Metacritic Aggregate: 2020 New Music


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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Fiona Apple: Fetch the Bolt Cutters (Epic) {814}: 3v:7, 45:2, A3:3, ABC:1, AD:*, Al:*, Alt:12, AM:+*, AS:1, AU:12, AV:1*, BB:7, BG:*, Bo:7, BPM:5, Btz:1, BV:1, C:39, CD:32, Ch:30, Cl:16*, ClR:37, Clv:2, CM:+, Cmp:27, Cpu:2, Crz:1, CS:1*, CW:24, DaB:6, Di:9, DIY:3, DJ:2, Dr:24, DS:12, Dv:8, DVk:34, DW:2, Dz:7, E:+, E_UK:21, EE:5, EW:1*, Ex:2*, Fa:28, FB:62, Fld:2*, FO:7, G:1*, GC:19, Gf_D:4, Gg:1, GiL:12, Gl:+*, Glm:7, GMD:4, Got:1, GQ:10, GTV:73, HP:1, Hu:4, HuN:1, HV:5, I:1*, Id:1, Ins:2, IR:2, IS:12, Jp:7, Jun:3, Kp:5, KX:3, L:9, L4:16, LAT:2*, LBF:11*, LCA:2, LI:54, LQ:4*, Lt:2, LW:10, Mc:1, Mj:2*, MM:2, MO:7*, MoM:15, Ms:3, Mu:6, MuL:4, Mw:10, Mx:4, Mz:13, N:5, NBH:41, ND:19, ND_r:16, NDO:3, NF:40, Ni:15, NME:*, No:38, Noj:2, NPR:2, NPR_l:3, NR:1, NT:2*, NYT:*, O:*, OC:1, Oo:8, Oy:13, P:1*, PCv:13, Pf:1*, Pf_r:1, Plt:2, PJ:1, PM:2*, PO:+, Ps:9, Re:2, Rec:8, Rf:3, RM:23, RS:2*, RS_Ar:1, RS_D:2, RS_I:1, RSh:3, Rx:4, RY:3, S:1*, S45:20, Sb:18, Sbd:6, SC:1*, SE:1, Sg:1, Si:3, Sk:1, Sl:1*, Snv:1, So:8, SoS:4, Spk:3, T:*, TL:10, Top:7, Tr:5, Trk:27, TS:4, U:22*, Up:2, Up_i:1, UpC:1, UR:11, V:*, Vi:9, W:28, WHP:25, Yb:29, YF:2*, YW:27, Zf:9; ab_l:7, af_pr:+, atl:+, atw:+, azr:3, bb:5, bbc:+, bg_j:+, cct:18, cm:1, cp:1, dcs:1, dmt:1, dn:2, dnw:1, dtm:5, ec:+, fms:+, fst:+, fti:+, g_e:8, gcn:+, hc:10, hs:+, irp:+, it:1, jmr:+, js:2, jsl:10, kc:2, key:+, kf:3, kn:8, lib:1, ljs:5, ma:9, mic:1, mm:+, n_ap:5, n_sp:+, nat:+, njc:3, npr_kt:6, npr_lh:1, npr_ml:3, npr_rh:1, npr_st:1, ny_c:6, ny_p:2, ny_z:1, nyl:+, onm:+, p:7, p_r:+, pi:4, pm_ir:1, rdb:+, ri:4, rld:+, rnz:3, rte:++, sa:6, sdu:1, sl:9, so_k:5, st:4, st_b:1, st_r:1, tbt:4, tg:+, ti:3, tm:3, up_sh:16, usw:2, v_cw:1, vam:1, vcm:3, vdk:4, vdn:1, vej:1, ver:2, verd:2, vew:2, vhg:5, vjba:3, vjcu:2, vjga:3, vjly:1, vkf:8, vkk:9, vml:1, vmp:+, vmrv:3, voh:1, vrj:1, vrjs:+, vrmo:3, vro:4, vsr:1, vtg:7, vtjk:1, vu:1, vuk:9, vzs:6, wst:+, wwl:16, xbf:+, xbl:1, xbw:++, xcg:6, xci:2, xdws:2, xem:1, xgm:7, xjc:1, xjd:1, xjdc:1, xjl:8, xjsp:3, xjy:9, xkm:5, xmr:2, xpb:+, xph:+, xrt:1, xsa:3, xscw:2, xsp:+, xtj:3, xtl:10, xwb:1, ycp:3, yds:1, yh:3, yjb:4, yjf:4, yjl:2, yju:7, ykt:1, ypsc:3, yrb:10, yrm:2, yti:++ -- A:94/23, M:100/24, RC:A, TH:A-
  2. Run the Jewels: RTJ4 (Jewel Runners/RBC/BMG) {664}: 3v:16, 45:14, A3:21, ABC:2, Al:*, Alt:13, AM:+*, AS:21, AU:13, AV:3, BB:14, Bo:4, Bq:3, BS:6, BV:4, BV_r:3, Ch:18, Cl:25*, Clv:16, CM:+, Cmp:25, Crh:4, Crz:36, CS:2*, D:6*, DaB:2, Di:5, DIY:*, DJ:1, Dr:47, DS:+, Dv:5, DVk:2, DW:4, E:+, E_UK:6, EW:3, Ex:4*, Fld:1*, FO:3, G:18, GC:32, Gf_D:2, Gg:2, GiL:13, Gl:++, GQ:9, GTV:16, Gw:5, HDX:+*, HG:1, Hi:3, HP:11, Hu:1, HuN:2, HV:6, I:13*, IR:15, IS:8, Jp:40, K:12, Kp:6, KX:5, L:15, L4:11, LAT:*, LBF:10*, LCA:5, LQ:33, Lt:4, LW:11*, Mc:6, Mgn:3, Mj:8, MM:20, MO:12*, MoM:27, Ms:4, Mu:5, MuL:12, Mw:6, Mx:2, NBH:8, NDO:+, Ne:24*, NF:29, Ni:3, NME:*, No:12, NPR:15, NPR_l:5, NR:8, NT:4*, O:*, OC:10, Oo:2, Oy:9, P:3*, Pc:68, Pf:16*, Pf_r:10, PJ:2, PM:6*, PO:2, Pu:17, PW:41, Q:*, RC:5, Re:3, Rev:6, Rf:1, RM:56, RR:*, RS:*, RS_D:8, RS_I:7, RT:25, Rx:2, RY:6, S:3*, S45:16, Sb:46, Sbd:55, SC:4*, SE:80, Sg:3, Sk:3, Sl:10*, Snv:20, So:7, SoS:8, Sp:*, Spk:5*, TL:1, Top:2, Tr:4, TS:2, Up:13, Up_h:5, UpC:5, UR:9*, V:*, Vi:7, Yb:24, YF:12*, YW:1, Zf:5; af_pr:+, am_h:+, atw:+, azr:2, bb6:8, bbc:+, blw:+, ca_d:3, ca_o:6, cct:1, cp:2, dcs:2, dtm:8, ec:+, fms:+, fst:+, fti:+, g_e:10, hs:+, iad:10, irp:+, is_h:1, js:1, kc:4, key:+, kf:8, les:+, ljs:11, ma:5, mm:+, ms_r:1, n_sp:+, nat:+, njc:5, npr_kt:8, npr_rd:1, npr_rh:5, ny_c:5, onm:+, owl:+, pi:3, pm_h:5, ri:+, rnz:12, rte:+, sa:5, sdu:10, sg_r:2, sl:+, so_d:5, so_k:2, st:2, st_b:6, st_r:3, tr_h:+, ty_h:1, v_ab:1, van:9, vasa:3, vbhk:3, vdcm:10, vdk:1, vdn:3, vdvn:3, ver:1, verd:1, ves:8, vjcu:3, vjba:9, vjga:1, vjj:3, vkk:1, vkt:1, vjmy:1, vmm:5, vmrv:6, vnp:2, voh:3, vrjs:+, vrmo:1, vro:1, vsr:2, vsrk:6, vtg:4, vu:+, vzs:4, xbf:+, xbw:++, xcg:3, xci:1, xde:4, xdws:4, xej:*, xem:2, xgh:1, xgm:2, xhs:7, xjc:2, xjd:8, xjdc:2, xjl:1, xjlu:1, xjsp:5, xkm:8, xmb:+, xpb:2, xsp:+, xtl:1, xph:+, xsa:+, xscw:1, xsp:2, xtj:4, xtw:+, xxl:+, ycp:2, ycs:2, ycw:+, yds:8, yh:6, yjb:7, yjf:8, yjl:8, yjsb:5, ykt:+, yng:+, yps:5, ypsc:1, yrb:1, yrm:4, yrs:3, ysh:4, yzy:10 -- A:91/28, M:92/22, RC:A+, TH:A
  3. Phoebe Bridgers: Punisher (Dead Oceans) {619}: 3v:3, 45:1, A3:19, ABC:21, AD:*, Al:*, Alt:14, AM:+*, AS:*, AV:2*, BB:15, Bo:2, BPM:21*, Bq:2, Btz:21, BV:3, C:10*, Ch:1, Cl:3*, Clv:6, Crh:6, Crz:2, CS:3*, CW:2, D:4, DaB:1, Dag:1, Di:6, DIY:1*, DJ:15, Dr:61, DS:5, Du:11, Dv:1, DVk:20, E:+, E_UK:1, Em:*, Ex:3*, Fa:5, Fld:5, FO:2, G:16, GC:9, Gf:2, Gf_D:8, Gg:3, GiL:2, Gl:*, Glm:12, Got:13, GQ:2, GTV:70*, Gw:15*, Hi:10, HP:3, Hu:2, HuN:5, I:21*, Ins:3, IR:3, IS:2, Jp:27, Jun:9, KX:2, L:12, L4:19, LBF:4*, LCA:4, LQ:11, Lt:1, Mc:4, Mj:9*, MM:23, MO:6*, MoM:22, Ms:19, Mu:3, Mx:17, N:22, NBH:1, ND:3, ND_r:19, NDO:1, Ne:28*, Ni:5, NME:*, No:2, Noj:13, NPR:4, NPR_l:1, NR:2, NT:1*, NYT:*, O:*, OC:2, Oo:7, Oy:2, P:14*, PB:7, PCv:11, Pf:4*, Pf_r:2, PJ:5, Plt:1, PM:1*, Ps:14, Q:*, Qt:*, RC:8, Re:17, Rec:27, Rf:26, RM:19, RS:10*, RS_Ar:8, RS_D:3, RS_I:18, RSh:12, RT:2, RY:16, S:7, Sbd:41, SC:2, SE:63, Sg:28, Si:20, Sk:2, Sl:8*, Snv:2, So:21, Spk:6, T:*, TO:2, Top:38, Tr:2, Trk:12, Try:12, TS:1, U:3*, Up:15, Up_i:5, UpC:2, Ups:*, UR:1*, V:*, Vi:3, WHP:1, XSN:2, Yb:30, YF:1, Zf:3; ab_a:6, ab_m:4, ab_s:8, am_i:+, ap:+, atw:+, azr:8, blw:6, ca_o:1, cc:1, cct:2, cm:7, dcs:9, dmt:3, dn:1, dtm:1, fms:+, gu:1, hc:6, hc_d:+, hs:+, hyb:14, iad:1, it:2, jmr:+, key:+, kf:4, kn:1, les:+, ljs:12, ma:2, mic:4, mkk:1, mm:+, n_ap:10, n_sp:+, njc:9, not:+, npr_bb:4, npr_lh:10, npr_rh:3, npr_st:2, ny_z:2, nyl:++, onm:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_ir:8, rdb:+, rnz:5, rte:+, rx:+, sa:15, sdu:3, sl:1, st:1, up_sh:8, usw:7, ust:8, v_cw:7, v_ja:6, vahm:7, vam:8, vbs:2, vdk:2, vdn:5, vej:6, ver:5, verd:4, vjga:5, vjcu:10, vkk:6, vml:5, vmp:+, vrb:1, vrj:9, vshy:8, vsr:3, vtjk:5, vu:5, wo:+, wsj:+, wwl:14, xhs:+, xrr:9, xsa:+, xtl:+, yh:4, ygc:7, yjf:2, yjsb:+, yju:2, ykt:+, yng:3, yti:++ -- A:86/28, M:90/31, RC:**, TH:**
  4. Taylor Swift: Folklore (Republic) {434}: 45:4, A3:16, ABC:7, AD:*, Al:*, Alt:43, AM:+*, AS:9, AV:6*, BB:1, Bo:1, Bq:7, Ch:2, Cl:13*, Clv:5, Cmp:13, Crz:21, CS:27*, CU:20, CW:6, D:8, DaB:22, Dag:2, Di:11, DIY:7, Dv:3, DW:76, E:+, E_UK:18, EW:5*, Ex:22, G:9*, GC:3, Gf_D:10, Gg:6, Glm:11, GQ:19, GTV:39, Gw:3*, HP:6, Hu:11, HuN:38, HV:35, I:10*, Id:2, Ins:1, IR:6, Jp:18, KX:17, LAT:1*, LBF:32*, Lt:11, Mc:8, Mj:31, MO:2*, MoM:2, Ms:26, Mu:9, MuL:22, Mz:30, N:97, NBH:23, ND:7, ND_r:26, NDO:5, NF:28, NME:*, NPR_l:2, NR:39, NS:28, NT:23*, OC:4, Oo:18, Oy:3, P:*, PB:2, PCv:2, Pf:29*, Pf_r:3, PJ:9, Plt:4, PM:17*, Ps:16, Rdx:37, Rf:11, RM:81, RS:1*, RS_Ar:4, RS_D:5, RS_I:5, RSh:1, S:*, Sbd:3, SC:12*, SE:10, Sg:5, Si:9, Sl:4*, SMH:*, Snv:6, So:17, Spk:34, T:*, TL:13, TO:6, TS:+, Up:1, Up_p:1, UpC:3, UR:45*, V:*, WHP:20, XSN:6, YF:7*, Zf:25; ab_l:1, ab_m:1, am_p:+, asp:8, atl:+, atw:+, bbc:+, bg_j:+, df:+, dmt:2, dn:7, ec:+, fti:+, gcn:+, gu:13, hc:8, hc_g:2, hs:+, iad:2, irp:+, it:4, les:+, ljs:6, ma:6, mic:+, mm:+, n_sp:+, nat:+, njc:1, npr_kt:5, npr_lm:3, npr_st:6, ny_p:4, ny_z:11, nyl:++, owl:+, p:2, p_p:+, pi:6, pm_a:10, rdb:1, rnz:20, rte:+, scp:2, sdu:8, sjm:2, sl:11, spt:+, st_b:5, ti:1, tm:6, ust:1, usw:1, v_ab:4, v_cw:1, vamp:3, vaz:3, vcm:2, vej:4, vkf:6, vml:6, vrb:3, vro:7, vtg:1, vu:+, whf:+, wo:+, wwl:1, xci:+, xjd:5, xjdc:23, yh:2, yjb:2, yjsb:+, ykt:+, yng:+, ypsc:6 -- A:86/31, M:89/20, RC:B+, TH:***
  5. Bob Dylan: Rough and Rowdy Ways (Columbia) {401}: A3:4, AAJ:*, AD:*, Al:59*, AM:+*, Btz:13, BV:27, Cl:*, ClR:12, Clv:9, CM:+, Crh:15, Crz:31, Dag:3, Di:16, Dv:2, DVk:5, E:+, EE:1, EW:4*, Ex:9*, FO:8, G:13*, Gf_D:11, Gl:+*, Gg:11, Got:3, GTV:21, HP:8, Hu:10, HuN:25, I:30*, Jp:20, Kp:15, KX:44, L:19, LAT:5*, LBF:6*, LCA:48, LI:7, Lt:23, LW:4, Mc:2, Mj:1*, MM:33, MO:15*, Ms:30, Mu:15, MuL:17, Mz:1, ND:6, ND_r:2, NDO:17, NF:18, NME:*, Noj:5, NPR_l:20, NR:30*, NT:5, NYT:*, O:*, OC:7, Oo:9, Oy:11, P:23*, Pf:6*, Pf_r:22, PJ:3, PM:16*, PO:6, RC:1, Rec:34, Rf:35, RM:14, RS:4*, RS_Ar:2, RS_D:1, RS_I:2, RSh:2, Rx:16, S:*, Sbd:21, SC:3*, SE:2, Sg:22, Si:1, Sl:30*, SMH:*, Snv:15, So:3, SoS:28, T:*, TL:14, TN:+, Top:49, Tr:13, Try:5, TS:+, U:1, UCR:1, UR:37, V:*, W:4, YF:29, Zf:70; ab_l:4, ab_s:1, af_pr:+, am_b:+, aqd:+, bb6:5, bbc:+, br:+, bz:1, dcs:4, fti:+, irp:+, jhs:6, jjm_c:6, js:5, kf:5, lib:2, ljs:1, ma:7, mm:+, n_ap:7, n_sp:+, npr_kt:9, ny_p:5, onm:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pi:5, pm_a:9, rld:+, rnz:9, rte:+, sdu:2, so_k:13, st_b:2, tbm:1, up_sh:2, usw:5, v_cw:3, vbs:1, vcm:8, vjcl:3, voh:4, vjr:4, vjte:10, vrmo:10, vshy:2, vsr:5, vti:1, vu:3, wsj:+, xbw:+, xcg:+, xci:+, xgm:8, xhs:1, xjdc:7, xjsp:+, xjy:3, xmb:5, xmr:4, xsa:+, xtj:6, xwb:2, ygb:1, ygc:4, yjb:1, yjl:13, yjrs:6, yjsb:3, yrb:7, yrm:1 -- A:89/25, M:95/23, RC:A-, TH:A-
  6. Dua Lipa: Future Nostalgia (Warner) {390}: 45:5, ABC:13, AD:*, Al:*, AM:+*, AV:8, BB:2, Bo:3, Bq:17, Btz:14, BV:49, C:5*, Ch:8, Cl:6*, Clv:3, Cmp:34, Crz:6, CS:5, D:5, DaB:20, Dag:8, Di:7, DIY:2*, Du:3, Dv:9, Dz:8, E:+, E_UK:23, EW:11*, Ex:46*, G:2*, GB:21, GC:6, Gf:4, Gf_D:1, Gg:4, Glm:2, GMD:33, GQ:1, GTV:*, Gw:14*, HP:19, HV:12, I:2*, Id:9, Ins:6, IS:39, Jp:1, LBF:40*, LQ:12, Lt:19, Mc:10, Mj:37, MO:3*, MoM:1, Ms:2, Mu:20, Mx:9, Mz:18, N:34, NDO:6, NF:9, Ni:1, NME:*, NPR:14, NPR_l:6, NR:11*, O:*, OC:11, Oy:23, PB:3, PCv:3, Pf:21, Pf_r:4, PJ:15, PM:11*, PO:+, Ps:11, Qt:40, Rf:17, RS:5*, RS_Ar:6, RS_I:8, RSh:16, S:14, Sbd:1, SC:19*, SE:24, Sg:50, Si:7, Sk:8, Sl:5*, SMH:*, Snv:13, Spk:37, T:*, TL:38, TS:3, Up:5, Up_p:2, UpC:7, V:*, VF:13, XSN:7, YF:4*; ab_a:7, am_p:+, atw:+, azr:13, bbc:+, blw:2, cct:6, df:+, ec:+, g_e:5, hs:+, iad:3, it:5, jmr:+, kf:2, les:+, ljs:+, n_ap:4, now_a:4, npr_jg:5, npr_kt:2, npr_lm:7, npr_ml:10, nyl:+, onm:+, p:1, p_p:+, pi:9, pm_p:8, rdb:+, rte:+, scp:4, sl:+, so_d:16, st:3, usw:3, v_cw:4, vac:8, vamp:1, vcj:3, vcm:1, vjc:7, vjj:1, vjmy:4, vmp:+, vrb:7, wo:+, wsj:+, wwl:3, xbf:+, xci:+, xgm:7, xjd:+, xjdc:12, xjl:2, xjlu:5, xkb:+, xpb:5, xsa:+, xsp:5, xtj:8, yds:+, yh:5, yjl:18, ykt:10, ypsc:2, yzy:6 -- A:86/26, M:89/18, TH:A-
  7. Waxahatchee: Saint Cloud (Merge) {364}: 45:37, AD:*, Al:71, Alt:10, AM:*, AS:10, AU:35, AV:19, BPM:36, BS:2, BV:24, C:36, *, Cl:33*, CM:+, Crz:10, CS:6*, CW:1, D:*, DIY:*, DJ:6, Dr:31, DS:+, Dv:15, DW:37, E:+, E_UK:2, Ex:18*, Fa:38, Fld:8, FO:5, G:6*, Gf:13, Gg:7, GiL:6, Gl:+, Glm:28, Got:4, GQ:21, GTV:37, Gw:26*, HuN:17, HV:17, I:3*, IR:+, IS:42, Jp:25, Jun:20, KX:8, L4:8, LBF:12*, LQ:14*, Mc:11, Mj:*, MO:*, Ms:8, Mu:40, Mw:19, N:9, ND:14, ND_r:30, NDO:5, NME:*, NPR:47, NPR_l:5, NR:12, NT:7, NYT:*, OC:14, Oy:24, P:2*, Pf:2*, Pf_r:8, PJ:4, PM:9*, PO:+, Q:*, Rdx:31, RM:74, RS:7*, RS_D:31, RSh:19, RT:12, Rx:35, S:9, S45:13, Sbd:47, SC:7*, SE:18, Sg:2, Sk:6*, Sl:12*, SMH:*, Snv:11, SoS:93, Spk:49*, Tr:8, Try:27, U:6*, Up:7, Up_i:2, UpC:4, Ups:*, UR:6*, WHP:2, YF:10*, Zf:8; am_a:+, aqd:+, atw:+, bb:1, br:+, ca_d:9, cp:8, dcs:7, gu:17, hs:+, jjm_c:5, js:10, key:+, les:+, mic:+, npr_lm:2, npr_ml:4, nxy_c:+, ny_z:3, owl:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pi:2, pm_a:5, pm_f:4, sdu:+, tbt:1, up_sh:1, sl:+, st_r:2, v_ab:2, vasp:6, vdn:4, vej:2, ves:5, vew:6, vjba:1, vjcu:1, vjwi:5, voh:7, vrb:9, vrj:3, vrjs:+, vshy:1, vsr:4, vtg:3, vzs:2, wsj:+, xbf:5, xbw:++, xci:+, xde:5, xem:8, xgm:+, xhs:+, xjc:8, xjd:4, xjdc:5, xjsp:1, xmb:7, xph:+, xrc:1, xsa:+, xsp:+, ycp:8, ygc:+, yjf:6, yjl:9, yjsb:+, yju:6, ykt:+, yng:+, yti:++ -- A:86/27, M:88/24, RC:A-, TH:A-
  8. Haim: Women in Music Pt III (Columbia) {327}: 3v:2, 45:3, ABC:25, AD:*, AM:+*, BB:10, Bo:11, BPM:*, Cl:30*, Clv:8, Crz:8, CS:*, D:11, Dag:15, DIY:4*, Dv:29, DW:5, E:+, E_UK:9, EW:7, Ex:6*, Fa:3, Fld:11*, FO:49, G:7*, GC:22, Gf:19, Gf_D:15, Gg:8, Gl:++, Glm:8, Got:10, GQ:12, GTV:94*, Gw:7*, HP:17, HuN:35, HV:3, I:7*, Id:15, IR:16, Jp:5, KX:16, L4:17, LBF:48, Mc:7, Mj:39*, MO:*, MoM:20, Ms:27, Mu:2, Mx:22, Mz:28, N:79, NBH:14, NDO:2, Ne:40*, NF:24, NME:*, Noj:22, NPR:11, NPR_l:7, NT:22*, NYT:*, O:*, OC:12, Ol:10, Oy:7, P:42*, PB:11, PCv:10, Pf:8*, Pf_r:5, PJ:8, PM:4*, Ps:3, Q:*, Re:11, RM:21, RS:14*, RS_Ar:12, RS_D:7, RS_I:17, Rx:38, Sbd:25, SC:20, SE:12, Sg:4, Sl:41*, Snv:4, SoS:20, T:*, TL:15, TS:+, U:51*, Up:8, Up_i:3, UpC:6, UR:3, WHP:5, YF:8*, Zf:53; am_p:+, atl:+, atw:+, cm:5, dtm:7, ec:+, fst:+, hc_d:+, hyb:20, irp:+, jmr:+, kn:4, les:+, now_r:3, npr_kt:7, npr_lm:1, ny_z:4, nyl:+, owl:+, p_p:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_ir:7, pm_p:4, rte:+, rx:+, tm:10, v_cw:5, vam:9, vbs:4, vcm:4, vdca:6, vdn:6, vej:3, vjly:7, vrb:2, vro:9, vu:+, wwl:6, xbw:++, xci:+, xdws:5, xjd:6, xjdc:8, xjlu:2, xph:+, xrc:2, xsa:4, xscw:3, xsp:3, xtl:+, xwb:7, yh:9, yjc:4, ykt:+, ypsc:9, yrm:7 -- A:85/30, M:88/21, RC:A-, TH:**
  9. Sault: Untitled (Black Is) (Forever Living Originals) {318}: 3v:12, 45:40, A3:1, Al:*, AM:*, Bc:*+, BIB:6, Bq:11, Btz:8, BV:7, C:31, Cl:4, DaB:24, Dr:3, DS:+, DVk:1, EW:10, Fa:2, FB:79, FO:6, G:5, GB:2, Gf:7, Gg:23, Got:8, GTV:14, Gw:4, HP:25, Hu:3, IS:9, Kp:4, KX:7, LCA:36, LW:9, Mg:15, Mj:19, MM:21, Ms:48, Mu:1, MuL:8, Mz:3, Mw:18, N:1, Ni:2, NPR:1, NPR_l:25, NT:11, Oo:3, Oy:1, P:17*, Pc:15, PJ:6, PM:8, PO:8, PW:5, RC:2, RM:86, RS_D:11, RT:1, S45:7, Sb:19, SE:119, So:2, SoS:2, TL:49, Trk:11, U:17, UpC:21, VF:1, XLR:+, Zf:1; ab_a:5, ab_l:5, am_r:+, aqd:+, azr:4, bb6:1, bg_j:+, ca_d:2, cct:14, dcs:3, dn:5, ec:+, fms:+, fst:+, jfkz:+, it:3, kc:1, kf:1, kn:10, les:+, n_sp:+, npr_bb:8, npr_bc:1, npr_lo:2, npr_oh:1, npr_rh:2, npr_th:4, pi:1, pm_s:1, ri:3, rnz:6, sl:5, so_d:10, so_k:1, v_ja:1, vac:3, vasp:1, vbd:2, verd:5, vkf:2, vrj:10, vjrs:+, vmp:+, vmrv:1, vsk:4, vtg:8, vuk:4, xbf:+, xci:+, xde:9, xem:4, xrt:10, xsa:+, ybb:10, ycct:2, yjc:3, ydh:1, yjed:1, yjk:7, yjsb:+, yju:1, yrb:4, ysh:3 -- A:100/1, RC:***, TH:***
  10. Perfume Genius: Set My Heart on Fire Immediately (Matador) {314}: 45:9, A3:13, AM:+*, AU:26, AV:20, BB:26, BPM:2*, Btz:3, BV:5, C:17*, Cl:8*, Crh:38, Crz:17, CS:4, DaB:37, DIY:11*, DS:9, Dv:6, E:+, E_UK:3, EW:13, Ex:*, Fld:4, FO:10, G:4*, Gf:1, Gf_D:16, Gg:5, GiL:20, Got:26, GQ:18, Gw:2*, Hu:7, I:6*, IR:+, IS:11, Jp:6, Kp:9, KX:18, LBF:7*, LCA:8, LI:72, LQ:32*, Lt:43, Mc:3, Mj:*, MM:10, MO:23*, Ms:1, Mu:8, MuL:18, Mz:4, N:30, NBH:10, NDO:+, Ne:30*, Ni:23, NME:*, Noj:1, NPR:34, NPR_l:15, NR:6*, NT:10, *, NYT:*, OC:5, Oy:16, P:5*, Pf:5*, Pf_r:7, PJ:19, PM:18, Qt:21, RM:17, RS:*, RS_D:37, RY:35, S:4, S45:5, Sbd:19, SC:6*, Sg:15, Si:25, Sl:15, SMH:*, Snv:7, SoS:7, Spk:*, T:*, TL:28, TO:3, Top:6, Tr:6, Trk:9, U:54*, Up:26, Up_i:11, UpC:26, UR:7*, V:*, WHP:17, Zf:59; ab_a:4, am_i:+, aqd:+, azr:10, br:+, cc:3, cct:15, dcs:6, dnw:6, hc:1, it:7, key:+, kn:2, n_sp:+, now_r:4, npr_jg:9, npr_ml:2, npr_rd:3, ny_z:10, p_r:+, rdb:+, rld:+, rte:++, sa:1, tbt:8, ti:6, tm:7, v_ja:9, vam:10, vej:5, vew:1, vjba:4, vjcu:5, vmp:+, xrr:4, xsa:+, xtl:+, yjsb:+, yju:5, ykt:+, yng:+, yps:+ -- A:90/24, M:92/20, TH:*
  11. Fontaines DC: A Hero's Death (Partisan) {259}: 3v:8, 45:39, A3:7, AD:*, Al:75, AU:21, BIB:24, Btz:11, Cl:12*, ClR:*, Crh:20, Crz:5, DaB:14, Dag:12, Di:24, DIY:12*, DJ:36, Dr:46, Du:18, Dv:27, DvK:17, E:+, EE:4, Ex:*, FB:82, FO:1, G:17*, Gg:42, GiL:11, Gl:+, GTV:11*, Gw:25*, HP:1, Hu:12, HuN:22, I:19*, IS:3, Jp:8, Kp:3, KX:9, L:47, L4:10, LBF:25*, LCA:13, LI:4, Lt:26, LW:7, Mc:23, Mg:19, Mj:3*, MM:3, MO:4*, Ms:5, Mu:13, MuL:2, Mw:2, Mz:2, NBH:2, NME:*, NR:34, NT:49*, OC:45, Oo:5, Oy:21, P:40*, Pc:6, Pf:*, Pf_r:30, PJ:11, Plt:5, PM:10, Q:*, Qt:*, Rec:4, RM:8, RS:33, RS_D:47, RS_I:4, RT:23, Rx:56, S45:25, Sb:20, Sbd:8, Sg:44, Si:6, SMH:*, SoS:92, Sp:*, TO:7, Top:43, Trk:2, Try:25, TS:8, U:15*, UR:56, Vi:1, VLR:17, YF:35, Zf:29; bb6:2, bz:8, it:+, key:+, kf:7, les:+, not:+, p_r:+, rld:+, rnz:17, rte:++, sa:4, st:8, vrmo:5, vsk:9, vu:+, xbw:++, xjdc:53, xsa:+, yjed:+, yjf:14, yjk:3, yjrs:9, yti:++ -- A:82/29, M:84/21, RC:A-, TH:*
  12. Yves Tumor: Heaven to a Tortured Mind (Warp) {240}: 3v:9, 45:11, A3:30, AM:+*, Bc:+*, Bo:9, BPM:13*, BV:12, C:4*, Cl:17*, Clv:14, Crz:12, CS:17, CW:20, DaB:10, DIY:9, Dr:13, DS:+, E_UK:20, Ex:8*, Fa:6, G:21*, Gf:22, Gg:16, GiL:5, Gl:++*, Glm:21, Got:40, GTV:*, Gw:18*, Hi:13, IR:11, IS:5, Jp:33, Kp:1, KX:27, LBF:8*, LCA:6, LI:17, LQ:18*, Lt:36, Mc:12, Mgn:12, MM:18, MO:10*, Ms:32, Mu:19, N:8, Ni:27, Noj:21, NR:3*, NT:27*, OC:20, P:20*, Pf:7*, Pf_r:18, PJ:43, PM:5*, PO:+, PW:20, Q:*, Qt:60*, RA:8*, Rf:69, RS_D:49, RT:21, RY:23, S45:3, SC:9*, Sg:13, Sk:4*, Tr:3, Up:17, Up_i:6, UpC:11, UR:19*, VF:2, XLR:+, Yb:16, YW:8; ab_a:8, am_i:+, aqd:+, atw:+, azr:1, blw:3, bv_sd:+, cct:20, dcs:8, dnw:3, gcn:+, key:+, mic:+, mm:+, n_sp:+, now_r:8, ny_z:5, p_r:+, pf_k:+, rd:+, sa:3, up_sh:6, vac:1, van:6, vasp:2, vdvn:10, vhp:2, via:5, vmp:+, vshy:6, vspt:9, wo:+, xsa:+, yjed:+ -- A:85/19, M:90/16, TH:**
  13. Jessie Ware: What's Your Pleasure? (Interscope) {231}: 3v:10, 45:17, A3:10, ABC:46, Al:*, AM:+*, Bo:19, BPM:28, Cl:9*, Crz:28, DJ:8, E:+, E_UK:8, Ex:28*, Fld:14, G:14*, GB:27, GC:40, Gg:18, Glm:29, Got:35, GQ:3, GTV:13*, Gw:12*, HuN:14, HV:1, I:27*, Id:7, IR:12, IS:24, Jp:2, Jun:1, KX:47, LBF:35*, Mc:29, MO:9*, Ms:29, Mz:24, Ne:1*, NF:16, Ni:22, NME:*, Noj:45, O:*, OC:16, Oy:4, P:39, PCv:23, Pf:9*, Pf_r:11, PM:3*, PW:39, RS:9*, RS_Ar:11, RS_D:12, RSh:7, RY:5, S:30, Sbd:60, SC:11*, SE:37, Sg:26, Si:14, Sk:7, Sl:3*, SMH:*, SoS:39, Spk:8, T:*, TL:5, Top:4, UpC:15, UR:5, Yb:28; ab_a:9, ab_m:5, am_p:+, blw:5, dnw:10, it:10, mm:+, now_a:2, now_r:2, npr_lm:9, npr_oh:6, ny_c:+, ny_z:7, p_p:+, pm_p:2, ri:+, sa:12, sl:3, tw:5, ust:3, usw:6, vac:9, vak:5, vcm:5, vdh:2, vjcu:4, vmm:2, vmp:+, vnp:7, wo:+, xbf:1, xbw:++, xci:+, xgm:+, xjdc:17, xrr:7, xtl:5, yjed:9, yjf:10, yjl:5 -- A:84/24, M:84/17, TH:A-
  14. Moses Sumney: Grae (Jagjaguwar) {219}: 45:6, A3:14, AD:*, Al:*, AM:*, AU:31, AV:9, *, Bc:*+, BPM:10*, BS:1, Btz:4, BV:6, Cl:24*, CM:+, Crz:32, D:16, DIY:18*, DJ:22, Dr:36, DS:10, Dv:11, Dz:17, E_UK:5, EW:*, Ex:16, Fa:9, Fld:3*, G:10, Gg:10, Got:18, GQ:20, Gw:34*, HP:16, I:5*, IS:26, Jp:19, Kp:7, KX:58, LAT:7, LBF:5*, LCA:12, LQ:22, LW:*, Mc:5, Mj:13, MM:49, Ms:35, Mu:7, MuL:10, Mz:31, NME:*, NPR_l:46, NT:25, NYT:*, OC:6, Oy:14, P:10*, Pf:3*, Pf_r:23, PJ:21, Plt:11, PO:+, Re:6, Rec:23, Rf:64, RS:18, RS_D:24, RS_I:15, RSh:13, Sbd:21, SC:8*, Sg:40, Sl:35, Snv:24, So:5, TL:37, Top:28, Tr:10, TS:+, U:24*, UpC:45, UR:2, V:*, W:*, YF:*, Zf:40; azr:16, cct:3, dnw:2, g_e:6, kn:9, les:+, ma:4, mm:+, n_sp:+, njc:6, now_a:3, npr_ap:+, ny_p:3, nyl:+, rte:++, sa:13, sdu:7, st_r:6, vdn:7, vew:7, vjj:7, vml:2, vmp:+, vsk:1, vuk:8, xrt:20, xsa:+, xtl:+ -- A:86/19, M:90/12, TH:B
  15. Rina Sawayama: Sawayama (Dirty Hit) {217}: 45:8, AM:+, AV:7, BB:20, Bo:5, Btz:44, C:*, Ch:11, Cl:5*, Clv:11, CS:13*, CW:23, D:1*, DaB:15, DIY:8*, DW:59, Dz:2, Fa:14, Fld:13, FO:19, G:3, GC:5, Gg:20, Glm:10, GQ:4, GTV:*, Gw:1*, HP:35, HuN:50, I:25*, Id:26, Ins:8, Jp:43, Jun:8, LBF:1*, Ms:14, N:23, Ne:25*, NME:*, NPR:39, NPR_l:13, NR:44, NT:12, OC:17, P:8*, PB:5, PCv:1, Pf:41, Pf_r:13, PJ:65, PO:+, Ps:22, Q:*, RS:*, RS_I:16, RSh:6, RT:3, Sbd:10, SC:*, SE:19, Sk:5*, Sl:16, SMH:*, Snv:19, SoS:10, TL:12, Top:34, Tr:42, TS:+, Up:35, Up_p:8, UpC:14, UR:74, YF:3; ab_a:1, am_p:+, atl:+, bbc:+, cm:2, dmt:4, dtm:3, gcn:+, hc:2, kf:6, n_sp:+, nat:+, not:+, ny_c:2, nyl:+, p_p:+, rdb:+, ri:+, sjm:6, ust:2, usw:4, vac:5, vdn:9, vmp:+, vrj:5, whf:+, wo:+, xbl:3, xci:+, xjd:2, xsa:9, xtl:+ -- A:84/19, M:93/9, TH:B-
  16. Sault: Untitled (Rise) (Forever Living Originals) {215}: 3v:1, 45:40, A3:6, Al:*, AM:+, Bc:+, BIB:6, BPM:*, BV:7, Cl:*, DaB:24, DJ:5, Du:2, Dv:22, DVk:1, FB:77, FO:41, G:25*, GB:2, Gf:7, Gg:34, GiL:7, Gl:++, GMD:6, Got:8, Hu:3, HuN:37, IS:1, Jp:17, KX:6, LCA:36, Mg:15, Mgn:28, Mj:52, Mu:4, Ni:2, NPR_l:49, NR:31, Oo:4, Oy:5, P:4, PJ:7, PO:+, Qt:17, Rf:51, RS_D:9, SE:119, Sg:9, So:1, SoS:2, Spk:25, Up_i:30, UpC:27, V:*, VF:1, XLR:+, YW:10, Zf:2; ab_l:6, af_pr:+, am_r:+, bg_j:+, br:+, ca_d:2, cmp:6, dcs:3, dn:9, fms:+, kc:1, kn:10, les:+, npr_oh:4, pi:1, ri:4, sl:5, so_d:10, so_k:1, tbm:7, vac:4, vak:1, vce:6, vcm:7, vjba:5, vjga:7, vjj:2, vjo:1, vkf:4, vmp:+, vtg:2, vuk:4, xpb:4, xsa:10, xsp:4, ybb:10, ydh:2, yfb:9, yjc:2, yjk:1, yjsb:2, yju:3, ysh:6 -- A:97/3, M:99/4, TH:***
  17. Charli XCX: How I'm Feeling Now (Asylum) {194}: ABC:43, Alt:22, AM:*, AV:13, BB:+, Bo:10, C:9*, Cl:19*, Clv:42, CS:18*, D:9*, DaB:27, DIY:*, Du:8, Dv:35, DW:35, Dz:10, E:+, Ex:*, Fa:8, Fld:*, G:33, GB:24, GC:25, Gf:3, Gg:9, Glm:3, GMD:11, GTV:27*, Gw:30, Hi:35, I:35*, Id:29, Ins:14, IS:15, Jp:11, KX:75, LBF:3*, LCA:18, LQ:*, Mc:36, MO:*, MoM:17, Ms:17, Mu:38, Mx:11, N:18, NBH:7, NDO:19, Ne:18*, Ni:14, NME:*, No:49, Noj:39, NPR:50, NPR_l:19, NR:32, O:*, OC:13, P:*, PB:14, PCv:22, Pf:48, Pf_r:14, PM:*, Qt:71*, Re:8, Rf:73, RY:10, Sbd:33, SC:*, SE:25, Sg:19, Sl:6*, SMH:*, So:16, Spk:1, T:*, TL:72, TO:14, Tr:28, Up:23, Up_p:5, UpC:44, UR:90, V:*, WHP:39, YF:6*; am_p:+, cc:4, dnw:4, dtm:4, hs:+, lib:4, ljs:16, npr_lg:1, ny_z:6, nyl:++, p_p:+, rdb:+, sa:19, tbt:3, vhp:7, vjcu:6, vcm:10, vmp:+, vrb:10, vu:+, whf:+, wo:+ -- A:82/23, M:82/16, TH:***
  18. The Weeknd: After Hours (Republic) {187}: 45:43, A3:17, ABC:9, AD:*, Al:77, AM:+*, AU:18, BB:3, Bo:12, Btz:26, Cl:*, Clv:1, Cmp:1, Crz:14, CS:15*, Dag:13, Di:14, EW:2, Ex:26*, Fld:9, FO:27, G:*, GC:1, Gf:5, Gf_D:9, Gg:19, Glm:4, Got:37, GQ:24, HDX:+*, HS:4, I:*, Id:6, Ins:3, Jp:12, Jun:24, KX:28, Lt:29, MoM:4, Ms:28, NDO:7, NME:*, Now:*, NPR_l:11, NYT:*, OC:21, PB:18, PCv:6, Pf_r:12, PM:*, Ps:10, Q:*, Re:1, Rf:50, RS:32, RS_Ar:21, RS_I:14, Sl:9, Snv:3, SoS:67, Up:10, Up_r:2, UpC:10, V:*, YF:5; am_r:+, atl:+, br:+, hyb:1, iad:6, lib:10, ljs:13, now:2, now_t:8, ny_c:+, nyl:+, onm:+, p:8, sl:+, usw:8, v_ja:4, ved:2, vhg:7, vjhw:2, vjmy:2, vrb:4, vspt:7, vu_4, wo:+, wwl:7, xkb:+, yh:1, yjsb:+ -- A:79/17, TH:B
  19. Tame Impala: The Slow Rush (Interscope) {179}: 3v:5, 45:19, A3:9, AD:*, Al:72, AM:+*, AU:30, BB:27, CD:3, Cl:32*, Clv:29, Cmp:7, Crz:4, D:38*, Dag:17, Di:1, DIY:*, DJ:4, E_UK:43, FO:9, G:*, GC:27, Gf:15, Gf_D:3, Gg:14, GiL:15, Gl:+*, Glm:22, Got:16, GTV:32*, HP:27, I:*, Ins:15, Jp:50, Kp:17, KX:11, L:50, LI:29, LQ:*, Lt:30, Mgn:1, Mj:41*, MM:29, MO:*, MoM:7, Ms:9, Mu:26, Mz:25, NBH:3, NDO:+, Ni:30, NME:*, Noj:16, NPR:24, NPR_l:12, NR:*, NT:*, O:*, Oo:14, P:*, Pc:28, PCv:4, Pf:*, Pf_r:16, PJ:41, PM:*, Ps:20, Q:*, RC:*, Rf:6, S:8, Sg:+, Sk:*, SMH:*, Sp:*, Spk:45, T:*, TL:22, Top:32, TS:+, U:13*, Up:45, Up_i:15, UpC:18, UR:21, V:*, YF:32; am_i:+, fms:+, hyb:18, kc:7, key:+, ma:3, not:+, npr_bc:6, npr_sm:9, pf_k:+, pm_ir:2, rnz:14, rx:+, tck:8, tm:2, up_sh:18, vbs:+, vjj:9, vu:+, wsj:+, yh:7 -- A:78/30, M:79/25, TH:*
  20. Fleet Foxes: Shore (Anti-) {178}: A3:22, Al:71, Alt:51, AM:+*, AU:22, BPM:8, BV:32, Cl:34*, Clv:40, CS:32, DaB:18, Dag:18, DJ:25, Dv:14, EE:8, Ex:49, FO:4, G:30, Gg:29, GiL:1, Gl:++, GQ:22, GTV:25, Hi:6, IS:6, KX:10, LBF:29, LCA:9, Mc:16, Mj:5, MM:47, MO:16*, Ms:22, MuL:11, Mw:8, Mz:7, N:17, NBH:21, NDO:+, Ni:37, NME:*, Noj:12, NPR_l:8, NR:20, NT:15*, OC:19, Oo:19, Oy:31, P:27*, Pf:20*, Pf_r:9, PJ:16, PM:23, Rf:65, RS:17*, RS_Ar:16, RS_D:44, RY:32, S:10, Sbd:17, SC:10, Sg:14, Si:17, SoS:3, Spk:17*, U:2*, Up:12, Up_i:4, UpC:12, UR:8, Vi:28, WHP:9, YF:9; ab_m:8, am_i:+, aqd:+, bb6:3, dcs:10, dn:8, g_e:4, jfkz:+, les:+, mkk:10, n_ap:8, n_sp:+, rld:+, rte:+, ust:7, vbs:10, vej:8, vmp:+, vspt:5, vu:+, xjdc:69, xrr:10 -- A:81/10, M:86/9, TH:B
  21. Adrianne Lenker: Songs [and Instrumentals] (4AD) {172}: 3v:14, BPM:11*, Btz:6, BV:11, Cl:*, Crz:23, DIY:*, DJ:33, Dr:35, E_UK:11, Ex:45*, Fld:*, FO:14, GB:16, Gf:25, Gg:33, Gl:*, Got:7, Gw:41*, I:9*, IS:7, Jp:39, KX:30, LBF:27*, LCA:7, LQ:25*, Lt:21, Mc:27, Mg:4, MM:7, MO:*, Ms:41, Mu:24, Mw:3, Mz:11, N:39, Ne:33*, NME:*, Noj:49, NPR:29, NPR_l:17, NR:4*, NT:3*, OC:3, Oo:16, P:9, Pf:11*, Pf_r:15, PJ:57, PM:19, Rec:28, RM:30, RS:*, RS_D:10, RT:89, RY:20, S45:19, SC:5, Sl:27, Snv:14, SoS:13, Spk:46*, Tr:12, U:*, Up:39, Up_i:14, UpC:41, UR:32, VF:43, WHP:12, XSN:18; ab_a:2, ab_m:3, aqd:+, bv_, ca_o:2, dmt:5, fp:+, hs:+, kn:3, n_ap:2, n_sp:+, njc:7, npr_bb:2, npr_rh:8, nyl:+, pm_b:5, pm_f:3, tgl:9, vasp:4, vej:10, vmp:+, vsr:7, vu:2, xjdc:21, xsa:+, yjsb:+ -- A:85/17, M:83/18, TH:*
  22. Laura Marling: Song for Our Daughter (Chrysalis/Partisan) {172}: 45:33, AD:*, Al:39*, AM:+, AU:2, Bo:15, BPM:22, Btz:5, Cl:18*, Clv:12, Crh:18, Crz:22, DaB:34, DIY:*, DJ:7, Dr:53, DS:3, E_UK:50, Ex:*, FO:12, G:27*, Gg:31, GiL:8, Gl:++, Got:24, GQ:11, GTV:*, Gw:29*, HP:18, HuN:12, I:4*, IR:+, Jun:7, KX:64, L4:4, LBF:*, LCA:34, LI:71, Lt:24, Mc:9, Mj:17*, MM:16, MO:21*, Mu:22, MuL:9, Mx:8, NBH:50, Ne:6*, NME:*, NPR_l:33, NR:9*, O:*, OC:27, P:*, Pf_r:33, PJ:56, RC:4, Rec:1, RS_D:4, RS_I:9, RT:4, S45:21, Sbd:16, Sg:25, SoS:30, T:*, TL:43, Top:20, Trk:3, U:10*, UpC:30, UR:18, WHP:16, XSN:8, YF:25*; ab_s:10, am_f:+, cm:10, fst:+, fti:+, gu:9, ljs:19, ms_a:8, pm_f:18, vdn:2, vtg:10, xrr:6, xsa:+, ygc:+, yjsb:+ -- A:88/17, M:91/12, TH:**
  23. Caribou: Suddenly (Merge) {164}: 3v:17, A3:15, AD:*, Al:86, AM:*, AU:33, BB:40, Bc:+, BIB:5, Btz:49, BV:37, C:*, Crz:35, CS:28, DA:16, DaB:9, DIY:*, DJ:19, Dr:54, Dus:*, E_UK:7, Ex:5*, Fa:39, G:23*, Gf:10, Gg:38, Gig:*, GiL:4, Gl:+, Got:6, GTV:*, HP:36, I:*, Jp:13, Kp:8, KX:19, LBF:*, LCA:29, LI:59, LQ:27*, Mc:28, Mgn:5, Mj:*, MM:31, MO:14*, MoM:30, Mu:25, NBH:31, Ni:17, NME:*, Noj:9, Now:*, NR:26*, NT:*, OC:46, Oo:15, Oy:29, P:11*, Pc:64, Pf:*, Pf_r:28, PJ:29, PM:28*, PW:34, Q:*, RC:15*, Rdx:48, Re:14, Rf:20, RT:15, S:5, S45:4, Sg:36, Sk:*, Sl:*, SMH:*, Snv:18, So:13, Sp:*, Top:47, Tr:16, U:*, UR:22; am_i:+, aqd:+, blw:+, dn:6, fms:+, fst:+, mj_e:5, ms_e:2, not:+, now:5, now_t:4, pf_e:+, rld:+, tr_e:4, ty_e:6, vcm:9, whf:+, xrr:8, yjsb:+ -- A:83/28, M:83/7, TH:**
  24. Thundercat: It Is What It Is (Brainfeeder) {162}: A3:20, AD:*, Alt:47, AM:+*, AV:10, BB:+, Bc:*, C:*, Cl:14*, Clv:21, Cmp:+, Cpu:21, Crh:25, Crz:20, CS:14, Dag:9, DB:*, DIY:*, DJ:27, Dr:25, E_UK:49, Em:*, Ex:12*, Fld:21*, FO:23, G:28, Gg:27, GiL:16, Gl:++*, Got:38, GQ:23, GTV:84, Gw:38*, HDX:+*, I:24*, KX:35, LAT:4, LBF:*, LCA:46, LI:81, Mc:25, Mj:29*, MO:18*, Mx:38, N:3, NBH:34, NME:*, Noj:17, NPR:31, NR:50, NT:*, Okp:3, P:15*, Pc:47, Pf_r:45, PJ:66, PM:12, PO:+, Ps:21, PW:2, Q:*, Qt:*, RA:*, RC:9, Rec:49, Rf:13, RT:56, S:19, Sb:28, Sbd:57, SE:69, Sg:27, Sk:*, Sp:*, TL:66, Top:31, TS:+, U:5*, Up_i:22, UpC:37, UR:94*, W:42*, XLR:+, YF:47; am_r:+, aqd:+, blw:4, cc:5, dnw:5, is_h:7, jse:5, npr_nb:1, pg_ad:14, pm_s:2, rnz:18, vak:8, vasp:7, vdk:3, vml:4, vnp:8, vsrk:1, vu:8, xtl:+ -- A:79/25, M:84/23, TH:B
  25. Freddie Gibbs & the Alchemist: Alfredo (ESGN/ALC/Empire) {160}: AM:*, Btz:18, BV:2, BV_r:1, C:8, Cl:*, Clv:23, Cmp:4, Crz:13, CS:9, DaB:49, DW:32, Ex:15*, Fa:15, Fld:15, FO:13, G:34, GB:22, GC:12, Gg:17, HDX:+*, HG:20, HNH:1, HuN:21, LBF:*, Lt:7, Mgn:23, Ms:47, Mx:14, N:25, NDO:+, Ne:39*, No:24, NPR_l:48, NR:17, NT:14, Okp:14, P:13, Pf:44*, Pf_r:27, PJ:45, PW:3, Rdx:47, RT:51, RY:12, S:16, Sbd:27, Sg:18, SoS:32, Tr:50, Trk:34, Up_h:24, UpC:8, UR:59, VF:16, YF:30; am_h:+, azr:15, bg_b:+, blw:+, bv_fp:+, bv_kr:+, cct:5, dtm:2, hyb:2, is_h:8, mic:7, ms_r:4, n_ap:9, npr_af:4, npr_bc:2, npr_rc:8, ny_c:+, owl:+, ri:6, sg_r:6, sl:+, tr_h:+, ty_h:2, vac:10, van:3, vasa:1, vbp:6, vdca:5, vdvn:7, ved:4, vjfx:6, vjga:6, vjhw:3, vkl:3, vmp:+, vnp:3, vtg:6, vu:+, xxl:+, ycw:+, yjsb:+ -- A:88/6, TH:*
  26. Idles: Ultra Mono (Partisan) {158}: A3:8, AU:10, Bq:6, Btz:7, C:*, ClR:*, Crh:2, Crz:3, CS:25, D:30*, DaB:21, Di:8, DJ:47, Dr:91, DW:77, EE:13, FB:59, FO:11, Gl:*, GTV:*, HP:31, Hu:6, HuN:6, I:*, K:19*, KX:4, L:46, L4:13, LCA:40, LI:15, Lt:3, LW:26*, Mj:12*, MM:64, Ms:10, Mu:29, Mw:11, Mz:12, NBH:16, Ne:38*, NF:7, NME:*, NPR_l:41, NR:*, NT:30, O:*, Oy:26, Pc:25, Pf_r:49, PJ:12, PM:*, Q:*, Re:10, Rec:46, RM:12, RT:14, Sb:5, Sbd:26, Si:23, Top:42, Trk:38, Try:10, U:*, Ups:*, UR:86*, VF:19, Vi:4, VLR:2, YW:6, Zf:19; ap:+, aqd:+, bz:4, cc:10, fms:+, irp:+, mkk:5, rld:+, so_d:11, so_k:8, st_r:4, vjga:10, vrmo:6, xjlu:3, yjl:20, yjsb:+ -- A:77/30, M:79/15, TH:***
  27. Bruce Springsteen: Letter to You (Columbia) {156}: A3:26, AM:*, AS:4*, AU:15, AV:*, BB:34, BG:*, Btz:12, Cl:*, ClR:5*, Clv:33, Crh:24, Crz:26, CS:33*, Di:25, DVk:35, EE:2, Ex:*, FO:39, Gg:49, Gl:*, Got:22, GTV:33, Gw:42*, HP:12, Hu:16, I:22*, KX:77, L:8, LAT:*, LW:47, Mc:13, Mj:45*, MM:46, MO:50*, Mu:18, MuL:23, Mz:35, ND_r:4, NDO:10, NME:*, Noj:3, NPR_l:23, O:*, P:*, PJ:14, Re:16, Rf:53, RM:15, RS:12*, RS_Ar:9, RS_D:16, RS_I:6, S:*, Sbd:11, SE:17, SMH:*, SoS:43, SoT:38, Sp:*, T:*, TL:27, Trk:17, U:20*, UCR:5, V:*, YW:61; am_k:+, asp:6, azr:19, cc:6, cct:4, ec:+, irp:+, it:6, mm:+, npr_lo:5, onm:+, pf_k:+, pi:10, pm_a:24, rld:+, rte:++, sfe:1, tbm:9, vbs:+, vdca:9, verd:3, vsr:10, xhs:3, xsa:+, xtj:2, yjb:8, yjl:6, ypsc:4 -- A:82/26, M:88/25, TH:**
  28. Maria Schneider Orchestra: Data Lords (ArtistShare -2CD) {150}: AAJ:*, AD:*, AM:*, DVk:15, FB:87, G:*, Gl:*, JC:1, JT:1, JW:1, Mj:*, MO:39*, NPR:17, Tx_j:1; af_pr:+, am_j:+, fd:2, g_j:1, ghj:10, jag:5, jbm:2, jbs:2, jbu:8, jcjw:3, jdb:1, jdm:+, jdr:1, jek:5, jff:6, jfk:4, jfkz:+, jgy:4, jgz:3, jjc:+, jjh:1, jjo:4, jjs:3, jjw:1, jjwd:2, jka:7, jkd:10, jkf:2, jkm:1, jkws:5, jla:3, jlb:7, jlv:10, jma:4, jmj:8, jmja:3, jmju:3, jmk:7, jmn:2, jmr:1, jnt:3, jpq:1, jrh:1, jrk:4, jrm:+, jrs:+, jrw:3, jsf:7, jtn:1, jwj:8, jyk:2, mm:+, nat:+, noj:2, npr_nc:2, ph:5, pm_j:+, rc_j:4, sdu_j:2, st_b:3, tbm:6, tg:+, vjc:1, vrj:7, vwl:10, xmb:+ -- A:87/3, M:86/5, TH:**
  29. Soccer Mommy: Color Theory (Loma Vista) {150}: 3v:11, 45:22, ABC:5, Al:*, Alt:8, AM:+*, AV:4, BS:22, C:*, Ch:7, Clv:25, Crz:30, CS:*, DaB:44, D:23*, DIY:*, DS:+, DW:16, E:+, E_UK:12, Ex:41*, Fa:44, Fld:6, FO:15, G:48*, GC:16, Gg:25, GTV:29, Gw:16, I:40*, Ins:12, KX:20, LCA:49, Mj:*, Ms:46, Mu:42, Mx:43, N:31, NBH:20, Ni:34, NME:*, NPR_l:28, NR:46*, NT:24*, OC:26, P:7*, Pf:26, Pf_r:24, PJ:50, PM:43, RC:*, Rf:60, RM:65, RS:37*, RS_D:35, S:27, Sbd:51, SE:4, Sg:10, Sk:*, Sl:42, SMH:*, SoS:52, U:*, Up:24, Up_i:9, UpC:25, Ups:*, UR:10*, Vi:27, Zf:63; am_i:+, azr:6, ca_d:7, cct:10, ec:+, iad:7, n_sp:+, npr_rd:8, nyl:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, sjm:8, sl:+, so_d:13, v_ab:6, vam:4, vaz:1, vdvn:6, vml:8, vmrv:10, vrb:5, vu:+, xbf:+, xbw:+, xci:+, xjdc:72, xsp:+, xtw:+, xwb:8, ycp:+, yng:+ -- A:84/22, M:84/19, TH:***
  30. Porridge Radio: Every Bad (Secretly Canadian) {145}: 45:15, Alt:28, BIB:1, BV:17, C:50, Cl:35*, Crh:29, Crz:46, D:25, DaB:3, DIY:15*, Dr:56, Dv:26, Ex:38*, G:*, Gf:30, Gg:37, Got:30, GTV:*, Gw:44, HuN:48, I:*, IS:16, KX:53, L4:9, LBF:*, LCA:41, LQ:*, Lt:16, LW:15, Mc:17, Mg:2, MM:40, Ms:31, Mu:12, Mw:40, Mz:36, N:62, NBH:4, NME:*, No:4, NR:5*, NT:17*, OC:8, Oo:12, Oy:8, P:6*, Pf:23*, Pf_r:40, PJ:52, Plt:13, PM:32, Qt:*, Rec:36, RM:2, RT:9, Sbd:59, SC:*, Sg:39, Sk:*, Sl:24, Snv:23, SoS:37, Top:8, Trk:47, Try:22, U:*, UR:42, Zf:55; cm:4, dcs:5, kn:6, mkk:6, n_sp:+, npr_rh:7, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_ir:3, ri:+, rld:+, rs_u:+, so_k:9, vgb:4, vjba:6, xjsp:+, xrr:5, ygc:+, yjsb:+ -- A:86/15, M:85/14, TH:*
  31. Kelly Lee Owens: Inner Song (Smalltown Supersound) {142}: 45:25, Bc:+, BIB:27, BV:39, C:*, Cl:*, Crz:40, DIY:16, Dr:8, DS:+, Du:4, DVk:25, E_UK:35, ES:1, Ex:*, FO:30, G:24, GB:42, Gg:46, GiL:19, GTV:23, Gw:*, Hi:28, HP:41, HuN:27, I:29*, IR:+, IS:4, Jp:24, Kp:16, KX:83, LBF:24*, LCA:50, LI:52, LQ:2*, Mc:26, Mgn:20, Mj:*, Ms:39, MuL:7, Mz:17, NBH:32, Ni:12, NME:*, No:8, Noj:18, NR:+, O:*, OC:18, Oy:20, P:18*, Pc:7, Pf:27, Pf_r:46, PJ:86, PM:26, Q:*, RA:*, Rec:3, RM:18, RS:38, RS_I:19, RT:28, S45:15, Sb:29, Sbd:14, Sg:21, Sk:9, Tr:14, U:75*, UR:26*, Zf:14; ab_m:7, cm:8, dnw:7, fti:+, mj_e:2, ms_e:3, not:+, npr_ap:6, pf_e:+, pm_e:2, rld:+, rte:+, tr_e:2, vmp:+, whf:+, yng:+ -- A:83/16, M:85/12, TH:**
  32. Roisin Murphy: Roisin Machine (Skint) {137}: 45:27, A3:18, AD:*, Al:*, AM:+*, BIB:2, BV:9, C:28*, Cl:27, Crz:33, DIY:*, DJ:50, E:+, E_UK:34, ES:11, Ex:*, Fa:16, Fld:*, G:11*, Gg:44, GiL:9, GMD:15, GTV:*, Hi:29, HP:28, HuN:33, I:16, Id:16, IS:32, Jp:3, LBF:*, LI:40, LQ:*, Lt:13, LW:19, MO:1*, Ms:36, Mu:11, Ni:10, NME:*, Noj:26, Oy:6, Pc:3, Pf:17*, Pf_r:25, PJ:91, PM:35, PO:+, Qt:59*, RA:*, Rdx:39, RS_D:26, RY:40, Sbd:29, SC:*, SE:58, Sk:10, TO:10, Top:18, Tr:22, U:42*, Yb:22, YF:49, Zf:11; am_p:+, bbc:+, it:+, fms:+, lib:6, now_r:1, p_p:+, pf_e:+, pm_p:11, rte:+, ty_e:1, vamp:7, vasp:9, vhp:4, vjly:9, wo:+, ydh:6, yds:+, yrh:1 -- A:83/19, M:87/8, TH:**
  33. Bad Bunny: YHLQMDLG (Rimas) {135}: AM:+*, BB:4, Bo:17, Btz:15, BV_r:17, C:19, Clv:18, Cmp:16, Crz:16, CS:16*, DVk:6, DW:6, E:+, E_UK:13, EW:9, FO:47, GC:4, Gg:13, Glm:30, I:11, Ins:7, IR:22, Jp:9, MoM:8, Ms:15, N:14, NPR:7, NPR_l:30, NYT:*, PB:15, PCv:8, Pf:10*, Pf_r:37, PM:15, Ps:18, PW:48, RS:3*, RS_Ar:3, S:6, Sl:7, SoS:44, T:13, Up:28, Up_p:6, UpC:23, YF:17; am_w:+, hc:7, hc_g:1, ma:10, n_sp:+, npr_l:+, npr_sf:2, ny_c:12, ri:2, v_ja:+, vac:2, vcm:6, ved:5, vhg:2, vjly:10, vml:3, vsk:8, vti:+, wwl:4, xdws:6 -- M:88/5, TH:**
  34. Chloe x Halle: Ungodly Hour (Columbia) {133}: Alt:58, AM:+, AV:5, BB:17, BS:28, C:14, Cl:1*, Cmp:15, Dz:6, EW:*, Fa:34, Fld:10, G:12*, GC:20, Gg:15, Glm:11, GQ:8, GTV:91, HDX:+, HV:8, Id:12, Ins:9, IR:+, Jun:18, LBF:9*, Ne:45*, Ni:35, NPR:23, NPR_l:40, OC:23, Okp:2, PB:1, PCv:5, Pf:28, Pf_r:21, PO:+, Ps:1, PW:23, RS:19, RSh:4, T:*, Up:9, Up_r:1, UpC:17, YF:14; am_r:+, asp:4, atl:+, bbc:+, dnw:9, hc:3, now_a:5, npr_lh:4, p:4;p_p:+, ti:2, ust:9, usw:9, v_cw:9, vcj:5, via:8, vrj:8, vsk:10, vu:+, wo:+, wwl:17, xsa:+ -- A:81/7, M:80/4, TH:*
  35. Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit: Reunions (Southeastern) {133}: AD:*, Al:78, AM:+*, AS:*, BB:30, BS:26, BV:13, Ch:22, ClR:17*, Clv:22, CS:11, CU:8, Dag:11, DJ:31, Dv:37, DVk:21, E:+, Ex:*, Gg:22, Gl:*, GTV:77, KX:33, L:32, LBF:*, Mc:40, Mj:73*, ND:4, ND_r:1, NF:17, NPR_l:9, NR:*, NS:3, P:12*, PJ:57, PM:25*, RS:28, RS_D:45, RT:78, SE:6, Sg:37, T:*, TL:9, Tr:49, U:11*, UCR:10, Up_i:21, UpC:28; am_k:+, blw:+, ca_o:9, df:+, gu:2, ljs:14, mkk:3, mm:+, npr_lm:5, npr_rd:4, ns:2, p_c:+, pm_a:19, scm:+, sg_c:4, sl:+, so_d:4, so_k:16, up_sh:3, v_ab:8, v_cw:6, vasa:5, vbs:+, vjga:2, vjwi:9, vro:2, vshy:3, vu:+, xhs:+, xjdc:54, xsa:+, xtl:9, yds:+, ygc:+, yh:10, yjl:4 -- A:80/13, M:82/14, RC:***, TH:*
  36. Lady Gaga: Chromatica (Interscope) {133}: 45:16, Al:51*, AM:+*, BB:5, Bo:14, C:32, Cl:15*, Clv:24, CS:8*, D:28, DA:20, Di:2, DIY:14*, Dz:4, EW:*, Ex:*, Fa:35, G:19*, GC:29, Gg:24, Glm:1, GTV:67, HV:24, I:28*, Id:31, Jp:10, Jun:11, LBF:47*, LW:*, MO:35*, N:64, NDO:9, NF:3, NME:*, NPR_l:10, O:*, PB:8, PCv:18, Pf_r:17, Ps:24, Rf:47, RS:11*, RS_Ar:13, Sbd:48, SE:61, T:*, TL:101, TO:1, Trk:48, Up_p:17, UpC:24, V:*, Yb:13, YF:15; am_p:+, atw:+, ljs:10, njc:8, nyl:+, p:3, pm_p:3, rdb:+, scp:7, sl:+, vaz:8, ver:7, vjly:3, wo:+, wwl:19, xbf:3, xkb:+, ypsc:8 -- A:77/26, M:81/18, TH:***
  37. The Strokes: The New Abnormal (Cult/RCA) {131}: A3:12, ABC:10, Al:85, AM:+*, BB:+, Bo:8, Cl:42*, Crz:18, DaB:42, Di:12, DIY:17*, EW:*, FO:37, G:*, Gg:36, Got:33, GTV:35*, Gw:*, HP:2, HuN:10, I:*, IS:25, KX:23, LAT:8, LBF:*, LI:1, Lt:18, Mg:1, Mj:*, MM:32, Ms:44, Mu:16, Mw:14, Mz:33, NBH:12, Ne:35*, Ni:33, NME:*, Noj:15, NT:21*, NPR_l:14, Pf_r:19, PJ:89, Plt:10, Ps:47, Rdx:43, Rf:63, RS_D:23, RS_I:3, RY:26, SE:7, SoS:53, Sp:*, Try:36, TS:+, UCR:18, Up:50, Up_i:17, UpC:43, UR:*, V:*, WHP:11, YF:34; ab_m:9, am_k:+, azr:14, blw:+, cct:12, df:+, key:+, rdb:+, rld:+, rnz:15, tck:1, rx:+, up_sh:14, vbs:3, vro:3, ycp:10, yjsb:+ -- A:74/27, TH:*
  38. Sufjan Stevens: Ascension (Asthmatic Kitty) {123}: 3v:20, A3:23, AD:*, AM:*, Bc:+, C:*, Cl:*, Crz:7, CS:19*, DaB:5, Dag:19, DJ:30, DS:+, E_UK:40, Ex:20*, Fld:*, FO:22, Gf:17, Gf_D:13, GTV:31*, I:8*, IR:+, IS:27, Jp:14, KX:26, LCA:15, LI:26, Lt:37, Mj:50, MM:35, MO:*, Ms:11, Mu:10, Mw:33, Mz:23, NBH:6, NDO:12, NME:*, NPR_l:26, NR:15, NT:16*, NYT:*, O:*, P:*, Pc:9, Pf_r:26, Qt:61*, Re:5, Rf:23, RC:*, RS_D:36, RS_I:10, S:17, Sl:17, SoS:88, TL:31, Top:3, Tr:40, Trk:24, TS:+, U:53, UpC:39, UR:13, Zf:15; am_i:+, atw:+, br:+, kn:7, ma:8, ny_p:1, rdb:+, tr_e:7, v_cw:+, xsa:+ -- A:80/24, M:82/14, TH:A-
  39. Grimes: Miss Anthropocene (4AD) {122}: 45:7, A3:24, ABC:42, AV:14, BB:21, Btz:20, C:18*, Cl:*, Clv:20, Crz:9, CS:46*, DW:63, Dz:16, E_UK:27, Ec:23, Ex:14, Fa:45, FO:38, G:20*, GB:9, Gf:8, Gg:24, HuN:30, I:15*, IR:4, KX:42, LBF:*, MO:*, Ms:37, Mu:50, Mz:26, N:69, NBH:28, NF:42, NME:*, Noj:23, Now:*, NR:27*, NYT:*, O:*, OC:24, PB:12, PCv:12, Pf:24*, Pf_r:20, Q:*, RA:*, RT:77, Sbd:56, Sg:+, Si:15, Sl:2*, Snv:8, So:18, Spk:13*, T:*, Trk:42, TS:+, Up_i:19, UpC:46, V:*, WHP:8, YF:33; atl:+, mm:+, n_sp:+, now_t:7, rd:+, rdb:+, ti:9, vjly:2, xjlu:4, xjsp:6, ycp:9, yti:++ -- M:79/27, TH:***
  40. Mac Miller: Circles (Warner) {120}: 45:42, Al:34*, BB:16, Bo:6, Cl:43*, Clv:49, Cmp:8, DaB:26, Di:19, Ex:32*, G:29*, GC:15, Gf_D:14, Gg:28, GiL:10, GMD:19, Gw:9, HDX:+*, HNH:16, HS:19, I:12*, Ins:13, Kp:13, KX:52, LBF:44, Lt:6, MoM:13, N:58, NDO:13, Ne:14*, Ni:13, NME:*, NPR_l:16, NT:*, O:*, OC:35, PCv:9, Pf_r:31, Ps:13, Q:*, RR:*, RS_Ar:15, RY:22, Sbd:37, SoS:24, Spk:30*, Top:19, Up:6, Up_h:3, UpC:33, V:*, YF:11*; am_h:+, atw:+, azr:5, bg_b:+, cct:19, hyb:5, irp:+, kc:6, ms_r:10, rdb:+, vjmy:6, voh:6, vtg:5, vu:6, xci:+, xxl:+ -- A:82/15, M:83/14, TH:A-
  41. Megan Thee Stallion: Good News (300 Entertainment) {115}: 45:13, Alt:32, AM:*, BB:12, BPM:*, BS:14, BV:23, BV_r:2, Cl:28*, Clv:34, Cmp:30, CS:49*, DVk:38, Em:*, Ex:*, FB:98, FO:33, G:*, Gg:30, Glm:19, GQ:15, Gw:6*, HDX:+, HNH:23, HP:38, I:20, Jun:6, LAT:10, LBF:21, MO:*, MoM:16, N:84, NDO:15, NF:22, NME:*, Noj:30, NYT:*, PB:16, PCv:38, Pf:43, Ps:5, RS:27*, Sbd:61, Snv:25, TL:85, Up:33, Up_h:13, UpC:32, V:*, Yb:3; am_h:+, dmt:6, hc:5, hyb:8, key:+, ms_r:7, npr_nb:7, nyl:+, pm_h:15, sc:6, sl:+, tr_h:+, vam:2, vamp:2, vasa:2, vdk:8, ved:6, vjo:7, vmdv:10, vsr:9, wo:+, wwl:12, xci:6, xscw:+, xxl:+, yds:+, yh:8, yjl:11 -- A:82/15, M:86/12, TH:A-
  42. Khruangbin: Mordechai (Dead Oceans) {114}: A3:2, AD:*, AM:+*, Bo:13, Bq:16, BS:15, Cl:*, Crh:13, DaB:7, Di:3, DJ:18, Dr:60, Dv:23, EE:14, Ex:*, Fa:24, Fld:*, FO:35, Gg:40, Gl:*, Gw:17*, Hu:13, IS:19, KX:21, KX:12, L4:15, LBF:45*, LI:24, Lt:38, Mj:26, Mu:37, NBH:18, Ni:4, NME:*, Noj:19, NPR_l:27, Okp:+, Oy:22, Pc:14, PJ:89, PW:19, Q:*, Rec:45, RM:20, RS_D:34, S:24, S45:9, Sb:7, SC:*, Si:4, Sl:*, So:10, U:55*, Up:36, Up_i:12, UpC:38, UR:41, V:*, VF:50, YF:*, Zf:18; am_i:+, aqd:+, hc_d:+, key:+, npr_bc:5, rld:+, vml:10, ysh:5 -- AM:76/20, M:81/13, TH:*
  43. Jeff Parker: Suite for Max Brown (International Anthem) {113}: AAJ:*, Bc:*+, Btz:29, FJ:*, G:39, GB:+, Got:19, JC:10, JT:13, JW:11, Kp:18, Mg:5, Mj:67*, No:17, NR:29, Pf:*, PJ:33, PW:27, Qt:27*, RC:10, Rec:39, RS_I:11, SoS:64, Tr:11, Trk:19, U:74, VF:29, W:6, Zf:37; aqd:+, bc_j:*, bv_fp:+, bv_j:9, jaa:5, jadh:3, jak:6, jcb:2, jdbs:5, jhs:+, jjo:9, jjs:10, jjw:4, jjz:6, jkg:1, jma:8, jmj:2, jmw:3, jsd:6, jtb:1, jtc:+, jyk:3, npr_jg:1, npr_nc:6, owl:+, pg:2, pg_ad:3, rld:+, sdu:6, sg_j:*, sl:+, tr_j:+, up_sh:7, vbc:+, vbr:9, vjdn:1, vnp:4, vsd:8, vshy:7, vtjk:9, yjed:10, xsa:+ -- M:83/4, TH:**
  44. Nubya Garcia: Source (Concord) {109}: 45:41, AAJ:*, Al:74, AM:*, Bc:+*, BV:41, Cl:50*, CW:10, DaB:29, Dr:62, E_UK:22, Gw:*, Hu:15, IS:31, JC:27, JT:8, JW:12, LBF:33*, LQ:*, Mj:20*, NME:*, No:29, NPR:8, P:38, Pc:93, Pf:25*, PJ:70, PW:8, Q:*, Rec:6, RM:29, So:19, SoS:6, TN:+, Tr:27, TS:+, U:25*, VF:24; am_j:+, bc_j:*, bv_j:1, jb:+, jcb:3, jcm:+, jdku:9, jin:2, jjh:+, jjz:1, jla:+, jmju:1, jmr:8, jmw:2, jpq:+, jrh:5, jse:10, jth:7, mj_j:1, mm:+, npr_lo:1, npr_su:4, rc_j:7, sg_j:*, sl:+, so_k:14, tr_j:+, vjt:5, whf:+, ycw:+, yjf:15 -- A:79/11, M:84/7, TH:**
  45. Ambrose Akinmusire: On the Tender Spot of Every Calloused Moment (Blue Note) {108}: AAJ:*, AM:*, CM:+, DVk:7, Hu:18, JC:2, JT:3, JW:8, NPR:19, PM:48, TL:16, Tr:34; am_j:+, bv_j:13, gcn:+, jbu:4, jcm:+, jbbr:3, jcb:1, jck:1, jdl:1, jek:8, jin:1, jjc:+, jjm:3, jjsn:3, jjwd:4, jkg:10, jlb:1, jmc:+, jmj:7, jmk:10, jpl:5, jpm:7, jpq:3, jrw:1, jry:6, jsd:2, jse:3, jtn:2, jyk:4, npr_nc:1, npr_st:10, pg:5, pg_rs:15, ph:1, pm_j:+, sdu_j:5, sg_j:1*, sl:7, tbm:2, tr_j:+, vasp:10, vmp:+, vpf:1, vjt:9, xsa:+, xtl:+ -- A:79/2, TH:**
  46. Deftones: Ohms (Reprise) {105}: ABC:49, Alt:56, AM:+*, BPM:14*, BV:22, CD:37, Ch:13, Cl:40*, ClR:*, Clv:4, CS:7, DaB:19, Di:18, DIY:*, DJ:34, DS:+, Ex:19*, FO:50, Gl:+, GMD:47, Gw:8*, HuN:11, I:*, K:3*, L:2, LCA:24, Lt:8, LW:43*, Mc:15, Ms:13, Mx:30, NME:*, No:48, NR:+, Pc:98, Plt:20, PM:20, Pu:11, Qt:*, Rev:1, Rf:16, RM:61, S:12, Sbd:24, Spk:19*, Top:46, Tr:26, UpC:36, Ups:*, Vi:21, YF:24; am_m:+, ap:+, dep:5, hs:+, irp:+, jhs:+, lwr:+, rks:+, vsrk:4, vu:+, ykt:+ -- A:89/17, M:92/8, TH:C+
  47. Lil Uzi Vert: Eternal Atake (Atlantic) {104}: AM:*, BB:23, BV_r:12, C:29, Clv:10, Cmp:3, CS:20, E:+, E_UK:45, Fa:49, FO:21, GC:2, Gg:12, HDX:*, HNH:12, HS:11, HV:4, Ins:11, IR:8, MoM:24, Ms:20, N:27, NME:*, NPR:9, NYT:*, Okp:4, PCv:32, Pf:12*, PW:11, RS:8*, RSh:15, Sbd:23, Sg:+, Snv:5, Up:4, Up_h:2, UpC:16, YF:41; am_h:+, atl:+, ms_r:3, npr_jg:3, ny_z:8, pi:7, ri:1, so_k:18, ti:5, vbhk:4, vdca:7, vjcu:8, vjhw:6, vmp:+, vu:8, whf:+, xxl:+ -- A:76/6, TH:*
  48. Shabaka and the Ancestors: We Are Sent Here by History (Impulse!) {100}: AAJ:*, AD:*, AM:+*, C:*, Clv:26, CM:+, Cpu:19, DB:*, Dr:43, Dus:*, FJ:*, G:*, Gl:+*, Hu:9, JC:23, JT:10, LQ:*, Mj:23*, Mw:25, Pc:89, Pf:*, PJ:88, PO:+, PW:37, Q:*, RC:20, SC:*, So:22, SoS:13, TN:+, Tr:24, U:35*, W:*; am_j:+, aqd:+, bv_j:3, df:+, fd:+, jak:2, jcb:4, jck:8, jcm:+, jdku:8, jek:9, jff:2, jin:10, jjc:+, jjh:2, jka:16, jkm:5, jla:1, jma:10, jmr:5, jse:6, jth:8, sg_j:8*, sl:+, tg:+, tr_j:+, vce:1, vdh:6, vjt:4, vmp:+, vpf:8, xcg:+, xgm:4, yds:4, ynn:1 -- A:83/7, M:84/11, TH:A-
  49. Hayley Williams: Petals for Armor (Atlantic) {100}: 45:18, AD:*, Alt:37, AM:+*, AV:18*, BB:41, Bq:13, BV:35, Ch:3, Cl:*, Clv:17, Crz:42, CS:21*, D:14, DIY:6*, DW:2, DW:65, EW:15, Ex:*, Fa:12, Fld:*, FO:29, Gg:32, HuN:42, HV:34, I:38*, Id:46, IR:19, K:39*, LBF:36*, Mc:31, Mx:34, N:50, NME:*, NPR_l:37, NR:35*, NYT:*, OC:50, P:*, PB:6, PCv:36, Q:*, Rf:9, RS:31*, S:11, Sbd:44, SE:67, Sl:48*, SMH:*, Spk:22*, TS:+, UpC:34, UR:81, YF:28; am_p:+, ap:+, dep:3, iad:4, lwr:+, npr_lh:9, ns:5, vu:+, wwl:8, xsa:+ -- A:79/25, M:83/22, TH:*
  50. Lucinda Williams: Good Souls Better Angels (Highway 20) {97}: AD:*, Al:81, AS:*, BB:46, Btz:10, ClR:*, CU:38, DB:*, EW:*, Ex:*, Fld:*, Gl:*, HP:40, KX:88, LBF:*, Mc:30, Mj:38*, Mz:40, ND:9, ND_r:8, NS:13, P:*, Pf:*, PJ:35, PM:24*, Q:*, Rdx:34, Rf:55, RS:47, Rx:5, SC:*, SE:+, T:*, TL:51, TS:+, U:28*, YF:*; af_pr:+, aqd:+, cp:4, js:8, mj_a:1, pf_k:+, pm_a:3, sfe:9, so_d:6, st_b:8, v_cw:+, vjcl:2, vkt:3, xcg:+, xci:10, xej:*, xgm:2, xhs:+, xjdc:28, xjsp:4, xkm:9, xmb:6, xsa:+, xscw:6, xtw:+, yds:3, yrb:6, yrm:5 -- A:78/12, M:84/15, RC:A, TH:A-
  51. Jay Electronica: A Written Testimony (Roc Nation) {96}: Al:45*, AM:+*, AV:11, BB:48, BV_r:21, C:20, Clv:7, Cmp:18, CS:22*, DW:85, E:+, E_UK:17, EW:8*, G:15, GC:24, Gf:18, Gg:21, GMD:37, HDX:+*, HG:60, HNH:15, HS:12, Ins:20, IR:1, MoM:21, N:29, NF:10, Ni:19, Okp:+, Pf:*, PM:13, PO:+, Q:*, Sbd:2, Sg:+, Up:46, Up_h:19, UpC:50, W:32, Zf:68; am_h:+, bg_b:+, blw:7, bv_kr:+, hyb:3, n_sp:+, ny_c:4, pm_h:7, sl:+, so_k:15, tr_h:+, v_ab:9, vac:6, ved:9, vmp:+, vmrv:2, vti:4, vu:+, xsa:+, xsp:9, xxl:+ -- A:73/6, TH:*
  52. Bartees Strange: Live Forever (Memory Music) {96}: Alt:1, BPM:38*, BS:10, BV:19, C:46, Ch:5, CS:42, E_UK:10, Ex:*, Fa:13, Fld:17*, Gg:47, Got:28, MM:50, N:6, NPR:32, NR:28, NT:9*, OC:9, P:36, Pf:30*, RS:50, S:2, Sbd:39, Sg:16, Sl:19, SoS:18, Up:25, Up_i:10, UpC:13, UR:15*, XSN:12; key:+, mic:+, n_sp:+, njc:4, npr_lm:4, npr_ml:7, npr_sf:5, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_ir:6, so_k:6, up_sh:4, van:8, vdk:5, vjcu:9, vrb:8, vshy:4, vtjk:10, whf:+, wsj:+, xsa:+ -- A:80/8, TH:*
  53. The Chicks: Gaslighter (Columbia) {94}: AD:*, Al:84, AM:*, AS:19*, BB:8, BS:27, Cl:*, Clv:13, CS:38*, CU:14, E:+, EW:6*, Ex:*, G:*, Gg:45, Glm:15, I:*, Id:40, LAT:3*, Mc:38, Mj:*, MO:*, ND_r:48, NDO:8, NPR_l:23, NS:6, O:*, P:*, PCv:21, PM:21*, Rf:15, Rx:32, SC:*, SE:99, Sl:37*, T:*, TL:8, Up_p:18, V:*; am_c:+, hc_g:+, ljs:21, npr_lm:8, ny_c:+, p_c:+, sdu:+, sl:+, sln:+, st_b:4, st_r:5, ti:4, v_cw:+, vam:7, vjcl:7, vew:10, vmp:+, xjdc:64, xtl:8, yjb:5, yjl:3 -- A:85/22, M:85/19, TH:***
  54. Lianne La Havas: Lianne La Havas (Nonesuch) {92}: 45:23, Al:*, AM:+, AV:12, BPM:23*, Btz:33, Cl:*, DaB:16, DIY:*, E_UK:26, EW:*, Ex:34, GC:48, GiL:3, GTV:34, Gw:*, HDX:+, HP:26, I:34, IS:17, LQ:*, Mc:34, Mj:49*, MO:*, Ms:33, N:95, Ne:19*, NME:*, NPR:12, NPR_l:31, NYT:*, O:*, Okp:10, Oy:10, P:47, Pc:66, Pf_r:41, PJ:81, PM:*, RY:19, SC:*, Sl:38*, SoS:19, T:*, TL:77, TS:+, U:60*, UR:98*, YF:16*; af_pr:+, am_r:+, bg_t:+, fst:+, fti:+, hyb:10, irp:+, jak:+, jmr:+, kc:5, npr_su:6, ny_p:6, pm_s:7, sjm:10, st_b:9, vhg:6, wo:+, xsa:+, ysh:10 -- A:81/24, M:82/18, TH:*
  55. Protomartyr: Ultimate Success Today (Domino) {87}: AD:*, AM:*, Bc:+, BIB:23, BPM:19*, Btz:27, CD:14, Crh:32, Crz:49, DaB:25, DIY:*, Dr:30, Dus:*, DVk:12, FB:7, G:*, GMD:43, GTV:*, Hi:23, HuN:3, IR:+, IS:18, KX:80, LBF:*, LCA:11, LQ:8*, MO:*, Mw:7, NBH:17, NR:19, P:32*, Pc:22, Pf:*, PJ:48, Plt:15, PM:*, Q:*, RY:38, Sb:6, SC:*, Sl:43*, Spk:*, Try:2, Ups:*, UR:51*; am_k:+, aqd:+, ca_d:1, npr_af:8, npr_rh:6, p_r:+, rld:+, sa:2, xbf:+, yps:+ -- A:81/21, M:82/18, TH:**
  56. Taylor Swift: Evermore (Republic) {86}: ABC:7, Ch:6, CS:*, CU:26, DW:46, EW:*, G:*, Gg:48, Glm:17, Gw:*, I:*, LBF:*, Mc:22, MO:*, NF:5, NME:*, NPR_l:39, NT:*, OC:4, PCv:2, PJ:83, Ps:17, RS:*, RSh:5, Rx:20, SE:10, SMH:*, T:*; ab_l:10, atw:+, bg_j:+, dmt:2, fti:+, ljs:6, njc:1, pi:6, rdb:+, rte:+, st_b:5, ust:1, tbt:5, v_cw:1, vdh:7, vjwi:10, wwl:1, xjdc:33, yng:+ -- A:89/12, RC:A-, TH:***
  57. Bill Callahan: Gold Record (Drag City) {83}: AM:*, BPM:*, Btz:48, Dr:14, Dus:*, Dv:24, Ex:*, G:26, Gl:*, Got:2, GTV:41, Hu:14, HV:27, I:14*, LBF:*, LI:60, Mc:21, Mg:23, Mj:4*, MM:36, MO:41*, Mz:8, NME:*, Noj:10, O:*, OC:43, Pf:*, O:*, Qt:43*, RC:3*, RS_D:6, S45:8, SE:51, SoS:66, Trk:18, U:7*, UR:76, Zf:16; am_i:+, aqd:+, g_e:+, mj_a:2, rld:+, sl:+, vjk:+, xsa:1, ygc:10, yjsb:+, yng:+ -- A:82/17, M:86/15, TH:B
  58. Clipping: Visions of Bodies Being Burned (Sub Pop) {81}: AM:*, Cl:*, DaB:38, DIY:*, Ex:47*, FB:83, Fld:12, G:50, HG:14, KX:36, LBF:18, LCA:39, LQ:13*, Mj:*, MM:87, Mw:12, Ne:2*, NF:46, Ni:20, No:5, NR:37*, NT:*, OC:29, Pf_r:50, PM:44*, Qt:62*, Re:13, Rf:30, RM:54, RT:36, RY:4, Sb:30, SC:15, SoS:14, Spk:32, Tr:9, UR:*, W:38, YF:21, Zf:32; am_h:+, bg_j:+, bv_sd:+, is_h:19, rdb:+, sa:11, tr_h:+, ty_h:5, yrs:1 -- A:79/12, M:78/11, TH:***
  59. Jarv Is: Beyond the Pale (Rough Trade) {80}: 45:45, AD:*, BIB:3, Btz:16, BV:25, Cl:*, DIY:*, Dr:92, DVk:22, ES:15, Fld:*, GTV:28, Gw:*, HP:23, HuN:13, Jp:30, LI:27, Mc:18, Mj:7*, MM:38, MO:*, Ms:34, Mu:27, Mz:14, Ni:38, NME:*, Noj:20, NT:*, Oy:27, PJ:63, Q:*, RC:*, Rdx:33, Rec:9, RS_D:20, RT:5, RSh:17, S45:14, SE:20, Si:5, T:*, Top:41, Trk:13, U:8*, UR:16; rld:+, xci:+, ykt:7 -- A:85/16, M:88/11, TH:A-
  60. Drive-By Truckers: The Unraveling (ATO) {79}: AM:*, AS:*, ClR:*, CT:*, Cpu:5, CW:15, Gl:+*, GTV:20*, KX:74, Mg:6, Mj:36*, ND_r:9, NF:47, PJ:26, Q:*, Rx:60, SE:82, Sl:*, Sp:*, TL:46, TN:+, Trk:40, U:*, UCR:12; azr:18, cct:7, cp:5, ljs:3, mj_a:3, mm:+, so_d:7, voh:8, vu:+, xbf:+, xgh:+, xgm:+, vro:5, xhs:+, xjc:4, xjdc:6, xjsp:2, xsa:+, xsp:+, xtl:+, xtw:+, yds:2, ykt:2, ypsc:7, yrm:6, yti:+ -- A:75/13, M:80/15, RC:A-, TH:A-
  61. The Microphones: Microphones in 2020 (PW Elverum & Sun) {79}: AM:+*, BPM:6*, BV:34, C:30*, DaB:30, Ex:25*, IS:28, Jun:22, LCA:30, LQ:23, Mg:14, Mj:*, Mx:29, No:23, NR:22, OC:28, P:26*, Pf:13*, Pf_r:38, Plt:8, PM:37*, Rdx:42, Re:20, RY:1, S45:22, SC:*, Sg:31, Sl:36, SoS:26, Spk:2*, Tr:17, U:*, UR:54, VF:15, Zf:75; am_i:+, aqd:+, dtm:10, n_sp:+, now_t:3, npr_jg:4, npr_lg:4, pm_f:5, rld:+, sl:+, vhp:8, vma:8, vu:+, yjsb:+ -- A:87/11, M:87/5, TH:**
  62. The Flaming Lips: American Head (Warner/Bella Union) {78}: Al:80, AM:*, AS:*, BIB:11, CD:29, ClR:*, CS:47*, CW:14, EE:12, Fld:22*, GTV:81, Hi:4, I:*, KX:51, LBF:*, LW:*, Mg:8, Mj:10*, MM:30, Ms:42, Mz:5, Ne:17*, NME:*, Pc:77, PJ:70, Plt:12, Re:9, RS_D:32, S:21, Sb:68, Sbd:42, SC:*, Si:2, Sl:*, SoS:60, TO:8, Trk:22, TS:+, U:32*, UR:47, Vi:24; am_k:+, azr:9, bz:2, cct:9, rld:+, ycs:7, ycw:+, ygc:+ -- A:78/24, M:81/20, TH:*
  63. Bright Eyes: Down in the Weeds, Where the World Once Was (Dead Oceans) {76}: 45:12, AM:*, AV:*, CS:*, Dag:10, DIY:10, DJ:21, DS:+, Dv:19, Gl:*, Gw:*, HP:42, I:*, KX:57, LBF:*, MO:*, Mu:46, NBH:9, NDO:20, NME:*, NPR_l:29, NT:*, Oy:17, P:*, Plt:3, Q:*, Rec:7, RS_D:13, SC:*, SE:128, Sl:40*, Spk:27, TL:61, TS:5, U:45*, UR:50*, V:*, Vi:48, Zf:10; am_i:+, br:+, kn:5, npr_bb:6, nyl:+, sl:+, st:5, vjba:10, vbs:+ -- A:77/25, M:81/18, TH:**
  64. Mary Halvorson's Code Girl: Artlessly Falling (Firehouse 12) {76}: AAJ:*, AM:*, CM:+, JC:4, JT:11, RS_D:42, W:31; am_j:+, aqd:+, bc_j:6*, jbkw:8, jbu:10, jcjw:7, jdbs:1, jhs:+, jjc:+, jjsh:3, jjsn:7, jjw:6, jjz:8, jkc:4, jlbi:2, jlre:1, jmj:6, jml:+, jmr:10, jms:+, jpl:2, jpm:5, jrb:4, jrd:3, jrh:9, jri:5, jrw:8, jsd:1, jsp:7, jtc:+, jtd:7, jyo:1, npr_nc:9, pg:4, pg_rs:17, rld:+, sl:2, tbm:11, vjc:8, vrg:10, vrjs:+, vsd:4, vspt:8, xde:8, xmb:+, yrhg:6 -- TH:B
  65. Ashley McBryde: Never Will (Warner Nashville) {73}: AM:*, AS:3*, BB:+, CU:5, E:+, Ex:*, HV:13, Mj:*, NS:1, P:*, PO:+, RS:20*, Rx:23, SE:50, Sg:+, TL:2, V:*; am_c:+, gcn:+, jjm_c:1, ljs:17, p_c:+, scm:++*, scm_m:1, sg_c:3, sl:+, sln:+, spt:+, v_cw:10, vjo:8, vrmo:+, xbw:+, xci:+, xgm:17, xjdc:20, xtl:2, yjl:14, xpb:8, yzy:5 -- A:80/4, RC:A-, TH:A-
  66. Eric Revis: Slipknots Through a Looking Glass (Pyroclastic) {73}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, JC:3, JT:12, TN:+; bc_j:4*, fd:+, ghj:8, jad:2, jah:5, jbkw:6, jbu:9, jcjw:6, jdsu:1, jek:10, jgg:9, jhs:+, jjc:+, jjm:1, jkws:8, jlv:2, jmja:4, jmj:3, jnt:2, jpm:4, jri:8, jrk:2, jsg:5, jtd:1, jth:6, jyk:1, mm:+, pg:10, pg_ad:12, ph:3, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, vbr:1, vwl:4, xcg:9, xrt:7 -- TH:A-
  67. Destroyer: Have We Met (Merge) {72}: 3v:15, BIB:21, BV:42, CS:*, Dus:*, Ex:17, Fld:*, G:49*, GiL:14, Gl:+, Got:9, IS:33, KX:71, LBF:*, LI:37, Mj:*, Mz:32, NBH:19, NME:*, Now:*, NR:21*, NT:28*, Pf:18*, Pf_r:35, PJ:31, PM:*, Q:*, Qt:39, RT:90, S45:1, Sbd:50, SC:*, Sg:+, Sl:*, SoS:49, Sp:*, Tr:35, U:36*, UR:20*; aqd:+, rld:+, vbs:9, vdca:2, ves:1, vjk:+, xrr:3, ycp:7, ygc:6, yjsb:+ -- A:78/20, M:80/21, TH:*
  68. J Hus: Big Conspiracy (Black Butter) {72}: 45:30, AM:+*, BV_r:19, C:6, Cl:2*, Du:9, Fa:1, G:8*, GQ:5, Gw:43, HS:1, I:17, LBF:15*, MO:38*, N:36, NME:*, No:26, O:*, Pf:*, PW:42, Q:*, Qt:53, So:6, SoS:79, TS:+, VF:18, W:*; am_h:+, cmp:2, fst:+, les:+, n_sp:+, not:+, via:1, whf:+, xsa:6 -- A:85/7, M:87/8, TH:**
  69. Margo Price: That's How Rumors Get Started (Loma Vista) {72}: AM:+*, AS:*, BS:20, Cl:*, Cpu:17, CS:35, CU:29, DJ:28, DW:55, Ex:*, Fld:20*, G:*, Gl:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, Mz:21, ND_r:14, NS:5, PJ:57, PM:*, Q:*, RM:58, RT:35, S:28, SC:*, SE:31, TL:6, U:50*, V:*, Yb:21, YW:3; am_a:+, bg_u:+, ljs:7, ms_a:10, pm_a:21, sln:+, so_d:8, so_k:19, v_cw:+, ves:3, vkt:2, xci:+, xhs:9, xtl:3, yjf:1, ykt:5 -- A:79/15, M:83/13, RC:**, TH:*
  70. X: Alphabetland (Fat Possum) {72}: AS:*, BV_p:43, CM:+, DW:10, HV:32, LW:41, PJ:10, Pn:*, PO:+, RC:13, RS:42*, Rx:36, SE:29, Sp:*, Try:43, V:*, VLR:38, YW:14; am_k:+, bb:11, bg_u:+, ljs:4, npr_kt:1, sjm:5, sl:+, vkf:7, voh:10, vrmo:7, xbf:+, xbw:+, xdws:10, xej:8, xgm:16, xhs:+, xjdc:10, xjsp:7, xjy:8, xmr:10, xpb:+, xsa:+, xsp:+, xtj:+, xwb:4, ygc:+, yh:10, yjrs:1, yps:3, yrb:3, yrh:6, yti:++ -- A:90/1, M:81/6, RC:A-, TH:*
  71. Immanuel Wilkins: Omega (Blue Note) {70}: AAJ:*, JC:11, JT:6, TN:++; fd:+, jaa:1, jah:7, jan:+, jbm:+, jbu:3, jda:5, jdg:+, jdl:2, jdku:+, jel:+, jff:10, jgg:6, jhm:4, jhs:+, jjo:+, jjwd:3, jjz:+, jmj:+, jmk:+, jnt:+, jpb:+, jrh:4, jrmu:+, jrsc:7, jrw:+, jry:10, jsd:+, jsw:4, jtd:+, jtn:+, jwj:4, jyk:+, mj_j:10, npr_ap:5, npr_nc:5, ph:2, sdu_j:+, sg_j:*, sl:+, vbr:7, vjso:+, vjt:3, vmp:+ -- TH:A-
  72. Working Men's Club: Working Men's Club (Heavenly) {69}: 3v:6, BIB:19, Cl:38*, Crh:3, D:22*, DIY:*, Dr:11, ES:3, G:*, GTV:*, Gw:27*, L4:20, LBF:*, LI:2, LW:45, Mj:58*, MM:66, Ms:21, NBH:26, NME:*, Oo:11, Oy:34, Pc:5, RM:1, RT:19, Qt:*, Sb:42, Trk:5, Try:37, U:47*, UR:70; fms:+, fst:+, pm_ep:3, rdb:+ -- A:85/12, M:83/10, TH:**
  73. The 1975: Notes on a Conditional Form (Dirty Hit) {68}: Al:*, BB:29, Bq:5, BV:36, Cl:*, Cmp:33, Crz:24, CS:*, D:10*, DS:+, DW:81, EW:*, Ex:*, Fa:46, FO:40, G:36, Gg:43, Gw:*, HP:12, I:+, Ins:19, MO:*, Mu:17, NME:*, NPR_l:44, NYT:*, Pf:*, Pf_r:32, PM:38*, Ps:40, Q:*, SE:+, Sg:17, Sl:21, Snv:9, SoS:46, Sp:*, UpC:19, Ups:*, UR:58, Yb:17, YF:13*; ap:+, atw:+, irp:+, rdb:+, v_ja:+, vdca:8, vkt:7 -- A:70/33, M:69/24, TH:***
  74. Lil Baby: My Turn (Quality Control) {68}: Alt:73, BB:6, Clv:36, Cmp:2, Dag:20, GC:13, Gg:39, HNH:2, MoM:12, N:7, NPR:30, Okp:9, Pf:47, PW:6, Sl:34, Up:14, Up_h:6, UpC:20; ri:5, sg_r:3, sl:10, vbhk:1, vbp:1, vcj:1, ved:3, vjhw:1, vjly:5, vjmy:5, vmdv:3, xkb:+, xxl:+ -- A:64/4, TH:**
  75. Ariana Grande: Positions (Republic) {67}: 45:34, BB:11, Cl:49*, Cmp:36, CS:*, Ex:*, G:40, GC:26, Gg:41, Glm:16, GQ:7, HV:28, Ins:10, LAT:6*, LBF:*, MoM:14, NDO:16, NF:4, NPR_l:35, NYT:*, O:*, PB:20, PCv:20, Pf_r:30, PM:*, Ps:25, RS:22, SoS:96, Up:20, Up_p:4, V:*; ny_c:+, pm_s:8, scp:3, sl:+, tck:9, ust:4, vcj:9, wwl:2, xbf:+, xrc:5 -- A:67/21, M:72/23, TH:*
  76. Irreversible Entanglements: Who Sent You? (International Anthem) {67}: AAJ:*, AM:+*, Bc:+*, Btz:42, CM:+, Crz:41, DB:*, FJ:*, JC:24, Mj:*, Oy:39, P:*, PJ:73, PO:+, TN:+, Tr:41, W:21, Zf:23; am_j:+, aqd:+, bc_j:3*, bv_j:5, jap:6, jdku:1, jdsu:+, jfn:+, jhs:+, jin:9, jjc:+, jjo:1, jjz:4, jmsc:5, jrw:2, mj_j:2, sg_j:2*, tbm:4, tr_j:+, tgl:11, vak:2, vbc:+, vpf:2, xsa:5, yds:+, ygb:10 -- A:83/3, TH:A-
  77. Jyoti [Georgia Anne Muldrow]: Mama, You Can Bet! (SomeOthaShip) {67}: AM:*, Bc:+*, CW:19, E_UK:25, Ex:*, JC:28, JW:17, LQ:38*, Mj:*, NPR:27, PM:41, PO:+, PW:18, Rdx:35, U:*, XLR:+; am_j:+, aqd:+, bv_fp:+, bv_j:6, bv_kr:+, jaa:2, jbbr:1, jcb:8, jdo:2, jin:3, jse:4, jth:1, n_ap:6, n_sp:+, nat:+, npr_lo:6, npr_nc:4, npr_oh:7, npr_su:3, ny_p:9, pm_s:5, sl:12, so_k:10, tr_j:+, vbr:10, vjdn:4, vjmy:10, vma:4, ycct:6, yfb:7, ynn:+ -- A:83/4, M:84/4, TH:**
  78. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever: Sideways to New Italy (Sub Pop) {67}: AM:*, BIB:+, BPM:*, CM:+, Crh:22, DaB:46, DJ:10, Dr:75, Dv:21, FB:5, FO:20, Gl:+*, Hi:18, LI:64, Lt:22, Mg:25, Mj:75*, MM:73, Ms:43, Mz:20, NF:43, NME:*, NR:40, O:*, P:*, Pc:8, PJ:45, RS:*, RT:10, S45:35, Sb:15, Sbd:37, SE:57, Sg:+, SMH:*, Try:45, U:26*, Ups:*, UR:34*, YF:39; tm:8, xci:+, xej:*, xhs:+, xjdc:35, xjlu:9, yjed:2 -- A:73/19, M:81/15, TH:**
  79. Billy Nomates: Billy Nomates (Invada) {65}: BIB:12, BV:53, DW:1, LW:18*, MuL:1, NF:34, PJ:19, PO:+, Rx:7; cp:7, js:3, vrmo:2, xbl:10, xci:5, xdws:1, xej:10, xgm:5, xjc:6, xjd:9, xjdc:15, xjl:7, xjlu:8, xpb:1, xsa:2, xscw:4, xsp:7, xtj:1, ygc:+, yrm:3 -- RC:A, TH:A-
  80. Andy Shauf: The Neon Skyline (Anti-) {65}: Alt:55, AM:*, BB:+, CD:46, Cl:*, CS:48, Dus:*, Ex:13*, FO:24, Got:5, Jp:31, KX:82, LI:82, LQ:*, LW:29, MM:27, Mw:4, Ni:7, Now:*, NR:42*, NT:19*, P:*, PJ:73, PM:*, Q:*, S45:18, SC:*, SE:131, Sg:34, Up_i:24, UR:27, WHP:4; atl:+, ca_d:10, ca_o:8, cc:8, hc_d:+, hs:+, now:4, p_r:+, vew:4, xci:+, ycp:5, yng:+ -- A:82/12, M:81/12, TH:**
  81. Chris Stapleton: Starting Over (Mercury Nashville) {65}: AM:*, AS:18, BB:13, BS:17, Ch:24, Clv:39, E:+, GC:49, Gl:++*, I:31*, Id:20, LW:16, ND_r:5, Ne:13*, NPR_l:43, NS:2, RS:44, SE:78, SoS:56, TL:18, U:*, V:*; am_c:+, bg_u:+, ec:+, ljs:9, ny_c:11, p_c:+, scm:+*, scm_m:2, sdu:5, sl:+, sln:+, spt:1, st_b:10, tbt:10, vbs:7, vmp:+, vu:7, yds:+, yng:8 -- A:78/8, M:83/7, TH:**
  82. AC/DC: Power Up (Columbia) {64}: AD:*, AM:+*, CD:35, ClR:1*, CS:44*, Dag:5, Di:4, DW:72, Gl:*, I:*, K:18*, L:1, Mj:*, MO:36*, NME:*, PO:+, RS:45, RS_Ar:24, SE:14, Si:19, SMH:*, SoT:21, T:*, TL:91, U:*, UCR:3; am_k:+, irp:+, jhs:2, lwr:+, onm:+, rte:++, se_p:11, sfe:2, vkt:5 -- A:76/19, M:79/18, TH:B
  83. Jeff Rosenstock: No Dream (Polyvinyl) {64}: Alt:2, AV:15, BPM:31, BV:10, BV_p:1, Ch:19, DaB:39, DW:68, Ex:*, Fa:31, Gg:51, Hi:47, Mx:27, Ne:32*, NPR_l:38, NR:7*, Pf:*, Pf_r:42, Pn:*, RY:31, Sbd:4, Sg:24, Spk:12, Trk:26, Up_i:23, UpC:29, UR:71*, YW:30; bb:4, mic:+, ny_z:9, p_r:+, pf_k:+, ri:9, sa:14, van:4, vasa:8, vjba:2, vjga:4, ycp:6 -- M:85/6, TH:B
  84. Moses Boyd: Dark Matter (Exodus) {63}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Bc:+*, BV:55, C:24*, Cl:41*, DB:*, Dr:5, Du:6, G:*, JC:+, LBF:*, LQ:7*, Mj:24*, MO:25*, NME:*, O:*, Pc:21, PO:+, Q:*, RM:4, So:4, Trk:31, U:12*, VF:22, W:*, Zf:44; am_j:+, bv_j:2, g_e:9, jak:+, jhs:+, mj_j:3, rd:+, sg_j:*, sl:+, tr_j:+, whf:+ -- A:80/13, M:83/10, TH:**
  85. US Girls: Heavy Light (4AD) {63}: AM:*, C:*, Dr:88, E_UK:24, EW:*, Ex:11*, G:31, GTV:*, LBF:*, LCA:27, LQ:*, Mj:74*, Mx:39, NF:55, Noj:50, NR:13, NT:*, O:*, OC:41, P:19*, Pf:15*, PJ:55, Q:*, Rec:44, Sbd:34, SC:*, Sk:*, SMH:*, SoS:34, U:*, UpC:47, UR:55*, YF:*, Zf:48; am_i:+, blw:+, now:1, now_t:2, npr_rd:7, p_r:+, pf_k:+, so_d:18, verd:9, vkk:3, vma:2, xrr:2, vsr:8, yjc:10 -- A:80/19, M:83/15, TH:B-
  86. Susan Alcorn Quintet: Pedernal (Relative Pitch) {61}: AAJ:*, Cpu:1, FJ:2*, JC:12, Qt:77; bc_j:*, fd:1, jbs:7, jda:9, jdbk:3, jdg:7, jdo:7, jeh:3, jhs:+, jjm:6, jjs:5, jkc:5, jlbi:8, jmy:8, jno:+, jpa:2, jpm:2, jrb:9, jrd:5, jrh:8, jri:2, jrs:+, jry:8, jsb:9, jtb:2, jth:4, pg_rs:9, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, sl:+, vjcl:10, ydn:4 -- TH:**
  87. Halsey: Manic (Capitol) {60}: ABC:8, Alt:53, AM:*, BB:18, Cl:19, CS:*, EW:*, Ex:*, G:*, GC:11, I:*, Id:50, Ins:5, Jp:38, LAT:*, LBF:*, MO:43*, MoM:28, NME:*, O:*, PB:9, PCv:7, PO:+, Ps:7, Q:*, RS:25*, Sl:28*, Up_p:12, YF:45*; ap:+, gu:15, iad:8, mm:+, sc:8, tm:4, vjj:6, wwl:18 -- A:76/20, M:80/18, TH:***
  88. Arca: KiCk i (XL) {59}: AM:*, BPM:*, Btz:32, C:*, Dz:3, Ex:*, Glm:24, GMD:32, IS:35, Jp:44, Kp:3, LCA:42, LI:32, LQ:*, Mgn:11, MO:*, Mz:15, N:57, NF:35, NME:*, Noj:14, NT:*, O:*, P:*, Pf:41, Pf_r:39, Qt:75, Sl:29*, Sg:32, Top:50, Tr:47, Zf:33; am_e:+, bl:1, ms_e:+, pf_e:+, pm_x:7, sa:16, tr_e:5, vhp:10, wo:+, xci:+, xgm:+, yrs:4 -- A:78/16, M:78/11, TH:*
  89. Hum: Inlet (Earth Analog) {59}: ABC:27, Alt:23, AM:*, Bc:*, BPM:*, BV:8, Ch:16, DW:62, HuN:28, KX:76, LCA:20, Mx:5, N:24, NT:18*, OC:40, P:28*, PJ:17, SC:*, Sg:11, Spk:24*, Tr:18, UpC:35, Vi:22; am_k:+, bv_fp:+, ca_d:8, ca_o:10, io:4, lwr:+, p_r:+, sa:8, up_sh:20, van:5, vasa:7, vaz:2, ver:9, vrb:6, xjsp:+, yjsb:+, ykt:+, yrs:2 -- A:82/5, TH:B
  90. Touche Amore: Lament (Epitaph) {59}: Alt:9, BPM:40, BV:43, BV_p:7, Ch:4, DIY:*, Ex:*, Gw:*, HuN:32, K:11*, LBF:*, Ms:6, Mw:37, Mx:36, N:28, NME:*, NR:16*, OC:37, Pf:*, Plt:17, Pu:2, Rev:24, Sbd:12, Sg:8, Sl:13, Ups:*, Vi:20; ap:+, mic:2, mkk:4, njc:10, pf_k:+, rks:+ -- A:78/15, TH:**
  91. Bonny Light Horseman: Bonny Light Horseman (37d03d) {58}: AS:*, BB:+, BV:15, Crz:47, Dus:*, Ex:*, Gf:6, KX:56, Mj:66*, MO:*, ND:1, ND_r:32, NPR_l:45, P:34*, PJ:47, RM:89, RT:80, SC:16*, Trk:6, U:38*, UpC:31; aqd:+, atl:+, bg_u:+, fa:+, gu:4, jfkz:+, mic:10, mj_f:1, ms_a:7, npr_ap:8, pm_f:13, rld:+, sdu:+, vasa:6, vej:7, verd:8, vjk:+, xsa:+, yjed:7 -- A:76/9, M:79/11, TH:B
  92. Code Orange: Underneath (Roadrunner) {58}: BV:46, Cl:*, CS:*, Dag:16, DVk:10, Ex:44, G:*, HuN:7, I:37*, K:1*, L:31, N:93, Ne:10*, NF:58, NME:*, NPR:18, NR:*, Pu:1, Q:*, Rev:2, Rf:5, Sbd:5, Sg:+, Ups:*; ap:+, npr_lg:5, ny_c:+, rdb:+, rks:+ -- A:85/11, TH:B
  93. Carla Bley/Steve Swallow/Andy Sheppard: Life Goes On (ECM) {57}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, JC:6, JW:8; g_j:3, jbu:6, jbw:9, jck:4, jdg:1, jdr:9, jek:1, jfkz:+, jha:9, jjha:7, jjs:6, jlb:3, jls:1, jma:2, jmb:1, jpl:7, jrh:6, jsd:5, nat:+, pg_rs:6, sg_j:*, tbm:18, tg:+, tr_j:+, vce:4, vjso:3, vrg:3, vsd:3 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  94. Elizabeth Cook: Aftermath (Agent Love) {57}: AS:*, DW:67, ND:18, ND_r:23, NF:38, NS:9, PJ:24, PM:*, PO:+, RS:43*, Rx:34, TL:3, U:*; js:4, ljs:20, mm:+, vrjs:+, vrmo:+, xbf:+, xbl:2, xbw:+, xcg:10, xej:5, xem:5, xgh:+, xgm:3, xjd:+, xjdc:4, xjlu:10, xmb:8, xkm:1, xscw:+, xtl:6, yzy:7 -- A:80/2, M:84/4, RC:A-, TH:A-
  95. Pearl Jam: Gigaton (Monkeywrench/Republic) {57}: ABC:29, Al:94, AM:*, ClR:7, CS:10*, Di:15, EE:16, EW:*, Fld:*, FO:26, G:*, Gig:*, Gw:*, K:6*, KX:29, L:16, LBF:*, Mj:44*, MO:*, NPR_l:34, Oy:40, PM:*, Q:*, Rf:22, RS:*, RS_I:20, S:*, SE:40, Sp:*, T:*, UCR:6, UR:*, V:*, Vi:42, YF:*; am_k:+, bg_t:+, irp:+, lwr:+, mkk:7, vdk:6, vro:10 -- A:77/28, TH:B
  96. Beabadoobee: Fake It Flowers (Dirty Hit) {56}: ABC:39, Alt:34, AM:*, BB:31, Cl:23*, CS:23*, D:13, DIY:*, Dz:11, E:+, Ex:*, Fa:40, FO:18, HP:50, I:*, L:33, LBF:*, MO:*, NME:*, Rf:40, RM:49, RS:39, S:22, SE:48, Sl:*, Spk:*, TS:+, Up:47, Up_i:16, UR:46*, VF:11, Yb:20; am_p:+, cm:3, df:+, gu:3, pm_ir:10, rx:+, tbt:7, up_sh:19, vdca:10, wwl:5 -- A:78/21, M:81/18, TH:**
  97. The Beths: Jump Rope Gazers (Carpark) {56}: ABC:26, AM:*, AS:*, AU:23, BIB:30, D:*, DIY:*, Dus:*, Ex:*, Gl:*, GTV:*, KX:38, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mg:10, Mj:*, NR:23*, NT:*, PJ:23, PM:*, RS:*, RT:22, Sbd:7, SC:*, Ups:*, UR:14*, Vi:49, YF:*, YW:44; bg_t:+, mm:+, pm_ip:+, rnz:2, ves:4, vkk:7, xbw:+, xci:+, xgm:18, xhs:8, xrc:6, xsa:+, yjf:19, yjk:8, yjsb:+, ykt:+, yti:+ -- A:80/24, M:78/17, TH:*
  98. Brandy Clark: Your Life Is a Record (Warner Nashville) {56}: AM:+*, AS:*, CU:6, EW:14, HV:15, NS:4, PJ:67, Q:*, Rx:39, SE:8, TL:7, V:*; am_c:+, hc_g:10, js:6, p_c:+, scm:+*, scm_m:4, sl:8, v_cw:+, xbf:+, xbw:++, xgm:25, xjc:5, xjdc:29, xsp:8, xtl:7, xwb:3, yjl:10, yrm:9, yzy:3 -- A:81/4, RC:A-, TH:A-
  99. Georgia: Seeking Thrills (Domino) {56}: 45:20, AM:*, D:7*, DIY:*, Dr:65, G:*, Gf_D:20, Gw:46, Hi:50, I:33*, Id:11, Jp:46, LI:75, LQ:9*, MO:*, Ni:6, NME:*, NR:+, Pc:50, PM:31*, Q:*, Qt:*, RM:35, RT:24, Sk:*, Sp:*, Top:11, TS:9, U:*, UR:*; p_p:+, pm_ep:2, rx:+, st:9, xde:3 -- A:77/21, M:78/18, TH:***
  100. Mary Lattimore: Silver Ladders (Ghostly International) {56}: ACL:3, AM:+*, Bc:+, BPM:*, BV:47, Dr:2, DS:7, Dus:*, Ex:*, GB:50, Mj:*, MM:5, MO:*, No:47, NPR:34, Pf:50, PJ:18, Qt:35*, RM:51, SMH:*, SoS:50, Tr:25, U:*, W:39, XLR:+; am_e:+, aqd:+, bv_fp:+, ca_o:4, hc_d:+, n_ap:3, rld:+, tr_e:3, vrjs:+, vspt:10, whf:+, ydn:+, yps:10 -- A:82/10, M:85/10, TH:*
  101. Rudresh Mahanthappa: Hero Trio (Whirlwind) {56}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, FJ:*, JC:9, JT:4, JW:16, TN:+; bc_j:*, fd:7, ghj:1, jag:3, jbbr:9, jbs:6, jdg:8, jek:4, jgg:8, jjm:+, jkws:6, jlv:3, jmc:2, jmn:3, jmr:6, jms:4, jnt:4, jrb:8, jri:10, jrm:+, jsf:1, jtn:5, jtr:+, pm_j:+, sdu_j:7, sg_j:*, vjso:9 -- TH:A-
  102. Oneohtrix Point Never: Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (Warp) {56}: AM:+*, AV:16, CD:13, Cl:*, CS:31, Fld:7*, FO:28, GB:18, IS:50, LCA:23, LI:45, LQ:*, Mj:*, MM:8, MO:42*, Mw:44, Oy:28, Pf_r:48, PJ:95, Rdx:49, RS_I:13, S:*, S45:6, Sb:81, Sg:7, SoS:58, U:*, UR:66; am_e:+, bl:2, lib:7, mm:+, ms_e:6, pm_x:2, sa:9, tr_e:14, vmp:+, yrs:6 -- A:76/12, M:81/11, TH:*
  103. Sorry: 925 (Domino) {56}: 45:10, AM:*, Cl:*, Crh:28, D:15*, DIY:5*, Dr:72, DS:+, GTV:12*, Gw:32*, LBF:*, LQ:16*, Mj:*, MM:19, NBH:5, NME:*, Pc:55, Q:*, Sb:94, Sg:20, Spk:42*, Top:5, Trk:20, UR:35*, Zf:38; fms:+, van:7, vgb:2, yju:9 -- A:79/18, M:79/15, TH:**
  104. Sun Ra Arkestra: Swirling (Strut) {56}: AAJ:*, JC:25, JT:9, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, Qt:97, RS_D:48, TN:+, W:27, Zf:17; aqd:+, bc_j:8*, ghj:+, jaa:4, jdbs:3, jdku:7, jhs:+, jjs:8, jjsn:1, jls:5, jmc:18, jpq:4, jth:3, pg_rs:18, sd:10, sdu_j:6, sg_j:*, sl:+, tr_j:+, vce:5, vrg:1, vsd:5, ybb:5, yrhg:3 -- A:83/4, M:82/4, TH:A-
  105. Open Mike Eagle: Anime Trauma and Divorce (Auto Reverse) {55}: Al:76, AM:*, BPM:1*, BV_r:23, Cl:22*, DIY:*, HG:57, LBF:19*, LQ:30*, P:33, Pf:*, PO:+, PW:22, Rf:12, Rx:59, Sbd:49; am_h:+, atw:+, n_sp:+, npr_rc:10, ri:7, st_r:8, tr_h:+, v_ab:5, vasp:3, vdcm:7, vew:3, wsj:+, xbf:+, xci:+, xej:+, xpb:+, ycct:3 -- A:81/7, RC:A-, TH:A-
  106. Gil Scott-Heron: We're New Again: A Reimagining by Makaya McCraven (XL) {55}: A3:11, AM:*, C:*, Cl:*, Cpu:12, Dr:7, Dus:*, Ex:*, FJ:*, G:*, LBF:17*, Mu:44, Mw:23, No:7, Pf:*, PJ:89, PO:+, Q:*, Rdx:50, RS_D:15, SC:*, Sp:*, Trk:39, U:*, W:*; aqd:+, bv_j:10, jak:4, mm:+, fst:+, ti:8, vjk:3, vkf:1, xcg:1, xej:7, xjdc:52, xsa:+, xsp:+, xtj:7 -- A:83/9, TH:**
  107. Flo Milli: Ho, Why Is You Here? (RCA) {55}: BB:37, BV:51, BV_r:9, C:26, Cmp:20, Fa:4, GC:34, HS:15, HV:14, IR:9, N:2, NPR:13, RS:15, Up:16, Up_h:7; am_h:+, atl:+, hc:4, hc_g:8, n_sp:+, not:+, npr_lh:2, npr_sm:6, ny_c:8, ri:+, sg_r:8, sl:+, tr_h:+, vmdv:4, vu:+, wo:+, xpb:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
  108. Thurston Moore: By the Fire (Daydream Library) {55}: AM:*, AS:2, ClR:*, Gl:+, LBF:*, LCA:43, Mj:40*, MO:*, MuL:3, Mw:15, Mz:9, NME:*, Oy:33, Pc:62, PJ:61, Qt:*, RC:7*, Rf:4, RM:22, RT:17, Sb:8, Top:30, Try:9, U:*; am_i:+, aqd:+, cc:2, vbc:10, vjk:+, xjdc:58, yti:+ -- AM:80/10, M:88/7, TH:**
  109. Lido Pimienta: Miss Colombia (Anti-) {55}: AM:+*, BB:+, Bc:*, Btz:17, BV:40, C:13, Ex:7*, LCA:32, Ms:25, Ne:21*, NME:*, NPR:3, P:30, Pf:*, PO:+, RS:*, S45:43, SoS:23, WHP:24, Zf:20; am_w:+, ms_w:1, now:3, npr_af:3, npr_fc:3, npr_sf:1, npr_l:+, npr_st:5, npr_su:7, p_p:+, sdu:4, sol_am:+, v_ja:10 -- A:82/6, TH:**
  110. Westside Gunn: Pray for Paris (Griselda) {55}: BPM:48, BV:14, BV_r:4, C:41, Clv:30, Cmp:9, CS:41, DW:47, Em:*, GC:44, HDX:+*, HG:58, HNH:7, Mgn:17, Ni:28, Pf:*, PO:+, PW:13, Rx:64, SoS:82, Up:40, Up_h:15, UpC:49; hyb:13, npr_rc:7, vasa:4, vdvn:8, vew:5, vjmy:7, vkl:8, vmrv:9, xci:+, xjdc:24, xxl:+, ycw:+, yjsb:+ -- A:77/4, RC:A-, TH:*
  111. The Avalanches: We Will Always Love You (Island) {54}: ABC:6, AD:*, AM:*, CS:*, DaB:33, DIY:*, Got:20, I:18*, IR:10, Jp:21, LBF:*, LI:39, Mc:20, Mz:37, NF:25, Ni:24, NME:*, Pc:26, PJ:31, RS:*, SC:*, Sl:*, SoS:57, T:*, U:*, UR:98*, YF:48; blw:1, les:+, ty_e:7, v_ja:2, vew:8, xbf:+, xgm:15, xrt:3, ycp:+, yzy:9 -- A:80/16, TH:**
  112. Nadine Shah: Kitchen Sink (Infectious Music) {54}: AD:*, Al:91, AM:*, Cl:*, CW:13, DIY:*, E_UK:38, Hu:17, I:36, L4:14, LBF:*, LW:12, Mc:19, Mj:53*, MO:5*, NME:*, NR:+, Pc:39, O:*, Q:*, Qt:8*, Rec:20, RM:26, Sbd:20, SoS:29, T:*, TS:10, U:64*, UR:62, Vi:38; bb6:6, bbc:+, p_r:+, st:10 -- A:81/16, M:86/14, TH:**
  113. Lori McKenna: The Balladeer (CN) {53}: AM:*, CU:22, DW:24, Gl:*, NS:16, P:*, PJ:38, PM:*, PO:+, TL:17, YF:40; am_f:+, cp:3, js:7, scm:+++*, voh:2, vrmo:+, xbf:+, xbl:8, xbw++, xci:+, xgm:3, xjd:3, xjdc:16, xjl:4, xscw:9, xsp:1, yjl:1, yrb:8 -- A:79/4, M:83/5, RC:A, TH:A-
  114. Matthew Shipp Trio: The Unidentifiable (ESP-Disk) {53}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, JC:7, JT:22, TN:6; fd:3, jah:6, jap:8, jas:9, jb:+, jbs:8, jdbs:4, jel:5, jff:7, jfk:8, jgy:8, jjm:4, jjs:4, jka:2, jlb:5, jlbi:3, jnt:8, jrk:8, jry:7, jsa:10, jsd:8, jtb:3, sg_j:3*, vbc:+, vjso:10, vpf:3, vsd:1 -- TH:A-
  115. Charles Lloyd: 8: Kindred Spirits (Live From the Lobero) (Blue Note) {52}: AAJ:*, Gl:*, JC:5, JW:3, NYT:*, TN:+; jahk:+, jahn:2, jbs:4, jbu:5, jcb:6, jfk:2, jhs:+, jjs:2, jld:1, jma:5, jmju:4, jpq:5, jrsc:3, jrw:7, jth:5, pg_rs:7, ph:4, sdu_j:1, sg_j:*, sl:+, vjso:2, ycy:10 -- TH:**
  116. Pa Salieu: Send Them to Coventry (Warner Music UK) {52}: BV_r:11, C:47, Cl:11*, DIY:*, Du:1, Dz:1, G:*, GB:3, LQ:*, N:15, NME:*, O:*, Oy:12, Pf:*, PW:9, Qt:9, So:15, SoS:27, Zf:46; cmp:7, not:+, now_a:8, pm_h:14, sl:+, vamp:6, via:7, vuk:5, wo:+ -- A:82/7, M:85/6, TH:**
  117. Doves: The Universal Want (Heavenly) {51}: ABC:18, AD:*, Al:*, BIB:20, Cl:*, Crh:36, FO:32, G:*, Gf:28, Gl:*, GTV:*, I:*, KX:65, LBF*, Mj:60*, MO:*, NBH:22, NME:*, NT:*, P:*, Pc:29, PM:39*, Q:*, Rec:26, Rf:7, Sbd:32, SoS:63, T:*, U:73*, UR:12*, XSN:1; bb6:9, gu:12, rld:+, rte:+, rx:+, sjm:3, xsa:+ -- A:80/21, M:80/17, TH:B
  118. Kehlani: It Was Good Until It Wasn't (TSNMI/Atlantic) {51}: 45:28, AM:*, BB:32, Cl:*, Cmp:23, Dag:6, DS:+, DW:26, E_UK:37, G:*, GC:36, HDX:+, HS:6, I:*, LBF:*, Okp:11, PO:+, Ps:39, Rx:42, Sg:48, T:*, Up:37, Up_r:3; am_k:+, hyb:9, is_h:16, sl:+, st_r:9, vamp:5, vhg:9, vmdv:2, vmrv:7, xjdc:48 -- A:74/11, RC:A-, TH:A-
  119. Ron Miles: Rainbow Sign (Blue Note) {51}: AM:*, DB:*, JC:8, JT:28; am_j:+, jah:2, jbm:3, jbs:1, jbu:1, jbw:2, jdo:4, jdsu:3, jgy:2, jrk:1, jfkz:+, jjha:10, jjo:8, jjs:7, jkc:8, jla:4, jme:2, jmh:8, jmw:8, jsf:10, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, vjso:1, vwl:9, yfb:1 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  120. Beatrice Dillon: Workaround (PAN) {50}: AM:*+, C:16*, E_UK:14, G:22*, Got:39, IS:44, LBF:*, Mgn:18, Mj:*, Mz:10, Pf:33*, PM:22, Q:*, Qt:23, RA:13*, Re:19, S45:11, SoS:36, U:*, VF:14, W:1*; am_e:+, mj_e:1, pf_e:+, pm_e:3, rld:+ -- A:83/5, M:87/8, TH:**
  121. Rob Mazurek/Exploding Star Orchestra: Dimensional Stardust (International Anthem) {50}: AAJ:*, AM:*, CM:+, DB:*, JC:19, PO:+; aqd:+, bc_j:*, jah:4, jbkw:7, jbs:5, jdg:6, jdku:6, jhs:+, jjm:5, jka:3, jkc:10, jls:2, jmj:5, jpm:6, jsd:4, jtb:4, jtc:9, mj_j:7, pg_ad:13, pg_rs:16, sg_j:*, vrg:+, vsd:7, xrt:14, ybb:1, yjed:+, yrhg:1 -- A:90/1, TH:A-
  122. Jehnny Beth: To Love Is to Live (Caroline) {49}: 45:38, AM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, DS:21, Dus:*, G:*, GTV:43*, Gw:24*, HuN:39, I:*, LI:41, LW:17, Mg:21, MM:65, MO:*, Ms:18, Mz:46, NBH:45, NME:*, NT:*, OC:47, P:*, PM:51*, Q:*, Rf:28, RS:26*, SMH:*, T:*, Top:10, UR:95*, Vi:18, YF:*; fms:+, npr_ap:10, rld:+, sfe:7, vjk:9 -- A:78/22, M:81/15, TH:*
  123. Childish Gambino: 3.15.20 (RCA) {49}: ABC:3, Al:*, AM:+*, Cmp:+, CS:*, E_UK:48, G:*, HP:21, Ins:16, KX:37, LAT:*, LBF:*, Mc:32, NME:*, NF:8, Noj:29, NT:*, O:*, PM:14*, PO:+, Q:*, SoS:5, TS:+, Yb:12, YW:2; am_r:+, pm_s:6, sdu:+, v_ja:3, vdvn:4, xej:* -- A:81/11, TH:B
  124. Gorillaz: Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez (Parlophone) {49}: A3:25, ABC:45, AD:*, Cl:*, Crz:25, DaB:36, Di:22, DIY:*, Fld:24, FO:44, G:*, Gf_D:6, HP:24, HuN:26, I:*, KX:15, LBF:*, LI:8, LW:*, Mj:*, MM:60, MO:*, Mx:20, Ne:12*, NME:*, O:*, PM:29, SC:14, SE:134, SoS:38, V:*, YF:27, Zf:66; irp:+, onm:+, rld:+, rnz:13, vro:6, yti:+ -- A:78/19, M:81/15, TH:*
  125. Crack Cloud: Pain Olympics (Meat Machine) {48}: 3v:18, AM:*, BIB:8, BPM:17*, Btz:41, C:25, DIY:13*, Dr:42, GMD:2, GTV:17*, Gw:*, LBF:*, LQ:19*, Mw:1, NME:*, NT:*, Pf:*, PW:26, Q:*, Qt:*, Rf:54, RM:67, Sb:48, Try:4; fms:+, rld:+ -- A:85/10, M:87/8, TH:*
  126. Miley Cyrus: Plastic Hearts (RCA) {48}: ABC:50, Cl:*, DIY:*, DW:15, GC:50, Glm:20, HV:7, I:*, Id:21, Ins:17, LBF:*, MO:*, NDO:11, NME:*, PB:4, PCv:15, Ps:31, RS:23, RS_Ar:20, RSh:14, S:*, SE:47, T:*, TL:50, YF:18; hc:9, nyl:+, onm:+, p:6, usw:10, wo:+, wwl:20, xscw:8 -- A:74/11, M:79/10, TH:**
  127. Four Tet: Sixteen Oceans (Microhouse) {48}: ABC:11, AU:16, Crh:23, DaB:43, DJ:11, Dr:17, DS:+, E_UK:31, Got:17, GTV:57, Mgn:6, NBH:35, Ni:32, Pc:16, PM:46*, RA:*, RM:39, RS:30, RT:30, S45:10, So:14, SoS:60, Spk:38, Top:26, Trk:32; dn:3, edmt:6, fst:+, ms_e:5, pm_e:11, rld:+, ty_e:19, whf:+ -- A:69/5, M:74/8, TH:*
  128. KA: Descendants of Cain (Iron Works) {48}: AM:+*, BPM:46, BV_r:22, Cmp:+, HG:5, HV:2, N:83, NR:43, Pf:35*, PW:14, Rx:56, S:13, Sg:42, SoS:81, Tr:33; am_h:+, n_sp:+, sg_r:4, sl:+, tr_h:+, ty_h:3, via:6, vmrv:4, vnp:5, vtjk:8, vu:+, xci:+, xjdc:66, vzs:7, xxl:+, yng:7 -- A:80/4, TH:***
  129. King Krule: Man Alive! (True Pather) {48}: AM:*, BPM:25*, Bq:15, C:21*, Cl:*, Cmp:+, DaB:23, Ex:*, FO:17, GB:41, Gl:*, Got:31, IS:10, LI:12, LQ:34*, Mu:21, Ne:48*, NME:*, NR:*, O:*, P:*, Pf_r:43, Q:*, RT:54, Sb:4, SC:13, Sl:23, Sp:*, UR:*, YF:*; fst:+, rld:+, sa:7, vmp:+, vu:+ -- A:74/18, TH:B
  130. Stephen T Malkmus: Traditional Techniques (Matador) {47}: AM:+*, AS:*, BIB:18, Btz:34, Dr:20, Got:11, LBF:*, LI:83, LQ:*, Mj:27*, PJ:47, Q:*, RS:36, RSh:11, SE:3, Sk:*, Sl:*, U:16*, W:*; am_f:+, aqd:+, azr:12, bz:3, cct:13, npr_rd:6, pf_k:+, rld:+, xbf:+, ygb:5, ygc:+, yjsb:+ -- A:72/17, M:81/17, RC:**, TH:*
