sg_e:9
- Laurence Pike: The Undreamt of Centre (Leaf) {2}: WM:12
- Pizzatramp: The Last Supper () {2}: LW:11
- Planet Asia/Local Astronauts: No Retirement (Local Astronauts/Goldchain Music) {2}: HG:+; odb:*
- Marek Pospieszalski Octet & Zoh Amba: Now! (Instant Classics) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Julian Prégardien/Les Épopées/Stéphane Fuget: Monteverdi: L'Orfeo (Château de Versailes Spectacles) {2}: am:+* -- A:100/1
- Priori: This but More (NAFF) {2}: DJM:+; tr_e:+ -- A:74/2
- Prize Horse: Under Sound (New Morality Zine) {2}: Fa:43, Sg:+
- H. Pruz: No Glory (Mtn Laurel) {2}: NT:*, P:* -- A:83/2
- Public Acid: Deadly Struggle (Beach Impediment) {2}: AV:+; sg_hc:10
- Pyrrhon: Exhaust (Willowtip) {2}: AMG:*; pm_m:12 -- A:90/1
- Alvin Queen Trio: Feeling Good (Stunt) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Jean-Guihen Queyras/Ensemble Resonanza/Riccardo Minasi: Antonin Kraft-Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Cello Concertos (Harmonia Mundi) {2}: YW:20
- Ragz Originale: Bare Sugar/Sweet Nothings (Mini Kingz) {2}: Cmp_U:12 -- A:70/1
- The Raveonettes: Sing . . . (Cleopatra) {2}: AD:*, Sp:* -- A:80/2
- Markus Reuter: Sea of Hopeless Angels (Flatiron) {2}: JC:+; jlp:+
- Tommy Richman: Coyote (ISO Supremacy/Pulse) {2}: Cmp:50, DW:65 -- A:44/2
- Daisy Rickman: Howl (self-released) {2}: StL:35* -- A:83/1
- Robber Robber: Wild Guess (self-released) {2}: Pf_k:16 -- A:73/1
- Róis: Mo Léan (self-released) {2}: Mj:*, Qt:24 -- A:80/1
- Rose Hotel: A Pawn Surrender (Strolling Bones) {2}: P:87* -- A:80/1
- Jamie Saft Trio: Plays Monk (Oystertones) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Jeymes Samuel: The Book of Clarence [The Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Geneva Club/Roc Nation) {2}: odb:*, ysp:*
- Joe Sanders: Parallels (Whirlwind) {2}: JC:+; am:+ -- TH:B
- Sassyhiya: Take You Somewhere (Skep Wax) {2}: LW:93, Mj:* -- A:80/1
- Satan: Songs in Crimson (Metal Blade) {2}: MH:44* -- A:70/3
- Sault: Acts of Faith (Forever Living Originals) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
- Jörg A. Schneider/Luis Lopes: Schneider/Lopes (Schneidercollaboration) {2}: -- TH:**
- Sealionwoman: Nothing Will Grow in the Soil (The State51 Conspiracy) {2}: Qt:20
- Shackleton & Six Organs of Admittance: Jinxed by Being (Drag City) {2}: PW:50; tr_f:+ -- A:68/2
- Sharp Pins: Radio DDR () {2}: P:24* -- A:93/1
- Caroline Shaw & So Percussion: Rectangles and Circumstance (Nonesuch) {2}: G:*; am:* -- A:85/2
- Patrick Shiroishi: Glass House (Otherly Love) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
- Michael Shrieve: Drums of Compassion (7D Media) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Sia: Reasonable Woman (Atlantic) {2}: AD:*; am:* -- A:58/7
- Silverbacks: Easy Being a Winner (Central Tones) {2}: Cl:*, UR:97 -- A:75/2
- SiR: Heavy (Top Dawg) {2}: SSt:+; hpo:+ -- A:76/1
- Skrilla: Zombie Love Kensington Paradise (Priority) {2}: PW:16
- Slimelord: Chytridiomycosis Relinquished (20 Buck Spin) {2}: DiS:*; pm_m:16 -- A:80/2
- Rejjie Snow: Peace 2 Da World (Honeymoon/+1) {2}: HP:26, LI:83
- Daniel Son & Futurewave: Bushman Bodega (WavGodMusic) {2}: HG:+ -- TH:*
- Tyshawn Sorey/Adam Rudolph: Archaisms II (Meta) {2}: -- TH:**
- The Soundcarriers: Through Other Reflections (Phosphonic) {2}: RT:95; am:* -- A:73/3
- Kavain Wayne Space & XT: Yesyespeakersyes (Feedback Moves) {2}: JC:+; sg_x:8 -- TH:B
- Simon Spiess Quiet Tree: Euphorbia (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
- The Staples Jr. Singers: Searching (Luaka Bop) {2}: WM:40; ysp:*
- Stetsasonic: Here We Go Again (SpitSLAM) {2}: HG:+; odb:*
- Stick in the Wheel: A Thousand Pokes () {2}: LW:48, Mj:* -- A:80/1
- Chuck Strangers: A Forsaken Lover's Plea (Lex) {2}: BV_r:23; odb:*
- Straw Man Army: Earthworks (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos) {2}: U:*; wp:6 -- A:80/1
- John Summit: Comfort in Chaos (Experts Only/Darkroom) {2}: Em:41; bb_d:+
- Joe Syrian Motor City Jazz Octet: Secret Message (Circle 9) {2}: -- TH:**
- Taahliah: Gramarye (Untitied (Recs)) {2}: DJM:+, Sk:* -- A:100/1
- Tanapee & Montana Jay: Southend () {2}: Pf_h:16
- Tasha: All This and So Much More (Bayonet) {2}: P:70* -- A:90/1
- Curtis Taylor: Taylor Made (Curtis Taylor Music) {2}: -- TH:**
- Terrorvision: We Are Not Robots () {2}: ClR:31* -- A:80/1
- Jonathan Tetelman/PFK-Prague Philharmonia: The Great Puccini (Deutsche Grammophon) {2}: SpL:**
- Thee Marloes: Perak (Big Crown) {2}: FO:*; bb6:+ -- A:80/1
- Micah Thomas: Mountains (Artwork) {2}: JC:+; jmju:+
- Thrown: Excessive Guilt (Arising Empire) {2}: K:*, Pu:23 -- A:63/3
- Tomin: Flores Para Verene/Cantos Para Caramina (International Anthem) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Meghan Trainor: Timeless (Epic) {2}: -- YW:12
- Trance Map (Evan Parker and Matthew Wright): Horizons Held Close (Relative Pitch) {2}: -- TH:**
- Triple Fire: Extra (Space Shower Music) {2}: Tu:11
- Tropical Fuck Storm: Tropical Fuck Storm's Inflatable Graveyard (Three Lobed) {2}: xjdc:* -- TH:*
- Toshiya Tsunoda & Taku Unami: Wovenland 3 (Erstwhile) {2}: W:13
- Tucker Brothers: Live at Chatterbox (Midwest Crush Music) {2}: JC:+ -- TH:*
- Tulpas: Atsibo (Astral Spirits) {2}: -- TH:**
- Twice: With You-th (JYP/Republic -EP) {2}: SpL:**
- Ulla & Ultrafog: It Means a Lot (Motion Ward) {2}: DJM:+, DW:34
- Unknown T: Blood Diamond (Stay Solid/Island) {2}: Cl:*, LQ:* -- A:85/2
- USA Nails: Feel Worse (One Little Independent) {2}: GTV:*, LW:+ -- A:70/3
- Chucho Valdés/Royal Quartet: Cuba and Beyond (InterCat Music Group) {2}: -- TH:**
- Valley: Water the Flowers, Pray for a Garden (Universal Music Canada) {2}: Sp:*; atw:+ -- A:80/1
- Colin Vallon: Samares (ECM) {2}: JC:+jlp:+
- Vicious Blade: Relentless Force (Redefining Darkness) {2}: Db:35, MH:* -- A:80/1
- Mike Viola: Rock of Boston () {2}: xwv:5
- Vola: Friend of a Phantom (Mascot) {2}: Blb:*, DiS:* -- A:74/4
- Von Hertzen Brothers: In Murmuration () {2}: ClR:19
- Ben Waltzer: The Point (Calligram) {2}: -- TH:**
- Wee/Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Michael Collins: Henselt & Bronsart: Piano Concertos (BIS) {2}: am:+*
- Hein Westergaard/Katt Hernandez/Raymond Strid: The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn (Gotta Let It Out) {2}: -- TH:**
- WhoMadeWho: Kiss & Forget (The Moment) {2}: Em:16
- Why?: The Well I Fell Into (Waterlines) {2}: AD:*, Mj:* -- A:75/8
- Marv Won: I'm Fine, Thanks for Asking (Mello Music Group) {2}: SSt:+; odb:*
- Jasmine Wood: Piano Reverb (AD 93) {2}: C:14
- Jack Wood & Nichaud Fitzgibbon: Movie Magic: Great Songs From the Movies (Jazz Hang) {2}: -- TH:**
- Xavi: Next (Interscope) {2}: BB:26, RS:77
- Miki Yamanaka Trio: Chance (Cellar Live) {2}: jmmz:++
- John Canning Yates: The Quiet Portraits (Violette) {2}: U:67* -- A:90/1
- ¥$ [Ye & Ty Dolla Sign]: Vultures 1 (Yzy) {2}: Cmp:20 -- A:43/8
- Yoth Iria: Blazing Inferno (Edged Circle Productions) {2}: Db:36, MH:* -- A:80/1
- Lechuga Zafiro: Desde los Oídos de un Sapo (Tra Tra Trax) {2}: C:39, DJM:+ -- A:77/1
- John Zorn: Ballades (Tzadik) {2}: jhs:17 -- TH:*
- Zsela: Big for You (Mexican Summer) {2}: RT:79, SSt:+ -- A:68/2
- Zuli: Lambda (Subtext) {2}: DJM:+; pf_e:+ -- A:79/1
- $uicideboy$: New World Depression (G59) {1}: Alt:35 -- A:58/4
- 156/Silence: People Watching (Sharp Tone) {1}: DiS:*, Spk:* -- A:81/3
- 1999 Write the Future: Hella [ . . . ] (88rising/RCA) {1}: LBF:24
- 1tbsp: Megacity1000 (Sumoclic) {1}: Em:40 -- A:70/1
- 22° Halo: Lily of the Valley () {1}: DW:44
- 40 Watt Sun: Little Weight (Fisher's Folly/Cappio) {1}: AMG:* -- A:80/1
- 49 Winchester: Leavin' This Holler () {1}: scm:*
- '89 the Brainchild: Night Lives () {1}: Okp:+
- Àbáse: Awakening (Oshu) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
- Lorenzo Abattoir: Mess (Akt IV) (Nub Music) {1}: Qt:34
- Chris Acker: Famous Lunch (Gar Hole) {1}: P:78
- Actress: Дарен Дж. Каннінгем (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: YW:111
- Barry Adamson: Cut to Black () {1}: AD:* -- A:75/2
- Ryan Adams: Star Sign () {1}: yzp:10
- Adult Jazz: So Sorry So Slow (Spare Thought) {1}: Cl:* -- A:60/3
- Christina Aguilera: The 25th Anniversary of Christina Aguilera (5020 -EP) {1}: hpo:+
- AI.Divino: Pyroglyphs () {1}: HG:+
- Aili: Nandakke? (Eskimo/NEWS) {1}: KC:21
- Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin/Bernhard Forck/Ernst Schlader: Mozart Symphonies Nos. 29 & 33, Clarinet Concerto (Pentatone) {1}: YW:64
- Ambrose Akinmusire: Owl Song (Nonesuch) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[*]
- J. Albert: I Want to Be Good So Bad () {1}: pf_e:+
