Metacritic Aggregate: 2020 New Music: Electronica/Dance


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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Caribou: Suddenly (Merge) {164}: 3v:17, A3:15, AD:*, Al:86, AM:*, AU:33, BB:40, Bc:+, BIB:5, Btz:49, BV:37, C:*, Crz:35, CS:28, DA:16, DaB:9, DIY:*, DJ:19, Dr:54, Dus:*, E_UK:7, Ex:5*, Fa:39, G:23*, Gf:10, Gg:38, Gig:*, GiL:4, Gl:+, Got:6, GTV:*, HP:36, I:*, Jp:13, Kp:8, KX:19, LBF:*, LCA:29, LI:59, LQ:27*, Mc:28, Mgn:5, Mj:*, MM:31, MO:14*, MoM:30, Mu:25, NBH:31, Ni:17, NME:*, Noj:9, Now:*, NR:26*, NT:*, OC:46, Oo:15, Oy:29, P:11*, Pc:64, Pf:*, Pf_r:28, PJ:29, PM:28*, PW:34, Q:*, RC:15*, Rdx:48, Re:14, Rf:20, RT:15, S:5, S45:4, Sg:36, Sk:*, Sl:*, SMH:*, Snv:18, So:13, Sp:*, Top:47, Tr:16, U:*, UR:22; am_i:+, aqd:+, blw:+, dn:6, fms:+, fst:+, mj_e:5, ms_e:2, not:+, now:5, now_t:4, pf_e:+, rld:+, tr_e:4, ty_e:6, vcm:9, whf:+, xrr:8, yjsb:+ -- A:83/28, M:83/7, TH:**
  2. Kelly Lee Owens: Inner Song (Smalltown Supersound) {142}: 45:25, Bc:+, BIB:27, BV:39, C:*, Cl:*, Crz:40, DIY:16, Dr:8, DS:+, Du:4, DVk:25, E_UK:35, ES:1, Ex:*, FO:30, G:24, GB:42, Gg:46, GiL:19, GTV:23, Gw:*, Hi:28, HP:41, HuN:27, I:29*, IR:+, IS:4, Jp:24, Kp:16, KX:83, LBF:24*, LCA:50, LI:52, LQ:2*, Mc:26, Mgn:20, Mj:*, Ms:39, MuL:7, Mz:17, NBH:32, Ni:12, NME:*, No:8, Noj:18, NR:+, O:*, OC:18, Oy:20, P:18*, Pc:7, Pf:27, Pf_r:46, PJ:86, PM:26, Q:*, RA:*, Rec:3, RM:18, RS:38, RS_I:19, RT:28, S45:15, Sb:29, Sbd:14, Sg:21, Sk:9, Tr:14, U:75*, UR:26*, Zf:14; ab_m:7, cm:8, dnw:7, fti:+, mj_e:2, ms_e:3, not:+, npr_ap:6, pf_e:+, pm_e:2, rld:+, rte:+, tr_e:2, vmp:+, whf:+, yng:+ -- A:83/16, M:85/12, TH:**
  3. Roisin Murphy: Roisin Machine (Skint) {137}: 45:27, A3:18, AD:*, Al:*, AM:+*, BIB:2, BV:9, C:28*, Cl:27, Crz:33, DIY:*, DJ:50, E:+, E_UK:34, ES:11, Ex:*, Fa:16, Fld:*, G:11*, Gg:44, GiL:9, GMD:15, GTV:*, Hi:29, HP:28, HuN:33, I:16, Id:16, IS:32, Jp:3, LBF:*, LI:40, LQ:*, Lt:13, LW:19, MO:1*, Ms:36, Mu:11, Ni:10, NME:*, Noj:26, Oy:6, Pc:3, Pf:17*, Pf_r:25, PJ:91, PM:35, PO:+, Qt:59*, RA:*, Rdx:39, RS_D:26, RY:40, Sbd:29, SC:*, SE:58, Sk:10, TO:10, Top:18, Tr:22, U:42*, Yb:22, YF:49, Zf:11; am_p:+, bbc:+, it:+, fms:+, lib:6, now_r:1, p_p:+, pf_e:+, pm_p:11, rte:+, ty_e:1, vamp:7, vasp:9, vhp:4, vjly:9, wo:+, ydh:6, yds:+, yrh:1 -- A:83/19, M:87/8, TH:**
  4. Arca: KiCk i (XL) {59}: AM:*, BPM:*, Btz:32, C:*, Dz:3, Ex:*, Glm:24, GMD:32, IS:35, Jp:44, Kp:3, LCA:42, LI:32, LQ:*, Mgn:11, MO:*, Mz:15, N:57, NF:35, NME:*, Noj:14, NT:*, O:*, P:*, Pf:41, Pf_r:39, Qt:75, Sl:29*, Sg:32, Top:50, Tr:47, Zf:33; am_e:+, bl:1, ms_e:+, pf_e:+, pm_x:7, sa:16, tr_e:5, vhp:10, wo:+, xci:+, xgm:+, yrs:4 -- A:78/16, M:78/11, TH:*
  5. Oneohtrix Point Never: Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (Warp) {56}: AM:+*, AV:16, CD:13, Cl:*, CS:31, Fld:7*, FO:28, GB:18, IS:50, LCA:23, LI:45, LQ:*, Mj:*, MM:8, MO:42*, Mw:44, Oy:28, Pf_r:48, PJ:95, Rdx:49, RS_I:13, S:*, S45:6, Sb:81, Sg:7, SoS:58, U:*, UR:66; am_e:+, bl:2, lib:7, mm:+, ms_e:6, pm_x:2, sa:9, tr_e:14, vmp:+, yrs:6 -- A:76/12, M:81/11, TH:*
  6. Beatrice Dillon: Workaround (PAN) {50}: AM:*+, C:16*, E_UK:14, G:22*, Got:39, IS:44, LBF:*, Mgn:18, Mj:*, Mz:10, Pf:33*, PM:22, Q:*, Qt:23, RA:13*, Re:19, S45:11, SoS:36, U:*, VF:14, W:1*; am_e:+, mj_e:1, pf_e:+, pm_e:3, rld:+ -- A:83/5, M:87/8, TH:**
  7. Four Tet: Sixteen Oceans (Microhouse) {48}: ABC:11, AU:16, Crh:23, DaB:43, DJ:11, Dr:17, DS:+, E_UK:31, Got:17, GTV:57, Mgn:6, NBH:35, Ni:32, Pc:16, PM:46*, RA:*, RM:39, RS:30, RT:30, S45:10, So:14, SoS:60, Spk:38, Top:26, Trk:32; dn:3, edmt:6, fst:+, ms_e:5, pm_e:11, rld:+, ty_e:19, whf:+ -- A:69/5, M:74/8, TH:*
  8. Yaeji: What We Drew (XL) {46}: AM:*, BB:+, Ex:*, G:*, GB:12, Glm:23, LI:56, LQ:*, Mgn:7, Mu:45, N:61, Ni:8, NME:*, O:*, Pf:49*, PW:49, Q:*, RA:4*, Rdx:40, RT:40, Sg:+, Up:22, Up_i:8, VF:27; am_e:+, bv_sd:+, fst:+, n_sp:+, pf_e:+, tr_e:8, v_ja:+, vmp:+, vuk:10 -- A:82/5, M:84/7, TH:*
  9. Against All Logic: 2017-2019 (Other People) {38}: Bc:*+, Cl:*, DA:17, Ex:33*, Got:36, Hi:39, IS:20, LBF:*, Mgn:14, Ms:7, Ne:26*, No:35, PW:33, RA:*, RY:37, Sg:33, SoS:1; am_e:+, atw:+, fst:+, ms_e:1 -- A:81/5, TH:***
  10. Jessy Lanza: All the Time (Hyperdub) {32}: AM:*, Bc:+, BPM:*, Cl:26*, DS:+, Ex:*, G:44*, GB:11, Got:29, IR:17, LBF:*, LI:34, LW:*, Mgn:4, Mj:*, MO:*, Mu:23, NT:*, PM:*, Q:*, Top:23; ms_e:10, p_p:+, pf_e:+ -- A:79/17, M:82/13, TH:*
  11. Moodymann: Taken Away (Mahogani Music) {31}: Bc:*+, E_UK:28, GB:10, KX:73, Mgn:16, Ni:26, Pf:*, PW:16, RA:9, Sg:+, So:9, SoS:87, YW:35, Zf:13; pf_e:+, ty_e:5, vmm:7 -- A:80/1, TH:***
  12. Actress: Karma & Desire (Ninja Tune) {30}: AM:*, Bc:+, Cl:31*, Ex:*, G:41, GB:32, LI:62, Mg:12, Mgn:9, Mz:19, PW:28, Qt:*, RA:6*, VF:10, XLR:+; am_e:+, bc_e:+, bl:8, pm_e:14 -- A:76/6, M:83/7, TH:*
