Metacritic/EOY Aggregate: 2023 New Music


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Some breakdowns by genre:


  1. Boygenius: The Record (Interscope) {348}: 3v:12, 45:1, Al:+, Alt:31, AV:4, BB:2, BPM:8, BV:10, C:48, Cl:20, CS:44, D:2, DIY:2, DJ:7, DW:50, Dz:5, ES:1, Esq:17, EW:3, EWi:6, Ex:11, Fld:1, FO:13, Fp:+, G:15, GQ:+, GTV:7, HP:2, HV:11, I:1, Ind:5, Jp:21, KC:19, LAT:7, LCA:4, LQ:22, LW:18, Mc:9, Mg:10, Mj:17, MO:5, Ms:1, Mx:24, NME:1, NPR:+, NPR_l:5, NT:4, On:48, Oo:4, P:18, Pap:+, Pc:5, Pf:16, PM:3, PO:7, Pu:20, RC:21, Rf:3, Ri:21, RS:2, RS_ir:1, RSh:1, RT:53, Rx:6, Sbd:30, SC:7, SE:30, Sg:5, Sk:4, Sl:11, SpL:34, STi:12, T:6, TL:28, TN:+, TO:20, U:26, Up:+, UPC:1, UR:7, VF:+, Why:3, WX:4, XCI:3, XSN:4, XSP:8, Yb:40; ae:24, am:+, am_s:+, atw:+, ay_f:3, ay_ir:1, bb_q:+, bb6:+, bi:1, cdm:1, cw:7, ec:+, js:5, kf:3, mc_u:5, ny_p:3, nyl:6, p:9, p_d:20, pf_k:+, pi:9, pm_k:2, pro:+, sl:++, so_d:1, so_k:2, tmr:+, v_cw:1, vbs:10, vew:1, vg:+, vmk:5, voh:2, vrj:8, vrt:2, vu:8, xbl:1, xci:3, xco:2, xej:2, xgh:7, xjc:6, xjlu:+, xrr:4, xjsm:5, xsp:8, xwb:11, ycp:2, ydaj:4, ydho:6, yds:4, ygo:2, yjl:9, yjw:2, ykt:1, ylej:1, yng:4, ypg:3, yst:+, yti:5, yvw:6, yzp:1 -- PJRP:1, RC:A, TH:B
  2. Olivia Rodrigo: Guts (Geffen) {313}: 3v:19, 45:3, Al:+, Alt:17, AS:+, AV:1, BB:1, BV:25, CE:21, Cl:11, Cpu:+, CS:28, D:8, DW:5, DIY:3, DW:22, Dz:12, ES:2, Esq:2, EW:4, EWi:1, Ex:18, Fld:21, Fp:+, G:10, GB:12, GQ:+, HP:18, HV:29, I:15, Ind:36, Jp:54, LAT:5, LBF:50, LW:37, Mc:6, Ms:6, MO:35, Ne:27, NME:2, NPR:+, NPR_l:6, NT:22, P:15, Pf:14, PM:39, PO:25, Rf:1, Ri:3, RS:5, RSh:2, Rx:1, Sbd:9, SE:5, Sg:2, Sk:8, Sl:12, SpL:1, STi:8, TH_n:1, TL:5, TO:12, Up:+, UPC:2, UR:10, VF:+, Why:37, XCI:1, XSP:1, YW:16; am:+, am_p:+, ap:+, asp:+, atl:6, atw:+, ay_p:10, ec:+, bi:3, cdm:6, hpo:+, hyb:+, jgk:+, js:1, jy:10, kf:10, mc_u:1, ny_c:11, ny_p:5, ny_z:3, p:1, p_p:+, pf_p:+, pi:3, pm_p:3, pro:+, sl:++, tmr:3+, v_cw:4, vew:4, vg:+, vmk:9, voh:1, vrt:7, xbw:+, xch:+, xci:1, xem:4, xgh:1, xgm:+, xjd:1, xjdc:4, xjl:1, xjsm:1, xmb:4, xml:2, xmr:8, xrt:1, xsa:1, xsm:1, xsp:1, xss:10, xtj:1, xtw:1, xwb:2, ydaj:8, ydjo:4, yjf:7, yjl:1, ykt:3, ymr:8, yng:5, ypg:1, yse:+, ysp:+, yst:1, yzy:8 -- PJRP:2, RC:A, TH:A
  3. Caroline Polachek: Desire, I Want to Turn Into You (Perpetual Novice) {261}: 3v:1, 45:5, Al:+, Alt:45, AV:3, BB:26, BPM:3, BV:6, C:5, Cl:2, Cpu:+, CS:5, D:1, DIY:1, DJ:1, DJM:+, Dz:6, ES:9, EWi:17, Ex:1, Fa:17, Fld:5, FO:4, Fp:+, G:3, GB:43, GQ:+, GTV:2, I:7, Ind:1, Jp:1, LBF:38, LCA:2, LI:1, LW:29, Mc:3, Mg:5, MO:29, Ms:7, Mx:32, Ne:18, NME:6, NPR_l:3, NR:6, NT:3, On:4, Oo:1, P:4, Pc:15, Pf:2, PM:4, Rf:13, Ri:5, RS:28, RT:3, S:+, Sbd:26, SC:8, SE:65, Sg:11, Sk:2, Sl:5, SLi:6, Spk:21, T:3, TL:33, TO:7, Tr:39, Up:+, UPC:5, UR:3, VF:+; am:+, am_p:+, atl:3, atw:+, ay_ap:2, ay_e:1, ay_p:4, bi:6, kf:1, lib:+, mc_u:2, npr_kt:2, ny_z:2, p:5, p_p:+, pf_p:+, pm_p:4, pro:+, ra:+, tmr:+, ts:4, v_ja:7, vew:+, vg:+, xco:1, xjlu:6, xtj:5, xml:9, xwb:1, yds:2 -- TH:*
  4. Sufjan Stevens: Javelin (Asthmatic Kitty) {235}: 3v:6, Alt:33, AV:7, BB:22, BPM:2, BV:3, Cl:3, CS:3, DIY:6, DJ:28, Dz:17, ES:7, EW:1, EWi:+, Ex:3, Fa:8, Fld:17, FO:39, Fp:+, G:22, GB:53, GQ:+, GTV:83, HP:21, I:4, Ind:2, Jp:4, LBF:4, LCA:9, LI:18, Mc:23, Mg:23, Mj:31, MO:4, Ms:2, Mx:22, Ne:4, NME:11, No:10, NPR_l:2, NR:7, NT:5, On:9, Oo:3, P:2, Pc:19, Pf:6, PM:19, PW:19, Rf:30, Ri:17, RS:15, RS_ir:4, RSh:9, RT:2, S:+, Sbd:40, SC:2, Sg:35, Sk:3, Sl:2, SLi:2, Spk:6, STi:4, TL:12, Tr:5, U:72, Up:+, UPC:4, UR:2, VF:+, Why:9, WX:19, XSN:5, Yb:28; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, atw:+, ay_f:1, bb6:+, bc:+, bi:7, bz:1, lib:+, mc_u:4, n_ap:2, ny_z:+, p_f:+, pf_k:+, pm_f:3, tmr:+, vg:+, vgb:7, vi:7, vu:3, xco:3, ycp:5, yjw:9, ykt:7, yws:9, yzy:7 -- TH:*
  5. Lana Del Rey: Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Interscope/Polydor) {212}: 3v:17, 45:2, Al:+, Alt:6, AV:5, BB:9, BPM:12, BV:9, C:36, Cl:12, CS:25, D:12, DIY:13, Dz:1, ES:4, Esq:20, EW:6, EWi:32, Ex:16, Fa:3, FO:11, Fp:+, G:6, GB:18, GQ:+, HP:3, I:8, Jp:5, LAT:10, LCA:17, LI:6, Mj:6, MO:10, Ms:11, Mx:9, Ne:3, NME:23, NPR_l:7, NT:9, On:37, Oo:5, P:24, Pap:+, Pc:72, Pf:11, PM:28, PO:177, RC:5, Rf:8, Ri:2, RS:21, Sbd:14, SC:14, Sk:12, Sl:1, STi:1, TL:11, TO:1, TSG:47, U:6, Up:+, UPC:10, UR:16, VF:+, Why:17, XSN:18; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, atw:+, ay_ap:21, cdm:5, g_e:10, lib:+, mc_u:3, n_ap:5, npr_kt:1, ny_c:+, ny_z:4, nyl:1, p:2, p_p:+, pf_p:+, pm_p:6, pro:+, tmr:2+, v_cw:2, vg:+, vjv:10, vrt:1, vu:+, wi:+, xco:4, xem:2, xml:10, yjb:10, yjw:6 -- TH:**
  6. Wednesday: Rat Saw God (Dead Oceans) {207}: 45:17, Alt:2, BPM:6, BS:7, BV:7, Cl:36, Cpu:+, CS:2, DIY:11, DJ:32, DW:1, EWi:2, Ex:6, Fa:2, Fld:6, G:11, Gl:+, GTV:42, Jp:60, LBF:2, LCA:44, Mc:12, Mg:17, Ms:49, NME:34, No:24, NPR:+, NPR_l:15, NR:1, NT:2, P:1, Pf:4, PM:7, Ri:15, RS:27, RS_ir:5, RSh:8, RT:11, Rx:22, Sg:1, Sk:20, Sl:6, SLi:3, Spk:3, Tr:9, U:30, Up:+, UPC:3, UR:9, WX:5, XCI:2, XSP:16, Yb:30; am_a:+, ap:+, aqd:+, asp:+, atl:2, ay_c:2, ay_ir:3, ayu_c:7, cw:4, js:9, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pi:7, pm_k:4, sl:++, so_d:2, so_k:1, tmr:9+, vew:2, voh:8, wi:+, xci:2, xco:8, xgh:2, xjc:9, xjd:2, xjdc:2, xjsm:9, xjsp:6, xmb:5, xml:4, xrr:6, xsa:6, xss:2, ydho:2, yjl:10, yst:3, yvms:6 -- PJRP:3, RC:A, TH:*
  7. Billy Woods & Kenny Segal: Maps (Backwoodz Studioz) {201}: Alt:43, BPM:10, BV:2, BV_r:1, Cl:9, CM:24, CS:4, DW:30, EWi:20, Ex:7, Fa:4, Fld:7, G:14, GB:3, GTV:75, HG:3, HV:34, Ind:8, LBF:8, LCA:27, LQ:12, Mc:10, Mj:21, Ne:5, No:2, NPR:+, NPR_l:19, NR:2, NT:10, P:23, Pf:3, PM:25, PO:28, PW:3, Qt:60, Rf:18, RS:8, RSh:4, Rx:45, Sbd:36, SC:15, Sg:3, Sk:5, Sl:47, SLi:7, Spk:5, SpL:28, TH_n:4, Tr:2, TSG:5, UPC:8, UR:46, VF:+, W:24, XCI:41, XSP:4, Yb:43; am:+, am_h:+, atw:+, ay_h:1, g_e:1, p_h:+, pm_h:3, rs_h:3, sg_r:1, sl:+, so_d:13, so_k:3, ss_h:10, tmr:19+, tr_h:+, ts:10, vew:7, vmk:3, vrjs:+, vsk:+, vu:+, xbf:+, xco:5, xgh:10, xsp:4, yab:1, ydho:+, yjf:3, yjsp:1, ymm:4, ymr:24 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  8. Mitski: The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We (Dead Oceans) {177}: 45:7, Alt:12, AS:+, AV:8, BB:41, BPM:15, BV:1, Cl:6, CS:9, D:6, DIY:12, DJ:33, Dz:9, EW:10, EWi:+, Ex:2, Fa:27, Fld:19, FO:2, Fp:+, G:5, GQ:+, HP:5, I:26, Jp:15, LBF:6, LCA:21, LQ:33, Mc:8, Mj:63, MO:9, Ms:28, Ne:36, NME:9, NPR_l:5, NR:17, NT:6, Oo:14, P:8, Pc:89, Pf:23, PM:29, Rf:17, Ri:11, RS:7, RS_ir:2, RT:33, SSbd:19, C:18, Sg:4, Sk:6, Sl:7, TL:14, TO:22, Tr:8, Up:+, UPC:7, UR:11, VF:+, Why:39, WX:8, XS:20; am:+, am_s:+, atw:+, ay_f:2, ay_ip:1, bb6:+, bi:2, cdm:7, g_e:6, mc_u:6, ny_p:+, ny_z:+, nyl:2, p_f:+, pf_k:+, pm_k:15, pro:+, so_d:7, so_k:7, tmr:+, ts:6, vg:+, vrj:4, wi:+, xco:6, xrr:7, yds:1, ykt:2 -- TH:*
  9. JPEGMafia & Danny Brown: Scaring the Hoes (AWAL) {169}: Alt:30, AV:15, BB:48, BPM:18, BV:15, BV_r:3, C:12, CE:68, Cl:16, CM:37, CS:40, D:43, DIY:15, DW:4, EWi:4, Ex:5, Fa:5, G:34, GB:11, HG:2, HV:18, Ind:16, LBF:10, LQ:2, Mc:39, Mix:+, Ms:16, Ne:2, NME:15, No:8, NPR:+, NPR_l:16, NR:4, NT:27, P:38, PO:154, PW:2, Rf:36, Ri:13, RS:19, RT:22, Rx:31, SE:32, Sg:14, Sk:11, SLi:1, Spk:1, SpL:16, TO:11, Tr:22, TSG:10, UPC:22, UR:32, VF:+, XCI:4, XSP:2, Yb:21; am_h:+, atl:9, ay_e:2, ay_h:3, bc:+, ec:+, g_e:7, kf:9, mc_u:9, npr_kt:7, p_h:+, sg_r:10, sl:++, ss_h:6, tmr:+, tr_h:+, vah:7, vew:+, voh:7, xbf:+, xci:4, xgh:6, xjdc:10, xrt:4, xsp:2, xss:3, yb_h:11, ydho:+, yjsp:10, ysp:+, yst:4 -- RC:A, TH:*
  10. Jaimie Branch: Fly or Die Fly or Die Fly or Die ((World War)) (International Anthem) {142}: BA:+, BPM:46, CM:32, EWi:34, Fa:37, G:48, Ind:20, JC:9, JW:4, Mc:2, Mj:7, No:5, NR:26, On:12, P:13, Pf:28, PO:61, SLi:35, SpL:22, TSG:45, U:32, UPC:38, VF:+, W:37, XSP:37; am:+, am_j:+, aqd:+, ay_j:1, ayu_j:5, bc:+, bc_j:10, bv_j:+, cw:2, g_e:9, jaga:+, japa:9, jcb:1, jcm:1, jdbs:6, jdg:4, jfm:+, jgv:1, jjkb:6, jjko:8, jjm:10, jjm_j:8, jjo:4, jjw:1, jka:13, jky:+, jls:4, jmlo:+, jms:3, jmsc:8, jpfr:2, jsgu:4, jssc:+, jssm:5, jtc:3, jth:1, km:+, ny_u:2, pf_j:+, ry_j:5, sg_j:2, sl:++, so_k:6, ti:8, tm_j:+, tr_j:+, vah:2, vhs:9, vjo:4, vjo_j:3, vpo:2, vrjs:+, vsd:3, vsk:+, xbw:+, xgm:2, xmb:1, xph:4, xsh:1, ydho:+, ymr:33, yrhg:10 -- PJRP:10, TH:***
  11. Young Fathers: Heavy Heavy (Ninja Tune) {136}: 3v:22, Cl:5, CS:33, D:23, DIY:4, DJM:+, EWi:46, Fld:4, Fp:+, G:2, GQ:+, GTV:40, I:9, Ind:40, L4:6, LBF:3, LCA:7, LI:7, LQ:5, LW:30, Mc:28, Mj:5, MO:3, Ms:34, NME:3, No:23, NR:18, NT:19, Oo:19, P:37, PM:5, PO:76, RC:6, RT:5, Sbd:13, Sk:1, Sl:44, Spk:10, STi:11, TSG:11, UPC:46, UR:40, VF:+, XSN:9; am:+, am_a:+, atw:+, ay_ap:3, ay_p:5, ay_r:4, bc:+, ec:+, p_p:+, pm_k:1, pro:+, sl:+, so_k:4, vg:+, voh:6, xbw:+, xco:9, xgm:+, xwb:16, ycp:7, ygo:3, ysw:8 -- RC:***, TH:***
  12. James Brandon Lewis Red Lily Quintet: For Mahalia With Love (Tao Forms -2CD) {129}: CE:34, CM:3, EWi:7, JC:1, JW:17, PO:3, SpL:5, TH_j:4, TN:+, W:50; am_j:+, bc_j:12, fd:5, ghj:10, jag:2, jas:3, jbw:7, jcm:+, jdbs:5, jdsu:9, jdt:2, jek:+, jgg:2, jgv:6, jha:+, jjce:3, jjhy:5, jjsh:2, jjw:2, jky:+, jla:8, jmj:1, jmk:5, jmlo:+, jms:2, jmt:1, jmu:7, jno:+, jpf:4, jpmd:3, jri:1, jrk:3, jrml:+, jrsc:10, jrsp:3, jry:7, jsb:9, jsf:8, jsk:1, jsp:10, jssm:6, jsy:2, jtc:1, jtd:2, jth:5, jtn:7, jwj:+, pm_j:2, sl:+, vca:3, vce_j:6, vwl:2, xbf:+, xbl:6, xmb:2, xrt:5, xtw:5, yst:+, yst_j:4 -- TH:A
  13. 100 Gecs: 10,000 Gecs (Dog Show/Atlantic) {125}: Alt:9, BB:45, DW:3, Dz:18, EWi:3, Ex:12, Fa:26, Ind:15, Jp:25, K:26, LCA:45, Ms:50, Mx:21, Ne:19, NME:14, NPR:+, NPR_l:12, NR:49, Pf:18, PO:17, Ri:8, RkS:46, RS:74, Rx:19, Sbd:23, SE:16, Sg:10, Sl:9, Up:+, UPC:17, XCI:21, XSP:9; am:+, am_p:+, bb_q:+, bi:13, g_e:3, jgk:+, js:10, npr_kt:6, ny_c:5, ny_p:+, ny_z:1, pf_p:+, pi:5, ts:2, v_sh:1, vew:3, vg:+, vjo:1, vma:7, vrjs:+, wi:+, xbf:+, xbw:+, xem:5, xjc:3, xjd:3, xjl:2, xjsm:10, xml:8, xsm:6, xsp:9, xtw:9, xwb:9, ydho:3, yds:5, yjl:14, ykt:8, ymr:2, ypg:2, ysp:+, yst:+ -- PJRP:5, RC:A, TH:*
  14. Noname: Sundial (self-released) {123}: 45:10, AV:17, BV:13, BV_r:2, C:24, Cl:45, Cmp:12, CS:21, DJ:11, DW:6, Dz:13, ES:6, EWi:38, Fa:34, G:17, HDX:9, HV:13, Jp:9, LBF:7, Mc:24, NPR:+, NPR_l:28, P:25, Pf:13, PM:14, PO:12, Qt:61, Ri:20, RS:13, RSh:7, SLi:26, SpL:40, TH_n:46, Up:+, UPC:15, Vb_h:5, VF:+, W:18, XWP:44, Yb:31; ap:+, asp:+, ay_h:7, bb_h:8, n_ap:6, jjm:4, ny_p:+, nyl:7, p_h:+, pm_h:1, rs_h:1, sg_r:3, ss_h:13, ti:7, tmr:+, up_h:+, vewe:5, vmk:8, voh:9, vu:5, xjd:4, xjlu:2, xpb:10, xrr:1, xwb:10, yb_h:3, yds:10, ymr:14, yst:+ -- RC:***, TH:A-
  15. Anohni and the Johnsons: My Back Was a Bridge for You to Cross (Secretly Canadian) {118}: BB:44, BPM:4, BV:18, C:8, Cl:17, CS:24, DJ:12, EWi:23, Fa:28, Fld:18, FO:32, Fp:+, G:12, GQ:+, Ind:49, Jp:7, LBF:49, LCA:37, LI:9, LQ:31, Mc:18, Mj:26, MO:28, Ms:5, Ne:9, NT:28, Oo:6, P:9, Pf:9, PO:1, PW:1, Qt:97, RS:17, RT:36, SC:19, Sl:17, SLi:9, TL:36, Tr:10, TSG:12, U:38, UPC:20, UR:89, W:19, XSP:57; am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_r:6, bb_q:+, bz:9, n_ap:1, kf:7, ny_z:10, pf_k:+, so_k:13, ts:1, vg:+, vjk:3, xpb:3, xsa:5, ydho:1, yds:8, ykt:6 -- TH:**
  16. PJ Harvey: I Inside the Old Year Dying (Partisan) {118}: Al:+, AV:24, BPM:21, C:25, Cl:28, CS:50, ES:5, EWi:+, Fld:3, Fp:+, G:29, GTV:44, I:17, Jp:30, L4:12, LCA:3, LBF:25, LI:2, LW:14, Mg:4, Mj:2, MO:20, NPR:+, NT:21, On:33, Oo:15, P:44, Pc:34, Qt:2, RC:2, Rf:16, RS_ir:19, RT:76, Rx:79, SC:6, SE:6, Sl:18, SLi:32, STi:15, TL:57, Tr:31, U:4, UPC:41, UR:52, Why:12, XSN:2; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, bv_i:+, jgk:+, n_ap:10, so_d:19, so_k:16, vah:4, vew:8, vi:1, vmmf:7, xco:7, yjb:7, yjss:+, ymc:5, ysw:2, yti:2 -- RC:B+, TH:*
  17. Lankum: False Lankum (Rough Trade) {118}: Alt:49, C:13, Cl:33, DIY:10, EWi:12, Fp:+, G:1, GTV:13, HP:12, I:2, Ind:33, LBF:33, LQ:1, LW:63, Mc:13, Mj:3, MO:2, Ms:30, No:1, NPR:+, NPR_l:21, NT:17, On:7, Oo:2, Qt:1, RT:4, SC:3, Sk:9, Sl:35, Spk:18, T:4, U:1, VF:+, XSN:6; am:+, am_f:+, ay_f:8, bc_f:+, bv_f:+, ec:+, g_f:1, lib:+, pro:+, so_k:17, vah:1, vew:+, xbw:+, xco:10, xem:1, xjed:2, xsa:9, yrhg:7, yse:+ -- TH:**
  18. Jessie Ware: That! Feels Good! (PMR/EMI) {118}: 3v:14, 45:11, Al:+, BPM:20, BV:46, BV_i:14, CE:141, Cl:58, CS:19, DIY:7, DJ:15, EW:2, EWi:+, Fld:12, FO:21, Fp:+, G:4, Ind:50, Jp:3, Mc:11, MO:1, Ms:9, Ne:49, NME:20, NPR:+, NPR_l:18, NR:14, NT:26, On:42, P:33, Pc:69, Pf:22, PM:1, PO:4, RS:18, SE:37, Sg:21, Sl:3, Spk:36, STi:13, TH_n:43, TL:26, Tr:15, Up:+, UPC:21, UR:5, Yb:3; am:+, am_p:+, ay_p:12, bb_d:+, mc_u:7, ny_z:9, p:8, p_p:+, pf_p:+, pm_p:1, tmr:+, vew:+, xrr:2, vjc:4, ybrw:5 -- TH:A-
  19. Yo La Tengo: This Stupid World (Matador) {111}: Alt:13, BPM:13, BV_i:22, Cpu:+, DW:8, EWi:21, FO:12, Fp:+, G:43, Gl:+, HV:31, Ind:48, Jp:67, LCA:26, LW:21, Mg:21, Mj:25, MO:26, No:17, NR:27, NT:32, On:8, P:50, Pf:38, PW:50, Rf:42, RS:49, RS_ir:9, SC:4, SE:13, Sl:38, TH_n:35, Tr:40, U:5, UPC:11, UR:25, W:1, XSP:56; am_a:+, aqd:+, bv_i:+, bz:10, jgk:+, jjm:2, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_k:22, vew:9, vjk:+, vrg:+, vrj:1, vrt:+, vu:+, xde:+, xjlu:+, xjsp:1, xss:8, xwb:19, yab:3, ycp:6, ycs:3, ydaj:2, yjc:3, yjw:10, ymc:2, ymh:6, ymm:9, ymr:38, ypg:9, yps:+, yrhg:4 -- PJRP:4, RC:B+, TH:A-
  20. Kelela: Raven (Warp) {110}: 45:4, BB:15, BPM:1, C:39, Cl:14, Cmp:43, CS:13, DJM:+, DW:60, Dz:2, EWi:+, Ex:13, Fa:42, G:19, GQ:+, GTV:86, HV:24, Jp:14, KC:13, LBF:17, LI:11, Mc:37, Mix:+, Ms:21, On:27, P:16, Pf:17, PM:52, PO:71, PW:11, Qt:41, Ri:14, RS:83, RSh:17, Sg:26, Sk:7, Sl:8, Tr:14, TSG:15, UPC:9, VF:+, Why:36, Yb:27; am:+, am_r:+, ap:+, asp:+, ay_e:15, ay_r:19, bb_d:+, bb_q:+, bb_r:4, bc:+, bi:12, bl:3, kf:8, lib:+, ny_p:+, nyl:3, p_e:+, pf_p:+, pf_s:6, ra:+++, so_k:9, v_sh:7, vg:+, vu:7, yb_r:16, ykt:5, yse:+ -- TH:**
  21. Blur: The Ballad of Darren (Parlophone) {104}: Al:+, AV:12, BV_i:20, Cl:44, D:32, DIY:14, Fld:24, Fp:+, G:8, GTV:4, HP:11, I:19, Ind:13, LI:5, LW:49, Mg:3, Mj:1, MO:16, Ms:37, NME:10, NPR_l:45, NT:43, On:5, Pc:44, RC:3, Ret:18, Rf:9, RS:70, SE:1, Sl:20, STi:10, T:7, U:13, UPC:66, UR:30, Why:13, WX:10, XSN:1; am:+, am_k:+, ay_ar:7, ay_ip:4, ay_ir:12, bv_i:4, lib:+, rx:+, tmr:16+, vu:+, ygo:4, yti:9 -- TH:*
  22. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: Weathervanes (Southeastern) {103}: Al:+, BS:11, BV:17, Cpu:+, CS:6, DJ:43, EWi:18, Fp:+, GTV:20, H:7, Mg:6, Mj:57, NPR_l:8, P:39, PM:8, Rf:27, RS:25, RS_c:2, SC:12, SE:14, Sl:25, Spk:48, TH_n:61, TL:1, Tr:34, U:11, UPC:16, WW:14, WX:3, XSP:43, Yb:33; ahw:+, am_k:+, atl:5, atw:+, ay_c:13, ayu_c:9, bv_c:+, p_c:+, pm_a:3, scm:2++, so_d:4, v_cw:6, vbs:1, vjv:1, vrt:+, vu:+, woc:10, xhs:+, xjc:5, xml:7, xsa:3, xwb:14, yjl:6, yrf:10, ysw:4, yzp:8 -- PJRP:9, TH:A-
  23. Matana Roberts: Coin Coin Chapter Five: In the Garden (Constellation) {100}: BA:+, CE:39, EWi:42, FJ:+++, JC:6, PO:53, Qt:51, SpL:6, W:5; am_j:+, aqd:+, ay_j:11, ayu_j:9, bc_j:11, bv_j:+, jad:8, jcb:7, jdku:3, jdsu:3, jff:19, jfm:+, jgc:4, jgm:+, jha:+, jin:1, jjco:9, jjg:+, jjko:7, jjm:8, jjm_j:1, jjo:5, jjwd:5, jky:+, jlb:5, jlv:10, jmj:7, jmlo:+, jmw:3, jpfr:1, jpmd:4, jrml:+, jrw:1, jsd:4, jse:7, jssm:3, jwr:3, lib:+, ny_u:9, ry_j:9, sg_j:1, ss_j:14, tr_j:+, vbr:6, vce_j:7, vew:+, vjo:2, vjo_j:1, vsd:5, xbf:8, xbl:8, yjc:10, ymh:3, ysp:+ -- TH:**
  24. Jason Moran: From the Dancehall to the Battlefield (Yes) {99}: BA:+, CE:1, CM:8, EWi:11, JC:2, PO:26, SpL:2, TH_j:14, TSG:6, W:35; fd:1, jamo:+, jbbr:2, jbu:1, jdb:3, jdg:1, jfk:3, jgg:1, jgy:3, jjc:4, jjkb:19, jjwd:9, jla:3, jlb:4, jlg:+, jls:1, jmj:6, jmlo:+, jmy:3, jnc:3, jpfr:4, jpm:9, jrk:7, jry:5, jsd:8, jsgu:1, jsl:+, jsw:5, sg_j:4, vce:1, vce_j:1, vhs:5, xbf:+, xbl:2, xsa:2, xtw:2 -- TH:A-
  25. Amaarae: Fountain Baby (Interscope) {96}: 3v:21, 45:14, BV:35, C:11, Cl:4, Cmp:34, DW:44, Dz:10, EW:9, EWi:+, Ex:+, Fa:6, G:9, GQ:+, Ind:10, Jp:51, LBF:5, Mc:1, Mg:22, Mix:+, Ne:15, NME:8, NPR:+, Pap:+, Pf:7, PO:159, PW:6, RS:26, Rx:63, Sl:4, TH_n:16, UPC:14, XSP:12, ; atl:1, ay_p:8, ay_r:5, bi:8, ec:+, n_ap:9, p_p:+, pf_p:+, sl:+, vew:+, vg:+, vu:+, wi:+, xbf:+, xpb:8, yb_r:22, ydho:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  26. Slowdive: Everything Is Alive (Dead Oceans) {96}: Al:+, BPM:33, BV:22, BV_i:7, Cl:26, CS:18, DJ:45, FO:9, Fp:+, G:45, GTV:37, HP:38, Ind:9, Jp:16, KC:3, L4:2, LBF:35, LW:65, Mg:8, Mj:39, MO:43, Ms:36, No:6, NT:39, On:2, Pc:1, PM:20, RC:8, Rf:7, RT:31, Sbd:3, SC:1, Sg:24, TO:21, Tr:25, U:12, UPC:56, UR:6, XS:21; am:+, am_a:+, atw:+, ay_ar:10, bv_i:+, pm_k:11, tmr:+, vbz:7, vu:+, xjlu:+, yds:3, yjw:+, yti:4 -- PJRP:8, TH:**
  27. Zach Bryan: Zach Bryan (Warner) {94}: BB:4, BS:6, BV:38, CS:8, DW:77, Esq:14, EWi:14, H:6, HV:16, Ms:33, Ne:33, NPR_l:26, PO:19, Ri:23, RS:10, RS_c:7, Rx:8, TL:13, Up:+, UPC:23, WR:6, WW:19, XCI:6; am_c:+, atl:8, atw:+, ay_c:19, ayu_c:2, bb_c:4, bv_c:+, js:8, kc:+, lib:+, ny_c:8, p:4, scm:+, ti:2, tmr:+, v_cw:10, vg:+, voh:10, vrt:+, vu:+, woc:13, xci:6, xjb:+, xmb:9, xml:3, xjsm:8, xtw:8, ydho:+, ymr:10, yst:2, yzp:9, yzy:6 -- RC:A, TH:***
  28. Paramore: This Is Why (Atlantic) {88}: 45:9, Alt:19, AV:10, BB:12, BS:2, Cl:53, D:7, DIY:9, Esq:19, EWi:+, Ex:28, Fld:10, G:21, GQ:+, GTV:5, K:18, Ne:28, NME:5, NPR_l:20, NR:50, On:33, Pap:+, Pc:28, PM:63, Pu:11, Rf:4, RkS:8, RS:6, Sbd:7, SE:24, Sk:10, Tr:46, Up:+, UPC:25, UR:23; am:+, am_k:+, atw:+, ay_ir:5, bi:9, cdm:3, hpo:+, mc_u:10, rx:+, ti:10, tmr:+, vdcm:5, vjv:6 -- TH:*
  29. Steve Lehman/Orchestre National de Jazz: Ex Machina (Pi) {87}: CM:12, DB:+++, EWi:+, JC:3, PO:98, TH_j:3; jadh:7, jbs:7, jd:2, jda:9, jdl:+, jeac:2, jff:1, jgf:+, jje:+, jka:10, jky:+, jls:2, jmc:+, jmbo:1, jmj:5, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jms:4, jpmd:1, jrh:3, jrm:+, jrsp:2, jrw:6, jsp:1, jssm:4, jsw:9, jtd:3, jyo:1, pm_j:4, ps_j:2, ry_j:1, tr_j:+, vjc:5, vjo_j:9, vrg:3, vrg_j:2, vwl:4, yst:10, yst:3 -- TH:A
  30. Armand Hammer: We Buy Diabetic Test Strips (Fat Possum) {78}: Alt:36, BPM:14, BV:1, BV_r:1, C:47, Cl:24, DW:62, EWi:+, GB:23, HG:1, HV:8, Mc:26, Ne:11, No:20, NT:33, P:46, PM:23, PO:20, PW:3, Ri:7, RT:8, Sbd:27, Sl:34, SLi:19, Tr:4, TSG:23, UPC:51; am_h:+, ay_h:2, bc:+, bc_h:+, p_h:+, pm_h:2, sg_r:4, ss_h:20, tr_h:+, vu:6, xby:9, ycc:+, ymm:2 -- RC:B+, TH:***
  31. Ratboys: The Window (Topshelf) {78}: Alt:7, BV:33, CS:11, DW:78, EWi:13, Ex:8, Fld:15, LBF:24, Mg:13, NPR_l:36, NR:36, NT:12, P:5, PM:49, RS_ir:25, Sg:6, Sl:13, Tr:1, Up:+, UPC:12, UR:1, XCI:19, XSN:33; aqd:+, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_k:10, so_k:12, vew:+, xbw:+, xch:+, xej:9, xhs:+, xml:6, xjsp:3, xph:2, xtj:2, xwb:5, yjb:5, yjc:7, yjl:5, ylej:3, yrf:2 -- PJRP:6, TH:**
  32. Fever Ray: Radical Romantics (Rabid/Mute) {76}: 3v:25, BPM:7, BV:5, BV_i:11, C:22, Cl:34, ES:14, EWi:+, Ex:40, Fa:11, Fp:+, G:41, GB:39, GTV:45, HV:21, Jp:27, LBF:18, Mix:+, MO:22, Ms:46, Mx:4, No:43, NPR:+, NT:24, Pf:8, Qt:58, RT:39, Sg:19, Sk:14, SLi:29, TO:5, Tr:26, UPC:50, W:28, XSN:23, XSP:28, YW:23; am:+, am_a:+, ay_ap:24, bl:4, ny_z:6, p_e:+, pf_p:+, ra:+, vew:+, vg:+, vma:8, xrr:10, xss:1, yjsp:5 -- RC:*, TH:**
  33. Irreversible Entanglements: Protect Your Light (Impulse!) {76}: BA:+, CM:11, DB:+, EWi:+, FJ:3, JC:21, Mj:73, PO:60, TH_j:2, Tr:27, TSG:30, W:7; am_j:+, ay_j:17, bb6:+, bv_j:+, jbbr:10, jbs:8, jcm:1, jdg:9, jdku:1, jfm:+, jgc:5, jin:6, jis:9, jjko:9, jjm_j:7, jjs:+, jnm:+, jpfr:3, jrw:10, jsf:5, jsgh:10, jssc:+, jtd:6, jth:9, jwr:6, ny_p:+, pf_j:+, sg_j:3, ss_j:13, tm_j:+, tr_j:+, vdh:5, vjo_j:10, vjt:9, vpo:5, vu:+, ymc:9, ymm:3, yst_j:10 -- TH:A
  34. Kara Jackson: Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love? (September) {76}: 45:6, BV:44, C:30, Cl:7, Cpu:+, CS:26, EWi:+, Fa:47, G:31, GTV:35, Jp:17, LBF:1, LI:17, Ne:17, NPR:+, NR:44, Oo:17, P:12, Pap:+, Pf:19, RS:40, RS_ir:8, SC:11, Sl:43, SLi:4, TL:35, U:57, UPC:19, UR:59; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_f:9, bc:+, bv_f:+, kf:2, lib:+, p_c:+, p_d:4, pf_k:+, pro:+, sl:+, so_k:18, ts:5, vew:+, vmk:10, vu:+, xsh:2, yjsp:4 -- TH:*
  35. Janelle Monae: The Age of Pleasure (Wondaland/Bad Boy/Atlantic) {75}: Al:+, BB:35, BS:20, BV:41, CS:31, DJ:49, DW:31, ES:13, EW:8, EWi:+, G:30, GTV:15, I:3, Mj:56, Mx:38, NPR:+, NPR_l:11, PO:51, Rf:32, RS:20, Rx:62, SpL:37, TH_n:10, TL:6, TO:27, Up:+, UPC:13, WX:14, XCI:49, XSP:24; am_r:+, bb_q:+, bb_r:5, g_e:5, hpo:+, npr_kt:5, ny_p:+, p:6, p_p:+, se_fp:+, tmr:+, vu:+, xgm:12, xmb:7, yb_r:5, ymr:25, yzy:9 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  36. Corinne Bailey Rae: Black Rainbows (Thirty Tigers) {74}: 45:18, Al:+, ES:10, EWi:+, GTV:1, HV:1, I:6, L4:10, LBF:29, LW:55, Mc:5, Mj:34, MO:13, NME:36, NPR:+, NR:32, Pc:86, PO:18, RC:14, Ret:9, Rf:5, STi:7, TL:22, U:14, UPC:54, XSN:19, Yb:37; am:+, ay_ap:1, ay_j:2, ay_p:1, ayu_j:7, ny_p:+, xbf:4, xjdc:+, xwb:17, ydaj:9 -- TH:**
  37. Tyshawn Sorey Trio: Continuing (Pi) {74}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:4, JW:6, PO:66, TH_j:40, TSG:32; am_j:+, g_j:1, jd:9, jdg:3, jdo:7, jdp:+, jek:+, jgf:+, jgg:4, jgk:1, jgv:3, jgy:+, jha:+, jjc:3, jjha:6, jjo:2, jjs:+, jjw:4, jkws:7, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jms:7, jmw:6, jmy:8, jnc:7, jpl:5, jpq:2, jrh:2, jri:9, jrk:6, jrm:+, jrmi:4, jrw:8, jry:4, jssc:+, jtc:2, ps_j:5, vbr:10, vsd:2, yst_j:8 -- TH:A-
  38. Sampha: Lahai (Young) {73}: 3v:24, BPM:30, Cl:1, Cmp:47, Cmp_U:11, D:34, DJ:8, DJM:+, Fp:+, G:26, GTV:80, Ind:12, KC:12, L4:14, LBF:22, Mc:19, MO:33, Ms:45, Ne:6, NPR:+, NPR_l:24, NT:7, Oo:18, PM:33, Ri:9, RS:76, RT:51, Sbd:1, Sk:18, Spk:16, TSG:31, Up:+, UPC:34, UR:47, Why:5, XSP:18; am:+, am_r:+, ay_r:2, hpo:+, pf_s:10, vu:1 -- TH:*
  39. Water From Your Eyes: Everyone's Crushed (Matador) {73}: 45:33, BPM:28, BV_i:+, C:43, CS:35, DW:11, EWi:44, G:35, GTV:46, Ind:47, LCA:43, LQ:18, NME:28, No:33, NR:30, NT:45, P:36, Pf:27, PM:41, PO:157, RS:36, RS_ir:6, Rx:35, Sg:29, TH_n:57, UR:36, XCI:12, XSP:14; ae:18, am:+, am_a:+, aqd:+, ay_ap:12, ay_p:24, jy:8, ny_p:+, ny_z:7, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_k:8, pm_x:1, vew:+, vg:+, vgb:2, xch:+, xjd:7, wi:+, ydho:+, yjc:9, ymr:5, ypg:8, yps:+, yst:+, yws:2 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  40. Troye Sivan: Something to Give Each Other (Capitol) {72}: 3v:3, AV:26, BB:3, C:50, Cl:42, CS:46, D:24, DIY:16, Dz:8, ES:3, G:13, GQ:+, HV:19, Jp:33, LAT:17, NME:4, NPR:+, NPR_l:25, NT:49, Oo:10, Pap:+, RS:34, Sbd:22, Sk:15, Sl:31, TO:4, UPC:45; am_p:+, atw:+, ay_p:19, ay_r:7, bb_q:+, hyb:+, ny_c:14, nyl:4, p:7, p_p:+, pf_p:+, pm_p:11, tmr:+, v_sh:5, vg:+, vti:10, xbf:+ -- TH:**
  41. Grian Chatten: Chaos for the Fly (Partisan) {71}: 3v:16, BV_i:+, DIY:8, EWi:+, FO:6, Fp:+, G:33, GTV:3, HP:9, I:14, Ind:7, LBF:47, LI:3, LW:76, Mj:14, MO:6, Ms:3, On:15, Oo:7, Pc:7, RT:10, Sbd:21, SLi:33, U:73, UR:38, Why:10, XSN:16; ay_f:10, ay_ip:3, bb6:+, p_d:25, p_f:+, rx:+, xjed:+, xwb:3 -- TH:**
  42. Kris Davis: Diatom Ribbons Live at the Village Vanguard (Pyroclastic -2CD) {71}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:7, TH_j:29, TN:7; jam:10, jbs:1, jd:1, jda:7, jdg:2, jdku:7, jgg:9, jgv:7, jgy:+, jjc:2, jjha:5, jjhy:7, jjo:1, jkg:5, jkws:5, jla:5, jmc:+, jmju:+, jmu:1, jmw:8, jnc:6, jpm:6, jpmd:+, jrh:1, jsf:1, jsw:6, jwj:+, jyk:2, pm_j:5, vbr:1, vjc:1, vpo:6, vrjs:+, vwl:5 -- TH:A-
  43. SZA: SOS (Top Dawg/RCA '22) {71}: AV:19, Cmp:2, Dz:7, Fa:25, Fp:+, I:13, Jp:10, LAT:1, LCA:41, NPR:+, NPR_l:10, Pf:1, Ri:4, RS:1, Up:+, UPC:6, YW:24; atl:4, bb_r:1, ny_c:3, ny_p:1, pf_p:+, pi:1, sl:+, ti:3, vrj:7, vrt:4, vsk:+, vu:+, wi:+ -- RC:***, TH:[**]
  44. Yves Tumor: Praise a Lord Who Chews but Which Does Not Consume (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) (Warp) {71}: 3v:7, BPM:16, BV:24, Cl:27, CS:1, EWi:+, Ex:22, Fa:12, Fld:11, FO:10, G:16, Ind:3, KC:16, LCA:6, LQ:8, Mc:33, Mix:+, MO:18, Ms:31, NME:17, NR:13, NT:25, P:21, Pf:31, PO:204, Rf:6, RS:87, Sbd:33, Sg:32, Sl:27, Tr:7, Up:+, UPC:35, UR:78, VF:+; am_a:+, pf_k:+, ra:+, vew:+, vu:4, ybrw:9 -- TH:**
  45. Lakecia Benjamin: Phoenix (Whirlwind) {69}: BA:+, CE:4, CM:46, DB:+, EWi:+, JC:14, JW:3, PO:158, TH_j:44, YW:8; am_j:+, j91:+, jam:1, japa:5, jb:+, jbm:9, jbu:6, jek:+, jjgr:1, jla:9, jjhy:3, jmlo:+, jmju:+, jmlo:+, jnt:5, jpfr:10, jpmd:+, jpq:3, jry:3, jslo:3, ps_j:8, sg_j:10, ss_j:3, tm_j:1, vce:4, vce_j:3, vjt:4, vmk:2, yst_j:19 -- TH:A-
  46. Blondshell: Blondshell (Partisan) {68}: 45:8, Alt:35, BV:30, C:40, CS:32, D:5, EWi:+, Fld:9, GTV:9, LAT:8, LBF:9, Mg:2, NME:22, NPR_l:27, NR:23, PM:24, PO:160, Rf:22, Ri:27, RS:11, RS_ir:3, RT:18, Rx:76, SE:18, UPC:24, UR:20, WX:6, YW:37; ay_ar:9, ay_ir:14, bb_q:+, p_d:7, p_r:+, tmr:+, vjv:5, vrt:8, xtj:10 -- RC:A-, TH:*
  47. Andre 3000: New Blue Sun (Epic) {67}: BPM:26, BS:16, BV_i:+, CS:47, DW:12, Esq:16, GB:6, Jp:32, NT:29, Pf:50, PW:5, Rf:34, SE:35, UPC:31; ahw_dn:+, ap:+, aqd:+, asp:+, ay_j:24, ayu_j:16, bv_i:+, bv_j:+, hyb:+, japa:7, jin:5, jjgr:9, ny_p:+, p_d:21, pf_j:+, tmr:+, vjt:3, vkf:9, vrg:1, yjw:1 -- TH:B
  48. Darcy James Argue's Secret Society: Dynamic Maximum Tension (Nonesuch) {67}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:5, NPR:+; jadh:9, jan:3, jbu:5, jcb:4, jda:1, jdb:2, jff:30, jgv:2, jgy:5, jfk:2, jjs:+, jkcw:2, jlbi:+, jmj:3, jmk:9, jmlo:+, jmm:+, jmmz:+, jmt:8, jmw:10, jnc:2, jnt:3, jpb:+, jpfr:9, jrw:3, jsa:5, jsd:5, jslo:2, jsw:7, jth:2, jtn:4, jv:+, ph:5, pm_j:10, ps_j:4, sg_j:9, vjc:6, vwl:10 -- TH:***
  49. CMAT: Crazymad, for Me (CMATBaby/AWAL) {65}: 45:20, Cl:40, D:3, DIY:5, DW:51, ES:18, EW:41, EWi:+, G:50, GTV:69, H:21, HP:1, L4:3, LW:46, MO:14, NME:44, Rx:56, Sk:17, TL:30, UR:44, XCI:16, XCI:40, XSP:20, ; ay_c:3, ay_p:14, ayu_c:12, g_e:2, sl:+, xhs:+, xjl:4, xpb:7, xtj:4, ygo:8, yjl:8, ymr:16 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  50. Sofia Kourtesis: Madres (Ninja Tune) {65}: 3v:8, 45:36, BB:31, BPM:19, Cl:25, DJ:41, EWi:+, Ex:25, G:18, GB:9, Jp:8, Mix:+, MO:17, NME:7, On:9, P:10, Pc:80, Pf:24, PM:12, PO:184, PW:8, Ri:6, SLi:27, TO:16, VF:+; am:+, am_e:+, ay_e:10, bb_d:+, nyl:10, p_d:1, p_e:+, pf_e:+, pf_l:+, pm_g:4, ra:+, sl:+, vew:+ -- RC:*, TH:**
  51. Robert Forster: The Candle and the Flame (Tapete) {64}: BV_i:+, CM:16, DW:27, EWi:5, HV:14, Mc:40, Mj:4, Rx:10, TH_n:7, TL:60, U:24, XCI:14, XSP:10; am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_f:24, bv_i:+, js:6, vca:7, vew:+, vjk:2, voh:4, vrjs:+, xbw:+, xde:+, xjc:8, xjdc:9, xjl:9, xjsm:6, xpb:1, xsp:10, ydho:+, ymr:7, ypg:4, yst:9 -- RC:A, TH:A-
  52. Danny Brown: Quaranta (Warp) {63}: BV:15, BV_r:3, CE:113, Cmp:44, DW:20, EWi:+, G:38, HDX:2, HG:8, HV:5, LBF:30, NT:30, PW:15, Qt:9, Rx:36, Sbd:11, Spk:31, TH_n:28, UPC:43, Why:8, XCI:26; am:+, am_h:+, ay_h:12, ny_p:8, p_h:+, ss_h:24, tmr:4+, tr_h:+, ts:13, vu:+, ydho:8, ymr:12, yst:7 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  53. Killer Mike: Michael (Loma Vista) {63}: BB:36, BS:4, Cmp:5, CS:36, D:14, DJ:47, ES:15, Esq:7, HDX:1, HG:29, Mx:7, NME:27, Pc:95, PO:73, S:+, Sbd:39, TSG:26, Up:+, UPC:77, Vb_h:1, Yb:49, YW:20; ay_h:13, ay_t:2, bb_h:1, lib:+, p_h:+, pm_h:12, ss_h:11, tmr:+, up_h:+, yb_h:1 -- RC:***, TH:***
  54. Victoria Monet: Jaguar II (RCA) {63}: AV:23, BB:5, Cl:47, Cmp:6, DW:18, ES:8, EW:7, EWi:36, Jp:29, LAT:11, Mc:27, NPR:+, Pap:+, PO:139, Rf:21, Ri:18, RS:9, RSh:10, Sg:40, SpL:4, TL:48, Up:+, UPC:11, XSP:58; am:+, am_r:+, ay_r:8, bb_q:+, bb_r:2, hpo:+, nyl:5, v_sh:2, xbl:10, yb_r:1, yjb:4 -- TH:**
  55. Ashley McBryde: The Devil I Know (Warner Music Nashville) {61}: CE:117, DW:9, EWi:19, H:8, PO:56, RS_c:14, Rx:16, TL:7, WR:18, XCI:7, XSP:51; acn:2, bb_c:5, cn:10, jjm:6, js:4, ro_c:8, scm:+, sl:+, tc:8, xci:7, xgh:9, xjdc:1, xgm:3, xjsm:4, xmb:10, xsm:4, ydho:+, yjl:3, ymr:19, yst:+, yvms:3 -- RC:A, TH:**
  56. Bully: Lucky for You (Sub Pop) {60}: 45:39, Alt:1, D:39, DW:26, EWi:+, Fld:2, Mg:15, NPR_l:13, NR:22, NT:34, P:11, Ri:1, RS:89, RS_ir:16, Sbd:4, SE:47, Sg:13, TL:75, Tr:12, UPC:32, UR:17, WX:1, YW:26; ay_ar:12, ay_ir:19, bc:+, p_r:+, pm_k:17, so_d:17, vg:+, xsa:8, xtj:9, yti:16 -- TH:**
  57. Julie Byrne: The Greater Wings (Ghostly International) {60}: BPM:22, BV:8, Cl:10, EWi:+, Ex:27, Fa:19, FO:43, G:25, GB:28, GTV:34, Jp:63, L4:5, LBF:15, LQ:17, Mc:4, Mj:10, MO:24, No:16, P:6, Pf:21, RT:28, Sg:44, SLi:16, STi:17, U:9, UPC:29, UR:70, WX:18; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_f:6, bv_f:+, pf_k:+, pm_f:2, tmr:+ -- TH:**
  58. Tyler Childers: Rustin' in the Rain (Hickman Holler) {60}: BS:1, DW:15, EWi:28, H:9, PO:171, RS_c:15, Rx:12, SE:9, TL:2, UPC:80, WR:20, WW:20, XCI:35, XSP:25; am:+, am_c:+, ay_c:18, ayu_c:19, bv_c:+, pm_p:5, scm:+, vmk:7, vrjs:+, vti:9, xem:10, xmb:8, xpb:+, ydho:5, yjl:12, yst:6, yzp:6, yzy:3, zuc:22 -- RC:A, TH:***
  59. Henry Threadgill Ensemble: The Other One (Pi) {60}: BA:+, CE:83, DB:+, EWi:+, JC:8, PO:91, TH_j:46, TSG:20; fd:3, jal:+, jbbr:6, jbw:3, jd:7, jdr:+, jdt:7, jff:27, jfk:5, jgc:8, jgk:2, jgv:8, jgy:4, jjco:3, jje:+, jjws:3, jkws:2, jlb:7, jlbi:+, jms:9, jmu:2, jpm:7, jsf:+, jsp:3, jssm:7, jsw:1, jtd:7, jtn:4, ps_j:12, sc_p:+, vbr:5 -- TH:A-
  60. Everything but the Girl: Fuse (Buzzin' Fly/Virgin) {59}: Al:+, BV_i:5, EWi:39, Fp:+, G:28, HV:15, I:24, LI:12, LW:31, Mj:9, MO:12, On:39, PO:234, Ret:2, RS:46, RT:17, SE:46, Sl:23, Tr:28, U:44, Why:4; am_p:+, ay_e:25, ay_r:23, bv_i:+, cw:5, lib:+, ny_p:7;pi:6, sl:++, tmr:+, vrj:6, vu:+, xde:+, xhs:+, xrr:5, xsa:4, xwb:13, yds:9 -- TH:*
  61. Arooj Aftab/Vijay Iyer/Shahzad Ismaily: Love in Exile (Verve) {56}: BA:+, BPM:35, Cpu:+, CS:34, EWi:+, JC:31, LCA:47, Mj:16, Pf:25, PO:225, PW:27, Tr:49, U:33; aqd:+, ay_j:8, ayu_j:19, bv_j:+, cw:10, g_g:1, japa:10, jcb:2, jgk:+, jjkb:3, jjwd:8, jlb:9, jld:10, jmlo:+, jmm:+, jmmz:+, jpfr:6, jpl:3, jrsp:10, jsgh:2, jsgu:3, ny_p:10, pf_j:+, sg_j:6, sl:++, tm_j:+, tr_j:+, vew:+, vjc:+, vsk:+, xpb:9, xsh:8 -- TH:**
  62. Megan Moroney: Lucky (Sony Music Nashville) {56}: CE:45, DW:38, EWi:+, H:2, LAT:3, RS:43, RS_c:1, Rx:26, SE:22, SpL:27, TL:32, WR:8, WW:15, XCI:34; acn:8, am_c:+, ap:+, asp:+, bb_c:7, cn:3, cw:9, ny_c:6, pi:10, scm:+, sl:++, tc:4, xjb:3, xjd:5, xjdc:+, yjl:4 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  63. Romy: Mid Air (Young) {55}: Al:+, BB:25, Cl:48, D:17, DIY:20, DJ:19, ES:11, EWi:33, Fp:+, G:49, HP:36, Jp:11, MO:7, Ms:4, Mx:12, NME:13, NPR:+, NT:23, Oo:11, Pc:30, PO:9, RT:24, SC:17, TH_n:24; am_p:+, ay_e:17, bb_d:+, bb_q:+, p_d:24, p_p:+, ts:7, vg:+, xbf:2, xwb:20 -- TH:A-
  64. Meshell Ndegeocello: The Omnichord Real Book (Blue Note) {52}: Al:+, HV:6, JC:29, NPR:+, On:48, PM:27, PO:35, TL:68, UPC:52; am:+, am_r:+, ay_j:6, ay_r:16, ayu_j:13, jak:2, jcb:8, jdku:8, jin:2, jjm:1, jlb:8, jmlo:+, jnc:+, jpl:6, jse:1, jsgh:4, jsw:4, km:+, pf_s:7, ry_j:+, sl:+, ss_j:7, tm_j:9, vew:+, vkf:1, vpo:4, xgm:21, yrr:9 -- TH:*
  65. The Rolling Stones: Hackney Diamonds (Polydor) {52}: AV:27, Esq:4, EWi:+, Fp:+, HP:30, NME:43, Oo:12, RC:4, Rf:33, RS:65, SE:11, STi:14, T:5, TN:+, U:18, Why:23, WX:24, XSN:25; ahw_dn:+, am_k:+, ap:+, asp:+, bv_i:+, ny_p:+, p_r:+, rx:+, tmr:15+, vahm:1, vbs:5, vrt:9, xhs:+, xmr:10, ydho:+, yjb:3 -- TH:B
  66. Fire! Orchestra: Echoes (Rune Grammofon) {51}: BA:+, CM:50, FJ:2, JC:27, On:31, PO:44; jeac:7, jfm:+, jgc:9, jgmo:+, jis:2, jjco:1, jjkb:16, jky:+, jmsc:1, jpfr:8, jpmd:2, jrw:4, jsgj:10, jsp:7, jwr:1, jyo:2, ps_j:11, ry_j:11, sg_j:8, tm_j:6, tr_j:+, vrg:+, vrg_j:4, yps:+, yrhg:2, jsd:3 -- TH:***
  67. Lil Yachty: Let's Start Here (Quality Control Music/UMG) {51}: AV:6, BB:8, BPM:38, BS:3, C:17, Cmp:10, Esq:13, Ex:38, Fld:20, KC:6, NME:50, RS:4, RSh:12, RT:70, Up:+, UPC:26, Why:2, Yb:16; am_h:+, so_d:12, so_k:15, tmr:+, up_h:+, vrt:6, xem:8, yrr:3 -- RC:*, TH:*
  68. Cecile McLorin Salvant: Melusine (Nonesuch) {51}: DB:+, EWi:+, JC:16, JW:2, LW:36, Mj:67, TSG:21; am:+, am_j:+, ay_j:3, ayu_j:15, ghj:7, j91:+, japa:1, jbbr:7, jbu:2, jgy:6, jfk:1, jjg:+, jkcw:1, jlb:6, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jrmi:2, jrsc:9, jry:2, jth:3, ry_j:18, sl:+, ss_j:4, tr_j:+, vrg:+, xsh:3 -- TH:*
  69. Lori McKenna: 1988 (CN) {50}: DW:21, EWi:15, PO:117, Rx:29, TH_n:22, TL:47, XCI:8, XSP:17; ahw:+, js:2, pm_c:3, ro_c:7, scm:++, voh:5, xci:8, xgh:5, xjd:9, xjdc:8, xjsm:2, xtw:4, ydho:7, yjl:2, vjv:7, xml:1, ymr:6, yng:9, yst:+, -- RC:A, TH:A-
  70. Yaeji: With a Hammer (XL) {50}: 45:25, BS:13, BV:45, Cl:49, DJM:+, Dz:4, Fp:+, G:7, LBF:19, Mc:38, Mix:+, Ms:17, NME:24, NR:39, Pap:+, Pf:15, PM:77, PO:62, Qt:37, Sg:22, Sl:42, SLi:8, Tr:24, Up:+, UPC:90, VF:+; am:+, am_e:+, ay_e:8, bi:11, p_d:10, p_e:+, pf_e:+, vdh:2, vew:+, vg:+, vi:8, vu:+ -- TH:*
  71. Speedy Ortiz: Rabbit Rabbit (Wax Nine) {49}: DW:17, EWi:8, HV:10, Rx:23, SE:17, SpL:23, XCI:15, XSP:3; am_a:+, cw:6, js:7, ny_p:9, pi:8, sl:++, vca:6, vew:+, xgh:7, xjc:2, xjdc:6, xjsm:7, xjsp:7, xsp:3, xtj:7, xwb:4, ydho:+, yjl:13, yst:5 -- RC:A, TH:**
  72. Yussef Dayes: Black Classical Music (Brownswood/Nonesuch) {48}: Al:+, Cl:35, Cmp_U:21, Cpu:+, Fp:+, LQ:15, Mix:+, NPR:+, Pc:21, PM:22, PW:33, Rf:44, RT:6, T:8, TH_j:37; am:+, am_j:+, ay_j:16, ayu_j:2, bb6:+, bv_j:+, j91:+, jak:6, japa:3, jcb:9, jdg:+, jmlo:+, km:+, pm_j:+, ps_j:3, ry_j:3, ss_j:12, tmr:+, tr_j:+, yst_j:17, ytb:8 -- TH:A-
  73. Raye: My 21st Century Blues (Human Re Sources) {48}: 3v:2, 45:41, BB:34, Cmp_U:14, CS:22, D:35, DIY:19, Esq:6, Fp:+, I:10, Jp:41, Oo:16, T:1, TO:2, Up:+, UPC:64, YW:3; am_p:+, ay_h:9, ay_r:22, bi:4, ny_p:+, v_cw:8, vrj:3 -- TH:**
  74. The Clientele: I Am Not There Anymore (Merge) {47}: BV_i:+, EWi:+, FO:20, Mc:15, Mg:9, MO:45, NPR:+, NR:20, On:46, PM:78, Rf:12, RT:92, TSG:29, U:16, UR:68, W:17; ae:1, am:+, am_a:+, aqd:+, ay_ap:6, ay_ip:2, ay_p:11, p_r:+, pf_k:+, pm_k:28, tmr:+, vdh:6, vi:12, vjk:+, yab:6, yjsp:6, ymh:1 -- TH:*
  75. Bar Italia: Tracey Denim (Matador) {46}: BV_i:18, Cl:41, DW:73, EWi:+, FO:44, GB:17, GTV:21, Ind:44, LI:10, LQ:28, Mix:+, Mj:69, NR:43, NT:8, Pc:3, RS_ir:29, RSh:11, Rx:68, SLi:24, UR:97, XCI:58; am_a:+, aqd:+, xjed:1, xjlu:+, xjsp:8, xss:4 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  76. Myra Melford's Fire and Water Quintet: Hear the Light Singing (RogueArt) {46}: JC:10, SpL:26, TH_j:22; jag:4, jbw:6, jdr:+, jdt:6, jeac:1, jff:20, jgf:+, jgk:7, jgy:+, jhm:1, jjha:10, jlb:2, jlbi:+, jmlo:+, jmm:+, jmt:3, jmu:3, jsb:10, jsd:9, jsf:2, jsp:4, jtc:9, jyo:6, pm_j:8, sc:+, vjc:10, vwl:8 -- TH:A-
  77. Ice Spice: Like . . ? [all editions] (10K Projects/Capitol -EP) {45}: BB:18, BV:21, BV_4, Cl:59, Cmp:9, DW:68, EWi:40, LAT:6, Pf:32, PO:191, RS:52, Rx:47, Sbd:17, Sl:21, TH_n:60, XSP:50; ay_t:9, bb_h:2, ny_c:2, p_h:+, pm_h:10, sg_r:8, tr_h:+, v_sh:4, vew:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  78. Darius Jones: Fluxkit Vancouver (Its Suite but Sacred) (We Jazz) {45}: CE:56, CM:48, DB:++, JC:15, NPR:+, TH_j:67, W:3; jas:2, jff:7, jfk:3, jjc:1, jkw:+, jlre:1, jnc:4, jpm:8, jpmd:+, jsf:6, jssm:1, jth:6, pm_j:3, vbr:7, vce_j:9, vsd:4, vwl:3 -- TH:A-
  79. Chappell Roan: The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess (Amusement/Island) {45}: 45:38, Alt:5, AV:2, BB:13, D:11, ES:19, EWi:+, Jp:68, NPR_l:30, PO:101, RS:12, RSh:14, Sk:19, TL:67, Up:+, UPC:49; am_p:+, atw:+, ay_p:15, bb_q:+, cdm:3, nyl:8, p_p:+, pf_p:+, ti:4, v_sh:9, vdh:10, vg:+, xjd:6 -- TH:**
  80. Kali Uchis: Red Moon in Venus (Interscope) {45}: 45:23, BS:18, Cmp:35, EWi:+, Fa:16, G:23, GQ:+, HV:12, Ind:22, Jp:65, LAT:2, Pf:43, PO:70, Rf:25, RS:29, Sl:46, Up:+, UPC:68, Yb:42; am:+, am_r:+, atw:+, ay_r:24, bb_q:+, hyb:+, ny_p:+, p_p:+, pf_p:+, ti:1, tmr:+, v_ja:6, xbf:7, xjdc:+, yb_r:3 -- TH:**
  81. Rodrigo Amado/The Bridge: Beyond the Margins (Trost) {44}: CM:5, FJ:1, JC:24, EWi:49, PO:125, TH_j:1, TN:+; jdt:10, jeac:6, jeh:+, jgm:+, jjsh:4, jls:5, jnm:+, jpa:1, jpmd:8, jsb:1, jtd:5, jwr:5, yst_j:19 -- TH:A
  82. Mandy, Indiana: I've Seen a Way (Fire Talk) {44}: 3v:9, BPM:25, BV:36, BV_i:29, C:18, CE:142, DIY:17, FO:19, G:44, LBF:23, LCA:38, LQ:21, MO:30, No:25, NR:24, On:14, Pc:42, Pf:20, PM:43, RT:19, S:+, Sk:16, SLi:39, Tr:13, Up:+, UR:92; ny_c:+, p_d:12, p_e:+, pf_k:+, vi:3 -- TH:**
  83. The Necks: Travel (Northern Spy) {44}: BA:+, CM:14, JC:43, Mj:13, On:51, PO:116, SE:51, TSG:42, U:21, W:46, YW:93; am_j:+, ayu_j:21, bc_j:16, jaga:+, jam:3, jfk:2, jfm:+, jgk:+, jgmo:+, jis:1, jjgr:5, jkg:9, jsd:7, jsgu:2, sc:+, tm_j:+, tr_j:+, vkf:7, vrg:5, vrg_j:6, ymc:4 -- TH:**
  84. Anna Webber: Shimmer Wince (Intakt) {44}: FJ:+++, JC:12; fd:10, jad:3, jd:6, jeac:8, jgc:3, jjkb:8, jjsh:10, jkws:1, jmbn:1, jmbo:3, jnt:4, jpm:2, jpmd:6, jrsp:5, jsb:5, jsd:1, jsp:2, jsw:8, jyo:3, pm_j:7, vsd:8, vwl:7 -- TH:**
  85. Yeule: Softscars (Ninja Tune) {44}: 3v:10, 45:31, BPM:39, CS:16, Dz:3, EWi:+, Fa:33, Fld:14, Jp:66, LBF:27, Mix:+, P:29, Pc:100, Pf:10, Ri:24, RT:32, Sg:27, Sl:40, SLi:23, Spk:4, UPC:86, YW:25; am_a:+, ay_ar:17, ay_e:24, p_e:+, pf_k:+, sg_e:4 -- TH:***
  86. Gina Birch: I Play My Bass Loud (Third Man) {43}: BV_i:+, DW:48, EWi:9, G:47, HV:35, LW:73, Mj:41, PO:6, RT:62, Rx:11, SE:44, XCI:5, XSP:30; aqd:+, bv_i:+, jy:6, vew:6, xbf:+, xbw:+, xci:5, xem:9, xjc:10, ydho:+, ypg:6, ysp:+, yst:+ -- RC:A, TH:***
  87. Iris DeMent: Working on a World (Flariella) {43}: DW:80, EWi:+, NPR:+, PM:70, PO:169, RS_c:12, Rx:4, TH_n:14, TL:15, XCI:46, XSP:34; am:+, am_c:+, am_f:+, ay_c:7, pi:4, pm_c:7, sl:+, vew:+, vu:2, xgm:22, xjdc:3, ydaj:7, ydho:+, ymr:17, yst:8 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  88. Doja Cat: Scarlet (Kemosabe/RCA) {43}: 45:22, BB:7, BV_r:9, Cl:38, Cmp:4, DW:72, EWi:+, NPR:+, PO:163, Rf:35, Sbd:31, Up:+, UPC:28, Vb_h:3, XCI:39; atw:+, bb_h:5, hpo:+, hyb:+, lib:+, sg_r:5, up_h:+, v_ja:3, xss:9, yb_h:6, ymr:35, yst:+ -- TH:***
  89. L'Rain: I Killed Your Dog (Mexican Summer) {42}: BPM:24, C:44, Cl:21, CS:41, GTV:94, Jp:46, LBF:20, LI:19, LQ:38, MO:19, No:36, NR:28, NT:46, P:7, Pf:12, PO:150, Qt:22, RS:47, RT:82, SLi:31, Tr:23, Up:+, UPC:61; am_a:+, bc:+, lib:+, ny_p:+, ny_z:+, pf_j:+, vew:+, vma:3, yps:+, yrr:7 -- TH:**
  90. Militarie Gun: Life Under the Gun (Loma Vista) {42}: Alt:25, BV:14, BV_p:3, DW:23, Ex:42, FO:25, HV:2, K:15, LBF:21, NME:19, NR:47, Ri:10, RkS:24, RS:51, Sbd:2, Sg:7, Tr:30, Up:+, UPC:33; bv_hc:+, p_d:15, p_k:+, sg_hc:1, vg:+ -- TH:B
  91. The National: First Two Pages of Frankenstein (4AD) {42}: Al:+, EWi:+, Fp:+, G:32, HP:10, Mg:7, NT:37, Oo:8, RS:84, RS_ir:13, TL:19, U:8, Up:+, UPC:59, WX:21, XSN:17; n_ap:12, pm_k:21, vbs:2, vjv:4, vrt:3, xbw:+, xhs:+, ymr:26, yti:10 -- TH:***
  92. Earl Sweatshirt & the Alchemist: Voir Dire (ALC/Tan Cressida) {42}: BPM:50, BV_r:13, Cl:13, Cmp:21, CS:30, DW:37, Ex:20, HDX:7, HP:50, NME:26, PM:34, PW:13, RS:59, Sbd:6, Sg:12, SLi:37, Spk:38, Tr:18, UPC:67, Why:25; ae:5, am_h:+, ay_h:10, p_h:+, pm_h:9, rs_h:4, sg_r:7, tr_h:+, vu:+ -- TH:*
  93. Wilco: Cousin (dBpm) {41}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, GTV:74, LW:28, Mj:11, On:32, RS:73, RS_ir:14, SE:41, STi:20, TL:74, TSG:24, U:3, UPC:44, UR:15, XSN:40; am_a:+, aqd:+, ay_c:11, ayu_c:15, jgk:+, vbs:4, vgb:6, vrt:5, vu:+, yab:9, ydaj:6, ylej:10, yti:15, yzp:4 -- TH:*
  94. Kenny Barron: The Source (Artwork) {40}: DB:++, JC:11; jdb:6, jdcr:10, jgv:4, jgy:8, jgz:1, jjg:+, jkd:1, jld:2, jls:8, jmk:1, jmlo:+, jpb:+, jpq:5, jrm:+, jrsc:2, jslo:1, jtp:2, vjt:1 -- TH:***
  95. Foo Fighters: But Here We Are (Roswell/RCA) {40}: Al:+, CS:39, DJ:50, Fp:+, K:1, LAT:9, Mc:34, Ms:15, Mx:16, NME:16, NPR_l:32, Pc:67, Rf:2, RkS:13, Sbd:8, SE:54, UR:64, Why:19, Yb:50; am_k:+, ay_ar:1, rx:+ -- TH:B-
  96. Margo Price: Strays (Loma Vista) {40}: Al:+, BS:14, DJ:21, DW:76, EWi:46, HV:22, I:12, NPR_l:34, RS_c:9, RT:21, SE:32, Sl:26, TL:10, U:49, UPC:74, WX:23, XSP:39, Yb:29; am_c:+, am_f:+, ay_c:6, ayu_c:21, ec:+, p_c:+, pm_c:1, ro_c:6, so_d:8, spt:+, ykt:9 -- RC:**, TH:*
  97. Sexyy Red: Hood Hottest Princess (Heavy on It) {40}: BB:40, BV:42, BV_r:7, CE:131, Cmp:23, DW:33, Fa:13, Ne:20, NPR:+, Pf:41, PO:57, PW:42, RSh:20, Sg:46, Up:+, UPC:60, Vb_h:11, XCI:72; bb_h:6, hpo:+, ny_c:9, p_h:+, rs_h:5, sg_r:6, sl:+, up_h:+, vew:+, wi:+, wp:5, xjdc:+, yb_h:23 -- TH:*
  98. El Michels Affair & Black Thought: Glorious Game (Big Crown) {39}: Al:+, HDX:7, HG:13, KC:14, TH_n:6, TSG:48, Up:+, UR:67, Vb_h:8, XCI:47, XSP:27; am_h:+, ay_h:15, bv_i:+, p_h:+, pi:2, pm_h:6, ss_h:9, tmr:+, tr_h:+, up_h:+, xgm:11, xjlu:9, yb_h:25, ymr:36, ytb:6 -- TH:A-
  99. James Brandon Lewis Trio: Eye of I (Anti-) {39}: BA:+, CE:100, CM:41, DB:+, EWi:+, JC:26, PO:183, TH_j:53, TN:8; ay_j:20, jad:1, jcb:6, jdbs:1, jmc:+, jnm:+, jpfr:7, jrh:6, jsw:10, sg_j:7, sl:+, tm_j:2, vbc_j:3, vjo:7, vjo_j:5, xrt:8, xtw:6 -- TH:A-
  100. Allison Russell: The Returner (Fantasy) {39}: Al:+, AS:+, EWi:22, H:5, Rf:38, RS_c:8, TH_n:31, TL:3, U:48, Yb:39; bb_q:+, npr_kt:4, ny_p:+, v_cw:3, vmk:1, xej:8, xgm:+, xmb:6, xmr:7, yjf:2, yrr:8, ytb:7 -- TH:A-
  101. Sleaford Mods: UK Grim (Rough Trade) {39}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, L4:4, LQ:35, LW:34, Mj:37, MO:34, NT:40, Qt:45, RC:16, RT:26, S:+, U:68, Why:47, XSN:7; am:+, am_a:+, aqd:+, ay_h:5, bb6:+, vah:9, vjk:+, vkf:3, xwb:18, ygb:5, yrr:2 -- TH:***
  102. Jamila Woods: Water Made Us (Jagjaguwar) {39}: CE:128, CS:17, EW:5, EWi:35, Fp:+, HV:3, PM:55, PO:10, RS:88, Sl:39, TL:50, UR:53; am_r:+, am_s:+, ay_r:9, ny_z:8, pf_s:9, pro:+, so_k:10, ti:5, tmr:+, xem:6, xjd:10, xsa:10, ypg:5 -- TH:***
  103. Jess Williamson: Time Ain't Accidental (Mexican Summer) {38}: BPM:27, BS:5, EWi:+, GB:30, H:20, LBF:28, NPR_l:39, P:26, Pf:44, Ri:16, TL:51, UPC:73, UR:26, XCI:36; aqd:+, bv_c:+, p_c:+, pf_k:+, sg_cm:2, sl:+, xwb:15, ycp:1, yjf:1, ymr:9, yzp:10 -- TH:***
  104. Mendoza Hoff Revels: Echolocation (AUM Fidelity) {37}: CE:44, CM:38, FJ:+++, JC:28, PO:224, Qt:57, W:8; jaga:+, jbs:3, jdbs:8, jff:15, jfm:+, jgg:10, jjkb:4, jnc:10, jsd:2, jsgu:10, jssm:8, jtd:8, jth:7, ny_u:7, vbc_j:4, vhs:1, vsd:6 -- TH:***
  105. Nourished by Time: Erotic Probiotic 2 (Scenic Route) {37}: AV:14, BPM:36, CE:51, Fa:43, GB:1, Jp:58, LQ:39, No:42, P:17, Pap:+, Pc:11, Pf:5, PO:195, PW:17, Sg:34, SLi:36, UPC:39, VF:+; bc:+, p_d:2, p_p:+, pf_p:+, sl:+, vew:+, wp:7 -- TH:B
  106. Joanna Sternberg: I've Got Me (Fat Possum) {37}: BPM:11, BV:34, DW:42, EWi:+, GB:50, FO:7, LBF:40, LQ:13, Ne:41, Pf:34, PO:187, RS:81, RS_ir:12, RT:38, Sl:29, TH_n:34, VF:+, XSP:19; am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_f:11, bb6:+, p_c:+, pf_k:+, tmr:+, ts:8, xwb:8 -- TH:A-
  107. Brandy Clark: Brandy Clark (Warner) {36}: AS:+, EWi:+, H:12, NPR_l:44, PO:55, RS_c:4, Rx:55, SE:26, TL:8, XCI:44, XSP:31; ahw:+, am:+, am_c:+, bb_c:6, bb_q:+, v_cw:5, vew:+, vrjs:+, xwb:6, yzy:4 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  108. Sylvie Courvoisier: Chimaera (Intakt) {36}: CM:2, EWi:+, JC:19, PO:11, TH_j:30, TSG:13; jbbr:3, jdcl:+, jdbs:7, jdcr:4, jmc:+, jmj:9, jnt:2, jrw:2, jsb:6, jsd:6, jssc:+, jtd:1, jyo:10, ps_j:13 -- TH:A-
  109. The Lemon Twigs: Everything Harmony (Captured Tracks) {36}: BV_i:+, EWi:+, FO:5, Fp:+, G:37, Jp:35, L4:9, Mc:19, Mj:64, Ne:10, NR:16, P:20, RC:23, SLi:12, UR:42; atw:+, p_r:+, tmr:13+, vbs:3, vrj:9, xjlu:+, xsa:7, ylej:7 -- TH:C+
  110. Roisin Murphy: Hit Parade (Ninja Tune) {36}: Al:+, BV_i:12, I:28, Jp:2, Mc:25, Mj:59, MO:40, NT:35, RC:9, Ret:5, RT:53, Sl:48, STi:9; ay_ap:7, ay_e:3, ay_p:13, ec:+, hyb:+, tmr:+, xrr:3, yrr:6 -- TH:***
  111. Chris Potter: Got the Keys to the Kingdom: Live at the Village Vanguard (Edition) {36}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:18, TN:+; jag:3, jbm:5, jd:5, jdg:8, jdl:+, jff:11, jfk:10, jgf:+, jjce:1, jjha:9, jjo:6, jjs:+, jkl:+, jmmz:+, jpb:+, jrm:+, jry:6, jsa:2, ph:6, vbr:3, vrjs:+ -- TH:**
  112. Joshua Redman: Where Are We (Blue Note) {36}: DB:+, JC:17, JW:1; jads:8, jb:+, jbm:7, jbu:8, jch:5, jjg:+, jjs:+, jll:2, jmm:+, jrmi:1, jry:1, vmk:6, jtn:6, jtp:1, jyk:3, vjt:2 -- TH:**
  113. Paul Simon: Seven Psalms (Owl/Legacy) {36}: AV:16, EWi:+, Fp:+, Mj:8, RC:7, SE:3, STi:6, TL:64, U:2; am_s:+, ay_f:13, ny_p:4, tmr:1+, v_cw:7, vrt:10, xsm:3, yjb:5 -- TH:B
  114. Taj Mahal: Savoy (Stony Plain) {35}: DB:+, DW:66, EWi:24, PO:109, Rx:5, TH_n:54, XCI:11, XSP:15; am_b:+, j91:+, jy:7, xci:10, xde:+, ydho:+, xjdc:7, xjl:6, ymr:13, ysp:+, yst:+, yst:2 -- RC:A, TH:A-
  115. Overmono: Good Lies (XL) {35}: Cl:37, DJ:10, DJM:+, Dz:20, ES:20, Fp:+, GTV:78, KC:8, Mix:+, Pc:10, PW:45, RT:9, Sg:42, Why:48; am_e:+, ay_e:21, bb_d:+, bl:7, lib:+, p_d:29, p_e:+, ra:+, sg_e:2 -- TH:*
  116. Matthew Shipp: The Intrinsic Nature of Shipp (Mahakala Music) {35}: BA:+, FJ:+++, JC:22, TN:2; jdr:+, jgc:6, jgg:3, jgm:+, jgy:2, jka:9, jkg:+, jky:+, jms:5, jmu:5, jnm:+, jpmd:9, jry:9, jsk:6, pm_j:6, sc:+, vsd:1, vwl:6 -- TH:**
  117. Art Ensemble of Chicago: The Sixth Decade From Paris to Paris: Live at Sons D'Hiver (RogueArt -2CD) {34}: BA:+, Cpu:+, DB:+, JC:20, PO:221, TH_j:7, TSG:22; am:+, am_j:+, jaga:+, jdcr:7, jdku:9, jdr:+, jgc:2, jjhy:2, jkg:1, jlbi:+, jms:6, jrml:+, jssc:+, jyo:4, vsd:9 -- TH:A-
  118. Buck 65: Super Dope (self-released) {34}: DW:24, EWi:27, PO:22, Rx:2, TH_n:11, XCI:17, XSP:35; jy:2, xbf:10, xde:+, xgh:4, xjc:4, xjlu:5, ydho:10, ymr:20, yst:+ -- RC:A, TH:A-
  119. Margo Cilker: Valley of Heart's Delight (Fluff and Gravy) {34}: Mc:16, Mj:72, NPR:+, PM:18, RS_c:5, TL:18, U:15, WR:+, XCI:62; ay_c:5, bc_c:+, bv_c:+, p_c:+, pm_a:6, scm:++, sg_cm:4, vdh:8, yjf:5, yzp:2 -- TH:***