- Jeremie Albino: Out Timein the Sun (Easy Eye Sound) {1}: Gl:+
- Ricky Alexander: Just Found Joy (Turtle Bay) {1}: JC:+
- JD Allen: A Garland of Holiday Songs (Savant) {1}: YW:68
- Al-Qasar: Uncovered (We Want Sounds) {1}: YW:33
- Amass: Gamekeepers Gallows () {1}: -- LW:67
- Franco Ambrosetti: Sweet Caress (Enja) {1}: jdm:+
- American Aquarium: The Fear of Standing Still () {1}: scm:*
- Amery: Continue as Amery (Night School) {1}: GB:+
- Arild Andersen: Landloper (ECM) {1}: JC:+
- Emma Anderson: Spiralée (Pearlies Rearranged) {1}: -- ln:7
- Ankhlejohn: Pride of a Man () {1}: HG:+
- Anno: Anno () {1}: wp:8
- Another Dancer: I Try to Be Another Dancer (Bruit Direct Disques) {1}: vjk:10
- Maggie Antone: Rhinestoned (Love Big) {1}: RT:57
- Apparition: Disgraced Emanations From a Tranquil State (Profound Lore) {1}: Db:26 -- A:60/1
- Aquaserge: La Fin de l'économie (Crammed Discs) {1}: LI:64 -- A:70/1
- Darcy James Argue's Secret Society: Dynamic Maximum Tension (Nonesuch -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- Tim Armacost Chordless Quintet: Something About Believing (TMA) {1}: JC:+
- Sergio Armaroli/Francesca Gemmo/Barry Guy: At Sotto Il Mare [First Visit] (Ezz-Thetics) {1}: JC:+
- Armiture: Mother Engine (Dots Per Inch Music) {1}: Tr:+
- Tristan Arp: A Pool, a Portal (Wisdom Teeth) {1}: DJM:+
- Artemis: In Real Time (Blue Note -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[*]
- Ashe: Willson (self-released) {1}: bi:17
- Pete Astor: Tall Stories & New Religions () {1}: LW:+ -- A:60/1
- Astral Bakers: The Whole Story () {1}: LI:75
- Astrel K: The Foreign Department (Tough Love) {1}: BV_i:37
- Ateez: Golden Hour: Part 1 (KQ Entertainment -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
- Shinichi Atobe: Ongaku 1 (DDS -1) {1}: GB:+
- Gabriel Auguste: La Grande Gomme () {1}: LI:91
- Cristóbal Avendaño and Silvia Moreno: Lancé esto al otro lado del mar () {1}: tr_f:+
- Avery Anna: Breakup Over Breakfast (Warner Music Nashville) {1}: XCI:*
- Błoto: Grzybnia (Astigmatic) {1}: JC:+
- Babalon-Christoph de: Ach, Mensch (Midnight Shift -EP) {1}: Qt:95
- The Baby Seals: Chaos (Trapped Animal) {1}: LW:66
- The Baby Seals: Chaos (Trapped Animal) {1}: XCI:*
- Sebastian Bach: Child Within the Man (Reigning Phoenix) {1}: UCR:+
- Denis Badault: Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Yolk) {1}: JC:+
- BADBADNOTGOOD: Mid Spiral: Order (XL -EP) {1}: JC:+
- Baekhyun: Hello, World (INB100 -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
- Lee Baggett: Waves for a Begull () {1}: Up_h:22
- Charlie Ballantine: Love Letters & Graffiti (Green Mind) {1}: JC:+
- Balwezo Westijiz: Tower of Famine (Profound Lore) {1}: pm_m:14
- Bonnie Banane: Nini (Péché Mignon) {1}: LI:27
- Bill Banfield's Jazz Urbane: Take Time to Listen (Muse/Bluemoon) {1}: JC:+
- Lucian Ban/Mat Maneri: Transylvanian Dance (ECM) {1}: JC:+
- Sam Barber: Restless Mind (Atlantic) {1}: atw:+ -- A:70/1
- Blixa Bargeld & Teho Teadro: Christian and Mauro (Specula) {1}: Qt:84
- Carlos Barretto: Solo: Lonely Dog (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Karl Bartos: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Tapete) {1}: Sp:* -- A:65/6
- Reinier Bass & Ben van Gelder: This Is Water (DoYouMind?) {1}: WM:38
- The Bass Collective: Mabataku Mori (Nagalu) {1}: JC:+
- The Battery Farm: Dark Web () {1}: LW:69* -- A:90/1
- Jean-Efflam Bavouzet/Manchester Camerata/Gábor Takács-Nagy: Mozart: Piano Concertos, Vol. 10 (Chandos) {1}: YW:101
- The B Boys: We Get Down () {1}: HG:+
- Beardish: Song for Beating Hearts () {1}: xrt:+
- Beatenberg: The Great Fire of Beatenberg (Leafy Outlook) {1}: HV:+
- Bégayer: Évohé Bègue (Murailles Music/Via Parigi/Le Saule) {1}: Qt:+
- The Belair Lip Bombs: Lush Life (Third Man) {1}: xpb:+
- Benny the Butcher & 38 Spesh: Stabbed & Shot 2 () {1}: HG:+
- Durand Bernarr: En Route (DSing -EP) {1}: hpo:+
- Tim Berne/Hank Roberts/Aurora Nealand [Oceans And]: Lucid/Still (Screwgun) {1}: JC:+
- Big Chief Solo-Ra: The Primer (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Big Hit/Hit-Boy/The Alchemist: Black & Whites () {1}: HG:+
- Big Sean: Better Me Than You (FF to Def/Def Jam) {1}: hpo:+ -- A:63/2
- The Bird Calls: Old Faithful (Ruination) {1}: XCI:*
- Black Art Jazz Collective: Truth to Power (HighNote) {1}: sg_j:+ -- TH:B
- Black Dresses: Laughingfish () {1}: SLi:+
- Luke Black: Chainsaws in Paradise (Amuseio) {1}: MO:* -- A:80/1
- Mary J. Blige: Gratitude (300 Entertainment/Mary Jane Productions) {1}: Al:+
- Blind Pilot: In the Shadow of the Holy Mountain (ATO) {1}: atw:+ -- A:67/3
- BLK ODYSSY: 1-800 Fantasy (Earthchild/Empire) {1}: atw:+
- Olivia Block: The Mountains Pass (Black Truffle) {1}: sg_x:+
- Jake Blount/Mali Obamsawin: Symbiont (Smithsonian Folkways) {1}: tr_f:+
- John Blum/David Murray/Chad Taylor: The Recursive Tree (Relative Pitch -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Blunt Chunks: The Butterfly Myth (Telephone Explosion) {1}: Ex:+ -- A:79/1
- Blushing: Sugarcoat (Kanine) {1}: YW:56
- Blush Response: Sprawl (Artotfact) {1}: YW:47
- Body Bag Ben/XP the Marxman: Good Times, Bad Times () {1}: HG:+
- Kate Bollinger: Songs From a Thousand Frames of Mind (Ghostly International) {1}: BV_i:29
- Claire Booth/Christopher Glynn: Arnold Schoenberg: Expressionist Music (Orchid Classics) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
- Matthieu Bordenave: The Blue Land (ECM) {1}: jmju:+
- Bòsc: Bòsc (La Crue/La Grande Folie) {1}: Qt:67
- Surya Botofasina/Nate Mercereau/Carlos Niño: Subtle Movements (Leaving) {1}: bv_j:+
- Boulevards: Carolina Funk: Barn Burner on Tobacco Road (Normaltown) {1}: YW:88
- Brama: Brama () {1}: Qt:85
- Brat: Social Grace (Prosthetic) {1}: K:* -- A:78/5
- Guy Braunstein/Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège/Alondra de la Parra: Abbey Road Concerto (Alpha) {1}: YW:50
- Chris Bridgett: Speedboat on Chapel Street () {1}: LW:98
- Bright Light Bright Light: Enjoy Youth (YSKWN!) {1}: Al:+
- Luiza Brina: Prece (self-released) {1}: NPR:+
- British Museum: Satan Is a Roof Over My Head (U G Organic Throat Blower) {1}: YW:115
- Johnny Britt: After We Play (J-Jams) {1}: odb:*
- Brodequin: Harbinger of Woe (Season of Mist Underground Activist) {1}: Spk:40
- Brian Bromberg: LaFaro (Be Squared) {1}: JC:+
- Rob Brown: Oblongata (RogueArt -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Bryan's Magic Tears: Smoke and Mirrors (Born Bad) {1}: LI:84
- Bugman: The Proto Push () {1}: LW:55
- The Bug: Machine (Pressure) {1}: tr_e:+
- The Bullfight: Amen, Demon (Brandy Alexander) {1}: WM:39
- Bas Bulteel: Eye of the Storm (WERF) {1}: JC:+
- Johanna Burnheart: Bär (self-released) {1}:
- George Burton: White Noise (self-released) {1}: jmmz:+
- John Butcher/Pat Thomas/Dominic Lash/Steve Noble: Fathom (577) {1}: JC:+
- Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard: Skinwalker (Communion) {1}: ysp:*
- Calypso Valois: Apocalypso () {1}: LI:85
- Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams: All This Time (Royal Potato Family) {1}: ysp:*
- Cane Hill: A Piece of Me I Never Let You Find (Out of Line) {1}: MH:* -- A:80/1
- Vinicius Cantuaria: Psychedelic Rio (Sunnyside) {1}: ysp:*
- Caoilfhionn Rose: Constellation (Gondwana) {1}: GB:33
- Carlita: Sentimental () {1}: bb_d:+
- Carrier: In Spectra (self-released) {1}: pf_e:+
- Eladio Carrión: Sol Maria (Rimas) {1}: BB:+ -- A:70/1
- Bruno Castellucci: Legacy (GAM) {1}: JC:+
- Matt Castillo: Pushing Borders () {1}: scm:*
- CCL: Plot Twist (!K7) {1}: sg_e:7
- Cece Natalie: Miss Behaves (self-released) {1}: Pap:+
- Cecile Believe: Tender the Spark (Ambient Tweets/Supernature -EP) {1}: Pap:+
- Cek & the Stompers: Mr. Red (Gulf Coast) {1}: YW:105
- Cementation Anxiety: Agnosiareign () {1}: atw:+
- William Cepeda Afro-Puerto Rican Big Band: The Sound of Puerto Rican Jazz (Casabe) {1}: JC:+
- A Chal: Espíritu (Gazi World) {1}: RS:+
- Bertrand Chamayou: Letter(s) to Erik Satie (Erato -23) {1}: YW:36
- Alain Chamfort: L'impermanence (PIAS) {1}: LI:50
- Chase Atlantic: Lost in Heaven (Fearless) {1}: ap:+
- Chatterton: Fields of This (7th Heaven) {1}: Pf_k:24
- Chelsea Reject: Rogue () {1}: Okp:+
- The Children's Hour: Going Home (Sea Note) {1}: s_t:+
- Chinese American Bear: Wah!!! (Moshi Moshi) {1}: GTV:50
- John Chin/Jeong Lim Yang/Jon Gruk Kim: Journey of Han (Jinsy Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Mahmoud Chouki: Caravan: From Marrakech to New Orleans (Gallatin Street) {1}: JC:+
- Amy Clark: Cadair Idris (New Soil) {1}: jcm:+
- Josienne Clarke: Parenthesis, I (Corduroy Punk) {1}: AD:* -- A:75/2