  131. Bob Mould: Blue Hearts (Merge) {47}: ABC:22, Al:52*, AM:+*, BV_p:45, Cl:*, ClR:11, KX:55, LW:*, Mj:*, PJ:13, RM:92, RS:*, RT:48, Sbd:45, SE:26, Try:14, U:*, UR:*, Vi:17, VLR:7; am_k:+, jhs:+, jmr:+, p_r:+, so_d:12, st_r:10, vjte:1, xhs:10, xgm:12, xjdc:39, ycp:+, yjl:12, yjsb:+, ykt:4, yrhg:10 -- A:81/11, M:83/6, TH:*
  132. Sturgill Simpson: Cuttin' Grass Vol 1 (The Butcher Shoppe Sessions) (High Top Mountain) {47}: AM:*, BS:16, CU:17, Gf:21, KX:66, Mj:*, Mx:35, ND:17, ND_r:3, NF:49, NPR_l:22, NS:8, PJ:92, RY:21, SE:32, TL:19, Up:18, Up_i:7; am_a:+, p_c:+, scm:+++*, spt:8, st_r:7, up_sh:11, vam:3, xbw:+, ycw:+ -- A:74/1, TH:A-
  133. Matt Berninger: Serpentine Prison (Book) {46}: AS:*, Crz:11, DIY:*, Gf_D:7, HP:39, I:*, KX:49, LBF:*, LI:84, LQ:*, LW:*, Mj:*, MM:24, MO:47*, Mz:27, NBH:33, NME:*, Noj:42, NT:*, P:*, RC:16*, Re:4, RM:24, TL:69, Trk:28, U:*, UR:67; ab_l:3, it:9, owl:+, rld:+, verd:10, voh:5 -- A:77/23, M:77/18, TH:**
  134. Car Seat Headrest: Making a Door Less Open (Matador) {46}: Al:*, AM:*, BB:+, BPM:*, DIY:*, E:+, Gl:*, IS:38, KX:14, LQ:*, Mj:63*, MM:4, NDO:14, NME:*, NR:36, NT:*, PM:55*, Q:*, RC:*, Sg:+, Sl:*, Sp:*, UR:43, WHP:23; am_i:+, azr:17, blw:8, cct:8, key:+, vbs:+, vtg:9, xbw:+, ypsc:5 -- A:74/31, M:76/20, RC:*, TH:A-
  135. Cornershop: England Is a Garden (Ample Play) {46}: AM:+*, Bc:*, BIB:+, Gw:38, I:*, LW:6, Mj:6*, O:*, PJ:75, PO:+, Q:*, Qt:*, RC:12, RS:*, RT:11, SE:36, U:30*; am_i:+, bb6:7, so_k:20, xbf:+, xgm:+, xhs:+, xjdc:71, xrc:10, xtj:10, xtl:+, yds:+, yjed:6, yjrs:2 -- A:75/7, M:82/10, RC:**, TH:A-
  136. Boldy James & the Alchemist: The Price of Tea in China (ALC/Boldy James) {46}: Alt:30, BPM:3, BV:18, BV_r:6, Cmp:24, CS:34, CW:17, HDX:+*, HG:18, HNH:21, N:55, Okp:1, Pf:*, PO:+, PW:7, RS:46, Sg:35, Up_h:25; is_h:12, sg_r:5, tr_h:+, vjfx:3, vkl:2, vmp:+, xxl:+ -- A:82/2, TH:***
  137. Yaeji: What We Drew (XL) {46}: AM:*, BB:+, Ex:*, G:*, GB:12, Glm:23, LI:56, LQ:*, Mgn:7, Mu:45, N:61, Ni:8, NME:*, O:*, Pf:49*, PW:49, Q:*, RA:4*, Rdx:40, RT:40, Sg:+, Up:22, Up_i:8, VF:27; am_e:+, bv_sd:+, fst:+, n_sp:+, pf_e:+, tr_e:8, v_ja:+, vmp:+, vuk:10 -- A:82/5, M:84/7, TH:*
  138. Baxter Dury: The Night Chancers (Heavenly) {45}: AD:*, AM:*, BIB:+, DIY:*, G:*, Gw:10*, HuN:36, LBF:*, LI:43, LQ:*, Lt:5, LW:36, Mj:59*, MM:83, MO:*, MuL:13, NME:*, Pc:13, PM:58, Q:*, Qt:45*, RC:21*, RM:31, RS_D:17, RT:92, T:*, TS:+, U:*, UR:75*, Zf:77; xsa:+ -- A:82/12, M:86/13, TH:*
  139. Spillage Village: Spilligion (Dreamville/SinceThe 80s/Interscope) {45}: AM:*, BS:3, BV_r:16, Cmp:43, Fa:20, HDX:+, HG:30, Mgn:29, Ms:12, NPR:5, PO:+, Ps:26, Up:3, Up_h:1; am_h:+, bg_b:+, ms_r:2, npr_bc:10, npr_jg:8, npr_rc:5, pm_h:6, rs_u:+, vce:3, xscw:+, xxl:+ -- TH:*
  140. Sports Team: Deep Down Happy (Island) {45}: AM:*, AU:8, Bo:20, Bq:1, Crh:14, Crz:27, D:3*, DIY:*, GQ:13, HuN:44, I:*, L4:6, LBF:*, NME:*, NR:10*, NT:*, Pc:32, Rec:22, Sb:55, Trk:41, YW:41; am_k:+, bb6:10, xgm:21 -- A:79/10, M:76/8, TH:***
  141. The Killers: Imploding the Mirage (Island) {44}: 45:21, ABC:38, Al:83, AM:+*, BPM:*, Ch:26, Cl:*, Crz:19, DIY:*, E:+, Ex:*, Fld:*, Hi:38, HV:9, Id:32, Jp:45, LBF:*, MO:*, Mz:45, NME:*, NPR_l:42, NR:*, NT:*, SE:62, Spk:*, T:*, TL:60, Trk:23, TS:+, Up:38, Up_i:13, V:*; am_k:+, atw:+, mic:8, rx:+, sfe:6, vu:+, xsa:+ -- A:75/231, M:77/20, TH:B
  142. Benny the Butcher: Burden of Proof (Griselda) {43}: BPM:*, Btz:39, BV:21, BV_r:5, Cl:7*, Clv:38, Cmp:5, Crz:36, CS:*, Ex:27, GC:37, HDX:+, HG:40, HNH:14, Mgn:15, N:51, PW:45, Rf:56, SoS:74, Up_h:27; bv_fp:+, ny_c:+, vbp:2, vcj:2, vjhw:10, xxl:+, yds:+, yjsb:+ -- A:77/5, TH:**
  143. Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats: Unlocked (PH/Loma Vista -EP) {43}: Bc:*, BV_r:32, Cl:*, Cmp:38, DW:18, Ex:*, GMD:39, HDX:+*, LBF:*, Mgn:30, Ne:49*, NF:32, Ni:39, OC:49, PO:+, Re:12, RR:*, RT:86, SoS:91, Spk:*, VF:9, W:*, Yb:5, YF:20, Zf:71; am_h:+, bc_h:*, is_h:11, pm_h:12, tr_h:+, xbf:+, xci:+, vjmy:9 -- A:82/7, M:81/9, TH:*
  144. Keith Jarrett: Budapest Concert (ECM -2CD) {43}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Cpu:9, JC:16, JT:14, Lt:39, TN:+; af_pr:+, am_j:+, g_c:9, jdg:4, jdl:10, jel:4, jgz:4, jjs:1, jjwd:6, jla:2, jmju:14, jrb:8, jrh:7, jsd:3, jslo:3, jsw:8, npr_nc:3, pg_rs:12, sdu_j:3, tr_j:+ -- A:80/1, TH:**
  145. Low Cut Connie: Private Lives (Contender) {43}: AM:+*, ClR:40, DW:44, Gl:++, PJ:40, PM:27*, RS:34, Rx:49, SE:5, TL:74; am_k:+, cp:10, key:+, ljs:2, mm:+, npr_kt:4, pm_a:1, vjcl:8, vrjs:+, xbw:+, xej:1, xjdc:49, xmb:2, yjed:+, yrm:8, yzy:8 -- A:77/7, M:81/6, RC:A-, TH:B
  146. Juliana Barwick: Healing Is a Miracle (Ninja Tune) {42}: ACL:1, AM:+*, C:22, DS:8, Ex:*, GB:29, GTV:97, IR:+, IS:48, LBF:14, LQ:*, MM:78, MO:22*, N:65, NR:*, OC:42, P:24, Pf:*, PO:+, Q:*, Qt:*, Rdx:32, RM:36, SoS:21, U:59*, VF:47; am_i:+, bc_a:+, n_sp:+, pm_b:10, vkk:10, wsj:+ -- A:76/14, M:78/10, TH:B
  147. Gard Nilssen's Supersonic Orchestra: If You Listen Carefully the Music Is Yours (Odin) {42}: AAJ:*, CM:+, Dv:28, FJ:*, JC:41, PJ:95, TN:+; bc_j:1*, jahk:+, jdsu:2, jff:4, jml:1, jmsc:8, jsgr:4, jtd:5, sg_j:*, xbf:10, xcg:5, xgm:1, xmb:+, xrt:2, xsa:+, ygc:+, yjrs:3 -- TH:A-
  148. The Soft Pink Truth: Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase? (Thrill Jockey) {42}: AD:*, AM:+*, BPM:*, Dr:74, E_UK:46, Ex:*, MO:20*, No:18, NR:+, Pf:31*, PM:53*, Qt:2, Rf:59, S:15, SoS:45, Spk:26, Tr:38, U:*, W:26; am_e:+, mj_e:6, pf_a:+, pf_e:+, pm_e:12, tr_e:1, ty_e:9, vhp:9, vzs:10, ydn:+ -- A:87/9, M:83/5, TH:*
  149. Nate Wooley: Seven Storey Mountain VI (Pyroclastic) {42}: AAJ:*, FJ:1*, JC:17, JT:35, Qt:56; jap:5, jbs:10, jdbk:4, jeh:2, jjw:2, jka:1, jmsc:1, jnm:10, jpm:1, jrd:4, jsb:6, jsg:1, jsp:3, jyo:3, pg:7 -- TH:*
  150. Lakecia Benjamin: Pursuance: The Coltranes (Ropeadope) {41}: AAJ:*, Cpu:3, JC:21, PO:+, Tx_j:4; bc_j:*, jb:+, jbm:5, jck:+, jdo:6, jek:3, jha:5, jhs:+, jjh:5, jjo:10, jjw:10, jmb:4, jmju:2, jmw:9, jmy:7, jrmu:+, jslo:+, jwj:3, npr_ap:+, pg_rs:4, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  151. Selena Gomez: Rare (Interscope) {41}: AM:*, BB:22, EW:*, G:45, Glm:14, HV:31, Id:5, IR:14, LAT:*, MO:*, NF:61, Pf_r:36, Ps:33, RS:24*, Sbd:40, SC:*, SE:96, TS:+, Up:30, Up_p:7, V:*; ab_m:2, hc_g:6, am_p:+, p:5, sc:9, wwl:11, xrc:3 -- A:71/10, M:76/12, TH:**
  152. Pat Metheny: From This Place (Nonesuch) {41}: AAJ:*, AD:*, AM:*, DVk:31, Gl:*, JC:26, JW:4, Mj:*, SoT:42, TN:+; am_j:+, g_j:10, jaa:8, jadh:1, jan:+, jbm:8, jdm:+, jff:8, jahn:1, jhs:+, jpq:2, jslo:1, pg:7, pg_ad:1, rc_j:6, sg_j:*, tr_j:+, vjt:8 -- TH:*
  153. 21 Savage & Metro Boomin: Savage Mode II (Slaughter Gang/Epic) {40}: BB:45, Cl:*, Cmp:6, CS:*, G:37, GC:10, GMD:44, HDX:+*, HNH:17, NME:*, NPR:45, P:*, PW:40, RS:*, S:18, Sl:49*, Snv:22, Up_h:29, UpC:48; hyb:15, npr_bc:9, ny_c:+, sl:+, vbhk:9, vbp:8, vcj:10, ved:8, vhg:8, vjhw:9, xxl:+ -- A:78/11, TH:**
  154. KeiyaA: Forever, Ya Girl (Keiya) {40}: 45:24, Bc:+, C:43, Cl:39, Cmp:50, DW:34, E_UK:15, Fa:37, G:32, Gg:50, N:26, Okp:7, P:44, Pf:22*, PO:+, SC:*; npr_sm:4, npr_su:8, rs_u:+, sl:+, tgl:13, vjcu:7, vjdn:3, vjfx:4, vmp:+, vu:+, xsa:+, yjc:5, ynn:4 -- A:82/1, TH:**
  155. Pop Smoke: Shoot for the Stars, Aim for the Moon (Republic) {40}: Cl:*, Cmp:10, FO:42, GC:8, HDX:*, HNH:13, HS:14, I:*, Mgn:27, MoM:18, NME:*, PCv:30, Snv:16, SoS:99, UpC:42, V:*, YF:*; hyb:16, npr_sm:2, ny_c:7, ri:10, sl:+, vbhk:10, ved:1, vjhw:4, vjj:8, xxl:+ -- A:70/9, M:68/11, TH:*
  156. Public Enemy: What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down? (Def Jam) {40}: ABC:28, AD:*, Al:62, AM:*, AS:6, ClR:*, DJ:48, HG:34, K:47*, NME:*, P:*, PJ:48, PO:+, RC:23, Rx:19, SE:22, Sp:*; vrmo:4, xci:+, xjc:9, yjl:15, xjy:10, xkm:3, ycs:1, yjsb:10, yrb:9, yzy:4 -- A:79/11, M:80/4, TH:A-
  157. Joshua Redman/Brad Mehldau/Christian McBride/Brian Blade: Round Again (Nonesuch) {40}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, Gl:*, JC:32, JT:16, NYT:*, TN:+; am_j:+, fd:8, g_j:8, jak:8, jb:+, jbm:10, jcah:2, jdg:10, jfkz:+, jgy:7, jgz:7, jhs:+, jjha:5, jla:10, jmr:4, jry:3, mm:+, sdu_j:+, sg_j:*, vjso:8, vjt:1 -- A:90/1, M:86/4, TH:***
  158. Steve Earle: Ghosts of West Virginia (New West) {39}: AD:*, AM:*, AS:*, ClR:33*, Cpu:6, Ex:*, Mj:*, Mx:15, ND_r:11, PM:*, PO:+, Rf:36, TL:96, TS:+, U:68*; am_a:+, am_c:+, ljs:+, mj_a:4, pm_a:14, scm:+, so_d:14, tg:+, xgm:20, xjdc:44, xmr:8, xtj:+, xtl:+, ygc:+ -- A:80/8, M:83/8, TH:***
  159. Against All Logic: 2017-2019 (Other People) {38}: Bc:*+, Cl:*, DA:17, Ex:33*, Got:36, Hi:39, IS:20, LBF:*, Mgn:14, Ms:7, Ne:26*, No:35, PW:33, RA:*, RY:37, Sg:33, SoS:1; am_e:+, atw:+, fst:+, ms_e:1 -- A:81/5, TH:***
  160. Courtney Marie Andrews: Old Flowers (Fat Possum) {38}: ABC:37, Al:73, AM:*, AS:*, CU:13, Dv:36, Ex:*, Gl:*, KX:90, Mg:18, Mj:*, ND_r:45, NME:*, NS:22, PJ:83, Q:*, RT:82, SE:91, SMH:*, TS:+, U:14*, UR:*; ab_l:8, ab_s:2, am_f:+, jfkz:+, key:+, ms_a:3, pm_f:11, scm:+, yjf:20 -- A:76/16, M:81/13, TH:*
  161. Backxwash: God Had Nothing to Do With This Leave Him Out of It (Grimalkin) {38}: DW:40, Ex:1*, GTV:26*, HuN:45, L:34, LCA:1, Ne:15*, P:16, W:11; bc_s:*, bv_sd:+, gcn:+, now_a:9, now_t:1, npr_lg:2, npr_ml:8, tr_h:+, vtk:+ -- A:90/2, RC:*, TH:**
  162. BTS: Map of the Soul: 7 (Big Hit) {38}: AM:*, BB:33, Cl:*, Clv:28, CS:12*, Ex:*, I:*, LAT:*, LBF:*, NME:*, NPR_l:18, PCv:27, Pf_r:6, Ps:28, RS:16*, RSh:10, Up_p:16, V:*, YF:*; ab_a:3, am_p:+, atl:+, scp:1, xgm:13 -- A:78/11, M:82/10, TH:*
  163. Shirley Collins: Heart's Ease (Domino) {38}: AD:*, AM:+*, Cl:*, G:*, LQ:40*, Mj:28*, MO:11*, No:21, O:*, Q:*, Qt:33*, RC:6*, RS_D:27, SC:*, U:9*, W:*; am_f:+, aqd:+, g_f:2, mj_f:3, pm_f:16, sl:+, sol_eu:+ -- A:84/13, M:86/12, TH:**
  164. Bill Frisell: Valentine (Blue Note) {38}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, JC:43, JT:5, TN:+; aqd:+, fd:+, ghj:5, jadh:2, jbbr:4, jbu:7, jdg:9, jhs:+, jkm:7, jma:9, jme:5, jmr:3, jpb:7, jtn:8, pg_ad:2, sg_j:*, vjc:3, ycy:9, yfb:5 -- TH:**
  165. Future Islands: As Long as You Are (4AD) {38}: A3:28, CS:30, E_UK:36, Id:13, KX:24, LBF:*, LQ:*, MO:46*, Mz:16, NBH:11, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, P:*, Plt:16, PM:*, S:20, Sbd:35, SoS:65, Sp:*, TO:5, U:*, UR:17; owl:+, rld:+, vkk:5, yjsb:+ -- A:76/22, TH:*
  166. Metz: Atlas Vending (Sub Pop) {38}: AM:*, Bc:+, CD:9, ClR:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, Gl:*, HuN:4, K:*, Kp:19, LQ:*, Ms:24, Mw:24, NR:+, NT:13*, Qt:*, Rf:24, RM:99, Sp:*, Try:35, U:*, Ups:*, UR:*, Vi:12; am_k:+, cc:7, gu:11, vma:5 -- A:78/16, M:80/12, TH:B
  167. Kylie Minogue: Disco (BMG) {38}: AD:*, Al:*, AM:+*, Cl:*, Di:23, G:42, Gf_D:18, Glm:18, GQ:6, I:*, Id:4, Jp:41, MO:49*, NME:*, O:*, PCv:29, Qt:36, Sl:46, V:*; am_p:+, hc_g:4, pm_s:10, sl:+, v_ab:7, vjly:6, wo:+ -- A:73/20, M:72/16, TH:**
  168. John Scofield: Swallow Tales (ECM) {38}: AAJ:*, AD:*, AM:*, DB:*, FJ:*, JT:2, JW:14, TN:+; am_j:+, fd:+, g_j:4, jcah:4, jhm:+, jjha:9, jkm:3, jme:3, jmr:7, jpb:1, jpl:4, jpq:8, jrm:+, vjc:6, vjso:5 -- A:95/2, TH:***
  169. Matthew Shipp: The Piano Equation (Tao Forms) {38}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, FJ:*, JC:38, JT:20, PM:54, PO:+, TN:+; ghj:6, jbo:7, jcg:+, jdm:+, jdr:6, jgm:2, jhs:+, jjc:+, jjo:5, jkm:4, jmc:3, jms:6, jpf:3, pm_j:+, ycy:5, vjt:7, vwl:1, ydn:7 -- TH:**
  170. Biffy Clyro: A Celebration of Endings (14th Floor) {37}: AD:*, AM:*, AS:*, Bo:18, BPM:*, Bq:12, Cl:*, ClR:26, DIY:*, Gw:*, I:*, K:2*, L:25, LBF:*, LW:*, Mc:24, Mj:*, NME:*, NR:*, NT:*, Pu:12, Q:*, Si:18, U:*, Ups:*, Vi:31; rks:+, rx:+, xsa:+ -- A:80/22, M:84/15, TH:B
  171. Black Thought: Streams of Thought Vol 3: Cane and Abel (Republic) {37}: ABC:20, Al:*, AM:*, AU:28, BV_r:13, G:*, Mx:32, NF:21, PO:+, Rf:21, Rx:27, Spk:*, TL:71; am_h:+, bv_kr:+, pm_h:1, xci:+, xgh:+, xjdc:25, yds:5, yng:+, ysh:1 -- A:78/5, RC:A-, TH:A-
  172. Drive-By Truckers: The New OK (ATO) {37}: AM:*, AS:*, ClR:27, CW:15, DW:83, GTV:69, L:35, Mg:6, Mj:*, ND_r:27, SE:82, Spk:*, Try:32, U:4, UCR:23; am_k:+, ljs:3, pm_a:11, xci:+, xej:6, xgm:10, xjdc:63, xkm:7, xmb:3 -- A:80/1, RC:***, TH:***
  173. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs: Viscerals (Rocket) {37}: AD:*, ClR:*, Crh:30, DIY:*, Dr:26, GiL:17, GTV:59*, Gw:35*, LQ:*, LW:20, MO:*, Ms:40, No:3, Pc:43, Q:*, Qt:74, RC:19*, RM:38, RT:7, Sb:49, Sbd:53, Sk:*, U:*, UR:*; am_m:+, whf:+ -- A:77/13, M:80/13, TH:B
  174. Psychedelic Furs: Made of Rain (Cooking Vinyl) {37}: ABC:14, AM:*, ClR:*, CS:*, EW:*, Gl:*, GTV:51, HV:22, LW:5*, Mj:69*, MO:*, Mz:47, Noj:36, PJ:53, PO:+, Q:*, Rf:14, SE:115, Sp:*, U:39*, VLR:1; bb:9, ygc:+, yps:+ -- A:76/15, M:78/13, TH:*
  175. Coriky: Coriky (Dischord) {36}: AM:*, BV_p:42, DW:58, Ex:*, FB:9, G:*, Gl:+, HuN:23, Mj:32*, NR:41, O:*, Pc:19, PJ:25, Pn:*, RT:33, SC:*, Try:42, W:*, Zf:43; g_e:7, jhs:+, so_k:7, vbz:8, vjte:3, xci:+, xph:+, yfb:2, yjc:8, yjsb:+ -- A:80/2, M:84/7, TH:*
  176. Dogleg: Melee (Triple Crown) {36}: Alt:3, AV:17, Bc:*, Ch:20, DaB:28, Ex:*, Fa:7, LCA:44, Ms:38, Mx:23, NR:25, P:*, Pf:34*, Pf_r:44, PO:+, Sl:50, Up_i:18, UpC:22, Ups:*; mic:5, mkk:8, njc:2, pf_k:+, vtjk:3 -- A:80/3, TH:B
  177. Polo G: The Goat (Columbia) {36}: AM:*, BB:+, BV_r:42, Clv:32, Cmp:11, CS:*, Em:*, GC:7, HDX:+*, HNH:9, N:47, Okp:+, Up:29, Up_h:10; ab_l:9, am_h:+, gcn:+, is_h:17, ms_r:9, npr_sm:7, sjm:1, tr_h:+, vml:7, xxl:+ -- A:80/3, TH:**
  178. Poppy: I Disagree (Sumerian) {36}: AM:+*, Clv:46, DIY:*, DW:48, Gw:20*, HV:18, K:23*, MO:*, Ne:42*, NME:*, PB:19, Qt:*, Rev:12, Rf:45, S:23, Sl:45, SoS:86, YF:26; am_m:+, ap:+, bg_j:+, dtm:6, lwr:+, now_t:6, vdcm:4, vdk:7 -- A:71/17, TH:*
  179. Bdrmm: Bedroom (Sonic Cathedral) {35}: AD:*, BIB:+, Cl:*, Dr:85, GTV:22, Gw:*, IS:45, LBF:*, Mj:*, NME:*, No:32, Pc:17, Rec:2, RM:5, RT:8, Sb:22, TO:11, Trk:25, Try:7, U:*, UR:* -- A:79/11, M:80/9, TH:**
  180. Jimmy Heath: Love Letter (Verve) {35}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, JC:13, JT:32; am_j:+, jag:4, jbo:1, jbw:7, jel:1, jfk:3, jgy:1, jhs:+, jlbi:4, jrmu:+, jry:1, jslo:5, jwj:1, tr_j:+ -- TH:*
  181. Teyana Taylor: The Album (Def Jam) {35}: AM:+*, BB:36, Cl:20*, Dag:4, EW:*, G:47, HDX:+, Mu:49, NME:*, Okp:13, Ps:30, Up_r:20, YF:*; am_r:+, asp:2, sl:+, vak:9, vdvn:1, vjly:4, vu:+ -- A:75/8, M:77/4, TH:***
  182. Conway the Machine: From King to a GOD (Griselda) {34}: AM:*, BV:16, BV_r:7, Cl:*, Clv:47, Cmp:12, Crz:44, CS:*, Ex:*, HDX:+*, HG:23, HNH:3, N:63, Ne:36*, Okp:+, PO:+, SoS:70, YF:*; am_h:+, ny_c:+, xxl:+, yjsb:9 -- A:80/8, M:81/6, TH:***
  183. Anna Hogberg Attack: Lena (Omlott) {34}: AAJ:*, CM:+, FJ:3*, TN:1, PO:+, So:23; jbkw:2, jeh:1, jjsh:5, jlre:9, jmsc:4, jnm:7, jpm:9, jrsc:9, sg_j:*, vspt:3, xcg:+ -- TH:***
  184. Pop Smoke: Meet the Woo 2 (Victor Victor/Republic) {34}: AM:*, BB:9, BV:26, BV_r:8, Cmp:19, DW:80, Ex:*, GMD:23, HDX:+*, HNH:6, HS:3, N:11, Ps:37, PW:50; am_h:+, mm:+, nyl:+, sg_r:10, sl:+, vmdv:5 -- A:74/4, TH:*
  185. Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou: May Our Chambers Be Full (Sacred Bones) {34}: AD:*, AM:*, CW:4, K:10*, LCA:33, LQ:*, MO:*, Mw:26, Qt:70, RM:90, Sg:47, Tr:1, Vi:16; ab_b:7, am_w:+, io:8, pm_m:12, tr_m:1, van:1 -- A:83/9, M:85/5
  186. Artemis: Artemis (Blue Note) {33}: AAJ:*, AM:*, JC:18, JT:18, TN:+; am_j:+, jan:+, jcjw:9, jel:3, jgy:9, jha:4, jkf:3, jla:7, jmr:2, jpq:7, jrmu:+, jry:2, jslo:6, jyk:6, nat:+, noj:5, sg_j:*, vjt:6 -- A:90/1, TH:**
  187. Hinds: The Prettiest Curse (Mom + Pop) {33}: AM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Gl:*, Gw:49*, LBF:46, LQ:*, MO:*, NME:*, Noj:43, NR:*, P:*, PM:*, Rx:29, SE:125, Sk:*, UR:72; xbf:+, xeh:*, xjdc:26, xjl:10, xjsp:+, xrc:7, yjl:16 -- A:78/16, M:78/15, RC:A-, TH:A-
  188. Francis Quinlan: Likewise (Saddle Creek) {33}: AM:*, CS:24*, D:*, DIY:*, Dus:*, Fa:41, Got:15, LBF:*, Mj:*, NT:*, P:*, RS:*, SE:113, Sg:+, Sk:*, SoS:83, TL:53, Tr:23, Ups:*, WHP:18; am_i:+, key:+, npr_ml:1, sl:+, xbf:+, xci:+, xhs:+ -- A:77/14, M:83/12, TH:*
  189. Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah: Axiom (Ropeadope) {33}: DB:*, JC:15; bc_j:*, bv_j:11, jbu:2, jdku:3, jek:7, jhs:+, jjo:3, jpq:6, jrh:2, jry:5, jse:1, jslo:2, pg_rs:14, rc_j:8, sg_j:9*, vjt:2, vpf:9 -- TH:***
  190. Shopping: All or Nothing (FatCat) {33}: BIB:+, CM:+, DIY:*, Dr:68, DW:84, Ex:*, FB:53, GTV:*, MO:*, PO:+, Q:*, RT:44, Try:44, U:*; aqd:+, bv_sd:+, pf_k:+, vbz:5, vjk:+, xci:+, xjdc:56, xsp:+, xtj:+, xtw:+, yju:8 -- A:73/9, M:78/12, RC:***, TH:A-
  191. Thumbscrew: The Anthony Braxton Project (Cuneiform) {33}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:14, TN:*; bc_j:*, fd:6, jal:+, jdr:7, jjc:+, jkg:6, jkm:6, jmj:4, jmy:2, jrc:2, jri:3, jsf:2, jsp:5, jyo:8, mm:+, sg_j:*, vrg:4 -- TH:A-
  192. Wire: Mind Hive (Pink Flag) {33}: AM:+*, BIB:+, Cl:*, ClR:*, Cpu:25, Dus:*, G:*, Gw:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NR:*, Pc:81, PM:*, Q:*, Qt:94*, RC:*, RM:80, RT:85, Try:11, U:*, VLR:12; am_i:+, so_d:17, vhp:5, ycp:+ -- A:77/9, M:84/14, TH:***
  193. Jessy Lanza: All the Time (Hyperdub) {32}: AM:*, Bc:+, BPM:*, Cl:26*, DS:+, Ex:*, G:44*, GB:11, Got:29, IR:17, LBF:*, LI:34, LW:*, Mgn:4, Mj:*, MO:*, Mu:23, NT:*, PM:*, Q:*, Top:23; ms_e:10, p_p:+, pf_e:+ -- A:79/17, M:82/13, TH:*
  194. James Brandon Lewis Quartet: Molecular (Intakt) {32}: AAJ:*, CM:+, FJ:*, JC:30, TN:+; fd:8, jah:1, jas:2, jck:7, jjws:9, jkws:1, jms:9, jnm:9, jpa:5, jrd:8, jsf:3, jtd:6, jth:9, sg_j:10*, vpf:10 -- TH:A-
  195. Lomelda: Hannah (Double Double Whammy) {32}: Alt:63, BPM:41*, E_UK:16, Ex:*, Fld:*, LBF:*, MM:91, MuL:16, NR:49, OC:22, Pf:37*, PM:*, RSh:9, Sg:12, UR:64*; key:+, npr_lm:5, pf_k:+, ver:4, yjsb:4 -- A:82/8, M:85/7, TH:*
  196. Ela Minus: Acts of Rebellion (Domino) {32}: AM:*, BIB:+, BPM:42*, Btz:40, G:*, GB:37, MM:42, Mu:33, NME:*, P:31*, Snv:21, Top:45, Trk:29, Try:19, UR:99, WHP:21, Zf:4; am_e:+, ms_e:7, p_p:+, vac:7, vhp:6, xpb:9 -- A:82/6, M:86/6, TH:***
  197. Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes: What Kinda Music (Beyond the Groove) {32}: A3:5, AD:*, Al:48*, Bq:9, Cl:37*, DaB:12, Dr:59, Gw:*, IS:47, LBF:*, LQ:*, Pc:48, RM:10, RT:16, Trk:15, Zf:58; fst:+, not:+ -- A:78/8, TH:**
  198. Kevin Morby: Sundowner (Dead Oceans) {32}: BIB:36, Btz:2, Dr:15, Gw:*, KX:50, LBF:*, LI:65, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, MuL:19, Mw:30, Mz:6, NBH:49, Ni:21, NT:*, OC:39, Trk:36, U:27, Up_i:27, Zf:12; aqd:+, blw:+, rld:+ -- A:73/16, M:73/11, TH:*
  199. Angel Olsen: Whole New Mess (Jagjaguwar) {32}: ABC:24, AM:+*, BS:11, Cl:*, CS:*, DIY:*, Dr:63, DS:20, Ex:*, HP:32, KX:32, LQ:*, Mc:33, Mj:70*, MO:*, NME:*, Noj:11, Rec:37, RS:*, Sbd:31, U:*, UR:39*, Zf:67; am_i:+, aqd:+, rld:+, yjsb:+ -- A:78/19, M:84/14, TH:B
  200. Sevdaliza: Shabrang (Twisted Elegance) {32}: 3v:13, AM:+*, Crz:34, DaB:11, Du:14, IS:21, Kp:11, Mu:14, Ne:16*, Oo:13, SC:18, SoS:31, Top:12, Try:18, Zf:54; dtm:9, vhp:3 -- A:84/2, TH:**
  201. The Chats: High Risk Behaviour (Bargain Bin) {31}: AD:*, AM:*, Crh:34, D:*, DaB:8, DIY:*, Ex:*, G:*, Gl:*, Gw:*, Hu:20, K:38*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MoM:19, NME:*, No:14, PM:*, Q:*, RT:88, Ups:*, VLR:13, YW:117 -- A:79/13, M:80/13, TH:*
  202. Bill Fay: Countless Branches (Dead Oceans) {31}: AM:*, Btz:28, EE:17, LBF:*, Mj:42*, MO:*, MuL:15, Mz:29, PM:*, Q:*, RC:11*, RS_D:30, SC:*, U:70*, UR:*, W:*; ab_s:9, am_f:+, aqd:+, hc_d:+, vu:+, yjsb:+, ykt:+ -- A:82/9, M:83/12, TH:**
  203. Headie One: Edna (Relentless) {31}: AD:*, AM:+*, Cl:10*, Fa:30, LBF:49*, LQ:36*, N:4, NME:*, Qt:37, RA:2*, T:*; am_h:+cmp:3, hyb:7, whf:+ -- A:82/8, M:87/7, TH:**
  204. Victoria Monet: Jaguar (Tribe -EP) {31}: AM:*, BS:19, Cl:*, G:*, GQ:14, I:39*, LBF:28*, N:10, NME:*, NPR:20, Okp:18, PCv:19, Up_r:11, YW:83; am_r:+, asp:9, npr_bc:3, npr_sm:8 -- A:80/6, M:82/6, TH:**
  205. Moodymann: Taken Away (Mahogani Music) {31}: Bc:*+, E_UK:28, GB:10, KX:73, Mgn:16, Ni:26, Pf:*, PW:16, RA:9, Sg:+, So:9, SoS:87, YW:35, Zf:13; pf_e:+, ty_e:5, vmm:7 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  206. Oranssi Pazuzu: Mestarin Kynsi (Nuclear Blast) {31}: Bc:*+, BV:45, Db:36, DVk:16, GMD:3, GTV:87, Hi:7, HuN:15, K:*, Mx:45, Qt:34, RY:9, SC:*, Tr:7; pm_m:9, tr_m:2, vtjk:2 -- A:76/5
  207. Webber/Morris Big Band: Both Are True (Greenleaf Music) {31}: AAJ:*, AM:*, FJ:*, JC:39, TN:+; am_j:+, bc_j:2*, jap:9, jdo:3, jdsu:4, jjm:10, jkw:+, jlre:5, jmc:14, jmj:9, jrd:6, jsp:9, jtd:4, jth:+, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, vwl:5 -- TH:**
  208. Actress: Karma & Desire (Ninja Tune) {30}: AM:*, Bc:+, Cl:31*, Ex:*, G:41, GB:32, LI:62, Mg:12, Mgn:9, Mz:19, PW:28, Qt:*, RA:6*, VF:10, XLR:+; am_e:+, bc_e:+, bl:8, pm_e:14 -- A:76/6, M:83/7, TH:*
  209. Aesop Rock: Spirit World Field Guide (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {30}: AM:*, BV_r:41, DW:45, HG:2, HV:16, KX:89, Pf:*, PO:+, PW:21, Rf:34, YW:13; am_h:+, bb:2, pm_h:3, sg_r:9, xjdc:61, xpb:+, xscw:+, yjsb:+, ykt:+ -- A:72/3, TH:***
  210. City Girls: City on Lock (Quality Control/Motown) {30}: AM:*, BV_r:27, DW:20, N:35, PB:10, PO:+, RS:13, RSh:8, Rx:51; am_h:+, ny_c:+, nyl:+, rd:+, xjdc:38, xxl:+, yjl:17 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  211. Dehd: Flower of Devotion (Fire Talk) {30}: AM:*, CD:47, DW:29, E:+, Ex:*, Fa:22, KX:87, LQ:*, Mw:42, NF:51, NR:38, P:48, Pf:39*, Pf_r:47, PJ:44, PO:+, UpC:40, UR:*, V:*; am_i:+, blw:+, npr_rd:10, p_r:+, pf_k:+, up_sh:9, vjba:8, vshy:9, vsr:6 -- A:77/9, M:83/5, TH:*
  212. Liberty Ellman: Last Desert (Pi) {30}: AAJ:*, JC:31, JT:34, TN:+; bc_j:*, fd:9, jbw:1, jdl:9, jdo:5, jff:9, jgy:5, jjha:8, jlbi:9, jmj:1, jms:8, pm_j:+, sdu_j:4, sg_j:*, vwl:3 -- TH:***
  213. Lily Hiatt: Walking Proof (New West) {30}: AM:+*, Gl:*, ND:10, ND_r:34, NS:26, P:*, PM:*, SE:11, Sl:44*, TL:4, U:*; am_a:+, ns:9, scm:+, vjwi:3, xhs:+, xtl:4, ykt:6 -- A:83/5, M:85/7, TH:**
  214. Sam Hunt: Southside (MCA Nashville) {30}: BB:43, Clv:35, DW:70, EW:*, HV:20, NS:17, Rx:15, SE:56, Sg:41, TL:55; am_c:+, npr_lm:6, ny_c:1, sl:+, sln:+, vmp:+, vu:+, xbw:+, xjdc:9, ypsc:10 -- A:59/7, RC:A-, TH:*
  215. Kate NV: Room for the Moon (RVNG Intl) {30}: Bc:*, BPM:12*, Cl:*, DS:17, Dus:*, FB:37, GB:+, Got:32, GTV:96*, Gw:*, HV:25, IR:24, LBF:*, LQ:39*, No:43, Pf:42*, Qt:*, RA:*; aqd:+, pf_e:+ -- A:83/6, M:84/7TH:A-
  216. Kesha: High Road (Kemosabe) {30}: AV:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, I:*, Id:35, LBF:*, MO:*, O:*, NF:1, PO:+, Ps:50, Q:*, Qt:*, RS:*, SE:129, V:*, YF:19*; voh:9, xbf:+, xci:4, xgm:+, xmb:+ -- A:72/21, TH:*
  217. Ingrid Laubrock: Dreamt Twice, Twice Dreamt (Intakt -2CD) {30}: CM:+, DB:*, FJ:3*, JC:45; bc_j:*, jap:1, jcg:+, jgm:4, jjc:+, jjwd:5, jjz:5, jkc:7, jmb:12, jrh:10, jsp:2, jyo:5, sg_j:*, vbc:+ -- TH:*
  218. Princess Nokia: Everything Is Beautiful (Platoon) {30}: Alt:72, CS:29, DS:19, DW:27, HV:30, Ni:29, PO:+, Q:*, Rx:40; is_h:13, xci:+, xgm:+, xjdc:22, xjl:5, xsp:+, xtj:+, xwb:5, xxl:+, yjl:19, yrm:10 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  219. JD Allen: Toys/Die Dreaming (Savant) {29}: DB:*, JC:20, JT:17, PO:+; fd:+, jbsh:6, jbw:10, jls:3, jmk:3, jmy:4, jpm:8, jsk:4, jsl:4, sg_j:*, mm:+, vjc:2, vjt:10 -- TH:A-
  220. BC Camplight: Shortly After Takeoff (Bella Union) {29}: AM:+*, BIB:22, Dr:58, G:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MM:97, MO:45*, NR:+, Pc:35, Q:*, RM:9, RT:63, T:*, Trk:14, U:58*; am_i:+, bb6:4, ec:+, xsa:+ -- A:81/9, M:89/10, TH:B
  221. Nick Cave: Idiot Prayer: Nick Cave Alone at Alexandra Palace (Bad Seed) {29}: AD:*, ClR:*, Fld:*, G:*, I:*, Mj:16*, Mw:48, NME:*, O:*, Pf:*, RM:11, SMH:*, T:*, Top:1, U:*; hc_d:+, irp:+, rld:+, vkt:6, xhs:2, yjsb:7 -- A:87/12, M:94/4
  222. Dramarama: Color TV (Pasadena) {29}: DW:53, PJ:52, PO:+, Rx:8; xci:3, xbw:++, xgm:8, xjdc:14, xsa:+, xscw:5, xtj:5, yzy:1 -- RC:A, TH:A-
  223. Empress Of: I'm Your Empress Of (Terrible) {29}: BPM:*, Ex:*, Gf:20, Gw:*, I:23*, Kp:12, LBF:16*, NF:15, Ni:16, NME:*, P:*, PM:33, Sbd:18, Top:44, Up_p:11, WHP:28; xbf:6, xpb:+ -- A:83/9, TH:**
  224. Boldy James/Sterling Toles: Manger on McNichols (Sector 7-G) {29}: AM:+*, BPM:43, BV:18, BV_r:6, HG:24, Ne:47, PW:7, RY:24, Sg:6, SoS:55, Tr:48; am_h:+, mic:+, sg_r:1, tr_h:+, vak:3, xgh:+, yng:+ -- A:77/1, TH:***
  225. Carly Rae Jepsen: Dedicated Side B (School Boy) {29}: ABC:44, Al:36*, AM:*, Clv:15, DW:30, Id:54, NDO:+, NF:2, NME:*, SE:64, Sl:11, Spk:*, YF:46; am_p:+, hc_g:+, p_p:+, pm_p:5, xbf:7, xrc:9, yng:+ -- A:87/3, M:?/2, TH:**
  226. Keleketla!: Keleketla! (Ahead of Our Time) {29}: AM:*, Ex:*, G:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, MuL:21, NYT:*, PM:30*, Q:*, Rec:10, RT:34, Try:8, Zf:62; am_w:+, bv_j:14, g_w:7, mj_w:7, pm_w:1, xsa:7 -- A:79/9, M:81/9, TH:**
  227. Napalm Death: Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism (Century Media) {29}: AM:*, BV:31, ClR:*, CS:*, Db:1, Ex:*, HuN:20, K:27*, Ms:49, Mx:21, PM:*, Qt:*, Si:12, VLR:27; am_m:+, io:3, jhs:+, lwr:+, rte:++, vsrk:10 -- A:85/7, M:88/6
  228. Ozzy Osbourne: Ordinary Man (Epic) {29}: AD:*, AM:*, BB:+, ClR:16*, Di:10, Gl:*, K:15*, L:11, NME:*, Noj:28, Rev:22, Sp:*, U:*, UCR:8, V:*, YF:*; am_m:+, ap:+, irp:+, lwr:+ -- A:77/13, M:78/12
  229. Pottery: Welcome to Bobby's Motel (PTKF) {29}: AM:*, BIB:28, Cl:*, Crh:8, DIY:*, Dr:76, FB:18, Gl:++, Gw:*, Hi:43, LBF:*, LCA:38, LI:48, MM:55, Mw:5, NME:*, Pc:54, Q:*, Sb:93, Try:30; xci:+ -- A:77/12, M:79/10, TH:*
  230. Lyra Pramuk: Fountain (Bedroom Community) {29}: BPM:49*, GTV:47, IS:34, Pf:45*, PO:+, Qt:4*, RA:*, SoS:48, VF:32; bl:5, ia:6, pf_e:+, pm_x:5, tg:+, vjdn:9, vma:3, vuk:1, xsa:8 -- A:82/1
  231. Songhoy Blues: Optimisme (Transgressive/Fat Possum) {29}: AD:*, AM:*, ClR:41*, DJ:44, Gl:++, Gw:40, KW:85, L:36, Mj:57*, RC:14*, Rec:33, Rf:44, U:29*; am_w:+, mj_w:10, ms_b:4, rld:+, vrjs:+ -- A:83/7, M:90/5, RC:**, TH:**
  232. Rufus Wainwright: Unfollow the Rules (BMG) {29}: A3:27, AD:*, Al:89, AM:*, Cl:*, EE:3, Ex:*, Gl:*, I:*, Mc:39, Mj:*, MO:24*, MZ:22, O:*, RC:*, RS_D:18, Q:*, SE:44, T:*, U:*; dn:10, jmr:+, vrj:2 -- A:78/20, M:82/11, TH:B-
  233. 070 Shake: Modus Vivendi (GOOD Music/Def Jam) {28}: C:37, Cl:*, Cmp:+, CS:*, E_UK:30, Em:*, Ex:*, GB:5, GMD:5, HDX:+*, Mu:30, NME:*, O:*, OC:31, Q:*, RS:*, SoS:80; p_p:+, sl:+, vcj:7 -- A:75/12, M:80/10, TH:*
  234. Armand Hammer: Shrines (Backwoodz Studioz) {28}: Bc:*+, Btz:38, BV:29, BV_r:10, Cmp:+, DW:66, Fld:19, HG:13, Pf:*, PW:10, W:12, XLR:+; tr_h:+, vmrv:8, vnp:1 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  235. Burna Boy: Twice as Tall (Atlantic) {28}: AD:*, AM:*, CS:37, Fa:23, G:*, GC:41, GQ:16, HDX:+, LBF:N:21, 41, Pf:46*, PW:12, PO:+, T:*, Up:44, Up_h:18; am_w:+, npr_lh:8, ny_p:7, via:3, wsj:+ -- A:73/7, TH:**
  236. Helena Deland: Someone New (Luminelle) {28}: BIB:+, Cl:*, Ex:39*, Fa:18, GB:1, LBF:30*, LCA:14, LI:5, LQ:*, MM:95, NBH:13, NT:*, S45:26, UR:30; vmp:+ -- A:81/9, M:80/7, TH:*
  237. Mark Lanegan: Straight Songs of Sorrow (Heavenly) {28}: AD:*, Cl:*, ClR:*, Dr:96, Gig:*, Gl:*, HuN:43, Lt:31, Mj:21*, MO:*, Mx:28, NME:*, Q:*, RC:*, RT:59, T:*, TS:+, U:*, VLR:47; irp:+, rld:+, sfe:3, ygc:1, yjsb:+ -- A:76/14, M:81/14
  238. Serengeti & Kenny Segal: Ajai (Cohn) {28}: DW:22, Pf:*, PO:+, PW:4, Rx:67; pm_h:2, ri:+, vdca:3, vjdn:2, xbf:+, xbl:+, xci:8, xgm:4, xjdc:34, xkm:6 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  239. Paul Weller: On Sunset (Polydor) {28}: AD:*, AS:*, Cl:*, ClR:*, G:*, Gw:*, Hu:19, I:*, LBF:*, Mc:37, Mj:11*, MO:*, Mz:50, NME:*, O:*, PM:*, Q:*, SE:73, T:*, U:23*; ab_m:6, rld:+, vbs:8, yjed:8 -- A:78/18, M:82/16, TH:B
  240. Autechre: Sign (Warp) {27}: Cl:*, Ex:*, GMD:18, Lt:33, Mj:*, MM:58, MO:*, N:96, No:42, Pc:71, Pf:*, Qt:13*, RA:*, S45:30, Sg:38, So:24, U:*, W:29, XLR:+, YF:*; ms_e:9, ny_p:10, pf_e:+, xpb:+ -- A:79/11, M:82/11, TH:B
  241. Kenny Barron/Dave Holland Trio Featuring Johnathan Blake: Without Deception (Dare2) {27}: AAJ:*, JC:35, JT:24, TN:+; jhs:+, jkd:5, jls:4, jme:8, jmn:9, jmw:10, jpb:9, jrm:+, jrmu:+jsf:5, jwj:6, mm:+, sg_j:*, vbr:3, xgm:+ -- TH:A-
  242. Beach Bunny: Honeymoon (Mom+Pop) {27}: Alt:17, Ch:17, CS:50*, D:*, FO:34, NT:*, O:*, Oy:30, P:*, PJ:61, RS:21*, YF:*; ny_c:13, so_k:17, ves:7, vtjk:6, xgm:23, xjd:7, xpb:+, yng:1 -- A:77/10, M:78/8, TH:*
  243. The Big Moon: Walking Like We Do (Fiction) {27}: 45:36, Bq:19, Cl:*, D:12*, DIY:*, DS:15, FO:36, G:*, Gf:23, I:32*, MO:*, NME:*, NT:*, P:*, Q:*, RT:38, T:*, TS:7; rx:+, st:7 -- A:76/17, M:79/13, TH:B
  244. BlackPink: The Album (YG Entertainment/Interscope) {27}: AM:*, BB:25, Bo:16, DW:69, Dz:15, G:*, GC:14, Glm:25, Id:23, PCv:34, Ps:23, Rf:75, T:*, Up:41, Up_p:9; am_p:+, scp:5, wwl:15, xci:+ -- A:68/9, TH:**
  245. Bully: Sugaregg (Sub Pop) {27}: 45:31, ABC:4, Alt:31, Bc:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, G:*, KX:45, Mx:12, NME:*, NT:*, Sbd:15, UR:38, Vi:29, YW:28; ns:1, p_r:+, vjwi:6, yti:+ -- A:75/17, M:77/9, TH:*
  246. Creeper: Sex, Death & the Infinite Void (Roadrunner) {27}: AM:+, BPM:*, CW:9, D:35, DaB:47, DIY:*, Gw:11*, K:16*, MO:*, NME:*, Pu:8, Q:*, Ups:*; am_k:+, ap:+, dep:4, lwr:+, rks:+ -- A:88/9, M:90/5, TH:B-
  247. Disclosure: Energy (Island) {27}: Al:100, Cl:*, DA:3, DIY:*, DJ:29, FO:45, Gw:*, Id:70, Jp:36, Ms:50, NME:*, O:*, Q:*, Sbd:30, Sl:39*, YF:31; ms_e:4, nti:9, vjj:4 -- A:74/14, M:74/12, TH:**
  248. Nothing: The Great Dismal (Relapse) {27}: Alt:11, AM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, K:32, N:37, NT:8, P:21, PM:*, Rev:16, S:26, UR:*; am_m:+, ap:+, bv_fp:+, ca_o:10, p_r:+, pm_ir:5, xbw:+, xsa:+, ykt:+ -- A:77/10, M:78/10
  249. Angelica Sanchez & Marilyn Crispell: How to Turn the Moon (Pyroclastic) {27}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:29; jal:+, jas:5, jbbr:7, jdr:3, jjm:+, jjsh:1, jkws:2, jla:6, jlbi:10, jmj:10, jmja:7, jms:10, pg_rs:8, vrg:5 -- TH:A-
  250. Torres: Silver Tongue (Merge) {27}: AM:*, CS:*, DIY:*, DS:+, Ex:*, Gl:*, Jun:2, LQ:*, Mu:39, Mx:44, NME:*, NR:45, P:*, PM:56*, SC:*, SE:39, Sk:*, U:*, UR:*; vkk:2, vzs:9 -- A:78/16, M:77/19, TH:*
  251. Algiers: There Is No Year (Matador) {26}: AM:+*, Dus:*, FB:13, GTV:*, LI:77, Mj:*, NBH:44, NME:*, O:*, Q:*, Qt:32*, RM:69, SC:*, SE:+, Sp:*, Vi:10; am_i:+, rld:+, vkk:4, xbf:+ -- A:69/18
  252. James Brandon Lewis/Chad Taylor: Live in Willisau (Intakt) {26}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, JC:49, PO:+, TN:3; bc_j:*, jdbs:6, jdg:2, jhs:+, jjm:+, jkws:7, jmc:5, jmk:6, jrsc:+, sg_j:*, xbf:+ -- TH:A-
  253. The Nels Cline Singers: Share the Wealth (Blue Note) {26}: AAJ:*, AM:*, CD:17, JC:22; aqd:+, jcb:5, jdbs:8, jdku:2, jdr:5, jff:3, jjha:2, jmju:15, jsg:10, jtc:8, jth:2, npr_nc:10, sg_j:*, vjso:6 -- A:75/3, TH:*
  254. Duma: Duma (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {26}: Bc:*+, C:7, G:*, GTV:40, No:39, Qt:15, VF:5, W:5; bc_e:+, npr_af:2, npr_lg:8, pm_m:4, tr_m:23, yps:6 -- A:75/3, TH:B
  255. Duval Timothy: Help (Carrying Colour) {26}: Bc:+, C:1, GB:25, Oy:25, Pf:37*, Q:*, Qt:6*, RA:5*, VF:7; bl:7, g_c:6 -- A:73/3, M:77/5, TH:*
  256. Kahil El'Zabar: Kahil El'Zabar's America the Beautiful (Spiritmuse) {26}: Mj:*, No:44, PJ:100, PO:1; g_c:8, jjsn:6, jlbi:1, sg_j:*, sl:+, xbf:4, xcg:2, xde:7, xmb:+, xsa:+, xscw:+, xsp:6 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  257. RAP Ferreira: Purple Moonlight Pages (Ruby Yacht) {26}: Bc:+*, BV_r:26, Got:34, HG:38, MM:62, Ne:20*, Ni:31, RY:17, SoS:22, XLR:+; fst:+, pm_h:9, tr_h:+, vjdn:7, vjfx:2, vjga:9, vkl:10 -- A:79/2, TH:A-
  258. Declan McKenna: Zeros (Tomplicated) {26}: 45:44, Cl:*, D:2, DaB:35, DIY:*, FO:46, G:*, I:*, LBF:*, LI:74, MO:*, NME:*, Q:*, Rx:9; ab_a:10, jjm_c:9, rdb:+, rx:+, ust:10, xej:3 -- A:73/13, M:81/11
  259. Waylon Payne: Blue Eyes, the Harlot, the Queer, the Pusher & Me (Carnival) {26}: AM:+, CU:4, N:85, NPR:10, NS:7, PM:59, SE:15, TL:39; am_c:+, bg_u:+, npr_ap:+, sg_c:2, sl:+, xsa:+ -- TH:***
  260. Jhene Aiko: Chilombo (Def Jam) {25}: AM:*, BB:+, Cmp:+, GC:43, Glm:27, HDX:+, Okp:8, Ps:27, TS:+, Up_r:4; am_k:+, atw:+, hyb:4, nyl:+, ved:7, vjj:5, vmdv:9 -- A:65/4, TH:*
  261. Gregg August: Dialogues on Race: Volume One (Iacuessa) {25}: AM:+*, DB:*, JC:33, Tx_j:2; am_j:+, jgg:7, jjm:+, jmk:2, jrk:3, jrm:+, jrmu:+, jyo:7, noj:1, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  262. William Basinski: Lamentations (Temporary Residence) {25}: ACL:4, AM:*, Crz:50, LQ:*, MO:*, Rdx:38, Spk:*, U:*, W:16*, XLR:+, YW:74; am_e:+, aqd:+, hc_d:+, sa:10, tr_e:15, vdk:10, xjdc:41, ydn:10 -- A:80/8, M:84/6, TH:*
  263. James Dean Bradfield: Even in Exile (Montyray) {25}: AD:*, AM:*, Cl:*, ClR:32*, HuN:16, I:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, O:*, Q:*, RC:24, RS_D:50, RT:66, SE:108, U:*, UR:*, XSN:10; am_k:+, fms:+ -- A:79/15, M:83/12, TH:*
  264. Elvis Costello: Hey Clockface (Concord) {25}: AM:*, BG:*, ClR:*, CS:*, EE:6, I:*, LI:99, Mj:*, PJ:95, RS_D:19, SE:52, TS:+, U:61*, UCR:9; am_k:+, jhs:+, v_cw:8, xhs:4 -- A:71/17, M:78/15, TH:B-
  265. Dan Deacon: Mystic Familiar (Domino) {25}: AM:*, D:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, Gf:29, Gl:*, Hi:15, LQ:*, MO:*, Ne:46*, NF:12, NME:*, Sk:*, SoS:51, UR:*, Yb:19, YF:23*; am_i:+, pm_ep:15, tr_e:20 -- A:76/16
  266. Dream Wife: So When You Gonna . . . (Lucky Number) {25}: AM:*, Cl:*, D:34, Ex:*, LBF:39*, NME:*, NT:*, Q:*, RT:6, Rx:47, SMH:*, Ups:*, YF:*; xci:+ -- A:73/16, M:76/12, RC:A-, TH:A-
  267. Horse Lords: The Common Task (Northern Spy) {25}: ACL:14, AM:*, CM:+, Dus:*, IR:23, Mj:*, Ne:43*, No:15, PJ:39, PM:*, Qt:22, SC:*, SoS:53, W:*; am_i:+, aqd:+, tg:+, vma:6, yjc:9, yrhg:7, yrs:8 -- A:79/3, TH:*
  268. Nicholas Jaar: Cenizas (Other People) {25}: Bc:+, C:38, Ex:*, IS:37, Kp:10, LBF:*, LQ:*, Ne:*, Pf:*, PM:50, RA:*, Re:15, RS_I:12, SoS:1; bc_a:+, rld:+ -- A:85/6, TH:*
  269. Marilyn Manson: We Are Chaos (Loma Vista) {25}: AD:*, AM:*, CS:*, Di:20, K:*, MO:*, NME:*, Noj:7, Rev:13, Si:8, Sp:*, Spk:50*, UCR:20; ap:+, irp:+, lwr:+, se_p:9 -- A:80/14, M:80/9
  270. Tami Neilson: Chicka Boom! (Outside) {25}: AD:*, AS:*, CU:3, Ex:*, Gl:*, IR:20, Mj:*, ND:5, YW:5; rnz:8, scm:+*, xsa:+ -- A:80/2, TH:**
  271. Agnes Obel: Myopia (Blue Note) {25}: Al:43, DS:5, Ec:1, Gl:*, GTV:*, I:*, LI:70, Lt:17, Mu:43, Pc:53, PM:*, RT:52; npr_bb:5, rld:+ -- A:72/5, M:74/8, TH:**
  272. Pet Shop Boys: Hotspot (X2) {25}: AD:*, Al:*, AM:*, AS:*, Cl:*, I:*, LBF:*, Mz:41, NME:*, PM:*, Q:*, SE:+, Sl:*, T:*, Top:23, U:*; pm_ep:14, vahm:8 -- A:74/25, RC:***, TH:***
  273. Katie Pruitt: Expectations (Rounder) {25}: AS:*, BS:7, Ch:29, Clv:37, Ex:*, HV:26, ND:15, NPR:16, NS:14, TL:34; npr_jg:10, sg_c:5, vamp:4, vdh:1, xtl:+ -- A:77/3, TH:*
  274. Spanish Love Songs: Brave Faces Everyone (Pure Noise) {25}: Alt:4, Bq:4, Ch:9, Ex:*, Dus:*, HuN:49, K:35*, PM:*, Pu:6, Spk:11*; ap:+, atw:+ -- A:85/4, M:86/5, TH:B-
  275. Sparks: A Steady Drip Drip Drip (BMG) {25}: AM:*, AS:*, BIB:+, Cl:*, Ex:*, Gl:+*, I:*, LBF:*, LW:34, Mc:35, Mj:25*, MO:*, Mu:31, PM:*, Q:*, RM:82, T:*, U:37*; bz:10, rld:+, xsa:+, yjsb:+ -- A:82/10, M:84/14, TH:C+
  276. Throwing Muses: Sun Racket (Fire) {25}: ABC:15, AD:*, AM:*, Bc:+, GTV:*, LW:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:*, Rf:25, RM:76, Sb:69, Try:46, U:*, UR:*, W:*; ver:10, xjsp:9, yds:+, yrh:5, yti:++ -- A:78/11, M:82/10, TH:*
  277. Jeff Tweedy: Love Is the King (dBpm) {25}: AM:*, CD:49, Ex:*, KX:54, Mj:*, MuL:14, ND_r:28, P:*, PJ:51, RS:49, RS_D:14, SE:83, TL:89, U:*, UCR:15; am_a:+, aqd:+, bb:8, jfkz:+, xjdc:70 -- A:78/9, TH:**
  278. Eartheater: Phoenix: Flames Are Dew Upon My Skin (Pan) {24}: Bc:+, C:49, Du:15, Dz:9, Fld:18, GB:46, GMD:28, IS:14, N:46, RA:*, Sb:43, SC:*, VF:4; bl:3, pm_x:9 -- A:75/5, M:78/4
  279. Fantastic Negrito: Have You Lost Your Mind Yet? (Cooking Vinyl/Blackball Universe) {24}: AD:*, AS:*, ClR:13, Gl:++*, L:18, Mj:*, MO:*, N:86, Rf:8, SE:135, TL:30, U:*; am_b:+, vkt:4 -- A:77/7, M:77/8, TH:***
  280. Keeley Forsyth: Debris (The Leaf Label) {24}: BPM:50, Dr:40, GTV:79*, LBF:37, LQ:15*, Mj:*, MM:48, MO:*, No:16, Qt:18, Rec:29, RM:13, RT:97, SoS:71, U:41*; vdh:9, ydn:+ -- A:81/5, TH:B
  281. The Lemon Twigs: Songs for the General Public (4AD) {24}: AM:*, AS:*, BPM:*, Cl:48*, EE:9, Gl:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, LI:97, Mj:64*, Noj:41, NT:*, PM:*, Q:*, S:25, SE:105, Sp:*, U:56*, UR:* -- A:75/22, M:75/17
  282. The Mountain Goats: Getting Into Knives (Merge) {24}: AM:*, AS:*, KX:79, Mg:22, Mj:*, MM:70, MO:*, NT:*, P:*, PJ:95, Rf:68, SC:*, SE:49, UR:52; am_i:+, aqd:+, sl:+, vkk:8, xjdc:50, yng:2 -- A:76/10, TH:***
  283. The Necks: Three (Northern Spy) {24}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, Dus:*, FJ:*, G:46, Mj:33*, NR:*, PO:+, Qt:*, SMH:*, U:48*; aqd:+, bc_j:*, jkg:7, tbm:3, vspt:6, yclw:1 -- A:87/3, M:81/8, TH:**
  284. Special Interest: The Passion Of (Thrilling Living) {24}: Bc:+*, LCA:37, NR:+*, Pf:36*, Qt:3, Tr:29, Try:17, W:20; bc_p:*, npr_ml:9, pf_k:+, vtjk:4 -- A:80/3, TH:***
  285. Chad Taylor Trio: The Daily Biological (Cuneiform) {24}: JC:40, JT:38TN:+; bc_j:*, jbw:8, jhs:+, jjm:+, jls:6, jms:1, jnt:1, jrk:1, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, vwl:7 -- TH:A-
  286. Matt Wilson Quartet: Hug! (Palmetto) {24}: AAJ:*, AM:*, JC:37; fd:+, jahk:+, jbo:2, jdku:5, jjm:+, jld:3, jlv:4, jmy:10, jrb:10, jri:9, jtc:1, vjo:2 -- TH:**
  287. Wizkid: Made in Lagos (StarBoy Ent/RCA) {24}: Cl:36, Du:22, Fa:33, G:43, GQ:17, HS:5, N:74, O:*; atl:+, fti:+, npr_sm:10, rd:+, vhg:1, via:4, vsk:5, vuk:11 -- A:72/4
  288. Angel Bat Dawid & Tha Brothahood: Live (International Anthem) {23}: JC:+, Pf:*, TN:++, VF:39, W:34, Zf:41; aqd:+, bv_j:4, jap:3, jbs:9, jdbs:+, jhs:+, jjz:2, jkg:3, jse:2, tgl:7 -- A:84/1, TH:**
  289. DJ Python: Mas Amable (Incienso) {23}: AM:*, C:3, G:*, NME:*, PM:*, Qt:38, RA:1*; am_e:+, mj_e:4, npr_oh:8, pf_3:+, pm_e:10 -- A:78/3, M:82/5, TH:**
  290. Kathleen Edwards: Total Freedom (Dualtone) {23}: AM:*, Ex:48, Gl:+*, Mg:13, ND:11, ND_r:31, NPR:44, NPR_l:50, P:*, PM:*, TL:36, U:*; am_a:+, npr_rd:5, vaz:9, verd:6, ves:6, vrjs:+, yti:+ -- A:76/8, M:81/8, TH:B
  291. Fenne Lily: Breach (Dead Oceans) {23}: BPM:*, DIY:*, GTV:*, Id:17, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NBH:38, NME:*, OC:32, Trk:7, U:*, WHP:13; nyl:+, pm_ip:2, vdh:10 -- A:78/11, M:77/9, TH:**
  292. Aoife Nessa Frances: Land of No Junction (Ba Da Bing!) {23}: AD:*, AM:*, Dr:9, GB:36, LBF:*, Mj:*, MM:76, Ni:25, Q:*, Rec:18, SE:27, U:62*; am_f:+, aqd:+, it:+, rte:++, vkf:4, vnp:9 -- A:74/7, M:81/7
  293. Rich Halley/Matthew Shipp/Michael Bisio/Newman Taylor Baker: The Shape of Things (Pine Eagle) {23}: AAJ:*, FJ:3*; jal:+, jjm:+, jpa:4, jrb:1, jsf:9, jsg:8, jsgr:5, jtd:10, vjo:6 -- TH:A-
  294. I Break Horses: Warnings (Bella Union) {23}: Al:95, AM:+*, DS:4, LBF:38*, Mj:*, NME:*, Pc:87, RM:44, Sg:+, Top:16, Trk:33, UR:4*; am_i:+ -- A:76/8, M:81/10
  295. Machine Gun Kelly: Tickets to My Downfall (Bad Boy/Interscope) {23}: BB:19, Clv:27, IR:25, K:9*, MoM:29, NME:*, Ps:35, Pu:13; ap:+, dep:7, lwr:+, ri:8, rks:+, vjhw:8, wwl:9, xkb:1 -- A:65/4
  296. Blake Mills: Mutable Set (New Deal/Verve) {23}: AM:*, CD:4, Ex:*, Fa:32, G:*, Got:25, Mj:43*, OC:36, Pf:*, Q:*, SoS:41, Trk:37, U:*, UR:65; aqd:+, ca_o:3, n_sp:+, vbs:+ -- A:78/4, M:84/6, TH:B
  297. Old 97's: Twelfth (ATO) {23}: AM:*, Dus:*, Mg:11, ND_r:43, PM:*, PO:+, SE:107, TL:86, U:*; am_a:+, mm:+, sfe:4, vjcl:5, xbw:+, xci:+, xwb:10, yti:+ -- A:72/8, M:79/7, TH:***
  298. Shabazz Palaces: The Don of Diamond Dreams (Sub Pop) {23}: Cl:*, GB:17, HV:29, KX:67, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NF:44, PO:+, Q:*, Qt:*, RR:*, SC:*, U:*; aqd:+, so_d:19, v_ab:3, vnp:10, whf:+ -- A:71/12, M:77/14, TH:**
  299. Sylvan Esso: Free Love (Loma Vista) {23}: BS:12, CS:*, DIY:*, DS:+, FO:16, KX:22, LBF:*, NPR_l:32, WHP:3; key:+, npr_bb:3, npr_st:9, owl:+, vjwi:8, yfb:3 -- A:78/4, TH:**
  300. American Aquarium: Lamentations (New West) {22}: CU:7, ND:13, ND_r:10, NS:20, BS:23; ms_a:1, scm:+++*, xsa:+, yps:+ -- TH:**
  301. John Anderson: Years (Easy Eye Sound) {22}: AM:+*, AS:*, CU:11, HV:11, PO:+, SE:38, TL:83; am_c:+, scm:+*, sci:+, xbw:+, xgm:11, xjdc:73, xmb:+, xpb:+, xtl:+ -- A:80/3, TH:**
  302. Drakeo the Ruler: Thank You for Using GTL (Stinc Team) {22}: Fa:19, GC:47, N:40, NPR:41, Pf:32*, PO:+, PW:1, SC:*; atl:+, n_sp:+, npr_rc:9, rd:+, vuk:7, xci:+ -- A:85/1, TH:**
  303. Enter Shikari: Nothing Is True & Everything Is Possible (SO) {22}: AM:*, Bq:14, D:*, Gw:*, K:5*, NME:*, Pu:10, Q:*, Spk:*, Ups:*, YF:*; am_m:+, dep:2, rks:+ -- A:68/8
  304. Glass Animals: Dreamland (Polydor/Republic) {22}: 45:35, AD:*, AM:*, AU:37, Cl:*, D:24, DaB:40, DIY:*, E:+, Gw:*, I:*, KX:59, MoM:5, NME:*, NRP_l:36, Q:*, YF:37; am_p:+, atw:+ -- A:73/13, M:75/8
  305. Jon Hassell: Seeing Through Sound (Pentimento Volume Two) (Ndeya) {22}: AAJ:*, ACL:8, DW:14, Gw:*, Mj:*, PM:*, Qt:*, YW:112; jcm:+, mj_j:5, vma:9, xjdc:51 -- A:77/4, M:80/6, RC:***, TH:***
  306. Illuminati Hotties: Free IH: This Is Not the One You've Been Waiting For (self-released) {22}: Alt:7, Ex:50*, LBF:*, NME:*, NR:*, NT:*, P:45, Sb:64, Sg:45, Try:13; mic:3, p_r:+, vjwi:2, xej:4 -- A:80/8, M:82/7, TH:*
  307. Liv.E: Couldn't Wait to Tell You . . . (In Real Life) {22}: Bc:*+, Em:*, IS:49, LQ:29*, Mj:*, NME:*, Okp:20, Pf:*, Qt:83*, RT:91, VF:37, W:23; is_h:5, n_sp:+, vmp:+, ynn:+ -- A:83/4, M:84/4, TH:*
  308. Pretenders: Hate for Sale (BMG) {22}: AM:*, AS:*, ClR:19, Ex:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, Q:*, SE:109, T:*, UCR:11, VLR:8, YW:42; am_k:+ -- A:76/11, M:78/14, TH:***
  309. Westerman: Your Hero Is Not Dead (Partisan) {22}: AD:*, AM:*, C:*, Cl:*, E_UK:42, GB:20, Got:14, Gw:*, LBF:*, NME:*, Pf:*, S45:44, Sg:*, SoS:42, U:*, UR:23; am_i:+, p_r:+, rs_u:+, sa:18 -- A:76/12, M:82/6
  310. Amine: Limbo (Republic) {21}: AM:*, BV_r:35, Cmp:37, GC:30, HDX:+, Ins:18, P:*, Ps:12, Up:27, Up_h:9; am_h:+, is_h:20, xxl:+ -- A:70/7, M:68/4, TH:A-
  311. Anjimile: Giver Taker (Father/Daughter) {21}: Bc:+*, BPM:*, CS:36*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NPR:48, O:*, P:*, WHP:6, YF:50; bg_t:+, bv_sd:+, npr_su:2, vjk:5, vmp:+ -- A:80/8, M:81/8
  312. Bananagun: The True Story of Bananagun (Full Time Hobby) {21}: BPM:*, Cl:*, Dr:93, Ex:*, FB:100, Gl:++*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NME:*, NT:*, RM:37, RT:67, U:33*; sd:1, xsa:+ -- A:81/10, M:83/8, TH:*
  313. Blu & Exile: Miles (Fat Beats) {21}: Bc:*, HG:7, Ne:4*, RY:29, SoS:11, Up_h:21; bc_h:*, ydh:4, ynn:+ -- A:90/1, TH:A-
  314. Charley Crockett: Welcome to Hard Times (Thirty Tigers) {21}: AM:*, AS:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, MO:*, ND_r:18, NS:12, SE:21, Sp:*, U:*; am_a:+, jjm_c:2, pm_a:17, scm:++*, ycw:+ -- A:85/6, M:84/6, TH:*
  315. Dezron Douglas & Brandee Younger: Force Majeure (International Anthem) {21}: PO:5; g_c:10, jcb:7, jdbs:10, jhs:1, jjz:7, jrsc:4, pg_rs:20, sg_j:*, xbf:+, xde:6, ygz:+ -- TH:***
  316. Asher Gamedze: Dialectic Soul (On the Corner) {21}: Bc:+*, C:*, Mj:*, Pf:*, PO:+, Trk:43, W:48; jas:4, jhs:+, jkg:+, jlb:+, jmk:5, jrh:+, jse:+, sg_j:*, vrg:7 -- A:80/2, TH:**
  317. Norah Jones: Pick Me Up Off the Floor (Blue Note) {21}: ABC:32, AD:*, Al:67*, AM:*, Gl:*, I:*, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, SE:66, Sp:*, Try:24, U:*, V:*; jadh:10, jls:+, jry:9, pg_ad:10, pg_rs:+ -- A:80/10, M:83/7, TH:*
  318. Junk Magic: Compass Confusion (Pyroclastic) {21}: AAJ:*, JC:42; bc_j:*, jda:3, jgg:2, jkc:1, jmc:17, jmja:1, jrm:+, mm:+, sg_j:*, vjc:9 -- TH:***
  319. Loma: Don't Shy Away (Sub Pop) {21}: AM:+*, BIB:4, Dus:*, Ex:*, IS:46, LBF:*, Mj:*, NBH:15, OC:44, Sb:85, Sbd:43, U:*, UR:36; am_i:+, rld:+, ygc:+ -- A:78/4, M:83/7
  320. Nduduzo Makhathini: Modes of Communication: Letters From the Underworlds (Blue Note) {21}: DB:*, JC:44, PO:+; jb:+, jck:3, jdb:3, jjh:10, jlb:4, jrsc:+, jwj:5, sg_j:4*, vpf:4 -- TH:**
  321. Muzz: Muzz (Matador) {21}: AS:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Dr:97, Ex:*, Gl:*, LBF:*, Lt:10, NBH:39, NME:*, NT:6, Q:*, Sp:*, UR:31*; rld:+, vkt:8 -- A:74/16, M:73/11
  322. The Orielles: Disco Volador (Heavenly) {21}: AM:*, BIB:+, Crh:9, D:*, Dr:49, GTV:72, LBF:*, Mj:*, MM:63, NR:47, Pc:4, Q:*, UR:77; am_i:+, wo:+ -- A:72/8, M:72/4, TH:*
  323. The Secret Sisters: Saturn Return (New West) {21}: AM:*, AS:*, BS:21, CU:32, Ex:*, Mz:44, NS:25, RS:*, SE:+, TL:11, U:*, YF:*; am_a:+, ms_a:2, pm_a:2, xph:+, xtl:+ -- A:82/5, M:87/5, TH:*
  324. Luke Stewart: Luke Stewart Exposure Quintet (Astral Spirits) {21}: CM:+, PO:+; jbkw:3, jhs:+, jjsn:9, jjz:3, jpf:1, pg:3, pg_ad:15, vdh:4, yclw:6 -- TH:A-
  325. Toots & the Maytals: Got to Be Tough (BMG/WEA) {21}: AM:*, Gw:33*, Mj:18*, RS:35*, RS_Ar:22, Rx:58, V:*; am_w:+, aqd:+, bv_g:+, mm:+, xci:+ -- A:73/7, M:74/10, RC:A-, TH:*
  326. Tricky: Fall to Pieces (False Idols) {21}: ABC:19, AD:*, BIB:25, Dus:*, HP:22, I:*, LBF:*, LI:36, Mj:47*, Mx:24, Sbd:46, SC:*, UR:*, W:49; rld:+, vrmo:9, vti:7, xjdc:65 -- A:73/15, M:74/13, TH:*
  327. Annie: Dark Hearts (Annie Melody) {20}: AD:*, Al:88, DS:+, Dv:39, GTV:61*, Id:33, LBF:50, MO:13, Qt:20, SE:111, Sl:14, SMH:*; bg_j:+, vkf:9 -- A:70/11, M:67/7, TH:**
  328. Blue Oyster Cult: The Symbol Remains (Frontiers Music) {20}: AM:*, ClR:10*, L:13, LW:*, Si:11, SoT:2, UCR:16; io:10, xej:2, yds:+ -- A:75/4
  329. Chicago Underground Quartet: Good Days (Astral Spirits) {20}: AAJ:*, DB:*, FJ:*, PO:+, TN:+; aqd:+, bc_j:*, jadh:7, jcb:9, jhs:+, jmw:4, jtc:4, pg_ad:7, sg_j:*, sl:+ -- TH:***
  330. Kurt Elling: Secrets Are the Best Stories (Edition) {20}: AM:*, JC:50, JW:6; am_j:+, jadh:6, jahn:7, jel:2, jgg:+, jmn:8, jnt:7, jpb:+, jrs:+, noj:+, pg_ad:6, pm_j:+, vwl:6 -- TH:B-
  331. Field Music: Making a New World (Memphis Industries) {20}: AD:*, AM:*, CM:+, Dr:66, G:*, Gw:*, GTV:*, Gw:*, Mj:71*, MO:*, Pc:76, Q:*, Qt:*, RT:68, Sk:*, U:*, UR:78; tg:+ -- A:70/18, TH:*
  332. Katie Gately: Loom (Houndstooth) {20}: AM:+*, Bc:*, ES:16, Ex:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:49*, RA:*, W:*; am_e:+, fti:+, mj_10, vhp:1, yds:+ -- A:78/7, M:82/8
  333. Lafayette Gilchrist: Now (Lafayette Gilchrist Music -2CD) {20}: AAJ:*, JC:36; ghj:4, jkws:4, jmy:3, jrsc:5, jsk:3, jsl:1, mm:+, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  334. Sarah Jarosz: World on the Ground (Rounder) {20}: AS:*, Gl:*, MO:*, ND:8, ND_r:29, NS:30, PM:*, TL:56; fa:+, jfkz:+, ms_a:5, pm_a:13, pm_f:10, vrj:6 -- A:80/2, M:84/4, TH:***
  335. Kiwi Jr: Football Money (Persona Non Grata) {20}: AM:*, Ex:*, NR:*, P:*, PJ:28, PM:*, Trk:10; vgb:1, xci:+, xjl:9, xjlu:6, yjsb:+, yju:4 -- M:82/12, TH:**
  336. Lil Wayne: Funeral (Young Money) {20}: Cmp:+, DW:54, IR:5, NF:53, RR:*, Rx:62, Sl:47, YF:*; vbp:7, xci:+, xxl:+ -- A:60/11, M:62/10, RC:A-, TH:**
  337. Dua Lipa & the Blessed Madonna: Club Future Nostalgia (Warner) {20}: Glm:9, I:*, Id:47, LAT:*, NME:*, V:*, YW:4; v_ja:5, vdca:4, xjd:10 -- A:78/4, M:84/6, TH:***
  338. Mr Bungle: The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo (Ipecac) {20}: -- AM:*, CS:*, Ex:*, Gl:*, HuN:9, K:34*, L:29, Lt:48, LW:48, Mx:13, Rev:17, Si:24; am_m:+, jhs:10, lwr:+
  339. Nas: King's Disease (Mass Appeal) {20}: Al:68*, Cl:*, Clv:43, Cmp:44, CS:*, DJ:24, HDX:+*, HG:55, HNH:10, NME:*, Ps:36; bv_kr:+, ms_r:8, xxl:+ -- A:75/8, TH:**
  340. Rico Nasty: Nightmare Vacation (Sugar Trap/Atlantic) {20}: BV_r:25, Cl:*, DIY:*, Du:23, DW:60, Dz:13, HV:23, LBF:*, NME:*, P:*, Sl:*; bg_b:+, rd:+, tr_h:+, xxl:+ -- A:76/12, TH:A-
  341. No Age: Goons Be Gone (Drag City) {20}: AM:*, CM:+, PO:+, PW:30, Rx:61, Sb:95, W:*; mm:+, xbw:+, xci:+, xgm:+, xjdc:12, xjsp:+, xjy:2, ycp:+ -- A:68/6, M:74/10, TH:A-
  342. Arturo O'Farrill/The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra: Four Questions (Zoho) {20}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:+; jbo:+, jbu:+, jgy:+, jjm:+, jjw:+, jjwd:+, jpb:+, jrb:+, jrk:10, jry:4, jsf:+, jslo:+, jsy:+, jyk:+, vjc:+, vwl:+ -- TH:B
  343. Osees: Protean Threat (Castle Face) {20}: AM:*, BIB:37, Crh:5, DaB:48, Dr:33, Dus:*, FB:84, Gl:*, No:46, RT:13, Trk:44, U:*; aqd:+, vjk:6, ycs:5 -- M:76/8
  344. Paradise Lost: Obsidian (Nuclear Blast) {20}: AD:*, AM:*, ClR:*, CS:*, Db:9, Gf:11, K:*, L:23, Qt:*, Spk:4*; am_m:+, irp:+, rte:+, se_p:+ -- A:86/6
  345. Gregory Porter: All Rise (Blue Note) {20}: AM:*, Cpu:16, JC:+, JT:26, Sbd:13, TL:70; am_j:+, ghj:3, jbu:+, jjwd:8, jmja:+, jmk:+, jslo:4, pm_s:12, tg:+ -- TH:*
  346. Max Richter: Voices (Decca) {20}: AAJ:*, ACL:10, DS:+, ES:19, GTV:*, I:*, Mj:*, MO:40*, PM:47*, Qt:*, RT:65, TO:15, U:*; npr_rh:9 -- A:79/7, M:84/7
  347. Sara Serpa: Recognition (Biophilia) {20}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:+, W:41; jas:+, jbbr:8, jda:6, jdr:2, jha:+, jjws:8, jjz:9, jkg:4, jlb:+, jmj:+, jmja:8, jrh:+ -- TH:**
  348. Sonic Boom: All Things Being Equal (Carpark) {20}: AM:*, BIB:+, Cl:*, Ex:*, Hi:30, Mj:*, MM:90, No:6, Pc:60, Q:*, Qt:*, RM:64, Sb:54, U:*, UR:*, W:*; fms:+, rld:+ -- A:77/7, M:83/9
  349. Squarepusher: Be Up a Hello (Warp) {20}: AM:*, C:*, Dus:*, Ex:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, No:33, PM:*, Q:*, Qt:7*, U:*, XLR:+; am_e:+, pm_e:17, ty_e:8 -- A:75/12, M:76/14, TH:*
  350. This Is the Kit: Off Off On (Rough Trade) {20}: AM:*, Gw:*, I:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, MM:6, MO:30*, No:41, Plt:19, Trk:49, U:*, UR:61*, Zf:39; am_f:+, br:+ -- A:78/10, M:86/7
  351. Charles Tolliver: Connect (Gearbox) {20}: AAJ:*, AM:*, JC:48, JT:15, TN:+; bc_j:*, jbo:3, jcm:+, jhs:+, jmw:1, jrs:+, jth:10, sg_j:* -- A:70/2, TH:***
  352. Kali Uchis: Sin Miedo (Del Amor Y Otros Demonios) (Interscope) {20}: AD:*, Fld:23, IS:35, Jp:34, LAT:9, NF:56, NME:*, PCv:14, PO:+, SoS:25, Yb:26; fst:+, v_ja:7, vsk:7, xbf:+, xrc:8 -- A:70/5, TH:*
  353. Bob Vylan: We Live Here (Venn -EP) {20}: Gw:28, L:7, LW:2*, NME:*, RT:32, Try:3, VLR:5; rs_u:+ -- A:85/2, TH:[++]
  354. Wussy: Ghosts (2006-19, self-released) {20}: PO:+, Rx:10; xci:+, xem:+, xgh:+, xgm:+, xjy:4, xtj:+, xtw:+ -- RC:A, TH:***
  355. Riz Ahmed: The Long Goodbye (Mongrel -EP) {19}: Cl:*, G:*, GTV:98, LQ:17*, MO:*, NME:*, O:*, RT:72, Sbd:9; pm_h:13, xci:+, xrr:1 -- A:81/7, TH:*
  356. Daniel Avery: Love + Light (Phantasy Sound) {19}: AM:*, Crh:1, Dr:48, E_UK:33, Ex:*, Hi:48, LI:90, Mgn:24, NME:*, No:10, RM:46 -- A:80/3, TH:**
  357. Andy Bell: The View From Halfway Down (Sonic Cathedral) {19}: AD:*, AM:*, BIB:+, Dr:79, ES:28, Mj:*, Pc:36, S45:45, Trk:4, U:71*, UR:25; rld:+, vaz:6, ygc:+, yjk:6 -- A:77/6
  358. Chubby and the Gang: Speed Kills (Static Shock) {19}: DW:8, Mj:*, N:48, P:35, Pf:*, PO:+, Sg:+; bv_fp:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, ver:3, xdws:8, xjdc:32, xpb:3 -- A:80/2, TH:*
  359. Gerald Clayton: Happening: Live at the Village Vanguard (Blue Note) {19}: DB:*, JT:7; jbkw:5, jcjw:2, jbo:5, jgz:8, jkm:9, jmr:9, jpb:2, jtn:+, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  360. The Cribs: Night Network (Sonic Blew) {19}: AM:*, BIB:+, Cl:*, Crh:19, DIY:*, FO:43, GTV:100, Gw:19*, LBF:*, LW:*, Mj:*, MO:29*, NME:*, Rf:31; am_k:+ -- A:82/13, M:83/10
  361. Deerhoof: Future Teenage Cave Artists (Joyful Noise) {19}: AM:*, Ex:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, Ne:44*, NR:+, NT:*, PJ:86, Qt:66, S45:31, SoS:78, Sp:*, U:*; am_i:+, fst:+, sl:+, vma:7 -- A:77/12, M:79/8, TH:*
  362. The Dream Syndicate: The Universe Inside (Anti-) {19}: AM:*, AS:*, ClR:*, Mj:*, NT:*, PM:*, Rdx:44, RM:97, Try:6, U:*, W:*; am_k:+, aqd:+, yds:+, yti:++ -- A:80/4, M:83/8, TH:*
  363. En Attendant Ana: Juillet (Trouble in Mind) {19}: AM:*, BB:+, MM:26, P:*, PJ:36; am_i:+, p_r:+, vgb:5, xbw:+, xjsp:+, yds:6, ygc:9, ykt:8, yps:1 -- AM:80/2, TH:**
  364. Frazey Ford: U Kin B the Sun (Arts & Crafts) {19}: AS:*, CW:18, Ex:*, G:*, Mj:15*, MO:*, Q:*, RM:32, TS:+, U:18*; g_e:2 -- A:82/5, M:86/7, TH:**
  365. Ghostpoet: I Grow Tired but Dare Not Fall Asleep (Play It Again Sam) {19}: Cl:*, DIY:*, Gw:31*, I:*, IR:+, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NBH:29, Pc:92, RC:18, Rec:31, RT:57, T:*, Zf:34; atw:+, whf:+ -- A:77/10, M:77/10
  366. A Girl Called Eddy: Been Around (Elefant) {19}: AM:*, BIB:33, EE:20, HuN:46, Jp:32, Mj:*, MM:41, Mz:39, PM:*, RS_D:40, U:*; bz:6, xhs:+, xsa:+, yds:9, ykt:+, yrh:7 -- A:85/2, TH:*
  367. Fred Hersch: Songs From Home (Palmetto) {19}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jan:+, jdb:9, jfk:9, jgy:10, jkd:8, jkws:9, jla:8, jmc:9, jpl:9, jsf:8, jsk:1, mm:+ -- TH:***
  368. Juice WRLD: Legends Never Die (Grade A/Interscope) {19}: AM:*, Cl:*, Clv:41, Cmp:40, GC:17, HNH:25, LBF:*, PCv:24, PO:+, SoS:94, V:*; am_h:+, tbt:9, xbl:4, xgm:6, xrt:8, xxl:+ -- A:73/7, M:71/4, TH:B
  369. Quin Kirchner: The Shadows and the Light (Astral Spirits) {19}: AAJ:*, DB:*, FJ:*, Pf:*, PO:+; bc_j:*, jap:10, jmc:1, jpf:7, jrsc:10, jtb:5, yjed:3 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  370. Kvelertak: Splid (Rise) {19}: AM:+*, CS:*, Dag:+, Dv:34, Ex:*, K:48*, L:49, P:*, Q:*, Sbd:52, Vi:2, ; am_m:+, atl:+, lwr:+ -- A:82/7
  371. Natalia Lafourcade: Un Canto Por Mexico Vol 1 (Sony Mexico) {19}: AM:+*, EE:19, Ne:9*, RY:11, SoS:35; am_w:+, ms_w:6, npr_fc:7, npr_l:+, sdu:+, vjo:3, xph:+ -- A:80/2
  372. Loathe: I Let It in and It Took Everything (SharpTone) {19}: K:7*, Pu:7, Rev:5, Ups:*; ap:+, dep:1, gu:7, lwr:+, rks:+ -- A:80/2
  373. Roc Marciano: Mt Marci (Marci) {19}: BV_r:28, Cmp:32, Crz:39, DW:13, HG:11, PW:17; mic:+, ms_r:5, sg_r:7, sl:+, ty_h:4, v_ab:10, vu:10, yng:5 -- TH:*
  374. Nazar: Guerrilla (Hyperdub) {19}: ACL:2, AM:*, Bc:*, Kp:20, Qt:10, Sk:*, VF:8; am_e:+, mj_e:7, pf_e:+, vak:6 -- A:73/3
  375. Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts V: Together (Null) {19}: DS:18, Gig:*, HuN:8, LBF:*, Mx:49, NME:*, NYT:*, RS:*, S:*, UCR:7; ljs:22, vsrk:3, xbf:+ -- A:80/4
  376. Pallbearer: Forgotton Days (Nuclear Blast) {19}: AM:*, ClR:*, CS:26*, Db:19, K:40*, Pf:*, Rec:50, SoT:7; am_m:+, ca_d:6, lwr:+, pm_pr:5, tr_m:14 -- A:80/7, M:84/7
  377. Quelle Chris & Chris Keys: Innocent Country 2 (Mello Music Group) {19}: HDX:*, HG:17, Ne:31*, PW:15, W:19; aqd:+, vjfx:1, vkl:7, vmrv:5 -- A:76/4, TH:***
  378. Rose City Band: Summerlong (Thrill Jockey) {19}: AM:*, Dr:23, Ex:*, FB:19, Gl:++*, Mj:35*, O:*, Pc:37, RM:28, Try:28, U:34*; aqd:+, xci:+ -- A:80/1, M:95/6, TH:*
  379. Sa-Roc: The Sharecropper's Daughter (Rhymesayers) {19}: Al:92, BS:4, DJ:9, HDX:+, HG:6; ec:+, pm_h:8, xci:+, xgm:5 -- TH:**
  380. Tyshawn Sorey: Unfiltered (self-released) {19}: FJ:*, JC:34; jas:1, jbkw:1, jgg:1, jjc:+, jjo:2, jmw:6, jsw:7, pg:1
  381. Swamp Dogg: Sorry You Couldn't Make It (Joyful Noise) {19}: Btz:47, ClR:*, DB:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, P:*, PM:*, PO:+, SE:88, Sp:*, TS:+, U:*; am_a:+, aqd:+, bg_u:+, pm_s:19, rc_s:9 -- A:76/5, M:79/8, TH:**
  382. Sweeping Promises: Hunger for a Way Out (Feel It) {19}: BIB:9, GB:19, PJ:27; npr_lg:3, vgb:3, vbz:7, xjsp:10, yjsb:+, yju:10, ynn:10 -- TH:A-
  383. Eefje de Visser: Bitterzoet (Sony Music) {19}: 3v:4, DaB:13, DVk:9, Hu:8, IS:23, Oo:1; kf:9
  384. Hailey Whitters: The Dream (Pigasus) {19}: AS:*, CU:18, NS:10, P:*, Rf:27, TL:33; ny_c:+, p_c:+, sg_c:1, xci:+, xem:10, xtl:+ -- A:87/2, TH:**
  385. Woods: Strange to Explain (Woodsist) {19}: AM:*, BIB:+, Gl:+*, Hi:12, LI:93, Pc:52, PJ:95, PM:*, Q:*, S45:17, Spk:*, Try:31, U:*; am_i:+, aqd:+, rld:+ -- A:72/10, M:84/5
  386. All Time Low: Wake Up Sunshine (Fueled by Ramen) {18}: AS:20, Ch:25, Clv:31, D:*, Gig:*, K:17*, Pu:18, Ups:*; ap:+, dep:10, iad:9, lwr:+, rdb:+, rks:+ -- A:76/5
  387. Amaarae: The Angel You Don't Know (Golden Child Entertainment) {18}: Cl:21, E_UK:19, HS:2, LBF:23, Pf:19*, SoS:73; hyb:17, vmp:+ -- A:84/1, TH:A-
  388. Ichiko Aoba: Windswept Adan (Hermine) {18}: BPM:18*, Ne:5*, RY:2, SoS:15, Spk:10; ydn:+ -- A:85/3
  389. BbyMutha: Muthaland (The Muthaboard) {18}: Bc:+, BV_r:49, DW:9, Fa:26, NPR:38, Okp:19; now_a:1, owl:+, xdws:9 -- TH:A-
  390. Jake Blount: Spider Tales (Free Dirt) {18}: Bc:*+, ND:2, NPR:33; bc_s:*, fa:+, g_f:3, key:+, pm_f:2, sol_am:+ -- TH:***
  391. Bombay Bicycle Club: Everything Else Has Gone Wrong (Caroline) {18}: AM:*, Cl:*, Crz:15, D:19*, DIY:*, Ex:*, Gw:*, I:*, KX:63, PM:*, Q:*, Sp:*, T:*, Top:48, U:* -- A:75/19, M:74/16, TH:B
  392. Brandy: B7 (Brand Nu/Entertainment One) {18}: Al:*, AM:+, BB:42, Cl:*, HDX:+, O:*, Okp:+, Up_r:19; am_r:+, bg_j:+, hc_g:3, key:+, via:9, vmdv:7, vti:+ -- A:75/6, M:72/4, TH:*
  393. Busta Rhymes: Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God (Conglomerate/Empire) {18}: Al:33*, HDX:+, HG:33, HNH:5, NME:*, Ps:46, SoS:61; bv_kr:+, via:2, vkl:4, yds:+, ysh:8 -- A:68/6, M:65/4, TH:B
  394. Clem Snide: Forever Just Beyond (Ramseur) {18}: AS:*, DW:19, ND:20, Rx:52; npr_st:7, xbw:+xci:+, xhs:+, xjdc:31, xsp:+ -- A:75/3, RC:A-, TH:**
  395. Dorian Electra: My Agenda (Dorian Electra) {18}: AS:*, Fld:16, IR:13, IS:40, LBF:*, Ne:37*, O:*, PCv:16, Up:48, Up_p:10; npr_lh:5 -- A:80/6, TH:B
  396. Dvsn: A Muse in Her Feelings (OVD Sound/Warner) {18}: Cmp:17, Ex:*, HDX:+, HS:18, LBF:*, N:56, NME:*, Okp:12, Up_r:5; now:9, vhg:10 -- A:75/6, TH:*
  397. Eminem: Music to Be Murdered By (Shady/Aftermath/Interscope) {18}: HNH:11, Rx:28, T:*, YW:19; xci:+, xjc:10, xjdc:18, xxl:+ -- A:63/16, RC:A-, TH:A-
  398. Angelica Garcia: Cha Cha Palace (Spacebomb) {18}: AM:+*, Bc:+*, TS:6; am_w:+, npr_jg:2, npr_sf:9, so_d:3, so_k:4, st:6, vdn:10, yjf:18 -- A:80/2, TH:B
  399. Gunna: Wunna (YSL/300) {18}: Cmp:14, HNH:18, HS:20, Snv:10, Up:34, Up_h:14; vbhk:6, vcj:4, vu:9, xxl:+ -- A:62/6, TH:*
  400. Half Waif: The Caretaker (Anti/Epitaph) {18}: BPM:4*, Ex:*, LQ:*, NBH:46, P:*, Pf:*, PM:*, Sk:*, Tr:15, WHP:10; pm_p:10 -- A:79/7, M:79/9
  401. The Koreatown Oddity: Little Dominiques Nosebleed (Stones Throw) {18}: -- AM:*+, Bc:+*, BPM:35, HG:32, Mj:*, Ne:11*, NT:26*, RY:27; am_h:+, vnp:6
  402. Hamilton Leithauser: The Loves of Your Life (Glassnote) {18}: AM:*, Cl:*, GMD:22, Got:23, L4:3, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, P:*, NT:*, Q:*, Sp:*, UR:96, YF:* -- A:79/12
  403. Makaya McCraven: Universal Beings E&F Sides (International Anthem) {18}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Bc:*, FJ:*, Mj:*, Pc:94, SoS:69; am_j:+, jadh:4, jcm:+, jjz:+, jmsc:9, pg_ad:4, sl:+ -- TH:**
  404. HC McEntire: Eno Axis (Merge) {18}: Dus:*, Fld:*, Jun:17, Mj:*, MO:*, Pf:*, PM:42*, RM:95, SE:13, Try:41, U:63*; aqd:+, pf_k:+, vjcl:6 -- A:81/7
  405. Maria McKee: La Vita Nuova (American Fire -EP) {18}: AD:*, AM:*, Mj:34*, MO:*, RC:17, So:12, TL:45, U:*, V:*; ab_s:3, yds:+, ykt:3, yrh:10 -- A:69/4, M:80/7
  406. John Moreland: LP5 (Old Omens) {18}: AS:*, BS:5, CU:9, Gl:*, ND_r:46, PM:*, TL:41, U:*, UR:*; ny_c:+, scm:+ -- A:76/8, M:80/7, TH:**
  407. Mourning [A] BLKstar: The Cycle (Don Giovanni) {18}: AM:*, Btz:23, FB:78, PM:36, W:3; am_r:+, ca_d:5, owl:+, pm_s:4, vak:7, ycct:1
  408. Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts VI: Locusts (Null) {18}: DS:18, Gig:*, HuN:8, LBF:*, Mx:49, NF:54, NME:*, NYT:*, RS:*, S:*, Spk:*, UCR:7; ljs:22 -- A:82/4
  409. Ohmme: Fantasize Your Ghost (Joyful Noise) {18}: AM:*, Bc:*, Btz:9, Cl:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, PM:*, Q:*, Sb:16, U:*; af_pr:+, pf_k:+, rs_u:+, yjf:11 -- A:78/8, M:83/11
  410. Pillow Queens: In Waiting (Pillow Queens) {18}: Cl:*, D:27, *, DIY:*, Gw:50, HP:5, Ni:9, NME:*, Pu:16, RT:49; it:+, rdb:+ -- A:85/4
  411. Sad13: Haunted Painting (Wax Nine) {18}: ABC:31, AM:*, DIY:*, DW:21, Mx:31, P:*, RS:41, Rx:21, Ups:*, UR:92; vaz:10, xjdc:30, ycp:+ -- A:76/7, RC:A-, TH:*
  412. Sturgill Simpson: Cuttin' Grass Vol 2 (The Cowboy Arms Sessions) (High Top Mountain) {18}: NF:19, SE:32; jjm_c:4, p_c:+, scm:+++*, spt:8, vam:3, ycw:+ -- TH:A-
  413. AA Williams: Forever Blue (Bella Union) {18}: AM:*, AS:*, BPM:*, Cl:*, CW:3, HuN:18, K:21, L:44, LBF:*, Mj:*, RM:46, Top:25, Try:33, U:* -- A:83/8, M:82/7
  414. John Beasley: MONK'estra Plays John Beasley (Mack Avenue) {17}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:46, JT:19; jgz:1, jhm:1, jnt:6, jpb:4, jrm:+ -- TH:**
  415. Tim Berne's Snakeoil: The Fantastic Mrs 10 (Intakt) {17}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, TN:+; jdm:+, jff:5, jlb:6, jmju:8, jms:7, jpf:6, jsd:10, jyo:10, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  416. Big Sean: Detroit 2 (GOOD Music/Def Jam) {17}: AM:*, Cmp:49, CS:*, HNH:24, Up_h:22, V:*; am_h:+, bv_kr:+, hb:6, npr_bc:7, nyl:+, vbp:3, vu:+, xxl:+ -- A:68/7, M:71/8, TH:**
  417. Black Lips: Sing in a World That's Falling Apart (Fire) {17}: AD:*, EE:18, Gf:9, GTV:89, LBF:*, LI:53, Mj:*, NME:*, PM:*, Q:*, SE:+, VLR:41, YF:*; ms_a:9 -- A:69/9, M:76/12
  418. Cabaret Voltaire: Shadow of Fear (Mute) {17}: AD:*, AM:*, ES:4, G:*, Mj:*, MO:*, U:*; bl:9, tr_e:10, ty_e:3 -- A:82/7, M:83/6, TH:***
  419. Cable Ties: Far Enough (Merge) {17}: CW:22, DJ:14, Dus:*, FB:35, GTV:*, Mj:*, Q:*, Try:34, YW:29; rld:+, tm:9, vjk:10, yps:+ -- A:73/4, M:75/8, TH:***
  420. Aaron Diehl: The Vagabond (Mack Avenue) {17}: AAJ:*, JT:30, JW:17; jel:7, jfk:5, jgy:3, jpq:9, jrm:+, sg_j:5*, vpf:5 -- TH:*
  421. Everything Everything: Re-Animator (Awal) {17}: AM:*, AU:27, Cl:*, DIY:*, I:26*, LBF:*, Lt:47, MO:*, NME:*, Q:*, Rec:48, U:*, UR:40; irp:+, jmr:+, vdcm:9 -- A:77/14, M:84/10
  422. Fox Green: The Longest April (self-released) {17}: NF:48, YW:75; mm:+, xbf:+, xgh:+, xgm:24, xmb:1, xscw:+, yjb:10 -- RC:***, TH:***
  423. Fuzz: III (In the Red) {17}: AM:*, CD:42, Crh:12, Dr:1, Ex:*, FB:63, Gl:*, Pc:58, Try:47, U:*; am_k:+, aqd:+ -- A:77/5, M:82/5
  424. Ganser: Just Look at That Sky (Felte) {17}: BIB:+, Cl:*, GTV:*, N:87, P:49, SE:104, Tr:37; bv_sd:+, p_r:+, rld:+, rs_u:+, so_d:2, so_k:12, up_sh:15, vaz:5 -- A:73/5
  425. Mickey Guyton: Bridges (Capitol Nashville -EP) {17}: AS:12, CU:19, NS:18, PO:+, TL:21; sg_c:9, sl:+, sln:+, xscw:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
  426. Honey Harper: Starmaker (ATO) {17}: AM:*, BIB:34, Cl:*, Ex:*, IR:18, LI:86, Mj:*, N:80, SC:*, Sl:33, Spk:21*, U:69*; am_a:+ -- A:83/4, M:84/6, TH:B
  427. Headie One X Fred Again: Gang (Relentless -EP) {17}: BV_r:15, Cl:*, Cmp:+, Du:5, HS:7, LQ:*, NME:*, Snv:17, W:45 -- A:90/3, TH:*
  428. Imperial Triumphant: Alphaville (Century Media) {17}: Db:3, Ex:*, Ne:23*, Rev:25; jhs:+, lwr:+, pm_m:1, pm_pr:2, vgm:+, vjo:10 -- A:87/3
  429. Juniore: Un Deux Trois (Le Phonographe) {17}: BIB:29, Crh:11, Dr:80, LBF:*, LI:94, Mj:*, Pc:75, RM:6, U:*; vbz:4, yrh:9 -- A:85/1, M:77/4, TH:**
  430. Kid Cudi: Man on the Moon III: The Chosen (Republic) {17}: Cl:*, GMD:9, HS:16, LBF:*, Mgn:19, NF:62, Ps:4; ri:+ -- A:85/2, TH:**
  431. Tkay Maidza: Last Year Was Weird (Vol 2) (4AD -EP) {17}: BV_r:40, DIY:*, Jun:23, LQ:5*, N:78, Ne:*, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, SoS:89; xpb:6 -- A:81/7, TH:**
  432. Paul McCartney: McCartney III (Capitol) {17}: ABC:17, Mj:*, RS:40, RS_Ar:23, RS_D:29, RSh:20, SE:23, TS:+, UCR:2, XSN:19; rld:+
  433. Megan Thee Stallion: Suga (1501 Certified/300 Entertainment -EP) {17}: BB:+, Cmp:+, GC:21, LBF:*, LQ:20, PO:+, RS:*, V:*; dnw:8, vml:9, xgm:+, xkb:+ -- A:73/6, TH:A-
  434. Motorpsycho: The All Is One (Rune Grammofon) {17}: AM:*, Dag:+, Dv:4, FB:1, Hi:36, Mj:*, Vi:23; am_m:+, pr:4 -- A:80/2
  435. Nada Surf: Never Not Together (Barsuk) {17}: ABC:12, AM:*, Ex:*, Gl:+*, Mg:16, Mj:*, Mz:49, PM:*, Rf:2, V:*; yjsb:+ -- A:77/5, M:80/9
  436. Zephaniah OHora: Listening to the Music (Last Roundup) {17}: AM:+, Mj:*, SE:9, TL:68; am_c:+, mj_a:10, scm:+++*, xci:+ -- TH:A-
  437. Kassa Overall: I Think I'm Good (Brownswood) {17}: AM:*, DB:*, G:38, LI:67, PO:+, Zf:22; am_j:+, br:+, jhs:+, jse:7, mm:+, npr_ap:9, npr_rc:6, sg_j:*, sl:+, vjc:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  438. Ratboys: Printer's Devil (Topshelf) {17}: Alt:5, DIY:*, NR:14*, PJ:75, Sl:25, Up_i:29, UR:*, YW:18; mic:+, xjsp:+ -- A:75/6, TH:*
  439. Caroline Rose: Superstar (New West) {17}: Al:50*, AM:*, DS:+, Ex:*, LBF:*, P:*, PM:*, Q:*, SE:72, U:*, UR:*, YF:*; am_p:+, bv_sd:+, vbs:+, vmp:+ -- A:76/12, M:81/14, TH:B
  440. Royce Da 5'9": The Allegory (EOne) {17}: Al:*, Cmp:+, Ex:*, HDX:+*, HG:19, HNH:8, NME:*, Q:*, Rf:41; bg_b:+, xxl:+ -- A:75/7, TH:**
  441. Speaker Music: Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry (Planet Mu) {17}: Bc:+*, C:40, Mgn:26, PO:+, VF:20, YW:64; bc_e:+*, bl:6, tgl:6, yclw:10 -- TH:A-
  442. Stormzy: Heavy Is the Head (Merky/Atlantic -19) {17}: AM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, G:*, Gf_D:12, I:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, Ne:*, NME:*, PM:*, Q:*, T:*, UR:* -- A:78/18, TH:**
  443. The Streets: None of Us Are Getting Out of This Life Alive (Island) {17}: AD:*, Crz:38, DIY:*, HP:34, Mj:*, MO:*, Mu:47, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, Q:*, Rec:32, T:*; am_h:+, xci:+ -- A:72/19, M:77/9, TH:**
  444. Emma Swift: Blonde on the Tracks (Tiny Ghost) {17}: Cpu:20, G:*, ND_r:6, PJ:81, TL:90, U:*, UR:*; vbs:+, xbw:+, xde:2, xjlu:7, xmb:10, xtj:9 -- M:81/5, TH:B
  445. Marcin Wasilewski Trio/Joe Lovano: Arctic Riff (ECM) {17}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, JT:27, YW:104; am_j:+, jbw:6, jfkz:+, jme:1, jrm:+, sg_j:*, tg:+, tr_j:+ -- A:90/1, TH:**
  446. Kamaal Williams: Wu Hen (Warp) {17}: AM:*, DaB:41, Dr:44, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, Pc:45, PW:24, Q:*, RT:29, SC:*, U:*, W:*; bv_j:8, vdvn:2 -- A:79/9, M:80/8, TH:*
  447. Bambara: Stray (Wharf Cat) {16}: AM:*, BIB:+, Cl:*, FB:11, GTV:*, HuN:29, L4:18, LQ:*, PM:*, Pn:*, Q:*, Try:39, U:*, Ups:* -- A:77/8, M:79/9
  448. Boris: No (Sargent House) {16}: Bc:*, Mj:*, Mx:19, Ne:29*, SC:*, Spk:35, Tr:20, Vi:30; am_w:+, aqd:+, tr_m:3, vtjk:7 -- A:74/4
  449. Bring Me the Horizon: Post Human: Survival Disorder (RCA -EP) {16}: AM:*, Crz:29, Gw:*, I:*, K:*, Ne:*, NME:*, Pu:14, Rev:7, Rf:33; am_m:+, ap:+, lwr:+ -- A:77/9, M:82/7
  450. Apollo Brown & Che' Noir: As God Intended (Mello Music Group) {16}: AM:*, BV_r:18, CW:7, HG:4, PO:+; am_h:+, bc_h:*, xci:+ -- A:77/1, TH:**
  451. BTS: BE (Big Hit) {16}: AD:*, AM:*, CS:*, E:+, Ex:*, GC:35, I:*, Id:53, LAT:*, NME:*, NPR_l:21, Pf_r:34, Ps:29, YF:*; wwl:13 -- A:79/10, M:84/4, TH:*
  452. Tim Burgess: I Love the New Sky (Bella Union) {16}: AD:*, Bc:*, Dr:83, Ex:*, Gig:*, I:*, LBF:*, LW:*, Mj:55, MO:*, NME:*, O:*, Pc:20, RT:43, SE:+ -- A:81/(, M:78/8
  453. Buscabulla: Regresa (Ribbon) {16}: AM:*, Bc:+, BPM:39*, GiL:18, GTV:*, Jp:48, NME:*, NPR:21, P:*; npr_sf:10, p_p:+, vasp:8, yjf:5 -- A:78/6
  454. GoGo Penguin: GoGo Penguin (Blue Note) {16}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Gl:*, GTV:42, LQ:*, Mj:*, O:*, Pc:67, RM:93, U:*; jkm:8, mj_j:6, sg_j:* -- A:75/4, M:81/5, TH:***
  455. Gulch: Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress (Closed Casket Activities) {16}: Alt:62, BV:33, BV_p:5, Fa:47, GMD:13, HuN:24, Rev:15, Sg:30; jhs:8, lwr:+, tr_m:22
  456. Willie J Healey: Twin Heavy (Yala!) {16}: Cl:*, DIY:19*, Gw:*, LBF:*, LW:*, NME:*, Q:*, RM:73, Trk:1; gu:14 -- A:81/7, M:84/5
  457. The Heliocentrics: Infinity of Now (Madlib Invazion) {16}: AM:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, RT:42, U:*, W:*; jml:3, sg_j:*, xgm:+ -- A:85/2, M:84/5, RC:B+, TH:***
  458. Okkyung Lee: Yeo-Neun (Shelter Press) {16}: Bc:*+, CM:+, Ex:*, FJ:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, No:45, Pf:*, VF:45; pg:5, ydn:3 -- A:80/2, M:84/4, TH:**
  459. Corb Lund: Agricultural Tragic (New West) {16}: AM:*, EX:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, ND_r:7, SE:+, TL:54, YW:73; am_a:+, scm:+*, spt:+ -- A:85/2, M:80/6, TH:**
  460. Moor Mother: Circuit City (Don Giovanni) {16}: TN:+, W:2; bv_j:5, jbkw:4, jhs:+, pm_x:10, sg_j:*, xbf:+, ybb:2 -- TH:*
  461. Aruan Ortiz With Andrew Cyrille and Mauricio Herrera: Inside Rhythmic Falls (Intakt) {16}: AAJ:*, JC:+, TN:+; fd:+, jdbs:+, jha:+, jka:6, jlb:8, jsp:+, jyo:+, pg_rs:+, sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  462. Jason Palmer: The Concert: 12 Musings for Isabella (Giant Steps Arts) {16}: AAJ:*; jag:8, jjw:3, jkd:9, jtn:7, jrm:+, jsk:2, jsl:5, ph:10 -- TH:A-
  463. Puscifer: Existential Reckoning (BMG) {16}: AM:*, CS:*, Gld:*, K:26*, Mx:6, Rev:19, Sp:*, V:*, Vi:35; azr:20, cct:11, lwr:+ -- A:74/6, M:80/6
  464. PVRIS: Use Me (Warner) {16}: AM:*, Ch:23, Clv:48, D:32, DIY:*, K:46*, LBF:*, NME:*, Pu:21, Q:*, Ups:*; am_p:+, ap:+, dep:8, rks:+ -- A:86/7, M:87/6, TH:B
  465. Jessie Reyez: Before Love Came to Kill Us (Island) {16}: AM:*, BB:28, Cl:*, Ex:*, G:*, NME:*, PM:34, Ps:15, Q:*, V:*; am_r:+, ny_c:+, v_ja:+ -- A:77/7, TH:**
  466. RVG: Feral (Fire) {16}: AM:+*, BIB:+, DJ:49, DVk:28, FB:28, Jun:10, LI:46, LW:39, Mj:*, SE:120; am_i:+, yds:7, ykt:9 -- A:80/1, M:76/4
  467. Yelle: L'Ere Du Verseau (Recreation Center) {16}: AM:+*, Ex:*, GMD:1, Jp:26, LI:14, Noj:33; am_p:+, tck:5 -- A:78/3, TH:*
  468. Idris Ackamoor & the Pyramids: Shaman! (Strut) {15}: AAJ:*, DB:*, G:*, Mj:*, O:*, PO:+, Qt:*; jcm:+, jin:7, sg_j:*, tr_j:+ -- A:71/3, M:75/4, TH:A-
  469. Thana Alexa: ONA (self-released) {15}: AAJ:*, JC:+, Tx_j:10; jb:+, jdo:1, jrm:+, jyk:+, nat:+, pm_j:+ -- TH:**
  470. Terry Allen and the Panhandle Mystery Band: Just Like Moby Dick (Paradise of Bachelors) {15}: AS:*, CU:24, Dus:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, PM:*, PO:+; aqd:+, pi:8 -- A:79/3, RC:***, TH:***
  471. Django Bates' Beloved With Norrbotten Big Band: Tenacity (Lost Marble) {15}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:+, JW:2, Mj:*, TS:+; g_j:2, jfkz:6, jjwd:1
  472. Afel Bocoum: Linde (World Circuit) {15}: LQ:*, Gl:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, O:*, PM:*, RM:66, U:31*; mj_w:8, ms_w:2, sol:+, sol_af:+, xrt:12 -- A:79/6, M:82/5, TH:**
  473. Alan Braufman: The Fire Still Burns (Valley of Search) {15}: Bc:+*, FJ:*, TN:+; bv_j:12, fd:+, jhs:5, jpf:4, mj_j:9, tr_j:+, vrg:2 -- TH:*
  474. Ane Brun: After the Great Storm (V2 Benelux) {15}: Dv:17, Ec:5, LBF:*, MO:7*, PM:*; ab_s:5, pm_ep:6 -- A:75/5, M:75/4
  475. James Carney Sextet: Pure Heart (Sunnyside) {15}: CM:+, DB:*; bc_j:*, jdg:3, jgg:5, jjm:+, jls:7, jsy:7, pm_j:+, vwl:8 -- TH:***
  476. Tyler Childers: Long Violent History (Hickman Holler) {15}: AM:*, ND_r:15, NS:24, SE:86, TL:63; am_a:+, jjm_c:10, pm_f:1, scm:+ -- TH:***
  477. Sarah Davachi: Cantus, Descant (Late) {15}: Ex:*, Dr:50, DS:14, Mj:*, Qt:52, SC:*, U:43*, W:13; aqd:+, mj_u:2, pf_a:+ -- A:73/5, M:78/6
  478. Empty Country: Empty Country (Get Better) {15}: Alt:36, BPM:29*, Ex:*, NR:*, Sg:+, Sl:32, Spk:14*; mic:9, p_r:+, vzs:1 -- A:87/3
  479. Gabriel Garzon-Montano: Aguita (Jagjaguwar) {15}: AM:*, Bc:+, Fld:*, Mj:*, SC:*; kc:3, npr_bc:8, now_a:6, npr_ap:3, npr_l:+, tm:7, vmp:+ -- A:78/6, TH:*
  480. Green Day: Father of All . . . [Motherfuckers] (Reprise) {15}: ClR:49*, K:37*, NME:*, O:*, Pn:*, Q:*, RS:*, T:*, V:*, VLR:42; ap:+, rx:+, sfe:8 -- A:57/22
  481. Guided by Voices: Mirrored Aztec (GBV) {15}: AM:*, BIB:+, Ex:*, Got:12, Mg:3, Mj:*, PJ:77; vspt:4, yjsb:6, yng:+ -- A:78/4
  482. Tigran Hamasyan: The Call Within (Nonesuch) {15}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JW:7, U:*; df:+, jak:7, jma:1, tg:+, vjso:4 -- A:70/2, TH:*
  483. Homeboy Sandman: Don't Feed the Monster (Mello Music Group) {15}: AM:*, DW:79, HG:29, NPR:49, Rf:46; am_h:+, npr_rc:3, vkl:1, xci:+ -- TH:***
  484. Ruston Kelly: Shape & Destroy (Concord/Rounder) {15}: AM:*, AS:*, Ch:12, CU:21, P:*, SE:132; am_a:+, jjm_c:7, npr_lm:10, ns:3, p_c:+, sln:+, vej:9 -- A:82/4
  485. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: KG (Flightless) {15}: Crh:16, DJ:38, FB:90, Gl:+*, Gw:23*, LBF:*, LW:*, Mj:*, UR:*, Vi:19; rld:+ -- A:74/11, M:75/9
  486. KMRU: Peel (Editions Mego) {15}: ACL:12, AM:*, Bc:+, GTV:*, RA:18, VF:3; am_e:+, bc_a:+, ia:8, pf_a:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  487. Cindy Lee: What's Tonight to Eternity (W.25th) {15}: BIB:10, BPM:33, Ex:*, GB:8, LCA:35, P:*, Spk:23; bv_fp:+, vkf:5, vzs:8 -- A:82/3
  488. Mark Lomax II & the Urban Art Ensemble: 400 Years Suite (CFG Multimedia) {15}: FJ:*, JC:+, PO:3; xbl:9, xgh:10, xgm:22, xtw:+ -- TH:A
  489. Lydia Loveless: Daughter (Honey, You're Gonna Be Late) {15}: AM:*, CU:16, Gl:++, Mg:9, NR:*, SE:70, TL:42, YW:37; am_a:+, so_d:9, so_k:11 -- A:78/2, TH:*
  490. Terrace Martin/Robert Glasper/9th Wonder/Kamasi Washington: Dinner Party (Sounds of Crenshaw -EP) {15}: Al:98, AM:*, BS:9, Ex:*, HDX:+, SC:*; am_r:+, fst:+, jaa:6, jhs:+, tbt:2, vti:10 -- A:78/3, TH:*
  491. Zara McFarlane: Songs of an Unknown Tongue (Brownswood) {15}: AAJ:*, Cl:*, DB:*, Mj:*, Pc:12, Q:*, Rec:13; jma:+, npr_ap:1, npr_su:5 -- A:77/3, M:87/4, TH:*
