Metacritic/EOY Aggregate: 2024 New Music: Electronica/Dance


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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Nala Sinephro: Endlessness (Warp) {73}: 45:20, Bc:+, BPM:16*, C:3, Cl:20, CS:44, DJM:+, DW:71, Ex:49, G:30*, GQ:+, JC:+, LBF:6, LI:11, LQ:14, NPR:+, O:*, P:10, Pf:5*, PW:14, RT:53, RA:21, Sg:23, Sk:19*, Spk:4, StL:5*, Tr:14, Tu:13, U:25*, VF:4; am:+*, bb6:+, bp:9, bv_j:+, ny_p:10, sg_j:+ -- A:82/10, TH:***
  2. Jamie XX: In Waves (Young) {68}: AD:*, BB:48, BPM:*, Cl:17*, CS:28, D:26*, DIY:*, Ev:*, Ex:50*, G:44*, GQ:+, IT:*, KC:3, LBF:*, LI:12, Mj:*, MO:13*, NME:*, NT:*, Oo:18, PM:8*, PW:18, Ri:22, RSUK:+, RT:22, SC:*, STi:25, StL:*, T:*, TO:6, Tr:30, U:*, Up:+, UR:37, XCI:**; am:+*, bb_d:+, ec:+, tr_e:+, v_ja:2, v_sh:10, xjdc:* -- A:82/25, TH:A-
  3. Nia Archives: Silence Is Loud (Hijinxx/Island) {51}: 45:11, AD:*, Cl:59*, Cmp_U:15, D:8*, DIY:16*, DJM:+, Ex:+, Fld:42, G:15*, LW:15*, Ne:*, NME:4*, Okp:+, P:96, PW:26, RSUK:+*, RT:56, Sg:+, XCI:**; am:+*, ra:*, xjdc:*, xsp:* -- A:80/17, MT:A, TH:A-
  4. Floating Points: Cascade (Ninja Tune) {41}: Ex:46, FO:*, LBF:*, LI:81, Mj:63*, MO:11*, Ne:46*, O:*, O:13, Pf:*, RS:83, RT:54, Sg:32, Sl:36, Tr:5, U:46*, WM:16; am:+*, atl:4, bb_d:+, g_e:5, tr_e:+, xjdc:*, xpb:18 -- A:82/11, TH:A-
  5. Jlin: Akoma (Planet Mu) {39}: C:49, DJM:+, DW:14, Ex:*, Pf:25*, PM:18*, PO:+, Qt:+, RA:23, Sk:*, Sl:44, SpL:**, Tr:10, U:57*, VF:15; am:*, bl:5, pf_e:+, ra:*, sg_e:6, sg_x:+, tr_e:+, xme:10 -- A:79/9, MT:***, TH:***
  6. AG Cook: Britpop (New Alias) {30}: Cl:52*, D:23*, DIY:*, DW:51, Dz:12, Em:11, Ex:42, GQ:+, LBF:*, LIL:47, NME:*+, Rf:22, Sg:+, Sk:*, Sl:15*, TO:8; bb6+, vg:+, vu:+ -- A:87/9, TH:**
  7. Caribou: Honey (Merge/City Slang) {29}: AD:*, Bc:+, BV_i:24, Cl:*, DIY:*, Ex:5*, Fa:30, FO:*, LI:49, MO:*, RT:40, Tr:33, Tu:22, UR:48; am:*, bb_d:+, tr_e:+ -- A:71/16, TH:**
  8. Four Tet: Three (Text) {20}: BV:+, BV_i:39, Cl:42*, DW:46, Ex:38*, HV:+, Sg:38, Tr:+; bb_d:+, ra:*, xjdc:* -- A:73/8, MT:**, RX:**, TH:***
  9. Justice: Hyperdrama (Because Music) {19}: BB:28, KC:1, LI:7, MO:*, NME:*, RT:94, Sk:*, U:*, Up:+, V:+; bb_d:+, ra:*, v_sh:9 -- A:68/20
  10. Sophie: Sophie (Transgressive) {18}: DJM:+, LBF:31*, MO:*, O:*, RC:*, RS:*, RT:1; am:*, bb_d:+, bl:10, g_e:8 -- A:69/19, TH:**
  11. Loidis: One Day (Incienso) {15}: DJM:+, DW:69, Pf:42, RA:1; pf_e:+, sg_e:4, tr_e:+ -- A:79/2, TH:***
  12. Kelly Lee Owens: Dreamstate (Dirty Hit) {15}: 45:29, Cl:46, DJM:+, Fa:44, G:*, GQ:+, NME:43*, PM:65*, RSUK:+, U:*, Up:+, Up_h:27; bb_d:+ -- A:74/9
  13. Bolis Pupul: Letter to Yu (Deewee) {15}: AD:*, Fld:46, LI:22, MO:*, NT:*, O:*, Pf:*+, PM:*, Tu:24; am:*, ra:* -- A:77/11, TH:***
  14. Skee Mask: Resort (Ilian Tape) {15}: C:9, GB:8, Spk:33; pf_e:+, sg_e:2, tr_e:+ -- A:78/2, TH:A-