  120. Sullivan Fortner: Solo Game (Artwork) {34}: JC:13; jam:7, jamo:+, jas:5, jbu:7, jd:4, jda:2, jdb:5, jek:+, jfk:7, jjhy:6, jkm:8, jmk:8, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jmu:4, jmw:1, jnc:9, jrm:+, jrsc:5, jse:8, jth:8, vjc:3 -- TH:*
  121. Hozier: Unreal Unearth (Island) {33}: AS:+, AV:22, BB:27, Esq:3, GQ:+, HP:4, NPR_l:9, Rf:10, RS:60, T:9, TL:54, UPC:48, Why:33, WX:22, XSN:22; atw:+, hpo:+, p_p:+, rx:+ -- TH:**
  122. NewJeans: Get Up (ADOR -EP) {33}: DW:25, EWi:+, GB:15, GQ:+, Pap:+, PM:61, RS:33, SpL:7, UPC:42, Yb:6; am_p:+, bb_k:23, cw:8, ny_c:4, nyl:9, p_kp:1, sl:++, vdm:4, wi:+, xbl:9, xjdc:+ -- TH:**
  123. Withered Hand: How to Love (Reveal) {33}: CM:30, DW:81, EWi:10, GTV:85, PO:107, Rx:20, XCI:32, XSP:11; js:3, xbf:+, xgh:3, xgm:6, xjc:1, xjsm:3, ymr:11, yst:+ -- RC:A, TH:***
  124. Arlo Parks: My Soft Machine (Transgressive) {32}: 45:21, Al:+, BB:42, BV_i:+, D:10, Esq:18, Ind:43, Jp:62, NPR_l:33, Pc:55, RS:100, RT:87, TH_n:20, TL:52, Up:+, UPC:57, UR:71, WX:20; am:+, am_s:+, ap:+, asp:+, p_p:+ -- TH:A-
  125. Queens of the Stone Age: In Times New Roman . . . (Matador) {32}: AV:20, Fp:+, HP:31, K:40, LW:12, Ms:40, NME:12, NPR_l:46, Oo:9, Pc:49, Rev:14, RT:37, Sbd:37, SE:4, UPC:96, WX:13, XSN:8; am:+, am_k:+, pm_k:20, rx:+ -- TH:B-
  126. Jeff Rosenstock: Hellmode (Polyvinyl) {32}: Alt:4, BPM:42, BV_p:28, EWi:50, Ex:36, Ne:1, NPR_l:42, NR:40, NT:31, Ri:12, Sbd:43, Tr:48, UPC:84, UR:60; am_k:+, atw:+, ay_ir:21, p_k:+, pf_k:+, pm_ph:1 -- TH:*
  127. Chris Stapleton: Higher (Mercury Nashville) {32}: Esq:8, PM:58, RS_c:18, TL:24, WR:12, WW:2; acn:4, ayu_c:16, bb_c:1, bv_c:+, cn:2, pm_c:2, scm:+, spt:2, tc:7, vjv:3, zuc:11 -- TH:*
  128. Jungle: Volcano (Caiola/AWAL) {31}: 3v:11, Esq:1, Jp:18, KC:7, Ms:12, Pc:16, PM:10, RS:82, RT:47, TO:24, Why:32, Yb:10; am_e:+, pf_s:2vg:+ -- TH:*
  129. Christian McBride's New Jawn: Prime (Mack Avenue) {31}: BA:+, CM:21, DB:++, JC:42, TH_j:26, TN:+, TSG:37; am_j:+, jbw:1, jdcr:8, jdg:6, jgv:10, jgy:+, jjce:6, jmju:+, jmk:3, jpmd:+, jsa:9, jssc:+, vhs:2, yst_j:16 -- TH:A-
  130. A Savage: Several Songs About Fire (Rough Trade) {31}: DW:39, EWi:+, Pc:52, Rx:15, UR:82, XCI:10, XSP:6; aqd:+, vew:10, xci:9, xem:7, xjlu:7, xsm:9, xsp:6, ymr:32, yst:+, yzy:1 -- RC:A, TH:**
  131. Karol G: Manana Sera Bonito (Universal Music Latino) {30}: BB:6, Cmp:14, Jp:37, NME:46, PO:199, RS:14, TSG:1, Up:+, UPC:93; am:+, am_l:+, ap:+, asp:+, bb_l:+, ny_p:2, tmr:+, vg:+, vsk:+ -- TH:***
  132. King Krule: Space Heavy (XL/Matador) {30}: BV_i:+, Cl:22, EWi:+, Fp:+, GB:29, HP:33, Ind:11, Jp:47, Mj:53, Ne:21, NR:42, NT:14, Pc:70, PM:37, RT:67, Sl:37, TSG:41, Why:1; am_s:+, atw:+, p_r:+, pm_k:9, yse:+ -- TH:*
  133. Natural Information Society: Since Time Is Gravity (Aguirre/Eremite) {30}: CE:12, CM:13, PO:39, TH_j:27, W:44; am_j:+, aqd:+, ay_j:5, jdt:3, jgmo:+, jpm:4, jsgu:5, pf_j:+, pm_x:13, tr_j:+, vce_j:4, xbf:+, yjs:7, yst_j:13 -- TH:A-
  134. Palehound: Eye on the Bat (Polyvinyl) {30}: DJ:14, DW:74, EWi:+, NPR_l:34, NR:29, PO:166, RS:75, RS_ir:11, RSh:5, Sg:48, UR:37; tmr:+, xej:5, xem:3, yblw:6, ycp:10, yvms:8 -- RC:***, TH:**
  135. Sparks: The Girl Is Crying in Her Latte (Island) {30}: BV_i:+, CE:75, FO:47, Fp:+, Jp:57, LW:51, Mj:30, Qt:70, RC:1, Ret:15, U:59, UR:81; am_k:+, ay_ap:8, ay_p:17, bv_i:+, tmr:+, vah:3, vma:4, vrj:5, xhs:+, ysp:+ -- TH:B-
  136. Johnathan Blake: Passage (Blue Note) {29}: BA:+, JC:37, JW:9, TSG:40; ghj:6, jadh:6, jads:6, jag:1, jan:2, japa:8, jff:23, jlbi:+, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jrmi:7, jse:4, jtn:10, jwj:+, ph:2, ss_j:10, tm_j:8 -- TH:**
  137. Kate Gentile: Find Letter X (Pi, 3CD) {29}: JC:33; jbs:10, jdl:+, jff:24, jgk:10, jjkb:1, jjo:7, jlre:3, jmt:5, pm_j:1, ps_j:6, vjo:3, vjo_j:2, vhs:8, vsd:7, vwl:1 -- TH:***
  138. Ingrid Laubrock: The Last Quiet Place (Pyroclastic) {29}: BA:+, CM:27, JC:32, PO:138, TSG:49; jff:4, jjw:5, jkg:4, jkws:6, jls:6, jmbn:2, jmj:4, jpf:3, jrsp:8, jsb:4, jsp:9, jtd:10, vbr:8 -- TH:***
  139. Allison Miller: Rivers in Our Veins (Royal Potato Family) {29}: Cpu:+, DB:+, JC:30, NPR:+; am_j:+, ghj:3, jag:9, jdo:5, jha:+, jhm:5, jls:3, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jnc:5, jrsc:7, jsl:+, jtc:4, ps_j:+, tm_j:+, vjt:10 -- TH:***
  140. Wadada Leo Smith and Orange Wave Electric: Fire Illuminations (Kabell) {29}: BA:+, CE:79, JC:44, PO:34, TH_j:21, W:31; jbs:2, jdcl:+, jdm:5, jeac:4, jgmo:+, jlbi:+, jmlo:+, jpfr:5, jrml:+, jrsp:7, jssc:+, sg_j:5, tm_j:5 -- TH:A-
  141. Jelly Roll: Whitsitt Chapel (BBR Music Group) {28}: BB:28, CE:110, EWi:+, PO:43, RS_c:20, SpL:10, WR:10; bb_3, cn:4, kc:+, ro_c:9, spt:1, tc:5, xbl:7, xgm:5 -- TH:**
  142. Kaytramine [Amine/Kaytranada]: Kaytramine (Venice Music) {28}: BB:14, Cl:60, Cmp:41, Esq:5, Ex:34, Ind:23, LBF:41, Mix:+, NME:31, PO:119, RS:38, Up:+, UPC:55; ay_h:21, bb_q:+, bi:5, p_h:+, up_h:+, yb_h:2 -- TH:***
  143. Allen Lowe and the Constant Sorrow Orchestra: America: The Rough Cut (ESP-Disk) {28}: CE:2, CM:40, EWi:43, PO:87, Rx:52, TH_j:54, TN:1; jgk:+, vce:2, vce_j:2, yst_j:9 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  144. Angelika Niescier/Tomeka Reid/Savannah Harris: Beyond Dragons (Intakt) {28}: CM:10, EWi:+, JC:41, PO:42, TH_j:33; g_j:7, jad:5, jdcr:2, jdbs:4, jgv:5, jjco:6, jjkb:+, jjsh:5, jls:7, jpf:5, jpmd:+ -- TH:A-
  145. Genesis Owusu: Struggler (Ourness/AWAL) {28}: CS:37, D:21, DJ:6, Gl:+, Jp:69, LW:92, Mx:2, Ne:12, NME:18, Sbd:45, WX:2; am:+, am_r:+, ay_ir:23, ay_r:20, so_k:8 -- TH:**
  146. John Scofield: Uncle John's Band (ECM) {28}: DB:+, JC:23; cah:+, g_j:9, jbm:4, jch:2, jff:17, jhm:4, jjwd:2, jla:2, jmm:+, jmsu:5, jmt:4, jnt:6, jpb:+, jtn:9, jv:+, vjt:5 -- TH:**
  147. Tirzah: Trip9love (Domino) {28}: DJM:+, GB:13, Jp:28, LBF:44, LI:8, LQ:10, Mix:+, MO:44, No:34, TO:9; am_a:+, ay_h:4, ay_r:15, ay_t:1, pf_e:+, ra:+, wp:6 -- TH:*
  148. Ambrose Akinmusire: Beauty Is Enough (Origami Harvest) {27}: JC:38, JW:14, TSG:43; jas:1, jbw:2, jdl:+, jis:5, jjm_j:3, jlb:1, jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jpq:8, jrml:+, jsgj:1, tm_j:+, vhs:7 -- TH:*
  149. Kelsea Ballerini: Rolling Up the Welcome Mat [all editions] (Black River -EP) {27}: BB:19, CE:112, DW:36, EWi:+, H:14, HV:27, LAT:18, RS:98, RS_c:3, TL:29, XSP:49; atw:+, ayu_c:17, bb_c:2, cn:7, tc:3, vti:l6 -- TH:**
  150. Christine and the Queens: Paranoia, Angels, True Love (Because Music) {27}: 3v:23, Cl:29, Fld:8, Fp:+, G:45, HP:39, Jp:12, LI:13, LW:96, On:26, Pc:87, RS:23, RT:95, Sl:41, STi:2, Why:29; bb_q:+, lib:+, v_ja:5 -- TH:B
  151. Depeche Mode: Memento Mori (Columbia/Mute) {27}: Al:+, Fp:+, LW:42, Mj:35, NME:49, On:20, PM:54, Ret:11, Rf:14, RS:99, U:29, XSN:3; am:+, am_k:+, atw:+, ay_e:7, ay_p:20, bv_i:+, p_e:+, vu:+, yjb:9 -- TH:B-
  152. Feeble Little Horse: Girl With Fish (Saddle Creek) {27}: CS:23, DW:53, LQ:11, Ne:29, NR:10, NT:15, P:27, PO:148, RS_ir:39, RT:56, Sg:39, SLi:?, XCI:57, XSP:52; ae:19, ay_ip:23, pf_k:+, xwb:12, ybrw:10 -- TH:***
  153. Lonnie Holley: Oh Me Oh My (Jagjaguwar) {27}: BS:8, Mj:58, Ne:24, P:43, Pf:37, TSG:14, U:7, VF:+; aqd:+, ay_r:17, bv_i:+, n_ap:8, pf_j:+, vjk:+, vmk:4, xjdc:+, xrr:9, ysw:1 -- TH:*
  154. Hotline TNT: Cartwheel (Third Man) {27}: CS:38, EWi:+, NR:3, NT:16, P:42, RS_ir:20, S:+, Sbd:28, Sg:8, Tr:6, Up:+, UPC:27, UR:55; ay_ar:14, ay_ir:25, p_r:+, pf_k:+ -- TH:*
  155. Liv.e: Girl in the Half Pearl [all editions] (In Real Life) {27}: 45:24, Cl:31, DW:7, EWi:+, Ind:29, Mix:+, NR:19, Pf:39, PO:41, PW:14, Sg:38, Sl:50, UPC:82, W:32; am:+, am_r:+, bc:+, pf_p:+, vu:+, xjdc:+, xss:7 -- TH:**
  156. Rudy Royston Flatbed Buggy: Day (Greenleaf Music) {27}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:25, PO:208, TSG:36; am_j:+, ghj:5, jag:5, jbw:5, jgf:+, jjgt:+, jjha:7, jjhy:10, jlv:4, jmlo:+, jnt:9, jrk:4, jrm:+, jsk:2, jwj:+ -- TH:*
  157. Chief Adjuah: Bark Out Thunder Roar Out Lightning (Ropeadope) {26}: DB:+, JC:+, PO:38; bc:+, jbu:3, jdku:6, jhm:6, jin:4, jjm:3, jmlo:+, jse:6, ny_u:1, tm_j:+, vsk:+, xbf:+, xsh:4, ymh:8 -- TH:***
  158. Elle King: Come Get Your Wife (RCA) {26}: Rx:57, TH_n:71, TL:23, TSG:8, XSP:54, YW:1; am_c:+, spt:3, ymr:29, yzy:5 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  159. Kassa Overall: Animals (Warp) {26}: DB:+, JC:+, Mj:43, TSG:4; ay_h:17, ay_j:19, ayu_j:20, bv_j:+, jadh:8, jak:+, jbbr:4, am_j:+, jkm:10, jmmz:+, jpl:9, km:+, ny_u:3, pm_h:4, pm_j:+ -- TH:*
  160. Squid: O Monolith (Warp) {26}: CE:98, DIY:18, Ind:37, LCA:42, LI:16, LQ:19, Ms:18, Ne:30, NT:48, On:25, Pc:18, RT:79, SLi:11, UR:56; am_a:+, atw:+, pm_k:5 -- TH:**
  161. Sunny War: Anarchist Gospel (New West) {26}: BS:9, EWi:+, Fld:22, Gl:+, LW:72, Ms:13, PM:48, RS_c:21, RT:65, SE:40, TL:34, U:34; p_c:+, pm_a:4, pm_f:5, xej:10, xsh:6, ysw:7 -- TH:***
  162. Youth Lagoon: Heaven Is a Junkyard (Fat Possum) {26}: 3v:18, BPM:5, NPR_l:31, NT:18, P:30, Pf:42, Ri:22, UPC:36, UR:51; ae:13, aqd:+, ay_ip:5, pf_k:+, pm_x:3, tmr:+, yab:2 -- TH:*
  163. Ambrose Akinmusire: Owl Song (Nonesuch) {25}: BA:+, EWi:+, JC:39; fd:2, jbu:4, jcb:3, jd:3, jff:16, jjwd:4, jmmz:+, jrm:+, jse:5, jslo:9, jtn:1, ny_u:4 -- TH:*
  164. Buck 65: Punk Rock B-Boy (self-released) {25}: DW:57, EWi:+, PO:13, Rx:39, SpL:36, TH_n:2, XCI:27; xjdc:5, xtj:3, ymr:37 -- RC:A-, TH:A
  165. Feist: Multitudes (Polydor) {25}: BV:27, Ex:15, Fp:+, LCA:46, Ms:26, NPR:+, NRP_l:17, Rf:11, S:+, SC:5, Sg:25, U:45, UPC:78; am:+, am_s:+, ny_p:6, pf_k:+, ygo:6 -- TH:*
  166. Geese: 3D Country (Partisan) {25}: Alt:52, Gl:+, GTV:18, HP:22, Ne:14, NME:42, NT:36, RS_i:35, SLi:5, UPC:58, UR:50; ae:22, ay_c:9, ay_ir:24, ayu_c:1, ny_p:+, p_r:+, ysw:9 -- TH:B-
  167. Larry June and the Alchemist: The Great Escape (Empire) {25}: BV_r:15, Cmp:19, DJM:+, HDX:8, HG:7, PW:40, Ri:19, RS:91, Up:+, UPC:91, Vb_h:14; am_h:+, bb_h:12, p_h:+, up_h:+, yb_h:8 -- TH:*
  168. Little Simz: No Thank You (Forever Living Originals '22) {25}: 3v:5, Cmp:27, DJ:4, Pc:14, TH_n:25, UPC:89, Vb_h:20, XCI:43, XSP:45; ss_h:1, tr_h:+ -- RC:A-, TH:[A-]
  169. Jorja Smith: Falling or Flying (FAMM) {25}: 45:34, Cmp:24, Cmp_U:9, D:37, NPR:+, PM:9, RS:94, RT:77, STi:3, Up:+, Why:46; am_r:+, ny_p:+, pf_s:5 -- TH:***
  170. Sweeping Promises: Good Living Is Coming for You (Sub Pop) {25}: BV:48, BV_i:19, EWi:+, Ex:49, GTV:51, LQ:40, NPR:+, P:34, Pf:49, RS_ir:28, Tr:29, UPC:92; am_a:+, bb6:+, p_k:+, pf_k:+, vjk:+, xjdc:+, yjc:4, yjss:+, ymr:18 -- TH:**
  171. The Tubs: Dead Meat (Trouble in Mind) {25}: BV_i:9, DW:35, EWi:26, Mj:40, Pc:57, Sg:18, XCI:61; aqd:+, g_e:8, p_d:17, p_r:+, vjk:+, xgm:25, xhs:+, xjsp:2, xss:6, ybrw:4, ydho:+, yse:+ -- PJRP:7, TH:*
  172. Veeze: Ganger (Navy Wavy) {25}: Cmp:16, DW:83, Fa:20, HDX:10, HV:28, Pf:35, PW:7, RS:39, Sg:33, UPC:37; bb_h:13, p_h:+, rs_h:2, sg_r:2, wp:2 -- TH:*
  173. Artemis: In Real Time (Blue Note) {24}: DB:+, JC:48; am_j:+, j91:+, jads:2, jff:29, jha:+, jjce:9, jjha:2, jjo:10, jkcw:3, jkl:+, jmju:+, jmt:7, jslo:5, jsn:10, jtpn:+, ph:9, vjt:7 -- TH:*
  174. Luke Combs: Gettin' Old (River House Artists) {24}: TO:8, WR:16, WW:16; am_c:+, ayu_c:24, bb_c:8, cn:5, kc:+, scm:+, tmr:+, vjo:9, woc:1, xjb:4, zuc:5 -- TH:*
  175. Corook: Serious Person (Part 1) (Atlantic -EP) {24}: DW:63, EWi:+, PO:85, Rx:7, XCI:20, XSP:7; xjl:+, xsp:7, xtw:7, ydho:+, yst:+ -- RC:A, TH:***
  176. Indigo De Souza: All of This Will End (Saddle Creek) {24}: 45:13, CS:29, Fld:13, Ind:41, NPR_l:37, P:19, RS_ir:33, Sg:16, Sl:19, SLi:13, UPC:97, UR:21; pm_k:26, tmr:7+, vew:+, xgm:16 -- TH:*
  177. Laurel Halo: Atlas (Awe) {24}: C:15, Cl:15, Ex:33, Fa:41, GB:24, Ind:25, No:18, On:36, Pf:26, PM:40, SC:20, VF:+; am_e:+, aqd:+, bc_a:+, p_e:+, pf_j:+, ra:+, vma:6, wp:9 -- TH:B
  178. MSPAINT: Post-American (Convulse) {24}: Alt:3, BV:19, BV_p:5, Ex:19, Sbd:20, SG:9, Tr:32; p_d:6, p_k:+, pf_k:+, pm_ph:7 -- TH:**
  179. The National: Laugh Track (4AD) {24}: EWi:+, Fp:+, G:39, Mg:7, MO:39, NME:32, NPR_l:4, Pc:35, Spk:50, TL:19, Up:+, UR:61; atw:+, ay_ip:25, p_r:+, pro:+, -- TH:***
  180. The Angelica Sanchez Nonet: Nighttime Creatures (Pyroclastic) {24}: DB:+, JC:35, TN:9; jal:+, jda:3, jdr:+, jjgr:4, jjhy:4, jjws:7, jkw:+, jmj:10, jmlo:+, jnt:10, jri:3, ms_j:+ -- TH:***
  181. Travis Scott: Utopia (Cactus Jack/Epic) {24}: BB:21, Cmp:3, Fp:+, HDX:5, HP:43, NPR_l:50, Up:+, UPC:70, Why:20; am_h:+, ay_t:7, bb_h:10, hyb:+, tmr:+, up_h:+ -- TH:**
  182. Morgan Wade: Psychopath (Ladylike/RCA) {24}: DW:45, PO:112, RS_c:17, Rx:49, TH_n:18, TL:17, WR:31, XCI:31; bv_c:+, ny_c:+, ydho:+, yjl:11, yzy:10 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  183. Aesop Rock: Integrated Tech Solutions (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {23}: DW:82, HG:4, Mx:17, PM:53, PO:30, PW:16, XCI:68; am:+, am_h:+, ay_h:16, pm_h:13, ss_h:23, tr_h:+, xpb:+, yjsp:2 -- TH:*
  184. Bad Bunny: Nadie Sabe Lo Que Va a Pasar Manana (Rimas Entertainment) {23}: BB:17, BV_r:8, Cmp:7, Jp:34, RS:32, TSG:3, UPC:53; am_l:+, ay_t:5, bb_l:+, hyb:+, tmr:+ -- TH:**
  185. Avalon Emerson: & the Charm (Another Dove) {23}: C:19, DJM:+, EWi:+, Ex:17, GB:19, HV:9, Ind:31, Pf:30, PW:36, RT:29; pf_p:+, so_k:11, tmr:+, xde:+, xrr:8 -- TH:***
  186. The Feelies: Some Kinda Love: Performing the Music of the Velvet Underground (Bar/None) {23}: DW:70, EWi:+, Rx:13, SE:34; aqd:+, jkg:+, jy:1, so_d:15, vjk:10, vrt:+, xjlu:+, ycs:9, yjl:7 -- RC:A, TH:**
  187. Peter Gabriel: I/O (Real World) {23}: EWi:+, I:11, Mc:22, NPR_l:23, S:+, SE:8, T:2, UR:31; ahw_dn:+, am:+, am_k:+, ay_ap:9, ay_p:18, bv_i:+, tmr:+, ycs:6 -- TH:*
  188. Matthew Halsall: An Ever Changing View (Gondwana) {23}: BA:+, DB:++, JC:+, JW:17, Pc:8, U:27, Yb:11; aqd:+, g_c:3, jaga:+, jak:4, jgt:+, ry_j:16, tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  189. Home Is Where: The Whaler (Wax Bodega) {23}: Alt:16, BPM:23, BV:4, BV_p:1, EWi:53, Ex:32, LBF:31, UPC:47; p_r:+, tmr:8+, ycp:3 -- TH:**
  190. London Brew: London Brew (Concord) {23}: CE:33, PO:64, U:51; am_j:+, ay_j:9, ayu_j:6, bv_j:+, jcm:4, jjc:5, jjkb:13, jjo:9, jmm:+, jv:+, ps_j:18, ry_j:+, ss_j:5, vce_j:5 -- TH:***
  191. Joy Oladokun: Proof of Life (Amigo/Verve Forecast/Republic) {23}: BS:17, CS:15, LAT:15, NPR:+, NPR_l:22, PM:32, RS:61, TH_n:26, XSP:33; am_f:+, atw:+, pm_f:1, ygo:5 -- TH:A-
  192. Tomb Mold: The Enduring Spirit (20 Buck Spin) {23}: BA:+, BV:23, Db:2, Ex:4, Ne:42, Pf:45, PM:57, Sg:28, Tr:3, Yb:48; am_m:+, bc:+, pf_k:+, pm_m:11
  193. Zoh Amba/Chris Corsano/Bill Orcutt: The Flower School (Palilalia) {22}: BA:+, JC:+, PO:92, TSG:35; jgk:9, jgmo:+, jjkb:14, jmsc:7, jsf:3, jwr:2, ny_u:5, sg_x:3, yjc:2, yjs:6, yrhg:3 -- TH:*
  194. McKinley Dixon: Beloved! Paradise! Jazz! (City Slang) {22}: BV_r:25, CS:7, EWi:+, LBF:13, Ne:25, P:3, RS:54, RT:90, SLi:40, Spk:32, UPC:65; ay_h:6, bc:+, p_h:+, tr_h:+ -- TH:*
  195. Gabriels: Angels & Queens (Atlas Artists/Parlophone) {22}: D:41, DJ:31, Fp:+, Gl:+, Mj:62, MO:50, Ms:32, NR:37, Pc:22, STi:19, YW_r:11; am:+, am_r:+, ay_r:1, pf_s:3 -- TH:**
  196. Fred Hersch & Esperanza Spalding: Alive at the Village Vanguard (Palmetto) {22}: DB:+, JC:+; am:+, am_j:+, j91:+, japa:6, jch:3, jgy:1, jkg:6, jmlo:+, jmw:5, ss_j:1, tm_j:+ -- TH:***
  197. The Hold Steady: The Price of Progress (Positive Jams) {22}: GTV:14, RS_ir:27, RSh:18, RT:96, SE:55, TH_n:8, TL:49; am_k:+, ec:+, tmr:+, ymr:34 -- RC:B+, TH:A-
  198. The Murder Capital: Gigi's Recovery (Human Seasons) {22}: BV_i:+, FO:18, GTV:39, HP:8, L4:1, NR:5, Pc:17, Sbd:46, UR:79; ay_ir:7, rx:+
  199. Say She She: Silver (Colemine) {22}: FO:37, GTV:8, KC:1, Mj:74, MO:36, Pc:26, RT:63, WX:7, Yb:46; am_r:+, bb6:+ -- TH:***
  200. Morgan Wallen: One Thing at a Time (Big Loud) {22}: BB:32, H:19, WR:29, WW:4; acn:7, cn:8, kc:+, ny_c:+, tc:6, tmr:5+, xjb:2, zuc:1 -- TH:*
  201. Blink-182: One More Time . . . (Columbia) {21}: Alt:39, K:16, Ms:38, Mx:19, Pu:8 , Rf:31, RkS:4, Sbd:29, Spk:24, TO:25, XSN:10; rx:+
  202. Bombino: Sahel (Partisan) {21}: DW:19, PO:135, PW:34, Rx:54, XSP:40; am_l:+, jjm:5, pm_g:5, ycc:1 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  203. Peter Brotzmann/Majid Bekkas/Hamid Drake: Catching Ghosts (ACT) {21}: BA:+, CM:9, EWi:+, JC:+, TH_j:23; jff:23, jgk:5, jgm:+, jis:7, jjwd:6, sl:+, yjs:3, ymh:7 -- TH:A-
  204. Lewis Capaldi: Broken by Desire to Be Heavenly Sent (Capitol) {21}: DW:52, EWi:45, PO:82, Rx:9, XCI:13; voh:3, xjdc:+, xjl:3, ymr:3 -- RC:A, TH:*
  205. Brent Cobb: Southern Star (Ol' Buddy/Thirty Tigers) {21}: H:18, RS_c:23, SE:25, TL:42, WR:5, WW:17, Yb:25; am_c:+, pm_c:15, scm:++, sg_cm:3, tc:9 -- TH:**
  206. Debby Friday: Good Luck (Sub Pop) {21}: BV_i:25, C:14, EWi:+, Ex:10, LCA:35, TH_n:9, Tr:17; ny_z:5, p_d:19, ypb:10 -- TH:A-
  207. Gunna: A Gift & a Curse (YSL/300 Entertainment) {21}: BB:33, Cmp:1, RS:48, Up:+, UPC:72, Vb_h:2; ay_t:17, bb_h:4, rs_h:7, up_h:+ -- TH:***
  208. Cody Johnson: Leather (Warner Music Nashville) {21}: H:25, WR:7, WW:3; acn:6, bb_c:9, cn:1, kc:+, scm:+, tc:1, xjb:+, zuc:3 -- TH:B
  209. Jenny Lewis: Joy'all (Blue Note) {21}: Al:+, LAT:19, NPR_l:48, RS:44, SE:7, TL:20, UR:83, XCI:23, ; am:+, am_f:+, p_c:+, so_d:18, tmr:12+, yzp:7 -- TH:**
  210. Baaba Maal: Being (Marathon Artists) {21}: EWi:+, FO:34, Mj:61, MO:47, PO:172, Rx:53, U:31, XCI:28, XSP:13; vsk:+, xbw:+, xgm:19, xsm:8, ymr:23 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  211. Kylie Minogue: Tension (BMG) {21}: Al:+, ES:16, G:24, Mc:30, PM:16, Ret:10, Rf:20, RS:45; am:+, am_p:+, ay_e:14, bb_d:+, pm_p:2 -- TH:**
  212. Model/Actriz: Dogsbody (True Panther Sounds) {21}: BPM:9, BV:29, BV_i:36, Ex:23, Ind:6, LCA:29, Ms:42, Ne:26, No:39, Pf:33, RS:31; p_d:16, p_r:+, pf_k:+ -- TH:***
  213. Bobbie Nelson and Amanda Shires: Loving You (ATO) {21}: PO:94, Rx:25, SE:43, TL:66, XSP:36; ay_c:23, pm_c:11, scm:+, xgm:18, xph:8, ymr:1 -- RC:A, TH:***
  214. Shame: Food for Worms (Dead Ocean) {21}: BV_i:+, D:9, Ex:47, Gl:+, HP:19, Ind:39, Ms:29, NR:8, NT:42, Pc:53, RT:48, Sbd:16, UR:41; aqd:+, p_r:+
  215. Sleep Token: Take Me Back to Eden (Spinefarm) {21}: D:40, K:3, NME:21, Pu:2, Rev:1, RkS:1, Sbd:25
  216. Cleo Sol: Heaven (Forever Living Originals) {21}: Al:+, Cl:19, Cmp:30, Cmp_U:5, ES:17, Fa:14, NPR:+, Rf:29, UPC:94; am_r:+, ay_r:18, ec:+, hpo:+, vu:+ -- TH:*
  217. Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway: City of Gold (Nonesuch) {21}: EWi:+, H:13, PM:17, TL:4, WR:35; am_f:+, ay_c:21, pm_a:2, scm:+, spt:+, woc:5 -- TH:***
  218. Susan Alcorn/Septeto Del Sur: Canto (Relative Pitch) {20}: JC:33, PO:47; jahk:2, jdbs:9, jdo:9, jjs:+, jjw:10, jjws:4, jkws:9, jrh:4, jri:2, jrsp:1 -- TH:**
  219. Algiers: Shook (Matador) {20}: DW:79, HP:41, Ind:30, LW:32, PM:36, PO:80, Rx:61, Qt:53, Tr:43, XCI:66, XSP:48; am:+, am_a:+, ay_h:22, pm_k:6 -- RC:A-, TH:*
  220. Altin Gun: Ask (Glitterbeat) {20}: EWi:+, PM:11, RT:14, VF:+; am:+, am_l:+, pm_g:2, pm_k:3, vbz:1, vmmf:10, xpb:+, ycc:+, yws:6 -- TH:*
  221. The Chemical Brothers: For That Beautiful Feeling (Virgin EMI) {20}: BV_i:17, DJ:22, EWi:+, Fp:+, Jp:38, KC:20, MO:41, Pc:23, Why:30; ay_e:5, bb_d:+, bv_i:+, rx:+, xrt:7, xss:5 -- TH:*
  222. Billy Childs: The Winds of Change (Mack Avenue) {20}: DB:+, JC:+; am_j:+, jads:1, jamo:+, jgf:+, jha:+, jjce:2, jkd:+, jkl:+, jrm:+, jrmi:5, jsk:5 -- TH:**
  223. The Hives: The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons (Disques Hives) {20}: BV_i:+, DJ:37, FO:16, RkS:44, RT:46, Sbd:41, TL:55, Why:45, XSN:29; am_k:+, rx:+, so_d:10, yti:6 -- RC:B+, TH:***
  224. Loraine James: Gentle Confrontation (Hyperdub) {20}: Cl:8, Ex:26, Fp:+, G:36, Mix:+, NME:25, PM:13, Tr:36, VF:+, Yb:15; am_e:+, ay_e:16, bb6:+, bc:+, pf_e:+ -- TH:*
  225. The Japanese House: In the End It Always Does (Dirty Hit) {20}: 45:45, D:4, I:22, Jp:24, L4:18, LBF:34, NPR:+, UPC:63, Why:18; ay_ip:19, bb_q:+, bb6:+, cdm:10, tmr:+ -- TH:*
  226. Durand Jones: Wait Til I Get Over (Dead Oceans) {20}: Mc:17, PM:2, RT:16, SE:50, STi:18; am:+, am_r:+, ay_r:3, pf_s:1, tmr:+ -- TH:*
  227. Brad Mehldau: Your Mother Should Know: Brad Mehldau Plays the Beatles (Nonesuch) {20}: DB:+, EWi:+, JW:8, YW:84; jads:3, jam:5, jbm:6, jfk:8, jgy:+, jjgr:6, jmju:+, jtp:4, sl:+, vjc:+, vjt:8 -- TH:B
  228. MIKE: Burning Desire (10K) {20}: BV:39, BV_r:6, Cmp:31, Ex:31, Fa:50, HG:26, Ne:45, PW:41, Spk:34, TO:13, UPC:30; am:+, am_h:+, p_h:+, rs_h:10, ss_h:21, tr_h:+ -- TH:*
  229. Billy Nomates: Cacti (Invada) {20}: BV_i:+, EWi:+, GTV:10, Mj:29, XSN:35; am_a:+, g_e:4, vahm:7, xbf:+, ygo:1 -- RC:***, TH:**
  230. Lisa O'Neill: All of This Is Chance (Rough Trade) {20}: Fp:+, GTV:30, HP:29, Mj:24, Qt:33, RT:81, U:17; am_f:+, ay_f:25, cw:1, bb6:+, g_f:2, sl:++ -- TH:**
  231. Protomartyr: Formal Growth in the Desert (Domino) {20}: BPM:49, BV_i:34, Ind:14, L4:7, LCA:19, LQ:7, No:31, NR:9, On:21, Pc:73; am_k:+, pm_k:25
  232. Isach Skeidsvoll: Dance to Summon (Ultraaani) {20}: CM:1, EWi:16, PO:72, SpL:3; xbl:3, xtw:10, yst_j:5 -- TH:***
  233. Sparklehorse: Bird Machine (Anti-) {20}: BV_i:16, EWi:+, Jp:61, LW:23, Mc:34, Mg:11, Mx:29, No:15, NR:46, On:17, Pc:37; am_a:+, ay_ir:17, xch:+, ycp:4
  234. Daniel Villarreal: Lados B (International Anthem) {20}: JC:+, PO:214, TH_j:79; am_l:+, aqd:+, jadh:1, jcb:5, jth:4, pf_j:+, tr_j:+, xjed:4 -- TH:A-
  235. Brandee Younger: Brand New Life (Impulse) {20}: BA:+, Cpu:+, DB:++, PO:216, Yb:45; am:+, am_j:+, j91:+, jadh:2, japa:4, jha:+, jin:9, km:+, ss_j:6, tm_j:10, ytb:2 -- TH:*
  236. Brian Blade & the Fellowship Band: Kings Highway (Stoner Hill) {19}: BA:+, Cpu:+, JC:45; am_j:+, jdb:4, jff:3, jjo:3, jkl:+, jmmz:+, jpb:+, jrm:+, jsgh:1, ph:8 -- TH:*
  237. James Blake: Playing Robots Into Heaven (Republic) {19}: Al:+, BV:43, Cmp_U:13, DJM:+, Ind:4, Jp:70, Mix:+, NME:40, On:42, PM:59, Rf:26; am_e:+, bb_d:+, ra:+, vu:+
  238. John Cale: Mercy (Domino) {19}: BV_i:+, FO:27, Jp:73, Mj:22, On:44, SE:58, U:10, UR:27, Why:14; bv_i:+, jgk:+, vahm:5, vmmf:5 -- TH:*
  239. Angel Bat Dawid: Requiem for Jazz (International Anthem) {19}: JC:+, W:25; bc_j:1, bv_j:+, jdsu:1, jin:7, jkg:2, jmlo:+, jrsp:4, jse:9, ps_j:+, ymh:2 -- TH:B
  240. Gorillaz: Cracker Island (Parlophone/Warner) {19}: Al:+, D:48, Fp:+, HP:28, LW:44, Mx:8, NPR_l:38, PM:50, RT:83, SE:57, Why:27, XSN:15; am_a:+, pm_k:7, rx:+, ycp:8 -- TH:B
  241. James Holden: Imagine This Is a High Dimensional Space of All Possibilities (Border Community) {19}: Mc:29, Mix:+, Mj:18, No:4, Pc:27, Qt:59, W:47; am_e:+, ay_e:6, bb6:+, bl:9, pf_e:+, ra:+, vu:10 -- TH:*
  242. Illegal Crowns: Unclosing (Out of Your Heads) {19}: JC:40; bc_j:3, fd:4, jbs:6, jdsu:5, jeac:3, jeh:+, jlbi:+, jmbo:7, jsp:6, jyo:5, sc:+ -- TH:**
  243. Brennen Leigh: Ain't Through Honky-Tonkin' Yet (Signature Sounds) {19}: EWi:+, H:17; bc_c:+, scm:++, woc:3, xhs:+, xsm:10, yng:3, yst:+ -- TH:***
  244. Metro Boomin: Heroes & Villains [all editions] (Boominati/Republic) {19}: Cmp:8, Esq:10, HDX:3, Up:+, UPC:99, Vb_h:4; up_h:+ -- TH:**
  245. Linda May Han Oh: The Glass Hours (Biophilia) {19}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:49; am_j:+, jads:7, jd:8, jda:10, jdbs:2, jff:28, jgf:+, jjha:4, jmlo:+, jmu:6, jpb:+, jrml:+, pm_j:12, vrg_j:8 -- TH:B
  246. Peso Pluma: Genesis (Double P) {19}: BB:11, Fa:15, PO:100, RS:57, Up:+; am_l:+, ap:+, asp:+, bb_l:+, ny_c:7, ny_p:+, pf_l:+, tmr:+, wp:4 -- TH:**
  247. Todd Sickafoose: Bear Proof (Secret Hatch) {19}: JC:36; jeac:10, jdo:1, jdr:+, jek:+, jgg:8, jjc:7, jjhy:1, jmt:2, jmw:9, jrh:9, jsl:+ -- TH:**
  248. Mark Turner Quartet: Live at the Village Vanguard (Giant Step Arts) {19}: BA:+, JC:+, PO:31; fd:8, jbm:8, jdcr:1, jjc:10, jjwd:1, jpq:10, jrh:5, jtn:3 -- TH:**
  249. The War and Treaty: Lover's Game (Mercury Nashville) {19}: AS:+, BB:47, EWi:+, H:4, PO:223, TL:9, WR:+; am_f:+, scm:++, spt:7, woc:11 -- TH:**
  250. Lucinda Williams: Stories From a Rock 'n' Roll Heart (Highway 20) {19}: Fp:+, RS:86, RS_c:6, RT:98, Rx:38, TH_r:29, TL:38; pm_a:10, ymr:22 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  251. BC Camplight: The Last Rotation of Earth (Bella Union) {18}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, GTV:11, Mj:15, NR:35, Pc:62, STi:5, U:42, XSN:31; ay_ap:4, ay_p:7, bb6:+ -- TH:B
  252. George Coleman: Live at Smalls Jazz Club (Cellar) {18}: EWi:+, JC:+, TH_j:6; jag:7, jkd:6, jlh:5, jls:10, yst:+, yst_j:1 -- TH:A-
  253. En Attendant Ana: Principia (Trouble in Mind) {18}: BV_i:8, RS_ir:21, RSh:15; am:+, am_a:+, aqd:+, bc:+, ti:6, vbz:2, vjk:6, vkf:2, xjed:8, yds:6 -- TH:B
  254. Gel: Only Constant (Convulse -EP) {18}: BV_p:22, Db:13, DW:40, K:29, LW:19, Sbd:10, Tr:20, Up:+; bv_hc:+, p_k:+, pm_ph:4, sg_hc:6 -- TH:B
  255. unit Hazama's M: Beyond Orbits (Edition) {18}: DB:+, JC:+, TH_j:35; jmlo:+, jmmz:+, jmw:7, jv:+, jyk:1, ph:4, tr_j:+, vjc:+ -- TH:A-
  256. Jim Legxacy: Homeless N*gga Pop Music ((!)) {18}: C:1, Cmp_U:7, Dz:14, Fa:46, G:422, GB:25, Mix:+, PW:9; p_h:+ -- TH:B
  257. Lewsberg: Out and About (self-released) {18}: BV_i:+, PO:211, RSh:13; aqd:+, bz:6, vbz:9, vkf:6, xjed:+, yjc:1, yjss:+, yvw:1 -- TH:**
  258. Lydia Loveless: Nothing's Gonna Stand in My Way Again (Bloodshot) {18}: EWi:+, Mc:19, PM:26, RS_ir:38, Yb:44, YW:50; ay_c:10, p_c:+, pm_a:1, so_d:3, so_k:5, xgm:+ -- TH:*
  259. Low Cut Connie: Art Dealers (Contender) {18}: DW:69, PO:83, RS:79, Rx:78, SE:10, WX:25, XSP:32; am_k:+, so_k:19, xclu:+, yzy:2 -- RC:A-, TH:B
  260. Rob Mazurek Exploding Star Orchestra: Lightning Dreamers (International Anthem) {18}: JC:+, PO:143, TN:6; am_j:+, jdg:5, jdku:2, jfm:+, jjco:2, jmbo:4 -- TH:**
  261. Nation of Language: Strange Disciple (PIAS) {18}: BV_i:+, Cl:50, Fp:+, NT:41, P:35, PM:31, RT:1, UPC:85, UR:12; am:+, am_a:+, p_e:+, tmr:+ -- TH:*
  262. PinkPantheress: Heaven Knows (300 Entertainment) {18}: BB:38, Cmp:32, GQ:+, Ne:34, NME:29, PW:29, RS:64, Sl:30, UPC:71, Why:49; am:+, am_p:+, p_d:26, p_p:+, vu:+ -- TH:***
  263. Shakti: This Moment (Abstract Logix) {18}: DB:+, JC:+, JW:5; am_l:+, jbm:1, jgt:+, jpq:7, jsn:1, jv:+, vjt:6 -- TH:*
  264. Stephen Wilson Jr: Son of Dad () {18}: H:1, RS_c:13, WW:9; acn:1, woc:6 -- TH:A-
  265. Asake: Work of Art (YBNL Nation) {17}: C:38, Cl:55, CS:45, DJM:+, Fa:44, On:27, RS:37, Up:+; am_l:+, aqd:+, ny_c:1, vsk:+, xpb:+ -- TH:**
  266. Black Belt Eagle Scout: The Land, the Water, the Sky (Saddle Creek) {17}: Alt:38, BPM:45, EWi:+, UR:4; pm_p:14, ts:12, vmmf:2, xej:1, yti:8 -- TH:**
  267. Tomas Fujiwara: Pith (Out of Your Head) {17}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:+; jgk:+, jjko:10, jlv:9, jmj:8, jno:+, jpa:5, jsk:4, jtc:5 -- TH:***
  268. Charles Wesley Godwin: Family Ties (self-released) {17}: H:3, WR:1; acn:3, bb_c:10, scm:3++ -- TH:*
  269. Nabihah Iqbal: Dreamer (Ninja Tune) {17}: G:20, GTV:38, KC:10, LI:22, Mix:+, Pc:2, Qt:32; am_a:+ -- TH:***
  270. Carly Rae Jepsen: The Loveliest Time (Silent) {17}: AV:18, GTV:77, SE:64, Sl:14, Tr:44, Yb:32, YW:30; am_p:+, p_p:+, pm_p:9, tmr:+, vdh:9 -- TH:***
  271. Gabe Lee: Drink the River () {17}: H:23, RS_c:11, TH_n:33, WR:4; scm:1++ -- TH:A-
  272. Joe Lovano Trio Tapestry [Marilyn Crispell/Carmen Castaldi]: Our Daily Bread (ECM) {17}: DB:+, JC:+, TSG:16; jas:9, jbbr:5, jbs:4, jjce:8, jjha:8, jld:4, jmju:+, jsn:5 -- TH:*
  273. Nas: Magic 3 (Mass Appeal) {17}: Al:+, DJ:36, HDX:4, HG:28, Vb_h:9, YW:14; ss_h:18, xsm:5 -- TH:**
  274. Willie Nelson: I Don't Know a Thing About Love: The Songs of Harlan Howard (Legacy) {17}: PO:111, Rx:51, TL:46, TSG:34, XCI:67, YW:13; am_c:+, jy:4, scm:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  275. Gard Nilssen's Supersonic Orchestra: Family (We Jazz) {17}: BA:+, CM:25, DB:+, JC:+, PO:29, TH_j:72; jff:10, jis:4, jjkb:15, xbf:+, jmc:+, yst_j:11 -- TH:A-
  276. Oneohtrix Point Never: Again (Warp) {17}: Fld:25, GB:34, LI:4, No:27, On:16, Pc:58; am_e:+, bl:5, lib:+, n_ap:3, p_e:+ -- TH:B
  277. Parannoul: After the Magic (Top Shelf) {17}: BPM:29, BV:55, CS:14, Ne:32, NR:38, Pf:47, PO:114, Sg:15, UPC:40; am:+, am_a:+, ay_ar:8, ay_ir:13, p_r:+, pf_k:+ -- TH:B
  278. Renee Rapp: Snow Angel (Polydor/Interscope) {17}: AV:9, BB:10, D:30, HP:45, RS:55, SE:15, TL:65, Up:+, UPC:98; bb_q:+, bi:10, hpo:+ -- TH:B
  279. Ryuichi Sakamoto: 12 (Milan) {17}: Cpu:+, HP:42, Ind:32, Jp:22, Pf:40, Rf:39, Sl:24, U:54, W:20, VF:+, YW:78; am_e:+, pf_j:+, sg_x:2, vew:+, vu:+ -- TH:B
  280. Kendrick Scott: Corridors (Blue Note) {17}: DB:+, JC:+; jads:5, jamo:+, jdcr:3, jkm:4, jmt:9, jpmd:+, ps_j:14, tm_j:4, tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  281. Slow Pulp: Yard (Anti-) {17}: Alt:26, FO:46, GTV:52, NT:11, P:47, Sg:17, SLi:47, Up:+, UPC:69, UR:95; atw:+, p_r:+, xjsp:10 -- TH:**
  282. Turnpike Troubadours: A Cat in the Rain (Bossier City) {17}: AV:13, RS_c:24, SE:2, WR:3; am:+, am_c:+, bv_c:+, scm:++, woc:15 -- TH:B
  283. Underscores: Wallsocket (Mom + Pop) {17}: 45:15, EWi:25, Ne:13, Sl:33, SLi:20; atl:7, ay_e:9, ay_ir:10, ay_p:22, p_e:+, yse:+ -- TH:***
  284. Zulu: A New Tomorrow (Flatspot) {17}: BV:52, BV_p:12, C:21, K:24, LQ:30, Ms:25, Pu:7, Sbd:49; bc:+, bv_hc:+, sg_hc:4, tmr:+ -- TH:*
  285. ASO: Aso (Low Lying) {16}: C:4, Fa:1, GB:46, TH_n:52; ra:+ -- TH:A-
  286. Bounaly: Dimanche a Bamako (Sahel Sounds) {16}: CM:7, EWi:+, PO:2, TH_n:49, YW_r:19; ymm:7 -- TH:A-
  287. Gaz Coombes: Turn the Car Around (Hot Fruit/Virgin) {16}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, LCA:31, Mc:31, Mj:38, MO:11, Pc:25, RT:99, SE:27; ay_ir:9, bz:2, rx:+, ydaj:3
  288. The Coral: Sea of Mirrors (Run On/Modern Sky) {16}: BV_i:+, Mj:12, MO:48, Pc:94, RC:11, TN:+, U:19; am:+, am_a:+, bb6:+, lib:+, xjed:3
  289. Creeper: Sanguivore () {16}: D:20, K:2, Mc:14, Pu:6, RkS:5, Sbd:35
  290. Rodney Crowell: The Chicago Sessions (New West) {16}: EWi:+, Rx:43, TL:25, XCI:54; am_c:+, pm_a:9, scm:+, tmr:+, ymr:28, xwb:7 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  291. Margaret Glaspy: Echo the Diamond (ATO) {16}: CS:42, Ms:23, RS_ir:40, TH_n:63, UR:43, XSP:42; ny_p:+, sl:+, tmr:+, xtj:8, ylej:9, yti:20 -- TH:A-
  292. Mon Laferte: Autopoietica (Universal Music Mexico) {16}: EWi:+, Jp:45, Ms:27, Ne:43, NPR:+; bb_l:+, pf_l:+, tmr:17+, xpb:5, yjsp:8 -- TH:A-
  293. Liturgy: 93696 (Thrill Jockey) {16}: BV:32, C:3, Ind:34, Ne:8; am_m:+, bc:+, pf_k:+, pm_m:15, pm_x:2, ydho:+
  294. Melenas: Ahora (Trouble in Mind) {16}: BV_i:40; am:+, am_a:+, aqd:+, vbz:5, vjk:+, yblw:2, xch:+, ycs:10, yds:7, ykt:4 -- TH:**
  295. Metallica: 72 Seasons (Blackened) {16}: BA:+, CS:20, Fp:+, K:7, Rev:2, RkS:41, RS:93, Sbd:24, SE:68; vu:+
  296. The New Pornographers: Continue as a Guest (Merge) {16}: Alt:41, BV_i:+, EWi:+, I:21, PM:72, RS_ir:31, SE:66, TL:73, UR:98, XSP:41; tmr:+, xde:+, yjw:7, ysw:6, yti:13 -- TH:*
  297. Mike Reed: The Separatist Party (We Jazz/Astral Spirits) {16}: DB:+, JC:+, TH_j:60; bc_j:14, jdsu:4, jgf:+, jjc:8, jls:9, jmmz:+, jpmd:+, jrh:7 -- TH:A-
  298. Spanish Love Songs: No Joy (Pure Noise) {16}: Alt:32, BPM:43, BV_p:16, Pu:4, RkS:36, Spk:29, XSN:24; atw:+, ay_ir:11, tmr:+, vgm:+, ygo:10
  299. Sprain: The Lamb as Effigy (The Flenser) {16}: CS:43, Fld:16, KC:23, LCA:18, Ne:7, On:24, Spk:46, Tr:33; pm_k:24, yrhg:1
  300. Terell Stafford: Between Two Worlds (Le Coq) {16}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:+; jdln:+, jlh:4, jmk:2, jndg:+, jrmi:9, jsj:1 -- TH:***
  301. Susanne Sundfor: Blomi (Bella Union) {16}: BPM:44, GTV:6, Mj:45, Sl:45, SLi:28, XSN:32; am:+, am_s:+, ay_f:5, ec:+, tmr:+ -- TH:*
  302. Nia Archives: Sunrise Bang Ur Head Against Tha Wall (Island -EP) {15}: DW:32, EWi:+, KC:22, Mix:+, Rx:50, XSP:38; am_e:+, ay_e:11, ay_r:10, vkf:10, vu:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
  303. Blonde Redhead: Sit Down for Dinner (Section1) {15}: BV_i:30, LI:14, PM:66, SC:9, UR:18; am_a:+, ay_ar:15, pf_k:+, vg:+, vgb:10 -- TH:*
  304. CASisDEAD: Famous Last Words (XL) {15}: Cl:18, Cmp_U:10, DJM:+, Dz:19, LBF:11, Mix:+, RT:73, SLi:45 -- TH:**
  305. Miley Cyrus: Endless Summer Vacation (Columbia) {15}: BB:16, Esq:12, Mx:23, PM:74, Rf:28, RS:30; am_p:+, atw:+, p:3, pm_p:19 -- TH:**
  306. Fatoumata Diawara: London Ko (Wagram Music) {15}: FO:38, Mj:28, Ms:20, PM:30, U:61, Yb:4; ay_ap:11, ay_p:23, tmr:+, xbf:+ -- TH:*
  307. Joe Farnsworth: In What Direction Are You Headed? (Smoke Sessions) {15}: DB:++, JC:+; cah:+, jadh:10, jdln:+, jff:13, jgf:+, jgz:5, jjce:4, vhs:3 -- TH:*
  308. Satoko Fujii: Torrent: Piano Solo (Libra) {15}: JC:+, PO:161; jahk:8, jal:+, jeac:9, jdm:6, jka:6, jkws:3, jno:+, jnt:7, jsk:9 -- TH:**
  309. Noel Gallagher's Nigh Flying Birds: Council Skies (Sour Mash) {15}: Al:+, BV_i:+, DJ:40, Fp:+, Mj:19, RC:20, SE:36, XSN:26; am_k:+, rx:+, tmr:20+, yti:11
  310. Alison Goldfrapp: The Love Invention (Skint/BMG) {15}: Al:+, BV_i:+, Fp:+, Jp:52, Mix:+, Pc:82, Ret:1; am_p:+ -- TH:***
  311. Cory Hanson: Western Cum (Drag City) {15}: BV_i:+, Cpu:+, Gl:+, Yb:34; am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_c:4, ay_ir:8, ayu_c:13, p_r:+, tmr:+, ygb:4 -- TH:*
  312. Health: Rat Wars (Loma Vista) {15}: Ex:48, Fld:23, K:41, Mx:1, Rev:8, RkS:45, Sbd:12; vu:+
  313. Laufey: Bewitched (AWAL) {15}: 45:35, BB:46, JC:+, NME:33, NPR_l:49, Rf:43, Up:+; am_s:+, ay_j:15, ayu_j:3, jla:10, v_cw:9, vg:+, xjed:9 -- TH:*
  314. Nicki Minaj: Pink Friday 2 (Young Money/Republic) {15}: Cmp:42, Pap:+, Rx:69, TH_n:64; atw:+, vg:+, xjdc:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  315. Aja Monet: When the Poems Do What They Do (Drink Sum Wtr) {15}: DB:+++, JC:+, KC:11, PO:95, TH_n:69, TSG:25; jbbr:8, tr_j:+ -- TH:A-;
  316. The Mountain Goats: Jenny From Thebes (Merge) {15}: HV:33, P:31, PM:42, UR:63; aqd:+, pm_k:14, sl:+, yng:2, yvms:10 -- RC:B+, TH:**
  317. David Murray/Questlove/Ray Angry: Plumb (Outside In Music) {15}: DB:+++, JC:+, PO:170, TH_j:20; jbs:9, jmw:2, jtp:9 -- TH:A-
  318. Navy Blue: Ways of Knowing (Def Jam) {15}: BV_r:24, Cl:39, HG:24, Mix:+, Ne:50, PW:48, TH_n:19; am_h:+, ss_h:7, tr_h:+ -- TH:A-
  319. Aruan Ortiz: Pastor's Paradox (Clean Feed) {15}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:+, KC:17, TH_j:38, TN:+; jka:12, jri:5, jsf:7 -- TH:A-
  320. Gretchen Parlato/Lionel Loueke: Lean In (Edition) {15}: DB:+, JC:+; g_j:4, j91:+, jadh:3, jamo:+, jjg:+, jjha:3, jmj:2, jrk:8 -- TH:*
  321. Scowl: Psychic Dance Routine (Flatspot -EP) {15}: BV:47, BV_i:7, Mx:5, Rev:10, XSN:38; ay_ar:+, bv_hc:+, v_ja:8
  322. Brit Taylor: Kentucky Blue (Cut a Shine) {15}: H:16, SE:19, YW:34; am_c:+, scm:+, woc:4, yzp:5, zuc:27 -- TH:***
  323. Felo Le Tee/Mellow & Sleazy: The III Wise Men (New Money Gang) {15}: CE:94, EWi:28, PO:115, SpL:13, TH_n:39; vdm:3, xgm:17, xpb:2 -- TH:A-
  324. Billy Valentine: Billy Valentine and the Universal Truth (Flying Dutchman) {15}: DB:+, JC:+, JW:14, Mj:68, RC:17, U:36; am_l:+, jjgr:3, jlg:+ -- TH:***
  325. Witch: Zango (Desert Daze Sound/Partisan) {15}: CE:122, EWi:+, FO:50, Gl:+, KC:9, No:32, PM:45; bc:+, pm_g:1, tm_w:+, vah:10
  326. Miguel Zenon & Luis Perdomo: El Arte Del Bolero Vol 2 (Miel Music) {15}: PO:15; jb:+, jgy:+, jlb:3, jmlo:+, jrsc:3, jtp:10, xgm:13, yst_j:11 -- TH:***
  327. Bailey Zimmerman: Religiously: The Album (Warner Nashville/Elektra) {15}: DW:71, Rx:66, WW:6; ny_c:10, tmr:+, zuc:4 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  328. Idris Ackamoor & the Pyramids: Afro Futuristic Dreams (Strut) {14}: CE:78, DB:++, JC:+, PO:93, PW:43; am_j:+, jcm:+, jgk:+, jin:10, tr_j:+, vce_j:10 -- TH:***
  329. Avenged Sevenfold: Life Is but a Dream . . . (Warner) {14}: K:6, Rev:4, Rf:15, RkS:6, Spk:26; am_m:+
  330. Bar Italia: The Twits (Matador) {14}: BV_i:18, Fa:48, GB:17, LI:10, Pc:61 -- RC:***, TH:***
  331. Beach Fossils: Bunny (Bayonet) {14}: NT:1, Pc:6, PM:15, RT:34; pm_p:5, tmr:+ -- TH:B
  332. Blockhead: The Aux (Backwoodz Studioz) {14}: BV_r:20, CE:144, HG:5, PW:49; yng:1 -- TH:***
  333. ML Buch: Suntub (15 Love) {14}: Cl:52, Ex:9, GB:2, Mix:+; kf:5, pf_p:+, wi:+ -- TH:*
  334. Eddie Chacon: Sundown (Stones Throw) {14}: CE:61, G:40, Mj:55, Pc:29, RC:12, U:37; am_r:+, aqd:+, ay_r:13, ec:+, vdh:3 -- TH:*
  335. Aaron Diehl & the Knights: Zodiac Suite (Mack Avenue) {14}: BA:+, JC:50; am_j:+, jbu:10, jfk:4, jgz:3, jjg:+, jmk:6, jmmz:+, jpb:+, jsw:2 -- TH:B-
  336. Fred Frith/Susana Santos Silva: Laying Demons to Rest (RogueArt) {14}: JC:+; jad:4, jeh:+, jgmo:+, jjsh:1, jpmd:+, jwr:+, sc:+ -- TH:***
  337. Rhiannon Giddens: You're the One (Nonesuch) {14}: DB:+, SE:29, JC:+, TL:16, XCI:73; am_f:+, jkcw:4, p_c:+, pm_a:7, ylej:6 -- TH:**
  338. Grupo Frontera: El Comienzo (VHR Music) {14}: EWi:+, PO:103, RS:66, SpL:8, TSG:7; bb_l:+, xbl:5 -- TH:**
  339. Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter: Saved! (Perpetual Flame Ministries) {14}: Fa:18, K:44, Ne:35, No:19, On:44, P:32, PM:73, Qt:80, Tr:37, UPC:81; yrs:3
  340. Ron Horton: A Prayer for Andrew (Newvelle) {14}: JC:+, TH_j:55; jas:7, fd:6, jbu:9, jfk:9, jmsu:9, ph:1 -- TH:A-
  341. IceColdBishop: Generational Curse (Epic) {14}: BPM:37, BV:37, BV_r:5, DW:58, HG:40, PO:86, TH_n:32 -- TH:A-
  342. Javier Red's Imagery Converter: Life & Umbrella (Desafio Candente) {14}: EWi:+, JC:+, TH_j:11; jeac:5, jyo:9, xgm:4, xrt:10 -- TH:A-
  343. Mick Jenkins: The Patience () {14}: BV_r:16, LBF:16, NPR:+, Rf:41, Vb_h:19; p_h:+, ss_h:14, yb_h:4 -- TH:**
  344. Jlin: Perspective (Planet Mu -EP) {14}: CE:97, EWi:+, Fa:31, PO:90, Sl:28, Tr:35; am_e:+, bc_cm:+, pf_e:+, so_k:14, yse:+ -- TH:***
  345. Kesha: Gag Order (Kemosabe) {14}: EWi:+, I:30, RS:24, Sl:16, STi:16, Yb:14; pm_p:13, vdcm:1 -- TH:*
  346. The Mark Lomax Trio: Tapestry (CFG Multimedia) {14}: CM:4, EWi:+, PO:14, SpL:31, TH_j:43; xbf:+ -- TH:A-
  347. Bill Orcutt: Jump on It (Palilalia) {14}: Mj:32, NPR:+, SC:16, W:27; aqd:+, jgmo:+, pf_j:+, ycc:7, yjs:1, yrgh:6 -- TH:*
  348. Pangaea: Changing Channels (Hessle Audio) {14}: DJM:+, G:27, Mix:+, Pf:36, VF:+; am_e:+, bb_d:+, ra:+, sg_e:1 -- TH:***
  349. Sebastian Rochford/Kit Downes: A Short Diary (ECM) {14}: DB:+++, JC:+, TSG:2; jbbr:1, jka:2, jrw:9 -- TH:B
  350. Caroline Rose: The Art of Forgetting (New West) {14}: Ms:41, RT:66, SE:67, UR:13; atw:+, ay_ap:15, ay_f:21, ay_ir:22, bc:+, p_f:+, tmr:+, xch:+ -- TH:*
  351. Brandon Seabrook's Epic Proportions: Brutalovechamp (Pyroclastic) {14}: DB:+, JC:+; jjws:8, jrml:+, jrsp:9, vbc_j:1, vrg:6, vrg_j:1 -- TH:**
  352. Andy Shauf: Norm (Anti-) {14}: AV:11, FO:22, GTV:16, Jp:36, NR:11, UR:88; am_s:+, aqd:+, ay_ip:7, tmr:+, vi:13
  353. Teenage Fanclub: Nothing Lasts Forever (Merge) {14}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, Mj:23, MO:46, Pc:84, RT:49, SE:62, TL:71, U:35, UR:62, XSN:44; am_k:+, aqd:+, ay_ip:22
  354. Titanic: Vidrio (Unheard of Hope) {14}: BPM:41, LQ:4, P:41, Tr:19; g_g:2, pf_j:+, vew:+, yjc:6, ynn:9
  355. David Virelles: Carta (Intakt) {14}: DB:++, JC:+; jas:6, jjkb:5, jla:6, jlbi:+, jmk:4, jmlo:+, tm_j:+ -- TH:**
  356. Ben Wolfe: Unjust (Resident Arts) {14}: DB:++, JC:+; jbm:3, jdln:+, jdp:+, jfk:6, jlb:10, jmlo:+, jpb:+ -- TH:***
  357. Barbie: The Album (Atlantic) {14}: BB:20, Jp:75, RS:67, Up:+, WX:11; p_p:+, yjb:8 -- RC:**, TH:***
  358. Gracie Abrams: Good Riddance (Interscope) {13}: AV:21, BB:24, D:22, Esq:15, HP:27, RS:62, Up:+; atw:+, tmr:+ -- TH:***
  359. JD Allen: This (Savant) {13}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:+, PO:67, TN:+; jda:4, jmlo:+, jsl:+, vjc:7 -- TH:***
  360. Aluna: Mycelium (Mad Decent) {13}: EW_i:31, TH_n:5, xbf:1, xgm:14 -- TH:A-
  361. Bdrmm: I Don't Know (Rock Action) {13}: BV_i:+, FO:23, GTV:12, L4:15, LBF:14, Pc:33, RT:27, UR:86; ay_ar:24 -- TH:*
  362. Belle and Sebastian: Late Developers (Matador) {13}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, HV:23, NPR_l:47, PO:146, RT:44, TL:62, UR:74; am_a:+, tmr:+ -- TH:***
  363. Beneficence & Jazz Spastiks: Summer Night Sessions () {13}: EWi:+, HG:10, TH_n:3 -- TH:A
  364. Benefits: Nails (Invada) {13}: FO:28, GTV:66, LBF:42, LQ:16, LW:1, NME:41, Qt:39; bb6:+
  365. Vilhelm Bromander: In This Forever Unfolding Moment (Thanatos) {13}: DB:+++, JC:+, TH_j:75; jpm:3, jrw:5 -- TH:A-
  366. Buselli/Wallarab Jazz Orchestra: The Gennett Suite (Patois) {13}: DB:+, JC:+, PO:81; jdm:8, jll:5, jmsu:8, jrk:1 -- TH:***
  367. Cat Power: Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert () {13}: TO:3, WX:15, TSG:+; vjv:2, xmr:3, yjw:3
  368. Helena Deland: Goodnight Summerland (Chivi Chivi) {13}: BV:51, BV_i:6, GB:5, LCA:8; bv_f:+ -- TH:*
  369. Drain: Living Proof (Epitaph) {13}: BV_p:13, K:19, Rev:7, Sg:47; bv_hc:+, p_k:+, pm_ph:8, sg_hc:8 -- TH:*
  370. Fall Out Boy: So Much (for) Stardust (Elektra) {13}: D:36, K:17, Mx:27, Pu:12, Rf:23, RkS:2, Spk:35; rx:+
  371. Michael Formanek Elusion Quartet: As Things Do (Intakt) {13}: JC:+, TN:+; jff:2, jjc:6, jjkb:2, jkws:4, jtc:10 -- TH:***
  372. Ricardo Dias Gomes: Muito Sol (Hive Mind) {13}: CM:19, EWi:+, PO:190; bc_j:7, bzb:2, jdsu:10, xrt:3 -- TH:***
  373. Hardy: The Mockingbird & the Crow (Big Loud) {13}: H:24, LAT:13, WW:11; kc:+, ro_c:4, tmr:+, xjb:+, zuc:37 -- TH:**
  374. Mette Henriette: Drifting (ECM) {13}: BA:+, DB:+++, JW:12, TSG:38; jd:10, jka:1, jmju:+, ps_j:15 -- TH:B
  375. J Hus: Beautiful and Brutal Yard (Black Butter) {13}: BV_r:11, Cmp_U:3, LBF:32, Mix:+, PO:167, Up:+, Why:34; ay_h:19, up_h:+
  376. MC Yallah: Yallah Beibe (Hakuna Kulala) {13}: Mix:+, Qt:29, Ri:26, TH_n:50; am_h:+, bc:+, pm_h:7, xgm:28, tr_h:+ -- TH:A-
  377. Quasi: Breaking the Balls of History (Sub Pop) {13}: EWi:+, HV:30, Rx:64, XCI:53, XSP:46; pm_k:30, tmr:+, xjc:7, ypg:7 -- RC:A-, TH:B-
  378. Bill Scorzari: The Crosswinds of Kansas (self-released -22) {13}: EWi:+, Rx:40, SpL:30, TH_n:23, XCI:30 -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  379. Marnie Stern: The Comeback Kid (Joyful Noise) {13}: KC:15, Yb:41, YW:27; am:+, am_a:+, bc:+, npr_kt:8, pf_k:+, vbc:10, ycp:9 -- TH:**
  380. Isaiah J Thompson: The Power of the Spirit (Blue Engine) {13}: BA:+, DB:++, JC:+; jb:+, jkl:+, jndg:+, jsj:9, jslo:6, jtp:6 -- TH:***
  381. Tyvek: Overground (Ginkgo) {13}: CE:59, PO:84, Rx:21, TH_n:65; vjk:+ -- RC:A-, TH:A-
  382. US Girls: Bless This Mess (4AD) {13}: BV_i:21, Ex:35, GTV:26, RS:41, RS_ir:7, SE:53, UR:77; pm_p:10, vma:10 -- TH:**
  383. John Zorn: New Masada Quartet Vol 2 (Tzadik) {13}: JC:+, TN:5; jgk:3, jld:3, jrml:+ -- TH:***
  384. The Armed: Perfect Saviors (Sargent House) {12}: Fa:22, K:34, Ms:14, NT:20, Sbd:48, Tr:21; am_k:+, ay_ir:18, ec:+, p_r:+
  385. Meg Baird: Furling (Drag City) {12}: BV_i:37, NR:21, Tr:45, U:63; am_f:+, aqd:+, bv_f:+, vjk:1, vkf:5
  386. Zach Bryan: Boys of Faith (Warner -EP) {12}: BV:38, EWi:+, Rx:82; ayu_c:6, bv_c:+, ymr:30 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  387. Emmet Cohen: Master Legacy Series Volume 5: Featuring Houston Person (Bandstand Presents) {12}: JC:+, PO:99, TH_j:9; jsj:10, yst:+, yst_j:6 -- TH:A-
  388. Sylvie Courvoisier & Cory Smythe: The Rite of Spring/Spectre D'Un Songe (Pyroclastic) {12}: JC:+, PO:193; jahk:6, jff:6, jka:5, jmu:8, jri:10, jv:+ -- TH:**
  389. Daughter: Stereo Mind Game (4AD/Glassnote) {12}: Fp:+, GTV:81, L4:16, LW:75, On:19, RT:12; ay_ar:25yjw:4
  390. Olivia Dean: Messy (EMI) {12}: 3v:13, 45:19, D:13, LBF:36, NME:45, TO:14; hpo:+ -- TH:*
  391. Kahil El'Zabar's Ethnic Heritage Ensemble: Spirit Gatherer: Tribute to Don Cherry (Spiritmuse) {12}: CE:108, JC:+, PO:33; aqd:+, jcm:3, jmy:7, jsl:+, lib:+, vjo_j:8, yst_j:7 -- TH:*
  392. Enter Shikari: A Kiss for the Whole World (So) {12}: K:11, Pu:5, RkS:3, Sbd:44; ay_ar:11
  393. Lafayette Gilchrist: Undaunted (Morphius) {12}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:+, PO:108; ghj:2, jdo:+, jmju:+, jsl:+, vbr:9 -- TH:**
  394. Laura Groves: Radio Red (Bella Union) {12}: GB:4, No:9; am:+, am_s:+, ay_ap:18, p_e:+ -- TH:*
  395. H Hawkline: Milk for Flowers (Heavenly) {12}: BV_i:+, FO:1, UR:90; am_s:+, ay_ap:13, ay_ip:6, yab:4
  396. Tim Hecker: No Highs (Kranky) {12}: HV:20, Ind:17, No:30; sg_x:5, tmr:+, vma:9 -- TH:***
  397. Hemlocke Springs: Going . . . Going . . . Gone! (Good Luck Have Fun -EP) {12}: EWi:+, Rx:81, XSP:55; ypb:4 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  398. Jason Kao Hwang Critical Response: Book of Stories (True Sound) {12}: JC:+, TH_j:8; jdbs:3, jgk:+, jtc:8 -- TH:A-
  399. Allen Lowe and the Constant Sorrow Orchestra: In the Dark (ESP-Disk, 3CD) {12}: JC:+, PO:40, TH_j:32; jbs:5, jgk:+, jgy:10, jjs:+ -- TH:A-
  400. Matt Mitchell: Oblong Aplomb (Out of Your Head) {12}: JC:+, TN:+; jdcr:6, jpmd:5, jjsh:7, jlbi:+, jmy:2 -- TH:***
  401. Mozart Estate: Pop-Up! Ker-Ching! and the Possibilities of Modern Shopping (West Midlands/Cherry Red) {12}: BV_i:+, GTV:17, Mj:27, Qt:72, RC:25, RT:91, W:39; am:+, am_a:+, bv_i:+ -- TH:*
  402. OMD [Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark]: Bauhaus Staircase (100%) {12}: BV_i:39, Fp:+, RC:13, Ret:3, RT:57; bv_i:+ -- TH:**
  403. Paris Texas: Mid Air (Paris Texas) {12}: CS:12, LBF:37, LQ:20, Ms:24, NME:37, UPC:100; ay_h:24, cdm:9, p_d:8, vu:+
  404. Pretenders: Relentless (Rhino) {12}: Gl:+, Mj:20, RC:19, SE:69, U:55; am_k:+, ay_ar:6, bv_i:+, yti:12 -- TH:*
  405. The Rempis Percussion Quartet: Harvesters (Aerophonic) {12}: EWi:+, JC:+, TH_j:5; jdku:10, jgm:+, -- TH:A-
  406. Marc Ribot/Ceramic Dog: Connection (Knockwurst) {12}: BV_i:+, DB:+, JC:+; am_j:+, jff:21, jfm:+, jgc:7, jgk:+, vbr:2 -- TH:**
  407. Samia: Honey (Grand Jury) {12}: 45:12, Fa:49, LBF:26, NPR_l:43, RT:89, UR:85; atw:+, ay_ip:11, pm_p:12, tmr:+ -- TH:*