- Adriano Clemente: The Coltrane Suite and Other Impressions (Dodicilune -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- Trish Clowes & Ross Stanley: Journey to Where (Stoney Lane) {1}: JC:+
- Club 8: A Year With Club 8 (Club 8) {1}: YW:97
- Coded Marking: Coded Marking () {1}: LW:70
- Jeff Coffin: Only the Horizon (Ear Up) {1}: JC:+
- Avishai Cohen: Bright Light (Naive) {1}: JC:+
- Kevin Coleman: Imaginary Conversations (Centripetal Force) {1}: tr_f:+
- Louis Cole, Metropole Orkest & Jules Buckley: Nothing (Brainfeeder) {1}: Mj:* -- A:73/3
- Terrence Collie: 384,400 (Mood Indigo -23) {1}: JC:+
- Collision Course: Ländfill () {1}: LW:85
- Concerto Copenhagen/Lars Ulrik Mortensen: Champagne! The Sound of Lumbye and His Idols (Dacapo) {1}: YW:76
- Jon Connor: III (All Varsity Music Group) {1}: odb:*
- Contention: Artillery From Heaven (Daze) {1}: sg_hc:6
- Conway the Machine: Slant Face Killah () {1}: HG:+
- Erland Cooper: Carve the Runes, Then Be Content With Silence (Mercury KX) {1}: MO:25 -- A:70/1
- Copywrite: The Last Supper () {1}: HG:+
- The Coronas: Thoughts & Observations () {1}: HP:27
- Chris Corsano/Joe Baiza/Mike Watt: Corsano Baiza Watt Trio (Yucca Alta) {1}: CM:+
- Gustavo Cortiñas: Live in Chicago (Desafio Candente) {1}: JC:+
- Carly Cosgrove: The Cleanest of Houses Are Empty (Wax Bodega) {1}: PM:51
- Cosmic Analog Ensemble: Les Grandes Vacances (Jakarta) {1}: LI:76 -- A:65/2
- Alison Cotton: Engelchen (Rocket) {1}: Qt:+
- Coughin' Vicars: Cyrses & Prayers () {1}: LW:56
- Omar Courtz: Premera Musa (Mr. 305/Rimas) {1}: -- ny_c:17
- Marion Cousin/Elöise Decazes: Com a Lanceta Na Mão (Pagans/Le Saule/La République Des Granges) {1}: Qt:+
- Cower: Celestial Devestation (Human Worth) {1}: Qt:59
- Crimeapple & Big Ghost Ltd: Bazuko () {1}: HG:+
- Marilyn Crispell: Forest (FSR) {1}: jmju:+
- Crooked Little Sons: Regenerate () {1}: LW:+
- Jeff Crosby: Another Petal Falls Off of the Rose () {1}: scm:*
- Crumbs: You're Just Jealous (Skep Wax) {1}: YW:55
- Nicolá Cruz: Kinesia () {1}: DJM:+
- Richie Culver: Hostile Environments () {1}: C:35
- Richie Culver: Scream If You Don't Exist (Participant -23) {1}: W:25
- Cuntroaches: Cuntroaches (Skin Graft) {1}: Qt:+; sg_x:+
- Curtisy: What Was the Question () {1}: HP:36
- Cuzzos: Stay Safe () {1}: Pf_h:25
- Andrew Cyrille/Bill Frisell/Kit Downes: Breaking the Shell (Red Hook) {1}: JC:+
- Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice/Marek Stilec: Fucik: Dances & Marches (Marco Polo) {1}: YW:108
- D0llywood1: This Is Just a Dream (and Soon I Will Awake) (self-released) {1}: Fa:18
- Dääst: SS24 () {1}: Qt:92
- Da Beatminerz: Stifled Creativity (Soulspazm) {1}: s_t:+
- Y Dail: Teigr () {1}: GTV:45
- Tyler Daley: Son of Zeus (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Emily D'Angelo: Freezing (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: NPR:+
- Danish Chamber Orchestra/Ádám Fischer: Haydn: Late Symphonies, Vol. 3 (Naxos) {1}: YW:34
- Darkest Hour: Perpetual Terminal (MNRK) {1}: K:* -- A:80/6
- Sylvain Darrifourcq: Stretchin' With MilesDavisQuintetOrchestra (Hector) {1}: JC:+
- Michelle David & the Tru-Tones: Brothers & Sisters (Record Kicks) {1}: odb:*
- Rhodri Davies: Telyn Wrachïod (Amgen) {1}: W:39
- Seth Andrew Davis/Will Yager: April 8th, 1969 (Ox Cart New Music) {1}: JC:+
- Yussef Dayes: Black Classical Music (Brownswood/Nonesuch -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Dan Dean: Vocalise (Dan Dean Music) {1}: jdm:*
- Dearthworms: Sapsucker (Redundant Span) {1}: LW:39
- Michael Dease: Grove's Groove (Le Coq) {1}: JC:+
- M.L. Deathman: Acid Horse 23 (Tesla Tapes) {1}: Qt:+
- Deceased . . .: Children of the Morgue (Hells Headbangers) {1}: Db:33
- Lola De La Mata: Oceans on Azimuth (self-released) {1}: Qt:+
- The Dengie Hundred With Gemma Blackshaw: Who Will You Love (Tain) {1}: Qt:68
- D'en Haut: D'en Haut (Pagans) {1}: Qt:86
- Departure Chandelier: Satan Soldier of Fortune (Nuclear War Now!) {1}: Db:39
- Desarbres Ensemble: Live at 6th Spontaneous Music Festival 2022 (Spontaneous Live Series) {1}: JC:+
- Taylor Deupree: Sti.ll (Nettwerk/12k) {1}: s_t:+
- Dharma Down: Owl Dreams (Dharma Down) {1}: -- TH:*
- Mickey Diamond & Ral Duke: Super Shredder () {1}: HG:+
- The Dictators: The Dictators (Valley Entertainment) {1}: YW:59
- Paul Dietrich: 5+4 (Shifting Paradigm) {1}: JC:+
- Dillon & Batsauce: What Have We Done () {1}: HG:+
- Al Di Meola: Twentyfour (Ear Music) {1}: am:* -- A:80/1
- Discovery Zone: Quantum Web (RVNG) {1}: GB:40 -- A:60/2
- DisX3: Freedom (N&N) {1}: YW:113
- DJ Babatr: Rise of the Raptor (-EP) {1}: VF:41
- Djevel: Natt Til Ende () {1}: pm_m:8
- DJ Illogik: Time & Tenacity () {1}: HG:+
- DJ Love: Budots World (Reloaded) (Eastern Margins) {1}: DJM:+
- DJ Lycox: Guetto Star (Principe) {1}: pf_e:+ -- A:77/1
- DJ Muggs & Raz Fresco: The Eternal Now () {1}: HG:+
- Axel Dörner/Guilherme Rodrigues/Jung-Jae Kim/Stephen Flinn: Chess Music (Creative Sources -23) {1}: JC:+
- Mo Dotti: Opaque (MD) {1}: YW:61
- Eris Drew: Raving Disco Breaks Vol. II: Rock the House (T4T LUV NRG) {1}: pf_e:+ -- A:77/1
- Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead: Tragedy as Catharsis (No Funeral) {1}: BPM:41
- JB Dunckel: Paranormal Musicality () {1}: LI:80
- Paul Dunmall/Paul Rogers/Mark Sanders: Wildlife (Fundacja Słuchaj) {1}: JC:+
- Paul Dunmall/Tobias Delius/Olie Brice/Mark Sanders: No Better Than Butcher Bird (Fundacja Słuchaj) {1}: JC:+
- DUOT & ZARM Ensemble: DUOT With Strings (Fundacja Słuchaj -23) {1}: JC:+
- Duppy: Now You See Me 2 () {1}: Cmp_U:22
- Dutch Criminal Record: Novium (AntiFragile) {1}: Em:43
- Dyke Drama: Up Against the Bricks (Salinas) {1}: S:* -- A:76/2
- John Early: Now More Than Ever (Thirty Tigers) {1}: C:47
- Earthen Sea: Recollection (Kranky) {1}: tr_e:+
- Earthgang: Perfect Fantasy (Dreamville/SinceThe80s) {1}: Up:+
- Earth Tongues: Anemone (Neither/Nor) {1}: JC:+
- Eat-Girls: Area Silenzio (Bureau B) {1}: LI:95 -- A:70/1
- Effluence: Necrobiology (Putrefactive) {1}: sg_m:7
- The Eggman Whoooooo!: Fuzzy Eggs, Please () {1}: GTV:26
- Lara Eidi: Sun (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Taylor Eigsti: Plot Armor (GroundUP Music) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B-
- Jessica Ekomane/Laurel Halo: Manifolds/Octavia (Portraits GRM) {1}: sg_x:+
- El Cousteau: Merci, Non Merci (self-released) {1}: BV_r:25
- Philippe El Hage/Youssef Hbeisch: A Confused World (Musical Expression Institute) {1}: JC:+
- Elke: Divine Urge (Congrats) {1}: ap:+
- James Elkington & Nathan Salsburg: All Gist (Paradise of Bachelors) {1}: ysp:*
- Kurt Elling/Sullivan Fortner: Wildflowers Vol. 1 (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- John Ellis Quartet: Bizet: Carmen in Jazz (Blue Room Music -23) {1}: JC:+
- El Malilla: Ñerostars (La Esquina/Virgin) {1}: Fa:36
- El Michels Affair & Black Thought: Glorious Game (Big Crown -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Elori Saxl: Earth Focus (Western Vinyl) {1}: wp:10 -- A:70/1
- Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi: Pollution Opera (Danse Noise) {1}: sg_x:+
- Joe Ely: Driven to Drive () {1}: xrt:+
- Emissaries of Syn: Past Prescient Future () {1}: LW:87
- Enoch: Waiting for Something to Happen () {1}: HG:+
- Christoph Erb/Magda Mayas/Gerry Hemingway: Hour Music (Veto) {1}: JC:+
- Eros: Your Truth Is a Lie (Downwards) {1}: Qt:29
- Wayne Escoffery: Alone (Smoke Sessions) {1}: JC:+
- Alejandro Escovedo: Echo Dancing (Yep Roc) {1}: ysp:*
- Danielle Esposito: Per Altri Motivi (Hypnote) {1}: JC:+
- Estonian National Symphony Orchestra/Naeemi Järvi: French Opera Overtures by Auber, Palnquette and Lecocq (Chandos) {1}: YW:81
- Experiential Orchestra/James Blachly/Curtis J Stewart: American Counterpoints: Julia Perry & Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson (Bright Shiny Things) {1}: NPR:+ -- A:70/1
- Falling in Reverse: Popular Monster (Epitaph) {1}: Blb:* -- A:49/4
- Fastball: Sonic Ranch (Sunset Blvd) {1}: ysp:*
- Fatboi Sharif & Roper Williams: Something About Shirley (POW -EP) {1}: W:26
- Faune: Des Fantômes (Standard In-Fi) {1}: Qt:98
- Lewis Fautzi: Irrational Fear of Failure (Mord -EP) {1}: YW:74
- Tanja Feichtmair/Mara Kolibri/Stefan Krist/Josef Novotny/Fredi Pröll/Julius Winter/Uli Winter: Adschi (Creative Sources) {1}: JC:+
- Fennesz: Mosaic () {1}: vma:+
- Fie Eike: Water () {1}: atw:+
- Amina Figarova: Suite for Africa (Amfi) {1}: jdm:10
- Fightmilk: No Souvenirs () {1}: LW:65 -- A:60/1
- Robert Finley: Black Bayou (Easy Eye Sound -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
- Fír: De stilte van God () {1}: pm_m:13
- Five Green Moons: Moon 1 () {1}: Qt:94