  13. Autechre: Sign (Warp) {27}: Cl:*, Ex:*, GMD:18, Lt:33, Mj:*, MM:58, MO:*, N:96, No:42, Pc:71, Pf:*, Qt:13*, RA:*, S45:30, Sg:38, So:24, U:*, W:29, XLR:+, YF:*; ms_e:9, ny_p:10, pf_e:+, xpb:+ -- A:79/11, M:82/11, TH:B
  14. Disclosure: Energy (Island) {27}: Al:100, Cl:*, DA:3, DIY:*, DJ:29, FO:45, Gw:*, Id:70, Jp:36, Ms:50, NME:*, O:*, Q:*, Sbd:30, Sl:39*, YF:31; ms_e:4, nti:9, vjj:4 -- A:74/14, M:74/12, TH:**
  15. William Basinski: Lamentations (Temporary Residence) {25}: ACL:4, AM:*, Crz:50, LQ:*, MO:*, Rdx:38, Spk:*, U:*, W:16*, XLR:+, YW:74; am_e:+, aqd:+, hc_d:+, sa:10, tr_e:15, vdk:10, xjdc:41, ydn:10 -- A:80/8, M:84/6, TH:*
  16. Nicholas Jaar: Cenizas (Other People) {25}: Bc:+, C:38, Ex:*, IS:37, Kp:10, LBF:*, LQ:*, Ne:*, Pf:*, PM:50, RA:*, Re:15, RS_I:12, SoS:1; bc_a:+, rld:+ -- A:85/6, TH:*
  17. DJ Python: Mas Amable (Incienso) {23}: AM:*, C:3, G:*, NME:*, PM:*, Qt:38, RA:1*; am_e:+, mj_e:4, npr_oh:8, pf_3:+, pm_e:10 -- A:78/3, M:82/5, TH:**
  18. Tricky: Fall to Pieces (False Idols) {21}: ABC:19, AD:*, BIB:25, Dus:*, HP:22, I:*, LBF:*, LI:36, Mj:47*, Mx:24, Sbd:46, SC:*, UR:*, W:49; rld:+, vrmo:9, vti:7, xjdc:65 -- A:73/15, M:74/13, TH:*
  19. Dua Lipa & the Blessed Madonna: Club Future Nostalgia (Warner) {20}: Glm:9, I:*, Id:47, LAT:*, NME:*, V:*, YW:4; v_ja:5, vdca:4, xjd:10 -- A:78/4, M:84/6, TH:***
  20. Squarepusher: Be Up a Hello (Warp) {20}: AM:*, C:*, Dus:*, Ex:*, GTV:*, LBF:*, LQ:*, No:33, PM:*, Q:*, Qt:7*, U:*, XLR:+; am_e:+, pm_e:17, ty_e:8 -- A:75/12, M:76/14, TH:*
  21. Daniel Avery: Love + Light (Phantasy Sound) {19}: AM:*, Crh:1, Dr:48, E_UK:33, Ex:*, Hi:48, LI:90, Mgn:24, NME:*, No:10, RM:46 -- A:80/3, TH:**
  22. Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts V: Together (Null) {19}: DS:18, Gig:*, HuN:8, LBF:*, Mx:49, NME:*, NYT:*, RS:*, S:*, UCR:7; ljs:22, vsrk:3, xbf:+ -- A:80/4
  23. Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts VI: Locusts (Null) {18}: DS:18, Gig:*, HuN:8, LBF:*, Mx:49, NF:54, NME:*, NYT:*, RS:*, S:*, Spk:*, UCR:7; ljs:22 -- A:82/4
  24. Speaker Music: Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry (Planet Mu) {17}: Bc:+*, C:40, Mgn:26, PO:+, VF:20, YW:64; bc_e:+*, bl:6, tgl:6, yclw:10 -- TH:A-
  25. Sarah Davachi: Cantus, Descant (Late) {15}: Ex:*, Dr:50, DS:14, Mj:*, Qt:52, SC:*, U:43*, W:13; aqd:+, mj_u:2, pf_a:+ -- A:73/5, M:78/6
  26. KMRU: Peel (Editions Mego) {15}: ACL:12, AM:*, Bc:+, GTV:*, RA:18, VF:3; am_e:+, bc_a:+, ia:8, pf_a:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  27. Theo Parrish: Wuddaji (Sound Signature) {15}: PO:+, PW:36, RA:15, Re:7, XLR:+, Zf:26; pf_e:+, ty_e:11, vbd:6, yjc:6 -- TH:**
  28. 100 Gecs: 1000 Gecs and the Tree of Clues (Dog Show) {14}: DIY:*, DW:7, LBF:*, NDO:+, NF:60, NME:*, PM:*; ri:+, v_ja:8, xdws:7 -- A:78/8, M:84/5, TH:**
  29. AG Cook: Apple (PC Music) {14}: AM:*, Cl:*, Dz:14, Ex:*, IS:29, LBF:*, N:88, NT:*, O:*, Rdx:46; am_e:+, pm_x:13, rdb:+ -- A:75/9, TH:B
  30. Roger Eno and Brian Eno: Mixing Colours (Deutsche Grammophon) {14}: AAJ:*, AD:*, ES:9, O:*, PM:*, Q:*, Sp:*, U:46*; mm:+, npr_bb:9 -- A:70/9, M:72/11, TH:*
  31. Holy Fuck: Deleter (Last Gang) {14}: AM:*, Crh:27, DIY:*, Dr:29, GTV:*, KX:62, LW:42, MO:*, RM:27, Sk:*; pm_ep:7 -- A:72/12, TH:***
  32. Nicholas Jaar: Telas (Other People) {14}: C:*, Ex:*, Fld:*, LI:38, RA:*, Rf:71, SC:*, SoS:1 -- A:74/8, M:74/4, TH:**
  33. NZCA Lines: Pure Luxury (Memphis Industries) {14}: AM:*, Cl:*, DIY:*, Gw:*, LBF:*, Mj:*, NR:+, NT:*, Q:*, Rec:47, UR:53*; pm_p:13 -- A:76/13, M:79/12, TH:*
  34. Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith: The Mosaic of Transformation (Ghostly International) {14}: AD:*, Cl:46*, Ex:*, GTV:86, LQ:*, Pc:80, RA:*, RM:34, S45:42, U:*; aqd:+, bc_a:+, mj_e:9 -- A:73/8, M:78/7
  35. Ital Tek: Outland (Planet Mu) {13}: BPM:*, LQ:*, Mgn:21, PM:7*; pm_e:1, ty_e:12 -- A:75/2, M:81/4, TH:**
  36. Gia Margaret: Mia Gargaret (Orindal) {13}: DS:1, Ex:*, GB:30, LBF:*; bc_a:+*, npr_bb:7, ty_e:20 -- A:80/2, TH:*
  37. Matmos: The Consuming Flame: Open Exercises in Group Form (Thrill Jockey) {13}: AM:*, Ex:*, GTV:53, Mj:*, MO:26*, Ne:8*, SoS:9 -- A:74/7, M:85/4
  38. Machinedrum: A View of U (Ninja Tune) {12}: AM:*, AU:20, Dr:28, Ex:*, Mgn:2, MO:*, No:50; tr_e:16 -- A:76/5
  39. Romare: Home (Ninja Tune) {12}: AM:*, Crh:35, E_UK:41, Ex:*, GTV:*, Mj:*, MO:37*, RT:41, Zf:36; rs_u:+ -- A:77/7, M:79/5, TH:**
  40. Trees Speak: Ohms (Soul Jazz) {12}: AM:*, Dr:41, Pc:49, PM:*, RM:52, Sb:1; am_i:+ -- A:80/1, TH:*
  41. Marie Davidson/O'Oeil Nu: Renegade Breakdown (Ninja Tune) {11}: Bc:*, Ex:*, LI:22, LQ:31, NME:*, Rec:16; pm_ep:12 -- A:72/5, TH:***
  42. Guiss Guiss Bou Bess: Set Sela (Helico -19) {11}: Rx:22; sol_af:+, xci:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  43. Tchami: Year Zero (Confession) {11}: DA:1; edmt:3, nti:4 -- TH:**