  408. Marina Sena: Vicio Inerente (Sony Music Brasil) {12}: EWi:36, PO:75, SpL:21; bzb:3, pm_bp:3, xbf:6, xrt:6 -- TH:***
  409. Bobo Stenson Trio: Sphere (ECM) {12}: JC:+, JW:9; jff:5, jjwd:10, jsgh:3, jssc:+, jv:+ -- TH:*
  410. Surgeon: Crash Recoil (Tresor) {12}: BA:+, CE:95, No:7, Qt:19; am_e:+, ra:+ -- TH:***
  411. Young Nudy: Gumbo (RCA) {12}: Cmp:25, DW:65, RS:22, Vb_h:15; ay_h:14, ay_t:3, am_h:+, sg_u:9, vu:+ -- TH:*
  412. Being Dead: When Horses Would Run (Bayonet) {11}: FO:17, GB:10; ay_ir:16, p_d:5, p_r:+, pf_k:+, ysw:10
  413. Michael Blake: Dance of the Mystic Bliss (P&M) {11}: JC:+; am_j:+, g_j:3, jjm_j:10, jjws:3, jlg:+, pm_j:9, vwl:9 -- TH:*
  414. BlankFor.Ms/Jason Moran/Marcus Gilmore: Refract (Red Hook) {11}: BA:+, JC:+, JW:12; jdl:+, jek:+, jsgh:5 -- TH:***
  415. Shirley Collins: Archangel Hill (Domino) {11}: Mj:36, MO:15, PO:198, Qt:23, U:22; am_f:+, ay_f:14, g_f:3 -- TH:*
  416. Dan Ex Machina: Ex's Sexts (self-released) {11}: DW:10, EWi:+, PO:205, TH_n:70; xjdc:+ -- TH:A-
  417. Caroline Davis' Alula: Captivity (Ropeadope) {11}: CM:31, DB:+, PO:179, TH_j:52; jdl:+, jhm:9, jmlo:+ -- TH:A-
  418. Alabaster DePlume: Come With Fierce Grace (International Anthem) {11}: JC:+, U:69; aqd:+, ay_j:12, jfk:1, pm_j:+, tr_j:+ -- TH:**
  419. Drake: For All the Dogs [all editions] (OVO Sound) {11}: BB:50, Cmp:22, RS:35, Vb_h:10; ay_t:18, bb_h:20, ny_c:12, rs_h:6, tmr:+ -- TH:B
  420. Mark Dresser: Times of Change (Pyroclastic) {11}: DB:+, JC:+; jdr:+, jdt:8, jgv:9, jpl:8, jpmd:+, sc_k:+ -- TH:***
  421. EABS Meets Jaubi: In Search of a Better Tomorrow (Astigmatic) {11}: JC:+; ayu_j:14, g_g:6, jak:8, ry_j:6, tr_j:+, xcw:4 -- TH:***
  422. Robert Finley: Black Bayou (Easy Eye Sound) {11}: EWi:+, Gl:+, Mj:75, PO:8, S:+; ro_b:2 -- TH:**
  423. John Francis Flynn: Look Over the Wall, See the Sky (River Lea) {11}: Fa:31, HP:37, LQ:9, Qt:5; atl:10, g_f:6
  424. Robbie Fulks: Bluegrass Vacation (Compass) {11}: TL:39, XSP:22; am_f:+, bc_c:+, npr_kt:10, scm:+, xmr:4 -- TH:***
  425. Ghost Train Orchestra and Kronos Quartet: Songs and Symphoniques: The Music of Moondog (Cantaloupe) {11}: JC:+, TH_j:62; jjgr:2, jjm:9, jjws:6, jmm:+ -- TH:A-
  426. Girl Scout: Real Life Human Garbage (Made -EP) {11}: EWi:+, Rx:34, XSP:23; xjlu:3 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  427. The Go! Team: Get Up Sequences Part Two (Memphis Industries) {11}: RT:64, XSP:59, YW:6; am:+, am_a:+, ay_ip:14 -- TH:***
  428. Hamell on Trial: Bring the Kids (Saustex) {11}: EWi:+, PO:27, Rx:17 -- RC:A, TH:**
  429. Holly Humberstone: Paint My Bedroom Black (Darkroom/Geffen/Polydor) {11}: 45:37, D:27, HP:16, NME:39, RS:72, Up:+, Why:26; atw:+, p_d:13, p_p:+
  430. Jesus Piece: So Unknown (Century Media) {11}: BV_p:31, Db:4, K:8, Rev:17; pm_m:14
  431. Bettye LaVette: LaVette! (Jay-Vee) {11}: DB:++, JC:+, PO:63, TH_n:41; jse:10, vbs:7 -- TH:A-
  432. Jo Lawry: Acrobats (Whirlwind) {11}: DB:++, TH_j:80; fd:7, jmmz:+, jtd:4 -- TH:A-
  433. Lil Uzi Vert: Pink Tape (Generation Now/Atlantic) {11}: DW:14, HV:7, Up:+, Why:44; ay_t:12, up_h:+ -- TH:**
  434. Andy Fairweather Low: Flang Dang (Last Music) {11}: EWi:+, PO:132, TH_n:27, XCI:18, XSP:29; xde:+ -- TH:A-
  435. Pat Metheny: Dream Box (Modern) {11}: JC:+, JW:17; am_j:+, jpq:6, jsgu:6, jsn:4, pf_j:+, jsgh:6 -- TH:*
  436. Nihiloxica: Source of Denial (Crammed Discs) {11}: C:31, CE:53, Mix:+, Qt:74, TH_n:58; bc:+, vrjs:+ -- TH:A-
  437. Offset: Set It Off (Motown) {11}: Cmp:15, Up:+, Vb_h:7; ay_t:8, bb_h:9, up_h:+, yb_h:24 -- TH:*
  438. Peter One: Come Back to Me () {11}: BS:10, CE:139, FO:15, RS_c:19; am_f:+, am_l:+, aqd:+
  439. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs: Land of Sleeper (Missing Piece) {11}: Fp:+, LQ:14, LW:8, No:41, Pc:98, Qt:65, RT:35; am_m:+
  440. The Reds, Pinks & Purples: The Town That Cursed Your Name (Slumberland) {11}: BV_i:+, Mg:14, YW:52; am_a:+, tmr:+, vrt:+, xjsp:9, ycs:2, yng:8
  441. RVG: Brain Worms (Ivy League/Fire) {11}: BV_i:+, DJ:3, LW:20, RT:20 -- TH:**
  442. Skyzoo & the Other Guys: The Mind of a Saint (First Generation Rich) {11}: HG:18, NR:41, Up:+; pm_h:15, ss_h:2, up_h:+ -- TH:***
  443. Snooper: Super Snooper (Third Man) {11}: BV_i:27, DW:49, EWi:+, Ne:23, SLi:25; p_k:+, pf_k:+, yps:+ -- TH:***
  444. Marty Stuart and His Fabulous Superlatives: Altitude (Snakefarm) {11}: Gl:+, RS_c:16, SE:21, TL:37; am_c:+, amh_dn:+, scm:++, spt:5 -- TH:B
  445. Tinariwen: Amatssou (Wedge) {11}: FO:30, U:53, Yb:17; am_l:+, jgt:+, pm_g:7 -- RC:***, TH:*
  446. Steven Wilson: The Harmony Codex () {11}: Jp:64, RC:22, UR:57, XSN:12, YW:4; ay_e:23, tmr:+
  447. Adrian Younge: Jazz Is Dead 18: Tony Allen (Jazz Is Dead) {11}: DB:+, JC:+; am:+, am_l:+, ay_j:21, jld:7, jmlo:+, km:+, ss_j:9, xcw:5 -- TH:*
  448. Deena Abdelwahed: Jbal Rrsas (Infine) {10}: CE:74, DJM:+; g_g:4, lib:+, pf_e:+, ra:+ -- TH:***
  449. Jason Adasiewicz: Roscoe Village: The Music of Roscoe Mitchell (Corbett vs Dempsey) {10}: JC:+, PO:49, TN:4; jdt:4 -- TH:**
  450. Jason Adasiewicz: Roy's World (Corbett vs Dempsey) {10}: JC:+, TH_j:48; jmc:+, jms:1 -- TH:A-
  451. Farida Amadou/Jonas Cambien/Dave Rempis: On the Blink (Aerophonic) {10}: JC:+, PO:133, TH_j:10; jpmd:10 -- TH:A-
  452. Animal Collective: Isn't It Now? (Domino) {10}: BPM:17, Ind:35, Jp:55, LI:25, Mj:47, PM:60, U:70, W:33, Why:21
  453. Jon Batiste: World Music Radio (Verve) {10}: Ms:10, TL:53; am_r:+, ytb:1 -- TH:**
  454. Be Your Own Pet: Mommy (Third Man) {10}: 45:27, DW:29, YW:72; am_k:+, p_k:+, tmr:+ -- TH:**
  455. Blue Lake: Sun Arcs (Tonal Union) {10}: HV:17, JC:+, P:49, Pf:46; bc_a:+, jsgu:8, pf_j:+ -- TH:**
  456. Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You (Drag City) {10}: TSG:27, U:67; am:+, am_s:+, aqd:+, n_ap:11, p_c:+, pm_f:14, vjk:+, vrg:+
  457. Ken Carson: A Great Chaos (Opium/Interscope) {10}: Cmp:29, DW:28, Sl:15; p_h:+, rs_h:8, wp:3 -- TH:**
  458. Filipe Catto: Belezas Sao Coisis Acesas Por Dentro (Joia Moderna) {10}: EWi:48, PO:45; bzb:1, xbf:3, xrt:2 -- TH:*
  459. Bethany Cosentino: Natural Disaster (Concord) {10}: D:49, SE:12, XCI:60; am:+, am_s:+, tmr:+, xjdc:+ -- TH:**
  460. Claire Daly With George Garzone: VuVu for Frances (Daly Bread) {10}: DB:+, JC:+; jbw:9, jek:+, jjbw:+, jkd:5, jmy:6 -- TH:**
  461. Jesse Davis: Live at Smalls Jazz Club (Cellar) {10}: JC:+; jjbw:+, jll:3, jmlo:+, jrsc:1 -- TH:**
  462. DJ Shadow: Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) {10}: LW:95, Mix:+, Rx:44; tr_h:+, xjlu:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
  463. Baxter Dury: I Thought I Was Better Than You (Heavenly) {10}: BV_i:13, LW:6, RT:7, UR:96; ay_ap:17 -- TH:B
  464. Open Mike Eagle: Another Triumph of Ghetto Engineering (Auto Reverse) {10}: BV_r:22, PO:206, PW:22; bc_h:+, p_h:+, ss_h:16, tmr:+ -- TH:***
  465. Emperor X: Suggested Improvements to Transportation Infrastructure in the Northeast Corridor (Dreams of Field, EP) {10}: DW:2, EWi:+; xjd:8 -- TH:**
  466. Espen Eriksen Trio/Andy Sheppard: As Good as It Gets (Rune Grammofon) {10}: JC:+, JW:6; jcm:5, jsn:2 -- TH:**
  467. Peter Evans [Being & Becoming]: Ars Memoria (More Is More) {10}: JC:+; jahk:5, jdg:10, jsp:5, jyo:8 -- TH:***
  468. Fiddlehead: Death Is Nothing to Us (Run for Cover) {10}: Alt:8, BV_p:14, Sg:36; pm_ph:2, sg_m:3
  469. George: Letters to George (Out of Your Head) {10}: CM:44, DB:+, JC:+; jlre:4, ph:3 -- TH:***
  470. Girl Ray: Prestige (Moshi Moshi) {10}: BV:20, BV_i:1, RT:30, UR:28; p_p:+ -- TH:B
  471. Jayda G: Guy (Ninja Tune) {10}: CE:123, Ex:46, L4:8; bb_d:+, v_sh:10 -- TH:***
  472. Guided by Voices: Nowhere to Go but Up (GBV) {10}: BV_i:23, Mg:1; p_r:+, yrf:7, yti:7; bv:+
  473. Noah Haidu: Standards (Sunnyside) {10}: DB:+, JC:+; jch:8, jjbw:+, jmy:9, jndg:+, jsj:8, jsy:8 -- TH:**
  474. Hamish Hawk: Angel Numbers (Post Electric) {10}: FO:35, GTV:33, L4:13, Mj:52, Pc:93, Sk:13; ay_ir:2 -- TH:B
  475. Holding Absence: The Noble Art of Self Destruction () {10}: GTV:60, K:4, Pu:16, RkS:9
  476. Horrendous: Ontological Mysterium (Season of Mist) {10}: BV:12, CE:54, Db:1, Spk:17
  477. Hot Mulligan: Why Would I Watch () {10}: BV:40, BV_i:6, Pu:13, RkS:21, XSN:50; p_k:+, tmr:+
  478. Khanate: To Be Cruel () {10}: Qt:7, W:4; am_m:+, pm_m:5
  479. Jessy Lanza: Love Hallucination (Hyperdub) {10}: Cl:30, Fp:+, GB:14, Mix:+, PW:20; am_e:+, pf_e:+ -- TH:*
  480. Joelle Leandre/Craig Taborn/Mat Maneri: hEARoes (RogueArt) {10}: DB:+, JC:+; jgy:+, jjm_j:5, jsgj:7, sc:+ -- TH:***
  481. Leap Day Trio: Live at the Cafe Bohemia (Giant Step Arts) {10}: DB:+, JC:+; jjw:3, jkws:8, jmju:+, vhs:10 -- TH:***
  482. Mike LeDonne/Eric Alexander/Jeremy Pelt/Vincent Herring/Kenny Washington/Peter Washington: The Heavy Hitters (Cellar) {10}: DB:++, JC:+; jjbw:+, jlh:2, jll:4 -- TH:**
  483. Los Mohanes: La Tumbia (2017, Moli Del Tro) {10}: CE:5, EWi:+; vce:5, vrg:4 -- TH:*
  484. Chien Chien Lu: Built in System: Live in New York (Giant Step Arts) {10}: JC:+, PO:209; jbw:4, jlv:3, jsl:+ -- TH:***
  485. Greg Mendez: Greg Mendez (Forged Artifacts -EP) {10}: Alt:18, NR:33, NT:50, P:22, RS_ir:37, UPC:75; p_f:+, pf_k:+, tmr:+ -- TH:B-
  486. Hedvig Mollestad Weejuns: Weejuns (Rune Grammofon) {10}: BA:+, JC:+, JW:9; jahk:4 -- TH:***
  487. Marius Neset: Geyser: Live at Royal Albert Hall - BBC Proms (ACT Music) {10}: JC:+, TH_j:68; g_j:2, jpq:9, jv:+ -- TH:A-
  488. Thandi Ntuli With Carlos Nino: Rainbow Revisited (International Anthem) {10}: JC:+; aqd:+, g_g:5, jaga:+, jak:7, jkg:3 -- TH:**
  489. Oddisee: To What End (Outer Note) {10}: HG:12, Up:+; pm_h:11, ss_h:3, up_h:+ -- TH:***
  490. Osees: Intercepted Message (In the Red) {10}: BV_i:+, LW:7, Mj:49, Pc:50, U:64; tmr:+, ysw:5
  491. Dougie Poole: The Rainbow Wheel of Death (Wharf Cat) {10}: BPM:31, BV_i:+, PW:4, Yb:18; pm_c:8 -- TH:*
  492. Prins Emanuel: Diagonal Musik II (Music for Dreams) {10}: PM:64, Yb:2; pm_b:1 -- TH:**
  493. Cleo Sol: Gold (Forever Living Originals) {10}: Al:+, Cmp_U:4, TSG:44; bb_r:8, so_d:14 -- TH:**
  494. Squirrel Flower: Tomorrow's Fire (Polyvinyl/Full Time Hobby) {10}: NR:12, P:45, RS_ir:34, UR:54; am_s:+, p_r:+, tmr:+, vg:+, yjf:6
  495. Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers: I Love You (Domestic La La) {10}: PO:178, Rx:23, XSP:26; ymr:31 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  496. Micah Thomas: Reveal (Artwork) {10}: JC:+; jas:8, jdl:+, jjm_j:2, jmmz:+, ny_u:8, vbr:8 -- TH:**
  497. Colter Wall: Little Songs (Black Hole/La Ronda) {10}: WR:19; scm:++, xcw:2, zuc:34 -- TH:***
  498. Sam Wilkes: Driving () {10}: PM:56, PW:35, Yb:1; yrr:4 -- TH:*
  499. Actress: LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) {9}: CE:43, Cl:32, DJM:+, EWi:+, Mix:+, VF:+; am_e:+ -- TH:**
  500. African Head Charge: A Trip to Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) {9}: CE:81, DJM:+; am_l:+, bl:6 -- RC:***, TH:**
  501. Agust D: D-Day (Big Hit Music/HYBE) {9}: CS:27, NME:38, NPR_l:14, RS:69; am_h:+, bb_k:8, p_k:7 -- TH:*
  502. Miguel Atwood-Ferguson: Les Jardins Mystiques Vol 1 (Brainfeeder -3CD) {9}: JC:+; am_j:+, g_c:1, jak:1, km:+
  503. Ryan Beatty: Calico () {9}: LAT:4; atw:+, cdm:2, v_sh:3
  504. Jim Black & the Schrimps: Ain't No Saint (Intakt) {9}: CE:40, JC:+, TH_j:24; vce_j:8, vhs:6 -- TH:A-
  505. John Blum/David Murray/Chad Taylor: The Recursive Tree (Relative Pitch) {9}: JC:+, TH_j:12; jpf:2 -- TH:A-
  506. Pony Bradshaw: North Georgia Rounder (Black Mountain Music) {9}: H:22, WR:13; ahw:+, pm_f:6, scm:++ -- TH:**
  507. Brothers Osborne: Brothers Osborne (EMI Nashville) {9}: AS:+, RS_c:10, TL:59; am_c:+, yjb:3 -- TH:*
  508. Rob Brown: Oblongata (RogueArt) {9}: JC:+, TH_j:63; jpf:10, jsf:4 -- TH:A-
  509. Burna Boy: I Told Them . . . (Spaceship/Bad Habit/Atlantic) {9}: RS:71, T:10, TO:6; am_l:+, xjed:10
  510. Laura Cantrell: Just Like a Rose: The Anniversary Sessions (Propeller Sound) {9}: TH_n:53, YW:51; am_c:+, am_f:+, tmr:+ -- TH:A-
  511. Chai: Chai (Sub Pop) {9}: BV_i:+, Rx:70; p_p:+ -- RC:A-, TH:**
  512. Craven Faults: Standers (The Leaf Label) {9}: LQ:29, No:3, U:50 -- TH:***
  513. Creation Rebel: Hostile Environment (On-U Sound) {9}: BA:+, CE:15, TH_n:47; am_l:+ -- TH:A-
  514. Cut Worms: Cut Worms (Jagjaguwar) {9}: BV_i:+, P:40; ayu_c:20, p_p:+, p_r:+, tmr:+, xjed:6, yvw:5
  515. Dave and Central Cee: Split Decision (Neighbourhood -EP) {9}: Cmp:18; bb_h:7, ymr:40 -- RC:B+, TH:**
  516. Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band: Dancing on the Edge (Sophomore Lounge) {9}: RS_ir:24; aqd:+, pf_k:+, vjk:+ -- RC:***, TH:**
  517. Hannah Diamond: Perfect Picture (PC Music) {9}: EWi:+, G:46, LBF:46, LQ:24, Sl:36; ts:3, yse:+ -- TH:*
  518. DJ Black Low: Impumelelo (Awesome Tapes From Africa) {9}: CE:20, DW:56, EWi:+;PO:145; am_e:+ -- TH:***
  519. DJ Finale: Mille Morceau (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {9}: CE:8, EWi:+; vce:9 -- TH:A-
  520. Marcelo Dos Reis & Luis Vicente: (Un)prepared Pieces for Guitar and Trumpet (Cipsela) {9}: JC:+, TH_j:78; jeh:+, jsgj:4 -- TH:A-
  521. Dream Wife: Social Lubrication (Lucky Number) {9}: D:28, RT:80; am_k:+, ay_ir:15, pm_k:12, ykt:10 -- TH:***
  522. Elzhi X Oh No: Heavy Vibrato (Nature Sounds) {9}: HG:19, TH_n:12; ss_h:25 -- TH:A-
  523. Ember: August in March (Imani) {9}: CM:49, JC:+, PO:104, TH_j:56; jjg:+ -- TH:A-
  524. Empire State Bastard: Rivers of Heresy (Roadrunner) {9}: K:22, Mx:11, Pu:3, RkS:35, Sbd:47
  525. Enji: Ulaan (Squama) {9}: JC:+; g_g:3, jin:8, jth:10, ny_u:10, wp:1
  526. Eyelids: A Clossal Waste of Light (Jealous Butcher) {9}: EWi:+, Mg:18; aqd:+, vbc:6, yrf:6, yti:17, yvms:5
  527. Brent Faiyaz: Larger Than Life (ISO Supremacy/United Masters) {9}: BB:37, Cmp:28, Sg:30; bb_r:3, v_ja:1, v_sh:8
  528. Nick Finzer: Dreams Visions Illusions (Outside In Music) {9}: DB:++, JC:+; jmlo:+, jrm:+, se_fj:+ -- TH:***
  529. Fucked Up: One Day (Merge) {9}: BV_p:42, K:36, PM:75, Sl:49, Tr:38; am_k:+, pm_k:18, pm_ph:5
  530. Asher Gamedze: Turbulence and Pulse (International Anthem/Mushroom Hour) {9}: BA:+, JC:+, PO:226; am_j:+, jdbs:10, jmlo:+ -- TH:***
  531. The Gaslight Anthem: History Books (Rich Mahogany) {9}: Alt:54, AS:+, K:28, Pu:10, RkS:26, RT:100; ay_ar:20
  532. Georgia: Euphoric (Domino) {9}: Al:+, D:18, Pc:92, RT:94; p_p:+ -- TH:***
  533. Grrrl Gang: Spunky! (Big Romantic) {9}: NME:48, PO:176, Rx:67; xpb:+ -- RC:A-, TH:*
  534. Guided by Voices: Welshpool Frillies (GBV) {9}: EWi:+, Mg:1; xph:1
  535. The Handsome Family: Hollow (Loose) {9}: TH_n:17; am_f:+, so_d:11, xgm:27 -- TH:A-
  536. Willie J Healey: Bunny (Yala!) {9}: FO:14, GTV:97, Pc:31, RT:92, SLi:14; ay_ip:12, bb6:+
  537. The Human Hearts: Viable (Open Boat) {9}: Rx:27, XCI:25; yvw:9 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  538. Inhaler: Cuts & Bruises (Geffen) {9}: D:15, HP:6, Why:43, XSN:14; rx:+
  539. Russ Johnson Quartet: Reveal (Calligram) {9}: JC:+; jff:26, jpm:1, p_d:3 -- TH:**
  540. Kaisa's Machine: Taking Shape (Greenleaf Music) {9}: DB:+, JC:+; am:+, am_j:+, jek:+, jha:+, jlv:6 -- TH:**
  541. Yazmin Lacey: Voice Notes (On Your Own/Believe) {9}: Al:+, Cl:23, NR:48; am_r:+, ay_r:11, ynn:3 -- TH:**
  542. Julian Lage: The Layers (Blue Note -EP) {9}: DB:+, JC:+, TSG:+; jpl:2, jslo:4 -- TH:**
  543. Marthe Lea Band: Herlighetens Vei (Motvind) {9}: CM:23, JC:+, TH_j:69; jpm:5 -- TH:A-
  544. Madness: Theatre of the Absurd Presents C'est La Vie () {9}: BV_i:+, FO:29, RC:18, Ret:20, XSN:27; ay_ap:23, bv_i:+
  545. Tyler Mitchell Octet: Sun Ra's Journey (Cellar) {9}: JC:+, PO:37; jhm:10, jmy:1 -- TH:***
  546. Gurf Morlix: Caveman (Rootball -22) {9}: Rx:71, XSP:47 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  547. Nas: Magic 2 (Mass Appeal) {9}: Al:+, Cmp:40, HG:43; am_h:+, ay_h:25, tmr:+, yb_h:9 -- TH:**
  548. The Nude Party: Rides On (New West) {9}: CE:82, FO:33, RT:86, YW:53; yjb:10, yti:14, yvms:9 -- RC:**
  549. Kresten Osgood/Bob Moses/Tisziji Munoz: Spiritual Drum Kingship (Gotta Let It Out) {9}: JC:+, PO:220, TH_j:36; jahk:9, jgk:+ -- TH:A-
  550. Pardoner: Peace Loving People (Bar/None) {9}: RS_ir:22, RSh:6; bc:+, p_k:+, xph:6 -- RC:*, TH:*
  551. Dolly Parton: Rockstar (Butterfly/Big Machine) {9}: Ret:12, Rx:14, SpL:39 -- RC:A-, TH:B
  552. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Tryptych III (SMP -22) {9}: JC:+; ghj:4, jss:1 -- TH:***
  553. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Tryptych I (SMP -22) {9}: JC:+; ghj:4, jss:1 -- TH:***
  554. Ivo Perelman/Ray Anderson/Joe Morris/Reggie Nicholson: Molten Gold (Fundacja Sluchaj) {9}: TH_j:16; jgk:+, jha:+, jpmd:+ -- TH:A-
  555. Sara Petite: The Empress (Forty Below) {9}: TH_n:59, YW:9; xgm:20 -- TH:A-
  556. Pony: Velveteen (Take This to Heart) {9}: NT:47, Rx:77, YW:45; yrf:9 -- RC:A-, TH:*
  557. Public Image Ltd: End of World (PIL Official) {9}: BV_i:+, CE:105, Fp:+, Mj:65, Pc:96, XSN:11; bv_i:+ -- TH:*
  558. Monika Roscher Bigband: Witchy Activities and the Maple Death () {9}: On:6; atw:+, ayu_j:12, ry_j:4 -- TH:**
  559. Shabazz Palaces: Robed in Rareness (Sub Pop) {9}: BV_r:12, GB:48, PO:113; pm_h:8 -- RC:***, TH:*
  560. Nick Shoulders: All Bad (Gar Hole) {9}: bc_c:+, p_c:+, scm:++, sg_cw:3, ycw:7 -- TH:**
  561. Slowthai: Ugly (Method/Universal) {9}: Ind:46, Jp:44, On:48, TH_n:68; ay_h:11 -- TH:A-
  562. Walter Smith III: Return to Casual (Blue Note) {9}: DB:+, JC:+; jcb:10, jdln:+, jff:8, jjo:8, jrmi:6, ps_j:20 -- TH:*
  563. Luciana Souza & Trio Corrente: Cometa (Sunnyside) {9}: DB:+, JC:+; am_l:+, jdo:4, jgy:+, jkcw:8 -- TH:**
  564. Speakers Corner Quartet: Further Out Than the Edge (OTIH) {9}: C:28, Cl:51, JC:+, Mix:+; ay_e:18, jak:3 -- TH:**
  565. Katie Von Schleicher: A Little Touch of Schleicher in the Night (Sipsman) {9}: BV_i:4, RS_ir:17; p_f:+, yjss:+ -- TH:*
  566. Westside Gunn: And Then You Pray for Me (Griselda/Empire) {9}: BV_r:18, Vb_h:13; ay_t:6, bb_h:15, rs_h:9 -- TH:**
  567. Wreckless Eric: Leisureland (Tapete) {9}: LW:22; vjk:5, vkf:4 -- RC:*, TH:***
  568. Tanner Adell: Buckle Bunny (Columbia) {8}: CE:87, TL:58; ny_c:13, spt:9, xjb:+ -- TH:***
  569. Lina Allemano: Canons (Lumo) {8}: FJ:+++, JC:+; jlre:5, jsgj:6 -- TH:*
  570. Awakebutstillinbed: Chaos Takes the Wheel and I Am a Passenger () {8}: BV:16, BV_p:4, NPR:+; tmr:+
  571. Baby Queen: Quarter Life Crisis (Polydor) {8}: D:25, TH_n:13, Why:41 -- TH:A-
  572. Baroness: Stone (Abraxan Hymns) {8}: BA:+, CS:48, K:13, Mx:18, Rev:24; am_m:+
  573. The Baseball Project: Grand Salami Time (Omnivore) {8}: Rx:32, XCI:29 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  574. Beirut: Hadsel (Pompeii) {8}: Fp:+, MO:49, Pc:85, RT:40; aqd:+, ay_ip:18, pm_f:12, vjk:9
  575. Benny Benack III: Third Time's the Charm (La Reserve/Bandstand Presents) {8}: JC:+; jamo:+, jdb:9, jmmz:+, jsj:3 -- TH:**
  576. Black Country, New Road: Live at Bush Hall (Ninja Tune) {8}: Ind:28, Ms:47; am_a:+, ay_ip:8, ay_ir:20, tmr:6+ -- TH:*
  577. Black Pumas: Chronicles of a Diamond (ATO) {8}: AS:+, Fp:+, RT:15, WX:17; ysw:3
  578. Ron Blake: Mistaken Identity (7ten33 Productions) {8}: JC:+; jla:4, jlh:8, se_fj:+ -- TH:***
  579. Benjamin Boone: Caught in the Rhythm (Origin) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:58; jyk:4 -- TH:A-
  580. Anthony Branker & Imagine: What Place Can Be for Us? A Suite in Ten Movements (Origin) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:45; jrk:2 -- TH:A-
  581. Butcher Brown: Solar Music (Concord Jazz) {8}: DB:+, Gl:+, JC:+; am_j:+, japa:2, jmw:4, ss_j:15 -- TH:B
  582. Joe Chambers: Dance Kobina (Blue Note) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; am_j:+, jag:6, jrmi:3 -- TH:**
  583. Code Orange: The Above (Blue Grape Music) {8}: K:20, Pu:18, Rev:11, Sbd:42; pm_k:27
  584. Lloyd Cole: On Pain (EarMusic/Tapete) {8}: BV_i:+, Mj:42; am_s:+, bv_i:+, tmr:+, vma:1
  585. Corook: Best of Carook (So Far) (Atlantic -22) {8}: Rx:33 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  586. Corook: Serious Person (Part 2) (Atlantic, EP) {8}: EWi:+, TH_n:51, XCI:59, XSP:21 -- TH:A-
  587. Czarface: Czartificial Intelligence (Silver Age/Virgin) {8}: HG:16, TH_n:44, YW:40 -- TH:A-
  588. Marc Ducret: Palm Sweat: Marc Ducret Plays the Music of Tim Berne (Screwgun/Out of Your Head) {8}: JC:+; jgc:10, jgk:+, jno:+, sc_p:+ -- TH:***
  589. Paul Dunmall: Bright Light a Joyous Celebration (Discus Music) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:17; jpf:8 -- TH:A-
  590. Hilario Duran and His Latin Jazz Big Band: Cry Me a River (Alma) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; j91:+, jmh:1 -- TH:**
  591. Bob Dylan: Shadow Kingdom (Legacy) {8}: SE:56, PO:174, TN:+, UPC:87; am_f:+ -- TH:***
  592. Ana Frango Eletrico: Me Chama De Gato Que Eu Sou Sua (Mr Bongo) {8}: CE:99, Ne:46; bc:+, bzb:+, pm_bp:2 -- TH:**
  593. The End: Why Do You Mourn (Trost) {8}: JC:+; jfm:+, jis:6, jkg:7, jmsc:3 -- TH:**
  594. Orrin Evans: The Red Door (Smoke Sessions) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; ghj:9, jch:7, jgy:+, jjhy:8, jmju:+, jwj:+ -- TH:B
  595. Fireworks: Higher Lonely Power (Funeral Plant Collective) {8}: BV:11, BV_p:2, Spk:22, UPC:62
  596. Satoko Fujii/Otomo Yoshihide: Perpetual Motion (Ayler) {8}: JC:+, PO:147; jeh:+, jld:6, sc:+ -- TH:***
  597. Goat: Medicine (Rocket) {8}: BV_i:+, FO:48, Fp:+, LW:88, No:47, Pc:68; vah:5
  598. Rich Halley Quartet: Fire Within (Pine Eagle) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:34; jlv:7, jsk:8 -- TH:A-
  599. Anna Hillburg: Tired Girls (Speakeasy Studios) {8}: ybrw:1, yrf:1, yws:8 -- TH:*
  600. Hiss Golden Messenger: Jump for Joy (Merge) {8}: Mg:16, SE:61, TL:31, U:20; am_s:+, aqd:+
  601. Malcolm Holcombe: Bits and Pieces (Singular) {8}: AS:+; ahw:+ -- RC:***, TH:***
  602. William Hooker: Flesh and Bones (Org Music) {8}: BA:+, JC:+; jpmd:7, vbc_j:2, xbf:+ -- TH:**
  603. Ben Howard: Is It? (Island) {8}: FO:26, Spk:19; atw:+, ay_e:13, ay_f:20, ay_ip:10 -- TH:*
  604. Initiate: Cerebral Circus (Triple B) {8}: Alt:50, BV:49, BV_p:8; bv_hc:+, pm_ph:10, sg_hc:9
  605. John: A Life Diagrammatic (Brace Yourself) {8}: GTV:19, LW:3, Pc:20
  606. Jon-Erik Kellso and the EarRegulars: Live at the Ear Inn (Arbors) {8}: JC:+; jjbw:+, jld:5, jsy:9 -- TH:***
  607. Max Koch: Ten Bulls (Jazzwerkstatt) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:15; jpa:8 -- TH:A-
  608. Alex Lahey: The Answer Is Always Yes (Liberation) {8}: EWi:+, UR:19; tmr:+, vjv:9, xml:5 -- TH:**
  609. Lenhart Tapes: Dens (Glitterbeat) {8}: CE:19, EWi:+; xpb:4 -- TH:***
  610. Mahalia: IRL (Atlantic) {8}: D:16, TO:28; am_r:+, yb_r:13 -- TH:***
  611. Kali Malone: Does Spring Hide Its Joy (Xkatedral/Ideologic Organ) {8}: BA:+, TSG:39; bl:8, sg_x:1, ycc:3
  612. Mat Maneri Quartet: Ash (Sunnyside) {8}: BA:+, JC:+; jgk:+, jgm:+, jri:6 -- TH:***
  613. Maria BC: Spike Field (Sacred Bones) {8}: Fa:30, No:28, P:14, SLi:18; bv_f:+, p_f:+
  614. Delfeayo Marsalis Uptown Jazz Orchestra: Uptown on Mardi Gras Day (Troubadour Jass) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; jamo:+, jwj:+, jyk:6 -- TH:***
  615. Sean Mason: The Southern Suite (Blue Engine) {8}: BS:15, JC:+; jmmz:+, jsj:4, jslo:10 -- TH:*
  616. Steve Mason: Brothers & Sisters (Double Sex/Domino) {8}: BV_i:10, L4:17, MO:32; am_a:+, ay_e:19
  617. Maxo: Even God Has a Sense of Humor (Def Jam) {8}: BV_r:14, Qt:92; pm_h:18, ss_h:5, tmr:+, tr_h:+
  618. Lubomyr Melnyk: The Sacred Thousand (Jeriska) {8}: EWi:+, PO:5 -- TH:***
  619. M(h)aol: Attachment Styles (Tulle) {8}: HP:14, YW:5 -- TH:**
  620. Billy Mohler: Ultraviolet (Contagious Music) {8}: JC:+; jdp:+, jff:25, jlv:2 -- TH:***
  621. Lesley Mok: The Living Collection (American Dreams) {8}: JC:+; jda:8, jha:+, jjsh:3 -- TH:***
  622. Paul Mottram: Seven Ages of Man (Ubuntu Music) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:77; jndg:+, jsn:8 -- TH:A-
  623. Azuka Moweta & Anioma Brothers Band: Nwanne Bu Ife (Palenque -22) {8}: Rx:65 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  624. Nakhane: Bastard Jargon (Star Red/BMG) {8}: DJ:39, Yb:22; bb_q:+ -- RC:B+, TH:**
  625. Lael Neale: Star Eaters Delight (Sub Pop) {8}: GTV:24, UR:29; ae:6, am_f:+, aqd:+, ay_ip:15, tmr:+, yjc:8
  626. No-No Boy: Empire Electric (Smithsonian Folkways) {8}: XCI:50; am_f:+, bc_f:+, ylej:8, ymr:21 -- TH:***
  627. Arturo O'Farrill: Legacies (Blue Note) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; am_j:+, jgy:+, jjc:9, vjo:8, vjo_j:6 -- TH:*
  628. Aruan Ortiz Trio: Serranias: Sketchbook for Piano Trio (Intakt) {8}: JC:+; jff:12, jmlo:+, jpa:2 -- TH:***
  629. Matt Otto: Umbra (Origin) {8}: JC:+, TSG:18; jan:11, jbbr:9, jv:+ -- TH:**
  630. Jessica Pavone: Clamor (Out of Your Head) {8}: JC:+; jmbo:5, pm_x:7, vbc_j:9 -- TH:***
  631. Hayden Pedigo: The Happiest Times I Ever Ignored (Mexican Summer) {8}: PM:76, Yb:5; am_f:+, aqd:+, p_c:+
  632. Ivo Perelman/Joe Morris: Elliptic Time (Mahakala Music -22) {8}: JC:+, TH_j:19; jal:+ -- TH:A-
  633. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp: Tryptych II (SMP -22) {8}: JC:+; ghj:4, jss:1 -- TH:**
  634. Ivo Perelman/Nate Wooley/Mat Maneri/Fred Lonberg-Holm/Joe Morris/Matt Moran: Seven Skies Orchestra (Fundacja Sluchaj -2CD) {8}: JC:+; jmju:+, jnt:1, ps_j:1
  635. Maisie Peters: The Good Witch (Gingerbread Man) {8}: D:50, PM:65, Up:+; bi:14, pm_p:8, yng:7 -- TH:**
  636. Ethan Philion Quartet: Gnosis (Sunnyside) {8}: JC:+; jbw:8, jad:9, jsa:3 -- TH:***
  637. Pipe: Pipe (Third Uncle) {8}: ydho:9, yti:1, yvms:4 -- TH**
  638. Pupil Slicer: Life Is but a Dream . . . (Prosthetic) {8}: BV_p:39, K:5, Pu:22, Sbd:18
  639. Rahill: Flowers at Your Feet (Big Dada) {8}: BV_i:+, KC:5, LI:21; vbz:6, vi:6
  640. Rian Treanor & Ocen James: Saccades (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {8}: CE:9, EWi:+, Mix:+; vce:10 -- TH:**
  641. Dan Rosenboom: Polarity (Orenda) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; jff:9, jjw:8, vrg_j:7 -- TH:***
  642. Ned Rothenberg: Crossings Four (Clean Feed) {8}: JC:+; jahk:10, jjs:+, jpf:7, sc_p:+ -- TH:***
  643. Anna B Savage: In/Flux (City Slang) {8}: BPM:48, LQ:3, No:46, Pc:83; ay_ap:20
  644. Screaming Females: Desire Pathway (Don Giovanni) {8}: BV_p:29, EWi:+, Mg:25; am_k:+, so_d:20, vdcm:6, xej:3 -- TH:B
  645. Sigur Ros: Atta (Krunk/BMG) {8}: BPM:32, Fp:+, MO:31, Ms:44, Pc:79; am_a:+, tmr:+, v_ja:9 -- TH:B-
  646. Lisa Marie Simmons/Marco Cremaschini: NoteSpeak 12 (Ropeadope) {8}: DB:+++.TH_j:41 -- TH:A-
  647. Skech185 & Jeff Markey: He Left Nothing for the Swim Back (Backwoodz Studioz) {8}: HG:25; bc_h:_+, pm_h:14, ss_h:4, tr_h:+ -- TH:**
  648. Skrillex: Quest for Fire (OWSLA/Atlantic) {8}: LBF:43, Mix:+, RS:68, Sl:22; bb_d:+, ny_c:+, vu:+ -- TH:*
  649. Stik Figa X the Expert: Ritual (Rucksack) {8}: HG:15, TH_n:15 -- TH:A-
  650. Strange Ranger: Pure Music (Fire Talk) {8}: Dz:16, Sg:31, UR:22; ay_ar:16, ay_e:22, nyl:11, p_e:+
  651. Yuhan Su: Liberated Gesture (Sunnyside) {8}: JC:+; jgf:+, jlv:5, jrh:8 -- TH:***
  652. Dlala Thukzin: Permanent Music 3 (Dlala) {8}: EWi:+, PO:96, SpL:9 -- TH:***
  653. Lol Tolhurst X Budgie X Jacknife Lee: Los Angeles (PIAS) {8}: BV_i:+, L4:20, LW:4; bv_i:+
  654. Trio San: Hibiki (Jazzdor) {8}: JC:+, PO:129; jas:4, jpf:6 -- TH:***
  655. Stephen Ulrich: Music From This American Life (Barbes) {8}: Rx:83 -- RC:A-, TH:***
  656. Mareike Wiening: Reveal (Greenleaf Music) {8}: DB:+, JC:+; jje:+, jmlo:+, jmsu:10 -- TH:***
  657. Wiki & Tony Seltzer: 14k Figaro (Wikset Enterprise) {8}: BV:39, BV_6, Ne:38 -- TH:***
  658. John Zorn: Full Fathom Five (Tzadik) {8}: JC:+; jdp:+, jgk:+, sc_p:+, vhs:4 -- TH:**
  659. Lina Allemano Four: Pipe Dream (Lumo) {7}: JC:+; jad:2, jms:8 -- TH:***
  660. AMM: Last Calls () {7}: W:15; jgk:+, sc:+, sc_p:+, sg_x:4
  661. Emma Anderson: Pearlies (Sonic Cathedral) {7}: BV_i:+, Fp:+, Jp:42, Pc:51, RT:50, UR:33; bv_i:+
  662. Florian Arbenz/Greg Osby/Arno Krijger: Conversation #9: Targeted (Hammer) {7}: PO:182; jan:8, jcm:8, jv:+ -- TH:***
  663. JoVia Armstrong & Eunoia Society: Inception (Black Earth Music) {7}: DB:+, JC:+; am_j:+, jhm:3, jse:2 -- TH:B
  664. Balimaya Project: When the Dust Settles (New Soil) {7}: JC:+; g_g:8, jak:9, tm_w:6 -- TH:***
  665. Balka Sound: Balka Sound (Strut -22) {7}: EWi:+, PO_r:15, Rx:37, SpL:20, XCI:38 -- TH:[***]
  666. Maria Baptist Quintet: Essays on Jazz (self-released) {7}: JC:+; jsa:1 -- TH:***
  667. Patricia Bastos: Vos Da Taba (self-released) {7}: bzb:4, xgm:15 -- TH:A-
  668. Bleach Lab: Lost in a Rush of Emptiness () {7}: D:19, GTV:49, XSN:45; atw:+, ay_ar:3
  669. Apollo Brown & Planet Asia: Sardines (Mello Music Group) {7}: HG:6; ss_h:17 -- TH:***
  670. VV Brown: Am I British Yet? () {7}: ES:12, LBF:12 -- TH:***
  671. Buggin: Concrete Cowboys (Flatspot) {7}: Alt:53, BV_p:41, EWi:+; bv_hc:+, p_k:+, pm_ph:6, vdcm:8
  672. Mike Clark: Kosen Rufu (Wide Hive) {7}: JC:+, TH_j:59; jrmi:10 -- TH:A-
  673. Gerald Cleaver: 22/23 (Positive Elevation/577) {7}: sc:+, vpo:1 -- TH:***
  674. Shana Cleveland: Manzanita (Hardly Art) {7}: BV_i:+, Mg:19, YW:70; am_s:+, bc:+, ec:+
  675. Isaiah Collier: Parallel Universe (Night Dreamer) {7}: BA:+, Al:+, CE:38; ps_j:19 -- TH:***
  676. Charley Crockett: Live from the Ryman Auditorium (Son of Davy) {7}: scm:+, xcw:3 -- TH:A-
  677. Crosslegged: Another Blue (self-released) {7}: RS:96, RS_ir:15, RSh:3
  678. Clarence "Bluesman" Davis: Shake It for Me (Music Maker) {7}: PO:222, TH_n:56, TN:+ -- TH:A-
  679. Dexys: The Feminine Divine (Universal) {7}: GTV:82, LW:85, Mj:48, RC:24, RT:41, U:52; vahm:10
  680. Marike van Dijk Nonet: Stranded (Brooklyn Jazz Underground/ZenneZ) {7}: JC:+; bc_j:4, jdsu:8, jmlo:+ -- TH:**
  681. Christian Dillingham: Cascades (Greenleaf Music) {7}: JC:+; am:+, am_j:+, jha:+ -- TH:***
  682. Disclosure: Alchemy (Apollo/AWAL) {7}: Mix:+, TO:23, UPC:83, Yb:7; bb_d:+ -- TH:B
  683. DJ K: Panico No Submundo (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {7}: Fa:23, Ind:27; am_e:+, bc_e:+, pf_e:+, pf_l:+ -- TH:*
  684. DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ: Destiny (Spells on the Telly) {7}: BB:49, DW:34, PO:151, Sg:23, UPC:79; vca:8 -- TH:*
  685. Bonny Doon: Let There Be Music (Anti-) {7}: BV_i:+, RS:58, RS_ir:10, SE:63; aqd:+
  686. Kent Engelhardt & Stephen Enos: Madd for Tadd: "Central Avenue Swing" & "Our Delight" (Tighten Up) {7}: JC:+; jjbw:+, jsy:6, jwj:+ -- TH:***
  687. Explosions in the Sky: End (Temporary Residence) {7}: Pc:66, PM:51, UR:65; pm_x:4, yjw:5
  688. Jad Fair and Samuel Lock Ward: Happy Hearts (Kill Rock Stars) {7}: Rx:73 -- RC:A-, TH:**
  689. Margherita Fava: Tatatu (self-released) {7}: DB:+, TH_j:47; jha:+ -- TH:A-
  690. Michael Feinberg: Blues Variant (Criss Cross) {7}: DB:+, JC:+; jdcr:5 -- TH:***
  691. Alan Ferber Nonet: Up High, Down Low (Sunnyside) {7}: JC:+; jdb:1, jmmz:+ -- TH:**
  692. Terry Gibbs Legacy Band: The Terry Gibbs Songbook (Whaling City Sound) {7}: JC:+; jb:+, jjbw:+, jll:7 -- TH:***
  693. GoGo Penguin: Everything Is Going to Be OK (XXIM) {7}: DB:+, Pc:45; am_j:+, jgt:+, tm_j:7 -- TH:**
  694. Riley Green: Ain't My Last Rodeo () {7}: RS_c:25, WR:34, WW:18; kc:+, xjb:7, zuc:12
  695. Louis Hayes: Exactly Right! (Savant) {7}: DB:+, JC:+; jb:+, jkd:8, jhl:7 -- TH:**
  696. Kevin Hays/Ben Street/Billy Hart: Bridges (Smoke Sessions) {7}: DB:++, JC:+; jlbi:+, jmu:10 -- TH:**
  697. Headie One & K-Trap: Strength to Strength () {7}: Cmp_U:1 -- TH:**
  698. Marina Herlop: Nekkuja (Pan) {7}: C:10, On:33, VF:+; pf_e:+ -- TH:*
  699. Benjamin Herman: Nostalgia Blitz (Dox) {7}: CE:96, TH_j:71; yst_j:20 -- TH:A-
  700. Homeboy Sandman: I Can't Sell These Either (self-released) {7}: DW:61, PO:140, TH_n:42 -- TH:A-
  701. Islandman Feat Okay Temiz/Muhlis Berberoglu: Direct-to-Disc Sessions (Night Dreamer) {7}: PO:127, TH_n:38; am_l:+ -- TH:A-
  702. Per Texas Johansson: Orkester Omnitonal (Moserobie) {7}: JC:+; jdsu:2, jjco:10 -- TH:***
  703. Bobby Kapp: Synergy: Bobby Kapp Plays the Music of Richard Sussman (Tweed Boulevard) {7}: DB:++, JC:+; jam:2 -- TH:**
  704. Kate NV: Wow (RVNG Intl) {7}: C:42, Sl:10; p_e:+, tmr:+, vkf:8 -- TH:B
  705. Ruston Kelly: The Weakness (Rounder) {7}: Al:+, LAT:16, S:+; am_c:+, woc:8 -- TH:*
  706. Kid Abstrakt & Leo Low Pass: Still Dreaming (Melting Pot Music) {7}: HG:41, TH_n:62; xgm:26 -- TH:A-
  707. The Kills: God Games (Domino) {7}: Cpu:+, HP:35, I:23, SE:28; am:+, am_k:+, yti:18
  708. Terry Klein: Leave the Light On (self-released) {7}: AS:+; ahw:+, scm:+ -- RC:*, TH:***
  709. Lia Kohl: The Ceiling Reposes (American Dreams) {7}: CE:76; pf_j:+, ymm:1 -- TH:**
  710. Lambrini Girls: You're Welcome (Big Scary Monsters -EP) {7}: YW:2 -- TH:***
  711. Mary Lattimore: Goodbye, Hotel Arkada (Ghostly International) {7}: No:14, U:58; am:+, am_e:+, bc:+ -- TH:*
  712. Dave Liebman: Live at Smalls (Cellar Music) {7}: JC:+; jahk:7, jmk:7, jsf:10 -- TH:***
  713. Lil Wayne: Tha Fix Before Tha VI (Young Money) {7}: DW:46, Rx:72, XCI:45 -- RC:A-, TH:B
  714. Russ Lossing: Alternate Side Parking Music (Aqua Piazza) {7}: JC:+; jdm:7, jmc:+, vrg_j:10 -- TH:***'
  715. Tkay Maidza: Sweet Justice (4AD) {7}: 45:30, BV_r:10, SLi:15 -- TH:**
  716. Manchester Orchestra: The Valley of Vision () {7}: Rf:40; am_k:+, ay_ap:5, ay_ir:4, ay_p:9
  717. Man on Man: Provincetown (Polyvinyl) {7}: tmr:+, vrj:2, xbf:+ -- TH:***
  718. Buck Meek: Haunted Mountain (4AD) {7}: 3v:20, FO:45, Fp:+; am_f:+, ay_c:17, ayu_c:18, p_c:+
  719. The Menzingers: Some of It Was True () {7}: BV:53, BV_p:15, D:46, Pu:15, Sbd:50
  720. Metric: Formentera II (Metric Music International) {7}: UR;75; am_k:+, ay_ar:21, tmr:+ -- TH:***
  721. Miss Grit: Follow the Cyborg (Mute) {7}: NR:25, RT:85, UR:14; am_a:+, ay_ap:22, ti:9
  722. Modern Nature: No Fixed Point in Space (Bella Union) {7}: BV_i:+, GTV:22, U:46, UR:99; aqd:+, ygb:3
  723. Simon Moullier: Isla (self-released) {7}: JC:+; am_j:+, jadh:5, jmlo:+ -- TH:**
  724. Mudhoney: Plastic Eternity (Sub Pop) {7}: LW:5; aqd:+, vjk:8, ymc:6
  725. Jenni Muldaur/Teddy Thompson: Once More: Jenni Muldaur & Teddy Thompson Sing the Great Country Duets (Sun) {7}: TH_n:36; spt:6, xgm:29 -- TH:A-
  726. Mutual Benefit: Growing at the Edges () {7}: RS_ir:30, RSh:16, UR:48; ae:4, p_f:+, yjss:+
  727. Quinsin Nachoff: Stars and Constellations (Adyharopa) {7}: JC:+; fd:9, jri:7, vjc:+ -- TH:***
  728. Tracy Nelson: Life Don't Miss Nobody (BMG) {7}: DB:+, PO:188, TL:63; am_b:+, xgm:24 -- TH:**
  729. Willie Nelson: Bluegrass (Legacy) {7}: TL:61; ay_c:15, scm:+, spt:+ -- RC:**, TH:*
  730. Jalen Ngonda: Come Around and Love Me (Daptone) {7}: Gl:+, Pc:9, PW:38, YW:35; am_r:+
  731. Origami Angel: The Brightest Days (Counter Intuitive) {7}: Alt:42, BV_p:42, Pu:14; p_k:+, tmr:18+
  732. Okwy Osadebe and Highlife Soundmakers International: Igbo Amaka (Palenque) {7}: EWi:+, TH_n:55; xde:+ -- TH:A-
  733. Ivo Perelman/Elliott Sharp: Artificial Intelligence (Mahakala Music) {7}: JC:+, TH_j:42; jsk:10 -- TH:A-
  734. Poppy: Zig (Sumerian) {7}: Dl:29, GQ:+, K:39, Rev:25, RkS:22; am_k:+, tmr:+
  735. Grace Potter: Mother Road () {7}: AS:+, TH_n:45; xgm:30 -- TH:A-
  736. Purelink: Signs (Peak Oil) {7}: C:23, DJM:+, DW:67, Pf:48; bc_a:+, ra:+ -- TH:*
  737. Pvris: Evergreen (Hopeless) {7}: D:44, K:48, RkS:10, Sbd:38; am_k:+
  738. Quantic: Dancing While Falling (PIAS) {7}: Pm:21; am_r:+, pf_s:4 -- TH:***
  739. Quartet San Francisco/Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band/Take Six: Raymond Scott Reimagined (Violinjazz) {7}: JC:+; jsy:1 -- TH:***
  740. Kurt Rosenwinkel: Undercover: Live at the Village Vanguard (Heartcore) {7}: JC:+; jbm:2, jrsc:8, ph:7 -- TH:**
  741. R Ring: War Poems, We Rested (Don Giovanni) {7}: Mg:12, YW:92; yvms:7 -- RC:**, TH:*
  742. Gonzalo Rubalcaba: Borrowed Roses (Top Side Music) {7}: DB:+, JC:+; jgz:2, jrsc:6 -- TH:**
  743. Felipe Salles Interconnections Ensemble: Home Is Here (Tapestry) {7}: DB:++, JC:+; jrk:5 -- TH:**
  744. Jake Shears: Last Man Dancing (Mute) {7}: BV_i:+, MO:38, Ret:4; am_p:+
  745. Elijah Shiffer: Star Jelly (self-released) {7}: PO:102, TH_j:49, TN:+ -- TH:A-
  746. Slaughter Beach, Dog: Crying, Laughing, Waving, Smiling () {7}: Alt:21, Mg:24, UR:69, WX:12; ayu_c:11, p_c:+
  747. Smoking Time Jazz Club: Six Blues, Five Joys & a Stomp (self-released) {7}: JC:+, TH_j:76; jjbc:+ -- TH:A-
  748. Son Volt: Day of the Doug: The Songs of Doug Sahm (Transmit Sound) {7}: ahw_dn:+, am_f:+, xmr:5, yrf:3 -- TH:*
  749. The Streets: The Darker the Shadow the Brighter the Light (679/Warner Music UK) {7}: HP:48, Why:22; am_h:+, tmr:10+ -- TH:**
  750. Sunwatchers: Music Is Victory Over Time (Drones Against Drones) {7}: am_a:+, vrg:8, xph:3, ycs:8, yrs:4
  751. Steve Swell/Joe McPhee/Chris Corsano: Sometimes the Air Is (Mahakala Music) {7}: JC:+; jdt:9, jjco:8, jkw:+ -- TH:***
  752. Tainy: Data (Neon16) {7}: RS:3; bb_l:+, pf_l:+ -- TH:*
  753. Teezo Touchdown: How Do You Sleep at Night? () {7}: BB:29, Up:+, UPC:95; bb_h:3, hyb:+, up_h:+
  754. Tiny Ruins: Ceremony (Ba Da Bing) {7}: ae:2, p_f:+, tmr:+, yzp:3 -- TH:*
  755. Lukas Traxel: One-Eyed Daruma (We Jazz) {7}: CM:6, EWi:+ -- TH:***
  756. Trophy Eyes: Suicide and Sunshine () {7}: Pu:1, RkS:12
  757. Tanya Tucker: Sweet Western Sound (Fantasy) {7}: HV:25, PO:229; am_c:+, ahw:+, scm:+ -- TH:**
  758. Unknown Mortal Orchestra: V (Jagjaguwar) {7}: DJ:17, NT:13, U:41; vbs:6, vg:+
  759. Ken Vandermark & Hamid Drake: Eternal River (Corbett vs Dempsey) {7}: JC:+; jlv:1 -- TH:***
  760. Greg Ward's Rogue Parade: Dion's Quest (Sugah Hoof) {7}: BA:+, DB:+, JC:+; jjkb:20, jmt:10, jnt:8, jtc:7 -- TH:B-
  761. Sam Weinberg Trio With Chris Lightcap & Tom Rainey: Implicatures (Astral Spirits) {7}: CM:20, TH_j:73 -- TH:A-
  762. Hein Westgaard Trio: First as Farce (Nice Things) {7}: CM:26, PO:122, TH_j:61 -- TH:A-
  763. Jennifer Wharton's Bonegasm: Grit & Grace (Sunnyside) {7}: DB:+, JC:+; jdb:7, jyk:9 -- TH:***
  764. Wild Up: Julius Eastman Vol 3: If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? (New Amsterdam) {7}: PO:16; g_c:2 -- TH:***
  765. Buster Williams: Unalome (Smoke Sessions) {7}: DB:+, JC:+; am_j:+, jch:1, jpl:10 -- TH:B
  766. Miguel Zenon/Dan Tepfer: Internal Melodies (Main Door Music) {7}: JC:+; jjha:1 -- TH:***
  767. John Zorn: Homenaje A Remedios Varo (Tzadik) {7}: JC:+, Qt:96; jgk:+, jnc:8 -- TH:***
  768. Abstract Concrete: Abstract Concrete (The State51 Conspiracy) {6}: CE:88, Qt:8; sl:+, yrhg:9
  769. Ralph Alessi Quartet: It's Always Now (ECM) {6}: DB:+, JC:+; jdl:+ -- TH:***
  770. Alfa Mist: Variables (Anti-) {6}: RT:61; am_j:+, ay_j:13, ayu_j:11, bv_j:+, ry_j:20
  771. Zoh Amba: O Life, O Light Vol 2 (577) {6}: sc:+, yjs:4 -- TH:***
  772. Ray Anderson: Marching On (Double Moon -22) {6}: DB:+, JC:+; jrd:3 -- TH:**
  773. Alex Anwandter: El Diablo En El Cuerpo (5 AM) {6}: am_p:+, bb_l:+, tmr:+, xbf:+ -- TH:**
  774. Vicente Archer: Short Stories (Cellar) {6}: DB:++; jmlo:+, jmmz:+ -- TH:**
  775. Ashnikko: Weedkiller () {6}: 45:42, D:31, Why:50; ay_h:23, ay_t:4
  776. Avelino: God Save the Streets (More Music/OddChild Music) {6}: I:20; pm_h:5 -- TH:**
  777. Daniel Bachman: When the Roses Come Again (Three Lobed) {6}: aqd:+, ymh:4, yvw:3 -- TH:*
  778. Bambii: Infinity Club (Innovative Leisure -EP) {6}: DJM:+, Mix:+; bc:+ -- TH:***
  779. Michael Bates: Metamorphoses: Variations on Lutoslawski (Anaklasis) {6}: JC:+; jjws:1 -- TH:**
  780. Tim Berne/Hank Roberts/Aurora Nealand: Oceans And (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jff:18, jgc:1, jjm_j:6 -- TH:B
  781. Daniel Bingert: Ariba (Moserobie) {6}: TH_j:51; yst_j:15 -- TH:A-
  782. Antonio Borghini: Banquet of Consequences (We Insist!) {6}: JC:+; jjws:9, jpm:10 -- TH:***
  783. Patrick Brennan Sonic Openings: Tilting Curvaceous (Clean Feed) {6}: JC:+; jjsh:9, jjws:2 -- TH:**
  784. John Butcher: The Very Fabric (Hitorri) {6}: JC:+; jeh:+, jsb:3, sc_k:+, sc_p:+
  785. Daniel Caesar: Never Enough (Republic) {6}: Cmp:20, Up:+; yb_r:4 -- TH:*
  786. Rodrigo Campos: Pagode Novo (YB Music) {6}: PO:69; bzb:7, xbf:+ -- TH:***
  787. Gunhild Carling: Good Evening Cats (Jazz Art -22) {6}: JC:+; jsy:5 -- TH:***
  788. Cash Box Kings: Oscar's Motel (Alligator) {6}: DB:+, TN:+, YW:54; am_b:+ -- TH:**
  789. Edmar Castaneda World Ensemble: Viento Sur (self-released) {6}: DB:+++, JC:+; jhm:2
  790. Sarah Mary Chadwick: Messages to God (Kill Rock Stars) {6}: BPM:40, XCI:71; p_f:+ -- TH:***
  791. Brighde Chaimbeul: Carry Them With Us () {6}: MO:8, Qt:13; g_f:7
  792. Chika: Samson: The Album () {6}: DJ:24, Up:+, Vb_h:6; up_h:+
  793. Chino XL & Stu Bangas: God's Carpenter (Brutal Music/1332) {6}: HG:30, TH_n:30 -- TH:A-
  794. Ralphie Choo: Supernova (Rusia IDK/Warner) {6}: Cl:54, Jp:6, NPR:+; pf_p:+
  795. The Church: The Hypnogogue (Communicating Vessels/Easy Action) {6}: BV_i:+, Mc:31, PM:67, S:+; ay_ar:19, pm_k:23
  796. Andrew Cyrille: Music Delivery/Percussion (Intakt) {6}: JC:+, PO:202; jdt:5 -- TH:**
  797. Harold Danko: Trillium (SteepleChase) {6}: JC:+; jkd:4, jkws:10 -- TH:**
  798. Das Kondensat: Andere Planeten (WhyPlayJazz) {6}: PO:168, TH_j:28 -- TH:A-
  799. Michael Dease: Swing Low (Posi-Tone) {6}: JC:+; jgz:6, jkd:3 -- TH:**
  800. Deerhoof: Miracle-Level (Joyful Noise) {6}: BV_i:+; am_a:+, pm_x:9, vah:6, vma:2
  801. Django Django: Off Planet (Because Music) {6}: BV_i:+, RT:71; am_a:+, ypb:1
  802. Jeremy Dutton: Anyone Is Better Than Here (self-released) {6}: JC:+; jyk:10, tm_j:+ -- TH:**
  803. Bokani Dyer: Radio Sechaba (Brownswood) {6}: BA:+, Cpu:+; am_j:+, pm_g:8 -- TH:**
  804. Yelena Eckemoff: Lonely Man and His Fish (L&H Production -2CD) {6}: JC:+; jrd:5 -- TH:***
  805. Ekiti Sound: Drum Money (Crammed Discs) {6}: JC:+, PM:35; jmm:+, pm_g:3 -- TH:*
  806. Andy Emler MegaOctet: No Rush! (La Buissonne) {6}: JC:+; jpl:1 -- TH:**
  807. Shuteen Erdenebaatar Quartet: Rising Sun (Motema Music) {6}: jb:+, jmmz:+, jndg:+ -- TH:***
  808. FACS: Still Life in Decay (Trouble in Mind) {6}: BV_i:24; am_a:+, vjk:+, xjed:7 -- TH:**
  809. Drayton Farley: Twenty on High (Hargrove) {6}: WR:11; bc_c:+, bv_c:+, scm:+, tmr:+ -- TH:B
  810. Fatboi Sharif & Steel Tipped Dove: Decay () {6}: BV_r:23, HG:17; bc_h:+, ss_h:12, tr_h:+ -- B-
  811. Mark Feldman/Dave Rempis/Tim Daisy: Sirocco (Aerophonic) {6}: TH_j:13 -- TH:A-
  812. Amanda Fields: What, When and Without (Are and Be) {6}: scm:4++ -- TH:**
  813. Larry Fleet: Earned It () {6}: WR:32, WW:10; spt:+, zuc:13
  814. Fred Again/Brian Eno: Secret Life (Text) {6}: HP:20, Why:7; bv_i:+ -- TH:B
  815. Derrick Gardner & the Jazz Prophets: Pan Africa (Impact Jazz) {6}: JC:+; jrsc:4 -- TH:***
  816. Kate Gentile/International Contemporary Ensemble: B i o m e i.i (Obliquity) {6}: BC:++, JC:+, PO:203; bc_j:6, jsp:8
  817. Beverly Glenn-Copeland: The Ones Ahead (Transgressive) {6}: EWi:+, SC:13, Sl:32; ay_ap:19, yse:+
  818. Muriel Grossmann: Devotion (Third Man, 2CD) {6}: JC:+; jdcr:9, jmh:10 -- TH:***
  819. Guided by Voices: La La Land (GBV) {6}: Mg:1; bv_i:+
  820. Kristin Hersh: Clear Pond Road (Fire) {6}: RT:60; am_a:+, ay_f:23, vjk:+, yti:3
  821. Jana Horn: The Window Is the Dream (No Quarter) {6}: Mj:50; aqd:+, bv_f:+, ny_z:+, p_f:+, tmr:+
  822. Val Jeanty/Candice Hoyes/Mimi Jones: Nite Bjuti (Whirlwind) {6}: JC:+; jld:8, jse:3 -- TH:**
  823. Philip Jeck & Chris Watson: Oxmardyke () {6}: Qt:21, W:2; bc_fr:+
  824. Per Texas Johansson: Den Samsta Lonningen Av Alla (Moserobie) {6}: CM:18; bc_j:13 -- TH:***
  825. Kabeaushe: The Coming of Gaze (Hakuna Kulala) {6}: CE:106, EWi:+, ; bc:+, vdh:1
  826. Faten Kanaan: Afterpoem (Fire) {6}: PM:69; am:+, am_e:+, ay_e:20, pm_x:16 -- TH:*
  827. Kaze & Ikue Mori: Crustal Movement (Libra) {6}: PO:144, TH_j:50 -- TH:A-
  828. King Creosote: Ides (Domino) {6}: L4:11, MO:23, Pc:78; ay_e:4
  829. King Tuff: Smalltown Stardust (Sub Pop) {6}: SE:31; am:+, aqd:+, ay_f:16, npr_kt:3
  830. King Ubu Orchestru 2021: Roi (FMR) {6}: FJ:+++; jmsc:6, jnm:+, jno:+
  831. Snorre Kirk: Top Dog (Stunt) {6}: JC:+; jdp:+, jll:9 -- TH:***
  832. Guillermo Klein Quinteto: Telmo's Tune (Sunnyside) {6}: DB:+, JC:+; jff:14, jla:7 -- TH:**
  833. Kool Keith & Real Bad Man: Serpent (Real Bad Man) {6}: HG:9 -- TH:***
  834. Floy Krouchi/James Brandon Lewis/Benjamin Sanz: Cliffs (Off -22) {6}: TH_j:18 -- TH:A-
  835. Lalalar: En Kotu Iyi Olur (Bongo Joe) {6}: CE:67, YW:88; bc:+ -- TH:***
  836. Lamp of Murmuur: Saturnian Bloodstorm (Not Kvlt/Night of the Pale Moon/Argento) {6}: BV:50, Db:7, Sg:37; pm_m:19
  837. Joelle Leandre: Zurich Concert (Intakt) {6}: JC:+; jky:+, jno:+, jpmd:+ -- TH:**
  838. MJ Lenderman and the Wind: Live and Loose! (Anti-) {6}: XCI:51; ay_c:14, p_r:+ -- TH:**
  839. Carin Leon: Colmillo De Leche (Socios/Oplaai) {6}: BB:30; am_l:+, bb_l:+, vca:1
  840. Le Sserafim: Unforgiven () {6}: 45:16, NME:30; ny_c:+, p_kp:3
  841. SG Lewis: AudioLust & HigherLove (PMR/EMI) {6}: Esq:9 -- TH:***
  842. Ivan Lins: My Heart Speaks (Resonance) {6}: JC:+; am_l:+, jamo:+, jslo:7 -- TH:**
  843. Little Dragon: Slugs of Love (Ninja Tune) {6}: Al:+, KC:2; bb6:+
  844. Maria Jose Llergo: Ultrabelleza () {6}: Jp:23, NPR:+, PO:77; am_l:+, pf_l:+, pf_p:+
  845. Lage Lund: Most Peculiar (Criss Cross) {6}: JC:+; jdl:+, jkm:2 -- TH:**
  846. Desire Marea: On the Romance of Being (Mute) {6}: On:13; am_a:+, ay_j:23, vca:4
  847. Gia Margaret: Romantic Piano (Jagjaguwar) {6}: Fa:45, NPR_l:41, PM:79; pm_f:10, pf_j:+ -- TH:*