- Antonio Flinta: Anger, Commitment and Love (self-released) {1}: jdm:6
- Liana Flores: Flower of the Soul (Liana Flores) {1}: tr_f:+
- Ben Folds: Sleigher () {1}:
- Alessandro Fongaro: Pietre () {1}: jnj:+
- Brigitte Fontaine: Pick Up (Verycords) {1}: LI:58
- Forq: Big Party (GroundUP) {1}: -- TH:*
- Fort Romeau: Romantic Gestures, Vol. 1 (Romantic Gestures) {1}: BB:+
- Fortunxte: I'm Still Healing (Fulfilled/Richwayz Life Entertainment) {1}: odb:*
- Michael Foster/Ben Bennett/Jacob Wick: Carne Vale (Relative Pitch) {1}: JC:+
- Fer Franco: Ritos de Paso (self-released) {1}: Qt:+
- Frank & Tony: Ethos (Scissor & Thread) {1}: DJM:+
- Alexandre Frazão Quinteto: Quintesséncia (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Fredo Bang: Yes, I'm Sad (Def Jam) {1}: Up_h:+ -- A:78/1
- Paolo Fresu: Legacy (Tǔk Music) {1}: JC:+
- Erik Friedlander: Dirty Boxing (Skipstone) {1}: JC:+
- Fred Frith: Fifty (Week-End) {1}: VF:42
- From Overseas, Zake: Live Improvisations (Zake Drones) {1}:
- Fucked Up: Who's Got the Time & a Half () {1}: DW:80
- Fucksnowrr: #NotADeluxe () {1}: Pf_h:26
- Funeral: I Know Something You Don't () {1}: SLi:+
- Joel Futterman: Forever (Mahakala Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Peter Gabriel: I/O (Real World -23) {1}: so_d:20 -- A:83/25, TH:[**]
- Diamanda Galas: In Concert (Intravenal Sound Operations) {1}: Qt:+
- Miha Gantar: New York (Clean Feed) {1}: PO:+
- Raffi Garabedian: The Crazy Dog (Clandestine) {1}: JC:+
- Renaud Garcia-Fons: Cinematic Double Bass: Music for Imaginary Films (RGB -23) {1}: JC:+
- Daniel Garcia Trio: Wonderland (ACT Music) {1}: jnj:+
- Tim Garland: Moment of Departure (Ubuntu Music) {1}: JC:+
- GB: Gusse Music (Posh Isolation) {1}: GB:39
- Sam Gendel/Benny Bock/Hans Kjorstad: Dream Trio (Leaving) {1}: JC:+
- Leo Genovese/Demian Cabaud/Marcos Cavaleiro: Estrellero 2 (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
- Georgia Ruth: Cool Head (Bubblewrap) {1}: GTV:36
- Jayson Gerycz/Jen Powers/Matthew J. Rolin: Activator (12XU) {1}: tr_f:+
- Sheida Gharachedaghi/Mohammad Reza Aslani: Chess of the Wind (Mississippi) {1}: Qrt:+
- Maddalena Ghezzi/Ruth Goller: Dolomite (Deng Yue) {1}: JC:+
- Ghost Poet: Am I the Change I Wish to See? (Modern Revenge) {1}: YW:95
- Ghost Train Orchestra and Kronos Quartet: Songs and Symphoniques: The Music of Moondog (Cantaloupe -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Ghost Work: Light a Candle for the Lonely () {1}: vgb:6
- Giant Walker: Silhouettes () {1}: -- Pu:22
- Ruth Gibbons: Lives Outgrown () {1}: xrt:+
- Paula Rae Gibson: The Roles We Play to Disappear (33Xtreme) {1}: JC:+
- Behn Gillece: Stick Together (Posi-Tone) {1}: JC:+
- Raphael Gimenes: Dinamarca (One World Music) {1}: WM:28
- Ginetta's Vendetta: Fun Size (Kickin' Wiccan Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Ginger Root: Shinbangumi (Ghostly International) {1}: NT:* -- A:75/5
- John Glacier: Duppy Gun (Young -EP) {1}: GB:+
- Glaive: May It Never Falter (Slowsilver03) {1}: vg:+
- Glassing: From the Other Side of the Mirror (Pelagic) {1}: Tr:+
- Bob Gluck: And Every Fleck of Russet (Electrisongs) {1}: JC:+
- Goblin Band: Come Slack Your Horse! (Broadside Hacks) {1}: Qt:+
- God Bullies: As Above, So Below (Reptilian) {1}: LW:61
- Joe Goddard: Harmonics (Domino) {1}: tr_e:+
- Godfather Don: Thesis () {1}: HG:+
- God Is an Astronaut: Embers (Napalm) {1}: DiS:* -- A:75/2
- Adam Goldfarb: Fire Lapping at the Creek (Infrequent Seams) {1}: jmmz:+
- Larry Goldings/John Sneider: Chinwag (Sticky Mack) {1}: JC:+
- Lori Goldston: Convolutions (Nyahh) {1}: Qt:+
- Chilly Gonzales: Gonzo (09-13) {1}: LI:36
- Good Morning: Good Morning Seven (Polyvinyl) {1}: s_t:+
- Gordan: Gordan (Glitterbeat) {1}: tr_f:+
- Gorgon City: Reverie (Universal) {1}: DJM:+
- Gray Acres: Live on Star's End Radio (self-released) {1}: YW:82
- Saya Gray: Qwerty II () {1}: SLi:+
- The Green Child: Look Familiar (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: BV_i:23
- Danny Paul Grody Duo: Arc of Night (Three Lobed) {1}: tr_f:+
- Growing Stone: Death of a Momma's Boy (Near Mint) {1}: BV:49
- Grupo Frontera: Jugando a Que No Pasa Nada () {1}: BB:+
- Dan Guidance: Freedom of Movement () {1}: LW:86
- Gumbo: Stir the Pot (A Tiny Universe) {1}: ysp:*
- Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson: Stífluhringurinn (Carrier) {1}: Qt:41
- Isabell Gustafsson-Ny: Rosenhagtorn (War Winters) {1}: AD:* -- A:100/1
- Tord Gustavsen Trio: Seeing (ECM) {1}: JC:+
- Gwendoline: C'est à moi ça (Born Bad) {1}: LI:30
- Gyrofield: A Faint Glow of Bravery (Metalheadz) {1}: Spk:35 -- A:76/1
- Andy Haas: For the Time, Being (Resonant Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Hainbach: Breve (Seil) {1}: bl:9
- Nigel Hall & DJ Harrison: The Burning Bush: A Journey Through the Music of Earth, Wind & Fire (Regime Music Group) {1}: odb:*
- Halle/Sir Mark Elder: Elgar: Symphony No. 1 in A Flat/Symphony No. 2 in E Flat (Hallé) {1}: G:* -- A:100/1
- Halogenix: Passions () {1}: DJM:+
- Arnold Hammerschlag/Michael Bisio/Chris Corsano: Trio (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- The Handover: The Handover (Sublime Frequencies) {1}: tr_f:+
- Barbara Hannigan/Bertrand Chamayou: Messaien (Alpha) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
- The Harlem Gospel Travelers: Rhapsody (Colemine) {1}: Mj:69
- Sinéad Harnett: Boundaries () {1}: SSt:+
- Jo Harrop: The Path of a Tear (Lateralize) {1}: JC:+
- Beth Hart: You Still Got Me () {1}: xrt:+
- The Havels, Irena & Vojtěch Havlovi: Four Hands (Animal Music) {1}: Qt:+
- Koryn Hawthorne: On God (Provident) {1}: odb:*
- Kevin Hays/Ben Street/Billy Hart: Bridges (Smoke Sessions -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
- David Hazeltine: Ballads and Blues Volume 1 (Cellar Music -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- David Hazeltine: Ballads and Blues Volume 2 (Cellar Music -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
- The Headhunters: The Stunt Man (Ropeadope) {1}: jhs:28
- Health: Rat Wars (Loma Vista -23) {1}: Tr:+
- Thomas Heberer/Joe Fonda/Joe Hertenstein: Remedy II (Fundacja Słuchaj -23) {1}: JC:+
- Sylvanie Hélary & Orchestre Incandescent: Rare Birds (Yolk) {1}: JC:+
- Hemlock: 444 () {1}: GB:31
- Catherine Christer Hennix: Further Selections From the Electric Harpsichord (Blank Forms) {1}: VF:33
- Cory Henry: Church () {1}: SSt:+
- Hex Girlfriend: No Golf Cart Parking (-EP) {1}: D:* -- A:80/1
- HHY and the Macumbas: Bom Sangue Mau (Horror Vector) {1}: tr_e:+
- Hi! Capybaras: A/M/Y/G/D/A/L/A (self-released -EP) {1}: Qt:82
- Becky Hill: Believe Me Now? (Polydor) {1}: AD:* -- A:70/2
- Hippo Campus: Flood (Psychic Hotline) {1}: Ch:29 -- A:60/4
- Hitam: Subterranean (Conundrum) {1}: YW:79
- Tobias Hoffmann Trio: Start/Stop (Klaeng) {1}: JC:+
- Holiday Ghosts: Coat of Arms (FatCat) {1}: YW:92
- Abby Holliday: Crack a Smile Come on Stay a While () {1}: atw:+
- Mike Holober & the Gotham Jazz Orchestra: This Rock We're On: Imaginary Letters (Palmetto) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Holy Tongue & Shackleton: The Tumbling Psychic Joy of Now (AD 93) {1}: Qt:44
- Hooverphonic: Fake Is the New Dope (Sony) {1}: Al:+
- Maria W Horn: Panoptikon (XKatedral) {1}: sg_x:+
- Ron Horton: A Prayer for Andrew (Newvelle -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- The Hot Damn!: Dancing on the Milky Way () {1}: ClR:28
- The Hot Toddies Jazz Band: The Hot Toadies Jazz Band (Prohibition Productions -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- François Houle/Kate Gentile/Alexander Hawkins: Fatrasies (Victo) {1}: JC:+
- Houses of Heaven: Within/Without (Felte) {1}: Tr:+
- Vincent Hsu & the Jazz Supreme Orchestra: Music for the River Jazz Suite: The Spirit of Love River and Mississippi River (Truth Revolution) {1}: JC:+
- Nathan Hubbard/Kyle Motl: Obsidian (Confront) {1}: JC:+
- Fana Hues: Moth () {1}: SSt:+
- Humdrum: Every Heaven (Slumberland) {1}: YW:80
- Il Sogno Del Marinaio: Terzo (Improved Sequence) {1}: CM:+
- Immortal Bird: Sin Querencia (20 Buck Spin) {1}: sg_m:8
- Imperial Valley: IV (Folded Time) {1}: Qt:+
- Infinity Song: Metamorphosis Complete (Roc Nation) {1}: bb6:+
- Brandon Isaac: Another Level of Existence: Mastery of Acceptance (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Isoknock: 4EVR () {1}: bb_d:+
- Iyamah: In Two Worlds (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Jade Hairpins: Get Me the Good Stuff (Merge) {1}: YW:24
- Jahari Massamba Unit: YHWM Is Love (Law of Rhythm) {1}: vu:+
- Boldy James & Harry Fraud: The Briktionary (SRFSCHL) {1}: cs_r:20 -- A:78/1
