Sunday, June 30, 2024
Speaking of Which
Delayed, probably July 1, which will in turn push Music Week back
another day.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Daily Log
Nathan Cadman mentioned on Facebook that he bought a wok, and asked
for advice and recipes. I wrote:
I didn't learn how to cook Chinese until I threw away my wok, and I
still don't use one, but I've learned enough to appreciate
them. Although you can do pretty much everything with it, the one
thing it's really good for is all-in-one stir-fries. A cheap steel one
is better than expensive stainless or anything nonstick -- assuming
you maintain the patina. The fact that the steel does not retain heat
like All Clad is a virtue, allowing you to turn the heat up or down
efficiently. (Of course, if you have an electric, except perhaps for
induction, you won't be able to do that.) In any case, the key is to
get it really hot, then work really fast. That means you have to do
all of your prep ahead of time, and arrange it so you can grab
whatever you need exactly when you need it. Chinese is 90% prep, 10%
fire drill. Once you understand that, it's easy. Some of your prep is
pre-cooked, which can be done at leisure. For instance, boil or steam
your rice, let it cool, break it up, then lay it out with everything
else for a quick stir-fry. Some things can cook during the stir-fry,
but others should be partly-cooked ahead of time -- eggs, velvet
shrimp, peppers and carrots and zucchini that need more than a minute
to cook on their own, peas (which I parboil for about 30
seconds). Fried rice is probably the best dish to start with. My
standard one is with diced ham, fried egg, sauteed red bell pepper,
scallions, some peas, and pine nuts. Another uses leeks and velvet
shrimp (marinated in egg white/wine/corn starch then boiled 45
seconds; it will finish cooking in the stir-fry). But those are mostly
sides for me. For a single dish, you can load it up with more veggies
and/or meats. Another good wok dish is pad thai. Here's
my recipe.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Music Week
Expanded blog post,
June archive
(in progress).
Tweet: Music Week: 46 albums, 12 A-list
Music: Current count 42549 [42503] rated (+46), 22 [22] unrated (+0).
Updated: look for change bar below.
I perhaps foolishly agreed to write up an article on William Parker,
this year's deserving recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award, and
a feature evening of performances, at the
2024 Vision Festival, in New York last week. I figured I could dust
off the
Parker/Shipp Consumer Guide
I wrote up back in 2003, and add a few odds and ends about later albums.
It turned out not to be not quite that simple.
For one thing, when I finally rounded up all the reviews I had written
on albums he had played on, the count came to 249. I then had to go back
and check for false positives (the 2003 CG also included albums with
Shipp but no Parker, and a few extras by artists in their circle), and
for omissions. In this, I was massively aided by being able to consult
Rick Lopez's
William Parker Sessionography, but I was also slowed by its
completeness and accumulation of fascinating detail. Back in the
notes for my 2003 CG, I collected a select but fairly extensive
discogrpahy. As I needed something similar to keep track of what
I was doing, I started to update it, and that wound up taking a
lot of time.
By last Thursday, I had gotten so flustered and panicked that
I decided I had to give up trying to multitask and just focus on
the Parker essay. I had started to write some introductory comments
for the week's Speaking of Which, so I stopped there, and vowed to
do no more until the piece was done. (I'm belatedly posting that
introduction today, but with no news links or comments.
Second, I resolved to only play Parker albums until I finished.
I later relaxed that to allow myself to play and review albums
I hadn't heard before, which is where most of the albums below
came from.
I finally sent the essay in yesterday. No word yet on when (or
I suppose if) it will be published. I decided that the best way
to proceed from here is to post the partial Speaking of Which
intro (which already had a sequence number) along with the Music
Week reviews, then start on new blog posts for the usual dates
next week. Of course, it's never that simple. This also turns
out to be the last Music Week in June, so I have to wrap up one
month's Streamnotes archive, and open up another.
I also have a jammed up pile of other work I need to crack on
with, more email problems, plus home tasks, health troubles, etc.
More stuff in flux, but I've droned on enough for here and now.
PS: [06-27] My piece on William Parker has
been posted on ArtsFuse now:
Jazz Commentary: Celebrating Bassist William Parker's Lifetime of
Achievement. I have some notes to go along with this, but
they're not really ready for presentation yet, so I'll work on
them and have more to say later. Note that I did add the two
books I referred at the end to my Recent Reading sidebar and
I changed the status of
June Streamnotes to
"final," added the Music Week text, and compiled the
2024 and
Artists indexes.
Next on my plate is to do some work on the
Carola Dibbell and
Robert Christgau
websites, or maybe something with email, or maybe just get
dinner first -- things I need to square away before getting to
the mid-year Jazz Critics Poll (which I should send out notices
on by Monday, assuming email works by then). But I'm really
itching to open up a Speaking of Which draft file, as even
with my recent blackout it's pretty obvious that there's an
insane amount of important news to note and (mostly) bemoan.
PPS: I was going to apologize for not being able to
figure out how to move the right-margin change mark inside the
album cover pics so it's clearly tied to the changed text, but
then it dawned on me to allow an option to put the change bar
on the left, which should be good enough for now.
If the change bar doesn't appear for you, that's because
your browser is using a cached CSS file. CTRL-SHIFT-R fixes
this in Firefox. I also had to fix a ton of mistakes in the
aforelinked Parker-Shipp CG file. I knew it wasn't ready,
but should at least have made sure it loaded. That much is
fixed now.
New records reviewed this week:
- Fox Green: Light Over Darkness (2024, self-released): [cdr]: A-
- Joel Futterman/William Parker: Why (2020 [2024], Soul City Sounds): [sp]: B+(***)
- Andrea Grossi Blend 3 + Jim Black: Axes (2023 [2024], We Insist!): [sp]: B+(***)
- Jared Hall: Influences (2022 [2024], Origin): [cd]: B+(***) [06-21]
- Jihee Heo: Flow (2023 [2024], OA2): [cd]: B+(**) [06-21]
- Arushi Jain: Delight (2024, Leaving): [sp]: B-
- Kneecap: Fine Art (2024, Heavenly): [sp]: A-
- Jim Kweskin: Never Too Late: Duets With Friends (2024, Storysound): [sp]: B+(***)
- Jon Langford: Gubbins (2023, self-released): [sp]: B+(***)
- Jon Langford & the Bright Shiners: Where It Really Starts (2024, Tiny Global Productions): [bc]: B+(**)
- Joe McPhee With Ken Vandermark: Musings of a Bahamian Son: Poems and Other Words (2021 [2024], Corbett vs. Dempsey): [bc]: B+(*)
- Star Splitter [Gabriele Mitelli/Rob Mazurek]: Medea (2022 [2024], We Insist!): [sp]: B
Recent reissues, compilations, and vault discoveries:
- Tony Oxley: Angular Apron (1992 [2024], Corbett vs. Dempsey): [bc]: B+(***)
- Tomasz Stanko Quartet: September Night (2004 [2024], ECM): [sp]: B+(***)
- Mars Williams & Hamid Drake: I Know You Are but What Am I (1996 [2024], Corbett vs. Dempsey): [bc]: A-
- Mars Williams/Darin Gray/Chris Corsano: Elastic (2012, Corbett vs. Dempsey): [bc]: B+(***)
Old music:
- Peter Brötzmann/William Parker/Hamid Drake: Song Sentimentale (2015 [2016], Otoroku): [bc]: B+(***)
- Rob Brown Trio: Breath Rhyme (1989, Silkheart): [r]: B+(**)
- Rob Brown Quartet: The Big Picture (2003 [2004], Marge): [r]: B+(**)
- Dave Cappello & Jeff Albert With William Parker: New Normal (2015 [2016], Breakfast 4 Dinner): [sp]: B+(***)
- Kevin Coyne/Jon Langford/The Pine Valley Cosmonauts: One Day in Chicago (2002 [2005], Spinney): [sp]: B+(***)
- Jeremy Danneman: Lady Boom Boom (2013 [2016], Ropeadope): [sp]: B+(***)
- Jeremy Danneman: Help (2013 [2016], Ropeadope): [sp]: B+(**)
- Jeremy Danneman: Lost Signals (2013 [2016], Ropeadope): [sp]: A-
- Jeremy Danneman and Sophie Nzayisenga: Honey Wine (2015 [2017], Ropeadope): [sp]: A-
- Jeremy Danneman and the Down on Me: The Big Fruit Salad (2022, Ropeadope): [sp]: B+(*)
- Die Like a Dog Quartet Featuring Roy Campbell: From Valley to Valley (1998 [1999], Eremite): [sp]: B+(*)
- Sophia Domancich/Hamid Drake/William Parker: Washed Away: Live at the Sunside (2008 [2009], Marge): [sp]: B+(***)
- Hamid Drake & Sabir Mateen: Brothers Together (2000 [2002], Eremite): [sp]: A-
- Farmers by Nature [Gerald Cleaver/William Parker/Craig Taborn]: Love and Ghosts (2011 [2014], AUM Fidelity, 2CD): [sp]: B+(***)
- Peter Kuhn: Ghost of a Trance (1979-80 [1981], Hat Hut): [yt]: B+(**)
- Jon Langford & the Men of Gwent: The Legend of LL (2015, Country Mile): [bc]: A-
- Jon Langford & the Men of Gwent: President of Wales (2019, Country Mile): [bc]: B+(***)
- Jemeel Moondoc Quintet: Nostalgia in Times Square (1985 [1986], Soul Note): [r]: B+(***)
- Jemeel Moondoc Vtet: Revolt of the Negro Lawn Jockeys (2000, Eremite): [sp]: B+(**)
- Jemeel Moondoc & the Jus Grew Orchestra: Spirit House (20000, Eremite): [sp]: A-
- Jemeel Moondoc With Dennis Charles: We Don't (1981 [2003], Eremite): [sp]: B+(***)
- Joe Morris/William Parker/Gerald Cleaver: Altitude (2011 [2012], AUM Fidelity): [sp]: B+(**)
- William Parker & the Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra: Mass for the Healing of the World (1998 [2003], Black Saint): [sp]: A-
- William Parker Quartet: Live in Wroclove (2012 [2023], ForTune): [sp]: B+(***)
- William Parker: For Those Who Are, Still (2000-13 [2013], AUM Fidelity, 3CD): [r]: A-
- William Parker/David Budbill: What I Saw This Morning (2014 [2016], AUM Fidelity): [bc]: B+(***)
- The Cecil Taylor Unit: Live in Bologna (1987 [1988], Leo): [r]: A-
- The Cecil Taylor Unit: Live in Vienna (1987 [1988], Leo): [r]: B+(***)
- Cecil Taylor: Tzotzil Mummers Tzotzil (1987 [1988], Leo): [r]: B+(*)
- David S. Ware Trio: Passage to Music (1988, Silkheart): [r]: B+(***)
- David S. Ware Quartet: Cryptology (1994 [1995], Homestead): [yt]: A-
- David S. Ware: Organica (Solo Saxophones, Volume 2) (2010 [2011], AUM Fidelity): [r]: B+(**)
Grade (or other) changes:
Unpacking: Found in the mail last week:
- Fox Green: Holy Souls (self-released '22)
- Fox Green: Light Darkness (self-released)
- Frank London/The Elders: Spirit Stronger Than Blood (ESP-Disk) [06-07]
- Michael Pagán: Paganova (Capri) [07-19]
- Jerome Sabbagh: Heart (Analog Tone Factory) [08-30]
- Natsuki Tamura/Satoko Fujii: Aloft (Libra) [07-12]
- Thollem: Worlds in a Life, Two (ESP-Disk) [04-05]
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Speaking of Which
Blog link.
I woke up Thursday morning with my usual swirl of thoughts, but
the one I most felt like jotting down is that I prefer to take an
optimistic view of the 2024 elections, contrary to the prospect of
doom and gloom many rational people fear. I find it impossible to
believe that most Americans, when they are finally faced with the
cold moment of decision, will endorse the increasingly transparent
psychopathology of Donald Trump. Sure, the American people have
been seduced by right-wing fantasy before, but Reagan and the
Bushes tried to disguise their aims by spinning sunny yarns of
a kinder, gentler conservatism.
Even Nixon, who still outranks Trump as a vindictive, cynical
bastard, claimed to be preserving some plausible, old-fashioned
normality. All Trump promises is "taking back" the nation and
"making America great again": empty rhetoric lent gravity (if
not plausability) by his unbridled malice toward most Americans.
Sure, he got away with it in 2016, partly because many people
gave him the benefit of doubt but also because the Clinton spell
wore off, leaving "crooked Hillary" exposed as a shill for the
money-grubbing metro elites. But given Trump's media exposure,
both as president and after, the 2024 election should mostly be
a referendum on Trump. I still can't see most Americans voting
for him.
That doesn't mean Trump cannot win, but in order to do so, two
things have to happen: he has to make the election be all about
Biden, and Biden has to come up seriously short. One can ponder
a lot of possible issues that Biden might be faulted for, and
come up with lots of reasons why they might but probably won't
matter. (For example, the US may experience a record bad hurricane
season, but will voters blame Biden for that and see Trump
as better?) But we needn't speculate, because Biden already has
his albatross issue: genocide in Gaza. I'm not going to relitigate
his failures here, but in terms of my "optimistic view," I will
simply state that if Biden loses -- and such an outcome should be
viewed not as a Trump win but as a Biden loss -- it will be well
deserved, as no president so involved in senseless war, let alone
genocide, deserves another term.
So it looks like the net effect of my optimism is to turn what
may look like a lose-lose presidential proposition into a win-win.
We are currently faced with two perilous prospects: on the one
hand, Biden's penchant for sinking into foreign wars, which he
tries to compensate for by being occasionally helpful or often
just less miserable on various domestic policies; on the other,
Republicans so universally horrible we scarcely need to list out
the comparisons. Given that choice, one might fervently hope for
Biden to win, not because we owe him any blanket support, but
because post-election opposition to Biden can be more focused
on a few key issues, whereas with Trump we're back to square
one on almost everything.
But if Biden loses, his loss will further discredit the centrist
style that has dominated the Democratic Party at least since Carter.
There are many problems with that style, most deriving from the need
to serve donors in order to attract them, which lends them an air of
corruption, destroying their credibility. Sure, Republicans are
corrupt too, even more so, but their corruption is consistent with
their values -- dog-eat-dog individualism, accepting gross inequality,
using government to discipline rather than ameliorate the losers --
so it comes off as honest, maybe even courageous. But Democrats are
supposed to believe in public service, government for the people,
and that's hard to square with their individual pursuit of power
in the service of wealth.
So, sure, a Trump win would be a disaster, but it would free the
Democrats from having to defend their compromised, half-assed status
quo, and it would give them a chance to pose a genuine alternative,
and a really credible one at that. I'd like to think that Democrats
could get their act together, and build that credible alternative
on top of Biden's half-hearted accomplishments. It would be nice
to not have to start with the sort of wreckage Trump left in 2021,
or Bush left in 2009, or that other Bush left in 1993 (and one can
only shudder at the thought of what Trump might leave us in 2029).
But people rarely make major changes based on reasoned analysis.
It usually takes a great shock to force that kind of change --
like what the Great Depression did to a nation previously in love
with Herbert Hoover, or like utter defeat did to Germany and Japan
in WWII.
If there was any chance that a Trump win in 2024 would result
in a stable and prosperous America, even if only for the 51% or
so it would take for Republicans to continue winning elections,
we might have something to be truly fearful of. But nothing they
want to do works. The only thing they know how to do is to worsen
problems, which are largely driven by forces beyond their control --
business, culture, climate, war, migration -- and all their lying,
cheating, and outright repression only rub salt into the wounds.
When people see how bad Republican rule really is, their support
will wither rapidly.
The question is what Democrats have to do to pick up the support
of disaffected Trumpers. One theory is to embrace the bigotry they
showed in embracing Trump. A better one would be promise the grit,
integrity, independence, and vision that Trump promised by couldn't
deliver on, partly because he's a crook and con man who never cared,
but largely because he surrounded himself by Republicans who had
their own corrupt and/or deranged agendas.
I had more thoughts I wanted to write up, mostly involving what
I like to think of as dialectics, but which can be defined as how
seemingly stable states can suddenly be transformed into quite
different states. One example was how Germans went from being
Nazis to fawning Israelphiles, while Israelis became the new Nazis.
Alas, no time for that here, but the theme is bound to recur.
I didn't get around to gathering the usual links and adding my
various comments this week. Better luck next time.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Daily Log
Transcribing a bit of mail from RogueArt on William Parker. They
list four books of interviews. The albums in the email (all on
RogueArt, my grades in brackets):
- Steve Swell's Fire Into Music: For Jemeel Fire From the Road (2004-2005) (2023) [A-]
- William Parker/Matthew Shipp: Re-union (2021) [-]
- Matthew Shipp String Trio: Symbolic Reality (2019) [-]
- Steve Swell Soul Travelers: Astonishments (2020) [A]
- Matthew Shipp: Magnetism(s) (2017) [-]
- Eloping With the Sun: Counteract This Turmoil Like Trees and Birds (2016) [-]
- Matthew Shipp Quartet/Declared Enemy: Our Lady of the Flowers (2015) [-]
- Steve Swell Quintet: Soul Travelers (2016) [A-]
- The Turbine!: Entropy/Enthalpy (2015) [-]
- Alexandre Pierrepont/Mike Ladd: Maison Hantée (2008) []
- Hamid Drake & Bindu: Blissful (2008) []
- William Parker Double Quartet: Alphaville Suite (2007) [-]
- Steve Swell's Fire Into Music: Swimming in a Galaxy of Goodwill and Sorrow (2007) [-]
- Peter Kowald/Laurence Petit-Jouvet: Off the Road (2007)
- Declared Enemy: Salute to 100001 Stars: A Tribute to Jean Genet (2006)
The email continues:
TUESDAY JUNE 18th, 6 pm
Mantra, Roots & Rituals, Trail of Tears (excerpt),
Raining on the Moon, The Ancients,
William Parker & Huey's Pocket Watch
So, Vision Festival 2024 will start on Tuesday June 18th with the
night dedicated to William Parker and will end on Sunday June 24 with
Marshall Allen & the Sun Ra Arkestra to celebrate Marshall Allen
100th anniversary.
And also in between Devalois Fearon Dance, James Brandon Lewis,
Chad taylor, Mattthew Shipp Trio, Tarbaby (O. Evans, E. Revis,
N. Waits), Jen Shyu, Ingrid Laubrock, Darius Jones Quintet, James
Blood Ulmer Black Rock Trio, Isaiah Barr duo "Red Zone", Miriam Parker
Core-Edge Quartet, Fred Moten, Cooper-Moore, Ava Mendoza, Melanie
Dyer's Incalculable Likelihood, Amina Claudine Myers, Jason Kao Hwang,
Oliver Lake, Patricia Nicholson, Matana Roberts Coin Coin, Thollem
McDonas, Isaiah Collier, Rob Brown/Steve Swell quartet . . .
Nate Chinen has done an interview with Parker:
William Parker, Sound Sage. Full audio seems to require a
subscription, but page has a 1:07 excerpt, plus a transcript from
Sept. 23, 2022.
Arts for Art founded
Vision Festival in 1996 in New York City. This year is their 26th.
Parker is described here as "legendary bassist, composer, improvisor,
multi-instrumentalist, author and community leader." Further down,
also mentions: poet, educator.
Gargi Shindé
notes: "To the community he calls home in the Lower East Side of New
York City, the professional accomplishments of William Parker are not
separate from his humanitarian vision to heal a world severed by
capitalistic greed and hyper commodification of culture. Global
consequences of American imperialism, labor exploitation,
disenfranchisement in literacy and education, and aggressive urban
gentrification -- William's creative repertoire is an unceasing
response to the perpetually shifting targets of socio-political
Past winners of Vision Festival's Lifetime Achievement Award:
- past: Amina Claudine Myers, Andrew Cyrille, Dave Burrell, Peter Brötzmann, Milford Graves
- 2022: Wadada Leo Smith, Oliver Lake
- 2024: William Parker
Opening night (6/18/2024) schedule:
- 6:00: Mantra: Lisa Sokolov
- 6:30: Roots & Rituals: Parker, Joe Morris, Joshua Abrams, Mixashawn Rozie, Jackson Krall, Juma Sultan, Michael Wimberly, Hamid Drake, Isaiah Parker
- 7:15: Trail of Tears (excerpt): Andrea Wolper, AnneMarie Sandy, Mara Rosenbloom, James Brandon Lewis, Rozie, Parker, Drake
- 8:30: Raining on the Moon: Parker, Rob Brown, Steve Swell, Eri Yamamoto, Drake, Leena Conquest
- 9:15: The Ancients: Parker, Isaiah Collier, William Hooker, Dave Burrell, Miriam Parker (dance)
- 10:00: William Parker & Huey's Pocket Watch: Brown, Aakash Mittal, Isaiah Barr, Alfredo Colon, Dave Sewelson, Swell, Colin Babcock, Taylor Ho Bynum, Diego Hernandez, Colson Jimenez, Hans Young Binter, Juan Pablo Carletti, Ellen Christi, Kyoko Kitamura, Patricia Nicholson
Programs continue for six days, until Sunday 6/23, when "Marshall Allen
& the Arkestra: Celebrates Marshall's 100th Birthday."
Monday, June 17, 2024
Music Week
Expanded blog post,
June archive
(in progress).
Tweet: Music Week: 43 albums, 9 A-list
Music: Current count 42503 [42460] rated (+43), 22 [31] unrated (-9).
Going through a very busy stretch, but not sure what I really
have to talk about here. I do have a fairly hefty bunch of records
to report on, partly aided by recent consumer guides by
Robert Christgau,
Christian Iszchak,
Brad Luen, and
Michael Tatum. Still, I'm not sure I've caught up with any of
them. I barely got through the I Am Three records
Chris Monsen recommended -- their first album I previously had
at B+(***) but it, too, sounds terrific, as is often the case with
freewheeling Mingus.
The Jasmine In Session comps were recommended by Clifford
Ocheltree. I resisted the Eddie Taylor until this morning, when I
woke up with songs from it in my head. The recommendation list goes
deeper, but so far that's all I've sprung for.
I have a request to write something about William Parker, on the
occasion of his
Vision Fest Lifetime Achievement Award. Back in 2003 I wrote a
fairly extensive
consumer guide to the work of Parker and/or Matthew Shipp (who
was more
my initial interest),
and I've tried to
keep up since
then, including his two new albums below. So I figured: write 3-4
paragraphs of glowing intro, then tack on a dozen (or two) capsule
reviews. Whether it's as easily done as said remains to be seen.
All I've done so far has been to collect the reviews from the work
current count is
249, but at the moment I'm listening to a 2009 record I had missed,
and I'll probably come up with a few more. (RogueArt sent out email
highlighting their 15 Parker albums, of which I've only heard 3 --
thanks mostly to Steve Swell).
What research I've done so far has mostly been humbling. Parker
has four volumes of
Conversations that I can't begin to get to. I just
ordered a copy of Cisco Bradley's
Universal Tonality: The Life and Music of William Parker,
but won't have time to get very deep into. I do have a copy of
Rick Lopez's marvelous
The William Parker Sessionography (to 2014; also
online, but
only up to 2020). But I could easily fritter away all of my scant
remaining time just checking items off -- although the annotation
is so distracting I might never finish.
Meanwhile, I've burned up a fair amount of time with my
metacritic file,
to which I've started to add mid-year best-of ("so far") lists.
It's still pretty spotty at present, and skewed toward the
Christgau-friendly Expert Witness critics -- which has paid
off in elevating Waxahatchee over Smile, with Billie Eilish
and Beyoncé gaining ground, followed by Vampire Weekend,
Adrianne Lenker, Hurray for the Riff Raff, and Maggie Rogers.
I only have three A-list albums in the top ten, but Christgau
has five in the top six (even though I haven't factored his
grades in yet).