  492. Hedvig Mollestad: Ekhidna (Rune Grammofon) {15}: AM:*, CM:+, DB:*, FJ:*, TN:+; am_j:+, jrw:4, pr:3, tbm:8 -- TH:A-
  493. Thiago Nassif: Mente (Gearbox) {15}: DW:78, FB:40, NF:41, U:*; jml:+, xbf:9, xbl:6, xjdc:47, xrt:6, yjrs:4 -- TH:A-
  494. Owen Pallett: Island (Domino) {15}: BPM:7*, Cl:*, Ex:*, HV:21, LI:76, MM:92, MO:*, NR:24*, NT:*, Qt:*; sl:+ -- A:81/6, M:86/7
  495. Theo Parrish: Wuddaji (Sound Signature) {15}: PO:+, PW:36, RA:15, Re:7, XLR:+, Zf:26; pf_e:+, ty_e:11, vbd:6, yjc:6 -- TH:**
  496. Brigid Mae Power: Head Above the Water (Fire) {15}: Btz:45, Mj:*, MO:*, O:*, Qt:*, RC:22*, RT:27, U:19*; aqd:+, it:+, pm_f:14, vgb:8 -- A:77/6, M:82/7
  497. Roddy Ricch: Please Excuse Me for Being Antisocial (Atlantic -19) {15}: HDX:*, Up:11, Up_h:4; vbhk:2, vjmy:3, vmdv:1, xkb:+ -- A:71/7, TH:B
  498. Joel Ross: Who Are You (Blue Note) {15}: AM:+*, JT:23, PO:+, TN:+; am_j:+, ghj:+, jhs:+, jse:9, jtn:6, sdu_j:+, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  499. Samia: The Baby (Grand Jury Music) {15}: LBF:2*, MO:*, NME:*, OC:15, P:43, Up_i:28, WHP:7; p_r:+ -- A:75/4
  500. Alexander von Schlippenbach: Slow Pieces for Aki (Intakt) {15}: AAJ:*, DB:*, TN:5; jbsh:7, jck:2, jdm:+, jmc:12, ydn:6 -- TH:***
  501. Six Organs of Admittance: Companion Rises (Drag City) {15}: AM:*, Cl:*, Dus:*, Mj:*, Qt:*, Sb:12, SC:*, U:66*, W:*; aqd:+, npr_oh:9, vjk:2 -- A:80/4, M:82/9
  502. Cleo Sol: Rose in the Dark (Forever Living Originals) {15}: AM:*+, Bc:+, Cl:44, Oy:19, Pc:11, VF:12; am_r:+, cmp:5, vak:4
  503. A Swayze & the Ghosts: Paid Salvation (Ivy League) {15}: ClR:*, DaB:45, DJ:32, GTV:*, Hi:9, LBF:*, LW:14, Mj:*, O:*; g_e:1 -- A:79/7
  504. Tani Tabbal Trio: Now Then (Tao Forms) {15}: AM:*, CM:+, DB:*; am_j:+, jad:3, jbs:3, jsf:4, sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  505. The Third Mind: The Third Mind (Yep Roc) {15}: AM:*, AS:*, Gl:*, PO:9; aqd:+, mm:+, xbw:+, xgm:9, xrt:9 -- M:84/4, TH:A-
  506. 100 Gecs: 1000 Gecs and the Tree of Clues (Dog Show) {14}: DIY:*, DW:7, LBF:*, NDO:+, NF:60, NME:*, PM:*; ri:+, v_ja:8, xdws:7 -- A:78/8, M:84/5, TH:**
  507. 2nd Grade: Hit to Hit (Double Double Whammy) {14}: Alt:65, AM:*, Dus:*, DW:64, LBF:*, Vi:47; pm_ip:+, jcp:1, ynn:2 -- A:78/3, M:78/5, TH:**
  508. All Them Witches: Nothing as the Ideal (New West) {14}: AM:*, ClR:23*, FB:43, L:43, LBF:*, Lt:15, Try:38, Vi:6; am_m:+, rld:+ -- A:82/5, M:85/5
  509. And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead: X: The Godless Void and Other Stories (Dine Alone Music) {14}: AC:*, AM:*, ClR:*, K:*, MO:*, PM:*, Q:*, SE:33, Vi:11; am_k:+, vdca:1 -- A:79/7, M:80/12
  510. Gary Bartz and Maisha: Night Dreamer Direct-to-Disc Sessions (Night Dreamer) {14}: AM:*, JW:5, TN:+; am_j:+, bc_j:*, jak:5, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  511. Benee: Hey U X (Republic) {14}: D:33, DIY:*, I:*, Id:37, LBF:*, MO:*, NME:*, NT:*, O:*, PCv:35, Up_p:20, WHP:26; rnz:16 -- A:79/8, M:82/7
  512. Bktherula: Nirvana (Warner) {14}: DW:50, PO:+, Rx:18; cp:9, xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  513. Brothers Osborne: Skeletons (Spinefarm) {14}: ClR:46, AM:+*, NS:19, SE:35, TL:59; am_c:+, scm:*, scm_m:11, sln:+, xem:7, xjdc:62 -- A:77/3, TH:*
  514. Will Butler: Generations (Merge) {14}: AS:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, Rec:30, Rx:44, Sp:*; xscw:+ -- A:75/10, M:70/6, RC:A-, TH:***
  515. Cam: The Otherside (RCA) {14}: Id:10, NS:21, SE:71, TL:29; df:+, p:9, p_c:+, sg_c:7, sln:+ -- A:70/2, TH:***
  516. AG Cook: Apple (PC Music) {14}: AM:*, Cl:*, Dz:14, Ex:*, IS:29, LBF:*, N:88, NT:*, O:*, Rdx:46; am_e:+, pm_x:13, rdb:+ -- A:75/9, TH:B
  517. Deep Purple: Whoosh! (Ear Music) {14}: AM:*, ClR:3*, L:6, SoT:18, UCR:22; am_k:+, lwr:+ -- A:67/7, M:70/5
  518. Alabaster DePlume: To Cy & Lee: Instrumentals Vol 1 (International Anthem) {14}: Bc:+, JC:+, SoS:16, Zf:49; aqd:+, jak:1, pg_rs:2, vdh:8 -- TH:**
  519. Einsturzende Neubauten: Alles in Allem (Potomak) {14}: BIB:+, Lt:14, LW:21, Mu:28, No:36, Qt:12, RM:62, Top:9, Vi:43; rld:+
  520. Hazel English: Wake Up! (Polyvinyl) {14}: Cl:*, Ex:*, L4:7, LBF:*, NF:59, RT:20; xrc:4, xrt:5 -- A:72/10, M:73/11, TH:*
  521. Roger Eno and Brian Eno: Mixing Colours (Deutsche Grammophon) {14}: AAJ:*, AD:*, ES:9, O:*, PM:*, Q:*, Sp:*, U:46*; mm:+, npr_bb:9 -- A:70/9, M:72/11, TH:*
  522. EOB [Ed O'Brien]: Earth (Capitol) {14}: Cl:*, Dr:89, Ex:*, KX:84, LBF:*, Mj:*, MM:98, MO:*, NME:*, Q:*, RM:70, Trk:45, XSN:11 -- A:69/16
  523. Fish: Weltschmerz (Fish Music) {14}: ClR:2*, L:10, SoT:6; pr:1 -- A:70/3
  524. Holy Fuck: Deleter (Last Gang) {14}: AM:*, Crh:27, DIY:*, Dr:29, GTV:*, KX:62, LW:42, MO:*, RM:27, Sk:*; pm_ep:7 -- A:72/12, TH:***
  525. Nicholas Jaar: Telas (Other People) {14}: C:*, Ex:*, Fld:*, LI:38, RA:*, Rf:71, SC:*, SoS:1 -- A:74/8, M:74/4, TH:**
  526. Alicia Keys: Alicia (RCA) {14}: AD:*, Al:82, I:*, HDX:+, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, NYT:*, PO:+, TL:26, V:* -- A:74/10, M:77/12, TH:**
  527. Bettye LaVette: Blackbirds (Verve) {14}: AM:*, AS:*, CU:39, Gl:*, PO:+, V:*; am_b:+, am_r:+, jse:8, v_cw:+, vahm:6 -- A:75/4, M:78/7, TH:***
  528. Les Amazones d'Afrique: Amazones Power (RealWorld) {14}: Mj:*, MO:*, PM:52*, PO:+, Q:*, Rx:30, U:* -- A:85/2, RC:A-, TH:**
  529. Lionel Loueke: HH (Edition) {14}: AAJ:*, Mj:*; jadh:8, jbm:7, jda:1, pg_ad:8, pg_rs:11, rc_j:9, sg_j:*, tg:+ -- A:80/1, TH:**
  530. The Mountain Goats: Songs for Pierre Chuvin (Merge) {14}: Dus:*, Ex:*, Mg:22, Pf:*, SC:17*; aqd:+, sl:4, yjsb:+, yrs:10 -- A:81/1, M:80/4, TH:**
  531. Willie Nelson: First Rose of Spring (Legacy) {14}: AD:*, Gl:*, I:*, Mj:*, ND_r:37, Rf:66, SE:92, TL:80U:*; xci:+, xjdc:55 -- A:73/8, M:75/8, TH:***
  532. No Joy: Motherhood (Joyful Noise) {14}: AM:+*, Bc:+, BIB:+, Ex:*, GB:35, LBF:*, Mx:48, Noj:44, P:*, Pf:*, SC:*; am_i:+ -- A:83/7, TH:*
  533. NZCA Lines: Pure Luxury (Memphis Industries) {14}: AM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NR:+, NT:*, Q:*, Rec:47, UR:53*; pm_p:13 -- A:76/13, M:79/12, TH:*
  534. Okuden Quartet [Mat Walerian/Matthew Shipp/William Parker/Hamid Drake]: Every Dog Has His Day but It Doesn't Matter Because Fat Cat Is Getting Fatter (ESP-Disk) {14}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jgm:10, jka:14, jrs:+, sg_j:*, vsd:2, vspt:2 -- TH:A-
  535. Aaron Parks: Little Big II: Dreams of a Mechanical Man (Ropeadope) {14}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JW:17; bc_j:*, jjha:6, jmju:11, jrm:+, ph:8, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, tg:+ -- TH:**
  536. Paysage D'Hiver: Im Wald (Kunsthall) {14}: Db:4, Hi:24, RY:18, Spk:9*, YF:44; pm_m:3 -- A:100/1
  537. Pinegrove: Marigold (Rough Trade) {14}: AM:*, Cl:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NPR_l:47, P:*, RT:95, SoS:76, Spk:*, U:*, UR:*; ycp:+ -- A:76/14, M:76/15, TH:*
  538. Pink Siifu: Negro (Field-Left) {14}: Bc:*+, Fa:11, Okp:17, PO:+, PW:47, SoS:33, W:40; npr_lg:6, pm_x:1 -- TH:*
  539. Ana Roxanne: Because of a Flower (Kranky) {14}: AM:*, Dus:*, G:*, GB:14, MO:*, Pf:*, Qt:30, RA:11, VF:35; am_e:+, pf_a:+ -- A:77/6, M:84/4, TH:*
  540. Shamir: Shamir (self-released) {14}: Al:79, AM:*, CS:39*, D:*, DIY:*, NME:*, RS:29, Sl:18, UR:87*; bg_t:+, pf_k:+ -- A:76/11, TH:B
  541. Archie Shepp/Raw Poetic/Damu the Fudgemunk: Ocean Bridges (Redefinition) {14}: AM:*, Bc:+; am_j:+, jhs:+, jjsn:4, jld:+, jsw:10, sg_j:*, vce:2 -- A:90/1, TH:***
  542. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith: The Mosaic of Transformation (Ghostly International) {14}: AD:*, Cl:46*, Ex:*, GTV:86, LQ:*, Pc:80, RA:*, RM:34, S45:42, U:*; aqd:+, bc_a:+, mj_e:9 -- A:73/8, M:78/7
  543. Squirrel Flower: I Was Born Swimming (Polyvinyl) {14}: AD:*, Cl:*, D:*, Dr:67, GB:28, LBF:*, Mj:*, Q:*, P:*, PM:*, RM:57, Sk:*, U:*; br:+ -- A:74/10, M:78/13
  544. Dayna Stephens: Right Now! Live at the Village Vanguard (Contagious Music -2CD) {14}: AAJ:*, DB:*; ghj:7, jdg:5, jjc:+, jme:7, jnt:5, jpb:8, noj:9 -- TH:***
  545. The Struts: Strange Days (Interscope) {14}: AD:*, AM:*, ClR:9*, K:*, L:5, Si:22; am_k:+, lwr:+ -- A:76/5
  546. Tina: Positive Mental Health Music (Speedy Wunderground) {14}: Dr:12, GTV:55*, Gw:*, LBF:*, LI:11, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, Rec:42, Sb:84 -- A:80/7, M:81/4
  547. Ty Dolla $ign: Featuring Ty Dolla $ign (Atlantic) {14}: AM:*, Cl:*, Clv:45, Cmp:48, MO:*, N:42, NME:*, Okp:+, Up_r:7; am_r:+, vbp:9, xxl:+ -- A:80/2, M:77/6, TH:B
  548. The War on Drugs: Live Drugs (Super High Quality) {14}: AS:*, Gw:*, L4:1, Mj:*, RM:16, U:*; ab_l:2, vbs:+ -- A:77/6, M:81/5
  549. Young Jesus: Welcome to Conceptual Beach (Saddle Creek) {14}: AAJ:*, Alt:52, BPM:16*, NR:33, P:22, Pf:*, Tr:39, Up_i:25, UR:*; p_r:+, up_sh:12, vjba:7 -- A:78/4
  550. 75 Dollar Bill: Little Big Band Live at Tubby's (self-released) {13}: RSh:18, Rx:25; xcg:7, xci:+, xjdc:59 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  551. Lucian Ban/John Surman/Mat Maneri: Transylvanian Folk Songs (Sunnyside) {13}: fd:10, jjsh:2, jjws:1, jlb:2, vce:7, ydn:5 -- TH:**
  552. Boston Manor: Glue (Pure Noise) {13}: Cl:*, Gw:*, K:25*, LBF:*, Pu:5, Ups:*; ap:+, rks:+, vdn:8 -- A:83/5, M:91/4
  553. Chicago Farmer: Flyover Country (Chicago Farmer) {13}: Rx:53; xgh:+, xgm:+, yzy:2 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  554. Chika: Industry Games (Warner Bros) {13}: BB:+, BS:8, Cmp:41, Ex:*, Ps:6; xci:+, xxl:+ -- A:80/1, TH:**
  555. Jennifer Curtis & Tyshawn Sorey: Invisible Ritual (New Focus) {13}: DB:*, PO:+; jbbr:2, jkc:2, jlbi:7, pg:7, pg_rs:1 -- TH:**
  556. Dinosaur: To the Earth (Edition) {13}: AAJ:*, Cl:*, G:*, TN:+; bc_j:*, g_j:5, jcm:+, jfkz:2, jss:+ -- A:73/3, TH:**
  557. Disq: Collector (Saddle Creek) {13}: Cl:*, DIY:*, G:*, Mw:21, P:*, Q:*, RT:75, Sb:10, U:*; key:+, vmp:+ -- A:76/8, M:80/10
  558. Eels: Earth to Dora (E Works) {13}: AS:*, Crh:10, LI:58, LW:*, Mj:*, MM:57, Mz:43, NME:*, RC:*, RS_D:41; rld:+ -- A:68/14, M:70/11
  559. Elder: Omens (Stickman) {13}: ClR:*, Ex:*, FB:2, Qt:*, Re:18, SoT:30, Spk:*, UR:*, Vi:26 -- A:81/2, M:84/5
  560. Kahil El'Zabar: Kahil El'Zabar's Spirit Groove (Spiritmuse) {13}: FJ:*, PO:+; key:+, pg_rs:3, sg_j:*, up_sh:10, vshy:10, xcg:+ -- TH:A-
  561. Ghostemane: Anti-Icon (Blackmage) {13}: K:4*, LBF:*, Mw:41, NME:*, Rev:10; ap:+, rks:+ -- A:80/3, M:82/4
  562. Goodie Mob: Survival Kit (Organized Noize/Goodie Mob World) {13}: BS:13, HDX:+, PO:+; npr_rc:1, xkm:2 -- TH:A-
  563. Conan Gray: Kid Krow (Republic) {13}: 45:32, AM:*, BB:47, D:18*, PB:13, Up_p:13; vjhw:5 -- A:80/1, TH:*
  564. Guided by Voices: Styles We Paid For (GBV) {13}: AM:*, BIB:+, Got:12, Mg:2; rs_u:+, ygc:+, yjsb:1 -- A:72/3
  565. The Homesick: The Big Exercise (Sub Pop) {13}: 3v:19, AM:*, FB:54, Mj:68*, PM:*, Qt:81*, Sb:9; rld:+ -- A:68/6, M:79/8
  566. The Human Hearts: Day of the Tiles (self-released -EP) {13}: DW:17, PO:+, Rx:13; sl:+, xgh:+, xscw:+ -- RC:A, TH:[-]
  567. Christian Lee Hutson: Beginners (Anti/Epitaph) {13}: Ex:*, LBF:20*, LQ:*, LQ:*, P:*, WHP:19; atw:+, ca_o:5, rdb:+ -- A:84/5
  568. Ital Tek: Outland (Planet Mu) {13}: BPM:*, LQ:*, Mgn:21, PM:7*; pm_e:1, ty_e:12 -- A:75/2, M:81/4, TH:**
  569. The Jayhawks: XOXO (Sham) {13}: AD:*, Al:66, ClR:*, Gl:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, ND_r:47, PM:*, Rf:43, SE:98, U:*; am_a:+pm_a:20 -- A:79/8, M:84/5
  570. Jonsi: Shiver (Krunk) {13}: AM:*, CS:*, EW:*, NT:*, O:*, Pc:82, PM:*, Rf:10, UR:*; pm_ep:5 -- A:69/21
  571. Aly Keita/Jan Galega Bronnimann/Lucas Niggli: Kalan Teban (Intakt) {13}: CM:+, FJ:*, TN:+; sg_j:*, xbf:2, xbl:7, xgm:+, xtw:+ -- TH:A-
  572. The Lovely Eggs: I Am Moron (The Lovely Eggs) {13}: BIB:+, ClR:*, GTV:*, LW:1, Pc:27, RM:71, T:*, U:*, UR:* -- A:82/3, M:73/6
  573. The Magnetic Fields: Quickies (Nonesuch) {13}: BIB:+, Btz:19, Ex:*, Mj:56*, Sl:*; xbw:+, xhs:+, ycp:+ -- A:73/9, M:74/11, RC:**, TH:*
  574. Gia Margaret: Mia Gargaret (Orindal) {13}: DS:1, Ex:*, GB:30, LBF:*; bc_a:+*, npr_bb:7, ty_e:20 -- A:80/2, TH:*
  575. Matmos: The Consuming Flame: Open Exercises in Group Form (Thrill Jockey) {13}: AM:*, Ex:*, GTV:53, Mj:*, MO:26*, Ne:8*, SoS:9 -- A:74/7, M:85/4
  576. Arlo McKinley: Die Midwestern (Oh Boy) {13}: Al:55*, ND_r:33, PM:*, SE:100; ms_a:6, pm_f:7, scm:+++*, vmp:+, yjl:7 -- A:85/2, TH:B
  577. Melkbelly: Pith (Wax Nine/Carpark) {13}: Alt:29, AM:*, GTV:*, NT:*, PM:*; ca_d:4, pf_k:+, so_d:15, so_k:3, yjed:5 -- A:78/5, M:78/4, TH:B
  578. Mike: Weight of the World (10k) {13}: AM:*, BV_r:29, E_UK:32, N:70, Okp:+, Pf:*; am_h:+, bc_h:*, tgl:1, tr_h:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  579. Nation of Language: Introduction, Presence (self-released) {13}: Gw:21, KX:25, NME:*, P:41*, RT:99, Sg:43, Top:17, UR:91, YF:*; pm_ir:4 -- A:79/4
  580. Nnamdi: Brat (Sooper) {13}: Alt:16, Bc:*, N:12, PM:57, Sl:20; mm:+, pm_x:4, ver:8, xkm:10, ycct:9 -- A:72/2
  581. Oklou: Galore (Oklou) {13}: Du:10, Fa:17, GB:7, IS:13, LI:21, RT:18
  582. Other Lives: For Their Love (ATO) {13}: AM:*, AS:*, Ex:*, Gl:*, L4:5, Mj:*, MM:12, Mw:29, Pc:33 -- A:78/4, M:84/5
  583. Raphael Pannier Quartet: Faune (French Paradox) {13}: AAJ:*, JC:+; jdb:+, jfk:10, jjs:+, jlbi:+, jpl:+, jrm:+, jsp:+, jyo:+, se_fj:+ -- TH:**
  584. Katy J Pearson: Return (Heavenly) {13}: AM:*, D:*, DIY:20*, Gw:*, L4:2, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:* -- A:78/9, M:79/4
  585. Peel Dream Magazine: Agitprop Alterna (Slumberland) {13}: BIB:+, Btz:24, CD:40, Dr:10, Ex:*, Got:21, Sg:+, YW:151; p_r:+, pm_ip:10, vgb:6 -- A:72/3
  586. Real Estate: The Main Thing (Domino) {13}: AM:*, BIB:+, Ex:*, Mj:*, MO:*, NME:*, NR:+, P:*, Pc:91, Q:*, Top:21, UR:49; aqd:+ -- A:70/13, M:80/4
  587. Gonzalo Rubalcaba & Aymee Nuviola: Viento Y Tiempo: Live at the Blue Note Tokyo (Top Stop Music) {13}: JC:+; jlbi:+, jld:+, jmja:2, jpq:+, jrmu:+, jrsc:+, vjso:+ -- TH:A-
  588. Serengeti: With Greg From Deerhoof (Joyful Noise) {13}: DW:73, HG:28, PO:+, Rx:37; xbf:8, xjdc:60 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  589. Stove God Cooks: Reasonable Drought (The Conglomeration Entertainment) {13}: BV_r:24, Cmp:42, GMD:46, HDX:*, HG:43, PW:17; vjfx:5, yng:4 -- A:86/1, TH:**
  590. Sunwatchers: Oh Yeah? (Trouble in Mind) {13}: AM:*, Dr:18, GTV:*, Hi:46, PO:+, Sb:34, YW:56; aqd:+, yclw:4, yps:2 -- A:80/2, TH:B
  591. Svalbard: When I Die, Will I Get Better? (Translation Loss) {13}: BV:44, BV_p:17, Db:35, K:8*, Pu:3, Vi:45 -- A:77/3
  592. Ulver: Flowers of Evil (House of Mythology) {13}: AM:*, Dag:+, HuN:31, Mx:3, Noj:8, SoT:15; pr:9 -- A:68/4, M:72/6
  593. The Westerlies: Wherein Lies the Good (Westerlies) {13}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, Tx_j:5; bc_j:*, fd:+, jyk:10, tg:+ -- TH:***
  594. Jaime Wyatt: Neon Cross (New West) {13}: CU:35, Gl:++*, NS:27, PM:49*, U:*; scm:++*, sg_c:6 -- M:83/4, TH:*
  595. Blossoms: Foolish Loving Spaces (Virgin EMI) {12}: AM:*, Cl:*, D:17*, FO:48, MO:*, NME:*, Q:*, Sp:*; am_i:+, rx:+ -- A:72/8
  596. Daniel Blumberg: On&On (Mute) {12}: Dr:87, I:*, LI:100, LQ:*, MM:100, Mw:9, Q:*, RM:91, U:*, Zf:60 -- A:79/6
  597. Joe Bonamassa: Royal Tea (J&R Adventures) {12}: AM:*, AS:*, ClR:4*, L:4; am_b:+ -- A:75/4, M:75/4
  598. Anna Burch: If You're Dreaming (Polyvinyl) {12}: Cl:*, D:*, Ex:*, GTV:*, NT:*, Q:*, UR:57*, YW:90; vam:5, vdk:9 -- A:76/13
  599. Brent Cobb: Keep 'Em on They Toes (Ol' Buddy) {12}: ND_r:40, PM:*, SE:53, TL:98, U:*; ms_a:4, scm:++* -- A:80/2, TH:**
  600. Sylvie Courvoisier Trio: Free Hoops (Intakt) {12}: AAJ:*, DB:*, TN:+; bc_j:*, jad:9, jdbs:9, jpf:10, jpm:10, jsw:9, jtd:9 -- TH:**
  601. Brigid Dawson and the Mothers Network: Ballet of Apes (Castle Face) {12}: AM:*, BIB:+, Crh:31, Dr:90, Mw:43, PW:32, RM:55, U:40; aqd:+, ycx:6, ygb:3 -- A:80/1
  602. Deep Sea Diver: Impossible Weight (High Beam) {12}: AM:*, AS:*, Gl:+, KX:1, Mj:*, UR:28*; yti:+ -- A:80/3
  603. Brent Faiyaz: Fuck the World (Lost Kids) {12}: Cmp:26, Em:*, HS:10, N:19, NPR:36, Up_r:6, vcj:8 -- A:78/3
  604. Groupe RTD: The Dancing Devils of Djibouti (Ostinato) {12}: PM:*, SMH:*, VF:41, YW:55; pm_w:3, sol_af:+, yrhg:5 -- A:85/2, TH:***
  605. Gunn-Truscinski Duo: Soundkeeper (Three Lobed) {12}: Mj:*, Yb:18; aqd:+, up_sh:13, vjk:1, vspt:1, ygb:7
  606. Haken: Virus (Inside Out Music) {12}: AM:*, L:30, SoT:5; am_m:+, lwr:+, pm_m:13, pm_pr:3, pr:8 -- A:82/3
  607. Nick Hakim: Will This Make Me Good (ATO) {12}: AM:*, Bc:+*, GTV:*, Okp:+, V:*; am_r:+, npr_nb:4, npr_rc:2, v_ja:+ -- A:69/6, M:75/6
  608. HMLTD: West of Eden (Lucky Number) {12}: DIY:*, DS:+, G:*, HP:45, LBF:*, LW:35, Mj:*, MO:*, Ne:22*, P:*, SoS:98 -- A:82/7
  609. Jason Kao Hwang: Human Rites Trio (True Sound) {12}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jad:4, jal:+, jhm:+, jkw:4 -- TH:A-
  610. Edward "Kidd" Jordan/Joel Futterman/William Parker/Hamid Drake: A Tribute to Alvin Fielder: Live at Vision Festival XXIV (Mahakala Music) {12}: AAJ:*, TN:+; jbw:4, jkw:2, jlb:9, vbr:2 -- TH:***
  611. Marcus King: El Dorado (Fantasy) {12}: AS:*, Mj:*, ND_r:42, SE:90, Sp:*, U:*, YW:26; am_b:+, spt:+, vbs:6, ysh:2 -- A:78/5, M:77/8
  612. Takuya Kuroda: Fly Moon Die Soon (First Word) {12}: AM:*, Bc:+; am_j:+, bc_j:*, jadh:5, pg_ad:5, sg_j:* -- A:66/2, TH:***
  613. Lamb of God: Lamb of God (Epic) {12}: AM:*, Btz:43, CS:40*, K:28*, L:22, NME:*, Rev:14; am_m:+, lwr:+ -- A:78/10, M:81/7
  614. Ingrid Laubrock + Kris Davis: Blood Moon (Intakt) {12}: AAJ:*, DB:*, FJ:*; jck:6, jdr:8, jjc:+, jmb:7, sg_j:*, ycy:4 -- TH:**
  615. Sondre Lerche: Patience (PLZ) {12}: AM:*, AS:*, AU:19, Dag:+, DS:+, Dv:10, Jp:16; am_i:+ -- A:73/4
  616. Little Big Town: Nightfall (Capitol Nashville) {12}: AM:*, CU:37, E:+, EW:*, NS:15, SE:+, TL:58; am_c:+, sln:+, vdh:5 -- A:74/3
  617. Luis Lopes Humanization 4tet: Believe, Believe (Clean Feed) {12}: FJ:*, PO:+, TN:2; jml:6, jpa:+ -- TH:A-
  618. Harold Mabern: Mabern Plays Mabern (Smoke Sessions) {12}: Cpu:11, DB:*, JT:33, TN:+; jag:1, jb:+, jel:9 -- TH:**
  619. Machinedrum: A View of U (Ninja Tune) {12}: AM:*, AU:20, Dr:28, Ex:*, Mgn:2, MO:*, No:50; tr_e:16 -- A:76/5
  620. Meridian Brothers: Cumbia Siglo XXI (Bongo Joe) {12}: AM:*, Bc:+, Ne:27*, PM:*, Q:*, Qt:29, SoS:100; ms_w:8 -- A:74/5, M:75/4, TH:***
  621. Wolfgang Muthspiel/Scott Colley/Brian Blade: Angular Blues (ECM) {12}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_j:+, aqd:+, jdb:2, jfkz:3, jgg:3, jrm:+, se_fj:+ -- A:75/2
  622. Nap Eyes: Snapshot of a Beginner (Jagjaguwar) {12}: Dr:82, Ex:*, FO:25, Hi:16, NR:*, NT:*, Sk:*, U:*, UR:*; npr_rd:9, xjsp:+ -- A:77/8, M:76/10
  623. Nines: Crabs in a Bucket (Zino/Warner) {12}: C:44, Cl:29*, Du:12, N:82, Qt:88; cmp:1, not:+, sl:+ -- A:75/2
  624. Evan Parker/Paul Lytton: Collective Calls (Revisited) (Jubilee) (Intakt) {12}: FJ:*, PO:+, TN:+; jas:10, jnm:3, jsgr:3 -- TH:A-
  625. Greg Puciato: Child Soldier: Creator of God (Federal Prisoner) {12}: K:*, Mx:1, Rev:3, Rf:32; lwr:+ -- A:80/4
  626. Romare: Home (Ninja Tune) {12}: AM:*, Crh:35, E_UK:41, Ex:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, MO:37*, RT:41, Zf:36; rs_u:+ -- A:77/7, M:79/5, TH:**
  627. Slotface: Sorry for the Late Reply (Propeller) {12}: D:*, Dag:+, DIY:*, Ex:*, K:*, MO:*, NME:*, Ups:*, Vi:25 -- A:79/10, M:76/8, TH:***
  628. Spirit Adrift: Enlightened in Eternity (20 Buck Spin) {12}: Db:5, FB:10, Rev:8; pm_m:17, tr_m:13
  629. Sunny Sweeney: Recorded Live at the Machine Shop Recording Studio (Aunt Daddy) {12}: Rx:45; vrmo:+, xci:+, xgm:14, xjdc:37 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  630. Tamikrest: Tamotait (Glitterbeat) {12}: Mj:*, PM:*, PO:+, Qt:*, U:72*, W:*; mj_w:5, ms_w:9 -- M:79/6, TH:**
  631. Testament: Titans of Creation (Nuclear Blast) {12}: AM:*, ClR:*, Ex:*, K:*, L:21, Pn:*, SoT:8; am_m:+, irp:+, lwr:+ -- A:76/5, M:83/5
  632. Micah Thomas: Tide (self-released) {12}: JC:+; jas:3, jbw:+, jjm:+, jsf:+, jsk:10, npr_nc:8, vbr:6, vwl:+ -- TH:**
  633. Trees Speak: Ohms (Soul Jazz) {12}: AM:*, Dr:41, Pc:49, PM:*, RM:52, Sb:1; am_i:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  634. Oded Tzur: Here Be Dragons (ECM) {12}: AAJ:*, AM:*, DB:*, TN:+; am_j:+, jfkz:1, jme:6, jtn:10 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  635. The Warriors of the Wonderful Sound: Soundpath (Composed by Muhal Richard Abrams) (Clean Feed) {12}: fd:4, jaa:7, jhs:+, jal:+, jjs:9, jkc:6, jrb:5 -- TH:***
  636. Jonathan Wilson: Dixie Blur (BMG) {12}: AM:*, Dag:7, Dv:30, Gl:*, LBF:*, LI:73, Mj:*, Si:13; am_a:+ -- A:77/3
  637. Yonic South: Twix and Dive (La Tempesta -EP) {12}: DW:43, NF:36, Rx:31; xci:+, xjy:6 -- RC:A, TH:**
  638. 79rs Gang: Expect the Unexpected (Sinking City) {11}: PO:4; ygc:3, yjrs:5 -- A:70/1, TH:***
  639. Al Bilali Soudan: Tombouctou (Clermont Music) {11}: DW:39, PO:+, Rx:70 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  640. Another Sky: I Slept on the Floor (Fiction) {11}: BPM:*, D:20, DaB:50, DIY:*, GTV:*, Gw:*, I:*, Lt:34, Mj:*, NME:* -- A:79/7, M:84/4
  641. Bab L'Bluz: Nayda! (Real World) {11}: AD:*, GTV:54; mj_w:3, ms_w:3, sol:+, sol_fu:+, tg:+, xpb:7 -- A:80/1, TH:*
  642. Body Count: Carnivore (Century Media) {11}: PO:+, Rev:4, Vi:41; lwr:+, se_p:7, vkt:10 -- A:59/5, TH:**
  643. Don Bryant: You Make Me Feel (Fat Possum) {11}: AM:*, AS:*, Mj:51*, PM:*, TL:52; am_b:+, am_r:+, npr_lo:9, pm_s:9, xtl:+ -- A:85/2, M:83/7
  644. Christine and the Queens: La Vita Nuova (Because Music -EP) {11}: BPM:32, Gf_D:5, Glm:26, KX:46, NME:*, SC:*, Snv:12 -- A:100/1
  645. The Cool Greenhouse: The Cool Greenhouse (Melodic) {11}: Gw:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, LW:24, Pc:83, Rec:41, Sb:14, Try:23; bg_j:+, rld:+ -- A:83/4
  646. Jeremy Cunningham: The Weather Up There (Northern Spy) {11}: AAJ:*, Bc:+*, FJ:*, N:92; bc_j:*, jha:8, jjo:7, jsd:9 -- A:78/1, TH:**
  647. Cut Worms: Nobody Lives Here Anymore (Jagjaguwar) {11}: Bc:+, BIB:7, Ex:*, LW:*, Mg:20, PJ:64; aqd:+ -- A:72/7, TH:*
  648. Marie Davidson/O'Oeil Nu: Renegade Breakdown (Ninja Tune) {11}: Bc:*, Ex:*, LI:22, LQ:31, NME:*, Rec:16; pm_ep:12 -- A:72/5, TH:***
  649. Whit Dickey Trio: Expanding Light (Tao Forms) {11}: FJ:*, TN:+; jfn:+, jgm:7, jkm:10, sg_j:*, vrg:8 -- TH:A-
  650. Whit Dickey: Morph (ESP-Disk -2CD) {11}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, TN:+; jag:10, jgm:1 -- TH:A-
  651. DMA's: Glow (Infectious) {11}: AU:6, Cl:*, LBF:*, MoM:6, NME:*, Q:*; rx:+ -- A:73/10, M:75/8
  652. Dave Douglas: Dizzy Atmosphere: Dizzy Gillespie at Zero Gravity (Greenleaf Music) {11}: AAJ:*, DB:*, TN:+; jjh:7, jpb:6, jrm:+, jtc:6, pm_j:+, sdu_j:9 -- TH:**
  653. Greg Dulli: Random Desire (Royal Cream/BMG) {11}: AM:*, ClR:36*, Gig:*, NR:48, NT:*, PM:*, Q:*, U:*; rte:++ -- A:73/8, M:77/9
  654. Erasure: The Neon (Mute) {11}: AM:*, Mj:*, PM:*, XSN:4; pm_ep:1, vahm:9 -- A:70/97, M:76/7, TH:B
  655. Orrin Evans and the Captain Black Big Band: The Intangible Between (Smoke Sessions) {11}: AAJ:*; jgz:5, jjh:4, jma:3, jmja:10, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  656. Brian Fallon: Local Honey (Lesser Known) {11}: AS:*, Ch:15, Ex:*, Gw:*, K:29*, Mj:*, Pn:*, Trk:30; xsa:+ -- A:82/5, M:77/9
  657. Jack Garratt: Love Death & Dancing (Interscope/Island) {11}: AM:*, Bq:8, G:*, Gw:*, HP:46, LBF:*Q:*; am_p:+, atw:+ -- A:72/7, M:78/6
  658. Sam Gendel: Satin Doll (Nonesuch) {11}: AM:*, Bc:+, G:*, Mj:*, YW:125, Zf:21; am_j:+, aqd:+, jak:9, sg_j:*, tg:+ -- A:83/3, TH:B
  659. Gilfema: Three (Sounderscore) {11}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_j:+, bc_j:*, jfkz:5, jmn:1, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  660. Guiss Guiss Bou Bess: Set Sela (Helico -19) {11}: Rx:22; sol_af:+, xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  661. Hamell on Trial: The Pandemic Songs (Saustex) {11}: PO:+, Rx:48; xci:+, xwb:6 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
  662. Joel Harrison + 18: America at War (Sunnyside) {11}: AM:*, Cpu:8, DB:*; am_j:+, jdo:9, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  663. Alexander Hawkins/Tomeka Reid: Shards and Constellations (Intakt) {11}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, PO:+, TN:+; jah:8, jjsh:8, jmja:9, jpf:8, jsgr:8 -- TH:**
  664. Hen Ogledd: Free Humans (Domino) {11}: AM:*, LQ:6*, Qt:26, U:52*, Zf:73; am_i:+, sfe:10 -- A:78/4
  665. Higher Power: 27 Miles Under Water (Roadrunner) {11}: BV_p:8, K:14*, Rev:11, Sg:+, Ups:*; ap:+ -- A:77/3
  666. The James Hunter Six: Nick of Time (Daptone) {11}: AM:*, AS:*, Ex:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, PM:*, SC:*, TL:94, Try:48; am_b:+, am_r:+ -- A:83/4
  667. Damien Jurado: What's New, Tomboy? (Mama Bird) {11}: AS:*, Dus:*, Ex:*, GTV:64, Gw:*, Mj:*, MO:*, PM:*, Q:*; aqd:+, vjk:+ -- A:71/6, M:78/13
  668. Sam Lee: Old Wow (Cooking Vinyl) {11}: AD:*, G:*, Mj:30*, MM:56, O:*, RT:46, T:*; g_f:7, sol:+, sol_eu:+ -- A:87/3
  669. Little Dragon: New Me, Same Us (Ninja Tune) {11}: Al:56*, AM:*, Ex:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NT:*, UR:100; kc:9, pm_p:12 -- A:72/14
  670. Liturgy: Origin of the Alimonies (YLYCYN) {11}: BPM:47*, Cl:*, Ne:34*, TO:4; yrs:5 -- A:81/4
  671. Shelby Lynne: Shelby Lynne (Thirty Tigers) {11}: Al:96, AM:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, SE:126, U:*, Yb:1 -- A:80/1, M:81/5
  672. Magik Markers: 2020 (Drag City) {11}: AM:+, PJ:94, Qt:95, U:*; am_i:+, aqd:+, pf_k:+, vbc:5, ycs:3 -- A:77/2
  673. Chad Matheny [Emperor X]: United Earth League of Quarantine Aerobics (Dreams of Field -EP) {11}: NF:14, Rx:69 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  674. Brad Mehldau: Suite: April 2020 (Nonesuch) {11}: DB:*; bc_j:*, jbbr:10, jdl:4, jhs:+, ph:6 -- TH:A-
  675. Mike and the Moonpies: Touch of You: The Lost Songs of Gary Stewart (Prairie Rose) {11}: AM:*, CU:25, SE:28, TL:97; am_c:+, jjm_c:3, scm:+* -- TH:**
  676. Neptunian Maximalism: Eons (Voidhanger) {11}: Bc:+, Hi:11, PO:+, RY:34, W:44; pm_m:6, tr_j:+, tr_m:4, vgm:+
  677. The Nude Party: Midnight Manor (New West) {11}: AM:*, AS:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, RT:70, Zf:76; am_k:+, mkk:9, yti:++ -- A:78/5
  678. The OBGMs: The Ends (Black Box Music) {11}: DIY:*, L:26, NT:*, Sp:*, Try:1, Ups:*; now:+ -- A:84/5
  679. Popcaan: Fixtape (OVO Sound/Warner) {11}: Fa:10, HS:8, PW:25; bv_g:+, now_a:7 -- TH:**
  680. Dafnis Prieto Sextet: Transparency (Dafnison Music) {11}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JC:+; jbw:+, jdb:+, jdo:8, jnt:+, jtd:+, vjt:+ -- TH:**
  681. Princess Nokia: Everything Sucks (Platoon -EP) {11}: Alt:72, DW:28, PO:+, Q:*; xtj:+, xxl:+ -- RC:B+, TH:**
  682. Nadia Reid: Out of My Province (Spacebomb) {11}: Dr:86, GTV:68, LBF:*, Mj:48*, Q:*, Sk:*, So:11, U:*; rnz:10 -- A:79/5, M:83/8
  683. Dave Rempis/Jeff Parker/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Jeremy Cunningham: Stringers and Struts (Aerophonic) {11}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jls:8, jmc:16, jpa:1 -- TH:A-
  684. Steph Richards: Supersense (Northern Spy) {11}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, FJ:*; jjc:+, jkc:9, jmju:12, sdu_j:10, vbc:+ -- TH:**
  685. Daniel Romano's Outfit: How Ill Thy World Is Ordered (You've Changed) {11}: Ex:24*, PJ:100, PM:*, Sp:*, U:*; sd:2, xsa:+ygc:2 -- A:82/6
  686. Whitney Rose: We Still Go to Rodeos (MCG) {11}: AM:*, AS:*, PM:*, SE:45, TL:24; am_a:+, scm:+, xjdc:75, xtl:+ -- A:77/3, M:80/4, TH:**
  687. Bobby Rush: Rawer Than Raw (Deep Rush) {11}: AM:*, Cpu:18, PO:+, SE:46, TL:88; am_b:+, mj_b:10 -- TH:***
  688. Skepta, Chip & Young Adz: Insomnia (SKC M29) {11}: Cl:*, G:*, LQ:26*, NME:*, O:*, Qt:*, W:* -- A:80/5, M:82/6, TH:**
  689. Cecil Taylor and Tony Oxley: Birdland, Neuburg 2011 (Fundacja Sluchaj) {11}: FJ:*; jhs:+, jmsc:3, jsgr:10, sg_j:*, vpf:+ -- TH:A-
  690. Tchami: Year Zero (Confession) {11}: DA:1; edmt:3, nti:4 -- TH:**
  691. Thao & the Get Down Stay Down: Temple (Ribbon Music) {11}: Gl:*, KX:60, Mg:7, Noj:47, NT:*, UR:85*, YF:*; rld:+ -- A:71/4, M:74/6
  692. Trivium: What the Dead Men Say (Roadrunner) {11}: AM:*, ClR:*, Ex:*, K:13*, L:20, Sbd:36; am_m:+, lwr:+ -- A:76/5, M:84/4
  693. Colter Wall: Western Swing & Waltzes and Other Punchy Songs (La Honda) {11}: Ex:*, ND_r:13, TL:35; jjm_c:8, scm:++*, vmp:+ -- A:75/2, TH:**
  694. Jess Williamson: Sorceress (Mexican Summer) {11}: BS:24, Ex:*, GB:45, HP:44, LBF:*, MM:45, P:*, Spk:*, UR:44; tck:10, verd:7 -- A:77/10, M:77/7
  695. Tessy Lou Williams: Tessy Lou Williams (Tessy Lou Williams) {11}: CU:15, TL:75; scm:+++*, spt:5 -- TH:**
  696. Hillary Woods: Birthmarks (Sacred Bones) {11}: BPM:*, DS:+, ES:30, LQ:*, MM:99, Qt:*, Tr:19, U:*, W:*; it:+ -- A:68/3, M:73/7
  697. Yorkston/Thorne/Khan: Navarasa: Nine Emotions (Domino) {11}: AM:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NME:*, Sk:*, U:*; am_f:+, g_f:1, rld:+ -- A:83/4
  698. Denny Zeitlin: Live at Mezzrow (Sunnyside) {11}: AAJ:*, JT:31; jdb:7, jdm:+, jkd:3, jrm:+, vahm:5 -- TH:**
  699. 5 Seconds of Summer: CALM (Interscope) {10}: AM:*, BB:+, Cl:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, PB:17, Ps:38; am_p:+, rdb:+ -- A:72/5
  700. Luke Abbott: Translate (Border Community) {10}: ES:14, LQ:*, MO:*, O:*, Pc:84, RM:43, U:*; fms:+, mj_e:8 -- A:80/4, M:84/4
  701. Adulkt Life: Book of Curses (What's Your Rupture) {10}: AM:*, BIB:+, Ex:*, LBF:*, Mj;*, PO:+, Try:26 -- A:75/7, M:79/8, TH:***
  702. Sam Amidon: Sam Amidon (Nonesuch) {10}: AM:*, Dus:*, Spk:*, TS:+, U:*; am_f:+, aqd:+, , sol_am:+, tg:+, vjk:7 -- A:78/5, M:79/6
  703. Olafur Arnalds: Some Kind of Peace (Mercury KX) {10}: AAJ:*, Cl:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NPR:46, RT:37, SMH:*; npr_bb:1 -- A:86/5, M:82/4
  704. Nicole Atkins: Italian Ice (Single Lock) {10}: AM:*, AS:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, U:*, UR:*; vjwi:4, vbs:+, yds:+ -- A:79/6, M:77/4
  705. Benjamin Biolay: Grand Prix (Polydor/Wrasse) {10}: AM:*, EE:10, LI:13, MM:54; am_w:+, mj_w:2 -- A:90/1
  706. Sega Bodega: Salvador (Nuxxe) {10}: Btz:36, Du:16, Dz:5, P:*, Qt:*, RA:* -- A:85/1, M:73/5
  707. Geof Bradfield/Ben Goldberg/Dana Hall Trio: General Semantics (Delmark) {10}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jah:3, jhm:5, jlv:8 -- TH:***
  708. Phoebe Bridgers: If We Make It Through December (Dean Oceans -EP) {10}: Rx:43, Spk:*; xjdc:68 -- A:80/1, RC:A-, TH:***
  709. The Cadillac Three: Country Fuzz (Big Machine) {10}: AM:*, ClR:20*, Gl:*, SE:84; am_c:+, spt:2 -- M:79/4, TH:*
  710. Daniel Carter/Matthew Shipp/William Parker/Gerald Cleaver: Welcome Adventure! Vol 1 (577) {10}: AAJ:*, CM:+, DB:*, FJ:*; jcg:+, jgg:10, jka:18 -- TH:***
  711. Chick Corea: Plays (Concord -2CD) {10}: AAJ:*, DB:*, JW:17; jahn:4, jhs:+, jpb:5 -- TH:*
  712. Jeff Cosgrove/John Medeski/Jeff Lederer: History Gets Ahead of the Story (Grizzley Music) {10}: AAJ:*; jbsh:8, jrm:+, jtc:2, pm_j:+, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  713. Elysia Crampton: Orcorara 2010 (Pan) {10}: LBF:*, GB:+, PM:*, PO:+, RA:*, SoS:68, Spk:40, W:*; pm_x:6, tgl:10 -- M:87/5, TH:B-
  714. Robert Cray Band: That's What I Heard (Nozzle) {10}: AM:*, ClR:*, Gl:*, PM:*, U:*; am_b:+, tbm:15 -- M:83/6, RC:***
  715. Delmer Darion: Morning Pageants (Practise) {10}: Cl:*, Dr:57, LQ:21*, NME:*, Rec:5, RM:85 -- A:79/5
  716. Ward Davis: Black Cats and Crows (Ward Davis Music) {10}: CU:2, TL:87; scm:+++* -- TH:*
  717. Vladislav Delay: Rakka (Warp) {10}: AM:+, Bc:*, G:*, Hi:22, Pf:*, Qt:*, W:*; am_e:+, vew:9 -- A:67/3, TH:*
  718. Deradoorian: Find the Sun (Anti-) {10}: Bc:+, Cl:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, PM:*, Q:*, Sb:87, SMH:*, UR:84; pf_k:+ -- A:78/11, M:76/10
  719. Diet Cig: Do You Wonder About Me? (Frenchkiss) {10}: AM:*, Cl:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, NF:50, NME:*, Sbd:58, Ups:*, YW:51; ycp:+ -- A:75/9, M:75/9
  720. James Elkington: Ever-Roving Eye (Paradise of Bachelors) {10}: AM:*, Mj:*, O:*, RM:94, U:21*; am_f:+, aqd:+, bg_u:+, vjk:8 -- A:79/2, M:85/5
  721. Elzhi: Seven Times Down Eight Times Up (Fat Beats) {10}: HDX:+, HG:8; bg_b:+, pm_h:11, vjfx:10, yjsb:+ -- TH:**
  722. Endless Field: Alive in the Wilderness (Biophilia) {10}: AM:+*, FJ:*, Tx:3; am_j:+ -- TH:**
  723. Enslaved: Utgard (Nuclear Blast) {10}: Db:34, Gf:24, K:*, L:42, Mx:47, SoT:15; lwr:+, pr:5 -- A:85/2
  724. Peter Evans: Being & Becoming (More Is More) {10}: FJ:*; jdbk:7, jahk:+, jhs:10, jsgj:2, jsp:4, jyo:4 -- TH:[++]
  725. Jerskin Fendrix: Winterreise (Untitled (Recs)) {10}: BPM:26*, DIY:*, LQ:1*, Qt:69 -- A:81/4
  726. Fire! Orchestra: Actions (Rune Grammofon) {10}: AM:*, DB:*, FJ:*, PO:7; jahk:+, xcg:8 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  727. Ellie Goulding: Brightest Blue (Polydor) {10}: AD:*, AM:*, I:*, MO:*, SC:*, T:*, V:*; am_p:+, asp:10, irp:+ -- A:69/13, M:74/10
  728. Grrrl Gang: Here to Stay (Damnably) {10}: Bc:+, Rx:68; xjdc:27, xsp:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  729. Guided by Voices: Surrender Your Poppy Field (GBV) {10}: Got:12, Mg:3, Mj:*, PJ:41, Sl:*; yjsb:8 -- A:73/3
  730. Matthew Halsall: Salute to the Sun (Gondwana) {10}: AAJ:*, Mj:*, Pc:18; bc_j:*, jcm:+, ybb:9 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  731. Anna von Hausswolff: All Thoughts Fly (Southern Lord) {10}: AM:*, Dr:70, DS:+, HuN:40, LW:30, Mj:*, Mx:41, RM:60, W:43; ydn:9 -- A:79/4
  732. Heroes Are Gang Leaders: Artificial Happiness Button (Ropeadope) {10}: AAJ:*, CM:+; jbsh:2, jgg:4 -- TH:A-
  733. Hey Colossus: Dances/Curses (Wrong Speed) {10}: Qt:1, Sb:2; it:8
  734. Jasper Hoiby: Planet B (Edition) {10}: DB:*; bc_j:10*, jdsu:8, jrw:9, tbm:19 -- TH:A-
  735. Humanist: Humanist (Ignition) {10}: ClR:*, GTV:*, MO:28*, PM:*, Q:*, XSN:5 -- M:75/7
  736. Anne Mette Iversen Quartet + 1: Racing a Butterfly (Bjurecords) {10}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jbw:3, jmju:13, sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  737. Josh Johnson: Freedom Exercise (Northern Spy) {10}: bc_j:7*, jcb:10, jdsu:+, jhs:7, jmja:+, pg_rs:5, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  738. Caleb Landry Jones: The Mother Stone (Sacred Bones) {10}: Em:*, LI:18, MM:44, MO:*, Rf:42, RT:100, SoS:97, XSN:14 -- A:76/5, M:63/5
  739. India Jordan: For You (Local Action -EP) {10}: AM:*, Cl:*, GB:+, NME:*, No:13, Pf:*, YF:43; am_e:+, pf_e:+ -- A:87/3
  740. Killer Be Killed: Reluctant Hero (Nuclear Blast) {10}: Ex:*, K:22*, Mx:16, Oy:37, Rev:9; lwr:+ -- A:80/3
  741. Ray LaMontagne: Monovision (RCA) {10}: AM:*, AS:*, Crz:45, EE:11, Gl:*, Mj:*, Oo:20, SE:+ -- A:76/5, M:79/5
  742. Lanterns on the Lake: Spook the Herd (Bella Union) {10}: AD:*, AM:*, CW:16, DS:+, GTV:*, LBF:*, MMO:*, Pc:70, RT:55 -- A:90/4
  743. Laraaji: Sun Piano (All Saints) {10}: Dus:*, Ex:*, PO:+, U:*, VF:42, YW:115; aqd:+, bv_fp:+, hc_d:+, jin:8 -- A:73/3, M:72/4
  744. Lewsberg: In This House (self-released) {10}: BPM:*, GTV:*, Gw:39, PJ:30, Try:15, YW:148; vjk:+, xpb:10, yps:+ -- A:77/3
  745. Becca Mancari: The Greatest Part (Captured Tracks) {10}: CS:43*, LQ:*, LW:*, Oy:35, WHP:15; ns:8, pm_ip:+, vmp:+ -- A:84/3
  746. Ava Max: Heaven & Hell (Atlantic) {10}: AM:*, G:*, Gf_D:19, Glm:5, Id:69; am_p:+ -- A:80/2
  747. Charles McPherson: Jazz Dance Suites (Chazz Mack Music) {10}: DB:*, PO:+; jmk:4, jmw:7, jrb:3, sdu_j:9 -- TH:**
  748. Melenas: Dias Raros (Trouble in Mind) {10}: BIB:31, PJ:22, YW:118; vbz:1, yjz:5 -- TH:**
  749. Hailu Mergia: Yene Mircha (Awesome Tapes From Africa) {10}: Bc:*, G:*, Dr:71, SMH:*; g_w:9, tbm:25, vsk:2 -- A:74/5, TH:**
  750. Roscoe Mitchell With Ostravska Banda: Performing Distant Radio Transmission Also Nonaah Trio, Cutouts for Woodwind Quintet and 8.8.88 (Wide Hive) {10}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jdr:4, jha:6, jkg:5, jno:+, jsw:6 -- TH:*
  751. Mrs Piss: Self-Surgery (Sargent House) {10}: Ex:*, Jun:19, Mx:25, Rev:18, Sb:67, Vi:13; cm:6, -- A:71/4
  752. My Morning Jacket: The Waterfall II (ATO) {10}: AAJ:*, AS:*, CS:*, Gl:*, GTV:48, KX:68, Pc:97, UR:29; rld:+, vbs:+ -- A:73/9, M:78/5
  753. Nova Twins: Who Are the Girls? (Blood) {10}: Cl:*, D:*, K:43*, Ups:*; ap:+, gu:5, irp:+, lwr:+ -- A:78/4
  754. Oceanator: Things I Never Said (Polyvinyl) {10}: Alt:6, Bc:+, SE:118, UR:48; bg_j:+, vjwi:1
  755. Larry Ochs/Aram Shelton Quartet: Continental Drift (Clean Feed) {10}: FJ:*, TN:4; jcg:+ -- TH:A-
  756. Onipa: We No Be Machine (Strut) {10}: MuL:20, PM:*, PO:+; pm_w:5, xbf:+ -- A:90/1, TH:***
  757. Pantayo: Pantayo (Telephone Explosion) {10}: AM:*, Ex:10*, LCA:45; am_w:+, now:8, vti:5 -- A:80/1
  758. Tineke Postma: Freya (Edition) {10}: AAJ:*, DB:*, DVk:33; jbm:9, jsa:4, pg_ad:11, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  759. Chuck Prophet: The Land That Time Forgot (Yep Roc) {10}: AD:*, ClR:*, Mj:*, ND_r:12, RS_D:33, RT:83, U:*; rld:+, ves:10 -- A:78/5
  760. Kurt Rosenwinkel Trio: Angels Around (Heartcore) {10}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_j:+, jdl:6, jff:1, vjc:+ -- TH:**
  761. Lorenzo Senni: Scacco Matto (Warp) {10}: AM:*, Bc:*, C:*, G:*, Kp:14, MO:*, N:43, Qt:64; am_e:+ -- A:79/4
  762. Slift: Ummon (Vicious Circle/Stolen Body) {10}: Crh:21, DaB:4, FB:33, GB:45, Mw:34, RT:87, Sb:72
  763. Cory Smythe: Accelerate Every Voice (Pyroclastic) {10}: FJ:*, JC:+, MO:*; jad:+, jas:8, jda:7, jrd:+, jsp:+, jsw:3 -- A:80/1, TH:B-
  764. SPAZA: Uprize! (Mushroom Hour Half Hour) {10}: G:*; g_w:3, jak:10, lib:9, mj_j:4, sg_j:*, ynn:8 -- A:79/2, TH:*
  765. Tennis: Swimmer (Mutually Detrimental) {10}: AD:*, AM:*, Got:27, Mj:*, NT:*, P:*, PM:*, YF:22*; ust:6 -- A:79/6, M:78/8
  766. Threadbare [Jason Stein/Ben Cruz/Emerson Hunton]: Silver Dollar (NoBusiness) {10}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, TN:+; jms:5, jtb:9 -- TH:A-
  767. Pam Tillis: Looking for a Feeling (Stellar Cat) {10}: AM:*, CU:1, SE:74; am_c:+, scm:+*
  768. Ulcerate: Stare Into Death and Be Still (Debemur Morti) {10}: BV:50, Ex:*, Hi:26, RY:15, Spk:29*; jhs:+, lwr:+, tr_m:21 -- A:90/3
  769. M Ward: Migration Stories (Anti-) {10}: AS:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, Gl:*, Q:*, SE:93, U:*, YF:*; bb:10, rld:+ -- A:73/11, M:75/13
  770. Ben Watt: Storm Damage (Caroline) {10}: Al:49, AM:*, AS:*, MO:27*, PM:*, SC:*, SE:101, U:*; ab_s:6 -- A:84/5, M:78/8
  771. Rod Wave: Pray 4 Love (Alamo) {10}: C:35, Cmp:+, Ex:40, PO:+, Up_h:23; ny_c:3, xxl:+ -- TH:**
  772. Charles Webster: Decision Time (Dimensions) {10}: AD:*, DVk:40, Mj:*, MuL:5; bc_e:+, ty_e:4 -- A:90/2
  773. Orlando Weeks: A Quickening (Play It Again Sam) {10}: Cl:*, DIY:*, Gw:*, I:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, MO:*, NME:*, Q:*, RM:53 -- A:79/9, M:84/6
  774. Dan Weiss Starebaby: Natural Selection (Pi) {10}: TN:+; jap:7, jhs:+, jsd:7, jsp:6, jyo:6, npr_nc:7, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, vjc:+ -- TH:[-]
  775. WHO Trio: Strell: The Music of Billy Strayhorn & Duke Ellington (Clean Feed) {10}: FJ:*; jad:5, jal:+, jkc:3, jtc:10 -- TH:***
  776. Rez Abbasi: Django-shift (Whirlwind) {9}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jcjw:5, jfkz:+, jpl:6, jrm:+ -- TH:**
  777. Alex the Astronaut: The Theory of Absolutely Nothing (Nettwerk) {9}: AU:5, MO:*, NME:*; ves:2, xci:+ -- A:90/2
  778. Lina Allemano's Ohrenschmaus: Rats and Mice (Lumo) {9}: CM:+, FJ:*, JC:+; jjha:1 -- TH:***
  779. Austra: Hirudin (Domino) {9}: AM:*, BPM:*, Mx:7, Noj:31, NT:*; pm_ep:4 -- A:73/8, M:76/7
  780. Baby Queen: Medicine (Polydor -EP) {9}: LBF:*, NME:*, NT:*; xci:+, xscw:+ -- A:83/3, TH:A-
  781. Badly Drawn Boy: Banana Skin Shoes (One Last Fruit) {9}: AD:*, AM:*, Lt:40, Mj:*, Pc:96, PM:*, Q:*, T:*, TL:79 -- A:78/4, M:81/7
  782. Tim Berne's Snakeoil: The Deceptive 4 (Intakt) {9}: AAJ:*, TN:+; jad:1, jas:7, vjc:+ -- TH:**
  783. Black Dresses: Peaceful as Hell (Blacksquares) {9}: Ex:30, Ne:3*, YF:36; van:2 -- A:83/2
  784. Peter Brotzmann/Maalem Moukhtar Gania/Hamid Drake: The Catch of a Ghost (I Dischi di Angelica) {9}: FJ:*; jbsh:5, yjs -- TH:A-
  785. Basia Bulat: Are You in Love? (Secret City) {9}: I:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Now:*, PM:*, YF:*; ab_s:4 -- A:74/8
  786. Oliver Coates: Skins N Slime (RVNG Intl) {9}: Bc:+, BPM:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, Pf:*, W:37; mj_u:6, rd:+, vjdn:6 -- A:80/4
  787. Shemekia Copeland: Uncivil War (Alligator) {9}: Mj:*; am_b:+, mj_b:1, so_d:1 -- TH:*
  788. Country Westerns: Country Westerns (Fat Possum) {9}: Al:37*, AS:*, FB:39, Gl:++*, GTV:95; pf_k:+ -- A:81/3, M:79/4
  789. Craven Faults: Erratics & Unconformities (The Leaf Label) {9}: Dr:51, LBF:*, Mj:*, Pc:42, RM:7, Sb:59, U:* -- A:75/2
  790. Death Valley Girls: Under the Spell of Joy (Suicide Squeeze) {9}: Btz:50, L:45, Mx:10, Sb:77, Try:49; yjf:17, yti:+ -- A:67/6
  791. Drab City: Good Songs for Bad People (Bella Union) {9}: BIB:15, CW:8, GB:43, LQ:*, Mj:*; pm_e:15 -- A:74/5, M:76/4
  792. D Smoke: Black Habits (WoodWorks/Empire) {9}: Ex:*, HDX:*, HG:51, HNH:22, Up:21, Up_h:8, YF:* -- A:85/2
  793. Wendy Eisenberg: Auto (Ba Da Bing!) {9}: W:47; aqd:+, bv_sd:+, jlre:4, npr_ml:6, vdvn:9, vjk:+ -- TH:*
  794. Joe Farnsworth: Time to Swing (Smoke Sessions) {9}: jahn:6, jcah:3, jgz:2, jmk:8, jsj:+ -- TH:**
  795. Field Works: Ultrasonic (Temporary Residence) {9}: AM:*, Ex:*, LQ:*, PM:45; pm_b:8, tr_e:12, vjcl:1 -- A:83/3
  796. Flohio: No Panic No Pain (AlphaTone) {9}: BV_r:43, Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, G:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, O:*; pm_h:10, -- A:78/9
  797. Michael Formanek Quartet: Pre-Apocalyptic (Out of Your Head Untamed) {9}: JT:21; jms:2, sg_j:*, vjc:4 -- TH:***
  798. John Foxx and the Maths: Howl (Metamatic) {9}: ClR:*, ES:2, MO:*, Qt:*, RM:98, Sp:* -- A:83/3, M:76/5
  799. Satoko Fujii/Natsuki Tamura: Pentas: Tribute to Eric and Chris Stern (Not Two) {9}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jjsh:9, jsgj:1, vahm:+ -- TH:**
  800. Garcia Peoples: Nightcap at Wits' End (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {9}: AM:*, FB:50, Mj:*, Sb:17, Sp:*, U:65*; aqd:+ -- A:83/4
  801. Ghetto Kumbe: Ghetto Kumbe (ZZK) {9}: PM:*; npr_fc:10, npr_l:+, pm_e:5, vbz:9 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  802. Giveon: Take Time (Epic -EP) {9}: Fa:42, N:76, Okp:6, Up_r:8; hyb:19
  803. Vinny Golia/John Hanrahan/Henry Kaiser/Wayne Peet/Mike Watt: A Love Supreme Electric: A Salvo Inspired by John Coltrane: A Love Supreme & Meditations (Cuneiform -2CD) {9}: TN:+; jhs:+, jpf:2, jsl:3 -- TH:***
  804. Gordi: Our Two Skins (Jagjaguwar) {9}: AU:11, BPM:*, DJ:20, LBF:*, NBH:40, OC:25, PM:* -- A:77/7, M:78/4
  805. Luke Haines & Peter Buck: Beat Poetry for Survivalists (Omnivore) {9}: BIB:+, ClR:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Q:*, SE:43 -- M:77/8, TH:**
  806. Ren Harvieu: Revel in the Drama (Bella Union) {9}: AD:*, AS:*, LW:40, Mj:62*, MO:*, O:*, Q:*, T:* -- A:78/7
  807. Eddie Henderson: Shuffle and Deal (Smoke Sessions) {9}: DB:*; jag:7, jb:+, jgz:10, jpl:10, jsj:+, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  808. Keaton Henson: Monument (Play It Again Sam) {9}: DaB:17, DS:+, Gw:45*, LBF:*, MO:*; atw:+, npr_rh:10 -- A:83/4
  809. Christopher Hollyday & Telepathy: Dialogue (Jazzbeat Productions) {9}: AM:*, YW:20; am_j:+, jal:+, jsy:3 -- TH:**
  810. Hot Country Knights: The K Is Silent (Capitol) {9}: AM:*, CU:34, PO:+, SE:34; am_c:+, scm:+*, scm_m:5 -- A:70/2
  811. Sierra Hull: 25 Trips (Rounder) {9}: AS:*, CU:10; fa:+, spt:4 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  812. I Don't Know How but They Found Me: Razzmatazz (Fearless) {9}: AM:*, D:26, DIY:*, K:*, LBF:*; am_i:+, ap:+, df:+, rks:+ -- A:81/4, M:84/4
  813. I Like Trains: Kompromat (Crash) {9}: L4:12, MO:17*, Sbd:54, UR:68; rld:+, yrh:8 -- A:68/5, M:78/4
  814. Islet: Eyelet (Fire) {9}: AM:*, Dr:55, Dus:*, GTV:19*, LBF:*, Rec:25, Sb:25 -- A:75/5
  815. Yves Jarvis: Sundry Rock Song Stock (Anti-) {9}: AM:*, Ex:42*, Fa:36, GB:39; am_i:+, aqd:+, pf_k:+, rld:+ -- A:80/2
  816. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis Featuring Wayne Shorter: The Music of Wayne Shorter (Blue Engine) {9}: AAJ:*, DB:*, TN:+; jel:10, jgy:6, jjsn:2, sg_j:*, tg:+ -- TH:B-
  817. Junglepussy: JP4 (Jagjaguwar) {9}: BV_r:34, Gw:*, LQ:*, NME:*, PO:+, Qt:48; npr_lh:3 -- A:78/4, TH:*
  818. Kansas: The Absence of Presence (Inside Out Music) {9}: AM:*, SoT:1, Sp:*; vahm:3 -- A:77/3
  819. Knxwledge: 1988 (Stones Throw) {9}: AM:*, Okp:15, Q:*, W:*, XLR:+; am_h:+, bc_b:*, bv_kr:+ -- A:70/1, M:80/5, TH:B
  820. Diana Krall: This Dream of You (Verve) {9}: AS:*, DB:*; jmy:9, jsj:+, jtn:+, tbm:24 -- A:60/3, TH:***
  821. Kuzu [Dave Rempis/Tashi Dorji/Tyler Damon]: Purple Dark Opal (Aerophonic) {9}: AAJ:*, DB:*, FJ:*, TN:+; jsgr:2 -- TH:***
  822. Kygo: Golden Hour (Kygo Music) {9}: DA:6; edmt:5, nti:1, rdb:+
  823. Pokey LaFarge: Rock Bottom Rhapsody (New West) {9}: AD:*, Gl:++*, PM:*; ljs:18, npr_kt:10, ygc:5 -- A:75/2, M:76/4
  824. Sonny Landreth: Blacktop Run (Provogue) {9}: AM:*, CS:*, ClR:*, Cpu:10, Mj:*, U:*; am_b:+ -- M:77/4
  825. LA Witch: Play With Fire (Suicide Squeeze) {9}: Gw:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, Noj:48, Q:*, Sb:63; vbd:1 -- A:78/6, M:82/5
  826. Lime Cordiale: 14 Steps to a Better You (Chugg Music/London Cowboys) {9}: AU:3, MoM:3, NME:* -- A:70/2
  827. Lithics: Tower of Age (Trouble in Mind) {9}: AM:*, PJ:80; rld:+, vbz:2 -- A:80/1, TH:A-
  828. Little Simz: Drop 6 (Age 101 -EP) {9}: Cl:*, DIY:*, No:9, PO:+, RR:*, W:* -- A:70/2, M:79/6, TH:*
  829. The Mavericks: En Espanol (Mono Mundo) {9}: AM:*, BS:29, NPR:40, TL:25; npr_fc:5, npr_th:10, pm_a:23, scm:+
  830. Christian McBride Big Band: For Jimmy, Wes and Oliver (Mack Avenue) {9}: AM:*, DB:*; jaa:9, jcah:7, jel:6, jgz:9, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  831. McCarthy Trenching: Perfect Game (self-released) {9}: Rx:24; xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:***
  832. Miiesha: Nyaaringu (EMI Australia) {9}: AU:24, DJ:16, Jun:13, MoM:25; tm:1
  833. Modern Nature: Annual (Bella Union -EP) {9}: BIB:+, Dr:19, GTV:38, Sb:27, Spk:*, U:*, UR:*; aqd:+ -- A:74/5, M:79/4
  834. Molchat Doma: Monument (Sacred Bones) {9}: AM:*, BIB:+, Crz:43, LQ:*, MO:*, Noj:35, PM:*, SC:*; am_i:+ -- A:79/6, M:80/4
  835. Moor Jewelry [Moor Mother & Mental Jewelry]: True Opera (Don Giovanni -EP) {9}: Ne:7*, PO:+ -- A:80/1, TH:A-
  836. Alanis Morissette: Such Pretty Forks in the Road (Epiphany) {9}: ABC:35, Al:*, I:*, Id:52, LBF:*, MO:*, PM:*, SC:*, SoS:95 -- A:72/16, M:72/8
  837. Myrkur: Folkesange (Relapse) {9}: AM:*, Ec:27, Ex:*, Mx:33, Noj:25, PM:*, Si:16; am_f:+ -- A:74/6
  838. Jim Noir: AM Jazz (Dook -19) {9}: Mj:*, Pc:2, Q:*, U:* -- A:80/3, TH:**
  839. Okay Kaya: Watch This Liquid Pour Itself (Jagjaguwar) {9}: IS:22, N:67, Noj:4, P:*, UR:* -- A:72/7, RC:*
  840. Orville Peck: Show Pony (Columbia -EP) {9}: Ex:*, KX:39, LBF:22*, NME:*, NT:*, Spk:*; blw:+, vjly:8 -- A:79/8
  841. Polica: When We Stay Alive (Memphis Industries) {9}: Cl:*, D:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, LQ:*, MO:*, Mx:26, NME:*, Top:37 -- A:75/13
  842. Public Practice: Gentle Grip (Wharf Cat) {9}: BIB:13, DIY:*, Dus:*, FB:49, LW:22, NME:*, RT:76, UR:* -- A:75/4, M:72/8
  843. Gwenifer Raymond: Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain (Tompkins Square) {9}: AM:*, G:*, Mj:*, RM:33, U:49*; am_f:+, ec:+, vbd:10 -- A:80/3, M:84/4
  844. Rheinzand: Rheinzand (Music for Dreams) {9}: Pc:1, Sb:3
  845. Rival Consoles: Articulation (Erased Tapes) {9}: BPM:*, CD:24, Dr:99, ES:29, No:28, PM:*, RT:93; pm_e:9, whf:+ -- A:71/5
  846. Roots Magic: Take Root Among the Stars (Clean Feed) {9}: CM:+; bc_j:5, jbsh:4, jdsu:9 -- TH:***
  847. Rustin Man: Clockdust (Domino) {9}: Mj:*, MM:86, PM:*, Q:*, U:*, W:*, Zf:50; am_f:+, rld:+ -- M:83/7
  848. Terje Rypdal: Conspiracy (ECM) {9}: AAJ:*, AM:*, CM:+, FJ:*; jhs:+, jpa:+, sg_j:*, vjso:7 -- A:80/1, TH:*
  849. Salem: Fires in Heaven (Decent) {9}: Cl:*, Dz:20, GB:6, N:33, NT:*; lib:8 -- A:73/4
  850. Sepultura: Quadra (Nuclear Blast) {9}: AD:*, AM:*, Ex:*, L:29, W:*; am_m:+, lwr:+, rte:++ -- A:76/6
  851. Troye Sivan: In a Dream (EMI -EP) {9}: AM:*, Jp:23, Jun:12, NF:11, Sl:31; am_p:+, xbf:+ -- A:70/4
  852. Jim Snidero: Project-K (Savant) {9}: JT:25; jme:4, jmw:5, jnt:9 -- TH:***
  853. Stay Inside: Viewing (No Sleep) {9}: Alt:68, BV:30, BV_p:3, Ex:*, Sg:29; vasa:10 -- A:80/1
  854. Sufjan Stevens & Lowell Brams: Aporia (Asthmatic Kitty) {9}: AD:*, Cl:*, CS:*, Gl:*, Gw:*, Mw:45, SC:*, U:* -- A:75/10, M:72/14, TH:*
  855. Harry Styles: Fine Line (Columbia -19) {9}: MoM:10, Up:19, Up_p:3 -- TH:C+
  856. Steve Swell Quintet Soul Travelers With Leena Conquest: Astonishments (RogueArt) {9}: jpf:+, jri:1 -- TH:A
  857. Cat Toren's Human Kind: Scintillating Beauty (New Focus) {9}: AM:*; am_j:+, bc_j:*, jbkw:9, jsw:5 -- TH:***
  858. Unknown T: Rise Above Hate (Stay Solid/Island) {9}: Cl:47*, Du:17, Dz:19, N:59, NME:*; cmp:10 -- A:80/2
  859. Diego Urcola Quartet Featuring Paquito D'Rivera: El Duelo (Sunnyside) {9}: AAJ:*, AM:*, JC:+; am_j:+, ghj:+, jdsu:+, jls:+ -- TH:**
  860. Papo Vazquez Mighty Pirates Troubadours: Chapter 10: Breaking Cover (Picaro) {9}: JC:+; jahk:+, jel:8, jmk:+, jpf:+, jrmu:+, jwj:+ -- TH:**
  861. Yungblud: Weird! (Locomotion/Interscope) {9}: Bq:10, D:36, Gw:*, NME:*, T:*; ap:+, rks:+ -- A:64/8
  862. Aluna: Renaissance (Mad Decent) {8}: Bc:+*, D:37; xsa:+ -- TH:A-
  863. Antibalas: Fu Chronicles (Daptone) {8}: DB:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, U:*; jcjw:10 -- M:80/4, TH:***
  864. Wilma Archer: A Western Circular (Domino) {8}: Bc:+*, BPM:*, I:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Q:* -- A:79/5
  865. Steve Arrington: Down to the Lowest Terms: The Soul Sessions (Stones Throw) {8}: AM:*, Ex:*, PO:+, TL:67, U:*; am_r:+, npr_lo:7 -- A:78/3, TH:*
  866. Baauer: Planet's Mad (LuckyMe) {8}: AM:*, Cl:*, DA:10, LBF:*, MO:48* -- A:76/7, M:74/7
  867. J Balvin: Colores (Universal Latin) {8}: AS:13, BB:24, Cl:*, Ms:45, O:* -- A:73/6, TH:**
  868. Braids: Shadow Offering (Secret City) {8}: AM:*, Cl:*, LBF:*, NBH:25, Sg:+, Top:27, U:*, UR:24 -- A:74/11, M:77/12
  869. Bronson: Bronson (Ninja Tune) {8}: AM:*, DA:9, KX:78, Mgn:8 -- A:75/2
  870. Butcher Brown: KingButch (Concord) {8}: AM:*, Bc:+, ; am_j:+, bc_j:*, bv_kr:+, npr_lo:8, vti:3 -- A:80/1
  871. Ane Brun: How Beauty Holds the Hand of Sorrow (Balloon Ranger) {8}: Dag:+, Dv:18, MO:8*, U:* -- A:80/3
  872. The Budos Band: Long in the Tooth (Daptone) {8}: AM:*, KX:40, Mj:*, RM:75; pm_s:18, rld:+, ycw:+, ydh:10 -- A:80/2
  873. Cabane: Grand Est La Maison (Cabane) {8}: MM:1; bz:9, lib:3
  874. Isobel Campbell: There Is No Other . . . (Cooking Vinyl) {8}: AM:*, Q:*, RT:26, Sk:*, U:*; am_i:+, rld:+, ydn:+ -- A:78/4
  875. Caitlin Cannon: The TrashCannon Album (Caitlin Cannon) {8}: scm:++*, xbw:++, xem:9 -- TH:**
  876. Causa Sui: Szabodelico (El Paraiso) {8}: CD:2, FB:22, Tx:18; rld:+
  877. Common: A Beautiful Revolution [Part 1] (Loma Vista) {8}: Al:90, Cl:*, HG:59; npr_rh:4 -- A:75/2, TH:***
  878. Cortex: Legal Tender (Clean Feed) {8}: CM:+, PO:+, TN:+; bc_j:* -- TH:A-
  879. Dawes: Good Luck With Whatever (Rounder) {8}: AM:*, AS:*, Gl:*, RS_D:21, Sp:*, V:*; am_k:+, v_cw:+ -- A:80/4, M:78/5
  880. Dizzee Rascal: E3 AF (Island) {8}: AM:*, Cl:*, NME:*, O:*, Rec:43, Sbd:28, T:*; am_h:+ -- A:73/11, M:79/9
  881. Dave Douglas: Marching Music (Greenleaf Music) {8}: jjha:3, jls:9, noj:10, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  882. Drake: Dark Lane Demo Tapes (OVO/Republic) {8}: BB:+, Cmp:28, MoM:23; ny_c:+, vbhk:7, vmdv:6, xkb:+, xxl:+ -- A:53/9, M:56/5
  883. Duckwrth: SuperGood (Universal) {8}: LBF:*, N:91, NF:57, NME:*, O:*, Up_h:28; vjj:10, xxl:+ -- A:74/5
  884. Dominic Fike: What Could Possibly Go Wrong (Columbia) {8}: D:31, DIY:*, E_UK:39, GC:45, NME:*, PCv:25, Up_p:14 -- A:65/4
  885. Four Year Strong: Brain Pain (Pure Noise) {8}: Ex:*, Gig:*, K:*, Pu:20, Ups:*; dep:9, rks:+ -- A:80/3
  886. Future: High Off Life (Epic) {8}: BB:+, Cmp:+, HNH:19, PW:43; sl:+, vbhk:8, xxl:+ -- A:62/11
  887. The Ghost Inside: The Ghost Inside (Epitaph) {8}: -- AM:*, Ex:*, K:*, NME:*, Ups:*; am_m:+, lwr:+, rks:+
  888. Jerry Granelli: The Jerry Granelli Trio Plays Vince Guaraldi & Mose Allison (RareNoise) {8}: bc_j:9*, jhs:+, jmy:1, vsd:6 -- TH:*
  889. Green-House: Six Songs for Invisible Gardens (Leaving) {8}: Dr:6, S45:12; aqd:+, pm_b:6, vmp:+
  890. Muriel Grossmann: Reverence (RR Gems -19) {8}: bc_j:*, jmb:2, sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  891. Kirby Heard: Mama's Biscuits (self-released -19) {8}: Rx:26; xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  892. John Hollenbeck: Songs You Like a Lot (Flexatonic) {8}: bc_j:*, jla:9, jrm:+, ph:+, pm_j:+, sg_j:*, vwl:2 -- TH:B-
  893. Niall Horan: Heartbreak Weather (Capitol) {8}: AM:*, BB:+, Id:24, Ps:48, SE:95; am_p:+, xkb:4 -- A:58/8
  894. The Howling Hex: Knuckleball Express (Fat Possum) {8}: Dus:*, PO:+, SE:+, Sl:*; aqd:+, vjk:+ -- M:73/7, TH:**
  895. Kang Tae Hwan/Hang Hae Jin: Circle Point (Dancing Butterfly) {8}: FJ:*; jkp:1, jnm:5 -- TH:**
  896. Jasmine Infiniti: Bxtch Slap (New World Dysorder World Wide) {8}: Bc:*, RA:3, VF:46 -- TH:**
  897. International Teachers of Pop: Pop Gossip (Desolate Sounds) {8}: AM:*, Pc:63, YW:9; am_p:+ -- TH:**
  898. Jockstrap: Wicked City (Warp -EP) {8}: BPM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, LQ:24*, NME:*, Qt:*, YW:134 -- A:81/7, M:80/5, TH:B
  899. Katatonia: City Burials (Peaceville) {8}: AM:*, Ex:*, L:40, SoT:22, Spk:*; am_m:+, lwr:+, pr:7 -- A:82/6
  900. Lane 8: Brightest Lights (This Never Happened) {8}: DA:2; edmt:1, nti:8
  901. Larkin Poe: Self Made Man (Tricki-Woo) {8}: AS:*, ClR:15*, L:27, PM:*, T:*, U:* -- A:76/5, M:84/5
  902. Son Little: Aloha (Anti/Epitaph) {8}: DJ:39, Mj:*, PM:*, U:*; pm_s:15, xbf:+, xsa:+, ysh:9 -- A:70/2, M:80/5
  903. Lous and the Yakuza: Gore (Columbia) {8}: Dz:12, IS:30, LI:30; is_h:2, ydh:5
  904. The Magic Gang: Death of the Party (Warner Music) {8}: D:39, DIY:*, FO:31, LBF:*, MO:*, NME:*, Q:*; rx:+ -- A:80/5, M:84/5
  905. Maluma: Papi Juancho (Sony Latin) {8}: Id:38, Ps:2, ; p:10 -- A:63/2, TH:**
  906. Christian McBride: The Movement Revisited: A Musical Portrait of Four Icons (Mack Avenue) {8}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_j:+, jmn:10, jrmu:+, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  907. Melt Yourself Down: 100% Yes (Decca) {8}: AM:*, Dr:100, Gw:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:*; rld:+ -- A:80/4
  908. Metallica/San Francisco Symphony: S&M2 (Blackened) {8}: ClR:*, CS:*, Di:21, K:*, L:17, Mj:*; am_m:+ -- A:82/7, M:85/6
  909. Lisa E Harris Mitchell: EarthSeed (FPE) {8}: AM:*, Bc:+, DB:*, PO:+; aqd:+, jin:6, sg_j:*, ycy:7 -- TH:C-
  910. Moby: All Visible Objects (Mute) {8}: AM:*, Ec:13, Spk:*, XSN:20; am_e:+, mm:+ -- A:61/8, M:67/6
  911. Moor Mother & Billy Woods: Brass (Backwoodz Studioz) {8}: HG:15, PO:+, RY:7 -- TH:**
  912. Simon Moullier: Spirit Song (Outside In Music) {8}: AAJ:*, Tx_j:19; bc_j:*, jrd:+ -- TH:***
  913. Mulatto: Queen of Da Souf (Streamcut Media/RCA) {8}: GC:46, HDX:+, Up:43, Up_h:17; vbp:5, xxl:+
  914. Munson-Hicks Party Supplies: Munson-Hicks Party Supplies (Soft Launch) {8}: Rx:55; xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  915. Mura Masa: RYC (Polydor) {8}: D:21*, DIY:*, Id:34, Mj:*, NME:*, P:*, V:* -- A:63/14
  916. Aquiles Navarro & Tcheser Holmes: Heritage of the Invisible II (International Anthem) {8}: AM:*, RT:47; g_w:10, jhs:9, sg_j:*, tr_j:+ -- A:80/1, TH:**
  917. Noveller: Arrow (Ba Da Bing) {8}: AM:*, DS:+, Dus:*, MO:*, NR:*, SC:*; aqd:+, bc_a:* -- A:80/3, M:78/5
  918. JS Ondara: Folk n' Roll Vol 1: Tales of Isolation (Verve Forecast) {8}: AS:*, CW:11, TL:20; pm_f:8, xsa:+, xtl:+ -- A:80/1
  919. Ivo Perelman & Arcado String Trio: Deep Resonance (Fundacja Sluchaj) {8}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jal:+, jcg:+, jtd:3 -- TH:**
  920. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Amalgam (Mahakala Music) {8}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jha:1, jsk:7 -- TH:**
  921. Plants and Animals: The Jungle (Secret City) {8}: CW:26, Ex:*, GTV:18*, LW:*, MM:71, Sp:* -- A:85/4
  922. Purity Ring: Womb (4AD) {8}: AM:*, Cl:*, Ec:17, Glm:6, LQ:* -- A:70/13
  923. Abbey Rader/John McMinn: Duo From the Heart (Abray) {8}: AAJ:*, TN:8; jbw:5 -- TH:**
  924. Lee Ranaldo & Raul Refree: Names of North End Women (Mute) {8}: Ex:*, PM:*, Qt:*, SoS:63 -- A:67/5, RC:***, TH:*
  925. Matana Roberts & Pat Thomas: The Truth (Otoroku) {8}: jin:4, jrw:5, sg_j:*, tbm:10 -- TH:**
  926. Jason Robinson: Harmonic Constituent (Playscape) {8}: AAJ:*; jrb:2, jtc:7 -- TH:A-
  927. Jorge Roeder: El Suelo Mio (T-Town) {8}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_w:+, jan:+, jas:6, jsk:5 -- TH:*
  928. Christian Sands: Be Water (Mack Avenue) {8}: AAJ:*, AM:+*, JT:40; am_j:+, sdu_j:+, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  929. Sink Ya Teeth: Two (Hey Buffalo) {8}: AD:*, Dr:95, ES:24, LQ:*, RM:3 -- A:80/2
  930. Skyzoo: Milestones (Mello Music Group -EP) {8}: ABC:48, AM:*; am_h:+, bc_h:* -- A:80/1, TH:A-
  931. The Smashing Pumpkins: CYR (Sumerian) {8}: AM:*, AS:*, K:44*, UCR:19; irp:+, lwr:+ -- A:60/15, M:58/5
  932. Kandace Springs: The Women Who Raised Me (Blue Note) {8}: Al:65*, AM:*, DB:*, TS:+; am_j:+, jbm:+, vjso:+ -- TH:B
  933. Moses Sumney: Grae: Part 1 (Jagjaguwar) {8}: Al:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, O:*, P:*, PO:+, Q:*, U:* -- A:85/2, M:84/5, TH:B
  934. Teenage Halloween: Teenage Halloween (Don Giovanni) {8}: Alt:44, BV:20, BV_p:10, YW:32 -- TH:*
  935. Tenille Townes: The Lemonade Stand (Columbia Nashville) {8}: AM:*, SE:87, TL:48; am_c:+, sln:+, xtl:+ -- A:71/4, TH:**
  936. Travis: 10 Songs (BMG) {8}: AM:*, LW:*, Mj:*, RS_D:22, U:*, UR:89; fms:+, yfb:10 -- A:73/8
  937. Triangulo De Amor Bizarro: Triangulo De Amor Bizarro (Mushroom Pillow) {8}: Jp:4, S45:2
  938. Tunng: Tunng Presents . . . Dead Club (Full Time Hobby) {8}: BIB:+, Mj:*, MM:13, MO:*, O:*, Qt:*, UR:73 -- A:78/5, M:79/6
  939. Uniform: Shame (Sacred Bones) {8}: Ex:*, K:*, LQ:*, MO:*, N:13, Tr:46; tr_m:6 -- A:77/8, M:79/5
  940. Laura Veirs: My Echo (Raven Marching Band/Bella Union) {8}: Btz:35, Ex:*, Mj:*, MM:61, MO:*, U:*; mj_a:7, mm:+ -- A:79/7, M:85/7
  941. Becky Warren: The Sick Season (Becky Warren) {8}: TL:82; scm:+*, xem:6, xjdc:11, xscw:7 -- TH:**
  942. Anna Webber: Untamed . . . Rectangles (Out of Your Head) {8}: AAJ:*, DB:*; bc_j:*, jhs:+, jjsh:4 -- TH:**
  943. Allie X: Cape God (Twin Music) {8}: AM:*, Ex:*, Id:36, LBF:*, MO:*, Q:*; am_p:+, bv_sd:+ -- A:73/7
  944. Young Knives: Barbarians (Gadzook) {8}: BIB:+, ClR:*, GTV:60*, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:46, Trk:21 -- A:80/4
  945. Torbjorn Zetterberg & Den Stora Fragan: Are You Happy? (Moserobie) {8}: CM:+, FJ:*; jpm:3 -- TH:A-
  946. Zombi: 2020 (Relapse) {8}: AM:*, CD:19, Crh:8; rte:++ -- A:80/1
  947. Alma: Have U Seen Her? (PME) {7}: BB:+, NME:*, YW:7 -- A:71/4, M:72/4, TH:**
  948. Amnesia Scanner: Tearless (Pan) {7}: Btz:22, Hi:42, LQ:*, N:73, Sg:+, W:*; pm_e:13 -- A:67/3, M:67/6
  949. Armored Saint: Punching the Sky (Metal Blade) {7}: Db:12, SoT:4; lwr:+ -- A:80/1
  950. Mulatu Astatke & Black Jesus Experience: To Know Without Knowing (Agogo) {7}: MuL:24, Q:*, Trk:50; sl:+ -- A:68/4, M:70/4, TH:***
  951. Shinichi Atobe: Yes (DDS) {7}: GB:26, GMD:49, PM:*, RA:7, VF:28 -- A:80/1
  952. Callum Au & Claire Martin: Songs and Stories (Stunt) {7}: JW:10, TS:+; jpq:+ -- TH:**
  953. Daniel Avery & Alessandro Cortini: Illusion of Time (Mute) {7}: Dr:73, DS:13, LQ:*, MO:*, Pc:79, Q:* -- A:72/7
  954. Bad Moves: Untenable (Don Giovanni) {7}: Alt:24, AM:*, DW:82, Ex:*, YW:40; gu:6, yjsb:+ -- A:78/3
  955. Ballister: Znachki Stilyag (Aerophonic) {7}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, TN:+ -- TH:A-
  956. The Bats: Foothills (Flying Nun) {7}: AM:*, Mj:*, PJ:100, YW:130; xhs:6, yjk:4 -- A:76/4
  957. Belle & Sebastian: What to Look for in Summer (Matador) {7}: Cl:*, NT:*, PO:+; xmb:4 -- A:74/6, TH:**
  958. Jerry Bergonzi: Nearly Blue (Savant) {7}: AAJ:*; jb:+, jrm:+ -- TH:A-
  959. Tim Berne/Matt Mitchell Duo: Spiders (Out of Your Head) {7}: FJ:*, TN:*; sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  960. Binker and Moses: Escape the Flames (Gearbox) {7}: AAJ:*; jcm:+, sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  961. Elvin Bishop & Charlie Musselwhite: 100 Years of Blues (Alligator) {7}: AM:*, SE:54; am_b:+, mj_b:3 -- TH:**
  962. Black Foxxes: Black Foxxes (Search and Destroy/Spinefarm) {7}: D:*, K:*, LBF:*, Pu:9, Ups:* -- A:80/4
  963. Jim Black Trio: Reckon (Intakt) {7}: AAJ:*, CM:+, TN:+ -- TH:A
  964. Boniface: Boniface (Transgressive) {7}: D:40*, DIY:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, NF:39, PM:* -- A:84/7
  965. Peter Brotzmann/Maalem Moukhtar Gania/Hamid Drake: The Catch of a Ghost (I Dischi Di Angelica) {7}: AAJ:*, TN:+; jmc:7 -- TH:A-
  966. Joshua Burnside: Into the Depths of Hell (Joshua Burnside) {7}: Cl:*, Em:*, HP:20, LBF:*, XSN:13 -- A:83/3
  967. Bury Tomorrow: Cannibal (Sony) {7}: AM:*, K:41*, Pu:24, Ups:*; am_m:+, rks:+ -- A:80/4
  968. Adam Caine Quartet: Transmissions (NoBusiness) {7}: TN:+; jtc:3 -- TH:A-
  969. A Certain Ratio: ACR LOCO (Mute) {7}: ES:12, LI:51, RC:25, RM:45, RT:31; yjk:9 -- A:66/7, M:69/4
  970. Avishai Cohen Big Vicious: Big Vicious (ECM) {7}: AM:*, TN:+; am_j:+, jjw:7, pg_rs:22 -- TH:**
  971. Container: Scramblers (ALTER) {7}: E -- AM:*, MO:*, Qt:*, RA:*, W:*; yclw:5
  972. Craven Faults: Enclosures (The Leaf Label) {7}: Mj:*, No:1, U:* -- A:80/2
  973. Dagny: Strangers/Lovers (Little Daggers -EP) {7}: Dag:+, I:*, Id:27, LBF:*, MO:* -- A:83/3, TH:**
  974. Catherine Anne Davies & Bernard Butler: In Memory of My Feelings (Needle Mythology) {7}: DS:+, Gf_D:17, Mj:*, Mo:33*, UR:* -- A:83/3
  975. Bertrand Denzler/Antonin Gerbal: Sbatax (Umlaut) {7}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jfn:+, jkw:10 -- TH:***
  976. Tashi Dorji: Stateless (Drag City) {7}: aqd:+, mj_u:4, pm_x:14, vjk:+, yps:8 -- TH:*
  977. Kaja Draksler Octet: Out for Stars (Clean Feed) {7}: FJ:*; jbbr:5, jlre:2, jnm:4, jno:+ -- TH:B-
  978. Lara Driscoll: Woven Dreams (Firm Roots Music) {7}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_j:+, jslo:10 -- TH:***
  979. Yelena Eckemoff: Nocturnal Animals (L&H Production -2CD) {7}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Tx_j:14; am_j:+ -- TH:**
  980. Elkhorn: The Storm Sessions (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {7}: AM:*, DB:*, Dus:*, Mj:*, PM:*; aqd:+, vjk:+ -- A:71/2, M:78/6
  981. EMMA: Indigo Dream (Local Action) {7}: C:2, Cl:45, RA:16
  982. Envy: The Fallen Crimson (Temporary Residence) {7}: BV_p:20, K:30*, Plt:18, Sg:+ -- A:80/1
  983. Wayne Escoffery: The Humble Warrior (Smoke Sessions) {7}: DB:*; jb:+, jcah:9, jrsc:8, se_fj:+, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  984. Fat Tony: Exotica (Carpark) {7}: cc:9, hc_d:+, xci:+, xpb:+ -- TH:***
  985. Satoko Fujii Orchestra New York: Entity (Libra) {7}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jdm:+, jsl:6 -- TH:***
  986. Jacob Garchik: Clear Line (Yestereve) {7}: bc_j:*, jda:2, jri:4, jyk:9 -- TH:*
  987. Dana Gavanski: Yesterday Is Gone (Ba Da Bing!) {7}: Ex:*, Mj:*, RM:48, U:*; yjed:4 -- A:80/4, TH:*
  988. Girl Friday: Androgynous Mary (Hardly Art) {7}: Bc:+*, BPM:*, Cl:*, Dus:*, MO:*, UR:* -- A:78/5, M:82/7
  989. Gordon Grdina/Matt Mitchel/Jim Black: Gordon Grdina's Nomad Trio (Skirl) {7}: FJ:*, TN:+; jkws:10, vahm:4 -- TH:**
  990. Jimmy Greene: While Looking Up (Mack Avenue) {7}: AM:*; am_j:+, jjh:9, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  991. Grey Daze: Amends (Loma Vista/Virgin EMI) {7}: AM:*, AS:11, K:36*, NME:*; am_k:+, -- A:71/5
  992. Gum Country: Somewhere (Waterslide) {7}: AM:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, P:50, SE:76, YW:103; p_r:+ -- A:74/8
  993. The Haden Triplets: The Family Songbook (Trimeter) {7}: AM:*, Gl:*, TS:+, U:*; am_f:+ -- M:81/4, TH:**
  994. Ross Hammond/Oliver Lake/Mike Pride: Our Place on the Wheel (Prescott) {7}: AAJ:*, TN:+; xtw:+ -- TH:A-
  995. Connie Han: Iron Starlet (Mack Avenue) {7}: AAJ:*; jcah:1, jsy:6 -- TH:**
  996. Infant Island: Beneath (Dog Knights Productions) {7}: BV:28, BV_p:2; van:10, vasa:9
  997. The Innocence Mission: See You Tomorrow (Therese) {7}: AM:*, BIB:16, LQ:*, Mj:*, MM:25, NR:* -- A:74/5
  998. Inventions: Continuous Portrait (Temporary Residence) {7}: BPM:*, Dus:*, P:*, PM:*; rld:+, vzs:5 -- A:78/3, M:80/5
  999. Jadakiss: Ignatius (Def Jam/Roc Nation) {7}: Al:60*, AM:*, Cl:*, Em:*, RR:*; am_h:+ -- A:85/2, M:82/4
  1000. Jaga Jazzist: Pyramid (Brainfeeder) {7}: AM:*, Dr:77, Dus:*, U:*; bc_j:* -- A:69/10, M:73/6, TH:**
  1001. Jahari Masamba Unit: Pardon My French (Madlib Invazion) {7}: LBF:*, Okp:16, PO:+, Rf:52; jhs:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  1002. Sunny Jain: Wild Wild East (Smithsonian Folkways) {7}: AM:+*, Mj:*, PM:*; am_j:+, sol_fu:+ -- M:85/4, TH:*
  1003. Jay Electronica: Act III: Patents of Nobility (The Turn) (Roc Nation) {7}: -- Pf:14*; vkl:5, vuk:3
  1004. Jealous of the Birds: Peninsula (Atlantic) {7}: AM:*; xci:9, xjdc:19, xpb:+, xscw:+, xwb:9 -- A:80/1, TH:*
  1005. JoJo: Good to Know (Warner) {7}: Clv:44, G:*, Id:44, MO:*; asp:5, vamp:10 -- A:80/2
  1006. Faten Kanaan: A Mythology of Circles (Fire) {7}: AM:*, GB:40, Mj:*, MO:*, Qt:*; am_e:+, tr_e:17 -- A:83/4, M:85/5
  1007. Maria Kannegaard Trio: Sand I En Vik (Jazzland) {7}: CM:+, Dv:7 -- TH:***
  1008. Zebra Katz: Less Is Moor (ZFK) {7}: Bc:+*, HV:33, Lt:44, SC:*; is_h:18, xscw:+ -- A:72/3
  1009. Khruangbin & Leon Bridges: Texas Sun (Dead Oceans -EP) {7}: AM:*, Di:17, RT:53; blw:+, pm_s:16, ves:9 -- A:73/6
  1010. K-Lone: Cape Cira (Wisdom Teeth) {7}: C:27, Pf:*; bl:4, ia:7, mj_e:3 -- A:80/1
  1011. Large Unit/Fendika: EthioBraz (PNL -19) {7}: CM:+, TN:+; sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  1012. Jinx Lennon: Border Schizzo Fffolk Songs for the Fuc**d (Septic Tiger) {7}: PO:+; xtw:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
  1013. David Liebman/Randy Brecker/Marc Copland/Drew Gress/Joey Baron: Quint5t (Inner Voice Jazz) {7}: jbm:4, jpl:1 -- TH:**
  1014. Logic: No Pressure (Def Jam) {7}: AM:*, Mx:40, NME:*, Rf:62, V:*; am_h:+, hyb:12 -- A:73/5, M:78/5
  1015. Jackie Lynn: Jacqueline (Drag City) {7}: Bc:+*, Dus:*, LQ:*, Qt:*, W:*; aqd:+ -- A:72/5, M:77/8
  1016. Major Lazer: Music Is the Weapon (Mad Decent) {7}: AM:*, NF:13; am_p:+, nti:7 -- A:55/4, M:59/4, TH:**
  1017. Gregoire Maret/Romain Collin/Bill Frisell: Americana (ACT Music) {7}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_j:+, bc_j:12, jrm:+ -- TH:**
  1018. Marlowe [L'Orange & Solemn Brigham]: Marlowe 2 (Mello Music Group) {7}: HG:3 -- TH:***
  1019. Delfeayo Marsalis Uptown Jazz Orchestra: Jazz Party (Troubadour Jass) {7}: JT:37; jcjw:1, jmja:6 -- TH:**
  1020. Massive Wagons: House of Noise (Absolute) {7}: ClR:14*, L:14; rte:++ -- A:80/1
  1021. Medhane: Cold Water (TBHG) {7}: E_UK:4, GB:+, Pf:* -- A:84/1, TH:*
  1022. Shawn Mendes: Wonder (Island) {7}: AM:*, EW:*, Up_p:19; wwl:10, xkb:7 -- A:62/7, TH:*
  1023. Midnight: Rebirth by Blasphemy (Metal Blade) {7}: Db:27, Ex:*, K:45*; lwr:+, vjo:5 -- A:80/2
  1024. Minor Science: Second Language (Whities) {7}: C:42*, Du:20, LQ:10 -- A:72/4
  1025. Helen Money: Atomic (Thrill Jockey) {7}: AM:*, SC:*; vbc:2 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  1026. Monophonics: It's Only Us (Colemine) {7}: AS:*, Mj:*, PM:*, RT:96, U:*; am_r:+, pm_s:20 -- A:75/2, M:80/6
  1027. Denai Moore: Modern Dread (Because Music) {7}: 45:26, DIY:*, E_UK:29, G:*, Gw:22*, I:* -- A:73/8, M:72/6
  1028. Mystery Jets: A Billion Heartbeats (Caroline) {7}: DIY:*, Gw:*, I:*, LBF:*, MO:*, NME:*, T:* -- A:83/8
  1029. Naeem: Startisha (37d03d) {7}: AM:*, Cl:*, Ex:*, LBF:*; am_i:+, vmp:+, xbf:+ -- A:75/5, M:72/4
  1030. David Nance: Staunch Honey (Trouble in Mind) {7}: p_r:+, up_sh:5, lvjga:8, vshy:5, ycs:9
  1031. Navy Blue: Ada Irin (Freedom Sounds) {7}: Bc:+*, N:41, Okp:+; bc_h:*, ynn:5
  1032. Camila Nebbia: Aura (Ears & Eyes) {7}: CM:+; jjc:+, jsp:1, jyo:2
  1033. Neck Deep: All Distortions Are Intentional (Hopeless) {7}: Ex:*, K:20*, Ups:*; iad:12, rks:+ -- A:74/6
  1034. Necrot: Mortal (Tankcrimes) {7}: Db:6, Rev:20; io:9, tr_m:19
  1035. Nidia: Nao Fales Nela Que A Mentes (Principe) {7}: Bc:+, G:*, Qt:67, Rdx:41, VF:6 -- A:80/1
  1036. Dawn Oberg: 2020 Revision (self-released -EP) {7}: DW:61, Rx:66; xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:B-
  1037. Once and Future Band: Deleted Scenes (Castle Face) {7}: AM:*, BIB:+, Gl:*, Mj:*, U:*, W:*; am_i:+ -- M:84/5
  1038. The Orb: Abolition of the Royal Familia (Cooking Vinyl) {7}: ES:7, Mj:*, MO:*, Q:*, Sp:* -- A:75/5
  1039. Pantha Du Prince: Conference of Trees (Modern) {7}: AM:*, Ex:*, PM:*, Sk:*, Top:15; pm_e:16 -- A:78/5
  1040. Jeremy Pelt: The Art of Intimacy, Vol 1 (HighNote) {7}: jbbr:6, jmk:1, jsj:+, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  1041. Gretchen Peters: The Night You Wrote That Song: The Songs of Mickey Newbury (Proper) {7}: AM:*, CU:12, ND_r:35; am_a:+, fa:+, xsa:+
  1042. Malin Pettersen: Wildhorse (Die With Your Boots On) {7}: AS:*, Dag:+, Dv:16, Spk:* -- A:85/2, TH:**
  1043. The Pictish Trail: Thumb World (Fire) {7}: BIB:+, GTV:*, Mj:*, No:11, Sk:*, U:* -- A:70/2, M:77/4
  1044. Mike Polizze: Long Lost Solace Find (Paradise of Bachelors) {7}: AM:*, Dus:*, Mj:*, U:*; am_i:+, aqd:+, vjk:+ -- A:80/5, M:84/5
  1045. Sam Prekop: Comma (Thrill Jockey) {7}: AM:*, Dus:*, Mj:*, Pf:*, Qt:*; aqd:+, ty_k:16 -- A:75/5, M:80/7
  1046. PUP: This Place Sucks Ass (BMG -EP) {7}: Alt:50, BV_p:37, Ex:*, NT:*, YW:45; vtje:9 -- A:73/8, M:76/7, TH:*
  1047. Nathaniel Rateliff: And It's Still Alright (Stax) {7}: Ex:*, ND_r:25, PM:*, Q:*, Rf:19, Sp:* -- A:68/9
  1048. Daniel Romano's Outfit: Okay Wow (You've Changed) {7}: AM:*, Ex:*, PM:*, Sp:*; vjcl:4, xsa:+ -- A:85/4
  1049. Bree Runway: 2000and4Eva (Virgin EMI) {7}: BV_r:36, Cl:*, NME:*; cmp:12 -- A:80/2, TH:***
  1050. The John Santos Sextet: Art of the Descarga (Smithsonian Folkways) {7}: jag:+, jdr:+, jmb:3 -- TH:***
  1051. Alexandra Savior: The Archer (30th Century) {7}: Gw:13, HuN:41, Mj:*, NME:*, Q:*, U:* -- A:70/2
  1052. Polly Scattergood: In This Moment (Future Paradise) {7}: DS:16, ES:8, MO:*, Top:36 -- A:73/3
  1053. Brandon Seabrook With Cooper-Moore & Gerald Cleaver: Exultations (Astral Spirits) {7}: CM:+, TN:+; fd:+, vsd:10 -- TH:***
  1054. Ben Seretan: Youth Pastoral (Whatever's Clever) {7}: P:25, SC:*; mic:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, vzs:3 -- A:78/2
  1055. Sex Swing: Type II (Rocket) {7}: LQ:35*, Qt:19, Sb:13; gu:10 -- A:80/1
  1056. Silverbacks: Fad (Central Tones) {7}: BPM:*, DIY:*, Ni:36, Pc:34, Sb:44, UR:93, YW:110 -- A:73/8
  1057. Oyvind Skarbo/Fredrik Ljungkvist/Kris Davis/Ole Morten Vagan: Inland Empire (Clean Feed) {7}: AAJ:*, CM:+, FJ:*; jsg:4 -- TH:**
  1058. Richard Skelton: These Charms May Be Sung Over a Wound (Phantom Limb) {7}: ACL:6, Mj:*, Qt:16; mj_u:9 -- A:80/1
  1059. Sasha Sloan: Only Child (RCA) {7}: Al:93, Id:3, LBF:*, PCv:31 -- A:80/1
  1060. Slow Pulp: Moveys (Winspear) {7}: Fld:25, GTV:*, LBF:*, P:*, RT:81; nyl:+, vmp:+ -- A:76/7
  1061. Snarls: Burst (Take This to Heart) {7}: Alt:15, YW:109; mic:+, vaz:4, yjf:7
  1062. Sam Sparro: Boombox Eternal (Sparro) {7}: Al:*, Yb:7; pm_p:1 -- A:100/1
  1063. Dayna Stephens Trio: Liberty (Contagious Music) {7}: AAJ:*; jjm:+, jrm:+, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  1064. Stone Temple Pilots: Perdida (Rhino) {7}: ABC:40, AM:*, ClR:*, P:*, S:*, Sp:*; lwr:+ -- A:73/5
  1065. Sumac: May You Be Held (Thrill Jockey) {7}: Hi:20, Tr:45; pm_m:2, tr_m:17, vbc:6
  1066. Sweven: The Eternal Resonance (Van) {7}: BV:48, Db:7; io:1
  1067. Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii/Ramon Lopez: Mantle (Not Two) {7}: AAJ:*; jjws:7, jtd:2 -- TH:***
  1068. Tengger: Nomad (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {7}: AM:*, PM:*, U:*; am_w:+, bc_a:*, pm_e:19, tr_e:9 -- A:78/2, M:82/4