- Joe James: Beast Living () {1}: Cl:38
- Janine Jansen/Klaus Mäkelä/Oslo Philharmonic: Sibelius/Prokofiev: Violin Concertos (Decca) {1}: G:* -- A:100/1
- Bryony Jarman-Pinto: Below Dawn (Tru Thoughts) {1}: odb:*
- Paul Jarret: Acoustic Large Ensemble (Pegazz & l'Hélicon) {1}: JC:+
- Jaubi: A Sound Heart () {1}: VF:48
- Jaws the Shark: Wasteland (So) {1}: -- A:75/2
- Chris Jennings & 5 Ways Home: Boy, She's the Dandy (Eden River) {1}: JC:+
- Jimin: Muse (Big Hit/HYBE) {1}: NME:* -- A:75/2
- JIN: Happy (Big Hit/HYBE -EP) {1}: -- A:75/2
- Jlovely: Joyce Bailey () {1}: Pf_h:27
- Nathalie Joachim: Ki Moun Ou Ye (Nonesuch) {1}: S:* -- A:100/1
- Colin Johnco: Crabe Géant (Johnkôôl) {1}: Qt:+
- Lucien Johnson: Ancient Relics (Deluge) {1}: jcm:+
- Kelly Jones: Inevitable Incredible (Ignition) {1}: Cl:* -- A:75/2
- J.P.: Coming Out Party () {1}: BB:+
- J.R.C.G.: Grim Iconic . . . (Sadistic Mantra) (Sub Pop) {1}: Bc:+ -- A:60/1
- Kagami Smile.: Same Dream Pond () {1}: atw:+
- Eddie Kaine & Big Ghost Ltd: Last Exit to Crooklyn () {1}: HG:+
- Kai Tak: Designed in Heaven Made in Hong Kong () {1}: Alt:34
- Sara & Ayako Kanda: Fujin/Raijin (Nomart Editions) {1}: JC:+
- Ute Kanngießer/Eddie Prévost/Seymour Wright: Splendid Nettle (Matchless) {1}: JC:+
- Kirke Karja/Étienne Renard/Ludwig Wandinger: Caught in My Own Trap (BMC) {1}: JC:+
- Kasokeki-toki: Kasokeki-toki (Relativa) {1}: JC:+
- Kassian: Supercontinent (-EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
- Ras Kass/RJ Payne/Havoc: Guttr () {1}: HG:+
- Katseye: SIS (Soft Is Strong) (HYBE/Geffen -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
- Charlotte Keeffe Right Here, Right Now Quartet: Alive! in the Studio (Discus Music -23) {1}: JC:+
- Keeley: Beautiful Mysterious () {1}: LW:72
- Kehlani: Crash (Atlantic) {1}: xjdc:*
- Paul Kelly: Fever Longing Still (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: xhs:+
- Grace Kelly With Strings: At the Movies (PAZZ Productions) {1}: JC:+
- Rae Khalil: Crybaby () {1}: NPR:+
- Kid Bookie: Songs for the Living // Songs for the Dead () {1}: K:22
- Kiefer: Something for Real (Stones Throw) {1}: JC:+
- Killah Priest: Abraxas Rebis Simha Pleroma () {1}: HG:+
- Killer Mike: Michael & the Mighty Midnight Revival: Songs for Sinners and Saints (Loma Vista) {1}: YW:29
- Laryssa Kim: Contezza (City Tracks) {1}: GB:28 -- A:78/1
- Elizabeth King: Soul Provider (Bible & Tire) {1}: ysp:*
- King of Pigs: After Victory Comes Defeat () {1}: LW:+
- Kinkajous: Nothing Will Disappear (Running Circle) {1}: JC:+
- Kip & JJ Loui: Breadface EP (Kaplooey -EP) {1}: ysp:*
- Snorre Kirk: Top Dog (Stunt -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- Neal Kirkwood Big Band: Night City (Brooklyn Jazz Underground) {1}: JC:+
- Klein: Marked (Parkwood Entertainment) {1}: Tu:16 -- A:71/1
- Mark Knopfler: One Deep River (British Grove/EMI) {1}: UCR:+
- Kölner Akademie/Michael Alexander Willens: Mozart: Overtures (BIS) {1}: YW:37
- Akira Kosemura & Lawrence English: Selene (Temporary Residence) {1}: sg_x:6
- Anastasia Kristensen: Moments of Inertia (Turbo) {1}: YW:48
- Kruz Leone: Big Slide Tackle: 2 Footed () {1}: Cmp_U:23
- Joachim Kühn French Trio: The Way (ACT Music) {1}: JC:+
- Rolf Kühn: Fearless (MPS) {1}: JC:+
- Kurious & Mono En Stereo: Majician () {1}: HG:+
- KVB: Tremors (Invada) {1}: MO:* -- A:75/2
- Talib Kweli & J. Rawls: The Confidence of Knowing () {1}: HG:+
- Kwengface: A Gangster's Holiday (self-released) {1}: GQ:+
- Kynsy: Utopia (Nice Swan) {1}: YW:31
- La Cozna: Ni Nuit, Ni Jour (Raffut Collectif) {1}: JC:+
- La Femme: Rock Machine (Disque Pointu) {1}: LI:33
- La La Lars: La La Lars IV (<1000 -23) {1}: JC:+
- Liz Lamere: One Never Knows (In the Red) {1}: vrt:19
- Sara Landry: Spiritual Driveby () {1}: bb_d:+
- Lankum: Live in Dublin () {1}: ln:10
- LaRussell & Hit-Boy: Rent Due (Good Company -EP) {1}: Up_h:+ -- A:76/1
- LaRussell & P-Lo: Majorly Independent (Good Compenny) {1}: Pf_h:24
- Harald Lassen: Opplevelser Fra N (Impro & Låt) (Jazzland) {1}: CM:32
- Jim Lauderdale: My Favorite Place (Sky Crunch) {1}: ysp:*
- Bill Laurance & Michael League: Keeping Company (ACT Music) {1}: JC:+
- Liz Lawrence: Peanuts (Chrysalis) {1}: xpb:20
- A Lazarus Soul: No Flowers Grow in Cement Gardens () {1}: HP:28
- Joëlle Léandre/Elisabeth Harnik/Zlatko Kaučič: Live in St. Johann (Funcadja Słuchaj) {1}: JC:+
- Joëlle Léandre: Lifetime Rebel (RogueArt -4CD) {1}: JC:+
- Remy Le Boeuf's Assembly of Shadows: Heartland Radio (SoundSpore) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Mike LeDonne Groover Quartet + Gospel Choir: Wonderful! (Cellar Music Group) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B-
- Steve Lehman/Orchestre National de Jazz: Ex Machina (Pi -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A]
- Chandler Leighton: Proof You Weren't the Only One (Boom) {1}: atw:+
- Sean Ono Lennon: Asterisms (Tzadik) {1}: JC:+
- Kiran Leonard: Real Home (Memorials of Distinction) {1}: G:+
- Leonce: System of Objects (Morph Tracks) {1}: DJM:+
- Lescop: Rêve Parti (Labréa Music/Turenne Music) {1}: LI:53
- Yosef-Gutman Levitt (With Lionel Loueke): Soul Song (Soul Song -23) {1}: JC:+
- Cassandra Lewis: Lost in a Dream (Elektra) {1}: xpb:9
- Donna Lewis & Holmes Ives: Rooms With a View () {1}: Em:46
- James Brandon Lewis Red Lily Quintet: For Mahalia, With Love (Tao Forms -2CD -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A]
- Lex Amor: Forward Ever. (Modern Oak) {1}: DJM:+
- Lil Tecca: Plan A (Galactic/Republic) {1}: Cmp:48 -- A:50/1
- Luna Li: When a Thought Grows Wings (In Real Life) {1}: Ex:* -- A:75/2
- L'Impératrice: Pulsar (Microqlima) {1}: SLi:+
- Little Feat: Sam's Place (Hot Tomato) {1}: XCI:*
- Little Man Tate: Welcome to the Rest of Your Life (Best of Three) {1}: LW:+
- Liv.e: Past Futur.e (self-released) {1}: am:* -- A:90/1
- Mark Lockheart: Smiling (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- Locksmith: No Atheists in Foxholes (Landmark Entertainment) {1}: odb:*
- Carme López: Quintela (Warm Winters) {1}: sg_x:10
- Lord$: Speed It Up () {1}: LI:93
- Los Angeles Philharmonic: John Adams: Girls of the Golden West (Nonesuch) {1}: G:*
- Lionel Loueke & Dave Holland: United (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- Loukeman: Sd-2 (SD Music Group) {1}: GB:30 -- A:70/1
- Love Fiend: Handle With Care (In the Red) {1}: ysp:*
- The Loveless: Meet the Loveless (Cadiz Music) {1}: AD:* -- A:67/3
- Allen Lowe and the Constant Sorrow Orchestra: America: The Rough Cut (ESP-Disk -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Low End Activist: Municipal Dreams (Sneaker Social Club) {1}: VF:43
- LP: Dotr () {1}: bb_d:+
- Luci: They Say They Love You () {1}: cs_r:10
- Lucki: Gemini! (Empire) {1}: Cmp:46 -- A:60/1
- Rob Luft: Dahab Days (Edition) {1}: jcm:+
- Luireach: Landless (Glitterbeat) {1}: G:* -- A:100/1
- Tamara Lukasheva & INSO Lviv Orchestra: Anima (Tangible Music) {1}: JC:+
- Anna Lunoe: Pearl () {1}: bb_d:+
- LWS: Palloon (-EP) {1}: VF:40
- Joel Lyssarides/Georgios Prokopiou: Arcs & Rivers (ACT Music) {1}: JC:+
- Machacha: Kunst.Art () {1}: HG:+
- Machine Girl: MG Ultra (Future Classic) {1}: Bc:+ -- A:67/2
- Jordan Mackampa: Welcome Home, Kid! (AWAL) {1}: odb:*
- Robin Mackay: By the North Sea () {1}: W:48
- Melanie MacLaren: Bloodlust () {1}: yzp:8
- Holly Macve: Wonderland () {1}: ln:9
- Johnny Mafia: 2024: Année du Dragon (Howlin' Banana) {1}: LW:+
- Taj Mahal: Savoy (Stony Plain -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Mahti: Musiikki 3 (Riot Season) {1}: Qt:+
- Mai-Liis: Kaleidoscope (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
- Malvina: Mercedes (Pop Noire) {1}: LI:96
- Mama Terra: The Summoned (Acid Jazz -23) {1}: JC:+
- Mammoth Penguins: Here (Mammoth Penguins) {1}: YW:54
- Manga Saint Hillaire & MoreNight: Everything Is Under Control (MNRK UK) {1}: Cmp_U:24
- Man Rei: Doer (Crash Symbols) {1}: GB:34
- Man Rei: Thread (Somewhere Press) {1}: GB:34
- The March Afternoons: The March Afternoons Aren't Real () {1}: LW:95
- The March Violets: Crocodile Promises (Metropolis) {1}: LW:92 -- A:70/1
- Sunna Margrét: Finger on Tongue (No Salad) {1}: Qt:+
- Lasse Marhaug: Provoke (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: CM:41
- Kira Martini: Open Wide (Storyville) {1}: -- TH:*
- Peter Martin: Generation S (Open Studio) {1}: JC:+
- Masaka Masaka: Barely Making Much (Hakuna Kulala) {1}: DJM:+
- Masamoon: B.I.D.S. (Beautifully Ignorant Disrespectful Sh*t) () {1}: HG:+
- Michel Massot-Tuur Florizoone-Marine Horbaczewski: Lignes de fruite (Aventura Musica) {1}: JC:+
- Maysa: Remix for Your Soul (Blue Velvet Soul) {1}: odb:*