The mid-year lists I have are noted in the
legend. While the first
ones started showing up around June 1, in past years they've peaked
in late June, with a few stragglers in July. I haven't noticed any
jazz lists yet, so I'm thinking about running my own. I have the
mailing list and software from the Francis Davis Jazz Critics Poll,
and evidently have time to kill.
The biggest time-kill remains
of Which, which again topped 10,000 words on Sunday, with minor
additions today.
New records reviewed this week:
- Actress: Statik (2024, Smalltown Supersound): [sp]: B+(*)
- Africatown, AL: Ancestor Sounds (2024, Free Dirt): [sp]: B+(**)
- Bruna Black/John Finbury: Vă Revelaçăo (2024, Green Flash): [cd]: B+(**)
- Anthony Branker & Imagine: Songs My Mom Liked (2024, Origin): [cd]: B+(***) [06-21]
- Etienne Charles: Creole Orchestra (2018 [2024], Culture Shock): [cd]: B+(*)
- Charli XCX: Brat (2024, Atlantic): [sp]: B+(***)
- Devouring the Guilt: Not to Want to Say (2021 [2024], Kettle Hole): [cd]: B+(***)
- DJ Anderson do Paraiso: Queridăo (2023 [2024], Nyege Nyege Tapes): [sp]: B
- Ducks Ltd.: Harm's Way (2024, Carpark): [sp]: B+(**)
- Phillip Golub: Abiding Memory (2024, Endectomorph Music): [cd]: B+(**) [06-21]
- Grandaddy: Blu Wav (2024, Dangerbird): [sp]: B
- Alex Harding/Lucian Ban: Blutopia (2024, Sunnyside): [sp]: B+(**)
- Hermanos Gutiérrez: Sonido Cósmico (2024, Easy Eye Sound): [sp]: A-
- Mike Holober & the Gotham Jazz Orchestra: This Rock We're On: Imaginary Letters (2023, Palmetto, 2CD): [cd]: B
- Homeboy Sandman: Rich II (2024, self-released): [sp]: B+(**)
- I Am Three: In Other Words (2024, Leo): [sp]: A-
- Kaytranada: Timeless (2024, RCA): [sp]: B+(***)
- The Libertines: All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade (2024, Casablanca/Republic): [sp]: B
- Raul Midón: Lost & Found (2024, ReKondite ReKords): [sp]: C+
- Andy Milne and Unison: Time Will Tell (2024, Sunnyside): [sp]: B+(**)
- Ol' Burger Beats: 74: Out of Time (2024, Coalmine): [sp]: B+(**)
- Alicia and Michael Olatuja: Olatuja (2022-24 [2024], Whirlwind): [sp]: B+(*)
- One for All: Big George (2022 [2024], Smoke Sessions): [sp]: B+(*)
- William Parker/Cooper-Moore/Hamid Drake: Heart Trio (2021 [2024], AUM Fidelity): [cd]: A- [06-21]
- William Parker & Ellen Christi: Cereal Music (2024, AUM Fidelity): [cd]: B+(***) [06-21]
- Rob Parton's Ensemble 9+: Relentless (2023 [2024], Calligram): [cd]: B+(*)
- Porij: Teething (2024, Play It Again Sam): [sp]: B+(**)
- Kenny Reichert: Switch (2023 [2024], Calligram): [cd]: B+(**)
- Brandon Ross Phantom Station: Off the End (2024, Sunnyside): [sp]: B+(**)
- Shaboozey: Where I've Been, Isn't Where I'm Going (2024, Republic/Empire): [sp]: B+(*)
- Flavio Silva: Eko (2024, Break Free): [cd]: B+(**)
- Uncle Waffles: Solace (2023, Ko-Sign/Encore): [sp]: B+(**)
- Kiki Valera: Vacilón Santiaguero (2024, Circle 9 Music): [cd]: B+(***)
- Matt Wilson: Matt Wilson's Good Trouble (2023 [2024], Palmetto): [cdr]: A-
Recent reissues, compilations, and vault discoveries:
- Broadcast: Spell Blanket: Collected Demos 2006-2009 (2006-09 [2024], Warp): [sp]: B
- Love Child: Never Meant to Be 1988-1993 (1988-93 [2024], 12XU): [sp]: B+(***)
Old music:
- Big Walter Horton: In Session: From Memphis to Chicago 1951-1955 (1951-59 [2019], Jasmine): [cd]: A-
- Ducks Ltd.: Get Bleak (2019 [2021], Carpark, EP): [sp]: B+(**)
- Floyd Jones/Eddie Taylor: Masters of Modern Blues (1966 [1994], Testament): [sp]: B+(***)
- Maggie Nicols/Silke Eberhard/Nikolaus Neuser/Christian Marten: I Am Three & Me: Mingus' Sounds of Love (2018 [2019], Leo): [sp]: A-
- Skikamoo Jazz: Chela Chela Vol. 1 (1993-95 [1995], RetroAfric): [sp]: B+(***)
- Shikamoo Jazz: East African Legends Live (1995 [2022], RetroTan): [sp]: A-
- Eddie Taylor: In Session: Diary of a Chicago Bluesman 1953-1957 (1953-57 [2016], Jasmine): [cd]: A-
- Eddie Taylor: I Feel So Bad (1972, Advent): [sp]: B+(**)
- Jody Williams: In Session: Diary of a Chicago Bluesman 1954-1962 (1954-62 [2018], Jasmine): [cd]: A-
Unpacking: Found in the mail last week:
- Kim Cass: Levs (Pi) [06-28]
- Jon De Lucia: The Brubeck Octet Project (Musćum Clausum) [07-12]
- Mathias Hřjgaard Jensen: Is as Is (Fresh Sound New Talent) [05-31]
- Brian Landrus: Plays Ellington & Strayhorn (Palmetto) [07-12]
- Miles Okazaki: Miniature America (Cygnus) [07-19]
- Matthew Shipp: The Data (RogueArt) * [06-17]
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Speaking of Which
Blog link.
I picked up a couple new projects this week, which has put me in
a dither, but I got up Sunday morning and stuck with this, making
my usual rounds (though not much time on X), and figure I've collected
and written enough. (Would be nice to add some more music mid-year
lists, but I may add them in a Monday update.)
I'm reading Steve Hahn's Illiberal America: A History,
well into the chapter on neoliberals who proved their "neo" by
going "il" -- quite a bit of Bill Clinton there, but not so much
Buchanan/Perot, who pop up in a book review toward the end here.
No doubt there's still a lot of Trump to come.
PS: Laura Tillem reposted a
poem she wrote for "a poetry slam, for international day of
peace celebration in Wichita."
Initial count: 202 links, 9,929 words.
Local tags (these can be linked to directly):
on music.
Top story threads:
Israel: This remains, as it has since the Hamas revolt on
Oct. 7, 2023, our top story, both in terms of its overall impact and
the extent and volatility of news coverage. After going through
several permutations, I've found it useful to break the stories up
into three groups. This one covers the political concerns and the
conflicts within Israel (including Gaza, and neighboring areas like
Lebanon that Israel is in direct conflict with). We should be clear
that what the IDF is doing in Gaza is genocide, and is intended as
such. We should also be clear that Israel practices systematic
discrimination and sporadic terror against Palestinians outside
of Gaza which, while not rising to the intensity of genocide,
should be universally condemned.
The most common word for these
policies and practices is "apartheid" -- a word used by South
Africa to describe their peculiar implementation of racist
segregation, drawn largely on the American example. While there
are subtle differences in Israel's implementation, the word is
good enough for practical use. One major problem with genocide
in Gaza is that it provides cover for increasing violence in
the broader practice of apartheid.
The second section concerns diplomatic relations between Israel
and the US, and political directives regarding Israel within the
US. Israel's ability to carry out genocide in Gaza is directly
related to US military, political, and diplomatic support, and
this extends to efforts to suppress free speech and to influence
elections within the US. (It is, for instance, impossible to see
AIPAC as an American interest group given that it operates in
lockstep with Israeli foreign policy.)
Student demonstrations, on the other hand, fall into a third
subject grouping, "Israel vs. world opinion." This also includes
the ICC/ICJ genocide cases, world diplomatic activity aside from
that by Israel and the US, and more general discussions of what
charges of genocide and antisemitism mean.
Zack Beauchamp: [06-10]
Israel's "war cabinet" just fell apart. What happens now? "Benny
Gantz's departure from the war cabinet won't change much immediately.
But it could end up mattering a lot."
More on this:
Peter Beaumont: [06-15]
Eight Israeli soldiers killed in southern Gaza, military says:
"IDF fatalities from the Gaza operation and immediate surroundings,
which now stand at 307, have been hugely outnumbered by Palestinian
deaths" (37,000 gives a ratio of 120-to-1). Still, these 8 are tragic
and senseless, again showing the contempt, carelessness, and cruelty
behind this war.
Catherine Cartier:
Israel's new air war in the West Bank: Nearly half of the dead are
children: "Nearly 20 years after the Second Intifada, the
Israeli military has resumed airstrikes in the West Bank -- and
killed 24 children."
Amos Harel: [06-05]
Israel caught in a strategic trap on Lebanon border -- thanks to
Netanyahu's scorched-earth policy: "Not only does the Israeli
government not have a solution to the conflict raging on the
northern border, but it's failing thus far could mean that many
Israelis decide never to return to their homes there. And Ben-Gvir,
more pyromaniac than firefighter, is always on hand to fan the
Raja Khalidi: [06-07]
The financial destruction of Palestine. Note that this "economic
strangulation" is happening in the West Bank, away from the genocide
in Gaza (but overshadowed by it).
Ezra Klein: [06-14]
Israelis are not watching the same war you are: Interview with
Amit Segal, who has a book (in Hebrew, but supposed to be coming
out in English) on
The Story of Israeli Politics. Such a book could be useful, but
I doubt his is. The interview is mostly interesting as an illustration
of how deeply embedded a supposedly astute Israeli political observer
can be within the national paranoia. The idea that "we tried everything
and nothing worked" is not just wrong but obscene. Also available,
and probably no better, is: [05-07]
Ezra Klein interviews Ari Shavit.
Middle East Monitor: [06-15]
Ehud Barak describes 'absolute victory' as empty slogan: 'We are
closer to total failure.'
Bar Peleg/Adi Hashmonai/Maya Lecker: [06-15]
'End the war, free the hostages': Tens of thousands of Israelis
protest Netanyahu coalition, call to strike Gaza deal.
Alon Pinkas: [05-13]
This Independence Day, Israel has split into two incompatible
Jewish states: "There are now two states here -- Israel and
Judea -- with contrasting visions of what the nation should be."
He describes the former as "a high-tech, secular, outward-looking,
imperfect but liberal state" and the latter as "a Jewish-supremacist,
ultranationalist theocracy with messianic, antidemocratic tendencies
that encourage isolation."
Aarushi Punia: [06-12]
The mutilation of Palestine has been a strategy of Israel since its
Richard Silverstein:
Jeffrey St Clair: [06-14]
No way out in Nuseirat: the great hostage rescue massacre.
Oren Ziv: [06-06]
Chanting 'burn Shu'afat' and 'flatten Gaza,' masses attend Jerusalem
Flag March: "Israeli ministers joined the annual celebration of
East Jerusalem's conquest, where racist slogans and attacks on
journalists have become mainstream."
Baker Zoubi: [06-06]
Facing war and incitement, is there any hope left for Palestinians in
the Knesset?
America's Israel (and Israel's America):
As'ad AbuKhalil: [06-11]
Biden's Saudi deal.
Michael Arria:
Ramzy Baroud: [06-15]
America crawls further into global isolation by backing Gaza
Jonathan Chait: [06-08]
Why on Earth is Chuck Schumer inviting Netanyahu to address
Congress? "It's hard for me to think of an explanation for
Schumer's action other than sheer spinelessness."
Isaac Chotiner: [06-11]
Is Biden's Israel policy cynical or naďve? "Evaluating eight
months of the President's attempt to moderate Netanyahu's bombing
campaign in Gaza." Interview with Matt Duss, of the Center for
International Policy, former chief foreign-policy adviser to
Bernie Sanders. Worth quoting at length when asked "what can you
imagine a different Democratic Administration doing?":
Well, I think a different Democratic Administration could have taken
this issue more seriously before October 7th. That's not to say we
needed another round of the usual peace process. But there have been
alarms sounded about Gaza for many, many years by international
N.G.O.s; certainly by Palestinians, constantly; by Israeli security
officials; by members of Congress, including my former boss. The idea
that we could just kind of kick the Palestinians into the corner and
manage the problem without any real consequences -- that was revealed as
a fantasy on October 7th.
After October 7th, I hope and think any Democratic Administration
would've done immediately what President Biden did: show full support,
full solidarity, and really spend time with what occurred on October
7th in all its horror, and stand by Israel as it defended its
At some point though, and fairly quickly, it became clear that what
was going to be carried out in Gaza was not just self-defense. It
became clear very quickly that this was a war of revenge. We have
countless statements from Israeli government officials, many of which
have been collected in South Africa's case in the International Court
of Justice, which includes accusations of genocide. And we can see
with our own eyes the kind of tactics that are being used on densely
populated civilian areas in Gaza. A different Democratic
Administration might've taken that much more seriously and acted with
much more urgency much sooner.
It's hard to imagine what a different Democrat could have done
pre-October 7th. Obama, who almost certainly knew better, managed
next to nothing helpful in eight years. There have been ways for
an American president to impress upon Israel the need to take some
constructive steps, but there has been little political urgency to
do so, especially given the influence of pro-Israel donors in our
oligarchic political system. While Sanders certainly knows better,
I doubt he would have risked whatever political capital he had to
bang his head against against a very recalcitrant Netanyahu.
The next two paragraphs fairly describe what Sanders did, but
ineffectively without the portfolio of the presidency. The rush
to rally to Israel's defense was nearly universal in Washington,
although what was really needed was to lean hard -- starting in
private -- against Israel's armed response, as it was instantly
clear that the intent would be genocidal, and that would lock
Israel into a disastrous public relations spiral while doing
virtually nothing for Israel's long-term security.
One more point to stress here: Biden's failure to anticipate
and correct for Israel's horrific response -- indeed, his failure
to comprehend the problem despite following Israel closely for
over fifty years -- is not simply attributable to the corrupt
influence of the Israel lobby. It is deeply ingrained in America's
own habitual response to security issues, which especially with the
neocons under Clinton and Bush took Israel as the model for managing
the threat of terrorism.
Zachary Cohen/Katrie Bo Lillis: [06-07]
CIA assessment concludes Netanyahu is likely to defy US pressure to
set a post-war plan for Gaza.
Juan Cole: [06-15]
How Netanyahu and fascists in his coalition shot down the Biden
peace plan.
Joshua Keating: [06-12]
The perplexing state of Gaza ceasefire negotiations, explained:
"The problem is that it's not clear either side wants a ceasefire."
Beware of explanations that start off with a patently false subhed.
Literally every single Palestinian, even ones claiming to represent
whatever's left of Hamas, want a ceasefire, and have been pleading
for one ever since the rupture on Oct. 7 was closed. It's Israel
that doesn't want a ceasefire, which is due to three factors: the
first is that they're doing well over 99% of the firing, and they
like those odds; they also think that the more Palestinians they
kill, and the more of Gaza they destroy and render uninhabitable,
the closer they'll be to their goal, which is the complete the
removal of Palestinians from Eretz Israel; and as long as the US
is willing to provide ammo and run diplomatic cover, they see no
need for restraint, let alone for disengagement. Much of Netanyahu's
power in Israel is tied to the reputation he's built as someone who
can cower American presidents, and in that regard, Biden has been
a very dependable ally.
The "negotiations" also involve hostages, but this, too, is very
asymmetrical. Hamas took 250 during the Oct. 7 attacks, not so much
to exchange them for Palestinians imprisoned by Israel (thousands
of them, a number which has increased rapidly since Oct. 7) as to
inhibit Israel's attacks. In short, their value was to press for a
truce (Hamas likes the term "hudna"), but trades for temporary
ceasefires and prisoners offer little respite and diminished
protection. And now, after eight months, with half of the hostages
exchanged, and many more killed by Israeli fire, the remaining
hostages are down to
about 80. And at this point, Netanyahu is unwilling to give
up his war just to get hostages back. If anything, the hostages
do Netanyahu more good if "Hamas" keeps them, as they give him
an excuse to keep attacking. At this point, Palestinians would
be better off just freeing the hostages, in the probably vain
hope that doing so might generate some good will. But that's
hard for "Hamas" to do, because without the hostages, do they
even exist any more?
More on Biden's proposal and the "negotiations":
Dave DeCamp:
Adam Hanieh: [06-14]
Why the fight for Palestine is the fight against US imperialism in
the region: There is a lot of useful history in this piece, but
I don't particularly subscribe to its thesis and drift. US imperialism
was real enough but has become increasingly incoherent, especially
once it lost its Cold War compass in the 1990s, so that these days
it's mostly a sleazy game of graft, with a hugely expensive logistics
network but no coherent vision, at least beyond nursing a few old
grudges (like Iran and North Korea). British colonialism is even
more of a ghost. That you can find echoes and innuendos in Israel
is no surprise, but these days it's the Israelis who are pulling
American and British strings, for their own purposes, with hardly
any regard for whatever the West may want. The article claims that
Israel and the Gulf monarchies are "two pillars [that] remain the
crux of American power in the region today." But they're really
just playing their own games, as likely to trip the US up as to
help it.
David Hearst: [06-14]
Blinken is dragging the US ever deeper into Israel's quagmire.
Adam Johnson: [06-11]
Media keeps playing along with fiction there is an "Israel ceasefire
deal" "Don't squint too hard, one may notice Israel is clear
they have no intention to 'end the war.'" By the way, Johnson also
published an interesting piece by "a Palestinian-American quantitative
researcher focusing on disinformation and censorship in mass media,"
under the pseudonym "Otto": [2023-11-15]
"Massacred" vs "Left to Die": Documenting media bias against
Palestinians Oct 7-Nov 7: "A quantitative analysis of the first
month of conflict, reveals how dehumanization is baked into the
ideoogical cake of cable news."
Fred Kaplan:
Why there's so much confusion about the Israeli peace plan:
Uh, because as articulated it's not actually an Israeli plan.
Because there is no Israeli plan -- not for peace, anyway. And
since permanent conflict with periodic acts of war doesn't much
need forethought, there's no plan for that either.
Hamas's counteroffer is neither realistic nor serious. But
only if you start from the assumption that Israel's demands --
which, though never clearly articulated, are roughly: Hamas frees
all the hostages, gives up its struggle for Palestinian rights,
and surrenders its leader for summary execution -- are the very
definition of serious and realistic. In any normal world, the
argument that Israel should withdraw its military from Gaza and
refrain from further attacks would be completely reasonable.
MEE Staff: [06-13]
Hamas demands Israel end Gaza blockade as part of ceasefire deal.
Mitchell Plitnick: [06-15]
Blinken's lies about Hamas rejecting a ceasefire reveal the Biden
administration's true intentions: "The Biden administration is
playing a shell game with the Gaza ceasefire that aims to trick the
Democratic base into thinking meaningful action is taking place to
end fighting while still allowing Israel to continue its genocidal
Ishaan Tharoor: [06-12]
Israel shrugs at Palestinian civilian casualties. So does Hamas.
"In new report, Hamas's leader in Gaza is said to describe Palestinian
civilian deaths as 'necessary sacrifices.'" I'm inclined to dismiss
anything attributed to Hamas, as I regard them as a spent force, one
at present only being propped up by Israel in their need to identify
an enemy not quite as inclusive as every Palestinian. But the idea
that martyrdom is preferable to subjection and slavery runs deep in
the human psyche, so we shouldn't be surprised to find it articulated
by Hamas speakers (especially ones removed from the fray). We should
reject such sentiments, of course, but also be clear that the blame
for them, and for the sacrifices they demand, belongs squarely on
those whose power has made only those choices seem possible.
Spencer Ackerman: [06-03]
'Phase 2': The shape of Israeli rejectionism to come: "Biden
has declared that Israel's reasonable war aims have been achieved.
Netanyahu is in no position to agree."
Jim Lobe: [06-12]
That stinks: Global opinion of US goes down the toilet.
Blaise Malley: [06-14]
GOP trying to drive wedge between Dems with Israel votes.
Stephen Semler: [06-12]
Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier: "They say
food is 'flowing' to the people, but data shows the opposite."
Tareq S Hajjaj: [06-14]
The story of the US 'floating dock' built from the rubble of Gaza's
homes: "The U.S. said it was constructing a floating pier off
Gaza's coast to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.
However, the real reason it exists is to protect American interests
in the region."
Ahmed Omar: [06-11]
Gaza resistance sources say fear is rising US pier will be used for
forced displacement of Palestinians: "Critics warn the
U.S.-constructed pier off Gaza's coast is being used for military
purposes. Now a source in the Gaza resistance says there are
indications it will be used to facilitate the forced displacement
of Palestinians." They have good reason to be fearful. Most of
the Palestinian refugees in Beirut were stampeded onto British
ships in Jaffa, as they fled the indiscriminate shelling by the
Irgun in 1948, the Israelis having their preference for killing
all Palestinians at Deir Yassin. With Egypt resisting their
efforts to drive Gazans out through the Sinai, the pier and
the ever-obliging Americans will increasingly look like some
kind of final solution.
Emily Tamkin:
Prem Thakker:
House votes to block US funding to rebuild Gaza.
Israel vs. world opinion:
Jo-Ann Mort: [06-14]
When protests cross into antisemitism, it hurts the Palestinian
cause: Why? If something is so wrong as to merit protesting,
that should be the end of it. No one should change their opinion
on an issue because you like or dislike the protesters. At most,
bad protesters create a second issue deserving reproach, but that
should have no bearing on the original issue.
Anna Rajagopal: [06-13]
No need for 'Jewish values' in the fight for Palestine:
No need, in the sense that one doesn't need to be Jewish to oppose
Israeli genocide in Gaza, or that even if one is Jewish, it is
still possible to prefer more universal secular grounds for one's
opposition. Still, I don't see any harm; if anything, it seems
like a useful corrective against supporters of genocide claiming
their faith directs them. But the author goes on to argue that
"doing so reinforces the very ideology we seek to dismantle,"
and that strikes me as dangerous nonsense. I also question the
political wisdom of pushing "Palestinian liberation" ahead of a
simple (and universal) end to genocide, violence, and injustice.
We might be better off admitting that Ben Gurion's dictum that
"it only matters what the Jews do" has never been more true than
in Gaza today. No amount of Palestinian flag waving is going
to change that. But convincing Jews that their faith does not
command them to murder might actually help.
Students for Justice in Palestine at UC Santa Cruz:
"We are going to hurt you": UC Santa Cruz chancellor unleashes
police mayhem against student protesters.
Prem Thakker:
Columbia Law Review is back online after students threatened work
stoppage over Palestine censorship.
University of Edinburgh Students and Staff Divestment
Movement: [06-16]
Divestment at the University of Edinburgh: Breaking from Balfour's
colonial legacy.
Philip Weiss: [06-16]
NYT's fatuous effort to preserve Black-Jewish coalition sweeps
genocide under the rug.
Election notes:
Aaron Blake: [06-12]
Democrats' surprisingly close Ohio special election loss, in
context: "Democrat Michael Kripchak lost by less than 10 points
in a district Donald Trump carried by 29 in 2020. It's merely the
latest Democratic over-performance, but what does it mean?"
Looking at the difference in spending -- $571,000 to $7,000 --
is that Democrats are way too quick to write off districts as
hopeless losers, rather than trying to figure out what it takes
to win them.
Nate Cohn: [06-15]
If everyone voted, would Biden benefit? Not anymore. "Inside
the unusual dynamic shaping the 2024 campaign." This follows up,
and doubles down, on Cohn's [05-24]
The shaky foundation of Trump's lead: disengaged voters.