  1069. The Texas Gentlemen: Floor It!!! (New West) {7}: AM:*, ClR:24, *, Gl:*, SE:117; am_a:+, vmp:+ -- M:79/5
  1070. Tobin Sprout: Empty Horses (Fire) {7}: AM:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, PJ:78, Sp:*; vjk:+, yjsb:+ -- A:79/5
  1071. Rian Treanor: File Under UK Metaplasm (Planet Mu) {7}: AM:*, Bc:+, No:19, Pf:*; am_e:+, pf_e:+ -- A:80/1
  1072. Turbostaat: Uthlande (PIAS Germany) {7}: Lt:28, Plt:9, Vi:8
  1073. Josh Turner: Country State of Mind (MCA Nashville) {7}: CU:31; scm:+*, scm_m:3 -- TH:**
  1074. Molly Tuttle: . . . But I'd Rather Be With You (Compass) {7}: AS:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, ND_r:41, PM:*; pm_a:12, sl:+ -- A:76/5, M:78/6
  1075. Ulla: Tumbling Towards a Wall (Experiences) {7}: BPM:15, RA:17, XLR:+; bc_a:+, pf_a:+
  1076. Ultraista: Sister (Partisan) {7}: E_UK:47, GTV:*, MM:53, P:*, Q:*, Rec:14 -- A:71/7
  1077. Manuel Valera New Cuban Express Big Band: Jose Marti En Nueva York (Greenleaf Music) {7}: Cpu:22, DB:*, JC:+; jjc:+, jpl:+, jtn:+, vbr:8 -- TH:[+]
  1078. Virtual Company: Virtual Company (Confront) {7}: jkw:1 -- TH:A-
  1079. War on Women: Wonderful Hell (Bridge Nine) {7}: BV_p:19, K:*, Vi:5 -- A:80/1
  1080. Washed Out: Purple Noon (Sub Pop) {7}: BS:18, Gl:*, KX:81, NT:*, Rf:70; owl:+ -- A:63/16, M:63/12
  1081. Widowspeak: Plum (Captured Tracks) {7}: AM:*, Btz:37, Dr:39, LQ:*, MM:39, Pc:30, RM:79 -- A:73/3
  1082. Mars Williams: Presents an Ayler Xmas Vol 4: Chicago Vs NYC (Astral Spirits) {7}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, PO:10, TN:+, YW:31
  1083. Wolf Parade: Thin Mind (Sub Pop) {7}: AM:*, KX:70, LBF:*, Now:*, NT:*, Sk:*, Sp:* -- A:74/13
  1084. Juhani Aaltonen/Jonas Kullhammar/Christian Meaas Svendsen/Ilmari Heikinhei: The Father, the Sons & the Junnu (Moserobie) {6}: jahk:+, jld:7 -- TH:A-
  1085. Aksak Maboul: Figures (Crammed Discs) {6}: CM:+, LI:98, Qt:93, W:22 -- TH:**
  1086. All Diese Gewalt: Andere (Glitterhouse) {6}: Lt:20, RS_D:39, Zf:7
  1087. Ammar 808: Global Control/Invisible Invasion (Glitterbeat) {6}: AD:*, MO:*, PO:+; am_w:10 -- A:90/2, TH:**
  1088. Ingrid Andress: Lady Like (Atlantic/Warner Music Nashville) {6}: NS:11, SE:106; asp:3, sln:+
  1089. Bad Boy Chiller Crew: Full Wack No Brakes (House Anxiety) {6}: Du:24, Mj:*, N:16, NME:*; not:+ -- A:80/2
  1090. Bad Cop/Bad Cop: The Ride (Fat Wreck Chords) {6}: BV_p:22, VLR:3; ap:+
  1091. Victoria Bailey: Jesus, Red Wine & Patsy Cline (Rock Ridge Music) {6}: pm_a:15, scm:+* -- TH:***
  1092. Bent Arcana: Bent Arcana (Castleface) {6}: Dr:38, LQ:28*, Mj:*; aqd:+, ygb:9 -- A:74/5
  1093. Tim Berne/Nasheet Waits: The Coanda Effect (Relative Pitch) {6}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jfn:+, jjm:+, jpa:3
  1094. Best Coast: Always Tomorrow (Concord) {6}: CS:*, DIY:*, Ex:*, G:*, KX:86, Sk:* -- A:68/15
  1095. Daniel Bingert: Berit in Space (Moserobie) {6}: AAJ:*; jld:6, jmc:6 -- TH:***
  1096. Bing & Ruth: Species (4AD) {6}: Dr:32, LBF:*, LQ:*, MO:*, Pc:57, SC:* -- A:73/9, M:71/7
  1097. Jane Birkin: Oh! Pardon, Tu Dormais . . . (Wrasse/Universal) {6}: Mj:*; mj_w:1, yrh:2
  1098. Sir Richard Bishop: Oneiric Formulary (Drag City) {6}: AM:*, Dus:*, U:*, W:*; aqd:+, yjs:9 -- A:74/4, M:80/7
  1099. Raoul Bjorkenheim: Solar Winds (Long Song) {6}: TN:10 -- TH:***
  1100. Bladee: 333 (Year0001) {6}: IR:7, IS:43; is_h:4
  1101. Bohren & Der Club of Gore: Patchouli Blue (Ipecac) {6}: AM:*, FJ:*, GTV:46; aqd:+, jmsc:2 -- A:73/2
  1102. Toni Braxton: Spell My Name (Island) {6}: G:*, V:*; asp:1, vti:8 -- A:70/2, M:71/6
  1103. Alan Broadbent Trio: Trio in Motion (Savant) {6}: DB:*; jkd:1 -- TH:**
  1104. Built to Spill: Plays the Songs of Daniel Johnston (Ernest Jenning) {6}: AM:*, AS:*, Fld:*, SE:+; am_i:+, xjsp:8 -- A:71/6, M:70/7
  1105. Lucia Cadotsch: Speak Low II (We Jazz) {6}: AAJ:*; bc_j:*, jahk:+, jfkz:4, jrw:+, tbm:16
  1106. Anna Calvi: Hunted (Domino -EP) {6}: AD:*, AM:*, NME:*, NT:*, YF:*; rld:+ -- A:88/4
  1107. Camelphat: Dark Matter (Camelphat) {6}: -- Id:43, NME:*; edmt:+, nti:3
  1108. Peter Campbell: Old Flames Never Die (self-released) {6}: AAJ:*, JT:29; jdb:10, vahm:1
  1109. Hayes Carll: Alone Together Sessions (Dualtone) {6}: ND_r:36, Rx:65 -- TH:A-
  1110. Mary Chapin Carpenter: The Dirt and the Stars (Lambent Light) {6}: AM:*, Gl:*, PM:*, U:*, YF:*; am_f:+ -- A:77/4, M:84/4
  1111. Terri Lyne Carrington + Social Science: Waiting Game (Motema -19) {6}: jjh:3, jrmu:+, jwj:2, npr_su:10 -- TH:[**]
  1112. Eddie Chacon: Pleasure, Joy and Happiness (Day End) {6}: AM:*, S45:24, TL:100, U:44; am_r:+, aqd:+
  1113. Che Lingo: The Worst Generation (7Wallace) {6}: Cl:*, I:*, LBF:13*; cmp:8 -- A:83/3
  1114. Chouk Bwa and the Angstromers: Vodou Ale (Bongo Joe) {6}: aqd:+, pm_w:10, tg:+, vjk:+ -- TH:**
  1115. Cindy: Free Advice (Paisley Shirt/Mt St Mtn/Tough Love) {6}: BIB:+; pm_ip:1, vdh:3
  1116. Mino Cinelu/Nils Petter Molvaer: SulaMadiana (Modern) {6}: pg_rs:23, sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  1117. Cloud Nothings: The Black Hole Understands (self-released) {6}: Hi:14, NME:*, NT:*; xbw:+ycp:+ -- A:76/4
  1118. Melanie C: Melanie C (Red Girl) {6}: Al:47*, AM:*, O:*, PM:*, Rec:38; am_p:+ -- A:73/10
  1119. Collocutor: Continuation (On the Corner) {6}: YW:21; bc_j:*, jld:10, jml:10, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  1120. The Courteeners: More. Again. Forever. (Ignition) {6}: AM:*, Cl:*, Gw:*, NME:*, Q:*; rx:+ -- A:76/5
  1121. Ian William Craig: Red Sun Through Smoke (Fat Cat) {6}: ACL:17, AM:*, Dus:*, Ex:*, Qt:*, U:*, W:* -- A:85/2, M:80/7
  1122. John Craigie: Asterisk the Universe (Zabriskie Point) {6}: npr_ap:2 -- TH:A-
  1123. Damso: Qalf (Trente-quatre Centimes/Universal) {6}: HS:9, LI:10
  1124. Dark Tranquility: Moment (Century Media) {6}: -- Si:10, Spk:28*; lwr:+
  1125. Jean Dawson: Pixel Bath (Universal Music Australia) {6}: AM:*, Up_i:20; am_i:+, npr_sf:6, sa:20
  1126. Dean & Britta: Quarantine Tapes (Double Feature) {6}: Cpu:4 -- TH:**
  1127. Tashi Dorji/Tyler Damon: To Catch a Bird in a Net of Wind (Trost) {6}: FJ:*; jfn:+, jtb:6 -- TH:***
  1128. Dream Nails: Dream Nails (Alcopop!) {6}: DIY:*, K:*, LW:38*, NME:*, Ups:* -- A:77/8, M:77/6
  1129. Brett Eldredge: Sunday Drive (Warner Music) {6}: CU:33, E:+, NS:29; scm:+, scm_m:9, sln:+
  1130. Matt Elliott: Farewell to All We Know (Ici D'Ailleurs) {6}: LI:80, MM:9; bz:7, rld:+
  1131. Ellis: Born Again (Fat Possum) {6}: Ex:*, NBH:27, NT:*, Spk:*, UR:88* -- A:77/7
  1132. The End: Allt Ar Intet (RareNoise) {6}: FJ:*; jdbk:2, jkg:2, jss:+ -- TH:C
  1133. Enemy Radio: Loud Is Not Enough (SpitSLAM) {6}: Al:99; xjdc:57 -- TH:A-
  1134. Eternal Champion: Ravening Iron (No Remorse) {6}: Db:2, FB:36; bv_fp:+
  1135. FACS: Void Moments (Trouble in Mind) {6}: AM:*, BIB:38, RM:96, Sb:99; vjk:+, yjed:+ -- A:80/1
  1136. Fat Tony & Taydex: Wake Up (Carpark -EP) {6}: -- RC:***, TH:***
  1137. Laura Fell: Safe From Me (Balloon Machine) {6}: BPM:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, Rec:12, U:* -- A:83/4
  1138. Joe Fiedler's Big Sackbut: Live in Graz (Multiphonics Music) {6}: DB:*; jad:6, jkd:7, jkw:7 -- TH:**
  1139. Bela Fleck & Toumani Diabate: The Ripple Effect (Craft) {6}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Gl:*, U:*; am_f:+, sol_fu:+ -- A:80/1, M:77/4
  1140. Fluisteraars: Bloem (Eisenwald Tonschmiede) {6}: GMD:38; ab_b:1, ec:+, tr_m:11
  1141. Nils Frahm: Empty (Erased Tapes) {6}: LQ:*, Pc:46, SoS:84, Top:39, YW:79; npr_bb:10 -- A:80/1
  1142. John Frusciante: Maya (Timesig) {6}: AM:*, Cl:*, Du:25, Ex:*, Qt:*, Rf:29 -- A:75/4, M:80/6
  1143. Melody Gardot: Sunset in the Blue (Bravado) {6}: AD:*, DB:*, Mj:*; jkf:+, jsf:+, vahm:+ -- A:80/2, TH:B
  1144. Hannah Georgas: All That Emotion (Brassland) {6}: Ex:*, G:*, GTV:76, LBF:*, RM:68; yng:+ -- A:72/8, M:72/8
  1145. Girls in Synthesis: Now Here's an Echo From Your Future (Own It) {6}: LW:8, Rec:35, RM:84, Try:21
  1146. Dave Glasser: Hypocrisy Democracy (Here Tiz) {6}: AAJ:*; jml:7 -- TH:A-
  1147. Alex Goodman: Impressions in Blue and Red (Outside In Music, 2CD) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jsa:6 -- TH:***
  1148. Good Sad Happy Bad: Shades (Textile) {6}: Ex:*, Fa:25, RA:*, Sb:45; vgb:9, vmm:9 -- A:78/2, M:78/4
  1149. Laura Jane Grace: Stay Alive (Polyvinyl) {6}: 45:29, BV_p:39, DIY:*, K:*, LBF:*; ap:+ -- A:73/6
  1150. Muriel Grossmann: Quiet Earth (RR Gems) {6}: TN:*; sg_j:* -- TH:A-
  1151. Marika Hackman: Covers (Transgressive) {6}: DIY:*, Gw:*, MO:*, NME:*, SMH:*, U:* -- A:80/7, M:84/4
  1152. Noah Haidu: Doctone (Sunnyside) {6}: AAJ:*; jlv:5, jyk:8 -- TH:**
  1153. Jeff Hamilton Trio: Catch Me If You Can (Capri) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jcjw:4, jrm:+ -- TH:*
  1154. The Happy Fits: What Could Be Better (The Happy Fits) {6}: npr_kt:3, vjte:5 -- TH:**
  1155. Health: Disco4 :: Part I (Loma Vista) {6}: DS:+, Ex:*, Fld:*, Spk:*; tr_e:19, ty_e:10 -- A:76/5
  1156. Paul Heaton/Jacqui Abbott: Manchester Calling (Virgin EMI) {6}: Mj:*, Mz:48, Q:*, U:* -- A:63/3, M:78/5, TH:**
  1157. Holy Wave: Interloper (Reverberation Appreciation Society) {6}: AM:*, LBF:*, Pc:88, Sb:61; am_i:+, rld:+ -- A:85/2
  1158. Ray Wylie Hubbard: Co-Starring (Big Machine) {6}: ND_r:38; mj_a:6, scm:+* -- TH:**
  1159. Sophie Hunger: Halluzinationen (Caroline) {6}: GTV:*, LQ:*, Lt:50, MO:*, RS_D:38; rld:+ -- A:80/3
  1160. I'm Glad It's You: Every Sun Every Moon (6131) {6}: Alt:20, Ch:14, Ex:*, Sl:22 -- A:77/2
  1161. Jon Irabagon: I Don't Hear Nothin' but the Blues: Volume 3: Anatomical Snuffbox (Irabbagast) {6}: AAJ:*, TN:9; jmc:4 -- TH:B-
  1162. Alain Johannes: Hum (Ipecac) {6}: AM:*, HuN:19, U:*; rte:++ -- A:72/5, M:75/5
  1163. Joji: Nectar (88rising) {6}: AM:*, GC:39, Rf:18; am_k:+, ap:+ -- A:58/2
  1164. Jerry Joseph: The Beautiful Madness (Decor) {6}: Gl:++, GTV:45*, U:*; xej:9 -- A:73/3
  1165. Kaatayra: Toda Historia Pela Frente (self-released) {6}: Hi:1, RY:30
  1166. Kacy & Clayton and Marlon Williams: Plastic Bouquet (New West) {6}: Mj:*, P:*, U:*; aqd:+ -- A:80/3, TH:**
  1167. Kaze & Ikue Mori: Sand Storm (Libra) {6}: jeh:8, jri:7, jsg:9 -- TH:***
  1168. David Keenan: A Beginner's Guide to Bravery (Rubyworks) {6}: HP:4, XSN:17 -- A:67/3
  1169. Madeline Kenney: Sucker's Lunch (Carpark) {6}: BPM:*, Ex:*, Fa:48, UR:63*; mic:+ -- A:74/9, M:74/8
  1170. Klo Pelgag: Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs (Secret City) {6}: Ex:*, HuN:34, LCA:3 -- A:80/1
  1171. Adam Kolker: Lost (Sunnyside) {6}: jjm:+, noj:4, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  1172. David Krakauer & Kathleen Tagg: Breath & Hammer (Table Pounding) {6}: bc_j:*, jahk:+, jahn:3 -- TH:**
  1173. Krust: The Edge of Everything (Crosstown Rebels) {6}: Mgn:10, Mj:*, U:*; bc_e:+ -- A:74/4
  1174. Stephanie Lambring: Autonomy (Tone Tree Music) {6}: NS:23, SE:121, TL:31; df:+ -- TH:**
  1175. LA Priest: Gene (Domino) {6}: AM:*, Dr:84, LBF:*, Noj:38, NT:*, Sb:86 -- A:75/8, M:70/5
  1176. Lauv: How I'm Feeling (AWAL) {6}: Al:64*, Clv:50, DIY:*, Ex:*, LBF:* -- A:75/7
  1177. Gabe Lee: Honky Tonk Hell (Torrez Music Group) {6}: CU:30; scm:++* -- TH:**
  1178. Levellers: Peace (On the Fiddle) {6}: VLR:11, XSN:3
  1179. George Lewis/Oxana Omelchuk/Studio Dan: Breaking News (Ezz-thetics) {6}: jrd:1, jsw:1
  1180. Little Mix: Confetti (RCA) {6}: Cl:*, DIY:*, I:*, O:*, PM:*; sc:10 -- A:71/12, M:74/10
  1181. Magnum: The Serpent Rings (Steamhammer) {6}: AM:*, SoT:3; am_m:+ -- A:80/1
  1182. Man Man: Dream Hunting in the Valley of the In-Between (Sub Pop) {6}: Al:58*, Gl:*, NT:*, RS:*; rld:+ -- A:78/3, M:77/5
  1183. Terrace Martin/Robert Glasper/9th Wonder/Kamasi Washington: Dinner Party: Dessert (Sounds of Crenshaw -EP) {6}: BS:9; tbt:2 -- TH:*
  1184. Mat Zo: Illusion of Depth (Anjunabeats) {6}: DA:8, Em:*, Ex:*; edmt:8 -- A:88/2
  1185. John McLaughlin/Shankar Mahadevan/Zakir Hussain: Is That So? (Abstract Logix) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*; tg:+, vrg:6 -- TH:**
  1186. Mekons: Exquisite (self-released) {6}: Cpu:13; vrmo:8 -- TH:***
  1187. Kip Moore: Wild World (MCA Nashville) {6}: AM:*, AS:16*, SE:42; am_c:+ -- A:77/3
  1188. Ikue Mori/Satoko Fujii/Natsuki Tamura: Prickly Pear Cactus (Libra) {6}: AAJ:*; jad:7, jml:2 -- TH:**
  1189. Cahalen Morrison: Wealth of Sorrow (self-released) {6}: scm:+++* -- TH:**
  1190. Morrissey: I Am Not a Dog on a Chain (BMG) {6}: Mj:*, Mz:38, T:*; rld:+, tck:4 -- A:55/10
  1191. Siti Muharam: Siti of Unguja (Romance Revolution on Zanzibar) (On the Corner) {6}: NPR:28, VF:25; npr_oh:5, sol:+, sol_af:+
  1192. Mush: 3D Routine (Memphis Industries) {6}: Crh:39, D:*, LQ:*, RT:74, Sb:39, U:* -- A:74/4
  1193. New Orleans High Society: New Orleans High Society (1718) {6}: jmy:5, jrs:+ -- TH:***
  1194. Richard Norris: Elements (Group Mind) {6}: Dr:4, Pc:41, RM:72
  1195. North Americans: Roped In (Third Man) {6}: Dr:52, GB:44, Mj:*, U:*; aqd:+, ygb:6 -- A:78/3
  1196. Obnox: Savage Raygun (Ever/Never) {6}: YW:77; aqd:+, owl:+, vjk:4, yps:7
  1197. Oddisee: Odd Cure (Outer Note) {6}: Ex:* -- A:80/1, RC:**, TH:***
  1198. Off the Meds: Off the Meds (Studio Barnhus) {6}: Du:7, Fa:21, VF:23; rd:+
  1199. Of Montreal: UR FUN (Polyvinyl) {6}: AM:*, GTV:*, NT:*, Qt:*, Sp:*, U:* -- A:74/10, M:76/8
  1200. Vikingur Olafsson: Debussy/Rameau (Deutsche Grammophon) {6}: AAJ:*, NPR:37; npr_jg:6, npr_th:1
  1201. Orion Sun: Hold Space for Me (Mom + Pop) {6}: WHP:15; key:+, npr_sm:3, pm_s:17 -- A:68/2
  1202. Owen: The Avalanche (Polyvinyl) {6}: AM:*, BV_p:23, LBF:*, MO:*, U:*, UR:* -- A:79/6, M:83/5
  1203. Fito Paez: La Conquista Del Espacio (RCA Victor) {6}: EE:15, RS_Ar:5
  1204. Palm Reader: Sleepless (Holy Roar) {6}: K:31*, Pu:4 -- A:82/3
  1205. Vanessa Perica Orchestra: Love Is a Temporary Madness (self-released) {6}: jsa:1, tg:+ -- TH:**
  1206. Jonathan Personne: Disparitions (Michel) {6}: LCA:10, LI:50, Mw:16
  1207. Ryan Porter & the West Coast Get Down: Live in Paris at New Morning (World Galaxy) {6}: DB:*; bc_j:*, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  1208. Potsa Lotsa XL: Silk Songs for Space Dogs (Leo) {6}: jck:9, jlv:7 -- TH:A-
  1209. Chris Potter: There Is a Tide (Edition) {6}: TN:+; jbm:1, jhs:+, jlbi:6 -- TH:B-
  1210. Protoje: In Search of Lost Time (RCA) {6}: AM:*, BV:52; am_w:+, bv_g:+ -- TH:**
  1211. Pulled by Magnets: Rose Golden Doorways (Glitterbeat) {6}: Dus:*, G:*, Mj:*, Qt:*; g_c:5 -- A:80/1
  1212. Qwanqwa: Volume 3 (Wuzzawazee Industries) {6}: yjrs:10 -- RC:B+, TH:**
  1213. Tim Ray: Excursions and Adventures (Whaling City Sound) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jkf:1 -- TH:*
  1214. Record Setter: I Owe You Nothing (Topshelf) {6}: BV:38, BV_p:6, NR:+; mic:+
  1215. Rodney Rice: Same Shirt, Different Day (Moody Spring Music) {6}: YW:81 -- RC:**, TH:***
  1216. Michael Rother: Dreamimg (Groenland) {6}: AM:*, Ec:25, Sb:23; aqd:+ -- TH:**
  1217. Benny Rubin Jr Quartet: Know Say or See (Benny Jr Music) {6}: jrs:+, jsg:2 -- TH:***
  1218. Felipe Salles Interconnections Ensemble: The New Immigrant Experience: Music Inspired by Conversations With Dreamers (Tapestry -2CD) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jaa:10, jrk:5 -- TH:*
  1219. Oumou Sangare: Acoustic (No Format!) {6}: G:*, Gl:*, Mj:*, PM:*, U:*, YW:36 -- A:70/1, M:86/5
  1220. Schapiro 17: New Shoes: Kind of Blue at 60 (Summit -2CD) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*, TS:+ -- TH:***
  1221. Sara Schoenbeck/Wayne Horvitz: Cell Walk (Songlines) {6}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; bc_j:*, jhs:+, jjm:+, rs_u:+ -- TH:B
  1222. Ray Scott: Nowhere Near Done (Jethropolitan -EP) {6}: AS:5 -- TH:**
  1223. Aubrie Sellers: Far From Home (Soundly) {6}: AM:*, AS:*, CU:40, SE:79, TL:40; am_a:+ -- A:72/3
  1224. Skyzoo & Dumbo Station: The Bluest Note (Tuff Kong -EP) {6}: Ex:*; vjfx:7 -- A:82/2, TH:A-
  1225. Sam Smith: Love Goes (Capitol) {6}: AD:*, BB:39, EW:*, Id:18, NYT:* -- A:63/13, M:64/13
  1226. Smoke Fairies: Darkness Brings the Wonders Home (Year Seven) {6}: AM:*, Cl:*, Mj:*, U:*; am_f:+, yds:10 -- A:80/2
  1227. Sneaks: Happy Birthday (Merge) {6}: AM:*, LI:44, Mj:* -- A:72/6, M:74/4, TH:***
  1228. Snowdrops: Volutes (Injazero) {6}: G:*, Mj:*, Tx:20; g_c:3 -- A:80/1
  1229. Snowgoose: The Making of You (Ba Da Bing) {6}: AM:*, Dus:*, LW:*, SC:*, U:*; am_f:+ -- A:84/4
  1230. Soko: Feel Feelings (Because Music) {6}: AM:*, DIY:*, LI:87, NBH:48, NT:*, Top:22 -- A:72/6, M:70/5
  1231. Luciana Souza: Storytellers (Sunnyside) {6}: DB:*; jjha:+, jjm:+, jjo:+, jwj:+, ph:+
  1232. Sparkle Division: To Feel Embraced (Temporary Residence) {6}: C:15, LQ:3
  1233. Spinvis: (Excelsior) {6}: DaB:32, DVk:19, Oo:6
  1234. Stand Atlantic: Pink Elephant (Hopeless) {6}: NME:*, Ups:*; ap:+, dep:6, iad:13, rks:+ -- A:80/3
  1235. Stick in the Wheel: Hold Fast (From Here) {6}: U:*; ec:+, mj_f:4, sol_eu:+, sol_fk:+ -- A:67/3
  1236. Still House Plants: Fast Edit (Bison) {6}: Qt:47, W:7; tgl:4
  1237. Corey Taylor: CMFT (Roadrunner) {6}: ClR:42, K:49*, L:38, NME:*; lwr:+ -- A:69/8
  1238. Thaba: Eyes Rest Their Feet (Soundway) {6}: PM:*; pm_s:3 -- A:75/2, TH:*
  1239. Michael Thomas: Event Horizon (Giant Step Arts -2CD) {6}: AAJ:*; jan:+, jjw:8 -- TH:***
  1240. Told Slant: Point the Flashlight and Walk (Double Double Whammy) {6}: BPM:*, Ex:*, Fld:*, SC:*, WHP:30; mic:+ -- A:81/5
  1241. Don Toliver: Heaven or Hell (Cactus Jack/Atlantic) {6}: Cmp:+, HDX:*, Up:49, Up_h:20; vkl:9 -- A:66/4
  1242. Tricot: 10 (Cutting Edge/8902) {6}: Hi:19, HV:10, Spk:* -- A:94/1
  1243. Luis Vicente: Mare (Cipsela) {6}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jsgj:5 -- TH:**
  1244. Fay Victor's SoundNoiseFunk: We've Had Enough! (ESP-Disk) {6}: jin:+, jjm:+, pm_j:+, vbc:+ -- TH:**
  1245. Will Vinson: Four Forty One (Whirlwind) {6}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jdl:5, jfkz:8, sg_j:*
  1246. Katie Von Schleicher: Consummation (Ba Da Bing!) {6}: AM:*, Cl:*, I:*, NME:*, RM:63, U:* -- A:77/6, M:78/7
  1247. Kelsey Waldon: They'll Never Keep Us Down (Oh Boy -EP) {6}: CU:28, TL:81; fa:+ -- TH:***
  1248. Andrew Wasylyk: Fugitive Light and Themes of Consolation (Athens of the North) {6}: Cl:*, Pc:10; ybb:4 -- A:80/1
  1249. Bobby Watson: Keepin' It Real (Smoke Sessions) {6}: DB:*, Cpu:24, TN:+; jan:+, jb:+, jbo:6 -- TH:B
  1250. Chip Wickham: Blue to Red (Lovemonk) {6}: AAJ:*, AM:*, Tx_j:6; sg_j:* -- A:80/2, TH:B-
  1251. Wobbler: Dwellers of the Deep (Karisma) {6}: SoT:20, Spk:41; jfkz:+, pm_pr:4
  1252. Young Dolph: Rich Slave (Paper Route/Empire) {6}: AM:*, BV_r:37, N:32, Up_h:30; am_h:+, xxl:+
  1253. Yumi Zouma: Truth or Consequences (Polyvinyl) {6}: UR:80*; npr_st:4, yjf:3 -- A:71/4
  1254. 75 Dollar Bill: Live at Cafe Oto Dec 19 2019 (self-released) {5}: yjs:6 -- TH:A-
  1255. The 81's: 2 Things & 118 Others (The 81's) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  1256. Thomas Ades: Ades Conducts Ades (Deutsche Grammophon) {5}: NPR:6; npr_th:2
  1257. Amaranthe: Manifest (Nuclear Blast) {5}: K:*, SoT:13; se_p:2 -- A:80/2
  1258. Anti-Flag: 20/20 Vision (Spinefarm) {5}: BV_p:11, NF:20; ap:+ -- A:67/3
  1259. Anuel AA: Emmanuel (LLC) {5}: AM:*, BB:38, GC:33, Id:60; am_w:+ -- A:80/1
  1260. Florian Arbenz & Greg Osby: Reflections of the Eternal Line (Hammer) {5}: PO:+; ycy:6 -- TH:***
  1261. Arbor Labor Union: New Petal Instants (Arrowhawk) {5}: -- RC:B+, TH:**
  1262. Arbouretum: Let It All In (Thrill Jockey) {5}: AM:*, Dus:*, Q:*, U:*, W:* -- A:79/2, M:81/8
  1263. Lynne Arriale Trio: Chimes of Freedom (Challenge) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jkf:5, noj:7
  1264. Autechre: Plus (Warp) {5}: AM:*, Cl:*, XLR:+; am_e:+ -- A:77/2, TH:*
  1265. Avatar: Hunter Gatherer (Gain Music Entertainment) {5}: Rev:21; lwr:+, se_p:1 -- A:70/2
  1266. AVA Trio: Digging the Sand (Marocco Music -19) {5}: jka:5 -- TH:***
  1267. Teodross Avery: Harlem Stories: The Music of Thelonious Monk (Wj3) {5}: TN:+, PO:+ -- TH:***
  1268. Omer Avital Qantar: New York Paradox (Jazz & People) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; bc_j:*, jjw:9 -- TH:*
  1269. Baba Zula: Hayvan Gibi (Night Dreamer/Gulbara) {5}: YW:46 -- TH:A-
  1270. Bad Bunny: El Ultimo Tour Del Mundo (Rimas) {5}: Ps:19; nyl:+, xscw:+ -- TH:*
  1271. Kelsea Ballerini: Kelsea (Black River) {5}: I:*, SE:59; am_c:+, sln:+ -- A:73/3, TH:*
  1272. Ball Park Music: Ball Park Music (Prawn) {5}: AU:1
  1273. Majid Bekkas: Magic Spirit Quartet (ACT Music) {5}: DB:*, PO:+; jdsu:5 -- TH:*
  1274. Brendan Benson: Dear Life (Third Man) {5}: AS:*, DIY:*, Gl:*, SE:68, U:* -- A:72/5, M:74/8
  1275. Steve Beresford & John Butcher: Old Paradise Airs (Iluso) {5}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jnm:2 -- TH:*
  1276. Matt Berry: Phantom Birds (Acid Jazz) {5}: AM:*, BIB:39, U:67*; am_f:+ -- A:73/4
  1277. Max Bessesen: Trouble (Ropeadope) {5}: jha:+, jrk:9, jmn:+ -- TH:**
  1278. Big Bad Brotzmann Quintet: Karacho! (Euphorium -19) {5}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jsgr:1
  1279. Jeb Bishop Flex Quartet: Re-Collect (Not Two -19) {5}: AAJ:* -- TH:A-
  1280. Black Art Jazz Collective: Ascension (HighNote) {5}: DB:*; sg_j:6*, vpf:6 -- TH:*
  1281. Black Curse: Endless Wound (Sepulchral Voice) {5}: Ex:*, Hi:44, Qt:54, Spk:44; pm_m:20 -- A:75/2
  1282. The Black Dahlia Murder: Verminous (Metal Blade) {5}: AM:*, Ex:*, Noj:39; am_m:+, lwr:+ -- A:83/4
  1283. Black Stone Cherry: The Human Condition (Mascot) {5}: AM:*, ClR:35, K:*; am_k:+, lwr:+ -- A:75/4
  1284. Alice Boman: Dream On (Play It Again Sam) {5}: GTV:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, NR:* -- A:77/8, M:76/7
  1285. Nicolas Bougaieff: The Upward Spiral (Novamute) {5}: AM:*, PM:*, Qt:*; am_e:+, pm_e:7 -- A:75/4, M:79/5
  1286. Don Braden/Joris Teepe Quartet: In the Spirit of Herbie Hancock: Live at De Witte (OAP) {5}: TN:+; jsj:+ -- TH:***
  1287. Broken Shadows: The Tower Tapes #2 (Jazz Club Ferrara) {5}: TN:+ -- TH:A-
  1288. Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown: Pressure (Snakefarm) {5}: ClR:22*, L:39, Rf:67; lwr:+ -- A:75/2
  1289. The Bug: In Blue (Hyperdub) {5}: AM:*, Lt:35; am_e:+, irp:+ -- A:75/2, TH:*
  1290. Cadet: The Rated Legend (Underrated Legends) {5}: Cl:*, Gw:*, NME:*, O:*, YW:92 -- A:85/4
  1291. Armani Caesar: The Liz (Griselda) {5}: BV_r:31, CS:45, Fa:43, Okp:+; tr_h:+
  1292. Catholic Action: Celebrated by Strangers (Modern Sky/Palo Santo) {5}: DIY:*, P:46*, Sk:*; p_r:+ -- A:78/4
  1293. Chassol: Ludi (Tricatel) {5}: GMD:21, LI:6, MM:85
  1294. Kenny Chesney: Here and Now (Warner Music) {5}: AM:*, AS:*, SE:97; am_c:+, sln:+ -- A:85/2
  1295. Choir Boy: Gathering Swans (Dais) {5}: GTV:85, NT:*, P:*, S45:23, Sp:* -- A:80/5
  1296. Gerry Cinnamon: The Bonny (Little Runaway/AWAL) {5}: Bq:20, G:*, NME:*; rx:+ -- A:67/3
  1297. Circles Around the Sun: Circles Around the Sun (Royal Potato Family) {5}: AM:*, Gl:++*, PM:* -- A:80/2
  1298. The Claudettes: High Times in the Dark (Forty Below) {5}: AM:*, SE:102, Sp:*; am_k:+, mm:+ -- A:80/1
  1299. CMON: Confusing Mix of Nations (Mexican Summer) {5}: AM:*, Gw:*, Pf:*, PM:*, U:* -- A:80/5
  1300. Ryan Cohan: Originations (Origin) {5}: AAJ:*, Tx_j:11; jha:7, jnt:10
  1301. Jacob Collier: Djesse (Vol 3) (Hajanga) {5}: Al:*, Rf:58; tg:+, vuk:2 -- A:90/1
  1302. Colorama: Chaos Wonderland (Banana & Louie) {5}: Dr:94, GTV:65, Mg:17, Mj:* -- A:80/1
  1303. Erland Cooper: Hether Blether (Phases) {5}: Dr:34, LQ:*, MO:32, Q:*, RM:40 -- A:77/3
  1304. CP Unit: One Foot on the Ground Smoking Mirror Shakedown (Ramp Local) {5}: YW:82; jhs:+ -- TH:***
  1305. DaBaby: Blame It on Baby (South Coast/Interscope) {5}: BB:50, Cmp:+, NME:*; ms_r:6, xxl:+ -- A:57/7
  1306. John Daversa Quintet: Cuarentena: With Family at Home (Tiger Turn) {5}: DB:*; jkf:+, jrd:+ -- TH:**
  1307. Josephine Davies: Sartori: How Can We Wake? (Whirlwind) {5}: AAJ:*; jcm:+ -- TH:***
  1308. Dead Sheeran: A National Disgrace (Basketcase) {5}: LW:3* -- A:100/1
  1309. Deeper: Auto-Pain (Fire Talk) {5}: BIB:+, Mw:35, N:71, P:*; p_r:+ -- A:78/2
  1310. Deerhoof and Wadada Leo Smith: To Be Surrounded by Beautiful, Curious, Breathing, Laughing Flesh Is Enough (Joyful Noise) {5}: AAJ:*; pg_rs:24, sl:+ -- TH:**
  1311. Dej Loaf: Sell Sole II (BMG) {5}: ved:10, xkm:4 -- A:70/2, TH:**
  1312. Vladislav Delay/Sly Dunbar/Robbie Shakespeare: 500-Push-Up (Sub Rosa) {5}: FB:97, No:20 -- TH:**
  1313. Della Mae: Headlight (Rounder) {5}: AM:*, SE:+, TL:65; am_a:+, fa:+ -- A:80/1
  1314. Diabla Diezco: Memento Mori (Mord) {5}: YW:16 -- TH:***
  1315. Dion: Blues With Friends (KTBA) {5}: AD:*, AS:*, ClR:*; am_b:+ -- A:87/3, TH:*
  1316. Daniel Donato: A Young Man's Country (Cosmic Country Music) {5}: scm:+* -- TH:***
  1317. Drunken Kong: Where We Start (Tronic) {5}: YW:11 -- TH:***
  1318. Dueling Experts: Dueling Experts (Mello Music Group) {5}: YW:12 -- TH:***
  1319. Duster: Duster (Muddguts -19) {5}: AM:*, AS:*, Ex:*, I:*, NR:* -- A:80/7
  1320. Dutchavelli: Dutch From the 5th (Parlophone) {5}: Cl:*, G:*; sl:6 -- A:85/2, TH:**
  1321. Che Ecru: Til Death (F Plus) {5}: Up_r:10 -- TH:**
  1322. Eight Rounds Rapid: Love Your Work (Tapete) {5}: ClR:*, LW:23*, Mj;*, VLR:28 -- A:90/3
  1323. Elderbrook: Why Do We Shake in the Cold? (Parlophone) {5}: DA:15, LBF:*; nti:5 -- A:75/2
  1324. Elephant Stone: Hollow (Fuzz Club) {5}: FB:12, GTV:*, Sb:100, Sp:* -- A:85/2
  1325. Emmy the Great: April (Bella Union) {5}: AD:*, DIY:*, Mj:*, MO:*, O:* -- A:77/8
  1326. END: Splinters From an Ever-Changing Face (Closed Casket Activities) {5}: Bc:+, K:24*, Pu:19 -- A:90/2
  1327. Etran De L'Air: No 1 (Sahel Sounds -18) {5}: Rx:63; n_ap:1, xjdc:43 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
  1328. Falkner Evans: Marbles (Consolidated Artists Productions) {5}: DB:*, YW:106; vbr:4 -- TH:*
  1329. Fake Names: Fake Names (Epitaph) {5}: Cl:*, DW:23; lwr:+, rte:++ -- A:73/3
  1330. Nathan Fake: Blizzards (Cambria Instruments) {5}: AM:*, Qt:*, RA:*; am_e:+, ty_e:+ -- A:90/1, M:79/4
  1331. False Heads: It's All There but You're Dreaming (Lovers Music) {5}: Cl:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, LW:*, PM:* -- A:83/5
  1332. Justin Farren: Pretty Free (Bad Service Badger) {5}: Rx:54 -- TH:A-
  1333. John Fedchock NY Sextet: Into the Shadows (Summit) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jb:+ -- TH:**
  1334. Nick Finzer: Cast of Characters (Outside In Music) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jfkz:10, se_fj:+ -- TH:*
  1335. Paul Flaherty/Randall Colbourne/James Chumley Hunt/Mike Roberson: Borrowed From Children (577) {5}: AAJ:*; jkw:9, jpa:6 -- TH:**
  1336. Fra Fra: Funeral Songs (Glitterbeat) {5}: Mj:*, PO:+, Qt:*, U:*, W:* -- M:84/4, TH:B
  1337. Free Nationals: Free Nationals (OBE/Empire -19) {5}: Em:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, Q:*; am_r:+ -- A:71/12
  1338. Liam Gallagher: MTV Unplugged (Live at Hull City Hall) (Warner UK) {5}: Cl:*, NME:*, Q:*, SE:+; rx:+ -- A:66/6, M:73/7
  1339. The Garden: Kiss My Super Bowl Ring (Epitaph) {5}: Ex:*, GTV:78, NME:*, Q:*, YF:42 -- A:69/5
  1340. Gato Libre: Koneko (Libra) {5}: AAJ:*; jsk:9, jtr:+ -- TH:**
  1341. Nicolas Godin: Concrete and Glass (NCLS/Because) {5}: MM:15, Q:*; tck:2 -- A:66/5, M:71/7
  1342. SG Goodman: Old Time Feeling (Verve Forecast) {5}: ND:12, YW:58; scm:+*
  1343. Gordon Grdina's the Marrow: Safar-e-Daroon (Songlines) {5}: FJ:*; jno:+ -- TH:***
  1344. Nana Grizol: South Somewhere Else (Don Giovanni) {5}: aqd:+, bb:3, pm_ip:+, yjf:16 -- A:70/3
  1345. Tee Grizzley: The Smartest (300 Entertainment) {5}: BV_r:38, PO:+ -- TH:***
  1346. MJ Guider: Sour Cherry Bell (Kranky) {5}: Bc:+*, Cl:*, MO:*, Sb:78 -- A:80/2
  1347. Haiku Hands: Haiku Hands (Mad Decent) {5}: DIY:*, MO:*, NME:*; vdcm:6 -- A:77/4, M:81/4, TH:*
  1348. Haiyti: Sui Sui (Haiyti/WM) {5}: Lt:27, Mu:32, Zf:6
  1349. Happyness: Floatr (Infinit Suds) {5}: DIY:*, I:*, Rec:40, RT:98; sa:17 -- A:71/6, M:74/5
  1350. Maya Hawke: Blush (Mom + Pop) {5}: NDO:17, NME:*, Ps:45, Spk:* -- A:75/4
  1351. HEAT: HEAT II (Avalon Label) {5}: ClR:8, L:3
  1352. Tim Heidecker: Fear of Death (Spacebomb) {5}: Ex:*, UR:69; aqd:+, npr_rd:2 -- A:79/2
  1353. Rebecca Hennessy: All the Things You Do (self-released) {5}: Tx:1
  1354. G Herbo: PTSD (Epic) {5}: Cmp:+, HDX:+*, Up_h:26; xxl:+ -- A:73/4
  1355. Deante' Hitchcock: Better (ByStorm/RCA) {5}: Up:42, Up_h:16; npr_rc:4
  1356. Hot Mulligan: You'll Be Fine (No Sleep) {5}: Pu:25, Spk:15; ap:+, iad:15
  1357. Huntsmen: Mandala of Fear (Prosthetic) {5}: Hi:5; io:7
  1358. Gary Husband & Markus Reuter: Music of Our Times (MoonJune) {5}: AAJ:*, YW:97; jdm:+, jtr:+, se_fj:+
  1359. Il Quadro Di Troisi: Il Quadro Di Troisi (Raster) {5}: Hi:8; now_r:7, rld:+
  1360. Rita Indiana: Mandinga Times (self-released) {5}: npr_fc:4, npr_l:+, npr_sf:3
  1361. IPA: Bashing Mushrooms (Cuneiform) {5}: AAJ:*, CM:+, TN:+ -- TH:**
  1362. Jade Hairpins: Harmony Avenue (Merge) {5}: AM:*, Cl:*, MO:34*, NT:* -- A:77/8, M:76/6
  1363. Luke James: To Feel Love/d (Culture Collective/Howling Nights) {5}: Al:42*, Ps:34; npr_ap:7, xbf:+ -- A:90/1
  1364. Clarice Jensen: The Experience of Repetition as Death (130701) {5}: NPR:42; npr_oh:2, npr_th:7, ydn:8
  1365. Oscar Jerome: Breathe Deep (Caroline) {5}: GTV:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, RT:94, Zf:47 -- A:80/3
  1366. Karen Jonas: The Southwest Sky & Other Dreams (Yellow Brick) {5}: CU:27; scm:+* -- TH:**
  1367. Joyfultalk: A Separation of Being (Constellation) {5}: AM:*, PM:*, Qt:*, U:*, W:* -- A:73/3, M:82/6
  1368. Jubileum Quartet [Joelle Leandre/Evan Parker/Agusti Fernandez/Zlatko Kaucic]: A Uis? (Not Two) {5}: FJ:*; jsb:5 -- TH:**
  1369. Juniper: Juniper (self-released) {5}: xmr:7 -- TH:A-
  1370. Keys & Screws [Thomas Borgmann/Jan Roder/Willi Kellers]: Some More Jazz (NoBusiness) {5}: AAJ:* -- TH:A-
  1371. Will Kimbrough: Spring Break (Daphne) {5}: TL:99 -- TH:A-
  1372. King Von: Levon James (Only the Family Entertainment/Empire) {5}: BV_r:39, HDX:+, N:38; am_h:+, ny_c:+
  1373. Knuckle Puck: 20/20 (Rise) {5}: Ex:*, Ups:*; ap:+, iad:14, rks:+ -- A:73/3
  1374. Kirk Knuffke: Brightness: Live in Amsterdam (Royal Potato Family) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; bc_j:*, fd:+ -- TH:*
  1375. Kirk Knuffke: Tight Like This (SteepleChase) {5}: fd:+, jld:5 -- TH:**
  1376. Kronos Quartet: Long Time Passing: Kronos Quartet & Friends Celebrate Pete Seeger (Smithsonian Folkways) {5}: Mj:*, O:*, SC:*; xmr:5 -- A:77/3
  1377. Mario Laginha/Julian Arguelles/Helge Andreas Norbakken: Atlantico (Edition) {5}: jsa:8, ph:9 -- TH:***
  1378. Adam Lambert: Velvet (More Is More/Empire) {5}: AM:*, Cl:*, PM:*, V:*; am_p:+ -- A:75/4
  1379. Lapsley: Through Water (XL) {5}: Al:44*, DIY:*, G:*, O:* -- A:77/6
  1380. La Roux: Supervision (Believe) {5}: G:*, SoS:90, Trk:46; ust:5 -- A:62/16
  1381. Ray Larsen: Songs to Fill the Air (Slow & Steady) {5}: Tx:6; bc_j:15*
  1382. Last Dream of the Morning [John Butcher/John Edwards/Mark Sanders]: Crucial Anatomy (Trost) {5}: FJ:*; jcg:+, jjsh:7 -- TH:**
  1383. Leon: Apart (BMG) {5}: Al:46*, Id:30, LBF:*, PM:* -- A:80/3
  1384. The Mark Lomax Trio: The Last Concert: Ankh & the Tree of Life (CFG Multimedia) {5}: PO:+ -- TH:A-
  1385. Lyrics Born & Cutso: Lyrics Born & Cutso Present Rapp Nite (self-released -EP -19) {5}: xci:+ -- TH:A-
  1386. Denise Mangiardi: Brown Book (Alice's Loft Music) {5}: AAJ:*; jjw:5 -- TH:**
  1387. Carla Marciano Quartet: Psychosis: Homage to Bernard Herrmann (Challenge) {5}: jha:3 -- TH:***
  1388. Roc Marciano: Marcielago (Marci) {5}: HDX:*, RR:*, W:* -- M:82/4, TH:**
  1389. Lauren Mascitti: God Made a Woman (Lauren Mascitti) {5}: ny_c:+, scm:+++*
  1390. Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets: Live at the Roundhouse (Legacy) {5}: ClR:6, L:24, Mj:46
  1391. Ego Ella May: Honey for Wounds (Upper Room) {5}: Al:*, Bc:+, LBF:*; ynn:3 -- A:80/2
  1392. Wojtek Mazolewski Quintet: When Angels Fall (WMQ/Agora Muzyka -19) {5}: DB:* -- TH:A-
  1393. Leyla McCalla: Vari-Colored Songs: A Tribute to Langston Hughes (2013, Smithsonian Folkways) {5}: YW_r:19 -- TH:***
  1394. Chad McCullough: Forward (Outside In Music) {5}: AAJ:*, Tx_j:18; bc_j:*, jdm:+
  1395. Joe McPhee/Dave Rempis/Tomeka Reid/Brandon Lopez/Paal Nilssen-Love: Of Things Beyond Thule Vol 1 (Aerophonic) {5}: CM:+, FJ:*; jtb:7 -- TH:**
  1396. Joe McPhee/Dave Rempis/Tomeka Reid/Brandon Lopez/Paal Nilssen-Love: Of Things Beyond Thule Vol 2 (Aerophonic) {5}: FJ:*, PO:+; jdbk:9 -- TH:**
  1397. Joe McPhee/John Edwards/Klaus Kugel: A Night in Alchemia (Not Two) {5}: TN:+ -- TH:A-
  1398. Katie Melua: Album No 8 (BMG) {5}: Al:*, AM:*, Id:45, MO:*, T:* -- A:79/6
  1399. Lisa Mezzacappa Six: Cosmicomics (Queen Bee) {5}: CM:+; jag:9, jhm:10, jsp:10, xbf:+ -- TH:[++]
  1400. K Michelle: All Monsters Are Human (EOne) {5}: AM:*, HV:19, PO:+; am_r:+
  1401. Molassess: Through the Hollow (Season of Mist) {5}: DVk:26, FB:3 -- A:80/1
  1402. Michael Moore Fragile Quartet: Cretan Dialogues (Ramboy -19) {5}: jjm:2 -- TH:***
  1403. Mandy Moore: Silver Landings (Verve Forecast) {5}: Al:*, AM:*, I:*, SE:41; pm_p:14 -- A:77/9
  1404. Mukdad Rothenberg Lankow: In the Wake of Memories (Clermont Music) {5}: Rx:50 -- TH:A-
  1405. Bill Nace: Live at Electric Eye (Post-Materialization Music) {5}: FJ:*, W:15; yps:4
  1406. Carlos Nino & Miguel Atwood-Ferguson: Chicago Waves (International Anthem) {5}: PO:+; g_c:1 -- TH:*
  1407. Kyle Nix: Lightning on the Mountain (Kyle Nix) {5}: YW:25; scm:+*, spt:+ -- TH:*
  1408. Nothing but Thieves: Moral Panic (Sony) {5}: MO:44*, Spk:*; irp:+, rx:+ -- A:71/6, M:68/5
  1409. The Ocean: Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic/Cenozoic (Metal Blade) {5}: AM:*, Oy:32, Vi:14; am_m:+ -- A:75/4
  1410. Oh Sees: Protean Threat (Castle Face) {5}: AM:*, LQ:*, LW:*, Mw:49, U:* -- A:73/9
  1411. Okan: Espiral (Lulaworld) {5}: npr_fc:8, npr_l:+ -- TH:***
  1412. Xavier Omar: If You Feel (RCA) {5}: AM:+; am_r:+, npr_bc:4, vak:10
  1413. OM [Urs Leimgruber/Christy Doran/Bobby Burri/Fredy Studer]: It's About Time (Intakt) {5}: AAJ:*, CM:+ -- TH:***
  1414. Keith Oxman: Two Cigarettes in the Dark (Capri) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:***
  1415. Paris: Safe Space Invader (Guerilla Funk) {5}: HG:56; xci:+ -- TH:***
  1416. Christopher Parker & Kelly Hurt: No Tears Suite (Mahakala Music) {5}: Cpu:15; bc_j:* -- TH:**
  1417. Tayla Parx: Coping Mechanisms (Taylamade/Atlantic) {5}: O:*, Ps:8 -- A:80/1, TH:*
  1418. Jonah Parzen-Johnson: Imagine Growing Up (We Jazz) {5}: AAJ:*, Cl:*; vjo:9 -- A:80/1, TH:**
  1419. Dan Penn: Living on Mercy (The Last Music Company) {5}: A:76/5, TH:B
  1420. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/Joe Morris: Shamanism (Mahakala Music) {5}: FJ:* -- TH:A-
  1421. Pere Ubu: By Order of Mayor Pawlicki: Live in Jarocin (Cherry Red) {5}: AAJ:*, YW_r:15 -- TH:**
  1422. Ben Perowsky/John Medeski/Chris Speed: Upstream (El Destructo -19) {5}: DB:*; jfk:7 -- TH:***
  1423. The Pineapple Thief: Versions of the Truth (Kscope) {5}: AM:*, PM:*, SC:*, SoT:19 -- A:79/4
  1424. Pole: Fading (Mute) {5}: AM:*, Mj;*, RT:45, U:*; am_e:+ -- A:78/4, M:81/4
  1425. Population II: A La O Terre (Castle Face) {5}: AM:*, FB:32, LCA:28; ycs:4 -- A:80/1
  1426. Porches: Ricky Music (Domino) {5}: Ch:21, NME:*, Sk:*, Sp:*, WHP:27 -- A:68/9
  1427. Protest the Hero: Palimpsest (Spinefarm) {5}: Ex:*, Spk:7* -- A:85/2
  1428. Psychic Temple: Houses of the Holy (Joyful Noise) {5}: Mj:*; aqd:+, rs_u:+, ygb:4 -- A:80/1
  1429. Quakers: II: The Next Wave (Stones Throw) {5}: AM:*, DJ:41, HG:42, Zf:56; am_h:+ -- A:80/1
  1430. Ashley Ray: Pauline (Ashley Ray) {5}: NPR:26, TL:62; bg_u:+, npr_ap:+, sg_c:8
  1431. Salaam Remi: Black on Purpose (Louder Than Life) {5}: BV_r:20, HDX:+; npr_nb:3
  1432. Rempis/Rosaly Duo: Codes/Myths (Aerophonic -2CD) {5}: AAJ:*, FJ:* -- TH:***
  1433. Respire: Black Line (Church Road) {5}: BPM:*, BV_p:13, Ex:*, K:* -- A:80/3
  1434. Reverso [Frank Woeste/Vincent Courtois/Ryan Keberle]: The Melodic Line (Out Note) {5}: DB:*; jrm:+, sg_j:*, tg:+ -- TH:*
  1435. Jenny Reynolds: Any Kind of Angel (Pretty Okay Music) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  1436. Steve Roach: Tomorrow (Projekt) {5}: CD:36, Ec:3
  1437. Randy Rogers & Wade Bowen: Hold My Beer Vol 2 (Lil' Buddy Toons) {5}: SE:30, TL:93; scm:+, xtl:+ -- TH:*
  1438. ROPE [Frank Paul Schubert/Uwe Oberg/Paul Rogers/Mark Sanders]: Open Ends (Trouble in the East) {5}: FJ:*; jkw:6, jmsc:7 -- TH:**
  1439. Dan Rosenboom: Absurd in the Anthropocene (Gearbox) {5}: TN:+; bc_j:*, jyo:9 -- TH:**
  1440. Andreas Roysum Ensemble: Andreas Roysum Ensemble (Motvind) {5}: CM:+, Dv:40; yjrs:8 -- TH:**
  1441. Martin Rude & Jakob Skott Duo: The Discipline of Assent (El Paraiso) {5}: CD:7, Sb:47; aqd:+
  1442. Adam Rudolph/Ralph M Jones/Hamid Drake: Imaginary Archipelago (Meta) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:***
  1443. Charles Rumback: June Holiday (Astral Spirits) {5}: DB:*; jah:10, jtb:8 -- TH:**
  1444. Jeff Rupert/George Garzone: The Ripple (Rupe Media) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jkf:4 -- TH:*
  1445. Carl Saunders: Jazz Trumpet (Summit) {5}: AAJ:*; jsy:8 -- TH:***
  1446. Schlippenbach/Narvesen Duo: Liminal Field (Not Two -19) {5}: AAJ:* -- TH:A-
  1447. Frank Paul Schubert/Alexander von Schlippenbach/Martin Blume: Forge (Relative Pitch) {5}: FJ:* -- TH:A-
  1448. Secret Machines: Awake in the Brain Chamber (TSM) {5}: AM:*, CD:23, Gl:*, Qt:*; am_k:+ -- A:76/3, M:85/4
  1449. Mark Segger Sextet: Lift Off (18th Note) {5}: AAJ:*, FJ:* -- TH:***
  1450. Dave Sewelson: More Music for a Free World (Mahakala Music) {5}: CM:+ -- TH:A-
  1451. Lawrence Sieberth Quartet: An Evening in Paris (Musik Bloc) {5}: AAJ:*; jpb:3 -- TH:**
  1452. Susana Santos Silva Impermanence: The Ocean Inside a Stone (Carimbo Porta-Jazz) {5}: FJ:*; jap:4, jdbk:10, jsp:8
  1453. Silverstein: A Beautiful Place to Drown (UNFD) {5}: Ch:27, Sp:*, Ups:*; ap:+, rks:+ -- A:73/3
  1454. Skyway Man: The World Only Ends When You Die (Mama Bird) {5}: Mj:*, U:*; am_f:+, aqd:+, vmp:+ -- A:80/1
  1455. Walter Smith III/Matthew Stevens/Micah Thomas/Linda May Han Oh/Nate Smith: In Common 2 (Whirlwind) {5}: DB:*; sg_j:*, jag:6, jyk:7 -- TH:*
  1456. Torben Snekkestad/Agusti Fernandez/Barry Guy: The Swiftest Traveler (Trost) {5}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; sg_j:* -- TH:**
  1457. Somi With Frankfurt Radio Big Band: Holy Room: Live at Alte Oper (Salon Africana -2CD) {5}: bc_j:*, jmn:5, jrm:+ -- TH:*
  1458. Soul Glo: Songs to Yeet at the Sun (Secret Voice -EP) {5}: Alt:38, BV_p:14, Fld:*; pf_k:+ -- A:80/1
  1459. Space Afrika: Hybtwibt? (self-released) {5}: GB:+, XLR:+; bc_a:+*, pf_a:+ -- A:74/1
  1460. Spacey Jane: Sunlight (Spacey Jane) {5}: Jun:4, NME:* -- A:80/1
  1461. Spectral Lore & Mare Cognitum: Wanderers: Astrology of the Nine (Entropic) {5}: Hi:37, Tr:30; lwr:+, tr_m:5
  1462. Spectres: It's Never Going to Happen and This Is Why (Dark Habits) {5}: Cl:*, FB:86, GTRT:50, V:*, UR:* -- A:83/3
  1463. Spinning Coin: Hyacinth (Geographic) {5}: AM:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, Sk:*; am_i:+ -- A:67/3, M:78/7
  1464. Steep Canyon Rangers: Arm in Arm (Yep Roc) {5}: AS:15*, Mj:*, U:* -- A:83/3
  1465. Juanita Stein: Snapshot (Nude) {5}: DIY:*, DS:11, LW:*, MO:* -- A:80/3
  1466. Colin Stetson: Color Out of Space (Milan) {5}: AM:*, Mj:*, PO:+, W:*; tg:+ -- A:70/2
  1467. Dave Stryker With Bob Mintzer and the WDR Big Band: Blue Soul (Strikezone) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*, TN:+; jrm:+ -- TH:*
  1468. Jan St Werner: Molocular Meditation (Editions Mego) {5}: AM:*, PO:+, Qt:*, U:*, W:* -- A:74/2, M:80/5
  1469. Kevin Sun: (Un)seaworthy (Endectomorph Music) {5}: AAJ:*, -- TH:A-
  1470. Superposition: Superposition (We Jazz) {5}: CM:+; sg_j:* -- TH:***
  1471. Sweet Whirl: How Much Works (Chapter Music) {5}: GB:15, GTV:*, LBF:*; pm_ip:+ -- A:73/3
  1472. Jorma Tapio & Kaski: Allseen (577) {5}: jbsh:10, sg_j:* -- TH:***
  1473. Tell No Lies: Anasyrma (Aut) {5}: bc_j:11*; jdsu:6 -- TH:**
  1474. Tenderlonious: Ragas From Lahore (22a) {5}: G:*, MJ:*, VF:48; g_w:5
  1475. Thana Iyer: Kind (Topshelf) {5}: Ex:*, P:29*; yjf:12, ynn:+ -- A:80/3
  1476. Thelonious Monster: Oh That Monster (Outliner) {5}: cp:6, yds:+ -- TH:***
  1477. Teddy Thompson: Heartbreaker Please (Chalky Sounds) {5}: Al:63*, AS:*, Gl:*, AS:* -- A:76/5, M:66/6
  1478. Yann Tiersen: Portrait (Mute -19) {5}: AM:*, Mj:*, MO:*, PM:*, U:* -- M:84/5
  1479. TOC & Dave Rempis: Closed for Safety Reasons (Circum-Disc) {5}: jad:10 -- TH:A-
  1480. David Torn/Ches Sith/Tim Berne: Sun of Goldfinger (Congratulations to You) (Screwgun) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*, FJ:*; jmju:7, sg_j:*
  1481. Jeremy Tuplin: Violent Waves (Trapped Animal) {5}: LBF:*, LQ:*, Rec:17, U:* -- A:87/3
  1482. Undeath: Lesions of a Different Kind (Prosthetic) {5}: Ne:41*, Pf:*; jhs:4 -- A:80/2
  1483. The Used: Heartwork (Big Noise/Universal) {5}: Gw:*, K:*, NME:*; ap:+, rks:+ -- A:80/3
  1484. Ken Vandermark/Hamid Drake/Gianni Trovalusci/Luigi Ceccarelli: Open Border (Audiographic) {5}: FJ:*, TN:+; jdbk:5, jpa:9
  1485. Cristina Vane: Old Played New (Blue Tip) {5}: Cpu:23; tg:+ -- TH:***
  1486. Luke Vibert: Luke Vibert Presents Amen Andrews (Hypercolour) {5}: ES:20, YW:33 -- TH:**
  1487. Luke Vibert: Luke Vibert Presents Modern Rave (Hypercolour) {5}: ES:20 -- TH:***
  1488. Vile Creature: Glory Glory! Apathy Took Helm! (Prosthetic) {5}: Db:14, Ex:*, Tr:44; tr_m:9 -- A:90/1
  1489. Villaelvin: Headroof (Hakuna Kulala) {5}: AM:*, Bc:*, Btz:31; am_e:+, yclw:9
  1490. Loudon Wainwright III With Vince Giordano & the Nighthawks: I'd Rather Lead a Band (Search Party) {5}: AD:*; fd:+, xci:+ -- A:77/3, TH:**
  1491. Wake: Devouring Ruin (Translation Loss) {5}: Db:31, Ex:23*; pm_m:15, tr_m:25 -- A:90/1
  1492. Rick Wakeman: The Red Planet (R&D Media) {5}: L:41, SoT:33, UCR:25; pr:6, se_fp:+
  1493. Wako: Wako (Ora Fonogram) {5}: AAJ:*, CM:+, Tx_j:15 -- TH:*
  1494. The Wants: Container (Council) {5}: Gw:48, GTV:*, LBF:*, NME:*, U:* -- A:75/6, M:76/6
  1495. Greg Ward/Jason Stein/Matt Lux/Marcus Evans/Chad Taylor: 85bears (Ears & Eyes) {5}: FJ:*; bc_j:* -- TH:***
  1496. The Waterboys: Good Luck, Seeker (Cooking Vinyl) {5}: Gl:*, Mj:54*, MO:*, U:* -- A:72/5, M:76/6
  1497. Ben Wendel: High Heart (Edition) {5}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jak:3, ph:7 -- TH:B
  1498. Whethan: Fantasy (Big Beat) {5}: DA:5; atw:+
  1499. Jim White & Marisa Anderson: The Quickening (Thrill Jockey) {5}: AM:*; am_f:+, aqd:+, yjs:3 -- A:76/3, M:72/7
  1500. Kirk Windstein: Dream in Motion (eOne) {5}: Db:20, K:*; jhs:3 -- A:65/2
  1501. X Alfonso: Inside (FACMusic) {5}: NPR:43; npr_fc:1, npr_l:+
  1502. Yo La Tengo: We Have Amnesia Sometimes (Matador) {5}: Dus:*, DW:11, Mj:*, P:* -- M:77/4, TH:B
  1503. Young Nudy: Anyways (RCA) {5}: BPM:24, Cmp:39, Ex:*, GC:23, Sl:26 -- A:90/1
  1504. Yung Lean: Starz (Year0001) {5}: Em:*, IS:41, W:*; is_h:3 -- A:65/7, M:69/6
  1505. Waclaw Zimpel: Massive Oscillations (Ongehoord) {5}: Mj:*, Q:*, Qt:* -- M:80/4, TH:**
  1506. $ilkmoney: Attack of the Future, Flesh Covered, Meatbags of the 85 (DB$B) {4}: Okp:5
  1507. 3D Jazz Trio: I Love to See You Smile (DIVA) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jkf:6, jsg:6
  1508. Eivind Aarset & Jan Bang: Snow Catches on Her Eyelashes (Jazzland) {4}: AAJ:*; jrw:6, tbm:12 -- TH:*
  1509. Abraham Inc: Together We Stand (Table Pounding -19) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1510. Action Bronson: Only for Dolphins (Loma Vista) {4}: Cl:*, Cmp:46, RT:69; vjfx:9 -- A:72/3
  1511. Dominique A: Vie Etrange (Cinq 7/Wagram) {4}: GMD:31, LI:79, MM:52; rld:+
  1512. Andre Akinyele: Uniglo Boy (Orange River) {4}: YW:15 -- TH:**
  1513. Lina Allemano: Glimmer Glammer: Solo Trumpet (Lumo) {4}: DB:*, FJ:*; jsgj:7 -- TH:*
  1514. The Allman Betts Band: Bless Your Heart (BMG) {4}: ClR:28*, Gl:*, L:37 -- A:68/5, M:69/6
  1515. Pedro Melo Alves: In Igma (Clean Feed) {4}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jsb:8, jtd:8 -- TH:B-
  1516. Robby Ameen: Diluvio (Origin) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jlb:10 -- TH:*
  1517. Erlend Apneseth: Fragmentarium (Hubro) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
  1518. Roo Arcus: Tumbleweed (Social Family) {4}: scm:+++*
  1519. Atramentus: Stygian (20 Buck Spin) {4}: Db:23, Ex:35*; tr_m:16 -- A:80/1
  1520. AVAWaves: Waves (One Little Independent) {4}: Ec:2
  1521. Babe, Terror: Horizogon (Glue Moon) {4}: G:*, PO:+; g_w:4 -- TH:B-
  1522. Bonnie Banane: Sexy Planet (Touche Coule/Grand Musique Management) {4}: GMD:20, LI:16
  1523. Jonathan Barber & Vision Ahead: Legacy Holder (Vision Ahead Music) {4}: DB:*; jme:9, jjo:6, sg_j:*
  1524. Barely Civil: I'll Figure This Out (Take This to Heart) {4}: Alt:59, Ch:10
  1525. Danny Barnes: Man on Fire (ATO) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  1526. Barrage: The Was and Is to Come (Ora Fonogram) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
  1527. Tim Barry: Live 2018 (Chunkasah) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1528. Nat Bartsch: Forever More (ABC Music) {4}: Tx_j:3
  1529. Beauty Pill: Please Advise (Northern Spy -EP) {4}: AM:*, CM:+, DW:25 -- A:80/1, TH:*
  1530. Beauty Pill: Sorry You're Here (Taffety Punk Theatre Company) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  1531. Belako: Plastic Drama (BMG) {4}: GTV:*, Jp:35, LBF:*, Try:29 -- A:75/2
  1532. David Berkman: Plays Music by John Coltrane and Pete Seeger: Solo Piano (Without) {4}: AAJ:*; jan:+ -- TH:**
  1533. Tim Berne: Sacred Vowels (Screwgun) {4}: TN:+; bc_j:*, jhs:+, vsd:9
  1534. Peter Bernstein: What Comes Next (Smoke Sessions) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jcah:5
  1535. Laila Biali: Out of Dust (ACT Music) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jdb:5
  1536. Bibio: Sleep on the Wing (Warp) {4}: AM:*, Dr:45, Sp:*; am_f:+ -- A:77/3
  1537. Nat Birchall Meets Al Breadwinner: Tradition Disc in Dub (Tradition Disc) {4}: YW:80 -- TH:***
  1538. Bitch Falcon: Staring at Clocks (Small Pond) {4}: HP:15, K:*, L:48 -- A:80/1
  1539. Black Eyed Peas: Translation (Epic) {4}: V:* -- A:60/2, M:63/4, TH:***
  1540. Blaer: Yellow (Ronin Rhythm) {4}: DB:*; bc_j:* -- TH:**
  1541. Ran Blake/Andrew Rathbun: Northern Noir (SteepleChase) {4}: jjha:4 -- TH:**
  1542. Blancmange: Mindset (Blanc Check) {4}: ES:13, MO:*, Sp:* -- A:85/2
  1543. Blues Pills: Holy Moly! (Nuclear Blast) {4}: ClR:43, Gl:*, K:*, Vi:50 -- A:73/5, M:77/4
  1544. The Bobby Lees: Skin Suit (Alive Naturalsound) {4}: GTV:71, PM:*; sfe:5 -- A:80/1
  1545. The Bombpops: Death in Venice Beach (Fat Wreck Chords) {4}: Sp:*, YW:23; ap:+, lwr:+ -- A:100/1
  1546. The Boomtown Rats: Citizens of Boomtown (BMG) {4}: ClR:*, HP:43, U:*, VLR:22 -- M:58/6
  1547. BossaCucaNova E Roberto Menescal: Bossa Got the Blues (Six Degrees -19) {4}: AAJ:*, AM:*; am_w:+, se_fp:+
  1548. Ben Lukas Boysen: Mirage (Erased Tapes -EP) {4}: ES:17, MO:31* -- A:80/1
  1549. Randall Bramblett: Pine Needle Fire (New West) {4}: AM:*, AS:*, U:*; am_b:+ -- A:80/1
  1550. Anthony Braxton/Jacqueline Kerrod: Duo (Bologna) 2018 (I Dischi Di Angelica) {4}: jal:+ -- TH:***
  1551. Bright Light Bright Light: Fun City (Yskwn) {4}: Al:*, MO:19* -- A:85/2
  1552. BROM: Dance With an Idiot (Trost) {4}: TN:+ -- TH:***
  1553. Garth Brooks: Fun (Pearl) {4}: AM:*, SE:60; am_c:+, xkb:9
  1554. Johanna Burnheart: Burnheart (Ropeadope) {4}: AAJ:*; bc_j:*, jcm:+ -- TH:*
  1555. Sam Burton: I Can Go With You (Tompkins Square) {4}: AM:*, Mj:*, U:*; am_f:+ -- A:80/3
  1556. John Butcher/Thomas Lehn/Matthew Shipp: The Clawed Stone (RogueArt) {4}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jgm:3
  1557. Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard: The Non-Stop EP (Caroline -EP) {4}: DIY:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, Q:* -- A:74/5, M:79/4
  1558. Cafe Racer: Shadow Talk (Born Yesterday) {4}: FB:94, P:37*; p_r:+
  1559. Califone: Echo Mine (Jealous Butcher) {4}: AD:*, PJ:67; aqd:+, vjk:+ -- A:80/1
  1560. Calle Loiza Jazz Project: There Will Never Be Another You (self-released) {4}: jkf:+, jsg:+ -- TH:**
  1561. Steve Cardenas: Blue Has a Range (Sunnyside) {4}: AAJ:*; am_j:+, jfkz:9, jrm:+ -- TH:B
  1562. The Ian Carey Quintet + 1: Fire in My Head: The Anxiety Suite (Slow & Steady) {4}: AAJ:*; jda:10 -- TH:**
  1563. Carne Doce: Interior (Tratore) {4}: xgm:19, xrt:4 -- TH:*
  1564. Francois Carrier/Tomek Gadecki/Marcik Bozek/Michel Lambert: Wide (FMR -19) {4}: TN:+ -- TH:***
  1565. Regina Carter Freedom Band: Swing States: Harmony in the Battleground (Tiger Turn) {4}: jyk:5, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  1566. Playboi Carti: Whole Lotta Red (AWGE/Interscope) {4}: tgl:8, xkb:6 -- TH:**
  1567. Jennifer Castle: Monarch Season (Idee Fixe) {4}: Ex:*, Mz:34, U:*; aqd:+ -- A:78/3
  1568. Francesco Cataldo: Giulia (Alfa Music) {4}: AAJ:*, Tx_j:9
  1569. Cats in Space: Atlantis (Harmony Factory) {4}: ClR:47, SoT:10
  1570. Ernesto Cervini: Tetrahedron (Anzic) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:**
  1571. Ceu: Apka! (Six Degrees) {4}: mj_w:6, mm:+, pm_w:4
  1572. Sarah Mary Chadwick: Please Daddy (Sinderlyn) {4}: Ex:*, Mj:*, NME:*; owl:+ -- A:73/7
  1573. Circa Waves: Happy (Prolifica) {4}: AM:*, Gw:*, NME:*, Q:* -- A:70/3, M:82/4
  1574. Emmet Cohen Featuring George Coleman: Masters Legacy Series Volume 4 (self-released -19) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1575. Colour Haze: We Are (Elektrohasch/Ripple -19) {4}: FB:4
  1576. Jack Colwell: Swandream (self-released) {4}: Jun:5
  1577. Conference Call: Prism (Not Two) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1578. Conway the Machine/The Alchemist: Lulu (Griselda/ALC -EP) {4}: Cmp:+, PO:+ -- TH:**
  1579. Cosmic Vibrations: Pathways & Passages (Spiritmuse) {4}: Mj:*; sg_j:* -- A:80/1, TH:**
  1580. Samantha Crain: A Small Death (Ramseur) {4}: Mj:*, MO:*, NPR:25, U:* -- M:78/6
  1581. Crippled Black Phoenix: Ellengaest (Season of Mist) {4}: Oy:15, Lt:25; vgm:+ -- A:90/1
  1582. CS + Kreme: Snoopy (The Trilogy Tapes) {4}: C:23, XLR:+; pm_e:4
  1583. Denzel Curry: 13LOOD IN + 13LOOD OUT MIXX (-EP) {4}: HDX:*, NF:6 -- A:80/1
  1584. Lucrecia Dalt: No Era Solida (RVNG Intl) {4}: Mj:*, Qt:84*; mj_u:8 -- A:76/3, M:80/4
  1585. Damaged Bug: Bug on Yonkers (Castle Face) {4}: AM:*, Crh:33, RT:39, U:* -- A:80/3
  1586. Dan Ex Machina: Pity Party Animal (self-released) {4}: DW:71 -- TH:***
  1587. Jesse Daniel: Rollin' On (Die True) {4}: scm:+++*
  1588. Gus Dapperton: Orca (AWAL) {4}: NME:*, Up_p:15; atw:+ -- A:64/6, M:62/6
  1589. Datura4: West Coast Highway Cosmic (Alive Naturalsound) {4}: AM:*, Sp:*; am_k:+, rld:+ -- A:77/3
  1590. Dawn Chorus and the Infallible Sea: Liberamente (Azure Vista) {4}: CD:6, YW:141
  1591. Deap Lips [Deap Vally & the Flaming Lips]: Deap Lips (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: D:*, Q:* -- A:61/6, RC:**
  1592. The Dears: Lovers Rock (Dangerbird) {4}: Ex:*, GTV:*, Sp:*, UR:33 -- A:67/7, M:60/4
  1593. Decoy With Joe McPhee: AC/DC (Otoroku) {4}: TN:+; jbsh:3, vjk:+
  1594. Deftones: Black Stallion (Reprise) {4}: Gw:*, K:*, LBF:*, NME:* -- A:73/7
  1595. Dena DeRose: Ode to the Road (HighNote) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1596. Andrea Laszlo De Simone: Immensita (42 -19) {4}: LI:3
  1597. Digitonal: Set the Weather Fair (Just Music) {4}: Ec:4
  1598. John DiMartino: Passion Flower: The Music of Billy Strayhorn (Sunnyside) {4}: AAJ:*; jrm:+ -- TH:**
  1599. Chris Dingman: Embrace (Inner Arts Initiative) {4}: DB:*; bc_j:*, jrm:+ -- TH:*
  1600. Kiko Dinucci: Rastilho (Mais Um Discos) {4}: Bc:+, No:34; tg:+, xrt:13
  1601. Discovery Zone: Remote Control (Mansions and Millions) {4}: GB:23, LBF:*, NBH:36; npr_af:6 -- A:85/1
  1602. The Districts: You Know I'm Not Going Anywhere (Fat Possum) {4}: LBF:*, MO:*, NME:*, Spk:* -- A:74/9
  1603. DJ Diaki: Balani Fou (Nyege Nyege) {4}: Ex:*, G:*; g_w:2 -- A:80/2
  1604. Emma Donovan & the Putbacks: Crossover (Hope Street) {4}: DJ:3
  1605. Delphine Dora: L'Inattingible (Three:Four) {4}: Qt:57; mj_u:3, sl:+
  1606. Lajos Dudas: The Lake and the Music (JazzSick) {4}: AAJ:* -- A:80/1, TH:***
  1607. Emily Duff: Born on the Ground (Mr Mudshow Music) {4}: -- RC:*, TH:***
  1608. Domenique Dumont: People on Sunday (The Leaf Label) {4}: AM:*, MM:51, U:*; am_e:+ -- A:75/2
  1609. Duke Dumont: Duallity (EMI) {4}: AM:*; am_e:+, edmt:2
  1610. Elina Duni/Rob Luft: Lost Ships (ECM) {4}: AAJ:*; jbw:+, jcm:+, jtd:+
  1611. Ronnie Earl & the Broadcasters: Rise Up (Stony Plain) {4}: AM:*, AS:*; am_b:+ -- A:80/2, TH:*
  1612. Carla J Easton: Weirdo (Carla J Easton) {4}: Bc:+*, LBF:*, OC:30 -- A:85/1
  1613. Sinne Eeg: We've Just Begun (BFM Jazz) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jkf:+, jrb:+
  1614. El Goodo: Zombie (Strangetown) {4}: Rec:15; sd:3 -- A:70/1
  1615. The Engines: Wooden Legs (Aerophonic) {4}: TN:+ -- TH:***
  1616. Gloria Estefan: Brazil 305 (Sony) {4}: Al:54*, AM:*; am_w:+ -- A:80/2
  1617. Karl Evangelista: Apura! (Astral Spirits) {4}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jld:+, jpf:+
  1618. Stephen Evens: Employee of the Month (Onomatopoeia) {4}: GTV:*, Gw:*, LW:*, Sp:* -- A:80/4
  1619. Everything Is Recorded: Friday Forever (XL) {4}: AM:*, Gw:*, Q:*, RT:60 -- A:66/5
  1620. Expansions: The Dave Liebman Group: Earth (Whaling City Sound) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jkd:6 -- TH:*
  1621. Amina Figarova Edition 113: Persistence (AmFi) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jb:+, jrm:+ -- TH:B
  1622. Fire-Toolz: Rainbow Bridge (Hausu Mountain) {4}: ACL:13, Bc:*, SC:* -- A:75/3
  1623. Flat Worms: Antarctica (God?) {4}: Dus:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, YW:84 -- A:71/3, M:79/4
  1624. Footsie: No Favours (Studio 55) {4}: AD:*, Cl:*, NME:*; cmp:15 -- A:80/3
  1625. Jean-Marc Foussat/Daunik Lazro/Evan Parker: Cafe Oto 2020 (Fou) {4}: FJ:*; jjws:6 -- TH:**
  1626. Fra Det Onde: Fra Det Onde: Feat the Legendary Emil Nikolaisen (El Paraiso) {4}: CD:10; sl:+
  1627. JW Francis: We Share a Similar Joy (Sunday Best) {4}: DIY:*, MuL:6, -- A:80/1
  1628. Leandro Fresco and Rafael Anton Irisarri: Una Presencia En La Brisa (A Strangely Isolated Place) {4}: Yb:15; pm_b:3
  1629. Friends of Gas: Kein Wetter (Staatsakt) {4}: Plt:6, Vi:44
  1630. Bill Frisell/Julian Lage/Gyan Riley: John Zorn: Virtue (Tzadik) {4}: DB:*; jhs:+, jrh:3
  1631. Ezra Furman: Sex Education [Original Soundtrack] (Bella Union) {4}: AM:*, Mj:*, Q:*, UR:* -- M:84/4
  1632. Dave Gisler Trio With Jaimie Branch: Zurich Concert (Intakt) {4}: TN:+; sg_j:*, sl:+ -- TH:*
  1633. Margaret Glaspy: Devotion (ATO) {4}: DIY:*, RS:*, YF:*; xci:+ -- A:75/6
  1634. Al Gold: Al Gold's Paradise (self-released) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1635. Wendy Gondeln/Mats Gustafsson/Wolfang Voigt: The Shithole Country & Boogie Band (Corbett vs Dempsey) {4}: FJ:* -- TH:***
  1636. Good Bad Happy Sad: Shades (Textile) {4}:
  1637. Pasqual Grasso: Solo Bud Powell (Okeh/Sony Masterworks) {4}: jan:+, jkm:2, jmk:9
  1638. Group Doueh & Cheveu: Dakhla Sahara Session (Born Bad -17) {4}: Rx:3 -- RC:[A], TH:[A-]
  1639. Growing Concerns Poetry Collective: Big Dark Bright Future (self-released) {4}: Yb:25; pm_h:4
  1640. Hayley Mary: The Piss, the Perfume (I Oh You) {4}: AU:4
  1641. Hegge: Feeling (Particular) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
  1642. The Heliocentrics: Telemetric Sounds (Madlib Invazion) {4}: Sb:75; vkf:10 -- TH:**
  1643. Sarah Hennies: The Reinvention of Romance (Astral Spirit) {4}: ACL:11; tgl:5
  1644. Daniel Hersog: Night Devoid of Stars (Cellar Live) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:**
  1645. Conrad Herwig: The Latin Side of Horace Silver (Savant) {4}: AAJ:*; jb:+, jbm:+ -- TH:*
  1646. Theo Hill: Reality Check (Posi-Tone) {4}: DB:*; jlv:6, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  1647. Derrick Hodge: Color of Noize (Blue Note) {4}: AM:*; pg_rs:21, se_fj:+, xsa:+ -- A:75/2, TH:B
  1648. Rui Ho: Lov3 & L1ght (Planet Mu) {4}: Bc:+; pm_ep:8 -- A:60/2, TH:**
  1649. Siul Hughes: Hueman (Fake Four) {4}: YW:47 -- TH:***
  1650. Johnny Iguana: Johnny Iguana's Chicago Spectacular (Delmark) {4}: AM:*, SE:55; am_b:+ -- TH:**
  1651. Lila Ike: The ExPerience (RCA -EP) {4}: PW:44; bv_g:+, vgh:4
  1652. John Pal Inderberg Trio: Radio Inderberg (AMP Music) {4}: CM:+ -- TH:***
  1653. Jeremy Ivey: Waiting out the Storm (Anti-) {4}: AM:*, Gl:*, PM:*; am_a:+ -- A:77/3, M:82/4
  1654. Jaye Jayle: Prisyn (Sargent House) {4}: AM:*, K:*, PM:*, Spk:* -- A:80/4, M:84/4
  1655. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis: Black Brown & Beige (Blue Engine) {4}: fd:+, jslo:7, jsw:2 -- TH:B
  1656. Joan as Police Woman: Cover Two (Sweet Police) {4}: Mj:*, MO:*, Q:*; rld:+ -- M:78/5
  1657. Aubrey Johnson: Unraveled (Outside In Music) {4}: AAJ:*; jag:+, jrk:6, jrsc:+ -- TH:B-
  1658. Hermione Johnson: Tremble (Relative Pitch) {4}: FJ:*; jeh:7 -- TH:**
  1659. Jimmy Johnson: Every Day of Your Life (Delmark -19) {4}: DB:*; jhm:6 -- TH:**
  1660. Zora Jones: Ten Billion Angels (Fractal Fantasy) {4}: C:34, Du:13, Pf:* -- A:80/1
  1661. Choi Joonyong/Jin Sangtae: Hole in My Head (Erstwhile) {4}: Spk:16; tgl:2
  1662. Jumpstarted Plowhards: Round One (Recess -19) {4}: -- RC:***, TH:*
  1663. Junior H: Atrapado En Un Sueno (Rancho Humilde/Z) {4}: BB:35, N:20; ny_c:+
  1664. Kasbo: The Making of a Paracosm (Counter) {4}: DA:4
  1665. Zlatko Kaucic/Tomaz Grom: The Ear Is in the Shadow of the Eye (Sploh -19) {4}: FJ:*; jnm:1
  1666. Jon-Erik Kellso: Sweet Fruits Salty Roots (Jazzology) {4}: jld:8 -- TH:***
  1667. Eva Kess: Sternschnuppen: Falling Stars (Neuklang) {4}: DB:* -- TH:***
  1668. Key Glock: Yellow Tape (Paper Route/Empire) {4}: AM:*, Cmp:+; am_h:+, xxl:+ -- A:70/3
  1669. King Khan: The Infinte Ones (Khannabilism) {4}: AAJ:*, Fld:*; bc_j:*, jcm:+
  1670. Kota the Friend: Everything (FLTBYS) {4}: Up:32, Up_h:12; blw:9
  1671. Martin Kuchen & Landaeus Trio: Mind the Gap of Silence (Clean Feed) {4}: TN:+ -- TH:***
  1672. Seth Lakeman: A Pilgrim's Tale (BMG) {4}: AD:*, MO:*, U:*; mj_f:10 -- A:70/2
  1673. Lamp of Murmur: Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism (self-released) {4}: Db:18; io:5 -- A:90/1
  1674. Nils Landgren & Jan Lundgren: Kristallen (ACT Music) {4}: DB:*, O:* -- A:80/1, TH:**
  1675. Land of Talk: Indistinct Conversations (Saddle Creek) {4}: AM:*, Ex:*, Mj:*, U:* -- A:79/6, M:83/5
  1676. Brian Landrus/Fred Hersch/Drew Gress/Billy Hart: For Now (BlueLand) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jrm:+ -- TH:*
  1677. LCSM [Likwid Continual Space Motion]: Earthbound (Super-Sonic Jazz) {4}: Bc:+ -- TH:***
  1678. Lecrae: Restoration (Reach) {4}: AM:*, AS:*; am_h:+, sjm:7 -- A:90/2
  1679. Kiana Lede: Kiki (Republic) {4}: DW:57, PCv:26, Up_r:12
  1680. Steve Lehman: Xenakis and the Valedictorian (Pi) {4}: bc_j:*, jan:+, jhs:+, pg_rs:25 -- TH:[-]
  1681. Jose Lencastre/Jorge Nuno/Felipe Zenicola/Joao Valinho: Anthropic Neglect (Clean Feed) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1682. Allegra Levy: Lose My Number (SteepleChase) {4}: jgy:+, jmb:8 -- TH:**
  1683. Lil Durk: Just Cause Y'all Waited 2 (Alamo) {4}: Cmp:47; ny_c:+, vjhw:7, xxl:+ -- A:73/1
  1684. Maria Jose Llergo: Sanacion (Sony) {4}: npr_fc:2, npr_sf:8, npr_su:9
  1685. Fred Lonberg-Holm/Joe McPhee: No Time Left for Sadness (Corbett vs Dempsey) {4}: FJ:*; jtb:10 -- TH:**
  1686. Loona: [12:00] (BlockBerry Collective -EP) {4}: AM:*, Id:56; am_p:+, npr_lh:6
  1687. David Lord: Forest Standards Vol 2 (BIG EGO) {4}: jadh:9, pg_ad:9 -- TH:**
  1688. Loski: Music, Trial & Trauma: A Drill Story (Since '93) {4}: AM:*, Cl:*; am_h:+, cmp:9 -- A:75/2
  1689. Loving: If I Am Only My Thoughts (Last Gang) {4}: AM:*, Ex:*; am_i:+, ydn:+ -- A:69/5
  1690. LP and the Vinyl: Heard and Seen (OA2) {4}: AAJ:*; jdm:+, jsl:8, jtr:+ -- TH:B
  1691. Lera Lynn: On My Own (Ruby Range) {4}: AM:*, SE:81; atw:+ -- A:75/2, TH:*
  1692. Paul Lytton/Nate Wooley: Known/Unknown (Fundacja Sluchaj) {4}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jdbk:6 -- TH:*
  1693. Mach-Hommy: Mach's Hard Lemonade (self-released) {4}: BV_r:14, GMD:40, Pf:* -- A:80/1
  1694. Maddie & Tae: The Way It Feels (Mercury Nashville) {4}: SE:+; scm_m:10, sl:+, spt:10
  1695. Roberto Magris: Suite! (JMood) {4}: AAJ:*; jka:12 -- TH:**
  1696. Majamisty Trio: Organic (Mistyland) {4}: jha:2 -- TH:**
  1697. Emi Makabe: Anniversary (Greenleaf Music) {4}: bc_j:*, jdr:10, noj:+, vjc:+
  1698. Mamalarky: Mamalarky (Fire Talk) {4}: Gw:*; bg_j:+, vsrk:2 -- A:80/1
  1699. Mammal Hands: Captured Spirits (Gondwana) {4}: LQ:*, Mj:*, RM:50; bc_j:* -- A:77/3
  1700. Joyce Manor: Songs From Northern Torrance (Epitaph) {4}: Ex:*, P:*, YW:142; ap:+ -- A:82/2
  1701. Mapache: From Liberty Street (Yep Roc) {4}: AM:*; am_a:+, aqd:+, sd:7 -- A:80/1
  1702. Sabir Mateen/Christopher Dell/Christian Ramond/Klaus Kugel: Creation (577) {4}: TN:+ -- TH:***
  1703. Sabir Mateen/Patrick Holmes/Federico Ughi: Survival Situation (577) {4}: PO:+, TN:+ -- TH:**
  1704. Juliet McConkey: Disappearing Girl (Juliet McConkey) {4}: scm:+++*
  1705. Charles McPherson Quartet: Live at San Sebastian Jazz Festival (Quadrant) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1706. Merzbow/Mats Gustafsson/Balasz Pandi: Cuts Open (RareNoise) {4}: AM:*, FJ:*; jno:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  1707. Mhysa: Nevaeh (Hyperdub) {4}: Bc:*, LQ:*, W:*, Zf:45 -- A:73/3
  1708. Ras Michael: Live by the Spirit (Hen House Studios) {4}: Bc:+* -- TH:**
  1709. Midnight Oil: The Makarrata Project (Sony) {4}: AM:*, G:*, Gl:*, SMH:* -- A:80/3, M:80/4
  1710. Midwife: Forever (The Flenser) {4}: CW:25, Ex:*, P:*; p_r:+ -- A:84/2
  1711. Jason Miles/Kind of New: Black Magic (Ropeadope) {4}: AM:*; am_j:+, jdo:10, jsy:10
  1712. Milk Teeth: Milk Teeth (Music for Nations) {4}: D:*, DIY:*, K:*, Ups:* -- A:80/2
  1713. Buddy & Julie Miller: Lockdown Songs (self-released) {4}: TL:92 -- TH:***
  1714. Mil-Spec: World House (Lockin' Out) {4}: BV_p:16, Hi:49, Sg:23
  1715. Nicole Mitchell & Moor Mother: Offering: Live at Le Guess Who (Don Giovanni) {4}: jhs:+, jin:5, sg_j:* -- TH:B
  1716. Mocke: Parle Grand Canard (Objet Disque) {4}: MM:14; bz:5
  1717. Mdou Moctar: Mixtape Vol 1 (self-released) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  1718. Money Man: Epidemic (Black Circle/Empire) {4}: HNH:4
  1719. Mong Tong: Mystery (Guruguru Brain) {4}: BPM:*, Dus:*, GTV:*, W:* -- M:75/5
  1720. Thurston Moore/John Edwards/Terry Day/John Butcher/Steve Beresford: Stovelit Lines (Weight of Wax) {4}: FJ:*; jsb:1
  1721. Sally Anne Morgan: Thread (Thrill Jockey) {4}: AM:*, PM:*; am_f:+, pm_f:12 -- A:80/2
  1722. Sam Morrow: Gettin' By on Gettin' Down (Forty Below) {4}: AM:*, SE:16; am_k:+
  1723. Movements: No Good Left to Give (Fearless) {4}: K:*, Pu:15; ap:+ -- A:80/1
  1724. Mozzy: Beyond Bulletproof (Empire) {4}: BV_r:33, Cmp:+, N:98, RR:* -- A:74/3, M:77/4
  1725. Mr Wrong: Create a Place (Water Wing) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  1726. Rachel Musson: I Went This Way (577) {4}: jlre:3 -- TH:**
  1727. My Dying Bride: The Ghost of Orion (Nuclear Blast) {4}: AM:*, K:*, S:29; am_m:+ -- A:77/3
  1728. Mythic Sunship: Changing Shapes: Live at Roadburn (El Paraiso) {4}: CD:45, PO:+ -- TH:**
  1729. The Naked and Famous: Recover (Somewhat Damaged) {4}: AM:*, LBF:*, PM:*; am_p:+ -- A:82/3
  1730. The NDR Bigband With Michael Moore: Sanctuary (Ramboy -19) {4}: jjm:7 -- TH:***
  1731. Keir Neuringer/Shayna Dulberger/Julius Masri: Dromedaries II (Relative Pitch) {4}: FJ:*; jhs:+ -- TH:**
  1732. Emilie Nicolas: Let Her Breathe (Warner Music Norway) {4}: Cl:*, Dag:+, Dv:20 -- A:80/1
  1733. Nightwish: Human. :II: Nature. (Nuclear Blast) {4}: AD:*, ClR:*, Sp:*; lwr:+ -- A:70/3, M:66/4
  1734. Georg Nigl & Olga Patsjenko: Vanitas: Schubert, Beethoven & Rihm (Alpha) {4}: DVk:4
  1735. Bo Ningen: Sudden Fictions (Alcopop!) {4}: LBF:*, LW:*, MO:*, RM:59 -- A:80/3
  1736. NLE Choppa: Top Shotta (Warner) {4}: AM:*, HDX:+; am_h:+, xxl:+ -- A:63/3
  1737. Nordmann: In Velvet (Unday) {4}: Hu:5
  1738. Luke Norris: Northernsong (Ears & Eyes) {4}: bc_j:*, jms:3, sg_j:* -- TH:[+]
  1739. Nyx Nott: Aux Pieds De La Nuit (Melodic) {4}: ES:25, Qt:99*, Sk:* -- M:71/4
  1740. Odunsi (The Engine): Everything You Heard Is True (Kimani Moore) {4}: npr_sm:1, xrt:11
  1741. Sea Oleena: Weaving a Basket (self-released) {4}: GB:4
  1742. Douglas Olsen: 2 Cents (self-released) {4}: AAJ:*; jkf:+ -- TH:**
  1743. Tomoko Omura: Branches Vol 1 (Outside In Music) {4}: AAJ:*, Tx_j:12; bc_j:*
  1744. The Michael O'Neill Quartet: And Then It Rained (Jazzmo) {4}: AAJ:*; jkf:10 -- TH:**
  1745. ONO: Red Summer (American Dreams) {4}: Bc:+*, W:25; vce:9
  1746. OOIOO: Nijimusi (Thrill Jockey) {4}: Ex:*, PM:*, Qt:*, W:* -- M:81/7
  1747. Optic Sink: Optic Sink (Goner) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  1748. Orchestra Maxfield Parrish: Guitar Improvisations I-VI (Faith Strange) {4}: Tx:2
  1749. Eve Owen: Don't Let the Ink Dry (37d03d) {4}: Cl:*, Ex:*, LBF:*, RM:83 -- A:83/3, M:80/4
  1750. Patricia: Maxyboy (Ghostly International) {4}: AM:*; am_e:+, ia:5
  1751. J Pavone String Ensemble: Lost and Found (Astral Spirits) {4}: FJ:*; jap:2, jkp:6
  1752. Grant Peeples: Bad Wife (Rootball) {4}: -- RC:***, TH:*
  1753. Ralph Peterson & the Messenger Legacy: Onward & Upward (Onyx Music) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; bc_j:*, jcah:6
  1754. Phew: Vertigo KO (Disciples) {4}: E -- ACL:5
  1755. Grant-Lee Phillips: Lightning Show Us Your Stuff (Yep Roc) {4}: AS:*, Gl:*, Mj:*; vaz:7 -- A:78/4, M:78/5
  1756. Phish: Sigma Oasis (JEMP) {4}: Gl:+, SE:77, YF:*; vro:8 -- A:90/1
  1757. Chris Pitsiokos: Speak in Tongues and Hope for the Gift of Interpretation (Relative Pitch) {4}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jmc:15 -- TH:*
  1758. Mikkel Ploug: Balcony Lullabies (Stunt) {4}: AAJ:*; jdb:4 -- TH:*
  1759. Polypores: Azure (Castles in Space) {4}: ES:5
  1760. Polypores: Flora (Castles in Space -19) {4}: ES:5
  1761. Dougie Poole: The Freelancer's Blues (Wharf Cat) {4}: BIB:14, N:99; aqd:+ -- A:70/2
  1762. Margo Price: Perfectly Imperfect at the Ryman (Loma Vista) {4}: YW:69; ljs:7 -- TH:**
  1763. Primitive Man: Immersion (Relapse) {4}: Ex:*, N:90; pm_m:16, tr_m:20 -- A:75/2
  1764. Pure Reason Revolution: Eupnea (Another Century) {4}: Lt:49, SoT:14; pm_pr:9
  1765. Queen Naija: Misunderstood (Capitol) {4}: AM:*, Up_r:13; am_r:+
  1766. Bruno Raberg/Jason Robinson/Bob Weiner: The Urgency of Now (Creative Nation Music) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1767. RaeLynn: Baytown (Round Here -EP) {4}: spt:3 -- TH:**
  1768. Rainey/Ingrid Laubrock & Tom: Stir Crazy (self-released) {4}: AAJ:*; jhs:+ -- TH:**
  1769. Hania Rani: Home (Gondwana) {4}: Dr:21, Pc:38, RT:64; tg:+
  1770. RA the Rugged Man: All My Heroes Are Dead (Nature Sound) {4}: HG:10; is_h:14
  1771. Rattlesnake Milk: Rattlesnake Milk (Feels So Good) {4}: FB:60; scm:++*
  1772. Ailbhe Reddy: Personal History (Friends of the Family) {4}: Cl:*, HP:33, LBF:*; it:+ -- A:82/3
  1773. The Reds, Pinks & Purples: You Might Be Happy Someday (Tough Love) {4}: pm_ip:+, yjk:2, ynn:+
  1774. Rufus Reid/Sullivan Fortner: Always in the Moment (Newvelle) {4}: jkd:4, jld:4
  1775. Dave Rempis/Elisabeth Harnik/Michael Zerang: Triple Tube (Not Two) {4}: FJ:*, TN:+ -- TH:**
  1776. Rempis Percussion Quartet: The Long Haul (Aerophonic) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1777. James Righton: The Performer (Deewee) {4}: Cl:*, LI:91, LQ:*, Q:* -- A:73/4
  1778. Jose Rizo's Mongorama: Mariposas Cantan (Saungu) {4}: jkf:+, jmn:+ -- TH:**
  1779. Sam Roberts Band: All of Us (Secret Weapon/Known Accomplice) {4}: AM:*, U:*; vbs:5 -- A:85/2
  1780. Dan Rosenboom: Points on an Infinite Line (Orenda) {4}: bc_j:*, sg_j:* -- TH:**
  1781. Santtu-Matias Rouvali: Sibelius 2 (Alpha) {4}: DVk:3
  1782. Martin Rude & Jakob Skott Duo: The Dichotomy of Control (El Paraiso) {4}: CD:7, Sb:90
  1783. Rumer: Nashville Tears: The Songs of Robert Prestwood (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: AM:*; am_a:+ -- TH:**
  1784. Ray Russell: Fluid Architecture (Cuneiform) {4}: AAJ:*; jbo:8 -- TH:**
  1785. Saint Jhn: While the World Was Burning (Hitco) {4}: Cmp:45, HDX:+ -- TH:**
  1786. Samo Salamon/Igor Matkovic/Kristijan Krajncan: Common Flow (Sazas) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1787. Astrid S: Leave It Beautiful (Universal) {4}: Dag:+, Id:19, LBF:* -- A:80/1
  1788. Tiwa Savage: Celia (Universal) {4}: PO:+; asp:7, ti:10 -- TH:*
  1789. Frank Paul Schubert/Dieter Manderscheid/Martin Blume: Spindrift (Leo) {4}: FJ:* -- TH:***
  1790. Radam Schwartz Organ Big Band: Message From Groove and GW (Arabesque) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1791. The Screenshots: 2 Millionen Umsatz Mit Einer Einfachen Idee (Musikbetrieb ROCK) {4}: Lt:9, Mu:35
  1792. Sea Girls: Open Up Your Head (Polydor) {4}: Cl:*, D:29, NME:*; rx:+ -- A:73/5, M:75/5
  1793. Ron Sexsmith: Hermitage (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: AM:*, Mj:*, U:*; am_a:+ -- A:70/3, M:80/5
  1794. SFJazz Collective: Live: SFJazz Center 2019: 50th Anniversary: Miles Davis In a Silent Way and Sly & the Family Stone Stand! (SFJazz) {4}: noj:3 -- TH:**
  1795. Shackleton & Zimpel: Primal Forms (Cosmo Rhythmatic) {4}: Hi:27, LQ:*; vbd:3 -- A:90/1
  1796. Jake Shimabukuro/Nolan Verner/Dave Preston: Jake Shimabukuro Trio (Music Theories -19) {4}: Ec:9; se_fj:+
  1797. Sinai Vessel: Ground Aswim (Single Occupancy) {4}: Alt:25, Fa:29, NR:*; mic:+ -- A:80/1
  1798. Viktor Skokic Sextett: Basement Music (Jazzland) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1799. Bette Smith: The Good, the Bad and the Bette (Ruf) {4}: PO:+; so_d:20 -- TH:**
  1800. Gary Smulyan: Our Contrafacts (SteepleChase) {4}: DB:* -- TH:***
  1801. Snotty Nose Rez Kids: Born Deadly (Fontana North -EP) {4}: PO:+; bc_s:* -- TH:**
  1802. Soakie: Soakie (La Vida Es Un Mus -EP) {4}: Bc:*, DW:74, Pf:*; pf_k:+ -- A:80/1
  1803. Emilio Solla Tango Jazz Orchestra: Puertos: Music From International Waters (Avantango -19) {4}: jkf:+, jrh:+, mm:+, tg:+ -- TH:[**]
  1804. Sonar With David Torn: Tranceportation (Volume 2) (RareNoise) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1805. South Florida Jazz Orchestra: Cheap Thrills: The Music of Rick Margitza (Summit) {4}: AAJ:*; fd:+ -- TH:**
  1806. Spirit Fest: Mirage Mirage (Morr Music) {4}: AM:*, S45:36, SC:*, UR:* -- A:81/3
  1807. Emily A Sprague: Hill, Flower, Fog (RVNG Intl) {4}: DS:+, DW:36; pf_a:+, ver:6 -- A:73/2
  1808. Stats: Powys 1999 (Memphis Industries) {4}: AM:*, LBF:*, PM:*; pm_ep:13 -- A:80/3
  1809. Lennon Stella: Three Two One (Columbia) {4}: Ex:*, Id:22, PCv:33; atw:+ -- A:70/3
  1810. Cat Stevens [Yusuf]: Tea for the Tillerman² (A&M) {4}: RS:*, U:*, UCR:17 -- A:68/9, M:68/9
  1811. Stirrup + 6: The Avondale Edition (Cuneiform) {4}: bc_j:13*, jad:8, jdsu:7
  1812. STRFKR: Future Past Life (Polyvinyl) {4}: AM:*, PO:+ -- A:80/1, TH:**
  1813. Strike Anywhere: Nightmares of the West (Pure Noise) {4}: BV_p:4
  1814. Nora Jane Struthers: Bright Lights, Long Drives, First Words (Blue Pig Music) {4}: CU:23; scm:+* -- TH:*
  1815. Sunn Trio: Electric Esoterica (2182) {4}: FJ:*; aqd:+, yclw:3
  1816. Surprise Chef: Daylight Savings (Mr Bongo) {4}: Dr:16, Mj:*, Pc:24
  1817. Svetlanas: Disco Sucks (Demons Run Amok) {4}: VLR:4
  1818. Ohad Talmor Newsreel: Long Forms (Intakt) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  1819. Tan Cologne: Cave Vaults on the Moon in New Mexico (Labrador) {4}: BIB:26, GB:38; pm_ip:4 -- A:75/1
  1820. Sebastien Tellier: Domesticated (Record Makers) {4}: GMD:29, LI:42, MO:*, Pc:100 -- A:55/4, M:62/5
  1821. Rachel Therrien: Vena (Bonsai Music) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:*; jahn:10, jsy:9
  1822. Thick: 5 Years Behind (Epitaph) {4}: Mj:*, UR:*; ap:+, vjte:7 -- A:78/3