  44. Luke Abbott: Translate (Border Community) {10}: ES:14, LQ:*, MO:*, O:*, Pc:84, RM:43, U:*; fms:+, mj_e:8 -- A:80/4, M:84/4
  45. Elysia Crampton: Orcorara 2010 (Pan) {10}: LBF:*, GB:+, PM:*, PO:+, RA:*, SoS:68, Spk:40, W:*; pm_x:6, tgl:10 -- M:87/5, TH:B-
  46. Vladislav Delay: Rakka (Warp) {10}: AM:+, Bc:*, G:*, Hi:22, Pf:*, Qt:*, W:*; am_e:+, vew:9 -- A:67/3, TH:*
  47. India Jordan: For You (Local Action -EP) {10}: AM:*, Cl:*, GB:+, NME:*, No:13, Pf:*, YF:43; am_e:+, pf_e:+ -- A:87/3
  48. Lorenzo Senni: Scacco Matto (Warp) {10}: AM:*, Bc:*, C:*, G:*, Kp:14, MO:*, N:43, Qt:64; am_e:+ -- A:79/4
  49. Charles Webster: Decision Time (Dimensions) {10}: AD:*, DVk:40, Mj:*, MuL:5; bc_e:+, ty_e:4 -- A:90/2
  50. Oliver Coates: Skins N Slime (RVNG Intl) {9}: Bc:+, BPM:*, LQ:*, Mj:*, Pf:*, W:37; mj_u:6, rd:+, vjdn:6 -- A:80/4
  51. Field Works: Ultrasonic (Temporary Residence) {9}: AM:*, Ex:*, LQ:*, PM:45; pm_b:8, tr_e:12, vjcl:1 -- A:83/3
  52. Kygo: Golden Hour (Kygo Music) {9}: DA:6; edmt:5, nti:1, rdb:+
  53. Moor Jewelry [Moor Mother & Mental Jewelry]: True Opera (Don Giovanni -EP) {9}: Ne:7*, PO:+ -- A:80/1, TH:A-
  54. Rheinzand: Rheinzand (Music for Dreams) {9}: Pc:1, Sb:3
  55. Rival Consoles: Articulation (Erased Tapes) {9}: BPM:*, CD:24, Dr:99, ES:29, No:28, PM:*, RT:93; pm_e:9, whf:+ -- A:71/5
  56. Bronson: Bronson (Ninja Tune) {8}: AM:*, DA:9, KX:78, Mgn:8 -- A:75/2
  57. Green-House: Six Songs for Invisible Gardens (Leaving) {8}: Dr:6, S45:12; aqd:+, pm_b:6, vmp:+
  58. Jasmine Infiniti: Bxtch Slap (New World Dysorder World Wide) {8}: Bc:*, RA:3, VF:46 -- TH:**
  59. Lane 8: Brightest Lights (This Never Happened) {8}: DA:2; edmt:1, nti:8
  60. Moby: All Visible Objects (Mute) {8}: AM:*, Ec:13, Spk:*, XSN:20; am_e:+, mm:+ -- A:61/8, M:67/6
  61. Noveller: Arrow (Ba Da Bing) {8}: AM:*, DS:+, Dus:*, MO:*, NR:*, SC:*; aqd:+, bc_a:* -- A:80/3, M:78/5
  62. Shinichi Atobe: Yes (DDS) {7}: GB:26, GMD:49, PM:*, RA:7, VF:28 -- A:80/1
  63. Daniel Avery & Alessandro Cortini: Illusion of Time (Mute) {7}: Dr:73, DS:13, LQ:*, MO:*, Pc:79, Q:* -- A:72/7
  64. A Certain Ratio: ACR LOCO (Mute) {7}: ES:12, LI:51, RC:25, RM:45, RT:31; yjk:9 -- A:66/7, M:69/4
  65. EMMA: Indigo Dream (Local Action) {7}: C:2, Cl:45, RA:16
  66. Major Lazer: Music Is the Weapon (Mad Decent) {7}: AM:*, NF:13; am_p:+, nti:7 -- A:55/4, M:59/4, TH:**
  67. Minor Science: Second Language (Whities) {7}: C:42*, Du:20, LQ:10 -- A:72/4
  68. Pantha Du Prince: Conference of Trees (Modern) {7}: AM:*, Ex:*, PM:*, Sk:*, Top:15; pm_e:16 -- A:78/5
  69. Tengger: Nomad (Beyond Beyond Is Beyond) {7}: AM:*, PM:*, U:*; am_w:+, bc_a:*, pm_e:19, tr_e:9 -- A:78/2, M:82/4
  70. Ulla: Tumbling Towards a Wall (Experiences) {7}: BPM:15, RA:17, XLR:+; bc_a:+, pf_a:+
  71. Bing & Ruth: Species (4AD) {6}: Dr:32, LBF:*, LQ:*, MO:*, Pc:57, SC:* -- A:73/9, M:71/7
  72. Camelphat: Dark Matter (Camelphat) {6}: -- Id:43, NME:*; edmt:+, nti:3
  73. Ian William Craig: Red Sun Through Smoke (Fat Cat) {6}: ACL:17, AM:*, Dus:*, Ex:*, Qt:*, U:*, W:* -- A:85/2, M:80/7
  74. Nils Frahm: Empty (Erased Tapes) {6}: LQ:*, Pc:46, SoS:84, Top:39, YW:79; npr_bb:10 -- A:80/1
  75. John Frusciante: Maya (Timesig) {6}: AM:*, Cl:*, Du:25, Ex:*, Qt:*, Rf:29 -- A:75/4, M:80/6
  76. Krust: The Edge of Everything (Crosstown Rebels) {6}: Mgn:10, Mj:*, U:*; bc_e:+ -- A:74/4
  77. Mat Zo: Illusion of Depth (Anjunabeats) {6}: DA:8, Em:*, Ex:*; edmt:8 -- A:88/2
  78. Richard Norris: Elements (Group Mind) {6}: Dr:4, Pc:41, RM:72
  79. Off the Meds: Off the Meds (Studio Barnhus) {6}: Du:7, Fa:21, VF:23; rd:+
  80. Michael Rother: Dreamimg (Groenland) {6}: AM:*, Ec:25, Sb:23; aqd:+ -- TH:**
  81. Sparkle Division: To Feel Embraced (Temporary Residence) {6}: C:15, LQ:3
  82. Autechre: Plus (Warp) {5}: AM:*, Cl:*, XLR:+; am_e:+ -- A:77/2, TH:*
  83. Nicolas Bougaieff: The Upward Spiral (Novamute) {5}: AM:*, PM:*, Qt:*; am_e:+, pm_e:7 -- A:75/4, M:79/5
  84. The Bug: In Blue (Hyperdub) {5}: AM:*, Lt:35; am_e:+, irp:+ -- A:75/2, TH:*
  85. Vladislav Delay/Sly Dunbar/Robbie Shakespeare: 500-Push-Up (Sub Rosa) {5}: FB:97, No:20 -- TH:**
  86. Diabla Diezco: Memento Mori (Mord) {5}: YW:16 -- TH:***
  87. Drunken Kong: Where We Start (Tronic) {5}: YW:11 -- TH:***
  88. Il Quadro Di Troisi: Il Quadro Di Troisi (Raster) {5}: Hi:8; now_r:7, rld:+
  89. Clarice Jensen: The Experience of Repetition as Death (130701) {5}: NPR:42; npr_oh:2, npr_th:7, ydn:8
  90. Dan Penn: Living on Mercy (The Last Music Company) {5}: A:76/5, TH:B
  91. Pole: Fading (Mute) {5}: AM:*, Mj;*, RT:45, U:*; am_e:+ -- A:78/4, M:81/4
  92. Steve Roach: Tomorrow (Projekt) {5}: CD:36, Ec:3
  93. Martin Rude & Jakob Skott Duo: The Discipline of Assent (El Paraiso) {5}: CD:7, Sb:47; aqd:+
  94. Luke Vibert: Luke Vibert Presents Amen Andrews (Hypercolour) {5}: ES:20, YW:33 -- TH:**