- Anna McClellan: Electric Bouquet () {1}: xem:6
- Del McCoury Band: Songs of Love and Life (McCoury Music) {1}: ysp:*
- Scotty McCreery: Rise & Fall (Triple Tigers) {1}: BB:+
- Roy McGrath/Hana Fujisaki/Kitt Lyles/Gustavo Cortiñas: Entre Amigos (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- MC Juice/All Natural/Georgia Anne Muldrow: Calisthenics () {1}: HG:+
- MC Lyte: 1 of 1 () {1}: HG:+
- M-Dot: Daze of Greed () {1}: HG:+
- Mediocre Growth: Eater (Dangerbird) {1}: YW:67
- Mediopicky: Bexaco Y Rico (Salsa Fegol) {1}: vu:10 -- A:71/1
- Medium Build: Country (Island) {1}: atw:+
- Mefitis: The Skorian//The Greyleer () {1}: pm_m:11
- Mega Ran X Jermiside: The Lure of Light (Hipnott) {1}: odb:*
- Brad Mehldau: Après Fauré (Nonesuch) {1}: JC:+
- Myra Melford's Fire and Water Quintet: Hear the Light Singing (RogueArt -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Melts: Field Theory (Fuzz Club) {1}: Cl:* -- A:70/2
- Leslie Mendelson: After the Party (Royal Potato Family) {1}: Gl:+
- Mendoza Hoff Revels: Echolocation (AUM Fidelity -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- Chris Mentens: XMNTNS (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Nate Mercereau: Excellent Traveler (Third Man) {1}: JC:+
- Merely & Malibu: Essential Mixtape (Year0001) {1}: GB:38 -- A:74/1
- Amina Mezaache & Maracuja: Vortex (Veston Léger) {1}: JC:+
- Michael: Nite Salad () {1}: LW:90
- Piotr Michalowski/Damon Smith: How to Ripen in Ice (Balance Point Acoustics) {1}: JC:+
- Microwave: Let's Start Degeneracy (Pure Noise) {1}: Sg:+
- Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen: Starway to Bach (Our) {1}: YW:90
- Milan W.: Leave Another Day (Stroom) {1}: Pf:74 -- A:78/1
- Sonny Miles: Gamma (Protect the Culture) {1}: odb:*
- Jordina Millà & Barry Guy: Live in Munich (ECM) {1}: JC:+
- Allison Miller: Rivers in Our Veins (Royal Potato Family -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- Elijah Minnelli: Perpetual Musket (FatCat) {1}: Qt:28
- Minnesota Orchestra/Osmo Vanska/Jennifer Johnston/Women of the Minnesopta Chorale/Minnesota Boychoir: Mahler: Symphony No. 3 in D Minor (BIS) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
- Amalia Miranda: Mientgras Vivas Billas () {1}: NPR:+
- Lin-Manuel Miranda & Eisa Davis: Warriors (Atlantic) {1}: TO:22 -- A:70/1
- Misha: Radiant (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Miss Madeline: So Dramatic (Twin) {1}: Pap:+
- Mista Sinista: ReBorn () {1}: HG:+
- Drori Mondlak/Karolina Strassmayer/David Friedman: Speak Your Truth (Lilypad) {1}: JC:+
- Jason Moran: From the Dancehall to the Battlefield (Yes -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- More Eaze, Pardo & Glass: Paris Paris, Texas Texas (OOH-Sounds) {1}: P:55
- Morvigor: De Spiegel (Vita Detestabilis) {1}: sg_m:6
- MRCY: Volume 1 (Dead Oceans) {1}: odb:*
- Mr. Personality: Socially Attractive (self-released -EP) {1}: ysp:*
- Msaki x Tubatsi: Synthetic Hearts Part II (No Format!) {1}: SC:+
- Muddy Monk: Bingo Paradis (Half Awake) {1}: LI:45
- Viktoria Mullova & Alasdair Beatson: Beethoven Violin Sonatas Nos. 6, 1 and 8 (Signum Classics) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
- Mumbles: In the Pocket of Big Sad () {1}: LW:+
- Mumu Fresh: The Healing (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Crystal Murray: Sad Lovers and Giants () {1}: LI:99
- Yulia Musayelyan: Strange Times (Wherego Music) {1}: JC:+
- Musclecars: Sugar Honey Iced Tea (BBE) {1}: DJM:+
- Muscle Mass: Riders (Silber) {1}: YW:103
- Muscle Mass: Security of Foreign Worlds (Silber) {1}: YW:43
- Mustang: Megaphenix (Vietnam) {1}: LI:57
- NAHreally & the Expert: Blip () {1}: HG:+
- Nascent: Don't Grow Up Too Soon () {1}: SSt:+
- Camila Nebbia/Leo Genovese/Alfred Vogel: Eyes to the Sun (Boomslang) {1}: JC:+
- Neon Dilemma [Elias Stemeseder/Robert Landfermann/Leif Berger]: Neon Dilemma (Klaeng) {1}: JC:+
- New Model Army: Unbroken (Ear) {1}: LW:80 -- A:70/2
- The New Orleans Night Owls: St. Louis Rag and Other Ragtime Classics (Rivermont) {1}: JC:+
- Jodie Nicholson: Safe Hands () {1}: atw:+
- Nicolette & the Nobodies: The Long Way () {1}: Ex:21
- Night Motor: Vessels () {1}: LW:+
- Paal Nilssen-Love/Ken Vandermark: Japan 2019 (PNL/Audiographic -7CD) {1}: JC:+
- Nimsins: Bury My Heart in East Oakland () {1}: Okp:+
- The Nordic Quintet: Originals (AMM) {1}: JC:+
- Runar Norsett Trio: Endless Journey (Losen) {1}: JC:+
- Jade Novah: Where Have I Been? (Let There Be Art) {1}: odb:*
- Cora Novoa: LFOs & Creatures (Turbo) {1}: YW:109
- Nsqk: ATP (Honey) {1}: RS:82
- Numa Gama: A Spectal Turn (Bié) {1}: sg_e:10
- Frédéric D. Oberland/Grégory Dargent/Tony Elileh/Wassim Halal: Sub Rosa (05-24) {1}:
- Objections: Optimistic Sizing (Wrong Speed) {1}: LW:50
- Oh Shu: Town Dune () {1}: Tu:28
- Hildegunn Øiseth: Garden on the Roof (Clap Your Hands) {1}: JC:+
- Okay Kaya: Oh My God - That's So Me (Jagjaguwar) {1}: Pf:* -- A:80/1
- Miles Okazaki: Miniature America (Cygnus) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Vikingur Ólafsson: Continuum (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: YW:112
- Jowee Omicil: Spiritual Healing: Bwa Kayiman Freedom Suite (Bash! Village/Modular -23) {1}: JC:+
- Ona K: Full, New, Luna (Catpig) {1}: odb:*
- One Another Orchestra: One Another Orchestra (Nato) {1}: JC:+
- Susan O'Neill: Now in a Minute () {1}: -- HP:33
- Only Now: Eyes of Pain (Shaytoon) {1}: YW:102
- Only the Poets: One More Night (-EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
- Onra: Nosthaigia (All City) {1}: PW:48
- Onsloow: Full Speed Anywhere Else (Tiny Engines) {1}: Alt:39
- Ndubisi Onyedieke: Orile to Berlin (Sonar Kollectiv) {1}: jcm:+
- Oolong: Oolong (self-released) {1}: Sg:+
- Bill Orcutt: How to Rescue Things (Palilalia) {1}: CM:40 -- TH:B
- Orion Sun: Orion (Mom+Pop) {1}: Okp:+
- Okwy Osadebe and Highlife Soundmakers International: Egwu Mmanwu Igbo (Music of Igbo Masquerade) (Palenque) {1}: XCI:*
- Simon Oslender/Steve Gadd/Will Lee: All That Matters (Leopard/Broken Silence) {1}: JC:+
- Magnus Öström & Dan Berglund: e.s.t. 30 (ACT Music) {1}: JC:+
- Matthew Ottingnon: Volant (Earshift) {1}: JC:+
- Hanaa Oussim: Pan European (02-02) {1}:
- Outrage: Behind the Eyes () {1}: DJM:+
- Ovrkast: Kast Got Wings (IIIXL Studio) {1}:
- Charles Owens Trio: The Music Tells Us (La Reserve) {1}: jmmz:+
- Painkiller: Samara (Tzadik) {1}: YW:63
- Pale Jay: Low End Love Songs (Karma Chief) {1}: RT:96
- Nerina Pallot: A Psalm for Emily Salvi () {1}: Al:+
- Paloma Faith: The Glorification of Sadness (Sony) {1}: Cl:* -- A:67/3
- Mavis Pan: Rising (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
- Evan Parker: The Heraclitean Two-Step, Etc. (False Walls -4CD) {1}: JC:+
- Charlie Parr: Little Sun (Smithsonian Folkways) {1}: Gl:+
- Party Dozen: Crime in Australia (Temporary Residence) {1}: BV_i:31
- Hermeto Pascoal: Pra Você, Ilza (Rocinante) {1}: JC:+
- Tex Patrello: Minotaur (self-released) {1}: P:77
- Chris Patrick: The Calm (CXR) {1}: Cmp:45
- Rita Payés: De Camino al Camino (Sony España) {1}: JC:+
- Alistair Payne: This Thread Walks (Dox) {1}: jnj:+
- Molly Payton: Yoyotta () {1}: GTV:49
- Peace Talks: Progress (-23) {1}: Qt:91
- The Peawees: One Ride (Wild Honey) {1}: LW:68 -- A:70/1
- Hayden Pedigo: Live in Amarillo, Texas (Mexican Summer) {1}: P:36 -- A:76/1
- Peeling Flesh: The G Code (Unique Leader) {1}: Blb:* -- A:75/2
- Rich Pellegrin: Topography (Slow and Steady) {1}: jdm:+
- Nathy Peluso: Grasa (5020/Sony) {1}: G:* -- A:80/2
- Pentadox: As if It Were Tomorrow (Challenge) {1}: JC:+
- Perc: The Cut Off (Perc Trax) {1}: Qt:+
- Perdurabo: Magnetar () {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
- Ivo Perelman/Nate Wooley: Polarity 3 (Burning Ambulance) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Perennial: Art History (Ernest Jennings) {1}: YW:49
- Alix Perez: Entanglements (1985 Music) {1}: DJM:+
- Danilo Pérez & Bohlusän Big Band: Lumen (Prophone) {1}: -- TH:*
- J. Period: J. Period Presents . . . Story to Tell (Chapter Two) (Truelements) {1}: YW:93
- Persher: Sleep Well (Thrill Jockey) {1}: Qt:53+ -- A:70/1
- Peverelist: Pulse Phase (Livity -EP) {1}: sg_e:9
- Phantogram: Memory of a Day (Neon Gold) {1}: am:* -- A:80/1
- Philharmonia Orchestra/Michael Collins: Mozart: Symphonies 34-36 (BIS) {1}: YW:40
- Nacho Picasso & Televangel: Jesse's Revenge () {1}: HG:+
- Jean-Michel Pilc/François Moutin/Ari Hoenig: You Are the Song (Justin Time) {1}: JC:+
- The Pineapple Thief: It Leads to This (K-Scope) {1}: WM:31
- Plastic Bag: Dead Kings of Europe () {1}: LW:88