  1823. Richard Thompson: Bloody Noses (Beeswing -EP) {4}: tg:+ -- TH:***
  1824. Tops: I Feel Alive (Musique TOPS) {4}: AM:*, G:*, GB:31, S45:29 -- A:70/11
  1825. Laura Toxvaerd: Tidens Strom (ILK -19) {4}: jml:4 -- TH:**
  1826. Lennie Tristano Centennial Quartet: Live @ Berklee (Altered Music Productions) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1827. Turquoise Moon: The Sunset City (3rd & Debut) {4}: CD:5
  1828. Andrew Tuttle: Alexandra (Someone Good) {4}: Dus:*, Mj:*, Qt:*, U:* -- M:80/4
  1829. William Tyler: Music From First Cow (Merge) {4}: AM:*; am_f:+, tg:+, yps:+
  1830. Uada: Djinn (Eisenwald) {4}: Db:8; irp:+ -- A:80/1
  1831. UKAEA: Energy Is Forever (Hominid Sounds) {4}: Qt:5
  1832. Urs Blochlinger Revisited: Harry Doesn't Mind (Leo) {4}: jkw:3 -- TH:**
  1833. Suzanne Vallie: Love Lives Where Rules Die (Night Bloom) {4}: Pc:86, Q:*, RM:78; aqd:+ -- A:100/1
  1834. Emilia Vancini: And if You Fall, You Fall (Espira) {4}: AAJ:*; jcmb:+, vahm:2
  1835. The Vapors: Together (Manmade Soul) {4}: Al:38, VLR:10
  1836. Luis Vicente/John Dikeman/William Parker/Hamid Drake: Goes Without Saying, but It's Got to Be Said (JACC) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1837. Violent Soho: Everything Is A-OK (I Oh You) {4}: Ex:*, MoM:11, Vi:39 -- A:70/2
  1838. Butch Walker: American Love Story (Ruby Red) {4}: EW:12, SE:89; ykt:+
  1839. Joshua Ray Walker: Glad You Made It (State Fair) {4}: scm:+*, vam:6, vmp:+
  1840. Jennifer Walshe: A Late Anthology of Early Music Vol 1: Ancient to Renaissance (Tetbind) {4}: Qt:51, W:8
  1841. Kenny Washington: What's the Hurry (Lower 9th) {4}: AAJ:*; jag:+, jb:+, jkf:+
  1842. Wasted Shirt: Fungus II (Famous Class) {4}: CD:44, Dus:*, Mj:*, W:* -- A:71/3
  1843. Watkins Family Hour: Brother Sister (Family Hour) {4}: Gl:*, SE:103, U:*; am_a:+ -- M:76/5
  1844. Trevor Watts: The Lockdown Solos (Hi4Head) {4}: jbo:9, jbsh:1
  1845. Doug Webb: Apples & Oranges (Posi-Tone) {4}: AAJ:* -- TH:***
  1846. Gillian Welch & David Rawlings: All the Good Times Are Past & Gone (Acony) {4}: ND_r:20 -- TH:**
  1847. Larry Willis: I Fall in Love Too Easily (HighNote) {4}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:**
  1848. Windy & Carl: Allegiance and Conviction (Kranky) {4}: AM:*, Mj:*, Sb:41; am_i:+ -- A:72/4, M:79/5
  1849. Wire: 10:20 (Pink Flag) {4}: AM:*, Mj:72, Sp:*; yti:+ -- A:80/3, M:76/4
  1850. Witch Prophet: DNA Activation (Heart Lake) {4}: Bc:+, Ex:29; bc_s:*, now:7
  1851. Woodkid: S16 (Island) {4}: AM:*, AU:29, GTV:93, Ms:23 -- A:75/2
  1852. Wrangler: A Situation (Bella Union) {4}: DIY:*, Mj:*, MO:*, U:* -- A:75/4, M:74/6
  1853. The Wytches: Three Mile Ditch (Cable Code) {4}: ClR:*, Gw:37*, LBF:* -- A:79/5, M:79/4
  1854. Tatsuhisa Yamamoto: Ashioto (Black Truffle) {4}: BPM:37; mj_u:1
  1855. Yello: Point (UMC) {4}: AD:*, Mj:*, Q:*, RM:77 -- A:87/3
  1856. Youngboy Never Broke Again: Top (Never Broke Again/Atlantic) {4}: Gg:35, Cmp:31; ny_c:+, xxl:+ -- TH:B-
  1857. Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad: Jazz Is Dead 001 (Jazz Is Dead -EP) {4}: Bc:+, MM:67; jhs:+ -- TH:*
  1858. Zavoloka: Ornament (Prostir) {4}: Hi:2
  1859. Florian TM Zeisig: Coatcheck (Enmossed) {4}: ia:1, pm_b:7
  1860. Zeroh: Blqlyte (Leaving) {4}: GB:+, Mj:*, W:14 -- A:78/2
  1861. 2 Chainz: So Help Me God! (Def Jam) {3}: Cmp:21, N:81; xxl:+ -- A:60/2
  1862. 42 Dugg: Young & Turnt 2 (CMG & 4PF) {3}: BV_r:30, Cmp:29, PW:38
  1863. 49 Winchester: III (self-released) {3}: scm:++*
  1864. 999: Bish! Bash! Bosh! (Cleopatra) {3}: VLR:9
  1865. Activity: Unmask Whoever (Western Vinyl) {3}: BIB:17; p_r:+
  1866. Nana Adjoa: Big Dreaming Ants (Bloomer) {3}: LBF:*, LQ:*; rdb:+ -- A:80/3
  1867. Brian Shankar Adler: Fourth Dimension (self-released -19) {3}: AAJ:*, DB:*; bc_j:*
  1868. Antonio Adolfo: BruMa: Celebrating Milton Nascimento (AAM Music) {3}: AAJ:*; jb:+, jtr:+
  1869. Ainon: Drought (We Jazz) {3}: sg_j:* -- TH:**
  1870. The Airborne Toxic Event: Hollywood Park (Rounder) {3}: ClR:*, Spk:*, T:* -- A:80/4
  1871. ALA.NI: ACCA (ALA.NI) {3}: LBF:*, Q:*, U:* -- A:70/4
  1872. Eric Alexander: Eric Alexander With Strings (HighNote -19) {3}: DB:*; jsj:+ -- TH:*
  1873. Jessi Alexander: Decatur County Red (Lost Creek Music) {3}: scm:+* -- TH:*
  1874. Jordan Allen & the Bellwethers: Give My Love to Jenny (self-released) {3}: scm:++*
  1875. Gyedu-Blay Ambolley: 11th Street, Sekondi (Agogo -19) {3}: sol_af:+ -- TH:**
  1876. Sebastien Ammann: Resilience (Skirl) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  1877. Nick AM: Utopia (Nurtured Ideas -EP) {3}: Yb:6
  1878. Thomas Anderson: Analog Summer (Four-Tracks and Then Some) (Out There) {3}: -- RC:*, TH:**
  1879. Annasara: Songs From Salshog (Annasongs) {3}: Tx:7
  1880. Aquakultre: Legacy (Black Buffalo) {3}: Ex:21*; atw:+ -- A:90/1
  1881. Arca: @@@@@ (XL) {3}: NF:26, Pf:* -- A:81/1, TH:*
  1882. Arctic Monkeys: Live at the Royal Albert Hall (Domino) {3}: AM:*, NME:*, Ps:42 -- A:88/3
  1883. Jon Armstrong Sextet: Reabsorb (Orenda) {3}: bc_j:* -- TH:**
  1884. Asgeir: Bury the Moon (One Little Indian) {3}: HP:48, MM:82, MO:* -- A:80/1
  1885. Asking Alexandria: Like a House on Fire (Sumerian) {3}: Gw:*, K:*; ap:+ -- A:70/5
  1886. Attlas: Out Here With You (Mau5trap) {3}: DA:18; edmt:7
  1887. August Burns Red: Guardians (Fearless) {3}: Ex:*; ap:+, lwr:+ -- A:75/2
  1888. Aukai: Game Trails (Aukai Music) {3}: Ec:10
  1889. Ivan Ave: Double Goodbyes (PlayGround Music) {3}: Noj:6
  1890. The Awakening Orchestra: Volume II: To Call Her to a Higher Plain (Biophilia) {3}: -- TH:***
  1891. Babeheaven: Home for Now (Babeheaven) {3}: DIY:*, LBF:*, Mj:* -- A:73/8, M:77/5
  1892. Stefan Bachmeier: The Strange Worlds of Stefan Bachmeier (Spun Out of Control) {3}: CD:8
  1893. Backxwash: Deviancy (Grimalkin -19) {3}: Rx:6 -- RC:[A], TH:[***]
  1894. Jeich Ould Badou: Music From Saharan WhatsApp 03 (Sahel Sounds -EP) {3}: PO:+, YW:144 -- TH:*
  1895. John Bailey: Can You Imagine? (Freedom Road) {3}: DB:* -- TH:**
  1896. Juan Pablo Balcazar: Suite Resbalosa (Fresh Sound New Talent) {3}: -- TH:***
  1897. Emily Barker: A Dark Murmuration of Words (Everyone Sang) {3}: Mj:*, RT:62, U:* -- A:80/2
  1898. Alan Barnes + Eleven: 60th Birthday Celebration (Woodville -19) {3}: jsy:1 -- TH:[**]
  1899. Courtney Barnett: MTV Unplugged (Live in Melbourne) (Mom + Pop Music -19) {3}: SE:+ -- TH:**
  1900. Mandy Barnett: A Nashville Songbook (BMG) {3}: TL:95 -- TH:**
  1901. Jennah Barry: Holiday (Forward Music Group) {3}: Ex:*, LBF:*, PM:* -- A:79/4
  1902. Basic Plumbing: Keeping Up Appearances (Basic Plumbing) {3}: AM:*, DIY:*, Sb:38 -- A:77/3
  1903. Beans on Toast: Knee Deep in Nostalgia (Beans on Toast Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1904. Beans on Toast: The Unforeseeable Future (Beans on Toast Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1905. Bee Bee Sea: Day Ripper (Wild Honey) {3}: LW:25*; xci:+ -- A:80/1
  1906. Benny Benack III: A Lot of Livin' to Do (LA Reserve) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  1907. Marc Benham: Biotope (SteepleChase) {3}: DB:* -- TH:**
  1908. Brooke Bentham: Everyday Nothing (AllPoints) {3}: LBF:*, NME:*, P:* -- A:71/7
  1909. Antoine Berjeaut: Moving Cities (I See Colors -19) {3}: bc_j:* -- TH:**
  1910. Justin Bieber: Changes (Def Jam) {3}: BB:+, MoM:26; ny_c:10 -- A:55/15
  1911. Big $ilky: Big $ilky Vol 2 (Big $ilky) {3}: bc_h:*, ycct:4
  1912. Nat Birchall Meets Al Breadwinner: Upright Living (Tradition Disc) {3}: -- TH:***
  1913. Galya Bisengalieva: Aralkum (Nomad Music/One Little Independent) {3}: ACL:7
  1914. Black Devil Disco Club: Lucifer Is a Flower (Lo) {3}: ES:18, U:*
  1915. Ran Blake/Christine Correa: When Soft Rains Fall (Red Piano) {3}: jfk:6, jlbi:+, jlv:+
  1916. Blimes and Gab: Talk About It (BAG Enterprises) {3}: Up:31, Up_h:11
  1917. The Blinders: Fantasies of a Stay at Home Psychopath (Modern Sky UK) {3}: ClR:*, Crh:37, Gw:* -- A:73/4
  1918. Susie Blue and the Lonesome Fellas: Bye Bye Blues (Seraphic) {3}: se_fj:+ -- TH:**
  1919. Blueface: Dirt Bag (Cash Money -EP -19) {3}: -- TH:***
  1920. Ian Boddy: Axiom (Din) {3}: Ec:8
  1921. Stefano Bollani: Piano Variations on Jesus Christ Superstar (Alobar) {3}: jaa:3, tg:+
  1922. Jorun Bombay & Phill Most Chill: Jorun PMC (AE Productions) {3}: HG:9
  1923. Bonjintan: Dental Kafka (Trost) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jdbk:8
  1924. A Boogie With Da Hoodie: Artist 2.0 (Highbridge the Label/Atlantic) {3}: HNH:20; xxl:+
  1925. Benjamin Boone: The Poets Are Gathering (Origin) {3}: -- TH:***
  1926. Lauren Bousfield: Palimpsest (Deathbomb Arc) {3}: AM:*; am_e:+, pm_x:12
  1927. Jamie Branch/Dave Repis/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Tollef Ostvang: Tripel/Dubbel (Aerophonic) {3}: -- TH:***
  1928. Anthony Braxton/Eugene Chadbourne: Duo (Improv) 2017 (New Braxton House -8CD) {3}: jhs:+, jno:+, jsb:10
  1929. Patrick Brennen/Maria Do Mar/Ernesto Rodrigues/Miguel Mira/Hernani Faustino/Abdul Moimeme: The Sudden Bird of Waiting (Creative Sources) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jka:13
  1930. Brothertiger: Fundamentals Vol I (Brothertiger) {3}: Yb:10
  1931. Peter Brotzmann/Fred Lonberg-Holm: Memories of a Tunicate (Relative Pitch) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:* -- TH:*
  1932. Zach Bryan: Quiet, Heavy Dreams (Warner -EP) {3}: scm:++*
  1933. George Burton: Reciprocity (self-released) {3}: jcjw:8, jrsc:6, pg_rs:10
  1934. Call Super: Every Mouth Teeth Missing (Incienso) {3}: -- A:66/2, TH:***
  1935. Camden Joy: Updated Just Now (self-released) {3}: CM:+ -- TH:**
  1936. Francois Carrier/Masayo Koketsu/Daisuke Fuwa/Takashi Itani: Japan Suite (NoBusiness) {3}: -- TH:***
  1937. Caspian: On Circles (Triple Crown) {3}: AM:*, Ch:28, V:* -- AM:70/2
  1938. Ceramic Dog: What I Did on My Long Vacation (Northern Spy) {3}: -- TH:***
  1939. Cezinando: Et Godt Stup I Et Grunt Vann (Universal) {3}: Dag:+, Dv:12
  1940. Denise Chaila: Go Bravely (Narolane) {3}: HP:7
  1941. Wild Billy Childish and the Chatham Singers: Kings of the Medway Delta (Damaged Goods) {3}: Mj:*, Q:*, VLR:49 -- M:78/4
  1942. Cirith Ungol: Forever Black (Metal Blade) {3}: Db:30; io:2 -- A:72/2
  1943. Gerald Cleaver: Signs (577) {3}: bc_j:*, jdl:8, tr_e:18 -- TH:B
  1944. Tara Clerkin Trio: Tara Clerkin Trio (Laura Lies In) {3}: W:35; bl:10, npr_jg:7
  1945. Cliff Trio [Pandelis Karayorgis/Damon Smith/Eric Rosenthal]: Precipice (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: FJ:* -- TH:**
  1946. Alban] Clover [Darche/Jean-Louis Pommier/Sebastien Boisseau: Vert Emeraude (Yolk Music) {3}: bc_j:*, jjws:4
  1947. Dan Clucas/Jeb Bishop/Damon Smith/Matt Crane: Universal or Directional (Balance Point Acoustics) {3}: -- TH:***
  1948. Bootsy Collins: The Power of the One (Sweetwater Sounds) {3}: -- TH:***
  1949. Marco Colonna & Alexander Hawkins: Dolphy Underlined (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: -- TH:***
  1950. Colony House: Leave What's Lost Behind (Roon) {3}: AS:7
  1951. Joachim Cooder: Over That Road I'm Bound (Nonesuch) {3}: Mj:*, TS:+; sol_fu:+ -- A:80/1, TH:B
  1952. Julian Cope: Self Civil War (Head Heritage) {3}: BIB:+, Trk:35; rld:+
  1953. Jess Cornelius: Distance (Loantaka) {3}: DJ:23; npr_ap:4
  1954. Covet: Technicolor (Triple Crown) {3}: Ex:*, Spk:*, Ups:* -- A:80/2
  1955. Joshua Chuquimia Crampton: The Heart's Wash (self-released) {3}: pm_b:1
  1956. The Cravats: Hoorahland (Overground) {3}: LW:33, VLR:19
  1957. Crazy Doberman: Illusory Expansion (Astral Spirits) {3}: W:36; bc_x:+ -- TH:*
  1958. Dan Croll: Grand Plan (Communion) {3}: DIY:*, LBF:*, WHP:22 -- A:80/3
  1959. Cro-Mags: In the Beginning (Mission Two Entertainment) {3}: ClR:*, Ex:*, VLR:25 -- A:77/3
  1960. Crown Lands: Crown Lands (Universal Canada) {3}: ClR:*, K:*, Sp:* -- A:83/3
  1961. Ronnie Cuber: Four (SteepleChase -19) {3}: -- TH:***
  1962. Cub Sport: Like Nirvana (Independent) {3}: LBF:*, NME:*, SMH:* -- A:88/3
  1963. Cults: Host (Sinderlyn) {3}: AM:*, NME:*, NT:* -- A:69/9
  1964. Custard Flux: Oxygen (self-released) {3}: FB:8
  1965. Jeremiah Cymerman: Cathedral (5049) {3}: FJ:*; jsgj:3
  1966. Jeremiah Cymerman: Systema Munditotius Vol 1 (5049) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jno:+
  1967. Dance Gavin Dance: Afterburner (Rise) {3}: Ups:*; ap:+, rks:+ -- A:60/2
  1968. Eddie Daniels: Night Kisses: A Tribute to Ivan Lins (Resonance) {3}: DB:*; jahn:5
  1969. Danzig: Sings Elvis (Cleopatra) {3}: Sp:*, VLR:45; yps:+ -- A:54/5
  1970. Douglas Dare: Milkteeth (Erased Tapes) {3}: Dr:69, Pc:31, Q:* -- A:69/4, M:75/4
  1971. Delain: Apocalypse & Chill (Napalm) {3}: K:*; se_p:5 -- A:80/2
  1972. Katie Dey: Mydata (Run for Cover) {3}: Bc:+*, Ex:* -- A:77/3
  1973. Vito Dieterle: Anemone (Ride Symbol) {3}: -- TH:***
  1974. Brandi Disterheft Trio: Surfboard (Justin Time) {3}: Tx_j:8
  1975. DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ: Charmed (Spells on the Telly) {3}: RY:8
  1976. Tanya Donelly/Parkington Sisters: Tanya Donelly and the Parkington Sisters (American Laundromat) {3}: AD:*, BG:*; xbf:+ -- A:70/3, M:72/4
  1977. Lara Downes & Friends: Some of These Days (Flipside Music) {3}: Tx_j:7
  1978. Dungen: Dungen Live (Mexican Summer) {3}: LBF:*, PW:35; aqd:+ -- A:75/2
  1979. Nick Dunston: Atlantic Extraction: Live at Threes (Out of Your Head Untamed) {3}: FJ:* -- TH:**
  1980. Dzambo Agusevi Orchestra: Brasses for the Masses (Asphalt Tango) {3}: ms_w:5, xbf:+
  1981. Early James: Singing for My Supper (Easy Eye Sound/Nonesuch) {3}: AS:*, Mj:*, SE:94
  1982. Dave East: Karma 3 (Dave East PS) {3}: AM:*, Cl:*, NME:* -- A:80/2, M:82/4
  1983. East Man: Prole Art Threat (Planet Mu) {3}: AM:*, Qt:90; am_h:+
  1984. Easy Life: Junk Food (Island -EP) {3}: Cl:*, DIY:*, NME:* -- A:80/3
  1985. Silke Eberhard/Dave Rempis/Kent Kessler/Mike Reed: Exposure (Aerophonic) {3}: -- TH:***
  1986. Echosmith: Lonely Generation (Echosmith) {3}: AM:*, SC:*; am_p:+ -- A:77/3
  1987. The Electric Soft Parade: Stages (Chord Orchad) {3}: XSN:9
  1988. Sarah Elizabeth Charles/Jarrett Cherner: Tone (BaldHill) {3}: jek:2, jtr:+
  1989. Luke Elliot: The Big Wind (Impress) {3}: mkk:2, rld:+
  1990. Joe Ely: Love in the Midst of Mayhem (Rack 'Em) {3}: PO:+, TL:44 -- TH:*
  1991. Avalon Emerson: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {3}: AM:*; am_e:+, ty_e:18
  1992. Esoctrilihum: Eternity of Shaog (I Voidhanger) {3}: Bc:*, N:52; tr_m:18 -- A:85/1
  1993. Brandon Evans: The Grove (Human Plastic -EP) {3}: FJ:* -- TH:**
  1994. Evening Hymns: Heavy Nights (Shuffling Feet) {3}: Ex:*, Mj:*, Sp:* -- A:75/4, M:80/4
  1995. Eyelids: The Accidental Falls (Decor) {3}: PJ:37; yjsb:+ -- TH:*
  1996. Ezra Feinberg: Recumbent Speech (Related States) {3}: aqd:+, ca_o:7, up_sh:17
  1997. Nir Felder: II (Ropeadope) {3}: AM:*; se_fj:+ -- TH:*
  1998. Fever 333: Wrong Generation (333 Wreckords Crew -EP) {3}: K:*; irp:+, lwr:+ -- A:80/1
  1999. Fire in the Radio: Monuments (Wednesday) {3}: K:*, LBF:*, Sp:* -- A:80/3
  2000. The Flower Kings: Islands () {3}: AM:*, SoT:46; jfkz:+ -- A:77/2
  2001. Greg Foat: Symphony Pacifique (Strut) {3}: Pc:44; aqd:+, ycw:+
  2002. Ford: The Color of Nothing (Foreign Family Collective) {3}: DA:19; atw:+
  2003. Ruthie Foster Big Band: Live at the Paramount (Blue Corn) {3}: DB:*; am_b:+, pm_s:13
  2004. Michael Foster/Dave Rempis/Jason Roebke/Tyler Damon: The Eagle (Aerophonic) {3}: -- TH:***
  2005. See'J Foster: HiSonGreWings (self-released) {3}: ycct:7 -- TH:**
  2006. Jean-Marc Foussat/Thomas Lehn: Spie(l)gehungen (Fou) {3}: -- TH:***
  2007. France: Bizarro (Standard In-Fi) {3}: GMD:7
  2008. Jurg Frey: L'Air, L'Instant: Deux Pianos (Elsewhere) {3}: FJ:*; jsgr:4
  2009. Camila Fuchs: Kids Talk Sun (Felte) {3}: LQ:*, MO:*, U:* -- A:83/3
  2010. Fuck the Facts: Pleine Noirceur (self-released) {3}: -- Ex:*, LCA:22; vsrk:7
  2011. Ellen Fullman & Theresa Wong: Harbors (08-14) {3}:
  2012. Champian Fulton: Birdsong (self-released) {3}: AAJ:*; jb:+, jme:10
  2013. Funk Shui NYC: Shark NATO on a Plane (Zoho) {3}: jjh:+, jkf:7 -- TH:*
  2014. Gaika: Seguridad (NAAR) {3}: NME:*, XLR:+; gcn:+ -- A:80/1
  2015. Elliot Galvin: Live in Paris at Fondation Louis Vuitton (Edition) {3}: FJ:*, jjwd:+ -- TH:*
  2016. The Game: Born 2 Rap (Entertainment One -19) {3}: AM:*, NME:*, RR:* -- M:82/4
  2017. Julien Gasc: L'Appel De La Foret (Born Bad) {3}: LI:55; lib:5
  2018. Gazpacho: Fireworker (Kscope) {3}: pm_pr:1
  2019. Geld: Beyond the Floor (Geld) {3}: Qt:79; bc_p:*, bv_fp:+
  2020. Arna Georgia: Yes Girl (Arna Georgia) {3}: scm:+* -- TH:*
  2021. AO Gerber: Another Place to Need (Hand in Hive) {3}: Cl:*, LBF:*; vmp:+ -- A:85/2
  2022. Julian Gerstin: Littoral Zone (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
  2023. Naama Gheber: Dearly Beloved (Cellar Music) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2024. Bebel Gilberto: Agora (PIAS) {3}: AM:*, TS:+; am_w:+ -- A:75/2
  2025. Jess Gillam: Time (Decca) {3}: Tx:10
  2026. Vincent Glanzmann/Gerry Hemingway: Composition O (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: -- TH:***
  2027. Ani Glass: Mirores (Neb) {3}: GTV:15* -- A:65/2
  2028. Bob Gluck: Early Morning Star (FMR) {3}: AAJ:*; jka:17 -- TH:*
  2029. Goden: Beyond Darkness (Svart) {3}: Db:10
  2030. Godthrymm: Reflections (Profound Lore) {3}: Db:17, K:* -- A:80/1
  2031. Tia Gostelow: Chrysalis (AntiFragile) {3}: Id:63, Jun:15
  2032. Grand River: Blink a Few Times to Clear Your Eyes (Editions Mego) {3}: CW:12; ia:10
  2033. Gordon Grdina Septet: Resist (Irabbagast) {3}: AAJ:*; jri:6 -- TH:*
  2034. Charlotte Greve/Vinnie Sperrazza/Chris Tordini: The Choir Invisible (Intakt) {3}: bc_j:*, jdbs:7 -- TH:*
  2035. Ricardo Grilli: 1962 (Tone Rogue) {3}: jrm:+ -- TH:**
  2036. Skylar Gudasz: Cinema (Suah Sounds) {3}: vjwi:7, yfb:8, yjf:9
  2037. Half Japanese: Crazy Hearts (Fire) {3}: AM:*, MO:*, LW:* -- A:87/3
  2038. Sylvia Hallett: Tree Time (self-released) {3}: W:50; jsb:2
  2039. Judith Hamann: Music for Cello and Humming (Black Forms) {3}: FJ:*; jkp:3
  2040. The Hanging Stars: A New Kind of Sky (Crimson Crow) {3}: FB:26; sd:5
  2041. Scott Hardware: Engel (Telephone Explosion) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*, P:* -- A:80/1
  2042. Harrison²: Trout in Swimwear (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
  2043. Kree Harrison: Chosen Family Tree (One Vision Music Group) {3}: CU:36; sg_c:10, spt:+
  2044. Helena Hauff: Kern Vol 5 (Tresor) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*; am_e:+ -- A:76/2
  2045. Havukruunu: Uinuos Syomein Sota (Naturmacht) {3}: SoT:47, Spk:33; io:10
  2046. Darren Hayman: Home Time (Fika) {3}: MO:*, Qt:*; sl:+ -- A:70/2
  2047. Heaven Shall Burn: Of Truth and Sacrifice (Century Media) {3}: AM:*, Vi:33; am_m:+
  2048. Ian Hendrickson-Smith: The Lowdown (Cellar Live) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2049. Jihee Heo: Are You Ready? (OA2) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2050. HHY & the Macumbas: Camouflage Vector: Edits From Live Actions 2017-2019 (Nyege Nyege) {3}: tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  2051. The High Water Marks: Ecstasy Rhymes (Minty Fresh) {3}: YW:78; pm_ip:+, ynn:6
  2052. Hill Country: Hill Country (Hill Country) {3}: scm:++*
  2053. Marquis Hill: Soul Sign (Black Unlimited Music Group) {3}: YW:17; bc_j:* -- TH:B
  2054. Lisa Hilton: Chalkboard Destiny (Ruby Slippers -19) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2055. Art Hirahara: Balance Point (Posi-Tone) {3}: AAJ:*; sg_j:* -- TH:*
  2056. Hockey Dad: Brain Candy (Australia) {3}: AM:*, NME:*, SMH:* -- A:72/9
  2057. Sigurd Hole: Lys/Morke (Eivesang) {3}: CM:+, DB:* -- TH:*
  2058. Lonnie Holley: National Freedom (Jagjaguwar) {3}: LQ:*, Pf:*; aqd:+ -- A:81/3
  2059. JC Hopkins Biggish Band: New York Moment (Twee-Jazz) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2060. Bruce Hornsby: Non-Secure Connection (Zappo) {3}: AAJ:*, Gl:*, SE:133 -- A:73/4, M:72/5
  2061. Anna Hostman/Cheryl Duvall: Harbour (Redshift) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; jno:+
  2062. Francois Houle 4: RECODER (Songlines) {3}: -- TH:***
  2063. Hundreds: The Current (Embassy of Music) {3}: NBH:47, Top:14,
  2064. Johnny Hunter: Early Trauma (self-released) {3}: AU:9
  2065. Kelley Hurt/Chad Fowler/Christopher Parker/Bernard Santacruz/Anders Griffen: Nothing but Love: The Music of Frank Lowe (Mahakala Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  2066. Hwyl Nofio: Isolate (Hwyl) {3}: FJ:*; jsgj:9 -- TH:*
  2067. Ill Considered: Ill Considered 9: East/West (Ill Considered) {3}: -- TH:***
  2068. Damir Imamovic: Singer of Tales (Wrasse) {3}: ms_w:7, sol:+, sol_eu:+
  2069. Incantation: Sect of Vile Divinities (Relapse) {3}: Db:*, K:* -- A:80/2
  2070. Rafael Anton Irisarri: Peripeteia (Dais) {3}: AM:*, Hi:34; am_e:+ -- A:78/2
  2071. Christoph Irniger Trio: Open City (Intakt) {3}: -- TH:***
  2072. Alex Izenberg: Caravan Chateau (Domino/Weird World) {3}: MM:68, Noj:24, Q:* -- A:70/4
  2073. Jackboy: Jackboy (self-released) {3}: AM:*; am_h:+, xxl:+
  2074. Keefe Jackson/Jim Baker/Julian Kirshner: So Glossy and So Thin (Astral Spirits) {3}: -- TH:***
  2075. Early James: Singing for My Supper (Easy Eye Sound/Nonesuch) {3}: AM:*; am_b:+, mj_a:8
  2076. Japandroids: Massey Fucking Hall (Anti) {3}: Al:*, Ex:*, NT:* -- A:74/7
  2077. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra: Christopher Crenshaw's the Fifties: A Prism (Blue Engine) {3}: sg_j:* -- TH:**
  2078. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra: The Ever Fonky Lowdown (Blue Engine -2CD) {3}: DB:*, JW:15 -- TH:B-
  2079. The JCA Orchestra: Live at the BPC (JCA) {3}: jma:7, jsl:2 -- TH:B
  2080. Mick Jenkins: The Circus (Free Nation/Cinematic) {3}: Cl:*, Ex:*, NME:* -- A:77/5
  2081. Joe & the Shitboys: The Reson for Hardcore Vibes (Joe & the Shitboys) {3}: Gw:51*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2082. Russ Johnson/Dave Rempis/Joshua Abrams/Isaiah Spencer/Jeremy Cunningham: Harmattan (Aerophonic) {3}: -- TH:***
  2083. Lyric Jones: Closer Than They Appear (Bars Only Entertainment -EP) {3}: ABC:47, AM:*; am_h:+ -- A:76/2
  2084. Paul Jones: Let's Get Tropical (Outside In Music) {3}: jlv:1
  2085. Jonnine: Blue Hills (Boomkat Editions) {3}: RA:10
  2086. JPEGMafia: EP! (Universal Republic -EP) {3}: NF:23 -- TH:**
  2087. Jumpstarted Plowhards: Round One (Recess -19) {3}: -- RC:***
  2088. Vic Juris: Let's Cool One (SteepleChase) {3}: jkd:2 -- TH:*
  2089. The Just Joans: The Private Memoirs and Confessions of the Just Joans (Fika) {3}: AM:*, GTV:*, MO:* -- A:80/3
  2090. Sten Kallman & Sanba Zao: Mapou (Country & Eastern) {3}: jjws:5, jrd:10
  2091. Karuna Trio: Imaginary Archipelago (Meta) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:*; tg:+
  2092. Salome Katrin: Water (IC) {3}: vma:1
  2093. Kem: Love Always Wins (Motown) {3}: AM:*, TL:64; am_r:+
  2094. Khotin: Finds You Well (Ghostly International) {3}: Ex:43*; ia:9 -- A:81/2
  2095. Kidbug: Kidbug (Joyful Noise) {3}: AM:+*; am_i:+ -- A:80/1
  2096. Kidsmoke: A Vision in the Dark (Libertino) {3}: GTV:24*, Sp:* -- A:77/3
  2097. Kiesza: Crave (Zebra Spirit Tribe) {3}: AM:*, NME:*; am_p:+ -- A:73/4, M:77/4
  2098. Killah Priest: Rocket to Nebula (Proverbs) {3}: HG:16; aqd:+
  2099. Kill Lincoln: Can't Complain (Bad Time) {3}: BV_p:9
  2100. King Buzzo With Trevor Dunn: Gift of Sacrifice (Ipecac) {3}: Gl:*, Mx:42, PM:* -- M:76/6
  2101. Troy Kingi: The Ghost of Freddie Cesar (Allgood Absolute Alternative) {3}: rnz:1
  2102. Christian Kjellvander: About Love and Loving Again (Tapete) {3}: So:20; ab_s:7
  2103. Kl(aus): Kl(aus) 2 (Castles in Space) {3}: ES:10
  2104. Benjamin Koppel/Kenny Werner/Scott Colley/Jack DeJohnette: The Art of the Quartet (Cowbell Music/Unit -2CD) {3}: -- TH:***
  2105. Darren Korb: Hades [Original Soundtrack] (Supergiant Games) {3}: GMD:48, RY:14
  2106. Kenny Kotwitz & the LA Jazz Quintet: When Lights Are Low (PMRecords) {3}: jsg:3 -- TH:*
  2107. Krononaut: Krononaut (Tak:til) {3}: Mj:*, MO:*, U:* -- A:80/3
  2108. Jimothy Lacoste: The Safeway (Spinnup) {3}: Cl:*, LQ:*, O:* -- A:79/4
  2109. Lambchop: Trip (Merge) {3}: AM:*, Mj:*; am_a:+ -- A:71/6
  2110. La Volumbe Courbe: Fourteen Years (Honest Jon's) {3}: yjc:1
  2111. The Lawrence Arms: Skeleton Coast (Epitaph) {3}: BV_p:25, Gw:*, VLR:40 -- A:80/1
  2112. Laylow: Trinity (Digital Mundo) {3}: LI:20, Qt:80
  2113. Logan Ledger: Logan Ledger (Rounder) {3}: AS:*; bg_u:+, scm:+ -- A:80/1
  2114. John Legend: Bigger Love (Columbia) {3}: ABC:30, I:*, YW:38 -- A:57/7, M:66/4
  2115. Leafar Legov: Mirror (Giegling) {3}: BPM:30; ia:4
  2116. Ute Lemper: Rendezvous With Marlene (Jazzhaus) {3}: -- TH:***
  2117. Jose Lencastre/Hernani Faustino/Vasco Furtado: Vento (Phonogram Unit) {3}: -- TH:***
  2118. Huey Lewis & the News: Weather (New Hulex/BMG) {3}: SE:85; xkb:2
  2119. Leya: Flood Dream (NNA Tapes) {3}: E_UK:44, Pf:*; bc_a:* -- A:80/1
  2120. Lil Uzi Vert: Luv vs the World 2 (Atlantic) {3}: vhg:3, vu:9 -- A:60/2
  2121. Lina/Raul Refree: Lina_Raul Refree (Glitterbeat) {3}: Rdx;45; pm_w:9, tg:+ -- A:74/2
  2122. Little Kid: Transfiguration Highway (Solitaire) {3}: AM:*, BPM:*, Ex:*, LBF:* -- A:71/7, M:84/4
  2123. Liza Anne: Bad Vacation (Arts & Crafts) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*, Mj:* -- A:78/4
  2124. Local H: Lifers (AntiFragile) {3}: AM:*, Sl:*; ykt:+ -- A:80/2
  2125. Lisa Loeb: A Simple Trick to Happiness (Furious Rose) {3}: Al:69*, AM:* -- A:80/2
  2126. Sophia Loizou: Untold (Houndstooth) {3}: ACL:16, Mgn:22
  2127. Dyble Longdon: Between a Breath and a Breath (English Electric) {3}: Mj:*; pr:2 -- A:80/1
  2128. Lonker See: Hamza (Antena Krzyku/Opensources) {3}: Hi:41; vbd:4
  2129. Daniel Lopatin: Uncut Gems [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Warp -19) {3}: G:*, LBF:*, SC:* -- A:78/6
  2130. Antti Lotjonen Quintet East: ALQE (We Jazz) {3}: AAJ:*; jfkz:+, sg_j:*
  2131. Louis Philippe & the Night Mail: Thunderclouds (Tapete) {3}: Mj:*, MM:94, RS_D:28
  2132. Louis the Child: Candy II [Beat Tape] (Interscope) {3}: DA:7
  2133. Love Fame Tragedy: Wherever I Go, I Want to Leave (Good Soldier Songs) {3}: NME:*, Q:*; pm_p:15 -- A:76/4
  2134. Chien Chien Lu: The Path (self-released) {3}: AAJ:*; jgg:+, sg_j:*
  2135. Rob Luft: Life Is the Dancer (Edition) {3}: AAJ:*; bc_j:*, jcm:+ -- TH:B
  2136. Lunatic Soul: Through Shaded Woods (Kscope) {3}: FB:66, SoT:12
  2137. The Lurkers: Sex Crazy (Damaged Goods) {3}: LW:46*, VLR:37 -- A:80/1
  2138. Hayoung Lyou: Metamorphosis (Endectomorph Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  2139. Alex Maas: Luca (Basin Rock) {3}: Mj:*, U:*, UR:* -- A:80/3
  2140. Douglas MacGregor: Songs of Loss and Healing (self-released) {3}: Tx:8
  2141. Machine Girl: U-Void Synthesizer (1818199 DK2) {3}: DW:42, N:75; xkb:+ -- TH:B-
  2142. Maid of Ace: Live Fast or Die (self-released) {3}: VLR:6
  2143. Post Malone: Hollywood's Bleeding (Republic -19) {3}: MoM:9 -- TH:[B]
  2144. ManDancing: The Good Sweat (Take This to Heart) {3}: Alt:49, Spk:18
  2145. Ray Mantilla: Rebirth (Savant) {3}: DB:*; jb:+, jsk:8
  2146. Chloe March: Starlings & Crows (Hidden Shoal) {3}: Tx:9
  2147. Brian Marsella: Gatos Do Sul (Tzadik) {3}: DB:*, TN:+; jsd:+ -- TH:B
  2148. Marsicans: Ursa Major (Killing Moon) {3}: Gw:*, LBF:*, MO:* -- A:79/4
  2149. Sasha Mashin: Happy Synapse (Rainy Days) {3}: bc_j:*, jla:5
  2150. Gigi Masin: Calypso (Apollo) {3}: Mj:*, RA:*; bc_a:* -- M:76/5
  2151. Kenny Mason: Angelic Hoodrat (self-released) {3}: Cmp:22; npr_sm:5 -- A:70/1
  2152. The Mastersons: No Time for Love Songs (Red House) {3}: AM:*, Gl:*; pm_a:22 -- A:73/3
  2153. Chris McCarthy: Still Time to Quit (Ropeadope) {3}: AAJ:*; jfkz:+, sg_j:*
  2154. Anna McClellan: I Saw First Light (Father/Daughter) {3}: xem:3 -- TH:*
  2155. John McCowen: Live at Issue Project Room (Daaang) {3}: FJ:*; jkp:2
  2156. Jon McKiel: Bobby Joe Hope (You've Changed) {3}: GB:34; aqd:+, ygc:+
  2157. Brona McVittie: The Man in the Mountain (Company of Cowboys) {3}: Mj:*; g_f:4
  2158. Sergio Mendes: In the Key of Joy (Concord) {3}: AAJ:*, AD:*, Gl:* -- M:70/4
  2159. Vic Mensa: V Tape (Roc Nation) {3}: CS:* -- A:91/1, TH:**
  2160. Sergio Merce: En Lugar De Pensar (Edition Wandelweiser) {3}: FJ:*; jkp:4
  2161. Metal Preyers: Metal Preyers (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {3}: Bc:+, C:11
  2162. Dan Michaelson: Colourfield I-VI (Village Green) {3}: Mj:*, RT:73, U:* -- A:80/2
  2163. Micko & the Mellotronics: 1/2 Dove - 1/2 Pigeon (Landline) {3}: GTV:*, LW:27* -- A:90/2
  2164. The Midnight: Monsters (Counter) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*; am_p:+ -- A:80/1
  2165. Gianni Mimmo/Alison Blunt: Busy Butterflies (Amirani) {3}: jbsh:9 -- TH:**
  2166. Tim Minchin: Apart Together (BMG) {3}: AU:7
  2167. Moaning: Uneasy Laughter (Sub Pop) {3}: Mw:47, Pc:56, UR:82 -- A:67/7
  2168. Joey Molland: Be True to Yourself (Omnivore) {3}: AM:*, SE:116; am_k:+ -- A:75/2
  2169. Ted Moore Trio: The Natural Order of Things (Origin) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2170. Matt Moran Trio: Return Trip (Diskonife) {3}: AAJ:*; jda:4
  2171. Darragh Morgan/John Tilbury: Morton Feldman: For John Cage (Diatribe) {3}: FJ:*, PO:+; jgm:9
  2172. Misha Mullov-Abbado: Dream Circus (Edition) {3}: jsa:2, tbm:23
  2173. Pauline Murray: Elemental (Polestar) {3}: Mj:*, VLR:18 -- A:70/3
  2174. Rachel Musson: Shifa: Live in Oslo (577) {3}: AM:* -- TH:**
  2175. Mxmtoon: Dusk (AWAL -EP) {3}: D:*, DIY:*; yng:9 -- A:90/2
  2176. Naked Roommate: Do the Duvet (Trouble in Mind) {3}: AM:*, GTV:*; npr_oh:10 -- A:80/2
  2177. The Neighbourhood: Chip Chrome & the Monotones (Columbia) {3}: AM:*; am_p:+, atw:+ -- A:90/1
  2178. Josh Nelson Trio: The Discovery Project: Live in Japan (Steel Bird) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2179. Keir Neuringer & Rafal Mazur: The Continuum (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: FJ:* -- TH:**
  2180. Phill Niblock: Music for Organ (Matiere Memoire -19) {3}: ACL:9
  2181. The Nightingales: Four Against Fate (Tiny Global Productions) {3}: LW:13* -- A:100/1
  2182. The Northern Belle: We Wither, We Bloom (Die With Your Boots On) {3}: Dag:+, Dv:40; pm_a:18
  2183. Alva Noto: Xerrox Vol 4 (Noton) {3}: GMD:8
  2184. Guillaume Nouaux: Guillaume Nouaux & the Stride Piano Kings (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
  2185. Alecia Nugent: The Old Side of Town (Hillbilly Goddess Music) {3}: scm:+*, spt:7
  2186. Adam Nussbaum: Leadbelly Reimagined (Sunnyside) {3}: -- TH:***
  2187. Nutria: Meeting in Progress (Ears & Eyes) {3}: -- TH:***
  2188. Nuvolascura: As We Suffer From Memory and Imagination (Zegema Beach/Dog Knight Productions) {3}: Alt:41, BV_p:24, Sg:49
  2189. ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra/Arthur Fagen: William Dawson: Negro Folk Symphony (Naxos American) {3}: NPR:22; npr_th:3
  2190. Jim O'Rourke: Shutting Down Here (Portraits GRM) {3}: AM:*, Dus:*, Pf:* -- M:75/4
  2191. Joan Osborne: Trouble and Strife (Womanly Hips) {3}: AM:*, AS:*; rs_u:+ -- A:80/2
  2192. Kassa Overall: Shades of Flu: Healthy Remixes for an Ill Moment (Flu Note) {3}: vdvn:5 -- TH:*
  2193. Pacific Range: High Upon the Mountain (Curation) {3}: Sp:*; sd:4 -- A:80/1
  2194. The Pack AD: It Was Fun While It Lasted (The Pack AD/Fontana North) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*, Sp:* -- A:80/3
  2195. Kaash Paige: Teenage Fever (Se Lavi Productions/Def Jam) {3}: HDX:+, Up_r:15
  2196. Pain of Salvation: Panther (InsideOut) {3}: ClR:*, SoT:29; pm_pr:7 -- A:80/1
  2197. Palaye Royale: The Bastards (Sumerian) {3}: ap:+, lwr:+, rks:+
  2198. Bruno Parrinha/Abdul Moimeme/Carlos Santos: A Silent Play in the Shadow of Power (Creative Sources) {3}: AAJ:*; jka:4 -- TH:B-
  2199. Partynextdoor: Partymobile (OVO Sound/Warner) {3}: Up_r:9 -- A:55/2
  2200. Pattern Seeking Animals: Prehensile Tales (Insideout) {3}: SoT:9
  2201. Esme Patterson: There Will Come Soft Rains (BMG) {3}: YW:24 -- TH:**
  2202. Ole Paus: Sa Naer, Sa Naer (Drabant Music) {3}: Dag:+, Dv:13
  2203. Zed Yun Pavarotti: Beauseigne (Artside/Caroline) {3}: LI:57; tck:3
  2204. Pears: Pears (Fat Wreck Chords) {3}: AM:*, Sp:*, VLR:26 -- A:85/2
  2205. Nathy Peluso: Calambre (Sony Music) {3}: Jp:42, RS_Ar:18
  2206. Vanderlei Pereira and Blindfold Test: Vision for Rhythm (Jazzheads) {3}: DB:*; jkf:+ -- TH:*
  2207. Tristan Perich: Drift Multiply (New Amsterdam) {3}: PM:*; pm_e:8, vsrk:8 -- A:90/1
  2208. Pet Shimmers: Trash Earthers (Pet Shimmers) {3}: BPM:44*, S45:28 -- A:81/1
  2209. Phantogram: Ceremony (Republic) {3}: AS:*, DIY:*, Sp:* -- A:65/4
  2210. Barre Phillips: Thirty Years in Between (Les Disques Victo) {3}: jahk:+, jld:2
  2211. Zach Phillips: The Wine of Youth (self-released) {3}: yjb:3 -- TH:*
  2212. Cathlene Pineda: Rainbow Baby (Orenda) {3}: AAJ:*, DB:*; db_j:*
  2213. Pink Siifu & Fly Anakin: FlySiifu's (Lex) {3}: BV_r:45, NF:52; vkl:6 -- A:66/4
  2214. Pink Siifu/Yungmorpheus: Bag Talk (Field-Left -19) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
  2215. Mo Pitney: Ain't Lookin' Back (Curb) {3}: TL:57; scm:+, scm_m:6
  2216. Joel Plaskett: 44 (Songs for the Gang/Pheromone) {3}: Ex:*; ynn:9, yrs:9 -- A:80/1
  2217. Potatohead People: Mellow Fantasy (Bastard Jazz) {3}: Yb:8
  2218. Potter Payper: Training Day 3 (Potter Payper) {3}: Qt:96; cmp:4
  2219. Will Pound: A Day Will Come (Lulubug) {3}: mj_f:7, sol_eu:+, sol_fk:+
  2220. PRAED Orchestra: Live in Sharjah (Morphine) {3}: W:33; jkg:9 -- TH:*
  2221. Prince Royce: Alter Ego (Sony Music Latin) {3}: AM:+*; am_w:+ -- A:90/1
  2222. William Prince: Reliever (Glassnote) {3}: Ex:37*; fa:+ -- A:80/1
  2223. Professor and the Madman: Seance (Fullertone) {3}: VLR:44; yrh:4
  2224. Psychotic Waltz: The God-Shaped Void (Inside Out Music) {3}: Spk:20* -- A:75/2
  2225. Jure Pukl: Broken Circles (Whirlwind) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2226. Pulse Emitter: Swirlings (Hausu Mountain) {3}: AM:*, RA:*, W:* -- A:71/3
  2227. Pure X: Pure X (Fire Talk) {3}: AM:*, BIB:+, N:77
  2228. Puss N Boots: Sister (Blue Note) {3}: AM:*, SE:65; am_a:+
  2229. PVA: Toner (Big Dada -EP) {3}: DIY:*, NME:*, NT:* -- A:82/3
  2230. Pyrrhon: Abscess Time (Willowtip) {3}: Ex:*, Qt:85; pm_m:14 -- A:80/1
  2231. Enrico Rava/Matthew Herbert/Giovanni Guidi: For Mario (Live) (Accidental) {3}: DB:*; jbo:4
  2232. Reason: New Beginnings (Top Dawg Entertainment) {3}: AM:*; am_h:+, vbp:10 -- A:55/2
  2233. Barbi Recanati: Ubicacion En Tiempo Real (2020 Goza) {3}: RS_Ar:10
  2234. Reckless Kelly: American Jackpot/American Girls (No Big Deal) {3}: AS:*, Spk:*; scm:+ -- A:80/3
  2235. Eric Reed: For a Time Such as This (Smoke Sessions) {3}: jah:9, jsj:+ -- TH:*
  2236. Niamh Regan: Hemet (The Black Gate Label) {3}: Ni:18; rte:+
  2237. Dave Rempis/Terrie Ex/Tim Daisy: Sugar Shack (Aerophonic) {3}: -- TH:**
  2238. The Ridiculous Trio: The Ridiculous Trio Plays the Stooges (Modern Harmonic) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
  2239. Stephen Riley: Friday the 13th (SteepleChase) {3}: -- TH:***
  2240. Suzzy Roche & Lucy Wainwright Roche: I Can Still Hear You (StorySound) {3}: Mj:*; mj_f:5
  2241. Hans-Joachim Roedelius: Selbstportrait: Wahre Liebe (Bureau B) {3}: AM:*, U:*; aqd:+ -- A:75/2, M:82/4
  2242. Daniel Romano: Visions of the Higher Dream (self-released) {3}: Dv:38, Sp:*; xsa:+ -- A:90/1
  2243. Daniel Romano's Outfit: Daniel Romano's Outfit Do (What Could Have Been) "Infidels" by Bob Dylan & the Plugz (self-released) {3}: CM:+
  2244. Rent Romus/Heikki Koskinen/Life's Blood Ensemble: Manala (Edgetone) {3}: -- TH:***
  2245. Sigur Ros/Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson/Steindor Andersen/Maria Huld Markan Sigfusdottir: Odin's Raven Magic (Krunk) {3}: Ex:*, NT:*, P:* -- A:71/13
  2246. Chanda Rule + Sweet Emma Band: Hold On (Blujazz/PAO) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2247. Sada Baby: Skuba Sada 2 (Asylum) {3}: Alt:40, Cmp:+, Sg:+ -- A:68/1
  2248. Dua Saleh: Rosetta (Against Giants -EP) {3}: YW:43; ny_c:+ -- TH:*
  2249. San Cisco: Between You and Me (Island City) {3}: AM:*, AU:40, Id:; am_p:+ -- A:90/1
  2250. Joe Satriani: Shapeshifting (Sony) {3}: AM:*, UCR:14 -- A:80/1
  2251. Savoy Brown: Ain't Done Yet (Quarto Valley) {3}: AAJ:*, AS:*, ClR:* -- A:80/2
  2252. Scenes: Trapeze (Origin) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2253. Diane Schuur: Running on Faith (Jazzheads) {3}: -- TH:***
  2254. J Peter Schwalm/Arve Henriksen: Neuzeit (RareNoise) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2255. Sestetto Internazionale: Live in Munich 2019 (Fundacja Sluchaj) {3}: -- TH:***
  2256. Sexores: Salamanca (Buh) {3}: npr_l:+, npr_sf:4
  2257. Sharptooth: Transitional Forms (Pure Noise) {3}: BV_p:26, K:33; ap:+
  2258. Paul Shaw Quintet: Moment of Clarity (Summit) {3}: -- TH:***
  2259. Harry Shearer: The Many Moods of Donald Trump (Twanky) {3}: -- RC:***
  2260. Matthew Shipp String Trio: Symbolic Reality (RogueArt -19) {3}: AAJ:*, FJ:*, TN:+
  2261. Shit and Shine: Malibu Liquor Store (Rocket) {3}: Dr:37, Qt:82, Sb:76
  2262. Kalie Shorr: Open Book (self-released -19) {3}: xbl:5, xjl:6 -- TH:[A-]
  2263. Shygirl: Alias (Because -EP) {3}: NME:*; now_r:6, npr_lh:7 -- A:76/3
  2264. Dave Simonett: Red Tail (Dancing Eagle) {3}: ma:1
  2265. Skullcrusher: Skullcrusher (Secretly Canadian -EP) {3}: Em:*, NME:*; ygc:+ -- A:76/7
  2266. Slum of Legs: Slum of Legs (Spurge) {3}: Bc:*, FB:95; xph:+
  2267. The Smith Street Band: Don't Waste Your Anger (Pool House) {3}: Plt:14, Spk:* -- A:80/1
  2268. Sarah Kirkland Snider: Mass for the Endangered (New Amsterdam) {3}: nat:+, npr_th:5
  2269. Soft Machine: Live at the Baked Potato (Moonjune) {3}: AAJ:*; tbm:22 -- TH:*
  2270. James Solace: Mind Music (Hot Creations -EP) {3}: YW:22 -- TH:**
  2271. Martial Solal & Dave Liebman: Masters in Paris (Sunnyside) {3}: -- TH:***
  2272. Solstafir: Endless Twilight of Codependent Love (Season of Mist) {3}: K:*, Si:21, Spk:* -- A:85/4
  2273. Alex Somers: Audrey [Original Film Soundtrack] (Silva Screen) {3}: ydn:1
  2274. The Sonic Dawn: Enter the Mirage (Heavy Psych Sounds) {3}: FB:6
  2275. The Sorcerers: In Search of the Lost City of the Monkey God (ATA) {3}: sg_j:*, tg:+, ycw:+
  2276. Soulwax: EMS Synthi 100: DEEWEE Sessions Vol 01 (DEEWEE) {3}: ES:6
  2277. Spanish Harlem Orchestra: The Latin Jazz Project (ArtistShare) {3}: AAJ:*; jgg:+, jtr:+
  2278. Stephane Spira/Giovanni Mirabassi: Improkofiev (Jazzmax) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2279. Star Feminine Band: Star Feminine Band (Born Bad) {3}: LI:61, VF:36, Zf:80
  2280. Macie Stewart & Kia Kohl: Recipe for a Boiled Egg (Astral Spirits) {3}: FJ:*; jkp:8 -- TH:*
  2281. Ernstalbrecht Stiebler: Fur Biliana (Another Timbre) {3}: FJ:*; jeh:9, jno:+
  2282. Tim Stine Trio: Fresh Demons (Astral Spirits) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2283. Carl Stone: Stolen Car (Unseen Worlds) {3}: W:10
  2284. Nick Storring: My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell (Orange Milk) {3}: Ex:*, FJ:*, PM:* -- A:85/2
  2285. St Panther: These Days (Nice Life) {3}: YW:63; kc:8, ydh:9
  2286. Soojin Suh Coloris Trio: Colorist (Night Birds) {3}: bc_j:*, jbkw:10, jdsu:10
  2287. Ray Suhy & Lewis Porter Quartet: Transcendent (Sunnyside) {3}: sg_j:* -- TH:**
  2288. Summer Camp: Romantic Comedy (Apricot/Moshi Moshi) {3}: D:*, DIY:*, MO:* -- A:80/3
  2289. IB Sundstrom: Anthropofagernas Rike I & II (Teg Publishing) {3}: Gf:26; dn:4
  2290. Supercrush: Sodo Pop (Don Giovanni) {3}: AM:+*; am_i:+ -- A:80/2
  2291. Susanna: Baudelaire & Piano (SusannaSoata) {3}: AM:*, G:*, Mj:* -- A:80/2, M:80/4
  2292. SUSS: Promise (Northern Spy) {3}: FB:81; aqd:+, pm_b:9
  2293. Sam Sweeney: Unearth Repeat (Hudson) {3}: npr_oh:3, sol_eu:+, sol_fk:+
  2294. Steve Swell: The Center Will Hold (Not Two) {3}: jjsh:6, jpf:5
  2295. Talibam! With Silke Eberhard and Nikolaus Neuser: This Week Is in Two Weeks (ESP-Disk) {3}: jfn:+ -- TH:**
  2296. Jorma Tapio & Kaski: Aliseen (577) {3}: -- TH:***
  2297. James Taylor: American Standard (Fantasy) {3}: I:*, UCR:24; jsj:+ -- A:65/4
  2298. Tempesst: Must Be a Dream (Pony) {3}: Em:*, Gw:*, LBF:* -- A:83/3
  2299. The Tender Things: How You Make a Fool (Spaceflight) {3}: scm:++* -- TH:B
  2300. Henri Texier: Chance (Label Bleu) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2301. They: The Amanda Tape (Island) {3}: LBF:26, Up_r:17
  2302. Tidiane Thiam: Siftorde (Sahel Sounds) {3}: yjs:1
  2303. Thousand: Au Paradis (Talitres) {3}: GMD:25, LI:47, MM:34
  2304. Throttle Elevator Music: Emergency Exit (Wide Hive) {3}: AAJ:*; sg_j:* -- TH:*
  2305. Azu Tiwaline: Draw Me a Silence Part II (IOT -EP) {3}: PO:+; bc_a:* -- TH:*
  2306. Azu Tiwaline: Draw Me a Silence Part I (IOT -EP) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
  2307. TOBi: Elements Vol 1 (RCA) {3}: Ex:36*; now:+ -- A:80/1
  2308. Susan Tobocman: Touch & Go (Soliterra) {3}: AAJ:*; jkf:+, jtr:+
  2309. TOC: Indoor (Circum-Disc) {3}: -- TH:***
  2310. Fumi Tomita Featuring David Detweiler: Celebrating Bird/A Tribute to Charlie Parker (Next Level) {3}: -- TH:***
  2311. Trace Mountains: Lost in the Country (Lame-O) {3}: Alt:26, Ex:*, Pf:*; pf_k:+ -- A:73/4
  2312. Oliver Tree: Ugly Is Beautiful (Atlantic) {3}: Id:8 -- A:59/3
  2313. Tropos: Axioms // 75 AB (Biophilia) {3}: jms:+, sg_j:* -- TH:*
  2314. Trueno: Atrevido (Neuen) {3}: RS_Ar:7
  2315. Twin Atlantic: Power (Virgin EMI) {3}: Q:*, Ups:*; rks:+ -- A:59/7
  2316. Two Weeks Notice: A Calm, Measured Response (Fake Four -EP) {3}: YW:39 -- TH:**
  2317. Tycho: Simulcast (Mom + Pop/Ninja Tune) {3}: Ex:*, Mgn:13 -- A:70/4
  2318. Etuk Ubong: Africa Today (Night Dreamer) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
  2319. Matt Ulery: Pollinator (Woolgathering) {3}: AAJ:* -- TH:**
  2320. Ulthar: Providence (20 Buck Spin) {3}: Ex:*; pm_m:5 -- A:82/3
  2321. Unleash the Archers: Abyss (Napalm) {3}: Ex:*; lwr:+, vgm:+ -- A:75/2
  2322. Upsammy: Zoom (Dekmantel) {3}: AM:*, Ni:40, Qt:25; am_e:+
  2323. Peeter Uuskyla/Tellef Ogrim/Anders Berg/Per Anders Nilsson: Isn Hi Lagt Sae Pa Fjellvatna (Simlas) {3}: -- TH:***
  2324. The Vacant Lots: Interzone (Fuzz Club) {3}: ClR:*, LQ:*, MO:* -- A:76/5, M:76/4
  2325. Suzanne Vega: An Evening of New York Songs and Stories (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: AD:*, AS:*, MO:* -- A:78/4, M:71/4
  2326. Caetano Veloso & Ivan Sacerdote: Caetano Veloso & Ivan Sacerdote (Universal Music International) {3}: tg:+, vsk:3
  2327. Vennart: In the Dead, Dead Wood (self-released) {3}: Spk:*, Vi:15 -- A:80/1
  2328. Gary Versace: All for Now (SteepleChase) {3}: DB:* -- TH:**
  2329. Luke Vibert: Luke Vibert Presents Rave Hop (Hypercolour) {3}: ES:20, GTV:58
  2330. Vilde & Inga: How Forests Think (SOFA) {3}: CM:+; jsgr:5
  2331. Kurt Vile: Speed, Sound, Lonely KV (Matador -EP) {3}: KX:69, NT:20 -- A:65/2
  2332. Will Vinson/Gilad Hekselman/Antonio Sanchez: Trio Grande (Whirlwind) {3}: AAJ:*, DB:*; sg_j:*
  2333. Wailin' Storms: Rattle (Gilead Media) {3}: FB:76; tr_m:12, ycs:8 -- A:90/1
  2334. Wajatta: Don't Let Get You Down (Brainfeeder) {3}: Dr:98, Mj:*, Pc:61 -- A:71/2, M:73/4
  2335. The War and Treaty: Hearts Town (Rounder) {3}: TL:78; pm_a:4
  2336. Wares: Survival (Mint) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*, NT:* -- A:80/3
  2337. Megan Washington: Batflowers (Universal Music Australia) {3}: AU:17, DJ:26
  2338. Antje Weithaas: Schumann & Brahms: Concertos (Classic Produktion Osnabruck) {3}: DVk:8
  2339. Cinder Well: No Summer (Free Dirt) {3}: fa:+, g_f:5
  2340. Westside Gunn: Who Made the Sunshine (Griselda/Shady/Interscope) {3}: HDX:*; yjsb:+ -- A:74/5, TH:*
  2341. Michael Whalen: Sacred Spaces (Solace/Myndstream) {3}: Ec:7
  2342. White Boy Scream: Bakunawa (Fat Beats) {3}: W:9
  2343. White Denim: World as a Waiting Room (Radio Milk) {3}: FB:51, Sp:*, U:* -- A:80/3
  2344. Jim White: Misfit's Jubilee (Fluff & Gravy) {3}: Mj:*, PM:*, U:* -- M:82/4
  2345. Wild Rivers: Songs to Break-Up To (Nettwerk) {3}: AS:8
  2346. Wiley: The Godfather 3 (self-released) {3}: LQ:*, NME:*, Qt:* -- A:77/3, M:77/4
  2347. Mars Williams/Tim Daisy: Live From Vienna (Relay) {3}: jdbk:1
  2348. Winter: Endless Space (Between You & I) (Bar/None) {3}: AM:+*; am_i:+
  2349. Warren Wolf: Reincarnation (Mack Avenue) {3}: AAJ:*, DB:*; sg_j:*
  2350. Wood River: More Than I Can See (Yellowbird) {3}: bc_j:*, jdl:7, mm:+ -- TH:B
  2351. Donovan Woods: Without People (Meant Well) {3}: Em:*, Ex:*, LBF:34 -- A:72/3
  2352. Wu Fei/AbigailWashburn: Wu Fei & Abigail Washburn (Smithsonian Folkways) {3}: TS:+; g_f:10, sol_fu:+
  2353. Sven Wunder: Eastern Flowers (Light in the Attic) {3}: YW:50; aqd:+, bv_fp:+
  2354. Sven Wunder: Wabi Sabi (Light in the Attic) {3}: No:31; aqd:+, bv_fp:+
  2355. Xetas: The Cypher (12XU) {3}: vbc:3, vjk:+
  2356. Xibalba: Anos En Infierno (Southern Lord) {3}: Db:32, Ex:*, Spk:* -- A:76/4
  2357. Miki Yamanaka: Human Dust Suite (Outside In Music) {3}: sg_j:* -- TH:**
  2358. Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad: Jazz Is Dead 2: Roy Ayers (Jazz Is Dead -EP) {3}: GTV:* -- TH:**
  2359. Yppah: Sunset in the Deep End (Future Archive) {3}: Ec:6
  2360. Zombi-Chang: Take Me Away From Tokyo (Roman Label/Bayon Production) {3}: BPM:9
  2361. Ndabo Zulu & Umgidi Ensemble: Queen Nandi: The African Suite (Mageba Music) {3}: JT:39; sg_j:7, vpf:7
  2362. J Zunz: Hibiscus (Rocket) {3}: BPM:*, GTV:90, Sb:79 -- A:75/2
  2363. 13 Organise: 13 Organise (Rien 100 Rien) {2}: GMD:14
  2364. 3unshine: We Are 3unshine (Real Show) {2}: -- TH:**
  2365. 404.0 (Bedroom Community) {2}: BPM:*, LQ:* -- A:82/2
  2366. 6lack: 6pc Hot EP (Interscope -EP) {2}: NME:* -- A:75/3, TH:*
  2367. 75 Dollar Bill Little Big Band: Roulette, March 27, 2017 (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2368. 75 Dollar Bill: Power Failures (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2369. Ahmed Abdullah Diaspora Meets Afro Horn: Jazz: A Music of the Spirit: Out of Sistas' Place (self-released -19) {2}: jls:10, jwj:10
  2370. Acceptance: Wild, Free (Tooth & Nail) {2}: AM:*; am_k:+ -- A:90/1
  2371. AceMoMa: A New Dawn (Haus of Altr -EP) {2}: DW:51; pf_e:+
  2372. The Aces: Under My Influence (Red Bull) {2}: P:*, Ps:44 -- A:64/4, M:65/4
  2373. Acid Pauli: MOD (Ouie) {2}: Mj:*, Zf:42 -- A:80/1
  2374. The Adobe Collective: All the Space That There Is (Love Sands) {2}: Al:53* -- A:90/1
  2375. Adult.: Perception is/as/of Deception (Dais) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+ -- A:73/3
  2376. Agust D [Suga]: D-2 (Bighit Entertainment) {2}: GC:18
  2377. AJJ: Good Luck Everybody (AJJ Unlimited) {2}: Alt:75, Ups:* -- A:70/2
  2378. Ajoyo: War Chant (Shems) {2}: jtr:+, sg_j:*
  2379. Akhlys: Melinoe (Debemur Morti) {2}: RY:33; lwr:+
  2380. Kareem Ali: Growth (890243 DK) {2}: RS:48; pf_e:+
  2381. Mattias Alkberg: Bodensia (Teg Publishing) {2}: Gf:12
  2382. Alkibar Junior: Music From Saharan WhatsApp Volume 04 (Sahel Sounds -EP) {2}: PO:+, YW:66
  2383. Alle: Alletiders (Olea) {2}: GB:12
  2384. Harry Allen: The Bloody Happy Song (GAC) {2}: -- TH:**
  2385. Marshall Allen/Roscoe Mitchell/Milford Graves/Scott Robinson: Flow States (ScienSonic) {2}: DB:*; jjsn:10
  2386. Marc Almond: Chaos and a Dancing Star (BMG) {2}: AM:*, MO:* -- A:80/2
  2387. Tori Amos: Christmastide (Decca -EP) {2}: AM:*, I:* -- A:80/2
  2388. Analog Players Society: Tilted (Ropeadope) {2}: bc_j:14*
  2389. Brian Andres Trio Latino: Mayan Suite (Bacalao) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2390. Angel-Ho: Alla Prima (Hyperdub -EP) {2}: Bc:+; bc_e:* -- TH:B
  2391. Animali: Mary D Kay (Mikrokosm/Archipel) {2}: MM:11
  2392. Annihilator: Ballistic, Sadistic (Silver Lining Music) {2}: Ex:*; se_p:8 -- A:72/3
  2393. Anteloper: Tour Beats Vol 1 (International Anthem -EP) {2}: FJ:* -- TH:*
  2394. The Apartments: In and Out of the Light (Talitres) {2}: LI:88, MM:22
  2395. Apocalyptica: Cell-O (Silver Lining) {2}: CS:*, Sp:* -- A:87/2
  2396. Omar Apollo: Apolonio (Warner) {2}: Cl:*, NME:* -- A:77/3
  2397. Archon Angel: Fallen (Frontiers) {2}: se_p:4
  2398. Arrested Development: Don't Fight Your Demons (Vagabond) {2}: HG:12
  2399. Arthur: Hair of the Dog (HoneyMoon) {2}: AM:*; vmp:+ -- A:70/2
  2400. Marie-Pierre Arthur: Des Feux Pour Voir (Simone) {2}: LCA:17
  2401. Tom Aspaul: Black Country Disco (1609) {2}: Al:40, GTV:30
  2402. Asylums: Genetic Cabaret (Cool Thing) {2}: LBF:*, LW:* -- A:78/3
  2403. Auscultation: III (100% Silk) {2}: AM:*, Pf:* -- A:80/2
  2404. The Avett Brothers: The Third Gleam (Loma Vista) {2}: AS:*, ClR:* -- A:62/2, M:68/5
  2405. Mart Avi: Vega Never Sets (Porridge Bullet) {2}: GTV:80, LW:* -- A:90/1
  2406. Bacchae: Pleasure Vision (Get Better) {2}: Alt:61; key:+
  2407. Badge Epoque Ensemble: Self Help (Telephone Explosion) {2}: Ex:*; aqd:+ -- A:80/3
  2408. Bad History Month: Old Blues (Exploding in Sound) {2}: Cl:*, GTV:* -- A:85/2
  2409. The Bad Plus: The Tower Tapes #4 (Jazz Club Ferrara) {2}: -- TH:**
  2410. Bahamas: Sad Hunk (Brushfire) {2}: AM:*, Sp:* -- A:74/6
  2411. Bailter Space: Concret (self-released) {2}: ygb:2
  2412. Charlie Ballantine: Vonnegut (Green Mind) {2}: jmy:6, jsl:9
  2413. Banoffee: Look at Us Now Dad (Cascine) {2}: DIY:*, Q:* -- A:71/4
  2414. Buju Banton: Upside Down 2020 (Roc Nation) {2}: O:*; bv_g:+ -- A:70/2
  2415. Alina Baraz: It Was Divine (Mom + Pop) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:73/3
  2416. Barringtone: Bonanza Plan (Onomatopoeia) {2}: GTV:*, Gw:* -- A:73/3
  2417. Jon Batiste: Chronology of a Dream: Live at the Village Vanguard (Verve -19) {2}: jdku:4 -- TH:[*]
  2418. Wayd Battle: Powerless (Wayd Battle Music) {2}: scm:+*
  2419. John Baumann: Country Shade (The Next Waltz -19) {2}: scm:+*
  2420. Belbury Poly: The Gone Away (Ghost Box) {2}: ES:22; aqd:+
  2421. Olivia Belli: River Path (1631) {2}: tx_a:4
  2422. Bell Witch & Aerial Ruin: Stygian Bough Volume 1 (Profound Lore) {2}: Hi:40, No:40
  2423. Bent: Up in the Air (99:Wave) {2}: BIB:+, RT:84
  2424. Adam Berenson: Every Beginning Is a Sequel (Dream Play) {2}: AAJ:*; jka:9
  2425. Sasha Berliner: Azalea (self-released -19) {2}: jmb:5
  2426. Tim Berne's Snakeoil: The Tower Tapes #1 (Jazz Club Ferrara) {2}: -- TH:**
  2427. Better Person: Something to Lose (Arbutus) {2}: AM:*, Ex:* -- A:78/3
  2428. Andy Bianco: NYC Stories (Next Level) {2}: TN:+ -- TH:*
  2429. The Big Easy: A Long Year (Forged Artifacts) {2}: Alt:69, UR:* -- A:80/1
  2430. David Binney & Kenny Wollesen: Basu (Mythology) {2}: bc_j:* -- TH:*
  2431. Massimo Biolcati: Incontre (Sounderscore) {2}: jsg:7, sg_j:*
  2432. Scott H Biram: Fever Dreams (Bloodshot) {2}: -- TH:**
  2433. Nat Birchall: Mysticism of Sound (Ancient Archive of Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  2434. Nat Birchall Sextet: Exaltation: Live in Athens Vol 1 (Parafono) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2435. Jeb Bishop: Centrifugal Trio (Astral Spirits) {2}: -- TH:**
  2436. Biznaga: Grand Pantalla (Slovenly) {2}: Jp:47, YW:53
  2437. Stein Torleif Bjella: Ovre Al Toneakademi (Heime Med Hund) {2}: Dag:+, Dv:32
  2438. Black Crown Initiate: Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape (Century Media) {2}: Ex:*, Hi:33 -- A:75/2
  2439. Black Noi$e: Oblivion (Warner) {2}: AM:*; am_h:+
  2440. Blackstarkids: Whatever, Man (Dirty Hit) {2}: LBF:31, Up_i:26
  2441. Black Thought & Salaam Remi: Streams of Thought Vol 2 (Human ReSources/Passyunk Productions -EP -18) {2}: Rx:11 -- RC:[A-], TH:[A-]
  2442. Lavinia Blackwall: Muggington Lane End (Lavinia Blackwall) {2}: LBF:*, SC:* -- A:80/3
  2443. Bless the Mad: Bless the Mad (Stay the Courts) {2}: vmm:3
  2444. Blinker the Star: Juvenile Universe (self-released) {2}: vsrk:5
  2445. Jake Blocker: I Keep Forgetting (self-released) {2}: scm:+*
  2446. Bloomerangs: Moments and Fragments (Instru Dash Mental) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2447. Bloto: Kwiatostan (Astigmatic) {2}: bc_j:*, ycw:+
  2448. Blueface: Find the Beat (Cash Money) {2}: -- TH:**
  2449. BOAT: Tread Lightly (Magic Marker) {2}: BIB:+; ynn:+
  2450. Bon Voyage Organisation: La Course (L'Invitation Musicale/Bigwax) {2}: LI:31; tck:6
  2451. BOOF: Rebirth of Gerberdaisy (Bubble Tease Communications) {2}: RA:14
  2452. Born Ruffians: Juice (Yep Roc) {2}: AM:*, Ex:* -- A:73/3
  2453. Borusiade: Fortunate Isolation (Dark Entries) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2454. Boston Symphony Orchestra: Ades Plays Ades (Deutsche Grammophon) {2}: DVk:14
  2455. Botany: End the Summertime F(or)ever (Western Vinyl) {2}: AM:*, Sb:73 -- A:80/1
  2456. Albert Bouchard: Re Imaginos (Deko Music) {2}: W:17
  2457. Boy Pablo: Wachito Rico (777 Music) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:77/3, M:63/4
  2458. Oyvind Braekke: Wilderness (Oslo Session) {2}: AAJ:*; jfkz:7
  2459. Randy Brecker/Eric Marienthal: Double Dealin' (Shanachie) {2}: AAJ:*; jjh:+
  2460. Boris Brejcha: Space Diver (Ultra Music) {2}: DA:13
  2461. Bright Dog Red: Somethin' Comes Along (Ropeadope) {2}: jjh:6, vbc:+
  2462. British Lion: The Burning (Explorer1 Music) {2}: ClR:50, K:* -- A:78/2
  2463. Broken Shadows [Chris Speed/Dave King/Reid Anderson/Tim Berne]: Live (Screwgun) {2}: TN:+; sg_j:*
  2464. Rachel Brooke: The Loneliness in Me (Mal) {2}: scm:+*
  2465. Peter Brotzmann/Paul G Smyth: Tongue in a Bell (Weekertoft) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  2466. Spencer Brown: Stream of Consciousness (Anjunabeats) {2}: DA:14
  2467. Chris Brown & Young Thug: Slime & B (RCA) {2}: Cmp:+, HDX:* -- A:88/1
  2468. Paul Bryan: Cri$el Gems (self-released) {2}: vbc:+ -- TH:*
  2469. Dave Bryant: Night Visitors (SE) {2}: AAJ:*; jhm:6
  2470. A Bu: Live at Beijing Poly Theater (self-released) {2}: AAJ:*; jka:19
  2471. Bugeye: Ready Steady Bang (Reckless Yes) {2}: GTV:*, LW:49 -- A:80/1
  2472. Bullion: We Had a Good Time (DEEK) {2}: bc_e:*, pf_e:+
  2473. Tim Burgess: Ascent of the Ascended (Bella Union -EP) {2}: NME:*, UR:83 -- A:75/2
  2474. The Buttertones: Jazzhound (Innovative Leisure) {2}: AM:*, FB:45 -- A:90/1
  2475. Chris Byars: On the Shoulders of Giants (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  2476. David Byrne: David Byrne's American Utopia on Broadway [Original Cast Recording] (Nonesuch -19) {2}: now_t:5
  2477. California Girls: Beat Boy (DERO Arcade) {2}: Jun:16
  2478. Call Me Malcolm: My, Myself and Something Else (Wiretap) {2}: BV_p:15
  2479. Lisa Cameron/Tom Carter/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten: Tau Ceti (Astral Spirits) {2}: CM:+ -- TH:*
  2480. Jenna Camille: The Time is NOW (self-released) {2}: bc_s:* -- TH:*
  2481. Nathanael Cano: Trap Tumbado (Rancho Humilde) {2}: N:54; ny_c:+
  2482. Dylan Canterbury: Going Places (self-released) {2}: AAJ:*; jjh:+
  2483. Louise Cappi: Melange (self-released) {2}: AAJ:*; jcmb:+
  2484. Cesar Cardoso: Dice of Tenors (Cesar Cardoso) {2}: bc_j:* -- TH:*
  2485. Rosie Carney: The Bends (Color Study) {2}: LBF:*, U:* -- A:80/2
  2486. Caro: Burrows (Yala! Music) {2}: LBF:*, NME:* -- A:74/4
  2487. Regulo Caro: Todo Va A Estar Binean (Aioros Entertainment) {2}: AM:*; am_w:+
  2488. Carpool: Erotic Nightmare Summer (Acrobat Unstable) {2}: Alt:18
  2489. Sharel Cassity: Fearless (Reisha Works) {2}: jsy:5
  2490. Catastrophe: Gong! (Tricatel) {2}: LI:19
  2491. Caterpillar Quartet: Threads (ESP-Disk) {2}: -- TH:**
  2492. Chamber: Cost of Sacrifice (Pure Noise) {2}: BV_p:30, K:* -- A:80/1
  2493. Marshall Chapman: Songs I Can't Live Without (Tall Girl) {2}: -- TH:**
  2494. Brian Charette: Like the Sun (Dim Mak) {2}: jjh:+, jhm:9 -- TH:B
  2495. Yves Charuest: Le Territoire De L'Anche (Small Scale Music) {2}: jsb:4
  2496. Ben Chatwin: The Hum (Village Green) {2}: AM:*, RM:87 -- A:80/1
  2497. Cheer-Accident: Chicago XX (Cuneiform) {2}: vjo:4
  2498. Billy Childs: Acceptance (Mack Avenue) {2}: AM:*; sg_j:*
  2499. Chromeo: Quarantine Casanova (Chromeo -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  2500. Citizen Boy and Mafia Boyz: From Avoca Hills to the World (Gqom Oh!) {2}: C:11
  2501. Drew Citron: Free Now (Park the Van) {2}: AM:*, U:* -- A:80/2
  2502. Clairdee: A Love Letter to Lena (Declare Music) {2}: AAJ:*; jkf:+
  2503. Cloudkicker: Solitude (Cloudkicker) {2}: Oy:18
  2504. Clt Drp: Without the Eyes (Small Pond) {2}: ClR:*, Gw:* -- A:85/2
  2505. Rob Clutton With Tony Malaby: Offering (Snailbongbong -19) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:*
  2506. Cocktail Party Effect: Cocktail Party Effect (Tectonic) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2507. Code Orange: Under the Skin (Roadrunner) {2}: K:*; lwr:+ -- A:80/2
  2508. Ora Cogan: Bells in the Ruins (Prism Tongue) {2}: Sp:*, U:* -- A:77/3
  2509. Chris Cogburn/Juan Garcia/Ignaz Schick: Anahuac (Astral Spirits) {2}: -- TH:**
  2510. Emmet Cohen Featuring Benny Golson & Albert "Tootie" Heath: Masters Legacy Series Volume 3 (self-released -19) {2}: -- TH:**
  2511. Cold Years: Paradise (Eone Music UK) {2}: K:42* -- A:75/2
  2512. Communic: Hiding From the World (AFM Organization) {2}: SoT:11
  2513. Tino Contreras: La Noche De Los Dioses (Brownswood) {2}: Mj:*; jak:+
  2514. Convergence: Convergence (Hammer) {2}: -- TH:*
  2515. AG Cook: 7G (PC Music) {2}: Bc:+; vjdn:8 -- A:72/2
  2516. Will Joseph Cook: Something to Feel Good About (Bad Hotel) {2}: D:*, LBF:* -- A:73/3
  2517. Mike Cooper: Playing With Water (Room 40) {2}: pm_b:4
  2518. Cordovas: Destiny Hotel (ATO) {2}: SE:110, U:* -- A:75/2
  2519. Louis-Jean Cormier: Quand La Nuit Tombe (Simone) {2}: LCA:16
  2520. Patrick Cornelius: Acadia: Way of the Cairns (Whirlwind) {2}: jan:+, sg_j:*
  2521. Chris Cornell: No One Sings Like You Anymore Vol 1 (Universal Music) {2}: SE:122, Sp:* -- A:80/2
  2522. Scott Cossu: Memories of Water and Light (Heart Dance) {2}: tx_a:3
  2523. Alison Cotton: Only Darkness Now (1046908 DK) {2}: Qt:11
  2524. Couch Slut: Take a Chance on Rock 'N' Roll (Gilead Media) {2}: DW:31, Sg:46
  2525. Rose Cousins: Bravado (Outside) {2}: Ex:*; fa:+ -- A:80/1
  2526. Chris Crack: White People Love Algorithms (New Deal Collectives) {2}: vjdn:5
  2527. Martin Creed: Thoughts Lined Up (Telephone -16) {2}: Rx:14 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
  2528. Jeff Crosby: Northstar (Jeff Crosby) {2}: scm:+*
  2529. Brian Cullman: Winter Clothes (Sunnyside) {2}: -- TH:**
  2530. Curren$y & Harry Fraud: The OutRunners (Jet Life) {2}: Du:21, HDX:+
  2531. Cut Copy: Freeze, Melt (Cutters) {2}: AM:*, Cl:* -- A:65/11, M:70/7
  2532. Reginald Cyntje & Allyn Johnson: Healing (self-released) {2}: jjsn:5
  2533. Noah Cyrus: The End of Everything (Columbia -EP) {2}: AM:*; am_p:+
  2534. Marie Dahlstrom: Like Sand (self-released) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:73/3
  2535. Daimonji: Eutopia (Magaibutsu -3CD) {2}: yrhg:2
  2536. The Danberrys: Shine (Singular) {2}: Al:61* -- A:90/1
  2537. Dan Ex Machina: My Wife (self-released) {2}: DW:12
  2538. Dark Fortress: Spectres From the Old World (Century Media) {2}: Db:40, Sp:* -- A:80/1
  2539. Darkstar: Civic Jams (Warp) {2}: Cl:*, Pc:74 -- A:64/5
  2540. Darshan Ambient: A Day Like Any Other (Spotted Peccary) {2}: Ec:20
  2541. Daughters of Reykjavik: Soft Spot (Shrimp) {2}: NME:*, Sk:* -- A:80/2
  2542. Angharad Davies/Klaus Lang/Anton Lukoszevieze: Unfurling (Another Timbre) {2}: FJ:*; jkp:10
  2543. Rhodri Davies: Transversal Time (Confront) {2}: W:18
  2544. Nick Jonah Davis: When the Sun Came (Thread) {2}: Tx:12
  2545. Day Dream: Originals (Corner Store Jazz) {2}: -- TH:**
  2546. Dead Famous People: Harry (Fire) {2}: AM:*; pm_ip:+ -- A:75/2
  2547. Deadly Avenger & Si Begg: Yokai (Burning Witches) {2}: XSN:15
  2548. Dead Meat: The End of Their World Is Coming (Algiers) {2}: Qt:73, SoS:77
  2549. The Dead Tongues: Transmigration Blues (Psychic Hotline) {2}: bg_u:+, yjf:13 -- A:60/1
  2550. Christoph De Babalon & Mark: Split (A Colourful Storm) {2}: YW:102; bc_e:*
  2551. Dedicated Men of Zion: Can't Turn Me Around (Bible & Tire) {2}: npr_lo:3
  2552. Deerhoof: Love-Lore (Joyful Noise) {2}: sl:13 -- TH:*
  2553. The Defects: The Death of Imagination (Punkerama) {2}: VLR:20
  2554. Camille Delean: Cold House Burning (E-Tron) {2}: Ex:*, LBF:* -- A:78/3
  2555. Lana Del Rey: Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass (Simon & Schuster) {2}: LBF:*, Qt:* -- A:67/3, M:72/4
  2556. Demae: Life Works Out . . . Usually (Touching Bass -EP) {2}: Bc:+, VF:49 -- TH:B
  2557. Jacques Demierre: The Well-Measured Piano (Creative Works -19) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  2558. Bo DePena: Bo DePena (Rio Grande Media) {2}: scm:+*
  2559. Die Arzte: Hell (Hot Action) {2}: Lt:32, Vi:36
  2560. Die Sterne: Die Sterne (PIAS Germany) {2}: RS_D:43, Top:24
  2561. Vito Dieterle/Joel Forrester: Status Sphere (Ride Symbol) {2}: -- TH:**
  2562. Die Wilde Jagd: Haut (Bureau B) {2}: PM:*; pm_e:18 -- A:90/1
  2563. Dikembe: Muck (Skeletal Lightning) {2}: Alt:21, Ex:* -- A:80/1
  2564. Dizzy: The Sun and Her Scorch (Royal Mountain) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:78/3
  2565. Eldar Djangirov: Rhapsodize (Twelve Tone Resonance) {2}: AAJ:*; jrm:+
  2566. Dalton Domino: Feverdreamer (Dalton Domino) {2}: scm:+*
  2567. Do Nothing: Zero Dollar Bill (Exact Truth -EP) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:85/2
  2568. Dool: Summerland (Prophecy Productions) {2}: ab_b:4
  2569. Dope Body: Crack a Light (Drag City) {2}: AM:*, Ne:50 -- A:70/2
  2570. Dave Douglas: Overcome (Greenleaf Music) {2}: jhs:+, sg_j:*
  2571. Doxas Brothers: The Circle (Justin Time) {2}: AAJ:*; jrk:7
  2572. Drain: California Cursed (Revelation) {2}: BV_p:32, Ex:* -- A:80/1
  2573. Dream Division: Beyond the Mirror's Image (Burning Witches) {2}: CD:20
  2574. Dropdead: Dropdead (Armageddon) {2}: Db:16
  2575. Costis Drygianakis: The Approach (Hxoi Kato Apo To Spiti -19) {2}: FJ:*; jfn:+
  2576. Dub Pistols: Addict (Sunday Best) {2}: AD:*, LW:* -- A:80/2
  2577. Dukatalon: Involuntary Action (self-released) {2}: ab_b:3
  2578. Dumama + Kechou: Buffering Juju (Mushroom Hour Half Hour) {2}: Bc:*, G:* -- A:80/1
  2579. Natalie Duncan: Free (Fallen Tree 1Hundred) {2}: Bc:*, Mj:* -- A:80/1
  2580. Herman Dune: Notes From Vinegar Hill (Santa Cruz) {2}: Mj:*, U:* -- A:80/2
  2581. Duo Baars-Buis [Ab Baars/Joost Buis]: Moods for Roswell (Wig) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  2582. Eden: No Future (Astralwerks) {2}: Cl:*, PM:* -- A:67/3
  2583. John Edwards: Oslo Solo (22.10.19) (self-released) {2}: FJ:*; jcg:+
  2584. El Alfa: El Androide (El Jefe) {2}: N:94, PO:+
  2585. Elaquent: Forever Is a Pretty Long Time (Mello Music Group) {2}: Ex:*; bc_h:* -- A:80/1
  2586. Electric Dragon: The Night School (DragonShrine) {2}: Crh:17
  2587. Eleven Hundred Springs: Here 'Tis (State Fair) {2}: scm:+*
  2588. Elison 404: Pebbledash (Dirty Hit) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:93/2
  2589. Hanni El Khatib: Flight (Innovative Leisure) {2}: LBF:*, S45:32 -- A:72/5, M:74/4
  2590. John Ellis and Andy Bragen: The Ice Siren (Parade Light) {2}: bc_j:*, jrm:+ -- TH:B
  2591. James Ellis and the Jealous Guys: Country Lion (James Ellis) {2}: scm:+*
  2592. Tinsley Ellis: Ice Cream in Hell (Alligator) {2}: AM:*; am_b:+
  2593. Andy Emler: No Solo (La Buissonne) {2}: jpl:3
  2594. Epic45: Cropping the Aftermath (Wayside and Woodland) {2}: No:27, S45:40
  2595. Paul Epworth: Voyager (Sony UK) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+ -- A:58/4
  2596. Priscilla Ermel: Origens Da Luz (Music From Memory) {2}: GB:+; rd:+ -- A:77/1
  2597. Etran De L'Air: Music From Sahara WhatsApp 01 (Sahel Sounds -EP) {2}: PO:+, YW:149
  2598. Evicshen: Hair Birth (American Dream) {2}: GTV:*, PM:* -- A:85/2
  2599. The Exbats: Kicks, Hits and Fits (Burger) {2}: AM:*; xjdc:76 -- A:80/1
  2600. Exploding Flowers: Stumbling Blocks (self-released) {2}: Bc:*, FB:99
  2601. The Explorers Club: The Explorers Club (Goldstar) {2}: xmr:3
  2602. Extra Soul Perception: New Tangents in Kampala, London & Nairobi Vol 1 (Extra Soul Perception -EP) {2}: PO:+ -- TH:*
  2603. Eye Flys: Tub of Lard (Thrill Jockey) {2}: AM:*; am_m:+ -- A:80/1
  2604. Faithless: All Blessed (BMG) {2}: Al:*, XSN:16 -- A:75/2
  2605. Josie Falbo: You Must Believe in Spring (Southport) {2}: jsy:2
  2606. Johnny Falstaff: Lost in the City Lights (Johnny Falstaff) {2}: scm:+*
  2607. Ayman Fanous/Frances-Marie Uitti: Negoum (Mode -19) {2}: AAJ:*; jka:8
  2608. Farwarmth: Momentary Glow (Planet Mu) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2609. Fates Warning: Long Day Good Night (Metal Blade) {2}: SoT:40; pm_pr:8
  2610. Andre Fernandes: Kinetic (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2611. Agusti Fernandez/Liudas Mokunas: Improdimensions (NoBusiness) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  2612. Art Feynman: Half Price at 3:30 (Western Vinyl) {2}: BIB:+, Sb:60 -- A:70/2
  2613. Fireboy DML: Apollo (YBNL Nation/Empire) {2}: Pf:*; n_sp:+ -- A:83/1
  2614. Fit for a King: The Path (Solid State) {2}: AM:*; am_m:+
  2615. Kirk Fletcher: My Blues Pathway (Cleopatra) {2}: mj_b:5
  2616. Floral Tattoo: You Can Never Have a Long Enough Head Start (Floral Tattoo) {2}: Hi:17
  2617. CJ Fly: Rudebwoy (Pro Era) {2}: HDX:*, HG:52 -- A:80/1
  2618. Seamus Fogarty: A Bag of Eyes (Domino) {2}: Mj:*, MO:* -- A:73/3
  2619. John Fogerty: Fogerty's Factory (BMG) {2}: Mj:* -- A:70/3, TH:*
  2620. Rebecca Foon: Waxing Moon (Constellation) {2}: Mj:*, PM:* -- A:75/2
  2621. Chris Forsyth/Dave Harrington/Ryan Jewell/Spencer Zahn: First Flight (Algorithm Free) {2}: aqd:+, yclw:7
  2622. Chris Forsyth With Garcia Peoples: Peoples Motel Band (Algorithm Free) {2}: Mj:61; npr:lg:10
  2623. Foul Play: Origins (1992-93, Sneaker Social Club) {2}: bc_r:+, vmm:6
  2624. Reb Fountain: Reb Fountain (Flying Nun) {2}: rnz:4
  2625. Jason Foureman and Stephen Anderson: Duo (Summit) {2}: -- TH:**
  2626. Chad Fowler/WC Anderson: Lacrimosa (Mahakala Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2627. Ken Fowser: Morning Light (Pos-Tone) {2}: jb:+, sg_j:*
  2628. Greg Fox: Contact (Rvng Intl) {2}: W:*; yrs:7 -- A:72/2, M:79/4
  2629. Frankie & the Witch Fingers: Monsters Eating People Eating Monsters . . . (RAS/Greenway) {2}: Sb:74; rld:+
  2630. David Friesen With Orchestra and Quartet: Testimony (Origin) {2}: AAJ:*; jdm:+ -- TH:B
  2631. From Wolves to Whales [Dave Rempis/Nate Wooley/Pascal Niggenkemper/Chris Corsano]: Strandwal (Aerophonic -2CD -19) {2}: jcg:+, jsgj:10 -- TH:[***]
  2632. The Front Bottoms: In Sickness & in Flames (Fueled by Ramen) {2}: Ex:*, NME:* -- A:68/6
  2633. Andy Fusco: Remembrance (SteepleChase) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2634. Futurebirds: Teamwork (VL4L) {2}: AS:*, ND_r:49 -- A:70/2
  2635. Galantis: Church (Big Beat) {2}: nti:2
  2636. Galore: Galore (Galore) {2}: bc_p:*, ynn:7
  2637. Kany Garcia: Mesa Para Dos (Sony Music Latin) {2}: BB:44; hc_g:9
  2638. Giveton Gelin: True Design (self-released) {2}: jdl:3
  2639. Gengahr: Sanctuary (Liberator) {2}: D:*, LBF:* -- A:70/4
  2640. Giggs: Now or Never (No BS/Island) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:42 -- A:70/2
  2641. Devon Gilfillian: Black Hole Rainbow (Capitol) {2}: key:+, tbt:6
  2642. Marshall Gilkes Trio: Waiting to Continue (Alternate Side) {2}: DB:*; jdb:6
  2643. Jayda G: Both of Us/Are You Down (Ninja Tune -EP) {2}: SC:*; pf_e:+ -- A:76/3
  2644. Will Glaser/James Allsopp: New River Ramble (self-released) {2}: FJ:*; jss:+
  2645. Godcaster: Long Haired Locusts (Ramp Local) {2}: Spk:36; rld:+
  2646. Ben Goldberg: Symphony No 9 (BAG Production) {2}: jag:2
  2647. Ben Goldberg/Kenny Wollesen: Music for an Avant-Garde Massage Parlour (BAG Production) {2}: -- TH:**
  2648. Goldmund: The Time It Takes (Western Vinyl) {2}: Tx:19
  2649. Lori Goldston: On a Moonlit Hill in Slovenia (Eiderdown) {2}: jgm:5
  2650. Gone West: Canyons (Triple Tigers) {2}: SE:+; sln:+
  2651. Wesley Gonzalez: Appalling Human (Moshi Moshi) {2}: GTV:*, Qt:* -- A:67/3, M:72/4
  2652. The Good the Bad & the Zugly: Algorithm and Blues (Fysisk Format) {2}: Dag:+, Dv:33
  2653. Goose: Som folk Ar Mest (Black Sweat) {2}: xkb:5
  2654. Gracie & Rachel: Hello Weakness, You Make Me Strong (Righteous Babe) {2}: Ec:15
  2655. Graindelavoix/Bjorn Schmelze: Gesualdo: Tenebrae (Glossa) {2}: AAJ:*; jcmb:+
  2656. Magnus Granberg & Skogen: Let Pass My Weary Guiltless Ghost (Another Timbre) {2}: FJ:*; jsgj:6
  2657. Grandson: Death of an Optimist (Atlantic) {2}: K:50* -- A:80/1
  2658. Grand Valley State University New Music Ensemble: Dawn Chorus (Innova) {2}:
  2659. Grasshopper: Scuttle (Mikmakmok) {2}: Pc:40, Sb:98
  2660. Frank Gratkowski/Simon Nabatov/Dominik Mahnig: Dance Hall Stories (Leo) {2}: -- TH:**
  2661. Devin Gray: Socialytics (Rataplan -EP) {2}: FJ:* -- TH:*
  2662. Devin Gray/Gerald Cleaver: 27 Licks (Rataplan) {2}: vbc:+ -- TH:*
  2663. Great Peacock: Forever Worse Better (Great Peacock) {2}: scm:+*
  2664. The Green Child: Shimmering Basset (Upset the Rhythm) {2}: BIB:+, Sb:80
  2665. Phoebe Green: I Can't Cry for You (Chess Club -EP) {2}: DIY:*, Gw:* -- A:85/2
  2666. Vivian Green: Love Absolute (SoNo) {2}: AM:*; am_r:+
  2667. Gregor: Destiny (Chapter Music) {2}: AM:*, SMH:* -- A:80/2
  2668. GRID [Nelson/Dahl/Podgurski]: Decomposing Force (NNA) {2}: FJ:*; yclw:8
  2669. David Grubbs/Mats Gustafsson/Rob Mazurek: The Underflow (Corbet vs Dempsey) {2}: FJ:*; jss:+
  2670. Ethan Gruska: En Garde (Warner) {2}: Rf:61, Spk:* -- A:80/1
  2671. Tom Guarna: Spirit Science (Destiny) {2}: DB:* -- TH:*
  2672. David Guetta/Morten: New Rave (Parlophone) {2}: -- TH:**
  2673. Robin Guthrie/Harold Budd: Another Flower (Soleil Apres Minuit) {2}: vti:2
  2674. Bartosz Hadala Group: Three Short Stories (Zecernia) {2}: -- TH:**
  2675. Anders Hagberg: North (Prophone) {2}: Tx_j:13
  2676. Hallas: Conundrum (Napalm) {2}: Gf:14
  2677. Laurel Halo: Possessed: Soundtrack to the Film by Metahaven & Rob Schroder (Vinyl Factory) {2}: Mj:*, RA:* -- M:68/5
  2678. Amaria Hamadahler: Music From Saharan Whats App 5 (Sahel Sounds -EP) {2}: PO:+, YW:129
  2679. Hamerkop: Remote (Drag City) {2}: AM:*; ty_e:14 -- A:70/2
  2680. The HamilTones: 1964 [One Nine Six Four] (Ghetto Allstars) {2}: AM:*; am_r:+
  2681. Caylee Hammack: If It Wasn't for You (Capitol Nashville) {2}: TL:73; p_c:+
  2682. Handle: In Threes (Upset the Rhythm/Maternal Voice) {2}: LQ:*, Sb:37 -- A:80/1
  2683. Hardy: A Rock (Big Loud) {2}: ny_c:+, vmp:+
  2684. Harkin: Harkin (Hand Mirror) {2}: LBF:*, UR:* -- A:71/7, M:73/6
  2685. Sarah Harmer: Are You Gone (Arts & Crafts) {2}: Ex:*, Sp:* -- A:90/1
  2686. Clay Harper: Dirt Yard Street (Casino Music) {2}: -- RC:*, TH:*
  2687. Hatari: Neyslutrans (self-released) {2}: AM:*; am_m:+
  2688. Haux: Violence in a Quiet Mind (Ultra) {2}: OC:38; ny_c:+ -- A:72/4, M:76/4
  2689. Havok: V (Century Media) {2}: Ex:*, MH:*
  2690. Hawktail: Formations (Padiddle) {2}: P:*; fa:+ -- A:89/1
  2691. Hazar: Reincarnated (IAN Productions) {2}: vahm:+ -- TH:*
  2692. Heathen: Empire of the Blind (Nuclear Blast) {2}: ClR:*, K:* -- A:77/3
  2693. Heathered Pearls: Cast (Ghostly International) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+ -- A:90/1
  2694. Hellbound Glory: Pure Scum (Black Country Rock) {2}: scm:+*
  2695. Hello Forever: Whatever It Is (Rough Trade) {2}: AM:*, Zf:51
  2696. David Helpling: Rune (Spotted Peccary) {2}: Ec:14
  2697. Hemingway, Phillips & Moore: Slips (Ramboy -19) {2}: -- TH:**
  2698. The Hermes Experiment: Here We Are (Delphian) {2}: g_c:4
  2699. TJ Hernandez: Destination Unknown (TJ Hernandez) {2}: scm:+*
  2700. HHY & the Kampala Unit: Lithium Blast (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {2}: VF:34 -- TH:*
  2701. Fay Hield: Wrackline (Topic) {2}: mj_f:6, sol_fk:+