  15. Fred Again . .: Ten Days (Atlantic) {12}: Cl:*, D:*, DW:88, HP:47, NME:*; bb_d:+ -- A:68/10, RX:A-, TH:**
  16. Peggy Gou: I Hear You (XL) {12}: BB:+, Ex:*, I:*, KC:28, LBF:*, LI:43, MO:*, O:*, RT:38, Sk:*, T:*; bb_d:+ -- A:75/12
  17. DJ Anderson do Paraíso: Queridão (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {11}: Fa:10, G:+, Qt:52, RA:6, Sl:20; pf_e:+ -- TH:B
  18. Iglooghost: Tidal Memory Exo (LuckyMe) {10}: Bc:+, Dz:7, Ne:28*, Spk:39; bl:3, ra:* -- A:74/4
  19. Two Shell: Two Shell (Young) {10}: DIY:*, Dz:20, GQ:+, NME:*, StL:31, Tu:18 -- A:74/4, TH:**
  20. Porij: Teething (Play It Again Sam) {9}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, LBF:*, NME:*, RC:*, T:* -- A:75/8, TH:**
  21. Squarepusher: Dostrotime (Warp) {9}: AD:*, U:*; am:*, bl:1 -- A:78/4, TH:***
  22. Verraco: Breathe . . . Godspeed (Timedance -EP) {9}: Pf:*, Qt:+, RA:11; sg_e:5 -- A:82/1, TH:***
  23. Jon Hopkins: Ritual (Domino) {8}: AD:*, Ex:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:28*, RC:*, UR:* -- A:75/15
  24. Nicolás Jaar: Archivos de Radio Piedras [Piedras 1/2] (Other People) {8}: LBF:*, Pf:*, PW:41, SMH:+++, VF:16 -- A:79/3
  25. Underworld: Strawberry Hotel (Virgin Music) {8}: AD:*, Mj:*, MO:34*, O:*, Qt:64, RC:*, U:* -- A:79/9
  26. Masayoshi Fujita: Migratory (Erased Tapes) {7}: FO:41*, Mj:*, PM:*, StL:*, U:*; am:* -- A:80/7
  27. Tim Reaper & Kloke: In Full Effect (Hyperdub) {7}: C:23, DJM:+, G:*, RA:17, YW:28; am:+ -- A:100/1
  28. Skee Mask: ISS010 (Ilian Tape) {7}: DW:56, Qt:71, RA:14; sg_e:2 -- A:74/1, TH:*
  29. Actress: Statik (Smalltown Supersound) {6}: DJM:+; pf_e:+, ra:*, sg_e:8, tr_e:+ -- TH:*
  30. Burial: Dreamfear/Boy Sent From Above (XL -EP) {6}: DW:89, GB:24, S:*; am:*, xjdc:* -- A:80/3, TH:*
  31. Djrum: Meaning's Edge (Houndstooth -EP) {6}: DW:63, Pf:48*; pf_e:+ -- A:83/1, TH:**
  32. Ezra Feinberg: Soft Power (Tonal Union) {6}: C:38, G:*, Mj:*, P:34, U:*; bb6:+ -- A:80/3
  33. Heavee: Unleash (Hyperdub) {6}: DJM:+; am:*, ln:2, pf_e:+, tr_e:+ -- A:78/2, TH:B
  34. Kiasmos: II (Erased Tapes) {6}: -- G:*, FO:*, Mj:*, MO:*, RT:46; am:*
  35. Bullion: Affection (Ghostly International) {5}: GB:35, NME:*, Pf:*; am:*, ra:* -- A:80/4
  36. De Schuurman: Bubbling Forever (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {5}: C:21, RA:2
  37. Dialect: Atlas of Green (RVNG) {5}: BPM:*, Qt:13, W:18 -- A:80/1
  38. I Jordan: I Am Jordan (Ninja Tune) {5}: DJM:+, W:*; bb6:+ra:* -- TH:*
  39. KRM & KMRU: Disconnect (Phantom Limb) {5}: C:43, Cl:*, Mj:*, W:42; bl:7 -- A:81/3
  40. Sam Morton: Daffodils & Dirt (XL) {5}: GB:22, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, U:* -- A:76/5
  41. Polygonia: Da Nao Tian Gong (Polygonia) {5}: RA:5, YW:104
  42. Seefeel: Everything Squared (Warp -EP) {5}: LBF:*, Pf:*, Pf_k:21, U:*; pf_e:+ -- A:80/4