The assumption is that they won't think any harder in November
than they did when they answered the silly pollster's question.
Bob Dreyfuss: [06-16]
The Middle East and election 2024: Trump or Biden on Israel?
This is not a question I agonize over, but if you've ever been
moved to rail against "Genocide Joe," maybe you should give
Dreyfus a chance.
Margaret Hartmann: [06-15]
All the details on Trump & Biden's weirdly early 2024 debate.
Ed Kilgore:
Rick Perlstein: [06-12]
Remembrance of ratf**ks past: "As Cornel West is receiving ballot
access help from Republicans, 20 years ago Al Sharpton's campaign for
president was largely orchestrated by Roger Stone."
Isaac Arnsdorf: [06-15]
Trump portrays rampant crime in speech at Black church in Detroit:
"The audience, which was not predominantly Black, cheered at the
Michelle Boorstein/Hannah Knowles: [06-13]
Here's what the Christian right wants from a second Trump term.
Mostly what you'd expect from sex-obsessed repressives, although
politicizing the FDA to ban abortion drugs, and using the Comstock
Act to prosecute their distribution, jump out.
Nandika Chatterjee: [06-14]
"Could not keep a straight thought": CEOs worry about Trump's mental
decline after "meandering" talk. Steve M. wrote a comment
about this story: [06-15]
Did these CEOs only notice Trump's ignorance and incoherence now?
Chauncey DeVega: [05-22]
How Trump's hidden Nazi messages help conceal his open antisemitism.
Griffin Eckstein: [06-13]
House Republican wants to re-name the US coastline after Trump:
Florida Rep. Greg Steube.
Lisa Friedman: [06-14]
Trump promised to revive goal. Now, he rarely mentions it.
Susan B Glasser: [06-13]
Happy seventy-eighth birthday, Mr. Ex-President: "If ever there
were a case for age-related diminishment of a candidate, Donald Trump
is it."
Paul Kiel/Russ Buettner: [06-10]
"He ripped off the tax system": IRS audit could cost Trump more than
$100 million.
Anna Massoglia: [06-16]
Trump uses convictions to fundraise after millions of donations go
to legal costs.
Dana Milbank: [06-14]
You have no idea how hard it is to be Donald Trump: "Decapitation,
electrocution and expectoration are just a few of the emerging hazards."
Gregory Nolan: [06-14]
The legal case for sentencing Trump to prison.
Heather Digby Parton:
Christian Paz: [06-14]
How Trump gets away with being so old: Three theories, the most
telling one is that with all the indictments, trials, and other
scandals, Trump gives them other things to write about.
Hafiz Rashid:
Lindsey Graham's totally spineless birthday message to Trump.
Sam Sutton: [04-10]
Never mind: Wall Street titans shake off qualms and embrace Trump.
Steve M. comments: [06-10]
I hope you're sitting down for the shocking news that rich people want
Trump to win:
Trump and his supporters have argued that his indictments and recent
conviction should make him more appealing to Black people. Maybe
that's true -- not of Black people, but of plutocrats. After all,
plutocrats regularly engage in skeezy behavior and use a lot of
non-disclosure agreements. They generally think they should be above
the law, and in this country they usually are. While Balzac didn't
exactly say, "Behind every great fortune there is a crime," there's
quite a bit of truth in that aphorism.
Charlie Savage/Jonathan Swan/Maggie Haberman: [06-16]
If Trump wins: I mentioned this piece in last week's update,
but didn't comment. I thought maybe I'd do a bullet list version
this week, but again find no time for that. This is a fair account
of what Trump says he would like to do. It underrates many of the
(in many cases worse) things that his Republican minions would do
on their own if they had the power and opportunity. In all cases,
much depends on how much power and opportunity they get, which is
to say on how big they can win. Trump was somewhat restrained in
2017 because he didn't enter with much of a mandate (and lost the
House in 2019), because he was out of synch with his Congressional
leadership, because he relied on the Republican establishment for
most of his personnel decisions, because much of government still
functioned as usual, and because he understood very little of how
government works and what he could and could not do about it.
Assuming Republicans control Congress after 2024, which is at
least as realistic as Trump winning, most of his past limits
will be much diminished -- though some will continue to slow
him down, as will inertia, plus business lobbies will continue
to pursue their own agendas. There is also the problem that
much of what he wants to do is profoundly unpopular, so he can
expect grass roots opposition and mobilization, plus a somewhat
less than fawning media. And as much of what he wants to do is
not just unpopular but counterproductive and/or dysfunctional,
he will soon find his administration mired in crises. And as
it's unlikely he'll be able to prevent future elections, in due
course he'll be out on his ass, probably even more rudely than
in 2020. Imaging how this might all work out might make for an
amusing parlor game, but living through it is going to be tough.
Better to go with "an ounce of prevention" and let the Democrats
try to fend their way through the crises and rubble. At least
they will pretend to care, and try to do something to help
By the way, the section on "Retreat from military engagement
with Europe" is the least likely to happen, and not just because
it's the only one that might actually be for the better. The
military-industrial complex is the driving force here, and it
has enormous depth and inertia in Washington, while Trump has
very little desire to actually change the "deep state" he likes
to deride. As with "the swamp," Trump's real goal is not to
"drain" or change anything, but to capture its loyalty for his
personal vanities. There's no reason to doubt that they can
develop into some kind of mutual admiration society. (For a
cautious explanation of how that would work, see Rosa Brooks
On the military in a fascist America.)
And other Republicans:
Biden and/or the Democrats:
Yasmeen Abutaleb: [06-16]
Biden, Obama warn of Trump dangers in star-studded L.A. fundraiser.
David Atkins: [06-07]
Democrats should run against the Supreme Court: "And they should
take on more than the overturning of Roe v. Wade. They ought to
campaign against the whole Trump-enabled, rights-stealing, gift-taking
conservative supermajority." Of course they should, and to some extent
they clearly are, although their message hasn't been fully articulated
yet. But it shouldn't be: if we win, we're going to pack the Court.
It should be to win big in Congress and the Presidency, then pass
popular laws, daring the Court to strike them down. Either the Court
will back down, or discredit itself. Either way, win more elections,
and appoint better judges. Eventually, like FDR, you will win.
Zachary D Carter: [06-10]
Inflation is not destroying Joe Biden.
David Dayen:
Chauncey DeVega:
"The American Dream is dying": Democrats' main selling point "is not
a winning message": Interview with M Steven Fish, who has a new
Comeback: Routing Trumpism, Reclaiming the Nation, and Restoring
Democracy's Edge. He mostly thinks that Democrats need to
become better story tellers, especially about themselves being
"fearless leaders, tough fighters, and fierce patriots." This
continues an interview that started here:
"Trump is all dominance, all the time": New research reveals "his
most formidable political asset": "M Steven Fish explains the
way Trump's 'character defects manifest what looks like bravery.'"
Or, more often I find, assholery.
When Trump gets dark, Biden goes light: "What their campaign
emails say about Joe Biden and Donald Trump."
Pramila Jayapal: [06-03]
The Congressional Progressive Caucus agenda for 2025.
Eric Levitz: [06-13]
Biden is on track to beat inflation and lose the presidency: "The
data on prices is getting better, but the public's disapproval of the
president remains unchanged."
David Masciotra: [06-14]
Hillary Clinton, truth teller: "Republicans, the media, and plenty
of Democrats were shocked -- shocked! -- to hear her say anti-Israel
protestors don't know Middle Eastern history and to suggest prejudice
might animate a large swatch of Trump voters." As soon as I saw this
title, my mind offered a quick edit to the title: "truth teller for
sale." Of course, that's not totally accurate: she is so attuned to
the whims and wishes of her donors that she doesn't have to wait for
the checks to clear. But is what she says about those who protest
against Israeli policies true? I don't doubt that she's a very smart
person who has been thoroughly schooled in the fine arts of hasbara,
but I'm pretty sure I know a lot more Middle Eastern history than
she does, and for good measure I'd drop American history into the
mix. (Actually, her quote seems to be "that most 'young people'
don't know the history of 'many area of the world, including our
own country.'")
Or at least, I understand what I know a lot better than she
does. Not for a minute did I ever think invading Iraq would be a
good idea. As for other protestors, some may be less knowledgeable,
but some know even more than I do: for instance, the author picks on
Juan Cole ("an academic popular with the hard left who consistently
defends the brutality of Iran and flirts with antisemitism" -- link
on Iran, which actually goes to a 2006 article by neocon-convert
Christopher Hitchens, but not on antisemitism), who has written
many useful books on the region and who runs a
website that has consistently earned its "Informed Comment"
moniker for more than 20 years.
While understanding history can help you sort out arguments,
which side you take depends more on how you respond to one very
simple question: does the sympathy/respect you feel for Jews in
Israel allow for or deny sympathy/respect for Palestinians? Or
you can reverse the question either way (swap the people, or
swap the sentiment to "disdain/disinterest"). Any way you slice
it, people who respect all others as people will recoil from the
treatment of Israelis against Palestinians, and therefore be
critical of the current Israeli regime. History may help you to
understand why this particular state happened, and maybe even
how it might be changed. It will certainly suggest much about
what happens if the current hatreds are allowed to continue and
fester. But whether you care depends more on what kind of person
you are. And Hillary Clinton's insensitivity and arrogance tells
you much about what kind of person she is, which is someone whose
only guiding principle is the pursuit of power. The willingness
to say unpleasant things in that cause doesn't make you an oracle.
It may just mean you're an asshole.
By the way, Masciotra doesn't stop with Clinton's shilling for
the Israel lobby. He still wants to defend her 2016 campaign "basket
of deplorables" gaffe, which even she apologized for at the time.
He seems to think that if she hadn't spilled the beans, nobody
would have realized that lots of racists supported Trump because
they recognized in him a fellow racist. (Clinton didn't put it
that precisely. She said "deplorable" instead of racist, a code
that her fellow liberals recognized while it just seemed snobby
to the racists. And by saying "many" she got taken for "most,"
leaving the rest free to take umbrage over the generalization.)
He also bothers to quote and defend Clinton's "truth" about
Bernie Sanders: "Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with
him. He got nothing done." You'd think that a truther would be
more concerned with what Sanders was proven right about than
with how much lobby-backed legislation he lent his name to, but
evidently not. What did Clinton ever accomplish that wasn't in
the service to well-heeled lobbyists? I mean, aside from losing
an election to Donald Trump?
Nicole Narea: [06-11]
Biden's overlooked campaign to protect Americans from Big Business:
"Many Americans are focused on inflation, but from Big Tech to junk
fees, Biden is advancing a pro-consumer agenda." I think this sort
of thing is very important, and a very stark contrast to the Trump
embrace of kleptocracy, fraud, and business criminality (which, as
should be clear by now, he not only enables and excuses, but has
vast experience engaging in).
Christian Paz: [06-12]
Are LGBTQ voters about to abandon Biden? One of those things I
refuse to worry about. If Democrats could ever figure out how to get
most of the votes from all the people who would be better served by
Democrats rather than Republicans winning, they wouldn't have to
subdivide their message into constituent identity groups, many of
which don't want to hear about each other, let alone what they
perceive as pandering to others. On the other hand, if you do
identify as a member of a group Republicans are orchestrating
hate against, are you really going to hurt yourself just so you
can spite Biden? At some point between now and November, you're
going to have to wake up and smell the sewer, and decide whether
drown in it or escape. Then do the grown up thing and vote.
Stephen Prager:
Michael Tomasky: [06-14]
There's a new "silent majority" out there -- and it is not
conservative: "Ever since Richard Nixon used the phrase, it's
been a Republican thing. But the Republicans are the extremists
now, and the Silent Majority isn't what it was in 1969." I think
there's a lot to be said for this point, but it's hard to figure
out how to use it.
Dylan Wells: [06-15]
Meet the 24-year-old trying to solve Biden's problems with young
voters: "Eve Levenson, the Biden campaign's national youth
engagement director, may have one of the hardest jobs in American
politics." Maybe because it's defined by a meaningless artifact
of polling?
Hunter Biden: The jury convicted him on all three counts,
with a possible maximum sentence of 25 years in jail. I'm surprised
that I find this as disturbing as I do. I never liked the father,
and find the son to be nothing but nepotistic scum. But he was
charged with a crime that shouldn't be illegal, and convicted on
evidence that shouldn't be admissable, only because Republicans in
Congress (and the Special Prosecutor's office, and evidently the
courts) through a hissy fit when he agreed to plead the charge
down to near-nothing (more of a compromise than he should have
had to do). That the jury went along with this sham is just more
evidence of how rigged the system is against defendants. Moreover,
because the defendant isn't Trump, Democrats are biting their
tongues and expressing their pride in a very corrupt justice
system, while Biden won't consider a pardon because he believes
that would look bad (like he's playing politics with justice) --
totally the opposite of what Trump has done all along.
Legal matters and other crimes:
Shirin Ali/Braden Goyette: [06-14]
Sonia Sotomayor points out how quickly the conservative justices will
drop their stated principles when it suits them.
Justin Elliott/Joshua Kaplan/Alex Mierjeski: [06-14]
Senate probe reveals more Clarence Thomas trips paid by GOP donor
Harlan Crow.
Matt Ford:
The Supreme Court just made future mass shootings even deadlier.
Actually, they were pretty clear that Congress has the power to ban
bump stocks through appropriate legislation, which they would honor.
A fairly large Democratic win in 2024 could fix this problem quickly,
and possibly much more.
Judith Levine: [06-07]
US state abortion ban exemptions aren't vague by accident. Uncertainty
is the point: "Anti-choice statutes are designed to keep health
providers fearful of running afoul of the law. Women suffer for it."
Dahlia Lithwick/Mark Joseph Stern:
Ian Millhiser:
Justices Sotomayor and Kagan must retire now: "I am begging
the justices to learn from Ruth Bader Ginsburg's historic mistake."
I hate this kind of thinking. Sure, it's cool that they browbeat
Breyer into retiring early (like when he was 83) so Biden could
appoint a much better replacement, but the assumption here is
that Trump will win in 2024 and/or Republicans will take over
the Senate and refuse to confirm any Democratic nominees, and
that Sotomayor (69) and/or Kagan (64) will die before Republicans
fall back out of favor, and also that protecting their loser 3-6
minority is very important. Maybe he's right, but even if he is,
this is the least of our problems. FDR inherited a really lousy
Supreme Court, but he fixed that by winning elections and holding
on longer than his enemies. Democrats need to learn how to do
that again.
The Supreme Court's abortion pill case is only a narrow and temporary
victory for abortion: "The decision is unanimous, but it leaves
open two routes Republicans could take to pull mifepristone from the
The Supreme Court just effectively legalized machine guns.
Andrew Perez: [06-03]
The most ridiculous, right-wing Supreme Court that dark money could
Reva Siegel/Mary Ziegler: [06-14]
The Supreme Court just laid out a road map for Trump to ban abortion
Climate and environment:
Economic matters:
Ukraine War and Russia:
Kyle Anzalone: [06-14]
Putin makes public peace offer to Ukraine: He wants Ukraine
to cede the four oblasts Russia has largely occupied since early
in the war -- three of which Ukraine partially controls, so would
have to withdraw from. Also to agree not to join NATO, and for US
sanctions to end. A more realistic proposal would be to accept
the current front lines (possibly with Russia withdrawing from
recently acquired territory near Kharkiv, with future plebiscites
to formalize the division, and the other issues depending on the
further recession of threats and normalization of relations.
Even that is way short of Zelensky's terms, which (not very
realstically) assume he can fight as long as or longer than
Nandika Chatterjee: [06-16]
Trump criticizes US aid to Ukraine, promises to "have that settled"
if reelected.
Artin Dersimonian: [06-11]
US lifts ban on neo-nazi linked Azov Brigade in Ukraine.
I don't know that "easing the restrictions shows how desperate
the battlefield situation has become," but this is hardly the
first time the US has been willing to overlook a little fascism
given a common enemy.
Anatol Lieven: [06-14]
What the Swiss 'peace summit' can realistically achieve: "Talks
in Geneva this weekend won't end the war, particularly seeing that
Russia wasn't invited, but they may prove useful."
Blaise Malley:
America's empire and the world:
Jess Craig: [06-12]
We're in a new era of conflict and crisis. Can humanitarian aid keep
up? "Utter neglect of displaced people has become the new normal."
Last year, more than 360 million people worldwide needed humanitarian
assistance. To cover the costs of aid, the United Nations appealed to
global donors -- primarily governments but also philanthropic individuals
and institutes -- for a record $56 billion.
But even as humanitarian needs peaked, funding for aid dwindled to
its lowest levels since 2019. Less than half of that $56 billion was
raised. As a result, the gap between global humanitarian funding needs
and donor contributions reached its highest level in more than 20 years.
And that's not the worst part. What funding was available was not
allocated equitably across the world's crises. Conflicts in the Global
South went vastly underfunded. Last week, the Norwegian Refugee Council
(NRC), a major humanitarian organization, published its annual ranking
of the world's most neglected displacement crises. Nine of 10 were in
Ellen Ioanes:
Why Europe is lurching to the right: "Far-right parties made big
gains in EU Parliament elections -- and that's already having an
effect." One thing I'll admit is that I've never had the slightest
understanding of how the EU Parliament works or what, if anything,
it is capable of doing. As near as I've been able to figure out,
the EU seems to be a cloistered bureaucracy mostly concerned with
economic matters, tightly controlled by a neoliberal oligarchy
that is very well insulated against possible encroachments from
the Democratic left -- who when they do manage to win elections,
get beat down like Syriza in Greece. It is similarly unclear
whether the right can have any real impact in the EU Parliament,
although I suppose it might afford them an arena the one thing
they specialize in, which is irritable gesticulating.
Also on the EU elections:
The fracturing of South African politics, explained: "What the
defeat of the party that ended apartheid means for South Africa."
Hafsa Kanjwal: [06-13]
How India is implementing the 'Israel model' in Kashmir.
Peter Oborne: [06-11]
Tory Britain is about to fall. But what follows could be far worse:
"The Conservatives have traditionally acted as a buffer against fascist
forces. But after the impending electoral defeat, Farage and the far
right are poised to win control of the party."
Vijay Prashad: [06-07]
Migrating workers provide wealth for the world.
Other stories:
Erin Blakemore: [06-08]
Tens of millions of acres of cropland lie abandoned, study shows:
"The biggest changes took place around the Ogallala Aquifer, whose
groundwater irrigates parts of numerous states, including Colorado,
Texas and Wyoming."
Vivian Gornick: [06-06]
Orgasm isn't my bag: A review of
Trish Romano: The Freaks Came Out to Write: The Definitive History
of the Village Voice, the Radical Paper That Changed American Culture.
If it seems like I'm collecting reviews of this book, perhaps that
means I should write my own. I read it, and perhaps more importantly,
I lived it -- starting as a clueless subscriber in the 1960s.
Balaji Ravichandran: [06-12]
Imperialilsm isn't in the past. Neither is the damage it did.
A review of
Charlotte Lydia Riley: Imperial Island: An Alternative History
of the British Empire. Few subjects are more deserving of
"a withering indictment" than the British Empire. The "damage
done" to the rest of the world has been extensively documented,
although little of it has sunk into the Churchill-worshipping
cliques in the US and UK. What's far less well understood are
the lingering distortions within British politics, and not just
for the feedback immigration, which has become conspicuous of
Nathan J Robinson: [2018-12-07]
Lessons from Chomsky: "Some things I've learned from his
writings . . ."
Becca Rothfeld: [06-13]
Donald Trump didn't spark out current political chaos. The '90s did.
Review of
John Ganz: When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How
America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s. Histories of 1990s US
politics tend to feature the main event of Gingrich vs. Clinton,
but I can see where focusing on fringe-crazy might offer some
insights. Also on Ganz:
David Hajdu: [06-11]
Seeing ourselves in Joni Mitchell: Review of Ann Powers'
"deeply personal biography of Joni Mitchell":
Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell. For another review:
Brad Luen: [06-16]
Semipop Life: A very high shelf.
Michael Tatum:
Books read (and not read): June 2024: I jumped straight to
Trish Romano's The Freaks Came Out to Write, as that's
the one I've actually read.
Midyear reports: I've been factoring these into my
metacritic file.
A friend posted
this on Facebook:
I am super critical of Biden's kneejerk support for Netanyahu but I
agree 100% with my friend Linda L. Gebert who write this . . . "Please
anyone, tell a young person that not voting or voting for a
third-party candidate will only help Trump win -- we have to vote for
Biden if we want to preserve women's health rights, our healthy
economy, good relations with leaders of other countries, etc. . . ."
I offered this comment:
Rather than trying to weigh out positives and negatives on issues, or
pondering the curse of lesser-evilism, another way to approach this is
to accept that whoever wins is going to do lots of things that you
oppose, so ask yourself who would you rather protest against? Biden's
not so great on anything you mentioned, but at least with him, you
don't have to start with arguments that even Biden agrees with.
I also added a link to Nathan J Robinson:
No Leftist Wants a Trump Presidency.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Music Week
Expanded blog post,
June archive
(in progress).
Tweet: Music Week: 39 albums, 3 A-list
Music: Current count 42460 [42421] rated (+39), 31 [36] unrated (-5).
I published a pretty long
of Which Sunday night (209 links, 12260 words). I fixed a couple
typos, added a few more items, and a lot of words today -- the latter
mostly came from extensive quotes of two articles I had flagged to
include but didn't get to in time. I've also been including links to
music pieces, which lately have mostly been mid-year lists I've
factored into my
metacritic file.
I lost a couple days of listening time when I fixed a couple of
small dinners, one
mostly Chinese, the second
more Italian. I rarely cook, let alone entertain, these days,
so it's nice to see that I still have some skills.
When I did manage to listen, I racked up records fast, possibly
because I did more EPs than usual (7), and also because quite a
few records inspired minimal commentary.
I mentioned it in Speaking of Which, but let me add an extra plug
for the return of Michael Tatum's
A Downloader's Diary, this one (52). In the aforementioned metacritic
file, I'm giving his grades the same weight I give Robert Christgau's
and my own's (although I haven't added many in yet).