- +/- [Plus/Minus]: Further Afield (Ernest Jennings) {1}: BV_i:35
- Poppycock: Magic Mothers () {1}: LW:94
- Potatohead People: Eat Your Heart Out (Bastard Jazz) {1}: odb:*
- Noah Preminger/Rob Garcia [Dead Composers Club]: Hildegard Project: The Music of Hildegard Von Bingen (Connection Works) {1}: JC:+
- Princ€ss: Princ€ss (Wherethetimegoes) {1}: C:41 -- A:76/1
- Dan Pugach Big Band: Bianca (Outside In Music) {1}: JC:+
- Puli: Swirling (Open Space) {1}: PW:47
- Punchlove: Channels (Kanine) {1}: P:* -- A:83/1
- PYPY: Sacred Times (Goner) {1}: vjk:6
- Pyur: Lucid Anarchy (Subtext) {1}: sg_x:+
- Quadry: Ask a Magnolia (Tierdrop) {1}: Okp:+
- Quartet Diminished: Deerand (MoonJune) {1}: JC:+
- Quatuor Bozzini: Jürg Frey: String Quartet No. 4 (Collection QB) {1}: Qt:49
- Nemanja Radulovic: Beethoven Violin Concerto & Violin Sonata No. 9 "Kreutzer" (Warners Classics) {1}: YW:73
- Raf-Saperra: 5 Deadly Venomz (Mass Appeal -EP) {1}: VF:24
- Rahim C Redcar: Hopecore (Because Music) {1}: s_t:+
- RaiNao: Capicu (Sonar) {1}: RS:51
- Rain on Fridays: Death to Affection (Rain on Fridays) {1}: YW:52
- Ralfy the Plug: Grandmaster Ralfy (self-released) {1}: PW:36
- Arun Ramamurthy Trio: New Moon (Greenleaf Music) {1}: JC:+
- Hania Rani: Nostalgia (Gondwana) {1}: WM:26
- Razor Braids: Big Wave (self-released) {1}: YW:75
- Real Friends: Blue Hour () {1}: Ch:27
- Recognize Ali: As You Sow So Shall You Reap () {1}: HG:+
- Red Hot Org: Transa (Red Hot Org) {1}: Tu:21
- Redman: Muddy Waters Too (Gilla House) {1}: YW:85
- Red Sun: Best Buds :) (Thumbs Up -EP) {1}: Alt:44
- Red Velvet: Cosmic (-EP) {1}: DW:30
- Reef the Lost Cauze: The Triumphant (Good MuSick) {1}: odb:*
- Regal86: Unearthed Vol. II *100 Trax* (Nola Bel) {1}: RA:24
- Regional Justice Center: Freedom Sweet Freedom (Closed Casket Activities) {1}: sg_hc:7
- Tomeka Reid/Isadora Edwards/Elisabeth Coudoux: Reid/Edwards/Coudoux (Relative Pitch) {1}: JC:+
- Rendez-Vous: Downcast (Artefact/Wedge) {1}: LI:68
- Ren G: Miss 24/7 () {1}: Pap:+
- Retsu: Retsu () {1}: LW:47
- Revivalists: Gratitude and Motivation () {1}: xrt:+
- Reymour: NoLand () {1}: LI:34
- Doug Richards Orchestra: Through a Sonic Prism: The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim (self-released -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Riley!: Keep Your Cool (Counter Intuitive) {1}: Alt:45
- Rinôçérôse: Psychâanalysis () {1}: LI:89
- RiTchie: Triple Digits [112] (self-released) {1}: S:* -- A:71/3
- R.N.A. Organism: R.N.A.O. Meets P.O.P.O. (Mesh-Key) {1}: Qt:+
- Troy Roberts: Green Lights (Toy Robot Music) {1}: JC:+
- Titi Robin Quartet: Le Sable et L'Écume (Suraj Productions) {1}: JC:+
- Julius Rodriguez: Evergreen (Verve) {1}: tms_j:+
- Pete Rodriguez: I'm Pete Rodriguez, Volume 1 (Sunnyside) {1}: JC:+
- Raphael Roginski: Zaltys (Unsound) {1}: tr_f:+
- Rome Streetz & Daringer: Hatton Garden Holdup () {1}: HG:+
- Renee Rosnes: Crossing Paths (Smoke Sessions) {1}: JC:+
- Rosso Polare: Campo Amaro (Students of Decay) {1}: Qt:70
- Jim Rotondi: Finesse (Cellar Music) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Ada Rovatti: The Hidden World of Piloo (Piloo) {1}: JC:+
- Gonzalo Rubalcaba/Hamilton De Holanda: Collab (Sony Music Brazil) {1}: JC:+
- Toms Rudzinskis: Abyss (self-released -23) {1}: JC:+
- Rüfüs Du Sol: Inhale/Exhale () {1}: bb_d:+
- Victor Ruiz: This Is Not an Album (Volta) {1}: YW:87
- Alice Russell: I Am (Tru Thoughts) {1}: ysp:*
- Rəhman Məmmədli: Azerbaijani Gitara Volume 2 (Bongo Joe) {1}: Qt:+
- Saagara: 3 (Glitterbeat/Tak:til) {1}: Qt:45
- Sadistik/Maulskull: Oblivion Theater () {1}: HG:+
- Sadness: I Want to Make Something as Beautiful as You (self-released) {1}: sg_m:10
- Dali de Saint Paul/Maxwell Sterling: Penumbra (Accidental Meetings) {1}: Qt:+
- Akira Sakata/Jim O'Rourke/Mette Rasmussen/Chris Corsano: Live at SuperDeluxe Volume 1 (Trost) {1}: -- TH:*
- Salma e Mac: S&M (self-released) {1}: SpL:*
- Angelica Sanchez/Barry Guy/Ramón López: Live at Jazzdor (Maya) {1}: JC:+
- Otis Sandsjö: Y-Otis Tre (We Jazz) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Melvis Santa: Jazz Orishas (Distro) {1}: JC:+
- Julie Sassoon/Lothar Ohlmeier/Mia Ohlmeier: Inside Colours Live (Jazzwerkstatt) {1}: jmju:+
- Masahiko Satoh & Takeo Moriyama Feat. Leon Brichard & Idris Rahman: Live at Café Oto (BBE) {1}: JC:+
- Satya: Songs of the Fathers: A Celebration of the Music of Abdullah Ibrahim (Resonant Artists) {1}: JC:+
- John Scofield: Uncle John's Band (ECM -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
- Bianca Scout: Pattern Damage (Sferic) {1}: Qt:90
- Hannah Selin: Dream Journal & the Apocalypse (Gold Bolus) {1}: PM:+
- Semiratruth: The Star of the Story () {1}: Okp:+
- Mei Semones: Kabutomushi (Bayonet) {1}: ysp:*
- Richard Sen: India Man (Do!! You!!!) {1}: DJM:+
- Senyawa: Vajranala (The State51 Conspiracy) {1}: Qt:39
- Sara Serpa: Encounters & Collisions (Biophilia) {1}: -- TH:*
- Sex Swing: Golden Triangle (God Unknown) {1}: Qt:93
- Sharada Shashidhar: Soft Echoes () {1}: ln:6
- Joan Shelley: Mood Ring (No Quarter -EP) {1}: bv_f:+
- Collin Sherman: String Planes (Ex-tol) {1}: jdm:7
- Brindley Sherratt/Julius Drake: Fear No More (Delphian) {1}: G:*
- S.H.: FXWL 24A () {1}: VF:40
- Shibusashirazu: Shibukoh (Chitei) {1}: JC:+
- Yuuko Shiokawa/András Schiff: Brahms, Schumann (ECM) {1}: am:+
- Wilson Shook/Ted Byrnes: Joy (Other Ghosts) {1}: JC:+
- The Shop Window: Daysdream () {1}: LW:+
- Showrocka & Mickey Factz: Manifest Destiny (Pay the Rappers) {1}: odb:*
- Shxcxchcxsh: ......t (Northern Electronics) {1}: tr_e:+
- SHY FX and Mr. Williamz: Rudeboy Design Soundtape (Digital Soundboy) {1}: bb6:+
- Zofie Siege: Gems in Dirt (Nuova Materia) {1}: Qt:+
- Silent EM: Real Life (DKA) {1}: tr_e:+
- Marlon Simon and the Nagual Spirits: On Different Paths (Truth Revolution) {1}: JC:+
- Sipaningkah: Langkah Suruik (Chinabot) {1}: Qt:+
- Alex Sipiagin: Horizons (Blue Room Music) {1}: JC:+
- Mama Sissoko: Live (Meruba-ML) {1}: SpL:*
- Harri Sjöström/Erhard Hirt/Philipp Wachsmann/Paul Lytton: Especially for You (Bead -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[*]
- SJ: The Biggest What If? (Youngest in Chicago) {1}: -- Cmp_U:25
- Skandal: Melodi () {1}: Alt:49
- Skilla Baby: The Coldest (Geffen/Rebel Music) {1}: Up_h:+ -- A:60/1
- Skillet: Revolution (self-released) {1}: Blb:* -- A:80/1
- Håkon Skogstad: 8 Concepts of Tango (Øra Fonogram) {1}: -- TH:*
- The Sleeveens: The Sleeveens (Dirtnap) {1}: YW:46
- Margaret Slovak & Chris Maresh: A Star's Light Does Fall (Slovak Music) {1}: -- TH:*
- Slowerpace: Space Cowboys () {1}: DJM:+
- Slow Hollows: Bullhead (Danger Collective) {1}: Sg:+
- Sly Jr.: Procreation () {1}: -- atw:+
- Small Black Arrows: The British Museum () {1}: LW:34
- Ronny Smith: Struttin' (Pacific Coast Jazz) {1}: -- TH:*
- Snarls: With, Love (Take This to Heart) {1}: YW:77
- Snotty Nose Rez Kids: Red Future (Savage Mob) {1}: PO:+
- Snowgoose: Descendent () {1}: -- LW:49
- Soft Kill: Escape Forever (Cercle Social) {1}: Sg:+
- Sol Sol: Almost All Things Considered (Sail Cabin) {1}: jcm:+
- Tyshawn Sorey Trio: Continuing (Pi -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Spaces Unfolding + Pierre Alexandre Tremblay: Shadow Figures (Bead) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Spectres: Presence () {1}: AV:+
- Vic Spencer & August Fanon: Psychological Cheat Sheet 5 () {1}: HG:+
- Jon Spencer: Sick of Being Sick (Bronze Rat) {1}: YW:39
- Larry Stabbins: Strangeness Oscillation (Noetic) {1}: jcm:+
- Starflyer 59: Lust for Gold (Velvet Blue) {1}: Alt:48
- Gwen Stefani: Bouquet (Interscope) {1}: Cl:* -- A:58/4
- Mike Stern: Echoes and Other Songs (Mack Avenue) {1}: JC:+
- Leslie Stevens: Leslie Stevens (Lyricland) {1}: HV:+
- Storefront Church: Ink & Oil (Storefront Church) {1}: UR:43 -- A:65/1
- Styrofoam Winos: Real Time (Sophomore Lounge) {1}: Up_h:23
- Suburban Lawns: Baby (Rubellan) {1}: Qt:+
- Milton Suggs: Pure Intention (Imani) {1}: JC:+
- Mai Sugimoto: Sunlight Filtering Through the Leaves (Asian Improv) {1}: JC:+
- Melinda Sullivan/Larry Goldings: Big Foot (Colorfield) {1}: JC:+
- Moses Sumney: Sophcore (Tuntum -EP) {1}: Pf:* -- A:75/2
- Sunburned Hand of the Man: Nimbus (Three Lobed) {1}: Qt:+
- Sunny Day Real Estate: Diary (Live at London Bridge Studio) (self-released) {1}: S:* -- A:83/2
- Super American: Gangster of Love (Wax Bodega) {1}: Ch:24
- Yuhan Su: Liberated Gesture (Sunnyside -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[***]
- Svaneborg Kardyb: Superkilen (Gondwana) {1}: JC:+
- Anders Svanoe: Astro Eclipse: State of the Baritone Vol. 6 (Irabbagast) {1}: jmc:7
- SVLBRD: Extents (Faint) {1}: YW:110