  2702. Marko Hietala: Pyre of the Black Heart (Nuclear Blast) {2}: K:*; se_p:+ -- A:80/1
  2703. Tyler Higgins: Broken Blues (Shhpuma) {2}: -- TH:**
  2704. Eric Hilton: Infinite Everywhere (Montserrat House) {2}: ty_e:2
  2705. Midori Hirano: Invisible Island (Sonic Pieces) {2}: VF:17
  2706. Mike Holober/Marvin Stamm Quartet: Live @ Maureen's Jazz Cellar (Big Miles Music) {2}: AAJ:*; jrm:+
  2707. Home: 18 (Screw Music Forever) {2}: yclw:2
  2708. Hook: Crashed My Car (GC) {2}: IR:21, N:60
  2709. The Howl & the Hum: Human Contact (self-released) {2}: atw:+, fms:+
  2710. Fernando Huergo Big Band: The Possibility of Change (self-released) {2}: bc_j:*, jan:+
  2711. Siul Hughes: Stoopkid (Fake Four -19) {2}: -- TH:**
  2712. Human Feel: The Tower Tapes #5 (Jazz Club Ferrara) {2}: -- TH:**
  2713. Peter Hum: Ordinary Heroes (self-released -19) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:*
  2714. Jimmy Hunt: Le Silence (Grosse Boite) {2}: LCA:19
  2715. Huntsville + Yuka Honda/Nels Cline/Darin Gray/Glenn Kotche: Blow Shoulder (Hubro Music) {2}: AAJ:*; rld:+
  2716. Hurts: Faith (Lento) {2}: AM:*, NME:* -- A:67/5, M:75/7
  2717. Hyph11E: Aperture (SVBKVLT) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2718. Hypoluxo: Hypoluxo (Terrible) {2}: NR:*; pm_ir:9 -- A:75/2
  2719. Ichon: Pour De Vrai (911) {2}: LI:25; tck:7
  2720. Idle Hands: Solid Moments (Posi-Tone) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2721. Igorrr: Spirituality and Distortion (Metal Blade) {2}: Ex:*; lwr:+ -- A:93/2
  2722. Il Gardino Armonico: Haydn: Die Schopfung (Alpha) {2}: DVk:13
  2723. Hesam Inanlou: Amid (Rahgozar Haft Eghlim) {2}: vbd:5
  2724. Infinit: Ma Vie Est Un Film (DBF/Don Dada) {2}: GMD:16
  2725. Inga: Teeth and Tears (Trikont) {2}: Zf:24
  2726. Dominic Ingham: Role Models (self-released) {2}: Tx_j:16
  2727. In This Moment: Mother (Atlantic/Roadrunner) {2}: ap:+, lwr:+
  2728. Into It. Over It.: Figure (Triple Crown) {2}: Cl:*, DIY:* -- A:71/5
  2729. Intronaut: Fluid Existential Inversions (Metal Blade) {2}: Ex:*, Spk:* -- A:88/3
  2730. Ian Isiah: Auntie (E1 Entertainment) {2}: now_a:10, ny_c:+
  2731. Isla Mujeres: Secreto (Isla Mujeres) {2}: RS_Ar:17
  2732. I Think You're Awesome: Suite to Be You and Me (Jaegar Community) {2}: bc_j:* -- TH:*
  2733. IZ*ONE: BLOOM*IZ (Stone Music Entertainment) {2}: BPM:20
  2734. Paris Jackson: Wilted (Republic) {2}: AM:*, Id:61 -- A:75/2
  2735. The Jaded Hearts Club: You've Always Been Here (Helium-3/Infectious/BMG) {2}: I:*; rx:+ -- A:53/4
  2736. Mia Jae: Couples Therapy (self-released -EP) {2}: HDX:*; bc_s:*
  2737. Jakko Jakszyk: Secrets & Lies (Inside Out) {2}: AAJ:*, SoT:27 -- A:67/3
  2738. Jam City: Pillowland (Earthly) {2}: C:48, Qt:87
  2739. Loraine James: Nothing (Hyperdub -EP) {2}: LQ:*; pf_e:+ -- A:80/1TH:B
  2740. Jawny: For Abby (Interscope) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2741. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis: Rock Chalk Suite (Blue Engine) {2}: -- TH:**
  2742. Jazzrausch Bigband: Beethoven's Breakdown (ACT Music) {2}: AAJ:*, TS:+
  2743. Jetstream Pony: Jetstream Pony (Shelflife) {2}: YW:116; pm_ip:+
  2744. Jim Bob: Pop Up Jim Bob (Cherry Red) {2}: BIB:40, LW:37 -- A:65/2
  2745. Park Hye Jin: How Can I (Ninja Tune -EP) {2}: NME:*; nyl:+ -- A:73/3
  2746. Joan of Arc: Tim Melina Theo Bobby (Joyful Noise) {2}: AM:*, Ex:* -- A:77/5
  2747. Joesef: Does It Make You Feel Good? (Bold Cut -EP) {2}: D:*, NME:* -- A:90/2
  2748. Josiah Johnson: Every Feeling on a Loop (Anti-) {2}: AS:*, UR:* -- A:70/5
  2749. Jordablod: The Cabinet of Numinous Song (Jordablod) {2}: ab_b:2
  2750. Seu Jorge & Roge: Night Dreamer Direct-to-Disc Sessions (Night Dreamer) {2}: vasp:5
  2751. Joyryde: Brave (Hard Recs) {2}: DA:12
  2752. Junia-T: Studio Monk (3-5 Playa Productions/Pirates Blend) {2}: HDX:*; now:6 -- A:82/1
  2753. Junk Drawer: Ready for the House (Art for Blind) {2}: Gw:*, LBF:* -- A:80/2
  2754. JyellowL: 2020 Division (JyellowL) {2}: HP:14
  2755. JZ Replacement: Disrespectful (Rainy Days) {2}: AAJ:*; sg_j:*
  2756. Kairon; IRSE!: Polysomm (Svart) {2}: Hi:31, Tr:43 -- A:73/2
  2757. Leven Kali: Hightide (Interscope) {2}: Al:57* -- A:90/1
  2758. Kamaiyah: Got It Made (GRND.WRK/Empire) {2}: Cmp:+; blw:+ -- A:69/2
  2759. Kamancello: Of Shadows (Independiente) {2}: Tx:16
  2760. Kamixlo: Cicatriz (Pan) {2}: Dz:18
  2761. Kanaan: Double Sun (El Paraiso) {2}: CD:27, Sb:71
  2762. Kanaan: Odense Sessions (El Paraiso) {2}: CD:48, Sb:40
  2763. Kansas Smitty's: Things Happened Here (Ever) {2}: O:*; bc_j:* -- A:80/1
  2764. Mav Karlo: Strangers Like Us (Royal Mountain) {2}: Ex:*, NT:* -- A:77//3
  2765. Kassav: 40eme Anniversaire: Le Concert (Note A Bene) {2}: npr_nb:2
  2766. Kyoko Katsunuma + Jun Miyake: Colomena (P-Vine -19) {2}: AAJ:*; jfkz:+
  2767. Keep Dancing Inc: Embrace (Un-Plan Simple) {2}: LBF:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2768. Kevin Keller: The Front Porch of Heaven (Kevin Heller) {2}: Ec:12
  2769. Paul Kelly/Paul Grabowsky: Please Leave Your Light On (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: AM:*; key:+
  2770. Dom Kennedy: Rap N Roll (OPM) {2}: vbp:4
  2771. KennyHoopla: How Will I Rest in Peace if I'm Buried by a Highway? (self-released) {2}: iad:5
  2772. Stefan Keune/Dominic Lash/Steve Noble: And Now (FMR) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  2773. Amjad Ali Khan/Sharon Isbin: Strings for Peace (Zoho) {2}: jmn:4
  2774. The Kid Laroi: Fuck Love (Columbia) {2}: Jun:25, NME:* -- A:80/1
  2775. Kiln: Astral Welder (Ghostly International) {2}: Tx:14
  2776. Kimchi Moccasin Tango: Yankee Zulu (Clean Feed -19) {2}: jml:5 -- TH:[**]
  2777. King Hannah: Tell Me Your Mind and I'll Tell You Mine (City Slang) {2}: BIB:+, Sb:88
  2778. Kaki King: Modern Yesterdays (Cantaloupe Music) {2}: AM:*; am_f:+ -- A:90/1
  2779. John Carroll Kirby: My Garden (Stones Throw) {2}: AM:*, Mj:* -- A:61/4, M:74/4
  2780. Kirby: Sis (self-released) {2}: npr_nb:5
  2781. Kllo: Maybe We Could (Ghostly International) {2}: nyl:++
  2782. Klub Des Loosers: Vanite (Ombrage) {2}: LI:95, MM:43
  2783. KMRU: Opaquer (Dagoretti) {2}: RA:18
  2784. Peter Knight's Gigspanner Big Band: Natural Invention (Gigspanner) {2}: mj_f:2
  2785. Knot: Knot (Exploding in Sound) {2}: Ex:*; yjsb:+ -- A:75/2
  2786. Wednesday Knudsen & Willie Lane: Long Time 'Til Tomorrow (Feeding Tube) {2}: yjs:5
  2787. Koney: Koney (High Dive) {2}: pm_ip:3
  2788. Sarathy Korwar & Upaj Collective: Night Dreamer Direct-to-Disc Sessions (Night Dreamer) {2}: AAJ:*; jcm:+
  2789. Krakow Loves Adana: Darkest Dreams (self-released) {2}: NBH:37; now_r:9
  2790. Wayne Krantz: Write Out Your Head (Abstract Logix) {2}: AAJ:*; jfkz:+
  2791. Kevin Krauter: Full Hand (Bayonet) {2}: Mj:*, Sp:* -- A:71/6
  2792. The Krayolas: Savage Young Krayolas (Box Record) {2}: yrh:3
  2793. James Krivchenia: A New Found Relaxation (House Arrest) {2}: Fld:*; bc_a:* -- A:67/5, M:63/4
  2794. KRS-One: Between Da Protests (RAMP Ent Agency) {2}: -- TH:**
  2795. Emily Kuhn: Sky Stories (BACE) {2}: Tx_j:17
  2796. Kutiman: Wachaga (Siyal) {2}: Mw:38, Sb:65
  2797. Kyshona: Listen (Tone Tree Music) {2}: Al:41; ns:7
  2798. La Dame Blanche: Ella (Nacional) {2}: AM:*; am_w:+
  2799. Jimmy LaFave: Highway Angels . . . Full Moon Rain (Night Tribe Music) {2}: AS:14
  2800. Mon Laferte: Sola Con Mis Monstruos (Polydor) {2}: AM:*; am_w:+
  2801. Gill Landry: Skeleton at the Banquet (Loose Music) {2}: Trk:16
  2802. Land Trance: First Seance (Dense Truth) {2}: Qt:14
  2803. Oscar Lang: Antidote to Being Bored (Dirty Hit -EP) {2}: LBF:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2804. LANY: Mama's Boy (Polydor) {2}: Id:48, LBF:* -- A:68/5
  2805. La Pingo's Orquesta & Todd Clouser: Midwest/Bajio (Ropeadope Sur) {2}: bc_j:* -- TH:*
  2806. Lastkaj 14: Speglar Och Rok (Bells On/X5 Music Group) {2}: Gf:16
  2807. Ingrid Laubrock: Stir Crazy Episodes 31-45 (self-released) {2}: bc_j:*, jjm:+
  2808. Pak Yan Lau & Darin Gray: Trudge Lightly (By the Bluest of Seas) {2}: jsgj:4
  2809. Lukas Lauermann: I N (Col Legno) {2}: Tx:17
  2810. Laundromat: Green EP (Brace Yourself -EP) {2}: DIY:*, Gw:* -- A:85/2
  2811. Cate Le Bon: Here It Comes Again (Mexican Summer) {2}: aqd:+, sl:+
  2812. Le Couleur: Concorde (Lisbon Lux) {2}: BIB:+, Ex:* -- A:80/1
  2813. Ledisi: The Wild Card (Listen Back Entertainment) {2}: AM:*; am_r:+
  2814. Leeched: To Dull the Blades of Your Abuse (Prosthetic) {2}: K:*, Spk:* -- A:88/2
  2815. Cindy Lee: Cat O' Nine Tails (CCQSK Enterprises) {2}: GB:+; aqd:+
  2816. Left at London: Transgender Street Legend Vol 2 (self-released) {2}: KX:13
  2817. The Left Outsides: Are You Sure I Was There? (Cardinal Fuzz) {2}: Mj:*, Sb:51
  2818. Brennen Leigh: Prairie Love Letter (self-released) {2}: pm_a:7, scm:+
  2819. Urs Leimgruber/Andreas Willers/Alvin Curran/Fabrizio Spera: Rome-ing (Leo -19) {2}: -- TH:**
  2820. The Peter Leitch New Life Orchestra: New Life (Jazz House) {2}: AAJ:*; jpb:10
  2821. Jamie Lenman: King of Clubs (Big Scary Monsters) {2}: K:*, Ups:* -- A:90/2
  2822. The Leonard Simpson Duo: LSD (Jakarta) {2}: HG:41; bc_h:*
  2823. Le Ren: Morning & Melancholia (Secretly Canadian -EP) {2}: BPM:*, Ex:* -- A:80/2
  2824. Jeremy Levy Jazz Orchestra: The Planets: Reimagined (OA2) {2}: AAJ:*; jan:+ -- TH:B-
  2825. Jeffrey Lewis: 2020 Tapes: Shelter-at-Home Recordings & Pandemos (self-released) {2}: vjte:2
  2826. L-FRESH the Lion: South West (Elefant Traks) {2}: DJ:13
  2827. Lie: You Want It Real (Mint) {2}: Bc:*, Ex:* -- A:75/2
  2828. Lil Keed: Trapped on Cleveland 3 (300 Entertainment) {2}: GC:42; xxl:+ -- A:1/60
  2829. Arto Lindsay/Joe McPhee/Ken Vandermark/Phil Sudderberg: Largest Afternoon (Corbett vs Dempsey) {2}: -- TH:**
  2830. Lindstrom & Prins Thomas: III (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: Ex:*, Pc:72 -- A:73/4, M:74/4
  2831. Linea Aspera: Linea Aspera LP II (Linea Aspera) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2832. Liquid Quintet: Bouquet (Sirulita -19) {2}: jkw:5
  2833. Liraz: Zan (Glitterbeat) {2}: xpb:+, xscw:+
  2834. Brian Lisik: Gudbye Stoopid Whirled (Cherokee Queen) {2}: -- TH:**
  2835. Lucy Liyou: Welfare (Ijn) {2}: tgl:3
  2836. Sophia Loizou: A Tellurian Memorandum (Houndstooth) {2}: ACL:16
  2837. Theophilus London: Bebey (My Bebey) {2}: owl:+, via:10 -- A:70/2
  2838. The Lone Bellow: Half Moon Light (Dualtone) {2}: AS:*, Gl:* -- A:75/2
  2839. Harold Lopez-Nussa: Te Lo Dije (Mack Avenue) {2}: DB:*; jb:+
  2840. Lord Buffalo: Tohu Wa Bohu (Blues Funeral) {2}: FB:14
  2841. Lord Tusk: Paradise Awaits (UltraWaveVisions) {2}: bc_e:+*
  2842. Olivia Louvel: Sculptor (Cat Werk) {2}: ACL:15
  2843. Lowrider: Refractions (Blues Funeral) {2}: Vi:37; yjsb:+
  2844. Lucia & the Best Boys: The State of Things (Sweet Jane -EP) {2}: D:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2845. Lucidvox: We Are (Glitterbeat) {2}: Hi:51, Mj:*
  2846. Luggage: Shift (Corpse Flower) {2}: Mw:17
  2847. Fanny Lumsden: Fallow (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: DJ:43, SMH:* -- A:80/1
  2848. Carmen Lundy: Modern Ancestors (Afrasia -19) {2}: jb:+, jrmu:+
  2849. Anna Lynch: Apples in the Fall (SJ21) {2}: scm:+*
  2850. Lynks Afrikka: Smash Hits Vol 1 (LynksCorp -EP) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2851. LYR: Call in the Crash Team (Mercury Classics) {2}: Rec:19
  2852. M24: Drip N Drill (self-released) {2}: Cl:*; cmp:13 -- A:80/1
  2853. Bongeziwe Mabandla: Iimini (Platoon) {2}: AS:17
  2854. Maggot Heart: Mercy Machine (Rapid Eye) {2}: FB:41; ab_b:6
  2855. Maita: Best Wishes (Kill Rock Stars) {2}: LBF:*, YW:34 -- A:85/1
  2856. Mako Sica/Hamid Drake: Balancing Tear (Astral Spirits) {2}: sg_j:* -- TH:*
  2857. Katie Malco: Failures (6131) {2}: DIY:*, OC:34 -- A:73/3
  2858. Desire Marea: Desire (Izimakade) {2}: Pf:*; pm_x:3 -- A:80/1
  2859. Eve Maret: Stars Aligned (Whited Sepulchre/PRAH) {2}: ns:4
  2860. Markus Floats: Third Album (Constellation) {2}: Cl:*, Ex:* -- A:80/2, M:78/4
  2861. Thomas Marriott: Trumpet Ship (Origin) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2862. Terrace Martin: Village Days (Sounds of Crenshaw/Empire -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  2863. Walter Martin: The World at Night (Family Jukebox) {2}: AM:*, SE:127 -- A:72/3
  2864. Maserati: Enter the Mirror (Temporary Residence) {2}: AM:*, MO:* -- M:78/4
  2865. Luba Mason: Triangle (Blue Canoe) {2}: DB:*; jbo:+
  2866. Master Peace: Love Bites (EMI -EP) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  2867. Joanna Mattrey: Veiled (Relative Pitch) {2}: FJ:*; jkp:9
  2868. Haleek Maul: Errol (Lex) {2}: G:*, Q:* -- A:75/2
  2869. Imelda May: Slip of the Tongue (Decca -EP) {2}: AD:*, LW:* -- A:80/3
  2870. Thollem McDonas/William Parker/Nels Cline: Gowanus Sessions II (ESP-Disk) {2}: -- TH:**
  2871. Mike McGinniss/Elias Bailey/Vinnie Sperrazza: Time Is Thicker (Open Stream Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2872. Ross McHenry: Nothing Remains Unchanged (First World) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:*
  2873. Tracy McNeil & the GoodLife: You Be the Lightning (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: DJ:17
  2874. Medicine Dolls: Filth and Wisdom (Just Music) {2}: Try:16
  2875. Megaton Sword: Blood Hails Steel - Steel Hails Fire (Dying Victims Productions) {2}: Db:37; pm_m:19
  2876. Susie Meissner: I Wish I Knew (Lydian Jazz) {2}: jsy:4
  2877. Meitei: Kofu (Kitchen) {2}: ACL:18
  2878. Myra Melford/Zeena Parkins/Miya Masaoka: MZM (Infrequent Seams -17) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:[**]
  2879. Daniel Melingo: Oasis (Buda Musique) {2}: RS_Ar:14
  2880. Carlton Melton: Where This Leads (Agitated) {2}: Mj:*, Pc:85
  2881. Memnon Sa: World Serpent (Holy Mountain) {2}: Qt:76, Sb:58
  2882. Joachim Mencel: Brooklyn Eye (Origin) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2883. The Men: Mercy (Sacred Bones) {2}: MO:*, Sb:21 -- A:71/4
  2884. Mentrix: My Enemy, My Love (House of Strength) {2}: GTV:*, Rec:21 -- A:70/2
  2885. The Menzingers: From Exile (Epitaph) {2}: BV_p:44, Ex:* -- A:80/1
  2886. Salvatore Mercatante: The Foundations of Eternal Sin (Castles in Space) {2}: CD:16
  2887. Me Rex: Triceratops/Stegosaurus (Big Scary Monsters) {2}: ycp:4
  2888. Midlife: Automatic (Heavenly) {2}: Pc:23; ybb:6
  2889. Mildlife: Automatic (Heavenly) {2}: Dr:27; fst:+
  2890. Andy Milne: The ReMission (Sunnyside) {2}: AAJ:*; jmju:16
  2891. Hannes Minnaar: Nox (Challenge Classics) {2}: DVk:11
  2892. Miserable Chillers: Audience of Summer (Baby Blue) {2}: AM:*; am_i:+
  2893. Roscoe Mitchell Quartet: Come and See What There Is to See (The Label) {2}: AAJ:*; jmc:11
  2894. Model Home: One Year (Disciples 4) {2}: AM:*; am_h:+
  2895. Modern Studies: The Weight of the Sun (Fire) {2}: MO:*, U:* -- A:75/2, M:73/6
  2896. MoMa Ready: Deep Technik (House of Altr) {2}: C:45; pf_e:+
  2897. Meredith Monk: Memory Game (Cantaloupe) {2}: sl:+, tg:+
  2898. NO Moore: Dreamt Across Tangled Electron (self-released) {2}: jsb:3
  2899. Allison Moorer: Blood (Autotelic -19) {2}: mj_a:4 -- TH:[A-]
  2900. Marja Mortensson/Daniel Herskedal: Laaje - Dawn (Vuelie -19) {2}: AAJ:*; sol:+
  2901. Moscow Apartment: Better Daughter (Hidden Pony -EP) {2}: Ex:*, Sp:* -- A:80/2
  2902. Mourn: Self Worth (Captured Tracks) {2}: MO:*, Sb:82 -- A:69/6, M:74/5
  2903. Benjamin Moussay: Promontoire (ECM) {2}: -- TH:**
  2904. Mr Beatnick: Honeycomb (Mythstery) {2}: bc_e:+*
  2905. Mr Scruff: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {2}: GMD:26, PO:+
  2906. Mt Joy: Rearrange Us (Dualtone) {2}: Ex:*; atw:+ -- A:70/4
  2907. Ali Shaheed Muhammad/Adrian Younge: Jazz Is Dead 5: Doug Carn (Jazz Is Dead) {2}: Mj:*; sg_j:*
  2908. Jake Muir: The Hum of Your Veiled Voice (Sferic) {2}: XLR:+; pf_a:+
  2909. Ellis Munk Ensemble: San Diego Sessions (El Paraiso) {2}: CD:18
  2910. Jonas Munk: Minimum Resistance (Azure Vista) {2}: CD:12
  2911. Angela Munoz: Adrian Younge Presents Angela Munoz Inspection (Linear Labs) {2}: Bc:+*
  2912. Simon Nabatov: Plain (Clean Feed) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  2913. Simon Nabatov: Time Labyrinth (Leo) {2}: AAJ:*; jpf:9 -- TH:B
  2914. Mehdi Nabti: Grooves A Mysteres (DK) {2}: AM:*; am_w:+
  2915. Quinsin Nachoff: Pivotal Arc (Whirlwind) {2}: sg_j:* -- TH:*
  2916. Koko Nakano: Pre-Choreographed (No Format) {2}: MM:17
  2917. Tatsuya Nakatani/Shane Parish: Interactivity (Cuneiform) {2}: -- TH:**
  2918. Jack Name: Magic Touch (Mexican Summer) {2}: Mj:*; aqd:+
  2919. Narrow Head: 12th House Rock (Run for Cover) {2}: K:*, N:66 -- A:78/3
  2920. Fabiano Do Nascimento: Preludio (Now-Again) {2}: xbf:+, xrt:19
  2921. NCT 127: NCT #127 Neo Zone (SM Entertainment) {2}: Cl:*, CS:* -- A:82/2
  2922. NCT: NCT2020: Resonance Pt 1 [The 2nd Album] (SM Entertainment) {2}: AM:*; am_p:+
  2923. Needtobreathe: Out of Body (Atlantic/EC1/Elektra) {2}: AM:*; am_k:+ -- A:80/2
  2924. Nepal: Adios Bahamas (Triple 4 Gear) {2}: GMD:12
  2925. Never Weather: Blissonance (Ridgeway) {2}: jdr:+ -- TH:*
  2926. Svitlana Nianio & Oleksandr Yurchenko: Znayesh Yak? Rozkazhy (Night School) {2}: Bc:+*
  2927. Adam Niewood: Blue as a Whistle (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  2928. Night Club: Die Die Lullabye (Gato Blanco) {2}: Mx:18
  2929. Nihiloxica: Kaloli (Crammed Discs) {2}: SoS:40; sol_af:+
  2930. Elsa Nilsson: Hindsight (Bumblebee Collective) {2}: Tx_j:20
  2931. The Ninth Wave: Happy Days! (Distiller -EP) {2}: DIY:*, LBF:* -- A:80/2
  2932. NOFX/Frank Turner: West Coast vs Wessex (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: Ex:*; ap:+ -- M:70/4
  2933. The No-Neck Blues Band: Gitanjali + The Nascent Stigma (Ri Be Xibalba) {2}: FJ:*; jfn:+
  2934. Northeast Party House: Shelf Life (Sony Music) {2}: AU:14
  2935. No Thank You: Embroidered Foliage (Lame-O) {2}: Alt:35; atw:+
  2936. NSG: Roots (NSG Entertainment) {2}: NME:*; not:+ -- A:80/1
  2937. Maarja Nuut & Raum: World Inverted (Ounaviks) {2}: LBF:*, XLR:+ -- A:80/1
  2938. Tobe Nwigwe: Cincoriginals (self-released) {2}: npr_ap:+, yng:10
  2939. Sinead O'Brien: Drowning in Blessings (Chess Club -EP) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:77/4
  2940. Octo Octa/Eris Drew: Fabric Presents Octo Octa & Eris Drew (Fabric) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2941. Loren Oden: Adrian Younge Presents Loren Oden: My Heart, My Love (Linear Labs) {2}: AM:*; am_r:+
  2942. Of1000faces: Astronomica (Ming) {2}: pm_b:2
  2943. Of Feather & Bone: Sulfuric Disintegration (Profound Lore) {2}: Db:13
  2944. The Ogun Meji Duo: Blacklivesmatter (CFG Multimedia -14) {2}: AAJ:*; jka:10 -- TH:[***]
  2945. Ojerime: B4 I Breakdown (Fang) {2}: Cl:48; cmp:+
  2946. Michael Olatuja: Lagos Pepper Soup (Whirlwind) {2}: jrd:9 -- TH:*
  2947. Gary Olson: Gary Olson (Tapete) {2}: Btz:46; pm_ip:+
  2948. The Onlies: The Onlies (self-released) {2}: scm:+*
  2949. Seiko Oomori: Kintsugi (Avex Trax) {2}: Spk:43* -- A:94/1
  2950. Peter Oren: The Greener Pasture (Western Vinyl) {2}: AM:*; am_i:+ -- A:72/2
  2951. Organic Pulse Ensemble: The Light Comes Black (Urban Waves) {2}: ybb:3
  2952. Orquesta Failde: Failde Con Tumbao (EGREM) {2}: npr_fc:9, npr_l:+
  2953. Osees: Metamorphosed (Castle Face) {2}: FB:74, RM:42
  2954. Otta: Songbook (PIAS) {2}: NME:*, Zf:52 -- A:80/1
  2955. The Outlaws: Dixie Highway (Steamhammer) {2}: ClR:44, SoT:50
  2956. Oval: Scis (Thrill Jockey) {2}: AM:*; tr_e:11 -- A:73/3
  2957. Ovrkast: Try Again (Ovrkast) {2}: BV_r:50; bc_h:*
  2958. Paisiel: Unconscious Death Wishes (Rocket) {2}: Sb:11
  2959. Henrik Palm: Poverty Metal (Svart) {2}: K:*; ab_b:9 -- A:80/1
  2960. Paradise Cinema: Paradise Cinema (Gondwana) {2}: Mj:*; mj_j:8 -- A:80/1
  2961. Giuseppe Paradiso Meridian 71: Metropolitan Sketches (self-released) {2}: bc_j:*, jrm:+
  2962. Jon Pardi: Rancho Fiesta Sessions (Capitol Nashville) {2}: scm:+, scm_m:7
  2963. Jonathan Parker: Broken Hearts & Broken Bones (Jonathan Parker Music) {2}: scm:+*
  2964. Parkway Drive: Viva the Underdogs (Epitaph) {2}: K:*, Ups:* -- A:77/3
  2965. Junius Paul: Ism (International Anthem -19) {2}: jhm:2 -- TH:[*]
  2966. Carly Pearce: Carly Pearce (Big Machine) {2}: Id:68, SE:+
  2967. Penya Na Msafiri Zawose: Penya Safari EP (On the Corner) {2}: tg:+ -- TH:*
  2968. PE: Person (Wharf Cat) {2}: LQ:*, Tr:32 -- A:80/1
  2969. Ivo Perelman/Gordon Grdina/Hamin Honari: The Purity of Desire (Not Two) {2}: FJ:*; jss:+
  2970. Ivo Perelman/Pascal Marzan: Dust of Light/Ears Drawing Sounds (Setola di Maiale/Ibeji) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  2971. Peripheral Vision: Irrational Revelation and Mutual Humiliation (Step 3) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:*
  2972. Katy Perry: Smile (Capitol) {2}: Id:14 -- A:56/16, M:58/16
  2973. Peter Bjorn and John: Endless Dream (Ingrid) {2}: AM:*, SMH:* -- A:70/3
  2974. The Phantasy: Ibiza Pt I & II (The Phantasy) {2}: ia:2
  2975. The Phoenix Foundation: Friend Ship (Memphis Industries) {2}: Pc:99, PM:* -- A:70/3
  2976. Wayne Phoenix: Soaring Wayne Phoenix Story the Earth (Halcyon Veil) {2}: PO:+; vjdn:10
  2977. Photay: Waking Hours (Mexican Summer) {2}: Bc:+; rld:+
  2978. Pig Destroyer: The Octagonal Stairway (Relapse -EP) {2}: Ex:*, K:* -- A:80/2
  2979. Pinch: Reality Tunnels (Tectonic) {2}: Mj:*, Q:* -- M:77/4
  2980. Chico Pinheiro: City of Dreams (Buriti) {2}: jda:8, jrm:+
  2981. Justin Pinkerton: Aak'ab (El Paraiso) {2}: CD:11
  2982. PINS: Hot Slick (Haus of Pins) {2}: Pc:90, YW:54 -- A:57/3
  2983. Plone: Puzzlewood (Ghost Box) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  2984. Pod Blotz: Transdimensional System (Dais) {2}: AM:*; tr_e:13 -- A:80/1
  2985. Verneri Pohjola: The Dead Don't Dream (Edition) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:*
  2986. Polaris: The Death of Me (Sharptone) {2}: K:*; lwr:+
  2987. Polwechsel & Klaus Lang: Unseen (Ezz-thetics) {2}: FJ:*; jeh:6
  2988. Polyorchard: Ink (Out & Gone Music) {2}: FJ:*; jlre:8
  2989. Polyrhythmics: Chelada (Color Red) {2}: AAJ:*, KX:91
  2990. Ted Poor: You Already Know (Impulse!) {2}: AAJ:*; jcm:+
  2991. Sofia Portanet: Freier Geist (Dutchess Box) {2}: Lt:12
  2992. Porter Union: Loved & Lost (Porter Union) {2}: scm:+*
  2993. Post Animal: Forward Motion Godyssey (Polyvinyl) {2}: DaB:31, Ps:41 -- A:73/4
  2994. Mirtha Pozzi: Tzimx (Nowlands) {2}: jjws:3
  2995. Noah Preminger: Contemptment (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  2996. Primal Fear: Metal Commando (Nuclear Blast) {2}: ClR:*, SoT:26 -- A:80/1
  2997. The Primevals: Second Nature (Triple Wide) {2}: FB:17
  2998. Primitive Ignorant: Sikh Punk (Something in Construction) {2}: LW:44, Mj:*
  2999. Primo: Sogni (Upset the Rhythm) {2}: Sb:52; ynn:+
  3000. Prolaps: Pure Mud Vol 7 (Hausu Mountain) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+ -- A:75/2
  3001. The Proper Ornaments: Mission Bells (Tapete) {2}: AM:*, Btz:30, -- A:80/1
  3002. Proto Droids: Cybernetic World (Spun Out of Control) {2}: CD:15
  3003. Psychic Markers: Psychic Markers (Bella Union) {2}: Gig:*, Sb:50 -- A:73/2
  3004. Bernard Purdie/Christian Fabian/Ron Oswanski: Move On! (CAP) {2}: AAJ:*; jkf:6
  3005. Purna Loka Ensemble: Metaraga (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  3006. Pyramaze: Epitaph (AFM Organization) {2}: SoT:17
  3007. Queen/Adam Lambert: Live Around the World (Hollywood) {2}: AM:*, I:* -- A:77/3
  3008. Ester Quevedo Quintet: Trabalenguas (UnderPool) {2}: bc_j:*, jma:+
  3009. David Quinn: Letting Go (Low Town) {2}: scm:+*
  3010. David Ramirez: My Love Is a Hurricane (Sweetworld) {2}: ND:16
  3011. Ras G: Raw Fruit Vol 5 & 6 (FB Distribution) {2}: PW:31; bc_b:*
  3012. Raspberry Bulbs: Before the Age of Mirrors (Relapse) {2}: Dus:*, W:* -- M:78/4
  3013. Josey Rebelle: Josey in Space (Beats in Space) {2}: AM:*; am_e: -- A:79/2
  3014. Reciprocal Uncles [Gianni Lenoci/Gianni Mimmo]: The Whole Thing (Amirani) {2}: -- TH:**
  3015. RED Trio/Celebration Band: 10th Anniversary Concert (NoBusiness) {2}: FJ:*; jsb:7
  3016. Ricky Reed: The Room (Nice Life) {2}: PCv:17
  3017. Tomeka Reid Quartet: Old New (Cuneiform -19) {2}: jhm:3 -- TH:[***]
  3018. Julia Reidy: Vanish (Editions Mego) {2}: ydn:2
  3019. The Rentals: Q36 (self-released) {2}: AM:*; am_k:+ -- A:75/2
  3020. Repetitor: Prazan Prostor Medu Nama Koji Moze I Da Ne Postoji (Moontree) {2}: Try:20
  3021. Gloria Reuben & Marty Ashby: For All We Know (MCG Jazz) {2}: -- TH:**
  3022. The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus: Songs of Yearning/Nocturnes (Occultation) {2}: GTV:92; npr_lg:7
  3023. Soho Rezanejad: Honesty Without Compassion Is Brutality (Volume 1) (Silicone -19) {2}: SoS:47 -- TH:*
  3024. Soho Rezanejad: Honesty Without Compassion Is Brutality (Volume 2) (Silicone) {2}: SoS:47 -- TH:*
  3025. The Rheingans Sisters: Receiver (Bendigedig) {2}: GTV:*; sol_k:+ -- A:80/1
  3026. Kim Richey: A Long Way Back: The Songs of Glimmer (Yep Roc) {2}: AS:*, ND_r:44 -- A:80/1
  3027. Robert Rich: Neurogenesis (self-released) {2}: Ec:19
  3028. Rimon: I Shine, U Shine (Alle$ -EP) {2}: HS:17
  3029. Ripped to Shreds: Luan (Nameless Grave) {2}: Db:15
  3030. Thorbjorn Risager & the Black Tornado: Come On In (Ruf) {2}: AM:*; am_b:+ -- A:80/1
  3031. Raleigh Ritchie: Andy (Alacan) {2}: GTV:63, NME:* -- A:75/2
  3032. RMR: Drug Dealing Is a Lost Art (Cmnty Culture -EP) {2}: xkb:3 -- A:47/2
  3033. Alasdair Roberts: The Songs of My Boyhood (Drag City) {2}:
  3034. David Ian Roberts: From the Harbour (Cambrian) {2}: Tx:11
  3035. Duke Robillard: Blues Bash With Duke Robillard & Friends (Stony Plain) {2}: AM:*; am_b:+
  3036. Jason Robinson & Eric Hofbauer: Two Hours Early, Ten Minutes Late: Duo Music of Ken Aldcroft (Accretions) {2}: -- TH:**
  3037. Tilman Robinson: Culturecide (Bedroom Community) {2}: BPM:*, Ex:* -- A:81/2
  3038. Kenny Roby: The Reservoir (Royal Potato Family) {2}: AS:*, U:* -- A:85/2
  3039. Maria Rodes: Lilith (Satelite K) {2}: Jp:15
  3040. Daniel Romano: White Flag (self-released) {2}: xsa:+, ygc:+
  3041. Rone: Room With a View (InFine/Idol) {2}: LI:49, Mw:36
  3042. Rotting Out: Ronin (Pure Noise) {2}: BV_p:35, K:* -- A:80/1
  3043. Rudy Royston: PaNOptic (Greenleaf Music) {2}: AAJ:*; jka:15
  3044. The Rumba Madre: Prisiones Y Fugas (Criteria Entertainment) {2}: AM:*; am_w:+
  3045. Russ: Shake the Snow Globe (Diemon/Columbia) {2}: Em:*, NME:* -- A:83/3
  3046. RXM Reality: Blood Blood Blood Blood (Hausu Mountain) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+ -- A:90/1
  3047. Rymden: Space Sailors (Jazzland) {2}: AAJ:*, Mj:* -- A:80/1
  3048. Sada Baby: Bartier Bounty 2 (Big Squad) {2}: AM:*; am_h:+
  3049. SahBabii: Barnacles (Warner) {2}: -- Em:*, GC:38
  3050. Ryuichi Sakamoto: The Staggering Girl [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) {2}: NF:45; tg:+
  3051. LA Salami: The Cause of Doubt & a Reason to Have Faith (Sunday Best) {2}: Lt:45, MM:28
  3052. Samo Salamon/Igor Matkovic/Kristijan Krajncan: Rare Ebb (Sazas) {2}: -- TH:**
  3053. Dino Saluzzi: Albores (ECM) {2}: AM:*; jrw:+ -- A:80/1
  3054. Poncho Sanchez: Trane's Delight (Concord Picante -19) {2}: jjs:+, noj:+ -- TH:[B]
  3055. Moises P Sanchez Project: There's Always Madness (Estudio Uno) {2}: bc_j:*, jma:6
  3056. Oumou Sangare: Acoustic (No Format!) {2}: -- A:70/1, TH:**
  3057. Mehmet Ali Sanlikol: The Rise Up (Dunya) {2}: AAJ:*; jml:9
  3058. Santrofi: Alewa (Outhere) {2}: MO:*, O:* -- A:80/2
  3059. The Saxophones: Eternity Bay (Full Time Hobby) {2}: AM:*, Sp:* -- A:85/2
  3060. Luke Schneider: Altar of Harmony (Third Man) {2}: aqd:+, xsa:+
  3061. Alvin Schwaar/Banz Oester/Noe Frankle: Travellin' Light (Leo) {2}: jlv:9 -- TH:*
  3062. Blake Scott: Niscitam (Wing Sing) {2}: Jun:14
  3063. Scott the Hoople: Rock & Roll Party 66 (self-released) {2}: azr:7, cct:17
  3064. The Scratch: Couldn't Give a Rats (Right Up Ye) {2}: HP:9
  3065. Screaching Weasel: Some Freaks of Atavism (Monona Music) {2}: vjte:4
  3066. Seaway: Big Vibe (Pure Noise) {2}: AM:*; rks:+ -- A:75/2
  3067. Seether: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum (Spinefarm) {2}: Sp:*, Spk:*; lwr:+ -- A:68/4
  3068. Lingo Seini Et Son Groupe: Musique Hauka (Sahel Sounds) {2}: -- TH:**
  3069. Luke Sellick/Andrew Renfro: Small Vacation (self-released) {2}: Tx:13
  3070. Sensible Gray Cells: Get Back Into the World (Damaged Goods) {2}: VLR:16
  3071. Serpent Omega: II (Icons Creating Evil Art) {2}: ab_b:5
  3072. Serwed: Serwed II (West Mineral) {2}: ia:3
  3073. Se So Neon: Nonadaptation (Magic Strawberry Sound) {2}: p_r:+, pf_k:+
  3074. Sevendust: Blood & Stone (Rise) {2}: Sp:*; lwr:+ -- A:76/5
  3075. Shabason, Krgovich & Harris: Philadelphia (Idee Fixe) {2}: BPM:34, Fa:50
  3076. Shallou: Magical Thinking (Island) {2}: Id:49; edmt:9
  3077. Shaman Elephant: Wide Awake but Still Asleep (Karisma/Dark Essence) {2}: FB:20
  3078. John Sheahan: Flirting Fiddles (TY4TM -19) {2}: rte:++
  3079. Michael J Sheehy: Distance Is the Soul of Beauty (Lightning Archive) {2}: ClR:*, U:* -- A:80/2
  3080. Sheff G: One and Only (Winners Circle/Empire) {2}: BV_r:47, Cmp:35 -- A:73/2
  3081. Matthew Shipp/Nate Wooley: What If? (RogueArt) {2}: AAJ:*; jjsh:10
  3082. Matthew Shipp/Rob Brown: Then Now (RogueArt) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  3083. Svetlana Shmulyian: Night at the Movies (Starr -19) {2}: AAJ:*; jcmb:+
  3084. Short Fictions: Fates Worse Than Death (Acrobat Unstable -19) {2}: Alt:19 -- A:76/1
  3085. Sightless Pit: Grave of a Dog (Death Industrial) {2}: K:*, Qt:* -- A:65/2, M:74/4
  3086. Linda Sikhakhane: An Open Dialogue (Skay Music) {2}: AAJ:*; sg_j:*
  3087. Susana Santos Silva/Torbjorn Zetterberg/Hampus Lindwall: Hi! Who Are You? (Matiere Memoire -19) {2}: FJ:*; jsgj:8
  3088. Skeleton: Skeleton (20 Buck Spin) {2}: Tr:36; tr_m:7
  3089. Ian Skelly: Drifters Skyline (Silver Song) {2}: Cl:*; sd:9 -- A:80/1
  3090. Justine Skye: Bare With Me (Nynetineth) {2}: Up_r:18
  3091. Slikback: ///II (self-released) {2}: RA:19
  3092. Slikback: /// (self-released) {2}: RA:19
  3093. Small Bills: Don't Play It Straight (Mello Music Group) {2}: BV_r:43, HG:48
  3094. Damon Smith: Whatever Is Not Stone Is Light (Balance Point Acoustics) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  3095. Soilwork: A Whisp of the Atlantic (Nuclear Blast -EP) {2}: se_p:3 -- A:78/2
  3096. James Solace: Setting Sun/The Light (Four Thirty Two) {2}: -- TH:**
  3097. Omar S: You Want (FXHE) {2}: VF:30; whf:+
  3098. Jonathan Something: Cannibal House Rules (Solitaire) {2}: AS:90, LBF:* -- A:88/2
  3099. Stella Sommer: Northern Dancer (Northern Dancer) {2}: Mu:36, RS_D:46
  3100. Alan Sondheim & Azure Carter: Plaguesong (ESP-Disk) {2}: -- TH:**
  3101. Trey Songz: Back Home (Atlantic) {2}: Up_r:16
  3102. Son Lux: Tomorrows I (City Slang) {2}: Mw:13
  3103. Sons of Southern Ulster: Sinners and Lost Souls (HT) {2}: FB:46, VLR:29
  3104. Soolking: Vintage (Capitol Music France) {2}: GMD:17
  3105. Sophia: Holding On/Letting Go (The Flower Shop) {2}: MM:74, Top:33
  3106. Sothiac & Paul Jolly: Superluna (33Jazz) {2}: FJ:*; jss:+
  3107. The Sounds: Things We Do for Love (Arnioki) {2}: Al:97, AM:* -- A:80/1
  3108. Soundwalk Collective and Patti Smith: Peradam (Bella Union) {2}: AD:*, Sp:* -- A:70/5
  3109. South by North East: For Human Beings (Bumblebee Collective) {2}: DB:*; bc_j:*
  3110. Scott Southworth: These Old Bones (Flaming Tortuga) {2}: scm:+*
  3111. Simon Spang-Hanssen Epistrophy Sextet: Plutonic Eclipse (Alisio) {2}: jsa:5
  3112. Speaker Music: Of Desire, Longing (Planet Mu -19) {2}: -- TH:**
  3113. Speaker Music: Percussive Therapy (Planet Mu -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  3114. Spectres: Nostalgia (Artoffact) {2}: FB:48, Sb:83
  3115. The Speedways: Radio Sounds (Alien Snatch) {2}: VLR:15
  3116. The Bobby Spellman Nonet: Revenge of the Cool (Sunnyside) {2}: -- TH:**
  3117. Spike Orchestra: Splintered Stories (Tzadik) {2}: jlre:6, jsgr:7
  3118. Stephane Spira/Giovanni Mirabassi: Improkofiev (Jazzmax) {2}: -- TH:**
  3119. Sprain: As Lost Through Collision (The Flenser) {2}: yrhg:4
  3120. Chris Stamey & the Fellow Travelers: A Brand-New Shade of Blue (Omnivore) {2}: AM:*, SE:130
  3121. Marker Starling: High January (Tin Angel) {2}: AM:*, Ex:* -- A:80/2
  3122. Static X: Project Regeneration Vol 1 (Otsego Entertainment Group) {2}: Noj:37; lwr:+
  3123. The SteelDrivers: Bad for You (Rounder) {2}: scm:+*
  3124. James Steinle: Cold German Mornings (self-released) {2}: scm_m:+*
  3125. Peter Sterling: Sanctuary of Light (Harp Magic Music) {2}: tx_a:2
  3126. Leni Stern: 4 (LSR) {2}: AAJ:*, DB:* -- TH:B-
  3127. Becca Stevens: Wonderbloom (GroundUP Music) {2}: Gig:*, Mj:* -- A:82/2
  3128. Kelley Stoltz: Ah! (etc) (Agitated) {2}: BIB:35, Mj:*
  3129. Cecilie Strange: Blue (April) {2}: DB:*; jha:10
  3130. Stroppies: Look Alive (Tough Love) {2}: Sb:56; yjk:10
  3131. The Suicide Machines: Revolution Spring (Fat Wreck Chords) {2}: BV_p:18
  3132. Sun Araw: Rock Sutra (Sun Ark) {2}: Qt:58, Sb:96 -- A:72/2
  3133. Sundara Karma: Kill Me (Chess Club -EP) {2}: D:*, DIY:* -- A:80/2
  3134. Surf Rock Is Dead: Existential Playboy (Surf Rock Is Dead) {2}: Al:*, Em:* -- A:83/2
  3135. Curt Sydnor: Deep End Shallow (Out of Your Head) {2}: FJ:*, TN:+ -- TH:B-
  3136. Sylosis: Cycle of Suffering (Nuclear Blast) {2}: K:*; lwr:+ -- A:80/1
  3137. Taemin: Never Gonna Dance Again: Act 1 (SM Entertainment) {2}: LBF:*, Rf:38 -- A:90/1
  3138. Leo Takami: Felis Catus & Silence (Unseen Worlds) {2}: Ex:*; aqd:+ -- A:80/1
  3139. Liuwe Tamminga En Leo Van Doeselaar: Dialoghi Musicali (Passacaille) {2}: DVk:18
  3140. Tangerine Dream: Recurring Dreams (Kscope) {2}: Ec:11
  3141. Alexa Tarantino: Charity (Posi-Tone) {2}: AAJ:*; sg_j:*
  3142. Julian Taylor: The Ridge (Howling Turtle) {2}: Sp:*; pm_f:9 -- A:75/2
  3143. Teenanger: Good Time (Telephone Explosion) {2}: GTV:*, LBF:* -- A:75/4
  3144. Semi Tee: I'm Only Twentyone (Jozi Entertainment) {2}: vdcm:2
  3145. Teleplasmiste: To Kiss Earth Goodbye (House of Mythology) {2}: Qt:44, Sb:92
  3146. Temperance: Viridian (Napalm) {2}: SoT:41; vgm:+
  3147. Tems: For Broken Ears (Leading Vibe -EP) {2}: HS:13 -- A:76/1
  3148. Terry vs Tori: Heathers (El Genio Equivocado) {2}: pm_ip:5
  3149. Martina Testen/Simon Serc: Biodukt (Pharmafabrik) {2}: ACL:19
  3150. Emma-Jean Thackray: Um Yang (Night Dreamer) {2}: AAJ:*; jcm:+
  3151. Thin Lear: Wooden Cave (EggHunt) {2}: PM:60* -- A:90/1
  3152. Third Root: Passion of the Poets (Third Root) {2}: HG:22; ycct:10
  3153. The Brianna Thomas Band: Everybody Knows (Breathline) {2}: DB:*; jek:+
  3154. Thousand Yard Stare: The Panglossian Momentum (Stifled Aardvark) {2}: GTV:*, UR:* -- A:88/2
  3155. Three Queens in Mourning & Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Hello Sorrow/Hello Joy (Textile) {2}: Zf:31; aqd:+
  3156. Bryson Tiller: Anniversary (RCA) {2}: Up_r:14 -- A:60/2
  3157. Tired Lion: Breakfast for Pathetics (Universal Music Australia) {2}: NME:*, Spk:48 -- A:80/1
  3158. TI: The LIBRA (Grand Hustle/Empire) {2}: -- A:65/2, TH:**
  3159. Toh-Kichi [Satoko Fujii/Taysuya Yoshida]: Baikamo (Libra -19) {2}: jkws:3 -- TH:[***]
  3160. Tokimonsta: Oasis Nocturno (Tokimonsta Music) {2}: LQ:*; vjmy:8 -- A:68/5
  3161. Tombs: Under Sullen Skies (Season of Mist) {2}: Db:22, NT:* -- A:83/2
  3162. Tomorrow X Together: The Dream Chapter: Eternity (Big Hit/Republic -EP) {2}: LBF:*, NME:* -- A:83/2
  3163. Phil Tomsett: The Sound of Someone Leaving (Fluid Audio) {2}: Tx:15
  3164. The Total Rejection: The Time Traveller's 3rd Will and Testament (Raving Pop Blast!) {2}: LW:32* -- A:90/1
  3165. Total Wkts: Running Tracks (Pets Care) {2}: Rec:24, RM:100
  3166. Myke Towers: Easy Money Baby (One World Music/Casablanca) {2}: GC:31; ny_c:+
  3167. Daniil Trifofov: Silver Age (Deutsche Grammophon) {2}: vjc:5
  3168. Trio Linguale [Kevin Woods/John Stowell/Miles Black]: Signals (Origin) {2}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  3169. Mo Troper: Natural Beauty (Tender Loving Empire) {2}: P:*, SC:* -- A:80/1
  3170. Walter Trout: Ordinary Madness (Provogue) {2}: AM:*; am_b:+ -- A:75/2
  3171. Tvivler: Ego (Negativ Psykologi) {2}: Mw:20
  3172. Twice: Eyes Wide Open (JYP Entertainment) {2}: BPM:45, Id:41
  3173. The Twilite Tone: The Clearing (Stones Throw) {2}: AM:*; am_h:+ -- A:80/1
  3174. William Tyler: New Vanitas (Merge) {2}: Fa:27; aqd:+
  3175. Typhoon: Lichthuis (TopNotch/Universal) {2}: Oo:17
  3176. Nobuo Uematsu/Masashi Hamauzu/Mitsuto Suzuki: Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack (Square Enix) {2}: RY:13
  3177. Ultimate Fakebook: The Preserving Machine (Sonic Ritual) {2}: AM:*; am_k:+
  3178. Ultraflex: Visions of Ultraflex (Street Pulse) {2}: NBH:42; ydh:7
  3179. Umbra Vitae: Shadow of Life (Deathwish) {2}: Ex:*, NT:* -- A:84/3
  3180. Uncivilized: Garden (Unciv Music) {2}: bc_j:*, sg_j:*
  3181. Un Poco Loco: Ornithologie (Umlaut) {2}: AAJ:*; jmc:10
  3182. Uptown Jazz Tentet: What's Next (Irrabbagast) {2}: AAJ:*; jgz:6
  3183. Urlaub in Polen: All (Tapete) {2}: Top:29, Zf:72
  3184. The USAISAMONSTER: Amikwag (Yeggs) {2}: vbc:4
  3185. Sadler Vaden: Anybody Out There? (Dirty Mag) {2}: Gl:*, Q:* -- M:72/4
  3186. Vader: Solitude in Madness (Nuclear Blast) {2}: Ex:*; irp:+ -- A:80/1
  3187. Vagabon: Vagabon (Nonesuch -19) {2}: yfb:4
  3188. Frederik Valentin & Loke Rahbek: Elephant (Posh Isolation) {2}: bc_a:*, pm_x:11
  3189. The Vamps: Cherry Blossom (Virgin EMI) {2}: AM:*; am_p:+ -- A:80/1
  3190. Cristina Vane: The Magnolia Sessions (Anti-Corp) {2}: -- TH:**
  3191. Vanilla: Into the Dream (Vinyl Digital) {2}: ydh:3
  3192. Don Vappie & Jazz Creole: The Blue Book of Storyville (Lejazzetal) {2}: PO:+, TS:+
  3193. Vatican Shadow: Persian Pillars of the Gasoline Era (20 Buck Spin) {2}: Tr:31; tr_e:6
  3194. Venom Prison: Primeval (Prosthetic) {2}: G:*, K:* -- A:80/3
  3195. Raf Vertessen Quartet: LOI (El Negocito) {2}: AAJ:*; jjm:8
  3196. Viagra Boys: Common Sense (Year0001 -EP) {2}: NT:*, Sb:31 -- A:80/1
  3197. Luis Vicente/Olie Brice/Mark Sanders: Unnavigable Tributaries (Multikulti) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  3198. Vice Squad: Battle of Britain (Last Rockers) {2}: VLR:14
  3199. Video Age: Pleasure Line (Winspear) {2}: GTV:36* -- A:80/2
  3200. Vincas: Phantasma (Learning Curve) {2}: FB:16
  3201. Vintage Crop: Serve to Serve Again (Upset the Rhythm) {2}: LQ:*, U:* -- A:80/2
  3202. David Virelles: Transformacion Del Arcoiris (Pi) {2}: jmja:5
  3203. The Visionaries: V (self-released) {2}: ycct:5
  3204. The Vision: The Vision (Defected) {2}: Ni:11
  3205. Vistas: Everything Changes in the End (Retrospect) {2}: npr_st:3
  3206. Lou Volpe: Before & After (Jazz Guitar) {2}: -- TH:**
  3207. Vukovi: Fall Better (VKVI) {2}: Sk:*, Ups:* -- A:80/2
  3208. Anne Waldman: Sciamachy (Fast Speaking Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  3209. Wale: The Imperfect Storm (Warner -EP) {2}: HDX:*; xxl:+ -- A:82/1
  3210. Benny Walker: Chosen Line (Independent) {2}: DJ:12
  3211. Summer Walker: Life on Earth (LVRN/Interscope -EP) {2}: Cl:*, NME:* -- A:76/3
  3212. Sarah Walk: Another Me (One Little Independent) {2}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:78/3
  3213. Walter Etc: Dark Comedy Performance Piece of My Life (Making New Enemies) {2}: Alt:45, Ups:* -- A:80/1
  3214. Johanna Warren: Chaotic Good (Carpark) {2}: Ex:*, OC:33 -- A:73/3
  3215. Sunny War: Can I Sit With You? (Hen House Studios -EP) {2}: bc_s:*, fa:+
  3216. Watermelon Slim: Traveling Man (Northern Blues) {2}: mj_b:2
  3217. The Trevor Watts Quartet: The Real Intention (Fundacja Sluchaj) {2}: -- TH:**
  3218. Wax Chattels: Clot (Captured Tracks) {2}: AM:*; rld:+ -- A:80/1
  3219. Wayfarer: A Romance With Violence (Profound Lore) {2}: pm_m:10, tr_m:8 -- A:80/1
  3220. Ways + Simon Toldam: Fortunes (Lorna) {2}: AAJ:*, FJ:*
  3221. Wednesday: I Was Trying to Describe You to Someone (Orindal) {2}: Alt:57; pm_ip:+
  3222. We Here Now: The Chikipunk Years (Elektrohasch/Homemade Gifts -EP) {2}: FB:15
  3223. Tauren Wells: Citizen of Heaven (Capitol Christian Music Group) {2}: sjm:4
  3224. Kate Westbrook & the Granite Band: Earth Felt the Wound (Westbrook) {2}: JW:12
  3225. Western Centuries: Call the Captain (Free Dirt) {2}: scm:+*
  3226. Jim Kimo West: More Guitar Stories (Westernmost) {2}: AAJ:*, Ec:26
  3227. Arthur White and Merge: When You Find It (ARC) {2}: AAJ:*; jan:+
  3228. The White Buffalo: On the Widow's Walk (Snakefarm) {2}: Ex:*, Sp:* -- A:80/3
  3229. White Poppy: Paradise Gardens (Not Not Fun) {2}: AM:*; am_i:+ -- A:75/3
  3230. White Stones: Kuarahy (Nuclear Blast) {2}: Rec:11 -- A:60/2
  3231. WiFiGawd & Tony Seltzer: Heat Check Vol 2 (Tony Seltzer) {2}: now_r:5
  3232. Wildflower: Season 2 (self-released) {2}: AAJ:*; sg_j:*
  3233. Ben Williams: I Am a Man (Rainbow Blonde) {2}: jwj:9, pg_rs:19
  3234. Monica Williams: Within Us All (Heart Dance) {2}: tx_a:5
  3235. Vinyl Williams: Azure (Requiem Pour Un Twister) {2}: AM:*, Sb:57 -- A:80/1
  3236. Ric Wilson/Terrace Martin: They Call Me Disco (Free Disco/Empire) {2}: Bc:+*
  3237. Kathrine Windfeld Big Band: Orca (Stunt) {2}: jsa:3
  3238. Martin Wind/Philip Catherine/Ack Van Rooyen: White Noise (Laika) {2}: DB:*; jrm:+
  3239. Eli Winter: Unbecoming (American Dreams) {2}: Yb:11
  3240. Alex Wintz Trio: Live to Tape (Outside In) {2}: jtr:+, se_fj:+
  3241. Wishbone Ash: Coat of Arms (Steamhammer) {2}: ClR:31, SoT:35
  3242. Jody Wisternoff & James Grant: Anjunadeep 11 (Anjunadeep) {2}: DA:11
  3243. Ada Bird Wolfe/Jamieson Trotter: He & Me (self-released) {2}: AAJ:*; jcmb:+
  3244. Remi Wolf: I'm Allergic to Dogs (Island -EP) {2}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:78/3
  3245. Erik Wollo & Michael Stearns: Convergence (Projekt) {2}: Ec:16
  3246. Works for Me: Reach Within (Posi-Tone) {2}: DB:*; jb:+
  3247. Xenofox: Macondo (Farai) {2}: FJ:*; jmsc:10
  3248. Sisonke Xonti: uGaba the Migration (As-Shams/The Sun) {2}: bc_j:*, sg_j:*
  3249. Xyla: Ways (Leaving) {2}: ACL:20
  3250. Eri Yamamoto Trio & Choral Chameleon: Goshu Ondo Suite (AUM Fidelity -19) {2}: jdbs:2 -- TH:[A-]
  3251. Nilufer Yanya: Feeling Lucky? (ATO -EP) {2}: DIY:*, NT:* -- A:78/3
  3252. Year of the Knife: Internal Incarceration (Pure Noise) {2}: Alt:48, BV_p:36 -- A:65/2
  3253. Ylang Ylang: Interplay (Crash Symbols) {2}: Ex:*, LCA:31 -- A:81/2
  3254. Yonic South: Wild Cobs (La Tempesta -EP -19) {2}: -- RC:*, TH:**
  3255. Young MA: Herstory in the Making (MA Music/3D -19) {2}: Rx:17 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
  3256. Neil Young: The Times (Warner Bros -EP) {2}: Ex:*, NME:* -- A:72/4
  3257. Young Thug: So Much Fun (300/Atlantic/YSL -19) {2}: vbhk:5 -- TH:[***]
  3258. Yours Truly: Self Care (UFND) {2}: K:*; rks:+ -- A:80/1
  3259. Youth: Acid Punk Dub Apocalypse (Cadiz) {2}: Mj:*, Q:* -- M:76/4
  3260. Zapatilla: Zapatilla (Zap Music) {2}: AD:*, Mj:* -- A:80/2
  3261. Raye Zaragoza: Woman in Color (Rebel River) {2}: AS:*; pm_a:6 -- A:80/1
  3262. Zeal and Ardor: Wake of a Nation (Zeal & Ardor -EP) {2}: NF:33, PO:+
  3263. John Zorn: Baphomet (Tzadik) {2}: TN:+; jhs:+
  3264. John Zorn: Beyond Good and Evil: Simulacrum Live (Tzadik) {2}: TN:+; jhs:+
  3265. 1000mods: Youth of Dissent (Ouga Booga and the Mighty Oug) {1}: Try:40
  3266. 11:11: The Night Before the Morning After (Raydar) {1}: npr_nb:10
  3267. 1201 Alarm: Hello World (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  3268. 13 Block: BLO II (Elektra France) {1}: GMD:34
  3269. 156/Silence: Irrational Pull (SharpTone) {1}: BV_p:38
  3270. 16: Dream Pusher (Relapse) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/2
  3271. #1 Dads: Golden Repair (Pieater) {1}: atw:+
  3272. 22Gz: Growth & Development (Atlantic) {1}: N:68
  3273. 36: Wave Variations (3six) {1}: YW:95
  3274. 36 & Zake: Stasis Sounds for Long-Distance Space Travel (3six) {1}: YW:98
  3275. 3D Jazz Trio: Christmas in 3D (DIVA) {1}: AAJ:*
  3276. Aardvark Jazz Orchestra: Faces of Souls (Leo) {1}: -- TH:*
  3277. Pablo Ablanedo: Chistreza (Newvelle) {1}: jjz:+
  3278. Abra Cadabra: Product of My Environment (Abra Cadabra) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  3279. Absurde: Folding the Dishes (Humidex -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3280. The Acacia Strain: Slow Decay (Rise) {1}: Rev:23 -- A:70/2
  3281. Acanthus: Le Frisson Des Vampires (Finders Keepers) {1}: Mj:*
  3282. AceMo: I Want to Believe (House of Altr) {1}: pf_e:+
  3283. Ace of Cups: Sing Your Dreams (High Moon) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  3284. Acid Mess: Sangre De Otros Mundos (Spinda) {1}: FB:65
  3285. Acid Tongue: Bullies (Freakout) {1}: blw:10
  3286. Active Child: In Another Life (Sony) {1}: AM:* -- A:71/2
  3287. ACxDC: Satan Is King (Prosthetic) {1}: Db:25
  3288. Adam & Elvis: Pub Grub (Freak Power) {1}: GTV:52
  3289. Tony Adamo: Did Mark Murphy Believe in UFOs? (Ropeadope) {1}: AAJ:*
  3290. John Luther Adams/JACK Quartet: Lines Made by Walking (Cold Blue Music) {1}: tg:+
  3291. Amanda Addleman: Into the Light (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3292. Addy: Eclipse (Topshelf) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3293. Tunde Adebimpe: A Warm Weather Ghost (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3294. Adhelm: Yasam Rose (Tak:til) {1}: MO:* -- A:80/1
  3295. Ad Infinitum: Chapter 1 (Napalm) {1}: se_p:6
  3296. Adzes: No One Wants to Speak About It (1182289 DK) {1}: tr_m:24
  3297. Aerial Salad: Dirt Mall (Plasterer) {1}: VLR:35
  3298. Aether Realm: Redneck Vikings From Hell (Napalm) {1}: se_p:+
  3299. Afro Blue: We Shall Overcome (Huje) {1}: AAJ:*
  3300. Afro-Peruvian Jazz Orchestra: Tradiciones (MVM Music) {1}: jla:+_
  3301. Agile Experiments: Alive in the Empire (Dave De Rose) {1}: AAJ:*
  3302. Dzambo Agusevi Orchestra: Brasses for the Masses (Asphalt Tango) {1}: ygc:+
  3303. [Ahmed]: Super Majnoon (East Meets West) (Otoroku) {1}: AAJ:*
  3304. Akai Solo: Eleventh Wind (Break All) {1}: bc_h:*
  3305. Ak Dan Gwang Chil: Such Is Life (Adangeban) {1}: mj_w:9
  3306. AK/DK: Shared Particles (Little Miss Echo) {1}: RM:25
  3307. Akne Kid Joe: Die Große Palmolluge (Kidnap Music) {1}: Zf:27
  3308. Albertine Sarges: The Sticky Fingers (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Mj:*
  3309. Alcatrazz: Born Innocent (07-31) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  3310. Aldous RH: Respect 4 Devotion (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Sb:97
  3311. Alestorm: Curse of the Crystal Coconut (Napalm) {1}: Mx:46 -- A:77/3
  3312. Tommy Alexander: Waves (Thomas Alexander) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  3313. Louise Alexandra: Today (Al Maslakh) {1}: AAJ:*
  3314. Alfred: One Trick Pony (Topshelf) {1}: YW:139
  3315. Alice Ivy: Don't Sleep (Dew Process) {1}: pm_p:6
  3316. Dewa Alit & Gamelan Salukat: Black Truffle (05-08) {1}:
  3317. Jackie Allen: A Romantic Evening With Jackie Allen: Live at the Rococo (Avant Bass -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  3318. Jimmie Allen: Bettie James (Stoney Creek) {1}: sln:+
  3319. The Allergies: Say the Word (Jalapeno) {1}: bc_h:*
  3320. All Hits: Men and Their Work (Iron Lung) {1}: vbz:6
  3321. All We Are: Providence (Domino) {1}: Q:* -- A:66/6, M:71/4
  3322. Karrin Allyson Sextet: Shoulder to Shoulder: Centennial Tribute to Women's Suffrage (Entertainment One -19) {1}: jjh:+ -- TH:[***]
  3323. Joao Almeida: Solo Sessions *IIII (JAR001) {1}: AAJ:*
  3324. Alone 1980: Humanity (1217238 DK) {1}: CD:38
  3325. Wayne Alpern: Standard Deviation (Henri Elkan Music) {1}: jkf:9
  3326. Alpha Wolf: A Quiet Place to Die (Sharp Tone) {1}: lwr:+
  3327. ALSO [Katharina Ernst/Martin Siewert]: Live in Celovec (Trost) {1}: FJ:*
  3328. Alter Bridge: Walk the Sky 2.0 (Napalm -EP) {1}: Sp:* -- A:70/3
  3329. The Altogether: Silo (Fries Guys) {1}: tg:+
  3330. Dave Alvin & Phil Alvin: Live From Austin (Yep Roc -EP) {1}: YW:71
  3331. Amberian Dawn: Looking for You (Napalm) {1}: SoT:25
  3332. The Amity Affliction: Everyone Loves You . . . Once You Leave Them (Pure Noise) {1}: Ups:* -- A:60/3
  3333. Amon Tobin: Fear of a Handful of Dust (Nomark -19) {1}: ycy:8
  3334. The Amorphous Androgynous: We Persuade Ourselves We Are Immortal (Fsoldigital) {1}: rld:+
  3335. Amtrac: Oddyssey (Openers/RCA) {1}: Id:59
  3336. Anachnid: Dreamweaver (Musique Nomade) {1}: atw:+
  3337. Anahuac: Ascua (Astral Spirits) {1}: -- TH:*
  3338. Anakronos: The Red Book of Ossory (Heresy) {1}: tg:+
  3339. Chuck Anderson: Dominos (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3340. Peter and Will Anderson: Featuring Jimmy Cobb (Outside In Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  3341. Anders Svanoe: Solo Flight: State of the Baritone Vol 4 (Irabbagast) {1}: DB:*
  3342. Lina Andonovska: A Way a Lone a Last (Diatribe) {1}: AAJ:*
  3343. Andrea: Ritorno (Ilian Tape) {1}: Mgn:25
  3344. Andrew Oliver: No Local Stops (Rivermont) {1}: TS:+
  3345. Paolo Angeli: 22.22 Free Radiohead (ReR Megacorp -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  3346. Angles 9 10: Today Is Better Than Tomorrow (Underflow -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3347. Animal Collective: Bridge to Quiet (Domino -EP) {1}: Sb:91
  3348. Ankhlejohn: As Above, So Below (Shaap) {1}: HG:47
  3349. Ankhlejohn: The Face of Jason (Copenhagen Crates) {1}: HG:39
  3350. Anodyne: Decay (Acroplane) {1}: YW:111
  3351. Anrimeal: Could Divine (Demo/Crossness) {1}: rld:+
  3352. Rosa Anschutz: Votive (Quiet Love) {1}: NBH:24
  3353. Anthene: Collide (Home Normal) {1}: tx_a:10
  3354. Anti-Philosophy: Anti-Philosophy Vol 1: Viral (Knmdk) {1}: bv_kr:+
  3355. Ant Orange: You're Super in Diagonal (Karaoke Kalk) {1}: Zf:64
  3356. Hugo Antunes/Agusti Fernandez/Roger Turner: Perspectum (JACC) {1}: FJ:*
  3357. Hugo Antunes/Nate Wooley/Chris Corsano: Old Is Gold (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  3358. Anunaku: Stargate EP (3024 -EP) {1}: npr_af:9
  3359. The Anxiety: The Anxiety (Roc Nation) {1}: vdcm:8
  3360. Gabrielle Aplin: Dear Happy (Never Fade/AWAL) {1}: Gw:* -- A:70/2
  3361. APRE: Always in My Head (Beach 91/Polydor) {1}: D:* -- A:80/1
  3362. Gianmaria Aprile: Rain, Ghosts, One Dog and Empty Woodland (We Insist!) {1}: bc_j:*
  3363. Arab Strap: Primavera Sound: Live in Barcelona (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3364. Arandel: InBach (Infine) {1}: MM:72
  3365. Archie the Goldfish: Hidden Depths (Ropeadope) {1}: jss:+
  3366. Arctic Rain: The One (Frontiers) {1}: SoT:44
  3367. Harrison Argatoff: Toronto Streets Tour (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  3368. Eslabon Armado: Vibras De Noche (DEL) {1}: N:89
  3369. Arms and Sleepers: Safe Area Earth (Future Archive) {1}: Ex:* -- A:65/2
  3370. Billie Joe Armstrong: No Fun Mondays (Reprise) {1}: SE:123
  3371. Kyshona Armstrong: Listen (Tone Tree Music) {1}: fa:+
  3372. Steve Arnold & Sea Change: Sea Change (self-released) {1}: jjsn:8
  3373. ARO [Aimee Osbourne]: Vacare Adamare (MAKE) {1}: rs_u:+
  3374. Genevieve Artadi: Dizzy Strange Summer (Brainfeeder) {1}: LBF:* -- A:70/3
  3375. Tenille Arts: Love Heartbreak and Everything in Between (Reviver) {1}: scm_m:8
  3376. Ascendant Vierge: Vierge (Live From Earth Klub) {1}: LI:35
  3377. Ascension of the Watchers: Apocrypha (Dissonance) {1}: ClR:* -- A:73/3
  3378. ASC: Isolated Systems (Samurai Music) {1}: YW:76
  3379. Vince Ash: Vito (POW) {1}: bc_h:*
  3380. The Asteroid No 4: Northern Songs (Little Cloud/Cardinal Fuzz) {1}: Sb:70
  3381. Fahir Atakoglu: For Love (Republic) {1}: AAJ:*
  3382. Felicia Atkinson: Everything Evaporate (Shelter Press) {1}: yps:9
  3383. Atom String Quartet: Penderecki (Universal Music Poland -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  3384. Yukihiro Atsumi: Kachofugetsu Hogaku2.0 (Nippon Note) {1}: tg:+
  3385. AuB: AuB (Edition) {1}: -- TH:*
  3386. Rich Aucoin: United States (Haven) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3387. Lauren Auder: Two Caves In (True Panther/Harvest) {1}: rld:+
  3388. Autotelia: I (Rocket) {1}: Sb:26
  3389. Autumn!: Ils Verront (1933080 DK) {1}: XLR:+
  3390. Alexia Avina: Unearth (Topshelf) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3391. Aviva: Volume 1 (Psycho) {1}: cm:9
  3392. Awich: Partition (Universal J -EP) {1}: CS:* -- A:83/1
  3393. AXZS: When Now Was Null (DL -EP) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  3394. Ayom: Ayom (Flowfish) {1}: sol:+
  3395. Ayreon: Transitus (Music Theories) {1}: SoT:36
  3396. Thomas Azier: Love, Disorderly (Hylas) {1}: Spk:* -- A:90/1
  3397. Azusa: Loop of Yesterdays (Solid State) {1}: K:* -- A:75/2
  3398. Ab Baars & Joost Buis: Moods for Roswell (Wig) {1}: FJ:*
  3399. BABii: III (Gloo -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  3400. Babymetal: Legend: Metal Galaxy (Amuse) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  3401. BabyxSosa: BabyxObama (1602599 DK) {1}: XLR:+
  3402. The Bach Choir/BBC Concert Orchestra/David Hill: Howells Missa Sabrinensis (Hyperion) {1}: AM:+
  3403. Backroad Gee: Mukta vs Mukta (23 Formation -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:90/1
  3404. Baco Exu Do Blues: Nao Tem Bacanal Na Quarentena (999) {1}: xrt:15
  3405. Joey Bada$$: The Light Pack (Columbia) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  3406. Bad Nerves: Bad Nerves (Killing Moon) {1}: -- A:70/2
  3407. Bad Stream: Sonic Healing (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  3408. Alice Bag: Sister Dynamite (In the Red) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3409. Liam Bailey: Ekundayo (Big Crown) {1}: bv_g:+
  3410. Sebastian Bailey: Ensemble de Magnac (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3411. Aidan Baker/Gareth Davis: Invisible Cities II (Karlrecords) {1}: FJ:*
  3412. Aalok Bala: Sacred Mirror (self-released) {1}: pm_ep:10
  3413. The Balderin Sali: Variations (Leo -2CD -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3414. Adam Baldych/Vincent Courtois/Rogier Telderman: Clouds (ACT Music) {1}: bc_j:*
  3415. Ballrogg: Rolling Ball (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  3416. The Ballroom Thieves: (Some Of) Unlovely (Nettwerk) {1}: bg_t:+
  3417. Band of Burns: The Thread (Ord Ban Music) {1}: mj_f:8
  3418. Maria Baptist and Jan Von Klewitz: Facing Duality (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3419. Brigitte Barbu: Muzak Pour Ascenseurs En Panne (Circus) {1}: VF:31 -- A:68/1
  3420. Gary Barlow: Music Played by Humans (UMG) {1}: T:* -- A:60/2
  3421. Quinton Barnes: Aarupa (Grimalkin) {1}: Bc:*
  3422. Joao Barradas: Portrait (Nischo/Inner Circle Music) {1}: bc_j:*
  3423. Issie Barratt's Interchange: Donna's Secret (Fuzzy Moon) {1}: AAJ:*
  3424. Gabby Barrett: Goldmine (Warner Music Nashville) {1}: spt:+
  3425. Mike Barrone Big Band: Brazil (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3426. Tom Barton: Wherever I Will Be (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3427. Frank Basile/Sam Dillon Quintet: 2 Part Solution (Cellar Live) {1}: AAJ:*
  3428. Bassel & the Supernaturals: Smoke & Mirrors (Bassel Music) {1}: se_fp:+
  3429. Marcos Basso Grupo: Serpiente Cosmica (Discos ICM) {1}: bc_j:*
  3430. Anders Bast & the Bast'ards: Through Space & Time (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3431. Baths: Pop Music/False B-Sides II (Basement's Basement) {1}: AM:* -- A:73/3
  3432. Jon Batiste & Cory Wong: Meditations (self-released) {1}: Rf:39
  3433. Marcel-li Bayer/Josep-Maria Belanya: Escletxa (Discordian -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3434. Reb Beach: A View From the Inside (Frontiers) {1}: SoT:34
  3435. The Bearings: Hello, It's You (Pure Noise) {1}: rks:+
  3436. Fini Bearman: La Loba (Bad Mother) {1}: AAJ:*
  3437. Beat Flippa: POTY (self-released) {1}: vsk:6
  3438. Gerald Beckett: Mood (Pear Orchard) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:B
  3439. Beck: Hyperspace (Capitol/Virgin EMI -19) {1}: Mj:65 -- TH:[B]
  3440. Jeremy Beck: By Moonlight (Innova) {1}: tg:+
  3441. Burak Bedikyan: Istanbul Junction (SteepleChase Lookout) {1}: AAJ:*
  3442. Bedsore: Hypnagogic Hallucinations (20 Buck Spin) {1}: tr_m:10 -- A:85/1
  3443. Behemoth: A Forest (New Aeon Musick -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3444. Behold the Arctopus: Hapeleptic Overtrove (self-released) {1}: vgm:+
  3445. Ezra Bell: This Way to Oblivion (Dutch) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3446. Benge: Thirteen Systems (Expanding) {1}: ES:21
  3447. Charlotte Rose Benjamin: Party City EP (Moshi Moshi -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:90/1
  3448. Daniel Beranardes & Drumming GP: Liturgy of the Birds: In Memoriam Olivier Messaien (Clean Feed) {1}: FJ:*
  3449. Kristin Berardi/Sean Foran/Rafael Karlen: Haven (Earshift Music) {1}: bc_j:*
  3450. Steve Beresford & Angharad Davies: Trwst (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3451. Mare Berger: The Moon Is Always Full (self-released) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/2
  3452. Berlin Art Quartet: Live at B-Flat (UniSono) {1}: FJ:*
  3453. Will Bernard: Freelance Subversives (Ropeadope) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:B
  3454. Best Ex: Good at Feeling Bad (No Sleep -EP) {1}: Em:* -- A:80/2
  3455. Tony Bevan/Ashley Wales: Newton (Foghorn) {1}: AAJ:*
  3456. Be Well: The Weight and the Cost (Equal Vision) {1}: BV_p:28
  3457. Frank Bey: All My Dues Are Paid (Nola Blue) {1}: DB:*
  3458. Beyonce: Black Is King [Soundtrack] (Disney) {1}: vuk:6 -- A:86/6
  3459. Bfb Da Packman: God Blessing All the Fat N****s (The Lunch Crew Company -19) {1}: DW:56
  3460. Bfb Da Packman: Std (The Launch Crew Company -19) {1}: DW:52
  3461. Peter Bibby's Dog Act: Marge (Spinning Top) {1}: Mj:* -- A:75/2
  3462. Manuel Bienvenu: Glo (Microcultures) {1}: MM:93
  3463. Big Sean: Detroit vs Everybody (UMG -EP) {1}: vcj:6
  3464. Eric Binder: Hard Bop (Ropeadope) {1}: AAJ:*
  3465. Minnie Birch: You\'re Not Singing Anymore Vol 1 (self-released) {1}: TS:+
  3466. Andrew Bird: Hark! (Loma Vista) {1}: Spk:* -- A:77/3
  3467. Birth: Almost Never (Tighten Up) {1}: sg_j:*
  3468. The Birthday Massacre: Diamonds (Metropolis) {1}: Spk:39 -- A:72/2
  3469. Jeb Bishop/Jaap Blonk/Weasel Walter/Damon Smith: JeJaWeDa: Poineer Works Vol 1 (Balance Point Acoustics -19) {1}: -- TH:*
  3470. BK3: Think About It! (Thick) {1}: AAJ:*
  3471. Blackbear: Everything Means Nothing (Beartrap/Alamo/Interscope) {1}: ap:+ -- A:36/2
  3472. Black Bra: Black Bra (YK) {1}: ns:6
  3473. Black Cadmium: Chemistry EP (Naive -EP) {1}: vmm:10
  3474. Clint Black: Out of Same (Black Top) {1}: -- TH:*
  3475. Terence Blacker: Playing for Time (Talking Cat) {1}: TS:+
  3476. Blackie & the Rodeo Kings: King of This Town (Warner) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3477. Blacklab: Abyss (New Heavy Sounds) {1}: AD:* -- A:80/1
  3478. Black Light Collective: Black Light Collective (Ropeadope) {1}: AM:*
  3479. Black Marble: I Must Be Living Twice (Sacred Bones -EP) {1}: Noj:27 -- A:70/2
  3480. Black Market Brass: Undying Thirst (Colemine) {1}: ycw:+
  3481. Black Orchid Empire: Semaphore (Long Branch) {1}: Gw:* -- A:90/1
  3482. Black Sugar Transmission: Dream Finisher (self-released) {1}: Sp:* -- A:100/1
  3483. Black Swan: Evolution (Black Swan -EP) {1}: YW:131
  3484. Black Taffy: Opal Wand (Leaving) {1}: npr_af:7
  3485. Black Thought: Streams of Thought Vol 1 (Human Re Sources -EP -18) {1}: R$x:33 -- RC:[A-], TH:[***]
  3486. Black Veil Brides: Re-Stitch These Wounds (Sumerian) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  3487. Blackwinterwells: Stone Ocean (Helix Tears) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3488. Bladee: Exeter (Year0001 -EP) {1}: is_h:15
  3489. Haley Blais: Below the Salt (Tiny Kingdom) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3490. Ran Blake/Frank Carlberg: Gray Moon (Red Piano) {1}: jsk:6
  3491. James Blake: Before (Polydor -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:76/3
  3492. The Blam Blams: Opening Night (LunaSea Media) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1, TH:B
  3493. Bleach Day: As If Always (Birdwatcher) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  3494. Bleed From Within: Fracture (Century Media) {1}: K:* -- A:80/2
  3495. Bleeding Out: Lifelong Death Fantasy (Profound Lore) {1}: Ex:*
  3496. Noah Bless: New York Strong: Latin Jazz! (Zoho) {1}: -- TH:*
  3497. Lidy Blijdorp: Journeyers (Rubicon) {1}: DVk:37
  3498. Blitzen Trapper: Holy Smokes Future Jokes (Yep Roc) {1}: Mj:* -- A:73/3
  3499. Blom: Flower Violence (Box Record) {1}: Qt:50
  3500. Blonder: Crystal Ball (Cool World -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3501. The Bloody Jug Band: Stranded (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  3502. Bloody Your Hands: Sunday Scaries (self-released) {1}: vjte:6
  3503. Kath Bloom: Bye Bye These Are the Days (Dear Life) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
  3504. Bloxx: Lie Out Loud (Chess Club) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  3505. Blue Pills: Holy Moly! (Nuclear Blast) {1}: FB:70
  3506. John Blum and Jackson Krall: Duplexity (Relative Pitch) {1}: AAJ:*
  3507. Blushh: RIP Apathy (Blushh) {1}: YW:122
  3508. Blxst: No Love Lost (Red Bull) {1}: yjrs:7
  3509. Boca 45: 2020 Donuts (B-Block Music) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  3510. Boca 45: Donuts (B-Block Music) {1}: Mj:*
  3511. Paul Bogart: Won't Have Far to Go (117 Music) {1}: scm:+
  3512. Seth Bogart: Men on the Verge of Nothing (Wacko Wacko) {1}: xbf:+
  3513. Ikaz Boi: Brutal 2 (Stellar 90) {1}: GMD:42
  3514. Roberto Bonati: Vesper and Silence (Parmafrontiere -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  3515. Boneflower: Armour (Dog Knights/Zegema Beach/The Braves) {1}: BV_p:21
  3516. Rose Bonica: Tears for the Tea Maker (Roses Are Red) {1}: bc_e:+
  3517. Bon Jovi: 2020 (Captain Kidd) {1}: ClR:45
  3518. Alan Bonner: The Way Old Friends Do (LANDR) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  3519. Boogat: El Gato Y Los Rumberos (Ray-On -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1, TH:B
  3520. Benjamin Boone With the Ghana Jazz Collective: Joy (Origin) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:B
  3521. Christiane Bopp/Jean-Marc Foussat/Emmanuelle Parrenin: Nature Still (Fou) {1}: -- TH:*
  3522. Matthieu Bordenave: La Traversee (ECM) {1}: jfkz:+
  3523. Boris & Merzbow: 2R0I2P0 (Relapse) {1}: AM:* -- A:68/4
  3524. Gergo Borlai: The Missing Song (Blue Canoe) {1}: AAJ:*
  3525. David Boswell: The Story Behind the Story (My Quiet Moon) {1}: jrs:+
  3526. David Boulter: Yarmouth (Clay Pipe Music) {1}: Mj:*
  3527. Boyo: Where Have All My Friends Gone? (Park the Van) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3528. Boyracer: On a Promise (Emotional Response) {1}: GTV:99
  3529. Andrea Brachfeld: Brazilian Whispers (Origin) {1}: AAJ:*
  3530. Bradley & Adair: Oh Darlin' (Pinecastle) {1}: spt:+
  3531. Stephen Bradley & Edward Ruchalski: Ringing Rock Geo-Phonics (Urbantells) {1}: tg:+
  3532. Braille Face: Original Cast Recording (Spirit Level) {1}: DJ:45
  3533. The Brains: Satana Tarantula (Cleopatra) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  3534. Sarah Gail Brand/Paul Rogers/Mark Sanders: Deep Trouble (Regardless) {1}: jlre:7
  3535. Andy Brasher: Myna Bird (CEN) {1}: scm:+
  3536. Jonathan Bree: After the Curtains Close (Lil' Chief) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3537. Breland: Breland (Atlantic/Bad Realm -EP) {1}: vmp:+
  3538. Breland: Rage & Sorrow (Atlantic/Bad Realm -EP) {1}: vmp:+
  3539. Phoebe Bridgers: Copycat Killer (Dead Oceans -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:69/7, M:72/4
  3540. The Bright Light Social Hour: Jude Vol II (The Bright Light Social Hour) {1}: vbs:+
  3541. Broadside: Into the Raging Sea (SharpTone) {1}: rks:+
  3542. Elliott Brood: Keeper (Six Shooter) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3543. Brooklyn Rider: Healing Modes (In a Circle) {1}: tg:+
  3544. Brad Brooks: God Save the City (Brad Brooks) {1}: -- TH:*
  3545. The Brooks: Any Day Now (Underdog) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  3546. Derek Brown and the Holland Concert Jazz Orchestra: All Figured Out (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3547. Brian Brown: Journey (It's Yo World) {1}: ns:10
  3548. Emily Brown: A Fish of Earth (Song Club) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  3549. Brownout: Berlin Sessions (Fat Beats) {1}: se_fp:+
  3550. David Broza: En Case Limon (S-Curve) {1}: AAJ:*
  3551. The Darius Brubeck Quartet: Live in Poland (Ubuntu -19) {1}: DB:*
  3552. Bruise: Presentation (Media Fury -EP) {1}: bc_e*
  3553. Carla Bruni: Carla Bruni (Wrasse/Universal) {1}: Mj:* -- A:70/2
  3554. Gary Brunton/Simon Goubert/Bojan Z: Night Bus (Juste Une Trace -19) {1}: DB:*
  3555. Bruxa Maria: The Maddening (Hominid Sounds) {1}: Hi:45
  3556. Andrew Bryant: Sentimental Noises (Magnolia State Music) {1}: BS:25
  3557. Zach Bryan: Elisabeth (Warner) {1}: scm:+
  3558. Bubas Producoes: Mega EP (Club Yeke -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  3559. Matthias Bublath: Eight Cylinder Bigband (Enja) {1}: AAJ:*
  3560. ML Buch: Skinned (Anyines) {1}: pf_e:+
  3561. Linda Buckley: From Ocean's Floor (NMC) {1}: g_f:9
  3562. Buerak: Kompaktniye Otkrovyeniya (Svyet I Tyeni) {1}: vti:+
  3563. Dai Burger: Bite the Burger (First One Up -19) {1}: Em:* -- A:74/2
  3564. Burning Fik: De Fik 1 (Burning Fik) {1}: kf:10
  3565. Tre Burt: Caught It From the Rye (Oh Boy) {1}: pm_f:6
  3566. Burzum: Thulean Mysteries (Byelobog Productions) {1}: Spk:* -- A:80/1
  3567. Bush: The Kingdom (BMG) {1}: AS:* -- A:62/7, M:57/5
  3568. Busiswa: My Side of the Story (Majesty Music Entertainment) {1}: vamp:8
  3569. Busty and the Bass: Eddie (Arts & Crafts) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  3570. Butcher: 666 Goats Carry My Chariot (Osmose) {1}: lwr:+
  3571. Andy Butler: Love Keep Me Though the Waves Retreat: Selected Ambient Pieces 1 (Mr Intl) {1}: now_r:10
  3572. Butterfly: Doorways of Time (High Voltage) {1}: FB:96
  3573. David Adam Byrnes: Neon Town (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  3574. Ted Byrnes/Matt Weston: TBMW1 (Hard Angle) {1}: FJ:*
  3575. Ted Byrnes: Tactility (Arkeen) {1}: FJ:*
  3576. Cabbage: Amanita Pantherina (Brassica) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  3577. The Cadillac Three: Tabasco & Sweet Tea (Big Machine) {1}: -- TH:*
  3578. Susan Cadogan: Hurt So Good: Storybook Revisited (Burning Sounds) {1}: rc_r:10
  3579. Caixa Cubo: Angela (Tratore) {1}: Bc:+
  3580. Calabashed: Behold a Black Wave (Purple City) {1}: bc_j:*
  3581. Calboy: Long Live the King (self-released -EP) {1}: xxl:+
  3582. Zachary Cale: False Spring (All Hands Electric) {1}: aqd:+
  3583. California Guitar Trio: Elegy (Pepa Paldo Music) {1}: Ec:28
  3584. Caligula's Horse: Rise Radiant (Inside Out) {1}: pm_pr:6
  3585. Callumeaster: Green Door Sessions (Moshi Moshi) {1}: U:*
  3586. Calus Ensemble: White Christmas (Carus) {1}: jcmb:+
  3587. Carolina Calvache: Vida Profunda (Sunnyside) {1}: jmb:6
  3588. Cambatta: LSD: Lunar Solar Duallity (Mello Music Group) {1}: HG:25
  3589. Evan Caminiti: Varispeed Hydra (Dust Editions) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3590. Camino 84: The All New Camino 84 (self-released) {1}: se_fp:+
  3591. Phil Campbell & the Bastard Sons: We're the Bastards (Nuclear Blast) {1}: K:* -- A:75/2
  3592. Carla Campopiano: Chicago/Buenos Aires Connections Vol II (self-released) {1}: jrs:+ -- TH:B
  3593. Yilian Canizares: Erzluie (Planeta Y -19) {1}: sol_am:+
  3594. Carach Angren: Franckensteina Streataeomontanus (Season of Mist) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/2
  3595. Barbara Carlotti: Corse, Ile D'Amour (Elektra) {1}: LI:68
  3596. Vanessa Carlton: Love Is an Art (Dine Alone) {1}: Al:* -- A:78/4
  3597. Enzo Carniel/House of Echo: Walls Down (Jazz & People) {1}: jmn:6
  3598. Carolina Blue: Take Me Back (Billy Blue Music) {1}: spt:+
  3599. Carpenter Brut: Blood Machines [Original Soundtrack] (No Quarter) {1}: Crh:40
  3600. Enzo Carpentieri Circular E-Motion: Theory of Dreams (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  3601. Katy Carr: Providence (Deluce) {1}: Mj:*
  3602. Cartalk: Pass Like Pollen (Cartalk) {1}: mic:6
  3603. Eliza Carthy & Ben Seal: Through That Sound My Secret Was Made Known (Hem Hem) {1}: mj_f:9
  3604. Casey MQ: Babycasey (Halocline Trance) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3605. Flora Cash: Baby, It's Okay (Virgin EMI) {1}: YF:* -- A:80/1
  3606. Erika De Casier: Essentials (Independent Jeep Music) {1}: Bc:+
  3607. Lynn Cassiers: Yun (Clean Feed) {1}: jal:+ -- TH:B
  3608. Cassowary: Cassowary (Fat Possum) {1}: pm_s:11
  3609. Curly Castro & Small Professor: BLUu Edwards (Wrecking Crew) {1}: bc_h:*
  3610. Catalan!: Veritas (Luik Music) {1}: Vi:46
  3611. Cataventos: Cataventos (Cataventos) {1}: tg:+
  3612. Cat Clyde: Good Bones (Cinematic Music Group) {1}: SC:* -- A:75/2
  3613. Caveboy: Night in the Park, Kiss in the Dark (Caveboy) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/2
  3614. Cave Circles: Ships (Secret Angels) {1}: rnz:+
  3615. Nick Cave/Nicholas Lens: LITANIES (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: U:* -- A:70/2
  3616. Cavernzz: II (Warm Laundry) {1}: Sb:89
  3617. Ed "Tenderlonious" Cawthorne: The Piccolo: Tender Plays Tubby (Jazz Detective) {1}: AAJ:*
  3618. Valentin Ceccaldi: Ossos (Cipsela) {1}: -- TH:*
  3619. Celestial Season: The Secret Teachings (Burning World) {1}: Db:28
  3620. Cell Press: Cell Press (No Funeral/Ancient Temple -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3621. Raquel Cepeda: Passion: Latin Jazz (Raquel Cepeda Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  3622. Cerrone: DNA (Malligator Preference) {1}: AM:* -- A:55/2
  3623. CFIT: Vs Gravity (Independent) {1}: HP:49
  3624. Alfredo Chacon: Bossing in the Rain (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3625. Gabriel Chakarji: New Beginning (Chaksmusic) {1}: sg_j:*
  3626. Bertrand Chamayou: Good Night! (Warner Classics) {1}: YW:145
  3627. Channelers: Isles Beyond (Inner Islands) {1}: aqd:+
  3628. The Chap: Digital Technology (Lo) {1}: BIB:+
  3629. Brian Charette: Beyond Borderline (SteepleChase -19) {1}: -- TH:*
  3630. Neil Charles: Low and Beyond (Takuroku) {1}: W:46
  3631. Gina Chavez: La Que Manda (self-released) {1}: npr_fc:6
  3632. Check Masses: Nightlife (Triassic Tusk) {1}: GTV:* -- A:83/2
  3633. Chemtrails: The Peculiar Smell of the Inevitable (Pnkslm) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3634. Cherry Pickles: The Juice That's Worth the Squeeze (PNKSLM) {1}: RT:71
  3635. Chesqua: The Rain EP (self-relased -EP) {1}: bc_s:*
  3636. Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice: Panic Ruminations (Moodhouse -EP) {1}: bc_h:*
  3637. Childish Japes: The Book of Japes (self-released) {1}: DB:*
  3638. Chimpo: HIA (The Club Mixes) (Box N Lock -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  3639. The Chives: The Chives (Super Wimpy Punch) {1}: yjsb:+
  3640. The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge: Nethsingha: Ash Wednesday (Signum -19) {1}: AM:+
  3641. Chong the Nomad: A Long Walk (self-released) {1}: KX:31
  3642. Hans Christian: After the Fall (Allemande Music) {1}: Ec:30
  3643. Tassis Christoyannis/Jeff Cohen: Reynaldo Hahn: Complete Songs (Bru Zane -19) {1}: DVk:39
  3644. Chrome Hill: This Is Chrome Hill (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  3645. Chronos Ensemble: Old Russian Polyphony of the Passion Service (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3646. Chucky73 & Fetti031: Sie7etr3 (Sie7etr3) {1}: BV_r:48