  43. Tashi Wada: What Is Not Strange? (RVNG Intl) {5}: Qt:16, U:*; sg_x:7 -- A:79/2
  44. Ciel & CCL: Tilda's Goat Stare (Naff) {4}: RA:13, VF:25, YW:78
  45. Daisy Moon: System Creak (Peach Discs -EP) {4}: VF:35 -- TH:***
  46. Ghost Dubs: Damaged (Pressure) {4}: DJM:+, Mj:67*, Tu:27 -- A:77/2
  47. Chuck Johnson: Sun Glories (Western Vinyl) {4}: PM:", U:54; am:*, sg_x:+ -- A:77/4
  48. Fergus Jones: Ephemera (Numero Group) {4}: DJM:+, GB:32, Qt:100, VF:38
  49. Midland: Fragments of Us (Graded) {4}: Cl:*, DJM:+, RA:20 -- A:82/2
  50. Syclops: Black Eye (Bubble Tease Communications) {4}: RA:8; pf_e:+
  51. Vegyn: The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions (Plz Make It Ruins) {4}: Cl:*, Em:39, G:+, S:* -- A:77/5
  52. Xylitol: Anemones (Planet Mu) {4}: Qt:30 -- TH:***
  53. Brijean: Macro (Ghostly International) {3}: KC:14; am:* -- A:71/4
  54. Oliver Coates: Throb, Shiver, Arrow of Time (RVNG) {3}: GTV:38, Sk:*, U:* -- A:75/3
  55. Death's Dynamic Shroud.wmv & Galen Tipton: You Like Music (Ghost Diamond) {3}: Ne:30*, SLi:+ -- A:80/1
  56. Gum.mp3: Black Life, Red Planet (Gum Studio) {3}: RA:18; tr_e:+
  57. Gyrofield: These Heavens (XL -EP) {3}: RA:7
  58. Arushi Jain: Delight (Leaving) {3}: Mj:*, U:*; ra:* -- TH:B-
  59. James Devane: Searching (Umeboshi) {3}: sg_e:1
  60. Logic1000: Mother (Because Music) {3}: Cl:*, NME:*; ra:* -- A:72/4
  61. LustSickPuppy: Carousel From Hell (self-released) {3}: Ne:40*, SLi:37 -- A:76/2
  62. Monolake: Studio (Imbalance Computer Music) {3}: Mj:*; bl:2 -- A:75/2
  63. Pye Corner Audio: The Endless Echo (Ghost Box) {3}: U:75; am:* -- A:85/2
  64. Snow Strippers: Night Killaz Vol. 2 (Surf Gang -EP) {3}: Dz:9 -- A:68/1
  65. Transmission Towers: Transmission One (É Soul Cultura/Mr Bongo) {3}: ln:1
  66. Adam Wiltzle: Eleven Fugues for Sodium Pentothal (Kranky) {3}: Mj:*, U:*; am:* -- A:75/5
  67. Félicia Atkinson: Space as an Instrument (Shelter Press) {2}: Fa:25, LI:87 -- A:74/1
  68. Donato Dozzy: Magda (Spazio Disponibile) {2}: C:23, DJM:+ -- A:73/1
  69. GiGi FM: Movimiento (Sea~réne) {2}: sg_e:3
  70. Hakushi Hasegawa: Mahōgakkō (Brainfeeder) {2}: am:*, atw:+ -- A:70/3
  71. Patrick Holland: Infra (Verdicchio Music Publishing) {2}: DJM:+, Sp:* -- A:90/1
  72. Joshua Idehen: Mum Does the Washing (Big Wednesday -EP) {2}: KC:30, XCI:*
  73. Machinedrum: 3FOR82 (Ninja Tune) {2}: bb_d:+, tr_e:+
  74. Mizu: Forest Scenes (NNA Tapes) {2}: PM:*+ -- A:84/2
  75. Moby: Always Centered at Night (Mute) {2}: Sp:* -- A:68/10, MT:C+, TH:*
  76. More Eaze: Lacuna and Parlor (Mondoj) {2}: SC:13
  77. Peverelist: Pulse Echo (Livity -EP) {2}: pf_e:+, sg_e:9
  78. Priori: This but More (NAFF) {2}: DJM:+; tr_e:+ -- A:74/2
  79. Róis: Mo Léan (self-released) {2}: Mj:*, Qt:24 -- A:80/1