  848. Chad McCullough: The Charm of Impossibilities (Calligram) {6}: TH_j:70; yst_j:14 -- TH:A-
  849. Nellie McKay: Hey Guys, Watch This (Hungry Mouse) {6}: PO:233, XCI:33; ylej:4 -- TH:**
  850. Mega Bog: End of Everything (Mexican Summer) {6}: BV_i:+, LQ:32, RT:78, UR:94; aqd:+, p_e:+
  851. Natalie Merchant: Keep Your Courage (Nonesuch) {6}: SC:10; am_s:+, ydaj:5
  852. MIKE/Wiki/The Alchemist: Faith Is a Rock (ALC) {6}: BV:39, BV_r:6; v_sh:6 -- TH:*
  853. Rainy Miller/Space Afrika: A Grisaille Wedding (Fixed Abode) {6}: Dz:11, GB:22, Ind:19, Mix:+ -- TH:B
  854. Nils Petter Molvaer/Norwegian Radio Orchestra: Certainty of Tides (Modern) {6}: JC:+; jpq:4 -- TH:***
  855. Gurf Morlix: I Challenge the Beast (Rootball) {6}: -- RC:***, TH:***
  856. Ian Munsick: White Buffalo () {6}: H:11; xjb:1, zuc:15
  857. Wolfgang Muthspiel: Dance of the Elders (ECM) {6}: DB:+, JC:+; jdo:10, jmsu:6 -- TH:**
  858. Nickel Creek: Celebrants (Thirty Tigers) {6}: NPR_l:29; am:+, am_f:+, p_c:+, pm_a:5 -- TH:B-
  859. Niecy Blues: Exit Simulation (Kranky) {6}: GB:16, PM:44, Qt:99; am_r:+, pf_s:8
  860. Alogte Oho & His Sounds of Joy: O Yinne! (Philophon) {6}: EWi:+, Mj:70; xde:+ -- TH:***
  861. Old Crow Medicine Show: Jubilee (ATO) {6}: Mx:10, SE:45; am_f:+, scm:+ -- TH:B
  862. Pachyman: Switched-On (ATO) {6}: KC:4; am_l:+, aqd:+
  863. Panopticon: The Rime of Memory (Bindrune) {6}: Db:6, Sg:43, Spk:20
  864. Potter Payper: Real Back in Style () {6}: Cl:56, Cmp_U:2, Why:38
  865. Pizza Hotline: Level Select (We Release Whatever the Fuck We Want) {6}: No:26, TH_n:21 -- TH:A-
  866. Rozi Plain: Prize (Memphis Industries) {6}: No:22, Pc:74, RT:23, SLi:30; ay_ip:24 -- TH:*
  867. Simona Premazzi: Wave in Gravity: Solo Piano (PRE) {6}: BA:+, JC:+; jmlo:+, jmy:10 -- TH:**
  868. Priya Ragu: Santhosam (Warner) {6}: 45:26, D:26; ay_p:25, ay_r:12 -- TH:**
  869. Zoe Rahman: Colour of Sound (Manushi) {6}: JC:+; jndg:+, jsgh:9, jsn:6, jv:++
  870. Mette Rasmussen/Paul Flaherty/Zach Rowden/Chris Corsano: Crying in Space (Relative Pitch) {6}: TN:10 -- TH:***
  871. Andrew Rathbun: The Speed of Time (SteepleChase) {6}: JC:+; jje:+, jv:+ -- TH:***
  872. Ishmael Reed/West Coast Blues Caravan of All-Stars: Blues Lyrics by Ishmael Reed (Reading Group) {6}: Cpu:+, TH_n:40 -- TH:A-
  873. Dave Rempis/Elisabeth Harnik/Fred Lonberg-Holm/Tim Daisy: Earscratcher (Aerophonic) {6}: TH_j:39; sc_p:+ -- TH:A-
  874. Mariam Rezaei: Bown () {6}: Qt:10, W:6
  875. Roge: Curyman (Diamond West) {6}: KC:18, Mj:51; aqd:+, vi:14, vsk:+
  876. Raphael Roginski: Talan () {6}: Qt:48, W:11; pf_j:+, ymm:5
  877. Andre Roligheten: Marbles (Odin) {6}: TH_j:74; jjkb:11 -- TH:A-
  878. Roots Magic Sextet: Long Old Road: Retold Pasts and Present Day Musings (Clean Feed) {6}: JC:+; jjs:+, jmc:+ -- TH:***
  879. Andreas Roysum Ensemble: Mysterier (Motvind) {6}: CM:17, JC:+; jdcl:+ -- TH:**
  880. Adam Rudolph/Tyshawn Sorey: Archaisms 1 (Defkaz) {6}: JC:+; jfk:6, jje:+ -- TH:***
  881. Bobby Rush: All My Love for You (Deep Rush/Thirty Tigers) {6}: JC:+, PO:59; am_b:+, jmm:+ -- TH:**
  882. Jerome Sabbagh: Vintage (Sunnyside) {6}: JC:+; jgz:10, jkm:3 -- TH:**
  883. Seablite: Lemon Lights (Mt St Mtn) {6}: BV_i:+, GTV:98; xch:+, xjsp:4 -- TH:*
  884. Sexmob: The Hard Way (Corbett vs Dempsey) {6}: DB:++; aqd:+, -- TH:***
  885. Shamir: Homo Anxietatem (Kill Rock Stars) {6}: PM:47, RS_ir:18; am_a:+, p_p:+, pm_p:7
  886. Slayyyter: Starfucker (Fader) {6}: Jp:71, Pap:+; hyb:+ -- TH:***
  887. Sam Smith: Gloria (Capitol) {6}: TO:18; bb_q:+, v_ja:4, ysp:+ -- TH:B
  888. Jim Snidero: Far Far Away (Savant) {6}: cah:+, jdm:3 -- TH:***
  889. Ulrika Spacek: Compact Trauma (Tough Love) {6}: BV_i:3, LCA:30, SLi:38
  890. Loren Stillman: Time and Again (Sunnyside) {6}: JC:+; jal:+, jjm_j:9 -- TH:***
  891. Rajna Swaminathan: Apertures (Ropeadope) {6}: JC:+; bc_j:2, jdsu:7 -- TH:**
  892. Dudu Tassa/Jonny Greenwood: Jarak Qaribak (World Circuit) {6}: ay_ap:16, se_fp:+, vjc:2, xsh:7 -- TH:*
  893. Teke::Teke: Hagata () {6}: LCA:16; am_k:+, vmmf:1
  894. Emilio Teubal: Futuro (Not Yet) {6}: JC:+; bc_j:5, jdsu:6 -- TH:**
  895. Leon Thomas III: Electric Dusk (Ezmny/Motown) {6}: Up:+; am_r:+, yb_r:6 -- TH:***
  896. Kris Tiner/Tatsuya Nakatini: The Magic Room (Epigraph) {6}: jjko:5, jsgj:3 -- TH:**
  897. MF Tomlinson: We Are Still Wild Horses (Prah) {6}: ay_c:1, ay_f:7, ayu_c:10 -- TH:*
  898. Ralph Towner: At First Light (ECM) {6}: JC:+; jads:11, jdo:+, jdr:+, jpa:3
  899. Two Shell: Lil Spirits (Mainframe Audio -EP) {6}: TH_n:67; xsm:7 -- TH:A-
  900. Uncle Waffles: Asylum (Kreativekornerr) {6}: CE:92, EWi:+; ny_c:+, v_ja:10 -- TH:**
  901. Donald Vega: As I Travel (Imagery) {6}: DB:+, JC:+; jmh:3, jrd:8, jtpn:+
  902. Fay Victor: Blackity Black Black Is Beautiful (Northern Spy) {6}: JC:+; jek:+, jmmz:+, jss:8 -- TH:**
  903. The WAEVE: The WAEVE (Transgressive) {6}: On:23, RT:25, UR:8; tmr:+
  904. Rufus Wainwright: Folkocracy (BMG) {6}: Al:+; vjo:10, xmr:2, yjb:7, ysp:+ -- TH:B
  905. Brad Walker + Extended: Side by Side (self-released) {6}: JC:+; jdku:5 -- TH:***
  906. Bella White: Among Other Things () {6}: WR:15; am_c:+, bc_c:+, bv_c:+, scm:+
  907. Hailey Whitters: I'm in Love (Big Loud/Pigasus -EP) {6}: acn:5, pm_c:4 -- TH:**
  908. Dan Wilson: Things Eternal (Brother Mister/Mack Avenue) {6}: DB:++, JC:+, WR:22; jb:+, jbm:10
  909. Warren Zeiders: Pretty Little Poison () {6}: WW:1; zuc:7
  910. Denny Zeitlin: Crazy Rhythm: Exploring George Gershwin (Sunnyside) {6}: JC:+; jdm:9, jrd:2, jsk:3 -- TH:B
  911. John Zorn: Nothing Is as Real as Nothing (Tzadik) {6}: JC:+; jgk:+, jpa:4 -- TH:**
  912. Acid Arab: Trois (Crammed Discs) {5}: PM:6 -- TH:**
  913. Dot Allison: Consciousology (Sonic Cathedral) {5}: U:65; am_s:+, ay_ap:10, ay_f:12, ay_p:21
  914. Joe Alterman: Joe Alterman Plays Les McCann: Big Mo & Little Joe (Joe Alberman Music) {5}: JC:+; jb:+, jch:6 -- TH:**
  915. Roxana Amed/Frank Carlberg: Los Trabajos Y Las Noches (Sony Music Latin) {5}: DB:+, JC:+; jjg:+, jjw:9 -- TH:*
  916. Anjimile: The King (4AD) {5}: Qt:88; ay_ap:14, ay_f:17, p_f:+, yps:+
  917. Florian Arbenz: Conversation #10: Inland (Hammer) {5}: PO:106; jgk:+, jv:+ -- TH:**
  918. Florian Arbenz/Jorge Vistel/Wolfgang Puschnig/Oren Marshall/Michael Arbenz: 'Conversation #8: Ablaze (Hammer -22) {5}: jmbn:4 -- TH:***
  919. Bad//Dreems: Hoo Ha! () {5}: DJ:2, LW:71
  920. Devendra Banhart: Flying Wig (Mexican Summer) {5}: BV_i:+; am_s:+, aqd:+, vjk:+, yti:19
  921. Dave Bayles Trio: Live at the Uptowner (Calligram) {5}: TH_j:64 -- TH:A-
  922. Beartooth: The Surface () {5}: K:30, Pu:17, RkS:16
  923. Dierks Bentley: Gravel & Gold () {5}: am_c:+, tc:10, tmr:+, woc:12, zuc:38
  924. Jerry Bergonzi: Extra Extra (Savant) {5}: JC:+; jje:+, jmh:2 -- TH:*
  925. Will Bernard & Beth Custer: Sky (Dreck to Disk) {5}: JC:+; jdo:3, jlg:+, jyk:7
  926. Big/Brave: Nature Morte (Thrill Jockey) {5}: Ex:41, LCA:23, Tr:11; vah:8
  927. Michael Bisio/Timothy Hill: Inside Voice/Outside Voice (Origin) {5}: JC:+; jri:4, jv:+ -- TH:*
  928. Robert Sarazin Blake: One Summer Night: Live at the 2018 Subdued Stringband Jamboree (Same Room) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  929. Jaap Blonk/Damon Smith/Ra Kalam Bob Moses: Rune Kitchen (Balance Point Acoustics) {5}: jgm:+, jjko:4, jnm:+ -- TH:*
  930. Blue Cranes: My Only Secret (Jealous Butcher/Beacon Sound) {5}: DB:++, JC:+; jad:10, jrml:+ -- TH:B
  931. Bombay Bicycle Club: My Big Day (AWAL) {5}: DJ:30, Why:24; atw:+, ay_ip:17, rx:+
  932. Itamar Borochov: Arba (Greenleaf Music) {5}: PO:124; am_j:+ -- TH:***
  933. Boygenius: The Rest (Interscope -EP) {5}: so_d:1 -- RC:**, TH:B
  934. Philippe Brach: Les Gens Qu'on Aime () {5}: LCA:1
  935. Hailey Brinnel: Beautiful Tomorrow (Outside In Music) {5}: DB:+; jb:+ -- TH:***
  936. Peter Brotzmann/Heather Leigh/Fred Lonberg-Holm: Naked Nudes [Brotz 80th at ADA 2021] (Trost) {5}: DB:+, JC:+; jaga:+, jgk:+ -- TH:*
  937. Jane Bunnett and Maqueque: Playing With Fire (True North/Linus Entertainment) {5}: JC:+; j91:+, jsy:4 -- TH:*
  938. Dave Burrell: Harlem Rhapsody (Parco Della Musica) {5}: JC:+; jmc:+ -- TH:***
  939. Bush Tetras: They Live in My Head (Wharf Cat) {5}: BV_i:+; bv_i:+, npr_kt:9, vbc:3
  940. John Butcher: The Art of Noticing (Matchless) {5}: JC:+; jgk:4, jld:9, sc:+
  941. Adriana Calcanhotto: Errante (Modern/BMG) {5}: PO:36; am_l:+, bzb:12 -- TH:**
  942. Call Super: Eulo Cramps (Can You Feel the Sun) {5}: DJM:+, Qt:100; pf_e:+ -- TH:**
  943. Sara Caswell: The Way to You (Anzic) {5}: JC:+; jgy:7 -- TH:***
  944. CESVR/Fleezus/Febem: Brime! [all editions] (Buterz/Beatwise) {5}: SpL:33; bzb:9 -- TH:***
  945. Rasheed Chappell & the Arcitype: Sugar Bills () {5}: HG:47 -- TH:A-
  946. Ed Cherry: Are We There Yet? (Cellar) {5}: JC:+; jb:+, jlh:10 -- TH:**
  947. Scott Clark: Dawn & Dusk (Out of Your Head) {5}: CM:29, JC:+; jaga:+ -- TH:**
  948. Slaid Cleaves: Together Through the Dark (Candy House Media) {5}: ahw:+, scm:+ -- TH:***
  949. Cowboy Junkies: Such Ferocious Beauty (Cooking Vinyl) {5}: Al:+; ay_c:24, ro_c:10, vahm:4
  950. The Cucumbers: Old Shoes (self-released) {5}: TH_n:37 -- TH:A-
  951. Davido: Timeless (DMW/Columbia) {5}: BB:39, DJM:+, Up:+ -- TH:**
  952. Jordan Davis: Bluebird Days (MCA Nashville) {5}: cn:6, tc:2, zuc:6 -- TH:*
  953. Summer Dean: The Biggest Life (The Next Waltz) {5}: WR:23; scm:++, sg_cw:2
  954. Mike Dillon & Punkadelick: Inflorescence (Royal Potato Family) {5}: JC:+, TSG:33; jam:6, yrs:10 -- TH:*
  955. DJ Danifox: Ansiedade (Principe) {5}: CE:71; pf_e:+, ra:+ -- TH:**
  956. DJ Maphorisa/Tman Xpress: Chukela (New Money Gang) {5}: PO:48; bc_e:+ -- TH:***
  957. Dream Nails: Doom Loop () {5}: K:37, Sbd:5
  958. Drop Nineteens: Hard Light (Wharf Cat) {5}: BV_i:15, FO:31, UR:73; bv_i:+
  959. Paul Dunmall/Olie Brice: The Laughing Stone (Confront) {5}: JC:+; jkw:+ -- TH:***
  960. Duran Duran: Danse Macabre (BMG/Tape Modern) {5}: Al:+, SE:39, XSN:47; am:+, am_p:+
  961. Jeremy Dutcher: Motewolonuwok () {5}: EWi:+; ts:9, yrs:1
  962. Dying Wish: Symptoms of Survival () {5}: K:21, Rev:12, Sbd:15
  963. East Axis: No Subject (Mack Avenue) {5}: DB:+, jka:8 -- TH:***
  964. Silke Eberhard/Celine Voccia: Wild Knots (Relative Pitch) {5}: JC:+; jfk:5 -- TH:**
  965. Nataniel Edelman Trio: Un Ruido De Agua (Clean Feed) {5}: JC:+; jal:+ -- TH:***
  966. The Ekphrastics: Special Delivery (Harriet) {5}: yvw:7 -- RC:***, TH:*
  967. Tianna Esperanza: Terror (BMG) {5}: NPR:+, PO:164 -- TH:***
  968. AS Fanning: Mushroom Cloud () {5}: FO:3, GTV:36
  969. FBC: O Amor, O Perdao E a Tecnologia Irao Nos Levar Para Outro Planeta () {5}: Ms:19; pm_bp:1
  970. Art Feynman: Be Good the Crazy Boys () {5}: BV_i:2, UR:35
  971. Don Fiorino/Andy Haas: Accidentals (Resonant Music) {5}: TH_j:66 -- TH:A-
  972. Kofi Flexxx: Flowers in the Dark (Native Rebel) {5}: BA:+; am_j:+, bc:+, ry_j:+, ymh:9
  973. Miya Folick: Roach (Nettwerk) {5}: 45:44, GTV:57, NPR_l:40 -- TH:**
  974. Forest Swords: Bolted (Ninja Tune) {5}: No:37, Pc:91, PM:62; am_e:+, ay_e:12
  975. George Freeman: The Good Life (HighNote) {5}: JC:+; jb:+, jch:10 -- TH:**
  976. Fruit Bats: A River Running to Your Heart (Merge) {5}: ae:8, ay_ip:21, vbs:8, yab:7 -- TH:*
  977. Satoko Fujii: Hyaku: One Hundred Dreams (Libra -22) {5}: JC:+; jdm:2, jjsh:8, jky:3 -- TH:[A-]
  978. Ganavya/Munir Hossn: Sister, Idea (Ropeadope) {5}: DB:++, JC:+; jin:3
  979. Leo Genovese/Demian Cabaud/Marcos Cavaleiro: Estrellero (Sunnyside) {5}: JC:+; jje:+, jmbn:8 -- TH:**
  980. The Ghost: Vanished Pleasures (Relative Pitch) {5}: CM:42; sc_p:+ -- TH:***
  981. Vince Gill & Paul Franklin: Sweet Memories: The Music of Ray Price & the Cherokee Cowboys (MCA Nashville) {5}: am_c:+, pm_c:6, scm:++ -- TH:*
  982. Gloss Up: Before the Gloss Up (Quality Control) {5}: DW:16 -- TH:***
  983. Gloss Up: Shades of Gloss (Quality Control) {5}: -- RC:***, TH:**
  984. Godflesh: Purge (Avalanche) {5}: BA:+, No:44, Qt:87, RS:97; am_m:+
  985. Devin Gray: Most Definitely (Rataplan) {5}: JC:+; jss:2 -- TH:**
  986. Mats Gustafsson & Joachim Nordwall: Their Power Reached Across Space and Time: To Defy Them Was Death -- or Worse (Thrill Jockey) {5}: jjco:4, pm_x:20, sc_k:+, sg_x:7
  987. Scott Hamilton Quartet: At Pizza Express Live (PX) {5}: JC:+; jll:8 -- TH:***
  988. Eirik Hegdal/Jeff Parker/Ingebrigt Haker Flaten/Oyvind Skarbo: Superless (Oyvind Jazzforum) {5}: CM:33, PO:79 -- TH:***
  989. Gerry Hemingway: Afterlife (Auricle -22) {5}: JC:+; jrd:1, sc_p:+ -- TH:[A-]
  990. Eddie Henderson: Witness to History (Smoke Sessions) {5}: DB:+; jdln:+ -- TH:***
  991. High Pulp: Days in the Desert (Anti-) {5}: Yb:20; am_j:+ -- TH:**
  992. Eric Hofbauer/The Five Agents: Waking Up! (Creative Nation Music) {5}: JC:+; jjg:+ -- TH:***
  993. Homeboy Sandman: Rich (Dirty Looks) {5}: tmr:+ -- RC:**, TH:**
  994. Hope D: Clash of the Substance (Hope D) {5}: YW:10 -- TH:**
  995. Hot Milk: A Call to the Void () {5}: K:9, RkS:14
  996. House of All: House of All () {5}: LW:2, Qt:75
  997. Wata Igarashi: Agartha (Kompakt) {5}: DJM:+, Mix:+; ra:+ -- TH:**
  998. Nikki Iles/NDR Bigband: Face to Face (Edition) {5}: JC:+; g_j:10, jpq:1
  999. Gregory Alan Isakov: Appaloosa Bones (Dualtone) {5}: atw:+, ay_c:22, ayu_c:14, bb6:+, pm_f:7 -- TH:B
  1000. Hannah Jadagu: Aperture (Sub Pop) {5}: WX:16; am_a:+, ny_p:+, p_d:28
  1001. Jose James: On & On (Rainbow Blonde) {5}: DB:+; se_fj:+, ss_j:2 -- TH:*
  1002. Rickie Lee Jones: Pieces of Treasure (BMG) {5}: DB:+, Mj:46; ahw_dn:+, ay_j:18, se_fp:+
  1003. Daisy Jones & the Six: Aurora (Ellemar/Atlantic) {5}: AV:25, TO:29, WW:7
  1004. Anders Jormin/Lena Willemark: Pasado En Claro (ECM) {5}: DB:+++ -- TH:**
  1005. Arthur Kell Speculation Quartet: Live at Lunatico (Origin) {5}: JC:+; jsk:7 -- TH:***
  1006. K.Flay: Mono () {5}: Mx:3, RkS:34
  1007. Izumi Kimura/Gerry Hemingway: Kairos (Fundacja Sluchaj) {5}: TH_j:31 -- TH:A-
  1008. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or, Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation (KGLW) {5}: Ind:24, LCA:39, Ne:22, Spk:44; am_m:+
  1009. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: The Silver Cord (KGLW) {5}: BV_i:+, LW:27, Ms:48, Yb:24; p_e:+
  1010. K Michelle: I'm the Problem (Chase Landin/MNRX) {5}: HV:4, PO:50
  1011. Knower: Knower Forever () {5}: ayu_j:4, bc:+, ry_j:2 -- TH:B
  1012. Kirk Knuffke/Joe McPhee Quartet + 1: Keep the Dream Up (Fundacja Sluchaj) {5}: JC:+; jdt:1, sc:+
  1013. Koma Saxo: Post Koma (We Jazz) {5}: CM:15, JC:+; jlg:+ -- TH:*
  1014. La Securite: Stay Safe (Mothland) {5}: BV_i:32 -- TH:A-
  1015. Ingrid Laubrock: Monochromes (Intakt) {5}: JC:+; jssm:2, ps_j:9 -- TH:*
  1016. Bill Laurance & Michael League: Where You Wish You Were (ACT) {5}: JC:+; jak:5 -- TH:**
  1017. Helge Lien Trio/Tore Brunborg: Funeral Dance (Ozella Music) {5}: JC:+; jsn:9 -- TH:***
  1018. Lil Wayne & 2 Chainz: Welcome 2 Collegrove () {5}: Cmp:46, DW:41; ay_t:14, bb_h:17, yb_h:16
  1019. Liquid Mike: S/T [Self-Titled] (Kitschy Spirit, EP) {5}: Alt:28, EWi:+, -- TH:***
  1020. Harold Lopez-Nussa: Timba a la Americana (Blue Note) {5}: DB:+; am_j:+, xph:10 -- TH:**
  1021. Antti Lotjonen Quintet East: Circus/Citadel (We Jazz) {5}: JC:+; jrh:10 -- TH:***
  1022. Bill Lowe and the Signifyin' Natives Ensemble: Sweet Cane: Suites and Other Pedagogical Prompts (Mandorla Music) {5}: JC:+; jgk:6 -- TH:***
  1023. Machine Girl: Neon White Soundtrack Part 1: The Wicked Heart (self-released -22) {5}: SpL:14 -- TH:***
  1024. The Malpass Brothers: Lonely Street (Billy Jam) {5}: scm:++ -- TH:***
  1025. Bill Mays: Autumn Serenade (Sunnyside) {5}: JC:+; jsj:5 -- TH:**
  1026. Angie McMahon: Light, Dark, Light Again () {5}: DJ:9, HP:23; atw:+
  1027. Memphis LK: True Love and Its Consequences (Dot Dash -EP) {5}: -- RC:**, TH:***
  1028. Buddy & Julie Miller: In the Throes (New West) {5}: TL:45, TSG:17 -- TH:**
  1029. Mil-Spec: Marathon (Lockin' Out) {5}: BV_p:30; bv_hc:+, p_k:+, sg_hc:5
  1030. Faizal Mostrixx: Mutations (Glitterbeat) {5}: CE:6, EWi:+; vce:7
  1031. Movements: Ruckus! (Fearless) {5}: Alt:51, Pu:19, RkS:25; atw:+
  1032. Muscadine Bloodline: Teenage Dixie () {5}: WR:2; zuc:36
  1033. Simon Nabatov: Extensions (Unbroken Sounds) {5}: JC:+; jkw:+ -- TH:***
  1034. Roy Nathanson: 82 Days (Enja/Yellowbird) {5}: JC:+; jsgu:9 -- TH:***
  1035. Native Soul: Teenage Dreams (Awesome Tapes From Africa -21) {5}: TH_n:66 -- RC:A-, TH:[A-]
  1036. Natural Wonder Beauty Concept: Natural Wonder Beauty Concept (Mexican Summer) {5}: C:45, VF:+; ra:+, sg_e:3
  1037. Naya Bazz [Rez Abbasi/Josh Feinberg]: Charm (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+; am_j:+, vrg_j:9 -- TH:**
  1038. Neak: Die Wurzel (self-released) {5}: HG:20; nlm:6 -- TH:**
  1039. Sam Newsome & Jean-Michel Pilc: Cosmic Unconsciousness Unplugged (Some New Music) {5}: JC:+; jjm_j:4 -- TH:**
  1040. Nidia: 95 Mindjeres (Principe) {5}: CE:32, EWi:+, VF:+; bc:+, vdcm:7
  1041. Nondi: Flood City Trax (Planet Mu) {5}: Spk:43; am_e:+, bl:10, ra:+ -- TH:*
  1042. Orbital: Optical Delusion (London) {5}: BV_i:26, Fp:+, LW:80; bv_i:+ -- TH:*
  1043. Bill Orcutt: The Anxiety of Symmetry () {5}: PW:37, Qt:17; ycc:4
  1044. Chuck Owen and the WDR Big Band: Renderings (MAMA) {5}: JC:+; jpb:+ -- TH:***
  1045. OXN: CYRM () {5}: HP:44, LW:48, Qt:44; g_f:4
  1046. Michel Pastre/Louis Mazetier/Guillaume Nouaux: Fine Ideas (Camille Productions) {5}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:***
  1047. Jeb Patton: Preludes (Cellar Music) {5}: JC:+; jkd:7, jrd:9 -- TH:**
  1048. Ivo Perelman/Dave Burrell/Bobby Kapp: Trichotomy (Mahakala Music) {5}: TH_j:25 -- TH:A-
  1049. Ivo Perelman/Matt Moran: Tuning Forks (Ibeji Music) {5}: JC:+; jpa:6 -- TH:***
  1050. Daniela Pes: Spira () {5}: On:1
  1051. Pierce the Veil: The Jaws of Life (Fearless) {5}: K:49, RkS:15; ay_ar:18, tmr:+
  1052. Pink: Trustfall (RCA) {5}: PM:68; am_p:+, pm_p:15 -- TH:**
  1053. John Pizzarelli: Stage & Screen (Palmetto) {5}: DB:++ -- TH:***
  1054. Poison Ruin: Harvest (Relapse) {5}: CS:10; p_k:+, wp:8
  1055. Polobi & the Gwo Ka Masters: Abri Cyclonique (Real World) {5}: PO:58, Qt:49; pm_g:10 -- TH:**
  1056. Iggy Pop: Every Loser (Gold Tooth/Atlantic) {5}: FO:49, Mj:60, SE:60; am_k:+ -- TH:*
  1057. Tineke Postma: Aria (Edition) {5}: DB:+, JC:+; jsd:10 -- TH:**
  1058. Precarious Towers: Ten Stories (Shifting Paradigm) {5}: JC:+; jlh:3 -- TH:***
  1059. Eddie Prevost/NO Moore/James O'Sullivan/Ross Lambert: Chord (Shrike) {5}: JC:+; jlre:8, jsb:2 -- TH:*
  1060. Quavo: Rocket Power (Quality Control/Motown) {5}: Up:+, Vb_h:12; ay_t:11, up_h:+
  1061. Ragana: Desolation's Flower (The Flenser) {5}: BV:28, P:28, Tr:41; pf_k:+, ydho:+
  1062. Jason Rebello/Tim Garland: Life to Life (Whirlwind) {5}: JC:+; jsa:7, jsn:7 -- TH:**
  1063. Eric Reed: Black Brown and Blue (Smoke Sessions) {5}: DB:+, JC:+; jsgh:7 -- TH:**
  1064. Restless Road: Last Rodeo (Sony Music Nashville) {5}: ro_c:1, zuc:2
  1065. Smokey Robinson: Gasms (TLR) {5}: EWi:+; vahm:3 -- TH:**
  1066. Aksel Roed's Other Aspects: Do You Dream in Colours? (Is It Jazz?) {5}: JC:+; jmy:4 -- TH:**
  1067. Esther Rose: Safe to Run (New West) {5}: EWi:+; bv_c:+, p_c:+ -- TH:**
  1068. Whitney Rose: Rosie (MCG) {5}: SE:42; scm:+ -- TH:***
  1069. Jim Rotondi Quintet: Over Here (Criss Cross) {5}: JC:+; cah:+, jhl:6 -- TH:**
  1070. Akira Sakata & Entasis: Live in Europe 2022 (Trost -2CD) {5}: FJ:+++; jfm:+, jwr:8
  1071. Laura Schuler Quartett: Suenos Paralelos (Antidro) {5}: JC:+, TSG:28; jmbo:10 -- TH:**
  1072. Knoel Scott/Marshall Allen: Celestial (Night Dreamer) {5}: BA:+, PO:97 -- TH:***
  1073. Setting: Shone a Rainbow Light On (Paradise of Bachelors) {5}: U:60; aqd:+, vjk:+, ymc:3
  1074. Seventeen: FML [10th Mini Album] () {5}: Yb:19; bb_k:6, p_kp:2
  1075. Louis Siciliano: Ancient Cosmic Truth (Musica Presente) {5}: JC:+; vjo:5, vjo_j:4
  1076. Jae Skeese: Abolished Uncertainties () {5}: ss_h:8 -- TH:A-
  1077. SLUGish Ensemble: In Solitude (Slow & Steady) {5}: JC:+; am_j:+, jms:10 -- TH:**
  1078. Cecilia Smith: The Mary Lou Williams Resurgence Project, Vol 1 (Innova) {5}: JC:+; jb:+, jch:4, jwj:+
  1079. Soft Machine: Other Doors (MoonJune) {5}: JC:+; jgk:+, jmsu:4, jv:+
  1080. Soggy Po Boys: It's Good to Laugh Again (self-released -22) {5}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:***
  1081. Sonar With David Torn and J Peter Schwalm: Three Movements (7d) {5}: JC:+; jmsu:2 -- TH:**
  1082. Guido Spannocchi: Live at Porgy & Bess Vienna (Audioguido) {5}: JC:+; jss:9 -- TH:***
  1083. Simon Spillett Big Band: Dear Tubby H (Mister PC) {5}: JC:+; jll:1, jv:+
  1084. Haralabos [Harry] Stafylakis: Calibrating Friction (New Amsterdam) {5}: JC:+; jmbo:2 -- TH:*
  1085. Elias Stemeseder/Christian Lillinger: Umbra (Intakt) {5}: JC:+; jdcl:+ -- TH:***
  1086. Michael Jefry Stevens Quartet: Precipice (ARC) {5}: TH_j:65 -- TH:A-
  1087. AJ Suede & Televangel: Parthian Shots (Fake Four) {5}: HG:14; yjsp:3 -- TH:*
  1088. Superviolet: Infinite Spring (Lame-O) {5}: Alt:15, Sg:41; p_d:9, p_f:+
  1089. Teeth of the Sea: Hive () {5}: MO:25, Qt:3
  1090. That Mexican OT: Lonestar Luchador (Manifest/Good Talk/Good Money Global) {5}: PO:213, Up:+; up_h:+ -- TH:**
  1091. This Is the Kit: Careful of Your Keepers (Rough Trade) {5}: DJ:26, Fp:+, RT:88, UR:39; pm_f:8
  1092. Tinashe: BB/ANG3L (Nice Life -EP) {5}: 45:3, Ne:392, PO:200, UPC:75 -- TH:*
  1093. Azu Tiwaline: The Fifth Dream (IOT) {5}: bc_e:+ -- TH:A-
  1094. Don Toliver: Love Sick (Cactus Jack/Atlantic) {5}: Cmp:33, Up:+; am_r:+, bb_r:7, yb_h:20 -- TH:B
  1095. Truth Cult: Walk the Wheel (Pop Wig) {5}: BV_p:40, Sg:49, TSG:+; p_k:+ -- TH:*
  1096. Tuba Skinny: Hot Town (self-released) {5}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:***
  1097. Dan Tyminski: God Fearing Heathen (8 Track Entertainment) {5}: TH_n:48 -- TH:A-
  1098. Vanishing Twin: Afternoon X (Fire) {5}: BV_i:+, No:29, RT:43; am:+, am_a:+
  1099. Andrea Veneziani: The Lighthouse (self-released) {5}: TH_j:56 -- TH:A-
  1100. Martina Verhoeven Quintet: Driven: Live at Roadburn 2022 (Klanggalerie -22) {5}: JC:+; jkw:+ -- TH:***
  1101. Luis Vicente 4tet: House in the Valley (Clean Feed) {5}: CM:45, DB:+; jnm:+ -- TH:**
  1102. V: Layover () {5}: TO:19; am_p:+, bb_k:2
  1103. Jordan Ward: Forward (Interscope) {5}: Cmp:37, NPR:+, RS:53, Up:+; yb_r:14
  1104. Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development Plan: The Nation's Most Central Location (Castles in Space) {5}: No:11, RT:13; pm_l:10
  1105. Colin Webster Large Ensemble: First Meeting (Raw Tonk) {5}: JC:+; jkw:+ -- TH:***
  1106. Bobby West: Big Trippin' (Soulville Sound) {5}: DB:+, JC:+; jam:4 -- TH:*
  1107. Gaia Wilmer Large Ensemble: Folia: The Music of Egberto Gismonti (Sunnyside) {5}: DB:++; jjkb:18 -- TH:**
  1108. Martin Wind/Jim McNeely/Ed Neumeister: Counterpoint (Laika) {5}: JC:+; jgz:4, jkd:2
  1109. Sven Wunder: Late Again (Piano Piano) {5}: PW:18; aqd:+, km:+, pm_l:8
  1110. †††: Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete () {5}: Rev:3, RkS:33
  1111. Yonic South: Devo Challenge Cup (Wild Honey -EP) {5}: EWi:+, PO:207; xtw:3 -- TH:*
  1112. James Yorkston/Nina Persson/The Second Hand Orchestra: The Great White Sea Eagle (Domino) {5}: Al:+, Mc:36; am:+, am_f:+, vi:9
  1113. Young Thug: Business Is Business (Atlantic) {5}: Vb_h:18; ay_t:13 -- TH:**
  1114. John Zorn: The Fourth Way (Tzadik) {5}: JC:+; jpf:9 -- TH:***
  1115. Nicole Zuraitis: How Love Begins (Outside In Music) {5}: DB:+, JC:+; jdb:8, vjo_j:7 -- TH:*
  1116. 6lack: Since I Have a Lover (Interscope) {4}: am_r:+, yb_r:12 -- TH:**
  1117. 75 Dollar Bill: Singularity 06: Anchor Dragging Behind (The State51 Conspiracy -EP) {4}: yjs:8 -- TH:***
  1118. Colby Acuff: Western White Pines () {4}: WR:14; acn:10, scm:+
  1119. Aila Trio: Shaped by Sea Waves (Edgetone) {4}: CM:35 -- TH:***
  1120. Jason Aldean: Highway Desperado () {4}: WW:13; kc:+, zuc:28
  1121. Rauw Alejandro: Playa Saturno (Duars Entertainment/Sony Music Latin) {4}: Cmp:45; bb_l:+ -- TH:**
  1122. Constantine Alexander: Firetet (self-released) {4}: JC:+; jlh:9 -- TH:**
  1123. Eric Alexander: A New Beginning: Alto Saxophone With Strings (HighNote) {4}: DB:++, JC:+; jjce:10
  1124. Allah-Las: Zuma 85 () {4}: EWi:+, GTV:91; aqd:+, ypg:10
  1125. Joao Almeida/Rodrigo Pinheiro/Vasco Furtado: Linae (Phonogram Unit) {4}: JC:+; jlre:9, jsgj:2
  1126. Anti-God Hand: Blight Year (American Dreams) {4}: PM:38; pm_m:1
  1127. Aphex Twin: Blackbox Life Recorder 21f/In a Room7 F760 (Warp, EP) {4}: BV_i:+; bv_i:+, vu:+ -- TH:*
  1128. Charlie Apicella & Iron City Meet The Griots Speak: Destiny Calling (OA2) {4}: jmlo:+ -- TH:***
  1129. Atlantic Road Trip: One (Calligram) {4}: JC:+; jdp:+ -- TH:**
  1130. Atmosphere: So Many Other Realities Exist Simultaneously (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {4}: HG:59 -- TH:***
  1131. Atmosphere: Talk Talk EP (Rhymesayers Entertainment) {4}: TSG:19 -- TH:**
  1132. Aunty Rayzor: Viral Wreckage (Hakuna Kuala) {4}: C:41 -- TH:***
  1133. Babymetal: The Other One (Cooking Vinyl) {4}: K:46, Rev:20, RkS:39
  1134. Baby Rose: Through and Through (Secretly Canadian) {4}: Cmp:26, EWi:+; am:+ -- TH:*
  1135. David Bandrowski & the Rhumba Defense: French Onion Superman (self-released -22) {4}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:**
  1136. Barry Can't Swim: When Will We Land? () {4}: Cl:46, DJ:34, DJM:+; bb_d:+
  1137. B Cool-Aid: Leather Blvd (Lex) {4}: HG:44, PW:46, W:38 -- TH:*
  1138. Espen Berg: Water Fabric (Odin) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1139. Better Lovers: God Made Me an Animal () {4}: Mx:35, Rev:6
  1140. Eric Bibb: Ridin' (Stony Plain) {4}: am_b:+ -- TH:***
  1141. Big Freedia: Central City (Queen Diva) {4}: PO:21, YW:57; am_h:+, so_d:6 -- TH:B-
  1142. Adam Birnbaum: Preludes (Chelsea Music Festival) {4}: JC:+; jgg:7 -- TH:**
  1143. Bktherula: LVL5 P1 (Warner -EP) {4}: -- RC:***, TH:*
  1144. Samuel Blaser: Routes (Enja) {4}: DB:+ -- TH:***
  1145. John Blum: Nine Rivers (ESP-Disk) {4}: JC:+; jgg:6 -- TH:**
  1146. Blut Aus Nord: Disharmonium: Nahab (Debemur Morti Productions) {4}: am_m:+, sg_m:1
  1147. Rob Brown: Oceanic (RogueArt) {4}: jgm:+ -- TH:***
  1148. Peter Bruun/Soren Kjaergaard/Josas Westergaard: Thesauros (2 ILK -22) {4}: JC:+; jeh:+ -- TH:*
  1149. John Butcher/Pat Thomas/Dominic Lash/Steve Noble: Fathom (577) {4}: DB:+; sc:+, sc_p:+ -- TH:*
  1150. Chouk Bwa & the Angstromers: Somanti (Bongo Joe) {4}: CE:52; am_l:+ -- TH:**
  1151. Califone: Villagers (Jealous Butcher) {4}: U:39; aqd:+, ay_c:16, yvw:8
  1152. Catatonic Suns: Catatonic Suns (Agitated) {4}: Pc:4
  1153. Valentin Ceccaldi: Bonbon Flamme (Clean Feed) {4}: sc_p:+ -- TH:***
  1154. Cigar Box Serenaders: Spasm (self-released) {4}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:**
  1155. Citizen: Calling the Dogs () {4}: BV:26, BV_p:9
  1156. Clark: Sus Dog (Throttle) {4}: am:+, bl:1 -- TH:B
  1157. Jen Cloher: I Am the River, the River Is Me (Milk!) {4}: DJ:5
  1158. Conway the Machine: Won't He Do It (Drumwork/Empire) {4}: Cmp:48; yb_h:10 -- TH:**
  1159. Hollie Cook: Happy Hour in Dub (Merge) {4}: PO:201; am_l:+, aqd:+ -- TH:*
  1160. Co-Pilot: Rotate (Dell'Orso) {4}: BV_i:+, No:13, Pc:24
  1161. The Chick Corea Elektric Band: The Future Is Now (Candid) {4}: JC:+; jsy:3 -- TH:*
  1162. Charlotte Cornfield: Could Have Done Anything (Next Door) {4}: LQ:34; p_f:+, sl:+, tmr:+
  1163. Mario Costa/Cuong Vu/Benoit Delbecq/Bruno Chevillon: Chromosome (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jad:6, jdcl:+ -- TH:*
  1164. Crime & the City Solution: The Killer () {4}: LW:25; ymc:1
  1165. Chuck D as Mistachuck: We Wreck Stadiums: Homage to Rap & Baseball Heroes (SpitSLAM) {4}: tmr:+ -- TH:***
  1166. Anthony Davis/Kyle Motl/Kjell Nordeson: Vertical Motion (Astral Spirits) {4}: JC:+; jpf:1
  1167. Day & Taxi: Live in Baden (Clean Feed) {4}: sc_p:+ -- TH:***
  1168. Dethklok: Dethalbum IV () {4}: Mx:26, Rev:9
  1169. Diners: Domino () {4}: Alt:14, NR:31; p_r:+
  1170. Dodheimsgard: Black Medium Current (Peaceville) {4}: Db:40, Spk:12; pm_m:7
  1171. David Dove/Joe McPhee: Where's the Wine? (CIA) {4}: PO:231 -- TH:***
  1172. Dragonchild: Dragonchild (FPE) {4}: YW:76; g_g:9 -- TH:**
  1173. Przemyslaw Drazek/Brent Fuscaldo: June 22 (Feeding Tube/Astral Spirits) {4}: JC:+; jssc:+, pf_j:+, vbc_j:8
  1174. The Drin: Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom (Feel It/Future Shock) {4}: CE:29, TN:+; aqd:+
  1175. Nava Dunkelman/Gabby Fluke-Mogul: Likht (Relative Pitch) {4}: jjko:3, jnm:+, jno:+
  1176. Jason Eady: Mississippi (Old Guitar) {4}: CE:80; scm:+ -- TH:**
  1177. Rachel Eckroth: One (Blackbird Sessions) {4}: JC:+; jrd:4 -- TH:*
  1178. Kurt Elling/Charlie Hunter: SuperBlue: The Iridescent Spree (Edition) {4}: JC:+; j91:+, jcm:7, jry:8 -- TH:B
  1179. Vincent Neil Emerson: The Golden Crystal Kingdoms (La Honda/RCA) {4}: bv_c:+, pm_c:12, scm:+, ycw:8
  1180. Enslaved: Heimdal (Nuclear Blast) {4}: Db:14, Spk:13
  1181. Khalil Epi: Romena (Shouka -EP) {4}: CE:7; vce:8
  1182. Wayne Escoffery: Like Minds (Smoke Sessions) {4}: JC:+; jlh:1 -- TH:B-
  1183. Sammy Figueroa: Something for a Memory (Busco Tu Recuerdo) (Ashe) {4}: JC:+; jrmi:8 -- TH:**
  1184. Florry: The Holey Bible (Dear Life) {4}: bv_c:+, p_c:+, xtj:6, yvw:10
  1185. Ben Folds: What Matters Most (New West) {4}: Al:+, RT:97; ylej:5
  1186. Anat Fort Trio: The Berlin Sessions (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jgy:9 -- TH:**
  1187. Four Elements & Beyond: Clock the Chemistry (Four Elements & Beyond) {4}: HG:22 -- TH:***
  1188. Eric Friedlander: She Sees (Skipstone) {4}: JC:+; jmt:6, jtc:6 -- TH:*
  1189. Frog & Henry: Italy & England: 2020-2022 (self-released -22) {4}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:**
  1190. The Front Bottoms: You Are Who You Hang Out With (Fueled by Ramen) {4}: tmr:+ -- RC:**, TH:*
  1191. The Fugs: Dancing in the Universe (Fuga) {4}: PO:24 -- RC:B+
  1192. Tomas Fujiwara's Triple Double: March On (self-released -EP) {4}: PO:235 -- TH:***
  1193. The Garden of Joy: Bouncin' Around (self-released) {4}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:**
  1194. Devon Gilfillian: Love You Anyway () {4}: WX:9; am_r:+
  1195. Bendik Giske: Bendik Giske () {4}: C:2
  1196. Frode Gjerstad With Matthew Shipp: We Speak (Relative Pitch) {4}: JC:+; jpa:7 -- TH:**
  1197. Godthrymm: Distrortions (Profound Lore) {4}: Db:5
  1198. Samuel Goff/Camila Nebbia/Patrick Shiroishi: Diminished Borders (Cacophonous Revival) {4}: pm_j:+ -- TH:***
  1199. Brad Goode: The Unknown (Origin) {4}: jdm:4 -- TH:**
  1200. Grails: Anches En Maat (Temporary Residence) {4}: Yb:13; aqd:+, pm_x:18
  1201. Nick Grant: Sunday Dinner () {4}: Vb_h:16; ss_h:19, yb_h:7
  1202. Great Falls: Objects Without Pain (Neurot) {4}: Db:22, Spk:23; sg_m:3
  1203. Green Lung: This Heathen Land () {4}: K:10; am_m:+
  1204. Luke Grimes: Pain Pills or Pews () {4}: WW:5
  1205. Glen Hansard: All That Was East Is West of Me Now () {4}: HP:17, Yb:38; am_s:+
  1206. Jack Harlow: Jackman (Generation Now/Atlantic) {4}: Up:+; bb_h:19, up_h:+ -- TH:*
  1207. Alexander Hawkins Trio: Carnival Celestial (Intakt) {4}: JC:+; jahk:3 -- TH:*
  1208. Hawkwind: The Future Never Waits (Cherry Red) {4}: LW:43, RC:10
  1209. Mayer Hawthorne: For All Time (P&L) {4}: CE:133, TL:27; am_r:+, yjb:6 -- TH:*
  1210. Nitai Hershkovits: Call on the Old Wise (ECM) {4}: JC:+; jlg:+, jtn:8 -- TH:*
  1211. Daniel Hersog Jazz Orchestra: Open Spaces: Folk Songs Reimagined (Cellar) {4}: JC:+; jjw:7, jmh:+ -- TH:*
  1212. Anthony Hervey: Words From My Horn (Outside In Music) {4}: DB:++ -- TH:**
  1213. Scott Hesse Trio: Intention (Calligram) {4}: JC:+; jdp:+ -- TH:**
  1214. HiTech: Detwat (FXHE) {4}: Fa:10, Pf:29
  1215. Honour: Alaafia () {4}: C:6; pf_e:+
  1216. Horse Lords: Live in Leipzig (RVNG Intl) {4}: -- RC:***, TH:*
  1217. Francois Houle Genera Sextet: In Memoriam (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jkw:+ -- TH:**
  1218. Hurry: Don't Look Back () {4}: Mg:20; p_r:+, yrf:8
  1219. Incendiary: Change the Way You Think About Pain (Closed Casket Activities) {4}: Sbd:32; pm_ph:3, sg_hc:10
  1220. Javon Jackson: With Peter Bradley: Soundtrack and Original Score (Solid Jackson) {4}: PO:162 -- TH:***
  1221. Ja'king the Divine: Parables of the Sower (Copenhagen Crates) {4}: HG:54 -- TH:***
  1222. Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra/Melbourne Symphony Orchestra: The Jungle [Wynton Marsalis: Symphony No 4] (Blue Engine) {4}: BA:+, JC:+; jsw:3
  1223. Maria Joao & Carlos Bica Quartet: Close to You (JACC) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1224. Sun June: Bad Dream Jaguar (Run for Cover) {4}: GB:41, Up:+; p_f:+, yjv:9
  1225. Karkwa: Dans La Seconde (Simone) {4}: LCA:5
  1226. Ryan Keberle's Collectiv Do Brasil: Considerando (Alternate Side) {4}: DB:+; jmlo:+ -- TH:**
  1227. Key Glock: Glockoma 2 (Paper Route Empire) {4}: Cmp:11, Ne:47; bb_h:18
  1228. Kimbra: A Reckoning (self-released) {4}: Mx:33; am_p:+ -- TH:**
  1229. Kool Keith: Black Elvis 2 (Mello Music Group) {4}: HG:48; am_h:+ -- TH:**
  1230. Benjamin Koppel/Scott Colley/Brian Blade: Perspective (Cowbell Music) {4}: JC:+; ghj:8, jje:+, jyk:8
  1231. Kostnateni: Upal (Willowtip) {4}: Spk:39; pm_m:2, sg_m:8
  1232. Kvelertak: Endling (Rise) {4}: CE:138, MO:37; am:+, am_m:+
  1233. Talib Kweli & Madlib: Liberation 2 (Luminary) {4}: HG:35 -- TH:***
  1234. La Baracande: La Baracande () {4}: Qt:4
  1235. Joe La Barbera Quintet: World Travelers (Sam First) {4}: JC:+; jdln:+, jkm:5
  1236. Ella Langley: Excuse the Mess (Sawgod) {4}: WR:27, WW:12 -- TH:*
  1237. Lanterns on the Lake: Versions of Us (Bella Union) {4}: UR:72; ay_ar:13, pm_p:16, vgm:+
  1238. La Tene: Ecorcha/Taillee () {4}: Qt:18; ycc:2
  1239. Daunik Lazro/Benjamin Duboc/Mathieu Bec: Standards Combustion (Dark Tree) {4}: JC:+; jdcl:+, jjco:7, jsb:8
  1240. Pascal Le Boeuf: Ritual Being (SoundSpore) {4}: am_j:+ -- TH:***
  1241. The Peggy Lee Band: A Giving Way (Songlines) {4}: JC:+; jdo:8, jdr:+, jlg:+
  1242. Jinx Lennon: Walk Lightly When the Jug Is Full (Septic Tiger) {4}: -- RC:**, TH:**
  1243. Janel Leppin: The Brink (Shiny Boy Press) {4}: JC:+; vbc_j:5 -- TH:*
  1244. Yosef Gutman Levitt/Tal Yahalom: Tsuf Harim (Soul Song) {4}: jgt:+ -- TH:***
  1245. Gregory Lewis: Organ Monk Going Home (Sunnyside) {4}: JC:+; jgz:8, jhm:7 -- TH:*
  1246. Local Natives: Time Will Wait for No One () {4}: Yb:12; ay_ir:6, p_r:+
  1247. Dave Lombardo: Rites of Percussion (Ipecac) {4}: JC:+; jahk:1
  1248. Brandon Lopez: Vilevilevilevilevilevilevilevile (Tao Forms) {4}: JC:+; jrml:+ -- TH:**
  1249. Loscil//Lawrence English: Colours of Air (Kranky) {4}: am:+, am_e:+, bc_a:+ -- TH:*
  1250. Salvoandrea Lucifora Quartet: Drifters (Trytone) {4}: -- TH:A-
  1251. Rob Luft: Dahab Days (Edition) {4}: JW:14; jcm:+, jgt:+
  1252. M83: Fantasy (Mute/Virgin) {4}: Fp:+, PM:71, UR:34; atw:+ -- TH:B
  1253. Aksak Maboul: Une Aventure De VV (Songspiel) (Made to Measure Vol 48) (Crammed Discs) {4}: CE:50, W:10
  1254. Madlib/Meyhem Lauren/DJ Muggs: Champagne for Breakfast () {4}: HG:32 -- TH:***
  1255. Billie Marten: Drop Cherries (Fiction) {4}: I:5
  1256. Mata Atlantica: Retiro E Ritmo (7D Media -22) {4}: JC:+; jmsu:1
  1257. Mabel Matiz: Fatih () {4}: On:3
  1258. Pete McCann: Without Question (McCannic Music) {4}: jjbw:+ -- TH:***
  1259. Brian McCarthy Nonet: After/Life (Truth Revolution) {4}: JC:+; jsa:6 -- TH:**
  1260. Donny McCaslin: I Want More (Edition) {4}: JC:+; jam:9, jjhy:9, jv:+ -- TH:B
  1261. Parker McCollum: Never Enough () {4}: WR:+; kc:+, scm:+, zuc:16
  1262. HC McEntire: Every Acre (Merge) {4}: Ms:22; ay_c:20, bv_f:+, p_c:+
  1263. Robin McKelle: Impressions of Ella (Doxie) {4}: jb:+ -- TH:***
  1264. Joe McPhee & Tomeka Reid: Let Our Rejoicing Rise (Corbett vs Dempsey -22) {4}: JC:+; vsd:10 -- TH:**
  1265. Francisco Mela Featuring Cooper-Moore and William Parker: Music Frees Our Souls Vol 2 (577) {4}: DB:+ -- TH:***
  1266. Mercury [Nicolas Caloia & Lori Freedman]: Skin (Clean Feed) {4}: JC:+; jal:+ -- TH:**
  1267. Colette Michaan: Earth Rebirth (Creatrix Music) {4}: JC:+; jkcw:9, jtpn:+ -- TH:*
  1268. Palle Mikkelborg/Jakob Bro/Marilyn Mazur: Strands: Live at the Danish Radio Concert Hall (ECM) {4}: JC:+; jka:11, jmsu:7 -- TH:*
  1269. Cassandra Miller: Traveler Song/Thanksong () {4}: Qt:64, W:9
  1270. Mokoomba: Tusona: Tracings in the Sand (Out Here) {4}: tm_w:+, vsk:+ -- TH:**
  1271. Montparnasse Musique: Archeology (Real World -22) {4}: EWi:+, XCI:9 -- TH:[A-]
  1272. Simon Moullier: Inception (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: DB:+, JC:+; jdl:+, jmk:10
  1273. Nat Myers: Yellow Peril () {4}: H:10; am_b:+
  1274. The New Wonders: The New Wonders (Turtle Bay) {4}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:**
  1275. Pascal Niggenkemper: Bloc (Subran/Musiques Aventureuses) {4}: JC:+; jdcl:+, jno:+, jsb:7
  1276. Nighttime: Keeper Is the Heart () {4}: ynn:10, yws:1
  1277. Angel Olsen: Forever Means (Jagjaguwar -EP) {4}: ay_f:19, ay_j:7, ayu_j:18, pm_a:12 -- TH:B
  1278. Ryoko Ono/Satoko Fujii: Hakuro (self-released) {4}: PO:68 -- TH:***
  1279. Engin Ozsahin: Conversations in Chaos (self-released) {4}: JC:+; jsa:8 -- TH:**
  1280. Parchman Prison Prayer: Some Mississippi Sunday Morning (Glitterbeat) {4}: EWi:+ -- RC:***
  1281. Graham Parker & the Goldtops: Last Chance to Learn the Twist (Big Stir) {4}: GTV:71; tmr:+ -- TH:**
  1282. Patio: Collection () {4}: BV_i:+, RS_ir:36, RSh:19
  1283. Pierrick Pedron/Gonzalo Rubalcaba: Pedron Rubalcaba (Gazebo) {4}: JC:+; ghj:1
  1284. Grant Peeples: A Murder of Songs (self-released) {4}: -- RC:**, TH:**
  1285. Ivo Perelman/Nate Wooley: Polarity 2 (Burning Ambulance) {4}: JC:+; jlre:7 -- TH:**
  1286. Pere Ubu: Trouble on Big Beat Street (Cherry Red) {4}: jgk:+, sl:+ -- TH:**
  1287. Phiik & Lungs [aka Lonesword]: Another Planet 4 (Tase Grip/Break All) {4}: PW:10 -- TH:*
  1288. Jean-Michel Pilc: Symphony (Justin Time) {4}: DB:+, JC:+; jdb:10 -- TH:*
  1289. Ted Piltzecker: Vibes on a Breath (OA2) {4}: JC:+; jch:9, jjbw:+ -- TH:*
  1290. Rachael & Vilray: I Love a Love Song (Nonesuch) {4}: DB:+; am_j:+, jb:+ -- TH:*
  1291. Rae Sremmurd: Sremm 4 Life (EarDruma/Interscope) {4}: HV:32, RS:95; ay_t:10 -- TH:*
  1292. Recognize Ali: Back to Mecca II (Greenfield Music) {4}: HG:23 -- TH:***
  1293. Regal86: La Onda: Groove In-Groove Out (self-released) {4}: ra:+ -- TH:***
  1294. Doug Richards Orchestra: Through a Sonic Prism: The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim (self-released) {4}: jjbw:+, jmlo:+ -- TH:**
  1295. Diego Rivera: Love & Peace (Posi-Tone) {4}: DB:+; jb:+ -- TH:**
  1296. Emily Ann Roberts: Can't Hide Country () {4}: WR:+; scm:+, xjb:5
  1297. Rome Streetz: Wasn't Built in a Day (De Rap Winkel) {4}: HG:11, PO:121 -- TH:*
  1298. Ben Rosenblum Nebula Project: A Thousand Pebbles (One Trick Dog) {4}: JC:+; jag:10, jmlo:+ -- TH:*
  1299. Rough Image: Rough Image (WV Sorcerer) {4}: PO:137 -- TH:***
  1300. Royal Arctic Institute: From Catnap to Coma () {4}: aqd:+, vbc:1
  1301. Rust Dust: Twere but It Were so Simple (Omad) {4}: -- RC:**, TH:**
  1302. Taiko Saito: Tears of a Cloud (Trouble in the East) {4}: JC:+, PO:153; jdr:+ -- TH:*
  1303. Bobby Sanabria Multiverse Big Band: Vox Humana (Jazzheads) {4}: JC:+; jmh:5, jmlo:+
  1304. Brandon Sanders: Compton's Finest (Savant) {4}: DB:+; jb:+ -- TH:**
  1305. Ed Sanders: The Sanders-Olufsen Poetry and Classical Music Project (Olufsen) {4}: PO:173 -- RC:***
  1306. Jeffrey Scott: Going Down to Georgia on a Hog (Music Maker) {4}: YW:80 -- TH:***
  1307. Scree: Jasmine on a Night in July (Ruination) {4}: JC:+; jaga:+, jsgu:7, pf_:+ -- TH:B
  1308. Sef: Ik Zou Voor Veel Kunnen Sterven Maar Niet Voor Een Vlag () {4}: 3v:4
  1309. Dave Sewelson/William Parker/Steve Hirsch: The Gate (Mahakala Music -22) {4}: jgmo:+ -- TH:***
  1310. Shaheed & DJ Supreme: The Art of Throwing Darts (Communicating Vessels) {4}: HG:46 -- TH:***
  1311. Kavita Shah: Cape Verdean Blues (Folkalist) {4}: jmlo:+ -- TH:***
  1312. Shalom: Sublimation (Saddle Creek) {4}: p_d:18 -- TH:***
  1313. Antero Sievert: Dear Bossa (JMI) {4}: JC:+; jkm:1
  1314. Edward Simon: Femininas: Songs of Latin American Women (ArtistShare) {4}: JC:+, PO:128; jrk:10 -- TH:*
  1315. Alex Sipiagin Quintet: Mel's Vision (Criss Cross) {4}: JC:+; jsa:10 -- TH:**
  1316. Ballake Sissoko/Vincent Segal/Emile Parisien/Vincent Peirani: Les Egares (No Format) {4}: am:+, am_l:+, ay_j:14, g_j:8
  1317. Skapel: Big Band Live (NoPaper) {4}: km:+, xcw:1
  1318. Slauson Malone 1: Excelsior () {4}: C:27, Qt:14; am_a:+
  1319. Jimi "Primetime" Smith & Bob Corritore: The World in a Jug (Vizztone/SWMAF) {4}: DB:+ -- TH:***
  1320. Caitlyn Smith: High & Low (Monument) {4}: atw:+, scm:+, zuc:29 -- TH:*
  1321. Speaker Music: Techxodus (Planet Mu) {4}: C:29, PO:131 -- TH:**
  1322. Chris Speed Trio: Despite Obstacles (Intakt) {4}: jmmz:+ -- TH:***
  1323. Spellling: Spellling & the Mystery School (Sacred Bones) {4}: NR:45, SLi:10
  1324. Spiritbox: The Fear of Fear () {4}: Rev:5
  1325. Spiritual Cramp: Spiritual Cramp (Blue Grape) {4}: Alt:47, BV_i:35, DW:75, Tr:42
  1326. Tamara Stewart: Woman (self-released) {4}: CE:62, EWi:+, -- TH:**
  1327. Marcus Strickland Twi-Life: The Universe's Wildest Dream (Strick Music) {4}: BA:+; tm_j:3 -- TH:*
  1328. The Dave Stryker Trio: Prime (Strikezone) {4}: DB:+ -- TH:***
  1329. Jonathan Suazo: Ricano (Ropeadope) {4}: ny_u:6 -- TH:***
  1330. Sundae Painters: Sundae Painters () {4}: EWi:+; xpb:6, ynn:4
  1331. Kevin Sun: The Depths of Memory (Endectomorph Music) {4}: PO:105 -- TH:***
  1332. Charu Suri: Rags & Ragas (self-released) {4}: JC:+; jdm:10, jss:5
  1333. Svalbard: The Weight of the Mask () {4}: K:12, Sbd:34, Spk:42
  1334. Swans: The Beggar (Mute) {4}: Ind:38, On:11; ymc:7
  1335. Veronica Swift: Veronica Swift (Mack Avenue) {4}: JC:+; jkcw:5, jmju:+ -- TH:B-
  1336. Willie Tea Taylor & the Fellership: The Great Western Hangover (self-released) {4}: scm:++ -- TH:**
  1337. Teenage Hallolween: Till You Return (Don Giovanni) {4}: BV_p:10; p_k:+
  1338. Tele Novella: Poet's Tooth (Kill Rock Stars) {4}: bc:+, yjsp:7 -- RC:*, TH:*
  1339. Temples: Exotico (ATO) {4}: GTV:84, RT:45, Why:11
  1340. Thantifaxath: Hive Mind Necrosis (Dark Descent) {4}: Db:9; pm_m:12
  1341. There Will Be Fireworks: Summer Moon () {4}: Spk:2
  1342. The Third Mind: The Third Mind 2 (Yep Roc) {4}: AS:+ -- TH:***
  1343. Tomu DJ: Crazy Trip (No Bias -EP) {4}: Mix:+ -- TH:***
  1344. Tujiko Noriko: Crepuscule I & II (Editions Mego) {4}: GB:20, Spk:11 -- TH:B
  1345. Shania Twain: Queen of Me (Republic Nashville) {4}: Al:+, Ret:17; ayu_c:25
  1346. Vagabon: Sorry I Haven't Called (Nonesuch) {4}: LBF:48; am_a:+, bb_q:+, p_p:+
  1347. Kalia Vandever: We Fell in Turn (AKP) {4}: PO:156; vdh:7, vpo:3
  1348. Ray Vega & Thomas Marriott: East West Trumpet Summit: Coast to Coast (Origin) {4}: jjbw:+ -- TH:***
  1349. Claudia Villela: Cartas Ao Vento (Taina Music) {4}: DB:+ -- TH:***
  1350. V Knuckles & Phoniks: The Next Chapter (Don't Sleep) {4}: HG:56 -- TH:***
  1351. Maddie Vogler: While We Have Time (Origin) {4}: jads:4 -- TH:**
  1352. Marta Warelis: A Piece of Earth (Relative Pitch -22) {4}: JC:+; jkg:8 -- TH:**
  1353. Wargasm: Venom (Republic) {4}: K:31, Mx:15, RkS:37
  1354. Waterparks: Intellectual Property () {4}: K:47, RkS:7
  1355. Rod Wave: Nostalgia () {4}: LAT:14; bb_h:14, yb_h:12
  1356. Wayfarer: American Gothic (Profound Lore) {4}: Db:3
  1357. Web Web x Mar Herre: Web Max II (Compost) {4}: JC:+; jadh:4 -- TH:*
  1358. Paul Wertico: Paul Wertico's Drums Without Boundaries (Da Vinci Classics) {4}: DB:+, JC:+; jjce:5
  1359. Asher White: New Excellent Woman () {4}: SLi:21; yrr:1
  1360. Havard Wiik/Tim Daisy: Slight Return (Relay) {4}: PO:141 -- TH:***
  1361. Wild Nothing: Hold (Captured Tracks) {4}: NT:38, Pc:76, UR:45; am_a:+
  1362. Mars Williams/Vasco Trilla: Critical Mass (Not Two) {4}: sc_p:+ -- TH:***
  1363. Simon Willson: Good Company (Fresh Sound New Talent) {4}: JC:+; jjgr:8 -- TH:**
  1364. Woods: Perennial (Woodsist) {4}: BV_i:+, Pc:43; am_a:+, aqd:+
  1365. Jake Worthington: Jake Worthington () {4}: WR:24; scm:++, zuc:20
  1366. Jaime Wyatt: Feel Good (New West) {4}: TL:21; ro_c:3, scm:+
  1367. Libby York: Dreamland (OA2) {4}: DB:++ -- TH:**
  1368. Dhafer Youssef: Street of Minarets (Back Beat Edition) {4}: JC:+; jsgh:8 -- TH:**
  1369. Nicole Yun: Matter (Kanine) {4}: BV_i:+, YW:22; yrf:4
  1370. Zoon: Bekka Ma'iingan (Paper Bag) {4}: Ex:14, NR:15
  1371. John Zorn: Parrhesiastes (Tzadik) {4}: jgk:+, ry_h:13 -- TH:**
  1372. 3Teeth: EndEx () {3}: Rev:18; am_m:+
  1373. Adeem the Artist: White Trash Revelry (Four Quarters -22) {3}: XCI:63; vti:2 -- TH:[A-]
  1374. Antonio Adolfo: Bossa 65: Celebrating Carlos Lyra and Roberto Menescal (AAM Music) {3}: JC:+; jkcw:7, jmh:8
  1375. Aespa: My World [The 3rd Mini Album] () {3}: bb_k:4, p_kp:11
  1376. Affinity Trio [Eric Jacobson/Pamela York/Clay Schaub]: Hindsight (Origin) {3}: -- TH:***