  3647. Stephanos Chytiris/Nikolas Skordas: Invisible War (Slam) {1}: FJ:*
  3648. The Ciderhouse Rebellion (Adam Summerhayes/Murray Grainger): Untold (Nimbus Alliance) {1}: tg:+
  3649. Marius Circus: The Computer Controlled Gardener (self-released) {1}: bc_e:*
  3650. City Mouth: Coping Machine (Take This to Heart) {1}: Ups:* -- A:80/1
  3651. City of Dawn: Aubade (Heart Dance) {1}: YW:85
  3652. Clairmont the Second: It's Not How It Sounds (Clairmont the Second) {1}: -- Ex:*
  3653. Clark: Daniel Isn't Real (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: Mj:*
  3654. Martin Clarke/Otto Willberg/Emil Karlsen: Shopping for Images (Open Ear Music) {1}: FJ:*
  3655. Classics of Love: World of Burning Hate (self-released) {1}: BV_p:40
  3656. Tim Clement and Lance Austin Olsen: Dark Night on the Black Dog (Infequency Editions -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3657. Noah Cline: Mountain Opus (Cline Banjo Works) {1}: tg:+
  3658. Closed Circuits: Returner (self-released) {1}: Qt:63
  3659. Clown Core: Van (8===D) {1}: NF:37
  3660. The Coachella Valley Trio [Doug MacDonald]: Mid Century Modern (DMAC) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:*
  3661. Quentin Coaxum: You & I (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  3662. Cocanha: Puput (Pagans) {1}: sol:+
  3663. CocoRosie: Put the Shine On (Marathon Artists) {1}: MO:* -- A:57/3
  3664. Leonard Cohen: Thanks for the Dance (Columbia/Legacy -19) {1}: Mj:22 -- TH:[A-]
  3665. Steve Cohn/George Haslam/Steve Kershaw: Ancient and Modern (Slam -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3666. Pat Coil: Music for Humans and Other Species (Liberty Hill) {1}: se_fj:+
  3667. Antonio Colangelo: Tabaco Y Azucar (Dodicilune) {1}: AAJ:*
  3668. Cold Beat: Mother (DFA) {1}: BIB:32
  3669. Cold Meat: Hot and Flustered (Static Shock) {1}: Try:50
  3670. MJ Cole: MJ Cole Presents Madrugada (Decca) {1}: Cl:* -- A:75/2
  3671. Collage Project: Off Brand (New Focus) {1}: AAJ:*
  3672. Collegium Vocale Gent: Bruckner: Mass No 2 in E Minor/Te Deum (PHI) {1}: DVk:36
  3673. Federico Colli: Domenico Scarlatti: Piano Sonatas Vol 2 (Chandos) {1}: tg:+
  3674. Jon Collin & Demdike Stare: Sketches of Everything (DDS) {1}: VF:33
  3675. Luca Collivasone/Gianni Mimmo: Rumpus Room (Amirani) {1}: -- TH:*
  3676. Pascal Comelade: Le Cut-Up Populaire (Because/Caroline) {1}: LI:78
  3677. Command Casual: Don't Let's Start That Again (self-released) {1}: FB:92
  3678. Common Objects: Skullmarks (Meena -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3679. Compro Oro With Murat Ertel & Esma Ertel: Simurg (Sbdan) {1}: bc_j:*
  3680. Conception: State of Deception (Conception Sound Factory) {1}: SoT:45
  3681. Conducta: The Kiwi Sound (Kiwi Rekords) {1}: PW:29
  3682. Confeti De Odio: Tragedia Espanola (Snap! Clap! Club) {1}: Jp:49
  3683. Bobby Conn: Recovery (Tapete) {1}: W:* -- M:68/5
  3684. Loren Connors: Beautiful Dreamer (for Steve Dalachinsky) (Family Vineyard) {1}: ydn:+
  3685. Constantinople & Ablaye Cissoko: Traversees (Ma Case) {1}: PO:+
  3686. Constantinople/Marco Beasley/Kiya Tabassian: La Porta d'Oriente (Glossa) {1}: AM:*
  3687. Context Chameleon: Komorebi (Doom of Doom) {1}: sg_j:*
  3688. Contours: Balafon Sketches (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3689. Mauro Arias Contreras: Abismo De Los Pajaros (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3690. Conway the Machine: No One Mourns the Wicked (Big Ghost Limited) {1}: Bc:*
  3691. Coogans Bluff: Metronopolis (Nois-o-lution) {1}: FB:27
  3692. Jerry Cook Quartet +: A Walk in the Park (Cellar) {1}: AAJ:*
  3693. Saskia Coolen: Driftwood: A Gift in Time (Globe) {1}: tg:+
  3694. Andy Cooper: LISTEN (UNique) {1}: yng:+
  3695. Jerome Cooper/Kresten Osgood: As of Not (ILK Music) {1}: FJ:*
  3696. Greg Copeland: The Tango Bar (Paraply) {1}: Mj:*
  3697. Marc Copland: John: Piano Solo (Illusions Mirage) {1}: AAJ:*
  3698. Cordyceps: Betrayal (Unique Leader) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3699. Chick Corea/Christian McBride/Brian Blade: Trilogy 2 (Concord -2CD -19) {1}: jrm:+ -- TH:[**]
  3700. Tia Corine: 34Corine (South Coast Music Group) {1}: vmp:+
  3701. Freeze Corleone: LMF (Universal) {1}: GMD:27
  3702. Dale Cornish: Thug Ambient (Vanity Publishing) {1}: Qt:86
  3703. The Coronas: True Love Waits (Blix Street) {1}: HP:29 -- A:65/2
  3704. Antoine Corriveau: Pissenlit (Secret City) {1}: LCA:21
  3705. Corrupt Moral Altar: Patiently Waiting for Wonderful Things (APF -EP) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  3706. Eva Cortes: Todas Las Voces (Truth Revolution) {1}: jmb:9
  3707. Cosic Surveillance: Cosmic Surveillance (Volume 1) (Regional Attraction) {1}: pf_a:+
  3708. Matt Costa: Yellow Coat (Dangerbird) {1}: AM:* -- A:75/2
  3709. Julian Costello Quartet: Connections: Without Borders (33 Jazz) {1}: AAJ:*
  3710. Graham Costello's Strata: Cygnus (Gearbox) {1}: AAJ:*
  3711. Danielia Cotton and the Church Boys: A Different War (self-released) {1}: se_fp:+
  3712. Peter CottonTale: Catch (self-released) {1}: kc:10
  3713. Mary Coughlan: Life Stories (Hail Mary) {1}: HP:45
  3714. Rebecca Coupe Franks: Every Little Thing Counts (RCF) {1}: jgz:+
  3715. Patrick Cowley: Some Funkettes (Dark Entries) {1}: -- A:80/1
  3716. Kristy Cox: No Headlights (Mountain Fever) {1}: spt:9
  3717. Chris Crack: Haters Forget They Were Fans First (New Deal Collectives) {1}: tr_h:+
  3718. Bill Crain: Bill Crain (ARC) {1}: jan:+
  3719. Louise Patricia Crane: Deep Blue (Peculiar Doll) {1}: FB:88
  3720. Joe Crepusculo: Supercrepus II (El Volcan Musica) {1}: Jp:22
  3721. CRi: Juvenile (Anjunadeep) {1}: ty_e:17
  3722. The Croaks: One of the Best Bears! (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
  3723. Lupen Crook: How Rotten the Teeth (Lupen Crook) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  3724. William Crooks: Thunderbird/Flowers (self-released) {1}: Hi:32
  3725. Hugh Crosthwaite/Stefan Cassomenos: 16 Lullabies (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3726. Nicola Cruz: Hybridism (Multi Culti) {1}: xbf:+
  3727. Cryptic Shift: Visitations From Enceladus (Blood Harvest) {1}: Bc:+
  3728. Cubicolor: Hardly a Day, Hardly a Night (Anjunadeep) {1}: pm_ep:11
  3729. Cuddle Magic: Bath (Northern Spy) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  3730. Heath Cullen: Springtime in the Heart (self-released) {1}: vfb:7
  3731. Jamie Cullum: The Pianoman at Christmas (Island) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3732. Spencer Cullum: Spencer Cullum's Coin Collection (YK) {1}: rld:+
  3733. Cunning Folk: A Casual Invocation (Dharma) {1}: sol_fk:+
  3734. Alex Cunningham & Claire Rousay: Specifically the Water (Astral Spirits) {1}: -- TH:*
  3735. Rivers Cuomo: Alone XI: The EWBAITE Years (self-released) {1}: Spk:31
  3736. Buck Curran: No Love in Sorrow (Obsolete) {1}: aqd:+
  3737. Curren$y & Fuse: Spring Clean (Jet Life) {1}: bg_b:+
  3738. Cherie Currie: Bvds of Splendor (Blackheart) {1}: ClR:30
  3739. Cut Beetlez: What Beetlez? (A&E Productions) {1}: HG:35
  3740. Chelsea Cutler: How to Be Human (Republic) {1}: Id:42
  3741. Czech Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice/Dario Salvi: Daniel-Francois-Esprit Auber: Overtures 2 (Naxos) {1}: YW:87
  3742. Kashiwa Daisuke: Program Music III (Virgin Babylon) {1}: RY:25
  3743. Tim Daisy & Ken Vandermark: Consequent Duos: Series 2a (System vs Artifacts) {1}: TN:+
  3744. DakhaBrakha: Alambari (self-released) {1}: sol_fu:+
  3745. Dalham: Alderson Loop (Castles in Space) {1}: No:22
  3746. Melaine Dalibert: Anastassis Philippakopoulos: Piano Works (Elsewhere) {1}: AAJ:*
  3747. Dallas Acid: The Spiral Ambiance (All Saints) {1}: YW:113
  3748. Soren Mikkel Dalsgaard: Aflevere (Union Jack Studios) {1}: tg:+
  3749. Damien: Satan & Eve (Ultimisme) {1}: LI:89
  3750. The Damned: The Rockfield Files (A Spinefarm/Search and Destroy -EP) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  3751. Danalogue x Alabaster DePlume: I Was Not Sleeping (Total Refreshment Centre) {1}: Mj:*
  3752. Ami Dang: Meditations Mixtape (Leaving) {1}: aqd:+
  3753. DaniLeigh: Movie (Def Jam) {1}: HDX:+
  3754. Danketsu 10: From a Distance, Everything Shines (Warm Winters) {1}: bc_j:*
  3755. Dans Les Arbres: Volatil (Sofa -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3756. The Darcys: Fear & Loneliness (Warner) {1}: AS:* -- A:74/3
  3757. The Dark Monarchy: The Dark Monarchy (self-released) {1}: se_fp:+
  3758. Dark Sarah: Grim (Napalm) {1}: vgm:+
  3759. Charlene Darling: Saint-Guidon (L'Amour Aux 1000 Parfums) {1}: MM:88
  3760. Darlingside: Fish Pond Fish (More Doug) {1}: Mw:22
  3761. Darling West: We'll Never Know Unless We Try (Jansen) {1}: tg:+
  3762. Das B: Canopy (Tonot) {1}: AAJ:*
  3763. Das Rad: Adios Al Futuro (Discus Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  3764. Datblygu: Cwm Gwagle (Ankstmusik) {1}: Qt:78
  3765. Adam Daudrich: The Wooden Box (1631) {1}: YW:120
  3766. Dave + Sam: No Shade (Classic Music) {1}: bb:7
  3767. Davido: A Better Time (Sony Music) {1}: NME:* -- A:70/2
  3768. Daniel Davies: Signals (Sacred Bones) {1}: CD:31
  3769. Gareth Davis and Merzbow: Broken Landscapes (Moving Furniture) {1}: FJ:*
  3770. Debbie Davis & Josh Paxton: Interesting Times (Prom Night) {1}: jdku:+
  3771. Sha Davis: Songs I Wrote When You Left (self-released -EP) {1}: bc_s:*
  3772. Tony Davis: Golden Year (Posi-Tone) {1}: AAJ:*
  3773. Dawn of Ashes: The Antinomian (Artoffact) {1}: Spk:* -- A:94/1
  3774. Days N Daze: Show Me the Blueprints (Fat Wreck Chords) {1}: BV_p:41
  3775. D Double E: Double or Nothing (Bluku Music) {1}: NME:* -- A:75/2
  3776. Deacon Blue: City of Love (EarMusic) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  3777. The Dead C: Unknowns (Ba Da Bing) {1}: ygb:8
  3778. Dead Neanderthals: Ghosts (Utech -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3779. Deadstring Orkestra: Rhapsody in Blue (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3780. Dead Visions: A Sea of Troubles (Slimer) {1}: FB:57
  3781. Deafheaven: 10 Years Gone (Sargent House) {1}: AM:* -- A:73/4
  3782. Rudy De Anda: Tender Epoch (Karma Chief/Colemine) {1}: RT:79
  3783. Dear Lord: Surrender (Century Media) {1}: FB:89
  3784. Death Bells: New Signs of Life (Dais) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  3785. Deau Eyes: Let It Leave (self-released) {1}: atw:+
  3786. Debus/Lomsch/Ditzner: Die Motive Des Richard W (Fixcel) {1}: FJ:*
  3787. Jerry David DeCicca: The Unlikely Optimist and His Domestic Adventures (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
  3788. Sam Decker: Shrove (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  3789. Mark De Clive-Lowe: Dreamweavers (Mother Tongue) {1}: bc_j:*
  3790. Deep Tissue: Patience or Fear (Play Alone) {1}: key:+
  3791. Deft: Burna (Hooversound) {1}: bc_e:*
  3792. Deja Vega: Deja Vega (Sister 9 -19) {1}: Sb:36
  3793. The De Jong/Rebane/Kantonen Trio: Intercities (self-released -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  3794. Delacey: Black Coffee (Hitco/Delicate Flower) {1}: Em:* -- A:85/1
  3795. George DeLancey: Paradise (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3796. Christopher Dell/Christian Lillinger/Jonas Westergaard: Grammar II (Plaist -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3797. Alonzo Demetrius: Live From the Prison Nation (Onyx Music) {1}: sg_j:*
  3798. Regina Demina: Hysterie (Kwaidan) {1}: LI:66
  3799. Demons & Wizards: III (Century Media) {1}: lwr:+ -- A:80/1
  3800. Dick Dent: Life's Hard (Riviera Sun -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  3801. Desensitized: Hemispherica Portalis (Spotted Peccary) {1}: tx_a:7
  3802. John Deutsch/Nico Soffiato Trio: Redshift (Nusica) {1}: AAJ:*
  3803. Yaron Deutsch: 33 RPM (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  3804. DevilDriver: Dealing With Demons I (Napalm) {1}: K:* -- A:80/2
  3805. The Devil's Trade: The Call of the Iron Peak (Season of Mist) {1}: FB:61
  3806. Janet Devlin: Confessional (Insomnia Music) {1}: MO:* -- A:80/1
  3807. Charlotte De Witte: Return to Nowhere (KNTXT -EP) {1}: YW:150
  3808. Dexplicit: Gotham (Dexplicit -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  3809. Dexta: AWRA004 (Different Music -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  3810. Dennis DeYoung: 26 East Vol 1 (Avalon) {1}: UCR:25
  3811. DgoHn: Undesignated Proximate (Love Love) {1}: No:25
  3812. Oumou Diabate Et Kara Show Koumba Frifri: Music From Saharan WhatsApp 02 (Sahel Sounds -EP) {1}: PO:+
  3813. The Diabolical Liberties: High Protection & the Sportswear Mystics (On the Corner) {1}: Bc:+
  3814. Diaspora Meets AfroHorn: Jazz: A Music of the Spirit/Out of Sista's Place (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  3815. Robert Dick & Adam Caine: The Damn Think (Chant -19) {1}: -- TH:*
  3816. Joyce DiDonato: Agrippina (Warner Classics) {1}: DVk:24
  3817. Died: Less Life (Boul God) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3818. Broeder Dieleman: De Liefde Is De Eerste Wet (Snowstar Record) {1}: DVk:27
  3819. Die P: Tape (365XX) {1}: Lt:46
  3820. Don Dietrich: Option (Feeding Tube) {1}: bc_x:+
  3821. Amber Digby: Heroes, Mentors and Friends: The Legends Project (Heart of Texas) {1}: scm:+
  3822. Diggy Dupe: That's Me, That's Team (Team Mates Limited) {1}: rnz:19
  3823. Dijah SB: 2020: The Album (2020 DijahSB) {1}: now:+
  3824. Mike Dillon: Rosewood (Royal Potato Family) {1}: AAJ:*
  3825. Al Di Meola: Across the Universe (EarMusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  3826. The Dirty Clergy: In Waves (Cornelius Chapel) {1}: Al:35
  3827. The Dirty Knobs: Wreckless Abandon (BMG) {1}: Clr:21
  3828. Dirty Projectors: Flight Tower (Domino -EP) {1}: YF:* -- A:83/2
  3829. Disheveled Cuss: Disheveled Cuss (Sargent House) {1}: Sb:62
  3830. Erwin Ditzner/Chris Jarrett: Live @ Enjoy Jazz 2019 (Fixcel) {1}: FJ:*
  3831. Kevin Dixon: The Summer We All Bought Guns (Covid Charlie's Demo-lution) {1}: vgb:7
  3832. DJ Boring: Like Water (Technicolour -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:76/2
  3833. DJ Cactuar: Bolsonaro Obaluae (self-released) {1}: pm_x:15
  3834. DJ Clent: Lowend Clent (DJ Clent) {1}: bc_c:*
  3835. DJ Dolores: Recife 19 (Sterns Music) {1}: sol_am:+
  3836. DJ Earl: Bass + Funk & Soul (Moveltraxx) {1}: LQ:* -- A:80/1
  3837. DJ Hell: House Music Box (Past Present No Future) (The DJ Hell Experience) {1}: Zf:61
  3838. DJ Lostboi: The Blue Stallion (self-released -EP) {1}: GB:+
  3839. DJ Metatron: Loops of Infinity (A Rave Loveletter) (All Possible Worlds) {1}: GMD:30
  3840. DJ Nobu: Follakzoid IIII Remixes (Bitta -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  3841. DJ Shub: War Club (Shub Music) {1}: Mj:*
  3842. DJ Swisha & Kush Jones: Outta Bounds (DJ Swisha -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  3843. Dog Unit: Barking to Gospel (Sonic Deterioration -EP) {1}: LQ:* -- A:80/1
  3844. Doomshakalaka: Doomshakalaka (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Cl:*, LBF:* -- A:80/2
  3845. Sam Doores: Sam Doores (New West) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  3846. Dope Body: Home Body (Drag City) {1}: Ne:* -- A:80/1
  3847. Dopolarians: Garden Party (Mahakala) {1}: jjwd:7 -- TH:[***]
  3848. Dorantes: La Roda Del Viento (Flamenco Scultura) {1}: jma:+
  3849. Dorcha: Honey Badger (Box Record) {1}: GTV:83
  3850. Julien Dore: Aimee (Columbia) {1}: LI:92
  3851. Axel Dorner/Agusti Fernandez: Palynology (Sirulita -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3852. Double or Nothing: Double or Nothing (Bluku Music) {1}: NME:* -- A:75/2
  3853. Tica Douglas: Lo (Tica Douglas) {1}: Bc:*
  3854. Gord Downie: Away Is Mine (Arts & Crafts) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  3855. Tara Nome Doyle: Alchemy (Martin Hossbach) {1}: NBH:43
  3856. Dragged Under: The World Is in Your Way (Mascot) {1}: ap:+
  3857. Dragon's Fuel: Pomorandze/Oranges (Horz) {1}: AAJ:*
  3858. Drama: Dance Without Me (Ghostly International) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3859. Slake Dransky: Colors (Slake Dransky) {1}: YW:96
  3860. Dr Bekken: Blues (Blue Mood/Grappa) {1}: AAJ:*
  3861. Dream Theater: Distant Memories: Live in London (Inside Out) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  3862. Dre Island: Now I Rise (Kingston Hills/DubShot) {1}: bv_g:+
  3863. Kris Drever: Where the World Is Thin (Reveal) {1}: Mj:*; pm_f:17
  3864. Drone: The Stilling (Touch) {1}: SC:* -- A:80/1
  3865. Duchess: Live at Jazz Standard (Anzic) {1}: AAJ:*
  3866. Fabian Dudek: Creating Meaning (Fixcel -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3867. Gregory Dudzienski Quartet: Beautiful Moments (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
  3868. Dukes of Chutney: Hazel (Beats in Space/RVNG Intl) {1}: Mj:*
  3869. Stuart Duncan/Yo-Yo Ma/Edgar Meyer/Chris Thile: Not Our First Goat Rodeo (Sony Classical) {1}: AM:*
  3870. Dune Rats: Hurry Up and Wait (BMG) {1}: K:* -- A:70/6
  3871. The Dungarees: Twenty Something (Dungarees -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3872. Brian Dunne: Selling Things (Tone Tree Music) {1}: atw:+
  3873. Graham Dunning/Colin Webster: Terrain (Raw Tonk) {1}: jfn:+
  3874. Matthew "Doc" Dunn: Rain, Rain, Rain (Cosmic Range) {1}: aqd:+
  3875. The Dustbowl Revival: Is It You, Is It Me (Medium Expectations) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/2
  3876. Isabelle Duthoit/Judith Hamann/Franz Hautzinger/Richard Johnson/Adam Pultz Melbye/Ren Walters: Evolve (SoundOut) {1}: FJ:*
  3877. Nick D'Virgilio: English Electric () {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  3878. Mark Dwane: Future Tense (self-released) {1}: Ec:22
  3879. Benjamin Dwyer/Pete Gomes/Helen Kindred: KnowingUnknowing (Farpoint -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  3880. Dyani: Under (Chann3l) {1}: Bc:+
  3881. Dynazty: The Dark Delight (AFM Organization) {1}: SoT:37
  3882. The Earth Below: Nothing Works Vol 2: Hymns for Useless Gods (Unherd Music) {1}: FB:93
  3883. Earth Tongues: Atem (Neither Nor -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3884. Callum Easter: Green Door Sessions (Moshi Moshi) {1}: U:* -- A:80/1
  3885. Eastern Sunz: Fuel for a Fool's Errand (Eastern Sunz) {1}: HG:49
  3886. Tom Eaton: Elements: Audio Environments (self-released) {1}: tx_a:9
  3887. More Eaze & Claire Rousay: If I Don't Let Myself Be Happy Now Then When? (Mondoj) {1}: Qt:55
  3888. Echo Machine: Instant Transmissions (Riverman/Assai) {1}: Sk:* -- A:80/1
  3889. Ecliptic: The Path of 01 (Modigo) {1}: AAJ:*
  3890. Eddie the Wheel: Southern Minimalist Futurist Ridiculous (Vibe/Anti-Vibe) {1}: aqd:+
  3891. Kat Edmonson: Dreamers Do (Spinnerette) {1}: jsg:+
  3892. John Edwards: Just Another Day at Home . . . (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  3893. Martha Efion: Nights to Forget (Lost Map) {1}: AU:36
  3894. Seamus Egan: Early Bright (THL) {1}: PM:*
  3895. Eggy: Bravo! (Spoilsport) {1}: ynn:+
  3896. EHA: Paris Rio New York (Kwazi/Plaza) {1}: AAJ:*
  3897. Mats Eilertsen Trio & Trio Mediaeval: Memorabilia (NXN) {1}: AAJ:*
  3898. Wendy Eisenberg: Dehiscence (Wendy Eisenberg) {1}: CM:+
  3899. Eivor: Segl (V2) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  3900. Ekiti Sound: Abeg No Vex Remixes Vol 1 (Crammed Discs -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  3901. Elder Brother: I Won't Fade on You (Pure Noise) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  3902. Sir Mark Elder/Halle Orchestra: Sibelius: Symphony No 4/Symphony No 6 (Halle) {1}: AM:+
  3903. Electric Indigo: Ferrum (Editions Mego) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3904. Elephant Tree: Habits (Holy Roar) {1}: Spk:* -- A:80/2
  3905. Burd Ellen: Says the Never Beyond (self-released) {1}: g_f:6
  3906. Kaelin Ellis: Moments (self-released) {1}: bc_b:*
  3907. Lindsay Ell: Heart Theory (Stoney Creek) {1}: sln:+
  3908. El Ten Eleven: Tautology III (Joyful Noise) {1}: Pc:51
  3909. El Ten Eleven: Tautology II (Joyful Noise) {1}: Pc:51
  3910. El Ten Eleven: Tautology I (Joyful Noise) {1}: Pc:51
  3911. Emancipator: Mountain of Memory (Loci) {1}: Ec:24
  3912. Emile: The Black Spider/Det Kollektive Selvmore (Heavy Psych) {1}: FB:44
  3913. Astrid Engberg: Tulpa (Creak) {1}: Bc:*
  3914. Ensemble C: Small World (Claire Cope Music) {1}: jss:+
  3915. Ensiferum: Thalassic (Metal Blade) {1}: -- Ex:*
  3916. The Epiphoni Consort/Tim Reader: When Love Speaks: Choral Music by Owain Park (Delphian) {1}: AM:+
  3917. Espen Eriksen Trio: End of Summer (Rune Grammofon) {1}: AAJ:*
  3918. Erodoto Project: Mythos: Metamorphosis (Culture Bridge Indie) {1}: jss:+
  3919. Mahan Esfahani: Musique? (Hyperion) {1}: vjc:10
  3920. E^ST: I'm Doing It (Warner Music Australasia) {1}: AU:38
  3921. Eto: The Beauty of It (LordMobb/New Crack Era) {1}: HG:50
  3922. Even as We Speak: Adelphi (Shelflife) {1}: AM:*
  3923. Josiah Everhart: Yearn in Years (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  3924. Evritiki Zygia: Omenion (Teranga Beat) {1}: pm_w:7
  3925. The Exaltics & Heinrich Mueller: Dimensional Shifting (Solar One) {1}: Em:* -- A:90/1
  3926. Exgenesis: Solve Et Coagula (Exgenesis) {1}: Db:38
  3927. Exhalants: Atonement (Hex) {1}: yrhg:8
  3928. Exotic Sin: Customer's Copy (Blank Forms Editions) {1}: FJ:*
  3929. Expander: Neuropunk Boostergang (Profound Lore) {1}: pm_m:8
  3930. The Extended Trio vs Brad Walker: The SideBar Sessions Vol 1 (SideBar NOLA) {1}: jdku:10
  3931. Eyedress: Let's Skip to the Wedding (Lex) {1}: AM:* -- A:73/3
  3932. Eyot: 557799 (Ropeadope) {1}: AAJ:*
  3933. Faberyayo: Das Drama (Burning Fik) {1}: is_h:10
  3934. Niccolo Fabi: Tradizione e Tradimento (Polydor -19) {1}: Gig:* -- A:85/1
  3935. Faceless Burial: Speciation (Dark Descent) {1}: pm_m:11
  3936. Mike Fahie Jazz Orchestra: Urban(e) (Greenleaf Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  3937. Fair Mothers: In Monochrome (Song, by Toad) {1}: GTV:* -- A:90/1
  3938. Paloma Faith: Infinite Things (Sony Music UK) {1}: AM:* -- A:70/2
  3939. Fakear: Everything Will Grow Again (Caroline) {1}: LBF:* -- A:78/2
  3940. Fake Laugh: Dining Alone (The State51 Conspiracy) {1}: GTV:*
  3941. Falcon Jane: Faith (Darling) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3942. Fame on Fire: Levels (Hopeless) {1}: Sp:* -- A:75/2
  3943. Lizzy Farrall: Bruise (Pure Noise) {1}: Pu:22
  3944. Ty Farris: No Cosign Just Cocaine 3 (Ty Farris) {1}: bc_h:*
  3945. Father John Misty: Off-Key in Hamburg (self-released) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  3946. Fat Trout Trailer Park: Fat Trout Trailer Park (22Twenty -EP) {1}: D:* -- A:80/1
  3947. Isabelle Faust/Alexander Melnikov: Mozart: Sonatas for Fortepiano & Violin Vol 2 (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: YW:91
  3948. Maria Faust Sacrum Facere: Organ (Stunt) {1}: DB:*
  3949. Fawn Limbs: Sleeper Vessels (Roman Numeral/Wolves and Vibrancy) {1}: Db:39
  3950. Amaury Faye: Buran (L'Esprit Du Piano) {1}: AAJ:*
  3951. Fearing: Shadow (Funeral Party) {1}: GTV:* -- A:90/1
  3952. Avram Fefer Quartet: Testament (Clean Feed -19) {1}: jrb:6 -- TH:[***]
  3953. Michael Feinberg: From Where We Came (SteepleChase) {1}: AAJ:*
  3954. Felbm: Tape 3/Tape 4 (Soundway) {1}: aqd:+
  3955. Felt: Felt 4 U (Rhymesayers) {1}: HG:27
  3956. Fennec: Free Us of This Feeling (Fennec Sound) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  3957. Grace Ferguson: Voler (Music Company) {1}: bc_a:*
  3958. Beatriz Ferreyra: Echos+ (Room40) {1}: bc_x:+
  3959. The Few: Beauty at Low Temperatures (self-released -19) {1}: FJ:*
  3960. Nuphar Fey: Serenity Island (Hypnote) {1}: DB:*
  3961. Steve Fidyk: Battle Lines (Blue Canteen Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  3962. Figueroa [Amon Tobin]: The World as We Know It (Nomark) {1}: FB:47
  3963. Fiil Free: Under Overfladen (Fiil Free) {1}: FJ:*
  3964. Lars Finberg: Tinnitus Tonight (Mt St Mtn) {1}: BIB:+
  3965. Milo Fine/Joseph Damman: Acceptance of Sorrow (Aural Terrains) {1}: FJ:*
  3966. Kelly Finnigan: A Joyful Sound (Colemine) {1}: AS:* -- A:75/2
  3967. Finntroll: Vredesvavd (Century Media) {1}: folk metal'); # A:80/1
  3968. Firewind: Firewind (AFM Organization) {1}: SoT:43
  3969. Jesse Fischer: Resilience (Soul Cycle) {1}: jtr:+
  3970. Five Finger Death Punch: F8 (Better Noise) {1}: lwr:+ -- A:70/2
  3971. The Flake: Plays Clinkers (Amalgam) {1}: vbc:+
  3972. Leah Flanagan: Colour by Number (Small Change) {1}: DJ:46
  3973. Flee Lord: 12 new albums (LordMobb) {1}: BV_r:46
  3974. Fletcher: The S(ex) Tapes (Capitol) {1}: PCv:39
  3975. Fleur East: Fearless (Platinum East) {1}: xkb:10
  3976. Fleur: Fleur (Bickerton) {1}: sd:6
  3977. Flock of Dimes: Like So Much Desire (Sub Pop) {1}: aqd:+
  3978. Floodlights: From a View (Woo Me!/Spunk) {1}: Pc:78
  3979. Floral (Nate Sherman/Ty Mayer): Floral (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  3980. Flug: Reality EP (Suara Music -EP) {1}: YW:138
  3981. Flung: Shaky but My Hair Is Grown (Topshelf) {1}: Alt:54
  3982. Flying Lotus: Flamagra (Instrumentals) (Warp) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  3983. The Flying Luttenbachers: Imminent Death (Ugexplode) {1}: vbc:8
  3984. The Flytraps: Wild Card (Burger) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  3985. FM: Synchronized (Frontiers) {1}: ClR:34
  3986. Lamin Fofana: Blues (Black Studies) {1}: Qt:42
  3987. Roberto Fonseca: Yesun (Mack Avenue/Wagram Music -19) {1}: sol_am:+
  3988. Food House: Food House (Dog Show) {1}: Alt:60
  3989. Forest Bees: Forest Bees (self-released) {1}: GTV:* -- A:90/1
  3990. Bengt Forsberg: Swedish Miniatures (Db Productions -19) {1}: tg:+
  3991. Andy Fosberry: Blair, Maryland (3rd & Debut) {1}: CD:33
  3992. Andy Fosberry: When Comfort Is Stranger (3rd & Debut) {1}: CD:28
  3993. Josephine Foster: No Harm Done (Fire) {1}: aqd:+
  3994. Found Drowned: Clownslave (Linear Obsessional) {1}: AAJ:*
  3995. The Four Owls: Nocturnal Instinct (High Focus) {1}: HG:45
  3996. Frail Hands: Parted/Departed/Apart (Twelve Gauge) {1}: Sg:+
  3997. Thiago Franca: KD VCS (YB Music) {1}: xrt:17
  3998. Mulo Francel: Crossing Life Lines (GLM Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  3999. Giovanni Francesca: Margo (Auand) {1}: bc_j:*
  4000. Henry Fraser: Briggs (self-released) {1}: jhs:+
  4001. Henry Fraser/Sam Weinberg: Bust (self-released) {1}: jhs:+
  4002. Freak Heat Waves: Zap the Planet (Telephone Explosion) {1}: LQ:* -- A:75/5
  4003. Erica Freas: Young (Specialist Subject) {1}: jhs:9
  4004. Sawyer Fredericks: Flowers for You (Windrake) {1}: ND_r:39
  4005. Ace Frehley: Origins Vol 2 (Entertainment One) {1}: -- UCR:21
  4006. French Cassettes: Rolodex (Tender Loving Empire) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  4007. Frequent Traveller: Real Life (Blurred) {1}: GTV:74
  4008. Frisco: The Familiar Stranger (self-released) {1}: GMD:36
  4009. Fuji . . . ta: Iki (Hallow Ground) {1}: mj_u:5
  4010. Tomas Fujiwara: 7 Poets Trio (RogueArt -19) {1}: jsf:6
  4011. Corey Fuller: Sanctuary (self-released) {1}: bc_a:*
  4012. The Full Salon: The Full Salon (self-released) {1}: jhs:+
  4013. Furrows: A Thin Veneer (Courier) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4014. Raphael Fusco: Remixed (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4015. Joel Futterman: Intervals (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
  4016. Future/Lil Uzi Vert: Pluto x Baby Pluto (Atlantic) {1}: -- A:59/4, TH:*
  4017. Fuudge: Fruit-Dieu (Lazy at Work) {1}: LCA:25
  4018. Gabbro: Granular (Dropa) {1}: FJ:*
  4019. Gaerea: Limbo (Season of Mist) {1}: Oy:36 -- A:80/1
  4020. Yuri Gagarin: The Outskirts of Reality (Kommun 2/Sound-Effect) {1}: Spk:* -- A:83/2
  4021. Galaxians: Chemical Reaction (Galaxians) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  4022. Frederick Galiay: Time Elleipsis (Ayler) {1}: AAJ:*
  4023. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds: Blue Moon Rising (Sour Mash -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  4024. Chris Gall/Bernhard Schimpelsberger: Myriad (GLM Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  4025. Gallery S: Gallery S (self-released) {1}: pf_e:+
  4026. Gama Bomb: Sea Savage (Prosthetic) {1}: K:* -- A:75/3
  4027. Matthew D Gantt: Diagnostics (Orange Milk) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4028. Thibaut Garcia: Aranjuez (Warner Classics) {1}: AM:+
  4029. Edward Gardner/City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra: Schubert Symphonies Vol 2 (Chandos) {1}: AM:+
  4030. Derrick Gardner & the Big Dig! Band: Still I Rise (Impact Jazz) {1}: AAJ:*
  4031. Garganjua: Toward the Sun (Holy Roar) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4032. Gargoyl: Gargoyl (Season of Mist) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  4033. Tim Garland: ReFocus (Edition) {1}: AAJ:*
  4034. Valentin Garvie/Rodrigo Dominguez [Hormigombres]: En Vivo En ECEM (Discos ICM) {1}: bc_j:*
  4035. Stephen Gauci/Eli Wallace/Kevin Shea: Live at the Bushwick Series! (Gaucimusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  4036. Gaudi: 100 Years of Theremin (The Dub Chapter) (Dubmission) {1}: ES:27
  4037. Gavsborg: Kevin From Ivory Coast (Equiknoxx Music -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  4038. Regina Gently: Don't Wait to Love Me (Regina Gently) {1}: Ex:8 -- A:80/1
  4039. German Army: Hearing Lola Kiepja (Eastern Nurseries) {1}: GTV:56
  4040. Sue Anne Gershenzon: You Must Believe in Spring (self-released) {1}: vahm:10 -- TH:B
  4041. Get Dead: Dancing With the Curse (Fat Wreck Chords) {1}: BV_p:34
  4042. Ghost Funk Orchestra: An Ode to Escapism (Karma Chief) {1}: rld:+
  4043. Tania Giannouli Trio: In Fading Light (Rattle) {1}: jeh:10
  4044. The Gilberts: The Gilberts: One (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  4045. Leela Gilday: North Star Calling (Diva Sound -19) {1}: sol_am:+
  4046. Eliza Gilkyson: 2020 (Red House) {1}: fa:+
  4047. Amanda Ginsburg: I Det Lilla Hander Det Mesta (Naxos Sweden) {1}: ab_m:10
  4048. Layton Giordani: New Generation (Drumcode) {1}: edmt:10
  4049. Girlhood: Girlhood (Team Talk) {1}: LQ:* -- A:65/4
  4050. Giver: Sculpture of Violence (Holy Roar) {1}: Gf:27
  4051. The Giving Shapes: Earth Leaps Up (Elsewhere) {1}: AAJ:*
  4052. Sverre Gjorvad: Elegy of Skies (Losen) {1}: AAJ:*
  4053. Glacier Veins: The World You Want to See (Common Ground/Equal Vision) {1}: BV_p:27
  4054. Glasbird: Norskfjorðr (Whitelabrecs) {1}: bc_a:*
  4055. Glass Hammer: Dreaming City (self-released) {1}: SoT:31
  4056. Glass Parallels: Aisle of Light (2170754 DK2) {1}: CD:50
  4057. Gleemer: Down Through (Other People) {1}: Alt:27
  4058. Jody Glenham: Mood Rock (Summer Witch) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4059. Beverly Glenn-Copeland: Live at Le Guess Who? 2018 (Transgressive) {1}: ybb:7
  4060. Glintshake: Guibkiy Gurafik (self-released) {1}: fms:+
  4061. Robbe Gloaguen Quartet: Gardez Votre Sang Froid (Mazeto Square) {1}: jjws:10
  4062. Gloriae Dei Cantores: Arvo Part: Stabat Mater (Paraclete) {1}: AAJ:*
  4063. Gnod & Joao Pais Filipe: Faca De Fogo (Rocket) {1}: Sb:24
  4064. The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick: Ways of Hearing (Count Your Lucky Stars) {1}: Alt:42
  4065. Gogoj AKA Sheng Jie: Oviparity (Maybe Noise) {1}: W:30
  4066. GoGo Penguin: Live From Studio 2 (Decca) {1}: -- TH:*
  4067. Ben Goldberg: Plague Diary (BAG Production) {1}: bc_j:*
  4068. The Golden Age of Steam: Tomato Brain (Limited Noise) {1}: AAJ:*
  4069. Golden Retriever and Chuck Johnson: Rain Shadow (Thrill Jockey) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4070. Goldfinger: Never Look Back (Big Noise) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4071. Binker Golding: Abstractions of Reality Past & Incredible Feathers (Gearbox -19) {1}: jrw:10 -- TH:[A-]
  4072. Binker Golding & Elliot Galvin: Ex Nihilo (Byrd Out -19) {1}: jss:+ -- TH:[*]
  4073. Gold Key: Panic Machine (Venn) {1}: Pu:23
  4074. Jason "Spicy G" Goldman: Hypnotized (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4075. Goldray: Feel the Charge (Akashic) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  4076. Franck L Goldwasser: Sweet Little Black Spider (Slimbyrd) {1}: mj_b:9
  4077. Yuri Goloubev: Two Chevrons Apart (Basho) {1}: DB:*
  4078. Ramiro Gonzalez Jazz Trio: Mexican Pavilion, New Orleans 1884 (self-reeleased) {1}: sg_j:*
  4079. Good Looking Friends: The Light of the Well (We're Trying) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4080. Randy Goodrum: Red Eye (Clark Street) {1}: se_fp:+
  4081. Mick Gordon: Doom Eternal [Original Game Soundtrack] (Id Software/Bethesda) {1}: RY:39
  4082. Robert Gordon: Rockabilly for Life (Cleopatra) {1}: -- TH:*
  4083. Michael Gordon/The Crossing: Anonymous Man (Cantaloupe Music) {1}: tg:+
  4084. Got7: Breath of Love: Last Piece (JYP Entertainment) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  4085. Govana: Humans and Monsters Are Not the Same (Raheef Muzik Group) {1}: bv_g:+
  4086. T Gowdy: Therapy With Colour (Constellation) {1}: Ex:* -- A:76/2
  4087. Kathleen Grace & Larry Goldings: Tie Me to You (Monsoon) {1}: jdb:8
  4088. Wayne Graham: 1% Juice (K&F) {1}: jfkz:+
  4089. Magnus Granberg: Let Pass My Weary Guiltless Ghost (Another Timbre) {1}: AAJ:*
  4090. Grandaddy: The Sophtware . . . On a Wooden Piano (Dangerbird) {1}: Mw:32
  4091. Grandbruit: Ruptures (Past Inside the Present) {1}: YW:137
  4092. Grand Pax: PWR (Blue Flowers -EP) {1}: NT:* -- A:85/1
  4093. Grant: Vertigo (Milkshake -EP) {1}: LBF:* -- A:85/1
  4094. Ronny Graupes: SPOOM: Bridge Ices Before Road (Shoebill) {1}: FJ:*
  4095. Nathan Gray: Working Title (End Hits) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4096. The Great Harry Hillman: Live at Donau115 (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  4097. Green/Blue: Green/Blue (Slovenly) {1}: YW:88
  4098. CeeLo Green: CeeLo Green Is Thomas Callaway (Easy Eye Sound) {1}: YW:107 -- TH:B
  4099. Green Druid: At the Maw of Ruin (Earache) {1}: Spk:* -- A:72/2
  4100. Burton Greene/Guillaume Gargaud: Magic Intensity (Chant -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4101. Henry Green: Half Light (Akira) {1}: GTV:* -- A:69/5
  4102. Jaki Shelton Green: The River Speaks of Thirst (Soul City Sounds) {1}: CW:21
  4103. Green Seagull: Cloud Cover (Mega Dodo) {1}: FB:91
  4104. John Gregorius: Full of Life (Spotted Peccary) {1}: Ec:29
  4105. David Greilsammer: Labyrinth (Naive) {1}: npr_th:9
  4106. Derek Gripper: A Year of Swimming (New Cape) {1}: sol_fu:+
  4107. Josh Groban: Harmony (Reprise) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4108. Brian Groder Trio: Luminous Arcs (Latham -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4109. The Groove Project: Volume 1: Flights of Fantasy (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4110. Grotbags: Grotbags (Dipped in Gold) {1}: GTV:88
  4111. Grouplove: Healer (Canvasback) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4112. Grundstein: Schetsen 1 (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  4113. Grunen: Disenjambement (Trokaan) {1}: FJ:*
  4114. Ivar Grydeland & Henry Kaiser: Into the Arctic Dreamtime (Rune Grammofon) {1}: AAJ:*
  4115. Morgan Guerin: The Saga III (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  4116. GuiltyBeatz: Different EP (Banku Music -EP) {1}: PO:+
  4117. Daphne Guinness: Revelations (Absolute) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  4118. Guitar Fight From Fooly Cooly: Soak (997592 DK) {1}: Alt:46
  4119. Gulfer: Gulfer (Topshelf) {1}: Ex:* -- A:75/3
  4120. Tyller Gummersall: Heartbreak College (Country Road 330 Music) {1}: scm:+
  4121. GUM: Out in the World (Spinning Top) {1}: Cl:* -- A:71/6
  4122. Bilge Gunaydin: Daydreams (ADA Muzik) {1}: AAJ:*
  4123. Will Guthrie: Nist-Nah (Black Truffle) {1}: FJ:*
  4124. Guvna B: Everywhere + Nowhere (Allo Mate) {1}: LBF:* -- A:95/1
  4125. Barry Guy: Irvin's Comet (NoBusiness) {1}: FJ:*
  4126. Habibi: Anywhere but Here (Muddguts) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4127. Hachiku: I'll Probably Be Asleep (Marathon Artists) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  4128. Wolfgang Haffner: Kind of Tango (ACT Music) {1}: DB:* -- TH:B
  4129. Haftbefehl: Das Weisse Album (Urban) {1}: Mu:41
  4130. Robert Haigh: Black Sarabande (Unseen Worlds) {1}: U:* -- A:73/2, M:71/4
  4131. Hala: Red Herring (Cinematic) {1}: Ex:* -- A:75/2
  4132. Annie Hall: Fum (Central Processing Unit) {1}: YW:121
  4133. Rich Halley: Terra Incognita (Pine Eagle -19) {1}: vahm:+ -- TH:[A-]
  4134. Charlie Halloran With the Tropicales: Shake the Rum (self-released) {1}: jdku:+
  4135. Ria Hall: Manawa Wera (Loop) {1}: rnz:7
  4136. Judith Hamann: Shaking Studies (Blank Forms) {1}: FJ:*
  4137. The Hamrahlíð Choir: Come and Be Joyful (One Little Independent) {1}: Cl:* -- A:75/2
  4138. Enrique Haneine: Unlayered (Elegant Walk) {1}: AAJ:*
  4139. Hanging Valleys: Behind the Backs of Houses (PYL -EP) {1}: Sp:* -- A:75/2
  4140. Happy Accidents: Sprawling (HapAx) {1}: GTV:62
  4141. Haq123: Evil Spirits Who Prowl About the World Seeking the Ruin of Souls (self-released) {1}: Qt:91
  4142. Hard Working Boss: Revulva (Microcultures) {1}: MM:84
  4143. Blake Hargreaves: Improvisations on the Pipe Organs of Europe (Ultra Eczema -19) {1}: tg:+
  4144. Harmonious Thelonious: Plong (Bureau B) {1}: Pc:65
  4145. Elisabeth Harnik & Steve Swell: Tonotopic Organizations (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: -- TH:*
  4146. Ben Harper: Winter Is for Lovers (Anti-) {1}: U:* -- A:70/2
  4147. Lafayette Harris Jr: You Can't Lose With the Blues (Savant -19) {1}: jsj:+ -- TH:[*]
  4148. Harry Pussy: Superstar (Palilalia) {1}: Qt:72
  4149. Alfred Harth's Revolver 23: Kirschbluten Mit Verstecktem Sprengstoff (Moloko -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4150. Jim Hart & Ivo Neame: Multiverse (Edition) {1}: bc_j:*
  4151. John Hart: Act Three (SteepleChase) {1}: AAJ:*
  4152. The Lorca Hart Trio: Colors of Jazz (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4153. Mick Harvey: Waves of Anzac/The Journey (Mute) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4154. Jimmy Haslip: Red Heat (Blue Canoe) {1}: AAJ:*
  4155. Jimmy Haslip/Scott Kinsey/Gergo Borlai: ARC Trio (Blue Canoe) {1}: AAJ:*
  4156. Gerrit Hatcher/Jakob Warmenbol: Sublime Again (No Index) {1}: jfn:+
  4157. Hate Forest: Hour of the Centaur (Osmose Productions) {1}: RY:36
  4158. Haunt: Flashback (Metal Church) {1}: FB:58
  4159. Fiona Joy Hawkins: Moving Through Worlds (Little Hartley) {1}: AAJ:*
  4160. Hawksmoor: Methods of Dreaming (Spun Out of Control) {1}: CD:21
  4161. Haxan: White Noise (self-released) {1}: Gig:* -- A:83/1
  4162. Toby Hay: Morning/Evening Raga (Cambrian) {1}: atl:+
  4163. Ted Hearne: Place (New Amsterdam) {1}: nat:+
  4164. Heart Bones: Hot Dish (Love OnLine) {1}: key:+
  4165. Heinali: Madrigals (Injazero) {1}: G:* -- A:80/1
  4166. David Helbock: Playing John Williams: Piano Works XIV (ACT Music) {1}: jrd:7
  4167. Hellripper: The Affair of the Poisons (Peaceville) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4168. The Hellroys: Hellroys on Earth (No Soul) {1}: scm:+
  4169. Helvetia: This Devastating Map (Joyful Noise) {1}: AM:* -- A:77/2
  4170. Lauren Henderson: The Songbook Session (Brontosaurus) {1}: jtr:+
  4171. Sarah Hennies: Spectral Malsconcities (New World) {1}: jkp:7
  4172. The Henrys: Paydirt (HR-2019) {1}: tbm:13
  4173. Here to Play: Here to Play (self-released -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4174. Marshal Herridge: Chapter One (Bonneville) {1}: AAJ:*
  4175. Monika Herzig: Eternal Dance (Savant) {1}: -- TH:*
  4176. Izan Hesse: Sunday Mood (Social Sculpture) {1}: bc_e:*
  4177. Paul Hession/Simon H Fell: Reconstructed Fragments (Bruce's Fingers) {1}:
  4178. Peter Hess Quartet: Present Company (Diskonife) {1}: AAJ:*
  4179. James Leonard Hewitson: Only the Noise Will Save Me (James Leonard Hewitson) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  4180. Elsa Hewitt: Citrus Paradisi (ERM) {1}: VF:40
  4181. Hey Exit: Arm's Reach (Else 3) (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4182. Clifton Hicks: Banjo Heritage (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  4183. Highasakite: The Bare Romantic Pt 2 (Propeller -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  4184. HIGHR MUSIC: Blue Tape (Stone Music Entertainment) {1}: GC:28
  4185. High Spirits: Hard to Stop (Professor Black) {1}: FB:42
  4186. Kacy Hill: Is It Selfish if We Talk About Me Again (Kacy Hill) {1}: SMH:* -- A:65/3
  4187. Lisa Hilton: More Than Another Day (Ruby Slippers) {1}: AAJ:*
  4188. Colin Hinton: Simulacra (Panoramic) {1}: AAJ:*
  4189. The Hirsch Effekt: Kollaps (Long Branch) {1}: Vi:34
  4190. Hit-Boy: The Chauncey Hollis Project (HS87) {1}: bg_b:+
  4191. The Hives: Live at Third Man Records (Third Man) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  4192. Hjelvik: Welcome to Hel (Nuclear Blast) {1}: Vi:40 -- A:70/2
  4193. Hodge: Shadows in Blue (Houndstooth) {1}: AD:* -- A:80/1
  4194. Eleanor Hodgkinson: Nino Rota: Complete Solo Piano Works Vol 1 (Grand Piano) {1}: tg:+
  4195. Bendik Hofseth: Trunks (C+C) {1}: AAJ:*
  4196. Bart-Jan Hogenhuis: Prime (2074693 DK2) {1}: jsa:9
  4197. Hollow Ship: Future Remains (PNKSLM) {1}: FB:68
  4198. Emmanuel Holterbach & Blutwurst: Ricercar Nell'ombra (Another Timbre) {1}: AAJ:*
  4199. Holy Motors: Horse (Wharf Cat) {1}: AM:* -- A:75/2
  4200. Holy: Ryder (PNKSLM) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4201. Home Counties: Redevelopment (Alcopop! -EP) {1}: xci:+
  4202. Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet: Bluebeard (Challenge) {1}: AAJ:*
  4203. Honne: No Song Without You (Atlantic UK) {1}: rs_u:+
  4204. William Hooker/Phill Niblock: Flowers of the Spirit (Send+Receive) {1}: FJ:*
  4205. Hook: I Love You 2, Hook (G&C) {1}: PW:46
  4206. Chris Hopkins: Chris Hopkins Meets the Jazz Kangaroos Vol 1 (Echoes of Swing) {1}: jrs:+
  4207. Lisa Hoppe's Third Reality: The Mighty Unlikely (JazzHausMusik) {1}: AAJ:*
  4208. Horizons Jazz Orchestra: The Brite Side (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4209. Horse Meat Disco: Love & Dancing (Defected) {1}: LBF:* -- A:85/1
  4210. Haruomi Hosono: Malu Yumeji (Speedstar) {1}: ydn:+
  4211. House of Lords: New World/New Eyes (Frontiers) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  4212. Luke Howard Trio: The Shadow (Lukktone) {1}: tg:+
  4213. Howard University Jazz Ensemble: Hi-Fly (HUJE) {1}: AAJ:*
  4214. Amanda R Howland: Meeting Dr Ancient (Unifactor) {1}: bc_x:+
  4215. Howling: Colure (Counter) {1}: Ex:* -- A:70/2
  4216. Huanastone: Third Stone From the Sun (Argonauta) {1}: ab_b:8
  4217. Human Impact: Human Impact (Ipecac) {1}: Cl:* -- A:78/2
  4218. Holly Humberstone: Falling Asleep at the Wheel (Platoon -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:100/1
  4219. Hung Like Hanratty: Dragged Up (Ratty) {1}: VLR:30
  4220. Hunter Complex: Dead Calm and Zero Degrees (Burning Witches) {1}: CD:26
  4221. Nailah Hunter: Spells (Leaving) {1}: xbf:+
  4222. Hurricane Ruth: Good Life (American Showplace Music) {1}: YW:86
  4223. Husky: Stardust Blues (self-released) {1}: SMH:* -- A:80/1
  4224. Hymn: Silence, Then Birds (Confront -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4225. Hyroglifics & Sinistarr: BS6 (Hooversound) {1}: bc_e:*
  4226. Ialive: I'll Wait Forever (Ialive) {1}: bc_h:*
  4227. Christopher Icasiano: Provinces (Origin) {1}: FJ:* -- TH:B
  4228. Iceblink: Carpet Cocoon (Moon Glyph) {1}: aqd:+
  4229. Ihsahn: Pharos (Candlelight -EP) {1}: K:* -- A:85/2
  4230. IKB: Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus (Creative Sources -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4231. Ill Scholars: Ill Scholars (Fonetap) {1}: PO:+
  4232. The Imbeciles: The Imbeciles (self-released) {1}: VLR:39
  4233. Immaterial Possession: Immaterial Possession (Cloud) {1}: vbd:9
  4234. The Immediate Family: Slippin' and Slidin' (Quarto Valley) {1}: se_fp:+
  4235. Incubus: Trust Fall (Side B) (Incubus -EP) {1}: ABC:33
  4236. Indian Queens: God Is a Woman (Cool Thing) {1}: fms:+
  4237. Indigo Girls: Look Long (Rounder) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/2
  4238. Indigos: Indigos (Club AC30 -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:90/1
  4239. Indoor Voices: Echoes (self-released -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4240. Infinity Knives: Dear, Sudan (Phantom Limb) {1}: LQ:* -- A:80/1
  4241. Ingested: Where Only Gods May Tread (Unique Leader) {1}: Ex:31 -- A:90/1
  4242. InMe: Jumpstart Hope (Killing Moon) {1}: Gw:* -- A:75/2
  4243. Mikko Innanen: Autonomus I-XXX (Fiasko -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4244. Innards: Back From the Grave, Straight in Your Face (Transcending Obscurity -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4245. Neil Innes: How Sweet to Be an Idiot (Grapefruit) {1}: U:* -- A:80/1
  4246. Insect Ark: The Vanishing (Profound Lore) {1}: SC:* -- A:80/1
  4247. InTechnicolour: Big Sleeper (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: Ups:* -- A:70/2
  4248. Internal Rot: Grieving Birth (Iron Lung) {1}: bv_fp:+
  4249. In the Company of Serpents: Lux (In the Company of Serpents) {1}: Db:33
  4250. Invocation: Attunement to Death (Iron Bonehead -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4251. Iojii: Lo & Behold (Iojii) {1}: bc_h:*
  4252. Gianni Iorio & Pasquale Stafano: Mediterranean Tales (Enja) {1}: AAJ:*
  4253. Iress: Flaw (self-released) {1}: Bc:*
  4254. Irist: Order of the Mind (Nuclear Blast) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4255. Iron Mask: Master of Masters (AFM Organization) {1}: SoT:48
  4256. Irreversible Entanglements: Irreversible Live in Italy (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  4257. Isabella: Melody Depleted (Ideal) {1}: vamp:9
  4258. Isotope Ensemble: Radium (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ:*
  4259. Ist Ist: Architecture (Ist Ist) {1}: rld:+
  4260. It's Immaterial: House for Sale (Burning Shed) {1}: Mj:*
  4261. Ixachitlan: Eagle, Quetzal, and Condor (Night of the Palemoon) {1}: Bc:+
  4262. Jabru: Old Rope (Jabru) {1}: bc_e:*
  4263. Jabu: Sweet Company (Do You Have Peace?) {1}: Mj:*
  4264. Jacaszek: Music for Film (Ghostly International) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4265. Frank Jacket: You Say Adios (Mula) {1}: pm_a:25
  4266. Dylan Jack Quartet: The Tale of the Twelve-Foot Man (Creative Nation Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  4267. Jacksonville: FON (Hobbes Music -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  4268. Jadu Heart: Hyper Romance (VLF) {1}: Gw:47 -- A:63/2
  4269. Jaguar Jonze: Diamonds & Liquid Gold (Nettwerk -EP) {1}: AU:39
  4270. Jah9: Note to Self (VP) {1}: bv_g:+
  4271. Jahi & Configa: Forward Future (Configaration) {1}: HG:44
  4272. Salim Jaid and Santiago Bogasz: Una Mirada Perdida/Elle Se Convirtio En Sus Ojos (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4273. Siv Jakobsen: A Temporary Soothing (U OK?) {1}: LBF:* -- A:76/4
  4274. Boldy James and Real Bad Man: Real Bad Boldy (Real Bad Man) {1}: yjsb:+
  4275. Bryan James: Politics or Religion (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  4276. Leifur James: Angel in Disguise (Night Time Stories) {1}: Cl:* -- A:70/2
  4277. Paul James: As We Go Wandering (PPJ) {1}: scm:*
  4278. Wendy James: Queen High Straight (Cobraside) {1}: VLR:36
  4279. Jamie 3:26: Jamie 3:26 Presents a Taste of Chicago (BBE) {1}: bc_e:*
  4280. Henry Jamison: Tourism (Ultra Music) {1}: atw:+
  4281. Jamo Gang: Walking With Lions (Fat Beats) {1}: HG:26
  4282. Janczarski & Siddik 4tet: Contemplation (ForTune) {1}: bc_j:*
  4283. Jon Jang: The Pledge of Black/Asian Allegiance (Asian Improv) {1}: jwj:7
  4284. Tomas Janzon: 130th & Lenox (Changes) {1}: DB:*
  4285. Jaunt: All in One (Jaunt) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  4286. Rajiv Jayaweera: Pistils (Outside In Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  4287. Jazzagenturen: The Stockholm Corona Sessions Volume One (Bra Skivor) {1}: AAJ:*
  4288. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis: Sherman Irby's Inferno (Blue Engine) {1}: -- TH:*
  4289. Jazzmyn RED: REDvolution (Jazzmyn RED) {1}: bg_t:+
  4290. Joshua Jern Jazz Orchestra: Midnight Stroll (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4291. Jesu: Terminus (Avalanche) {1}: NT:* -- A:70/5
  4292. Jimanica: Nothing but Cosmos (Jeminic) {1}: tg:+
  4293. Cody Jinks: Red Rocks Live (Late August) {1}: scm:+
  4294. JME: Grime MC (Boy Better Know Entertainment) {1}: N:44
  4295. Joan: Cloudy (self-released -EP) {1}: DIY:* -- A:80/1
  4296. Jobs: Endless Birthdays (Ramp Local) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  4297. Johann Johannsson/Yair Elazar Glotman: Last and First Men (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: mm:+
  4298. Sverre Knut Johansen: Dreams Beyond (Spotted Peccary) {1}: tx_a:6
  4299. Kacey Johansing: No Better Time (Night Bloom) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4300. Eric Johanson: Below Sea Level (Nola Blue) {1}: AAJ:*
  4301. Joanna John/Burkhard Stangl: Lynx (Interstellar -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4302. John & James Carty: The Wavy Bow Collection (Racket) {1}: Mj:*
  4303. A Joker's Rage: The Rain Dance (self-released -19) {1}: Gig:* -- A:82/1
  4304. AF Jones: A Jurist for Nothing (Gertrude Tapes) {1}: bc_x:+
  4305. Kelly Jones: Don't Let the Devil Take Another Day (Parlophone) {1}: Gw:* -- A:75/2
  4306. Lee Jones: Down Into Light (Mad as Hell) {1}: pm_e:20
  4307. Scott Jones: Fictioal Characters (Autumn Hill) {1}: AAJ:*
  4308. Alex Jonsson: Heathland (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4309. Jordana: Something to Say (Grand Jury Music -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  4310. Jason Joshua & the Beholders: Alegria Y Tristeza (Fat Beats) {1}: S45:41
  4311. Jouska: Everything Is Good (Kokeplate) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  4312. Jowell & Randy: Viva El Perreo (Rimas Entertainment) {1}: N:45
  4313. Joywave: Possession (Hollywood/Cultco) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4314. Louis Jucker: Something Went Wrong (Hummus) {1}: Mw:27
  4315. Andrew Judah: Impossible Staircase (Sounds Suspicious) {1}: Spk:* -- A:90/1
  4316. Pete Judge: Piano 2 (PJM) {1}: tbm:14
  4317. Juicy J: The Hustle Continues (EOne) {1}: HDX:+
  4318. July Talk: Pray for It (Sleepless/BMG) {1}: Sp:* -- A:70/3
  4319. Juman: Music to Study To (self-released -EP) {1}: bc_s:*
  4320. Larry June and Cardo: Cruise USA (Free Minded) {1}: bg_b:+
  4321. Juno: BCN626 (Juno) {1}: Jp:37
  4322. Jura Soundsystem: Transmission Two (Isle of Jura) {1}: S45:33
  4323. Saunder Jurriaans: Beasts (Decca) {1}: Mj:*
  4324. Seba Kaapstad: Konke (Mello Music Group) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4325. Kabaka Pyramid x Federation Sound: Immaculate (self-released) {1}: bv_g:+
  4326. Kadavar: The Isolation Tapes (Robotor) {1}: Vi:32
  4327. George Kahn: Dream Catcher (Playing) {1}: AAJ:*
  4328. Duwap Kaine: Underdog 2 (Kaine) {1}: atw:+
  4329. Maria Kalaniemi & Eero Grundstrom: Mielo (Akero) {1}: sol_eu:+
  4330. KALIL & Cam Harris: Order (Second State Audio -EP) {1}: YW:132
  4331. Kaliyuga: In Hearts Wake (UNFD) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4332. Kamakaze/Eyez/Capo Lee/Big Zuu: Royal Rumble (Ditto) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  4333. Eyvind Kang: Ajaeng Ajaeng (Ideologic Organ) {1}: ydn:+
  4334. Noah Kaplan Quartet: Out of the Hole (Ezz-thetics) {1}: AAJ:*
  4335. Pandelis Karayorgis Double Trio: CliffPools (Driff) {1}: AAJ:*
  4336. Karkara: Nowhere Land (Stolen Body) {1}: FB:31
  4337. Matt Karmil: STS371 (Smalltown Supersound) {1}: AM:* -- A:70/2
  4338. Kataklysm: Unconquered (Nuclear Blast) {1}: Ex:* -- A:75/2
  4339. Roland Kayn: A Pan-Air Music (Reiger-records-reeks) {1}: pf_a:+
  4340. Kaytranada: Bubba (RCA -19) {1}: Pc:69 -- TH:[**]
  4341. Bastien Keb: The Killing of Eugene Peeps (Gearbox) {1}: Bc:+
  4342. Keb' Mo': Oklahoma (Concord -19) {1}: jrm;+
  4343. Tyler Keith: The Last Drag (Black & Wyatt) {1}: PO:+
  4344. Andrea Keller: Journey Home (self-released) {1}: jld:9
  4345. Andrea Keller: Transients: Volume 2 (self-released) {1}: DB:*
  4346. Andrea Keller's Five Below: Life Is Beautiful (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  4347. Nelson Kempf: Family Dollar (Hourglass) {1}: U:* -- A:70/2
  4348. Tom Kennedy: Stories (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4349. KenTheMan: 40 da 304's (Independent) {1}: N:100
  4350. Mazen Kerbaj: Solo Trumpet Vol 2.2 Cuts, Overdubs, Use of Electronics (Discrepant -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4351. Mazen Kerbaj: The Corona Diaries () {1}: FJ:*
  4352. Kestrels: Dream or Don't Dream (Darla) {1}: AM:* -- A:75/2
  4353. Kes: We Home (Ineffable) {1}: npr_nb:8
  4354. Kevel: Mutatis Mutandis (I Voidhanger) {1}: pm_m:18
  4355. Kevin & the Bikes: Ironic Songs (self-released) {1}: gu:16
  4356. Keznamdi: Bloodline (self-released) {1}: bv_g:+
  4357. Donna Khalife: Hope Is the Thing With Feathers (self-released -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4358. Khruangbin: Late Night Tales (Late Night Tales) {1}: Cl:* -- A:72/4
  4359. Khusugtun: Jangar (Buda Musique) {1}: sol:+
  4360. Kicksie: All My Friends (Bedhead) {1}: Alt:74
  4361. Kid Abstrakt & Emapea: Jazzy Vibes (Raw Rhythm/Emapea Music) {1}: HG:46
  4362. Kiiara: Lil Kiwii (Atlantic) {1}: Id:58 -- A:61/1
  4363. Killer Kin: Bad Bad Minds (Killer Kin) {1}: xph:+
  4364. Kimono Drag Queens: Songs of Worship (Copper Feast) {1}: FB:24
  4365. Sukyung Kim: Lilac Hill (self-released -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  4366. Kinderzimmer Productions: Todesverahtung to Go (Gronland) {1}: Zf:57
  4367. King Charles: Out of My Mind (Buffalo Game Limited) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  4368. Kings of the Valley: Kings of the Valley (Wonderful & Strange) {1}: FB:23
  4369. Masamichi Kinoshita: Ftarri's Harmonium (Ftarri) {1}: FJ:*
  4370. Roy Kinsey: Kinsey: A Memoir (self-released) {1}: ycct:8
  4371. Kitchen: Halloween in August (Snowsounds) {1}: rs_u:+
  4372. Kite: People You Must Look at Me (Unheard) {1}: FJ:*
  4373. Kitgut Quartet: 'Tis Too Late to Be Wise (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: tg:+
  4374. Jesse Kivel: Infinite Jest (New Feelings) {1}: UR:* -- A:80/1
  4375. Matt Kivel: That Day, on the Beach (Pedro Y El Lobo) {1}: atw:+
  4376. Jordan Klassen: Tell Me What to Do (Fontana North) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4377. Sofija Knezevic: Sofijazz (Archival) {1}: jahn:9
  4378. Aidan Knight: Aidan Knight (Next Door) {1}: Cl:* -- A:73/3
  4379. Gordon Koang: Unity (Music in Exile) {1}: DJ:35
  4380. Denin Koch: Re: Manhattan Project (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4381. Kodaline: One Day at a Time (AWAL) {1}: MO:* -- A:80/1
  4382. Tony Kofi: Another Kind of Soul (Last Music Company) {1}: jss:+
  4383. Masayo Koketsu/Lao Dan/Deng Boyu/Li Diaguo: Burning Bookshop II (Old Heaven Books) {1}: FJ:*
  4384. Kolsch: Now Here No Where (Kompakt) {1}: ty_e:13
  4385. Kooba Tercu: Proto Tekno (Rocket) {1}: Sb:35
  4386. Patricia Kopatchinskaja/Giovanni Antonini/Il Giardino Armonica: What's Next Vivaldi? (Alpha) {1}: YW:60
  4387. Benjamin Koppel/Tine Rehling/Henrik Dam Thomsen: Les Mobiles (Cowbell Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  4388. Chris Korda: Polymeter (Mental Groove) {1}: rd:+
  4389. Korine: New Arrangements (Born Losers) {1}: GTV:50
  4390. Kos: An Uncaught Bird (Forlaget Kornmod) {1}: FJ:*
  4391. Thomas Kotcheff: Frederic Rzewski: Songs of Insurrection (Coviello Classics) {1}: mm:+
  4392. Sofia Kourtesis: Sarita Colonia (Studio Barnhus -EP) {1}: GB:+
  4393. Krallice: Mass Cathexis (Gilead Media) {1}: Db:26
  4394. Jonathan Kreisberg: Capturing Spirits: JKQ Live! (New for Now) {1}: JT:36
  4395. Robby Krieger: The Ritual Begins at Sundown (The Players Group) {1}: AAJ:*
  4396. Brian Krock: Viscera (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  4397. Peter Kronreif & Wayfarers: Aeronautics (Fresh Sound New Talent -19) {1}: sdu_j:+
  4398. Krosis: A Memoir of Free Will (Unique Leader) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  4399. K-Trap: Street Side Effects (Black Butter) {1}: rd:+
  4400. Joachim Kuhn/Mateusz Smoczynski: Speaking Sound (ACT) {1}: DB:*
  4401. Stefanie Kunckler Ymonos: Amateur (Unit -EP) {1}: bc_j:*
  4402. Emma Kupa: It Will Come Easier (Fika) {1}: pm_ip:+
  4403. Juliet Kurtzman/Pete Malinverni: Candlelight: Love in the Time of Cholera (Saranac) {1}: jrm:+ -- TH:B
  4404. Bronius Kutavicius: Last Pagan Rites/From the Yotvingian Stone (Music Information Centre Lithuania -19) {1}: mj_u:10
  4405. Samo Kutin/Martin Kuchen: Stutter and Strike (Sploh) {1}: FJ:*
  4406. Dan Kye: Small Moments (Rhythm Section International) {1}: RT:61
  4407. Shannon LaBrie: Building (Moraine) {1}: mm:+
  4408. Yazmin Lacey: Morning Matters (The Orchard) {1}: Bc:+
  4409. Lafawndah: The Fifth Season (Latency) {1}: LI:69 -- A:68/3
  4410. John Lake: Seven Angels (Outside In) {1}: jgz:+
  4411. Laksa: Fire Kit EP (Hessle Audio -EP) {1}: Oy:38
  4412. Rupert Lally: Strange Systems (Third Kind) {1}: tg:+
  4413. Rupert Lally: When the Dark Speaks (Spun Out of Control) {1}: CD:34
  4414. La Lucha: Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Arbors) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:B
  4415. Dalai Lama: Inner World (Hitco) {1}: Cl:* -- A:60/2
  4416. Lamasz: Nature Morte (Past Inside the Present) {1}: YW:114
  4417. Landshapes: Contact (Bella Union) {1}: LQ:* -- A:77/3
  4418. Tory Lanez: The New Toronto 3 (Interscope) {1}: Ex:* -- A:75/2
  4419. Roberto Carlos Lange: Kite Symphony: Four Variations (Ballroom Marfa) {1}: pf_a:+
  4420. Lang Lang: Johann Sebastian Bach: Goldberg Variations [Deluxe Edition] (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: AAJ:*
  4421. David Lang/Quince Ensemble: Love Fail (Innova) {1}: tg:+
  4422. Rhys Langston: Language Arts Unit (Rhys Langston) {1}: bc_h:*
  4423. Lantern: Dimensions (Dark Descent) {1}: tr_m:15
  4424. Travis LaPlante & Yarn/Wire: Inner Garden (New Amsterdam) {1}: bc_j:*
  4425. Dr Pete Larson and His Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band: Dr Pete Larson and His Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band (Dagonetti) {1}: vjk:+
  4426. Harald Lassen: Human Sampling (Jazzland) {1}: CM:+ -- TH:B
  4427. Bill Laswell: Against Empire (MOD Reloaded) {1}: ycw:+
  4428. Late Night Final: A Wonderful Hope (PIAS) {1}: Mj:*
  4429. Laume: Waterbirth (Carpark) {1}: AM:* -- A:70/2
  4430. Laurel: Petrol Bloom (Caroline -EP) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  4431. Dustin Laurenzi's Natural Language: A Time and a Place (Woolgathering) {1}: AAJ:*
  4432. C Lavender: Myth of Equilibrium (Editions Mego) {1}: bc_x:+
  4433. Lavender Diamond: Now Is the Time (Petaluma) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4434. Lavender Flu: Barbarian Dust (In the Red) {1}: Sb:53
  4435. Ciaran Lavery: Plz Stay, BB (self-released) {1}: HP:30
  4436. Ant Law: The Sleeper Wakes (Edition) {1}: bc_j:*
  4437. John Law's Congregation: Configuration (Ubuntu Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  4438. Gabor Lazar: Source (Planet Mu) {1}: AM:* -- A:70/2
  4439. LazyGod X Cartier'GOD: VaporDrip (self-released -EP) {1}: owl:+
  4440. Joelle Leandre/Myra Melford/Lauren Newton: Stormy Whispers (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: FJ:*
  4441. Joelle Leandre/Pascal Contet: Area Sismica (We Insist!) {1}: FJ:*
  4442. Joelle Leandre/Robert Dick/Miya Masaoka: Solar Wind (Not Two) {1}: sl:+
  4443. Anja Lechner/Francois Couturier: Lontano (ECM) {1}: jtn:9
  4444. Douglas Lee: Themes for Falling Down Stairs (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4445. Lee Han: Piwa Pi (Ghost Plants) {1}: tg:+
  4446. Howie Lee: 7 Weapons Series (Maloca) {1}: Qt:24
  4447. Jimin Lee: Strange Flower (Mirrorball) {1}: DB:*
  4448. Leenalchi: Sugungga (Leeway Music) {1}: vma:+
  4449. The Lees of Memory: Moon Shot (John Davis Brand Music) {1}: Mg:24
  4450. Tommy Lee: Andro (Better Noise Music) {1}: ap:+ -- A:63/3
  4451. Left of Center: Crossing the Water (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4452. The Legends: The Legends (Golden Islands) {1}: pm_ip:8
  4453. Shira Legmann/Giacinto Scelsi: Suite No 9/Quattro Illustrazioni/Un Adieu (Elsewhere) {1}: FJ:*
  4454. Heather Leigh: Glory Days (Boomkat Editions/Documenting Sound) {1}: Qt:41
  4455. Lemon Quartet: Crestless (Last Resort) {1}: aqd:+
  4456. Joao Lencastre: No Gravity (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4457. Lenparrot: Another Short Album About Love (Futur) {1}: MM:89
  4458. Frank Lenz: Pyramid (Frank Lenz) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  4459. Lex Leosis: Mythologies (self-released) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4460. Les Marquises: La Battue (Les Disques Normal) {1}: MM:75
  4461. Lesneu: Bonheur Ou Tristesse (Music From the Masses/PIAS) {1}: MM:77
  4462. Les Sangliers: Miniscules (Aerophonic) {1}: -- TH:*
  4463. Less Bells: Mourning Jewelry (Kranky) {1}: Mj:* -- A:75/2
  4464. Let It Come Down: Songs We Sang in Our Dreams (Shimmy Disc) {1}: rld:+
  4465. Let Spin: Steal the Light (Efpi) {1}: AAJ:*
  4466. Mica Levi: Ruff Dog (self-released) {1}: XLR:+
  4467. Alex Levin: A Sunday Kind of Love (Alex Levin Music -19) {1}: jsj:+
  4468. Ben Levin: Carryout or Delivery (Vizztone) {1}: mj_b:7
  4469. Klara Lewis: Ingrid (Editions Mego) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4470. Rhys Lewis: Things I Chose to Remember (Decca) {1}: LBF:* -- A:75/2
  4471. LGoony: Frost Forever (ContentView) {1}: Lt:42
  4472. Liga Latina: Liga Latina (Multination) {1}: AAJ:*
  4473. Lighght: They Are Just Bangers Bro, Please Don't Think Too Hard About It, Bro You Gotta Stop Thinking, Please Bro Come On (Lighght) {1}: bc_e:*
  4474. Lights: Dead End (Fueled by Ramen) {1}: rks:+
  4475. Like the Mind: Live at Fylkingen (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4476. Lila Tirando a Violeta: Limerencia (NAAFI) {1}: bc_e:+
  4477. Lilim: Weighted Ghosts (self-released) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  4478. Lilja: Marble (Jazzland) {1}: Dv:25
  4479. Lil Tecca: Virgo World (Galactic/Lil Tecca) {1}: nyl:++
  4480. Lil Wayne: No Ceilings 3 (Young Money) {1}: hyb:11
  4481. Lil Yachty: Lil Boat 3 (Quality Control/Motown/Capitol) {1}: xxl:+ -- A:49/4
  4482. Kate Lindsey: Arianna (Alpha) {1}: DVk:32
  4483. Roger Lin: Whisper of the Isolated Ones (self-released) {1}: jan:+
  4484. Errol Linton: No Entry (Brassdog) {1}: ygc:+
  4485. Lithics: Wendy Kraemer EP (Moone -EP) {1}: NR:* -- A:80/1
  4486. Little Barrie & Malcolm Catto: Quatermass Seven (Madlib Invazion) {1}: rld:+
  4487. The Little Hands of Asphalt: Half Empty (Fika) {1}: Dv:31
  4488. The Little Lord Street Band: A Minute of Another Day (self-released) {1}: AU:32
  4489. Live Burial: Unending Futility (Transcending Obscurity) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  4490. Tom Liwa: Der, Den Mein Freund Kannte (self-released) {1}: RS_D:25
  4491. Johnny Lloyd: Cheap Medication (Xtra Mile) {1}: Gw:* -- A:75/2
  4492. Locate S, 1: Personalia (Captured Tracks) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4493. London Philharmonic Orchestra: Ravi Shankar: Sukanya (LPO -19) {1}: tg:+
  4494. Lonely Robot: Feelings Are Good (Insideout) {1}: SoT:32
  4495. Long Distance Poison: Technical Mentality (Hausu Mountain) {1}: AM:* -- A:75/2
  4496. Dan Loomis: Job's Trials: A Jazz Song Cycle (Loominous) {1}: jjh:8
  4497. Loose Fit: Loose Fit (FatCat -EP) {1}: FB:67
  4498. Lopez Trio: Triptych (self-released) {1}: CM:+
  4499. Michelle Lordi: Breaking Up With the Sound (Cabinet of Wonder Productions) {1}: jcmb:+
  4500. Uffe Lorenzen: Magisk Realisme (Bad Afro) {1}: FB:64
  4501. Los Blenders: Mazunte 2016 (Devil in the Woods) {1}: AM:*
  4502. Los Days: Singing Sands (Too Good) {1}: aqd:+
  4503. Russ Lossing: Traces: Two Song Cycles (Aqua Piazza) {1}: AAJ:*
  4504. The Lost Brothers: After the Fire After the Rain (Bird Dog) {1}: mj_a:9
  4505. The Lost Melody [Joe Davidian/Jamie Ousley/Austin McMahon]: New Songs for Old Souls (Tie) {1}: AAJ:*
  4506. John Lost & the Cause: Casual Fitness (Late Breakfast) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4507. Lo Tom: LP2 (Lo Tom) {1}: yjsb:+
  4508. Louise: Heavy Love (Lil Lou/Warner) {1}: MO:* -- A:80/1
  4509. Louis the Child: Here for Now (Interscope) {1}: nti:6
  4510. Paul Lovens/Ignaz Schick/Clayton Thomas: Meeting the Past (Zarek) {1}: FJ:*
  4511. Loyal Lobos: Everlasting (self-released) {1}: Rf:57
  4512. LP: Live in Moscow (Vagrant) {1}: irp:+
  4513. Lucifer: Lucifer III (Century Media) {1}: FB:75
  4514. Miklos Lukacs Cimbiosis Trio: Music From the Solitude of Timeless Minutes (BMC) {1}: jahk:+
  4515. Luka Productions & Kandiafa: Music From Saharan WhatsApp Volume 6 (Sahel Sounds -EP) {1}: PO:+
  4516. Luminous Bodies: Nah Nah Nah Yeh Yeh Yeh (Box Record) {1}: Qt:98
  4517. Lunchbox: After School Special (Slumberland) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4518. Lunch Money Life: Immersion Chamber (Fire Talk) {1}: Bc:+
  4519. Lupe Fiasco/Kaelin Ellis: House (1st & 15th -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  4520. Lupin: Lupin (Grand Jury) {1}: Sp:* -- A:100/1
  4521. Lurker of Chalice: Tellurian Slaked Furnace (Nuclear War Now!) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  4522. The Luxembourg Signal: The Long Now (Shelflife) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4523. Ronnie Luxe: Rabbit Hole (self-released -EP) {1}: bc_s:*
  4524. Lykantropi: Tales to Be Told (Despotz) {1}: -- FB:34
  4525. Sam Lynch: Little Disappearance (Birthday Cake) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4526. Paul Lytton/Joker Nies/Richard Scott/George Wissel: Do They Do Those in Red? (Sound Anatomy) {1}: FJ:*
  4527. Frank Macchia/Brock Avery: Rhythm Abstraction: Azure (Cacophony) {1}: AAJ:*
  4528. Lauren MacColl: Landskein (Make Believe) {1}: sol_fk:+
  4529. Set MacFarlane: Great Songs From Stage and Screen (Verve) {1}: jb:+
  4530. Jordan Mackampa: Foreigner (self-released) {1}: atw:+
  4531. Mad Sin: Unbreakable (Century Media) {1}: VLR:43
  4532. Magenta: Masters of Illusion (Tigermoth) {1}: SoT:49
  4533. Magick Mountain: Weird Feelings (self-released) {1}: Crh:26
  4534. Nick Mitchell Maiato: Pino Carrasco (Was Ist Da) {1}: aqd:+
  4535. Luca T Mai: Heavenly Guide (Trost) {1}: jahk:+ -- TH:B
  4536. Mike Majkowski: Mirage (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4537. Malinky: Handsel (Greentrax) {1}: sol_eu:+
  4538. Michael Malis: Dualisms (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4539. Alain Mallet: Mutt Slang II: A Wake of Sorrows Engulfed in Rage (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  4540. Mall Grab: Sunflower (Looking for Trouble) {1}: NF:30
  4541. Tomi Malm: Coming Home (Conante & Sonante) {1}: se_fp:+
  4542. Malokarpatan: Krupinske Ohne (Invictus) {1}: io:6
  4543. Slauson Malone: Vergangenheitsbewaltigung [Crater Speak] (Grand Closing) {1}: Bc:+
  4544. Matt Maltese: Madhouse (Nettwerk -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:70/2
  4545. The Mammals: Nonet (Humble Abode Music) {1}: fa:+
  4546. Manga Saint Hilaire: Make It Out Alive (self-released) {1}: cmp:11
  4547. Manikineter: Copper Fields (Atypeek Music) {1}: GTV:75
  4548. Mannequin Pussy: Patience (Epitaph -19) {1}: Rx:71 -- RC:[A-], TH:[**]
  4549. Marietta: Prazepam St (Born Bad) {1}: MM:60
  4550. Bachar Mar-Khalife: On/Off (Balcoon) {1}: LI:63
  4551. Skip Marley: Higher Place (Island -EP) {1}: bv_g:+
  4552. Branford Marsalis: Ma Rainey's Black Bottom [Original Soundtrack] (Milan) {1}: YW:62 -- TH:B
  4553. Jason Marsalis: Live (Basin Street) {1}: DB:*
  4554. Nick Marsh: Waltzing Bones (Bellissima) {1}: VLR:23
  4555. Rhys Marsh: October After All (Karisma -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4556. Leila Martial: Warm Canto (Laborie Jazz) {1}: jjs:+
  4557. Walter Martin: Common Prayers (Family Jukebox) {1}: N:49
  4558. Masaa: Irade (Traumton) {1}: bc_j:*
  4559. Steve Masakowski and the Masakowski Family: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4560. Sebastian Maschat & Erlend Oye: Quarantine at El Ganzo (Bubbles) {1}: Zf:74
  4561. Masego: Studying Abroad (EQT/Capitol -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  4562. Dmitry Masleev/Siberian State Symphony Orchestra: Rapid Movement (Melodiya) {1}: tg:+
  4563. Masma Dream World: Play at Night (Northern Spy) {1}: aqd:+
  4564. Master Oogway: Earth and Other Worlds (Rune Grammofon) {1}: jml:+
  4565. The Mark Masters Ensemble: Night Talk: The Alec Wilder Songbook (Capri) {1}: AAJ:*
  4566. The Mastersons: Red, White & I Love You Too (Red House -EP) {1}: AS:* -- A:90/1
  4567. Matador: Matador V (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4568. David K Mathews: The Fantasy Vocal Sessions Vol 2 (Effendi) {1}: jtr:+
  4569. Mike Mattison: Afterglow (Landslide) {1}: AAJ:*
  4570. Maxthor: Fiction (Lost Worlds) {1}: Noj:34
  4571. Dent May: Late Checkout (Carpark) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4572. Matt Mayhall: Fanatics (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  4573. Bill Mays and Friends: Mays Plays Mays (No Blooze -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4574. Gerald McClendon: Can't Nobody Stop Me Now (Delta Roots) {1}: DB:*
  4575. Andrew McCormack: Solo (Ubuntu Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  4576. John McCowen: Two Energy Cops at 3AM (Daang) {1}: FJ:*
  4577. Madison McFerrin: Madison McFerrin on Audiotree Live (Audiotree) {1}: tg:+
  4578. McFly: Young Dumb Thrills (BMG) {1}: xkb:8
  4579. Tim McGraw: Here on Earth (Big Machine) {1}: sln:+ -- 70/1
  4580. McKay & Leigh: McKay & Leigh (Voxhall -19) {1}: scm:*
  4581. Robin McKelle: Alterations (Doxie) {1}: jsl:7
  4582. Gayelynn McKinney and McKinney Zone: Zoot Suit Funk (Beatstix) {1}: -- TH:*
  4583. McStine & Minnemann: McStine & Minnemann (self-released) {1}: se_fp:+
  4584. Casper McWade: Unraveled (Death Before Pop Country) {1}: scm:+
  4585. Paulette McWilliams: A Woman's Story (Blujazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  4586. Mealtime: Aperitif (LAB -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  4587. Jake Meginsky/Bill Nace Duo: West/East (Open Mouth -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4588. Andre Mehmari and Danilo Brito: Nosso Brasil (Tratore) {1}: tg:+
  4589. Meilir [Tomos]: In Tune (Gwdihw) {1}:
  4590. Carsten Meinert: CM Musictrain (Stunt/Sundance) {1}: AAJ:*
  4591. Mekong Delta: Tales of a Future Past (Butler) {1}: vce:10
  4592. Mike Melito/Dino Losito Quartet: You're It! (Cellar Live) {1}: AAJ:*
  4593. The Memories: Pickles & Pies (Axis Mundi) {1}: NT:* -- A:85/1
  4594. Me Nd Adam: American Drip Pt 1 (Handwritten) {1}: atw:+
  4595. Ava Mendoza/Vijay Anderson/Stephen Gauci: Studio Sessions Vol 4 (Gaucimusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  4596. Zola Mennenoh: Longing for Belonging (Figureight) {1}: U:* -- A:80/1
  4597. Menzi: Impazamo (Hakuna Kulala) {1}: gcn:+
  4598. Mercston: Top Tier (KLM) {1}: NME:* -- A:75/2
  4599. Meridian Arc: Timelapse (SFI) {1}: CD:39
  4600. Messer: No Future Days (Trocadero) {1}: Top:40
  4601. Meurtrieres: Meurtrieres (Armee De La Mort -EP) {1}: npr_lg:9