New records reviewed this week:
- Altus: Mythos (2024, Biophilia): [cdr]: B+(***)
- Oren Ambarchi/Johan Berthling/Andreas Werlin: Ghosted II (2024, Drag City): [sp]: B+(***)
- Bab L' Bluz: Swaken (2024, Real World): [sp]: B+(*)
- Evan Nicole Bell: Runaway Girl (2024, Humingbird, EP): [sp]: B+(*)
- Blue Lab Beats: Blue Eclipse (2024, Blue Adventure): [sp]: B
- Aziza Brahim: Mawja (2024, Glitterbeat): [sp]: B+(**)
- Cakes Da Killa: Black Sheep (2024, Young Art): [sp]: B+(**)
- Madi Diaz: Weird Faith (2024, Anti-): [sp]: A-
- John Escreet: The Epicenter of Your Dreams (2023 [2024], Blue Room Music): [cd]: B+(***)
- Maria Faust Jazz Catastrophe: 3rd Mutation: Moth (2023 [2024], Bush Flash): [sp]: A-
- Sierra Ferrell: Trail of Flowers (2024, Rounder): [sp]: B+(***)
- Margaret Glaspy: The Sun Doesn't Think (2024, ATO, EP): [sp]: B+(***)
- Ariana Grande: Eternal Sunshine (2024, Republic): [sp]: B+(**)
- The Haas Company [Featuring Andy Timmons]: Vol. 1: Galactic Tide (2024, Psychiatric): [cd]: B
- Marika Hackman: Big Sigh (2024, Chrysalis): [sp]: B+(**)
- Jake Hertzog: Longing to Meet You (2024, self-released): [cd]: B+(**)
- Home Counties: Exactly as It Seems (2024, Submarine Cat): [sp]: B+(*)
- Simone Keller: Hidden Heartache (2022 [2024], Intakt): [sp]: B+(**)
- Lola Kirke: Country Curious (2024, One Riot, EP): [sp]: B+(*)
- Jon Langford & the Men of Gwent: Lost on Land & Sea (2023, Country Mile): [bc]: B+(**)
- The Bruce Lofgren Group: Earthly and Cosmic Tales (2024, Night Bird): [cd]: B
- Lucy Rose: This Ain't the Way You Go Out (2024, Communion): [sp]: B+(*)
- MIKE & Tony Seltzer: Pinball (2024, 10k, EP): [sp]: B+(*)
- Mk.gee: Two Star & the Dream Police (2024, R&R Digital): [sp]: B+(**)
- Willie Nelson: The Border (2024, Legacy): [sp]: A-
- Nubiyan Twist: Find Your Flame (2024, Strut): [sp]: B+(*)
- Yvonnick Prené/Geoff Keezer: Jobim's World (2023 [2024], Sunnyside): [sp]: B+(*)
- Bruno Rĺberg Tentet: Evolver (2024, Orbis Music): [cd]: B+(**)
- Rapsody: Please Don't Cry (2024, Jamla/Roc Nation): [sp]: B+(**)
- Raze Regal & White Denim Inc.: Raze Regal & White Denim Inc. (2023, Bella Union): [sp]: B
- A. Savage: The Loft Sessions (2024, Rough Trade, EP): [sp]: B+(*)
- Shygirl: Club Shy (2024, Because Music, EP): [sp]: B+(*)
- Ballaké Sissoko/Derek Gripper: Ballaké Cissoko & Derek Gripper (2024, Matsuli Music): [sp]: B+(***)
- Connie Smith: Love, Prison, Wisdom and Heartaches (2024, Fat Possum): [sp]: B+(**)
- Vince Staples: Dark Times (2024, Def Jam/Blacksmith): [sp]: B+(***)
- Oded Tzur: My Prophet (2023 [2024], ECM): [sp]: B+(**)
- Faye Webster: Underdressed at the Symphony (2024, Secretly Canadian): [sp]: B+(*)
- Amber Weekes: A Lady With a Song: Amber Weekes Celebrates Nancy Wilson (2024, Amber Inn): [cd]: B+(*)
- Kelly Willis/Melissa Carper/Brennen Leigh: Wonder Women of Country (2024, Brooklyn Basement, EP): [sp]: B+(**)
Recent reissues, compilations, and vault discoveries:
- The Power of the Heart: A Tribute to Lou Reed (2024, Light in the Attic): [sp]: B+(**)
Old music:
Unpacking: Found in the mail last week:
- Bruna Black/John Finbury: Vă Revelaçăo (Green Flash) [05-14]
- Kiki Valera: Vacilón Santiaguero (Circle 9 Music) [05-31]
Sunday, June 09, 2024
Speaking of Which
Blog link.
I'm posting this after 10PM Sunday evening, figuring I'm about
worn out, even though I've only hit about 80% of my usual sources,
and am finding new things at a frightening clip. I imagine I'll
add a bit more on Monday, as I work on what should be a relatively
measured Music Week. There is, in any case, much to read and think
about here. Too much really.
I have two fairly major pieces on Israel that I wanted to mention
before I posted Sunday night, but didn't get around to. They're big,
and important, enough I thought about putting them into their own post,
but preferred to stick to the one weekly post. I didn't want to slip
them into the regular text as mere late finds, so thought I'd put them
up here first, easier to notice. But I already wrote a fairly lengthy
intro, which I think is pretty good as an intro, so I finally decided
to put the new pieces after the old intro, and before everything else.
I thought I'd start here with a quote from Avi Shlaim, from his
introduction to one of the first books to appear the Oct. 7, 2023
attacks from Gaza against Israel and Israel's dramatic escalation
from counterterrorism to genocide
(Jamie Stern-Weiner,
ed.: Deluge: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysm):
The powerful military offensive launched by Israel on the Gaza Strip
in October 2023, or Operation Swords of Iron to give it its official
name, was a major landmark in the blood-soaked history of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was an instant, almost Pavlovian
response to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. The attack caught
Israel by complete surprise, and it was devastating in its
consequences, killing about 300 Israeli soldiers, massacring more than
800 civilians, and taking some 250 hostages. Whereas previous Hamas
attacks involved the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip on southern
Israel, this was a ground incursion into Israeli territory made
possible by breaking down the fence with which Israel had surrounded
Gaza. The murderous Hamas attack did not come out of the blue as many
believed. It was a response to Israel's illegal and exceptionally
brutal military occupation of the Palestinian territories since June
1967, as well as the suffocating economic blockade that Israel had
imposed on Gaza since 2006. Israel, however, treated it as an
unprovoked terrorist attack that gave it a blank check to use military
force on an unprecedented scale to exact revenge and to crush the
Israel is no stranger to the use of military force in dealing with
its neighbors. It is a country that lives by the sword. Under
international law, states are allowed to use military force in
self-defense as a last resort; Israel often employs force as a first
resort. Some of its wars with the Arabs have been "wars of no choice,"
like the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948; others have been "wars of
choice," like the Suez War of 1956 and the invasion of Lebanon in
1982. Wars are usually followed by the search for a diplomatic
resolution of the conflict. When one examines Israel's record in
dealing with the Arabs as a whole, however, the use of force appears
to be the preferred instrument of statecraft. Indeed, all too often,
instead of war being the pursuit of politics by other means, Israeli
diplomacy is the pursuit of war by other means.
Also, a bit further down:
Deadlock on the diplomatic front led to periodic clashes between Hamas
and Israel. This is not a conflict between two roughly equal parties
but asymmetric warfare between a small paramilitary force and one of
the most powerful militaries in the world, armed to the teeth with the
most advanced American weaponry. The result was low-intensity (but for
the people in Gaza, still devastating) conflict which took the form of
primitive missiles fired from inside the Gaza Strip on settlements in
southern Israel and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) counter-insurgency
operations designed to weaken but not to destroy Hamas. From time to
time, Israel would move beyond aerial bombardment to ground invasion
of the enclave. It launched major military offensives into Gaza in
2008-09, 2012, 2014, 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Israeli leaders used to call these recurrent IDF incursions into
Gaza "mowing the lawn." This was the metaphor to describe Israel's
strategy against Hamas. The strategy did not seek to defeat Hamas, let
alone drive it from power. On the contrary, the aim was to allow Hamas
to govern Gaza but to isolate and weaken it, and to reduce its
influence on the West Bank. Israel's overarching political objective
was to kep the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas government
geographically separate so as to prevent the emergence of a unified
leadership. In this context, Israel's periodic offensives were
designed to degrade the military capability of Hamas, to enhance
Israeli deterrence, and to turn the civilian population of Gaza
against its rulers. In short, it was a strategy of managing the
conflict, of avoiding peace talks, of using the Palestinian Authority
in Ramallah as a sub-contractor for Israeli security on the West Bank,
and of containing Palestinian resistance within the open-air prison of
the Gaza Strip.
Shlaim opens the next paragraph with "This strategy lay in tatters
following the Hamas attack," but that's just a momentary reflection
of Israeli histrionics plus a bit of wishful thinking. The latter was
based on the hope that Israelis would recognize that the old strategy
had backfired, and needed to be revised. But the histrionics were at
most momentary, and quickly evolved into staged, as Netanyahu and
his gang realized the attacks presented a opportunity to escalate
the conflict to previously unthreatened levels, and in the absence of
meaningful resistance have seen little reason to restrain themselves.
Israel has a very sophisticated propaganda operation, with a large
network of long-time contacts, so they sprung immediately to work,
planting horror stories about Hamas and Palestinians, while pushing
rationales for major war operations into play, so Israel's habitual
supporters would always be armed with the best talking points. That
they were so prepared to do so suggests they know, and have known
for a long time, that their actions and programs aren't obviously
justifiable. They know that their main restraint isn't the threat
of other powers, but that world opinion will come to ostracize and
shame them, like it did to South Africa. It's not certain that such
a shift in world opinion will sway them -- the alternative is that
they will shrivel up into a defensive ball, like North Korea, and
there would certainly be sentiment in Israel for doing so (here I
need say no more than "Masada complex").
Israel has, indeed, lost a lot of foreign support, including
about 80% of the UN General Assembly. But though all of that, the
US has remained not just a reliable ally to Israel, but a generous
one, and a very dutiful one, even as Israel is losing support from
the general public. Netanyahu is Prime Minister by a very slim and
fractious coalition in Israel, but when he speaks in Congress, he
can rest assured that 90% of both parties will cheer him on -- a
degree of popularity no American politician enjoys.
I meant to include these two major pieces, but missed them
in the rush to post Sunday night.
Adam Shatz:
Israel's Descent: This is a major essay, structured as a review
of six books:
While most of these books go deep into the history of Zionist
attempts to claim exclusive representation for the Jewish people --
a topic Sand previously wrote about in
The Invention of the Jewish People (2009) and
The Invention of the Land of Israel (2012) -- and that
features further down in the review, the first several paragraphs
provide one of the best overviews available of the current phase
of the conflict. I'm tempted to quote it all, but especially want
to note paragraphs 4-8, on why this time it's fair and accurate
to use the term "genocide":
But, to borrow the language of a 1948 UN convention, there is an older
term for 'acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part,
a national, ethnical, racial or religious group'. That term is
genocide, and among international jurists and human rights experts
there is a growing consensus that Israel has committed genocide -- or
at least acts of genocide -- in Gaza. This is the opinion not only of
international bodies, but also of experts who have a record of
circumspection -- indeed, of extreme caution -- where Israel is
involved, notably Aryeh Neier, a founder of Human Rights Watch.
The charge of genocide isn't new among Palestinians. I remember
hearing it when I was in Beirut in 2002, during Israel's assault on
the Jenin refugee camp, and thinking, no, it's a ruthless, pitiless
siege. The use of the word 'genocide' struck me then as typical of
the rhetorical inflation of Middle East political debate, and as a
symptom of the bitter, ugly competition over victimhood in
Israel-Palestine. The game had been rigged against Palestinians
because of their oppressors' history: the destruction of European
Jewry conferred moral capital on the young Jewish state in the eyes
of the Western powers. The Palestinian claim of genocide seemed like
a bid to even the score, something that words such as 'occupation'
and even 'apartheid' could never do.
This time it's different, however, not only because of the wanton
killing of thousands of women and children, but because the sheer
scale of the devastation has rendered life itself all but impossible
for those who have survived Israel's bombardment. The war was provoked
by Hamas's unprecedented attack, but the desire to inflict suffering
on Gaza, not just on Hamas, didn't arise on 7 October. Here is Ariel
Sharon's son Gilad in 2012: 'We need to flatten entire neighbourhoods
in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn't stop with Hiroshima --
the Japanese weren't surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.
There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles,
nothing.' Today this reads like a prophecy.
Exterminationist violence is almost always preceded by other forms
of persecution, which aim to render the victims as miserable as possible,
including plunder, denial of the franchise, ghettoisation, ethnic
cleansing and racist dehumanisation. All of these have been features
of Israel's relationship to the Palestinian people since its founding.
What causes persecution to slide into mass killing is usually war, in
particular a war defined as an existential battle for survival -- as
we have seen in the war on Gaza. The statements of Israel's leaders
(the defence minister, Yoav Gallant: 'We are fighting human animals,
and we will act accordingly'; President Isaac Herzog: 'It is an entire
nation out there that is responsible') have not disguised their
intentions but provided a precise guide. So have the gleeful selfies
taken by Israeli soldiers amid the ruins of Gaza: for some, at least,
its destruction has been a source of pleasure.
Israel's methods may bear a closer resemblance to those of the
French in Algeria, or the Assad regime in Syria, than to those of
the Nazis in Treblinka or the Hutu génocidaires in Rwanda, but this
doesn't mean they do not constitute genocide. Nor does the fact that
Israel has killed 'only' a portion of Gaza's population. What, after
all, is left for those who survive? Bare life, as Giorgio Agamben
calls it: an existence menaced by hunger, destitution and the ever
present threat of the next airstrike (or 'tragic accident', as
Netanyahu described the incineration of 45 civilians in Rafah).
Israel's supporters might argue that this is not the Shoah, but
the belief that the best way of honouring the memory of those who
died in Auschwitz is to condone the mass killing of Palestinians
so that Israeli Jews can feel safe again is one of the great moral
perversions of our time.
A couple paragraphs later, Shatz moves on to "Zionism's original
ambition," which gets us into the books, including a survey of how
Israel's supporters have long sought to quell any Jewish criticism
of Israel, eventually going so far as to declare it anti-semitic.
I find this particular history fascinating, as it provides some
counterweight to the claim that Zionism was intrinsically racist
and, if given the power and opportunity, genocidal. Just because
this is where you wound up doesn't mean this is where you had to
Again, there is much to be learned and thought about everywhere
in this article. Let's just wrap up with a few more choice quotes:
But the tendency of Israeli Jews to see themselves as eternal
victims, among other habits of the diaspora, has proved stronger than
Zionism itself, and Israel's leaders have found a powerful ideological
armour, and source of cohesion, in this reflex. [This has made them]
incapable of distinguishing between violence against Jews as Jews, and
violence against Jews in connection with the practices of the Jewish
Today the catastrophe of 1948 is brazenly defended in Israel
as a necessity -- and viewed as an uncompleted, even heroic,
The last eight months have seen an extraordinary acceleration
of Israel's long war against the Palestinians.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a callow man of limited imagination . . .
[but] his expansionist, racist ideology is the Israeli mainstream.
Always an ethnocracy based on Jewish privilege, Israel has, under
his watch, become a reactionary nationalist state, a country that
now officially belongs exclusively to its Jewish citizens.
But this was no accident: conflict with the Arabs was essential
to the Zionist mainstream. . . . Brit Shalom's vision of reconciliation
and co-operation with the indigenous population was unthinkable to most
Zionists, because they regarded the Arabs of Palestine as squatters on
sacred Jewish land.
This moral myopia has always been resisted by a minority of
American Jews. There have been successive waves of resistance, provoked
by previous episodes of Israeli brutality: the Lebanon War, the First
Intifada, the Second Intifada. But the most consequential wave of
resistance may be the one we are seeing now from a generation of
young Jews for whom identification with an explicitly illiberal,
openly racist state, led by a close ally of Donald Trump, is
impossible to stomach.
For all their claims to isolation in a sea of sympathy for
Palestine, Jewish supporters of Israel, like the state itself, have
powerful allies in Washington, in the administration and on
university boards.
For many Jews, steeped in Zionism's narrative of Jewish
persecution and Israeli redemption, and encouraged to think that
1939 might be just around the corner, the fact that Palestinians,
not Israelis, are seen by most people as Jews themselves once were --
as victims of oppression and persecution, as stateless refugees --
no doubt comes as a shock.
Operation Al-Aqsa Flood thrust the question of Palestine back
on the international agenda, sabotaging the normalisation of relations
between Israel and Saudi Arabia, shattering both the myth of a cost-free
occupation and the myth of Israel's invincibility. But its architects,
Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif, appear to have had no plan to protect
Gaza's own people from what would come next. Like Netanyahu, with whom
they recently appeared on the International Criminal Court's wanted
list, they are ruthless tacticians, capable of brutal, apocalyptic
violence but possessing little strategic vision. 'Tomorrow will be
different,' Deif promised in his 7 October communiqué. He was correct.'
But that difference -- after the initial exuberance brought about by
the prison breakout -- can now be seen in the ruins of Gaza.
- Eight months after 7 October, Palestine remains in the grip, and
at the mercy, of a furious, vengeful Jewish state, ever more committed
to its colonisation project and contemptuous of international criticism,
ruling over a people who have been transformed into strangers in their
own land or helpless survivors, awaiting the next delivery of
The 'Iron Wall' is not simply a defence strategy: it is Israel's
comfort zone.
There is a lot to unpack here, and much more I skipped over --
a lot on US and other protesters, even some thoughts by Palestinians --
but for now I just want to offer one point. If Israel had responded
to the Oct. 7 "prison break" with a couple weeks (even a month) of
indiscriminate, massive bombardment, which is basically what they
did for the first month, then ended it with a unilateral cease-fire,
with the looming threat to repeat if Hamas ever attacked again, their
wildly disproportionate response would have more than reestablished
their "deterrent" credibility.
Those who hated Israel before would
have had their feelings reinforced, but those who hadn't hated Israel
wouldn't have turned against Israel. (Sure, some would have been
shocked by the intensity, but once it ended those feelings would
subside. The UN, the ICJ, the ICC wouldn't have charged Israel. The
word genocide would have gone silent. The protests would have faded,
without ever escalating into encampments and repression. Israel could
have washed its hands of governing Gaza, leaving the rubble and what,
if anything, was left of Hamas to the international do-gooders, and
simply said "good riddance."
The Shatz article helps explain why Israel didn't do that. It is
strong on the psychology that keeps Israelis fighting, that keeps
them from letting up, from developing a conscience over all of the
pain and hate they've inflicted. But it misses one important part
of the story, which is the failure of the Biden administration to
restrain Israel. Over all of its history, Israel has repeatedly
worked itself into a frenzy against its enemies, but it's always
had the US to pull it back and cool it off, usually just before
its aggression turns not just counterproductive but debilitating.
You can probably recite the examples yourself, all the way up to
GW Bush and Obama, with their phony, half-hearted two-state plans.
Often the restraint has been late and/or lax, and no Israeli ever
publicly thanked us for keeping them from doing something stupid,
but on some level Israelis expected external restraint, even as
they plotted to neutralize it. So when they finally went berserk,
and Biden wasn't willing to twist arms to tone them down, they
just felt like they had more leeway to work with.
So the piece missing from the Shatz article is really another
article altogether, which is what the fuck happened to America,
who in most respects is a decent human being, and the rest of
America's political caste (some of whom aren't decent at all),
couldn't generate any meaningful concern much less resistance
against genocide vowed and implemented by Israel? There's a long
story there, as deep and convoluted as the one behind Israel,
but it should be pretty obvious by now if you've been paying
any attention at all.
The second piece I wanted to mention is:
Amira Haas: [06-04]
Starvation and Death Are Israel's Defeat. I'm scraping this off
Facebook, because the original is behind a paywall. My wife read
this to our dinner guests recently, which made me a bit uneasy,
because I don't like the use of the word "defeat" here (see my Ali
Abunimah note
below), although I suppose there could
be some language quirk I'm missing, like the difference between
"has lost" and "is lost." Israel has not lost the war, but Israel
is very lost in its practice. Still, I take this mostly as a cri
de coeur, and am grateful for that.
Israel was defeated and is still being defeated, not because of the
fact that at the start of the ninth month of this accursed war, Hamas
has not been toppled.
The emblem of defeat will forever appear alongside the menorah and
flag, because the leaders, commanders and soldiers of Israel killed
and wounded thousands of Palestinian civilians, sowing unprecedented
ruin and desolation in the Gaza Strip. Because its air force knowingly
bombed buildings full of children, women and the elderly. Because in
Israel people believe there is no other way. Because entire families
were wiped out.
The Jewish state was defeated because its politicians and public
officials are causing two million three hundred thousand human beings
to go hungry and thirsty, because skin ailments and intestinal
inflammation are spreading in Gaza.
The only democracy in the jungle was overwhelmingly defeated
because its army expels and then concentrates hundreds of thousands
of Palestinians in increasingly smaller areas, labeled safe
humanitarian zones, before proceeding to bomb and shell them.
Because thousands of permanently disabled people and children
with no accompanying adults are hemmed in and suffering greatly
in those targeted humanitarian areas.
Because mounds of garbage are piling up there, while the only
way to dispose of them is to set them on fire, spouting toxic
emissions. Because sewage and excrement flow in the streets, with
masses of flies blocking one's eyes. Because when the war ends,
people will return to ruined houses chock full of unexploded
ordnance, with the ground saturated with toxic dangerous substances.
Because thousands of people, if not more, will come down with
chronic diseases, paralyzing and terminal, due to that same
pollution and those toxic substances.
Because many of those devoted and brave medical teams in the
Gaza Strip, male and female doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers
and paramedics and yes -- including people who were supporting
Hamas or on its government's payroll -- were killed by Israeli
bombs or shelling. Because children and students will have lost
precious years of study.
Because books and public and private archives went up in flames,
with manuscripts of stories and research lost forever, as well as
original drawings and embroidery by Gazan artists, which were buried
under the debris or damaged. Because one cannot know what else the
mental damage inflicted on millions will bring about.
The defeat, forever, lies in the fact that a state that views
itself as the heir of the victims of genocide carried out by Nazi
Germany has generated this hell in less than nine months, with an
end not yet in sight. Call it genocide. Don't call it genocide.
The structural failure lies not in the fact that the G-word was
affixed to the name "Israel" in the resounding petition filed by
South Africa at the International Court of Justice. The failure
lies in the refusal of most Israeli Jews to listen to the alarm
bells in this petition. They continued supporting the war even
after the petition was filed in late December, allowing the petition's
warning to become a prophecy, and for doubts to be obliterated in the
face of additional cumulative evidence.
The defeat lies with Israel's universities, which trained hordes
of jurists who find proportionality in every bomb that kills children.
They are the ones providing military commanders with the protective
vests, of repeated cliché: "Israel is abiding by international law,
taking care not to harm civilians," every time an order is given to
expel a population and concentrate it in a smaller area.
The convoys of displaced people, on foot, in carts, on trucks
overloaded with people and mattresses, with wheelchairs carrying
old people or amputees, are a failing grade for Israel's school
system, its law faculties and history departments. The debacle is
also a failure of the Hebrew language. Expulsion is "evacuation."
A deadly military raid is an "activity." The carpet bombing of
entire neighborhoods is "good work by our soldiers."
Israel's monolithic nature is another reason for and proof of
utter defeat, as well as being emblematic of it. Most of the
Jewish-Israeli public, including opponents of Benjamin Netanyahu's
camp, was taken captive by the notion of a magical total victory
as an answer to the October 7 massacre, without learning a thing
from past wars in general and from ones against the Palestinians
in particular.
Yes, the Hamas atrocities were horrific. The suffering of the
hostages and their families is beyond words. Yes, turning the Gaza
Strip into a huge depot of weapons and ammunition ready to be used,
through an imitation of the Israeli model, is exasperating.
But the majority of Israeli Jews let the drive for revenge blind
them. The unwillingness to listen and to know, in order to avoid
making mistakes, is in the DNA of the debacle. Our all-knowing
commanders did not listen to the female spotters, but they mainly
failed to listen to Palestinians, who over decades warned that the
situation cannot continue like this.
The seeds of defeat lay in protesters against the judicial overhaul
rejecting the basic fact that we have no chance of being a democracy
without ending the occupation, and that the people generating the
overhaul are the ones striving to "vanquish" the Palestinians.
With God's help. The failure was inscribed back then, in the first
days after October 7, when anyone trying to point out the "context"
was condemned as a traitor or a supporter of Hamas. The traitors
turned out to be the real patriots, but the debacle is ours -- the
traitors' -- as well.
In looking this piece up, I found another at Haaretz worth notice
for the title:
Dahlia Scheindlin: [06-10]
Will the real opposition stand up: Is anyone trying to save Israel
from Netanyahu, endless war and isolation? "Benny Gantz's
unsurprising departure from the Netanyahu government won't strengthen
the opposition, because Israel barely has one worthy of the name."
The Shatz piece doesn't have links, but a casual reference there
to "philosemitic McCarthyism" led me to search out this piece:
Susan Neiman: [2023-10-19]
Historical reckoning gone haywire: "Germans' efforts to confront
their country's criminal history and to root out antisemitism have
shifted from vigilance to a philosemitic McCarthyism that threatens
their rich cultural life."