  1377. Afro Peruvian New Trends Orchestra: Cosmic Synchronicities (Blue Spiral) {3}: -- TH:***
  1378. Afterbirth: In but Not Of (Willowtip) {3}: BA:+, BV:54; pm_m:6
  1379. Konrad Agnas: Rite of Passage (Moserobie) {3}: -- TH:***
  1380. Alaska & Steel Tipped Dove: The Structural Dynamics of Flow (Fused Arrow) {3}: HG:49 -- TH:**
  1381. Joey Alexander: Continuance (Mack Avenue) {3}: am_j:+, j91:+, jv:+
  1382. Jim Alfredson: Family Business (Posi-Tone) {3}: jb:+ -- TH:**
  1383. Lina Allemano/Uwe Oberg/Matthias Bauer/Rudi Fischerlehner: SOG (Creative Sources) {3}: -- TH:***
  1384. Zoh Amba: O Life, O Light Vol 1 (577 -22) {3}: JC:+; jfk:4
  1385. Arild Andersen Group: Affirmation (ECM -22) {3}: jdm:1 -- TH:[A-]
  1386. Ray Anderson & Bobby Previte: Double Trouble (Double Moon) {3}: -- TH:***
  1387. Ray Anderson & Bobby Previte: Double Trouble (Double Moon) {3}: -- TH:***
  1388. Angel Du$t: Brand New Soul (Pop Wig) {3}: BV_p:17; pm_ph:9
  1389. Amber Arcades: Barefoot on Diamond Road (Fire) {3}: UR:93; vmmf:8 -- TH:*
  1390. Tina Arena: Love Saves () {3}: Ret:7
  1391. Rick Astley: Are We There Yet? () {3}: Ret:6
  1392. Autopsy: Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts (Peaceville) {3}: Db:18, Ne:44
  1393. Badsista: Gueto Club (TraTraTrax -EP) {3}: Mix:+; vca:5
  1394. Dmitry Baevsky: Kid's Time (Fresh Sound New Talent -22) {3}: -- TH:***
  1395. John Bailey: Time Bandits (Freedom Road) {3}: jjbw:+ -- TH:**
  1396. Hak Baker: World's End FM () {3}: L4:19, NME:35
  1397. Richard Baratta: Off the Charts (Savant) {3}: jb:+ -- TH:**
  1398. Caterina Barbieri: Myuthafoo (Light-Years) {3}: am_e:+ -- TH:**
  1399. Richard X Bennett & Matt Parker: Parker Plays X (BYNK) {3}: -- TH:***
  1400. Duane Betts: Wild & Precious Life (Royal Potato Family) {3}: DB:+, Gl:+; spt:10
  1401. Biig Piig: Bubblegum (RCA -EP) {3}: 45:40, Mix:+ -- TH:*
  1402. John Bishop: Antwerp (Origin) {3}: jdm:12 -- TH:**
  1403. BlackBraid: BlackBraid II () {3}: Db:11, Rev:22
  1404. Black Honey: A Fistful of Peaches (Foxfive) {3}: D:47, RS:84; rx:+
  1405. Black Milk: Everybody Good? () {3}: HG:60; tmr:+ -- TH:*
  1406. Blawan: Dismantled Into Juice (XL) {3}: Mix:+; am_e:+, pf_e:+
  1407. The Blaze: Jungle () {3}: Ms:8
  1408. Joe Bonamassa: Blues Deluxe Vol 2 () {3}: DB:+; am_b:+, ro_b:9
  1409. Geof Bradfield Quintet: Quaver (Calligram) {3}: -- TH:***
  1410. Geof Bradfield/Richard D Johnson/John Tate/Samuel Jewell: Our Heroes (Afar Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1411. The Brass Monkeys: Lullabite (33 Jazz) {3}: JC:+; jss:3
  1412. Brutalismus 3000: Ultrakunst (Live From Earth Klub) {3}: YW:11; ra:+
  1413. Freddie Bryant: Upper West Side Love Story: A Song Cycle (Tiger Turn) {3}: DB:+, JC:+; jbw:10
  1414. Buck 65/Doseone/Jel: North American Adonis (Handsmade) {3}: -- TH:***
  1415. The Bug Club: Rare Birds: Hour of Song () {3}: YW:38; bb6:+, sl:+
  1416. Chris Byars Quartet: Look Ahead (SteepleChase) {3}: -- TH:***
  1417. Cable Ties: All Her Plans (Poison City/Merge) {3}: Gl:+; yvms:2
  1418. The Cadillac Three: The Years Go Fast (Big Machine) {3}: RS_c:22; ro_c:5
  1419. Natanael Cano: Nata Montana (Warner Music Latina) {3}: bb_l:+, ny_c:+, pf_l:+
  1420. Eladio Carrion: 3Men2Kbrn (Rimas) {3}: Cmp:17; bb_l:+
  1421. John Carroll Kirby: Blowout (Stones Throw) {3}: am_j:+, aqd:+, ay_j:22, ss_j:8 -- TH:B-
  1422. Rosie Carr: Yew (Toothpaste) {3}: LQ:6
  1423. Daniel Carter/Leo Genovese/William Parker/Francisco Mela: Shine Hear Vol 1 (577) {3}: sc:+ -- TH:**
  1424. Chepang: Swatta () {3}: Spk:8
  1425. Cherry Glazerr: I Don't Want You Anymore (Secretly Canadian) {3}: UR:66; pm_k:19, so_d:16
  1426. Evian Christ: Revanchist () {3}: Fa:24, Mix:+; am_e:+
  1427. Lucinda Chua: Yian (4AD) {3}: am_a:+, p_d:22, tmr:+
  1428. Chuquimamani-Condori: DJ E (self-released) {3}: GB:51; bc_cm:+ -- TH:*
  1429. City Girls: Raw (Quality Control/Motown) {3}: PO:175 -- TH:**
  1430. Civic: Taken by Force () {3}: CE:73, LW:60; p_k:+
  1431. JD Clayton: Long Way From Home (Mulberry) {3}: ahw:+, ahw_dn:+, spt:+
  1432. Cloth: Secret Measure (Rock Action) {3}: Pc:48; am_a:+, ay_ar:23
  1433. Jeff Coffin/Jordan Perlson/Viktor Krauss: Coffin/Perlson/Krauss (Ear Up) {3}: -- TH:***
  1434. Anat Cohen: Quartetinho (Anzic -22) {3}: JC:+; jtp:2 -- TH:[**]
  1435. Colleen: Le Jour Et La Nuit Du Reel (Thrill Jockey) {3}: am_e:+, aqd:+, pm_x:19
  1436. Jessi Colter: Edge of Forever (Appalachia) {3}: AS:+ -- TH:**
  1437. Djeli Moussa Condé: Africa Mama (Accords Croises) {3}: -- TH:***
  1438. Ashley Cooke: Shot in the Dark () {3}: cn:9, xjb:+, zuc:33
  1439. Cornelius: Dream in Dream () {3}: aqd:+, ytb:4
  1440. Theo Croker: By the Way (Masterworks -EP) {3}: DB:+, TSG:+ -- TH:*
  1441. Cruciamentum: Obsidian Refractions (Profound Lore) {3}: BA:+, Db:17
  1442. Das Koolies: DK.01 (Strangetown/Amplify Music) {3}: BV_i:+, GTV:31, Pc:64
  1443. Evelyn Davis/Fred Frith/Phillip Greenlief: Lantskap Logic: Hidden Danger Lets Me In (Clean Feed) {3}: jgk:+, sc_p:+ -- TH:*
  1444. Day Tripper: What a Time to Be Dead () {3}: HG:31 -- TH:**
  1445. Deeper: Careful! (Sub Pop) {3}: BV_i:+, CS:49; aqd:+
  1446. Deer Tick: Emotional Contracts (ATO) {3}: U:62; ay_c:25 -- TH:*
  1447. Grey DeLisle: She's an Angel () {3}: spt:4, ysp:+
  1448. Orhan Demir: Solo Guitar: Freedom in Jazz Vol 3 (Hittite) {3}: -- TH:***
  1449. Dengue Fever: Ting Mong () {3}: tmr:+, vmmf:9, ygo:7
  1450. Zaho De Sagazan: La Symphonie Des Eclairs () {3}: TO:10
  1451. Din of Celestial Birds: The Night Is for Dreamers () {3}: Pu:9
  1452. Mike DiRubbo: Inner Light (Truth Revolution) {3}: -- TH:***
  1453. DJ Gigola: Fluid Meditations (Live From Earth) {3}: Dz:15; ra:+
  1454. DJ Girl: Hellworld (Planet Mu) {3}: Mix:+ -- TH:**
  1455. DJ RaMeMes: Tamborzin De Volta Redonda (self-released) {3}: bc_cm:+, vca:2
  1456. DJ Ws Da Igrejinha: Caca Fantasma Vol 1 (Dalama) {3}: CE:126, EWi:+; vdcm:9 -- TH:B
  1457. Doggy Daycare: I Love My Friends () {3}: vgb:1
  1458. Nicole Dollanganger: Married in Mount Airy (self-released) {3}: Al:+, Spk:+; p_f:+
  1459. David Donato: Reflector () {3}: scm:++, vbs:9
  1460. Marcelo Dos Reis: Flora (JACC) {3}: -- TH:***
  1461. Arnold Dreyblatt: Resolve (Drag City) {3}: aqd:+, ycc:+, yrr:10
  1462. Marc Ducret: Ici (Ayler) {3}: JC:+; jgk:+, jkw:+
  1463. Paul Dunmall Ensemble: It's a Matter of Fact (Discus Music) {3}: jgk:+ -- TH:**
  1464. Paul Dunmall New Quartet: World Without (577) {3}: sc:+ -- TH:**
  1465. Mia Dyberg Trio: Timestretch (Clean Feed) {3}: JC:+; jal:+ -- TH:*
  1466. Dying Fetus: Make Them Beg for Death (Relapse) {3}: Rev:13; pm_m:17
  1467. Brendan Eder Ensemble: Therapy () {3}: aqd:+, yws:3
  1468. Sophie Ellis-Bextor: Hana () {3}: Al:+, Ret:13
  1469. Enforced: War Remains (Century Media) {3}: BA:+, Db:12
  1470. Ensemble 0: Jojoni [Made to Measure Vol 49] (Crammed Discs) {3}: PO:89 -- TH:**
  1471. Evil Blizzard: Rotting in the Belly of the Whale () {3}: LW:9
  1472. Exek: The Map and the Territory (Foreign) {3}: ygb:1
  1473. Ezra Collective: Where I'm Meant to Be (Partisan) {3}: DJ:20; jv:+
  1474. Chris Farren: Doom Singer (Polyvinyl) {3}: Alt:55, BV_p:27; p_r:+
  1475. Kari Faux: Real B*tches Don't Die! (Drink Sum Wtr) {3}: PO:54; bc:+ -- TH:*
  1476. T Fernandez: Once Upon a Melody () {3}: nlm:1
  1477. Dominic Fike: Sunburn (Sandy Boys/Columbia) {3}: RS:50; atw:+, cdm:8
  1478. Filter: The Algorithm () {3}: Mx:6
  1479. Fizz: The Secret to Life (Universal/Decca/FKA Chairs) {3}: D:42, Why:42; ay_ip:13
  1480. Ingebrigt Haker Flaten & Paal Nilssen-Love: Guts & Skins (PNL) {3}: CM:39 -- TH:**
  1481. Wyatt Flores: Life Lessons () {3}: WR:17; scm:+
  1482. Greg Foat & Gigi Masin: Dolphins (Strut) {3}: Pc:41; km:+, pf_j:+
  1483. James Ellis Ford: Hum () {3}: LW:91, Qt:30; am_e:+
  1484. Chad Fowler/George Cartwright/Kelley Hurt/Christopher Parker/Luke Stewart/Steve Hirsh/Zoh Amba: Miserere (Mahakala Music) {3}: jgk:+ -- TH:**
  1485. Frankie and the Witch Fingers: Data Doom (The Reverberation Appreciation Society/Greenway) {3}: LW:16, PM:80
  1486. Freak Heat Waves: Mondo Tempo (Mood Hut) {3}: BV_i:+, C:35, GB:49
  1487. Bill Frisell: Four (Blue Note -22) {3}: JC:+; jpl:4 -- TH:[*]
  1488. Romulo Froes and Tiago Rosas: Na Goela (YB Music) {3}: PO:181; bzb:5
  1489. Frozen Soul: Glacial Domination (Century Media) {3}: Db:8
  1490. Gaika: Drift (Big Dada) {3}: DJM:+, Mix:+, W:36
  1491. Drew Gardner: Flowers in Space () {3}: xjlu:1
  1492. Katie Gately: Fawn/Brute (Houndstooth) {3}: On:18; am_e:+
  1493. Gazelle Twin: Black Dog () {3}: MO:42, No:38, Qt:26
  1494. Becky G: Esquinas (Kemosabe/RCA) {3}: RS:16; bb_l:+
  1495. The Gentle Good: Galargan () {3}: GTV:29; g_f:5
  1496. Tania Giannouli: Solo (Rattle) {3}: JC:+; jdo:2
  1497. Hannah Gill: Everybody Loves a Lover (Turtle Bay) {3}: -- TH:***
  1498. Anne Gillis + XT: Our/s Bouture(s) (Art Into Life) {3}: JC:+; jlre:2
  1499. Vinny Golia: Even to This Day: Music for Orchestra and Soloists, Movement Two: Syncretism: For the Draw . . . (Nine Winds) {3}: DB:+++
  1500. Nuria Graham: Cyclamen (Primavera Sound) {3}: EWi:+; vdcm:2
  1501. Benny Green: Solo (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; jamo:+, jwj:+
  1502. Phillip Greenlief/Scott Amendola: Stay With It (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1503. Wolfgang Haffner: Silent World (ACT) {3}: -- TH:***
  1504. Hilary Hahn: Eugene Ysaye: Six Sonatas for Solo Violin () {3}: TSG:9
  1505. Haken: Fauna (InsideOut) {3}: am_m:+, tmr:11+
  1506. Charlie Halloran and the Tropicales: Shake the Rum (self-released -22) {3}: -- TH:***
  1507. Scott Hamilton: Talk to Me, Baby (Blau -22) {3}: -- TH:***
  1508. Harp: Albion (Bella Union) {3}: BV_i:+, Pc:40; xjlu:8
  1509. Jaimee Harris: Boomerang Town (Thirty Tigers) {3}: ahw_dn:+ -- TH:**
  1510. Lafayette Harris Jr: Swingin' Up in Harlem (Savant) {3}: JC:+; jsj:6 -- TH:*
  1511. Joel Harrison/Anthony Pirog: The Great Mirage (ASG) {3}: JC:+; vrg_j:3
  1512. Gerrit Hatcher: Solo Five (Kettle Hole) {3}: -- TH:***
  1513. Phil Haynes/Drew Gress/David Liebman: Coda(s): No Fast Food III (Corner Store Jazz) {3}: -- TH:***
  1514. Headache: The Head Hurts but the Heart Knows the Truth (Plz Make It Ruins) {3}: C:33, DJM:+, Mix:+
  1515. Lauren Henderson: Conjuring (Brontosaurus) {3}: -- TH:***
  1516. Carlos Henriquez: A Nuyorican Tale (self-released) {3}: jtpn:+ -- TH:**
  1517. Magos Herrera: Aire (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; jlg:+, jrk:9
  1518. Henry Hey: Trio: Ri-Metos (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
  1519. Hieroglyphic Being: There Is No Acid in This House (Soul Jazz -22) {3}: -- TH:***
  1520. Justin Hiltner: 1992 () {3}: vti:1
  1521. Hinako Omori: Stillness, Softness . . . (Houndstooth) {3}: LBF:45, SLi:48; ay_ap:25
  1522. Makiko Hirabayashi Trio: Meteora (Enja) {3}: BA:+, DB:++
  1523. The HIRS Collective: We're Still Here (Get Better) {3}: Ex:45, Ne:31; bc:+
  1524. HMLTD: The Worm (Lucky Number) {3}: LBF:39, On:36, SLi:34
  1525. Jasper Hoiby's 3 Elements: Earthness (Edition) {3}: -- TH:***
  1526. Holy Tongue: Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare () {3}: BA:+, C:20
  1527. Home Front: Games of Power (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos) {3}: Ex:24, Sg:45; p_k:+
  1528. Ian Hunter: Defiance Part 1 (Sun) {3}: Mj:44, SE:59 -- TH:*
  1529. Tony Hymas/Catherine Delaunay: No Borders (Nato) {3}: JC:+; jjws:5
  1530. IPA: Grimsta (Cuneiform) {3}: CM:34 -- TH:**
  1531. Ayumi Ishito: Ayumi Ishito & the Spacemen Vol 2 (577) {3}: JC:+; vrg_j:5
  1532. IVE: I've IVE () {3}: NME:47; bb_k:25, p_kp:6
  1533. Jam City: Jam City Presents EFM (Earthly/Mad Decent) {3}: GB:8
  1534. Boldy James/Rich Gains: Indiana Jones (self-released) {3}: HG:34 -- TH:**
  1535. Christine Jensen: Day Moon (Justin Time) {3}: DB:+ -- TH:**
  1536. Jim: Love Makes Magic (Vicious Charm) {3}: DJM:+, Pc:12
  1537. Kacey Johansing: Year Away () {3}: am:+, am_s:+, p_f:+
  1538. Jonas Brothers: The Album (Republic) {3}: xsm:2 -- TH:*
  1539. Jonnie: Maritz (N&J Blueberries) {3}: C:16, GB:35
  1540. Josiah & the Bonnevilles: Endurance () {3}: WR:9
  1541. Jung Kook: Golden (Big Hit) {3}: Up:+; am_p:+, ny_c:+
  1542. JustVibez + Negro Justice: Art of the Craft (self-released) {3}: HG:21 -- TH:**
  1543. Katatonia: Sky Void of Stars () {3}: Spk:7
  1544. Charlotte Keefe/Right Here, Right Now Quartet: Alive! in the Studio (Discus Music) {3}: JC:+; jlre:10, jv:+
  1545. The Keening: Little Bird (Relapse) {3}: Db:10
  1546. Tyler Keith & the Apostles: Hell to Pay (Black & Wyatt) {3}: PO:118 -- TH:**
  1547. Hollie Kenniff: We All Have Places That We Miss (Western Vinyl) {3}: am_e:+, pm_b:5
  1548. Corey Kent: Blacktop () {3}: WW:8
  1549. Kiko El Crazy: Pila'e Teteo (Rimas) {3}: PO:180 -- TH:**
  1550. Kill Bill: The Rapper: Fullmetal Kaiju (Exociety) {3}: PO:130 -- TH:**
  1551. Emily King: Special Occasion () {3}: Al:+; am_r:+, hpo:+
  1552. K-Lone: Swells (Wisdom Teeth) {3}: ra:+, sg_e:7 -- TH:*
  1553. Beverley Knight: The Fifth Chapter () {3}: Ret:8
  1554. Tony Kofi & Alina Bzhezhinska: Altera Vita (For Pharoah Sanders) (BBE -EP) {3}: DB:+++ -- TH:B
  1555. Frank Kohl: Pacific (OA2) {3}: -- TH:***
  1556. Kojaque: Phantom of the Afters () {3}: HP:7
  1557. Stella Kola: Stella Kolla (self-released) {3}: ae:20, aqd:+, vjk:7
  1558. Benjamin Koppel: White Buses: Passage to Freedom (Cowbell Music) {3}: JC:+; jje:+, jrd:7
  1559. Kosmo Kint: Groove Religion () {3}: Yb:9
  1560. Koyo: Would You Miss It? () {3}: BV_p:11, D:33
  1561. Allegra Krieger: I Keep My Feet on the Fragile Plane (Double Double Whammy) {3}: RS_ir:32; bv_f:+, p_f:+
  1562. Jason Kush: Finally Friday (MCG Jazz) {3}: -- TH:***
  1563. KwolleM: Melo () {3}: Cmp_U:8
  1564. Ladytron: Time's Arrow (Cooking Vinyl) {3}: Pc:71; so_d:9 -- TH:*
  1565. The Adam Larson Trio: With Love, From New York (Outside In Music) {3}: DB:+ -- TH:**
  1566. Dylan LeBlanc: Coyote () {3}: ydaj:1
  1567. Jeff Lederer With Mary LaRose: Schoenberg on the Beach (Little (i) Music) {3}: JC:+; jjw:6 -- TH:*
  1568. Max Light: Henceforth (SteepleChase) {3}: am_j:+ -- TH:**
  1569. Johan Lindstrom/Norrbotten Big Band: Johan Lindstrom & Norrbotten Big Band (Moserobie) {3}: CM:47 -- TH:**
  1570. Lisel: Patterns for Auto-Tuned Voices and Delay (Ba Da Bing!) {3}: GB:36; g_c:4
  1571. Location Location Location [Michael Formanek/Anthony Pirog/Mike Pride]: Damaged Goods (Cuneiform) {3}: JC:+; jpa:10 -- TH:*
  1572. Joe Locke: Makram (Circle 9) {3}: JC:+; jpb:+ -- TH:*
  1573. Logic: College Park (Three Oh One/BMG) {3}: HG:39, YW:69 -- TH:*
  1574. Tony Logue: The Crumbs () {3}: WR:+; scm:++
  1575. Michelle Lordi: Two Moons (Imani) {3}: JC:+; jyk:5
  1576. Alex LoRe & Weirdear: Evening Will Find Itself (Whirlwind) {3}: pm_j:11 -- TH:**
  1577. The Lottery Winners: Anxiety Replacement Therapy (Modern Sky) {3}: GTV:28, XSN:49; rx:+
  1578. Lowcountry: Lowcountry (Ropeadope) {3}: -- TH:***
  1579. Martin Lutz Group: LoLife/HiLife (Gateway) {3}: -- TH:***
  1580. Lyrics Born: Vision Board (Mobile Home -22) {3}: Rx:75, XCI:64, XSP:51 -- TH:[A-]
  1581. Madder Rose: No One Gets Hurt Ever (Trome) {3}: BV_i:+; bv_i:+, ymh:10
  1582. Mama Terra: The Summoned (Caffala) {3}: JC:+; jss:4
  1583. Maneskin: Rush! (Epic) {3}: RkS:49; am_k:+, rx:+
  1584. Mapache: Swinging Stars (Redeye) {3}: Gl:+; am_f:+, yws:10
  1585. Maps: Counter Melodies (Mute) {3}: am_e:+, vjo:6 -- TH:*
  1586. Denman Maroney/Scott Walton/Denis Fournier: O Koσmoσ Meta (RogueArt -22) {3}: -- TH:***
  1587. The Mary Wallopers: Irish Rock N Roll () {3}: HP:40; xjed:5
  1588. Dave Matthews Band: Walk Around the Moon (RCA) {3}: SE:52, TL:72; am_k:+
  1589. Shawn Maxwell: Story at Eleven (self-released) {3}: DB:+; jha:+
  1590. Joe McPhee/Mette Rasmussen/Dennis Tyfus: Oblique Strategies (Black Truffle) {3}: JC:+; jfk:8, jssm:9 -- TH:B
  1591. Ryan Meagher: AftEarth (Atroefy) {3}: -- TH:***
  1592. Meagre Martin: Gut Punch () {3}: GB:7
  1593. Charif Megarbane: Marzipan (Habibi Funk) {3}: Tr:47; aqd:+, bc:+
  1594. Dan Melchior: Welcome to Redacted City (Midnight Cruiser) {3}: aqd:+, vjk:+, ygb:7
  1595. Memorials: Music for Film: Women Against the Bomb (The State51 Conspiracy) {3}: BV_i:33, GTV:54; yps:+
  1596. Memphis LK: Too Much Fun (Dot Dash -EP) {3}: pf_p:+ -- TH:**
  1597. Metro Boomin: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse [Soundtrack From & Inspired by the Motion Picture] (Boominati/Republic) {3}: BB:43, Yb:35 -- TH:*
  1598. Stephan Micus: Thunder (ECM) {3}: DB:+++ -- TH:B
  1599. Luiz Millan: Brazilian Match (Jazz Station) {3}: am_l:+ -- TH:**
  1600. Steve Millhouse: The Unwinding (SteepleChase) {3}: -- TH:***
  1601. Blake Mills: Jelly Road (New Deal/Verve Forecast) {3}: Mj:54, U:43; pf_k:+ -- TH:B
  1602. @: Mind Palace Music () {3}: am_a:+, vi:2
  1603. Joni Mitchell: Joni Mitchell at Newport (Rhino) {3}: DB:+, TN:+; yjb:9 -- TH:B
  1604. Roscoe Mitchell Orchestra and Space Trio: At the Fault Zone Festival (Wide Hive) {3}: JC:+; jjco:5 -- TH:B-
  1605. Money for Guns: All the Darkness That's in Your Head (Money for Guns) {3}: PO:194 -- TH:**
  1606. Coco Montoya: Writing on the Wall (Alligator) {3}: Cpu:+, DB:+; am_b:+
  1607. Kip Moore: Damn Love () {3}: WR:40; am_c:+, woc:14
  1608. Sally Ann Morgan: Carrying (Thrill Jockey) {3}: vjk:+, yjss:+, ymc:8
  1609. Joe Morris/Jeb Bishop/Nathan McBride: Tells or Terrier (Not Two) {3}: jjko:1
  1610. Van Morrison: Accentuate the Positive (Exile/Virgin) {3}: xgm:23 -- TH:**
  1611. Dorothy Moskowitz & the United States of Alchemy: Under an Endless Sky (Tompkins Square) {3}: W:16; aqd:+
  1612. The Murlocs: Calm Ya Farm (ATO) {3}: DJ:48, Gl:+, VF:+
  1613. Musiq Soulchild/Hit-Boy: Victims & Villains () {3}: am_r:+, yb_r:2
  1614. Musta Huone: Valosaasteen Sekaan () {3}: Qt:6
  1615. Nakibembe Embaire Group: Nakibembe Embaire Group (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {3}: PO:197 -- TH:**
  1616. Anthony Naples: Orbs (ANS) {3}: Mix:+; bc_a:+, pf_e:+
  1617. Michael Nau: Accompany () {3}: FO:8
  1618. Ndox Electrique: Ted Ak Mame Coumba Lamba Ak Mame Coumba Mbang (Bongo Joe) {3}: CE:11, EWi:+; tm_w:2
  1619. Near Miss: The Natural Regimen (Kettle Hole) {3}: -- TH:***
  1620. Camila Nebbia: Una Ofrenda a la Ausencia (Relative Pitch) {3}: jjko:6 -- TH:**
  1621. Neggy Gemmy: CBD Reiki Moonbeam () {3}: Fa:7
  1622. New Age Doom/Lee "Scratch" Perry: Remix the Universe (We Are Busy Bodies) {3}: YW:7
  1623. Lucas Niggli Sound of Serendipity Tentet: Play! (Intakt) {3}: sc_p:+ -- TH:**
  1624. Elsa Nilsson's Band of Pulses: Pulses (Ears & Eyes) {3}: -- TH:***
  1625. Nines: Crop Circle 2 () {3}: Cmp_U:6
  1626. Nines: Crop Circle 3 (Warner Music/Zino) {3}: Cmp_U:12, Mix:+
  1627. Noertker's Moxie: In Flitters: 49 Bits From B*ck*tt (Edgetone) {3}: -- TH:***
  1628. Seulah Noh Jazz Orchestra: NOhMAD () {3}: jan:1
  1629. Jesper Nordberg: Trio (Gotta Let It Out) {3}: -- TH:***
  1630. Nostalgia 77: The Loneliest Flower in the Village (Jazzman) {3}: ycw:6 -- TH:**
  1631. Nothing but Thieves: Dead Club City (Sony UK) {3}: RkS:20; rx:+
  1632. Atle Nymo Trio: Circle Steps (Arc) {3}: CM:+ -- TH:**
  1633. Maciej Obara Quartet: Frozen Silence (ECM) {3}: -- TH:***
  1634. Obituary: Dying of Everything (Relapse) {3}: BA:+, Db:37, Fp:+
  1635. Bill O'Connell: Live at Montauk (Savant) {3}: JC:+; jmh:4
  1636. Octo Octa: Dreams of a Dancefloor (T4T LUV NRG -EP) {3}: Mix:+ -- TH:**
  1637. Okonski: Magnolia (Colemine) {3}: DB:+; aqd:+ -- TH:*
  1638. Dave Okumu & the 7 Generations: I Came From Love (Transgressive) {3}: am_r:+, ay_r:14 -- TH:*
  1639. Ole Lonesome: Tejas Motel (Gulf Coast) {3}: ro_b:1
  1640. Omnigone: Against the Rest (Bad Time) {3}: BV_p:37, bv_sp:+ -- TH:*
  1641. Onew: Circle [The 1st Album] () {3}: bb_k:1
  1642. Onipa: Off the Grid (Real World) {3}: GTV:87; tm_w:5
  1643. Open City: Hands in the Honey Bar (Get Better) {3}: BV_p:19; bv_hc:+
  1644. Jim O'Rourke: Hands That Bind [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Drag City) {3}: U:66; aqd:+, ay_j:10
  1645. Margaux Oswald/Jesper Zeuthen: Magnetite (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1646. Oxbow: Love's Holiday () {3}: Spk:37; yrhg:8, yrs:9
  1647. Pain of Truth: Not Through Blood (Daze) {3}: bv_hc:+, sg_hc:2
  1648. Paint It Black: Famine (Revelation) {3}: BV_p:18; bv_hc:+
  1649. Emile Parisien: Louise (ACT -22) {3}: JC:+; jmy:5 -- TH:[**]
  1650. Evan Parker/Matthew Wright Trance Map+ Peter Evans/Mark Nauseef: Etching the Ether (Intakt) {3}: DB:+ -- TH:**
  1651. Evan Parker/X-Jazz Ensemble: A Schist Story (JACC -22) {3}: JC:+; jdcl:+ -- TH:*
  1652. Bruno Parrinha/Vine Leaf: Tales of Senses (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1653. Hery Paz: Jardineros (577) {3}: jmlo:+ -- TH:**
  1654. Vinnie Paz: All Are Guests in the House of God (Iron Tusk Music) {3}: HG:37 -- TH:**
  1655. Pearl & the Oysters: Coast 2 Coast () {3}: PW:44; am:+, am_a:+
  1656. Penguin Cafe: Rain Before Seven . . . (Erased Tapes) {3}: MO:27, RT:74; xph:9
  1657. Ivo Perelman/Aruan Ortiz/Lester St Louis: Prophecy (Mahakala Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1658. Ivo Perelman/James Emery: The Whisperers (Mahakala Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1659. Ivo Perelman/Matthew Shipp/Jeff Cosgrove: Live in Carrboro (Soul City Sounds) {3}: -- TH:***
  1660. Pest Control: Don't Test the Pest (Quality Control HQ) {3}: DW:54; ydho:+ -- TH:*
  1661. Yune Pinku: Babylon IX (Platoon, EP) {3}: pf_p:+ -- TH:**
  1662. Anthony Pirog: The Nepenthe Series Vol 1 (Otherly Love) {3}: JC:+; vbc_j:6 -- TH:*
  1663. Plains: I Walked With You a Ways (Anti- -22) {3}: EWi:+; xjl:5 -- TH:[A-]
  1664. Post Malone: Austin (Island) {3}: LAT:20, Why:28
  1665. Noah Preminger/Kim Cass: The Dank (Dry Bridge -EP) {3}: TSG:+ -- TH:**
  1666. John Primer: Teardrops for Magic Slim: Live at Rosa's Lounge (Blues House) {3}: -- TH:***
  1667. Prince Kaybee: Gemini (self-released -22) {3}: SpL:38 -- **
  1668. Tommy Prine: This Far South (Thirty Tigers) {3}: WR:26; pm_a:8, scm:+
  1669. Prison: Upstate () {3}: ycs:1
  1670. Public Service Broadcasting/BBC Symphony Orchestra/Jules Buckley: This New Noise (Test Card) {3}: Fp:+, Pc:77, RT:75
  1671. Joakim Rainer Trio: Light.Sentence (Sonic Transmissions) {3}: CM:36 -- TH:**
  1672. Diego Raposo: Yo No Era Asi Pero De Ahora E Adelante, Si (Gran Vaina) {3}: Fa:35, RS:80; pf_l:+
  1673. Raw Poetic [& Damu the Fudgemunk]: Away Back In (Def Presse) {3}: HG:58 -- TH:**
  1674. Remembrance Quintet: Do You Remember? (Sonboy) {3}: -- TH:***
  1675. Ren: Sick Boi () {3}: GTV:79, LW:15
  1676. Bebe Rexha: Bebe (Warner/What a DJ/Spacedout) {3}: RS:77; am_p:+, p:10
  1677. Rezzett: Meant Like This (The Trilogy Tapes) {3}: Qt:95, Mix:+; am_e:+
  1678. Jobi Riccio: Whiplash (Yep Roc) {3}: sg_cm:1
  1679. Chase Rice: I Hate Cowboys & All Dogs Go to Hell () {3}: WR:+; acn:9, zuc:18
  1680. Mike Richmond: Turn Out the Stars (SteepleChase) {3}: DB:+ -- TH:**
  1681. Rodrigo Y Gabriela: In Between Thoughts . . . a New World (ATO) {3}: Fp:+; am:+, am_l:+
  1682. Ernesto Rodrigues/Florian Stoffner/Bruno Parrinha/Joao Madeira: Altered Egos (Creative Sources) {3}: -- TH:***
  1683. Ernesto Rodrigues/Fred Lonberg-Holm/Flak/Joao Madeira/Jose Oliveira: The Giving Tree Moving On (Creative Sources) {3}: sc_p:+ -- TH:**
  1684. Rose City Band: Garden Party (Thrill Jockey) {3}: No:49; am_c:+, aqd:+
  1685. Charley Rose Trio: Dada Pulp (Menace) {3}: JC:+; jsa:4
  1686. Kyle Roussel: Nola a La Mode (self-released) {3}: JC:+; jdku:4
  1687. Jay Royale: Criminal Discourse (self-released) {3}: HG:33 -- TH:**
  1688. Bobby Rozario: Spellbound (Origin) {3}: -- TH:***
  1689. Heikki Ruokangas: Karu (Orbit577) {3}: JC:+; jgg:5
  1690. Saje: Saje (Sajevoices) {3}: DB:+, JC:+; jda:+
  1691. Naoko Sakata: Infinity (Pomperipossa) {3}: g_c:5 -- TH:*
  1692. Daniel Santiago & Pedro Martins: Movement (Heartcore) {3}: JC:+; jda:5
  1693. SBT: Joan of All (self-released) {3}: Mj:33, RT:72, U:28
  1694. Ignaz Schick/Oliver Steidle: Ilog3 (Zarek) {3}: -- TH:***
  1695. Nicky Schrire: Nowhere Girl (Anzic) {3}: JC:+; j91:+, jry:10
  1696. The Serfs: Half Eaten by Dogs (Trouble in Mind) {3}: Tr:16; p_e:+
  1697. Sara Serpa & André Matos: Night Birds (Robalo Music) {3}: jjm:7, jmlo:+, jmmz:+ -- TH:B
  1698. Jordyn Shellhart: Primrose (Warner Music Nashville) {3}: sg_cm:5, woc:7
  1699. Elijah Shiffer: City of Birds: Volume 1 (self-released) {3}: -- TH:***
  1700. Matthew Shipp/Mark Helias: The New Syntax (RogueArt -22) {3}: -- TH:***
  1701. Shit & Shine: 2222 and Airport (The State51 Conspiracy) {3}: CE:65, Qt:11
  1702. Shonen Knife: Our Best Place () {3}: XSN:43; am_k:+, vahm:6
  1703. The Shootouts: Stampede (Soundly Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1704. Wayne Shorter/Terri Lyne Carrington/Leo Genovese/Esperanza Spalding: Live at the Detroit Jazz Festival (Candid -22) {3}: JC:+; jtp:5 -- TH:[**]
  1705. Sick Boss: Businessless (Drip Audio) {3}: JC:+; jmbo:9, sc_p:+
  1706. Sincere Engineer: Cheap Grills () {3}: Spk:9
  1707. Sir Chloe: I Am the Dog () {3}: Rf:37; vgb:3
  1708. Skindred: Smile (Earache) {3}: K:14, RkS:48
  1709. Skrillex: Don't Get Too Close (OWSLA/Atlantic) {3}: Mix:+ -- TH:**
  1710. Skull Practitioners: Negative Stars () {3}: Qt:47; vbz:3
  1711. Steve Smith and Vital Information: Time Flies (Wounded Bird -2CD) {3}: DB:+ -- TH:**
  1712. Soft Covers: Soft Serve () {3}: ynn:1
  1713. Tyshawn Sorey Trio + 1 [With Greg Osby]: The Off-Off Broadway Guide to Synergism (Pi -3CD -22) {3}: JC:+; jtn:2 -- TH:[A]
  1714. Mark Soskin/Jay Anderson: Empathy (SteepleChase) {3}: -- TH:***
  1715. Arielle Soucy: Il N'y a Rien Que Je Ne Suis Pas () {3}: LCA:10
  1716. Sowal Diabi: De Kaboul a Bamako (Accords Croises -22) {3}: EWi:+, XCI:24; xjl:8 -- TH:[A-]
  1717. Chris Stamey: The Great Escape (Car) {3}: -- RC:**, TH:*
  1718. Star 99: Bitch Unlimited () {3}: Alt:10
  1719. The Steel Woods: On Your Time () {3}: WR:30; scm:++
  1720. Vahagn Stepanyan: A New Chapter (self-released) {3}: JC:+; jmm:+, se_fj:+
  1721. Colin Stetson: When We Were That What Wept for the Sea (52Hz) {3}: LCA:33; yrs:5
  1722. Sultan Stevenson: Faithful One (Whirlwind) {3}: jb:+ -- TH:**
  1723. Anna St Louis: In the Air () {3}: ae:11, am_f:+, aqd:+
  1724. Straw Man Army: SOS (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos -22) {3}: -- RC:***
  1725. Stuck: Freak Frequency (Born Yesterday) {3}: p_k:+ -- TH:**
  1726. Subsonic Eye: All Around You (Topshelf) {3}: YW:81; xjsp:5
  1727. Sundy Best: Feel Good Country (self-released) {3}: WR:+; scm:+ -- TH:*
  1728. Sword II: Spirit World Tour () {3}: Fa:9
  1729. Tani Tabbal Quartet: Intentional (Mahakala Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1730. Taking Back Sunday: 152 (Fantasy) {3}: K:32, RkS:18
  1731. David Tamura + Toadal Package: Final Entrance (JPN) {3}: jgk:+ -- TH:**
  1732. Grzegorz Tarwid Trio: Flowers (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1733. Andy Taylor: Man's a Wolf to Man () {3}: AS:+, Ret:16
  1734. Teenage Waitress: Your Cuckoo () {3}: LW:10
  1735. Stephan Thelen: Fractal Guitar 3 (MoonJune -22) {3}: JC:+; jmsu:3 -- TH:[A-]
  1736. Thollem/Terry Riley/Nels Cline: The Light Is Real (Other Minds) {3}: JC:+; vbc_j:7 -- TH:*
  1737. Keith & Julie Tippett: Couple in Spirit/Sound on Stone (Discus Music) {3}: JC:+; jssm:10, ms_j:+
  1738. Tomorrow x Together: The Name Chapter: Temptation () {3}: bb_k:13, p_kp:4
  1739. Josie Toney: Extra (Like You Mean It) {3}: scm:+ -- TH:**
  1740. Dan Trudell: Fishin' Again: A Tribute to Clyde Stubblefield & Dr Lonnie Smith (OA2) {3}: -- TH:***
  1741. William Tyler & the Impossible Truth: Secret Stratosphere (Merge) {3}: TN:+; aqd:+, xjlu:10
  1742. Jeremy Udden: Wishing Flower (Sunnyside) {3}: JC:+; jjg:+ -- TH:*
  1743. Universal Harmonies & Frequencies: Tune In () {3}: C:9
  1744. Unwed Sailor: Mute the Charm () {3}: Yb:8
  1745. Kassi Valazza: Kassi Valazza Knows Nothing () {3}: U:25, Why:40; bc_c:+
  1746. Vanille: La Clairiere () {3}: LCA:13; aqd:+
  1747. Vayda: Breeze () {3}: C:7
  1748. VHS Head: Phocus (Skam) {3}: bl:2 -- TH:*
  1749. Liba Villavecchia Trio: Birchwood (Clean Feed) {3}: -- TH:***
  1750. Visions of Nar [Jeremy Rose/Zela Margossian]: Daughter of the Seas (Earshift Music) {3}: JC:+; jsn:3
  1751. Pabllo Vittar: Noitada (Sony Music) {3}: pm_bp:9 -- TH:**
  1752. Ove Volquartz/Gianni Mimmo/Peer Schlechta/John Hughes: Cadenza Del Crepuscolo (Amirani) {3}: jgmo:+, jsgj:5
  1753. Bob Vylan: Bob Vylan Presents the Price of Life (Ghost Theatre -22) {3}: PO:134 -- RC:**, TH:[A-]
  1754. Waco Brothers: The Men That God Forgot (Plenty Tuff) {3}: YW:39 -- TH:**
  1755. Alex Weitz: Rule of Thirds (Outside In Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1756. Whatitdo Archive Group: Palace of a Thousand Sounds (Record Kicks) {3}: pm_l:1
  1757. The Wilder Blue: Super Natural () {3}: WR:+; scm:++
  1758. WILSN: Those Days Are Over (Ivy League) {3}: -- TH:***
  1759. Dustin Wong: Perpetual Morphosis (Hausu Mountain) {3}: JC:+; jkm:9, pf_j:+
  1760. Jay Worthy & Roc Marciano: Nothing Bigger Than the Program (GDF/Marci Enterprises/Empire) {3}: BV_r:17, PW:26
  1761. Jack Wright: What Is What (Relative Pitch) {3}: -- TH:***
  1762. Xenofox: The Garden Was Empty (Audio Semantics) {3}: jmsc:4, jpmd:+
  1763. Miki Yamanaka: Shades of Rainbow (Cellar Music) {3}: jkl:+ -- TH:**
  1764. Yes: Mirror to the Sky (Inside Out) {3}: Fp:+; se_fp:+, tmr:+
  1765. YMA & Jadsa: Zelena (Matraca -EP) {3}: PO:165; bzb:13 -- TH:*
  1766. You Me at Six: Truth Decay (Rise) {3}: K:35, RkS:11
  1767. Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad: Jazz Is Dead 16: Phil Ranelin & Wendell Harrison (Jazz Is Dead) {3}: am_j:+ -- TH:**
  1768. Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad: Jazz Is Dead 17: Lonnie Liston Smith (Jazz Is Dead) {3}: DB:+; am_j:+ -- TH:*
  1769. Neil Young: Before and After (Reprise) {3}: TN:+ -- TH:**
  1770. Yungmorpheus & Real Bad Man: The Chalice & the Blade (Real Bad Man) {3}: HG:52 -- TH:**
  1771. Yusuf [Cat Stevens]: King of a Land (BMG) {3}: RC:15; am_s:+
  1772. Bobby Zankel/Wonderful Sound 8: A Change of Destiny (Mahakala Music) {3}: -- TH:***
  1773. John Zorn/Bill Laswell: Memoria (Tzadik) {3}: JC:+; jrsp:6 -- TH:*
  1774. John Zorn: Bagatelles Vols 13-16 (Tzadik) {3}: JC:+; jdcl:+, jlre:6
  1775. John Zorn: Multiplicites II: A Repository of Non-Existent Objects (Tzadik) {3}: jgk:+ -- TH:**
  1776. $ilkmoney: I Don't Give a Fuck About This Rap Shit, Imma Just Drop Until I Don't Feel Like It Anymore (DB$B -22) {2}: SpL:32, XCI:42 -- TH:[**]
  1777. 705: 7:05 () {2}: nlm:5
  1778. Jessica Ackerley/Kevin Cheli/Gahlord DeWald: Submerging Silently (Cacophonous Revival) {2}: pm_x:10, sc_p:+
  1779. Agriculture: Agriculture (The Flenser) {2}: Ex:39, Tr:50
  1780. Aho Ssan: Rhizomes () {2}: Qt:38, W:23
  1781. Ahti & Ahti: Nokivesi (More Mars) {2}: bc_fr:+, sc_k:+
  1782. Akmee: Sacrum Profanum (Nakama -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  1783. Aline's Etoile Magique: Eclipse (Elastic) {2}: -- TH:**
  1784. Don Aliquo: Growth (Ear Up) {2}: -- TH:**
  1785. Kris Allen: June (Truth Revolution) {2}: DB:++
  1786. Ireen Amnes/Chloe Lula: Synergy (Tresor) {2}: YW:19
  1787. Amor Muere: A Time to Love, a Time to Die (Scrawl) {2}: ymh:5
  1788. Emil Amos: Zone Black (Drag City) {2}: PO:74 -- TH:*
  1789. Andrea: Due in Color (Ilian Tape) {2}: GB:45, Mix:+
  1790. Anitta: Funk Generation: A Favela Love Story (Republic -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1791. AntsLive: Just a Matter of Time (Payday) {2}: C:32, Mix:+
  1792. Lucie Antunes: Carnaval (InFine) {2}: LI:20
  1793. Steve Arguelles/Francesco Bigoni/Benoit Delbecq/Francesco Diodati: Weave4 (Parco Della Musica) {2}: JC:+; jlg:+
  1794. Arhios: Miscible () {2}: bz:4
  1795. Ellen Arkbro/Johan Graden: I Get Along Without You Very Well (Thrill Jockey -22) {2}: jmbn:3
  1796. Eslabon Armado: Desvelado () {2}: BB:23; bb_l:+
  1797. Artchipel Orchestra With Jonathan Coe: Suspended Moment: The Music of Jonathan Coe (British Progressive Jazz) {2}: -- TH:**
  1798. Ascendant Vierge: Une Nouvelle Chance () {2}: Ind:18
  1799. As December Falls: Join the Club () {2}: RkS:19
  1800. Aselefech Ashine & Getenesh Kebret: Beauties (Mississippi) {2}: bc:+, tm_w:7
  1801. Ash: Race the Night () {2}: GTV:27, HP:32
  1802. Dave Askren/Jeff Benedict: Denver Sessions (Tapestry) {2}: -- TH:**
  1803. Assiko Golden Band de Grand Yoff: Magg Tekki (Mississippi) {2}: PO:32 -- TH:*
  1804. Nanny Assis: Rovanio: The Music of Nanny Assis (In + Out) {2}: -- TH:**
  1805. Ateez: The World EP.Fin: Will () {2}: bb_k:5
  1806. Babitha: Brighter Side of Blue () {2}: DJ:16
  1807. Explores Babybaby: Food Near Me, Weather Tomorrow () {2}: Qt:20
  1808. Babyface Ray: Summer's Mine () {2}: bb_h:16, vu:+
  1809. Badsista: Carnaval Clubber (self-released -EP) {2}: vca:5
  1810. The Band of Heathens: Simple Things () {2}: woc:2
  1811. Thomas Bangalter: Mythologies (Erato) {2}: I:27; tmr:+
  1812. Barker: Unfixed (Flippen Disks) {2}: Mix:+; am_e:+
  1813. Bark: Loud (Dial Back Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  1814. Bruce Barth Trio: Dedication (Origin -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  1815. Bas Jan: Back to the Swamp (Fire) {2}: BV_i:+, CE:26
  1816. Trina Basu/Arun Ramamurthy: Nakshatra (Spinster) {2}: JC:+; jri:8
  1817. John Baumann: Border Radio () {2}: WR:+; scm:+
  1818. BCUC: Millions of Us (On the Corner) {2}: CE:35; tm_w:+
  1819. McKendrick Bearden: Bright as the Mines Out (self-released) {2}: BS:12
  1820. Beatowls: Marma () {2}: vi:5
  1821. Doug Beavers: Luna (Circle 9) {2}: JC:+; jmh:6
  1822. Madison Beer: Silence Between Songs () {2}: Pap:+; tmr:+
  1823. Tor Einar Bekken/Inga-Mei Steinbru: Jungle One Jungle Two Jungle Blues (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1824. The Belair Lip Bombs: Lush Life () {2}: ynn:2
  1825. William Bell: One Day Closer to Home (Wilbe) {2}: -- TH:**
  1826. Bell Witch: Future's Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate () {2}: Qt:52; vu:+
  1827. Bell X1: Merciful Hour () {2}: HP:13
  1828. Nana Benz du Togo: Ago () {2}: ypb:2
  1829. Espen Berg: The Hamar Concert (NXN) {2}: -- TH:**
  1830. Kris Berg: Perspective (Summit) {2}: JC:+; jsy:+
  1831. Berlioz: Jazz Is for Ordinary People (self-released -EP) {2}: ayu_j:8 -- TH:*
  1832. Matt Berry: Simplicity (Acid Jazz/KPM) {2}: pm_l:2
  1833. Debashish Bhattacharya: The Sound of the Soul (Abstract Logix) {2}: vrg:2
  1834. Big Laugh: Consume Me (Revelation) {2}: BV_p:46; bv_hc:+
  1835. BigXthaPlug: Amar (United Masters) {2}: PW:25 -- TH:*
  1836. David Binney: Action (self-released) {2}: jan:5
  1837. Selwyn Birchwood: Exorcist (Alligator) {2}: am_b:+ -- TH:*
  1838. Birdy: Portraits (Warner Music UK) {2}: Why:15
  1839. Mykki Blanco: Postcards From Italia (Transgressive, EP) {2}: p_h:+ -- TH:*
  1840. Carsie Blanton: Body of Work (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1841. Rory Block: Ain't Nobody Worried: Celebrating Great Women of Song (Stony Plain -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  1842. Pip Blom: Bobbie (Heavenly) {2}: Pc:99; vgb:8
  1843. Bloody Jug Band: How to Train a Spooky Horse (self-released) {2}: CE:46; scm:+
  1844. Blues Ambush: Blues Ambush (Radical Documents) {2}: aqd:+, ygb:6
  1845. Blxst & Binuo Rideaux: Sixtape 3 () {2}: Up:+; up_h:+
  1846. Body Type: Expired Candy (Poison City) {2}: EWi:+, GTV:68
  1847. Body Void: Atrocity Machine (Prosthetic) {2}: pm_m:3
  1848. Bodywash: I Held the Shape While I Could () {2}: vmmf:3
  1849. Boogie68: Scrapyard () {2}: xjlu:4
  1850. Boris & Uniform: Bright New Disease () {2}: No:12
  1851. Bowmanville: Bowmanville (StonEagleMusic) {2}: -- TH:**
  1852. Philippe B: Nouvelle Administration () {2}: LCA:11
  1853. Jamie Breiwick: Awake Volume 2: The Music of Don Cherry (Shifting Paradigm) {2}: JC:+; jsl:+
  1854. The Brian Jonestown Massacre: The Future Is Your Past (A) {2}: BV_i:+, Mx:37
  1855. Jakob Bro/Joe Lovano: Once Around the Room: A Tribute to Paul Motian (ECM -22) {2}: JC:+; jpl:7 -- TH:[***]
  1856. Broken Records: The Dreamless Sleep of the 1990s () {2}: GTV:88, XSN:41
  1857. Chris Brown: 11:11 () {2}: bb_r:10, yb_r:24
  1858. Kyle Bruckmann/Tim Daisy/Phillip Greenlief/Lisa Mezzacappa: Semaphore (Relay) {2}: -- TH:**
  1859. Buck 65: 14 KT Gold (self-released -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1860. Tony Buck: Environmental Studies (Room40) {2}: JC:+; jmbo:8
  1861. Bex Burch: There Is Only Love and Fear (International Anthem) {2}: aqd:+, tr_j:+
  1862. Molly Burch: Daydreamer () {2}: ay_ip:16, p_p:+
  1863. Ludovica Burtone: Sparks (Outside In Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  1864. Sam Burton: Dear Departed (Partisan) {2}: RT:69, U:23
  1865. Tre Burt: Traffic Fiction () {2}: p_c:+, yjf:8
  1866. Bury Tomorrow: The Seventh Sun () {2}: K:25, RkS:31
  1867. John Butcher/Eddie Prevost: Unearthed: High Laver Levitations Vol 1 (Matchless) {2}: jgk:+, sc:+
  1868. Dee Byrne: Outlines (Whirlwind) {2}: -- TH:**
  1869. Gail Caesar: Guitar Woman Blues (Music Maker) {2}: -- TH:**
  1870. Diego Caicedo: Seis Amorfismos (Burning Ambulance) {2}: jgk:+, pm_m:18
  1871. Ann Hampton Callaway: Fever: A Peggy Lee Celebration (Palmetto) {2}: -- TH:**
  1872. The Callous Daoboys: God Smiles Upon the Callous Daoboys (MNRK -EP) {2}: Rev:15
  1873. Jim Campilongo/Steve Cardenas: New Year (Sunnyside) {2}: JC:+; jsl:+ -- TH:B
  1874. Rodrigo Campos & Romulo Froes: Elefante (YB Music) {2}: PO:155; bzb:15
  1875. Canadian Jazz Collective: Septology: The Black Forest Session (HGBS Blue) {2}: j91:+ -- TH:*
  1876. Candidate: Point Clear () {2}: vi:4
  1877. Cannibal Corpse: Chaos Horrific (Metal Blade) {2}: BA:+, Db:23
  1878. Terri Lyne Carrington: New Standards Vol 1 (Candid -22) {2}: JC:+; jtp:8 -- TH:[**]
  1879. CARR: The CARR Show () {2}: ypb:5
  1880. Cat Clyde: Down Rounder (Second Prize) {2}: EWi:+; xej:7
  1881. Cattle Decapitation: Terrasite (Metal Blade) {2}: Db:33; vu:+
  1882. Cautious Clay: Karpeh (Blue Note) {2}: am_r:+, ss_j:11 -- TH:*
  1883. Joan Chamorro & Friends: Jazz House Sessions With Scott Hamilton (Associacio Sant Andreu Jazz Band) {2}: -- TH:**
  1884. Chappaqua Wrestling: Plus Ultra (EMI) {2}: GTV:92, Pc:39
  1885. Charlie & the Tropicales: Presents for Everyone! (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  1886. Ben Chasny and Rick Tomlinson: Waves (Voix) {2}: aqd:+, vjk:+
  1887. Che Noir: Noir or Never (Poetic -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1888. Chicago Edge Ensemble: The Individualists (Lizard Breath) {2}: -- TH:**
  1889. Chimytina: Milky Way (La Reserve) {2}: DB:++
  1890. Chory Thicket [Christy Doran/Ronan Guilfoyle/Gerry Hemingway]: A Breath of Time (Auricle) {2}: -- TH:**
  1891. Chucky Smash: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three () {2}: HG:51 -- TH:*
  1892. Ciel: Homesick (Parallel Minds) {2}: Mix:+; ra:+
  1893. Cinder Well: Cadence () {2}: yjf:4
  1894. Cindy: Why Not Now? () {2}: BV_i:+; vdh:4
  1895. Cinema Cinema: Mjolnir () {2}: vbc:5
  1896. The Circling Sun: Spirits () {2}: aqd:+, km:+
  1897. Maher Cissoko: Ndox Electrique (Ajabu!) {2}: tm_w:3
  1898. Vince Clarke: Songs of Silence () {2}: LW:98, XSN:30
  1899. Class: If You've Got Nothing (Feel It) {2}: p_k:+, vjk:+
  1900. Close Counters: Soulacoasta II () {2}: DJ:13
  1901. Code Kunst: Remember Archive () {2}: TO:15
  1902. Coffin Mulch: Spectral Intercession () {2}: TO:17
  1903. Avishai Cohen/Abraham Rodriguez Jr: Iroko (Naive/Believe) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  1904. Cold War Kids: Cold War Kids () {2}: Mx:30; atw:+
  1905. Collate: Generative Systems () {2}: vbz:4
  1906. Joe Colley: Pleasure Pleasure () {2}: ycc:5
  1907. Complete Mountain Almanac: Complete Mountain Almanac (Bella Union) {2}: am_f:+, ay_f:15
  1908. Marc Copland Quartet: Someday (InnerVoice Jazz -22) {2}: JC:+; jsl:+ -- TH:[A-]
  1909. Patrick Cornelius: Book of Secrets (Posi-Tone) {2}: -- TH:**
  1910. Patrick Cornelius: Book of Secrets (Posi-Tone) {2}: jan:4
  1911. Croy and the Boys: What Good's the Medicine? (Spaceflight) {2}: sg_cw:5
  1912. Silvia Perez Cruz: Toda La Vida, Un Dia () {2}: Jp:26, On:39
  1913. Rodrigo Cuevas: Manual De Romeria () {2}: Jp:20
  1914. Spencer Cullum: Spencer Cullum's Coin Collection 2 (Full Time Hobby) {2}: am_f:+, aqd:+
  1915. Amy Cutler: Sister Time () {2}: W:43; bc_x:+
  1916. Cydnee With a C: Confessions of a Fangirl (Bread & Butter -EP) {2}: SpL:25 -- TH:*
  1917. Etienne Daho: Tirer La Nuit Sur Les Etoiles (Barclay) {2}: li:15
  1918. Rhoda Dakar: Version Girl (Sunday Best) {2}: LW:13
  1919. The Damned: Darkadelic (Ear Music) {2}: Fp:+, LW:24
  1920. Daneshevskaya: Long Is the Tunnel () {2}: p_d:11, p_f:+
  1921. DannyLux: dLux (Warner Music Latina) {2}: RS:90; bb_l:+
  1922. Jonah Dano: Portrait of a Dog () {2}: kf:4
  1923. The Dare: The Sex EP () {2}: ypb:3
  1924. Moniek Darge/Vanessa Rossetto: Dream Soundies (Erstwhile) {2}: bc_fr:+, sc_p:+
  1925. Maria Da Rocha/Ernesto Rodrigues/Daniel Levin/Joao Madeira: Hoya (Creative Sources) {2}: -- TH:**
  1926. Kate Davis: Fish Bowl (Anti-) {2}: P:48; am_s:+
  1927. Dennis Davison: Voice Memorandum () {2}: vmmf:4
  1928. Ward Davis: Sunday Morning () {2}: scm:++
  1929. Bryan Day/Dereck Higgins: Woven Territories (Public Eyesore) {2}: sc_k:+, sc_p:+
  1930. Michael Dease: The Other Side: The Music of Gregg Hill (Origin) {2}: jb:+ -- TH:*
  1931. Deathcrash: Less (Untitled (Recs)) {2}: LQ:27, Pc:46
  1932. Death Pill: Death Pill (New Heavy Sounds) {2}: BV_p:50; bv_hc:+
  1933. Decisive Pink: Ticket to Frame () {2}: p_d:23, p_e:+
  1934. Defprez: It's Always a Time Like This (Closed Sessions -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1935. De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig: Modern Manieren () {2}: Oo:13
  1936. Christopher Dell/Christian Lillinger/Jonas Westergaard: Beats II (Plaist) {2}: JC:+; jpa:9
  1937. Del Water Gap: I Miss You Already + I Haven't Left Yet () {2}: atw:+, p_p:+
  1938. Deon: Soft Steel (Trytone) {2}: jrd:+
  1939. John Dierker/Jeff Arnal: Astral Chronology (Mahakala Music -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1940. Digga D: Back to Square One () {2}: Cmp_U:16
  1941. John Dikeman/Pat Thomas/John Edwards/Steve Noble: Volume 2 (577) {2}: jjkb:+, sc:+
  1942. Aaron Dilloway: Bhoot Ghar: Sounds of the Kathmandu Horror House () {2}: bc_fr:+, ycc:+
  1943. Dinner Party: Enigmatic Society (Sounds of Crenshaw -EP) {2}: am_r:+, ayu_j:22 -- TH:B
  1944. Divide and Dissolve: Systemic (Invada) {2}: LQ:25; am_m:+
  1945. DJ JM: Abnormal (Nervous Horizon) {2}: Mix:+; bc_cm:+
  1946. DJ Manny: Hypnotized (Planet Mu) {2}: Mix:+, PO:185
  1947. DJ RaMeMes: Sem Limites (QTV Selo) {2}: vca:2
  1948. Doechii: Pacer () {2}: yjs:2
  1949. Doechii: What It Is () {2}: yjs:5
  1950. David Dondero: Immersion Therapy (Fluff and Gravy) {2}: pm_f:4
  1951. Douye: The Golden Sekere (Rhombus) {2}: DB:+; jdo:+
  1952. Drakeo the Ruler & Ralfy the Plug: A Cold Day in Hell () {2}: PW:12
  1953. Dreamwell: In My Saddest Dreams, I Am Beside You (Prosthetic) {2}: BV_p:20
  1954. Dressel Amorosi: Spectrum (Four Files) {2}: pm_l:5
  1955. Dropkick Murphys: Okemah Rising (Dummy Luck Music) {2}: PO:46 -- TH:*
  1956. The Drums: Jonny () {2}: BV_i:+; p_p:+
  1957. George Dumitriu: Monk on Viola (Evil Rabbit) {2}: jka:4
  1958. Paul Dunmall/Paul Rodgers/Tony Orrell: That's My Life (577) {2}: JC:+; jgk:8
  1959. Nick Dunston: Skultura (Fun in the Church) {2}: W:13
  1960. Arone Dyer/Stargaze: Arone Dyer & Stargaze () {2}: vma:5
  1961. Michael Echaniz: Seven Shades of Violet (Rebiralost) (Ridgeway) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  1962. Echosmith: Echosmith () {2}: Mx:20
  1963. Vince Ector Organotomy Trio +: Live @ the Side Door (Cabo Verde) {2}: -- TH:**
  1964. Edsel Axle: Variable Happiness (Worried Songs) {2}: aqd:+, bc:+
  1965. Element of Crime: Morgens Um Vier () {2}: ymr:4
  1966. Elisapie: Inuktitut () {2}: LCA:20
  1967. Eluvium: (Whirring Marvels In) Consensus Reality (Temporary Residence) {2}: am_e:+ -- TH:*
  1968. Emergency Group: Venal Twin (Centripetal Force) {2}: jgk:+, vjk:+
  1969. Equipment: Alt.Account (Klepto Phase) {2}: Alt:40, BV_p:25
  1970. Ilhan Ersahin/Dave Harrington/Kenny Wollesen: Your Head You Know (Nublu -EP) {2}: TSG:+ -- TH:*
  1971. Eternal Dust: Spiritual Healers, Defense Lawyers () {2}: vgb:4
  1972. Falkner Evans: Through the Lines (CAP) {2}: -- TH:**
  1973. Eyes of Others: Eyes of Others (Heavenly) {2}: Pc:13
  1974. Famous Mammals: Instant Pop Expressionism Now! () {2}: BV_i:+; aqd:+
  1975. Feeling Figures: Migration Magic () {2}: yjc:5
  1976. Fenne Lily: Big Picture (Dead Oceans) {2}: UR:80; p_f:+
  1977. Diego Figueiredo: My World (Arbors) {2}: -- TH:**
  1978. Fires in the Distance: Air Not Meant for Us (Prosthetic) {2}: Db:36; vu:9
  1979. Five-Way Split: All the Way (Ubuntu Music) {2}: JC:+; jll:10