  4602. Camila Meza & the Nectar Orchestra: Ambar (Sony Masterworks -19) {1}: jpl:+ -- TH:[B]
  4603. Szilard Mezei: Sleeping Time/Before Noon (Klopotec -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4604. MFC Chicken: Fast Food & Broken Hearts (Dirty Water) {1}: LW:50
  4605. Miasmatic Necrosis: Apex Profane (Goatgrind) {1}: bv_fp:+
  4606. Betty Michaels: Extant (self-released -EP) {1}: bc_s:*
  4607. Michael: Tell Your Friends (Crackedankles) {1}: LW:31
  4608. Nicolas Michaux: Amour Colere (Capitane) {1}: GMD:35
  4609. Raul Midon: The Mirror (Artistry/Mack Avenue) {1}: vjt:+
  4610. Marie Mifsud: Recif (Ebullissons) {1}: bc_j:*
  4611. Military Genius: Deep Web (Tin Angel) {1}: AM:* -- A:75/2
  4612. The Milk: Cages (Wah Wah 45s) {1}: SoS:75
  4613. Elizabeth Millar: No Instrument Machine, Air (Mystery & Wonder -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4614. Dean Miller: 1965 (Eupea Music Works) {1}: scm:+
  4615. Kate Miller-Heidke: Child in Reverse (EMI Australia) {1}: DJ:37
  4616. Lloyd Miller: At the Ends of the World (Fountainavm) {1}: vbd:7
  4617. Tyler Joe Miller: Sometimes I Don't, but Sometimes I Do (MDM) {1}: spt:+
  4618. Mini Skirt: Casino (self-released) {1}: BIB:+
  4619. Kentaro Minoura: [???] (Primordial Void) {1}: bc_e:*
  4620. Mint Field: Sentimiento Mundial (Fette) {1}: LQ:* -- A:75/3
  4621. Tara Minton: Please Do Not Ignore the Mermaid (Lateralize) {1}: AAJ:*
  4622. Guy Mintus Trio: A Gershwin Playground (Enja) {1}: AAJ:*
  4623. The Miracle: The Miracle (Mr Nakayasi) {1}: FJ:*
  4624. Misery Signals: Ultraviolet (Basick) {1}: Ex:* -- A:72/3
  4625. Donna Missal: Lighter (Harvest) {1}: Rf:48
  4626. Alfa Mist: On My Ones (Sekito) {1}: bc_j:*
  4627. MisterWives: Superbloom (Fueled by Ramen) {1}: Rf:49
  4628. Roscoe Mitchell: Splatter (I Dischi Di Angelica) {1}: AAJ:* -- [TH:-]
  4629. Tony Mitchell: Church of a Restless Soul (AOR Heaven) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  4630. Mitochondrial Sun: Sju Pulsarer (Argonauta) {1}: Spk:* -- A:80/1
  4631. Mix Master Mike & Steve Jordan: Beat Odyssey 2020 (Jay Vee) {1}: vmm:8
  4632. Mk.gee: A Museum of Contradiction (Iamsound/Interscope) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  4633. Mdou Moctar: Mdou Moctar Mixtape Vol 5 (self-released) {1}: YW:70
  4634. Modern Color: From the Leaves of Your Garden (Other People) {1}: Alt:71
  4635. Juana Molina: ANRMAL (Crammed Discs) {1}: Zf:65
  4636. Paul Molloy: The Fifth Dandelion (Spring Heeled) {1}: FB:29
  4637. Momma: Two of Me (Danger Collective) {1}: vgb:10
  4638. Mon Doux Saigneur: Horizon (Grosse Boite) {1}: LCA:47
  4639. Mono: Before the Past: Live From Electrical Audio (Temporary Residence -19) {1}: PO:+
  4640. Monocled Man: Bernabe Jurado (Whirlwind -EP) {1}: bc_j:*
  4641. Monsta X: All About Luv (Epic) {1}: BB:+ -- A:67/1
  4642. Chris Montague: Warmer Than Blood (Whirlwind) {1}: bc_j:*
  4643. Moonchild Sanelly: Nudes (Transgressive -EP) {1}: LBF:* -- A:85/1
  4644. H Moon: Trustblood (Welfare Sounds) {1}: pm_ip:+
  4645. The Moons: Pocket Melodies (Colorama) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  4646. Moor Mother: Clepsydra (self-released) {1}: PO:+
  4647. Tom Morello: Comandante (Tom Morello -EP) {1}: Sp:* -- A:90/1
  4648. Solea Morente: Lo Que Te Falta (Elefant) {1}: Jp:28
  4649. Sen Morimoto: Sen Morimoto (Sooper) {1}: Gw:* -- A:77/2
  4650. Morris: Homem Mulher Cavalo Cobra (YB Music) {1}: xrt:18
  4651. Joe Morris & Ken Vandermark: Consequent Duos: Series 2b (Audiographic) {1}: TN:+
  4652. Mike Morrissey: Courage (978920 DK -EP) {1}: Em:* -- A:85/1
  4653. Joe Morris/Stephen Gauci/Adam Lane: Studio Sessions Vol 3 (Gaucimusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  4654. Neal Morse: Sola Gratia (Insideout) {1}: SoT:39
  4655. Mark Morton: Ether (Rise -EP) {1}: Sp:* -- A:70/2
  4656. Bob Moses: Desire (Domino) {1}: Mx:50 -- A:70/2
  4657. Moskus: Live Pa Victoria (Earthly Habits) {1}: CM:+
  4658. Mosses: TV Sun (AnyWay) {1}: rld:+
  4659. Liela Moss: Who the Power (Bella Union) {1}: AM:* -- A:70/3
  4660. The Most: Of What We Have (714497 DK) {1}: Spk:47
  4661. Mother Island: Motel Rooms (Go Down) {1}: FB:56
  4662. Mother Tongues: Everything You Wanted (Buzz -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4663. Kyle Motl/Rhonda Taylor: Sepulchers (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4664. Mickael Mottet: Glover's Mistake (We Are Unique!) {1}: MM:80
  4665. Mountain Time: Music for Looking Animals (Spartan) {1}: Ups: -- A:80/1
  4666. Sary Moussa: Imbalance (Other People) {1}: bc_a:*
  4667. Agamemnon Moustakas/Perseas Rizos/Stephanos Chytiris: Tragelaphus (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4668. Movie Star Junkies: Shadow of a Rose (Teenage Menopause) {1}: Mw:31
  4669. Stuart Moxham & Louis Philippe: The Devil Laughs (Tiny Global Productions) {1}: U:*
  4670. Mr Ben & the Bens: Life Drawing (Bella Union) {1}: U:* -- A:80/1
  4671. Mr Elevator: Goodbye, Blue Sky (Castle Face) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4672. MSSV: Main Stream Stop Valve (Joyful Noise/Big Ego) {1}: vbc:9
  4673. Fabian M Mueller/Kaspar Von Grunigen/Oyvind Hegg-Lunde: Berg (Anuk) {1}: bc_j:*
  4674. Tobin Mueller: What Survives: Radio Edits (Artsforge) {1}: -- TH:*
  4675. Ali Shaheed Muhammad/Adrian Younge: Jazz Is Dead 4: Azymuth (Jazz Is Dead) {1}: AM:*
  4676. The MUH Trio: A Step Into Light (Jmood) {1}: AAJ:*
  4677. Mujeres: Siento Muerte (Sonido Muchacho) {1}: Jp:29
  4678. Vee Mukarati: Vital Signs (Primrose -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  4679. Mulatto: Hit the Latto (Pitstop Entertainment/Stream Cut -19) {1}: vmdv:8
  4680. Kiera Mulhern: De Ossibus (Recital) {1}: bc_x:+
  4681. Matthias Muller: Acud/Bunker (Mamu) {1}: FJ:*
  4682. Mundy's Bay: Lonesome Valley (Pure Noise) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4683. Jean-Louis Murat: Baby Love (PIAS/Le Label) {1}: LI:28
  4684. Martha Skye Murphy: Heal (self-released -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:100/1
  4685. Kacey Musgraves: The Kacey Musgraves Christmas Show (MCA Nashville) {1}: yjb:6
  4686. Michael Musillami/Peter Madsen: Pictures (Playscape) {1}: AAJ:*
  4687. Rachel Musson/Naoko Saito/Audrey Lauro: The Region of Braille Respiration (Armageddon Nova) {1}: FJ:*
  4688. Jonah Mutono: Gerg (EQT) {1}: npr_st:8
  4689. Anne-Sophie Mutter/Yo-Yo Ma/Daniel Barenboim/West-Eastern Divan Orchestra: Ludwig Van Beethoven: Symphoy No. 7 Triple Concerto (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: AM:* -- A:90/1
  4690. MXLX: Serpent (Kindarad!) {1}: Qt:29
  4691. Mxmtoon: Dawn (AWAL -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:75/2
  4692. My Bus: Our Life in the Desert (Onomatopoeia) {1}: NR:* -- A:80/1
  4693. My Dear Mycroft: Heaven's Entertainment (My Dear Mycroft) {1}: FB:21
  4694. Meg Myers: I'd LIke 2 Go Home Now (Sumerian -EP) {1}: ABC:23
  4695. Meg Myers: Thank U 4 Taking Me 2 the Disco (Sumerian -EP) {1}: ABC:23
  4696. Kim Myhr & Australian Art Orchestra: Vesper (Hubro) {1}: FJ:*
  4697. My Iris: My Iris Live! (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4698. The Mystery Plan: Zsa Zsa (Ten Millimeter Omega) {1}: CW:27
  4699. Bill Nace: Both (Drag City) {1}: bc_x:+
  4700. Bill Nace/Brandon Lopez: Like Very Nil (Troglosound -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4701. Nachtblut: Vanitas (Napalm) {1}: se_p:10
  4702. Nahash: Flowers of the Revolution (SVBKVLT) {1}: pm_e:6
  4703. Tatsuya Nakatani/John Edwards/Rafael Toral: Live in Lisboa (Noise Precision Library -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4704. Tatsuya Nakatani/Shane Parish/Zach Rowden: Live at Static Age Records (Astral Spirits) {1}: -- TH:*
  4705. Tomo Nakayama: Melonday (Ricebelly Music) {1}: KX:34
  4706. Naked Giants: The Shadow (New West) {1}: KX:43
  4707. Aron Namenwirth/Daniel Carter/Joe Hertenstein/Zach Swanson: Live at the Bushwick Series (Gaucimusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  4708. Sainkho Namtchylak/Ned Rothenberg/Dieb 13: Antiphonen (Klanggalerie) {1}: FJ:*
  4709. Hamish Napier: The Woods (Strathsprey) {1}: sol_eu:+
  4710. Randy Napoleon: Common Tones (Detroit Music Factory -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4711. Nasty Cherry: Season 2 (Warner -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:70/2
  4712. Native Harrow: Closeness (Loose Music) {1}: RM:88
  4713. Natural Child: Natural Child [California Hotel] (Natural Child) {1}: PO:+
  4714. Brett Naucke: EMS Hallucinations (American Dreams) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4715. Allison Neale: Quietly There (Ubuntu Music) {1}: jpq:10
  4716. Jeremy Neale: We Were Trying to Make It Out (Dot Dash) {1}: AU:25
  4717. Nealo: All the Leaves Are Fallilng (self-released) {1}: HP:37
  4718. Nebular Wave: Chicxulub (Saw-whet) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  4719. Neek/Blazer Sound System: NMX004: Sanctuary Mixtape (Noods Radio) {1}: YW:49 -- TH:[+]
  4720. Carole Nelson: Arboreal (Black Stairs) {1}: AAJ:*
  4721. Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: Naked Garden (Fantasy) {1}: SE:+
  4722. Neon Animal: Make No Mistake (self-released) {1}: VLR:50
  4723. The Neptune Power Federation: Memoirs of a Rat Queen (Cruz Del Sur -19) {1}: PO:+
  4724. Marius Neset: Tributes (ACT Music) {1}: DB:*
  4725. Nesrine: Nesrine (ACT Music) {1}: TS:+
  4726. Alipio Carvalho Neto/Zlatko Kaucic/Gal Furlan Bora: Blasts of Chance (IZK) {1}: FJ:*
  4727. Keir Neuringer/Ensemble Klang: Elegies & Litanies (Ensemble Klang) {1}: jhs:+
  4728. New Age Doom: Himalayan Dream Techno (We Are Busy Bodies) {1}: Mj:*
  4729. New Found Glor: 'Forever and Ever X Infinity (Hopeless) {1}: iad:11
  4730. New Hermitage: Unearth (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4731. New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers: Vol 1 (Stony Plain) {1}: YW:127
  4732. Farnell Newton: Rippin' & Rumblin' (Posi-Tone) {1}: bc_j:*
  4733. Rachel Newton: To the Awe (Shadowside) {1}: sol_fk:+
  4734. New York All-Stars: Live Encounter (Ubuntu Music -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4735. The New York-Paris Reunion Quintet: Live at the Bird's Eye Jazz Club Basel (Albore Jazz) {1}: AAJ:*
  4736. Nidia: Nidia (Principe -EP) {1}: pf_e:+
  4737. Nightly: Night, Love You (BMG) {1}: Id:28
  4738. Niika: Close but Not Too Close (1079317 DK) {1}: OC:48
  4739. Tatiana Nikolayeva: JS Bach: The Art of the Fugue (Universal) {1}: tg:+
  4740. Willie Nile: New York at Night (River House) {1}: DB:*
  4741. Elsa Nilsson Quartet: Dark Is Light Is (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4742. The Nix: Sausage Studio Sessions (Moshi Moshi) {1}: Mj:*
  4743. Nkisi: BLK SPLLS (Nkisi -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  4744. No Base Trio: No Base Trio (Setola Di Maiale) {1}: FJ:*
  4745. Noble Oak: Horizon (Last Gang) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4746. Nocturnal Four: Light in the World (In and Out) {1}: AAJ:*
  4747. Michal Noga Band: Stopy (self-released) {1}: sol_eu:+
  4748. No Home: Fucking Hell (Hungry and Undervalued) {1}: pf_k:+
  4749. No Man: Erase (Quit Life) {1}: BV_p:29
  4750. No-Man: Love You to Bits (Caroline -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4751. Non La: Not in Love (Kingfisher Bluez) {1}: ynn:+
  4752. Nonlocal Forecast: Holographic Universe(s?)! (Hausu Mountain) {1}: Yb:27
  4753. The No Ones: The Great Lost No Ones Album (Yep Roc) {1}: AS:* -- A:75/2
  4754. The North Sound: As the Stars Explode (New Sun Music) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4755. Norwegian Soloists Choir/Norwegian Radio Orchestra/Grete Pedersen: Luciano Berio: Coro/Cries of London (BIS) {1}: DVk:30
  4756. Neue Nothing: Amani (self-released) {1}: bc_b:*
  4757. Nothing, Nowhere.: One Takes Vol 1 (DCD2/Fueled by Ramen) {1}: Cl:* -- A:78/2
  4758. Not Secured, Loose Ends: Paradox Soar (Codomomental) {1}: vgm:+
  4759. Nova One: Lovable (Community) {1}: Alt:66
  4760. Novelists FR: C'est La Vie (Arising Empire) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4761. Eva Novoa: Satellite Quartet (Fresh Sound New Talent) {1}: -- TH:*
  4762. Antonina Nowacka: Lamunan (Mondoj) {1}: Qt:65
  4763. Rob Noyes & Sam Moss: Rob Noyes & Sam Moss (Scissor Tail) {1}: yjs:4
  4764. Oz Noy: Snapdragon (Abstract Logix) {1}: AAJ:*
  4765. Numun: Voyage Au Soleil (Musique Impossible) {1}: rld:+
  4766. Lina Nyberg: The Clouds (Hoob) {1}: AAJ:*
  4767. Nyssa: Girls Like Me (Bridle) {1}: now:10
  4768. Obinrin Trio: Origem (Tratore) {1}: xrt:16
  4769. Ed O'Brien: Earth (Capitol) {1}: Rf:72
  4770. Billy Ocean: One World (Sony Music UK) {1}: MO:* -- A:70/2
  4771. The Ocean Collective: Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic/Cenozoic (Metal Blade) {1}: pm_pr:10
  4772. Oceans of Slumber: Oceans of Slumber (Century Media) {1}: vgm:+
  4773. Oceans: The Sun and the Cold (Nuclear Blast) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4774. Och: II (Rocket) {1}: Sb:32
  4775. Audrey Ochoa: Frankenhorn (Chronograph) {1}: AAJ:*
  4776. Ocoeur: Everything (n5MD) {1}: bc_a:*
  4777. PJ O'Connor: Television's Golden Age (Rank Stranger Ventures) {1}: Al:87
  4778. October Drift: Forever Whatever (Physical Education) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  4779. Oddfellow's Casino: Burning! Burning! (Nightjar) {1}: MO:* -- A:90/1
  4780. Of Cabbages and Kings: Aura (Klaeng) {1}: AAJ:*
  4781. Officer: Night Tennis (Officer) {1}: fms:+
  4782. Ohtwo: A Time to Be Small (Independent) {1}: YW:119
  4783. Oh Wonder: No One Else Can Wear Your Crown (Island) {1}: atw:+ -- A:64/3
  4784. Oi Les Ox: Crooner Qui Coule Sous Les Clous (Primordial Void) {1}: GB:33
  4785. Oiseaux-Tempete: Tlamess (Sortilege) (Sub Rosa) {1}: Mw:50
  4786. Jenny O: New Truth (Mama Bird) {1}: YW:135 -- A:70/3
  4787. Miles Okazaki: Trickster's Dream (Pi) {1}: TN:+
  4788. Gabriel Olafs: Absent Minded Reworks (One Little Independent) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  4789. Old Man Gloom: Seminar IX: Darkness of Being (Profound Lore) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4790. Old Man Gloom: Seminar VIII: Light of Meaning (Profound Lore) {1}: pm_m:7
  4791. Weston Olencki: Solo Works (self-released) {1}: bc_x:+
  4792. Darek Oleszkiewicz: The Promise (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4793. Enrique Oliver & Jaume Llombert: Everything I Love (UnderPool) {1}: bc_j:*
  4794. Lance Austin Olsen: Look at the Mouth That Is Looking at You (Infrequency Editions -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4795. Omari Jazz: Dream Child (self-released) {1}: bc_b:*
  4796. Omar: The Anthology (Freestyle) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  4797. Omni Gardens: Moss King (Moon Glyph) {1}: aqd:+
  4798. Omnipotent Youth Society: Inside the Cable Temple (self-released) {1}: RY:28
  4799. Once and Future Band: Deleted Scenes (Castle Face) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4800. Aki Onda: Nam June's Spirit Was Speaking to Me (Recital) {1}: bc_x:+
  4801. One Be Lo: BABY (Being a Black Youth) (Subterraneous) {1}: HG:21
  4802. One Thousand Motels: 2% Out of Sync (Cleopatra) {1}: VLR:31
  4803. Only Now: Black Wind/Merciless Destiny (Kosh Arora) {1}: YW:152
  4804. Onoda: Land/Islands (Cranes) {1}: Mw:46
  4805. Onyx Collective: Manhattan Special (TMWRK) {1}: tg:+
  4806. Opal Onyx: Vessel (Tin Angel) {1}: LQ:* -- A:80/1
  4807. The Orange Peels: Square (Minty Fresh) {1}: AM:*
  4808. ORA Singers: Thomas Tallis: Spem in Alium/James MacMillan: Vidi Aquam (Harmonia Mundi) {1}: AM:+
  4809. Orchards: Lovecore (Big Scary Monsters) {1}: Ups:* -- A:75/2
  4810. Bill Orcutt: Warzawa (Endless Happiness) {1}: FJ:*
  4811. ORF Vienna Radio Symphony/Michael Halasz: Opera-Comique Overtures (Naxos) {1}: YW:93
  4812. Orianthi: O (Frontiers) {1}: AM:* -- A:65/2
  4813. Orientation of We: Emergence (Off) {1}: CM:+
  4814. Orpine: Grown Ungrown (Heist or Hit) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  4815. Orthodox: Let It Take Its Course (Unbeaten) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4816. Joell Ortiz & KXNG Crooked: HARD (Mello Music Group) {1}: HDX:* -- A:82/1
  4817. Sylwester Ostrowski: Jammin' With KC (Agora) {1}: AAJ:*
  4818. Daniel O'Sullivan & Richard Youngs: Twelve of Hearts (O Genesis) {1}: U:* -- A:80/1
  4819. Rich O'Toole: New York (Buffalo Roam/Average Joes Entertainment) {1}: scm:+
  4820. Otto: Clam Day (PLZ Make It Ruins) {1}: S45:27
  4821. Tony Oxley: Beaming (Confront) {1}: AAJ:*
  4822. Pacific Mambo Orchestra: The Ill Side (Pacific Mambo) {1}: AAJ:*
  4823. Painted Shield: Painted Shield (Loosegroove) {1}: Mj:*
  4824. Paint: Spiritual Vegas (Mexican Summer) {1}: aqd:+
  4825. Lauren Pakradooni: Flite (self-released) {1}: bc_x:+
  4826. Palace Winter: . . . Keep Dreaming, Buddy (Tambourhinoceros) {1}: MO:* -- A:80/1
  4827. Umberto Palazzo: L'Eden Dei Lunatici (2093500 DK) {1}: MuL:25
  4828. Lama Lobsang Palden & Jim Becker: Compassion (Drag City) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  4829. Pale Blue: Breathe (2MR) {1}: pf_e:+
  4830. The Ed Palermo Big Band: The Great Un-American Songbook Vol III (Sky Cat) {1}:
  4831. The Panhandlers: The Panhandlers (Motel Time Music/The Next Waltz) {1}: scm:+
  4832. Jerry Paper: Abracadabra (Stones Throw) {1}: AM:* -- A:75/2
  4833. Pareidolia: Selon Le Vent (JACC -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4834. Evan Parker/Barry Guy/Paul Lytton: Concert in Vilnius (NoBusiness -19) {1}: jcg:+ -- TH:[***]
  4835. Evan Parker/Matthew Wright Trance Map+: Crepuscule in Nickelsdorf (Intakt -19) {1}: jsgr:9
  4836. Arlo Parks: Sophie (Beatnik Creative -EP) {1}: KX:41
  4837. Branka Parlic: Erik Satie: Inities 2017 (Triston Master -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4838. Parlor Walls: Heavy Tongue (Famous Swords) {1}: rld:+
  4839. Erki Parnoja: Leva (self-released) {1}: fms:+
  4840. Gaetano Partipilo: Boom Collective: Live Somewhere (Auand) {1}: AAJ:*
  4841. Eric Paslay: Nice Guy (Paso Fino) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  4842. Pauls Jets: Highlights Zum Einschlafen (Lotterlabel) {1}: Mu:34
  4843. Pavoguchi: III (Aklovap) {1}: jjm:9
  4844. Vinnie Paz: As Above So Below (Enemy Soil) {1}: HG:53
  4845. Peach Pit: You and Your Friends (Columbia) {1}: Sp:* -- A:70/4
  4846. Peaking Lights: Escape (Dekmantel) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4847. Peat & Diesel: Light My Byre (WEE Studio) {1}: xmr:9
  4848. Peggy Sue: Vices (Peggy Sue) {1}: Cl:* -- A:70/2
  4849. PEK Solo/An Orchestra of PEKs: Some Truths Are Known (Evil Clown -3CD) {1}: jno:+
  4850. Tivon Pennicott: Spirit Garden (New Phrase) {1}: jsa:7 -- TH:B
  4851. BK Pepper: Territories (Sodo) {1}: atw:+
  4852. Perez: Surex (Etoile Distante) {1}: LI:33
  4853. Perila: Meta Door L (Paralaxe Editions) {1}: pf_a:+
  4854. Elvis Perkins: Creation Myths (Mir) {1}: MM:81
  4855. Joe Pernice: Richard (Ashmont) {1}: yjc:7
  4856. Peter and the Test Tube Babies: Fuctifano (Arising Empire) {1}: VLR:21
  4857. John Petrucci: Terminal Velocity (Sound Mind Music) {1}: lwr:+
  4858. Pet Shimmers: Face Down in Meta (P&S) {1}: S45:34
  4859. Phantom Planet: Devastator (Phantom Planet) {1}: ABC:36
  4860. Phantom Posse: Forever Underground (Orchid Tapes) {1}: Qt:31
  4861. Phantoms Vs Fire: Modern Monsters I & II (Blackjack Illuminist) {1}: Gig:* -- A:83/1
  4862. Pharaoh Overlord: 6 (Roket) {1}: Qt:100
  4863. Keiron Phelan & Peace Signs: Hobby Jingo (Gare Du Nord) {1}: Mj:*
  4864. Phelimuncasi: Phelimuncasi: 2013-2019 (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {1}: PM:* -- A:90/1
  4865. Barre Phillips/Mike Bullock: At Home (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4866. Robin Phillips: Re-Versed (Repmusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  4867. Bek Phoenix: Park Variations (self-released) {1}: tg;+
  4868. Phony: Knock Yourself Out (Smartpunk) {1}: Alt:67 -- A:70/1
  4869. Pia Fraus: Empty Parks (SekSound) {1}: pm_ip:7
  4870. Piano Novel: Lumino Forest: Alternative Takes (Masterworks) {1}: npr_nb:6
  4871. Picturesque: Do You Feel OK? (Equal Vision) {1}: ap:+
  4872. The Piedmont Boys: Almost Home (Hill House) {1}: scm:++
  4873. Enrico Pieranunzi: From Always to Now (Alfamusic -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4874. Dave Pietro: Hypersphere (ArtistShare) {1}: AAJ:*
  4875. Kasia Pietrzko Trio: Ephemeral Pleasures (self-released) {1}: DB:*
  4876. Laurence Pike: Prophecy (The Leaf Label) {1}: Mj:* -- A:75/2
  4877. Charles Pillow Ensemble: Chamber Jazz (Summit) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:B
  4878. Pilo: AREA (Boysnoize) {1}: YW:133
  4879. Pine Barons: Mirage on the Meadow (Grind Select) {1}: key:+
  4880. Pinkcourtesyphone: Leaving Everything to Be Desired (Room40) {1}: pf_a:+
  4881. Pinkish Black & Yells at Eels: Vanishing Light in the Tunnel of Dreams (Ayler) {1}: FJ:*
  4882. Anthony Pirog: Pocket Poem (Cuneiform) {1}: TN:*
  4883. Chris Pitsiokos/Javier Areal Velez/Kevin Murray: First Blush (1039 -EP) {1}: AAJ:*
  4884. Places Around the Sun: Places Around the Sun (self-released) {1}: FB:80
  4885. Planet Battagon: Trans-Neptunia (On the Corner) {1}: ybb:8
  4886. Ploy: Unlit Signals (LIES) {1}: VF:26
  4887. Sareem Poems & Newselph: The Art of Living (Illect) {1}: HG:54
  4888. Point North: Brand New Vision (Hopeless) {1}: rks:+
  4889. Chris Poland: Resistance (Ropeadope) {1}: -- TH:*
  4890. Zoe Polanski: Violent Flowers (Youngbloods) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  4891. Jonny Polonsky: Power and Greed and Money and Sex and Death (Ghostworks) {1}: SE:114
  4892. Poolside: Low Season (Pacific Standard) {1}: Top:35
  4893. Ron Pope: Bone Structure (Brooklyn Basement) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  4894. Pop Filter: Banksia (Bobo Integral) {1}: ynn:+
  4895. Populous: W (Wonderwheel) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4896. Posi-Tone Swinget: One for 25 (Posi-Tone) {1}: sg_j:*
  4897. Possessed by Paul James: As We Go Wandering (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  4898. Power Alone: Rather Be Alone (Indecision) {1}: BV_p:33
  4899. Powerman 5000: The Noble Rot (Cleopatra) {1}: Sp:* -- A:90/1
  4900. Powers/Rolin Duo: Powers/Rolin Duo (Feeding Tube) {1}: aqd:+
  4901. Trevor Powers: Capricorn (Fat Possum) {1}: bc_a:+
  4902. Power Trip: Live in Seattle 05.28.2018 (Dark Operative) {1}: GMD:50
  4903. Powfu: Poems of the Past (self-released) {1}: ny_c:9
  4904. Precolumbian & Estoc: Landocore (Majia -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  4905. Noah Preminger: Contemptment (SteepleChase) {1}: AAJ:*
  4906. Preservation: Eastern Medicine, Western Illness (Nature Sounds) {1}: HG:36
  4907. The Pretty Things: Bare as Bone, Bright as Blood (Madfish) {1}: rld:+
  4908. Bobby Previte/Jamie Saft/Nels Cline: Music From the Early 21st Century (RareNoise) {1}: TN:+
  4909. Prince Josh: The Joy (Hand Drawn Dracula) {1}: now:+
  4910. William Prince: Gospel First Nation (Glassnote) {1}: pm_a:16
  4911. Profligate: Too Numb to Know (Wharf Cat) {1}: AM:*
  4912. Prophet: Don't Forget It (Stones Throw) {1}: XLR:+
  4913. Proscription: Conduit (Dark Descent) {1}: Db:29
  4914. Pulchre Morte: Ex Rose Ceremonia (Transcending) {1}: SoT:50
  4915. Pye Corner Audio: Where Things Are Hollow 2 (Lapsus) {1}: YW:140
  4916. Josh Pyke: Rome (Wonderlick) {1}: DJ:42
  4917. Martin Pyne: Spirits of Absent Dancers (Discus) {1}: tbm:17
  4918. Quarter-Life Crisis: Quarter-Life Crisis (Saddle Creek -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:75/2
  4919. Joana Queiroz: Tempo Sem Tempo (YB Music) {1}: jan:+
  4920. Quest Ensemble: The Other Side (PFT) {1}: sol_fu:+
  4921. Radar: All Things Bittersweet (Xephem) {1}: bc_e:*
  4922. Radical Dads: Paved Mountain (Uninhabitable Mansions) {1}: YW:126
  4923. Eliane Radigue: Occam Ocean 2 (Shiiin -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4924. Billy Raffoul: International Hotel (UMGRI Interscope) {1}: Id:65
  4925. Lisa Ramey: Surrender (Elimar Music) {1}: ABC:34
  4926. Tyler Ramsey: Found a Picture of You (Fantasy -EP) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  4927. Ramzi: Cocon (Fati) {1}: GB:+
  4928. Sun Ra: Celestial Love (1982, Modern Harmonic) {1}: -- TH:*
  4929. Raw Poetic & Damu the Fudgemunk: Moment of Change (Redefinition) {1}: YW:67
  4930. Allan Rayman: Christian (Universal Music Canada) {1}: Rf:37
  4931. Alison Rayner: Short Stories (Blow the Fuse -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4932. Mason Razavi/Bennett Roth-Newell: After You (First Orbit Sounds) {1}: AAJ:*
  4933. REAL(s): DSLB (Music as Insurgent Art) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  4934. Rex Rebo: Early Logic Shift (Rex Rebo) {1}: bc_e:*
  4935. Recognise Ali: Recognition (Greenfield Music) {1}: HG:37
  4936. Red City Radio: Paradise (Pure Noise) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  4937. ReDiviDeR: Mere Nation (Diatribe) {1}: AAJ:*
  4938. Redpine & Solo: Time 4 Change (Studio Rockers -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  4939. Tiffany Red: Call Me Red Vol 1 (-EP) {1}: HDX:* -- A:80/1
  4940. Redveil: Niagara (Hvmor) {1}: atw:+
  4941. Dan Reeder: Every Which Way (Oh Boy) {1}: UR:* -- A:80/1, TH:B
  4942. Jeff Reed: Look for the Light (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4943. Regenorchester XII: Relics (Trost) {1}: FJ:*
  4944. Regis: Hidden in This Is the Light That You Miss (Downwards) {1}: Qt:89
  4945. Scott Reich: Interbeing: Elements of Connection (Heart Dance) {1}: tx_a:8
  4946. Alaska Reid: Big Bunny (Terrible) {1}: NT:* -- A:80/1
  4947. Greg Reitan: West 60th (Sunnyside -19) {1}: noj:+
  4948. Rejoicer: Spiritual Sleaze (Stones Throw) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4949. Rekon: Rekon (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  4950. Remo Drive: A Portrait of an Ugly Man (Epitaph) {1}: UR:* -- A:67/5
  4951. Dave Rempis/Jim Baker/Ingebright Haker Flaten/Avreeayl Ra: Millenniums (Aerophonic) {1}: -- TH:*
  4952. Andrew Renfroe: Dark Grey EP (self-released -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  4953. ReoNa: Unknown (Sony) {1}: vgm:+
  4954. Doug Repetti: The Hollywood Musical (self-released) {1}: xbf:+
  4955. REQ & Smudge: Smudge's Coffee (Seagrave -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  4956. The Residents: Metal, Meat & Bone: The Songs of Dyin' Dog (Cryptic) {1}: Qt:* -- M:70/5
  4957. Resistance Revival Chorus: This Joy (Righteous Babe) {1}: fa:+
  4958. The Rest Is Silence: A Short Film (Earshift Music) {1}: bc_j:*
  4959. Antonino Restuccia & Santiago Bogacz: Resonancias (self-relased -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4960. Markus Reuter: Sun Trance (MoonJune) {1}: AAJ:*
  4961. Markus Reuter: Truce (MoonJune) {1}: AAJ:*
  4962. Markus Reuter Oculus: Nothing Is Sacred (Moonjune) {1}: jtr:+
  4963. Alex Rex: Andromeda (Tin Angel) {1}: GTV:* -- A:55/2
  4964. Jordan Reyes: Sand Like Stardust (American Dreams) {1}: vjcl:9
  4965. Mariam Rezaei: Skeen (Fractal Meat Cuts) {1}: Qt:68
  4966. Soho Rezanejad: Perform and Surrender (Silicone -EP) {1}: MO:* -- A:73/4
  4967. Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross: Watchmen: Volumes 1-3 [Music From the HBO Series] (The Null Corporation -19) {1}: vmp:+
  4968. Ribbon Stage: My Favorite Shrine (K -EP) {1}: rs_u:+
  4969. Logan Richardson: Afrofuturism (WAX Industry) {1}: jan:+
  4970. Raymond Richards: The Lost Art of Wandering (ESP Institute) {1}: YW:143
  4971. Riches: Fantasy Chapel (Riches Music) {1}: GB:47
  4972. Ricinn: Nereid (Blood) {1}: K:* -- A:80/2
  4973. Bino Rideaux: Outside (Do What You Love/Def Jam) {1}: N:72
  4974. Sylvain Rifflet: Troubadours (self-released -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  4975. Riga Cathedral Choir School Mixed Choir/Jurgis Cabulis: Jancevskis: Aeternum (Hyperion) {1}: AM:+
  4976. Riki: Riki (Dais) {1}: LQ:* -- A:90/1
  4977. Gyan Riley: Shelter in Space (Agyanamus Music) {1}: Ec:21
  4978. Howard Riley: More Listening, More Hearing (Slam) {1}: FJ:*
  4979. Scribz Riley: Wish Me Luck (Sony Music UK -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:90/1
  4980. Tarrus Riley: Healling (Zojak World Wide) {1}: bv_g:+
  4981. Penny Rimbaud: Arthur Rimbaud in Verdun (One Little Independent) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  4982. Ringo Deathstarr: Ringo Deathstarr (Club AC30) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  4983. Aki Rissanen: Art in Motion (Edition) {1}: sg_j:*
  4984. Ritual Dictates: Give In to Despair (Arttofact) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  4985. Riverby: Smart Mouth (Take This to Heart) {1}: Alt:70
  4986. Cash Rivers and the Sinners: Bad Side of the Coin (Rockathon) {1}: yjsb:+
  4987. RJD2: The Fun Ones (RJ's Electrical Connections) {1}: AM:* -- A:65/2
  4988. Alasdair Roberts: Fretted & Indebted (Infinite Greyscale) {1}: sl:+
  4989. Cath Roberts & Johnny Hunter: Duo Set at Brak, November 2019 (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4990. Troy Roberts: Stuff I Heard (Toy Robot Music) {1}: jbm:6
  4991. Stefano Rocco Quartet: A New Night, a New Day (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  4992. Roch: Via Media (Roch) {1}: LBF:* -- A:90/1
  4993. Rodrigo Y Gabriela: Mettavolution [Live] (ATO) {1}: AM:*
  4994. Ernesto Rodrigues/Guilherme Rodrigues/Paulo Curado/Joao Silva/Andre Hencleeday/Carlos Santos/Joao Valinho: Spiegel (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ:*
  4995. Ernesto Rodrigues/Luis Senra/Gianna De Toni/Luis Couto/Biagio Verdolini: Prima Practica (Creative Sources -19) {1}: FJ:*
  4996. Rodriguez Jr: Blisss (Mobilee) {1}: YW:99
  4997. Enrique Rodriguez & the Negra Chiway Band: Fase Liminal (Soul Jazz) {1}: sg_j:*
  4998. Jason Roebke: Magic Timing (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  4999. Erin Rogers: Dawntreader (Relative Pitch -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5000. Samuel Rohrer: Continual Decentering (Arjunamusic) {1}: AAJ:*
  5001. Alvaro Rojas: Gran Kasa (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  5002. Matt Rollings: Mosaic (Dualtone) {1}: tbm:20
  5003. Mario Romano: The Journey So Far (Modica Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  5004. Pharis & Jason Romero: Bet on Love (LuLa) {1}: pm_f:19
  5005. Jean Rondeau & Thomas Dunford: Barricades (Warner Classics) {1}: DVk:23
  5006. Roomful of Blues: In a Roomful of Blues (Alligator) {1}: DB:*
  5007. Roomful of Teeth/Michael Harrison: Just Constellations (New Amsterdam) {1}: tg:+
  5008. Daniel Rorke: Naked Allies (Orenda -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5009. Ben Rosenblum Nebula Project: Kites and Strings (One Trick Dog) {1}: -- TH:*
  5010. Roshin: Unrequited (self-released) {1}: yng:+
  5011. Hjalte Ross: Waves of Haste (Wouldn't Waste) {1}: Mj:*
  5012. Leith Ross: Motherwell (Birthday Cake -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5013. David Rothenberg: Nightingales in Berlin (Terra Nova -19) {1}: -- TH:*
  5014. Round Eye: Culture Shock Treatment (Paper + Plastick) {1}: vjte:8
  5015. Claire Rousay: A Heavenly Touch (Already Dead) {1}: CM:+ -- TH:B
  5016. Claire Rousay: It Was Always Worth It (Longform Editions -EP) {1}: mj_u:7
  5017. Yves Rousseau Septet: Fragments (Yolk Music) {1}: bc_j:*
  5018. Emie R Roussel Trio: Rythme De Passage (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5019. The Royal Bopsters: Party of Four (Motema) {1}: DB:*
  5020. Mike Rud: Salome's Dance: The Mike Rud Trio Invites Peter Bernstein (Bent River) {1}: AAJ:*
  5021. Ana Ruiz: And the World Exploded Into Love (self-released) {1}: sg_j:*
  5022. Pablo R Ruiz: Estados Criminales (Portage Garage) {1}: npr_af:5
  5023. Olaf Rupp/John Hughes: Plursathn (Audiosemantics) {1}: FJ:*
  5024. Olaf Rupp: Fuzzy Logic (Audiosemantics) {1}: FJ:*
  5025. Rura: Live at the Old Fruitmarket (Rura Music) {1}: sol_eu:+
  5026. Rich Ruth: Where There's Life Vol 1-6 (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
  5027. Markus Rutz: Blueprints: Figure Two: New Designs (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
  5028. Ruysdael Kwartet: Quart De Nuit (Deux-Elles) {1}: DVk:29
  5029. Jesse Ryan: Bridges (Fwe Culture) {1}: sg_j:*
  5030. Rymden: Reflections and Odysseys (Jazzland) {1}: AAJ:*
  5031. S10: Vlinders (Noah's Ark) {1}: is_h:6
  5032. Ustad Saami: Pakistan Is for the Peaceful (Glitterbeat) {1}: MO:* -- A:70/2
  5033. Sachet: Nets (Tenth Court) {1}: ynn:+
  5034. Sahara: Pure Glass (Hand Drawn Dracula) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5035. Saint Saviour: Tomorrow Again (VLF) {1}: MO:* -- A:70/2
  5036. Suso Saiz & Suzanne Kraft: Between No Things (Music From Memory) {1}: S45:37
  5037. Yiorgis Sakellariou: Nympholepsy (Noise Below -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5038. Laila Sakini: Vivienne (Total Stasis) {1}: XLR:+
  5039. Samo Salamon & Friends: Almost Alone Vol 1 (Samo) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:U
  5040. Nathan Salsburg: Landwerk (No Quarter) {1}: aqd:+
  5041. Josef Salvat: Modern Anxiety (Sony) {1}: Cl:*, DIY:* -- A:73/4
  5042. Aldo Salvent: Ancestros (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5043. Same: Plastic Western (Lauren) {1}: mic:+
  5044. Carolyn Sampson/Minnesota Orchestra/Osmo Vanska: Mahler: Symphony 4 (Bis -19) {1}: AM:+
  5045. David Sancious: Eyes Wife Open (Not by Sight) {1}: se_fp:+
  5046. Tom Sanders: Only Magic (Moshi Moshi) {1}: S45:38
  5047. Dana Sandler: I Never Saw Another Butterfly (Fractamodi) {1}: jcmb:+
  5048. Otis Sandsjo: Y-Otis 2 (We Jazz) {1}: CM:+
  5049. Moonchild Sanelly: Nudes (Transgressive) {1}: YW:48
  5050. Marco Sanguinetti: Inmoral (Twitin -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5051. George Sansome: George Sansome (Grimdon) {1}: sol_fk:+
  5052. Bernard Santacruz/Michael Zerang: Cardinal Point (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: jgm:6
  5053. Sarah Louise: Earth and Its Contents (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
  5054. Laurie Sargent: Smiley Face (Crazy View) {1}: af_pr:+
  5055. Michael Sarian: New Aurora (Ears & Eyes) {1}: AAJ:*
  5056. Sarmacja: Jazda Polska (Byrd Out) {1}: bc_e:*
  5057. Satan: Toutes Ces Horreurs (Throatruiner) {1}: Qt:92
  5058. The Satin Dollz: Pinup Revolution (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5059. Masahiko Satoh/Otomo Yoshihide/Roger Turner: Sea (Relative Pitch -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5060. Arthur Satyan: Playing Around (Arthur Satyan Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  5061. Saunder Jurrians: Beasts (Decca) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  5062. Sean Nicholas Savage: Life Is Crazy (Arbutus/Playground) {1}: Noj:40
  5063. SAVAK: Rotting Teeth in the Horse's Mouth (Ernest Jenning) {1}: BIB:+
  5064. Anastasios Savvopoulos' OUXPO: Deterritorializxation (Edition Frifofma -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5065. Brian Scanlon: Brain Scan (Scan Man Music -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5066. Scatter the Atoms That Remain: Exultation (Dot Time -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5067. Ignaz Schick/Sabine Vogel: Inner Mongolia (Zarek) {1}: FJ:*
  5068. Natalie Schlabs: Don't Look Too Close (Tone Tree Music) {1}: Al:* -- A:100/1
  5069. Schlammpeitziger: Ein Weltleck In Der Echokammer (Bureau B) {1}: U:*
  5070. Oskar Schonning/The Calle Stenman Quintet: America, Oh America (Hail Melvin!) {1}: AAJ:*
  5071. Jake Schrock: Omnibus (Medical) {1}: CD:25
  5072. Laura Schuler Quartet: Metamorphosis (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  5073. Scissorgun: All You Love Is Need (Aural Assault) {1}: ES:23
  5074. Brandon Wolfe Scott: Burden on Your Shoulders (Dine Alone -EP) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/2
  5075. Darrell Scott: Sings the Blues of Hank Williams (Full Light) {1}: AS:* -- TH:B
  5076. Rhoda Scott: Movin' Blues (Sunset) {1}: DB:*
  5077. Scrimshire: Believers (Albert's Favourites) {1}: LW:* -- A:90/1
  5078. Scythian: Roots & Stones (self-released) {1}: ND_r:22
  5079. Sea Wolf: Through a Dark Wood (Dangerbird) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  5080. Seazoo: Joy (Big Terry) {1}: LBF:* -- A:75/2
  5081. Sectiontoo: Cascade Effect (self-released) {1}: bc_s:*
  5082. Jeannie Seely: An American Classic (Curb) {1}: PO:+ -- TH:B
  5083. Inbal Segev: Anna Clyne: Dance/Edward Elgar: Cello Concerto (Avle) {1}: npr_th:6
  5084. Mariana Semkina: Sleepwalking (Kscope) {1}: pr:10
  5085. Cecile Seraud: Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez (Parlophone) {1}: MM:59
  5086. Serenity: The Last Knight (Napalm) {1}: Ex:*
  5087. Dirk Serries/Kris Vanderstraeten/Martina Verhoeven: Impetus (A New Wave of Jazz -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5088. Serries/Verhoeven/Webster: Praxis (A New Wave of Jazz) {1}: FJ:*
  5089. The Seshen: Cyan (Tru Thoughts) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  5090. Sessa: Grandeza (Boiled -19) {1}: Zf:28
  5091. Session Victim: Needledrop (Night Time Stories) {1}: XLR:+
  5092. SETT: First and Second (A New Wave of Jazz) {1}: FJ:*
  5093. Sevana: Be Somebody (RCA -EP) {1}: bv_g:+
  5094. Seventeen: Heng:garae (Pledis Entertainment -EP) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  5095. Eliza Shaddad: Sept~Dec (Eliza Shaddad -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  5096. The Shadowboxers: The Slow March of Time Flies By (self-released) {1}: atw:+
  5097. Shadow Show: Silhouettes (Burger) {1}: FB:52 -- A:70/2
  5098. Tim Shaghoian: Gentle Beacons (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  5099. Shaker Hymns: The Ties That Bind (self-released) {1}: scm:+
  5100. John Lee Shannon: In & Of (Tompkins Square) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  5101. Blaine Sharp: Wanderlust (self-released -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5102. Jack Sharp: Good Times Older (From Here) {1}: sd:8
  5103. Elliot Sharp/Sergio Sorrentino: Spilla\' (Ants) {1}: FJ:*
  5104. Allen Shawn/Michael Bisio: Improvisations (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5105. Renell Shaw: The Windrush Suite (Vortex Jazz Club) {1}: sg_j:*
  5106. SHDW & Obscure Shape: Der Weg Des Kriegers (From Another Mind) {1}: YW:72
  5107. Jules Shear: Slower (Funzalo) {1}: SE:112
  5108. Cosmo Sheldrake: Wake Up Calls (Tardigrade) {1}: sol_fk:+
  5109. Frances Shelley: A Place That Exists (Manners McDade) {1}: AAJ:*
  5110. Shell of a Shell: Away Team (Exploding in Sound) {1}: Spk:* -- A:80/1
  5111. Collin Sherman: Arc of a Slow Decline (Extol) {1}: AAJ:*
  5112. Gemma Sherry: Songs/Love (Tunley) {1}: jcmb:+
  5113. Denise Sherwood: This Road (Evergreen) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  5114. She's Analog: What I Bring, What I Leave (Auand) {1}: bc_j:*
  5115. Asha Sheshadri: No Longer a Soundtrack (Anomia) {1}: bc_x:+
  5116. Sheverb: Once Upon a Time in Bombay Beach (Ladies of Reverb) {1}: FB:72
  5117. Derrick Shezbie: Spodie's Back (Warner Bros) {1}: AAJ:*
  5118. Derrick Shezbie: The Ghost of Buddy Bolden (Clubhouse) {1}: AAJ:*
  5119. Sean Shibe: JS Bach: Lute Works (Arr for Guitar) (Delphian) {1}: YW:128
  5120. Shiner: Schadenfreude (self-released) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  5121. Matthew Shipp: The Reward: Solo Piano Suite in Four Movements (RogueArt) {1}: FJ:*
  5122. Tamio Shiraishi: Sora (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ:*
  5123. Patrick Shiroishi: Descension (Thin Wrist) {1}: bc_x:+
  5124. ShitKid: 20/20 (PNKSLM) {1}: GTV:82
  5125. Shooglenifty: Acid Croft Vol 9 (Shoogle) {1}: Mj:*
  5126. Julian Shore: Where We Started (Tone Rogue) {1}: bc_j:*
  5127. Shortwave Broadcaster: Afraid of Ai (self-released) {1}: CD:43
  5128. ShrapKnel: ShrapKnel (Backwoodz Studioz) {1}: HG:31
  5129. Adam Shulman Septet: West Meets East (Cellar) {1}: AAJ:*
  5130. Gina Sicilia: Love Me Madly (Blue Elan) {1}: AAJ:*
  5131. Jannis Sicker: Septett, Januar 2020 (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  5132. Catherine Sikora/Matteo Liberatore: Build a Gold House to Bury the Devil (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5133. The Silence: Electric Meditations (Drag City) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  5134. Silent Fires: Forests (Amp Music -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5135. Silicon Scally: Crushed (self-released) {1}: XLR:+
  5136. Susana Santos Silva: The Same Is Always Different (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5137. Silver Sun: Switzerland (Flaberghasted) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  5138. Lisa Marie Simmons: NoteSpeak: Amori E Tragedie in Musica (Ropeadope) {1}: DB:*
  5139. Sylvie Simmons: Blue on Blue (Compass) {1}: Mj:* -- A:70/3
  5140. Martin Simpson: Home Recordings (Topic) {1}: gu:8
  5141. Lori Sims/Andrew Rathbun/Jeremy Siskind: Impressions of Debussy (Centaur) {1}: DB:* -- TH:B
  5142. Jasnam Daya Singh and the Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble: EKTA: The Unity Project (PJCE) {1}: jtr:+
  5143. Sippy Cup: On Independence, On Isolation (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5144. Sirens of Lesbos: SOL () {1}: LQ:* -- A:80/1
  5145. Sirkis/Bialas IQ: Our New Earth (Moonjune -19) {1}: jrm:+ -- TH:[**]
  5146. Junior Sisk & Ramblers Choice: Load the Wagon (Mountain Fever) {1}: spt:6
  5147. Skee Mask: ISS0006 (Ilian Tape) {1}: bc_a:*
  5148. Geneva Skeen: Double Bind (Room40) {1}: pf_a:+
  5149. Skeletal Remains: The Entombment of Chaos (Century Media) {1}: lwr:+ -- A:70/2
  5150. Skizza: Things I Found (self-released) {1}: yng:6
  5151. Skott: Always Live for Always (Cosmos) {1}: Id:67
  5152. Skurkar: Skjulte Motiver (Ora Fonogram) {1}: CM:+ -- TH:***
  5153. Peter Slavov: Little Stories (Slavov Music -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5154. Sloth Racket: Exabout: Live in Ramsgate (Luminous) {1}: jlre:10
  5155. Slowgold: Aska (PlayGround Music) {1}: So:25
  5156. The Slow Readers Club: 91 Days in Isolation (SRC) {1}: NT:* -- A:85/1
  5157. Slow Reels: Farewell Islands (Morr Music) {1}: YW:123
  5158. SL: Selhurst SE25 (Universal -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:70/2
  5159. The Slugs: Don't Touch Me, I'm Too Slimy (2214099 DK -18) {1}: vjk:+
  5160. Sly and the Famiy Drone: Walk It Dry (Love Love) {1}: GTV:49
  5161. Smartbomb: Water for the Town V 2 (Smartbomb) {1}: bc_b:*
  5162. Smino: She Already Decided (self-released) {1}: vjfx:8
  5163. Wadada Leo Smith/Barry Schrader: Pacific Light and Water, Wu Xing Cycle of Destruction (Ex Machina) {1}: FJ:*
  5164. Smith & Erickson: Blue Skies (Yoga) {1}: aqd:+
  5165. Smokey Brights: I Love You But Damn (Freakout) {1}: KX:72
  5166. SN Trio: Free Wyoming (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5167. The Snuts: Mixtape (Parlophone -EP) {1}: D:* -- A:80/1
  5168. Soapeyed: We Saw It Coming (Soapeyed) {1}: FB:85
  5169. Sodom: Genesis XIX (Entertainment One) {1}: SoT:23 -- A:68/2
  5170. Sofie: Cult Survivor (Stones Throw) {1}: Mj:* -- A:78/2
  5171. Mark Solborg: Tungemal Vol I+II (ILK Music) {1}: FJ:*
  5172. Dave Soldier: Zajal (Mulatta) {1}: -- TH:*
  5173. Something for Kate: The Modern Medieval (EMI Australia) {1}: DJ:40
  5174. Clark Sommers' Ba(SH): Peninsula (Outside In) {1}: DB:*
  5175. Somnus: Thousand Suns (Lost in the Rain of Our Own Tears) {1}: YW:136
  5176. Songs of Tales: Life Is a Gong Show (RootsToBoot Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  5177. Sons of Apollo: MMXX (Inside Out) {1}: lwr:+
  5178. Tvii Son: Tvii Son (MIC) {1}: VF:38
  5179. Soom T: The Arch (Kunta Production) {1}: Zf:69
  5180. Sooon: Youchz Now (Narrenschiff -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5181. William Soovik Grand Finale: Major (self-released) {1}: bc_j:*
  5182. Mark Soskin: Everything Old Is New Again (SteepleChase) {1}: jahn:+
  5183. Jeff Scott Soto: Wide Awake (In My Dreamland) (Frontiers) {1}: -- A:80/1
  5184. Sotomayor: Origines (Wonderwheel) {1}: Bc:*
  5185. Graham South Quartet: By and By (Efpi) {1}: bc_j:*
  5186. Esperanza Spalding/Fred Hersch: Live at the Village Vanguard (self-released) {1}: tg:+
  5187. Uros Spasojevic: Winter Tales (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5188. Speak Easy: @ Konfrontationen (Confront -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5189. Charles Spearin & Josefin Runsteen: Thank God the Plague Is Over (Arts & Crafts) {1}: SoS:85
  5190. Spectacular Diagnostics: Raw Unknown (Spectacular Diagnostics) {1}: bc_h:*
  5191. Dave Specter: Blues From the Inside Out (Delmark -19) {1}: DB:*
  5192. Spell: Opulent Decay (Bad Omen) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5193. Alister Spence: Whirlpool: Solo Piano (Alister Spence Music -2CD) {1}: -- TH:*
  5194. Greg Spero + Spirit Fingers: Peace (Ropeadope) {1}: -- TH:*
  5195. The Steve Spiegl Big Band: The LA Sessions at Capitol Studios (Sorcerer) {1}: AAJ:*
  5196. Spirit Dies First: Lost and Found (Perturb) {1}: Sp:* -- A:80/1
  5197. Spirit Fingers: Peace (Ropeadope) {1}: AAJ:*
  5198. The Spitfires: Life Worth Living (Acid Jazz UK) {1}: VLR:46
  5199. The Spits: VI (Thriftstore) {1}: bv_fp:+
  5200. The Spyrals: Same Old Line (Fuzz Club) {1}: LW:* -- A:80/1
  5201. SSQ: Jet Town Je T'Aime (Synthicide) {1}: vce:8
  5202. Stabbing Westward: Dead and Gone (self-released) {1}: am_m:+
  5203. Jim-E Stack: Ephemera (AWAL) {1}: DIY:* -- A:69/4
  5204. Stahhr and DJ Crazy Bazarro: No Doubts (813941 DK) {1}: YW:52
  5205. Stallone the Reducer: Ruthless People (Unknown Precept) {1}: xbf:+
  5206. Burkhard Stangl & Dieb13: Jardin Des Bruits (Mikroton -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5207. Brad Stank: Kinky Om (Heist or Hit) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  5208. Suzie Stapleton: We Are the Plague (Negative Prophet) {1}: FB:69
  5209. Starbenders: Love Potions (Sumerian) {1}: ClR:29
  5210. Susannah Stark: Time Together (Hues and Intensities) (Stroom) {1}: Mj:*
  5211. Static Shapes: Give Me the Bad News (self-released) {1}: sdu:+
  5212. Uffe Steen: Retroscope (Uffe Steen) {1}: AAJ:*
  5213. Josiah Steinbrick: Liquid/Devotion & Tongue Street Blue (Hands in the Dark) {1}: aqd:+
  5214. John Stein: Watershed (Whaling City) {1}: AAJ:*
  5215. Christopher Paul Stelling: Best of Luck (Anti-) {1}: PM:* -- A:75/2
  5216. Steps: What the Future Holds (BMG) {1}: MO:* -- A:65/4
  5217. Jon Stickley Trio: Scripting the Flip (Organic) {1}: AAJ:*
  5218. Stick Men Featuring David Cross: Panamerica: Live in Latin America (MoonJune -5CD -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5219. Curtis Stigers: Gentleman (UMI Jazz Germany) {1}: TS:+
  5220. Stillefelt: Stillefelt (Stoney Lane) {1}: AAJ:*
  5221. Lara St John: Key of A/Beethoven Sonata 9/Franck Sonata (Ancalagon) {1}: AAJ:*
  5222. Kelley Stoltz: Hard Feelings (Chuffed) {1}: BIB:+
  5223. Nick Storring: Qualms (Never Anything -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5224. Dave Storrs/Sila Shaman: Brief West Coast Tour (Louie) {1}: jdm:+
  5225. Bartees Strange: Say Goodbye to Pretty Boy (Brassland Projects -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5226. Strange Magic: Melatonin Doomsday Blues (June) {1}: aqd:+
  5227. Strawberry Seas: Strawberry Seas (December Square) {1}: MM:96
  5228. Stray Ghost: White Rose (1631) {1}: YW:147
  5229. String Theory: Tin (Creative Sources) {1}: FJ:*
  5230. Samuele Strufaldi/Tommaso Rosati: 1.15K (Auand -19) {1}: bc_j:*
  5231. Strung Like a Horse: Whoa! (Transoceanic) {1}: ND_r:50
  5232. St South: Get Well Soon (Nettwerk) {1}: atw:+
  5233. Dougie Stu: Familiar Future (Ropeadope) {1}: pg_rs:13 -- TH:B
  5234. Stutter Steps: Reeling (Blue Arrow) {1}: pm_ip:+
  5235. Styles P: Presence (Phantom Entertainment/Empire -19) {1}: Em:* -- A:100/1
  5236. Sufis: Double Exposure (Burger) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  5237. The Suitcase Junket: The End Is New (BMG) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  5238. Sully: Swandive (Astrophonica) {1}: YW:59
  5239. Sumac and Keiji Haino: Even for Just the Briefest Moment/Keep Charging This "Expiation"/Plug in to Make It Slightly Better (Trost -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5240. Johanna Summer: Schumann Kaleidoskop (ACT Music) {1}: tg:+
  5241. Moses Sumney: Grae: Part 2 (Jagjaguwar) {1}: O:* -- A:80/1
  5242. Sunda Arc: Tides (Gondwana) {1}: RM:41
  5243. JE Sunde: 9 Songs About Love (self-released) {1}: Mw:39
  5244. Sunflowers: Endless Voyage (Stolen Body) {1}: PO:+
  5245. Sunflower X Poisonous Birds: Low Tide and the Dying Sun (self-released -EP) {1}: Ups:* -- A:80/1
  5246. Sunwatchers: Brave Rats (Amish -EP) {1}: PO:+
  5247. Supermilk: Death Is the Best Thing for You Now (Keroleen) {1}: ABC:41
  5248. SuperM: SuperM: The 1st Album: Super One [Super Version] (SM Entertainment) {1}: AM:*
  5249. Super Parquet: Super Parquet (Pagans -19) {1}: sol_eu:+
  5250. Sutrah: Aletheia (The Artisan Era -EP) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5251. Svang: In Trad We Trust (Galileo Music Communication) {1}: sol:+
  5252. Svetlost: Jazz (To the Working Class) (PMGJazz) {1}: AAJ:*
  5253. Svrcina: Elysian Fields (Tone Tree Music) {1}: rs_u:+
  5254. The Sweater Set: Fly on the Wall (self-released) {1}: pm_f:20
  5255. Georgie Sweet: Misunderstood (Futuristica) {1}: tg:+
  5256. Switchfoot: Covers (Fantasy -EP) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  5257. Sylvan Esso: WITH (Loma Vista) {1}: vmp:+
  5258. Symbolik: Emergence (Artisan Era) {1}: Ex:* -- A:90/1
  5259. Syteria: Reflection (Syteria) {1}: VLR:33
  5260. Matyas Szandai: Sandhana (BMC) {1}: AAJ:*
  5261. Giorgos Tabakis/Rebecca Trescher: Dual Nature: Live Sessions () {1}: bc_j:*
  5262. Taeko: Contemplation (Flat Nine) {1}: AAJ:*
  5263. Tailcoat: Tall Tales in Tiny Pieces (Go' Danish Folk Music -19) {1}: sol_eu:+
  5264. Masa Takumi: Heritage (Domo) {1}: AAJ:*
  5265. Talking Book: Talking Book II (Koolarrow) {1}: Mx:37
  5266. Talk Show: These People (Council -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:75/2
  5267. Tallah: Matriphagy (Earache) {1}: lwr:+ -- A:80/1
  5268. Christian Tamburr: The Awakening (Sounds for Sculpture) (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5269. Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii: Keshin (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5270. Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii: Midsummer (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5271. Tangents: Timeslips (Temporary Residence) {1}: rld:+
  5272. The Tangent: Auto Reconnaissance (Insideout) {1}: SoT:24
  5273. Gregory Tardy: If Time Could Stand Still (WJ3) {1}: jrs:+
  5274. Sophie Tassignon: Mysteries Unfold (RareNoise) {1}: -- TH:*
  5275. Sergio Tavares/Nuno Trocado/Tom Ward: Vestiges (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5276. Martin Taxt: First Room (Sofa) {1}: FJ:*
  5277. Patricia Taxxon: Gelb (self-released) {1}: pm_x:8
  5278. Patricia Taxxon: Rosa (self-released) {1}: pm_x:8
  5279. Patricia Taxxon: Schwarz (self-released) {1}: pm_x:8
  5280. Brit Taylor: Real Me (Cut a Shine) {1}: scm:+
  5281. Brother Theotis Taylor: Brother Theotis Taylor (Mississippi) {1}: tg:+
  5282. TeaMarr: Before I Spill Myself (Atlantic) {1}: Ps:43
  5283. Team Picture: The Menace of Mechanical Music (Clue) {1}: LQ:* -- A:90/1
  5284. Teenage Waitress: Love & Chemicals (Coloramo/Cargo) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  5285. Alfie Templeman: Happiness in Liquid Form (Chess Club -EP) {1}: DIY:*, NME:* -- A:80/2
  5286. Temple of Void: The World That Was (Shadow Kingdom) {1}: Db:24
  5287. Tenci: My Heart Is an Open Field (Keeled Scales) {1}: Bc:*
  5288. Tennessee Jet: The Country (Tennessee Jet Music) {1}: scm:+
  5289. James Tenney: Acoustic Phenomena/Hymnic Sounds (Edition Wandelweiser) {1}: FJ:*
  5290. Tensei: Speak Your Truth (Def Presse) {1}: bc_h:*
  5291. Roza Terenzi: Modern Bliss (Planet Euphorique) {1}: C:33
  5292. Terminal Nation: Holocene Extinction (20 Buck Spin) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5293. Terms: Asbestos Mouth (Skin Graft) {1}: yrhg:9
  5294. Jonathan Terrell: Westward (self-released) {1}: rs_u:+
  5295. Terror Jr: Rancho Catastrophe (Grape Music/Opposition) {1}: PCv:28
  5296. Josh Teskey & Ash Grunwald: Push the Blues Away (Ivy League) {1}: ysh:7
  5297. The Teskey Brothers: Live at the Forum (Glassnote) {1}:
  5298. Carl Testa: Sway Prototypes Volume 3 (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5299. Stephan Thelen: World Dialogue (RareNoise) {1}: AAJ:*
  5300. Them Airs: Union Suit XL (Art Parade) {1}: BPM:27
  5301. Theory of a Deadman: Say Nothing (Atlantic) {1}: ClR:* -- A:50/3, M:54/4
  5302. Thibault: Or Not Thibault (Chapter Music) {1}: pm_ip:6
  5303. Michael Thieke/Emilio Gordoa: Warteland (WildSonico) {1}: FJ:*
  5304. Thievery Corporation: Symphonik (Eighteen Street Lounge Music) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5305. This Will Destroy You: Vespertine (Dark Operative) {1}: bc_a:*
  5306. Isaiah J Thompson: Plays the Music of Buddy Montgomery (Wj3) {1}: jb:+
  5307. Thorn1: Snow Covers Everything at Least Six Months in a Year (Silber) {1}: ydn:+
  5308. Those Damn Crows: Point of No Return (Earache) {1}: ClR:38
  5309. Three MVPs: Science Fiction (Eeasy) {1}: Pc:73
  5310. Jason Tiemann: T-Man (self-released) {1}: DB:*
  5311. Tiesto: The London Sessions (Universal) {1}: nti:10
  5312. Asmus Tietchens/Dirk Serries: Air (A New Wave of Jazz -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5313. LA Timpa: Modern Antics in a Deserted Place (Slow Release) {1}: XLR:+
  5314. Mina Tindle: Sister (37D03D) {1}: LBF:43
  5315. Kris Tiner: In the Ground and Overhead (Epigraph) {1}: FJ:*
  5316. Tini [Martina Stoessel]: Tini Tini Tini (Hollywood) {1}: Id:25
  5317. Titan to Tachyons: Cactides (Nefarious Industries) {1}: vbc:7
  5318. TJO: Songs for Peacock (Orindal) {1}: GTV:* -- A:70/2
  5319. The TNEK Jazz Quintet: Plays the Music of Sam Jones (TNEK Jazz) {1}: -- TH:*
  5320. Today Is the Day: No Good to Anyone (BMG) {1}: K:* -- A:80/1
  5321. Toivo Quintet: View (Losen) {1}: jlv:+
  5322. Tom and His Computer: Future Ruins (In My Room) {1}: NBH:30
  5323. Louis Tomlinson: Walls (Simco) {1}: SC:* -- A:57/6
  5324. Toner: Silk Road (Smoking Room) {1}: Yb:23
  5325. Kavus Torabi: Hip to the Jag (Believers Roast) {1}: rld:+
  5326. Rafael Toral/Joao Pais Filipe: Jupiter and Beyond (Three:Four) {1}: pf_a:+
  5327. David Torn: Fur/Torn (Screwgun) {1}: DB:*
  5328. Joan Torres's All Is Fused: Revolution (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5329. Jennifer Touch: Behind the Wall (Fatcat) {1}: MO:* -- A:75/2
  5330. Tough Age: Which Way Am I? (Mint) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  5331. Sidi Toure: Afrik Toun Me (Thrill Jockey) {1}: U:* -- A:80/1
  5332. Town Meeting: Make Things Better (self-released) {1}: atw:+
  5333. Sabu Toyozumi/Simon Tan/Rick Countryman/Yong Yandsen: Voices of the Spirit (ChapChap) {1}: jkw:8
  5334. AJ Tracey: Secure the Bag! 2 (AJ Tracey -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:75/2
  5335. Meghan Trainor: Treat Myself (Epic) {1}: Id:66 -- A:44/5
  5336. David Tranchina Large-ish Ensemble: The Ogre (Big Ego) {1}: DB:*
  5337. Stefano Travaglini: Monk: Fifteen Piano Relections (Notami Jazz) {1}: AAJ:*
  5338. Treebones: Midnight Radio (Outpost 31) {1}: CD:41
  5339. Trees Speak: Shadow Forms (Soul Jazz) {1}: Sb:33
  5340. Tribez: Paragon (Beat Art Department -EP) {1}: Zf:78
  5341. Tricky: 20,20 (False Idols -EP) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  5342. Chris Trinidad: Chris Trinidad Y Con Todo (Iridium -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5343. Trio No Mas: A Tragedy of Fermented Undulation (self-released) {1}: YW:94
  5344. Trio Tekke: Strovilos (Riverboat) {1}: sol_eu:+
  5345. Trippie Redd: Pegasus (1400 Entertainment/TenThousand Projects) {1}: xxl:+ -- A:44/4
  5346. Heather Trost: Petrichor (Third Man) {1}: aqd:+ -- A:67/3
  5347. True East: First EP (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5348. Com Truise: In Decay, Too (Ghostly International) {1}: CD:22
  5349. Trummors: Dropout City (Ernest Jenning) {1}: aqd:+
  5350. Andreas Tschopp Bubaran: Tumbuk (Enja/Yellowbird) {1}: bc_j:*
  5351. TSHA: Flowers (Ninja Tune -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  5352. Ttrruuces: Ttrruuces (All Points) {1}: LW:28 -- A:70/2
  5353. Tubis Trio: So Us (Audio Cave -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5354. Tuluum Shimmering: Sister Ray Meets China Cat Sunflower Uptown (self-released) {1}: aqd:+
  5355. Jaan-Eik Tulve/Vox Clamantis: Cyrillus Kreek: The Suspended Harp of Babel (ECM New Series) {1}: tg:+
  5356. Simon Fisher Turner/Edmund De Waal: A Quiet Corner in Time (Mute) {1}: SC:* -- A:70/2
  5357. Lou Turner: Songs for John Venn (Spinster) {1}: SE:124
  5358. Turtle Skull: Monoliths (Art as Catharsis) {1}: FB:30
  5359. Twin Tribes: Ceremony (Negative Gain -19) {1}: Sp:* -- A:100/1
  5360. Twisted Pine: Right Now (Signature Sounds) {1}: key:+
  5361. Twst: Twst0001 (Hikkimori Baby -EP) {1}: LBF:* -- A:85/1
  5362. John Tyler: No Color (self-released -EP) {1}: bc_s:*
  5363. Loup Uberto: Racconto Artigiano (Three:Four) {1}: bc_x:+
  5364. Kali Uchis: To Feel Alive (Virgin EMI/Interscope -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:65/2, TH:B
  5365. UDO: We Are One (AFM) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  5366. Ugly Beauty: Ugly Beauty (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  5367. Frantisek Uhlir: Story of My Life (self-released) {1}: AAJ:*
  5368. Gregory Uhlmann: Neighborhood Watch (Topshelf) {1}: PM:* -- A:80/1
  5369. U-I: Enter the Garden (All My Thoughts) {1}: bc_e:+
  5370. Birgit Ulher/Franz Hautzinger: Kleine Trompetenmusik (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ:* -- TH:B-
  5371. Hans Ulrik & Anders Mogensen: The Meeting With Steve Swallow (AMM) {1}: AAJ:*
  5372. Undergang: Adrig I Livet (Me Saco Un Ojo) {1}: bv_fp:+
  5373. University of Toronto Jazz Orchestra: Embargo (Uoft Jazz) {1}: AAJ:*
  5374. The Unknown New: Inkflies (self-released -19) {1}: DB:*
  5375. Hans Unstern: Diven (Staatsakt) {1}: Mu:48
  5376. Masayoshi Urabe: What Hasn't Come Here, Come! (Relative Pitch -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5377. Keith Urban: The Speed of Now Part 1 (Keith Urban) {1}: sln:+
  5378. Stein Urheim: Downhill Uplift (Hubro) {1}: CM:+ -- TH:B
  5379. USA Nails: Character Stop (Hex) {1}: Mw:28
  5380. Us the Duo: Up Until Now (Rastonea) {1}: Ps:49
  5381. Utopian: Demo (Urge -EP) {1}: bc_p:*
  5382. Harvey Valdes: Solitude Intones Its Echo (Destiny -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5383. Yelfris Valdes: For the Ones (Musica Macondo) {1}: sg_j:*
  5384. Valkyrie: Fear (Relapse) {1}: FB:71
  5385. Orlando "Maraca" Valle: Esa Flauta (EGREM) {1}: jsa:+
  5386. Valley: Sucks to See You Doing Better (Universal Music Canada -EP) {1}: NT:* -- A:80/1
  5387. Kobe Van Cauwenberghe: Anthony Braxton Ghost Trance Solos (All That Dust) {1}: AAJ:*
  5388. Vandalismus: Gloria & Schwefel (Audiolith) {1}: Lt:41
  5389. Vanden Plas: The Ghost Xperiment: Illumination (Frontiers) {1}: SoT:28
  5390. Reinier Van Houdt: Pieces for AMPLIFY 2000 (self-released) {1}: jnm:8
  5391. Fred Van Hove: Fred Van Hove at 80 (Dropa Disc -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5392. Letitia VanSant: Circadian Rhythm (self-released) {1}: P:*
  5393. Joshua Van Tassel: Dance Music Volume II: More Songs for Slow Motion (Backward) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5394. Christina Vantzou: Multi Natural (Edicoes Cn) {1}: No:37
  5395. Varde: Fedraminne (Nordvis) {1}: ab_b:10
  5396. Stoll Vaughan: Desires Shape (Commonwealth Artist) {1}: AAJ:*
  5397. Vera: Terso (Vera Spinetta) {1}: RS_Ar:25
  5398. The Very Most: Needs Help (Lost Sound Tapes/Kocliko) {1}: pm_ip:9
  5399. Vibration Black Finger: Can You See What I'm Trying to Say (Jazzman) {1}: sg_j:*
  5400. Irmao Victor: Mariposario (Pop Superette) {1}: MM:79
  5401. Filippo Vignato: Heidelberg: Live at Enjoy Jazz (Auand) {1}: bc_j:*
  5402. Village of the Sun Feat Binker & Moses: Village of the Sun/Ted (Gearbox -EP) {1}: AAJ:* -- TH:B
  5403. Simon Vincent's the Occasional Trio: Live in Berlin (Vision of Sound -19) {1}: AAJ:*
  5404. Vinnum Sabbathi: Of Dimensions and Theories (Stolen Body) {1}: No:30
  5405. Hristo Vitchev: Of Light and Shadows (First Orbit Sounds) {1}: AAJ:*
  5406. Vitskar Suden: Vitskar Suden (self-released) {1}: FB:55
  5407. Viva Belgrado: Bellavista (Aloud) {1}: BV_p:31
  5408. Carlos Vives: Cumbiana (D) {1}: BB:+
  5409. Sabine Vogel/Michael Thieke/Kaffe Matthews/Audrey Chen/Id M Theft Able: Isolated, Connected (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5410. Luise Volkmann/Didier Matry: Wunsche (Umland -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5411. Luise Volkmann's Ete Large: When the Birds Upraise Their Choir (nWog) {1}: bc_j:*
  5412. Andreas Vollenweider: Quiet Places (MIG Music) {1}: AAJ:*
  5413. Volur: Death Cult (Prophecy) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5414. Hank Von Hell: Dead (Columbia) {1}: VLR:48
  5415. Kadri Voorand: In Duo With Mihkel Malgand (ACT -19) {1}: DB:*
  5416. Ella Vos: Turbulence (Hwyl) {1}: Id:64
  5417. Biliana Voutchkova/Ernesto Rodrigues/Rodrigo Pinheiro: White Bricks and the Wooden Mutes (Creative Sources -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5418. Vril: Bad Manners 4 (Bad Manners) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5419. Vritra: Sonar (Bad Taste) {1}: Mj:* -- A:75/2
  5420. Vundabar: Either Light (Gawk) {1}: UR:79
  5421. LT Wade: Requiem for the American Dream (Dopeness) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  5422. Mark Wade: Songs From Isolation (AMP Music) {1}: se_fj:+
  5423. The Wailers: One World (Sony) {1}: bv_g:+
  5424. Nicholas Walker: Balakirev: Complete Piano Works Vol 6 (Grand Piano) {1}: YW:124
  5425. Rhett Walker: Good to Me (Provident Music Group) {1}: sjm:9
  5426. Tornado Wallace: Midnight Mania (Optimo) {1}: YW:105
  5427. Byron Wallen: Portrait (Twilight Jaguar) {1}: AAJ:*
  5428. Wallflower: Teach Yourself to Swim (Wallflower) {1}: Ups:* -- A:70/2
  5429. Gottlieb Wallisch: 20th Century Foxtrots Vol 1: Austria and Czechia (Grand Piano) {1}: tg:+
  5430. Wallows: Remote (Atlantic -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:80/1
  5431. Christian Wallumrod Ensemble: Many (Hubro) {1}: bc_j:*
  5432. JD Walter: Dressed in a Song (JWAL) {1}: AAJ:*
  5433. Alex Ward: Frames (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ:*
  5434. Max De Wardener: Music for Detuned Pianos (Village Green) {1}: tg:+
  5435. Bill Warfield and the Hell's Kitchen Funk Orchestra: Smile (Planet Arts/43 Street) {1}: DB:* -- TH:B
  5436. Warm Digits: Flight of Ideas (Memphis Industries) {1}: LBF:* -- A:73/3
  5437. Warmth: Life (Archives) {1}: YW:108
  5438. Danyel Waro: Tinn Tout (Cobalt) {1}: sol_af:+
  5439. Nick Waterhouse: Live at Pappy and Harriet's: In Person From the High Desert (Innovative Leisure) {1}: RT:58
  5440. Water Liars: Roll On (Constant Stranger) {1}: BS:30
  5441. Patty Waters: An Evening in Houston (Clean Feed) {1}: FJ:*
  5442. Patty Waters: Live (Black Forms Editions -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5443. Roger Waters: Us + Them (Sony Legacy) {1}: AS:* -- A:75/2
  5444. Chester Watson: A Japanese Horror Film (POW) {1}: tr_h:+
  5445. Bobby Watson/Vincent Herring/Gary Bartz: Bird at 100 (Smoke Sessions -19) {1}: mm:+ -- TH:[*]
  5446. Waveform: Last Room (self-released) {1}: Alt:64
  5447. Sarah Weaver: Synchrony Series: Music of Sarah Weaver and Collaborations (SyncSource -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5448. Weave: The Sound II (Further Platonic) {1}: Alt:33
  5449. James Robert Webb: James Robert Webb (117 Music) {1}: spt:+
  5450. Lindsey Webster: A Woman Like Me (Shanachie) {1}: se_fj:+
  5451. Cory Weeds Quartet: Day by Day (Cellar Live) {1}: AAJ:*
  5452. Sam Weinberg: The Greek Cassette (Maarakora -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5453. Sam Weinberg/Tyler Damon/Henry Fraser: Foment (Amalgam -19) {1}: FJ:*
  5454. Weird Turn Pro: Maul and Mezcal (Weird Turn Pro) {1}: noj:8
  5455. Justin Wells: The United State (Singular) {1}: scm:+
  5456. Susan Werner: Flyover Country (self-released) {1}: AS:* -- A:80/1
  5457. Westelaken: The Golden Days Are Hard (Westelaken) {1}: Spk:* -- A:100/1
  5458. Westside Gunn: Flygod Is an Awesome God II (Griselda) {1}: -- TH:*
  5459. Ray West & Zilla Rocca: Rowhouse Whispers (843661 DK) {1}: vti:6
  5460. Wetware: Flail (Dais) {1}: AM:*
  5461. Koe Wetzel: Sellout (Columbia) {1}: Id:62
  5462. What Happens in a Year: Ceremonie/Musique (FiP) {1}: -- TH:*
  5463. When Rivers Meet: We Fly Free (One Road) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  5464. Whipped Cream: Who Is Whipped Cream? (Big Beat) {1}: pm_ep:9
  5465. Jay Whiss: Peace of Mind (Universal Canada) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5466. Chik White & Colin Fisher: Our Water Is Fire (self-relased) {1}: FJ:*
  5467. The White Kites: Devillusion (Deep Field) {1}: FB:25
  5468. White Manna: Arc (Cardinal Fuzz/Centripetal Force) {1}: Sb:66
  5469. Xylouris White: The Sisypheans (Drag City -19) {1}: sol_fu:+
  5470. Whitney: Candid (Secretly Canadian) {1}: Gw:* -- A:69/9, M:71/4
  5471. Why Bonnie: Voice Box (Fat Possum -EP) {1}: LBF:* -- A:85/1
  5472. Whyte Horses: Hard Times (CRC) {1}: Pc:95 -- A:68/2
  5473. Why?: Ten Voices (Synesthesia Media -EP) {1}: NF:27
  5474. Wicketkeeper: Shonk (Meritorito) {1}: LBF:* -- A:73/2
  5475. Katarzyna Wiktorski: From a Distance (self-released) {1}: g_c:7
  5476. JJ Wilde: Ruthless (Black Box) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5477. Ginger Wildheart: Headzapoppin' (Round) {1}: ClR:39
  5478. Wild Nothing: Laughing Gas (Captured Tracks -EP) {1}: NME:* -- A:70/3
  5479. Dan Wilensky: All in All (Polyglot) {1}: AAJ:*
  5480. Reverend John Wilkins: Trouble (Goner) {1}: Mj:* -- A:73/3
  5481. Ptah Williamms/Larry Kornfeld/Rob Silverman: Rhythm City (Autumn Hill) {1}: AAJ:*
  5482. Chancey Williams: 3rd Street (Younger Brother) {1}: scm:+
  5483. Devon Williams: A Tear in the Fabric (Slumberland) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  5484. Jeff Williams: Live at London Jazz Festival: Road Tales (Whirlwind) {1}: jml:8
  5485. James Williamson & Deniz Tek: Two to One (Cleopatra) {1}: VLR:36
  5486. Mars Williams/Vasco Trilla: Spiracle (Not Two) {1}: AAJ:*
  5487. Wilsen: Ruiner (Secret City) {1}: LBF:* -- A:80/1
  5488. Kim Wilson: Take Me Back! The Bigtone Sessions (MC) {1}: mj_b:8
  5489. Wino: Forever Gone (Ripple Music) {1}: ClR:* -- A:80/1
  5490. Winston CW: Good Guess (Ruination/Whatever's Clever) {1}: U:* -- A:75/2
  5491. The Winter Passing: New Wayf of Living (Counter Intuitive) {1}: Ups:* -- A:80/1
  5492. Witch 'n' Monk: Witch 'n' Monk (Tzadik) {1}: jss:+
  5493. Witchwood: Before the Winter (Jolly Roger) {1}: FB:38
  5494. Withered Hand: Ten Years EP (Brother & Dad -EP) {1}: NF:31
  5495. Wolf & Cub: NIL (Part Time) {1}: AU:34
  5496. Emily Wolfe: Emily Wolfe (self-released) {1}: bg_t:+
  5497. Michael Wolff: Bounce (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  5498. The Wolfhounds: Electric Music (A Turntable Friend) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  5499. Michael Wollny: Mondenkind (ACT Music) {1}: jpl:8
  5500. Wonderbach: Lumiere, Eau Et ineraux (Coax) {1}: FJ:*
  5501. The Wonder Years: Burst & Decay (Volume II) (Hopeless -EP) {1}: Ups:* -- A:80/1
  5502. Joe Wong: Nite Creatures (Decca) {1}: NT:* -- A:80/1
  5503. Woo: Arcturian Corridor (Quindi) {1}: aqd:+
  5504. Gia Woods: Cut Season (Disruptor) {1}: PCv:37
  5505. Johnny Woods: Pavilions (Behind the Sky) {1}: CD:30
  5506. Nate Wooley/Liudas Mockunas/Barry Guy/Arkadijus Gotesmanas: Nox (NoBusiness) {1}: FJ:*
  5507. Nate Wooley: Three Studies for Future Uncertainties (Pleasure of Text) {1}: FJ:*
  5508. Al Wootton: Witness (Trule) {1}: Du:19
  5509. Wordcolour: Tell Me Something (Lapsus) {1}: S45:39
  5510. Hawksley Workman: Less Rage More Tears (Isadora) {1}: Sp:* -- A:90/1
  5511. Vanessa Worm: Vanessa 77 (Optimo) {1}: Em:* -- A:90/1
  5512. Worst Party Ever: Here, Online (No Sleep) {1}: Alt:39
  5513. The Wrecks: Infinitely Ordinary (Big Noise Music Group) {1}: Em:* -- A:85/1
  5514. Wrekmeister Harmonies: We Love to Look at the Carnage (Thrill Jockey) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  5515. Anson Wright: Only Love (Saphu) {1}: AAJ:*
  5516. Matthew Wright: Locked Hybrids (Relative Pitch) {1}: FJ:* -- TH:B
  5517. Nestor Wynrush: Roxbury & Wooden Legs (Peanuts & Corn) {1}: bc_h:*
  5518. Wytch Hazel: III: Pentecost (Bad Omen) {1}: FB:73
  5519. Xenobiotic: Mordrake (Unique Leader) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5520. Fatima Yamaha: Spontaneous Order (Magnetron Music) {1}: LQ:* -- A:90/1
  5521. Xuefei Yang: Sketches of China (Universal Music China) {1}: pm_w:8
  5522. Jonah Yano: Souvenir (Innovative Leisure) {1}: Ex:* -- A:74/3
  5523. Yazzus: Delta Wave (Good Enuff) {1}: YW:89
  5524. Jason Yeager: New Songs of Resistance (Outside In Music) {1}: jmb:10
  5525. Yellow Days: A Day in a Yellow Beat (RCA) {1}: Cl:* -- A:67/4, M:66/4
  5526. Yellowjackets/WDR Big Band: Jackets XL (Mack Avenue) {1}: AM:*
  5527. Flora Yin-Wong: Holy Palm (self-released) {1}: pf_a:+
  5528. Ymusic: Ecstatic Science (New Amsterdam) {1}: npr_nb:9
  5529. Yodok III: Verkstedhallen (self-released) {1}: FJ:*
  5530. Yo La Tengo: Sleepless Night (Matador -EP) {1}: aqd:+ -- A:71/2
  5531. Kenshi Yonezu: Stray Sheep (Sony) {1}: YF:38
  5532. Thom Yorke/Burial/Four Tet: Her Revolution/His Rope (XL -EP) {1}: aqd:+
  5533. Otomo Yoshihide/Chris Pitsiokos: Live in Florence (Astral Spirits) {1}: -- TH:*
  5534. Young Clancy: Vol II (Black Box Music) {1}: vkt:9
  5535. Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad: Jazz Is Dead 3: Marcos Valle (Jazz Is Dead) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  5536. Young Ejecta: Ride Lonesome (Driftless) {1}: GB:49
  5537. Young MA: Red Flu (MA Music/3D) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  5538. Your Old Droog: Jewelry (Mongoloid Banks -19) {1}: Pc:59
  5539. Youth Sector: Mundanity (Young Poet -EP) {1}: xci:+
  5540. Luiz Henrique Yudo & Apartment House: Chamber Works (Another Timbre) {1}: AAJ:*
  5541. Yuksek: Nosso Ritmo (Partyfine) {1}: LI:96
  5542. Benny Yurco: You Are My Dreams (Little Jamaica/People in a Position to Know) {1}: aqd:+
  5543. Mia Zabelka: Myasmo (Setola Di Maiale) {1}: AAJ:*
  5544. Zaia: Very Alone (self-released -EP) {1}: atw:+
  5545. Glenn Zaleski: The Question (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  5546. Zenker Brothers: Cosmic Transmission (Ilian Tape) {1}: Zf:79
  5547. Miguel Zenon: The Tower Tapes #13 (Jazz Club Ferrara) {1}: bc_j:*
  5548. Omri Ziegele Tomorrow Trio: All Those Yesterdays (Intakt) {1}: AAJ:*
  5549. Rebekka Ziegler: Salomea (Klaeng) {1}: AAJ:*
  5550. Ziggy Ramo: Black Thoughts (Ramo) {1}: Jun:21
  5551. Peter Zinovieff & Lucy Ratton: RFG Inventions for Cello and Computer (Pan) {1}: SoS:72
  5552. Zonke Family: At the Studio (Lokalophon) {1}: sol_af:+
  5553. Zoon: Bleached Wavves (Paper Bag) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/2
  5554. Philip Zoubek Trio: Nonplaces (WhyPlayJazz) {1}: sg_j:*
  5555. Jeremy Zucker: Love Is Not Dying (Universal) {1}: Id:57
  5556. Zwangere Guy: Brutxxl (TopNotch) {1}: is_h:9
  5557. Kluor 006 (Kulor) {1}: pf_e:+