That, in turn, led me to Neiman's recent review of Shatz's book
The Rebel's Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon:
Susan Neiman: [06-06]
Fanon the universalist: "Adam Shatz argues in his new biography
of Frantz Fanon that the supposed patron saint of political violence
was instead a visionary of a radical universalism that rejected
racial essentialism and colonialism."
Initial count: 209 links, 12260 words.
Updated count [06-10]: 235 links, 15800 words.
Local tags (these can be linked to directly):
on music.
Top story threads:
Israel: As I'm trying to wrap this up on Sunday, I must
admit I'm getting overwhelmed, and possibly a bit confused, by the
constant roll call of atrocities Israel is committing. There appears
to be not just one but several instances of mass slaughter at
Nuseirat refugee camp. There is also "late news" -- later than
the earliest reports below -- including the Benny Gantz
resignation, that are captured in various states of disclosure
below. While I've generally tried to group related reports,
that's become increasingly difficult, so my apologies for any
lapses in order. These are truly trying times. And yet the
solution of a simple cease-fire is so blindingly obvious.
Wafa Aludaini: [06-07]
Not just bombs: Israeli-caused hunger is killing Palestinian children
in Gaza
Ruwaida Kamal Amer:
Doctors evacuate Rafah's last hospitals: "Almost no facilities
to treat the wounded as doctors fear a repeat of Israel's attacks
on hospitals across the Strip."
Giorgio Cafiero: [06-04]
Israel testing Egypt's 'weak hand' in Gaza conflict: "The IDF
now has full control of the Philadelphi Corridor on the border,
but there is very little Cairo can do to respond."
Haidar Eid: [06-09]
My Nuseirat: "I was born in the Nuseirat refugee camp and it
made me who I am. The Nuseirat massacre will not be the last in
Gaza, but like all massacres committed by colonialists, it will
be a signpost in our long walk to freedom that will not be
Adam Gaffney: [05-30]
Don't believe the conspiracies about the Gaza death toll:
"The statistical evidence is clear: Civilians in Gaza have
overwhelmingly borne the brunt of Israel's assault."
Tareq S Hajjaj:
Qassam Muaddi:
The genocide in Israeli prisons: "Families of Palestinian
prisoners are kept in the dark about the fate of their loved ones
at a time when Israeli prison authorities are creating conditions
unfit for human life."
The invisibility of Palestinian Christians: "Palestinian
Christians suffer from a crisis of representation, as some church
leaders and community members disassociate from the Palestinian
struggle and perpetuate the perception that they are a
Shira Rubin: [06-09]
Moderates quit Netanyahu's emergency government, call for elections:
By "moderates" they mean Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot. Gantz had
joined the government after Oct. 7 in a "national unity" gesture,
but threatened to leave if Netanyahu didn't come up with a "post-war"
plan for Gaza by today, which he didn't. This leaves Netanyahu's
original coalition majority intact, so has no real effect at the
Jeffrey St Clair: [06-07]
Snatch-and-grab Israeli style: disappearing into the gulag.
Oren Ziv:
Chanting 'burn Shu'afat;' and 'flatten Gaza,' masses attend Jerusalem
Flag March: "Israeli ministers joined the annual celebration of
East Jerusalem's conquest, where racist slogans and attacks on
journalists have become mainstream."
America's Israel (and Israel's America): The Biden
administration, despite occasional misgivings, is fully complicit
in Israel's genocide. Republicans only wish to intensify it --
after all, they figure racism and militarism are their things.
Janet Abou-Elias: [06-06]
Who's minding the stockpile of US weapons going to Israel?
"Congress has further weakened constraints on a special DOD arms
reserve, which is spread over multiple warehouses and lacks a
public inventory."
Michael Arria: [06-06]
The Shift: Netanyahu is going back to Washington: "Benjamin
Netanyahu's upcoming speech to Congress will be his fourth, giving
him the most of any foreign leader. He's currently tied with Winston
Churchill at three. He was invited by the leadership from both
parties. Who says bipartisanship is dead?"
More on the Netanyahu invite:
Matthew Mpoke Bigg: [06-05]
Here's a closer look at the hurdles to a cease-fire deal:
"Neither Israel nor Hamas have said definitively whether they
would accept or reject a proposal outlined by President Biden,
but sizable gaps between the two sides appear to remain." NY
Times remain masters at both-sidesing this, but Israel is the
only side that's free to operate deliberately, so lack of
"agreement" simply means that Israel has refused to cease-fire,
despite what should be compelling reasons to do so. More on
the Biden (presented as Israel) proposal:
Ali Abunimah: [05-31]
Biden admits Israel's defeat in Gaza: Author seeks to poke Biden
in the eye, but quotes Biden's actual speech, adding his annotation.
Mine would differ, but the exercise is still worthwhile. I'd never
say Israel has been defeated in Gaza, except perhaps to say that
Israel has defeated itself (although I'd look for words more like
degraded and debilitated, as I hate the whole notion that wars can
be won -- I only see losers, varying in the quantities they have
lost, but less so the qualities, which afflict all warriors).
I haven't been following his publication, but I've been aware
of Abunimah for a long time. He's written a couple of "clear-eyed,
sharply reasoned, and compassionate" books on the subject:
One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian
Impassed (2007: not remotedly agreeable to Israel, but
not wrong either, and would have "avoided all this mess" --
quote's from a Professor Longhair song, about something else,
but hits the spot here); and
The Battle for Justice in Palestine (2014; my
Books note was: "tries
to remain hopeful")
Fred Kaplan:
Sheera Frenkel: [06-05]
Israel secretly targets US lawmakers with influence campaign on
Gaza War: "Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs ordered the
operation, which used fake social media accounts urging U.S.
lawmakers to fund Israel's military, according to officials and
documents about the effort."
Ellen Ioanes: [06-05]
What happens if Gaza ceasefire talks fail. "Nearly 40 Palestinians
in Rafah will die each day due to traumatic injuries if Israel continues
its incursion, according to a new analysis." How they came up with that
figure, which they project to 3,509 by August 17, boggles the mind.
Israel has been known to kill more than that with a single bomb. And
note how they're breaking out "traumatic injuries" into a separate
category, presumably to separate them out from starvation deaths and
who knows what else? For that matter, "traumatic" is about a pretty
tame generic word for blown to bits and/or incinerated, which is
what Israel's bombs are actually doing, as well as burying bodies
under tons of rubble. When we commonly speak of trauma, usually we
mean psychological injuries -- something which in this case no one
has come close to quantifying.
And can we talk about this passive-voiced "if talks fail." Biden
announced what he called "Israel's plan," and Hamas basically agreed
to it, so who is still talking? The thus-far-failing talks Ioanes
alludes to here are exclusively within Israel's war cabinet, where
failure to agree to anything that might halt the war is some kind
of axiom.
Alon Pinkas: [06-06]
Biden wants an end to the Gaza war. But he is finally realising
Netanyahu will block any attempts at peace. This has been
more/less the story since about a month into the war. although
it took Biden much longer to dare say anything in public, and
he's still doing everything possible to appease Israel. If,
after a few weeks of their savage bombing of Gaza, Israel had
unilaterally ceased fire, no one would doubt their deterrence.
Everyone would have understood that any attack on them would
be met with a disproportionately savage response. They could
then have turned their backs and walked away, simply dumping
responsibility for Gaza and its people, which they have no real
interest in or for, onto the UN. The hostages would have been
freed, even without prisoner swaps. The ancillary skirmishes
with Hezbollah and the Houthis would have ended. Months later,
no one would be talking about genocide, or facing charges from
the ICC. Israel's relations with the US would be unblemished.
And Israel's right-wing government would still have a relatively
free hand to go about its dispossession of and terror against
Palestinians in the West Bank. This didn't happen because Biden
didn't dare object to Israel's genocidal plans, because he's
totally under their thumb -- presumably due to donors and the
Israel lobby, but one has to wonder if he just doesn't have a
streak of masochism. Even now that he's writhing in misery, he
still can't bring himself to just say no.
Mitchell Plitnick: [06-08]
The Biden administration must stop Israel before it escalates in
Lebanon: "There are dangerous signs Israel intends to escalate
attacks on Lebanon and raise the stakes with Hezbollah. If it does,
the risk of a regional war grows enormously. The only way out is
to end the fighting in Gaza." More evidence that the theory of
deterrence is a recipe for disaster. To rally American support,
Israel has tried to paint its genocide in Gaza as a sideshow to
its defense against Iran, the mastermind behind the "six front"
assault on Israel -- because, well, Americans hate Iran, and are
really gullible on that point. To make this war look real, Israel
needs to provoke Hezbollah, which is easy to do because Hezbollah
also buys into the theory of deterrence, so feels the need to
shoot back when they are shot at. This is close to spiraling
out of control, but a ceasefire in Gaza would bring it all to
an abrupt close. A rapprochement between the US and Iran would
also be a big help, as it would knock the legs out from under
Israel's game-playing.
H Scott Prosterman: [06-06]
How Trump and Netanyahu are tag-teaming Biden on Gaza.
Before these men served, no Israeli leader had ever dared to
interfere in US electoral politics. Trump openly campaigned for
Bibi. It's almost as if they ran on the same ticket in 2020. The
political survival of both men is dependent on generating political
outrage among their bases, because they have nothing else to run on.
Philip Weiss:
Weekly Briefing: The political and moral consequences of hallowing
Trump's verdict while nullifying the Hague: "Joe Biden wants
it both ways. He wants Democrats to stop criticizing genocide but
he also wants the Israel lobby's support. Thus, he has a ceasefire
plan in one hand, and an invitation to Netanyahu, a war criminal,
to speak to Congress in the other." Pretty good opening here:
Joe Biden is
trying to end the war in Gaza. He's not trying that hard.
But he's trying.
Biden knows that the Democratic base is on fire. He knows that
for a certain bloc of voters in American society -- Genocide is not
acceptable. Sadly, most people will go along fine with a genocide.
That's what history tells us and what the U.S. establishment is
demonstrating right now. Samantha Power wrote a whole book about
the Sarajevo genocide and launched a great career but now she's a
top Biden aide and just keeps her head down. It's not fair to single
her out -- because all the editorial writers and politicians have a
similar stance. It's a terrible thing that so many civilians and
babies are being killed by American weaponry in Gaza, but hey, look
what Hamas did on October 7. That's the ultimate in whatabboutery.
What about Hamas? While we are burning up civilians.
Weekly Briefing: 274 Palestinian lives don't matter to the Biden
administration: "A week culminating with the massacre of 274
Palestinians in Gaza provided further evidence -- though none is
needed -- that anti-Palestinian bias is simply a rule of American
politics, and today maybe the leading rule."
'Allow me to share a story that touched me deeply' -- Harry Soloway
on Palestinian resistance.
Israel vs. world opinion:
Yuval Abraham/Meron Rapoport:
Surveillance and interference: Israel's covert war on the ICC
exposed: "Top Israeli government and security officials have
overseen a nine-year surveillance operation targeting the ICC and
Palestinian rights groups to try to thwart a war crimes probe."
Yousef M Aljamal: [06-07]
Israel's progression from apartheid to genocide: "The unfolding
genocide in Gaza is the latest chapter in Israel's attempt to remove
Palestinians from their land. All those calling for a ceasefire
should join in the longer-term efforts to dismantle Israeli
Michael Arria: [06-03]
San Jose State University professor says she was suspended over her
Palestinian activism: "Last month Sang Hea Kil, a justice studies
professor at the San Jose State University, was placed on a temporary
suspension because of her Palestine activism."
Ramzy Baroud: [06-06]
End of an era: Pro-Palestinian language exposes Israel, Zionism.
Reed Brody: [06-06]
Israel's legal reckoning and the historical shift in justice for
Chandni Desai: [06-08]
Israel has destroyed or damaged 80% of schools in Gaza. This is
scholasticide: This is another new word we don't need, because
it just narrows the scope of a perfectly apt word we're already
driven to use, which is genocide. The lesson we do need to point
out is that genocide isn't just a matter of counting kills. If
the goal is to ending a type of people, it is just as effectively
advanced to destroying their homes, their environment, their
culture and historical legacy. Counting the dead is easy, but
much of the devastation is carried forward by its survivors,
and those impacts are especially hard to quantify.
Connor Echols/Maya Krainc: [06-04]
House votes to sanction ICC for case against Israeli settlers:
"The bill, which is unlikely to pass the Senate, would punish US
allies and famous lawyer Amal Clooney."
Richard Falk:
Abdallah Fayyard: [06-05]
It's not Islamophobia, it's anti-Palestinian racism: "Anti-Palestinian
racism is a distinct form of bigotry that's too often ignored."
Joshua Frank: [06-05]
It's never been about freeing the hostages: "Israel's
scorched-earth campaign will cruelly shape the lives of many
future generations of Palestinians -- and that's the point."
Philippe Lazzarini: [05-30]
UNRWA: Stop Israel's violent campaign against us. How violent?
As I write this, our agency has verified that at least 192 UNRWA
employees have been killed in Gaza. More than 170 UNRWA premises
have been damaged or destroyed. UNRWA-run schools have been
demolished; some 450 displaced people have been killed while
sheltered inside UNRWA schools and other structures. Since
Oct. 7, Israeli security forces have rounded up UNRWA personnel
in Gaza, who have alleged torture and mistreatment while in
detention in the Strip and in Israel.
UNRWA staff members are regularly harassed and humiliated at
Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank including East Jerusalem.
Agency installations are used by the Israel security forces,
Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups for military purposes.
UNRWA is not the only U.N. agency that faces danger. In April,
gunfire hit World Food Program and UNICEF vehicles, apparently
inadvertently but despite coordination with the Israeli authorities.
The assault on UNRWA has spread to East Jerusalem, where a member
of the Jerusalem municipality has helped incite protests against
UNRWA. Demonstrations are becoming increasingly dangerous, with at
least two arson attacks on our UNRWA compound, and a crowd including
Israeli children gathered outside our premises singing "Let the U.N.
burn." At other times, demonstrators threw stones.
PS: The day after this op-ed was published, Israel replied as
directly and emphatically as possible: [06-06]
Israel strike on Gaza school kills dozens. Israel claims "the
compound contained a Hamas command post." Perhaps Netanyahu should
brush up on The Merchant of Venice, where the "wise judge"
allowed that Shylock could take his "pound of flesh" but could
spill no blood in the process. Of course, Netanyahu is unlikely to
get beyond the thought that Shakespeare was just being antisemitic.
On the other hand, the notion that one wrong does not allow you to
commit indiscriminate slaughter isn't novel.
Natasha Lennard/Prem Thakker:
Columbia Law Review refused to take down article on Palestine, so
its board of directors nuked the whole website.
Eric Levitz: [06-03]
Israel is not fighting for its survival. I mentioned this piece
in an update last week, but it's worth reiterating here.
Branko Marcetic: [06-03]
The corporate power brokers behind AIPAC's war on the Squad:
Their investigation "reveals the individuals behind AIPAC's election
war chest: nearly 60% are CEOs and other top executives at the
country's largest corporations." I haven't cited many articles
so far on AIPAC's crusade against Democrats who actually take
human rights and war crimes seriously, but they are piling up.
Bipartisanship is a holy grail in Washington, not because either
side treasures compromise but because a bipartisan consensus
helps to exclude critics and suppress any further discussion
of an issue that those in power would rather not have to argue
for in public. Cold War and trade deals like NAFTA are other
classic examples, but support for Israel has been so bipartisan
for so long it defines the shape of reality as perceived all
but intuitively by politicians in Washington. But apartheid
and genocide are unsettling this equation, disturbing large
numbers of Democratic voters, so AIPAC is reacting like its
Israeli masters, by cracking the whip -- the same kneejerk
reaction we see when university administrators move to arrest
protesters. Both are turns as sharply opposed to the basic
tenets of liberal democracy as liberal Democrats routinely
accuse Republicans of. That both are driven primarily by the
extraordinary political influence of money only exposes the
sham that our vaunted democracy has become under oligarchy.
Qassam Muaddi: [06-03]
Against a world without Palestinians: "If the world as it is
cannot abide Palestinian existence, then we will have to change
the world." This piece makes me a bit queasy, but I recognize that
is largely because I've never accepted the conditions under which
it was written, and always preferred to think of Palestinians as
just another nationality, like all others, with its harmless
parochial quirks. But the effort to deny them recognition, and
to erase their memory, has been a longstanding project in Israel.
In early days, this was done through pretense (see
A land without a people for a people without a land and denial
(see Golda Meir's oft-repeated
There was no such thing as Palestinians). Norman Finkelstein
wrote about all that in
Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (1995;
revised 2003), especially his critique of Joan Peters' 1984 book,
From Time Immemorial.
Another book that was very insightful at the time (2003) was
Baruch Kimmerling: Politicide: Ariel Sharon's War Against the
Palestinians -- reissued in 2006 with the new subtitle,
The Real Legacy of Ariel Sharon. Kimmerling's precise
meaning is still operative, although since then the methods have
become much cruder and more violent. Sharon, of course, would
turn in his grave at the suggestion that he engaged with tact.
I'll never forget the expression on his face when Bush referred
to him as "a man of peace." Even if you dispute that the Gaza
war fully counts as genocide, it is impossible to deny that
politicide is official policy.
I'm sure there are more recent books on the subject, like
Rebecca Ruth Gould: Erasing Palestine: Free Speech and
Palestinian Freedom (2023), which deals specifically
with the canard that "pro-Palestinian" statements should be
banished as anti-semitic. But another aspect of this piece is the
notion that the Palestinian survival is redemptive, potentially
for everyone. I can't say one way or the other, but I will say
that this reminds me of a book I read very shortly after it came
out in 1969:
Vine Deloria, Jr.: Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian
Manifesto. As an American, I find it completely natural
to think of Zionism as a settler-colonial movement, as was
European-settled America. There are many aspects to this: if
I wanted to launch a career as a scholar, I'd research and write
up some kind of global, comparative study of how other settlers
and natives viewed the American-Indian experience. (Sure, there's
enough for a book just on Israel, but I'd also like to see some
bit on Hitler's use of America's "frontier myth.")
Suffice it for now to draw two points here. The first is that
what permanently ended Indian violence against settlers was the
US army calling off its own attacks, and restraining settlers
from the free reign of terror they had long practiced. Indians
were "defeated," sure, but they would surely have regrouped and
fought back had they been given continued cause. The second is
that "Custer died" is pretty damn generous given all of the sins
it's been allowed to redeem.
Jonathan Ofir: [06-02]
Netanyahu is back and leading the polls, all thanks to the ICC:
"In Israel, a potential arrest for crimes against humanity can help
boost the popularity of a politician. That itself is a telling
Edith Olmsted: [04-27]
Pro-Israel agitator shouts 'kill the Jews,' gets everyone else
arrested: "Around 100 protesters were arrested on Saturday
at a pro-Palestine encampment at Northeastern University, but
not the one whose hate speech got everything shut down."
James Ray: [06-05]
Do you condemn Hamas? How does it matter? This was a question
every concerned thinking person was asked at the moment of the
October 7, 2023 attacks, although there was never any forum by
within which disapproval of Hamas could have affected their acts.
There were, at the time, many reasons why one might "condemn
Hamas," ranging from the pure immorality of armed offense to
the political ramifications of provoking a much more powerful
enemy, including the probability that Israelis would use the
attacks as a pretext for unleashing much greater, potentially
genocidal, violence of their own. But even acknowledging the
question helped suppress the real question, which is whether
you approve of the way Israel has exercised power over Gaza
and wherever Palestinians continue to live.
Many of us who have long disapproved of Israel's occupation
were quick to condemn Hamas, only to find that our condemnations
were counted as huzzahs for much more devastating, much more
deadly attacks, a process which continues unabated eight months
later, and which will continue indefinitely, until Israel's
leadership (or its successors) finally backs off, either because
they develop a conscience (pretty unlikely at present) or some
calculation that the costs of further slaughter can no longer
be justified. Given this situation, I think it no longer makes
any sense to condemn Hamas, as all doing so does is to encourage
Israel to further genocide.
I'm not even sure there is a Hamas
any more -- sure, there are a couple blokes in Syria who once
had connections with the group, and who continue to negotiate
to release hostages they don't actually have, but for practical
purposes what used to be Hamas has dissolved back into the
Palestinian people (as Israel makes clear every time they
allegedly target "high value" Hamas operatives while killing
dozens of "human shields" -- something which, we should make
clear, Israel has no right to do). If, at some future point,
the war ends, and Palestinians are allowed to form their own
government -- which is something they've never been permitted
to do (at least under Israeli, British, Ottoman, or Crusader
rule) -- and some ex-Hamas people try to reconstitute the
group, that would be a good time to condemn them. Otherwise,
focus on who's responsible for the devastation and violence.
It's not Hamas.
In this, I'm mostly responding to the title. The article is
a bit more problematical, as it does a little arm-chair analysis
of "when armed struggle becomes material necessity." Clearly,
a number of the Palestinian groups listed here decided that it
did become necessary, and they proceeded to launch various
attacks against Israeli power, of which Oct. 7 was one of the
most dramatic (at least in a long time; the revolt in 1937,
and the war in 1948, were larger and more sustained; the
2000-05 intifada killed
slightly fewer Israelis over a much longer period of time).
Still, before one can condemn the resort to armed struggle, one
needs to ask the questions: Were there any practical non-violent
avenues for Palestinians to redress their grievances (of which
they had many)? It's not obvious that there were. (Short for a
long survey of who missed which opportunities for opportunities
for peace -- as the oft-quoted Abba Eban quip comes full circle.)
I was thinking of a second question, which is how effective have
all those efforts at armed resistance been? The answer is not very,
and the prospects have probably diminished even further over time,
but that's easier for someone far removed like myself to say than
for someone who's directly involved.
But in that case, the question becomes: how desperate do you have
to be to launch a violent attack against a power that's certain to
inflict many times as much violence back at you? If you've been
following the political dynamics within Israel, especially with
the rise of Smotrich and Ben-Gvir, but also for the long decline
of Labor (starting with the assassination of Rabin) through the
rise of Netanyahu, with the marginalization of the corrupt and
pliant PA and the exclusion of Hamas, Palestinian prospects for
achieving any degree of decent human rights have only grown
dimmer. During this period, I believe that most Palestinians
favored a non-violent appeal to world opinion, hoping to shift
it to put pressure on Israel through BDS. However, thanks to
Israel's machinations, Hamas maintained just enough privacy and
autonomy in Gaza to stage an attack, with nothing other than
fear as a constraint, so they took matters into their own hands.
I feel safe in saying that a democratic Gaza would never have
launched such an attack. Which is to say that responsibility
for the attack lay solely on Israel, for creating the desperate
conditions that made the attack seem necessary, and for not
allowing any other peaceable outlets for their just grievances.
One should further blame Israel for post-facto justifying the
Hamas attack. This is a point that Israelis should understand
better than anyone, because they have been trained to celebrate
the uprising of the 1943
Warsaw ghetto, even though it was doomed from the start.
I don't want to overstate the similarities, but I don't want to
soft-pedal them either. Such situations are so rare in history
as to necessarily be unique, but they do excite the imagination.
Although Israel has vowed to destroy Hamas, they seem to be
doing more than anyone to build Hamas up, to restore their
status as the Palestinians who dared to fight back. Because
Israel has never really minded a good fight. It's peace they
really cannot abide -- and that is what makes them responsible
for all of the consequent injustice and violence, the first of
many things you should blame Israel for.
And as Hamas -- at least as we understand it -- wouldn't exist
but for Israel, when you do condemn Hamas, make sure it's clear
that the blame starts with Israel.
Hoda Sherif: [06-06]
'The generation that says no more': Inside the Columbia University
encampments for Palestine: "Students at Columbia University
continue to disrupt business as usual for Gaza and have birthed
a radical re-imagining of society in the process."