  1980. Flatland Cavalry: Wandering Star () {2}: WR:28; scm:+
  1981. Flat Worms: Witness Marks () {2}: vgb:5
  1982. Bela Fleck/Zakir Hussain/Edgar Meyer: As We Speak (Thirty Tigers) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  1983. Dom Flemons: Traveling Wildfire () {2}: bc_c:+, bc_f:+
  1984. Flesh & the Dream: Choose Mortality () {2}: No:40, Qt:67
  1985. Flying Pooka! [Dani Oore & Florian Hoefner]: The Ecstasy of Becoming (Alma) {2}: jmlo:+ -- TH:*
  1986. Flying Raccoon Suit: Moonflower (Bad Time) {2}: BV_p:49; bv_sp:+
  1987. Flyte: Flyte () {2}: I:18
  1988. Sue Foley: Live in Austin Vol 1 (Stony Plain) {2}: -- TH:**
  1989. Follakzold: V (Sacred Bones) {2}: No:48, Pc:90
  1990. Aldo Fosko Collective: This One Time (Hitchtone) {2}: -- TH:**
  1991. JW Francis: Dream House () {2}: ybrw:3
  1992. Rebecca Coupe Franks: Planets (RCF) {2}: JC:+; jek:+
  1993. Fran: Leaving () {2}: am_s:+, aqd:+
  1994. Caesar Frazier: Live at Jazzcup (Stunt) {2}: -- TH:**
  1995. Free Range: Practice () {2}: p_d:14, p_f:+
  1996. Paulo Fresu/Omar Sosa: Food (Tuk Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  1997. Jurg Frey (Quatuor Bozzini/Konus Quartett): Continuite, Fragilite, Resonance (Elsewhere) {2}: JC:+; jeh:+
  1998. Frog: Grog () {2}: ayu_c:5
  1999. Fuerza Regida: Pas Las Baby's Y Belikeada () {2}: bb_l:+, pf_l:+
  2000. Arina Fujiwara: Neon (self-released) {2}: jmbn:9 -- TH:*
  2001. Champian Fulton: Meet Me at Birdland (Champian) {2}: -- TH:**
  2002. Fuming Mouth: Last Day of Sun () {2}: Rev:16
  2003. Funkwrench Blues: Soundtrack for a Film Without Pictures (Need to Know) {2}: jcm:+ -- TH:*
  2004. Fust: Genevieve (Dear Life) {2}: Alt:24; p_c:+
  2005. Fuudge: Qu'un Cauchemar Devienne Si Vrai () {2}: LCA:12
  2006. Gaisha: Ana Aicha (Zephyrus) {2}: CE:18
  2007. Gale: Lo Que No Te Dije (Sony) {2}: RS:78; bb_l:+
  2008. Ray Gallon Trio: Grand Company (Cellar) {2}: JC:+; jll:6, jrd:10
  2009. Miha Gantar: Amsterdam (Clean Feed) {2}: JC:+; jjs:+
  2010. Noah Garabedian: Consider the Stars Beneath Us (Outside In Music) {2}: JC:+; jag:8
  2011. Laszlo Gardony: Close Connection (Sunnyside -22) {2}: JC:+; jmu:9 -- TH:[**]
  2012. Peter Garland: The Basketweave Elegies () {2}: n_ap:7, xjdc:+
  2013. Laurent Garnier: 33 Tours Et Puis S'en Vont () {2}: bz:3
  2014. Sally Gates/Trevor Dunn/Greg Fox: Deliriant Modifier (Riverworm) {2}: JC:+; jmbo:6
  2015. Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru: Jerusalem () {2}: aqd:+, bc:+
  2016. Geese: 4D Country (Partisan) {2}: ayu_c:3
  2017. George Gee Swing Orchestra: Winter Wonderland (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2018. Gee Tee: Goodnight Neanderthal (Goner) {2}: p_k:+, pf_k:+
  2019. Genevieve Artadi: Forever Forever () {2}: am_a:+, tmr:+
  2020. Ghost: Phantomime () {2}: Mx:40, Rev:30
  2021. Giggs: Zero Tolerance () {2}: Cmp_U:18
  2022. Marshall Gilkes: Cyclic Journey (Alternate Side -22) {2}: JC:+; jgz:7 -- TH:[*]
  2023. Kezia Gill: Misfit (W21) {2}: ro_c:2
  2024. Bara Gisladottir: Silva (Sono Luminus) {2}: -- TH:**
  2025. John Glacier & Surf Gang: JGSG (Surf Gang, EP) {2}: GB:42, Mix:+
  2026. Glass Triangle: Blue and Sun-Lights (Relative Pitch) {2}: JC:+; jeh:+
  2027. Maple Glider: I Get Into Trouble (Pieater/Partisan) {2}: LQ:36; bv_f:+
  2028. Gold Dime: No More Blue Skies () {2}: vbc:2
  2029. The Sofia Goodman Group: Secrets of the Shore (Joyous) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  2030. Ellie Goulding: Higher Than Heaven (Polydor) {2}: SE:48; am_p:+
  2031. Jocelyn Gould: Sonic Bouquet (Jocelyn Gould Music) {2}: JC:+; jsj:7
  2032. Gov't Mule: Peace . . . Like a River (Concord) {2}: am_b:+, ro_b:7
  2033. Jon Dee Graham: Only Dead for a Little While (Strolling Bones/New West) {2}: ahw:+, pm_a:15
  2034. Darrell Grant's MJ New: Our Mr Jackson (Lair Hill) {2}: -- TH:**
  2035. Graphic Nature: A Mind Waiting to Die () {2}: K:33, RkS:47
  2036. Frank Gratkowski/Simon Nabatov: Tender Mercies (Clean Feed) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  2037. Graves: Gary Owens: I Have Some Thoughts () {2}: aqd:+, p_c:+
  2038. The Green Mean Machine: The Engine (self-released) {2}: jis:10, jmbn:6
  2039. Phil Grenadier: Regeneration (Butternotes) {2}: JC:+; jam:8
  2040. GridLink: Coronet Juniper (Willowtip) {2}: BA:+, Spk:47
  2041. Danny Paul Grody: Arc of Day () {2}: aqd:+, yjs:9
  2042. Grouptherapy: I Was Mature for My Age but I Was Still a Child () {2}: Ne:16
  2043. Gabriel Guerrero & Quantum: Equilibrio (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  2044. Guiss Guiss Bou Bess: Drum'n'Mbalax (Helico France) {2}: CE:16
  2045. Steve Gunn & David Moore: Let the Moon Be a Planet () {2}: LQ:26, U:71
  2046. Gunship: Unicorn () {2}: Mx:13
  2047. Barry Guy and Friends: Krakow 2018 (Not Two -22) {2}: JC:+; jjsh:6
  2048. H31R: Head Space () {2}: bc_h:+, tr_h:+
  2049. Hack-Poets Guild: Blackletter Garland () {2}: g_f:9, tmr:+
  2050. Logan Halstead: Dark Black Coal () {2}: WR:25; zuc:17
  2051. Tom Hambridge: Blu Ja Vu (Quarto Valley) {2}: ro_b:3
  2052. Abby Hamilton: #1 Zoo Keeper (of the San Diego Zoo) (Blue Gown) {2}: H:15
  2053. Hannu Saha Ja Pakasteet: Taas Kerran, Akkia (Bafe's Factory) {2}: pm_g:9, pm_x:12
  2054. Fareed Haque: Casseus! The Music of Frantz Casseus Re-Imagined (Wardude Music) {2}: JC:+; jjce:7
  2055. Jan Harbeck Quartet: Balanced (Stunt -22) {2}: JC:+; jdp:+
  2056. Elisabeth Harnik/Zlatko Kaucic: One Foot in the Air (Catalytic Sound) {2}: JC:+; jfk:9
  2057. Allan Harris: Live at Blue Llama Jazz Club (Love Productions/Live at Blue Llama) {2}: -- TH:**
  2058. Big Chief Donald Harrison Jr: Congo Square Suite (Truth Revolution) {2}: JC:+; jwj:+ -- TH:B
  2059. Hataalii: Singing Into Darkness () {2}: aqd:+, tmr:+
  2060. Juliana Hatfield: Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO () {2}: SE:23, TL:56
  2061. Heart Attack Man: Freak of Nature () {2}: Alt:11
  2062. Thomas Heberer/Ken Filiano/Phil Haynes: Spontaneous Composition (Corner Store Music -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2063. John Hebert: Sounds of Love (Sunnyside -22) {2}: JC:+; jje:+ -- TH:[***]
  2064. Heinali: Kyiv Eternal (Injazero) {2}: PO:218 -- TH:*
  2065. Aaron Yale Heisler: The Bechet Century: A Centenary Celebration of the Music of Sidney Bechet (2nd Bechet Century) {2}: -- TH:**
  2066. Hello Seahorse!: Hiper () {2}: ytb:3
  2067. Izzy Heltai: Mostly Myself Again (-EP) {2}: vti:5
  2068. Joe Henry: All the Eye Can See (Ear Music) {2}: TL:43; am_s:+
  2069. Uriel Herman: Different Eyes () {2}: g_j:5
  2070. Hifi Sean & David McAlmont: Happy Ending (Rough Trade) {2}: LW:47, MO:21
  2071. HIIT: For Beauty Is Nothing but the Beginning of Terror (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2072. Thyra Hilden: Lucid Dreampop () {2}: nlm:2
  2073. Lisa Hilton: Coincidental Moment (Ruby Slippers) {2}: -- TH:**
  2074. Art Hirahara: Echo Canyon (Posi-Tone) {2}: -- TH:**
  2075. Keigo Hirakawa: Pixel (Origin) {2}: -- TH:**
  2076. Alex Hitchcock Dream Band: Live in London () {2}: JW:20
  2077. David Holmes ft Raven Violet: Blind on a Galloping Horse () {2}: BV_i:+; bc_e:+
  2078. Aline Homzy: Eclipse (Elastic) {2}: DB:++
  2079. Honey Revenge: Retrovision () {2}: RkS:17
  2080. Ale Hop & Laura Robles: Agua Dulce () {2}: W:34; g_g:10
  2081. Francois Houle & Benoit Delbecq: Poise (Afterday) {2}: JC:+; jas:10
  2082. Hulubalang: Bunyi Bunyi Tumbal (Drowned by Locals) {2}: C:26, CE:49
  2083. M Huncho: My Neighbours Don't Know () {2}: Cmp_U:19
  2084. Ibex Clone: All Channels Clear (Goner) {2}: BV_i:+, CE:114
  2085. Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley: Living in a Song () {2}: bc_c:+, scm:+
  2086. Imaginary Softwoods: The Notional Pastures of Imaginary Softwoods () {2}: bc_a:+, bc_at:+
  2087. Kazuo Imai Quartet: Has the Future Become the Past (Jinya Disc -22) {2}: JC:+; jky:+
  2088. Imperio Pacifico: Clubs Hit (Variz) {2}: -- TH:**
  2089. Imperium Dekadenz: Into Sorrow Evermore (Napalm) {2}: sg_m:2
  2090. Incantation: Unholy Deification (Relapse) {2}: BA:+, Db:25
  2091. In Flames: Foregone () {2}: Rev:26; am_m:+
  2092. Mikko Innanen/Stefan Pasborg/Cedric Piromalli: Can You Hear It? (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2093. INVT: Goza/Miami 2 London: Sound Clash/Calenton (self-released) {2}: sg_e:5
  2094. The Inward Circles: Before We Lie Down in Darkness () {2}: Qt:12
  2095. Christoph Irniger Pilgrim: Ghost Cat (Intakt) {2}: -- TH:**
  2096. Iron and Wine: Who Can See Forever Soundtrack (Sub Pop) {2}: TN:+; vjk:+
  2097. Marty Isenberg: The Way I Feel Inside: Inspired by the Films of Wes Anderson (Truth Revolution) {2}: DB:++
  2098. IzangoMa: Ngo Ma (Brownswood) {2}: tm_w:+, vpo:8
  2099. Joe Jackson: Mr Joe Jackson Presents Max Champion in "What a Racket" () {2}: SE:20
  2100. Janiece Jaffe/Monika Herzig: Both Sides of Joni (Acme) {2}: JC:+; jdo:6
  2101. James and the Giants: James and the Giants (Kill Rock Stars) {2}: aqd:+, vjk:+
  2102. Jantra: Synthesized Sudan: Astro-Nubian Electronic Jaglara Dance Sounds From the Fashaga Underground (Ostinato) {2}: FO:42; pm_g:6
  2103. Jellyskin: In Brine () {2}: No:50, Qt:79
  2104. Jerome's Dream: The Gray in Between (Microspy/Iodine) {2}: BV_p:23; bv_i:+
  2105. Jimin: Face (BigHit Music/HYBE -EP) {2}: am_p:+, p_kp:16
  2106. Jobs: Soft Sounds (Ramp Local) {2}: pm_x:5
  2107. Jockstrap & Taylor Skye: I<3UQTINVU (Rough Trade) {2}: 45:28, Mix:+
  2108. Dean Johnson: Nothing for Me Please () {2}: p_c:+, ypb:9
  2109. Darren Johnston: Life in Time (Origin -22) {2}: JC:+; jjgr:7 -- TH:[A-]
  2110. Jim Jones All Stars: Ain't No Peril () {2}: LW:61; bz:7
  2111. Stephen Jones & Ben Haugland: Road to No-Where (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  2112. Mike Jones Trio: Are You Sure You Three Guys Know What You're Doing? (Capri) {2}: -- TH:**
  2113. Wesley Joseph: Glow (Secretly Canadian -EP) {2}: ay_h:8, ay_r:21 -- TH:B
  2114. J: Plena Causa () {2}: Jp:19
  2115. Judiciary: Flesh + Blood (Closed Casket Activities) {2}: BV_p:26; bv_hc:+
  2116. Kala Jula & Gangbe Brass Band: Asro (Buda Musique) {2}: -- TH:**
  2117. Barb Jungr and Her Trio: My Marquee (Marquee) {2}: -- TH:**
  2118. Noah Kahan: Stick Season (Mercury/Republic -22) {2}: Alt:34; atw:+ -- TH:[***]
  2119. Kammerflimmer Kollektief: Schemen (Karl) {2}: jmsc:2
  2120. Kassmasse: Bahil  Weg (Meedo -22) {2}: SpL:35, XCI:37 -- TH:[***]
  2121. Madeline Kenney: New Reality Mind (Carpark) {2}: UR:49; p_e:+
  2122. Kenzo B: Top 2, Not 2 (Warner Bros) {2}: YW:17
  2123. Kerosene Heights: Southeast of Somewhere (No Sleep) {2}: BV_p:48; tmr:+
  2124. Robin Kester: Honeycomb Shades () {2}: Oo:20
  2125. Khamari: A Brief Nirvana () {2}: bb_r:9, yb_r:18
  2126. Kid Koala: Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) {2}: -- TH:**
  2127. Killer Kin: Killer Kin () {2}: xph:5
  2128. Matt Killough: Oh, Siloam () {2}: vti:3
  2129. Sunik Kim: Potential () {2}: W:14
  2130. King Kashmere & Alecs DeLarge: The Album to End All Alien Abductions (High Focus) {2}: HG:38 -- TH:*
  2131. KMRU: Dissolution Grip () {2}: Qt:56; bc:+
  2132. Taylor Knox: The Dreamer () {2}: yrf:5
  2133. Sarathy Korwar: KAL (Real World) (The Leaf Label) {2}: -- TH:**
  2134. Kota the Friend: To See a Sunset () {2}: yb_h:5
  2135. Keith Kouna: Metastases () {2}: LCA:15
  2136. Karina Kozhevnikova & Krugly Band: Polyphonic Circle (Leo) {2}: -- TH:**
  2137. Russell Kranes: Anchor Points (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  2138. Nils Kugelmann: Stormy Beauty (ACT) {2}: -- TH:**
  2139. KVL: Volume 2 (Astral Spirits) {2}: DB:+; jis:8
  2140. John La Barbera Big Band: Grooveyard (Origin) {2}: jjbw:+ -- TH:*
  2141. La Bibliotheque de la Bergerie: La Bibliotheque de la Bergerie (Freaksville) {2}: pm_l:3
  2142. Labrinth: Ends & Begins (Columbia) {2}: Esq:11
  2143. Oliver Lake/Mathias Landaeus/Kresten Osgood: Spirit (Sfar) {2}: -- TH:**
  2144. Lamparina: Original Brasil () {2}: pm_bp:4
  2145. Sinikka Langeland: Wind and Sun (ECM) {2}: am_l:+, jv:+
  2146. Lapsley: Cautionary Tales of Youth (Believe) {2}: -- TH:**
  2147. Large Unit: Clusterfuck (PNL -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2148. Large Unit: New Map (PNL -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2149. The Adam Larson Trio: With Love, From Kansas City (Outside In Music -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2150. The Lathums: From Nothing to a Little Bit More (Island) {2}: ay_ip:20, rx:+
  2151. Theo Lawrence: Cherie () {2}: bc_c:+, scm:+
  2152. Jonatan Leandoer96: Sugar World () {2}: Fa:39; p_h:+
  2153. Le Boeuf Brothers: Hush (Soundspore) {2}: -- TH:**
  2154. Kiana Lede: Grudges () {2}: Up:+; am_r:+, yb_r:19
  2155. Jeff Lederer/Morningside Tone Collective: Balls of Simplicity: Jeff Lederer Notated Works 1979-2021 (Little (i) Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2156. Bobby Lee: Endless Skyways (Tompkins Square) {2}: aqd:+, xjlu:+
  2157. Gordon Lee Quartet: How Can It Be? (PJCE) {2}: -- TH:**
  2158. Urs Leimgruber: Air Vol 1 (Creative Works) {2}: JC:+; jal:+
  2159. Len: Lehgoland () {2}: Cmp_U:15
  2160. Mark Lewis: Sunlight Shines In (Audio Daddio) {2}: -- TH:**
  2161. Light Beams: Wild Life (Dischord) {2}: YW:15
  2162. Light.Box + Emil Karlsen: The Undanced Dance (Bead) {2}: JC:+; jfk:10
  2163. Lil Durk: Almost Healed (Alamo) {2}: EWi:+; ay_t:15
  2164. Lil Tjay: 222 (Columbia) {2}: -- TH:**
  2165. Lindstrom: Everyone Else Is a Stranger (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: -- TH:**
  2166. Liquid Mike: A Beer Can and a Bouquet (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2167. Lucy Liyou: Dog Dreams (American Dreams) {2}: bc_a:+, bc_at:+
  2168. Fred Lonberg-Holm/Tim Daisy: Current 23 (Relay) {2}: -- TH:**
  2169. The Long Ryders: September November (Cherry Red) {2}: -- TH:**
  2170. Cecilia Lopez & Ingrid Laubrock: Maromas (Relative Pitch) {2}: -- TH:**
  2171. Brandon Lopez Trio: Matanzas (Relative Pitch) {2}: -- TH:**
  2172. Lorelle Meets the Obsolete: Datura (Sonic Cathedral) {2}: BV_i:+, Pc:60
  2173. Los Angeles Philharmonic/Gustavo Dudamel: Thomas Ades: Date () {2}: NPR:+; am:+
  2174. The Lost Days: In the Store () {2}: ynn:5
  2175. Lost Girls: Selvutsletter (Smalltown Supersound) {2}: Qt:24; p_e:+
  2176. Lower Plenty: No Poets () {2}: yvw:4
  2177. LP Giobbi: Light Places () {2}: DJM:+; bb_d:+
  2178. M1OnTheBeat: M1onTheBeat: The Mixtape () {2}: Cmp_U:20
  2179. Maara: The Ancient Truth (Step Ball Chain) {2}: ra:+, sg_e:6
  2180. Doug MacDonald Trio: Edwin Alley (DMAC Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2181. The Maine: The Maine () {2}: Alt:23, RkS:30
  2182. Barbara Manning: Charm of Yesterday, Convenience of Tomorrow () {2}: yvw:2
  2183. April March/Staplin: April March Meets Staplin () {2}: am:+, am_a:+
  2184. Marlody: I'm Not Sure at All () {2}: LW:82; am_s:+
  2185. Layng Martine Jr: Music Man () {2}: TL:41; xph:7
  2186. Simon Mary & Krystal Mundi: Modal Morning (Label Ouest) {2}: JC:+; jjws:10
  2187. Masego: Masego () {2}: Up:+; yb_r:8
  2188. Ava Max: Diamonds & Dancefloors (Atlantic) {2}: Jp:50; am_p:+
  2189. Elias Mazian: Elias Mazian () {2}: 3v:15
  2190. Madison McFerrin: I Hope You Can Forgive Me (MadMcFerrin Music) {2}: Al:+; am_r:+
  2191. McFly: Power to Play () {2}: Ret:14
  2192. Duff McKagan: Lighthouse () {2}: S:+; am_k:+
  2193. Benet McLean: Green Park (Sea Mammal) {2}: JC:+; jss:6
  2194. Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness: Tilt at the Wind No More () {2}: p_f:+, tmr:+
  2195. Dave McMurray: Grateful Dedication 2 (Blue Note) {2}: DB:++
  2196. Joe McPhee & John Edwards: Tell Me How Long Has Trane Been Gone (For James Baldwin and John Coltrane) (Klanggalerie -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2197. Tate McRae: Think Later () {2}: Pap:+; am_p:+
  2198. Medium Build: Health (self-released -EP) {2}: BS:19
  2199. Meet Me @ the Altar: Past//Present//Future (Atlantic) {2}: K:43, RkS:38
  2200. Megaton Sword: Might & Power (Dying Victims) {2}: BA:+, CE:91
  2201. John Mellencamp: Orpheus Descending (Republic) {2}: S:+; vjv:8
  2202. Me Lost Me: RPG () {2}: GTV:64; am_a:+
  2203. Katie Melua: Love & Money () {2}: Al:+; am_p:+
  2204. Vince Mendoza/Metropole Orkest: Olympians (Modern) {2}: JC:+; jjwd:7 -- TH:B-
  2205. Vic Mensa: Victor (Roc Nation) {2}: XCI:70 -- TH:*
  2206. Hailu Mergia: Pioneer Works Swing (Live) (Awesome Tapes From Africa) {2}: -- TH:**
  2207. Lyia Meta: Always You (self-released) {2}: JC:+; jss:7
  2208. Nathan Micay: To the God Named Dream (Lucky Me) {2}: DJM:+, Mix:+
  2209. Haviah Mighty: Crying Crystals (Mighty Gang) {2}: PO:110 -- TH:**
  2210. Sei Miguel: The Original Drum (Clean Feed) {2}: jnm:+ -- TH:*
  2211. Mike Body: Man Myth Legend () {2}: nlm:3
  2212. The Milk Carton Kids: I Only See the Moon (Thirty Tigers) {2}: am_f:+, pm_f:15
  2213. John R Miller: Heat Comes Down () {2}: WR:21; scm:+
  2214. Miles Miller: Solid Gold () {2}: WR:+; scm:+
  2215. Nick Millevoi: Digital Reaction (Ropeadope) {2}: JC:+; jjgr:10
  2216. Steve Million: Perfectly Spaced (Calligram) {2}: -- TH:**
  2217. MisterWives: Nosebleeds () {2}: atw:+, am_p:+
  2218. MIST: Redemption () {2}: Cmp_U:17
  2219. Mizmor: Prosaic (Profound Lore) {2}: Db:19
  2220. Hedvig Mollestad & Trondheim Jazz Orchestra: Maternity Beat (Rune Grammofon -22) {2}: JC:+; jha:+ -- TH:[*]
  2221. Bonnie Montgomery: River (Gar Hole) {2}: p_c:+ -- TH:*
  2222. Matt Moran/Sarah Elizabeth Charles/Curtis Hasselbring: Audible Spirits (Diskonife) {2}: JC:+; jmc:+
  2223. Severine Morfin: Mad Maple (Garden) {2}: JC:+; jad:7
  2224. Sarah Morrison: Attachment Figure () {2}: NR:34; vahm:9
  2225. Willie Morris: Conversation Starter (Posi-Tone) {2}: -- TH:**
  2226. Joshua Moshe: Inner Search (La Sape) {2}: -- TH:**
  2227. Ed Motta: Behind the Tea Chronicles () {2}: am:+, am_l:+
  2228. Move: The City (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2229. Michael Musillami/Rich Syracuse/Jeff Siegel: Flight of Evangeline (Playscape -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2230. Michael Musillami Trio: Block Party (Playscape) {2}: -- TH:**
  2231. Muva of Earth: Align With Nature's Intelligence () {2}: SLi:22; db_e:+
  2232. Myrkur: Spine () {2}: Mx:25; am_m:+
  2233. Simon Nabatov 3+2: Verbs (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2234. Nappy Nina: Morning Due (LucidHaus) {2}: BV_r:21; pm_h:19
  2235. Israel Nash: Ozarker (Loose) {2}: GTV:62, U:40
  2236. Natural Child: Be M'Guest (Natural Child Music) {2}: PO:228; aqd:+
  2237. The Natvral: Summer of No Light () {2}: GTV:100; tmr:+
  2238. Josh Nelson: LA Stories: Live at Sam First (Sam First) {2}: JC:+; jkm:6
  2239. Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real: Sticks and Stones (Six Ace) {2}: SE:38; am_k:+
  2240. Ne Obliviscaris: Exul () {2}: Spk:14
  2241. Javier Nero Jazz Orchestra: Kemet (The Black Land) (Outside In Music) {2}: BA:+; jjbw:+
  2242. Never Ending Game: Outcry (Triple B) {2}: BV_p:33; bv_hc:+
  2243. Judy Niemack/Jay Clayton: Voices in Flight (GAM) {2}: JC:+; jkd:9
  2244. The Night Eternal: Fatale (Van) {2}: Db:15
  2245. Nightingales: Live in Balsall Heath (Tiny Global Productions) {2}: CE:103, LW:84
  2246. The Nimmons Tribute: Volume 2: Generational (self-released) {2}: j91:+, jjbw:+
  2247. Nithing: Agonal Hymns (New Standard Elite) {2}: sg_m:4
  2248. North Americans: Long Cool World () {2}: aqd:+, bc_a:+
  2249. Cian Nugent: She Brings Me Back to the Land of the Living (No Quarter) {2}: U:47; aqd:+
  2250. Nuovo Testamento: Love Lines (Discoteca Italica) {2}: CE:127, Qt:40
  2251. Aymee Nuviola: Havana Nocturne (Worldwide) {2}: -- TH:**
  2252. Kevin O'Connell Quartet Featuring Adam Brenner: Hot New York Minutes (Ignoramus Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2253. Ohr: Luma/Chroma (Sound as Language) {2}: pm_b:2
  2254. Maya Ongaku: Approach to Anima () {2}: FO:24; aqd:+
  2255. Ki Oni: A Leisurely Swim to Everlasting Life (AKP) {2}: pm_b:3
  2256. Onyon: Last Days on Earth () {2}: BV_i:+; vbz:8
  2257. Oozing Wound: We Cater to Cowards (Thrill Jockey) {2}: Qt:98; am_m:+
  2258. Rita Ora: You & I (BMG) {2}: -- TH:**
  2259. Orbit Culture: Descent () {2}: Rev:19
  2260. Orchestre National de Jazz Montreal: Wayne Shines/Miles Smiles (ONJ) {2}: JC:+; ph:10
  2261. Out on the Eaves: The Ride Out () {2}: yab:5
  2262. Endea Owens and the Cookout: Feel Good Music (BassBae Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2263. Owl City: Coco Moon () {2}: tmr:14+
  2264. Oyvindland Med Eirik Hegdal & Erik Johannessen: Nonett (Ora Fonogram) {2}: -- TH:**
  2265. Ozferti: Drum Language (Nubia Nova France) {2}: CE:13
  2266. Fito Paez: EADDA9223 () {2}: NPR:+; bb_l:+
  2267. Pale Blue Eyes: This House (Full Time Hobby) {2}: Pc:32, RT:59
  2268. Madhuvanti Pal: The Holy Mother (Plays the Rudra Veena) (Sublime Frequencies) {2}: W:22; vrg:+
  2269. Misha Panfilov: In Focus (Jazzaggression) {2}: aqd:+, pm_l:6
  2270. Papo2oo4 & Subjxct 5: PAP on PEDs () {2}: BV_r:19
  2271. Emile Parisien/Roberto Negro: Les Metanuits (ACT) {2}: -- TH:**
  2272. Anders Parker: The Black Flight () {2}: ylej:2
  2273. Christopher Parker & the Band of Guardian Angels: Yeah Yeah! (Mahakala Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2274. Emanuele Parrini/Samo Salamon/Vasco Trilla: Eating Poetry (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2275. Ed Partyka Jazz Orchestra: Hold Your Fire (Neuklang) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  2276. Jonah Parzen-Johnson: Friendship Music for Turkey (self-released) {2}: jka:3
  2277. Joel Paterson: Wheelhouse Rag (Jalopy) {2}: -- TH:**
  2278. Patten: Mirage FM () {2}: GB:37, W:45
  2279. Jessica Pavone/Lukas Koenig/Matt Mottel: Spam Likely (577 -22) {2}: jmbn:5 -- TH:[A-]
  2280. Peacherine Ragtime Society Orchestra: Take Me to the Ragtime Dance (Rivermont) {2}: JC:+; jjbc:+ -- TH:B
  2281. Jeremy Pelt: The Art of Intimacy Vol 2: His Muse (HighNote) {2}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  2282. Periphery: Periphery V: Djent Is Not a Genre () {2}: Rev:28; am_m:+
  2283. Peverelist: Pulse Modulation (Livity Sound) {2}: Mix:+; pf_e:+
  2284. Barre Phillips/Giancarlo Nino Locatelli: Danze Degli Scorpioni (We Insist!) {2}: JC:+; jkw:+
  2285. Pink Monads: Multiple Visions of the Now (4DaRecord) {2}: -- TH:**
  2286. Augusto Pirodda Septet: The Monkey and the Monk (El Negocito -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2287. PJEV/Kit Downes/Hayden Chisholm: Medna Roso (Red Hook) {2}: JC:+; jrw:7
  2288. Planet D Nonet: Blues to Be There (Eastlawn) {2}: JC:+; jgz:9
  2289. Poil: Poil/Ueda () {2}: Qt:16
  2290. Polaris: Fatalilsm (Sharptone) {2}: RkS:32, XSN:37
  2291. Popcaan: Great Is He (OVO Sound) {2}: -- TH:**
  2292. Population II: Electrons Libres Du Quebec () {2}: LCA:14
  2293. Portrayal of Guilt: Devil Music (Run for Cover) {2}: BPM:47; ydho:+
  2294. Marek Pospieszalski: No Other End of the World Will There Be: Based on the Works of Polish Female Composers of the 20th Century (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2295. Louise Post: Sleepwalker () {2}: so_d:5
  2296. Shelton Powe: Shelton Powe (Music Maker -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2297. Princess Nokia: I Love You but This Is Goodbye (Arista -EP) {2}: -- TH:**
  2298. William Prince: Stand in the Joy (Six Shooter) {2}: pm_c:14, scm:+
  2299. The Psychotic Monks: Pink Colour Surgery () {2}: LW:39; lib:+
  2300. Purling Hiss: Drag on Girard (Drag City) {2}: YW:86; pm_k:29
  2301. Reggie Quinerly: The Thousandth Scholar (Redefinition Music) {2}: JC:+; jmh:7
  2302. Nate Radley & Gary Versace: Snapshots (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  2303. Ralfy the Plug: No Bloopers () {2}: PW:12
  2304. Ran Cap Duoi: *1 (Nhac Gay) {2}: Qt:15
  2305. Mason Razavi: Six-String Standards (OA2) {2}: -- TH:**
  2306. Red Velvet: Chill Kill: The 3rd Album () {2}: bb_k:22, p_kp:12
  2307. Jane Remover: Census Designated () {2}: EWi:+; bc:+
  2308. Rid of Me: Access to the Lonely (Knife Hits) {2}: Db:20
  2309. Amy Rigby: Cut & Run (Southern Domestic -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2310. Amy Rigby: Cut Two (Southern Domestic) {2}: -- TH:**
  2311. Josh Ritter: Spectral Lines (Pytheas/Thirty Tigers) {2}: HP:34; pm_f:11
  2312. Emily Robb: If I Am Misery Then Give Me Affection (Petty Bunco) {2}: bc_x:+, ygb:10
  2313. Robert Jon & the Wreck: Ride Into the Light (Journeyman) {2}: ro_b:5
  2314. Reyna Roberts: Bad Girl Bible Vol 1 (ReynaRed/Empire) {2}: sg_cw:4
  2315. Ernesto Rodrigues/Joao Madeira/Hernani Faustino: No Strings Attached (Creative Sources) {2}: -- TH:**
  2316. Alfredo Rodriguez: Coral Way (Mack Avenue) {2}: j91:+, pm_j:+
  2317. Jason Roebke: Four Spheres (Corbett vs Dempsey) {2}: -- TH:**
  2318. Romance & Dean Hurley: River of Dreams () {2}: EWi:+; yse:+
  2319. Rome Streetz: Noise Kandy 5 () {2}: Vb_h:17
  2320. Frankie Rose: Love as Projection (Slumberland) {2}: am_a:+, bc:+ -- TH:B
  2321. Sam Ross: Live at the Mira Room Vol II (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2322. Daniel Rotem: Wave Nature (Colorfield) {2}: JC:+; jaga:+
  2323. Rrose: Please Touch (Eaux) {2}: DJM:+; pf_e:+
  2324. Darius Rucker: Carolyn's Boy () {2}: yjb:8, zuc:24
  2325. Markus Rutz: Storybook (Jmarq) {2}: -- TH:**
  2326. RXKNephew & Harry Fraud: Life After Neph () {2}: PW:47, Ri:25
  2327. Saint Abdullah & Eomac: Chasing Stateless (Planet Mu) {2}: CE:55; vrjs:+
  2328. Jeff Sanford's Cartoon Jazz Orchestra: Playland at the Beach (Little Village) {2}: -- TH:**
  2329. Arman Sangalang: Quartet (Calligram) {2}: -- TH:**
  2330. Marco Antonio Santos: About: Silence (Ears & Eyes) {2}: JC:+; jkcw:10
  2331. Saturdays at Your Place: Always Cloudy (No Sleep -EP) {2}: BV_p:34; tmr:+
  2332. Fie Schouten/Vincent Courtois/Guus Janssen: Vostok: Remote Islands (Relative Pitch) {2}: -- TH:**
  2333. Scivic Rivers: Scivic Rivers () {2}: yws:5
  2334. Dave Scott: Song for Alice (SteepleChase) {2}: -- TH:**
  2335. Ray Scott: Billboards & Brake Lights () {2}: scm:++
  2336. Scratch: Mind Yourself () {2}: HP:15
  2337. Sea Mosquito: Igitur (Onism) {2}: pm_m:4
  2338. The Selva: Camarao-Girafa (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2339. Leah Senior: The Music That I Make () {2}: DJ:23; ae:21
  2340. Felipe Senna & Camaranova: Camara Brasileira (Maritaca) {2}: JC:+; jkcw:6
  2341. Sen Senra: PO2054AZ Vol 1 () {2}: Jp:13
  2342. Ali Sethi & Nicolas Jaar: Intiha () {2}: PW:24; g_g:7
  2343. Ron Sexsmith: The Vivian Line (Cooking Vinyl) {2}: ytb:5
  2344. Shadows: Out for Blood (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) {2}: CE:133; sg_m:9
  2345. William Shatner: Ponder the Mystery Revisited () {2}: vahm:2
  2346. Ian Shaw: Greek Street Friday (Silent Wish) {2}: JC:+; jss:10
  2347. The Shits: You're a Mess () {2}: LW:17
  2348. Antero Sievert: The_Underscore (JMI -19) {2}: JC:+; jkm:7
  2349. Ayanda Sikade: Umakhulu (Afrosynth -22) {2}: JC:+; jlv:8 -- TH:[A-]
  2350. Lauritz Skeidsvoll & Isach Skeidsvoll Duo: Chanting Moon, Dancing Sun: Live at Molde International Jazz Festival (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2351. Sketch185 & Jeff Markey: He Left Nothing for the Swim Back (Backwoodz Studioz) {2}: -- TH:**
  2352. Skinny Lister: Shanty Punk () {2}: XSN:13
  2353. Skyway Man: Flight of the Long Distance Healer () {2}: am:+, am_s:+
  2354. Sloppy Heads: Sometimes Just One Second () {2}: vbc:4
  2355. Andrew Smiley/Kate Gentile: Flagrances (Obliquity) {2}: JC:+; vbc_j:+
  2356. Peter Smith Trio: Dollar Dreams (Real Magic) {2}: -- TH:**
  2357. Smoulder: Violent Creed of Vengeance (Cruz del Sur) {2}: BA:+, Db:28
  2358. Soda Blonde: Dream Big () {2}: HP:24; atw:+
  2359. Alan Sondheim: Galut: Ballads of Wadi-Sabi (ESP-Disk) {2}: -- TH:**
  2360. Son Rompe Pera: Chimborazo (ZZK) {2}: PO:136; vrg:7
  2361. Luisa Sonza: Escandalo Intimo () {2}: pm_bp:5
  2362. Sourdurent: L'Herbe De Detourne (Bongo Joe) {2}: CE:28, Qt:66
  2363. John Southworth: When You're This, This in Love () {2}: am:+, am_s:+
  2364. Sparks Quartet [Eri Yamamoto/Chad Fowler/William Parker/Steve Hirsh]: Live at Vision Festival XXVI (Mahakala Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2365. Spectacular Diagnostics: Raw Lessons (Rucksack) {2}: HG:36; bc_h:+
  2366. Speech Debelle: Sunday Dinner on a Monday () {2}: YW:55; am_h:+
  2367. Spektral Quartet/Julia Holter/Alex Temple: Behind the Wallpaper (New Amsterdam) {2}: xsh:5
  2368. Henry Spencer: The Defector (AMP) {2}: jgt:+, jndg:+
  2369. Russ Spiegel: Caribbean Blue (Ruzztone Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2370. Spirit Adrift: Ghost at the Gallows (Century Media) {2}: BA:+, Db:31
  2371. Alana Springsteen: Twenty Something - Figuring It Out EP () {2}: XSP:60; xjb:6
  2372. Joe Stamm Band: Wild Man () {2}: scm:++
  2373. Nora Stanley & Benny Bock: Distance of the Moon (Colorfield) {2}: DB:++
  2374. Jason Stein/Damon Smith/Adam Shead: Hum (Irritable Mystic) {2}: -- TH:**
  2375. Elias Stemeseder/Christian Lillinger: Penumbra (Plaist -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2376. Stray Kids: 5-Star () {2}: p_kp:5
  2377. Stray Kids: Rock-Star () {2}: am_p:+, bb_k:9
  2378. Subatlantic: Say It Again () {2}: EWi:+; xej:6
  2379. Summer Haze '99: Inevitable (Fiadh Productions) {2}: sg_m:5
  2380. Superposition: Glaciers (Kettle Hole) {2}: -- TH:**
  2381. SurdelSur Ensemble: Hernandez-Sanjuro-Nebbia (Ears & Eyes) {2}: JC:+; jyo:7
  2382. Ian Sweet: Sucker () {2}: RS_ir:26, UR:24
  2383. Symposium Musicum: Symposium Musicum (Mappa) {2}: bc_fr:+, ymm:10
  2384. Leo Takami: Next Door () {2}: aqd:+, pf_j:+
  2385. Aki Takase/Alexander von Schlippenbach: Four Hands Piano Pieces (Trost) {2}: JC:+; jky:+ -- TH:B
  2386. Take That: This Life () {2}: Ret:19
  2387. Taking Meds: Dial M for Meds () {2}: BV_p:35; xch:+
  2388. Tanith: Voyage (Metal Blade) {2}: BA:+, CE:31
  2389. Taper's Choice: History of Taper's Choice Vol 1 () {2}: PW:23; aqd:+
  2390. Eldad Tarmu: Tarmu Jazz Quartet (Queen of Bohemia) {2}: -- TH:**
  2391. Sam Taylor: Let Go (Cellar -22) {2}: JC:+; jsy:10
  2392. Moussa Tchingou: Tamiditine (Sahel Sounds -EP) {2}: CE:137, Qt:89
  2393. Temps: Party Gator Purgatory () {2}: ay_h:18, p_h:+
  2394. Terms: All Becomes Indistinct () {2}: yrhg:5
  2395. Teskey Brothers: The Winding Way (Ivy League) {2}: ro_b:4
  2396. Therapy?: Hard Cold Fire (Marshall) {2}: LW:68; ay_ar:22
  2397. Rachel Therrien Latin Jazz Project: Mi Hogar (Outside In Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2398. Teddy Thompson: My Love of Country (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2399. Tia Maria Producoes: Sao Dicas (Tia Maria Producoes -EP) {2}: CE:14
  2400. TOBi: Panic (Same Plate Entertainment/RCA) {2}: Ex:30; yb_h:22
  2401. A Tonic for the Troops: Realm of Opportunities (Odin) {2}: -- TH:**
  2402. Tony Touch: Tony Touch Presents: The Def Tape (Def Jam) {2}: YW:18
  2403. Toumba: Janoob (Nervous Horizon) {2}: Mix:+; pf_e:+
  2404. Trespass Trio Feat Susana Santos Silva: Live in Oslo (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2405. Dwight Trible: Ancient Future (Gearbox) {2}: JC:+; jhm:8
  2406. Tribunal: The Weight of Remembrance (20 Buck Spin) {2}: Db:16
  2407. Emma Tricca: Aspirin Sun () {2}: LW:58; ay_f:22
  2408. Trickster: Live in Brooklyn (Cygnus) {2}: JC:+; jtd:9
  2409. Vasco Trilla: A Constellation of Anomaly (Thanatosis Produktion) {2}: JC:+; jeh:+
  2410. Triogram: Triogram (Circle Theory Media) {2}: -- TH:**
  2411. Trio Grande: Urban Myth (Whirlwind) {2}: -- TH:**
  2412. Troller: Drain () {2}: bz:5
  2413. Erik Truffaz: Rollin' (Blue Note) {2}: -- TH:**
  2414. Juanma Trujillo: Contour (Clean Feed) {2}: -- TH:**
  2415. Truth Club: Running From the Chase (Double Double Whammy) {2}: Sg:20
  2416. Dara Starr Tucker: Dara Starr Tucker (Green Hill Productions) {2}: -- TH:**
  2417. Luh Tyler: My Vision (Motion Music/Atlantic) {2}: Up:+; up_h:+
  2418. Tzusing: Green Hat (Pan) {2}: C:34, Mix:+
  2419. U2: Songs of Surrender (Island) {2}: yjb:4
  2420. Dan Ubick: Magnetic Fields (Madlib Invazion/Stones Throw) {2}: pm_l:4
  2421. UCF FLying Horse Big Band: A Message From the Flying Horse Big Band (Flying Horse) {2}: jads:12, jjbw:+
  2422. Upper Wilds: Jupiter (Thrill Jockey) {2}: PM:46; pm_k:13
  2423. Upsammy: Germ in a Population of Buldings (Pan) {2}: Ind:26; sg_e:8
  2424. U SCO: Catchin' Heat (New Atlantis) {2}: -- TH:**
  2425. Valee & Harry Fraud: Virtuoso (Srfschl/Fake Shore Drive) {2}: PW:28, Ri:25
  2426. Maria Valencia: Compendio De Alfonias Abisales (Relative Pitch) {2}: jjko:2
  2427. Mali Velasquez: I'm Green () {2}: p_d:30, p_f:+
  2428. Vin Venezia: The Venetian (Innervision) {2}: -- TH:**
  2429. Alex Ventling/Hein Westgaard: In Orbit (Nice Things) {2}: -- TH:**
  2430. Village of the Sun: First Light (Gearbox) {2}: jis:3
  2431. Samuel Vincent: Rivalry () {2}: nlm:4
  2432. Voice of Baceprot: Retas (12Wired) {2}: CE:63, K:27
  2433. VV: Neon Noir () {2}: K:23, RkS:23
  2434. V/Z: Suono Assente (AD 93) {2}: CE:101, EWi:+
  2435. Summer Walker: Clear 2: Soft Life (Interscope) {2}: Cmp:36; am_r:+
  2436. Water Damage: 2 Songs (12XU) {2}: ygb:2
  2437. Roger Waters: The Dark Side of the Moon Redux () {2}: Why:16
  2438. Derek Webb: The Jesus Hypothesis () {2}: vti:4
  2439. Anna Webber/Matt Mitchell: Capacious Aeration (Tzadik) {2}: -- TH:**
  2440. Whitehorse: I'm Not Crying, You're Crying (Six Shooter) {2}: pm_c:10, scm:+
  2441. Wicha: Wicha Springs Eterbal () {2}: yrs:2
  2442. Chancey Williams: One of These Days () {2}: WR:+; scm:+
  2443. Hank Williams IV: Honky Tonk Habit (Lone Star Reserve -EP) {2}: scm:+ -- TH:*
  2444. Channing Wilson: Dead Man () {2}: scm:++
  2445. Jonathan Wilson: Eat the Worm (BMG) {2}: Mj:66; am_s:+
  2446. Witch Prophet: Gateway Experience () {2}: bc:+, ts:11
  2447. Joe Wittman: Trio Works (self-released) {2}: -- TH:**
  2448. John Wojciechowski: Swing of the Pendulum (Afar Music) {2}: -- TH:**
  2449. Woodz: Oo-Li () {2}: bb_k:3
  2450. Jack Wright/Ben Bennett: Augur (Palliative) {2}: JC:+; jfk:7
  2451. Lizz Wright: Holding Space: Live in Berlin (Blues & Greens -22) {2}: -- TH:**
  2452. Eri Yamamoto: Colors of the Night Trio (Mahakala Music) {2}: 2J
  2453. Jonah Yano: Portrait of a Dog (Innovative Leisure) {2}: Cl:57, Ex:21
  2454. Jason Yarde/Seymour Wright/Alan Wilkinson/Harrison Smith/Sue Lynch/Tom Chant: A Company of Others (Matchless) {2}: jgk:+, sc:+
  2455. Y La Bamba: Lucha (Tender Loving Empire) {2}: pf_l:+, tmr:+
  2456. Ylia: Ame Agaru (Balmat) {2}: pm_b:4
  2457. Otomo Yoshihide Special Big Band: Stone Stone Stone (Little Stone) {2}: JC:+; jdcl:+
  2458. YoshimiOizumikiYoshiduO: To the Forest to Live a Truer Life () {2}: am_a:+, bc_at:+
  2459. Yossari Baby: Inferiority Complex () {2}: Qt:82; vi:11
  2460. Jacob Young/Mats Eilertsen/Audun Kleive: Eventually (ECM) {2}: -- TH:**
  2461. Yungmorpheus: From Whence It Came () {2}: bc_h:+, ynn:7
  2462. Yushh: Look Mum No Hands (Wisdom Teeth) {2}: Mix:+; sg_e:10
  2463. John Zorn: Quatrain (Tzadik) {2}: jgk:+ -- TH:*
  2464. Funk N' Beats Vol 1 (Curated by Boca 45) (Bomb Strikes) {2}: YW:12
  2465. 03 Greedo & Mike Free: Free 03 (Alamo) {1}: PW:21
  2466. 12 Rods: If We Stayed Alive () {1}: Yb:47
  2467. 1-800 Girls: 90%/Gd 2 Me (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
  2468. 1905: Never Been 2 Bristol (Former City) {1}: Mix:+
  2469. 3D Jazz Trio: 9 to 5 (Diva Jazz -22) {1}: DB:+
  2470. 3Phaz: DrumTraTrax () {1}: bc_cm:+
  2471. 3Phaz: Ends Meet () {1}: pf_e:+
  2472. The 50x50's: Brew (Fake Four) {1}: YW:32
  2473. 79.9: 79.5 (Razor-N-Tape Reserve) {1}: Pc:47
  2474. 99Letters: Zigoku (Phantom Limb) {1}: Mix:+
  2475. Abbey Blackwell: My Maze (Ruination) {1}: GB:52
  2476. Yuma Abe: Surprisingly Alright () {1}: aqd:+
  2477. Kevin Abstract: Blanket (RCA) {1}: GQ:+
  2478. The Academic: Sitting Pretty () {1}: HP:46
  2479. Activity: Spirit in the Room (Western Vinyl) {1}: BV_i:28
  2480. John Luther Adams: Darkness and Scattered Light (Cold Blue) {1}: sg_x:9
  2481. Adekunle Gold: Tequila Ever After () {1}: RS:85
  2482. Adeline Hotel: Hot Fruit () {1}: tmr:+
  2483. Thomas Ades/Los Angeles Philharmonic: Dante () {1}: g_c:8
  2484. Adi Oasis: Lotus Glow (Unity Group) {1}: CE:115
  2485. Afflecks Palace: The Only Light in This Tunnel Is the Oncoming Train (Spirit of Spike Island) {1}: Pc:81
  2486. Jimmy Agren/Scott Colby/Henry Kaiser: Trouble With the Treble (Fractal) {1}: jgk:+
  2487. Belen Aguilera: Metanoia () {1}: Jp:40
  2488. Omar Ahmad: Inheritance () {1}: ae:3
  2489. Pierre-Laurent Aimard/San Francisco Orchestra/Essa-Pekka Salonen: Bartok: Piano Concertos (Sony) {1}: vjc:8
  2490. Air in the Lungs: Air in the Lungs () {1}: GTV:99
  2491. Air Raid: Fatal Encounter (High Roller) {1}: BA:+
  2492. AJJ: Disposable Everything () {1}: p_f:+
  2493. AKKU Quintet: Kinema (Morpheus) {1}: jv:+
  2494. Akumo: Astral Moonlight (Faint) {1}: YW:90
  2495. Alabama 3: Cold War Classics Vol 2 () {1}: XSN:28
  2496. Lauren Alaina: Unlocked (Big Loud -EP) {1}: CE:76
  2497. Alex Albrecht: Violet Visionary (A Strangely Isolated Place) {1}: pm_b:6
  2498. Susan Alcorn/Jose Lencastre/Hernani Faustino: Manifesto (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2499. Susan Alcorn/Patrick Holmes/Ryan Sawyer: From Union Pool (Relative Pitch) {1}: -- TH:*
  2500. Marijus Aleksa: As They Are (Music Information Centre Lithuania) {1}: vpo:9
  2501. Lina Allemano/Axel Dorner: Aphelia (Relative Pitch) {1}: -- TH:*
  2502. The Allergies: Tear the Place Up (Jalapeno) {1}: YW:29
  2503. Thomas Almqvist: Nyanser (1979, Be With) {1}: aqd:+
  2504. Alternative TV: Direct Action () {1}: W:49
  2505. Amaliah: Manifold (On Loop) {1}: Mix:+
  2506. Scott Amendola/Henry Kaiser/Michael Manring: Haunted by Eternity (Fractal) {1}: jgk:+
  2507. American Analog Set: For Forever (Hometown Fantasy) {1}: BV_i:38
  2508. American Watercolor Movement: The Odyssey of Captain Vivian Ribbons () {1}: tmr:+
  2509. The Amity Affliction: Not Without My Ghosts () {1}: RkS:28
  2510. Anachronism: Meanders (Unorthodox Emanations) {1}: sg_m:10
  2511. Anchor and Burden: Kosmonautik Pilgrimage (Moonjune) {1}: YW:68
  2512. Matt Andersen: The Big Bottle of Joy (Sonic) {1}: DB:+
  2513. Nuria Andorra/Fred Frith: Dancing Like Dust (Klang) {1}: jgk:+
  2514. John Andrews & the Yawns: Love for the Underdog () {1}: aqd:+
  2515. Animal Hospital: Shelf Life (Sipsman) {1}: pm_x:17
  2516. Another Michael: Wishes to Fulfill () {1}: p_f:+
  2517. Salar Ansari: Azadi Nist (Passed Out on a Persian Rug) {1}: vpo:10
  2518. The Answer: Sundowners () {1}: LW:40
  2519. Anthene: Shelter (Dronarivm) {1}: YW:67
  2520. Anthropology Band: Scald: Live 2022 (Discus) {1}: jv:+
  2521. Antiindustry: Numinous Interference (Muteant Sounds) {1}: PO:126
  2522. A.p.A.t.T.: We () {1}: Qt:62
  2523. Gabrielle Aplin: Phosphorescent () {1}: tmr:+
  2524. Apostille: Prisoners of Love and Hate () {1}: Qt:28
  2525. Arabrot: Of Darkness and Light () {1}: Qt:69
  2526. Ellen Arkbro: Sounds While Waiting () {1}: pf_j:+
  2527. Joe Armon-Jones & Maxwell Owin: Archetype (Aquarii) {1}: Mix:+
  2528. Art School Girlfriend: Soft Landing (Fiction) {1}: BV_i:+
  2529. ARXX: Ride or Die () {1}: 45:43
  2530. Ascended Dead: Evenfall of the Apocalypse (20 Buck Spin) {1}: pm_m:9
  2531. ASC: Thematic Function (Spatial) {1}: YW:66
  2532. Ash Island: Rose () {1}: bb_k:14
  2533. Yara Asmar: Synth Waltzes and Accordion Laments () {1}: pf_j:+
  2534. The Astronauts: LP () {1}: LW:93
  2535. Ateez: Spin Off: From the Witness () {1}: am_p:+
  2536. Ateez: The World EP.2: Outlaw () {1}: p_kp:15
  2537. Attooxxa: Groove () {1}: pm_bp:+
  2538. Allison Au: Migrations (self-released) {1}: jdm:13
  2539. Rich Aucion: Synthetic Season 2 (We Are Busy Bodies) {1}: YW:63
  2540. Auriferous Flame: Ardor for Black Mastery (True Cult) {1}: pm_m:20
  2541. Ausar: I Now Know () {1}: yb_h:15
  2542. Autopsia: Sistema Y Poder Demo (Discos Enfermos) {1}: bc_p:+
  2543. AVA Trio: Ash (Tora -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  2544. Avola: Psykor () {1}: W:48
  2545. Aya and BFTT: Up and at Them! () {1}: bc_e:+
  2546. Ayesha: Rhythm Is Memory (Kindergarten) {1}: Mix:+
  2547. Mikael Ayrapetyan: Elmas: Complete Piano Works Vol 2 (Grand Piano) {1}: YW:94
  2548. Mac Ayres: Comfortable Enough () {1}: yb_r:7
  2549. AZ: Truth Be Told () {1}: yng:6
  2550. Babau: Flatland Explorations Vol 2 () {1}: Qt:42
  2551. Babe, Terror: Teghnojoyg (self-released) {1}: PO:217
  2552. Jeff Babko/David Piltch: The Libretto Show (Tudor Tones) {1}: DB:+ -- TH:*
  2553. Jeff Babko/Tim Lefebvre/Mark Guiliana: Clam City (Sam First) {1}: DB:+
  2554. Baby Cool: Earthling on the Road to Self Love () {1}: ae:15
  2555. Bad Pelicans: Eternal Life Now () {1}: GTV:67
  2556. Bailen: Tired Hearts () {1}: atw:+
  2557. Victoria Bailey: A Cowgirl Rides On () {1}: zuc:23
  2558. Bakar: Halo (Black Butter) {1}: -- ygo:9
  2559. Jalen Baker: Be Still (Cellar) {1}: -- TH:*
  2560. Jake Baldwin: Misc Items (Shifting Paradigm) {1}: DB:+
  2561. Maria Bamford: Crowd-Pleaser () {1}: p_cy:+
  2562. Band of Holy Joy: Fated Beautiful Mistakes () {1}: LW:90
  2563. Cyro Baptista: Chama (Ropeadope) {1}: am_l:+
  2564. Matt Barber: The Song Is You (MB) {1}: -- TH:*
  2565. Peter Barclay: I'm Not Your Toy () {1}: bc:+
  2566. Emilie-Claire Barlow: Spark Bird (Empress) {1}: DB:+
  2567. Sean Barna: An Evening at Macri Park () {1}: LW:52
  2568. Courtney Barnett: End of the Day [Music From the Film Anonymous Club] (Mom+Pop!) {1}: tmr:+
  2569. Diana Baroni: Mujeres () {1}: am_l:+
  2570. Joao Barradas: Solo II: Live at Festival D'Aix-En-Provence (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2571. Liz Barrett: Gettin' By () {1}: p_cy:+
  2572. Natasha Barrett: Reconfiguring the Landscape () {1}: W:40
  2573. Barstool Mountain: Tightrope Walker () {1}: ycc:+
  2574. Basher: Doubles (Sinking City -22) {1}: PO:212
  2575. The Count Basie Orchestra: Swings the Blues (Candid) {1}: jan:9
  2576. Baskery: V End of the Bloodline () {1}: LW:56
  2577. Martyna Basta: Slowly Forgetting, Barely Remembering (Warm Winters) {1}: pf_j:+
  2578. Chris Batchelor\'s Zoetic: Telling the Tale (Pokey) {1}: jcm:+
  2579. Battery Operated Orchesrtra: Compulsory Games () {1}: LW:45
  2580. BCMC: Foreign Smokes () {1}: aqd:+
  2581. The Beaches: Blame My Ex () {1}: atw:+
  2582. Beastwars: Tyranny of Distance (Destroy) {1}: BA:+
  2583. Carlos Bechegas/Joao Madeira/Ulrich Mitzlaff: Open in Finder (4DaRecord) {1}: -- TH:*
  2584. William Beckmann: Here's to You. Here's to Me () {1}: scm:+
  2585. Gordon Beeferman/Michael Evans/Michael Foster/Shelley Hirsch: Glow (Tripticks Tapes) {1}: -- TH:*
  2586. The Belbury Poly: The Path () {1}: aqd:+
  2587. Belgrado: Intra Apogeum (La Vida Es Un Mus) {1}: CE:24
  2588. Sabrina Bellaouel: Al Hadr (Infine) {1}: Mix:+
  2589. Benny Sings: Young Hearts () {1}: am_s:+
  2590. Beqa Ungiadze: [Station] (Phantom Limb) {1}: LQ:37
  2591. Flavien Berger: Dans Cent Ans () {1}: Jp:53
  2592. Brock Berrigan: A Taste of Everything () {1}: TO:26
  2593. Bestia Bebe: Vamos a Destruir () {1}: tmr:+
  2594. Natalia Beylis: Mermaids () {1}: Qt:63
  2595. Mera Bhai: Relax Into Yourself (Morning Raga) {1}: Mix:+
  2596. Bi Ba Doom [Chris Pitsiokis/Luke Stewart/Jason Nazary]: Graceful Collision (Astral Spirits) {1}: sc_p:+
  2597. Bibiza: Wiener Schickeria () {1}: On:41
  2598. Big Boss Vette: Resilience () {1}: TSG:+
  2599. Big O: In the Company of Others (Vintage Soundz) {1}: HG:42
  2600. Big Scarr: The Secret Weapon (1017/Atlantic) {1}: am_h:+
  2601. Billie: The Billage of Perception: Chapter Three () {1}: bb_k:15
  2602. Galya Bisengalieva: Polygon () {1}: g_c:6
  2603. Bishopskin: Babble () {1}: SLi:50
  2604. Bixarte: Traviarcado () {1}: bzb:+
  2605. BJ the Chicago Kid: Gravy () {1}: yb_r:20
  2606. Black Duck: Black Duck (Thrill Jockey) {1}: -- vbc:7
  2607. Black Gold Orchestra: Genesis (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  2608. Annie Blackman: Bug () {1}: RS_ir:23
  2609. Blackploid: Enter Universe (Central Processing Unit) {1}: Mix:+
  2610. Rebecca Black: Let Her Burn (self-released) {1}: am_p:+
  2611. Blanco: Rebourne () {1}: Cmp_U:24
  2612. Blank Patrick: Bluebell/Serif Soaked (SLG International) {1}: Mix:+
  2613. Blind Boys of Alabama: Echoes of the South (Single Lock) {1}: TL:70
  2614. Blind Dead Timmy + Lee Baggett: Strings Across the Water () {1}: aqd:+
  2615. Blk Odyssy: Diamonds & Freaks () {1}: NPR:+
  2616. Blood Ceremony: The Old Ways Remain (Rise Above) {1}: CE:84
  2617. Blood Lightning: Blood Lightning (Ripple Music) {1}: CE:118
  2618. Jane Ira Bloom/Mark Helias/Bobby Previte: 2*3*23 (Radio Legs) {1}: DB:+
  2619. Blue Dolphin: Robert's Lafitte (Post Present Medium/Cleta Patra -EP) {1}: CE:109
  2620. Blue Moon Marquee: Scream, Holler & Howl (Ilda) {1}: -- TH:*
  2621. Blue October: Spinning the Truth Around (Part II) () {1}: Spk:27
  2622. Blue Orchids: Magpie Heights () {1}: LW:67