  95. Luke Vibert: Luke Vibert Presents Modern Rave (Hypercolour) {5}: ES:20 -- TH:***
  96. Whethan: Fantasy (Big Beat) {5}: DA:5; atw:+
  97. Waclaw Zimpel: Massive Oscillations (Ongehoord) {5}: Mj:*, Q:*, Qt:* -- M:80/4, TH:**
  98. Beauty Pill: Sorry You're Here (Taffety Punk Theatre Company) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  99. Bibio: Sleep on the Wing (Warp) {4}: AM:*, Dr:45, Sp:*; am_f:+ -- A:77/3
  100. CS + Kreme: Snoopy (The Trilogy Tapes) {4}: C:23, XLR:+; pm_e:4
  101. Dawn Chorus and the Infallible Sea: Liberamente (Azure Vista) {4}: CD:6, YW:141
  102. Domenique Dumont: People on Sunday (The Leaf Label) {4}: AM:*, MM:51, U:*; am_e:+ -- A:75/2
  103. Duke Dumont: Duallity (EMI) {4}: AM:*; am_e:+, edmt:2
  104. Leandro Fresco and Rafael Anton Irisarri: Una Presencia En La Brisa (A Strangely Isolated Place) {4}: Yb:15; pm_b:3
  105. Rui Ho: Lov3 & L1ght (Planet Mu) {4}: Bc:+; pm_ep:8 -- A:60/2, TH:**
  106. Kasbo: The Making of a Paracosm (Counter) {4}: DA:4
  107. Optic Sink: Optic Sink (Goner) {4}: PO:+ -- TH:***
  108. Patricia: Maxyboy (Ghostly International) {4}: AM:*; am_e:+, ia:5
  109. Polypores: Azure (Castles in Space) {4}: ES:5
  110. Polypores: Flora (Castles in Space -19) {4}: ES:5
  111. Hania Rani: Home (Gondwana) {4}: Dr:21, Pc:38, RT:64; tg:+
  112. Martin Rude & Jakob Skott Duo: The Dichotomy of Control (El Paraiso) {4}: CD:7, Sb:90
  113. Emily A Sprague: Hill, Flower, Fog (RVNG Intl) {4}: DS:+, DW:36; pf_a:+, ver:6 -- A:73/2
  114. Turquoise Moon: The Sunset City (3rd & Debut) {4}: CD:5
  115. Wrangler: A Situation (Bella Union) {4}: DIY:*, Mj:*, MO:*, U:* -- A:75/4, M:74/6
  116. Tatsuhisa Yamamoto: Ashioto (Black Truffle) {4}: BPM:37; mj_u:1
  117. Zavoloka: Ornament (Prostir) {4}: Hi:2
  118. Activity: Unmask Whoever (Western Vinyl) {3}: BIB:17; p_r:+
  119. Nick AM: Utopia (Nurtured Ideas -EP) {3}: Yb:6
  120. Arca: @@@@@ (XL) {3}: NF:26, Pf:* -- A:81/1, TH:*
  121. Attlas: Out Here With You (Mau5trap) {3}: DA:18; edmt:7
  122. Stefan Bachmeier: The Strange Worlds of Stefan Bachmeier (Spun Out of Control) {3}: CD:8
  123. Galya Bisengalieva: Aralkum (Nomad Music/One Little Independent) {3}: ACL:7
  124. Black Devil Disco Club: Lucifer Is a Flower (Lo) {3}: ES:18, U:*
  125. Lauren Bousfield: Palimpsest (Deathbomb Arc) {3}: AM:*; am_e:+, pm_x:12
  126. Brothertiger: Fundamentals Vol I (Brothertiger) {3}: Yb:10
  127. Call Super: Every Mouth Teeth Missing (Incienso) {3}: -- A:66/2, TH:***
  128. DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ: Charmed (Spells on the Telly) {3}: RY:8
  129. East Man: Prole Art Threat (Planet Mu) {3}: AM:*, Qt:90; am_h:+
  130. Avalon Emerson: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {3}: AM:*; am_e:+, ty_e:18
  131. Ford: The Color of Nothing (Foreign Family Collective) {3}: DA:19; atw:+
  132. Grand River: Blink a Few Times to Clear Your Eyes (Editions Mego) {3}: CW:12; ia:10
  133. Sylvia Hallett: Tree Time (self-released) {3}: W:50; jsb:2
  134. Helena Hauff: Kern Vol 5 (Tresor) {3}: AM:*, Ex:*; am_e:+ -- A:76/2
  135. Jonnine: Blue Hills (Boomkat Editions) {3}: RA:10
  136. Kl(aus): Kl(aus) 2 (Castles in Space) {3}: ES:10
  137. Leafar Legov: Mirror (Giegling) {3}: BPM:30; ia:4
  138. Leya: Flood Dream (NNA Tapes) {3}: E_UK:44, Pf:*; bc_a:* -- A:80/1
  139. Sophia Loizou: Untold (Houndstooth) {3}: ACL:16, Mgn:22
  140. Daniel Lopatin: Uncut Gems [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Warp -19) {3}: G:*, LBF:*, SC:* -- A:78/6
  141. Louis the Child: Candy II [Beat Tape] (Interscope) {3}: DA:7
  142. Machine Girl: U-Void Synthesizer (1818199 DK2) {3}: DW:42, N:75; xkb:+ -- TH:B-
  143. Gigi Masin: Calypso (Apollo) {3}: Mj:*, RA:*; bc_a:* -- M:76/5
  144. Metal Preyers: Metal Preyers (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {3}: Bc:+, C:11
  145. Phill Niblock: Music for Organ (Matiere Memoire -19) {3}: ACL:9
  146. Alva Noto: Xerrox Vol 4 (Noton) {3}: GMD:8
  147. Tristan Perich: Drift Multiply (New Amsterdam) {3}: PM:*; pm_e:8, vsrk:8 -- A:90/1
  148. Pulse Emitter: Swirlings (Hausu Mountain) {3}: AM:*, RA:*, W:* -- A:71/3
  149. Hans-Joachim Roedelius: Selbstportrait: Wahre Liebe (Bureau B) {3}: AM:*, U:*; aqd:+ -- A:75/2, M:82/4
  150. Shit and Shine: Malibu Liquor Store (Rocket) {3}: Dr:37, Qt:82, Sb:76
  151. James Solace: Mind Music (Hot Creations -EP) {3}: YW:22 -- TH:**
  152. Soulwax: EMS Synthi 100: DEEWEE Sessions Vol 01 (DEEWEE) {3}: ES:6
  153. Carl Stone: Stolen Car (Unseen Worlds) {3}: W:10
  154. Azu Tiwaline: Draw Me a Silence Part II (IOT -EP) {3}: PO:+; bc_a:* -- TH:*
  155. Azu Tiwaline: Draw Me a Silence Part I (IOT -EP) {3}: PO:+ -- TH:**
  156. Tycho: Simulcast (Mom + Pop/Ninja Tune) {3}: Ex:*, Mgn:13 -- A:70/4
  157. Upsammy: Zoom (Dekmantel) {3}: AM:*, Ni:40, Qt:25; am_e:+
  158. Luke Vibert: Luke Vibert Presents Rave Hop (Hypercolour) {3}: ES:20, GTV:58