Yonat Shimron: [04-29]
How unconditional support for Israel became a cornerstone of Jewish
American identity: Interview with Marjorie N. Feld, author of
The Threshold of Dissent: A History of American Jewish Critics of
Tatiana Siegel: [06-06]
Hollywood marketing guru fuels controversy by telling staffers to
refrain from working with anyone 'posting against Israel':
The Hollywood "black list" returns.
Charlie Savage/Jonathan Swan/Maggie Haberman: [06-07]
If Trump wins: Nothing new here that hasn't been reported elsewhere,
but if you find the New York Times a credible source, believe it.
(I should write more on this piece next week.)
David Corn: [06-06]
Trump's obsession with revenge: a big post-verdict danger.
Michelle Cottle/Carlos Lozada: [06-07]
The 'empty suit' of Trump's masculinity: With Jamelle Bouie
and David French.
Chas Danner: [06-06]
Trump can no longer shoot someone on fifth avenue. Well, his
"New York concealed carry license was quietly suspended on April
1, 2023, following his indictment on criminal charges," leading
him to surrender two guns, and move one "legally" to Florida. If
he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue, he could be charged with
illegal possession of a firearm, but if he could previously get
away with murder, it's hard to see him more worried now.
Maureen Dowd: [07-28]
The Don and his badfellas. She has fun with this, but seems to
get to an inner truth:
Trump is drawn to people who know how to dominate a room and
exaggerated displays of macho, citing three of his top five movies as
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," "Goodfellas" and "The
As a young real estate developer, he would hang out at Yankee
Stadium and study the larger-than-life figures in the V.I.P. box:
George Steinbrenner, Lee Iacocca, Frank Sinatra, Roy Cohn, Rupert
Murdoch, Cary Grant. He was intent on learning how they grabbed the
"In his first big apartment project, Trump's father had a partner
connected to the Genovese and Gambino crime families," said Michael
D'Antonio, another Trump biographer. "He dealt with mobbed-up
suppliers and union guys for decades.
"When Trump was a little boy, wandering around job sites with his
dad -- which was the only time he got to spend with him -- he saw a
lot of guys with broken noses and rough accents. And I think he is
really enchanted by base male displays of strength. Think about
'Goodfellas' -- people who prevail by cheating and fixing and
lying. Trump doesn't have the baseline intellect and experience to be
proficient at governing. His proficiency is this mob style of bullying
and tough-guy talk."
Abdallah Fayyad:: [06-04]
Trump's New York conviction is not enough: "If the federal
government wants to uphold democracy and the rule of law, it
can't leave convicting Trump to the states."
Phil Freeman, in a [06-01]
Facebook post, summed up Trump's post-verdict appearances almost
perfectly (assuming you get what by now must be a very esoteric
Donald Trump is officially in his "Lenny Bruce reading his trial
transcripts to audiences that came in expecting jokes" era. Hope
everyone's ready for five solid months of rambling, self-pitying
speeches about how unfair everyone is to him, 'cause that's what's
coming, from today till November 5.
Matt Ford: [06-09]
The right's truly incredible argument for weakening consumer safety:
"A baby products company and an anti-woke activist group are trying
to weaken a critical consumer watchdog agency. If one of their cases
reaches the Supreme Court, we're all in trouble."
Michelle Goldberg: [06-07]
Donald Trump's mob rule: Starts with an anecdote from Peter
Navarro, currently in prison for contempt of Congress, describing
how his Trump ties "make him something of a made man," both with
guards and inmates. "One of the more unsettling things about our
politics right now is the Republican Party's increasingly open
embrace of lawlessness. Even as they proclaim Trump's innocence,
Trump and his allies revel in the frisson of criminality."
There's a similar dichotomy between Trump and his enemies: He
represents charismatic personal authority as opposed to the
bureaucratic dictates of the law. Under his rule, the Republican
Party, long uneasy with modernity, has given itself over to
Gemeinschaft. The Trump Organization was always run as a family
business, and now that Trump has made his dilettante daughter-in-law
vice chair of the Republican National Committee, the Republican
Party is becoming one as well. To impose a similar regime of
personal rule on the country at large, Trump has to destroy the
already rickety legitimacy of the existing system. "As in
Machiavelli's thought, the Prince is not only above the law but
the source of law and all social and political order, so in the
Corleone universe, the Don is 'responsible' for his family, a
responsibility that authorizes him to do virtually anything except
violate the obligations of the family bond," [Sam] Francis [a white
nationalist who has become posthumously
influential among MAGA elites] wrote. That also seems to be how
Trump sees himself, minus, of course, the family obligations. What's
frightening is how many Republicans see him the same way.
Sarah Jones: [06-06]
The anti-abortion movement's newest lie: Are they going after
contraception next?
Ed Kilgore:
Ben Mathis-Lilley:
Kim Phillips-Fein: [06-04]
The mandate for leadership, then and now: "The Heritage Foundation's
1980 manual aimed to roll back the state and unleash the free market.
The 2025 vision is more extreme, and even more dangerous." This is
part of
an issue on Project 2025, which includes pieces like:
James Risen:
Greg Sargent:
Trump's bizarre moments with Dr. Phil and Hannity should alarm us
Alex Shephard: [06-06]
The billionaires have captured Donald Trump.
Matt Stieb: [06-09]
The time Trump held a national security chat among Mar-a-Lago
diners: "When he strategized about North Korea on a golf-resort
patio, it was an early indication of how crazy his administration
would get."
Ishaan Tharoor: [05-31]
Netanyahu and Putin are both waiting for Trump: "Some foreign
leaders may be holding out for a Trump victory." It's not just that
they can expect to be treated more deferentially by Trump. It's also
that they have a lot of leverage to sabotage Biden's reëlection
chances, which are largely imperiled by the disastrous choices
Biden made in allowing wars in Ukraine and Gaza to open up and to
drag on indefinitely.
Michael Tomasky:
It's simple: Trump is treated like a criminal because he's a
And other Republicans:
Biden and/or the Democrats:
Jeet Heer:
Showing contempt for young voters is a great way for Democrats to
lose in November: "Hillary Clinton's arrogance already lost
one election. And if Joe Biden follows her example, it can easily
cost another."
Annie Linskey/Siobhan Hughes: [06-04]
Behind closed doors, Biden shows signs of slipping: "Participants
in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times.
The White House said Biden is sharp and his critics are playing
partisan politics." My wife found this very disturbing, but I find
it hard to get interested, beyond bemoaning the obvious obsession
of much of the media and some of the public with his age. Perhaps
some day I'll write out my thoughts on aging politicians, but I
don't feel up to it now, and expect I'll have many opportunities
in the future. But I do have a lot of thoughts, which lead to a
mixed bag of conclusions: about Biden (who I've never liked, and
am very chagrined with over certain key policies), Democrats (who
are so terrified, both of Trump and of their own rich donors, that
they're unwilling to risk new leadership), the presidency (where
the staff matters much more than the head or face), and the media
(which has turned that face into some kind of bizarre circus act,
relentlessly amplifying every surface flaw), and maybe even the
people (we suffer many confusions about aging). Also on this:
Angelo Carusone
tweeted about this piece: "The person who wrote that deceitful
WSJ attack piece on Biden age is the same reporter who a few years
ago (while at WaPo) had to delete a tweet for taking a jab at Biden
as he visited his late son, wife and daughter's graves."
Greg Sargent: [06-06]
Sleazy WSJ hit piece on Biden's age gets brutally shredded
by Dems: "After a new report that dubiously hyped President
Biden's age infuriated Democrats, we talked to a leading media
critic about the deep problems with the press this sage exposes."
Blaise Malley: [06-05]
'We are the world power': Biden offers defense of US primacy:
"In TIME interview, president talks up foreign policy record,
offers few details on what second term would hold."
Nicole Narea: [06-04]
Biden's sweeping new asylum restrictions, explained: "Biden's
transparently political attack on asylum put little daylight between
him and Trump." Some more on immigration:
Legal matters and other crimes:
Climate and environment:
Ilana Cohen: [06-07]
The Canadian wildfires are once again sounding the alarm about
what's to come.
Jeff Goodell:
Umair Irfan: [06-05]
How heat waves form, and how climate change makes them worse:
"Heat domes, heat islands, mega-droughts, and climate change: The
anatomy of worsening heat waves." This is a lead article in
The Vox guide to extreme heat.
R Jisung Park: [04-16]
We don't see what climate change is doing to us.
Nathaniel Rich: [0]
Climate change is making us paranoid, anxious and angry: "From
dolphins with Alzheimer's to cranky traffic judges, writes Clayton
Page Aldern, the whole planet is going berserk." Review of Aldern's
The Weight of Nature: How a Changing Climate Changes Our Brains.
Jennifer Szalai: [06-08]
Shrink the economy, save the world? "Economic growth has been
ecologically costly -- and so a movement in favor of 'degrowth'
is growing." Some books mentioned here:
Paige Vega: [06-07]
The hottest place on Earth is cracking from the stress of extreme
heat: "If even Death Valley is in trouble, what does that mean
for the rest of us?" Where it's already hit 121°F this year.
Interview with Abby Wines, a spokesperson from Death Valley National
Economic matters:
Paul Krugman: Famed economist and New York Times token
liberal columnist, I've paid very little attention to his columns of
late, but thought a quick catch-up might be in order. His more wonkish
pieces, especially on the recurring themes of inflation and budgets,
are informative. And while he seems especially loathe to criticize
Biden from the left, he is pretty clear when he focuses on the right.
Why you shouldn't obsess about the national debt. Sure, it's
a big number, but key point is "it's almost entirely a political
problem," and "people who claim to be deeply concerned about debt
are, all too often, hypocrites -- the level of their hypocrisy
often reaches the surreal."
Goodbye inflation, hello recession? "The landing is almost here,
but will it be soft?"
Should Biden downplay his own success? "A radical idea: The
administration should just tell the truth." But at the end of the
piece, he admits that's "what they've been doing all along," yet
doesn't wonder why that hasn't been working so well for them.
What if this is our last real election? What if our last real
election is already buried deeply in the past? The primary threat
to democracy is the corrupt influence of money, which is something
American politics has never been truly free of, although it has
certainly gotten much worse in recent years -- with Citizens United
perhaps the tipping point, but the basic effect goes way back. Of
course, this is a situation that can conceivably get even worse --
Trump plans to rig the system further, locking in unpopular control
to do unpopular things, especially even more corruption. But it's
naďve to think of Trump as a future threat given not just what he's
already done but what was done to allow him to claim a win in 2016.
On the dangers of inflation brain: "Is the Fed, among others,
focused on the wrong problem?"
The stench of climate change denial: "What overflowing septic
tanks tell us about the future."
America is still having a 'vicecession': "Most voters
say that they're doing OK but that the economy is bad."
Return of the inflation truthers: "Cutting through the misconceptions
and conspiracy theories."
What does the Dow hitting 40,000 tell us? "The stock market isn't
the economy -- but its record high refutes conspiracy theories."
Preparing for the second China shock: "Why the Biden administration
is imposing new tariffs."
Biden's approval is low, except compared with everyone else's:
"Voters are grumpy all across the Western world."
Give me laundry liberty or give me death! "MAGA Republicans'
obsessions with woke washing machines." The House voted for what
they called the
Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act, promising
more specific bills: "the Liberty in Laundry Act, the
Refrigerator Freedom Act and more."
One nice illustration of the culture war aspect was a 2019 petition
circulated by FreedomWorks, a Koch-linked group, titled "Make
Dishwashers Great Again." The petition claimed that "crazy
environmentalist rules" had drastically reduced dishwashers'
effectiveness -- a claim disputed by dishwasher manufacturers
But it seemed pretty clear that what really bothered conservatives
was the very suggestion that American consumers should take into
account the adverse effects their choices might have on other people.
That sort of consideration, after all, is what the right mainly seems
to mean when it condemns policies as "woke."
Even if consumers are free to ignore adverse effects, there is a
pretty good case that government should at least price in the
externalities that are currently free to polluters and other
If it bleeds it leads, inflation edition: "How negativity
bias affects economic perceptions."
Meat, freedom and Ron DeSantis: "A full plate of culture war
and conspiracy theories." This does back to Florida's ban of "lab
meat," which is the latest time their governor got much notice.
(Although he tried when he proposed a
law allowing convicted felons named Donald Trump to vote.)
The peculiar persistence of Trump-stalgia: "Are you better off
than you were four years ago? Yes."
Trump is flirting with quack economics: "Beware strongmen who
engage in magical thinking."
Reminder: Trump's last year in office was a national nightmare:
"And he made the nightmare much worse."
Ukraine War and Russia:
Connor Echols: [06-07]
Diplomacy Watch: What's the point of Swiss peace summit? It's
not to negotiate with Russia, which won't be attending. Zelensky
has a "10-point peace plan, which
demands the full expulsion of Russian troops from the country
and the prosecution of top Kremlin officials," which suggests he
still thinks he can "win the war." I seriously doubt that, while
I also see that Ukrainians have much more to lose if the war is
Dave DeCamp: [05-30]
France may soon announce it's sending troops to Ukraine for
Joshua Keating: [06-05]
The US tests Putin's nuclear threats in Ukraine: "Allowing Ukraine
to fire Western weapons into Russia strengthens an ally, but risks
violating an unknown red line." I thought the "red line" was pretty
loudly proclaimed. They're basically testing whether Putin is serious
(which has usually been a bad idea, but the idea of him escalating
directly to nuclear arms is pretty extreme, even for him). Also, it
really isn't obvious how taking occasional pot shots inside Russia
"strengthens Ukraine." Russia has more capability to strike Ukraine
than vice versa, so once you factor the reprisals in it's unlikely
that there will be any net gains, or that such gains could actually
be realized through negotiation. And since negotiation is really
the only avenue for ending this war, that's where the focus should
really be.
Constant Méheut: [06-09]
Ukrainian activist traces roots of war in 'centuries of Russian
colonization': "One Ukrainian researcher and podcaster is a
leading voice in efforts to rethink Ukrainian-Russian relations
through the prism of colonialism." Mariam Naiem. I don't doubt
that there is some value in this approach, but I can also imagine
overdoing it. We tend to view colonialism through a British prism,
perhaps with variations for France, maybe even Spain/Portugal,
each of which varied, although the power dynamic was similar.
Theodore Postol: [06-05]
Droning Russia's nuke radars is the dumbest thing Ukraine can
do: "Attacks on the early warning system actually highlights
the fragility of peace between the world's nuclear powers."
Reuters: [06-05]
Russia to send combat vessels to Caribbean to project 'global power,'
US official says: "Naval exercises spurred by US support for
Ukraine are likely to include port calls in Cuba and Venezuela,
says official." Nothing to be alarmed of here. (My first thought
was how Russia sent its Baltic Sea fleet all the way around Africa
in 1905, only to have it sunk in the Sea of Japan, an embarrassment
that triggered the failed revolution of 1905.) But it does show
that the era where only "sole superpower" US was arrogant enough
to try to project global naval power is coming to a close. Also:
Guardian: [06-06]
Russia nuclear-powered submarine to visit Cuba amid rising tensions
with US. By the way, The Guardian remains a reliable source for
news and opinion with an anti-Russian slant, as evidenced by:
Pjotr Sauer:
Léonie Chao-Fong: [06-05]
Putin says Trump conviction 'burns' idea of US as leading democracy:
Funny guy.
Patrick Wintour: [06-08]
'We're in 1938 now': Putin's war in Ukraine and lessons from
history. The Guardian's "diplomatic editor," this could become a
classic in the abuse of history for political ends, although he offers
a nice feint in this:
As Christopher Hitchens once wrote, much American foolishness
abroad, from Korea to Vietnam to Iraq, has been launched on the
back of Munich syndrome, the belief that those who appease bullies,
as the then British prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, sought to
do with Adolf Hitler in Munich in 1938, are either dupes or cowards.
Such leaders are eventually forced to put their soldiers into battle,
often unprepared and ill-equipped -- men against machines, as vividly
described in Guilty Men, written by Michael Foot, Frank Owen and
Peter Howard after the Dunkirk fiasco. In France, the insult
Munichois -- synonymous with cowardice -- sums it up.
But then he quotes Timothy Snyder, and reverts to the stereotype
that Putin is Hitler's second coming, an expansionist so implacable
that he will continue besieging us until we finally gather up our
courage and fight back. The problem here isn't just that Putin is
not Hitler, but that this isn't even a valid portrait of Hitler,
who had specific territorial ambitions that were conditioned by
his times and place -- when "the sun never sets on the British
Empire," presided over by a country no larger or more developed
than Germany, while the vast land mass to Germany's east looked
to him like the American West, promising Lebesraum for
the superior Aryan race. Putin may conjure up the occasional odd
fantasy of Peter the Great or Vlad the Impaler, not something we
can take comfort in, but in an unconquerable world, nationalism
is a self-limiting force, which falls far short of the ambitions
of Hitler or the inheritance of Churchill.
Ted Snider: [06-04]
Why Zelensky won't be able to negotiate peace himself:
"The way out is to transcend bilateral talks to include moves
toward a new, inclusive European security architecture."
America's empire and the world:
Jess Craig: [06-08]
World leaders neglected this crisis. Now genocide looms. "Already
the world's worst displacement crisis, new battlefronts in Sudan could
unleash ethnic violence and genocide." I don't doubt that civil wars
in Africa are much worse than we (especially in America) credit, but
it also bothers me to see how freely the word "genocide" is used here,
as opposed to its extremely clear and precise application to Israel
in Gaza. But the problem here is not just the world leaders who
"neglected this crisis," but also the ones who contributed to it,
either directly (UAE is clearly implicated) or indirectly (Russia
and the US are major arms suppliers, and I wouldn't be surprised
to see some Europeans, and maybe the Chinese, in the mix).
William Hartung/Ben Freeman: [06-07]
Navy admiral's bribery charges expose greater rot in the system:
"When will members of Congress who place shilling for special
interests above crafting an effective defense policy face the
Ellen Ioanes: [06-03]
What to know about Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico's next president.
She won last week, with a mandate to continue and extend the policies
of President Obrador. More on Mexico:
Joshua Keating: [06-04]
India's election shows the world's largest democracy is still a
democracy: "The biggest takeaways from Narenda Modi's political
setback." Nearly every report over the last two months projected
Modi's BJP party to win a landslide (as many as 400 of 543 seats),
but the actual total was a plurality of 240 seats, plus 49 for
other parties that have formed ruling coalitions with BJP.
More on the elections in India:
Eldar Mamedov: [06-06]
European Parliament elections: Not quite a 'Trumpian moment':
"Populists on the right are poised to win big this week but don't
expect perfect parallels to what is happening here or a shift in
Ukraine war support."
Nick Turse:
After training African coup leaders, Pentagon blames Russia for
African coups: "The US has trained 15 coup leaders in recent
decades -- and US counterterrorism policies in the region have
Kathleen Wallace: [06-07]
Narcissistic personality disorder in the USA: It's not just
Trump any more.
Zoe Williams: [06-05]
'How can they treat people like this?' Faiza Shaheen on Labour --
and why she's running as an independent.
Other stories:
Associated Press: [06-06]
Charleston bridge closed as out-of-control ship powers through
harbor: In South Carolina, another 1,000ft ship, narrowly
avoided knocking down another major bridge, as happened
in Baltimore recently.
Kyle Chayka: [05-29]
The new generation of online culture curators: "In a digital
landscape overrun by algorithms and AI, we need human guides to
help us decide what's worth paying attention to." This isn't
meant as an advertisement, but perhaps it is an idea for one:
The onslaught of online content requires filtering, whether
technological or human, and those of us who dislike the idea of
A.I. or algorithms doing the filtering for us might think more
about how we support the online personalities who do the job well.
Ivan Eland: [06-03]
Finding a foreign policy beyond Biden and Trump: "There has
to be an option that would allow the US to engage and protect
its interests without aggressive primacy."
Tom Engelhardt: [06-04]
Making war on Planet Earth: The enemy is us (and I'm not just thinking
about Donald Trump).
AW Ohlheiser: [06-06]
Why lying on the internet keeps working. Reviews, or at least
refers to, a forthcoming book:
Renée DiResta: Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into
Reality, with what I suppose is a second-order subhed: "If
You Make It Trend, You Make It True."
Kelsey Piper: [06-07]
Where AI predictions go wrong: "Both skeptics and boosters are
too sure of themselves."
Tejal Rao: [06-07]
His 'death by chocolate' cake will live forever: "The chief
Marcel Desaulniers, who died last month, had an over-the-top
approach to dessert, a sweet counterpoint to the guilt-ridden
chocolate culture of the time."
Mike Hale: [06-05]
'Hitler and the Nazis' review: Building a case for alarm: "Joe
Berlinger's six-part documentary for Netflix asks whether we should
see our future in Germany's past."
Tom Maxwell: [04-12]
How deregulation destroyed indie rock across America: "On the
corporate capture of regional radio stations." What happened with
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, enacted by Newt Gingrich and
signed by Bill Clinton: "The act . . . became a checkered flag
for a small number of corporations to snap up commercial radio
stations across the country and homogenize playlists." Excerpted
from Maxwell's book,
A Really Strange and Wonderful Time: The Chapel Hill Music Scene:
Michael Tatum:
A Downloader's Diary (52): June 2024.
Midyear reports: I've been factoring these into my
metacritic file.
My nephew Ram Lama Hull dredged up a 2016 Facebook "memory" where
he wrote "I'm likely voting 3rd party, and encourage everyone in
Kansas to do the same." He didn't say who, but had a libertarian
streak as well as the family's left-leanings. However, this year
he writes:
I've changed my stance. I still stand by this as a general principle,
but I voted Democrat in 2020, and will do so in 2024: even if my vote
doesn't shift the electoral college results, I want to do my part to
push for a Democratic mandate in the popular vote.
I added this comment:
I moved back to KS in 1999. In 2000, I voted for Nader, figuring that
the Gore campaign was so invisible he might not even get as many votes
as Nader. Bush won bit (58.04%), while Nader only got 3.37%, less than
one-tenth of Gore's 37.24%. I drew two conclusions from this: one is
that Kansas has a very solid minority that will show up as Democrats
no matter how little effort one makes to reach them. (You can also see
this in Moran's Senate results, where he rarely cracks 60% despite
outspending his opponents as much as 100-to-1.) And second, if you
ever want to get to a majority, you have to first win over your own
Democrats. I'm very upset with Biden at the moment over his foreign
policy (not just but especially Israel), but by now I've become pretty
used to lesser-evilism.
Monday, June 03, 2024
Music Week
Expanded blog post,
June archive
(in progress).
Tweet: Music Week: 44 albums, 2 A-list
Music: Current count 42421 [42377] rated (+44), 36 [31] unrated (+5).
I had a really miserable night and morning. I often complain
about my eyesight, but get along ok, as long as I don't try to
read CD booklets (one excuse why my reviews have gotten sparer)
or try to file CDs alphabetical-by-artist (one reason everything
is such a mess). I went to the eye doctor in April, and he told
me I should consider cataract surgery. They set up an appointment,
but couldn't with their preferred partner get one until June 3,
and then couldn't get me an afternoon appointment. I knew it was
coming up this week, but didn't realize it was Monday until the
day before. I had put off paperwork and research, figuring it
could wait until my usual posts, then had to rush out
Speaking of Which, to get a bit of time to prepare.
I hate morning appointments: not only does it cut into my
normal sleep schedule, simply knowing that I will have to get
up early keeps me from getting any sleep at all. It also didn't
help that we had thunderstorms rolling through into the morning.
When the alarm went off, I was exhausted and exasperated. Then
my wife found a phone message saying that the surgeon's office
had a power outage, so they had moved all of their appointments
to a different location, ten miles farther east, so a 5-minute
drive would become 35-40 minutes. My wife called and canceled
the appointment. When I finally got up, I called them. They
offered me the same appointment time in the distant place, but
wouldn't allow me the time to get there. So we rescheduled,
pushing the fateful date back to July 29, but at least I got
an afternoon appointment.