  80. Shackleton & Six Organs of Admittance: Jinxed by Being (Drag City) {2}: PW:50; tr_f:+ -- A:68/2
  81. Skrilla: Zombie Love Kensington Paradise (Priority) {2}: PW:16
  82. John Summit: Comfort in Chaos (Experts Only/Darkroom) {2}: Em:41; bb_d:+
  83. Ulla & Ultrafog: It Means a Lot (Motion Ward) {2}: DJM:+, DW:34
  84. Lechuga Zafiro: Desde los Oídos de un Sapo (Tra Tra Trax) {2}: C:39, DJM:+ -- A:77/1
  85. Zuli: Lambda (Subtext) {2}: DJM:+; pf_e:+ -- A:79/1
  86. 1tbsp: Megacity1000 (Sumoclic) {1}: Em:40 -- A:70/1
  87. Actress: Д​а​р​е​н Д​ж​. К​а​н​н​і​н​г​е​м (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: YW:111
  88. J. Albert: I Want to Be Good So Bad () {1}: pf_e:+
  89. Tristan Arp: A Pool, a Portal (Wisdom Teeth) {1}: DJM:+
  90. Karl Bartos: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Tapete) {1}: Sp:* -- A:65/6
  91. The Bug: Machine (Pressure) {1}: tr_e:+
  92. Carrier: In Spectra (self-released) {1}: pf_e:+
  93. CCL: Plot Twist (!K7) {1}: sg_e:7
  94. Taylor Deupree: Sti.ll (Nettwerk/12k) {1}: s_t:+
  95. DJ Lycox: Guetto Star (Principe) {1}: pf_e:+ -- A:77/1
  96. Eris Drew: Raving Disco Breaks Vol. II: Rock the House (T4T LUV NRG) {1}: pf_e:+ -- A:77/1
  97. Earthen Sea: Recollection (Kranky) {1}: tr_e:+
  98. Elori Saxl: Earth Focus (Western Vinyl) {1}: wp:10 -- A:70/1
  99. Joe Goddard: Harmonics (Domino) {1}: tr_e:+
  100. Gyrofield: A Faint Glow of Bravery (Metalheadz) {1}: Spk:35 -- A:76/1
  101. Hainbach: Breve (Seil) {1}: bl:9
  102. Halogenix: Passions () {1}: DJM:+
  103. Catherine Christer Hennix: Further Selections From the Electric Harpsichord (Blank Forms) {1}: VF:33
  104. HHY and the Macumbas: Bom Sangue Mau (Horror Vector) {1}: tr_e:+
  105. Holy Tongue & Shackleton: The Tumbling Psychic Joy of Now (AD 93) {1}: Qt:44
  106. Kassian: Supercontinent (-EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  107. Leonce: System of Objects (Morph Tracks) {1}: DJM:+
  108. Loukeman: Sd-2 (SD Music Group) {1}: GB:30 -- A:70/1
  109. Low End Activist: Municipal Dreams (Sneaker Social Club) {1}: VF:43
  110. Machine Girl: MG Ultra (Future Classic) {1}: Bc:+ -- A:67/2
  111. Elijah Minnelli: Perpetual Musket (FatCat) {1}: Qt:28
  112. Numa Gama: A Spectal Turn (Bié) {1}: sg_e:10
  113. Perdurabo: Magnetar () {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  114. Peverelist: Pulse Phase (Livity -EP) {1}: sg_e:9
  115. Potatohead People: Eat Your Heart Out (Bastard Jazz) {1}: odb:*
  116. Regal86: Unearthed Vol. II *100 Trax* (Nola Bel) {1}: RA:24
  117. Shxcxchcxsh: ......t (Northern Electronics) {1}: tr_e:+
  118. Silent EM: Real Life (DKA) {1}: tr_e:+
  119. Dlala Thukzin: Finally Famous Too (Dlala) {1}: xpb:+
  120. Upsammy: Strange Meridians (Topo2) {1}: pf_e:+ -- A:78/1
  121. Wu-Lu: Learning to Swim on Empty (Warp) {1}: Qt:35