  159. White Boy Scream: Bakunawa (Fat Beats) {3}: W:9
  160. Zombi-Chang: Take Me Away From Tokyo (Roman Label/Bayon Production) {3}: BPM:9
  161. AceMoMa: A New Dawn (Haus of Altr -EP) {2}: DW:51; pf_e:+
  162. Kareem Ali: Growth (890243 DK) {2}: RS:48; pf_e:+
  163. Angel-Ho: Alla Prima (Hyperdub -EP) {2}: Bc:+; bc_e:* -- TH:B
  164. Belbury Poly: The Gone Away (Ghost Box) {2}: ES:22; aqd:+
  165. BOOF: Rebirth of Gerberdaisy (Bubble Tease Communications) {2}: RA:14
  166. Borusiade: Fortunate Isolation (Dark Entries) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  167. Botany: End the Summertime F(or)ever (Western Vinyl) {2}: AM:*, Sb:73 -- A:80/1
  168. Boris Brejcha: Space Diver (Ultra Music) {2}: DA:13
  169. Spencer Brown: Stream of Consciousness (Anjunabeats) {2}: DA:14
  170. Bullion: We Had a Good Time (DEEK) {2}: bc_e:*, pf_e:+
  171. California Girls: Beat Boy (DERO Arcade) {2}: Jun:16
  172. Ben Chatwin: The Hum (Village Green) {2}: AM:*, RM:87 -- A:80/1
  173. Citizen Boy and Mafia Boyz: From Avoca Hills to the World (Gqom Oh!) {2}: C:11
  174. Cocktail Party Effect: Cocktail Party Effect (Tectonic) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  175. AG Cook: 7G (PC Music) {2}: Bc:+; vjdn:8 -- A:72/2
  176. Mike Cooper: Playing With Water (Room 40) {2}: pm_b:4
  177. Darkstar: Civic Jams (Warp) {2}: Cl:*, Pc:74 -- A:64/5
  178. Christoph De Babalon & Mark: Split (A Colourful Storm) {2}: YW:102; bc_e:*
  179. Die Wilde Jagd: Haut (Bureau B) {2}: PM:*; pm_e:18 -- A:90/1
  180. Dream Division: Beyond the Mirror's Image (Burning Witches) {2}: CD:20
  181. Electric Dragon: The Night School (DragonShrine) {2}: Crh:17
  182. Epic45: Cropping the Aftermath (Wayside and Woodland) {2}: No:27, S45:40
  183. Farwarmth: Momentary Glow (Planet Mu) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  184. Foul Play: Origins (1992-93, Sneaker Social Club) {2}: bc_r:+, vmm:6
  185. Galantis: Church (Big Beat) {2}: nti:2
  186. Jayda G: Both of Us/Are You Down (Ninja Tune -EP) {2}: SC:*; pf_e:+ -- A:76/3
  187. David Guetta/Morten: New Rave (Parlophone) {2}: -- TH:**
  188. Robin Guthrie/Harold Budd: Another Flower (Soleil Apres Minuit) {2}: vti:2
  189. Heathered Pearls: Cast (Ghostly International) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+ -- A:90/1
  190. HHY & the Kampala Unit: Lithium Blast (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {2}: VF:34 -- TH:*
  191. Eric Hilton: Infinite Everywhere (Montserrat House) {2}: ty_e:2
  192. Hyph11E: Aperture (SVBKVLT) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  193. Loraine James: Nothing (Hyperdub -EP) {2}: LQ:*; pf_e:+ -- A:80/1TH:B
  194. Park Hye Jin: How Can I (Ninja Tune -EP) {2}: NME:*; nyl:+ -- A:73/3
  195. Joyryde: Brave (Hard Recs) {2}: DA:12
  196. Kamixlo: Cicatriz (Pan) {2}: Dz:18
  197. Kiln: Astral Welder (Ghostly International) {2}: Tx:14
  198. KMRU: Opaquer (Dagoretti) {2}: RA:18
  199. Lindstrom & Prins Thomas: III (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: Ex:*, Pc:72 -- A:73/4, M:74/4
  200. Linea Aspera: Linea Aspera LP II (Linea Aspera) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  201. Sophia Loizou: A Tellurian Memorandum (Houndstooth) {2}: ACL:16
  202. Lord Tusk: Paradise Awaits (UltraWaveVisions) {2}: bc_e:+*
  203. Olivia Louvel: Sculptor (Cat Werk) {2}: ACL:15
  204. Eve Maret: Stars Aligned (Whited Sepulchre/PRAH) {2}: ns:4
  205. Markus Floats: Third Album (Constellation) {2}: Cl:*, Ex:* -- A:80/2, M:78/4
  206. Meitei: Kofu (Kitchen) {2}: ACL:18
  207. Salvatore Mercatante: The Foundations of Eternal Sin (Castles in Space) {2}: CD:16
  208. MoMa Ready: Deep Technik (House of Altr) {2}: C:45; pf_e:+
  209. Mr Beatnick: Honeycomb (Mythstery) {2}: bc_e:+*
  210. Mr Scruff: DJ-Kicks (!K7) {2}: GMD:26, PO:+
  211. Jake Muir: The Hum of Your Veiled Voice (Sferic) {2}: XLR:+; pf_a:+
  212. Jonas Munk: Minimum Resistance (Azure Vista) {2}: CD:12
  213. Night Club: Die Die Lullabye (Gato Blanco) {2}: Mx:18
  214. Nihiloxica: Kaloli (Crammed Discs) {2}: SoS:40; sol_af:+
  215. Octo Octa/Eris Drew: Fabric Presents Octo Octa & Eris Drew (Fabric) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  216. Of1000faces: Astronomica (Ming) {2}: pm_b:2
  217. Oval: Scis (Thrill Jockey) {2}: AM:*; tr_e:11 -- A:73/3
  218. The Phantasy: Ibiza Pt I & II (The Phantasy) {2}: ia:2
  219. Wayne Phoenix: Soaring Wayne Phoenix Story the Earth (Halcyon Veil) {2}: PO:+; vjdn:10
  220. Photay: Waking Hours (Mexican Summer) {2}: Bc:+; rld:+
  221. Pinch: Reality Tunnels (Tectonic) {2}: Mj:*, Q:* -- M:77/4
  222. Justin Pinkerton: Aak'ab (El Paraiso) {2}: CD:11
  223. Plone: Puzzlewood (Ghost Box) {2}: AM:*; am_e:+
  224. Proto Droids: Cybernetic World (Spun Out of Control) {2}: CD:15