I probably shouldn't dread this like I do. We know lots of
other people who have had the surgery and come out better for it --
Some with adverse side-effects, but as far as I know, all of those
were temporary. And I'm less ignorant about what's involved than
I was 24 hours ago -- although much of it does seem to depend on
the actual examination. I'm not able to go back to sleep, so will
spend the rest of the day feeling jet-lagged and irritable. But
before long I should rest up, and put it out of mind, at least
until the next panic on July 28.
The early start means I should get this posted at a reasonable
hour, although other factors could lead me to use the rest of the
day. I've added two small items to Speaking of Which as of 3pm,
and more are likely. I also have some catch up bookkeeping to do.
And I would like to fiddle with the
metacritic file a bit.
[PS: One thing I did manage to do was to count albums listed by
Christian Iszchak and
Steve Pick in their
respective Substacks.
Seems like a very high ratio of B+(***) to A- this week (21-2),
suggesting that some of those could have benefited from a bit more
attention. (I did give two plays for at least a third of the 21;
another third could just as easily have landed lower, but got the
benefit of doubt; Anycia, Ferragutti, and Popul are the ones I may
still wonder about.)
It always pains me when I see zombie birthday notices on Facebook
friends, but "Bill Xcix Phillips's birthday is today" always hits me
hardest, not only because he was a dear friend and great mentor but
because I first heard of his passing when I wished him a "happy" in
response to one of those notices. Facebook is a hideous thing in oh
so many ways, but these residual bits of long-distance connection
are what keep pulling me back in.
New records reviewed this week:
- Allie X: Girl With No Face (2024, Twin Music): [sp]: B+(***)
- Anycia: Princess Pop That (2024, United Masters): [sp]: B+(***)
- Chief Keef: Almighty So 2 (2024, 43B): [sp]: B+(***)
- Jamale Davis: Run With the Hunted (2024, SteepleChase): [sp]: B+(**)
- On Ka'a Davis: Here's to Another Day and Night for the LWA of the Woke (2024, Tzadik): [sp]: B+(*)
- Ekko Astral: Pink Balloons (2024, Topshelf): [sp]: B+(***)
- Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti & Frank Rosaly: Mestizk (2023, International Anthem): [sp]: B+(***)
- Myriam Gendron: Mayday (2024, Thrill Jockey): [sp]: B+(**)
- Gilbert Holmström: Peak (2023 [2024], Moserobie): [cd]: A-
- Daniel Humair/Samuel Blaser/Heiri Känzig [Helveticus]: Our Way (2022 [2024], Blaser Music): [sp]: B+(***)
- Izumi Kimura/Barry Guy/Gerry Hemingway: Six Hands Open as One (2023 [2024], Fundacja Sluchaj): [cd]: B+(***)
- Old Man Luedecke: She Told Me Where to Go (2024, Outside): [sp]: B
- Mach-Hommy: #Richaxxhaitian (2024, Mach-Hommy): [sp]: B+(***)
- Rob Mazurek: Milan (2023 [2024], Clean Feed): [sp]: B+(**)
- Jesus Molina: Selah (2024, Dynamo Production): [sp]: B
- Kacey Musgraves: Deeper Well (2024, MCA Nashville): [sp]: A-
- Old Mountain: Another State of Rhythm (2023 [2024], Clean Feed): [sp]: B+(**)
- Fabiana Palladino: Fabiana Palladino (2024, Paul Institute/XL): [sp]: B+(***)
- Bolis Popul: Letter to Yu (2024, Deewee): [sp]: B+(***)
- Pouty: Forget About Me (2024, Get Better): [sp]: B+(**)
- Pylon Reenactment Society: Magnet Factory (2024, Strolling Bones): [sp]: B+(***)
- Terre Roche: Inner Adult (2024, self-released): [sp]: B+(**)
- Omar Souleyman: Erbil (2024, Mad Decent): [sp]: B+(***)
- Split System: Vol I (2022, Legless): [sp]: B+(***)
- Split System: Vol. II (2024, Legless): [sp]: B+(***)
- Swamp Dogg: Blackgrass: From West Virginia to 125th St (2024, Oh Boy): [sp]: B+(***)
- TGB: Room 4 (2022 [2024], Clean Feed): [sp]: B+(**)
- Peter Van Huffel's Callisto: Meandering Demons (2022 [2024], Clean Feed): [sp]: B+(***)
- Kamasi Washington: Fearless Moment (2024, Young): [sp]: B+(***)
- WoochieWobbler: Is My Future Bright? (2024, 3455092 DK, EP): [sp]: B+(**)
Recent reissues, compilations, and vault discoveries:
- Stan Getz: Unissued Session: Copenhagen 1977 (1977 [2024], SteepleChase): [sp]: B+(**)
- The Jazz Dispensary: The Freedom Sound! The People Arise (1963-76 [2024], Craft): [sp]: B+(**)
Old music:
- Gary Bartz Quintet: Libra (1967 [1968], Milestone): [yt]: B+(*)
- Gary Bartz NTU Troop: Home! (1969 [1970], Milestone): [yt]: B+(**)
- Gary Bartz Quintet: Reflections on Monk: The Final Frontier (1988 [1989], SteepleChase): [sp]: B+(***)
- Ran Blake: The Blue Potato and Other Outrages . . . Solo Piano by Ran Blake (1969, Milestone): [sp]: B+(**)
- The Dungills: Africa Calling (1963, Vee-Jay): [yt]: B-
- Billy Gault: When Destiny Calls: The Music of Billy Gault (1974 [1975], SteepleChase): [sp]: B+(**)
- Daniel Humair: Quatre Fois Trois (1996-97 [1997], Label Bleu): [sp]: B+(***)
- Daniel Humair/Jerry Bergonzi/J.-F. Jenny-Clark: Open Architecture (1993, Ninety-One): [sp]: B+(**)
- Daniel Humair/Samuel Blaser/Heiri Känzig: 1291 (2020, Outnote): [sp]: B+(**)
- Larry Levan: The Sleeping Bag Sessions (1982-86 [2017], Sleeping Bag): [sp]: B+(**)
- Jackie McLean Featuring Gary Bartz: Ode to Super (1973, SteepleChase): [sp]: B+(***)
- Swamp Dogg: Little Jerry Williams Anthology (1954-1969) (1954-69 [2000], SDEG): [bc]: B+(***)
- Swamp Dogg: I Need a Job . . . So I Can Buy More Auto-Tune (2022, Don Giovanni): [sp]: B+(**)
Unpacking: Found in the mail last week:
- Jared Hall: Influences (Origin) [06-21]
- Jihee Heo: Flow (OA2) [06-21]
- Big Walter Horton: In Session: From Memphis to Chicago 1951-1955 (Jasmine)
- Clarence Penn: Behind the Voice (Origin) [06-21]
- Anthony Stanco: Stanco's Time (OA2) [06-21]
- Eddie Taylor: In Session: Diary of a Chicago Bluesman 1953-1957 (Jasmine)
- Jody Williams: In Session: Diary of a Chicago Bluesman 1954-1962 (Jasmine)
Sunday, June 02, 2024
Speaking of Which
Blog link.
I never bother looking for an image for these posts, but sometimes
one pops up that just seems right. I picked it up from a
tweet, where Ron Flipkowski explains: "Trump bus crashes into
a light pole today on the way to Staten Island rally for Trump."
Dean Baker asks: "How fast was the light pole going when it hit
the Trump bus?"
I need to post this early, which means Sunday evening, rather
than the usual late night, or not-unheard-of sometime Monday.
I did manage to check most of my usual sources, and wrote a few
comments, going especially long on
Nathan Robinson on Trump today. But
no general or section introductions. Maybe I'll find some time
later Monday and add some more links and/or comments. If so,
they will be marked as usual. Worst case, not even Music Week
gets posted on Monday.
Initial count: 184 links, 9173 words.
Updated count [06-05]: 194 links, 9598 words.
Local tags (these can be linked to directly):
Nathan Robinson on Trump;
on music.
Top story threads:
Kavitha Chekuru:
Hundreds of Palestinian doctors disappeared into Israeli detention.
Tareq S Hajjaj: [06-01]
'Jabalia is the birthplace of uprisings': Israeli army withdraws, but
the camp remains: "The Israeli army withdrew from Jabalia refugee
camp after a three-week invasion, leaving destruction and a new
generation of resistance fighters in its wake."
Yoav Litvin: [06-01]
Israel's experiments in Gaza are the new face of America's imperial
Aijaz Ahmad Mir: [05-30]
Innocence is under siege, with a psychological toll on Gaza's
Mahmoud Mushtaha: [05-27]
Can Palestinians imagine a future with Israelis after this war?
"My grandfather remembers neighborly relations with Jews before 1948.
For Palestinians today, such a prospect seems nearly impossible."
Sean Rameswaram/Miranda Kennedy: [05-29]
Why Israel can't destroy Hamas: "Amid ever-increasing global
outrage, the objectives in Israel's war are out of reach." Interview
with Mairav Zonszein, "a senior Israel analyst with the International
Crisis Group."
Jeffrey St Clair: [05-31]
Who by fire? The burning of Rafah's tent people: "Biden has
voluntarily tied himself to a regime that burns children to death
as they sleep in tents they were forced to move into by the people
who incinerated them. His red lines are drawn in the blood of
Palestinian babies."
Baker Zoubi:
Abandoned by the state, Palestinian citizens of Israel face record
crime wave: "Amid a proliferation of weapons and worsening police
negligence since Oct. 7, violence by criminal organizations in Arab
towns has reached historic levels."
France 24: [2023-12-15]
Israel social security data reveals true picture of Oct 7 deaths:
This is old, but I cite it because I've been having trouble finding
detailed information on the carnage of the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks from
Gaza into Israel. Initial reports were that 1400 Israelis were killed,
but that total was subsequently revised downward. The data here shows
"695 Israeli civilians (including 36 children) were killed, as well as
373 security forces and 71 foreigners, giving a total of 1,139." The
data do not include "how many Palestinian militants were killed on
Israeli soil," although there is mention of "'around 1,500 bodies'
of attackers, without giving further details." Another reference is
that "Hamas second-in-command Saleh al-Aruri said 'around 1,200
fighters' took part in the October 7 attack." There is no breakdown
of Israeli deaths between Jews and Arab citizens/residents of Israel,
although the area east of Gaza used to have a significant Bedouin
population. It is not inconceivable that bodies not counted as
Palestinian were Arab citizens of Israel. One more item confirmed
here is that the attacks were repelled within three days. Beyond
that point, Israel was secure except for the odd (and generally
ineffective) rocket, and virtually all subsequent deaths were in
Gaza (including small numbers of Israeli troops, I'll have to
check that separately).
America's Israel (and Israel's America): The Biden
administration, despite occasional misgivings, is fully complicit
in Israel's genocide. Republicans only wish to intensify it --
after all, they figure racism and militarism are their things.
Zack Beauchamp: [05-28]
The slaughter in Rafah and Israel's moral nadir: "At this point,
the Gaza war is best described as a form of murder-suicide: one in
which Israel slaughters Palestinians while raising the chances of its
own long-term destruction." The second part of this equation isn't so
obvious as the first. When someone in America goes on a mass shooting,
you can view them as suicidal, in that the odds are very high that
the spree will end in the shooter being killed. That isn't going to
happen here. There is no global law and order capable of stopping
the IDF, nor any international system of justice that Israel is likely
to recognize. What Israel's leaders are doing is shredding whatever
reputation the nation had for decency and respect. Even that is hard
to measure, as the 1948 Nakba and the increasingly brutal post-1967
occupation had already discredited Israel to so many people that
Israelis have grown used to, and thereby learned to discount, the
disdain. Presumably there is some tipping point where a significant
number of Israelis wake up and realize what a shame their leaders
have led them into. That's been known to happen, but almost never
while those leaders were still in power. Germany and Japan after
defeat in WWII are more typical, but nothing like that is going to
happen to Israel, but every defection from someone who actually
cares about the future well-being of Israelis is a step we should
Julian Borger:
Ryan Cooper: [05-28]
Joe Biden's dithering in Gaza gets absurd: "The Netanyahu regime
is making a mockery of American policy." Easy to do, I'd retort, when
Biden et al. were never serious about their policies in the first
James Durso: [05-27]
Will Gen Z change America's foreign policy towards Israel?
"Not just the protests, but myriad polls show a dramatic shift
away from unconditional support." I haven't kept track of those
generational tags, but isn't Z a good 3-4 generations removed
from the pre-Boomer currently in the White House?
Blaise Malley: [05-31]
Samantha Power: Israel is chief impediment to Gaza aid: "The
Biden administration knows that Israel is violating US law, so
why isn't it doing anything about it?"
Shawn Musgrave:
He made a Powerpoint on mothers starving in Gaza. Then he list his
government job. "A senior USAID adviser said he was pressured
to resign days after the agency censored his presentation."
Steven Nelson: [05-28]
John Kirby likens Israeli airstrike that killed civilians to US
bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan: 'We did the same thing.' Tip
here from a
tweet. A comment there reminds us of a 2014 checklist titled
"Israel's style of public relations," pointing out they jumped
right to 6:
- We haven't heard reports of deaths, will check into it;
- The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb;
- OK we killed them, but they were terrorists;
- OK they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields;
- OK there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But
we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose;
- OK we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible
other countries are!
- Why are you still talking about Israel? Are you some kind of
Mitchell Plitnick: [06-01]
Understanding Biden's proposal for a Gaza ceasefire: "While the
details of Joe Biden's proposal for a Gaza ceasefire remain vague it
does make one outcome of the fighting clear: Israel and the United
States lost." Biden spoke on Friday (for a transcript, see
Remarks by President Biden on the Middle East). Some reports
present this as an Israeli proposal, but there's also indication
that Israel remains the main obstacle (e.g.,
Israel describes a permanent cease-fire in Gaza as a 'nonstarter,'
undermining Biden's proposal.) Here's some sample reporting, and
further commentary:
Ted Snider: [05-30]
America's ugly history with the International Criminal Court.
Philip Weiss: [05-31]
Biden won't set red lines for Israel so long as AIPAC is 'top'
Democratic campaign funder: "AIPAC has spent $12 million in
just two congressional races. Joe Biden notices even if the
media doesn't."
Israel vs. world opinion:
Yuval Abraham/Meron Rapoport:
Israel's covert war on the ICC exposed
Spencer Ackerman:
Nidzara Ahmetasevic: [06-02]
It is not 'ethnic cleansing,' it is genocide: "The term was
invented by Serb genocidaires trying to cover up their crimes in
the Bosnian war." A point I've been making for some time.
Michael Arria: [05-30]
The Shift: Tlaib smeared from both sides for the People's Conference
Ghousoon Bisharat:
'The international legal order needs repair, and Gaza is part of
this': Interview with Al Mezan director Issam Younis.
Juan Cole: [05-30]
Israel's stalking operation against the ICC is mirrored in its Canary
Mission attack on US universities.
Jonathan Cook: [05-31]
To continue the Gaza genocide, Israel and the US must destroy the laws
of war.
Joshua Frank: [05-30]
Israel's onslaught of revenge, or "You can't turn back the clock
on genocide: The bombs, missiles, and the damage done." Interesting
link here:
Naomi Klein on Israel's "doppelganger politics": She points out
that every genocide is different, but then tries to describe Israel's
as the "Fordist genocide." Fordism, of course, refers to the assembly
line manufacturing pioneered by Henry Ford in the 1920s, which drove
the cost of a Model T down under $300. This was articulated as an ism
by Antonio Gramsci in his pre-WWII prison notebooks. But if you want
to describe any genocide as Fordist, it would be the Nazi genocide,
with its industrial scale, interlocking logistics, and mind-numbing
automation. The Fordist approach is to sweep up everything, to be as
efficient and complete as possible. What Israel is doing is slightly
different. If you want a manufacturing analogy, it's more closely
akin to statistical quality control, where you don't try to find
every flaw, but just to sample enough to understand statistically
how effective you are. I'm tempted to call it stochastic genocide:
the point is not to kill everyone, even though you have no qualms
about anyone you do kill. One the one hand, you do want the victims
to feel like they're being targeted for extermination. On the other
hand, you want observers to think the deaths are sort of accidental,
not part of a deliberate plan of genocide. So while they're doing
these systematic assaults, they're also introducing an element of
randomness -- their AI targeting system, for instance, could just
as well be a random number generator.
Eric Levitz: [06-03]
Israel is not fighting for its survival: This is an important point,
although at this point you have to be pretty blinkered to is facing any
risk from armed Palestinians. The border with Gaza was re-sealed three
days after Oct. 7. Since then I haven't seen an honest reckoning of
Israeli losses within the Green Line, for for that matter anywhere
but Gaza, which only happened because Israel sent soldiers in (nor do
we have a breakdown of how many of those were killed by Palestinians,
as opposed to "friendly fire"). But Levitz isn't trying to argue with
people who understand this. He seeks to counter ridiculous Israeli
talking points. A clue to this is in his subheds: "The weak case for
seeing Israel's war with Hamas as analogous to America's struggle
against the Axis"; "Hamas does not pose a threat remotely analogous
to that presented by Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan"; "The obliteration
of Gaza will not ensure lasting peace."
Also see this
tweet thread by Levitz, which focuses more on Brett Stephens
as the one who's pushing these WWII analogies. You might also
take a look at
this tweet, which has a video of a building being demolished
by an Israeli bomb.
Branko Marcetic: [06-01]
Calling Israel's critics antisemites won't solve antisemitism.
If anything, it makes antisemitism look and sound good, like it's
a defense of universal human rights, instead of just being an
instance of old-fashioned bigotry.
Joseph Massad: [05-30]
Instead of recognising 'Palestine', countries should withdraw recognition
of Israel.
Qassam Muaddi: [05-29]
How the ICC case against Israeli leaders was made possible:
"The groundwork for the International Criminal Court case against
Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant was laid long before the Gaza
genocide through the tireless work of Palestinian human rights
Abdaljawad Omar: [05-31]
The question of Hamas and the Left: Author asserts: "The Left
must confront this basic fact. One cannot claim solidarity with
Palestine and dismiss, overlook, or exclude Hamas." First, of course
you can, and if you seriously identify with the Left, you probably
should, because (a) Hamas isn't emblematic or even representative of
the Palestinian people, and (b) Hamas isn't aligned with the Left.
I trust I don't have to explain such obvious points. Second, who
cares about solidarity in this context (which is genocide)? I don't
blame Hamas for the genocide, nor do I blame them for not submitting
to Israel's demands, but I also recognize that they are incapable
of stopping the genocide. So, for all practical purposes, "dismiss,
overlook, or exclude" sounds about right. The genocide ends, and
recovery starts, when Israel decides to stop the destruction and
start to make amends, either because they (or new leadership)
develop a conscience, or because former allies in the US, Europe,
and elsewhere impress upon them that their present course will
only damage themselves. Flag-waving for Hamas isn't helpful here.
Nor is moaning about any "hidden critique of armed resistance."
Author cites some pieces relevant here:
Bashir Abu-Manneh: [04-28]
The Palestinian resistance isn't a monolith.
Andreas Malm: [04-08]
The destruction of Palestine is the destruction of the earth:
"The last six months of genocide in Gaza have ushered in a new
phase in a long history of colonization and extraction that reaches
back to the nineteenth century. To truly understand the present
crisis, Andreas Malm argues, requires a longue durée analysis
of Palestine's subjugation to fossil empire." Long article, tries
to apply the author's recent book,
Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global
Warming, to this crisis (he also wrote
How to Blue Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire).
This piece elicited Matan Kaminer: [05-10]
After the flood: A response to Andreas Malm.
Ayça Çubukçu: [05-01]
Many speak for Palestine: "The solidarity movement doesn't
have a single leader -- and it doesn't need one."
Jodi Dean: [04-09]
Palestine speaks for everyone: "Against those who would separate
good and bad Palestinians resisting occupation and onslaught, Jodi
Dean writes in defence of the radical universal emancipation embodied
in the Palestinian cause."
PS: I've since learned that Dean, a tenored professor
at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, was "temporarily removed" from
teaching there, specifically over this essay. See: Kate Hidalgo
Bellows: [04-15]
A tenured professor was removed from the classroom over a pro-Palestinian
essay. I mentioned the piece because Omar cites it, not because
I agree or disagree with it. I do, however, believe it should be
respected as free speech, and that in punishing Dean the university
is not just suppressing free speech but engaging in some kind of
political purge.
Adam Shatz: [2023-11-02]
Vengeful pathologies. One of the best articles I read at the
time, but Omar chose to attack it: [2023-11-08]
Hopeful pathologies in the war for Palestine: a reply to Adam
Corey Robin: [06-01]
Scenes from a New York City student walkout for Palestine.
Seth Stern:
Criticizing Israel? Nonprofit media could lose tax-exempt status
without due process.
Prem Thakker:
Columbia coincidentally rewrites disciplinary rules just in time to
screw over student protesters.
Election notes:
Trump: Guilty on all counts!
Intelligencer Staff:
Donald Trump found guilty on all counts: live updates. Titles will
change with updates: on [05-31] this turned into "Trump will appeal:
Live updates." This seems to have picked up the baton from what has
long been the best of the "live update" posts on the trial:
Sasha Abramsky:
Trump's "tough guy" act is put to the test: "The former president's
felony conviction follows weeks of Trump repositioning himself as a
politically persecuted martyr -- and an American gangster."
Maggie Astor: [06-02]
Lara Trump, RNC leader, denounces Larry Hogan for accepting Trump
verdict: So much for Reagan's "11th commandment."
Zack Beauchamp: [05-30]
Why the ludicrous Republican response to Trump's conviction
matters: "Republicans are busy attacking the legitimacy of
the American legal and political system." Not that there's no
room for critiquing how it works, including who it favors and
why it's stacked against many others, but Republicans have
staked out many positions as the party of criminality. In
Trump they have their poster boy.
Ryan Bort: [05-31]
Trump is cashing in on his criminal conviction.
Ben Burgis: [05-31]
The rule of law being applied to Trump is good.
Sophia Cal: [06-02]
Guilty verdict fuels Trump's push for Black voters: Because
they know what it feels like to be victimized by the criminal
justice system? It's going to be hard to spin this as anything
but racist.
Jonathan Chait:
Trump's conviction means less than you might think: Once again,
his instinct is to argue with imaginary readers, about whom he knows
bupkis. It could just as easily mean more than you think. Sure, "a
lot depends on what happens next." And, I dare say, on what happens
after that. He dwells on analogies of negligible value, like foreign
leaders who wound up in jail (but thankfully skipping over ones who
returned to power, like Lula da Silva, or Berlusconi -- a better
match for Trump), but has an amusing paragraph on one of Trump's
heroes, Al Capone. But before making that obvious point ("life
isn't fair, nor is the legal system," but it's better to get a
habitual criminal on a technicality than to let him get away
with everything), Chait gets the story straight:
In a global sense, Trump's conviction in a court is not just fair
but overdue. He has been flouting the law his entire adult life.
Trump reportedly believed he enjoyed legal impunity due to his
relationship with Manhattan's prosecutor, though the basis for that
belief has never been established. The extent of his criminality
has oddly escaped notice, perhaps overshadowed by his constant
offenses against truth and decency, or perhaps because people tend
to think stealing is a crime when you aim a gun at a clerk but not
when you create phony companies and bilk the Treasury.
Once he ascended to the presidency, Trump's criminality only grew.
He issued illegal orders constantly, flummoxing his staff. He attempted
(with unrecognized partial success) in turning the powers of the
Justice Department into a weapon against his enemy, which was in
turn an expression of his criminal's view of the law: as an
inherently hypocritical tool of the powerful against the weak.