  2623. Blues Lawyer: Sight Gags on the Radio () {1}: bc_p:+
  2624. Daniel Blumberg: Gut () {1}: Ind:45
  2625. James Blunt: Who We Used to Be () {1}: AS:+
  2626. Bohannons: Night Construction (Cornelius Chapel) {1}: Gl:+
  2627. Samir Bohringer Quartet: Meta Zero (Ezz-Thetics) {1}: jcm:6
  2628. Bombadil: In Color () {1}: tmr:+
  2629. Bondo: Print Selections () {1}: aqd:+
  2630. Alex Bonney/Paul Dunmall/Mark Sandres: The Beholder's Share (Bead) {1}: sc_k:+
  2631. Dan Bonsanti: Islands (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  2632. Sandra Booker & the New Trio: The Reunion Concert (Booker Group) {1}: DB:+
  2633. Jake Borgemenke: Drinks () {1}: tmr:+
  2634. Jake Borgemenke & Joey Joseph: Subliminal Clave () {1}: tmr:+
  2635. Ryan Bourne: Plant City () {1}: aqd:+
  2636. Lauren Bousfield: Salesforce (Orange Milk) {1}: am_e:+
  2637. Boxhead Ensemble: Ancient Music () {1}: aqd:+
  2638. Boynextdoor: Why . . . () {1}: am_p:+
  2639. Boys Like Girls: Sunday at Foxwoods () {1}: RkS:29
  2640. Don Braden: Earth Wind and Wonder Volume 2 (self-released) {1}: DB:+ -- TH:B
  2641. Braids: Euphoric Recall (Braids Musique/Secret City) {1}: UR:91
  2642. Brakence: Hypochondriac () {1}: Fa:21
  2643. Rodrigo Brandao: Outros Estado () {1}: bzb:+
  2644. Emily Breeze: Rapture () {1}: GTV:90
  2645. David Brewis: The Soft Struggles (Daylight Saving) {1}: am_s:+
  2646. Perch Hen Brock & Rain: Elegiacal (Wig) {1}: jv:+
  2647. Chris Broderick & Stuart Turner: And One Red Mitten () {1}: LW:33
  2648. Broken Vow: Anthropocene (Triple B) {1}: bv_hc:+
  2649. Lola Brooke: Dennis Daughter () {1}: yb_h:21
  2650. Cate Brooks: Easel Studies (Clay Pipe) {1}: Pc:38
  2651. Brotherkenzie: Bloodsucker () {1}: atw:+
  2652. Allison Brown: On Banjo () {1}: am_j:+
  2653. Derek Brown: A Close Shave With Heaven () {1}: p_cy:+
  2654. Gena Rose Bruce: Deep Is the Way () {1}: GTV:32
  2655. Bruise Control: Useless for Something () {1}: LW:41
  2656. Matthias Bublath & Michi Ruzitschka: Duo Norte Sul (MB Note) {1}: jv:+
  2657. The Budos Band: Frontier's Edge () {1}: am_r:+
  2658. Jimmy Buffett: Equal Strain on All Parts (Mailboat/Sun) {1}: SE:49
  2659. Bule: Dancando Sem Ninguem Me Ouvir () {1}: pm_bp:14
  2660. Cidny Bullens: Little Pieces () {1}: se_fp:+
  2661. Silva Bumpa: Feel Aight/Wickedist (Twelvez) {1}: Mix:+
  2662. Enrique Bunbury: Greta Garbo () {1}: am_l:+
  2663. Burial & Kode9: Infirmary/Unknown Summer (Fabric Originals) {1}: Mix:+
  2664. Billy Joe Burns: I've Seen a Lot of Highway () {1}: scm:+
  2665. Sean Burns: Lost Country () {1}: scm:+
  2666. Buscrates: Control Center (Bastard Jazz) {1}: pm_h:16
  2667. Busta Rhymes: Blockbusta () {1}: ay_t:16
  2668. Matt Butler: Reckless Son () {1}: S:+
  2669. Byrell the Great: The Triggers () {1}: bc_cm:+
  2670. Cabezadenego Mbe and Leyblack: Mimosa () {1}: bzb:14
  2671. Cactus Lee: Caravan () {1}: aqd:+
  2672. Colbie Caillat: Along the Way () {1}: zuc:30
  2673. Caixa Cubo Trio: Agora () {1}: am_l:+
  2674. Cala Vento: Casa Linda () {1}: Jp:39
  2675. Calcanhar: Jump (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2676. Hannah Cameron: Holding Pattern () {1}: DJ:42
  2677. CAMO: Pressure Makes Diamonds () {1}: bb_k:21
  2678. Larry Campbell/Teresa Williams: Live at Levon's () {1}: am_f:+
  2679. Kai Campos: City Planning Remixes (Warp) {1}: Mix:+
  2680. Capim-Limao: Todo Azul () {1}: pm_bp:18
  2681. Capra: Errors (Metal Blade) {1}: bv_hc:+
  2682. Charlotte Cardin: 99 Nights () {1}: LCA:40
  2683. Cardopusher: Immaculate Poison () {1}: am_e:+
  2684. Carlene: Looking Out My Window (self-released) {1}: GB:31
  2685. Willi Carlisle: Peculiar, Missouri (Free Dirt -22) {1}: XCI:52 -- TH:[A-]
  2686. Enzo Carniel/Hermon MehariStephane Adsuar/Damien Varaillon: No(w) Beauty (Menace) {1}: jan:12
  2687. William Carn: Choices () {1}: j91:+
  2688. Luzmila Carpio: Inti Watana: El Retorno Del Sol () {1}: C:49
  2689. Carre: Tilted (Spe:C) {1}: Mix:+
  2690. Mateus Carrilho: Paixao Nacional () {1}: pm_bp:15
  2691. Andre Carvalho: Lost in Translation Vol II (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  2692. Peter Case: Doctor Moan (Sunset Boulevard) {1}: DB:+
  2693. Gilbert Castellanos: Esperame En El Cielo (Z Note) {1}: jkl:+
  2694. Celestial North: Otherworld () {1}: GTV:96
  2695. Celestial Sanctuary: Insatiable Thirst for Torment (Church Road) {1}: BA:+
  2696. Cero: E O () {1}: -- ayu_j:17
  2697. A Certain Ratio: 1982 (Mute) {1}: Pc:54
  2698. Sophia Chablau e Uma Enorme Perda da Tempo: Musica do Esquecimento () {1}: bzb:+
  2699. Bertrand Chamayou: Letter(s) to Erik Satie () {1}: TSG:50
  2700. Pierre Chambers: Shining Moments (Dash Hoffman) {1}: DB:+
  2701. Reginald Chapman: Accretion (Fresh Selects) {1}: DB:+
  2702. Marjolaine Charbin/Eddie Prevost: The Cry of a Dove Announcing Rain (Matchless) {1}: jgk:+
  2703. Kerry Charles: I Think of You () {1}: tmr:+
  2704. Claire Chase: Density 2036 [all editions] (New Focus) {1}: jgk:+
  2705. Cheetah & DJ B: BRZMNA001 (Brazen) {1}: Mix:+
  2706. Nia Chennai: Diary Is a Waste of Paper () {1}: nlm:8
  2707. Cheo: Musica Para Verse Bien () {1}: tmr:+
  2708. Cherry Bandora: Back to the Taverna (Rumi Sounds/Rebel Up) {1}: CE:70
  2709. Cherry Cheeks: CCLPII () {1}: p_k:+
  2710. Atsuko Chiba: Water, It Feels Like It's Growing () {1}: LCA:49
  2711. Chickasaw Mudd Puppies: Fall Line (Strolling Bones) {1}: CE:93
  2712. Chloe: In Pieces (Columbia/Parkwood) {1}: Up:+
  2713. Mira Choquette: In Reel Time (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  2714. ChrisMan: Dozage (Hakuna Kulala) {1}: CE:58
  2715. Thanos Chrysakis: Manifold Vista (Auf Abwegen) {1}: sc_p:+
  2716. Chum: Metaphysical () {1}: LW:70
  2717. Chunky: Somebody's Child (Eglo) {1}: Mix:+
  2718. Cicada: I'm Not There Anymore () {1}: On:47
  2719. Cicada the Burrower: Blight Witch Regalia (Blue Bedroom) {1}: pm_m:13
  2720. Cigarette Camp: Chalk () {1}: Alt:29
  2721. Circle of Ouroborus: Lumi Vaientaa Kysymykset (His Wounds) {1}: Db:34
  2722. Cirith Ungol: Dark Parade (Metal Blade) {1}: CE:150
  2723. City of Dawn: Liminal Space (Geometric Lullaby) {1}: YW:77
  2724. City of Dawn: Transient Lounge (Heart Dance) {1}: YW:95
  2725. Civic: New Vietnam & Singles () {1}: ec:+
  2726. George Clanton: Ooh Rap I Ya () {1}: Ne:48
  2727. Clara!: Pulso (AD 93) {1}: Mix:+
  2728. Clavish: Rap Game Awful (Polydor/Universal) {1}: Mix:+
  2729. Michael Cleveland: Lovin' of the Game () {1}: spt:+
  2730. Club Eat: Start () {1}: Pap:+
  2731. Coach Party: Killjoy () {1}: UR:58
  2732. The Coal: Recorded Remembered (Shhpuma) {1}: jgm:+
  2733. Coastlines: Coastlines 2 (Be With) {1}: Pc:63
  2734. Oliver Coates: Aftersun [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Lakeshore/Invada) {1}: GB:32
  2735. Chris Cochrane/John Thayer: Excavation (Astral Editions) {1}: sc_p:+
  2736. Bruce Cockburn: O Sun O Moon (True North) {1}: CE:90
  2737. COFFIN: Australia Stops () {1}: DJ:25
  2738. Coffin Prick: Laughing () {1}: W:29
  2739. Alex Coke & Carl Michel Sextet: Emergence (PlayOn) {1}: -- TH:*
  2740. Julia Cole: Country Sugar () {1}: xjb:9
  2741. Tom Collier: Boomer Vibes Volume 1 (Summit) {1}: -- TH:*
  2742. Comfort: What's Bad Enough? (FatCat) {1}: LQ:23
  2743. The Composers Collective Big Band: The Toronto Project (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  2744. Concerto Copenhagen/Lars Ulrik Mortensen: Champagne! The Sound of Lumbye and His Idols (Dacapo) {1}: YW:73
  2745. Zhao Cong: 55355 () {1}: Qt:83
  2746. Jenny Conlee: Tides: Pieces for Accordion and Piano () {1}: tmr:+
  2747. Savannah Conley: Playing the Part of You Is Me () {1}: atw:+
  2748. Cara Connors: Straight for Pay () {1}: p_cy:+
  2749. Constant Smiles: Kenneth Anger (Sacred Bones) {1}: BV_i:+
  2750. Braxton Cook: Who Are You When No One Is Watching? () {1}: j91:+
  2751. Cop Funeral: Jake () {1}: bc_x:+
  2752. Easton Corbin: Let's Do Country Right () {1}: zuc:39
  2753. Brent Cordero & Peter Kerlin: A Sublime Madness (Astral Spirits) {1}: vpo:7
  2754. Chick Corea: Sardinia (Candid) {1}: jmju:+
  2755. Michael Cormier-O'Leary: Anything Can Be Left Behind () {1}: vgb:6
  2756. Chembo Corniel Quintet: Artistas, Musicos y Poetas (Chemboro) {1}: jtpn:+
  2757. Jeff Cosgrove/Jeff Lederer/Mark Lysher: Welcome Home (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  2758. Carlo Costa/John McCowen: Pianissimo Etc (Tripticks Tapes) {1}: sc_k:+
  2759. Dorthia Cottrell: Death Folk Country (Relapse) {1}: ahw_dn:+
  2760. Coucou Chloe: Fever Dream (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
  2761. Inna Baba Coulibaly: Djilly Kawrai (Remote) {1}: tm_w:+
  2762. Country Side of Harmonica Sam: Back to the Blue Side () {1}: scm:+
  2763. Country Westerns: Forgive the City (Fat Possum) {1}: ygb:9
  2764. Alan Courtis & David Grubbs: Braintrust of Friends and Werewolves (Husky Pants) {1}: jgk:+
  2765. Cowgirl Clue: Rodeo Star (Vada Vada) {1}: Mix:+
  2766. Cran: Nate () {1}: LW:53
  2767. Creep Show: Yawning Abyss (Bella Union) {1}: BV_i:+
  2768. Marcelo Criminal: La Ultima Case De Apuestas () {1}: Jp:56
  2769. Crisis Sigil: God Cum Poltergeist () {1}: Spk:25
  2770. Theo Croker: Live in Paris (Masterworks -22 -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  2771. Helene Cronin: Landmarks (self-released) {1}: ahw:+
  2772. Crooks & Nannies: Real Life () {1}: tmr:+
  2773. Cryptopsy: As Gomorrah Burns (Nuclear Blast) {1}: BA:+
  2774. Sally C: Big Saldo's Chunker EP 003 (Big Saldo's Chunker) {1}: YW:36
  2775. Cumgirl8: Phantasea Pharm (4AD -EP) {1}: CE:60
  2776. Cupid & Psyche: Romantic Music (Felte) {1}: Bv_i:31
  2777. Buck Curran: The Long Distance () {1}: aqd:+
  2778. Charles Curtis/Alan Licht/Dean Roberts: May 99 (Blank Forms) {1}: sg_x:10
  2779. CVC: Get Real (CVC) {1}: RT:52
  2780. Amy Dabbs & Athlete Whippet: Into You (Aus Music) {1}: Mix:+
  2781. Daiistar: Good Time (Third Man) {1}: YW:74
  2782. Avery Dakin: Bloom () {1}: tmr:+
  2783. Dana and Alden: Quiet Music for Young People () {1}: km:+
  2784. Dan and Shay: Bigger Houses () {1}: zuc:21
  2785. Dancer: As Well (GoldMold) {1}: bc_p:+
  2786. Franco D'Andrea: Sketches of the 20th Century (Parco Della Musica) {1}: jv:+
  2787. Walter Daniels: From Death to Texas/Seems Like a Dream (Spacecase -EP) {1}: PO:196
  2788. Gus Dapperton: Henge () {1}: bi:15
  2789. Gabriel Da Rosa: E O Que a Casa Oferece () {1}: aqd:+
  2790. Martina DaSilva: The 1905 () {1}: jb:+
  2791. D'Athiz/Ke-nny/Locofire: What's the Sounds () {1}: EWi:+
  2792. Brandon Davis: Life's Too Short () {1}: zuc:31
  2793. Greg Davis & E Jason Gibb: Steam Fence (Superpang) {1}: jgm:+
  2794. Mikaela Davis: And Southern Star (Kill Rock Stars) {1}: Gl:+
  2795. Jesse Dayton/Samantha Fish: Death Wish Blues () {1}: am_b:+
  2796. Danny Daze: ::Blue:: (Omnidisc) {1}: Mix:+
  2797. Dazegxd & Gum.mpe: Girls Love Jungle (Gum Studio) {1}: Mix:+
  2798. Dazegxd & Quinn: DSX.FM (DeadAir -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  2799. Dazy: Otherboy () {1}: Alt:27
  2800. D Double E: No Reign, No Flowers () {1}: Cmp_U:22
  2801. Dead Moon: Going South () {1}: xjlu:+
  2802. Deante' Hitchcock: Once Upon a Time () {1}: yb_h:13
  2803. Death Goals: A Garden of Dead Flowers (Prosthetic) {1}: BV_p:36
  2804. Death & Vanilla: Flicker (Fire) {1}: 03-17
  2805. Sabino De Bari & Diana Torti: It's All We Have (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  2806. Melanie De Biasio: Il Viaggio () {1}: kf:6
  2807. Santi Debriano & Arkestra Bembe: Ashanti (Jojo) {1}: jjbw:+
  2808. Jerry David DeCicca: New Shadows () {1}: aqd:+
  2809. Declaime & Theory Hazit: Rocketman () {1}: HG:57
  2810. Mark De Clive-Lowe/Melanie Charles/Shigeto: Hotel San Claudio (Soul Bank Music) {1}: am_j:+
  2811. Deetron Presents Soulmate: Path (Ilian Tape) {1}: Mix:+
  2812. Lorenzo De Finti: Lullabies From an Ancient Time (Losen) {1}: jgt:+
  2813. Def Robot: Existential Boredom () {1}: LW:26
  2814. Lana Del Rabies: Strega Beata (Gilgongo) {1}: yrs:8
  2815. Dende: 95 Civic () {1}: yb_r:11
  2816. Jessye DeSilva: Renovations () {1}: vti:8
  2817. Destroy Lonely: If Looks Could Kill () {1}: bb_h:11
  2818. Deus: How to Replace It (PIAS) {1}: Ind:21
  2819. Dexter + Franz: Flamingo Heights () {1}: aqd:+
  2820. Claude Diallo Situation: 11:11 (Dot Time) {1}: DB:+
  2821. Tyler Dial: Electric West (self-released) {1}: CE:72
  2822. Ane Diaz: Despechada () {1}: am_l:+
  2823. Dietrichs: Catch the Leaves (Relative Pitch) {1}: jgk:+
  2824. Jesse Dietschi: Gradient (JDM) {1}: jv:+
  2825. Sonny Digital: Dolores Son () {1}: yb_h:17
  2826. Dinamarca: Sonao () {1}: pf_l:+
  2827. Dina Ogon: Das () {1}: am_a:+
  2828. Chris Dingman: Journeys Vol 2 (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  2829. Dire Wolves: Easy Portals () {1}: aqd:+
  2830. Dirt Byrds: Standing in Line () {1}: LW:99
  2831. The Dirt: Agitator () {1}: LW:81
  2832. The Dirty Nil: Free Rein to Passions () {1}: Pu:24
  2833. Divine Horsemen: Bitter End of a Sweet Night () {1}: ymc:10
  2834. Kenyon Dixon: The R&B You Love () {1}: yb_r:10
  2835. Dizzy: Dizzy (Royal Mountain) {1}: Ex:29
  2836. DJ +1: Aromaticas (Tambien) {1}: pf_e:+
  2837. Kimi Djabate: Dindin () {1}: ycc:6
  2838. DJ Bone: Further () {1}: DJM:+
  2839. DJ Jeffdepl: CD Forrozinho Fim De Ano 2.0 () {1}: EWi:+
  2840. DJ Jeffdepl: Forrozinho CD De Carnaval 2023 () {1}: EWi:+
  2841. DJ Kapwanthi: Digital Indigenous 04 - MP4MP3 (1000 Herz) {1}: CE:25
  2842. DJ Muggs: Soul Assassins 3: Death Valley (Soul Assassins) {1}: Mix;+
  2843. DJ Ramon Sucesso: Sexta Dos Crias (Lugar Alto) {1}: vca:9
  2844. DJs Di Guetto: DJs Di Guetto (Principe) {1}: bc:+
  2845. DJ Slugo: Ghetto House Music Vols 1-3 () {1}: ypb:7
  2846. DJ Trax: Break From Reality () {1}: DJM:+
  2847. DJ Trystero: Castillo (Incienso) {1}: sg_e:9
  2848. DMA's: How Many Dreams? (I Oh You) {1}: rx:+
  2849. Doc Sleep: Birds (in My Mind Anyway) () {1}: am_e:+
  2850. Louise Dodds and Elchin Shirinov: Two Hours After Midnight (Loch Tay) {1}: jndg:+
  2851. Dodo Resurrection II: A Treatise on Ceremonial Magic () {1}: Qt:93
  2852. DO: Expectation () {1}: bb_k:18
  2853. The Dollyrots: Night Owls (Wicked Cool) {1}: YW:59
  2854. Dominowe: State of Mind (Dominowe) {1}: CE:30
  2855. Dommengang: Wished Eye (Thrill Jockey) {1}: pm_k:16
  2856. Stella Donnelly: Flood (Secretly Canadian -22) {1}: XCI:69 -- TH:[**]
  2857. Do Nothing: Snake Sideways (Exact Truth) {1}: D:38
  2858. Aaron Dooley: The International Dissociation Of () {1}: aqd:+
  2859. Dossel: Badoque () {1}: bzb:+
  2860. Double O: Firm Meditation () {1}: DJM:+
  2861. Downes Braide Association: Celestial Songs () {1}: se_fp:+
  2862. DPR Ian: Dear Insanity () {1}: am_h:+
  2863. Draag Me: Lord of the Shithouse () {1}: p_e:+
  2864. Kim Dracula: A Gradual Decline in Morale () {1}: Rev:29
  2865. Dream Sitch: Long Rattle () {1}: FO:41
  2866. DreamWeaver: Blue Garden () {1}: Spk:33
  2867. Olof Dreijer: Rosa Rugosa () {1}: pf_e:+
  2868. Antoine Drye With Strings: Retreat to Beauty (Oblation Vol 3: Providence!) (Cellar Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  2869. Dry Thrust: The Less You Sleep (Trost) {1}: -- TH:*
  2870. Chris Duarte: Ain't Giving Up () {1}: am_b:+
  2871. Duikaiju: Phase 3 (DingDong) {1}: yrs:6
  2872. Duke: Early Instrumentals (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {1}: CE:48
  2873. Bruno Duplant/Seth Nehil: The Memory of Things (Sublime Retreat) {1}: sc_p:+
  2874. During: During (Chunklet Industries) {1}: CE:47
  2875. Duskus: Healers Vol 1 (Method 808) {1}: Mix:+
  2876. Dust: Et Cetera, Etc () {1}: GTV:89
  2877. Dutch Uncles: True Entertainment (Memphis Industries) {1}: tmr:+
  2878. Dwarves: Concept Album () {1}: Mx:39
  2879. Duncan Eagles: Narrations (Ropeadope) {1}: jv:+
  2880. Jade Eagleson: Do It Anyway () {1}: zuc:14
  2881. Dylan Earl: I Saw the Arkansas () {1}: p_c:+
  2882. Eartheater: Powders (Chemical X/Mad Decent) {1}: Cl:43
  2883. Dave Easley: Ballads () {1}: aqd:+
  2884. Sam Eastmond: The Bagattelles Vol 16 (Tzadik) {1}: DB:+
  2885. EasyFun: Acoustic () {1}: pf_p:+
  2886. EasyFun: Electric () {1}: pf_p:+
  2887. Easy Star All-Stars: Ziggy Stardub (East Star) {1}: ycw:9
  2888. Rachel Eckroth: Humanoid (Sam First) {1}: jmju:+
  2889. Eddie 9V: Capricorn () {1}: TL:69
  2890. Eve Egoyan/Mauricio Pauly: Hopeful Monster (No Hay Discos) {1}: jno:+
  2891. Egyptian Blue: A Living Commodity () {1}: GTV:95
  2892. Ehua: Clouds (3024) {1}: Mix:+
  2893. El Dorodo: Unincorporated () {1}: scm:+
  2894. Eleanor: A Late Bloom () {1}: nlm:10
  2895. Dorian Electra: Fanfare () {1}: Pap:+
  2896. Elkhorn: On the Whole Universe in All Directions () {1}: aqd:+
  2897. James Elkington: Me Neither () {1}: aqd:+
  2898. Myron Elkins: Factories, Farms & Amphetamines () {1}: scm:+
  2899. Kurt Elling/Charlie Hunter/Neal Smith: SuperBlue: Guilty Pleasures (Edition -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  2900. Tamsin Elliott/Tarek Elazhary: So Far We Have Come () {1}: g_f:10
  2901. William Lee Ellis: Ghost Hymns (Yellow Dog) {1}: DB:+
  2902. El Mato a Un Policia Motorizado: Super Terror () {1}: Ms:39
  2903. Eloi: Dernier Orage (Novembre Eternal/Romance/Universal) {1}: lib:+
  2904. Sage Elsesser: Ways of Knowing () {1}: tmr:+
  2905. Camille Emaille/Dieb13/Hans Koch: ABE (Confront) {1}: sc_k:+
  2906. The Embassy: E-Numbers () {1}: BV_i:+
  2907. Emergency Group: Inspection of Cruelty () {1}: aqd:+
  2908. Enforcer: Nostalgia (Nuclear Blast) {1}: BA:+
  2909. Enhyphen: Dark Blood () {1}: p_kp:13
  2910. Enhyphen: Orange Blood () {1}: bb_k:10
  2911. Enny: We Go Again (Famm) {1}: Mix:+
  2912. Enola Gay: Casement () {1}: Qt:50
  2913. Ensemble Dedalus + ERikm: Fata Morgana (Relative Pitch) {1}: sc_p:+
  2914. EP/64-63: EP/64-63 () {1}: Qt:43
  2915. Equipment Pointed Ankh: From Inside the House/Downtown!/Live at Torn Light () {1}: aqd:+
  2916. Erika: Anevite Void () {1}: am_e:+
  2917. Ernest: Flower Shops (The Album) () {1}: zuc:19
  2918. Espineli: Purgatorio () {1}: Jp:72
  2919. Esthesis Quartet: Time Zones (Ears & Eyes) {1}: se_fj:+
  2920. Etran De L'Air: Live in Seattle (Sahel Sounds -EP) {1}: PO:189
  2921. Euphorium Freakestra: Free Acoustic Supergroup [Chicago/New York/Berlin/Dresden/Luzern/Leipzig] (Euphorium) {1}: sc:+
  2922. EVA808: Odruvisi (Gler) {1}: bc_e:+
  2923. Alexis Evans: Yours Truly () {1}: se_fp:+
  2924. Everett: Orange Slices EP (Left Right & Centre) {1}: Mix:+
  2925. Eversame: Tell Me Where the Flowers Are () {1}: tmr:+
  2926. EXO: Exist () {1}: bb_k:12
  2927. Eyes of the Amaryllis: Perceptible to Everyone () {1}: pf_j:+
  2928. Francesco Fabris/Ben Frost: Vakning () {1}: bc_fr:+
  2929. Facta: Emeline (Incienso) {1}: Mix:+
  2930. FAIM: Your Life and Nothing Else (Safe Inside) {1}: bv_hc:+
  2931. Faintest Idea: The Road to Sedition (TNS/Jump Start) {1}: bv_sp:+
  2932. Faith Healer: The Hand That Fits the Glove () {1}: p_e:+
  2933. Fantastic Twins: Two Is Not a Number () {1}: DJM:+
  2934. Far Caspian: The Last Remaining Light (Tiny Library) {1}: tmr:+
  2935. Fekky: We Already Won () {1}: Cmp_U:23
  2936. Jean Felzine: Chord Memory (Close Harmonie) {1}: lib:+
  2937. Feral Five: Truth Is the New Gold () {1}: LW:54
  2938. Jake Ferguson Featuring Malcolm Catto: Emotions Run Dry () {1}: am_l:+
  2939. Beatriz Ferreyra: Senderos De Luz Y Sombras () {1}: am_e:+
  2940. FFF: Eternal Mind () {1}: DJM:+
  2941. Fiction Life AKA Reade Truth: Basic Moves 17 (Basic Moves) {1}: Mix:+
  2942. Steve Fidyk Live Wire Broad Band: Red Beats (Blue Canteen Music) {1}: jjbw:+
  2943. Field Medic: Light Is Gone 2 (Run for Cover) {1}: p_f:+
  2944. Dominique Fils-Aime: 'Our Roots Run Deep () {1}: LCA:32
  2945. Filth Is Eternal: Find Out (MNRK) {1}: Db:24
  2946. Final Gasp: Mourning Moon (Relapse) {1}: Db:32
  2947. Fino Oyonarte: Arrecife () {1}: Jp:74
  2948. Fire-Toolz: I Am Upset Because I See Something That Is Not There () {1}: Yb:36
  2949. Fiyahdred: Overtime/Wining Train () {1}: bc_cm:+
  2950. Mick Flannery: Goodtime Charlie (Oh Boy) {1}: pm_x:14 -- TH:B
  2951. Fleezus: Off Mode () {1}: bzb:+
  2952. Mike Flips/Nord1kone/Seize: Life Cycles () {1}: HG:53
  2953. Markus Floats: Fourth Album () {1}: aqd:+
  2954. Florentino: Xcuse Me/Loka (Club Romantico) {1}: Mix:+
  2955. Ethan P Flynn: Abandon All Hope () {1}: Why:31
  2956. Greg Foat & Art Themen: Off-Piste () {1}: pf_j:+
  2957. Greg Foat & Eero Koivistoinen: Feathers (Jazzaggression) {1}: km:+
  2958. Retep Folo & Dorothy Moskowitz: The Afterlife (Buried Treasure -EP) {1}: aqd:+
  2959. Forever Pavot: L'Idiophone (Born Bad) {1}: LI:23
  2960. Fortunato Durutti Marinetti: Eight Waves in Search of an Ocean () {1}: aqd:+
  2961. Fossilization: Leprous Daylight () {1}: Spk:49
  2962. Josephine Foster: Domestic Sphere () {1}: am_s:+
  2963. Michael Foster: The Industrious Tongue of Michael Foster (Relative Pitch -22) {1}: -- TH:*
  2964. Jean-Marc Foussat/Guy-Frank Pellerin: Les Beaux Jours (Fou) {1}: sc_p:+
  2965. Rodger Fox Big Band: Plays Hone Tuwhare (T-Bone) {1}: jjbw:+
  2966. Mimi Fox Organ Trio: One for Wes (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  2967. Fractus: Fractus (self-released) {1}: jmbn:10
  2968. Karen Francis: Anos Luz () {1}: pm_bp:19
  2969. Frander: II (Nordic Notes) {1}: pm_f:9
  2970. Caesar Frazier: Tenacity (As We Speak) (TrackMerchant -22) {1}: -- TH:*
  2971. Fred P: States of Bliss () {1}: DJM:+
  2972. Freekind: Since Always and Forever (Butter92) {1}: YW:64
  2973. Dori Freeman: Do You Recall () {1}: ypb:6
  2974. Free Throw: Lessons That We Swear to Keep (Wax Bodega) {1}: BV_p:44
  2975. Maria Freitas & Jazz Das Minas: Aye Orun () {1}: bzb:17
  2976. Joey Frendo: Bound for Heartache (Horton) {1}: ahw_dn:+
  2977. Frenzal Rhomb: The Cup of Pestilence () {1}: DJ:46
  2978. Freysteinn: I Allar Attire N Samt Bara Eina (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  2979. Fred Frith/Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles: Something About This Landscape for Ensemble (Sub Rosa) {1}: sc_p:+
  2980. Frog Squad: Special Noise (Mahakala Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  2981. Fromis 9: Unlock My World () {1}: p_kp:19
  2982. Frost Children: Speed Run (True Panther) {1}: GQ:+
  2983. Frozen Dawn: The Decline of the Enlightened Gods (Transcending Obscurity) {1}: pm_m:10
  2984. Full of Hell + Nothing: When No Birds Sang () {1}: Mx:36
  2985. Funke and the Two Tone Baby: Reacclimate (self-released) {1}: YW:46
  2986. Maxine Funke: River Said () {1}: aqd:+
  2987. Sky Furrows: Reflect and Oppose (Feeding Tube/Cardinal Fuzz) {1}: vjk:+
  2988. Reiko Futing: Mechthild () {1}: ae:7
  2989. Gaadge: Somewhere Down Below (Crafted Sounds) {1}: yab:8
  2990. Gabbro: The Moon Appears When the Water Is Still (Gabbro) {1}: jsgj:8
  2991. Neil Gaiman and FourPlay String Quartet: Signs of Life () {1}: g_c:10
  2992. Galumphing Duo: Contrast of Opposites (AMP) {1}: jmbn:7
  2993. Lee Gamble: Models (Hyperdub) {1}: Mix:+
  2994. Ruth Garbus: Alive People (Orindal) {1}: pf_k:+
  2995. Tim Garland: Life to Life (Whirlwind) {1}: jndg:+
  2996. The Garment District: Flowers Telegraphed to All Parts of the World () {1}: GTV:59
  2997. Gatekeeper: From Western Shores (Cruz Del Sur) {1}: CE:132
  2998. Gavsborg: 1 Hour Service (Cassette Blair) {1}: CE:41
  2999. Gayance: Mascarade (Rhythm Section International) {1}: Mix:+
  3000. Sam Gendel: Cookup (Nonesuch) {1}: am_j:+
  3001. Carla Geneve: Hertz () {1}: DJ:35
  3002. Hannah Georgas: I'd Be Lying if I Said I Didn't Care () {1}: am_s:+
  3003. Nico Georis: Cloud Suites (Leaving) {1}: pm_b:9
  3004. Max Gerl: Max Gerl (JMI) {1}: -- TH:*
  3005. Gezan: Anochi () {1}: Spk:45
  3006. G Flip: Drummer () {1}: DJ:29
  3007. Jim Ghedi/Toby Hay: Jim Ghedi and Toby Hay () {1}: U:74
  3008. Ghost Hounds: First Last Time (Gibson) {1}: ro_b:8
  3009. Ghoszt Assembly: I Miss Your Love () {1}: bc_e:+
  3010. Giant Brain: Grade A Grey Day (Small Stone) {1}: CE:64
  3011. Gibson Brothers: Darkest Hour () {1}: spt:+
  3012. (G)i-dle: I Feel () {1}: bb_k:7
  3013. Gifted & Blessed: Heard and Unheard () {1}: am_e:+
  3014. Ben Gillece: Between the Bars (Posi-Tone) {1}: jmlo:+
  3015. Klipper Gillespie: Dull Day () {1}: SLi:46
  3016. Jon Glaser: Jon Glaser's Soothing Meditations for the Solitary Dog () {1}: p_cy:+
  3017. Glasser: Crux () {1}: p_e:+
  3018. Gnarface: This Aint Art () {1}: LW:59
  3019. Gnoomes: Ax Ox () {1}: FO:40
  3020. Go Ahead and Die: Unhealthy Mechanisms (Nuclear Blast) {1}: BA:+
  3021. Sam Goku: The Things We See When We Look Closer () {1}: DJM:+
  3022. Golden Brown: Wide Ranging Rider () {1}: aqd:+
  3023. Vinny Golia Quartet: No Refunds (Unbroken Sounds) {1}: PO:219
  3024. Vinny Golia: Movement Two: Syncretism: For the Draw (Nine Winds) {1}: vrg:+
  3025. Tim Goodin: True Stories and Flat Out Lies () {1}: scm:+
  3026. Goodwin Brothers: If You Hadn't Noticed () {1}: spt:+
  3027. Ludwig Goransson: Oppenheimer [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Back Lot Music) {1}: EWi:+
  3028. Grandson: I Love You, I'm Trying () {1}: RkS:43
  3029. DeVon Russell Gray: We Sick () {1}: Qt:90
  3030. Graytheband: All Done () {1}: atw:+
  3031. Gordon Grdina/Mat Maneri/Christian Lillinger: Live at the Armoury (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  3032. Madison Greenstone: Resonance Studies in Ecstatic Consciousness (Relative Pitch) {1}: bc_x:+
  3033. Green Tea: Snowblower () {1}: ycc:10
  3034. Matt Greenwood: Atlas (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  3035. RL Grime: Play () {1}: bb_d:+
  3036. Eddie Gripper: Home (Ubuntu Music) {1}: jv:+
  3037. Daryl Groetsch: Frozen Waste (self-released) {1}: pm_b:7
  3038. Daryl Groetsch: Gardens in Glass (self-released) {1}: pm_b:7
  3039. Anders Lonne Gronseth: Inner View (NXN) {1}: jcm:+
  3040. Gloria Groove: Futuro Fluxo () {1}: pm_bp:16
  3041. Grove Street: The Path to Righteousness () {1}: K:50
  3042. Guardian Singles: Feed Me to the Doves () {1}: xch:+
  3043. Gucci Mane: Breath of Fresh Air () {1}: am_h:+
  3044. Juan Luis Guerra: Radio Guira () {1}: bb_l:+
  3045. Gumm: Slogan Machine (Convulse) {1}: bv_hc:+
  3046. Gum: Saturnia () {1}: tmr:+
  3047. Mats Gustafsson: Hidros 9: Mirrors (Trost) {1}: -- TH:*
  3048. Barry Guy Blue Shroud Band: All This This Here (Fundacja Sluchaj) {1}: ps_j:+
  3049. Hail the Sun: Divine Inner Tension () {1}: Spk:28
  3050. Ryan Haines Big Band: Emerald and Sapphire (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  3051. Hak/Danzeisen: Hak/Danzeisen (Karlrecords) {1}: jwr:7
  3052. Indianna Hale: Yesterday's Glitter () {1}: p_c:+
  3053. Half Moon Run: Salt () {1}: XSN:48
  3054. Ayumi Hamasaki: Remember You () {1}: am_p:+
  3055. Hammock: Love in the Void () {1}: Yb:26
  3056. Handgemeng: Ultraritual (Ripple Music) {1}: CE:104
  3057. Hand Habits: Sugar the Bruise () {1}: BV_i:+
  3058. Waylon Hanel: New Old Outlaws () {1}: scm:+
  3059. Harm's Way: Common Suffering () {1}: Rev:23
  3060. Dave Harrington: The Pictures () {1}: aqd:+
  3061. Jesse Hawk Harris: Thin Places () {1}: scm:+
  3062. Harrison: Birds, Bees, the Clouds & the Trees (Last Gang) {1}: Ex:50
  3063. Dhani Harrison: Innerstanding () {1}: atw:+
  3064. Lezlie Harrison: Let Them Talk (Cellar Live) {1}: jtpn:+
  3065. Annie Hart: The Weight of a Wave () {1}: BV_i:+
  3066. John Hart: Resonance (SteepleChase) {1}: cah:+
  3067. Fritz Hauser & Pedro Carneiro: Pas De Deux (Clean Feed) {1}: sc_k:+ -- TH:B
  3068. CM von Hausswolff & Chandra Shukla: Travelogue [Bali] () {1}: bc_fr:+
  3069. Ian Hawgood: Between Pockets of Infinite Air (Folk Reels) {1}: YW:85
  3070. Hawksmoor: Telepathic Heights () {1}: am_e:+
  3071. Martin Hayes & the Common Ground Ensemble: Peggy's Dream () {1}: HP:47
  3072. Walker Hayes: Good With Me () {1}: zuc:26
  3073. Heavenward: Pyrophonics () {1}: Alt:44
  3074. Heavy Lungs: All Gas No Brakes () {1}: GTV:43
  3075. The Heavy: Amen (Bad Son) {1}: YW:21
  3076. Kieran Hebden/William Tyler: Darkness, Darkness/No Services (Psychic Hotline) {1}: aqd:+
  3077. Helena Hauff: Fabric Presents Helena Hauff () {1}: am_e:+
  3078. Catherine Christer Hennix: Solo for Tamburium () {1}: ycc:8
  3079. Robert Henry and the Repeaters: The Way It Usually Goes () {1}: scm:+
  3080. Keaton Henson: House Party () {1}: Why:35
  3081. Peter Herresthal/Arctic Philharmonic/Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra: Missu Mazzoli: Dark With Excessive Bright () {1}: NPR:+
  3082. Tammo Hesselink: Beam (Nous'klaer Audio) {1}: Mix:+
  3083. Emma Hewitt: Ghost of the Light () {1}: vgm:+
  3084. Hey Colossus: In Blood () {1}: Qt:35
  3085. The High Span: The High Span () {1}: LW:100
  3086. Ned Hill Band: Thousand Watt Town () {1}: ydaj:10
  3087. Marquis Hill: Rituals + Routines () {1}: TSG:+
  3088. Posey Hill: No Clear Place to Fall () {1}: scm:+
  3089. Matt Hillyer: Glorieta (State Fair) {1}: scm:+
  3090. Hiromi & Sonic Wonder: Sonic Wonderland (Telarc) {1}: jads:10
  3091. Hit-Boy & Big Hit: Surf or Drown Vol 2 () {1}: yb_h:19
  3092. Hitsujibungake: 12 Hugs (Like Butterflies) () {1}: vgm:+
  3093. Jolie Holland: Haunted Mountain () {1}: yjss:+
  3094. Holloway: Way001 (Waylo) {1}: Mix:+
  3095. Home Brew: Run It Back () {1}: ytb:10
  3096. Evan Honer: West on I-10 () {1}: WR:+
  3097. Sun-Mi Hong: Third Page: Resonance (Edition -22) {1}: DB:+
  3098. Robert Hood & Femi Kuti: Variations (M-Plant) {1}: BA:+
  3099. Hoodlum: Southside Story () {1}: PW:32
  3100. Niall Horan: The Show (Capitol) {1}: am_p:+
  3101. Hotel 1105: D2X () {1}: ss_h:15
  3102. Hot Spring Water: Of a Morning (Music Abuse) {1}: CE:145
  3103. Percy Howard: The Stars and the Well () {1}: se_fp:+
  3104. Vincent Hsu & the Jazz Supreme Orchestra: Music for the River Jazz Suite: The Spirit of Love River & Mississippi (Truth Revolution) {1}: DB:+
  3105. Tyler Hubbard: Tyler Hubbard () {1}: zuc:10
  3106. Hudi: Holy Smoke! (Hudi) {1}: YW:87
  3107. Gaz Hughes Trio: Beboptical Illusion (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  3108. The Hunger Games: The Ballads of Songbirds and Snakes [soundtrack] () {1}: scm:+
  3109. Dear Hunter: Migrant Returned () {1}: am_k:+
  3110. Shirley Hurt: Shirley Hurt () {1}: SLi:49
  3111. Husbands: Cuatro () {1}: tmr:+
  3112. Kim Jae Hwan: JAM (Journey Above Music) () {1}: bb_k:24
  3113. Iceboy Violet: Not a Dream but a Controlled Explosion (Fixed Abode/Supernature) {1}: -- Mix:+
  3114. Iceland Symphony Orchestra: Archona/Aion (Sono Luminus) {1}: BA:+
  3115. Icona Pop: Club Romantech (Ultra/Ten) {1}: Mx:31
  3116. I Con: The Isolator () {1}: ynn:6
  3117. Joshua Idehen: Learn to Swim, a Mixtape () {1}: Al:+
  3118. Identified Patient: Elevator Music for Headbangers (Nerve Collect) {1}: Mix:+
  3119. IDK: F65 () {1}: yb_h:14
  3120. IFS MA: REIFSMA (Outlines) {1}: bc_e:+
  3121. Ignominy: Imminent Collapse (Transcending Obscurity) {1}: BA:+
  3122. Ikonika X 45diboss: Supernova (Night Slugs) {1}: Mix:+
  3123. Illenium: Illenium () {1}: RkS:50
  3124. Ilusion: Ilusion (A World Divided) {1}: bc_p:+
  3125. Imogen: Albert Road (Steel City Dance Discs) {1}: Mix:+
  3126. Incognito: Into You () {1}: am_r:+
  3127. Index for Working Musik: Dragging the Needleworkf or Kids at Uphole (Tough Love) {1}: LI:24
  3128. India Sky: Somewhere Over the Mystic Moon (Ratskin) {1}: bc:+
  3129. Christone "Kingfish" Ingram: Live in London () {1}: am_b:+
  3130. In This Moment: Godmode () {1}: Rev:27
  3131. Inu: Don't Eat Food! () {1}: bc_p:+
  3132. Invent Animate: Heavener () {1}: Spk:+
  3133. The Ironsides: Changing Light (Colemine) {1}: pm_l:7
  3134. Isata Kanneh-Mason: Childhood Tales (Decca) {1}: YW:79
  3135. Ismatic Guru: III () {1}: p_k:+
  3136. Isola: LP1 (Smartdumb) {1}: GB:40
  3137. Ist Ist: Protagonists () {1}: LW:66
  3138. It It Anita: Mouche () {1}: LW:38
  3139. Itzy: Ringo (Warner Japan) {1}: vjc:9
  3140. James Ivy: Everything Perfect () {1}: Alt:48
  3141. Iza: Afrodhit () {1}: pm_bp:10
  3142. JAAW: Supercluster () {1}: Qt:46
  3143. Jaboukie: All Who Can't Hear Must Feel () {1}: p_h:+
  3144. Jackson Hollow: Roses () {1}: spt:+
  3145. The Mike Jacoby Electric Trio: The Long Haul (self-released) {1}: CE:130
  3146. Naissam Jalal: Healing Rituals () {1}: g_j:6
  3147. Mayssa Jallad: Marjaa: The Battle of the Hotels () {1}: W:41
  3148. Jaloo: Mau () {1}: pm_bp:11
  3149. Nicholas Jamerson: Peace Mountain () {1}: WR:39
  3150. Chris Janson: The Outlaw Side of Me () {1}: zuc:25
  3151. Jao: Super () {1}: pm_bp:13
  3152. Tom Jarmey: Wing Theory Part III (Wing Theory) {1}: Mix:+
  3153. Jazzrausch Bigband: Mahler's Breakdown (ACT Music) {1}: jgt:+
  3154. Jeezy: I Might Forgive . . . but I Don't Forget () {1}: yb_h:18
  3155. Jehst: Mork Calling Orson (YNR Productions) {1}: pm_h:17
  3156. Oscar Jerome: The Spoon (self-released -22) {1}: DB:+
  3157. The Jesus and Mary Chain: Sunset 666: Live at Hollywood Palladium () {1}: LW:62
  3158. Anne Jezini: Em Fuga () {1}: bzb:6
  3159. JFDR: Museum (Houndstooth) {1}: p_e:+
  3160. Jidenna: Me You & God () {1}: yb_r:21
  3161. Jim Bob: Thanks for Reaching Out () {1}: GTV:93
  3162. Jinyoung: Chapter O: WITH () {1}: bb_k:17
  3163. Joaquina: Los Mejores Anos () {1}: bb_l:+
  3164. Joesef: Permanent Damage (Bold Cut/AWAL) {1}: ay_r:+
  3165. Nicole Johanntgen: Labyrinth (Selmabird) {1}: jv:+
  3166. Eric Johanson: The Deep and the Dirty () {1}: am_b:+
  3167. Sven-Ake Johansson: Stumps (Ni-Vu-Ni-Connu) {1}: jnm:+
  3168. Papp Johnson: Timeless () {1}: p_cy:+
  3169. Will Johnson: No Ordinary Crown () {1}: am_f:+
  3170. Royce Johns: Thank Ya Kindly () {1}: scm:+
  3171. Coco Jones: What I Didn't Tell You () {1}: bb_r:6
  3172. Edgar Jones: Reflections of a Soul Dimension () {1}: Mj:71
  3173. G Jones: Paths () {1}: am_e:+
  3174. Richard Jones Trio: Angle Shades (Efpi) {1}: jv:+
  3175. Joohoney: Lights () {1}: bb_k:11
  3176. Marc Jordan: Waiting for the Sun to Rise (Linus Entertainment) {1}: -- TH:*
  3177. Sass Jordan: Bitches Blues (Stony Plain -21) {1}: -- TH:*
  3178. Jords: Dirt in the Diamond () {1}: Cmp_U:25
  3179. Bert Joris: Octet Sessions Vol 3 (Jazz Master Tracks) {1}: jjbw:+
  3180. Josephus and the George Jonestown Massacre: Call Me Animal: A Triburte to the MC5 (Saustex) {1}: PO:186
  3181. Jouska: Suddenlyl My Mind Is Blank (Koke Plate) {1}: GB:33
  3182. Jovian: Jovian 2000 AD () {1}: nlm:9
  3183. Joystick: Dwell (Bad Time -EP) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3184. Juanes: Vida Cotidiana () {1}: bb_l:+
  3185. Jude Brothers: Render Tender/Blunder Sunder () {1}: p_c:+
  3186. Jungkook: Golden () {1}: p_kp:9
  3187. Damien Jurado: Motorcycle Madness () {1}: aqd:+
  3188. Jute Gyte: Unus Mundus Patet (Jeshimoth Entertainment) {1}: sg_m:6
  3189. Sanah Kadoura: Duality (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  3190. Kaf Afrit: Praed () {1}: ry_j:10
  3191. Kai: Rover () {1}: p_kp:10
  3192. Jaakko Eino Kalevi: Chaos Magic () {1}: UR:87
  3193. Kamaal Williams: Stings () {1}: PW:31
  3194. Nora Kamm: One (Duya Music) {1}: jv:+
  3195. Miles Kane: One Man Band (Modern Sky) {1}: rx:+
  3196. Floris Kappeyne Trio: Closer (self-released) {1}: jgt:+
  3197. Karen Y Los Remedios: Silencio () {1}: bc:+
  3198. Daniel Karlsson Trio: Sorry Boss (Howling Jazz) {1}: jv:+
  3199. Karyendasoul: We Live 4 Our Music () {1}: DJM:+
  3200. Kasai: J/P/N/ () {1}: Qt:86
  3201. Kasra V: Flood the Club (Shaytoon) {1}: Mix:+
  3202. Katawa Singers: Digital Indigenous 05 - Katula (1000 Herz) {1}: CE:111
  3203. Keeley: Floating Above Everything Else () {1}: LW:97
  3204. Jason Keiser: Shaw's Groove (OA2) {1}: -- TH:*
  3205. Dave Keller: It's Time to Shine (Tastee Tone) {1}: DB:+
  3206. Kyle Keller: The Great American Highway () {1}: scm:+
  3207. Khalab: Layers (Hyperjazz) {1}: CE:85
  3208. Mbuso Khoza: Ifa Lomkhono () {1}: tr_j:+
  3209. Kiefer: It's Ok, B U () {1}: km:+
  3210. Brevin Kim: High School Football () {1}: Fa:29
  3211. Izumi Kimura/Cora Venus Lunny: Invisible Resistances (Fairpoint -22) {1}: -- TH:*
  3212. Sunny Kim/Vardan Ovsepian/Ben Monder: Liminal Silence (Earshift Music) {1}: jmlo:+ -- TH:C+
  3213. King Nun: Lamb () {1}: GTV:53
  3214. King Vision Ultra: Shook World () {1}: bc_h:+
  3215. Ki Oni: A Leisurely Swim to Everlasting Life () {1}: bc_at:+
  3216. Kipp Stone: 66689 Blvd Prequel () {1}: p_h:+
  3217. Raja Kirik: Phantasmagoria of Jathilan_Raja (Yes No Wave Music) {1}: bc_f:+
  3218. Petros Klampanis: Tora Collective (Enja/Yellowbird) {1}: DB:+
  3219. Klein: Touched by an Angel () {1}: C:46
  3220. Elisabeth Klinck: Picture a Frame (Hallow Ground) {1}: CE:107
  3221. Koan Sound: Led by Ancient Light () {1}: DJM:+
  3222. Hans Koch/Frantz Loriot/Jonas Kocher: Stranger Becoming (Neither/Nor -22) {1}: sc_p:+
  3223. Hayden Kolb: Lost in My Room () {1}: bc_cm:+
  3224. Kommodus: Wreath of Bleeding Snowfall (GoatowaRex) {1}: Db:39
  3225. Toshinori Kondo/Massimo Pupillo/Tony Buck: Eternal Triangle (I Dischi Di Angelica -22) {1}: -- TH:*
  3226. Korine: Tear () {1}: BV_i:+
  3227. Krano: Lentius Profundius Suavius () {1}: aqd:+
  3228. Krieg: Ruiner (Profound Lore) {1}: Db:21
  3229. Krigsgrav: Fires in the Fall (Wise Blood) {1}: Db:30
  3230. Kruelty: Untopia (Profound Lore) {1}: Db:27
  3231. Marie Kruttli: Transparence (Intakt) {1}: -- TH:*
  3232. Emily Kuhn: Ghosts of Us () {1}: am_j:+
  3233. Kukangendai: Tracks () {1}: ycc:9
  3234. Anish Kumar: A Mixtape by Anish Kumar (AWAL) {1}: Mix:+
  3235. Yumi Kurosawa Trio: Metamorphosis () {1}: am_l:+
  3236. The KVB: Artefacts: Reimaginings From the Original Psychedelic Era (Cleopatra) {1}: GTV:+
  3237. Kx5: Kx5 () {1}: am_e:+
  3238. Anysia Kym & Jadasea: Pressure Sensitive () {1}: Fa:40
  3239. Kynnie: 93 () {1}: pm_bp:17
  3240. Eric La Casa: Barrieres Mobiles (Swarming) {1}: sc_p:+
  3241. Eric La Casa/Seijiro Murayama: Supersedure 2 (Swarming) {1}: sc_k:+
  3242. Stefania Ladisa Strutture: Dal'Introspezione All'Interazione (FMR) {1}: sc_k:+
  3243. Lady London: SOUL () {1}: up_h:+
  3244. La Elite: Nuevo Punk () {1}: Jp:49
  3245. LaF: Chrome () {1}: LCA:34
  3246. La Femme: Paris-Hawaii () {1}: tmr:+
  3247. Lagos Thugs: Chaos (Immensum) {1}: CE:23
  3248. Laid Back Country Picker: Go West () {1}: scm:+
  3249. Matt Lajoie: On Garudan Wing () {1}: aqd:+
  3250. Graham Lambkin/James Rushford: Gondolas (Erstwhile) {1}: jgk:+
  3251. Lamp: Dusk to Dawn () {1}: ytb:9
  3252. Stephanie Lamprea: 14 Recitations (New Focus) {1}: pm_x:15
  3253. Domenico Lancellotti: Sramba () {1}: am_l:+
  3254. Land of Talk: Performances () {1}: tmr:+
  3255. Langendorf United: Yeahno Yowouw Land () {1}: aqd:+
  3256. Lapgan: History (Veena Sounds) {1}: -- TH:*
  3257. La Plazuela: Roneo Funk Club () {1}: Jp:31
  3258. LA Priest: Fase Luna () {1}: SLi:43
  3259. Anna Lapwood: Luna () {1}: am:+
  3260. Thierry Larose: Sprint! () {1}: LCA:28
  3261. Leon Larregui: Prismarama () {1}: bb_l:+
  3262. David Larsen: The Peplowski Project (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  3263. Las Rosas: Shadow by Your Side () {1}: tmr:+
  3264. Laster: Andermans Minje (Prophecy) {1}: pm_m:16
  3265. Bill Laswell/Pete Namlook: Outland (Cold Spring) {1}: jgk:+
  3266. The Latin Dead: Eyes of the World () {1}: NPR:+
  3267. Jim Lauderdale and the Po' Ramblin' Boys: The Long and Lonesome Letting Go (Sky Crunch) {1}: pm_p:9
  3268. Laufey: The Reykjavik Sessions (AWAL) {1}: DB:+
  3269. Louis Laurain: Le Bargy (Three:Four) {1}: jmsc:10
  3270. Laveda: A Place You Grew Up In (PaperCup) {1}: YW:43
  3271. Josh Lawrence: And That Too (Posi-Tone) {1}: jmlo:+
  3272. LCY: He Hymns (Fabric Originals) {1}: Mix:+
  3273. LCY: /Y\ (Szns7n) {1}: Mix:+
  3274. Joelle Leandre/Paul Lovens: Off Course (Fou) {1}: sc_k:+
  3275. Roberta Lea: Too Much of a Woman () {1}: bc_c:+
  3276. Luke LeBlanc: Places (Real Phonic) {1}: pm_a:11
  3277. Remy Le Boeuf: Architecture of Storms (SoundSpore) {1}: jjbw:+
  3278. Le Couleur: Comme Dans Un Penthouse () {1}: BV_i:+
  3279. Le Cri Du Caire: Le Cri Du Caire () {1}: ry_j:8
  3280. Logan Ledger: Golden State () {1}: vrj:10
  3281. Buzzy Lee: Internal Affairs (03-31) {1}: GB:44
  3282. Minhwi Lee: Hometown to Come () {1}: bc_f:+
  3283. Bob Lefevre & the Already Gone: Two () {1}: bc_c:+
  3284. Leftover Salmon: Grass Roots () {1}: spt:+
  3285. Legendry: Time Immortal Wept (No Remorse) {1}: CE:102
  3286. Aaron Lehrian: A Joyous Opus (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  3287. Lemon Quartet: ArtsFest () {1}: aqd:+
  3288. L'Empire Des Sons: L'Empire Des Sons () {1}: aqd:+
  3289. Megan Leo: Triple Triple Drop (Me Me Me) {1}: Mix:+
  3290. Jamie Leonhart: The Illusion of Blue (Side A) (self-released -EP -22) {1}: se_fj:+ -- TH:B-
  3291. Jamie Leonhart: The Illusion of Blue (Side B) (self-released -EP -22) {1}: se_fj:+
  3292. Coi Leray: Coi (Uptown/UMG) {1}: Mix:+
  3293. Asbjorn Lerheim/Roger Arntzen/Michiyo Yagi/Tamaya Honda: Chrome Hill Duo Meets Dojo: Live at Aketa No Mise (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:*
  3294. Leroy: Grave Robbing () {1}: EWi:+
  3295. Don Letts: Outta Sync () {1}: BV_i:+
  3296. Yosi Levy: Acoustic Project II: The Duo (self-released) {1}: jdln:+
  3297. Lewca: Boom Bap for Boomers () {1}: GTV:55
  3298. Mark William Lewis: Living () {1}: Fa:36
  3299. Murray A Lightburn: Once Upon a Time in Montreal () {1}: UR:76
  3300. Terra Lightfoot: Healing Power () {1}: EWi:+
  3301. Li'l Andy: The Complete Recordings of Hezekiah Procter (Back to Wax) {1}: CE:66
  3302. Lil Tecca: TEC () {1}: Cmp:50
  3303. Yunchan Lim: Live From the Cliburn: Liszt: Transcendetal Etudes () {1}: am:+
  3304. Arto Lindsay: Charivari (Corbett vs Dempsey) {1}: jgk:+
  3305. Lindsay Lou: Queen of Time () {1}: am_c:+
  3306. Kira Linn: Illusion () {1}: SLi:44
  3307. Lisasinson: Un Ano De Cambios (Elefant) {1}: YW:71
  3308. Gustaf Ljunggren/Emil de Waal: Stockholm Kobenhavn (April) {1}: jv:+
  3309. Bethan Lloyd: Metamorphosis () {1}: GTV:73
  3310. Zack Lober: No Fill3r (Zennez) {1}: -- TH:*
  3311. Locate S,1: Wicked Jaw () {1}: p_f:+
  3312. Damon Locks/Rob Mazurek: New Future City Radio (International Anthem) {1}: -- TH:*
  3313. Loki's Folly: Sisu (Kitten Robot) {1}: YW:89
  3314. Lokowat: Elementos (Lokowat) {1}: CE:36
  3315. Loma Prieta: Last (Deathwish) {1}: BV_p:38
  3316. London Workshop: Widdershins (Matchless) {1}: jgk:+
  3317. Luis Lopes Abyss Mirrors: Echoisms (Clean Feed) {1}: -- TH:**
  3318. Nei Lopes: Nei Lopes 80 () {1}: bzb:+
  3319. David Lord: Forest Standards Volume 3 (Big Ego/Astral Spirits) {1}: sc_k:+
  3320. Lord of the Isles: My Noise Is Nothing () {1}: DJM:+
  3321. Lost: Heritage () {1}: LCA:22
  3322. Los Toscos + Peter Brotzmann/Tony Malaby: La Vigilia De Las Flores (Matik Matik) {1}: jgk:+
  3323. Lost Under Heaven: Something Is Announced by Your Life! (LUH*International) {1}: Pc:56
  3324. Alice Phoebe Lou: Shelter () {1}: SLi:42
  3325. Maurice Louca Elephantine Band: Moonshine (Sub Rosa/Northern Spy) {1}: BA:+
  3326. Loupe: Do You Ever Wonder What Comes Next? () {1}: EWi:+
  3327. Connie Lovatt: Coconut Mirror () {1}: am_s:+
  3328. The Loving Paupers: Ladders (Easy Star) {1}: bb6:+
  3329. Elana Low: Petrixora () {1}: ae:9
  3330. Lowly: Keep Up the Good Work () {1}: am_a:+
  3331. LP: Love Lines () {1}: vgm:+
  3332. Lucero: Should've Learned by Now (Liberty & Leisure) {1}: scm:+
  3333. Luger: Revelations of the Sacred Skull (Heavy Psych) {1}: CE:149
  3334. Steve Lukather: Bridges () {1}: se_fp:+
  3335. Luluc: Diamonds () {1}: am_f:+
  3336. Fanny Lumsden: Hey Dawn (Red Dirt/Cooking Vinyl) {1}: CE:135
  3337. Lunch Money Life: The God Phone () {1}: Qt:31
  3338. LVRA: Soft Like Steel () {1}: 45:29
  3339. Carlos Lyra: Afeto () {1}: bzb:+
  3340. Paul Lytton/Ken Vandermark: Distant Cousins (Audiographic) {1}: jsgj:9
  3341. Jards Macale: Coracao Bifurcado () {1}: bzb:11
  3342. Doug MacDonald: Big Band Extravaganza (DMAC Music) {1}: jjbw:+ -- TH:B
  3343. Mace the Great: SplottWorld () {1}: GTV:48
  3344. Mach-Hommy/Tha God Fahim: Notorious Dump Legends Vol 2 (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  3345. Machinefabriek: + (Machinefabriek) {1}: sc_k:+
  3346. Machine Girl: Neon White Soundtrack Part 2: The Burn That Cures (self-released -22) {1}: -- TH:*
  3347. Macklemore: Ben (Bendore) {1}: am_h:+
  3348. Mad Myth Science: Mad Myth Science (Infrequent Seams) {1}: BA:+
  3349. Madre Vaca: Knights of the Round Table (Madre Vaca) {1}: -- TH:*
  3350. Maeta: When I Hear Your Name () {1}: yb_r:+9
  3351. Amanda Magalhaes: Mare De Cheiro () {1}: pm_bp:20
  3352. Magazine Beach: Constant Springtime (Take This To Heart) {1}: BV_p:21
  3353. Magdalena Bay: Mini Mix Vol 3 (Luminelle) {1}: pm_p:18
  3354. Magic Carpet: Broken Compass () {1}: bc_j:9
  3355. Magic Tuber Stringband: Tarantism () {1}: yps:+
  3356. Major Lazer & Major League DJz: Piano Republik (Mad Decent) {1}: xpb:+
  3357. Mamer: Xertermin/Sherter Solo (Old Heaven Books) {1}: bc_f:+
  3358. Mamma Coal: Dance Hall Crush () {1}: scm:+
  3359. Mammal Hands: Gift From the Trees (Gondwana) {1}: jgt:+