  225. Josey Rebelle: Josey in Space (Beats in Space) {2}: AM:*; am_e: -- A:79/2
  226. Soho Rezanejad: Honesty Without Compassion Is Brutality (Volume 1) (Silicone -19) {2}: SoS:47 -- TH:*
  227. Soho Rezanejad: Honesty Without Compassion Is Brutality (Volume 2) (Silicone) {2}: SoS:47 -- TH:*
  228. Robert Rich: Neurogenesis (self-released) {2}: Ec:19
  229. Rone: Room With a View (InFine/Idol) {2}: LI:49, Mw:36
  230. Serwed: Serwed II (West Mineral) {2}: ia:3
  231. Shabason, Krgovich & Harris: Philadelphia (Idee Fixe) {2}: BPM:34, Fa:50
  232. Shallou: Magical Thinking (Island) {2}: Id:49; edmt:9
  233. Slikback: ///II (self-released) {2}: RA:19
  234. Slikback: /// (self-released) {2}: RA:19
  235. James Solace: Setting Sun/The Light (Four Thirty Two) {2}: -- TH:**
  236. Omar S: You Want (FXHE) {2}: VF:30; whf:+
  237. Speaker Music: Of Desire, Longing (Planet Mu -19) {2}: -- TH:**
  238. Speaker Music: Percussive Therapy (Planet Mu -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  239. Tangerine Dream: Recurring Dreams (Kscope) {2}: Ec:11
  240. Semi Tee: I'm Only Twentyone (Jozi Entertainment) {2}: vdcm:2
  241. Teleplasmiste: To Kiss Earth Goodbye (House of Mythology) {2}: Qt:44, Sb:92
  242. Martina Testen/Simon Serc: Biodukt (Pharmafabrik) {2}: ACL:19
  243. Tokimonsta: Oasis Nocturno (Tokimonsta Music) {2}: LQ:*; vjmy:8 -- A:68/5
  244. Nobuo Uematsu/Masashi Hamauzu/Mitsuto Suzuki: Final Fantasy VII Remake Original Soundtrack (Square Enix) {2}: RY:13
  245. Ultraflex: Visions of Ultraflex (Street Pulse) {2}: NBH:42; ydh:7
  246. Frederik Valentin & Loke Rahbek: Elephant (Posh Isolation) {2}: bc_a:*, pm_x:11
  247. The Vision: The Vision (Defected) {2}: Ni:11
  248. Jody Wisternoff & James Grant: Anjunadeep 11 (Anjunadeep) {2}: DA:11
  249. Xyla: Ways (Leaving) {2}: ACL:20
  250. 36: Wave Variations (3six) {1}: YW:95
  251. 36 & Zake: Stasis Sounds for Long-Distance Space Travel (3six) {1}: YW:98
  252. AceMo: I Want to Believe (House of Altr) {1}: pf_e:+
  253. Alone 1980: Humanity (1217238 DK) {1}: CD:38
  254. Amon Tobin: Fear of a Handful of Dust (Nomark -19) {1}: ycy:8
  255. Amtrac: Oddyssey (Openers/RCA) {1}: Id:59
  256. Andrea: Ritorno (Ilian Tape) {1}: Mgn:25
  257. Anodyne: Decay (Acroplane) {1}: YW:111
  258. Rosa Anschutz: Votive (Quiet Love) {1}: NBH:24
  259. Ant Orange: You're Super in Diagonal (Karaoke Kalk) {1}: Zf:64
  260. Anunaku: Stargate EP (3024 -EP) {1}: npr_af:9
  261. Felicia Atkinson: Everything Evaporate (Shelter Press) {1}: yps:9
  262. Aalok Bala: Sacred Mirror (self-released) {1}: pm_ep:10
  263. Benge: Thirteen Systems (Expanding) {1}: ES:21
  264. Black Cadmium: Chemistry EP (Naive -EP) {1}: vmm:10
  265. Black Swan: Evolution (Black Swan -EP) {1}: YW:131
  266. Black Taffy: Opal Wand (Leaving) {1}: npr_af:7
  267. Rose Bonica: Tears for the Tea Maker (Roses Are Red) {1}: bc_e:+
  268. Bruise: Presentation (Media Fury -EP) {1}: bc_e*
  269. Bubas Producoes: Mega EP (Club Yeke -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  270. ML Buch: Skinned (Anyines) {1}: pf_e:+
  271. Andy Butler: Love Keep Me Though the Waves Retreat: Selected Ambient Pieces 1 (Mr Intl) {1}: now_r:10
  272. Evan Caminiti: Varispeed Hydra (Dust Editions) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  273. Carpenter Brut: Blood Machines [Original Soundtrack] (No Quarter) {1}: Crh:40
  274. Cerrone: DNA (Malligator Preference) {1}: AM:* -- A:55/2
  275. The Chap: Digital Technology (Lo) {1}: BIB:+
  276. Chimpo: HIA (The Club Mixes) (Box N Lock -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  277. Chong the Nomad: A Long Walk (self-released) {1}: KX:31
  278. Marius Circus: The Computer Controlled Gardener (self-released) {1}: bc_e:*
  279. Cold Beat: Mother (DFA) {1}: BIB:32
  280. Conducta: The Kiwi Sound (Kiwi Rekords) {1}: PW:29
  281. Loren Connors: Beautiful Dreamer (for Steve Dalachinsky) (Family Vineyard) {1}: ydn:+
  282. Dale Cornish: Thug Ambient (Vanity Publishing) {1}: Qt:86
  283. Cosic Surveillance: Cosmic Surveillance (Volume 1) (Regional Attraction) {1}: pf_a:+
  284. CRi: Juvenile (Anjunadeep) {1}: ty_e:17
  285. Nicola Cruz: Hybridism (Multi Culti) {1}: xbf:+
  286. Cubicolor: Hardly a Day, Hardly a Night (Anjunadeep) {1}: pm_ep:11
  287. Kashiwa Daisuke: Program Music III (Virgin Babylon) {1}: RY:25
  288. Dalham: Alderson Loop (Castles in Space) {1}: No:22
  289. Dallas Acid: The Spiral Ambiance (All Saints) {1}: YW:113
  290. Ami Dang: Meditations Mixtape (Leaving) {1}: aqd:+
  291. Dave + Sam: No Shade (Classic Music) {1}: bb:7
  292. Deft: Burna (Hooversound) {1}: bc_e:*
  293. Regina Demina: Hysterie (Kwaidan) {1}: LI:66
  294. Dick Dent: Life's Hard (Riviera Sun -EP) {1}: GTV:* -- A:80/1
  295. Charlotte De Witte: Return to Nowhere (KNTXT -EP) {1}: YW:150