The incongruity of the Manhattan case as the venue for Trump's
legal humiliation is that it did not represent his worst crimes, or
close to it. The case was always marginal, the kind of charge you
would never bring against a regular first-time offender. It was the
sort of charge you'd concoct if the target is a bad guy and you
want to nail him for something.
Does the conservative rage machine go to 11? "Republicans are now
so angry, they want a candidate who will threaten to lock up his
opponent." You understand, don't you, that they're just working the
refs, like they always do. They're also normalizing the behavior
they claim to be victimized by. They don't see a problem with
prosecuting political opponents. They just think they should be
immune, while everyone else is fair game.
Bush torture lawyer John Yoo calls for revenge prosecutions against
Democrats: "Poor, innocent Donald Trump must be avenged."
Ryan Cooper: [05-31]
Alvin Bragg was right, his critics were wrong: "A jury of his
peers agreed that Donald Trump deserved to be prosecuted in the
Stormy Daniels case."
David Corn: [05-30]
Trump loses a big battle in his lifelong war against accountability:
"His 34 guilty convictions turn this escape artist into a felon."
Susan B Glasser: [05-31]
The revisionist history of the Trump trial has already begun:
"The ex-President's war on truth has an instant new target: his
guilty verdict."
Margaret Hartmann:
Elie Honig: [05-31]
Prosecutors got Trump -- but they contorted the law. Former
prosecutors and persistent naysayer, admits "prosecutors got their
man," but adds: "for now -- but they also contorted the law in an
unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey."
Ed Kilgore: [05-31]
How Trump will campaign as a convicted criminal. Premature to
write this now, at least until sentencing, and even then there
must be some possibility that he'll get some temporary relief
from some appellate judge. Eugene Debs ran for president in 1920
when he was in jail, but he couldn't campaign (and his vote totals
were way down from 1916 and especially 1912). McKinley never left
his front porch in 1896, so that might be a model -- lots of
surrogates, backed with lots of money -- if he's stuck at home,
but why would a judge allow a convict a free hand to keep doing
what got him into legal trouble in the first place? Do drug
dealers get to keep dealing until they've exhausted appeals?
I've never heard of that. But then I've never seen a criminal
defendant treated as delicately or deferentially as Trump
Eric Levitz: [05-31]
The best -- and worst -- criticisms of Trump's conviction: "The
debate, explained." This is very good on the technical aspects of
the case, and pretty good on the political ones. On purely technical
grounds, I could see finding for Trump, although I still have a few
questions. The charges that Bragg and/or Merchan are biased and/or
conflicted amount to little more than special pleading for favorable
treatment. Still, it's hard to avoid the impression that, regardless
of the exact laws and their customary interpretations, this case
derives from a deeply unethical act that had profoundly damaging
consequences for the nation. Cohen already did jail time for his
part in this fraud, so why should we excuse Trump, who he clearly
did his part for?
All along, Trump has acted guilty, but unrepentant,
arrogantly playing the charges for political gain. There has never
been a case like this before, not because Trump used to be president,
but because no other defendant has ever pushed his arrogance so far.
It's almost as if he was begging to get convicted, figuring not only
that he would survive his martyrdom, but that it would cinch him the
election. I might say that's a bold gamble, but insane seems like
the more appropriate word.
Errol Louis: [06-01]
The courage of Alvin Bragg's conviction: "Despite the many
doubters, the Manhattan DA's steady methodical approach to
prosecuting Donald Trump prevailed."
Amanda Marcotte: [05-31]
Trump is no outlaw, just a grubby, sad criminal.
Anna North: [05-31]
We need to talk more about Trump's misogyny: "Stormy Daniels
reminded us that it matters."
Andrew Prokop: [05-30]
The felon frontrunner: How Trump warped our politics: "This is
the moment Trump's critics have been dreaming of for years. But
something isn't right here." There's something very screwy going
on here, but this article isn't helping me much.
Hafiz Rashid: [05-31]
Jim Jordan launches new idiotic crusade after Trump guilty
verdict: He wants to subpoena the prosecutors to "answer
questions" before his House committee. Scroll down and find
another article by Rashid:
Trump's most famous 2020 lawyer is one step closer to complete
ruin: "Things are suddenly looking even worse for Rudy
Andrew Rice: [05-31]
What it was like in court the moment Trump was convicted:
"Suddenly, the whole vibe changed."
Greg Sargent:
Trump's stunning guilty verdict shatters his aura of invincibility.
- p>Alex Shephard:
Trump's historic conviction is a hollow victory.
Matt Stieb/Chas Danner: [05-31]
What happens to Trump now? Surprisingly little. If you ever
get convicted or a felony, don't expect to be treated like this.
He's still free on bail, at least up to sentencing on July 11
("just four days before the Republican National Convention
starts"). Meanwhile, his political instincts seem to be serving
him better than his lawyers are: "Though the campaign's claims
have not been verified by FEC filings yet, they say Trump raised
an historic $34.8 million in the hours since his conviction."
Michael Tomasky:
Susan Collins's really dumb Trump defense reveals the GOP's
sickness: "The only thing that was more fun yesterday than
watching the Trump verdict come in was watching Republicans
and assorted right-wingers sputter in outrage."
Maegan Vazquez/Tobi Raji/Mariana Alfaro: [06-02]
After Trump's conviction, many Republicans fall in line by criticizing
Amanda Yen: [06-01]
Trump Tower doorman allegedly paid off in hush-money scandal has advice
for Trump: Based on a New York Daily News
exclusive interview with Dino Sajudin. Scroll down and you also
see: [06-03]
Trump trial witnesses got big raises from his campaign and
Li Zhou/Andrew Prokop: [05-30]
Trump's remaining 3 indictments, ranked by the stakes: "A quick
guide to Trump's indictments and why they matter."
More Trump, and other Republicans:
Mariana Alfaro: [06-02]
Trump falsely claims he never called for Hillary Clinton to be
locked up.
Juan Cole: [05-31]
Trump's attempt at planeticide was worse than hush money sex
Josh Dawsey/Maxine Joselow: [05-31]
Trump suggests to oil donors he will fast-track their merger deals:
"The ex-president's pledge to the fossil fuel industry is the latest
to emerge from a closed-door fundraising meeting."
Christopher Fettweis: [05-15]
Trump's big idea: Deploy assassination teams to Mexico: "His
plan to kill drug kingpins to solve the American opioid crisis will
backfire dramatically."
Jack Hunter: [05-31]
Nikki Haley's moral compass: "Where was it pointing when she
personally signed 'finish them' on artillery shells headed for
Gaza?" Her actual quote was: "We know as long as Hamas exists, it
can happen again, and that's why I've said from the very beginning,
you need to finish them -- once and for all." First clause would
be more accurate if you "s/Hamas/Israel/" (in sed-speak), because
Hamas is really just the reflection of Israel's occupation. Wipe
out every known Hamas operative, and every reference to the name,
and something equivalent will reappear, as long as the occupation
oppresses and generates resistance. Hamas, as we have known it,
is also rooted in Islam, which informs its specific character,
but secular resistance is just as inevitably rooted in human
nature. Even more disturbing is the idea that you can solve all
your problems by killing everyone who notices them. Sure, Israel
has never fully embraced that idea. They're more likely to speak
in terms like "mow the grass," which as any landscaper can tell
you actually just stimulates more growth. But Americans like
Haley and Lindsey Graham like the idea of absolute truths and
final solutions, as did Hitler.
Ed Kilgore: [05-31]
Texas GOP exposes ugly truth about letting states ban abortion.
Also the ugly truth about letting Republicans exercise power
Judith Levine:
Sterilization, murders, suicides: Bans haven't slowed abortions,
and they're costing lives.
Shawn Musgrave:
Leonard Leo built the conservative court. Now he's funneling dark money
into law schools.
Nikki McCann Ramirez/Catherina Gioino: [05-31]
Trump rambles through grievances in train wreck post-conviction
speech: "The former president took no questions after the nearly
40-minute rant, despite billing the event as a press conference."
James Risen:
The media still doesn't grasp the danger of Trump.
Robert J Shapiro: [05-21]
Trump's plans for mass deportation would be an economic disaster:
"Besides being cruel, deporting 11 million unauthorized immigrants
would cause labor shortages and slash national wage and salary income,
likely triggering a recession and reigniting inflation." While I
generally accept the proposition that immigrants are net-positive
for the economy, I suspect that "unauthorized" ones are less so --
they have fewer legit job options, so tend to be paid less for less
valuable work -- I'm unclear how reducing their numbers actually
changes things (wouldn't fewer workers also reduce labor demand?
if there still was demand, what about raising wages? and how does
recession cause inflation?). This is similar to the panic Trump's
tariff proposals raise, but in both cases most of the dislocations
are likely to be offset elsewhere. Sure, some people lose, but
others gain, so the overall effect is much reduced -- but probably
still negative, due to efficiency losses.
Li Zhou: [05-30]
A producer on The Apprentice alleges Trump used the n-word:
"The latest revelation renews focus on Trump's history of racism."
Well, sure, but old news, and the "gotcha" element is of fleeting
interest at best, especially given everything else you have to be
concerned with. If you need a reminder, ther's more stuff here on
"treatment of women" and "scamming workers."
Biden and/or the Democrats:
Heath Brown: [06-01]
An insurrection, a pandemic, and celebrities: Inside Biden's rocky
transition into the White House: An excerpt from a new book,
Joe Biden's Rocky Transition to the Presidency.
David Dayen: [05-29]
The three barriers to Biden's re-election: "Price increases, a
broader economic frustration built over decades, and an inability
to articulate what's being done about any of it."
Gabriel Debenedetti: [05-30]
Does Trump's conviction mean this is a new campaign? "Biden's
team hopes it will start a month of contrasts that reframe the
race." This is going to be tricky. For instance, all I had heard
about Robert De Niro's speech outside the trial was about how he
was attacking "pro-Palestinian protesters" -- a claim that has
been denied, although the denial seems to have been about
something else. One painful memory I have was how in the
late months of his 1972 campaign, George McGovern latched onto
Watergate as his big issue, and sunk like a rock.
Ed Kilgore: [05-30]
Biden needs disengaged, unhappy voters to stay home: My first
thought was that this is dumb, useless, and if attempted almost
certain to backfire. The idea that the more people you get to vote,
the more than break for Democrats, dates mostly from 2010, when a
lot of Obama's 2008 voters stayed home and Republicans won big.
However, the 2010 turnout was almost exactly the same as 2006,
when Democrats won big. So while presidential elections always
get many more voters than midterms, the partisan split of who's
disengaged and/or unhappy varies. However, it probably is true
that unhappy and/or ignorant (a more telling side-effect of being
disengaged) voters will break for Trump, as they did in 2016 and
2020, so there is one useful piece of advice here, which is don't
provoke them (e.g., calling them "baskets of deplorables"). Of
course, that's hard, because Republicans are using everything
they got to rile them up, and it's not like they won't invent
something even if you don't give them unforced errors. So the
real strategy has to still be to engage voters on the basis of
meaningful understanding and building trust.
Eric Levitz: [05-28]
One explanation for the 2024 election's biggest mystery:
"A theory for why Biden is struggling with young and nonwhite
voters." Subheds: "Biden is losing ground with America's most
distrustful demographic groups; The Biden 2024 coalition is
short on 'tear it all down' voters; Why the Biden presidency
might have accelerated low-trust voters' rightward drift."
Bill Scher: [05-23]
Another Biden accomplishment: 200 judges and counting. Scher
also featured this in his newsletter: [05-23]
How Democrats are winning the race for the lower courts.
Legal matters and other crimes:
Climate and environment:
Marina Dias/Terrence McCoy: [05-28]
The climate refugee crisis is here: "Catastrophic flooding in
southern Brazil has forced hundreds of thousands of people from
their homes. Many say they won't go back."
Heather Souvaine Horn:
You'd be amazed how many people want big oil charged with homicide:
Yes, I would, not least because it suggests they don't understand what
homicide means (cf. Israel, which is committing homicide on a massive
scale, enough so that it has its own word). "A new poll shows overwhelming
support for holding oil and gas companies accountable via the courts."
Now, that makes more sense. It may not be the right way to do it, but
it's a more immediately accessible mechanism than moving politically
to write new regulations to address the problems more directly.
Umair Irfan: [05-29]
How one weather extreme can make the next one even more dangerous:
"We're in an era of compound natural disasters."
Mitch Smith/Judson Jones: [06-02]
From Texas to Michigan, a punishing month for tornadoes: "More
than 500 tornadoes were reported, the most of any month in at least
five years, uprooting homes and disrupting lives in cities small
and large." May is the most common month for tornadoes, with an
annual average of 275.
Economic matters:
Dean Baker:
Idrees Kahloon: [05-27]
The world keeps getting richer. Some people are worried: "To
preserve humanity -- and the planet -- should we give up growth?"
Review of
Daniel Susskind: Growth: A History and a Reckoning,
also referring back to other books on growth and degrowth.
I've long been sympathetic to degrowth arguments, but I don't
especially disagree with this:
As our economy has migrated toward the digital over the material
and toward services over goods, the limits to growth have less of
a physical basis than World3 had anticipated. In fact, the most
serious limits to growth in the U.S. seem to be self-imposed: the
artificial scarcity in housing; the regulatory thickets that tend
to asphyxiate clean-energy projects no matter how well subsidized;
the pockets of monopoly that crop up everywhere; a tax regime
incapable of cycling opportunity to those most in need. The risk
of another Malthusian cap imposing itself on humanity appears,
fortunately, remote. Meanwhile, the degrowthers' iron law -- that
economic growth is intrinsically self-destructive -- has become
less and less plausible. "One can imagine continued growth that
is directed against pollution, against congestion, against sliced
white bread," Robert Solow, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at
M.I.T., declared in a rebuttal to "The Limits to Growth" half a
century ago.
It should be obvious that some economic activities are not just
useful but essential, while others are wasteful or worse. Whether
the sum is positive or negative doesn't tell us which is which, or
what we should be doing. The other obvious point is that growth
does not balance off inequality, even though many on the Democratic
of the spectrum favor pro-growth policies in the hope that they
might satisfy both donors and workers. But the usual impact is
just more inequality.
Whizy Kim: [05-29]
What's really happening to grocery prices right now: "Target and
Walmart are talking about their price cuts. How big of a deal is
Ukraine War and Russia:
America's empire and the world:
Other stories:
Memorial Day: When I was growing up, folks in my family
called it Decoration Day. We visited cemeteries close to the family,
or more often sent money to relatives to place flowers on family
graves -- many of which served in the military, but few who were
killed in wars (which were few and infrequent before 1941, and
perpetual ever since). So I always thought of the holiday as an
occasion for remembering your ancestors -- not to glory in their
wars, or to snub folks who got through their lives without war.
Although, I suppose if you have to think about war, it's best to
start with the costs, starting with the dead. But they don't end
with our cemeteries.
Michael Brenes: [05-31]
How liberalism betrayed the enlightenment and lost its soul:
A review of
Samuel Moyn: Liberalism Against Itself: Cold War Intellectuals
and the Making of Our Times.
Dana Hedgpeth/Sari Horwitz: [05-29]
They took the children: "The hidden legacy of Indian boarding
schools in the United States."
Eóin Murray: [06-01]
Without solidarity, the left has nothing: Actually, the left would
still have a persuasive analysis of how the world works (along with
a critique of the right's failures and injustices), combined with the
appropriate ethics. The problem is translating that analysis into
effective political action, and that's where the book reviewed here,
Astra Taylor and Leah Hunt-Hendrix: Solidarity: The Past, Present,
and Future of a World-Changing Idea comes into play.
Rick Perlstein: [05-29]
My political depression problem -- and ours: "Granular study of
the ever-more-authoritarian right didn't demoralize the author as
much as reaction from the left." I'll keep this open, and no doubt
write about it some day, probably closer to the election, because
I figure there's no point in me panicking about that right now.
Nathan J Robinson:
Trump's worst crimes remain unpunished: "Trump's policies killed
many people in the United States and around the world. Hush money is
the least of his crimes. But an honest confrontation of his worst
offenses creates complications for a political class that commits
crimes routinely." I wouldn't say the hush money case is "the least
of his crimes." Even if we limit ourselves to the indicted ones --
not even the tip of a very large iceberg -- I'd rank it above his
sloppy handling of classified documents. The hush money case is a
good example of how Trump does business, using legal chicanery to
dishonestly manipulate what we know about his business and person.
(Admittedly, the documents case also provides crucial insights
into his pathological character. I wouldn't say that, in itself,
should be illegal, but for someone with his political profile,
the cover up matters.)
But for sure on the main point, and not just because no American
can ever be prosecuted for the worst things presidents can do --
the criminal justice system in America is designed to protect the
property and persons of the rich, and only marginally to regulate
and discipline the rich themselves (who are threats to themselves
as well as to the public, but are accorded many courtesies denied
to less fortunate offenders).
Still, I wouldn't lead with the
number of people who died, either by his command (e.g., through
drone strikes) or his incompetence (his mishandling of Covid-19
looms large here, but I'd also factor in how his policies toward
Israel and Ukraine contributed to wars there, and I'd consider a
few more cases, like Iran and North Korea, that haven't blown up
yet, but still could). But that's mostly because I'm more worried
about how he's corrupted and steered public political discourse.
And that's not just because I fear the end of democracy -- if you
follow the money, as you should, you'll see that that ship has
already sailed -- but because he has, for many (possibly most)
people, soiled and shredded our sense of fairness and decency,
including our respect for others, and indeed for truth itself.
While Trump doesn't deserve sole credit or blame for this sorry
state of affairs -- he had extensive help from Republicans, backed
by their "vast right-wing conspiracy," who saw his cunning as an
opportunity to further their graft, and by naďve media eager to
cash in on his sensationalism -- he has been the catalyst for a
great and terrible transformation, where he sucked up all the rot
and ferment the right has been sowing for decades, stripped it of
all inhibitions, and turned it into a potentially devastating
political force.
I've never been a fan of "great man" history, but once in a
while you do run across some individual who manages to do big
things no one else could reasonably have done. My apologies for
offering Hitler as an example, but I can't imagine any other
German implementing the Holocaust -- fomenting hatred to fuel
Russian-style pogroms, sure, but Hitler went way beyond that,
exercising a unique combination of personal ambition, perverse
imagination, and institutional power. Trump, arguably, has less
of those qualities, although clearly enough to do some major
But the comparison seems fanciful mostly because we know how
Hitler's story ended. Try putting Trump on Hitler's timeline.
Four years after Hitler became chancellor was 1937, with the
Anschluss and Kristallnacht still in the future -- war and
genocide came later, and while there were signs pointing in
that direction, such prospects were rarely discussed. One can
argue that Trump made less progress in his first term than
Hitler in 1933-37, mostly due to institutional resistance, but
also lack of preparation on his part -- Hitler had a decade
after the Munich putsch failed, during which he built a loyal
party, whereas Trump found himself depending on Reince Preibus
and Mike Pence for key staffing decisions. The one advantage
Trump gained in four years out of power is that he's prepared
to use (and abuse) whatever power he can wangle in 2024. So
one shouldn't put much trust in his past failures predicting
future failure. He wants to do things we can't afford to
By the way, Robinson points out something I had forgotten,
that he had previously written a whole book on Trump:
Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity, which came out a bit too
late, on Jan. 17, 2017, but was reprinted with an afterword in time
for the 2020 election, under a new title:
American Monstrosity: Donald Trump: How We Got Him, How We Stop
Him (which only seems to be available direct from OR
Books). By the way, since I was just speaking of Hitler, let's
slip the following 2018 article in out of order:
How horrific things come to seem normal: This tracks how Hitler
was covered in the New York Times, from November 21, 1922 (p. 21,
"New popular idol rises in Bavaria") to 1933:
Here's a final tragic bit of wishful thinking from his appointment
as chancellor in 1933: "The composition of the cabinet leaves Herr
Hitler no scope for the gratification of any dictatorial ambition."
Let's hope future historians are not driven to compile a similar
record for Trump -- although I wouldn't be surprised to find books
already written on the subject.
No leftist wants a Trump presidency: "Let's be clear. The right
poses an unparalleled threat. Left criticism of Democrats is in
part about preventing the return of Trump."
The toxic legacy of Martin Peretz's New Republic: Interview
with Jeet Heer, who "has written two major essays about the
intellectual legacy of the New Republic magazine's 70s-2000s
heyday" (actually 1974-2012): From 2015
The New Republic's legacy on race; and [05-14]
Friends and enemies: "Martin Peretz and the travails of American
liberalism." Heer actually likes Peretz's memoir, The Controversialist:
Arguments With Everyone, Left, Right and Center.
Presenting: The Current Affairs Briefly Awards!: "The best,
the worst, and everything in between." I won't attempt to excerpt
or synopsize this. Just enjoy, or tremble, as the case may be.
Why new atheism failed: I was surprised to see him publish
outside his own journal, then surprised again to find that this
is a "subscriber only" article. It's probably similar to this
older one: [2017-10-28]
Getting beyond "new atheism"; or for that matter, what he
has to say about the subject in his books,
Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments,
The Current Affairs Rules for Life: On Social Justice &
Its Critics.
Li Zhou: [05-31]
The MLB's long-overdue decision to add Negro Leagues' stats,
briefly explained. The statistics come from 1920-48, so
there is still a large patch of history between 1870-1920
that is unaccounted for, and the official seasons were much
shorter (60 vs. 150 games), so counts are suppressed. We
can't replay history, but this helps understand it.
Ryan Maffei: {03-28]
Somebody explain the early '80s to me (in popular-musical terms,
of course). Facebook thread, collecting 205 comments. I don't
have time to focus on this, but wanted to bookmark it for possible
future reference. The 1980s were my personal desert years. In 1980
I moved from NYC to NJ, gave up writing for jobs writing software,
bought very little beyond Robert Christgau's CG picks -- maybe
50-75 LPs a year, only moving into CDs relatively late (well
after moving to Massachusetts in late 1984). In the mid-1990s
I started buying lots more CDs, and doing a lot of backtracking
(before my initial heavy 1970s period, also all jazz periods),
but never really filled in the numerous holes in my 1980s, so
I still have some unquenched curiosity this may help with. By
the way, this comment, from Greg Magarian, was the one
that caught my eye:
Just love. I can't pretend to be dispassionate; '80-'89 for me were
junior high, high school, college. Every day was discovery. All
flavors of UK punk fallout. Following Two Tone and UB40 into original
ska and reggae. US indie rock flowering everywhere and coming to
stages near me. MTV exposing me to everything from MJ to Faith No
More. Record store bargain bins that tricked my white urban ass into
exploring soul and country. Coaxing my friends on a hunch at the
multiplex to ditch The Karate Kid for Purple Rain and being changed
forever. Checking out any early hip-hop 12-inch I could get my hands
on. Bad Dylan and good Springsteen. 60s nostalgia as a romantic
ideal. Warming up to superstar albums through their five or six
durable singles. Making mixtapes for girls. Borrowing records to tape
from friends and friends of friends and dudes whose apartments I
stumbled into.
Li Zhou: [05-29]
The Sympathizer takes on Hollywood's Vietnam War stories:
"HBO's new miniseries centers Vietnamese voices -- and reframes
the consequences of war." I can't say as I enjoyed watching it,
but I suppose it wrapped up better when the two time tracks
finally converged, and I got used to the annoying tick of
showing events in multiple varying versions to reflect the
vagaries of memory. Zhou likes that it introduces Vietnamese
voices to a genre that's seen a lot of American navel-gazing,
but it's still impossible to show any generosity to Vietnamese
communists -- The Three Body Problem was even harsher
in its depiction of Chinese communists. My wife tells me the
novel is brilliant, and that there's more story left, so I
expect another season. I read Viet Thanh Nguyen's Nothing
Ever Dies: Vietnam and the Memory of War, and he's clearly
a very smart and basically decent guy.
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