  3360. Mammoth WVH: Mammoth II (BMG) {1}: Mx:28
  3361. Iraina Mancini: Undo the Blue () {1}: GTV:61
  3362. Mandaworld: For Emotional Use Only () {1}: GB:26
  3363. Peder Mannefelt: The Benefits of Living in a Hole (Voam) {1}: Mix:+
  3364. Manzanita Quintet: Osmosis (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  3365. Mariah the Scientist: To Be Eaten Alive () {1}: Cmp:49
  3366. Sherrie Maricle: "30": Live at Dizzy's Club (Diva) {1}: jjbw:+
  3367. Hannah Marks: Outsider, Outlier (Out of Your Head) {1}: -- TH:*
  3368. Stephen Marley: Old Soul () {1}: am_l:+
  3369. Gabriela Martina: Homage to Gramilis (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  3370. Terrace Martin & Alex Isley: I Left My Heart in Ladera () {1}: yb_r:25
  3371. Bryan Martin: Poets and Old Souls () {1}: zuc:35
  3372. Dom Martin: Buried in the Hail (Forty Below) {1}: ro_b:6
  3373. Sam Martinelli With Ken Peplowski: Jazz Meets the Great Brazilian Songbook (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  3374. Melanie Martinez: Portals (Atlantic) {1}: RS:56
  3375. Jeffrey Martin: Thank God We Left the Garden (Fluff & Gravy) {1}: ahw:+
  3376. Kevin Richard Martin: Black () {1}: Qt:81
  3377. Terrace Martin: Curly () {1}: km:+
  3378. Astghik Martirosyan: Distance (Astghik Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3379. Kenny Mason: 3 (RCA, EP) {1}: vu:+
  3380. Kenny Mason: 6 (RCA) {1}: vu:+
  3381. Leah Marie Mason: Honeydew & Hennessy (The 13th -EP) {1}: CE:148
  3382. Dillon Massengale: Buckleshiners () {1}: scm:+
  3383. Matmatah: Miscellanees Bissextiles () {1}: On:21
  3384. Matmos: Return to Archive () {1}: am_e:+
  3385. Maybel: Gloam () {1}: aqd:+
  3386. Yoni Mayraz: Dybbuk Tse (Astigmatic) {1}: ps_j:+
  3387. Andrew Mbaruk & Rhys Langston: Affect Theory and the Text-to-Speech Grandiloquence (Black Market Poetry -EP) {1}: CE:119
  3388. Sarah McKenzie: Without You (Normandy Lane Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3389. Elijah McLaughin Ensemble: Elijah McLaughlin Ensemble III () {1}: U:75
  3390. MC Madan: Controle Mental () {1}: EWi:+
  3391. Joe McPhee and Bill Orcurtt: A Mouth at Both Ends (Issue) {1}: PO:52
  3392. Adela Mede: Szabadsag () {1}: bc_a:+
  3393. Mediocre: To Know You're Screwed (Dangerbird) {1}: YW:44
  3394. Meernaa: So Far So Good () {1}: yjf:10
  3395. Melati ESP: Hipernatural () {1}: am_e:+
  3396. Mike Melito: To Swing Is the Thing (Cellar Music Group) {1}: jjbw:+
  3397. Memorials: Music for Film: Tramps! (The State51 Conspiracy) {1}: BV_i:33
  3398. Memoriam: Rise to Power (Reaper Entertainment) {1}: BA:+
  3399. Memorytown: It Takes Forever () {1}: p_d:27
  3400. Me Nd Adam: American Drip Pt II () {1}: atw:+
  3401. Al Menne: Freak Accident () {1}: p_f:+
  3402. The Men: New York City (Fuzz Club) {1}: p_k:+
  3403. Anna Meredith and Ligeti Quartet: Nuc () {1}: g_c:7
  3404. Me Rex: Giant Elk () {1}: GTV:56
  3405. Metro Riders: Lost in Reality (Possible Motive) {1}: pm_b:8
  3406. Amber Meulenijzer: Saab Fanfare () {1}: bc_at:+
  3407. Meursault: Meursault () {1}: GTV:70
  3408. Meurtrieres: Ronde De Nuit (Gates of Hell) {1}: CE:86
  3409. Me:You: Field Tapes in Der Trash () {1}: am_e:+
  3410. MFR Souls & MDU AKA TRP: The Game Changers (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
  3411. Louis Michot: Reve Du Troubadour (Nouveau Electric) {1}: xsh:10
  3412. Micko & the Mellotronics: Le Vice Anglais () {1}: LW:78
  3413. The Midnight Callers: Rattled Humming Heart (JEM) {1}: CE:143
  3414. Midwestern: Carton Network () {1}: TSG:+
  3415. Midwife & Vyva Melinkolya: Orbweaving (The Flenser) {1}: Sg:50
  3416. Mike and the Moonpies: Live From the Devil's Backbone () {1}: scm:+
  3417. Jason Miles: Kind of New: Miles to Miles (Ropeadope) {1}: jv:+
  3418. Conor Miley: Thousand Yard Stare () {1}: XSN:46
  3419. Giuseppe Millaci: Double Portrait (Hypnote) {1}: jmju:+
  3420. Millennium Jazz Orchestra: Bleeding Amazonia (ZenneZ) {1}: jjbw:+
  3421. Curt Miller: Sixty and Still Cookin' (Cellar) {1}: jjbw:+
  3422. Dominic Miller: Vagabond (ECM) {1}: -- TH:*
  3423. Scott L Miller & Zeitgeist: Coincident () {1}: ae:14
  3424. Russ Millions: One of a Kind (One of a Kind) {1}: pm_h:20
  3425. Kid Millions & Sarah Bernstein: Forest Park Live (Island House) {1}: jjkb:17
  3426. Parker Millsap: Wilderness Within You (Okrahoma/Thirty Tigers) {1}: TL:40
  3427. Milo J: 111 () {1}: bb_l:+
  3428. Mint Field: Aprender a Ser () {1}: BV_i:+
  3429. Christian Mirande: Beautiful One Day, Perfect the Next (Regional Bears) {1}: bc_x:+
  3430. David Mirarchi: Ink Folly, Orchid Gleam (Unbroken Sounds) {1}: PO:78
  3431. Miso Extra: Msg (Transgressive) {1}: Mix:+
  3432. Misophone: A Floodplain Mind () {1}: On:30
  3433. Mito Y Comadre: Guajirando (ZZK) {1}: CE:27
  3434. Jossy Mitsu: Planet J II (Astral Black) {1}: Mix:+
  3435. Mitu: Astgra () {1}: Ms:35
  3436. MIVOS Quartet: Steve Reich: The String Quartets (Deutsche Grammophon) {1}: CE:37
  3437. Mmph: Harvest (Svbkvlt) {1}: Mix:+
  3438. Mod Cons: Mod Cons (SideHustle) {1}: jdo:+
  3439. Modern Cosmology: What Will You Grow Now? (Duophonic Super 45s) {1}: BV_i:+
  3440. Noshir Mody: A Love Song (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  3441. Hudson Mohawke & Nikki Nair: Set the Roof (Warp) {1}: Mix:+
  3442. Mo'Ju: Oro, Plata, Mata () {1}: DJ:44
  3443. Moka Only: In and of Itself (Urbnet) {1}: HG:55
  3444. Monde Ufo: Vandalized Statue to Be Replaced With Shrine () {1}: aqd:+
  3445. Mone: Darling, Thief () {1}: LW:77
  3446. Mong Tong: Tao Fire () {1}: bc_at:+
  3447. Annelies Monsere: Mares () {1}: Qt:25
  3448. Monseur Perine: Bolero Apocaliptico () {1}: tmr:+
  3449. Monsta X: Reason () {1}: p_kp:18
  3450. Moodrich: Dance Inspiration (Philthtrax) {1}: Mix:+
  3451. Moon Bros: The Wheel () {1}:
  3452. Dallas Moore: No God in Juarez () {1}: scm:+
  3453. Justin Moore: Stray Dog () {1}: WR:37
  3454. Kevin Morby: More Photographs (A Continuum) () {1}: aqd:+
  3455. More Eaze: Eternity (Longform Editions) {1}: CE:129
  3456. Airto Moreira & Flora Purim: A Celebration (BBE) {1}: vjk:+
  3457. Morgan and the Organ Donors: MODs () {1}: LW:57
  3458. Sen Morimoto: Diagnosis () {1}: UR:100
  3459. Morlocks: Praise the Iconoclast () {1}: LW:74
  3460. Van Morrison: Moving on Skiffle (Exile/Virgin) {1}: tmr:+ -- TH:B
  3461. Dorothy Moskowitz: Rising to Eternity (Tompkins Square) {1}: aqd:+
  3462. Kassem Mosse: Workshop 32 (Workshop) {1}: Mix:+
  3463. Motorama: Sleep, and I Will Sing () {1}: tmr:+
  3464. Moundabout: An Cnoc Mor () {1}: Qt:27
  3465. Lexie Mountain: I Am Here to Win One Million Dollars () {1}: bc_x:+
  3466. Mozzy: Kollect Kall () {1}: TSG:+
  3467. MPU103: IXT027 (Ilian Tape) {1}: Mix:+
  3468. Mr Eazi: The Evil Genius (EmPawa Africa Limited) {1}: RS:63
  3469. Mr G: Pearls Don't Lay on the Shore (Childhood) {1}: ra:+
  3470. Mr Greg & Cass McCombs: New Folk Songs for Children () {1}: aqd:+
  3471. MTS No Beat: Outubro 2023 () {1}: EWi:+
  3472. MUEJL [Michel Stawicki/Uygur Vural/Elisabetta Lanfredini/Joao Madeira/Luiz Rocha]: By Breakfast (4DaRecord) {1}: -- TH:*
  3473. Jake Muir: Bathhouse Blues () {1}: pf_j:+
  3474. Mujeres: Desde Flores Y Entranas () {1}: Jp:48
  3475. Mukqs: Stonewasher () {1}: am_e:+
  3476. Joe Mullins and the Radio Ramblers: Let Time Ride () {1}: spt:+
  3477. Adrianne Munden-Dixon: Lung () {1}: ae:17
  3478. Tisziji Munoz: Burning Down Hades (Ra Kalam) {1}: TN:+
  3479. Munya: Jardin () {1}: BV_i:+
  3480. Carlo Muscat/Tony Tixier: Hymns (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  3481. Mustang: Beyond Raging Thunder (Fighter Europe) {1}: CE:146
  3482. Mustard Plug: Where Did All My Friends Go? (Bad Time) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3483. MV & EE: Green Ark () {1}: aqd:+
  3484. Mthunzi Mvubu: The 1st Gospel (Ropeadope) {1}: DB:+
  3485. MXLX: Saint () {1}: Qt:91
  3486. David Lee Myers: Ceremonial Fires (Pulsewidth) {1}: sc_p:+
  3487. Meg Myers: TZIA () {1}: Mx:34
  3488. My Idea: Cry Mfer (Hardly Art -22) {1}: XCI:55 -- TH:[***]
  3489. Mystic 100s: On a Micro Diet () {1}: aqd:+
  3490. Myst Milano: Beyond the Uncanny Valley (Halocline Trance) {1}: Ex:37
  3491. Naama: When Flamingos Fly () {1}: jb:+
  3492. Estee Nack: Nacksaw Jim Duggan () {1}: HG:50
  3493. Naked Lungs: Doomscroll () {1}: BPM:34
  3494. Nana Benz Du Togo: Ago (Komos) {1}: CE:136
  3495. David Nance: Shameless Kiss () {1}: ycs:7
  3496. N Nao: L'Eau Et Les Reves () {1}: LCA:25
  3497. Fabiano do Nascimento: Mundo Solo () {1}: aqd:+
  3498. Jonny Nash: Point of Entry () {1}: pf_j:+
  3499. Rebecca Nash: Redefining Element 78 () {1}: bc_j:15
  3500. J Navarro & the Traitors: All of Us or None (Bad Time) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3501. NCT 127: Fact Check () {1}: p_kp:17
  3502. NCT DREAM: ISTJ: The Third Album () {1}: bb_k:16
  3503. N-Dubz: Timeless () {1}: vgm:+
  3504. MJ Nebreda: Arepa Mixtape (Empire) {1}: pf_l:+
  3505. Nevaris: Reverberations (MOD) {1}: jgk:+
  3506. Never Young Beach: Arigato () {1}: aqd:+
  3507. Ivan Neville: Touch My Soul () {1}: am_r:+
  3508. New Sector Movements: These Times (First Word) {1}: CE:69
  3509. Sam Newsome/Dave Liebman: Soprano-Logues (Some New Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3510. Svitlana Nianio & Tom James Scott: Eye of the Sea () {1}: W:26
  3511. Nichunimu [Benjamin Vergara/Nicolas Carrasco/Mamtias Mardones]: Un Cacho De Metal, Un Resto De Valven (577) {1}: sc:+
  3512. Nicki Nicole: Alma (Dale Play/Sony Music Argentina) {1}: RS:92
  3513. Pascal Niggenkemper: La Vallee De L'Etrange (Subran Musiques Aventureuses) {1}: jwr:9
  3514. Night Demon: Outsider (Century Media) {1}: Db:26
  3515. Nightmarer: Deformity Adrift (Total Dissonance Worship) {1}: BA:+
  3516. Carlos Nino: (I'm Just) Chillin', on Fire () {1}: am_j:+
  3517. Niontay: Demon Muppy () {1}: tr_h:+
  3518. Nix & the 38's: After the Flood Vol 1 () {1}: scm:+
  3519. Nkosazana Daughter: Uthingo Le Nkosazana () {1}: ny_p:+
  3520. J Noa: Autodidactica () {1}: EWi:+
  3521. Cassie Noble: Nowhere to Go but Everywhere () {1}: yng:10
  3522. Noble Rot: Heavenly Bodies, Repetition, Control () {1}:
  3523. Noia: Gisela (Cascine) {1}: GB:54
  3524. Noir Boy George: Methadone Mixtape (Le Syndicat Des Scorpions) {1}: lib:+
  3525. Sara Nao Tem Nome: A Situacao () {1}: bzb:+
  3526. Nonconnah: Unicorn Family (Was Ist Das?) {1}: -- bc_x:+
  3527. Nordic/Music Vitae Chamber Orchestra: Nordic Symphonic (Swedish Society) {1}: YW:60
  3528. Roman Norfleet and Be Present Art Group: Roman Norfleet and Be Present Art Group (Mississippi) {1}: -- PO:230
  3529. Normal Nada the Krakmaxter: Tribal Progressive Heavy Metal (Nyege Nyege Tapes) {1}: PO:227
  3530. The Norwegian Soloists Choir/Ensemble Allegria/Grete Pedersen: Bent Sorensen: St Matthew Passion () {1}: am:+
  3531. Nosaj From New Kingdom & Steel Tipped Dove: House of Disorder (Fused Arrow) {1}: bc_h:+
  3532. Not MDK: The 140 Album () {1}: bc_e:+
  3533. Novagang & Zephrxd: The Hellsing Conspiracy () {1}: EWi:+
  3534. Novembre [Antonin Hoang/Romain Clerc-Renaud/Darrifourcq] + Marc Baron: Encore (Umlaut) {1}: sc_k:+
  3535. Eva Novoa/Masa Kamaguchi/Gerald Cleaver Trio: Vol 1 (577) {1}: sc:+
  3536. Curtis Nowosad: If I Had () {1}: j91:+
  3537. Nuven: Zero () {1}: bzb:+
  3538. Ashton Nyte: Autumn's Children () {1}: AS:+
  3539. Tim O'Brien: Cup of Sugar () {1}: spt:+
  3540. Oceanic: Choral Feeling (Nous'klaer Audio) {1}: ra:+
  3541. The Ocean: Holocene () {1}: am_m:+
  3542. Jeanette Ogden: Effervescing () {1}: bc_a:+
  3543. Rodrigo Ogi: Aleatoriamente () {1}: bzb:+
  3544. Jenny O: Spectra () {1}: tmr:+
  3545. Oki: Live at Cafe Oto () {1}: bc_f:+
  3546. Nils Okland/Sigbjorn Apeland: Glimmer (ECM) {1}: jv:+
  3547. Old Dirty Buzzard: What a Weird Hill to Die On (Rotten) {1}: CE:147
  3548. Olimpia Splendid: 2 () {1}: bc_at:+
  3549. Ol' Moose: No Forever Road () {1}: spt:+
  3550. Stephen O'Malley & Anthony Pateras: Sept Duos Pour Guitare Acoustique & Piano Prepare () {1}: Qt:84
  3551. Omni Gardens: Golden Pear () {1}: aqd:+
  3552. One Million Eyes: Iris (A Strangely Isolated Place) {1}: pm_b:10
  3553. One More Grain: Modern Music () {1}: Qt:76
  3554. ONE the Duo: Blood Harmony () {1}: spt:8
  3555. Operating Theatre: Spring Is Coming With a Strawberry in the Mouth () {1}: aqd:+
  3556. Oqbqbo & Scandinavian Star: Water Tiger () {1}: Ind:42
  3557. Orions Belte: Women () {1}: aqd:+
  3558. Joel Ortiz & L'Orange: Signature (Mello Music) {1}: YW:58
  3559. Laura Ortman: Smoke Rings Shimmers Endless Blur () {1}: W:21
  3560. Oshi Moon: Cyber Crush (Lofs) {1}: Mix:+
  3561. Ossx: Make Nice (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
  3562. Otay:Onii: Dream Hacker (WV Sorcerer) {1}: PO:192
  3563. Otnes: Show Them What's Inside () {1}: atw:+
  3564. Otodojo: Amphibious/Aural Spirits (The Bunker New York) {1}: Mix:+
  3565. Kassa Overall & Various Artists: Shades 3 (self-released) {1}: jmmz:+
  3566. Overcoats: Winner () {1}: atw:+
  3567. Tony Oxley/Stefan Holker: The New World (Discus Music) {1}: sc_k:+
  3568. O Yama O: Galo () {1}: Qt:54
  3569. Na Ozzetti/Zecarlos Ribeiro/Danilo Penteado: Na Canta Zecarlos Ribeiro Sara () {1}: bzb:+
  3570. Lucie Pachova: Kriendzhilitsa () {1}: bc_fr:+
  3571. Pacifica: Freak Scene () {1}: tmr:+
  3572. Pahua: Habita () {1}: tmr:+
  3573. PAINT: Loss for Words () {1}: aqd:+
  3574. Owen Pallett: Soundtrack to Dream Scenario () {1}: yws:7
  3575. Palm Ghosts: I Love You, Burn in Hell () {1}: vgm:+
  3576. Alan Palomo: World of Hassle () {1}: p_p:+
  3577. Panda Bear/Sonic Boom/Adrian Sherwood: Reset in Dub (Domino) {1}: BV_i:+
  3578. The Panhandlers: Tough Country () {1}: WR:33
  3579. Pantayo: Ang Pagdaloy () {1}: am_l:+
  3580. Jon Pardi: Merry Christmas From Jon Pardi () {1}: scm:+
  3581. Sebastien Parent: Projet Seb Parent (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  3582. Teri Parker: Shaping the Invisible (self-released) {1}: jdm:11
  3583. Bruno Parrinha: Da Erosao (4DaRecord) {1}: -- TH:*
  3584. Anthony Pateras: A Dread of Voids (Another Timbre) {1}: CM:28
  3585. Jenna Paulette: The Girl I Was () {1}: woc:9
  3586. Nico Paulo: Nico Paulo () {1}: aqd:+
  3587. Laura Pausini: Almas Paralelas () {1}: bb_l:+
  3588. Richard Pavlidis: Iconography (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  3589. Peach: Peach () {1}: Pu:21
  3590. Pelada: Ahora Mas Que Nunca () {1}: xpb;+
  3591. Pepe: Reclaim () {1}: pf_e:+
  3592. Perennial: The Leaves of Autumn Symmetry () {1}: vbc:9
  3593. Vanessa Peres: This Is the Moment () {1}: jb:+
  3594. Vanessa Perica: The Eye Is the First Circle (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  3595. Kimberly Perry: Superbloom () {1}: spt:+
  3596. Alex Pester: Better Days () {1}: vi:10
  3597. Petey: USA () {1}: Alt:22
  3598. Kim Petras: Feed the Beast (Island) {1}: -- TH:*
  3599. Peverelist: Pulse (Livity Sound) {1}: Mix:+
  3600. Phoenix: Alpha Zulu (Glassnote) {1}: RT:55
  3601. Pigeon: Backslider (Soundway -EP) {1}: CE:120
  3602. Pigeon Steve: FS1 (Future State) {1}: Mix:+
  3603. Jean-Michel Pilc/Francois Moutin/Ari Hoenig: You are the Song (Justin Time) {1}: jmlo:+
  3604. Pile: All Fiction (Exploding in Sound) {1}: NT:44
  3605. Pill Fangs: PF7 () {1}: LW:89
  3606. The Pink Spiders: Freakazoid () {1}: XSN:34
  3607. The Pink Stones: You Know Who () {1}: bc_c:+
  3608. Lucas Pino: Covers () {1}: se_fj:+
  3609. Michael Pisaro-Liu/Julia Holter: Tombstones: Live in Brooklyn (Editions Verde) {1}: sc_k:+
  3610. Michael Pisaro-Liu: A Room Outdoors (Elsewhere) {1}: bc_fr:+
  3611. The Pitch & Julia Reidy: Neutral Star (Miasmah) {1}: jgmo:+
  3612. Plastic Presidents: Good Times Can't Last (Ska Punk International) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3613. Pletyka: Pletyka (Szegyen Kazettak) {1}: bc_p:+
  3614. Mikkel Ploug Group Featuring Mark Turner: Nocturnes (Stunt) {1}: jan:10
  3615. Pod: The Earth's Rotation () {1}: LW:94
  3616. Verneri Pohjola: Monkey Mind (Edition) {1}: jv:+
  3617. Poindexter: Treats (Ska Punk International) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3618. Josaleigh Pollett: In the Garden, by the Weeds () {1}: atw:+
  3619. Polypores: Praedormitium () {1}: No:45
  3620. Position Normal: Modern and Unique () {1}: W:42
  3621. Brigid Mae Power: Dream From the Deep Well (Fire) {1}: yjss:+
  3622. Powers/Pulice/Rolin: Prism () {1}: aqd:+
  3623. Prairiewolf: Prairiewolf () {1}: aqd:+
  3624. Awadagin Pratt: Stillpoint () {1}: NPR:+
  3625. Eddie Prevost/NO Moore/Henry Kaiser/Binker Golding/Olie Brice: The Secret Handshake With Danger Volume Two (577) {1}: sc:+
  3626. Prewn: Through the Window (Exploding in Sound) {1}: BV:31
  3627. Nigel Price Organ Trio: That's It. Right There (Nervy Nigel) {1}: jv:+
  3628. Primitive Knot: Undying Lands () {1}: LW:50
  3629. Princess Goes: Come of Age () {1}: LW:87
  3630. Private Function: 370HSSV 0773H () {1}: LW:83
  3631. Private Lives: Hit Record (Feel It) {1}: YW:28
  3632. Private Mind: The Truth You See (Triple B) {1}: BV_p:45
  3633. Problem Patterns: Blouse Club () {1}: GTV:76
  3634. Projekt Gemineye: What Lies Beyond () {1}: se_fp:+
  3635. Prong: State of Emergency (Steamhammer) {1}: BA:+
  3636. Greg Proops: French Drug Deal () {1}: p_cy:+
  3637. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: Fonzoli () {1}: I:29
  3638. Psychic Temple: A Universe Regards Itself () {1}: aqd:+
  3639. Public Universal Friend: Chrysalis () {1}: vti:7
  3640. Darden Purcell: Love\'s Got Me in a Lazy Mood (Origin) {1}: jan:6 -- TH:**
  3641. Puzzle Pulsion: Pygmalistique () {1}: aqd:+
  3642. PWRUP: Just Devils (Ska Punk International) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3643. Pygmalion/Raphael Pichon: Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro Della Beata Vergine () {1}: am:+
  3644. Pynch: Howling at a Concrete Moon () {1}: BV_i:+
  3645. Pynkie: Songies () {1}: tmr:+
  3646. Mik Pyro: Exit Pyro () {1}: HP:25
  3647. Q: Soul, Present (Columbia) {1}: yb_r:17
  3648. Quartet Plus Two: Orbiting Human Circus () {1}: ry_j:15
  3649. Queen Esther: Rona (EL) {1}: -- TH:*
  3650. Quinos: Lune de Miel/Heavy Single Jet Wash/Live Au Lab 49 (CEM) {1}: jgk:+
  3651. Bruno Raberg: Solo Bass: Look Inside (Orbis Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3652. Radian: Distorted Beams (Thrill Jockey) {1}: pm_x:8
  3653. Jonathan Rado: For Who the Bell Tolls For () {1}: aqd:+
  3654. Ian Ramil: Tetein () {1}: bzb:10
  3655. Humberto Ramirez: Better Days (Three Two Music) {1}: jtpn:+
  3656. Random Hand: Random Hand (Bomber Music) {1}: bv_sp:+
  3657. Hania Rani: Ghosts () {1}: Pc:36
  3658. Tom Rasmussen: Body Building () {1}: GTV:41
  3659. Raveloe: Exit Light () {1}: GTV:47
  3660. Emma Rawicz: Chroma (ACT) {1}: jv:+
  3661. Amy Ray: If It All Goes South (Daemon -22) {1}: am_f:+ -- TH:[**]
  3662. Tina Raymond: Divinations (self-released) {1}: jkl:+
  3663. Real Bad Man & Blu: Bad News (Real Bad Men) {1}: tr_h:+
  3664. Ailbhe Reddy: Endless Affair () {1}: HP:26
  3665. Claire Redor: Fruit Mur () {1}: bz:8
  3666. The Refugees: California () {1}: se_fp:+
  3667. Ted Reichman: Orgelwerke (Touch) {1}: BA:+
  3668. Alaska Reid: Disenchanter () {1}: atw:+
  3669. Renao: A Space Between Orange & Blue () {1}: atw:+
  3670. Requiem: Populist Agendas (Mutineer) {1}: pm_x:14
  3671. Resavoir: Resavoir () {1}: xjed:+
  3672. Restraining Order: Locked in Time (Triple B) {1}: sg_hc:7
  3673. Sofia Reyes: Milamores () {1}: bb_l:+
  3674. Marlene Ribeiro: Toquei No Sol () {1}: No:21
  3675. Logan Richardson: Holy Water (Wax Industry) {1}: jan:7
  3676. Rich Ruth: Live at Third Man Records () {1}: aqd:+
  3677. Rival Sons: Lightbringer () {1}: XSN:42
  3678. The River/Orchestration/Walkman!: Trio () {1}: bc_x:+
  3679. Riverside: ID.Entity () {1}: tmr:+
  3680. Roadwolf: Midnight Lightning (Napalm) {1}: CE:140
  3681. Lance Roark: Better Man () {1}: scm:+
  3682. Robert Robert: Bienvenue Au Pays () {1}: LCA:36
  3683. Joanne Robertson: Blue Car (AD 93) {1}: GB:38
  3684. Rocket 88: House of Jackpots (12XU) {1}: PO:149
  3685. The Rocket Summer: Shadowkasters () {1}: tmr:+
  3686. Rockwell: Low Art () {1}: DJM:+
  3687. Ernesto Rodrigues/Dirk Serries/Joao Madeira/Jose Oliveira: Dripping (Creative Sources) {1}: -- TH:*
  3688. Ernesto Rodrigues/Ute Wasserman/Guilherme Rodrigues: L'Age De L'Oreille (Creative Sources) {1}: sc_k:+
  3689. The Rodriguez Brothers: Reunited: Live at Dizzy's Club (RodBros Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3690. Andre Roligheten: Marbles (Odin) {1}: CM:22
  3691. Matthew J Rolin/Cole Pulice/Jen Powers: Prism () {1}: ry_j:17
  3692. Romance: Fade Into You (Ecstatic) {1}: vca:10
  3693. Rent Romus/Heikki Koskinen: Itkuja Suite, Invocations on Lament (Edgetone) {1}: -- TH:*
  3694. Dex Romweber: Good Thing Goin' (Propeller Sound) {1}: yrs:7
  3695. Roosevelt: Embrace (Counter) {1}: YW:33
  3696. Rory: I Thought It'd Be Different () {1}: yb_r:15
  3697. Brandon Ross: Of Sight and Sound (Sunnyside) {1}: -- TH:*
  3698. Rick Ross & Meek Mill: Too Good to Be True () {1}: Cmp:39
  3699. The Artie Roth Quartet: Resonants () {1}: j91:+
  3700. Dave Rowntree: Radio Songs (Cooking Vinyl) {1}: RT:58
  3701. Royal Blood: Back to the Water Below (Warner) {1}: rx:+
  3702. Joris Ruhl: Feuilles (Umlaut) {1}: sc_k:+
  3703. Runnner: Like Dying Stars, We're Reaching Out () {1}: p_f:+
  3704. Rupp/Kneer/Fischerlehner: Puna (Audiosemantics) {1}: jmsc:9
  3705. The Rural Alberta Advantage: The Rise & Fall () {1}: I:25
  3706. Zach Russell: Where the Flowers Meet the Dew () {1}: WR:+
  3707. RXKNephew & DJ Rude One: The Onederful Nephew () {1}: vdcm:10
  3708. Imogen Ryall: Sings the Charles Mingus/Joni Mitchell Songbook (Rubicon Jazz) {1}: jv:+
  3709. Davi Sabbag: [(entre)mixtape] () {1}: pm_bp:8
  3710. Sabiwa: Island No 16: Memories of Future Landscapes (Phantom Limb) {1}: pm_x:6
  3711. Alex Sadnik: Flight () {1}: aqd:+
  3712. M Sage: Paradise Crick (Rvng Intl) {1}: aqd:+
  3713. Hannu Saha & Pakasteet: Taas Kerran, Akkia (Bafe's Factory) {1}: pm_f:13
  3714. Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary: Looking Through Us (Disciples) {1}: CE:125
  3715. Saint Levant: From Gaza, With Love () {1}: ny_c:+
  3716. Saint Martyn: The Day God Died () {1}: LW:69
  3717. Salamanda: In Parallel (Wisdom Teeth) {1}: Mix:+
  3718. Salami Rose Joe Louis: Akousmatikous () {1}: am_e:+
  3719. Salt Collective: Life () {1}: xmr:6
  3720. Salute: Shield (Technicolour) {1}: Mix:+
  3721. Philip Samartzis: Atmospheres and Disturbances () {1}: bc_fr:+
  3722. Samory-I: Strength (Overstand Entertainment/Easy Star) {1}: RS:42
  3723. Sampa the Great: As Above, So Below (Loma Vista) {1}: Pc:75
  3724. Jahari Sampley: Still Listening (Everlove Music) {1}: jads:9
  3725. Carter Sampson: Gold (self-released) {1}: ahw_dn:+
  3726. Stephen Sanchez: Angel Face (Republic) {1}: atw:+
  3727. Sans Merit: Early Grave (Zen) {1}: Pc:59
  3728. Joe Santa Maria: Echo Deep (Orenda) {1}: bc_j:8 -- TH:B-
  3729. Santigold: Spirituals (Little Jerk -22) {1}: XCI:56 -- TH:[A-]
  3730. Garrett Saracho: En Medio (Verve) {1}: DB:+
  3731. Sarayu: Intelligent Jump Rope Music (Boiled Wonderland) {1}: Mix:+
  3732. SBTRKT: The Rat Road (AWAL) {1}: Mix:+ -- TH:B
  3733. Russell Scarbrough: Fun Times (self-released) {1}: jjbw:+
  3734. Andy Schauf: Norm (Anti-) {1}: pm_p:20
  3735. Zander Schloss: Californias Burning (Blind Owl) {1}: xsh:9
  3736. Schroothoop: MACADAM (Sdban Ultra) {1}: CE:42
  3737. Sebastian Schunke: Existential Intensities (Connector) {1}: jmsu:+
  3738. Dominik Schurmann Ensemble: The Seagull's Serenade (Suisa) {1}: jv:+
  3739. Jacques Schwarz-Bart: The Harlem Suite (Ropeadope) {1}: -- TH:*
  3740. Scotch Rolex and Shackleton: Death by Tickling (Silver Triplet) {1}: YW:49
  3741. Aleighcia Scott: Windrush Baby () {1}: GTV:65
  3742. Sophia Scott: Barstool Confessions () {1}: xjb:10
  3743. Scratchclart: Drmtrk XIX (Drmtrk) {1}: Mix:+
  3744. Scrimshire: Paroxysm () {1}: LW:86
  3745. Scuru Fitchadu: Nez Txada Skuru Dentu Skina Na Braku Fundu (self-released) {1}: CE:124
  3746. SDEM: Vortices () {1}: No:35
  3747. Richard Sears: Appear to Fade (Figureight) {1}: pm_x:11
  3748. Julio Secchin: Erupcando () {1}: pm_bp:12
  3749. Secret Night Gang: Belongs on a Place Called Earth () {1}: am_r:+
  3750. Kim Sejeong: Door () {1}: bb_k:19
  3751. Jim Self: My America 2: Destinations (Bassett Hound) {1}: jjbw:+
  3752. Sepehr: Pomegranate Skies (Garmo) {1}: Mix:+
  3753. Serb i Molod: Bezkoshtovnii Dzhaz (Erythroleuko Plakia) {1}: bc_x:+
  3754. Brian Setzer: The Devil Always Collects () {1}: scm:+
  3755. Sevendust: Truth Killer () {1}: Rf:24
  3756. Seven Impale: Summit () {1}: tmr:+
  3757. Sextile: Push () {1}: BV_i:+
  3758. SFJAZZ Collective: New Works & Classics Reimagined (SFJazz) {1}: jkl:+
  3759. Joseph Shabason: Welcome to Hell () {1}: aqd:+
  3760. Shackleton & Zimpel With Siddhartha Belmannu: In the Cell of Dreams (7K!) {1}: Mix:+
  3761. Elliott Sharp: Die Grosste Fugue (Infrequent Seams) {1}: vrg:+
  3762. Elliott Sharp: The Collapsed Wave (self-released) {1}: jgk:+
  3763. Sharp Pins: Turtle Rock () {1}: xjed:+
  3764. Sha Ru: Match My Sway (Woozy) {1}: Mix:+
  3765. The Shed Project: Our Fear Is Their Power () {1}: LW:79
  3766. Derek Sherinian and Simon Phillips: Sherinian/Phillips Live () {1}: se_fp:+
  3767. SHINee: Hard () {1}: p_kp:20
  3768. Shit Present: What Still Gets Me () {1}: Pu:25
  3769. Short Fictions: Oblivion Will Own Me and Death Alone Will Love Me (Void Filler) (Lauren) {1}: Alt:37
  3770. Shower of Teeth: Eternal Gut Rot () {1}: Pu:23
  3771. Showtime Ramon: Venom Drip () {1}: nlm:7
  3772. Shygirl: Nymph in the Wild (Because Music) {1}: Mix:+
  3773. Apostolos Sideris: Past-Presented (Parallel) {1}: -- TH:*
  3774. Sideshow: 2mm Don't Just Stand There! (10K) {1}: Mix:+
  3775. Namian Sidibe: Namian Sidibe (Sahel) {1}: tm_w:10
  3776. Jay Rodriguez Sierra: Muthaflower (self-released) {1}: jtpn:+
  3777. Sightless Pit: Lockstep Bloodwar () {1}: am_m:+
  3778. Sign Crushes Motorist: Hurting () {1}: SLi:41
  3779. Silent Planet: Superbloom () {1}: Rev:21
  3780. Silicone Prairie: Vol II () {1}: bc:+
  3781. Jaymie Silk: Rub Music Vol 1: Artificial Realness (Pelican Fly) {1}: Mix:+
  3782. Maria Elena Silva: Dulce (Astral Spirits/Big Ego) {1}: aqd:+
  3783. Susana Santos Silva: All the Birds and a Telephone Ringing (Thanatosis) {1}: jwr:4
  3784. Jeffrey Silverstein: Western Sky Music () {1}: aqd:+
  3785. Simo Cell: Cuspide Des Sirenes (Temet) {1}: Mix:+
  3786. Guilty Simpson: Escalation (Uncommon) {1}: HG:45; ae:23
  3787. Mun Sing: Inflatable Gravestone (Planet Mu) {1}: ra:+
  3788. Jae Sinnett's Zero to 60 Quartet: Commitment () {1}: jb:+
  3789. Sister Zo: Arcana (All Centre -EP) {1}: Mix:+
  3790. Siu Mata: Amasia (Nervous Horizon) {1}: Mix;+
  3791. Skein: Spectra & Affrays (Klanggalerie) {1}: sc_k:+
  3792. Skeleten: Under Utopia () {1}: DJ:27
  3793. Richard Skelton: Selenodesy () {1}: yjss:+
  3794. Skinflint: Hate Spell (Into) {1}: CE:121
  3795. Skream: 014 - Skream - Fabric Podcast (Fabric/Soundcloud) {1}: YW:41
  3796. Skviry&Spoje: Hotel Spojar () {1}: W:30
  3797. Slackeye Slim: Scorched Earth, Black Heart () {1}: scm:+
  3798. Sleepy Hallow: Boy Meets World () {1}: am_h:+
  3799. SlickGoHam: Sorry4The8 - 3 () {1}: bc_cm:+
  3800. Slipmami: Malvatrem () {1}: bzb:8
  3801. Slowly Rolling Camera: Flow (Edition) {1}: jgt:+
  3802. Slowspin: Talisman () {1}: vew:+
  3803. The Smashing Pumpkins: ATUM (Martha's) {1}: Fp:+
  3804. Hopkinson Smith: Bright Early (Naive) {1}: YW:91
  3805. Nate Smith: Nate Smith () {1}: zuc:8
  3806. Smoke DZA & Flying Lotus: Flying Objects (The Smoker's Club -EP) {1}: -- TH:*
  3807. Smoke Fairies: Carried in Sound () {1}: ay_ip:9
  3808. Austin Snell: Muddy Water Rockstar () {1}: zuc:9
  3809. Snotty: Mi Vida Loca () {1}: bc:+
  3810. Snow Strippers: April Mixtape 3 () {1}: Ne:37
  3811. Soccer Committee: [Heart]/Lamb (Morc) {1}: GB:47
  3812. Softee: Natural () {1}: p_p:+
  3813. Emilio Solla/Antonio Lizana: El Siempre Mar (Tiger Turn) {1}: -- TH:*
  3814. Something Blue: Personal Preference (Posi-Tone) {1}: -- TH:*
  3815. Clark Sommers: Feast Ephemera (Irrabagast) {1}: jmlo:+
  3816. Sonny & the Sunsets: Self Awareness Through Macrame () {1}: BV_i:+
  3817. Son of Dribble: Son of Drib Against the Wind (Minimal Table Sticks) {1}: ygb:8
  3818. The South Hill Experiment: Moonshots () {1}: KC:21
  3819. Scott Southworth: Comin' Round to Honky Tonk Again () {1}: scm:+
  3820. Spiral XP: It's Been a While () {1}: ybrw:8
  3821. Spirit Possession: Of the Sign . . . () {1}: Qt:85
  3822. Spllit: Infinite Hatch () {1}: p_k:+
  3823. Lucy Spraggan: Balance () {1}: GTV:63
  3824. Sydney Sprague: Somebody in Hell Loves You () {1}: tmr:+
  3825. Rick Springfield: Automatic () {1}: Rf:45
  3826. Squrl: Silver Haze (Sacred Bones) {1}: aqd:+
  3827. Staples Jr Singers: Tell Heaven (Luaka Bop, EP) {1}: PO:215
  3828. Vince Staples: Ramona Park Broke My Heart (Blacksmith/Motown -22) {1}: XCI:65 -- TH:[**]
  3829. The Stargazer's Assistant: Fire Worshipper () {1}: Qt:94
  3830. Starklinnemann Trio: Transcending Liszt Vol 1 (UCM) {1}: DB:+
  3831. Nurit Stark: Bartok Ligeti Veress Eotvos (BIS -22) {1}: SpL:29
  3832. Starlet and Big John: Living in the South () {1}: spt:+
  3833. Steep Canyon Rangers: Morning Shift (Yep Roc) {1}: -- TH:*
  3834. Stephen Steinbrink: Disappearing Coin () {1}: aqd:+
  3835. Dean Stockdale Quartet: Celebrating Oscar (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  3836. Noah Stoneman: Anyone's Quiet: Let It Rain to You (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  3837. Cedrik St-Onge: Osoyoos () {1}: LCA:48
  3838. St Paul & the Broken Bones: Angels in Science Fiction (ATO) {1}: pf_s:11
  3839. The St Pierre Snake Invasion: Galore () {1}: GTV:58
  3840. Street Tombs: Reclusive Decay (Carbonized) {1}: Db:28
  3841. Alexandra Streliski: Neo-Romance () {1}: LCA:50
  3842. Stress Positions: Harsh Realilty (Three One G) {1}: BV_p:47
  3843. Strike Twelve: Last Band Standing () {1}: vahm:8
  3844. Billy Strings: Me/And/Dad () {1}: TL:44
  3845. Studio Shap Shap: Le Monde Moderne (L'Autre) {1}: CE:57
  3846. Joel Styzens: Resonance () {1}: g_c:9
  3847. Submerged: Fury (Ohm Resistance) {1}: BA:+
  3848. Suchi: Birdy Bell (Spectral Sound/Ghostly International) {1}: Mix:+
  3849. JE Sunde: Alice Gloria and Jon () {1}: ybrw:7
  3850. Supervisjon: Fast Trakk () {1}: FO:36
  3851. Rob Sussman: Top Secret Lab (Sus4music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3852. Hanna Svirska: Yangola (Standard Deviation) {1}: Mix:+
  3853. Swaggerboyz: Plug Park 1 y 2 () {1}: DW:47
  3854. Neil Swainson: Fire in the West (Cellar) {1}: jjbw:+
  3855. Cisco Swank: More Better () {1}: p_h:+
  3856. Earl Sweatshirt: Sick! (Warner '22) {1}: Pc:88 -- TH:[*]
  3857. Sweet Baboo: The Wreckage () {1}: GTV:50
  3858. Sweet Gloom: Reverie () {1}: Alt:46
  3859. Will Swindler: Space Bugs (OA2) {1}: jjbw:+
  3860. Synthfreq: Vol 1 () {1}: Qt:73
  3861. Taali: Taali () {1}: se_fp:+
  3862. Taemin: Guilty () {1}: p_kp:14
  3863. Taeyang: Down to Earth () {1}: bb_k:20
  3864. Aki Takase: Carmen Rhapsody (BMC) {1}: -- TH:**
  3865. Ta-Ku: Songs to Come Home To () {1}: DJ:38
  3866. Talik: Firefly (3024) {1}: Mix:+
  3867. The Tallest Man on Earth: Henry St (Anti-) {1}: p_f:+
  3868. Ohad Talmor: Back to the Land (Intakt) {1}: PO:23
  3869. The TANK Center for Sonic Arts: Slow Beethoven (Round Sound) {1}: YW:75
  3870. Tanlines: The Big Mess () {1}: yab:10
  3871. Tape Runs Out: Floodhead () {1}: GTV:25
  3872. Jorma Tapio: Bread for Soul (Orbit 577) {1}: BA:+
  3873. Tarja: Dark Christmas () {1}: vgm:+
  3874. Tasha & Tracie, Kyan and Rapper Gregory: Yin Yang () {1}: bzb:+
  3875. Dulcie Taylor: Edges of Silver (Mesa/Bluemoon) {1}: pm_a:13
  3876. Ebo Taylor: Twer Nyame (Planet Woo/Comet) {1}: Mix:+
  3877. TDJ: SPF INFINI 3 (Collection Disques Durs) {1}: GB:55
  3878. Techno Cats: The Music of Gregg Hill (Cold Plunge) {1}: -- TH:*
  3879. Tee Vee Repairman: What's on TV? () {1}: yps:+
  3880. Yasser Tejeda: La Madruga () {1}: tmr:+
  3881. Temple of Angels: Endless Pursuit () {1}: bc:+
  3882. Tenderlonious: You Know I Care (22a) {1}: jndg:+
  3883. Tenhi: Valkama () {1}: Spk:30
  3884. Tennis: Pollen (Mutually Detrimental) {1}: tmr:+
  3885. Teqmun: Organic Oscillations (Flippen Disks) {1}: Mix:+
  3886. TesseracT: War of Being () {1}: XSN:36
  3887. Giulia Tess: Vista Mare Forever (Scarlet Tiger) {1}: Mix:+
  3888. Tetragrammacide: Typho-Tantric Aphorisms From the Arachneophidian Qur'an (Iron Bonehead) {1}: BA:+
  3889. Tha God Fahim & Mach-Hommy: Notorious Dump Legends: Volume 2 () {1}: Fa:38
  3890. Thala: In Theory Depression (Fire -EP) {1}: RT:68
  3891. Theee Retail Simps: Live on Cool Street (Total Punk) {1}: ymm:8
  3892. Them Dirty Roses: Lost in the Valley of Hate & Love Vol 1 () {1}: scm:+
  3893. The Thing: Here's the Thing () {1}: ae:25
  3894. Pat Thomas/Chris Sharkey/Luke Reddin-Williams: Know: Delirium Atom Paths (577) {1}: sc:+
  3895. TA Thomas: Caught Between 2 Worlds () {1}: yb_r:23
  3896. Rich Thompson: Who Do You Have to Know? (Origin) {1}: -- TH:*
  3897. Anna Thorvaldsdottir: Archora/Aion () {1}: ae:10
  3898. Thy Slaughter: Soft Rock () {1}: vgm:+
  3899. Tigercub: The Perfume of Decay () {1}: ay_ar:4
  3900. Gus Til & Supercozi: Music for a Rainy Season (Sayan) {1}: ycw:10
  3901. Tingvall Trio: Birds (Skip) {1}: jndg:+
  3902. Lila Tirando a Violeta & Sin Maldita: Accela () {1}: bc_e:+
  3903. TisaKorean: Let Me Update My Status (Jazzzy) {1}: PW:39 -- TH:B
  3904. The Toads: In the Wilderness (Upset the Rhythm) {1}: vjk:+
  3905. Tobacco City: Tobacco City USA (Scissor Tail) {1}: aqd:+
  3906. Christine Tobin: Returning Weather (Trail Belle) {1}: jv:+
  3907. Tombstones in Their Eyes: Sea of Sorrow () {1}: so_k:20
  3908. Tommy and the Ohs: Box Truck Boogie () {1}: p_c:+
  3909. Tomorrow x Together: The Name Chapter: Freefall () {1}: am_p:+
  3910. Tom VR: Heart Can Still Somersault (Spectral Sound) {1}: Mix:+
  3911. Tongue Depressor: Boners for Time (Worried Songs) {1}: bc_x:+
  3912. Tonique & Man: Opening Soon () {1}: TO:30
  3913. David Toop & Lawrence English: The Shell That Speaks the Sea (Room40) {1}: VF:+ -- TH:B
  3914. Tori: Descese () {1}: bzb:+
  3915. Nina Tormenta: Las Cosas Lento () {1}: Ms:43
  3916. Toro Y Moi: Sandhills () {1}: ayu_c:22
  3917. Torpor: Abscission () {1}: Qt:68
  3918. Emiliana Torrini & the Colorist Orchestra: Racing the Storm (Bella Union) {1}: tmr:+
  3919. Toumba: For Palestine (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
  3920. Toumba: Petals (Hessle Audio) {1}: Mix:+
  3921. Tower Block Dreams: Aint It Funny (40Grit) {1}: Mix:+
  3922. Myke Towers: La Vida Es Una () {1}: Up:+
  3923. Treaty Oak Revival: Have a Nice Day () {1}: WR:36
  3924. Treponem Pal: Screamers (At(h)ome) {1}: CE:89
  3925. Triangulo De Amor Bizarro: Sed () {1}: Jp:59
  3926. Trichomoniasis: Makeshift Crematoria (New Standard Elite) {1}: sg_m:7
  3927. Tri-County Liquidators: Cut My Teeth (Hitt Rex) {1}: PO:88
  3928. Vasco Trilla/Ra Kalam Bob Moses: Singing Icons (Astral Spirits) {1}: jno:+
  3929. Trio Karenine: Suk/Dvorak () {1}: am:+
  3930. Tropical Fuck Storm: Submersive Behavior (Joyful Noise) {1}: vrg:+
  3931. Gianluigi Trovesi: Stravaganze Consonanti (ECM) {1}: -- TH:*
  3932. True Stomach of a Bird [Ulf Mengersen/Lina Allemano/Kamil Korolczuk]: Computation Intensive Spontaneousness (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  3933. Trunkline: Mercy Remixes (Arkham Audio) {1}: YW:62
  3934. TSVI: Stella Remota () {1}: bc_e:+
  3935. Tube Alloys: Magnetic Point () {1}: vbz:10
  3936. Alexander Tucker: Fifth Continent () {1}: Qt:36
  3937. Tulip: The Perpetual Dream () {1}: vgm:+
  3938. Tulsa: Amadora () {1}: Jp:43
  3939. Tu-ner: Contact Information (7D Media) {1}: jgk:+
  3940. Tunico [Antonio Secchin]: Tunico () {1}: am_l:+
  3941. Manuel Turizo: 2000 () {1}: bb_l:+
  3942. Gecko Turner: Somebody From Badajoz () {1}: ae:12
  3943. Brad Turner Quintet: The Magnificent (Cellar) {1}: -- TH:*
  3944. Turnstile & Badbadnotgood: New Heart Designs () {1}: ayu_j:10
  3945. Twenty One Pilots: MTV Unplugged () {1}: am_k:+
  3946. Twice: Ready to Be (JYP -EP) {1}: p_kp:8
  3947. Twin Princess: Blood Moon () {1}: Pap:+
  3948. Tygapaw: Love Has Never Been a Popular Movement (Fabric Originals) {1}: Mix:+
  3949. Jasper Tygner: Real Time (self-released) {1}: Mix:+
  3950. Ukaea: Birds Catching Fire in the Sky () {1}: Qt:34
  3951. Ulthar: Anthronomicon & Helionomicon (20 Buck Spin) {1}: pm_m:8
  3952. Taku Unami: Bot Box Boxes (Erstwhile) {1}: bc_x:+
  3953. Uncle Waffles: Solace () {1}: v_ja:10
  3954. Carrie Underwood: Denim and Rhinestones () {1}: zuc:40
  3955. Uni Boys: Buy This Now! () {1}: BV_i:+
  3956. Uninamise: Fear Flex () {1}: bc_cm:+
  3957. Univers Zero: Leuer (Sub Rosa) {1}: jgk:+
  3958. Unloved: Polychrome (Heavenly) {1}: -- BV_i:+
  3959. The Urban Art Ensemble: Ho'opomopono (CFG Multimedia -EP) {1}: PO:123
  3960. Uriah Heep: Chaos and Colour (Silver Lining Music) {1}: BA:+
  3961. Urne: A Feast on Sorrow () {1}: K:38
  3962. The Used: Toxic Positivity () {1}: RkS:27
  3963. Tanner Usrey: Crossing Lines () {1}: WR:38
  3964. Uzu: Uzu (A World Divided) {1}: bc_p:+
  3965. Valee X MVW: Valeedation () {1}: vbc:8
  3966. Orleando "Maraca" Valle Y El Big Band "Flautas Gigantes": Flautas Gigantes (Egrem) {1}: jtpn:+
  3967. Valley Queen: Chord of Sympathy () {1}: tmr:+
  3968. Bo Van De Graaf: Shinjuku (Icdisc) {1}: jka:7
  3969. Chad VanGaalen/Astral Swans: Split () {1}: aqd:+
  3970. The Van Pelt: Artisans & Merchants (Spartan) {1}: bv_i:+
  3971. Vanyfox: Sonho Azul () {1}: bc_cm:+
  3972. Natasha Vaynblat: We're All Dads Here () {1}: p_cy:+
  3973. Ally Venable: Real Gone (Ruf) {1}: -- TH:*
  3974. Mark Vernon: Call Back Carousel () {1}: bc_at:+
  3975. Verraco: Escandaloo (Voam) {1}: Mix:+
  3976. Erin Viancourt: Won't Die This Way () {1}: WR:+
  3977. Dafne Vicente-Sandoval/Lars Petter Hagen: Minos Circuit/Transfiguration 4 (Portraits GRM) {1}: sc_k:+
  3978. Ben Vida: The Beat My Head Hit (Shelter Press) {1}: lib:+
  3979. Vopli Vidopliassova: Tantsi () {1}: vew:+
  3980. Ramana Vieira: Tudo De Mim (All of Me) (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  3981. Albert Vila: Levity (Hypnote) {1}: jmsu:+
  3982. Elio Villafranca: Standing by the Crossroads (ArtistShare) {1}: DB:+
  3983. The Village of Twins: Our Names Disappear, Our Shadows Disappear () {1}: vmmf:6
  3984. Reuben Vincent: Love Is War (Jamla/Roc Nation) {1}: pm_h:21
  3985. Michael Viner: Alkan: Character Pieces & Grotesqueries (Piano Classics) {1}: YW:65
  3986. VioleTT Pi: Baloney Suicide () {1}: LCA:24
  3987. Vipertime: Arise () {1}: LW:64
  3988. Anna Vis: Como Um Bicho Ve () {1}: bzb:+
  3989. Stephen Vitiello & Bea Seaman: The Clear Distance () {1}: ae:16
  3990. Pabllo Vittar: After (Sony Music) {1}: -- TH:*
  3991. Voice Actor: Fake Asleep (Stroom) {1}: GB:27
  3992. Voivod: Morgoth Tales () {1}: am_m:+
  3993. Marco Von Orelli & Sheldon Suter: Draw From the Source (Ezz-Thetics) {1}: sc_p:+
  3994. Ivan Vukosavlievic: Slow Roads (Elsewhere) {1}: jgk:+
  3995. Rick Wakeman & the English Rock Ensemble: A Gallery of the Imagination () {1}: tmr:+
  3996. Butch Walker: Butch Walker as . . . Glenn () {1}: tmr:+
  3997. Joe Louis Walker: Weight of the World (Forty Below) {1}: am_b:+ -- TH:B
  3998. Joshua Ray Walker: I Opened for the Killers () {1}: scm:+
  3999. Paul Wall & Termanolog: Start Finish Repeat () {1}: ss_h:22
  4000. Thomas Walsh: The Rest Is History () {1}: xch:+
  4001. Justin Walter: Destroyer () {1}: am_e:+
  4002. Wandering Monsters: Zenna (Ubuntu) {1}: jv:+
  4003. Alex Ward Item 4: Furthered (577) {1}: sc:+
  4004. M Ward: Supernatural Thing (Anti-) {1}: am_s:+
  4005. ZZ Ward: Dirty Shine (Dirty Shine) {1}: YW:47
  4006. Bill Warfield and the Hell's Kitchen Funk Orchestra: Time Capsule (Planet Arts) {1}: DB:+
  4007. Warmth: Collider [all editions] (Archives) {1}: YW:83
  4008. Walter Wolfman Washington: Feels So at Home (Tipitina's Record Club) {1}: -- TH:*
  4009. Waterbaby: 22° Halo () {1}: DJM:+
  4010. Chester Watson: Fish Don't Climb Trees (POW) {1}: bc_h:+
  4011. Dale Watson: Starvation Box () {1}: scm:+
  4012. The Watson Twins: Holler () {1}: scm:+
  4013. James Wauby: On the Ballast Miles (East Riding Acoustic) {1}: vjk:+
  4014. Juan Wauters: Wandering Rebel (Captured Tracks) {1}: tmr:+
  4015. Weak Signal: War & War () {1}: yps:+
  4016. We Are Only Human Once: Every Dog on Earth () {1}: ayu_c:23
  4017. Andrew Weathers: A Cardinal With a Sign of Blood () {1}: bc_fr:+
  4018. Tilo Weber: Tesserae () {1}: TSG:46
  4019. The Wedding Present: 24 Songs () {1}: yjsp:9
  4020. Alex Weiss: Most Don't Have Enough (Ears & Eyes) {1}: -- TH:*
  4021. Angie Wells: Truth Be Told () {1}: se_fj:+
  4022. Ben Wendel: All One (Edition) {1}: jjkb:9 -- TH:B
  4023. Werckmeister: Two Movements (Creative Sources) {1}: sc_k:+
  4024. Westerman: An Inbuilt Fault (Partisan) {1}: am_s:+
  4025. Matt Weston: Embrace This Twilight () {1}: bc_x:+
  4026. When Rivers Meet: Aces Are High (One Road) {1}: ro_b:10
  4027. White China: Hang Up the Lights () {1}: tmr:+
  4028. JJ Whitefield: Ethio Meditations/Drama Al Dente () {1}: aqd:+
  4029. White Reaper: Asking for a Ride () {1}: tmr:+
  4030. Xylouris White: The Forest in Me (Drag City) {1}: am_l:+
  4031. The Scott Whitfield Jazz Orchestra West: Postcards From Hollywood (Summit) {1}: jjbw:+
  4032. Whitney K: Vivi! (Live) () {1}: aqd:+
  4033. Who Is She?: Goddess Energy () {1}: p_p:+
  4034. Chip Wickham: Love & Life (Gondwana) {1}: Pc:97
  4035. WiFiGawd: Been Bout It () {1}: wp:10
  4036. Skip Wilkins: In Morava (Na Morave) (New Port Line) {1}: jmlo:+
  4037. Otto Willberg: The Leisure Principle (Black Truffle) {1}: ymm:6
  4038. Will Haven: VII (Minus Head) {1}: Db:29
  4039. Ezra Williams: Supernumeraries () {1}: HP:49
  4040. John Wilson/Sinfonia of London: Rodgers & Hammerstein's Oklahoma! (Chandos) {1}: am:+
  4041. Wimps: City Lights () {1}: BV_i:+
  4042. Jana Winderen: The Blue Beyond () {1}: bc_fr:+
  4043. Martin Wind/Peter Weniger/Jonas Burgwinkel: Gravity (Laika) {1}: DB:+
  4044. Wings of Desire: Life Is Infinite () {1}: UR:84
  4045. Ben Winkelman: Heartbeat (OA2) {1}: jv:+ -- TH:B
  4046. Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra: Voices: A Musical Heritage (self-released -22) {1}: jjbw:+
  4047. Nicky Wire: Intimism () {1}: Qt:78
  4048. Witching: Incendium (Translation Loss) {1}: Db:35
  4049. Within Temptation: Bleed Out () {1}: K:42
  4050. Joe Wittman/Vito Dieterle/Jesse Breheney/Josh Davis: Night Out (self-released) {1}: -- TH:*
  4051. Wolf Eyes: Dreams in Splattered Lines/In Splattered Time () {1}: bc_at:+
  4052. Wolf Eyes: Feedback & Drums Vol 2 () {1}: am_a:+
  4053. Laura Wolf: Shelf Life (Whatever's Clever) {1}: pm_p:17
  4054. Warren Wolf: Chano Pozo: Origins (self-released) {1}: DB:+
  4055. Hilary Woods: Acts of Light () {1}: GTV:23
  4056. Nate Wooley: Four Experiments (Pleasure of the Text) {1}: jjkb:10
  4057. Al Wootton: We Have Come to Banish the Dark () {1}: DJM:+
  4058. The Word Alive: Hard Reset () {1}: RkS:42
  4059. Wozniak: Memory Disorder () {1}: XSN:39
  4060. Cameron Wrinkle: In My Heaven () {1}: scm:+
  4061. Wtchcrft: Sleepless in Brooklyn (Clasico) {1}: Mix:+
  4062. Wurld Series: The Giant's Lawn (Melted Ice Cream) {1}: vjk:+
  4063. Peter Xifaras: Fusion (Music With No Expiration) {1}: -- TH:*
  4064. XL Life: The Boogie Down South (Venn) {1}: BV_p:24
  4065. XYR: Memory Tapes () {1}: bc_a:+
  4066. Yakuza: Sutra (Svart) {1}: BA:+
  4067. Neil Yates: Flashbacks/Backflash (self-released) {1}: jv:+
  4068. Year of the Knife: No Love Lost (Pure Noise) {1}: BV_p:32
  4069. Yeat: AfterLyfe (TwizzyRich/Geffen) {1}: Cmp:38
  4070. Yetsuby: Water Flash (Third Place) {1}: Mix:+
  4071. Yfory: Yfory () {1}: Qt:71
  4072. Girma Yifrashewa: My Strong Will () {1}: aqd:+
  4073. YL: Don't Feed the Pigeons () {1}: PW:30
  4074. Hiroshi Yoshimura: Surround () {1}: aqd:+
  4075. Brett Young: Across the Sheets () {1}: zuc:32
  4076. Jenny Owens Youngs: Avalanche (Yep Roc) {1}: tmr:+
  4077. Young Summer: Young Summer () {1}: S:+
  4078. Youra: 꽤 많은 수의 촉수 돌기 (1) () {1}: ry_j:14
  4079. Yowl: Milksick () {1}: yjss:+
  4080. Spencer Zahn: Statues I () {1}: ny_z:+
  4081. Spencer Zahn: Statues II () {1}: ny_z:+
  4082. Zake & Tyresta: Drift (Zake Drone) {1}: YW:82
  4083. Malika Zarra: RWA (The Essence) (DZel) {1}: jdo:+
  4084. Zero Again: A Deep Appreciation of Suffering () {1}: LW:35
  4085. Ziferblat: Peretvorennya () {1}: On:27
  4086. Marina Zispin: Life and Death: The Five Chandeliers of the Funereal Exorcism () {1}: GB:21
  4087. Zonderwerk: Babel () {1}: bc_a:+
  4088. Zoos of Berlin: Busy With People () {1}: BV_i:+
  4089. Zopp: Dominion () {1}: tmr:+
  4090. John Zorn: 444 (Tzadik) {1}: -- TH:*
  4091. Philip Zoubek: Labyrinthus (Why Play Jazz) {1}: DB:+