  296. Dexplicit: Gotham (Dexplicit -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  297. Dexta: AWRA004 (Different Music -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  298. DgoHn: Undesignated Proximate (Love Love) {1}: No:25
  299. DJ Cactuar: Bolsonaro Obaluae (self-released) {1}: pm_x:15
  300. DJ Clent: Lowend Clent (DJ Clent) {1}: bc_c:*
  301. DJ Hell: House Music Box (Past Present No Future) (The DJ Hell Experience) {1}: Zf:61
  302. DJ Lostboi: The Blue Stallion (self-released -EP) {1}: GB:+
  303. DJ Metatron: Loops of Infinity (A Rave Loveletter) (All Possible Worlds) {1}: GMD:30
  304. DJ Nobu: Follakzoid IIII Remixes (Bitta -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  305. DJ Swisha & Kush Jones: Outta Bounds (DJ Swisha -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  306. Mark Dwane: Future Tense (self-released) {1}: Ec:22
  307. Dyani: Under (Chann3l) {1}: Bc:+
  308. More Eaze & Claire Rousay: If I Don't Let Myself Be Happy Now Then When? (Mondoj) {1}: Qt:55
  309. Fennec: Free Us of This Feeling (Fennec Sound) {1}: Ex:* -- A:80/1
  310. Grace Ferguson: Voler (Music Company) {1}: bc_a:*
  311. Flug: Reality EP (Suara Music -EP) {1}: YW:138
  312. Flying Lotus: Flamagra (Instrumentals) (Warp) {1}: Cl:* -- A:80/1
  313. Lamin Fofana: Blues (Black Studies) {1}: Qt:42
  314. Food House: Food House (Dog Show) {1}: Alt:60
  315. Andy Fosberry: When Comfort Is Stranger (3rd & Debut) {1}: CD:28
  316. Corey Fuller: Sanctuary (self-released) {1}: bc_a:*
  317. Galaxians: Chemical Reaction (Galaxians) {1}: Mj:* -- A:80/1
  318. Gallery S: Gallery S (self-released) {1}: pf_e:+
  319. Gavsborg: Kevin From Ivory Coast (Equiknoxx Music -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  320. German Army: Hearing Lola Kiepja (Eastern Nurseries) {1}: GTV:56
  321. Layton Giordani: New Generation (Drumcode) {1}: edmt:10
  322. Glasbird: Norskfjorðr (Whitelabrecs) {1}: bc_a:*
  323. Grandbruit: Ruptures (Past Inside the Present) {1}: YW:137
  324. GuiltyBeatz: Different EP (Banku Music -EP) {1}: PO:+
  325. Annie Hall: Fum (Central Processing Unit) {1}: YW:121
  326. Harmonious Thelonious: Plong (Bureau B) {1}: Pc:65
  327. Hawksmoor: Methods of Dreaming (Spun Out of Control) {1}: CD:21
  328. Izan Hesse: Sunday Mood (Social Sculpture) {1}: bc_e:*
  329. Hunter Complex: Dead Calm and Zero Degrees (Burning Witches) {1}: CD:26
  330. Hyroglifics & Sinistarr: BS6 (Hooversound) {1}: bc_e:*
  331. Isabella: Melody Depleted (Ideal) {1}: vamp:9
  332. Jabu: Sweet Company (Do You Have Peace?) {1}: Mj:*
  333. Jacksonville: FON (Hobbes Music -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  334. Jamie 3:26: Jamie 3:26 Presents a Taste of Chicago (BBE) {1}: bc_e:*
  335. Jimanica: Nothing but Cosmos (Jeminic) {1}: tg:+
  336. AF Jones: A Jurist for Nothing (Gertrude Tapes) {1}: bc_x:+
  337. Lee Jones: Down Into Light (Mad as Hell) {1}: pm_e:20
  338. Maria Kalaniemi & Eero Grundstrom: Mielo (Akero) {1}: sol_eu:+
  339. KALIL & Cam Harris: Order (Second State Audio -EP) {1}: YW:132
  340. Roland Kayn: A Pan-Air Music (Reiger-records-reeks) {1}: pf_a:+
  341. Kolsch: Now Here No Where (Kompakt) {1}: ty_e:13
  342. Korine: New Arrangements (Born Losers) {1}: GTV:50
  343. Sofia Kourtesis: Sarita Colonia (Studio Barnhus -EP) {1}: GB:+
  344. Dan Kye: Small Moments (Rhythm Section International) {1}: RT:61
  345. Rupert Lally: Strange Systems (Third Kind) {1}: tg:+
  346. Rupert Lally: When the Dark Speaks (Spun Out of Control) {1}: CD:34
  347. Lamasz: Nature Morte (Past Inside the Present) {1}: YW:114
  348. Roberto Carlos Lange: Kite Symphony: Four Variations (Ballroom Marfa) {1}: pf_a:+
  349. C Lavender: Myth of Equilibrium (Editions Mego) {1}: bc_x:+
  350. Gabor Lazar: Source (Planet Mu) {1}: AM:* -- A:70/2
  351. Howie Lee: 7 Weapons Series (Maloca) {1}: Qt:24
  352. Klara Lewis: Ingrid (Editions Mego) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  353. Lighght: They Are Just Bangers Bro, Please Don't Think Too Hard About It, Bro You Gotta Stop Thinking, Please Bro Come On (Lighght) {1}: bc_e:*
  354. Lights: Dead End (Fueled by Ramen) {1}: rks:+
  355. Lila Tirando a Violeta: Limerencia (NAAFI) {1}: bc_e:+
  356. Louis the Child: Here for Now (Interscope) {1}: nti:6
  357. Lunch Money Life: Immersion Chamber (Fire Talk) {1}: Bc:+
  358. Mall Grab: Sunflower (Looking for Trouble) {1}: NF:30
  359. Menzi: Impazamo (Hakuna Kulala) {1}: gcn:+
  360. Meridian Arc: Timelapse (SFI) {1}: CD:39
  361. Kentaro Minoura: [???] (Primordial Void) {1}: bc_e:*
  362. Bob Moses: Desire (Domino) {1}: Mx:50 -- A:70/2
  363. Sary Moussa: Imbalance (Other People) {1}: bc_a:*
  364. Kiera Mulhern: De Ossibus (Recital) {1}: bc_x:+
  365. Nahash: Flowers of the Revolution (SVBKVLT) {1}: pm_e:6
  366. Neek/Blazer Sound System: NMX004: Sanctuary Mixtape (Noods Radio) {1}: YW:49 -- TH:[+]