- Sweet: Full Circle () {1}: ClR:48
- Veronica Swift: Veronica Swift (Mack Avenue -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[B-]
- Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra/Rachel Podger: Haydn Symphonies 43 & 49 (Telemusik) {1}: YW:94
- Kaidi Tatham: Fusion Moves (Reel People Music) {1}: odb:*
- Joanne Shaw Taylor: Heavy Soul () {1}: ClR:41
- Tdf: Blueprint () {1}: Pf_h:22
- Teens in Trouble: What's Mine (Asian Man) {1}: XCI:*
- Jacky Terrasson: Moving On (Earth Sounds) {1}: JC:+
- Tha Dogg Pound: W.A.W.G. (We All We Got) () {1}: SSt:+
- Tha God Fahim: Dump Goat 2 (5360114 DK) {1}: odb:*
- Thandii: Come as You (self-released) {1}: RT:45
- Thandii: Dream With You (self-released) {1}: RT:45
- That Mexican OT: Texas Technician (Manifest/GoodTalk/Good Money/Interscope) {1}: Sg:+
- Th Blisks: Elixa (Efficient Space) {1}: Fa:50 -- A:78/1
- Tidiane Thiam: Africa Yontii (Sahel Sounds) {1}: YW:57
- Jean-Yves Thibaudet and Michael Feinstein: Gershwin Rhapsody (Decca) {1}: tms_j:+
- Pat Thomas/Dominic Lash/Tony Orrell: BleySchool: Where? (577) {1}: JC:+
- Russell Thompkins Jr: Riding Solo (SoulMusic/Platinum Garage) {1}: odb:*
- D Clinton Thompson: Donnie's Mood (Borrowed) {1}: ysp:*
- Henry Threadgill Ensemble: The Other One (Pi -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[A-]
- Three Blind Mice: A Thing in Your Life (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Dlala Thukzin: Finally Famous Too (Dlala) {1}: xpb:+
- Camille Thurman With the Darrell Queen Quartet: Confluence Vol. 1: Alhambra (Epidote) {1}: JC:+
- Hiruy Tirfe: 10,000 Hours (Tirfe) {1}: JC:+
- Tomorrow X Together: The Star Chapter: Sanctuary (Big Hit/HYBE -EP) {1}: AD:* -- A:80/1
- Tomo: Vielle-electronica (Knotwilg) {1}: Qt:73
- Tiziano Tononi/Emanuele Parrini: Other Interactions on . . . July 5th (Felmay) {1}: JC:+
- Tonus: Analog Deviation (A New Wave of Jazz Axis) {1}: -- TH:*
- Kavus Torabi: The Banishing (Believers Roast) {1}: Qt:+
- Samuel Torres & the Latin Chamber Ensemble: A Dance for Birds (Blue Conga) {1}: JC:+
- Trance Macabre: Trance Macabre (Redscroll) {1}: JC:+
- Traüme: Wrzask () {1}: Qt:81
- Rebecca Trescher Tentet: Character Pieces (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Trigger Object: Ghost Bros OST () {1}: W:40
- Trueno: El Último Baile () {1}: BB:+
- Truth & Devotion: Heaven at Last (Holy Grail) {1}: odb:*
- Toshi Tsuchitori/Eric-Maria Couturier: Different Echoes in the Same Dust (Ryuko Gakusha) {1}: JC:+
- Alexi Tuomarila: Departing the Wasteland (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- Turbo Lotus: Turbo Lotus (Park West) {1}: JC:+
- Gavin Turek: Diva of the People (Madame Gold) {1}: v_sh:8
- Mark Turner Quartet: Live at the Village Vanguard (Giant Step Arts -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:**
- Twin Pillars: 48 Pillars of Power: Volume 1 (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Uboa: Impossible Light (The Flenser) {1}: Spk:21
- David Udell: It's Worth It (self-released) {1}: ysp:*
- UFO95: A Brutalist Dystopian Society (Mord) {1}: YW:66
- Ugly: Twice Around the Sun (self-released -EP) {1}: Ne:* -- A:73/3
- Umuumu.: We Are Umuumu. (Dramatist) {1}: JC:+
- Upsammy: Strange Meridians (Topo2) {1}: pf_e:+ -- A:78/1
- Urika's Bedroom: Big Smile, Black Mire (True Panther) {1}: StL:43 -- A:68/1
- UTO: When All You Want to Do Is Be the Fire Part of Fire (InFiné) {1}: LI:100
- Vanguard Jazz Orchestra: Centennial: The Music of Thad Jones: Live at the Village Vanguard (BCM+D) {1}: JC:+
- Vanishing: Shelter of the Opaque (The State51 Conspiracy) {1}: Qt:87
- Jozef Van Wissem: The Night Dwells in the Day (Incunabulum) {1}:
- Vayda: Vaytrix () {1}: Okp:+
- Vazesh: Tapestry (Earshift Music) {1}: JC:+
- Vedo: Next Chapter (New Wav/Empire) {1}: odb:*
- Albert Vila Trio: Reality Is Nuance (Fresh Sound New Talent -23) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:[**]
- Reuben Vincent: General Admission (Jamla/Roc Nation) {1}: YW:91
- Violence Gratuite: Baleine à Boss (Hakuna Kulala) {1}: bb6:+
- Shawna Virago: Blood in Her Dreams () {1}: BB:+
- The Virginmarys: The House Beyond the Fires () {1}: ClR:38
- Void Patrol: Live @ Victo (Les Disques Victo) {1}: JC:+
- Alice Wallace: Here I Am () {1}: scm:*
- Ian Wallace & OP!: Words & Sounds Vol 1.5 (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Walt Disco: The Warping (Lucky Number) {1}: WM:24
- ZZ Ward: Mother (Dirty Shine) {1}: YW:65
- WateRR & Wavy Da Ghawd: Washed Ashore () {1}: HG:+
- Lauren Watkins: The Heartbroken Record (Big Loud/Songs & Daughters/Mercury/Republic) {1}: sg_c:+
- Wave Arising: (The) Rooted Sky (Ransom Note) {1}: YW:70
- Rod Wave: Last Lap (Alamo/Hit House Entertainment) {1}: Cmp:39 -- A:50/1
- Florian Weber: Imaginary Cycle (ECM) {1}: JC:+
- The Weeknd: Dancing in the Flames (XO/Republic) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
- Weird of Mouth [Mette Rasmussen/Craig Taborn/Ches Smith]: Weird of Mouth (Otherly Love) {1}: JC:+
- David Weiss Sextet: Auteur (Origin) {1}: JC:+
- Jesse Welles: Hells Welles () {1}: scm:*
- Ben Wendel: Understory: Live at the Village Vanguard (Edition) {1}: JC:+
- Mike Westbrook: Band of Bands (Westbrook Music) {1}: JC:+
- Stian Westerhus & Maja S. K. Ratkje: All Losses Are Restored (Crispin Glover) {1}: JC:+ -- TH:B
- Westside Gunn & DJ Drama: Still Praying (Griselda) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
- Koe Wetzel: 9 Lives (Columbia) {1}: RS:96 -- A:60/1
- White+: II (Maybe Mars) {1}: YW:21
- Amanda Whiting: The Liminality of Her (First Word) {1}: JC:+
- Whose Hat Is This?: Pony Boy (Heartcore) {1}: JC:+
- Wiener Concert-Verein/Milan Turkovic: Mozart: Nachtmusik (Gramola) {1}: YW:44
- Wilderado: Talker (Bright Antenna) {1}: atw:+
- Wildflower: Green World () {1}: Alt:37
- Pharrell Williams: Virginia (Black Yacht Rock, Vol. 1: City of Limitless Access) (Black Yacht Rock) {1}: Up:+
- Matt Wilson's Christmas Tree-O: Tree Jazz: The Shape of Christmas to Come (Palmetto) {1}: JC:+
- Kathrine Windfeld: Aldebaran (Stunt) {1}: JC:+
- Norma Winstone: Wheeler With Words (AMM) {1}: JC:+
- Wintersun: Time II (Nuclear Blast) {1}: Blb:* -- A:80/1
- Carl Winther/Richard Andersson/Jeff "Tain" Watts: Waw! (Hobby Horse) {1}: tms_j:+
- Wire Worms: The First to Come In () {1}: LW:96
- Wojtek the Bear: Shaking Hands With the NME () {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
- Wolfacejoeyy: Valentino (Alamo) {1}: Fa:49 -- A:74/1
- Wolf Eyes & Anthony Braxton: Difficult Messages Volume Five: Wolf Eyes & Anthony Braxton Live in Los Angeles (self-released) {1}: JC:+
- Warren Wolf: History of the Vibraphone (Cellar Music) {1}: JC:+
- Michael Wollny & Joachim Kühn: Duo (ACT Music) {1}: JC:+
- Lucy Woodward: Lucy Woodward & the Rocketeers (GroundUP Music) {1}: JC:+
- Wool & the Pants: Not Fun in the Summertime () {1}: Tu:23
- Al Wootton: Lifted From the Earth (Berceuse Heroique) {1}: Qt:+
- Wu-Lu: Learning to Swim on Empty (Warp) {1}: Qt:35
- Luke Wyland: Kuma Cove (Balmat) {1}: YW:114
- Luzia von Wyl Ensemble: Frakmont (LU) {1}: JC:+
- X4: Trophied Up () {1}: PW:29
- Min Xiao-Fen: Metta (Asian Improv) {1}: JC:+
- YAI: Sky Time (AKP) {1}: JC:+
- Koichi Yamaguchi Trio: Afureli (Uhauha Music) {1}: JC:+
- Fumio Yasuda: Sora (Pourquoi) {1}: JC:+
- Yazmine MB: Healer (self-released) {1}: YW:69
- Yellow Claw: House Music for Stripclubs () {1}: Em:42
- Yellow Swans: Out of Practice I & II (Yellow Swans Archive) {1}: sg_x:9
- Yes Indeed: King of Blue (Meaksuma) {1}: Qt:+
- Ynys: Dosbarth Nos (Libertino) {1}: GTV:23
- Yobs: Yobs () {1}: LW:24
- Darryl Yokley's Sound Reformation: Un Mundo En Soledad (Truth Revolution Recording Collective) {1}: JC:+
- Yoo Doo Right: From the Heights of Our Pastureland (Mothland) {1}: BV_i:28
- Thom Yorke: Confídenza (XL) {1}: S:* -- A:77/3
- Otomo Yoshihide/Chris Pitsiokos: Uncanny Mirror (Eleatic) {1}: JC:+
- Younee: Improvisations Live in Germany (Fulminantmusic) {1}: JC:+
- Young Jonn: Jiggy Forever (Chocolate City Music) {1}: Up:+
- Michon Young: Love Is My Lane (self-released) {1}: odb:*
- Young Slo-Be: Slo-Be Bryant 4 () {1}: Pf_h:21 -- A:76/1
- Your Arms Are My Cocoon: Death of a Rabbit (self-released) {1}: A:33
- yPLO: ob TRU (Feedback Moves) {1}: JC:+
- Yungmorpheus & Alexander Spit: Waking Up & Choosing Violence () {1}: HG:+
- Zanias: Ecdysis () {1}: LW:+
- Alice Zawadzki/Fred Thomas/Misha Mullov-Abbado: Za Górami (ECM) {1}: JC:+
- Zayn: Room Under the Stairs () {1}: Cos:+
- Zedd: Telos () {1}: bb_d:+
- Zen Widow: IV (From One Dark Age to Another) (Objet-a/Intervention -23) {1}: JC:+
- John Zorn: Her Melodious Lay (Tzadik) {1}: ysp:*