  367. Nkisi: BLK SPLLS (Nkisi -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  368. Nonlocal Forecast: Holographic Universe(s?)! (Hausu Mountain) {1}: Yb:27
  369. Ocoeur: Everything (n5MD) {1}: bc_a:*
  370. Oi Les Ox: Crooner Qui Coule Sous Les Clous (Primordial Void) {1}: GB:33
  371. Aki Onda: Nam June's Spirit Was Speaking to Me (Recital) {1}: bc_x:+
  372. Only Now: Black Wind/Merciless Destiny (Kosh Arora) {1}: YW:152
  373. Otto: Clam Day (PLZ Make It Ruins) {1}: S45:27
  374. Pale Blue: Breathe (2MR) {1}: pf_e:+
  375. Perila: Meta Door L (Paralaxe Editions) {1}: pf_a:+
  376. Pharaoh Overlord: 6 (Roket) {1}: Qt:100
  377. Laurence Pike: Prophecy (The Leaf Label) {1}: Mj:* -- A:75/2
  378. Pilo: AREA (Boysnoize) {1}: YW:133
  379. Pinkcourtesyphone: Leaving Everything to Be Desired (Room40) {1}: pf_a:+
  380. Poolside: Low Season (Pacific Standard) {1}: Top:35
  381. Powers/Rolin Duo: Powers/Rolin Duo (Feeding Tube) {1}: aqd:+
  382. Trevor Powers: Capricorn (Fat Possum) {1}: bc_a:+
  383. Precolumbian & Estoc: Landocore (Majia -EP) {1}: bc_c:*
  384. Prince Josh: The Joy (Hand Drawn Dracula) {1}: now:+
  385. Pye Corner Audio: Where Things Are Hollow 2 (Lapsus) {1}: YW:140
  386. Radar: All Things Bittersweet (Xephem) {1}: bc_e:*
  387. Ramzi: Cocon (Fati) {1}: GB:+
  388. Rex Rebo: Early Logic Shift (Rex Rebo) {1}: bc_e:*
  389. Redpine & Solo: Time 4 Change (Studio Rockers -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  390. Regis: Hidden in This Is the Light That You Miss (Downwards) {1}: Qt:89
  391. Rejoicer: Spiritual Sleaze (Stones Throw) {1}: AM:* -- A:80/1
  392. REQ & Smudge: Smudge's Coffee (Seagrave -EP) {1}: bc_e:*
  393. Mariam Rezaei: Skeen (Fractal Meat Cuts) {1}: Qt:68
  394. Soho Rezanejad: Perform and Surrender (Silicone -EP) {1}: MO:* -- A:73/4
  395. Raymond Richards: The Lost Art of Wandering (ESP Institute) {1}: YW:143
  396. Rodriguez Jr: Blisss (Mobilee) {1}: YW:99
  397. Claire Rousay: A Heavenly Touch (Already Dead) {1}: CM:+ -- TH:B
  398. Claire Rousay: It Was Always Worth It (Longform Editions -EP) {1}: mj_u:7
  399. Pablo R Ruiz: Estados Criminales (Portage Garage) {1}: npr_af:5
  400. Suso Saiz & Suzanne Kraft: Between No Things (Music From Memory) {1}: S45:37
  401. Laila Sakini: Vivienne (Total Stasis) {1}: XLR:+
  402. Sarmacja: Jazda Polska (Byrd Out) {1}: bc_e:*
  403. Jake Schrock: Omnibus (Medical) {1}: CD:25
  404. Session Victim: Needledrop (Night Time Stories) {1}: XLR:+
  405. SHDW & Obscure Shape: Der Weg Des Kriegers (From Another Mind) {1}: YW:72
  406. Silicon Scally: Crushed (self-released) {1}: XLR:+
  407. Skee Mask: ISS0006 (Ilian Tape) {1}: bc_a:*
  408. Geneva Skeen: Double Bind (Room40) {1}: pf_a:+
  409. Slow Reels: Farewell Islands (Morr Music) {1}: YW:123
  410. Somnus: Thousand Suns (Lost in the Rain of Our Own Tears) {1}: YW:136
  411. Tvii Son: Tvii Son (MIC) {1}: VF:38
  412. SSQ: Jet Town Je T'Aime (Synthicide) {1}: vce:8
  413. Stallone the Reducer: Ruthless People (Unknown Precept) {1}: xbf:+
  414. Susannah Stark: Time Together (Hues and Intensities) (Stroom) {1}: Mj:*
  415. Josiah Steinbrick: Liquid/Devotion & Tongue Street Blue (Hands in the Dark) {1}: aqd:+
  416. Sully: Swandive (Astrophonica) {1}: YW:59
  417. Sunda Arc: Tides (Gondwana) {1}: RM:41
  418. Talking Book: Talking Book II (Koolarrow) {1}: Mx:37
  419. This Will Destroy You: Vespertine (Dark Operative) {1}: bc_a:*
  420. Tiesto: The London Sessions (Universal) {1}: nti:10
  421. LA Timpa: Modern Antics in a Deserted Place (Slow Release) {1}: XLR:+
  422. Rafael Toral/Joao Pais Filipe: Jupiter and Beyond (Three:Four) {1}: pf_a:+
  423. Treebones: Midnight Radio (Outpost 31) {1}: CD:41
  424. Trees Speak: Shadow Forms (Soul Jazz) {1}: Sb:33
  425. Com Truise: In Decay, Too (Ghostly International) {1}: CD:22
  426. Loup Uberto: Racconto Artigiano (Three:Four) {1}: bc_x:+
  427. U-I: Enter the Garden (All My Thoughts) {1}: bc_e:+
  428. Christina Vantzou: Multi Natural (Edicoes Cn) {1}: No:37
  429. Tornado Wallace: Midnight Mania (Optimo) {1}: YW:105
  430. Wetware: Flail (Dais) {1}: AM:*
  431. Whipped Cream: Who Is Whipped Cream? (Big Beat) {1}: pm_ep:9
  432. Woo: Arcturian Corridor (Quindi) {1}: aqd:+
  433. Johnny Woods: Pavilions (Behind the Sky) {1}: CD:30
  434. Wordcolour: Tell Me Something (Lapsus) {1}: S45:39
  435. Yazzus: Delta Wave (Good Enuff) {1}: YW:89
  436. Flora Yin-Wong: Holy Palm (self-released) {1}: pf_a:+
  437. Thom Yorke/Burial/Four Tet: Her Revolution/His Rope (XL -EP) {1}: aqd:+
  438. Yuksek: Nosso Ritmo (Partyfine) {1}: LI:96
  439. Zenker Brothers: Cosmic Transmission (Ilian Tape) {1}: Zf:79
  440. Peter Zinovieff & Lucy Ratton: RFG Inventions for Cello and Computer (Pan) {1}: SoS:72
  441. Kluor 006 (Kulor) {1}: pf_e:+